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List of sourced Sub-Commands

sourced binary offers you different kinds of sub-commands:

Here is the list of all these commands and its description; you can get more info about each one adding --help when you run it.

Manage Containers

sourced init

There is a dedicated section to document this command in the quickstart about how to initialize source{d} CE

This command installs and initializes source{d} CE docker containers, networks, and volumes, downloading its docker images if needed.

It can work over a local repository or a list of GitHub organizations.

source{d} CE will download and install Docker images on demand. Therefore, the first time you run some of these commands, they might take a bit of time to start up. Subsequent runs will be faster.

Once source{d} CE has been initialized, it will automatically open the web UI. If the UI is not opened automatically, you can use sourced web command, or visit

Use login: admin and password: admin, to access the web interface.

sourced init orgs

$ sourced init orgs --token=_USER_TOKEN_ [--with-forks] org1,org2...

Installs and initializes source{d} CE for a list of GitHub organizations, downloading their repositories and metadata: Users, PullRequests, Issues...

The orgs argument must be a comma-separated list of GitHub organizations.

The --token must contain a valid GitHub user token for the given organizations. It should be granted with 'repo' and'read:org' scopes.

If --with-forks is passed, it will also fetch repositories who are marked as forks.

sourced init local

$ sourced init local [/path/to/repos]

Installs and initializes source{d} CE using a local directory containing the git repositories to be processed by source{d} CE. If the local path to the workdir is not provided, the current working directory will be used.

sourced start

Starts all the components that were initialized with init and then stopped with stop.

sourced stop

Stops all running containers without removing them. They can be started again with start.

sourced prune

Stops containers and removes containers, networks, volumes, and configurations created by init for the current working directory.

To delete resources for all the installed working directories, add the --all flag.

Container images are not deleted unless you specify the --images flag.

If you want to completely uninstall sourced you must also delete the ~/.sourced directory.

sourced logs

Show logs from source{d} components.

If --follow is used the logs are shown as they are logged until you exit with Ctrl+C.

You can optionally pass component names to see only their logs.

$ sourced logs
$ sourced logs --follow
$ sourced logs --follow gitbase bblfsh

Manage Configuration

sourced status

Shows the status of source{d} CE components, the installed working directories and the current deployment.

sourced status all

Show all the available status information, from the components, config and workdirs, sub-commands below.

sourced status components

Shows the status of the components containers of the running working directory

sourced status config

Shows the docker-compose environment variables configuration for the active working directory

sourced status workdirs

Lists all the previously initialized working directories

sourced compose

Manages Docker Compose files in the ~/.sourced directory with the following subcommands:

sourced compose download

Download the docker-compose.yml file to define source{d} CE services. By default, the command downloads the file for this binary version, but you can also download other version or any other custom one using its URL.


$ sourced compose download
$ sourced compose download v0.0.1
$ sourced compose download master
$ sourced compose download

sourced compose list

Lists the available docker-compose.yml files, and shows which one is active. You can activate any other with compose set.

sourced compose set

Sets the active docker-compose.yml file. Accepts either the name or index of the compose file as returned by 'compose list'.

sourced restart

Updates current installation according to the active docker compose file.

It only recreates the component containers, keeping all your data, as charts, dashboards, repositories and GitHub metadata.

Open Interfaces

sourced sql

Opens a MySQL client connected to gitbase.

You can also pass a SQL query to be run by gitbase instead of opening the REPL, e.g.

$ sourced sql "show databases"

| Database |
| gitbase  |

source{d} CE SQL supports a UAST function that returns a Universal AST for the selected source text. UAST values are returned as binary blobs and are best visualized in the SQL Lab, from the web interface rather than the CLI where are seen as binary data.

sourced web

Opens the web interface in your browser.

Use login: admin and password: admin, to access the web interface.


sourced version

Shows the version of the sourced command being used.

sourced completion

Prints a bash completion script for sourced; you can place its output in /etc/bash_completion.d/sourced, or add it to your .bashrc running:

$ echo "source <(sourced completion)" >> ~/.bashrc