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Releases: spcl/dace

DaCe 0.14.1

14 Oct 17:08
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This release of DaCe offers mostly stability fixes for the Python frontend, transformations, and callbacks.

Full Changelog: v0.14...v0.14.1

DaCe 0.14

26 Aug 00:48
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What's Changed

This release brings forth a major change to how SDFGs are simplified in DaCe, using the Simplify pass pipeline. This both improves the performance of DaCe's transformations and introduces new types of simplification, such as dead dataflow elimination.

Please let us know if there are any regressions with this new release.


  • Breaking change: The experimental dace.constant type hint has now achieved stable status and was renamed to dace.compiletime
  • Major change: Only modified configuration entries are now stored in ~/.dace.conf. The SDFG build folders still include the full configuration file. Old .dace.conf files are detected and migrated automatically.
  • Detailed, multi-platform performance counters are now available via native LIKWID instrumentation (by @lukastruemper in #1063). To use, set .instrument to dace.InstrumentationType.LIKWID_Counters
  • GPU Memory Pools are now supported through CUDA's mallocAsync API. To enable, set desc.pool = True on any GPU data descriptor.
  • Map schedule and array storage types can now be annotated directly in Python code (by @orausch in #1088). For example:
import dace
from dace.dtypes import StorageType, ScheduleType

N = dace.symbol('N')

def add_on_gpu(a: dace.float64[N] @ StorageType.GPU_Global,
               b: dace.float64[N] @ StorageType.GPU_Global):
  # This map will become a GPU kernel
  for i in[0:N] @ ScheduleType.GPU_Device:
    b[i] = a[i] + 1.0
  • Customizing GPU block dimension and OpenMP threading properties per map is now supported
  • Optional arrays (i.e., arrays that can be None) can now be annotated in the code. The simplification pipeline also infers non-optional arrays from their use and can optimize code by eliminating branches. For example:
def optional(maybe: Optional[dace.float64[20]], always: dace.float64[20]):
  always += 1  # "always" is always used, so it will not be optional
  if maybe is None:  # This condition will stay in the code
    return 1
  if always is None:  # This condition will be eliminated in simplify
    return 2
  return 3

Minor changes

  • Miscellaneous fixes to transformations and passes
  • Fixes for string literal ("string") use in the Python frontend
  • einsum is now a library node
  • If CMake is already installed, it is now detected and will not be installed through pip
  • Add kernel detection flag by @TizianoDeMatteis in #1061
  • Better support for __array_interface__ objects by @gronerl in #1071
  • Replacements look up base classes by @tbennun in #1080

Full Changelog: v0.13.3...v0.14

DaCe 0.13.3

30 Jun 22:17
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What's Changed

  • Better integration with Visual Studio Code: Calling sdfg.view() inside a VSCode console or debug session will open the file directly in the editor!
  • Code generator for the Snitch RISC-V architecture (by @Noah95 and @AM-Ivanov)
  • Minor hotfixes to Python frontend, transformations, and code generation (with @orausch)

Full Changelog: v0.13.2...v0.13.3

DaCe 0.13.2

22 Jun 20:38
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What's Changed

  • New API for SDFG manipulation: Passes and Pipelines. More about that in the next major release!
  • Various fixes to frontend, type inference, and code generation.
  • Support for more numpy and Python functions: arange, round, etc.
  • Better callback support:
    • Support callbacks with keyword arguments
    • Support literal lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries in callbacks
  • New transformations: move loop into map, on-the-fly-recomputation map fusion
  • Performance improvements to frontend
  • Better Docker container compatibility via fixes for config files without a home directory
  • Add interface to check whether in a DaCe parsing context in #998
def potentially_parsed_by_dace():
    if not dace.in_program():
        print('Called by Python interpreter!')
       print('Compiled with DaCe!')
  • Support compressed (gzipped) SDFGs. Loads normally, saves with:'myprogram.sdfgz', compress=True)  # or just run gzip on your old SDFGs
  • SDFV: Add web serving capability by @orausch in #1013. Use for interactively debugging SDFGs on remote nodes with: sdfg.view(8080) (or any other port)

Full Changelog: v0.13.1...v0.13.2

DaCe 0.13.1

26 Apr 21:30
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What's Changed

  • Python frontend: Bug fixes for closures and callbacks in nested scopes
  • Bug fixes for several transformations (StateFusion, RedundantSecondArray)
  • Fixes for issues with FORTRAN ordering of numpy arrays
  • Python object duplicate reference checks in SDFG validation

Full Changelog: v0.13...v0.13.1

DaCe 0.13

28 Feb 12:34
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New Features


Cutout allows developers to take large DaCe programs and cut out subgraphs reliably to create a runnable sub-program. This sub-program can be then used to check for correctness, benchmark, and transform a part of a program without having to run the full application.
* Example usage from Python:

def my_method(sdfg: dace.SDFG, state: dace.SDFGState):
    nodes = [n for n in state if isinstance(n, dace.nodes.LibraryNode)]  # Cut every library node
    cut_sdfg: dace.SDFG = cutout.cutout_state(state, *nodes)
    # The cut SDFG now includes each library node and all the necessary arrays to call it with

Also available in the SDFG editor:

Data Instrumentation:

Just like node instrumentation for performance analysis, data instrumentation allows users to set access nodes to be saved to an instrumented data report, and loaded later for exact reproducible runs.
* Data instrumentation natively works with CPU and GPU global memory, so there is no need to copy data back
* Combined with Cutout, this is a powerful interface to perform local optimizations in large applications with ease!
* Example use:

    def tester(A: dace.float64[20, 20]):
        tmp = A + 1
        return tmp + 5

    sdfg = tester.to_sdfg()
    for node, _ in sdfg.all_nodes_recursive():  # Instrument every access node
        if isinstance(node, nodes.AccessNode):
            node.instrument = dace.DataInstrumentationType.Save

    A = np.random.rand(20, 20)
    result = sdfg(A)

    # Get instrumented data from report
    dreport = sdfg.get_instrumented_data()
    assert np.allclose(dreport['A'], A)
    assert np.allclose(dreport['tmp'], A + 1)
    assert np.allclose(dreport['__return'], A + 6)

Logical Groups:

SDFG elements can now be grouped by any criteria, and they will be colored during visualization by default (by @phschaad). See example in action:

Changes and Bug Fixes

  • Samples and tutorials have now been updated to reflect the latest API
  • Constants (added with sdfg.add_constant) can now be used as access nodes in SDFGs. The constants are hard-coded into the generated program, so you can run code with the best performance possible.
  • View nodes can now use the views connector to disambiguate which access node is being viewed
  • Python frontend: else clause is now handled in for and while loops
  • Scalars have been removed from the __dace_init generated function signature (by @orausch)
  • Multiple clock signals in the RTL codegen (by @carljohnsen)
  • Various fixes to frontends, transformations, and code generators

Full Changelog available at v0.12...v0.13

DaCe 0.12

22 Jan 15:05
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API Changes

Important: Pattern-matching transformation API has been significantly simplified. Transformations using the old API must be ported! Summary of changes:

  • Transformations now expand either the SingleStateTransformation or MultiStateTransformation classes instead of using decorators
  • Patterns must be registered as class variables called PatternNodes
  • Nodes in matched patterns can be then accessed in can_be_applied and apply directly using self.nodename
  • The name strict is now replaced with permissive (False by default). Permissive mode allows transformations to match in more cases, but may be dangerous to apply (e.g., create race conditions).
  • can_be_applied is now a method of the transformation
  • The apply method accepts a graph and the SDFG.

Example of using the new API:

import dace
from dace import nodes
from dace.sdfg import utils as sdutil
from dace.transformation import transformation as xf

class ExampleTransformation(xf.SingleStateTransformation):
    # Define pattern nodes
    map_entry = xf.PatternNode(nodes.MapEntry)
    access = xf.PatternNode(nodes.AccessNode)

    # Define matching subgraphs
    def expressions(cls):
        # MapEntry -> Access
        return [sdutil.node_path_graph(cls.map_entry, cls.access)]

    def can_be_applied(self, graph: dace.SDFGState, expr_index: int, sdfg: dace.SDFG, permissive: bool = False) -> bool:
        # Returns True if the transformation can be applied on a subgraph
        if permissive:  # In permissive mode, we will always apply this transformation
            return True
        return self.map_entry.schedule == dace.ScheduleType.CPU_Multicore

    def apply(self, graph: dace.SDFGState, sdfg: dace.SDFG):
        # Apply the transformation using the SDFG API

Simplifying SDFGs is renamed from sdfg.apply_strict_transformations() to sdfg.simplify()

AccessNodes no longer have an AccessType field.

Other changes

  • More nested SDFG inlining opportunities by default with the multi-state inline transformation
  • Performance optimizations of the DaCe framework (parsing, transformations, code generation) for large graphs
  • Support for Xilinx Vitis 2021.2
  • Minor fixes to transformations and deserialization

Full Changelog: v0.11.4...v0.12

DaCe 0.11.4

17 Dec 23:43
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What's Changed

  • If a Python call cannot be parsed into a data-centric program, DaCe will automatically generate a callback into Python. Supports CPU arrays and GPU arrays (via CuPy) without copying!
  • Python 3.10 support
  • CuPy arrays are supported when calling @dace.programs in JIT mode
  • Fix various issues in Python frontend and code generation

Full Changelog: v0.11.3...v0.11.4

DaCe 0.11.3

23 Nov 23:53
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What's Changed

  • Minor fixes to exceptions in Python parsing.

Full Changelog: v0.11.2...v0.11.3

DaCe 0.11.2

12 Nov 17:27
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What's Changed

  • Various bug fixes to the Python frontend

Full Changelog: v0.11.1...v0.11.2