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Releases: spicetify/marketplace


29 Jul 02:58
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v0.7.1 Pre-release

✨ New features

🛠️ Fixes

  • Patches issues where Marketplace fails to load for some users (@CharlieS1103 - eccd538)
  • Patches Marketplace not installing correct items on search (@pnthach95 - #288)
  • Patches missing/incorrect color for some themes on install (@kyrie25 - #287)

⚙️ Misc

  • General improvements

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v0.7.1


22 Jun 01:35
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v0.7.0 Pre-release

✨ New features

  • Snippet previews and editing: Now have preview images, and you can view the CSS and edit your custom snippets via the Installed tab (Thanks @kyrie25, @theRealPadster - #225, #226, #245, #246)
  • Added an update checker: This will notify you when there is a new Marketplace release available. You will still need to download and update manually, but there will be a nice notification with release notes now. (Thanks @kyrie25 - #234)
  • Added a custom apps tab: We will now list custom apps, though they will need to be downloaded and installed manually, due to restrictions in how Spicetify injects custom apps. Having a custom apps tab listed will help with custom app discoverability. (Thanks @theRealPadster - #243)
  • Added theme developer tools: For theme developers, this button pops up a modal that allows you to edit your colour schemes INI, and lists classes in the current theme that are not present in the Spotify DOM. Enable in the settings modal. (Thanks @CharlieS1103 - #240)

🛠️ Fixes

  • Fix Marketplace crashing on moving tabs (Thanks @kyrie25 - #235)
  • Fix theme color injection workaround (should make theme compatibility a bit more consistent) (Thanks @kyrie25, @theRealPadster - #237)
  • Stop duplicate tags from appearing (Thanks @kyrie25 - #241)

⚙️ Misc

  • Update CI workflow, add Husky, resolve linting errors (Thanks @kyrie25 - #232)
  • README updates - The main readme has been shortened and most items relocated to a GitHub wiki (Thanks @kyrie25, @theRealPadster - #244)

What we want from you:

As always, we would appreciate it if you would use our custom app, and submit issues for any new features suggestions, as well as report any bugs you may come across.

We would also greatly appreciate it if you would add your own CSS snippets! You can again, find them here

And any other code contributions via pull requests are welcome.
Submit your Suggestions/ Issues here.
Information on how to add your extension/theme/app to the marketplace is in the wiki.

⬇️ Installation:

You can always download and install manually, however, we also have install scripts for various OSes. These scripts will also take care of the aforementioned reinstall for most users.

Auto Install (macOS and Linux)

Open a terminal and paste the following:

curl -fsSL | sh

Auto Install (Windows)

Open Powershell and paste the following:

Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "" | Invoke-Expression

Full Changelog: v0.5.0-beta...v0.7.0


07 Jun 21:50
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v0.5.0-beta Pre-release

This update's a big one

Ported over to Typescript and JSX using Spicetify Creator (Thanks @theRealPadster and @CharlieS1103 !)


🔍 Search

  • You can now search for extensions and themes using the search bar in the top right of the marketplace!
  • Thanks to @kyrie25 for implementing this feature

🎨 Custom CSS Input

  • You can now create your own CSS snippets (for yourself) through the Marketplace client.
  • Simply go to the Snippets tab and click "Add CSS".
  • You can remove them via the Installed tab.

⚡️ Optimization

  • Marketplace will no longer be so prone to slow loading and GitHub throttling our requests. This was done via caching extension/themes information in session storage.

✨ Link card title to repo

  • Clicking on the title of a theme or extension will now take you to that theme or extension's repository
  • Thanks to @kyrie25 for implementing this feature

🔴 Tags

  • People who host their products on Marketplace are now able to add tags to their cards! These tags are also used to indicate when a theme has external JS rather than the text used beforehand.
  • The tags "light" and "dark" are coloured white and black respectively. Any other tags will take on a default colour from your theme.
  • Please use lowercase and no spaces (e.g. "material-design" vs "Material Design") when adding tag names.

General Improvements:

Prevent caching for extensions, themes, etc....

  • Earlier in Marketplace, people would be seeing an error where extensions/themes would not be updated to their later versions despite the URL we fetch them from displaying them as updated. Thanks to @FlafyDev this issue is now resolved.

🏎 Huge Refactoring

Spicetify Marketplace struggled with having a bit of a messier codebase for a while. In order to fix this, we have refactored the custom app to use Spicetify Creator, so we're now built with Typescript and JSX, and can make use of external libraries.
Ultimately, this should lead to a cleaner, more bug-free development process and make our code easier for new contributors to understand.

We have also made the decision to move away from using the name "Spicetify-Marketplace" for the project's installation, and instead opted for just "Marketplace"

This may require a reinstallation of Marketplace

What we want from you:

As always, we would appreciate it if you would use our custom app, and submit issues for any new features suggestions, as well as report any bugs you may come across.

We would also greatly appreciate it if you would add your own CSS snippets! You can again, find them here

And any other code contributions via pull requests are welcome.
Submit your Suggestions/ Issues here.
Information on how to add your extension/theme to the marketplace is in the readme.

⬇️ Installation:

You can always download and install manually, however, we also have install scripts for various OSes. These scripts will also take care of the aforementioned reinstall for most users.

Auto Install (macOS and Linux)

Open a terminal and paste the following:

curl -fsSL | sh

Auto Install (Windows)

Open Powershell and paste the following:

Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "" | Invoke-Expression

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.4.0-beta...v0.5.0-beta


21 Feb 18:36
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v0.4.0-beta Pre-release

Spicetify Marketplace

(Made in conjunction with @theRealPadster)

Good news! We're in beta now.



  • You can now download snippets to change small parts of a theme
  • There aren't many currently however you can find information on how to add them here


  • The authors of themes and extensions are now displayed, thank you @fivepixels for the original implementation
  • It's recommended you leave the authors of themes/extensions that you like a star on their repo or a follow on their profile!


  • You can now install most themes without the irritating reload button
  • Note that this will not work with themes that have packaged extensions


  • Cards will no longer load twice
  • Themes will appear under the installed tab now

What we want from you:

As always, we would appreciate it if you would use our custom app, and submit issues for any new features suggestions, as well as report any bugs you may come across. We would also greatly appreciate it if you would add your own CSS snippets! You can again, find them here And any other code contributions via pull requests are welcome.
Submit your Suggestions/ Issues here.
Information on how to add your extension/theme to the marketplace is in the readme.


You can always download and install manually, via Git or zip. But we now have an install script for MacOS and Linux, as well as Windows.

Auto Install (MacOS and Linux)

Open a terminal and paste the following:

curl -fsSL | sh

Auto Install (Windows)

Open Powershell and paste the following:

Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "" | Invoke-Expression

Full Changelog: v0.3.1-alpha...v0.1-beta


04 Dec 17:19
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v0.3.1-alpha Pre-release

Spicetify Marketplace

We are now entering our third alpha release, and with it comes loads of new features.



  • Theme authors can now specify external JS (children). Many themes bundle their own extension for more customization, and those should work now (Themes such as Dribblish Dynamic, for example).
  • Assets should work now. It transforms any relative URLs in the CSS to HTTP URLs.
  • Theme authors can specify a separate branch that their theme is on
  • We only remove the default colour scheme if the selected theme has its own


  • Settings are now accessed via the settings (cog) icon on the right side of the Marketplace app
  • On/Off switches are now displayed as Spotify-standard toggle switches
  • Settings modal uses larger modal style
  • Arrow icons are now a bit bigger
  • We now have a colour scheme rotating mode, if that's your thing


  • Add http support for manifest URLs (preview, readme, extension, user css, schemes)
  • Auto-install script added for Windows/PowerShell (Thanks @SpectrixDev !)
  • Now using fetch instead of CosmosAsync so it should still work if the Spicetify hook is broken


  • You can have themes shift colours every minute

What we want from you:

We would still appreciate it if you would use our custom app, and submit issues for any new features suggestions, as well as report any issues you may come across. Since theme support is still relatively new and complex, it would help us to have bug reports for anything that's not working as it should.
Submit your Suggestions/ Issues here.

Information on how to add your extension/theme to the marketplace are in the readme.

Full Changelog: v0.2.0-alpha...v0.3.1/alpha


21 Feb 22:41
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v0.2.0-alpha Pre-release

Spicetify Marketplace

We are now entering our second alpha release, and with it comes loads of new features.


We now support themes on the marketplace, please do note that a lot of them might not work as intended as we haven't added support for assets, but it's certainly on its way.

You can now click an extension or theme to read more about it, the pages are fetched from the GitHub readme, image parsing is slow, unfortunately, so that is an issue to resolve in the future

You can now rearrange or hide the tabs. If you don't use themes, for example, you can hide that tab.

Although many of you will probably not care about this feature, it is important. Due to the nature of the custom app, we thought it best to add a blacklist in case of malicious extensions, you can report any you find here. Report

We also have done some general cleanup and polishing, listed below:

  • The buttons in the Settings modal now change based on whether they're off or on
  • Clicking off of the settings modal now also reloads the page, before you had to click the X for it to function properly
  • Added an empty state for the installed tab
  • Validate extensions and themes before displaying them(Prevents a majority of incorrectly formatted extensions/themes from being in the marketplace)

What we want from you:

We would still appreciate it if you would use our custom app, and submit issues for any new features suggestions, as well as report any issues you may come across.
Sumbit your Suggestions/ Issues here.

Information on how to add your extension/theme to the marketplace are in the readme.

Full Changelog: v0.1.0-alpha...v0.2.0/alpha


24 Oct 02:02
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v0.1.0-alpha Pre-release

Spicetify Marketplace

Hello! We are now entering the Alpha phase of the first-ever community-made Custom-app for Spicetify!


Although not the full release, we currently have the following features available:

  • The ability to install registered extensions and use them
  • Able to view and uninstall your installed extensions
  • View the number of stars an extension has(Currently all extensions are sorted via the star system as well.)

Some upcoming features include:

  • View an extensions readme from within Spicetify
  • A search bar
  • Filters
  • Sorting options

How to register your extension

If you are an extension developer who is curious on how to get your extension onto Spicetify Marketplace, please review the following:
Note that this is an alpha release and the manifest formatting is subject to change.

What we want from you:

We would really appreciate it if you would use our custom app, and submit issues for any new features suggestions, as well as report any issues you may come across.
Sumbit your Suggestions/ Issues here.

Thank you!