Easily replicate data streams wherever you need them to be! This application is available in three different runtimes to facilitate different needs - AWS Lambda, GCP CloudFunctions and as a standalone application.
See the wiki documention for details on how to configure and run the application.
Assuming git is installed:
host> git clone https://github.com/snowplow-devops/stream-replicator
host> cd stream-replicator
host> make test
host> make
To run integration tests:
host> make integration-up # Sets up localstack ready for use
host> make integration-test
# Shutting localstack down
host> make integration-down
# Resetting localstack on any strange errors
host> make integration-reset
All compiled assets are available under build/compiled
To remove all build files:
host> make clean
To format the golang code in the source directory:
host> make format
Note: Always run make format
before submitting any code.
Note: The make test
command also generates a code coverage file which can be found at build/coverage/coverage.html
This is handled through CI/CD on Github Actions. However all binaries will be generated by using the make command for local publishing and use.
Unauthorized copying of this project via any medium is strictly prohibited.
Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Snowplow Analytics Ltd. All rights reserved.