Path | Description | |
all.hh | Does all elements match predicate | Example/Tests |
any.hh | Does any element match predicate | Example/Tests |
compare.hh | Compare two ranges | Example/Tests |
contains.hh | Does a range contain another range | Example/Tests |
count.hh | Count all elements or elements equal to value | Example/Tests |
count_if.hh | Count elements matching predicate | Example/Tests |
each.hh | Call function object with each element | Example/Tests |
fill.hh | Fill range with value | Example/Tests |
find_greater_than.hh | Find value via binary search (upper bound) | Example/Tests |
find_greater_than_or_equal_to.hh | Find value via binary search (lower bound) | Example/Tests |
find_if.hh | Find first element matching predicate | Example/Tests |
find_in_reverse_if.hh | Find last element matching predicate | Example/Tests |
is_equal.hh | Are two ranges equal | Example/Tests |
is_less.hh | Is a range less than another range | Example/Tests |
is_sorted.hh | Is a range sorted | Example/Tests |
join.hh | Join with or without delimiter | Example/Tests |
max.hh | Return the greatest element | Example/Tests |
min.hh | Return the smallest element | Example/Tests |
none.hh | Does no element match predicate | Example/Tests |
reduce.hh | Reduce elements down to a single value | Example/Tests |
remove_consecutive_duplicates.hh | Remove consecutive element duplicates | Example/Tests |
remove_if.hh | Remove elements matching predicate | Example/Tests |
replace.hh | Replace elements equal to value | Example/Tests |
replace_if.hh | Replace elements matching predicate | Example/Tests |
reverse.hh | Reverse range | Example/Tests |
search.hh | Search a range for another range | Example/Tests |
sort.hh | Sort range | Example/Tests |
starts_with.hh | Does a range start with another range | Example/Tests |
sum.hh | Get a sum of all elements | Example/Tests |
transform.hh | Transform all elements with a function object | Example/Tests |
unpack_front.hh | Unpack front element into variables | Example/Tests |