The Raspberry Pi 3D Christmas Tree has 25 LEDs:
- 24 red LEDs
- 1 yellow star LED
The advent program is quite simple, for each day in December a new red LED light switches on, for example December 1st - 1 LED, 2nd December - 2 LEDs etc...
Every 30 seconds the lights will randomly pick different LED lights to switch on.
The star LED is always lit, although for the 12 days of christmas, the star LED will also twinkle
During the rest of the year, the star LED will light up and pulse.
My starting point for this project was taken from
Very basic while true loop to fade the LEDs in and out.
The star LED is always switched on.
Simple script to start a cron job for the python script
At the terminal type to edit the cron:
sudo cron -e
See link: Setting up cron jon on the Raspberry Pi
Guidelines to set the Raspberry pi into headless mode, see link
To convert SD card to readonly if plugged into headless interface, see link
Note that if the SD card is in readonly mode the the date will NOT update to the next day.