Camera controls for Linux
It's a standalone Python CLI and GUI (GTK3, GTK4) and camera Viewer (SDL) to set the camera controls in Linux. It can set the V4L2 controls and it is extendable with the non standard controls. Currently it has a Logitech extension (LED mode, LED frequency, BRIO FoV, Relative Pan/Tilt, PTZ presets), Kiyo Pro extension (HDR, HDR mode, FoV, AF mode, Save), Dell UltraSharp WB7022 extension, Preset extension (Save and restore controls), Control Restore Daemon (to restore presets at device connection).
flatpak install flathub hu.irl.cameractrls
pacman -S cameractrls
pamac install cameractrls
Install the dependencies via apt:
sudo apt install git libsdl2-2.0-0 libturbojpeg
or via dnf:
sudo dnf install git SDL2 turbojpeg
Clone the repo
git clone
cd cameractrls
GTK3 GUI for the Camera controls
Add desktop file to the launcher
desktop-file-install --dir="$HOME/.local/share/applications" \
--set-key=Exec --set-value="$PWD/" \
--set-key=Path --set-value="$PWD" \
--set-key=Icon --set-value="$PWD/pkg/hu.irl.cameractrls.svg" \
Run from the launcher or from the shell
Add desktop file to the launcher
desktop-file-install --dir="$HOME/.local/share/applications" \
--set-key=Exec --set-value="$PWD/" \
--set-key=Path --set-value="$PWD" \
--set-key=Icon --set-value="$PWD/pkg/hu.irl.cameractrls.svg" \
Run from the launcher or from the shell
The CLI.
Run the cameractrls
usage: ./ [--help] [-d DEVICE] [--list] [-c CONTROLS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DEVICE use DEVICE, default /dev/video0
-l, --list list the controls and values
-L, --list-devices list capture devices
-c CONTROLS set CONTROLS (eg.: hdr=on,fov=wide)
./ -c brightness=128,kiyo_pro_hdr=on,kiyo_pro_fov=wide
The control restore daemon.
Add it to SystemD/Desktop portal with the GUI/CLI.
The camera viewer.
./ -h
usage: ./ [--help] [-d DEVICE] [-s SIZE] [-r ANGLE] [-m FLIP] [-c COLORMAP]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DEVICE use DEVICE, default /dev/video0
-s SIZE put window inside SIZE rectangle (wxh), default unset
-r ANGLE rotate the image by ANGLE, default 0
-m FLIP mirror the image by FLIP, default no, (no, h, v, hv)
-c COLORMAP set colormap, default none
(none, grayscale, inferno, viridis, ironblack, rainbow)
./ -d /dev/video2
f: toggle fullscreen
r: ANGLE +90 (shift+r -90)
m: FLIP next (shift+m prev)
c: COLORMAP next (shift+c prev)
Control your PTZ camera with the arrow keys/keypad keys/wasd/Home/End/PageUp/PageDown/+/-/Ctrl++/Ctrl+- of your keyboard while one of the PTZ control is in focus or in the cameraview window.
Use Alt+PresetNum to select a preset for logitech_pantilt_preset.
Control your camera with your 6DoF SpaceMouse.
Z => zoom_absolute
X => pan_absolute
Y => tilt_absolute
RY => pan_speed
RX => tilt_speed
BTN1 => PTZ reset
It requires spacenavd and libspnav. (optional, only if you have a SpaceMouse)
sudo apt install spacenavd libspnav0
sudo cp /usr/share/doc/spacenavd/examples/example-spnavrc /etc/spnavrc
or via dnf:
sudo dnf install spacenavd libspnav
sudo cp /usr/share/doc/spacenavd/example-spnavrc /etc/spnavrc
tip: set led = auto
in /etc/spnavrc
Control you camera with your Game Controller (PS5 DualSense/Xbox controller/etc)
Left Stick => pan_speed/tilt_speed or pan_absolute/tilt_absolute
Right Stick => pan_absolute/tilt_absolute
DPAD => pan_absolute/tilt_absolute
Left/Right Trigger => zoom_absolute
South/East/West/North/Left Shoulder/Right Shoulder/Back/Start => PTZ Presets 1-8
Guide => PTZ Reset
Control you camera with your MIDI Controller (e.g. MPK Mini or Arturias or any with configurable knobs/joys)
Configure with SysEx Controls or MPK3 Settings your MIDI Controller as follows:
With joystick:
CC78 => pan_speed/pan_absolute
CC79 => tilt_speed/tilt_absolute
With absolute knobs (knob values: 0-127):
CC71 => pan_absolute
CC72 => tilt_absolute
CC73 => zoom_absolute
With relative knobs (knob values: INC:1 DEC:127):
CC70 => pan_speed
CC74 => tilt_speed
CC75 => pan_absolute
CC76 => tilt_absolute
CC77 => zoom_absolute
CC121 => PTZ reset
PGM0-7 => PTZ presets 1-8
git pull
Disable, stop and delete the old systemd paths, services:
cd ~/.config/systemd/user
systemctl --user disable --now cameractrls-*
rm cameractrls-*
Disable, stop and delete the systemd service:
cd ~/.config/systemd/user
systemctl --user disable --now cameractrlsd.service
rm cameractrlsd.service
Remove launcher shortcut
rm ~/.local/share/applications/hu.irl.cameractrls.desktop
Delete the cameractrls:
rm -rf cameractrls