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JavaScript* Runtime for Zephyr™ OS

The JavaScript* Runtime for the Zephyr™ OS project (ZJS for short) provides an IoT web runtime environment with JavaScript APIs for the Zephyr operating system, based on the JerryScript engine. It is intended for systems with little memory where Node.js with V8 is too big.

This code requires a local copy of JerryScript and Zephyr OS source. We will upstream patches to those projects as appropriate, but this repo is for everything else.

Getting Started

This section will walk you through building and running your first ZJS application on Arduino 101*.


Initial Setup

Windows and OSX users: These instructions are for Ubuntu 16.04. Be sure to also consult Zephyr Project's Getting Started documentation for Windows or OSX.

Install dependencies

First, install these packages that you will need beyond those installed by default with Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install cmake dfu-util git screen uglifyjs

Clone the ZJS repo

Next, clone this git repo:

$ git clone

Check out the stable tag

Next, unless you know you have other plans, check out the stable tag. This is currently based on the stable Zephyr 1.5.0 release and should be the best working version. (By this we mean it had the highest pass rate by our QA folks.)

$ git checkout stable

If you do nothing and remain on master, you will be looking at the very latest changes which may have regressions or instability. Instead, you could check out the latest tag which will still be pretty recent but at least sanity-checked by QA and known to basically work. You can read the version file in the root of the source tree to see what version you're on. If you're on the master development branch it will just say 'devel'.

Install the Zephyr SDK

Download the [latest Zephyr SDK] (, then:

$ chmod +x /path/to/zephyr-sdk-<VERSION>
$ sudo /path/to/zephyr-sdk-<VERSION>

Follow the prompts, but the defaults should be fine.

Set up Zephyr SDK environment variables

Add the following two lines to your ~/.bashrc. If you installed your Zephyr SDK elsewhere, adjust as needed.

export ZEPHYR_GCC_VARIANT=zephyr
export ZEPHYR_SDK_INSTALL_DIR=/opt/zephyr-sdk

Then source the .bashrc :

$ source ~/.bashrc

Join the plugdev group

Add your user to the plugdev group with this command:

$ sudo usermod -a -G plugdev USERNAME

Add udev rules

Copy these two files into your /etc/udev/rules.d directory (/etc/udev.rules for Ubuntu 14.04):

Then run this command:

$ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules

This should cause your /dev/tty* entries to have the plugdev group, which will let you use them without root privileges. Otherwise, you will have to run some of the following commands with sudo.

Shell setup

Whenever you open a new terminal to work with this repo, you need to set up environment variables.

Set up ZJS environment variables

First, the ZJS variables:

$ cd zephyr.js
$ source

Get source dependencies

Next, this command will check out additional git repos into the deps/ subdirectory, if you haven't done so before:

$ make update

(If this is the first time you've run this, will see an error.)

Set up Zephyr OS environment variables

As the previous command will complain, you need to set up some Zephyr OS environment variables, too. Here's the right way to do that:

$ source deps/zephyr/

Build and Flash

x86 application image and ARC support image

Now you're ready to build the x86 and ARC images. The x86 image includes the JerryScript engine and the ZJS runtime support, along with your JavaScript application, and the ARC support image acts as a helper library that channels some of the data needed from the ARC processor to the x86 processor.

Note, you'll need to build both the x86 and ARC images with the same JS file so the required sub-modules are enabled on both images.

You can build both with a single command:

$ make JS=samples/TrafficLight.js all

The JS= argument lets you provide the path to your application. The TrafficLight sample is a good first choice because you don't need to wire up any additional hardware. It just blinks onboard LEDs on your Arduino 101. Also, for many of the samples you will want to hook up the serial console (see below), but for this one it's not really needed.

Then connect the Arduino 101 to your host with a USB A/B cable. Press the Master Reset button on the Arduino 101 and after a few seconds type:

$ make dfu-all

This will flash both the images to the device using the dfu-util program.

If you get a permission error, make sure you followed the 'Join the plugdev group' instructions above for this user. You shouldn't need to run this command with sudo.

After this flashing completes successfully, reboot the device with the Master Reset button to start the application. After a few seconds the onboard LEDs should start cycling.

You have built and run your first ZJS application!

If you want to make changes to the application, or run a different .js sample, you just need to repeat the steps the desired JavaScript filename.

x86 application image only

If you want to build the x86 and ARC images separately, or if you just want to build another .js sample that uses the same sub-modules, then you can build only the x86 image with:

$ make JS=path/to/filename.js
$ make dfu

ARC support image only

To build and flash only the ARC support image:

$ make JS=path/to/filename.js arc
$ make dfu-arc

If you run a different .js sample that uses different sub-modules, for example, from AIO.js to I2C.js, then you'll need to repeat the last two steps to flash both images.

If you forget to update the ARC image when your module requirements have changed, you'll see an error in the serial console (setup steps below) similar to this:

ipm_console0: 'unsupported ipm message id: 1, check ARC modules'

Next steps

Set up serial console

Without the serial console set up, you won't be able to see error messages and other output from your ZJS application. To hook up the serial console, you need a USB to TTL Serial Cable, such as the TTL-232R-3V3. On that particular cable, you wire the black wire to ground on the Arduino 101 board, the orange wire to GPIO pin 0 (RX), and the yellow wire to GPIO pin 1 (TX). The other three are unused.

When you plug this in, the device should show up as something such as /dev/ttyUSB0. You can then use the screen command to connect to the device with a command such as this:

$ watch screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

The watch utility will restart screen when you disconnect and reconnect your Arduino 101, so you shouldn't miss anything. You can leave a dedicated terminal running to watch the output.

In screen, you can scroll back the output with Ctrl-A, Esc, followed by PgUp/PgDn. Then Esc again to get back to the latest output (out of "Copy Mode").


You can use the commands make debug and make gdb in two separate terminals to connect to the device with a debugger. Then you can set breakpoints such as b main and run to start debugging as usual with gdb.

Additional details

See below for a few more tips, such as increasing the space available for your application on the Arduino 101, or how to use ZJS with the FRDM-K64F.


If you want to contribute code to the ZJS project, first you need to fork the project. The next step is to send a pull request (PR) for review to the ZJS repository. The PR will be reviewed by the project team members. You need at least two plus-ones (+1) , "Look Good To Me (LGTM)" or other positive signals for the project members. Once you have gained the required signals the project maintainers will merge the PR.

File Descriptions

  • - Source this file to set environment variables and path to be able to use tools from scripts/ anywhere.
  • prj.conf - The main configuration file for a Zephyr application; overrides settings from a defconfig file in the Zephyr tree. In the ZJS builds, we assemble the prj.conf file at build time from other fragments.
  • prj.mdef - Another configuration file for a Zephyr application; we use it to configure the heap size available to the ZJS API.


  • arc/ - Contains sensor subsystem code for ARC side of the Arduino 101.
  • deps/ - Contains dependency repos and scripts for working with them.
  • docs/ - Documentation in Markdown format (use as index).
  • outdir/ - Directory generated by build, can be safely removed.
  • samples/ - Sample JavaScript files that can be built with make JS=.
  • scripts/ - Subdirectory containing tools useful during development.
  • src/ - JS API bindings for JerryScript written directly on top of Zephyr.
  • tests/ - JavaScript unit tests (incomplete).

Getting more space on your Arduino 101

By default, Arduino 101 comes with a 144K X86 partition, but we're able to pretty safely increase it to 256K. You should only use the dfu-util method of flashing (not JTAG) after you do this.

The easiest way to do this is to use a file that I can provide you ([email protected]). I need to make sure of the license details before I add it to the repo.

The ZJS_PARTITION environment variable, set automatically by, is what controls whether the build targets 144KB or 256KB. If you use the wrong one, the ARC side won't come up because we'll be attempting to start it from the wrong place on the flash. (Note: both the ARC and X86 images have to be rebuilt and reflashed when you switch partition sizes.)

If you are using ZJS with an Arduino 101 that you have converted to a 256KB X86 partition (see below), you should run this command when you set up your shell:

$ source 256

Building system images

The ZJS project uses a top-level Makefile to control the building of code from he project itself as well as the JerryScript and Zephyr projects it depends on.

To see the available make commands, type:

$ make help

Build the ARC image

On Arduino 101, there are two embedded microcontrollers, an X86 and an ARC one. If you only need the x86 side, you can disable ARC with CONFIG_ARC_INIT=n in the Zephyr prj.conf. Otherwise, you need a working image running on it.

For the best flexibility in using ZJS, you should build and install our project's ARC image. Some of the APIs you can call from JavaScript won't work until you have this server image running there (for now this is just AIO API). This is because only the ARC MCU can perform certain functions, like converting analog inputs to digital values.

We don't change the ARC engine code very often, so you only need to update this occasionally. To build and install the ARC image, do this:

$ make arc
$ make dfu-arc

(As always with DFU, you will need to reset the device a few seconds before you attempt the DFU command, or it will fail.)

Build the Hello World sample

$ make JS=samples/HelloWorld.js

This will build the system image, resulting in outdir/arduino_101/zephyr.bin as the final output. To flash this to your device with dfu-util, first press the Master Reset button on your Arduino 101, and about three seconds later type:

$ make dfu

There is a window of about five seconds where the DFU server is available, starting a second or two after the device resets.

Now the x86 image on your device has been updated. Press the Master Reset button one more time to boot your new image.

Build other samples

The other samples may require some hardware to be set up and connected; read the top of each JS file, but then simply pass in the path to the JS file to make as with HelloWorld.js above.

JS Minifier

To save space it is recommended to use a minifier. In, the script used to encode your JS into a source file, we use uglifyjs. If you didn't install this earlier, you can do so with the command:

sudo apt-get install node-uglify

FRDM-K64F Platform

See the [Zephyr Project Wiki] ( for general information about running Zephyr OS on the FRDM-K64F.

The instructions below assume Ubuntu 14.04 on the host PC.

Connect a micro-USB cable from the device to your PC.

If you hit the Reset switch and wait about five seconds, you should be able to start up a serial console. Either:

$ screen /dev/ttyACM0 115200


$ minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0

(I typically had to try either command several times before it would work.) The benefit of minicom is it will keep running even if you unplug the cable and then plug it back in later.

Check your dmesg output or watch your /dev directory to know what device it shows up as.

Then, follow [these instructions] ( to update your firmware.

Next, you can try to build ZJS for the platform:

$ make BOARD=frdm_k64f JS=samples/HelloWorld.js
$ cp outdir/frdm_k64f/zephyr.bin /media/<USERNAME>/MBED/

After you copy the new .bin file to that directory, the device will reboot, blink an LED quickly as it writes the image, and then you should see the device reconnect as a USB storage device to your PC. Then you can press the Reset button to run the Zephyr image. You should see "Hello, ZJS world!" output on the serial console in less than a second.

If something doesn't work, you may want to establish that you're able to upload the K64F [hello world application] (

Then, you could try the Zephyr OS hello_world sample to narrow down the problem:

$ cd deps/zephyr/samples/hello_world/nanokernel
$ make pristine && make BOARD=frdm_k64f
$ cp outdir/frdm_k64f/zephyr.bin /media/<USERNAME>/MBED/

Using the same procedure as above, once you hit Reset you should see "Hello World!" within a second on your serial console.

Zephyr is a trademark of the Linux Foundation. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

Building and running on Linux/Mac OSX

In addition to Zephyr there is a "linux" target which does not use Zephyr at all and instead uses the host OS. This can be build on Linux or Mac OSX using the command:

make linux

The executable will be outputted to outdir/linux/<variant>/jslinux. Where <variant> is either debug or release. This is specified the same as the Zephyr target by passing in VARIANT= when running make. The default is release.

What makes the linux target convenient is that a JS script does not have to be bundled with the final executable. By default samples/HelloWorld.js will be bundled but you can always just pass in a script on the command line when running jslinux e.g.:

./outdir/linux/release/jslinux samples/Timers.js

If a script is passed in on the command line it will take the priority over any script bundled with the executable (using JS=).

By default jslinux will run forever (as Zephyr does) but if this is not desired, there are two flags which can be used to cause jslinux to exit under certain conditions. The first is the --autoexit flag. If this flag is used, jslinux will continually check to see if there are any pending events, like timers, callbacks or service functions. If there have no been any events processed on the last and most current loop cycle it will exit. The second flag (-t) will cause jslinux to exit after a specified timeout in milliseconds. This flag can be used like:

./jslinux -t <ms>

The --autoexit and -t <ms> flags can be used together, which will cause jslinux to exit on whichever condition is met first.

It should be noted that the Linux target has only very partial support to hardware compared to Zephyr. This target runs the core code, but most modules do not run on it, specifically the hardware modules (AIO, I2C, GPIO etc.). There are some modules which can be used though like Events, Promises, Performance and OCF. This list may grow if other modules are ported to the Linux target.


JavaScript* Runtime for Zephyr* OS







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  • C 82.0%
  • JavaScript 11.1%
  • Shell 4.5%
  • Makefile 1.5%
  • Other 0.9%