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API reference

efotopoulou edited this page Jul 17, 2018 · 30 revisions

Following table shows the API endpoints of the Policy Manager.

Action HTTP Method Endpoint
GET a list of all runtime policies GET /api/v1
Create a Policy POST /api/v1
GET a policy GET /api/v1/{policy_uuid}
Update a Policy PUT /api/v1
Delete a Policy DELETE /api/v1/{policy_uuid}
Bind a Policy to an SLA PATCH /api/v1/{policy_uuid}
Define a Policy as default PATCH /api/v1/{policy_uuid}
Enforce Policy POST /api/v1/{nsr_uuid}/activation
Deactivate Policy POST /api/v1/{nsr_uuid}/deactivation

Sample runtime policy descriptors can be found at [policy descriptor examples|]

Following can be seen a rule example:

rule "highTranscodingRateRule"
    $tot0 := java.lang.Double( $tot0 >=150 ) from accumulate(     
    $m0 := MonitoredComponent( name== "transcodingNode" && metric== "transcondingRate" ) over window:time(1m)from entry-point "MonitoringStream" ,
        average( $m0.getValue() )  ) and
    $tot1 := java.lang.Double( $tot1 >=3 ) from accumulate(     
    $m1 := MonitoredComponent( name== "transcodingNode" && metric== "queueSize" ) over window:time(1m)from entry-point "MonitoringStream" ,
        average( $m1.getValue() )  ) ) 
    insertLogical( new Action("pilotTranscodingService","transcodingNode",RuleActionType.COMPONENT_LIFECYCLE_MANAGEMENT,"2","infrastracture-start")); 

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