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File metadata and controls

91 lines (78 loc) · 2.29 KB

diridp on NixOS

Diridp includes a NixOS module that can be imported in e.g. configuration.nix as follows:

  imports =
      diridp = fetchTarball {
        # Modify the version as needed.
        url = "";
        # Obtain with: `nix-prefetch-url --unpack <url>`
        sha256 = "008mvkzwbwbqk96fbyy658728i28jgxxmpsbmv2rvbbidznqx2f7";
    in [

Or using flakes:

  inputs = {
    diridp.url = "github:stephank/diridp";
  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, diridp }: {
    nixosConfigurations.mymachine = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
      system = "x86_64-linux";
      modules = [

NOTE: Binary cache is currently not available. Using this module will build diridp from source.


An example service configuration:


  services.diridp = {
    enable = true;
    dirs = [
      { path = "/run/diridp/my-application"; group = "myapp"; }
    providers.main = {
      issuer = "";
      vhost.nginx = true;
      keys.main = {
        alg = "EdDSA";
        crv = "Ed25519";
      tokens = [
          path = "/run/diridp/my-application/token";
          claims = {
            sub = "my-application";
            aud = "";


Most of the providers section matches the regular configuration format.

The vhost.nginx option for providers allows configuring a virtual host in Nginx. The Nginx service must still be enabled by setting services.nginx.enable = true. By default, the vhost is configured to automatically request certificates via Let's Encrypt. If a custom setup is required, or if you'd like to serve other content from the same vhost, you may set vhost.locationsOnly = true to only define specific locations for the files required for diridp, and nothing else.

To help with creating directories with the correct permissions, the dirs option is provided. By default, directories listed here are created at service start with owner diridp:root and permissions 0750. It is recommended to only change the group from these defaults.