- No ticket - Upgrade vulnerable dependencies
- No ticket - v3 ci pipeline manifest.yml file fix
- New layouts, content and assets for all the PDFs generated
- Some models became redundant and were removed. Full Changelog
- XOT-1268 - Upgrade waitress to 1.4.2
- XOT-1169 - Upgrade gov notify library to 5.4.x
- XOT-1169 - Upgrade gov notify library to 5.4.x
- CI-422 - Upgrade vulnerable django version to django 1.11.23
- Updated readme and makefile to make running the project locally more straightforward
- CI-221 - Uses SASS in place of postcss.
- No ticket - Upgrade vulnerable django version to django 1.11.22
- No ticket - Upgrade vulnerable django rest framework version
- CI-221 - Update to various vulnerable dependencies
- Upgraded urllib3 to fix vulnerability
- Upgraded pyyaml to fix vulnerability
- Upgraded Django to fix vulnerability