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Joel Vasallo edited this page Mar 19, 2020 · 31 revisions

Project Idea Wiki

Share your project ideas here!

All hackathon participants will check this document to find out what project ideas are on the table. Present yours here, even if it isn't fully formed.

If you see an idea here that interests you, visit its Slack channel to engage.

Each project idea must have a title, channel name, and description.

Your channel name should be #gardening-idea-<nameStringThatWorksAsARepositoryNameToo>

When you have volunteered yourself or identified a team lead, add the team lead's github handle.

For example:

Title: Barbot

  • Channel Name: #gardening-idea-barbot
  • Description: Build a bot that reminds you at opportune times to consider drinking a mocktail or adult beverage.
  • Team Lead: @dnilasor

Title: Foobot

  • Channel Name: #gardening-idea-foobot
  • Description: Build a bot that blasts Oscar the Grouch GIFs to multiple Slack channels each time a pipeline stage completes (please don't build this)

No numbering necessary! To add yours below, just start a new line for the title and use * for the Channel Name and Description.

Your Project Ideas Below

Title: Istio Spinnaker Integration

Channel Name: #gardening-idea-istio Description: Wondering how many folks out there use Istio and how we are all managing delivery of various configurations (especially in large orgs). Wondering if we can come together to somehow visualize (or lean into existing tools) Istio infrastructure in Spinnaker. There has been some talk of this in the past, but curious how others are managing this!

Channel Name: #gardening-idea-costanalysis Description: Today, there are many free (and paid) offerings to generate cost analysis of various cloud providers. An idea would be somehow aggregating cost metrics, data, etc per application. Some ideas would be common tags, or somehow a way to estimate the price. AWS has AWS Cost Explorer and GCP has a Cost Explorer of its own. Challenges are how to integrate tags and such to query effectively! Open to ideas around this too.

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