2.9.0 (2025-01-28)
- deps: update module github.com/getsops/sops/v3 to v3.9.4 (b9ce0bd)
- deps: update module github.com/go-git/go-git/v5 to v5.13.2 (8a84e77)
- feature/update-homerun-dev (fd801cc)
- feature/implement-run-cmd (daaaed9)
2.8.1 (2025-01-21)
2.8.0 (2025-01-21)
- deps: update module github.com/stuttgart-things/kaeffken to v0.3.3 (d2cae2e)
- feat/ankit-showcase (a3f898b)
- feature/add-homerun-survey (473b920)
- feature/add-homerun-survey (e2e6954)
- fix/updated-release-task (f3dd38e)
- feature/add-homerun-module (402e96e)
- feature/add-homerun-module (4200c4e)
- feature/add-homerun-survey (8f4f01b)
- feature/release-for-linux (68c57db)
2.7.1 (2025-01-15)
- fix/install-render-bin (86080cc)
2.7.0 (2025-01-13)
- deps: update module google.golang.org/grpc to v1.69.4 (77d73b1)
- deps: update module gopkg.in/yaml.v2 to v3 (17348aa)
- removed release cmd (8f3cf18)
2.6.16 (2025-01-05)
- removed automerge prs; added newly created run cmd (64f2d3e)
2.6.15 (2025-01-03)
- goreleaser (621a4e1)
2.6.14 (2025-01-03)
- deps: update module github.com/go-git/go-git/v5 to v5.13.1 (#179) (47eb8a7)
- updated go releaser (5b10dee)
2.6.13 (2025-01-01)
- deps: update module github.com/google/go-github/v68 to v68 (5386980)
- deps: update module gopkg.in/yaml.v2 to v3 (e64e3ca)
- taskfile version cmd (feb08fd)
- updated render cmd (cecf53f)
2.6.12 (2025-01-01)
- deps: update module github.com/99designs/gqlgen to v0.17.62 (#173) (8537a51)
- deps: update module github.com/go-git/go-billy/v5 to v5.6.1 (#170) (87c5505)
- deps: update module github.com/go-git/go-git/v5 to v5.13.0 (#171) (c2bf250)
- deps: update module github.com/vektah/gqlparser/v2 to v2.5.21 (#169) (7d56e16)
- deps: update module gopkg.in/yaml.v2 to v3 (e0ff89e)
2.6.11 (2024-12-23)
- added semver (0a8eb20)