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StarredMay 5, 2022 -
The .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Windows, and Mac.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
ASP.NET is a web framework for building modern web apps and services.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
Atom is a open source text editor built with web technologies.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
Azure is a cloud computing service created by Microsoft.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
Awesome Lists
An awesome list is a list of awesome things curated by the community.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services provides on-demand cloud computing platforms on a subscription basis.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
A bot is an application that runs automated tasks over the Internet.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
Chrome is a web browser from the tech company Google.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
Chrome extension
Chrome extensions enable users to customize the Chrome browsing experience.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
C++ is a general purpose and object-oriented programming language.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
C# ("C sharp") is an object-oriented and type-safe programming language.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a language used most often to style and improve upon the appearance of views.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
Deep learning
Deep Learning is an artificial neural network composed of many layers.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
.NET is a free, cross-platform, open source developer platform.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
Electron is a framework for building cross-platform desktop applications with web technology.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
Emojis are graphic symbols that represent an emotion, object, or concept.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
An emulator is any hardware or software that allows one computer to behave like another.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
Firebase is a mobile app development platform that provides data analysis and database web services for developers.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
Firefox is an open source web browser from Mozilla.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
A font is a particular style of typeface for text.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
A framework is a reusable set of libraries or classes in software.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
Front end
Front end is the programming and layout that people see and interact with.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
Game engine
A game engine is a software framework used to develop and create video games.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
Git is the most widely used version control system.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
Google LLC is an American multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
HTML is the fundamental markup language for webpages.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
iOS is the operating system for Apple's mobile products.
StarredOct 5, 2019 -
Java is an object-oriented programming language used mainly for web, desktop, embedded devices and mobile applications.
StarredOct 5, 2019