- [--noelites] [--pconfig ] [--noinstances]
- [--imputation ] [--alpha ] [--testing]
- [--testcolors ] [--testresults ] [--exportdata]
- [--exportplot] [--output ]
+usage: acviz.py [-h] [--iracelog ] [-v] [--typeresult ] [--bkv ]
+ [--imputation ] [--scale ] [--noelites] [--noinstances] [--pconfig ]
+ [--overtime] [--alpha ] [--timelimit ] [--testing] [--testcolors ]
+ [--exportdata] [--exportplot] [--output ] [--monitor] [--reverse]
required arguments:
- --iracelog input of irace log file (.Rdata)
+ --iracelog input of irace log file (.Rdata)
optional arguments:
- -v, --version show description and exit
- --overtime plot the execution over the accumulated configuration time (disabled by default)
- --bkv file containing best known values for the instances used (null by default)
- --noelites enables identification of elite configurations (disabled by default)
- --pconfig when --configurations, show configurations of the p% best executions [0, 100] (default: 0)
- --noinstances enables identification of instances (disabled by default)
- --imputation imputation strategy for computing medians [elite, alive] (default: elite)
- --alpha opacity of the points, the greater the more opaque [0, 1] (default: 1)
- --testing plots the testing data instead of the configuration process (disabled by default)
- --testcolors option for how apply the colormap in the test plot [overall, instance] (default: instance)
- --testresults defines how the results should be presented in the test plot [rdev, adev, raw] (default: rdev)
- --exportdata exports the used data to a csv format file (disabled by default)
- --exportplot exports the resulting plot to png and pdf files (disabled by default)
- --output defines a name for the output files (default: export)
+ -v, --version show description and exit
+ --typeresult defines how the results should be presented in training or test plot [aval,
+ adev, rdev] (default: rdev)
+ --bkv file containing best known values for the instances used (null by default)
+ --imputation imputation strategy for computing medians [elite, alive] (default: elite)
+ --scale defines the strategy for the scale of y-axis of the training plot [log, lin]
+ (default: log)
+ --noelites disables identification of elite configurations (disabled by default)
+ --noinstances disables identification of instances (disabled by default)
+ --pconfig show configurations of the p% best executions [0, 100] (default: 0)
+ --overtime plot the execution over the accumulated configuration time (disabled by
+ default)
+ --alpha opacity of the points, the greater the more opaque [0, 1] (default: 1)
+ --timelimit when plotting running times (absolute values and linear scale), executions with
+ value greater than or equal to will be considered as not solved (NS) and
+ presented accordingly (default: 0 [disabled])
+ --testing plots the testing data instead of the configuration process (disabled by
+ default)
+ --testcolors option for how apply the colormap in the test plot [overall, instance]
+ (default: instance)
+ --exportdata exports the used data to a csv format file (disabled by default)
+ --exportplot exports the resulting plot to png and pdf files (disabled by default)
+ --output defines a name for the output files (default: export)
+ --monitor monitors the irace log file during irace execution; produces one plot for each
+ iteration (disabled by default)
+ --reverse reverses y-axis (disabled by default)
## Examples
The [examples](examples) directory contains some exemplary irace log files. To analyze the evolution of the configuration process, you can call *acviz* from the command line as follows: