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  • What

    • Current object detectors follow either a two-stage or single-stage approach.
      • Two-stage: Accurate, but rather slow as they use two different networks to predict RoIs and then classify them.
      • Single-stage
        • Almost as accurate as two-stage detectors nowadays and faster than them.
        • Single-stage detectors place a dense grid of anchor boxes on the image and classify for each of them whether they match an object in the image.
        • There has to be a large number of anchor boxes for different object sizes (and also possible more when the detectors works on multiple scales).
        • This increases memory demands, decreases performance and introduces difficult hyperparameter choices (number of anchors boxes and their sizes).
    • They develop an object detector that is single-stage and free of anchor boxes.
    • Their system predicts bounding boxes by localizing the top left and bottom right corner of an object.
      • They argue that predicting corners is easier than the anchor-based approach. There are essentially exactly two points to predict per bounding box, while there can be many more valid anchors per object (that are than fine-tuned via regression to fit the object).
    • They also propose a corner pooling layer that complements their technique.
      • Pools along the horizontal/vertical axis.
      • This is useful for objects where no object parts are locally in the corners (e.g. imagine a frontal-view on a human with stretched out arms).
      • They argue that this pooling layer encodes prior knowledge of the prediction task.
  • How

    • Corner Detection
      • They predict for each object class two heatmaps: One for top-left corners and one for bottom-right corners.
      • The ground truth heatmaps contain positive values at the locations of corners.
      • Gaussian Ground Truth
        • They argue that corners that are slightly off are still good hits reaching high IoUs.
        • They set the desired target IoU to t=0.7 and derive from that per corner pair k a radius r_k describing how far the corners can be off to still fulfill t.
        • They place on each ground truth location an unnormalized 2D gaussian e^(-(x^2 + y^2)/2sigma^2), where sigma=r_k/3.
      • Corner Position Loss
        • They use a variant of Focal Loss, applied once for the top-left corner heatmaps and once for bottom-right corners.
        • comparison
        • where
          • y_cij is ground truth corner heatmap for class c at location y=i and x=j.
          • p_cij is the predicted heatmap.
          • alpha=2, beta=4 are focal loss hyperparameters.
          • N is the number of objects in one image.
      • Offsets
        • Predicted heatmaps are often downsampled compared to the ground truth heatmaps.
        • That can lead to predicted locations being slightly off compared to true locations.
        • They compensate for that by letting the network learn that offset (per spatial location).
        • The ground truth for the offset value is:
          • comparison
          • where n is the downsampling factor.
        • They apply a smooth L1 loss to the offset predictions.
        • They apply the loss only at the ground truth corner locations.
    • Grouping Corners
      • Top-left and bottom-right corners have to be matched in order to create a full bounding box.
      • They do this by predicting embedding vectors for each top-left and bottom-right corner.
        1. They train these to be similar for corners belonging to the same objects.
        2. They train these to be different for corners belonging to different objects.
      • For (1) they use a pull loss and for (2) a push loss:
        • embedding loss
        • where
          • e_t_k is the embedding of the top left corner of object k.
          • e_b_k is analogously is the embedding of the bottom right corner.
          • e_k is the average of e_t_k and e_b_k.
          • Delta=1.
          • Note that there is no ground truth here, because only the distances matter.
      • They apply these losses only at the ground truth corner locations.
    • Corner Pooling
      • In many cases, there is no local evidence for an object around its top-left or bottom-right corners.
      • But there is evidence around its top and left sides (analogously bottom and right sides).
      • Visualization of the problem:
        • local evidence
      • They compensate for that by max-pooling along the sides of each potential object. E.g. for the top-left corner they would max-pool along the corner's row and to the right, as well as along the corner's column und to the bottom. They sum both of these results.
      • Visualization:
        • corner pooling
    • Architecture
      • They use stacked hourglass networks as their backbone (with minor modifications, e.g. striding instead of max-pooling).
      • They place a corner pooling layer in residual fashion on top of the backbone.
      • They then apply three branches:
        • Corner heatmaps branch (predicts 2*C channels for C classes).
        • Embeddings branch (predicts ?*C channels).
        • Offsets branch (predicts 2*C channels).
      • Visualization:
        • architecture
    • Bounding box extraction
      • To get bounding boxes out of their corner predictions, they first apply non-maximum suppression to their corner heatmaps via a 3x3 max pooling layer.
      • Then they extract the top 100 top-left and bottom-right corners over all classes.
      • They shift them by the predicted offsets.
      • They pair per class the top-left and bottom-right corners with the most similar embeddings, rejecting anything with an L1 distance above 0.5.
      • To these bounding box candidates they apply soft-NMS to remove strongly overlapping bounding boxes.
  • Results

    • Loss weightings: They weight their corner heatmaps loss with 1.0, the offset loss also with 1.0 and the pull and push losses for the embeddings with 0.1 each.
    • They train on 10 PASCAL Titan X.
    • For inference they zero-pad images to the desired input size (511x511) and feed the padded image as well as its horizontally flipped version through the network.
    • They need about 244ms per image for inference.
    • They train and test on COCO.
    • Corner Loss
      • Corner Pooling is essential for the performance of the network.
      • It improves AP by about 2 percentage points.
      • It is especially important for large objects (+3.7 AP), not for small objects (+0.1 AP).
    • Location Penalty (via gaussians)
      • They investigate whether it is necessary to reduce the location penalty in the corner location heatmaps by using gaussians.
      • They compare using
        1. no penalty reduction (just set corner locations to 1, everything else to 0),
        2. placing gaussians with a fixed radius of 2.5 and
        3. placing gaussians with object-dependent radii.
      • Option (3) performs best, (1) worst. (2) is in between the two options, usually half-way from (1) to (3).
      • They observe increases of AP between 5 and 6 percentage points when using (3) as opposed to (1).
      • They difference is more pronounced for large objects (about 12 points) as opposed to small objects (2.3 points).
    • Importance of each branch
      • They evaluate which branch (corner location heatmaps, offsets, embeddings) has most influence on the AP.
      • They replace the predicted corner location heatmaps with ground truth heatmaps and increase AP by about 35 points (to 74.0%), suggesting that their corner heatmap prediction is the main bottleneck.
      • They then add ground truth offsets and improve by 13.1 points (to 87.1%), suggesting that the offset prediction still has a significant impact on overall AP.
      • This leaves 12.9 points for the other components (embedding prediction, bounding box extraction).
    • Final results
      • They reach 42.1 AP in a multi-scale approach. (I guess they feed the images in at multiple scales? Not really explained. In previous chapters they write specifically they don't use multi-scale feature maps, but only the final feature map.) They beat the best multi-scale competitor (RefineDet512) by 0.3 points.
      • They reach 40.5 AP in a single-scale approach. They beat the best single-scale competitor (RetinaNet800) by 1.4 points.
      • Example predictions and extracted bounding boxes (each left: top-left corner, each right: bottom-right):
        • predictions