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  • Title: Working hard to know your neighbor’s margins: Local descriptor learning loss
  • Authors: Anastasiya Mishchuk, Dmytro Mishkin, Filip Radenovic, Jiri Matas
  • Link:
  • Tags: Neural Network, Loss functions
  • Year: 2017


  • What:

    • HardNet model which improves state-of-the-art in wide baseline stereo, patch matching, verification and image retrieval.
    • They introduced a new triplet-like loss function with built-in hard-negative mining.
    • Mining Procedure
  • How:

    • HardNet Triplet loss is a regular Triplet-Loss, i.e. MAX(0, alpha + distances_to_positives - distances_to_negatives), where:
      • alpha (sometimes called "margin") is a hyper-parameter
      • distance_to_positives are distances (here, L2 is used)
      • distance_to_negative are distances to the hardest negatives for each anchor in a batch.
    • As input HardNet operates with N * 2 images (N anchor/query images and N corresponding to them positives)
    • Mining algorithm: 1. Compute distance matrix D between N anchors and N positives. 2. distances_to_positives = trace of distance matrix (diagonal elements) 3. For each row minimal non-diagonal element is taken as a distance to the hardest negatives (closest to anchor). From these chosen values distances_to_negatives are obtained.
      • All this can be rewritten as:
        • Loss = MAX(0, alpha + Trace(D) + row_wise_min(D + I * inf)), where I is the identity matrix.
    • Architecture:
      • Architecture
  • Notes:

    • The described mining procedure highly relies on a fact that all N anchors would should to N different classes. And from my personal point of view requires minor modification to handle such corner case.
    • The given loss/mining procedure is fast, but in contrast to other mining strategies doesn't provide hardest positive (furthest from anchor).
  • Results:

    • Wide baseline stereo example:
      • Example
    • The bigger batch size, the better:
      • BatchSizeInfluence
    • PhotoTour Patch Verification Results:
      • PhotoTour Patch Verification
    • Oxford 5k, Paris 6k Patch Verification Results:
      • Oxford 5k, Paris 6k Patch Verification Results