is an unevaluable expression that contains the Catalyst expressions of a window function and WindowSpecDefinition in a query plan after Analyzer
resolves UnresolvedWindowExpressions
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.WindowExpression
// relation - Dataset as a table to query
val table = spark.emptyDataset[Int]
scala> val windowExpr = table
.selectExpr("count() OVER (PARTITION BY value) AS count")
.logical // (1)
windowExpr: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.WindowExpression = 'count() windowspecdefinition('value, UnspecifiedFrame)
scala> windowExpr.sql
res2: String = count() OVER (PARTITION BY `value` UnspecifiedFrame)
directly as in WithWindowDefinition Example
WindowExpression is used in ExtractWindowExpressions, ResolveWindowOrder and ResolveWindowFrame logical evaluation rules.
WindowExpression is also used in Analyzer for analysis validation for the following checks: FIXME…
WindowExpression is used in NullPropagation optimization.
Name | Description |
Collection of two expressions, i.e. windowFunction and WindowSpecDefinition, for which |
Whether or not windowFunction is foldable. |
Whether or not windowFunction is nullable. |
UnresolvedWindowExpression Unevaluable Expression — WindowExpression With Unresolved Window Specification Reference
is an unevaluable expression (i.e. with no support for eval
and doGenCode
is created to represent a child
expression and WindowSpecReference
(with an identifier for the window reference) when AstBuilder
parses a function evaluated in a windowed context with a WindowSpecReference
is resolved to a WindowExpression when Analyzer
resolves UnresolvedWindowExpressions
import spark.sessionState.sqlParser
scala> sqlParser.parseExpression("foo() OVER windowSpecRef")
res1: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Expression = unresolvedwindowexpression('foo(), WindowSpecReference(windowSpecRef))
Name | Description |
Reports a |
Reports a |
Reports a |
Disabled (i.e. |