Represents a tax being returned that applies to one or more return line items in an order.
Fixed-amount, order-scoped taxes are distributed across all non-zero return line item totals. The amount distributed to each return line item is relative to that item’s contribution to the order subtotal.
Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter |
Uid |
String |
Optional | A unique ID that identifies the returned tax only within this order. Constraints: Maximum Length: 60 |
String getUid() |
SourceTaxUid |
String |
Optional | The tax uid from the order that contains the original tax charge.Constraints: Maximum Length: 60 |
String getSourceTaxUid() |
CatalogObjectId |
String |
Optional | The catalog object ID referencing CatalogTax. Constraints: Maximum Length: 192 |
String getCatalogObjectId() |
CatalogVersion |
Long |
Optional | The version of the catalog object that this tax references. | Long getCatalogVersion() |
Name |
String |
Optional | The tax's name. Constraints: Maximum Length: 255 |
String getName() |
Type |
String |
Optional | Indicates how the tax is applied to the associated line item or order. | String getType() |
Percentage |
String |
Optional | The percentage of the tax, as a string representation of a decimal number. For example, a value of "7.25" corresponds to a percentage of 7.25%.Constraints: Maximum Length: 10 |
String getPercentage() |
AppliedMoney |
Money |
Optional | Represents an amount of money. Money fields can be signed or unsigned.Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See Working with Monetary Amounts for more information. |
Money getAppliedMoney() |
Scope |
String |
Optional | Indicates whether this is a line-item or order-level tax. | String getScope() |
"uid": "uid4",
"source_tax_uid": "source_tax_uid2",
"catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id8",
"catalog_version": 124,
"name": "name4"