is a predicate expression (i.e. the result data type is always boolean).
is created when:
Column.isin method is used
is requested to parse SQL’s IN predicate with a subquery
Use Catalyst DSL’s in operator to create an in(list: Expression*): Expression |
// Using Catalyst DSL to create an In expression
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._
// HACK: Disable symbolToColumn implicit conversion
// It is imported automatically in spark-shell (and makes demos impossible)
// implicit def symbolToColumn(s: Symbol): org.apache.spark.sql.ColumnName
trait ThatWasABadIdea
implicit def symbolToColumn(ack: ThatWasABadIdea) = ack
val value = 'a.long
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Expression, Literal}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StringType
val list: Seq[Expression] = Seq(1, Literal.create(null, StringType), true)
val e = value in (list: _*)
scala> :type e
scala> println(e.dataType)
scala> println(e.sql)
(`a` IN (1, CAST(NULL AS STRING), true))
expression can be evaluated to a boolean value (i.e. true
or false
) or the special value null
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.lit
val value = lit(null)
val list = Seq(lit(1))
val in = (value isin (list: _*)).expr
scala> println(in.sql)
(NULL IN (1))
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
val input = InternalRow(1, "hello")
// Case 1: value.eval(input) was null => null
val evaluatedValue = in.eval(input)
assert(evaluatedValue == null)
// Case 2: v = e.eval(input) && ordering.equiv(v, evaluatedValue) => true
val value = lit(1)
val list = Seq(lit(1))
val in = (value isin (list: _*)).expr
val evaluatedValue = in.eval(input)
// Case 3: e.eval(input) = null and no ordering.equiv(v, evaluatedValue) => null
val value = lit(1)
val list = Seq(lit(null), lit(2))
val in = (value isin (list: _*)).expr
scala> println(in.sql)
(1 IN (NULL, 2))
val evaluatedValue = in.eval(input)
assert(evaluatedValue == null)
// Case 4: false
val value = lit(1)
val list = Seq(0, 2, 3).map(lit)
val in = (value isin (list: _*)).expr
scala> println(in.sql)
(1 IN (0, 2, 3))
val evaluatedValue = in.eval(input)
assert(evaluatedValue.asInstanceOf[Boolean] == false)
takes the following when created:
Value expression
Expression list
Expression list must not be null (but can have expressions that can be evaluated to null ).
uses the following text representation (i.e. toString
[value] IN [list]
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{In, Literal}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{functions => f}
val in = In(value = Literal(1), list = Seq(f.array("1", "2", "3").expr))
scala> println(in)
1 IN (array('1, '2, '3))
has the following SQL representation:
([valueSQL] IN ([listSQL]))
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{In, Literal}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{functions => f}
val in = In(value = Literal(1), list = Seq(f.array("1", "2", "3").expr))
scala> println(in.sql)
(1 IN (array(`1`, `2`, `3`)))
// FIXME Example 1: inSetConvertible true
// FIXME Example 2: inSetConvertible false
expressions are analyzed using the following rules:
ResolveSubquery resolution rule
InConversion type coercion rule
expression has a custom support in InMemoryTableScanExec physical operator.
// Demo: InMemoryTableScanExec and In expression
// 1. Create an In(a: AttributeReference, list: Seq[Literal]) with the list.nonEmpty
// 2. Use InMemoryTableScanExec.buildFilter partial function to produce the expression
Name | Description |
Scala’s Ordering instance that represents a strategy for sorting instances of a type. Lazily-instantiated using Used exclusively when |
checkInputDataTypes(): TypeCheckResult
checkInputDataTypes is part of Expression Contract to…FIXME.
eval(input: InternalRow): Any
eval is part of Expression Contract for the interpreted (non-code-generated) expression evaluation, i.e. evaluating a Catalyst expression to a JVM object for a given internal binary row.
requests value expression to evaluate a value for the input
internal row.
If the evaluated value is null
, eval
gives null
takes every expression in list expressions and requests them to evaluate a value for the input
internal row. If any of the evaluated value is not null
and equivalent in the ordering, eval
returns true
doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode
doGenCode is part of Expression Contract to generate a Java source code (ExprCode) for code-generated expression evaluation.
val in = $"id" isin (1, 2, 3)
val q = spark.range(4).filter(in)
val plan = q.queryExecution.executedPlan
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.FilterExec
val filterExec = plan.collectFirst { case f: FilterExec => f }.get
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.In
val inExpr = filterExec.expressions.head.asInstanceOf[In]
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.WholeStageCodegenExec
val wsce = plan.asInstanceOf[WholeStageCodegenExec]
val (ctx, code) = wsce.doCodeGen
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.CodeFormatter
scala> println(CodeFormatter.format(code))
...code omitted
// FIXME Make it work
// I thought I'd reuse ctx to have expression: id#14L evaluated