diff --git a/scMulti-CUT&Tag analysis b/scMulti-CUT&Tag analysis new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cd17d4a --- /dev/null +++ b/scMulti-CUT&Tag analysis @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ + +###### bcl2fastq +Generate the sample index file: sample_sheet.csv +Lane,Sample,Index +*,cuttag,SI-NA-A1 + +module load bcl2fastq/ +module load cellranger-atac/1.1.0 + +cellranger-atac mkfastq --id=cuttag \ +--run=path_to/bcl_folder \ +--csv=path_to/sample_sheet.csv \ +--qc + + +###### (optional) split fastq to parallel the next few steps. +zless cuttag_{R1,R2,R3}.fastq.gz | split -l 4000000 - path_to/cuttag_{R1,R2,R3}- + +# rename to .fastq.gz +for f in $(ls cuttag_{R1,R2,R3}-*); do mv $f $f.fastq; done +for f in $(ls cuttag_{R1,R2,R3}-*.fastq); do bsub -n 1 -q short -W 0:15 -R rusage[mem=20] "gzip $f"; done + + +###### Extract valid reads +module load python/2.7.5 +module load python/2.7.5_packages/biopython/1.68 # Only for Umass clusters. + +python path_to/extractValidReads_multiCUTTag_nobccorrect.py -i path_to/cuttag_R1.fastq -odir output_directory -b1 antibody_barcodes_in_R1 -b2 antibody_barcodes_in_R2 + + +###### Trim potential read through adaptor +module load python/2.7.9 +module load cutadapt/1.9 + +cutadapt -a CTGTCTCTTATACACATCTG -A CTGTCTCTTATACACATCTG --minimum-length=20 -o path_to/cuttag_R1_cut.fastq.gz -p path_to/cuttag_R2_cut.fastq.gz path_to/cuttag_R1_valid.fastq.gz path_to/cuttag_R2_valid.fastq.gz + + +###### Alignment +module load bowtie2/2.4.1 +module load samtools/1.9 +stat=path_to/cuttag_alignmant.bow; \ + +bowtie2 -x path_to/mouse/mm10/Bowtie2Index/genome -p 1 --no-unal -1 path_to/cuttag_R1_cut.fastq.gz -2 path_to/cuttag_R2_cut.fastq.gz -S path_to/cuttag_alignmant.sam > $stat 2>&1 +grep -v Warning $stat > $stat.tmp +mv $stat.tmp $stat +samtools view -bS path_to/cuttag_alignmant.sam > path_to/cuttag_alignmant.bam +rm -f path_to/cuttag_alignmant.sam + + +###### (optional) mergeBAM if have more than one lane or did the split fastq step +module load samtools/1.9 + +samtools merge path_to/cuttag_alignment.bam cuttag-??_alignment.bam +# ?? is the serial number for files split from the same fastq file. + + +###### dedup +module load samtools/1.9 + +samtools view -f 67 -q 30 cuttag_alignment.bam | awk -v OFS=":" '{print $1,$3,$4,$8}' | awk -F':' -v OFS="\t" '{print $8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13}' | awk -v OFS="\t" '{print $4":"$5":"$6":"$1":"$2":"$3}' | sort | uniq -c > path_to/cuttag_fragments.txt + +python path_to/cuttag_dedup.py -odir output_directory -f cuttag_fragments.txt -endbp 3 -perc_cutoff 0.7 -aba antibody1_name antibody1_barcodes -abb antibody2_name antibody2_barcodes + +Outputs: +1. cuttag_fragments_dedup.txt: Fragments after deduplication +Duplicates are defined as all fragments with the same cell barcodes, start location and end location. +File format: +chromosome start_location end_location cell_barcode start_antibody_barcode end_antibody_barcode + +2. cuttag_fragments_antibody1.txt cuttag_fragments_antibody2.txt: All cut sites with barcodes for the corresponding antibody. +chromosome cut_site_location cell_barcode + +3. cuttag_fragments_freq.txt: frequency of antibody barcodes at each unique cut sites. +More than one antibody barcodes can show up at the same cut site location due to the left over primers. However, the rate should be at a very low level for a good quality library. In this document, the antibody barcode information of each unique cut site was recorded as a row. Each number represents the number of reads with a specific antibody barcode at that cut site. Therefore, the rows with more than one number have more than one antibody barcodes detected at that cut site. The -perc_cutoff 0.7 means the cut site will only be kept in the deduplicated file if the most represented antibody barcode accounts for more than 70% of the total reads of that cut site, thus removing the ambiguous antibody assignment. + + +###### Call peaks +module load samtools/1.9 +module load bedtools/2.28.0 +module load macs/1.4.2 + +ab="antibody_name" +cat path_to/cuttag_fragments_${ab}.txt | awk -v OFS="\t" '{print $1,$2,$2,$3}' | bedtools sort -i - > ${ab}_cutsites.bed; +bedtools slop -b 100 -i ${ab}_cutsites.bed -g path_to/mouse/mm10/mm10.chrom.sizes | awk -v OFS="\t" '{print $1,$2,$3,$4}' > ${ab}_windows.bed; +macs2 callpeak -t ${ab}_windows.bed -c path_to/control.bam -n ${ab} -g mm -q 0.0001 --nomodel --broad -s 200; + + +###### filter & merge +# Get the coverage track for each antibody and find the loose cutoff to remove obvious noise. +module load bedtools/2.28.0 + +cat path_to/${ab}_cutsites.bed | awk -v OFS="\t" '{print $1,$2,$3}' | bedtools sort -i - | bedtools coverage -a path_to/${ab}_peaks.broadPeak -b stdin | awk -v OFS="\t" '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$6}' > ${ab}_coverage_tmp.bed; + +# filter +cpbpmc=2; # cutoff for cut sites per basepairs per million cut sites +cutnum=2; # cutoff for cut sites number in the peak + +totalcut=$(cat path_to/${ab}_cutsites.bed | wc -l); +cat ${ab}_coverage_tmp.bed | awk -v cs=$totalcut -v OFS="\t" -v cp=$cpbpmc -v v4=$cutnum '{if($4/$5*1000000000/cs>cp && $4>v4) print $1,$2,$3}' > ${ab}_coverage_tmp_filtered.bed; + +# merge peaks within 3000bp +bedtools sort -i path_to/${ab}_coverage_tmp_filtered.bed | bedtools merge -d 3000 -i - > ${ab}_m3000.bed; +rm *_tmp* + + +###### filter blacklist +# mm10_blacklisted_encode.bed is the blacklist regions provided by ENCODE +module load bedtools/2.28.0 + +bedtools intersect -v -a path_to/${ab}_m3000.bed -b path_to/mm10_blacklisted_encode.bed | bedtools sort -i - > ${ab}_m3000_bl.bed; + + +###### single-cell coverage +# generate the matrix for each antibody separately +module load bedtools/2.28.0 + +# only use barcodes with more than 9 cut sites +cat path_to/cuttag_fragments_dedup.txt | awk '{print $4}' | sort | uniq -c > barcode_freq.txt +cat path_to/barcode_freq.txt | awk '{if($1>9)print $2}' > cuttag_selectedCB_greater9.txt + +ab="antibody_name"; +cat path_to/cuttag_fragments_${ab}_bl.txt | awk -v OFS="\t" '{print $1,$2,$2,$3}' | bedtools sort -i - > ${ab}_cutsites.bed; +mkdir tmp; +n=1; +cat cuttag_selectedCB_greater9.txt | wc -l; +for b in $(cat cuttag_selectedCB_greater9.txt); +do grep -w $b ${ab}_cutsites.bed | awk -v OFS="\t" '{print $1,$2,$3}' | bedtools sort -i - | bedtools coverage -a path_to/${ab}_m3000_bl.bed -b stdin | awk '{print $4}' > tmp/${b}_coverage.txt; +echo $n; +n=$(($n+1)); +done; +cp cuttag_selectedCB_greater9.txt tmp/peak_bc_matrix_${ab}_colnames.txt; +cd tmp; +cat peak_bc_matrix_${ab}_colnames.txt | awk '{print $1"_coverage.txt"}' | split -l 1000 -d - lists; +for list in lists*; do paste $(cat ${list}) > merge${list##lists}; done +paste merge* > peak_bc_matrix_${ab}.txt; +cat path_to/${ab}_m3000_bl.bed | awk -v ab="$ab" '{print $1":"$2"-"$3}' > peak_bc_matrix_${ab}_rownames.txt; +mv peak_bc_matrix* ../; +rm tmp -r; + + +###### cell type tracks +Clustering on Rstudio. Then upload the cell type annotation '${s}_barcodes'. +module load bedtools/2.28.0 +module load ucsc_cmdline_util/12_16_2013 + +s="cell_type_name" +ab="antibody_name" + +cat path_to/cuttag_fragments_${ab}_bl.txt | fgrep -w -f ${s}_barcodes - | awk -v OFS="\t" '{print $1,$2,$2,$3}' | bedtools sort -i - > ${s}_${ab}_cutsites.bed; +bedtools slop -b 100 -i ${s}_${ab}_cutsites.bed -g path_to/mouse/mm10/mm10.chrom.sizes | awk -v OFS="\t" '{print $1,$2,$3}' > ${s}_${ab}_windows.bed; +bedtools coverage -a ${s}_${ab}_windows.bed -b ${s}_${ab}_cutsites.bed -counts | bedtools sort -i - > ${s}_${ab}.bedGraph; +rm ${s}_${ab}_cutsites.bed; +rm ${s}_${ab}_windows.bed; + +sf=$(cat ${s}_${ab}.bedGraph | awk '{sum+=$4}END{print 1000000/sum}'); +bedtools genomecov -i ${s}_${ab}.bedGraph -g path_to/mouse/mm10/mm10.chrom.sizes -bga -scale $sf > tmp.bedGraph; +bedGraphToBigWig tmp.bedGraph path_to/mouse/mm10/mm10.chrom.sizes ${s}_${ab}_scaled.bw; +rm tmp.bedGraph; + + + +