2013-10-23 12:30-13:30 at Barsoom HQ
- Albert Ramstedt
- Gunnar Djurberg
- Henrik Nyh
- Joakim Kolsjö
- Karl Eklund
- Mikael Muszynski
- Mike Burns
- Tomas Skogberg
- Mike and Mikael had some feedback from students and it was all positive.
- Don't pronounce it "Free Rails intercourse".
- 4 times a year is fine, let's keep doing that.
- Add a second event at the same time and place as the upcoming Project Night, something like "Rails intro course follow-up help session" [Mike]
- Send a mail to students [Gunnar]
- We can do that via Meetup
- We could possibly get names from the reception desk since we had "+1"s and some people signed in
- Contents:
- A survey. E.g. how did you find us, how did you like it? Google and Meetup have survey tools.
- Encourage them to recruit students for the next event.
- Encourage them to be coaches at the next event if they're up for it.
- Mention the follow-up session event/Project Night.
- Mention googling/using Stack Overflow if stuck.
- Link to http://www.stockholmruby.com/learn
- Link to https://learn.thoughtbot.com/ruby
- Link to https://learn.thoughtbot.com/rails
- Link site to meetup.com discussions [Henrik]
- The noise level was a bit high. Talk to the venue about that. [Mike]
- Lighting wasn't great. Mike has talked to the venue, ETA is January.
- Start using the meetup.com discussion forum for discussions around arranging meetups. See if it's good enough. Possible alternatives: Discourse forum, IRC, mailing list. [Everyone]
- Use a private GitHub repo for things like contact lists? Or perhaps Google Docs or Dropbox?
- Spread the word even better:
- Contact universities beyond KTH (Datasektionen). E.g. Stockholms universitet, Nackademin. Try to have someone say a few words before a lecture.
- Twitter - try to get access to @sthlmrb on Twitter [Henrik]
- Our Facebook group
- Get contact info from students so we can mail them afterwards.
- Maybe tweak the name. "Free Rails course: build a web app in 2 hours"?
- Encourage students and coaches to use the meetup.com discussion forum.
- The follow-up event should be a week or less after the intro course.
- Explicitly state that students should raise their hand when they need help, so coaches know where to go.
- Have a host/greeter for coaches, not just students.
- Have written instructions or a checklist for coaches. "Every event we run should have a checklist." - Mike
- Announce breaks every now and then. Coaches can discuss common problems, students can relax and mingle.
- In the introduction, mention further goals beyond the first one, to encourage people to stay around even if they finish that one.