2014-01-22 12:30–13:30 at Barsoom HQ
- Henrik Nyh
- Tomas Skogberg
- Kim Persson
- Joakim Kolsjö
- Victor Arias
- Mike Burns
- Calle Erlandsson
- Maria Muñoz
- Mattamadugu Seshendra
- [Henrik & Calle] Send a message to attendees via Meetup.com, mentioning:
- That they can attend the project night
- That they're part of the community and we'll help them arrange their own events
- http://www.stockholmruby.com/learn
- A survey (or a discussion thread?) for them to fill out
- How did you find us?
- Did you continue on your own? Do you know the next step to take?
- How did you like it? Anything to improve?
- Ask coaches to mention common errors in a Meetup discussion tread (or a survey?)
- [Mike, DONE] Put checklist on GitHub.
- [Henrik, DONE] Adapt /learn for people attending the event
- [Henrik] Ask MyNewsdesk if they would sponsor stickers with the Stockholm Ruby logo.
- [anyone who cares] Add a Rails book to /learn
- We didn't get much better at putting up notes at universities. Only did KTH.
- Better at using Twitter.
- Didn't use Facebook, none of us is good at it. Should we not have a group there? Would we reach more women via Facebook?
- We decided not to collect email, but use Meetup.com messages instead.
- Tweaked the name. Students: good name.
- Forum or IRC is tricky. Someone needs to be there to answer.
- Follow up event within a week: fail. Both students attending the retro said they'll come to the project night, though.
- Raise hand. Worked well. Students: happy.
- Greeter? No complaints.
- Checklist? Gunnar and Mike had one. Mike will put it on GitHub.
- Breaks? We should just mention them, don't enforce.
- Put up notes at e.g. KTH, SU and Nackademin. We have people with contacts there.
- Be clear that you can take breaks at any time, for as long as you want.
- Be clear that you can work alone or in groups, whichever you prefer.
- Remind Mike about this list :) Henrik will try.
- Less technical intro: "dynamically typed" might be off-putting to some.
- Hand out a card/sheet with "what to do next", mentioning http://www.stockholmruby.com/learn and the next meetup.
- Make sure we have plenty of extension cords.
- Mark out the "haven't installed the environment" tables.
- Mention http://www.stockholmruby.com/learn in the event description so you can study ahead of the event if you want to.
- Encourage coaches to get a little familar with the installation process beforehand.
- Line the coaches up and introduce them.
- Link to the installation guide from the event description.
- Push the installation event more strongly. It's almost mandatory.
- Hand out Stockholm Ruby stickers as a reward. Railsbridge mentions them. If someone will sponsor stickers.
- How did the students find us? Maria: via Meetup.com, has attended PyLadies. Has friends in the business. Mattamadugu: via Meetup.com.
- Installfest went well.
- Name tags were good.
- Mike went to Bergh and gave a class, told them about us.
- Maybe 16% women. We want to improve that ratio but don't know how.
- Few guides that know Windows well.
- Next event sometime around April 3.
- 58 attendees signed up last time. 73 this time. 43 students showed up. 10-ish coaches?
- A FAQ of common errors, especially Windows errors, would be nice.