TODO -*- mode: org; -*-
Note: The main development focus is on the PerlTk interface, at least until I find (and learn to use) equivalent Wx controls for the screens, with the same functionality as the PerlTk widgets have.
- [X] Improve exception handling, error reporting and user messages;
- [X] Test Log::Dispatch::FileRotate. Removed;
- [X] Implement language support (translations);
- [ ] Date fields and date validation in TM;
- [X] Implement CUBRID support;
- [X] Dialog to set the default application;
- [X] Dialog to set some configuration options;
- [X] Remove FK references - refactor keys;
- [X] Refactor home site;
- [-] Make documentation;
- [X] User;
- [ ] Developer;
- [ ] Improve project site;
- [ ] Add info about the last version and about the download site;
- [ ] Add screenshots;
- [ ] Add custom Perl distributions with Tpda3;
- [ ] Add installers for Linux and Windows;
- [X] Fix the mnemonic list in the “default application” dialog;
- [ ] Use localized date and number format (DateTime::Locale and Number::Format)
- [ ] Use SQL::Abstract::More to implement LIMIT and OFFSET
- [ ] Custom search menu and tool (for queries like records inserted today);
- [ ] Allow comma as decimal separator;
- [ ] Admin tool screen to show the connected users;
- [ ] Paginate records in the List tab (prev 50, next 50);
- [ ] Use hash parameters in control_read_X control_write_X;
- [ ] Implement MySQL support;