Programming, like mathematics, is about abstraction. We try to model parts of the real world, reusing recurring patterns by abstracting over them.
In this chapter, we will learn about several related interfaces, which are all about abstraction and therefore can be hard to understand at the beginning. Especially figuring out why they are useful and when to use them will take time and experience. This chapter therefore comes with tons of exercises, most of which can be solved with only a few short lines of code. Don't skip them. Come back to them several times until these things start feeling natural to you. You will then realize that their initial complexity has vanished.
module Tutorial.Functor
import Data.List1
import Data.String
import Data.Vect
%default total
What do type constructors like List
, List1
, Maybe
, or
have in common? First, all of them are of type
Type -> Type
. Second, they all put values of a given type
in a certain context. With List
the context is non-determinism: We know there to
be zero or more values, but we don't know the exact number
until we start taking the list apart by pattern matching
on it. Likewise for List1
, though we know for sure that
there is at least one value. For Maybe
, we are still not
sure about how many values there are, but the possibilities
are much smaller: Zero or one. With IO
, the context is a different one:
Arbitrary side effects.
Although the type constructors discussed above are quite different in how they behave and when they are useful, there are certain operations that keep coming up when working with them. The first such operation is mapping a pure function over the data type, without affecting its underlying structure.
For instance, given a list of numbers, we'd like to multiply each number by two, without changing their order or removing any values:
multBy2List : Num a => List a -> List a
multBy2List [] = []
multBy2List (x :: xs) = 2 * x :: multBy2List xs
But we might just as well convert every string in a list of strings to upper case characters:
toUpperList : List String -> List String
toUpperList [] = []
toUpperList (x :: xs) = toUpper x :: toUpperList xs
Sometimes, the type of the stored value changes. In the next example, we calculate the lengths of the strings stored in a list:
toLengthList : List String -> List Nat
toLengthList [] = []
toLengthList (x :: xs) = length x :: toLengthList xs
I'd like you to appreciate, just how boring these functions are. They are almost identical, with the only interesting part being the function we apply to each element. Surely, there must be a pattern to abstract over:
mapList : (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
mapList f [] = []
mapList f (x :: xs) = f x :: mapList f xs
This is often the first step of abstraction in functional
programming: Write a (possibly generic) higher-order function.
We can now concisely implement all examples shown above in
terms of mapList
multBy2List' : Num a => List a -> List a
multBy2List' = mapList (2 *)
toUpperList' : List String -> List String
toUpperList' = mapList toUpper
toLengthList' : List String -> List Nat
toLengthList' = mapList length
But surely we'd like to do the same kind of thing with
and Maybe
! After all, they are just container
types like List
, the only difference being some detail
about the number of values they can or can't hold:
mapMaybe : (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
mapMaybe f Nothing = Nothing
mapMaybe f (Just v) = Just (f v)
Even with IO
, we'd like to be able to map pure functions
over effectful computations. The implementation is
a bit more involved, due to the nested layers of
data constructors, but if in doubt, the types will surely
guide us. Note, however, that IO
is not publicly exported,
so its data constructor is unavailable to us. We can use
functions toPrim
and fromPrim
, however, for converting
from and to PrimIO
, which we can freely dissect:
mapIO : (a -> b) -> IO a -> IO b
mapIO f io = fromPrim $ mapPrimIO (toPrim io)
where mapPrimIO : PrimIO a -> PrimIO b
mapPrimIO prim w =
let MkIORes va w2 = prim w
in MkIORes (f va) w2
From the concept of mapping a pure function over
values in a context follow some derived functions, which are
often useful. Here are some of them for IO
mapConstIO : b -> IO a -> IO b
mapConstIO = mapIO . const
forgetIO : IO a -> IO ()
forgetIO = mapConstIO ()
Of course, we'd want to implement mapConst
and forget
as well
for List
, List1
, and Maybe
(and dozens of other type
constructors with some kind of mapping function), and they'd
all look the same and be equally boring.
When we come upon a recurring class of functions with
several useful derived functions, we should consider defining
an interface. But how should we go about this here?
When you look at the types of mapList
, mapMaybe
, and mapIO
you'll see that it's the List
, List1
, and IO
types we
need to get rid of. These are not of type Type
but of type
Type -> Type
. Luckily, there is nothing preventing us
from parametrizing an interface over something else than
a Type
The interface we are looking for is called Functor
Here is its definition and an example implementation (I appended
a tick at the end of the names for them not to overlap with
the interface and functions exported by the Prelude):
interface Functor' (0 f : Type -> Type) where
map' : (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
implementation Functor' Maybe where
map' _ Nothing = Nothing
map' f (Just v) = Just $ f v
Note, that we had to give the type of parameter f
and in that case it needs to be annotated with quantity zero if
you want it to be erased at runtime (which you almost always want).
Now, reading type signatures consisting only of type parameters
like the one of map'
can take some time to get used to, especially
when some type parameters are applied to other parameters as in
f a
. It can be very helpful to inspect these signatures together
with all implicit arguments at the REPL (I formatted the output to
make it more readable):
Tutorial.Functor> :ti map'' : {0 b : Type}
-> {0 a : Type}
-> {0 f : Type -> Type}
-> Functor' f
=> (a -> b)
-> f a
-> f b
It can also be helpful to replace type parameter f
with a concrete
value of the same type:
Tutorial.Functor> :t map' {f = Maybe}
map' : (?a -> ?b) -> Maybe ?a -> Maybe ?b
Remember, being able to interpret type signatures is paramount to understanding what's going on in an Idris declaration. You must practice this and make use of the tools and utilities given to you.
There are several functions and operators directly derivable from interface
. Eventually, you should know and remember all of them as
they are highly useful. Here they are together with their types:
Tutorial.Functor> :t (<$>)
Prelude.<$> : Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Tutorial.Functor> :t (<&>)
Prelude.<&> : Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
Tutorial.Functor> :t ($>)
Prelude.$> : Functor f => f a -> b -> f b
Tutorial.Functor> :t (<$)
Prelude.<$ : Functor f => b -> f a -> f b
Tutorial.Functor> :t ignore
Prelude.ignore : Functor f => f a -> f ()
is an operator alias for map
and allows you to sometimes
drop some parentheses. For instance:
tailShowReversNoOp : Show a => List1 a -> List String
tailShowReversNoOp xs = map (reverse . show) (tail xs)
tailShowReverse : Show a => List1 a -> List String
tailShowReverse xs = reverse . show <$> tail xs
is an alias for (<$>)
with the arguments flipped.
The other three (ignore
, ($>)
, and (<$)
) are all used
to replace the values in a context with a constant. They are often useful
when you don't care about the values themselves but
want to keep the underlying structure.
The type constructors we looked at so far were all
of type Type -> Type
. However, we can also implement Functor
for other type constructors. The only prerequisite is that
the type parameter we'd like to change with function map
be the last in the argument list. For instance, here is the
implementation for Either e
(note, that Either e
has of course type Type -> Type
as required):
implementation Functor' (Either e) where
map' _ (Left ve) = Left ve
map' f (Right va) = Right $ f va
Here is another example, this time for a type constructor of
type Bool -> Type -> Type
(you might remember this from
the exercises in the last chapter):
data List01 : (nonEmpty : Bool) -> Type -> Type where
Nil : List01 False a
(::) : a -> List01 False a -> List01 ne a
implementation Functor (List01 ne) where
map _ [] = []
map f (x :: xs) = f x :: map f xs
The nice thing about functors is how they can be paired and nested with other functors and the results are functors again:
record Product (f,g : Type -> Type) (a : Type) where
constructor MkProduct
fst : f a
snd : g a
implementation Functor f => Functor g => Functor (Product f g) where
map f (MkProduct l r) = MkProduct (map f l) (map f r)
The above allows us to conveniently map over a pair of functors. Note, however, that Idris needs some help with inferring the types involved:
toPair : Product f g a -> (f a, g a)
toPair (MkProduct fst snd) = (fst, snd)
fromPair : (f a, g a) -> Product f g a
fromPair (x,y) = MkProduct x y
productExample : Show a
=> (Either e a, List a)
-> (Either e String, List String)
productExample = toPair . map show . fromPair {f = Either e, g = List}
More often, we'd like to map over several layers of nested functors at once. Here's how to do this with an example:
record Comp (f,g : Type -> Type) (a : Type) where
constructor MkComp
unComp : f (g a)
implementation Functor f => Functor g => Functor (Comp f g) where
map f (MkComp v) = MkComp $ map f <$> v
compExample : Show a => List (Either e a) -> List (Either e String)
compExample = unComp . map show . MkComp {f = List, g = Either e}
Sometimes, there are more ways to implement an interface for
a given type. For instance, for numeric types we can have
a Monoid
representing addition and one representing multiplication.
Likewise, for nested functors, map
can be interpreted as a mapping
over only the first layer of values, or a mapping over several layers
of values.
One way to go about this is to define single-field wrappers as
shown with data type Comp
above. However, Idris also allows us
to define additional interface implementations, which must then
be given a name. For instance:
[Compose'] Functor f => Functor g => Functor (f . g) where
map f = (map . map) f
Note, that this defines a new implementation of Functor
, which will
not be considered during implicit resolution in order
to avoid ambiguities. However,
it is possible to explicitly choose to use this implementation
by passing it as an explicit argument to map
, prefixed with an @
compExample2 : Show a => List (Either e a) -> List (Either e String)
compExample2 = map @{Compose} show
In the example above, we used Compose
instead of Compose'
, since
the former is already exported by the Prelude.
Implementations of Functor
are supposed to adhere to certain laws,
just like implementations of Eq
or Ord
. Again, these laws are
not verified by Idris, although it would be possible (and
often cumbersome) to do so.
map id = id
: Mapping the identity function over a functor must not have any visible effect such as changing a container's structure or affecting the side effects perfomed when running anIO
action. -
map (f . g) = map f . map g
: Sequencing two mappings must be identical to a single mapping using the composition of the two functions.
Both of these laws request, that map
is preserving the structure
of values. This is easier to understand with container types like
, Maybe
, or Either e
, where map
is not allowed to
add or remove any wrapped value, nor - in case of List
change their order. With IO
, this can best be described as map
not performing additional side effects.
Write your own implementations of
,Vect n
,Either e
, andPair a
. -
Write a named implementation of
for pairs of functors (similar to the one implemented forProduct
). -
for data typeIdentity
(which is available fromControl.Monad.Identity
in base):record Identity a where constructor Id value : a
Here is a curious one: Implement
forConst e
(which is also available fromControl.Applicative.Const
in base). You might be confused about the fact that the second type parameter has absolutely no relevance at runtime, as there is no value of that type. Such types are sometimes called phantom types. They can be quite useful for tagging values with additional typing information.Don't let the above confuse you: There is only one possible implementation. As usual, use holes and let the compiler guide you if you get lost.
record Const (e,a : Type) where constructor MkConst value : e
Here is a sum type for describing CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) in a data store:
data Crud : (i : Type) -> (a : Type) -> Type where Create : (value : a) -> Crud i a Update : (id : i) -> (value : a) -> Crud i a Read : (id : i) -> Crud i a Delete : (id : i) -> Crud i a
forCrud i
. -
Here is a sum type for describing responses from a data server:
data Response : (e, i, a : Type) -> Type where Created : (id : i) -> (value : a) -> Response e i a Updated : (id : i) -> (value : a) -> Response e i a Found : (values : List a) -> Response e i a Deleted : (id : i) -> Response e i a Error : (err : e) -> Response e i a
forRepsonse e i
. -
forValidated e
:data Validated : (e,a : Type) -> Type where Invalid : (err : e) -> Validated e a Valid : (val : a) -> Validated e a
While Functor
allows us to map a pure, unary function
over a value in a context, it doesn't allow us to combine
n such values under an n-ary function.
For instance, consider the following functions:
liftMaybe2 : (a -> b -> c) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Maybe c
liftMaybe2 f (Just va) (Just vb) = Just $ f va vb
liftMaybe2 _ _ _ = Nothing
liftVect2 : (a -> b -> c) -> Vect n a -> Vect n b -> Vect n c
liftVect2 _ [] [] = []
liftVect2 f (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = f x y :: liftVect2 f xs ys
liftIO2 : (a -> b -> c) -> IO a -> IO b -> IO c
liftIO2 f ioa iob = fromPrim $ go (toPrim ioa) (toPrim iob)
where go : PrimIO a -> PrimIO b -> PrimIO c
go pa pb w =
let MkIORes va w2 = pa w
MkIORes vb w3 = pb w2
in MkIORes (f va vb) w3
This behavior is not covered by Functor
, yet it is a very
common thing to do. For instance, we might want to read two numbers
from standard input (both operations might fail), calculating the
product of the two. Here's the code:
multNumbers : Num a => Neg a => IO (Maybe a)
multNumbers = do
s1 <- getLine
s2 <- getLine
pure $ liftMaybe2 (*) (parseInteger s1) (parseInteger s2)
And it won't stop here. We might just as well want to have
for ternary functions and three Maybe
and so on, for arbitrary numbers of arguments.
But there is more: We'd also like to lift pure values into the context in question. With this, we could do the following:
liftMaybe3 : (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Maybe c -> Maybe d
liftMaybe3 f (Just va) (Just vb) (Just vc) = Just $ f va vb vc
liftMaybe3 _ _ _ _ = Nothing
pureMaybe : a -> Maybe a
pureMaybe = Just
multAdd100 : Num a => Neg a => String -> String -> Maybe a
multAdd100 s t = liftMaybe3 calc (parseInteger s) (parseInteger t) (pure 100)
where calc : a -> a -> a -> a
calc x y z = x * y + z
As you'll of course already know, I am now going to present a new
interface to encapsulate this behavior. It's called Applicative
Here is its definition and an example implementation:
interface Functor' f => Applicative' f where
app : f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
pure' : a -> f a
implementation Applicative' Maybe where
app (Just fun) (Just val) = Just $ fun val
app _ _ = Nothing
pure' = Just
Interface Applicative
is of course already exported by the Prelude.
There, function app
is an operator sometimes called app or apply:
You may wonder, how functions like liftMaybe2
or liftIO3
are related
to operator apply. Let me demonstrate this:
liftA2 : Applicative f => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
liftA2 fun fa fb = pure fun <*> fa <*> fb
liftA3 : Applicative f => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> f a -> f b -> f c -> f d
liftA3 fun fa fb fc = pure fun <*> fa <*> fb <*> fc
It is really important for you to understand what's going on here, so let's
break these down. If we specialize liftA2
to use Maybe
for f
pure fun
is of type Maybe (a -> b -> c)
. Likewise, pure fun <*> fa
is of type Maybe (b -> c)
, as (<*>)
will apply the value stored
in fa
to the function stored in pure fun
You'll often see such chains of applications of apply, the number
of applies corresponding to the arity of the function we lift.
You'll sometimes also see the following, which allows us to drop
the initial call to pure
, and use the operator version of map
liftA2' : Applicative f => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
liftA2' fun fa fb = fun <$> fa <*> fb
liftA3' : Applicative f => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> f a -> f b -> f c -> f d
liftA3' fun fa fb fc = fun <$> fa <*> fb <*> fc
So, interface Applicative
allows us to lift values (and functions!)
into computational contexts and apply them to values in the same
contexts. Before we will see an extended example why this is
useful, I'll quickly introduce some syntactic sugar for working
with applicative functors.
The programming style used for implementing liftA2'
and liftA3'
is also referred to as applicative style and is used a lot
in Haskell for combining several effectful computations
with a single pure function.
In Idris, there is an alternative to using such chains of
operator applications: Idiom brackets. Here's another
reimplementation of liftA2
and liftA3
liftA2'' : Applicative f => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
liftA2'' fun fa fb = [| fun fa fb |]
liftA3'' : Applicative f => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> f a -> f b -> f c -> f d
liftA3'' fun fa fb fc = [| fun fa fb fc |]
The above implementations will be desugared to the one given
for liftA2
and liftA3
, again before disambiguating,
type checking, and filling in of implicit values. Like with the
bind operator, we can therefore write custom implementations
for pure
and (<*>)
, and Idris will use these if it
can disambiguate between the overloaded function names.
In order to understand the power and versatility that comes with applicative functors, we will look at a slightly extended example. We are going to write some utilities for parsing and decoding content from CSV files. These are files where each line holds a list of values separated by commas (or some other delimiter). Typically, they are used to store tabular data, for instance from spread sheet applications. What we would like to do is convert lines in a CSV file and store the result in custom records, where each record field corresponds to a column in the table.
For instance, here is a simple example file, containing tabular user information from a web store: First name, last name, age (optional), email address, gender, and password.
Jon,Doe,42,[email protected],m,weijr332sdk
Jane,Doe,,[email protected],f,aa433sd112
Stefan,Hoeck,,[email protected],m,password123
And here are the Idris data types necessary to hold this information at runtime. We use again custom string wrappers for increased type safety and because it will allow us to define for each data type what we consider to be valid input:
data Gender = Male | Female | Other
record Name where
constructor MkName
value : String
record Email where
constructor MkEmail
value : String
record Password where
constructor MkPassword
value : String
record User where
constructor MkUser
firstName : Name
lastName : Name
age : Maybe Nat
email : Email
gender : Gender
password : Password
We start by defining an interface for reading fields in a CSV file and writing implementations for the data types we'd like to read:
interface CSVField a where
read : String -> Maybe a
Below are implementations for Gender
and Bool
. I decided
to in these cases encode each value with a single lower
case character:
CSVField Gender where
read "m" = Just Male
read "f" = Just Female
read "o" = Just Other
read _ = Nothing
CSVField Bool where
read "t" = Just True
read "f" = Just False
read _ = Nothing
For numeric types, we can use the parsing functions
from Data.String
CSVField Nat where
read = parsePositive
CSVField Integer where
read = parseInteger
CSVField Double where
read = parseDouble
For optional values, the stored type must itself
come with an instance of CSVField
. We can then treat
the empty string ""
as Nothing
, while a non-empty
string will be passed to the encapsulated type's field reader.
(Remember that (<$>)
is an alias for map
CSVField a => CSVField (Maybe a) where
read "" = Just Nothing
read s = Just <$> read s
Finally, for our string wrappers, we need to decide what we consider to be valid values. For simplicity, I decided to limit the length of allowed strings and the set of valid characters.
readIf : (String -> Bool) -> (String -> a) -> String -> Maybe a
readIf p mk s = if p s then Just (mk s) else Nothing
isValidName : String -> Bool
isValidName s =
let len = length s
in 0 < len && len <= 100 && all isAlpha (unpack s)
CSVField Name where
read = readIf isValidName MkName
isEmailChar : Char -> Bool
isEmailChar '.' = True
isEmailChar '@' = True
isEmailChar c = isAlphaNum c
isValidEmail : String -> Bool
isValidEmail s =
let len = length s
in 0 < len && len <= 100 && all isEmailChar (unpack s)
CSVField Email where
read = readIf isValidEmail MkEmail
isPasswordChar : Char -> Bool
isPasswordChar ' ' = True
-- please note that isSpace holds as well for other characaters than ' '
-- e.g. for non-breaking space: isSpace '\160' = True
-- but only ' ' shall be llowed in passwords
isPasswordChar c = not (isControl c) && not (isSpace c)
isValidPassword : String -> Bool
isValidPassword s =
let len = length s
in 8 < len && len <= 100 && all isPasswordChar (unpack s)
CSVField Password where
read = readIf isValidPassword MkPassword
In a later chapter, we will learn about refinement types and how to store an erased proof of validity together with a validated value.
We can now start to decode whole lines in a CSV file. In order to do so, we first introduce a custom error type encapsulating how things can go wrong:
data CSVError : Type where
FieldError : (line, column : Nat) -> (str : String) -> CSVError
UnexpectedEndOfInput : (line, column : Nat) -> CSVError
ExpectedEndOfInput : (line, column : Nat) -> CSVError
We can now use CSVField
to read a single field at a given
line and position in a CSV file, and return a FieldError
in case
of a failure.
readField : CSVField a => (line, column : Nat) -> String -> Either CSVError a
readField line col str =
maybe (Left $ FieldError line col str) Right (read str)
If we know in advance the number of fields we need to read,
we can try and convert a list of strings to a Vect
the given length. This facilitates reading record values of
a known number of fields, as we get the correct number
of string variables when pattern matching on the vector:
toVect : (n : Nat) -> (line, col : Nat) -> List a -> Either CSVError (Vect n a)
toVect 0 line _ [] = Right []
toVect 0 line col _ = Left (ExpectedEndOfInput line col)
toVect (S k) line col [] = Left (UnexpectedEndOfInput line col)
toVect (S k) line col (x :: xs) = (x ::) <$> toVect k line (S col) xs
Finally, we can implement function readUser
to try and convert
a single line in a CSV-file to a value of type User
readUser' : (line : Nat) -> List String -> Either CSVError User
readUser' line ss = do
[fn,ln,a,em,g,pw] <- toVect 6 line 0 ss
[| MkUser (readField line 1 fn)
(readField line 2 ln)
(readField line 3 a)
(readField line 4 em)
(readField line 5 g)
(readField line 6 pw) |]
readUser : (line : Nat) -> String -> Either CSVError User
readUser line = readUser' line . forget . split (',' ==)
Let's give this a go at the REPL:
Tutorial.Functor> readUser 1 "Joe,Foo,46,[email protected],m,pw1234567"
Right (MkUser (MkName "Joe") (MkName "Foo")
(Just 46) (MkEmail "[email protected]") Male (MkPassword "pw1234567"))
Tutorial.Functor> readUser 7 "Joe,Foo,46,[email protected],m,shortPW"
Left (FieldError 7 6 "shortPW")
Note, how in the implementation of readUser'
we used
an idiom bracket to map a function of six arguments (MkUser
over six values of type Either CSVError
. This will automatically
succeed, if and only if all of the parsings have
succeeded. It would have been notoriously cumbersome resulting
in much less readable code to implement
with a succession of six nested pattern matches.
However, the idiom bracket above looks still quite repetitive. Surely, we can do better?
It is time to learn about a family of types, which can be used as a generic representation for record types, and which will allow us to represent and read rows in heterogeneous tables with a minimal amount of code: Heterogeneous lists.
namespace HList
public export
data HList : (ts : List Type) -> Type where
Nil : HList Nil
(::) : (v : t) -> (vs : HList ts) -> HList (t :: ts)
A heterogeneous list is a list type indexed over a list of types.
This allows us to at each position store a value of the
type at the same position in the list index. For instance,
here is a variant, which stores three values of types
, Nat
, and Maybe String
(in that order):
hlist1 : HList [Bool, Nat, Maybe String]
hlist1 = [True, 12, Nothing]
You could argue that heterogeneous lists are just tuples
storing values of the given types. That's right, of course,
however, as you'll learn the hard way in the exercises,
we can use the list index to perform compile-time computations
on HList
, for instance when concatenating two such lists
to keep track of the types stored in the result at the
same time.
But first, we'll make use of HList
as a means to
concisely parse CSV-lines. In order to do that, we
need to introduce a new interface for types corresponding
to whole lines in a CSV-file:
interface CSVLine a where
decodeAt : (line, col : Nat) -> List String -> Either CSVError a
We'll now write two implementations of CSVLine
for HList
One for the Nil
case, which will succeed if and only if
the current list of strings is empty. The other for the cons
case, which will try and read a single field from the head
of the list and the remainder from its tail. We use
again an idiom bracket to concatenate the results:
CSVLine (HList []) where
decodeAt _ _ [] = Right Nil
decodeAt l c _ = Left (ExpectedEndOfInput l c)
CSVField t => CSVLine (HList ts) => CSVLine (HList (t :: ts)) where
decodeAt l c [] = Left (UnexpectedEndOfInput l c)
decodeAt l c (s :: ss) = [| readField l c s :: decodeAt l (S c) ss |]
And that's it! All we need to add is two utility function
for decoding whole lines before they have been split into
tokens, one of which is specialized to HList
and takes an
erased list of types as argument to make it more convenient to
use at the REPL:
decode : CSVLine a => (line : Nat) -> String -> Either CSVError a
decode line = decodeAt line 1 . forget . split (',' ==)
hdecode : (0 ts : List Type)
-> CSVLine (HList ts)
=> (line : Nat)
-> String
-> Either CSVError (HList ts)
hdecode _ = decode
It's time to reap the fruits of our labour and give this a go at the REPL:
Tutorial.Functor> hdecode [Bool,Nat,Double] 1 "f,100,12.123"
Right [False, 100, 12.123]
Tutorial.Functor> hdecode [Name,Name,Gender] 3 "Idris,,f"
Left (FieldError 3 2 "")
Again, Applicative
implementations must follow certain
laws. Here they are:
pure id <*> fa = fa
: Lifting and applying the identity function has no visible effect. -
[| f . g |] <*> v = f <*> (g <*> v)
: I must not matter, whether we compose our functions first and then apply them, or whether we apply our functions first and then compose them.The above might be hard to understand, so here they are again with explicit types and implementations:
compL : Maybe (b -> c) -> Maybe (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe c compL f g v = [| f . g |] <*> v compR : Maybe (b -> c) -> Maybe (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe c compR f g v = f <*> (g <*> v)
The second applicative law states, that the two implementations
should behave identically. -
pure f <*> pure x = pure (f x)
. This is also called the homomorphism law. It should be pretty self-explaining. -
f <*> pure v = pure ($ v) <*> f
. This is called the law of interchange.This should again be explained with a concrete example:
interL : Maybe (a -> b) -> a -> Maybe b interL f v = f <*> pure v interR : Maybe (a -> b) -> a -> Maybe b interR f v = pure ($ v) <*> f
Note, that
($ v)
has type(a -> b) -> b
, so this is a function type being applied tof
, which has a function of typea -> b
wrapped in aMaybe
context.The law of interchange states that it must not matter whether we apply a pure value from the left or right of the apply operator.
forEither e
. -
forVect n
. Note: In order to implementpure
, the length must be known at runtime. This can be done by passing it as an unerased implicit to the interface implementation:implementation {n : _} -> Applicative' (Vect n) where
forPair e
, withe
having aMonoid
constraint. -
forConst e
, withe
having aMonoid
constraint. -
forValidated e
, withe
having aSemigroup
constraint. This will allow us to use(<+>)
to accumulate errors in case of twoInvalid
values in the implementation of apply. -
Add an additional data constructor of type
CSVError -> CSVError -> CSVError
and use this to implementSemigroup
. -
Refactor our CSV-parsers and all related functions so that they return
instead ofEither
. This will only work, if you solved exercise 6.Two things to note: You will have to adjust very little of the existing code, as we can still use applicative syntax with
. Also, with this change, we enhanced our CSV-parsers with the ability of error accumulation. Here are some examples from a REPL session:Solutions.Functor> hdecode [Bool,Nat,Gender] 1 "t,12,f" Valid [True, 12, Female] Solutions.Functor> hdecode [Bool,Nat,Gender] 1 "o,-12,f" Invalid (App (FieldError 1 1 "o") (FieldError 1 2 "-12")) Solutions.Functor> hdecode [Bool,Nat,Gender] 1 "o,-12,foo" Invalid (App (FieldError 1 1 "o") (App (FieldError 1 2 "-12") (FieldError 1 3 "foo")))
Behold the power of applicative functors and heterogeneous lists: With only a few lines of code we wrote a pure, type-safe, and total parser with error accumulation for lines in CSV-files, which is very convenient to use at the same time!
Since we introduced heterogeneous lists in this chapter, it would be a pity not to experiment with them a little.
This exercise is meant to sharpen your skills in type wizardry. It therefore comes with very few hints. Try to decide yourself what behavior you'd expect from a given function, how to express this in the types, and how to implement it afterwards. If your types are correct and precise enough, the implementations will almost come for free. Don't give up too early if you get stuck. Only if you truly run out of ideas should you have a glance at the solutions (and then, only at the types at first!)
. -
. -
. -
. This might be harder than the other three. Go back and look how we implementedindexList
in an earlier exercise and start from there. -
Package contrib, which is part of the Idris project, provides
, a data type for heterogeneous vectors. The only difference to our ownHList
is, thatHVect
is indexed over a vector of types instead of a list of types. This makes it easier to express certain operations at the type level.Write your own implementation of
together with functionshead
, andindex
. -
For a real challenge, try implementing a function for transposing a
Vect m (HVect ts)
. You'll first have to be creative about how to even express this in the types.Note: In order to implement this, you'll need to pattern match on an erased argument in at least one case to help Idris with type inference. Pattern matching on erased arguments is forbidden (they are erased after all, so we can't inspect them at runtime), unless the structure of the value being matched on can be derived from another, un-erased argument.
Also, don't worry if you get stuck on this one. It took me several tries to figure it out. But I enjoyed the experience, so I just had to include it here. :-)
Note, however, that such a function might be useful when working with CSV-files, as it allows us to convert a table represented as rows (a vector of tuples) to one represented as columns (a tuple of vectors).
Show, that the composition of two applicative functors is again an applicative functor by implementing
forComp f g
. -
Show, that the product of two applicative functors is again an applicative functor by implementing
forProd f g
Finally, Monad
. A lot of ink has been spilled about this one.
However, after what we already saw in the chapter about IO
there is not much left to discuss here. Monad
and adds two new related functions: The bind
operator ((>>=)
) and function join
. Here is its definition:
interface Applicative' m => Monad' m where
bind : m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
join' : m (m a) -> m a
Implementers of Monad
are free to choose to either implement
or join
or both. You will show in an exercise, how
can be implemented in terms of bind and vice versa.
The big difference between Monad
and Applicative
is, that the
former allows a computation to depend on the result of an
earlier computation. For instance, we could decide based on
a string read from standard input whether to delete a file
or play a song. The result of the first IO
(reading some user input) will affect, which IO
action to run next.
This is not possible with the apply operator:
(<*>) : IO (a -> b) -> IO a -> IO b
The two IO
actions have already been decided on when they
are being passed as arguments to (<*>)
. The result of the first
cannot - in the general case - affect which computation to
run in the second. (Actually, with IO
this would theoretically be
possible via side effects: The first action could write some
command to a file or overwrite some mutable state, and the
second action could read from that file or state, thus
deciding on the next thing to do. But this is a speciality
of IO
, not of applicative functors in general. If the functor in
question was Maybe
, List
, or Vector
, no such thing
would be possible.)
Let's demonstrate the difference with an example. Assume we'd like to enhance our CSV-reader with the ability to decode a line of tokens to a sum type. For instance, we'd like to decode CRUD requests from the lines of a CSV-file:
data Crud : (i : Type) -> (a : Type) -> Type where
Create : (value : a) -> Crud i a
Update : (id : i) -> (value : a) -> Crud i a
Read : (id : i) -> Crud i a
Delete : (id : i) -> Crud i a
We need a way to on each line decide, which data constructor to choose for our decoding. One way to do this is to put the name of the data constructor (or some other tag of identification) in the first column of the CSV-file:
hlift : (a -> b) -> HList [a] -> b
hlift f [x] = f x
hlift2 : (a -> b -> c) -> HList [a,b] -> c
hlift2 f [x,y] = f x y
decodeCRUD : CSVField i
=> CSVField a
=> (line : Nat)
-> (s : String)
-> Either CSVError (Crud i a)
decodeCRUD l s =
let h ::: t = split (',' ==) s
in do
MkName n <- readField l 1 h
case n of
"Create" => hlift Create <$> decodeAt l 2 t
"Update" => hlift2 Update <$> decodeAt l 2 t
"Read" => hlift Read <$> decodeAt l 2 t
"Delete" => hlift Delete <$> decodeAt l 2 t
_ => Left (FieldError l 1 n)
I added two utility function for helping with type inference and to get slightly nicer syntax. The important thing to note is, how we pattern match on the result of the first parsing function to decide on the data constructor and thus the next parsing function to use.
Here's how this works at the REPL:
Tutorial.Functor> decodeCRUD {i = Nat} {a = Email} 1 "Create,[email protected]"
Right (Create (MkEmail "[email protected]"))
Tutorial.Functor> decodeCRUD {i = Nat} {a = Email} 1 "Update,12,[email protected]"
Right (Update 12 (MkEmail "[email protected]"))
Tutorial.Functor> decodeCRUD {i = Nat} {a = Email} 1 "Delete,[email protected]"
Left (FieldError 1 2 "[email protected]")
To conclude, Monad
, unlike Applicative
, allows us to
chain computations sequentially, where intermediary
results can affect the behavior of later computations.
So, if you have n unrelated effectful computations and want
to combine them under a pure, n-ary function, Applicative
will be sufficient. If, however, you want to decide
based on the result of an effectful computation what
computation to run next, you need a Monad
Note, however, that Monad
has one important drawback
compared to Applicative
: In general, monads don't compose.
For instance, there is no Monad
instance for Either e . IO
We will later learn about monad transformers, which can
be composed with other monads.
Without further ado, here are the laws for Monad
ma >>= pure = ma
andpure v >>= f = f v
. These are monad's identity laws. Here they are as concrete examples:id1L : Maybe a -> Maybe a id1L ma = ma >>= pure id2L : a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b id2L v f = pure v >>= f id2R : a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b id2R v f = f v
These two laws state that
should behave neutrally w.r.t. bind. -
(m >>= f) >>= g = m >>= (f >=> g)
. This is the law of associativity for monad. You might not have seen the second operator(>=>)
. It can be used to sequence effectful computations and has the following type:Tutorial.Functor> :t (>=>) Prelude.>=> : Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> a -> m c
The above are the official monad laws. However, we need to
consider a third one, given that in Idris (and Haskell)
extends Applicative
: As (<*>)
can be implemented
in terms of (>>=)
, the actual implementation of (<*>)
must behave the same as the implementation in terms of (>>=)
mf <*> ma = mf >>= (\fun => map (fun $) ma)
, because everyApplicative
is also aFunctor
. Proof this by implementingmap
in terms ofpure
. -
, because everyMonad
is also anApplicative
. Proof this by implementing(<*>)
in terms of(>>=)
. -
in terms ofjoin
and other functions in theMonad
hierarchy. -
in terms of(>>=)
and other functions in theMonad
hierarchy. -
There is no lawful
implementation forValidated e
. Why? -
In this slightly extended exercise, we are going to simulate CRUD operations on a data store. We will use a mutable reference (imported from
from the base library) holding a list ofUser
s paired with a unique ID of typeNat
as our user data base:DB : Type DB = IORef (List (Nat,User))
Most operations on a database come with a risk of failure: When we try to update or delete a user, the entry in question might no longer be there. When we add a new user, a user with the given email address might already exist. Here is a custom error type to deal with this:
data DBError : Type where UserExists : Email -> Nat -> DBError UserNotFound : Nat -> DBError SizeLimitExceeded : DBError
In general, our functions will therefore have a type similar to the following:
someDBProg : arg1 -> arg2 -> DB -> IO (Either DBError a)
We'd like to abstract over this, by introducing a new wrapper type:
record Prog a where constructor MkProg runProg : DB -> IO (Either DBError a)
We are now ready to write us some utility functions. Make sure to follow the following business rules when implementing the functions below:
Email addresses in the DB must be unique. (Consider implementing
Eq Email
to verify this). -
The size limit of 1000 entries must not be exceeded.
Operations trying to lookup a user by their ID must fail with
in case no entry was found in the DB.
You'll need the following functions from
when working with mutable references:newIORef
, andwriteIORef
. In addition, functionsData.List.lookup
might be useful to implement some of the functions below.-
Implement interfaces
, andMonad
. -
Implement interface
. -
Implement the following utility functions:
throw : DBError -> Prog a getUsers : Prog (List (Nat,User)) -- check the size limit! putUsers : List (Nat,User) -> Prog () -- implement this in terms of `getUsers` and `putUsers` modifyDB : (List (Nat,User) -> List (Nat,User)) -> Prog ()
Implement function
. This should fail with an appropriate error, if a user with the given ID cannot be found.lookupUser : (id : Nat) -> Prog User
Implement function
. This should fail with an appropriate error, if a user with the given ID cannot be found. Make use oflookupUser
in your implementation.deleteUser : (id : Nat) -> Prog ()
Implement function
. This should fail, if a user with the givenEmail
already exists, or if the data banks size limit of 1000 entries is exceeded. In addition, this should create and return a unique ID for the new user entry.addUser : (new : User) -> Prog Nat
Implement function
. This should fail, if the user in question cannot be found or a user with the updated user'sEmail
already exists. The returned value should be the updated user.updateUser : (id : Nat) -> (mod : User -> User) -> Prog User
Data type
is actually too specific. We could just as well abstract over the error type and theDB
environment:record Prog' env err a where constructor MkProg' runProg' : env -> IO (Either err a)
Verify, that all interface implementations you wrote for
can be used verbatim to implement the same interfaces forProg' env err
. The same goes forthrow
with only a slight adjustment in the function's type.
Concepts like functor and monad have their origin in category theory, a branch of mathematics. That is also where their laws come from. Category theory was found to have applications in programming language theory, especially functional programming. It is a highly abstract topic, but there is a pretty accessible introduction for programmers, written by Bartosz Milewski.
The usefulness of applicative functors as a middle ground between functor and monad was discovered several years after monads had already been in use in Haskell. They were introduced in the article Applicative Programming with Effects, which is freely available online and a highly recommended read.
, andMonad
abstract over programming patterns that come up when working with type constructors of typeType -> Type
. Such data types are also referred to as values in a context, or effectful computations. -
allows us to map over values in a context without affecting the context's underlying structure. -
allows us to apply n-ary functions to n effectful computations and to lift pure values into a context. -
allows us to chain effectful computations, where the intermediary results can affect, which computation to run further down the chain. -
compose: The product and composition of two functors or applicatives are again functors or applicatives, respectively. -
Idris provides syntactic sugar for working with some of the interfaces presented here: Idiom brackets for
, do blocks and the bang operator forMonad
In the next chapter we get to learn more about
recursion, totality checking, and an interface for
collapsing container types: Foldable