Using Parallel Blast on Apache Spark.
To use Parallel Blast on Apache Spark you have to create a cluster with Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark. You must install the Blast, after that set up the file "" and distribute it among nodes.
You must follow steps:
1 - Split file that contain a query;
2 - Execute spark-shell in a window;
$spark-shell --executor-memory 5999m --driver-memory 5999m --num-executors 128 --executor-cores 1 --driver-cores 128 // you can specify some atributes, use --help for that.
3 - In other window execute one script that disbrituted the split querys in step 1;
4 - On spark-shell execute that steps.
scala> val data = “query.fa”
scala> val dataRDD = sc.makeRDD(data)
scala> val script = “/home/hadoop/spark-install/bin/”
scala> val pipeRDD = dataRDD.pipe(script)
scala> pipeRDD.saveAsTextFile(“output”)
5 - In this point you have executed de Spark Blast. Now you have to merge the parts generated with Apache Spark, so execute:
$ hadoop fs -getmerge gs://hadoop-spark-fiocruz/output output.blast
6 - And now, put that file in repository, we use a Google Storage:
$ hadoop fs -copyFromLocal output.blast gs://hadoop-spark-fiocruz/