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Payment Integration Processor

This module provides an application based on commercetools Connect, which is triggered by HTTP requests from Checkout UI for payment operations.

The corresponding payment, cart or order details would be fetched from composable commerce platform, and then be sent to Stripe for various payment operations such as create/capture/cancel/refund payment.

The module also provides template scripts for post-deployment and pre-undeployment action. After deployment or before undeployment via connect service completed, customized actions can be performed based on users' needs.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. Please run following npm commands under processor folder.

Install PSP Stripe SDK

In case SDK is provided by payment service provider for communication purpose, you can import the SDK by following commands

$ npm install stripe

Install dependencies

$ npm install

Build the application in local environment. NodeJS source codes are then generated under dist folder

$ npm run build

Run automation test

$ npm run test

Run the application in local environment. Remind that the application has been built before it runs

$ npm run start

Fix the code style

$ npm run lint:fix

Verify the code style

$ npm run lint

==Run post-deploy script in local environment==

$ npm run connector:post-deploy

Run pre-undeploy script in local environment

$ npm run connector:pre-undeploy

Running application

Setup correct environment variables: check processor/src/config/config.ts for default values.

Make sure commercetools client credential have at least the following permissions:

  • manage_payments
  • manage_checkout_payment_intents
  • view_sessions
  • introspect_oauth_tokens
  • 'view_api_clients'
  • 'manage_orders'
  • 'manage_types'
npm run dev


Some of the services have authentication mechanism.

  • oauth2: Relies on commercetools OAuth2 server
  • session: Relies on commercetools session service
  • jwt: Relies on the jwt token injected by the merchant center via the forward-to proxy


OAuth2 token can be obtained from commercetools OAuth2 server. It requires API Client created beforehand. For details, please refer to Requesting an access token using the Composable Commerce OAuth 2.0 service.


Payment connectors relies on session to be able to share information between enabler and processor. To create session before sharing information between these two modules, please execute following request to commercetools session service

POST https://session.<region><commercetools-project-key>/sessions
Authorization: Bearer <oauth token with manage_sessions scope>

  "cart": {
    "cartRef": {
      "id": "<cart-id>" 
  "metadata": {
    "allowedPaymentMethods": ["card", "ideal", ...],
    "paymentInterface"?: "<payment interface that will be set on payment method info>"

Afterwards, session ID can be obtained from response, which is necessary to be put as x-session-id inside request header when sending request to endpoints such as /operations/config and /operations/payments.

JSON web token (JWT)

jwt needs some workaround to be able to test locally as it depends on the merchant center forward-to proxy.

In order to make easy running the application locally, following commands help to build up a jwt mock server:

####Set environment variable to point to the jwksUrl

export CTP_JWKS_URL="http://localhost:9000/jwt/.well-known/jwks.json"

####Run the jwt server

docker compose up -d

####Obtain JWT

# Request token
curl --location 'http://localhost:9000/jwt/token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "iss": "",
    "sub": "subject",
    "": "<commercetools-project-key>"

Token can be found in response


Use the token to authenticate requests protected by JWT: Authorization: Bearer <token>.


The processor exposes the following endpoints to execute various operations with the Stripe platform:

Collect Payment and Appearance Details

This endpoint retrieves the payment information from the cart in session to use the prebuilt Stripe Payment Element UI component. This component simplifies the payment process for a variety of payment methods. The paymentComponent is requested in the query parameters to send the correct appearance from the environment variables configuration.


GET /config-element/:paymentComponent

Query Parameters

-paymentComponent: Used to retrieve the correct appearance of the selected payment method. The appearance can be modified in the environment variables STRIPE_APPEARANCE_PAYMENT_ELEMENT and should be in the form of a JSON string with escaped double quotes (e.g. "{"theme":"stripe","variables":{"colorPrimary":"#0570DE","colorBackground":"#FFFFFF","colorText":"#30313D","colorDanger":"#DF1B41","fontFamily":"Ideal Sans,system-ui,sansserif","spacingUnit":"2px","borderRadius":"4px"}}"). The correct values will be retrieved by the exposed call ´operations/payment-components´, e.g., 'payment'.

Response Parameters

The response will provide the necessary information to populate the payment element:

  • cartInfo: An object containing two attributes:
    • amount: Amount in cents for the cart in session.
    • currency: Currency selected for the cart in session.
  • appearance: Optional. Used to customize or theme the payment element rendered by Stripe's prebuilt UI component. It must be a valid Element Appearance.
  • captureMethod: The current capture method configured in the payment connector.

Create Payment Intent from Stripe

This endpoint creates a new payment intent in Stripe. It is called after the user fills out all the payment information and submits the payment.


POST /payments

Query Parameters


Response Parameters

  • sClientSecret: The client secret is used to complete the payment from your frontend.
  • paymentReference: The payment reference of the current process.
  • merchantReturnUrl: The URL used as the return_url parameter in Stripe's confirmPayment process. After the payment confirmation, Stripe appends the paymentReference and cartId as query parameters to this URL. For Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) payment methods, this URL can be used to reinitialize the commercetools Checkout SDK. More information on implementing the return URL for BNPL payment methods can be found in the commercetools Checkout SDK documentation.
  • cartId: The cartId of the current proccess.

Confirm the Payment Intent to commercetools

This endpoint update the initial payment transaction in commercetools. It is called after the Stripe confirm the payment submit was successful.


POST /confirmPayments/:id

Query Parameters

  • id: The payment reference of the current process.

Response Parameters

  • outcome:"approved|rejected": The response of the updated confirmation in commercetools payment transaction.

Webhook Listener

The webhook listener receives events from your Stripe account as they occur, allowing your integration to automatically execute actions accordingly. By registering webhook endpoints in your Stripe account, you enable Stripe to send Event objects as part of POST requests to the registered webhook endpoint hosted by your application. The available webhooks are configured on the post-deploy.ts file, and more webhook event can be added in the method updateWebhookEndpoint. The conversion of the webhook event to a transaction is converted in hte /src/services/converters/stripeEventConverter.ts file.

The following webhooks currently supported and transformed to different payment transactions in commercetools are:

  • payment_intent.canceled: Modified the payment transaction Authorization to Failure and create a payment transaction CancelAuthorization: Success
  • payment_intent.succeeded: Creates a payment transaction Charge: Success. Create the order from the cart that has the payment referenced.
  • payment_intent.requires_action: Logs the information in the connector app inside the Processor logs.
  • payment_intent.payment_failed: Modify the payment transaction Authorization to Failure.
  • charge.refunded: Create a payment transaction Refund to Success, and a Chargeback to Success.
  • charge.succeeded: If the charge is not captured, create the payment transaction to Authorization:Success.
  • charge.captured: Logs the information in the connector app inside the Processor logs.

Order Creation

The order is created during the processing of the payment_intent.succeeded webhook. Before creating the order, the cart must include shipment information.

In the current implementation, the sample application retrieves shipment and address details from the last_charge attribute included in the Stripe event payload. This setup serves as an example and can be adapted or reused based on your specific requirements.


POST /stripe/webhooks

Request Parameters

The Event object sent to your webhook endpoint provides a snapshot of the object that changed. These objects might include a previous_attributes property indicating the change, when applicable. This event is received as a raw string because Stripe requires the raw body of the request for signature verification.

Response Parameters

The endpoint returns a 200 response to indicate the successful processing of the webhook event.

Apple pay well-know file

This endpoint return the string of the .well-know call domain file from Stripe.


GET /applePayConfig

Query Parameters


Response Parameters

  • string: The string value of the well-know domain file.

Get supported payment components

Private endpoint protected by JSON Web Token that exposes the payment methods supported by the connector so that checkout application can retrieve the available payment components.


GET /operations/payment-components

Request Parameters


Response Parameters

The connector supports payment methods such as Payment element embedded as a drop-in

    dropins: [
          type: 'embedded',
    components: [],

Get config

Exposes configuration to the frontend such as publishableKey and environment.


GET /operations/config

Request Parameters


Response Parameters

It returns an object with publishableKey and environment as key-value pair as below:

  environment: <environment>,
  publishableKey: <publishableKey>,

Get status

It provides health check feature for checkout front-end so that the correctness of configurations can be verified.


GET /operations/status

Request Parameters


Response Parameters

It returns following attributes in response:

  • status: It indicates the health check status. It can be OK, Partially Available or Unavailable
  • message: Indicates the message.
  • timestamp: The timestamp of the status request
  • version: Current version of the payment connector.
  • checks: List of health check result details. It contains health check result with various external system including commercetools composable commerce and Stripe payment services provider.
            name: <name of external system>,
            status: <status with indicator UP or DOWN>,
            message: <message>,
            details: <additional information for connection checking>,
  • metadata: It lists a collection of metadata including the name/description of the connector and the version of SDKs used to connect to external system.

Modify payment

Private endpoint called by Checkout frontend to support various payment update requests such as cancel/refund/capture payment. It is protected by manage_checkout_payment_intents access right of composable commerce OAuth2 token.


POST /operations/payment-intents/{paymentsId}