This document describes most of the aspects people need to know in order to write a plugin for this IRC bot.
The bot will search for plugins. and try to instanciate a class of type Plugin
. The Plugin
class provides three different functions that can be used. These are:
(for IRC commands like!kick
(to get everything said in a channel)help
(so you can inform people of your commands) Syntax of help is:?<cmd>
. The command?all
lists all of the available commands provided by a plugin.stop
(if your plugin needs cleaning or syncing or similar before shutdown, this is the function you have to make)
- debug: Boolean, if debug is set globaly in the bot.
- verbose: Boolean, if verbose is set globaly in the bot.
- new_job & del_job: Cron tab functions. See description in the available in cmd section.
- config: If there is a plugin.cfg file in the plugin directory, it will be read and sendt as a ConfigParser object to the plugin during init. ConfigParser doc:
- from_nick: The nick of the sender of this message/command
- from_ident: The ident from the hostmask of the sender of this message/command
- from_host_mask: The adress the sender has.
- auth_nick: If a user is logged in, this will be his account name. None if the Auth System is turned off or the person is not logged in.
- auth_level: an integer between 0 and 100, where 100 is the owner and 0 is just a user. Who is what and at what level distinqushes what, is up for debate.
- channel_users: The list of users in the channel that the current message/command is comming from.
- channel_topic: The topic of the current channel
- nick_to_user: A dictionary that contains the Username in the Authentication system as value and current nick on IRC as key. This will contain the nick if the user is online.
- user_to_nick: same as above, only reversed key and value. This has a lazy evaluation, so it will not delete a user even if he goes online. But will reset if the user changes nick
- new_job: This is the function to add jobs to the CronBot. It takes a touple with the unix time you
want the function to execute, the function and a list of argument.
kwargs['new_job']((time.time() + 20, self._send_reminder, [channel, msg]))
will execute (Class)._send_reminder(channel, msg) Return values for that function should be the same as below. new_job will return a touple which you will have to use as an ID if you want to delete jobs. - del_job: This function deletes a job from the cronjob. It is done by pasing the ID that was
returned from the cronjob when new_job was called.
will delete job_id from the CronJob.
To send messages or notifies to a channel, you have to return it. It should be in the form of a list with touples, where each touple must contain the following:
(0, channel, message) // Same as send message to channel.
(0, channel, nick, message) // Same as above but will be prefixed witht the nick e.g Bob: <message>
(1, channel, message) // Notify in a channel (if channel == user, the user will be notified)
(2, channel, topic) // Change the topic in a channel to given topic
So return values would be e.g:
[(0, "#iskbot", "Nothing more to do here")]
will give channel message:
Bot: Nothing more to do here
[(0, "#iskbot", "Bob is being mean"), (1, "Bob", "This is a warning for bad behaviour")]
will give channel message:
Bot: Bob is being mean
and notification to Bob:
-Notice- This is a warning for bad behaviour