Piz Daint
# Piz Daint ## build with ParaView Catalyst on Piz Daint
- prgenv:
module load daint-gpu CMake cudatoolkit/11.2.0_3.39-2.1__gf93aa1c
module load ParaView/5.10.1-CrayGNU-21.09-EGL
- build:
mkdir buildCatalystDaint
cd buildCatalystDaint
cmake -S .. \
-DINSITU=Catalyst \
make -j
- prgenv:
module load daint-gpu CMake cray-hdf5-parallel Ascent cudatoolkit/11.2.0_3.39-2.1__gf93aa1c
- build:
mkdir buildAscentDaint
cd buildAscentDaint
cmake -S .. \
make -j
# Eiger ## build with ParaView Catalyst on Eiger
- prgenv:
module load cpeCray CMake ParaView
- build
export GCC_X86_64=/opt/cray/pe/gcc/9.3.0/snos
mkdir buildCatalystEiger
cd buildCatalystEiger
cmake -S .. \
-DINSITU=Catalyst \
make sphexa
- prgenv:
module load cpeGNU CMake cray-hdf5-parallel Ascent
- build:
mkdir buildAscentEiger
cd buildAscentEiger
cmake -S .. \
make sphexa
Build and run using Singularity
It is possible to build and run sphexa with Singularity. We show here 2 methods (singularity shell and singularity exec). Read the other part of this readme file to build and run without Singularity.
daint101> cd $SCRATCH
daint101> rm -fr build
daint101> mkdir build
daint101> git clone https://github.com/unibas-dmi-hpc/SPH-EXA.git SPH-EXA.git
daint101> module load singularity/3.8.0
daint101> singularity pull docker://sphexa/ascent:latest
# -> ascent_latest.sif
# NOTE: this .sif image has not been optimized for performance (yet).
daint101> singularity shell --nv \
--bind $PWD/SPH-EXA.git:/usr/local/games/SPH-EXA.git \
--bind build:/usr/local/games/build \
Singularity> cd /usr/local/games/
Singularity> cmake -S SPH-EXA.git -B build \
-DINSITU=Ascent \
-DCMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS='-arch=sm_60' \
-DHDF5_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/HDF_Group/HDF5/1.13.0/include \
Singularity> cmake --build build -t sphexa-cuda -j
> [100%] Linking CXX executable sphexa-cuda
> [100%] Built target sphexa-cuda
Singularity> exit
The executable can be found in ./build/main/src/sphexa/sphexa-cuda
It is possible to generate an ascent file with a simple job:
init0='cd /usr/local/games/build/main/src/sphexa/'
init1='ln -fs /usr/local/games/SPH-EXA.git/scripts/trigger_binning_actions.yaml .'
init2='ln -fs /usr/local/games/SPH-EXA.git/scripts/binning_actions.yaml ascent_actions.yaml'
args='--init sedov -s 101 -n 30 --prop std --quiet'
daint101> srun -n1 -t10 -Cgpu -A`id -gn` \
singularity exec --nv \
--bind $PWD/SPH-EXA.git:/usr/local/games/SPH-EXA.git \
--bind build:/usr/local/games/build \
./ascent_latest.sif \
bash -c "$init0;$init1;$init2;./sphexa-cuda $args"
A typical output is:
# SPHEXA: ascent/bdfec8bd
# 1 MPI-3.0 process(es) with 24 OpenMP-201511 thread(s)/process
Data generated for 27000 global particles
### Check ### Focus Tree Nodes: 680
The ascent file can be found in ./build/main/src/sphexa/ascent_session.yaml
It is possible to modify the srun flags in order to run with more gpus.
Now that ascent_session.yaml
was created, we can do some plots:
daint101> singularity shell --nv \
--bind $PWD/SPH-EXA.git:/usr/local/games/SPH-EXA.git \
--bind build:/usr/local/games/build \
Singularity> cd /usr/local/games/build/main/src/sphexa/
Singularity> ls -l ascent_session.yaml
Singularity> ln -s /usr/local/games/SPH-EXA.git/scripts/plot_binning_results.py
Singularity> export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/python-modules:$PYTHONPATH
Singularity> python -c 'import matplotlib ;print(matplotlib.__version__)'
# 3.1.2
Singularity> python -c 'import conduit ;print(conduit.__path__)'
# ['/usr/local/python-modules/conduit']
Singularity> python plot_binning_results.py
Singularity> ls -l pdf.png min_max_avg.png
Singularity> exit
The same script can be run without Singularity.