diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dc69733e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/.clang-format @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +# Google C/C++ Code Style settings +# https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormatStyleOptions.html +# Author: Kehan Xue, kehan.xue (at) gmail.com + +Language: Cpp +BasedOnStyle: Google +AccessModifierOffset: -1 +AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align +AlignConsecutiveAssignments: None +AlignOperands: Align +AllowAllArgumentsOnNextLine: true +AllowAllConstructorInitializersOnNextLine: true +AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: false +AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: Empty +AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false +AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: Inline +AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: Never # To avoid conflict, set this "Never" and each "if statement" should include brace when coding +AllowShortLambdasOnASingleLine: Inline +AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false +AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None +AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: Yes +BinPackArguments: true +BreakBeforeBraces: Custom +BraceWrapping: + AfterCaseLabel: false + AfterClass: false + AfterStruct: false + AfterControlStatement: Never + AfterEnum: false + AfterFunction: false + AfterNamespace: false + AfterUnion: false + AfterExternBlock: false + BeforeCatch: false + BeforeElse: false + BeforeLambdaBody: false + IndentBraces: false + SplitEmptyFunction: false + SplitEmptyRecord: false + SplitEmptyNamespace: false +BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: None +BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: true +BreakConstructorInitializers: BeforeColon +BreakInheritanceList: BeforeColon +ColumnLimit: 80 +CompactNamespaces: false +ContinuationIndentWidth: 4 +Cpp11BracedListStyle: true +DerivePointerAlignment: false # Make sure the * or & align on the left +EmptyLineBeforeAccessModifier: LogicalBlock +FixNamespaceComments: true +IncludeBlocks: Preserve +IndentCaseLabels: true +IndentPPDirectives: None +IndentWidth: 2 +KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: true +MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1 +NamespaceIndentation: None +ObjCSpaceAfterProperty: false +ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList: true +PointerAlignment: Left +ReflowComments: false +# SeparateDefinitionBlocks: Always # Only support since clang-format 14 +SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false +SpaceAfterLogicalNot: false +SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword: true +SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true +SpaceBeforeCpp11BracedList: false +SpaceBeforeCtorInitializerColon: true +SpaceBeforeInheritanceColon: true +SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements +SpaceBeforeRangeBasedForLoopColon: true +SpaceBeforeSquareBrackets: false +SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false +SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 2 +SpacesInAngles: false +SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false +SpacesInContainerLiterals: false +SpacesInParentheses: false +SpacesInSquareBrackets: false +Standard: c++11 +TabWidth: 4 +UseTab: Never \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.dockerignore b/.dockerignore index 5b3ca8c2a..21e941e0b 100644 --- a/.dockerignore +++ b/.dockerignore @@ -1,9 +1,12 @@ -**/target +**/target/** Dockerfile* .dockerignore .git .gitignore examples tests -sp1up book +target +assets +audits +.github diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/BUG-FORM.yml b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/BUG-FORM.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..05c29428c --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/BUG-FORM.yml @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +name: Bug report +description: File a bug report +labels: ["T-bug", "T-needs-triage"] +body: + - type: markdown + attributes: + value: | + Please ensure that the bug has not already been filed in the issue tracker. + + Thanks for taking the time to report this bug in SP1! + - type: dropdown + attributes: + label: Component + description: What component is the bug in? + multiple: true + options: + - sp1-sdk + - sp1-zkvm + - cargo prove CLI/sp1up + - Other (please describe) + validations: + required: true + - type: checkboxes + attributes: + label: Have you ensured that all of these are up to date? + options: + - label: SP1 SDK + - label: cargo prove CLI/sp1up + - type: input + attributes: + label: What version of SP1 SDK are you on? + description: Leave empty if not relevant + placeholder: "Add the version from the Cargo.toml file here" + - type: input + attributes: + label: What version of the cargo prove CLI are you on? + description: Leave empty if not relevant + placeholder: "Run cargo prove --version and paste the output here" + - type: dropdown + attributes: + label: Operating System + description: What operating system are you on? + options: + - Windows + - macOS (Intel) + - macOS (Apple Silicon) + - Linux (Arch) + - Linux (Debian) + - Linux (Ubuntu) + - Linux (Other) + - type: textarea + attributes: + label: Describe the bug + description: Please include relevant Rust snippets/CLI commands as well if relevant. + validations: + required: true \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/FEATURE-FORM.yml b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/FEATURE-FORM.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..17a83d01d --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/FEATURE-FORM.yml @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +name: Feature request +description: Suggest a feature +labels: ["T-feature", "T-needs-triage"] +body: + - type: markdown + attributes: + value: | + Please ensure that the feature has not already been requested in the issue tracker. + + Thanks for helping us improve SP1! + - type: dropdown + attributes: + label: Component + description: What component is the feature for? + multiple: true + options: + - sp1-sdk + - sp1-zkvm + - cargo prove CLI/sp1up + - Other (please describe) + validations: + required: true + - type: textarea + attributes: + label: Describe the feature you would like + description: Please also describe what the feature is aiming to solve, if relevant. + validations: + required: true + - type: textarea + attributes: + label: Additional context + description: Add any other context to the feature (like screenshots, resources) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3654e060f --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +blank_issues_enabled: true +contact_links: + - name: Support + url: https://t.me/+5q4kfeXaBE1hZjEx + about: This issue tracker is only for bugs and feature requests. Support is available on Telegram! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md b/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..81d60ecec --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ + + + + +## Motivation + + + +## Solution + + + +## PR Checklist + +- [ ] Added Tests +- [ ] Added Documentation +- [ ] Breaking changes \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.github/actions/setup/action.yml b/.github/actions/setup/action.yml index 57d1afc51..05e3bbf56 100644 --- a/.github/actions/setup/action.yml +++ b/.github/actions/setup/action.yml @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# Note: this is only compatible with Linux runners. + name: Test setup inputs: pull_token: @@ -75,7 +77,7 @@ runs: ~/.cargo/git/db/ target/ ~/.rustup/ - key: rust-1.81.0-${{ hashFiles('**/Cargo.toml') }} + key: rust-1.81.0-${{ hashFiles('**/Cargo.toml') }}-x restore-keys: rust-1.81.0- - name: Setup toolchain @@ -97,6 +99,16 @@ runs: else echo "pkg-config and libssl-dev are already installed." fi - + + - name: Echo docker buildx version + shell: bash + run: docker buildx version + - name: Set up Docker + uses: crazy-max/ghaction-setup-docker@v3 + + - name: Set up Docker Buildx uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3 + with: + driver-opts: | + image=public.ecr.aws/vend/moby/buildkit:buildx-stable-1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.github/scripts/pkg-checks.sh b/.github/scripts/pkg-checks.sh new file mode 100755 index 000000000..91efed76c --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/scripts/pkg-checks.sh @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +set -x + +# Move into the workspace root +pushd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1 + +# Initialize error flag +error_occurred=0 + +# Loop over all the packages in the workspace +while IFS= read -r pkg_json; do + echo "pkg_json: $pkg_json" + + # Extract fields + publish=$(echo "$pkg_json" | jq -r '.publish // empty') + manifest_path=$(echo "$pkg_json" | jq -r '.manifest_path') + + # Skip if the package is marked as not published + if [ -n "$publish" ]; then + echo "Skipping unpublished package at $manifest_path" + continue + fi + + echo "Checking $manifest_path" + + # Get the package directory + pkg_dir=$(dirname "$manifest_path") + pushd "$pkg_dir" || exit 1 + + # Capture the stdin/stdout of `cargo package` + package_output=$(cargo package 2>&1) + + # Check if cargo package failed + if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then + echo "Error: Packaging failed" + echo "$package_output" + + if echo "$package_output" | grep -iq "cargo.lock"; then + echo "SP1: Only Cargo.lock was modified, this is fine." + else + echo "Error not related to Cargo.lock, marking as failed." + exit 1 + fi + fi + + popd +done < <(cargo metadata --format-version=1 --no-deps | jq -c '.packages[] | {publish: .publish, manifest_path: .manifest_path}') + +popd \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.github/workflows/book.yml b/.github/workflows/book.yml index 82449ca96..0f1194e26 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/book.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/book.yml @@ -5,134 +5,63 @@ name: book on: push: - branches: [main] + branches: [dev] pull_request: - branches: [main] + branches: [dev] paths: - "book/**" merge_group: +defaults: + run: + working-directory: book + jobs: - # test: + # build: + # name: Build Docusaurus # runs-on: ubuntu-latest - # name: test - # timeout-minutes: 60 - # steps: # - uses: actions/checkout@v4 + # with: + # fetch-depth: 0 + # - uses: actions/setup-node@v4 + # with: + # node-version: 18 + # cache: npm + # cache-dependency-path: book/package-lock.json + + # - name: Install dependencies + # run: npm ci + + # - name: Create New Code Refrences + # run: chmod +x gen-code-refs.sh && ./gen-code-refs.sh + + # - name: Build website + # run: npm run build + + # - name: Upload Build Artifact + # uses: actions/upload-pages-artifact@v3 + # with: + # path: book/build + + # deploy: + # # Only deploy if a push to main + # if: github.ref_name == 'dev' && github.event_name == 'push' + # runs-on: ubuntu-latest + # needs: [build] - # - name: Install mdbook - # run: | - # mkdir mdbook - # curl -sSL https://github.com/rust-lang/mdBook/releases/download/v0.4.14/mdbook-v0.4.14-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz | tar -xz --directory=./mdbook - # echo $(pwd)/mdbook >> $GITHUB_PATH - - # - name: Install mdbook-template - # run: | - # mkdir mdbook-template - # curl -sSL https://github.com/sgoudham/mdbook-template/releases/latest/download/mdbook-template-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz | tar -xz --directory=./mdbook-template - # echo $(pwd)/mdbook-template >> $GITHUB_PATH - - # - name: Run tests - # run: mdbook test - - lint: - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - name: lint - timeout-minutes: 60 - - steps: - - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - - - name: Install mdbook-linkcheck - run: | - mkdir mdbook-linkcheck - curl -sSL -o mdbook-linkcheck.zip https://github.com/Michael-F-Bryan/mdbook-linkcheck/releases/latest/download/mdbook-linkcheck.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.zip - unzip mdbook-linkcheck.zip -d ./mdbook-linkcheck - chmod +x $(pwd)/mdbook-linkcheck/mdbook-linkcheck - echo $(pwd)/mdbook-linkcheck >> $GITHUB_PATH - - - name: Run linkcheck - run: mdbook-linkcheck --standalone - - build: - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - timeout-minutes: 60 - steps: - - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - - uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@nightly - - name: Install mdbook - run: | - mkdir mdbook - curl -sSL https://github.com/rust-lang/mdBook/releases/download/v0.4.14/mdbook-v0.4.14-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz | tar -xz --directory=./mdbook - echo $(pwd)/mdbook >> $GITHUB_PATH - - - name: Install mdbook-template - run: | - mkdir mdbook-template - curl -sSL https://github.com/sgoudham/mdbook-template/releases/latest/download/mdbook-template-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz | tar -xz --directory=./mdbook-template - echo $(pwd)/mdbook-template >> $GITHUB_PATH - - - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2 - with: - cache-on-failure: true - - - name: Build book - run: mdbook build - - # - name: Build docs - # run: cargo docs - # env: - # # Keep in sync with ./ci.yml:jobs.docs - # RUSTDOCFLAGS: - # --cfg docsrs --show-type-layout --generate-link-to-definition --enable-index-page - # -Zunstable-options - - # - name: Move docs to book folder - # run: | - # mv target/doc target/book/docs - - - name: Archive artifact - shell: sh - run: | - chmod -c -R +rX "target/book" | - while read line; do - echo "::warning title=Invalid file permissions automatically fixed::$line" - done - tar \ - --dereference --hard-dereference \ - --directory "target/book" \ - -cvf "$RUNNER_TEMP/artifact.tar" \ - --exclude=.git \ - --exclude=.github \ - . - - - name: Upload artifact - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 - with: - name: github-pages - path: ${{ runner.temp }}/artifact.tar - retention-days: 1 - if-no-files-found: error - - deploy: - # Only deploy if a push to main - if: github.ref_name == 'main' && github.event_name == 'push' - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - needs: [lint, build] - - # Grant GITHUB_TOKEN the permissions required to make a Pages deployment - permissions: - pages: write - id-token: write + # # Grant GITHUB_TOKEN the permissions required to make a Pages deployment + # permissions: + # pages: write + # id-token: write - environment: - name: github-pages - url: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.page_url }} + # environment: + # name: github-pages + # url: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.page_url }} - timeout-minutes: 60 + # timeout-minutes: 60 - steps: - - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages - id: deployment - uses: actions/deploy-pages@v4 \ No newline at end of file + # steps: + # - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages + # id: deployment + # uses: actions/deploy-pages@v4 diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker-gnark.yml b/.github/workflows/docker-gnark.yml index 76ada879e..f45b2e93e 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/docker-gnark.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/docker-gnark.yml @@ -1,15 +1,17 @@ +# This workflow generates and tests the docker image for groth16 and plonk proving. + name: Docker Gnark on: push: - branches: [main] + branches: [main, dev] pull_request: branches: - "**" paths: - - "recursion/gnark-ffi/**" - - "recursion/gnark-cli/**" - - "!recursion/gnark-ffi/assets/**" + - "crates/**" + - "Cargo.toml" + - ".github/workflows/**" merge_group: jobs: @@ -35,11 +37,29 @@ jobs: run: | docker build -t sp1-gnark -f ./Dockerfile.gnark-ffi . + - name: Install SP1 toolchain + run: | + cargo run -p sp1-cli -- prove install-toolchain + - name: Run cargo test uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 env: SP1_GNARK_IMAGE: sp1-gnark + RUST_LOG: info + RUSTFLAGS: -Copt-level=3 -Cdebug-assertions -Coverflow-checks=y -Cdebuginfo=0 -C target-cpu=native + RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 with: command: test toolchain: 1.81.0 - args: --release -p sp1-prover -- --exact tests::test_e2e + args: --release -p sp1-prover -- --exact tests::test_e2e --nocapture + + - name: Make sure the contracts were modified + run: | + if grep -q "pragma solidity ^0.8.0" ~/.sp1/circuits/dev/Groth16Verifier.sol; then + echo "Error: Groth16Verifier.sol still contains the old pragma version" + exit 1 + fi + if grep -q "pragma solidity ^0.8.0" ~/.sp1/circuits/dev/PlonkVerifier.sol; then + echo "Error: PlonkVerifier.sol still contains the old pragma version" + exit 1 + fi \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker-publish-gnark.yml b/.github/workflows/docker-publish-gnark.yml index 97863087e..b085563ad 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/docker-publish-gnark.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/docker-publish-gnark.yml @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -name: docker-gnark +# This workflow publishes the docker image for groth16 and plonk proving to ghcr.io. +name: Docker Publish Gnark on: push: diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker-publish.yml b/.github/workflows/docker-publish.yml index f8f3bfb93..ae8a1c1e3 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/docker-publish.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/docker-publish.yml @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ +# This workflow publishes the docker image for the CLI to ghcr.io. # Source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundry-rs/foundry/master/.github/workflows/docker-publish.yml -name: docker +name: Docker Publish CLI on: push: @@ -10,13 +11,20 @@ on: schedule: - cron: "0 0 * * *" # Trigger without any parameters a proactive rebuild - workflow_dispatch: {} + workflow_dispatch: + inputs: + image_sp1: + description: "Override the image name to succinctlabs/sp1" + type: boolean + tag_override: + description: "Override the tag" workflow_call: env: REGISTRY: ghcr.io # Will resolve to succinctlabs/sp1 - IMAGE_NAME: ${{ github.repository }} + IMAGE_NAME: ${{ github.event.inputs.image_sp1 && 'succinctlabs/sp1' || github.repository }} + TAG_OVERRIDE: ${{ github.event.inputs.tag_override || '' }} jobs: container: @@ -64,7 +72,10 @@ jobs: - name: Finalize Docker Metadata id: docker_tagging run: | - if [[ "${{ github.event_name }}" == 'schedule' ]]; then + if [[ "$TAG_OVERRIDE" != "" ]]; then + echo "Overriding tag to $TAG_OVERRIDE" + echo "docker_tags=${{ env.REGISTRY }}/${{ env.IMAGE_NAME }}:$TAG_OVERRIDE" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT + elif [[ "${{ github.event_name }}" == 'schedule' ]]; then echo "cron trigger, assigning nightly tag" echo "docker_tags=${{ env.REGISTRY }}/${{ env.IMAGE_NAME }}:nightly,${{ env.REGISTRY }}/${{ env.IMAGE_NAME }}:nightly-${GITHUB_SHA}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT elif [[ "${GITHUB_REF##*/}" == "main" ]] || [[ ${GITHUB_REF##*/} == "master" ]]; then @@ -87,8 +98,8 @@ jobs: - name: Build and push Docker image uses: docker/build-push-action@v6 with: - context: ./crates/cli/docker - file: ./crates/cli/docker/Dockerfile + context: ./ + file: ./Dockerfile.build push: true tags: ${{ steps.docker_tagging.outputs.docker_tags }} labels: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.labels }} diff --git a/.github/workflows/executor-suite.yml b/.github/workflows/executor-suite.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..afa4fce49 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/executor-suite.yml @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +name: Testing Suite (Executor) + +on: + workflow_dispatch: + inputs: + simple_workloads: + description: "list of simple executor workloads to run" + required: true + checkpoint_workloads: + description: "list of checkpoint executor workloads to run" + required: true + trace_workloads: + description: "list of trace executor workloads to run" + required: true + merge_group: + +concurrency: + group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.ref }}- + cancel-in-progress: false + +jobs: + test-simple-executor: + if: ${{ fromJSON(github.event.inputs.simple_workloads)[0] != null }} + strategy: + fail-fast: false + matrix: + workload: ${{ fromJSON(github.event.inputs.simple_workloads) }} + name: ${{ matrix.workload }} (simple executor) + runs-on: + [ + "runs-on", + "runner=64cpu-linux-x64", + "spot=false", + "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}", + ] + steps: + - name: Checkout sources + uses: actions/checkout@v4 + + - name: Setup CI + uses: ./.github/actions/setup + + - name: Configure AWS credentials + uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1 + with: + aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID_S3 }} + aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_S3 }} + aws-region: us-west-2 + + - name: Copy files from S3 + run: | + mkdir -p workdir + aws s3 cp s3://sp1-testing-suite/${{ matrix.workload }}/program.bin workdir/program.bin + aws s3 cp s3://sp1-testing-suite/${{ matrix.workload }}/stdin.bin workdir/stdin.bin + + - name: Install SP1 toolchain from repo + run: | + cargo run -p sp1-cli -- prove install-toolchain + cd crates/cli + cargo install --locked --force --path . + cargo clean + + - name: Run sp1-perf + uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 + with: + command: run + toolchain: 1.81.0 + args: --release -p sp1-perf --bin sp1-perf-executor -- --program workdir/program.bin --stdin workdir/stdin.bin --executor-mode simple + env: + RUST_LOG: info + VERIFY_VK: false + RUSTFLAGS: -Copt-level=3 -Ctarget-cpu=native + RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 + + test-checkpoint-executor: + if: ${{ fromJSON(github.event.inputs.checkpoint_workloads)[0] != null }} + strategy: + fail-fast: false + matrix: + workload: ${{ fromJSON(github.event.inputs.checkpoint_workloads) }} + name: ${{ matrix.workload }} (checkpoint executor) + runs-on: + [ + "runs-on", + "runner=64cpu-linux-x64", + "spot=false", + "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}", + ] + steps: + - name: Checkout sources + uses: actions/checkout@v4 + + - name: Setup CI + uses: ./.github/actions/setup + + - name: Configure AWS credentials + uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1 + with: + aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID_S3 }} + aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_S3 }} + aws-region: us-west-2 + + - name: Copy files from S3 + run: | + mkdir -p workdir + aws s3 cp s3://sp1-testing-suite/${{ matrix.workload }}/program.bin workdir/program.bin + aws s3 cp s3://sp1-testing-suite/${{ matrix.workload }}/stdin.bin workdir/stdin.bin + + - name: Install SP1 toolchain from repo + run: | + cargo run -p sp1-cli -- prove install-toolchain + cd crates/cli + cargo install --locked --force --path . + cargo clean + + - name: Run sp1-perf + uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 + with: + command: run + toolchain: 1.81.0 + args: --release -p sp1-perf --bin sp1-perf-executor -- --program workdir/program.bin --stdin workdir/stdin.bin --executor-mode checkpoint + env: + RUST_LOG: info + VERIFY_VK: false + RUSTFLAGS: -Copt-level=3 -Ctarget-cpu=native + RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 + + test-trace-executor: + if: ${{ fromJSON(github.event.inputs.trace_workloads)[0] != null }} + strategy: + fail-fast: false + matrix: + workload: ${{ fromJSON(github.event.inputs.trace_workloads) }} + name: ${{ matrix.workload }} (trace executor) + runs-on: + [ + "runs-on", + "runner=64cpu-linux-x64", + "spot=false", + "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}", + ] + steps: + - name: Checkout sources + uses: actions/checkout@v4 + + - name: Setup CI + uses: ./.github/actions/setup + + - name: Configure AWS credentials + uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1 + with: + aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID_S3 }} + aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_S3 }} + aws-region: us-west-2 + + - name: Copy files from S3 + run: | + mkdir -p workdir + aws s3 cp s3://sp1-testing-suite/${{ matrix.workload }}/program.bin workdir/program.bin + aws s3 cp s3://sp1-testing-suite/${{ matrix.workload }}/stdin.bin workdir/stdin.bin + + - name: Install SP1 toolchain from repo + run: | + cargo run -p sp1-cli -- prove install-toolchain + cd crates/cli + cargo install --locked --force --path . + cargo clean + + - name: Run sp1-perf + uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 + with: + command: run + toolchain: 1.81.0 + args: --release -p sp1-perf --bin sp1-perf-executor -- --program workdir/program.bin --stdin workdir/stdin.bin --executor-mode trace + env: + RUST_LOG: info + VERIFY_VK: false + RUSTFLAGS: -Copt-level=3 -Ctarget-cpu=native + RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 diff --git a/.github/workflows/main.yml b/.github/workflows/main.yml index 251c44d52..971f88c6c 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/main.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/main.yml @@ -9,11 +9,96 @@ on: - "Cargo.toml" - ".github/workflows/**" +env: + SP1_CI_IN_PROGRESS: "true" + concurrency: group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.ref }} cancel-in-progress: true jobs: + groth16: + name: Groth16 Native + runs-on: + [ + runs-on, + cpu=64, + ram=256, + family=m7i+m7a, + disk=large, + image=ubuntu22-full-x64, + spot=false, + "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}", + ] + env: + CARGO_NET_GIT_FETCH_WITH_CLI: "true" + steps: + - name: Checkout sources + uses: actions/checkout@v4 + + - name: Setup CI + uses: ./.github/actions/setup + with: + pull_token: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_PULL_TOKEN }} + + - name: Install SP1 toolchain from repo + run: | + cargo run -p sp1-cli -- prove install-toolchain + cd crates/cli + cargo install --force --locked --path . + cargo clean + + - name: Run cargo test + uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 + with: + command: test + toolchain: 1.81.0 + args: --release -p sp1-sdk --features native-gnark -- test_e2e_groth16_plonk --nocapture + env: + RUSTFLAGS: -Copt-level=3 -Cdebug-assertions -Coverflow-checks=y -Cdebuginfo=0 -C target-cpu=native + RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 + + groth16-docker: + name: Groth16 Docker + runs-on: + [ + runs-on, + cpu=64, + ram=256, + family=m7i+m7a, + disk=large, + image=ubuntu22-full-x64, + spot=false, + "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}", + ] + env: + CARGO_NET_GIT_FETCH_WITH_CLI: "true" + steps: + - name: Checkout sources + uses: actions/checkout@v4 + + - name: Setup CI + uses: ./.github/actions/setup + with: + pull_token: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_PULL_TOKEN }} + + - name: Install SP1 toolchain from repo + run: | + cargo run -p sp1-cli -- prove install-toolchain + cd crates/cli + cargo install --force --locked --path . + cargo clean + + - name: Run cargo test + uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 + with: + command: test + toolchain: 1.81.0 + args: --release -p sp1-sdk -- test_e2e_prove_groth16 --nocapture + env: + RUSTFLAGS: -Copt-level=3 -Cdebug-assertions -Coverflow-checks=y -Cdebuginfo=0 -C target-cpu=native + RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 + plonk: name: Plonk Native runs-on: @@ -22,7 +107,7 @@ jobs: cpu=64, ram=256, family=m7i+m7a, - hdd=80, + disk=large, image=ubuntu22-full-x64, spot=false, "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}", @@ -35,6 +120,15 @@ jobs: - name: Setup CI uses: ./.github/actions/setup + with: + pull_token: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_PULL_TOKEN }} + + - name: Install SP1 toolchain from repo + run: | + cargo run -p sp1-cli -- prove install-toolchain + cd crates/cli + cargo install --force --locked --path . + cargo clean - name: Run cargo test uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 @@ -54,7 +148,7 @@ jobs: cpu=64, ram=256, family=m7i+m7a, - hdd=80, + disk=large, image=ubuntu22-full-x64, spot=false, "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}", @@ -67,6 +161,15 @@ jobs: - name: Setup CI uses: ./.github/actions/setup + with: + pull_token: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_PULL_TOKEN }} + + - name: Install SP1 toolchain from repo + run: | + cargo run -p sp1-cli -- prove install-toolchain + cd crates/cli + cargo install --force --locked --path . + cargo clean - name: Run cargo test uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 @@ -80,7 +183,7 @@ jobs: check-branch: name: Check branch - runs-on: [ubuntu-latest, "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}"] + runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Check branch if: github.head_ref != 'dev' && !startsWith(github.head_ref, 'release/') && !startsWith(github.head_ref, 'hotfix/') @@ -105,6 +208,8 @@ jobs: - name: Setup CI uses: ./.github/actions/setup + with: + pull_token: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_PULL_TOKEN }} - name: Install SP1 toolchain run: | @@ -145,6 +250,8 @@ jobs: - name: Setup CI uses: ./.github/actions/setup + with: + pull_token: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_PULL_TOKEN }} - name: Install SP1 toolchain run: | @@ -181,6 +288,8 @@ jobs: - name: Setup CI uses: ./.github/actions/setup + with: + pull_token: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_PULL_TOKEN }} - name: Install SP1 toolchain run: | @@ -203,37 +312,73 @@ jobs: cargo remove sp1-sdk cargo add sp1-sdk --path $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/crates/sdk SP1_DEV=1 RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release - test-cuda: - name: Test CUDA - runs-on: nvidia-gpu-linux-x64 + + patch-testing: + name: "Run all tests for patches in the vm" + runs-on: + [ + runs-on, + runner=64cpu-linux-x64, + disk=large, + spot=false, + "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}", + ] + env: + CARGO_NET_GIT_FETCH_WITH_CLI: "true" steps: - name: Checkout sources uses: actions/checkout@v4 - - name: rust-cache - uses: actions/cache@v3 + - name: Setup CI + uses: ./.github/actions/setup with: - path: | - ~/.cargo/bin/ - ~/.cargo/registry/index/ - ~/.cargo/registry/cache/ - ~/.cargo/git/db/ - target/ - ~/.rustup/ - key: rust-1.81.0-${{ hashFiles('**/Cargo.toml') }} - restore-keys: rust-1.81.0- - - - name: Setup toolchain - id: rustc-toolchain - shell: bash - run: | - curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh -s -- --default-toolchain 1.81.0 -y + pull_token: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_PULL_TOKEN }} - - name: Run script + - name: Install SP1 toolchain from repo run: | - . "$HOME/.cargo/env" - curl -L https://sp1.succinct.xyz | bash - /home/runner/.sp1/bin/sp1up - sudo apt install libssl-dev pkg-config - cd examples/fibonacci - RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --features cuda \ No newline at end of file + cargo run -p sp1-cli -- prove install-toolchain + cd crates/cli + cargo install --force --locked --path . + cargo clean + + - name: Run patch testing + run: | + cd ./patch-testing/ + cargo check --all-targets + cargo test + + + # TODO: Re-enable on public release. + # cli: + # name: CLI + # runs-on: [runs-on, runner=8cpu-linux-x64, disk=large, "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}"] + # env: + # CARGO_NET_GIT_FETCH_WITH_CLI: "true" + # steps: + # - name: Checkout sources + # uses: actions/checkout@v4 + + # - name: Setup CI + # uses: ./.github/actions/setup + + # - name: Install SP1 toolchain from repo + # run: | + # cargo run -p sp1-cli -- prove install-toolchain + # cd crates/cli + # cargo install --force --locked --path . + # cargo clean + + # - name: Run cargo prove new + # run: | + # cargo prove new fibonacci --version dev --evm + + # - name: Build program and run script + # run: | + # cd fibonacci + # cd program + # cargo add sp1-zkvm --path $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/crates/zkvm/entrypoint + # cargo prove build + # cd ../script + # cargo remove sp1-sdk + # cargo add sp1-sdk --path $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/crates/sdk + # SP1_DEV=1 RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release -- --prove \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.github/workflows/pr.yml b/.github/workflows/pr.yml index 500033f72..c7ec27262 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/pr.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/pr.yml @@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ on: - ".github/workflows/**" merge_group: +env: + SP1_CI_IN_PROGRESS: "true" + concurrency: group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.ref }} cancel-in-progress: true @@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ jobs: runs-on, runner=64cpu-linux-x64, spot=false, + disk=large, "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}", ] env: @@ -35,24 +39,32 @@ jobs: - name: Setup CI uses: ./.github/actions/setup + with: + pull_token: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_PULL_TOKEN }} + + - name: Install SP1 toolchain from repo + run: | + cargo run -p sp1-cli -- prove install-toolchain + cd crates/cli + cargo install --force --locked --path . + cargo clean - name: Run cargo check uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 with: command: check toolchain: 1.81.0 - args: --all-targets --all-features + args: --all-targets --all-features --tests - name: Run cargo test uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 with: command: test toolchain: 1.81.0 - args: --release --features native-gnark + args: --release --features native-gnark --workspace --exclude sp1-verifier env: RUSTFLAGS: -Copt-level=3 -Cdebug-assertions -Coverflow-checks=y -Cdebuginfo=0 -C target-cpu=native RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 - # FRI_QUERIES: 1 SP1_DEV: 1 test-arm: @@ -62,6 +74,7 @@ jobs: runs-on, runner=64cpu-linux-arm64, spot=false, + disk=large, "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}", ] env: @@ -72,29 +85,82 @@ jobs: - name: Setup CI uses: ./.github/actions/setup + with: + pull_token: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_PULL_TOKEN }} + + - name: Install SP1 toolchain from repo + run: | + cargo run -p sp1-cli -- prove install-toolchain + cd crates/cli + cargo install --force --locked --path . + cargo clean - name: Run cargo check uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 with: command: check toolchain: 1.81.0 - args: --all-targets --all-features + args: --all-targets --all-features --tests - name: Run cargo test uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 with: command: test toolchain: 1.81.0 - args: --release --features native-gnark + args: --release --features native-gnark --workspace --exclude sp1-verifier env: RUSTFLAGS: -Copt-level=3 -Cdebug-assertions -Coverflow-checks=y -Cdebuginfo=0 -C target-cpu=native RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 - # FRI_QUERIES: 1 SP1_DEV: 1 + test-verifier: + name: Test Verifier Crate + runs-on: + [ + runs-on, + runner=64cpu-linux-arm64, + spot=false, + disk=large, + "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}", + ] + env: + CARGO_NET_GIT_FETCH_WITH_CLI: "true" + steps: + - name: Checkout sources + uses: actions/checkout@v4 + + - name: Setup CI + uses: ./.github/actions/setup + with: + pull_token: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_PULL_TOKEN }} + + - name: Install SP1 toolchain from repo + run: | + cargo run -p sp1-cli -- prove install-toolchain + cd crates/cli + cargo install --locked --force --path . + cargo clean + + - name: Run cargo check + uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 + with: + command: check + toolchain: 1.81.0 + args: --all-targets --all-features --tests + + - name: Run cargo test + uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 + with: + command: test + toolchain: 1.81.0 + args: --release --package sp1-verifier + env: + RUSTFLAGS: -Copt-level=3 -Cdebug-assertions -Coverflow-checks=y -Cdebuginfo=0 -C target-cpu=native + RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 + lint: name: Formatting & Clippy - runs-on: [runs-on, runner=8cpu-linux-x64, "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}"] + runs-on: [runs-on, runner=16cpu-linux-x64, disk=large, "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}"] env: CARGO_NET_GIT_FETCH_WITH_CLI: "true" steps: @@ -103,6 +169,15 @@ jobs: - name: Setup CI uses: ./.github/actions/setup + with: + pull_token: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_PULL_TOKEN }} + + - name: Install SP1 toolchain from repo + run: | + cargo run -p sp1-cli -- prove install-toolchain + cd crates/cli + cargo install --force --locked --path . + cargo clean - name: Run cargo fmt uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 @@ -112,6 +187,14 @@ jobs: env: CARGO_INCREMENTAL: 1 + - name: Check test-artifacts + uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 + with: + command: check + args: -p test-artifacts + env: + CARGO_INCREMENTAL: 1 + - name: Run cargo clippy uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 with: @@ -120,14 +203,44 @@ jobs: env: CARGO_INCREMENTAL: 1 - - name: Add wasm target - run: rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown + check: + name: Cargo Check + runs-on: [runs-on, runner=16cpu-linux-x64, disk=large, "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}"] + env: + CARGO_NET_GIT_FETCH_WITH_CLI: "true" + steps: + - name: Checkout sources + uses: actions/checkout@v4 + + - name: Setup CI + uses: ./.github/actions/setup + with: + pull_token: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_PULL_TOKEN }} + + - name: Install SP1 toolchain from repo + run: | + cargo run -p sp1-cli -- prove install-toolchain + cd crates/cli + cargo install --force --locked --path . + cargo clean + + - name: Check workspace no features + uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 + with: + command: check + args: --workspace --all-targets --no-default-features + + - name: Check workspace with default features + uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 + with: + command: check + args: --workspace --all-targets - - name: Check wasm compatibility for sdk + - name: Check workspace with all features uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 with: command: check - args: -p sp1-sdk --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --no-default-features + args: --workspace --all-targets --all-features examples: name: Examples @@ -135,6 +248,7 @@ jobs: [ runs-on, runner=64cpu-linux-x64, + disk=large, spot=false, "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}", ] @@ -146,10 +260,15 @@ jobs: - name: Setup CI uses: ./.github/actions/setup + with: + pull_token: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_PULL_TOKEN }} - - name: Install SP1 toolchain + - name: Install SP1 toolchain from repo run: | cargo run -p sp1-cli -- prove install-toolchain + cd crates/cli + cargo install --force --locked --path . + cargo clean - name: Run cargo fmt run: | @@ -164,243 +283,92 @@ jobs: - name: Run cargo clippy run: | cd ./examples/ - cargo clippy --all-targets --all-features -- -D warnings -A incomplete-features - - tests: - name: Tests - runs-on: [runs-on, runner=64cpu-linux-x64, "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}"] - steps: - - name: Checkout sources - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - - - name: Setup CI - uses: ./.github/actions/setup - - - name: Install SP1 toolchain - run: | - cargo install --locked --force --path crates/cli - cargo prove install-toolchain - - - name: Run cargo fmt - run: | - cd ./tests/ - cargo fmt --all -- --check - - - name: Run cargo clippy - run: | - cd ./tests/ - cargo clippy --all-targets --all-features -- -D warnings -A incomplete-features - - name: Build test ELF files - run: | - cd ./tests/ - make - - cli: - name: CLI - runs-on: [runs-on, runner=8cpu-linux-x64, "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}"] - env: - CARGO_NET_GIT_FETCH_WITH_CLI: "true" + typos: + name: Spell Check + runs-on: [runs-on, runner=16cpu-linux-x64, disk=large, "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}"] steps: - - name: Checkout sources + - name: Checkout Actions Repository uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Setup CI uses: ./.github/actions/setup + with: + pull_token: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_PULL_TOKEN }} - - name: Install SP1 toolchain - run: | - curl -L https://sp1.succinct.xyz | bash - ~/.sp1/bin/sp1up - ~/.sp1/bin/cargo-prove prove --version - - - name: Install SP1 CLI - run: | - cd crates/cli - cargo install --force --locked --path . - cd ~ + - name: Check all typos + uses: crate-ci/typos@master + with: + write_changes: true - - name: Run cargo prove new - run: | - cargo prove new fibonacci --version dev --evm + - uses: getsentry/action-git-diff-suggestions@main + with: + message: typos - - name: Build program and run script - run: | - cd fibonacci - cd program - cargo add sp1-zkvm --path $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/crates/zkvm/entrypoint - cargo prove build - cd ../script - cargo remove sp1-sdk - cargo add sp1-sdk --path $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/crates/sdk - SP1_DEV=1 RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release -- --prove - - performance: - name: Performance - runs-on: [runs-on, family=c7a.48xlarge, "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}"] - env: - CARGO_NET_GIT_FETCH_WITH_CLI: "true" + check-verifier-no-std: + name: Check Verifier `no_std` + runs-on: [runs-on, runner=16cpu-linux-x64, disk=large, "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}"] + timeout-minutes: 10 + strategy: + fail-fast: false steps: - - name: Checkout sources + - name: Checkout Actions Repository uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Setup CI uses: ./.github/actions/setup - - - name: Install SP1 toolchain - run: | - curl -L https://sp1.succinct.xyz | bash - ~/.sp1/bin/sp1up - ~/.sp1/bin/cargo-prove prove --version - - - name: Run Evaluation - run: | - cd crates/eval - RUSTFLAGS='-C target-cpu=native' cargo run --release -- \ - --programs fibonacci,ssz-withdrawals,tendermint \ - --post-to-slack ${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/dev' }} \ - --slack-channel-id "${{ secrets.SLACK_CHANNEL_ID }}" \ - --slack-token "${{ secrets.SLACK_TOKEN }}" \ - --post-to-github ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }} \ - --github-token "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" \ - --repo-owner "${{ github.repository_owner }}" \ - --repo-name "${{ github.event.repository.name }}" \ - --pr-number "${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}" \ - --branch-name "${{ github.head_ref || github.ref_name }}" \ - --commit-hash "${{ github.sha }}" \ - --author "${{ github.event.pull_request.user.login || github.actor }}" - - low-memory: - name: Low Memory - strategy: - matrix: - mem_limit: [16, 32, 64] + with: + pull_token: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_PULL_TOKEN }} + + - name: Install Rust toolchain + uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@stable + with: + targets: riscv32imac-unknown-none-elf + + - name: Install target support + run: rustup target add riscv32imac-unknown-none-elf + + - name: Check build + run: cargo check --target riscv32imac-unknown-none-elf --no-default-features -p sp1-verifier + + lock-files: + name: "Check lock files" runs-on: [ runs-on, - "ram=${{ matrix.mem_limit}}", - family=c7a, + cpu=64, + ram=256, + family=m7i+m7a, + disk=large, image=ubuntu22-full-x64, + spot=false, "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}", - ] + ] env: CARGO_NET_GIT_FETCH_WITH_CLI: "true" steps: - - name: Checkout sources - uses: actions/checkout@v4 + - name: "Checkout sources" + uses: "actions/checkout@v4" - name: Setup CI uses: ./.github/actions/setup + with: + pull_token: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_PULL_TOKEN }} - - name: Install SP1 toolchain + - name: "Remove lock files" run: | - curl -L https://sp1.succinct.xyz | bash - ~/.sp1/bin/sp1up - ~/.sp1/bin/cargo-prove prove --version + find -name Cargo.lock -type f -exec rm {} \; - - name: Install SP1 CLI + # We need the SP1 toolchain to be installed in order to build test-artifacts + - name: Install SP1 toolchain run: | - cd crates/cli - cargo install --force --locked --path . - cd ~ + cargo run -p sp1-cli -- prove install-toolchain - - name: Run tendermint script + - name: "Build SP1 without lock files" run: | - cd examples/tendermint/program - cargo add sp1-zkvm --path $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/crates/zkvm/entrypoint - cargo prove build - cd ../script - cargo remove sp1-sdk - cargo add sp1-sdk --path $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/crates/sdk - SP1_DEV=1 RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release - - - name: Run cycle tracking script + cargo build --all --all-targets + + - name: "Build examples without lock files" run: | - cd examples/cycle-tracking/script - cargo add sp1-sdk --path $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/crates/sdk - SP1_DEV=1 RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release - - # toolchain-test: - # name: "Test toolchain installation (${{ matrix.name }})" - # strategy: - # fail-fast: false - # matrix: - # include: - # - name: "Ubuntu 24.04 (x86_64)" - # runner: "ubuntu-24.04" - # - name: "Ubuntu 22.04 (x86_64)" - # runner: "ubuntu-22.04" - # - name: "Ubuntu 20.04 (x86_64)" - # runner: "ubuntu-20.04" - # - name: "macOS Monterey (x86_64)" - # runner: "macos-12" - # - name: "macOS Ventura (x86_64)" - # runner: "macos-13" - # - name: "macOS Sonoma (ARM64)" - # runner: "macos-14" - - # runs-on: "${{ matrix.runner }}" - # steps: - # - name: "Checkout source code" - # uses: "actions/checkout@v4" - - # - name: "Install cargo-prove" - # run: | - # cargo install --locked --path ./crates/cli - - # - name: "Install SP1 toolchain" - # run: | - # cargo prove install-toolchain --token ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} - - # - name: "Create SP1 project from template" - # run: | - # cargo prove new hello - - # - name: "Build SP1 project" - # run: | - # cd ./hello/program - # cargo prove build - - # toolchain-test-ec2: - # name: "Test toolchain installation (${{ matrix.name }})" - # strategy: - # fail-fast: false - # matrix: - # include: - # # AMI from `us-east-1` - # - name: "Debian 12 (x86_64)" - # ec2-instance: "c5.2xlarge" - # ami: "ami-064519b8c76274859" - # volume: "/dev/xvda" - # - name: "Debian 12 (ARM64)" - # ec2-instance: "c6g.2xlarge" - # ami: "ami-0789039e34e739d67" - # volume: "/dev/xvda" - # uses: "./.github/workflows/toolchain-ec2.yml" - # with: - # image-id: "${{ matrix.ami }}" - # instance-type: "${{ matrix.ec2-instance }}" - # root-volume: "${{ matrix.volume }}" - # secrets: - # AWS_REGION: "${{ secrets.AWS_REGION }}" - # AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}" - # AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}" - # AWS_SUBNET_ID: "${{ secrets.AWS_SUBNET_ID }}" - # AWS_SG_ID: "${{ secrets.AWS_SG_ID }}" - # GH_PAT: "${{ secrets.GH_PAT }}" - - typos: - name: Spell Check - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - steps: - - name: Checkout Actions Repository - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - - - name: Check all typos - uses: crate-ci/typos@master - with: - write_changes: true - - - uses: getsentry/action-git-diff-suggestions@main - with: - message: typos + cd examples + cargo build --all --all-targets \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.github/workflows/release.yml b/.github/workflows/release.yml index e752edd07..65ef34ab7 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/release.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/release.yml @@ -86,12 +86,12 @@ jobs: # `platform` and `arch`: Used in tarball names # `svm`: target platform to use for the Solc binary: https://github.com/roynalnaruto/svm-rs/blob/84cbe0ac705becabdc13168bae28a45ad2299749/svm-builds/build.rs#L4-L24 - runner: ubuntu-latest - target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu + target: x86_64-unknown-linux-musl svm_target_platform: linux-amd64 platform: linux arch: amd64 - runner: warp-ubuntu-latest-arm64-4x - target: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu + target: aarch64-unknown-linux-musl svm_target_platform: linux-aarch64 platform: linux arch: arm64 @@ -148,12 +148,19 @@ jobs: echo "MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=$(xcrun -sdk macosx --show-sdk-platform-version)" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Linux ARM setup - if: matrix.target == 'aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu' + if: matrix.target == 'aarch64-unknown-linux-musl' run: | sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt-get install -y gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu echo "CARGO_TARGET_AARCH64_UNKNOWN_LINUX_GNU_LINKER=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: Musl setup + if: contains(matrix.target, 'musl') + run: | + sudo apt-get update -y + sudo apt-get install -y musl-tools musl-dev + rustup target add ${{ matrix.target }} + - name: Build binaries env: SVM_TARGET_PLATFORM: ${{ matrix.svm_target_platform }} @@ -225,6 +232,77 @@ jobs: ${{ steps.artifacts.outputs.file_name }} ${{ steps.man.outputs.cargo_prove_man }} + toolchain-test: + name: "Test toolchain installation (${{ matrix.name }})" + needs: release + strategy: + fail-fast: false + matrix: + include: + - name: "Ubuntu 24.04 (x86_64)" + runner: "ubuntu-24.04" + - name: "Ubuntu 22.04 (x86_64)" + runner: "ubuntu-22.04" + - name: "Ubuntu 20.04 (x86_64)" + runner: "ubuntu-20.04" + - name: "macOS Monterey (x86_64)" + runner: "macos-12" + - name: "macOS Ventura (x86_64)" + runner: "macos-13" + - name: "macOS Sonoma (ARM64)" + runner: "macos-14" + + runs-on: "${{ matrix.runner }}" + steps: + - name: "Checkout source code" + uses: "actions/checkout@v4" + + - name: "Install SP1" + env: + SP1UP_VERSION: ${{ github.ref_name }} + run: | + cd sp1up + chmod +x sp1up + ./sp1up --token ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} + + - name: "Create SP1 project from template" + run: | + $HOME/.sp1/bin/cargo-prove prove new --bare hello + + - name: "Build SP1 project" + run: | + cd ./hello/program + $HOME/.sp1/bin/cargo-prove prove build + + toolchain-test-ec2: + name: "Test toolchain installation (${{ matrix.name }})" + needs: release + strategy: + fail-fast: false + matrix: + include: + # AMI from `us-east-1` + - name: "Debian 12 (x86_64)" + ec2-instance: "c5.2xlarge" + ami: "ami-064519b8c76274859" + volume: "/dev/xvda" + - name: "Debian 12 (ARM64)" + ec2-instance: "c6g.2xlarge" + ami: "ami-0789039e34e739d67" + volume: "/dev/xvda" + uses: "./.github/workflows/toolchain-ec2.yml" + with: + image-id: "${{ matrix.ami }}" + instance-type: "${{ matrix.ec2-instance }}" + root-volume: "${{ matrix.volume }}" + secrets: + AWS_REGION: "${{ secrets.AWS_REGION }}" + AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}" + AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}" + AWS_SUBNET_ID: "${{ secrets.AWS_SUBNET_ID }}" + AWS_SG_ID: "${{ secrets.AWS_SG_ID }}" + GH_PAT: ${{ secrets.GH_PAT }} + cleanup: name: Release cleanup runs-on: ubuntu-latest diff --git a/.github/workflows/suite.yml b/.github/workflows/suite.yml index 8d1fa3831..980537109 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/suite.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/suite.yml @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -name: Testing Suite +name: Testing Suite (Prover) on: workflow_dispatch: @@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ on: description: "list of network workloads to run" required: true merge_group: + # pull_request: + # branches: [ main ] concurrency: group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.ref }}- @@ -20,19 +22,29 @@ concurrency: jobs: test-cpu: - if: ${{ fromJSON(github.event.inputs.cpu_workloads)[0] != null }} + if: ${{ github.event.inputs.cpu_workloads != null || github.event_name != 'workflow_dispatch' }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: - workload: ${{ fromJSON(github.event.inputs.cpu_workloads) }} + workload: ${{ github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' && fromJSON(github.event.inputs.cpu_workloads) || fromJSON('["fibonacci-17k", "ssz-withdrawals", "tendermint", "rsp-20526624", "rsa", "regex", "chess", "json", "blobstream-01j6z63fgafrc8jeh0k12gbtvw", "blobstream-01j6z95bdme9svevmfyc974bja", "blobstream-01j6z9ak0ke9srsppgywgke6fj", "vector-01j6xsv35re96tkgyda115320t", "vector-01j6xzy366ff5tbkzcrs8pma02", "vector-01j6y06de0fdaafemr8b1t69z3", "raiko-a7-10"]') }} name: ${{ matrix.workload }} (cpu) - runs-on: ["runs-on", "runner=64cpu-linux-x64", "spot=false", "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}"] + runs-on: + [ + "runs-on", + "runner=64cpu-linux-x64", + "spot=false", + "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}", + ] + env: + CARGO_NET_GIT_FETCH_WITH_CLI: "true" steps: - name: Checkout sources uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Setup CI uses: ./.github/actions/setup + with: + pull_token: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_PULL_TOKEN }} - name: Configure AWS credentials uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1 @@ -47,11 +59,16 @@ jobs: aws s3 cp s3://sp1-testing-suite/${{ matrix.workload }}/program.bin workdir/program.bin aws s3 cp s3://sp1-testing-suite/${{ matrix.workload }}/stdin.bin workdir/stdin.bin - - name: Clean Cargo cache - uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 - with: - command: clean - toolchain: 1.81.0 + - name: Install SP1 toolchain from repo + run: | + cargo run -p sp1-cli -- prove install-toolchain + cd crates/cli + cargo install --locked --force --path . + cargo clean + + - name: Install m4 + run: | + sudo apt-get install m4 - name: Run sp1-perf uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 @@ -65,50 +82,67 @@ jobs: RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 test-cuda: - if: ${{ fromJSON(github.event.inputs.cuda_workloads)[0] != null }} + if: ${{ github.event.inputs.cuda_workloads != null || github.event_name != 'workflow_dispatch' }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: - workload: ${{ fromJSON(github.event.inputs.cuda_workloads) }} + workload: ${{ github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' && fromJSON(github.event.inputs.cuda_workloads) || fromJSON('["fibonacci-17k", "ssz-withdrawals", "tendermint", "rsp-20526624", "rsa", "regex", "chess", "json", "blobstream-01j6z63fgafrc8jeh0k12gbtvw", "blobstream-01j6z95bdme9svevmfyc974bja", "blobstream-01j6z9ak0ke9srsppgywgke6fj", "vector-01j6xsv35re96tkgyda115320t", "vector-01j6xzy366ff5tbkzcrs8pma02", "vector-01j6y06de0fdaafemr8b1t69z3", "raiko-a7-10"]') }} name: ${{ matrix.workload }} (gpu) - runs-on: ["runs-on", "family=g6.4xlarge", "hdd=200", "ami=ami-0a63dc9cb9e934ba3", "spot=false", "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}"] + env: + CARGO_NET_GIT_FETCH_WITH_CLI: "true" + runs-on: + [ + "runs-on", + "family=g6.4xlarge", + "hdd=200", + "ami=ami-0a63dc9cb9e934ba3", + "spot=false", + "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}", + ] steps: - - name: Checkout sources - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - - - name: Setup CI - uses: ./.github/actions/setup - - - name: Configure AWS credentials - uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1 - with: - aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID_S3 }} - aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_S3 }} - aws-region: us-west-2 - - - name: Copy files from S3 - run: | - mkdir -p workdir - aws s3 cp s3://sp1-testing-suite/${{ matrix.workload }}/program.bin workdir/program.bin - aws s3 cp s3://sp1-testing-suite/${{ matrix.workload }}/stdin.bin workdir/stdin.bin - - - name: Clean Cargo cache - uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 - with: - command: clean - toolchain: 1.81.0 - - - name: Run sp1-perf - uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 - with: - command: run - toolchain: 1.81.0 - args: --release -p sp1-perf -- --program workdir/program.bin --stdin workdir/stdin.bin --mode cuda - env: - RUST_LOG: debug - RUSTFLAGS: -Copt-level=3 -Ctarget-cpu=native - RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 - SP1_PROVER: cuda + - name: Checkout sources + uses: actions/checkout@v4 + + - name: Setup CI + uses: ./.github/actions/setup + with: + pull_token: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_PULL_TOKEN }} + + - name: Configure AWS credentials + uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1 + with: + aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID_S3 }} + aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_S3 }} + aws-region: us-west-2 + + - name: Copy files from S3 + run: | + mkdir -p workdir + aws s3 cp s3://sp1-testing-suite/${{ matrix.workload }}/program.bin workdir/program.bin + aws s3 cp s3://sp1-testing-suite/${{ matrix.workload }}/stdin.bin workdir/stdin.bin + + - name: Install SP1 toolchain from repo + run: | + cargo run -p sp1-cli -- prove install-toolchain + cd crates/cli + cargo install --locked --force --path . + cargo clean + + - name: Install m4 + run: | + sudo apt-get install m4 + + - name: Run sp1-perf + uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 + with: + command: run + toolchain: 1.81.0 + args: --release -p sp1-perf -- --program workdir/program.bin --stdin workdir/stdin.bin --mode cuda + env: + RUST_LOG: debug + RUSTFLAGS: -Copt-level=3 -Ctarget-cpu=native + RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 + SP1_PROVER: cuda test-network: if: ${{ fromJSON(github.event.inputs.network_workloads)[0] != null }} @@ -117,43 +151,62 @@ jobs: matrix: workload: ${{ fromJSON(github.event.inputs.network_workloads) }} name: ${{ matrix.workload }} (network) - runs-on: ["runs-on", "runner=16cpu-linux-x64", "spot=false", "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}"] + runs-on: + [ + "runs-on", + "runner=16cpu-linux-x64", + "spot=false", + "run-id=${{ github.run_id }}", + ] + env: + CARGO_NET_GIT_FETCH_WITH_CLI: "true" steps: - - name: Checkout sources - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - - - name: Setup CI - uses: ./.github/actions/setup - - - name: Configure AWS credentials - uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1 - with: - aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID_S3 }} - aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_S3 }} - aws-region: us-west-2 - - - name: Copy files from S3 - run: | - mkdir -p workdir - aws s3 cp s3://sp1-testing-suite/${{ matrix.workload }}/program.bin workdir/program.bin - aws s3 cp s3://sp1-testing-suite/${{ matrix.workload }}/stdin.bin workdir/stdin.bin - - - name: Clean Cargo cache - uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 - with: - command: clean - toolchain: 1.81.0 - - - name: Run sp1-perf - uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 - with: - command: run - toolchain: 1.81.0 - args: --release -p sp1-perf --features native-gnark -- --program workdir/program.bin --stdin workdir/stdin.bin --mode network - env: - RUST_LOG: info - RUSTFLAGS: -Copt-level=3 -Ctarget-cpu=native - RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 - SP1_PROVER: network - SP1_PRIVATE_KEY: ${{ secrets.SP1_PRIVATE_KEY }} - PROVER_NETWORK_RPC: https://rpc-staging.succinct.xyz \ No newline at end of file + - name: Checkout sources + uses: actions/checkout@v4 + + - name: Setup CI + uses: ./.github/actions/setup + with: + pull_token: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_PULL_TOKEN }} + + - name: Configure AWS credentials + uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1 + with: + aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID_S3 }} + aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_S3 }} + aws-region: us-west-2 + + - name: Copy files from S3 + run: | + mkdir -p workdir + aws s3 cp s3://sp1-testing-suite/${{ matrix.workload }}/program.bin workdir/program.bin + aws s3 cp s3://sp1-testing-suite/${{ matrix.workload }}/stdin.bin workdir/stdin.bin + + - name: Clean Cargo cache + uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 + with: + command: clean + toolchain: 1.81.0 + + - name: Install SP1 toolchain from repo + run: | + cargo run -p sp1-cli -- prove install-toolchain + cd crates/cli + cargo install --locked --force --path . + cargo clean + + - name: Run sp1-perf + uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 + with: + command: run + toolchain: 1.81.0 + args: --release -p sp1-perf --features "native-gnark" -- --program workdir/program.bin --stdin workdir/stdin.bin --mode network + env: + RUST_LOG: info + VERIFY_VK: false + RUSTFLAGS: -Copt-level=3 -Ctarget-cpu=native + RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 + SP1_PROVER: network + SP1_PRIVATE_KEY: ${{ secrets.SP1_PRIVATE_KEY }} + NETWORK_PRIVATE_KEY: ${{ secrets.NETWORK_PRIVATE_KEY }} + NETWORK_RPC_URL: "https://rpc.production.succinct.xyz" diff --git a/.github/workflows/test-book.yml b/.github/workflows/test-book.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d0591a4fc --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/test-book.yml @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +name: Test deployment + +on: + pull_request: + branches: [dev] + +defaults: + run: + working-directory: book + +jobs: + test-deploy: + name: Test doc build + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - uses: actions/checkout@v4 + with: + fetch-depth: 0 + + - uses: actions/setup-node@v4 + with: + node-version: 18 + cache: npm + cache-dependency-path: book/package-lock.json + + - name: Install dependencies + run: npm ci + + - name: Test build website + run: npm run build diff --git a/.github/workflows/toolchain-ec2.yml b/.github/workflows/toolchain-ec2.yml index dd3b2457f..bbc4f6d11 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/toolchain-ec2.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/toolchain-ec2.yml @@ -92,15 +92,24 @@ jobs: - name: "Install build dependencies" run: | sudo apt-get update - sudo apt-get install -y build-essential pkg-config libssl-dev + sudo apt-get install -y build-essential pkg-config libssl-dev git - - name: "Install cargo-prove" + - name: "Install SP1" + env: + SP1UP_VERSION: ${{ github.ref_name }} run: | - cargo install --locked --path ./crates/cli + cd sp1up + chmod +x sp1up + ./sp1up --token ${{ secrets.GH_PAT }} - - name: "Install SP1 toolchain" + - name: "Create SP1 project from template" run: | - cargo prove install-toolchain --token ${{ secrets.GH_PAT }} + $HOME/.sp1/bin/cargo-prove prove new --bare hello + + - name: "Build SP1 project" + run: | + cd ./hello/program + $HOME/.sp1/bin/cargo-prove prove build stop-runner: name: "Stop self-hosted EC2 runner" diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 825258329..9ccd91dc7 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -16,6 +16,11 @@ pgo-data.profdata **/proof-with-io.bin **/program.bin **/stdin.bin +**/node_modules + +# Example fibonacci groth16 / plonk proofs +examples/fibonacci/fibonacci-groth16.bin +examples/fibonacci/fibonacci-plonk.bin # Benchmark benchmark.csv @@ -23,6 +28,9 @@ benchmark.csv # Environment .env +# scripts +crates/prover/maximal_shapes.sh + # Build Artifacts recursion/gnark-ffi/build crates/prover/build @@ -35,6 +43,18 @@ crates/prover/semaphore-gnark-11 crates/prover/trusted-setup crates/prover/vk +# Example legacy elf +examples/elf + # Example fibonacci groth16 / plonk proofs examples/fibonacci/fibonacci-groth16.bin -examples/fibonacci/fibonacci-plonk.bin \ No newline at end of file +examples/fibonacci/fibonacci-plonk.bin + +# C++ +.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json + +**/.yarn +**/yarn.lock +book/.pnp.cjs +book/.pnp.loader.mjs +book/.yarnrc.yml diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json index d1500a8b1..77c0871ff 100644 --- a/.vscode/settings.json +++ b/.vscode/settings.json @@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ ], "rust-analyzer.linkedProjects": [ "Cargo.toml", + "patch-testing/Cargo.toml", + "patch-testing/rustcrypto-bigint/program/Cargo.toml", // // Examples. // "examples/chess/program/Cargo.toml", // "examples/chess/script/Cargo.toml", @@ -66,4 +68,22 @@ // "rust-analyzer.check.workspace": false, // "rust-analyzer.check.invocationStrategy": "once", // "rust-analyzer.cargo.buildScripts.invocationStrategy": "once", + "C_Cpp.default.includePath": [ + "${workspaceFolder}/crates/**/include", + "${workspaceFolder}/target/include", + ], + "C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngine": "Tag Parser", + "files.associations": { + "random": "cpp", + "chrono": "cpp", + "cstdint": "cpp", + "ratio": "cpp", + "system_error": "cpp", + "array": "cpp", + "functional": "cpp", + "tuple": "cpp", + "type_traits": "cpp", + "utility": "cpp", + "cmath": "cpp" + }, } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md index 85557b635..c2c99353f 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -107,6 +107,25 @@ changes that are split across multiple commits. That said, if you have a number of commits that are "checkpoints" and don't represent a single logical change, please squash those together. +**Conventional Commit Messages and PR Titles:** +To ensure consistency and aid in automated tooling (such as changelog generation), please follow the +[Conventional Commits](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/) style for commit messages and PR titles. Prefix your commit +messages and PR titles with one of the following types: + +- **feat:** for new features +- **fix:** for bug fixes +- **docs:** for documentation-only changes +- **refactor:** for code changes that neither fix a bug nor add a feature +- **chore:** for changes to the build process or auxiliary tools +- **test:** for adding or updating tests + +For example: +- `docs: Update README with corrected links` +- `fix: Resolve race condition in event loop` + +If your pull request title does not contain a valid prefix, automated checks may fail. You can amend your commit and +force-push to correct this before merging. + #### Opening the pull request From within GitHub, opening a new pull request will present you with a template that should be filled out. Please try @@ -162,4 +181,4 @@ _Adapted from the [Reth contributing guide](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pa [mcve]: https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve -[hiding-a-comment]: https://help.github.com/articles/managing-disruptive-comments/#hiding-a-comment \ No newline at end of file +[hiding-a-comment]: https://help.github.com/articles/managing-disruptive-comments/#hiding-a-comment diff --git a/Cargo.lock b/Cargo.lock index 1660eea16..724e4162c 100644 --- a/Cargo.lock +++ b/Cargo.lock @@ -1,16 +1,6 @@ # This file is automatically @generated by Cargo. # It is not intended for manual editing. -version = 3 - -[[package]] -name = "Inflector" -version = "0.11.4" -source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index" -checksum = "fe438c63458706e03479442743baae6c88256498e6431708f6dfc520a26515d3" -dependencies = [ - "lazy_static", - "regex", -] +version = 4 [[package]] name = "addchain" @@ -55,18 +45,7 @@ checksum = "884391ef1066acaa41e766ba8f596341b96e93ce34f9a43e7d24bf0a0eaf0561" 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["examples/target"] resolver = "2" @@ -47,71 +51,74 @@ debug-assertions = true [workspace.dependencies] # sp1 -sp1-build = { path = "crates/build", version = "3.4.0" } -sp1-cli = { path = "crates/cli", version = "3.4.0", default-features = false } -sp1-core-machine = { path = "crates/core/machine", version = "3.4.0" } -sp1-core-executor = { path = "crates/core/executor", version = "3.4.0" } -sp1-curves = { path = "crates/curves", version = "3.4.0" } -sp1-derive = { path = "crates/derive", version = "3.4.0" } -sp1-eval = { path = "crates/eval", version = "3.4.0" } -sp1-helper = { path = "crates/helper", version = "3.4.0", default-features = false } -sp1-primitives = { path = "crates/primitives", version = "3.4.0" } -sp1-prover = { path = "crates/prover", version = "3.4.0" } -sp1-recursion-compiler = { path = "crates/recursion/compiler", version = "3.4.0" } -sp1-recursion-core = { path = "crates/recursion/core", version = "3.4.0", default-features = false } -sp1-recursion-derive = { path = "crates/recursion/derive", version = "3.4.0", default-features = false } -sp1-recursion-gnark-ffi = { path = "crates/recursion/gnark-ffi", version = "3.4.0", default-features = false } -sp1-recursion-circuit = { path = "crates/recursion/circuit", version = "3.4.0", default-features = false } -sp1-sdk = { path = "crates/sdk", version = "3.4.0" } -sp1-cuda = { path = "crates/cuda", version = "3.4.0" } -sp1-stark = { path = "crates/stark", version = "3.4.0" } -sp1-lib = { path = "crates/zkvm/lib", version = "3.4.0", default-features = false } -sp1-zkvm = { path = "crates/zkvm/entrypoint", version = "3.4.0", default-features = false } +sp1-build = { path = "crates/build", version = "4.0.0" } +sp1-cli = { path = "crates/cli", version = "4.0.0", default-features = false } +sp1-core-machine = { path = "crates/core/machine", version = "4.0.0" } +sp1-core-executor = { path = "crates/core/executor", version = "4.0.0" } +sp1-curves = { path = "crates/curves", version = "4.0.0" } +sp1-derive = { path = "crates/derive", version = "4.0.0" } +sp1-eval = { path = "crates/eval", version = "4.0.0" } +sp1-helper = { path = "crates/helper", version = "4.0.0", default-features = false } +sp1-primitives = { path = "crates/primitives", version = "4.0.0" } +sp1-prover = { path = "crates/prover", version = "4.0.0" } +sp1-recursion-compiler = { path = "crates/recursion/compiler", version = "4.0.0" } +sp1-recursion-core = { path = "crates/recursion/core", version = "4.0.0" } +sp1-recursion-derive = { path = "crates/recursion/derive", version = "4.0.0", default-features = false } +sp1-recursion-gnark-ffi = { path = "crates/recursion/gnark-ffi", version = "4.0.0", default-features = false } +sp1-recursion-circuit = { path = "crates/recursion/circuit", version = "4.0.0", default-features = false } +sp1-sdk = { path = "crates/sdk", version = "4.0.0" } +sp1-cuda = { path = "crates/cuda", version = "4.0.0" } +sp1-stark = { path = "crates/stark", version = "4.0.0" } +sp1-lib = { path = "crates/zkvm/lib", version = "4.0.0", default-features = false } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "crates/zkvm/entrypoint", version = "4.0.0", default-features = false } + +# For testing. +test-artifacts = { path = "crates/test-artifacts" } # p3 -p3-air = "0.1.4-succinct" -p3-field = "0.1.4-succinct" -p3-commit = "0.1.4-succinct" -p3-matrix = "0.1.4-succinct" -p3-baby-bear = { version = "0.1.4-succinct", features = ["nightly-features"] } -p3-util = "0.1.4-succinct" -p3-challenger = "0.1.4-succinct" -p3-dft = "0.1.4-succinct" -p3-fri = "0.1.4-succinct" -p3-goldilocks = "0.1.4-succinct" -p3-keccak = "0.1.4-succinct" -p3-keccak-air = "0.1.4-succinct" -p3-blake3 = "0.1.4-succinct" -p3-mds = "0.1.4-succinct" -p3-merkle-tree = "0.1.4-succinct" -p3-poseidon2 = "0.1.4-succinct" -p3-symmetric = "0.1.4-succinct" -p3-uni-stark = "0.1.4-succinct" -p3-maybe-rayon = "0.1.4-succinct" -p3-bn254-fr = "0.1.4-succinct" +p3-air = "=0.2.0-succinct" +p3-field = "=0.2.0-succinct" +p3-commit = "=0.2.0-succinct" +p3-matrix = "=0.2.0-succinct" +p3-baby-bear = { version = "=0.2.0-succinct", features = ["nightly-features"] } +p3-util = "=0.2.0-succinct" +p3-challenger = "=0.2.0-succinct" +p3-dft = "=0.2.0-succinct" +p3-fri = "=0.2.0-succinct" +p3-goldilocks = "=0.2.0-succinct" +p3-keccak = "=0.2.0-succinct" +p3-keccak-air = "=0.2.0-succinct" +p3-blake3 = "=0.2.0-succinct" +p3-mds = "=0.2.0-succinct" +p3-merkle-tree = "=0.2.0-succinct" +p3-poseidon2 = "=0.2.0-succinct" +p3-symmetric = "=0.2.0-succinct" +p3-uni-stark = "=0.2.0-succinct" +p3-maybe-rayon = "=0.2.0-succinct" +p3-bn254-fr = "=0.2.0-succinct" # For local development. -# p3-air = { git = "https://github.com/Plonky3/Plonky3", branch = "sp1-v3" } -# p3-field = { git = "https://github.com/Plonky3/Plonky3", branch = "sp1-v3" } -# p3-commit = { git = "https://github.com/Plonky3/Plonky3", branch = "sp1-v3" } -# p3-matrix = { git = "https://github.com/Plonky3/Plonky3", branch = "sp1-v3" } -# p3-baby-bear = { git = "https://github.com/Plonky3/Plonky3", branch = "sp1-v3" } -# p3-util = { git = "https://github.com/Plonky3/Plonky3", branch = "sp1-v3" } -# p3-challenger = { git = "https://github.com/Plonky3/Plonky3", branch = "sp1-v3" } -# p3-dft = { git = "https://github.com/Plonky3/Plonky3", branch = "sp1-v3" } -# p3-fri = { git = "https://github.com/Plonky3/Plonky3", branch = "sp1-v3" } -# p3-goldilocks = { git = "https://github.com/Plonky3/Plonky3", branch = "sp1-v3" } -# p3-keccak = { git = "https://github.com/Plonky3/Plonky3", branch = "sp1-v3" } -# p3-keccak-air = { git = "https://github.com/Plonky3/Plonky3", branch = "sp1-v3" } -# p3-blake3 = { git = "https://github.com/Plonky3/Plonky3", branch = "sp1-v3" } -# p3-mds = { git = "https://github.com/Plonky3/Plonky3", branch = "sp1-v3" } -# p3-merkle-tree = { git = "https://github.com/Plonky3/Plonky3", branch = "sp1-v3" } -# p3-poseidon2 = { git = "https://github.com/Plonky3/Plonky3", branch = "sp1-v3" } -# p3-symmetric = { git = "https://github.com/Plonky3/Plonky3", branch = "sp1-v3" } -# p3-uni-stark = { git = "https://github.com/Plonky3/Plonky3", branch = "sp1-v3" } -# p3-maybe-rayon = { git = "https://github.com/Plonky3/Plonky3", branch = "sp1-v3" } -# p3-bn254-fr = { git = "https://github.com/Plonky3/Plonky3", branch = "sp1-v3" } +# p3-air = { git = "https://github.com/succinctlabs/plonky3-private", branch = "sp1-v4" } +# p3-field = { git = "https://github.com/succinctlabs/plonky3-private", branch = "sp1-v4" } +# p3-commit = { git = "https://github.com/succinctlabs/plonky3-private", branch = "sp1-v4" } +# p3-matrix = { git = "https://github.com/succinctlabs/plonky3-private", branch = "sp1-v4" } +# p3-baby-bear = { git = "https://github.com/succinctlabs/plonky3-private", branch = "sp1-v4" } +# p3-util = { git = "https://github.com/succinctlabs/plonky3-private", branch = "sp1-v4" } +# p3-challenger = { git = "https://github.com/succinctlabs/plonky3-private", branch = "sp1-v4" } +# p3-dft = { git = "https://github.com/succinctlabs/plonky3-private", branch = "sp1-v4" } +# p3-fri = { git = "https://github.com/succinctlabs/plonky3-private", branch = "sp1-v4" } +# p3-goldilocks = { git = "https://github.com/succinctlabs/plonky3-private", branch = "sp1-v4" } +# p3-keccak = { git = "https://github.com/succinctlabs/plonky3-private", branch = "sp1-v4" } +# p3-keccak-air = { git = "https://github.com/succinctlabs/plonky3-private", branch = "sp1-v4" } +# p3-blake3 = { git = "https://github.com/succinctlabs/plonky3-private", branch = "sp1-v4" } +# p3-mds = { git = "https://github.com/succinctlabs/plonky3-private", branch = "sp1-v4" } +# p3-merkle-tree = { git = "https://github.com/succinctlabs/plonky3-private", branch = "sp1-v4" } +# p3-poseidon2 = { git = "https://github.com/succinctlabs/plonky3-private", branch = "sp1-v4" } +# p3-symmetric = { git = "https://github.com/succinctlabs/plonky3-private", branch = "sp1-v4" } +# p3-uni-stark = { git = "https://github.com/succinctlabs/plonky3-private", branch = "sp1-v4" } +# p3-maybe-rayon = { git = "https://github.com/succinctlabs/plonky3-private", branch = "sp1-v4" } +# p3-bn254-fr = { git = "https://github.com/succinctlabs/plonky3-private", branch = "sp1-v4" } # p3-air = { path = "../Plonky3/air" } # p3-field = { path = "../Plonky3/field" } @@ -134,7 +141,19 @@ p3-bn254-fr = "0.1.4-succinct" # p3-maybe-rayon = { path = "../Plonky3/maybe-rayon" } # p3-bn254-fr = { path = "../Plonky3/bn254-fr" } +# misc +hashbrown = "0.14.5" +itertools = "0.13.0" +serde = "1.0.204" +serde_json = "1.0.132" +tracing = "0.1.40" +tracing-subscriber = "0.3.18" + [workspace.metadata.typos] -# TODO: Fix in next version since CommitCommitedValuesDigest is retained since it's present in constraints.json -default.extend-ignore-re = ["Jo-Philipp Wich", "SubEIN", "DivEIN", "CommitCommitedValuesDigest"] +default.extend-ignore-re = [ + "Jo-Philipp Wich", + "SubEIN", + "DivEIN", + "CommitCommitedValuesDigest", +] default.extend-ignore-words-re = ["(?i)groth", "TRE"] diff --git a/DEVELOPMENT.md b/DEVELOPMENT.md index 77014462c..390ecb257 100644 --- a/DEVELOPMENT.md +++ b/DEVELOPMENT.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ This is a guide with helpful information for developers who want to contribute t ## Getting started -You can run the test suite in SP1 core by running the following command: +To build SP1, you must install [Go](https://go.dev/doc/install). You can run the test suite in SP1 core by running the following command: ```bash cd core diff --git a/Dockerfile.build b/Dockerfile.build new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cab11b75e --- /dev/null +++ b/Dockerfile.build @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +FROM ubuntu:24.04@sha256:e3f92abc0967a6c19d0dfa2d55838833e947b9d74edbcb0113e48535ad4be12a as build + +RUN apt-get update \ + && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends ca-certificates clang curl libssl-dev pkg-config git dialog xz-utils \ + && curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 --retry 10 --retry-connrefused -fsSL 'https://sh.rustup.rs' | sh -s -- -y + +ENV PATH="/root/.cargo/bin:${PATH}" + +# Copy the repo into the container +RUN mkdir -p /root/sp1 +COPY . /root/sp1 + +# Set the working directory +WORKDIR /root/sp1 + +# Make sure go is installed +RUN apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends golang && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends gcc + +# Install the succinct toolchain +RUN cargo run --bin cargo-prove -- prove install-toolchain && rm -rf /root/sp1 + +FROM ubuntu:24.04@sha256:e3f92abc0967a6c19d0dfa2d55838833e947b9d74edbcb0113e48535ad4be12a as final + +RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends ca-certificates clang gcc libssl-dev pkg-config \ + && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* + +COPY --from=build /root/.cargo /root/.cargo +COPY --from=build /root/.rustup /root/.rustup +COPY --from=build /root/.sp1/toolchains /root/.sp1/toolchains + +ENV PATH="/root/.cargo/bin:${PATH}" + +ENV CARGO_TERM_COLOR=always diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 177e542a9..1b44aa522 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ SP1 is the fastest, most-feature complete zero-knowledge virtual machine (zkVM) that can prove the execution of arbitrary Rust (or any LLVM-compiled language) programs. SP1 makes ZK accessible to *any developer*, by making it easy to write ZKP programs in normal Rust code. -**[Install](https://succinctlabs.github.io/sp1/getting-started/install.html)** +**[Install](https://docs.succinct.xyz/docs/getting-started/install)** | [Docs](https://succinctlabs.github.io/sp1) | [Examples](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/tree/main/examples) | [Telegram Chat](https://t.me/+AzG4ws-kD24yMGYx) @@ -13,13 +13,16 @@ SP1 is the fastest, most-feature complete zero-knowledge virtual machine (zkVM) Today, developers can write programs, including complex, large programs like a ZK Tendermint light client or type-1 zkEVM using Reth, in Rust (with std support), generate proofs and verify them. Most Rust crates should be supported and can be used seamlessly by your program. Example programs can be found in the [examples](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/tree/main/examples) folder. -To get started, make sure you have [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) installed. Then follow the [installation](https://succinctlabs.github.io/sp1/getting-started/install.html) guide in the SP1 book and read the [getting started](https://succinctlabs.github.io/sp1/getting-started/quickstart.html) section. +To get started, make sure you have [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) installed. Then follow the [installation](https://docs.succinct.xyz/docs/getting-started/install) guide in the SP1 book and read the [getting started](https://docs.succinct.xyz/docs/getting-started/quickstart) section. ## Security SP1 has undergone audits from [Veridise](https://www.veridise.com/), [Cantina](https://cantina.xyz/), and [KALOS](https://kalos.xyz/) and is recommended for production use. The audit reports are available [here](./audits). +## Supported Rust Versions (MSRV) + +The current MSRV (minimum supported Rust version) is 1.79. ## For Contributors @@ -34,4 +37,4 @@ We would like to acknowledge the projects below whose previous work has been ins - [Plonky3](https://github.com/Plonky3/Plonky3): The SP1's prover is powered by the Plonky3 toolkit. - [Valida](https://github.com/valida-xyz/valida): The SP1 cross-table lookups, prover, borrow macro, and chip design, including constraints, are inspired by Valida. - [RISC0](https://github.com/risc0/risc0): The SP1 rust toolchain, install/build scripts, and our RISCV runtime borrow code from RISC0. -- [Cairo](https://docs.cairo-lang.org/how_cairo_works/builtins.html): Cairo introduced the idea of "builtins" which allow zkVMs to accelerate certain operations. However, the complexity of "builtins" was embedded in the CPU, limiting their complexity. SP1 extends this idea by executing on a vision of easily extensible "precompiles" that can be added as additional tables alongside the CPU. \ No newline at end of file +- [Cairo](https://docs.cairo-lang.org/how_cairo_works/builtins.html): Cairo introduced the idea of "builtins" which allow zkVMs to accelerate certain operations. However, the complexity of "builtins" was embedded in the CPU, limiting their complexity. SP1 extends this idea by executing on a vision of easily extensible "precompiles" that can be added as additional tables alongside the CPU. diff --git a/SECURITY.MD b/SECURITY.MD new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5894b9dcb --- /dev/null +++ b/SECURITY.MD @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +# SP1 Security Policy + +## Overview + +This document explains the Succinct's process for handling issues reported and what to expect in return. + +## Audits + +You can find audits of SP1 [here](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/tree/dev/audits). + +## Security Advisory Monitoring + +Security advisories for SP1 can be found [here](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/security). + +## Reporting a Security Bug + +All security bugs in SP1's production distribution should be reported by email to security@succinct.xyz. Only bugs in last two major releases will be accepted. + +Your email will be acknowledged within 7 days, and you'll be kept up to date with the progress until resolution. Your issue will be fixed or made public. + +If you have not received a reply to your email within 7 days, please follow up with the Succinct team again at security@succinct.xyz. + +Note that we do not currently run any bug bounty program. + +## Tracks + +Depending on the nature of your issue, it will be categorized as an issue in the **PUBLIC**, **PRIVATE**, or **URGENT** track. + +### PUBLIC + +Issues in the **PUBLIC** track affect niche configurations, have very limited impact, or are already widely known. + +**PUBLIC** track issues are fixed on the dev branch, and get backported to the next scheduled minor releases. + +### PRIVATE + +Issues in the **PRIVATE** track are violations of committed security properties. + +**PRIVATE** track issues are fixed in the next scheduled minor releases, and are kept private until then. + +Days before the release, a pre-announcement is sent to partners, announcing the presence of a security fix in the upcoming releases, and which component in SP1 is affected (but not disclosing any more details). + +### URGENT + +**URGENT** track issues are a threat to the SP1 ecosystem's integrity, or are being actively exploited in the wild leading to severe damage. + +**URGENT** track issues are fixed in private, and trigger an immediate dedicated security release, possibly with no pre-announcement. + +## Disclosure Process + +The SP1 project uses the following disclosure process: + +* Once the security report is received it is assigned a primary handler. This person coordinates the fix and release process. +* The issue is confirmed and a list of affected components is determined. +* Code is audited to find any potential similar problems. +* Fixes are prepared for the next major and minor releases. +* On the date that the fixes are applied, issues are disclosed as security advisories on the repository and partners are notified. + +This process can take some time, especially when coordination is required with maintainers of other projects. Every effort will be made to handle the bug in as timely a manner as possible, however it's important that we follow the process described above to ensure that disclosures are handled consistently. + +Vulnerabilities should be kept private until otherwise communicated by the Succinct team. This policy is to ensure a fix can be made in private and not be actively exploited. + +## Acknowledgements + +This document is based on the [Gnark Security Policy](https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/blob/master/SECURITY.md). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SP1_VERSION b/SP1_VERSION new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ebca639e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/SP1_VERSION @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +v4.0.0-rc.3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/sp1.png b/assets/sp1.png index abe8a23b8..78576befe 100644 Binary files a/assets/sp1.png and b/assets/sp1.png differ diff --git a/audits/rkm0959.md b/audits/rkm0959.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2c09f508d --- /dev/null +++ b/audits/rkm0959.md @@ -0,0 +1,446 @@ +# SP1 V3 Audit Report + +## 1. Various Challenger Issues + +### 1-1 [Informational] Challenger using full sponge state for output + +```rust +fn duplexing(&mut self, builder: &mut Builder) { + assert!(self.input_buffer.len() <= HASH_RATE); + + self.sponge_state[0..self.input_buffer.len()].copy_from_slice(self.input_buffer.as_slice()); + self.input_buffer.clear(); + + self.sponge_state = builder.poseidon2_permute_v2(self.sponge_state); + + self.output_buffer.clear(); + self.output_buffer.extend_from_slice(&self.sponge_state); + } +``` + +We are using the full sponge state for the output buffer. This is not an usual behavior for sponge constructions - only the rate part of the sponge state is used for the output usually. One possibility this opens up is that for valid hash result after a single permutation, it is easy to get the hash preimage. Note that this doesn't mean that it's easy to get the hash preimage for any desired hash output result, leading to the low severity. + +Note that this is also true for the `MultiFieldChallenger`. + +This is triggered when we continuously use many hash outputs before observing a new value, and for inner recursion this only happens when we are sampling FRI query indices. + +```rust + self.output_buffer.clear(); + for &pf_val in self.sponge_state.iter() { + let f_vals = split_32(builder, pf_val, self.num_f_elms); + for f_val in f_vals { + self.output_buffer.push(f_val); + } + } +``` + +### 1-2 [Medium, Plonky3] `MultiField32Challenger` overwrites the entire state + +```rust +pub fn observe(&mut self, builder: &mut Builder, value: Felt) { + self.output_buffer.clear(); + + self.input_buffer.push(value); + if self.input_buffer.len() == self.num_f_elms * SPONGE_SIZE { + self.duplexing(builder); + } + } +``` + +We are overwriting `SPONGE_STATE` values at once using the input buffer - which means we are overwriting the entire state. This means that hash collisions can be generated easily if we happen to overwrite the entire state. In this case, all the previous inputs to the challenger will be ignored. For this entire overwrite to happen, one would have to observe at least 9 Felts to the challenger before sampling any value from the challenger. + +Note that this vulnerability is also present for any user of previous versions of Plonky3, including previous versions of SP1. + +**Fix for Issue 1-2:** + +- Plonky3: https://github.com/Plonky3/Plonky3/blob/sp1-v3/challenger/src/multi_field_challenger.rs +- SP1: https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/pull/1575 + +## 2. [Informational] Plonky3 compress function uses a permutation + +Roughly speaking, our compression function is `Truncate(Permute(left || right))` - but this is not a typical one-way function. Indeed, it’s easy to find collisions for this compression by taking `rand` and using `left || right = Permute^-1(result || rand)`. However, note that we have no real control over the resulting `left` and `right`. This means that it is infeasible to find `left` and `right` alongside their hash preimages. Since our compression is done on hashes, (either `vk` hash or hash of opened values) this means that we cannot attack the system end-to-end currently. However, we cannot use the compression as an “usual merkle black box” - so we need to be aware of this in the future. + +## 3. [Low] Bits ↔ Felts ↔ Vars conversion technicalities + +### 3-1. [Informational] combining felts with base `2^32` to a `var` + +In `hash.rs`, we combine 8 felts to var using base `2^32`. + +```rust +fn hash(builder: &mut Builder, input: &[Felt<::F>]) -> Self::DigestVariable { + assert!(C::N::bits() == p3_bn254_fr::Bn254Fr::bits()); + assert!(C::F::bits() == p3_baby_bear::BabyBear::bits()); + let num_f_elms = C::N::bits() / C::F::bits(); // this is 8 + let mut state: [Var; SPONGE_SIZE] = + [builder.eval(C::N::zero()), builder.eval(C::N::zero()), builder.eval(C::N::zero())]; + for block_chunk in &input.iter().chunks(RATE) { + for (chunk_id, chunk) in (&block_chunk.chunks(num_f_elms)).into_iter().enumerate() { + let chunk = chunk.copied().collect::>(); + state[chunk_id] = reduce_32(builder, chunk.as_slice()); + } + builder.push_op(DslIr::CircuitPoseidon2Permute(state)) + } + + [state[0]; BN254_DIGEST_SIZE] +} + +pub fn reduce_32(builder: &mut Builder, vals: &[Felt]) -> Var { + let mut power = C::N::one(); + let result: Var = builder.eval(C::N::zero()); + for val in vals.iter() { + let val = builder.felt2var_circuit(*val); + builder.assign(result, result + val * power); + power *= C::N::from_canonical_u64(1u64 << 32); + } + result +} +``` + +The important thing here is for this sum of 8 felts doesn’t lead to a collision in BN254. The reason why this is true is actually very non-trivial - indeed, with base `2^31` combining it’s clear that different set of 8 felts would lead to different BN254 result as there is no chance for a BN254 wraparound (as `(2^31)^8 < BN254`), but for base `2^32` things are different. Indeed, it can be shown that for Mersenne31 prime, this will lead to a collision. + +We recommend to change this combining to be done with base `2^31`. + +This is already done in `felts_to_bn254_var` in `utils.rs` as shown below. + +```rust +#[allow(dead_code)] +pub fn felts_to_bn254_var( + builder: &mut Builder, + digest: &[Felt; DIGEST_SIZE], +) -> Var { + let var_2_31: Var<_> = builder.constant(C::N::from_canonical_u32(1 << 31)); + let result = builder.constant(C::N::zero()); + for (i, word) in digest.iter().enumerate() { + let word_bits = builder.num2bits_f_circuit(*word); + let word_var = builder.bits2num_v_circuit(&word_bits); + if i == 0 { + builder.assign(result, word_var); + } else { + builder.assign(result, result * var_2_31 + word_var); + } + } + result +} +``` + +We decided to not fix this, but give a proof of the fact that no collision exist. + +Basically, we have to check that, with $p$ being BabyBear and $q$ being BN254, + +$$ +\sum_{i=0}^7 2^{32i} x_i \not\equiv \sum_{i=0}^7 2^{32i} y_i \pmod{q} +$$ + +where $0 \le x_i, y_i < p$, and $(x_0, \cdots, x_7) \neq (y_0, \cdots, y_7)$ holds. + +This will ensure that the compression of 8 BabyBears to a single Var is injective. + +To check this, it suffices to show that + +$$ +\sum_{i=0}^7 2^{32i} z_i \not\equiv 0 \pmod{q} +$$ + +where $-p < z_i < p$ and not all $z_i$ is equal to zero. + +For this, we first note that, within the size boundaries, we have + +$$ +-1000q < \sum_{i=0}^7 2^{32i} z_i < 1000q +$$ + +So we can just check that + +$$ +\sum_{i=0}^{7} 2^{32i} z_i \neq kq +$$ + +for each $-1000 < k < 1000$. Now, note that we can derive $z_0$, as we know that + +$$ +z_0 \equiv kq \pmod{2^{32}} +$$ + +and there’s only one such $z_0$ within the range $(-p, p)$. We can continue this on for each limb, and then check whether the condition holds. This logic can be implemented easily. + +### 3-2. [Low] bitwise decomposition on felts may not be canonical + +For inner recursion, to convert a felt to bits, we use the following. + +```rust +/// Converts a felt to bits inside a circuit. +fn num2bits_v2_f(&mut self, num: Felt, num_bits: usize) -> Vec> { + let output = std::iter::from_fn(|| Some(self.uninit())).take(num_bits).collect::>(); + self.push_op(DslIr::CircuitV2HintBitsF(output.clone(), num)); + + let x: SymbolicFelt<_> = output + .iter() + .enumerate() + .map(|(i, &bit)| { + self.assert_felt_eq(bit * (bit - C::F::one()), C::F::zero()); + bit * C::F::from_wrapped_u32(1 << i) + }) + .sum(); + + self.assert_felt_eq(x, num); + + output +} +``` + +which means that when `num_bits = 31` (which is the case for `sample_bits`), it’s allowed for the 31 bits to represent the felt in a non-canonical way (i.e. use `p + 1` for `1`). + +We note that for the outer recursion, this is explicitly checked as follows. + +```rust +/// Converts a felt to bits inside a circuit. + pub fn num2bits_f_circuit(&mut self, num: Felt) -> Vec> { + let mut output = Vec::new(); + for _ in 0..NUM_BITS { + output.push(self.uninit()); + } + + self.push_op(DslIr::CircuitNum2BitsF(num, output.clone())); + + let output_array = self.vec(output.clone()); + self.less_than_bb_modulus(output_array); + + output + } +``` + +This is actually unnecessary, as `CircuitNum2BitsF` uses `ReduceSlow` to enforce the result to be within BabyBear range (canonical) then uses `ToBinary` API of GNARK to decompose the result into 32 bits. Note that the bitwise decomposition here is unique as the equality check is over BN254 (after we reduce everything to BabyBear range via `ReduceSlow`). + +This affects `sample_bits` - which is used for PoW grinding check and FRI query index generation. While not critical (this allows one additional representation for 1/15 (i.e. less than 2^27) of the BabyBear elements, which is not much) this may decrease the security parameter of our setup. Also, it’s bad to allow non-canonical things to be possible. + +**Fix for Issue 3-2:** https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/pull/1555 + +## 4. [High] Merkle Root of valid `vk` not loaded as constant + +```rust + /// Verify the proof shape phase of the compress stage. +pub fn verify( + builder: &mut Builder, + machine: &StarkMachine, + input: SP1CompressWithVKeyWitnessVariable, + value_assertions: bool, +) { + let values = + input.compress_var.vks_and_proofs.iter().map(|(vk, _)| vk.hash(builder)).collect_vec(); + SP1MerkleProofVerifier::verify(builder, values, input.merkle_var, value_assertions); + SP1CompressVerifier::verify(builder, machine, input.compress_var); +} +``` + +We handle multiple shapes of proofs as follows. We generate a set of valid `vk`'s, then compute the merkle tree/root of them. Then, in the recursive verifier, we check that each `vk` is valid by providing a merkle proof of inclusion. One of the challenges is how to make sure that this merkle root is correct within the verifier. If the merkle tree root is simply loaded as a variable, then an attacker can just put arbitrary merkle root, which is an issue. + +We handled this problem throughout multiple commits, and we briefly explain our solution. At the "top" of the recursion we assert that our `vk_root` variable is equal to the fixed, precomputed constant merkle root of all valid `vk`. + +```rust + // Attest that the merkle tree root is correct. + let root = input.merkle_var.root; + for (val, expected) in root.iter().zip(self.vk_root.iter()) { + builder.assert_felt_eq(*val, *expected); + } +``` + +Then, as we move "down" the recursion tree, we assert that +- all the child node's `vk` has merkle inclusion proof in the `vk_root` +- all the child node's public value `vk_root` is equal to the parent node's `vk_root` + +This means that our `vk_root` check "propagates downwards" the tree. + +## 5. [Medium] `cumulative_sum` needs to be observed when we observe the `permutation_commit` + +Currently, the `cumulative_sum` is never observed when sampling `zeta`, which allows us to use incorrect values of `cumulative_sum` to force the constraints to be true. + +We can fix this by incorporating `cumulative_sum` into the challenger, and this can be done while we are observing the `permutation_commit`. Note that you need to know the `permutation_challenge` before you observe the `cumulative_sum`. + +Note that this vulnerability is theoretically present in previous versions of SP1, although exploiting this is a quite difficult task, as the `cumulative_sum` one can get from this is essentially random, and their sum still has to be zero. While possible, it requires practically infeasible amount of computation and deep knowledge of cryptographic attacks to carry out. + +**Fix for Issue 5:** https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/pull/1556 + +## 6. [High] no check of `cumulative_sum` being zero when respective `InteractionScope` has no interactions + +In `permutation.rs`, if there's no sends/receives for a certain `InteractionScope`, then there's no constraints that the `cumulative_sum`  corresponding to that scope is zero. This is because we don't allocate any columns when there's no `sends` or `receives`, and we also just don't apply any constraints in that case as well. Therefore, we can use any value. + +```rust +if sends.is_empty() && receives.is_empty() { + continue; +} +``` + +This breaks the entire cumulative sum logic. + +To fix, we need to make sure that scopes with no interactions lead to cumulative sum being constrained to zero. For reference, the previous implementation of permutation was fine, as at least 1 column was allocated even when there’s no send/receive - and this column (the “partial sum”) was constrained with the sum of empty vector of expressions. + +**Fix for Issue 6**: https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/pull/1556 + +## 7. [Medium] Incorrect `exit_code` verification + + in `machine/core.rs` of the circuit-v2, there's a check that all exit code is zero. However, we aren't checking that `public_values.exit_code` is zero, but that `exit_code` is zero. This `exit_code` is actually just the first (`i == 0`) shard's public value exit code, so we aren't checking the exit code for all shards. + + We can fix this by checking all the `public_values.exit_code`. + +```rust +// Exit code constraints. +{ + // Assert that the exit code is zero (success) for all proofs. + builder.assert_felt_eq(exit_code, C::F::zero()); +} + +``` + +**Fix for Issue 7**: +https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/pull/1577 +https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/commit/bc187d5bc + + +## 8. [Medium] Syscall Chip’s commit scope is Local, despite them contributing to the global cumulative sum + +For the Fiat-Shamir to work out, we need to observe every chip that contributes to the global cumulative sum before we actually sample the global permutation challenge. + +All the syscall chips (ed25519, weierstrass, fp, sha256, etc) do contribute to the global cumulative sum, but their `commit_scope` is `InteractionScope::Local`. + +This allows us to break the permutation check within the global interactions. + +**Fix for Issue 8**: https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/pull/1582 + +Added an extra syscall table in global scope at each precompile shard that handles receiving the global syscall. Then there is a local lookup with the actual precompile table. + +## 9. [Medium] verifier uses prover-provided chip_scope, which allows incorrect Fiat-Shamir for global commits + +```rust + let ShardProof { + commitment, + opened_values, + opening_proof, + chip_ordering, + chip_scopes, + public_values, + .. + } = proof; + + // ... + + // Split the main_domains_points_and_opens to the global and local chips. + let mut global_trace_points_and_openings = Vec::new(); + let mut local_trace_points_and_openings = Vec::new(); + for (i, points_and_openings) in + main_domains_points_and_opens.clone().into_iter().enumerate() + { + let scope = chip_scopes[i]; + if scope == InteractionScope::Global { + global_trace_points_and_openings.push(points_and_openings); + } else { + local_trace_points_and_openings.push(points_and_openings); + } + } +``` + +The verifier does have access to chip scope information, as it is in `MachineAir`, yet the verifier uses the `chip_scopes` data that is inside the `ShardProof`. This `chip_scopes` has no prior checks. This allows the prover to fool a global commit as a local commit, which allows Fiat-Shamir break for the global permutation challenge. This can be fixed by using verifier’s chip info. This doesn’t hurt the recursive verifier, as our vkey’s are built using the correct chip scopes in mind. However, this hurts users who uses the “raw” rust verifier. + +**Fix for Issue 9**: https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/pull/1642/files + +## 10. [High] local cumulative sum check is missing + +There wasn’t a check that the local cumulative sum was zero for each shard in the recursion circuit, even though there was such a check in the direct rust stark verifier. + +**Fix for Issue 10:** https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/pull/1531 + +## 11. [High] incorrect constraints in exp_reverse_bits + +```rust +builder + .when(local_prepr.is_real) + .when_not(local_prepr.is_last) + .assert_eq(local.accum, local.prev_accum_squared_times_multiplier); +``` + +This should use `when_not(local_prepr.is_first)` instead. The fix PR is ready. + +**Fix for Issue 11:** https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/pull/1482 + +## 12. [Informational] minor issues connecting `committed_value_digest` and `deferred_proofs_digest` in `core.rs` and `compress.rs` + +In core, what we do is, given a list of consecutive shard proofs + +- check that once `committed_value_digest` is non-zero, it doesn't change +- check that if it's not a shard with CPU, the `committed_value_digest` doesn't change + - i.e, can't change even when the `committed_value_digest` is zero +- take the final `committed_value_digest` and put it in `RecursionPublicValues` + +Then, in compress we check that, given a list of proofs + +- once `committed_value_digest` is non-zero, it doesn't change +- the final `committed_value_digest` is in compressed `RecursionPublicValues` + +There are two ideas. to explain, let's think of the following scenario. + +- there are four shards: shard 1, 2, 3, 4 +- in `core.rs`, the proof #1 handles shard 1, 2 and proof #2 handles shard 3, 4 +- then the proof #1 and proof #2 are compressed in `compress.rs` + +**Idea 1**. One idea is to have committed value digest the shards be + +- shard 1 and 3's committed_value_digest = `0` +- shard 2 and 4's committed_value_digest = `x` + +this passes each core verification, and since the RecursionPublicValue of proof #1 and proof #2 are both `x` , this will also pass the compress proof. However, the `committed_value_digest` of these four shards will go `0, x, 0, x`, which is not what's supposed to happen. However, it's still true that the non-zero `committed_value_digests` must be equal over all the shards, so the attack surface is very limited. + +**Idea 2**. Assume that shard 3 has no CPU chip. We can actually do + +- shard 1, 2's committed_value_digest = `0` +- shard 3, 4's committed_value_digest = `x` + +this passes each core verification, as proof #2 thinks shard 3 is its "first" shard - so it actually thinks that the `committed_value_digest` didn't change. This means that the whole "no cpu chip means `committed_value_digest` equal" thing actually just passes. Then, in the compress verification, we'll just see the committed_value_digest go from `0` to `x`, which is also completely fine. However, the committed_value_digest will go `0, 0, x, x`, where the change occurs on a shard without cpu chip - which isn't supposed to happen. + +While this is a slight incompatibility, the main invariant (if nonzero, public digest can only be one non-zero value) is preserved. Therefore, we did not fix this observation. + +## 13. [Informational] execution shard witness gen + +Additionally, one small observation regarding our `execution_shard` connection checks in `compress.rs`. so, our `execution_shard` is initialized with the first proof (`i == 0`)'s `start_execution_shard`. Then, for each shard, it + +- is checked to be the `start_execution_shard` of the current shard + - (if it contains any execution_shard) +- remains the same if the shard doesn't contain any execution_shard +- changes to the `next_execution_shard` of the current shard + - (if it contains any execution_shard) + +This means that the `start_execution_shard` of the first proof (`i == 0`) must actually be the `start_execution_shard` of the proof which contains an execution shard for the first time in this compress proof. For example, if I have + +- shard 5, 6, 7, 8 exist, proof #1 handles shard 5, 6, proof #2 handles shard 7, 8 (in core) +- then proof #1 and proof #2 will be compressed (in compress) +- shard 5, 6 has no cpu, and shard 7, 8 has cpu + +then we actually need proof #1 to have `start_execution_shard` assigned to the `start_execution_shard` value for proof #2. This is because when compressing proof #1 and proof #2, `execution_shard` will be initialized with proof #1's `start_execution_shard`, and then later will be checked that this is equal to proof #2's (which contains an execution shard) `start_execution_shard`. This is fine in terms of constraints, but we do need to make sure that our witness generation accounts for this, as our usual mindset of execution shards is that we don't care what they are if the shard doesn't have a cpu table. + +**Fix for Issue 13**: https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/pull/1576 + +## 14. [Optimization] `Felt2Var` can be used in `felts_to_bn254_var` + +In `circuit-v2/src/utils.rs` + +```rust +pub fn felts_to_bn254_var( + builder: &mut Builder, + digest: &[Felt; DIGEST_SIZE], +) -> Var { + let var_2_31: Var<_> = builder.constant(C::N::from_canonical_u32(1 << 31)); + let result = builder.constant(C::N::zero()); + for (i, word) in digest.iter().enumerate() { + let word_bits = builder.num2bits_f_circuit(*word); + let word_var = builder.bits2num_v_circuit(&word_bits); + if i == 0 { + builder.assign(result, word_var); + } else { + builder.assign(result, result * var_2_31 + word_var); + } + } + result +} +``` + +We do the num2bits + bits2num thing here. We can do this via the felts to var conversion, (`CircuitFelt2Var`) which is an optimization we already used for 2.0.0 release. + +**Optimization PR**: https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/pull/1553 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/audits/zellic.pdf b/audits/zellic.pdf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..834910120 Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/zellic.pdf differ diff --git a/book.toml b/book.toml deleted file mode 100644 index aec81dc09..000000000 --- a/book.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -[book] -authors = ["SP1 Contributors"] -language = "en" -multilingual = false -src = "book" -title = "SP1 Book" -description = "A book on all things SP1" - -[output.html] -theme = "book/theme" -git-repository-url = "https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1" -default-theme = "ayu" -no-section-label = true - -[output.html.fold] -enable = true -level = 1 - -[output.html.playground] -runnable = false - -[build] -build-dir = "target/book" - -[preprocessor.template] -before = ["links"] - -[preprocessor.index] - -[preprocessor.links] diff --git a/book/.gitignore b/book/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1e9bbc244 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +# Dependencies +node_modules + +# Production +/build +build/ + +# Generated files +.docusaurus +.cache-loader + +# Misc +.DS_Store +.env.local +.env.development.local +.env.test.local +.env.production.local + +npm-debug.log* +yarn-debug.log* +yarn-error.log* diff --git a/book/README.md b/book/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fa7d79fce --- /dev/null +++ b/book/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +# Website + +This website is built using [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/), a modern static website generator. + +### Installation + +``` +$ yarn +``` + +### Local Development + +``` +$ yarn start +``` + +This command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window. 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The latest release of the Succinct Rust toolchain is **1.81**. You can update to the latest version by running [`sp1up`](../getting-started/install.md). + +```shell +% sp1up +% cargo +succinct --version +cargo 1.81.0-dev (2dbb1af80 2024-08-20) +``` + +A Succinct Rust toolchain with version **1.82** should work for all crates that have an MSRV of **1.82** or lower. + +If the MSRV of your crate is higher than **1.82**, try the following: + +- If using `cargo prove build` directly, pass the `--ignore-rust-version` flag: + + ```bash + cargo prove build --ignore-rust-version + ``` + +- If using `build_program` in an `build.rs` file with the `sp1-build` crate, set `ignore_rust_version` to true inside the `BuildArgs` struct and use + `build_program_with_args`: + + ```rust + let args = BuildArgs { + ignore_rust_version: true, + ..Default::default() + }; + build_program_with_args("path/to/program", args); + ``` + +## `alloy_sol_types` Errors + +If you are using a library that depends on `alloy_sol_types`, and encounter an error like this: + +```txt +perhaps two different versions of crate `alloy_sol_types` are being used? +``` + +This is likely due to two different versions of `alloy_sol_types` being used. To fix this, you can set `default-features` to `false` for the `sp1-sdk` dependency in your `Cargo.toml`. + +```toml +[dependencies] +sp1-sdk = { version = "4.0.0", default-features = false } +``` + +This will configure out the `network` feature which will remove the dependency on `alloy_sol_types` and configure out the `NetworkProver`. + +## Stack Overflow Errors + Bus Errors + +If you encounter any of the following errors in a script using `sp1-sdk`: + +```shell +# Stack Overflow Error +thread 'main' has overflowed its stack +fatal runtime error: stack overflow + +# Bus Error +zsh: bus error + +# Segmentation Fault +Segmentation fault (core dumped) +``` + +Run your script with the `--release` flag. SP1 currently only supports release builds. This is because +the `sp1-core` library and `sp1-recursion` require being compiled with the `release` profile. + +## C Binding Errors + +If you are building a program that uses C bindings or has dependencies that use C bindings, you may encounter the following errors: + +```txt +cc did not execute successfully +``` + +```txt +Failed to find tool. Is `riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc` installed? +``` + +To resolve this, re-install sp1 with the `--c-toolchain` flag: + +```bash +sp1up --c-toolchain +``` + +This will install the C++ toolchain for RISC-V and set the `CC_riscv32im_succinct_zkvm_elf` environment +variable to the path of the installed `riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc` binary. You can also use your own +C++ toolchain be setting this variable manually: + +```bash +export CC_riscv32im_succinct_zkvm_elf=/path/to/toolchain +``` + +## Compilation Errors with [`sp1-lib::syscall_verify_sp1_proof`](https://docs.rs/sp1-lib/latest/sp1_lib/fn.syscall_verify_sp1_proof.html) + +If you are using the [`sp1-lib::syscall_verify_sp1_proof`](https://docs.rs/sp1-lib/latest/sp1_lib/fn.syscall_verify_sp1_proof.html) function, you may encounter compilation errors when building your program. + +```bash + [sp1] = note: rust-lld: error: undefined symbol: syscall_verify_sp1_proof + [sp1] >>> referenced by sp1_lib.b593533d149f0f6e-cgu.0 + [sp1] >>> sp1_lib-8f5deb4c47d01871.sp1_lib.b593533d149f0f6e-cgu.0.rcgu.o:(sp1_lib::verify::verify_sp1_proof::h5c1bb38f11b3fe71) in ... + [sp1] + [sp1] + [sp1] error: could not compile `package-name` (bin "package-name") due to 1 previous error +``` + +To resolve this, ensure that you're importing both `sp1-lib` and `sp1-zkvm` with the verify feature enabled. + +```toml +[dependencies] +sp1-lib = { version = "", features = ["verify"] } +sp1-zkvm = { version = "", features = ["verify"] } +``` \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/book/docs/developers/usage-in-ci.md b/book/docs/developers/usage-in-ci.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ac4b1ba3c --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docs/developers/usage-in-ci.md @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +# Usage in CI + +## Getting started + +You may want to use SP1 in your [Github Actions](https://docs.github.com/en/actions) CI workflow. + +You first need to have Rust installed, and you can use +[actions-rs/toolchain](https://github.com/actions-rs/toolchain) for this: + +```yaml +- name: Install Rust Toolchain + uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 + with: + toolchain: 1.81.0 + profile: default + override: true + default: true + components: llvm-tools, rustc-dev +``` + +And then you can install the SP1 toolchain: + +```yaml +- name: Install SP1 toolchain + run: | + curl -L https://sp1.succinct.xyz | bash + ~/.sp1/bin/sp1up + ~/.sp1/bin/cargo-prove prove --version +``` + +You might experience rate limiting from sp1up. Using a Github +[Personal Access Token (PAT)](https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/managing-your-personal-access-tokens#creating-a-fine-grained-personal-access-token) will help. + +Try setting a github actions secret to your PAT, and then passing it into the `sp1up` command: + +```yaml +- name: Install SP1 toolchain + run: | + curl -L https://sp1.succinct.xyz | bash + ~/.sp1/bin/sp1up --token "${{ secrets.GH_PAT }}" + ~/.sp1/bin/cargo-prove prove --version +``` + +## Speeding up your CI workflow + +### Caching + +To speed up your CI workflow, you can cache the Rust toolchain and Succinct toolchain. See this example +from SP1's CI workflow, which caches the `~/.cargo` and parts of the `~/.sp1` directories. + +```yaml +- name: rust-cache + uses: actions/cache@v3 + with: + path: | + ~/.cargo/bin/ + ~/.cargo/registry/index/ + ~/.cargo/registry/cache/ + ~/.cargo/git/db/ + target/ + ~/.rustup/ + ~/.sp1/circuits/plonk/ # Cache these if you're generating plonk proofs with docker in CI. + ~/.sp1/circuits/groth16/ # Cache these if you're generating groth16 proofs with docker in CI. + key: rust-1.81.0-${{ hashFiles('**/Cargo.toml') }} + restore-keys: rust-1.81.0- +``` + +### `runs-on` for bigger instances + +Since SP1 is a fairly large repository, it might be useful to use [`runs-on`](https://github.com/runs-on/runs-on) +to specify a larger instance type. diff --git a/book/docs/generating-proofs/advanced.mdx b/book/docs/generating-proofs/advanced.mdx new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2cd603659 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docs/generating-proofs/advanced.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +import Compressed from "@site/static/examples_fibonacci_script_bin_compressed.rs.mdx"; +import Execute from "@site/static/examples_fibonacci_script_bin_execute.rs.mdx"; + +# Advanced + +## Execution Only + +We recommend that during the development of large programs (> 1 million cycles) you do not generate proofs each time. +Instead, you should have your script only execute the program with the RISC-V runtime and read `public_values`. Here is an example: + + + +If the execution of your program succeeds, then proof generation should succeed as well! (Unless there is a bug in our zkVM implementation.) + +## Logging and Tracing Information + +You can use `utils::setup_logger()` to enable logging information respectively. You should only use one or the other of these functions. + +**Logging:** + +```rust +utils::setup_logger(); +``` + +You must run your command with: + +```bash +RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release +``` + +## CPU Acceleration + +To enable CPU acceleration, you can use the `RUSTFLAGS` environment variable to enable the `target-cpu=native` flag when running your script. This will enable the compiler to generate code that is optimized for your CPU. + +```bash +RUSTFLAGS='-C target-cpu=native' cargo run --release +``` + +Currently there is support for AVX512 and NEON SIMD instructions. For NEON, you must also enable the `sp1-sdk` feature `neon` in your script crate's `Cargo.toml` file. + +```toml +sp1-sdk = { version = "...", features = ["neon"] } +``` + +## Performance + +For maximal performance, you should run proof generation with the following command and vary your `shard_size` depending on your program's number of cycles. + +```rust +SHARD_SIZE=4194304 RUST_LOG=info RUSTFLAGS='-C target-cpu=native' cargo run --release +``` + +## Memory Usage + +To reduce memory usage, set the `SHARD_BATCH_SIZE` environment variable depending on how much RAM +your machine has. A higher number will use more memory, but will be faster. + +```rust +SHARD_BATCH_SIZE=1 SHARD_SIZE=2097152 RUST_LOG=info RUSTFLAGS='-C target-cpu=native' cargo run --release +``` + +## Advanced Allocator + +SP1 programs use a simple bump allocator by default, which just increments a pointer to allocate memory. Although this works for many cases, some programs can still run out of memory in the SP1 zkVM. To address this, you can enable the `embedded` allocator feature on the SP1 zkVM. + +The embedded allocator uses the [`embedded-alloc` crate](https://crates.io/crates/embedded-alloc) and offers more flexible memory management, albeit with extra cycle overhead. + +To enable it, add the following to your `sp1-zkvm` dependency in `Cargo.toml`: + +```toml +sp1-zkvm = { version = "...", features = ["embedded"] } +``` + +Once enabled, the embedded allocator replaces the default bump allocator. diff --git a/book/docs/generating-proofs/basics.mdx b/book/docs/generating-proofs/basics.mdx new file mode 100644 index 000000000..396b2cde2 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docs/generating-proofs/basics.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +import Example from "@site/static/examples_fibonacci_script_src_main.rs.mdx"; + +# Basics + +All the methods you'll need for generating proofs are included in the `sp1_sdk` crate. Most importantly, you'll need to use the `ProverClient` to setup a proving key and verifying key for your program and then use the `execute`, `prove` and `verify` methods to execute your program, and generate and verify proofs. + +To make this more concrete, let's walk through a simple example of generating a proof for a Fibonacci program inside the zkVM. + +## Example: Fibonacci + + + +You can run the above script in the `script` directory with `RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release`. Note that running the above script will generate a proof locally. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/book/generating-proofs/hardware-acceleration.md b/book/docs/generating-proofs/hardware-acceleration.md similarity index 100% rename from book/generating-proofs/hardware-acceleration.md rename to book/docs/generating-proofs/hardware-acceleration.md diff --git a/book/generating-proofs/hardware-acceleration/avx.md b/book/docs/generating-proofs/hardware-acceleration/avx.md similarity index 100% rename from book/generating-proofs/hardware-acceleration/avx.md rename to book/docs/generating-proofs/hardware-acceleration/avx.md diff --git a/book/docs/generating-proofs/hardware-acceleration/cuda.md b/book/docs/generating-proofs/hardware-acceleration/cuda.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0a2e3efaf --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docs/generating-proofs/hardware-acceleration/cuda.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# CUDA + +
+WARNING: CUDA proving is still an experimental feature and may be buggy. +
+ + +SP1 supports CUDA acceleration, which can provide dramatically better latency and cost performance +compared to using the CPU prover, even with AVX acceleration. + +## Software Requirements + +Please make sure you have the following installed before using the CUDA prover: + +- [CUDA 12](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-12-0-0-download-archive?target_os=Linux&target_arch=x86_64&Distribution=Ubuntu&target_version=22.04&target_type=deb_local) +- [CUDA Container Toolkit](https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/cloud-native/container-toolkit/latest/install-guide.html) + +## Hardware Requirements + +- **CPU**: We recommend having at least 8 CPU cores with 32GB of RAM available to fully utilize the GPU. +- **GPU**: 24GB or more for core/compressed proofs, 40GB or more for shrink/wrap proofs + +## Usage + +To use the CUDA prover, you have two options: + +1. Use `ProverClient::from_env` to build the client and set `SP1_PROVER` environment variable to `cuda`. +2. Use `ProverClient::builder().cuda().build()` to build the client. + +Then, use your standard methods on the `ProverClient` to generate proofs. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/book/docs/generating-proofs/proof-types.md b/book/docs/generating-proofs/proof-types.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4ce3e8a80 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docs/generating-proofs/proof-types.md @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +# Proof Types + +There are a few different types of proofs that can be generated by the SP1 zkVM. Each proof type has its own tradeoffs in terms of proof generation time, verification cost, and proof size. + +The `ProverClient` follows a "builder" pattern that allows you to configure the proof type and other options after creating a `ProverClient` and calling `prove` on it. + +For a full list of options, see the following [docs](https://docs.rs/sp1-sdk/latest/sp1_sdk/action/struct.Prove.html). + +## Core (Default) + +The default prover mode generates a list of STARK proofs that in aggregate have size proportional to +the size of the execution. Use this in settings where you don't care about **verification cost / proof size**. + +```rust +let client = ProverClient::from_env(); +client.prove(&pk, &stdin).run().unwrap(); +``` + +## Compressed + +The compressed prover mode generates STARK proofs that have constant size. Use this in settings where you +care about **verification cost / proof size**, but not onchain verification. Compressed proofs are also useful because they can be cheaply recursively verified within SP1 itself (see the [proof aggregation](../writing-programs/proof-aggregation.md) section). + +```rust +let client = ProverClient::from_env(); +client.prove(&pk, &stdin).compressed().run().unwrap(); +``` + +## Groth16 (Recommended) + +The Groth16 prover mode generates a SNARK proof that is ~260 bytes large and can be verified onchain for around ~270k gas. + +The trusted setup for the Groth16 circuit keys uses the [Aztec Ignition ceremony](https://github.com/AztecProtocol/ignition-verification) + entropy contributions from members of the Succinct team. If you are uncomfortable with the security assumptions of the ceremony, you can use the PLONK proof type instead. + +```rust +let client = ProverClient::from_env(); +client.prove(&pk, &stdin).groth16().run().unwrap(); +``` + +## PLONK + +The PLONK prover mode generates a SNARK proof that is ~868 bytes large and can also be verified onchain for around ~300k gas. Plonk proofs take about ~1m30s longer to generate over a compressed proof. + +PLONK does not require a trusted setup and reuses contributions from the Aztec Ignition ceremony. + +```rust +let client = ProverClient::from_env(); +client.prove(&pk, &stdin).plonk().run().unwrap(); +``` diff --git a/book/docs/generating-proofs/prover-network.md b/book/docs/generating-proofs/prover-network.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4274d8202 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docs/generating-proofs/prover-network.md @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# Prover Network Beta + +> **See [Supported Versions](./prover-network/versions.md) for the currently supported versions of SP1 on the Prover Network.** + +Succinct [has been building](https://blog.succinct.xyz/succinct-network/) the Succinct Prover Network, a distributed network of provers that can generate proofs of any size quickly and reliably. It's currently in private beta, but you can get access by following the steps below. + +To get started, **[FILL OUT THIS FORM](https://forms.gle/rTUvhstS8PFfv9B3A)** to gain access to the Succinct +Network. Completing this form requires you to complete the [key +setup](./prover-network/key-setup.md) steps below. + +**Note:** The Succinct Prover Network requires access to your program and entire input, so that provers can generate a proof, meaning your input does not remain private to provers on the network. If you are using SP1 for its zero-knowledge properties, you should either run proof generation on a local machine (recommended), or understand the honesty assumptions required of provers of the network. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/book/docs/generating-proofs/prover-network/explorer.png b/book/docs/generating-proofs/prover-network/explorer.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..305a04666 Binary files /dev/null and b/book/docs/generating-proofs/prover-network/explorer.png differ diff --git a/book/docs/generating-proofs/prover-network/key-setup.md b/book/docs/generating-proofs/prover-network/key-setup.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bfb8bd361 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docs/generating-proofs/prover-network/key-setup.md @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +# Prover Network: Key Setup + +The prover network uses Secp256k1 keypairs for authentication, similar to Ethereum wallets. You may generate a new keypair explicitly for use with the prover network, or use an existing keypair. + +> **You do not need to hold any funds in this account, it is used solely for access control.** + +### Generate a Public Key + +Prover network keypair credentials can be generated using the +[cast](https://book.getfoundry.sh/cast/) CLI tool. + +First install [Foundry](https://book.getfoundry.sh/getting-started/installation#using-foundryup): + +```sh +curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | bash +``` + +Upon running this command, you will be prompted to source your shell profile and run `foundryup`. Afterwards you should have access to the `cast` command. + +Use `cast` to generate a new keypair: + +```sh +cast wallet new +``` + +which will give you an output similar to this: + +![Screenshot from running 'cast wallet new' to generate a NETWORK_PRIVATE_KEY.](../prover-network/key.png) + +The "Address" what you should submit in the [form](https://forms.gle/rTUvhstS8PFfv9B3A), in the example above this is `0x552f0FC6D736ed965CE07a3D71aA639De15B627b`. The "Private key" should be kept safe and +secure. When interacting with the network, you will set your `NETWORK_PRIVATE_KEY` environment variable +to this value. + +### Retrieve an Existing Key + +If you already have an existing key you would like to use, you can also use `cast` retrieve your address: + +```sh +cast wallet address --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY +``` diff --git a/book/generating-proofs/prover-network/key.png b/book/docs/generating-proofs/prover-network/key.png similarity index 100% rename from book/generating-proofs/prover-network/key.png rename to book/docs/generating-proofs/prover-network/key.png diff --git a/book/docs/generating-proofs/prover-network/usage.md b/book/docs/generating-proofs/prover-network/usage.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..321e325eb --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docs/generating-proofs/prover-network/usage.md @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +# Prover Network: Usage + +> **See [Supported Versions](./versions.md) for the currently supported versions of SP1 on the Prover Network.** + +## Sending a proof request + +To use the prover network to generate a proof, you can run your script that uses `sp1_sdk::ProverClient` as you would normally but with additional environment variables set: + +```rust +// Generate the proof for the given program. +let client = ProverClient::from_env(); +let (pk, vk) = client.setup(ELF); +let mut proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).run().unwrap(); +``` + +```sh +SP1_PROVER=network NETWORK_PRIVATE_KEY=... RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release +``` + +- `SP1_PROVER` should be set to `network` rather than the default `cpu` when using the prover network. This variable allows you to switch between the CPU and network provers. + +- `NETWORK_PRIVATE_KEY` should be set to your [private key](./key-setup.md). You will need + to be using a [whitelisted](../prover-network) key to use the network. + +When you call any of the prove functions in ProverClient now, it will first simulate your program, then wait for it to be proven through the network and finally return the proof. + +## View the status of your proof + +You can view your proof and other running proofs on the [explorer](https://network.succinct.xyz/). The page for your proof will show details such as the stage of your proof and the cycles used. It also shows the vk hash of the program. + +![Screenshot from network.succinct.xyz showing the details of a proof.](./explorer.png) + +## Advanced Usage + +If you are using the prover network in a production system, or otherwise want to use advanced features, you should use `sp1_sdk::NetworkProver` directly. + +Advanced features include: +* Skipping local simulation +* Requesting a proof, which returns a proof ID, and then waiting for the proof to be fulfilled +* Async support +* Requesting a proof using a custom fulfillment strategy, such as for reserved prover network capacity + +```rust +use sp1_sdk::{network::FulfillmentStrategy, Prover, ProverClient}; +use std::time::Duration; + +let prover = ProverClient::builder().network().build(); +let (pk, vk) = prover.setup(ELF); + +// Request proof and get the proof ID immediately +let request_id = prover.prove(&pk, &stdin).groth16().skip_simulation(true).request_async().await.unwrap(); +println!("Proof request ID: {}", request_id); + +// Wait for proof complete with a timeout +let proof = prover.wait_proof(request_id, Some(Duration::from_secs(60 * 60))).await.unwrap(); + +// Request a proof with reserved prover network capacity and wait for it to be fulfilled +let proof = prover + .prove(&pk, &stdin) + .groth16() + .skip_simulation(true) + .strategy(FulfillmentStrategy::Reserved) + .run_async() + .await + .unwrap(); + +// Request a proof and then block immediately (up to a timeout) until the proof is fulfilled +let proof = prover + .prove(&pk, &stdin) + .groth16() + .skip_simulation(true) + .fulfillment_strategy(FulfillmentStrategy::Reserved) + .timeout(Duration::from_secs(60 * 60)) + .run() + .unwrap(); +``` diff --git a/book/docs/generating-proofs/prover-network/versions.md b/book/docs/generating-proofs/prover-network/versions.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..17993b8ee --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docs/generating-proofs/prover-network/versions.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# Supported Versions + +The prover network currently only supports specific versions of SP1: + +| Version | Description | +| ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | +| v4.X.X | V4 Release. Latest performant & production ready version. | +| v3.X.X | V3 Release. Previous circuit version deprecated in January 2025. | + +`X` denotes that any minor and patch version is supported (e.g. `v2.1.0`, `v2.1.1`). + +If you submit a proof request to the prover network and you are not using a supported version, you will receive an error message. + +## Changing versions + +You must switch to a supported version before submitting a proof. To do so, replace the `sp1-zkvm` version in your program's `Cargo.toml`: + +```toml +[dependencies] +sp1-zkvm = "4.0.0" +``` + +replace the `sp1-sdk` version in your script's `Cargo.toml`: + +```toml +[dependencies] +sp1-sdk = "4.0.0" +``` + +Re-build your program and script, and then try again. diff --git a/book/docs/generating-proofs/recommended-workflow.mdx b/book/docs/generating-proofs/recommended-workflow.mdx new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b0d046a6a --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docs/generating-proofs/recommended-workflow.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +import Example from "@site/static/examples_fibonacci_script_bin_execute.rs.mdx"; + +# Recommended Workflow + +We recommend the following workflow for developing with SP1. + +## Step 1: Iterate on your program with execution only + +While iterating on your SP1 program, you should **only execute** the program with the RISC-V runtime. This will allow you to verify the correctness of your program and test the `SP1Stdin` as well as the `SP1PublicValues` that are returned, without having to generate a proof (which can be slow and/or expensive). If the execution of your program succeeds, then proof generation should succeed as well! + + + +Note that printing out the total number of executed cycles and the full execution report provides helpful insight into proof generation latency and cost either for local proving or when using the prover network. + +**Crate Setup:** We recommend that your program crate that defines the `main` function (around which you wrap the `sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!` macro) should be kept minimal. Most of your business logic should be in a separate crate (in the same repo/workspace) that can be tested independently and that is not tied to the SP1 zkVM. This will allow you to unit test your program logic without having to worry about the `zkvm` compilation target. This will also allow you to efficient reuse types between your program crate and your crate that generates proofs. + +## Step 2: Generate proofs + +After you have iterated on your program and finalized that it works correctly, you can generate proofs for your program for final end to end testing or production use. + +### Generating proofs on the prover network (recommended) + +Using Succinct's prover prover network will generally be faster and cheaper than local proving, as it parallelizes proof generation amongst multiple machines and also uses SP1's GPU prover that is not yet available for local proving. Follow the [setup instructions](./prover-network.md) to get started with the prover network. Using the prover network only requires adding 1 environment variable from a regular SP1 proof generation script with the `ProverClient`. + +There are a few things to keep in mind when using the prover network. + +### Prover Network FAQ + +#### Benchmarking latency on the prover network + +The prover network currently parallelizes proof generation across multiple machines. This means the latency of proof generation does not scale linearly with the number of cycles of your program, but rather with the number of cycles of your program divided by the number of currently available machines on the prover network. + +Our prover network currently has limited capacity because it is still in beta. If you have an extremely latency sensitive use-case and you want to figure out the **minimal latency possible** for your program, you should [reach out to us](https://partner.succinct.xyz/) and we can onboard you to our reserved capacity cluster that has a dedicated instances that can significantly reduce latency. + +#### Costs on the prover network + +The cost of proof generation on the prover network scales approximately linearly with the number of cycles of your program (along with the number of `syscalls` that your program makes). For larger workloads with regular proof frequency (like rollups and light clients), we can offer discounted pricing. To figure out how much your program will cost to prove, you can get [in touch with us](https://partner.succinct.xyz/) to discuss pricing options. + +Note that **latency is not the same as cost**, because we parallelize proof generation across multiple machines, so two proofs with the same latency can be using a different number of machines, impacting the cost. + +#### Benchmarking on small vs. large programs + +In SP1, there is a fixed overhead for proving that is independent of your program's cycle count. This means that benchmarking on _small programs_ is not representative of the performance of larger programs. To get an idea of the scale of programs for real-world workloads, you can refer to our [benchmarking blog post](https://blog.succinct.xyz/sp1-production-benchmarks) and also some numbers below: + +- An average Ethereum block can be between 100-500M cycles (including merkle proof verification for storage and execution of transactions) with our `keccak` and `secp256k1` precompiles. +- For a Tendermint light client, the average cycle count can be between 10M and 50M cycles (including our ed25519 precompiles). +- We consider programs with \<2M cycles to be "small" and by default, the fixed overhead of proving will dominate the proof latency. If latency is incredibly important for your use-case, we can specialize the prover network for your program if you reach out to us. + +Note that if you generate Groth16 or PLONK proofs on the prover network, you will encounter a fixed overhead for the STARK -> SNARK wrapping step. We're actively working on reducing this overhead in future releases. + +#### On-Demand vs. Reserved Capacity + +The prover network is currently in beta and has limited capacity. For high volume use-cases, we can offer discounted pricing and a reserved capacity cluster that has a dedicated instances that can significantly reduce latency and have higher throughput and guaranteed SLAs. + +### Generating proofs locally + +If you want to generate proofs locally, you can use the `sp1_sdk` crate to generate proofs locally as outlined in the [Basics](./basics) section. By default, the `ProverClient` will generate proofs locally using your CPU. Check out the hardware requirements for locally proving [here](../getting-started/hardware-requirements.md#local-proving). diff --git a/book/docs/generating-proofs/setup.md b/book/docs/generating-proofs/setup.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a7491718a --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docs/generating-proofs/setup.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +# Setup + +In this section, we will teach you how to setup a self-contained crate which can generate proofs of programs that have been compiled with the SP1 toolchain inside the SP1 zkVM, using the `sp1-sdk` crate. + +## CLI (Recommended) + +The recommended way to setup your first program to prove inside the zkVM is using the method described in [Quickstart](../getting-started/quickstart.md) which will create a script folder. + +```bash +cargo prove new +cd script +``` + +## Manual + +You can also manually setup a project. First create a new cargo project: + +```bash +cargo new script +cd script +``` + +#### Cargo Manifest + +Inside this crate, add the `sp1-sdk` crate as a dependency. Your `Cargo.toml` should look like as follows: + +```rust +[workspace] +[package] +version = "0.1.0" +name = "script" +edition = "2021" + +[dependencies] +sp1-sdk = "4.0.0" +``` + +The `sp1-sdk` crate includes the necessary utilities to generate, save, and verify proofs. diff --git a/book/docs/getting-started/hardware-requirements.md b/book/docs/getting-started/hardware-requirements.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..839107858 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docs/getting-started/hardware-requirements.md @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# Hardware Requirements + +
+We recommend that developers who want to use SP1 for non-trivial programs generate proofs on our prover network. The prover network generates SP1 proofs across multiple machines, reducing latency and also runs SP1 on optimized hardware instances that result in faster + cheaper proof generation times. + +We recommend that for any production benchmarking, you use the prover network to estimate latency and costs of proof generation. + +
+ +## Local Proving + +If you want to generate SP1 proofs locally, this section has an overview of the hardware requirements required. These requires depend on which [types of proofs](../generating-proofs/proof-types.md) you want to generate and can also change over time as the design of the zKVM evolves. + +**The most important requirement is CPU for performance/latency and RAM to prevent running out of memory.** + +| | Mock / Network | Core / Compress | Groth16 and PLONK (EVM) | +| -------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | ----------------------- | +| CPU | 1+, single-core perf matters | 16+, more is better | 16+, more is better | +| Memory | 8GB+, more is better | 16GB+, more if you have more cores | 16GB+, more is better | +| Disk | 10GB+ | 10GB+ | 10GB+ | +| EVM Compatible | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | + +### CPU + +The execution & trace generation of the zkVM is mostly CPU bound, having a high single-core +performance is recommended to accelerate these steps. The rest of the prover is mostly bound by hashing/field operations +which can be parallelized with multiple cores. + +### Memory + +Our prover requires keeping large matrices (i.e., traces) in memory to generate the proofs. Certain steps of the prover +have a minimum memory requirement, meaning that if you have less than this amount of memory, the process will OOM. + +This effect is most noticeable when using the Groth16 or PLONK provers. If you're running the Groth16 or Plonk provers locally +on Mac or Windows using docker, you might need to increase the memory limit for +[docker desktop](https://docs.docker.com/desktop/settings-and-maintenance/settings/#resources). + +### Disk + +Disk is required to install the SP1 zkVM toolchain and to install the circuit artifacts, if you +plan to locally build the Groth16 or PLONK provers. + +Furthermore, disk is used to checkpoint the state of the program execution, which is required to generate the proofs. diff --git a/book/docs/getting-started/install.md b/book/docs/getting-started/install.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7c1a4ae85 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docs/getting-started/install.md @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +# Installation + +SP1 currently runs on Linux and macOS. You can either use prebuilt binaries through sp1up or +build the Succinct [Rust toolchain](https://rust-lang.github.io/rustup/concepts/toolchains.html) and CLI from source. + +## Requirements + +- [Git](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git) +- [Rust (Nightly)](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) +- [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/) + +## Option 1: Prebuilt Binaries (Recommended) + +`sp1up` is the SP1 toolchain installer. Open your terminal and run the following command and follow the instructions: + +```bash +curl -L https://sp1.succinct.xyz | bash +``` + +Then simply follow the instructions on-screen, which will make the `sp1up` command available in your CLI. + +After following the instructions, you can run `sp1up` to install the toolchain and the `cargo prove` CLI: + +```bash +sp1up +``` + +This will install two things: + +1. The `succinct` Rust toolchain which has support for the `riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf` compilation target. +2. `cargo prove` CLI tool that provides convenient commands for compiling SP1 programs and other helper functionality. + +You can verify the installation of the CLI by running `cargo prove --version`: + +```bash +cargo prove --version +``` + +You can check the version of the Succinct Rust toolchain by running: + +```bash +RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN=succinct cargo --version +``` +or equivalently: + +```bash +cargo +succinct --version +``` + +If this works, go to the [next section](./quickstart.md) to compile and prove a simple zkVM program. + +### Troubleshooting + +#### Rate-limiting + +If you experience [rate-limiting](https://docs.github.com/en/rest/using-the-rest-api/getting-started-with-the-rest-api?apiVersion=2022-11-28#rate-limiting) when using the `sp1up` command, you can resolve this by using the `--token` flag and providing your GitHub token. To create a Github token, follow the instructions [here](https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/managing-your-personal-access-tokens#creating-a-personal-access-token-classic). + + + +#### Unsupported OS Architectures + +Currently our prebuilt binaries are built on Ubuntu 20.04 (22.04 on ARM) and macOS. If your OS uses an older GLIBC version, it's possible these may not work and you will need to [build the toolchain from source](#option-2-building-from-source). + +#### Conflicting `cargo-prove` installations + +If you have installed `cargo-prove` from source, it may conflict with `sp1up`'s `cargo-prove` installation or vice versa. You can remove the `cargo-prove` that was installed from source with the following command: + +```bash +rm ~/.cargo/bin/cargo-prove +``` + +Or, you can remove the `cargo-prove` that was installed through `sp1up`: + +```bash +rm ~/.sp1/bin/cargo-prove +``` + + +## Option 2: Building from Source + +
+Warning: This option will take a long time to build and is only recommended for advanced users. +
+ +Make sure you have installed the [dependencies](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/INSTALL.md#dependencies) needed to build the rust toolchain from source. + +Clone the `sp1` repository and navigate to the root directory. + +```bash +git clone git@github.com:succinctlabs/sp1.git +cd sp1 +cd crates +cd cli +cargo install --locked --force --path . +cd ~ +cargo prove build-toolchain +``` + +Building the toolchain can take a while, ranging from 30 mins to an hour depending on your machine. If you're on a machine that we have prebuilt binaries for (ARM Mac or x86 or ARM Linux), you can use the following to download a prebuilt version. + +```bash +cargo prove install-toolchain +``` + +To verify the installation of the toolchain, run and make sure you see `succinct`: + +```bash +rustup toolchain list +``` + +You can delete your existing installation of the toolchain with: + +```bash +rustup toolchain remove succinct +``` diff --git a/book/getting-started/project-template.md b/book/docs/getting-started/project-template.md similarity index 100% rename from book/getting-started/project-template.md rename to book/docs/getting-started/project-template.md diff --git a/book/docs/getting-started/quickstart.md b/book/docs/getting-started/quickstart.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6e70c392f --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docs/getting-started/quickstart.md @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +# Quickstart + +In this section, we will show you how to create a simple Fibonacci program using the SP1 zkVM. + +## Create an SP1 Project + +### Option 1: Cargo Prove New CLI (Recommended) + +You can use the `cargo prove` CLI to create a new project using the `cargo prove new <--bare|--evm> ` command. The `--bare` option sets up a basic SP1 project for standalone zkVM programs, while `--evm` adds additional components including Solidity contracts for on-chain proof verification. + +This command will create a new folder in your current directory which includes solidity smart contracts for onchain integration. + +```bash +cargo prove new --evm fibonacci +cd fibonacci +``` + +### Option 2: Project Template (Solidity Contracts for Onchain Verification) + +If you want to use SP1 to generate proofs that will eventually be verified on an EVM chain, you should use the [SP1 project template](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-project-template/tree/main). This Github template is scaffolded with a SP1 program, a script to generate proofs, and also a contracts folder that contains a Solidity contract that can verify SP1 proofs on any EVM chain. + +Either fork the project template repository or clone it: + +```bash +git clone https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-project-template.git +``` + +### Project Overview + +Your new project will have the following structure (ignoring the `contracts` folder, if you are using the project template): + +``` +. +├── program +│   ├── Cargo.lock +│   ├── Cargo.toml +│   └── src +│   └── main.rs +├── rust-toolchain +└── script + ├── Cargo.lock + ├── Cargo.toml + ├── build.rs + └── src + └── bin + ├── prove.rs + └── vkey.rs + +6 directories, 4 files +``` + +There are 2 directories (each a crate) in the project: +- `program`: the source code that will be proven inside the zkVM. +- `script`: code that contains proof generation and verification code. + +**We recommend you install the [rust-analyzer](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=rust-lang.rust-analyzer) extension.** +Note that if you use `cargo prove new` inside a monorepo, you will need to add the manifest file to `rust-analyzer.linkedProjects` to get full IDE support. + +## Build + +Before we can run the program inside the zkVM, it must be compiled to a RISC-V executable using the `succinct` Rust toolchain. This is called an [ELF (Executable and Linkable Format)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executable_and_Linkable_Format). To compile the program, you can run the following command: + +``` +cd program && cargo prove build +``` + +which will generate an ELF file under `target/elf-compilation`. + +Note: the `build.rs` file in the `script` directory will use run the above command automatically to build the ELF, meaning you don't have to manually run `cargo prove build` every time you make a change to the program! + +## Execute + +To test your program, you can first execute your program without generating a proof. In general this is helpful for iterating on your program and verifying that it is correct. + +```bash +cd ../script +RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release -- --execute +``` + +## Prove + +When you are ready to generate a proof, you should run the script with the `--prove` flag that will generate a proof. + +```bash +cd ../script +RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release -- --prove +``` + +The output should show something like this: +``` +n: 20 +2024-07-23T17:07:07.874856Z INFO prove_core:collect_checkpoints: clk = 0 pc = 0x2017e8 +2024-07-23T17:07:07.876264Z INFO prove_core:collect_checkpoints: close time.busy=2.00ms time.idle=1.50µs +2024-07-23T17:07:07.913304Z INFO prove_core:shard: close time.busy=32.2ms time.idle=791ns +2024-07-23T17:07:10.724280Z INFO prove_core:commit: close time.busy=2.81s time.idle=1.25µs +2024-07-23T17:07:10.725923Z INFO prove_core:prove_checkpoint: clk = 0 pc = 0x2017e8 num=0 +2024-07-23T17:07:10.729130Z INFO prove_core:prove_checkpoint: close time.busy=3.68ms time.idle=1.17µs num=0 +2024-07-23T17:07:14.648146Z INFO prove_core: execution report (totals): total_cycles=9329, total_syscall_cycles=20 +2024-07-23T17:07:14.648180Z INFO prove_core: execution report (opcode counts): +2024-07-23T17:07:14.648197Z INFO prove_core: 1948 add +... +2024-07-23T17:07:14.648277Z INFO prove_core: execution report (syscall counts): +2024-07-23T17:07:14.648408Z INFO prove_core: 8 commit +... +2024-07-23T17:07:14.648858Z INFO prove_core: summary: cycles=9329, e2e=9.193968459, khz=1014.69, proofSize=1419780 +2024-07-23T17:07:14.653193Z INFO prove_core: close time.busy=9.20s time.idle=12.2µs +Successfully generated proof! +fib(n): 10946 +``` + +The program by default is quite small, so proof generation will only take a few seconds locally. After it generates, the proof will be verified for correctness. + +**Note:** When benchmarking proof generation times locally, it is important to note that there is a fixed overhead for proving, which means that the proof generation time for programs with a small number of cycles is not representative of the performance of larger programs (which often have better performance characteristics as the overhead is amortized across many cycles). + +## Recommended Workflow + +Please see the [Recommended Workflow](../generating-proofs/recommended-workflow) section for more details on how to develop your SP1 program and generate proofs. + +We *strongly recommend* that developers who want to use SP1 for non-trivial programs generate proofs on the beta version of our [Prover Network](../generating-proofs/prover-network.md). The prover network generates SP1 proofs across multiple machines, reducing latency and also runs SP1 on optimized hardware instances that result in faster + cheaper proof generation times. + +We recommend that for any production benchmarking, you use the prover network to estimate latency and costs of proof generation. We also would love to chat with your team directly to help you get started with the prover network--please fill out this [form](https://partner.succinct.xyz/). + diff --git a/book/introduction.md b/book/docs/introduction.md similarity index 99% rename from book/introduction.md rename to book/docs/introduction.md index 93daa38ab..f3a645786 100644 --- a/book/introduction.md +++ b/book/docs/introduction.md @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# SP1 +# Introduction *Documentation for SP1 users and developers*. diff --git a/book/docs/security/rv32im-implementation.md b/book/docs/security/rv32im-implementation.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4ec1e041e --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docs/security/rv32im-implementation.md @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ + +# RV32IM Standards Compliance + +SP1 is a specialized implementation of the RISC-V RV32IM standard and aligns with the fundamental philosophy of RISC-V, which emphasizes customization and flexibility over rigid adherence to a fixed set of instructions. + +Notably, RISC-V is designed as a modular ISA framework that encourages implementers to adapt and specialize its base specifications to meet unique application requirements. SP1, which is tailored for zero-knowledge proving workloads, embodies this philosophy by introducing minor adjustments that enhance proving efficiency while adhering to the core RV32IM requirements. These design choices reflect the intent of RISC-V to act as a “skeleton” rather than an immutable standard as outlined in the [RISC-V specification](https://riscv.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/riscv-spec-v2.2.pdf): + +> RISC-V has been designed to support extensive customization and specialization. The base integer ISA can be extended with one or more optional instruction-set extensions, but the base integer instructions cannot be redefined. ... The base is carefully restricted to a minimal set of instructions sufficient to provide a reasonable target for compilers, assemblers, linkers, and operating systems (with additional supervisor-level operations), and so provides a convenient ISA and software toolchain “skeleton” around which more customized processor ISAs can be built. + +SP1’s primary customizations, such as requiring aligned memory access and reserving specific memory regions, are implementation details optimized for zkVMs. These modifications are consistent with RISC-V’s allowance for customization, as the specification explicitly permits implementers to define legal address spaces and undefined behaviors. + +*This topic was thoroughly investigated by external auditors, including rkm0959, Zellic, samczsun, and others. The audit report by Zellic on this subject can be found [here](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/tree/dev/audits).* + +## Implementation Details + +In this section, we outline the specific customizations made to SP1's implementation of the RISC-V RV32IM standard to simplify constraints and improve proving time. + +### Reserved Memory Regions + +SP1 reserves the following memory regions: +- `0x0` to `0x1F` inclusive are reserved for registers. Writing to these addresses will modify + register state and cause undefined behavior. SP1's AIRs also constrain that memory opcodes do not access these addresses. +- `0x20` to `0x78000000` inclusive are reserved for the heap allocator. Writing to addresses outside this region will + cause undefined behavior. + +The RISC-V standard permits implementers to define which portions of the address space are legal to access and does not prohibit the specification of undefined behavior. SP1 adheres to this flexibility by defining valid memory regions from `0x20` to `0x78000000`, with accesses outside this range constituting undefined behavior. This design choice aligns with common practices in hardware platforms, where reserved or invalid memory regions serve specific purposes, such as [DMA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_memory_access) or [MMIO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory-mapped_I/O_and_port-mapped_I/O), and accessing them can result in unpredictable behavior. Compared to real-world systems like x86 and ARM, SP1's memory map is neither that unusual nor complex. + +In practical terms, undefined behavior caused by accessing illegal memory regions reflects faults in the program rather than the platform. Such behavior is consistent with other hardware environments. + +### Aligned Memory Access + +Memory access must be "aligned". The alignment is automatically enforced by all programs compiled +through the official SP1 RISC-V toolchain. SP1's AIRs also constrain that these alignment rules are followed: +- LW/SW memory access must be word aligned. +- LH/LHU/SH memory access must be half-word aligned. + +The RISC-V standard does not explicitly prohibit implementers from requiring aligned memory access, leaving room for such decisions based on specific implementation needs. SP1 enforces memory alignment as part of its design, an approach that aligns with practices in many hardware systems where alignment is standard to optimize performance and simplify implementation. This design choice is well-documented and does not conflict with RISC-V’s flexibility for implementation-specific optimizations. + +In practice, SP1’s memory alignment requirement does not impose a significant burden on developers since it is clearly documented that programs should be compiled with the SP1 toolchain. + +### ECALL Instruction + +The ECALL instruction in SP1 is used for system calls and precompiles, adhering to a specific convention for its proper use. Syscall IDs must be valid and loaded into register T0, with arguments placed in registers A0 and A1. If these arguments are memory addresses, they are required to be word-aligned. This convention ensures clarity and consistency in how system calls are handled. Failure to follow these conventions can result in undefined behavior. + +### FENCE, WFI, MRET, and CSR related instructions + +SP1 marks the FENCE, WFI, MRET, and CSR-related instructions as not implemented and disallowed within the SP1 zkVM. This decision reflects the unique requirements and constraints of SP1's zkVM environment, where these instructions are unnecessary or irrelevant to its intended functionality. By omitting these instructions, SP1 simplifies its implementation, focusing on the subset of RISC-V instructions that are directly applicable to the application. + +## Security Considerations + +While SP1's customization of RISC-V could theoretically be exploited to cause undefined behavior or divergent execution from other platforms, such scenarios require a deliberately malicious program. The SP1 security model assumes that programs are honestly compiled, as malicious bytecode could otherwise exploit program execution and I/O. Programs which trigger undefined behavior are considered improperly designed for the environment, not evidence of noncompliance in SP1. + +In practice, developers are proving their own applications and must be fully aware of the behavior of their source code and the environment they are running in. If an attacker can insert malicious code into a program, there are several trivial ways to control the programs behavior beyond relying on these undefined behaviors to trigger divergent execution. The customizations described in this document do not meaningfully change the attack surface of the SP1 zkVM. diff --git a/book/docs/security/safe-precompile-usage.md b/book/docs/security/safe-precompile-usage.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..667197456 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docs/security/safe-precompile-usage.md @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# Safe Usage of SP1 Precompiles + +This section outlines the key assumptions and properties of each precompile. Advanced users interacting directly with the precompiles are expected to ensure these assumptions are met. + +If you need to interact with the precompiles directly, we strongly recommend using the API described in [Precompiles](../writing-programs/precompiles.mdx) rather than making an `ecall` directly using unsafe Rust. + +## Alignment of Pointers + +For all precompiles, any pointer with associated data must be a valid pointer aligned to a four-byte boundary. This requirement applies to all precompiles related to hashing, field operations, and elliptic curve operations. + +## Canonical Field Inputs + +Certain precompiles handle non-native field arithmetic, such as field operation and elliptic curve precompiles. These precompiles take field inputs as arrays of `u32` values. In such cases, the `u32` values must represent the field element in its canonical form. For example, in a finite field `Fp`, the value `1` must be represented by `u32` limbs that encode `1`, rather than `p + 1` or `2 * p + 1`. Using non-canonical representations may result in unverifiable SP1 proofs. Note that our field operation and elliptic curve operation precompiles are constrained to return field elements in their canonical representations. + +## Elliptic Curve Precompiles + +The elliptic curve precompiles assume that inputs are valid elliptic curve points. Since this validity is not enforced within the precompile circuits, it is the responsibility of the user program to verify that the points lie on the curve. Given valid elliptic curve points as inputs, the precompile will perform point addition or doubling as expected. + +For Weierstrass curves, the `add` precompile additionally constrains that the two elliptic curve points have different `x`-coordinates over the base field. Attempting to double a point by sending two equal curve points to the `add` precompile will result in unverifiable proofs. Additionally, cases where an input or output point is a point at infinity cannot be handled by the `add` or `double` precompile. It is the responsibility of the user program to handle such edge cases of Weierstrass addition correctly when invoking these precompiles. + +## U256 Precompile + +The `sys_bigint` precompile efficiently constrains the computation of `(x * y) % modulus`, where `x, y, modulus` are all `uint256`. Here, the precompile requires that `x * y < 2^256 * modulus` for the resulting SP1 proof to be verifiable. This condition is satisfied, for example, when at least one of `x` or `y` is canonical, (i.e., less than the `modulus`). It is the responsibility of the user program to ensure that this requirement is met. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/book/docs/security/security-model.md b/book/docs/security/security-model.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6f393fa90 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docs/security/security-model.md @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +# Security Model + +The goal of SP1 zkVM is to transform an arbitrary program written in an LLVM-compiled language into a sound zero-knowledge proof, proving the program's correct execution. SP1's security model outlines the necessary cryptographic assumptions and program safety requirements to ensure secure proof generation and verification. It also addresses our trusted setup process and additional practical measures to enhance the security of using SP1. + +## Cryptographic Security Model + +### Hash Functions and the Random Oracle Model + +SP1 utilizes the Poseidon2 hash function over the BabyBear field with a width of 16, rate of 8, capacity of 8, SBOX degree of 7, and 8 external rounds with 13 internal rounds. These parameters were used in [Plonky3](https://github.com/Plonky3/Plonky3/blob/main/poseidon2/src/round_numbers.rs#L42). Readers are referred to the Plonky3 documentation above for more details and theoretical background on the parameter selection for Poseidon2. + +Using the [Random Oracle Model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Random_oracle), we assume our system remains as secure as if Poseidon2 was replaced with a random oracle. This assumption establishes the security of the [Fiat-Shamir transform](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat%E2%80%93Shamir_heuristic), which converts an interactive protocol into a non-interactive one. This is a common cryptographic assumption used by many teams in the domain; see also the [Poseidon Initiative](https://www.poseidon-initiative.info/). + +### Conjectures for FRI's Security + +SP1 uses Conjecture 8.4 from the paper ["Proximity Gaps for Reed-Solomon Codes"](https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/654.pdf). Based on this conjecture, section 3.9.2 of [ethSTARK documentation](https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/582.pdf) describes the number of FRI queries required to achieve a certain level of security, depending on the blowup factor. Additionally, proof of work is used to reduce the required number of FRI queries, as explained in section 3.11.3 of the ethSTARK documentation. + +SP1's FRI parameters have `num_queries = 100 / log_blowup` with `proof_of_work_bits = 16`, providing at least 100 bits of security based on these conjectures. + +### Recursion's Overhead in Security + +We assume that recursive proofs do not incur a loss in security as the number of recursive steps increases. This assumption is widely accepted for recursion-based approaches. + +### Security of Elliptic Curves over Extension Fields + +SP1 assumes that the discrete logarithm problem on the elliptic curve over the degree-7 extension of BabyBear is computationally hard. The selected instantiation of the elliptic curve satisfies the criteria outlined in [SafeCurves](https://safecurves.cr.yp.to/index.html), including high embedding degree, prime group order, and a large CM discriminant. + +An analysis based on Thomas Pornin's paper ["EcGFp5: a Specialized Elliptic Curve"](https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/274.pdf), confirmed that the selected elliptic curve provides at least 100 bits of security against known attacks. + +### Groth16, PLONK, and the Zero-Knowledgeness of SP1 + +SP1 utilizes [Gnark's](https://github.com/Consensys/gnark) implementation of Groth16 or PLONK over the BN254 curve to compress a STARK proof into a SNARK proof, which is then used for on-chain verification. SP1 assumes all cryptographic assumptions required for the security of Groth16 and PLONK. While our implementations of Groth16 and PLONK are zero-knowledge, individual STARK proofs in SP1 do not currently satisfy the zero-knowledge property. + +## Program Safety Requirements + +Since SP1 only aims to provide proof of correct execution for the user-provided program, it is crucial for users to make sure that **their programs are secure**. + +SP1 assumes that the program compiled into SP1 is non-malicious. This includes that the program is memory-safe and the compiled ELF binary has not been tampered with. Compiling unsafe programs with undefined behavior into SP1 could result in undefined or even malicious behavior being provable and verifiable within SP1. Therefore, developers must ensure the safety of their code and the correctness of their SP1 usage through the appropriate toolchain. Similarly, users using SP1's patched crates must ensure that their code is secure when compiled with the original crates. SP1 also has [requirements for safe usage of SP1 Precompiles](./safe-precompile-usage.md), which must be ensured by the developers. + +Additionally, SP1 assumes that `0` is not a valid program counter in the compiled program. + +## Trusted Setup + +The Groth16 and PLONK protocols require a trusted setup to securely setup the proof systems. For PLONK, SP1 relies on the trusted setup ceremony conducted by [Aztec Ignition](https://github.com/AztecProtocol/ignition-verification). For Groth16, SP1 conducted a trusted setup among several contributors to enable its use in the zero-knowledge proof generation pipeline. + +### Purpose + +A trusted setup ceremony generates cryptographic parameters essential for systems like Groth16 and PLONK. These parameters ensure the validity of proofs and prevent adversaries from creating malicious or invalid proofs. However, the security of the trusted setup process relies on the critical assumption that at least one participant in the ceremony securely discards their intermediary data (commonly referred to as "toxic waste"). If this assumption is violated, the security of the proof system can be compromised. + +### Options + +SP1 provides two trusted setup options, depending on user preferences and security requirements: + +**PLONK’s Universal Trusted Setup:** + +For PLONK, SP1 uses the [Aztec Ignition](https://aztec.network/blog/announcing-ignition) ceremony, which is a universal trusted setup designed for reuse across multiple circuits. This approach eliminates the need for circuit-specific ceremonies and minimizes trust assumptions, making it a robust and widely trusted solution. + +The details of SP1's usage of this trusted setup can be found in our repository [here](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/blob/dev/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/go/sp1/trusted_setup/trusted_setup.go) using [Gnark's ignition verifier](https://github.com/Consensys/gnark-ignition-verifier). + +The only downside of using PLONK is that it's proving time is slower than Groth16 by 3-4x. + +**Groth16 Circuit-Specific Trusted Setup:** + +For Groth16, Succinct conducted a circuit-specific trusted setup ceremony among several contributors to the project. While every effort was made to securely generate and discard intermediary parameters following best practices, circuit-specific ceremonies inherently carry higher trust assumptions. The contributors are the following: + +1. [John Guibas](https://github.com/jtguibas) +2. [Uma Roy](https://github.com/puma314) +3. [Tamir Hemo](https://github.com/tamirhemo) +4. [Chris Tian](https://github.com/ctian1) +5. [Eli Yang](https://github.com/eliy10) +6. [Kaylee George](https://github.com/kayleegeorge) +7. [Ratan Kaliani](https://github.com/ratankaliani) + +The trusted setup artifacts along with the individual contributions can be downloaded from this following [archive](https://sp1-circuits.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/v4.0.0-rc.3-trusted-setup.tar.gz) and were generate by [Semaphore](https://github.com/jtguibas/semaphore-gnark-11/tree/john/gnark-11) which was originally developed by [Worldcoin](https://world.org/). + +Users uncomfortable with these security assumptions are strongly encouraged to use PLONK instead. + +## Approved Prover + +Zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) systems are highly advanced and complex pieces of software that push the boundaries of cryptographic innovation. As with any complex system, the possibility of bugs or vulnerabilities cannot be entirely eliminated. In particular, issues in the prover implementation may lead to incorrect proofs or security vulnerabilities that could compromise the integrity of the entire proof system. + +To mitigate these risks, we officially recommend the use of an approved prover for any application handling critical or sensitive amounts of value. An approved prover refers to an implementation where there is a list of whitelisted provers or oracles who provide an additional sanity check that the proof's claimed outputs are correct. + +Over time, as the ecosystem matures and the understanding of ZKP systems improves, we expect to relax these restrictions. Advances in formal verification, fuzz testing, and cryptographic research may provide new tools and methods to achieve high levels of security and confidence of prover implementations. + +We strongly advise users to: + +- Use only Succinct approved versions of the prover software for critical applications. +- Follow updates and recommendations from the SP1 team regarding approved provers. +- Regularly apply security patches and updates to the prover software. + +This careful approach ensures that applications using SP1 maintain the highest possible level of security, while still leaving room for innovation and growth in the ZKP ecosystem. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/book/docs/sp1.png b/book/docs/sp1.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..78576befe Binary files /dev/null and b/book/docs/sp1.png differ diff --git a/book/theme/head.hbs b/book/docs/theme/head.hbs similarity index 100% rename from book/theme/head.hbs rename to book/docs/theme/head.hbs diff --git a/book/docs/verification/off-chain-verification.md b/book/docs/verification/off-chain-verification.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..445a458e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docs/verification/off-chain-verification.md @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +import ProgramMain from "@site/static/examples_groth16_program_src_main.rs.mdx"; +import ProgramScript from "@site/static/examples_groth16_script_src_main.rs.mdx"; + +# Offchain Verification + +## Rust `no_std` Verification + +You can verify SP1 Groth16 and Plonk proofs in `no_std` environments with [`sp1-verifier`](https://docs.rs/sp1-verifier/latest/sp1_verifier/). + +`sp1-verifier` is also patched to verify Groth16 and Plonk proofs within the SP1 zkVM, using +[bn254](https://blog.succinct.xyz/succinctshipsprecompiles/) precompiles. For an example of this, see +the [Groth16 Example](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/tree/main/examples/groth16/). + +### Installation + +Import the following dependency in your `Cargo.toml`: + +```toml +sp1-verifier = {version = "4.0.0", default-features = false} +``` + +### Usage + +`sp1-verifier`'s interface is very similar to the solidity verifier's. It exposes two public functions: +[`Groth16Verifier::verify_proof`](https://docs.rs/sp1-verifier/latest/src/sp1_verifier/groth16.rs.html) +and [`PlonkVerifier::verify_proof`](https://docs.rs/sp1-verifier/latest/src/sp1_verifier/plonk.rs.html). + +`sp1-verifier` also exposes the Groth16 and Plonk verifying keys as constants, `GROTH16_VK_BYTES` and `PLONK_VK_BYTES`. These +keys correspond to the current SP1 version's official Groth16 and Plonk verifying keys, which are used for verifying proofs generated +using docker or the prover network. + +First, generate your groth16/plonk proof with the SP1 SDK. See [here](./onchain/getting-started#generating-sp1-proofs-for-onchain-verification) +for more information -- `sp1-verifier` and the solidity verifier expect inputs in the same format. + +Next, verify the proof with `sp1-verifier`. The following snippet is from the [Groth16 example program](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/tree/dev/examples/groth16/), which verifies a Groth16 proof within SP1 using `sp1-verifier`. + + + +Here, the proof, public inputs, and vkey hash are read from stdin. See the following snippet to see how these values are generated. + + + +> Note that the SP1 SDK itself is _not_ `no_std` compatible. + +## Wasm Verification + +The [`example-sp1-wasm-verifier`](https://github.com/succinctlabs/example-sp1-wasm-verifier) demonstrates how to +verify SP1 proofs in wasm. For a more detailed explanation of the process, please see the [README](https://github.com/succinctlabs/example-sp1-wasm-verifier/blob/main/README.md). diff --git a/book/docs/verification/onchain/contract-addresses.md b/book/docs/verification/onchain/contract-addresses.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fc5136c2d --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docs/verification/onchain/contract-addresses.md @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +# Contract Addresses + +> The current officially supported version of SP1 is **V4.0.0**. +> +> All previous versions are deprecated and may not work as expected on the gateways. + +To verify SP1 proofs on-chain, we recommend using our deployed canonical verifier gateways. The +[SP1VerifierGateway](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-contracts/blob/main/contracts/src/ISP1VerifierGateway.sol) +will automatically route your SP1 proof to the correct verifier based on the SP1 version used. + +## Canonical Verifier Gateways + +There are different verifier gateway for each proof system: Groth16 and PLONK. This means that you +must use the correct verifier gateway depending on if you are verifying a Groth16 or PLONK proof. + +### Groth16 + +| Chain ID | Chain | Gateway | +| -------- | ---------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| 1 | Mainnet | [0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B](https://etherscan.io/address/0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B) | +| 11155111 | Sepolia | [0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B](https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B) | +| 17000 | Holesky | [0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B](https://holesky.etherscan.io/address/0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B) | +| 42161 | Arbitrum One | [0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B](https://arbiscan.io/address/0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B) | +| 421614 | Arbitrum Sepolia | [0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B](https://sepolia.arbiscan.io/address/0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B) | +| 8453 | Base | [0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B](https://basescan.org/address/0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B) | +| 84532 | Base Sepolia | [0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B](https://sepolia.basescan.org/address/0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B) | +| 10 | Optimism | [0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B](https://optimistic.etherscan.io/address/0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B) | +| 11155420 | Optimism Sepolia | [0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B](https://sepolia-optimism.etherscan.io/address/0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B) | +| 534351 | Scroll Sepolia | [0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B](https://sepolia.scrollscan.com/address/0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B) | +| 534352 | Scroll | [0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B](https://scrollscan.com/address/0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B) | + +### PLONK + +| Chain ID | Chain | Gateway | +| -------- | ---------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| 1 | Mainnet | [0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e](https://etherscan.io/address/0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e) | +| 11155111 | Sepolia | [0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e](https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e) | +| 17000 | Holesky | [0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e](https://holesky.etherscan.io/address/0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e) | +| 42161 | Arbitrum One | [0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e](https://arbiscan.io/address/0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e) | +| 421614 | Arbitrum Sepolia | [0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e](https://sepolia.arbiscan.io/address/0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e) | +| 8453 | Base | [0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e](https://basescan.org/address/0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e) | +| 84532 | Base Sepolia | [0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e](https://sepolia.basescan.org/address/0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e) | +| 10 | Optimism | [0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e](https://optimistic.etherscan.io/address/0x3b6041173b80e77f038f3f2c0f9744f04837185e) | +| 11155420 | Optimism Sepolia | [0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e](https://sepolia-optimism.etherscan.io/address/0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e) | +| 534351 | Scroll Sepolia | [0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e](https://sepolia.scrollscan.com/address/0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e) | +| 534352 | Scroll | [0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e](https://scrollscan.com/address/0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e) | + +The most up-to-date reference on each chain can be found in the +[deployments](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-contracts/blob/main/contracts/deployments) +directory in the +SP1 contracts repository, where each chain has a dedicated JSON file with each verifier's address. + +## Versioning Policy + +Whenever a verifier for a new SP1 version is deployed, the gateway contract will be updated to +support it with +[addRoute()](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-contracts/blob/main/contracts/src/ISP1VerifierGateway.sol#L65). +If a verifier for an SP1 version has an issue, the route will be frozen with +[freezeRoute()](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-contracts/blob/main/contracts/src/ISP1VerifierGateway.sol#L71). + +On mainnets, only official versioned releases are deployed and added to the gateway. Testnets have +`rc` versions of the verifier deployed supported in addition to the official versions. + +## Deploying to other Chains + +In the case that you need to use a chain that is not listed above, you can deploy your own +verifier contract by following the instructions in the +[SP1 Contracts Repo](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-contracts/blob/main/README.md#deployments). + +Since both the `SP1VerifierGateway` and each `SP1Verifier` implement the [ISP1Verifier +interface](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-contracts/blob/main/contracts/src/ISP1Verifier.sol), you can choose to either: + +- Deploy the `SP1VerifierGateway` and add `SP1Verifier` contracts to it. Then point to the + `SP1VerifierGateway` address in your contracts. +- Deploy just the `SP1Verifier` contract that you want to use. Then point to the `SP1Verifier` + address in + your contracts. + +If you want support for a canonical verifier on your chain, contact us [here](https://t.me/+AzG4ws-kD24yMGYx). We often deploy canonical verifiers on new chains if there's enough demand. + +## ISP1Verifier Interface + +All verifiers implement the [ISP1Verifier](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-contracts/blob/main/contracts/src/ISP1Verifier.sol) interface. + +```c++ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT +pragma solidity ^0.8.20; + +/// @title SP1 Verifier Interface +/// @author Succinct Labs +/// @notice This contract is the interface for the SP1 Verifier. +interface ISP1Verifier { + /// @notice Verifies a proof with given public values and vkey. + /// @dev It is expected that the first 4 bytes of proofBytes must match the first 4 bytes of + /// target verifier's VERIFIER_HASH. + /// @param programVKey The verification key for the RISC-V program. + /// @param publicValues The public values encoded as bytes. + /// @param proofBytes The proof of the program execution the SP1 zkVM encoded as bytes. + function verifyProof( + bytes32 programVKey, + bytes calldata publicValues, + bytes calldata proofBytes + ) external view; +} +``` diff --git a/book/docs/verification/onchain/getting-started.mdx b/book/docs/verification/onchain/getting-started.mdx new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e4a9a5b88 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docs/verification/onchain/getting-started.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +import Example from "@site/static/examples_fibonacci_script_bin_groth16_bn254.rs.mdx"; + +# Onchain Verification: Setup + +The best way to get started with verifying SP1 proofs on-chain is to refer to the [SP1 Project Template](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-project-template/tree/main). + +- The template [program](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-project-template/blob/main/program/src/main.rs) shows how to write outputs that can be decoded in Solidity. +- The template [script](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-project-template/blob/main/script/src/bin/prove.rs) shows how to generate the proof using the SDK and save it to a file. +- The template [contract](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-project-template/blob/main/contracts/src/Fibonacci.sol) shows how to verify the proof onchain using Solidity. + +Refer to the section on [Contract Addresses](./contract-addresses) for the addresses of the deployed verifiers. + +## Generating SP1 Proofs for Onchain Verification + +By default, the proofs generated by SP1 are not verifiable onchain, as they are non-constant size and STARK verification on Ethereum is very expensive. To generate a proof that can be verified onchain, we use performant STARK recursion to combine SP1 shard proofs into a single STARK proof and then wrap that in a SNARK proof. Our `ProverClient` has a prover option for this called `plonk`. Behind the scenes, this function will first generate a normal SP1 proof, then recursively combine all of them into a single proof using the STARK recursion protocol. Finally, the proof is wrapped in a SNARK proof using PLONK. + +> WARNING: The Groth16 and PLONK provers are only guaranteed to work on official releases of SP1. To +> use Groth16 or PLONK proving & verification locally, ensure that you have Docker installed and have +> at least 32GB of RAM. Note that you might need to increase the memory limit for +> [docker desktop](https://docs.docker.com/desktop/settings-and-maintenance/settings/#resources) if you're running on Mac. + +### Example + + + +You can run the above script with `RUST_LOG=info cargo run --bin groth16_bn254 --release` in `examples/fibonacci/script`. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/book/onchain-verification/solidity-sdk.md b/book/docs/verification/onchain/solidity-sdk.md similarity index 98% rename from book/onchain-verification/solidity-sdk.md rename to book/docs/verification/onchain/solidity-sdk.md index 822ab620b..93a241ed9 100644 --- a/book/onchain-verification/solidity-sdk.md +++ b/book/docs/verification/onchain/solidity-sdk.md @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ fn main() { sp1_sdk::utils::setup_logger(); // Setup the prover client. - let client = ProverClient::new(); + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); // Setup the program. let (_, vk) = client.setup(FIBONACCI_ELF); diff --git a/book/what-is-a-zkvm.md b/book/docs/what-is-a-zkvm.md similarity index 100% rename from book/what-is-a-zkvm.md rename to book/docs/what-is-a-zkvm.md diff --git a/book/why-use-sp1.md b/book/docs/why-use-sp1.md similarity index 100% rename from book/why-use-sp1.md rename to book/docs/why-use-sp1.md diff --git a/book/writing-programs/basics.md b/book/docs/writing-programs/basics.mdx similarity index 63% rename from book/writing-programs/basics.md rename to book/docs/writing-programs/basics.mdx index 8d1d4e827..23c7c027a 100644 --- a/book/writing-programs/basics.md +++ b/book/docs/writing-programs/basics.mdx @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ -# Writing Programs: Basics +import Example from "@site/static/examples_fibonacci_program_src_main.rs.mdx"; + +# Basics The easiest way to understand how to write programs for the SP1 zkVM is to look at some examples. @@ -6,10 +8,8 @@ The easiest way to understand how to write programs for the SP1 zkVM is to look This program is from the `examples` [directory](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/tree/main/examples) in the SP1 repo which contains several example programs of varying complexity. -```rust,noplayground -{{#include ../../examples/fibonacci/program/src/main.rs}} -``` + As you can see, writing programs is as simple as writing normal Rust. -After you've written your program, you must compile it to an ELF that the SP1 zkVM can prove. To read more about compiling programs, refer to the section on [Compiling Programs](./compiling.md). To read more about how inputs and outputs work, refer to the section on [Inputs & Outputs](./inputs-and-outputs.md). \ No newline at end of file +After you've written your program, you must compile it to an ELF that the SP1 zkVM can prove. To read more about compiling programs, refer to the section on [Compiling Programs](./compiling). To read more about how inputs and outputs work, refer to the section on [Inputs & Outputs](./inputs-and-outputs). diff --git a/book/docs/writing-programs/compiling.mdx b/book/docs/writing-programs/compiling.mdx new file mode 100644 index 000000000..894a4bab1 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docs/writing-programs/compiling.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +import Example from "@site/static/examples_fibonacci_script_build.rs.mdx"; + +# Compiling Programs + +Once you have written an SP1 program, you must compile it to an ELF file that can be executed in the zkVM. The `cargo prove` CLI tool (downloaded during installation) provides convenient commands for compiling SP1 programs. + +## Development Builds + +> WARNING: Running `cargo prove build` may not generate a reproducible ELF which is necessary for verifying that your binary corresponds to given source code. +> +> Use SP1's [reproducible build system](#production-builds) for production builds. + +To build a program while developing, simply run the following command in the crate that contains your SP1 program: + +```bash +# Enter the directory containing your SP1 program. +cd path/to/your/program + +# Build the program. +cargo prove build +``` + +This will compile the ELF that can be executed in the zkVM. The output from the command will look similar to this: + +```bash +[sp1] Compiling version_check v0.9.4 +[sp1] Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.86 +[sp1] Compiling unicode-ident v1.0.12 +[sp1] Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0 +... +[sp1] Compiling sp1-lib v1.0.1 +[sp1] Compiling sp1-zkvm v1.0.1 +[sp1] Compiling fibonacci-program v0.1.0 (/Users/username/Documents/fibonacci/program) +[sp1] Finished `release` profile [optimized] target(s) in 8.33s +``` + +Under the hood, this CLI command calls `cargo build` with the `riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf` target and other required environment variables and flags. The logic for this command is defined in the [sp1-build](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/tree/main/build) crate. + +### Advanced Build Options + +The `cargo prove build` command supports several configuration options to customize the build process for your program: + +- `--features`: Enable specific features +- `--output-directory`: Specify a custom output location for the ELF +- `--elf-name`: Set a custom name for the output ELF file +- `--no-default-features`: Disable default features +- `--locked`: Ensure Cargo.lock remains unchanged +- `--packages`: Build only specified packages +- `--binaries`: Build only specified binaries + +Run `cargo prove build --help` to see the complete list of options. Some options mirror those available in the standard `cargo build` command. + +## Production Builds + +For production builds, use Docker to generate a **reproducible ELF** that will be identical across all platforms. Simply add the `--docker` flag to your build command. You can also specify a release version using `--tag`, otherwise the tag defaults to the latest release. For example: + +```bash +cargo prove build --docker --tag v4.0.0 +``` + +To verify that your build is truly reproducible across different platforms and systems, compute the SHA-512 hash of the generated ELF file. The hash should be identical regardless of where you build it: + +```bash +$ shasum -a 512 elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf +f9afb8caaef10de9a8aad484c4dd3bfa54ba7218f3fc245a20e8a03ed40b38c617e175328515968aecbd3c38c47b2ca034a99e6dbc928512894f20105b03a203 +``` + +## Build Script + +If you want your program crate to be built automatically whenever you build/run your script crate, you can add a `build.rs` file inside of `script/` (at the same level as `Cargo.toml` of your script crate) that utilizes the `sp1-build` crate: + + + +The path passed in to `build_program` should point to the directory containing the `Cargo.toml` file for your program. Make sure to also add `sp1-build` as a build dependency in `script/Cargo.toml`: + +```toml +[build-dependencies] +sp1-build = "4.0.0" +``` + +You will see output like the following from the build script if the program has changed, indicating that the program was rebuilt: + +``` +[fibonacci-script 0.1.0] cargo:rerun-if-changed=../program/src +[fibonacci-script 0.1.0] cargo:rerun-if-changed=../program/Cargo.toml +[fibonacci-script 0.1.0] cargo:rerun-if-changed=../program/Cargo.lock +[fibonacci-script 0.1.0] cargo:warning=fibonacci-program built at 2024-03-02 22:01:26 +[fibonacci-script 0.1.0] [sp1] Compiling fibonacci-program v0.1.0 (/Users/umaroy/Documents/fibonacci/program) +[fibonacci-script 0.1.0] [sp1] Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.15s +warning: fibonacci-script@0.1.0: fibonacci-program built at 2024-03-02 22:01:26 +``` + +The above output was generated by running `RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release -vv` for the `script` folder of the Fibonacci example. + +### Advanced Build Options + +To configure the build process when using the `sp1-build` crate, you can pass a [`BuildArgs`](https://docs.rs/sp1-build/latest/sp1_build/struct.BuildArgs.html) struct to to the [`build_program_with_args`](https://docs.rs/sp1-build/latest/sp1_build/fn.build_program_with_args.html) function. The build arguments are the same as the ones available from the `cargo prove build` command. + +As an example, you could use the following code to build the Fibonacci example with the `docker` flag set to `true` and a custom name for the generated ELF. This will generate a reproducible ELF file (with Docker) with the name `fibonacci-elf`: + +```rust +use sp1_build::{build_program_with_args, BuildArgs}; + +fn main() { + let args = BuildArgs { + docker: true, + elf_name: "fibonacci-elf".to_string(), + ..Default::default() + }; + build_program_with_args("../program", &args); +} +``` \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/book/docs/writing-programs/cycle-tracking.mdx b/book/docs/writing-programs/cycle-tracking.mdx new file mode 100644 index 000000000..69fd139d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docs/writing-programs/cycle-tracking.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +import Example from "@site/static/examples_cycle-tracking_program_bin_normal.rs.mdx"; + +# Cycle Tracking + +When writing a program, it is useful to know how many RISC-V cycles a portion of the program takes to identify potential performance bottlenecks. SP1 provides a way to track the number of cycles spent in a portion of the program. + +## Tracking Cycles + +### Using Print Annotations +For simple debugging, use these annotations to log cycle counts to stdout: + + ```rust + #![no_main] + sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + + fn main() { + let mut nums = vec![1, 1]; + + // Compute the sum of the numbers. + println!("cycle-tracker-start: compute"); + let sum: u64 = nums.iter().sum(); + println!("cycle-tracker-end: compute"); + } + ``` + +With this code, you will see output like the following in your logs: + +``` +[INFO] compute: 1234 cycles +``` + +### Using Report Annotations +To store cycle counts across multiple invocations in the `ExecutionReport`, use the report annotations: + +```rust +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +fn main() { + // Track cycles across multiple computations + for i in 0..10 { + println!("cycle-tracker-report-start: compute"); + expensive_computation(i); + println!("cycle-tracker-report-end: compute"); + } +} + +``` + +Access total cycles from all invocations +```rust +let report = client.execute(ELF, &stdin).run().unwrap(); +let total_compute_cycles = report.cycle_tracker.get("compute").unwrap(); +``` + +### Using the Cycle Tracker Macro +Add `sp1-derive` to your dependencies: +```toml +sp1-derive = "4.0.0" +``` + +Then annotate your functions: +```rust +#[sp1_derive::cycle_tracker] +pub fn expensive_function(x: usize) -> usize { + let mut y = 1; + for _ in 0..100 { + y *= x; + y %= 7919; + } + y +} +``` + +## Profiling a zkVM program + +Profiling a zkVM program produces a useful visualization ([example profile](https://share.firefox.dev/3Om1pzz)) which makes it easy to examine program performance and see exactly where VM cycles are being spent without needing to modify the program at all. + +To profile a program, you need to: + +1. Enable the profiling feature for `sp1-sdk` in `script/Cargo.toml` +2. Set the env variable `TRACE_FILE=trace.json` and then call `ProverClient::execute()` in your script. + +If you're executing a larger program (>100M cycles), you should set `TRACE_SAMPLE_RATE` to reduce the size of the trace file. A sample rate of `1000` means that 1 in every 1000 VM cycles is sampled. By default, every cycle is sampled. + +Many examples can be found in the repo, such as this ['fibonacci'](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/blob/dev/examples/fibonacci/script/src/main.rs#L22) script. + +Once you have your script it should look like the following: + +```rs + // Execute the program using the `ProverClient.execute` method, without generating a proof. + let (_, report) = client.execute(ELF, &stdin).run().unwrap(); +``` + +As well you must enable the profiling feature on the SDK: + +```toml + sp1-sdk = { version = "4.0.0", features = ["profiling"] } +``` + +The `TRACE_FILE` env var tells the executor where to save the profile, and the `TRACE_SAMPLE_RATE` env var tells the executor how often to sample the program. +A larger sample rate will give you a smaller profile, it is the number of instructions in between each sample. + +The full command to profile should look something like this + +```sh + TRACE_FILE=output.json TRACE_SAMPLE_RATE=100 cargo run ... +``` + +To view these profiles, we recommend [Samply](https://github.com/mstange/samply). + +```sh + cargo install --locked samply + samply load output.json +``` + +Samply uses the Firefox profiler to create a nice visualization of your programs execution. +![An example screenshot of the Firefox Profiler](@site/static/profiling.png) + +#### Interpreting the Profile + +- The "time" measurement in the profiler is actually the number of cycles spent, + in general the less cycles for a given callframe the better. + +- The CPU usage of the program will always be constant, as its running in the VM which is single threaded. diff --git a/book/writing-programs/inputs-and-outputs.md b/book/docs/writing-programs/inputs-and-outputs.mdx similarity index 91% rename from book/writing-programs/inputs-and-outputs.md rename to book/docs/writing-programs/inputs-and-outputs.mdx index ce8dd62f6..f8116ed31 100644 --- a/book/writing-programs/inputs-and-outputs.md +++ b/book/docs/writing-programs/inputs-and-outputs.mdx @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +import Example from "@site/static/examples_io_program_src_main.rs.mdx"; + # Inputs and Outputs In real world applications of zero-knowledge proofs, you almost always want to verify your proof in the context of some inputs and outputs. For example: @@ -12,7 +14,7 @@ In this section, we cover how you pass inputs and outputs to the zkVM and create Data that is read is not public to the verifier by default. Use the `sp1_zkvm::io::read::` method: -```rust,noplayground +```rust let a = sp1_zkvm::io::read::(); let b = sp1_zkvm::io::read::(); let c = sp1_zkvm::io::read::(); @@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ let c = sp1_zkvm::io::read::(); Note that `T` must implement the `serde::Serialize` and `serde::Deserialize` trait. If you want to read bytes directly, you can also use the `sp1_zkvm::io::read_vec` method. -```rust,noplayground +```rust let my_vec = sp1_zkvm::io::read_vec(); ``` @@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ let my_vec = sp1_zkvm::io::read_vec(); Committing to data makes the data public to the verifier. Use the `sp1_zkvm::io::commit::` method: -```rust,noplayground +```rust sp1_zkvm::io::commit::(&a); sp1_zkvm::io::commit::(&b); sp1_zkvm::io::commit::(&c); @@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ sp1_zkvm::io::commit::(&c); Note that `T` must implement the `Serialize` and `Deserialize` trait. If you want to write bytes directly, you can also use `sp1_zkvm::io::commit_slice` method: -```rust,noplayground +```rust let mut my_slice = [0_u8; 32]; sp1_zkvm::io::commit_slice(&my_slice); ``` @@ -45,7 +47,7 @@ sp1_zkvm::io::commit_slice(&my_slice); Typically, you can implement the `Serialize` and `Deserialize` traits using a simple derive macro on a struct. -```rust,noplayground +```rust use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize}; #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] @@ -62,6 +64,4 @@ For more complex usecases, refer to the [Serde docs](https://serde.rs/). Here is a basic example of using inputs and outputs with more complex types. -```rust,noplayground -{{#include ../../examples/io/program/src/main.rs}} -``` + diff --git a/book/docs/writing-programs/patched-crates.md b/book/docs/writing-programs/patched-crates.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..286cb19f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docs/writing-programs/patched-crates.md @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ +# Patched Crates + +We maintain forks of commonly used libraries in blockchain infrastructure to significantly accelerate the execution of certain operations. +Under the hood, we use [precompiles](./precompiles) to achieve tremendous performance improvements in proof generation time. + +**If you know of a library or library version that you think should be patched, please open an issue or a pull request!** + +## Supported Libraries + +| Crate Name | Repository | Notes | Versions | +|---------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------|-----------------------| +| sha2 | [sp1-patches/RustCrypto-hashes](https://github.com/sp1-patches/RustCrypto-hashes) | sha256 | 0.10.6, 0.10.8 | +| sha3 | [sp1-patches/RustCrypto-hashes](https://github.com/sp1-patches/RustCrypto-hashes) | keccak256 | 0.10.8 | +| bigint | [sp1-patches/RustCrypto-bigint](https://github.com/sp1-patches/RustCrypto-bigint) | bigint | 0.5.5 | +| tiny-keccak | [sp1-patches/tiny-keccak](https://github.com/sp1-patches/tiny-keccak) | keccak256 | 2.0.2 | +| curve25519-dalek | [sp1-patches/curve25519-dalek](https://github.com/sp1-patches/curve25519-dalek) | ed25519 verify | 4.1.3, 3.2.0 | +| curve25519-dalek-ng | [sp1-patches/curve25519-dalek-ng](https://github.com/sp1-patches/curve25519-dalek-ng) | ed25519 verify | 4.1.1 | +| ed25519-consensus | [sp1-patches/ed25519-consensus](http://github.com/sp1-patches/ed25519-consensus) | ed25519 verify | 2.1.0 | +| ed25519-dalek | [sp1-patches/ed25519-dalek](http://github.com/sp1-patches/ed25519-dalek) | ed25519 verify | 1.0.1 | +| ecdsa-core | [sp1-patches/signatures](http://github.com/sp1-patches/signatures) | secp256k1 verify | 0.16.8, 0.16.9 | +| secp256k1 | [sp1-patches/rust-secp256k1](http://github.com/sp1-patches/rust-secp256k1) | secp256k1 verify | 0.29.0, 0.29.1 | +| substrate-bn | [sp1-patches/bn](https://github.com/sp1-patches/bn) | BN254 | 0.6.0 | +| bls12_381 | [sp1-patches/bls12_381](https://github.com/sp1-patches/bls12_381) | BLS12-381 | 0.8.0 | + +## Using Patched Crates + +To use the patched libraries, you can use corresponding patch entries in your program's `Cargo.toml` such as: + +```toml +[patch.crates-io] +# SHA2 +sha2-v0-9-9 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/RustCrypto-hashes", package = "sha2", tag = "patch-sha2-0.9.9-sp1-4.0.0" } +sha2-v0-10-6 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/RustCrypto-hashes", package = "sha2", tag = "patch-sha2-0.10.6-sp1-4.0.0" } +sha2-v0-10-8 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/RustCrypto-hashes", package = "sha2", tag = "patch-sha2-0.10.8-sp1-4.0.0" } +# SHA3 +sha3-v0-10-8 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/RustCrypto-hashes", package = "sha3", tag = "patch-sha3-0.10.8-sp1-4.0.0" } +# BigInt +crypto-bigint = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/RustCrypto-bigint", tag = "patch-0.5.5-sp1-4.0.0" } +# Keccak +tiny-keccak = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/tiny-keccak", tag = "patch-2.0.2-sp1-4.0.0" } +# Ed25519 +curve25519-dalek = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/curve25519-dalek", tag = "patch-4.1.3-sp1-4.0.0" } +curve25519-dalek-ng = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/curve25519-dalek-ng", tag = "patch-4.1.1-sp1-4.0.0" } +# ECDSA +ecdsa-core = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/signatures", package = "ecdsa", tag = "patch-0.16.9-sp1-4.0.0" } +secp256k1 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/rust-secp256k1", tag = "patch-0.29.1-sp1-4.0.0" } +# BN254 +substrate-bn = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/bn", tag = "patch-0.6.0-sp1-4.0.0" } +# BLS12-381 +bls12_381 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/bls12_381", tag = "patch-0.8.0-sp1-4.0.0", features = ["groups"] } +# RSA +rsa = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/RustCrypto-RSA/", tag = "patch-0.9.6-sp1-4.0.0" } +``` + +If you are patching a crate from Github instead of from crates.io, you need to specify the +repository in the patch section. For example: + +```toml +[patch."https://github.com/RustCrypto/hashes"] +sha3 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/RustCrypto-hashes", package = "sha3", tag = "patch-sha3-0.10.8-sp1-4.0.0" } +``` + +An example of using patched crates is available in [SP1 Blobstream](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-blobstream/blob/89e058052c0b691898c5b56a62a6fa0270b31627/Cargo.toml#L40-L43). + +## Ed25519 Acceleration + +To accelerate Ed25519 operations, you'll need to patch crates depending on if you're using the `ed25519-consensus` or `ed25519-dalek` library in your program or dependencies. + +Generally, `ed25519-consensus` has better performance for Ed25519 operations than `ed25519-dalek` by a factor of 2. + +### Patches + +Apply the following patches based on what crates are in your dependencies. + +- `ed25519-consensus` + + If using `ed25519-consensus`, you should patch `curve25519-dalek-ng` to accelerate ed25519 operations: + + ```toml + curve25519-dalek-ng = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/curve25519-dalek-ng", tag = "patch-4.1.1-sp1-4.0.0" } + ``` + +- `ed25519-dalek` + + If using `ed25519-dalek` version `2.1`, you should patch `curve25519-dalek` to accelerate ed25519 operations: + + ```toml + curve25519-dalek = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/curve25519-dalek", tag = "patch-4.1.3-sp1-4.0.0" } + ``` + +## Secp256k1 Acceleration + +To accelerate Secp256k1 operations, you'll need to patch `k256` or `secp256k1` depending on your usage. + +Generally, if a crate you're using (ex. `revm`) has support for using `k256` instead of `secp256k1`, you should use `k256`. + +### Patches + +Apply the following patches based on what crates are in your dependencies. + +- `k256` + + ```toml + ecdsa-core = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/signatures", package = "ecdsa", tag = "patch-0.16.9-sp1-4.0.0" } + ``` + + Note: The curve operations for `k256` are inside of the `ecdsa-core` crate, so you don't need to patch `k256` itself, and just patching `ecdsa-core` is enough. + +- `secp256k1` + + ```toml + secp256k1 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/rust-secp256k1", tag = "patch-0.29.1-sp1-4.0.0" } + ecdsa-core = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/signatures", package = "ecdsa", tag = "patch-0.16.9-sp1-4.0.0" } + ``` + +While `secp256k1` doesnt usually rely on `ecdsa-core` the patched version does, so you must patch it as well. + +## BN254 Acceleration + +To accelerate BN254 (Also known as BN128 and Alt-BN128), you will need to patch the `substrate-bn` crate. + +### Patches + +Apply the patch by adding the following to your list of dependencies: + +```rust +substrate-bn = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/bn", tag = "patch-0.6.0-sp1-4.0.0" } +``` + +### Performance Benchmarks for Patched `substrate-bn` in `revm` + +| Operation | Standard `substrate-bn` Cycles | Patched `substrate-bn` Cycles | Times Faster | +| --------- | ------------------------------ | ----------------------------- | ------------ | +| run-add | 170,298 | 111,615 | 1.52 | +| run-mul | 1,860,836 | 243,830 | 7.64 | +| run-pair | 255,627,625 | 11,528,503 | 22.15 | + +Note: The operations `run-add`, `run-mul`, and `run-pair` are from the `revm` crate, specifically from the file `crates/precompile/src/bn128.rs` on GitHub. In the patched version of the `substrate-bn` crate, these functions utilize SP1's BN254 Fp precompiles. + +To accelerate [revm](https://github.com/bluealloy/revm) in SP1 using the BN254 patched crate, replace the `substrate-bn` crate with the patched crate by adding the following to `crates/precompile/Cargo.toml`: + +```toml +bn = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/bn", package = "substrate-bn", tag = "patch-0.6.0-sp1-4.0.0" } +``` + +## BLS12-381 Acceleration + +To accelerate BLS12-381 operations, you'll need to patch the `bls12_381` crate. Apply the following patch by adding the following to your list of dependencies: + +```toml +bls12_381 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/bls12_381", tag = "patch-0.8.0-sp1-4.0.0" } +``` + +This patch significantly improves the performance of BLS12-381 operations, making it essential for applications that rely heavily on these cryptographic primitives. + +### Performance Benchmarks for Patched `bls12_381` in [`kzg-rs`](https://github.com/succinctlabs/kzg-rs) + +| Test | Unpatched Cycles | Patched Cycles | Improvement (x faster) | +| -------------------------------------- | ---------------- | -------------- | ---------------------- | +| Verify blob KZG proof | 265,322,934 | 27,166,173 | 9.77x | +| Verify blob KZG proof batch (10 blobs) | 1,228,277,089 | 196,571,578 | 6.25x | +| Evaluate polynomial in evaluation form | 90,717,711 | 59,370,556 | 1.53x | +| Compute challenge | 63,400,511 | 57,341,532 | 1.11x | +| Verify KZG proof | 212,708,597 | 9,390,640 | 22.65x | + +## Troubleshooting + +### Verifying Patch Usage: Cargo + +You can check if the patch was applied by using cargo's tree command to print the dependencies of the crate you patched. + +```bash +cargo tree -p sha2@0.10.8 +``` + +Next to the package name, it should have a link to the Github repository that you patched with. + +Ex. + +```text +sha2 v0.10.8 (https://github.com/sp1-patches/RustCrypto-hashes?tag=patch-sha2-0.10.8-sp1-4.0.0) +├── ... +``` + +### Verifying Patch Usage: SP1 + +To check if a precompile is used by your program, you can view SP1's ExecutionReport, which is returned when executing a program with `execute`. In `ExecutionReport` you can view the `syscall_counts` map to view if a specific syscall was used. + +For example, if you wanted to check `sha256` was used, you would look for `SHA_EXTEND` and `SHA_COMPRESS` in `syscall_counts`. + +An example of this is available in our [Patch Testing Example](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/blob/dd032eb23949828d244d1ad1f1569aa78155837c/examples/patch-testing/script/src/main.rs). + +### Cargo Version Issues + +If you encounter issues with version commits on your patches, you should try updating the patched crate manually. + +```bash +cargo update -p +``` + +If you encounter issues relating to cargo / git, you can try setting `CARGO_NET_GIT_FETCH_WITH_CLI`: + +```bash +CARGO_NET_GIT_FETCH_WITH_CLI=true cargo update -p +``` + +You can permanently set this value in `~/.cargo/config`: + +```toml +[net] +git-fetch-with-cli = true +``` diff --git a/book/writing-programs/precompiles.md b/book/docs/writing-programs/precompiles.mdx similarity index 94% rename from book/writing-programs/precompiles.md rename to book/docs/writing-programs/precompiles.mdx index 004ede9f1..0f7324f62 100644 --- a/book/writing-programs/precompiles.md +++ b/book/docs/writing-programs/precompiles.mdx @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +import Example from "@site/static/crates_zkvm_lib_src_lib.rs.mdx"; + # Precompiles Precompiles are built into the SP1 zkVM and accelerate commonly used operations such as elliptic curve arithmetic and hashing. Under the hood, precompiles are implemented as custom STARK tables dedicated to proving one or few operations. **They typically improve the performance @@ -18,6 +20,4 @@ If you are an advanced user you can interact with the precompiles directly using Here is a list of all available system calls & precompiles. -```rust,noplayground -{{#include ../../crates/zkvm/lib/src/lib.rs}} -``` + diff --git a/book/docs/writing-programs/proof-aggregation.md b/book/docs/writing-programs/proof-aggregation.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d3ad2e8cb --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docs/writing-programs/proof-aggregation.md @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +# Proof Aggregation + +## Overview + +SP1 supports proof aggregation and recursion, which allows you to verify an SP1 proof within SP1. Use cases include: + +- Reducing on-chain verification costs by aggregating multiple SP1 proofs into a single SP1 proof. +- Proving logic that is split into multiple proofs, such as proving a statement about a rollup's state transition function by proving each block individually and aggregating these proofs to produce a final proof of a range of blocks. + +**For an example of how to use proof aggregation and recursion in SP1, refer to the [aggregation example](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/blob/main/examples/aggregation/script/src/main.rs).** + +Note that to verify an SP1 proof inside SP1, you must generate a "compressed" SP1 proof (see [Proof Types](../generating-proofs/proof-types.md) for more details). + +### When should SP1 proof aggregation be used? + +Note that by itself, SP1 can already prove arbitrarily large programs by chunking the program's execution into multiple "shards" (contiguous batches of cycles) and generating proofs for each shard in parallel, and then recursively aggregating the proofs. Thus, aggregation is generally **not necessary** for most use-cases, as SP1's proving for large programs is already parallelized. + +However, aggregation can be useful in two specific cases: +1. When your computation requires more than the zkVM's limited (~2GB) memory. +2. When you want to combine multiple SP1 proofs from different parties into a single proof to reduce on-chain verification costs. + +## Verifying Proofs inside the zkVM + +To verify a proof inside the zkVM, you can use the `sp1_zkvm::lib::verify::verify_sp1_proof` function. + +```rust,noplayground +sp1_zkvm::lib::verify::verify_sp1_proof(vkey, public_values_digest); +``` + +**You do not need to pass in the proof as input into the syscall, as the proof will automatically be read for the proof input stream by the prover.** + +Note that you must include the `verify` feature in your `Cargo.toml` for `sp1-zkvm` to be able to use the `verify_proof` function (like [this](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/blob/main/examples/aggregation/program/Cargo.toml#L11)). + +## Generating Proofs with Aggregation + +To provide an existing proof as input to the SP1 zkVM, you can write a proof and verifying key to a `SP1Stdin` object, which is already used for all inputs to the zkVM. + +```rust +# Generating proving key and verifying key. +let (input_pk, input_vk) = client.setup(PROOF_INPUT_ELF); +let (aggregation_pk, aggregation_vk) = client.setup(AGGREGATION_ELF); + +// Generate a proof that will be recursively verified / aggregated. Note that we use the "compressed" +// proof type, which is necessary for aggregation. +let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); +let input_proof = client + .prove(&input_pk, stdin) + .compressed() + .run() + .expect("proving failed"); + +// Create a new stdin object to write the proof and the corresponding verifying key to. +let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); +stdin.write_proof(input_proof, input_vk); + +// Generate a proof that will recursively verify / aggregate the input proof. +let aggregation_proof = client + .prove(&aggregation_pk, stdin) + .compressed() + .run() + .expect("proving failed"); + +``` diff --git a/book/docs/writing-programs/setup.md b/book/docs/writing-programs/setup.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..41e164d46 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docs/writing-programs/setup.md @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +# Setup + +In this section, we will teach you how to setup a self-contained crate which can be compiled as a program that can be executed inside the zkVM. + +## Create Project with CLI (Recommended) + +The recommended way to setup your first program to prove inside the zkVM is using the method described in [Quickstart](../getting-started/quickstart.md) which will create a program folder. + +```bash +cargo prove new +cd /program +``` + +## Manual Project Setup + +You can also manually setup a project. First create a new Rust project using `cargo`: + +```bash +cargo new program +cd program +``` + +### Cargo Manifest + +Inside this crate, add the `sp1-zkvm` crate as a dependency. Your `Cargo.toml` should look like the following: + +```rust +[workspace] +[package] +version = "0.1.0" +name = "program" +edition = "2021" + +[dependencies] +sp1-zkvm = "4.0.0" +``` + +The `sp1-zkvm` crate includes necessary utilities for your program, including handling inputs and outputs, +precompiles, patches, and more. + +### main.rs + +Inside the `src/main.rs` file, you must make sure to include these two lines to ensure that your program properly compiles to a valid SP1 program. + +```rust +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); +``` + +These two lines of code wrap your main function with some additional logic to ensure that your program compiles correctly with the RISC-V target. diff --git a/book/docusaurus.config.ts b/book/docusaurus.config.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..75522b54e --- /dev/null +++ b/book/docusaurus.config.ts @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +import {themes as prismThemes} from 'prism-react-renderer'; +import type {Config} from '@docusaurus/types'; +import type * as Preset from '@docusaurus/preset-classic'; + +// This runs in Node.js - Don't use client-side code here (browser APIs, JSX...) + +const config: Config = { + title: 'SP1 Docs', + tagline: 'Prove the worlds software.', + favicon: 'img/favicon.ico', + + // Set the production url of your site here + url: 'https://docs.succinct.xyz', + // Set the // pathname under which your site is served + // For GitHub pages deployment, it is often '//' + baseUrl: '/', + + // GitHub pages deployment config. + // If you aren't using GitHub pages, you don't need these. + organizationName: 'succinctlabs', // Usually your GitHub org/user name. + projectName: 'sp1', // Usually your repo name. + deploymentBranch: 'main', + trailingSlash: false, + + onBrokenLinks: 'warn', + onBrokenMarkdownLinks: 'throw', + + // Even if you don't use internationalization, you can use this field to set + // useful metadata like html lang. 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Syscalls for the SP1 zkVM. +//! +//! Documentation for these syscalls can be found in the zkVM entrypoint +//! `sp1_zkvm::syscalls` module. + +pub mod bls12381; +pub mod bn254; +pub mod ed25519; +pub mod io; +pub mod secp256k1; +pub mod secp256r1; +pub mod unconstrained; +pub mod utils; +#[cfg(feature = "verify")] +pub mod verify; + +extern "C" { + /// Halts the program with the given exit code. + pub fn syscall_halt(exit_code: u8) -> !; + + /// Writes the bytes in the given buffer to the given file descriptor. + pub fn syscall_write(fd: u32, write_buf: *const u8, nbytes: usize); + + /// Reads the bytes from the given file descriptor into the given buffer. + pub fn syscall_read(fd: u32, read_buf: *mut u8, nbytes: usize); + + /// Executes the SHA-256 extend operation on the given word array. + pub fn syscall_sha256_extend(w: *mut [u32; 64]); + + /// Executes the SHA-256 compress operation on the given word array and a given state. + pub fn syscall_sha256_compress(w: *mut [u32; 64], state: *mut [u32; 8]); + + /// Executes an Ed25519 curve addition on the given points. + pub fn syscall_ed_add(p: *mut [u32; 16], q: *const [u32; 16]); + + /// Executes an Ed25519 curve decompression on the given point. + pub fn syscall_ed_decompress(point: &mut [u8; 64]); + + /// Executes an Sepc256k1 curve addition on the given points. + pub fn syscall_secp256k1_add(p: *mut [u32; 16], q: *const [u32; 16]); + + /// Executes an Secp256k1 curve doubling on the given point. + pub fn syscall_secp256k1_double(p: *mut [u32; 16]); + + /// Executes an Secp256k1 curve decompression on the given point. + pub fn syscall_secp256k1_decompress(point: &mut [u8; 64], is_odd: bool); + + /// Executes an Secp256r1 curve addition on the given points. + pub fn syscall_secp256r1_add(p: *mut [u32; 16], q: *const [u32; 16]); + + /// Executes an Secp256r1 curve doubling on the given point. + pub fn syscall_secp256r1_double(p: *mut [u32; 16]); + + /// Executes an Secp256r1 curve decompression on the given point. + pub fn syscall_secp256r1_decompress(point: &mut [u8; 64], is_odd: bool); + + /// Executes a Bn254 curve addition on the given points. + pub fn syscall_bn254_add(p: *mut [u32; 16], q: *const [u32; 16]); + + /// Executes a Bn254 curve doubling on the given point. + pub fn syscall_bn254_double(p: *mut [u32; 16]); + + /// Executes a BLS12-381 curve addition on the given points. + pub fn syscall_bls12381_add(p: *mut [u32; 24], q: *const [u32; 24]); + + /// Executes a BLS12-381 curve doubling on the given point. + pub fn syscall_bls12381_double(p: *mut [u32; 24]); + + /// Executes the Keccak-256 permutation on the given state. + pub fn syscall_keccak_permute(state: *mut [u64; 25]); + + /// Executes an uint256 multiplication on the given inputs. + pub fn syscall_uint256_mulmod(x: *mut [u32; 8], y: *const [u32; 8]); + + /// Executes a 256-bit by 2048-bit multiplication on the given inputs. + pub fn syscall_u256x2048_mul( + x: *const [u32; 8], + y: *const [u32; 64], + lo: *mut [u32; 64], + hi: *mut [u32; 8], + ); + /// Enters unconstrained mode. + pub fn syscall_enter_unconstrained() -> bool; + + /// Exits unconstrained mode. + pub fn syscall_exit_unconstrained(); + + /// Defers the verification of a valid SP1 zkVM proof. + pub fn syscall_verify_sp1_proof(vk_digest: &[u32; 8], pv_digest: &[u8; 32]); + + /// Returns the length of the next element in the hint stream. + pub fn syscall_hint_len() -> usize; + + /// Reads the next element in the hint stream into the given buffer. + pub fn syscall_hint_read(ptr: *mut u8, len: usize); + + /// Allocates a buffer aligned to the given alignment. + pub fn sys_alloc_aligned(bytes: usize, align: usize) -> *mut u8; + + /// Decompresses a BLS12-381 point. + pub fn syscall_bls12381_decompress(point: &mut [u8; 96], is_odd: bool); + + /// Computes a big integer operation with a modulus. + pub fn sys_bigint( + result: *mut [u32; 8], + op: u32, + x: *const [u32; 8], + y: *const [u32; 8], + modulus: *const [u32; 8], + ); + + /// Executes a BLS12-381 field addition on the given inputs. + pub fn syscall_bls12381_fp_addmod(p: *mut u32, q: *const u32); + + /// Executes a BLS12-381 field subtraction on the given inputs. + pub fn syscall_bls12381_fp_submod(p: *mut u32, q: *const u32); + + /// Executes a BLS12-381 field multiplication on the given inputs. + pub fn syscall_bls12381_fp_mulmod(p: *mut u32, q: *const u32); + + /// Executes a BLS12-381 Fp2 addition on the given inputs. + pub fn syscall_bls12381_fp2_addmod(p: *mut u32, q: *const u32); + + /// Executes a BLS12-381 Fp2 subtraction on the given inputs. + pub fn syscall_bls12381_fp2_submod(p: *mut u32, q: *const u32); + + /// Executes a BLS12-381 Fp2 multiplication on the given inputs. + pub fn syscall_bls12381_fp2_mulmod(p: *mut u32, q: *const u32); + + /// Executes a BN254 field addition on the given inputs. + pub fn syscall_bn254_fp_addmod(p: *mut u32, q: *const u32); + + /// Executes a BN254 field subtraction on the given inputs. + pub fn syscall_bn254_fp_submod(p: *mut u32, q: *const u32); + + /// Executes a BN254 field multiplication on the given inputs. + pub fn syscall_bn254_fp_mulmod(p: *mut u32, q: *const u32); + + /// Executes a BN254 Fp2 addition on the given inputs. + pub fn syscall_bn254_fp2_addmod(p: *mut u32, q: *const u32); + + /// Executes a BN254 Fp2 subtraction on the given inputs. + pub fn syscall_bn254_fp2_submod(p: *mut u32, q: *const u32); + + /// Executes a BN254 Fp2 multiplication on the given inputs. + pub fn syscall_bn254_fp2_mulmod(p: *mut u32, q: *const u32); + +} +``` diff --git a/book/static/examples_cycle-tracking_program_bin_normal.rs.mdx b/book/static/examples_cycle-tracking_program_bin_normal.rs.mdx new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a9dc61d95 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/static/examples_cycle-tracking_program_bin_normal.rs.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +```rust +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +#[sp1_derive::cycle_tracker] +pub fn expensive_function(x: usize) -> usize { + let mut y = 1; + for _ in 0..100 { + y *= x; + y %= 7919; + } + y +} + +pub fn main() { + let mut nums = vec![1, 1]; + + // Setup a large vector with Fibonacci-esque numbers. + println!("cycle-tracker-start: setup"); + for _ in 0..100 { + let mut c = nums[nums.len() - 1] + nums[nums.len() - 2]; + c %= 7919; + nums.push(c); + } + println!("cycle-tracker-end: setup"); + + println!("cycle-tracker-start: main-body"); + for i in 0..2 { + let result = expensive_function(nums[nums.len() - i - 1]); + println!("result: {}", result); + } + println!("cycle-tracker-end: main-body"); +} +``` diff --git a/book/static/examples_fibonacci_program_src_main.rs.mdx b/book/static/examples_fibonacci_program_src_main.rs.mdx new file mode 100644 index 000000000..86d550cdd --- /dev/null +++ b/book/static/examples_fibonacci_program_src_main.rs.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +```rust +//! A simple program that takes a number `n` as input, and writes the `n-1`th and `n`th fibonacci +//! number as an output. + +// These two lines are necessary for the program to properly compile. +// +// Under the hood, we wrap your main function with some extra code so that it behaves properly +// inside the zkVM. +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +pub fn main() { + // Read an input to the program. + // + // Behind the scenes, this compiles down to a system call which handles reading inputs + // from the prover. + let n = sp1_zkvm::io::read::(); + + // Write n to public input + sp1_zkvm::io::commit(&n); + + // Compute the n'th fibonacci number, using normal Rust code. + let mut a = 0; + let mut b = 1; + for _ in 0..n { + let mut c = a + b; + c %= 7919; // Modulus to prevent overflow. + a = b; + b = c; + } + + // Write the output of the program. + // + // Behind the scenes, this also compiles down to a system call which handles writing + // outputs to the prover. + sp1_zkvm::io::commit(&a); + sp1_zkvm::io::commit(&b); +} +``` diff --git a/book/static/examples_fibonacci_script_bin_compressed.rs.mdx b/book/static/examples_fibonacci_script_bin_compressed.rs.mdx new file mode 100644 index 000000000..05a30747a --- /dev/null +++ b/book/static/examples_fibonacci_script_bin_compressed.rs.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +```rust +use sp1_sdk::{include_elf, utils, ProverClient, SP1Stdin}; + +/// The ELF we want to execute inside the zkVM. +const ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("fibonacci-program"); + +fn main() { + // Setup logging. + utils::setup_logger(); + + // Create an input stream and write '500' to it. + let n = 500u32; + let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + stdin.write(&n); + + // Generate the constant-sized proof for the given program and input. + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); + let (pk, vk) = client.setup(ELF); + let mut proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).compressed().run().unwrap(); + + println!("generated proof"); + // Read and verify the output. + let a = proof.public_values.read::(); + let b = proof.public_values.read::(); + println!("a: {}, b: {}", a, b); + + // Verify proof and public values + client.verify(&proof, &vk).expect("verification failed"); + + // Save the proof. + proof.save("compressed-proof-with-pis.bin").expect("saving proof failed"); + + println!("successfully generated and verified proof for the program!") +} +``` diff --git a/book/static/examples_fibonacci_script_bin_execute.rs.mdx b/book/static/examples_fibonacci_script_bin_execute.rs.mdx new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b6c393e93 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/static/examples_fibonacci_script_bin_execute.rs.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +```rust +use sp1_sdk::{include_elf, utils, ProverClient, SP1Stdin}; + +/// The ELF we want to execute inside the zkVM. +const ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("fibonacci-program"); + +fn main() { + // Setup logging. + utils::setup_logger(); + + // Create an input stream and write '500' to it. + let n = 500u32; + + let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + stdin.write(&n); + + // Only execute the program and get a `SP1PublicValues` object. + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); + let (mut public_values, execution_report) = client.execute(ELF, &stdin).run().unwrap(); + + // Print the total number of cycles executed and the full execution report with a breakdown of + // the RISC-V opcode and syscall counts. + println!( + "Executed program with {} cycles", + execution_report.total_instruction_count() + execution_report.total_syscall_count() + ); + println!("Full execution report:\n{:?}", execution_report); + + // Read and verify the output. + let _ = public_values.read::(); + let a = public_values.read::(); + let b = public_values.read::(); + + println!("a: {}", a); + println!("b: {}", b); +} +``` diff --git a/book/static/examples_fibonacci_script_bin_groth16_bn254.rs.mdx b/book/static/examples_fibonacci_script_bin_groth16_bn254.rs.mdx new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a57f450d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/static/examples_fibonacci_script_bin_groth16_bn254.rs.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +```rust +use sp1_sdk::{include_elf, utils, HashableKey, ProverClient, SP1Stdin}; + +/// The ELF we want to execute inside the zkVM. +const ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("fibonacci-program"); + +fn main() { + // Setup logging. + utils::setup_logger(); + + // Create an input stream and write '500' to it. + let n = 500u32; + + let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + stdin.write(&n); + + // Set up the pk and vk. + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); + let (pk, vk) = client.setup(ELF); + println!("vk: {:?}", vk.bytes32()); + + // Generate the Groth16 proof. + let proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).groth16().run().unwrap(); + println!("generated proof"); + + // Get the public values as bytes. + let public_values = proof.public_values.as_slice(); + println!("public values: 0x{}", hex::encode(public_values)); + + // Get the proof as bytes. + let solidity_proof = proof.bytes(); + println!("proof: 0x{}", hex::encode(solidity_proof)); + + // Verify proof and public values + client.verify(&proof, &vk).expect("verification failed"); + + // Save the proof. + proof.save("fibonacci-groth16.bin").expect("saving proof failed"); + + println!("successfully generated and verified proof for the program!") +} +``` diff --git a/examples/patch-testing/script/build.rs b/book/static/examples_fibonacci_script_build.rs.mdx similarity index 82% rename from examples/patch-testing/script/build.rs rename to book/static/examples_fibonacci_script_build.rs.mdx index 7ecab5512..a6f5f1636 100644 --- a/examples/patch-testing/script/build.rs +++ b/book/static/examples_fibonacci_script_build.rs.mdx @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +```rust fn main() { sp1_build::build_program("../program"); } +``` diff --git a/book/static/examples_fibonacci_script_src_main.rs.mdx b/book/static/examples_fibonacci_script_src_main.rs.mdx new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a2441ea8e --- /dev/null +++ b/book/static/examples_fibonacci_script_src_main.rs.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +```rust +use sp1_sdk::{include_elf, utils, ProverClient, SP1ProofWithPublicValues, SP1Stdin}; + +/// The ELF we want to execute inside the zkVM. +const ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("fibonacci-program"); + +fn main() { + // Setup logging. + utils::setup_logger(); + + // Create an input stream and write '500' to it. + let n = 1000u32; + + // The input stream that the program will read from using `sp1_zkvm::io::read`. Note that the + // types of the elements in the input stream must match the types being read in the program. + let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + stdin.write(&n); + + // Create a `ProverClient` method. + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); + + // Execute the program using the `ProverClient.execute` method, without generating a proof. + let (_, report) = client.execute(ELF, &stdin).run().unwrap(); + println!("executed program with {} cycles", report.total_instruction_count()); + + // Generate the proof for the given program and input. + let (pk, vk) = client.setup(ELF); + let mut proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).run().unwrap(); + + println!("generated proof"); + + // Read and verify the output. + // + // Note that this output is read from values committed to in the program using + // `sp1_zkvm::io::commit`. + let _ = proof.public_values.read::(); + let a = proof.public_values.read::(); + let b = proof.public_values.read::(); + + println!("a: {}", a); + println!("b: {}", b); + + // Verify proof and public values + client.verify(&proof, &vk).expect("verification failed"); + + // Test a round trip of proof serialization and deserialization. + proof.save("proof-with-pis.bin").expect("saving proof failed"); + let deserialized_proof = + SP1ProofWithPublicValues::load("proof-with-pis.bin").expect("loading proof failed"); + + // Verify the deserialized proof. + client.verify(&deserialized_proof, &vk).expect("verification failed"); + + println!("successfully generated and verified proof for the program!") +} +``` diff --git a/book/static/examples_groth16_program_src_main.rs.mdx b/book/static/examples_groth16_program_src_main.rs.mdx new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6e195f06b --- /dev/null +++ b/book/static/examples_groth16_program_src_main.rs.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +```rust +//! A program that verifies a Groth16 proof in SP1. + +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +use sp1_verifier::Groth16Verifier; + +pub fn main() { + // Read the proof, public values, and vkey hash from the input stream. + let proof = sp1_zkvm::io::read_vec(); + let sp1_public_values = sp1_zkvm::io::read_vec(); + let sp1_vkey_hash: String = sp1_zkvm::io::read(); + + // Verify the groth16 proof. + let groth16_vk = *sp1_verifier::GROTH16_VK_BYTES; + println!("cycle-tracker-start: verify"); + let result = Groth16Verifier::verify(&proof, &sp1_public_values, &sp1_vkey_hash, groth16_vk); + println!("cycle-tracker-end: verify"); + + match result { + Ok(()) => { + println!("Proof is valid"); + } + Err(e) => { + println!("Error verifying proof: {:?}", e); + } + } +} +``` diff --git a/book/static/examples_groth16_script_src_main.rs.mdx b/book/static/examples_groth16_script_src_main.rs.mdx new file mode 100644 index 000000000..397d881db --- /dev/null +++ b/book/static/examples_groth16_script_src_main.rs.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +```rust +//! A script that generates a Groth16 proof for the Fibonacci program, and verifies the +//! Groth16 proof in SP1. + +use sp1_sdk::{include_elf, utils, HashableKey, ProverClient, SP1Stdin}; + +/// The ELF for the Groth16 verifier program. +const GROTH16_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("groth16-verifier-program"); + +/// The ELF for the Fibonacci program. +const FIBONACCI_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("fibonacci-program"); + +/// Generates the proof, public values, and vkey hash for the Fibonacci program in a format that +/// can be read by `sp1-verifier`. +/// +/// Returns the proof bytes, public values, and vkey hash. +fn generate_fibonacci_proof() -> (Vec, Vec, String) { + // Create an input stream and write '20' to it. + let n = 20u32; + + // The input stream that the program will read from using `sp1_zkvm::io::read`. Note that the + // types of the elements in the input stream must match the types being read in the program. + let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + stdin.write(&n); + + // Create a `ProverClient`. + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); + + // Generate the groth16 proof for the Fibonacci program. + let (pk, vk) = client.setup(FIBONACCI_ELF); + println!("vk: {:?}", vk.bytes32()); + let proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).groth16().run().unwrap(); + (proof.bytes(), proof.public_values.to_vec(), vk.bytes32()) +} + +fn main() { + // Setup logging. + utils::setup_logger(); + + // Generate the Fibonacci proof, public values, and vkey hash. + let (fibonacci_proof, fibonacci_public_values, vk) = generate_fibonacci_proof(); + + // Write the proof, public values, and vkey hash to the input stream. + let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + stdin.write_vec(fibonacci_proof); + stdin.write_vec(fibonacci_public_values); + stdin.write(&vk); + + // Create a `ProverClient`. + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); + + // Execute the program using the `ProverClient.execute` method, without generating a proof. + let (_, report) = client.execute(GROTH16_ELF, &stdin).run().unwrap(); + println!("executed groth16 program with {} cycles", report.total_instruction_count()); + println!("{}", report); +} +``` diff --git a/book/static/examples_io_program_src_main.rs.mdx b/book/static/examples_io_program_src_main.rs.mdx new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ec0c23989 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/static/examples_io_program_src_main.rs.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +```rust +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; + +#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq)] +struct MyPointUnaligned { + pub x: usize, + pub y: usize, + pub b: bool, +} + +pub fn main() { + let p1 = sp1_zkvm::io::read::(); + println!("Read point: {:?}", p1); + + let p2 = sp1_zkvm::io::read::(); + println!("Read point: {:?}", p2); + + let p3: MyPointUnaligned = MyPointUnaligned { x: p1.x + p2.x, y: p1.y + p2.y, b: p1.b && p2.b }; + println!("Addition of 2 points: {:?}", p3); + sp1_zkvm::io::commit(&p3); +} +``` diff --git a/book/static/img/favicon.ico b/book/static/img/favicon.ico new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fe73ed177 Binary files /dev/null and b/book/static/img/favicon.ico differ diff --git a/book/static/profiling.png b/book/static/profiling.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..06d6617c8 Binary files /dev/null and b/book/static/profiling.png differ diff --git a/book/tsconfig.json b/book/tsconfig.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..920d7a652 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/tsconfig.json @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +{ + // This file is not used in compilation. It is here just for a nice editor experience. + "extends": "@docusaurus/tsconfig", + "compilerOptions": { + "baseUrl": "." + }, + "exclude": [".docusaurus", "build"] +} diff --git a/book/verification/off-chain-verification.md b/book/verification/off-chain-verification.md index 9250b6021..558157bd1 100644 --- a/book/verification/off-chain-verification.md +++ b/book/verification/off-chain-verification.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ You can verify SP1 Groth16 and Plonk proofs in `no_std` environments with [`sp1-verifier`](https://docs.rs/sp1-verifier/latest/sp1_verifier/). -`sp1-verifier` is also patched to verify Groth16 and Plonk proofs within the SP1 ZKVM, using +`sp1-verifier` is also patched to verify Groth16 and Plonk proofs within the SP1 zkVM, using [bn254](https://blog.succinct.xyz/succinctshipsprecompiles/) precompiles. For an example of this, see the [Groth16 Example](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/tree/main/examples/groth16/). diff --git a/book/verification/onchain/getting-started.md b/book/verification/onchain/getting-started.md index 834a23dc1..8519d620a 100644 --- a/book/verification/onchain/getting-started.md +++ b/book/verification/onchain/getting-started.md @@ -29,5 +29,5 @@ You can run the above script with `RUST_LOG=info cargo run --bin groth16_bn254 - If you would like to run the Groth16 or PLONK prover directly without Docker, you must have Go 1.22 installed and enable the `native-gnark` feature in `sp1-sdk`. This path is not recommended and may require additional native dependencies. ```toml -sp1-sdk = { version = "2.0.0", features = ["native-gnark"] } +sp1-sdk = { version = "3.0.0", features = ["native-gnark"] } ``` diff --git a/book/verification/onchain/solidity-sdk.md b/book/verification/onchain/solidity-sdk.md index 822ab620b..93a241ed9 100644 --- a/book/verification/onchain/solidity-sdk.md +++ b/book/verification/onchain/solidity-sdk.md @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ fn main() { sp1_sdk::utils::setup_logger(); // Setup the prover client. - let client = ProverClient::new(); + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); // Setup the program. let (_, vk) = client.setup(FIBONACCI_ELF); diff --git a/book/developers/building-circuit-artifacts.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/developers/building-circuit-artifacts.md similarity index 100% rename from book/developers/building-circuit-artifacts.md rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/developers/building-circuit-artifacts.md diff --git a/book/developers/common-issues.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/developers/common-issues.md similarity index 98% rename from book/developers/common-issues.md rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/developers/common-issues.md index 5d0a50e80..5b06ec3b4 100644 --- a/book/developers/common-issues.md +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/developers/common-issues.md @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ This is likely due to two different versions of `alloy_sol_types` being used. To ```toml [dependencies] -sp1-sdk = { version = "2.0.0", default-features = false } +sp1-sdk = { version = "3.0.0", default-features = false } ``` This will configure out the `network` feature which will remove the dependency on `alloy_sol_types` and configure out the `NetworkProver`. diff --git a/book/developers/rv32im-specification.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/developers/rv32im-specification.md similarity index 100% rename from book/developers/rv32im-specification.md rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/developers/rv32im-specification.md diff --git a/book/developers/usage-in-ci.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/developers/usage-in-ci.md similarity index 100% rename from book/developers/usage-in-ci.md rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/developers/usage-in-ci.md diff --git a/book/generating-proofs/advanced.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/advanced.mdx similarity index 89% rename from book/generating-proofs/advanced.md rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/advanced.mdx index 4b1f30c54..da9e3548a 100644 --- a/book/generating-proofs/advanced.md +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/advanced.mdx @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +import Compressed from "@site/static/examples_fibonacci_script_bin_compressed.rs.mdx"; +import Execute from "@site/static/examples_fibonacci_script_bin_execute.rs.mdx"; + # Advanced Usage ## Execution Only @@ -5,9 +8,7 @@ We recommend that during the development of large programs (> 1 million cycles) you do not generate proofs each time. Instead, you should have your script only execute the program with the RISC-V runtime and read `public_values`. Here is an example: -```rust,noplayground -{{#include ../../examples/fibonacci/script/bin/execute.rs}} -``` + If the execution of your program succeeds, then proof generation should succeed as well! (Unless there is a bug in our zkVM implementation.) @@ -15,9 +16,7 @@ If the execution of your program succeeds, then proof generation should succeed With the `ProverClient`, the default `prove` function generates a proof that is succinct, but can have size that scales with the number of cycles of the program. To generate a compressed proof of constant size, you can use the `prove_compressed` function instead. This will use STARK recursion to generate a proof that is constant size (around 7Kb), but will be slower than just calling `prove`, as it will use recursion to combine the core SP1 proof into a single constant-sized proof. -```rust,noplayground -{{#include ../../examples/fibonacci/script/bin/compressed.rs}} -``` + You can run the above script with `RUST_LOG=info cargo run --bin compressed --release` from `examples/fibonacci/script`. @@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ You can use `utils::setup_logger()` to enable logging information respectively. **Logging:** -```rust,noplayground +```rust utils::setup_logger(); ``` @@ -48,14 +47,14 @@ RUSTFLAGS='-C target-cpu=native' cargo run --release Currently there is support for AVX512 and NEON SIMD instructions. For NEON, you must also enable the `sp1-sdk` feature `neon` in your script crate's `Cargo.toml` file. ```toml -sp1-sdk = { version = "2.0.0", features = ["neon"] } +sp1-sdk = { version = "3.0.0", features = ["neon"] } ``` ## Performance For maximal performance, you should run proof generation with the following command and vary your `shard_size` depending on your program's number of cycles. -```rust,noplayground +```rust SHARD_SIZE=4194304 RUST_LOG=info RUSTFLAGS='-C target-cpu=native' cargo run --release ``` @@ -64,6 +63,6 @@ SHARD_SIZE=4194304 RUST_LOG=info RUSTFLAGS='-C target-cpu=native' cargo run --re To reduce memory usage, set the `SHARD_BATCH_SIZE` environment variable depending on how much RAM your machine has. A higher number will use more memory, but will be faster. -```rust,noplayground +```rust SHARD_BATCH_SIZE=1 SHARD_SIZE=2097152 RUST_LOG=info RUSTFLAGS='-C target-cpu=native' cargo run --release ``` diff --git a/book/generating-proofs/basics.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/basics.mdx similarity index 86% rename from book/generating-proofs/basics.md rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/basics.mdx index 85273d96b..15def3c2a 100644 --- a/book/generating-proofs/basics.md +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/basics.mdx @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ -# Generating Proofs: Basics +import Example from "@site/static/examples_fibonacci_script_src_main.rs.mdx"; + +# Basics All the methods you'll need for generating proofs are included in the `sp1_sdk` crate. Most importantly, you'll need to use the `ProverClient` to setup a proving key and verifying key for your program and then use the `execute`, `prove` and `verify` methods to execute your program, and generate and verify proofs. @@ -6,9 +8,7 @@ To make this more concrete, let's walk through a simple example of generating a ## Example: Fibonacci -```rust,noplayground -{{#include ../../examples/fibonacci/script/src/main.rs}} -``` + You can run the above script in the `script` directory with `RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release`. Note that running the above script will generate a proof locally. @@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ You can run the above script in the `script` directory with `RUST_LOG=info cargo WARNING: Local proving often is much slower than the prover network and for certain proof types (e.g. Groth16, PLONK) require a significant amount of RAM and will likely not work on a laptop. -We recommend using the [prover network](./prover-network.md) to generate proofs. Read more about the [recommended workflow](./recommended-workflow.md) for developing with SP1. +We recommend using the [prover network](./prover-network.md) to generate proofs. Read more about the [recommended workflow](./recommended-workflow) for developing with SP1. diff --git a/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/hardware-acceleration.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/hardware-acceleration.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..766c9db4e --- /dev/null +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/hardware-acceleration.md @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# Hardware Acceleration + +SP1 supports hardware acceleration on the following platforms: +- [AVX256/AVX512](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Vector_Extensions) on x86 CPUs +- [CUDA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CUDA) on Nvidia GPUs + +To enable hardware acceleration, please refer to the platform specific instructions available in this section. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/hardware-acceleration/avx.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/hardware-acceleration/avx.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e9fe8007b --- /dev/null +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/hardware-acceleration/avx.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# AVX + +SP1 supports both AVX256 and AVX512 acceleration on x86 CPUs due to support in [Plonky3](https://github.com/Plonky3/Plonky3). +Whenever possible, we recommend using AVX512 acceleration as it provides better performance. + +## Checking for AVX + +To check if your CPU supports AVX, you can run the following command: + +`grep avx /proc/cpuinfo` + +Look for the flags `avx2` and `avx512`. + +## Enabling AVX256 + +To enable AVX256 acceleration, you can set the `RUSTFLAGS` environment variable to include the following flags: + +```bash +RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native" cargo run --release +``` + +## Enabling AVX512 + +To enable AVX512 acceleration, you can set the `RUSTFLAGS` environment variable to include the following flags: + +```bash +RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native -C target-feature=+avx512f" cargo run --release +``` + +Note that the `+avx512f` flag is required to enable AVX512 acceleration. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/book/generating-proofs/hardware-acceleration/cuda.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/hardware-acceleration/cuda.md similarity index 100% rename from book/generating-proofs/hardware-acceleration/cuda.md rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/hardware-acceleration/cuda.md diff --git a/book/generating-proofs/proof-types.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/proof-types.md similarity index 80% rename from book/generating-proofs/proof-types.md rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/proof-types.md index 7ebd300ac..f1ee338f7 100644 --- a/book/generating-proofs/proof-types.md +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/proof-types.md @@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ For a full list of options, see the following [docs](https://docs.rs/sp1-sdk/1.2 The default prover mode generates a list of STARK proofs that in aggregate have size proportional to the size of the execution. Use this in settings where you don't care about **verification cost / proof size**. -```rust,noplayground -let client = ProverClient::new(); -client.prove(&pk, stdin).run().unwrap(); +```rust +let client = ProverClient::from_env(); +client.prove(&pk, &stdin).run().unwrap(); ``` ## Compressed @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ client.prove(&pk, stdin).run().unwrap(); The compressed prover mode generates STARK proofs that have constant size. Use this in settings where you care about **verification cost / proof size**, but not onchain verification. Compressed proofs are also useful because they can be cheaply recursively verified within SP1 itself (see the [proof aggregation](../writing-programs/proof-aggregation.md) section). -```rust,noplayground -let client = ProverClient::new(); -client.prove(&pk, stdin).compressed().run().unwrap(); +```rust +let client = ProverClient::from_env(); +client.prove(&pk, &stdin).compressed().run().unwrap(); ``` ## Groth16 (Recommended) @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ The Groth16 prover mode generates a SNARK proof that is ~260 bytes large and can The trusted setup for the Groth16 circuit keys uses the [Aztec Ignition ceremony](https://github.com/AztecProtocol/ignition-verification) + entropy contributions from members of the Succinct team. -```rust,noplayground -let client = ProverClient::new(); -client.prove(&pk, stdin).groth16().run().unwrap(); +```rust +let client = ProverClient::from_env(); +client.prove(&pk, &stdin).groth16().run().unwrap(); ``` ## PLONK @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ The PLONK prover mode generates a SNARK proof that is ~868 bytes large and can a PLONK does not require a trusted setup. -```rust,noplayground -let client = ProverClient::new(); -client.prove(&pk, stdin).plonk().run().unwrap(); +```rust +let client = ProverClient::from_env(); +client.prove(&pk, &stdin).plonk().run().unwrap(); ``` diff --git a/book/generating-proofs/prover-network.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/prover-network.md similarity index 100% rename from book/generating-proofs/prover-network.md rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/prover-network.md diff --git a/book/generating-proofs/prover-network/explorer.png b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/prover-network/explorer.png similarity index 100% rename from book/generating-proofs/prover-network/explorer.png rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/prover-network/explorer.png diff --git a/book/generating-proofs/prover-network/key-setup.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/prover-network/key-setup.md similarity index 100% rename from book/generating-proofs/prover-network/key-setup.md rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/prover-network/key-setup.md diff --git a/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/prover-network/key.png b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/prover-network/key.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ccbb4b897 Binary files /dev/null and b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/prover-network/key.png differ diff --git a/book/generating-proofs/prover-network/usage.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/prover-network/usage.md similarity index 90% rename from book/generating-proofs/prover-network/usage.md rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/prover-network/usage.md index b08497868..77eef1f08 100644 --- a/book/generating-proofs/prover-network/usage.md +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/prover-network/usage.md @@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ To use the prover network to generate a proof, you can run your script that uses `sp1_sdk::ProverClient` as you would normally but with additional environment variables set: -```rust,noplayground +```rust // Generate the proof for the given program. -let client = ProverClient::new(); +let client = ProverClient::from_env(); let (pk, vk) = client.setup(ELF); -let mut proof = client.prove(&pk, stdin).run().unwrap(); +let mut proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).run().unwrap(); ``` ```sh @@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ SP1_PROVER=network SP1_PRIVATE_KEY=... RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release - `SP1_PROVER` should be set to `network` when using the prover network. -- `SP1_PRIVATE_KEY` should be set to your [private key](../prover-network.md#key-setup). You will need - to be using a [whitelisted](../prover-network.md#get-access) key to use the network. +- `SP1_PRIVATE_KEY` should be set to your [private key](./key-setup.md). You will need + to be using a [whitelisted](../prover-network) key to use the network. When you call any of the prove functions in ProverClient now, it will first simulate your program, then wait for it to be proven through the network and finally return the proof. @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ To skip the simulation step and directly submit the program for proof generation By using the `sp1_sdk::NetworkProver` struct directly, you can call async functions directly and have programmatic access to the proof ID and download proofs by ID. -```rust,noplayground +```rust impl NetworkProver { /// Creates a new [NetworkProver] with the private key set in `SP1_PRIVATE_KEY`. pub fn new() -> Self; diff --git a/book/generating-proofs/prover-network/versions.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/prover-network/versions.md similarity index 97% rename from book/generating-proofs/prover-network/versions.md rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/prover-network/versions.md index 31503adb8..4190b713f 100644 --- a/book/generating-proofs/prover-network/versions.md +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/prover-network/versions.md @@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ You must switch to a supported version before submitting a proof. To do so, repl ```toml [dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = "2.0.0" +sp1-zkvm = "3.0.0" ``` replace the `sp1-sdk` version in your script's `Cargo.toml`: ```toml [dependencies] -sp1-sdk = "2.0.0" +sp1-sdk = "3.0.0" ``` Re-build your program and script, and then try again. diff --git a/book/generating-proofs/recommended-workflow.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/recommended-workflow.mdx similarity index 89% rename from book/generating-proofs/recommended-workflow.md rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/recommended-workflow.mdx index 9f9acfa03..0a676a5da 100644 --- a/book/generating-proofs/recommended-workflow.md +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/recommended-workflow.mdx @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +import Example from "@site/static/examples_fibonacci_script_bin_execute.rs.mdx"; + # Recommended Workflow for Developing with SP1 We recommend the following workflow for developing with SP1. @@ -6,9 +8,7 @@ We recommend the following workflow for developing with SP1. While iterating on your SP1 program, you should **only execute** the program with the RISC-V runtime. This will allow you to verify the correctness of your program and test the `SP1Stdin` as well as the `SP1PublicValues` that are returned, without having to generate a proof (which can be slow and/or expensive). If the execution of your program succeeds, then proof generation should succeed as well! -```rust,noplayground -{{#include ../../examples/fibonacci/script/bin/execute.rs}} -``` + Note that printing out the total number of executed cycles and the full execution report provides helpful insight into proof generation latency and cost either for local proving or when using the prover network. @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ In SP1, there is a fixed overhead for proving that is independent of your progra - An average Ethereum block can be between 100-500M cycles (including merkle proof verification for storage and execution of transactions) with our `keccak` and `secp256k1` precompiles. - For a Tendermint light client, the average cycle count can be between 10M and 50M cycles (including our ed25519 precompiles). -- We consider programs with <2M cycles to be "small" and by default, the fixed overhead of proving will dominate the proof latency. If latency is incredibly important for your use-case, we can specialize the prover network for your program if you reach out to us. +- We consider programs with \<2M cycles to be "small" and by default, the fixed overhead of proving will dominate the proof latency. If latency is incredibly important for your use-case, we can specialize the prover network for your program if you reach out to us. Note that if you generate Groth16 or PLONK proofs on the prover network, you will encounter a fixed overhead for the STARK -> SNARK wrapping step. We're actively working on reducing this overhead in future releases. @@ -54,4 +54,4 @@ The prover network is currently in beta and has limited capacity. For high volum ### Generating proofs locally -If you want to generate proofs locally, you can use the `sp1_sdk` crate to generate proofs locally as outlined in the [Basics](./basics.md) section. By default, the `ProverClient` will generate proofs locally using your CPU. Check out the hardware requirements for locally proving [here](../getting-started/hardware-requirements.md#local-proving). +If you want to generate proofs locally, you can use the `sp1_sdk` crate to generate proofs locally as outlined in the [Basics](./basics) section. By default, the `ProverClient` will generate proofs locally using your CPU. Check out the hardware requirements for locally proving [here](../getting-started/hardware-requirements.md#local-proving). diff --git a/book/generating-proofs/setup.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/setup.md similarity index 95% rename from book/generating-proofs/setup.md rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/setup.md index 88db15fb8..6e9b5483c 100644 --- a/book/generating-proofs/setup.md +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/setup.md @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# Generating Proofs: Setup +# Setup In this section, we will teach you how to setup a self-contained crate which can generate proofs of programs that have been compiled with the SP1 toolchain inside the SP1 zkVM, using the `sp1-sdk` crate. @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ cd script Inside this crate, add the `sp1-sdk` crate as a dependency. Your `Cargo.toml` should look like as follows: -```rust,noplayground +```rust [workspace] [package] version = "0.1.0" diff --git a/book/generating-proofs/sp1-sdk-faq.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/sp1-sdk-faq.md similarity index 94% rename from book/generating-proofs/sp1-sdk-faq.md rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/sp1-sdk-faq.md index 76e62d81e..ca2a0a059 100644 --- a/book/generating-proofs/sp1-sdk-faq.md +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/generating-proofs/sp1-sdk-faq.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ You can use `sp1_sdk::utils::setup_logger()` to enable logging information respectively. You can set the logging level with the `RUST_LOG` environment variable. -```rust,noplayground +```rust sp1_sdk::utils::setup_logger(); ``` diff --git a/book/getting-started/hardware-requirements.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/getting-started/hardware-requirements.md similarity index 100% rename from book/getting-started/hardware-requirements.md rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/getting-started/hardware-requirements.md diff --git a/book/getting-started/install.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/getting-started/install.md similarity index 100% rename from book/getting-started/install.md rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/getting-started/install.md diff --git a/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/getting-started/project-template.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/getting-started/project-template.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b6cbd8d73 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/getting-started/project-template.md @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# Project Template + +Another option for getting started with SP1 is to use the [SP1 Project Template](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-project-template/tree/main). + +You can use this as a Github template to create a new repository that has a SP1 program, a script to generate proofs, and also a contracts folder that contains a Solidity contract that can verify SP1 proofs on any EVM chain. diff --git a/book/getting-started/quickstart.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/getting-started/quickstart.md similarity index 98% rename from book/getting-started/quickstart.md rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/getting-started/quickstart.md index 824ddbf85..0d7f46821 100644 --- a/book/getting-started/quickstart.md +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/getting-started/quickstart.md @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ The program by default is quite small, so proof generation will only take a few ## Recommended Workflow -Please see the [Recommended Workflow](../generating-proofs/recommended-workflow.md) section for more details on how to develop your SP1 program and generate proofs. +Please see the [Recommended Workflow](../generating-proofs/recommended-workflow) section for more details on how to develop your SP1 program and generate proofs. We *strongly recommend* that developers who want to use SP1 for non-trivial programs generate proofs on the beta version of our [Prover Network](../generating-proofs/prover-network.md). The prover network generates SP1 proofs across multiple machines, reducing latency and also runs SP1 on optimized hardware instances that result in faster + cheaper proof generation times. diff --git a/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/introduction.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/introduction.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f3a645786 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/introduction.md @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# Introduction + +*Documentation for SP1 users and developers*. + +[![Telegram Chat][tg-badge]][tg-url] + +![](./sp1.png) + + +SP1 is a performant, open-source zero-knowledge virtual machine (zkVM) that verifies the execution of arbitrary Rust (or any LLVM-compiled language) programs. + +[tg-badge]: https://img.shields.io/endpoint?color=neon&logo=telegram&label=chat&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftg.sumanjay.workers.dev%2Fsuccinct%5Fsp1 +[tg-url]: https://t.me/+AzG4ws-kD24yMGYx + +SP1 has undergone multiple audits from leading ZK security firms and is currently used in production by many top blockchain teams. + +## The future of ZK is writing normal code + +Zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) are one of the most critical technologies to blockchain scaling, interoperability and privacy. But, historically building ZKP systems was extremely complicated--requiring large teams with specialized cryptography expertise and taking years to go to production. + +SP1 provides a performant, general-purpose zkVM that enables **any developer** to use ZKPs by writing normal code (in Rust), and get cheap and fast proofs. SP1 will enable ZKPs to become mainstream, introducing a new era of verifiability for all of blockchain infrastructure and beyond. + + +## SP1 enables a diversity of use-cases + +ZKPs enable a diversity of use-cases in blockchain and beyond, including: + +* Rollups: Use SP1 to generate a ZKP for the state transition function of your rollup and connect to Ethereum, Bitcoin or other chains with full validity proofs or ZK fraud proofs. +* Interoperability: Use SP1 for fast-finality, cross rollup interoperability +* Bridges: Use SP1 to generate a ZKP for verifying consensus of L1s, including Tendermint, Ethereum’s Light Client protocol and more, for bridging between chains. +* Oracles: Use SP1 for large scale computations with onchain state, including consensus data and storage data. +* Aggregation: Use SP1 to aggregate and verify other ZKPs for reduced onchain verification costs. +* Privacy: Use SP1 for onchain privacy, including private transactions and private state. diff --git a/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/sp1.png b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/sp1.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..78576befe Binary files /dev/null and b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/sp1.png differ diff --git a/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/theme/head.hbs b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/theme/head.hbs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2e2be7a19 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/theme/head.hbs @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/verification/off-chain-verification.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/verification/off-chain-verification.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..783ee7d1b --- /dev/null +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/verification/off-chain-verification.md @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +import ProgramMain from "@site/static/examples_groth16_program_src_main.rs.mdx"; +import ProgramScript from "@site/static/examples_groth16_script_src_main.rs.mdx"; + +# Offchain Verification + +## Rust `no_std` Verification + +You can verify SP1 Groth16 and Plonk proofs in `no_std` environments with [`sp1-verifier`](https://docs.rs/sp1-verifier/latest/sp1_verifier/). + +`sp1-verifier` is also patched to verify Groth16 and Plonk proofs within the SP1 zkVM, using +[bn254](https://blog.succinct.xyz/succinctshipsprecompiles/) precompiles. For an example of this, see +the [Groth16 Example](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/tree/main/examples/groth16/). + +### Installation + +Import the following dependency in your `Cargo.toml`. Note that the `sp1-verifier` crate was added in version `3.2.1`. + +```toml +sp1-verifier = {version = "3.2.1", default-features = false} +``` + +### Usage + +`sp1-verifier`'s interface is very similar to the solidity verifier's. It exposes two public functions: +[`Groth16Verifier::verify_proof`](https://docs.rs/sp1-verifier/latest/sp1_verifier/struct.Groth16Verifier.html) +and [`PlonkVerifier::verify_proof`](https://docs.rs/sp1-verifier/latest/sp1_verifier/struct.PlonkVerifier.html). + +`sp1-verifier` also exposes the Groth16 and Plonk verifying keys as constants, `GROTH16_VK_BYTES` and `PLONK_VK_BYTES`. These +keys correspond to the current SP1 version's official Groth16 and Plonk verifying keys, which are used for verifying proofs generated +using docker or the prover network. + +First, generate your groth16/plonk proof with the SP1 SDK. See [here](./onchain/getting-started#generating-sp1-proofs-for-onchain-verification) +for more information -- `sp1-verifier` and the solidity verifier expect inputs in the same format. + +Next, verify the proof with `sp1-verifier`. The following snippet is from the [Groth16 example program](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/tree/dev/examples/groth16/), which verifies a Groth16 proof within SP1 using `sp1-verifier`. + + + +Here, the proof, public inputs, and vkey hash are read from stdin. See the following snippet to see how these values are generated. + + + +> Note that the SP1 SDK itself is *not* `no_std` compatible. + +### Advanced: `verify_gnark_proof` + +`sp1-verifier` also exposes [`Groth16Verifier::verify_gnark_proof`](https://docs.rs/sp1-verifier/latest/sp1_verifier/struct.Groth16Verifier.html#method.verify_gnark_proof) and [`PlonkVerifier::verify_gnark_proof`](https://docs.rs/sp1-verifier/latest/sp1_verifier/struct.PlonkVerifier.html#method.verify_gnark_proof), +which verifies any Groth16 or Plonk proof from Gnark. This is especially useful for verifying custom Groth16 and Plonk proofs +efficiently in the SP1 zkVM. + +The following snippet demonstrates how you might serialize a Gnark proof in a way that `sp1-verifier` can use. + +```go +// Write the verifier key. +vkFile, err := os.Create("vk.bin") +if err != nil { + panic(err) +} +defer vkFile.Close() + +// Here, `vk` is a `groth16_bn254.VerifyingKey` or `plonk_bn254.VerifyingKey`. +_, err = vk.WriteTo(vkFile) +if err != nil { + panic(err) +} + +// Write the proof. +proofFile, err := os.Create("proof.bin") +if err != nil { + panic(err) +} +defer proofFile.Close() + +// Here, `proof` is a `groth16_bn254.Proof` or `plonk_bn254.Proof`. +_, err = proof.WriteTo(proofFile) +if err != nil { + panic(err) +} +``` + +Public values are serialized as big-endian `Fr` values. The default Gnark serialization will work +out of the box. + +## Wasm Verification + +The [`example-sp1-wasm-verifier`](https://github.com/succinctlabs/example-sp1-wasm-verifier) demonstrates how to +verify SP1 proofs in wasm. For a more detailed explanation of the process, please see the [README](https://github.com/succinctlabs/example-sp1-wasm-verifier/blob/main/README.md). diff --git a/book/onchain-verification/contract-addresses.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/verification/onchain/contract-addresses.md similarity index 68% rename from book/onchain-verification/contract-addresses.md rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/verification/onchain/contract-addresses.md index 3acb971ed..0a23f6ab2 100644 --- a/book/onchain-verification/contract-addresses.md +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/verification/onchain/contract-addresses.md @@ -6,6 +6,27 @@ will automatically route your SP1 proof to the correct verifier based on the SP1 ## Canonical Verifier Gateways +There are different verifier gateway for each proof system: Groth16 and PLONK. This means that you +must use the correct verifier gateway depending on if you are verifying a Groth16 or PLONK proof. + +### Groth16 + +| Chain ID | Chain | Gateway | +| -------- | ---------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| 1 | Mainnet | [0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B](https://etherscan.io/address/0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B) | +| 11155111 | Sepolia | [0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B](https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B) | +| 17000 | Holesky | [0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B](https://holesky.etherscan.io/address/0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B) | +| 42161 | Arbitrum One | [0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B](https://arbiscan.io/address/0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B) | +| 421614 | Arbitrum Sepolia | [0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B](https://sepolia.arbiscan.io/address/0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B) | +| 8453 | Base | [0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B](https://basescan.org/address/0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B) | +| 84532 | Base Sepolia | [0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B](https://sepolia.basescan.org/address/0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B) | +| 10 | Optimism | [0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B](https://optimistic.etherscan.io/address/0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B) | +| 11155420 | Optimism Sepolia | [0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B](https://sepolia-optimism.etherscan.io/address/0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B) | +| 534351 | Scroll Sepolia | [0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B](https://sepolia.scrollscan.com/address/0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B) | +| 534352 | Scroll | [0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B](https://scrollscan.com/address/0x397A5f7f3dBd538f23DE225B51f532c34448dA9B) | + +### PLONK + | Chain ID | Chain | Gateway | | -------- | ---------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 1 | Mainnet | [0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e](https://etherscan.io/address/0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e) | @@ -16,7 +37,7 @@ will automatically route your SP1 proof to the correct verifier based on the SP1 | 8453 | Base | [0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e](https://basescan.org/address/0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e) | | 84532 | Base Sepolia | [0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e](https://sepolia.basescan.org/address/0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e) | | 10 | Optimism | [0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e](https://optimistic.etherscan.io/address/0x3b6041173b80e77f038f3f2c0f9744f04837185e) | -| 11155420 | Optimism Sepolia | [0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e](https://sepolia-optimism.etherscan.io/address/0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e) | +| 11155420 | Optimism Sepolia | [0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e](https://sepolia-optimism.etherscan.io/address/0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e) | | 534351 | Scroll Sepolia | [0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e](https://sepolia.scrollscan.com/address/0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e) | | 534352 | Scroll | [0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e](https://scrollscan.com/address/0x3B6041173B80E77f038f3F2C0f9744f04837185e) | diff --git a/book/onchain-verification/getting-started.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/verification/onchain/getting-started.mdx similarity index 83% rename from book/onchain-verification/getting-started.md rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/verification/onchain/getting-started.mdx index 834a23dc1..e38fb1de7 100644 --- a/book/onchain-verification/getting-started.md +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/verification/onchain/getting-started.mdx @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +import Example from "@site/static/examples_fibonacci_script_bin_groth16_bn254.rs.mdx"; + # Onchain Verification: Setup The best way to get started with verifying SP1 proofs on-chain is to refer to the [SP1 Project Template](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-project-template/tree/main). @@ -6,7 +8,7 @@ The best way to get started with verifying SP1 proofs on-chain is to refer to th - The template [script](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-project-template/blob/main/script/src/bin/prove.rs) shows how to generate the proof using the SDK and save it to a file. - The template [contract](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-project-template/blob/main/contracts/src/Fibonacci.sol) shows how to verify the proof onchain using Solidity. -Refer to the section on [Contract Addresses](./contract-addresses.md#contract-addresses) for the addresses of the deployed verifiers. +Refer to the section on [Contract Addresses](./contract-addresses) for the addresses of the deployed verifiers. ## Generating SP1 Proofs for Onchain Verification @@ -14,13 +16,12 @@ By default, the proofs generated by SP1 are not verifiable onchain, as they are > WARNING: The Groth16 and PLONK provers are only guaranteed to work on official releases of SP1. To > use Groth16 or PLONK proving & verification locally, ensure that you have Docker installed and have -> at least 128GB of RAM. +> at least 32GB of RAM. Note that you might need to increase the memory limit for +> [docker desktop](https://docs.docker.com/desktop/settings-and-maintenance/settings/#resources) if you're running on Mac. ### Example -```rust,noplayground -{{#include ../../examples/fibonacci/script/bin/groth16_bn254.rs}} -``` + You can run the above script with `RUST_LOG=info cargo run --bin groth16_bn254 --release` in `examples/fibonacci/script`. @@ -29,5 +30,5 @@ You can run the above script with `RUST_LOG=info cargo run --bin groth16_bn254 - If you would like to run the Groth16 or PLONK prover directly without Docker, you must have Go 1.22 installed and enable the `native-gnark` feature in `sp1-sdk`. This path is not recommended and may require additional native dependencies. ```toml -sp1-sdk = { version = "2.0.0", features = ["native-gnark"] } +sp1-sdk = { version = "3.0.0", features = ["native-gnark"] } ``` diff --git a/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/verification/onchain/solidity-sdk.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/verification/onchain/solidity-sdk.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..93a241ed9 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/verification/onchain/solidity-sdk.md @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +# Solidity Verifier + +We maintain a suite of [contracts](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-contracts/tree/main) used for verifying SP1 proofs onchain. We highly recommend using [Foundry](https://book.getfoundry.sh/). + +## Installation + +To install the latest release version: + +```bash +forge install succinctlabs/sp1-contracts +``` + +To install a specific version: + +```bash +forge install succinctlabs/sp1-contracts@ +``` + +Finally, add `@sp1-contracts/=lib/sp1-contracts/contracts/src/` in `remappings.txt.` + +### Usage + +Once installed, you can use the contracts in the library by importing them: + +```c++ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT +pragma solidity ^0.8.20; + +import {ISP1Verifier} from "@sp1-contracts/ISP1Verifier.sol"; + +/// @title Fibonacci. +/// @author Succinct Labs +/// @notice This contract implements a simple example of verifying the proof of a computing a +/// fibonacci number. +contract Fibonacci { + /// @notice The address of the SP1 verifier contract. + /// @dev This can either be a specific SP1Verifier for a specific version, or the + /// SP1VerifierGateway which can be used to verify proofs for any version of SP1. + /// For the list of supported verifiers on each chain, see: + /// https://docs.succinct.xyz/onchain-verification/contract-addresses + address public verifier; + + /// @notice The verification key for the fibonacci program. + bytes32 public fibonacciProgramVKey; + + constructor(address _verifier, bytes32 _fibonacciProgramVKey) { + verifier = _verifier; + fibonacciProgramVKey = _fibonacciProgramVKey; + } + + /// @notice The entrypoint for verifying the proof of a fibonacci number. + /// @param _proofBytes The encoded proof. + /// @param _publicValues The encoded public values. + function verifyFibonacciProof(bytes calldata _publicValues, bytes calldata _proofBytes) + public + view + returns (uint32, uint32, uint32) + { + ISP1Verifier(verifier).verifyProof(fibonacciProgramVKey, _publicValues, _proofBytes); + (uint32 n, uint32 a, uint32 b) = abi.decode(_publicValues, (uint32, uint32, uint32)); + return (n, a, b); + } +} + +``` + +### Finding your program vkey + +The program vkey (`fibonacciProgramVKey` in the example above) is passed into the `ISP1Verifier` along with the public values and proof bytes. You +can find your program vkey by going through the following steps: + +1. Find what version of SP1 crates you are using. +2. Use the version from step to run this command: `sp1up --version ` +3. Use the vkey command to get the program vkey: `cargo prove vkey -elf ` + +Alternatively, you can set up a simple script to do this using the `sp1-sdk` crate: + +```rust +fn main() { + // Setup the logger. + sp1_sdk::utils::setup_logger(); + + // Setup the prover client. + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); + + // Setup the program. + let (_, vk) = client.setup(FIBONACCI_ELF); + + // Print the verification key. + println!("Program Verification Key: {}", vk.bytes32()); +} +``` + +### Testing + +To test the contract, we recommend setting up [Foundry +Tests](https://book.getfoundry.sh/forge/tests). We have an example of such a test in the [SP1 +Project +Template](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-project-template/blob/dev/contracts/test/Fibonacci.t.sol). + +### Solidity Versions + +The officially deployed contracts are built using Solidity 0.8.20 and exist on the +[sp1-contracts main](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-contracts/tree/main) branch. + +If you need to use different versions that are compatible with your contracts, there are also other +branches you can install that contain different versions. For +example for branch [main-0.8.15](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-contracts/tree/main-0.8.15) +contains the contracts with: + +```c++ +pragma solidity ^0.8.15; +``` + +and you can install it with: + +```sh +forge install succinctlabs/sp1-contracts@main-0.8.15 +``` + +If there is different versions that you need but there aren't branches for them yet, please ask in +the [SP1 Telegram](https://t.me/+AzG4ws-kD24yMGYx). diff --git a/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/verification/supported-versions.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/verification/supported-versions.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b79555c32 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/verification/supported-versions.md @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +# Supported Versions diff --git a/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/what-is-a-zkvm.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/what-is-a-zkvm.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4f91fa321 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/what-is-a-zkvm.md @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +# What is a zkVM? + +A zero-knowledge virtual machine (zkVM) is zero-knowledge proof system that allows developers to prove the execution of arbitrary Rust (or other LLVM-compiled language) programs. + +Conceptually, you can think of the SP1 zkVM as proving the evaluation of a function `f(x) = y` by following the steps below: + +- Define `f` using normal Rust code and compile it to an ELF (covered in the [writing programs](./writing-programs/setup.md) section). +- Setup a proving key (`pk`) and verifying key (`vk`) for the program given the ELF. +- Generate a proof `π` using the SP1 zkVM that `f(x) = y` with `prove(pk, x)`. +- Verify the proof `π` using `verify(vk, x, y, π)`. + +As a practical example, `f` could be a simple Fibonacci [program](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/blob/main/examples/fibonacci/program/src/main.rs). The process of generating a proof and verifying it can be seen [here](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/blob/main/examples/fibonacci/script/src/main.rs). + +For blockchain applications, the verification usually happens inside of a [smart contract](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-project-template/blob/main/contracts/src/Fibonacci.sol). + +## How does SP1 Work? + +At a high level, SP1 works with the following steps: + +* Write a program in Rust that defines the logic of your computation for which you want to generate a ZKP. +* Compile the program to the RISC-V ISA (a standard Rust compilation target) using the `cargo prove` CLI tool (installation instructions [here](./getting-started/install.md)) and generate a RISC-V ELF file. +* SP1 will prove the correct execution of arbitrary RISC-V programs by generating a STARK proof of execution. +* Developers can leverage the `sp1-sdk` crate to generate proofs with their ELF and input data. Under the hood the `sp1-sdk` will either generate proofs locally or use a beta version of Succinct's prover network to generate proofs. + +SP1 leverages performant STARK recursion that allows us to prove the execution of arbitrarily long programs and also has a STARK -> SNARK "wrapping system" that allows us to generate small SNARK proofs that can be efficiently verified on EVM chains. + +## Proof System + +For more technical details, check out the SP1 technical note that explains our proof system in detail. In short, we use: + +* STARKs + FRI over the Baby Bear field +* We use performant STARK recursion that allows us to prove the execution of arbitrarily long programs +* We have a system of performant precompiles that accelerate hash functions and cryptographic signature verification that allow us to get substantial performance gains on blockchain workloads + + diff --git a/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/why-use-sp1.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/why-use-sp1.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..44db0ab6b --- /dev/null +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/why-use-sp1.md @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# Why use SP1? + +## Use-Cases + +Zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) are a powerful primitive that enable **verifiable computation**. With ZKPs, anyone can verify a cryptographic proof that a program has executed correctly, without needing to trust the prover, re-execute the program or even know the inputs to the program. + +Historically, building ZKP systems has been extremely complicated, requiring large teams with specialized cryptography expertise and taking years to go to production. SP1 is a performant, general-purpose zkVM that solves this problem and creates a future where all blockchain infrastructure, including rollups, bridges, coprocessors, and more, utilize ZKPs **via maintainable software written in Rust**. + +SP1 is especially powerful in blockchain contexts which rely on verifiable computation. Example applications include: +- [Rollups](https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/scaling/zk-rollups/): SP1 can be used in combination with existing node infrastructure like [Reth](https://github.com/paradigmxyz/reth) to build rollups with ZKP validity proofs or ZK fraud proofs. +- [Coprocessors](https://crypto.mirror.xyz/BFqUfBNVZrqYau3Vz9WJ-BACw5FT3W30iUX3mPlKxtA): SP1 can be used to outsource onchain computation to offchain provers to enable use cases such as large-scale computation over historical state and onchain machine learning, dramatically reducing gas costs. +- [Light Clients](https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/nodes-and-clients/light-clients/): SP1 can be used to build light clients that can verify the state of other chains, facilitating interoperability between different blockchains without relying on any trusted third parties. + +SP1 has already been integrated in many of these applications, including but not limited to: + +- [SP1 Tendermint](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-tendermint-example): An example of a ZK Tendermint light client on Ethereum powered by SP1. +- [SP1 Reth](https://github.com/succinctlabs/rsp): A performant, type-1 zkEVM written in Rust & SP1 using Reth. +- [SP1 Contract Call](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-contract-call): A lightweight library to generate ZKPs of Ethereum smart contract execution +- and many more! + +SP1 is used by protocols in production today: + +- [SP1 Blobstream](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-blobstream): A bridge that verifies [Celestia](https://celestia.org/) “data roots” (a commitment to all data blobs posted in a range of Celestia blocks) on Ethereum and other EVM chains. +- [SP1 Vector](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-vector): A bridge that relays [Avail's](https://www.availproject.org/) merkle root to Ethereum and also functions as a token bridge from Avail to Ethereum. + + +## 100x developer productivity + +SP1 enables teams to use ZKPs in production with minimal overhead and fast timelines. + +**Maintainable:** With SP1, you can reuse existing Rust crates, like `revm`, `reth`, `tendermint-rs`, `serde` and more, to write your ZKP logic in maintainable, Rust code. + +**Go to market faster:** By reusing existing crates and expressing ZKP logic in regular code, SP1 significantly reduces audit surface area and complexity, enabling teams to go to market with ZKPs faster. + +## Blazing Fast Performance + +SP1 is the fastest zkVM and has blazing fast performance on a variety of realistic blockchain workloads, including light clients and rollups. With SP1, ZKP proving costs are an order of magnitude less than alternative zkVMs or even circuits, making it cost-effective and fast for practical use. + +Read more about our benchmarking results [here](https://blog.succinct.xyz/sp1-benchmarks-8-6-24). + +## Open Source + +SP1 is 100% open-source (MIT / Apache 2.0) with no code obfuscation and built to be contributor friendly, with all development done in the open. Unlike existing zkVMs whose constraint logic is closed-source and impossible to audit or modify, SP1 is modularly architected and designed to be customizable from day one. This customizability (unique to SP1) allows for users to add “precompiles” to the core zkVM logic that yield substantial performance gains, making SP1’s performance not only SOTA vs. existing zkVMs, but also competitive with circuits in a variety of use-cases. + + + diff --git a/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/writing-programs/basics.mdx b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/writing-programs/basics.mdx new file mode 100644 index 000000000..23c7c027a --- /dev/null +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/writing-programs/basics.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +import Example from "@site/static/examples_fibonacci_program_src_main.rs.mdx"; + +# Basics + +The easiest way to understand how to write programs for the SP1 zkVM is to look at some examples. + +## Example: Fibonacci + +This program is from the `examples` [directory](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/tree/main/examples) in the SP1 repo which contains several example programs of varying complexity. + + + +As you can see, writing programs is as simple as writing normal Rust. + +After you've written your program, you must compile it to an ELF that the SP1 zkVM can prove. To read more about compiling programs, refer to the section on [Compiling Programs](./compiling). To read more about how inputs and outputs work, refer to the section on [Inputs & Outputs](./inputs-and-outputs). diff --git a/book/writing-programs/compiling.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/writing-programs/compiling.mdx similarity index 95% rename from book/writing-programs/compiling.md rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/writing-programs/compiling.mdx index f1acd49b0..54bf01811 100644 --- a/book/writing-programs/compiling.md +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/writing-programs/compiling.mdx @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +import Example from "@site/static/examples_fibonacci_script_build.rs.mdx"; + # Compiling Programs Once you have written an SP1 program, you must compile it to an ELF file that can be executed in the zkVM. The `cargo prove` CLI tool (downloaded during installation) provides convenient commands for compiling SP1 programs. @@ -6,7 +8,7 @@ Once you have written an SP1 program, you must compile it to an ELF file that ca > WARNING: This may not generate a reproducible ELF which is necessary for verifying that your binary corresponds to given source code. > -> Use the [reproducible build system](#reproducible-builds-with-docker-production) for production builds. +> Use the [reproducible build system](#production-builds) for production builds. To build a program while developing, simply run the following command in the crate that contains your SP1 program: @@ -53,15 +55,13 @@ f9afb8caaef10de9a8aad484c4dd3bfa54ba7218f3fc245a20e8a03ed40b38c617e175328515968a If you want your program crate to be built automatically whenever you build/run your script crate, you can add a `build.rs` file inside of `script/` (at the same level as `Cargo.toml` of your script crate) that utilizes the `sp1-build` crate: -```rust,noplayground -{{#include ../../examples/fibonacci/script/build.rs}} -``` + The path passed in to `build_program` should point to the directory containing the `Cargo.toml` file for your program. Make sure to also add `sp1-build` as a build dependency in `script/Cargo.toml`: ```toml [build-dependencies] -sp1-build = "2.0.0" +sp1-build = "3.0.0" ``` You will see output like the following from the build script if the program has changed, indicating that the program was rebuilt: @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ To configure the build process when using the `sp1-build` crate, you can pass a As an example, you could use the following code to build the Fibonacci example with the `docker` flag set to `true` and a custom output directory for the generated ELF: -```rust,noplayground +```rust use sp1_build::{build_program_with_args, BuildArgs}; fn main() { diff --git a/book/writing-programs/cycle-tracking.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/writing-programs/cycle-tracking.mdx similarity index 97% rename from book/writing-programs/cycle-tracking.md rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/writing-programs/cycle-tracking.mdx index c560f28ae..0281f5fdc 100644 --- a/book/writing-programs/cycle-tracking.md +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/writing-programs/cycle-tracking.mdx @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +import Example from "@site/static/examples_cycle-tracking_program_bin_normal.rs.mdx"; + # Cycle Tracking When writing a program, it is useful to know how many RISC-V cycles a portion of the program takes to identify potential performance bottlenecks. SP1 provides a way to track the number of cycles spent in a portion of the program. @@ -6,15 +8,13 @@ When writing a program, it is useful to know how many RISC-V cycles a portion of To track the number of cycles spent in a portion of the program, you can either put `println!("cycle-tracker-start: block name")` + `println!("cycle-tracker-end: block name")` statements (block name must be same between start and end) around the portion of your program you want to profile or use the `#[sp1_derive::cycle_tracker]` macro on a function. An example is shown below: -```rust,noplayground -{{#include ../../examples/cycle-tracking/program/bin/normal.rs}} -``` + Note that to use the macro, you must add the `sp1-derive` crate to your dependencies for your program. ```toml [dependencies] -sp1-derive = "2.0.0" +sp1-derive = "3.0.0" ``` In the script for proof generation, setup the logger with `utils::setup_logger()` and run the script with `RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release`. You should see the following output: @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Note that we elegantly handle nested cycle tracking, as you can see above. To include tracked cycle counts in the `ExecutionReport` when using `ProverClient::execute`, use the following annotations: -```rust,noplayground +```rust fn main() { println!("cycle-tracker-report-start: block name"); // ... diff --git a/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/writing-programs/inputs-and-outputs.mdx b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/writing-programs/inputs-and-outputs.mdx new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f8116ed31 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/writing-programs/inputs-and-outputs.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +import Example from "@site/static/examples_io_program_src_main.rs.mdx"; + +# Inputs and Outputs + +In real world applications of zero-knowledge proofs, you almost always want to verify your proof in the context of some inputs and outputs. For example: + +- **Rollups**: Given a list of transactions, prove the new state of the blockchain. +- **Coprocessors**: Given a block header, prove the historical state of some storage slot inside a smart contract. +- **Attested Images**: Given a signed image, prove that you made a restricted set of image transformations. + +In this section, we cover how you pass inputs and outputs to the zkVM and create new types that support serialization. + +## Reading Data + +Data that is read is not public to the verifier by default. Use the `sp1_zkvm::io::read::` method: + +```rust +let a = sp1_zkvm::io::read::(); +let b = sp1_zkvm::io::read::(); +let c = sp1_zkvm::io::read::(); +``` + +Note that `T` must implement the `serde::Serialize` and `serde::Deserialize` trait. If you want to read bytes directly, you can also use the `sp1_zkvm::io::read_vec` method. + +```rust +let my_vec = sp1_zkvm::io::read_vec(); +``` + +## Committing Data + +Committing to data makes the data public to the verifier. Use the `sp1_zkvm::io::commit::` method: + +```rust +sp1_zkvm::io::commit::(&a); +sp1_zkvm::io::commit::(&b); +sp1_zkvm::io::commit::(&c); +``` + +Note that `T` must implement the `Serialize` and `Deserialize` trait. If you want to write bytes directly, you can also use `sp1_zkvm::io::commit_slice` method: + +```rust +let mut my_slice = [0_u8; 32]; +sp1_zkvm::io::commit_slice(&my_slice); +``` + +## Creating Serializable Types + +Typically, you can implement the `Serialize` and `Deserialize` traits using a simple derive macro on a struct. + +```rust +use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize}; + +#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] +struct MyStruct { + a: u32, + b: u64, + c: String +} +``` + +For more complex usecases, refer to the [Serde docs](https://serde.rs/). + +## Example + +Here is a basic example of using inputs and outputs with more complex types. + + diff --git a/book/writing-programs/patched-crates.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/writing-programs/patched-crates.md similarity index 98% rename from book/writing-programs/patched-crates.md rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/writing-programs/patched-crates.md index e49c707ea..818190f2e 100644 --- a/book/writing-programs/patched-crates.md +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/writing-programs/patched-crates.md @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # Patched Crates We maintain forks of commonly used libraries in blockchain infrastructure to significantly accelerate the execution of certain operations. -Under the hood, we use [precompiles](./precompiles.md) to achieve tremendous performance improvements in proof generation time. +Under the hood, we use [precompiles](./precompiles) to achieve tremendous performance improvements in proof generation time. **If you know of a library or library version that you think should be patched, please open an issue or a pull request!** diff --git a/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/writing-programs/precompiles.mdx b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/writing-programs/precompiles.mdx new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0f7324f62 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/writing-programs/precompiles.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +import Example from "@site/static/crates_zkvm_lib_src_lib.rs.mdx"; + +# Precompiles + +Precompiles are built into the SP1 zkVM and accelerate commonly used operations such as elliptic curve arithmetic and hashing. Under the hood, precompiles are implemented as custom STARK tables dedicated to proving one or few operations. **They typically improve the performance +of executing expensive operations in SP1 by a few orders of magnitude.** + +Inside the zkVM, precompiles are exposed as system calls executed through the `ecall` RISC-V instruction. +Each precompile has a unique system call number and implements an interface for the computation. + +SP1 also has been designed specifically to make it easy for external contributors to create and extend the zkVM with their own precompiles. +To learn more about this, you can look at implementations of existing precompiles in the [precompiles](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/tree/main/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles) folder. More documentation on this will be coming soon. + +**To use precompiles, we typically recommend you interact with them through [patches](./patched-crates.md), which are crates modified +to use these precompiles under the hood, without requiring you to call system calls directly.** + +## Specification + +If you are an advanced user you can interact with the precompiles directly using external system calls. + +Here is a list of all available system calls & precompiles. + + diff --git a/book/writing-programs/proof-aggregation.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/writing-programs/proof-aggregation.md similarity index 98% rename from book/writing-programs/proof-aggregation.md rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/writing-programs/proof-aggregation.md index 36ee28e1c..dc13d6e42 100644 --- a/book/writing-programs/proof-aggregation.md +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/writing-programs/proof-aggregation.md @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Note that by itself, SP1 can already prove arbitrarily large programs by chunkin To verify a proof inside the zkVM, you can use the `sp1_zkvm::lib::verify::verify_sp1_proof` function. -```rust,noplayground +```rust sp1_zkvm::lib::verify::verify_sp1_proof(vkey, public_values_digest); ``` @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Note that you must include the `verify` feature in your `Cargo.toml` for `sp1-zk To provide an existing proof as input to the SP1 zkVM, you can use the existing `SP1Stdin` object which is already used for all inputs to the zkVM. -```rust,noplayground +```rust # Generating proving key and verifying key. let (input_pk, input_vk) = client.setup(PROOF_INPUT_ELF); let (aggregation_pk, aggregation_vk) = client.setup(AGGREGATION_ELF); diff --git a/book/writing-programs/setup.md b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/writing-programs/setup.md similarity index 93% rename from book/writing-programs/setup.md rename to book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/writing-programs/setup.md index aa3f4a2cc..42ab5383b 100644 --- a/book/writing-programs/setup.md +++ b/book/versioned_docs/version-3.4.0/writing-programs/setup.md @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# Writing Programs: Setup +# Setup In this section, we will teach you how to setup a self-contained crate which can be compiled as a program that can be executed inside the zkVM. @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ cd program Inside this crate, add the `sp1-zkvm` crate as a dependency. Your `Cargo.toml` should look like the following: -```rust,noplayground +```rust [workspace] [package] version = "0.1.0" @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ name = "program" edition = "2021" [dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = "2.0.0" +sp1-zkvm = "3.0.0" ``` The `sp1-zkvm` crate includes necessary utilities for your program, including handling inputs and outputs, @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ precompiles, patches, and more. Inside the `src/main.rs` file, you must make sure to include these two lines to ensure that your program properly compiles to a valid SP1 program. -```rust,noplayground +```rust #![no_main] sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); ``` diff --git a/book/versioned_sidebars/version-3.4.0-sidebars.json b/book/versioned_sidebars/version-3.4.0-sidebars.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0e9b005f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/book/versioned_sidebars/version-3.4.0-sidebars.json @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +{ + "docs": [ + "introduction", + { + "type": "category", + "label": "Getting Started", + "items": [ + "getting-started/install", + "getting-started/quickstart", + "getting-started/hardware-requirements", + "getting-started/project-template" + ], + "collapsed": false + }, + { + "type": "category", + "label": "Writing Programs", + "items": [ + "writing-programs/basics", + "writing-programs/compiling", + "writing-programs/cycle-tracking", + "writing-programs/inputs-and-outputs", + "writing-programs/patched-crates", + "writing-programs/precompiles", + "writing-programs/proof-aggregation", + "writing-programs/setup" + ], + "collapsed": true + }, + { + "type": "category", + "label": "Generating Proofs", + "items": [ + "generating-proofs/basics", + "generating-proofs/setup", + "generating-proofs/proof-types", + "generating-proofs/recommended-workflow", + "generating-proofs/sp1-sdk-faq", + { + "type": "category", + "label": "Hardware Acceleration", + "link": { + "type": "doc", + "id": "generating-proofs/hardware-acceleration" + }, + "items": [ + "generating-proofs/hardware-acceleration", + "generating-proofs/hardware-acceleration/avx", + "generating-proofs/hardware-acceleration/cuda" + ] + }, + { + "type": "category", + "label": "Prover Network", + "link": { + "type": "doc", + "id": "generating-proofs/prover-network" + }, + "items": [ + "generating-proofs/prover-network/key-setup", + "generating-proofs/prover-network/usage", + "generating-proofs/prover-network/versions" + ] + }, + "generating-proofs/advanced" + ], + "collapsed": true + }, + { + "type": "category", + "label": "Verification", + "items": [ + "verification/off-chain-verification", + { + "type": "category", + "label": "On-Chain Verification", + "items": [ + "verification/onchain/getting-started", + "verification/onchain/contract-addresses", + "verification/onchain/solidity-sdk" + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "type": "category", + "label": "Developers", + "items": [ + "developers/common-issues", + "developers/usage-in-ci", + "developers/building-circuit-artifacts", + "developers/rv32im-specification" + ] + }, + "what-is-a-zkvm", + "why-use-sp1" + ] +} diff --git a/book/versions.json b/book/versions.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..af427f44c --- /dev/null +++ b/book/versions.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +[ + "3.4.0" +] diff --git a/clippy.toml b/clippy.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d3577adf2 --- /dev/null +++ b/clippy.toml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +msrv = "1.79" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/build/src/SP1_VERSION b/crates/build/src/SP1_VERSION new file mode 120000 index 000000000..dfcc41c20 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/build/src/SP1_VERSION @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../../../SP1_VERSION \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/build/src/build.rs b/crates/build/src/build.rs index b19207d40..35f837345 100644 --- a/crates/build/src/build.rs +++ b/crates/build/src/build.rs @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use cargo_metadata::camino::Utf8PathBuf; use crate::{ command::{docker::create_docker_command, local::create_local_command, utils::execute_command}, - utils::{cargo_rerun_if_changed, copy_elf_to_output_dir, current_datetime}, + utils::{cargo_rerun_if_changed, current_datetime}, BuildArgs, BUILD_TARGET, HELPER_TARGET_SUBDIR, }; @@ -48,12 +48,34 @@ pub fn execute_build_program( let target_elf_paths = generate_elf_paths(&program_metadata, Some(args))?; - // Temporary backward compatibility with the deprecated behavior of copying the ELF file. - // TODO: add option to turn off this behavior - if target_elf_paths.len() == 1 { - copy_elf_to_output_dir(args, &program_metadata, &target_elf_paths[0].1)?; + if let Some(output_directory) = &args.output_directory { + if target_elf_paths.len() > 1 && args.elf_name.is_some() { + anyhow::bail!("--elf-name is not supported when --output-directory is used and multiple ELFs are built."); + } + + // The path to the output directory, maybe relative or absolute. + let output_directory = PathBuf::from(output_directory); + + // Ensure the output directory is a directory. If it doesnt exist, this is false. + if output_directory.is_file() { + anyhow::bail!("--output-directory is a file."); + } + + // Ensure the output directory exists. + std::fs::create_dir_all(&output_directory)?; + + // Copy the ELF files to the output directory. + for (_, elf_path) in target_elf_paths.iter() { + let elf_path = elf_path.to_path_buf(); + let elf_name = elf_path.file_name().expect("ELF path has a file name"); + let output_path = output_directory.join(args.elf_name.as_deref().unwrap_or(elf_name)); + + std::fs::copy(&elf_path, &output_path)?; + } } + print_elf_paths_cargo_directives(&target_elf_paths); + Ok(target_elf_paths) } @@ -73,7 +95,10 @@ pub(crate) fn build_program_internal(path: &str, args: Option) { .unwrap_or(false); if skip_program_build { // Still need to set ELF env vars even if build is skipped. - generate_elf_paths(&metadata, args.as_ref()).expect("failed to collect target ELF paths"); + let target_elf_paths = generate_elf_paths(&metadata, args.as_ref()) + .expect("failed to collect target ELF paths"); + + print_elf_paths_cargo_directives(&target_elf_paths); println!( "cargo:warning=Build skipped for {} at {} due to SP1_SKIP_PROGRAM_BUILD flag", @@ -94,7 +119,10 @@ pub(crate) fn build_program_internal(path: &str, args: Option) { .unwrap_or(false); if is_clippy_driver { // Still need to set ELF env vars even if build is skipped. - generate_elf_paths(&metadata, args.as_ref()).expect("failed to collect target ELF paths"); + let target_elf_paths = generate_elf_paths(&metadata, args.as_ref()) + .expect("failed to collect target ELF paths"); + + print_elf_paths_cargo_directives(&target_elf_paths); println!("cargo:warning=Skipping build due to clippy invocation."); return; @@ -113,19 +141,39 @@ pub(crate) fn build_program_internal(path: &str, args: Option) { println!("cargo:warning={} built at {}", root_package_name, current_datetime()); } -/// Collects the list of targets that would be built and their output ELF file paths. Also prints -/// cargo directives setting relevant `SP1_ELF_` environment variables. -fn generate_elf_paths( +/// Collects the list of targets that would be built and their output ELF file paths. +pub fn generate_elf_paths( metadata: &cargo_metadata::Metadata, args: Option<&BuildArgs>, ) -> Result> { let mut target_elf_paths = vec![]; + let packages_to_iterate = if let Some(args) = args { + if !args.packages.is_empty() { + args.packages + .iter() + .map(|wanted_package| { + metadata + .packages + .iter() + .find(|p| p.name == *wanted_package) + .ok_or_else(|| { + anyhow::anyhow!("cannot find package named {}", wanted_package) + }) + .map(|p| p.id.clone()) + }) + .collect::>>()? + } else { + metadata.workspace_default_members.to_vec() + } + } else { + metadata.workspace_default_members.to_vec() + }; - for program_crate in metadata.workspace_default_members.iter() { + for program_crate in packages_to_iterate { let program = metadata .packages .iter() - .find(|p| &p.id == program_crate) + .find(|p| p.id == program_crate) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("cannot find package for {}", program_crate))?; for bin_target in program.targets.iter().filter(|t| { @@ -133,7 +181,7 @@ fn generate_elf_paths( }) { // Filter out irrelevant targets if `--bin` is used. if let Some(args) = args { - if !args.binary.is_empty() && bin_target.name != args.binary { + if !args.binaries.is_empty() && !args.binaries.contains(&bin_target.name) { continue; } } @@ -149,9 +197,12 @@ fn generate_elf_paths( } } + Ok(target_elf_paths) +} + +/// Prints cargo directives setting relevant `SP1_ELF_` environment variables. +fn print_elf_paths_cargo_directives(target_elf_paths: &[(String, Utf8PathBuf)]) { for (target_name, elf_path) in target_elf_paths.iter() { println!("cargo:rustc-env=SP1_ELF_{}={}", target_name, elf_path); } - - Ok(target_elf_paths) } diff --git a/crates/build/src/command/docker.rs b/crates/build/src/command/docker.rs index 02c877d67..b30d2cdfb 100644 --- a/crates/build/src/command/docker.rs +++ b/crates/build/src/command/docker.rs @@ -60,6 +60,40 @@ pub(crate) fn create_docker_command( "docker" ); + let parsed_version = { + let output = Command::new("docker") + .args([ + "run", + "--rm", + "--platform", + "linux/amd64", + "-e", + &format!("RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN={}", super::TOOLCHAIN_NAME), + "--entrypoint", + "", + "-i", + &image, + "rustc", + "--version", + ]) + .output() + .expect("rustc --version should succeed in docker image"); + + if !output.status.success() { + return Err(anyhow::anyhow!( + "Failed to run rustc --version in docker image {}", + String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout) + )); + } + + let stdout_string = + String::from_utf8(output.stdout).expect("Can't parse rustc --version stdout"); + + println!("cargo:warning=docker: rustc +succinct --version: {:?}", stdout_string); + + super::utils::parse_rustc_version(&stdout_string) + }; + // When executing the Docker command: // 1. Set the target directory to a subdirectory of the program's target directory to avoid // build @@ -80,12 +114,12 @@ pub(crate) fn create_docker_command( "-e".to_string(), format!("CARGO_TARGET_DIR={}", target_dir), "-e".to_string(), - "RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN=succinct".to_string(), + format!("RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN={}", super::TOOLCHAIN_NAME), // TODO: remove once trim-paths is supported - https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/111540 "-e".to_string(), "RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP=1".to_string(), // allows trim-paths. "-e".to_string(), - format!("CARGO_ENCODED_RUSTFLAGS={}", get_rust_compiler_flags(args)), + format!("CARGO_ENCODED_RUSTFLAGS={}", get_rust_compiler_flags(args, &parsed_version)), "--entrypoint".to_string(), "".to_string(), image, diff --git a/crates/build/src/command/local.rs b/crates/build/src/command/local.rs index ba62c88a3..795b35dd1 100644 --- a/crates/build/src/command/local.rs +++ b/crates/build/src/command/local.rs @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ use cargo_metadata::camino::Utf8PathBuf; use dirs::home_dir; use super::utils::{get_program_build_args, get_rust_compiler_flags}; +use super::TOOLCHAIN_NAME; /// Get the command to build the program locally. pub(crate) fn create_local_command( @@ -27,6 +28,25 @@ pub(crate) fn create_local_command( } } + let parsed_version = { + let output = Command::new("rustc") + .arg("--version") + .env("RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN", super::TOOLCHAIN_NAME) + .output() + .expect("rustc --version should succeed"); + + if !output.status.success() { + panic!("Failed to run rustc --version {:?}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout)); + } + + let stdout_string = + String::from_utf8(output.stdout).expect("Can't parse rustc --version stdout"); + + println!("cargo:warning=rustc +succinct --version: {:?}", stdout_string); + + super::utils::parse_rustc_version(&stdout_string) + }; + // When executing the local command: // 1. Set the target directory to a subdirectory of the program's target directory to avoid // build @@ -40,8 +60,8 @@ pub(crate) fn create_local_command( // options. command .current_dir(canonicalized_program_dir) - .env("RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN", "succinct") - .env("CARGO_ENCODED_RUSTFLAGS", get_rust_compiler_flags(args)) + .env("RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN", TOOLCHAIN_NAME) + .env("CARGO_ENCODED_RUSTFLAGS", get_rust_compiler_flags(args, &parsed_version)) .env_remove("RUSTC") .env("CARGO_TARGET_DIR", program_metadata.target_directory.join(HELPER_TARGET_SUBDIR)) // TODO: remove once trim-paths is supported - https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/111540 diff --git a/crates/build/src/command/mod.rs b/crates/build/src/command/mod.rs index bb305df16..bd32f8507 100644 --- a/crates/build/src/command/mod.rs +++ b/crates/build/src/command/mod.rs @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ pub(crate) mod docker; pub(crate) mod local; pub(crate) mod utils; +pub const TOOLCHAIN_NAME: &str = "succinct"; diff --git a/crates/build/src/command/utils.rs b/crates/build/src/command/utils.rs index 7eef9dc9a..efb70bcf5 100644 --- a/crates/build/src/command/utils.rs +++ b/crates/build/src/command/utils.rs @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ use anyhow::{Context, Result}; +use cargo_metadata::semver; use std::{ io::{BufRead, BufReader}, process::{exit, Command, Stdio}, @@ -22,9 +23,14 @@ pub(crate) fn get_program_build_args(args: &BuildArgs) -> Vec { build_args.push("-Ztrim-paths".to_string()); - if !args.binary.is_empty() { + for p in &args.packages { + build_args.push("-p".to_string()); + build_args.push(p.to_string()); + } + + for b in &args.binaries { build_args.push("--bin".to_string()); - build_args.push(args.binary.clone()); + build_args.push(b.to_string()); } if !args.features.is_empty() { @@ -44,9 +50,16 @@ pub(crate) fn get_program_build_args(args: &BuildArgs) -> Vec { } /// Rust flags for compilation of C libraries. -pub(crate) fn get_rust_compiler_flags(args: &BuildArgs) -> String { +pub(crate) fn get_rust_compiler_flags(args: &BuildArgs, version: &semver::Version) -> String { + // Note: as of 1.81.0, the `-C passes=loweratomic` flag is deprecated, because of a change to llvm. + let atomic_lower_pass = if version > &semver::Version::new(1, 81, 0) { + "passes=lower-atomic" + } else { + "passes=loweratomic" + }; + let rust_flags = - ["-C", "passes=loweratomic", "-C", "link-arg=-Ttext=0x00200800", "-C", "panic=abort"]; + ["-C", atomic_lower_pass, "-C", "link-arg=-Ttext=0x00200800", "-C", "panic=abort"]; let rust_flags: Vec<_> = rust_flags.into_iter().chain(args.rustflags.iter().map(String::as_str)).collect(); rust_flags.join("\x1f") @@ -88,3 +101,10 @@ pub(crate) fn execute_command(mut command: Command, docker: bool) -> Result<()> } Ok(()) } + +pub(crate) fn parse_rustc_version(version: &str) -> semver::Version { + let version_string = + version.split(" ").nth(1).expect("Can't parse rustc --version stdout").trim(); + + semver::Version::parse(version_string).expect("Can't parse rustc --version stdout") +} diff --git a/crates/build/src/lib.rs b/crates/build/src/lib.rs index 17b18602f..b1d491eb2 100644 --- a/crates/build/src/lib.rs +++ b/crates/build/src/lib.rs @@ -2,13 +2,17 @@ mod build; mod command; mod utils; use build::build_program_internal; -pub use build::execute_build_program; +pub use build::{execute_build_program, generate_elf_paths}; +pub use command::TOOLCHAIN_NAME; use clap::Parser; +// todo!(n): Remove this for v4 and change it back to `SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION`. +// This is convenient because everything else (circuit artifacts) use rc.3 still. +/// This is the minimum version of the Docker image that supports the 1.82 `succinct` toolchain. +const MIN_SP1_1_82_SUPPORT_TAG: &str = "v4.0.0-rc.10"; + const BUILD_TARGET: &str = "riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"; -const DEFAULT_TAG: &str = "latest"; -const DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR: &str = "elf"; const HELPER_TARGET_SUBDIR: &str = "elf-compilation"; /// Compile an SP1 program. @@ -27,7 +31,7 @@ pub struct BuildArgs { #[clap( long, help = "The ghcr.io/succinctlabs/sp1 image tag to use when building with Docker.", - default_value = DEFAULT_TAG + default_value = MIN_SP1_1_82_SUPPORT_TAG )] pub tag: String, #[clap( @@ -51,23 +55,25 @@ pub struct BuildArgs { #[clap(long, action, help = "Assert that `Cargo.lock` will remain unchanged")] pub locked: bool, #[clap( - alias = "bin", + short, long, action, - help = "Build only the specified binary", - default_value = "" + help = "Build only the specified packages", + num_args = 1.. )] - pub binary: String, - #[clap(long, action, help = "ELF binary name", default_value = "")] - pub elf_name: String, + pub packages: Vec, #[clap( - alias = "out-dir", + alias = "bin", long, action, - help = "Copy the compiled ELF to this directory", - default_value = DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR + help = "Build only the specified binaries", + num_args = 1.. )] - pub output_directory: String, + pub binaries: Vec, + #[clap(long, action, help = "ELF binary name")] + pub elf_name: Option, + #[clap(alias = "out-dir", long, action, help = "Copy the compiled ELF to this directory")] + pub output_directory: Option, } // Implement default args to match clap defaults. @@ -75,13 +81,14 @@ impl Default for BuildArgs { fn default() -> Self { Self { docker: false, - tag: DEFAULT_TAG.to_string(), + tag: MIN_SP1_1_82_SUPPORT_TAG.to_string(), features: vec![], rustflags: vec![], ignore_rust_version: false, - binary: "".to_string(), - elf_name: "".to_string(), - output_directory: DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR.to_string(), + packages: vec![], + binaries: vec![], + elf_name: None, + output_directory: None, locked: false, no_default_features: false, } @@ -117,3 +124,19 @@ pub fn build_program(path: &str) { pub fn build_program_with_args(path: &str, args: BuildArgs) { build_program_internal(path, Some(args)) } + +/// Returns the raw ELF bytes by the zkVM program target name. +/// +/// Note that this only works when using `sp1_build::build_program` or +/// `sp1_build::build_program_with_args` in a build script. +/// +/// By default, the program target name is the same as the program crate name. However, this might +/// not be the case for non-standard project structures. For example, placing the entrypoint source +/// file at `src/bin/my_entry.rs` would result in the program target being named `my_entry`, in +/// which case the invocation should be `include_elf!("my_entry")` instead. +#[macro_export] +macro_rules! include_elf { + ($arg:tt) => {{ + include_bytes!(env!(concat!("SP1_ELF_", $arg))) + }}; +} diff --git a/crates/build/src/utils.rs b/crates/build/src/utils.rs index ac5dd03c1..032692808 100644 --- a/crates/build/src/utils.rs +++ b/crates/build/src/utils.rs @@ -1,40 +1,8 @@ -use std::{fs, path::Path}; +use std::path::Path; -use anyhow::Result; -use cargo_metadata::{camino::Utf8PathBuf, Metadata}; +use cargo_metadata::Metadata; use chrono::Local; -use crate::{BuildArgs, BUILD_TARGET}; - -/// Copy the ELF to the specified output directory. -pub(crate) fn copy_elf_to_output_dir( - args: &BuildArgs, - program_metadata: &cargo_metadata::Metadata, - elf_path: &Utf8PathBuf, -) -> Result { - // The order of precedence for the ELF name is: - // 1. --elf_name flag - // 2. --binary flag + -elf suffix (defaults to riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf) - let elf_name = if !args.elf_name.is_empty() { - args.elf_name.clone() - } else if !args.binary.is_empty() { - // TODO: In the future, change this to default to the package name. Will require updating - // docs and examples. - args.binary.clone() - } else { - BUILD_TARGET.to_string() - }; - - let elf_dir = program_metadata.target_directory.parent().unwrap().join(&args.output_directory); - fs::create_dir_all(&elf_dir)?; - let result_elf_path = elf_dir.join(elf_name); - - // Copy the ELF to the specified output directory. - fs::copy(elf_path, &result_elf_path)?; - - Ok(result_elf_path) -} - pub(crate) fn current_datetime() -> String { let now = Local::now(); now.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").to_string() diff --git a/crates/cli/Cargo.toml b/crates/cli/Cargo.toml index 1e6bd0e08..d291ab46a 100644 --- a/crates/cli/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/cli/Cargo.toml @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ indicatif = "0.17.8" tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] } dirs = "5.0" rand = "0.8" -serde_json = "1.0.121" +serde_json = { workspace = true } yansi = "1.0.1" hex = "0.4.3" anstyle = "1.0.8" @@ -43,3 +43,4 @@ regex = "1.5.4" prettytable-rs = "0.10" textwrap = "0.16.0" ctrlc = "3.4.2" +cargo_metadata = "0.18.1" diff --git a/crates/cli/README.md b/crates/cli/README.md index 30e8f3159..5bdd85291 100644 --- a/crates/cli/README.md +++ b/crates/cli/README.md @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ cargo run --bin cargo-prove -- prove trace --elf <...> --trace <...> You can install the CLI locally from source by running the following command: ```bash -cargo install --locked --path . +cargo install --locked --force --path . ``` ### Running the CLI after installing diff --git a/crates/cli/docker/Dockerfile b/crates/cli/docker/Dockerfile deleted file mode 100644 index 8748b5aee..000000000 --- a/crates/cli/docker/Dockerfile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -FROM ubuntu:24.04@sha256:e3f92abc0967a6c19d0dfa2d55838833e947b9d74edbcb0113e48535ad4be12a - -RUN apt-get update \ - && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends ca-certificates clang curl libssl-dev pkg-config git dialog xz-utils \ - && curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 --retry 10 --retry-connrefused -fsSL 'https://sh.rustup.rs' | sh -s -- -y - -ENV PATH="/root/.cargo/bin:${PATH}" - -ARG BUILDTIME - -# Use the BUILDTIME argument to break caching and force a new layer -RUN echo "Cache bust: ${BUILDTIME}" > /dev/null && \ - curl -L https://sp1.succinct.xyz | bash && ~/.sp1/bin/sp1up --c-toolchain - -WORKDIR /root/program - -ENV CARGO_TERM_COLOR=always -ENTRYPOINT [ "/root/.sp1/bin/cargo-prove" ] -CMD [ "prove" ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/cli/src/bin/cargo-prove.rs b/crates/cli/src/bin/cargo-prove.rs index 56f452e70..bb84ea02c 100644 --- a/crates/cli/src/bin/cargo-prove.rs +++ b/crates/cli/src/bin/cargo-prove.rs @@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ use clap::{Parser, Subcommand}; use sp1_cli::{ commands::{ build::BuildCmd, build_toolchain::BuildToolchainCmd, - install_toolchain::InstallToolchainCmd, new::NewCmd, prove::ProveCmd, trace::TraceCmd, - vkey::VkeyCmd, + install_toolchain::InstallToolchainCmd, new::NewCmd, vkey::VkeyCmd, }, SP1_VERSION_MESSAGE, }; @@ -19,33 +18,26 @@ pub enum Cargo { #[command(author, about, long_about = None, args_conflicts_with_subcommands = true, version = SP1_VERSION_MESSAGE)] pub struct ProveCli { #[clap(subcommand)] - pub command: Option, - - #[clap(flatten)] - pub prove: ProveCmd, + pub command: ProveCliCommands, } #[derive(Subcommand)] pub enum ProveCliCommands { New(NewCmd), Build(BuildCmd), - Prove(ProveCmd), BuildToolchain(BuildToolchainCmd), InstallToolchain(InstallToolchainCmd), - Trace(TraceCmd), Vkey(VkeyCmd), } fn main() -> Result<()> { let Cargo::Prove(args) = Cargo::parse(); - let command = args.command.unwrap_or(ProveCliCommands::Prove(args.prove)); - match command { + + match args.command { ProveCliCommands::New(cmd) => cmd.run(), ProveCliCommands::Build(cmd) => cmd.run(), - ProveCliCommands::Prove(cmd) => cmd.run(), ProveCliCommands::BuildToolchain(cmd) => cmd.run(), ProveCliCommands::InstallToolchain(cmd) => cmd.run(), - ProveCliCommands::Trace(cmd) => cmd.run(), ProveCliCommands::Vkey(cmd) => cmd.run(), } } diff --git a/crates/cli/src/commands/build_toolchain.rs b/crates/cli/src/commands/build_toolchain.rs index 97f1aae00..67e3f3cd2 100644 --- a/crates/cli/src/commands/build_toolchain.rs +++ b/crates/cli/src/commands/build_toolchain.rs @@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use clap::Parser; use std::{path::PathBuf, process::Command}; -use crate::{get_target, CommandExecutor, RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN_NAME}; +use crate::{ + get_target, CommandExecutor, LATEST_SUPPORTED_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION_TAG, RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN_NAME, +}; #[derive(Parser)] #[command(name = "build-toolchain", about = "Build the cargo-prove toolchain.")] @@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ impl BuildToolchainCmd { &repo_url, "--depth=1", "--single-branch", - "--branch=succinct", + &format!("--branch={}", LATEST_SUPPORTED_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION_TAG), "sp1-rust", ]) .current_dir(&temp_dir) @@ -64,7 +66,8 @@ impl BuildToolchainCmd { std::fs::write(&config_file, config_toml) .with_context(|| format!("while writing configuration to {:?}", config_file))?; - // Work around target sanity check added in rust-lang/rust@09c076810cb7649e5817f316215010d49e78e8d7. + // Work around target sanity check added in + // rust-lang/rust@09c076810cb7649e5817f316215010d49e78e8d7. let temp_dir = std::env::temp_dir().join("rustc-targets"); if !temp_dir.exists() { std::fs::create_dir_all(&temp_dir)?; @@ -74,7 +77,7 @@ impl BuildToolchainCmd { // Build the toolchain (stage 1). Command::new("python3") .env("RUST_TARGET_PATH", &temp_dir) - .env("CARGO_TARGET_RISCV32IM_SUCCINCT_ZKVM_ELF_RUSTFLAGS", "-Cpasses=loweratomic") + .env("CARGO_TARGET_RISCV32IM_SUCCINCT_ZKVM_ELF_RUSTFLAGS", "-Cpasses=lower-atomic") .args(["x.py", "build"]) .current_dir(&rust_dir) .run()?; @@ -82,7 +85,7 @@ impl BuildToolchainCmd { // Build the toolchain (stage 2). Command::new("python3") .env("RUST_TARGET_PATH", &temp_dir) - .env("CARGO_TARGET_RISCV32IM_SUCCINCT_ZKVM_ELF_RUSTFLAGS", "-Cpasses=loweratomic") + .env("CARGO_TARGET_RISCV32IM_SUCCINCT_ZKVM_ELF_RUSTFLAGS", "-Cpasses=lower-atomic") .args(["x.py", "build", "--stage", "2"]) .current_dir(&rust_dir) .run()?; diff --git a/crates/cli/src/commands/install_toolchain.rs b/crates/cli/src/commands/install_toolchain.rs index de09773ce..e027729f2 100644 --- a/crates/cli/src/commands/install_toolchain.rs +++ b/crates/cli/src/commands/install_toolchain.rs @@ -1,15 +1,16 @@ -use anyhow::Result; -use clap::Parser; -use dirs::home_dir; -use rand::{distributions::Alphanumeric, Rng}; -use reqwest::Client; -use sp1_sdk::artifacts::download_file; use std::{ fs::{self}, io::Read, process::Command, }; +use anyhow::Result; +use clap::Parser; +use dirs::home_dir; +use rand::{distributions::Alphanumeric, Rng}; +use reqwest::Client; +use sp1_sdk::install::download_file; + #[cfg(target_family = "unix")] use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt; diff --git a/crates/cli/src/commands/mod.rs b/crates/cli/src/commands/mod.rs index af62dcf36..e17d443d0 100644 --- a/crates/cli/src/commands/mod.rs +++ b/crates/cli/src/commands/mod.rs @@ -2,6 +2,4 @@ pub mod build; pub mod build_toolchain; pub mod install_toolchain; pub mod new; -pub mod prove; -pub mod trace; pub mod vkey; diff --git a/crates/cli/src/commands/new.rs b/crates/cli/src/commands/new.rs index 104cac79d..b18afafd0 100644 --- a/crates/cli/src/commands/new.rs +++ b/crates/cli/src/commands/new.rs @@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ impl NewCmd { // Check if the user has `foundry` installed. if Command::new("foundry").arg("--version").output().is_err() { println!( - " \x1b[1m{}\x1b[0m Make sure to install Foundry to use contracts: https://book.getfoundry.sh/getting-started/installation", - Paint::yellow("Warning:"), - ); + " \x1b[1m{}\x1b[0m Make sure to install Foundry to use contracts: https://book.getfoundry.sh/getting-started/installation", + Paint::yellow("Warning:"), + ); } } else { // Remove the `contracts` directory. diff --git a/crates/cli/src/commands/prove.rs b/crates/cli/src/commands/prove.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 747752dad..000000000 --- a/crates/cli/src/commands/prove.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,133 +0,0 @@ -use anstyle::*; -use anyhow::Result; -use clap::Parser; -use sp1_build::{execute_build_program, BuildArgs}; -use sp1_core_machine::{ - io::SP1Stdin, - utils::{setup_logger, setup_tracer}, -}; -use sp1_sdk::ProverClient; -use std::{env, fs::File, io::Read, path::PathBuf, str::FromStr, time::Instant}; - -use crate::util::{elapsed, write_status}; - -#[derive(Debug, Clone)] -enum Input { - FilePath(PathBuf), - HexBytes(Vec), -} - -fn is_valid_hex_string(s: &str) -> bool { - if s.len() % 2 != 0 { - return false; - } - // All hex digits with optional 0x prefix - s.starts_with("0x") && s[2..].chars().all(|c| c.is_ascii_hexdigit()) - || s.chars().all(|c| c.is_ascii_hexdigit()) -} - -impl FromStr for Input { - type Err = String; - - fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { - if is_valid_hex_string(s) { - // Remove 0x prefix if present - let s = if s.starts_with("0x") { s.strip_prefix("0x").unwrap() } else { s }; - if s.is_empty() { - return Ok(Input::HexBytes(Vec::new())); - } - if !s.chars().all(|c| c.is_ascii_hexdigit()) { - return Err("Invalid hex string.".to_string()); - } - let bytes = hex::decode(s).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?; - Ok(Input::HexBytes(bytes)) - } else if PathBuf::from(s).exists() { - Ok(Input::FilePath(PathBuf::from(s))) - } else { - Err("Input must be a valid file path or hex string.".to_string()) - } - } -} - -#[derive(Parser)] -#[command(name = "prove", about = "(default) Build and prove a program")] -pub struct ProveCmd { - #[clap(long, value_parser)] - input: Option, - - #[clap(long, action)] - output: Option, - - #[clap(long, action)] - profile: bool, - - #[clap(long, action)] - verbose: bool, - - #[clap(flatten)] - build_args: BuildArgs, -} - -impl ProveCmd { - pub fn run(&self) -> Result<()> { - let elf_paths = execute_build_program(&self.build_args, None)?; - - if !self.profile { - match env::var("RUST_LOG") { - Ok(_) => {} - Err(_) => env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "info"), - } - setup_logger(); - } else { - match env::var("RUST_TRACER") { - Ok(_) => {} - Err(_) => env::set_var("RUST_TRACER", "info"), - } - setup_tracer(); - } - - // The command predates multi-target build support. This allows the command to continue to - // work when only one package is built, preserving backward compatibility. - let elf_path = if elf_paths.len() == 1 { - elf_paths[0].1.to_owned() - } else { - anyhow::bail!("the prove command does not work with multi-target builds"); - }; - - let mut elf = Vec::new(); - File::open(elf_path.as_path().as_str()) - .expect("failed to open input file") - .read_to_end(&mut elf) - .expect("failed to read from input file"); - - let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); - if let Some(ref input) = self.input { - match input { - Input::FilePath(ref path) => { - let mut file = File::open(path).expect("failed to open input file"); - let mut bytes = Vec::new(); - file.read_to_end(&mut bytes)?; - stdin.write_slice(&bytes); - } - Input::HexBytes(ref bytes) => { - stdin.write_slice(bytes); - } - } - } - - let start_time = Instant::now(); - let client = ProverClient::new(); - let (pk, _) = client.setup(&elf); - let proof = client.prove(&pk, stdin).run().unwrap(); - - if let Some(ref path) = self.output { - proof.save(path.to_str().unwrap()).expect("failed to save proof"); - } - - let elapsed = elapsed(start_time.elapsed()); - let green = AnsiColor::Green.on_default().effects(Effects::BOLD); - write_status(&green, "Finished", format!("proving in {}", elapsed).as_str()); - - Ok(()) - } -} diff --git a/crates/cli/src/commands/trace.rs b/crates/cli/src/commands/trace.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 16cd2e219..000000000 --- a/crates/cli/src/commands/trace.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,428 +0,0 @@ -//! RISC-V tracer for SP1 traces. This tool can be used to analyze function call graphs and -//! instruction counts from a trace file from SP1 execution by setting the `TRACE_FILE` env -//! variable. -// -// Adapted from Sovereign's RISC-V tracer tool: https://github.com/Sovereign-Labs/riscv-cycle-tracer. -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. -// -// Modified by Succinct Labs on July 25, 2024. - -use anyhow::Result; -use clap::Parser; -use goblin::elf::{sym::STT_FUNC, Elf}; -use indicatif::{ProgressBar, ProgressStyle}; -use prettytable::{format, Cell, Row, Table}; -use regex::Regex; -use rustc_demangle::demangle; -use std::{ - cmp::Ordering, - collections::HashMap, - io::Read, - process::Command, - str, - sync::{atomic::AtomicBool, Arc}, -}; -use textwrap::wrap; - -#[derive(Parser, Debug)] -#[command(name = "trace", about = "Trace a program execution and analyze cycle counts.")] -pub struct TraceCmd { - /// Include the "top" number of functions. - #[arg(short, long, default_value_t = 30)] - top: usize, - - /// Don't print stack aware instruction counts - #[arg(long)] - no_stack_counts: bool, - - /// Don't print raw (stack un-aware) instruction counts. - #[arg(long)] - no_raw_counts: bool, - - /// Path to the ELF. - #[arg(long, required = true)] - elf: String, - - /// Path to the trace file. Simply run the program with `TRACE_FILE=trace.log` environment - /// variable. File must be one u64 program counter per line - #[arg(long, required = true)] - trace: String, - - /// Strip the hashes from the function name while printing. - #[arg(short, long)] - keep_hashes: bool, - - /// Function name to target for getting stack counts. - #[arg(short, long)] - function_name: Option, - - /// Exclude functions matching these patterns from display. - /// - /// Usage: `-e func1 -e func2 -e func3`. - #[arg(short, long)] - exclude_view: Vec, -} - -fn strip_hash(name_with_hash: &str) -> String { - let re = Regex::new(r"::h[0-9a-fA-F]{16}").unwrap(); - let mut result = re.replace(name_with_hash, "").to_string(); - let re2 = Regex::new(r"^<(.+) as .+>").unwrap(); - result = re2.replace(&result, "$1").to_string(); - let re2 = Regex::new(r"^<(.+) as .+>").unwrap(); - result = re2.replace(&result, "$1").to_string(); - let re2 = Regex::new(r"([^\:])<.+>::").unwrap(); - result = re2.replace_all(&result, "$1::").to_string(); - result -} - -fn print_instruction_counts( - first_header: &str, - count_vec: Vec<(String, usize)>, - top_n: usize, - strip_hashes: bool, - exclude_list: Option<&[String]>, -) { - let mut table = Table::new(); - table.set_format(*format::consts::FORMAT_NO_LINESEP); - table.set_titles(Row::new(vec![Cell::new(first_header), Cell::new("Instruction Count")])); - - let wrap_width = 120; - let mut row_count = 0; - for (key, value) in count_vec { - let mut cont = false; - if let Some(ev) = exclude_list { - for e in ev { - if key.contains(e) { - cont = true; - break; - } - } - if cont { - continue; - } - } - let mut stripped_key = key.clone(); - if strip_hashes { - stripped_key = strip_hash(&key); - } - row_count += 1; - if row_count > top_n { - break; - } - let wrapped_key = wrap(&stripped_key, wrap_width); - let key_cell_content = wrapped_key.join("\n"); - table.add_row(Row::new(vec![Cell::new(&key_cell_content), Cell::new(&value.to_string())])); - } - - table.printstd(); -} - -fn focused_stack_counts( - function_stack: &[String], - filtered_stack_counts: &mut HashMap, usize>, - function_name: &str, - num_instructions: usize, -) { - if let Some(index) = function_stack.iter().position(|s| s == function_name) { - let truncated_stack = &function_stack[0..=index]; - let count = filtered_stack_counts.entry(truncated_stack.to_vec()).or_insert(0); - *count += num_instructions; - } -} - -fn _build_radare2_lookups( - start_lookup: &mut HashMap, - end_lookup: &mut HashMap, - func_range_lookup: &mut HashMap, - elf_name: &str, -) -> std::io::Result<()> { - let output = Command::new("r2").arg("-q").arg("-c").arg("aa;afl").arg(elf_name).output()?; - - if output.status.success() { - let result_str = str::from_utf8(&output.stdout).unwrap(); - for line in result_str.lines() { - let parts: Vec<&str> = line.split_whitespace().collect(); - let address = u64::from_str_radix(&parts[0][2..], 16).unwrap(); - let size = parts[2].parse::().unwrap(); - let end_address = address + size - 4; - let function_name = parts[3]; - start_lookup.insert(address, function_name.to_string()); - end_lookup.insert(end_address, function_name.to_string()); - func_range_lookup.insert(function_name.to_string(), (address, end_address)); - } - } else { - eprintln!("Error executing command: {}", str::from_utf8(&output.stderr).unwrap()); - } - Ok(()) -} - -fn build_goblin_lookups( - start_lookup: &mut HashMap, - end_lookup: &mut HashMap, - func_range_lookup: &mut HashMap, - elf_name: &str, -) -> std::io::Result<()> { - let buffer = std::fs::read(elf_name).unwrap(); - let elf = Elf::parse(&buffer).unwrap(); - - for sym in &elf.syms { - if sym.st_type() == STT_FUNC { - let name = elf.strtab.get_at(sym.st_name).unwrap_or(""); - let demangled_name = demangle(name); - let size = sym.st_size; - let start_address = sym.st_value; - let end_address = start_address + size - 4; - start_lookup.insert(start_address, demangled_name.to_string()); - end_lookup.insert(end_address, demangled_name.to_string()); - func_range_lookup.insert(demangled_name.to_string(), (start_address, end_address)); - } - } - Ok(()) -} - -fn increment_stack_counts( - instruction_counts: &mut HashMap, - function_stack: &[String], - filtered_stack_counts: &mut HashMap, usize>, - function_name: &Option, - num_instructions: usize, -) { - for f in function_stack { - *instruction_counts.entry(f.clone()).or_insert(0) += num_instructions; - } - if let Some(f) = function_name { - focused_stack_counts(function_stack, filtered_stack_counts, f, num_instructions) - } -} - -impl TraceCmd { - pub fn run(&self) -> Result<()> { - let top_n = self.top; - let elf_path = self.elf.clone(); - let trace_path = self.trace.clone(); - let no_stack_counts = self.no_stack_counts; - let no_raw_counts = self.no_raw_counts; - let strip_hashes = !self.keep_hashes; - let function_name = self.function_name.clone(); - let exclude_view = self.exclude_view.clone(); - - let mut start_lookup = HashMap::new(); - let mut end_lookup = HashMap::new(); - let mut func_range_lookup = HashMap::new(); - build_goblin_lookups(&mut start_lookup, &mut end_lookup, &mut func_range_lookup, &elf_path) - .unwrap(); - - let mut function_ranges: Vec<(u64, u64, String)> = - func_range_lookup.iter().map(|(f, &(start, end))| (start, end, f.clone())).collect(); - - function_ranges.sort_by_key(|&(start, _, _)| start); - - let file = std::fs::File::open(trace_path).unwrap(); - let file_size = file.metadata().unwrap().len(); - let mut buf = std::io::BufReader::new(file); - let mut function_stack: Vec = Vec::new(); - let mut instruction_counts: HashMap = HashMap::new(); - let mut counts_without_callgraph: HashMap = HashMap::new(); - let mut filtered_stack_counts: HashMap, usize> = HashMap::new(); - let total_lines = file_size / 4; - let mut current_function_range: (u64, u64) = (0, 0); - - let update_interval = 1000usize; - let pb = ProgressBar::new(total_lines); - pb.set_style( - ProgressStyle::default_bar() - .template( - "{spinner:.green} [{elapsed_precise}] [{bar:40.cyan/blue}] {pos}/{len} ({eta})", - ) - .unwrap() - .progress_chars("#>-"), - ); - - let running = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(true)); - let r = running.clone(); - - ctrlc::set_handler(move || { - r.store(false, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst); - }) - .expect("Error setting Ctrl-C handler"); - - for c in 0..total_lines { - if (c as usize) % update_interval == 0 { - pb.inc(update_interval as u64); - if !running.load(std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst) { - pb.finish_with_message("Interrupted"); - break; - } - } - - // Parse pc from hex. - let mut pc_bytes = [0u8; 4]; - buf.read_exact(&mut pc_bytes).unwrap(); - let pc = u32::from_be_bytes(pc_bytes) as u64; - - // Only 1 instruction per opcode. - let num_instructions = 1; - - // Raw counts without considering the callgraph at all we're just checking if the PC - // belongs to a function if so we're incrementing. This would ignore the call stack - // so for example "main" would only have a hundred instructions or so. - if let Ok(index) = function_ranges.binary_search_by(|&(start, end, _)| { - if pc < start { - Ordering::Greater - } else if pc > end { - Ordering::Less - } else { - Ordering::Equal - } - }) { - let (_, _, fname) = &function_ranges[index]; - *counts_without_callgraph.entry(fname.clone()).or_insert(0) += num_instructions - } else { - *counts_without_callgraph.entry("anonymous".to_string()).or_insert(0) += - num_instructions; - } - - // The next section considers the callstack. We build a callstack and maintain it based - // on some rules. Functions lower in the stack get their counts incremented. - - // We are still in the current function. - if pc > current_function_range.0 && pc <= current_function_range.1 { - increment_stack_counts( - &mut instruction_counts, - &function_stack, - &mut filtered_stack_counts, - &function_name, - num_instructions, - ); - continue; - } - - // Jump to a new function (or the same one). - if let Some(f) = start_lookup.get(&pc) { - increment_stack_counts( - &mut instruction_counts, - &function_stack, - &mut filtered_stack_counts, - &function_name, - num_instructions, - ); - - // Jump to a new function (not recursive). - if !function_stack.contains(f) { - function_stack.push(f.clone()); - current_function_range = *func_range_lookup.get(f).unwrap(); - } - } else { - // This means pc now points to an instruction that is - // - // 1. not in the current function's range - // 2. not a new function call - // - // We now account for a new possibility where we're returning to a function in the - // stack this need not be the immediate parent and can be any of the existing - // functions in the stack due to some optimizations that the compiler can make. - let mut unwind_point = 0; - let mut unwind_found = false; - for (c, f) in function_stack.iter().enumerate() { - let (s, e) = func_range_lookup.get(f).unwrap(); - if pc > *s && pc <= *e { - unwind_point = c; - unwind_found = true; - break; - } - } - - // Unwinding until the parent. - if unwind_found { - function_stack.truncate(unwind_point + 1); - increment_stack_counts( - &mut instruction_counts, - &function_stack, - &mut filtered_stack_counts, - &function_name, - num_instructions, - ); - continue; - } - - // If no unwind point has been found, that means we jumped to some random location - // so we'll just increment the counts for everything in the stack. - increment_stack_counts( - &mut instruction_counts, - &function_stack, - &mut filtered_stack_counts, - &function_name, - num_instructions, - ); - } - } - - pb.finish_with_message("done"); - - let mut raw_counts: Vec<(String, usize)> = - instruction_counts.iter().map(|(key, value)| (key.clone(), *value)).collect(); - raw_counts.sort_by(|a, b| b.1.cmp(&a.1)); - - println!("\n\nTotal instructions in trace: {}", total_lines); - if !no_stack_counts { - println!("\n\n Instruction counts considering call graph"); - print_instruction_counts( - "Function Name", - raw_counts, - top_n, - strip_hashes, - Some(&exclude_view), - ); - } - - let mut raw_counts: Vec<(String, usize)> = - counts_without_callgraph.iter().map(|(key, value)| (key.clone(), *value)).collect(); - raw_counts.sort_by(|a, b| b.1.cmp(&a.1)); - if !no_raw_counts { - println!("\n\n Instruction counts ignoring call graph"); - print_instruction_counts( - "Function Name", - raw_counts, - top_n, - strip_hashes, - Some(&exclude_view), - ); - } - - let mut raw_counts: Vec<(String, usize)> = filtered_stack_counts - .iter() - .map(|(stack, count)| { - let numbered_stack = stack - .iter() - .rev() - .enumerate() - .map(|(index, line)| { - let modified_line = - if strip_hashes { strip_hash(line) } else { line.clone() }; - format!("({}) {}", index + 1, modified_line) - }) - .collect::>() - .join("\n"); - (numbered_stack, *count) - }) - .collect(); - - raw_counts.sort_by(|a, b| b.1.cmp(&a.1)); - if let Some(f) = function_name { - println!("\n\n Stack patterns for function '{f}' "); - print_instruction_counts("Function Stack", raw_counts, top_n, strip_hashes, None); - } - Ok(()) - } -} diff --git a/crates/cli/src/commands/vkey.rs b/crates/cli/src/commands/vkey.rs index a8aeb1c18..b69e91c98 100644 --- a/crates/cli/src/commands/vkey.rs +++ b/crates/cli/src/commands/vkey.rs @@ -1,31 +1,63 @@ -use std::fs::File; +use std::{fs::File, io::Read}; use anyhow::Result; -use clap::Parser; +use clap::{Args, Parser}; +use sp1_build::{generate_elf_paths, BuildArgs}; use sp1_sdk::{HashableKey, ProverClient}; -use std::io::Read; #[derive(Parser)] #[command(name = "vkey", about = "View the verification key hash for a program.")] pub struct VkeyCmd { /// Path to the ELF. - #[arg(long, required = true)] - elf: String, + #[clap(flatten)] + elf: Elf, +} + +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Args)] +#[group(required = true, multiple = false)] +pub struct Elf { + /// The path to the ELF file + #[arg(long = "elf")] + path: Option, + /// The crate used to generate the ELF file + #[arg(long)] + program: Option, } impl VkeyCmd { pub fn run(&self) -> Result<()> { - // Read the elf file contents - let mut file = File::open(self.elf.clone()).unwrap(); - let mut elf = Vec::new(); - file.read_to_end(&mut elf).unwrap(); + let elf_paths = if let Some(path) = &self.elf.path { + vec![(None, path.clone())] + } else if let Some(program) = &self.elf.program { + let metadata_cmd = cargo_metadata::MetadataCommand::new(); + let metadata = metadata_cmd.exec()?; + let build_args = BuildArgs { packages: vec![program.clone()], ..Default::default() }; + + generate_elf_paths(&metadata, Some(&build_args))? + .into_iter() + .map(|(target, path)| (Some(target), path.to_string())) + .collect() + } else { + unreachable!() + }; + + for (target, elf_path) in elf_paths { + // Read the elf file contents + let mut file = File::open(elf_path)?; + let mut elf = Vec::new(); + file.read_to_end(&mut elf)?; - // Get the verification key - let prover = ProverClient::new(); - let (_, vk) = prover.setup(&elf); + // Get the verification key + let prover = ProverClient::from_env(); + let (_, vk) = prover.setup(&elf); - // Print the verification key hash - println!("Verification Key Hash:\n{}", vk.vk.bytes32()); + // Print the verification key hash + if let Some(target) = target { + println!("Verification Key Hash for '{target}':\n{}", vk.vk.bytes32()); + } else { + println!("Verification Key Hash:\n{}", vk.vk.bytes32()); + } + } Ok(()) } diff --git a/crates/cli/src/lib.rs b/crates/cli/src/lib.rs index c9762921b..8f001ad6b 100644 --- a/crates/cli/src/lib.rs +++ b/crates/cli/src/lib.rs @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ pub mod commands; -mod util; use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use reqwest::Client; @@ -7,6 +6,9 @@ use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; pub const RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN_NAME: &str = "succinct"; +/// The latest version (github tag) of the toolchain that is supported by our build system. +pub const LATEST_SUPPORTED_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION_TAG: &str = "v1.82.0"; + pub const SP1_VERSION_MESSAGE: &str = concat!("sp1", " (", env!("VERGEN_GIT_SHA"), " ", env!("VERGEN_BUILD_TIMESTAMP"), ")"); @@ -48,25 +50,46 @@ pub fn is_supported_target() -> bool { } pub fn get_target() -> String { - target_lexicon::HOST.to_string() + let mut target: target_lexicon::Triple = target_lexicon::HOST; + + // We don't want to operate on the musl toolchain, even if the CLI was compiled with musl + if target.environment == target_lexicon::Environment::Musl { + target.environment = target_lexicon::Environment::Gnu; + } + + target.to_string() } pub async fn get_toolchain_download_url(client: &Client, target: String) -> String { // Get latest tag from https://api.github.com/repos/succinctlabs/rust/releases/latest // and use it to construct the download URL. - let json = client - .get("https://api.github.com/repos/succinctlabs/rust/releases/latest") + let all_releases = client + .get("https://api.github.com/repos/succinctlabs/rust/releases") .send() .await .unwrap() .json::() .await .unwrap(); - let tag = json["tag_name"].as_str().expect("Failed to download Succinct toolchain. Likely caused by GitHub rate limiting. Please try again using the --token flag. Docs: https://docs.succinct.xyz/getting-started/install.html#troubleshooting"); + + // Check if the release exists. + let _ = all_releases + .as_array() + .expect("Failed to fetch releases list") + .iter() + .find(|release| { + release["tag_name"].as_str().unwrap() == LATEST_SUPPORTED_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION_TAG + }) + .unwrap_or_else(|| { + panic!( + "No release found for the expected tag: {}", + LATEST_SUPPORTED_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION_TAG + ); + }); let url = format!( "https://github.com/succinctlabs/rust/releases/download/{}/rust-toolchain-{}.tar.gz", - tag, target + LATEST_SUPPORTED_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION_TAG, target ); url diff --git a/crates/cli/src/util.rs b/crates/cli/src/util.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 6993d7440..000000000 --- a/crates/cli/src/util.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -use std::{fmt::Display, time::Duration}; - -pub(crate) fn write_status(style: &dyn Display, status: &str, msg: &str) { - println!("{style}{status:>12}{style:#} {msg}"); -} - -pub(crate) fn elapsed(duration: Duration) -> String { - let secs = duration.as_secs(); - - if secs >= 60 { - format!("{}m {:02}s", secs / 60, secs % 60) - } else { - format!("{}.{:02}s", secs, duration.subsec_nanos() / 10_000_000) - } -} diff --git a/crates/core/executor/Cargo.toml b/crates/core/executor/Cargo.toml index 273b12aa4..7340594d1 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/core/executor/Cargo.toml @@ -17,22 +17,25 @@ sp1-stark = { workspace = true } # p3 p3-field = { workspace = true } +p3-baby-bear = { workspace = true } p3-maybe-rayon = { workspace = true, features = ["parallel"] } +p3-util = { workspace = true } # misc -serde = { version = "1.0.205", features = ["derive", "rc"] } +serde = { workspace = true, features = ["derive", "rc"] } +serde_json = { workspace = true } elf = "0.7.4" rrs_lib = { package = "rrs-succinct", version = "0.1.0" } eyre = "0.6.12" bincode = "1.3.3" -hashbrown = { version = "0.14.5", features = ["serde", "inline-more"] } -itertools = "0.13.0" +hashbrown = { workspace = true, features = ["serde", "inline-more"] } +itertools = { workspace = true } rand = "0.8.5" num = { version = "0.4.3" } typenum = "1.17.0" nohash-hasher = "0.2.0" thiserror = "1.0.63" -tracing = "0.1.40" +tracing = { workspace = true } strum_macros = "0.26.4" strum = { version = "0.26.3", features = ["derive"] } log = "0.4.22" @@ -41,10 +44,24 @@ bytemuck = "1.16.3" tiny-keccak = { version = "2.0.2", features = ["keccak"] } vec_map = { version = "0.8.2", features = ["serde"] } enum-map = { version = "2.7.3", features = ["serde"] } +clap = { version = "4.5.9", features = ["derive"] } +subenum = "1.1.2" + +# profiling +goblin = { version = "0.9", optional = true } +rustc-demangle = { version = "0.1.18", optional = true } +gecko_profile = { version = "0.4.0", optional = true } +indicatif = { version = "0.17.8", optional = true } [dev-dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { workspace = true } +sp1-zkvm = { workspace = true, features = ["lib"] } +test-artifacts = { workspace = true } [features] -programs = [] bigint-rug = ["sp1-curves/bigint-rug"] +profiling = [ + "dep:goblin", + "dep:rustc-demangle", + "dep:gecko_profile", + "dep:indicatif", +] diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/air.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/air.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..315dd34a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/air.rs @@ -0,0 +1,254 @@ +use std::{ + fmt::{Display, Formatter, Result as FmtResult}, + str::FromStr, +}; + +use enum_map::{Enum, EnumMap}; +use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; +use sp1_stark::shape::Shape; +use strum::{EnumIter, IntoEnumIterator}; +use subenum::subenum; + +/// RV32IM AIR Identifiers. +/// +/// These identifiers are for the various chips in the rv32im prover. We need them in the +/// executor to compute the memory cost of the current shard of execution. +/// +/// The [`CoreAirId`]s are the AIRs that are not part of precompile shards and not the program or byte AIR. +#[subenum(CoreAirId)] +#[derive( + Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize, EnumIter, PartialOrd, Ord, Enum, +)] +pub enum RiscvAirId { + /// The CPU chip. + #[subenum(CoreAirId)] + Cpu = 0, + /// The program chip. + Program = 1, + /// The SHA-256 extend chip. + ShaExtend = 2, + /// The SHA-256 compress chip. + ShaCompress = 3, + /// The Edwards add assign chip. + EdAddAssign = 4, + /// The Edwards decompress chip. + EdDecompress = 5, + /// The secp256k1 decompress chip. + Secp256k1Decompress = 6, + /// The secp256k1 add assign chip. + Secp256k1AddAssign = 7, + /// The secp256k1 double assign chip. + Secp256k1DoubleAssign = 8, + /// The secp256r1 decompress chip. + Secp256r1Decompress = 9, + /// The secp256r1 add assign chip. + Secp256r1AddAssign = 10, + /// The secp256r1 double assign chip. + Secp256r1DoubleAssign = 11, + /// The Keccak permute chip. + KeccakPermute = 12, + /// The bn254 add assign chip. + Bn254AddAssign = 13, + /// The bn254 double assign chip. + Bn254DoubleAssign = 14, + /// The bls12-381 add assign chip. + Bls12381AddAssign = 15, + /// The bls12-381 double assign chip. + Bls12381DoubleAssign = 16, + /// The uint256 mul mod chip. + Uint256MulMod = 17, + /// The u256 xu2048 mul chip. + U256XU2048Mul = 18, + /// The bls12-381 fp op assign chip. + Bls12381FpOpAssign = 19, + /// The bls12-831 fp2 add sub assign chip. + Bls12831Fp2AddSubAssign = 20, + /// The bls12-831 fp2 mul assign chip. + Bls12831Fp2MulAssign = 21, + /// The bn254 fp2 add sub assign chip. + Bn254FpOpAssign = 22, + /// The bn254 fp op assign chip. + Bn254Fp2AddSubAssign = 23, + /// The bn254 fp2 mul assign chip. + Bn254Fp2MulAssign = 24, + /// The bls12-381 decompress chip. + Bls12381Decompress = 25, + /// The syscall core chip. + #[subenum(CoreAirId)] + SyscallCore = 26, + /// The syscall precompile chip. + SyscallPrecompile = 27, + /// The div rem chip. + #[subenum(CoreAirId)] + DivRem = 28, + /// The add sub chip. + #[subenum(CoreAirId)] + AddSub = 29, + /// The bitwise chip. + #[subenum(CoreAirId)] + Bitwise = 30, + /// The mul chip. + #[subenum(CoreAirId)] + Mul = 31, + /// The shift right chip. + #[subenum(CoreAirId)] + ShiftRight = 32, + /// The shift left chip. + #[subenum(CoreAirId)] + ShiftLeft = 33, + /// The lt chip. + #[subenum(CoreAirId)] + Lt = 34, + /// The memory instructions chip. + #[subenum(CoreAirId)] + MemoryInstrs = 35, + /// The auipc chip. + #[subenum(CoreAirId)] + Auipc = 36, + /// The branch chip. + #[subenum(CoreAirId)] + Branch = 37, + /// The jump chip. + #[subenum(CoreAirId)] + Jump = 38, + /// The syscall instructions chip. + #[subenum(CoreAirId)] + SyscallInstrs = 39, + /// The memory global init chip. + MemoryGlobalInit = 40, + /// The memory global finalize chip. + MemoryGlobalFinalize = 41, + /// The memory local chip. + #[subenum(CoreAirId)] + MemoryLocal = 42, + /// The global chip. + #[subenum(CoreAirId)] + Global = 43, + /// The byte chip. + Byte = 44, +} + +impl RiscvAirId { + /// Returns the AIRs that are not part of precompile shards and not the program or byte AIR. + #[must_use] + pub fn core() -> Vec { + vec![ + RiscvAirId::Cpu, + RiscvAirId::AddSub, + RiscvAirId::Mul, + RiscvAirId::Bitwise, + RiscvAirId::ShiftLeft, + RiscvAirId::ShiftRight, + RiscvAirId::DivRem, + RiscvAirId::Lt, + RiscvAirId::Auipc, + RiscvAirId::MemoryLocal, + RiscvAirId::MemoryInstrs, + RiscvAirId::Branch, + RiscvAirId::Jump, + RiscvAirId::SyscallCore, + RiscvAirId::SyscallInstrs, + RiscvAirId::Global, + ] + } + /// Returns the string representation of the AIR. + #[must_use] + pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str { + match self { + Self::Cpu => "Cpu", + Self::Program => "Program", + Self::ShaExtend => "ShaExtend", + Self::ShaCompress => "ShaCompress", + Self::EdAddAssign => "EdAddAssign", + Self::EdDecompress => "EdDecompress", + Self::Secp256k1Decompress => "Secp256k1Decompress", + Self::Secp256k1AddAssign => "Secp256k1AddAssign", + Self::Secp256k1DoubleAssign => "Secp256k1DoubleAssign", + Self::Secp256r1Decompress => "Secp256r1Decompress", + Self::Secp256r1AddAssign => "Secp256r1AddAssign", + Self::Secp256r1DoubleAssign => "Secp256r1DoubleAssign", + Self::KeccakPermute => "KeccakPermute", + Self::Bn254AddAssign => "Bn254AddAssign", + Self::Bn254DoubleAssign => "Bn254DoubleAssign", + Self::Bls12381AddAssign => "Bls12381AddAssign", + Self::Bls12381DoubleAssign => "Bls12381DoubleAssign", + Self::Uint256MulMod => "Uint256MulMod", + Self::U256XU2048Mul => "U256XU2048Mul", + Self::Bls12381FpOpAssign => "Bls12381FpOpAssign", + Self::Bls12831Fp2AddSubAssign => "Bls12831Fp2AddSubAssign", + Self::Bls12831Fp2MulAssign => "Bls12831Fp2MulAssign", + Self::Bn254FpOpAssign => "Bn254FpOpAssign", + Self::Bn254Fp2AddSubAssign => "Bn254Fp2AddSubAssign", + Self::Bn254Fp2MulAssign => "Bn254Fp2MulAssign", + Self::Bls12381Decompress => "Bls12381Decompress", + Self::SyscallCore => "SyscallCore", + Self::SyscallPrecompile => "SyscallPrecompile", + Self::DivRem => "DivRem", + Self::AddSub => "AddSub", + Self::Bitwise => "Bitwise", + Self::Mul => "Mul", + Self::ShiftRight => "ShiftRight", + Self::ShiftLeft => "ShiftLeft", + Self::Lt => "Lt", + Self::MemoryInstrs => "MemoryInstrs", + Self::Auipc => "Auipc", + Self::Branch => "Branch", + Self::Jump => "Jump", + Self::SyscallInstrs => "SyscallInstrs", + Self::MemoryGlobalInit => "MemoryGlobalInit", + Self::MemoryGlobalFinalize => "MemoryGlobalFinalize", + Self::MemoryLocal => "MemoryLocal", + Self::Global => "Global", + Self::Byte => "Byte", + } + } +} + +impl FromStr for RiscvAirId { + type Err = String; + + fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { + let air = Self::iter().find(|chip| chip.as_str() == s); + match air { + Some(air) => Ok(air), + None => Err(format!("Invalid RV32IMAir: {s}")), + } + } +} + +impl Display for RiscvAirId { + fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> FmtResult { + write!(f, "{}", self.as_str()) + } +} + +/// Defines a set of maximal shapes for generating core proofs. +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] +pub struct MaximalShapes { + inner: Vec>, +} + +impl FromIterator> for MaximalShapes { + fn from_iter>>(iter: T) -> Self { + let mut maximal_shapes = Vec::new(); + for shape in iter { + let mut maximal_shape = EnumMap::::default(); + for (air, height) in shape { + if let Ok(core_air) = CoreAirId::try_from(air) { + maximal_shape[core_air] = height as u32; + } else if air != RiscvAirId::Program && air != RiscvAirId::Byte { + tracing::warn!("Invalid core air: {air}"); + } + } + maximal_shapes.push(maximal_shape); + } + Self { inner: maximal_shapes } + } +} + +impl MaximalShapes { + /// Returns an iterator over the maximal shapes. + pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator> { + self.inner.iter() + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/artifacts/rv32im_costs.json b/crates/core/executor/src/artifacts/rv32im_costs.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..34fbbd37e --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/artifacts/rv32im_costs.json @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +{ + "U256XU2048Mul": 5849, + "Bn254Fp2MulAssign": 2957, + "Bls12831Fp2AddSubAssign": 2174, + "SyscallInstrs": 80, + "DivRem": 146, + "ShiftRight": 134, + "Secp256r1Decompress": 2724, + "Secp256k1Decompress": 2724, + "Bitwise": 41, + "Bn254AddAssign": 4461, + "ShiftLeft": 68, + "Auipc": 41, + "KeccakPermute": 93720, + "Program": 31, + "MemoryLocal": 100, + "Global": 428, + "Secp256k1AddAssign": 4461, + "AddSub": 47, + "Jump": 50, + "Bn254FpOpAssign": 738, + "Mul": 83, + "ShaExtend": 15936, + "Bls12381AddAssign": 6717, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 124, + "Byte": 52, + "EdDecompress": 3100, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 124, + "SyscallPrecompile": 22, + "Secp256r1AddAssign": 4461, + "Bn254DoubleAssign": 4564, + "Uint256MulMod": 880, + "Bls12381DoubleAssign": 6876, + "Bls12831Fp2MulAssign": 4445, + "EdAddAssign": 3709, + "Bls12381Decompress": 4149, + "Lt": 53, + "Secp256r1DoubleAssign": 4564, + "Branch": 58, + "SyscallCore": 22, + "Bn254Fp2AddSubAssign": 1454, + "Bls12381FpOpAssign": 1098, + "Cpu": 109, + "ShaCompress": 40480, + "MemoryInstrs": 93, + "Secp256k1DoubleAssign": 4564 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/context.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/context.rs index 9585c6b85..2c7317418 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/context.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/context.rs @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ use core::mem::take; -use std::sync::Arc; use hashbrown::HashMap; @@ -8,6 +7,8 @@ use crate::{ subproof::SubproofVerifier, }; +use sp1_primitives::consts::fd::LOWEST_ALLOWED_FD; + /// Context to run a program inside SP1. #[derive(Clone, Default)] pub struct SP1Context<'a> { @@ -17,19 +18,36 @@ pub struct SP1Context<'a> { pub hook_registry: Option>, /// The verifier for verifying subproofs. - pub subproof_verifier: Option>, + pub subproof_verifier: Option<&'a dyn SubproofVerifier>, /// The maximum number of cpu cycles to use for execution. pub max_cycles: Option, + + /// Deferred proof verification. + pub deferred_proof_verification: bool, } /// A builder for [`SP1Context`]. -#[derive(Clone, Default)] +#[derive(Clone)] pub struct SP1ContextBuilder<'a> { no_default_hooks: bool, hook_registry_entries: Vec<(u32, BoxedHook<'a>)>, - subproof_verifier: Option>, + subproof_verifier: Option<&'a dyn SubproofVerifier>, max_cycles: Option, + deferred_proof_verification: bool, +} + +impl Default for SP1ContextBuilder<'_> { + fn default() -> Self { + Self { + no_default_hooks: false, + hook_registry_entries: Vec::new(), + subproof_verifier: None, + max_cycles: None, + // Always verify deferred proofs by default. + deferred_proof_verification: true, + } + } } impl<'a> SP1Context<'a> { @@ -55,6 +73,9 @@ impl<'a> SP1ContextBuilder<'a> { pub fn build(&mut self) -> SP1Context<'a> { // If hook_registry_entries is nonempty or no_default_hooks true, // indicating a non-default value of hook_registry. + // + // Panics: + // - If any hook file descriptor is less than [`LOWEST_ALLOWED_FD`]. let hook_registry = (!self.hook_registry_entries.is_empty() || self.no_default_hooks).then(|| { let mut table = if take(&mut self.no_default_hooks) { @@ -62,13 +83,29 @@ impl<'a> SP1ContextBuilder<'a> { } else { HookRegistry::default().table }; + + self.hook_registry_entries + .iter() + .map(|(fd, _)| fd) + .filter(|fd| table.contains_key(*fd)) + .for_each(|fd| { + tracing::warn!("Overriding default hook with file descriptor {}", fd); + }); + // Allows overwriting default hooks. table.extend(take(&mut self.hook_registry_entries)); HookRegistry { table } }); + let subproof_verifier = take(&mut self.subproof_verifier); let cycle_limit = take(&mut self.max_cycles); - SP1Context { hook_registry, subproof_verifier, max_cycles: cycle_limit } + let deferred_proof_verification = take(&mut self.deferred_proof_verification); + SP1Context { + hook_registry, + subproof_verifier, + max_cycles: cycle_limit, + deferred_proof_verification, + } } /// Add a runtime [Hook](super::Hook) into the context. @@ -76,11 +113,16 @@ impl<'a> SP1ContextBuilder<'a> { /// Hooks may be invoked from within SP1 by writing to the specified file descriptor `fd` /// with [`sp1_zkvm::io::write`], returning a list of arbitrary data that may be read /// with successive calls to [`sp1_zkvm::io::read`]. + /// + /// # Panics + /// Panics if `fd` <= [`LOWEST_ALLOWED_FD`]. pub fn hook( &mut self, fd: u32, f: impl FnMut(HookEnv, &[u8]) -> Vec> + Send + Sync + 'a, ) -> &mut Self { + assert!(fd > LOWEST_ALLOWED_FD, "Hook file descriptors must be greater than 10."); + self.hook_registry_entries.push((fd, hookify(f))); self } @@ -97,10 +139,7 @@ impl<'a> SP1ContextBuilder<'a> { /// Add a subproof verifier. /// /// The verifier is used to sanity check `verify_sp1_proof` during runtime. - pub fn subproof_verifier( - &mut self, - subproof_verifier: Arc, - ) -> &mut Self { + pub fn subproof_verifier(&mut self, subproof_verifier: &'a dyn SubproofVerifier) -> &mut Self { self.subproof_verifier = Some(subproof_verifier); self } @@ -110,17 +149,21 @@ impl<'a> SP1ContextBuilder<'a> { self.max_cycles = Some(max_cycles); self } + + /// Set the deferred proof verification flag. + pub fn set_deferred_proof_verification(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self { + self.deferred_proof_verification = value; + self + } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { - use std::sync::Arc; - - use crate::{subproof::DefaultSubproofVerifier, SP1Context}; + use crate::{subproof::NoOpSubproofVerifier, SP1Context}; #[test] fn defaults() { - let SP1Context { hook_registry, subproof_verifier, max_cycles: cycle_limit } = + let SP1Context { hook_registry, subproof_verifier, max_cycles: cycle_limit, .. } = SP1Context::builder().build(); assert!(hook_registry.is_none()); assert!(subproof_verifier.is_none()); @@ -150,9 +193,10 @@ mod tests { #[test] fn subproof_verifier() { - let SP1Context { subproof_verifier, .. } = SP1Context::builder() - .subproof_verifier(Arc::new(DefaultSubproofVerifier::new())) - .build(); + let verifier = NoOpSubproofVerifier; + + let SP1Context { subproof_verifier, .. } = + SP1Context::builder().subproof_verifier(&verifier).build(); assert!(subproof_verifier.is_some()); } } diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/cost.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/cost.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ee1f795ff --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/cost.rs @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +use enum_map::EnumMap; +use hashbrown::HashMap; +use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; + +use crate::RiscvAirId; + +const BYTE_NUM_ROWS: u64 = 1 << 16; +const MAX_PROGRAM_SIZE: u64 = 1 << 22; + +/// Estimates the LDE area. +#[must_use] +pub fn estimate_riscv_lde_size( + num_events_per_air: EnumMap, + costs_per_air: &HashMap, +) -> u64 { + // Compute the byte chip contribution. + let mut cells = BYTE_NUM_ROWS * costs_per_air[&RiscvAirId::Byte]; + + // Compute the program chip contribution. + cells += MAX_PROGRAM_SIZE * costs_per_air[&RiscvAirId::Program]; + + // Compute the cpu chip contribution. + cells += + (num_events_per_air[RiscvAirId::Cpu]).next_power_of_two() * costs_per_air[&RiscvAirId::Cpu]; + + // Compute the addsub chip contribution. + cells += (num_events_per_air[RiscvAirId::AddSub]).next_power_of_two() + * costs_per_air[&RiscvAirId::AddSub]; + + // Compute the mul chip contribution. + cells += + (num_events_per_air[RiscvAirId::Mul]).next_power_of_two() * costs_per_air[&RiscvAirId::Mul]; + + // Compute the bitwise chip contribution. + cells += (num_events_per_air[RiscvAirId::Bitwise]).next_power_of_two() + * costs_per_air[&RiscvAirId::Bitwise]; + + // Compute the shift left chip contribution. + cells += (num_events_per_air[RiscvAirId::ShiftLeft]).next_power_of_two() + * costs_per_air[&RiscvAirId::ShiftLeft]; + + // Compute the shift right chip contribution. + cells += (num_events_per_air[RiscvAirId::ShiftRight]).next_power_of_two() + * costs_per_air[&RiscvAirId::ShiftRight]; + + // Compute the divrem chip contribution. + cells += (num_events_per_air[RiscvAirId::DivRem]).next_power_of_two() + * costs_per_air[&RiscvAirId::DivRem]; + + // Compute the lt chip contribution. + cells += + (num_events_per_air[RiscvAirId::Lt]).next_power_of_two() * costs_per_air[&RiscvAirId::Lt]; + + // Compute the memory local chip contribution. + cells += (num_events_per_air[RiscvAirId::MemoryLocal]).next_power_of_two() + * costs_per_air[&RiscvAirId::MemoryLocal]; + + // Compute the branch chip contribution. + cells += (num_events_per_air[RiscvAirId::Branch]).next_power_of_two() + * costs_per_air[&RiscvAirId::Branch]; + + // Compute the jump chip contribution. + cells += (num_events_per_air[RiscvAirId::Jump]).next_power_of_two() + * costs_per_air[&RiscvAirId::Jump]; + + // Compute the auipc chip contribution. + cells += (num_events_per_air[RiscvAirId::Auipc]).next_power_of_two() + * costs_per_air[&RiscvAirId::Auipc]; + + // Compute the memory instruction chip contribution. + cells += (num_events_per_air[RiscvAirId::MemoryInstrs]).next_power_of_two() + * costs_per_air[&RiscvAirId::MemoryInstrs]; + + // Compute the syscall instruction chip contribution. + cells += (num_events_per_air[RiscvAirId::SyscallInstrs]).next_power_of_two() + * costs_per_air[&RiscvAirId::SyscallInstrs]; + + // Compute the syscall core chip contribution. + cells += (num_events_per_air[RiscvAirId::SyscallCore]).next_power_of_two() + * costs_per_air[&RiscvAirId::SyscallCore]; + + // Compute the global chip contribution. + cells += (num_events_per_air[RiscvAirId::Global]).next_power_of_two() + * costs_per_air[&RiscvAirId::Global]; + + cells * ((core::mem::size_of::() << 1) as u64) +} + +/// Pads the event counts to account for the worst case jump in events across N cycles. +#[must_use] +#[allow(clippy::match_same_arms)] +pub fn pad_rv32im_event_counts( + mut event_counts: EnumMap, + num_cycles: u64, +) -> EnumMap { + event_counts.iter_mut().for_each(|(k, v)| match k { + RiscvAirId::Cpu => *v += num_cycles, + RiscvAirId::AddSub => *v += 5 * num_cycles, + RiscvAirId::Mul => *v += 4 * num_cycles, + RiscvAirId::Bitwise => *v += 3 * num_cycles, + RiscvAirId::ShiftLeft => *v += num_cycles, + RiscvAirId::ShiftRight => *v += num_cycles, + RiscvAirId::DivRem => *v += 4 * num_cycles, + RiscvAirId::Lt => *v += 2 * num_cycles, + RiscvAirId::MemoryLocal => *v += 64 * num_cycles, + RiscvAirId::Branch => *v += 8 * num_cycles, + RiscvAirId::Jump => *v += 2 * num_cycles, + RiscvAirId::Auipc => *v += 3 * num_cycles, + RiscvAirId::MemoryInstrs => *v += 8 * num_cycles, + RiscvAirId::SyscallInstrs => *v += num_cycles, + RiscvAirId::SyscallCore => *v += 2 * num_cycles, + RiscvAirId::Global => *v += 64 * num_cycles, + _ => (), + }); + event_counts +} diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/dependencies.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/dependencies.rs index 194d8d0eb..0c68e5c41 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/dependencies.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/dependencies.rs @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ use crate::{ - events::{create_alu_lookups, AluEvent, CpuEvent}, + events::{AUIPCEvent, AluEvent, BranchEvent, JumpEvent, MemInstrEvent, MemoryRecord}, utils::{get_msb, get_quotient_and_remainder, is_signed_operation}, - Executor, Opcode, + Executor, Opcode, UNUSED_PC, }; /// Emits the dependencies for division and remainder operations. @@ -20,26 +20,22 @@ pub fn emit_divrem_dependencies(executor: &mut Executor, event: AluEvent) { if c_neg == 1 { executor.record.add_events.push(AluEvent { - lookup_id: event.sub_lookups[4], - shard: event.shard, - clk: event.clk, + pc: UNUSED_PC, opcode: Opcode::ADD, a: 0, b: event.c, c: (event.c as i32).unsigned_abs(), - sub_lookups: create_alu_lookups(), + op_a_0: false, }); } if rem_neg == 1 { executor.record.add_events.push(AluEvent { - lookup_id: event.sub_lookups[5], - shard: event.shard, - clk: event.clk, + pc: UNUSED_PC, opcode: Opcode::ADD, a: 0, b: remainder, c: (remainder as i32).unsigned_abs(), - sub_lookups: create_alu_lookups(), + op_a_0: false, }); } @@ -54,21 +50,17 @@ pub fn emit_divrem_dependencies(executor: &mut Executor, event: AluEvent) { let upper_word = u32::from_le_bytes(c_times_quotient[4..8].try_into().unwrap()); let lower_multiplication = AluEvent { - lookup_id: event.sub_lookups[0], - shard: event.shard, - clk: event.clk, + pc: UNUSED_PC, opcode: Opcode::MUL, a: lower_word, c: event.c, b: quotient, - sub_lookups: create_alu_lookups(), + op_a_0: false, }; executor.record.mul_events.push(lower_multiplication); let upper_multiplication = AluEvent { - lookup_id: event.sub_lookups[1], - shard: event.shard, - clk: event.clk, + pc: UNUSED_PC, opcode: { if is_signed_operation { Opcode::MULH @@ -79,31 +71,27 @@ pub fn emit_divrem_dependencies(executor: &mut Executor, event: AluEvent) { a: upper_word, c: event.c, b: quotient, - sub_lookups: create_alu_lookups(), + op_a_0: false, }; executor.record.mul_events.push(upper_multiplication); let lt_event = if is_signed_operation { AluEvent { - lookup_id: event.sub_lookups[2], - shard: event.shard, + pc: UNUSED_PC, opcode: Opcode::SLTU, a: 1, b: (remainder as i32).unsigned_abs(), c: u32::max(1, (event.c as i32).unsigned_abs()), - clk: event.clk, - sub_lookups: create_alu_lookups(), + op_a_0: false, } } else { AluEvent { - lookup_id: event.sub_lookups[3], - shard: event.shard, + pc: UNUSED_PC, opcode: Opcode::SLTU, a: 1, b: remainder, c: u32::max(1, event.c), - clk: event.clk, - sub_lookups: create_alu_lookups(), + op_a_0: false, } }; @@ -112,179 +100,151 @@ pub fn emit_divrem_dependencies(executor: &mut Executor, event: AluEvent) { } } -/// Emit the dependencies for CPU events. -#[allow(clippy::too_many_lines)] -pub fn emit_cpu_dependencies(executor: &mut Executor, event: &CpuEvent) { - if matches!( - event.instruction.opcode, - Opcode::LB - | Opcode::LH - | Opcode::LW - | Opcode::LBU - | Opcode::LHU - | Opcode::SB - | Opcode::SH - | Opcode::SW - ) { - let memory_addr = event.b.wrapping_add(event.c); - // Add event to ALU check to check that addr == b + c - let add_event = AluEvent { - lookup_id: event.memory_add_lookup_id, - shard: event.shard, - clk: event.clk, - opcode: Opcode::ADD, - a: memory_addr, - b: event.b, - c: event.c, - sub_lookups: create_alu_lookups(), - }; - executor.record.add_events.push(add_event); - let addr_offset = (memory_addr % 4_u32) as u8; - let mem_value = event.memory_record.unwrap().value(); +/// Emit the dependencies for memory instructions. +pub fn emit_memory_dependencies( + executor: &mut Executor, + event: MemInstrEvent, + memory_record: MemoryRecord, +) { + let memory_addr = event.b.wrapping_add(event.c); + // Add event to ALU check to check that addr == b + c + let add_event = AluEvent { + pc: UNUSED_PC, + opcode: Opcode::ADD, + a: memory_addr, + b: event.b, + c: event.c, + op_a_0: false, + }; - if matches!(event.instruction.opcode, Opcode::LB | Opcode::LH) { - let (unsigned_mem_val, most_sig_mem_value_byte, sign_value) = - match event.instruction.opcode { - Opcode::LB => { - let most_sig_mem_value_byte = mem_value.to_le_bytes()[addr_offset as usize]; - let sign_value = 256; - (most_sig_mem_value_byte as u32, most_sig_mem_value_byte, sign_value) - } - Opcode::LH => { - let sign_value = 65536; - let unsigned_mem_val = match (addr_offset >> 1) % 2 { - 0 => mem_value & 0x0000FFFF, - 1 => (mem_value & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16, - _ => unreachable!(), - }; - let most_sig_mem_value_byte = unsigned_mem_val.to_le_bytes()[1]; - (unsigned_mem_val, most_sig_mem_value_byte, sign_value) - } - _ => unreachable!(), - }; + executor.record.add_events.push(add_event); + let addr_offset = (memory_addr % 4_u32) as u8; + let mem_value = memory_record.value; - if most_sig_mem_value_byte >> 7 & 0x01 == 1 { - let sub_event = AluEvent { - lookup_id: event.memory_sub_lookup_id, - shard: event.shard, - clk: event.clk, - opcode: Opcode::SUB, - a: event.a, - b: unsigned_mem_val, - c: sign_value, - sub_lookups: create_alu_lookups(), + if matches!(event.opcode, Opcode::LB | Opcode::LH) { + let (unsigned_mem_val, most_sig_mem_value_byte, sign_value) = match event.opcode { + Opcode::LB => { + let most_sig_mem_value_byte = mem_value.to_le_bytes()[addr_offset as usize]; + let sign_value = 256; + (most_sig_mem_value_byte as u32, most_sig_mem_value_byte, sign_value) + } + Opcode::LH => { + let sign_value = 65536; + let unsigned_mem_val = match (addr_offset >> 1) % 2 { + 0 => mem_value & 0x0000FFFF, + 1 => (mem_value & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16, + _ => unreachable!(), }; - executor.record.add_events.push(sub_event); + let most_sig_mem_value_byte = unsigned_mem_val.to_le_bytes()[1]; + (unsigned_mem_val, most_sig_mem_value_byte, sign_value) } + _ => unreachable!(), + }; + + if most_sig_mem_value_byte >> 7 & 0x01 == 1 { + let sub_event = AluEvent { + pc: UNUSED_PC, + opcode: Opcode::SUB, + a: event.a, + b: unsigned_mem_val, + c: sign_value, + op_a_0: false, + }; + executor.record.add_events.push(sub_event); } } +} - if event.instruction.is_branch_instruction() { - let a_eq_b = event.a == event.b; - let use_signed_comparison = matches!(event.instruction.opcode, Opcode::BLT | Opcode::BGE); - let a_lt_b = if use_signed_comparison { - (event.a as i32) < (event.b as i32) - } else { - event.a < event.b - }; - let a_gt_b = if use_signed_comparison { - (event.a as i32) > (event.b as i32) - } else { - event.a > event.b - }; +/// Emit the dependencies for branch instructions. +pub fn emit_branch_dependencies(executor: &mut Executor, event: BranchEvent) { + let a_eq_b = event.a == event.b; + let use_signed_comparison = matches!(event.opcode, Opcode::BLT | Opcode::BGE); + let a_lt_b = + if use_signed_comparison { (event.a as i32) < (event.b as i32) } else { event.a < event.b }; + let a_gt_b = + if use_signed_comparison { (event.a as i32) > (event.b as i32) } else { event.a > event.b }; - let alu_op_code = if use_signed_comparison { Opcode::SLT } else { Opcode::SLTU }; - // Add the ALU events for the comparisons - let lt_comp_event = AluEvent { - lookup_id: event.branch_lt_lookup_id, - shard: event.shard, - clk: event.clk, - opcode: alu_op_code, - a: a_lt_b as u32, - b: event.a, - c: event.b, - sub_lookups: create_alu_lookups(), - }; - let gt_comp_event = AluEvent { - lookup_id: event.branch_gt_lookup_id, - shard: event.shard, - clk: event.clk, - opcode: alu_op_code, - a: a_gt_b as u32, - b: event.b, - c: event.a, - sub_lookups: create_alu_lookups(), - }; - executor.record.lt_events.push(lt_comp_event); - executor.record.lt_events.push(gt_comp_event); - let branching = match event.instruction.opcode { - Opcode::BEQ => a_eq_b, - Opcode::BNE => !a_eq_b, - Opcode::BLT | Opcode::BLTU => a_lt_b, - Opcode::BGE | Opcode::BGEU => a_eq_b || a_gt_b, - _ => unreachable!(), + let alu_op_code = if use_signed_comparison { Opcode::SLT } else { Opcode::SLTU }; + // Add the ALU events for the comparisons + let lt_comp_event = AluEvent { + pc: UNUSED_PC, + opcode: alu_op_code, + a: a_lt_b as u32, + b: event.a, + c: event.b, + op_a_0: false, + }; + let gt_comp_event = AluEvent { + pc: UNUSED_PC, + opcode: alu_op_code, + a: a_gt_b as u32, + b: event.b, + c: event.a, + op_a_0: false, + }; + executor.record.lt_events.push(lt_comp_event); + executor.record.lt_events.push(gt_comp_event); + let branching = match event.opcode { + Opcode::BEQ => a_eq_b, + Opcode::BNE => !a_eq_b, + Opcode::BLT | Opcode::BLTU => a_lt_b, + Opcode::BGE | Opcode::BGEU => a_eq_b || a_gt_b, + _ => unreachable!(), + }; + if branching { + let next_pc = event.pc.wrapping_add(event.c); + let add_event = AluEvent { + pc: UNUSED_PC, + opcode: Opcode::ADD, + a: next_pc, + b: event.pc, + c: event.c, + op_a_0: false, }; - if branching { - let next_pc = event.pc.wrapping_add(event.c); + executor.record.add_events.push(add_event); + } +} + +/// Emit the dependencies for jump instructions. +pub fn emit_jump_dependencies(executor: &mut Executor, event: JumpEvent) { + match event.opcode { + Opcode::JAL => { + let next_pc = event.pc.wrapping_add(event.b); let add_event = AluEvent { - lookup_id: event.branch_add_lookup_id, - shard: event.shard, - clk: event.clk, + pc: UNUSED_PC, opcode: Opcode::ADD, a: next_pc, b: event.pc, - c: event.c, - sub_lookups: create_alu_lookups(), + c: event.b, + op_a_0: false, }; executor.record.add_events.push(add_event); } - } - - if event.instruction.is_jump_instruction() { - match event.instruction.opcode { - Opcode::JAL => { - let next_pc = event.pc.wrapping_add(event.b); - let add_event = AluEvent { - lookup_id: event.jump_jal_lookup_id, - shard: event.shard, - clk: event.clk, - opcode: Opcode::ADD, - a: next_pc, - b: event.pc, - c: event.b, - sub_lookups: create_alu_lookups(), - }; - executor.record.add_events.push(add_event); - } - Opcode::JALR => { - let next_pc = event.b.wrapping_add(event.c); - let add_event = AluEvent { - lookup_id: event.jump_jalr_lookup_id, - shard: event.shard, - clk: event.clk, - opcode: Opcode::ADD, - a: next_pc, - b: event.b, - c: event.c, - sub_lookups: create_alu_lookups(), - }; - executor.record.add_events.push(add_event); - } - _ => unreachable!(), + Opcode::JALR => { + let next_pc = event.b.wrapping_add(event.c); + let add_event = AluEvent { + pc: UNUSED_PC, + opcode: Opcode::ADD, + a: next_pc, + b: event.b, + c: event.c, + op_a_0: false, + }; + executor.record.add_events.push(add_event); } + _ => unreachable!(), } +} - if matches!(event.instruction.opcode, Opcode::AUIPC) { - let add_event = AluEvent { - lookup_id: event.auipc_lookup_id, - shard: event.shard, - clk: event.clk, - opcode: Opcode::ADD, - a: event.a, - b: event.pc, - c: event.b, - sub_lookups: create_alu_lookups(), - }; - executor.record.add_events.push(add_event); - } +/// Emit the dependency for AUIPC instructions. +pub fn emit_auipc_dependency(executor: &mut Executor, event: AUIPCEvent) { + let add_event = AluEvent { + pc: UNUSED_PC, + opcode: Opcode::ADD, + a: event.a, + b: event.pc, + c: event.b, + op_a_0: false, + }; + executor.record.add_events.push(add_event); } diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/disassembler/rrs.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/disassembler/rrs.rs index 711dbe4e4..a105e10a8 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/disassembler/rrs.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/disassembler/rrs.rs @@ -9,52 +9,31 @@ impl Instruction { /// Create a new [`Instruction`] from an R-type instruction. #[must_use] pub const fn from_r_type(opcode: Opcode, dec_insn: &RType) -> Self { - Self::new( - opcode, - dec_insn.rd as u32, - dec_insn.rs1 as u32, - dec_insn.rs2 as u32, - false, - false, - ) + Self::new(opcode, dec_insn.rd as u8, dec_insn.rs1 as u32, dec_insn.rs2 as u32, false, false) } /// Create a new [`Instruction`] from an I-type instruction. #[must_use] pub const fn from_i_type(opcode: Opcode, dec_insn: &IType) -> Self { - Self::new(opcode, dec_insn.rd as u32, dec_insn.rs1 as u32, dec_insn.imm as u32, false, true) + Self::new(opcode, dec_insn.rd as u8, dec_insn.rs1 as u32, dec_insn.imm as u32, false, true) } /// Create a new [`Instruction`] from an I-type instruction with a shamt. #[must_use] pub const fn from_i_type_shamt(opcode: Opcode, dec_insn: &ITypeShamt) -> Self { - Self::new(opcode, dec_insn.rd as u32, dec_insn.rs1 as u32, dec_insn.shamt, false, true) + Self::new(opcode, dec_insn.rd as u8, dec_insn.rs1 as u32, dec_insn.shamt, false, true) } /// Create a new [`Instruction`] from an S-type instruction. #[must_use] pub const fn from_s_type(opcode: Opcode, dec_insn: &SType) -> Self { - Self::new( - opcode, - dec_insn.rs2 as u32, - dec_insn.rs1 as u32, - dec_insn.imm as u32, - false, - true, - ) + Self::new(opcode, dec_insn.rs2 as u8, dec_insn.rs1 as u32, dec_insn.imm as u32, false, true) } /// Create a new [`Instruction`] from a B-type instruction. #[must_use] pub const fn from_b_type(opcode: Opcode, dec_insn: &BType) -> Self { - Self::new( - opcode, - dec_insn.rs1 as u32, - dec_insn.rs2 as u32, - dec_insn.imm as u32, - false, - true, - ) + Self::new(opcode, dec_insn.rs1 as u8, dec_insn.rs2 as u32, dec_insn.imm as u32, false, true) } /// Create a new [`Instruction`] that is not implemented. @@ -82,9 +61,9 @@ impl Instruction { #[must_use] pub fn r_type(&self) -> (Register, Register, Register) { ( - Register::from_u32(self.op_a), - Register::from_u32(self.op_b), - Register::from_u32(self.op_c), + Register::from_u8(self.op_a), + Register::from_u8(self.op_b as u8), + Register::from_u8(self.op_c as u8), ) } @@ -92,35 +71,35 @@ impl Instruction { #[inline] #[must_use] pub fn i_type(&self) -> (Register, Register, u32) { - (Register::from_u32(self.op_a), Register::from_u32(self.op_b), self.op_c) + (Register::from_u8(self.op_a), Register::from_u8(self.op_b as u8), self.op_c) } /// Decode the [`Instruction`] in the S-type format. #[inline] #[must_use] pub fn s_type(&self) -> (Register, Register, u32) { - (Register::from_u32(self.op_a), Register::from_u32(self.op_b), self.op_c) + (Register::from_u8(self.op_a), Register::from_u8(self.op_b as u8), self.op_c) } /// Decode the [`Instruction`] in the B-type format. #[inline] #[must_use] pub fn b_type(&self) -> (Register, Register, u32) { - (Register::from_u32(self.op_a), Register::from_u32(self.op_b), self.op_c) + (Register::from_u8(self.op_a), Register::from_u8(self.op_b as u8), self.op_c) } /// Decode the [`Instruction`] in the J-type format. #[inline] #[must_use] pub fn j_type(&self) -> (Register, u32) { - (Register::from_u32(self.op_a), self.op_b) + (Register::from_u8(self.op_a), self.op_b) } /// Decode the [`Instruction`] in the U-type format. #[inline] #[must_use] pub fn u_type(&self) -> (Register, u32) { - (Register::from_u32(self.op_a), self.op_b) + (Register::from_u8(self.op_a), self.op_b) } } @@ -263,13 +242,13 @@ impl InstructionProcessor for InstructionTranspiler { } fn process_jal(&mut self, dec_insn: JType) -> Self::InstructionResult { - Instruction::new(Opcode::JAL, dec_insn.rd as u32, dec_insn.imm as u32, 0, true, true) + Instruction::new(Opcode::JAL, dec_insn.rd as u8, dec_insn.imm as u32, 0, true, true) } fn process_jalr(&mut self, dec_insn: IType) -> Self::InstructionResult { Instruction::new( Opcode::JALR, - dec_insn.rd as u32, + dec_insn.rd as u8, dec_insn.rs1 as u32, dec_insn.imm as u32, false, @@ -282,14 +261,14 @@ impl InstructionProcessor for InstructionTranspiler { // // Notably, LUI instructions are converted to an SLL instruction with `imm_b` and `imm_c` // turned on. Additionally the `op_c` should be set to 12. - Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, dec_insn.rd as u32, 0, dec_insn.imm as u32, true, true) + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, dec_insn.rd as u8, 0, dec_insn.imm as u32, true, true) } /// AUIPC instructions have the third operand set to imm << 12. fn process_auipc(&mut self, dec_insn: UType) -> Self::InstructionResult { Instruction::new( Opcode::AUIPC, - dec_insn.rd as u32, + dec_insn.rd as u8, dec_insn.imm as u32, dec_insn.imm as u32, true, @@ -300,7 +279,7 @@ impl InstructionProcessor for InstructionTranspiler { fn process_ecall(&mut self) -> Self::InstructionResult { Instruction::new( Opcode::ECALL, - Register::X5 as u32, + Register::X5 as u8, Register::X10 as u32, Register::X11 as u32, false, diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/events/alu.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/events/alu.rs deleted file mode 100644 index bf79a65e4..000000000 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/events/alu.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; - -use crate::Opcode; - -use super::{create_alu_lookups, LookupId}; - -/// Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) Event. -/// -/// This object encapsulated the information needed to prove an ALU operation. This includes its -/// shard, opcode, operands, and other relevant information. -#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize)] -pub struct AluEvent { - /// The lookup identifier. - pub lookup_id: LookupId, - /// The shard number. - pub shard: u32, - /// The clock cycle. - pub clk: u32, - /// The opcode. - pub opcode: Opcode, - /// The first operand. - pub a: u32, - /// The second operand. - pub b: u32, - /// The third operand. - pub c: u32, - /// The result of the operation in the format of [``LookupId``; 6] - pub sub_lookups: [LookupId; 6], -} - -impl AluEvent { - /// Create a new [`AluEvent`]. - #[must_use] - pub fn new(shard: u32, clk: u32, opcode: Opcode, a: u32, b: u32, c: u32) -> Self { - Self { - lookup_id: LookupId::default(), - shard, - clk, - opcode, - a, - b, - c, - sub_lookups: create_alu_lookups(), - } - } -} diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/events/byte.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/events/byte.rs index 4e5f25437..ff2b75ca8 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/events/byte.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/events/byte.rs @@ -1,11 +1,7 @@ use std::hash::Hash; use hashbrown::HashMap; -use itertools::Itertools; use p3_field::{Field, PrimeField32}; -use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::{ - IndexedParallelIterator, IntoParallelRefIterator, IntoParallelRefMutIterator, ParallelIterator, -}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use crate::{ByteOpcode, Opcode}; @@ -19,8 +15,6 @@ pub const NUM_BYTE_OPS: usize = 9; /// the shard, opcode, operands, and other relevant information. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize, Hash)] pub struct ByteLookupEvent { - /// The shard number. - pub shard: u32, /// The opcode. pub opcode: ByteOpcode, /// The first operand. @@ -38,10 +32,10 @@ pub trait ByteRecord { /// Adds a new [`ByteLookupEvent`] to the record. fn add_byte_lookup_event(&mut self, blu_event: ByteLookupEvent); - /// Adds a list of sharded [`ByteLookupEvent`]s to the record. - fn add_sharded_byte_lookup_events( + /// Adds a list of [`ByteLookupEvent`] maps to the record. + fn add_byte_lookup_events_from_maps( &mut self, - sharded_blu_events_vec: Vec<&HashMap>>, + new_blu_events_vec: Vec<&HashMap>, ); /// Adds a list of `ByteLookupEvent`s to the record. @@ -53,9 +47,8 @@ pub trait ByteRecord { } /// Adds a `ByteLookupEvent` to verify `a` and `b` are indeed bytes to the shard. - fn add_u8_range_check(&mut self, shard: u32, a: u8, b: u8) { + fn add_u8_range_check(&mut self, a: u8, b: u8) { self.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent { - shard, opcode: ByteOpcode::U8Range, a1: 0, a2: 0, @@ -65,9 +58,8 @@ pub trait ByteRecord { } /// Adds a `ByteLookupEvent` to verify `a` is indeed u16. - fn add_u16_range_check(&mut self, shard: u32, a: u16) { + fn add_u16_range_check(&mut self, a: u16) { self.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent { - shard, opcode: ByteOpcode::U16Range, a1: a, a2: 0, @@ -77,36 +69,34 @@ pub trait ByteRecord { } /// Adds `ByteLookupEvent`s to verify that all the bytes in the input slice are indeed bytes. - fn add_u8_range_checks(&mut self, shard: u32, bytes: &[u8]) { + fn add_u8_range_checks(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) { let mut index = 0; while index + 1 < bytes.len() { - self.add_u8_range_check(shard, bytes[index], bytes[index + 1]); + self.add_u8_range_check(bytes[index], bytes[index + 1]); index += 2; } if index < bytes.len() { // If the input slice's length is odd, we need to add a check for the last byte. - self.add_u8_range_check(shard, bytes[index], 0); + self.add_u8_range_check(bytes[index], 0); } } /// Adds `ByteLookupEvent`s to verify that all the field elements in the input slice are indeed /// bytes. - fn add_u8_range_checks_field(&mut self, shard: u32, field_values: &[F]) { + fn add_u8_range_checks_field(&mut self, field_values: &[F]) { self.add_u8_range_checks( - shard, &field_values.iter().map(|x| x.as_canonical_u32() as u8).collect::>(), ); } /// Adds `ByteLookupEvent`s to verify that all the bytes in the input slice are indeed bytes. - fn add_u16_range_checks(&mut self, shard: u32, ls: &[u16]) { - ls.iter().for_each(|x| self.add_u16_range_check(shard, *x)); + fn add_u16_range_checks(&mut self, ls: &[u16]) { + ls.iter().for_each(|x| self.add_u16_range_check(*x)); } /// Adds a `ByteLookupEvent` to compute the bitwise OR of the two input values. - fn lookup_or(&mut self, shard: u32, b: u8, c: u8) { + fn lookup_or(&mut self, b: u8, c: u8) { self.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent { - shard, opcode: ByteOpcode::OR, a1: (b | c) as u16, a2: 0, @@ -119,8 +109,8 @@ pub trait ByteRecord { impl ByteLookupEvent { /// Creates a new `ByteLookupEvent`. #[must_use] - pub fn new(shard: u32, opcode: ByteOpcode, a1: u16, a2: u8, b: u8, c: u8) -> Self { - Self { shard, opcode, a1, a2, b, c } + pub fn new(opcode: ByteOpcode, a1: u16, a2: u8, b: u8, c: u8) -> Self { + Self { opcode, a1, a2, b, c } } } @@ -129,79 +119,26 @@ impl ByteRecord for Vec { self.push(blu_event); } - fn add_sharded_byte_lookup_events( - &mut self, - _: Vec<&HashMap>>, - ) { - todo!() + fn add_byte_lookup_events_from_maps(&mut self, _: Vec<&HashMap>) { + unimplemented!() } } -impl ByteRecord for HashMap> { +impl ByteRecord for HashMap { #[inline] fn add_byte_lookup_event(&mut self, blu_event: ByteLookupEvent) { - self.entry(blu_event.shard) - .or_default() - .entry(blu_event) - .and_modify(|e| *e += 1) - .or_insert(1); + self.entry(blu_event).and_modify(|e| *e += 1).or_insert(1); } - fn add_sharded_byte_lookup_events( + fn add_byte_lookup_events_from_maps( &mut self, - new_events: Vec<&HashMap>>, + new_events: Vec<&HashMap>, ) { - add_sharded_byte_lookup_events(self, new_events); - } -} - -pub(crate) fn add_sharded_byte_lookup_events( - sharded_blu_events: &mut HashMap>, - new_events: Vec<&HashMap>>, -) { - // new_sharded_blu_map is a map of shard -> Vec multiplicities>. - // We want to collect the new events in this format so that we can do parallel aggregation - // per shard. - let mut new_sharded_blu_map: HashMap>> = - HashMap::new(); - for new_sharded_blu_events in new_events { - for (shard, new_blu_map) in new_sharded_blu_events { - new_sharded_blu_map.entry(*shard).or_insert(Vec::new()).push(new_blu_map); - } - } - - // Collect all the shard numbers. - let shards: Vec = new_sharded_blu_map.keys().copied().collect_vec(); - - // Move ownership of self's per shard blu maps into a vec. This is so that we - // can do parallel aggregation per shard. - let mut self_blu_maps: Vec> = Vec::new(); - for shard in &shards { - let blu = sharded_blu_events.remove(shard); - - match blu { - Some(blu) => { - self_blu_maps.push(blu); - } - None => { - self_blu_maps.push(HashMap::new()); - } - } - } - - // Increment self's byte lookup events multiplicity. - shards.par_iter().zip_eq(self_blu_maps.par_iter_mut()).for_each(|(shard, self_blu_map)| { - let blu_map_vec = new_sharded_blu_map.get(shard).unwrap(); - for blu_map in blu_map_vec.iter() { - for (blu_event, count) in blu_map.iter() { - *self_blu_map.entry(*blu_event).or_insert(0) += count; + for new_blu_map in new_events { + for (blu_event, count) in new_blu_map.iter() { + *self.entry(*blu_event).or_insert(0) += count; } } - }); - - // Move ownership of the blu maps back to self. - for (shard, blu) in shards.into_iter().zip(self_blu_maps.into_iter()) { - sharded_blu_events.insert(shard, blu); } } @@ -233,7 +170,7 @@ impl ByteOpcode { ByteOpcode::MSB, ByteOpcode::U16Range, ]; - assert_eq!(opcodes.len(), NUM_BYTE_OPS); + debug_assert_eq!(opcodes.len(), NUM_BYTE_OPS); opcodes } diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/events/cpu.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/events/cpu.rs index b2d775cf1..5efa7f06b 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/events/cpu.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/events/cpu.rs @@ -1,8 +1,6 @@ use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; -use crate::Instruction; - -use super::{memory::MemoryRecordEnum, LookupId}; +use super::memory::MemoryRecordEnum; /// CPU Event. /// @@ -10,16 +8,12 @@ use super::{memory::MemoryRecordEnum, LookupId}; /// shard, opcode, operands, and other relevant information. #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct CpuEvent { - /// The shard number. - pub shard: u32, /// The clock cycle. pub clk: u32, /// The program counter. pub pc: u32, /// The next program counter. pub next_pc: u32, - /// The instruction. - pub instruction: Instruction, /// The first operand. pub a: u32, /// The first operand memory record. @@ -32,30 +26,6 @@ pub struct CpuEvent { pub c: u32, /// The third operand memory record. pub c_record: Option, - /// The memory value. - pub memory: Option, - /// The memory record. - pub memory_record: Option, /// The exit code. pub exit_code: u32, - /// The ALU lookup id. - pub alu_lookup_id: LookupId, - /// The syscall lookup id. - pub syscall_lookup_id: LookupId, - /// The memory add lookup id. - pub memory_add_lookup_id: LookupId, - /// The memory sub lookup id. - pub memory_sub_lookup_id: LookupId, - /// The branch gt lookup id. - pub branch_gt_lookup_id: LookupId, - /// The branch lt lookup id. - pub branch_lt_lookup_id: LookupId, - /// The branch add lookup id. - pub branch_add_lookup_id: LookupId, - /// The jump jal lookup id. - pub jump_jal_lookup_id: LookupId, - /// The jump jalr lookup id. - pub jump_jalr_lookup_id: LookupId, - /// The auipc lookup id. - pub auipc_lookup_id: LookupId, } diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/events/global.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/events/global.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e92ffb546 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/events/global.rs @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; + +/// Global Interaction Event. +/// +/// This event is emitted for all interactions that are sent or received across different shards. +#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct GlobalInteractionEvent { + /// The message. + pub message: [u32; 7], + /// Whether the interaction is received or sent. + pub is_receive: bool, + /// The kind of the interaction event. + pub kind: u8, +} diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/events/instr.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/events/instr.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c351242a --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/events/instr.rs @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ +use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; + +use crate::Opcode; + +use super::MemoryRecordEnum; + +/// Alu Instruction Event. +/// +/// This object encapsulated the information needed to prove a RISC-V ALU operation. +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct AluEvent { + /// The program counter. + pub pc: u32, + /// The opcode. + pub opcode: Opcode, + /// The first operand value. + pub a: u32, + /// The second operand value. + pub b: u32, + /// The third operand value. + pub c: u32, + /// Whether the first operand is register 0. + pub op_a_0: bool, +} + +impl AluEvent { + /// Create a new [`AluEvent`]. + #[must_use] + pub fn new(pc: u32, opcode: Opcode, a: u32, b: u32, c: u32, op_a_0: bool) -> Self { + Self { pc, opcode, a, b, c, op_a_0 } + } +} + +/// Memory Instruction Event. +/// +/// This object encapsulated the information needed to prove a RISC-V memory operation. +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct MemInstrEvent { + /// The shard. + pub shard: u32, + /// The clk. + pub clk: u32, + /// The program counter. + pub pc: u32, + /// The opcode. + pub opcode: Opcode, + /// The first operand value. + pub a: u32, + /// The second operand value. + pub b: u32, + /// The third operand value. + pub c: u32, + /// Whether the first operand is register 0. + pub op_a_0: bool, + /// The memory access record for memory operations. + pub mem_access: MemoryRecordEnum, +} + +impl MemInstrEvent { + /// Create a new [`MemInstrEvent`]. + #[must_use] + #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] + pub fn new( + shard: u32, + clk: u32, + pc: u32, + opcode: Opcode, + a: u32, + b: u32, + c: u32, + op_a_0: bool, + mem_access: MemoryRecordEnum, + ) -> Self { + Self { shard, clk, pc, opcode, a, b, c, op_a_0, mem_access } + } +} + +/// Branch Instruction Event. +/// +/// This object encapsulated the information needed to prove a RISC-V branch operation. +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct BranchEvent { + /// The program counter. + pub pc: u32, + /// The next program counter. + pub next_pc: u32, + /// The opcode. + pub opcode: Opcode, + /// The first operand value. + pub a: u32, + /// The second operand value. + pub b: u32, + /// The third operand value. + pub c: u32, + /// Whether the first operand is register 0. + pub op_a_0: bool, +} + +impl BranchEvent { + /// Create a new [`BranchEvent`]. + #[must_use] + #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] + pub fn new( + pc: u32, + next_pc: u32, + opcode: Opcode, + a: u32, + b: u32, + c: u32, + op_a_0: bool, + ) -> Self { + Self { pc, next_pc, opcode, a, b, c, op_a_0 } + } +} + +/// Jump Instruction Event. +/// +/// This object encapsulated the information needed to prove a RISC-V jump operation. +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct JumpEvent { + /// The program counter. + pub pc: u32, + /// The next program counter. + pub next_pc: u32, + /// The opcode. + pub opcode: Opcode, + /// The first operand value. + pub a: u32, + /// The second operand value. + pub b: u32, + /// The third operand value. + pub c: u32, + /// Whether the first operand is register 0. + pub op_a_0: bool, +} + +impl JumpEvent { + /// Create a new [`JumpEvent`]. + #[must_use] + #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] + pub fn new( + pc: u32, + next_pc: u32, + opcode: Opcode, + a: u32, + b: u32, + c: u32, + op_a_0: bool, + ) -> Self { + Self { pc, next_pc, opcode, a, b, c, op_a_0 } + } +} +/// AUIPC Instruction Event. +/// +/// This object encapsulated the information needed to prove a RISC-V AUIPC operation. +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct AUIPCEvent { + /// The program counter. + pub pc: u32, + /// The opcode. + pub opcode: Opcode, + /// The first operand value. + pub a: u32, + /// The second operand value. + pub b: u32, + /// The third operand value. + pub c: u32, + /// Whether the first operand is register 0. + pub op_a_0: bool, +} + +impl AUIPCEvent { + /// Create a new [`AUIPCEvent`]. + #[must_use] + pub fn new(pc: u32, opcode: Opcode, a: u32, b: u32, c: u32, op_a_0: bool) -> Self { + Self { pc, opcode, a, b, c, op_a_0 } + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/events/memory.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/events/memory.rs index 4372f2126..aa1766eec 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/events/memory.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/events/memory.rs @@ -1,10 +1,14 @@ use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; +/// The number of local memory entries per row of the memory local chip. +pub const NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_ENTRIES_PER_ROW_EXEC: usize = 4; + /// Memory Record. /// /// This object encapsulates the information needed to prove a memory access operation. This /// includes the shard, timestamp, and value of the memory address. #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] pub struct MemoryRecord { /// The shard number. pub shard: u32, @@ -39,6 +43,7 @@ pub enum MemoryAccessPosition { /// includes the value, shard, timestamp, and previous shard and timestamp. #[allow(clippy::manual_non_exhaustive)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] pub struct MemoryReadRecord { /// The value. pub value: u32, @@ -58,6 +63,7 @@ pub struct MemoryReadRecord { /// includes the value, shard, timestamp, previous value, previous shard, and previous timestamp. #[allow(clippy::manual_non_exhaustive)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] pub struct MemoryWriteRecord { /// The value. pub value: u32, @@ -126,7 +132,8 @@ impl MemoryRecordEnum { /// This object encapsulates the information needed to prove a memory initialize or finalize /// operation. This includes the address, value, shard, timestamp, and whether the memory is /// initialized or finalized. -#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] pub struct MemoryInitializeFinalizeEvent { /// The address. pub addr: u32, @@ -150,7 +157,9 @@ impl MemoryReadRecord { prev_shard: u32, prev_timestamp: u32, ) -> Self { - assert!(shard > prev_shard || ((shard == prev_shard) && (timestamp > prev_timestamp))); + debug_assert!( + shard > prev_shard || ((shard == prev_shard) && (timestamp > prev_timestamp)) + ); Self { value, shard, timestamp, prev_shard, prev_timestamp } } } @@ -166,7 +175,9 @@ impl MemoryWriteRecord { prev_shard: u32, prev_timestamp: u32, ) -> Self { - assert!(shard > prev_shard || ((shard == prev_shard) && (timestamp > prev_timestamp)),); + debug_assert!( + shard > prev_shard || ((shard == prev_shard) && (timestamp > prev_timestamp)), + ); Self { value, shard, timestamp, prev_value, prev_shard, prev_timestamp } } } @@ -219,7 +230,8 @@ impl From for MemoryRecordEnum { /// This object encapsulates the information needed to prove a memory access operation within a /// shard. This includes the address, initial memory access, and final memory access within a /// shard. -#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] pub struct MemoryLocalEvent { /// The address. pub addr: u32, diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/events/mod.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/events/mod.rs index da38bb83c..df63f6c79 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/events/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/events/mod.rs @@ -1,16 +1,18 @@ //! Type definitions for the events emitted by the [`crate::Executor`] during execution. -mod alu; mod byte; mod cpu; +mod global; +mod instr; mod memory; mod precompiles; mod syscall; mod utils; -pub use alu::*; pub use byte::*; pub use cpu::*; +pub use global::*; +pub use instr::*; pub use memory::*; pub use precompiles::*; pub use syscall::*; diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/ec.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/ec.rs index 995aacb73..252959cb8 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/ec.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/ec.rs @@ -2,7 +2,10 @@ use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use sp1_curves::{ params::{NumLimbs, NumWords}, - weierstrass::{bls12_381::bls12381_decompress, secp256k1::secp256k1_decompress}, + weierstrass::{ + bls12_381::bls12381_decompress, secp256k1::secp256k1_decompress, + secp256r1::secp256r1_decompress, + }, AffinePoint, CurveType, EllipticCurve, }; use sp1_primitives::consts::{bytes_to_words_le_vec, words_to_bytes_le_vec}; @@ -11,7 +14,7 @@ use typenum::Unsigned; use crate::{ events::{ memory::{MemoryReadRecord, MemoryWriteRecord}, - LookupId, MemoryLocalEvent, + MemoryLocalEvent, }, syscalls::SyscallContext, }; @@ -21,7 +24,6 @@ use crate::{ /// This event is emitted when an elliptic curve addition operation is performed. #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct EllipticCurveAddEvent { - pub(crate) lookup_id: LookupId, /// The shard number. pub shard: u32, /// The clock cycle. @@ -47,8 +49,6 @@ pub struct EllipticCurveAddEvent { /// This event is emitted when an elliptic curve doubling operation is performed. #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct EllipticCurveDoubleEvent { - /// The lookup identifier. - pub lookup_id: LookupId, /// The shard number. pub shard: u32, /// The clock cycle. @@ -68,8 +68,6 @@ pub struct EllipticCurveDoubleEvent { /// This event is emitted when an elliptic curve point decompression operation is performed. #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct EllipticCurveDecompressEvent { - /// The lookup identifier. - pub lookup_id: LookupId, /// The shard number. pub shard: u32, /// The clock cycle. @@ -128,7 +126,6 @@ pub fn create_ec_add_event( let p_memory_records = rt.mw_slice(p_ptr, &result_words); EllipticCurveAddEvent { - lookup_id: rt.syscall_lookup_id, shard: rt.current_shard(), clk: start_clk, p_ptr, @@ -169,7 +166,6 @@ pub fn create_ec_double_event( let p_memory_records = rt.mw_slice(p_ptr, &result_words); EllipticCurveDoubleEvent { - lookup_id: rt.syscall_lookup_id, shard: rt.current_shard(), clk: start_clk, p_ptr, @@ -204,6 +200,7 @@ pub fn create_ec_decompress_event( let decompress_fn = match E::CURVE_TYPE { CurveType::Secp256k1 => secp256k1_decompress::, + CurveType::Secp256r1 => secp256r1_decompress::, CurveType::Bls12381 => bls12381_decompress::, _ => panic!("Unsupported curve"), }; @@ -217,7 +214,6 @@ pub fn create_ec_decompress_event( let y_memory_records = rt.mw_slice(slice_ptr, &y_words); EllipticCurveDecompressEvent { - lookup_id: rt.syscall_lookup_id, shard: rt.current_shard(), clk: start_clk, ptr: slice_ptr, diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/edwards.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/edwards.rs index 1671bdeb9..d70cbcb8b 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/edwards.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/edwards.rs @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use sp1_curves::{edwards::WORDS_FIELD_ELEMENT, COMPRESSED_POINT_BYTES, NUM_BYTES use crate::events::{ memory::{MemoryReadRecord, MemoryWriteRecord}, - LookupId, MemoryLocalEvent, + MemoryLocalEvent, }; /// Edwards Decompress Event. @@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ use crate::events::{ /// This event is emitted when an edwards decompression operation is performed. #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct EdDecompressEvent { - /// The lookup identifier. - pub lookup_id: LookupId, /// The shard number. pub shard: u32, /// The clock cycle. diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/fptower.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/fptower.rs index e4f1c96d5..4f51ef16f 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/fptower.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/fptower.rs @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; -use crate::events::{LookupId, MemoryLocalEvent, MemoryReadRecord, MemoryWriteRecord}; +use crate::events::{MemoryLocalEvent, MemoryReadRecord, MemoryWriteRecord}; /// This is an arithmetic operation for emulating modular arithmetic. #[derive(Default, PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] @@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ pub enum FieldOperation { /// This event is emitted when an emulated field operation is performed on the input operands. #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct FpOpEvent { - /// The lookup id. - pub lookup_id: LookupId, /// The shard number. pub shard: u32, /// The clock cycle. @@ -50,8 +48,6 @@ pub struct FpOpEvent { /// This event is emitted when an emulated degree 2 field operation is performed on the input #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Fp2AddSubEvent { - /// The lookup id. - pub lookup_id: LookupId, /// The shard number. pub shard: u32, /// The clock cycle. @@ -77,8 +73,6 @@ pub struct Fp2AddSubEvent { /// Emulated Degree 2 Field Multiplication Events. #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Fp2MulEvent { - /// The lookup id. - pub lookup_id: LookupId, /// The shard number. pub shard: u32, /// The clock cycle. diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/keccak256_permute.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/keccak256_permute.rs index b4d642b95..3d790e32a 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/keccak256_permute.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/keccak256_permute.rs @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use crate::events::{ memory::{MemoryReadRecord, MemoryWriteRecord}, - LookupId, MemoryLocalEvent, + MemoryLocalEvent, }; pub(crate) const STATE_SIZE: usize = 25; @@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ pub(crate) const STATE_SIZE: usize = 25; /// This event is emitted when a keccak-256 permutation operation is performed. #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct KeccakPermuteEvent { - /// The lookup identifier. - pub lookup_id: LookupId, /// The shard number. pub shard: u32, /// The clock cycle. diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/mod.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/mod.rs index cc4f54ed7..f476f8cbf 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/mod.rs @@ -4,8 +4,12 @@ mod fptower; mod keccak256_permute; mod sha256_compress; mod sha256_extend; +mod u256x2048_mul; mod uint256; +use super::{MemoryLocalEvent, SyscallEvent}; +use crate::syscalls::SyscallCode; +use crate::{deserialize_hashmap_as_vec, serialize_hashmap_as_vec}; pub use ec::*; pub use edwards::*; pub use fptower::*; @@ -15,12 +19,9 @@ use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; pub use sha256_compress::*; pub use sha256_extend::*; use strum::{EnumIter, IntoEnumIterator}; +pub use u256x2048_mul::*; pub use uint256::*; -use crate::syscalls::SyscallCode; - -use super::{MemoryLocalEvent, SyscallEvent}; - #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, EnumIter)] /// Precompile event. There should be one variant for every precompile syscall. pub enum PrecompileEvent { @@ -40,6 +41,12 @@ pub enum PrecompileEvent { Secp256k1Double(EllipticCurveDoubleEvent), /// Secp256k1 curve decompress precompile event. Secp256k1Decompress(EllipticCurveDecompressEvent), + /// Secp256r1 curve add precompile event. + Secp256r1Add(EllipticCurveAddEvent), + /// Secp256r1 curve double precompile event. + Secp256r1Double(EllipticCurveDoubleEvent), + /// Secp256r1 curve decompress precompile event. + Secp256r1Decompress(EllipticCurveDecompressEvent), /// K256 curve decompress precompile event. K256Decompress(EllipticCurveDecompressEvent), /// Bn254 curve add precompile event. @@ -66,6 +73,8 @@ pub enum PrecompileEvent { Bls12381Fp2Mul(Fp2MulEvent), /// Uint256 mul precompile event. Uint256Mul(Uint256MulEvent), + /// U256XU2048 mul precompile event. + U256xU2048Mul(U256xU2048MulEvent), } /// Trait to retrieve all the local memory events from a vec of precompile events. @@ -93,17 +102,20 @@ impl PrecompileLocalMemory for Vec<(SyscallEvent, PrecompileEvent)> { iterators.push(e.local_mem_access.iter()); } PrecompileEvent::Secp256k1Add(e) + | PrecompileEvent::Secp256r1Add(e) | PrecompileEvent::EdAdd(e) | PrecompileEvent::Bn254Add(e) | PrecompileEvent::Bls12381Add(e) => { iterators.push(e.local_mem_access.iter()); } PrecompileEvent::Secp256k1Double(e) + | PrecompileEvent::Secp256r1Double(e) | PrecompileEvent::Bn254Double(e) | PrecompileEvent::Bls12381Double(e) => { iterators.push(e.local_mem_access.iter()); } PrecompileEvent::Secp256k1Decompress(e) + | PrecompileEvent::Secp256r1Decompress(e) | PrecompileEvent::K256Decompress(e) | PrecompileEvent::Bls12381Decompress(e) => { iterators.push(e.local_mem_access.iter()); @@ -111,6 +123,9 @@ impl PrecompileLocalMemory for Vec<(SyscallEvent, PrecompileEvent)> { PrecompileEvent::Uint256Mul(e) => { iterators.push(e.local_mem_access.iter()); } + PrecompileEvent::U256xU2048Mul(e) => { + iterators.push(e.local_mem_access.iter()); + } PrecompileEvent::Bls12381Fp(e) | PrecompileEvent::Bn254Fp(e) => { iterators.push(e.local_mem_access.iter()); } @@ -130,7 +145,10 @@ impl PrecompileLocalMemory for Vec<(SyscallEvent, PrecompileEvent)> { /// A record of all the precompile events. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct PrecompileEvents { - events: HashMap>, + #[serde(serialize_with = "serialize_hashmap_as_vec")] + #[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_hashmap_as_vec")] + /// The precompile events mapped by syscall code. + pub events: HashMap>, } impl Default for PrecompileEvents { @@ -157,7 +175,7 @@ impl PrecompileEvents { #[inline] /// Add a precompile event for a given syscall code. - pub(crate) fn add_event( + pub fn add_event( &mut self, syscall_code: SyscallCode, syscall_event: SyscallEvent, diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/sha256_compress.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/sha256_compress.rs index a5ae603a4..f751445a2 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/sha256_compress.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/sha256_compress.rs @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use crate::events::{ memory::{MemoryReadRecord, MemoryWriteRecord}, - LookupId, MemoryLocalEvent, + MemoryLocalEvent, }; /// SHA-256 Compress Event. @@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ use crate::events::{ /// This event is emitted when a SHA-256 compress operation is performed. #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ShaCompressEvent { - /// The lookup identifier. - pub lookup_id: LookupId, /// The shard number. pub shard: u32, /// The clock cycle. diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/sha256_extend.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/sha256_extend.rs index 7e7134371..57030f895 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/sha256_extend.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/sha256_extend.rs @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use crate::events::{ memory::{MemoryReadRecord, MemoryWriteRecord}, - LookupId, MemoryLocalEvent, + MemoryLocalEvent, }; /// SHA-256 Extend Event. @@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ use crate::events::{ /// This event is emitted when a SHA-256 extend operation is performed. #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ShaExtendEvent { - /// The lookup identifier. - pub lookup_id: LookupId, /// The shard number. pub shard: u32, /// The clock cycle. diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/u256x2048_mul.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/u256x2048_mul.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..44757bec5 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/u256x2048_mul.rs @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; + +use crate::events::memory::{MemoryLocalEvent, MemoryReadRecord, MemoryWriteRecord}; + +/// `U256xU2048` Mul Event. +/// +/// This event is emitted when a `U256xU2048` mul operation is performed. +#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] +pub struct U256xU2048MulEvent { + /// The shard number. + pub shard: u32, + /// The channel number. + pub clk: u32, + /// The pointer to the a value. + pub a_ptr: u32, + /// The a value as a list of words. + pub a: Vec, + /// The pointer to the b value. + pub b_ptr: u32, + /// The b value as a list of words. + pub b: Vec, + /// The pointer to the lo value. + pub lo_ptr: u32, + /// The memory record for the pointer to the lo value. + pub lo_ptr_memory: MemoryReadRecord, + /// The lo value as a list of words. + pub lo: Vec, + /// The pointer to the hi value. + pub hi_ptr: u32, + /// The memory record for the pointer to the hi value. + pub hi_ptr_memory: MemoryReadRecord, + /// The hi value as a list of words. + pub hi: Vec, + /// The memory records for the a value. + pub a_memory_records: Vec, + /// The memory records for the b value. + pub b_memory_records: Vec, + /// The memory records for lo. + pub lo_memory_records: Vec, + /// The memory records for hi. + pub hi_memory_records: Vec, + /// The local memory access events. + pub local_mem_access: Vec, +} diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/uint256.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/uint256.rs index 75e4f9f14..be53547cf 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/uint256.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/events/precompiles/uint256.rs @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use crate::events::{ memory::{MemoryReadRecord, MemoryWriteRecord}, - LookupId, MemoryLocalEvent, + MemoryLocalEvent, }; /// Uint256 Mul Event. @@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ use crate::events::{ /// This event is emitted when a uint256 mul operation is performed. #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Uint256MulEvent { - /// The lookup identifier. - pub lookup_id: LookupId, /// The shard number. pub shard: u32, /// The clock cycle. diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/events/syscall.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/events/syscall.rs index 23f9263ba..a4190a238 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/events/syscall.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/events/syscall.rs @@ -1,25 +1,36 @@ use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; -use super::LookupId; +use crate::syscalls::SyscallCode; + +use super::MemoryWriteRecord; /// Syscall Event. /// -/// This object encapsulated the information needed to prove a syscall invocation from the CPU table. -/// This includes its shard, clk, syscall id, arguments, other relevant information. +/// This object encapsulated the information needed to prove a syscall invocation from the CPU +/// table. This includes its shard, clk, syscall id, arguments, other relevant information. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] pub struct SyscallEvent { + /// The program counter. + pub pc: u32, + /// The next program counter. + pub next_pc: u32, /// The shard number. pub shard: u32, /// The clock cycle. pub clk: u32, - /// The lookup id. - pub lookup_id: LookupId, + /// The `op_a` memory write record. + pub a_record: MemoryWriteRecord, + /// Whether the `op_a` memory write record is real. + pub a_record_is_real: bool, + /// Whether the first operand is register 0. + pub op_a_0: bool, + /// The syscall code. + pub syscall_code: SyscallCode, /// The syscall id. pub syscall_id: u32, - /// The first argument. + /// The first operand value (`op_b`). pub arg1: u32, - /// The second operand. + /// The second operand value (`op_c`). pub arg2: u32, - /// The nonce for the syscall. - pub nonce: u32, } diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/events/utils.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/events/utils.rs index 681bc6cc7..1a17f203f 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/events/utils.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/events/utils.rs @@ -1,47 +1,43 @@ -use serde::Deserialize; -use serde::Serialize; -use std::{ - fmt::Display, - iter::{Map, Peekable}, -}; +use std::fmt::Display; -use rand::{thread_rng, Rng}; - -/// A unique identifier for lookups. +/// Returns a tuple containing everything needed to to correctly display a table of counts +/// (e.g. `opcode_counts`): /// -/// We use 4 u32s instead of a u128 to make it compatible with C. -#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone, Copy, Default, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)] - -pub struct LookupId { - /// First part of the id. - pub a: u32, - /// Second part of the id. - pub b: u32, - /// Third part of the id. - pub c: u32, - /// Fourth part of the id. - pub d: u32, -} +/// 1. The number of characters of the highest count, that can be used to right-justify the count +/// column. +/// +/// 2. The table sorted first by count (descending) and then by label (ascending). The table +/// itself is an iterator of a tuple (label, count). +pub fn sorted_table_lines<'a, K, V>( + table: impl IntoIterator + 'a, +) -> (usize, impl Iterator) +where + K: Ord + Display + 'a, + V: Ord + Display + 'a, +{ + let mut entries = table.into_iter().collect::>(); + // Sort table by count (descending), then the name order (ascending). + entries.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a.1.cmp(b.1).reverse().then_with(|| a.0.cmp(&b.0))); + // Convert counts to `String`s to prepare them for printing and to measure their width. + let mut entries = + entries.into_iter().map(|(label, ct)| (label.to_string().to_lowercase(), ct)).peekable(); + // Calculate width for padding the counts. + let width = entries.peek().map(|(_, b)| b.to_string().len()).unwrap_or_default(); -/// Creates a new ALU lookup id with ``LookupId`` -#[must_use] -pub fn create_alu_lookup_id() -> LookupId { - let mut rng = thread_rng(); - LookupId { a: rng.gen(), b: rng.gen(), c: rng.gen(), d: rng.gen() } + (width, entries) } -/// Creates a new ALU lookup id with ``LookupId`` +/// Returns a formatted row of a table of counts (e.g. `opcode_counts`). +/// +/// The first column consists of the counts, is right-justified, and is padded precisely +/// enough to fit all the numbers, using the provided `width`. The second column consists of +/// the labels (e.g. `OpCode`s). The columns are separated by a single space character. #[must_use] -pub fn create_alu_lookups() -> [LookupId; 6] { - let mut rng = thread_rng(); - [ - LookupId { a: rng.gen(), b: rng.gen(), c: rng.gen(), d: rng.gen() }, - LookupId { a: rng.gen(), b: rng.gen(), c: rng.gen(), d: rng.gen() }, - LookupId { a: rng.gen(), b: rng.gen(), c: rng.gen(), d: rng.gen() }, - LookupId { a: rng.gen(), b: rng.gen(), c: rng.gen(), d: rng.gen() }, - LookupId { a: rng.gen(), b: rng.gen(), c: rng.gen(), d: rng.gen() }, - LookupId { a: rng.gen(), b: rng.gen(), c: rng.gen(), d: rng.gen() }, - ] +pub fn format_table_line(width: &usize, label: &str, count: &V) -> String +where + V: Display, +{ + format!("{count:>width$} {label}") } /// Returns sorted and formatted rows of a table of counts (e.g. `opcode_counts`). @@ -50,26 +46,18 @@ pub fn create_alu_lookups() -> [LookupId; 6] { /// The first column consists of the counts, is right-justified, and is padded precisely /// enough to fit all the numbers. The second column consists of the labels (e.g. `OpCode`s). /// The columns are separated by a single space character. -#[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] -pub fn sorted_table_lines<'a, K, V>( - table: impl IntoIterator + 'a, -) -> Map< - Peekable, impl FnMut((K, V)) -> (String, String)>>, - impl FnMut((String, String)) -> String, -> +/// +/// It's possible to hide rows with 0 count by setting `hide_zeros` to true. +pub fn generate_execution_report<'a, K, V>( + table: impl IntoIterator + 'a, +) -> impl Iterator + 'a where K: Ord + Display + 'a, - V: Ord + Display + 'a, + V: Ord + PartialEq + Display + 'a, { - let mut entries = table.into_iter().collect::>(); - // Sort table by count (descending), then the name order (ascending). - entries.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a.1.cmp(&b.1).reverse().then_with(|| a.0.cmp(&b.0))); - // Convert counts to `String`s to prepare them for printing and to measure their width. - let mut table_with_string_counts = entries - .into_iter() - .map(|(label, ct)| (label.to_string().to_lowercase(), ct.to_string())) - .peekable(); - // Calculate width for padding the counts. - let width = table_with_string_counts.peek().map(|(_, b)| b.len()).unwrap_or_default(); - table_with_string_counts.map(move |(label, count)| format!("{count:>width$} {label}")) + let (width, lines) = sorted_table_lines(table); + + lines + .filter(move |(_, count)| **count != 0) + .map(move |(label, count)| format!(" {}", format_table_line(&width, &label, count))) } diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/executor.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/executor.rs index cfbc8cacd..0f2d40296 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/executor.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/executor.rs @@ -1,44 +1,99 @@ -use std::{ - fs::File, - io::{BufWriter, Write}, - sync::Arc, -}; - +#[cfg(feature = "profiling")] +use std::{fs::File, io::BufWriter}; +use std::{str::FromStr, sync::Arc}; + +#[cfg(feature = "profiling")] +use crate::profiler::Profiler; +use clap::ValueEnum; +use enum_map::EnumMap; use hashbrown::HashMap; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; -use sp1_stark::SP1CoreOpts; +use sp1_primitives::consts::BABYBEAR_PRIME; +use sp1_stark::{air::PublicValues, SP1CoreOpts}; +use strum::IntoEnumIterator; use thiserror::Error; use crate::{ context::SP1Context, - dependencies::{emit_cpu_dependencies, emit_divrem_dependencies}, + dependencies::{ + emit_auipc_dependency, emit_branch_dependencies, emit_divrem_dependencies, + emit_jump_dependencies, emit_memory_dependencies, + }, + estimate_riscv_lde_size, events::{ - create_alu_lookup_id, create_alu_lookups, AluEvent, CpuEvent, LookupId, + AUIPCEvent, AluEvent, BranchEvent, CpuEvent, JumpEvent, MemInstrEvent, MemoryAccessPosition, MemoryInitializeFinalizeEvent, MemoryLocalEvent, MemoryReadRecord, - MemoryRecord, MemoryWriteRecord, SyscallEvent, + MemoryRecord, MemoryRecordEnum, MemoryWriteRecord, SyscallEvent, + NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_ENTRIES_PER_ROW_EXEC, }, hook::{HookEnv, HookRegistry}, - memory::{Entry, PagedMemory}, + memory::{Entry, Memory}, + pad_rv32im_event_counts, record::{ExecutionRecord, MemoryAccessRecord}, report::ExecutionReport, state::{ExecutionState, ForkState}, - subproof::{DefaultSubproofVerifier, SubproofVerifier}, + subproof::SubproofVerifier, syscalls::{default_syscall_map, Syscall, SyscallCode, SyscallContext}, - Instruction, Opcode, Program, Register, + CoreAirId, Instruction, MaximalShapes, Opcode, Program, Register, RiscvAirId, }; +/// The default increment for the program counter. Is used for all instructions except +/// for branches and jumps. +pub const DEFAULT_PC_INC: u32 = 4; +/// This is used in the `InstrEvent` to indicate that the instruction is not from the CPU. +/// A valid pc should be divisible by 4, so we use 1 to indicate that the pc is not used. +pub const UNUSED_PC: u32 = 1; + +/// The maximum number of instructions in a program. +pub const MAX_PROGRAM_SIZE: usize = 1 << 22; + +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] +/// Whether to verify deferred proofs during execution. +pub enum DeferredProofVerification { + /// Verify deferred proofs during execution. + Enabled, + /// Skip verification of deferred proofs + Disabled, +} + +impl From for DeferredProofVerification { + fn from(value: bool) -> Self { + if value { + DeferredProofVerification::Enabled + } else { + DeferredProofVerification::Disabled + } + } +} + /// An executor for the SP1 RISC-V zkVM. /// /// The exeuctor is responsible for executing a user program and tracing important events which /// occur during execution (i.e., memory reads, alu operations, etc). -#[repr(C)] pub struct Executor<'a> { /// The program. pub program: Arc, + /// The state of the execution. + pub state: ExecutionState, + + /// Memory addresses that were touched in this batch of shards. Used to minimize the size of + /// checkpoints. + pub memory_checkpoint: Memory>, + + /// Memory addresses that were initialized in this batch of shards. Used to minimize the size of + /// checkpoints. The value stored is whether or not it had a value at the beginning of the batch. + pub uninitialized_memory_checkpoint: Memory, + + /// Report of the program execution. + pub report: ExecutionReport, + /// The mode the executor is running in. pub executor_mode: ExecutorMode, + /// The memory accesses for the current cycle. + pub memory_accesses: MemoryAccessRecord, + /// Whether the runtime is in constrained mode or not. /// /// In unconstrained mode, any events, clock, register, or memory changes are reset after @@ -49,6 +104,10 @@ pub struct Executor<'a> { /// Whether we should write to the report. pub print_report: bool, + /// Whether we should emit global memory init and finalize events. This can be enabled in + /// Checkpoint mode and disabled in Trace mode. + pub emit_global_memory_events: bool, + /// The maximum size of each shard. pub shard_size: u32, @@ -64,28 +123,14 @@ pub struct Executor<'a> { /// The options for the runtime. pub opts: SP1CoreOpts, - /// Memory addresses that were touched in this batch of shards. Used to minimize the size of - /// checkpoints. - pub memory_checkpoint: PagedMemory>, - - /// Memory addresses that were initialized in this batch of shards. Used to minimize the size of - /// checkpoints. The value stored is whether or not it had a value at the beginning of the batch. - pub uninitialized_memory_checkpoint: PagedMemory, - - /// The memory accesses for the current cycle. - pub memory_accesses: MemoryAccessRecord, - /// The maximum number of cpu cycles to use for execution. pub max_cycles: Option, - /// The state of the execution. - pub state: ExecutionState, - /// The current trace of the execution that is being collected. - pub record: ExecutionRecord, + pub record: Box, /// The collected records, split by cpu cycles. - pub records: Vec, + pub records: Vec>, /// Local memory access events. pub local_memory_access: HashMap, @@ -96,27 +141,48 @@ pub struct Executor<'a> { /// A buffer for stdout and stderr IO. pub io_buf: HashMap, - /// A buffer for writing trace events to a file. - pub trace_buf: Option>, + /// The ZKVM program profiler. + /// + /// Keeps track of the number of cycles spent in each function. + #[cfg(feature = "profiling")] + pub profiler: Option<(Profiler, BufWriter)>, /// The state of the runtime when in unconstrained mode. - pub unconstrained_state: ForkState, + pub unconstrained_state: Box, - /// Report of the program execution. - pub report: ExecutionReport, + /// Statistics for event counts. + pub local_counts: LocalCounts, /// Verifier used to sanity check `verify_sp1_proof` during runtime. - pub subproof_verifier: Arc, + pub subproof_verifier: Option<&'a dyn SubproofVerifier>, /// Registry of hooks, to be invoked by writing to certain file descriptors. pub hook_registry: HookRegistry<'a>, /// The maximal shapes for the program. - pub maximal_shapes: Option>>, + pub maximal_shapes: Option, + + /// The costs of the program. + pub costs: HashMap, + + /// Skip deferred proof verification. + pub deferred_proof_verification: DeferredProofVerification, + + /// The frequency to check the stopping condition. + pub shape_check_frequency: u64, + + /// Early exit if the estimate LDE size is too big. + pub lde_size_check: bool, + + /// The maximum LDE size to allow. + pub lde_size_threshold: u64, + + /// event counts for the current shard. + pub event_counts: EnumMap, } /// The different modes the executor can run in. -#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize, ValueEnum)] pub enum ExecutorMode { /// Run the execution with no tracing or checkpointing. Simple, @@ -124,10 +190,23 @@ pub enum ExecutorMode { Checkpoint, /// Run the execution with full tracing of events. Trace, + /// Run the execution with full tracing of events and size bounds for shape collection. + ShapeCollection, +} + +/// Information about event counts which are relevant for shape fixing. +#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] +pub struct LocalCounts { + /// The event counts. + pub event_counts: Box>, + /// The number of syscalls sent globally in the current shard. + pub syscalls_sent: usize, + /// The number of addresses touched in this shard. + pub local_mem: usize, } /// Errors that the [``Executor``] can throw. -#[derive(Error, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[derive(Error, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum ExecutionError { /// The execution failed with a non-zero exit code. #[error("execution failed with exit code {0}")] @@ -162,13 +241,6 @@ pub enum ExecutionError { EndInUnconstrained(), } -macro_rules! assert_valid_memory_access { - ($addr:expr, $position:expr) => { - #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] - {} - }; -} - impl<'a> Executor<'a> { /// Create a new [``Executor``] from a program and options. #[must_use] @@ -176,11 +248,53 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { Self::with_context(program, opts, SP1Context::default()) } + /// Create a new runtime for the program, and setup the profiler if `TRACE_FILE` env var is set + /// and the feature flag `profiling` is enabled. + #[must_use] + pub fn with_context_and_elf( + opts: SP1CoreOpts, + context: SP1Context<'a>, + elf_bytes: &[u8], + ) -> Self { + let program = Program::from(elf_bytes).expect("Failed to create program from ELF bytes"); + + #[cfg(not(feature = "profiling"))] + return Self::with_context(program, opts, context); + + #[cfg(feature = "profiling")] + { + let mut this = Self::with_context(program, opts, context); + + let trace_buf = std::env::var("TRACE_FILE").ok().map(|file| { + let file = File::create(file).unwrap(); + BufWriter::new(file) + }); + + if let Some(trace_buf) = trace_buf { + println!("Profiling enabled"); + + let sample_rate = std::env::var("TRACE_SAMPLE_RATE") + .ok() + .and_then(|rate| { + println!("Profiling sample rate: {rate}"); + rate.parse::().ok() + }) + .unwrap_or(1); + + this.profiler = Some(( + Profiler::new(elf_bytes, sample_rate as u64) + .expect("Failed to create profiler"), + trace_buf, + )); + } + + this + } + } + /// Create a new runtime from a program, options, and a context. /// - /// # Panics - /// - /// This function may panic if it fails to create the trace file if `TRACE_FILE` is set. + /// Note: This function *will not* set up the profiler. #[must_use] pub fn with_context(program: Program, opts: SP1CoreOpts, context: SP1Context<'a>) -> Self { // Create a shared reference to the program. @@ -189,25 +303,20 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { // Create a default record with the program. let record = ExecutionRecord::new(program.clone()); - // If `TRACE_FILE`` is set, initialize the trace buffer. - let trace_buf = if let Ok(trace_file) = std::env::var("TRACE_FILE") { - let file = File::create(trace_file).unwrap(); - Some(BufWriter::new(file)) - } else { - None - }; - // Determine the maximum number of cycles for any syscall. let syscall_map = default_syscall_map(); let max_syscall_cycles = syscall_map.values().map(|syscall| syscall.num_extra_cycles()).max().unwrap_or(0); - let subproof_verifier = - context.subproof_verifier.unwrap_or_else(|| Arc::new(DefaultSubproofVerifier::new())); let hook_registry = context.hook_registry.unwrap_or_default(); + let costs: HashMap = + serde_json::from_str(include_str!("./artifacts/rv32im_costs.json")).unwrap(); + let costs: HashMap = + costs.into_iter().map(|(k, v)| (RiscvAirId::from_str(&k).unwrap(), v)).collect(); + Self { - record, + record: Box::new(record), records: vec![], state: ExecutionState::new(program.pc_start), program, @@ -216,22 +325,31 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { shard_batch_size: opts.shard_batch_size as u32, cycle_tracker: HashMap::new(), io_buf: HashMap::new(), - trace_buf, + #[cfg(feature = "profiling")] + profiler: None, unconstrained: false, - unconstrained_state: ForkState::default(), + unconstrained_state: Box::new(ForkState::default()), syscall_map, executor_mode: ExecutorMode::Trace, + emit_global_memory_events: true, max_syscall_cycles, report: ExecutionReport::default(), + local_counts: LocalCounts::default(), print_report: false, - subproof_verifier, + subproof_verifier: context.subproof_verifier, hook_registry, opts, max_cycles: context.max_cycles, - memory_checkpoint: PagedMemory::new_preallocated(), - uninitialized_memory_checkpoint: PagedMemory::new_preallocated(), + deferred_proof_verification: context.deferred_proof_verification.into(), + memory_checkpoint: Memory::default(), + uninitialized_memory_checkpoint: Memory::default(), local_memory_access: HashMap::new(), maximal_shapes: None, + costs: costs.into_iter().map(|(k, v)| (k, v as u64)).collect(), + shape_check_frequency: 16, + lde_size_check: false, + lde_size_threshold: 0, + event_counts: EnumMap::default(), } } @@ -269,8 +387,7 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { pub fn registers(&mut self) -> [u32; 32] { let mut registers = [0; 32]; for i in 0..32 { - let addr = Register::from_u32(i as u32) as u32; - let record = self.state.memory.get(addr); + let record = self.state.memory.registers.get(i); // Only add the previous memory state to checkpoint map if we're in checkpoint mode, // or if we're in unconstrained mode. In unconstrained mode, the mode is always @@ -278,15 +395,15 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { if self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Checkpoint || self.unconstrained { match record { Some(record) => { - self.memory_checkpoint.entry(addr).or_insert_with(|| Some(*record)); + self.memory_checkpoint.registers.entry(i).or_insert_with(|| Some(*record)); } None => { - self.memory_checkpoint.entry(addr).or_insert(None); + self.memory_checkpoint.registers.entry(i).or_insert(None); } } } - registers[i] = match record { + registers[i as usize] = match record { Some(record) => record.value, None => 0, }; @@ -298,19 +415,18 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { #[must_use] pub fn register(&mut self, register: Register) -> u32 { let addr = register as u32; - let record = self.state.memory.get(addr); + let record = self.state.memory.registers.get(addr); if self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Checkpoint || self.unconstrained { match record { Some(record) => { - self.memory_checkpoint.entry(addr).or_insert_with(|| Some(*record)); + self.memory_checkpoint.registers.entry(addr).or_insert_with(|| Some(*record)); } None => { - self.memory_checkpoint.entry(addr).or_insert(None); + self.memory_checkpoint.registers.entry(addr).or_insert(None); } } } - match record { Some(record) => record.value, None => 0, @@ -318,18 +434,20 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { } /// Get the current value of a word. + /// + /// Assumes `addr` is a valid memory address, not a register. #[must_use] pub fn word(&mut self, addr: u32) -> u32 { #[allow(clippy::single_match_else)] - let record = self.state.memory.get(addr); + let record = self.state.memory.page_table.get(addr); if self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Checkpoint || self.unconstrained { match record { Some(record) => { - self.memory_checkpoint.entry(addr).or_insert_with(|| Some(*record)); + self.memory_checkpoint.page_table.entry(addr).or_insert_with(|| Some(*record)); } None => { - self.memory_checkpoint.entry(addr).or_insert(None); + self.memory_checkpoint.page_table.entry(addr).or_insert(None); } } } @@ -341,6 +459,8 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { } /// Get the current value of a byte. + /// + /// Assumes `addr` is a valid memory address, not a register. #[must_use] pub fn byte(&mut self, addr: u32) -> u8 { let word = self.word(addr - addr % 4); @@ -368,16 +488,22 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { timestamp: u32, local_memory_access: Option<&mut HashMap>, ) -> MemoryReadRecord { + // Check that the memory address is within the babybear field and not within the registers' + // address space. Also check that the address is aligned. + if addr % 4 != 0 || addr <= Register::X31 as u32 || addr >= BABYBEAR_PRIME { + panic!("Invalid memory access: addr={addr}"); + } + // Get the memory record entry. - let entry = self.state.memory.entry(addr); + let entry = self.state.memory.page_table.entry(addr); if self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Checkpoint || self.unconstrained { match entry { Entry::Occupied(ref entry) => { let record = entry.get(); - self.memory_checkpoint.entry(addr).or_insert_with(|| Some(*record)); + self.memory_checkpoint.page_table.entry(addr).or_insert_with(|| Some(*record)); } Entry::Vacant(_) => { - self.memory_checkpoint.entry(addr).or_insert(None); + self.memory_checkpoint.page_table.entry(addr).or_insert(None); } } } @@ -397,17 +523,30 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { Entry::Occupied(entry) => entry.into_mut(), Entry::Vacant(entry) => { // If addr has a specific value to be initialized with, use that, otherwise 0. - let value = self.state.uninitialized_memory.get(addr).unwrap_or(&0); - self.uninitialized_memory_checkpoint.entry(addr).or_insert_with(|| *value != 0); + let value = self.state.uninitialized_memory.page_table.get(addr).unwrap_or(&0); + self.uninitialized_memory_checkpoint + .page_table + .entry(addr) + .or_insert_with(|| *value != 0); entry.insert(MemoryRecord { value: *value, shard: 0, timestamp: 0 }) } }; + // We update the local memory counter in two cases: + // 1. This is the first time the address is touched, this corresponds to the + // condition record.shard != shard. + // 2. The address is being accessed in a syscall. In this case, we need to send it. We use + // local_memory_access to detect this. *WARNING*: This means that we are counting + // on the .is_some() condition to be true only in the SyscallContext. + if !self.unconstrained && (record.shard != shard || local_memory_access.is_some()) { + self.local_counts.local_mem += 1; + } + let prev_record = *record; record.shard = shard; record.timestamp = timestamp; - if !self.unconstrained { + if !self.unconstrained && self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Trace { let local_memory_access = if let Some(local_memory_access) = local_memory_access { local_memory_access } else { @@ -436,6 +575,129 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { ) } + /// Read a register and return its value. + /// + /// Assumes that the executor mode IS NOT [`ExecutorMode::Trace`] + pub fn rr(&mut self, register: Register, shard: u32, timestamp: u32) -> u32 { + // Get the memory record entry. + let addr = register as u32; + let entry = self.state.memory.registers.entry(addr); + if self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Checkpoint || self.unconstrained { + match entry { + Entry::Occupied(ref entry) => { + let record = entry.get(); + self.memory_checkpoint.registers.entry(addr).or_insert_with(|| Some(*record)); + } + Entry::Vacant(_) => { + self.memory_checkpoint.registers.entry(addr).or_insert(None); + } + } + } + + // If we're in unconstrained mode, we don't want to modify state, so we'll save the + // original state if it's the first time modifying it. + if self.unconstrained { + let record = match entry { + Entry::Occupied(ref entry) => Some(entry.get()), + Entry::Vacant(_) => None, + }; + self.unconstrained_state.memory_diff.entry(addr).or_insert(record.copied()); + } + + // If it's the first time accessing this address, initialize previous values. + let record: &mut MemoryRecord = match entry { + Entry::Occupied(entry) => entry.into_mut(), + Entry::Vacant(entry) => { + // If addr has a specific value to be initialized with, use that, otherwise 0. + let value = self.state.uninitialized_memory.registers.get(addr).unwrap_or(&0); + self.uninitialized_memory_checkpoint + .registers + .entry(addr) + .or_insert_with(|| *value != 0); + entry.insert(MemoryRecord { value: *value, shard: 0, timestamp: 0 }) + } + }; + + record.shard = shard; + record.timestamp = timestamp; + record.value + } + + /// Read a register and create an access record. + /// + /// Assumes that self.mode IS [`ExecutorMode::Trace`]. + pub fn rr_traced( + &mut self, + register: Register, + shard: u32, + timestamp: u32, + local_memory_access: Option<&mut HashMap>, + ) -> MemoryReadRecord { + // Get the memory record entry. + let addr = register as u32; + let entry = self.state.memory.registers.entry(addr); + if self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Checkpoint || self.unconstrained { + match entry { + Entry::Occupied(ref entry) => { + let record = entry.get(); + self.memory_checkpoint.registers.entry(addr).or_insert_with(|| Some(*record)); + } + Entry::Vacant(_) => { + self.memory_checkpoint.registers.entry(addr).or_insert(None); + } + } + } + // If we're in unconstrained mode, we don't want to modify state, so we'll save the + // original state if it's the first time modifying it. + if self.unconstrained { + let record = match entry { + Entry::Occupied(ref entry) => Some(entry.get()), + Entry::Vacant(_) => None, + }; + self.unconstrained_state.memory_diff.entry(addr).or_insert(record.copied()); + } + // If it's the first time accessing this address, initialize previous values. + let record: &mut MemoryRecord = match entry { + Entry::Occupied(entry) => entry.into_mut(), + Entry::Vacant(entry) => { + // If addr has a specific value to be initialized with, use that, otherwise 0. + let value = self.state.uninitialized_memory.registers.get(addr).unwrap_or(&0); + self.uninitialized_memory_checkpoint + .registers + .entry(addr) + .or_insert_with(|| *value != 0); + entry.insert(MemoryRecord { value: *value, shard: 0, timestamp: 0 }) + } + }; + let prev_record = *record; + record.shard = shard; + record.timestamp = timestamp; + if !self.unconstrained && self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Trace { + let local_memory_access = if let Some(local_memory_access) = local_memory_access { + local_memory_access + } else { + &mut self.local_memory_access + }; + local_memory_access + .entry(addr) + .and_modify(|e| { + e.final_mem_access = *record; + }) + .or_insert(MemoryLocalEvent { + addr, + initial_mem_access: prev_record, + final_mem_access: *record, + }); + } + // Construct the memory read record. + MemoryReadRecord::new( + record.value, + record.shard, + record.timestamp, + prev_record.shard, + prev_record.timestamp, + ) + } /// Write a word to memory and create an access record. pub fn mw( &mut self, @@ -445,16 +707,116 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { timestamp: u32, local_memory_access: Option<&mut HashMap>, ) -> MemoryWriteRecord { + // Check that the memory address is within the babybear field and not within the registers' + // address space. Also check that the address is aligned. + if addr % 4 != 0 || addr <= Register::X31 as u32 || addr >= BABYBEAR_PRIME { + panic!("Invalid memory access: addr={addr}"); + } + // Get the memory record entry. - let entry = self.state.memory.entry(addr); + let entry = self.state.memory.page_table.entry(addr); if self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Checkpoint || self.unconstrained { match entry { Entry::Occupied(ref entry) => { let record = entry.get(); - self.memory_checkpoint.entry(addr).or_insert_with(|| Some(*record)); + self.memory_checkpoint.page_table.entry(addr).or_insert_with(|| Some(*record)); } Entry::Vacant(_) => { - self.memory_checkpoint.entry(addr).or_insert(None); + self.memory_checkpoint.page_table.entry(addr).or_insert(None); + } + } + } + // If we're in unconstrained mode, we don't want to modify state, so we'll save the + // original state if it's the first time modifying it. + if self.unconstrained { + let record = match entry { + Entry::Occupied(ref entry) => Some(entry.get()), + Entry::Vacant(_) => None, + }; + self.unconstrained_state.memory_diff.entry(addr).or_insert(record.copied()); + } + // If it's the first time accessing this address, initialize previous values. + let record: &mut MemoryRecord = match entry { + Entry::Occupied(entry) => entry.into_mut(), + Entry::Vacant(entry) => { + // If addr has a specific value to be initialized with, use that, otherwise 0. + let value = self.state.uninitialized_memory.page_table.get(addr).unwrap_or(&0); + self.uninitialized_memory_checkpoint + .page_table + .entry(addr) + .or_insert_with(|| *value != 0); + + entry.insert(MemoryRecord { value: *value, shard: 0, timestamp: 0 }) + } + }; + + // We update the local memory counter in two cases: + // 1. This is the first time the address is touched, this corresponds to the + // condition record.shard != shard. + // 2. The address is being accessed in a syscall. In this case, we need to send it. We use + // local_memory_access to detect this. *WARNING*: This means that we are counting + // on the .is_some() condition to be true only in the SyscallContext. + if !self.unconstrained && (record.shard != shard || local_memory_access.is_some()) { + self.local_counts.local_mem += 1; + } + + let prev_record = *record; + record.value = value; + record.shard = shard; + record.timestamp = timestamp; + if !self.unconstrained && self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Trace { + let local_memory_access = if let Some(local_memory_access) = local_memory_access { + local_memory_access + } else { + &mut self.local_memory_access + }; + + local_memory_access + .entry(addr) + .and_modify(|e| { + e.final_mem_access = *record; + }) + .or_insert(MemoryLocalEvent { + addr, + initial_mem_access: prev_record, + final_mem_access: *record, + }); + } + + // Construct the memory write record. + MemoryWriteRecord::new( + record.value, + record.shard, + record.timestamp, + prev_record.value, + prev_record.shard, + prev_record.timestamp, + ) + } + + /// Write a word to a register and create an access record. + /// + /// Assumes that self.mode IS [`ExecutorMode::Trace`]. + pub fn rw_traced( + &mut self, + register: Register, + value: u32, + shard: u32, + timestamp: u32, + local_memory_access: Option<&mut HashMap>, + ) -> MemoryWriteRecord { + let addr = register as u32; + + // Get the memory record entry. + let entry = self.state.memory.registers.entry(addr); + if self.unconstrained { + match entry { + Entry::Occupied(ref entry) => { + let record = entry.get(); + self.memory_checkpoint.registers.entry(addr).or_insert_with(|| Some(*record)); + } + Entry::Vacant(_) => { + self.memory_checkpoint.registers.entry(addr).or_insert(None); } } } @@ -469,13 +831,16 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { self.unconstrained_state.memory_diff.entry(addr).or_insert(record.copied()); } - // If it's the first time accessing this address, initialize previous values. + // If it's the first time accessing this register, initialize previous values. let record: &mut MemoryRecord = match entry { Entry::Occupied(entry) => entry.into_mut(), Entry::Vacant(entry) => { // If addr has a specific value to be initialized with, use that, otherwise 0. - let value = self.state.uninitialized_memory.get(addr).unwrap_or(&0); - self.uninitialized_memory_checkpoint.entry(addr).or_insert_with(|| *value != 0); + let value = self.state.uninitialized_memory.registers.get(addr).unwrap_or(&0); + self.uninitialized_memory_checkpoint + .registers + .entry(addr) + .or_insert_with(|| *value != 0); entry.insert(MemoryRecord { value: *value, shard: 0, timestamp: 0 }) } @@ -516,140 +881,197 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { ) } - /// Read from memory, assuming that all addresses are aligned. - pub fn mr_cpu(&mut self, addr: u32, position: MemoryAccessPosition) -> u32 { - // Assert that the address is aligned. - assert_valid_memory_access!(addr, position); + /// Write a word to a register and create an access record. + /// + /// Assumes that the executor mode IS NOT [`ExecutorMode::Trace`]. + #[inline] + pub fn rw(&mut self, register: Register, value: u32, shard: u32, timestamp: u32) { + let addr = register as u32; + // Get the memory record entry. + let entry = self.state.memory.registers.entry(addr); + if self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Checkpoint || self.unconstrained { + match entry { + Entry::Occupied(ref entry) => { + let record = entry.get(); + self.memory_checkpoint.registers.entry(addr).or_insert_with(|| Some(*record)); + } + Entry::Vacant(_) => { + self.memory_checkpoint.registers.entry(addr).or_insert(None); + } + } + } - // Read the address from memory and create a memory read record. - let record = self.mr(addr, self.shard(), self.timestamp(&position), None); + // If we're in unconstrained mode, we don't want to modify state, so we'll save the + // original state if it's the first time modifying it. + if self.unconstrained { + let record = match entry { + Entry::Occupied(ref entry) => Some(entry.get()), + Entry::Vacant(_) => None, + }; + self.unconstrained_state.memory_diff.entry(addr).or_insert(record.copied()); + } - // If we're not in unconstrained mode, record the access for the current cycle. - if !self.unconstrained && self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Trace { - match position { - MemoryAccessPosition::A => self.memory_accesses.a = Some(record.into()), - MemoryAccessPosition::B => self.memory_accesses.b = Some(record.into()), - MemoryAccessPosition::C => self.memory_accesses.c = Some(record.into()), - MemoryAccessPosition::Memory => self.memory_accesses.memory = Some(record.into()), + // If it's the first time accessing this register, initialize previous values. + let record: &mut MemoryRecord = match entry { + Entry::Occupied(entry) => entry.into_mut(), + Entry::Vacant(entry) => { + // If addr has a specific value to be initialized with, use that, otherwise 0. + let value = self.state.uninitialized_memory.registers.get(addr).unwrap_or(&0); + self.uninitialized_memory_checkpoint + .registers + .entry(addr) + .or_insert_with(|| *value != 0); + + entry.insert(MemoryRecord { value: *value, shard: 0, timestamp: 0 }) } + }; + + record.value = value; + record.shard = shard; + record.timestamp = timestamp; + } + + /// Read from memory, assuming that all addresses are aligned. + #[inline] + pub fn mr_cpu(&mut self, addr: u32) -> u32 { + // Read the address from memory and create a memory read record. + let record = + self.mr(addr, self.shard(), self.timestamp(&MemoryAccessPosition::Memory), None); + // If we're not in unconstrained mode, record the access for the current cycle. + if self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Trace { + self.memory_accesses.memory = Some(record.into()); } record.value } + /// Read a register. + #[inline] + pub fn rr_cpu(&mut self, register: Register, position: MemoryAccessPosition) -> u32 { + // Read the address from memory and create a memory read record if in trace mode. + if self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Trace { + let record = self.rr_traced(register, self.shard(), self.timestamp(&position), None); + if !self.unconstrained { + match position { + MemoryAccessPosition::A => self.memory_accesses.a = Some(record.into()), + MemoryAccessPosition::B => self.memory_accesses.b = Some(record.into()), + MemoryAccessPosition::C => self.memory_accesses.c = Some(record.into()), + MemoryAccessPosition::Memory => { + self.memory_accesses.memory = Some(record.into()); + } + } + } + record.value + } else { + self.rr(register, self.shard(), self.timestamp(&position)) + } + } + /// Write to memory. /// /// # Panics /// /// This function will panic if the address is not aligned or if the memory accesses are already /// initialized. - pub fn mw_cpu(&mut self, addr: u32, value: u32, position: MemoryAccessPosition) { - // Assert that the address is aligned. - assert_valid_memory_access!(addr, position); - + pub fn mw_cpu(&mut self, addr: u32, value: u32) { // Read the address from memory and create a memory read record. - let record = self.mw(addr, value, self.shard(), self.timestamp(&position), None); - + let record = + self.mw(addr, value, self.shard(), self.timestamp(&MemoryAccessPosition::Memory), None); // If we're not in unconstrained mode, record the access for the current cycle. - if !self.unconstrained && self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Trace { - match position { - MemoryAccessPosition::A => { - assert!(self.memory_accesses.a.is_none()); - self.memory_accesses.a = Some(record.into()); - } - MemoryAccessPosition::B => { - assert!(self.memory_accesses.b.is_none()); - self.memory_accesses.b = Some(record.into()); - } - MemoryAccessPosition::C => { - assert!(self.memory_accesses.c.is_none()); - self.memory_accesses.c = Some(record.into()); - } - MemoryAccessPosition::Memory => { - assert!(self.memory_accesses.memory.is_none()); - self.memory_accesses.memory = Some(record.into()); - } - } + if self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Trace { + debug_assert!(self.memory_accesses.memory.is_none()); + self.memory_accesses.memory = Some(record.into()); } } - /// Read from a register. - pub fn rr(&mut self, register: Register, position: MemoryAccessPosition) -> u32 { - self.mr_cpu(register as u32, position) - } - /// Write to a register. - pub fn rw(&mut self, register: Register, value: u32) { + pub fn rw_cpu(&mut self, register: Register, value: u32) { // The only time we are writing to a register is when it is in operand A. + let position = MemoryAccessPosition::A; + // Register %x0 should always be 0. See 2.6 Load and Store Instruction on // P.18 of the RISC-V spec. We always write 0 to %x0. - if register == Register::X0 { - self.mw_cpu(register as u32, 0, MemoryAccessPosition::A); + let value = if register == Register::X0 { 0 } else { value }; + + // Read the address from memory and create a memory read record. + if self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Trace { + let record = + self.rw_traced(register, value, self.shard(), self.timestamp(&position), None); + if !self.unconstrained { + // The only time we are writing to a register is when it is in operand A. + debug_assert!(self.memory_accesses.a.is_none()); + self.memory_accesses.a = Some(record.into()); + } } else { - self.mw_cpu(register as u32, value, MemoryAccessPosition::A); + self.rw(register, value, self.shard(), self.timestamp(&position)); + } + } + + /// Emit events for this cycle. + #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] + fn emit_events( + &mut self, + clk: u32, + next_pc: u32, + instruction: &Instruction, + syscall_code: SyscallCode, + a: u32, + b: u32, + c: u32, + op_a_0: bool, + record: MemoryAccessRecord, + exit_code: u32, + ) { + self.emit_cpu(clk, next_pc, a, b, c, record, exit_code); + + if instruction.is_alu_instruction() { + self.emit_alu_event(instruction.opcode, a, b, c, op_a_0); + } else if instruction.is_memory_load_instruction() + || instruction.is_memory_store_instruction() + { + self.emit_mem_instr_event(instruction.opcode, a, b, c, op_a_0); + } else if instruction.is_branch_instruction() { + self.emit_branch_event(instruction.opcode, a, b, c, op_a_0, next_pc); + } else if instruction.is_jump_instruction() { + self.emit_jump_event(instruction.opcode, a, b, c, op_a_0, next_pc); + } else if instruction.is_auipc_instruction() { + self.emit_auipc_event(instruction.opcode, a, b, c, op_a_0); + } else if instruction.is_ecall_instruction() { + self.emit_syscall_event(clk, record.a, op_a_0, syscall_code, b, c, next_pc); + } else { + unreachable!() } } /// Emit a CPU event. #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] + #[inline] fn emit_cpu( &mut self, - shard: u32, clk: u32, - pc: u32, next_pc: u32, - instruction: Instruction, a: u32, b: u32, c: u32, - memory_store_value: Option, record: MemoryAccessRecord, exit_code: u32, - lookup_id: LookupId, - syscall_lookup_id: LookupId, ) { - let cpu_event = CpuEvent { - shard, + self.record.cpu_events.push(CpuEvent { clk, - pc, + pc: self.state.pc, next_pc, - instruction, a, a_record: record.a, b, b_record: record.b, c, c_record: record.c, - memory: memory_store_value, - memory_record: record.memory, exit_code, - alu_lookup_id: lookup_id, - syscall_lookup_id, - memory_add_lookup_id: create_alu_lookup_id(), - memory_sub_lookup_id: create_alu_lookup_id(), - branch_lt_lookup_id: create_alu_lookup_id(), - branch_gt_lookup_id: create_alu_lookup_id(), - branch_add_lookup_id: create_alu_lookup_id(), - jump_jal_lookup_id: create_alu_lookup_id(), - jump_jalr_lookup_id: create_alu_lookup_id(), - auipc_lookup_id: create_alu_lookup_id(), - }; - - self.record.cpu_events.push(cpu_event); - emit_cpu_dependencies(self, &cpu_event); + }); } /// Emit an ALU event. - fn emit_alu(&mut self, clk: u32, opcode: Opcode, a: u32, b: u32, c: u32, lookup_id: LookupId) { - let event = AluEvent { - lookup_id, - shard: self.shard(), - clk, - opcode, - a, - b, - c, - sub_lookups: create_alu_lookups(), - }; + fn emit_alu_event(&mut self, opcode: Opcode, a: u32, b: u32, c: u32, op_a_0: bool) { + let event = AluEvent { pc: self.state.pc, opcode, a, b, c, op_a_0 }; match opcode { Opcode::ADD => { self.record.add_events.push(event); @@ -676,39 +1098,126 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { self.record.divrem_events.push(event); emit_divrem_dependencies(self, event); } - _ => {} + _ => unreachable!(), } } + /// Emit a memory instruction event. + #[inline] + fn emit_mem_instr_event(&mut self, opcode: Opcode, a: u32, b: u32, c: u32, op_a_0: bool) { + let event = MemInstrEvent { + shard: self.shard(), + clk: self.state.clk, + pc: self.state.pc, + opcode, + a, + b, + c, + op_a_0, + mem_access: self.memory_accesses.memory.expect("Must have memory access"), + }; + + self.record.memory_instr_events.push(event); + emit_memory_dependencies( + self, + event, + self.memory_accesses.memory.expect("Must have memory access").current_record(), + ); + } + + /// Emit a branch event. + #[inline] + fn emit_branch_event( + &mut self, + opcode: Opcode, + a: u32, + b: u32, + c: u32, + op_a_0: bool, + next_pc: u32, + ) { + let event = BranchEvent { pc: self.state.pc, next_pc, opcode, a, b, c, op_a_0 }; + self.record.branch_events.push(event); + emit_branch_dependencies(self, event); + } + + /// Emit a jump event. + #[inline] + fn emit_jump_event( + &mut self, + opcode: Opcode, + a: u32, + b: u32, + c: u32, + op_a_0: bool, + next_pc: u32, + ) { + let event = JumpEvent::new(self.state.pc, next_pc, opcode, a, b, c, op_a_0); + self.record.jump_events.push(event); + emit_jump_dependencies(self, event); + } + + /// Emit an AUIPC event. + #[inline] + fn emit_auipc_event(&mut self, opcode: Opcode, a: u32, b: u32, c: u32, op_a_0: bool) { + let event = AUIPCEvent::new(self.state.pc, opcode, a, b, c, op_a_0); + self.record.auipc_events.push(event); + emit_auipc_dependency(self, event); + } + + /// Create a syscall event. + #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] #[inline] pub(crate) fn syscall_event( &self, clk: u32, - syscall_id: u32, + a_record: Option, + op_a_0: Option, + syscall_code: SyscallCode, arg1: u32, arg2: u32, - lookup_id: LookupId, + next_pc: u32, ) -> SyscallEvent { + let (write, is_real) = match a_record { + Some(MemoryRecordEnum::Write(record)) => (record, true), + _ => (MemoryWriteRecord::default(), false), + }; + + // If op_a_0 is None, then we assume it is not register 0. Note that this will happen + // for syscall events that are created within the precompiles' execute function. Those events will be + // added to precompile tables, which wouldn't use the op_a_0 field. Note that we can't make + // the op_a_0 field an Option in SyscallEvent because of the cbindgen. + let op_a_0 = op_a_0.unwrap_or(false); + SyscallEvent { shard: self.shard(), clk, - syscall_id, + pc: self.state.pc, + next_pc, + a_record: write, + a_record_is_real: is_real, + op_a_0, + syscall_code, + syscall_id: syscall_code.syscall_id(), arg1, arg2, - lookup_id, - nonce: self.record.nonce_lookup[&lookup_id], } } - fn emit_syscall( + /// Emit a syscall event. + #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] + fn emit_syscall_event( &mut self, clk: u32, - syscall_id: u32, + a_record: Option, + op_a_0: bool, + syscall_code: SyscallCode, arg1: u32, arg2: u32, - lookup_id: LookupId, + next_pc: u32, ) { - let syscall_event = self.syscall_event(clk, syscall_id, arg1, arg2, lookup_id); + let syscall_event = + self.syscall_event(clk, a_record, Some(op_a_0), syscall_code, arg1, arg2, next_pc); self.record.syscall_events.push(syscall_event); } @@ -717,43 +1226,33 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { fn alu_rr(&mut self, instruction: &Instruction) -> (Register, u32, u32) { if !instruction.imm_c { let (rd, rs1, rs2) = instruction.r_type(); - let c = self.rr(rs2, MemoryAccessPosition::C); - let b = self.rr(rs1, MemoryAccessPosition::B); + let c = self.rr_cpu(rs2, MemoryAccessPosition::C); + let b = self.rr_cpu(rs1, MemoryAccessPosition::B); (rd, b, c) } else if !instruction.imm_b && instruction.imm_c { let (rd, rs1, imm) = instruction.i_type(); - let (rd, b, c) = (rd, self.rr(rs1, MemoryAccessPosition::B), imm); + let (rd, b, c) = (rd, self.rr_cpu(rs1, MemoryAccessPosition::B), imm); (rd, b, c) } else { - assert!(instruction.imm_b && instruction.imm_c); + debug_assert!(instruction.imm_b && instruction.imm_c); let (rd, b, c) = - (Register::from_u32(instruction.op_a), instruction.op_b, instruction.op_c); + (Register::from_u8(instruction.op_a), instruction.op_b, instruction.op_c); (rd, b, c) } } - /// Set the destination register with the result and emit an ALU event. - fn alu_rw( - &mut self, - instruction: &Instruction, - rd: Register, - a: u32, - b: u32, - c: u32, - lookup_id: LookupId, - ) { - self.rw(rd, a); - if self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Trace { - self.emit_alu(self.state.clk, instruction.opcode, a, b, c, lookup_id); - } + /// Set the destination register with the result. + #[inline] + fn alu_rw(&mut self, rd: Register, a: u32) { + self.rw_cpu(rd, a); } /// Fetch the input operand values for a load instruction. fn load_rr(&mut self, instruction: &Instruction) -> (Register, u32, u32, u32, u32) { let (rd, rs1, imm) = instruction.i_type(); - let (b, c) = (self.rr(rs1, MemoryAccessPosition::B), imm); + let (b, c) = (self.rr_cpu(rs1, MemoryAccessPosition::B), imm); let addr = b.wrapping_add(c); - let memory_value = self.mr_cpu(align(addr), MemoryAccessPosition::Memory); + let memory_value = self.mr_cpu(align(addr)); (rd, b, c, addr, memory_value) } @@ -761,8 +1260,8 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { fn store_rr(&mut self, instruction: &Instruction) -> (u32, u32, u32, u32, u32) { let (rs1, rs2, imm) = instruction.s_type(); let c = imm; - let b = self.rr(rs2, MemoryAccessPosition::B); - let a = self.rr(rs1, MemoryAccessPosition::A); + let b = self.rr_cpu(rs2, MemoryAccessPosition::B); + let a = self.rr_cpu(rs1, MemoryAccessPosition::A); let addr = b.wrapping_add(c); let memory_value = self.word(align(addr)); (a, b, c, addr, memory_value) @@ -772,453 +1271,357 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { fn branch_rr(&mut self, instruction: &Instruction) -> (u32, u32, u32) { let (rs1, rs2, imm) = instruction.b_type(); let c = imm; - let b = self.rr(rs2, MemoryAccessPosition::B); - let a = self.rr(rs1, MemoryAccessPosition::A); + let b = self.rr_cpu(rs2, MemoryAccessPosition::B); + let a = self.rr_cpu(rs1, MemoryAccessPosition::A); (a, b, c) } /// Fetch the instruction at the current program counter. #[inline] fn fetch(&self) -> Instruction { - let idx = ((self.state.pc - self.program.pc_base) / 4) as usize; - self.program.instructions[idx] + *self.program.fetch(self.state.pc) } /// Execute the given instruction over the current state of the runtime. #[allow(clippy::too_many_lines)] fn execute_instruction(&mut self, instruction: &Instruction) -> Result<(), ExecutionError> { - let mut pc = self.state.pc; + // The `clk` variable contains the cycle before the current instruction is executed. The + // `state.clk` can be updated before the end of this function by precompiles' execution. let mut clk = self.state.clk; let mut exit_code = 0u32; + let mut next_pc = self.state.pc.wrapping_add(4); + // Will be set to a non-default value if the instruction is a syscall. + + let (mut a, b, c): (u32, u32, u32); + + if self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Trace { + self.memory_accesses = MemoryAccessRecord::default(); + } + + // The syscall id for precompiles. This is only used/set when opcode == ECALL. + let mut syscall = SyscallCode::default(); + + if !self.unconstrained { + self.report.opcode_counts[instruction.opcode] += 1; + self.local_counts.event_counts[instruction.opcode] += 1; + if instruction.is_memory_load_instruction() { + self.local_counts.event_counts[Opcode::ADD] += 2; + } else if instruction.is_jump_instruction() { + self.local_counts.event_counts[Opcode::ADD] += 1; + } else if instruction.is_branch_instruction() { + self.local_counts.event_counts[Opcode::ADD] += 1; + self.local_counts.event_counts[Opcode::SLTU] += 2; + } else if instruction.is_divrem_instruction() { + self.local_counts.event_counts[Opcode::MUL] += 2; + self.local_counts.event_counts[Opcode::ADD] += 2; + self.local_counts.event_counts[Opcode::SLTU] += 1; + } + } + + if instruction.is_alu_instruction() { + (a, b, c) = self.execute_alu(instruction); + } else if instruction.is_memory_load_instruction() { + (a, b, c) = self.execute_load(instruction)?; + } else if instruction.is_memory_store_instruction() { + (a, b, c) = self.execute_store(instruction)?; + } else if instruction.is_branch_instruction() { + (a, b, c, next_pc) = self.execute_branch(instruction, next_pc); + } else if instruction.is_jump_instruction() { + (a, b, c, next_pc) = self.execute_jump(instruction); + } else if instruction.is_auipc_instruction() { + let (rd, imm) = instruction.u_type(); + (b, c) = (imm, imm); + a = self.state.pc.wrapping_add(b); + self.rw_cpu(rd, a); + } else if instruction.is_ecall_instruction() { + (a, b, c, clk, next_pc, syscall, exit_code) = self.execute_ecall()?; + } else if instruction.is_ebreak_instruction() { + return Err(ExecutionError::Breakpoint()); + } else if instruction.is_unimp_instruction() { + // See https://github.com/riscv-non-isa/riscv-asm-manual/blob/master/riscv-asm.md#instruction-aliases + return Err(ExecutionError::Unimplemented()); + } else { + println!("unreachable: {:?}", instruction.opcode); + unreachable!() + } + + // If the destination register is x0, then we need to make sure that a's value is 0. + let op_a_0 = instruction.op_a == Register::X0 as u8; + if op_a_0 { + a = 0; + } + + // Emit the events for this cycle. + if self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Trace { + self.emit_events( + clk, + next_pc, + instruction, + syscall, + a, + b, + c, + op_a_0, + self.memory_accesses, + exit_code, + ); + }; - let mut next_pc = self.state.pc.wrapping_add(4); + // Update the program counter. + self.state.pc = next_pc; - let rd: Register; - let (a, b, c): (u32, u32, u32); - let (addr, memory_read_value): (u32, u32); - let mut memory_store_value: Option = None; + // Update the clk to the next cycle. + self.state.clk += 4; - if self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Trace { - self.memory_accesses = MemoryAccessRecord::default(); - } - let lookup_id = if self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Trace { - create_alu_lookup_id() - } else { - LookupId::default() - }; - let syscall_lookup_id = if self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Trace { - create_alu_lookup_id() - } else { - LookupId::default() - }; + Ok(()) + } - if !self.unconstrained { - self.report.opcode_counts[instruction.opcode] += 1; - self.report.event_counts[instruction.opcode] += 1; - match instruction.opcode { - Opcode::LB | Opcode::LH | Opcode::LW | Opcode::LBU | Opcode::LHU => { - self.report.event_counts[Opcode::ADD] += 2; - } - Opcode::JAL | Opcode::JALR | Opcode::AUIPC => { - self.report.event_counts[Opcode::ADD] += 1; - } - Opcode::BEQ - | Opcode::BNE - | Opcode::BLT - | Opcode::BGE - | Opcode::BLTU - | Opcode::BGEU => { - self.report.event_counts[Opcode::ADD] += 1; - self.report.event_counts[Opcode::SLTU] += 2; - } - Opcode::DIVU | Opcode::REMU | Opcode::DIV | Opcode::REM => { - self.report.event_counts[Opcode::MUL] += 2; - self.report.event_counts[Opcode::ADD] += 2; - self.report.event_counts[Opcode::SLTU] += 1; + /// Execute an ALU instruction. + fn execute_alu(&mut self, instruction: &Instruction) -> (u32, u32, u32) { + let (rd, b, c) = self.alu_rr(instruction); + let a = match instruction.opcode { + Opcode::ADD => b.wrapping_add(c), + Opcode::SUB => b.wrapping_sub(c), + Opcode::XOR => b ^ c, + Opcode::OR => b | c, + Opcode::AND => b & c, + Opcode::SLL => b.wrapping_shl(c), + Opcode::SRL => b.wrapping_shr(c), + Opcode::SRA => (b as i32).wrapping_shr(c) as u32, + Opcode::SLT => { + if (b as i32) < (c as i32) { + 1 + } else { + 0 } - _ => {} - }; - } - - match instruction.opcode { - // Arithmetic instructions. - Opcode::ADD => { - (rd, b, c) = self.alu_rr(instruction); - a = b.wrapping_add(c); - self.alu_rw(instruction, rd, a, b, c, lookup_id); - } - Opcode::SUB => { - (rd, b, c) = self.alu_rr(instruction); - a = b.wrapping_sub(c); - self.alu_rw(instruction, rd, a, b, c, lookup_id); - } - Opcode::XOR => { - (rd, b, c) = self.alu_rr(instruction); - a = b ^ c; - self.alu_rw(instruction, rd, a, b, c, lookup_id); - } - Opcode::OR => { - (rd, b, c) = self.alu_rr(instruction); - a = b | c; - self.alu_rw(instruction, rd, a, b, c, lookup_id); - } - Opcode::AND => { - (rd, b, c) = self.alu_rr(instruction); - a = b & c; - self.alu_rw(instruction, rd, a, b, c, lookup_id); } - Opcode::SLL => { - (rd, b, c) = self.alu_rr(instruction); - a = b.wrapping_shl(c); - self.alu_rw(instruction, rd, a, b, c, lookup_id); + Opcode::SLTU => { + if b < c { + 1 + } else { + 0 + } } - Opcode::SRL => { - (rd, b, c) = self.alu_rr(instruction); - a = b.wrapping_shr(c); - self.alu_rw(instruction, rd, a, b, c, lookup_id); + Opcode::MUL => b.wrapping_mul(c), + Opcode::MULH => (((b as i32) as i64).wrapping_mul((c as i32) as i64) >> 32) as u32, + Opcode::MULHU => ((b as u64).wrapping_mul(c as u64) >> 32) as u32, + Opcode::MULHSU => (((b as i32) as i64).wrapping_mul(c as i64) >> 32) as u32, + Opcode::DIV => { + if c == 0 { + u32::MAX + } else { + (b as i32).wrapping_div(c as i32) as u32 + } } - Opcode::SRA => { - (rd, b, c) = self.alu_rr(instruction); - a = (b as i32).wrapping_shr(c) as u32; - self.alu_rw(instruction, rd, a, b, c, lookup_id); + Opcode::DIVU => { + if c == 0 { + u32::MAX + } else { + b.wrapping_div(c) + } } - Opcode::SLT => { - (rd, b, c) = self.alu_rr(instruction); - a = if (b as i32) < (c as i32) { 1 } else { 0 }; - self.alu_rw(instruction, rd, a, b, c, lookup_id); + Opcode::REM => { + if c == 0 { + b + } else { + (b as i32).wrapping_rem(c as i32) as u32 + } } - Opcode::SLTU => { - (rd, b, c) = self.alu_rr(instruction); - a = if b < c { 1 } else { 0 }; - self.alu_rw(instruction, rd, a, b, c, lookup_id); + Opcode::REMU => { + if c == 0 { + b + } else { + b.wrapping_rem(c) + } } + _ => unreachable!(), + }; + self.alu_rw(rd, a); + (a, b, c) + } - // Load instructions. - Opcode::LB => { - (rd, b, c, addr, memory_read_value) = self.load_rr(instruction); - let value = (memory_read_value).to_le_bytes()[(addr % 4) as usize]; - a = ((value as i8) as i32) as u32; - memory_store_value = Some(memory_read_value); - self.rw(rd, a); - } + /// Execute a load instruction. + fn execute_load( + &mut self, + instruction: &Instruction, + ) -> Result<(u32, u32, u32), ExecutionError> { + let (rd, b, c, addr, memory_read_value) = self.load_rr(instruction); + + let a = match instruction.opcode { + Opcode::LB => ((memory_read_value >> ((addr % 4) * 8)) & 0xFF) as i8 as i32 as u32, Opcode::LH => { - (rd, b, c, addr, memory_read_value) = self.load_rr(instruction); if addr % 2 != 0 { return Err(ExecutionError::InvalidMemoryAccess(Opcode::LH, addr)); } - let value = match (addr >> 1) % 2 { - 0 => memory_read_value & 0x0000_FFFF, - 1 => (memory_read_value & 0xFFFF_0000) >> 16, - _ => unreachable!(), - }; - a = ((value as i16) as i32) as u32; - memory_store_value = Some(memory_read_value); - self.rw(rd, a); + ((memory_read_value >> (((addr / 2) % 2) * 16)) & 0xFFFF) as i16 as i32 as u32 } Opcode::LW => { - (rd, b, c, addr, memory_read_value) = self.load_rr(instruction); if addr % 4 != 0 { return Err(ExecutionError::InvalidMemoryAccess(Opcode::LW, addr)); } - a = memory_read_value; - memory_store_value = Some(memory_read_value); - self.rw(rd, a); - } - Opcode::LBU => { - (rd, b, c, addr, memory_read_value) = self.load_rr(instruction); - let value = (memory_read_value).to_le_bytes()[(addr % 4) as usize]; - a = value as u32; - memory_store_value = Some(memory_read_value); - self.rw(rd, a); + memory_read_value } + Opcode::LBU => (memory_read_value >> ((addr % 4) * 8)) & 0xFF, Opcode::LHU => { - (rd, b, c, addr, memory_read_value) = self.load_rr(instruction); if addr % 2 != 0 { return Err(ExecutionError::InvalidMemoryAccess(Opcode::LHU, addr)); } - let value = match (addr >> 1) % 2 { - 0 => memory_read_value & 0x0000_FFFF, - 1 => (memory_read_value & 0xFFFF_0000) >> 16, - _ => unreachable!(), - }; - a = (value as u16) as u32; - memory_store_value = Some(memory_read_value); - self.rw(rd, a); + (memory_read_value >> (((addr / 2) % 2) * 16)) & 0xFFFF } + _ => unreachable!(), + }; + self.rw_cpu(rd, a); + Ok((a, b, c)) + } - // Store instructions. + /// Execute a store instruction. + fn execute_store( + &mut self, + instruction: &Instruction, + ) -> Result<(u32, u32, u32), ExecutionError> { + let (a, b, c, addr, memory_read_value) = self.store_rr(instruction); + + let memory_store_value = match instruction.opcode { Opcode::SB => { - (a, b, c, addr, memory_read_value) = self.store_rr(instruction); - let value = match addr % 4 { - 0 => (a & 0x0000_00FF) + (memory_read_value & 0xFFFF_FF00), - 1 => ((a & 0x0000_00FF) << 8) + (memory_read_value & 0xFFFF_00FF), - 2 => ((a & 0x0000_00FF) << 16) + (memory_read_value & 0xFF00_FFFF), - 3 => ((a & 0x0000_00FF) << 24) + (memory_read_value & 0x00FF_FFFF), - _ => unreachable!(), - }; - memory_store_value = Some(value); - self.mw_cpu(align(addr), value, MemoryAccessPosition::Memory); + let shift = (addr % 4) * 8; + ((a & 0xFF) << shift) | (memory_read_value & !(0xFF << shift)) } Opcode::SH => { - (a, b, c, addr, memory_read_value) = self.store_rr(instruction); if addr % 2 != 0 { return Err(ExecutionError::InvalidMemoryAccess(Opcode::SH, addr)); } - let value = match (addr >> 1) % 2 { - 0 => (a & 0x0000_FFFF) + (memory_read_value & 0xFFFF_0000), - 1 => ((a & 0x0000_FFFF) << 16) + (memory_read_value & 0x0000_FFFF), - _ => unreachable!(), - }; - memory_store_value = Some(value); - self.mw_cpu(align(addr), value, MemoryAccessPosition::Memory); + let shift = ((addr / 2) % 2) * 16; + ((a & 0xFFFF) << shift) | (memory_read_value & !(0xFFFF << shift)) } Opcode::SW => { - (a, b, c, addr, _) = self.store_rr(instruction); if addr % 4 != 0 { return Err(ExecutionError::InvalidMemoryAccess(Opcode::SW, addr)); } - let value = a; - memory_store_value = Some(value); - self.mw_cpu(align(addr), value, MemoryAccessPosition::Memory); - } - - // B-type instructions. - Opcode::BEQ => { - (a, b, c) = self.branch_rr(instruction); - if a == b { - next_pc = self.state.pc.wrapping_add(c); - } - } - Opcode::BNE => { - (a, b, c) = self.branch_rr(instruction); - if a != b { - next_pc = self.state.pc.wrapping_add(c); - } - } - Opcode::BLT => { - (a, b, c) = self.branch_rr(instruction); - if (a as i32) < (b as i32) { - next_pc = self.state.pc.wrapping_add(c); - } - } - Opcode::BGE => { - (a, b, c) = self.branch_rr(instruction); - if (a as i32) >= (b as i32) { - next_pc = self.state.pc.wrapping_add(c); - } - } - Opcode::BLTU => { - (a, b, c) = self.branch_rr(instruction); - if a < b { - next_pc = self.state.pc.wrapping_add(c); - } - } - Opcode::BGEU => { - (a, b, c) = self.branch_rr(instruction); - if a >= b { - next_pc = self.state.pc.wrapping_add(c); - } - } - - // Jump instructions. - Opcode::JAL => { - let (rd, imm) = instruction.j_type(); - (b, c) = (imm, 0); - a = self.state.pc + 4; - self.rw(rd, a); - next_pc = self.state.pc.wrapping_add(imm); - } - Opcode::JALR => { - let (rd, rs1, imm) = instruction.i_type(); - (b, c) = (self.rr(rs1, MemoryAccessPosition::B), imm); - a = self.state.pc + 4; - self.rw(rd, a); - next_pc = b.wrapping_add(c); + a } + _ => unreachable!(), + }; + self.mw_cpu(align(addr), memory_store_value); + Ok((a, b, c)) + } - // Upper immediate instructions. - Opcode::AUIPC => { - let (rd, imm) = instruction.u_type(); - (b, c) = (imm, imm); - a = self.state.pc.wrapping_add(b); - self.rw(rd, a); + /// Execute a branch instruction. + fn execute_branch( + &mut self, + instruction: &Instruction, + mut next_pc: u32, + ) -> (u32, u32, u32, u32) { + let (a, b, c) = self.branch_rr(instruction); + let branch = match instruction.opcode { + Opcode::BEQ => a == b, + Opcode::BNE => a != b, + Opcode::BLT => (a as i32) < (b as i32), + Opcode::BGE => (a as i32) >= (b as i32), + Opcode::BLTU => a < b, + Opcode::BGEU => a >= b, + _ => { + unreachable!() } + }; + if branch { + next_pc = self.state.pc.wrapping_add(c); + } + (a, b, c, next_pc) + } - // System instructions. - Opcode::ECALL => { - // We peek at register x5 to get the syscall id. The reason we don't `self.rr` this - // register is that we write to it later. - let t0 = Register::X5; - let syscall_id = self.register(t0); - c = self.rr(Register::X11, MemoryAccessPosition::C); - b = self.rr(Register::X10, MemoryAccessPosition::B); - let syscall = SyscallCode::from_u32(syscall_id); - - if self.print_report && !self.unconstrained { - self.report.syscall_counts[syscall] += 1; - } + /// Execute an ecall instruction. + #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] + fn execute_ecall( + &mut self, + ) -> Result<(u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, SyscallCode, u32), ExecutionError> { + // We peek at register x5 to get the syscall id. The reason we don't `self.rr` this + // register is that we write to it later. + let t0 = Register::X5; + let syscall_id = self.register(t0); + let c = self.rr_cpu(Register::X11, MemoryAccessPosition::C); + let b = self.rr_cpu(Register::X10, MemoryAccessPosition::B); + let syscall = SyscallCode::from_u32(syscall_id); + + if self.print_report && !self.unconstrained { + self.report.syscall_counts[syscall] += 1; + } - // `hint_slice` is allowed in unconstrained mode since it is used to write the hint. - // Other syscalls are not allowed because they can lead to non-deterministic - // behavior, especially since many syscalls modify memory in place, - // which is not permitted in unconstrained mode. This will result in - // non-zero memory interactions when generating a proof. + // `hint_slice` is allowed in unconstrained mode since it is used to write the hint. + // Other syscalls are not allowed because they can lead to non-deterministic + // behavior, especially since many syscalls modify memory in place, + // which is not permitted in unconstrained mode. This will result in + // non-zero memory interactions when generating a proof. - if self.unconstrained - && (syscall != SyscallCode::EXIT_UNCONSTRAINED && syscall != SyscallCode::WRITE) - { - return Err(ExecutionError::InvalidSyscallUsage(syscall_id as u64)); - } + if self.unconstrained + && (syscall != SyscallCode::EXIT_UNCONSTRAINED && syscall != SyscallCode::WRITE) + { + return Err(ExecutionError::InvalidSyscallUsage(syscall_id as u64)); + } - // Update the syscall counts. - let syscall_for_count = syscall.count_map(); - let syscall_count = self.state.syscall_counts.entry(syscall_for_count).or_insert(0); - let (threshold, multiplier) = match syscall_for_count { - SyscallCode::KECCAK_PERMUTE => (self.opts.split_opts.keccak, 24), - SyscallCode::SHA_EXTEND => (self.opts.split_opts.sha_extend, 48), - SyscallCode::SHA_COMPRESS => (self.opts.split_opts.sha_compress, 80), - _ => (self.opts.split_opts.deferred, 1), - }; - let nonce = (((*syscall_count as usize) % threshold) * multiplier) as u32; - self.record.nonce_lookup.insert(syscall_lookup_id, nonce); - *syscall_count += 1; - - let syscall_impl = self.get_syscall(syscall).cloned(); - if syscall.should_send() != 0 { - self.emit_syscall(clk, syscall.syscall_id(), b, c, syscall_lookup_id); + // Update the syscall counts. + let syscall_for_count = syscall.count_map(); + let syscall_count = self.state.syscall_counts.entry(syscall_for_count).or_insert(0); + *syscall_count += 1; + + let syscall_impl = self.get_syscall(syscall).cloned(); + let mut precompile_rt = SyscallContext::new(self); + let (a, precompile_next_pc, precompile_cycles, returned_exit_code) = + if let Some(syscall_impl) = syscall_impl { + // Executing a syscall optionally returns a value to write to the t0 + // register. If it returns None, we just keep the + // syscall_id in t0. + let res = syscall_impl.execute(&mut precompile_rt, syscall, b, c); + let a = if let Some(val) = res { val } else { syscall_id }; + + // If the syscall is `HALT` and the exit code is non-zero, return an error. + if syscall == SyscallCode::HALT && precompile_rt.exit_code != 0 { + return Err(ExecutionError::HaltWithNonZeroExitCode(precompile_rt.exit_code)); } - let mut precompile_rt = SyscallContext::new(self); - precompile_rt.syscall_lookup_id = syscall_lookup_id; - let (precompile_next_pc, precompile_cycles, returned_exit_code) = - if let Some(syscall_impl) = syscall_impl { - // Executing a syscall optionally returns a value to write to the t0 - // register. If it returns None, we just keep the - // syscall_id in t0. - let res = syscall_impl.execute(&mut precompile_rt, syscall, b, c); - if let Some(val) = res { - a = val; - } else { - a = syscall_id; - } - // If the syscall is `HALT` and the exit code is non-zero, return an error. - if syscall == SyscallCode::HALT && precompile_rt.exit_code != 0 { - return Err(ExecutionError::HaltWithNonZeroExitCode( - precompile_rt.exit_code, - )); - } + (a, precompile_rt.next_pc, syscall_impl.num_extra_cycles(), precompile_rt.exit_code) + } else { + return Err(ExecutionError::UnsupportedSyscall(syscall_id)); + }; - ( - precompile_rt.next_pc, - syscall_impl.num_extra_cycles(), - precompile_rt.exit_code, - ) - } else { - return Err(ExecutionError::UnsupportedSyscall(syscall_id)); - }; + // If the syscall is `EXIT_UNCONSTRAINED`, the memory was restored to pre-unconstrained code + // in the execute function, so we need to re-read from x10 and x11. Just do a peek on the + // registers. + let (b, c) = if syscall == SyscallCode::EXIT_UNCONSTRAINED { + (self.register(Register::X10), self.register(Register::X11)) + } else { + (b, c) + }; - // Allow the syscall impl to modify state.clk/pc (exit unconstrained does this) - clk = self.state.clk; - pc = self.state.pc; + // Allow the syscall impl to modify state.clk/pc (exit unconstrained does this) + self.rw_cpu(t0, a); + let clk = self.state.clk; + self.state.clk += precompile_cycles; - self.rw(t0, a); - next_pc = precompile_next_pc; - self.state.clk += precompile_cycles; - exit_code = returned_exit_code; - } - Opcode::EBREAK => { - return Err(ExecutionError::Breakpoint()); - } + Ok((a, b, c, clk, precompile_next_pc, syscall, returned_exit_code)) + } - // Multiply instructions. - Opcode::MUL => { - (rd, b, c) = self.alu_rr(instruction); - a = b.wrapping_mul(c); - self.alu_rw(instruction, rd, a, b, c, lookup_id); - } - Opcode::MULH => { - (rd, b, c) = self.alu_rr(instruction); - a = (((b as i32) as i64).wrapping_mul((c as i32) as i64) >> 32) as u32; - self.alu_rw(instruction, rd, a, b, c, lookup_id); - } - Opcode::MULHU => { - (rd, b, c) = self.alu_rr(instruction); - a = ((b as u64).wrapping_mul(c as u64) >> 32) as u32; - self.alu_rw(instruction, rd, a, b, c, lookup_id); - } - Opcode::MULHSU => { - (rd, b, c) = self.alu_rr(instruction); - a = (((b as i32) as i64).wrapping_mul(c as i64) >> 32) as u32; - self.alu_rw(instruction, rd, a, b, c, lookup_id); - } - Opcode::DIV => { - (rd, b, c) = self.alu_rr(instruction); - if c == 0 { - a = u32::MAX; - } else { - a = (b as i32).wrapping_div(c as i32) as u32; - } - self.alu_rw(instruction, rd, a, b, c, lookup_id); - } - Opcode::DIVU => { - (rd, b, c) = self.alu_rr(instruction); - if c == 0 { - a = u32::MAX; - } else { - a = b.wrapping_div(c); - } - self.alu_rw(instruction, rd, a, b, c, lookup_id); - } - Opcode::REM => { - (rd, b, c) = self.alu_rr(instruction); - if c == 0 { - a = b; - } else { - a = (b as i32).wrapping_rem(c as i32) as u32; - } - self.alu_rw(instruction, rd, a, b, c, lookup_id); - } - Opcode::REMU => { - (rd, b, c) = self.alu_rr(instruction); - if c == 0 { - a = b; - } else { - a = b.wrapping_rem(c); - } - self.alu_rw(instruction, rd, a, b, c, lookup_id); + /// Execute a jump instruction. + fn execute_jump(&mut self, instruction: &Instruction) -> (u32, u32, u32, u32) { + let (a, b, c, next_pc) = match instruction.opcode { + Opcode::JAL => { + let (rd, imm) = instruction.j_type(); + let (b, c) = (imm, 0); + let a = self.state.pc + 4; + self.rw_cpu(rd, a); + let next_pc = self.state.pc.wrapping_add(imm); + (a, b, c, next_pc) } - - // See https://github.com/riscv-non-isa/riscv-asm-manual/blob/master/riscv-asm.md#instruction-aliases - Opcode::UNIMP => { - return Err(ExecutionError::Unimplemented()); + Opcode::JALR => { + let (rd, rs1, imm) = instruction.i_type(); + let (b, c) = (self.rr_cpu(rs1, MemoryAccessPosition::B), imm); + let a = self.state.pc + 4; + self.rw_cpu(rd, a); + let next_pc = b.wrapping_add(c); + (a, b, c, next_pc) } - } - - // Update the program counter. - self.state.pc = next_pc; - - // Update the clk to the next cycle. - self.state.clk += 4; - - // Emit the CPU event for this cycle. - if self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Trace { - self.emit_cpu( - self.shard(), - clk, - pc, - next_pc, - *instruction, - a, - b, - c, - memory_store_value, - self.memory_accesses, - exit_code, - lookup_id, - syscall_lookup_id, - ); + _ => unreachable!(), }; - Ok(()) + (a, b, c, next_pc) } /// Executes one cycle of the program, returning whether the program has finished. @@ -1229,7 +1632,6 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { let instruction = self.fetch(); // Log the current state of the runtime. - #[cfg(debug_assertions)] self.log(&instruction); // Execute the instruction. @@ -1246,116 +1648,79 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { // // If we're close to not fitting, early stop the shard to ensure we don't OOM. let mut shape_match_found = true; - if self.state.global_clk % 16 == 0 { - let addsub_count = (self.report.event_counts[Opcode::ADD] - + self.report.event_counts[Opcode::SUB]) - as usize; - let mul_count = (self.report.event_counts[Opcode::MUL] - + self.report.event_counts[Opcode::MULH] - + self.report.event_counts[Opcode::MULHU] - + self.report.event_counts[Opcode::MULHSU]) - as usize; - let bitwise_count = (self.report.event_counts[Opcode::XOR] - + self.report.event_counts[Opcode::OR] - + self.report.event_counts[Opcode::AND]) - as usize; - let shift_left_count = self.report.event_counts[Opcode::SLL] as usize; - let shift_right_count = (self.report.event_counts[Opcode::SRL] - + self.report.event_counts[Opcode::SRA]) - as usize; - let divrem_count = (self.report.event_counts[Opcode::DIV] - + self.report.event_counts[Opcode::DIVU] - + self.report.event_counts[Opcode::REM] - + self.report.event_counts[Opcode::REMU]) - as usize; - let lt_count = (self.report.event_counts[Opcode::SLT] - + self.report.event_counts[Opcode::SLTU]) - as usize; - - if let Some(maximal_shapes) = &self.maximal_shapes { + if self.state.global_clk % self.shape_check_frequency == 0 { + // Estimate the number of events in the trace. + self.estimate_riscv_event_counts( + (self.state.clk >> 2) as u64, + self.local_counts.local_mem as u64, + self.local_counts.syscalls_sent as u64, + *self.local_counts.event_counts, + ); + + // Check if the LDE size is too large. + if self.lde_size_check { + let padded_event_counts = + pad_rv32im_event_counts(self.event_counts, self.shape_check_frequency); + let padded_lde_size = estimate_riscv_lde_size(padded_event_counts, &self.costs); + if padded_lde_size > self.lde_size_threshold { + tracing::warn!( + "stopping shard early due to lde size: {} gb", + (padded_lde_size as u64) / 1_000_000_000 + ); + shape_match_found = false; + } + } + // Check if we're too "close" to a maximal shape. + else if let Some(maximal_shapes) = &self.maximal_shapes { + let distance = |threshold: usize, count: usize| { + (count != 0).then(|| threshold - count).unwrap_or(usize::MAX) + }; + shape_match_found = false; for shape in maximal_shapes.iter() { - let addsub_threshold = 1 << shape["AddSub"]; - if addsub_count > addsub_threshold { - continue; - } - let addsub_distance = addsub_threshold - addsub_count; - - let mul_threshold = 1 << shape["Mul"]; - if mul_count > mul_threshold { - continue; - } - let mul_distance = mul_threshold - mul_count; - - let bitwise_threshold = 1 << shape["Bitwise"]; - if bitwise_count > bitwise_threshold { + let cpu_threshold = shape[CoreAirId::Cpu]; + if self.state.clk > ((1 << cpu_threshold) << 2) { continue; } - let bitwise_distance = bitwise_threshold - bitwise_count; - let shift_left_threshold = 1 << shape["ShiftLeft"]; - if shift_left_count > shift_left_threshold { - continue; - } - let shift_left_distance = shift_left_threshold - shift_left_count; - - let shift_right_threshold = 1 << shape["ShiftRight"]; - if shift_right_count > shift_right_threshold { - continue; + let mut l_infinity = usize::MAX; + let mut shape_too_small = false; + for air in CoreAirId::iter() { + if air == CoreAirId::Cpu { + continue; + } + + let threshold = 1 << shape[air]; + let count = self.event_counts[RiscvAirId::from(air)] as usize; + if count > threshold { + shape_too_small = true; + break; + } + + if distance(threshold, count) < l_infinity { + l_infinity = distance(threshold, count); + } } - let shift_right_distance = shift_right_threshold - shift_right_count; - let divrem_threshold = 1 << shape["DivRem"]; - if divrem_count > divrem_threshold { + if shape_too_small { continue; } - let divrem_distance = divrem_threshold - divrem_count; - let lt_threshold = 1 << shape["Lt"]; - if lt_count > lt_threshold { - continue; - } - let lt_distance = lt_threshold - lt_count; - - let l_infinity = vec![ - addsub_distance, - mul_distance, - bitwise_distance, - shift_left_distance, - shift_right_distance, - divrem_distance, - lt_distance, - ] - .into_iter() - .min() - .unwrap(); - - if l_infinity >= 32 { + if l_infinity >= 32 * (self.shape_check_frequency as usize) { shape_match_found = true; break; } } if !shape_match_found { + self.record.counts = Some(self.event_counts); log::warn!( "stopping shard early due to no shapes fitting: \ - nb_cycles={}, \ - addsub_count={}, \ - mul_count={}, \ - bitwise_count={}, \ - shift_left_count={}, \ - shift_right_count={}, \ - divrem_count={}, \ - lt_count={}", - self.state.clk / 4, - log2_ceil_usize(addsub_count), - log2_ceil_usize(mul_count), - log2_ceil_usize(bitwise_count), - log2_ceil_usize(shift_left_count), - log2_ceil_usize(shift_right_count), - log2_ceil_usize(divrem_count), - log2_ceil_usize(lt_count), + clk: {}, + clk_usage: {}", + (self.state.clk / 4).next_power_of_two().ilog2(), + ((self.state.clk / 4) as f64).log2(), ); } } @@ -1364,7 +1729,6 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { if cpu_exit || !shape_match_found { self.state.current_shard += 1; self.state.clk = 0; - self.report.event_counts = Box::default(); self.bump_record(); } } @@ -1388,13 +1752,18 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { /// Bump the record. pub fn bump_record(&mut self) { + self.local_counts = LocalCounts::default(); // Copy all of the existing local memory accesses to the record's local_memory_access vec. - for (_, event) in self.local_memory_access.drain() { - self.record.cpu_local_memory_access.push(event); + if self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Trace { + for (_, event) in self.local_memory_access.drain() { + self.record.cpu_local_memory_access.push(event); + } } - let removed_record = - std::mem::replace(&mut self.record, ExecutionRecord::new(self.program.clone())); + let removed_record = std::mem::replace( + &mut self.record, + Box::new(ExecutionRecord::new(self.program.clone())), + ); let public_values = removed_record.public_values; self.record.public_values = public_values; self.records.push(removed_record); @@ -1406,8 +1775,12 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { /// # Errors /// /// This function will return an error if the program execution fails. - pub fn execute_record(&mut self) -> Result<(Vec, bool), ExecutionError> { + pub fn execute_record( + &mut self, + emit_global_memory_events: bool, + ) -> Result<(Vec>, bool), ExecutionError> { self.executor_mode = ExecutorMode::Trace; + self.emit_global_memory_events = emit_global_memory_events; self.print_report = true; let done = self.execute()?; Ok((std::mem::take(&mut self.records), done)) @@ -1419,27 +1792,38 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { /// # Errors /// /// This function will return an error if the program execution fails. - pub fn execute_state(&mut self) -> Result<(ExecutionState, bool), ExecutionError> { + pub fn execute_state( + &mut self, + emit_global_memory_events: bool, + ) -> Result<(ExecutionState, PublicValues, bool), ExecutionError> { self.memory_checkpoint.clear(); self.executor_mode = ExecutorMode::Checkpoint; + self.emit_global_memory_events = emit_global_memory_events; // Clone self.state without memory and uninitialized_memory in it so it's faster. let memory = std::mem::take(&mut self.state.memory); let uninitialized_memory = std::mem::take(&mut self.state.uninitialized_memory); - let mut checkpoint = tracing::info_span!("clone").in_scope(|| self.state.clone()); + let mut checkpoint = tracing::debug_span!("clone").in_scope(|| self.state.clone()); self.state.memory = memory; self.state.uninitialized_memory = uninitialized_memory; - let done = tracing::info_span!("execute").in_scope(|| self.execute())?; + let done = tracing::debug_span!("execute").in_scope(|| self.execute())?; // Create a checkpoint using `memory_checkpoint`. Just include all memory if `done` since we // need it all for MemoryFinalize. - tracing::info_span!("create memory checkpoint").in_scope(|| { - let memory_checkpoint = std::mem::take(&mut self.memory_checkpoint); - let uninitialized_memory_checkpoint = - std::mem::take(&mut self.uninitialized_memory_checkpoint); - if done { - // If we're done, we need to include all memory. But we need to reset any modified - // memory to as it was before the execution. + let next_pc = self.state.pc; + tracing::debug_span!("create memory checkpoint").in_scope(|| { + let replacement_memory_checkpoint = Memory::<_>::new_preallocated(); + let replacement_uninitialized_memory_checkpoint = Memory::<_>::new_preallocated(); + let memory_checkpoint = + std::mem::replace(&mut self.memory_checkpoint, replacement_memory_checkpoint); + let uninitialized_memory_checkpoint = std::mem::replace( + &mut self.uninitialized_memory_checkpoint, + replacement_uninitialized_memory_checkpoint, + ); + if done && !self.emit_global_memory_events { + // If it's the last shard, and we're not emitting memory events, we need to include + // all memory so that memory events can be emitted from the checkpoint. But we need + // to first reset any modified memory to as it was before the execution. checkpoint.memory.clone_from(&self.state.memory); memory_checkpoint.into_iter().for_each(|(addr, record)| { if let Some(record) = record { @@ -1467,7 +1851,13 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { .collect(); } }); - Ok((checkpoint, done)) + let mut public_values = self.records.last().as_ref().unwrap().public_values; + public_values.start_pc = next_pc; + public_values.next_pc = next_pc; + if !done { + self.records.clear(); + } + Ok((checkpoint, public_values, done)) } fn initialize(&mut self) { @@ -1488,6 +1878,27 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { self.executor_mode = ExecutorMode::Simple; self.print_report = true; while !self.execute()? {} + + #[cfg(feature = "profiling")] + if let Some((profiler, writer)) = self.profiler.take() { + profiler.write(writer).expect("Failed to write profile to output file"); + } + + Ok(()) + } + + /// Executes the program in checkpoint mode, without emitting the checkpoints. + /// + /// # Errors + /// + /// This function will return an error if the program execution fails. + pub fn run_checkpoint( + &mut self, + emit_global_memory_events: bool, + ) -> Result<(), ExecutionError> { + self.executor_mode = ExecutorMode::Simple; + self.print_report = true; + while !self.execute_state(emit_global_memory_events)?.2 {} Ok(()) } @@ -1500,6 +1911,12 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { self.executor_mode = ExecutorMode::Trace; self.print_report = true; while !self.execute()? {} + + #[cfg(feature = "profiling")] + if let Some((profiler, writer)) = self.profiler.take() { + profiler.write(writer).expect("Failed to write profile to output file"); + } + Ok(()) } @@ -1593,24 +2010,25 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { } } - // Flush trace buf - if let Some(ref mut buf) = self.trace_buf { - buf.flush().unwrap(); + // Ensure that all proofs and input bytes were read, otherwise warn the user. + if self.state.proof_stream_ptr != self.state.proof_stream.len() { + tracing::warn!( + "Not all proofs were read. Proving will fail during recursion. Did you pass too + many proofs in or forget to call verify_sp1_proof?" + ); } - // Ensure that all proofs and input bytes were read, otherwise warn the user. - // if self.state.proof_stream_ptr != self.state.proof_stream.len() { - // panic!( - // "Not all proofs were read. Proving will fail during recursion. Did you pass too - // many proofs in or forget to call verify_sp1_proof?" ); - // } - if self.state.input_stream_ptr != self.state.input_stream.len() { + if !self.state.input_stream.is_empty() { tracing::warn!("Not all input bytes were read."); } - if self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Trace { + if self.emit_global_memory_events + && (self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Trace + || self.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Checkpoint) + { // SECTION: Set up all MemoryInitializeFinalizeEvents needed for memory argument. let memory_finalize_events = &mut self.record.global_memory_finalize_events; + memory_finalize_events.reserve_exact(self.state.memory.page_table.estimate_len() + 32); // We handle the addr = 0 case separately, as we constrain it to be 0 in the first row // of the memory finalize table so it must be first in the array of events. @@ -1624,6 +2042,8 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { .push(MemoryInitializeFinalizeEvent::finalize_from_record(0, addr_0_final_record)); let memory_initialize_events = &mut self.record.global_memory_initialize_events; + memory_initialize_events + .reserve_exact(self.state.memory.page_table.estimate_len() + 32); let addr_0_initialize_event = MemoryInitializeFinalizeEvent::initialize(0, 0, addr_0_record.is_some()); memory_initialize_events.push(addr_0_initialize_event); @@ -1631,12 +2051,30 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { // Count the number of touched memory addresses manually, since `PagedMemory` doesn't // already know its length. self.report.touched_memory_addresses = 0; - for addr in self.state.memory.keys() { - self.report.touched_memory_addresses += 1; - if addr == 0 { - // Handled above. - continue; + for addr in 1..32 { + let record = self.state.memory.registers.get(addr); + if record.is_some() { + self.report.touched_memory_addresses += 1; + + // Program memory is initialized in the MemoryProgram chip and doesn't require any + // events, so we only send init events for other memory addresses. + if !self.record.program.memory_image.contains_key(&addr) { + let initial_value = + self.state.uninitialized_memory.registers.get(addr).unwrap_or(&0); + memory_initialize_events.push(MemoryInitializeFinalizeEvent::initialize( + addr, + *initial_value, + true, + )); + } + + let record = *record.unwrap(); + memory_finalize_events + .push(MemoryInitializeFinalizeEvent::finalize_from_record(addr, &record)); } + } + for addr in self.state.memory.page_table.keys() { + self.report.touched_memory_addresses += 1; // Program memory is initialized in the MemoryProgram chip and doesn't require any // events, so we only send init events for other memory addresses. @@ -1660,13 +2098,103 @@ impl<'a> Executor<'a> { self.syscall_map.get(&code) } + /// Maps the opcode counts to the number of events in each air. + pub fn estimate_riscv_event_counts( + &mut self, + cpu_cycles: u64, + touched_addresses: u64, + syscalls_sent: u64, + opcode_counts: EnumMap, + ) { + // Compute the number of events in the cpu chip. + self.event_counts[RiscvAirId::Cpu] = cpu_cycles; + + // Compute the number of events in the add sub chip. + self.event_counts[RiscvAirId::AddSub] = + opcode_counts[Opcode::ADD] + opcode_counts[Opcode::SUB]; + + // Compute the number of events in the mul chip. + self.event_counts[RiscvAirId::Mul] = opcode_counts[Opcode::MUL] + + opcode_counts[Opcode::MULH] + + opcode_counts[Opcode::MULHU] + + opcode_counts[Opcode::MULHSU]; + + // Compute the number of events in the bitwise chip. + self.event_counts[RiscvAirId::Bitwise] = + opcode_counts[Opcode::XOR] + opcode_counts[Opcode::OR] + opcode_counts[Opcode::AND]; + + // Compute the number of events in the shift left chip. + self.event_counts[RiscvAirId::ShiftLeft] = opcode_counts[Opcode::SLL]; + + // Compute the number of events in the shift right chip. + self.event_counts[RiscvAirId::ShiftRight] = + opcode_counts[Opcode::SRL] + opcode_counts[Opcode::SRA]; + + // Compute the number of events in the divrem chip. + self.event_counts[RiscvAirId::DivRem] = opcode_counts[Opcode::DIV] + + opcode_counts[Opcode::DIVU] + + opcode_counts[Opcode::REM] + + opcode_counts[Opcode::REMU]; + + // Compute the number of events in the lt chip. + self.event_counts[RiscvAirId::Lt] = + opcode_counts[Opcode::SLT] + opcode_counts[Opcode::SLTU]; + + // Compute the number of events in the memory local chip. + self.event_counts[RiscvAirId::MemoryLocal] = + touched_addresses.div_ceil(NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_ENTRIES_PER_ROW_EXEC as u64); + + // Compute the number of events in the branch chip. + self.event_counts[RiscvAirId::Branch] = opcode_counts[Opcode::BEQ] + + opcode_counts[Opcode::BNE] + + opcode_counts[Opcode::BLT] + + opcode_counts[Opcode::BGE] + + opcode_counts[Opcode::BLTU] + + opcode_counts[Opcode::BGEU]; + + // Compute the number of events in the jump chip. + self.event_counts[RiscvAirId::Jump] = + opcode_counts[Opcode::JAL] + opcode_counts[Opcode::JALR]; + + // Compute the number of events in the auipc chip. + self.event_counts[RiscvAirId::Auipc] = opcode_counts[Opcode::AUIPC] + + opcode_counts[Opcode::UNIMP] + + opcode_counts[Opcode::EBREAK]; + + // Compute the number of events in the memory instruction chip. + self.event_counts[RiscvAirId::MemoryInstrs] = opcode_counts[Opcode::LB] + + opcode_counts[Opcode::LH] + + opcode_counts[Opcode::LW] + + opcode_counts[Opcode::LBU] + + opcode_counts[Opcode::LHU] + + opcode_counts[Opcode::SB] + + opcode_counts[Opcode::SH] + + opcode_counts[Opcode::SW]; + + // Compute the number of events in the syscall instruction chip. + self.event_counts[RiscvAirId::SyscallInstrs] = opcode_counts[Opcode::ECALL]; + + // Compute the number of events in the syscall core chip. + self.event_counts[RiscvAirId::SyscallCore] = syscalls_sent; + + // Compute the number of events in the global chip. + self.event_counts[RiscvAirId::Global] = + 2 * touched_addresses + self.event_counts[RiscvAirId::SyscallInstrs]; + + // Adjust for divrem dependencies. + self.event_counts[RiscvAirId::Mul] += self.event_counts[RiscvAirId::DivRem]; + self.event_counts[RiscvAirId::Lt] += self.event_counts[RiscvAirId::DivRem]; + + // Note: we ignore the additional dependencies for addsub, since they are accounted for in + // the maximal shapes. + } + #[inline] - #[cfg(debug_assertions)] fn log(&mut self, _: &Instruction) { - // Write the current program counter to the trace buffer for the cycle tracer. - if let Some(ref mut buf) = self.trace_buf { + #[cfg(feature = "profiling")] + if let Some((ref mut profiler, _)) = self.profiler { if !self.unconstrained { - buf.write_all(&u32::to_be_bytes(self.state.pc)).unwrap(); + profiler.record(self.state.global_clk, self.state.pc as u64); } } @@ -1682,25 +2210,21 @@ impl Default for ExecutorMode { } } -// TODO: FIX /// Aligns an address to the nearest word below or equal to it. #[must_use] pub const fn align(addr: u32) -> u32 { addr - addr % 4 } -fn log2_ceil_usize(n: usize) -> usize { - (usize::BITS - n.saturating_sub(1).leading_zeros()) as usize -} - #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use sp1_stark::SP1CoreOpts; + use sp1_zkvm::syscalls::SHA_COMPRESS; use crate::programs::tests::{ - fibonacci_program, panic_program, simple_memory_program, simple_program, - ssz_withdrawals_program, + fibonacci_program, panic_program, secp256r1_add_program, secp256r1_double_program, + simple_memory_program, simple_program, ssz_withdrawals_program, u256xu2048_mul_program, }; use crate::Register; @@ -1729,6 +2253,27 @@ mod tests { runtime.run().unwrap(); } + #[test] + fn test_secp256r1_add_program_run() { + let program = secp256r1_add_program(); + let mut runtime = Executor::new(program, SP1CoreOpts::default()); + runtime.run().unwrap(); + } + + #[test] + fn test_secp256r1_double_program_run() { + let program = secp256r1_double_program(); + let mut runtime = Executor::new(program, SP1CoreOpts::default()); + runtime.run().unwrap(); + } + + #[test] + fn test_u256xu2048_mul() { + let program = u256xu2048_mul_program(); + let mut runtime = Executor::new(program, SP1CoreOpts::default()); + runtime.run().unwrap(); + } + #[test] fn test_ssz_withdrawals_program_run() { let program = ssz_withdrawals_program(); @@ -2306,4 +2851,45 @@ mod tests { assert_eq!(runtime.register(Register::X12), 0x12346525); assert_eq!(runtime.register(Register::X11), 0x65256525); } + + #[test] + #[should_panic] + fn test_invalid_address_access_sw() { + let instructions = vec![ + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 29, 0, 20, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::SW, 0, 29, 0, false, true), + ]; + + let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); + let mut runtime = Executor::new(program, SP1CoreOpts::default()); + runtime.run().unwrap(); + } + + #[test] + #[should_panic] + fn test_invalid_address_access_lw() { + let instructions = vec![ + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 29, 0, 20, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LW, 29, 29, 0, false, true), + ]; + + let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); + let mut runtime = Executor::new(program, SP1CoreOpts::default()); + runtime.run().unwrap(); + } + + #[test] + #[should_panic] + fn test_invalid_address_syscall() { + let instructions = vec![ + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 5, 0, SHA_COMPRESS, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 10, 0, 10, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 11, 10, 20, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ECALL, 5, 10, 11, false, false), + ]; + + let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); + let mut runtime = Executor::new(program, SP1CoreOpts::default()); + runtime.run().unwrap(); + } } diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/hook.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/hook.rs index 09a40cd19..c03965ee7 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/hook.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/hook.rs @@ -3,23 +3,14 @@ use core::fmt::Debug; use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock, RwLockWriteGuard}; use hashbrown::HashMap; -use sp1_curves::k256::{Invert, RecoveryId, Signature, VerifyingKey}; +use sp1_curves::{edwards::ed25519::ed25519_sqrt, params::FieldParameters, BigUint, Integer, One}; use crate::Executor; /// A runtime hook, wrapped in a smart pointer. pub type BoxedHook<'a> = Arc>; -/// The file descriptor through which to access `hook_ecrecover`. -pub const FD_ECRECOVER_HOOK: u32 = 5; - -// Note: we skip 6 because we have an eddsa hook in dev. - -/// The file descriptor through which to access `hook_ecrecover_2`. -pub const FD_ECRECOVER_HOOK_2: u32 = 7; - -/// The file descriptor through which to access `hook_ed_decompress`. -pub const FD_EDDECOMPRESS: u32 = 8; +pub use sp1_primitives::consts::fd::*; /// A runtime hook. May be called during execution by writing to a specified file descriptor, /// accepting and returning arbitrary data. @@ -77,22 +68,24 @@ impl<'a> HookRegistry<'a> { } } -impl<'a> Default for HookRegistry<'a> { +impl Default for HookRegistry<'_> { fn default() -> Self { // When `LazyCell` gets stabilized (1.81.0), we can use it to avoid unnecessary allocations. let table = HashMap::from([ // Note: To ensure any `fd` value is synced with `zkvm/precompiles/src/io.rs`, // add an assertion to the test `hook_fds_match` below. (FD_ECRECOVER_HOOK, hookify(hook_ecrecover)), - (FD_ECRECOVER_HOOK_2, hookify(hook_ecrecover_v2)), (FD_EDDECOMPRESS, hookify(hook_ed_decompress)), + (FD_RSA_MUL_MOD, hookify(hook_rsa_mul_mod)), + (FD_BLS12_381_SQRT, hookify(bls::hook_bls12_381_sqrt)), + (FD_BLS12_381_INVERSE, hookify(bls::hook_bls12_381_inverse)), ]); Self { table } } } -impl<'a> Debug for HookRegistry<'a> { +impl Debug for HookRegistry<'_> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { let mut keys = self.table.keys().collect::>(); keys.sort_unstable(); @@ -111,92 +104,104 @@ pub struct HookEnv<'a, 'b: 'a> { pub runtime: &'a Executor<'b>, } -/// Recovers the public key from the signature and message hash using the k256 crate. -/// -/// # Arguments -/// -/// * `env` - The environment in which the hook is invoked. -/// * `buf` - The buffer containing the signature and message hash. -/// - The signature is 65 bytes, the first 64 bytes are the signature and the last byte is the -/// recovery ID. -/// - The message hash is 32 bytes. +/// The hook for the `ecrecover` patches. /// -/// The result is returned as a pair of bytes, where the first 32 bytes are the X coordinate -/// and the second 32 bytes are the Y coordinate of the decompressed point. +/// The input should be of the form [(`curve_id_u8` | `r_is_y_odd_u8` << 7) || `r` || `alpha`] where: +/// * `curve_id` is 1 for secp256k1 and 2 for secp256r1 +/// * `r_is_y_odd` is 0 if r is even and 1 if r is is odd +/// * r is the x-coordinate of the point, which should be 32 bytes, +/// * alpha := r * r * r * (a * r) + b, which should be 32 bytes. /// -/// WARNING: This function is used to recover the public key outside of the zkVM context. These -/// values must be constrained by the zkVM for correctness. +/// Returns vec![vec![1], `y`, `r_inv`] if the point is decompressable +/// and vec![vec![0],`nqr_hint`] if not. #[must_use] -#[deprecated = "Use `hook_ecrecover_v2` instead."] pub fn hook_ecrecover(_: HookEnv, buf: &[u8]) -> Vec> { - assert_eq!(buf.len(), 65 + 32, "ecrecover input should have length 65 + 32"); - let (sig, msg_hash) = buf.split_at(65); - let sig: &[u8; 65] = sig.try_into().unwrap(); - let msg_hash: &[u8; 32] = msg_hash.try_into().unwrap(); + assert!(buf.len() == 64 + 1, "ecrecover should have length 65"); - let mut recovery_id = sig[64]; - let mut sig = Signature::from_slice(&sig[..64]).unwrap(); + let curve_id = buf[0] & 0b0111_1111; + let r_is_y_odd = buf[0] & 0b1000_0000 != 0; - if let Some(sig_normalized) = sig.normalize_s() { - sig = sig_normalized; - recovery_id ^= 1; + let r_bytes: [u8; 32] = buf[1..33].try_into().unwrap(); + let alpha_bytes: [u8; 32] = buf[33..65].try_into().unwrap(); + + match curve_id { + 1 => ecrecover::handle_secp256k1(r_bytes, alpha_bytes, r_is_y_odd), + 2 => ecrecover::handle_secp256r1(r_bytes, alpha_bytes, r_is_y_odd), + _ => unimplemented!("Unsupported curve id: {}", curve_id), + } +} + +mod ecrecover { + use sp1_curves::{k256, p256}; + + /// The non-quadratic residue for the curve for secp256k1 and secp256r1. + const NQR: [u8; 32] = { + let mut nqr = [0; 32]; + nqr[31] = 3; + nqr }; - let recid = RecoveryId::from_byte(recovery_id).expect("Computed recovery ID is invalid!"); - let recovered_key = VerifyingKey::recover_from_prehash(&msg_hash[..], &sig, recid).unwrap(); - let bytes = recovered_key.to_sec1_bytes(); + pub(super) fn handle_secp256k1(r: [u8; 32], alpha: [u8; 32], r_y_is_odd: bool) -> Vec> { + use k256::elliptic_curve::ff::PrimeField; + use k256::FieldBytes as K256FieldBytes; + use k256::FieldElement as K256FieldElement; + use k256::Scalar as K256Scalar; - let (_, s) = sig.split_scalars(); - let s_inverse = s.invert(); + let r = K256FieldElement::from_bytes(K256FieldBytes::from_slice(&r)).unwrap(); + debug_assert!(!bool::from(r.is_zero()), "r should not be zero"); - vec![bytes.to_vec(), s_inverse.to_bytes().to_vec()] -} + let alpha = K256FieldElement::from_bytes(K256FieldBytes::from_slice(&alpha)).unwrap(); + assert!(!bool::from(alpha.is_zero()), "alpha should not be zero"); -/// Recovers the public key from the signature and message hash using the k256 crate. -/// -/// # Arguments -/// -/// * `env` - The environment in which the hook is invoked. -/// * `buf` - The buffer containing the signature and message hash. -/// - The signature is 65 bytes, the first 64 bytes are the signature and the last byte is the -/// recovery ID. -/// - The message hash is 32 bytes. -/// -/// The result is returned as a status and a pair of bytes, where the first 32 bytes are the X coordinate -/// and the second 32 bytes are the Y coordinate of the decompressed point. -/// -/// A status of 0 indicates that the public key could not be recovered. -/// -/// WARNING: This function is used to recover the public key outside of the zkVM context. These -/// values must be constrained by the zkVM for correctness. -#[must_use] -pub fn hook_ecrecover_v2(_: HookEnv, buf: &[u8]) -> Vec> { - assert_eq!(buf.len(), 65 + 32, "ecrecover input should have length 65 + 32, this is a bug."); - let (sig, msg_hash) = buf.split_at(65); - let sig: &[u8; 65] = sig.try_into().unwrap(); - let msg_hash: &[u8; 32] = msg_hash.try_into().unwrap(); - - let mut recovery_id = sig[64]; - let mut sig = Signature::from_slice(&sig[..64]).unwrap(); - - if let Some(sig_normalized) = sig.normalize_s() { - sig = sig_normalized; - recovery_id ^= 1; - }; - let recid = RecoveryId::from_byte(recovery_id) - .expect("Computed recovery ID is invalid, this is a bug."); + // nomralize the y-coordinate always to be consistent. + if let Some(mut y_coord) = alpha.sqrt().into_option().map(|y| y.normalize()) { + let r = K256Scalar::from_repr(r.to_bytes()).unwrap(); + let r_inv = r.invert().expect("Non zero r scalar"); - // Attempting to recvover the public key has failed, write a 0 to indicate to the caller. - let Ok(recovered_key) = VerifyingKey::recover_from_prehash(&msg_hash[..], &sig, recid) else { - return vec![vec![0]]; - }; + if r_y_is_odd != bool::from(y_coord.is_odd()) { + y_coord = y_coord.negate(1); + y_coord = y_coord.normalize(); + } + + vec![vec![1], y_coord.to_bytes().to_vec(), r_inv.to_bytes().to_vec()] + } else { + let nqr_field = K256FieldElement::from_bytes(K256FieldBytes::from_slice(&NQR)).unwrap(); + let qr = alpha * nqr_field; + let root = qr.sqrt().expect("if alpha is not a square, then qr should be a square"); + + vec![vec![0], root.to_bytes().to_vec()] + } + } + + pub(super) fn handle_secp256r1(r: [u8; 32], alpha: [u8; 32], r_y_is_odd: bool) -> Vec> { + use p256::elliptic_curve::ff::PrimeField; + use p256::FieldBytes as P256FieldBytes; + use p256::FieldElement as P256FieldElement; + use p256::Scalar as P256Scalar; - let bytes = recovered_key.to_sec1_bytes(); + let r = P256FieldElement::from_bytes(P256FieldBytes::from_slice(&r)).unwrap(); + debug_assert!(!bool::from(r.is_zero()), "r should not be zero"); - let (_, s) = sig.split_scalars(); - let s_inverse = s.invert(); + let alpha = P256FieldElement::from_bytes(P256FieldBytes::from_slice(&alpha)).unwrap(); + debug_assert!(!bool::from(alpha.is_zero()), "alpha should not be zero"); - vec![vec![1], bytes.to_vec(), s_inverse.to_bytes().to_vec()] + if let Some(mut y_coord) = alpha.sqrt().into_option() { + let r = P256Scalar::from_repr(r.to_bytes()).unwrap(); + let r_inv = r.invert().expect("Non zero r scalar"); + + if r_y_is_odd != bool::from(y_coord.is_odd()) { + y_coord = -y_coord; + } + + vec![vec![1], y_coord.to_bytes().to_vec(), r_inv.to_bytes().to_vec()] + } else { + let nqr_field = P256FieldElement::from_bytes(P256FieldBytes::from_slice(&NQR)).unwrap(); + let qr = alpha * nqr_field; + let root = qr.sqrt().expect("if alpha is not a square, then qr should be a square"); + + vec![vec![0], root.to_bytes().to_vec()] + } + } } /// Checks if a compressed Edwards point can be decompressed. @@ -207,32 +212,332 @@ pub fn hook_ecrecover_v2(_: HookEnv, buf: &[u8]) -> Vec> { /// - The compressed Edwards point is 32 bytes. /// - The high bit of the last byte is the sign bit. /// -/// The result is either `0` if the point cannot be decompressed, or `1` if it can. +/// Returns vec![vec![1]] if the point is decompressable. +/// Returns vec![vec![0], `v_inv`, `nqr_hint`] if the point is not decompressable. /// /// WARNING: This function merely hints at the validity of the compressed point. These values must /// be constrained by the zkVM for correctness. #[must_use] pub fn hook_ed_decompress(_: HookEnv, buf: &[u8]) -> Vec> { - let Ok(point) = sp1_curves::curve25519_dalek::CompressedEdwardsY::from_slice(buf) else { + const NQR_CURVE_25519: u8 = 2; + let modulus = sp1_curves::edwards::ed25519::Ed25519BaseField::modulus(); + + let mut bytes: [u8; 32] = buf[..32].try_into().unwrap(); + // Mask the sign bit. + bytes[31] &= 0b0111_1111; + + // The AIR asserts canon inputs, so hint here if it cant be satisfied. + let y = BigUint::from_bytes_le(&bytes); + if y >= modulus { return vec![vec![0]]; - }; + } + + let v = BigUint::from_bytes_le(&buf[32..]); + // This is computed as dy^2 - 1 + // so it should always be in the field. + assert!(v < modulus, "V is not a valid field element"); - if sp1_curves::edwards::ed25519::decompress(&point).is_some() { + // For a point to be decompressable, (yy - 1) / (yy * d + 1) must be a quadratic residue. + let v_inv = v.modpow(&(&modulus - BigUint::from(2u64)), &modulus); + let u = (&y * &y + &modulus - BigUint::one()) % &modulus; + let u_div_v = (&u * &v_inv) % &modulus; + + // Note: Our sqrt impl doesnt care about canon representation, + // however we have already checked that were less than the modulus. + if ed25519_sqrt(&u_div_v).is_some() { vec![vec![1]] } else { - vec![vec![0]] + let qr = (u_div_v * NQR_CURVE_25519) % &modulus; + let root = ed25519_sqrt(&qr).unwrap(); + + // Pad the results, since this may not be a full 32 bytes. + let v_inv_bytes = v_inv.to_bytes_le(); + let mut v_inv_padded = [0_u8; 32]; + v_inv_padded[..v_inv_bytes.len()].copy_from_slice(&v_inv.to_bytes_le()); + + let root_bytes = root.to_bytes_le(); + let mut root_padded = [0_u8; 32]; + root_padded[..root_bytes.len()].copy_from_slice(&root.to_bytes_le()); + + vec![vec![0], v_inv_padded.to_vec(), root_padded.to_vec()] } } -#[cfg(test)] -pub mod tests { - use super::*; +mod bls { + use super::pad_to_be; + use super::{BigUint, HookEnv}; + use sp1_curves::params::FieldParameters; + use sp1_curves::weierstrass::bls12_381::Bls12381BaseField; + use sp1_curves::Zero; + + /// A non-quadratic residue for the `12_381` base field in big endian. + pub const NQR_BLS12_381: [u8; 48] = { + let mut nqr = [0; 48]; + nqr[47] = 2; + nqr + }; - #[test] - pub fn hook_fds_match() { - use sp1_zkvm::lib::io; - assert_eq!(FD_ECRECOVER_HOOK, io::FD_ECRECOVER_HOOK); + /// The base field modulus for the `12_381` curve, in little endian. + pub const BLS12_381_MODULUS: &[u8] = Bls12381BaseField::MODULUS; + + /// Given a field element, in big endian, this function computes the square root. + /// + /// - If the field element is the additive identity, this function returns `vec![vec![1], vec![0; 48]]`. + /// - If the field element is a quadratic residue, this function returns `vec![vec![1], vec![sqrt(fe)] ]`. + /// - If the field element (fe) is not a quadratic residue, this function returns `vec![vec![0], vec![sqrt(``NQR_BLS12_381`` * fe)]]`. + pub fn hook_bls12_381_sqrt(_: HookEnv, buf: &[u8]) -> Vec> { + let field_element = BigUint::from_bytes_be(&buf[..48]); + + // This should be checked in the VM as its easier than dispatching a hook call. + // But for completeness we include this happy path also. + if field_element.is_zero() { + return vec![vec![1], vec![0; 48]]; + } + + let modulus = BigUint::from_bytes_le(BLS12_381_MODULUS); + + // Since `BLS12_381_MODULUS` == 3 mod 4,. we can use shanks methods. + // This means we only need to exponentiate by `(modulus + 1) / 4`. + let exp = (&modulus + BigUint::from(1u64)) / BigUint::from(4u64); + let sqrt = field_element.modpow(&exp, &modulus); + + // Shanks methods only works if the field element is a quadratic residue. + // So we need to check if the square of the sqrt is equal to the field element. + let square = (&sqrt * &sqrt) % &modulus; + if square != field_element { + let nqr = BigUint::from_bytes_be(&NQR_BLS12_381); + let qr = (&nqr * &field_element) % &modulus; + + // By now, the product of two non-quadratic residues is a quadratic residue. + // So we can use shanks methods again to get its square root. + // + // We pass this root back to the VM to constrain the "failure" case. + let root = qr.modpow(&exp, &modulus); + + assert!((&root * &root) % &modulus == qr, "NQR sanity check failed, this is a bug."); + + return vec![vec![0], pad_to_be(&root, 48)]; + } + + vec![vec![1], pad_to_be(&sqrt, 48)] + } + + /// Given a field element, in big endian, this function computes the inverse. + /// + /// This functions will panic if the additive identity is passed in. + pub fn hook_bls12_381_inverse(_: HookEnv, buf: &[u8]) -> Vec> { + let field_element = BigUint::from_bytes_be(&buf[..48]); + + // Zero is not invertible, and we dont want to have to return a status from here. + assert!(!field_element.is_zero(), "Field element is the additive identity"); + + let modulus = BigUint::from_bytes_le(BLS12_381_MODULUS); + + // Compute the inverse using Fermat's little theorem, ie, a^(p-2) = a^-1 mod p. + let inverse = field_element.modpow(&(&modulus - BigUint::from(2u64)), &modulus); + + vec![pad_to_be(&inverse, 48)] + } +} + +/// Given the product of some 256-byte numbers and a modulus, this function does a modular +/// reduction and hints back the values to the vm in order to constrain it. +/// +/// # Arguments +/// +/// * `env` - The environment in which the hook is invoked. +/// * `buf` - The buffer containing the le bytes of the 512 byte product and the 256 byte modulus. +/// +/// Returns The le bytes of the product % modulus (512 bytes) +/// and the quotient floor(product/modulus) (256 bytes). +/// +/// WANRING: This function is used to perform a modular reduction outside of the zkVM context. +/// These values must be constrained by the zkVM for correctness. +#[must_use] +pub fn hook_rsa_mul_mod(_: HookEnv, buf: &[u8]) -> Vec> { + assert_eq!( + buf.len(), + 256 + 256 + 256, + "rsa_mul_mod input should have length 256 + 256 + 256, this is a bug." + ); + + let prod: &[u8; 512] = buf[..512].try_into().unwrap(); + let m: &[u8; 256] = buf[512..].try_into().unwrap(); + + let prod = BigUint::from_bytes_le(prod); + let m = BigUint::from_bytes_le(m); + + let (q, rem) = prod.div_rem(&m); + + let mut rem = rem.to_bytes_le(); + rem.resize(256, 0); + + let mut q = q.to_bytes_le(); + q.resize(256, 0); + + vec![rem, q] +} + +pub(crate) mod deprecated_hooks { + use super::HookEnv; + use sp1_curves::k256::ecdsa::{RecoveryId, Signature, VerifyingKey}; + use sp1_curves::k256::elliptic_curve::ops::Invert; + use sp1_curves::p256::ecdsa::Signature as p256Signature; + + /// Recovers the public key from the signature and message hash using the k256 crate. + /// + /// # Arguments + /// + /// * `env` - The environment in which the hook is invoked. + /// * `buf` - The buffer containing the signature and message hash. + /// - The signature is 65 bytes, the first 64 bytes are the signature and the last byte is the + /// recovery ID. + /// - The message hash is 32 bytes. + /// + /// The result is returned as a pair of bytes, where the first 32 bytes are the X coordinate + /// and the second 32 bytes are the Y coordinate of the decompressed point. + /// + /// WARNING: This function is used to recover the public key outside of the zkVM context. These + /// values must be constrained by the zkVM for correctness. + #[must_use] + pub fn hook_ecrecover(_: HookEnv, buf: &[u8]) -> Vec> { + assert_eq!(buf.len(), 65 + 32, "ecrecover input should have length 65 + 32"); + let (sig, msg_hash) = buf.split_at(65); + let sig: &[u8; 65] = sig.try_into().unwrap(); + let msg_hash: &[u8; 32] = msg_hash.try_into().unwrap(); + + let mut recovery_id = sig[64]; + let mut sig = Signature::from_slice(&sig[..64]).unwrap(); + + if let Some(sig_normalized) = sig.normalize_s() { + sig = sig_normalized; + recovery_id ^= 1; + }; + let recid = RecoveryId::from_byte(recovery_id).expect("Computed recovery ID is invalid!"); + + let recovered_key = VerifyingKey::recover_from_prehash(&msg_hash[..], &sig, recid).unwrap(); + let bytes = recovered_key.to_sec1_bytes(); + + let (_, s) = sig.split_scalars(); + let s_inverse = s.invert(); + + vec![bytes.to_vec(), s_inverse.to_bytes().to_vec()] + } + + /// Recovers s inverse from the signature using the secp256r1 crate. + /// + /// # Arguments + /// + /// * `env` - The environment in which the hook is invoked. + /// * `buf` - The buffer containing the signature. + /// - The signature is 64 bytes. + /// + /// The result is a single 32 byte vector containing s inverse. + #[must_use] + pub fn hook_r1_ecrecover(_: HookEnv, buf: &[u8]) -> Vec> { + assert_eq!(buf.len(), 64, "ecrecover input should have length 64"); + let sig: &[u8; 64] = buf.try_into().unwrap(); + let sig = p256Signature::from_slice(sig).unwrap(); + + let (_, s) = sig.split_scalars(); + let s_inverse = s.invert(); + + vec![s_inverse.to_bytes().to_vec()] + } + + /// Recovers the public key from the signature and message hash using the k256 crate. + /// + /// # Arguments + /// + /// * `env` - The environment in which the hook is invoked. + /// * `buf` - The buffer containing the signature and message hash. + /// - The signature is 65 bytes, the first 64 bytes are the signature and the last byte is the + /// recovery ID. + /// - The message hash is 32 bytes. + /// + /// The result is returned as a status and a pair of bytes, where the first 32 bytes are the X coordinate + /// and the second 32 bytes are the Y coordinate of the decompressed point. + /// + /// A status of 0 indicates that the public key could not be recovered. + /// + /// WARNING: This function is used to recover the public key outside of the zkVM context. These + /// values must be constrained by the zkVM for correctness. + #[must_use] + pub fn hook_ecrecover_v2(_: HookEnv, buf: &[u8]) -> Vec> { + assert_eq!( + buf.len(), + 65 + 32, + "ecrecover input should have length 65 + 32, this is a bug." + ); + let (sig, msg_hash) = buf.split_at(65); + let sig: &[u8; 65] = sig.try_into().unwrap(); + let msg_hash: &[u8; 32] = msg_hash.try_into().unwrap(); + + let mut recovery_id = sig[64]; + let mut sig = Signature::from_slice(&sig[..64]).unwrap(); + + if let Some(sig_normalized) = sig.normalize_s() { + sig = sig_normalized; + recovery_id ^= 1; + }; + let recid = RecoveryId::from_byte(recovery_id) + .expect("Computed recovery ID is invalid, this is a bug."); + + // Attempting to recvover the public key has failed, write a 0 to indicate to the caller. + let Ok(recovered_key) = VerifyingKey::recover_from_prehash(&msg_hash[..], &sig, recid) + else { + return vec![vec![0]]; + }; + + let bytes = recovered_key.to_sec1_bytes(); + + let (_, s) = sig.split_scalars(); + let s_inverse = s.invert(); + + vec![vec![1], bytes.to_vec(), s_inverse.to_bytes().to_vec()] + } + + /// Checks if a compressed Edwards point can be decompressed. + /// + /// # Arguments + /// * `env` - The environment in which the hook is invoked. + /// * `buf` - The buffer containing the compressed Edwards point. + /// - The compressed Edwards point is 32 bytes. + /// - The high bit of the last byte is the sign bit. + /// + /// The result is either `0` if the point cannot be decompressed, or `1` if it can. + /// + /// WARNING: This function merely hints at the validity of the compressed point. These values must + /// be constrained by the zkVM for correctness. + #[must_use] + pub fn hook_ed_decompress(_: HookEnv, buf: &[u8]) -> Vec> { + let Ok(point) = sp1_curves::curve25519_dalek::CompressedEdwardsY::from_slice(buf) else { + return vec![vec![0]]; + }; + + if sp1_curves::edwards::ed25519::decompress(&point).is_some() { + vec![vec![1]] + } else { + vec![vec![0]] + } } +} + +/// Pads a big uint to the given length in big endian. +fn pad_to_be(val: &BigUint, len: usize) -> Vec { + // First take the byes in little endian + let mut bytes = val.to_bytes_le(); + // Resize so we get the full padding correctly. + bytes.resize(len, 0); + // Convert back to big endian. + bytes.reverse(); + + bytes +} + +#[cfg(test)] +mod tests { + use super::*; #[test] pub fn registry_new_is_inhabited() { diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/instruction.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/instruction.rs index bc1df27ba..4e762ff2f 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/instruction.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/instruction.rs @@ -11,11 +11,12 @@ use crate::opcode::Opcode; /// as 32-bit words, but instead use a custom encoding that is more friendly to decode in the /// SP1 zkVM. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] pub struct Instruction { /// The operation to execute. pub opcode: Opcode, /// The first operand. - pub op_a: u32, + pub op_a: u8, /// The second operand. pub op_b: u32, /// The third operand. @@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ impl Instruction { #[must_use] pub const fn new( opcode: Opcode, - op_a: u32, + op_a: u8, op_b: u32, op_c: u32, imm_b: bool, @@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ impl Instruction { /// Returns if the instruction is an ALU instruction. #[must_use] + #[inline] pub const fn is_alu_instruction(&self) -> bool { matches!( self.opcode, @@ -68,28 +70,28 @@ impl Instruction { /// Returns if the instruction is a ecall instruction. #[must_use] - pub fn is_ecall_instruction(&self) -> bool { - self.opcode == Opcode::ECALL + #[inline] + pub const fn is_ecall_instruction(&self) -> bool { + matches!(self.opcode, Opcode::ECALL) } - /// Returns if the instruction is a memory instruction. + /// Returns if the instruction is a memory load instruction. #[must_use] - pub const fn is_memory_instruction(&self) -> bool { - matches!( - self.opcode, - Opcode::LB - | Opcode::LH - | Opcode::LW - | Opcode::LBU - | Opcode::LHU - | Opcode::SB - | Opcode::SH - | Opcode::SW - ) + #[inline] + pub const fn is_memory_load_instruction(&self) -> bool { + matches!(self.opcode, Opcode::LB | Opcode::LH | Opcode::LW | Opcode::LBU | Opcode::LHU) + } + + /// Returns if the instruction is a memory store instruction. + #[must_use] + #[inline] + pub const fn is_memory_store_instruction(&self) -> bool { + matches!(self.opcode, Opcode::SB | Opcode::SH | Opcode::SW) } /// Returns if the instruction is a branch instruction. #[must_use] + #[inline] pub const fn is_branch_instruction(&self) -> bool { matches!( self.opcode, @@ -99,9 +101,38 @@ impl Instruction { /// Returns if the instruction is a jump instruction. #[must_use] + #[inline] pub const fn is_jump_instruction(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.opcode, Opcode::JAL | Opcode::JALR) } + + /// Returns if the instruction is an auipc instruction. + #[must_use] + #[inline] + pub const fn is_auipc_instruction(&self) -> bool { + matches!(self.opcode, Opcode::AUIPC) + } + + /// Returns if the instruction is a divrem instruction. + #[must_use] + #[inline] + pub const fn is_divrem_instruction(&self) -> bool { + matches!(self.opcode, Opcode::DIV | Opcode::DIVU | Opcode::REM | Opcode::REMU) + } + + /// Returns if the instruction is an ebreak instruction. + #[must_use] + #[inline] + pub const fn is_ebreak_instruction(&self) -> bool { + matches!(self.opcode, Opcode::EBREAK) + } + + /// Returns if the instruction is an unimplemented instruction. + #[must_use] + #[inline] + pub const fn is_unimp_instruction(&self) -> bool { + matches!(self.opcode, Opcode::UNIMP) + } } impl Debug for Instruction { diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/io.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/io.rs index 767697c60..3776d4cdc 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/io.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/io.rs @@ -6,30 +6,30 @@ use sp1_stark::{baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, StarkVerifyingKey}; use super::Executor; use crate::SP1ReduceProof; -impl<'a> Read for Executor<'a> { +impl Read for Executor<'_> { fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> std::io::Result { self.read_public_values_slice(buf); Ok(buf.len()) } } -impl<'a> Executor<'a> { +impl Executor<'_> { /// Write a serializable input to the standard input stream. pub fn write_stdin(&mut self, input: &T) { let mut buf = Vec::new(); bincode::serialize_into(&mut buf, input).expect("serialization failed"); - self.state.input_stream.push(buf); + self.state.input_stream.push_back(buf); } /// Write a slice of bytes to the standard input stream. pub fn write_stdin_slice(&mut self, input: &[u8]) { - self.state.input_stream.push(input.to_vec()); + self.state.input_stream.push_back(input.to_vec()); } /// Write a slice of vecs to the standard input stream. pub fn write_vecs(&mut self, inputs: &[Vec]) { for input in inputs { - self.state.input_stream.push(input.clone()); + self.state.input_stream.push_back(input.clone()); } } diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/lib.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/lib.rs index a4b6a06ce..b2aa95e25 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/lib.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/lib.rs @@ -17,9 +17,12 @@ #![allow(clippy::missing_panics_doc)] #![allow(clippy::missing_errors_doc)] #![allow(clippy::explicit_iter_loop)] +#![allow(clippy::struct_excessive_bools)] #![warn(missing_docs)] +mod air; mod context; +mod cost; mod dependencies; mod disassembler; pub mod events; @@ -29,20 +32,21 @@ mod instruction; mod io; mod memory; mod opcode; +#[cfg(feature = "profiling")] +mod profiler; mod program; -#[cfg(any(test, feature = "programs"))] -pub mod programs; mod record; mod reduce; mod register; mod report; -mod shape; mod state; pub mod subproof; pub mod syscalls; mod utils; +pub use air::*; pub use context::*; +pub use cost::*; pub use executor::*; pub use hook::*; pub use instruction::*; @@ -52,6 +56,134 @@ pub use record::*; pub use reduce::*; pub use register::*; pub use report::*; -pub use shape::*; pub use state::*; pub use utils::*; + +#[cfg(test)] +pub mod programs { + #[allow(dead_code)] + #[allow(missing_docs)] + pub mod tests { + use crate::{Instruction, Opcode, Program}; + + pub use test_artifacts::{ + FIBONACCI_ELF, PANIC_ELF, SECP256R1_ADD_ELF, SECP256R1_DOUBLE_ELF, SSZ_WITHDRAWALS_ELF, + U256XU2048_MUL_ELF, + }; + + #[must_use] + pub fn simple_program() -> Program { + let instructions = vec![ + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 29, 0, 5, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 30, 0, 37, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 31, 30, 29, false, false), + ]; + Program::new(instructions, 0, 0) + } + + /// Get the fibonacci program. + /// + /// # Panics + /// + /// This function will panic if the program fails to load. + #[must_use] + pub fn fibonacci_program() -> Program { + Program::from(FIBONACCI_ELF).unwrap() + } + + /// Get the secp256r1 add program. + /// + /// # Panics + /// + /// This function will panic if the program fails to load. + #[must_use] + pub fn secp256r1_add_program() -> Program { + Program::from(SECP256R1_ADD_ELF).unwrap() + } + + /// Get the secp256r1 double program. + /// + /// # Panics + /// + /// This function will panic if the program fails to load. + #[must_use] + pub fn secp256r1_double_program() -> Program { + Program::from(SECP256R1_DOUBLE_ELF).unwrap() + } + + /// Get the u256x2048 mul program. + /// + /// # Panics + /// + /// This function will panic if the program fails to load. + #[must_use] + pub fn u256xu2048_mul_program() -> Program { + Program::from(U256XU2048_MUL_ELF).unwrap() + } + + /// Get the SSZ withdrawals program. + /// + /// # Panics + /// + /// This function will panic if the program fails to load. + #[must_use] + pub fn ssz_withdrawals_program() -> Program { + Program::from(SSZ_WITHDRAWALS_ELF).unwrap() + } + + /// Get the panic program. + /// + /// # Panics + /// + /// This function will panic if the program fails to load. + #[must_use] + pub fn panic_program() -> Program { + Program::from(PANIC_ELF).unwrap() + } + + #[must_use] + #[allow(clippy::unreadable_literal)] + pub fn simple_memory_program() -> Program { + let instructions = vec![ + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 29, 0, 0x12348765, false, true), + // SW and LW + Instruction::new(Opcode::SW, 29, 0, 0x27654320, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LW, 28, 0, 0x27654320, false, true), + // LBU + Instruction::new(Opcode::LBU, 27, 0, 0x27654320, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LBU, 26, 0, 0x27654321, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LBU, 25, 0, 0x27654322, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LBU, 24, 0, 0x27654323, false, true), + // LB + Instruction::new(Opcode::LB, 23, 0, 0x27654320, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LB, 22, 0, 0x27654321, false, true), + // LHU + Instruction::new(Opcode::LHU, 21, 0, 0x27654320, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LHU, 20, 0, 0x27654322, false, true), + // LU + Instruction::new(Opcode::LH, 19, 0, 0x27654320, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LH, 18, 0, 0x27654322, false, true), + // SB + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 17, 0, 0x38276525, false, true), + // Save the value 0x12348765 into address 0x43627530 + Instruction::new(Opcode::SW, 29, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::SB, 17, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LW, 16, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::SB, 17, 0, 0x43627531, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LW, 15, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::SB, 17, 0, 0x43627532, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LW, 14, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::SB, 17, 0, 0x43627533, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LW, 13, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), + // SH + // Save the value 0x12348765 into address 0x43627530 + Instruction::new(Opcode::SW, 29, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::SH, 17, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LW, 12, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::SH, 17, 0, 0x43627532, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LW, 11, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), + ]; + Program::new(instructions, 0, 0) + } + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/memory.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/memory.rs index 6e375753d..5ad826503 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/memory.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/memory.rs @@ -1,6 +1,192 @@ use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Deserialize, Serialize}; use vec_map::VecMap; +/// A memory. +/// +/// Consists of registers, as well as a page table for main memory. +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[serde(bound(serialize = "T: Serialize"))] +#[serde(bound(deserialize = "T: DeserializeOwned"))] +pub struct Memory { + /// The registers. + pub registers: Registers, + /// The page table. + pub page_table: PagedMemory, +} + +impl IntoIterator for Memory { + type Item = (u32, V); + + type IntoIter = Box>; + + fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { + Box::new(self.registers.into_iter().chain(self.page_table)) + } +} + +impl Default for Memory { + fn default() -> Self { + Self { registers: Registers::default(), page_table: PagedMemory::default() } + } +} + +impl Memory { + /// Initialize a new memory with preallocated page table. + pub fn new_preallocated() -> Self { + Self { registers: Registers::default(), page_table: PagedMemory::new_preallocated() } + } + + /// Get an entry for the given address. + /// + /// When possible, prefer directly accessing the `page_table` or `registers` fields. + /// This method often incurs unnecessary branching. + #[inline] + pub fn entry(&mut self, addr: u32) -> Entry<'_, T> { + if addr < 32 { + self.registers.entry(addr) + } else { + self.page_table.entry(addr) + } + } + + /// Insert a value into the memory. + /// + /// When possible, prefer directly accessing the `page_table` or `registers` fields. + /// This method often incurs unnecessary branching. + #[inline] + pub fn insert(&mut self, addr: u32, value: T) -> Option { + if addr < 32 { + self.registers.insert(addr, value) + } else { + self.page_table.insert(addr, value) + } + } + + /// Get a value from the memory. + /// + /// When possible, prefer directly accessing the `page_table` or `registers` fields. + /// This method often incurs unnecessary branching. + #[inline] + pub fn get(&self, addr: u32) -> Option<&T> { + if addr < 32 { + self.registers.get(addr) + } else { + self.page_table.get(addr) + } + } + + /// Remove a value from the memory. + /// + /// When possible, prefer directly accessing the `page_table` or `registers` fields. + /// This method often incurs unnecessary branching. + #[inline] + pub fn remove(&mut self, addr: u32) -> Option { + if addr < 32 { + self.registers.remove(addr) + } else { + self.page_table.remove(addr) + } + } + + /// Clear the memory. + #[inline] + pub fn clear(&mut self) { + self.registers.clear(); + self.page_table.clear(); + } +} + +impl FromIterator<(u32, V)> for Memory { + fn from_iter>(iter: T) -> Self { + let mut memory = Self::new_preallocated(); + for (addr, value) in iter { + memory.insert(addr, value); + } + memory + } +} + +/// An array of 32 registers. +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[serde(bound(serialize = "T: Serialize"))] +#[serde(bound(deserialize = "T: DeserializeOwned"))] +pub struct Registers { + pub registers: [Option; 32], +} + +impl Default for Registers { + fn default() -> Self { + Self { registers: [None; 32] } + } +} + +impl Registers { + /// Get an entry for the given register. + #[inline] + pub fn entry(&mut self, addr: u32) -> Entry<'_, T> { + let entry = &mut self.registers[addr as usize]; + match entry { + Some(v) => Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry { entry: v }), + None => Entry::Vacant(VacantEntry { entry }), + } + } + + /// Insert a value into the registers. + /// + /// Assumes addr < 32. + #[inline] + pub fn insert(&mut self, addr: u32, value: T) -> Option { + self.registers[addr as usize].replace(value) + } + + /// Remove a value from the registers, and return it if it exists. + /// + /// Assumes addr < 32. + #[inline] + pub fn remove(&mut self, addr: u32) -> Option { + self.registers[addr as usize].take() + } + + /// Get a reference to the value at the given address, if it exists. + /// + /// Assumes addr < 32. + #[inline] + pub fn get(&self, addr: u32) -> Option<&T> { + self.registers[addr as usize].as_ref() + } + + /// Clear the registers. + #[inline] + pub fn clear(&mut self) { + self.registers.fill(None); + } +} + +impl FromIterator<(u32, V)> for Registers { + fn from_iter>(iter: T) -> Self { + let mut mmu = Self::default(); + for (k, v) in iter { + mmu.insert(k, v); + } + mmu + } +} + +impl IntoIterator for Registers { + type Item = (u32, V); + + type IntoIter = Box>; + + fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { + Box::new( + self.registers + .into_iter() + .enumerate() + .filter_map(move |(i, v)| v.map(|v| (i as u32, v))), + ) + } +} + /// A page of memory. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Page(VecMap); @@ -11,10 +197,10 @@ impl Default for Page { } } -const LOG_PAGE_LEN: usize = 15; +const LOG_PAGE_LEN: usize = 14; const PAGE_LEN: usize = 1 << LOG_PAGE_LEN; const MAX_PAGE_COUNT: usize = ((1 << 31) - (1 << 27)) / 4 / PAGE_LEN + 1; -const NO_PAGE: usize = usize::MAX; +const NO_PAGE: u16 = u16::MAX; const PAGE_MASK: usize = PAGE_LEN - 1; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] @@ -30,7 +216,7 @@ impl NewPage { impl Default for NewPage { fn default() -> Self { - Self::new() + Self(Vec::new()) } } @@ -41,17 +227,12 @@ impl Default for NewPage { pub struct PagedMemory { /// The internal page table. pub page_table: Vec>, - pub index: Vec, + pub index: Vec, } impl PagedMemory { /// The number of lower bits to ignore, since addresses (except registers) are a multiple of 4. const NUM_IGNORED_LOWER_BITS: usize = 2; - /// The number of registers in the virtual machine. - const NUM_REGISTERS: usize = 32; - /// The offset subtracted from the main address space to make it contiguous. - const ADDR_COMPRESS_OFFSET: usize = - Self::NUM_REGISTERS - (Self::NUM_REGISTERS >> Self::NUM_IGNORED_LOWER_BITS); /// Create a `PagedMemory` with capacity `MAX_PAGE_COUNT`. pub fn new_preallocated() -> Self { @@ -65,7 +246,7 @@ impl PagedMemory { if index == NO_PAGE { None } else { - self.page_table[index].0[lower].as_ref() + self.page_table[index as usize].0[lower].as_ref() } } @@ -76,7 +257,7 @@ impl PagedMemory { if index == NO_PAGE { None } else { - self.page_table[index].0[lower].as_mut() + self.page_table[index as usize].0[lower].as_mut() } } @@ -85,11 +266,11 @@ impl PagedMemory { let (upper, lower) = Self::indices(addr); let mut index = self.index[upper]; if index == NO_PAGE { - index = self.page_table.len(); + index = self.page_table.len() as u16; self.index[upper] = index; self.page_table.push(NewPage::new()); } - self.page_table[index].0[lower].replace(value) + self.page_table[index as usize].0[lower].replace(value) } /// Remove the value at the given address if it exists, returning it. @@ -99,7 +280,7 @@ impl PagedMemory { if index == NO_PAGE { None } else { - self.page_table[index].0[lower].take() + self.page_table[index as usize].0[lower].take() } } @@ -109,13 +290,13 @@ impl PagedMemory { let index = self.index[upper]; if index == NO_PAGE { let index = self.page_table.len(); - self.index[upper] = index; + self.index[upper] = index as u16; self.page_table.push(NewPage::new()); Entry::Vacant(VacantEntry { entry: &mut self.page_table[index].0[lower] }) } else { - let option = &mut self.page_table[index].0[lower]; + let option = &mut self.page_table[index as usize].0[lower]; match option { - Some(_) => Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry { entry: option }), + Some(v) => Entry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry { entry: v }), None => Entry::Vacant(VacantEntry { entry: option }), } } @@ -125,7 +306,7 @@ impl PagedMemory { pub fn keys(&self) -> impl Iterator + '_ { self.index.iter().enumerate().filter(|(_, &i)| i != NO_PAGE).flat_map(|(i, index)| { let upper = i << LOG_PAGE_LEN; - self.page_table[*index] + self.page_table[*index as usize] .0 .iter() .enumerate() @@ -133,6 +314,11 @@ impl PagedMemory { }) } + /// Estimate the number of addresses in use. + pub fn estimate_len(&self) -> usize { + self.index.iter().filter(|&i| *i != NO_PAGE).count() * PAGE_LEN + } + /// Clears the page table. Drops all `Page`s, but retains the memory used by the table itself. pub fn clear(&mut self) { self.page_table.clear(); @@ -149,22 +335,13 @@ impl PagedMemory { /// Compress an address from the sparse address space to a contiguous space. #[inline] const fn compress_addr(addr: u32) -> usize { - let addr = addr as usize; - if addr < Self::NUM_REGISTERS { - addr - } else { - (addr >> Self::NUM_IGNORED_LOWER_BITS) + Self::ADDR_COMPRESS_OFFSET - } + addr as usize >> Self::NUM_IGNORED_LOWER_BITS } /// Decompress an address from a contiguous space to the sparse address space. #[inline] const fn decompress_addr(addr: usize) -> u32 { - if addr < Self::NUM_REGISTERS { - addr as u32 - } else { - ((addr - Self::ADDR_COMPRESS_OFFSET) << Self::NUM_IGNORED_LOWER_BITS) as u32 - } + (addr << Self::NUM_IGNORED_LOWER_BITS) as u32 } } @@ -174,7 +351,7 @@ impl Default for PagedMemory { } } -/// An entry of `PagedMemory`, for in-place manipulation. +/// An entry of `PagedMemory` or `Registers`, for in-place manipulation. pub enum Entry<'a, V: Copy> { Vacant(VacantEntry<'a, V>), Occupied(OccupiedEntry<'a, V>), @@ -209,7 +386,7 @@ impl<'a, V: Copy> Entry<'a, V> { } } -/// A vacant entry of `PagedMemory`, for in-place manipulation. +/// A vacant entry, for in-place manipulation. pub struct VacantEntry<'a, V: Copy> { entry: &'a mut Option, } @@ -223,41 +400,41 @@ impl<'a, V: Copy> VacantEntry<'a, V> { } } -/// A vacant entry of `PagedMemory`, for in-place manipulation. +/// An occupied entry, for in-place manipulation. pub struct OccupiedEntry<'a, V> { - entry: &'a mut Option, + entry: &'a mut V, } impl<'a, V: Copy> OccupiedEntry<'a, V> { /// Get a reference to the value in the `OccupiedEntry`. pub fn get(&self) -> &V { - self.entry.as_ref().unwrap() + self.entry } /// Get a mutable reference to the value in the `OccupiedEntry`. pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut V { - self.entry.as_mut().unwrap() + self.entry } /// Insert a value in the `OccupiedEntry`, returning the previous value. pub fn insert(&mut self, value: V) -> V { - self.entry.replace(value).unwrap() + std::mem::replace(self.entry, value) } /// Converts the `OccupiedEntry` the into a mutable reference to the associated value. pub fn into_mut(self) -> &'a mut V { - self.entry.as_mut().unwrap() + self.entry } /// Removes the value from the `OccupiedEntry` and returns it. pub fn remove(self) -> V { - self.entry.take().unwrap() + *self.entry } } impl FromIterator<(u32, V)> for PagedMemory { fn from_iter>(iter: T) -> Self { - let mut mmu = Self::default(); + let mut mmu = Self::new_preallocated(); for (k, v) in iter { mmu.insert(k, v); } @@ -274,8 +451,7 @@ impl IntoIterator for PagedMemory { Box::new(self.index.into_iter().enumerate().filter(|(_, i)| *i != NO_PAGE).flat_map( move |(i, index)| { let upper = i << LOG_PAGE_LEN; - let replacement = NewPage::new(); - std::mem::replace(&mut self.page_table[index], replacement) + std::mem::take(&mut self.page_table[index as usize]) .0 .into_iter() .enumerate() diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/opcode.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/opcode.rs index 6d0589ca9..bf138d210 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/opcode.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/opcode.rs @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; #[derive( Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialOrd, Ord, Enum, )] +#[repr(u8)] pub enum Opcode { /// rd ← rs1 + rs2, pc ← pc + 4 ADD = 0, @@ -45,64 +46,63 @@ pub enum Opcode { SLT = 8, /// rd ← (rs1 < rs2) ? 1 : 0 (unsigned), pc ← pc + 4 SLTU = 9, + /// rd ← rs1 * rs2 (signed), pc ← pc + 4 + MUL = 10, + /// rd ← rs1 * rs2 (half), pc ← pc + 4 + MULH = 11, + /// rd ← rs1 * rs2 (half unsigned), pc ← pc + 4 + MULHU = 12, + /// rd ← rs1 * rs2 (half signed unsigned), pc ← pc + 4 + MULHSU = 13, + /// rd ← rs1 / rs2 (signed), pc ← pc + 4 + DIV = 14, + /// rd ← rs1 / rs2 (unsigned), pc ← pc + 4 + DIVU = 15, + /// rd ← rs1 % rs2 (signed), pc ← pc + 4 + REM = 16, + /// rd ← rs1 % rs2 (unsigned), pc ← pc + 4 + REMU = 17, /// rd ← sx(m8(rs1 + imm)), pc ← pc + 4 - LB = 10, + LB = 18, /// rd ← sx(m16(rs1 + imm)), pc ← pc + 4 - LH = 11, + LH = 19, /// rd ← sx(m32(rs1 + imm)), pc ← pc + 4 - LW = 12, + LW = 20, /// rd ← zx(m8(rs1 + imm)), pc ← pc + 4 - LBU = 13, + LBU = 21, /// rd ← zx(m16(rs1 + imm)), pc ← pc + 4 - LHU = 14, + LHU = 22, /// m8(rs1 + imm) ← rs2[7:0], pc ← pc + 4 - SB = 15, + SB = 23, /// m16(rs1 + imm) ← rs2[15:0], pc ← pc + 4 - SH = 16, + SH = 24, /// m32(rs1 + imm) ← rs2[31:0], pc ← pc + 4 - SW = 17, + SW = 25, /// pc ← pc + ((rs1 == rs2) ? imm : 4) - BEQ = 18, + BEQ = 26, /// pc ← pc + ((rs1 != rs2) ? imm : 4) - BNE = 19, + BNE = 27, /// pc ← pc + ((rs1 < rs2) ? imm : 4) (signed) - BLT = 20, + BLT = 28, /// pc ← pc + ((rs1 >= rs2) ? imm : 4) (signed) - BGE = 21, + BGE = 29, /// pc ← pc + ((rs1 < rs2) ? imm : 4) (unsigned) - BLTU = 22, + BLTU = 30, /// pc ← pc + ((rs1 >= rs2) ? imm : 4) (unsigned) - BGEU = 23, + BGEU = 31, /// rd ← pc + 4, pc ← pc + imm - JAL = 24, + JAL = 32, /// rd ← pc + 4, pc ← (rs1 + imm) & ∼1 - JALR = 25, + JALR = 33, /// rd ← pc + imm, pc ← pc + 4 - AUIPC = 27, + AUIPC = 34, /// Transfer control to the debugger. - ECALL = 28, + ECALL = 35, /// Transfer control to the operating system. - EBREAK = 29, - /// rd ← rs1 * rs2 (signed), pc ← pc + 4 - MUL = 30, - /// rd ← rs1 * rs2 (half), pc ← pc + 4 - MULH = 31, - /// rd ← rs1 * rs2 (half unsigned), pc ← pc + 4 - MULHU = 32, - /// rd ← rs1 * rs2 (half signed unsigned), pc ← pc + 4 - MULHSU = 33, - /// rd ← rs1 / rs2 (signed), pc ← pc + 4 - DIV = 34, - /// rd ← rs1 / rs2 (unsigned), pc ← pc + 4 - DIVU = 35, - /// rd ← rs1 % rs2 (signed), pc ← pc + 4 - REM = 36, - /// rd ← rs1 % rs2 (unsigned), pc ← pc + 4 - REMU = 37, + EBREAK = 36, /// Unimplemented instruction. - UNIMP = 39, + UNIMP = 37, } - /// Byte Opcode. /// /// This represents a basic operation that can be performed on a byte. Usually, these operations diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/profiler.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/profiler.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..416993bb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/profiler.rs @@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ +use gecko_profile::{Frame, ProfileBuilder, StringIndex, ThreadBuilder}; +use goblin::elf::{sym::STT_FUNC, Elf}; +use indicatif::{ProgressBar, ProgressStyle}; +use rustc_demangle::demangle; +use std::collections::HashMap; + +#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] +pub enum ProfilerError { + #[error("Failed to read ELF file {}", .0)] + Io(#[from] std::io::Error), + #[error("Failed to parse ELF file {}", .0)] + Elf(#[from] goblin::error::Error), + #[error("Failed to serialize samples {}", .0)] + Serde(#[from] serde_json::Error), +} + +/// During execution, the profiler always keeps track of the callstack +/// and will occasionally save the stack according to the sample rate. +pub struct Profiler { + sample_rate: u64, + /// `start_address`-> index in `function_ranges` + start_lookup: HashMap, + /// the start and end of the function + function_ranges: Vec<(u64, u64, Frame)>, + + /// the current known call stack + function_stack: Vec, + /// useful for quick search as to not count recursive calls + function_stack_indices: Vec, + /// The call stacks code ranges, useful for keeping track of unwinds + function_stack_ranges: Vec<(u64, u64)>, + /// The deepest function code range + current_function_range: (u64, u64), + + main_idx: Option, + builder: ThreadBuilder, + samples: Vec, +} + +struct Sample { + stack: Vec, +} + +impl Profiler { + pub(super) fn new(elf_bytes: &[u8], sample_rate: u64) -> Result { + let elf = Elf::parse(elf_bytes)?; + + let mut start_lookup = HashMap::new(); + let mut function_ranges = Vec::new(); + let mut builder = ThreadBuilder::new(1, 0, std::time::Instant::now(), false, false); + + // We need to extract all the functions from the ELF file + // and their corresponding PC ranges. + let mut main_idx = None; + for sym in &elf.syms { + // check if its a function + if sym.st_type() == STT_FUNC { + let name = elf.strtab.get_at(sym.st_name).unwrap_or(""); + let demangled_name = demangle(name); + let size = sym.st_size; + let start_address = sym.st_value; + let end_address = start_address + size - 4; + + // Now that we have the name let's immediately intern it so we only need to copy + // around a usize + let demangled_name = demangled_name.to_string(); + let string_idx = builder.intern_string(&demangled_name); + if main_idx.is_none() && demangled_name == "main" { + main_idx = Some(string_idx); + } + + let start_idx = function_ranges.len(); + function_ranges.push((start_address, end_address, Frame::Label(string_idx))); + start_lookup.insert(start_address, start_idx); + } + } + + Ok(Self { + builder, + main_idx, + sample_rate, + samples: Vec::new(), + start_lookup, + function_ranges, + function_stack: Vec::new(), + function_stack_indices: Vec::new(), + function_stack_ranges: Vec::new(), + current_function_range: (0, 0), + }) + } + + pub(super) fn record(&mut self, clk: u64, pc: u64) { + // We are still in the current function. + if pc > self.current_function_range.0 && pc <= self.current_function_range.1 { + if clk % self.sample_rate == 0 { + self.samples.push(Sample { stack: self.function_stack.clone() }); + } + + return; + } + + // Jump to a new function (or the same one). + if let Some(f) = self.start_lookup.get(&pc) { + // Jump to a new function (not recursive). + if !self.function_stack_indices.contains(f) { + self.function_stack_indices.push(*f); + let (start, end, name) = self.function_ranges.get(*f).unwrap(); + self.current_function_range = (*start, *end); + self.function_stack_ranges.push((*start, *end)); + self.function_stack.push(name.clone()); + } + } else { + // This means pc now points to an instruction that is + // + // 1. not in the current function's range + // 2. not a new function call + // + // We now account for a new possibility where we're returning to a function in the + // stack this need not be the immediate parent and can be any of the existing + // functions in the stack due to some optimizations that the compiler can make. + let mut unwind_point = 0; + let mut unwind_found = false; + for (c, (s, e)) in self.function_stack_ranges.iter().enumerate() { + if pc > *s && pc <= *e { + unwind_point = c; + unwind_found = true; + break; + } + } + + // Unwinding until the parent. + if unwind_found { + self.function_stack.truncate(unwind_point + 1); + self.function_stack_ranges.truncate(unwind_point + 1); + self.function_stack_indices.truncate(unwind_point + 1); + } + + // If no unwind point has been found, that means we jumped to some random location + // so we'll just increment the counts for everything in the stack. + } + + if clk % self.sample_rate == 0 { + self.samples.push(Sample { stack: self.function_stack.clone() }); + } + } + + /// Write the captured samples so far to the `std::io::Write`. This will output a JSON gecko + /// profile. + pub(super) fn write(mut self, writer: impl std::io::Write) -> Result<(), ProfilerError> { + self.check_samples(); + + let start_time = std::time::Instant::now(); + let mut profile_builder = ProfileBuilder::new( + start_time, + std::time::SystemTime::now(), + "SP1 ZKVM", + 0, + std::time::Duration::from_micros(1), + ); + + let pb = ProgressBar::new(self.samples.len() as u64); + pb.set_style( + ProgressStyle::default_bar() + .template( + "{msg} \n {spinner:.green} [{elapsed_precise}] [{bar:40.cyan/blue}] {pos}/{len} ({eta})", + ) + .unwrap() + .progress_chars("#>-"), + ); + + pb.set_message("Creating profile"); + + let mut last_known_time = std::time::Instant::now(); + for sample in self.samples.drain(..) { + pb.inc(1); + + self.builder.add_sample( + last_known_time, + sample.stack.into_iter(), + // We don't have a way to know the duration of each sample, so we just use 1us for + // all instructions. + std::time::Duration::from_micros(self.sample_rate), + ); + + last_known_time += std::time::Duration::from_micros(self.sample_rate); + } + + profile_builder.add_thread(self.builder); + + pb.finish(); + + println!("Writing profile, this can take awhile"); + serde_json::to_writer(writer, &profile_builder.to_serializable())?; + println!("Profile written successfully"); + + Ok(()) + } + + /// Simple check to makes sure we have valid main function that lasts + /// for most of the execution time. + fn check_samples(&self) { + let Some(main_idx) = self.main_idx else { + eprintln!( + "Warning: The `main` function is not present in the Elf file, this is likely caused by using the wrong Elf file" + ); + return; + }; + + let main_count = self + .samples + .iter() + .filter(|s| { + s.stack + .iter() + .any(|f| if let Frame::Label(idx) = f { *idx == main_idx } else { false }) + }) + .count(); + + #[allow(clippy::cast_precision_loss)] + let main_ratio = main_count as f64 / self.samples.len() as f64; + if main_ratio < 0.9 { + eprintln!( + "Warning: This trace appears to be invalid. The `main` function is present in only {:.2}% of the samples, this is likely caused by the using the wrong Elf file", + main_ratio * 100.0 + ); + } + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/program.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/program.rs index 29743a4c8..6b52cd9bf 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/program.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/program.rs @@ -1,16 +1,25 @@ //! Programs that can be executed by the SP1 zkVM. -use std::{fs::File, io::Read}; - -use hashbrown::HashMap; -use p3_field::Field; -use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; -use sp1_stark::air::{MachineAir, MachineProgram}; +use std::{fs::File, io::Read, str::FromStr}; use crate::{ disassembler::{transpile, Elf}, instruction::Instruction, - CoreShape, + RiscvAirId, +}; +use hashbrown::HashMap; +use p3_field::Field; +use p3_field::{AbstractExtensionField, PrimeField32}; +use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::IntoParallelIterator; +use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::{ParallelBridge, ParallelIterator}; +use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; +use sp1_stark::septic_curve::{SepticCurve, SepticCurveComplete}; +use sp1_stark::septic_digest::SepticDigest; +use sp1_stark::septic_extension::SepticExtension; +use sp1_stark::InteractionKind; +use sp1_stark::{ + air::{MachineAir, MachineProgram}, + shape::Shape, }; /// A program that can be executed by the SP1 zkVM. @@ -28,7 +37,7 @@ pub struct Program { /// The initial memory image, useful for global constants. pub memory_image: HashMap, /// The shape for the preprocessed tables. - pub preprocessed_shape: Option, + pub preprocessed_shape: Option>, } impl Program { @@ -79,20 +88,51 @@ impl Program { /// Custom logic for padding the trace to a power of two according to the proof shape. pub fn fixed_log2_rows>(&self, air: &A) -> Option { - self.preprocessed_shape - .as_ref() - .map(|shape| { - shape - .inner - .get(&air.name()) - .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Chip {} not found in specified shape", air.name())) - }) - .copied() + let id = RiscvAirId::from_str(&air.name()).unwrap(); + self.preprocessed_shape.as_ref().map(|shape| { + shape + .log2_height(&id) + .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Chip {} not found in specified shape", air.name())) + }) + } + + #[must_use] + /// Fetch the instruction at the given program counter. + pub fn fetch(&self, pc: u32) -> &Instruction { + let idx = ((pc - self.pc_base) / 4) as usize; + &self.instructions[idx] } } -impl MachineProgram for Program { +impl MachineProgram for Program { fn pc_start(&self) -> F { F::from_canonical_u32(self.pc_start) } + + fn initial_global_cumulative_sum(&self) -> SepticDigest { + let mut digests: Vec> = self + .memory_image + .iter() + .par_bridge() + .map(|(&addr, &word)| { + let values = [ + (InteractionKind::Memory as u32) << 16, + 0, + addr, + word & 255, + (word >> 8) & 255, + (word >> 16) & 255, + (word >> 24) & 255, + ]; + let x_start = + SepticExtension::::from_base_fn(|i| F::from_canonical_u32(values[i])); + let (point, _, _, _) = SepticCurve::::lift_x(x_start); + SepticCurveComplete::Affine(point.neg()) + }) + .collect(); + digests.push(SepticCurveComplete::Affine(SepticDigest::::zero().0)); + SepticDigest( + digests.into_par_iter().reduce(|| SepticCurveComplete::Infinity, |a, b| a + b).point(), + ) + } } diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/programs.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/programs.rs deleted file mode 100644 index b20cade70..000000000 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/programs.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,207 +0,0 @@ -//! RV32IM ELFs used for testing. - -#[allow(dead_code)] -#[allow(missing_docs)] -pub mod tests { - use crate::{Instruction, Opcode, Program}; - - pub const CHESS_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../examples/chess/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const FIBONACCI_IO_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../examples/fibonacci/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const IO_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../examples/io/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const JSON_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../examples/json/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const REGEX_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../examples/regex/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const RSA_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../examples/rsa/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const SSZ_WITHDRAWALS_ELF: &[u8] = include_bytes!( - "../../../../examples/ssz-withdrawals/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf" - ); - - pub const TENDERMINT_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../examples/tendermint/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const FIBONACCI_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/fibonacci/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const ED25519_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/ed25519/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const CYCLE_TRACKER_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/cycle-tracker/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const ED_ADD_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/ed-add/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const ED_DECOMPRESS_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/ed-decompress/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const KECCAK_PERMUTE_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/keccak-permute/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const KECCAK256_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/keccak256/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const SECP256K1_ADD_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/secp256k1-add/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const SECP256K1_DECOMPRESS_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/secp256k1-decompress/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const SECP256K1_DOUBLE_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/secp256k1-double/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const SHA_COMPRESS_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/sha-compress/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const SHA_EXTEND_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/sha-extend/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const SHA2_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/sha2/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const BN254_ADD_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/bn254-add/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const BN254_DOUBLE_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/bn254-double/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const BN254_MUL_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/bn254-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const SECP256K1_MUL_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/secp256k1-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const BLS12381_ADD_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/bls12381-add/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const BLS12381_DOUBLE_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/bls12381-double/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const BLS12381_MUL_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/bls12381-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const UINT256_MUL_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/uint256-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const BLS12381_DECOMPRESS_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/bls12381-decompress/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const VERIFY_PROOF_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/verify-proof/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const PANIC_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/panic/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const BLS12381_FP_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/bls12381-fp/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const BLS12381_FP2_MUL_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/bls12381-fp2-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const BLS12381_FP2_ADDSUB_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/bls12381-fp2-addsub/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const BN254_FP_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/bn254-fp/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const BN254_FP2_ADDSUB_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/bn254-fp2-addsub/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const BN254_FP2_MUL_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../tests/bn254-fp2-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - #[must_use] - pub fn simple_program() -> Program { - let instructions = vec![ - Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 29, 0, 5, false, true), - Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 30, 0, 37, false, true), - Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 31, 30, 29, false, false), - ]; - Program::new(instructions, 0, 0) - } - - /// Get the fibonacci program. - /// - /// # Panics - /// - /// This function will panic if the program fails to load. - #[must_use] - pub fn fibonacci_program() -> Program { - Program::from(FIBONACCI_ELF).unwrap() - } - - /// Get the SSZ withdrawals program. - /// - /// # Panics - /// - /// This function will panic if the program fails to load. - #[must_use] - pub fn ssz_withdrawals_program() -> Program { - Program::from(KECCAK_PERMUTE_ELF).unwrap() - } - - /// Get the panic program. - /// - /// # Panics - /// - /// This function will panic if the program fails to load. - #[must_use] - pub fn panic_program() -> Program { - Program::from(PANIC_ELF).unwrap() - } - - #[must_use] - #[allow(clippy::unreadable_literal)] - pub fn simple_memory_program() -> Program { - let instructions = vec![ - Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 29, 0, 0x12348765, false, true), - // SW and LW - Instruction::new(Opcode::SW, 29, 0, 0x27654320, false, true), - Instruction::new(Opcode::LW, 28, 0, 0x27654320, false, true), - // LBU - Instruction::new(Opcode::LBU, 27, 0, 0x27654320, false, true), - Instruction::new(Opcode::LBU, 26, 0, 0x27654321, false, true), - Instruction::new(Opcode::LBU, 25, 0, 0x27654322, false, true), - Instruction::new(Opcode::LBU, 24, 0, 0x27654323, false, true), - // LB - Instruction::new(Opcode::LB, 23, 0, 0x27654320, false, true), - Instruction::new(Opcode::LB, 22, 0, 0x27654321, false, true), - // LHU - Instruction::new(Opcode::LHU, 21, 0, 0x27654320, false, true), - Instruction::new(Opcode::LHU, 20, 0, 0x27654322, false, true), - // LU - Instruction::new(Opcode::LH, 19, 0, 0x27654320, false, true), - Instruction::new(Opcode::LH, 18, 0, 0x27654322, false, true), - // SB - Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 17, 0, 0x38276525, false, true), - // Save the value 0x12348765 into address 0x43627530 - Instruction::new(Opcode::SW, 29, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), - Instruction::new(Opcode::SB, 17, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), - Instruction::new(Opcode::LW, 16, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), - Instruction::new(Opcode::SB, 17, 0, 0x43627531, false, true), - Instruction::new(Opcode::LW, 15, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), - Instruction::new(Opcode::SB, 17, 0, 0x43627532, false, true), - Instruction::new(Opcode::LW, 14, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), - Instruction::new(Opcode::SB, 17, 0, 0x43627533, false, true), - Instruction::new(Opcode::LW, 13, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), - // SH - // Save the value 0x12348765 into address 0x43627530 - Instruction::new(Opcode::SW, 29, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), - Instruction::new(Opcode::SH, 17, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), - Instruction::new(Opcode::LW, 12, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), - Instruction::new(Opcode::SH, 17, 0, 0x43627532, false, true), - Instruction::new(Opcode::LW, 11, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), - ]; - Program::new(instructions, 0, 0) - } -} diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/record.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/record.rs index b6c23c45f..bb1ab0afe 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/record.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/record.rs @@ -1,29 +1,31 @@ +use enum_map::EnumMap; use hashbrown::HashMap; use itertools::{EitherOrBoth, Itertools}; use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField}; use sp1_stark::{ air::{MachineAir, PublicValues}, + shape::Shape, MachineRecord, SP1CoreOpts, SplitOpts, }; -use std::{mem::take, sync::Arc}; +use std::{mem::take, str::FromStr, sync::Arc}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use super::{program::Program, Opcode}; use crate::{ events::{ - add_sharded_byte_lookup_events, AluEvent, ByteLookupEvent, ByteRecord, CpuEvent, LookupId, - MemoryInitializeFinalizeEvent, MemoryLocalEvent, MemoryRecordEnum, PrecompileEvent, - PrecompileEvents, SyscallEvent, + AUIPCEvent, AluEvent, BranchEvent, ByteLookupEvent, ByteRecord, CpuEvent, + GlobalInteractionEvent, JumpEvent, MemInstrEvent, MemoryInitializeFinalizeEvent, + MemoryLocalEvent, MemoryRecordEnum, PrecompileEvent, PrecompileEvents, SyscallEvent, }, syscalls::SyscallCode, - CoreShape, + RiscvAirId, }; /// A record of the execution of a program. /// /// The trace of the execution is represented as a list of "events" that occur every cycle. -#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Default)] pub struct ExecutionRecord { /// The program. pub program: Arc, @@ -45,8 +47,16 @@ pub struct ExecutionRecord { pub divrem_events: Vec, /// A trace of the SLT, SLTI, SLTU, and SLTIU events. pub lt_events: Vec, + /// A trace of the memory instructions. + pub memory_instr_events: Vec, + /// A trace of the AUIPC events. + pub auipc_events: Vec, + /// A trace of the branch events. + pub branch_events: Vec, + /// A trace of the jump events. + pub jump_events: Vec, /// A trace of the byte lookups that are needed. - pub byte_lookups: HashMap>, + pub byte_lookups: HashMap, /// A trace of the precompile events. pub precompile_events: PrecompileEvents, /// A trace of the global memory initialize events. @@ -57,12 +67,16 @@ pub struct ExecutionRecord { pub cpu_local_memory_access: Vec, /// A trace of all the syscall events. pub syscall_events: Vec, + /// A trace of all the global interaction events. + pub global_interaction_events: Vec, /// The public values. pub public_values: PublicValues, - /// The nonce lookup. - pub nonce_lookup: HashMap, + /// The next nonce to use for a new lookup. + pub next_nonce: u64, /// The shape of the proof. - pub shape: Option, + pub shape: Option>, + /// The predicted counts of the proof. + pub counts: Option>, } impl ExecutionRecord { @@ -114,6 +128,26 @@ impl ExecutionRecord { } } + /// Add a memory instructions event to the execution record. + pub fn add_memory_instructions_event(&mut self, memory_instructions_event: MemInstrEvent) { + self.memory_instr_events.push(memory_instructions_event); + } + + /// Add a branch event to the execution record. + pub fn add_branch_event(&mut self, branch_event: BranchEvent) { + self.branch_events.push(branch_event); + } + + /// Add a jump event to the execution record. + pub fn add_jump_event(&mut self, jump_event: JumpEvent) { + self.jump_events.push(jump_event); + } + + /// Add an AUIPC event to the execution record. + pub fn add_auipc_event(&mut self, auipc_event: AUIPCEvent) { + self.auipc_events.push(auipc_event); + } + /// Take out events from the [`ExecutionRecord`] that should be deferred to a separate shard. /// /// Note: we usually defer events that would increase the recursion cost significantly if @@ -131,7 +165,15 @@ impl ExecutionRecord { /// Splits the deferred [`ExecutionRecord`] into multiple [`ExecutionRecord`]s, each which /// contain a "reasonable" number of deferred events. - pub fn split(&mut self, last: bool, opts: SplitOpts) -> Vec { + /// + /// The optional `last_record` will be provided if there are few enough deferred events that + /// they can all be packed into the already existing last record. + pub fn split( + &mut self, + last: bool, + last_record: Option<&mut ExecutionRecord>, + opts: SplitOpts, + ) -> Vec { let mut shards = Vec::new(); let precompile_events = take(&mut self.precompile_events); @@ -169,6 +211,18 @@ impl ExecutionRecord { self.global_memory_initialize_events.sort_by_key(|event| event.addr); self.global_memory_finalize_events.sort_by_key(|event| event.addr); + // If there are no precompile shards, and `last_record` is Some, pack the memory events + // into the last record. + let pack_memory_events_into_last_record = last_record.is_some() && shards.is_empty(); + let mut blank_record = ExecutionRecord::new(self.program.clone()); + + // If `last_record` is None, use a blank record to store the memory events. + let last_record_ref = if pack_memory_events_into_last_record { + last_record.unwrap() + } else { + &mut blank_record + }; + let mut init_addr_bits = [0; 32]; let mut finalize_addr_bits = [0; 32]; for mem_chunks in self @@ -183,43 +237,45 @@ impl ExecutionRecord { EitherOrBoth::Left(mem_init_chunk) => (mem_init_chunk, [].as_slice()), EitherOrBoth::Right(mem_finalize_chunk) => ([].as_slice(), mem_finalize_chunk), }; - let mut shard = ExecutionRecord::new(self.program.clone()); - shard.global_memory_initialize_events.extend_from_slice(mem_init_chunk); - shard.public_values.previous_init_addr_bits = init_addr_bits; + last_record_ref.global_memory_initialize_events.extend_from_slice(mem_init_chunk); + last_record_ref.public_values.previous_init_addr_bits = init_addr_bits; if let Some(last_event) = mem_init_chunk.last() { let last_init_addr_bits = core::array::from_fn(|i| (last_event.addr >> i) & 1); init_addr_bits = last_init_addr_bits; } - shard.public_values.last_init_addr_bits = init_addr_bits; + last_record_ref.public_values.last_init_addr_bits = init_addr_bits; - shard.global_memory_finalize_events.extend_from_slice(mem_finalize_chunk); - shard.public_values.previous_finalize_addr_bits = finalize_addr_bits; + last_record_ref.global_memory_finalize_events.extend_from_slice(mem_finalize_chunk); + last_record_ref.public_values.previous_finalize_addr_bits = finalize_addr_bits; if let Some(last_event) = mem_finalize_chunk.last() { let last_finalize_addr_bits = core::array::from_fn(|i| (last_event.addr >> i) & 1); finalize_addr_bits = last_finalize_addr_bits; } - shard.public_values.last_finalize_addr_bits = finalize_addr_bits; + last_record_ref.public_values.last_finalize_addr_bits = finalize_addr_bits; - shards.push(shard); + if !pack_memory_events_into_last_record { + // If not packing memory events into the last record, add 'last_record_ref' + // to the returned records. `take` replaces `blank_program` with the default. + shards.push(take(last_record_ref)); + + // Reset the last record so its program is the correct one. (The default program + // provided by `take` contains no instructions.) + last_record_ref.program = self.program.clone(); + } } } - shards } /// Return the number of rows needed for a chip, according to the proof shape specified in the /// struct. pub fn fixed_log2_rows>(&self, air: &A) -> Option { - self.shape - .as_ref() - .map(|shape| { - shape - .inner - .get(&air.name()) - .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Chip {} not found in specified shape", air.name())) - }) - .copied() + self.shape.as_ref().map(|shape| { + shape + .log2_height(&RiscvAirId::from_str(&air.name()).unwrap()) + .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Chip {} not found in specified shape", air.name())) + }) } /// Determines whether the execution record contains CPU events. @@ -284,6 +340,10 @@ impl MachineRecord for ExecutionRecord { stats.insert("shift_right_events".to_string(), self.shift_right_events.len()); stats.insert("divrem_events".to_string(), self.divrem_events.len()); stats.insert("lt_events".to_string(), self.lt_events.len()); + stats.insert("memory_instructions_events".to_string(), self.memory_instr_events.len()); + stats.insert("branch_events".to_string(), self.branch_events.len()); + stats.insert("jump_events".to_string(), self.jump_events.len()); + stats.insert("auipc_events".to_string(), self.auipc_events.len()); for (syscall_code, events) in self.precompile_events.iter() { stats.insert(format!("syscall {syscall_code:?}"), events.len()); @@ -299,11 +359,7 @@ impl MachineRecord for ExecutionRecord { ); stats.insert("local_memory_access_events".to_string(), self.cpu_local_memory_access.len()); if !self.cpu_events.is_empty() { - let shard = self.cpu_events[0].shard; - stats.insert( - "byte_lookups".to_string(), - self.byte_lookups.get(&shard).map_or(0, hashbrown::HashMap::len), - ); + stats.insert("byte_lookups".to_string(), self.byte_lookups.len()); } // Filter out the empty events. stats.retain(|_, v| *v != 0); @@ -320,6 +376,10 @@ impl MachineRecord for ExecutionRecord { self.shift_right_events.append(&mut other.shift_right_events); self.divrem_events.append(&mut other.divrem_events); self.lt_events.append(&mut other.lt_events); + self.memory_instr_events.append(&mut other.memory_instr_events); + self.branch_events.append(&mut other.branch_events); + self.jump_events.append(&mut other.jump_events); + self.auipc_events.append(&mut other.auipc_events); self.syscall_events.append(&mut other.syscall_events); self.precompile_events.append(&mut other.precompile_events); @@ -327,46 +387,13 @@ impl MachineRecord for ExecutionRecord { if self.byte_lookups.is_empty() { self.byte_lookups = std::mem::take(&mut other.byte_lookups); } else { - self.add_sharded_byte_lookup_events(vec![&other.byte_lookups]); + self.add_byte_lookup_events_from_maps(vec![&other.byte_lookups]); } self.global_memory_initialize_events.append(&mut other.global_memory_initialize_events); self.global_memory_finalize_events.append(&mut other.global_memory_finalize_events); self.cpu_local_memory_access.append(&mut other.cpu_local_memory_access); - } - - fn register_nonces(&mut self, _opts: &Self::Config) { - self.add_events.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, event)| { - self.nonce_lookup.insert(event.lookup_id, i as u32); - }); - - self.sub_events.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, event)| { - self.nonce_lookup.insert(event.lookup_id, (self.add_events.len() + i) as u32); - }); - - self.mul_events.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, event)| { - self.nonce_lookup.insert(event.lookup_id, i as u32); - }); - - self.bitwise_events.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, event)| { - self.nonce_lookup.insert(event.lookup_id, i as u32); - }); - - self.shift_left_events.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, event)| { - self.nonce_lookup.insert(event.lookup_id, i as u32); - }); - - self.shift_right_events.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, event)| { - self.nonce_lookup.insert(event.lookup_id, i as u32); - }); - - self.divrem_events.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, event)| { - self.nonce_lookup.insert(event.lookup_id, i as u32); - }); - - self.lt_events.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, event)| { - self.nonce_lookup.insert(event.lookup_id, i as u32); - }); + self.global_interaction_events.append(&mut other.global_interaction_events); } /// Retrieves the public values. This method is needed for the `MachineRecord` trait, since @@ -377,14 +404,18 @@ impl MachineRecord for ExecutionRecord { impl ByteRecord for ExecutionRecord { fn add_byte_lookup_event(&mut self, blu_event: ByteLookupEvent) { - *self.byte_lookups.entry(blu_event.shard).or_default().entry(blu_event).or_insert(0) += 1; + *self.byte_lookups.entry(blu_event).or_insert(0) += 1; } #[inline] - fn add_sharded_byte_lookup_events( + fn add_byte_lookup_events_from_maps( &mut self, - new_events: Vec<&HashMap>>, + new_events: Vec<&HashMap>, ) { - add_sharded_byte_lookup_events(&mut self.byte_lookups, new_events); + for new_blu_map in new_events { + for (blu_event, count) in new_blu_map.iter() { + *self.byte_lookups.entry(*blu_event).or_insert(0) += count; + } + } } } diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/register.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/register.rs index 176ef1c95..c24b75dec 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/register.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/register.rs @@ -70,14 +70,14 @@ pub enum Register { } impl Register { - /// Create a new register from a u32. + /// Create a new register from a u8. /// /// # Panics /// /// This function will panic if the register is invalid. #[inline] #[must_use] - pub fn from_u32(value: u32) -> Self { + pub fn from_u8(value: u8) -> Self { match value { 0 => Register::X0, 1 => Register::X1, diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/report.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/report.rs index 6f1557921..f2b45b510 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/report.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/report.rs @@ -6,13 +6,11 @@ use std::{ use enum_map::{EnumArray, EnumMap}; use hashbrown::HashMap; -use crate::{events::sorted_table_lines, syscalls::SyscallCode, Opcode}; +use crate::{events::generate_execution_report, syscalls::SyscallCode, Opcode}; /// An execution report. #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct ExecutionReport { - /// The event counts. - pub event_counts: Box>, /// The opcode counts. pub opcode_counts: Box>, /// The syscall counts. @@ -68,12 +66,12 @@ impl Add for ExecutionReport { impl Display for ExecutionReport { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> FmtResult { writeln!(f, "opcode counts ({} total instructions):", self.total_instruction_count())?; - for line in sorted_table_lines(self.opcode_counts.as_ref()) { + for line in generate_execution_report(self.opcode_counts.as_ref()) { writeln!(f, " {line}")?; } writeln!(f, "syscall counts ({} total syscall instructions):", self.total_syscall_count())?; - for line in sorted_table_lines(self.syscall_counts.as_ref()) { + for line in generate_execution_report(self.syscall_counts.as_ref()) { writeln!(f, " {line}")?; } diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/shape.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/shape.rs deleted file mode 100644 index cf1477fbe..000000000 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/shape.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,137 +0,0 @@ -use std::sync::Arc; - -use hashbrown::{HashMap, HashSet}; -use p3_field::PrimeField; -use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; -use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, ProofShape}; - -use crate::{ExecutionRecord, Program}; - -/// The shape of a core proof. -#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq)] -pub struct CoreShape { - /// The shape of the proof. - /// - /// Keys are the chip names and values are the log-heights of the chips. - pub inner: HashMap, -} - -impl CoreShape { - /// Create a dummy program with this shape. - /// - /// This can be used to generate a dummy preprocessed traces. - #[must_use] - pub fn dummy_program(&self) -> Program { - let mut program = Program::new(vec![], 1 << 5, 1 << 5); - program.preprocessed_shape = Some(self.clone()); - program - } - - /// Create a dummy execution record with this shape. - /// - /// This can be used to generate dummy traces. - #[must_use] - pub fn dummy_record(&self) -> ExecutionRecord { - let program = Arc::new(self.dummy_program()); - let mut record = ExecutionRecord::new(program); - record.shape = Some(self.clone()); - record - } - - /// Determines whether the execution record contains a trace for a given chip. - pub fn included>(&self, air: &A) -> bool { - self.inner.contains_key(&air.name()) - } -} - -impl Extend for CoreShape { - fn extend>(&mut self, iter: T) { - for shape in iter { - self.inner.extend(shape.inner); - } - } -} - -impl Extend<(String, usize)> for CoreShape { - fn extend>(&mut self, iter: T) { - self.inner.extend(iter); - } -} - -impl IntoIterator for CoreShape { - type Item = (String, usize); - - type IntoIter = hashbrown::hash_map::IntoIter; - - fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { - self.inner.into_iter() - } -} - -impl FromIterator<(String, usize)> for CoreShape { - fn from_iter>(iter: T) -> Self { - Self { inner: iter.into_iter().collect() } - } -} - -impl From for CoreShape { - fn from(value: ProofShape) -> Self { - Self { inner: value.into_iter().collect() } - } -} - -impl From for ProofShape { - fn from(value: CoreShape) -> Self { - value.inner.into_iter().collect() - } -} - -impl PartialOrd for CoreShape { - fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option { - let set = self.inner.keys().collect::>(); - let other_set = other.inner.keys().collect::>(); - - if set.is_subset(&other_set) { - let mut less_seen = false; - let mut greater_seen = false; - for (name, &height) in self.inner.iter() { - let other_height = other.inner[name]; - match height.cmp(&other_height) { - std::cmp::Ordering::Less => less_seen = true, - std::cmp::Ordering::Greater => greater_seen = true, - std::cmp::Ordering::Equal => {} - } - } - if less_seen && greater_seen { - return None; - } - - if less_seen { - return Some(std::cmp::Ordering::Less); - } - } - - if other_set.is_subset(&set) { - let mut less_seen = false; - let mut greater_seen = false; - for (name, &height) in other.inner.iter() { - let other_height = self.inner[name]; - match height.cmp(&other_height) { - std::cmp::Ordering::Less => less_seen = true, - std::cmp::Ordering::Greater => greater_seen = true, - std::cmp::Ordering::Equal => {} - } - } - - if less_seen && greater_seen { - return None; - } - - if greater_seen { - return Some(std::cmp::Ordering::Greater); - } - } - - None - } -} diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/state.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/state.rs index 4c669188d..eb8f9cce4 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/state.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/state.rs @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ use std::{ + collections::VecDeque, fs::File, io::{Seek, Write}, }; @@ -9,7 +10,7 @@ use sp1_stark::{baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, StarkVerifyingKey}; use crate::{ events::MemoryRecord, - memory::PagedMemory, + memory::Memory, record::{ExecutionRecord, MemoryAccessRecord}, syscalls::SyscallCode, ExecutorMode, SP1ReduceProof, @@ -27,9 +28,10 @@ pub struct ExecutionState { /// The memory which instructions operate over. Values contain the memory value and last shard /// + timestamp that each memory address was accessed. - pub memory: PagedMemory, + pub memory: Memory, - /// The global clock keeps track of how many instructions have been executed through all shards. + /// The global clock keeps track of how many instructions have been executed through all + /// shards. pub global_clk: u64, /// The clock increments by 4 (possibly more in syscalls) for each instruction that has been @@ -38,13 +40,10 @@ pub struct ExecutionState { /// Uninitialized memory addresses that have a specific value they should be initialized with. /// `SyscallHintRead` uses this to write hint data into uninitialized memory. - pub uninitialized_memory: PagedMemory, + pub uninitialized_memory: Memory, /// A stream of input values (global to the entire program). - pub input_stream: Vec>, - - /// A ptr to the current position in the input stream incremented by `HINT_READ` opcode. - pub input_stream_ptr: usize, + pub input_stream: VecDeque>, /// A stream of proofs (reduce vk, proof, verifying key) inputted to the program. pub proof_stream: @@ -74,10 +73,9 @@ impl ExecutionState { current_shard: 1, clk: 0, pc: pc_start, - memory: PagedMemory::new_preallocated(), - uninitialized_memory: PagedMemory::default(), - input_stream: Vec::new(), - input_stream_ptr: 0, + memory: Memory::new_preallocated(), + uninitialized_memory: Memory::new_preallocated(), + input_stream: VecDeque::new(), public_values_stream: Vec::new(), public_values_stream_ptr: 0, proof_stream: Vec::new(), diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/subproof.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/subproof.rs index e821fd995..897c6412e 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/subproof.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/subproof.rs @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ use sp1_stark::{ baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, MachineVerificationError, StarkVerifyingKey, }; -use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool; use crate::SP1ReduceProof; @@ -24,36 +23,6 @@ pub trait SubproofVerifier: Sync + Send { ) -> Result<(), MachineVerificationError>; } -/// A dummy verifier which prints a warning on the first proof and does nothing else. -#[derive(Default)] -pub struct DefaultSubproofVerifier { - printed: AtomicBool, -} - -impl DefaultSubproofVerifier { - /// Creates a new [`DefaultSubproofVerifier`]. - #[must_use] - pub fn new() -> Self { - Self { printed: AtomicBool::new(false) } - } -} - -impl SubproofVerifier for DefaultSubproofVerifier { - fn verify_deferred_proof( - &self, - _proof: &SP1ReduceProof, - _vk: &StarkVerifyingKey, - _vk_hash: [u32; 8], - _committed_value_digest: [u32; 8], - ) -> Result<(), MachineVerificationError> { - if !self.printed.load(std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst) { - tracing::info!("Not verifying sub proof during runtime"); - self.printed.store(true, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst); - } - Ok(()) - } -} - /// A dummy verifier which does nothing. pub struct NoOpSubproofVerifier; diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/code.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/code.rs index ece5a06e9..e30ff500c 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/code.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/code.rs @@ -19,12 +19,26 @@ use strum_macros::EnumIter; /// memory accesses is bounded. /// - Byte 3: Currently unused. #[derive( - Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, EnumIter, Ord, PartialOrd, Serialize, Deserialize, Enum, + Debug, + Copy, + Clone, + PartialEq, + Eq, + Hash, + EnumIter, + Ord, + PartialOrd, + Serialize, + Deserialize, + Enum, + Default, )] #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] #[allow(clippy::upper_case_acronyms)] +#[repr(u32)] pub enum SyscallCode { /// Halts the program. + #[default] HALT = 0x00_00_00_00, /// Write to the output buffer. @@ -87,6 +101,9 @@ pub enum SyscallCode { /// Executes the `UINT256_MUL` precompile. UINT256_MUL = 0x00_01_01_1D, + /// Executes the `U256XU2048_MUL` precompile. + U256XU2048_MUL = 0x00_01_01_2F, + /// Executes the `BLS12381_ADD` precompile. BLS12381_ADD = 0x00_01_01_1E, @@ -128,6 +145,15 @@ pub enum SyscallCode { /// Executes the `BN254_FP2_MUL` precompile. BN254_FP2_MUL = 0x00_01_01_2B, + + /// Executes the `SECP256R1_ADD` precompile. + SECP256R1_ADD = 0x00_01_01_2C, + + /// Executes the `SECP256R1_DOUBLE` precompile. + SECP256R1_DOUBLE = 0x00_00_01_2D, + + /// Executes the `SECP256R1_DECOMPRESS` precompile. + SECP256R1_DECOMPRESS = 0x00_00_01_2E, } impl SyscallCode { @@ -157,6 +183,7 @@ impl SyscallCode { 0x00_00_00_F0 => SyscallCode::HINT_LEN, 0x00_00_00_F1 => SyscallCode::HINT_READ, 0x00_01_01_1D => SyscallCode::UINT256_MUL, + 0x00_01_01_2F => SyscallCode::U256XU2048_MUL, 0x00_01_01_20 => SyscallCode::BLS12381_FP_ADD, 0x00_01_01_21 => SyscallCode::BLS12381_FP_SUB, 0x00_01_01_22 => SyscallCode::BLS12381_FP_MUL, @@ -170,6 +197,9 @@ impl SyscallCode { 0x00_01_01_2A => SyscallCode::BN254_FP2_SUB, 0x00_01_01_2B => SyscallCode::BN254_FP2_MUL, 0x00_00_01_1C => SyscallCode::BLS12381_DECOMPRESS, + 0x00_01_01_2C => SyscallCode::SECP256R1_ADD, + 0x00_00_01_2D => SyscallCode::SECP256R1_DOUBLE, + 0x00_00_01_2E => SyscallCode::SECP256R1_DECOMPRESS, _ => panic!("invalid syscall number: {value}"), } } diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/context.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/context.rs index 9db49c5ca..18d6c4678 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/context.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/context.rs @@ -1,11 +1,15 @@ use hashbrown::HashMap; use crate::{ - events::{LookupId, MemoryLocalEvent, MemoryReadRecord, MemoryWriteRecord}, + events::{ + MemoryLocalEvent, MemoryReadRecord, MemoryWriteRecord, PrecompileEvent, SyscallEvent, + }, record::ExecutionRecord, - Executor, Register, + Executor, ExecutorMode, Register, }; +use super::SyscallCode; + /// A runtime for syscalls that is protected so that developers cannot arbitrarily modify the /// runtime. #[allow(dead_code)] @@ -20,8 +24,6 @@ pub struct SyscallContext<'a, 'b: 'a> { pub exit_code: u32, /// The runtime. pub rt: &'a mut Executor<'b>, - /// The syscall lookup id. - pub syscall_lookup_id: LookupId, /// The local memory access events for the syscall. pub local_memory_access: HashMap, } @@ -37,7 +39,6 @@ impl<'a, 'b> SyscallContext<'a, 'b> { next_pc: runtime.state.pc.wrapping_add(4), exit_code: 0, rt: runtime, - syscall_lookup_id: LookupId::default(), local_memory_access: HashMap::new(), } } @@ -47,6 +48,19 @@ impl<'a, 'b> SyscallContext<'a, 'b> { &mut self.rt.record } + #[inline] + /// Add a precompile event to the execution record. + pub fn add_precompile_event( + &mut self, + syscall_code: SyscallCode, + syscall_event: SyscallEvent, + event: PrecompileEvent, + ) { + if self.rt.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Trace { + self.record_mut().precompile_events.add_event(syscall_code, syscall_event, event); + } + } + /// Get the current shard. #[must_use] pub fn current_shard(&self) -> u32 { @@ -54,6 +68,8 @@ impl<'a, 'b> SyscallContext<'a, 'b> { } /// Read a word from memory. + /// + /// `addr` must be a pointer to main memory, not a register. pub fn mr(&mut self, addr: u32) -> (MemoryReadRecord, u32) { let record = self.rt.mr(addr, self.current_shard, self.clk, Some(&mut self.local_memory_access)); @@ -61,9 +77,11 @@ impl<'a, 'b> SyscallContext<'a, 'b> { } /// Read a slice of words from memory. + /// + /// `addr` must be a pointer to main memory, not a register. pub fn mr_slice(&mut self, addr: u32, len: usize) -> (Vec, Vec) { - let mut records = Vec::new(); - let mut values = Vec::new(); + let mut records = Vec::with_capacity(len); + let mut values = Vec::with_capacity(len); for i in 0..len { let (record, value) = self.mr(addr + i as u32 * 4); records.push(record); @@ -73,13 +91,15 @@ impl<'a, 'b> SyscallContext<'a, 'b> { } /// Write a word to memory. + /// + /// `addr` must be a pointer to main memory, not a register. pub fn mw(&mut self, addr: u32, value: u32) -> MemoryWriteRecord { self.rt.mw(addr, value, self.current_shard, self.clk, Some(&mut self.local_memory_access)) } /// Write a slice of words to memory. pub fn mw_slice(&mut self, addr: u32, values: &[u32]) -> Vec { - let mut records = Vec::new(); + let mut records = Vec::with_capacity(values.len()); for i in 0..values.len() { let record = self.mw(addr + i as u32 * 4, values[i]); records.push(record); @@ -87,14 +107,37 @@ impl<'a, 'b> SyscallContext<'a, 'b> { records } + /// Read a register and record the memory access. + pub fn rr_traced(&mut self, register: Register) -> (MemoryReadRecord, u32) { + let record = self.rt.rr_traced( + register, + self.current_shard, + self.clk, + Some(&mut self.local_memory_access), + ); + (record, record.value) + } + + /// Write a register and record the memory access. + pub fn rw_traced(&mut self, register: Register, value: u32) -> (MemoryWriteRecord, u32) { + let record = self.rt.rw_traced( + register, + value, + self.current_shard, + self.clk, + Some(&mut self.local_memory_access), + ); + (record, record.value) + } + /// Postprocess the syscall. Specifically will process the syscall's memory local events. pub fn postprocess(&mut self) -> Vec { let mut syscall_local_mem_events = Vec::new(); - if !self.rt.unconstrained { - // Will need to transfer the existing memory local events in the executor to it's record, - // and return all the syscall memory local events. This is similar to what - // `bump_record` does. + if !self.rt.unconstrained && self.rt.executor_mode == ExecutorMode::Trace { + // Will need to transfer the existing memory local events in the executor to it's + // record, and return all the syscall memory local events. This is similar + // to what `bump_record` does. for (addr, event) in self.local_memory_access.drain() { let local_mem_access = self.rt.local_memory_access.remove(&addr); diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/hint.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/hint.rs index a740250fe..ffd65d192 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/hint.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/hint.rs @@ -10,14 +10,10 @@ impl Syscall for HintLenSyscall { _arg1: u32, _arg2: u32, ) -> Option { - if ctx.rt.state.input_stream_ptr >= ctx.rt.state.input_stream.len() { - panic!( - "failed reading stdin due to insufficient input data: input_stream_ptr={}, input_stream_len={}", - ctx.rt.state.input_stream_ptr, - ctx.rt.state.input_stream.len() - ); - } - Some(ctx.rt.state.input_stream[ctx.rt.state.input_stream_ptr].len() as u32) + panic_if_input_exhausted(ctx); + + // Note: This cast could be truncating + ctx.rt.state.input_stream.front().map(|data| data.len() as u32) } } @@ -25,15 +21,11 @@ pub(crate) struct HintReadSyscall; impl Syscall for HintReadSyscall { fn execute(&self, ctx: &mut SyscallContext, _: SyscallCode, ptr: u32, len: u32) -> Option { - if ctx.rt.state.input_stream_ptr >= ctx.rt.state.input_stream.len() { - panic!( - "failed reading stdin due to insufficient input data: input_stream_ptr={}, input_stream_len={}", - ctx.rt.state.input_stream_ptr, - ctx.rt.state.input_stream.len() - ); - } - let vec = &ctx.rt.state.input_stream[ctx.rt.state.input_stream_ptr]; - ctx.rt.state.input_stream_ptr += 1; + panic_if_input_exhausted(ctx); + + // SAFETY: The input stream is not empty, as checked above, so the back is not None + let vec = unsafe { ctx.rt.state.input_stream.pop_front().unwrap_unchecked() }; + assert!(!ctx.rt.unconstrained, "hint read should not be used in a unconstrained block"); assert_eq!(vec.len() as u32, len, "hint input stream read length mismatch"); assert_eq!(ptr % 4, 0, "hint read address not aligned to 4 bytes"); @@ -61,3 +53,9 @@ impl Syscall for HintReadSyscall { None } } + +fn panic_if_input_exhausted(ctx: &SyscallContext) { + if ctx.rt.state.input_stream.is_empty() { + panic!("hint input stream exhausted"); + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/mod.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/mod.rs index 663363310..8abb75bc2 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/mod.rs @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ use precompiles::{ fptower::{Fp2AddSubSyscall, Fp2MulSyscall, FpOpSyscall}, keccak256::permute::Keccak256PermuteSyscall, sha256::{compress::Sha256CompressSyscall, extend::Sha256ExtendSyscall}, + u256x2048_mul::U256xU2048MulSyscall, uint256::Uint256MulSyscall, weierstrass::{ add::WeierstrassAddAssignSyscall, decompress::WeierstrassDecompressSyscall, @@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ use sp1_curves::{ bls12_381::{Bls12381, Bls12381BaseField}, bn254::{Bn254, Bn254BaseField}, secp256k1::Secp256k1, + secp256r1::Secp256r1, }, }; use unconstrained::{EnterUnconstrainedSyscall, ExitUnconstrainedSyscall}; @@ -109,6 +111,21 @@ pub fn default_syscall_map() -> HashMap> { Arc::new(WeierstrassDecompressSyscall::::new()), ); + syscall_map.insert( + SyscallCode::SECP256R1_ADD, + Arc::new(WeierstrassAddAssignSyscall::::new()), + ); + + syscall_map.insert( + SyscallCode::SECP256R1_DOUBLE, + Arc::new(WeierstrassDoubleAssignSyscall::::new()), + ); + + syscall_map.insert( + SyscallCode::SECP256R1_DECOMPRESS, + Arc::new(WeierstrassDecompressSyscall::::new()), + ); + syscall_map .insert(SyscallCode::BN254_ADD, Arc::new(WeierstrassAddAssignSyscall::::new())); @@ -129,6 +146,8 @@ pub fn default_syscall_map() -> HashMap> { syscall_map.insert(SyscallCode::UINT256_MUL, Arc::new(Uint256MulSyscall)); + syscall_map.insert(SyscallCode::U256XU2048_MUL, Arc::new(U256xU2048MulSyscall)); + syscall_map.insert( SyscallCode::BLS12381_FP_ADD, Arc::new(FpOpSyscall::::new(FieldOperation::Add)), diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/edwards/add.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/edwards/add.rs index 935c580cc..4079726cc 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/edwards/add.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/edwards/add.rs @@ -32,12 +32,8 @@ impl Syscall for EdwardsAddAssignSyscall Option { let event = create_ec_add_event::(rt, arg1, arg2); let syscall_event = - rt.rt.syscall_event(event.clk, syscall_code.syscall_id(), arg1, arg2, event.lookup_id); - rt.record_mut().add_precompile_event( - syscall_code, - syscall_event, - PrecompileEvent::EdAdd(event), - ); + rt.rt.syscall_event(event.clk, None, None, syscall_code, arg1, arg2, rt.next_pc); + rt.add_precompile_event(syscall_code, syscall_event, PrecompileEvent::EdAdd(event)); None } } diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/edwards/decompress.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/edwards/decompress.rs index e448c09ba..2db1fce18 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/edwards/decompress.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/edwards/decompress.rs @@ -53,8 +53,7 @@ impl Syscall for EdwardsDecompressSyscall { // Compute actual decompressed X let compressed_y = CompressedEdwardsY(compressed_edwards_y); - let decompressed = - decompress(&compressed_y).expect("Decompression failed, syscall invariant violated."); + let decompressed = decompress(&compressed_y).expect("curve25519 Decompression failed"); let mut decompressed_x_bytes = decompressed.x.to_bytes_le(); decompressed_x_bytes.resize(32, 0u8); @@ -65,10 +64,8 @@ impl Syscall for EdwardsDecompressSyscall { let x_memory_records_vec = rt.mw_slice(slice_ptr, &decompressed_x_words); let x_memory_records: [MemoryWriteRecord; 8] = x_memory_records_vec.try_into().unwrap(); - let lookup_id = rt.syscall_lookup_id; let shard = rt.current_shard(); let event = EdDecompressEvent { - lookup_id, shard, clk: start_clk, ptr: slice_ptr, @@ -80,12 +77,8 @@ impl Syscall for EdwardsDecompressSyscall { local_mem_access: rt.postprocess(), }; let syscall_event = - rt.rt.syscall_event(start_clk, syscall_code.syscall_id(), arg1, sign, event.lookup_id); - rt.record_mut().add_precompile_event( - syscall_code, - syscall_event, - PrecompileEvent::EdDecompress(event), - ); + rt.rt.syscall_event(start_clk, None, None, syscall_code, arg1, sign, rt.next_pc); + rt.add_precompile_event(syscall_code, syscall_event, PrecompileEvent::EdDecompress(event)); None } diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/fptower/fp.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/fptower/fp.rs index 3ce04230e..59ca14bee 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/fptower/fp.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/fptower/fp.rs @@ -61,10 +61,8 @@ impl Syscall for FpOpSyscall

{ rt.clk += 1; let x_memory_records = rt.mw_slice(x_ptr, &result); - let lookup_id = rt.syscall_lookup_id; let shard = rt.current_shard(); let event = FpOpEvent { - lookup_id, shard, clk, x_ptr, @@ -91,14 +89,9 @@ impl Syscall for FpOpSyscall

{ _ => unreachable!(), }; - let syscall_event = rt.rt.syscall_event( - clk, - syscall_code.syscall_id(), - arg1, - arg2, - event.lookup_id, - ); - rt.record_mut().add_precompile_event( + let syscall_event = + rt.rt.syscall_event(clk, None, None, syscall_code, arg1, arg2, rt.next_pc); + rt.add_precompile_event( syscall_code_key, syscall_event, PrecompileEvent::Bn254Fp(event), @@ -112,14 +105,9 @@ impl Syscall for FpOpSyscall

{ _ => unreachable!(), }; - let syscall_event = rt.rt.syscall_event( - clk, - syscall_code.syscall_id(), - arg1, - arg2, - event.lookup_id, - ); - rt.record_mut().add_precompile_event( + let syscall_event = + rt.rt.syscall_event(clk, None, None, syscall_code, arg1, arg2, rt.next_pc); + rt.add_precompile_event( syscall_code_key, syscall_event, PrecompileEvent::Bls12381Fp(event), diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/fptower/fp2_addsub.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/fptower/fp2_addsub.rs index e2563a6bc..d5f1c4490 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/fptower/fp2_addsub.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/fptower/fp2_addsub.rs @@ -63,17 +63,17 @@ impl Syscall for Fp2AddSubSyscall

{ _ => panic!("Invalid operation"), }; - let mut result = - c0.to_u32_digits().into_iter().chain(c1.to_u32_digits()).collect::>(); - + // Each of c0 and c1 should use the same number of words. + // This is regardless of how many u32 digits are required to express them. + let mut result = c0.to_u32_digits(); + result.resize(num_words / 2, 0); + result.append(&mut c1.to_u32_digits()); result.resize(num_words, 0); let x_memory_records = rt.mw_slice(x_ptr, &result); - let lookup_id = rt.syscall_lookup_id; let shard = rt.current_shard(); let op = self.op; let event = Fp2AddSubEvent { - lookup_id, shard, clk, op, @@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ impl Syscall for Fp2AddSubSyscall

{ local_mem_access: rt.postprocess(), }; match P::FIELD_TYPE { - // All the fp2 add and sub events for a given curve are coalesced to the curve's fp2 add operation. Only check for - // that operation. + // All the fp2 add and sub events for a given curve are coalesced to the curve's fp2 add + // operation. Only check for that operation. // TODO: Fix this. FieldType::Bn254 => { let syscall_code_key = match syscall_code { @@ -97,14 +97,9 @@ impl Syscall for Fp2AddSubSyscall

{ _ => unreachable!(), }; - let syscall_event = rt.rt.syscall_event( - clk, - syscall_code.syscall_id(), - arg1, - arg2, - event.lookup_id, - ); - rt.record_mut().add_precompile_event( + let syscall_event = + rt.rt.syscall_event(clk, None, None, syscall_code, arg1, arg2, rt.next_pc); + rt.add_precompile_event( syscall_code_key, syscall_event, PrecompileEvent::Bn254Fp2AddSub(event), @@ -118,14 +113,9 @@ impl Syscall for Fp2AddSubSyscall

{ _ => unreachable!(), }; - let syscall_event = rt.rt.syscall_event( - clk, - syscall_code.syscall_id(), - arg1, - arg2, - event.lookup_id, - ); - rt.record_mut().add_precompile_event( + let syscall_event = + rt.rt.syscall_event(clk, None, None, syscall_code, arg1, arg2, rt.next_pc); + rt.add_precompile_event( syscall_code_key, syscall_event, PrecompileEvent::Bls12381Fp2AddSub(event), diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/fptower/fp2_mul.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/fptower/fp2_mul.rs index 46598ef2b..b021bef2e 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/fptower/fp2_mul.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/fptower/fp2_mul.rs @@ -62,16 +62,16 @@ impl Syscall for Fp2MulSyscall

{ }; let c1 = ((ac0 * bc1) % modulus + (ac1 * bc0) % modulus) % modulus; - let mut result = - c0.to_u32_digits().into_iter().chain(c1.to_u32_digits()).collect::>(); - + // Each of c0 and c1 should use the same number of words. + // This is regardless of how many u32 digits are required to express them. + let mut result = c0.to_u32_digits(); + result.resize(num_words / 2, 0); + result.append(&mut c1.to_u32_digits()); result.resize(num_words, 0); let x_memory_records = rt.mw_slice(x_ptr, &result); - let lookup_id = rt.syscall_lookup_id; let shard = rt.current_shard(); let event = Fp2MulEvent { - lookup_id, shard, clk, x_ptr, @@ -83,14 +83,14 @@ impl Syscall for Fp2MulSyscall

{ local_mem_access: rt.postprocess(), }; let syscall_event = - rt.rt.syscall_event(clk, syscall_code.syscall_id(), arg1, arg2, event.lookup_id); + rt.rt.syscall_event(clk, None, None, syscall_code, arg1, arg2, rt.next_pc); match P::FIELD_TYPE { - FieldType::Bn254 => rt.record_mut().add_precompile_event( + FieldType::Bn254 => rt.add_precompile_event( syscall_code, syscall_event, PrecompileEvent::Bn254Fp2Mul(event), ), - FieldType::Bls12381 => rt.record_mut().add_precompile_event( + FieldType::Bls12381 => rt.add_precompile_event( syscall_code, syscall_event, PrecompileEvent::Bls12381Fp2Mul(event), diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/keccak256/permute.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/keccak256/permute.rs index f33019f8b..e26d567fc 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/keccak256/permute.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/keccak256/permute.rs @@ -64,9 +64,7 @@ impl Syscall for Keccak256PermuteSyscall { // Push the Keccak permute event. let shard = rt.current_shard(); - let lookup_id = rt.syscall_lookup_id; let event = PrecompileEvent::KeccakPermute(KeccakPermuteEvent { - lookup_id, shard, clk: start_clk, pre_state: saved_state.as_slice().try_into().unwrap(), @@ -77,8 +75,8 @@ impl Syscall for Keccak256PermuteSyscall { local_mem_access: rt.postprocess(), }); let syscall_event = - rt.rt.syscall_event(start_clk, syscall_code.syscall_id(), arg1, arg2, lookup_id); - rt.record_mut().add_precompile_event(syscall_code, syscall_event, event); + rt.rt.syscall_event(start_clk, None, None, syscall_code, arg1, arg2, rt.next_pc); + rt.add_precompile_event(syscall_code, syscall_event, event); None } diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/mod.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/mod.rs index f07da9460..4b06dd3c1 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/mod.rs @@ -2,5 +2,6 @@ pub mod edwards; pub mod fptower; pub mod keccak256; pub mod sha256; +pub mod u256x2048_mul; pub mod uint256; pub mod weierstrass; diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/sha256/compress.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/sha256/compress.rs index 8d87fe737..1a5b7c680 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/sha256/compress.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/sha256/compress.rs @@ -93,10 +93,8 @@ impl Syscall for Sha256CompressSyscall { } // Push the SHA extend event. - let lookup_id = rt.syscall_lookup_id; let shard = rt.current_shard(); let event = PrecompileEvent::ShaCompress(ShaCompressEvent { - lookup_id, shard, clk: start_clk, w_ptr, @@ -109,8 +107,8 @@ impl Syscall for Sha256CompressSyscall { local_mem_access: rt.postprocess(), }); let syscall_event = - rt.rt.syscall_event(start_clk, syscall_code.syscall_id(), arg1, arg2, lookup_id); - rt.record_mut().add_precompile_event(syscall_code, syscall_event, event); + rt.rt.syscall_event(start_clk, None, None, syscall_code, arg1, arg2, rt.next_pc); + rt.add_precompile_event(syscall_code, syscall_event, event); None } diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/sha256/extend.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/sha256/extend.rs index 36f1b5654..25c27002c 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/sha256/extend.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/sha256/extend.rs @@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ impl Syscall for Sha256ExtendSyscall { assert!(arg2 == 0, "arg2 must be 0"); let w_ptr_init = w_ptr; - let mut w_i_minus_15_reads = Vec::new(); - let mut w_i_minus_2_reads = Vec::new(); - let mut w_i_minus_16_reads = Vec::new(); - let mut w_i_minus_7_reads = Vec::new(); - let mut w_i_writes = Vec::new(); + let mut w_i_minus_15_reads = Vec::with_capacity(48); + let mut w_i_minus_2_reads = Vec::with_capacity(48); + let mut w_i_minus_16_reads = Vec::with_capacity(48); + let mut w_i_minus_7_reads = Vec::with_capacity(48); + let mut w_i_writes = Vec::with_capacity(48); for i in 16..64 { // Read w[i-15]. let (record, w_i_minus_15) = rt.mr(w_ptr + (i - 15) * 4); @@ -61,10 +61,8 @@ impl Syscall for Sha256ExtendSyscall { } // Push the SHA extend event. - let lookup_id = rt.syscall_lookup_id; let shard = rt.current_shard(); let event = PrecompileEvent::ShaExtend(ShaExtendEvent { - lookup_id, shard, clk: clk_init, w_ptr: w_ptr_init, @@ -76,8 +74,8 @@ impl Syscall for Sha256ExtendSyscall { local_mem_access: rt.postprocess(), }); let syscall_event = - rt.rt.syscall_event(clk_init, syscall_code.syscall_id(), arg1, arg2, lookup_id); - rt.record_mut().add_precompile_event(syscall_code, syscall_event, event); + rt.rt.syscall_event(clk_init, None, None, syscall_code, arg1, arg2, rt.next_pc); + rt.add_precompile_event(syscall_code, syscall_event, event); None } diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/u256x2048_mul.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/u256x2048_mul.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..92d9c1302 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/u256x2048_mul.rs @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +use num::{BigUint, Integer, One}; + +use sp1_primitives::consts::{bytes_to_words_le, words_to_bytes_le_vec}; + +use crate::{ + events::{PrecompileEvent, U256xU2048MulEvent}, + syscalls::{Syscall, SyscallCode, SyscallContext}, + Register::{X12, X13}, +}; + +const U256_NUM_WORDS: usize = 8; +const U2048_NUM_WORDS: usize = 64; +const U256_NUM_BYTES: usize = U256_NUM_WORDS * 4; +const U2048_NUM_BYTES: usize = U2048_NUM_WORDS * 4; + +pub(crate) struct U256xU2048MulSyscall; + +impl Syscall for U256xU2048MulSyscall { + fn execute( + &self, + rt: &mut SyscallContext, + syscall_code: SyscallCode, + arg1: u32, + arg2: u32, + ) -> Option { + let clk = rt.clk; + + let a_ptr = arg1; + let b_ptr = arg2; + + let (lo_ptr_memory, lo_ptr) = rt.rr_traced(X12); + let (hi_ptr_memory, hi_ptr) = rt.rr_traced(X13); + + let (a_memory_records, a) = rt.mr_slice(a_ptr, U256_NUM_WORDS); + let (b_memory_records, b) = rt.mr_slice(b_ptr, U2048_NUM_WORDS); + let uint256_a = BigUint::from_bytes_le(&words_to_bytes_le_vec(&a)); + let uint2048_b = BigUint::from_bytes_le(&words_to_bytes_le_vec(&b)); + + let result = uint256_a * uint2048_b; + + let two_to_2048 = BigUint::one() << 2048; + + let (hi, lo) = result.div_rem(&two_to_2048); + + let mut lo_bytes = lo.to_bytes_le(); + lo_bytes.resize(U2048_NUM_BYTES, 0u8); + let lo_words = bytes_to_words_le::(&lo_bytes); + + let mut hi_bytes = hi.to_bytes_le(); + hi_bytes.resize(U256_NUM_BYTES, 0u8); + let hi_words = bytes_to_words_le::(&hi_bytes); + + // Increment clk so that the write is not at the same cycle as the read. + rt.clk += 1; + + let lo_memory_records = rt.mw_slice(lo_ptr, &lo_words); + let hi_memory_records = rt.mw_slice(hi_ptr, &hi_words); + let shard = rt.current_shard(); + let event = PrecompileEvent::U256xU2048Mul(U256xU2048MulEvent { + shard, + clk, + a_ptr, + a, + b_ptr, + b, + lo_ptr, + lo: lo_words.to_vec(), + hi_ptr, + hi: hi_words.to_vec(), + lo_ptr_memory, + hi_ptr_memory, + a_memory_records, + b_memory_records, + lo_memory_records, + hi_memory_records, + local_mem_access: rt.postprocess(), + }); + + let sycall_event = + rt.rt.syscall_event(clk, None, None, syscall_code, arg1, arg2, rt.next_pc); + rt.add_precompile_event(syscall_code, sycall_event, event); + + None + } + + fn num_extra_cycles(&self) -> u32 { + 1 + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/uint256.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/uint256.rs index a8d5c54fd..78b1ab133 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/uint256.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/uint256.rs @@ -64,10 +64,8 @@ impl Syscall for Uint256MulSyscall { // Write the result to x and keep track of the memory records. let x_memory_records = rt.mw_slice(x_ptr, &result); - let lookup_id = rt.syscall_lookup_id; let shard = rt.current_shard(); let event = PrecompileEvent::Uint256Mul(Uint256MulEvent { - lookup_id, shard, clk, x_ptr, @@ -81,8 +79,8 @@ impl Syscall for Uint256MulSyscall { local_mem_access: rt.postprocess(), }); let sycall_event = - rt.rt.syscall_event(clk, syscall_code.syscall_id(), arg1, arg2, lookup_id); - rt.record_mut().add_precompile_event(syscall_code, sycall_event, event); + rt.rt.syscall_event(clk, None, None, syscall_code, arg1, arg2, rt.next_pc); + rt.add_precompile_event(syscall_code, sycall_event, event); None } diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/weierstrass/add.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/weierstrass/add.rs index 1456b9870..130372a15 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/weierstrass/add.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/weierstrass/add.rs @@ -28,25 +28,30 @@ impl Syscall for WeierstrassAddAssignSyscall { ) -> Option { let event = create_ec_add_event::(rt, arg1, arg2); let syscall_event = - rt.rt.syscall_event(event.clk, syscall_code.syscall_id(), arg1, arg2, event.lookup_id); + rt.rt.syscall_event(event.clk, None, None, syscall_code, arg1, arg2, rt.next_pc); match E::CURVE_TYPE { - CurveType::Secp256k1 => rt.record_mut().add_precompile_event( + CurveType::Secp256k1 => rt.add_precompile_event( syscall_code, syscall_event, PrecompileEvent::Secp256k1Add(event), ), CurveType::Bn254 => { - rt.record_mut().add_precompile_event( + rt.add_precompile_event( syscall_code, syscall_event, PrecompileEvent::Bn254Add(event), ); } - CurveType::Bls12381 => rt.record_mut().add_precompile_event( + CurveType::Bls12381 => rt.add_precompile_event( syscall_code, syscall_event, PrecompileEvent::Bls12381Add(event), ), + CurveType::Secp256r1 => rt.record_mut().add_precompile_event( + syscall_code, + syscall_event, + PrecompileEvent::Secp256r1Add(event), + ), _ => panic!("Unsupported curve"), } None diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/weierstrass/decompress.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/weierstrass/decompress.rs index df056337a..59c0919e8 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/weierstrass/decompress.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/weierstrass/decompress.rs @@ -28,13 +28,18 @@ impl Syscall for WeierstrassDecompressSyscall { ) -> Option { let event = create_ec_decompress_event::(rt, arg1, arg2); let syscall_event = - rt.rt.syscall_event(event.clk, syscall_code.syscall_id(), arg1, arg2, event.lookup_id); + rt.rt.syscall_event(event.clk, None, None, syscall_code, arg1, arg2, rt.next_pc); match E::CURVE_TYPE { - CurveType::Secp256k1 => rt.record_mut().add_precompile_event( + CurveType::Secp256k1 => rt.add_precompile_event( syscall_code, syscall_event, PrecompileEvent::Secp256k1Decompress(event), ), + CurveType::Secp256r1 => rt.record_mut().add_precompile_event( + syscall_code, + syscall_event, + PrecompileEvent::Secp256r1Decompress(event), + ), CurveType::Bls12381 => rt.record_mut().add_precompile_event( syscall_code, syscall_event, diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/weierstrass/double.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/weierstrass/double.rs index 70e707485..5d7155a0d 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/weierstrass/double.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/precompiles/weierstrass/double.rs @@ -28,24 +28,29 @@ impl Syscall for WeierstrassDoubleAssignSyscall { ) -> Option { let event = create_ec_double_event::(rt, arg1, arg2); let syscall_event = - rt.rt.syscall_event(event.clk, syscall_code.syscall_id(), arg1, arg2, event.lookup_id); + rt.rt.syscall_event(event.clk, None, None, syscall_code, arg1, arg2, rt.next_pc); match E::CURVE_TYPE { CurveType::Secp256k1 => { - rt.record_mut().add_precompile_event( + rt.add_precompile_event( syscall_code, syscall_event, PrecompileEvent::Secp256k1Double(event), ); } + CurveType::Secp256r1 => rt.record_mut().add_precompile_event( + syscall_code, + syscall_event, + PrecompileEvent::Secp256r1Double(event), + ), CurveType::Bn254 => { - rt.record_mut().add_precompile_event( + rt.add_precompile_event( syscall_code, syscall_event, PrecompileEvent::Bn254Double(event), ); } CurveType::Bls12381 => { - rt.record_mut().add_precompile_event( + rt.add_precompile_event( syscall_code, syscall_event, PrecompileEvent::Bls12381Double(event), diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/unconstrained.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/unconstrained.rs index a84338eb0..1c86bc742 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/unconstrained.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/unconstrained.rs @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ impl Syscall for EnterUnconstrainedSyscall { panic!("Unconstrained block is already active."); } ctx.rt.unconstrained = true; - ctx.rt.unconstrained_state = ForkState { + ctx.rt.unconstrained_state = Box::new(ForkState { global_clk: ctx.rt.state.global_clk, clk: ctx.rt.state.clk, pc: ctx.rt.state.pc, @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ impl Syscall for EnterUnconstrainedSyscall { record: std::mem::take(&mut ctx.rt.record), op_record: std::mem::take(&mut ctx.rt.memory_accesses), executor_mode: ctx.rt.executor_mode, - }; + }); ctx.rt.executor_mode = ExecutorMode::Simple; Some(1) } @@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ impl Syscall for ExitUnconstrainedSyscall { } } } - ctx.rt.record = std::mem::take(&mut ctx.rt.unconstrained_state.record); + *ctx.rt.record = std::mem::take(&mut ctx.rt.unconstrained_state.record); ctx.rt.memory_accesses = std::mem::take(&mut ctx.rt.unconstrained_state.op_record); ctx.rt.executor_mode = ctx.rt.unconstrained_state.executor_mode; ctx.rt.unconstrained = false; } - ctx.rt.unconstrained_state = ForkState::default(); + ctx.rt.unconstrained_state = Box::new(ForkState::default()); Some(0) } } diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/verify.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/verify.rs index 0197199e5..ad0882d2f 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/verify.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/verify.rs @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +use crate::DeferredProofVerification; + use super::{Syscall, SyscallCode, SyscallContext}; pub(crate) struct VerifySyscall; @@ -32,16 +34,25 @@ impl Syscall for VerifySyscall { let vkey_bytes: [u32; 8] = vkey.try_into().unwrap(); let pv_digest_bytes: [u32; 8] = pv_digest.try_into().unwrap(); - ctx.rt - .subproof_verifier - .verify_deferred_proof(proof, proof_vk, vkey_bytes, pv_digest_bytes) - .unwrap_or_else(|e| { - panic!( - "Failed to verify proof {proof_index} with digest {}: {}", - hex::encode(bytemuck::cast_slice(&pv_digest_bytes)), - e - ) - }); + // Skip deferred proof verification if the corresponding runtime flag is set. + match rt.deferred_proof_verification { + DeferredProofVerification::Enabled => { + if let Some(verifier) = rt.subproof_verifier { + verifier + .verify_deferred_proof(proof, proof_vk, vkey_bytes, pv_digest_bytes) + .unwrap_or_else(|e| { + panic!( + "Failed to verify proof {proof_index} with digest {}: {}", + hex::encode(bytemuck::cast_slice(&pv_digest_bytes)), + e + ) + }); + } else if rt.state.proof_stream_ptr == 1 { + tracing::info!("Not verifying sub proof during runtime"); + }; + } + DeferredProofVerification::Disabled => {} + } None } diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/write.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/write.rs index d0db44cae..181264303 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/write.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/syscalls/write.rs @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +use sp1_primitives::consts::fd::{FD_HINT, FD_PUBLIC_VALUES, LOWEST_ALLOWED_FD}; use sp1_primitives::consts::num_to_comma_separated; use crate::{Executor, Register}; @@ -60,15 +61,64 @@ impl Syscall for WriteSyscall { if !flush_s.is_empty() { flush_s.into_iter().for_each(|line| println!("stderr: {}", line)); } - } else if fd == 3 { + } else if fd <= LOWEST_ALLOWED_FD { + if std::env::var("SP1_ALLOW_DEPRECATED_HOOKS") + .map(|r| { + r.parse::().expect("failed to parse SP1_ALLOW_DEPRECATED_HOOKS as bool") + }) + .unwrap_or(false) + { + const PUBLIC_VALUES: u32 = 3; + const INPUT: u32 = 4; + const ECRECOVER_V1: u32 = 5; + const ECRECOVER_R1: u32 = 6; + const ECRECOVER_V2: u32 = 7; + const ED_DECOMPRESS: u32 = 8; + + let res = if fd == ECRECOVER_V1 { + crate::hook::deprecated_hooks::hook_ecrecover(rt.hook_env(), slice) + } else if fd == ECRECOVER_R1 { + crate::hook::deprecated_hooks::hook_r1_ecrecover(rt.hook_env(), slice) + } else if fd == ECRECOVER_V2 { + crate::hook::deprecated_hooks::hook_ecrecover_v2(rt.hook_env(), slice) + } else if fd == ED_DECOMPRESS { + crate::hook::deprecated_hooks::hook_ed_decompress(rt.hook_env(), slice) + } else if fd == PUBLIC_VALUES { + rt.state.public_values_stream.extend_from_slice(slice); + vec![] + } else if fd == INPUT { + rt.state.input_stream.push_front(slice.to_vec()); + vec![] + } else { + vec![] + }; + + if !res.is_empty() { + for val in res.into_iter().rev() { + rt.state.input_stream.push_front(val); + } + } + } else { + panic!( + "You are using reserved file descriptor {fd} that is not supported on SP1 versions >= v4.0.0. \ + Update your patches to the latest versions that are compatible with versions >= v4.0.0. \ + See `https://docs.succinct.xyz/docs/writing-programs/patched-crates` for more information" + ); + } + } else if fd == FD_PUBLIC_VALUES { rt.state.public_values_stream.extend_from_slice(slice); - } else if fd == 4 { - rt.state.input_stream.push(slice.to_vec()); + } else if fd == FD_HINT { + rt.state.input_stream.push_front(slice.to_vec()); } else if let Some(mut hook) = rt.hook_registry.get(fd) { let res = hook.invoke_hook(rt.hook_env(), slice); - // Add result vectors to the beginning of the stream. - let ptr = rt.state.input_stream_ptr; - rt.state.input_stream.splice(ptr..ptr, res); + + // Write the result back to the input stream. + // + // Note: The result is written in reverse order to the input stream to maintain the + // order. + for val in res.into_iter().rev() { + rt.state.input_stream.push_front(val); + } } else { tracing::warn!("tried to write to unknown file descriptor {fd}"); } @@ -128,7 +178,7 @@ fn start_cycle_tracker(rt: &mut Executor, name: &str) { let depth = rt.cycle_tracker.len() as u32; rt.cycle_tracker.insert(name.to_string(), (rt.state.global_clk, depth)); let padding = "│ ".repeat(depth as usize); - log::info!("{}┌╴{}", padding, name); + tracing::info!("{}┌╴{}", padding, name); } /// End tracking cycles for the given name, print out the log, and return the total number of cycles @@ -137,7 +187,7 @@ fn end_cycle_tracker(rt: &mut Executor, name: &str) -> Option { if let Some((start, depth)) = rt.cycle_tracker.remove(name) { let padding = "│ ".repeat(depth as usize); let total_cycles = rt.state.global_clk - start; - log::info!("{}└╴{} cycles", padding, num_to_comma_separated(total_cycles)); + tracing::info!("{}└╴{} cycles", padding, num_to_comma_separated(total_cycles)); return Some(total_cycles); } None diff --git a/crates/core/executor/src/utils.rs b/crates/core/executor/src/utils.rs index ec4203aa5..69e45f85e 100644 --- a/crates/core/executor/src/utils.rs +++ b/crates/core/executor/src/utils.rs @@ -1,23 +1,28 @@ -use hashbrown::HashMap; +use std::{hash::Hash, str::FromStr}; -use nohash_hasher::BuildNoHashHasher; +use hashbrown::HashMap; use serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize, Serializer}; -use crate::Opcode; +use crate::{Opcode, RiscvAirId}; /// Serialize a `HashMap` as a `Vec<(u32, V)>`. -pub fn serialize_hashmap_as_vec( - map: &HashMap>, +pub fn serialize_hashmap_as_vec( + map: &HashMap, serializer: S, ) -> Result { Serialize::serialize(&map.iter().collect::>(), serializer) } /// Deserialize a `Vec<(u32, V)>` as a `HashMap`. -pub fn deserialize_hashmap_as_vec<'de, V: Deserialize<'de>, D: Deserializer<'de>>( +pub fn deserialize_hashmap_as_vec< + 'de, + K: Eq + Hash + Deserialize<'de>, + V: Deserialize<'de>, + D: Deserializer<'de>, +>( deserializer: D, -) -> Result>, D::Error> { - let seq: Vec<(u32, V)> = Deserialize::deserialize(deserializer)?; +) -> Result, D::Error> { + let seq: Vec<(K, V)> = Deserialize::deserialize(deserializer)?; Ok(seq.into_iter().collect()) } @@ -46,3 +51,11 @@ pub fn get_quotient_and_remainder(b: u32, c: u32, opcode: Opcode) -> (u32, u32) pub const fn get_msb(a: u32) -> u8 { ((a >> 31) & 1) as u8 } + +/// Load the cost of each air from the predefined JSON. +#[must_use] +pub fn rv32im_costs() -> HashMap { + let costs: HashMap = + serde_json::from_str(include_str!("./artifacts/rv32im_costs.json")).unwrap(); + costs.into_iter().map(|(k, v)| (RiscvAirId::from_str(&k).unwrap(), v)).collect() +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/Cargo.toml b/crates/core/machine/Cargo.toml index 7e2bd5a50..97ecd5dca 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/core/machine/Cargo.toml @@ -8,52 +8,60 @@ license = { workspace = true } repository = { workspace = true } keywords = { workspace = true } categories = { workspace = true } +links = "sp1-core-machine-sys" [dependencies] bincode = "1.3.3" -serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive", "rc"] } -itertools = "0.13.0" +serde = { workspace = true, features = ["derive", "rc"] } +serde_json = { workspace = true } +itertools = { workspace = true } log = "0.4.22" num = { version = "0.4.3" } p3-air = { workspace = true } p3-baby-bear = { workspace = true } p3-challenger = { workspace = true } p3-field = { workspace = true } -p3-blake3 = { workspace = true } p3-keccak-air = { workspace = true } p3-matrix = { workspace = true } p3-maybe-rayon = { workspace = true, features = ["parallel"] } p3-uni-stark = { workspace = true } p3-util = { workspace = true } +p3-symmetric = { workspace = true } sp1-derive = { workspace = true } sp1-primitives = { workspace = true } +rayon = "1.10.0" +rayon-scan = "0.1.1" + amcl = { package = "snowbridge-amcl", version = "1.0.2", default-features = false, features = [ "bls381", ] } cfg-if = "1.0.0" -generic-array = { version = "1.1.0", features = ["alloc", "serde"] } +generic-array = { version = "=1.1.0", features = ["alloc", "serde"] } typenum = "1.17.0" elliptic-curve = "0.13.8" hex = "0.4.3" k256 = { version = "0.13.3", features = ["expose-field"] } +p256 = { version = "0.13.2", features = ["expose-field"] } + num_cpus = "1.16.0" size = "0.4.1" tempfile = "3.10.1" -tracing = "0.1.40" +tracing = { workspace = true } tracing-forest = { version = "0.1.6", features = ["ansi", "smallvec"] } -tracing-subscriber = { version = "0.3.18", features = ["std", "env-filter"] } +tracing-subscriber = { workspace = true, features = ["std", "env-filter"] } strum_macros = "0.26" strum = "0.26" web-time = "1.1.0" thiserror = "1.0.63" rand = "0.8.5" -hashbrown = { version = "0.14.5", features = ["serde", "inline-more"] } +hashbrown = { workspace = true, features = ["serde", "inline-more"] } static_assertions = "1.1.0" sp1-stark = { workspace = true } sp1-core-executor = { workspace = true } sp1-curves = { workspace = true } +p3-poseidon2 = { workspace = true } [dev-dependencies] tiny-keccak = { version = "2.0.2", features = ["keccak"] } @@ -61,13 +69,24 @@ criterion = "0.5.1" num = { version = "0.4.3", features = ["rand"] } rand = "0.8.5" sp1-zkvm = { workspace = true } -sp1-core-executor = { workspace = true, features = ["programs"] } +sp1-core-executor = { workspace = true } +test-artifacts = { workspace = true } + +[build-dependencies] +sp1-stark = { workspace = true } +sp1-primitives = { workspace = true } +p3-baby-bear = { workspace = true } +cbindgen = "0.27.0" +cc = "1.1" +pathdiff = "0.2.1" +glob = "0.3.1" [features] -neon = ["p3-blake3/neon"] -programs = [] +default = ["sys"] debug = [] bigint-rug = ["sp1-curves/bigint-rug"] +sys = [] [lib] +path = "src/lib.rs" bench = false diff --git a/crates/core/machine/build.rs b/crates/core/machine/build.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0977ab4ae --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/build.rs @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +fn main() { + if std::env::var("DOCS_RS").is_ok() { + return; + } + + #[cfg(feature = "sys")] + sys::build_ffi(); +} + +#[cfg(feature = "sys")] +mod sys { + use std::{ + env, fs, os, + path::{Path, PathBuf}, + }; + + use pathdiff::diff_paths; + + /// The library name, used for the static library archive and the headers. + /// Should be chosen as to not conflict with other library/header names. + const LIB_NAME: &str = "sp1-core-machine-sys"; + + /// The name of all include directories involved, used to find and output header files. + const INCLUDE_DIRNAME: &str = "include"; + + /// The name of the directory to recursively search for source files in. + const SOURCE_DIRNAME: &str = "cpp"; + + /// The warning placed in the cbindgen header. + const AUTOGEN_WARNING: &str = + "/* Automatically generated by `cbindgen`. Not intended for manual editing. */"; + + pub fn build_ffi() { + // The name of the header generated by `cbindgen`. + let cbindgen_hpp = &format!("{LIB_NAME}-cbindgen.hpp"); + + // The crate directory. + let crate_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap()); + + // The output directory, where built artifacts should be placed. + let out_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()); + + // The target directory that the cargo invocation is using. + // Headers are symlinked into `target/include` purely for IDE purposes. + let target_dir = { + let mut dir = out_dir.clone(); + loop { + if dir.ends_with("target") { + break dir; + } + if !dir.pop() { + panic!("OUT_DIR does not have parent called \"target\": {:?}", out_dir); + } + } + }; + + // The directory to read headers from. + let source_include_dir = crate_dir.join(INCLUDE_DIRNAME); + + // The directory to place headers into. + let target_include_dir = out_dir.join(INCLUDE_DIRNAME); + + // The directory to place symlinks to headers into. Has the fixed path "target/include". + let target_include_dir_fixed = target_dir.join(INCLUDE_DIRNAME); + + // The directory to read source files from. + let source_dir = crate_dir.join(SOURCE_DIRNAME); + + let headers = glob::glob(source_include_dir.join("**/*.hpp").to_str().unwrap()) + .unwrap() + .collect::, _>>() + .unwrap(); + + let compilation_units = glob::glob(source_dir.join("**/*.cpp").to_str().unwrap()) + .unwrap() + .collect::, _>>() + .unwrap(); + + // Tell Cargo that if the given file changes, to rerun this build script. + println!("cargo::rerun-if-changed={INCLUDE_DIRNAME}"); + println!("cargo::rerun-if-changed={SOURCE_DIRNAME}"); + println!("cargo::rerun-if-changed=src"); + println!("cargo::rerun-if-changed=Cargo.toml"); + + // Cargo build script metadata, used by dependents' build scripts. + // The root directory containing the library archive. + println!("cargo::metadata=root={}", out_dir.to_str().unwrap()); + + // The include path defining the library's API. + println!("cargo::metadata=include={}", target_include_dir.to_str().unwrap()); + + // Generate a header containing bindings to the crate. + match cbindgen::Builder::new() + .with_pragma_once(true) + .with_autogen_warning(AUTOGEN_WARNING) + .with_no_includes() + .with_sys_include("cstdint") + .with_parse_deps(true) + .with_parse_include(&[ + "sp1-stark", + "sp1-primitives", + "sp1-core-machine", + "p3-baby-bear", + "sp1-core-executor", + ]) + .with_parse_extra_bindings(&["sp1-stark", "sp1-primitives", "p3-baby-bear"]) + .rename_item("BabyBear", "BabyBearP3") + .include_item("MemoryRecord") // Just for convenience. Not exposed, so we need to manually do this. + .include_item("SyscallCode") // Required for populating the CPU columns for ECALL. + .include_item("SepticExtension") + .include_item("SepticCurve") + .include_item("MemoryLocalCols") + .include_item("MEMORY_LOCAL_INITIAL_DIGEST_POS") + .include_item("Ghost") + .include_item("MemoryInitCols") + .include_item("MemoryInitializeFinalizeEvent") + .include_item("GlobalInteractionOperation") + .include_item("GlobalInteractionEvent") + .include_item("Poseidon2StateCols") + .include_item("GlobalCols") + .include_item("INTERACTION_KIND_GLOBAL") + .with_namespace("sp1_core_machine_sys") + .with_crate(crate_dir) + .generate() + { + Ok(bindings) => { + // Write the bindings to the target include directory. + let header_path = target_include_dir.join(cbindgen_hpp); + if bindings.write_to_file(&header_path) { + // Symlink the header to the fixed include directory. + rel_symlink_file(header_path, target_include_dir_fixed.join(cbindgen_hpp)); + } + } + Err(cbindgen::Error::ParseSyntaxError { error, crate_name, src_path }) => { + panic!("{} {} {}", error, crate_name, src_path); + } // Ignore parse errors so rust-analyzer can run. + Err(e) => panic!("{:?}", e), + } + + // Copy the headers to the include directory and symlink them to the fixed include directory. + for header in &headers { + // Get the path of the header relative to the source include directory. + let relpath = diff_paths(header, &source_include_dir).unwrap(); + + // Let the destination path be the same place relative to the target include directory. + let dst = target_include_dir.join(&relpath); + + // Create the parent directory if it does not exist. + if let Some(parent) = dst.parent() { + fs::create_dir_all(parent).unwrap(); + } + fs::copy(header, &dst).unwrap(); + rel_symlink_file(dst, target_include_dir_fixed.join(relpath)); + } + + // Use the `cc` crate to build the library and statically link it to the crate. + let mut cc_builder = cc::Build::new(); + cc_builder.files(&compilation_units).include(target_include_dir); + cc_builder.cpp(true).std("c++17"); + cc_builder.compile(LIB_NAME) + } + + /// Place a relative symlink pointing to `original` at `link`. + fn rel_symlink_file(original: P, link: Q) + where + P: AsRef, + Q: AsRef, + { + #[cfg(unix)] + use os::unix::fs::symlink; + #[cfg(windows)] + use os::windows::fs::symlink_file as symlink; + + let target_dir = link.as_ref().parent().unwrap(); + fs::create_dir_all(target_dir).unwrap(); + let _ = fs::remove_file(&link); + let relpath = diff_paths(original, target_dir).unwrap(); + symlink(relpath, link).unwrap(); + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/cpp/extern.cpp b/crates/core/machine/cpp/extern.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..509f5998a --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/cpp/extern.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +#include "bb31_t.hpp" +#include "bb31_septic_extension_t.hpp" +#include "sys.hpp" + +namespace sp1_core_machine_sys { +extern void add_sub_event_to_row_babybear( + const AluEvent* event, + AddSubCols* cols +) { + AddSubCols* cols_bb31 = reinterpret_cast*>(cols); + add_sub::event_to_row(*event, *cols_bb31); +} + +extern void memory_local_event_to_row_babybear(const MemoryLocalEvent* event, SingleMemoryLocal* cols) { + SingleMemoryLocal* cols_bb31 = reinterpret_cast*>(cols); + memory_local::event_to_row(event, cols_bb31); +} + +extern void memory_global_event_to_row_babybear(const MemoryInitializeFinalizeEvent* event, const bool is_receive, MemoryInitCols* cols) { + MemoryInitCols* cols_bb31 = reinterpret_cast*>(cols); + memory_global::event_to_row(event, is_receive, cols_bb31); +} + +extern void syscall_event_to_row_babybear(const SyscallEvent* event, const bool is_receive, SyscallCols* cols) { + SyscallCols* cols_bb31 = reinterpret_cast*>(cols); + syscall::event_to_row(event, is_receive, cols_bb31); +} +} // namespace sp1_core_machine_sys diff --git a/crates/core/machine/include/add_sub.hpp b/crates/core/machine/include/add_sub.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7e260bdc8 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/include/add_sub.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "prelude.hpp" +#include "utils.hpp" + +namespace sp1_core_machine_sys::add_sub { +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ __SP1_INLINE__ uint32_t +populate(AddOperation& op, const uint32_t a_u32, const uint32_t b_u32) { + array_t a = u32_to_le_bytes(a_u32); + array_t b = u32_to_le_bytes(b_u32); + bool carry = a[0] + b[0] > 0xFF; + op.carry[0] = F::from_bool(carry).val; + carry = a[1] + b[1] + carry > 0xFF; + op.carry[1] = F::from_bool(carry).val; + carry = a[2] + b[2] + carry > 0xFF; + op.carry[2] = F::from_bool(carry).val; + + uint32_t expected = a_u32 + b_u32; + write_word_from_u32_v2(op.value, expected); + return expected; +} + +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ void event_to_row(const AluEvent& event, AddSubCols& cols) { + cols.pc = F::from_canonical_u32(event.pc); + + bool is_add = event.opcode == Opcode::ADD; + cols.is_add = F::from_bool(is_add); + cols.is_sub = F::from_bool(!is_add); + + auto operand_1 = is_add ? event.b : event.a; + auto operand_2 = event.c; + + populate(cols.add_operation, operand_1, operand_2); + write_word_from_u32_v2(cols.operand_1, operand_1); + write_word_from_u32_v2(cols.operand_2, operand_2); + cols.op_a_not_0 = F::from_bool(!event.op_a_0); +} +} // namespace sp1::add_sub \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/core/machine/include/bb31_septic_extension_t.hpp b/crates/core/machine/include/bb31_septic_extension_t.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c780d592a --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/include/bb31_septic_extension_t.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,514 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "prelude.hpp" +#include "bb31_t.hpp" +#include + +#ifdef __CUDA_ARCH__ +#define FUN __host__ __device__ +#endif +#ifndef __CUDA_ARCH__ +#define FUN inline +#endif + +class bb31_cipolla_t { + public: + bb31_t real; + bb31_t imag; + + FUN bb31_cipolla_t(bb31_t real, bb31_t imag) { + this->real = bb31_t(real); + this->imag = bb31_t(imag); + } + + FUN static bb31_cipolla_t one() { + return bb31_cipolla_t(bb31_t::one(), bb31_t::zero()); + } + + FUN bb31_cipolla_t mul_ext(bb31_cipolla_t other, bb31_t nonresidue) { + bb31_t new_real = real * other.real + nonresidue * imag * other.imag; + bb31_t new_imag = real * other.imag + imag * other.real; + return bb31_cipolla_t(new_real, new_imag); + } + + FUN bb31_cipolla_t pow(uint32_t exponent, bb31_t nonresidue) { + bb31_cipolla_t result = bb31_cipolla_t::one(); + bb31_cipolla_t base = *this; + + while(exponent) { + if(exponent & 1) { + result = result.mul_ext(base, nonresidue); + } + exponent >>= 1; + base = base.mul_ext(base, nonresidue); + } + + return result; + } +}; + +namespace constants { + #ifdef __CUDA_ARCH__ + __constant__ constexpr const bb31_t frobenius_const[49] = { + bb31_t(int(1)), bb31_t(int(0)), bb31_t(int(0)), bb31_t(int(0)), bb31_t(int(0)), bb31_t(int(0)), bb31_t(int(0)), + bb31_t(int(954599710)), bb31_t(int(1359279693)), bb31_t(int(566669999)), bb31_t(int(1982781815)), bb31_t(int(1735718361)), bb31_t(int(1174868538)), bb31_t(int(1120871770)), + bb31_t(int(862825265)), bb31_t(int(597046311)), bb31_t(int(978840770)), bb31_t(int(1790138282)), bb31_t(int(1044777201)), bb31_t(int(835869808)), bb31_t(int(1342179023)), + bb31_t(int(596273169)), bb31_t(int(658837454)), bb31_t(int(1515468261)), bb31_t(int(367059247)), bb31_t(int(781278880)), bb31_t(int(1544222616)), bb31_t(int(155490465)), + bb31_t(int(557608863)), bb31_t(int(1173670028)), bb31_t(int(1749546888)), bb31_t(int(1086464137)), bb31_t(int(803900099)), bb31_t(int(1288818584)), bb31_t(int(1184677604)), + bb31_t(int(763416381)), bb31_t(int(1252567168)), bb31_t(int(628856225)), bb31_t(int(1771903394)), bb31_t(int(650712211)), bb31_t(int(19417363)), bb31_t(int(57990258)), + bb31_t(int(1734711039)), bb31_t(int(1749813853)), bb31_t(int(1227235221)), bb31_t(int(1707730636)), bb31_t(int(424560395)), bb31_t(int(1007029514)), bb31_t(int(498034669)), + }; + + __constant__ constexpr const bb31_t double_frobenius_const[49] = { + bb31_t(int(1)), bb31_t(int(0)), bb31_t(int(0)), bb31_t(int(0)), bb31_t(int(0)), bb31_t(int(0)), bb31_t(int(0)), + bb31_t(int(1013489358)), bb31_t(int(1619071628)), bb31_t(int(304593143)), bb31_t(int(1949397349)), bb31_t(int(1564307636)), bb31_t(int(327761151)), bb31_t(int(415430835)), + bb31_t(int(209824426)), bb31_t(int(1313900768)), bb31_t(int(38410482)), bb31_t(int(256593180)), bb31_t(int(1708830551)), bb31_t(int(1244995038)), bb31_t(int(1555324019)), + bb31_t(int(1475628651)), bb31_t(int(777565847)), bb31_t(int(704492386)), bb31_t(int(1218528120)), bb31_t(int(1245363405)), bb31_t(int(475884575)), bb31_t(int(649166061)), + bb31_t(int(550038364)), bb31_t(int(948935655)), bb31_t(int(68722023)), bb31_t(int(1251345762)), bb31_t(int(1692456177)), bb31_t(int(1177958698)), bb31_t(int(350232928)), + bb31_t(int(882720258)), bb31_t(int(821925756)), bb31_t(int(199955840)), bb31_t(int(812002876)), bb31_t(int(1484951277)), bb31_t(int(1063138035)), bb31_t(int(491712810)), + bb31_t(int(738287111)), bb31_t(int(1955364991)), bb31_t(int(552724293)), bb31_t(int(1175775744)), bb31_t(int(341623997)), bb31_t(int(1454022463)), bb31_t(int(408193320)) + }; + + __constant__ constexpr const bb31_t A_EC_LOGUP[7] = {bb31_t(int(0x31415926)), bb31_t(int(0x53589793)), bb31_t(int(0x23846264)), bb31_t(int(0x33832795)), bb31_t(int(0x02884197)), bb31_t(int(0x16939937)), bb31_t(int(0x51058209))}; + + __constant__ constexpr const bb31_t B_EC_LOGUP[7] = {bb31_t(int(0x74944592)), bb31_t(int(0x30781640)), bb31_t(int(0x62862089)), bb31_t(int(0x9862803)), bb31_t(int(0x48253421)), bb31_t(int(0x17067982)), bb31_t(int(0x14808651))}; + + __constant__ constexpr const bb31_t dummy_x[7] = {bb31_t(int(0x2738281)), bb31_t(int(0x8284590)), bb31_t(int(0x4523536)), bb31_t(int(0x0287471)), bb31_t(int(0x3526624)), bb31_t(int(0x9775724)), bb31_t(int(0x7093699))}; + __constant__ constexpr const bb31_t dummy_y[7] = {bb31_t(int(48041908)), bb31_t(int(550064556)), bb31_t(int(415267377)), bb31_t(int(1726976249)), bb31_t(int(1253299140)), bb31_t(int(209439863)), bb31_t(int(1302309485))}; + + __constant__ constexpr bb31_t start_x[7] = {bb31_t(int(0x1434213)), bb31_t(int(0x5623730)), bb31_t(int(0x9504880)), bb31_t(int(0x1688724)), bb31_t(int(0x2096980)), bb31_t(int(0x7856967)), bb31_t(int(0x1875376))}; + __constant__ constexpr bb31_t start_y[7] = {bb31_t(int(885797405)), bb31_t(int(1130275556)), bb31_t(int(567836311)), bb31_t(int(52700240)), bb31_t(int(239639200)), bb31_t(int(442612155)), bb31_t(int(1839439733))}; + + #endif + + #ifndef __CUDA_ARCH__ + static constexpr const bb31_t frobenius_const[49] = { + bb31_t(int(1)), bb31_t(int(0)), bb31_t(int(0)), bb31_t(int(0)), bb31_t(int(0)), bb31_t(int(0)), bb31_t(int(0)), + bb31_t(int(954599710)), bb31_t(int(1359279693)), bb31_t(int(566669999)), bb31_t(int(1982781815)), bb31_t(int(1735718361)), bb31_t(int(1174868538)), bb31_t(int(1120871770)), + bb31_t(int(862825265)), bb31_t(int(597046311)), bb31_t(int(978840770)), bb31_t(int(1790138282)), bb31_t(int(1044777201)), bb31_t(int(835869808)), bb31_t(int(1342179023)), + bb31_t(int(596273169)), bb31_t(int(658837454)), bb31_t(int(1515468261)), bb31_t(int(367059247)), bb31_t(int(781278880)), bb31_t(int(1544222616)), bb31_t(int(155490465)), + bb31_t(int(557608863)), bb31_t(int(1173670028)), bb31_t(int(1749546888)), bb31_t(int(1086464137)), bb31_t(int(803900099)), bb31_t(int(1288818584)), bb31_t(int(1184677604)), + bb31_t(int(763416381)), bb31_t(int(1252567168)), bb31_t(int(628856225)), bb31_t(int(1771903394)), bb31_t(int(650712211)), bb31_t(int(19417363)), bb31_t(int(57990258)), + bb31_t(int(1734711039)), bb31_t(int(1749813853)), bb31_t(int(1227235221)), bb31_t(int(1707730636)), bb31_t(int(424560395)), bb31_t(int(1007029514)), bb31_t(int(498034669)) + }; + + static constexpr const bb31_t double_frobenius_const[49] = { + bb31_t(int(1)), bb31_t(int(0)), bb31_t(int(0)), bb31_t(int(0)), bb31_t(int(0)), bb31_t(int(0)), bb31_t(int(0)), + bb31_t(int(1013489358)), bb31_t(int(1619071628)), bb31_t(int(304593143)), bb31_t(int(1949397349)), bb31_t(int(1564307636)), bb31_t(int(327761151)), bb31_t(int(415430835)), + bb31_t(int(209824426)), bb31_t(int(1313900768)), bb31_t(int(38410482)), bb31_t(int(256593180)), bb31_t(int(1708830551)), bb31_t(int(1244995038)), bb31_t(int(1555324019)), + bb31_t(int(1475628651)), bb31_t(int(777565847)), bb31_t(int(704492386)), bb31_t(int(1218528120)), bb31_t(int(1245363405)), bb31_t(int(475884575)), bb31_t(int(649166061)), + bb31_t(int(550038364)), bb31_t(int(948935655)), bb31_t(int(68722023)), bb31_t(int(1251345762)), bb31_t(int(1692456177)), bb31_t(int(1177958698)), bb31_t(int(350232928)), + bb31_t(int(882720258)), bb31_t(int(821925756)), bb31_t(int(199955840)), bb31_t(int(812002876)), bb31_t(int(1484951277)), bb31_t(int(1063138035)), bb31_t(int(491712810)), + bb31_t(int(738287111)), bb31_t(int(1955364991)), bb31_t(int(552724293)), bb31_t(int(1175775744)), bb31_t(int(341623997)), bb31_t(int(1454022463)), bb31_t(int(408193320)) + }; + + static constexpr const bb31_t A_EC_LOGUP[7] = {bb31_t(int(0x31415926)), bb31_t(int(0x53589793)), bb31_t(int(0x23846264)), bb31_t(int(0x33832795)), bb31_t(int(0x02884197)), bb31_t(int(0x16939937)), bb31_t(int(0x51058209))}; + static constexpr const bb31_t B_EC_LOGUP[7] = {bb31_t(int(0x74944592)), bb31_t(int(0x30781640)), bb31_t(int(0x62862089)), bb31_t(int(0x9862803)), bb31_t(int(0x48253421)), bb31_t(int(0x17067982)), bb31_t(int(0x14808651))}; + + static constexpr bb31_t dummy_x[7] = {bb31_t(int(0x2738281)), bb31_t(int(0x8284590)), bb31_t(int(0x4523536)), bb31_t(int(0x0287471)), bb31_t(int(0x3526624)), bb31_t(int(0x9775724)), bb31_t(int(0x7093699))}; + static constexpr bb31_t dummy_y[7] = {bb31_t(int(48041908)), bb31_t(int(550064556)), bb31_t(int(415267377)), bb31_t(int(1726976249)), bb31_t(int(1253299140)), bb31_t(int(209439863)), bb31_t(int(1302309485))}; + + static constexpr bb31_t start_x[7] = {bb31_t(int(0x1434213)), bb31_t(int(0x5623730)), bb31_t(int(0x9504880)), bb31_t(int(0x1688724)), bb31_t(int(0x2096980)), bb31_t(int(0x7856967)), bb31_t(int(0x1875376))}; + static constexpr bb31_t start_y[7] = {bb31_t(int(885797405)), bb31_t(int(1130275556)), bb31_t(int(567836311)), bb31_t(int(52700240)), bb31_t(int(239639200)), bb31_t(int(442612155)), bb31_t(int(1839439733))}; + + #endif +} + +class bb31_septic_extension_t { + // The value of BabyBear septic extension element. + public: + bb31_t value[7]; + static constexpr const bb31_t* frobenius_const = constants::frobenius_const; + static constexpr const bb31_t* double_frobenius_const = constants::double_frobenius_const; + static constexpr const bb31_t* A_EC_LOGUP = constants::A_EC_LOGUP; + static constexpr const bb31_t* B_EC_LOGUP = constants::B_EC_LOGUP; + + FUN bb31_septic_extension_t() { + for (uintptr_t i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++) { + this->value[i] = bb31_t(0); + } + } + + FUN bb31_septic_extension_t(bb31_t value) { + this->value[0] = value; + for (uintptr_t i = 1 ; i < 7 ; i++) { + this->value[i] = bb31_t(0); + } + } + + FUN bb31_septic_extension_t(bb31_t value[7]) { + for (uintptr_t i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++) { + this->value[i] = value[i]; + } + } + + FUN bb31_septic_extension_t(const bb31_t value[7]) { + for (uintptr_t i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++) { + this->value[i] = value[i]; + } + } + + static FUN bb31_septic_extension_t zero() { + return bb31_septic_extension_t(); + } + + static FUN bb31_septic_extension_t one() { + return bb31_septic_extension_t(bb31_t::one()); + } + + static FUN bb31_septic_extension_t two() { + return bb31_septic_extension_t(bb31_t::two()); + } + + static FUN bb31_septic_extension_t from_canonical_u32(uint32_t n) { + return bb31_septic_extension_t(bb31_t::from_canonical_u32(n)); + } + + FUN bb31_septic_extension_t& operator+=(const bb31_t b) { + value[0] += b; + return *this; + } + + friend FUN bb31_septic_extension_t operator+(bb31_septic_extension_t a, const bb31_t b) { + return a += b; + } + + FUN bb31_septic_extension_t& operator+=(const bb31_septic_extension_t b) { + for (uintptr_t i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++) { + value[i] += b.value[i]; + } + return *this; + } + + friend FUN bb31_septic_extension_t operator+(bb31_septic_extension_t a, const bb31_septic_extension_t b) { + return a += b; + } + + FUN bb31_septic_extension_t& operator-=(const bb31_t b) { + value[0] -= b; + return *this; + } + + friend FUN bb31_septic_extension_t operator-(bb31_septic_extension_t a, const bb31_t b) { + return a -= b; + } + + FUN bb31_septic_extension_t& operator-=(const bb31_septic_extension_t b) { + for (uintptr_t i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++) { + value[i] -= b.value[i]; + } + return *this; + } + + friend FUN bb31_septic_extension_t operator-(bb31_septic_extension_t a, const bb31_septic_extension_t b) { + return a -= b; + } + + FUN bb31_septic_extension_t& operator*=(const bb31_t b) { + for (uintptr_t i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++) { + value[i] *= b; + } + return *this; + } + + friend FUN bb31_septic_extension_t operator*(bb31_septic_extension_t a, const bb31_t b) { + return a *= b; + } + + FUN bb31_septic_extension_t& operator*=(const bb31_septic_extension_t b) { + { + bb31_t res[13] = {}; + for(uintptr_t i = 0 ; i < 13 ; i++) { + res[i] = bb31_t::zero(); + } + for(uintptr_t i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++) { + for(uintptr_t j = 0 ; j < 7 ; j++) { + res[i + j] += value[i] * b.value[j]; + } + } + for(uintptr_t i = 7 ; i < 13 ; i++) { + res[i - 7] += res[i] * bb31_t::from_canonical_u32(5); + res[i - 6] += res[i] * bb31_t::from_canonical_u32(2); + } + for(uintptr_t i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++) { + value[i] = res[i]; + } + } + return *this; + } + + friend FUN bb31_septic_extension_t operator*(bb31_septic_extension_t a, const bb31_septic_extension_t b) { + return a *= b; + } + + FUN bool operator==(const bb31_septic_extension_t rhs) const { + for(uintptr_t i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++) { + if(value[i] != rhs.value[i]) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + } + + FUN bb31_septic_extension_t frobenius() const { + bb31_t res[7] = {}; + res[0] = value[0]; + for(uintptr_t i = 1 ; i < 7 ; i++) { + res[i] = bb31_t::zero(); + } + for(uintptr_t i = 1 ; i < 7 ; i++) { + for(uintptr_t j = 0 ; j < 7 ; j++) { + res[j] += value[i] * frobenius_const[7 * i + j]; + } + } + return bb31_septic_extension_t(res); + + } + + FUN bb31_septic_extension_t double_frobenius() const { + bb31_t res[7] = {}; + res[0] = value[0]; + for(uintptr_t i = 1 ; i < 7 ; i++) { + res[i] = bb31_t::zero(); + } + for(uintptr_t i = 1 ; i < 7 ; i++) { + for(uintptr_t j = 0 ; j < 7 ; j++) { + res[j] += value[i] * double_frobenius_const[7 * i + j]; + } + } + return bb31_septic_extension_t(res); + + } + + FUN bb31_septic_extension_t pow_r_1() const { + bb31_septic_extension_t base = frobenius(); + base *= double_frobenius(); + bb31_septic_extension_t base_p2 = base.double_frobenius(); + bb31_septic_extension_t base_p4 = base_p2.double_frobenius(); + return base * base_p2 * base_p4; + } + + FUN bb31_t pow_r() const { + bb31_septic_extension_t pow_r1 = pow_r_1(); + bb31_septic_extension_t pow_r = pow_r1 * *this; + return pow_r.value[0]; + } + + FUN bb31_septic_extension_t reciprocal() const { + bb31_septic_extension_t pow_r1 = pow_r_1(); + bb31_septic_extension_t pow_r = pow_r1 * *this; + return pow_r1 * pow_r.value[0].reciprocal(); + } + + friend FUN bb31_septic_extension_t operator/(bb31_septic_extension_t a, bb31_septic_extension_t b) { + return a * b.reciprocal(); + } + + FUN bb31_septic_extension_t& operator/=(const bb31_septic_extension_t a) { + return *this *= a.reciprocal(); + } + + FUN bb31_septic_extension_t sqrt(bb31_t pow_r) const { + if (*this == bb31_septic_extension_t::zero()) { + return *this; + } + + bb31_septic_extension_t n_iter = *this; + bb31_septic_extension_t n_power = *this; + for(uintptr_t i = 1 ; i < 30 ; i++) { + n_iter *= n_iter; + if(i >= 26) { + n_power *= n_iter; + } + } + + bb31_septic_extension_t n_frobenius = n_power.frobenius(); + bb31_septic_extension_t denominator = n_frobenius; + + n_frobenius = n_frobenius.double_frobenius(); + denominator *= n_frobenius; + n_frobenius = n_frobenius.double_frobenius(); + denominator *= n_frobenius; + denominator *= *this; + + bb31_t base = pow_r.reciprocal(); + bb31_t g = bb31_t::from_canonical_u32(31); + bb31_t a = bb31_t::one(); + bb31_t nonresidue = bb31_t::one() - base; + + while (true) { + bb31_t is_square = nonresidue ^ 1006632960; + if (is_square != bb31_t::one()) { + break; + } + a *= g; + nonresidue = a.square() - base; + } + + bb31_cipolla_t x = bb31_cipolla_t(a, bb31_t::one()); + x = x.pow(1006632961, nonresidue); + + return denominator * x.real; + } + + FUN bb31_septic_extension_t universal_hash() const { + return *this * bb31_septic_extension_t(A_EC_LOGUP) + bb31_septic_extension_t(B_EC_LOGUP); + } + + FUN bb31_septic_extension_t curve_formula() const { + bb31_septic_extension_t result = *this * *this * *this; + result += *this; + result += *this; + result.value[5] += bb31_t::from_canonical_u32(26); + return result; + } + + FUN bool is_receive() const { + uint32_t limb = value[6].as_canonical_u32(); + return 1 <= limb && limb <= (bb31_t::MOD - 1) / 2; + } + + FUN bool is_send() const { + uint32_t limb = value[6].as_canonical_u32(); + return (bb31_t::MOD + 1) / 2 <= limb && limb <= (bb31_t::MOD - 1); + } + + FUN bool is_exception() const { + return value[6] == bb31_t::zero(); + } +}; + + +class bb31_septic_curve_t { + public: + bb31_septic_extension_t x; + bb31_septic_extension_t y; + + static constexpr const bb31_t* dummy_x = constants::dummy_x; + static constexpr const bb31_t* dummy_y = constants::dummy_y; + static constexpr const bb31_t* start_x = constants::start_x; + static constexpr const bb31_t* start_y = constants::start_y; + + FUN bb31_septic_curve_t() { + this->x = bb31_septic_extension_t::zero(); + this->y = bb31_septic_extension_t::zero(); + } + + FUN bb31_septic_curve_t(bb31_septic_extension_t x, bb31_septic_extension_t y) { + this->x = x; + this->y = y; + } + + FUN bb31_septic_curve_t(bb31_t value[14]) { + for (uintptr_t i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++) { + this->x.value[i] = value[i]; + } + for (uintptr_t i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++) { + this->y.value[i] = value[i + 7]; + } + } + + FUN bb31_septic_curve_t(bb31_t value_x[7], bb31_t value_y[7]) { + for (uintptr_t i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++) { + this->x.value[i] = value_x[i]; + this->y.value[i] = value_y[i]; + } + } + + static FUN bb31_septic_curve_t dummy_point() { + bb31_septic_extension_t x; + bb31_septic_extension_t y; + for (uintptr_t i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++) { + x.value[i] = dummy_x[i]; + y.value[i] = dummy_y[i]; + } + return bb31_septic_curve_t(x, y); + } + + static FUN bb31_septic_curve_t start_point() { + bb31_septic_extension_t x; + bb31_septic_extension_t y; + for (uintptr_t i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++) { + x.value[i] = start_x[i]; + y.value[i] = start_y[i]; + } + return bb31_septic_curve_t(x, y); + } + + FUN bool is_infinity() const { + return x == bb31_septic_extension_t::zero() && y == bb31_septic_extension_t::zero(); + } + + FUN bb31_septic_curve_t& operator+=(const bb31_septic_curve_t b) { + if (b.is_infinity()) { + return *this; + } + if (is_infinity()) { + x = b.x; + y = b.y; + return *this; + } + + bb31_septic_extension_t x_diff = b.x - x; + if (x_diff == bb31_septic_extension_t::zero()) { + if (y == b.y) { + bb31_septic_extension_t y2 = y + y; + bb31_septic_extension_t x2 = x * x; + bb31_septic_extension_t slope = (x2 + x2 + x2 + bb31_t::two()) / y2; + bb31_septic_extension_t result_x = slope * slope - x - x; + bb31_septic_extension_t result_y = slope * (x - result_x) - y; + x = result_x; + y = result_y; + return *this; + } + else { + x = bb31_septic_extension_t::zero(); + y = bb31_septic_extension_t::zero(); + return *this; + } + } + else { + bb31_septic_extension_t slope = (b.y - y) / x_diff; + bb31_septic_extension_t new_x = slope * slope - x - b.x; + y = slope * (x - new_x) - y; + x = new_x; + return *this; + } + } + + friend FUN bb31_septic_curve_t operator+(bb31_septic_curve_t a, const bb31_septic_curve_t b) { + return a += b; + } + + static FUN bb31_septic_extension_t sum_checker_x( + const bb31_septic_curve_t& p1, + const bb31_septic_curve_t& p2, + const bb31_septic_curve_t& p3 + ) { + bb31_septic_extension_t x_diff = p2.x - p1.x; + bb31_septic_extension_t y_diff = p2.y - p1.y; + return (p1.x + p2.x + p3.x) * x_diff * x_diff - y_diff * y_diff; + } +}; + +class bb31_septic_digest_t { + public: + bb31_septic_curve_t point; + + FUN bb31_septic_digest_t() { + this->point = bb31_septic_curve_t(); + } + + FUN bb31_septic_digest_t(bb31_t value[14]) { + this->point = bb31_septic_curve_t(value); + } + + FUN bb31_septic_digest_t(bb31_septic_extension_t x, bb31_septic_extension_t y) { + this->point = bb31_septic_curve_t(x, y); + } + + FUN bb31_septic_digest_t(bb31_septic_curve_t point) { + this->point = point; + } +}; + diff --git a/crates/core/machine/include/bb31_t.hpp b/crates/core/machine/include/bb31_t.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..11402ccf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/include/bb31_t.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,628 @@ +// Modified by Succinct Labs +// Copyright Supranational LLC +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. +// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 + +#pragma once + +#include +#include + +#ifdef __CUDA_ARCH__ + +#define inline __device__ __forceinline__ +#ifdef __GNUC__ +#define asm __asm__ __volatile__ +#else +#define asm asm volatile +#endif + +class bb31_t { + public: + using mem_t = bb31_t; + uint32_t val; + static const uint32_t DEGREE = 1; + static const uint32_t NBITS = 31; + static const uint32_t MOD = 0x78000001u; + static const uint32_t M = 0x77ffffffu; + static const uint32_t RR = 0x45dddde3u; + static const uint32_t ONE = 0x0ffffffeu; + static const uint32_t MONTY_BITS = 32; + static const uint32_t MONTY_MU = 0x88000001; + static const uint32_t MONTY_MASK = ((1ULL << MONTY_BITS) - 1); + + static constexpr size_t __device__ bit_length() { return 31; } + + inline uint32_t& operator[](size_t i) { return val; } + + inline uint32_t& operator*() { return val; } + + inline const uint32_t& operator[](size_t i) const { return val; } + + inline uint32_t operator*() const { return val; } + + inline size_t len() const { return 1; } + + inline bb31_t() {} + + inline constexpr bb31_t(const uint32_t a) { val = a; } + + inline bb31_t(const uint32_t* p) { val = *p; } + + inline constexpr bb31_t(int a) : val(((uint64_t)a << 32) % MOD) {} + + static inline const bb31_t zero() { return bb31_t(0); } + + static inline const bb31_t one() { return bb31_t(ONE); } + + static inline const bb31_t two() { return from_canonical_u32(2); } + + static inline constexpr uint32_t to_monty(uint32_t x) { + return (((uint64_t)x << MONTY_BITS) % MOD); + } + + static inline uint32_t monty_reduce(uint64_t x) { + uint64_t t = (x * (uint64_t)MONTY_MU) & (uint64_t)MONTY_MASK; + uint64_t u = t * (uint64_t)MOD; + uint64_t x_sub_u = x - u; + bool over = x < u; + uint32_t x_sub_u_hi = (uint32_t)(x_sub_u >> MONTY_BITS); + uint32_t corr = over ? MOD : 0; + return x_sub_u_hi + corr; + } + + static inline uint32_t from_monty(uint32_t x) { + return monty_reduce((uint64_t)x); + } + + static inline bb31_t from_canonical_u32(uint32_t x) { + return bb31_t(to_monty(x)); + } + + static inline bb31_t from_canonical_u16(uint16_t x) { + return from_canonical_u32((uint32_t)x); + } + + static inline bb31_t from_canonical_u8(uint8_t x) { + return from_canonical_u32((uint32_t)x); + } + + static inline bb31_t from_bool(bool x) { return bb31_t(x * one().val); } + + inline uint32_t as_canonical_u32() const { + return monty_reduce((uint64_t)val); + } + + inline bb31_t exp_power_of_two(size_t log_power) { + bb31_t ret = *this; + for (size_t i = 0; i < log_power; i++) { + ret *= ret; + } + return ret; + } + + inline bb31_t& operator+=(const bb31_t b) { + val += b.val; + final_sub(val); + + return *this; + } + + friend inline bb31_t operator+(bb31_t a, const bb31_t b) { return a += b; } + + inline bb31_t& operator<<=(uint32_t l) { + while (l--) { + val <<= 1; + final_sub(val); + } + + return *this; + } + + friend inline bb31_t operator<<(bb31_t a, uint32_t l) { return a <<= l; } + + inline bb31_t& operator>>=(uint32_t r) { + while (r--) { + val += val & 1 ? MOD : 0; + val >>= 1; + } + + return *this; + } + + friend inline bb31_t operator>>(bb31_t a, uint32_t r) { return a >>= r; } + + inline bb31_t& operator-=(const bb31_t b) { + asm("{"); + asm(".reg.pred %brw;"); + asm("setp.lt.u32 %brw, %0, %1;" ::"r"(val), "r"(b.val)); + asm("sub.u32 %0, %0, %1;" : "+r"(val) : "r"(b.val)); + asm("@%brw add.u32 %0, %0, %1;" : "+r"(val) : "r"(MOD)); + asm("}"); + + return *this; + } + + friend inline bb31_t operator-(bb31_t a, const bb31_t b) { return a -= b; } + + inline bb31_t cneg(bool flag) { + asm("{"); + asm(".reg.pred %flag;"); + asm("setp.ne.u32 %flag, %0, 0;" ::"r"(val)); + asm("@%flag setp.ne.u32 %flag, %0, 0;" ::"r"((int)flag)); + asm("@%flag sub.u32 %0, %1, %0;" : "+r"(val) : "r"(MOD)); + asm("}"); + + return *this; + } + + static inline bb31_t cneg(bb31_t a, bool flag) { return a.cneg(flag); } + + inline bb31_t operator-() const { return cneg(*this, true); } + + inline bool operator==(const bb31_t rhs) const { return val == rhs.val; } + + inline bool is_one() const { return val == ONE; } + + inline bool is_zero() const { return val == 0; } + + inline void set_to_zero() { val = 0; } + + friend inline bb31_t czero(const bb31_t a, int set_z) { + bb31_t ret; + + asm("{"); + asm(".reg.pred %set_z;"); + asm("setp.ne.s32 %set_z, %0, 0;" : : "r"(set_z)); + asm("selp.u32 %0, 0, %1, %set_z;" : "=r"(ret.val) : "r"(a.val)); + asm("}"); + + return ret; + } + + static inline bb31_t csel(const bb31_t a, const bb31_t b, int sel_a) { + bb31_t ret; + + asm("{"); + asm(".reg.pred %sel_a;"); + asm("setp.ne.s32 %sel_a, %0, 0;" ::"r"(sel_a)); + asm("selp.u32 %0, %1, %2, %sel_a;" + : "=r"(ret.val) + : "r"(a.val), "r"(b.val)); + asm("}"); + + return ret; + } + + private: + static inline void final_sub(uint32_t& val) { + asm("{"); + asm(".reg.pred %p;"); + asm("setp.ge.u32 %p, %0, %1;" ::"r"(val), "r"(MOD)); + asm("@%p sub.u32 %0, %0, %1;" : "+r"(val) : "r"(MOD)); + asm("}"); + } + + inline bb31_t& mul(const bb31_t b) { + uint32_t tmp[2], red; + + asm("mul.lo.u32 %0, %2, %3; mul.hi.u32 %1, %2, %3;" + : "=r"(tmp[0]), "=r"(tmp[1]) + : "r"(val), "r"(b.val)); + asm("mul.lo.u32 %0, %1, %2;" : "=r"(red) : "r"(tmp[0]), "r"(M)); + asm("mad.lo.cc.u32 %0, %2, %3, %0; madc.hi.u32 %1, %2, %3, %4;" + : "+r"(tmp[0]), "=r"(val) + : "r"(red), "r"(MOD), "r"(tmp[1])); + + final_sub(val); + + return *this; + } + + inline uint32_t mul_by_1() const { + uint32_t tmp[2], red; + + asm("mul.lo.u32 %0, %1, %2;" : "=r"(red) : "r"(val), "r"(M)); + asm("mad.lo.cc.u32 %0, %2, %3, %4; madc.hi.u32 %1, %2, %3, 0;" + : "=r"(tmp[0]), "=r"(tmp[1]) + : "r"(red), "r"(MOD), "r"(val)); + return tmp[1]; + } + + public: + friend inline bb31_t operator*(bb31_t a, const bb31_t b) { return a.mul(b); } + + inline bb31_t& operator*=(const bb31_t a) { return mul(a); } + + // raise to a variable power, variable in respect to threadIdx, + // but mind the ^ operator's precedence! + inline bb31_t& operator^=(uint32_t p) { + bb31_t sqr = *this; + *this = csel(val, ONE, p & 1); + +#pragma unroll 1 + while (p >>= 1) { + sqr.mul(sqr); + if (p & 1) + mul(sqr); + } + + return *this; + } + + friend inline bb31_t operator^(bb31_t a, uint32_t p) { return a ^= p; } + + inline bb31_t operator()(uint32_t p) { return *this ^ p; } + + // raise to a constant power, e.g. x^7, to be unrolled at compile time + inline bb31_t& operator^=(int p) { + if (p < 2) + asm("trap;"); + + bb31_t sqr = *this; + if ((p & 1) == 0) { + do { + sqr.mul(sqr); + p >>= 1; + } while ((p & 1) == 0); + *this = sqr; + } + for (p >>= 1; p; p >>= 1) { + sqr.mul(sqr); + if (p & 1) + mul(sqr); + } + + return *this; + } + + friend inline bb31_t operator^(bb31_t a, int p) { return a ^= p; } + + inline bb31_t operator()(int p) { return *this ^ p; } + + inline bb31_t square() { return *this * *this; } + + friend inline bb31_t sqr(bb31_t a) { return a.sqr(); } + + inline bb31_t& sqr() { return mul(*this); } + + inline void to() { mul(RR); } + + inline void from() { val = mul_by_1(); } + + template + static inline bb31_t dot_product(const bb31_t a[T], const bb31_t b[T]) { + uint32_t acc[2]; + size_t i = 1; + + asm("mul.lo.u32 %0, %2, %3; mul.hi.u32 %1, %2, %3;" + : "=r"(acc[0]), "=r"(acc[1]) + : "r"(*a[0]), "r"(*b[0])); + if ((T & 1) == 0) { + asm("mad.lo.cc.u32 %0, %2, %3, %0; madc.hi.u32 %1, %2, %3, %1;" + : "+r"(acc[0]), "+r"(acc[1]) + : "r"(*a[i]), "r"(*b[i])); + i++; + } + for (; i < T; i += 2) { + asm("mad.lo.cc.u32 %0, %2, %3, %0; madc.hi.u32 %1, %2, %3, %1;" + : "+r"(acc[0]), "+r"(acc[1]) + : "r"(*a[i]), "r"(*b[i])); + asm("mad.lo.cc.u32 %0, %2, %3, %0; madc.hi.u32 %1, %2, %3, %1;" + : "+r"(acc[0]), "+r"(acc[1]) + : "r"(*a[i + 1]), "r"(*b[i + 1])); + final_sub(acc[1]); + } + + uint32_t red; + asm("mul.lo.u32 %0, %1, %2;" : "=r"(red) : "r"(acc[0]), "r"(M)); + asm("mad.lo.cc.u32 %0, %2, %3, %0; madc.hi.u32 %1, %2, %3, %1;" + : "+r"(acc[0]), "+r"(acc[1]) + : "r"(red), "r"(MOD)); + final_sub(acc[1]); + + return acc[1]; + } + + template + static inline bb31_t dot_product(bb31_t a0, bb31_t b0, const bb31_t a[T - 1], + const bb31_t* b, size_t stride_b = 1) { + uint32_t acc[2]; + size_t i = 0; + + asm("mul.lo.u32 %0, %2, %3; mul.hi.u32 %1, %2, %3;" + : "=r"(acc[0]), "=r"(acc[1]) + : "r"(*a0), "r"(*b0)); + if ((T & 1) == 0) { + asm("mad.lo.cc.u32 %0, %2, %3, %0; madc.hi.u32 %1, %2, %3, %1;" + : "+r"(acc[0]), "+r"(acc[1]) + : "r"(*a[i]), "r"(*b[0])); + i++, b += stride_b; + } + for (; i < T - 1; i += 2) { + asm("mad.lo.cc.u32 %0, %2, %3, %0; madc.hi.u32 %1, %2, %3, %1;" + : "+r"(acc[0]), "+r"(acc[1]) + : "r"(*a[i]), "r"(*b[0])); + b += stride_b; + asm("mad.lo.cc.u32 %0, %2, %3, %0; madc.hi.u32 %1, %2, %3, %1;" + : "+r"(acc[0]), "+r"(acc[1]) + : "r"(*a[i + 1]), "r"(*b[0])); + b += stride_b; + final_sub(acc[1]); + } + + uint32_t red; + asm("mul.lo.u32 %0, %1, %2;" : "=r"(red) : "r"(acc[0]), "r"(M)); + asm("mad.lo.cc.u32 %0, %2, %3, %0; madc.hi.u32 %1, %2, %3, %1;" + : "+r"(acc[0]), "+r"(acc[1]) + : "r"(red), "r"(MOD)); + final_sub(acc[1]); + + return acc[1]; + } + + private: + static inline bb31_t sqr_n(bb31_t s, uint32_t n) { +#if 0 +#pragma unroll 2 + while (n--) + s.sqr(); +#else // +20% [for reciprocal()] +#pragma unroll 2 + while (n--) { + uint32_t tmp[2], red; + + asm("mul.lo.u32 %0, %2, %2; mul.hi.u32 %1, %2, %2;" + : "=r"(tmp[0]), "=r"(tmp[1]) + : "r"(s.val)); + asm("mul.lo.u32 %0, %1, %2;" : "=r"(red) : "r"(tmp[0]), "r"(M)); + asm("mad.lo.cc.u32 %0, %2, %3, %0; madc.hi.u32 %1, %2, %3, %4;" + : "+r"(tmp[0]), "=r"(s.val) + : "r"(red), "r"(MOD), "r"(tmp[1])); + + if (n & 1) + final_sub(s.val); + } +#endif + return s; + } + + static inline bb31_t sqr_n_mul(bb31_t s, uint32_t n, bb31_t m) { + s = sqr_n(s, n); + s.mul(m); + + return s; + } + + public: + inline bb31_t reciprocal() const { + bb31_t x11, xff, ret = *this; + + x11 = sqr_n_mul(ret, 4, ret); // 0b10001 + ret = sqr_n_mul(x11, 1, x11); // 0b110011 + ret = sqr_n_mul(ret, 1, x11); // 0b1110111 + xff = sqr_n_mul(ret, 1, x11); // 0b11111111 + ret = sqr_n_mul(ret, 8, xff); // 0b111011111111111 + ret = sqr_n_mul(ret, 8, xff); // 0b11101111111111111111111 + ret = sqr_n_mul(ret, 8, xff); // 0b1110111111111111111111111111111 + + return ret; + } + + friend inline bb31_t operator/(int one, bb31_t a) { + if (one != 1) + asm("trap;"); + return a.reciprocal(); + } + + friend inline bb31_t operator/(bb31_t a, bb31_t b) { + return a * b.reciprocal(); + } + + inline bb31_t& operator/=(const bb31_t a) { return *this *= a.reciprocal(); } + + inline bb31_t heptaroot() const { + bb31_t x03, x18, x1b, ret = *this; + + x03 = sqr_n_mul(ret, 1, ret); // 0b11 + x18 = sqr_n(x03, 3); // 0b11000 + x1b = x18 * x03; // 0b11011 + ret = x18 * x1b; // 0b110011 + ret = sqr_n_mul(ret, 6, x1b); // 0b110011011011 + ret = sqr_n_mul(ret, 6, x1b); // 0b110011011011011011 + ret = sqr_n_mul(ret, 6, x1b); // 0b110011011011011011011011 + ret = sqr_n_mul(ret, 6, x1b); // 0b110011011011011011011011011011 + ret = sqr_n_mul(ret, 1, *this); // 0b1100110110110110110110110110111 + + return ret; + } + + inline void shfl_bfly(uint32_t laneMask) { + val = __shfl_xor_sync(0xFFFFFFFF, val, laneMask); + } +}; + +#undef inline +#undef asm +// # endif // __CUDA__ARCH__ + +#else + +#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) +#pragma GCC diagnostic push +#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter" +#endif + +class bb31_t { + private: + static const uint32_t M = 0x77ffffffu; + static const uint32_t RR = 0x45dddde3u; + static const uint32_t ONE = 0x0ffffffeu; + static const uint32_t MONTY_BITS = 32; + static const uint32_t MONTY_MU = 0x88000001; + static const uint32_t MONTY_MASK = ((1ULL << MONTY_BITS) - 1); + + public: + using mem_t = bb31_t; + uint32_t val; + static const uint32_t DEGREE = 1; + static const uint32_t NBITS = 31; + static const uint32_t MOD = 0x78000001; + + inline constexpr bb31_t() : val(0) {} + + inline constexpr bb31_t(uint32_t a) : val(a) {} + + inline constexpr bb31_t(int a) : val(((uint64_t)a << 32) % MOD) {} + + static inline const bb31_t zero() { return bb31_t(0); } + + static inline const bb31_t one() { return bb31_t(ONE); } + + static inline const bb31_t two() { return bb31_t(to_monty(2)); } + + static inline constexpr uint32_t to_monty(uint32_t x) { + return (((uint64_t)x << MONTY_BITS) % MOD); + } + + static inline uint32_t from_monty(uint32_t x) { + return monty_reduce((uint64_t)x); + } + + static inline uint32_t monty_reduce(uint64_t x) { + uint64_t t = (x * (uint64_t)MONTY_MU) & (uint64_t)MONTY_MASK; + uint64_t u = t * (uint64_t)MOD; + uint64_t x_sub_u = x - u; + bool over = x < u; + uint32_t x_sub_u_hi = (uint32_t)(x_sub_u >> MONTY_BITS); + uint32_t corr = over ? MOD : 0; + return x_sub_u_hi + corr; + } + + static inline bb31_t from_canonical_u32(uint32_t x) { + assert(x < MOD); + return bb31_t(to_monty(x)); + } + + static inline bb31_t from_canonical_u16(uint16_t x) { + return from_canonical_u32((uint32_t)x); + } + + static inline bb31_t from_canonical_u8(uint8_t x) { + return from_canonical_u32((uint32_t)x); + } + + static inline bb31_t from_bool(bool x) { return bb31_t(x * one().val); } + + inline uint32_t as_canonical_u32() const { return from_monty(val); } + + inline bb31_t& operator+=(bb31_t b) { + val += b.val; + if (val >= MOD) + val -= MOD; + return *this; + } + + inline bb31_t& operator-=(bb31_t b) { + if (val < b.val) + val += MOD; + val -= b.val; + return *this; + } + + inline bb31_t& operator*=(bb31_t b) { + uint64_t long_prod = (uint64_t)val * (uint64_t)b.val; + val = monty_reduce(long_prod); + return *this; + } + + inline bb31_t square() { return *this * *this; } + + friend bb31_t operator+(bb31_t a, bb31_t b) { return a += b; } + + friend bb31_t operator-(bb31_t a, bb31_t b) { return a -= b; } + + friend bb31_t operator*(bb31_t a, bb31_t b) { return a *= b; } + + inline bb31_t& operator<<=(uint32_t l) { + while (l--) { + val <<= 1; + if (val >= MOD) + val -= MOD; + } + + return *this; + } + + friend inline bb31_t operator<<(bb31_t a, uint32_t l) { return a <<= l; } + + inline bb31_t& operator>>=(uint32_t r) { + while (r--) { + val += val & 1 ? MOD : 0; + val >>= 1; + } + + return *this; + } + + inline bb31_t exp_power_of_2(uint32_t power_log) const { + bb31_t result = *this; + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < power_log; ++i) { + result = result.square(); + } + return result; + } + + inline bb31_t reciprocal() const { + assert(*this != zero()); + + bb31_t p1 = *this; + bb31_t p100000000 = p1.exp_power_of_2(8); + bb31_t p100000001 = p100000000 * p1; + bb31_t p10000000000000000 = p100000000.exp_power_of_2(8); + bb31_t p10000000100000001 = p10000000000000000 * p100000001; + bb31_t p10000000100000001000 = p10000000100000001.exp_power_of_2(3); + bb31_t p1000000010000000100000000 = p10000000100000001000.exp_power_of_2(5); + bb31_t p1000000010000000100000001 = p1000000010000000100000000 * p1; + bb31_t p1000010010000100100001001 = + p1000000010000000100000001 * p10000000100000001000; + bb31_t p10000000100000001000000010 = p1000000010000000100000001.square(); + bb31_t p11000010110000101100001011 = + p10000000100000001000000010 * p1000010010000100100001001; + bb31_t p100000001000000010000000100 = p10000000100000001000000010.square(); + bb31_t p111000011110000111100001111 = + p100000001000000010000000100 * p11000010110000101100001011; + bb31_t p1110000111100001111000011110000 = + p111000011110000111100001111.exp_power_of_2(4); + bb31_t p1110111111111111111111111111111 = + p1110000111100001111000011110000 * p111000011110000111100001111; + + return p1110111111111111111111111111111; + } + + inline bool operator==(const bb31_t rhs) const { return val == rhs.val; } + + inline bool operator!=(const bb31_t rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } + + inline bb31_t& operator^=(int b) { + bb31_t sqr = *this; + if ((b & 1) == 0) + *this = one(); + while (b >>= 1) { + sqr = sqr.square(); + if (b & 1) + *this *= sqr; + } + return *this; + } + + friend bb31_t operator^(bb31_t a, uint32_t b) { return a ^= b; } + + inline bb31_t& sqr() { return *this; } + + inline void set_to_zero() { val = 0; } + + inline bool is_zero() const { return val == 0; } +}; + +#endif // __CUDA__ARCH__ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/core/machine/include/bitwise.hpp b/crates/core/machine/include/bitwise.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..945727850 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/include/bitwise.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "prelude.hpp" +#include "utils.hpp" + +namespace sp1_core_machine_sys::bitwise { +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ void event_to_row(const AluEvent& event, BitwiseCols& cols) { + cols.pc = F::from_canonical_u32(event.pc); + write_word_from_u32(cols.a, event.a); + write_word_from_u32(cols.b, event.b); + write_word_from_u32(cols.c, event.c); + cols.is_xor = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::XOR); + cols.is_or = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::OR); + cols.is_and = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::AND); + cols.op_a_not_0 = F::from_bool(!event.op_a_0); + + // No byte lookup yet. +} +} // namespace sp1::bitwise diff --git a/crates/core/machine/include/cpu.hpp b/crates/core/machine/include/cpu.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..41f78f9ef --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/include/cpu.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,555 @@ +#pragma once + +#include +#include + +#include "memory.hpp" +#include "prelude.hpp" +#include "utils.hpp" + +// namespace sp1_core_machine_sys::cpu { + +// template +// __SP1_HOSTDEV__ void populate_shard_clk(const CpuEventFfi& event, CpuCols& cols) { +// // cols.shard = F::from_canonical_u32(event.shard).val; +// // cols.clk = F::from_canonical_u32(event.clk).val; + +// // const uint16_t clk_16bit_limb = (uint16_t)event.clk; +// // const uint8_t clk_8bit_limb = (uint8_t)(event.clk >> 16); +// // cols.clk_16bit_limb = F::from_canonical_u16(clk_16bit_limb).val; +// // cols.clk_8bit_limb = F::from_canonical_u8(clk_8bit_limb).val; + +// // blu_events.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent::new( +// // event.shard, +// // U16Range, +// // event.shard as u16, +// // 0, +// // 0, +// // 0, +// // )); +// // blu_events.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent::new( +// // event.shard, +// // U16Range, +// // clk_16bit_limb, +// // 0, +// // 0, +// // 0, +// // )); +// // blu_events.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent::new( +// // event.shard, +// // ByteOpcode::U8Range, +// // 0, +// // 0, +// // 0, +// // clk_8bit_limb as u8, +// // )); +// } + +// // template +// // __SP1_HOSTDEV__ void +// // instruction_populate(InstructionCols& self, const Instruction& instruction) { +// // self.opcode = F::from_canonical_u32((uint32_t)instruction.opcode).val; +// // write_word_from_u32(self.op_a, instruction.op_a); +// // write_word_from_u32(self.op_b, instruction.op_b); +// // write_word_from_u32(self.op_c, instruction.op_c); + +// // self.op_a_0 = F::from_bool(instruction.op_a == 0).val; // 0 = Register::X0 +// // } + +// // template +// // __SP1_HOSTDEV__ void +// // selectors_populate(OpcodeSelectorCols& self, const Instruction& instruction) { +// // self.imm_b = F::from_bool(instruction.imm_b).val; +// // self.imm_c = F::from_bool(instruction.imm_c).val; + +// // switch (instruction.opcode) { +// // // Corresponds to `instruction.is_alu_instruction()` in Rust. +// // case Opcode::ADD: +// // case Opcode::SUB: +// // case Opcode::XOR: +// // case Opcode::OR: +// // case Opcode::AND: +// // case Opcode::SLL: +// // case Opcode::SRL: +// // case Opcode::SRA: +// // case Opcode::SLT: +// // case Opcode::SLTU: +// // case Opcode::MUL: +// // case Opcode::MULH: +// // case Opcode::MULHU: +// // case Opcode::MULHSU: +// // case Opcode::DIV: +// // case Opcode::DIVU: +// // case Opcode::REM: +// // case Opcode::REMU: +// // self.is_alu = F::one().val; +// // break; +// // // Corresponds to `instruction.is_ecall_instruction()` in Rust. +// // case Opcode::ECALL: +// // self.is_ecall = F::one().val; +// // break; +// // // Cleaner version of the `instruction.is_memory_instruction()` branch from Rust. +// // case Opcode::LB: +// // self.is_lb = F::one().val; +// // break; +// // case Opcode::LBU: +// // self.is_lbu = F::one().val; +// // break; +// // case Opcode::LHU: +// // self.is_lhu = F::one().val; +// // break; +// // case Opcode::LH: +// // self.is_lh = F::one().val; +// // break; +// // case Opcode::LW: +// // self.is_lw = F::one().val; +// // break; +// // case Opcode::SB: +// // self.is_sb = F::one().val; +// // break; +// // case Opcode::SH: +// // self.is_sh = F::one().val; +// // break; +// // case Opcode::SW: +// // self.is_sw = F::one().val; +// // break; +// // // Cleaner version of the `instruction.is_branch_instruction()` branch from Rust. +// // case Opcode::BEQ: +// // self.is_beq = F::one().val; +// // break; +// // case Opcode::BNE: +// // self.is_bne = F::one().val; +// // break; +// // case Opcode::BLT: +// // self.is_blt = F::one().val; +// // break; +// // case Opcode::BGE: +// // self.is_bge = F::one().val; +// // break; +// // case Opcode::BLTU: +// // self.is_bltu = F::one().val; +// // break; +// // case Opcode::BGEU: +// // self.is_bgeu = F::one().val; +// // break; +// // // Opcodes which each have their own branch in the original Rust function. +// // case Opcode::JAL: +// // self.is_jal = F::one().val; +// // break; +// // case Opcode::JALR: +// // self.is_jalr = F::one().val; +// // break; +// // case Opcode::AUIPC: +// // self.is_auipc = F::one().val; +// // break; +// // case Opcode::UNIMP: +// // self.is_unimpl = F::one().val; +// // break; +// // default: +// // break; +// // } +// // } + +// // template +// // __SP1_HOSTDEV__ void +// // babybear_word_populate(BabyBearWordRangeChecker& self, uint32_t value) { +// // for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < BYTE_SIZE; ++i) { +// // self.most_sig_byte_decomp[i] = F::from_bool((value & (1 << (i + 24))) != 0).val; +// // } +// // self.and_most_sig_byte_decomp_3_to_5 = +// // F::from_bool(self.most_sig_byte_decomp[3] != 0 && self.most_sig_byte_decomp[4] != 0).val; +// // self.and_most_sig_byte_decomp_3_to_6 = +// // F::from_bool(self.and_most_sig_byte_decomp_3_to_5 != 0 && self.most_sig_byte_decomp[5] != 0) +// // .val; +// // self.and_most_sig_byte_decomp_3_to_7 = +// // F::from_bool(self.and_most_sig_byte_decomp_3_to_6 != 0 && self.most_sig_byte_decomp[6] != 0) +// // .val; +// // } + +// // template +// // __SP1_HOSTDEV__ void populate_memory(CpuCols& cols, const CpuEventFfi& event) { +// // // Populate addr_word and addr_aligned columns. +// // MemoryColumns& memory_columns = cols.opcode_specific_columns.memory; +// // // Wraps because the types involved are unsigned integers. +// // const uint32_t memory_addr = event.b + event.c; +// // const uint32_t aligned_addr = memory_addr - (memory_addr % (uint32_t)WORD_SIZE); +// // write_word_from_u32(memory_columns.addr_word, memory_addr); +// // babybear_word_populate(memory_columns.addr_word_range_checker, memory_addr); +// // memory_columns.addr_aligned = F::from_canonical_u32(aligned_addr).val; + +// // // Populate the aa_least_sig_byte_decomp columns. +// // // assert(aligned_addr % 4 == 0); +// // const uint8_t aligned_addr_ls_byte = (uint8_t)aligned_addr; +// // for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { +// // memory_columns.aa_least_sig_byte_decomp[i] = +// // F::from_bool((aligned_addr_ls_byte & (1 << (i + 2))) != 0).val; +// // } +// // memory_columns.addr_word_nonce = F::from_canonical_u32(event.memory_add_nonce).val; + +// // // // Populate memory offsets. +// // const uint8_t addr_offset = (uint8_t)(memory_addr % (uint32_t)WORD_SIZE); +// // memory_columns.addr_offset = F::from_canonical_u8(addr_offset).val; +// // memory_columns.offset_is_one = F::from_bool(addr_offset == 1).val; +// // memory_columns.offset_is_two = F::from_bool(addr_offset == 2).val; +// // memory_columns.offset_is_three = F::from_bool(addr_offset == 3).val; + +// // // If it is a load instruction, set the unsigned_mem_val column. +// // const uint32_t mem_value = memory::unwrap_value(event.memory_record); + +// // // // Add event to byte lookup for byte range checking each byte in the memory addr +// // // let addr_bytes = memory_addr.to_le_bytes(); +// // // for byte_pair in addr_bytes.chunks_exact(2) { +// // // blu_events.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent { +// // // shard: event.shard, +// // // opcode: ByteOpcode::U8Range, +// // // a1: 0, +// // // a2: 0, +// // // b: byte_pair[0], +// // // c: byte_pair[1], +// // // }); +// // // } + +// // uint32_t unsigned_mem_val = mem_value; +// // switch (event.instruction.opcode) { +// // case Opcode::LB: +// // case Opcode::LBU: +// // unsigned_mem_val = (uint32_t)(uint8_t)(mem_value >> 8 * addr_offset); +// // break; +// // case Opcode::LH: +// // case Opcode::LHU: +// // unsigned_mem_val = ((addr_offset >> 1) & 0x1) == 0 ? (mem_value & 0x0000FFFF) +// // : (mem_value & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16; +// // break; +// // case Opcode::LW: +// // // The value assigned at declaration is correct. +// // break; +// // default: +// // return; +// // } +// // // Guard above ensures instruction is a load. +// // write_word_from_u32(cols.unsigned_mem_val, unsigned_mem_val); + +// // uint8_t most_sig_mem_value_byte; +// // switch (event.instruction.opcode) { +// // case Opcode::LB: + +// // most_sig_mem_value_byte = (uint8_t)unsigned_mem_val; +// // break; +// // case Opcode::LH: +// // most_sig_mem_value_byte = (uint8_t)(unsigned_mem_val >> 8); +// // break; +// // default: +// // // The load instruction is unsigned. +// // // Set the `mem_value_is_pos_not_x0` composite flag. +// // cols.mem_value_is_pos_not_x0 = +// // F::from_bool(event.instruction.op_a != 0).val; // 0 = Register::X0 +// // return; +// // } +// // // Guard above ensures the load instruction is signed. +// // for (intptr_t i = BYTE_SIZE - 1; i >= 0; --i) { +// // memory_columns.most_sig_byte_decomp[i] = +// // F::from_canonical_u32(most_sig_mem_value_byte >> i & 0x1).val; +// // } +// // bool mem_value_is_pos_not_x0 = memory_columns.most_sig_byte_decomp[7] == F::zero().val; +// // if (!mem_value_is_pos_not_x0) { +// // cols.mem_value_is_neg_not_x0 = +// // F::from_bool(event.instruction.op_a != 0).val; // 0 = Register::X0 +// // cols.unsigned_mem_val_nonce = F::from_canonical_u32(event.memory_sub_nonce).val; +// // } +// // // Set the `mem_value_is_pos_not_x0` composite flag. +// // cols.mem_value_is_pos_not_x0 = F::from_bool(mem_value_is_pos_not_x0).val; +// // } + +// // template +// // __SP1_HOSTDEV__ void populate_branch(CpuCols& cols, const CpuEventFfi& event) { +// // // let branch_columns = cols.opcode_specific_columns.branch_mut(); +// // BranchCols& branch_columns = cols.opcode_specific_columns.branch; + +// // Opcode opcode = event.instruction.opcode; +// // const bool use_signed_comparison = opcode == Opcode::BLT || opcode == Opcode::BGE; + +// // const bool a_eq_b = event.a == event.b; +// // const bool a_lt_b = +// // use_signed_comparison ? ((int32_t)event.a < (int32_t)event.b) : (event.a < event.b); +// // const bool a_gt_b = +// // use_signed_comparison ? ((int32_t)event.a > (int32_t)event.b) : (event.a > event.b); + +// // branch_columns.a_lt_b_nonce = F::from_canonical_u32(event.branch_lt_nonce).val; +// // branch_columns.a_gt_b_nonce = F::from_canonical_u32(event.branch_gt_nonce).val; + +// // branch_columns.a_eq_b = F::from_bool(a_eq_b).val; +// // branch_columns.a_lt_b = F::from_bool(a_lt_b).val; +// // branch_columns.a_gt_b = F::from_bool(a_gt_b).val; + +// // bool branching; +// // switch (opcode) { +// // case Opcode::BEQ: +// // branching = a_eq_b; +// // break; +// // case Opcode::BNE: +// // branching = !a_eq_b; +// // break; +// // case Opcode::BLT: +// // case Opcode::BLTU: +// // branching = a_lt_b; +// // break; +// // case Opcode::BGE: +// // case Opcode::BGEU: +// // branching = a_eq_b || a_gt_b; +// // break; +// // default: +// // // Precondition violated. +// // assert(false); +// // break; +// // } + +// // // Unsigned arithmetic wraps. +// // const uint32_t next_pc = event.pc + event.c; +// // write_word_from_u32(branch_columns.pc, event.pc); +// // write_word_from_u32(branch_columns.next_pc, next_pc); +// // babybear_word_populate(branch_columns.pc_range_checker, event.pc); +// // babybear_word_populate(branch_columns.next_pc_range_checker, next_pc); + +// // if (branching) { +// // cols.branching = F::one().val; +// // branch_columns.next_pc_nonce = F::from_canonical_u32(event.branch_add_nonce).val; +// // } else { +// // cols.not_branching = F::one().val; +// // } +// // } + +// // template +// // __SP1_HOSTDEV__ void populate_jump(CpuCols& cols, const CpuEventFfi& event) { +// // // let jump_columns = cols.opcode_specific_columns.jump_mut(); +// // JumpCols& jump_columns = cols.opcode_specific_columns.jump; + +// // switch (event.instruction.opcode) { +// // case Opcode::JAL: { +// // // Unsigned arithmetic wraps. +// // uint32_t next_pc = event.pc + event.b; +// // babybear_word_populate(jump_columns.op_a_range_checker, event.a); +// // write_word_from_u32(jump_columns.pc, event.pc); +// // babybear_word_populate(jump_columns.pc_range_checker, event.pc); +// // write_word_from_u32(jump_columns.next_pc, next_pc); +// // babybear_word_populate(jump_columns.next_pc_range_checker, next_pc); +// // jump_columns.jal_nonce = F::from_canonical_u32(event.jump_jal_nonce).val; +// // break; +// // } +// // case Opcode::JALR: { +// // // Unsigned arithmetic wraps. +// // uint32_t next_pc = event.b + event.c; +// // babybear_word_populate(jump_columns.op_a_range_checker, event.a); +// // write_word_from_u32(jump_columns.next_pc, next_pc); +// // babybear_word_populate(jump_columns.next_pc_range_checker, next_pc); +// // jump_columns.jalr_nonce = F::from_canonical_u32(event.jump_jalr_nonce).val; +// // break; +// // } +// // default: +// // // Precondition violated. +// // assert(false); +// // break; +// // } +// // } + +// // template +// // __SP1_HOSTDEV__ void populate_auipc(CpuCols& cols, const CpuEventFfi& event) { +// // AuipcCols& auipc_columns = cols.opcode_specific_columns.auipc; + +// // write_word_from_u32(auipc_columns.pc, event.pc); +// // babybear_word_populate(auipc_columns.pc_range_checker, event.pc); +// // auipc_columns.auipc_nonce = F::from_canonical_u32(event.auipc_nonce).val; +// // } + +// // template +// // __SP1_HOSTDEV__ void +// // is_zero_operation_populate_from_field_element(IsZeroOperation& self, F a) { +// // if (a == F::zero()) { +// // self.inverse = F::zero().val; +// // self.result = F::one().val; +// // } else { +// // self.inverse = a.reciprocal().val; +// // self.result = F::zero().val; +// // } +// // // F is_zero = F::one() - F(self.inverse) * a; +// // // assert(is_zero == F(self.result)); +// // // let is_zero = one.clone() - cols.inverse * a.clone(); +// // // builder.when(is_real.clone()).assert_eq(is_zero, cols.result); + +// // // let prod = self.inverse * a; +// // // debug_assert!(prod == F::one() || prod == F::zero()); +// // // (a == F::zero()) as u32 +// // } + +// // template +// // __SP1_HOSTDEV__ bool populate_ecall(CpuCols& cols, const CpuEventFfi& event) { +// // bool is_halt = false; + +// // // The send_to_table column is the 1st entry of the op_a_access column prev_value field. +// // // Look at `ecall_eval` in cpu/air/mod.rs for the corresponding constraint and +// // // explanation. +// // EcallCols& ecall_cols = cols.opcode_specific_columns.ecall; + +// // cols.ecall_mul_send_to_table = cols.op_a_access.prev_value._0[1]; + +// // F syscall_id = F(cols.op_a_access.prev_value._0[0]); + +// // // In the following statements, truncating to `uint8_t` is the equivalent of the +// // // `SyscallCode::get_syscall_id` calls from the Rust code. + +// // // Populate `is_enter_unconstrained`. +// // is_zero_operation_populate_from_field_element( +// // ecall_cols.is_enter_unconstrained, +// // syscall_id - F::from_canonical_u8((uint8_t)SyscallCode::ENTER_UNCONSTRAINED) +// // ); + +// // // Populate `is_hint_len`. +// // is_zero_operation_populate_from_field_element( +// // ecall_cols.is_hint_len, +// // syscall_id - F::from_canonical_u8((uint8_t)SyscallCode::HINT_LEN) +// // ); + +// // // Populate `is_halt`. +// // is_zero_operation_populate_from_field_element( +// // ecall_cols.is_halt, +// // syscall_id - F::from_canonical_u8((uint8_t)SyscallCode::HALT) +// // ); + +// // // Populate `is_commit`. +// // is_zero_operation_populate_from_field_element( +// // ecall_cols.is_commit, +// // syscall_id - F::from_canonical_u8((uint8_t)SyscallCode::COMMIT) +// // ); + +// // // Populate `is_commit_deferred_proofs`. +// // is_zero_operation_populate_from_field_element( +// // ecall_cols.is_commit_deferred_proofs, +// // syscall_id - F::from_canonical_u8((uint8_t)SyscallCode::COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS) +// // ); + +// // // If the syscall is `COMMIT` or `COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS`, set the index bitmap and +// // // digest word. +// // if (syscall_id +// // == F::from_canonical_u8((uint8_t)SyscallCode::COMMIT +// // ) // Comment to make my editor format nicely... +// // || syscall_id == F::from_canonical_u8((uint8_t)SyscallCode::COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS)) { +// // uint32_t digest_idx = word_to_u32(cols.op_b_access.access.value); +// // ecall_cols.index_bitmap[digest_idx] = F::one().val; +// // } + +// // // Write the syscall nonce. +// // ecall_cols.syscall_nonce = F::from_canonical_u32(event.syscall_nonce).val; + +// // is_halt = syscall_id == F::from_canonical_u32((uint8_t)SyscallCode::HALT); + +// // // For halt and commit deferred proofs syscalls, we need to baby bear range check one of +// // // it's operands. +// // if (is_halt) { +// // write_word_from_u32(ecall_cols.operand_to_check, event.b); +// // babybear_word_populate(ecall_cols.operand_range_check_cols, event.b); +// // cols.ecall_range_check_operand = F::one().val; +// // } + +// // if (syscall_id == F::from_canonical_u32((uint8_t)SyscallCode::COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS)) { +// // write_word_from_u32(ecall_cols.operand_to_check, event.c); +// // babybear_word_populate(ecall_cols.operand_range_check_cols, event.c); +// // cols.ecall_range_check_operand = F::one().val; +// // } + +// // return is_halt; +// // } + +// template +// __SP1_HOSTDEV__ void event_to_row(const CpuEventFfi& event, CpuCols& cols) { +// // // Populate shard and clk columns. +// // populate_shard_clk(event, cols); + +// // // Populate the nonce. +// // cols.nonce = F::from_canonical_u32(event.alu_nonce).val; + +// // // Populate basic fields. +// // cols.pc = F::from_canonical_u32(event.pc).val; +// // cols.next_pc = F::from_canonical_u32(event.next_pc).val; +// // instruction_populate(cols.instruction, event.instruction); +// // // cols.instruction.populate(event.instruction); +// // selectors_populate(cols.selectors, event.instruction); +// // // cols.selectors.populate(event.instruction); +// // write_word_from_u32(cols.op_a_access.access.value, event.a); +// // write_word_from_u32(cols.op_b_access.access.value, event.b); +// // write_word_from_u32(cols.op_c_access.access.value, event.c); + +// // // // Populate memory accesses for a, b, and c. +// // // The function guards against the record being `None`. +// // memory::populate_read_write(cols.op_a_access, event.a_record); +// // if (event.b_record.tag == OptionMemoryRecordEnum::Tag::Read) { +// // memory::populate_read(cols.op_b_access, event.b_record.read._0); +// // } +// // if (event.c_record.tag == OptionMemoryRecordEnum::Tag::Read) { +// // memory::populate_read(cols.op_c_access, event.c_record.read._0); +// // } + +// // // // Populate range checks for a. +// // // let a_bytes = cols +// // // .op_a_access +// // // .access +// // // .val +// // // .0 +// // // .iter() +// // // .map(|x| x.as_canonical_u32()) +// // // .collect::>(); +// // // blu_events.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent { +// // // shard: event.shard, +// // // opcode: ByteOpcode::U8Range, +// // // a1: 0, +// // // a2: 0, +// // // b: a_bytes[0] as u8, +// // // c: a_bytes[1] as u8, +// // // }); +// // // blu_events.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent { +// // // shard: event.shard, +// // // opcode: ByteOpcode::U8Range, +// // // a1: 0, +// // // a2: 0, +// // // b: a_bytes[2] as u8, +// // // c: a_bytes[3] as u8, +// // // }); + +// // // Populate memory accesses for reading from memory. +// // // `event.memory` appears to be vestigial. +// // // assert_eq!(event.memory_record.is_some(), event.memory.is_some()); +// // // The function guards against the record being `None`. +// // memory::populate_read_write( +// // cols.opcode_specific_columns.memory.memory_access, +// // event.memory_record +// // ); + +// // // Populate memory, branch, jump, and auipc specific fields. +// // const bool is_memory = opcode_utils::is_memory(event.instruction.opcode); +// // const bool is_branch = opcode_utils::is_branch(event.instruction.opcode); +// // const bool is_jump = opcode_utils::is_jump(event.instruction.opcode); +// // const bool is_auipc = event.instruction.opcode == Opcode::AUIPC; +// // const bool is_ecall = event.instruction.opcode == Opcode::ECALL; +// // // Calculated by `populate_ecall`, if called. +// // bool is_halt = false; +// // // Unlike the Rust code, we guard outside the function bodies so we can reuse the booleans. +// // if (is_memory) { +// // populate_memory(cols, event); +// // } +// // if (is_branch) { +// // populate_branch(cols, event); +// // } +// // if (is_jump) { +// // populate_jump(cols, event); +// // } +// // if (is_auipc) { +// // populate_auipc(cols, event); +// // } +// // if (is_ecall) { +// // is_halt = populate_ecall(cols, event); +// // } + +// // cols.is_sequential_instr = F::from_bool(!(is_branch || is_jump || is_halt)).val; + +// // // Assert that the instruction is not a no-op. +// // cols.is_real = F::one().val; +// } +// } // namespace sp1::cpu \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/core/machine/include/lt.hpp b/crates/core/machine/include/lt.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a1fa691e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/include/lt.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +#pragma once + +#include + +#include "prelude.hpp" +#include "utils.hpp" + +namespace sp1_core_machine_sys::lt { +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ void event_to_row(const AluEvent& event, LtCols& cols) { + array_t a = u32_to_le_bytes(event.a); + array_t b = u32_to_le_bytes(event.b); + array_t c = u32_to_le_bytes(event.c); + + cols.pc = F::from_canonical_u32(event.pc).val; + word_from_le_bytes(cols.a, a); + word_from_le_bytes(cols.b, b); + word_from_le_bytes(cols.c, c); + cols.op_a_not_0 = F::from_bool(!event.op_a_0); + + // If this is SLT, mask the MSB of b & c before computing cols.bits. + uint8_t masked_b = b[3] & 0x7f; + uint8_t masked_c = c[3] & 0x7f; + cols.b_masked = F::from_canonical_u8(masked_b); + cols.c_masked = F::from_canonical_u8(masked_c); + + // // Send the masked interaction. + // blu.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent { + // shard: event.shard, + // channel: event.channel, + // opcode: ByteOpcode::AND, + // a1: masked_b as u16, + // a2: 0, + // b: b[3], + // c: 0x7f, + // }); + // blu.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent { + // shard: event.shard, + // channel: event.channel, + // opcode: ByteOpcode::AND, + // a1: masked_c as u16, + // a2: 0, + // b: c[3], + // c: 0x7f, + // }); + + array_t b_comp = b; + array_t c_comp = c; + if (event.opcode == Opcode::SLT) { + b_comp[3] = masked_b; + c_comp[3] = masked_c; + } + + // Set the byte equality flags. + intptr_t i = 3; + while (true) { + uint8_t b_byte = b_comp[i]; + uint8_t c_byte = c_comp[i]; + if (b_byte != c_byte) { + cols.byte_flags[i] = F::one(); + cols.sltu = F::from_bool(b_byte < c_byte); + F b_byte_f = F::from_canonical_u8(b_byte); + F c_byte_f = F::from_canonical_u8(c_byte); + cols.not_eq_inv = (b_byte_f - c_byte_f).reciprocal(); + cols.comparison_bytes[0] = b_byte_f; + cols.comparison_bytes[1] = c_byte_f; + break; + } + if (i == 0) { + // The equality `b_comp == c_comp` holds. + cols.is_comp_eq = F::one(); + break; + } + --i; + } + + cols.msb_b = F::from_bool((b[3] >> 7) & 1); + cols.msb_c = F::from_bool((c[3] >> 7) & 1); + cols.is_sign_eq = F::from_bool(event.opcode != Opcode::SLT || cols.msb_b == cols.msb_c); + + cols.is_slt = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::SLT); + cols.is_sltu = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::SLTU); + + cols.bit_b = (F(cols.msb_b) * F(cols.is_slt)); + cols.bit_c = (F(cols.msb_c) * F(cols.is_slt)); + + // if (F(cols.a._0[0]) != F(cols.bit_b) * (F::one() - F(cols.bit_c)) + F(cols.is_sign_eq) * F(cols.sltu)) + // { + // std::exit(1); + // } + + // blu.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent { + // shard: event.shard, + // channel: event.channel, + // opcode: ByteOpcode::LTU, + // a1: cols.sltu.as_canonical_u32() as u16, + // a2: 0, + // b: cols.comparison_bytes[0].as_canonical_u32() as u8, + // c: cols.comparison_bytes[1].as_canonical_u32() as u8, + // }); +} +} // namespace sp1::lt \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/core/machine/include/memory.hpp b/crates/core/machine/include/memory.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..216a3a449 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/include/memory.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +#pragma once + +#include + +#include "prelude.hpp" +#include "utils.hpp" + +// namespace sp1_core_machine_sys::memory { +// __SP1_HOSTDEV__ __SP1_INLINE__ uint32_t unwrap_value(const OptionMemoryRecordEnum& record) { +// switch (record.tag) { +// case OptionMemoryRecordEnum::Tag::Read: +// return record.read._0.value; +// case OptionMemoryRecordEnum::Tag::Write: +// return record.write._0.value; +// default: +// // Either the tag is `None` or it is an invalid value. +// assert(false); +// } +// // Unreachable. +// return 0; +// } + +// template +// __SP1_HOSTDEV__ void populate_access( +// MemoryAccessCols& self, +// const MemoryRecord& current_record, +// const MemoryRecord& prev_record +// ) { +// write_word_from_u32(self.value, current_record.value); + +// self.prev_shard = F::from_canonical_u32(prev_record.shard).val; +// self.prev_clk = F::from_canonical_u32(prev_record.timestamp).val; + +// // Fill columns used for verifying current memory access time value is greater than +// // previous's. +// const bool use_clk_comparison = prev_record.shard == current_record.shard; +// self.compare_clk = F::from_bool(use_clk_comparison).val; +// const uint32_t prev_time_value = use_clk_comparison ? prev_record.timestamp : prev_record.shard; +// const uint32_t current_time_value = +// use_clk_comparison ? current_record.timestamp : current_record.shard; + +// const uint32_t diff_minus_one = current_time_value - prev_time_value - 1; +// const uint16_t diff_16bit_limb = (uint16_t)(diff_minus_one); +// self.diff_16bit_limb = F::from_canonical_u16(diff_16bit_limb).val; +// const uint8_t diff_8bit_limb = (uint8_t)(diff_minus_one >> 16); +// self.diff_8bit_limb = F::from_canonical_u8(diff_8bit_limb).val; + +// // let shard = current_record.shard; + +// // // Add a byte table lookup with the 16Range op. +// // output.add_u16_range_check(shard, diff_16bit_limb); + +// // // Add a byte table lookup with the U8Range op. +// // output.add_u8_range_check(shard, 0, diff_8bit_limb as u8); +// } + +// template +// __SP1_HOSTDEV__ void +// populate_read(MemoryReadCols& self, const MemoryReadRecord& record) { +// const MemoryRecord current_record = { +// .shard = record.shard, +// .timestamp = record.timestamp, +// .value = record.value, +// }; +// const MemoryRecord prev_record = { +// .shard = record.prev_shard, +// .timestamp = record.prev_timestamp, +// .value = record.value, +// }; +// populate_access(self.access, current_record, prev_record); +// } + +// template +// __SP1_HOSTDEV__ void populate_read_write( +// MemoryReadWriteCols& self, +// const OptionMemoryRecordEnum& record +// ) { +// if (record.tag == OptionMemoryRecordEnum::Tag::None) { +// return; +// } +// MemoryRecord current_record; +// MemoryRecord prev_record; +// switch (record.tag) { +// case OptionMemoryRecordEnum::Tag::Read: +// current_record = { +// .shard = record.read._0.shard, +// .timestamp = record.read._0.timestamp, +// .value = record.read._0.value, +// }; +// prev_record = { +// .shard = record.read._0.prev_shard, +// .timestamp = record.read._0.prev_timestamp, +// .value = record.read._0.value, +// }; +// break; +// case OptionMemoryRecordEnum::Tag::Write: +// current_record = { +// .shard = record.write._0.shard, +// .timestamp = record.write._0.timestamp, +// .value = record.write._0.value, +// }; +// prev_record = { +// .shard = record.write._0.prev_shard, +// .timestamp = record.write._0.prev_timestamp, +// .value = record.write._0.prev_value, +// }; +// break; +// default: +// // Unreachable. `None` case guarded above. +// assert(false); +// break; +// } +// write_word_from_u32(self.prev_value, prev_record.value); +// populate_access(self.access, current_record, prev_record); +// } +// } // namespace sp1::memory \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/core/machine/include/memory_global.hpp b/crates/core/machine/include/memory_global.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..52ca729a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/include/memory_global.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "prelude.hpp" +#include "utils.hpp" +#include "bb31_septic_extension_t.hpp" +#include "memory_local.hpp" + +namespace sp1_core_machine_sys::memory_global { + template + __SP1_HOSTDEV__ void event_to_row(const MemoryInitializeFinalizeEvent* event, const bool is_receive, MemoryInitCols* cols) { + [[maybe_unused]]MemoryRecord record; + if (is_receive) { + record.shard = event->shard; + record.timestamp = event->timestamp; + record.value = event->value; + } else { + record.shard = 0; + record.timestamp = 0; + record.value = event->value; + } + cols->addr = F::from_canonical_u32(event->addr); + for(uintptr_t i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i++) { + cols->addr_bits.bits[i] = F::from_canonical_u32(((event->addr) >> i) & 1); + } + cols->addr_bits.and_most_sig_byte_decomp_3_to_5 = cols->addr_bits.bits[27] * cols->addr_bits.bits[28]; + cols->addr_bits.and_most_sig_byte_decomp_3_to_6 = cols->addr_bits.and_most_sig_byte_decomp_3_to_5 * cols->addr_bits.bits[29]; + cols->addr_bits.and_most_sig_byte_decomp_3_to_7 = cols->addr_bits.and_most_sig_byte_decomp_3_to_6 * cols->addr_bits.bits[30]; + cols->shard = F::from_canonical_u32(event->shard); + cols->timestamp = F::from_canonical_u32(event->timestamp); + for(uintptr_t i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i++) { + cols->value[i] = F::from_canonical_u32(((event->value) >> i) & 1); + } + cols->is_real = F::from_canonical_u32(event->used); + } +} // namespace sp1::memory_local \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/core/machine/include/memory_local.hpp b/crates/core/machine/include/memory_local.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..96155cae4 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/include/memory_local.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "prelude.hpp" +#include "utils.hpp" +#include "bb31_septic_extension_t.hpp" + +namespace sp1_core_machine_sys::memory_local { + template + __SP1_HOSTDEV__ void event_to_row(const MemoryLocalEvent* event, SingleMemoryLocal* cols) { + cols->addr = F::from_canonical_u32(event->addr); + + cols->initial_shard = F::from_canonical_u32(event->initial_mem_access.shard); + cols->initial_clk = F::from_canonical_u32(event->initial_mem_access.timestamp); + write_word_from_u32_v2(cols->initial_value, event->initial_mem_access.value); + + cols->final_shard = F::from_canonical_u32(event->final_mem_access.shard); + cols->final_clk = F::from_canonical_u32(event->final_mem_access.timestamp); + write_word_from_u32_v2(cols->final_value, event->final_mem_access.value); + + cols->is_real = F::one(); + } +} // namespace sp1::memory_local diff --git a/crates/core/machine/include/mul.hpp b/crates/core/machine/include/mul.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ee69917f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/include/mul.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "prelude.hpp" +#include "utils.hpp" + +namespace sp1_core_machine_sys::mul { +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ void event_to_row(const AluEvent& event, MulCols& cols) { + // // Ensure that the opcode is MUL, MULHU, MULH, or MULHSU. + // assert!( + // event.opcode == Opcode::MUL + // || event.opcode == Opcode::MULHU + // || event.opcode == Opcode::MULH + // || event.opcode == Opcode::MULHSU + // ); + + const array_t a = u32_to_le_bytes(event.a); + const array_t b = u32_to_le_bytes(event.b); + const array_t c = u32_to_le_bytes(event.c); + + // Handle b and c's signs. + { + uint8_t b_msb = get_msb(b); + cols.b_msb = F::from_canonical_u8(b_msb).val; + uint8_t c_msb = get_msb(c); + cols.c_msb = F::from_canonical_u8(c_msb).val; + + // If b is signed and it is negative, sign extend b. + if ((event.opcode == Opcode::MULH || event.opcode == Opcode::MULHSU) && b_msb == 1) { + cols.b_sign_extend = F::one().val; + } + + // If c is signed and it is negative, sign extend c. + if (event.opcode == Opcode::MULH && c_msb == 1) { + cols.c_sign_extend = F::one().val; + } + + // // Insert the MSB lookup events. + // { + // let words = [b_word, c_word]; + // let mut blu_events: Vec = vec![]; + // for word in words.iter() { + // let most_significant_byte = word[WORD_SIZE - 1]; + // blu_events.push(ByteLookupEvent { + // shard: event.shard, + // opcode: ByteOpcode::MSB, + // a1: get_msb(*word) as u16, + // a2: 0, + // b: most_significant_byte, + // c: 0, + // }); + // } + // record.add_byte_lookup_events(blu_events); + // } + } + + // Required for the following logic to correctly multiply. + static_assert(2 * WORD_SIZE == LONG_WORD_SIZE); + + array_t product {}; + for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < WORD_SIZE; ++i) { + for (uintptr_t j = 0; j < WORD_SIZE; ++j) { + product[i + j] += (uint32_t)b[i] * (uint32_t)c[j]; + } + if (cols.c_sign_extend != F::zero().val) { + for (uintptr_t j = WORD_SIZE; j < LONG_WORD_SIZE - i; ++j) { + product[i + j] += (uint32_t)b[i] * (uint32_t)0xFF; + } + } + } + if (cols.b_sign_extend != F::zero().val) { + for (uintptr_t i = WORD_SIZE; i < LONG_WORD_SIZE; ++i) { + for (uintptr_t j = 0; j < LONG_WORD_SIZE - i; ++j) { + product[i + j] += (uint32_t)0xFF * (uint32_t)c[j]; + } + } + } + + // Calculate the correct product using the `product` array. We store the + // correct carry value for verification. + const uint32_t base = 1 << BYTE_SIZE; + array_t carry {}; + for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < LONG_WORD_SIZE; ++i) { + carry[i] = product[i] / base; + product[i] %= base; + if (i + 1 < LONG_WORD_SIZE) { + product[i + 1] += carry[i]; + } + cols.carry[i] = F::from_canonical_u32(carry[i]).val; + } + + for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < LONG_WORD_SIZE; ++i) { + cols.product[i] = F::from_canonical_u32(product[i]).val; + } + word_from_le_bytes(cols.a, a); + word_from_le_bytes(cols.b, b); + word_from_le_bytes(cols.c, c); + cols.op_a_not_0 = F::from_bool(!event.op_a_0); + cols.is_real = F::one().val; + cols.is_mul = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::MUL).val; + cols.is_mulh = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::MULH).val; + cols.is_mulhu = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::MULHU).val; + cols.is_mulhsu = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::MULHSU).val; + cols.pc = F::from_canonical_u32(event.pc).val; + + // // Range check. + // { + // record.add_u16_range_checks(event.shard, &carry.map(|x| x as u16)); + // record.add_u8_range_checks(event.shard, &product.map(|x| x as u8)); + // } +} +} // namespace sp1::mul diff --git a/crates/core/machine/include/prelude.hpp b/crates/core/machine/include/prelude.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1f2b0db1e --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/include/prelude.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "sp1-core-machine-sys-cbindgen.hpp" + +#ifndef __CUDACC__ + #define __SP1_HOSTDEV__ + #define __SP1_INLINE__ inline + #include + +namespace sp1_core_machine_sys { +template +using array_t = std::array; +} // namespace sp1 +#else + #define __SP1_HOSTDEV__ __host__ __device__ + #define __SP1_INLINE__ + #include + +namespace sp1_core_machine_sys { +template +using array_t = cuda::std::array; +} // namespace sp1 +#endif diff --git a/crates/core/machine/include/sll.hpp b/crates/core/machine/include/sll.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3ead9606a --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/include/sll.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +#pragma once + +#include + +#include "prelude.hpp" +#include "utils.hpp" + +namespace sp1_core_machine_sys::sll { +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ void event_to_row(const AluEvent& event, ShiftLeftCols& cols) { + array_t a = u32_to_le_bytes(event.a); + array_t b = u32_to_le_bytes(event.b); + array_t c = u32_to_le_bytes(event.c); + cols.pc = F::from_canonical_u32(event.pc).val; + word_from_le_bytes(cols.a, a); + word_from_le_bytes(cols.b, b); + word_from_le_bytes(cols.c, c); + cols.op_a_not_0 = F::from_bool(!event.op_a_0); + cols.is_real = F::one().val; + for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < BYTE_SIZE; ++i) { + cols.c_least_sig_byte[i] = F::from_canonical_u32((event.c >> i) & 1).val; + } + + // Variables for bit shifting. + uintptr_t num_bits_to_shift = event.c % BYTE_SIZE; + for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < BYTE_SIZE; ++i) { + cols.shift_by_n_bits[i] = F::from_bool(num_bits_to_shift == i).val; + } + + uint32_t bit_shift_multiplier = 1 << num_bits_to_shift; + cols.bit_shift_multiplier = F::from_canonical_u32(bit_shift_multiplier).val; + + uint32_t carry = 0; + uint32_t base = 1 << BYTE_SIZE; + + array_t bit_shift_result; + array_t bit_shift_result_carry; + for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < WORD_SIZE; ++i) { + uint32_t v = b[i] * bit_shift_multiplier + carry; + carry = v / base; + bit_shift_result[i] = (uint8_t)(v % base); + cols.bit_shift_result[i] = F::from_canonical_u8(bit_shift_result[i]).val; + bit_shift_result_carry[i] = (uint8_t)carry; + cols.bit_shift_result_carry[i] = F::from_canonical_u8(bit_shift_result_carry[i]).val; + } + + // // Variables for byte shifting. + uintptr_t num_bytes_to_shift = (uintptr_t)(event.c & 0b11111) / BYTE_SIZE; + for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < WORD_SIZE; ++i) { + cols.shift_by_n_bytes[i] = F::from_bool(num_bytes_to_shift == i).val; + } + + // // Range checks. + // { + // blu.add_u8_range_checks(event.shard, event.channel, &bit_shift_result); + // blu.add_u8_range_checks(event.shard, event.channel, &bit_shift_result_carry); + // } + + // // Sanity check. + // for i in num_bytes_to_shift..WORD_SIZE { + // debug_assert_eq!( + // cols.bit_shift_result[i - num_bytes_to_shift], + // F::from_canonical_u8(a[i]) + // ); + // } +} +} // namespace sp1::sll \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/core/machine/include/sr.hpp b/crates/core/machine/include/sr.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..38ed2a066 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/include/sr.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +#pragma once + +#include + +#include "prelude.hpp" +#include "utils.hpp" + +namespace sp1_core_machine_sys::sr { +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ void event_to_row(const AluEvent& event, ShiftRightCols& cols) { + // Initialize cols with basic operands and flags derived from the current event. + { + cols.pc = F::from_canonical_u32(event.pc).val; + write_word_from_u32(cols.a, event.a); + write_word_from_u32(cols.b, event.b); + write_word_from_u32(cols.c, event.c); + cols.op_a_not_0 = F::from_bool(!event.op_a_0); + cols.b_msb = F::from_canonical_u32((event.b >> 31) & 1).val; + cols.is_srl = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::SRL).val; + cols.is_sra = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::SRA).val; + cols.is_real = F::one().val; + + for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < BYTE_SIZE; ++i) { + cols.c_least_sig_byte[i] = F::from_canonical_u32((event.c >> i) & 1).val; + } + + // // Insert the MSB lookup event. + // let most_significant_byte = event.b.to_le_bytes()[WORD_SIZE - 1]; + // blu.add_byte_lookup_events(vec![ByteLookupEvent { + // shard: event.shard, + // opcode: ByteOpcode::MSB, + // a1: ((most_significant_byte >> 7) & 1) as u16, + // a2: 0, + // b: most_significant_byte, + // c: 0, + // }]); + } + + // Note that we take the least significant 5 bits per the RISC-V spec. + const uintptr_t num_bytes_to_shift = (event.c % 32) / BYTE_SIZE; + const uintptr_t num_bits_to_shift = (event.c % 32) % BYTE_SIZE; + + // Byte shifting. + // Zero-initialize the array. + array_t byte_shift_result {}; + { + for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < WORD_SIZE; ++i) { + cols.shift_by_n_bytes[i] = F::from_bool(num_bytes_to_shift == i).val; + } + // Sign extension is necessary only for arithmetic right shift. + array_t sign_extended_b = event.opcode == Opcode::SRA + ? u64_to_le_bytes((int64_t)(int32_t)event.b) + : u64_to_le_bytes((uint64_t)event.b); + + for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < LONG_WORD_SIZE - num_bytes_to_shift; ++i) { + byte_shift_result[i] = sign_extended_b[i + num_bytes_to_shift]; + cols.byte_shift_result[i] = + F::from_canonical_u8(sign_extended_b[i + num_bytes_to_shift]).val; + } + } + + // Bit shifting. + { + for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < BYTE_SIZE; ++i) { + cols.shift_by_n_bits[i] = F::from_bool(num_bits_to_shift == i).val; + } + const uint32_t carry_multiplier = 1 << (8 - num_bits_to_shift); + uint32_t last_carry = 0; + array_t bit_shift_result; + array_t shr_carry_output_carry; + array_t shr_carry_output_shifted_byte; + for (intptr_t i = LONG_WORD_SIZE - 1; i >= 0; --i) { + auto [shift, carry] = shr_carry(byte_shift_result[i], num_bits_to_shift); + + // let byte_event = ByteLookupEvent { + // shard: event.shard, + // opcode: ByteOpcode::ShrCarry, + // a1: shift as u16, + // a2: carry, + // b: byte_shift_result[i], + // c: num_bits_to_shift as u8, + // }; + // blu.add_byte_lookup_event(byte_event); + + shr_carry_output_carry[i] = carry; + cols.shr_carry_output_carry[i] = F::from_canonical_u8(carry).val; + + shr_carry_output_shifted_byte[i] = shift; + cols.shr_carry_output_shifted_byte[i] = F::from_canonical_u8(shift).val; + + uint8_t res = (uint8_t)(((uint32_t)shift + last_carry * carry_multiplier) & 0xFF); + bit_shift_result[i] = res; + cols.bit_shift_result[i] = F::from_canonical_u8(res).val; + last_carry = (uint32_t)carry; + } + // for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < WORD_SIZE; ++i) + // { + // assert(cols.a[i] == cols.bit_shift_result[i]); + // } + // // Range checks. + // blu.add_u8_range_checks(event.shard, &byte_shift_result); + // blu.add_u8_range_checks(event.shard, &bit_shift_result); + // blu.add_u8_range_checks(event.shard, &shr_carry_output_carry); + // blu.add_u8_range_checks(event.shard, &shr_carry_output_shifted_byte); + } +} +} // namespace sp1::sr \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/core/machine/include/sys.hpp b/crates/core/machine/include/sys.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a8fa1b905 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/include/sys.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "add_sub.hpp" +#include "bitwise.hpp" +#include "cpu.hpp" +#include "lt.hpp" +#include "memory.hpp" +#include "mul.hpp" +#include "sll.hpp" +#include "sp1-core-machine-sys-cbindgen.hpp" +#include "sr.hpp" +#include "memory_local.hpp" +#include "memory_global.hpp" +#include "syscall.hpp" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/core/machine/include/syscall.hpp b/crates/core/machine/include/syscall.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1e1980ee0 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/include/syscall.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "prelude.hpp" +#include "utils.hpp" +#include "bb31_septic_extension_t.hpp" + +namespace sp1_core_machine_sys::syscall { + template + __SP1_HOSTDEV__ void event_to_row(const SyscallEvent* event, const bool is_receive, SyscallCols* cols) { + cols->shard = F::from_canonical_u32(event->shard); + cols->clk = F::from_canonical_u32(event->clk); + cols->syscall_id = F::from_canonical_u32(event->syscall_id); + cols->arg1 = F::from_canonical_u32(event->arg1); + cols->arg2 = F::from_canonical_u32(event->arg2); + cols->is_real = F::one(); + } +} // namespace sp1::memory_local diff --git a/crates/core/machine/include/utils.hpp b/crates/core/machine/include/utils.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f798ce31 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/include/utils.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +#pragma once + +#include +#include + +#include "prelude.hpp" + +namespace sp1_core_machine_sys { + +// Compiles to a no-op with -O3 and the like. +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ __SP1_INLINE__ array_t u32_to_le_bytes(uint32_t n) { + return { + (uint8_t)(n >> 8 * 0), + (uint8_t)(n >> 8 * 1), + (uint8_t)(n >> 8 * 2), + (uint8_t)(n >> 8 * 3), + }; +} + +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ __SP1_INLINE__ array_t u64_to_le_bytes(uint64_t n) { + return { + (uint8_t)(n >> 8 * 0), + (uint8_t)(n >> 8 * 1), + (uint8_t)(n >> 8 * 2), + (uint8_t)(n >> 8 * 3), + (uint8_t)(n >> 8 * 4), + (uint8_t)(n >> 8 * 5), + (uint8_t)(n >> 8 * 6), + (uint8_t)(n >> 8 * 7), + }; +} + +/// Shifts a byte to the right and returns both the shifted byte and the bits that carried. +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ __SP1_INLINE__ std::tuple +shr_carry(uint8_t input, uint8_t rotation) { + uint8_t c_mod = rotation & 0x7; + if (c_mod != 0) { + uint8_t res = input >> c_mod; + uint8_t c_mod_comp = 8 - c_mod; + uint8_t carry = (uint8_t)(input << c_mod_comp) >> c_mod_comp; + return {res, carry}; + } else { + return {input, 0}; + } +} + +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ __SP1_INLINE__ void +write_word_from_u32(Word& word, const uint32_t value) { + // Coercion to `uint8_t` truncates the number. + word._0[0] = F::from_canonical_u8(value).val; + word._0[1] = F::from_canonical_u8(value >> 8).val; + word._0[2] = F::from_canonical_u8(value >> 16).val; + word._0[3] = F::from_canonical_u8(value >> 24).val; +} + +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ __SP1_INLINE__ void +write_word_from_u32_v2(Word& word, const uint32_t value) { + word._0[0] = F::from_canonical_u8(value); + word._0[1] = F::from_canonical_u8(value >> 8); + word._0[2] = F::from_canonical_u8(value >> 16); + word._0[3] = F::from_canonical_u8(value >> 24); +} + +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ __SP1_INLINE__ uint32_t +word_to_u32(const Word& word) { + return ((uint8_t)F(word._0[0]).as_canonical_u32()) + + ((uint8_t)F(word._0[1]).as_canonical_u32() << 8) + + ((uint8_t)F(word._0[1]).as_canonical_u32() << 16) + + ((uint8_t)F(word._0[1]).as_canonical_u32() << 24); +} + +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ __SP1_INLINE__ void word_from_le_bytes( + Word& word, + const array_t bytes +) { + // Coercion to `uint8_t` truncates the number. + word._0[0] = F::from_canonical_u8(bytes[0]).val; + word._0[1] = F::from_canonical_u8(bytes[1]).val; + word._0[2] = F::from_canonical_u8(bytes[2]).val; + word._0[3] = F::from_canonical_u8(bytes[3]).val; +} + +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ __SP1_INLINE__ uint8_t +get_msb(const array_t a) { + return (a[WORD_SIZE - 1] >> (BYTE_SIZE - 1)) & 1; +} + +namespace opcode_utils { + __SP1_HOSTDEV__ __SP1_INLINE__ bool is_memory(Opcode opcode) { + switch (opcode) { + case Opcode::LB: + case Opcode::LH: + case Opcode::LW: + case Opcode::LBU: + case Opcode::LHU: + case Opcode::SB: + case Opcode::SH: + case Opcode::SW: + return true; + default: + return false; + } + } + + __SP1_HOSTDEV__ __SP1_INLINE__ bool is_branch(Opcode opcode) { + switch (opcode) { + case Opcode::BEQ: + case Opcode::BNE: + case Opcode::BLT: + case Opcode::BGE: + case Opcode::BLTU: + case Opcode::BGEU: + return true; + default: + return false; + } + } + + __SP1_HOSTDEV__ __SP1_INLINE__ bool is_jump(Opcode opcode) { + switch (opcode) { + case Opcode::JAL: + case Opcode::JALR: + return true; + default: + return false; + } + } + +} // namespace opcode_utils +} // namespace sp1_core_machine_sys diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/air/memory.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/air/memory.rs index 53d243f63..702fc4dde 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/air/memory.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/air/memory.rs @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ pub trait MemoryAirBuilder: BaseAirBuilder { /// /// This method verifies that the inputted is less than 2^24 by doing a 16 bit and 8 bit range /// check on it's limbs. It will also verify that the limbs are correct. This method is needed - /// since the memory access timestamp check (see [Self::verify_mem_access_ts]) needs to assume + /// since the memory access timestamp check (see [Self::eval_memory_access_timestamp]) needs to assume /// the clk is within 24 bits. fn eval_range_check_24bits( &mut self, diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/air/program.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/air/program.rs index 4efaa97f3..9c8453203 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/air/program.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/air/program.rs @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use sp1_stark::{ InteractionKind, }; -use crate::cpu::columns::{InstructionCols, OpcodeSelectorCols}; +use crate::cpu::columns::InstructionCols; /// A trait which contains methods related to program interactions in an AIR. pub trait ProgramAirBuilder: BaseAirBuilder { @@ -15,15 +15,11 @@ pub trait ProgramAirBuilder: BaseAirBuilder { &mut self, pc: impl Into, instruction: InstructionCols + Copy>, - selectors: OpcodeSelectorCols + Copy>, - shard: impl Into + Copy, multiplicity: impl Into, ) { let values = once(pc.into()) .chain(once(instruction.opcode.into())) .chain(instruction.into_iter().map(|x| x.into())) - .chain(selectors.into_iter().map(|x| x.into())) - .chain(once(shard.into())) .collect(); self.send( @@ -37,15 +33,11 @@ pub trait ProgramAirBuilder: BaseAirBuilder { &mut self, pc: impl Into, instruction: InstructionCols + Copy>, - selectors: OpcodeSelectorCols + Copy>, - shard: impl Into + Copy, multiplicity: impl Into, ) { let values: Vec<::Expr> = once(pc.into()) .chain(once(instruction.opcode.into())) .chain(instruction.into_iter().map(|x| x.into())) - .chain(selectors.into_iter().map(|x| x.into())) - .chain(once(shard.into())) .collect(); self.receive( diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/alu/add_sub/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/alu/add_sub/mod.rs index bf6dabef4..c7ef061c5 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/alu/add_sub/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/alu/add_sub/mod.rs @@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ use core::{ use hashbrown::HashMap; use itertools::Itertools; use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder, BaseAir}; -use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField}; +use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField, PrimeField32}; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; -use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::{ParallelBridge, ParallelIterator, ParallelSlice}; +use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::{ParallelBridge, ParallelIterator}; use sp1_core_executor::{ events::{AluEvent, ByteLookupEvent, ByteRecord}, - ExecutionRecord, Opcode, Program, + ExecutionRecord, Opcode, Program, DEFAULT_PC_INC, }; use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; use sp1_stark::{ @@ -19,7 +19,10 @@ use sp1_stark::{ Word, }; -use crate::{operations::AddOperation, utils::pad_rows_fixed}; +use crate::{ + operations::AddOperation, + utils::{next_power_of_two, zeroed_f_vec}, +}; /// The number of main trace columns for `AddSubChip`. pub const NUM_ADD_SUB_COLS: usize = size_of::>(); @@ -37,22 +40,22 @@ pub struct AddSubChip; #[derive(AlignedBorrow, Default, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct AddSubCols { - /// The shard number, used for byte lookup table. - pub shard: T, - - /// The nonce of the operation. - pub nonce: T, + /// The program counter. + pub pc: T, /// Instance of `AddOperation` to handle addition logic in `AddSubChip`'s ALU operations. /// It's result will be `a` for the add operation and `b` for the sub operation. pub add_operation: AddOperation, - /// The first input operand. This will be `b` for add operations and `c` for sub operations. + /// The first input operand. This will be `b` for add operations and `a` for sub operations. pub operand_1: Word, /// The second input operand. This will be `c` for both operations. pub operand_2: Word, + /// Whether the first operand is not register 0. + pub op_a_not_0: T, + /// Boolean to indicate whether the row is for an add operation. pub is_add: T, @@ -60,7 +63,7 @@ pub struct AddSubCols { pub is_sub: T, } -impl MachineAir for AddSubChip { +impl MachineAir for AddSubChip { type Record = ExecutionRecord; type Program = Program; @@ -69,6 +72,14 @@ impl MachineAir for AddSubChip { "AddSub".to_string() } + fn num_rows(&self, input: &Self::Record) -> Option { + let nb_rows = next_power_of_two( + input.add_events.len() + input.sub_events.len(), + input.fixed_log2_rows::(self), + ); + Some(nb_rows) + } + fn generate_trace( &self, input: &ExecutionRecord, @@ -79,46 +90,26 @@ impl MachineAir for AddSubChip { std::cmp::max((input.add_events.len() + input.sub_events.len()) / num_cpus::get(), 1); let merged_events = input.add_events.iter().chain(input.sub_events.iter()).collect::>(); - - let row_batches = merged_events - .par_chunks(chunk_size) - .map(|events| { - let rows = events - .iter() - .map(|event| { - let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_ADD_SUB_COLS]; - let cols: &mut AddSubCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); - let mut blu = Vec::new(); - self.event_to_row(event, cols, &mut blu); - row - }) - .collect::>(); - rows - }) - .collect::>(); - - let mut rows: Vec<[F; NUM_ADD_SUB_COLS]> = vec![]; - for row_batch in row_batches { - rows.extend(row_batch); - } - - pad_rows_fixed( - &mut rows, - || [F::zero(); NUM_ADD_SUB_COLS], - input.fixed_log2_rows::(self), + let padded_nb_rows = >::num_rows(self, input).unwrap(); + let mut values = zeroed_f_vec(padded_nb_rows * NUM_ADD_SUB_COLS); + + values.chunks_mut(chunk_size * NUM_ADD_SUB_COLS).enumerate().par_bridge().for_each( + |(i, rows)| { + rows.chunks_mut(NUM_ADD_SUB_COLS).enumerate().for_each(|(j, row)| { + let idx = i * chunk_size + j; + let cols: &mut AddSubCols = row.borrow_mut(); + + if idx < merged_events.len() { + let mut byte_lookup_events = Vec::new(); + let event = &merged_events[idx]; + self.event_to_row(event, cols, &mut byte_lookup_events); + } + }); + }, ); - // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. - let mut trace = - RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), NUM_ADD_SUB_COLS); - - // Write the nonces to the trace. - for i in 0..trace.height() { - let cols: &mut AddSubCols = - trace.values[i * NUM_ADD_SUB_COLS..(i + 1) * NUM_ADD_SUB_COLS].borrow_mut(); - cols.nonce = F::from_canonical_usize(i); - } - trace + // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. + RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_ADD_SUB_COLS) } fn generate_dependencies(&self, input: &Self::Record, output: &mut Self::Record) { @@ -131,7 +122,7 @@ impl MachineAir for AddSubChip { let blu_batches = event_iter .par_bridge() .map(|events| { - let mut blu: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); + let mut blu: HashMap = HashMap::new(); events.iter().for_each(|event| { let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_ADD_SUB_COLS]; let cols: &mut AddSubCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); @@ -141,7 +132,7 @@ impl MachineAir for AddSubChip { }) .collect::>(); - output.add_sharded_byte_lookup_events(blu_batches.iter().collect_vec()); + output.add_byte_lookup_events_from_maps(blu_batches.iter().collect_vec()); } fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { @@ -151,6 +142,10 @@ impl MachineAir for AddSubChip { !shard.add_events.is_empty() } } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } } impl AddSubChip { @@ -161,17 +156,19 @@ impl AddSubChip { cols: &mut AddSubCols, blu: &mut impl ByteRecord, ) { + cols.pc = F::from_canonical_u32(event.pc); + let is_add = event.opcode == Opcode::ADD; - cols.shard = F::from_canonical_u32(event.shard); cols.is_add = F::from_bool(is_add); cols.is_sub = F::from_bool(!is_add); let operand_1 = if is_add { event.b } else { event.a }; let operand_2 = event.c; - cols.add_operation.populate(blu, event.shard, operand_1, operand_2); + cols.add_operation.populate(blu, operand_1, operand_2); cols.operand_1 = Word::from(operand_1); cols.operand_2 = Word::from(operand_2); + cols.op_a_not_0 = F::from_bool(!event.op_a_0); } } @@ -189,49 +186,88 @@ where let main = builder.main(); let local = main.row_slice(0); let local: &AddSubCols = (*local).borrow(); - let next = main.row_slice(1); - let next: &AddSubCols = (*next).borrow(); - // Constrain the incrementing nonce. - builder.when_first_row().assert_zero(local.nonce); - builder.when_transition().assert_eq(local.nonce + AB::Expr::one(), next.nonce); + // SAFETY: All selectors `is_add` and `is_sub` are checked to be boolean. + // Each "real" row has exactly one selector turned on, as `is_real = is_add + is_sub` is boolean. + // Therefore, the `opcode` matches the corresponding opcode of the instruction. + let is_real = local.is_add + local.is_sub; + builder.assert_bool(local.is_add); + builder.assert_bool(local.is_sub); + builder.assert_bool(is_real.clone()); + + let opcode = AB::Expr::from_f(Opcode::ADD.as_field()) * local.is_add + + AB::Expr::from_f(Opcode::SUB.as_field()) * local.is_sub; // Evaluate the addition operation. + // This is enforced only when `op_a_not_0 == 1`. + // `op_a_val` doesn't need to be constrained when `op_a_not_0 == 0`. AddOperation::::eval( builder, local.operand_1, local.operand_2, local.add_operation, - local.is_add + local.is_sub, + local.op_a_not_0.into(), ); + // SAFETY: We check that a padding row has `op_a_not_0 == 0`, to prevent a padding row sending byte lookups. + builder.when(local.op_a_not_0).assert_one(is_real.clone()); + // Receive the arguments. There are separate receives for ADD and SUB. // For add, `add_operation.value` is `a`, `operand_1` is `b`, and `operand_2` is `c`. - builder.receive_alu( - Opcode::ADD.as_field::(), + // SAFETY: This checks the following. Note that in this case `opcode = Opcode::ADD` + // - `next_pc = pc + 4` + // - `num_extra_cycles = 0` + // - `op_a_val` is constrained by the `AddOperation` when `op_a_not_0 == 1` + // - `op_a_not_0` is correct, due to the sent `op_a_0` being equal to `1 - op_a_not_0` + // - `op_a_immutable = 0` + // - `is_memory = 0` + // - `is_syscall = 0` + // - `is_halt = 0` + builder.receive_instruction( + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + local.pc, + local.pc + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(DEFAULT_PC_INC), + AB::Expr::zero(), + opcode.clone(), local.add_operation.value, local.operand_1, local.operand_2, - local.shard, - local.nonce, + AB::Expr::one() - local.op_a_not_0, + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), local.is_add, ); // For sub, `operand_1` is `a`, `add_operation.value` is `b`, and `operand_2` is `c`. - builder.receive_alu( - Opcode::SUB.as_field::(), + // SAFETY: This checks the following. Note that in this case `opcode = Opcode::SUB` + // - `next_pc = pc + 4` + // - `num_extra_cycles = 0` + // - `op_a_val` is constrained by the `AddOperation` when `op_a_not_0 == 1` + // - `op_a_not_0` is correct, due to the sent `op_a_0` being equal to `1 - op_a_not_0` + // - `op_a_immutable = 0` + // - `is_memory = 0` + // - `is_syscall = 0` + // - `is_halt = 0` + builder.receive_instruction( + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + local.pc, + local.pc + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(DEFAULT_PC_INC), + AB::Expr::zero(), + opcode, local.operand_1, local.add_operation.value, local.operand_2, - local.shard, - local.nonce, + AB::Expr::one() - local.op_a_not_0, + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), local.is_sub, ); - - let is_real = local.is_add + local.is_sub; - builder.assert_bool(local.is_add); - builder.assert_bool(local.is_sub); - builder.assert_bool(is_real); } } @@ -240,16 +276,53 @@ mod tests { use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; use rand::{thread_rng, Rng}; - use sp1_core_executor::{events::AluEvent, ExecutionRecord, Opcode}; - use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, StarkGenericConfig}; - - use super::AddSubChip; - use crate::utils::{uni_stark_prove as prove, uni_stark_verify as verify}; + use sp1_core_executor::{ + events::{AluEvent, MemoryRecordEnum}, + ExecutionRecord, Instruction, Opcode, DEFAULT_PC_INC, + }; + use sp1_stark::{ + air::MachineAir, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, chip_name, CpuProver, + MachineProver, StarkGenericConfig, Val, + }; + use std::sync::LazyLock; + + use super::*; + use crate::{ + io::SP1Stdin, + riscv::RiscvAir, + utils::{run_malicious_test, uni_stark_prove as prove, uni_stark_verify as verify}, + }; + + /// Lazily initialized record for use across multiple tests. + /// Consists of random `ADD` and `SUB` instructions. + static SHARD: LazyLock = LazyLock::new(|| { + let add_events = (0..1) + .flat_map(|i| { + [{ + let operand_1 = 1u32; + let operand_2 = 2u32; + let result = operand_1.wrapping_add(operand_2); + AluEvent::new(i % 2, Opcode::ADD, result, operand_1, operand_2, false) + }] + }) + .collect::>(); + let _sub_events = (0..255) + .flat_map(|i| { + [{ + let operand_1 = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + let operand_2 = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + let result = operand_1.wrapping_add(operand_2); + AluEvent::new(i % 2, Opcode::SUB, result, operand_1, operand_2, false) + }] + }) + .collect::>(); + ExecutionRecord { add_events, ..Default::default() } + }); #[test] fn generate_trace() { let mut shard = ExecutionRecord::default(); - shard.add_events = vec![AluEvent::new(0, 0, Opcode::ADD, 14, 8, 6)]; + shard.add_events = vec![AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::ADD, 14, 8, 6, false)]; let chip = AddSubChip::default(); let trace: RowMajorMatrix = chip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); @@ -262,17 +335,17 @@ mod tests { let mut challenger = config.challenger(); let mut shard = ExecutionRecord::default(); - for i in 0..255 { + for i in 0..1 { let operand_1 = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); let operand_2 = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); let result = operand_1.wrapping_add(operand_2); shard.add_events.push(AluEvent::new( - i % 2, - 0, + i * DEFAULT_PC_INC, Opcode::ADD, result, operand_1, operand_2, + false, )); } for i in 0..255 { @@ -280,12 +353,12 @@ mod tests { let operand_2 = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); let result = operand_1.wrapping_sub(operand_2); shard.add_events.push(AluEvent::new( - i % 2, - 0, + i * DEFAULT_PC_INC, Opcode::SUB, result, operand_1, operand_2, + false, )); } @@ -297,4 +370,139 @@ mod tests { let mut challenger = config.challenger(); verify(&config, &chip, &mut challenger, &proof).unwrap(); } + + #[cfg(feature = "sys")] + #[test] + fn test_generate_trace_ffi_eq_rust() { + let shard = LazyLock::force(&SHARD); + + let chip = AddSubChip::default(); + let trace: RowMajorMatrix = + chip.generate_trace(shard, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); + let trace_ffi = generate_trace_ffi(shard); + + assert_eq!(trace_ffi, trace); + } + + #[cfg(feature = "sys")] + fn generate_trace_ffi(input: &ExecutionRecord) -> RowMajorMatrix { + use rayon::slice::ParallelSlice; + + use crate::utils::pad_rows_fixed; + + type F = BabyBear; + + let chunk_size = + std::cmp::max((input.add_events.len() + input.sub_events.len()) / num_cpus::get(), 1); + + let events = input.add_events.iter().chain(input.sub_events.iter()).collect::>(); + let row_batches = events + .par_chunks(chunk_size) + .map(|events| { + let rows = events + .iter() + .map(|event| { + let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_ADD_SUB_COLS]; + let cols: &mut AddSubCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); + unsafe { + crate::sys::add_sub_event_to_row_babybear(event, cols); + } + row + }) + .collect::>(); + rows + }) + .collect::>(); + + let mut rows: Vec<[F; NUM_ADD_SUB_COLS]> = vec![]; + for row_batch in row_batches { + rows.extend(row_batch); + } + + pad_rows_fixed(&mut rows, || [F::zero(); NUM_ADD_SUB_COLS], None); + + // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. + RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), NUM_ADD_SUB_COLS) + } + + #[test] + fn test_malicious_add_sub() { + const NUM_TESTS: usize = 5; + + for opcode in [Opcode::ADD, Opcode::SUB] { + for _ in 0..NUM_TESTS { + let op_a = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + let op_b = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + let op_c = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + + let correct_op_a = if opcode == Opcode::ADD { + op_b.wrapping_add(op_c) + } else { + op_b.wrapping_sub(op_c) + }; + + assert!(op_a != correct_op_a); + + let instructions = vec![ + Instruction::new(opcode, 5, op_b, op_c, true, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 10, 0, 0, false, false), + ]; + let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + + type P = CpuProver>; + + let malicious_trace_pv_generator = move |prover: &P, + record: &mut ExecutionRecord| + -> Vec<( + String, + RowMajorMatrix>, + )> { + let mut malicious_record = record.clone(); + malicious_record.cpu_events[0].a = op_a; + if let Some(MemoryRecordEnum::Write(mut write_record)) = + malicious_record.cpu_events[0].a_record + { + write_record.value = op_a; + } + if opcode == Opcode::ADD { + malicious_record.add_events[0].a = op_a; + } else if opcode == Opcode::SUB { + malicious_record.sub_events[0].a = op_a; + } else { + unreachable!() + } + + let mut traces = prover.generate_traces(&malicious_record); + + let add_sub_chip_name = chip_name!(AddSubChip, BabyBear); + for (chip_name, trace) in traces.iter_mut() { + if *chip_name == add_sub_chip_name { + // Add the add instructions are added first to the trace, before the sub instructions. + let index = if opcode == Opcode::ADD { 0 } else { 1 }; + + let first_row = trace.row_mut(index); + let first_row: &mut AddSubCols = first_row.borrow_mut(); + if opcode == Opcode::ADD { + first_row.add_operation.value = op_a.into(); + } else { + first_row.add_operation.value = op_b.into(); + } + } + } + + traces + }; + + let result = + run_malicious_test::

(program, stdin, Box::new(malicious_trace_pv_generator)); + println!("Result for {:?}: {:?}", opcode, result); + let add_sub_chip_name = chip_name!(AddSubChip, BabyBear); + assert!( + result.is_err() + && result.unwrap_err().is_constraints_failing(&add_sub_chip_name) + ); + } + } + } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/alu/bitwise/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/alu/bitwise/mod.rs index 88156e286..c876b9d57 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/alu/bitwise/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/alu/bitwise/mod.rs @@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ use core::{ use hashbrown::HashMap; use itertools::Itertools; use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder, BaseAir}; -use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField}; +use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField, PrimeField32}; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::{IntoParallelRefIterator, ParallelIterator, ParallelSlice}; use sp1_core_executor::{ events::{AluEvent, ByteLookupEvent, ByteRecord}, - ByteOpcode, ExecutionRecord, Opcode, Program, + ByteOpcode, ExecutionRecord, Opcode, Program, DEFAULT_PC_INC, }; use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; use sp1_stark::{ @@ -32,11 +32,8 @@ pub struct BitwiseChip; #[derive(AlignedBorrow, Default, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct BitwiseCols { - /// The shard number, used for byte lookup table. - pub shard: T, - - /// The nonce of the operation. - pub nonce: T, + /// The program counter. + pub pc: T, /// The output operand. pub a: Word, @@ -47,6 +44,9 @@ pub struct BitwiseCols { /// The second input operand. pub c: Word, + /// Whether the first operand is not register 0. + pub op_a_not_0: T, + /// If the opcode is XOR. pub is_xor: T, @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ pub struct BitwiseCols { pub is_and: T, } -impl MachineAir for BitwiseChip { +impl MachineAir for BitwiseChip { type Record = ExecutionRecord; type Program = Program; @@ -91,16 +91,7 @@ impl MachineAir for BitwiseChip { ); // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. - let mut trace = - RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), NUM_BITWISE_COLS); - - for i in 0..trace.height() { - let cols: &mut BitwiseCols = - trace.values[i * NUM_BITWISE_COLS..(i + 1) * NUM_BITWISE_COLS].borrow_mut(); - cols.nonce = F::from_canonical_usize(i); - } - - trace + RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), NUM_BITWISE_COLS) } fn generate_dependencies(&self, input: &Self::Record, output: &mut Self::Record) { @@ -110,7 +101,7 @@ impl MachineAir for BitwiseChip { .bitwise_events .par_chunks(chunk_size) .map(|events| { - let mut blu: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); + let mut blu: HashMap = HashMap::new(); events.iter().for_each(|event| { let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_BITWISE_COLS]; let cols: &mut BitwiseCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); @@ -120,7 +111,7 @@ impl MachineAir for BitwiseChip { }) .collect::>(); - output.add_sharded_byte_lookup_events(blu_batches.iter().collect_vec()); + output.add_byte_lookup_events_from_maps(blu_batches.iter().collect_vec()); } fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { @@ -130,6 +121,10 @@ impl MachineAir for BitwiseChip { !shard.bitwise_events.is_empty() } } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } } impl BitwiseChip { @@ -140,29 +135,32 @@ impl BitwiseChip { cols: &mut BitwiseCols, blu: &mut impl ByteRecord, ) { + cols.pc = F::from_canonical_u32(event.pc); + let a = event.a.to_le_bytes(); let b = event.b.to_le_bytes(); let c = event.c.to_le_bytes(); - cols.shard = F::from_canonical_u32(event.shard); cols.a = Word::from(event.a); cols.b = Word::from(event.b); cols.c = Word::from(event.c); + cols.op_a_not_0 = F::from_bool(!event.op_a_0); cols.is_xor = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::XOR); cols.is_or = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::OR); cols.is_and = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::AND); - for ((b_a, b_b), b_c) in a.into_iter().zip(b).zip(c) { - let byte_event = ByteLookupEvent { - shard: event.shard, - opcode: ByteOpcode::from(event.opcode), - a1: b_a as u16, - a2: 0, - b: b_b, - c: b_c, - }; - blu.add_byte_lookup_event(byte_event); + if !event.op_a_0 { + for ((b_a, b_b), b_c) in a.into_iter().zip(b).zip(c) { + let byte_event = ByteLookupEvent { + opcode: ByteOpcode::from(event.opcode), + a1: b_a as u16, + a2: 0, + b: b_b, + c: b_c, + }; + blu.add_byte_lookup_event(byte_event); + } } } } @@ -181,12 +179,6 @@ where let main = builder.main(); let local = main.row_slice(0); let local: &BitwiseCols = (*local).borrow(); - let next = main.row_slice(1); - let next: &BitwiseCols = (*next).borrow(); - - // Constrain the incrementing nonce. - builder.when_first_row().assert_zero(local.nonce); - builder.when_transition().assert_eq(local.nonce + AB::Expr::one(), next.nonce); // Get the opcode for the operation. let opcode = local.is_xor * ByteOpcode::XOR.as_field::() @@ -196,25 +188,49 @@ where // Get a multiplicity of `1` only for a true row. let mult = local.is_xor + local.is_or + local.is_and; for ((a, b), c) in local.a.into_iter().zip(local.b).zip(local.c) { - builder.send_byte(opcode.clone(), a, b, c, mult.clone()); + builder.send_byte(opcode.clone(), a, b, c, local.op_a_not_0); } + // SAFETY: We check that a padding row has `op_a_not_0 == 0`, to prevent a padding row sending byte lookups. + builder.when(local.op_a_not_0).assert_one(mult.clone()); + // Get the cpu opcode, which corresponds to the opcode being sent in the CPU table. let cpu_opcode = local.is_xor * Opcode::XOR.as_field::() + local.is_or * Opcode::OR.as_field::() + local.is_and * Opcode::AND.as_field::(); // Receive the arguments. - builder.receive_alu( + // SAFETY: This checks the following. + // - `next_pc = pc + 4` + // - `num_extra_cycles = 0` + // - `op_a_val` is constrained by the byte lookups when `op_a_not_0 == 1` + // - `op_a_not_0` is correct, due to the sent `op_a_0` being equal to `1 - op_a_not_0` + // - `op_a_immutable = 0` + // - `is_memory = 0` + // - `is_syscall = 0` + // - `is_halt = 0` + // Note that `is_xor + is_or + is_and` is checked to be boolean below. + builder.receive_instruction( + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + local.pc, + local.pc + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(DEFAULT_PC_INC), + AB::Expr::zero(), cpu_opcode, local.a, local.b, local.c, - local.shard, - local.nonce, + AB::Expr::one() - local.op_a_not_0, + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), local.is_xor + local.is_or + local.is_and, ); + // SAFETY: All selectors `is_xor`, `is_or`, `is_and` are checked to be boolean. + // Each "real" row has exactly one selector turned on, as `is_real`, the sum of the three selectors, is boolean. + // Therefore, the `opcode` and `cpu_opcode` matches the corresponding opcode. let is_real = local.is_xor + local.is_or + local.is_and; builder.assert_bool(local.is_xor); builder.assert_bool(local.is_or); @@ -227,17 +243,28 @@ where mod tests { use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; - use sp1_core_executor::{events::AluEvent, ExecutionRecord, Opcode}; - use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, StarkGenericConfig}; - - use crate::utils::{uni_stark_prove, uni_stark_verify}; + use rand::{thread_rng, Rng}; + use sp1_core_executor::{ + events::{AluEvent, MemoryRecordEnum}, + ExecutionRecord, Instruction, Opcode, Program, + }; + use sp1_stark::{ + air::MachineAir, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, CpuProver, MachineProver, + StarkGenericConfig, Val, + }; + + use crate::{ + io::SP1Stdin, + riscv::RiscvAir, + utils::{run_malicious_test, uni_stark_prove, uni_stark_verify}, + }; use super::BitwiseChip; #[test] fn generate_trace() { let mut shard = ExecutionRecord::default(); - shard.bitwise_events = vec![AluEvent::new(0, 0, Opcode::XOR, 25, 10, 19)]; + shard.bitwise_events = vec![AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::XOR, 25, 10, 19, false)]; let chip = BitwiseChip::default(); let trace: RowMajorMatrix = chip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); @@ -251,9 +278,9 @@ mod tests { let mut shard = ExecutionRecord::default(); shard.bitwise_events = [ - AluEvent::new(0, 0, Opcode::XOR, 25, 10, 19), - AluEvent::new(0, 0, Opcode::OR, 27, 10, 19), - AluEvent::new(0, 0, Opcode::AND, 2, 10, 19), + AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::XOR, 25, 10, 19, false), + AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::OR, 27, 10, 19, false), + AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::AND, 2, 10, 19, false), ] .repeat(1000); let chip = BitwiseChip::default(); @@ -264,4 +291,57 @@ mod tests { let mut challenger = config.challenger(); uni_stark_verify(&config, &chip, &mut challenger, &proof).unwrap(); } + + #[test] + fn test_malicious_bitwise() { + const NUM_TESTS: usize = 5; + + for opcode in [Opcode::XOR, Opcode::OR, Opcode::AND] { + for _ in 0..NUM_TESTS { + let op_a = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + let op_b = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + let op_c = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + + let correct_op_a = if opcode == Opcode::XOR { + op_b ^ op_c + } else if opcode == Opcode::OR { + op_b | op_c + } else { + op_b & op_c + }; + + assert!(op_a != correct_op_a); + + let instructions = vec![ + Instruction::new(opcode, 5, op_b, op_c, true, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 10, 0, 0, false, false), + ]; + let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + + type P = CpuProver>; + + let malicious_trace_pv_generator = move |prover: &P, + record: &mut ExecutionRecord| + -> Vec<( + String, + RowMajorMatrix>, + )> { + let mut malicious_record = record.clone(); + malicious_record.cpu_events[0].a = op_a; + if let Some(MemoryRecordEnum::Write(mut write_record)) = + malicious_record.cpu_events[0].a_record + { + write_record.value = op_a; + } + malicious_record.bitwise_events[0].a = op_a; + prover.generate_traces(&malicious_record) + }; + + let result = + run_malicious_test::

(program, stdin, Box::new(malicious_trace_pv_generator)); + assert!(result.is_err() && result.unwrap_err().is_local_cumulative_sum_failing()); + } + } + } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/alu/divrem/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/alu/divrem/mod.rs index d811b90d4..926be3bbf 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/alu/divrem/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/alu/divrem/mod.rs @@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ //! base = pow(2, 8) //! carry = 0 //! for i in range(8): -//! x = result[i] + remainder[i] + carry -//! result[i] = x % base +//! x = result\[i\] + remainder\[i\] + carry +//! result\[i\] = x % base //! carry = x // base //! //! # The number represented by c * quotient + remainder in 64 bits must equal b in 32 bits. @@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ use core::{ }; use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder, BaseAir}; -use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField}; +use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField32}; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; use sp1_core_executor::{ events::{ByteLookupEvent, ByteRecord}, get_msb, get_quotient_and_remainder, is_signed_operation, ByteOpcode, ExecutionRecord, Opcode, - Program, + Program, DEFAULT_PC_INC, UNUSED_PC, }; use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; use sp1_primitives::consts::WORD_SIZE; @@ -100,11 +100,8 @@ pub struct DivRemChip; #[derive(AlignedBorrow, Default, Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct DivRemCols { - /// The shard number, used for byte lookup table. - pub shard: T, - - /// The nonce of the operation. - pub nonce: T, + /// The program counter. + pub pc: T, /// The output operand. pub a: Word, @@ -115,6 +112,9 @@ pub struct DivRemCols { /// The second input operand. pub c: Word, + /// Whether the first operand is not register 0. + pub op_a_not_0: T, + /// Results of dividing `b` by `c`. pub quotient: Word, @@ -185,22 +185,11 @@ pub struct DivRemCols { /// Flag to indicate whether `c` is negative. pub c_neg: T, - /// The lower nonce of the operation. - pub lower_nonce: T, - - /// The upper nonce of the operation. - pub upper_nonce: T, - - /// The absolute nonce of the operation. - pub abs_nonce: T, - /// Selector to determine whether an ALU Event is sent for absolute value computation of `c`. pub abs_c_alu_event: T, - pub abs_c_alu_event_nonce: T, /// Selector to determine whether an ALU Event is sent for absolute value computation of `rem`. pub abs_rem_alu_event: T, - pub abs_rem_alu_event_nonce: T, /// Selector to know whether this row is enabled. pub is_real: T, @@ -209,7 +198,7 @@ pub struct DivRemCols { pub remainder_check_multiplicity: T, } -impl MachineAir for DivRemChip { +impl MachineAir for DivRemChip { type Record = ExecutionRecord; type Program = Program; @@ -236,12 +225,14 @@ impl MachineAir for DivRemChip { let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_DIVREM_COLS]; let cols: &mut DivRemCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); + cols.pc = F::from_canonical_u32(event.pc); + // Initialize cols with basic operands and flags derived from the current event. { cols.a = Word::from(event.a); cols.b = Word::from(event.b); cols.c = Word::from(event.c); - cols.shard = F::from_canonical_u32(event.shard); + cols.op_a_not_0 = F::from_bool(!event.op_a_0); cols.is_real = F::one(); cols.is_divu = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::DIVU); cols.is_remu = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::REMU); @@ -278,13 +269,7 @@ impl MachineAir for DivRemChip { // Set the `alu_event` flags. cols.abs_c_alu_event = cols.c_neg * cols.is_real; - cols.abs_c_alu_event_nonce = F::from_canonical_u32( - input.nonce_lookup.get(&event.sub_lookups[4]).copied().unwrap_or_default(), - ); cols.abs_rem_alu_event = cols.rem_neg * cols.is_real; - cols.abs_rem_alu_event_nonce = F::from_canonical_u32( - input.nonce_lookup.get(&event.sub_lookups[5]).copied().unwrap_or_default(), - ); // Insert the MSB lookup events. { @@ -293,7 +278,6 @@ impl MachineAir for DivRemChip { for word in words.iter() { let most_significant_byte = word.to_le_bytes()[WORD_SIZE - 1]; blu_events.push(ByteLookupEvent { - shard: event.shard, opcode: ByteOpcode::MSB, a1: get_msb(*word) as u16, a2: 0, @@ -341,38 +325,11 @@ impl MachineAir for DivRemChip { cols.carry[i] = F::from_canonical_u32(carry[i]); } - // Insert the necessary multiplication & LT events. - { - cols.lower_nonce = F::from_canonical_u32( - input.nonce_lookup.get(&event.sub_lookups[0]).copied().unwrap_or_default(), - ); - cols.upper_nonce = F::from_canonical_u32( - input.nonce_lookup.get(&event.sub_lookups[1]).copied().unwrap_or_default(), - ); - if is_signed_operation(event.opcode) { - cols.abs_nonce = F::from_canonical_u32( - input - .nonce_lookup - .get(&event.sub_lookups[2]) - .copied() - .unwrap_or_default(), - ); - } else { - cols.abs_nonce = F::from_canonical_u32( - input - .nonce_lookup - .get(&event.sub_lookups[3]) - .copied() - .unwrap_or_default(), - ); - }; - } - // Range check. { - output.add_u8_range_checks(event.shard, "ient.to_le_bytes()); - output.add_u8_range_checks(event.shard, &remainder.to_le_bytes()); - output.add_u8_range_checks(event.shard, &c_times_quotient); + output.add_u8_range_checks("ient.to_le_bytes()); + output.add_u8_range_checks(&remainder.to_le_bytes()); + output.add_u8_range_checks(&c_times_quotient); } } @@ -410,13 +367,6 @@ impl MachineAir for DivRemChip { trace.values[i] = padded_row_template[i % NUM_DIVREM_COLS]; } - // Write the nonces to the trace. - for i in 0..trace.height() { - let cols: &mut DivRemCols = - trace.values[i * NUM_DIVREM_COLS..(i + 1) * NUM_DIVREM_COLS].borrow_mut(); - cols.nonce = F::from_canonical_usize(i); - } - trace } @@ -427,6 +377,10 @@ impl MachineAir for DivRemChip { !shard.divrem_events.is_empty() } } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } } impl BaseAir for DivRemChip { @@ -443,16 +397,10 @@ where let main = builder.main(); let local = main.row_slice(0); let local: &DivRemCols = (*local).borrow(); - let next = main.row_slice(1); - let next: &DivRemCols = (*next).borrow(); let base = AB::F::from_canonical_u32(1 << 8); let one: AB::Expr = AB::F::one().into(); let zero: AB::Expr = AB::F::zero().into(); - // Constrain the incrementing nonce. - builder.when_first_row().assert_zero(local.nonce); - builder.when_transition().assert_eq(local.nonce + AB::Expr::one(), next.nonce); - // Calculate whether b, remainder, and c are negative. { // Negative if and only if op code is signed & MSB = 1. @@ -480,13 +428,21 @@ where ]; // The lower 4 bytes of c_times_quotient must match the lower 4 bytes of (c * quotient). - builder.send_alu( + builder.send_instruction( + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC + DEFAULT_PC_INC), + AB::Expr::zero(), AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(Opcode::MUL as u32), Word(lower_half), local.quotient, local.c, - local.shard, - local.lower_nonce, + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), local.is_real, ); @@ -505,13 +461,21 @@ where local.c_times_quotient[7].into(), ]; - builder.send_alu( + builder.send_instruction( + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC + DEFAULT_PC_INC), + AB::Expr::zero(), opcode_for_upper_half, Word(upper_half), local.quotient, local.c, - local.shard, - local.upper_nonce, + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), local.is_real, ); } @@ -556,16 +520,20 @@ where // Add remainder. if i < WORD_SIZE { - c_times_quotient_plus_remainder[i] += local.remainder[i].into(); + c_times_quotient_plus_remainder[i] = + c_times_quotient_plus_remainder[i].clone() + local.remainder[i].into(); } else { // If rem is negative, add 0xff to the upper 4 bytes. - c_times_quotient_plus_remainder[i] += sign_extension.clone(); + c_times_quotient_plus_remainder[i] = + c_times_quotient_plus_remainder[i].clone() + sign_extension.clone(); } // Propagate carry. - c_times_quotient_plus_remainder[i] -= local.carry[i] * base; + c_times_quotient_plus_remainder[i] = + c_times_quotient_plus_remainder[i].clone() - local.carry[i] * base; if i > 0 { - c_times_quotient_plus_remainder[i] += local.carry[i - 1].into(); + c_times_quotient_plus_remainder[i] = + c_times_quotient_plus_remainder[i].clone() + local.carry[i - 1].into(); } } @@ -597,9 +565,16 @@ where } // a must equal remainder or quotient depending on the opcode. + // This is only enforced when `op_a_not_0 == 1`. for i in 0..WORD_SIZE { - builder.when(local.is_divu + local.is_div).assert_eq(local.quotient[i], local.a[i]); - builder.when(local.is_remu + local.is_rem).assert_eq(local.remainder[i], local.a[i]); + builder + .when(local.op_a_not_0) + .when(local.is_divu + local.is_div) + .assert_eq(local.quotient[i], local.a[i]); + builder + .when(local.op_a_not_0) + .when(local.is_remu + local.is_rem) + .assert_eq(local.remainder[i], local.a[i]); } // remainder and b must have the same sign. Due to the intricate nature of sign logic in ZK, @@ -612,8 +587,8 @@ where let mut rem_byte_sum = zero.clone(); let mut b_byte_sum = zero.clone(); for i in 0..WORD_SIZE { - rem_byte_sum += local.remainder[i].into(); - b_byte_sum += local.b[i].into(); + rem_byte_sum = rem_byte_sum.clone() + local.remainder[i].into(); + b_byte_sum = b_byte_sum + local.b[i].into(); } // 1. If remainder < 0, then b < 0. @@ -659,22 +634,38 @@ where } // In the case that `c` or `rem` is negative, instead check that their sum is zero by // sending an AddEvent. - builder.send_alu( + builder.send_instruction( + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC + DEFAULT_PC_INC), + AB::Expr::zero(), AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(Opcode::ADD as u32), Word([zero.clone(), zero.clone(), zero.clone(), zero.clone()]), local.c, local.abs_c, - local.shard, - local.abs_c_alu_event_nonce, + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), local.abs_c_alu_event, ); - builder.send_alu( + builder.send_instruction( + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC + DEFAULT_PC_INC), + AB::Expr::zero(), AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(Opcode::ADD as u32), Word([zero.clone(), zero.clone(), zero.clone(), zero.clone()]), local.remainder, local.abs_remainder, - local.shard, - local.abs_rem_alu_event_nonce, + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), local.abs_rem_alu_event, ); @@ -709,18 +700,27 @@ where // is_real // Check that the absolute value selector columns are computed correctly. + // This enforces the send multiplicities are zero when `is_real == 0`. builder.assert_eq(local.abs_c_alu_event, local.c_neg * local.is_real); builder.assert_eq(local.abs_rem_alu_event, local.rem_neg * local.is_real); // Dispatch abs(remainder) < max(abs(c), 1), this is equivalent to abs(remainder) < // abs(c) if not division by 0. - builder.send_alu( + builder.send_instruction( + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC + DEFAULT_PC_INC), + AB::Expr::zero(), AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(Opcode::SLTU as u32), Word([one.clone(), zero.clone(), zero.clone(), zero.clone()]), local.abs_remainder, local.max_abs_c_or_1, - local.shard, - local.abs_nonce, + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), local.remainder_check_multiplicity, ); } @@ -779,6 +779,9 @@ where // Receive the arguments. { // Exactly one of the opcode flags must be on. + // SAFETY: All selectors `is_divu`, `is_remu`, `is_div`, `is_rem` are checked to be boolean. + // Each row has exactly one selector turned on, as their sum is checked to be one. + // Therefore, the `opcode` matches the corresponding opcode of the instruction. builder.assert_eq( one.clone(), local.is_divu + local.is_remu + local.is_div + local.is_rem, @@ -796,15 +799,34 @@ where + local.is_rem * rem }; - builder.receive_alu( + // SAFETY: This checks the following. + // - `next_pc = pc + 4` + // - `num_extra_cycles = 0` + // - `op_a_val` is constrained by the chip when `op_a_not_0 == 1` + // - `op_a_not_0` is correct, due to the sent `op_a_0` being equal to `1 - op_a_not_0` + // - `op_a_immutable = 0` + // - `is_memory = 0` + // - `is_syscall = 0` + // - `is_halt = 0` + builder.receive_instruction( + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + local.pc, + local.pc + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(DEFAULT_PC_INC), + AB::Expr::zero(), opcode, local.a, local.b, local.c, - local.shard, - local.nonce, + AB::Expr::one() - local.op_a_not_0, + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), local.is_real, ); + + builder.when(local.op_a_not_0).assert_one(local.is_real); } } } @@ -812,18 +834,29 @@ where #[cfg(test)] mod tests { - use crate::utils::{uni_stark_prove, uni_stark_verify}; + use crate::{ + io::SP1Stdin, + riscv::RiscvAir, + utils::{run_malicious_test, uni_stark_prove, uni_stark_verify}, + }; use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; - use sp1_core_executor::{events::AluEvent, ExecutionRecord, Opcode}; - use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, StarkGenericConfig}; + use rand::{thread_rng, Rng}; + use sp1_core_executor::{ + events::{AluEvent, MemoryRecordEnum}, + ExecutionRecord, Instruction, Opcode, Program, + }; + use sp1_stark::{ + air::MachineAir, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, chip_name, CpuProver, + MachineProver, StarkGenericConfig, Val, + }; use super::DivRemChip; #[test] fn generate_trace() { let mut shard = ExecutionRecord::default(); - shard.divrem_events = vec![AluEvent::new(0, 0, Opcode::DIVU, 2, 17, 3)]; + shard.divrem_events = vec![AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::DIVU, 2, 17, 3, false)]; let chip = DivRemChip::default(); let trace: RowMajorMatrix = chip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); @@ -876,12 +909,12 @@ mod tests { (Opcode::REM, 0, 1 << 31, neg(1)), ]; for t in divrems.iter() { - divrem_events.push(AluEvent::new(0, 0, t.0, t.1, t.2, t.3)); + divrem_events.push(AluEvent::new(0, t.0, t.1, t.2, t.3, false)); } // Append more events until we have 1000 tests. for _ in 0..(1000 - divrems.len()) { - divrem_events.push(AluEvent::new(0, 0, Opcode::DIVU, 1, 1, 1)); + divrem_events.push(AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::DIVU, 1, 1, 1, false)); } let mut shard = ExecutionRecord::default(); @@ -894,4 +927,71 @@ mod tests { let mut challenger = config.challenger(); uni_stark_verify(&config, &chip, &mut challenger, &proof).unwrap(); } + + #[test] + fn test_malicious_divrem() { + const NUM_TESTS: usize = 5; + + for opcode in [Opcode::DIV, Opcode::DIVU, Opcode::REM, Opcode::REMU] { + for _ in 0..NUM_TESTS { + let (correct_op_a, op_b, op_c) = if opcode == Opcode::DIV { + let op_b = thread_rng().gen_range(0..i32::MAX); + let op_c = thread_rng().gen_range(0..i32::MAX); + ((op_b / op_c) as u32, op_b as u32, op_c as u32) + } else if opcode == Opcode::DIVU { + let op_b = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + let op_c = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + (op_b / op_c, op_b as u32, op_c as u32) + } else if opcode == Opcode::REM { + let op_b = thread_rng().gen_range(0..i32::MAX); + let op_c = thread_rng().gen_range(0..i32::MAX); + ((op_b % op_c) as u32, op_b as u32, op_c as u32) + } else if opcode == Opcode::REMU { + let op_b = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + let op_c = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + (op_b % op_c, op_b as u32, op_c as u32) + } else { + unreachable!() + }; + + let op_a = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + assert!(op_a != correct_op_a); + + let instructions = vec![ + Instruction::new(opcode, 5, op_b, op_c, true, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 10, 0, 0, false, false), + ]; + + let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + + type P = CpuProver>; + + let malicious_trace_pv_generator = move |prover: &P, + record: &mut ExecutionRecord| + -> Vec<( + String, + RowMajorMatrix>, + )> { + let mut malicious_record = record.clone(); + malicious_record.cpu_events[0].a = op_a; + if let Some(MemoryRecordEnum::Write(mut write_record)) = + malicious_record.cpu_events[0].a_record + { + write_record.value = op_a; + } + malicious_record.divrem_events[0].a = op_a; + prover.generate_traces(&malicious_record) + }; + + let result = + run_malicious_test::

(program, stdin, Box::new(malicious_trace_pv_generator)); + let divrem_chip_name = chip_name!(DivRemChip, BabyBear); + assert!( + result.is_err() + && result.unwrap_err().is_constraints_failing(&divrem_chip_name) + ); + } + } + } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/alu/lt/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/alu/lt/mod.rs index a9462b8de..6ddde112e 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/alu/lt/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/alu/lt/mod.rs @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::*; use sp1_core_executor::{ events::{AluEvent, ByteLookupEvent, ByteRecord}, - ByteOpcode, ExecutionRecord, Opcode, Program, + ByteOpcode, ExecutionRecord, Opcode, Program, DEFAULT_PC_INC, }; use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; use sp1_stark::{ @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ use sp1_stark::{ Word, }; -use crate::utils::pad_rows_fixed; +use crate::utils::{next_power_of_two, zeroed_f_vec}; /// The number of main trace columns for `LtChip`. pub const NUM_LT_COLS: usize = size_of::>(); @@ -32,11 +32,8 @@ pub struct LtChip; #[derive(AlignedBorrow, Default, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct LtCols { - /// The shard number, used for byte lookup table. - pub shard: T, - - /// The nonce of the operation. - pub nonce: T, + /// The program counter. + pub pc: T, /// If the opcode is SLT. pub is_slt: T, @@ -45,7 +42,7 @@ pub struct LtCols { pub is_sltu: T, /// The output operand. - pub a: Word, + pub a: T, /// The first input operand. pub b: Word, @@ -53,12 +50,15 @@ pub struct LtCols { /// The second input operand. pub c: Word, + /// Whether the first operand is not register 0. + pub op_a_not_0: T, + /// Boolean flag to indicate which byte pair differs if the operands are not equal. pub byte_flags: [T; 4], - /// The masking b[3] & 0x7F. + /// The masking b\[3\] & 0x7F. pub b_masked: T, - /// The masking c[3] & 0x7F. + /// The masking c\[3\] & 0x7F. pub c_masked: T, /// An inverse of differing byte if c_comp != b_comp. pub not_eq_inv: T, @@ -107,38 +107,30 @@ impl MachineAir for LtChip { _: &mut ExecutionRecord, ) -> RowMajorMatrix { // Generate the trace rows for each event. - let mut rows = input - .lt_events - .par_iter() - .map(|event| { - let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_LT_COLS]; - let mut new_byte_lookup_events: Vec = Vec::new(); - let cols: &mut LtCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); - self.event_to_row(event, cols, &mut new_byte_lookup_events); - - row - }) - .collect::>(); - - // Pad the trace to a power of two depending on the proof shape in `input`. - pad_rows_fixed( - &mut rows, - || [F::zero(); NUM_LT_COLS], - input.fixed_log2_rows::(self), + let nb_rows = input.lt_events.len(); + let size_log2 = input.fixed_log2_rows::(self); + let padded_nb_rows = next_power_of_two(nb_rows, size_log2); + let mut values = zeroed_f_vec(padded_nb_rows * NUM_LT_COLS); + let chunk_size = std::cmp::max((nb_rows + 1) / num_cpus::get(), 1); + + values.chunks_mut(chunk_size * NUM_LT_COLS).enumerate().par_bridge().for_each( + |(i, rows)| { + rows.chunks_mut(NUM_LT_COLS).enumerate().for_each(|(j, row)| { + let idx = i * chunk_size + j; + let cols: &mut LtCols = row.borrow_mut(); + + if idx < nb_rows { + let mut byte_lookup_events = Vec::new(); + let event = &input.lt_events[idx]; + self.event_to_row(event, cols, &mut byte_lookup_events); + } + }); + }, ); // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. - let mut trace = - RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), NUM_LT_COLS); - - // Write the nonces to the trace. - for i in 0..trace.height() { - let cols: &mut LtCols = - trace.values[i * NUM_LT_COLS..(i + 1) * NUM_LT_COLS].borrow_mut(); - cols.nonce = F::from_canonical_usize(i); - } - trace + RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_LT_COLS) } fn generate_dependencies(&self, input: &Self::Record, output: &mut Self::Record) { @@ -148,7 +140,7 @@ impl MachineAir for LtChip { .lt_events .par_chunks(chunk_size) .map(|events| { - let mut blu: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); + let mut blu: HashMap = HashMap::new(); events.iter().for_each(|event| { let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_LT_COLS]; let cols: &mut LtCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); @@ -158,7 +150,7 @@ impl MachineAir for LtChip { }) .collect::>(); - output.add_sharded_byte_lookup_events(blu_batches.iter().collect_vec()); + output.add_byte_lookup_events_from_maps(blu_batches.iter().collect_vec()); } fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { @@ -168,6 +160,10 @@ impl MachineAir for LtChip { !shard.lt_events.is_empty() } } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } } impl LtChip { @@ -182,10 +178,12 @@ impl LtChip { let b = event.b.to_le_bytes(); let c = event.c.to_le_bytes(); - cols.shard = F::from_canonical_u32(event.shard); - cols.a = Word(a.map(F::from_canonical_u8)); + cols.pc = F::from_canonical_u32(event.pc); + + cols.a = F::from_canonical_u8(a[0]); cols.b = Word(b.map(F::from_canonical_u8)); cols.c = Word(c.map(F::from_canonical_u8)); + cols.op_a_not_0 = F::from_bool(!event.op_a_0); // If this is SLT, mask the MSB of b & c before computing cols.bits. let masked_b = b[3] & 0x7f; @@ -195,7 +193,6 @@ impl LtChip { // Send the masked interaction. blu.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent { - shard: event.shard, opcode: ByteOpcode::AND, a1: masked_b as u16, a2: 0, @@ -203,7 +200,6 @@ impl LtChip { c: 0x7f, }); blu.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent { - shard: event.shard, opcode: ByteOpcode::AND, a1: masked_c as u16, a2: 0, @@ -249,10 +245,9 @@ impl LtChip { cols.bit_b = cols.msb_b * cols.is_slt; cols.bit_c = cols.msb_c * cols.is_slt; - assert_eq!(cols.a[0], cols.bit_b * (F::one() - cols.bit_c) + cols.is_sign_eq * cols.sltu); + assert_eq!(cols.a, cols.bit_b * (F::one() - cols.bit_c) + cols.is_sign_eq * cols.sltu); blu.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent { - shard: event.shard, opcode: ByteOpcode::LTU, a1: cols.sltu.as_canonical_u32() as u16, a2: 0, @@ -276,12 +271,6 @@ where let main = builder.main(); let local = main.row_slice(0); let local: &LtCols = (*local).borrow(); - let next = main.row_slice(1); - let next: &LtCols = (*next).borrow(); - - // Constrain the incrementing nonce. - builder.when_first_row().assert_zero(local.nonce); - builder.when_transition().assert_eq(local.nonce + AB::Expr::one(), next.nonce); let is_real = local.is_slt + local.is_sltu; @@ -350,14 +339,11 @@ where // Assert the final result `a` is correct. // Check that `a[0]` is set correctly. - builder.assert_eq( - local.a[0], + // This check is done only when `op_a_not_0 == 1`. + builder.when(local.op_a_not_0).assert_eq( + local.a, local.bit_b * (AB::Expr::one() - local.bit_c) + local.is_sign_eq * local.sltu, ); - // Check the 3 most significant bytes of 'a' are zero. - builder.assert_zero(local.a[1]); - builder.assert_zero(local.a[2]); - builder.assert_zero(local.a[3]); // Verify that the byte equality flags are set correctly, i.e. all are boolean and only // at most a single byte flag is set. @@ -397,10 +383,10 @@ where { // Once the byte flag was set to one, we turn off the quality check flag. // We can do this by calculating the sum of the flags since only `1` is set to `1`. - is_inequality_visited += flag.into(); + is_inequality_visited = is_inequality_visited.clone() + flag.into(); - b_comparison_byte += b_byte.clone() * flag; - c_comparison_byte += c_byte.clone() * flag; + b_comparison_byte = b_comparison_byte.clone() + b_byte.clone() * flag; + c_comparison_byte = c_comparison_byte.clone() + c_byte.clone() * flag; // If inequality is not visited, assert that the bytes are equal. builder @@ -438,24 +424,42 @@ where // Constrain the operation flags. + // SAFETY: All selectors `is_slt`, `is_sltu` are checked to be boolean. + // Each "real" row has exactly one selector turned on, as `is_real = is_slt + is_sltu` is boolean. + // Therefore, the `opcode` matches the corresponding opcode. + // Check that the operation flags are boolean. builder.assert_bool(local.is_slt); builder.assert_bool(local.is_sltu); // Check that at most one of the operation flags is set. - // - // *remark*: this is not strictly necessary since it's also covered by the bus multiplicity - // but this is included here to make sure the condition is met. builder.assert_bool(local.is_slt + local.is_sltu); // Receive the arguments. - builder.receive_alu( + // SAFETY: This checks the following. + // - `next_pc = pc + 4` + // - `num_extra_cycles = 0` + // - `op_a_val` is constrained by the chip when `op_a_not_0 == 1` + // - `op_a_not_0` is correct, due to the sent `op_a_0` being equal to `1 - op_a_not_0` + // - `op_a_immutable = 0` + // - `is_memory = 0` + // - `is_syscall = 0` + // - `is_halt = 0` + builder.receive_instruction( + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + local.pc, + local.pc + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(DEFAULT_PC_INC), + AB::Expr::zero(), local.is_slt * AB::F::from_canonical_u32(Opcode::SLT as u32) + local.is_sltu * AB::F::from_canonical_u32(Opcode::SLTU as u32), - local.a, + Word::extend_var::(local.a), local.b, local.c, - local.shard, - local.nonce, + AB::Expr::one() - local.op_a_not_0, + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), is_real, ); } @@ -464,18 +468,33 @@ where #[cfg(test)] mod tests { - use crate::utils::{uni_stark_prove as prove, uni_stark_verify as verify}; + use std::borrow::BorrowMut; + + use crate::{ + alu::LtCols, + io::SP1Stdin, + riscv::RiscvAir, + utils::{run_malicious_test, uni_stark_prove as prove, uni_stark_verify as verify}, + }; use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; + use p3_field::AbstractField; use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; - use sp1_core_executor::{events::AluEvent, ExecutionRecord, Opcode}; - use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, StarkGenericConfig}; + use rand::{thread_rng, Rng}; + use sp1_core_executor::{ + events::{AluEvent, MemoryRecordEnum}, + ExecutionRecord, Instruction, Opcode, Program, + }; + use sp1_stark::{ + air::MachineAir, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, chip_name, CpuProver, + MachineProver, StarkGenericConfig, Val, + }; use super::LtChip; #[test] fn generate_trace() { let mut shard = ExecutionRecord::default(); - shard.lt_events = vec![AluEvent::new(0, 0, Opcode::SLT, 0, 3, 2)]; + shard.lt_events = vec![AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::SLT, 0, 3, 2, false)]; let chip = LtChip::default(); let generate_trace = chip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); let trace: RowMajorMatrix = generate_trace; @@ -503,21 +522,21 @@ mod tests { const NEG_4: u32 = 0b11111111111111111111111111111100; shard.lt_events = vec![ // 0 == 3 < 2 - AluEvent::new(0, 0, Opcode::SLT, 0, 3, 2), + AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::SLT, 0, 3, 2, false), // 1 == 2 < 3 - AluEvent::new(0, 1, Opcode::SLT, 1, 2, 3), + AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::SLT, 1, 2, 3, false), // 0 == 5 < -3 - AluEvent::new(0, 3, Opcode::SLT, 0, 5, NEG_3), + AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::SLT, 0, 5, NEG_3, false), // 1 == -3 < 5 - AluEvent::new(0, 2, Opcode::SLT, 1, NEG_3, 5), + AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::SLT, 1, NEG_3, 5, false), // 0 == -3 < -4 - AluEvent::new(0, 4, Opcode::SLT, 0, NEG_3, NEG_4), + AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::SLT, 0, NEG_3, NEG_4, false), // 1 == -4 < -3 - AluEvent::new(0, 4, Opcode::SLT, 1, NEG_4, NEG_3), + AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::SLT, 1, NEG_4, NEG_3, false), // 0 == 3 < 3 - AluEvent::new(0, 5, Opcode::SLT, 0, 3, 3), + AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::SLT, 0, 3, 3, false), // 0 == -3 < -3 - AluEvent::new(0, 5, Opcode::SLT, 0, NEG_3, NEG_3), + AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::SLT, 0, NEG_3, NEG_3, false), ]; prove_babybear_template(&mut shard); @@ -530,19 +549,83 @@ mod tests { const LARGE: u32 = 0b11111111111111111111111111111101; shard.lt_events = vec![ // 0 == 3 < 2 - AluEvent::new(0, 0, Opcode::SLTU, 0, 3, 2), + AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::SLTU, 0, 3, 2, false), // 1 == 2 < 3 - AluEvent::new(0, 1, Opcode::SLTU, 1, 2, 3), + AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::SLTU, 1, 2, 3, false), // 0 == LARGE < 5 - AluEvent::new(0, 2, Opcode::SLTU, 0, LARGE, 5), + AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::SLTU, 0, LARGE, 5, false), // 1 == 5 < LARGE - AluEvent::new(0, 3, Opcode::SLTU, 1, 5, LARGE), + AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::SLTU, 1, 5, LARGE, false), // 0 == 0 < 0 - AluEvent::new(0, 5, Opcode::SLTU, 0, 0, 0), + AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::SLTU, 0, 0, 0, false), // 0 == LARGE < LARGE - AluEvent::new(0, 5, Opcode::SLTU, 0, LARGE, LARGE), + AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::SLTU, 0, LARGE, LARGE, false), ]; prove_babybear_template(&mut shard); } + + #[test] + fn test_malicious_lt() { + const NUM_TESTS: usize = 5; + + for opcode in [Opcode::SLTU, Opcode::SLT] { + for _ in 0..NUM_TESTS { + let op_b = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + let op_c = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + + let correct_op_a = if opcode == Opcode::SLTU { + op_b < op_c + } else { + (op_b as i32) < (op_c as i32) + }; + + let op_a = !correct_op_a; + + let instructions = vec![ + Instruction::new(opcode, 5, op_b, op_c, true, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 10, 0, 0, false, false), + ]; + + let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + + type P = CpuProver>; + + let malicious_trace_pv_generator = move |prover: &P, + record: &mut ExecutionRecord| + -> Vec<( + String, + RowMajorMatrix>, + )> { + let mut malicious_record = record.clone(); + malicious_record.cpu_events[0].a = op_a as u32; + if let Some(MemoryRecordEnum::Write(mut write_record)) = + malicious_record.cpu_events[0].a_record + { + write_record.value = op_a as u32; + } + let mut traces = prover.generate_traces(&malicious_record); + + let lt_chip_name = chip_name!(LtChip, BabyBear); + for (chip_name, trace) in traces.iter_mut() { + if *chip_name == lt_chip_name { + let first_row = trace.row_mut(0); + let first_row: &mut LtCols = first_row.borrow_mut(); + first_row.a = BabyBear::from_bool(op_a); + } + } + + traces + }; + + let result = + run_malicious_test::

(program, stdin, Box::new(malicious_trace_pv_generator)); + let lt_chip_name = chip_name!(LtChip, BabyBear); + assert!( + result.is_err() && result.unwrap_err().is_constraints_failing(<_chip_name) + ); + } + } + } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/alu/mul/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/alu/mul/mod.rs index a9a32cd5c..90567480b 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/alu/mul/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/alu/mul/mod.rs @@ -13,20 +13,20 @@ //! for i in 0..8: //! for j in 0..8: //! if i + j < 8: -//! m[i + j] += b_64[i] * c_64[j] +//! m\[i + j\] += b_64\[i\] * c_64\[j\] //! //! # Propagate carry //! for i in 0..8: -//! x = m[i] +//! x = m\[i\] //! if i > 0: -//! x += carry[i - 1] -//! carry[i] = x / 256 -//! m[i] = x % 256 +//! x += carry\[i - 1\] +//! carry\[i\] = x / 256 +//! m\[i\] = x % 256 //! //! if upper_half: -//! assert_eq(a, m[4..8]) +//! assert_eq(a, m\[4..8\]) //! if lower_half: -//! assert_eq(a, m[0..4]) +//! assert_eq(a, m\[0..4\]) mod utils; @@ -35,30 +35,28 @@ use core::{ mem::size_of, }; +use hashbrown::HashMap; use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder, BaseAir}; -use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField}; +use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField, PrimeField32}; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; -use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::{ParallelIterator, ParallelSlice}; +use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::{ParallelBridge, ParallelIterator, ParallelSlice}; use sp1_core_executor::{ - events::{ByteLookupEvent, ByteRecord}, - ByteOpcode, ExecutionRecord, Opcode, Program, + events::{AluEvent, ByteLookupEvent, ByteRecord}, + ByteOpcode, ExecutionRecord, Opcode, Program, DEFAULT_PC_INC, }; use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; -use sp1_primitives::consts::WORD_SIZE; -use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, MachineRecord, Word}; +use sp1_primitives::consts::{BYTE_SIZE, LONG_WORD_SIZE, WORD_SIZE}; +use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, Word}; -use crate::{air::SP1CoreAirBuilder, alu::mul::utils::get_msb, utils::pad_rows_fixed}; +use crate::{ + air::SP1CoreAirBuilder, + alu::mul::utils::get_msb, + utils::{next_power_of_two, zeroed_f_vec}, +}; /// The number of main trace columns for `MulChip`. pub const NUM_MUL_COLS: usize = size_of::>(); -/// The number of digits in the product is at most the sum of the number of digits in the -/// multiplicands. -const PRODUCT_SIZE: usize = 2 * WORD_SIZE; - -/// The number of bits in a byte. -const BYTE_SIZE: usize = 8; - /// The mask for a byte. const BYTE_MASK: u8 = 0xff; @@ -70,11 +68,8 @@ pub struct MulChip; #[derive(AlignedBorrow, Default, Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct MulCols { - /// The shard number, used for byte lookup table. - pub shard: T, - - /// The nonce of the operation. - pub nonce: T, + /// The program counter. + pub pc: T, /// The output operand. pub a: Word, @@ -85,11 +80,14 @@ pub struct MulCols { /// The second input operand. pub c: Word, + /// Flag indicating whether `a` is not register 0. + pub op_a_not_0: T, + /// Trace. - pub carry: [T; PRODUCT_SIZE], + pub carry: [T; LONG_WORD_SIZE], /// An array storing the product of `b * c` after the carry propagation. - pub product: [T; PRODUCT_SIZE], + pub product: [T; LONG_WORD_SIZE], /// The most significant bit of `b`. pub b_msb: T, @@ -119,7 +117,7 @@ pub struct MulCols { pub is_real: T, } -impl MachineAir for MulChip { +impl MachineAir for MulChip { type Record = ExecutionRecord; type Program = Program; @@ -131,148 +129,52 @@ impl MachineAir for MulChip { fn generate_trace( &self, input: &ExecutionRecord, - output: &mut ExecutionRecord, + _: &mut ExecutionRecord, ) -> RowMajorMatrix { - let mul_events = input.mul_events.clone(); - // Compute the chunk size based on the number of events and the number of CPUs. - let chunk_size = std::cmp::max(mul_events.len() / num_cpus::get(), 1); + // Generate the trace rows for each event. + let nb_rows = input.mul_events.len(); + let size_log2 = input.fixed_log2_rows::(self); + let padded_nb_rows = next_power_of_two(nb_rows, size_log2); + let mut values = zeroed_f_vec(padded_nb_rows * NUM_MUL_COLS); + let chunk_size = std::cmp::max((nb_rows + 1) / num_cpus::get(), 1); + + values.chunks_mut(chunk_size * NUM_MUL_COLS).enumerate().par_bridge().for_each( + |(i, rows)| { + rows.chunks_mut(NUM_MUL_COLS).enumerate().for_each(|(j, row)| { + let idx = i * chunk_size + j; + let cols: &mut MulCols = row.borrow_mut(); + + if idx < nb_rows { + let mut byte_lookup_events = Vec::new(); + let event = &input.mul_events[idx]; + self.event_to_row(event, cols, &mut byte_lookup_events); + } + }); + }, + ); - // Generate the trace rows & corresponding records for each chunk of events in parallel. - let rows_and_records = mul_events + // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. + RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_MUL_COLS) + } + + fn generate_dependencies(&self, input: &Self::Record, output: &mut Self::Record) { + let chunk_size = std::cmp::max(input.mul_events.len() / num_cpus::get(), 1); + + let blu_batches = input + .mul_events .par_chunks(chunk_size) .map(|events| { - let mut record = ExecutionRecord::default(); - let rows = events - .iter() - .map(|event| { - // Ensure that the opcode is MUL, MULHU, MULH, or MULHSU. - assert!( - event.opcode == Opcode::MUL - || event.opcode == Opcode::MULHU - || event.opcode == Opcode::MULH - || event.opcode == Opcode::MULHSU - ); - let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_MUL_COLS]; - let cols: &mut MulCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); - - let a_word = event.a.to_le_bytes(); - let b_word = event.b.to_le_bytes(); - let c_word = event.c.to_le_bytes(); - - let mut b = b_word.to_vec(); - let mut c = c_word.to_vec(); - - // Handle b and c's signs. - { - let b_msb = get_msb(b_word); - cols.b_msb = F::from_canonical_u8(b_msb); - let c_msb = get_msb(c_word); - cols.c_msb = F::from_canonical_u8(c_msb); - - // If b is signed and it is negative, sign extend b. - if (event.opcode == Opcode::MULH || event.opcode == Opcode::MULHSU) - && b_msb == 1 - { - cols.b_sign_extend = F::one(); - b.resize(PRODUCT_SIZE, BYTE_MASK); - } - - // If c is signed and it is negative, sign extend c. - if event.opcode == Opcode::MULH && c_msb == 1 { - cols.c_sign_extend = F::one(); - c.resize(PRODUCT_SIZE, BYTE_MASK); - } - - // Insert the MSB lookup events. - { - let words = [b_word, c_word]; - let mut blu_events: Vec = vec![]; - for word in words.iter() { - let most_significant_byte = word[WORD_SIZE - 1]; - blu_events.push(ByteLookupEvent { - shard: event.shard, - opcode: ByteOpcode::MSB, - a1: get_msb(*word) as u16, - a2: 0, - b: most_significant_byte, - c: 0, - }); - } - record.add_byte_lookup_events(blu_events); - } - } - - let mut product = [0u32; PRODUCT_SIZE]; - for i in 0..b.len() { - for j in 0..c.len() { - if i + j < PRODUCT_SIZE { - product[i + j] += (b[i] as u32) * (c[j] as u32); - } - } - } - - // Calculate the correct product using the `product` array. We store the - // correct carry value for verification. - let base = (1 << BYTE_SIZE) as u32; - let mut carry = [0u32; PRODUCT_SIZE]; - for i in 0..PRODUCT_SIZE { - carry[i] = product[i] / base; - product[i] %= base; - if i + 1 < PRODUCT_SIZE { - product[i + 1] += carry[i]; - } - cols.carry[i] = F::from_canonical_u32(carry[i]); - } - - cols.product = product.map(F::from_canonical_u32); - cols.a = Word(a_word.map(F::from_canonical_u8)); - cols.b = Word(b_word.map(F::from_canonical_u8)); - cols.c = Word(c_word.map(F::from_canonical_u8)); - cols.is_real = F::one(); - cols.is_mul = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::MUL); - cols.is_mulh = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::MULH); - cols.is_mulhu = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::MULHU); - cols.is_mulhsu = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::MULHSU); - cols.shard = F::from_canonical_u32(event.shard); - - // Range check. - { - record.add_u16_range_checks(event.shard, &carry.map(|x| x as u16)); - record.add_u8_range_checks(event.shard, &product.map(|x| x as u8)); - } - row - }) - .collect::>(); - (rows, record) + let mut blu: HashMap = HashMap::new(); + events.iter().for_each(|event| { + let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_MUL_COLS]; + let cols: &mut MulCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); + self.event_to_row(event, cols, &mut blu); + }); + blu }) .collect::>(); - // Generate the trace rows for each event. - let mut rows: Vec<[F; NUM_MUL_COLS]> = vec![]; - for mut row_and_record in rows_and_records { - rows.extend(row_and_record.0); - output.append(&mut row_and_record.1); - } - - // Pad the trace to a power of two depending on the proof shape in `input`. - pad_rows_fixed( - &mut rows, - || [F::zero(); NUM_MUL_COLS], - input.fixed_log2_rows::(self), - ); - - // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. - let mut trace = - RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), NUM_MUL_COLS); - - // Write the nonces to the trace. - for i in 0..trace.height() { - let cols: &mut MulCols = - trace.values[i * NUM_MUL_COLS..(i + 1) * NUM_MUL_COLS].borrow_mut(); - cols.nonce = F::from_canonical_usize(i); - } - - trace + output.add_byte_lookup_events_from_maps(blu_batches.iter().collect::>()); } fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { @@ -282,6 +184,105 @@ impl MachineAir for MulChip { !shard.mul_events.is_empty() } } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } +} + +impl MulChip { + /// Create a row from an event. + fn event_to_row( + &self, + event: &AluEvent, + cols: &mut MulCols, + blu: &mut impl ByteRecord, + ) { + cols.pc = F::from_canonical_u32(event.pc); + + let a_word = event.a.to_le_bytes(); + let b_word = event.b.to_le_bytes(); + let c_word = event.c.to_le_bytes(); + + let mut b = b_word.to_vec(); + let mut c = c_word.to_vec(); + cols.op_a_not_0 = F::from_bool(!event.op_a_0); + + // Handle b and c's signs. + { + let b_msb = get_msb(b_word); + cols.b_msb = F::from_canonical_u8(b_msb); + let c_msb = get_msb(c_word); + cols.c_msb = F::from_canonical_u8(c_msb); + + // If b is signed and it is negative, sign extend b. + if (event.opcode == Opcode::MULH || event.opcode == Opcode::MULHSU) && b_msb == 1 { + cols.b_sign_extend = F::one(); + b.resize(LONG_WORD_SIZE, BYTE_MASK); + } + + // If c is signed and it is negative, sign extend c. + if event.opcode == Opcode::MULH && c_msb == 1 { + cols.c_sign_extend = F::one(); + c.resize(LONG_WORD_SIZE, BYTE_MASK); + } + + // Insert the MSB lookup events. + { + let words = [b_word, c_word]; + let mut blu_events: Vec = vec![]; + for word in words.iter() { + let most_significant_byte = word[WORD_SIZE - 1]; + blu_events.push(ByteLookupEvent { + opcode: ByteOpcode::MSB, + a1: get_msb(*word) as u16, + a2: 0, + b: most_significant_byte, + c: 0, + }); + } + blu.add_byte_lookup_events(blu_events); + } + } + + let mut product = [0u32; LONG_WORD_SIZE]; + for i in 0..b.len() { + for j in 0..c.len() { + if i + j < LONG_WORD_SIZE { + product[i + j] += (b[i] as u32) * (c[j] as u32); + } + } + } + + // Calculate the correct product using the `product` array. We store the + // correct carry value for verification. + let base = (1 << BYTE_SIZE) as u32; + let mut carry = [0u32; LONG_WORD_SIZE]; + for i in 0..LONG_WORD_SIZE { + carry[i] = product[i] / base; + product[i] %= base; + if i + 1 < LONG_WORD_SIZE { + product[i + 1] += carry[i]; + } + cols.carry[i] = F::from_canonical_u32(carry[i]); + } + + cols.product = product.map(F::from_canonical_u32); + cols.a = Word(a_word.map(F::from_canonical_u8)); + cols.b = Word(b_word.map(F::from_canonical_u8)); + cols.c = Word(c_word.map(F::from_canonical_u8)); + cols.is_real = F::one(); + cols.is_mul = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::MUL); + cols.is_mulh = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::MULH); + cols.is_mulhu = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::MULHU); + cols.is_mulhsu = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::MULHSU); + + // Range check. + { + blu.add_u16_range_checks(&carry.map(|x| x as u16)); + blu.add_u8_range_checks(&product.map(|x| x as u8)); + } + } } impl BaseAir for MulChip { @@ -298,18 +299,12 @@ where let main = builder.main(); let local = main.row_slice(0); let local: &MulCols = (*local).borrow(); - let next = main.row_slice(1); - let next: &MulCols = (*next).borrow(); let base = AB::F::from_canonical_u32(1 << 8); let zero: AB::Expr = AB::F::zero().into(); let one: AB::Expr = AB::F::one().into(); let byte_mask = AB::F::from_canonical_u8(BYTE_MASK); - // Constrain the incrementing nonce. - builder.when_first_row().assert_zero(local.nonce); - builder.when_transition().assert_eq(local.nonce + AB::Expr::one(), next.nonce); - // Calculate the MSBs. let (b_msb, c_msb) = { let msb_pairs = @@ -337,9 +332,9 @@ where // Sign extend local.b and local.c whenever appropriate. let (b, c) = { - let mut b: Vec = vec![AB::F::zero().into(); PRODUCT_SIZE]; - let mut c: Vec = vec![AB::F::zero().into(); PRODUCT_SIZE]; - for i in 0..PRODUCT_SIZE { + let mut b: Vec = vec![AB::F::zero().into(); LONG_WORD_SIZE]; + let mut c: Vec = vec![AB::F::zero().into(); LONG_WORD_SIZE]; + for i in 0..LONG_WORD_SIZE { if i < WORD_SIZE { b[i] = local.b[i].into(); c[i] = local.c[i].into(); @@ -352,18 +347,18 @@ where }; // Compute the uncarried product b(x) * c(x) = m(x). - let mut m: Vec = vec![AB::F::zero().into(); PRODUCT_SIZE]; - for i in 0..PRODUCT_SIZE { - for j in 0..PRODUCT_SIZE { - if i + j < PRODUCT_SIZE { - m[i + j] += b[i].clone() * c[j].clone(); + let mut m: Vec = vec![AB::F::zero().into(); LONG_WORD_SIZE]; + for i in 0..LONG_WORD_SIZE { + for j in 0..LONG_WORD_SIZE { + if i + j < LONG_WORD_SIZE { + m[i + j] = m[i + j].clone() + b[i].clone() * c[j].clone(); } } } // Propagate carry. let product = { - for i in 0..PRODUCT_SIZE { + for i in 0..LONG_WORD_SIZE { if i == 0 { builder.assert_eq(local.product[i], m[i].clone() - local.carry[i] * base); } else { @@ -377,12 +372,16 @@ where }; // Compare the product's appropriate bytes with that of the result. + // This constraint is only done when `op_a_not_0 == 1`. { let is_lower = local.is_mul; let is_upper = local.is_mulh + local.is_mulhu + local.is_mulhsu; for i in 0..WORD_SIZE { - builder.when(is_lower).assert_eq(product[i], local.a[i]); - builder.when(is_upper.clone()).assert_eq(product[i + WORD_SIZE], local.a[i]); + builder.when(local.op_a_not_0).when(is_lower).assert_eq(product[i], local.a[i]); + builder + .when(local.op_a_not_0) + .when(is_upper.clone()) + .assert_eq(product[i + WORD_SIZE], local.a[i]); } } @@ -408,9 +407,14 @@ where builder.when(local.b_sign_extend).assert_eq(local.b_msb, one.clone()); builder.when(local.c_sign_extend).assert_eq(local.c_msb, one.clone()); + // SAFETY: All selectors `is_mul`, `is_mulh`, `is_mulhu`, `is_mulhsu` are checked to be boolean. + // Also, the multiplicity `is_real` is checked to be boolean, and `is_real = 0` leads to no interactions. + // Each "real" row has exactly one selector turned on, as constrained below. + // Therefore, in "real" rows, the `opcode` matches the corresponding opcode. + // Calculate the opcode. let opcode = { - // Exactly one of the op codes must be on. + // Exactly one of the opcodes must be on. builder .when(local.is_real) .assert_one(local.is_mul + local.is_mulh + local.is_mulhu + local.is_mulhsu); @@ -436,26 +440,56 @@ where } // Receive the arguments. - builder.receive_alu( + // SAFETY: This checks the following. + // - `next_pc = pc + 4` + // - `num_extra_cycles = 0` + // - `op_a_val` is constrained by the chip when `op_a_not_0 == 1` + // - `op_a_not_0` is correct, due to the sent `op_a_0` being equal to `1 - op_a_not_0` + // - `op_a_immutable = 0` + // - `is_memory = 0` + // - `is_syscall = 0` + // - `is_halt = 0` + builder.receive_instruction( + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + local.pc, + local.pc + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(DEFAULT_PC_INC), + AB::Expr::zero(), opcode, local.a, local.b, local.c, - local.shard, - local.nonce, + AB::Expr::one() - local.op_a_not_0, + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), local.is_real, ); + + builder.when(local.op_a_not_0).assert_one(local.is_real); } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { - use crate::utils::{uni_stark_prove as prove, uni_stark_verify as verify}; + use crate::{ + io::SP1Stdin, + riscv::RiscvAir, + utils::{run_malicious_test, uni_stark_prove as prove, uni_stark_verify as verify}, + }; use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; - use sp1_core_executor::{events::AluEvent, ExecutionRecord, Opcode}; - use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, StarkGenericConfig}; + use rand::{thread_rng, Rng}; + use sp1_core_executor::{ + events::{AluEvent, MemoryRecordEnum}, + ExecutionRecord, Instruction, Opcode, Program, + }; + use sp1_stark::{ + air::MachineAir, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, chip_name, CpuProver, + MachineProver, StarkGenericConfig, Val, + }; use super::MulChip; @@ -467,12 +501,12 @@ mod tests { let mut mul_events: Vec = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..10i32.pow(7) { mul_events.push(AluEvent::new( - 0, 0, Opcode::MULHSU, 0x80004000, 0x80000000, 0xffff8000, + false, )); } shard.mul_events = mul_events; @@ -542,12 +576,12 @@ mod tests { (Opcode::MULH, 0xffffffff, 0x00000001, 0xffffffff), ]; for t in mul_instructions.iter() { - mul_events.push(AluEvent::new(0, 0, t.0, t.1, t.2, t.3)); + mul_events.push(AluEvent::new(0, t.0, t.1, t.2, t.3, false)); } // Append more events until we have 1000 tests. for _ in 0..(1000 - mul_instructions.len()) { - mul_events.push(AluEvent::new(0, 0, Opcode::MUL, 1, 1, 1)); + mul_events.push(AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::MUL, 1, 1, 1, false)); } shard.mul_events = mul_events; @@ -559,4 +593,73 @@ mod tests { let mut challenger = config.challenger(); verify(&config, &chip, &mut challenger, &proof).unwrap(); } + + #[test] + fn test_malicious_mul() { + const NUM_TESTS: usize = 5; + + for opcode in [Opcode::MUL, Opcode::MULH, Opcode::MULHU, Opcode::MULHSU] { + for _ in 0..NUM_TESTS { + let (correct_op_a, op_b, op_c) = if opcode == Opcode::MUL { + let op_b = thread_rng().gen_range(0..i32::MAX); + let op_c = thread_rng().gen_range(0..i32::MAX); + ((op_b.overflowing_mul(op_c).0) as u32, op_b as u32, op_c as u32) + } else if opcode == Opcode::MULH { + let op_b = thread_rng().gen_range(0..i32::MAX); + let op_c = thread_rng().gen_range(0..i32::MAX); + let result = (op_b as i64) * (op_c as i64); + (((result >> 32) as i32) as u32, op_b as u32, op_c as u32) + } else if opcode == Opcode::MULHU { + let op_b = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + let op_c = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + let result: u64 = (op_b as u64) * (op_c as u64); + ((result >> 32) as u32, op_b as u32, op_c as u32) + } else if opcode == Opcode::MULHSU { + let op_b = thread_rng().gen_range(0..i32::MAX); + let op_c = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + let result: i64 = (op_b as i64) * (op_c as i64); + ((result >> 32) as u32, op_b as u32, op_c as u32) + } else { + unreachable!() + }; + + let op_a = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + assert!(op_a != correct_op_a); + + let instructions = vec![ + Instruction::new(opcode, 5, op_b, op_c, true, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 10, 0, 0, false, false), + ]; + + let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + + type P = CpuProver>; + + let malicious_trace_pv_generator = move |prover: &P, + record: &mut ExecutionRecord| + -> Vec<( + String, + RowMajorMatrix>, + )> { + let mut malicious_record = record.clone(); + malicious_record.cpu_events[0].a = op_a as u32; + if let Some(MemoryRecordEnum::Write(mut write_record)) = + malicious_record.cpu_events[0].a_record + { + write_record.value = op_a as u32; + } + malicious_record.mul_events[0].a = op_a; + prover.generate_traces(&malicious_record) + }; + + let result = + run_malicious_test::

(program, stdin, Box::new(malicious_trace_pv_generator)); + let mul_chip_name = chip_name!(MulChip, BabyBear); + assert!( + result.is_err() && result.unwrap_err().is_constraints_failing(&mul_chip_name) + ); + } + } + } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/alu/sll/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/alu/sll/mod.rs index 1b2f6cbd3..ec18353c6 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/alu/sll/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/alu/sll/mod.rs @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ //! # "Byte shift" //! for i in range(WORD_SIZE): //! if i < num_bytes_to_shift: -//! assert(a[i] == 0) +//! assert(a\[i\] == 0) //! else: -//! assert(a[i] == bit_shift_result[i - num_bytes_to_shift]) +//! assert(a\[i\] == bit_shift_result\[i - num_bytes_to_shift\]) //! //! Notes: //! @@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ use core::{ use hashbrown::HashMap; use itertools::Itertools; use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder, BaseAir}; -use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField}; +use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField, PrimeField32}; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::{ParallelIterator, ParallelSlice}; use sp1_core_executor::{ events::{AluEvent, ByteLookupEvent, ByteRecord}, - ExecutionRecord, Opcode, Program, + ExecutionRecord, Opcode, Program, DEFAULT_PC_INC, }; use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; use sp1_primitives::consts::WORD_SIZE; @@ -65,11 +65,8 @@ pub struct ShiftLeft; #[derive(AlignedBorrow, Default, Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ShiftLeftCols { - /// The shard number, used for byte lookup table. - pub shard: T, - - /// The nonce of the operation. - pub nonce: T, + /// The program counter. + pub pc: T, /// The output operand. pub a: Word, @@ -80,6 +77,9 @@ pub struct ShiftLeftCols { /// The second input operand. pub c: Word, + /// Flag indicating whether `a` is not register 0. + pub op_a_not_0: T, + /// The least significant byte of `c`. Used to verify `shift_by_n_bits` and `shift_by_n_bytes`. pub c_least_sig_byte: [T; BYTE_SIZE], @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ pub struct ShiftLeftCols { pub is_real: T, } -impl MachineAir for ShiftLeft { +impl MachineAir for ShiftLeft { type Record = ExecutionRecord; type Program = Program; @@ -154,12 +154,6 @@ impl MachineAir for ShiftLeft { trace.values[i] = padded_row_template[i % NUM_SHIFT_LEFT_COLS]; } - for i in 0..trace.height() { - let cols: &mut ShiftLeftCols = - trace.values[i * NUM_SHIFT_LEFT_COLS..(i + 1) * NUM_SHIFT_LEFT_COLS].borrow_mut(); - cols.nonce = F::from_canonical_usize(i); - } - trace } @@ -170,7 +164,7 @@ impl MachineAir for ShiftLeft { .shift_left_events .par_chunks(chunk_size) .map(|events| { - let mut blu: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); + let mut blu: HashMap = HashMap::new(); events.iter().for_each(|event| { let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_SHIFT_LEFT_COLS]; let cols: &mut ShiftLeftCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); @@ -180,7 +174,7 @@ impl MachineAir for ShiftLeft { }) .collect::>(); - output.add_sharded_byte_lookup_events(blu_batches.iter().collect_vec()); + output.add_byte_lookup_events_from_maps(blu_batches.iter().collect_vec()); } fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { @@ -190,6 +184,10 @@ impl MachineAir for ShiftLeft { !shard.shift_left_events.is_empty() } } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } } impl ShiftLeft { @@ -200,13 +198,15 @@ impl ShiftLeft { cols: &mut ShiftLeftCols, blu: &mut impl ByteRecord, ) { + cols.pc = F::from_canonical_u32(event.pc); + let a = event.a.to_le_bytes(); let b = event.b.to_le_bytes(); let c = event.c.to_le_bytes(); - cols.shard = F::from_canonical_u32(event.shard); cols.a = Word(a.map(F::from_canonical_u8)); cols.b = Word(b.map(F::from_canonical_u8)); cols.c = Word(c.map(F::from_canonical_u8)); + cols.op_a_not_0 = F::from_bool(!event.op_a_0); cols.is_real = F::one(); for i in 0..BYTE_SIZE { cols.c_least_sig_byte[i] = F::from_canonical_u32((event.c >> i) & 1); @@ -242,8 +242,8 @@ impl ShiftLeft { // Range checks. { - blu.add_u8_range_checks(event.shard, &bit_shift_result); - blu.add_u8_range_checks(event.shard, &bit_shift_result_carry); + blu.add_u8_range_checks(&bit_shift_result); + blu.add_u8_range_checks(&bit_shift_result_carry); } // Sanity check. @@ -270,17 +270,11 @@ where let main = builder.main(); let local = main.row_slice(0); let local: &ShiftLeftCols = (*local).borrow(); - let next = main.row_slice(1); - let next: &ShiftLeftCols = (*next).borrow(); let zero: AB::Expr = AB::F::zero().into(); let one: AB::Expr = AB::F::one().into(); let base: AB::Expr = AB::F::from_canonical_u32(1 << BYTE_SIZE).into(); - // Constrain the incrementing nonce. - builder.when_first_row().assert_zero(local.nonce); - builder.when_transition().assert_eq(local.nonce + AB::Expr::one(), next.nonce); - // We first "bit shift" and next we "byte shift". Then we compare the results with a. // Finally, we perform some misc checks. @@ -290,7 +284,7 @@ where let mut c_byte_sum = zero.clone(); for i in 0..BYTE_SIZE { let val: AB::Expr = AB::F::from_canonical_u32(1 << i).into(); - c_byte_sum += val * local.c_least_sig_byte[i]; + c_byte_sum = c_byte_sum.clone() + val * local.c_least_sig_byte[i]; } builder.assert_eq(c_byte_sum, local.c[0]); @@ -300,7 +294,8 @@ where // 3 is the maximum number of bits necessary to represent num_bits_to_shift as // num_bits_to_shift is in [0, 7]. for i in 0..3 { - num_bits_to_shift += local.c_least_sig_byte[i] * AB::F::from_canonical_u32(1 << i); + num_bits_to_shift = num_bits_to_shift.clone() + + local.c_least_sig_byte[i] * AB::F::from_canonical_u32(1 << i); } for i in 0..BYTE_SIZE { builder @@ -321,7 +316,7 @@ where let mut v = local.b[i] * local.bit_shift_multiplier - local.bit_shift_result_carry[i] * base.clone(); if i > 0 { - v += local.bit_shift_result_carry[i - 1].into(); + v = v.clone() + local.bit_shift_result_carry[i - 1].into(); } builder.assert_eq(local.bit_shift_result[i], v); } @@ -342,14 +337,17 @@ where // The bytes of a must match those of bit_shift_result, taking into account the byte // shifting. + // The constraints are done only when `op_a_not_0 == 1`. for num_bytes_to_shift in 0..WORD_SIZE { let mut shifting = builder.when(local.shift_by_n_bytes[num_bytes_to_shift]); for i in 0..WORD_SIZE { if i < num_bytes_to_shift { // The first num_bytes_to_shift bytes must be zero. - shifting.assert_eq(local.a[i], zero.clone()); + shifting.when(local.op_a_not_0).assert_eq(local.a[i], zero.clone()); } else { - shifting.assert_eq(local.a[i], local.bit_shift_result[i - num_bytes_to_shift]); + shifting + .when(local.op_a_not_0) + .assert_eq(local.a[i], local.bit_shift_result[i - num_bytes_to_shift]); } } } @@ -382,36 +380,72 @@ where one.clone(), ); + // SAFETY: `is_real` is checked to be boolean. + // All interactions are done with multiplicity `is_real`, so padding rows lead to no interactions. + // This chip only deals with the `SLL` opcode, so the opcode matches the instruction. builder.assert_bool(local.is_real); // Receive the arguments. - builder.receive_alu( + // SAFETY: This checks the following. + // - `next_pc = pc + 4` + // - `num_extra_cycles = 0` + // - `op_a_val` is constrained by the chip when `op_a_not_0 == 1` + // - `op_a_not_0` is correct, due to the sent `op_a_0` being equal to `1 - op_a_not_0` + // - `op_a_immutable = 0` + // - `is_memory = 0` + // - `is_syscall = 0` + // - `is_halt = 0` + builder.receive_instruction( + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + local.pc, + local.pc + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(DEFAULT_PC_INC), + AB::Expr::zero(), AB::F::from_canonical_u32(Opcode::SLL as u32), local.a, local.b, local.c, - local.shard, - local.nonce, + AB::Expr::one() - local.op_a_not_0, + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), local.is_real, ); + + builder.when(local.op_a_not_0).assert_one(local.is_real); } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { - use crate::utils::{uni_stark_prove as prove, uni_stark_verify as verify}; + use std::borrow::BorrowMut; + + use crate::{ + alu::ShiftLeftCols, + io::SP1Stdin, + riscv::RiscvAir, + utils::{run_malicious_test, uni_stark_prove as prove, uni_stark_verify as verify}, + }; use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; - use sp1_core_executor::{events::AluEvent, ExecutionRecord, Opcode}; - use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, StarkGenericConfig}; + use rand::{thread_rng, Rng}; + use sp1_core_executor::{ + events::{AluEvent, MemoryRecordEnum}, + ExecutionRecord, Instruction, Opcode, Program, + }; + use sp1_stark::{ + air::MachineAir, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, chip_name, CpuProver, + MachineProver, StarkGenericConfig, Val, + }; use super::ShiftLeft; #[test] fn generate_trace() { let mut shard = ExecutionRecord::default(); - shard.shift_left_events = vec![AluEvent::new(0, 0, Opcode::SLL, 16, 8, 1)]; + shard.shift_left_events = vec![AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::SLL, 16, 8, 1, false)]; let chip = ShiftLeft::default(); let trace: RowMajorMatrix = chip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); @@ -446,7 +480,7 @@ mod tests { (Opcode::SLL, 0x00000000, 0x21212120, 0xffffffff), ]; for t in shift_instructions.iter() { - shift_events.push(AluEvent::new(0, 0, t.0, t.1, t.2, t.3)); + shift_events.push(AluEvent::new(0, t.0, t.1, t.2, t.3, false)); } // Append more events until we have 1000 tests. @@ -464,4 +498,61 @@ mod tests { let mut challenger = config.challenger(); verify(&config, &chip, &mut challenger, &proof).unwrap(); } + + #[test] + fn test_malicious_sll() { + const NUM_TESTS: usize = 5; + + for _ in 0..NUM_TESTS { + let op_a = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + let op_b = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + let op_c = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + + let correct_op_a = op_b << (op_c & 0x1F); + + assert!(op_a != correct_op_a); + + let instructions = vec![ + Instruction::new(Opcode::SLL, 5, op_b, op_c, true, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 10, 0, 0, false, false), + ]; + + let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + + type P = CpuProver>; + + let malicious_trace_pv_generator = + move |prover: &P, + record: &mut ExecutionRecord| + -> Vec<(String, RowMajorMatrix>)> { + let mut malicious_record = record.clone(); + malicious_record.cpu_events[0].a = op_a as u32; + if let Some(MemoryRecordEnum::Write(mut write_record)) = + malicious_record.cpu_events[0].a_record + { + write_record.value = op_a as u32; + } + let mut traces = prover.generate_traces(&malicious_record); + let shift_left_chip_name = chip_name!(ShiftLeft, BabyBear); + for (name, trace) in traces.iter_mut() { + if *name == shift_left_chip_name { + let first_row = trace.row_mut(0); + let first_row: &mut ShiftLeftCols = first_row.borrow_mut(); + first_row.a = op_a.into(); + } + } + + traces + }; + + let result = + run_malicious_test::

(program, stdin, Box::new(malicious_trace_pv_generator)); + let shift_left_chip_name = chip_name!(ShiftLeft, BabyBear); + assert!( + result.is_err() + && result.unwrap_err().is_constraints_failing(&shift_left_chip_name) + ); + } + } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/alu/sr/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/alu/sr/mod.rs index 84990a9c0..8b8813cac 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/alu/sr/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/alu/sr/mod.rs @@ -24,22 +24,22 @@ //! //! # Byte shift. Leave the num_bytes_to_shift most significant bytes of b 0 for simplicity as it //! # doesn't affect the correctness of the result. -//! result = [0; LONG_WORD_SIZE] +//! result = \[0; LONG_WORD_SIZE\] //! for i in range(LONG_WORD_SIZE - num_bytes_to_shift): -//! result[i] = b[i + num_bytes_to_shift] +//! result\[i\] = b\[i + num_bytes_to_shift\] //! //! # Bit shift. //! carry_multiplier = 1 << (8 - num_bits_to_shift) //! last_carry = 0 //! for i in reversed(range(LONG_WORD_SIZE)): //! # Shifts a byte to the right and returns both the shifted byte and the bits that carried. -//! (shifted_byte[i], carry) = shr_carry(result[i], num_bits_to_shift) -//! result[i] = shifted_byte[i] + last_carry * carry_multiplier +//! (shifted_byte\[i\], carry) = shr_carry(result\[i\], num_bits_to_shift) +//! result\[i\] = shifted_byte\[i\] + last_carry * carry_multiplier //! last_carry = carry //! //! # The 4 least significant bytes must match a. The 4 most significant bytes of result may be //! # inaccurate. -//! assert a = result[0..WORD_SIZE] +//! assert a = result\[0..WORD_SIZE\] mod utils; @@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ use core::{ use hashbrown::HashMap; use itertools::Itertools; use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder, BaseAir}; -use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField}; +use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField, PrimeField32}; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; -use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::{ParallelIterator, ParallelSlice}; +use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::{ParallelBridge, ParallelIterator, ParallelSlice}; use sp1_core_executor::{ events::{AluEvent, ByteLookupEvent, ByteRecord}, - ByteOpcode, ExecutionRecord, Opcode, Program, + ByteOpcode, ExecutionRecord, Opcode, Program, DEFAULT_PC_INC, }; use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; use sp1_primitives::consts::WORD_SIZE; @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ use crate::{ air::SP1CoreAirBuilder, alu::sr::utils::{nb_bits_to_shift, nb_bytes_to_shift}, bytes::utils::shr_carry, - utils::pad_rows_fixed, + utils::{next_power_of_two, zeroed_f_vec}, }; /// The number of main trace columns for `ShiftRightChip`. @@ -85,11 +85,8 @@ pub struct ShiftRightChip; #[derive(AlignedBorrow, Default, Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ShiftRightCols { - /// The shard number, used for byte lookup table. - pub shard: T, - - /// The nonce of the operation. - pub nonce: T, + /// The program counter. + pub pc: T, /// The output operand. pub a: Word, @@ -100,6 +97,9 @@ pub struct ShiftRightCols { /// The second input operand. pub c: Word, + /// Flag indicating whether `a` is not register 0. + pub op_a_not_0: T, + /// A boolean array whose `i`th element indicates whether `num_bits_to_shift = i`. pub shift_by_n_bits: [T; BYTE_SIZE], @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ pub struct ShiftRightCols { pub is_real: T, } -impl MachineAir for ShiftRightChip { +impl MachineAir for ShiftRightChip { type Record = ExecutionRecord; type Program = Program; @@ -149,54 +149,32 @@ impl MachineAir for ShiftRightChip { _: &mut ExecutionRecord, ) -> RowMajorMatrix { // Generate the trace rows for each event. - let mut rows: Vec<[F; NUM_SHIFT_RIGHT_COLS]> = Vec::new(); - let sr_events = input.shift_right_events.clone(); - for event in sr_events.iter() { - assert!(event.opcode == Opcode::SRL || event.opcode == Opcode::SRA); - let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_SHIFT_RIGHT_COLS]; - let cols: &mut ShiftRightCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); - let mut blu = Vec::new(); - self.event_to_row(event, cols, &mut blu); - rows.push(row); - } - - // Pad the trace to a power of two depending on the proof shape in `input`. - pad_rows_fixed( - &mut rows, - || [F::zero(); NUM_SHIFT_RIGHT_COLS], - input.fixed_log2_rows::(self), + let nb_rows = input.shift_right_events.len(); + let size_log2 = input.fixed_log2_rows::(self); + let padded_nb_rows = next_power_of_two(nb_rows, size_log2); + let mut values = zeroed_f_vec(padded_nb_rows * NUM_SHIFT_RIGHT_COLS); + let chunk_size = std::cmp::max((nb_rows + 1) / num_cpus::get(), 1); + + values.chunks_mut(chunk_size * NUM_SHIFT_RIGHT_COLS).enumerate().par_bridge().for_each( + |(i, rows)| { + rows.chunks_mut(NUM_SHIFT_RIGHT_COLS).enumerate().for_each(|(j, row)| { + let idx = i * chunk_size + j; + let cols: &mut ShiftRightCols = row.borrow_mut(); + + if idx < nb_rows { + let mut byte_lookup_events = Vec::new(); + let event = &input.shift_right_events[idx]; + self.event_to_row(event, cols, &mut byte_lookup_events); + } else { + cols.shift_by_n_bits[0] = F::one(); + cols.shift_by_n_bytes[0] = F::one(); + } + }); + }, ); // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. - let mut trace = RowMajorMatrix::new( - rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), - NUM_SHIFT_RIGHT_COLS, - ); - - // Create the template for the padded rows. These are fake rows that don't fail on some - // sanity checks. - let padded_row_template = { - let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_SHIFT_RIGHT_COLS]; - let cols: &mut ShiftRightCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); - // Shift 0 by 0 bits and 0 bytes. - // cols.is_srl = F::one(); - cols.shift_by_n_bits[0] = F::one(); - cols.shift_by_n_bytes[0] = F::one(); - row - }; - debug_assert!(padded_row_template.len() == NUM_SHIFT_RIGHT_COLS); - for i in input.shift_right_events.len() * NUM_SHIFT_RIGHT_COLS..trace.values.len() { - trace.values[i] = padded_row_template[i % NUM_SHIFT_RIGHT_COLS]; - } - - // Write the nonces to the trace. - for i in 0..trace.height() { - let cols: &mut ShiftRightCols = - trace.values[i * NUM_SHIFT_RIGHT_COLS..(i + 1) * NUM_SHIFT_RIGHT_COLS].borrow_mut(); - cols.nonce = F::from_canonical_usize(i); - } - - trace + RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_SHIFT_RIGHT_COLS) } fn generate_dependencies(&self, input: &Self::Record, output: &mut Self::Record) { @@ -206,7 +184,7 @@ impl MachineAir for ShiftRightChip { .shift_right_events .par_chunks(chunk_size) .map(|events| { - let mut blu: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); + let mut blu: HashMap = HashMap::new(); events.iter().for_each(|event| { let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_SHIFT_RIGHT_COLS]; let cols: &mut ShiftRightCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); @@ -216,7 +194,7 @@ impl MachineAir for ShiftRightChip { }) .collect::>(); - output.add_sharded_byte_lookup_events(blu_batches.iter().collect_vec()); + output.add_byte_lookup_events_from_maps(blu_batches.iter().collect_vec()); } fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { @@ -226,6 +204,10 @@ impl MachineAir for ShiftRightChip { !shard.shift_right_events.is_empty() } } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } } impl ShiftRightChip { @@ -238,10 +220,11 @@ impl ShiftRightChip { ) { // Initialize cols with basic operands and flags derived from the current event. { - cols.shard = F::from_canonical_u32(event.shard); + cols.pc = F::from_canonical_u32(event.pc); cols.a = Word::from(event.a); cols.b = Word::from(event.b); cols.c = Word::from(event.c); + cols.op_a_not_0 = F::from_bool(!event.op_a_0); cols.b_msb = F::from_canonical_u32((event.b >> 31) & 1); @@ -257,7 +240,6 @@ impl ShiftRightChip { // Insert the MSB lookup event. let most_significant_byte = event.b.to_le_bytes()[WORD_SIZE - 1]; blu.add_byte_lookup_events(vec![ByteLookupEvent { - shard: event.shard, opcode: ByteOpcode::MSB, a1: ((most_significant_byte >> 7) & 1) as u16, a2: 0, @@ -306,7 +288,6 @@ impl ShiftRightChip { let (shift, carry) = shr_carry(byte_shift_result[i], num_bits_to_shift as u8); let byte_event = ByteLookupEvent { - shard: event.shard, opcode: ByteOpcode::ShrCarry, a1: shift as u16, a2: carry, @@ -328,10 +309,10 @@ impl ShiftRightChip { debug_assert_eq!(cols.a[i], cols.bit_shift_result[i].clone()); } // Range checks. - blu.add_u8_range_checks(event.shard, &byte_shift_result); - blu.add_u8_range_checks(event.shard, &bit_shift_result); - blu.add_u8_range_checks(event.shard, &shr_carry_output_carry); - blu.add_u8_range_checks(event.shard, &shr_carry_output_shifted_byte); + blu.add_u8_range_checks(&byte_shift_result); + blu.add_u8_range_checks(&bit_shift_result); + blu.add_u8_range_checks(&shr_carry_output_carry); + blu.add_u8_range_checks(&shr_carry_output_shifted_byte); } } } @@ -350,15 +331,9 @@ where let main = builder.main(); let local = main.row_slice(0); let local: &ShiftRightCols = (*local).borrow(); - let next = main.row_slice(1); - let next: &ShiftRightCols = (*next).borrow(); let zero: AB::Expr = AB::F::zero().into(); let one: AB::Expr = AB::F::one().into(); - // Constrain the incrementing nonce. - builder.when_first_row().assert_zero(local.nonce); - builder.when_transition().assert_eq(local.nonce + AB::Expr::one(), next.nonce); - // Check that the MSB of most_significant_byte matches local.b_msb using lookup. { let byte = local.b[WORD_SIZE - 1]; @@ -373,7 +348,7 @@ where let mut c_byte_sum = AB::Expr::zero(); for i in 0..BYTE_SIZE { let val: AB::Expr = AB::F::from_canonical_u32(1 << i).into(); - c_byte_sum += val * local.c_least_sig_byte[i]; + c_byte_sum = c_byte_sum.clone() + val * local.c_least_sig_byte[i]; } builder.assert_eq(c_byte_sum, local.c[0]); @@ -383,7 +358,8 @@ where // of bits to shift. let mut num_bits_to_shift = AB::Expr::zero(); for i in 0..3 { - num_bits_to_shift += local.c_least_sig_byte[i] * AB::F::from_canonical_u32(1 << i); + num_bits_to_shift = num_bits_to_shift.clone() + + local.c_least_sig_byte[i] * AB::F::from_canonical_u32(1 << i); } for i in 0..BYTE_SIZE { builder @@ -444,15 +420,16 @@ where // The carry multiplier is 2^(8 - num_bits_to_shift). let mut carry_multiplier = AB::Expr::from_canonical_u8(0); for i in 0..BYTE_SIZE { - carry_multiplier += - AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(1u32 << (8 - i)) * local.shift_by_n_bits[i]; + carry_multiplier = carry_multiplier.clone() + + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(1u32 << (8 - i)) * local.shift_by_n_bits[i]; } // The 3-bit number represented by the 3 least significant bits of c equals the number // of bits to shift. let mut num_bits_to_shift = AB::Expr::zero(); for i in 0..3 { - num_bits_to_shift += local.c_least_sig_byte[i] * AB::F::from_canonical_u32(1 << i); + num_bits_to_shift = num_bits_to_shift.clone() + + local.c_least_sig_byte[i] * AB::F::from_canonical_u32(1 << i); } // Calculate ShrCarry. @@ -471,7 +448,7 @@ where for i in (0..LONG_WORD_SIZE).rev() { let mut v: AB::Expr = local.shr_carry_output_shifted_byte[i].into(); if i + 1 < LONG_WORD_SIZE { - v += local.shr_carry_output_carry[i + 1] * carry_multiplier.clone(); + v = v.clone() + local.shr_carry_output_carry[i + 1] * carry_multiplier.clone(); } builder.assert_eq(v, local.bit_shift_result[i]); } @@ -479,9 +456,10 @@ where // The 4 least significant bytes must match a. The 4 most significant bytes of result may be // inaccurate. + // This check is only done when `op_a_not_0 == 1`. { for i in 0..WORD_SIZE { - builder.assert_eq(local.a[i], local.bit_shift_result[i]); + builder.when(local.op_a_not_0).assert_eq(local.a[i], local.bit_shift_result[i]); } } @@ -516,6 +494,11 @@ where } } + // SAFETY: All selectors `is_srl`, `is_sra` are checked to be boolean. + // Each "real" row has exactly one selector turned on, as `is_real = is_srl + is_sra` is boolean. + // All interactions are done with multiplicity `is_real`. + // Therefore, the `opcode` matches the corresponding opcode. + // Check that the operation flags are boolean. builder.assert_bool(local.is_srl); builder.assert_bool(local.is_sra); @@ -525,33 +508,66 @@ where builder.assert_eq(local.is_srl + local.is_sra, local.is_real); // Receive the arguments. - builder.receive_alu( + // SAFETY: This checks the following. + // - `next_pc = pc + 4` + // - `num_extra_cycles = 0` + // - `op_a_val` is constrained by the chip when `op_a_not_0 == 1` + // - `op_a_not_0` is correct, due to the sent `op_a_0` being equal to `1 - op_a_not_0` + // - `op_a_immutable = 0` + // - `is_memory = 0` + // - `is_syscall = 0` + // - `is_halt = 0` + builder.receive_instruction( + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + local.pc, + local.pc + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(DEFAULT_PC_INC), + AB::Expr::zero(), local.is_srl * AB::F::from_canonical_u32(Opcode::SRL as u32) + local.is_sra * AB::F::from_canonical_u32(Opcode::SRA as u32), local.a, local.b, local.c, - local.shard, - local.nonce, + AB::Expr::one() - local.op_a_not_0, + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), local.is_real, ); + + builder.when(local.op_a_not_0).assert_one(local.is_real); } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { - use crate::utils::{uni_stark_prove as prove, uni_stark_verify as verify}; + use std::borrow::BorrowMut; + + use crate::{ + alu::ShiftRightCols, + io::SP1Stdin, + riscv::RiscvAir, + utils::{run_malicious_test, uni_stark_prove as prove, uni_stark_verify as verify}, + }; use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; - use sp1_core_executor::{events::AluEvent, ExecutionRecord, Opcode}; - use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, StarkGenericConfig}; + use rand::{thread_rng, Rng}; + use sp1_core_executor::{ + events::{AluEvent, MemoryRecordEnum}, + ExecutionRecord, Instruction, Opcode, Program, + }; + use sp1_stark::{ + air::MachineAir, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, chip_name, CpuProver, + MachineProver, StarkGenericConfig, Val, + }; use super::ShiftRightChip; #[test] fn generate_trace() { let mut shard = ExecutionRecord::default(); - shard.shift_right_events = vec![AluEvent::new(0, 0, Opcode::SRL, 6, 12, 1)]; + shard.shift_right_events = vec![AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::SRL, 6, 12, 1, false)]; let chip = ShiftRightChip::default(); let trace: RowMajorMatrix = chip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); @@ -602,7 +618,7 @@ mod tests { ]; let mut shift_events: Vec = Vec::new(); for t in shifts.iter() { - shift_events.push(AluEvent::new(0, 0, t.0, t.1, t.2, t.3)); + shift_events.push(AluEvent::new(0, t.0, t.1, t.2, t.3, false)); } let mut shard = ExecutionRecord::default(); shard.shift_right_events = shift_events; @@ -614,4 +630,71 @@ mod tests { let mut challenger = config.challenger(); verify(&config, &chip, &mut challenger, &proof).unwrap(); } + + #[test] + fn test_malicious_sr() { + const NUM_TESTS: usize = 5; + + for opcode in [Opcode::SRL, Opcode::SRA] { + for _ in 0..NUM_TESTS { + let (correct_op_a, op_b, op_c) = if opcode == Opcode::SRL { + let op_b = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + let op_c = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + (op_b >> (op_c & 0x1F), op_b, op_c) + } else if opcode == Opcode::SRA { + let op_b = thread_rng().gen_range(0..i32::MAX); + let op_c = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + ((op_b >> (op_c & 0x1F)) as u32, op_b as u32, op_c) + } else { + unreachable!() + }; + + let op_a = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + assert!(op_a != correct_op_a); + + let instructions = vec![ + Instruction::new(opcode, 5, op_b, op_c, true, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 10, 0, 0, false, false), + ]; + + let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + + type P = CpuProver>; + + let malicious_trace_pv_generator = move |prover: &P, + record: &mut ExecutionRecord| + -> Vec<( + String, + RowMajorMatrix>, + )> { + let mut malicious_record = record.clone(); + malicious_record.cpu_events[0].a = op_a as u32; + if let Some(MemoryRecordEnum::Write(mut write_record)) = + malicious_record.cpu_events[0].a_record + { + write_record.value = op_a as u32; + } + let mut traces = prover.generate_traces(&malicious_record); + let shift_right_chip_name = chip_name!(ShiftRightChip, BabyBear); + for (name, trace) in traces.iter_mut() { + if *name == shift_right_chip_name { + let first_row = trace.row_mut(0); + let first_row: &mut ShiftRightCols = first_row.borrow_mut(); + first_row.a = op_a.into(); + } + } + traces + }; + + let result = + run_malicious_test::

(program, stdin, Box::new(malicious_trace_pv_generator)); + let shift_right_chip_name = chip_name!(ShiftRightChip, BabyBear); + assert!( + result.is_err() + && result.unwrap_err().is_constraints_failing(&shift_right_chip_name) + ); + } + } + } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/bytes/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/bytes/mod.rs index 3d3798f40..07380c902 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/bytes/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/bytes/mod.rs @@ -55,50 +55,49 @@ impl ByteChip { col.c = F::from_canonical_u8(c); // Iterate over all operations for results and updating the table map. - let shard = 0; for opcode in opcodes.iter() { match opcode { ByteOpcode::AND => { let and = b & c; col.and = F::from_canonical_u8(and); - ByteLookupEvent::new(shard, *opcode, and as u16, 0, b, c) + ByteLookupEvent::new(*opcode, and as u16, 0, b, c) } ByteOpcode::OR => { let or = b | c; col.or = F::from_canonical_u8(or); - ByteLookupEvent::new(shard, *opcode, or as u16, 0, b, c) + ByteLookupEvent::new(*opcode, or as u16, 0, b, c) } ByteOpcode::XOR => { let xor = b ^ c; col.xor = F::from_canonical_u8(xor); - ByteLookupEvent::new(shard, *opcode, xor as u16, 0, b, c) + ByteLookupEvent::new(*opcode, xor as u16, 0, b, c) } ByteOpcode::SLL => { let sll = b << (c & 7); col.sll = F::from_canonical_u8(sll); - ByteLookupEvent::new(shard, *opcode, sll as u16, 0, b, c) + ByteLookupEvent::new(*opcode, sll as u16, 0, b, c) } - ByteOpcode::U8Range => ByteLookupEvent::new(shard, *opcode, 0, 0, b, c), + ByteOpcode::U8Range => ByteLookupEvent::new(*opcode, 0, 0, b, c), ByteOpcode::ShrCarry => { let (res, carry) = shr_carry(b, c); col.shr = F::from_canonical_u8(res); col.shr_carry = F::from_canonical_u8(carry); - ByteLookupEvent::new(shard, *opcode, res as u16, carry, b, c) + ByteLookupEvent::new(*opcode, res as u16, carry, b, c) } ByteOpcode::LTU => { let ltu = b < c; col.ltu = F::from_bool(ltu); - ByteLookupEvent::new(shard, *opcode, ltu as u16, 0, b, c) + ByteLookupEvent::new(*opcode, ltu as u16, 0, b, c) } ByteOpcode::MSB => { let msb = (b & 0b1000_0000) != 0; col.msb = F::from_bool(msb); - ByteLookupEvent::new(shard, *opcode, msb as u16, 0, b, 0) + ByteLookupEvent::new(*opcode, msb as u16, 0, b, 0) } ByteOpcode::U16Range => { let v = ((b as u32) << 8) + c as u32; col.value_u16 = F::from_canonical_u32(v); - ByteLookupEvent::new(shard, *opcode, v as u16, 0, 0, 0) + ByteLookupEvent::new(*opcode, v as u16, 0, 0, 0) } }; } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/bytes/trace.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/bytes/trace.rs index 6cfb81bbf..61fadbe33 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/bytes/trace.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/bytes/trace.rs @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ use std::borrow::BorrowMut; -use p3_field::Field; +use p3_field::PrimeField32; use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; use sp1_core_executor::{ByteOpcode, ExecutionRecord, Program}; use sp1_stark::air::MachineAir; @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use super::{ pub const NUM_ROWS: usize = 1 << 16; -impl MachineAir for ByteChip { +impl MachineAir for ByteChip { type Record = ExecutionRecord; type Program = Program; @@ -44,18 +44,16 @@ impl MachineAir for ByteChip { let mut trace = RowMajorMatrix::new(zeroed_f_vec(NUM_BYTE_MULT_COLS * NUM_ROWS), NUM_BYTE_MULT_COLS); - for (_, blu) in input.byte_lookups.iter() { - for (lookup, mult) in blu.iter() { - let row = if lookup.opcode != ByteOpcode::U16Range { - (((lookup.b as u16) << 8) + lookup.c as u16) as usize - } else { - lookup.a1 as usize - }; - let index = lookup.opcode as usize; + for (lookup, mult) in input.byte_lookups.iter() { + let row = if lookup.opcode != ByteOpcode::U16Range { + (((lookup.b as u16) << 8) + lookup.c as u16) as usize + } else { + lookup.a1 as usize + }; + let index = lookup.opcode as usize; - let cols: &mut ByteMultCols = trace.row_mut(row).borrow_mut(); - cols.multiplicities[index] += F::from_canonical_usize(*mult); - } + let cols: &mut ByteMultCols = trace.row_mut(row).borrow_mut(); + cols.multiplicities[index] += F::from_canonical_usize(*mult); } trace diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/auipc.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/auipc.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..00bdd0dc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/auipc.rs @@ -0,0 +1,336 @@ +use hashbrown::HashMap; +use itertools::Itertools; +use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder, BaseAir}; +use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField32}; +use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; +use rayon::iter::{ParallelBridge, ParallelIterator}; +use sp1_core_executor::{ + events::{ByteLookupEvent, ByteRecord}, + ExecutionRecord, Opcode, Program, DEFAULT_PC_INC, UNUSED_PC, +}; +use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; +use sp1_stark::{ + air::{MachineAir, SP1AirBuilder}, + Word, +}; +use std::{ + borrow::{Borrow, BorrowMut}, + mem::size_of, +}; + +use crate::{ + operations::BabyBearWordRangeChecker, + utils::{next_power_of_two, zeroed_f_vec}, +}; + +#[derive(Default)] +pub struct AuipcChip; + +pub const NUM_AUIPC_COLS: usize = size_of::>(); + +impl BaseAir for AuipcChip { + fn width(&self) -> usize { + NUM_AUIPC_COLS + } +} + +/// The column layout for AUIPC/UNIMP/EBREAK instructions. +#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Default, Debug, Clone, Copy)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct AuipcColumns { + /// The program counter of the instruction. + pub pc: Word, + + /// The value of the first operand. + pub op_a_value: Word, + /// The value of the second operand. + pub op_b_value: Word, + /// The value of the third operand. + pub op_c_value: Word, + + /// Whether the first operand is not register 0. + pub op_a_not_0: T, + + /// BabyBear range checker for the program counter. + pub pc_range_checker: BabyBearWordRangeChecker, + + /// Whether the instruction is an AUIPC instruction. + pub is_auipc: T, + + /// Whether the instruction is an unimplemented instruction. + pub is_unimp: T, + + /// Whether the instruction is an ebreak instruction. + pub is_ebreak: T, +} + +impl Air for AuipcChip +where + AB: SP1AirBuilder, + AB::Var: Sized, +{ + #[inline(never)] + fn eval(&self, builder: &mut AB) { + let main = builder.main(); + let local = main.row_slice(0); + let local: &AuipcColumns = (*local).borrow(); + + // SAFETY: All selectors `is_auipc`, `is_unimp`, `is_ebreak` are checked to be boolean. + // Each "real" row has exactly one selector turned on, as `is_real`, the sum of the three selectors, is boolean. + // Therefore, the `opcode` matches the corresponding opcode. + builder.assert_bool(local.is_auipc); + builder.assert_bool(local.is_unimp); + builder.assert_bool(local.is_ebreak); + let is_real = local.is_auipc + local.is_unimp + local.is_ebreak; + builder.assert_bool(is_real.clone()); + + let opcode = AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(Opcode::AUIPC as u32) * local.is_auipc + + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(Opcode::UNIMP as u32) * local.is_unimp + + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(Opcode::EBREAK as u32) * local.is_ebreak; + + // SAFETY: This checks the following. + // - `next_pc = pc + 4` + // - `num_extra_cycles = 0` + // - `op_a_val` is constrained by the chip when `op_a_not_0 == 1` + // - `op_a_not_0` is correct, due to the sent `op_a_0` being equal to `1 - op_a_not_0` + // - `op_a_immutable = 0` + // - `is_memory = 0` + // - `is_syscall = 0` + // - `is_halt = 0` + builder.receive_instruction( + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + local.pc.reduce::(), + local.pc.reduce::() + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(DEFAULT_PC_INC), + AB::Expr::zero(), + opcode, + local.op_a_value, + local.op_b_value, + local.op_c_value, + AB::Expr::one() - local.op_a_not_0, + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + is_real.clone(), + ); + + // Verify that the opcode is never UNIMP or EBREAK. + builder.assert_zero(local.is_unimp); + builder.assert_zero(local.is_ebreak); + + // Range check the pc. + // SAFETY: `is_auipc` is already checked to be boolean above. + // `BabyBearWordRangeChecker` assumes that the value is already checked to be a valid word. + // This is checked implicitly, as the ADD ALU table checks that all inputs are valid words. + // This check is done inside the `AddOperation`. Therefore, `pc` is a valid word. + BabyBearWordRangeChecker::::range_check( + builder, + local.pc, + local.pc_range_checker, + local.is_auipc.into(), + ); + + // Verify that op_a == pc + op_b, when `op_a_not_0 == 1`. + builder.send_instruction( + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC + DEFAULT_PC_INC), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(Opcode::ADD as u32), + local.op_a_value, + local.pc, + local.op_b_value, + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + local.op_a_not_0, + ); + + // Assert that in padding rows, `op_a_not_0 == 0`, so all interactions are with zero multiplicity. + builder.when(local.op_a_not_0).assert_one(is_real); + } +} + +impl MachineAir for AuipcChip { + type Record = ExecutionRecord; + + type Program = Program; + + fn name(&self) -> String { + "Auipc".to_string() + } + + fn generate_trace( + &self, + input: &ExecutionRecord, + output: &mut ExecutionRecord, + ) -> RowMajorMatrix { + let chunk_size = std::cmp::max((input.auipc_events.len()) / num_cpus::get(), 1); + let nb_rows = input.auipc_events.len(); + let size_log2 = input.fixed_log2_rows::(self); + let padded_nb_rows = next_power_of_two(nb_rows, size_log2); + let mut values = zeroed_f_vec(padded_nb_rows * NUM_AUIPC_COLS); + + let blu_events = values + .chunks_mut(chunk_size * NUM_AUIPC_COLS) + .enumerate() + .par_bridge() + .map(|(i, rows)| { + let mut blu: HashMap = HashMap::new(); + rows.chunks_mut(NUM_AUIPC_COLS).enumerate().for_each(|(j, row)| { + let idx = i * chunk_size + j; + let cols: &mut AuipcColumns = row.borrow_mut(); + + if idx < input.auipc_events.len() { + let event = &input.auipc_events[idx]; + cols.is_auipc = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::AUIPC); + cols.is_unimp = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::UNIMP); + cols.is_ebreak = F::from_bool(event.opcode == Opcode::EBREAK); + cols.pc = event.pc.into(); + if event.opcode == Opcode::AUIPC { + cols.pc_range_checker.populate(cols.pc, &mut blu); + } + cols.op_a_value = event.a.into(); + cols.op_b_value = event.b.into(); + cols.op_c_value = event.c.into(); + cols.op_a_not_0 = F::from_bool(!event.op_a_0); + } + }); + blu + }) + .collect::>(); + + output.add_byte_lookup_events_from_maps(blu_events.iter().collect_vec()); + + // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. + RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_AUIPC_COLS) + } + + fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { + if let Some(shape) = shard.shape.as_ref() { + shape.included::(self) + } else { + !shard.auipc_events.is_empty() + } + } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } +} + +#[cfg(test)] +mod tests { + use std::borrow::BorrowMut; + + use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; + use p3_field::AbstractField; + use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; + use sp1_core_executor::{ + ExecutionError, ExecutionRecord, Executor, Instruction, Opcode, Program, + }; + use sp1_stark::{ + air::MachineAir, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, chip_name, CpuProver, + MachineProver, SP1CoreOpts, Val, + }; + + use crate::{ + control_flow::{AuipcChip, AuipcColumns}, + io::SP1Stdin, + riscv::RiscvAir, + utils::run_malicious_test, + }; + + #[test] + fn test_malicious_auipc() { + let instructions = vec![ + Instruction::new(Opcode::AUIPC, 29, 12, 12, true, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 10, 0, 0, false, false), + ]; + let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + + type P = CpuProver>; + + let malicious_trace_pv_generator = + |prover: &P, + record: &mut ExecutionRecord| + -> Vec<(String, RowMajorMatrix>)> { + // Create a malicious record where the AUIPC instruction result is incorrect. + let mut malicious_record = record.clone(); + malicious_record.auipc_events[0].a = 8; + prover.generate_traces(&malicious_record) + }; + + let result = + run_malicious_test::

(program, stdin, Box::new(malicious_trace_pv_generator)); + assert!(result.is_err() && result.unwrap_err().is_local_cumulative_sum_failing()); + } + + #[test] + fn test_malicious_multiple_opcode_flags() { + let instructions = vec![ + Instruction::new(Opcode::AUIPC, 29, 12, 12, true, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 10, 0, 0, false, false), + ]; + let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + + type P = CpuProver>; + + let malicious_trace_pv_generator = + |prover: &P, + record: &mut ExecutionRecord| + -> Vec<(String, RowMajorMatrix>)> { + // Modify the branch chip to have a row that has multiple opcode flags set. + let mut traces = prover.generate_traces(record); + let auipc_chip_name = chip_name!(AuipcChip, BabyBear); + for (chip_name, trace) in traces.iter_mut() { + if *chip_name == auipc_chip_name { + let first_row: &mut [BabyBear] = trace.row_mut(0); + let first_row: &mut AuipcColumns = first_row.borrow_mut(); + assert!(first_row.is_auipc == BabyBear::one()); + first_row.is_unimp = BabyBear::one(); + } + } + traces + }; + + let result = + run_malicious_test::

(program, stdin, Box::new(malicious_trace_pv_generator)); + let auipc_chip_name = chip_name!(AuipcChip, BabyBear); + assert!(result.is_err() && result.unwrap_err().is_constraints_failing(&auipc_chip_name)); + } + + #[test] + fn test_unimpl() { + let instructions = vec![Instruction::new(Opcode::UNIMP, 29, 12, 0, true, true)]; + let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + + let mut runtime = Executor::new(program, SP1CoreOpts::default()); + runtime.maximal_shapes = None; + runtime.write_vecs(&stdin.buffer); + let result = runtime.execute(); + + assert!(result.is_err() && result.unwrap_err() == ExecutionError::Unimplemented()); + } + + #[test] + fn test_ebreak() { + let instructions = vec![Instruction::new(Opcode::EBREAK, 29, 12, 0, true, true)]; + let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + + let mut runtime = Executor::new(program, SP1CoreOpts::default()); + runtime.maximal_shapes = None; + runtime.write_vecs(&stdin.buffer); + let result = runtime.execute(); + + assert!(result.is_err() && result.unwrap_err() == ExecutionError::Breakpoint()); + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/branch/air.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/branch/air.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1e21b1321 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/branch/air.rs @@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ +use std::borrow::Borrow; + +use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder}; +use p3_field::AbstractField; +use p3_matrix::Matrix; +use sp1_core_executor::{Opcode, DEFAULT_PC_INC, UNUSED_PC}; +use sp1_stark::{ + air::{BaseAirBuilder, SP1AirBuilder}, + Word, +}; + +use crate::{air::WordAirBuilder, operations::BabyBearWordRangeChecker}; + +use super::{BranchChip, BranchColumns}; + +/// Verifies all the branching related columns. +/// +/// It does this in few parts: +/// 1. It verifies that the next pc is correct based on the branching column. That column is a +/// boolean that indicates whether the branch condition is true. +/// 2. It verifies the correct value of branching based on the helper bool columns (a_eq_b, +/// a_gt_b, a_lt_b). +/// 3. It verifier the correct values of the helper bool columns based on op_a and op_b. +/// +impl Air for BranchChip +where + AB: SP1AirBuilder, + AB::Var: Sized, +{ + #[inline(never)] + fn eval(&self, builder: &mut AB) { + let main = builder.main(); + let local = main.row_slice(0); + let local: &BranchColumns = (*local).borrow(); + + // SAFETY: All selectors `is_beq`, `is_bne`, `is_blt`, `is_bge`, `is_bltu`, `is_bgeu` are checked to be boolean. + // Each "real" row has exactly one selector turned on, as `is_real`, the sum of the six selectors, is boolean. + // Therefore, the `opcode` matches the corresponding opcode. + builder.assert_bool(local.is_beq); + builder.assert_bool(local.is_bne); + builder.assert_bool(local.is_blt); + builder.assert_bool(local.is_bge); + builder.assert_bool(local.is_bltu); + builder.assert_bool(local.is_bgeu); + let is_real = local.is_beq + + local.is_bne + + local.is_blt + + local.is_bge + + local.is_bltu + + local.is_bgeu; + builder.assert_bool(is_real.clone()); + + let opcode = local.is_beq * Opcode::BEQ.as_field::() + + local.is_bne * Opcode::BNE.as_field::() + + local.is_blt * Opcode::BLT.as_field::() + + local.is_bge * Opcode::BGE.as_field::() + + local.is_bltu * Opcode::BLTU.as_field::() + + local.is_bgeu * Opcode::BGEU.as_field::(); + + // SAFETY: This checks the following. + // - `num_extra_cycles = 0` + // - `op_a_val` will be constrained in the CpuChip as `op_a_immutable = 1` + // - `op_a_immutable = 1`, as this is a branch instruction + // - `is_memory = 0` + // - `is_syscall = 0` + // - `is_halt = 0` + // `next_pc` still has to be constrained, and this is done below. + builder.receive_instruction( + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + local.pc.reduce::(), + local.next_pc.reduce::(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + opcode, + local.op_a_value, + local.op_b_value, + local.op_c_value, + local.op_a_0, + AB::Expr::one(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + is_real.clone(), + ); + + // Evaluate program counter constraints. + { + // Range check branch_cols.pc and branch_cols.next_pc. + // SAFETY: `is_real` is already checked to be boolean. + // The `BabyBearWordRangeChecker` assumes that the value is checked to be a valid word. + // This is done when the word form is relevant, i.e. when `pc` and `next_pc` are sent to the ADD ALU table. + // The ADD ALU table checks the inputs are valid words, when it invokes `AddOperation`. + BabyBearWordRangeChecker::::range_check( + builder, + local.pc, + local.pc_range_checker, + is_real.clone(), + ); + BabyBearWordRangeChecker::::range_check( + builder, + local.next_pc, + local.next_pc_range_checker, + is_real.clone(), + ); + + // When we are branching, assert that local.next_pc <==> local.pc + c. + builder.send_instruction( + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC + DEFAULT_PC_INC), + AB::Expr::zero(), + Opcode::ADD.as_field::(), + local.next_pc, + local.pc, + local.op_c_value, + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + local.is_branching, + ); + + // When we are not branching, assert that local.pc + 4 <==> next.pc. + builder.when(is_real.clone()).when(local.not_branching).assert_eq( + local.pc.reduce::() + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(DEFAULT_PC_INC), + local.next_pc.reduce::(), + ); + + // When local.not_branching is true, assert that local.is_real is true. + builder.when(local.not_branching).assert_one(is_real.clone()); + + // To prevent the ALU send above to be non-zero when the row is a padding row. + builder.when_not(is_real.clone()).assert_zero(local.is_branching); + + // Assert that either we are branching or not branching when the instruction is a + // branch. + // The `next_pc` is constrained in both branching and not branching cases, so it is fully constrained. + builder.when(is_real.clone()).assert_one(local.is_branching + local.not_branching); + builder.when(is_real.clone()).assert_bool(local.is_branching); + builder.when(is_real.clone()).assert_bool(local.not_branching); + } + + // Evaluate branching value constraints. + { + // When the opcode is BEQ and we are branching, assert that a_eq_b is true. + builder.when(local.is_beq * local.is_branching).assert_one(local.a_eq_b); + + // When the opcode is BEQ and we are not branching, assert that either a_gt_b or a_lt_b + // is true. + builder + .when(local.is_beq) + .when_not(local.is_branching) + .assert_one(local.a_gt_b + local.a_lt_b); + + // When the opcode is BNE and we are branching, assert that either a_gt_b or a_lt_b is + // true. + builder.when(local.is_bne * local.is_branching).assert_one(local.a_gt_b + local.a_lt_b); + + // When the opcode is BNE and we are not branching, assert that a_eq_b is true. + builder.when(local.is_bne).when_not(local.is_branching).assert_one(local.a_eq_b); + + // When the opcode is BLT or BLTU and we are branching, assert that a_lt_b is true. + builder + .when((local.is_blt + local.is_bltu) * local.is_branching) + .assert_one(local.a_lt_b); + + // When the opcode is BLT or BLTU and we are not branching, assert that either a_eq_b + // or a_gt_b is true. + builder + .when(local.is_blt + local.is_bltu) + .when_not(local.is_branching) + .assert_one(local.a_eq_b + local.a_gt_b); + + // When the opcode is BGE or BGEU and we are branching, assert that a_gt_b is true. + builder + .when((local.is_bge + local.is_bgeu) * local.is_branching) + .assert_one(local.a_gt_b + local.a_eq_b); + + // When the opcode is BGE or BGEU and we are not branching, assert that either a_eq_b + // or a_lt_b is true. + builder + .when(local.is_bge + local.is_bgeu) + .when_not(local.is_branching) + .assert_one(local.a_lt_b); + } + + // When it's a branch instruction and a_eq_b, assert that a == b. + builder + .when(is_real.clone() * local.a_eq_b) + .assert_word_eq(local.op_a_value, local.op_b_value); + + // Calculate a_lt_b <==> a < b (using appropriate signedness). + // SAFETY: `use_signed_comparison` is boolean, since at most one selector is turned on. + let use_signed_comparison = local.is_blt + local.is_bge; + builder.send_instruction( + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC + DEFAULT_PC_INC), + AB::Expr::zero(), + use_signed_comparison.clone() * Opcode::SLT.as_field::() + + (AB::Expr::one() - use_signed_comparison.clone()) + * Opcode::SLTU.as_field::(), + Word::extend_var::(local.a_lt_b), + local.op_a_value, + local.op_b_value, + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + is_real.clone(), + ); + + // Calculate a_gt_b <==> a > b (using appropriate signedness). + builder.send_instruction( + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC + DEFAULT_PC_INC), + AB::Expr::zero(), + use_signed_comparison.clone() * Opcode::SLT.as_field::() + + (AB::Expr::one() - use_signed_comparison) * Opcode::SLTU.as_field::(), + Word::extend_var::(local.a_gt_b), + local.op_b_value, + local.op_a_value, + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + is_real.clone(), + ); + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/branch/columns.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/branch/columns.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9fbfbc4c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/branch/columns.rs @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; +use sp1_stark::Word; +use std::mem::size_of; + +use crate::operations::BabyBearWordRangeChecker; + +pub const NUM_BRANCH_COLS: usize = size_of::>(); + +/// The column layout for branching. +#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Default, Debug, Clone, Copy)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct BranchColumns { + /// The current program counter. + pub pc: Word, + pub pc_range_checker: BabyBearWordRangeChecker, + + /// The next program counter. + pub next_pc: Word, + pub next_pc_range_checker: BabyBearWordRangeChecker, + + /// The value of the first operand. + pub op_a_value: Word, + /// The value of the second operand. + pub op_b_value: Word, + /// The value of the third operand. + pub op_c_value: Word, + + /// Whether the first operand is register 0. + pub op_a_0: T, + + /// Branch Instructions. + pub is_beq: T, + pub is_bne: T, + pub is_blt: T, + pub is_bge: T, + pub is_bltu: T, + pub is_bgeu: T, + + /// The is_branching column is equal to: + /// + /// > is_beq & a_eq_b || + /// > is_bne & (a_lt_b | a_gt_b) || + /// > (is_blt | is_bltu) & a_lt_b || + /// > (is_bge | is_bgeu) & (a_eq_b | a_gt_b) + pub is_branching: T, + + /// The not branching column is equal to: + /// + /// > is_beq & !a_eq_b || + /// > is_bne & !(a_lt_b | a_gt_b) || + /// > (is_blt | is_bltu) & !a_lt_b || + /// > (is_bge | is_bgeu) & !(a_eq_b | a_gt_b) + /// + /// Note that we probably can do away with this column and just use !is_branching. + /// However, the branching related constraints were auditted twice when they were part of the + /// CPU table, so I'm preserving those columns/constraints for now. + pub not_branching: T, + + /// Whether a equals b. + pub a_eq_b: T, + + /// Whether a is greater than b. + pub a_gt_b: T, + + /// Whether a is less than b. + pub a_lt_b: T, +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/branch/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/branch/mod.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..58e5ffe00 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/branch/mod.rs @@ -0,0 +1,234 @@ +mod air; +mod columns; +mod trace; + +pub use columns::*; +use p3_air::BaseAir; + +#[derive(Default)] +pub struct BranchChip; + +impl BaseAir for BranchChip { + fn width(&self) -> usize { + NUM_BRANCH_COLS + } +} + +#[cfg(test)] +mod tests { + use std::borrow::BorrowMut; + + use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; + use p3_field::AbstractField; + use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; + use sp1_core_executor::{ExecutionRecord, Instruction, Opcode, Program}; + use sp1_stark::{ + air::MachineAir, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, chip_name, CpuProver, + MachineProver, Val, + }; + + use crate::{ + control_flow::{BranchChip, BranchColumns}, + io::SP1Stdin, + riscv::RiscvAir, + utils::run_malicious_test, + }; + + #[test] + fn test_malicious_branches() { + enum ErrorType { + LocalCumulativeSumFailing, + ConstraintsFailing, + } + + struct BranchTestCase { + branch_opcode: Opcode, + branch_operand_b_value: u32, + branch_operand_c_value: u32, + incorrect_next_pc: u32, + error_type: ErrorType, + } + + // The PC of the branch instruction is 8, and it will branch to 16 if the condition is true. + let branch_test_cases = vec![ + BranchTestCase { + branch_opcode: Opcode::BEQ, + branch_operand_b_value: 5, + branch_operand_c_value: 5, + incorrect_next_pc: 12, // Correct next PC is 16. + error_type: ErrorType::LocalCumulativeSumFailing, + }, + BranchTestCase { + branch_opcode: Opcode::BEQ, + branch_operand_b_value: 5, + branch_operand_c_value: 3, + incorrect_next_pc: 16, // Correct next PC is 12. + error_type: ErrorType::ConstraintsFailing, + }, + BranchTestCase { + branch_opcode: Opcode::BNE, + branch_operand_b_value: 5, + branch_operand_c_value: 5, + incorrect_next_pc: 16, // Correct next PC is 12. + error_type: ErrorType::ConstraintsFailing, + }, + BranchTestCase { + branch_opcode: Opcode::BNE, + branch_operand_b_value: 5, + branch_operand_c_value: 3, + incorrect_next_pc: 12, // Correct next PC is 16. + error_type: ErrorType::LocalCumulativeSumFailing, + }, + BranchTestCase { + branch_opcode: Opcode::BLTU, + branch_operand_b_value: 5, + branch_operand_c_value: 3, + incorrect_next_pc: 16, // Correct next PC is 12. + error_type: ErrorType::ConstraintsFailing, + }, + BranchTestCase { + branch_opcode: Opcode::BLTU, + branch_operand_b_value: 3, + branch_operand_c_value: 5, + incorrect_next_pc: 12, // Correct next PC is 16. + error_type: ErrorType::LocalCumulativeSumFailing, + }, + BranchTestCase { + branch_opcode: Opcode::BLT, + branch_operand_b_value: 0xFFFF_FFFF, // This is -1. + branch_operand_c_value: 3, + incorrect_next_pc: 12, // Correct next PC is 16. + error_type: ErrorType::LocalCumulativeSumFailing, + }, + BranchTestCase { + branch_opcode: Opcode::BLT, + branch_operand_b_value: 3, + branch_operand_c_value: 0xFFFF_FFFF, // This is -1. + incorrect_next_pc: 16, // Correct next PC is 12. + error_type: ErrorType::ConstraintsFailing, + }, + BranchTestCase { + branch_opcode: Opcode::BGEU, + branch_operand_b_value: 3, + branch_operand_c_value: 5, + incorrect_next_pc: 16, // Correct next PC is 12. + error_type: ErrorType::ConstraintsFailing, + }, + BranchTestCase { + branch_opcode: Opcode::BGEU, + branch_operand_b_value: 5, + branch_operand_c_value: 5, + incorrect_next_pc: 12, // Correct next PC is 16. + error_type: ErrorType::LocalCumulativeSumFailing, + }, + BranchTestCase { + branch_opcode: Opcode::BGEU, + branch_operand_b_value: 5, + branch_operand_c_value: 3, + incorrect_next_pc: 12, // Correct next PC is 16. + error_type: ErrorType::LocalCumulativeSumFailing, + }, + BranchTestCase { + branch_opcode: Opcode::BGE, + branch_operand_b_value: 0xFFFF_FFFF, // This is -1. + branch_operand_c_value: 5, + incorrect_next_pc: 16, // Correct next PC is 12. + error_type: ErrorType::ConstraintsFailing, + }, + BranchTestCase { + branch_opcode: Opcode::BGE, + branch_operand_b_value: 5, + branch_operand_c_value: 5, + incorrect_next_pc: 12, // Correct next PC is 16. + error_type: ErrorType::LocalCumulativeSumFailing, + }, + BranchTestCase { + branch_opcode: Opcode::BGE, + branch_operand_b_value: 3, + branch_operand_c_value: 0xFFFF_FFFF, // This is -1. + incorrect_next_pc: 12, // Correct next PC is 16. + error_type: ErrorType::LocalCumulativeSumFailing, + }, + ]; + + for test_case in branch_test_cases { + let instructions = vec![ + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 29, 0, test_case.branch_operand_b_value, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 30, 0, test_case.branch_operand_c_value, false, true), + Instruction::new(test_case.branch_opcode, 29, 30, 8, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 28, 0, 5, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 28, 0, 5, false, true), + ]; + let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + + type P = CpuProver>; + + let malicious_trace_pv_generator = + move |prover: &P, + record: &mut ExecutionRecord| + -> Vec<(String, RowMajorMatrix>)> { + // Create a malicious record where the BEQ instruction branches incorrectly. + let mut malicious_record = record.clone(); + malicious_record.branch_events[0].next_pc = test_case.incorrect_next_pc; + prover.generate_traces(&malicious_record) + }; + + let result = + run_malicious_test::

(program, stdin, Box::new(malicious_trace_pv_generator)); + + match test_case.error_type { + ErrorType::LocalCumulativeSumFailing => { + assert!( + result.is_err() && result.unwrap_err().is_local_cumulative_sum_failing() + ); + } + ErrorType::ConstraintsFailing => { + let branch_chip_name = chip_name!(BranchChip, BabyBear); + assert!( + result.is_err() + && result.unwrap_err().is_constraints_failing(&branch_chip_name) + ); + } + } + } + } + + #[test] + fn test_malicious_multiple_opcode_flags() { + let instructions = vec![ + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 29, 0, 5, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 30, 0, 5, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::BEQ, 29, 30, 8, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 28, 0, 5, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 28, 0, 5, false, true), + ]; + let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + + type P = CpuProver>; + + let malicious_trace_pv_generator = + |prover: &P, + record: &mut ExecutionRecord| + -> Vec<(String, RowMajorMatrix>)> { + // Modify the branch chip to have a row that has multiple opcode flags set. + let mut traces = prover.generate_traces(record); + let branch_chip_name = chip_name!(BranchChip, BabyBear); + for (chip_name, trace) in traces.iter_mut() { + if *chip_name == branch_chip_name { + let first_row = trace.row_mut(0); + let first_row: &mut BranchColumns = first_row.borrow_mut(); + assert!(first_row.is_beq == BabyBear::one()); + first_row.is_bne = BabyBear::one(); + } + } + traces + }; + + let result = + run_malicious_test::

(program, stdin, Box::new(malicious_trace_pv_generator)); + let branch_chip_name = chip_name!(BranchChip, BabyBear); + assert!(result.is_err() && result.unwrap_err().is_constraints_failing(&branch_chip_name)); + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/branch/trace.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/branch/trace.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..30ae57262 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/branch/trace.rs @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +use std::borrow::BorrowMut; + +use hashbrown::HashMap; +use itertools::Itertools; +use p3_field::PrimeField32; +use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; +use rayon::iter::{ParallelBridge, ParallelIterator}; +use sp1_core_executor::{ + events::{BranchEvent, ByteLookupEvent, ByteRecord}, + ExecutionRecord, Opcode, Program, +}; +use sp1_stark::air::MachineAir; + +use crate::utils::{next_power_of_two, zeroed_f_vec}; + +use super::{BranchChip, BranchColumns, NUM_BRANCH_COLS}; + +impl MachineAir for BranchChip { + type Record = ExecutionRecord; + + type Program = Program; + + fn name(&self) -> String { + "Branch".to_string() + } + + fn generate_trace( + &self, + input: &ExecutionRecord, + output: &mut ExecutionRecord, + ) -> RowMajorMatrix { + let chunk_size = std::cmp::max((input.branch_events.len()) / num_cpus::get(), 1); + let nb_rows = input.branch_events.len(); + let size_log2 = input.fixed_log2_rows::(self); + let padded_nb_rows = next_power_of_two(nb_rows, size_log2); + let mut values = zeroed_f_vec(padded_nb_rows * NUM_BRANCH_COLS); + + let blu_events = values + .chunks_mut(chunk_size * NUM_BRANCH_COLS) + .enumerate() + .par_bridge() + .map(|(i, rows)| { + let mut blu: HashMap = HashMap::new(); + rows.chunks_mut(NUM_BRANCH_COLS).enumerate().for_each(|(j, row)| { + let idx = i * chunk_size + j; + let cols: &mut BranchColumns = row.borrow_mut(); + + if idx < input.branch_events.len() { + let event = &input.branch_events[idx]; + self.event_to_row(event, cols, &mut blu); + } + }); + blu + }) + .collect::>(); + + output.add_byte_lookup_events_from_maps(blu_events.iter().collect_vec()); + + // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. + RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_BRANCH_COLS) + } + + fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { + if let Some(shape) = shard.shape.as_ref() { + shape.included::(self) + } else { + !shard.branch_events.is_empty() + } + } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } +} + +impl BranchChip { + /// Create a row from an event. + fn event_to_row( + &self, + event: &BranchEvent, + cols: &mut BranchColumns, + blu: &mut HashMap, + ) { + cols.is_beq = F::from_bool(matches!(event.opcode, Opcode::BEQ)); + cols.is_bne = F::from_bool(matches!(event.opcode, Opcode::BNE)); + cols.is_blt = F::from_bool(matches!(event.opcode, Opcode::BLT)); + cols.is_bge = F::from_bool(matches!(event.opcode, Opcode::BGE)); + cols.is_bltu = F::from_bool(matches!(event.opcode, Opcode::BLTU)); + cols.is_bgeu = F::from_bool(matches!(event.opcode, Opcode::BGEU)); + + cols.op_a_value = event.a.into(); + cols.op_b_value = event.b.into(); + cols.op_c_value = event.c.into(); + cols.op_a_0 = F::from_bool(event.op_a_0); + + let a_eq_b = event.a == event.b; + + let use_signed_comparison = matches!(event.opcode, Opcode::BLT | Opcode::BGE); + + let a_lt_b = if use_signed_comparison { + (event.a as i32) < (event.b as i32) + } else { + event.a < event.b + }; + let a_gt_b = if use_signed_comparison { + (event.a as i32) > (event.b as i32) + } else { + event.a > event.b + }; + + cols.a_eq_b = F::from_bool(a_eq_b); + cols.a_lt_b = F::from_bool(a_lt_b); + cols.a_gt_b = F::from_bool(a_gt_b); + + let branching = match event.opcode { + Opcode::BEQ => a_eq_b, + Opcode::BNE => !a_eq_b, + Opcode::BLT | Opcode::BLTU => a_lt_b, + Opcode::BGE | Opcode::BGEU => a_eq_b || a_gt_b, + _ => unreachable!(), + }; + + cols.pc = event.pc.into(); + cols.next_pc = event.next_pc.into(); + cols.pc_range_checker.populate(cols.pc, blu); + cols.next_pc_range_checker.populate(cols.next_pc, blu); + + if branching { + cols.is_branching = F::one(); + } else { + cols.not_branching = F::one(); + } + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/jump/air.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/jump/air.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6dbf5b468 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/jump/air.rs @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +use std::borrow::Borrow; + +use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder}; +use p3_field::AbstractField; +use p3_matrix::Matrix; +use sp1_core_executor::{Opcode, DEFAULT_PC_INC, UNUSED_PC}; +use sp1_stark::air::{BaseAirBuilder, SP1AirBuilder}; + +use crate::operations::BabyBearWordRangeChecker; + +use super::{JumpChip, JumpColumns}; + +impl Air for JumpChip +where + AB: SP1AirBuilder, + AB::Var: Sized, +{ + #[inline(never)] + fn eval(&self, builder: &mut AB) { + let main = builder.main(); + let local = main.row_slice(0); + let local: &JumpColumns = (*local).borrow(); + + // SAFETY: All selectors `is_jal`, `is_jalr` are checked to be boolean. + // Each "real" row has exactly one selector turned on, as `is_real = is_jal + is_jalr` is boolean. + // Therefore, the `opcode` matches the corresponding opcode. + builder.assert_bool(local.is_jal); + builder.assert_bool(local.is_jalr); + let is_real = local.is_jal + local.is_jalr; + builder.assert_bool(is_real.clone()); + + let opcode = local.is_jal * Opcode::JAL.as_field::() + + local.is_jalr * Opcode::JALR.as_field::(); + + // SAFETY: This checks the following. + // - `num_extra_cycles = 0` + // - `op_a_immutable = 0` + // - `is_memory = 0` + // - `is_syscall = 0` + // - `is_halt = 0` + // `next_pc` and `op_a_value` still has to be constrained, and this is done below. + builder.receive_instruction( + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + local.pc.reduce::(), + local.next_pc.reduce::(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + opcode, + local.op_a_value, + local.op_b_value, + local.op_c_value, + local.op_a_0, + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + is_real.clone(), + ); + + // Verify that the local.pc + 4 is saved in op_a for both jump instructions. + // When op_a is set to register X0, the RISC-V spec states that the jump instruction will + // not have a return destination address (it is effectively a GOTO command). In this case, + // we shouldn't verify the return address. + builder.when(is_real.clone()).when_not(local.op_a_0).assert_eq( + local.op_a_value.reduce::(), + local.pc.reduce::() + AB::F::from_canonical_u32(DEFAULT_PC_INC), + ); + + // Range check op_a, pc, and next_pc. + // SAFETY: `is_real` is already checked to be boolean. + // `op_a_value` is checked to be a valid word, as it matches the one in the CpuChip. + // In the CpuChip's `eval_registers`, it's checked that this is a valid word. + // Combined with the `op_a_value = pc + 4` check above when `op_a_0 = 0`, this fully constrains `op_a_value`. + BabyBearWordRangeChecker::::range_check( + builder, + local.op_a_value, + local.op_a_range_checker, + is_real.clone(), + ); + // SAFETY: `is_real` is already checked to be boolean. + // `local.pc`, `local.next_pc` are checked to a valid word when relevant. + // This is due to the ADD ALU table checking all inputs and outputs are valid words. + // This is done when the `AddOperation` is invoked in the ADD ALU table. + BabyBearWordRangeChecker::::range_check( + builder, + local.pc, + local.pc_range_checker, + is_real.clone(), + ); + BabyBearWordRangeChecker::::range_check( + builder, + local.next_pc, + local.next_pc_range_checker, + is_real, + ); + + // We now constrain `next_pc`. + + // Verify that the new pc is calculated correctly for JAL instructions. + // SAFETY: `is_jal` is boolean, and zero for padding rows. + builder.send_instruction( + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC + DEFAULT_PC_INC), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(Opcode::ADD as u32), + local.next_pc, + local.pc, + local.op_b_value, + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + local.is_jal, + ); + + // Verify that the new pc is calculated correctly for JALR instructions. + // SAFETY: `is_jalr` is boolean, and zero for padding rows. + builder.send_instruction( + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC + DEFAULT_PC_INC), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(Opcode::ADD as u32), + local.next_pc, + local.op_b_value, + local.op_c_value, + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + local.is_jalr, + ); + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/jump.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/jump/columns.rs similarity index 55% rename from crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/jump.rs rename to crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/jump/columns.rs index 579f2b516..db7a0ffcc 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/jump.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/jump/columns.rs @@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ use std::mem::size_of; use crate::operations::BabyBearWordRangeChecker; -pub const NUM_JUMP_COLS: usize = size_of::>(); +pub const NUM_JUMP_COLS: usize = size_of::>(); #[derive(AlignedBorrow, Default, Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] -pub struct JumpCols { +pub struct JumpColumns { /// The current program counter. pub pc: Word, pub pc_range_checker: BabyBearWordRangeChecker, @@ -17,9 +17,20 @@ pub struct JumpCols { pub next_pc: Word, pub next_pc_range_checker: BabyBearWordRangeChecker, + /// The value of the first operand. + pub op_a_value: Word, + /// The value of the second operand. + pub op_b_value: Word, + /// The value of the third operand. + pub op_c_value: Word, + + /// Whether the first operand is register 0. + pub op_a_0: T, + + /// Jump Instructions. + pub is_jal: T, + pub is_jalr: T, + // A range checker for `op_a` which may contain `pc + 4`. pub op_a_range_checker: BabyBearWordRangeChecker, - - pub jal_nonce: T, - pub jalr_nonce: T, } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/jump/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/jump/mod.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ca803cb4c --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/jump/mod.rs @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +mod air; +mod columns; +mod trace; + +pub use columns::*; +use p3_air::BaseAir; + +#[derive(Default)] +pub struct JumpChip; + +impl BaseAir for JumpChip { + fn width(&self) -> usize { + NUM_JUMP_COLS + } +} + +#[cfg(test)] +mod tests { + use std::borrow::BorrowMut; + + use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; + use p3_field::AbstractField; + use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; + use sp1_core_executor::{ExecutionRecord, Instruction, Opcode, Program}; + use sp1_stark::{ + air::MachineAir, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, chip_name, CpuProver, + MachineProver, Val, + }; + + use crate::{ + control_flow::{JumpChip, JumpColumns}, + io::SP1Stdin, + riscv::RiscvAir, + utils::run_malicious_test, + }; + + #[test] + fn test_malicious_jumps() { + let mut jump_instructions = [ + vec![Instruction::new(Opcode::JAL, 29, 8, 0, true, true)], + vec![ + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 28, 0, 8, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::JALR, 29, 28, 0, false, true), + ], + ]; + + for instructions in jump_instructions.iter_mut() { + instructions.extend(vec![ + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 30, 0, 5, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 28, 0, 5, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 28, 0, 5, false, true), + ]); + let program = Program::new(instructions.to_vec(), 0, 0); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + + type P = CpuProver>; + + let malicious_trace_pv_generator = + |prover: &P, + record: &mut ExecutionRecord| + -> Vec<(String, RowMajorMatrix>)> { + let mut traces = prover.generate_traces(record); + let jump_chip_name = chip_name!(JumpChip, BabyBear); + for (chip_name, trace) in traces.iter_mut() { + if *chip_name == jump_chip_name { + let first_row = trace.row_mut(0); + let first_row: &mut JumpColumns = first_row.borrow_mut(); + first_row.next_pc = 4.into(); + } + } + + traces + }; + + let result = + run_malicious_test::

(program, stdin, Box::new(malicious_trace_pv_generator)); + assert!(result.is_err() && result.unwrap_err().is_local_cumulative_sum_failing()); + } + } + + #[test] + fn test_malicious_multiple_opcode_flags() { + let instructions = vec![ + Instruction::new(Opcode::JAL, 29, 12, 0, true, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 30, 0, 5, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 28, 0, 5, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 28, 0, 5, false, true), + ]; + let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + + type P = CpuProver>; + + let malicious_trace_pv_generator = + |prover: &P, + record: &mut ExecutionRecord| + -> Vec<(String, RowMajorMatrix>)> { + // Modify the branch chip to have a row that has multiple opcode flags set. + let mut traces = prover.generate_traces(record); + let jump_chip_name = chip_name!(JumpChip, BabyBear); + for (chip_name, trace) in traces.iter_mut() { + if *chip_name == jump_chip_name { + let first_row = trace.row_mut(0); + let first_row: &mut JumpColumns = first_row.borrow_mut(); + assert!(first_row.is_jal == BabyBear::one()); + first_row.is_jalr = BabyBear::one(); + } + } + traces + }; + + let result = + run_malicious_test::

(program, stdin, Box::new(malicious_trace_pv_generator)); + let jump_chip_name = chip_name!(JumpChip, BabyBear); + assert!(result.is_err() && result.unwrap_err().is_constraints_failing(&jump_chip_name)); + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/jump/trace.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/jump/trace.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..203a56343 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/jump/trace.rs @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +use std::borrow::BorrowMut; + +use hashbrown::HashMap; +use itertools::Itertools; +use p3_field::PrimeField32; +use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; +use rayon::iter::{ParallelBridge, ParallelIterator}; +use sp1_core_executor::{ + events::{ByteLookupEvent, ByteRecord, JumpEvent}, + ExecutionRecord, Opcode, Program, +}; +use sp1_stark::air::MachineAir; + +use crate::utils::{next_power_of_two, zeroed_f_vec}; + +use super::{JumpChip, JumpColumns, NUM_JUMP_COLS}; + +impl MachineAir for JumpChip { + type Record = ExecutionRecord; + + type Program = Program; + + fn name(&self) -> String { + "Jump".to_string() + } + + fn generate_trace( + &self, + input: &ExecutionRecord, + output: &mut ExecutionRecord, + ) -> RowMajorMatrix { + let chunk_size = std::cmp::max((input.jump_events.len()) / num_cpus::get(), 1); + let nb_rows = input.jump_events.len(); + let size_log2 = input.fixed_log2_rows::(self); + let padded_nb_rows = next_power_of_two(nb_rows, size_log2); + let mut values = zeroed_f_vec(padded_nb_rows * NUM_JUMP_COLS); + + let blu_events = values + .chunks_mut(chunk_size * NUM_JUMP_COLS) + .enumerate() + .par_bridge() + .map(|(i, rows)| { + let mut blu: HashMap = HashMap::new(); + rows.chunks_mut(NUM_JUMP_COLS).enumerate().for_each(|(j, row)| { + let idx = i * chunk_size + j; + let cols: &mut JumpColumns = row.borrow_mut(); + + if idx < input.jump_events.len() { + let event = &input.jump_events[idx]; + self.event_to_row(event, cols, &mut blu); + } + }); + blu + }) + .collect::>(); + + output.add_byte_lookup_events_from_maps(blu_events.iter().collect_vec()); + + // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. + RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_JUMP_COLS) + } + + fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { + if let Some(shape) = shard.shape.as_ref() { + shape.included::(self) + } else { + !shard.jump_events.is_empty() + } + } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } +} + +impl JumpChip { + /// Create a row from an event. + fn event_to_row( + &self, + event: &JumpEvent, + cols: &mut JumpColumns, + blu: &mut HashMap, + ) { + cols.is_jal = F::from_bool(matches!(event.opcode, Opcode::JAL)); + cols.is_jalr = F::from_bool(matches!(event.opcode, Opcode::JALR)); + + cols.op_a_value = event.a.into(); + cols.op_b_value = event.b.into(); + cols.op_c_value = event.c.into(); + cols.op_a_0 = F::from_bool(event.op_a_0); + + cols.op_a_range_checker.populate(cols.op_a_value, blu); + + cols.pc = event.pc.into(); + cols.pc_range_checker.populate(cols.pc, blu); + + let next_pc = match event.opcode { + Opcode::JAL => event.pc.wrapping_add(event.b), + Opcode::JALR => event.b.wrapping_add(event.c), + _ => unreachable!(), + }; + + cols.next_pc = next_pc.into(); + cols.next_pc_range_checker.populate(cols.next_pc, blu); + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/mod.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a6a8e0419 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/control_flow/mod.rs @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +mod auipc; +mod branch; +mod jump; + +pub use auipc::*; +pub use branch::*; +pub use jump::*; diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/air/branch.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/air/branch.rs deleted file mode 100644 index d8c615682..000000000 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/air/branch.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,204 +0,0 @@ -use p3_air::AirBuilder; -use p3_field::AbstractField; -use sp1_stark::{ - air::{BaseAirBuilder, SP1AirBuilder}, - Word, -}; - -use crate::{ - air::WordAirBuilder, - cpu::{ - columns::{CpuCols, OpcodeSelectorCols}, - CpuChip, - }, - operations::BabyBearWordRangeChecker, -}; - -use sp1_core_executor::Opcode; - -impl CpuChip { - /// Computes whether the opcode is a branch instruction. - pub(crate) fn is_branch_instruction( - &self, - opcode_selectors: &OpcodeSelectorCols, - ) -> AB::Expr { - opcode_selectors.is_beq - + opcode_selectors.is_bne - + opcode_selectors.is_blt - + opcode_selectors.is_bge - + opcode_selectors.is_bltu - + opcode_selectors.is_bgeu - } - - /// Verifies all the branching related columns. - /// - /// It does this in few parts: - /// 1. It verifies that the next pc is correct based on the branching column. That column is a - /// boolean that indicates whether the branch condition is true. - /// 2. It verifies the correct value of branching based on the helper bool columns (a_eq_b, - /// a_gt_b, a_lt_b). - /// 3. It verifier the correct values of the helper bool columns based on op_a and op_b. - pub(crate) fn eval_branch_ops( - &self, - builder: &mut AB, - is_branch_instruction: AB::Expr, - local: &CpuCols, - next: &CpuCols, - ) { - // Get the branch specific columns. - let branch_cols = local.opcode_specific_columns.branch(); - - // Evaluate program counter constraints. - { - // When we are branching, assert local.pc <==> branch_cols.pc as Word. - builder.when(local.branching).assert_eq(branch_cols.pc.reduce::(), local.pc); - - // When we are branching, assert that next.pc <==> branch_columns.next_pc as Word. - builder - .when_transition() - .when(next.is_real) - .when(local.branching) - .assert_eq(branch_cols.next_pc.reduce::(), next.pc); - - // When the current row is real and local.branching, assert that local.next_pc <==> - // branch_columns.next_pc as Word. - builder - .when(local.is_real) - .when(local.branching) - .assert_eq(branch_cols.next_pc.reduce::(), local.next_pc); - - // Range check branch_cols.pc and branch_cols.next_pc. - BabyBearWordRangeChecker::::range_check( - builder, - branch_cols.pc, - branch_cols.pc_range_checker, - is_branch_instruction.clone(), - ); - BabyBearWordRangeChecker::::range_check( - builder, - branch_cols.next_pc, - branch_cols.next_pc_range_checker, - is_branch_instruction.clone(), - ); - - // When we are branching, calculate branch_cols.next_pc <==> branch_cols.pc + c. - builder.send_alu( - Opcode::ADD.as_field::(), - branch_cols.next_pc, - branch_cols.pc, - local.op_c_val(), - local.shard, - branch_cols.next_pc_nonce, - local.branching, - ); - - // When we are not branching, assert that local.pc + 4 <==> next.pc. - builder - .when_transition() - .when(next.is_real) - .when(local.not_branching) - .assert_eq(local.pc + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u8(4), next.pc); - - // When local.not_branching is true, assert that local.is_real is true. - builder.when(local.not_branching).assert_one(local.is_real); - - // When the last row is real and local.not_branching, assert that local.pc + 4 <==> - // local.next_pc. - builder - .when(local.is_real) - .when(local.not_branching) - .assert_eq(local.pc + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u8(4), local.next_pc); - - // Assert that either we are branching or not branching when the instruction is a - // branch. - builder - .when(is_branch_instruction.clone()) - .assert_one(local.branching + local.not_branching); - builder.when(is_branch_instruction.clone()).assert_bool(local.branching); - builder.when(is_branch_instruction.clone()).assert_bool(local.not_branching); - } - - // Evaluate branching value constraints. - { - // When the opcode is BEQ and we are branching, assert that a_eq_b is true. - builder.when(local.selectors.is_beq * local.branching).assert_one(branch_cols.a_eq_b); - - // When the opcode is BEQ and we are not branching, assert that either a_gt_b or a_lt_b - // is true. - builder - .when(local.selectors.is_beq) - .when_not(local.branching) - .assert_one(branch_cols.a_gt_b + branch_cols.a_lt_b); - - // When the opcode is BNE and we are branching, assert that either a_gt_b or a_lt_b is - // true. - builder - .when(local.selectors.is_bne * local.branching) - .assert_one(branch_cols.a_gt_b + branch_cols.a_lt_b); - - // When the opcode is BNE and we are not branching, assert that a_eq_b is true. - builder - .when(local.selectors.is_bne) - .when_not(local.branching) - .assert_one(branch_cols.a_eq_b); - - // When the opcode is BLT or BLTU and we are branching, assert that a_lt_b is true. - builder - .when((local.selectors.is_blt + local.selectors.is_bltu) * local.branching) - .assert_one(branch_cols.a_lt_b); - - // When the opcode is BLT or BLTU and we are not branching, assert that either a_eq_b - // or a_gt_b is true. - builder - .when(local.selectors.is_blt + local.selectors.is_bltu) - .when_not(local.branching) - .assert_one(branch_cols.a_eq_b + branch_cols.a_gt_b); - - // When the opcode is BGE or BGEU and we are branching, assert that a_gt_b is true. - builder - .when((local.selectors.is_bge + local.selectors.is_bgeu) * local.branching) - .assert_one(branch_cols.a_gt_b + branch_cols.a_eq_b); - - // When the opcode is BGE or BGEU and we are not branching, assert that either a_eq_b - // or a_lt_b is true. - builder - .when(local.selectors.is_bge + local.selectors.is_bgeu) - .when_not(local.branching) - .assert_one(branch_cols.a_lt_b); - } - - // When it's a branch instruction and a_eq_b, assert that a == b. - builder - .when(is_branch_instruction.clone() * branch_cols.a_eq_b) - .assert_word_eq(local.op_a_val(), local.op_b_val()); - - // To prevent this ALU send to be arbitrarily large when is_branch_instruction is false. - builder.when_not(is_branch_instruction.clone()).assert_zero(local.branching); - - // Calculate a_lt_b <==> a < b (using appropriate signedness). - let use_signed_comparison = local.selectors.is_blt + local.selectors.is_bge; - builder.send_alu( - use_signed_comparison.clone() * Opcode::SLT.as_field::() - + (AB::Expr::one() - use_signed_comparison.clone()) - * Opcode::SLTU.as_field::(), - Word::extend_var::(branch_cols.a_lt_b), - local.op_a_val(), - local.op_b_val(), - local.shard, - branch_cols.a_lt_b_nonce, - is_branch_instruction.clone(), - ); - - // Calculate a_gt_b <==> a > b (using appropriate signedness). - builder.send_alu( - use_signed_comparison.clone() * Opcode::SLT.as_field::() - + (AB::Expr::one() - use_signed_comparison) * Opcode::SLTU.as_field::(), - Word::extend_var::(branch_cols.a_gt_b), - local.op_b_val(), - local.op_a_val(), - local.shard, - branch_cols.a_gt_b_nonce, - is_branch_instruction.clone(), - ); - } -} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/air/ecall.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/air/ecall.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 9c05105bc..000000000 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/air/ecall.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,311 +0,0 @@ -use p3_air::AirBuilder; -use p3_field::AbstractField; -use sp1_core_executor::syscalls::SyscallCode; -use sp1_stark::{ - air::{ - BaseAirBuilder, InteractionScope, PublicValues, SP1AirBuilder, POSEIDON_NUM_WORDS, - PV_DIGEST_NUM_WORDS, - }, - Word, -}; - -use crate::{ - air::WordAirBuilder, - cpu::{ - columns::{CpuCols, OpcodeSelectorCols}, - CpuChip, - }, - memory::MemoryCols, - operations::{BabyBearWordRangeChecker, IsZeroOperation}, -}; - -impl CpuChip { - /// Whether the instruction is an ECALL instruction. - pub(crate) fn is_ecall_instruction( - &self, - opcode_selectors: &OpcodeSelectorCols, - ) -> AB::Expr { - opcode_selectors.is_ecall.into() - } - - /// Constraints related to the ECALL opcode. - /// - /// This method will do the following: - /// 1. Send the syscall to the precompile table, if needed. - /// 2. Check for valid op_a values. - pub(crate) fn eval_ecall(&self, builder: &mut AB, local: &CpuCols) { - let ecall_cols = local.opcode_specific_columns.ecall(); - let is_ecall_instruction = self.is_ecall_instruction::(&local.selectors); - - // The syscall code is the read-in value of op_a at the start of the instruction. - let syscall_code = local.op_a_access.prev_value(); - - // We interpret the syscall_code as little-endian bytes and interpret each byte as a u8 - // with different information. - let syscall_id = syscall_code[0]; - let send_to_table = syscall_code[1]; - - // Handle cases: - // - is_ecall_instruction = 1 => ecall_mul_send_to_table == send_to_table - // - is_ecall_instruction = 0 => ecall_mul_send_to_table == 0 - builder - .assert_eq(local.ecall_mul_send_to_table, send_to_table * is_ecall_instruction.clone()); - - builder.send_syscall( - local.shard, - local.clk, - ecall_cols.syscall_nonce, - syscall_id, - local.op_b_val().reduce::(), - local.op_c_val().reduce::(), - local.ecall_mul_send_to_table, - InteractionScope::Local, - ); - - // Compute whether this ecall is ENTER_UNCONSTRAINED. - let is_enter_unconstrained = { - IsZeroOperation::::eval( - builder, - syscall_id - - AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::ENTER_UNCONSTRAINED.syscall_id()), - ecall_cols.is_enter_unconstrained, - is_ecall_instruction.clone(), - ); - ecall_cols.is_enter_unconstrained.result - }; - - // Compute whether this ecall is HINT_LEN. - let is_hint_len = { - IsZeroOperation::::eval( - builder, - syscall_id - AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::HINT_LEN.syscall_id()), - ecall_cols.is_hint_len, - is_ecall_instruction.clone(), - ); - ecall_cols.is_hint_len.result - }; - - // When syscall_id is ENTER_UNCONSTRAINED, the new value of op_a should be 0. - let zero_word = Word::::from(0); - builder - .when(is_ecall_instruction.clone() * is_enter_unconstrained) - .assert_word_eq(local.op_a_val(), zero_word); - - // When the syscall is not one of ENTER_UNCONSTRAINED or HINT_LEN, op_a shouldn't change. - builder - .when(is_ecall_instruction.clone()) - .when_not(is_enter_unconstrained + is_hint_len) - .assert_word_eq(local.op_a_val(), local.op_a_access.prev_value); - - // Verify value of ecall_range_check_operand column. - builder.assert_eq( - local.ecall_range_check_operand, - is_ecall_instruction - * (ecall_cols.is_halt.result + ecall_cols.is_commit_deferred_proofs.result), - ); - - // Babybear range check the operand_to_check word. - BabyBearWordRangeChecker::::range_check::( - builder, - ecall_cols.operand_to_check, - ecall_cols.operand_range_check_cols, - local.ecall_range_check_operand.into(), - ); - } - - /// Constraints related to the COMMIT and COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS instructions. - pub(crate) fn eval_commit( - &self, - builder: &mut AB, - local: &CpuCols, - commit_digest: [Word; PV_DIGEST_NUM_WORDS], - deferred_proofs_digest: [AB::Expr; POSEIDON_NUM_WORDS], - ) { - let (is_commit, is_commit_deferred_proofs) = - self.get_is_commit_related_syscall(builder, local); - - // Get the ecall specific columns. - let ecall_columns = local.opcode_specific_columns.ecall(); - - // Verify the index bitmap. - let mut bitmap_sum = AB::Expr::zero(); - // They should all be bools. - for bit in ecall_columns.index_bitmap.iter() { - builder.when(local.selectors.is_ecall).assert_bool(*bit); - bitmap_sum += (*bit).into(); - } - // When the syscall is COMMIT or COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS, there should be one set bit. - builder - .when( - local.selectors.is_ecall * (is_commit.clone() + is_commit_deferred_proofs.clone()), - ) - .assert_one(bitmap_sum.clone()); - // When it's some other syscall, there should be no set bits. - builder - .when( - local.selectors.is_ecall - * (AB::Expr::one() - (is_commit.clone() + is_commit_deferred_proofs.clone())), - ) - .assert_zero(bitmap_sum); - - // Verify that word_idx corresponds to the set bit in index bitmap. - for (i, bit) in ecall_columns.index_bitmap.iter().enumerate() { - builder.when(*bit * local.selectors.is_ecall).assert_eq( - local.op_b_access.prev_value()[0], - AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(i as u32), - ); - } - // Verify that the 3 upper bytes of the word_idx are 0. - for i in 0..3 { - builder - .when( - local.selectors.is_ecall - * (is_commit.clone() + is_commit_deferred_proofs.clone()), - ) - .assert_eq(local.op_b_access.prev_value()[i + 1], AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(0)); - } - - // Retrieve the expected public values digest word to check against the one passed into the - // commit ecall. Note that for the interaction builder, it will not have any digest words, - // since it's used during AIR compilation time to parse for all send/receives. Since - // that interaction builder will ignore the other constraints of the air, it is safe - // to not include the verification check of the expected public values digest word. - let expected_pv_digest_word = - builder.index_word_array(&commit_digest, &ecall_columns.index_bitmap); - - let digest_word = local.op_c_access.prev_value(); - - // Verify the public_values_digest_word. - builder - .when(local.selectors.is_ecall * is_commit) - .assert_word_eq(expected_pv_digest_word, *digest_word); - - let expected_deferred_proofs_digest_element = - builder.index_array(&deferred_proofs_digest, &ecall_columns.index_bitmap); - - // Verify that the operand that was range checked is digest_word. - builder - .when(local.selectors.is_ecall * is_commit_deferred_proofs.clone()) - .assert_word_eq(*digest_word, ecall_columns.operand_to_check); - - builder - .when(local.selectors.is_ecall * is_commit_deferred_proofs) - .assert_eq(expected_deferred_proofs_digest_element, digest_word.reduce::()); - } - - /// Constraint related to the halt and unimpl instruction. - pub(crate) fn eval_halt_unimpl( - &self, - builder: &mut AB, - local: &CpuCols, - next: &CpuCols, - public_values: &PublicValues, AB::Expr>, - ) { - let is_halt = self.get_is_halt_syscall(builder, local); - - // If we're halting and it's a transition, then the next.is_real should be 0. - builder - .when_transition() - .when(is_halt.clone() + local.selectors.is_unimpl) - .assert_zero(next.is_real); - - builder.when(is_halt.clone()).assert_zero(local.next_pc); - - // Verify that the operand that was range checked is op_b. - let ecall_columns = local.opcode_specific_columns.ecall(); - builder - .when(is_halt.clone()) - .assert_word_eq(local.op_b_val(), ecall_columns.operand_to_check); - - builder - .when(is_halt.clone()) - .assert_eq(local.op_b_access.value().reduce::(), public_values.exit_code.clone()); - } - - /// Returns a boolean expression indicating whether the instruction is a HALT instruction. - pub(crate) fn get_is_halt_syscall( - &self, - builder: &mut AB, - local: &CpuCols, - ) -> AB::Expr { - let ecall_cols = local.opcode_specific_columns.ecall(); - let is_ecall_instruction = self.is_ecall_instruction::(&local.selectors); - - // The syscall code is the read-in value of op_a at the start of the instruction. - let syscall_code = local.op_a_access.prev_value(); - - let syscall_id = syscall_code[0]; - - // Compute whether this ecall is HALT. - let is_halt = { - IsZeroOperation::::eval( - builder, - syscall_id - AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::HALT.syscall_id()), - ecall_cols.is_halt, - is_ecall_instruction.clone(), - ); - ecall_cols.is_halt.result - }; - - is_halt * is_ecall_instruction - } - - /// Returns two boolean expression indicating whether the instruction is a COMMIT or - /// COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS instruction. - pub(crate) fn get_is_commit_related_syscall( - &self, - builder: &mut AB, - local: &CpuCols, - ) -> (AB::Expr, AB::Expr) { - let ecall_cols = local.opcode_specific_columns.ecall(); - - let is_ecall_instruction = self.is_ecall_instruction::(&local.selectors); - - // The syscall code is the read-in value of op_a at the start of the instruction. - let syscall_code = local.op_a_access.prev_value(); - - let syscall_id = syscall_code[0]; - - // Compute whether this ecall is COMMIT. - let is_commit = { - IsZeroOperation::::eval( - builder, - syscall_id - AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::COMMIT.syscall_id()), - ecall_cols.is_commit, - is_ecall_instruction.clone(), - ); - ecall_cols.is_commit.result - }; - - // Compute whether this ecall is COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS. - let is_commit_deferred_proofs = { - IsZeroOperation::::eval( - builder, - syscall_id - - AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32( - SyscallCode::COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS.syscall_id(), - ), - ecall_cols.is_commit_deferred_proofs, - is_ecall_instruction.clone(), - ); - ecall_cols.is_commit_deferred_proofs.result - }; - - (is_commit.into(), is_commit_deferred_proofs.into()) - } - - /// Returns the number of extra cycles from an ECALL instruction. - pub(crate) fn get_num_extra_ecall_cycles( - &self, - local: &CpuCols, - ) -> AB::Expr { - let is_ecall_instruction = self.is_ecall_instruction::(&local.selectors); - - // The syscall code is the read-in value of op_a at the start of the instruction. - let syscall_code = local.op_a_access.prev_value(); - - let num_extra_cycles = syscall_code[2]; - - num_extra_cycles * is_ecall_instruction.clone() - } -} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/air/memory.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/air/memory.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 7269334a6..000000000 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/air/memory.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,375 +0,0 @@ -use p3_air::AirBuilder; -use p3_field::AbstractField; -use sp1_stark::{air::SP1AirBuilder, Word}; - -use crate::{ - air::{SP1CoreAirBuilder, WordAirBuilder}, - cpu::{ - columns::{CpuCols, MemoryColumns, OpcodeSelectorCols}, - CpuChip, - }, - memory::MemoryCols, - operations::BabyBearWordRangeChecker, -}; -use sp1_core_executor::{events::MemoryAccessPosition, Opcode}; - -impl CpuChip { - /// Computes whether the opcode is a memory instruction. - pub(crate) fn is_memory_instruction( - &self, - opcode_selectors: &OpcodeSelectorCols, - ) -> AB::Expr { - opcode_selectors.is_lb - + opcode_selectors.is_lbu - + opcode_selectors.is_lh - + opcode_selectors.is_lhu - + opcode_selectors.is_lw - + opcode_selectors.is_sb - + opcode_selectors.is_sh - + opcode_selectors.is_sw - } - - /// Computes whether the opcode is a load instruction. - pub(crate) fn is_load_instruction( - &self, - opcode_selectors: &OpcodeSelectorCols, - ) -> AB::Expr { - opcode_selectors.is_lb - + opcode_selectors.is_lbu - + opcode_selectors.is_lh - + opcode_selectors.is_lhu - + opcode_selectors.is_lw - } - - /// Computes whether the opcode is a store instruction. - pub(crate) fn is_store_instruction( - &self, - opcode_selectors: &OpcodeSelectorCols, - ) -> AB::Expr { - opcode_selectors.is_sb + opcode_selectors.is_sh + opcode_selectors.is_sw - } - - /// Constrains the addr_aligned, addr_offset, and addr_word memory columns. - /// - /// This method will do the following: - /// 1. Calculate that the unaligned address is correctly computed to be op_b.value + op_c.value. - /// 2. Calculate that the address offset is address % 4. - /// 3. Assert the validity of the aligned address given the address offset and the unaligned - /// address. - pub(crate) fn eval_memory_address_and_access( - &self, - builder: &mut AB, - local: &CpuCols, - is_memory_instruction: AB::Expr, - ) { - // Get the memory specific columns. - let memory_columns = local.opcode_specific_columns.memory(); - - // Send to the ALU table to verify correct calculation of addr_word. - builder.send_alu( - AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(Opcode::ADD as u32), - memory_columns.addr_word, - local.op_b_val(), - local.op_c_val(), - local.shard, - memory_columns.addr_word_nonce, - is_memory_instruction.clone(), - ); - - // Range check the addr_word to be a valid babybear word. - BabyBearWordRangeChecker::::range_check( - builder, - memory_columns.addr_word, - memory_columns.addr_word_range_checker, - is_memory_instruction.clone(), - ); - - // Check that each addr_word element is a byte. - builder.slice_range_check_u8(&memory_columns.addr_word.0, is_memory_instruction.clone()); - - // Evaluate the addr_offset column and offset flags. - self.eval_offset_value_flags(builder, memory_columns, local); - - // Assert that reduce(addr_word) == addr_aligned + addr_offset. - builder.when(is_memory_instruction.clone()).assert_eq::( - memory_columns.addr_aligned + memory_columns.addr_offset, - memory_columns.addr_word.reduce::(), - ); - - // Verify that the least significant byte of addr_word - addr_offset is divisible by 4. - let offset = [ - memory_columns.offset_is_one, - memory_columns.offset_is_two, - memory_columns.offset_is_three, - ] - .iter() - .enumerate() - .fold(AB::Expr::zero(), |acc, (index, &value)| { - acc + AB::Expr::from_canonical_usize(index + 1) * value - }); - let mut recomposed_byte = AB::Expr::zero(); - memory_columns.aa_least_sig_byte_decomp.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, value)| { - builder.when(is_memory_instruction.clone()).assert_bool(*value); - - recomposed_byte = - recomposed_byte.clone() + AB::Expr::from_canonical_usize(1 << (i + 2)) * *value; - }); - - builder - .when(is_memory_instruction.clone()) - .assert_eq(memory_columns.addr_word[0] - offset, recomposed_byte); - - // For operations that require reading from memory (not registers), we need to read the - // value into the memory columns. - builder.eval_memory_access( - local.shard, - local.clk + AB::F::from_canonical_u32(MemoryAccessPosition::Memory as u32), - memory_columns.addr_aligned, - &memory_columns.memory_access, - is_memory_instruction.clone(), - ); - - // On memory load instructions, make sure that the memory value is not changed. - builder.when(self.is_load_instruction::(&local.selectors)).assert_word_eq( - *memory_columns.memory_access.value(), - *memory_columns.memory_access.prev_value(), - ); - } - - /// Evaluates constraints related to loading from memory. - pub(crate) fn eval_memory_load( - &self, - builder: &mut AB, - local: &CpuCols, - ) { - // Get the memory specific columns. - let memory_columns = local.opcode_specific_columns.memory(); - - // Verify the unsigned_mem_value column. - self.eval_unsigned_mem_value(builder, memory_columns, local); - - // If it's a signed operation (such as LB or LH), then we need verify the bit decomposition - // of the most significant byte to get it's sign. - self.eval_most_sig_byte_bit_decomp(builder, memory_columns, local, &local.unsigned_mem_val); - - // Assert that correct value of `mem_value_is_neg_not_x0`. - builder.assert_eq( - local.mem_value_is_neg_not_x0, - (local.selectors.is_lb + local.selectors.is_lh) - * memory_columns.most_sig_byte_decomp[7] - * (AB::Expr::one() - local.instruction.op_a_0), - ); - - // When the memory value is negative and not writing to x0, use the SUB opcode to compute - // the signed value of the memory value and verify that the op_a value is correct. - let signed_value = Word([ - AB::Expr::zero(), - AB::Expr::one() * local.selectors.is_lb, - AB::Expr::one() * local.selectors.is_lh, - AB::Expr::zero(), - ]); - builder.send_alu( - Opcode::SUB.as_field::(), - local.op_a_val(), - local.unsigned_mem_val, - signed_value, - local.shard, - local.unsigned_mem_val_nonce, - local.mem_value_is_neg_not_x0, - ); - - // Assert that correct value of `mem_value_is_pos_not_x0`. - let mem_value_is_pos = (local.selectors.is_lb + local.selectors.is_lh) - * (AB::Expr::one() - memory_columns.most_sig_byte_decomp[7]) - + local.selectors.is_lbu - + local.selectors.is_lhu - + local.selectors.is_lw; - builder.assert_eq( - local.mem_value_is_pos_not_x0, - mem_value_is_pos * (AB::Expr::one() - local.instruction.op_a_0), - ); - - // When the memory value is not positive and not writing to x0, assert that op_a value is - // equal to the unsigned memory value. - builder - .when(local.mem_value_is_pos_not_x0) - .assert_word_eq(local.unsigned_mem_val, local.op_a_val()); - } - - /// Evaluates constraints related to storing to memory. - pub(crate) fn eval_memory_store( - &self, - builder: &mut AB, - local: &CpuCols, - ) { - let memory_columns = local.opcode_specific_columns.memory(); - - // Get the memory offset flags. - self.eval_offset_value_flags(builder, memory_columns, local); - // Compute the offset_is_zero flag. The other offset flags are already constrained by the - // method `eval_memory_address_and_access`, which is called in - // `eval_memory_address_and_access`. - let offset_is_zero = AB::Expr::one() - - memory_columns.offset_is_one - - memory_columns.offset_is_two - - memory_columns.offset_is_three; - - // Compute the expected stored value for a SB instruction. - let one = AB::Expr::one(); - let a_val = local.op_a_val(); - let mem_val = *memory_columns.memory_access.value(); - let prev_mem_val = *memory_columns.memory_access.prev_value(); - let sb_expected_stored_value = Word([ - a_val[0] * offset_is_zero.clone() - + (one.clone() - offset_is_zero.clone()) * prev_mem_val[0], - a_val[0] * memory_columns.offset_is_one - + (one.clone() - memory_columns.offset_is_one) * prev_mem_val[1], - a_val[0] * memory_columns.offset_is_two - + (one.clone() - memory_columns.offset_is_two) * prev_mem_val[2], - a_val[0] * memory_columns.offset_is_three - + (one.clone() - memory_columns.offset_is_three) * prev_mem_val[3], - ]); - builder - .when(local.selectors.is_sb) - .assert_word_eq(mem_val.map(|x| x.into()), sb_expected_stored_value); - - // When the instruction is SH, make sure both offset one and three are off. - builder - .when(local.selectors.is_sh) - .assert_zero(memory_columns.offset_is_one + memory_columns.offset_is_three); - - // When the instruction is SW, ensure that the offset is 0. - builder.when(local.selectors.is_sw).assert_one(offset_is_zero.clone()); - - // Compute the expected stored value for a SH instruction. - let a_is_lower_half = offset_is_zero; - let a_is_upper_half = memory_columns.offset_is_two; - let sh_expected_stored_value = Word([ - a_val[0] * a_is_lower_half.clone() - + (one.clone() - a_is_lower_half.clone()) * prev_mem_val[0], - a_val[1] * a_is_lower_half.clone() + (one.clone() - a_is_lower_half) * prev_mem_val[1], - a_val[0] * a_is_upper_half + (one.clone() - a_is_upper_half) * prev_mem_val[2], - a_val[1] * a_is_upper_half + (one.clone() - a_is_upper_half) * prev_mem_val[3], - ]); - builder - .when(local.selectors.is_sh) - .assert_word_eq(mem_val.map(|x| x.into()), sh_expected_stored_value); - - // When the instruction is SW, just use the word without masking. - builder - .when(local.selectors.is_sw) - .assert_word_eq(mem_val.map(|x| x.into()), a_val.map(|x| x.into())); - } - - /// This function is used to evaluate the unsigned memory value for the load memory - /// instructions. - pub(crate) fn eval_unsigned_mem_value( - &self, - builder: &mut AB, - memory_columns: &MemoryColumns, - local: &CpuCols, - ) { - let mem_val = *memory_columns.memory_access.value(); - - // Compute the offset_is_zero flag. The other offset flags are already constrained by the - // method `eval_memory_address_and_access`, which is called in - // `eval_memory_address_and_access`. - let offset_is_zero = AB::Expr::one() - - memory_columns.offset_is_one - - memory_columns.offset_is_two - - memory_columns.offset_is_three; - - // Compute the byte value. - let mem_byte = mem_val[0] * offset_is_zero.clone() - + mem_val[1] * memory_columns.offset_is_one - + mem_val[2] * memory_columns.offset_is_two - + mem_val[3] * memory_columns.offset_is_three; - let byte_value = Word::extend_expr::(mem_byte.clone()); - - // When the instruction is LB or LBU, just use the lower byte. - builder - .when(local.selectors.is_lb + local.selectors.is_lbu) - .assert_word_eq(byte_value, local.unsigned_mem_val.map(|x| x.into())); - - // When the instruction is LH or LHU, use the lower half. - builder - .when(local.selectors.is_lh + local.selectors.is_lhu) - .assert_zero(memory_columns.offset_is_one + memory_columns.offset_is_three); - - // When the instruction is LW, ensure that the offset is zero. - builder.when(local.selectors.is_lw).assert_one(offset_is_zero.clone()); - - let use_lower_half = offset_is_zero; - let use_upper_half = memory_columns.offset_is_two; - let half_value = Word([ - use_lower_half.clone() * mem_val[0] + use_upper_half * mem_val[2], - use_lower_half * mem_val[1] + use_upper_half * mem_val[3], - AB::Expr::zero(), - AB::Expr::zero(), - ]); - builder - .when(local.selectors.is_lh + local.selectors.is_lhu) - .assert_word_eq(half_value, local.unsigned_mem_val.map(|x| x.into())); - - // When the instruction is LW, just use the word. - builder.when(local.selectors.is_lw).assert_word_eq(mem_val, local.unsigned_mem_val); - } - - /// Evaluates the decomposition of the most significant byte of the memory value. - pub(crate) fn eval_most_sig_byte_bit_decomp( - &self, - builder: &mut AB, - memory_columns: &MemoryColumns, - local: &CpuCols, - unsigned_mem_val: &Word, - ) { - let is_mem = self.is_memory_instruction::(&local.selectors); - let mut recomposed_byte = AB::Expr::zero(); - for i in 0..8 { - builder.when(is_mem.clone()).assert_bool(memory_columns.most_sig_byte_decomp[i]); - recomposed_byte += - memory_columns.most_sig_byte_decomp[i] * AB::Expr::from_canonical_u8(1 << i); - } - builder.when(local.selectors.is_lb).assert_eq(recomposed_byte.clone(), unsigned_mem_val[0]); - builder.when(local.selectors.is_lh).assert_eq(recomposed_byte, unsigned_mem_val[1]); - } - - /// Evaluates the offset value flags. - pub(crate) fn eval_offset_value_flags( - &self, - builder: &mut AB, - memory_columns: &MemoryColumns, - local: &CpuCols, - ) { - let is_mem_op = self.is_memory_instruction::(&local.selectors); - let offset_is_zero = AB::Expr::one() - - memory_columns.offset_is_one - - memory_columns.offset_is_two - - memory_columns.offset_is_three; - - let mut filtered_builder = builder.when(is_mem_op); - - // Assert that the value flags are boolean - filtered_builder.assert_bool(memory_columns.offset_is_one); - filtered_builder.assert_bool(memory_columns.offset_is_two); - filtered_builder.assert_bool(memory_columns.offset_is_three); - - // Assert that only one of the value flags is true - filtered_builder.assert_one( - offset_is_zero.clone() - + memory_columns.offset_is_one - + memory_columns.offset_is_two - + memory_columns.offset_is_three, - ); - - // Assert that the correct value flag is set - filtered_builder.when(offset_is_zero).assert_zero(memory_columns.addr_offset); - filtered_builder.when(memory_columns.offset_is_one).assert_one(memory_columns.addr_offset); - filtered_builder - .when(memory_columns.offset_is_two) - .assert_eq(memory_columns.addr_offset, AB::Expr::two()); - filtered_builder - .when(memory_columns.offset_is_three) - .assert_eq(memory_columns.addr_offset, AB::Expr::from_canonical_u8(3)); - } -} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/air/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/air/mod.rs index 5ab408ce9..52704962a 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/air/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/air/mod.rs @@ -1,13 +1,10 @@ -pub mod branch; -pub mod ecall; -pub mod memory; pub mod register; use core::borrow::Borrow; use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder, AirBuilderWithPublicValues, BaseAir}; use p3_field::AbstractField; use p3_matrix::Matrix; -use sp1_core_executor::ByteOpcode; +use sp1_core_executor::{ByteOpcode, DEFAULT_PC_INC}; use sp1_stark::{ air::{BaseAirBuilder, PublicValues, SP1AirBuilder, SP1_PROOF_NUM_PV_ELTS}, Word, @@ -16,14 +13,10 @@ use sp1_stark::{ use crate::{ air::{MemoryAirBuilder, SP1CoreAirBuilder}, cpu::{ - columns::{CpuCols, OpcodeSelectorCols, NUM_CPU_COLS}, + columns::{CpuCols, NUM_CPU_COLS}, CpuChip, }, - operations::BabyBearWordRangeChecker, }; -use sp1_core_executor::Opcode; - -use super::columns::OPCODE_SELECTORS_COL_MAP; impl Air for CpuChip where @@ -36,210 +29,84 @@ where let (local, next) = (main.row_slice(0), main.row_slice(1)); let local: &CpuCols = (*local).borrow(); let next: &CpuCols = (*next).borrow(); - let public_values_slice: [AB::Expr; SP1_PROOF_NUM_PV_ELTS] = - core::array::from_fn(|i| builder.public_values()[i].into()); - let public_values: &PublicValues, AB::Expr> = + + let public_values_slice: [AB::PublicVar; SP1_PROOF_NUM_PV_ELTS] = + core::array::from_fn(|i| builder.public_values()[i]); + let public_values: &PublicValues, AB::PublicVar> = public_values_slice.as_slice().borrow(); - // Program constraints. - builder.send_program( - local.pc, - local.instruction, - local.selectors, - local.shard, - local.is_real, - ); + // We represent the `clk` with a 16 bit limb and a 8 bit limb. + // The range checks for these limbs are done in `eval_shard_clk`. + let clk = + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(1u32 << 16) * local.clk_8bit_limb + local.clk_16bit_limb; - // Compute some flags for which type of instruction we are dealing with. - let is_memory_instruction: AB::Expr = self.is_memory_instruction::(&local.selectors); - let is_branch_instruction: AB::Expr = self.is_branch_instruction::(&local.selectors); - let is_alu_instruction: AB::Expr = self.is_alu_instruction::(&local.selectors); + // Program constraints. + // SAFETY: `local.is_real` is checked to be boolean in `eval_is_real`. + // The `pc` and `instruction` is taken from the `ProgramChip`, where these are preprocessed. + builder.send_program(local.pc, local.instruction, local.is_real); // Register constraints. - self.eval_registers::(builder, local, is_branch_instruction.clone()); - - // Memory instructions. - self.eval_memory_address_and_access::(builder, local, is_memory_instruction.clone()); - self.eval_memory_load::(builder, local); - self.eval_memory_store::(builder, local); - - // ALU instructions. - builder.send_alu( + self.eval_registers::(builder, local, clk.clone()); + + // Assert the shard and clk to send. Only the memory and syscall instructions need the + // actual shard and clk values for memory access evals. + // SAFETY: The usage of `builder.if_else` requires `is_memory + is_syscall` to be boolean. + // The correctness of `is_memory` and `is_syscall` will be checked in the opcode specific chips. + // In these correct cases, `is_memory + is_syscall` will be always boolean. + let expected_shard_to_send = + builder.if_else(local.is_memory + local.is_syscall, local.shard, AB::Expr::zero()); + let expected_clk_to_send = + builder.if_else(local.is_memory + local.is_syscall, clk.clone(), AB::Expr::zero()); + builder.when(local.is_real).assert_eq(local.shard_to_send, expected_shard_to_send); + builder.when(local.is_real).assert_eq(local.clk_to_send, expected_clk_to_send); + + // Send the instruction. + // SAFETY: `local.is_real` is checked to be boolean in `eval_is_real`. + // The `shard`, `clk`, `pc` are constrained throughout the CpuChip. + // The `local.instruction.opcode`, `local.instruction.op_a_0` are from the ProgramChip. + // The `local.op_b_val()` and `local.op_c_val()` are constrained in `eval_registers` in the CpuChip. + // Therefore, opcode specific chips that will receive this instruction need to the following. + // - For an instruction with a valid opcode, exactly one opcode specific chip can receive the instruction. + // - The `next_pc`, `num_extra_cycles`, `op_a_val`, `op_a_immutable`, `is_memory`, `is_syscall`, `is_halt` are constrained correctly. + // Note that in this case, `shard_to_send` and `clk_to_send` will be correctly constrained as well. + // If `instruction.op_a_0 == 1`, then `eval_registers` enforces `op_a_val() == 0`. + // Therefore, in this case, `op_a_val` doesn't need to be constrained in the opcode specific chips. + builder.send_instruction( + local.shard_to_send, + local.clk_to_send, + local.pc, + local.next_pc, + local.num_extra_cycles, local.instruction.opcode, local.op_a_val(), local.op_b_val(), local.op_c_val(), - local.shard, - local.nonce, - is_alu_instruction, - ); - - // Branch instructions. - self.eval_branch_ops::(builder, is_branch_instruction.clone(), local, next); - - // Jump instructions. - self.eval_jump_ops::(builder, local, next); - - // AUIPC instruction. - self.eval_auipc(builder, local); - - // ECALL instruction. - self.eval_ecall(builder, local); - - // COMMIT/COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS ecall instruction. - self.eval_commit( - builder, - local, - public_values.committed_value_digest.clone(), - public_values.deferred_proofs_digest.clone(), + local.instruction.op_a_0, + local.op_a_immutable, + local.is_memory, + local.is_syscall, + local.is_halt, + local.is_real, ); - // HALT ecall and UNIMPL instruction. - self.eval_halt_unimpl(builder, local, next, public_values); - // Check that the shard and clk is updated correctly. - self.eval_shard_clk(builder, local, next); + self.eval_shard_clk(builder, local, next, public_values, clk.clone()); // Check that the pc is updated correctly. - self.eval_pc(builder, local, next, is_branch_instruction.clone()); - - // Check public values constraints. - self.eval_public_values(builder, local, next, public_values); + self.eval_pc(builder, local, next, public_values); // Check that the is_real flag is correct. self.eval_is_real(builder, local, next); // Check that when `is_real=0` that all flags that send interactions are zero. - local.selectors.into_iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, selector)| { - if i == OPCODE_SELECTORS_COL_MAP.imm_b { - builder.when(AB::Expr::one() - local.is_real).assert_one(local.selectors.imm_b); - } else if i == OPCODE_SELECTORS_COL_MAP.imm_c { - builder.when(AB::Expr::one() - local.is_real).assert_one(local.selectors.imm_c); - } else { - builder.when(AB::Expr::one() - local.is_real).assert_zero(selector); - } - }); + let not_real = AB::Expr::one() - local.is_real; + builder.when(not_real.clone()).assert_zero(AB::Expr::one() - local.instruction.imm_b); + builder.when(not_real.clone()).assert_zero(AB::Expr::one() - local.instruction.imm_c); + builder.when(not_real.clone()).assert_zero(AB::Expr::one() - local.is_syscall); } } impl CpuChip { - /// Whether the instruction is an ALU instruction. - pub(crate) fn is_alu_instruction( - &self, - opcode_selectors: &OpcodeSelectorCols, - ) -> AB::Expr { - opcode_selectors.is_alu.into() - } - - /// Constraints related to jump operations. - pub(crate) fn eval_jump_ops( - &self, - builder: &mut AB, - local: &CpuCols, - next: &CpuCols, - ) { - // Get the jump specific columns - let jump_columns = local.opcode_specific_columns.jump(); - - let is_jump_instruction = local.selectors.is_jal + local.selectors.is_jalr; - - // Verify that the local.pc + 4 is saved in op_a for both jump instructions. - // When op_a is set to register X0, the RISC-V spec states that the jump instruction will - // not have a return destination address (it is effectively a GOTO command). In this case, - // we shouldn't verify the return address. - builder - .when(is_jump_instruction.clone()) - .when_not(local.instruction.op_a_0) - .assert_eq(local.op_a_val().reduce::(), local.pc + AB::F::from_canonical_u8(4)); - - // Verify that the word form of local.pc is correct for JAL instructions. - builder.when(local.selectors.is_jal).assert_eq(jump_columns.pc.reduce::(), local.pc); - - // Verify that the word form of next.pc is correct for both jump instructions. - builder - .when_transition() - .when(next.is_real) - .when(is_jump_instruction.clone()) - .assert_eq(jump_columns.next_pc.reduce::(), next.pc); - - // When the last row is real and it's a jump instruction, assert that local.next_pc <==> - // jump_column.next_pc - builder - .when(local.is_real) - .when(is_jump_instruction.clone()) - .assert_eq(jump_columns.next_pc.reduce::(), local.next_pc); - - // Range check op_a, pc, and next_pc. - BabyBearWordRangeChecker::::range_check( - builder, - local.op_a_val(), - jump_columns.op_a_range_checker, - is_jump_instruction.clone(), - ); - BabyBearWordRangeChecker::::range_check( - builder, - jump_columns.pc, - jump_columns.pc_range_checker, - local.selectors.is_jal.into(), - ); - BabyBearWordRangeChecker::::range_check( - builder, - jump_columns.next_pc, - jump_columns.next_pc_range_checker, - is_jump_instruction.clone(), - ); - - // Verify that the new pc is calculated correctly for JAL instructions. - builder.send_alu( - AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(Opcode::ADD as u32), - jump_columns.next_pc, - jump_columns.pc, - local.op_b_val(), - local.shard, - jump_columns.jal_nonce, - local.selectors.is_jal, - ); - - // Verify that the new pc is calculated correctly for JALR instructions. - builder.send_alu( - AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(Opcode::ADD as u32), - jump_columns.next_pc, - local.op_b_val(), - local.op_c_val(), - local.shard, - jump_columns.jalr_nonce, - local.selectors.is_jalr, - ); - } - - /// Constraints related to the AUIPC opcode. - pub(crate) fn eval_auipc(&self, builder: &mut AB, local: &CpuCols) { - // Get the auipc specific columns. - let auipc_columns = local.opcode_specific_columns.auipc(); - - // Verify that the word form of local.pc is correct. - builder.when(local.selectors.is_auipc).assert_eq(auipc_columns.pc.reduce::(), local.pc); - - // Range check the pc. - BabyBearWordRangeChecker::::range_check( - builder, - auipc_columns.pc, - auipc_columns.pc_range_checker, - local.selectors.is_auipc.into(), - ); - - // Verify that op_a == pc + op_b. - builder.send_alu( - AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(Opcode::ADD as u32), - local.op_a_val(), - auipc_columns.pc, - local.op_b_val(), - local.shard, - auipc_columns.auipc_nonce, - local.selectors.is_auipc, - ); - } - /// Constraints related to the shard and clk. /// /// This method ensures that all of the shard values are the same and that the clk starts at 0 @@ -252,11 +119,17 @@ impl CpuChip { builder: &mut AB, local: &CpuCols, next: &CpuCols, + public_values: &PublicValues, AB::PublicVar>, + clk: AB::Expr, ) { + // Verify the public value's shard. + builder.when(local.is_real).assert_eq(public_values.execution_shard, local.shard); + // Verify that all shard values are the same. builder.when_transition().when(next.is_real).assert_eq(local.shard, next.shard); // Verify that the shard value is within 16 bits. + // SAFETY: `local.is_real` is checked to be boolean in `eval_is_real`. builder.send_byte( AB::Expr::from_canonical_u8(ByteOpcode::U16Range as u8), local.shard, @@ -266,22 +139,22 @@ impl CpuChip { ); // Verify that the first row has a clk value of 0. - builder.when_first_row().assert_zero(local.clk); - - // Verify that the clk increments are correct. Most clk increment should be 4, but for some - // precompiles, there are additional cycles. - let num_extra_cycles = self.get_num_extra_ecall_cycles::(local); + builder.when_first_row().assert_zero(clk.clone()); // We already assert that `local.clk < 2^24`. `num_extra_cycles` is an entry of a word and // therefore less than `2^8`, this means that the sum cannot overflow in a 31 bit field. + // The default clk increment is also `4`, equal to `DEFAULT_PC_INC`. let expected_next_clk = - local.clk + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(4) + num_extra_cycles.clone(); + clk.clone() + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(DEFAULT_PC_INC) + local.num_extra_cycles; - builder.when_transition().when(next.is_real).assert_eq(expected_next_clk.clone(), next.clk); + let next_clk = + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(1u32 << 16) * next.clk_8bit_limb + next.clk_16bit_limb; + builder.when_transition().when(next.is_real).assert_eq(expected_next_clk, next_clk); // Range check that the clk is within 24 bits using it's limb values. + // SAFETY: `local.is_real` is checked to be boolean in `eval_is_real`. builder.eval_range_check_24bits( - local.clk, + clk, local.clk_16bit_limb, local.clk_8bit_limb, local.is_real, @@ -298,50 +171,13 @@ impl CpuChip { builder: &mut AB, local: &CpuCols, next: &CpuCols, - is_branch_instruction: AB::Expr, + public_values: &PublicValues, AB::PublicVar>, ) { - // When is_sequential_instr is true, assert that instruction is not branch, jump, or halt. - // Note that the condition `when(local_is_real)` is implied from the previous constraint. - let is_halt = self.get_is_halt_syscall::(builder, local); - builder.when(local.is_real).assert_eq( - local.is_sequential_instr, - AB::Expr::one() - - (is_branch_instruction - + local.selectors.is_jal - + local.selectors.is_jalr - + is_halt), - ); - - // Verify that the pc increments by 4 for all instructions except branch, jump and halt - // instructions. The other case is handled by eval_jump, eval_branch and eval_ecall - // (for halt). - builder - .when_transition() - .when(next.is_real) - .when(local.is_sequential_instr) - .assert_eq(local.pc + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u8(4), next.pc); - - // When the last row is real and it's a sequential instruction, assert that local.next_pc - // <==> local.pc + 4 - builder - .when(local.is_real) - .when(local.is_sequential_instr) - .assert_eq(local.pc + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u8(4), local.next_pc); - } - - /// Constraints related to the public values. - pub(crate) fn eval_public_values( - &self, - builder: &mut AB, - local: &CpuCols, - next: &CpuCols, - public_values: &PublicValues, AB::Expr>, - ) { - // Verify the public value's shard. - builder.when(local.is_real).assert_eq(public_values.execution_shard.clone(), local.shard); - // Verify the public value's start pc. - builder.when_first_row().assert_eq(public_values.start_pc.clone(), local.pc); + builder.when_first_row().assert_eq(public_values.start_pc, local.pc); + + // Verify that the next row's `pc` is the current row's `next_pc`. + builder.when_transition().when(next.is_real).assert_eq(local.next_pc, next.pc); // Verify the public value's next pc. We need to handle two cases: // 1. The last real row is a transition row. @@ -351,13 +187,10 @@ impl CpuChip { builder .when_transition() .when(local.is_real - next.is_real) - .assert_eq(public_values.next_pc.clone(), local.next_pc); + .assert_eq(public_values.next_pc, local.next_pc); // If the last real row is the last row, verify the public value's next pc. - builder - .when_last_row() - .when(local.is_real) - .assert_eq(public_values.next_pc.clone(), local.next_pc); + builder.when_last_row().when(local.is_real).assert_eq(public_values.next_pc, local.next_pc); } /// Constraints related to the is_real column. @@ -375,6 +208,9 @@ impl CpuChip { builder.assert_bool(local.is_real); builder.when_first_row().assert_one(local.is_real); builder.when_transition().when_not(local.is_real).assert_zero(next.is_real); + + // If we're halting and it's a transition, then the next.is_real should be 0. + builder.when_transition().when(local.is_halt).assert_zero(next.is_real); } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/air/register.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/air/register.rs index 7be28c609..63bfe28ad 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/air/register.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/air/register.rs @@ -14,53 +14,60 @@ impl CpuChip { &self, builder: &mut AB, local: &CpuCols, - is_branch_instruction: AB::Expr, + clk: AB::Expr, ) { // Load immediates into b and c, if the immediate flags are on. builder - .when(local.selectors.imm_b) + .when(local.instruction.imm_b) .assert_word_eq(local.op_b_val(), local.instruction.op_b); builder - .when(local.selectors.imm_c) + .when(local.instruction.imm_c) .assert_word_eq(local.op_c_val(), local.instruction.op_c); // If they are not immediates, read `b` and `c` from memory. builder.eval_memory_access( local.shard, - local.clk + AB::F::from_canonical_u32(MemoryAccessPosition::B as u32), + clk.clone() + AB::F::from_canonical_u32(MemoryAccessPosition::B as u32), local.instruction.op_b[0], &local.op_b_access, - AB::Expr::one() - local.selectors.imm_b, + AB::Expr::one() - local.instruction.imm_b, ); builder.eval_memory_access( local.shard, - local.clk + AB::F::from_canonical_u32(MemoryAccessPosition::C as u32), + clk.clone() + AB::F::from_canonical_u32(MemoryAccessPosition::C as u32), local.instruction.op_c[0], &local.op_c_access, - AB::Expr::one() - local.selectors.imm_c, + AB::Expr::one() - local.instruction.imm_c, ); // If we are writing to register 0, then the new value should be zero. builder.when(local.instruction.op_a_0).assert_word_zero(*local.op_a_access.value()); // Write the `a` or the result to the first register described in the instruction unless - // we are performing a branch or a store. + // we are performing a branch or a store. Note that for syscall instructions, we will eval + // the memory access for op_a in the syscall instructions chip. The reason we do that is + // to eval syscall instructions, op_a prev value is needed, specifically to get the syscall_id. + // Sending op_a prev value via an interaction is wasteful, since it would require that all + // receviers of the interaction to witness the value. It will be wasteful to put that column + // in all other instruction chips. builder.eval_memory_access( local.shard, - local.clk + AB::F::from_canonical_u32(MemoryAccessPosition::A as u32), - local.instruction.op_a[0], + clk + AB::F::from_canonical_u32(MemoryAccessPosition::A as u32), + local.instruction.op_a, &local.op_a_access, - local.is_real, + AB::Expr::one() - local.is_syscall, ); - // Always range check the word value in `op_a`, as JUMP instructions may witness + // Always range check the word value in `op_a`, as JUMP instructions and `HINT_LEN` syscall may witness // an invalid word and write it to memory. + // SAFETY: `local.is_real` is checked to be boolean in `eval_is_real`. builder.slice_range_check_u8(&local.op_a_access.access.value.0, local.is_real); // If we are performing a branch or a store, then the value of `a` is the previous value. + // SAFETY: If it's a branch or a store, `op_a_immutable` will be checked to be `1` in the opcode specific chip. builder - .when(is_branch_instruction.clone() + self.is_store_instruction::(&local.selectors)) + .when(local.op_a_immutable) .assert_word_eq(local.op_a_val(), local.op_a_access.prev_value); } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/auipc.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/auipc.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 5505f213b..000000000 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/auipc.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; -use sp1_stark::Word; -use std::mem::size_of; - -use crate::operations::BabyBearWordRangeChecker; - -pub const NUM_AUIPC_COLS: usize = size_of::>(); - -#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Default, Debug, Clone, Copy)] -#[repr(C)] -pub struct AuipcCols { - /// The current program counter. - pub pc: Word, - pub pc_range_checker: BabyBearWordRangeChecker, - pub auipc_nonce: T, -} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/branch.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/branch.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 6f12f5a67..000000000 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/branch.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; -use sp1_stark::Word; -use std::mem::size_of; - -use crate::operations::BabyBearWordRangeChecker; - -pub const NUM_BRANCH_COLS: usize = size_of::>(); - -/// The column layout for branching. -#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Default, Debug, Clone, Copy)] -#[repr(C)] -pub struct BranchCols { - /// The current program counter. - pub pc: Word, - pub pc_range_checker: BabyBearWordRangeChecker, - - /// The next program counter. - pub next_pc: Word, - pub next_pc_range_checker: BabyBearWordRangeChecker, - - /// Whether a equals b. - pub a_eq_b: T, - - /// Whether a is greater than b. - pub a_gt_b: T, - - /// Whether a is less than b. - pub a_lt_b: T, - - /// The nonce of the operation to compute `a_lt_b`. - pub a_lt_b_nonce: T, - - /// The nonce of the operation to compute `a_gt_b`. - pub a_gt_b_nonce: T, - - /// The nonce of the operation to compute `next_pc`. - pub next_pc_nonce: T, -} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/ecall.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/ecall.rs deleted file mode 100644 index ea737c169..000000000 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/ecall.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; -use sp1_stark::{air::PV_DIGEST_NUM_WORDS, Word}; -use std::mem::size_of; - -use crate::operations::{BabyBearWordRangeChecker, IsZeroOperation}; - -pub const NUM_ECALL_COLS: usize = size_of::>(); - -#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Default, Debug, Clone, Copy)] -#[repr(C)] -pub struct EcallCols { - /// Whether the current ecall is ENTER_UNCONSTRAINED. - pub is_enter_unconstrained: IsZeroOperation, - - /// Whether the current ecall is HINT_LEN. - pub is_hint_len: IsZeroOperation, - - /// Whether the current ecall is HALT. - pub is_halt: IsZeroOperation, - - /// Whether the current ecall is a COMMIT. - pub is_commit: IsZeroOperation, - - /// Whether the current ecall is a COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS. - pub is_commit_deferred_proofs: IsZeroOperation, - - /// Field to store the word index passed into the COMMIT ecall. index_bitmap[word index] - /// should be set to 1 and everything else set to 0. - pub index_bitmap: [T; PV_DIGEST_NUM_WORDS], - - /// The nonce of the syscall operation. - pub syscall_nonce: T, - - /// Columns to babybear range check the halt/commit_deferred_proofs operand. - pub operand_range_check_cols: BabyBearWordRangeChecker, - - /// The operand value to babybear range check. - pub operand_to_check: Word, -} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/instruction.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/instruction.rs index a16de4fb0..90ca33e16 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/instruction.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/instruction.rs @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ pub struct InstructionCols { pub opcode: T, /// The first operand for this instruction. - pub op_a: Word, + pub op_a: T, /// The second operand for this instruction. pub op_b: Word, @@ -24,16 +24,24 @@ pub struct InstructionCols { /// Flags to indicate if op_a is register 0. pub op_a_0: T, + + /// Whether op_b is an immediate value. + pub imm_b: T, + + /// Whether op_c is an immediate value. + pub imm_c: T, } impl InstructionCols { - pub fn populate(&mut self, instruction: Instruction) { + pub fn populate(&mut self, instruction: &Instruction) { self.opcode = instruction.opcode.as_field::(); - self.op_a = instruction.op_a.into(); + self.op_a = F::from_canonical_u8(instruction.op_a); self.op_b = instruction.op_b.into(); self.op_c = instruction.op_c.into(); - self.op_a_0 = F::from_bool(instruction.op_a == Register::X0 as u32); + self.op_a_0 = F::from_bool(instruction.op_a == Register::X0 as u8); + self.imm_b = F::from_bool(instruction.imm_b); + self.imm_c = F::from_bool(instruction.imm_c); } } @@ -43,10 +51,12 @@ impl IntoIterator for InstructionCols { fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { once(self.opcode) - .chain(self.op_a) + .chain(once(self.op_a)) .chain(self.op_b) .chain(self.op_c) .chain(once(self.op_a_0)) + .chain(once(self.imm_b)) + .chain(once(self.imm_c)) .collect::>() .into_iter() } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/memory.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/memory.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 3eb52337a..000000000 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/memory.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; -use sp1_stark::Word; -use std::mem::size_of; - -use crate::{memory::MemoryReadWriteCols, operations::BabyBearWordRangeChecker}; - -pub const NUM_MEMORY_COLUMNS: usize = size_of::>(); - -/// The column layout for memory. -#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Default, Debug, Clone, Copy)] -#[repr(C)] -pub struct MemoryColumns { - // An addr that we are reading from or writing to as a word. We are guaranteed that this does - // not overflow the field when reduced. - - // The relationships among addr_word, addr_aligned, and addr_offset is as follows: - // addr_aligned = addr_word - addr_offset - // addr_offset = addr_word % 4 - // Note that this all needs to be verified in the AIR - pub addr_word: Word, - pub addr_word_range_checker: BabyBearWordRangeChecker, - - pub addr_aligned: T, - /// The LE bit decomp of the least significant byte of address aligned. - pub aa_least_sig_byte_decomp: [T; 6], - pub addr_offset: T, - pub memory_access: MemoryReadWriteCols, - - pub offset_is_one: T, - pub offset_is_two: T, - pub offset_is_three: T, - - // LE bit decomposition for the most significant byte of memory value. This is used to - // determine the sign for that value (used for LB and LH). - pub most_sig_byte_decomp: [T; 8], - - pub addr_word_nonce: T, - pub unsigned_mem_val_nonce: T, -} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/mod.rs index 7a32b03db..8b5250f92 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/mod.rs @@ -1,20 +1,6 @@ -mod auipc; -mod branch; -mod ecall; mod instruction; -mod jump; -mod memory; -mod opcode; -mod opcode_specific; - -pub use auipc::*; -pub use branch::*; -pub use ecall::*; + pub use instruction::*; -pub use jump::*; -pub use memory::*; -pub use opcode::*; -pub use opcode_specific::*; use p3_util::indices_arr; use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; @@ -34,15 +20,18 @@ pub struct CpuCols { /// The current shard. pub shard: T, - pub nonce: T, - - /// The clock cycle value. This should be within 24 bits. - pub clk: T, /// The least significant 16 bit limb of clk. pub clk_16bit_limb: T, /// The most significant 8 bit limb of clk. pub clk_8bit_limb: T, + /// The shard to send to the opcode specific tables. This should be 0 for all instructions other + /// than the ecall and memory instructions. + pub shard_to_send: T, + /// The clk to send to the opcode specific tables. This should be 0 for all instructions other + /// than the ecall and memory instructions. + pub clk_to_send: T, + /// The program counter value. pub pc: T, @@ -52,66 +41,29 @@ pub struct CpuCols { /// Columns related to the instruction. pub instruction: InstructionCols, - /// Selectors for the opcode. - pub selectors: OpcodeSelectorCols, + /// Whether op_a should not be changed by the instruction. This should be true for + /// memory store and branch instructions. + pub op_a_immutable: T, + + /// Whether this is a memory instruction. + pub is_memory: T, + + /// Whether this is a syscall instruction. + pub is_syscall: T, + + /// Whether this is a halt instruction. + pub is_halt: T, + + /// The number of extra cycles to add to the clk for a syscall instruction. + pub num_extra_cycles: T, /// Operand values, either from registers or immediate values. pub op_a_access: MemoryReadWriteCols, pub op_b_access: MemoryReadCols, pub op_c_access: MemoryReadCols, - pub opcode_specific_columns: OpcodeSpecificCols, - /// Selector to label whether this row is a non padded row. pub is_real: T, - - /// The branching column is equal to: - /// - /// > is_beq & a_eq_b || - /// > is_bne & (a_lt_b | a_gt_b) || - /// > (is_blt | is_bltu) & a_lt_b || - /// > (is_bge | is_bgeu) & (a_eq_b | a_gt_b) - pub branching: T, - - /// The not branching column is equal to: - /// - /// > is_beq & !a_eq_b || - /// > is_bne & !(a_lt_b | a_gt_b) || - /// > (is_blt | is_bltu) & !a_lt_b || - /// > (is_bge | is_bgeu) & !(a_eq_b | a_gt_b) - pub not_branching: T, - - /// Flag for load mem instructions where the value is negative and not writing to x0. - /// More formally, it is - /// - /// > (is_lb | is_lh) & (most_sig_byte_decomp[7] == 1) & (not writing to x0) - pub mem_value_is_neg_not_x0: T, - - /// Flag for load mem instructions where the value is positive and not writing to x0. - /// More formally, it is - /// - /// ( - /// ((is_lb | is_lh) & (most_sig_byte_decomp[7] == 0)) | - /// is_lbu | is_lhu | is_lw - /// ) & - /// (not writing to x0) - pub mem_value_is_pos_not_x0: T, - - /// The unsigned memory value is the value after the offset logic is applied. Used for the load - /// memory opcodes (i.e. LB, LH, LW, LBU, and LHU). - pub unsigned_mem_val: Word, - - pub unsigned_mem_val_nonce: T, - - /// The result of selectors.is_ecall * the send_to_table column for the ECALL opcode. - pub ecall_mul_send_to_table: T, - - /// The result of selectors.is_ecall * (is_halt || is_commit_deferred_proofs) - pub ecall_range_check_operand: T, - - /// This is true for all instructions that are not jumps, branches, and halt. Those - /// instructions may move the program counter to a non sequential instruction. - pub is_sequential_instr: T, } impl CpuCols { diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/opcode.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/opcode.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 9b4344d03..000000000 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/opcode.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ -use p3_field::PrimeField; -use sp1_core_executor::{Instruction, Opcode}; -use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; -use std::{ - mem::{size_of, transmute}, - vec::IntoIter, -}; - -use crate::utils::indices_arr; - -pub const NUM_OPCODE_SELECTOR_COLS: usize = size_of::>(); -pub const OPCODE_SELECTORS_COL_MAP: OpcodeSelectorCols = make_selectors_col_map(); - -/// Creates the column map for the CPU. -const fn make_selectors_col_map() -> OpcodeSelectorCols { - let indices_arr = indices_arr::(); - unsafe { - transmute::<[usize; NUM_OPCODE_SELECTOR_COLS], OpcodeSelectorCols>(indices_arr) - } -} - -/// The column layout for opcode selectors. -#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Clone, Copy, Default, Debug)] -#[repr(C)] -pub struct OpcodeSelectorCols { - /// Whether op_b is an immediate value. - pub imm_b: T, - - /// Whether op_c is an immediate value. - pub imm_c: T, - - /// Table selectors for opcodes. - pub is_alu: T, - - /// Table selectors for opcodes. - pub is_ecall: T, - - /// Memory Instructions. - pub is_lb: T, - pub is_lbu: T, - pub is_lh: T, - pub is_lhu: T, - pub is_lw: T, - pub is_sb: T, - pub is_sh: T, - pub is_sw: T, - - /// Branch Instructions. - pub is_beq: T, - pub is_bne: T, - pub is_blt: T, - pub is_bge: T, - pub is_bltu: T, - pub is_bgeu: T, - - /// Jump Instructions. - pub is_jalr: T, - pub is_jal: T, - - /// Miscellaneous. - pub is_auipc: T, - pub is_unimpl: T, -} - -impl OpcodeSelectorCols { - pub fn populate(&mut self, instruction: Instruction) { - self.imm_b = F::from_bool(instruction.imm_b); - self.imm_c = F::from_bool(instruction.imm_c); - - if instruction.is_alu_instruction() { - self.is_alu = F::one(); - } else if instruction.is_ecall_instruction() { - self.is_ecall = F::one(); - } else if instruction.is_memory_instruction() { - match instruction.opcode { - Opcode::LB => self.is_lb = F::one(), - Opcode::LBU => self.is_lbu = F::one(), - Opcode::LHU => self.is_lhu = F::one(), - Opcode::LH => self.is_lh = F::one(), - Opcode::LW => self.is_lw = F::one(), - Opcode::SB => self.is_sb = F::one(), - Opcode::SH => self.is_sh = F::one(), - Opcode::SW => self.is_sw = F::one(), - _ => unreachable!(), - } - } else if instruction.is_branch_instruction() { - match instruction.opcode { - Opcode::BEQ => self.is_beq = F::one(), - Opcode::BNE => self.is_bne = F::one(), - Opcode::BLT => self.is_blt = F::one(), - Opcode::BGE => self.is_bge = F::one(), - Opcode::BLTU => self.is_bltu = F::one(), - Opcode::BGEU => self.is_bgeu = F::one(), - _ => unreachable!(), - } - } else if instruction.opcode == Opcode::JAL { - self.is_jal = F::one(); - } else if instruction.opcode == Opcode::JALR { - self.is_jalr = F::one(); - } else if instruction.opcode == Opcode::AUIPC { - self.is_auipc = F::one(); - } else if instruction.opcode == Opcode::UNIMP { - self.is_unimpl = F::one(); - } - } -} - -impl IntoIterator for OpcodeSelectorCols { - type Item = T; - type IntoIter = IntoIter; - - fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { - let columns = vec![ - self.imm_b, - self.imm_c, - self.is_alu, - self.is_ecall, - self.is_lb, - self.is_lbu, - self.is_lh, - self.is_lhu, - self.is_lw, - self.is_sb, - self.is_sh, - self.is_sw, - self.is_beq, - self.is_bne, - self.is_blt, - self.is_bge, - self.is_bltu, - self.is_bgeu, - self.is_jalr, - self.is_jal, - self.is_auipc, - self.is_unimpl, - ]; - assert_eq!(columns.len(), NUM_OPCODE_SELECTOR_COLS); - columns.into_iter() - } -} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/opcode_specific.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/opcode_specific.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 8406434ef..000000000 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/columns/opcode_specific.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ -use crate::cpu::columns::{AuipcCols, BranchCols, JumpCols, MemoryColumns}; -use std::{ - fmt::{Debug, Formatter}, - mem::{size_of, transmute}, -}; - -use static_assertions::const_assert; - -use super::ecall::EcallCols; - -pub const NUM_OPCODE_SPECIFIC_COLS: usize = size_of::>(); - -/// Shared columns whose interpretation depends on the instruction being executed. -#[derive(Clone, Copy)] -#[repr(C)] -pub union OpcodeSpecificCols { - memory: MemoryColumns, - branch: BranchCols, - jump: JumpCols, - auipc: AuipcCols, - ecall: EcallCols, -} - -impl Default for OpcodeSpecificCols { - fn default() -> Self { - // We must use the largest field to avoid uninitialized padding bytes. - const_assert!(size_of::>() == size_of::>()); - - OpcodeSpecificCols { memory: MemoryColumns::default() } - } -} - -impl Debug for OpcodeSpecificCols { - fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result { - // SAFETY: repr(C) ensures uniform fields are in declaration order with no padding. - let self_arr: &[T; NUM_OPCODE_SPECIFIC_COLS] = unsafe { transmute(self) }; - Debug::fmt(self_arr, f) - } -} - -// SAFETY: Each view is a valid interpretation of the underlying array. -impl OpcodeSpecificCols { - pub fn memory(&self) -> &MemoryColumns { - unsafe { &self.memory } - } - pub fn memory_mut(&mut self) -> &mut MemoryColumns { - unsafe { &mut self.memory } - } - pub fn branch(&self) -> &BranchCols { - unsafe { &self.branch } - } - pub fn branch_mut(&mut self) -> &mut BranchCols { - unsafe { &mut self.branch } - } - pub fn jump(&self) -> &JumpCols { - unsafe { &self.jump } - } - pub fn jump_mut(&mut self) -> &mut JumpCols { - unsafe { &mut self.jump } - } - pub fn auipc(&self) -> &AuipcCols { - unsafe { &self.auipc } - } - pub fn auipc_mut(&mut self) -> &mut AuipcCols { - unsafe { &mut self.auipc } - } - pub fn ecall(&self) -> &EcallCols { - unsafe { &self.ecall } - } - pub fn ecall_mut(&mut self) -> &mut EcallCols { - unsafe { &mut self.ecall } - } -} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/mod.rs index d0191a9ea..ec00c817f 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/mod.rs @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +use sp1_core_executor::RiscvAirId; + pub mod air; pub mod columns; pub mod trace; @@ -8,3 +10,9 @@ pub const MAX_CPU_LOG_DEGREE: usize = 22; /// A chip that implements the CPU. #[derive(Default)] pub struct CpuChip; + +impl CpuChip { + pub fn id(&self) -> RiscvAirId { + RiscvAirId::Cpu + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/trace.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/trace.rs index 01b148912..e01bd46c7 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/trace.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/cpu/trace.rs @@ -1,27 +1,20 @@ +use std::borrow::BorrowMut; + use hashbrown::HashMap; use itertools::Itertools; +use p3_field::{PrimeField, PrimeField32}; +use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; +use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::{ParallelBridge, ParallelIterator, ParallelSlice}; use sp1_core_executor::{ - events::{ByteLookupEvent, ByteRecord, CpuEvent, LookupId, MemoryRecordEnum}, + events::{ByteLookupEvent, ByteRecord, CpuEvent, MemoryRecordEnum}, syscalls::SyscallCode, ByteOpcode::{self, U16Range}, - CoreShape, ExecutionRecord, Opcode, Program, - Register::X0, -}; -use sp1_primitives::consts::WORD_SIZE; -use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, Word}; -use std::{array, borrow::BorrowMut}; - -use p3_field::{PrimeField, PrimeField32}; -use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; -use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::{ - IntoParallelRefMutIterator, ParallelBridge, ParallelIterator, ParallelSlice, + ExecutionRecord, Instruction, Program, }; +use sp1_stark::air::MachineAir; use tracing::instrument; -use super::{ - columns::{CPU_COL_MAP, NUM_CPU_COLS}, - CpuChip, -}; +use super::{columns::NUM_CPU_COLS, CpuChip}; use crate::{cpu::columns::CpuCols, memory::MemoryCols, utils::zeroed_f_vec}; impl MachineAir for CpuChip { @@ -30,7 +23,7 @@ impl MachineAir for CpuChip { type Program = Program; fn name(&self) -> String { - "CPU".to_string() + self.id().to_string() } fn generate_trace( @@ -38,7 +31,15 @@ impl MachineAir for CpuChip { input: &ExecutionRecord, _: &mut ExecutionRecord, ) -> RowMajorMatrix { - let mut values = zeroed_f_vec(input.cpu_events.len() * NUM_CPU_COLS); + let n_real_rows = input.cpu_events.len(); + let padded_nb_rows = if let Some(shape) = &input.shape { + shape.height(&self.id()).unwrap() + } else if n_real_rows < 16 { + 16 + } else { + n_real_rows.next_power_of_two() + }; + let mut values = zeroed_f_vec(padded_nb_rows * NUM_CPU_COLS); let chunk_size = std::cmp::max(input.cpu_events.len() / num_cpus::get(), 1); values.chunks_mut(chunk_size * NUM_CPU_COLS).enumerate().par_bridge().for_each( @@ -46,24 +47,29 @@ impl MachineAir for CpuChip { rows.chunks_mut(NUM_CPU_COLS).enumerate().for_each(|(j, row)| { let idx = i * chunk_size + j; let cols: &mut CpuCols = row.borrow_mut(); - let mut byte_lookup_events = Vec::new(); - self.event_to_row( - &input.cpu_events[idx], - &input.nonce_lookup, - cols, - &mut byte_lookup_events, - ); + + if idx >= input.cpu_events.len() { + cols.instruction.imm_b = F::one(); + cols.instruction.imm_c = F::one(); + cols.is_syscall = F::one(); + } else { + let mut byte_lookup_events = Vec::new(); + let event = &input.cpu_events[idx]; + let instruction = &input.program.fetch(event.pc); + self.event_to_row( + event, + cols, + &mut byte_lookup_events, + input.public_values.execution_shard, + instruction, + ); + } }); }, ); // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. - let mut trace = RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_CPU_COLS); - - // Pad the trace to a power of two. - Self::pad_to_power_of_two::(self, &input.shape, &mut trace.values); - - trace + RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_CPU_COLS) } #[instrument(name = "generate cpu dependencies", level = "debug", skip_all)] @@ -76,17 +82,24 @@ impl MachineAir for CpuChip { .par_chunks(chunk_size) .map(|ops: &[CpuEvent]| { // The blu map stores shard -> map(byte lookup event -> multiplicity). - let mut blu: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); + let mut blu: HashMap = HashMap::new(); ops.iter().for_each(|op| { let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_CPU_COLS]; let cols: &mut CpuCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); - self.event_to_row::(op, &HashMap::new(), cols, &mut blu); + let instruction = &input.program.fetch(op.pc); + self.event_to_row::( + op, + cols, + &mut blu, + input.public_values.execution_shard, + instruction, + ); }); blu }) .collect::>(); - output.add_sharded_byte_lookup_events(blu_events.iter().collect_vec()); + output.add_byte_lookup_events_from_maps(blu_events.iter().collect_vec()); } fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { @@ -103,30 +116,56 @@ impl CpuChip { fn event_to_row( &self, event: &CpuEvent, - nonce_lookup: &HashMap, cols: &mut CpuCols, blu_events: &mut impl ByteRecord, + shard: u32, + instruction: &Instruction, ) { // Populate shard and clk columns. - self.populate_shard_clk(cols, event, blu_events); - - // Populate the nonce. - cols.nonce = F::from_canonical_u32( - nonce_lookup.get(&event.alu_lookup_id).copied().unwrap_or_default(), - ); + self.populate_shard_clk(cols, event, blu_events, shard); // Populate basic fields. cols.pc = F::from_canonical_u32(event.pc); cols.next_pc = F::from_canonical_u32(event.next_pc); - cols.instruction.populate(event.instruction); - cols.selectors.populate(event.instruction); + cols.instruction.populate(instruction); + cols.op_a_immutable = F::from_bool( + instruction.is_memory_store_instruction() || instruction.is_branch_instruction(), + ); + cols.is_memory = F::from_bool( + instruction.is_memory_load_instruction() || instruction.is_memory_store_instruction(), + ); + cols.is_syscall = F::from_bool(instruction.is_ecall_instruction()); *cols.op_a_access.value_mut() = event.a.into(); *cols.op_b_access.value_mut() = event.b.into(); *cols.op_c_access.value_mut() = event.c.into(); + cols.shard_to_send = if instruction.is_memory_load_instruction() + || instruction.is_memory_store_instruction() + || instruction.is_ecall_instruction() + { + cols.shard + } else { + F::zero() + }; + cols.clk_to_send = if instruction.is_memory_load_instruction() + || instruction.is_memory_store_instruction() + || instruction.is_ecall_instruction() + { + F::from_canonical_u32(event.clk) + } else { + F::zero() + }; + // Populate memory accesses for a, b, and c. if let Some(record) = event.a_record { - cols.op_a_access.populate(record, blu_events); + if instruction.is_ecall_instruction() { + // For ecall instructions, pass in a dummy byte lookup vector. This syscall instruction + // chip also has a op_a_access field that will be populated and that will contribute + // to the byte lookup dependencies. + cols.op_a_access.populate(record, &mut Vec::new()); + } else { + cols.op_a_access.populate(record, blu_events); + } } if let Some(MemoryRecordEnum::Read(record)) = event.b_record { cols.op_b_access.populate(record, blu_events); @@ -135,6 +174,14 @@ impl CpuChip { cols.op_c_access.populate(record, blu_events); } + if instruction.is_ecall_instruction() { + let syscall_id = cols.op_a_access.prev_value[0]; + let num_extra_cycles = cols.op_a_access.prev_value[2]; + cols.is_halt = + F::from_bool(syscall_id == F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::HALT.syscall_id())); + cols.num_extra_cycles = num_extra_cycles; + } + // Populate range checks for a. let a_bytes = cols .op_a_access @@ -145,7 +192,6 @@ impl CpuChip { .map(|x| x.as_canonical_u32()) .collect::>(); blu_events.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent { - shard: event.shard, opcode: ByteOpcode::U8Range, a1: 0, a2: 0, @@ -153,7 +199,6 @@ impl CpuChip { c: a_bytes[1] as u8, }); blu_events.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent { - shard: event.shard, opcode: ByteOpcode::U8Range, a1: 0, a2: 0, @@ -161,26 +206,6 @@ impl CpuChip { c: a_bytes[3] as u8, }); - // Populate memory accesses for reading from memory. - assert_eq!(event.memory_record.is_some(), event.memory.is_some()); - let memory_columns = cols.opcode_specific_columns.memory_mut(); - if let Some(record) = event.memory_record { - memory_columns.memory_access.populate(record, blu_events) - } - - // Populate memory, branch, jump, and auipc specific fields. - self.populate_memory(cols, event, blu_events, nonce_lookup); - self.populate_branch(cols, event, nonce_lookup); - self.populate_jump(cols, event, nonce_lookup); - self.populate_auipc(cols, event, nonce_lookup); - let is_halt = self.populate_ecall(cols, event, nonce_lookup); - - cols.is_sequential_instr = F::from_bool( - !event.instruction.is_branch_instruction() - && !event.instruction.is_jump_instruction() - && !is_halt, - ); - // Assert that the instruction is not a no-op. cols.is_real = F::one(); } @@ -191,33 +216,18 @@ impl CpuChip { cols: &mut CpuCols, event: &CpuEvent, blu_events: &mut impl ByteRecord, + shard: u32, ) { - cols.shard = F::from_canonical_u32(event.shard); - cols.clk = F::from_canonical_u32(event.clk); + cols.shard = F::from_canonical_u32(shard); let clk_16bit_limb = (event.clk & 0xffff) as u16; let clk_8bit_limb = ((event.clk >> 16) & 0xff) as u8; cols.clk_16bit_limb = F::from_canonical_u16(clk_16bit_limb); cols.clk_8bit_limb = F::from_canonical_u8(clk_8bit_limb); + blu_events.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent::new(U16Range, shard as u16, 0, 0, 0)); + blu_events.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent::new(U16Range, clk_16bit_limb, 0, 0, 0)); blu_events.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent::new( - event.shard, - U16Range, - event.shard as u16, - 0, - 0, - 0, - )); - blu_events.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent::new( - event.shard, - U16Range, - clk_16bit_limb, - 0, - 0, - 0, - )); - blu_events.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent::new( - event.shard, ByteOpcode::U8Range, 0, 0, @@ -225,344 +235,4 @@ impl CpuChip { clk_8bit_limb as u8, )); } - - /// Populates columns related to memory. - fn populate_memory( - &self, - cols: &mut CpuCols, - event: &CpuEvent, - blu_events: &mut impl ByteRecord, - nonce_lookup: &HashMap, - ) { - if !matches!( - event.instruction.opcode, - Opcode::LB - | Opcode::LH - | Opcode::LW - | Opcode::LBU - | Opcode::LHU - | Opcode::SB - | Opcode::SH - | Opcode::SW - ) { - return; - } - - // Populate addr_word and addr_aligned columns. - let memory_columns = cols.opcode_specific_columns.memory_mut(); - let memory_addr = event.b.wrapping_add(event.c); - let aligned_addr = memory_addr - memory_addr % WORD_SIZE as u32; - memory_columns.addr_word = memory_addr.into(); - memory_columns.addr_word_range_checker.populate(memory_addr); - memory_columns.addr_aligned = F::from_canonical_u32(aligned_addr); - - // Populate the aa_least_sig_byte_decomp columns. - assert!(aligned_addr % 4 == 0); - let aligned_addr_ls_byte = (aligned_addr & 0x000000FF) as u8; - let bits: [bool; 8] = array::from_fn(|i| aligned_addr_ls_byte & (1 << i) != 0); - memory_columns.aa_least_sig_byte_decomp = array::from_fn(|i| F::from_bool(bits[i + 2])); - memory_columns.addr_word_nonce = F::from_canonical_u32( - nonce_lookup.get(&event.memory_add_lookup_id).copied().unwrap_or_default(), - ); - - // Populate memory offsets. - let addr_offset = (memory_addr % WORD_SIZE as u32) as u8; - memory_columns.addr_offset = F::from_canonical_u8(addr_offset); - memory_columns.offset_is_one = F::from_bool(addr_offset == 1); - memory_columns.offset_is_two = F::from_bool(addr_offset == 2); - memory_columns.offset_is_three = F::from_bool(addr_offset == 3); - - // If it is a load instruction, set the unsigned_mem_val column. - let mem_value = event.memory_record.unwrap().value(); - if matches!( - event.instruction.opcode, - Opcode::LB | Opcode::LBU | Opcode::LH | Opcode::LHU | Opcode::LW - ) { - match event.instruction.opcode { - Opcode::LB | Opcode::LBU => { - cols.unsigned_mem_val = - (mem_value.to_le_bytes()[addr_offset as usize] as u32).into(); - } - Opcode::LH | Opcode::LHU => { - let value = match (addr_offset >> 1) % 2 { - 0 => mem_value & 0x0000FFFF, - 1 => (mem_value & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16, - _ => unreachable!(), - }; - cols.unsigned_mem_val = value.into(); - } - Opcode::LW => { - cols.unsigned_mem_val = mem_value.into(); - } - _ => unreachable!(), - } - - // For the signed load instructions, we need to check if the loaded value is negative. - if matches!(event.instruction.opcode, Opcode::LB | Opcode::LH) { - let most_sig_mem_value_byte = if matches!(event.instruction.opcode, Opcode::LB) { - cols.unsigned_mem_val.to_u32().to_le_bytes()[0] - } else { - cols.unsigned_mem_val.to_u32().to_le_bytes()[1] - }; - - for i in (0..8).rev() { - memory_columns.most_sig_byte_decomp[i] = - F::from_canonical_u8(most_sig_mem_value_byte >> i & 0x01); - } - if memory_columns.most_sig_byte_decomp[7] == F::one() { - cols.mem_value_is_neg_not_x0 = - F::from_bool(event.instruction.op_a != (X0 as u32)); - cols.unsigned_mem_val_nonce = F::from_canonical_u32( - nonce_lookup.get(&event.memory_sub_lookup_id).copied().unwrap_or_default(), - ); - } - } - - // Set the `mem_value_is_pos_not_x0` composite flag. - cols.mem_value_is_pos_not_x0 = F::from_bool( - ((matches!(event.instruction.opcode, Opcode::LB | Opcode::LH) - && (memory_columns.most_sig_byte_decomp[7] == F::zero())) - || matches!(event.instruction.opcode, Opcode::LBU | Opcode::LHU | Opcode::LW)) - && event.instruction.op_a != (X0 as u32), - ); - } - - // Add event to byte lookup for byte range checking each byte in the memory addr - let addr_bytes = memory_addr.to_le_bytes(); - for byte_pair in addr_bytes.chunks_exact(2) { - blu_events.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent { - shard: event.shard, - opcode: ByteOpcode::U8Range, - a1: 0, - a2: 0, - b: byte_pair[0], - c: byte_pair[1], - }); - } - } - - /// Populates columns related to branching. - fn populate_branch( - &self, - cols: &mut CpuCols, - event: &CpuEvent, - nonce_lookup: &HashMap, - ) { - if event.instruction.is_branch_instruction() { - let branch_columns = cols.opcode_specific_columns.branch_mut(); - - let a_eq_b = event.a == event.b; - - let use_signed_comparison = - matches!(event.instruction.opcode, Opcode::BLT | Opcode::BGE); - - let a_lt_b = if use_signed_comparison { - (event.a as i32) < (event.b as i32) - } else { - event.a < event.b - }; - let a_gt_b = if use_signed_comparison { - (event.a as i32) > (event.b as i32) - } else { - event.a > event.b - }; - - branch_columns.a_lt_b_nonce = F::from_canonical_u32( - nonce_lookup.get(&event.branch_lt_lookup_id).copied().unwrap_or_default(), - ); - - branch_columns.a_gt_b_nonce = F::from_canonical_u32( - nonce_lookup.get(&event.branch_gt_lookup_id).copied().unwrap_or_default(), - ); - - branch_columns.a_eq_b = F::from_bool(a_eq_b); - branch_columns.a_lt_b = F::from_bool(a_lt_b); - branch_columns.a_gt_b = F::from_bool(a_gt_b); - - let branching = match event.instruction.opcode { - Opcode::BEQ => a_eq_b, - Opcode::BNE => !a_eq_b, - Opcode::BLT | Opcode::BLTU => a_lt_b, - Opcode::BGE | Opcode::BGEU => a_eq_b || a_gt_b, - _ => unreachable!(), - }; - - let next_pc = event.pc.wrapping_add(event.c); - branch_columns.pc = Word::from(event.pc); - branch_columns.next_pc = Word::from(next_pc); - branch_columns.pc_range_checker.populate(event.pc); - branch_columns.next_pc_range_checker.populate(next_pc); - - if branching { - cols.branching = F::one(); - branch_columns.next_pc_nonce = F::from_canonical_u32( - nonce_lookup.get(&event.branch_add_lookup_id).copied().unwrap_or_default(), - ); - } else { - cols.not_branching = F::one(); - } - } - } - - /// Populate columns related to jumping. - fn populate_jump( - &self, - cols: &mut CpuCols, - event: &CpuEvent, - nonce_lookup: &HashMap, - ) { - if event.instruction.is_jump_instruction() { - let jump_columns = cols.opcode_specific_columns.jump_mut(); - - match event.instruction.opcode { - Opcode::JAL => { - let next_pc = event.pc.wrapping_add(event.b); - jump_columns.op_a_range_checker.populate(event.a); - jump_columns.pc = Word::from(event.pc); - jump_columns.pc_range_checker.populate(event.pc); - jump_columns.next_pc = Word::from(next_pc); - jump_columns.next_pc_range_checker.populate(next_pc); - jump_columns.jal_nonce = F::from_canonical_u32( - nonce_lookup.get(&event.jump_jal_lookup_id).copied().unwrap_or_default(), - ); - } - Opcode::JALR => { - let next_pc = event.b.wrapping_add(event.c); - jump_columns.op_a_range_checker.populate(event.a); - jump_columns.next_pc = Word::from(next_pc); - jump_columns.next_pc_range_checker.populate(next_pc); - jump_columns.jalr_nonce = F::from_canonical_u32( - nonce_lookup.get(&event.jump_jalr_lookup_id).copied().unwrap_or_default(), - ); - } - _ => unreachable!(), - } - } - } - - /// Populate columns related to AUIPC. - fn populate_auipc( - &self, - cols: &mut CpuCols, - event: &CpuEvent, - nonce_lookup: &HashMap, - ) { - if matches!(event.instruction.opcode, Opcode::AUIPC) { - let auipc_columns = cols.opcode_specific_columns.auipc_mut(); - - auipc_columns.pc = Word::from(event.pc); - auipc_columns.pc_range_checker.populate(event.pc); - auipc_columns.auipc_nonce = F::from_canonical_u32( - nonce_lookup.get(&event.auipc_lookup_id).copied().unwrap_or_default(), - ); - } - } - - /// Populate columns related to ECALL. - fn populate_ecall( - &self, - cols: &mut CpuCols, - event: &CpuEvent, - nonce_lookup: &HashMap, - ) -> bool { - let mut is_halt = false; - - if cols.selectors.is_ecall == F::one() { - // The send_to_table column is the 1st entry of the op_a_access column prev_value field. - // Look at `ecall_eval` in cpu/air/mod.rs for the corresponding constraint and - // explanation. - let ecall_cols = cols.opcode_specific_columns.ecall_mut(); - - cols.ecall_mul_send_to_table = cols.selectors.is_ecall * cols.op_a_access.prev_value[1]; - - let syscall_id = cols.op_a_access.prev_value[0]; - // let send_to_table = cols.op_a_access.prev_value[1]; - // let num_cycles = cols.op_a_access.prev_value[2]; - - // Populate `is_enter_unconstrained`. - ecall_cols.is_enter_unconstrained.populate_from_field_element( - syscall_id - F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::ENTER_UNCONSTRAINED.syscall_id()), - ); - - // Populate `is_hint_len`. - ecall_cols.is_hint_len.populate_from_field_element( - syscall_id - F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::HINT_LEN.syscall_id()), - ); - - // Populate `is_halt`. - ecall_cols.is_halt.populate_from_field_element( - syscall_id - F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::HALT.syscall_id()), - ); - - // Populate `is_commit`. - ecall_cols.is_commit.populate_from_field_element( - syscall_id - F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::COMMIT.syscall_id()), - ); - - // Populate `is_commit_deferred_proofs`. - ecall_cols.is_commit_deferred_proofs.populate_from_field_element( - syscall_id - - F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS.syscall_id()), - ); - - // If the syscall is `COMMIT` or `COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS`, set the index bitmap and - // digest word. - if syscall_id == F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::COMMIT.syscall_id()) - || syscall_id - == F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS.syscall_id()) - { - let digest_idx = cols.op_b_access.value().to_u32() as usize; - ecall_cols.index_bitmap[digest_idx] = F::one(); - } - - // Write the syscall nonce. - ecall_cols.syscall_nonce = F::from_canonical_u32( - nonce_lookup.get(&event.syscall_lookup_id).copied().unwrap_or_default(), - ); - - is_halt = syscall_id == F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::HALT.syscall_id()); - - // For halt and commit deferred proofs syscalls, we need to baby bear range check one of - // it's operands. - if is_halt { - ecall_cols.operand_to_check = event.b.into(); - ecall_cols.operand_range_check_cols.populate(event.b); - cols.ecall_range_check_operand = F::one(); - } - - if syscall_id == F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS.syscall_id()) - { - ecall_cols.operand_to_check = event.c.into(); - ecall_cols.operand_range_check_cols.populate(event.c); - cols.ecall_range_check_operand = F::one(); - } - } - - is_halt - } - - fn pad_to_power_of_two(&self, shape: &Option, values: &mut Vec) { - let n_real_rows = values.len() / NUM_CPU_COLS; - let padded_nb_rows = if let Some(shape) = shape { - 1 << shape.inner[&MachineAir::::name(self)] - } else if n_real_rows < 16 { - 16 - } else { - n_real_rows.next_power_of_two() - }; - values.resize(padded_nb_rows * NUM_CPU_COLS, F::zero()); - - // Interpret values as a slice of arrays of length `NUM_CPU_COLS` - let rows = unsafe { - core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut( - values.as_mut_ptr() as *mut [F; NUM_CPU_COLS], - values.len() / NUM_CPU_COLS, - ) - }; - - rows[n_real_rows..].par_iter_mut().for_each(|padded_row| { - padded_row[CPU_COL_MAP.selectors.imm_b] = F::one(); - padded_row[CPU_COL_MAP.selectors.imm_c] = F::one(); - }); - } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/global/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/global/mod.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b612a4896 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/global/mod.rs @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ +use std::{borrow::Borrow, mem::transmute}; + +use p3_air::{Air, BaseAir, PairBuilder}; +use p3_field::PrimeField32; +use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; +use rayon::iter::{ + IndexedParallelIterator, IntoParallelIterator, IntoParallelRefMutIterator, ParallelBridge, + ParallelIterator, +}; +use rayon_scan::ScanParallelIterator; +use sp1_core_executor::{ + events::{ByteLookupEvent, ByteRecord, GlobalInteractionEvent}, + ExecutionRecord, Program, +}; +use sp1_stark::{ + air::{AirInteraction, InteractionScope, MachineAir, SP1AirBuilder}, + septic_curve::{SepticCurve, SepticCurveComplete}, + septic_digest::SepticDigest, + septic_extension::{SepticBlock, SepticExtension}, + InteractionKind, +}; +use std::borrow::BorrowMut; + +use crate::{ + operations::{GlobalAccumulationOperation, GlobalInteractionOperation}, + utils::{indices_arr, next_power_of_two, zeroed_f_vec}, +}; +use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; + +const NUM_GLOBAL_COLS: usize = size_of::>(); + +/// Creates the column map for the CPU. +const fn make_col_map() -> GlobalCols { + let indices_arr = indices_arr::(); + unsafe { transmute::<[usize; NUM_GLOBAL_COLS], GlobalCols>(indices_arr) } +} + +const GLOBAL_COL_MAP: GlobalCols = make_col_map(); + +pub const GLOBAL_INITIAL_DIGEST_POS: usize = GLOBAL_COL_MAP.accumulation.initial_digest[0].0[0]; + +pub const GLOBAL_INITIAL_DIGEST_POS_COPY: usize = 377; + +#[repr(C)] +pub struct Ghost { + pub v: [usize; GLOBAL_INITIAL_DIGEST_POS_COPY], +} + +#[derive(Default)] +pub struct GlobalChip; + +#[derive(AlignedBorrow)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct GlobalCols { + pub message: [T; 7], + pub kind: T, + pub interaction: GlobalInteractionOperation, + pub is_receive: T, + pub is_send: T, + pub is_real: T, + pub accumulation: GlobalAccumulationOperation, +} + +impl MachineAir for GlobalChip { + type Record = ExecutionRecord; + + type Program = Program; + + fn name(&self) -> String { + assert_eq!(GLOBAL_INITIAL_DIGEST_POS_COPY, GLOBAL_INITIAL_DIGEST_POS); + "Global".to_string() + } + + fn generate_dependencies(&self, input: &Self::Record, output: &mut Self::Record) { + let events = &input.global_interaction_events; + + let chunk_size = std::cmp::max(events.len() / num_cpus::get(), 1); + + let blu_batches = events + .chunks(chunk_size) + .par_bridge() + .map(|events| { + let mut blu: Vec = Vec::new(); + events.iter().for_each(|event| { + blu.add_u16_range_check(event.message[0].try_into().unwrap()); + }); + blu + }) + .collect::>(); + + output.add_byte_lookup_events(blu_batches.into_iter().flatten().collect()); + } + + fn num_rows(&self, input: &Self::Record) -> Option { + let events = &input.global_interaction_events; + let nb_rows = events.len(); + let size_log2 = input.fixed_log2_rows::(self); + let padded_nb_rows = next_power_of_two(nb_rows, size_log2); + Some(padded_nb_rows) + } + + fn generate_trace(&self, input: &Self::Record, _: &mut Self::Record) -> RowMajorMatrix { + let events = &input.global_interaction_events; + + let nb_rows = events.len(); + let padded_nb_rows = >::num_rows(self, input).unwrap(); + let mut values = zeroed_f_vec(padded_nb_rows * NUM_GLOBAL_COLS); + let chunk_size = std::cmp::max(nb_rows / num_cpus::get(), 0) + 1; + + let mut chunks = values[..nb_rows * NUM_GLOBAL_COLS] + .chunks_mut(chunk_size * NUM_GLOBAL_COLS) + .collect::>(); + + let point_chunks = chunks + .par_iter_mut() + .enumerate() + .map(|(i, rows)| { + let mut point_chunks = Vec::with_capacity(chunk_size * NUM_GLOBAL_COLS + 1); + if i == 0 { + point_chunks.push(SepticCurveComplete::Affine(SepticDigest::::zero().0)); + } + rows.chunks_mut(NUM_GLOBAL_COLS).enumerate().for_each(|(j, row)| { + let idx = i * chunk_size + j; + let cols: &mut GlobalCols = row.borrow_mut(); + let event: &GlobalInteractionEvent = &events[idx]; + cols.message = event.message.map(F::from_canonical_u32); + cols.kind = F::from_canonical_u8(event.kind); + cols.interaction.populate( + SepticBlock(event.message), + event.is_receive, + true, + event.kind, + ); + cols.is_real = F::one(); + if event.is_receive { + cols.is_receive = F::one(); + } else { + cols.is_send = F::one(); + } + point_chunks.push(SepticCurveComplete::Affine(SepticCurve { + x: SepticExtension(cols.interaction.x_coordinate.0), + y: SepticExtension(cols.interaction.y_coordinate.0), + })); + }); + point_chunks + }) + .collect::>(); + + let points = point_chunks.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(); + let cumulative_sum = points + .into_par_iter() + .with_min_len(1 << 15) + .scan(|a, b| *a + *b, SepticCurveComplete::Infinity) + .collect::>>(); + + let final_digest = match cumulative_sum.last() { + Some(digest) => digest.point(), + None => SepticCurve::::dummy(), + }; + let dummy = SepticCurve::::dummy(); + let final_sum_checker = SepticCurve::::sum_checker_x(final_digest, dummy, final_digest); + + let chunk_size = std::cmp::max(padded_nb_rows / num_cpus::get(), 0) + 1; + values.chunks_mut(chunk_size * NUM_GLOBAL_COLS).enumerate().par_bridge().for_each( + |(i, rows)| { + rows.chunks_mut(NUM_GLOBAL_COLS).enumerate().for_each(|(j, row)| { + let idx = i * chunk_size + j; + let cols: &mut GlobalCols = row.borrow_mut(); + if idx < nb_rows { + cols.accumulation.populate_real( + &cumulative_sum[idx..idx + 2], + final_digest, + final_sum_checker, + ); + } else { + cols.interaction.populate_dummy(); + cols.accumulation.populate_dummy(final_digest, final_sum_checker); + } + }); + }, + ); + + RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_GLOBAL_COLS) + } + + fn included(&self, _: &Self::Record) -> bool { + true + } + + fn commit_scope(&self) -> InteractionScope { + InteractionScope::Global + } +} + +impl BaseAir for GlobalChip { + fn width(&self) -> usize { + NUM_GLOBAL_COLS + } +} + +impl Air for GlobalChip +where + AB: SP1AirBuilder + PairBuilder, +{ + fn eval(&self, builder: &mut AB) { + let main = builder.main(); + let local = main.row_slice(0); + let local: &GlobalCols = (*local).borrow(); + let next = main.row_slice(1); + let next: &GlobalCols = (*next).borrow(); + + // Receive the arguments, which consists of 7 message columns, `is_send`, `is_receive`, and `kind`. + // In MemoryGlobal, MemoryLocal, Syscall chips, `is_send`, `is_receive`, `kind` are sent with correct constant values. + // For a global send interaction, `is_send = 1` and `is_receive = 0` are used. + // For a global receive interaction, `is_send = 0` and `is_receive = 1` are used. + // For a memory global interaction, `kind = InteractionKind::Memory` is used. + // For a syscall global interaction, `kind = InteractionKind::Syscall` is used. + // Therefore, `is_send`, `is_receive` are already known to be boolean, and `kind` is also known to be a `u8` value. + // Note that `local.is_real` is constrained to be boolean in `eval_single_digest`. + builder.receive( + AirInteraction::new( + vec![ + local.message[0].into(), + local.message[1].into(), + local.message[2].into(), + local.message[3].into(), + local.message[4].into(), + local.message[5].into(), + local.message[6].into(), + local.is_send.into(), + local.is_receive.into(), + local.kind.into(), + ], + local.is_real.into(), + InteractionKind::Global, + ), + InteractionScope::Local, + ); + + // Evaluate the interaction. + GlobalInteractionOperation::::eval_single_digest( + builder, + local.message.map(Into::into), + local.interaction, + local.is_receive.into(), + local.is_send.into(), + local.is_real, + local.kind, + ); + + // Evaluate the accumulation. + GlobalAccumulationOperation::::eval_accumulation( + builder, + [local.interaction], + [local.is_real], + [next.is_real], + local.accumulation, + next.accumulation, + ); + } +} + +#[cfg(test)] +mod tests { + use super::*; + use crate::programs::tests::*; + use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; + use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; + use sp1_core_executor::{ExecutionRecord, Executor}; + use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, SP1CoreOpts}; + + #[test] + fn test_global_generate_trace() { + let program = simple_program(); + let mut runtime = Executor::new(program, SP1CoreOpts::default()); + runtime.run().unwrap(); + let shard = runtime.records[0].clone(); + + let chip: GlobalChip = GlobalChip; + + let trace: RowMajorMatrix = + chip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); + println!("{:?}", trace.values); + + for mem_event in shard.global_memory_finalize_events { + println!("{:?}", mem_event); + } + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/lib.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/lib.rs index 16fd571c9..86b2b6e99 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/lib.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/lib.rs @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ clippy::unnecessary_unwrap, clippy::default_constructed_unit_structs, clippy::box_default, + clippy::assign_op_pattern, deprecated, incomplete_features )] @@ -16,22 +17,20 @@ pub mod air; pub mod alu; pub mod bytes; +pub mod control_flow; pub mod cpu; +pub mod global; pub mod io; pub mod memory; pub mod operations; pub mod program; pub mod riscv; +pub mod shape; +#[cfg(feature = "sys")] +pub mod sys; pub mod syscall; pub mod utils; -/// The global version for all components of SP1. -/// -/// This string should be updated whenever any step in verifying an SP1 proof changes, including -/// core, recursion, and plonk-bn254. This string is used to download SP1 artifacts and the gnark -/// docker image. -pub const SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION: &str = "v3.0.0"; - // Re-export the `SP1ReduceProof` struct from sp1_core_machine. // // This is done to avoid a circular dependency between sp1_core_machine and sp1_core_executor, and @@ -39,3 +38,132 @@ pub const SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION: &str = "v3.0.0"; pub mod reduce { pub use sp1_core_executor::SP1ReduceProof; } + +#[cfg(test)] +pub mod programs { + #[allow(dead_code)] + #[allow(missing_docs)] + pub mod tests { + use sp1_core_executor::{Instruction, Opcode, Program}; + + pub use test_artifacts::{ + FIBONACCI_ELF, PANIC_ELF, SECP256R1_ADD_ELF, SECP256R1_DOUBLE_ELF, SSZ_WITHDRAWALS_ELF, + U256XU2048_MUL_ELF, + }; + + #[must_use] + pub fn simple_program() -> Program { + let instructions = vec![ + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 29, 0, 5, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 30, 0, 37, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 31, 30, 29, false, false), + ]; + Program::new(instructions, 0, 0) + } + + /// Get the fibonacci program. + /// + /// # Panics + /// + /// This function will panic if the program fails to load. + #[must_use] + pub fn fibonacci_program() -> Program { + Program::from(FIBONACCI_ELF).unwrap() + } + + /// Get the secp256r1 add program. + /// + /// # Panics + /// + /// This function will panic if the program fails to load. + #[must_use] + pub fn secp256r1_add_program() -> Program { + Program::from(SECP256R1_ADD_ELF).unwrap() + } + + /// Get the secp256r1 double program. + /// + /// # Panics + /// + /// This function will panic if the program fails to load. + #[must_use] + pub fn secp256r1_double_program() -> Program { + Program::from(SECP256R1_DOUBLE_ELF).unwrap() + } + + /// Get the u256x2048 mul program. + /// + /// # Panics + /// + /// This function will panic if the program fails to load. + #[must_use] + pub fn u256xu2048_mul_program() -> Program { + Program::from(U256XU2048_MUL_ELF).unwrap() + } + + /// Get the SSZ withdrawals program. + /// + /// # Panics + /// + /// This function will panic if the program fails to load. + #[must_use] + pub fn ssz_withdrawals_program() -> Program { + Program::from(SSZ_WITHDRAWALS_ELF).unwrap() + } + + /// Get the panic program. + /// + /// # Panics + /// + /// This function will panic if the program fails to load. + #[must_use] + pub fn panic_program() -> Program { + Program::from(PANIC_ELF).unwrap() + } + + #[must_use] + #[allow(clippy::unreadable_literal)] + pub fn simple_memory_program() -> Program { + let instructions = vec![ + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 29, 0, 0x12348765, false, true), + // SW and LW + Instruction::new(Opcode::SW, 29, 0, 0x27654320, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LW, 28, 0, 0x27654320, false, true), + // LBU + Instruction::new(Opcode::LBU, 27, 0, 0x27654320, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LBU, 26, 0, 0x27654321, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LBU, 25, 0, 0x27654322, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LBU, 24, 0, 0x27654323, false, true), + // LB + Instruction::new(Opcode::LB, 23, 0, 0x27654320, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LB, 22, 0, 0x27654321, false, true), + // LHU + Instruction::new(Opcode::LHU, 21, 0, 0x27654320, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LHU, 20, 0, 0x27654322, false, true), + // LU + Instruction::new(Opcode::LH, 19, 0, 0x27654320, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LH, 18, 0, 0x27654322, false, true), + // SB + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 17, 0, 0x38276525, false, true), + // Save the value 0x12348765 into address 0x43627530 + Instruction::new(Opcode::SW, 29, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::SB, 17, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LW, 16, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::SB, 17, 0, 0x43627531, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LW, 15, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::SB, 17, 0, 0x43627532, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LW, 14, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::SB, 17, 0, 0x43627533, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LW, 13, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), + // SH + // Save the value 0x12348765 into address 0x43627530 + Instruction::new(Opcode::SW, 29, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::SH, 17, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LW, 12, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::SH, 17, 0, 0x43627532, false, true), + Instruction::new(Opcode::LW, 11, 0, 0x43627530, false, true), + ]; + Program::new(instructions, 0, 0) + } + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/memory/columns.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/memory/consistency/columns.rs similarity index 100% rename from crates/core/machine/src/memory/columns.rs rename to crates/core/machine/src/memory/consistency/columns.rs diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/memory/consistency/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/memory/consistency/mod.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2a600258b --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/memory/consistency/mod.rs @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +mod columns; +mod trace; + +pub use columns::*; diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/memory/trace.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/memory/consistency/trace.rs similarity index 96% rename from crates/core/machine/src/memory/trace.rs rename to crates/core/machine/src/memory/consistency/trace.rs index 3b451ad24..d4782c019 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/memory/trace.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/memory/consistency/trace.rs @@ -92,12 +92,10 @@ impl MemoryAccessCols { let diff_8bit_limb = (diff_minus_one >> 16) & 0xff; self.diff_8bit_limb = F::from_canonical_u32(diff_8bit_limb); - let shard = current_record.shard; - // Add a byte table lookup with the 16Range op. - output.add_u16_range_check(shard, diff_16bit_limb); + output.add_u16_range_check(diff_16bit_limb); // Add a byte table lookup with the U8Range op. - output.add_u8_range_check(shard, 0, diff_8bit_limb as u8); + output.add_u8_range_check(0, diff_8bit_limb as u8); } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/memory/global.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/memory/global.rs index 2630759b4..001f52316 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/memory/global.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/memory/global.rs @@ -1,12 +1,18 @@ +use super::MemoryChipType; +use crate::{ + operations::{AssertLtColsBits, BabyBearBitDecomposition, IsZeroOperation}, + utils::next_power_of_two, +}; use core::{ borrow::{Borrow, BorrowMut}, mem::size_of, }; -use std::array; use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder, BaseAir}; use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField32}; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; +use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::{IntoParallelRefIterator, ParallelIterator}; +use sp1_core_executor::events::GlobalInteractionEvent; use sp1_core_executor::{events::MemoryInitializeFinalizeEvent, ExecutionRecord, Program}; use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; use sp1_stark::{ @@ -16,13 +22,7 @@ use sp1_stark::{ }, InteractionKind, Word, }; - -use crate::{ - operations::{AssertLtColsBits, BabyBearBitDecomposition, IsZeroOperation}, - utils::pad_rows_fixed, -}; - -use super::MemoryChipType; +use std::array; /// A memory chip that can initialize or finalize values in memory. pub struct MemoryGlobalChip { @@ -54,8 +54,48 @@ impl MachineAir for MemoryGlobalChip { } } - fn generate_dependencies(&self, _input: &ExecutionRecord, _output: &mut ExecutionRecord) { - // Do nothing since this chip has no dependencies. + fn generate_dependencies(&self, input: &ExecutionRecord, output: &mut ExecutionRecord) { + let mut memory_events = match self.kind { + MemoryChipType::Initialize => input.global_memory_initialize_events.clone(), + MemoryChipType::Finalize => input.global_memory_finalize_events.clone(), + }; + + let is_receive = match self.kind { + MemoryChipType::Initialize => false, + MemoryChipType::Finalize => true, + }; + + memory_events.sort_by_key(|event| event.addr); + + let events = memory_events.into_iter().map(|event| { + let interaction_shard = if is_receive { event.shard } else { 0 }; + let interaction_clk = if is_receive { event.timestamp } else { 0 }; + GlobalInteractionEvent { + message: [ + interaction_shard, + interaction_clk, + event.addr, + (event.value & 255) as u32, + ((event.value >> 8) & 255) as u32, + ((event.value >> 16) & 255) as u32, + ((event.value >> 24) & 255) as u32, + ], + is_receive, + kind: InteractionKind::Memory as u8, + } + }); + output.global_interaction_events.extend(events); + } + + fn num_rows(&self, input: &Self::Record) -> Option { + let events = match self.kind { + MemoryChipType::Initialize => &input.global_memory_initialize_events, + MemoryChipType::Finalize => &input.global_memory_finalize_events, + }; + let nb_rows = events.len(); + let size_log2 = input.fixed_log2_rows::(self); + let padded_nb_rows = next_power_of_two(nb_rows, size_log2); + Some(padded_nb_rows) } fn generate_trace( @@ -74,10 +114,11 @@ impl MachineAir for MemoryGlobalChip { }; memory_events.sort_by_key(|event| event.addr); - let mut rows: Vec<[F; NUM_MEMORY_INIT_COLS]> = (0..memory_events.len()) // OPT: change this to par_iter - .map(|i| { + let mut rows: Vec<[F; NUM_MEMORY_INIT_COLS]> = memory_events + .par_iter() + .map(|event| { let MemoryInitializeFinalizeEvent { addr, value, shard, timestamp, used } = - memory_events[i]; + event.to_owned(); let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_MEMORY_INIT_COLS]; let cols: &mut MemoryInitCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); @@ -88,45 +129,47 @@ impl MachineAir for MemoryGlobalChip { cols.value = array::from_fn(|i| F::from_canonical_u32((value >> i) & 1)); cols.is_real = F::from_canonical_u32(used); - if i == 0 { - let prev_addr = previous_addr_bits - .iter() - .enumerate() - .map(|(j, bit)| bit * (1 << j)) - .sum::(); - cols.is_prev_addr_zero.populate(prev_addr); - cols.is_first_comp = F::from_bool(prev_addr != 0); - if prev_addr != 0 { - debug_assert!(prev_addr < addr, "prev_addr {} < addr {}", prev_addr, addr); - let addr_bits: [_; 32] = array::from_fn(|i| (addr >> i) & 1); - cols.lt_cols.populate(&previous_addr_bits, &addr_bits); - } - } - - if i != 0 { - let prev_is_real = memory_events[i - 1].used; - cols.is_next_comp = F::from_canonical_u32(prev_is_real); - let previous_addr = memory_events[i - 1].addr; - assert_ne!(previous_addr, addr); + row + }) + .collect::>(); + for i in 0..memory_events.len() { + let addr = memory_events[i].addr; + let cols: &mut MemoryInitCols = rows[i].as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); + if i == 0 { + let prev_addr = previous_addr_bits + .iter() + .enumerate() + .map(|(j, bit)| bit * (1 << j)) + .sum::(); + cols.is_prev_addr_zero.populate(prev_addr); + cols.is_first_comp = F::from_bool(prev_addr != 0); + if prev_addr != 0 { + debug_assert!(prev_addr < addr, "prev_addr {} < addr {}", prev_addr, addr); let addr_bits: [_; 32] = array::from_fn(|i| (addr >> i) & 1); - let prev_addr_bits: [_; 32] = array::from_fn(|i| (previous_addr >> i) & 1); - cols.lt_cols.populate(&prev_addr_bits, &addr_bits); - } - - if i == memory_events.len() - 1 { - cols.is_last_addr = F::one(); + cols.lt_cols.populate(&previous_addr_bits, &addr_bits); } + } + if i != 0 { + let prev_is_real = memory_events[i - 1].used; + cols.is_next_comp = F::from_canonical_u32(prev_is_real); + let previous_addr = memory_events[i - 1].addr; + assert_ne!(previous_addr, addr); + + let addr_bits: [_; 32] = array::from_fn(|i| (addr >> i) & 1); + let prev_addr_bits: [_; 32] = array::from_fn(|i| (previous_addr >> i) & 1); + cols.lt_cols.populate(&prev_addr_bits, &addr_bits); + } - row - }) - .collect::>(); + if i == memory_events.len() - 1 { + cols.is_last_addr = F::one(); + } + } // Pad the trace to a power of two depending on the proof shape in `input`. - pad_rows_fixed( - &mut rows, - || [F::zero(); NUM_MEMORY_INIT_COLS], - input.fixed_log2_rows::(self), + rows.resize( + >::num_rows(self, input).unwrap(), + [F::zero(); NUM_MEMORY_INIT_COLS], ); RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), NUM_MEMORY_INIT_COLS) @@ -144,13 +187,13 @@ impl MachineAir for MemoryGlobalChip { } fn commit_scope(&self) -> InteractionScope { - InteractionScope::Global + InteractionScope::Local } } -#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Debug, Clone, Copy)] +#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] -pub struct MemoryInitCols { +pub struct MemoryInitCols { /// The shard number of the memory access. pub shard: T, @@ -198,6 +241,7 @@ where let next = main.row_slice(1); let next: &MemoryInitCols = (*next).borrow(); + // Constrain that `local.is_real` is boolean. builder.assert_bool(local.is_real); for i in 0..32 { builder.assert_bool(local.value[i]); @@ -208,26 +252,54 @@ where let mut byte3 = AB::Expr::zero(); let mut byte4 = AB::Expr::zero(); for i in 0..8 { - byte1 += local.value[i].into() * AB::F::from_canonical_u8(1 << i); - byte2 += local.value[i + 8].into() * AB::F::from_canonical_u8(1 << i); - byte3 += local.value[i + 16].into() * AB::F::from_canonical_u8(1 << i); - byte4 += local.value[i + 24].into() * AB::F::from_canonical_u8(1 << i); + byte1 = byte1.clone() + local.value[i].into() * AB::F::from_canonical_u8(1 << i); + byte2 = byte2.clone() + local.value[i + 8].into() * AB::F::from_canonical_u8(1 << i); + byte3 = byte3.clone() + local.value[i + 16].into() * AB::F::from_canonical_u8(1 << i); + byte4 = byte4.clone() + local.value[i + 24].into() * AB::F::from_canonical_u8(1 << i); } let value = [byte1, byte2, byte3, byte4]; if self.kind == MemoryChipType::Initialize { - let mut values = vec![AB::Expr::zero(), AB::Expr::zero(), local.addr.into()]; - values.extend(value.map(Into::into)); + // Send the "send interaction" to the global table. builder.send( - AirInteraction::new(values, local.is_real.into(), InteractionKind::Memory), - InteractionScope::Global, + AirInteraction::new( + vec![ + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + local.addr.into(), + value[0].clone(), + value[1].clone(), + value[2].clone(), + value[3].clone(), + AB::Expr::one(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u8(InteractionKind::Memory as u8), + ], + local.is_real.into(), + InteractionKind::Global, + ), + InteractionScope::Local, ); } else { - let mut values = vec![local.shard.into(), local.timestamp.into(), local.addr.into()]; - values.extend(value); - builder.receive( - AirInteraction::new(values, local.is_real.into(), InteractionKind::Memory), - InteractionScope::Global, + // Send the "receive interaction" to the global table. + builder.send( + AirInteraction::new( + vec![ + local.shard.into(), + local.timestamp.into(), + local.addr.into(), + value[0].clone(), + value[1].clone(), + value[2].clone(), + value[3].clone(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::one(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u8(InteractionKind::Memory as u8), + ], + local.is_real.into(), + InteractionKind::Global, + ), + InteractionScope::Local, ); } @@ -363,12 +435,14 @@ where mod tests { use super::*; + use crate::programs::tests::*; use crate::{ riscv::RiscvAir, syscall::precompiles::sha256::extend_tests::sha_extend_program, utils::setup_logger, }; use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; - use sp1_core_executor::{programs::tests::simple_program, Executor}; + use sp1_core_executor::Executor; + use sp1_stark::InteractionKind; use sp1_stark::{ baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, debug_interactions_with_all_chips, SP1CoreOpts, StarkMachine, @@ -408,14 +482,18 @@ mod tests { RiscvAir::machine(BabyBearPoseidon2::new()); let (pkey, _) = machine.setup(&program_clone); let opts = SP1CoreOpts::default(); - machine.generate_dependencies(&mut runtime.records, &opts, None); + machine.generate_dependencies( + &mut runtime.records.clone().into_iter().map(|r| *r).collect::>(), + &opts, + None, + ); let shards = runtime.records; for shard in shards.clone() { debug_interactions_with_all_chips::>( &machine, &pkey, - &[shard], + &[*shard], vec![InteractionKind::Memory], InteractionScope::Local, ); @@ -423,7 +501,7 @@ mod tests { debug_interactions_with_all_chips::>( &machine, &pkey, - &shards, + &shards.into_iter().map(|r| *r).collect::>(), vec![InteractionKind::Memory], InteractionScope::Global, ); @@ -439,13 +517,17 @@ mod tests { let machine = RiscvAir::machine(BabyBearPoseidon2::new()); let (pkey, _) = machine.setup(&program_clone); let opts = SP1CoreOpts::default(); - machine.generate_dependencies(&mut runtime.records, &opts, None); + machine.generate_dependencies( + &mut runtime.records.clone().into_iter().map(|r| *r).collect::>(), + &opts, + None, + ); let shards = runtime.records; debug_interactions_with_all_chips::>( &machine, &pkey, - &shards, + &shards.into_iter().map(|r| *r).collect::>(), vec![InteractionKind::Byte], InteractionScope::Global, ); diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/memory/instructions/air.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/memory/instructions/air.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6c2bec714 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/memory/instructions/air.rs @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ +use std::borrow::Borrow; + +use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder}; +use p3_field::AbstractField; +use p3_matrix::Matrix; +use sp1_stark::{air::SP1AirBuilder, Word}; + +use crate::{ + air::{SP1CoreAirBuilder, WordAirBuilder}, + memory::MemoryCols, + operations::{BabyBearWordRangeChecker, IsZeroOperation}, +}; +use sp1_core_executor::{ + events::MemoryAccessPosition, ByteOpcode, Opcode, DEFAULT_PC_INC, UNUSED_PC, +}; + +use super::{columns::MemoryInstructionsColumns, MemoryInstructionsChip}; + +impl Air for MemoryInstructionsChip +where + AB: SP1AirBuilder, + AB::Var: Sized, +{ + #[inline(never)] + fn eval(&self, builder: &mut AB) { + let main = builder.main(); + let local = main.row_slice(0); + let local: &MemoryInstructionsColumns = (*local).borrow(); + + // SAFETY: All selectors `is_lb`, `is_lbu`, `is_lh`, `is_lhu`, `is_lw`, `is_sb`, `is_sh`, `is_sw` are checked to be boolean. + // Each "real" row has exactly one selector turned on, as `is_real`, the sum of the eight selectors, is boolean. + // Therefore, the `opcode` matches the corresponding opcode. + + let is_real = local.is_lb + + local.is_lbu + + local.is_lh + + local.is_lhu + + local.is_lw + + local.is_sb + + local.is_sh + + local.is_sw; + + builder.assert_bool(local.is_lb); + builder.assert_bool(local.is_lbu); + builder.assert_bool(local.is_lh); + builder.assert_bool(local.is_lhu); + builder.assert_bool(local.is_lw); + builder.assert_bool(local.is_sb); + builder.assert_bool(local.is_sh); + builder.assert_bool(local.is_sw); + builder.assert_bool(is_real.clone()); + builder.assert_bool(local.op_a_0); + + self.eval_memory_address_and_access::(builder, local, is_real.clone()); + self.eval_memory_load::(builder, local); + self.eval_memory_store::(builder, local); + + let opcode = self.compute_opcode::(local); + + // SAFETY: This checks the following. + // - `shard`, `clk` are correctly received from the CpuChip + // - `next_pc = pc + 4` + // - `num_extra_cycles = 0` + // - `op_a_immutable = is_sb + is_sh + is_sw`, as store instruction keeps `op_a` immutable + // - `is_memory = 1` + // - `is_syscall = 0` + // - `is_halt = 0` + // `op_a_value` when the instruction is load still has to be constrained, as well as memory opcode behavior. + builder.receive_instruction( + local.shard, + local.clk, + local.pc, + local.pc + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(DEFAULT_PC_INC), + AB::Expr::zero(), + opcode, + local.op_a_value, + local.op_b_value, + local.op_c_value, + local.op_a_0, + local.is_sb + local.is_sh + local.is_sw, + AB::Expr::one(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + is_real, + ); + } +} + +impl MemoryInstructionsChip { + /// Computes the opcode based on the instruction selectors. + pub(crate) fn compute_opcode( + &self, + local: &MemoryInstructionsColumns, + ) -> AB::Expr { + local.is_lb * Opcode::LB.as_field::() + + local.is_lbu * Opcode::LBU.as_field::() + + local.is_lh * Opcode::LH.as_field::() + + local.is_lhu * Opcode::LHU.as_field::() + + local.is_lw * Opcode::LW.as_field::() + + local.is_sb * Opcode::SB.as_field::() + + local.is_sh * Opcode::SH.as_field::() + + local.is_sw * Opcode::SW.as_field::() + } + + /// Constrains the addr_aligned, addr_offset, and addr_word memory columns. + /// + /// This method will do the following: + /// 1. Calculate that the unaligned address is correctly computed to be op_b.value + op_c.value. + /// 2. Calculate that the address offset is address % 4. + /// 3. Assert the validity of the aligned address given the address offset and the unaligned + /// address. + pub(crate) fn eval_memory_address_and_access( + &self, + builder: &mut AB, + local: &MemoryInstructionsColumns, + is_real: AB::Expr, + ) { + // Send to the ALU table to verify correct calculation of addr_word. + builder.send_instruction( + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC + DEFAULT_PC_INC), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(Opcode::ADD as u32), + local.addr_word, + local.op_b_value, + local.op_c_value, + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + is_real.clone(), + ); + + // Range check the addr_word to be a valid babybear word. Note that this will also implicitly + // do a byte range check on the most significant byte. + BabyBearWordRangeChecker::::range_check( + builder, + local.addr_word, + local.addr_word_range_checker, + is_real.clone(), + ); + + // Check that the 2nd and 3rd addr_word elements are bytes. We already check the most sig + // byte in the BabyBearWordRangeChecker, and the least sig one in the AND byte lookup below. + builder.slice_range_check_u8(&local.addr_word.0[1..3], is_real.clone()); + + // We check that `addr_word >= 32`, or `addr_word > 31` to avoid registers. + // Check that if the most significant bytes are zero, then the least significant byte is at least 32. + builder.send_byte( + ByteOpcode::LTU.as_field::(), + AB::Expr::one(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u8(31), + local.addr_word[0], + local.most_sig_bytes_zero.result, + ); + + // SAFETY: Check that the above interaction is only sent if one of the opcode flags is set. + // If `is_real = 0`, then `local.most_sig_bytes_zero.result = 0`, leading to no interaction. + // Note that when `is_real = 1`, due to `IsZeroOperation`, `local.most_sig_bytes_zero.result` is boolean. + builder.when(local.most_sig_bytes_zero.result).assert_one(is_real.clone()); + + // Check the most_sig_byte_zero flag. Note that we can simply add up the three most significant bytes + // and check if the sum is zero. Those bytes are going to be byte range checked, so the only way + // the sum is zero is if all bytes are 0. + IsZeroOperation::::eval( + builder, + local.addr_word[1] + local.addr_word[2] + local.addr_word[3], + local.most_sig_bytes_zero, + is_real.clone(), + ); + + // Evaluate the addr_offset column and offset flags. + self.eval_offset_value_flags(builder, local); + + // Assert that reduce(addr_word) == addr_aligned + addr_ls_two_bits. + builder.when(is_real.clone()).assert_eq::( + local.addr_aligned + local.addr_ls_two_bits, + local.addr_word.reduce::(), + ); + + // Check the correct value of addr_ls_two_bits. Note that this lookup will implicitly do a + // byte range check on the least sig addr byte. + builder.send_byte( + ByteOpcode::AND.as_field::(), + local.addr_ls_two_bits, + local.addr_word[0], + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u8(0b11), + is_real.clone(), + ); + + // For operations that require reading from memory (not registers), we need to read the + // value into the memory columns. + builder.eval_memory_access( + local.shard, + local.clk + AB::F::from_canonical_u32(MemoryAccessPosition::Memory as u32), + local.addr_aligned, + &local.memory_access, + is_real.clone(), + ); + + // On memory load instructions, make sure that the memory value is not changed. + builder + .when(local.is_lb + local.is_lbu + local.is_lh + local.is_lhu + local.is_lw) + .assert_word_eq(*local.memory_access.value(), *local.memory_access.prev_value()); + } + + /// Evaluates constraints related to loading from memory. + pub(crate) fn eval_memory_load( + &self, + builder: &mut AB, + local: &MemoryInstructionsColumns, + ) { + // Verify the unsigned_mem_value column. + self.eval_unsigned_mem_value(builder, local); + + // Assert that correct value of `mem_value_is_neg_not_x0`. + // SAFETY: If the opcode is not `lb` or `lh`, then `is_lb + is_lh = 0`, so `mem_value_is_neg_not_x0 = 0`. + // In the other case, `is_lb + is_lh = 1` (at most one selector is on), so `most_sig_byte` and `most_sig_bit` are correct. + // Since `op_a_0` is known to be correct, we can conclude that `mem_value_is_neg_not_x0` is correct for all cases, including padding rows. + builder.assert_eq( + local.mem_value_is_neg_not_x0, + (local.is_lb + local.is_lh) * local.most_sig_bit * (AB::Expr::one() - local.op_a_0), + ); + + // SAFETY: `is_lb + is_lh` is already constrained to be boolean. + // This is because at most one opcode selector can be turned on. + builder.send_byte( + ByteOpcode::MSB.as_field::(), + local.most_sig_bit, + local.most_sig_byte, + AB::Expr::zero(), + local.is_lb + local.is_lh, + ); + builder.assert_eq( + local.most_sig_byte, + local.is_lb * local.unsigned_mem_val[0] + local.is_lh * local.unsigned_mem_val[1], + ); + + // When the memory value is negative and not writing to x0, use the SUB opcode to compute + // the signed value of the memory value and verify that the op_a value is correct. + let signed_value = Word([ + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::one() * local.is_lb, + AB::Expr::one() * local.is_lh, + AB::Expr::zero(), + ]); + + // SAFETY: As we mentioned before, `mem_value_is_neg_not_x0` is correct in all cases and boolean in all cases. + builder.send_instruction( + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(UNUSED_PC + DEFAULT_PC_INC), + AB::Expr::zero(), + Opcode::SUB.as_field::(), + local.op_a_value, + local.unsigned_mem_val, + signed_value, + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + local.mem_value_is_neg_not_x0, + ); + + // Assert that correct value of `mem_value_is_pos_not_x0`. + // SAFETY: If it's a store instruction or a padding row, `mem_value_is_pos = 0`. + // If it's an unsigned instruction (LBU, LHU, LW), then `mem_value_is_pos = 1`. + // If it's signed instruction (LB, LH), then `most_sig_bit` will be constrained correctly, and same for `mem_value_is_pos`. + let mem_value_is_pos = (local.is_lb + local.is_lh) * (AB::Expr::one() - local.most_sig_bit) + + local.is_lbu + + local.is_lhu + + local.is_lw; + builder.assert_eq( + local.mem_value_is_pos_not_x0, + mem_value_is_pos * (AB::Expr::one() - local.op_a_0), + ); + + // When the memory value is not positive and not writing to x0, assert that op_a value is + // equal to the unsigned memory value. + builder + .when(local.mem_value_is_pos_not_x0) + .assert_word_eq(local.unsigned_mem_val, local.op_a_value); + + // These two cases combine for all cases where it's a load instruction and `op_a_0 == 0`. + // Since the store instructions have `op_a_immutable = 1`, this completely constrains the `op_a`'s value. + } + + /// Evaluates constraints related to storing to memory. + pub(crate) fn eval_memory_store( + &self, + builder: &mut AB, + local: &MemoryInstructionsColumns, + ) { + // Get the memory offset flags. + self.eval_offset_value_flags(builder, local); + // Compute the offset_is_zero flag. The other offset flags are already constrained by the + // method `eval_memory_address_and_access`, which is called in + // `eval_memory_address_and_access`. + let offset_is_zero = + AB::Expr::one() - local.ls_bits_is_one - local.ls_bits_is_two - local.ls_bits_is_three; + + // Compute the expected stored value for a SB instruction. + let one = AB::Expr::one(); + let a_val = local.op_a_value; + let mem_val = *local.memory_access.value(); + let prev_mem_val = *local.memory_access.prev_value(); + let sb_expected_stored_value = Word([ + a_val[0] * offset_is_zero.clone() + + (one.clone() - offset_is_zero.clone()) * prev_mem_val[0], + a_val[0] * local.ls_bits_is_one + + (one.clone() - local.ls_bits_is_one) * prev_mem_val[1], + a_val[0] * local.ls_bits_is_two + + (one.clone() - local.ls_bits_is_two) * prev_mem_val[2], + a_val[0] * local.ls_bits_is_three + + (one.clone() - local.ls_bits_is_three) * prev_mem_val[3], + ]); + builder + .when(local.is_sb) + .assert_word_eq(mem_val.map(|x| x.into()), sb_expected_stored_value); + + // When the instruction is SH, make sure both offset one and three are off. + builder.when(local.is_sh).assert_zero(local.ls_bits_is_one + local.ls_bits_is_three); + + // When the instruction is SW, ensure that the offset is 0. + builder.when(local.is_sw).assert_one(offset_is_zero.clone()); + + // Compute the expected stored value for a SH instruction. + let a_is_lower_half = offset_is_zero; + let a_is_upper_half = local.ls_bits_is_two; + let sh_expected_stored_value = Word([ + a_val[0] * a_is_lower_half.clone() + + (one.clone() - a_is_lower_half.clone()) * prev_mem_val[0], + a_val[1] * a_is_lower_half.clone() + (one.clone() - a_is_lower_half) * prev_mem_val[1], + a_val[0] * a_is_upper_half + (one.clone() - a_is_upper_half) * prev_mem_val[2], + a_val[1] * a_is_upper_half + (one.clone() - a_is_upper_half) * prev_mem_val[3], + ]); + builder + .when(local.is_sh) + .assert_word_eq(mem_val.map(|x| x.into()), sh_expected_stored_value); + + // When the instruction is SW, just use the word without masking. + builder + .when(local.is_sw) + .assert_word_eq(mem_val.map(|x| x.into()), a_val.map(|x| x.into())); + } + + /// This function is used to evaluate the unsigned memory value for the load memory + /// instructions. + pub(crate) fn eval_unsigned_mem_value( + &self, + builder: &mut AB, + local: &MemoryInstructionsColumns, + ) { + let mem_val = *local.memory_access.value(); + + // Compute the offset_is_zero flag. The other offset flags are already constrained by the + // method `eval_memory_address_and_access`, which is called in + // `eval_memory_address_and_access`. + let offset_is_zero = + AB::Expr::one() - local.ls_bits_is_one - local.ls_bits_is_two - local.ls_bits_is_three; + + // Compute the byte value. + let mem_byte = mem_val[0] * offset_is_zero.clone() + + mem_val[1] * local.ls_bits_is_one + + mem_val[2] * local.ls_bits_is_two + + mem_val[3] * local.ls_bits_is_three; + let byte_value = Word::extend_expr::(mem_byte.clone()); + + // When the instruction is LB or LBU, just use the lower byte. + builder + .when(local.is_lb + local.is_lbu) + .assert_word_eq(byte_value, local.unsigned_mem_val.map(|x| x.into())); + + // When the instruction is LH or LHU, ensure that offset is either zero or two. + builder + .when(local.is_lh + local.is_lhu) + .assert_zero(local.ls_bits_is_one + local.ls_bits_is_three); + + // When the instruction is LW, ensure that the offset is zero. + builder.when(local.is_lw).assert_one(offset_is_zero.clone()); + + let use_lower_half = offset_is_zero; + let use_upper_half = local.ls_bits_is_two; + let half_value = Word([ + use_lower_half.clone() * mem_val[0] + use_upper_half * mem_val[2], + use_lower_half * mem_val[1] + use_upper_half * mem_val[3], + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + ]); + builder + .when(local.is_lh + local.is_lhu) + .assert_word_eq(half_value, local.unsigned_mem_val.map(|x| x.into())); + + // When the instruction is LW, just use the word. + builder.when(local.is_lw).assert_word_eq(mem_val, local.unsigned_mem_val); + } + + /// Evaluates the offset value flags. + pub(crate) fn eval_offset_value_flags( + &self, + builder: &mut AB, + local: &MemoryInstructionsColumns, + ) { + let offset_is_zero = + AB::Expr::one() - local.ls_bits_is_one - local.ls_bits_is_two - local.ls_bits_is_three; + + // Assert that the value flags are boolean + builder.assert_bool(local.ls_bits_is_one); + builder.assert_bool(local.ls_bits_is_two); + builder.assert_bool(local.ls_bits_is_three); + + // Assert that only one of the value flags is true + builder.assert_one( + offset_is_zero.clone() + + local.ls_bits_is_one + + local.ls_bits_is_two + + local.ls_bits_is_three, + ); + + // Assert that the correct value flag is set + // SAFETY: Due to the constraints here, at most one of the four flags can be turned on (non-zero). + // As their sum is constrained to be 1, the only possibility is that exactly one flag is on, with value 1. + builder.when(offset_is_zero).assert_zero(local.addr_ls_two_bits); + builder.when(local.ls_bits_is_one).assert_one(local.addr_ls_two_bits); + builder.when(local.ls_bits_is_two).assert_eq(local.addr_ls_two_bits, AB::Expr::two()); + builder + .when(local.ls_bits_is_three) + .assert_eq(local.addr_ls_two_bits, AB::Expr::from_canonical_u8(3)); + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/memory/instructions/columns.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/memory/instructions/columns.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bd4531d2a --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/memory/instructions/columns.rs @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; +use sp1_stark::Word; +use std::mem::size_of; + +use crate::{ + memory::MemoryReadWriteCols, + operations::{BabyBearWordRangeChecker, IsZeroOperation}, +}; + +pub const NUM_MEMORY_INSTRUCTIONS_COLUMNS: usize = size_of::>(); + +/// The column layout for memory. +#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Default, Debug, Clone, Copy)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct MemoryInstructionsColumns { + /// The program counter of the instruction. + pub pc: T, + + /// The shard number. + pub shard: T, + /// The clock cycle number. + pub clk: T, + + /// The value of the first operand. + pub op_a_value: Word, + /// The value of the second operand. + pub op_b_value: Word, + /// The value of the third operand. + pub op_c_value: Word, + /// Whether the first operand is register zero. + pub op_a_0: T, + + /// Whether this is a load byte instruction. + pub is_lb: T, + /// Whether this is a load byte unsigned instruction. + pub is_lbu: T, + /// Whether this is a load half instruction. + pub is_lh: T, + /// Whether this is a load half unsigned instruction. + pub is_lhu: T, + /// Whether this is a load word instruction. + pub is_lw: T, + /// Whether this is a store byte instruction. + pub is_sb: T, + /// Whether this is a store half instruction. + pub is_sh: T, + /// Whether this is a store word instruction. + pub is_sw: T, + + /// The relationships among addr_word, addr_aligned, and addr_offset is as follows: + /// addr_aligned = addr_word - addr_offset + /// addr_offset = addr_word % 4 + /// Note that this all needs to be verified in the AIR + pub addr_word: Word, + + /// The aligned address. + pub addr_aligned: T, + /// The address's least significant two bits. + pub addr_ls_two_bits: T, + + /// Whether the least significant two bits of the address are one. + pub ls_bits_is_one: T, + /// Whether the least significant two bits of the address are two. + pub ls_bits_is_two: T, + /// Whether the least significant two bits of the address are three. + pub ls_bits_is_three: T, + + /// Gadget to verify that the address word is within the Baby-Bear field. + pub addr_word_range_checker: BabyBearWordRangeChecker, + + /// Memory consistency columns for the memory access. + pub memory_access: MemoryReadWriteCols, + + /// Used for load memory instructions to store the unsigned memory value. + pub unsigned_mem_val: Word, + + /// The most significant bit of `unsigned_mem_val`. This is relevant for LB and LH instructions. + pub most_sig_bit: T, + + /// The most significant byte of `unsigned_mem_val`. This is relevant for LB and LH instructions. + /// For LB this is equal to unsigned_mem_val\[0\] and for LH this is equal to unsigned_mem_val\[1\]. + pub most_sig_byte: T, + + /// Flag for load memory instructions that contains bool value of + /// (memory value is neg) && (op_a != registor 0). + pub mem_value_is_neg_not_x0: T, + /// Flag for load memory instructions that contains bool value of + /// (memory value is pos) && (op_a != registor 0). + pub mem_value_is_pos_not_x0: T, + + /// This is used to check if the most significant three bytes of the memory address are all zero. + pub most_sig_bytes_zero: IsZeroOperation, +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/memory/instructions/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/memory/instructions/mod.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7aec4f8c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/memory/instructions/mod.rs @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +use columns::NUM_MEMORY_INSTRUCTIONS_COLUMNS; +use p3_air::BaseAir; + +pub mod air; +pub mod columns; +pub mod trace; + +#[derive(Default)] +pub struct MemoryInstructionsChip; + +impl BaseAir for MemoryInstructionsChip { + fn width(&self) -> usize { + NUM_MEMORY_INSTRUCTIONS_COLUMNS + } +} + +#[cfg(test)] +mod tests { + use std::borrow::BorrowMut; + + use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; + use p3_field::AbstractField; + use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; + use sp1_core_executor::{ + events::MemoryRecordEnum, ExecutionRecord, Instruction, Opcode, Program, + }; + use sp1_stark::{ + air::MachineAir, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, chip_name, CpuProver, + MachineProver, Val, + }; + + use crate::{ + io::SP1Stdin, + memory::{columns::MemoryInstructionsColumns, MemoryInstructionsChip}, + riscv::RiscvAir, + utils::run_malicious_test, + }; + + enum FailureType { + ConstraintsFailing, + CumulativeSumFailing, + } + + struct TestCase { + opcode: Opcode, + incorrect_value: u32, + failure_type: FailureType, + } + + #[test] + fn test_malicious_stores() { + let test_cases = vec![ + TestCase { + opcode: Opcode::SW, + incorrect_value: 8, + failure_type: FailureType::ConstraintsFailing, + }, // The correct value is 0xDEADBEEF. + TestCase { + opcode: Opcode::SH, + incorrect_value: 0xDEADBEEF, + failure_type: FailureType::ConstraintsFailing, + }, // The correct value is 0xBEEF. + TestCase { + opcode: Opcode::SB, + incorrect_value: 0xDEADBEEF, + failure_type: FailureType::ConstraintsFailing, + }, // The correct value is 0xEF. + ]; + + for test_case in test_cases { + let instructions = vec![ + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 29, 0, 0xDEADBEEF, false, true), // Set the stored value to 5. + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 30, 0, 100, false, true), // Set the address to 100. + Instruction::new(test_case.opcode, 29, 30, 0, false, true), + ]; + let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + + type P = CpuProver>; + + let malicious_trace_pv_generator = + move |prover: &P, + record: &mut ExecutionRecord| + -> Vec<(String, RowMajorMatrix>)> { + // Create a malicious record where the incorrect value is saved to memory. + let mut malicious_record = record.clone(); + if let MemoryRecordEnum::Write(mem_write_record) = + &mut malicious_record.memory_instr_events[0].mem_access + { + mem_write_record.value = test_case.incorrect_value; + } + prover.generate_traces(&malicious_record) + }; + + let result = + run_malicious_test::

(program, stdin, Box::new(malicious_trace_pv_generator)); + + match test_case.failure_type { + FailureType::ConstraintsFailing => { + let memory_instr_chip_name = chip_name!(MemoryInstructionsChip, BabyBear); + assert!( + result.is_err() + && result.unwrap_err().is_constraints_failing(&memory_instr_chip_name) + ); + } + FailureType::CumulativeSumFailing => { + assert!( + result.is_err() && result.unwrap_err().is_local_cumulative_sum_failing() + ); + } + } + } + } + + #[test] + fn test_malicious_loads() { + let test_cases = vec![ + TestCase { + opcode: Opcode::LW, + incorrect_value: 8, + failure_type: FailureType::ConstraintsFailing, + }, // The correct value is 0xDEADBEEF. + TestCase { + opcode: Opcode::LH, + incorrect_value: 0xDEADBEEF, + failure_type: FailureType::CumulativeSumFailing, + }, // The correct value is 0xFFFFBEEF. + TestCase { + opcode: Opcode::LHU, + incorrect_value: 0xDEADBEEF, + failure_type: FailureType::ConstraintsFailing, + }, // The correct value is 0xBEEF. + TestCase { + opcode: Opcode::LB, + incorrect_value: 0xDEADBEEF, + failure_type: FailureType::CumulativeSumFailing, + }, // The correct value is 0xEF. + TestCase { + opcode: Opcode::LBU, + incorrect_value: 0xDEADBEEF, + failure_type: FailureType::ConstraintsFailing, + }, // The correct value is 0xFFFFEF. + ]; + + for test_case in test_cases { + let instructions = vec![ + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 29, 0, 0xDEADBEEF, false, true), // Set the stored value to 0xDEADBEEF. + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 30, 0, 100, false, true), // Set the address to 100. + Instruction::new(Opcode::SW, 29, 30, 0, false, true), // Store the value to memory. + Instruction::new(test_case.opcode, 25, 30, 0, false, true), // Load the value from memory. + ]; + let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + + type P = CpuProver>; + + let malicious_trace_pv_generator = + move |prover: &P, + record: &mut ExecutionRecord| + -> Vec<(String, RowMajorMatrix>)> { + // Create a malicious record where the incorrect value is loaded from memory. + let mut malicious_record = record.clone(); + malicious_record.cpu_events[3].a = test_case.incorrect_value; + malicious_record.memory_instr_events[1].a = test_case.incorrect_value; + prover.generate_traces(&malicious_record) + }; + + let result = + run_malicious_test::

(program, stdin, Box::new(malicious_trace_pv_generator)); + + match test_case.failure_type { + FailureType::ConstraintsFailing => { + let memory_instr_chip_name = chip_name!(MemoryInstructionsChip, BabyBear); + assert!( + result.is_err() + && result.unwrap_err().is_constraints_failing(&memory_instr_chip_name) + ); + } + FailureType::CumulativeSumFailing => { + assert!( + result.is_err() && result.unwrap_err().is_local_cumulative_sum_failing() + ); + } + } + } + } + + #[test] + fn test_malicious_multiple_opcode_flags() { + let instructions = vec![ + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 29, 0, 5, false, true), // Set the stored value to 5. + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 30, 0, 100, false, true), // Set the address to 100. + Instruction::new(Opcode::SW, 29, 30, 0, false, true), + ]; + let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + + type P = CpuProver>; + + let malicious_trace_pv_generator = + |prover: &P, + record: &mut ExecutionRecord| + -> Vec<(String, RowMajorMatrix>)> { + // Modify the branch chip to have a row that has multiple opcode flags set. + let mut traces = prover.generate_traces(record); + let memory_instr_chip_name = chip_name!(MemoryInstructionsChip, BabyBear); + for (chip_name, trace) in traces.iter_mut() { + if *chip_name == memory_instr_chip_name { + let first_row: &mut [BabyBear] = trace.row_mut(0); + let first_row: &mut MemoryInstructionsColumns = + first_row.borrow_mut(); + assert!(first_row.is_sw == BabyBear::one()); + first_row.is_lw = BabyBear::one(); + } + } + traces + }; + + let result = + run_malicious_test::

(program, stdin, Box::new(malicious_trace_pv_generator)); + let memory_instr_chip_name = chip_name!(MemoryInstructionsChip, BabyBear); + assert!( + result.is_err() && result.unwrap_err().is_constraints_failing(&memory_instr_chip_name) + ); + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/memory/instructions/trace.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/memory/instructions/trace.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..03e87b6b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/memory/instructions/trace.rs @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +use std::borrow::BorrowMut; + +use hashbrown::HashMap; +use itertools::Itertools; +use p3_field::PrimeField32; +use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; +use rayon::iter::{ParallelBridge, ParallelIterator}; +use sp1_core_executor::{ + events::{ByteLookupEvent, ByteRecord, MemInstrEvent}, + ByteOpcode, ExecutionRecord, Opcode, Program, +}; +use sp1_primitives::consts::WORD_SIZE; +use sp1_stark::air::MachineAir; + +use crate::utils::{next_power_of_two, zeroed_f_vec}; + +use super::{ + columns::{MemoryInstructionsColumns, NUM_MEMORY_INSTRUCTIONS_COLUMNS}, + MemoryInstructionsChip, +}; + +impl MachineAir for MemoryInstructionsChip { + type Record = ExecutionRecord; + + type Program = Program; + + fn name(&self) -> String { + "MemoryInstrs".to_string() + } + + fn generate_trace( + &self, + input: &ExecutionRecord, + output: &mut ExecutionRecord, + ) -> RowMajorMatrix { + let chunk_size = std::cmp::max((input.memory_instr_events.len()) / num_cpus::get(), 1); + let nb_rows = input.memory_instr_events.len(); + let size_log2 = input.fixed_log2_rows::(self); + let padded_nb_rows = next_power_of_two(nb_rows, size_log2); + let mut values = zeroed_f_vec(padded_nb_rows * NUM_MEMORY_INSTRUCTIONS_COLUMNS); + + let blu_events = values + .chunks_mut(chunk_size * NUM_MEMORY_INSTRUCTIONS_COLUMNS) + .enumerate() + .par_bridge() + .map(|(i, rows)| { + let mut blu: HashMap = HashMap::new(); + rows.chunks_mut(NUM_MEMORY_INSTRUCTIONS_COLUMNS).enumerate().for_each( + |(j, row)| { + let idx = i * chunk_size + j; + let cols: &mut MemoryInstructionsColumns = row.borrow_mut(); + + if idx < input.memory_instr_events.len() { + let event = &input.memory_instr_events[idx]; + self.event_to_row(event, cols, &mut blu); + } + }, + ); + blu + }) + .collect::>(); + + output.add_byte_lookup_events_from_maps(blu_events.iter().collect_vec()); + + // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. + RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_MEMORY_INSTRUCTIONS_COLUMNS) + } + + fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { + if let Some(shape) = shard.shape.as_ref() { + shape.included::(self) + } else { + !shard.memory_instr_events.is_empty() + } + } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } +} + +impl MemoryInstructionsChip { + fn event_to_row( + &self, + event: &MemInstrEvent, + cols: &mut MemoryInstructionsColumns, + blu: &mut HashMap, + ) { + cols.shard = F::from_canonical_u32(event.shard); + assert!(cols.shard != F::zero()); + cols.clk = F::from_canonical_u32(event.clk); + cols.pc = F::from_canonical_u32(event.pc); + cols.op_a_value = event.a.into(); + cols.op_b_value = event.b.into(); + cols.op_c_value = event.c.into(); + cols.op_a_0 = F::from_bool(event.op_a_0); + + // Populate memory accesses for reading from memory. + cols.memory_access.populate(event.mem_access, blu); + + // Populate addr_word and addr_aligned columns. + let memory_addr = event.b.wrapping_add(event.c); + let aligned_addr = memory_addr - memory_addr % WORD_SIZE as u32; + cols.addr_word = memory_addr.into(); + cols.addr_word_range_checker.populate(cols.addr_word, blu); + cols.addr_aligned = F::from_canonical_u32(aligned_addr); + + // Populate the aa_least_sig_byte_decomp columns. + assert!(aligned_addr % 4 == 0); + // Populate memory offsets. + let addr_ls_two_bits = (memory_addr % WORD_SIZE as u32) as u8; + cols.addr_ls_two_bits = F::from_canonical_u8(addr_ls_two_bits); + cols.ls_bits_is_one = F::from_bool(addr_ls_two_bits == 1); + cols.ls_bits_is_two = F::from_bool(addr_ls_two_bits == 2); + cols.ls_bits_is_three = F::from_bool(addr_ls_two_bits == 3); + + // Add byte lookup event to verify correct calculation of addr_ls_two_bits. + blu.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent { + opcode: ByteOpcode::AND, + a1: addr_ls_two_bits as u16, + a2: 0, + b: cols.addr_word[0].as_canonical_u32() as u8, + c: 0b11, + }); + + // If it is a load instruction, set the unsigned_mem_val column. + let mem_value = event.mem_access.value(); + if matches!(event.opcode, Opcode::LB | Opcode::LBU | Opcode::LH | Opcode::LHU | Opcode::LW) + { + match event.opcode { + Opcode::LB | Opcode::LBU => { + cols.unsigned_mem_val = + (mem_value.to_le_bytes()[addr_ls_two_bits as usize] as u32).into(); + } + Opcode::LH | Opcode::LHU => { + let value = match (addr_ls_two_bits >> 1) % 2 { + 0 => mem_value & 0x0000FFFF, + 1 => (mem_value & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16, + _ => unreachable!(), + }; + cols.unsigned_mem_val = value.into(); + } + Opcode::LW => { + cols.unsigned_mem_val = mem_value.into(); + } + _ => unreachable!(), + } + + // For the signed load instructions, we need to check if the loaded value is negative. + if matches!(event.opcode, Opcode::LB | Opcode::LH) { + let most_sig_mem_value_byte = if matches!(event.opcode, Opcode::LB) { + cols.unsigned_mem_val.to_u32().to_le_bytes()[0] + } else { + cols.unsigned_mem_val.to_u32().to_le_bytes()[1] + }; + + let most_sig_mem_value_bit = most_sig_mem_value_byte >> 7; + if most_sig_mem_value_bit == 1 { + cols.mem_value_is_neg_not_x0 = F::from_bool(!event.op_a_0); + } + + cols.most_sig_byte = F::from_canonical_u8(most_sig_mem_value_byte); + cols.most_sig_bit = F::from_canonical_u8(most_sig_mem_value_bit); + + blu.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent { + opcode: ByteOpcode::MSB, + a1: most_sig_mem_value_bit as u16, + a2: 0, + b: most_sig_mem_value_byte, + c: 0, + }); + } + + // Set the `mem_value_is_pos_not_x0` composite flag. + cols.mem_value_is_pos_not_x0 = F::from_bool( + ((matches!(event.opcode, Opcode::LB | Opcode::LH) + && (cols.most_sig_bit == F::zero())) + || matches!(event.opcode, Opcode::LBU | Opcode::LHU | Opcode::LW)) + && !event.op_a_0, + ) + } + + cols.is_lb = F::from_bool(matches!(event.opcode, Opcode::LB)); + cols.is_lbu = F::from_bool(matches!(event.opcode, Opcode::LBU)); + cols.is_lh = F::from_bool(matches!(event.opcode, Opcode::LH)); + cols.is_lhu = F::from_bool(matches!(event.opcode, Opcode::LHU)); + cols.is_lw = F::from_bool(matches!(event.opcode, Opcode::LW)); + cols.is_sb = F::from_bool(matches!(event.opcode, Opcode::SB)); + cols.is_sh = F::from_bool(matches!(event.opcode, Opcode::SH)); + cols.is_sw = F::from_bool(matches!(event.opcode, Opcode::SW)); + + // Add event to byte lookup for byte range checking each byte in the memory addr + let addr_bytes = memory_addr.to_le_bytes(); + blu.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent { + opcode: ByteOpcode::U8Range, + a1: 0, + a2: 0, + b: addr_bytes[1], + c: addr_bytes[2], + }); + + cols.most_sig_bytes_zero + .populate_from_field_element(cols.addr_word[1] + cols.addr_word[2] + cols.addr_word[3]); + + if cols.most_sig_bytes_zero.result == F::one() { + blu.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent { + opcode: ByteOpcode::LTU, + a1: 1, + a2: 0, + b: 31, + c: cols.addr_word[0].as_canonical_u32() as u8, + }); + } + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/memory/local.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/memory/local.rs index bf109d028..bb7c59350 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/memory/local.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/memory/local.rs @@ -3,11 +3,16 @@ use std::{ mem::size_of, }; -use crate::utils::pad_rows_fixed; -use itertools::Itertools; +use crate::utils::{next_power_of_two, zeroed_f_vec}; + use p3_air::{Air, BaseAir}; +use p3_field::AbstractField; use p3_field::PrimeField32; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; +use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::{ + IndexedParallelIterator, IntoParallelRefMutIterator, ParallelIterator, +}; +use sp1_core_executor::events::GlobalInteractionEvent; use sp1_core_executor::{ExecutionRecord, Program}; use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; use sp1_stark::{ @@ -16,12 +21,14 @@ use sp1_stark::{ }; pub const NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_ENTRIES_PER_ROW: usize = 4; - +// pub const NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_INTERACTIONS_PER_ROW: usize = NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_ENTRIES_PER_ROW * 2; pub(crate) const NUM_MEMORY_LOCAL_INIT_COLS: usize = size_of::>(); -#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Debug, Clone, Copy)] +// const_assert!(NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_ENTRIES_PER_ROW_EXEC == NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_ENTRIES_PER_ROW); + +#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] -struct SingleMemoryLocal { +pub struct SingleMemoryLocal { /// The address of the memory access. pub addr: T, @@ -47,9 +54,9 @@ struct SingleMemoryLocal { pub is_real: T, } -#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Debug, Clone, Copy)] +#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] -pub struct MemoryLocalCols { +pub struct MemoryLocalCols { memory_local_entries: [SingleMemoryLocal; NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_ENTRIES_PER_ROW], } @@ -68,6 +75,14 @@ impl BaseAir for MemoryLocalChip { } } +fn nb_rows(count: usize) -> usize { + if NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_ENTRIES_PER_ROW > 1 { + count.div_ceil(NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_ENTRIES_PER_ROW) + } else { + count + } +} + impl MachineAir for MemoryLocalChip { type Record = ExecutionRecord; @@ -77,48 +92,89 @@ impl MachineAir for MemoryLocalChip { "MemoryLocal".to_string() } - fn generate_dependencies(&self, _input: &ExecutionRecord, _output: &mut ExecutionRecord) { - // Do nothing since this chip has no dependencies. + fn generate_dependencies(&self, input: &Self::Record, output: &mut Self::Record) { + let mut events = Vec::new(); + + input.get_local_mem_events().for_each(|mem_event| { + events.push(GlobalInteractionEvent { + message: [ + mem_event.initial_mem_access.shard, + mem_event.initial_mem_access.timestamp, + mem_event.addr, + mem_event.initial_mem_access.value & 255, + (mem_event.initial_mem_access.value >> 8) & 255, + (mem_event.initial_mem_access.value >> 16) & 255, + (mem_event.initial_mem_access.value >> 24) & 255, + ], + is_receive: true, + kind: InteractionKind::Memory as u8, + }); + events.push(GlobalInteractionEvent { + message: [ + mem_event.final_mem_access.shard, + mem_event.final_mem_access.timestamp, + mem_event.addr, + mem_event.final_mem_access.value & 255, + (mem_event.final_mem_access.value >> 8) & 255, + (mem_event.final_mem_access.value >> 16) & 255, + (mem_event.final_mem_access.value >> 24) & 255, + ], + is_receive: false, + kind: InteractionKind::Memory as u8, + }); + }); + + output.global_interaction_events.extend(events); + } + + fn num_rows(&self, input: &Self::Record) -> Option { + let count = input.get_local_mem_events().count(); + let nb_rows = nb_rows(count); + let size_log2 = input.fixed_log2_rows::(self); + Some(next_power_of_two(nb_rows, size_log2)) } fn generate_trace( &self, - input: &ExecutionRecord, - _output: &mut ExecutionRecord, + input: &Self::Record, + _output: &mut Self::Record, ) -> RowMajorMatrix { - let mut rows = Vec::<[F; NUM_MEMORY_LOCAL_INIT_COLS]>::new(); - - for local_mem_events in - &input.get_local_mem_events().chunks(NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_ENTRIES_PER_ROW) - { - let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_MEMORY_LOCAL_INIT_COLS]; - let cols: &mut MemoryLocalCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); - - for (cols, event) in cols.memory_local_entries.iter_mut().zip(local_mem_events) { - cols.addr = F::from_canonical_u32(event.addr); - cols.initial_shard = F::from_canonical_u32(event.initial_mem_access.shard); - cols.final_shard = F::from_canonical_u32(event.final_mem_access.shard); - cols.initial_clk = F::from_canonical_u32(event.initial_mem_access.timestamp); - cols.final_clk = F::from_canonical_u32(event.final_mem_access.timestamp); - cols.initial_value = event.initial_mem_access.value.into(); - cols.final_value = event.final_mem_access.value.into(); - cols.is_real = F::one(); - } - - rows.push(row); - } - - // Pad the trace to a power of two depending on the proof shape in `input`. - pad_rows_fixed( - &mut rows, - || [F::zero(); NUM_MEMORY_LOCAL_INIT_COLS], - input.fixed_log2_rows::(self), - ); - - RowMajorMatrix::new( - rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), - NUM_MEMORY_LOCAL_INIT_COLS, - ) + // Generate the trace rows for each event. + let events = input.get_local_mem_events().collect::>(); + let nb_rows = nb_rows(events.len()); + let padded_nb_rows = >::num_rows(self, input).unwrap(); + let mut values = zeroed_f_vec(padded_nb_rows * NUM_MEMORY_LOCAL_INIT_COLS); + let chunk_size = std::cmp::max(nb_rows / num_cpus::get(), 0) + 1; + + let mut chunks = values[..nb_rows * NUM_MEMORY_LOCAL_INIT_COLS] + .chunks_mut(chunk_size * NUM_MEMORY_LOCAL_INIT_COLS) + .collect::>(); + + chunks.par_iter_mut().enumerate().for_each(|(i, rows)| { + rows.chunks_mut(NUM_MEMORY_LOCAL_INIT_COLS).enumerate().for_each(|(j, row)| { + let idx = (i * chunk_size + j) * NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_ENTRIES_PER_ROW; + + let cols: &mut MemoryLocalCols = row.borrow_mut(); + for k in 0..NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_ENTRIES_PER_ROW { + let cols = &mut cols.memory_local_entries[k]; + if idx + k < events.len() { + let event = &events[idx + k]; + cols.addr = F::from_canonical_u32(event.addr); + cols.initial_shard = F::from_canonical_u32(event.initial_mem_access.shard); + cols.final_shard = F::from_canonical_u32(event.final_mem_access.shard); + cols.initial_clk = + F::from_canonical_u32(event.initial_mem_access.timestamp); + cols.final_clk = F::from_canonical_u32(event.final_mem_access.timestamp); + cols.initial_value = event.initial_mem_access.value.into(); + cols.final_value = event.final_mem_access.value.into(); + cols.is_real = F::one(); + } + } + }); + }); + + // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. + RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_MEMORY_LOCAL_INIT_COLS) } fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { @@ -130,7 +186,7 @@ impl MachineAir for MemoryLocalChip { } fn commit_scope(&self) -> InteractionScope { - InteractionScope::Global + InteractionScope::Local } } @@ -144,56 +200,91 @@ where let local: &MemoryLocalCols = (*local).borrow(); for local in local.memory_local_entries.iter() { + // Constrain that `local.is_real` is boolean. + builder.assert_bool(local.is_real); + builder.assert_eq( local.is_real * local.is_real * local.is_real, local.is_real * local.is_real * local.is_real, ); - for scope in [InteractionScope::Global, InteractionScope::Local] { - let mut values = - vec![local.initial_shard.into(), local.initial_clk.into(), local.addr.into()]; - values.extend(local.initial_value.map(Into::into)); - builder.receive( - AirInteraction::new( - values.clone(), - local.is_real.into(), - InteractionKind::Memory, - ), - scope, - ); - - let mut values = - vec![local.final_shard.into(), local.final_clk.into(), local.addr.into()]; - values.extend(local.final_value.map(Into::into)); - builder.send( - AirInteraction::new( - values.clone(), - local.is_real.into(), - InteractionKind::Memory, - ), - scope, - ); - } + let mut values = + vec![local.initial_shard.into(), local.initial_clk.into(), local.addr.into()]; + values.extend(local.initial_value.map(Into::into)); + builder.receive( + AirInteraction::new(values.clone(), local.is_real.into(), InteractionKind::Memory), + InteractionScope::Local, + ); + + // Send the "receive interaction" to the global table. + builder.send( + AirInteraction::new( + vec![ + local.initial_shard.into(), + local.initial_clk.into(), + local.addr.into(), + local.initial_value[0].into(), + local.initial_value[1].into(), + local.initial_value[2].into(), + local.initial_value[3].into(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::one(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u8(InteractionKind::Memory as u8), + ], + local.is_real.into(), + InteractionKind::Global, + ), + InteractionScope::Local, + ); + + // Send the "send interaction" to the global table. + builder.send( + AirInteraction::new( + vec![ + local.final_shard.into(), + local.final_clk.into(), + local.addr.into(), + local.final_value[0].into(), + local.final_value[1].into(), + local.final_value[2].into(), + local.final_value[3].into(), + AB::Expr::one(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u8(InteractionKind::Memory as u8), + ], + local.is_real.into(), + InteractionKind::Global, + ), + InteractionScope::Local, + ); + + let mut values = + vec![local.final_shard.into(), local.final_clk.into(), local.addr.into()]; + values.extend(local.final_value.map(Into::into)); + builder.send( + AirInteraction::new(values.clone(), local.is_real.into(), InteractionKind::Memory), + InteractionScope::Local, + ); } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { + use crate::programs::tests::*; + use crate::{ + memory::MemoryLocalChip, riscv::RiscvAir, + syscall::precompiles::sha256::extend_tests::sha_extend_program, utils::setup_logger, + }; use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; - use sp1_core_executor::{programs::tests::simple_program, ExecutionRecord, Executor}; + use sp1_core_executor::{ExecutionRecord, Executor}; use sp1_stark::{ air::{InteractionScope, MachineAir}, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, debug_interactions_with_all_chips, InteractionKind, SP1CoreOpts, StarkMachine, }; - use crate::{ - memory::MemoryLocalChip, riscv::RiscvAir, - syscall::precompiles::sha256::extend_tests::sha_extend_program, utils::setup_logger, - }; - #[test] fn test_local_memory_generate_trace() { let program = simple_program(); @@ -223,14 +314,18 @@ mod tests { RiscvAir::machine(BabyBearPoseidon2::new()); let (pkey, _) = machine.setup(&program_clone); let opts = SP1CoreOpts::default(); - machine.generate_dependencies(&mut runtime.records, &opts, None); + machine.generate_dependencies( + &mut runtime.records.clone().into_iter().map(|r| *r).collect::>(), + &opts, + None, + ); let shards = runtime.records; for shard in shards.clone() { debug_interactions_with_all_chips::>( &machine, &pkey, - &[shard], + &[*shard], vec![InteractionKind::Memory], InteractionScope::Local, ); @@ -238,7 +333,7 @@ mod tests { debug_interactions_with_all_chips::>( &machine, &pkey, - &shards, + &shards.into_iter().map(|r| *r).collect::>(), vec![InteractionKind::Memory], InteractionScope::Global, ); @@ -254,14 +349,18 @@ mod tests { let machine = RiscvAir::machine(BabyBearPoseidon2::new()); let (pkey, _) = machine.setup(&program_clone); let opts = SP1CoreOpts::default(); - machine.generate_dependencies(&mut runtime.records, &opts, None); + machine.generate_dependencies( + &mut runtime.records.clone().into_iter().map(|r| *r).collect::>(), + &opts, + None, + ); let shards = runtime.records; for shard in shards.clone() { debug_interactions_with_all_chips::>( &machine, &pkey, - &[shard], + &[*shard], vec![InteractionKind::Memory], InteractionScope::Local, ); @@ -269,9 +368,102 @@ mod tests { debug_interactions_with_all_chips::>( &machine, &pkey, - &shards, + &shards.into_iter().map(|r| *r).collect::>(), vec![InteractionKind::Byte], InteractionScope::Global, ); } + + #[cfg(feature = "sys")] + fn get_test_execution_record() -> ExecutionRecord { + use p3_field::PrimeField32; + use rand::{thread_rng, Rng}; + use sp1_core_executor::events::{MemoryLocalEvent, MemoryRecord}; + + let cpu_local_memory_access = (0..=255) + .flat_map(|_| { + [{ + let addr = thread_rng().gen_range(0..BabyBear::ORDER_U32); + let init_value = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + let init_shard = thread_rng().gen_range(0..(1u32 << 16)); + let init_timestamp = thread_rng().gen_range(0..(1u32 << 24)); + let final_value = thread_rng().gen_range(0..u32::MAX); + let final_timestamp = thread_rng().gen_range(0..(1u32 << 24)); + let final_shard = thread_rng().gen_range(0..(1u32 << 16)); + MemoryLocalEvent { + addr, + initial_mem_access: MemoryRecord { + shard: init_shard, + timestamp: init_timestamp, + value: init_value, + }, + final_mem_access: MemoryRecord { + shard: final_shard, + timestamp: final_timestamp, + value: final_value, + }, + } + }] + }) + .collect::>(); + ExecutionRecord { cpu_local_memory_access, ..Default::default() } + } + + #[cfg(feature = "sys")] + #[test] + fn test_generate_trace_ffi_eq_rust() { + use p3_matrix::Matrix; + + let record = get_test_execution_record(); + let chip = MemoryLocalChip::new(); + let trace: RowMajorMatrix = + chip.generate_trace(&record, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); + let trace_ffi = generate_trace_ffi(&record, trace.height()); + + assert_eq!(trace_ffi, trace); + } + + #[cfg(feature = "sys")] + fn generate_trace_ffi(input: &ExecutionRecord, height: usize) -> RowMajorMatrix { + use std::borrow::BorrowMut; + + use rayon::iter::{IndexedParallelIterator, IntoParallelRefMutIterator, ParallelIterator}; + + use crate::{ + memory::{ + MemoryLocalCols, NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_ENTRIES_PER_ROW, NUM_MEMORY_LOCAL_INIT_COLS, + }, + utils::zeroed_f_vec, + }; + + type F = BabyBear; + // Generate the trace rows for each event. + let events = input.get_local_mem_events().collect::>(); + let nb_rows = (events.len() + 3) / 4; + let padded_nb_rows = height; + let mut values = zeroed_f_vec(padded_nb_rows * NUM_MEMORY_LOCAL_INIT_COLS); + let chunk_size = std::cmp::max(nb_rows / num_cpus::get(), 0) + 1; + + let mut chunks = values[..nb_rows * NUM_MEMORY_LOCAL_INIT_COLS] + .chunks_mut(chunk_size * NUM_MEMORY_LOCAL_INIT_COLS) + .collect::>(); + + chunks.par_iter_mut().enumerate().for_each(|(i, rows)| { + rows.chunks_mut(NUM_MEMORY_LOCAL_INIT_COLS).enumerate().for_each(|(j, row)| { + let idx = (i * chunk_size + j) * NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_ENTRIES_PER_ROW; + let cols: &mut MemoryLocalCols = row.borrow_mut(); + for k in 0..NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_ENTRIES_PER_ROW { + let cols = &mut cols.memory_local_entries[k]; + if idx + k < events.len() { + unsafe { + crate::sys::memory_local_event_to_row_babybear(events[idx + k], cols); + } + } + } + }); + }); + + // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. + RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_MEMORY_LOCAL_INIT_COLS) + } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/memory/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/memory/mod.rs index ba4a7a650..93f5c6c74 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/memory/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/memory/mod.rs @@ -1,15 +1,16 @@ -mod columns; +mod consistency; mod global; +mod instructions; mod local; mod program; -mod trace; -pub use columns::*; +pub use consistency::*; pub use global::*; +pub use instructions::*; pub use local::*; pub use program::*; -/// The type of memory chip that is being initialized. +/// The type of global/local memory chip that is being initialized. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum MemoryChipType { Initialize, diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/memory/program.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/memory/program.rs index 7b6866162..bca4339ad 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/memory/program.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/memory/program.rs @@ -4,9 +4,12 @@ use core::{ }; use itertools::Itertools; use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder, AirBuilderWithPublicValues, BaseAir, PairBuilder}; -use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField}; +use p3_field::AbstractField; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; +use p3_field::PrimeField32; +use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::{ParallelBridge, ParallelIterator}; +use sp1_core_executor::events::GlobalInteractionEvent; use sp1_core_executor::{ExecutionRecord, Program}; use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; use sp1_stark::{ @@ -17,7 +20,10 @@ use sp1_stark::{ InteractionKind, Word, }; -use crate::{operations::IsZeroOperation, utils::pad_rows_fixed}; +use crate::{ + operations::IsZeroOperation, + utils::{next_power_of_two, pad_rows_fixed, zeroed_f_vec}, +}; pub const NUM_MEMORY_PROGRAM_PREPROCESSED_COLS: usize = size_of::>(); @@ -33,9 +39,9 @@ pub struct MemoryProgramPreprocessedCols { } /// Multiplicity columns. -#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Clone, Copy, Default)] +#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] -pub struct MemoryProgramMultCols { +pub struct MemoryProgramMultCols { /// The multiplicity of the event. /// /// This column is technically redundant with `is_real`, but it's included for clarity. @@ -57,7 +63,7 @@ impl MemoryProgramChip { } } -impl MachineAir for MemoryProgramChip { +impl MachineAir for MemoryProgramChip { type Record = ExecutionRecord; type Program = Program; @@ -71,39 +77,59 @@ impl MachineAir for MemoryProgramChip { } fn generate_preprocessed_trace(&self, program: &Self::Program) -> Option> { - let program_memory = &program.memory_image; - // Note that BTreeMap is guaranteed to be sorted by key. This makes the row order - // deterministic. - let mut rows = program_memory - .iter() - .sorted() - .map(|(&addr, &word)| { - let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_MEMORY_PROGRAM_PREPROCESSED_COLS]; - let cols: &mut MemoryProgramPreprocessedCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); - cols.addr = F::from_canonical_u32(addr); - cols.value = Word::from(word); - cols.is_real = F::one(); - row - }) - .collect::>(); - - // Pad the trace to a power of two depending on the proof shape in `input`. - pad_rows_fixed( - &mut rows, - || [F::zero(); NUM_MEMORY_PROGRAM_PREPROCESSED_COLS], - program.fixed_log2_rows::(self), - ); + // Generate the trace rows for each event. + let nb_rows = program.memory_image.len(); + let size_log2 = program.fixed_log2_rows::(self); + let padded_nb_rows = next_power_of_two(nb_rows, size_log2); + let mut values = zeroed_f_vec(padded_nb_rows * NUM_MEMORY_PROGRAM_PREPROCESSED_COLS); + let chunk_size = std::cmp::max((nb_rows + 1) / num_cpus::get(), 1); + + let memory = program.memory_image.iter().sorted().collect::>(); + values + .chunks_mut(chunk_size * NUM_MEMORY_PROGRAM_PREPROCESSED_COLS) + .enumerate() + .par_bridge() + .for_each(|(i, rows)| { + rows.chunks_mut(NUM_MEMORY_PROGRAM_PREPROCESSED_COLS).enumerate().for_each( + |(j, row)| { + let idx = i * chunk_size + j; + + if idx < nb_rows { + let (addr, word) = memory[idx]; + let cols: &mut MemoryProgramPreprocessedCols = row.borrow_mut(); + cols.addr = F::from_canonical_u32(*addr); + cols.value = Word::from(*word); + cols.is_real = F::one(); + } + }, + ); + }); // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. - let trace = RowMajorMatrix::new( - rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), - NUM_MEMORY_PROGRAM_PREPROCESSED_COLS, - ); - Some(trace) + Some(RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_MEMORY_PROGRAM_PREPROCESSED_COLS)) } - fn generate_dependencies(&self, _input: &ExecutionRecord, _output: &mut ExecutionRecord) { - // Do nothing since this chip has no dependencies. + fn generate_dependencies(&self, input: &ExecutionRecord, output: &mut ExecutionRecord) { + let program_memory = &input.program.memory_image; + + let mut events = Vec::new(); + program_memory.iter().for_each(|(&addr, &word)| { + events.push(GlobalInteractionEvent { + message: [ + 0, + 0, + addr, + word & 255, + (word >> 8) & 255, + (word >> 16) & 255, + (word >> 24) & 255, + ], + is_receive: false, + kind: InteractionKind::Memory as u8, + }); + }); + + output.global_interaction_events.extend(events); } fn generate_trace( @@ -111,14 +137,15 @@ impl MachineAir for MemoryProgramChip { input: &ExecutionRecord, _output: &mut ExecutionRecord, ) -> RowMajorMatrix { - let program_memory_addrs = input.program.memory_image.keys().copied().sorted(); + let program_memory = &input.program.memory_image; - let mult = if input.public_values.shard == 1 { F::one() } else { F::zero() }; + let mult_bool = input.public_values.shard == 1; + let mult = F::from_bool(mult_bool); // Generate the trace rows for each event. - let mut rows = program_memory_addrs - .into_iter() - .map(|_| { + let mut rows = program_memory + .iter() + .map(|(&_, &_)| { let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_MEMORY_PROGRAM_MULT_COLS]; let cols: &mut MemoryProgramMultCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); cols.multiplicity = mult; @@ -135,7 +162,6 @@ impl MachineAir for MemoryProgramChip { ); // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. - RowMajorMatrix::new( rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), NUM_MEMORY_PROGRAM_MULT_COLS, @@ -143,11 +169,11 @@ impl MachineAir for MemoryProgramChip { } fn included(&self, _: &Self::Record) -> bool { - true + false } fn commit_scope(&self) -> InteractionScope { - InteractionScope::Global + InteractionScope::Local } } @@ -198,9 +224,26 @@ where let mut values = vec![AB::Expr::zero(), AB::Expr::zero(), prep_local.addr.into()]; values.extend(prep_local.value.map(Into::into)); + + // Send the interaction to the global table. builder.send( - AirInteraction::new(values, mult_local.multiplicity.into(), InteractionKind::Memory), - InteractionScope::Global, + AirInteraction::new( + vec![ + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + prep_local.addr.into(), + prep_local.value[0].into(), + prep_local.value[1].into(), + prep_local.value[2].into(), + prep_local.value[3].into(), + prep_local.is_real.into() * AB::Expr::zero(), + prep_local.is_real.into() * AB::Expr::one(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u8(InteractionKind::Memory as u8), + ], + prep_local.is_real.into(), + InteractionKind::Global, + ), + InteractionScope::Local, ); } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/add.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/add.rs index 1ba8eb127..428a6ca63 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/add.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/add.rs @@ -19,13 +19,7 @@ pub struct AddOperation { } impl AddOperation { - pub fn populate( - &mut self, - record: &mut impl ByteRecord, - shard: u32, - a_u32: u32, - b_u32: u32, - ) -> u32 { + pub fn populate(&mut self, record: &mut impl ByteRecord, a_u32: u32, b_u32: u32) -> u32 { let expected = a_u32.wrapping_add(b_u32); self.value = Word::from(expected); let a = a_u32.to_le_bytes(); @@ -51,9 +45,9 @@ impl AddOperation { // Range check { - record.add_u8_range_checks(shard, &a); - record.add_u8_range_checks(shard, &b); - record.add_u8_range_checks(shard, &expected.to_le_bytes()); + record.add_u8_range_checks(&a); + record.add_u8_range_checks(&b); + record.add_u8_range_checks(&expected.to_le_bytes()); } expected } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/add4.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/add4.rs index fc010e9ab..12d9b8b90 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/add4.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/add4.rs @@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ impl Add4Operation { pub fn populate( &mut self, record: &mut impl ByteRecord, - shard: u32, a_u32: u32, b_u32: u32, c_u32: u32, @@ -69,11 +68,11 @@ impl Add4Operation { // Range check. { - record.add_u8_range_checks(shard, &a); - record.add_u8_range_checks(shard, &b); - record.add_u8_range_checks(shard, &c); - record.add_u8_range_checks(shard, &d); - record.add_u8_range_checks(shard, &expected.to_le_bytes()); + record.add_u8_range_checks(&a); + record.add_u8_range_checks(&b); + record.add_u8_range_checks(&c); + record.add_u8_range_checks(&d); + record.add_u8_range_checks(&expected.to_le_bytes()); } expected } @@ -141,7 +140,7 @@ impl Add4Operation { for i in 0..WORD_SIZE { let mut overflow = a[i] + b[i] + c[i] + d[i] - cols.value[i]; if i > 0 { - overflow += cols.carry[i - 1].into(); + overflow = overflow.clone() + cols.carry[i - 1].into(); } builder_is_real.assert_eq(cols.carry[i] * base, overflow.clone()); } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/add5.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/add5.rs index dcd011f7f..6344045cf 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/add5.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/add5.rs @@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ impl Add5Operation { pub fn populate( &mut self, record: &mut impl ByteRecord, - shard: u32, a_u32: u32, b_u32: u32, c_u32: u32, @@ -77,12 +76,12 @@ impl Add5Operation { // Range check. { - record.add_u8_range_checks(shard, &a); - record.add_u8_range_checks(shard, &b); - record.add_u8_range_checks(shard, &c); - record.add_u8_range_checks(shard, &d); - record.add_u8_range_checks(shard, &e); - record.add_u8_range_checks(shard, &expected.to_le_bytes()); + record.add_u8_range_checks(&a); + record.add_u8_range_checks(&b); + record.add_u8_range_checks(&c); + record.add_u8_range_checks(&d); + record.add_u8_range_checks(&e); + record.add_u8_range_checks(&expected.to_le_bytes()); } expected @@ -147,12 +146,12 @@ impl Add5Operation { for i in 0..WORD_SIZE { let mut overflow: AB::Expr = AB::F::zero().into(); for word in words { - overflow += word[i].into(); + overflow = overflow.clone() + word[i].into(); } - overflow -= cols.value[i].into(); + overflow = overflow.clone() - cols.value[i].into(); if i > 0 { - overflow += cols.carry[i - 1].into(); + overflow = overflow.clone() + cols.carry[i - 1].into(); } builder_is_real.assert_eq(cols.carry[i] * base, overflow.clone()); } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/and.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/and.rs index 6f3dfd788..10fd6adbc 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/and.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/and.rs @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ pub struct AndOperation { } impl AndOperation { - pub fn populate(&mut self, record: &mut impl ByteRecord, shard: u32, x: u32, y: u32) -> u32 { + pub fn populate(&mut self, record: &mut impl ByteRecord, x: u32, y: u32) -> u32 { let expected = x & y; let x_bytes = x.to_le_bytes(); let y_bytes = y.to_le_bytes(); @@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ impl AndOperation { self.value[i] = F::from_canonical_u8(and); let byte_event = ByteLookupEvent { - shard, opcode: ByteOpcode::AND, a1: and as u16, a2: 0, diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/baby_bear_range.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/baby_bear_range.rs index 17674b649..e6c8bdde5 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/baby_bear_range.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/baby_bear_range.rs @@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ impl BabyBearBitDecomposition { let mut reconstructed_value = AB::Expr::zero(); for (i, bit) in cols.bits.iter().enumerate() { builder.when(is_real.clone()).assert_bool(*bit); - reconstructed_value += AB::Expr::from_wrapped_u32(1 << i) * *bit; + reconstructed_value = + reconstructed_value.clone() + AB::Expr::from_wrapped_u32(1 << i) * *bit; } // Assert that bits2num(bits) == value. diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/baby_bear_word.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/baby_bear_word.rs index 48e09b50c..e7a6b456a 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/baby_bear_word.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/baby_bear_word.rs @@ -1,85 +1,77 @@ -use std::array; - use p3_air::AirBuilder; -use p3_field::{AbstractField, Field}; +use p3_field::{AbstractField, Field, PrimeField32}; +use sp1_core_executor::{ + events::{ByteLookupEvent, ByteRecord}, + ByteOpcode, +}; use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; -use sp1_stark::{air::SP1AirBuilder, Word}; +use sp1_stark::{ + air::{BaseAirBuilder, SP1AirBuilder}, + Word, +}; -/// A set of columns needed to compute the add of two words. +/// A set of columns needed to range check a BabyBear word. #[derive(AlignedBorrow, Default, Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct BabyBearWordRangeChecker { - /// Most sig byte LE bit decomposition. - pub most_sig_byte_decomp: [T; 8], - - /// The product of the the bits 3 to 5 in `most_sig_byte_decomp`. - pub and_most_sig_byte_decomp_3_to_5: T, + /// Most sig byte is less than 120. + pub most_sig_byte_lt_120: T, +} - /// The product of the the bits 3 to 6 in `most_sig_byte_decomp`. - pub and_most_sig_byte_decomp_3_to_6: T, +impl BabyBearWordRangeChecker { + pub fn populate(&mut self, value: Word, record: &mut impl ByteRecord) { + let ms_byte_u8 = value[3].as_canonical_u32() as u8; + self.most_sig_byte_lt_120 = F::from_bool(ms_byte_u8 < 120); - /// The product of the the bits 3 to 7 in `most_sig_byte_decomp`. - pub and_most_sig_byte_decomp_3_to_7: T, + // Add the byte lookup for the range check bit. + record.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent { + opcode: ByteOpcode::LTU, + a1: if ms_byte_u8 < 120 { 1 } else { 0 }, + a2: 0, + b: ms_byte_u8, + c: 120, + }); + } } impl BabyBearWordRangeChecker { - pub fn populate(&mut self, value: u32) { - self.most_sig_byte_decomp = array::from_fn(|i| F::from_bool(value & (1 << (i + 24)) != 0)); - self.and_most_sig_byte_decomp_3_to_5 = - self.most_sig_byte_decomp[3] * self.most_sig_byte_decomp[4]; - self.and_most_sig_byte_decomp_3_to_6 = - self.and_most_sig_byte_decomp_3_to_5 * self.most_sig_byte_decomp[5]; - self.and_most_sig_byte_decomp_3_to_7 = - self.and_most_sig_byte_decomp_3_to_6 * self.most_sig_byte_decomp[6]; - } - pub fn range_check( builder: &mut AB, value: Word, cols: BabyBearWordRangeChecker, is_real: AB::Expr, ) { - let mut recomposed_byte = AB::Expr::zero(); - cols.most_sig_byte_decomp.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, value)| { - builder.when(is_real.clone()).assert_bool(*value); - recomposed_byte = - recomposed_byte.clone() + AB::Expr::from_canonical_usize(1 << i) * *value; - }); - - builder.when(is_real.clone()).assert_eq(recomposed_byte, value[3]); - // Range check that value is less than baby bear modulus. To do this, it is sufficient // to just do comparisons for the most significant byte. BabyBear's modulus is (in big // endian binary) 01111000_00000000_00000000_00000001. So we need to check the // following conditions: - // 1) if most_sig_byte > 01111000, then fail. + // 1) if most_sig_byte > 01111000 (or 120 in decimal), then fail. // 2) if most_sig_byte == 01111000, then value's lower sig bytes must all be 0. // 3) if most_sig_byte < 01111000, then pass. - builder.when(is_real.clone()).assert_zero(cols.most_sig_byte_decomp[7]); - // Compute the product of the "top bits". - builder.when(is_real.clone()).assert_eq( - cols.and_most_sig_byte_decomp_3_to_5, - cols.most_sig_byte_decomp[3] * cols.most_sig_byte_decomp[4], - ); - builder.when(is_real.clone()).assert_eq( - cols.and_most_sig_byte_decomp_3_to_6, - cols.and_most_sig_byte_decomp_3_to_5 * cols.most_sig_byte_decomp[5], - ); - builder.when(is_real.clone()).assert_eq( - cols.and_most_sig_byte_decomp_3_to_7, - cols.and_most_sig_byte_decomp_3_to_6 * cols.most_sig_byte_decomp[6], + let ms_byte = value[3]; + + // The range check bit is on if and only if the most significant byte of the word is < 120. + builder.send_byte( + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(ByteOpcode::LTU as u32), + cols.most_sig_byte_lt_120, + ms_byte, + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u8(120), + is_real.clone(), ); - let bottom_bits: AB::Expr = - cols.most_sig_byte_decomp[0..3].iter().map(|bit| (*bit).into()).sum(); - builder - .when(is_real.clone()) - .when(cols.and_most_sig_byte_decomp_3_to_7) - .assert_zero(bottom_bits); - builder - .when(is_real) - .when(cols.and_most_sig_byte_decomp_3_to_7) - .assert_zero(value[0] + value[1] + value[2]); + let mut is_real_builder = builder.when(is_real.clone()); + + // If the range check bit is off, the most significant byte is >=120, so to be a valid BabyBear + // word we need the most significant byte to be =120. + is_real_builder + .when_not(cols.most_sig_byte_lt_120) + .assert_eq(ms_byte, AB::Expr::from_canonical_u8(120)); + + // Moreover, if the most significant byte =120, then the 3 other bytes must all be zero.s + let mut assert_zero_builder = is_real_builder.when_not(cols.most_sig_byte_lt_120); + assert_zero_builder.assert_zero(value[0]); + assert_zero_builder.assert_zero(value[1]); + assert_zero_builder.assert_zero(value[2]); } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/field/field_den.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/field/field_den.rs index 3c61a08e1..a017af496 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/field/field_den.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/field/field_den.rs @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ use std::fmt::Debug; use num::BigUint; +use p3_air::AirBuilder; use p3_field::PrimeField32; use sp1_core_executor::events::ByteRecord; use sp1_curves::params::{FieldParameters, Limbs}; @@ -34,7 +35,6 @@ impl FieldDenCols { pub fn populate( &mut self, record: &mut impl ByteRecord, - shard: u32, a: &BigUint, b: &BigUint, sign: bool, @@ -82,10 +82,10 @@ impl FieldDenCols { self.witness_high = Limbs(p_witness_high.try_into().unwrap()); // Range checks - record.add_u8_range_checks_field(shard, &self.result.0); - record.add_u8_range_checks_field(shard, &self.carry.0); - record.add_u8_range_checks_field(shard, &self.witness_low.0); - record.add_u8_range_checks_field(shard, &self.witness_high.0); + record.add_u8_range_checks_field(&self.result.0); + record.add_u8_range_checks_field(&self.carry.0); + record.add_u8_range_checks_field(&self.witness_low.0); + record.add_u8_range_checks_field(&self.witness_high.0); result } @@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ where ) where V: Into, { - let p_a = Polynomial::from(*a); - let p_b = (*b).into(); - let p_result = self.result.into(); - let p_carry = self.carry.into(); + let p_a: Polynomial<::Expr> = (*a).into(); + let p_b: Polynomial<::Expr> = (*b).into(); + let p_result: Polynomial<::Expr> = self.result.into(); + let p_carry: Polynomial<::Expr> = self.carry.into(); // Compute the vanishing polynomial: // lhs(x) = sign * (b(x) * result(x) + result(x)) + (1 - sign) * (b(x) * result(x) + @@ -120,9 +120,11 @@ where let p_equation_rhs = if sign { p_a } else { p_result }; let p_lhs_minus_rhs = &p_equation_lhs - &p_equation_rhs; - let p_limbs = Polynomial::from_iter(P::modulus_field_iter::().map(AB::Expr::from)); + let p_limbs: Polynomial<::Expr> = + Polynomial::from_iter(P::modulus_field_iter::().map(AB::Expr::from)); - let p_vanishing = p_lhs_minus_rhs - &p_carry * &p_limbs; + let p_vanishing: Polynomial<::Expr> = + p_lhs_minus_rhs - &p_carry * &p_limbs; let p_witness_low = self.witness_low.0.iter().into(); let p_witness_high = self.witness_high.0.iter().into(); @@ -150,9 +152,10 @@ mod tests { StarkGenericConfig, }; + use crate::utils::uni_stark::{uni_stark_prove, uni_stark_verify}; + use super::{FieldDenCols, Limbs}; - use crate::utils::{uni_stark_prove as prove, uni_stark_verify as verify}; use core::{ borrow::{Borrow, BorrowMut}, mem::size_of, @@ -227,7 +230,7 @@ mod tests { let cols: &mut TestCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); cols.a = P::to_limbs_field::(a); cols.b = P::to_limbs_field::(b); - cols.a_den_b.populate(output, 0, a, b, self.sign); + cols.a_den_b.populate(output, a, b, self.sign); row }) .collect::>(); @@ -284,9 +287,9 @@ mod tests { // This it to test that the proof DOESN'T work if messed up. // let row = trace.row_mut(0); // row[0] = BabyBear::from_canonical_u8(0); - let proof = prove::(&config, &chip, &mut challenger, trace); + let proof = uni_stark_prove::(&config, &chip, &mut challenger, trace); let mut challenger = config.challenger(); - verify(&config, &chip, &mut challenger, &proof).unwrap(); + uni_stark_verify(&config, &chip, &mut challenger, &proof).unwrap(); } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/field/field_inner_product.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/field/field_inner_product.rs index 6d2e7cb1d..dec6e66d0 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/field/field_inner_product.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/field/field_inner_product.rs @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ use std::fmt::Debug; use num::{BigUint, Zero}; +use p3_air::AirBuilder; use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField32}; use sp1_core_executor::events::ByteRecord; use sp1_curves::params::{FieldParameters, Limbs}; @@ -33,7 +34,6 @@ impl FieldInnerProductCols { pub fn populate( &mut self, record: &mut impl ByteRecord, - shard: u32, a: &[BigUint], b: &[BigUint], ) -> BigUint { @@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ impl FieldInnerProductCols { self.witness_high = Limbs(p_witness_high.try_into().unwrap()); // Range checks - record.add_u8_range_checks_field(shard, &self.result.0); - record.add_u8_range_checks_field(shard, &self.carry.0); - record.add_u8_range_checks_field(shard, &self.witness_low.0); - record.add_u8_range_checks_field(shard, &self.witness_high.0); + record.add_u8_range_checks_field(&self.result.0); + record.add_u8_range_checks_field(&self.carry.0); + record.add_u8_range_checks_field(&self.witness_low.0); + record.add_u8_range_checks_field(&self.witness_high.0); result.clone() } @@ -93,16 +93,16 @@ where pub fn eval>( &self, builder: &mut AB, - a: &[Limbs], - b: &[Limbs], + a: &[impl Into> + Clone], + b: &[impl Into> + Clone], is_real: impl Into + Clone, ) where V: Into, { - let p_a_vec: Vec> = a.iter().map(|x| (*x).into()).collect(); - let p_b_vec: Vec> = b.iter().map(|x| (*x).into()).collect(); - let p_result = self.result.into(); - let p_carry = self.carry.into(); + let p_a_vec: Vec> = a.iter().cloned().map(|x| x.into()).collect(); + let p_b_vec: Vec> = b.iter().cloned().map(|x| x.into()).collect(); + let p_result: Polynomial<::Expr> = self.result.into(); + let p_carry: Polynomial<::Expr> = self.carry.into(); let p_zero = Polynomial::::new(vec![AB::Expr::zero()]); @@ -142,7 +142,10 @@ mod tests { use super::{FieldInnerProductCols, Limbs}; - use crate::utils::{pad_to_power_of_two, uni_stark_prove as prove, uni_stark_verify as verify}; + use crate::utils::{ + pad_to_power_of_two, + uni_stark::{uni_stark_prove, uni_stark_verify}, + }; use core::{ borrow::{Borrow, BorrowMut}, mem::size_of, @@ -213,7 +216,7 @@ mod tests { let cols: &mut TestCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); cols.a[0] = P::to_limbs_field::(&a[0]); cols.b[0] = P::to_limbs_field::(&b[0]); - cols.a_ip_b.populate(output, 1, a, b); + cols.a_ip_b.populate(output, a, b); row }) .collect::>(); @@ -270,9 +273,9 @@ mod tests { let chip: FieldIpChip = FieldIpChip::new(); let trace: RowMajorMatrix = chip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); - let proof = prove::(&config, &chip, &mut challenger, trace); + let proof = uni_stark_prove::(&config, &chip, &mut challenger, trace); let mut challenger = config.challenger(); - verify(&config, &chip, &mut challenger, &proof).unwrap(); + uni_stark_verify(&config, &chip, &mut challenger, &proof).unwrap(); } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/field/field_op.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/field/field_op.rs index 971b9f6f3..c9f65a087 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/field/field_op.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/field/field_op.rs @@ -36,12 +36,67 @@ use typenum::Unsigned; pub struct FieldOpCols { /// The result of `a op b`, where a, b are field elements pub result: Limbs, - pub(crate) carry: Limbs, + pub carry: Limbs, pub(crate) witness_low: Limbs, pub(crate) witness_high: Limbs, } impl FieldOpCols { + #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] + /// Populate result and carry columns from the equation (a*b + c) % modulus + pub fn populate_mul_and_carry( + &mut self, + record: &mut impl ByteRecord, + a: &BigUint, + b: &BigUint, + c: &BigUint, + modulus: &BigUint, + ) -> (BigUint, BigUint) { + let p_a: Polynomial = P::to_limbs_field::(a).into(); + let p_b: Polynomial = P::to_limbs_field::(b).into(); + let p_c: Polynomial = P::to_limbs_field::(c).into(); + + let mul_add = a * b + c; + let result = &mul_add % modulus; + let carry = (mul_add - &result) / modulus; + debug_assert!(&result < modulus); + debug_assert!(&carry < modulus); + debug_assert_eq!(&carry * modulus, a * b + c - &result); + + let p_modulus_limbs = + modulus.to_bytes_le().iter().map(|x| F::from_canonical_u8(*x)).collect::>(); + let p_modulus: Polynomial = p_modulus_limbs.iter().into(); + let p_result: Polynomial = P::to_limbs_field::(&result).into(); + let p_carry: Polynomial = P::to_limbs_field::(&carry).into(); + + let p_op = &p_a * &p_b + &p_c; + let p_vanishing = &p_op - &p_result - &p_carry * &p_modulus; + + let p_witness = compute_root_quotient_and_shift( + &p_vanishing, + P::WITNESS_OFFSET, + P::NB_BITS_PER_LIMB as u32, + P::NB_WITNESS_LIMBS, + ); + + let (mut p_witness_low, mut p_witness_high) = split_u16_limbs_to_u8_limbs(&p_witness); + + self.result = p_result.into(); + self.carry = p_carry.into(); + + p_witness_low.resize(P::Witness::USIZE, F::zero()); + p_witness_high.resize(P::Witness::USIZE, F::zero()); + self.witness_low = Limbs(p_witness_low.try_into().unwrap()); + self.witness_high = Limbs(p_witness_high.try_into().unwrap()); + + record.add_u8_range_checks_field(&self.result.0); + record.add_u8_range_checks_field(&self.carry.0); + record.add_u8_range_checks_field(&self.witness_low.0); + record.add_u8_range_checks_field(&self.witness_high.0); + + (result, carry) + } + pub fn populate_carry_and_witness( &mut self, a: &BigUint, @@ -106,15 +161,14 @@ impl FieldOpCols { pub fn populate_with_modulus( &mut self, record: &mut impl ByteRecord, - shard: u32, a: &BigUint, b: &BigUint, modulus: &BigUint, op: FieldOperation, ) -> BigUint { - if b == &BigUint::zero() && op == FieldOperation::Div { - // Division by 0 is allowed only when dividing 0 so that padded rows can be all 0. - assert_eq!(*a, BigUint::zero(), "division by zero is allowed only when dividing zero"); + if op == FieldOperation::Div { + assert_ne!(*b, BigUint::zero(), "division by zero is not allowed"); + assert_ne!(*b, *modulus, "division by zero is not allowed"); } let result = match op { @@ -163,10 +217,10 @@ impl FieldOpCols { }; // Range checks - record.add_u8_range_checks_field(shard, &self.result.0); - record.add_u8_range_checks_field(shard, &self.carry.0); - record.add_u8_range_checks_field(shard, &self.witness_low.0); - record.add_u8_range_checks_field(shard, &self.witness_high.0); + record.add_u8_range_checks_field(&self.result.0); + record.add_u8_range_checks_field(&self.carry.0); + record.add_u8_range_checks_field(&self.witness_low.0); + record.add_u8_range_checks_field(&self.witness_high.0); result } @@ -176,12 +230,11 @@ impl FieldOpCols { pub fn populate( &mut self, record: &mut impl ByteRecord, - shard: u32, a: &BigUint, b: &BigUint, op: FieldOperation, ) -> BigUint { - self.populate_with_modulus(record, shard, a, b, &P::modulus(), op) + self.populate_with_modulus(record, a, b, &P::modulus(), op) } } @@ -224,6 +277,29 @@ impl FieldOpCols { self.eval_with_polynomials(builder, p_op, modulus.clone(), p_result, is_real); } + #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] + pub fn eval_mul_and_carry>( + &self, + builder: &mut AB, + a: &(impl Into> + Clone), + b: &(impl Into> + Clone), + c: &(impl Into> + Clone), + modulus: &(impl Into> + Clone), + is_real: impl Into + Clone, + ) where + V: Into, + Limbs: Copy, + { + let p_a: Polynomial = (a).clone().into(); + let p_b: Polynomial = (b).clone().into(); + let p_c: Polynomial = (c).clone().into(); + + let p_result: Polynomial<_> = self.result.into(); + let p_op = p_a * p_b + p_c; + + self.eval_with_polynomials(builder, p_op, modulus.clone(), p_result, is_real); + } + #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn eval_with_modulus>( &self, @@ -311,7 +387,8 @@ mod tests { use super::{FieldOpCols, FieldOperation, Limbs}; - use crate::utils::{pad_to_power_of_two, uni_stark_prove as prove, uni_stark_verify as verify}; + use crate::utils::pad_to_power_of_two; + use crate::utils::uni_stark::{uni_stark_prove, uni_stark_verify}; use core::borrow::{Borrow, BorrowMut}; use num::bigint::RandBigInt; use p3_air::Air; @@ -363,7 +440,7 @@ mod tests { ) -> RowMajorMatrix { let mut rng = thread_rng(); let num_rows = 1 << 8; - let mut operands: Vec<(BigUint, BigUint)> = (0..num_rows - 5) + let mut operands: Vec<(BigUint, BigUint)> = (0..num_rows - 4) .map(|_| { let a = rng.gen_biguint(256) % &P::modulus(); let b = rng.gen_biguint(256) % &P::modulus(); @@ -371,10 +448,8 @@ mod tests { }) .collect(); - // Hardcoded edge cases. We purposely include 0 / 0. While mathematically, that is not - // allowed, we allow it in our implementation so padded rows can be all 0. + // Hardcoded edge cases. operands.extend(vec![ - (BigUint::from(0u32), BigUint::from(0u32)), (BigUint::from(0u32), BigUint::from(1u32)), (BigUint::from(1u32), BigUint::from(2u32)), (BigUint::from(4u32), BigUint::from(5u32)), @@ -389,7 +464,7 @@ mod tests { let cols: &mut TestCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); cols.a = P::to_limbs_field::(a); cols.b = P::to_limbs_field::(b); - cols.a_op_b.populate(&mut blu_events, 1, a, b, self.operation); + cols.a_op_b.populate(&mut blu_events, a, b, self.operation); output.add_byte_lookup_events(blu_events); row }) @@ -456,10 +531,11 @@ mod tests { let shard = ExecutionRecord::default(); let trace: RowMajorMatrix = chip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); - let proof = prove::(&config, &chip, &mut challenger, trace); + let proof = + uni_stark_prove::(&config, &chip, &mut challenger, trace); let mut challenger = config.challenger(); - verify(&config, &chip, &mut challenger, &proof).unwrap(); + uni_stark_verify(&config, &chip, &mut challenger, &proof).unwrap(); } } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/field/field_sqrt.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/field/field_sqrt.rs index dbe4e4806..c05cf72b6 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/field/field_sqrt.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/field/field_sqrt.rs @@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ impl FieldSqrtCols { pub fn populate( &mut self, record: &mut impl ByteRecord, - shard: u32, a: &BigUint, sqrt_fn: impl Fn(&BigUint) -> BigUint, ) -> BigUint { @@ -51,8 +50,7 @@ impl FieldSqrtCols { let sqrt = sqrt_fn(a); // Use FieldOpCols to compute result * result. - let sqrt_squared = - self.multiplication.populate(record, shard, &sqrt, &sqrt, FieldOperation::Mul); + let sqrt_squared = self.multiplication.populate(record, &sqrt, &sqrt, FieldOperation::Mul); // If the result is indeed the square root of a, then result * result = a. assert_eq!(sqrt_squared, a.clone()); @@ -62,13 +60,12 @@ impl FieldSqrtCols { self.multiplication.result = P::to_limbs_field::(&sqrt); // Populate the range columns. - self.range.populate(record, shard, &sqrt, &modulus); + self.range.populate(record, &sqrt, &modulus); let sqrt_bytes = P::to_limbs(&sqrt); self.lsb = F::from_canonical_u8(sqrt_bytes[0] & 1); let and_event = ByteLookupEvent { - shard, opcode: ByteOpcode::AND, a1: self.lsb.as_canonical_u32() as u16, a2: 0, @@ -79,7 +76,6 @@ impl FieldSqrtCols { // Add the byte range check for `sqrt`. record.add_u8_range_checks( - shard, self.multiplication .result .0 @@ -152,7 +148,10 @@ mod tests { use sp1_curves::params::{FieldParameters, Limbs}; use sp1_stark::air::{MachineAir, SP1AirBuilder}; - use crate::utils::{pad_to_power_of_two, uni_stark_prove as prove, uni_stark_verify as verify}; + use crate::utils::{ + pad_to_power_of_two, + uni_stark::{uni_stark_prove, uni_stark_verify}, + }; use core::{ borrow::{Borrow, BorrowMut}, mem::size_of, @@ -224,11 +223,7 @@ mod tests { let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_TEST_COLS]; let cols: &mut TestCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); cols.a = P::to_limbs_field::(a); - cols.sqrt.populate(&mut blu_events, 1, a, |p| { - ed25519_sqrt(p).expect( - "By now we should have validated the sqrt exists, this is a bug", - ) - }); + cols.sqrt.populate(&mut blu_events, a, |v| ed25519_sqrt(v).unwrap()); output.add_byte_lookup_events(blu_events); row }) @@ -287,9 +282,9 @@ mod tests { let shard = ExecutionRecord::default(); let trace: RowMajorMatrix = chip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); - let proof = prove::(&config, &chip, &mut challenger, trace); + let proof = uni_stark_prove::(&config, &chip, &mut challenger, trace); let mut challenger = config.challenger(); - verify(&config, &chip, &mut challenger, &proof).unwrap(); + uni_stark_verify(&config, &chip, &mut challenger, &proof).unwrap(); } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/field/range.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/field/range.rs index b7490c584..2f8040272 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/field/range.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/field/range.rs @@ -27,13 +27,7 @@ pub struct FieldLtCols { } impl FieldLtCols { - pub fn populate( - &mut self, - record: &mut impl ByteRecord, - shard: u32, - lhs: &BigUint, - rhs: &BigUint, - ) { + pub fn populate(&mut self, record: &mut impl ByteRecord, lhs: &BigUint, rhs: &BigUint) { assert!(lhs < rhs); let value_limbs = P::to_limbs(lhs); @@ -51,7 +45,6 @@ impl FieldLtCols { self.rhs_comparison_byte = F::from_canonical_u8(*modulus_byte); record.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent { opcode: ByteOpcode::LTU, - shard, a1: 1, a2: 0, b: *byte, @@ -98,7 +91,7 @@ impl FieldLtCols { // Assert that the flag is boolean. builder.when(is_real.clone()).assert_bool(flag); // Add the flag to the sum. - sum_flags += flag.into(); + sum_flags = sum_flags.clone() + flag.into(); } // Assert that the sum is equal to one. builder.when(is_real.clone()).assert_one(sum_flags); @@ -121,10 +114,10 @@ impl FieldLtCols { ) { // Once the byte flag was set to one, we turn off the quality check flag. // We can do this by calculating the sum of the flags since only `1` is set to `1`. - is_inequality_visited += flag.into(); + is_inequality_visited = is_inequality_visited.clone() + flag.into(); - lhs_comparison_byte += lhs_byte.clone() * flag; - rhs_comparison_byte += flag.into() * rhs_byte.clone(); + lhs_comparison_byte = lhs_comparison_byte.clone() + lhs_byte.clone() * flag; + rhs_comparison_byte = rhs_comparison_byte.clone() + flag.into() * rhs_byte.clone(); builder .when(is_real.clone()) diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/fixed_rotate_right.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/fixed_rotate_right.rs index 03a4454fd..d36840bf8 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/fixed_rotate_right.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/fixed_rotate_right.rs @@ -39,13 +39,7 @@ impl FixedRotateRightOperation { 1 << (8 - nb_bits_to_shift) } - pub fn populate( - &mut self, - record: &mut impl ByteRecord, - shard: u32, - input: u32, - rotation: usize, - ) -> u32 { + pub fn populate(&mut self, record: &mut impl ByteRecord, input: u32, rotation: usize) -> u32 { let input_bytes = input.to_le_bytes().map(F::from_canonical_u8); let expected = input.rotate_right(rotation as u32); @@ -72,14 +66,8 @@ impl FixedRotateRightOperation { let (shift, carry) = shr_carry(b, c); - let byte_event = ByteLookupEvent { - shard, - opcode: ByteOpcode::ShrCarry, - a1: shift as u16, - a2: carry, - b, - c, - }; + let byte_event = + ByteLookupEvent { opcode: ByteOpcode::ShrCarry, a1: shift as u16, a2: carry, b, c }; record.add_byte_lookup_event(byte_event); self.shift[i] = F::from_canonical_u8(shift); diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/fixed_shift_right.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/fixed_shift_right.rs index 50aa89620..a51e7bb7f 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/fixed_shift_right.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/fixed_shift_right.rs @@ -39,13 +39,7 @@ impl FixedShiftRightOperation { 1 << (8 - nb_bits_to_shift) } - pub fn populate( - &mut self, - record: &mut impl ByteRecord, - shard: u32, - input: u32, - rotation: usize, - ) -> u32 { + pub fn populate(&mut self, record: &mut impl ByteRecord, input: u32, rotation: usize) -> u32 { let input_bytes = input.to_le_bytes().map(F::from_canonical_u8); let expected = input >> rotation; @@ -71,14 +65,8 @@ impl FixedShiftRightOperation { let b = input_bytes_rotated[i].to_string().parse::().unwrap(); let c = nb_bits_to_shift as u8; let (shift, carry) = shr_carry(b, c); - let byte_event = ByteLookupEvent { - shard, - opcode: ByteOpcode::ShrCarry, - a1: shift as u16, - a2: carry, - b, - c, - }; + let byte_event = + ByteLookupEvent { opcode: ByteOpcode::ShrCarry, a1: shift as u16, a2: carry, b, c }; record.add_byte_lookup_event(byte_event); self.shift[i] = F::from_canonical_u8(shift); diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/global_accumulation.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/global_accumulation.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..612dd02f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/global_accumulation.rs @@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ +use crate::operations::GlobalInteractionOperation; +use p3_air::AirBuilder; +use p3_field::AbstractExtensionField; +use p3_field::AbstractField; +use p3_field::Field; +use p3_field::PrimeField32; +use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; +use sp1_stark::air::BaseAirBuilder; +use sp1_stark::air::SepticExtensionAirBuilder; +use sp1_stark::septic_curve::SepticCurveComplete; +use sp1_stark::{ + air::SP1AirBuilder, + septic_curve::SepticCurve, + septic_digest::SepticDigest, + septic_extension::{SepticBlock, SepticExtension}, +}; + +/// A set of columns needed to compute the global interaction elliptic curve digest. +/// It is critical that this struct is at the end of the main trace, as the permutation constraints will be dependent on this fact. +/// It is also critical the the cumulative sum is at the end of this struct, for the same reason. +#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Debug, Clone, Copy)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct GlobalAccumulationOperation { + pub initial_digest: [SepticBlock; 2], + pub sum_checker: [SepticBlock; N], + pub cumulative_sum: [[SepticBlock; 2]; N], +} + +impl Default for GlobalAccumulationOperation { + fn default() -> Self { + Self { + initial_digest: core::array::from_fn(|_| SepticBlock::::default()), + sum_checker: core::array::from_fn(|_| SepticBlock::::default()), + cumulative_sum: core::array::from_fn(|_| { + [SepticBlock::::default(), SepticBlock::::default()] + }), + } + } +} + +impl GlobalAccumulationOperation { + pub fn populate( + &mut self, + initial_digest: &mut SepticCurve, + global_interaction_cols: [GlobalInteractionOperation; N], + is_real: [F; N], + ) { + self.initial_digest[0] = SepticBlock::from(initial_digest.x.0); + self.initial_digest[1] = SepticBlock::from(initial_digest.y.0); + + for i in 0..N { + let point_cur = SepticCurve { + x: SepticExtension(global_interaction_cols[i].x_coordinate.0), + y: SepticExtension(global_interaction_cols[i].y_coordinate.0), + }; + assert!(is_real[i] == F::one() || is_real[i] == F::zero()); + let sum_point = if is_real[i] == F::one() { + point_cur.add_incomplete(*initial_digest) + } else { + *initial_digest + }; + let sum_checker = if is_real[i] == F::one() { + SepticExtension::::zero() + } else { + SepticCurve::::sum_checker_x(*initial_digest, point_cur, sum_point) + }; + self.sum_checker[i] = SepticBlock::from(sum_checker.0); + self.cumulative_sum[i][0] = SepticBlock::from(sum_point.x.0); + self.cumulative_sum[i][1] = SepticBlock::from(sum_point.y.0); + *initial_digest = sum_point; + } + } + + pub fn populate_dummy( + &mut self, + final_digest: SepticCurve, + final_sum_checker: SepticExtension, + ) { + self.initial_digest[0] = SepticBlock::from(final_digest.x.0); + self.initial_digest[1] = SepticBlock::from(final_digest.y.0); + for i in 0..N { + self.sum_checker[i] = SepticBlock::from(final_sum_checker.0); + self.cumulative_sum[i][0] = SepticBlock::from(final_digest.x.0); + self.cumulative_sum[i][1] = SepticBlock::from(final_digest.y.0); + } + } + + pub fn populate_real( + &mut self, + sums: &[SepticCurveComplete], + final_digest: SepticCurve, + final_sum_checker: SepticExtension, + ) { + let len = sums.len(); + let sums = sums.iter().map(|complete_point| complete_point.point()).collect::>(); + self.initial_digest[0] = SepticBlock::from(sums[0].x.0); + self.initial_digest[1] = SepticBlock::from(sums[0].y.0); + for i in 0..N { + if len >= i + 2 { + self.sum_checker[i] = SepticBlock([F::zero(); 7]); + self.cumulative_sum[i][0] = SepticBlock::from(sums[i + 1].x.0); + self.cumulative_sum[i][1] = SepticBlock::from(sums[i + 1].y.0); + } else { + self.sum_checker[i] = SepticBlock::from(final_sum_checker.0); + self.cumulative_sum[i][0] = SepticBlock::from(final_digest.x.0); + self.cumulative_sum[i][1] = SepticBlock::from(final_digest.y.0); + } + } + } +} + +impl GlobalAccumulationOperation { + pub fn eval_accumulation( + builder: &mut AB, + global_interaction_cols: [GlobalInteractionOperation; N], + local_is_real: [AB::Var; N], + next_is_real: [AB::Var; N], + local_accumulation: GlobalAccumulationOperation, + next_accumulation: GlobalAccumulationOperation, + ) { + // First, constrain the control flow regarding `is_real`. + // Constrain that all `is_real` values are boolean. + for i in 0..N { + builder.assert_bool(local_is_real[i]); + } + + // Constrain that `is_real = 0` implies the next `is_real` values are all zero. + for i in 0..N - 1 { + // `is_real[i] == 0` implies `is_real[i + 1] == 0`. + builder.when_not(local_is_real[i]).assert_zero(local_is_real[i + 1]); + } + + // Constrain that `is_real[N - 1] == 0` implies `next.is_real[0] == 0` + builder.when_transition().when_not(local_is_real[N - 1]).assert_zero(next_is_real[0]); + + // Next, constrain the accumulation. + let initial_digest = SepticCurve:: { + x: SepticExtension::::from_base_fn(|i| { + local_accumulation.initial_digest[0][i].into() + }), + y: SepticExtension::::from_base_fn(|i| { + local_accumulation.initial_digest[1][i].into() + }), + }; + + let ith_cumulative_sum = |idx: usize| SepticCurve:: { + x: SepticExtension::::from_base_fn(|i| { + local_accumulation.cumulative_sum[idx][0].0[i].into() + }), + y: SepticExtension::::from_base_fn(|i| { + local_accumulation.cumulative_sum[idx][1].0[i].into() + }), + }; + + let ith_point_to_add = |idx: usize| SepticCurve:: { + x: SepticExtension::::from_base_fn(|i| { + global_interaction_cols[idx].x_coordinate.0[i].into() + }), + y: SepticExtension::::from_base_fn(|i| { + global_interaction_cols[idx].y_coordinate.0[i].into() + }), + }; + + // Constrain that the first `initial_digest` is the zero digest. + let zero_digest = SepticDigest::::zero().0; + builder.when_first_row().assert_septic_ext_eq(initial_digest.x.clone(), zero_digest.x); + builder.when_first_row().assert_septic_ext_eq(initial_digest.y.clone(), zero_digest.y); + + // Constrain that when `is_real = 1`, addition is being carried out, and when `is_real = 0`, the sum remains the same. + for i in 0..N { + let current_sum = + if i == 0 { initial_digest.clone() } else { ith_cumulative_sum(i - 1) }; + let point_to_add = ith_point_to_add(i); + let next_sum = ith_cumulative_sum(i); + // If `local_is_real[i] == 1`, current_sum + point_to_add == next_sum must hold. + // To do this, constrain that `sum_checker_x` and `sum_checker_y` are both zero when `is_real == 1`. + let sum_checker_x = SepticCurve::::sum_checker_x( + current_sum.clone(), + point_to_add.clone(), + next_sum.clone(), + ); + let sum_checker_y = SepticCurve::::sum_checker_y( + current_sum.clone(), + point_to_add, + next_sum.clone(), + ); + let witnessed_sum_checker_x = SepticExtension::::from_base_fn(|idx| { + local_accumulation.sum_checker[i].0[idx].into() + }); + // Since `sum_checker_x` is degree 3, we constrain it to be equal to `witnessed_sum_checker_x` first. + builder.assert_septic_ext_eq(sum_checker_x, witnessed_sum_checker_x.clone()); + // Now we can constrain that when `local_is_real[i] == 1`, the two `sum_checker` values are both zero. + builder + .when(local_is_real[i]) + .assert_septic_ext_eq(witnessed_sum_checker_x, SepticExtension::::zero()); + builder + .when(local_is_real[i]) + .assert_septic_ext_eq(sum_checker_y, SepticExtension::::zero()); + + // If `is_real == 0`, current_sum == next_sum must hold. + builder + .when_not(local_is_real[i]) + .assert_septic_ext_eq(current_sum.x.clone(), next_sum.x.clone()); + builder.when_not(local_is_real[i]).assert_septic_ext_eq(current_sum.y, next_sum.y); + } + + // Constrain that the final digest is the next row's initial_digest. + let final_digest = ith_cumulative_sum(N - 1); + + let next_initial_digest = SepticCurve:: { + x: SepticExtension::::from_base_fn(|i| { + next_accumulation.initial_digest[0][i].into() + }), + y: SepticExtension::::from_base_fn(|i| { + next_accumulation.initial_digest[1][i].into() + }), + }; + + builder + .when_transition() + .assert_septic_ext_eq(final_digest.x.clone(), next_initial_digest.x.clone()); + builder.when_transition().assert_septic_ext_eq(final_digest.y, next_initial_digest.y); + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/global_interaction.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/global_interaction.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..aa84a052c --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/global_interaction.rs @@ -0,0 +1,208 @@ +use super::poseidon2::permutation::Poseidon2Cols; +use super::poseidon2::trace::populate_perm_deg3; +use super::poseidon2::Poseidon2Operation; +use super::poseidon2::{ + air::{eval_external_round, eval_internal_rounds}, + NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS, +}; +use p3_air::AirBuilder; +use p3_field::AbstractExtensionField; +use p3_field::AbstractField; +use p3_field::Field; +use p3_field::PrimeField32; +use sp1_core_executor::ByteOpcode; +use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; +use sp1_stark::{ + air::SP1AirBuilder, + septic_curve::{SepticCurve, CURVE_WITNESS_DUMMY_POINT_X, CURVE_WITNESS_DUMMY_POINT_Y}, + septic_extension::{SepticBlock, SepticExtension}, +}; + +/// A set of columns needed to compute the global interaction elliptic curve digest. +#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Clone, Copy)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct GlobalInteractionOperation { + pub offset_bits: [T; 8], + pub x_coordinate: SepticBlock, + pub y_coordinate: SepticBlock, + pub y6_bit_decomp: [T; 30], + pub range_check_witness: T, + pub permutation: Poseidon2Operation, +} + +impl GlobalInteractionOperation { + pub fn get_digest( + values: SepticBlock, + is_receive: bool, + kind: u8, + ) -> (SepticCurve, u8, [F; 16], [F; 16]) { + let x_start = SepticExtension::::from_base_fn(|i| F::from_canonical_u32(values.0[i])) + + SepticExtension::from_base(F::from_canonical_u32((kind as u32) << 16)); + let (point, offset, m_trial, m_hash) = SepticCurve::::lift_x(x_start); + if !is_receive { + return (point.neg(), offset, m_trial, m_hash); + } + (point, offset, m_trial, m_hash) + } + + pub fn populate( + &mut self, + values: SepticBlock, + is_receive: bool, + is_real: bool, + kind: u8, + ) { + if is_real { + let (point, offset, m_trial, m_hash) = Self::get_digest(values, is_receive, kind); + for i in 0..8 { + self.offset_bits[i] = F::from_canonical_u8((offset >> i) & 1); + } + self.x_coordinate = SepticBlock::::from(point.x.0); + self.y_coordinate = SepticBlock::::from(point.y.0); + let range_check_value = if is_receive { + point.y.0[6].as_canonical_u32() - 1 + } else { + point.y.0[6].as_canonical_u32() - (F::ORDER_U32 + 1) / 2 + }; + let mut top_4_bits = F::zero(); + for i in 0..30 { + self.y6_bit_decomp[i] = F::from_canonical_u32((range_check_value >> i) & 1); + if i >= 26 { + top_4_bits += self.y6_bit_decomp[i]; + } + } + top_4_bits -= F::from_canonical_u32(4); + self.range_check_witness = top_4_bits.inverse(); + self.permutation = populate_perm_deg3(m_trial, Some(m_hash)); + + assert_eq!(self.x_coordinate.0[0], self.permutation.permutation.perm_output()[0]); + } else { + self.populate_dummy(); + assert_eq!(self.x_coordinate.0[0], self.permutation.permutation.perm_output()[0]); + } + } + + pub fn populate_dummy(&mut self) { + for i in 0..8 { + self.offset_bits[i] = F::zero(); + } + self.x_coordinate = SepticBlock::::from_base_fn(|i| { + F::from_canonical_u32(CURVE_WITNESS_DUMMY_POINT_X[i]) + }); + self.y_coordinate = SepticBlock::::from_base_fn(|i| { + F::from_canonical_u32(CURVE_WITNESS_DUMMY_POINT_Y[i]) + }); + for i in 0..30 { + self.y6_bit_decomp[i] = F::zero(); + } + self.range_check_witness = F::zero(); + self.permutation = populate_perm_deg3([F::zero(); 16], None); + } +} + +impl GlobalInteractionOperation { + /// Constrain that the elliptic curve point for the global interaction is correctly derived. + pub fn eval_single_digest( + builder: &mut AB, + values: [AB::Expr; 7], + cols: GlobalInteractionOperation, + is_receive: AB::Expr, + is_send: AB::Expr, + is_real: AB::Var, + kind: AB::Var, + ) { + // Constrain that the `is_real` is boolean. + builder.assert_bool(is_real); + + // Compute the offset and range check each bits, ensuring that the offset is a byte. + let mut offset = AB::Expr::zero(); + for i in 0..8 { + builder.assert_bool(cols.offset_bits[i]); + offset = offset.clone() + cols.offset_bits[i] * AB::F::from_canonical_u32(1 << i); + } + + // Range check the first element in the message to be a u16 so that we can encode the interaction kind in the upper 8 bits. + builder.send_byte( + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u8(ByteOpcode::U16Range as u8), + values[0].clone(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + is_real, + ); + + // Turn the message into a hash input. Only the first 8 elements are non-zero, as the rate of the Poseidon2 hash is 8. + // Combining `values[0]` with `kind` is safe, as `values[0]` is range checked to be u16, and `kind` is known to be u8. + let m_trial = [ + values[0].clone() + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(1 << 16) * kind, + values[1].clone(), + values[2].clone(), + values[3].clone(), + values[4].clone(), + values[5].clone(), + values[6].clone(), + offset.clone(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + ]; + + // Constrain the input of the permutation to be the message. + for i in 0..16 { + builder.when(is_real).assert_eq( + cols.permutation.permutation.external_rounds_state()[0][i].into(), + m_trial[i].clone(), + ); + } + + // Constrain the permutation. + for r in 0..NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS { + eval_external_round(builder, &cols.permutation.permutation, r); + } + eval_internal_rounds(builder, &cols.permutation.permutation); + + // Constrain that when `is_real` is true, the x-coordinate is the hash of the message. + let m_hash = cols.permutation.permutation.perm_output(); + for i in 0..7 { + builder.when(is_real).assert_eq(cols.x_coordinate[i].into(), m_hash[i]); + } + let x = SepticExtension::::from_base_fn(|i| cols.x_coordinate[i].into()); + let y = SepticExtension::::from_base_fn(|i| cols.y_coordinate[i].into()); + + // Constrain that `(x, y)` is a valid point on the curve. + let y2 = y.square(); + let x3_2x_26z5 = SepticCurve::::curve_formula(x); + builder.assert_septic_ext_eq(y2, x3_2x_26z5); + + // Constrain that `0 <= y6_value < (p - 1) / 2 = 2^30 - 2^26`. + // Decompose `y6_value` into 30 bits, and then constrain that the top 4 bits cannot be all 1. + // To do this, check that the sum of the top 4 bits is not equal to 4, which can be done by providing an inverse. + let mut y6_value = AB::Expr::zero(); + let mut top_4_bits = AB::Expr::zero(); + for i in 0..30 { + builder.assert_bool(cols.y6_bit_decomp[i]); + y6_value = y6_value.clone() + cols.y6_bit_decomp[i] * AB::F::from_canonical_u32(1 << i); + if i >= 26 { + top_4_bits = top_4_bits.clone() + cols.y6_bit_decomp[i]; + } + } + // If `is_real` is true, check that `top_4_bits - 4` is non-zero, by checking `range_check_witness` is an inverse of it. + builder.when(is_real).assert_eq( + cols.range_check_witness * (top_4_bits - AB::Expr::from_canonical_u8(4)), + AB::Expr::one(), + ); + + // Constrain that y has correct sign. + // If it's a receive: `1 <= y_6 <= (p - 1) / 2`, so `0 <= y_6 - 1 = y6_value < (p - 1) / 2`. + // If it's a send: `(p + 1) / 2 <= y_6 <= p - 1`, so `0 <= y_6 - (p + 1) / 2 = y6_value < (p - 1) / 2`. + builder.when(is_receive).assert_eq(y.0[6].clone(), AB::Expr::one() + y6_value.clone()); + builder.when(is_send).assert_eq( + y.0[6].clone(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32((1 << 30) - (1 << 26) + 1) + y6_value.clone(), + ); + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/lt.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/lt.rs index 5d9f00098..f6aacbe5f 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/lt.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/lt.rs @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ pub struct AssertLtColsBytes { } impl AssertLtColsBytes { - pub fn populate(&mut self, record: &mut impl ByteRecord, shard: u32, a: &[u8], b: &[u8]) { + pub fn populate(&mut self, record: &mut impl ByteRecord, a: &[u8], b: &[u8]) { let mut byte_flags = vec![0u8; N]; for (a_byte, b_byte, flag) in @@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ impl AssertLtColsBytes { self.b_comparison_byte = F::from_canonical_u8(*b_byte); record.add_byte_lookup_event(ByteLookupEvent { opcode: ByteOpcode::LTU, - shard, a1: 1, a2: 0, b: *a_byte, @@ -81,7 +80,7 @@ impl AssertLtColsBytes { // Assert that the flag is boolean. builder.assert_bool(flag); // Add the flag to the sum. - sum_flags += flag.into(); + sum_flags = sum_flags.clone() + flag.into(); } // Assert that the sum is equal to one. builder.when(is_real.clone()).assert_one(sum_flags); @@ -104,10 +103,10 @@ impl AssertLtColsBytes { { // Once the byte flag was set to one, we turn off the quality check flag. // We can do this by calculating the sum of the flags since only `1` is set to `1`. - is_inequality_visited += flag.into(); + is_inequality_visited = is_inequality_visited.clone() + flag.into(); - first_lt_byte += a_byte.clone() * flag; - b_comparison_byte += b_byte.clone() * flag; + first_lt_byte = first_lt_byte.clone() + a_byte.clone() * flag; + b_comparison_byte = b_comparison_byte.clone() + b_byte.clone() * flag; builder .when_not(is_inequality_visited.clone()) @@ -189,7 +188,7 @@ impl AssertLtColsBits { // Assert that the flag is boolean. builder.assert_bool(flag); // Add the flag to the sum. - sum_flags += flag.into(); + sum_flags = sum_flags.clone() + flag.into(); } // Assert that the sum is equal to one. builder.when(is_real.clone()).assert_one(sum_flags); @@ -212,10 +211,10 @@ impl AssertLtColsBits { { // Once the bit flag was set to one, we turn off the quality check flag. // We can do this by calculating the sum of the flags since only `1` is set to `1`. - is_inequality_visited += flag.into(); + is_inequality_visited = is_inequality_visited.clone() + flag.into(); - a_comparison_bit += a_bit.clone() * flag; - b_comparison_bit += b_bit.clone() * flag; + a_comparison_bit = a_comparison_bit.clone() + a_bit.clone() * flag; + b_comparison_bit = b_comparison_bit.clone() + b_bit.clone() * flag; builder .when(is_real.clone()) diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/mod.rs index 394daf906..2bec27e83 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/mod.rs @@ -13,12 +13,15 @@ mod baby_bear_word; pub mod field; mod fixed_rotate_right; mod fixed_shift_right; +mod global_accumulation; +mod global_interaction; mod is_equal_word; mod is_zero; mod is_zero_word; mod lt; mod not; mod or; +pub mod poseidon2; mod xor; pub use add::*; @@ -29,6 +32,8 @@ pub use baby_bear_range::*; pub use baby_bear_word::*; pub use fixed_rotate_right::*; pub use fixed_shift_right::*; +pub use global_accumulation::*; +pub use global_interaction::*; pub use is_equal_word::*; pub use is_zero::*; pub use is_zero_word::*; diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/not.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/not.rs index e9d32e5ad..aa773c911 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/not.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/not.rs @@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ pub struct NotOperation { } impl NotOperation { - pub fn populate(&mut self, record: &mut impl ByteRecord, shard: u32, x: u32) -> u32 { + pub fn populate(&mut self, record: &mut impl ByteRecord, x: u32) -> u32 { let expected = !x; let x_bytes = x.to_le_bytes(); for i in 0..WORD_SIZE { self.value[i] = F::from_canonical_u8(!x_bytes[i]); } - record.add_u8_range_checks(shard, &x_bytes); + record.add_u8_range_checks(&x_bytes); expected } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/or.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/or.rs index 2eaa3aade..d86101506 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/or.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/or.rs @@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ pub struct OrOperation { } impl OrOperation { - pub fn populate(&mut self, record: &mut ExecutionRecord, shard: u32, x: u32, y: u32) -> u32 { + pub fn populate(&mut self, record: &mut ExecutionRecord, x: u32, y: u32) -> u32 { let expected = x | y; let x_bytes = x.to_le_bytes(); let y_bytes = y.to_le_bytes(); for i in 0..WORD_SIZE { self.value[i] = F::from_canonical_u8(x_bytes[i] | y_bytes[i]); - record.lookup_or(shard, x_bytes[i], y_bytes[i]); + record.lookup_or(x_bytes[i], y_bytes[i]); } expected } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/poseidon2/air.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/poseidon2/air.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4f76dffc5 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/poseidon2/air.rs @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +use std::array; + +use p3_air::PairBuilder; +use p3_baby_bear::{MONTY_INVERSE, POSEIDON2_INTERNAL_MATRIX_DIAG_16_BABYBEAR_MONTY}; +use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField32}; +use p3_poseidon2::matmul_internal; +use sp1_primitives::RC_16_30_U32; +use sp1_stark::air::MachineAirBuilder; + +use super::{permutation::Poseidon2Cols, NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS, NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS, WIDTH}; + +pub fn apply_m_4_mut(x: &mut [AF]) +where + AF: AbstractField, +{ + let t01 = x[0].clone() + x[1].clone(); + let t23 = x[2].clone() + x[3].clone(); + let t0123 = t01.clone() + t23.clone(); + let t01123 = t0123.clone() + x[1].clone(); + let t01233 = t0123.clone() + x[3].clone(); + x[3] = t01233.clone() + x[0].double(); + x[1] = t01123.clone() + x[2].double(); + x[0] = t01123 + t01; + x[2] = t01233 + t23; +} + +pub fn external_linear_layer_mut(state: &mut [AF; WIDTH]) { + for j in (0..WIDTH).step_by(4) { + apply_m_4_mut(&mut state[j..j + 4]); + } + let sums: [AF; 4] = + core::array::from_fn(|k| (0..WIDTH).step_by(4).map(|j| state[j + k].clone()).sum::()); + + for j in 0..WIDTH { + state[j] = state[j].clone() + sums[j % 4].clone(); + } +} + +pub fn external_linear_layer(state: &[AF; WIDTH]) -> [AF; WIDTH] { + let mut state = *state; + external_linear_layer_mut(&mut state); + state +} + +pub fn internal_linear_layer_mut(state: &mut [F; WIDTH]) { + let matmul_constants: [::F; WIDTH] = + POSEIDON2_INTERNAL_MATRIX_DIAG_16_BABYBEAR_MONTY + .iter() + .map(|x| ::F::from_wrapped_u32(x.as_canonical_u32())) + .collect::>() + .try_into() + .unwrap(); + matmul_internal(state, matmul_constants); + let monty_inverse = F::from_wrapped_u32(MONTY_INVERSE.as_canonical_u32()); + state.iter_mut().for_each(|i| *i = i.clone() * monty_inverse.clone()); +} + +/// Eval the constraints for the external rounds. +pub fn eval_external_round(builder: &mut AB, local_row: &dyn Poseidon2Cols, r: usize) +where + AB: MachineAirBuilder + PairBuilder, +{ + let mut local_state: [AB::Expr; WIDTH] = + array::from_fn(|i| local_row.external_rounds_state()[r][i].into()); + + // For the first round, apply the linear layer. + if r == 0 { + external_linear_layer_mut(&mut local_state); + } + + // Add the round constants. + let round = if r < NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2 { r } else { r + NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS }; + let add_rc: [AB::Expr; WIDTH] = array::from_fn(|i| { + local_state[i].clone() + AB::F::from_wrapped_u32(RC_16_30_U32[round][i]) + }); + + // Apply the sboxes. + // See `populate_external_round` for why we don't have columns for the sbox output here. + let mut sbox_deg_7: [AB::Expr; WIDTH] = core::array::from_fn(|_| AB::Expr::zero()); + let mut sbox_deg_3: [AB::Expr; WIDTH] = core::array::from_fn(|_| AB::Expr::zero()); + for i in 0..WIDTH { + let calculated_sbox_deg_3 = add_rc[i].clone() * add_rc[i].clone() * add_rc[i].clone(); + + if let Some(external_sbox) = local_row.external_rounds_sbox() { + builder.assert_eq(external_sbox[r][i].into(), calculated_sbox_deg_3); + sbox_deg_3[i] = external_sbox[r][i].into(); + } else { + sbox_deg_3[i] = calculated_sbox_deg_3; + } + + sbox_deg_7[i] = sbox_deg_3[i].clone() * sbox_deg_3[i].clone() * add_rc[i].clone(); + } + + // Apply the linear layer. + let mut state = sbox_deg_7; + external_linear_layer_mut(&mut state); + + let next_state = if r == (NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2) - 1 { + local_row.internal_rounds_state() + } else if r == NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1 { + local_row.perm_output() + } else { + &local_row.external_rounds_state()[r + 1] + }; + + for i in 0..WIDTH { + builder.assert_eq(next_state[i], state[i].clone()); + } +} + +/// Eval the constraints for the internal rounds. +pub fn eval_internal_rounds(builder: &mut AB, local_row: &dyn Poseidon2Cols) +where + AB: MachineAirBuilder + PairBuilder, +{ + let state = &local_row.internal_rounds_state(); + let s0 = local_row.internal_rounds_s0(); + let mut state: [AB::Expr; WIDTH] = core::array::from_fn(|i| state[i].into()); + for r in 0..NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS { + // Add the round constant. + let round = r + NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2; + let add_rc = if r == 0 { state[0].clone() } else { s0[r - 1].into() } + + AB::Expr::from_wrapped_u32(RC_16_30_U32[round][0]); + + let mut sbox_deg_3 = add_rc.clone() * add_rc.clone() * add_rc.clone(); + if let Some(internal_sbox) = local_row.internal_rounds_sbox() { + builder.assert_eq(internal_sbox[r], sbox_deg_3); + sbox_deg_3 = internal_sbox[r].into(); + } + + // See `populate_internal_rounds` for why we don't have columns for the sbox output + // here. + let sbox_deg_7 = sbox_deg_3.clone() * sbox_deg_3.clone() * add_rc.clone(); + + // Apply the linear layer. + // See `populate_internal_rounds` for why we don't have columns for the new state here. + state[0] = sbox_deg_7.clone(); + internal_linear_layer_mut(&mut state); + + if r < NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1 { + builder.assert_eq(s0[r], state[0].clone()); + } + } + + let external_state = local_row.external_rounds_state()[NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2]; + for i in 0..WIDTH { + builder.assert_eq(external_state[i], state[i].clone()) + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/poseidon2/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/poseidon2/mod.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..35a69ff26 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/poseidon2/mod.rs @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +use permutation::Poseidon2Degree3Cols; +use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; + +pub mod air; +pub mod permutation; +pub mod trace; + +/// The width of the permutation. +pub const WIDTH: usize = 16; + +/// The rate of the permutation. +pub const RATE: usize = WIDTH / 2; + +/// The number of external rounds. +pub const NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS: usize = 8; + +/// The number of internal rounds. +pub const NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS: usize = 13; + +/// The total number of rounds. +pub const NUM_ROUNDS: usize = NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS + NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS; + +/// The number of columns in the Poseidon2 operation. +pub const NUM_POSEIDON2_OPERATION_COLUMNS: usize = std::mem::size_of::>(); + +/// A set of columns needed to compute the Poseidon2 operation. +#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Clone, Copy)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct Poseidon2Operation { + /// The permutation. + pub permutation: Poseidon2Degree3Cols, +} diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_wide/columns/permutation.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/poseidon2/permutation.rs similarity index 60% rename from crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_wide/columns/permutation.rs rename to crates/core/machine/src/operations/poseidon2/permutation.rs index 45fc461e2..330431cff 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_wide/columns/permutation.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/poseidon2/permutation.rs @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +use std::mem::transmute; use std::{ borrow::{Borrow, BorrowMut}, mem::size_of, @@ -5,36 +6,74 @@ use std::{ use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; -use crate::chips::poseidon2_wide::{NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS, NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS, WIDTH}; +use crate::operations::poseidon2::{NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS, NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS, WIDTH}; +use crate::utils::indices_arr; -use super::{POSEIDON2_DEGREE3_COL_MAP, POSEIDON2_DEGREE9_COL_MAP}; +/// A column map for a Poseidon2 AIR with degree 3 constraints. +pub const POSEIDON2_DEGREE3_COL_MAP: Poseidon2Degree3Cols = make_col_map_degree3(); -pub const fn max(a: usize, b: usize) -> usize { - if a > b { - a - } else { - b +/// A column map for a Poseidon2 AIR with degree 9 constraints. +pub const POSEIDON2_DEGREE9_COL_MAP: Poseidon2Degree9Cols = make_col_map_degree9(); + +/// The number of columns in a Poseidon2 AIR with degree 3 constraints. +pub const NUM_POSEIDON2_DEGREE3_COLS: usize = size_of::>(); + +/// The number of columns in a Poseidon2 AIR with degree 9 constraints. +pub const NUM_POSEIDON2_DEGREE9_COLS: usize = size_of::>(); + +/// Create a column map for [`Poseidon2Degree3`]. +const fn make_col_map_degree3() -> Poseidon2Degree3Cols { + let indices_arr = indices_arr::(); + unsafe { + transmute::<[usize; NUM_POSEIDON2_DEGREE3_COLS], Poseidon2Degree3Cols>(indices_arr) + } +} + +/// Create a column map for [`Poseidon2Degree9`]. +const fn make_col_map_degree9() -> Poseidon2Degree9Cols { + let indices_arr = indices_arr::(); + unsafe { + transmute::<[usize; NUM_POSEIDON2_DEGREE9_COLS], Poseidon2Degree9Cols>(indices_arr) } } +/// A column layout for a poseidon2 permutation with degree 3 constraints. +#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Clone, Copy)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct Poseidon2Degree3Cols { + pub state: Poseidon2StateCols, + pub sbox_state: Poseidon2SBoxCols, +} + +/// A column layout for a poseidon2 permutation with degree 9 constraints. +#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Clone, Copy)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct Poseidon2Degree9Cols { + pub state: Poseidon2StateCols, +} + +pub const GHOST: usize = NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1; + +/// A column layout for the intermediate states of a Poseidon2 AIR across all rounds. #[derive(AlignedBorrow, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] -pub struct PermutationState { +pub struct Poseidon2StateCols { pub external_rounds_state: [[T; WIDTH]; NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS], pub internal_rounds_state: [T; WIDTH], - pub internal_rounds_s0: [T; NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1], + pub internal_rounds_s0: [T; GHOST], pub output_state: [T; WIDTH], } +/// A column layout for the intermediate S-box states of a Poseidon2 AIR across all rounds. #[derive(AlignedBorrow, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] -pub struct PermutationSBoxState { +pub struct Poseidon2SBoxCols { pub external_rounds_sbox_state: [[T; WIDTH]; NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS], pub internal_rounds_sbox_state: [T; NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS], } /// Trait that describes getter functions for the permutation columns. -pub trait Poseidon2 { +pub trait Poseidon2Cols { fn external_rounds_state(&self) -> &[[T; WIDTH]]; fn internal_rounds_state(&self) -> &[T; WIDTH]; @@ -46,10 +85,7 @@ pub trait Poseidon2 { fn internal_rounds_sbox(&self) -> Option<&[T; NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS]>; fn perm_output(&self) -> &[T; WIDTH]; -} -/// Trait that describes setter functions for the permutation columns. -pub trait Poseidon2Mut { #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] fn get_cols_mut( &mut self, @@ -63,15 +99,7 @@ pub trait Poseidon2Mut { ); } -/// Permutation columns struct with S-boxes. -#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Clone, Copy)] -#[repr(C)] -pub struct PermutationSBox { - pub state: PermutationState, - pub sbox_state: PermutationSBoxState, -} - -impl Poseidon2 for PermutationSBox { +impl Poseidon2Cols for Poseidon2Degree3Cols { fn external_rounds_state(&self) -> &[[T; WIDTH]] { &self.state.external_rounds_state } @@ -95,9 +123,7 @@ impl Poseidon2 for PermutationSBox { fn perm_output(&self) -> &[T; WIDTH] { &self.state.output_state } -} -impl Poseidon2Mut for PermutationSBox { fn get_cols_mut( &mut self, ) -> ( @@ -119,14 +145,7 @@ impl Poseidon2Mut for PermutationSBox { } } -/// Permutation columns struct without S-boxes. -#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Clone, Copy)] -#[repr(C)] -pub struct PermutationNoSbox { - pub state: PermutationState, -} - -impl Poseidon2 for PermutationNoSbox { +impl Poseidon2Cols for Poseidon2Degree9Cols { fn external_rounds_state(&self) -> &[[T; WIDTH]] { &self.state.external_rounds_state } @@ -150,9 +169,7 @@ impl Poseidon2 for PermutationNoSbox { fn perm_output(&self) -> &[T; WIDTH] { &self.state.output_state } -} -impl Poseidon2Mut for PermutationNoSbox { fn get_cols_mut( &mut self, ) -> ( @@ -174,47 +191,46 @@ impl Poseidon2Mut for PermutationNoSbox { } } -/// Permutation columns struct without S-boxes and half of the external rounds. -/// In the past, all external rounds were stored in one row, so this was a distinct struct, but -/// now the structs don't track the number of external rounds. -pub type PermutationNoSboxHalfExternal = PermutationNoSbox; - +/// Convert a row to a mutable [`Poseidon2Cols`] instance. pub fn permutation_mut<'a, 'b: 'a, T, const DEGREE: usize>( row: &'b mut [T], -) -> Box<&mut (dyn Poseidon2Mut + 'a)> +) -> Box<&'b mut (dyn Poseidon2Cols + 'a)> where T: Copy, { if DEGREE == 3 { let start = POSEIDON2_DEGREE3_COL_MAP.state.external_rounds_state[0][0]; - let end = start + size_of::>(); - let convert: &mut PermutationSBox = row[start..end].borrow_mut(); + let end = start + size_of::>(); + let convert: &mut Poseidon2Degree3Cols = row[start..end].borrow_mut(); Box::new(convert) } else if DEGREE == 9 || DEGREE == 17 { let start = POSEIDON2_DEGREE9_COL_MAP.state.external_rounds_state[0][0]; - let end = start + size_of::>(); + let end = start + size_of::>(); - let convert: &mut PermutationNoSbox = row[start..end].borrow_mut(); + let convert: &mut Poseidon2Degree9Cols = row[start..end].borrow_mut(); Box::new(convert) } else { panic!("Unsupported degree"); } } -pub fn permutation<'a, 'b: 'a, T, const DEGREE: usize>(row: &'b [T]) -> Box + 'a> +/// Convert a row to an immutable [`Poseidon2Cols`] instance. +pub fn permutation<'a, 'b: 'a, T, const DEGREE: usize>( + row: &'b [T], +) -> Box + 'a> where T: Copy, { if DEGREE == 3 { let start = POSEIDON2_DEGREE3_COL_MAP.state.external_rounds_state[0][0]; - let end = start + size_of::>(); - let convert: PermutationSBox = *row[start..end].borrow(); + let end = start + size_of::>(); + let convert: Poseidon2Degree3Cols = *row[start..end].borrow(); Box::new(convert) } else if DEGREE == 9 || DEGREE == 17 { let start = POSEIDON2_DEGREE9_COL_MAP.state.external_rounds_state[0][0]; - let end = start + size_of::>(); + let end = start + size_of::>(); - let convert: PermutationNoSbox = *row[start..end].borrow(); + let convert: Poseidon2Degree9Cols = *row[start..end].borrow(); Box::new(convert) } else { panic!("Unsupported degree"); diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/poseidon2/trace.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/poseidon2/trace.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..079f1e64f --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/poseidon2/trace.rs @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +use std::borrow::Borrow; + +use p3_field::PrimeField32; +use sp1_primitives::RC_16_30_U32; + +use super::{ + air::{external_linear_layer, external_linear_layer_mut, internal_linear_layer_mut}, + permutation::permutation_mut, + Poseidon2Operation, NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS, NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS, NUM_POSEIDON2_OPERATION_COLUMNS, + WIDTH, +}; + +pub fn populate_perm_deg3( + input: [F; WIDTH], + expected_output: Option<[F; WIDTH]>, +) -> Poseidon2Operation { + let mut row: Vec = vec![F::zero(); NUM_POSEIDON2_OPERATION_COLUMNS]; + populate_perm::(input, expected_output, row.as_mut_slice()); + let op: &Poseidon2Operation = row.as_slice().borrow(); + *op +} + +pub fn populate_perm( + input: [F; WIDTH], + expected_output: Option<[F; WIDTH]>, + input_row: &mut [F], +) { + { + let permutation = permutation_mut::(input_row); + + let ( + external_rounds_state, + internal_rounds_state, + internal_rounds_s0, + mut external_sbox, + mut internal_sbox, + output_state, + ) = permutation.get_cols_mut(); + + external_rounds_state[0] = input; + + // Apply the first half of external rounds. + for r in 0..NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2 { + let next_state = + populate_external_round::(external_rounds_state, &mut external_sbox, r); + if r == NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2 - 1 { + *internal_rounds_state = next_state; + } else { + external_rounds_state[r + 1] = next_state; + } + } + + // Apply the internal rounds. + external_rounds_state[NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2] = + populate_internal_rounds(internal_rounds_state, internal_rounds_s0, &mut internal_sbox); + + // Apply the second half of external rounds. + for r in NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2..NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS { + let next_state = + populate_external_round::(external_rounds_state, &mut external_sbox, r); + if r == NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1 { + for i in 0..WIDTH { + output_state[i] = next_state[i]; + if let Some(expected_output) = expected_output { + assert_eq!(expected_output[i], next_state[i]); + } + } + } else { + external_rounds_state[r + 1] = next_state; + } + } + } +} + +pub fn populate_external_round( + external_rounds_state: &[[F; WIDTH]], + sbox: &mut Option<&mut [[F; WIDTH]; NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS]>, + r: usize, +) -> [F; WIDTH] { + let mut state = { + // For the first round, apply the linear layer. + let round_state: &[F; WIDTH] = if r == 0 { + &external_linear_layer(&external_rounds_state[r]) + } else { + &external_rounds_state[r] + }; + + // Add round constants. + // + // Optimization: Since adding a constant is a degree 1 operation, we can avoid adding + // columns for it, and instead include it in the constraint for the x^3 part of the + // sbox. + let round = if r < NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2 { r } else { r + NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS }; + let mut add_rc = *round_state; + for i in 0..WIDTH { + add_rc[i] += F::from_wrapped_u32(RC_16_30_U32[round][i]); + } + + // Apply the sboxes. + // Optimization: since the linear layer that comes after the sbox is degree 1, we can + // avoid adding columns for the result of the sbox, and instead include the x^3 -> x^7 + // part of the sbox in the constraint for the linear layer + let mut sbox_deg_7: [F; 16] = [F::zero(); WIDTH]; + let mut sbox_deg_3: [F; 16] = [F::zero(); WIDTH]; + for i in 0..WIDTH { + sbox_deg_3[i] = add_rc[i] * add_rc[i] * add_rc[i]; + sbox_deg_7[i] = sbox_deg_3[i] * sbox_deg_3[i] * add_rc[i]; + } + + if let Some(sbox) = sbox.as_deref_mut() { + sbox[r] = sbox_deg_3; + } + + sbox_deg_7 + }; + + // Apply the linear layer. + external_linear_layer_mut(&mut state); + state +} + +pub fn populate_internal_rounds( + internal_rounds_state: &[F; WIDTH], + internal_rounds_s0: &mut [F; NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1], + sbox: &mut Option<&mut [F; NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS]>, +) -> [F; WIDTH] { + let mut state: [F; WIDTH] = *internal_rounds_state; + let mut sbox_deg_3: [F; NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS] = [F::zero(); NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS]; + for r in 0..NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS { + // Add the round constant to the 0th state element. + // Optimization: Since adding a constant is a degree 1 operation, we can avoid adding + // columns for it, just like for external rounds. + let round = r + NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2; + let add_rc = state[0] + F::from_wrapped_u32(RC_16_30_U32[round][0]); + + // Apply the sboxes. + // Optimization: since the linear layer that comes after the sbox is degree 1, we can + // avoid adding columns for the result of the sbox, just like for external rounds. + sbox_deg_3[r] = add_rc * add_rc * add_rc; + let sbox_deg_7 = sbox_deg_3[r] * sbox_deg_3[r] * add_rc; + + // Apply the linear layer. + state[0] = sbox_deg_7; + internal_linear_layer_mut(&mut state); + + // Optimization: since we're only applying the sbox to the 0th state element, we only + // need to have columns for the 0th state element at every step. This is because the + // linear layer is degree 1, so all state elements at the end can be expressed as a + // degree-3 polynomial of the state at the beginning of the internal rounds and the 0th + // state element at rounds prior to the current round + if r < NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1 { + internal_rounds_s0[r] = state[0]; + } + } + + let ret_state = state; + + if let Some(sbox) = sbox.as_deref_mut() { + *sbox = sbox_deg_3; + } + + ret_state +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/xor.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/xor.rs index c69113988..de74f4ccd 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/operations/xor.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/operations/xor.rs @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ pub struct XorOperation { } impl XorOperation { - pub fn populate(&mut self, record: &mut impl ByteRecord, shard: u32, x: u32, y: u32) -> u32 { + pub fn populate(&mut self, record: &mut impl ByteRecord, x: u32, y: u32) -> u32 { let expected = x ^ y; let x_bytes = x.to_le_bytes(); let y_bytes = y.to_le_bytes(); @@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ impl XorOperation { self.value[i] = F::from_canonical_u8(xor); let byte_event = ByteLookupEvent { - shard, opcode: ByteOpcode::XOR, a1: xor as u16, a2: 0, diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/program/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/program/mod.rs index 39dfb6a76..89df6b244 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/program/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/program/mod.rs @@ -4,15 +4,19 @@ use core::{ }; use std::collections::HashMap; -use crate::{air::ProgramAirBuilder, utils::pad_rows_fixed}; +use crate::{ + air::ProgramAirBuilder, + utils::{next_power_of_two, pad_rows_fixed, zeroed_f_vec}, +}; use p3_air::{Air, BaseAir, PairBuilder}; -use p3_field::PrimeField; +use p3_field::PrimeField32; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; +use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::{ParallelBridge, ParallelIterator}; use sp1_core_executor::{ExecutionRecord, Program}; use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; use sp1_stark::air::{MachineAir, SP1AirBuilder}; -use crate::cpu::columns::{InstructionCols, OpcodeSelectorCols}; +use crate::cpu::columns::InstructionCols; /// The number of preprocessed program columns. pub const NUM_PROGRAM_PREPROCESSED_COLS: usize = size_of::>(); @@ -26,14 +30,12 @@ pub const NUM_PROGRAM_MULT_COLS: usize = size_of::>( pub struct ProgramPreprocessedCols { pub pc: T, pub instruction: InstructionCols, - pub selectors: OpcodeSelectorCols, } /// The column layout for the chip. #[derive(AlignedBorrow, Clone, Copy, Default)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ProgramMultiplicityCols { - pub shard: T, pub multiplicity: T, } @@ -47,7 +49,7 @@ impl ProgramChip { } } -impl MachineAir for ProgramChip { +impl MachineAir for ProgramChip { type Record = ExecutionRecord; type Program = Program; @@ -65,36 +67,33 @@ impl MachineAir for ProgramChip { !program.instructions.is_empty() || program.preprocessed_shape.is_some(), "empty program" ); - let mut rows = program - .instructions - .iter() + // Generate the trace rows for each event. + let nb_rows = program.instructions.len(); + let size_log2 = program.fixed_log2_rows::(self); + let padded_nb_rows = next_power_of_two(nb_rows, size_log2); + let mut values = zeroed_f_vec(padded_nb_rows * NUM_PROGRAM_PREPROCESSED_COLS); + let chunk_size = std::cmp::max((nb_rows + 1) / num_cpus::get(), 1); + + values + .chunks_mut(chunk_size * NUM_PROGRAM_PREPROCESSED_COLS) .enumerate() - .map(|(i, &instruction)| { - let pc = program.pc_base + (i as u32 * 4); - let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_PROGRAM_PREPROCESSED_COLS]; - let cols: &mut ProgramPreprocessedCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); - cols.pc = F::from_canonical_u32(pc); - cols.instruction.populate(instruction); - cols.selectors.populate(instruction); - - row - }) - .collect::>(); - - // Pad the trace to a power of two depending on the proof shape in `input`. - pad_rows_fixed( - &mut rows, - || [F::zero(); NUM_PROGRAM_PREPROCESSED_COLS], - program.fixed_log2_rows::(self), - ); + .par_bridge() + .for_each(|(i, rows)| { + rows.chunks_mut(NUM_PROGRAM_PREPROCESSED_COLS).enumerate().for_each(|(j, row)| { + let idx = i * chunk_size + j; + + if idx < nb_rows { + let cols: &mut ProgramPreprocessedCols = row.borrow_mut(); + let instruction = &program.instructions[idx]; + let pc = program.pc_base + (idx as u32 * 4); + cols.pc = F::from_canonical_u32(pc); + cols.instruction.populate(instruction); + } + }); + }); // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. - let trace = RowMajorMatrix::new( - rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), - NUM_PROGRAM_PREPROCESSED_COLS, - ); - - Some(trace) + Some(RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_PROGRAM_PREPROCESSED_COLS)) } fn generate_dependencies(&self, _input: &ExecutionRecord, _output: &mut ExecutionRecord) { @@ -126,7 +125,6 @@ impl MachineAir for ProgramChip { let pc = input.program.pc_base + (i as u32 * 4); let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_PROGRAM_MULT_COLS]; let cols: &mut ProgramMultiplicityCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); - cols.shard = F::from_canonical_u32(input.public_values.execution_shard); cols.multiplicity = F::from_canonical_usize(*instruction_counts.get(&pc).unwrap_or(&0)); row @@ -168,13 +166,7 @@ where let mult_local: &ProgramMultiplicityCols = (*mult_local).borrow(); // Constrain the interaction with CPU table - builder.receive_program( - prep_local.pc, - prep_local.instruction, - prep_local.selectors, - mult_local.shard, - mult_local.multiplicity, - ); + builder.receive_program(prep_local.pc, prep_local.instruction, mult_local.multiplicity); } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/riscv/cost.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/riscv/cost.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 27469ee00..000000000 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/riscv/cost.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,193 +0,0 @@ -use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; -use sp1_core_executor::{syscalls::SyscallCode, ExecutionReport, Opcode}; - -use crate::riscv::RiscvAirDiscriminants; - -use super::RiscvAir; - -pub trait CostEstimator { - /// Estimates the trace area of the execution. - fn estimate_area(&self) -> u64; - - /// Estimates the proving cost of the execution in terms of "gas". - /// - /// The gas is defined as the trace area divided by the lowerbound per cpu cycle. - /// - /// NOTE: This is an approximation and may not be accurate. For example, it does not currently - /// account for dependencies. - fn estimate_gas(&self) -> u64 { - let costs = RiscvAir::::costs(); - let cpu_gas = costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::Cpu]; - let total_gas = self.estimate_area(); - total_gas / cpu_gas - } -} - -impl CostEstimator for ExecutionReport { - fn estimate_area(&self) -> u64 { - let mut total_area = 0; - let mut total_chips = 3; - let (chips, costs) = RiscvAir::::get_chips_and_costs(); - - let cpu_events = self.total_instruction_count(); - total_area += (cpu_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::Cpu]; - total_chips += 1; - - let sha_extend_events = self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::SHA_EXTEND]; - total_area += (sha_extend_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::Sha256Extend]; - total_chips += 1; - - let sha_compress_events = self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::SHA_COMPRESS]; - total_area += (sha_compress_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::Sha256Compress]; - total_chips += 1; - - let ed_add_events = self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::ED_ADD]; - total_area += (ed_add_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::Ed25519Add]; - total_chips += 1; - - let ed_decompress_events = self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::ED_DECOMPRESS]; - total_area += - (ed_decompress_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::Ed25519Decompress]; - total_chips += 1; - - let k256_decompress_events = self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::SECP256K1_DECOMPRESS]; - total_area += - (k256_decompress_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::K256Decompress]; - total_chips += 1; - - let secp256k1_add_events = self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::SECP256K1_ADD]; - total_area += (secp256k1_add_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::Secp256k1Add]; - total_chips += 1; - - let secp256k1_double_events = self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::SECP256K1_DOUBLE]; - total_area += - (secp256k1_double_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::Secp256k1Double]; - total_chips += 1; - - let keccak256_permute_events = self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::KECCAK_PERMUTE]; - total_area += (keccak256_permute_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::KeccakP]; - total_chips += 1; - - let bn254_add_events = self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::BN254_ADD]; - total_area += (bn254_add_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::Bn254Add]; - total_chips += 1; - - let bn254_double_events = self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::BN254_DOUBLE]; - total_area += (bn254_double_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::Bn254Double]; - total_chips += 1; - - let bls12381_add_events = self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::BLS12381_ADD]; - total_area += (bls12381_add_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::Bls12381Add]; - total_chips += 1; - - let bls12381_double_events = self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::BLS12381_DOUBLE]; - total_area += - (bls12381_double_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::Bls12381Double]; - total_chips += 1; - - let uint256_mul_events = self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::UINT256_MUL]; - total_area += (uint256_mul_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::Uint256Mul]; - total_chips += 1; - - let bls12381_fp_events = self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::BLS12381_FP_ADD] - + self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::BLS12381_FP_SUB] - + self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::BLS12381_FP_MUL]; - total_area += (bls12381_fp_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::Bls12381Fp]; - total_chips += 1; - - let bls12381_fp2_addsub_events = self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::BLS12381_FP2_ADD] - + self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::BLS12381_FP2_SUB]; - total_area += - (bls12381_fp2_addsub_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::Bls12381Fp2AddSub]; - total_chips += 1; - - let bls12381_fp2_mul_events = self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::BLS12381_FP2_MUL]; - total_area += - (bls12381_fp2_mul_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::Bls12381Fp2Mul]; - total_chips += 1; - - let bn254_fp_events = self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::BN254_FP_ADD] - + self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::BN254_FP_SUB] - + self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::BN254_FP_MUL]; - total_area += (bn254_fp_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::Bn254Fp]; - total_chips += 1; - - let bn254_fp2_addsub_events = self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::BN254_FP2_ADD] - + self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::BN254_FP2_SUB]; - total_area += - (bn254_fp2_addsub_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::Bn254Fp2AddSub]; - total_chips += 1; - - let bn254_fp2_mul_events = self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::BN254_FP2_MUL]; - total_area += (bn254_fp2_mul_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::Bn254Fp2Mul]; - total_chips += 1; - - let bls12381_decompress_events = self.syscall_counts[SyscallCode::BLS12381_DECOMPRESS]; - total_area += - (bls12381_decompress_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::Bls12381Decompress]; - total_chips += 1; - - let syscall_events = self.syscall_counts.values().sum::(); - total_area += (syscall_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::SyscallCore]; - total_chips += 1; - - let syscall_precompile_events = self.syscall_counts.len(); - total_area += - (syscall_precompile_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::SyscallPrecompile]; - total_chips += 1; - - let divrem_events = self.opcode_counts[Opcode::DIV] - + self.opcode_counts[Opcode::REM] - + self.opcode_counts[Opcode::DIVU] - + self.opcode_counts[Opcode::REMU]; - total_area += (divrem_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::DivRem]; - total_chips += 1; - - let addsub_events = self.opcode_counts[Opcode::ADD] + self.opcode_counts[Opcode::SUB]; - total_area += (addsub_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::Add]; - total_chips += 1; - - let bitwise_events = self.opcode_counts[Opcode::AND] - + self.opcode_counts[Opcode::OR] - + self.opcode_counts[Opcode::XOR]; - total_area += (bitwise_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::Bitwise]; - total_chips += 1; - - let mul_events = self.opcode_counts[Opcode::MUL] - + self.opcode_counts[Opcode::MULH] - + self.opcode_counts[Opcode::MULHU] - + self.opcode_counts[Opcode::MULHSU]; - total_area += (mul_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::Mul]; - total_chips += 1; - - let shift_right_events = self.opcode_counts[Opcode::SRL] + self.opcode_counts[Opcode::SRA]; - total_area += (shift_right_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::ShiftRight]; - total_chips += 1; - - let shift_left_events = self.opcode_counts[Opcode::SLL]; - total_area += (shift_left_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::ShiftLeft]; - total_chips += 1; - - let lt_events = self.opcode_counts[Opcode::SLT] + self.opcode_counts[Opcode::SLTU]; - total_area += (lt_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::Lt]; - total_chips += 1; - - let memory_global_initialize_events = self.touched_memory_addresses; - total_area += (memory_global_initialize_events as u64) - * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::MemoryGlobalInit]; - total_chips += 1; - - let memory_global_finalize_events = self.touched_memory_addresses; - total_area += (memory_global_finalize_events as u64) - * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::MemoryGlobalFinal]; - total_chips += 1; - - let memory_local_initialize_events = self.touched_memory_addresses; - total_area += - (memory_local_initialize_events as u64) * costs[&RiscvAirDiscriminants::MemoryLocal]; - total_chips += 1; - - assert_eq!(total_chips, chips.len(), "chip count mismatch"); - total_area - } -} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/riscv/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/riscv/mod.rs index b2395acf5..3f6ba21bc 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/riscv/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/riscv/mod.rs @@ -1,33 +1,32 @@ -pub mod cost; +pub use riscv_chips::*; -mod shape; +use core::fmt; +use hashbrown::{HashMap, HashSet}; use itertools::Itertools; -pub use shape::*; +use p3_field::PrimeField32; use sp1_core_executor::{ - events::PrecompileLocalMemory, syscalls::SyscallCode, ExecutionRecord, Program, -}; - -use crate::{ - memory::{ - MemoryChipType, MemoryLocalChip, MemoryProgramChip, NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_ENTRIES_PER_ROW, - }, - riscv::MemoryChipType::{Finalize, Initialize}, - syscall::precompiles::fptower::{Fp2AddSubAssignChip, Fp2MulAssignChip, FpOpChip}, + events::PrecompileLocalMemory, syscalls::SyscallCode, ExecutionRecord, Program, RiscvAirId, }; -use hashbrown::{HashMap, HashSet}; -use p3_field::PrimeField32; -pub use riscv_chips::*; use sp1_curves::weierstrass::{bls12_381::Bls12381BaseField, bn254::Bn254BaseField}; use sp1_stark::{ air::{InteractionScope, MachineAir, SP1_PROOF_NUM_PV_ELTS}, Chip, InteractionKind, StarkGenericConfig, StarkMachine, }; use strum_macros::{EnumDiscriminants, EnumIter}; -use tracing::instrument; -pub const MAX_LOG_NUMBER_OF_SHARDS: usize = 16; -pub const MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHARDS: usize = 1 << MAX_LOG_NUMBER_OF_SHARDS; +use crate::bytes::trace::NUM_ROWS as BYTE_CHIP_NUM_ROWS; +use crate::{ + control_flow::{AuipcChip, BranchChip, JumpChip}, + global::GlobalChip, + memory::{ + MemoryChipType, MemoryInstructionsChip, MemoryLocalChip, NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_ENTRIES_PER_ROW, + }, + syscall::{ + instructions::SyscallInstrsChip, + precompiles::fptower::{Fp2AddSubAssignChip, Fp2MulAssignChip, FpOpChip}, + }, +}; /// A module for importing all the different RISC-V chips. pub(crate) mod riscv_chips { @@ -43,6 +42,7 @@ pub(crate) mod riscv_chips { edwards::{EdAddAssignChip, EdDecompressChip}, keccak256::KeccakPermuteChip, sha256::{ShaCompressChip, ShaExtendChip}, + u256x2048_mul::U256x2048MulChip, uint256::Uint256MulChip, weierstrass::{ WeierstrassAddAssignChip, WeierstrassDecompressChip, @@ -55,11 +55,17 @@ pub(crate) mod riscv_chips { edwards::{ed25519::Ed25519Parameters, EdwardsCurve}, weierstrass::{ bls12_381::Bls12381Parameters, bn254::Bn254Parameters, secp256k1::Secp256k1Parameters, - SwCurve, + secp256r1::Secp256r1Parameters, SwCurve, }, }; } +/// The maximum log number of shards in core. +pub const MAX_LOG_NUMBER_OF_SHARDS: usize = 16; + +/// The maximum number of shards in core. +pub const MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHARDS: usize = 1 << MAX_LOG_NUMBER_OF_SHARDS; + /// An AIR for encoding RISC-V execution. /// /// This enum contains all the different AIRs that are used in the Sp1 RISC-V IOP. Each variant is @@ -86,6 +92,16 @@ pub enum RiscvAir { ShiftLeft(ShiftLeft), /// An AIR for RISC-V SRL and SRA instruction. ShiftRight(ShiftRightChip), + /// An AIR for RISC-V memory instructions. + Memory(MemoryInstructionsChip), + /// An AIR for RISC-V AUIPC instruction. + AUIPC(AuipcChip), + /// An AIR for RISC-V branch instructions. + Branch(BranchChip), + /// An AIR for RISC-V jump instructions. + Jump(JumpChip), + /// An AIR for RISC-V ecall instructions. + SyscallInstrs(SyscallInstrsChip), /// A lookup table for byte operations. ByteLookup(ByteChip), /// A table for initializing the global memory state. @@ -94,12 +110,12 @@ pub enum RiscvAir { MemoryGlobalFinal(MemoryGlobalChip), /// A table for the local memory state. MemoryLocal(MemoryLocalChip), - /// A table for initializing the program memory. - ProgramMemory(MemoryProgramChip), /// A table for all the syscall invocations. SyscallCore(SyscallChip), /// A table for all the precompile invocations. SyscallPrecompile(SyscallChip), + /// A table for all the global interactions. + Global(GlobalChip), /// A precompile for sha256 extend. Sha256Extend(ShaExtendChip), /// A precompile for sha256 compress. @@ -110,10 +126,16 @@ pub enum RiscvAir { Ed25519Decompress(EdDecompressChip), /// A precompile for decompressing a point on the K256 curve. K256Decompress(WeierstrassDecompressChip>), + /// A precompile for decompressing a point on the P256 curve. + P256Decompress(WeierstrassDecompressChip>), /// A precompile for addition on the Elliptic curve secp256k1. Secp256k1Add(WeierstrassAddAssignChip>), /// A precompile for doubling a point on the Elliptic curve secp256k1. Secp256k1Double(WeierstrassDoubleAssignChip>), + /// A precompile for addition on the Elliptic curve secp256r1. + Secp256r1Add(WeierstrassAddAssignChip>), + /// A precompile for doubling a point on the Elliptic curve secp256r1. + Secp256r1Double(WeierstrassDoubleAssignChip>), /// A precompile for the Keccak permutation. KeccakP(KeccakPermuteChip), /// A precompile for addition on the Elliptic curve bn254. @@ -126,6 +148,8 @@ pub enum RiscvAir { Bls12381Double(WeierstrassDoubleAssignChip>), /// A precompile for uint256 mul. Uint256Mul(Uint256MulChip), + /// A precompile for u256x2048 mul. + U256x2048Mul(U256x2048MulChip), /// A precompile for decompressing a point on the BLS12-381 curve. Bls12381Decompress(WeierstrassDecompressChip>), /// A precompile for BLS12-381 fp operation. @@ -143,7 +167,6 @@ pub enum RiscvAir { } impl RiscvAir { - #[instrument("construct RiscvAir machine", level = "debug", skip_all)] pub fn machine>(config: SC) -> StarkMachine { let chips = Self::chips(); StarkMachine::new(config, chips, SP1_PROOF_NUM_PV_ELTS, true) @@ -156,232 +179,313 @@ impl RiscvAir { } /// Get all the costs of the different RISC-V AIRs. - pub fn costs() -> HashMap { + pub fn costs() -> HashMap { let (_, costs) = Self::get_chips_and_costs(); costs } - pub fn get_airs_and_costs() -> (Vec, HashMap) { + /// Get all the different RISC-V AIRs and their costs. + pub fn get_airs_and_costs() -> (Vec, HashMap) { let (chips, costs) = Self::get_chips_and_costs(); (chips.into_iter().map(|chip| chip.into_inner()).collect(), costs) } - /// Get all the different RISC-V AIRs. - pub fn get_chips_and_costs() -> (Vec>, HashMap) { - let mut costs: HashMap = HashMap::new(); + /// Get all the different RISC-V chips and their costs. + pub fn get_chips_and_costs() -> (Vec>, HashMap) { + let mut costs: HashMap = HashMap::new(); // The order of the chips is used to determine the order of trace generation. let mut chips = vec![]; let cpu = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Cpu(CpuChip::default())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::Cpu, cpu.cost()); + costs.insert(cpu.name(), cpu.cost()); chips.push(cpu); let program = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Program(ProgramChip::default())); + costs.insert(program.name(), program.cost()); chips.push(program); let sha_extend = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Sha256Extend(ShaExtendChip::default())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::Sha256Extend, 48 * sha_extend.cost()); + costs.insert(sha_extend.name(), 48 * sha_extend.cost()); chips.push(sha_extend); let sha_compress = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Sha256Compress(ShaCompressChip::default())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::Sha256Compress, 80 * sha_compress.cost()); + costs.insert(sha_compress.name(), 80 * sha_compress.cost()); chips.push(sha_compress); let ed_add_assign = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Ed25519Add(EdAddAssignChip::< EdwardsCurve, >::new())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::Ed25519Add, ed_add_assign.cost()); + costs.insert(ed_add_assign.name(), ed_add_assign.cost()); chips.push(ed_add_assign); let ed_decompress = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Ed25519Decompress(EdDecompressChip::< Ed25519Parameters, >::default())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::Ed25519Decompress, ed_decompress.cost()); + costs.insert(ed_decompress.name(), ed_decompress.cost()); chips.push(ed_decompress); let k256_decompress = Chip::new(RiscvAir::K256Decompress(WeierstrassDecompressChip::< SwCurve, >::with_lsb_rule())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::K256Decompress, k256_decompress.cost()); + costs.insert(k256_decompress.name(), k256_decompress.cost()); chips.push(k256_decompress); let secp256k1_add_assign = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Secp256k1Add(WeierstrassAddAssignChip::< SwCurve, >::new())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::Secp256k1Add, secp256k1_add_assign.cost()); + costs.insert(secp256k1_add_assign.name(), secp256k1_add_assign.cost()); chips.push(secp256k1_add_assign); let secp256k1_double_assign = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Secp256k1Double(WeierstrassDoubleAssignChip::< SwCurve, >::new())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::Secp256k1Double, secp256k1_double_assign.cost()); + costs.insert(secp256k1_double_assign.name(), secp256k1_double_assign.cost()); chips.push(secp256k1_double_assign); + let p256_decompress = Chip::new(RiscvAir::P256Decompress(WeierstrassDecompressChip::< + SwCurve, + >::with_lsb_rule())); + costs.insert(p256_decompress.name(), p256_decompress.cost()); + chips.push(p256_decompress); + + let secp256r1_add_assign = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Secp256r1Add(WeierstrassAddAssignChip::< + SwCurve, + >::new())); + costs.insert(secp256r1_add_assign.name(), secp256r1_add_assign.cost()); + chips.push(secp256r1_add_assign); + + let secp256r1_double_assign = + Chip::new(RiscvAir::Secp256r1Double(WeierstrassDoubleAssignChip::< + SwCurve, + >::new())); + costs.insert(secp256r1_double_assign.name(), secp256r1_double_assign.cost()); + chips.push(secp256r1_double_assign); + let keccak_permute = Chip::new(RiscvAir::KeccakP(KeccakPermuteChip::new())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::KeccakP, 24 * keccak_permute.cost()); + costs.insert(keccak_permute.name(), 24 * keccak_permute.cost()); chips.push(keccak_permute); let bn254_add_assign = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Bn254Add(WeierstrassAddAssignChip::< SwCurve, >::new())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::Bn254Add, bn254_add_assign.cost()); + costs.insert(bn254_add_assign.name(), bn254_add_assign.cost()); chips.push(bn254_add_assign); let bn254_double_assign = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Bn254Double(WeierstrassDoubleAssignChip::< SwCurve, >::new())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::Bn254Double, bn254_double_assign.cost()); + costs.insert(bn254_double_assign.name(), bn254_double_assign.cost()); chips.push(bn254_double_assign); let bls12381_add = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Bls12381Add(WeierstrassAddAssignChip::< SwCurve, >::new())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::Bls12381Add, bls12381_add.cost()); + costs.insert(bls12381_add.name(), bls12381_add.cost()); chips.push(bls12381_add); let bls12381_double = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Bls12381Double(WeierstrassDoubleAssignChip::< SwCurve, >::new())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::Bls12381Double, bls12381_double.cost()); + costs.insert(bls12381_double.name(), bls12381_double.cost()); chips.push(bls12381_double); let uint256_mul = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Uint256Mul(Uint256MulChip::default())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::Uint256Mul, uint256_mul.cost()); + costs.insert(uint256_mul.name(), uint256_mul.cost()); chips.push(uint256_mul); + let u256x2048_mul = Chip::new(RiscvAir::U256x2048Mul(U256x2048MulChip::default())); + costs.insert(u256x2048_mul.name(), u256x2048_mul.cost()); + chips.push(u256x2048_mul); + let bls12381_fp = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Bls12381Fp(FpOpChip::::new())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::Bls12381Fp, bls12381_fp.cost()); + costs.insert(bls12381_fp.name(), bls12381_fp.cost()); chips.push(bls12381_fp); let bls12381_fp2_addsub = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Bls12381Fp2AddSub(Fp2AddSubAssignChip::::new())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::Bls12381Fp2AddSub, bls12381_fp2_addsub.cost()); + costs.insert(bls12381_fp2_addsub.name(), bls12381_fp2_addsub.cost()); chips.push(bls12381_fp2_addsub); let bls12381_fp2_mul = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Bls12381Fp2Mul(Fp2MulAssignChip::::new())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::Bls12381Fp2Mul, bls12381_fp2_mul.cost()); + costs.insert(bls12381_fp2_mul.name(), bls12381_fp2_mul.cost()); chips.push(bls12381_fp2_mul); let bn254_fp = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Bn254Fp(FpOpChip::::new())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::Bn254Fp, bn254_fp.cost()); + costs.insert(bn254_fp.name(), bn254_fp.cost()); chips.push(bn254_fp); let bn254_fp2_addsub = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Bn254Fp2AddSub(Fp2AddSubAssignChip::::new())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::Bn254Fp2AddSub, bn254_fp2_addsub.cost()); + costs.insert(bn254_fp2_addsub.name(), bn254_fp2_addsub.cost()); chips.push(bn254_fp2_addsub); let bn254_fp2_mul = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Bn254Fp2Mul(Fp2MulAssignChip::::new())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::Bn254Fp2Mul, bn254_fp2_mul.cost()); + costs.insert(bn254_fp2_mul.name(), bn254_fp2_mul.cost()); chips.push(bn254_fp2_mul); let bls12381_decompress = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Bls12381Decompress(WeierstrassDecompressChip::< SwCurve, >::with_lexicographic_rule())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::Bls12381Decompress, bls12381_decompress.cost()); + costs.insert(bls12381_decompress.name(), bls12381_decompress.cost()); chips.push(bls12381_decompress); let syscall_core = Chip::new(RiscvAir::SyscallCore(SyscallChip::core())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::SyscallCore, syscall_core.cost()); + costs.insert(syscall_core.name(), syscall_core.cost()); chips.push(syscall_core); let syscall_precompile = Chip::new(RiscvAir::SyscallPrecompile(SyscallChip::precompile())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::SyscallPrecompile, syscall_precompile.cost()); + costs.insert(syscall_precompile.name(), syscall_precompile.cost()); chips.push(syscall_precompile); let div_rem = Chip::new(RiscvAir::DivRem(DivRemChip::default())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::DivRem, div_rem.cost()); + costs.insert(div_rem.name(), div_rem.cost()); chips.push(div_rem); let add_sub = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Add(AddSubChip::default())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::Add, add_sub.cost()); + costs.insert(add_sub.name(), add_sub.cost()); chips.push(add_sub); let bitwise = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Bitwise(BitwiseChip::default())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::Bitwise, bitwise.cost()); + costs.insert(bitwise.name(), bitwise.cost()); chips.push(bitwise); let mul = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Mul(MulChip::default())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::Mul, mul.cost()); + costs.insert(mul.name(), mul.cost()); chips.push(mul); let shift_right = Chip::new(RiscvAir::ShiftRight(ShiftRightChip::default())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::ShiftRight, shift_right.cost()); + costs.insert(shift_right.name(), shift_right.cost()); chips.push(shift_right); let shift_left = Chip::new(RiscvAir::ShiftLeft(ShiftLeft::default())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::ShiftLeft, shift_left.cost()); + costs.insert(shift_left.name(), shift_left.cost()); chips.push(shift_left); let lt = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Lt(LtChip::default())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::Lt, lt.cost()); + costs.insert(lt.name(), lt.cost()); chips.push(lt); + let memory_instructions = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Memory(MemoryInstructionsChip::default())); + costs.insert(memory_instructions.name(), memory_instructions.cost()); + chips.push(memory_instructions); + + let auipc = Chip::new(RiscvAir::AUIPC(AuipcChip::default())); + costs.insert(auipc.name(), auipc.cost()); + chips.push(auipc); + + let branch = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Branch(BranchChip::default())); + costs.insert(branch.name(), branch.cost()); + chips.push(branch); + + let jump = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Jump(JumpChip::default())); + costs.insert(jump.name(), jump.cost()); + chips.push(jump); + + let syscall_instrs = Chip::new(RiscvAir::SyscallInstrs(SyscallInstrsChip::default())); + costs.insert(syscall_instrs.name(), syscall_instrs.cost()); + chips.push(syscall_instrs); + let memory_global_init = Chip::new(RiscvAir::MemoryGlobalInit(MemoryGlobalChip::new( MemoryChipType::Initialize, ))); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::MemoryGlobalInit, memory_global_init.cost()); + costs.insert(memory_global_init.name(), memory_global_init.cost()); chips.push(memory_global_init); let memory_global_finalize = Chip::new(RiscvAir::MemoryGlobalFinal(MemoryGlobalChip::new(MemoryChipType::Finalize))); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::MemoryGlobalFinal, memory_global_finalize.cost()); + costs.insert(memory_global_finalize.name(), memory_global_finalize.cost()); chips.push(memory_global_finalize); let memory_local = Chip::new(RiscvAir::MemoryLocal(MemoryLocalChip::new())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::MemoryLocal, memory_local.cost()); + costs.insert(memory_local.name(), memory_local.cost()); chips.push(memory_local); - let memory_program = Chip::new(RiscvAir::ProgramMemory(MemoryProgramChip::default())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::ProgramMemory, memory_program.cost()); - chips.push(memory_program); + let global = Chip::new(RiscvAir::Global(GlobalChip)); + costs.insert(global.name(), global.cost()); + chips.push(global); let byte = Chip::new(RiscvAir::ByteLookup(ByteChip::default())); - costs.insert(RiscvAirDiscriminants::ByteLookup, byte.cost()); + costs.insert(byte.name(), byte.cost()); chips.push(byte); + assert_eq!(chips.len(), costs.len(), "chips and costs must have the same length",); + (chips, costs) } /// Get the heights of the preprocessed chips for a given program. - pub(crate) fn preprocessed_heights(program: &Program) -> Vec<(Self, usize)> { + pub(crate) fn preprocessed_heights(program: &Program) -> Vec<(RiscvAirId, usize)> { vec![ - (RiscvAir::Program(ProgramChip::default()), program.instructions.len()), - (RiscvAir::ProgramMemory(MemoryProgramChip::default()), program.memory_image.len()), - (RiscvAir::ByteLookup(ByteChip::default()), 1 << 16), + (RiscvAirId::Program, program.instructions.len()), + (RiscvAirId::Byte, BYTE_CHIP_NUM_ROWS), ] } /// Get the heights of the chips for a given execution record. - pub(crate) fn core_heights(record: &ExecutionRecord) -> Vec<(Self, usize)> { + pub fn core_heights(record: &ExecutionRecord) -> Vec<(RiscvAirId, usize)> { vec![ - (RiscvAir::Cpu(CpuChip::default()), record.cpu_events.len()), - (RiscvAir::DivRem(DivRemChip::default()), record.divrem_events.len()), - ( - RiscvAir::Add(AddSubChip::default()), - record.add_events.len() + record.sub_events.len(), - ), - (RiscvAir::Bitwise(BitwiseChip::default()), record.bitwise_events.len()), - (RiscvAir::Mul(MulChip::default()), record.mul_events.len()), - (RiscvAir::ShiftRight(ShiftRightChip::default()), record.shift_right_events.len()), - (RiscvAir::ShiftLeft(ShiftLeft::default()), record.shift_left_events.len()), - (RiscvAir::Lt(LtChip::default()), record.lt_events.len()), + (RiscvAirId::Cpu, record.cpu_events.len()), + (RiscvAirId::DivRem, record.divrem_events.len()), + (RiscvAirId::AddSub, record.add_events.len() + record.sub_events.len()), + (RiscvAirId::Bitwise, record.bitwise_events.len()), + (RiscvAirId::Mul, record.mul_events.len()), + (RiscvAirId::ShiftRight, record.shift_right_events.len()), + (RiscvAirId::ShiftLeft, record.shift_left_events.len()), + (RiscvAirId::Lt, record.lt_events.len()), ( - RiscvAir::MemoryLocal(MemoryLocalChip::new()), + RiscvAirId::MemoryLocal, record .get_local_mem_events() .chunks(NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_ENTRIES_PER_ROW) .into_iter() .count(), ), - (RiscvAir::SyscallCore(SyscallChip::core()), record.syscall_events.len()), + (RiscvAirId::MemoryInstrs, record.memory_instr_events.len()), + (RiscvAirId::Auipc, record.auipc_events.len()), + (RiscvAirId::Branch, record.branch_events.len()), + (RiscvAirId::Jump, record.jump_events.len()), + ( + RiscvAirId::Global, + 2 * record.get_local_mem_events().count() + record.syscall_events.len(), + ), + (RiscvAirId::SyscallCore, record.syscall_events.len()), + (RiscvAirId::SyscallInstrs, record.syscall_events.len()), + ] + } + + pub(crate) fn memory_heights(record: &ExecutionRecord) -> Vec<(RiscvAirId, usize)> { + vec![ + (RiscvAirId::MemoryGlobalInit, record.global_memory_initialize_events.len()), + (RiscvAirId::MemoryGlobalFinalize, record.global_memory_finalize_events.len()), + ( + RiscvAirId::Global, + record.global_memory_finalize_events.len() + + record.global_memory_initialize_events.len(), + ), ] } + pub(crate) fn precompile_heights( + &self, + record: &ExecutionRecord, + ) -> Option<(usize, usize, usize)> { + record + .precompile_events + .get_events(self.syscall_code()) + .filter(|events| !events.is_empty()) + .map(|events| { + ( + events.len() * self.rows_per_event(), + events.get_local_mem_events().into_iter().count(), + record.global_interaction_events.len(), + ) + }) + } + pub(crate) fn get_all_core_airs() -> Vec { vec![ RiscvAir::Cpu(CpuChip::default()), @@ -392,7 +496,13 @@ impl RiscvAir { RiscvAir::Lt(LtChip::default()), RiscvAir::ShiftLeft(ShiftLeft::default()), RiscvAir::ShiftRight(ShiftRightChip::default()), + RiscvAir::Memory(MemoryInstructionsChip::default()), + RiscvAir::AUIPC(AuipcChip::default()), + RiscvAir::Branch(BranchChip::default()), + RiscvAir::Jump(JumpChip::default()), + RiscvAir::SyscallInstrs(SyscallInstrsChip::default()), RiscvAir::MemoryLocal(MemoryLocalChip::new()), + RiscvAir::Global(GlobalChip), RiscvAir::SyscallCore(SyscallChip::core()), ] } @@ -401,41 +511,32 @@ impl RiscvAir { vec![ RiscvAir::MemoryGlobalInit(MemoryGlobalChip::new(MemoryChipType::Initialize)), RiscvAir::MemoryGlobalFinal(MemoryGlobalChip::new(MemoryChipType::Finalize)), + RiscvAir::Global(GlobalChip), ] } - pub(crate) fn get_memory_init_final_heights(record: &ExecutionRecord) -> Vec<(Self, usize)> { - vec![ - ( - RiscvAir::MemoryGlobalInit(MemoryGlobalChip::new(Initialize)), - record.global_memory_initialize_events.len(), - ), - ( - RiscvAir::MemoryGlobalFinal(MemoryGlobalChip::new(Finalize)), - record.global_memory_finalize_events.len(), - ), - ] - } - - pub(crate) fn get_all_precompile_airs() -> Vec<(Self, usize)> { + pub(crate) fn precompile_airs_with_memory_events_per_row() -> Vec<(Self, usize)> { let mut airs: HashSet<_> = Self::get_airs_and_costs().0.into_iter().collect(); + + // Remove the core airs. for core_air in Self::get_all_core_airs() { airs.remove(&core_air); } + + // Remove the memory init/finalize airs. for memory_air in Self::memory_init_final_airs() { airs.remove(&memory_air); } - airs.remove(&Self::SyscallPrecompile(SyscallChip::precompile())); - // Remove the preprocessed chips. + // Remove the syscall, program, and byte lookup airs. + airs.remove(&Self::SyscallPrecompile(SyscallChip::precompile())); airs.remove(&Self::Program(ProgramChip::default())); - airs.remove(&Self::ProgramMemory(MemoryProgramChip::default())); airs.remove(&Self::ByteLookup(ByteChip::default())); airs.into_iter() .map(|air| { let chip = Chip::new(air); - let local_mem_events: usize = chip + let local_mem_events_per_row: usize = chip .sends() .iter() .chain(chip.receives()) @@ -445,7 +546,7 @@ impl RiscvAir { }) .count(); - (chip.into_inner(), local_mem_events) + (chip.into_inner(), local_mem_events_per_row) }) .collect() } @@ -472,11 +573,15 @@ impl RiscvAir { Self::KeccakP(_) => SyscallCode::KECCAK_PERMUTE, Self::Secp256k1Add(_) => SyscallCode::SECP256K1_ADD, Self::Secp256k1Double(_) => SyscallCode::SECP256K1_DOUBLE, + Self::Secp256r1Add(_) => SyscallCode::SECP256R1_ADD, + Self::Secp256r1Double(_) => SyscallCode::SECP256R1_DOUBLE, Self::Sha256Compress(_) => SyscallCode::SHA_COMPRESS, Self::Sha256Extend(_) => SyscallCode::SHA_EXTEND, Self::Uint256Mul(_) => SyscallCode::UINT256_MUL, + Self::U256x2048Mul(_) => SyscallCode::U256XU2048_MUL, Self::Bls12381Decompress(_) => SyscallCode::BLS12381_DECOMPRESS, Self::K256Decompress(_) => SyscallCode::SECP256K1_DECOMPRESS, + Self::P256Decompress(_) => SyscallCode::SECP256R1_DECOMPRESS, Self::Bls12381Double(_) => SyscallCode::BLS12381_DOUBLE, Self::Bls12381Fp(_) => SyscallCode::BLS12381_FP_ADD, Self::Bls12381Fp2Mul(_) => SyscallCode::BLS12381_FP2_MUL, @@ -488,38 +593,23 @@ impl RiscvAir { Self::MemoryGlobalInit(_) => unreachable!("Invalid for memory init/final"), Self::MemoryGlobalFinal(_) => unreachable!("Invalid for memory init/final"), Self::MemoryLocal(_) => unreachable!("Invalid for memory local"), - Self::ProgramMemory(_) => unreachable!("Invalid for memory program"), + Self::Global(_) => unreachable!("Invalid for global chip"), + // Self::ProgramMemory(_) => unreachable!("Invalid for memory program"), Self::Program(_) => unreachable!("Invalid for core chip"), Self::Mul(_) => unreachable!("Invalid for core chip"), Self::Lt(_) => unreachable!("Invalid for core chip"), Self::ShiftRight(_) => unreachable!("Invalid for core chip"), Self::ShiftLeft(_) => unreachable!("Invalid for core chip"), + Self::Memory(_) => unreachable!("Invalid for memory chip"), + Self::AUIPC(_) => unreachable!("Invalid for auipc chip"), + Self::Branch(_) => unreachable!("Invalid for branch chip"), + Self::Jump(_) => unreachable!("Invalid for jump chip"), + Self::SyscallInstrs(_) => unreachable!("Invalid for syscall instr chip"), Self::ByteLookup(_) => unreachable!("Invalid for core chip"), Self::SyscallCore(_) => unreachable!("Invalid for core chip"), Self::SyscallPrecompile(_) => unreachable!("Invalid for syscall precompile chip"), } } - - /// Get the height of the corresponding precompile chip. - /// - /// If the precompile is not included in the record, returns `None`. Otherwise, returns - /// `Some(num_rows, num_local_mem_events)`, where `num_rows` is the number of rows of the - /// corresponding chip and `num_local_mem_events` is the number of local memory events. - pub(crate) fn get_precompile_heights( - &self, - record: &ExecutionRecord, - ) -> Option<(usize, usize)> { - record - .precompile_events - .get_events(self.syscall_code()) - .filter(|events| !events.is_empty()) - .map(|events| { - ( - events.len() * self.rows_per_event(), - events.get_local_mem_events().into_iter().count(), - ) - }) - } } impl PartialEq for RiscvAir { @@ -536,6 +626,12 @@ impl core::hash::Hash for RiscvAir { } } +impl fmt::Debug for RiscvAir { + fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { + write!(f, "{}", self.name()) + } +} + #[cfg(test)] #[allow(non_snake_case)] pub mod tests { @@ -543,26 +639,59 @@ pub mod tests { use crate::{ io::SP1Stdin, riscv::RiscvAir, - utils, - utils::{prove, run_test, setup_logger}, + utils::{self, prove_core, run_test, setup_logger}, }; - use sp1_core_executor::{ - programs::tests::{ - fibonacci_program, simple_memory_program, simple_program, ssz_withdrawals_program, - }, - Instruction, Opcode, Program, - }; + use crate::programs::tests::*; + use hashbrown::HashMap; + use itertools::Itertools; + use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; + use sp1_core_executor::{Instruction, Opcode, Program, RiscvAirId, SP1Context}; + use sp1_stark::air::MachineAir; use sp1_stark::{ - baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, CpuProver, SP1CoreOpts, StarkProvingKey, - StarkVerifyingKey, + baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, CpuProver, MachineProver, SP1CoreOpts, + StarkProvingKey, StarkVerifyingKey, }; + use strum::IntoEnumIterator; + #[test] + fn test_primitives_and_machine_air_names_match() { + let chips = RiscvAir::::chips(); + for (a, b) in chips.iter().zip_eq(RiscvAirId::iter()) { + assert_eq!(a.name(), b.to_string()); + } + } + + #[test] + fn core_air_cost_consistency() { + // Load air costs from file + let file = std::fs::File::open("../executor/src/artifacts/rv32im_costs.json").unwrap(); + let costs: HashMap = serde_json::from_reader(file).unwrap(); + // Compare with costs computed by machine + let machine_costs = RiscvAir::::costs(); + assert_eq!(costs, machine_costs); + } + + #[test] + #[ignore] + fn write_core_air_costs() { + let costs = RiscvAir::::costs(); + println!("{:?}", costs); + // write to file + // Create directory if it doesn't exist + let dir = std::path::Path::new("../executor/src/artifacts"); + if !dir.exists() { + std::fs::create_dir_all(dir).unwrap(); + } + let file = std::fs::File::create(dir.join("rv32im_costs.json")).unwrap(); + serde_json::to_writer_pretty(file, &costs).unwrap(); + } #[test] fn test_simple_prove() { utils::setup_logger(); let program = simple_program(); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } #[test] @@ -579,7 +708,8 @@ pub mod tests { Instruction::new(*shift_op, 31, 29, 3, false, false), ]; let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } } } @@ -593,7 +723,8 @@ pub mod tests { Instruction::new(Opcode::SUB, 31, 30, 29, false, false), ]; let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } #[test] @@ -605,7 +736,8 @@ pub mod tests { Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 31, 30, 29, false, false), ]; let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } #[test] @@ -622,7 +754,8 @@ pub mod tests { Instruction::new(*mul_op, 31, 30, 29, false, false), ]; let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } } } @@ -638,7 +771,8 @@ pub mod tests { Instruction::new(*lt_op, 31, 30, 29, false, false), ]; let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } } @@ -654,7 +788,8 @@ pub mod tests { Instruction::new(*bitwise_op, 31, 30, 29, false, false), ]; let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } } @@ -677,7 +812,8 @@ pub mod tests { Instruction::new(*div_rem_op, 31, 29, 30, false, false), ]; let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } } } @@ -686,7 +822,8 @@ pub mod tests { fn test_fibonacci_prove_simple() { setup_logger(); let program = fibonacci_program(); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } #[test] @@ -698,7 +835,23 @@ pub mod tests { let mut opts = SP1CoreOpts::default(); opts.shard_size = 1024; opts.shard_batch_size = 2; - prove::<_, CpuProver<_, _>>(program, &stdin, BabyBearPoseidon2::new(), opts, None).unwrap(); + + let config = BabyBearPoseidon2::new(); + let machine = RiscvAir::machine(config); + let prover = CpuProver::new(machine); + let (pk, vk) = prover.setup(&program); + prove_core::<_, _>( + &prover, + &pk, + &vk, + program, + &stdin, + opts, + SP1Context::default(), + None, + None, + ) + .unwrap(); } #[test] @@ -706,11 +859,21 @@ pub mod tests { setup_logger(); let program = fibonacci_program(); let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); - prove::<_, CpuProver<_, _>>( + + let opts = SP1CoreOpts::default(); + let config = BabyBearPoseidon2::new(); + let machine = RiscvAir::machine(config); + let prover = CpuProver::new(machine); + let (pk, vk) = prover.setup(&program); + prove_core::<_, _>( + &prover, + &pk, + &vk, program, &stdin, - BabyBearPoseidon2::new(), - SP1CoreOpts::default(), + opts, + SP1Context::default(), + None, None, ) .unwrap(); @@ -720,14 +883,16 @@ pub mod tests { fn test_simple_memory_program_prove() { setup_logger(); let program = simple_memory_program(); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_ssz_withdrawal() { setup_logger(); let program = ssz_withdrawals_program(); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } #[test] @@ -745,6 +910,7 @@ pub mod tests { assert_eq!(pk.traces, deserialized_pk.traces); assert_eq!(pk.data.root(), deserialized_pk.data.root()); assert_eq!(pk.chip_ordering, deserialized_pk.chip_ordering); + assert_eq!(pk.local_only, deserialized_pk.local_only); let serialized_vk = bincode::serialize(&vk).unwrap(); let deserialized_vk: StarkVerifyingKey = diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/riscv/shape.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/riscv/shape.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 2eb57338d..000000000 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/riscv/shape.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,814 +0,0 @@ -use itertools::Itertools; - -use hashbrown::HashMap; -use num::Integer; -use p3_field::PrimeField32; -use p3_util::log2_ceil_usize; -use sp1_core_executor::{CoreShape, ExecutionRecord, Program}; -use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, MachineRecord, ProofShape}; -use thiserror::Error; - -use crate::{ - memory::{MemoryLocalChip, MemoryProgramChip, NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_ENTRIES_PER_ROW}, - riscv::MemoryChipType::{Finalize, Initialize}, -}; - -use super::{ - AddSubChip, BitwiseChip, ByteChip, CpuChip, DivRemChip, LtChip, MemoryGlobalChip, MulChip, - ProgramChip, RiscvAir, ShiftLeft, ShiftRightChip, SyscallChip, -}; - -#[derive(Debug, Error)] -pub enum CoreShapeError { - #[error("no preprocessed shape found")] - PreprocessedShapeError, - #[error("Preprocessed shape already fixed")] - PreprocessedShapeAlreadyFixed, - #[error("no shape found {0:?}")] - ShapeError(HashMap), - #[error("Preprocessed shape missing")] - PrepcocessedShapeMissing, - #[error("Shape already fixed")] - ShapeAlreadyFixed, - #[error("Precompile not included in allowed shapes {0:?}")] - PrecompileNotIncluded(HashMap), -} - -/// A structure that enables fixing the shape of an executionrecord. -pub struct CoreShapeConfig { - included_shapes: Vec>, - allowed_preprocessed_log_heights: HashMap, Vec>>, - allowed_core_log_heights: Vec, Vec>>>, - maximal_core_log_heights_mask: Vec, - memory_allowed_log_heights: HashMap, Vec>>, - precompile_allowed_log_heights: HashMap, (usize, Vec)>, -} - -struct CoreShapeSpec { - cpu_height: Vec>, - add_sub_height: Vec>, - divrem_height: Vec>, - bitwise_height: Vec>, - mul_height: Vec>, - shift_right_height: Vec>, - shift_left_height: Vec>, - lt_height: Vec>, - memory_local_height: Vec>, - syscall_core_height: Vec>, - is_potentially_maximal: bool, -} - -impl CoreShapeConfig { - /// Fix the preprocessed shape of the proof. - pub fn fix_preprocessed_shape(&self, program: &mut Program) -> Result<(), CoreShapeError> { - if program.preprocessed_shape.is_some() { - return Err(CoreShapeError::PreprocessedShapeAlreadyFixed); - } - - let heights = RiscvAir::::preprocessed_heights(program); - let prep_shape = - Self::find_shape_from_allowed_heights(&heights, &self.allowed_preprocessed_log_heights) - .ok_or(CoreShapeError::PreprocessedShapeError)?; - - program.preprocessed_shape = Some(prep_shape); - Ok(()) - } - - #[inline] - fn find_shape_from_allowed_heights( - heights: &[(RiscvAir, usize)], - allowed_log_heights: &HashMap, Vec>>, - ) -> Option { - let shape: Option> = heights - .iter() - .map(|(air, height)| { - for maybe_allowed_log_height in allowed_log_heights.get(air).into_iter().flatten() { - let allowed_log_height = maybe_allowed_log_height.unwrap_or_default(); - let allowed_height = - if allowed_log_height != 0 { 1 << allowed_log_height } else { 0 }; - if *height <= allowed_height { - return Some((air.name(), allowed_log_height)); - } - } - None - }) - .collect(); - - let mut inner = shape?; - inner.retain(|_, &mut value| value != 0); - - let shape = CoreShape { inner }; - Some(shape) - } - - /// Fix the shape of the proof. - pub fn fix_shape(&self, record: &mut ExecutionRecord) -> Result<(), CoreShapeError> { - if record.program.preprocessed_shape.is_none() { - return Err(CoreShapeError::PrepcocessedShapeMissing); - } - if record.shape.is_some() { - return Err(CoreShapeError::ShapeAlreadyFixed); - } - - // Set the shape of the chips with prepcoded shapes to match the preprocessed shape from the - // program. - record.shape.clone_from(&record.program.preprocessed_shape); - - // If cpu is included, try to fix the shape as a core. - if record.contains_cpu() { - // If cpu is included, try to fix the shape as a core. - - // Get the heights of the core airs in the record. - let heights = RiscvAir::::core_heights(record); - - // Try to find a shape within the included shapes. - for (i, allowed_log_heights) in self.allowed_core_log_heights.iter().enumerate() { - if let Some(shape) = - Self::find_shape_from_allowed_heights(&heights, allowed_log_heights) - { - tracing::debug!( - "Shard Lifted: Index={}, Cluster={}", - record.public_values.shard, - i - ); - for (air, height) in heights.iter() { - if shape.inner.contains_key(&air.name()) { - tracing::debug!( - "Chip {:<20}: {:<3} -> {:<3}", - air.name(), - log2_ceil_usize(*height), - shape.inner[&air.name()], - ); - } - } - - record.shape.as_mut().unwrap().extend(shape); - return Ok(()); - } - } - - // No shape found, so return an error. - return Err(CoreShapeError::ShapeError(record.stats())); - } - - // If the record is a global memory init/finalize record, try to fix the shape as such. - if !record.global_memory_initialize_events.is_empty() - || !record.global_memory_finalize_events.is_empty() - { - let heights = RiscvAir::::get_memory_init_final_heights(record); - let shape = - Self::find_shape_from_allowed_heights(&heights, &self.memory_allowed_log_heights) - .ok_or(CoreShapeError::ShapeError(record.stats()))?; - record.shape.as_mut().unwrap().extend(shape); - return Ok(()); - } - - // Try to fix the shape as a precompile record. - for (air, (mem_events_per_row, allowed_log_heights)) in - self.precompile_allowed_log_heights.iter() - { - if let Some((height, mem_events)) = air.get_precompile_heights(record) { - for allowed_log_height in allowed_log_heights { - if height <= (1 << allowed_log_height) { - for shape in self.get_precompile_shapes( - air, - *mem_events_per_row, - *allowed_log_height, - ) { - let mem_events_height = shape[2].1; - if mem_events - <= (1 << mem_events_height) * NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_ENTRIES_PER_ROW - { - record.shape.as_mut().unwrap().extend(shape); - return Ok(()); - } - } - return Ok(()); - } - } - tracing::warn!( - "Cannot find shape for precompile {:?}, height {:?}, and mem events {:?}", - air.name(), - height, - mem_events - ); - return Err(CoreShapeError::ShapeError(record.stats())); - } - } - Err(CoreShapeError::PrecompileNotIncluded(record.stats())) - } - - fn get_precompile_shapes( - &self, - air: &RiscvAir, - mem_events_per_row: usize, - allowed_log_height: usize, - ) -> Vec<[(String, usize); 3]> { - (1..=air.rows_per_event()) - .rev() - .map(|rows_per_event| { - [ - (air.name(), allowed_log_height), - ( - RiscvAir::::SyscallPrecompile(SyscallChip::precompile()).name(), - ((1 << allowed_log_height) - .div_ceil(&air.rows_per_event()) - .next_power_of_two() - .ilog2() as usize) - .max(4), - ), - ( - RiscvAir::::MemoryLocal(MemoryLocalChip::new()).name(), - (((1 << allowed_log_height) * mem_events_per_row) - .div_ceil(NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_ENTRIES_PER_ROW * rows_per_event) - .next_power_of_two() - .ilog2() as usize) - .max(4), - ), - ] - }) - .collect() - } - - fn generate_all_shapes_from_allowed_log_heights( - allowed_log_heights: impl IntoIterator>)>, - ) -> impl Iterator { - // for chip in allowed_heights. - allowed_log_heights - .into_iter() - .map(|(name, heights)| heights.into_iter().map(move |height| (name.clone(), height))) - .multi_cartesian_product() - .map(|iter| { - iter.into_iter() - .filter_map(|(name, maybe_height)| { - maybe_height.map(|log_height| (name, log_height)) - }) - .collect::() - }) - } - - pub fn generate_all_allowed_shapes(&self) -> impl Iterator + '_ { - let preprocessed_heights = self - .allowed_preprocessed_log_heights - .iter() - .map(|(air, heights)| (air.name(), heights.clone())); - - let mut memory_heights = self - .memory_allowed_log_heights - .iter() - .map(|(air, heights)| (air.name(), heights.clone())) - .collect::>(); - memory_heights.extend(preprocessed_heights.clone()); - - let included_shapes = - self.included_shapes.iter().cloned().map(|map| map.into_iter().collect::()); - - let precompile_only_shapes = self.precompile_allowed_log_heights.iter().flat_map( - move |(air, (mem_events_per_row, allowed_log_heights))| { - allowed_log_heights.iter().flat_map(move |allowed_log_height| { - self.get_precompile_shapes(air, *mem_events_per_row, *allowed_log_height) - }) - }, - ); - - let precompile_shapes = - Self::generate_all_shapes_from_allowed_log_heights(preprocessed_heights.clone()) - .flat_map(move |preprocessed_shape| { - precompile_only_shapes.clone().map(move |precompile_shape| { - preprocessed_shape - .clone() - .into_iter() - .chain(precompile_shape) - .collect::() - }) - }); - - included_shapes - .chain(self.allowed_core_log_heights.iter().flat_map(move |allowed_log_heights| { - Self::generate_all_shapes_from_allowed_log_heights({ - let mut log_heights = allowed_log_heights - .iter() - .map(|(air, heights)| (air.name(), heights.clone())) - .collect::>(); - log_heights.extend(preprocessed_heights.clone()); - log_heights - }) - })) - .chain(Self::generate_all_shapes_from_allowed_log_heights(memory_heights)) - .chain(precompile_shapes) - } - - pub fn maximal_core_shapes(&self) -> Vec { - let max_preprocessed = self - .allowed_preprocessed_log_heights - .iter() - .map(|(air, allowed_heights)| (air.name(), allowed_heights.last().unwrap().unwrap())); - - let max_core_shapes = self - .allowed_core_log_heights - .iter() - .zip(self.maximal_core_log_heights_mask.iter()) - .filter(|(_, mask)| **mask) - .map(|(allowed_log_heights, _)| { - max_preprocessed - .clone() - .chain(allowed_log_heights.iter().map(|(air, allowed_heights)| { - (air.name(), allowed_heights.last().unwrap().unwrap()) - })) - .collect::() - }); - - max_core_shapes.collect() - } -} - -impl Default for CoreShapeConfig { - fn default() -> Self { - // Preprocessed chip heights. - let program_heights = vec![Some(19), Some(20), Some(21), Some(22)]; - let program_memory_heights = vec![Some(19), Some(20), Some(21), Some(22)]; - - let allowed_preprocessed_log_heights = HashMap::from([ - (RiscvAir::Program(ProgramChip::default()), program_heights), - (RiscvAir::ProgramMemory(MemoryProgramChip::default()), program_memory_heights), - (RiscvAir::ByteLookup(ByteChip::default()), vec![Some(16)]), - ]); - - let core_shapes = [ - // Small program shapes: 2^14 -> 2^18. - CoreShapeSpec { - cpu_height: vec![Some(14)], - add_sub_height: vec![Some(14)], - lt_height: vec![Some(14)], - bitwise_height: vec![Some(14)], - shift_right_height: vec![Some(14)], - shift_left_height: vec![Some(14)], - syscall_core_height: vec![Some(14)], - memory_local_height: vec![Some(14)], - mul_height: vec![Some(14)], - divrem_height: vec![Some(14)], - is_potentially_maximal: false, - }, - CoreShapeSpec { - cpu_height: vec![Some(15)], - add_sub_height: vec![Some(15)], - lt_height: vec![Some(15)], - bitwise_height: vec![Some(15)], - shift_right_height: vec![Some(15)], - shift_left_height: vec![Some(15)], - syscall_core_height: vec![Some(15)], - memory_local_height: vec![Some(15)], - mul_height: vec![Some(15)], - divrem_height: vec![Some(15)], - is_potentially_maximal: false, - }, - CoreShapeSpec { - cpu_height: vec![Some(16)], - add_sub_height: vec![Some(16)], - lt_height: vec![Some(16)], - bitwise_height: vec![Some(16)], - shift_right_height: vec![Some(16)], - shift_left_height: vec![Some(16)], - syscall_core_height: vec![Some(16)], - memory_local_height: vec![Some(16)], - mul_height: vec![Some(16)], - divrem_height: vec![Some(16)], - is_potentially_maximal: false, - }, - CoreShapeSpec { - cpu_height: vec![Some(17)], - add_sub_height: vec![Some(17)], - lt_height: vec![Some(17)], - bitwise_height: vec![Some(17)], - shift_right_height: vec![Some(17)], - shift_left_height: vec![Some(17)], - syscall_core_height: vec![Some(17)], - memory_local_height: vec![Some(17)], - mul_height: vec![Some(17)], - divrem_height: vec![Some(17)], - is_potentially_maximal: false, - }, - CoreShapeSpec { - cpu_height: vec![Some(18)], - add_sub_height: vec![Some(18)], - lt_height: vec![Some(18)], - bitwise_height: vec![Some(18)], - shift_right_height: vec![Some(18)], - shift_left_height: vec![Some(18)], - syscall_core_height: vec![Some(18)], - memory_local_height: vec![Some(18)], - mul_height: vec![Some(18)], - divrem_height: vec![Some(18)], - is_potentially_maximal: false, - }, - // Small 2^19 shape variants. - CoreShapeSpec { - cpu_height: vec![Some(19)], - add_sub_height: vec![Some(21)], - lt_height: vec![Some(16)], - bitwise_height: vec![Some(16)], - shift_right_height: vec![Some(16)], - shift_left_height: vec![Some(16)], - syscall_core_height: vec![Some(16)], - memory_local_height: vec![Some(16)], - mul_height: vec![Some(16)], - divrem_height: vec![Some(16)], - is_potentially_maximal: false, - }, - CoreShapeSpec { - cpu_height: vec![Some(19)], - add_sub_height: vec![Some(20)], - lt_height: vec![Some(20)], - bitwise_height: vec![Some(16)], - shift_right_height: vec![Some(16)], - shift_left_height: vec![Some(16)], - syscall_core_height: vec![Some(16)], - memory_local_height: vec![Some(16)], - mul_height: vec![Some(16)], - divrem_height: vec![Some(16)], - is_potentially_maximal: false, - }, - CoreShapeSpec { - cpu_height: vec![Some(19)], - add_sub_height: vec![Some(19)], - lt_height: vec![Some(19)], - bitwise_height: vec![Some(19)], - shift_right_height: vec![Some(19)], - shift_left_height: vec![Some(19)], - syscall_core_height: vec![Some(19)], - memory_local_height: vec![Some(19)], - mul_height: vec![Some(19)], - divrem_height: vec![Some(19)], - is_potentially_maximal: false, - }, - // All no-add chips in <= 1<<19. - // - // Most shapes should be included in this cluster. - CoreShapeSpec { - cpu_height: vec![Some(21)], - add_sub_height: vec![Some(21)], - lt_height: vec![Some(19)], - bitwise_height: vec![Some(18), Some(19)], - shift_right_height: vec![Some(16), Some(17), Some(18), Some(19)], - shift_left_height: vec![Some(16), Some(17), Some(18), Some(19)], - syscall_core_height: vec![Some(16), Some(17), Some(18)], - memory_local_height: vec![Some(16), Some(18), Some(18)], - mul_height: vec![Some(10), Some(16), Some(18)], - divrem_height: vec![Some(10), Some(16), Some(17)], - is_potentially_maximal: true, - }, - CoreShapeSpec { - cpu_height: vec![Some(21)], - add_sub_height: vec![Some(21)], - lt_height: vec![Some(20)], - bitwise_height: vec![None, Some(18), Some(19)], - shift_right_height: vec![None, Some(16), Some(17)], - shift_left_height: vec![None, Some(16), Some(17)], - syscall_core_height: vec![Some(16), Some(17)], - memory_local_height: vec![Some(16), Some(18), Some(18)], - mul_height: vec![None, Some(10), Some(16), Some(18)], - divrem_height: vec![None, Some(10), Some(16), Some(17)], - is_potentially_maximal: true, - }, - CoreShapeSpec { - cpu_height: vec![Some(21)], - add_sub_height: vec![Some(21)], - lt_height: vec![Some(19)], - bitwise_height: vec![Some(17), Some(18)], - shift_right_height: vec![Some(16), Some(17), Some(18), Some(19)], - shift_left_height: vec![Some(16), Some(17), Some(18), Some(19)], - syscall_core_height: vec![Some(16), Some(17), Some(19)], - memory_local_height: vec![Some(16), Some(18), Some(19)], - mul_height: vec![Some(10), Some(16), Some(18)], - divrem_height: vec![Some(10), Some(16), Some(17)], - is_potentially_maximal: true, - }, - CoreShapeSpec { - cpu_height: vec![Some(21)], - add_sub_height: vec![Some(21)], - lt_height: vec![Some(19)], - bitwise_height: vec![Some(17), Some(18)], - shift_right_height: vec![Some(16), Some(17), Some(18), Some(19)], - shift_left_height: vec![Some(16), Some(17), Some(18), Some(19)], - syscall_core_height: vec![Some(16), Some(17), Some(19)], - memory_local_height: vec![Some(16), Some(18), Some(19)], - mul_height: vec![Some(10), Some(16), Some(18)], - divrem_height: vec![Some(10), Some(16), Some(17)], - is_potentially_maximal: true, - }, - CoreShapeSpec { - cpu_height: vec![Some(21)], - add_sub_height: vec![Some(19), Some(20)], - lt_height: vec![Some(19)], - bitwise_height: vec![Some(20)], - shift_right_height: vec![Some(16), Some(17), Some(18), Some(19)], - shift_left_height: vec![Some(16), Some(17), Some(18), Some(19)], - syscall_core_height: vec![Some(16), Some(17), Some(19)], - memory_local_height: vec![Some(16), Some(18), Some(19)], - mul_height: vec![Some(10), Some(16), Some(18)], - divrem_height: vec![Some(10), Some(16), Some(17)], - is_potentially_maximal: true, - }, - // LT in <= 1<<20 - // - // For records with a lot of `LT` instructions, but less than 1<<20, this cluster is - // appropriate. - CoreShapeSpec { - cpu_height: vec![Some(21)], - add_sub_height: vec![Some(21)], - lt_height: vec![Some(20)], - bitwise_height: vec![Some(17), Some(18)], - shift_right_height: vec![Some(17), Some(18)], - shift_left_height: vec![Some(17), Some(18)], - syscall_core_height: vec![Some(17), Some(18)], - memory_local_height: vec![Some(16), Some(18), Some(19)], - mul_height: vec![Some(10), Some(16), Some(18)], - divrem_height: vec![Some(10), Some(16), Some(17)], - is_potentially_maximal: true, - }, - CoreShapeSpec { - cpu_height: vec![Some(21)], - add_sub_height: vec![Some(20)], - lt_height: vec![Some(20)], - bitwise_height: vec![Some(17), Some(18), Some(19)], - shift_right_height: vec![Some(17), Some(18)], - shift_left_height: vec![Some(17), Some(18)], - syscall_core_height: vec![Some(17), Some(18)], - memory_local_height: vec![Some(16), Some(18), Some(19)], - mul_height: vec![Some(10), Some(16), Some(18)], - divrem_height: vec![Some(10), Some(16), Some(17)], - is_potentially_maximal: true, - }, - // LT in <= 1<<21 - // - // For records with a lot of `LT` instructions, and more than 1<<20, this cluster is - // appropriate. - CoreShapeSpec { - cpu_height: vec![Some(21)], - add_sub_height: vec![Some(21)], - lt_height: vec![Some(21)], - bitwise_height: vec![Some(17)], - shift_right_height: vec![Some(17)], - shift_left_height: vec![Some(17)], - syscall_core_height: vec![Some(17)], - memory_local_height: vec![Some(16), Some(18)], - mul_height: vec![Some(10), Some(16), Some(18)], - divrem_height: vec![Some(10), Some(16), Some(17)], - is_potentially_maximal: true, - }, - // Bitwise in <= 1<<20 - CoreShapeSpec { - cpu_height: vec![Some(21)], - add_sub_height: vec![Some(21)], - lt_height: vec![Some(19)], - bitwise_height: vec![Some(20)], - shift_right_height: vec![Some(19)], - shift_left_height: vec![Some(19)], - syscall_core_height: vec![Some(18)], - memory_local_height: vec![Some(16), Some(18)], - mul_height: vec![Some(10), Some(16), Some(18)], - divrem_height: vec![Some(10), Some(16)], - is_potentially_maximal: true, - }, - // Bitwise in <= 1<<21 - CoreShapeSpec { - cpu_height: vec![Some(21)], - add_sub_height: vec![Some(21)], - lt_height: vec![Some(17)], - bitwise_height: vec![Some(21)], - shift_right_height: vec![Some(17)], - shift_left_height: vec![Some(17)], - syscall_core_height: vec![Some(16), Some(17)], - memory_local_height: vec![Some(16), Some(18)], - mul_height: vec![Some(10), Some(16), Some(18)], - divrem_height: vec![Some(10), Some(16), Some(17)], - is_potentially_maximal: true, - }, - // SLL in <= 1<<20 - CoreShapeSpec { - cpu_height: vec![Some(21)], - add_sub_height: vec![Some(18)], - lt_height: vec![Some(20)], - bitwise_height: vec![Some(18)], - shift_right_height: vec![Some(18)], - shift_left_height: vec![Some(20)], - syscall_core_height: vec![Some(16), Some(18)], - memory_local_height: vec![Some(16), Some(18), Some(19)], - mul_height: vec![Some(10), Some(16), Some(18)], - divrem_height: vec![Some(10), Some(16), Some(17)], - is_potentially_maximal: true, - }, - // SLL in <= 1<<21 - CoreShapeSpec { - cpu_height: vec![Some(21)], - add_sub_height: vec![Some(21)], - lt_height: vec![Some(17)], - bitwise_height: vec![Some(17)], - shift_right_height: vec![Some(17)], - shift_left_height: vec![Some(21)], - syscall_core_height: vec![Some(17)], - memory_local_height: vec![Some(16), Some(18)], - mul_height: vec![Some(10), Some(16), Some(18)], - divrem_height: vec![Some(10), Some(16), Some(17)], - is_potentially_maximal: true, - }, - // SRL in <= 1<<20 - CoreShapeSpec { - cpu_height: vec![Some(21)], - add_sub_height: vec![Some(18)], - lt_height: vec![Some(20)], - bitwise_height: vec![Some(18)], - shift_right_height: vec![Some(20)], - shift_left_height: vec![Some(19)], - syscall_core_height: vec![Some(18)], - memory_local_height: vec![Some(16), Some(18), Some(19)], - mul_height: vec![Some(10), Some(16), Some(18)], - divrem_height: vec![Some(10), Some(16), Some(17)], - is_potentially_maximal: true, - }, - // Shards with basic arithmetic and branching. - CoreShapeSpec { - cpu_height: vec![Some(21)], - add_sub_height: vec![Some(21)], - lt_height: vec![Some(19)], - bitwise_height: vec![Some(6)], - shift_right_height: vec![Some(19)], - shift_left_height: vec![Some(6)], - syscall_core_height: vec![Some(6)], - memory_local_height: vec![Some(16)], - mul_height: vec![Some(19)], - divrem_height: vec![Some(6)], - is_potentially_maximal: true, - }, - // Shards with many mul events. - CoreShapeSpec { - cpu_height: vec![Some(21)], - add_sub_height: vec![Some(21)], - lt_height: vec![Some(20)], - bitwise_height: vec![Some(17), Some(18)], - shift_right_height: vec![Some(17)], - shift_left_height: vec![Some(17)], - syscall_core_height: vec![Some(16)], - memory_local_height: vec![Some(16)], - mul_height: vec![Some(19), Some(20)], - divrem_height: vec![Some(10), Some(16)], - is_potentially_maximal: true, - }, - ]; - - let mut allowed_core_log_heights = vec![]; - let mut maximal_core_log_heights_mask = vec![]; - for spec in core_shapes { - let short_allowed_log_heights = HashMap::from([ - (RiscvAir::Cpu(CpuChip::default()), spec.cpu_height), - (RiscvAir::Add(AddSubChip::default()), spec.add_sub_height), - (RiscvAir::Bitwise(BitwiseChip::default()), spec.bitwise_height), - (RiscvAir::DivRem(DivRemChip::default()), spec.divrem_height), - (RiscvAir::Mul(MulChip::default()), spec.mul_height), - (RiscvAir::ShiftRight(ShiftRightChip::default()), spec.shift_right_height), - (RiscvAir::ShiftLeft(ShiftLeft::default()), spec.shift_left_height), - (RiscvAir::Lt(LtChip::default()), spec.lt_height), - (RiscvAir::MemoryLocal(MemoryLocalChip::new()), spec.memory_local_height), - (RiscvAir::SyscallCore(SyscallChip::core()), spec.syscall_core_height), - ]); - allowed_core_log_heights.push(short_allowed_log_heights); - maximal_core_log_heights_mask.push(spec.is_potentially_maximal); - } - - // Set the memory init and finalize heights. - let memory_init_heights = - vec![None, Some(10), Some(16), Some(18), Some(19), Some(20), Some(21)]; - let memory_finalize_heights = - vec![None, Some(10), Some(16), Some(18), Some(19), Some(20), Some(21)]; - let memory_allowed_log_heights = HashMap::from([ - (RiscvAir::MemoryGlobalInit(MemoryGlobalChip::new(Initialize)), memory_init_heights), - (RiscvAir::MemoryGlobalFinal(MemoryGlobalChip::new(Finalize)), memory_finalize_heights), - ]); - - let mut precompile_allowed_log_heights = HashMap::new(); - let precompile_heights = (3..19).collect::>(); - for (air, mem_events_per_row) in RiscvAir::::get_all_precompile_airs() { - precompile_allowed_log_heights - .insert(air, (mem_events_per_row, precompile_heights.clone())); - } - - Self { - included_shapes: vec![], - allowed_preprocessed_log_heights, - allowed_core_log_heights, - maximal_core_log_heights_mask, - memory_allowed_log_heights, - precompile_allowed_log_heights, - } - } -} - -#[cfg(any(test, feature = "programs"))] -pub mod tests { - use std::fmt::Debug; - - use p3_challenger::{CanObserve, FieldChallenger}; - use sp1_stark::{air::InteractionScope, Dom, MachineProver, StarkGenericConfig}; - - use super::*; - - pub fn try_generate_dummy_proof< - SC: StarkGenericConfig, - P: MachineProver>, - >( - prover: &P, - shape: &CoreShape, - ) where - SC::Val: PrimeField32, - Dom: Debug, - { - let program = shape.dummy_program(); - let record = shape.dummy_record(); - - // Try doing setup. - let (pk, _) = prover.setup(&program); - - // Try to generate traces. - let global_traces = prover.generate_traces(&record, InteractionScope::Global); - let local_traces = prover.generate_traces(&record, InteractionScope::Local); - - // Try to commit the traces. - let global_data = prover.commit(&record, global_traces); - let local_data = prover.commit(&record, local_traces); - - let mut challenger = prover.machine().config().challenger(); - challenger.observe(global_data.main_commit.clone()); - challenger.observe(local_data.main_commit.clone()); - - let global_permutation_challenges: [::Challenge; 2] = - [challenger.sample_ext_element(), challenger.sample_ext_element()]; - - // Try to "open". - prover - .open( - &pk, - Some(global_data), - local_data, - &mut challenger, - &global_permutation_challenges, - ) - .unwrap(); - } - - #[test] - #[ignore] - fn test_making_shapes() { - use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; - let shape_config = CoreShapeConfig::::default(); - let num_shapes = shape_config.generate_all_allowed_shapes().count(); - println!("There are {} core shapes", num_shapes); - assert!(num_shapes < 1 << 24); - } - - #[test] - fn test_dummy_record() { - use crate::utils::setup_logger; - use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; - use sp1_stark::baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2; - use sp1_stark::CpuProver; - - type SC = BabyBearPoseidon2; - type A = RiscvAir; - - setup_logger(); - - let preprocessed_log_heights = [ - (RiscvAir::::Program(ProgramChip::default()), 10), - (RiscvAir::::ProgramMemory(MemoryProgramChip::default()), 10), - (RiscvAir::::ByteLookup(ByteChip::default()), 16), - ]; - - let core_log_heights = [ - (RiscvAir::::Cpu(CpuChip::default()), 11), - (RiscvAir::::DivRem(DivRemChip::default()), 11), - (RiscvAir::::Add(AddSubChip::default()), 10), - (RiscvAir::::Bitwise(BitwiseChip::default()), 10), - (RiscvAir::::Mul(MulChip::default()), 10), - (RiscvAir::::ShiftRight(ShiftRightChip::default()), 10), - (RiscvAir::::ShiftLeft(ShiftLeft::default()), 10), - (RiscvAir::::Lt(LtChip::default()), 10), - (RiscvAir::::MemoryLocal(MemoryLocalChip::new()), 10), - (RiscvAir::::SyscallCore(SyscallChip::core()), 10), - ]; - - let height_map = preprocessed_log_heights - .into_iter() - .chain(core_log_heights) - .map(|(air, log_height)| (air.name(), log_height)) - .collect::>(); - - let shape = CoreShape { inner: height_map }; - - // Try generating preprocessed traces. - let config = SC::default(); - let machine = A::machine(config); - let prover = CpuProver::new(machine); - - try_generate_dummy_proof(&prover, &shape); - } -} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/runtime/syscall.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/runtime/syscall.rs index 789b073b4..18a748da3 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/runtime/syscall.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/runtime/syscall.rs @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ use crate::syscall::precompiles::edwards::EdDecompressChip; use crate::syscall::precompiles::fptower::{Fp2AddSubSyscall, Fp2MulAssignChip, FpOpSyscall}; use crate::syscall::precompiles::keccak256::KeccakPermuteChip; use crate::syscall::precompiles::sha256::{ShaCompressChip, ShaExtendChip}; +use crate::syscall::precompiles::u256x2048_mul::U256x2048MulChip; use crate::syscall::precompiles::uint256::Uint256MulChip; use crate::syscall::precompiles::weierstrass::WeierstrassAddAssignChip; use crate::syscall::precompiles::weierstrass::WeierstrassDecompressChip; @@ -73,6 +74,15 @@ pub enum SyscallCode { /// Executes the `SECP256K1_DECOMPRESS` precompile. SECP256K1_DECOMPRESS = 0x00_00_01_0C, + /// Executes the `SECP256R1_ADD` precompile. + SECP256R1_ADD = 0x00_01_01_2C, + + /// Executes the `SECP256R1_DOUBLE` precompile. + SECP256R1_DOUBLE = 0x00_00_01_2D, + + /// Executes the `SECP256R1_DECOMPRESS` precompile. + SECP256R1_DECOMPRESS = 0x00_00_01_2E, + /// Executes the `BN254_ADD` precompile. BN254_ADD = 0x00_01_01_0E, @@ -100,6 +110,9 @@ pub enum SyscallCode { /// Executes the `UINT256_MUL` precompile. UINT256_MUL = 0x00_01_01_1D, + /// Executes the `U256X2048_MUL` precompile. + U256X2048_MUL = 0x00_01_01_2F, + /// Executes the `BLS12381_ADD` precompile. BLS12381_ADD = 0x00_01_01_1E, @@ -159,6 +172,9 @@ impl SyscallCode { 0x00_01_01_0A => SyscallCode::SECP256K1_ADD, 0x00_00_01_0B => SyscallCode::SECP256K1_DOUBLE, 0x00_00_01_0C => SyscallCode::SECP256K1_DECOMPRESS, + 0x00_01_01_2C => SyscallCode::SECP256R1_ADD, + 0x00_00_01_2D => SyscallCode::SECP256R1_DOUBLE, + 0x00_00_01_2E => SyscallCode::SECP256R1_DECOMPRESS, 0x00_01_01_0E => SyscallCode::BN254_ADD, 0x00_00_01_0F => SyscallCode::BN254_DOUBLE, 0x00_01_01_1E => SyscallCode::BLS12381_ADD, @@ -169,6 +185,7 @@ impl SyscallCode { 0x00_00_00_F0 => SyscallCode::HINT_LEN, 0x00_00_00_F1 => SyscallCode::HINT_READ, 0x00_01_01_1D => SyscallCode::UINT256_MUL, + 0x00_01_01_2F => SyscallCode::U256X2048_MUL, 0x00_01_01_20 => SyscallCode::BLS12381_FP_ADD, 0x00_01_01_21 => SyscallCode::BLS12381_FP_SUB, 0x00_01_01_22 => SyscallCode::BLS12381_FP_MUL, @@ -336,22 +353,12 @@ pub fn default_syscall_map() -> HashMap> { syscall_map.insert(SyscallCode::HALT, Arc::new(SyscallHalt {})); syscall_map.insert(SyscallCode::SHA_EXTEND, Arc::new(ShaExtendChip::new())); syscall_map.insert(SyscallCode::SHA_COMPRESS, Arc::new(ShaCompressChip::new())); - syscall_map.insert( - SyscallCode::ED_ADD, - Arc::new(EdAddAssignChip::::new()), - ); - syscall_map.insert( - SyscallCode::ED_DECOMPRESS, - Arc::new(EdDecompressChip::::new()), - ); - syscall_map.insert( - SyscallCode::KECCAK_PERMUTE, - Arc::new(KeccakPermuteChip::new()), - ); - syscall_map.insert( - SyscallCode::SECP256K1_ADD, - Arc::new(WeierstrassAddAssignChip::::new()), - ); + syscall_map.insert(SyscallCode::ED_ADD, Arc::new(EdAddAssignChip::::new())); + syscall_map + .insert(SyscallCode::ED_DECOMPRESS, Arc::new(EdDecompressChip::::new())); + syscall_map.insert(SyscallCode::KECCAK_PERMUTE, Arc::new(KeccakPermuteChip::new())); + syscall_map + .insert(SyscallCode::SECP256K1_ADD, Arc::new(WeierstrassAddAssignChip::::new())); syscall_map.insert( SyscallCode::SECP256K1_DOUBLE, Arc::new(WeierstrassDoubleAssignChip::::new()), @@ -360,23 +367,27 @@ pub fn default_syscall_map() -> HashMap> { SyscallCode::SECP256K1_DECOMPRESS, Arc::new(WeierstrassDecompressChip::::with_lsb_rule()), ); + syscall_map + .insert(SyscallCode::SECP256R1_ADD, Arc::new(WeierstrassAddAssignChip::::new())); syscall_map.insert( - SyscallCode::BN254_ADD, - Arc::new(WeierstrassAddAssignChip::::new()), - ); - syscall_map.insert( - SyscallCode::BN254_DOUBLE, - Arc::new(WeierstrassDoubleAssignChip::::new()), + SyscallCode::SECP256R1_DOUBLE, + Arc::new(WeierstrassDoubleAssignChip::::new()), ); syscall_map.insert( - SyscallCode::BLS12381_ADD, - Arc::new(WeierstrassAddAssignChip::::new()), + SyscallCode::SECP256R1_DECOMPRESS, + Arc::new(WeierstrassDecompressChip::::with_lsb_rule()), ); + syscall_map.insert(SyscallCode::BN254_ADD, Arc::new(WeierstrassAddAssignChip::::new())); + syscall_map + .insert(SyscallCode::BN254_DOUBLE, Arc::new(WeierstrassDoubleAssignChip::::new())); + syscall_map + .insert(SyscallCode::BLS12381_ADD, Arc::new(WeierstrassAddAssignChip::::new())); syscall_map.insert( SyscallCode::BLS12381_DOUBLE, Arc::new(WeierstrassDoubleAssignChip::::new()), ); syscall_map.insert(SyscallCode::UINT256_MUL, Arc::new(Uint256MulChip::new())); + syscall_map.insert(SyscallCode::U256X2048_MUL, Arc::new(U256x2048MulChip::new())); syscall_map.insert( SyscallCode::BLS12381_FP_ADD, Arc::new(FpOpSyscall::::new(FieldOperation::Add)), @@ -391,15 +402,11 @@ pub fn default_syscall_map() -> HashMap> { ); syscall_map.insert( SyscallCode::BLS12381_FP2_ADD, - Arc::new(Fp2AddSubSyscall::::new( - FieldOperation::Add, - )), + Arc::new(Fp2AddSubSyscall::::new(FieldOperation::Add)), ); syscall_map.insert( SyscallCode::BLS12381_FP2_SUB, - Arc::new(Fp2AddSubSyscall::::new( - FieldOperation::Sub, - )), + Arc::new(Fp2AddSubSyscall::::new(FieldOperation::Sub)), ); syscall_map.insert( SyscallCode::BLS12381_FP2_MUL, @@ -425,28 +432,15 @@ pub fn default_syscall_map() -> HashMap> { SyscallCode::BN254_FP2_SUB, Arc::new(Fp2AddSubSyscall::::new(FieldOperation::Sub)), ); - syscall_map.insert( - SyscallCode::BN254_FP2_MUL, - Arc::new(Fp2MulAssignChip::::new()), - ); - syscall_map.insert( - SyscallCode::ENTER_UNCONSTRAINED, - Arc::new(SyscallEnterUnconstrained::new()), - ); - syscall_map.insert( - SyscallCode::EXIT_UNCONSTRAINED, - Arc::new(SyscallExitUnconstrained::new()), - ); + syscall_map + .insert(SyscallCode::BN254_FP2_MUL, Arc::new(Fp2MulAssignChip::::new())); + syscall_map + .insert(SyscallCode::ENTER_UNCONSTRAINED, Arc::new(SyscallEnterUnconstrained::new())); + syscall_map.insert(SyscallCode::EXIT_UNCONSTRAINED, Arc::new(SyscallExitUnconstrained::new())); syscall_map.insert(SyscallCode::WRITE, Arc::new(SyscallWrite::new())); syscall_map.insert(SyscallCode::COMMIT, Arc::new(SyscallCommit::new())); - syscall_map.insert( - SyscallCode::COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS, - Arc::new(SyscallCommitDeferred::new()), - ); - syscall_map.insert( - SyscallCode::VERIFY_SP1_PROOF, - Arc::new(SyscallVerifySP1Proof::new()), - ); + syscall_map.insert(SyscallCode::COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS, Arc::new(SyscallCommitDeferred::new())); + syscall_map.insert(SyscallCode::VERIFY_SP1_PROOF, Arc::new(SyscallVerifySP1Proof::new())); syscall_map.insert(SyscallCode::HINT_LEN, Arc::new(SyscallHintLen::new())); syscall_map.insert(SyscallCode::HINT_READ, Arc::new(SyscallHintRead::new())); syscall_map.insert( @@ -513,9 +507,15 @@ mod tests { SyscallCode::SECP256K1_ADD => { assert_eq!(code as u32, sp1_zkvm::syscalls::SECP256K1_ADD) } + SyscallCode::SECP256R1_ADD => { + assert_eq!(code as u32, sp1_zkvm::syscalls::SECP256R1_ADD) + } SyscallCode::SECP256K1_DOUBLE => { assert_eq!(code as u32, sp1_zkvm::syscalls::SECP256K1_DOUBLE) } + SyscallCode::SECP256R1_DOUBLE => { + assert_eq!(code as u32, sp1_zkvm::syscalls::SECP256R1_DOUBLE) + } SyscallCode::BLS12381_ADD => { assert_eq!(code as u32, sp1_zkvm::syscalls::BLS12381_ADD) } @@ -525,6 +525,9 @@ mod tests { SyscallCode::SECP256K1_DECOMPRESS => { assert_eq!(code as u32, sp1_zkvm::syscalls::SECP256K1_DECOMPRESS) } + SyscallCode::SECP256R1_DECOMPRESS => { + assert_eq!(code as u32, sp1_zkvm::syscalls::SECP256R1_DECOMPRESS) + } SyscallCode::BN254_ADD => assert_eq!(code as u32, sp1_zkvm::syscalls::BN254_ADD), SyscallCode::BN254_DOUBLE => { assert_eq!(code as u32, sp1_zkvm::syscalls::BN254_DOUBLE) @@ -532,6 +535,9 @@ mod tests { SyscallCode::UINT256_MUL => { assert_eq!(code as u32, sp1_zkvm::syscalls::UINT256_MUL) } + SyscallCode::U256X2048_MUL => { + assert_eq!(code as u32, sp1_zkvm::syscalls::U256X2048_MUL) + } SyscallCode::COMMIT => assert_eq!(code as u32, sp1_zkvm::syscalls::COMMIT), SyscallCode::COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS => { assert_eq!(code as u32, sp1_zkvm::syscalls::COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS) diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/runtime/utils.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/runtime/utils.rs index 7c0ad541e..483400e29 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/runtime/utils.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/runtime/utils.rs @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ macro_rules! assert_valid_memory_access { assert!($addr > 40); } _ => { - Register::from_u32($addr); + Register::from_u8($addr); } }; } @@ -69,11 +69,7 @@ impl<'a> Runtime<'a> { ); if !self.unconstrained && self.state.global_clk % 10_000_000 == 0 { - log::info!( - "clk = {} pc = 0x{:x?}", - self.state.global_clk, - self.state.pc - ); + log::info!("clk = {} pc = 0x{:x?}", self.state.global_clk, self.state.pc); } } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/shape/maximal_shapes.json b/crates/core/machine/src/shape/maximal_shapes.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2453276ee --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/shape/maximal_shapes.json @@ -0,0 +1,44753 @@ +{ + "17": [ + { + "inner": { + "Bitwise": 15, + "ShiftRight": 14, + "Mul": 11, + "Jump": 12, + "Cpu": 17, + "Global": 13, + "Lt": 15, + "MemoryLocal": 10, + "Auipc": 11, + "Branch": 14, + "AddSub": 17, + "DivRem": 6, + "MemoryInstrs": 15, + "ShiftLeft": 12 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 17, + "Global": 13, + "Lt": 16, + "SyscallInstrs": 6, + "Jump": 14, + "ShiftLeft": 12, + "Bitwise": 12, + "ShiftRight": 9, + "Mul": 7, + "MemoryLocal": 10, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 15, + "AddSub": 17, + "MemoryInstrs": 16, + "SyscallCore": 6 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 17, + "Global": 13, + "Lt": 15, + "SyscallInstrs": 8, + "Jump": 13, + "DivRem": 4, + "ShiftLeft": 13, + "Bitwise": 14, + "ShiftRight": 13, + "Mul": 11, + "MemoryLocal": 10, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 14, + "AddSub": 17, + "MemoryInstrs": 16, + "SyscallCore": 8 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 17, + "Global": 16, + "Lt": 15, + "SyscallInstrs": 10, + "Jump": 12, + "ShiftLeft": 12, + "Bitwise": 14, + "ShiftRight": 13, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryLocal": 13, + "Auipc": 11, + "Branch": 13, + "AddSub": 17, + "MemoryInstrs": 16, + "SyscallCore": 10 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 17, + "Global": 13, + "Lt": 16, + "SyscallInstrs": 6, + "Jump": 13, + "ShiftLeft": 12, + "Bitwise": 15, + "ShiftRight": 12, + "Mul": 7, + "MemoryLocal": 10, + "Auipc": 12, + 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"AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 14 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 20, + "SyscallInstrs": 5, + "Jump": 16, + "DivRem": 6, + "ShiftLeft": 17, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 17, + "Mul": 15, + "MemoryLocal": 15, + "Auipc": 14, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 5 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 20, + "SyscallInstrs": 6, + "Jump": 16, + "DivRem": 4, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 19, + "ShiftRight": 17, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryLocal": 15, + "Auipc": 14, + "Branch": 19, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 6 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 20, + "SyscallInstrs": 5, + "Jump": 16, + "DivRem": 3, + "ShiftLeft": 17, + "Bitwise": 19, + "ShiftRight": 17, + "Mul": 14, + "MemoryLocal": 15, + "Auipc": 14, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 5 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 20, + "SyscallInstrs": 4, + "Jump": 16, + "DivRem": 4, + "ShiftLeft": 17, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 17, + "Mul": 15, + "MemoryLocal": 15, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 19, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 4 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 16, + "Lt": 20, + "SyscallInstrs": 5, + "Jump": 16, + "DivRem": 0, + "ShiftLeft": 16, + "Bitwise": 17, + "ShiftRight": 16, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryLocal": 13, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 5 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Bitwise": 17, + "ShiftRight": 16, + "Mul": 18, + "Jump": 16, + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 15, + "Lt": 20, + "MemoryLocal": 12, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "DivRem": 0, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "ShiftLeft": 17 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 17, + "Lt": 20, + "SyscallInstrs": 12, + "Jump": 16, + "DivRem": 0, + "ShiftLeft": 16, + "Bitwise": 17, + "ShiftRight": 15, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryLocal": 14, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 12 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 21, + "Lt": 17, + "SyscallInstrs": 16, + "Jump": 17, + "ShiftLeft": 15, + "Bitwise": 17, + "ShiftRight": 14, + "Mul": 11, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 16, + "Branch": 16, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 21, + "SyscallCore": 16 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 19, + "Lt": 20, + "SyscallInstrs": 13, + "Jump": 16, + "DivRem": 6, + "ShiftLeft": 17, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 16, + "Mul": 14, + "MemoryLocal": 16, + "Auipc": 15, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 13 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 19, + "Lt": 20, + "SyscallInstrs": 10, + "Jump": 16, + "DivRem": 2, + "ShiftLeft": 17, + "Bitwise": 19, + "ShiftRight": 17, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryLocal": 16, + "Auipc": 14, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 10 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 19, + "Lt": 20, + "SyscallInstrs": 7, + "Jump": 18, + "ShiftLeft": 12, + "Bitwise": 15, + "ShiftRight": 13, + "Mul": 12, + "MemoryLocal": 16, + "Auipc": 17, + "Branch": 19, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 7 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 20, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 14, + "Jump": 15, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 1, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryLocal": 17, + "Auipc": 14, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 14 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 18, + "SyscallInstrs": 11, + "Jump": 15, + "DivRem": 2, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 20, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryLocal": 15, + "Auipc": 14, + "Branch": 17, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 19, + "SyscallCore": 11 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 20, + "Lt": 18, + "SyscallInstrs": 14, + "Jump": 15, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 10, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryLocal": 17, + "Auipc": 14, + "Branch": 17, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 14 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 19, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 14, + "Jump": 16, + "ShiftLeft": 17, + "Bitwise": 19, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 16, + "MemoryLocal": 16, + "Auipc": 15, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 14 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 19, + "Lt": 20, + "SyscallInstrs": 12, + "Jump": 14, + "ShiftLeft": 12, + "Bitwise": 19, + "ShiftRight": 12, + "Mul": 8, + "MemoryLocal": 16, + "Auipc": 12, + "Branch": 19, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 12 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 20, + "SyscallInstrs": 10, + "Jump": 16, + "DivRem": 3, + "ShiftLeft": 17, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 17, + "Mul": 15, + "MemoryLocal": 15, + "Auipc": 14, + "Branch": 19, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 10 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 20, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 15, + "Jump": 17, + "ShiftLeft": 15, + "Bitwise": 17, + "ShiftRight": 14, + "Mul": 14, + "MemoryLocal": 17, + "Auipc": 15, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 21, + "SyscallCore": 15 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 19, + "Lt": 20, + "SyscallInstrs": 12, + "Jump": 16, + "DivRem": 2, + "ShiftLeft": 17, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 17, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryLocal": 15, + "Auipc": 14, + "Branch": 19, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 12 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 20, + "SyscallInstrs": 5, + "Jump": 16, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 19, + "ShiftRight": 17, + "Mul": 14, + "MemoryLocal": 15, + "Auipc": 14, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 5 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 20, + "SyscallInstrs": 10, + "Jump": 16, + "DivRem": 5, + "ShiftLeft": 17, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 17, + "Mul": 14, + "MemoryLocal": 15, + "Auipc": 14, + "Branch": 19, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 10 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 17, + "Mul": 14, + "Jump": 16, + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 17, + "Lt": 20, + "MemoryLocal": 14, + "Auipc": 14, + "Branch": 19, + "AddSub": 21, + "DivRem": 8, + "MemoryInstrs": 19, + "ShiftLeft": 16 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 20, + "SyscallInstrs": 11, + "Jump": 16, + "DivRem": 4, + "ShiftLeft": 16, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 17, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryLocal": 15, + "Auipc": 15, + "Branch": 19, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 11 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 16, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 14, + "Jump": 17, + "ShiftLeft": 17, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryLocal": 12, + "Auipc": 16, + "Branch": 17, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 14 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 16, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 15, + "Jump": 14, + "ShiftLeft": 17, + "Bitwise": 19, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryLocal": 12, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 17, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 19, + "SyscallCore": 15 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 16, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 14, + "Jump": 14, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 19, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 12, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 17, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 14 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 14, + "Jump": 16, + "ShiftLeft": 17, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 15, + "Auipc": 15, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 14 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 16, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 13, + "Jump": 14, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 19, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 16, + "MemoryLocal": 13, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 17, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 13 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 17, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 14, + "Jump": 16, + "ShiftLeft": 17, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 17, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryLocal": 14, + "Auipc": 15, + "Branch": 17, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 14 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 20, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 13, + "Jump": 15, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 19, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryLocal": 17, + "Auipc": 14, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 13 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 21, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 7, + "Jump": 16, + "DivRem": 4, + "ShiftLeft": 17, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 14, + "Mul": 14, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 14, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 7 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 20, + "Lt": 18, + "SyscallInstrs": 11, + "Jump": 15, + "ShiftLeft": 19, + "Bitwise": 19, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 12, + "MemoryLocal": 17, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 17, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 11 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 20, + "Lt": 18, + "SyscallInstrs": 12, + "Jump": 15, + "ShiftLeft": 19, + "Bitwise": 19, + "ShiftRight": 17, + "Mul": 12, + "MemoryLocal": 17, + "Auipc": 14, + "Branch": 17, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 12 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 20, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 9, + "Jump": 16, + "DivRem": 2, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 17, + "Mul": 12, + "MemoryLocal": 17, + "Auipc": 14, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 9 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Bitwise": 17, + "ShiftRight": 14, + "Mul": 13, + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 12, + "Lt": 19, + "MemoryLocal": 9, + "Auipc": 12, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 21, + "Jump": 17, + "ShiftLeft": 17 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 20, + "SyscallInstrs": 7, + "Jump": 15, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 19, + "ShiftRight": 17, + "Mul": 15, + "MemoryLocal": 15, + "Auipc": 14, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 7 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 21, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 7, + "Jump": 15, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 11, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 7 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 17, + "Mul": 7, + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 21, + "Lt": 19, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 14, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 21, + "Jump": 15, + "ShiftLeft": 17 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 20, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 15, + "Jump": 16, + "ShiftLeft": 17, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 16, + "Mul": 8, + "MemoryLocal": 17, + "Auipc": 15, + "Branch": 17, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 21, + "SyscallCore": 15 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 19, + "Lt": 20, + "SyscallInstrs": 5, + "Jump": 16, + "DivRem": 6, + "ShiftLeft": 16, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 16, + "Mul": 14, + "MemoryLocal": 16, + "Auipc": 14, + "Branch": 19, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 5 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 19, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 9, + "Jump": 16, + "DivRem": 8, + "ShiftLeft": 17, + "Bitwise": 19, + "ShiftRight": 17, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryLocal": 16, + "Auipc": 15, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 9 + } + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/shape/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/shape/mod.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9dea8a723 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/shape/mod.rs @@ -0,0 +1,716 @@ +use std::collections::BTreeMap; +use std::str::FromStr; + +use hashbrown::HashMap; +use itertools::Itertools; +use num::Integer; +use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; +use p3_field::PrimeField32; +use p3_util::log2_ceil_usize; +use sp1_core_executor::{ExecutionRecord, Program, RiscvAirId}; +use sp1_stark::{ + air::MachineAir, + shape::{OrderedShape, Shape, ShapeCluster}, + MachineRecord, +}; +use thiserror::Error; + +use super::riscv::riscv_chips::{ByteChip, ProgramChip, SyscallChip}; +use crate::{ + global::GlobalChip, + memory::{MemoryLocalChip, NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_ENTRIES_PER_ROW}, + riscv::RiscvAir, +}; + +/// The set of maximal shapes. +/// +/// These shapes define the "worst-case" shapes for typical shards that are proving `rv32im` +/// execution. We use a variant of a cartesian product of the allowed log heights to generate +/// smaller shapes from these ones. +const MAXIMAL_SHAPES: &[u8] = include_bytes!("maximal_shapes.json"); + +/// The set of tiny shapes. +/// +/// These shapes are used to optimize performance for smaller programs. +const SMALL_SHAPES: &[u8] = include_bytes!("small_shapes.json"); + +/// A configuration for what shapes are allowed to be used by the prover. +#[derive(Debug)] +pub struct CoreShapeConfig { + partial_preprocessed_shapes: ShapeCluster, + partial_core_shapes: BTreeMap>>, + partial_memory_shapes: ShapeCluster, + partial_precompile_shapes: HashMap, (usize, Vec)>, + partial_small_shapes: Vec>, + costs: HashMap, +} + +impl CoreShapeConfig { + /// Fix the preprocessed shape of the proof. + pub fn fix_preprocessed_shape(&self, program: &mut Program) -> Result<(), CoreShapeError> { + // If the preprocessed shape is already fixed, return an error. + if program.preprocessed_shape.is_some() { + return Err(CoreShapeError::PreprocessedShapeAlreadyFixed); + } + + // Get the heights of the preprocessed chips and find a shape that fits. + let preprocessed_heights = RiscvAir::::preprocessed_heights(program); + let preprocessed_shape = self + .partial_preprocessed_shapes + .find_shape(&preprocessed_heights) + .ok_or(CoreShapeError::PreprocessedShapeError)?; + + // Set the preprocessed shape. + program.preprocessed_shape = Some(preprocessed_shape); + + Ok(()) + } + + /// Fix the shape of the proof. + pub fn fix_shape(&self, record: &mut ExecutionRecord) -> Result<(), CoreShapeError> { + if record.program.preprocessed_shape.is_none() { + return Err(CoreShapeError::PrepcocessedShapeMissing); + } + if record.shape.is_some() { + return Err(CoreShapeError::ShapeAlreadyFixed); + } + + // Set the shape of the chips with prepcoded shapes to match the preprocessed shape from the + // program. + record.shape.clone_from(&record.program.preprocessed_shape); + + // If this is a packed "core" record where the cpu events are alongisde the memory init and + // finalize events, try to fix the shape using the tiny shapes. + if record.contains_cpu() + && (!record.global_memory_finalize_events.is_empty() + || !record.global_memory_initialize_events.is_empty()) + { + // Get the heights of the core airs in the record. + let mut heights = RiscvAir::::core_heights(record); + heights.extend(RiscvAir::::memory_heights(record)); + + // Try to find a shape fitting within at least one of the candidate shapes. + let mut minimal_shape = None; + let mut minimal_area = usize::MAX; + let mut minimal_cluster = None; + for (i, cluster) in self.partial_small_shapes.iter().enumerate() { + if let Some(shape) = cluster.find_shape(&heights) { + if self.estimate_lde_size(&shape) < minimal_area { + minimal_area = self.estimate_lde_size(&shape); + minimal_shape = Some(shape); + minimal_cluster = Some(i); + } + } + } + + if let Some(shape) = minimal_shape { + let shard = record.public_values.shard; + tracing::info!( + "Shard Lifted: Index={}, Cluster={}", + shard, + minimal_cluster.unwrap() + ); + for (air, height) in heights.iter() { + if shape.contains(air) { + tracing::info!( + "Chip {:<20}: {:<3} -> {:<3}", + air, + log2_ceil_usize(*height), + shape.log2_height(air).unwrap(), + ); + } + } + record.shape.as_mut().unwrap().extend(shape); + return Ok(()); + } + + // No shape found, so return an error. + return Err(CoreShapeError::ShapeError( + heights + .into_iter() + .map(|(air, height)| (air.to_string(), log2_ceil_usize(height))) + .collect(), + )); + } + + // If this is a normal "core" record, try to fix the shape as such. + if record.contains_cpu() { + // Get the heights of the core airs in the record. + let heights = RiscvAir::::core_heights(record); + + // Try to find the smallest shape fitting within at least one of the candidate shapes. + let log2_shard_size = record.cpu_events.len().next_power_of_two().ilog2() as usize; + let mut minimal_shape = None; + let mut minimal_area = usize::MAX; + let mut minimal_cluster = None; + for (_, clusters) in self.partial_core_shapes.range(log2_shard_size..) { + for (i, cluster) in clusters.iter().enumerate() { + if let Some(shape) = cluster.find_shape(&heights) { + if self.estimate_lde_size(&shape) < minimal_area { + minimal_area = self.estimate_lde_size(&shape); + minimal_shape = Some(shape.clone()); + minimal_cluster = Some(i); + } + } + } + } + + if let Some(shape) = minimal_shape { + let shard = record.public_values.shard; + let cluster = minimal_cluster.unwrap(); + tracing::info!("Shard Lifted: Index={}, Cluster={}", shard, cluster); + + for (air, height) in heights.iter() { + if shape.contains(air) { + tracing::info!( + "Chip {:<20}: {:<3} -> {:<3}", + air, + log2_ceil_usize(*height), + shape.log2_height(air).unwrap(), + ); + } + } + record.shape.as_mut().unwrap().extend(shape); + return Ok(()); + } + + // No shape found, so return an error. + return Err(CoreShapeError::ShapeError(record.stats())); + } + + // If the record is a does not have the CPU chip and is a global memory init/finalize + // record, try to fix the shape as such. + if !record.global_memory_initialize_events.is_empty() + || !record.global_memory_finalize_events.is_empty() + { + let heights = RiscvAir::::memory_heights(record); + let shape = self + .partial_memory_shapes + .find_shape(&heights) + .ok_or(CoreShapeError::ShapeError(record.stats()))?; + record.shape.as_mut().unwrap().extend(shape); + return Ok(()); + } + + // Try to fix the shape as a precompile record. + for (air, (memory_events_per_row, allowed_log2_heights)) in + self.partial_precompile_shapes.iter() + { + if let Some((height, num_memory_local_events, num_global_events)) = + air.precompile_heights(record) + { + for allowed_log2_height in allowed_log2_heights { + let allowed_height = 1 << allowed_log2_height; + if height <= allowed_height { + for shape in self.get_precompile_shapes( + air, + *memory_events_per_row, + *allowed_log2_height, + ) { + let mem_events_height = shape[2].1; + let global_events_height = shape[3].1; + if num_memory_local_events.div_ceil(NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_ENTRIES_PER_ROW) + <= (1 << mem_events_height) + && num_global_events <= (1 << global_events_height) + { + record.shape.as_mut().unwrap().extend( + shape + .iter() + .map(|x| (RiscvAirId::from_str(&x.0).unwrap(), x.1)), + ); + return Ok(()); + } + } + } + } + tracing::error!( + "Cannot find shape for precompile {:?}, height {:?}, and mem events {:?}", + air.name(), + height, + num_memory_local_events + ); + return Err(CoreShapeError::ShapeError(record.stats())); + } + } + + Err(CoreShapeError::PrecompileNotIncluded(record.stats())) + } + + // TODO: this function is atrocious, fix this + fn get_precompile_shapes( + &self, + air: &RiscvAir, + memory_events_per_row: usize, + allowed_log2_height: usize, + ) -> Vec<[(String, usize); 4]> { + // TODO: This is a temporary fix to the shape, concretely fix this + (1..=4 * air.rows_per_event()) + .rev() + .map(|rows_per_event| { + let num_local_mem_events = + ((1 << allowed_log2_height) * memory_events_per_row).div_ceil(rows_per_event); + [ + (air.name(), allowed_log2_height), + ( + RiscvAir::::SyscallPrecompile(SyscallChip::precompile()).name(), + ((1 << allowed_log2_height) + .div_ceil(&air.rows_per_event()) + .next_power_of_two() + .ilog2() as usize) + .max(4), + ), + ( + RiscvAir::::MemoryLocal(MemoryLocalChip::new()).name(), + (num_local_mem_events + .div_ceil(NUM_LOCAL_MEMORY_ENTRIES_PER_ROW) + .next_power_of_two() + .ilog2() as usize) + .max(4), + ), + ( + RiscvAir::::Global(GlobalChip).name(), + ((2 * num_local_mem_events + + (1 << allowed_log2_height).div_ceil(&air.rows_per_event())) + .next_power_of_two() + .ilog2() as usize) + .max(4), + ), + ] + }) + .filter(|shape| shape[3].1 <= 22) + .collect::>() + } + + fn generate_all_shapes_from_allowed_log_heights( + allowed_log_heights: impl IntoIterator>)>, + ) -> impl Iterator { + allowed_log_heights + .into_iter() + .map(|(name, heights)| heights.into_iter().map(move |height| (name.clone(), height))) + .multi_cartesian_product() + .map(|iter| { + iter.into_iter() + .filter_map(|(name, maybe_height)| { + maybe_height.map(|log_height| (name, log_height)) + }) + .collect::() + }) + } + + pub fn all_shapes(&self) -> impl Iterator + '_ { + let preprocessed_heights = self + .partial_preprocessed_shapes + .iter() + .map(|(air, heights)| (air.to_string(), heights.clone())) + .collect::>(); + + let mut memory_heights = self + .partial_memory_shapes + .iter() + .map(|(air, heights)| (air.to_string(), heights.clone())) + .collect::>(); + memory_heights.extend(preprocessed_heights.clone()); + + let precompile_only_shapes = self.partial_precompile_shapes.iter().flat_map( + move |(air, (mem_events_per_row, allowed_log_heights))| { + allowed_log_heights.iter().flat_map(move |allowed_log_height| { + self.get_precompile_shapes(air, *mem_events_per_row, *allowed_log_height) + }) + }, + ); + + let precompile_shapes = + Self::generate_all_shapes_from_allowed_log_heights(preprocessed_heights.clone()) + .flat_map(move |preprocessed_shape| { + precompile_only_shapes.clone().map(move |precompile_shape| { + preprocessed_shape + .clone() + .into_iter() + .chain(precompile_shape) + .collect::() + }) + }); + + self.partial_core_shapes + .values() + .flatten() + .chain(self.partial_small_shapes.iter()) + .flat_map(move |allowed_log_heights| { + Self::generate_all_shapes_from_allowed_log_heights({ + let mut log_heights = allowed_log_heights + .iter() + .map(|(air, heights)| (air.to_string(), heights.clone())) + .collect::>(); + log_heights.extend(preprocessed_heights.clone()); + log_heights + }) + }) + .chain(Self::generate_all_shapes_from_allowed_log_heights(memory_heights)) + .chain(precompile_shapes) + } + + pub fn maximal_core_shapes(&self, max_log_shard_size: usize) -> Vec> { + let max_shard_size: usize = core::cmp::max( + 1 << max_log_shard_size, + 1 << self.partial_core_shapes.keys().min().unwrap(), + ); + + let log_shard_size = max_shard_size.ilog2() as usize; + debug_assert_eq!(1 << log_shard_size, max_shard_size); + let max_preprocessed = self + .partial_preprocessed_shapes + .iter() + .map(|(air, allowed_heights)| { + (air.to_string(), allowed_heights.last().unwrap().unwrap()) + }) + .collect::>(); + + let max_core_shapes = + self.partial_core_shapes[&log_shard_size].iter().map(|allowed_log_heights| { + max_preprocessed + .clone() + .into_iter() + .chain(allowed_log_heights.iter().flat_map(|(air, allowed_heights)| { + allowed_heights + .last() + .unwrap() + .map(|log_height| (air.to_string(), log_height)) + })) + .map(|(air, log_height)| (RiscvAirId::from_str(&air).unwrap(), log_height)) + .collect::>() + }); + + max_core_shapes.collect() + } + + pub fn maximal_core_plus_precompile_shapes( + &self, + max_log_shard_size: usize, + ) -> Vec> { + let max_preprocessed = self + .partial_preprocessed_shapes + .iter() + .map(|(air, allowed_heights)| { + (air.to_string(), allowed_heights.last().unwrap().unwrap()) + }) + .collect::>(); + + let precompile_only_shapes = self.partial_precompile_shapes.iter().flat_map( + move |(air, (mem_events_per_row, allowed_log_heights))| { + self.get_precompile_shapes( + air, + *mem_events_per_row, + *allowed_log_heights.last().unwrap(), + ) + }, + ); + + let precompile_shapes: Vec> = precompile_only_shapes + .map(|x| { + max_preprocessed + .clone() + .into_iter() + .chain(x) + .map(|(air, log_height)| (RiscvAirId::from_str(&air).unwrap(), log_height)) + .collect::>() + }) + .filter(|shape| shape.log2_height(&RiscvAirId::Global).unwrap() < 21) + .collect(); + + self.maximal_core_shapes(max_log_shard_size).into_iter().chain(precompile_shapes).collect() + } + + fn estimate_lde_size(&self, shape: &Shape) -> usize { + shape.iter().map(|(air, height)| self.costs[air] * (1 << height)).sum() + } + + // TODO: cleanup.. + pub fn small_program_shapes(&self) -> Vec { + self.partial_small_shapes + .iter() + .map(|log_heights| { + OrderedShape::from_log2_heights( + &log_heights + .iter() + .filter(|(_, v)| v[0].is_some()) + .map(|(k, v)| (k.to_string(), v.last().unwrap().unwrap())) + .chain(vec![ + (MachineAir::::name(&ProgramChip), 19), + (MachineAir::::name(&ByteChip::default()), 16), + ]) + .collect::>(), + ) + }) + .collect() + } +} + +impl Default for CoreShapeConfig { + fn default() -> Self { + // Load the maximal shapes. + let maximal_shapes: BTreeMap>> = + serde_json::from_slice(MAXIMAL_SHAPES).unwrap(); + let small_shapes: Vec> = serde_json::from_slice(SMALL_SHAPES).unwrap(); + + // Set the allowed preprocessed log2 heights. + let allowed_preprocessed_log2_heights = HashMap::from([ + (RiscvAirId::Program, vec![Some(19), Some(20), Some(21), Some(22)]), + (RiscvAirId::Byte, vec![Some(16)]), + ]); + + // Generate the clusters from the maximal shapes and register them indexed by log2 shard + // size. + let blacklist = [ + 27, 33, 47, 68, 75, 102, 104, 114, 116, 118, 137, 138, 139, 144, 145, 153, 155, 157, + 158, 169, 170, 171, 184, 185, 187, 195, 216, 243, 252, 275, 281, 282, 285, + ]; + let mut core_allowed_log2_heights = BTreeMap::new(); + for (log2_shard_size, maximal_shapes) in maximal_shapes { + let mut clusters = vec![]; + + for (i, maximal_shape) in maximal_shapes.iter().enumerate() { + // WARNING: This must be tuned carefully. + // + // This is current hardcoded, but in the future it should be computed dynamically. + if log2_shard_size == 21 && blacklist.contains(&i) { + continue; + } + + let cluster = derive_cluster_from_maximal_shape(maximal_shape); + clusters.push(cluster); + } + + core_allowed_log2_heights.insert(log2_shard_size, clusters); + } + + // Set the memory init and finalize heights. + let memory_allowed_log2_heights = HashMap::from( + [ + ( + RiscvAirId::MemoryGlobalInit, + vec![None, Some(10), Some(16), Some(18), Some(19), Some(20), Some(21)], + ), + ( + RiscvAirId::MemoryGlobalFinalize, + vec![None, Some(10), Some(16), Some(18), Some(19), Some(20), Some(21)], + ), + (RiscvAirId::Global, vec![None, Some(11), Some(17), Some(19), Some(21), Some(22)]), + ] + .map(|(air, log_heights)| (air, log_heights)), + ); + + let mut precompile_allowed_log2_heights = HashMap::new(); + let precompile_heights = (3..21).collect::>(); + for (air, memory_events_per_row) in + RiscvAir::::precompile_airs_with_memory_events_per_row() + { + precompile_allowed_log2_heights + .insert(air, (memory_events_per_row, precompile_heights.clone())); + } + + Self { + partial_preprocessed_shapes: ShapeCluster::new(allowed_preprocessed_log2_heights), + partial_core_shapes: core_allowed_log2_heights, + partial_memory_shapes: ShapeCluster::new(memory_allowed_log2_heights), + partial_precompile_shapes: precompile_allowed_log2_heights, + partial_small_shapes: small_shapes + .into_iter() + .map(|x| { + ShapeCluster::new(x.into_iter().map(|(k, v)| (k, vec![Some(v)])).collect()) + }) + .collect(), + costs: serde_json::from_str(include_str!("rv32im_costs.json")).unwrap(), + } + } +} + +fn derive_cluster_from_maximal_shape(shape: &Shape) -> ShapeCluster { + // We first define a heuristic to derive the log heights from the maximal shape. + let log2_gap_from_21 = 21 - shape.log2_height(&RiscvAirId::Cpu).unwrap(); + let min_log2_height_threshold = 18 - log2_gap_from_21; + let log2_height_buffer = 10; + let heuristic = |maximal_log2_height: Option, min_offset: usize| { + if let Some(maximal_log2_height) = maximal_log2_height { + let tallest_log2_height = std::cmp::max(maximal_log2_height, min_log2_height_threshold); + let shortest_log2_height = tallest_log2_height.saturating_sub(min_offset); + + let mut range = + (shortest_log2_height..=tallest_log2_height).map(Some).collect::>(); + + if shortest_log2_height > maximal_log2_height { + range.insert(0, Some(shortest_log2_height)); + } + + range + } else { + vec![None, Some(log2_height_buffer)] + } + }; + + let mut maybe_log2_heights = HashMap::new(); + + let cpu_log_height = shape.log2_height(&RiscvAirId::Cpu); + maybe_log2_heights.insert(RiscvAirId::Cpu, heuristic(cpu_log_height, 0)); + + let addsub_log_height = shape.log2_height(&RiscvAirId::AddSub); + maybe_log2_heights.insert(RiscvAirId::AddSub, heuristic(addsub_log_height, 0)); + + let lt_log_height = shape.log2_height(&RiscvAirId::Lt); + maybe_log2_heights.insert(RiscvAirId::Lt, heuristic(lt_log_height, 0)); + + let memory_local_log_height = shape.log2_height(&RiscvAirId::MemoryLocal); + maybe_log2_heights.insert(RiscvAirId::MemoryLocal, heuristic(memory_local_log_height, 0)); + + let divrem_log_height = shape.log2_height(&RiscvAirId::DivRem); + maybe_log2_heights.insert(RiscvAirId::DivRem, heuristic(divrem_log_height, 1)); + + let bitwise_log_height = shape.log2_height(&RiscvAirId::Bitwise); + maybe_log2_heights.insert(RiscvAirId::Bitwise, heuristic(bitwise_log_height, 1)); + + let mul_log_height = shape.log2_height(&RiscvAirId::Mul); + maybe_log2_heights.insert(RiscvAirId::Mul, heuristic(mul_log_height, 1)); + + let shift_right_log_height = shape.log2_height(&RiscvAirId::ShiftRight); + maybe_log2_heights.insert(RiscvAirId::ShiftRight, heuristic(shift_right_log_height, 1)); + + let shift_left_log_height = shape.log2_height(&RiscvAirId::ShiftLeft); + maybe_log2_heights.insert(RiscvAirId::ShiftLeft, heuristic(shift_left_log_height, 1)); + + let memory_instrs_log_height = shape.log2_height(&RiscvAirId::MemoryInstrs); + maybe_log2_heights.insert(RiscvAirId::MemoryInstrs, heuristic(memory_instrs_log_height, 0)); + + let auipc_log_height = shape.log2_height(&RiscvAirId::Auipc); + maybe_log2_heights.insert(RiscvAirId::Auipc, heuristic(auipc_log_height, 0)); + + let branch_log_height = shape.log2_height(&RiscvAirId::Branch); + maybe_log2_heights.insert(RiscvAirId::Branch, heuristic(branch_log_height, 0)); + + let jump_log_height = shape.log2_height(&RiscvAirId::Jump); + maybe_log2_heights.insert(RiscvAirId::Jump, heuristic(jump_log_height, 0)); + + let syscall_core_log_height = shape.log2_height(&RiscvAirId::SyscallCore); + maybe_log2_heights.insert(RiscvAirId::SyscallCore, heuristic(syscall_core_log_height, 0)); + + let syscall_instrs_log_height = shape.log2_height(&RiscvAirId::SyscallInstrs); + maybe_log2_heights.insert(RiscvAirId::SyscallInstrs, heuristic(syscall_instrs_log_height, 0)); + + let global_log_height = shape.log2_height(&RiscvAirId::Global); + maybe_log2_heights.insert(RiscvAirId::Global, heuristic(global_log_height, 1)); + + assert!(maybe_log2_heights.len() >= shape.len(), "not all chips were included in the shape"); + + ShapeCluster::new(maybe_log2_heights) +} + +#[derive(Debug, Error)] +pub enum CoreShapeError { + #[error("no preprocessed shape found")] + PreprocessedShapeError, + #[error("Preprocessed shape already fixed")] + PreprocessedShapeAlreadyFixed, + #[error("no shape found {0:?}")] + ShapeError(HashMap), + #[error("Preprocessed shape missing")] + PrepcocessedShapeMissing, + #[error("Shape already fixed")] + ShapeAlreadyFixed, + #[error("Precompile not included in allowed shapes {0:?}")] + PrecompileNotIncluded(HashMap), +} + +pub fn create_dummy_program(shape: &Shape) -> Program { + let mut program = Program::new(vec![], 1 << 5, 1 << 5); + program.preprocessed_shape = Some(shape.clone()); + program +} + +pub fn create_dummy_record(shape: &Shape) -> ExecutionRecord { + let program = std::sync::Arc::new(create_dummy_program(shape)); + let mut record = ExecutionRecord::new(program); + record.shape = Some(shape.clone()); + record +} + +#[cfg(test)] +pub mod tests { + + use hashbrown::HashSet; + use sp1_stark::{Dom, MachineProver, StarkGenericConfig}; + + use super::*; + + fn try_generate_dummy_proof>>( + prover: &P, + shape: &Shape, + ) where + SC::Val: PrimeField32, + Dom: core::fmt::Debug, + { + let program = create_dummy_program(shape); + let record = create_dummy_record(shape); + + // Try doing setup. + let (pk, _) = prover.setup(&program); + + // Try to generate traces. + let main_traces = prover.generate_traces(&record); + + // Try to commit the traces. + let main_data = prover.commit(&record, main_traces); + + let mut challenger = prover.machine().config().challenger(); + + // Try to "open". + prover.open(&pk, main_data, &mut challenger).unwrap(); + } + + #[test] + #[ignore] + fn test_making_shapes() { + use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; + let shape_config = CoreShapeConfig::::default(); + let num_shapes = shape_config.all_shapes().collect::>().len(); + println!("There are {} core shapes", num_shapes); + assert!(num_shapes < 1 << 24); + } + + #[test] + fn test_dummy_record() { + use crate::utils::setup_logger; + use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; + use sp1_stark::{baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, CpuProver}; + + type SC = BabyBearPoseidon2; + type A = RiscvAir; + + setup_logger(); + + let preprocessed_log_heights = [(RiscvAirId::Program, 10), (RiscvAirId::Byte, 16)]; + + let core_log_heights = [ + (RiscvAirId::Cpu, 11), + (RiscvAirId::DivRem, 11), + (RiscvAirId::AddSub, 10), + (RiscvAirId::Bitwise, 10), + (RiscvAirId::Mul, 10), + (RiscvAirId::ShiftRight, 10), + (RiscvAirId::ShiftLeft, 10), + (RiscvAirId::Lt, 10), + (RiscvAirId::MemoryLocal, 10), + (RiscvAirId::SyscallCore, 10), + (RiscvAirId::Global, 10), + ]; + + let height_map = + preprocessed_log_heights.into_iter().chain(core_log_heights).collect::>(); + + let shape = Shape::new(height_map); + + // Try generating preprocessed traces. + let config = SC::default(); + let machine = A::machine(config); + let prover = CpuProver::new(machine); + + try_generate_dummy_proof(&prover, &shape); + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/shape/rv32im_costs.json b/crates/core/machine/src/shape/rv32im_costs.json new file mode 120000 index 000000000..e29a61473 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/shape/rv32im_costs.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../../../executor/src/artifacts/rv32im_costs.json \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/shape/small_shapes.json b/crates/core/machine/src/shape/small_shapes.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f8a04d446 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/shape/small_shapes.json @@ -0,0 +1,70644 @@ +[ + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 16, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 14, + "SyscallInstrs": 13, + "Jump": 13, + "DivRem": 13, + "ShiftLeft": 13, + "Bitwise": 14, + "ShiftRight": 13, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 13, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 13, + "AddSub": 16, + "MemoryInstrs": 14, + "SyscallCore": 13 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 16, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 14, + "SyscallInstrs": 13, + "Jump": 13, + "DivRem": 13, + "ShiftLeft": 13, + "Bitwise": 13, + "ShiftRight": 13, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 13, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 13, + "AddSub": 16, + "MemoryInstrs": 15, + "SyscallCore": 13 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 16, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 14, + "SyscallInstrs": 13, + "Jump": 13, + "DivRem": 13, + "ShiftLeft": 13, + "Bitwise": 13, + "ShiftRight": 13, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 13, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 13, + "AddSub": 16, + "MemoryInstrs": 14, + "SyscallCore": 13 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 16, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 14, + "SyscallInstrs": 13, + "DivRem": 13, + "Jump": 13, + "ShiftLeft": 13, + "Bitwise": 13, + "ShiftRight": 13, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 13, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 13, + "AddSub": 16, + "MemoryInstrs": 16, + "SyscallCore": 13 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 16, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 14, + "SyscallInstrs": 13, + "Jump": 13, + "DivRem": 13, + "ShiftLeft": 13, + "Bitwise": 13, + "ShiftRight": 13, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 13, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 13, + "AddSub": 16, + "MemoryInstrs": 15, + "SyscallCore": 13 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 16, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 14, + "SyscallInstrs": 13, + "DivRem": 13, + "Jump": 13, + "ShiftLeft": 13, + "Bitwise": 13, + "ShiftRight": 13, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 13, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 13, + "AddSub": 16, + "MemoryInstrs": 15, + "SyscallCore": 13 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 16, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 14, + "SyscallInstrs": 13, + "Jump": 13, + "DivRem": 13, + "ShiftLeft": 13, + "Bitwise": 13, + "ShiftRight": 13, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 13, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 13, + "AddSub": 16, + "MemoryInstrs": 15, + "SyscallCore": 13 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 16, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 14, + "SyscallInstrs": 13, + "DivRem": 13, + "Jump": 13, + "ShiftLeft": 13, + "Bitwise": 13, + "ShiftRight": 13, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 13, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 13, + "AddSub": 16, + "MemoryInstrs": 15, + "SyscallCore": 13 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 16, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 13, + "SyscallInstrs": 13, + "DivRem": 13, + "Jump": 13, + "ShiftLeft": 13, + "Bitwise": 13, + "ShiftRight": 13, + "Mul": 14, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 13, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 13, + "AddSub": 16, + "MemoryInstrs": 15, + "SyscallCore": 13 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 16, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 15, + "SyscallInstrs": 13, + "Jump": 13, + "DivRem": 13, + "ShiftLeft": 13, + "Bitwise": 13, + "ShiftRight": 13, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 13, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 14, + "AddSub": 16, + "MemoryInstrs": 15, + "SyscallCore": 13 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 16, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 14, + "SyscallInstrs": 13, + "Jump": 13, + "DivRem": 13, + "ShiftLeft": 13, + "Bitwise": 14, + "ShiftRight": 13, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 13, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 13, + "AddSub": 16, + "MemoryInstrs": 14, + "SyscallCore": 13 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 16, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 14, + "SyscallInstrs": 13, + "Jump": 13, + "DivRem": 13, + "ShiftLeft": 13, + "Bitwise": 14, + "ShiftRight": 13, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 13, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 13, + "AddSub": 16, + "MemoryInstrs": 15, + "SyscallCore": 13 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 16, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 13, + "SyscallInstrs": 13, + "Jump": 13, + "DivRem": 13, + "ShiftLeft": 13, + "Bitwise": 14, + "ShiftRight": 13, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 13, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 13, + "AddSub": 16, + "MemoryInstrs": 15, + "SyscallCore": 13 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 16, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 14, + "SyscallInstrs": 13, + "Jump": 13, + "DivRem": 13, + "ShiftLeft": 13, + "Bitwise": 13, + "ShiftRight": 13, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 13, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 13, + "AddSub": 16, + "MemoryInstrs": 16, + "SyscallCore": 13 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 16, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 14, + "SyscallInstrs": 13, + "Jump": 13, + "DivRem": 13, + "ShiftLeft": 13, + "Bitwise": 13, + "ShiftRight": 14, + "Mul": 14, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 13, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 13, + "AddSub": 16, + "MemoryInstrs": 13, + "SyscallCore": 13 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 16, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 13, + "SyscallInstrs": 13, + "Jump": 13, + "DivRem": 13, + "ShiftLeft": 14, + "Bitwise": 15, + "ShiftRight": 13, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 13, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 13, + "AddSub": 15, + "MemoryInstrs": 15, + "SyscallCore": 13 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 16, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 13, + "SyscallInstrs": 13, + "Jump": 13, + "DivRem": 13, + "ShiftLeft": 14, + "Bitwise": 15, + "ShiftRight": 13, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 13, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 13, + "AddSub": 16, + "MemoryInstrs": 15, + "SyscallCore": 13 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 16, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 13, + "SyscallInstrs": 13, + "Jump": 13, + "DivRem": 13, + "ShiftLeft": 14, + "Bitwise": 15, + "ShiftRight": 13, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 13, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 13, + "AddSub": 15, + "MemoryInstrs": 15, + "SyscallCore": 13 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 16, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 15, + "SyscallInstrs": 13, + "Jump": 13, + "DivRem": 13, + "ShiftLeft": 13, + "Bitwise": 13, + "ShiftRight": 13, + "Mul": 13, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 13, + "Auipc": 13, + "Branch": 14, + "AddSub": 16, + "MemoryInstrs": 15, + "SyscallCore": 13 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 16, + "Global": 18, + 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"Auipc": 18, + "Branch": 19, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 18 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 20, + "SyscallInstrs": 18, + "Jump": 18, + "DivRem": 18, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 19, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 18, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 18 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 20, + "SyscallInstrs": 18, + "DivRem": 18, + "Jump": 18, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 18, + "Branch": 19, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 18 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 20, + "SyscallInstrs": 18, + "Jump": 18, + "DivRem": 18, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 18, + "Branch": 19, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 19, + "SyscallCore": 18 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 20, + "SyscallInstrs": 18, + "DivRem": 18, + "Jump": 18, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 18, + "Branch": 19, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 18 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 18, + "Jump": 18, + "DivRem": 18, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 18, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 18 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 18, + "Jump": 18, + "DivRem": 18, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 19, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 18, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 19, + "SyscallCore": 18 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 18, + "Jump": 18, + "DivRem": 18, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 19, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 18, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 18 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 18, + "Jump": 18, + "DivRem": 18, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 18, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 18 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 18, + "Jump": 18, + "DivRem": 18, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 19, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 18, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 18 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 18, + "Jump": 18, + "DivRem": 18, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 18, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 18 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 18, + "Jump": 18, + "DivRem": 18, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 19, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 18, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 18 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 18, + "DivRem": 18, + "Jump": 18, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 18, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 18 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 18, + "SyscallInstrs": 18, + "Jump": 18, + "DivRem": 18, + "ShiftLeft": 19, + "Bitwise": 19, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 18, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 18 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 18, + "SyscallInstrs": 18, + "Jump": 18, + "DivRem": 18, + "ShiftLeft": 19, + "Bitwise": 19, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 18, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 18 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 18, + "DivRem": 18, + "Jump": 18, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 18, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 18 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 18, + "DivRem": 18, + "Jump": 18, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 18, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 21, + "SyscallCore": 18 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 20, + "SyscallInstrs": 18, + "Jump": 18, + "DivRem": 18, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 19, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 18, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 18 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 18, + "Jump": 18, + "DivRem": 18, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 18, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 18 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 18, + "DivRem": 18, + "Jump": 18, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 18, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 21, + "SyscallCore": 18 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 18, + "Jump": 18, + "DivRem": 18, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 18, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 21, + "SyscallCore": 18 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 20, + "SyscallInstrs": 18, + "DivRem": 18, + "Jump": 18, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 18, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 18, + "Branch": 19, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 18 + } + }, + { + "inner": { + "Cpu": 21, + "Global": 18, + "Lt": 19, + "SyscallInstrs": 18, + "DivRem": 18, + "Jump": 18, + "ShiftLeft": 18, + "Bitwise": 19, + "ShiftRight": 18, + "Mul": 18, + "MemoryGlobalFinalize": 17, + "MemoryGlobalInit": 17, + "MemoryLocal": 18, + "Auipc": 18, + "Branch": 18, + "AddSub": 21, + "MemoryInstrs": 20, + "SyscallCore": 18 + } + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/sys.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/sys.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bb0eefb7f --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/sys.rs @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +use crate::{ + alu::{AddSubCols, BitwiseCols, LtCols, MulCols, ShiftLeftCols, ShiftRightCols}, + memory::MemoryInitCols, + memory::SingleMemoryLocal, + syscall::chip::SyscallCols, +}; +use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; + +use sp1_core_executor::events::{ + AluEvent, MemoryInitializeFinalizeEvent, MemoryLocalEvent, MemoryReadRecord, MemoryRecordEnum, + MemoryWriteRecord, SyscallEvent, +}; + +#[link(name = "sp1-core-machine-sys", kind = "static")] +extern "C-unwind" { + pub fn add_sub_event_to_row_babybear(event: &AluEvent, cols: &mut AddSubCols); + pub fn mul_event_to_row_babybear(event: &AluEvent, cols: &mut MulCols); + pub fn bitwise_event_to_row_babybear(event: &AluEvent, cols: &mut BitwiseCols); + pub fn lt_event_to_row_babybear(event: &AluEvent, cols: &mut LtCols); + pub fn sll_event_to_row_babybear(event: &AluEvent, cols: &mut ShiftLeftCols); + pub fn sr_event_to_row_babybear(event: &AluEvent, cols: &mut ShiftRightCols); + pub fn memory_local_event_to_row_babybear( + event: &MemoryLocalEvent, + cols: &mut SingleMemoryLocal, + ); + pub fn memory_global_event_to_row_babybear( + event: &MemoryInitializeFinalizeEvent, + is_receive: bool, + cols: &mut MemoryInitCols, + ); + pub fn syscall_event_to_row_babybear( + event: &SyscallEvent, + is_receive: bool, + cols: &mut SyscallCols, + ); +} + +/// An alternative to `Option` that is FFI-safe. +/// +/// See [`MemoryRecordEnum`]. +#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] +#[repr(C)] +pub enum OptionMemoryRecordEnum { + /// Read. + Read(MemoryReadRecord), + /// Write. + Write(MemoryWriteRecord), + None, +} + +impl From> for OptionMemoryRecordEnum { + fn from(value: Option) -> Self { + match value { + Some(MemoryRecordEnum::Read(r)) => Self::Read(r), + Some(MemoryRecordEnum::Write(r)) => Self::Write(r), + None => Self::None, + } + } +} + +impl From for Option { + fn from(value: OptionMemoryRecordEnum) -> Self { + match value { + OptionMemoryRecordEnum::Read(r) => Some(MemoryRecordEnum::Read(r)), + OptionMemoryRecordEnum::Write(r) => Some(MemoryRecordEnum::Write(r)), + OptionMemoryRecordEnum::None => None, + } + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/chip.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/chip.rs index 00257d46a..ef380bbf3 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/chip.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/chip.rs @@ -1,18 +1,23 @@ +use crate::utils::next_power_of_two; use core::fmt; -use std::{ - borrow::{Borrow, BorrowMut}, - mem::size_of, -}; - +use itertools::Itertools; use p3_air::{Air, BaseAir}; +use p3_field::AbstractField; use p3_field::PrimeField32; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; +use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::IntoParallelRefIterator; +use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::ParallelBridge; +use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::ParallelIterator; +use sp1_core_executor::events::GlobalInteractionEvent; use sp1_core_executor::{events::SyscallEvent, ExecutionRecord, Program}; use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; +use sp1_stark::air::AirInteraction; use sp1_stark::air::{InteractionScope, MachineAir, SP1AirBuilder}; - -use crate::utils::pad_rows_fixed; - +use sp1_stark::InteractionKind; +use std::{ + borrow::{Borrow, BorrowMut}, + mem::size_of, +}; /// The number of main trace columns for `SyscallChip`. pub const NUM_SYSCALL_COLS: usize = size_of::>(); @@ -39,20 +44,22 @@ impl SyscallChip { pub const fn precompile() -> Self { Self::new(SyscallShardKind::Precompile) } + + pub fn shard_kind(&self) -> SyscallShardKind { + self.shard_kind + } } /// The column layout for the chip. -#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Default, Clone, Copy)] +#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] -pub struct SyscallCols { +pub struct SyscallCols { /// The shard number of the syscall. pub shard: T, /// The clk of the syscall. pub clk: T, - pub nonce: T, - /// The syscall_id of the syscall. pub syscall_id: T, @@ -74,8 +81,46 @@ impl MachineAir for SyscallChip { format!("Syscall{}", self.shard_kind).to_string() } - fn generate_dependencies(&self, _input: &ExecutionRecord, _output: &mut ExecutionRecord) { - // Do nothing since this chip has no dependencies. + fn generate_dependencies(&self, input: &ExecutionRecord, output: &mut ExecutionRecord) { + let events = match self.shard_kind { + SyscallShardKind::Core => &input + .syscall_events + .iter() + .filter(|e| e.syscall_code.should_send() == 1) + .copied() + .collect::>(), + SyscallShardKind::Precompile => &input + .precompile_events + .all_events() + .map(|(event, _)| event.to_owned()) + .collect::>(), + }; + + let events = events + .iter() + .filter(|e| e.syscall_code.should_send() == 1) + .map(|event| GlobalInteractionEvent { + message: [event.shard, event.clk, event.syscall_id, event.arg1, event.arg2, 0, 0], + is_receive: self.shard_kind == SyscallShardKind::Precompile, + kind: InteractionKind::Syscall as u8, + }) + .collect_vec(); + output.global_interaction_events.extend(events); + } + + fn num_rows(&self, input: &Self::Record) -> Option { + let events = match self.shard_kind() { + SyscallShardKind::Core => &input.syscall_events, + SyscallShardKind::Precompile => &input + .precompile_events + .all_events() + .map(|(event, _)| event.to_owned()) + .collect::>(), + }; + let nb_rows = events.len(); + let size_log2 = input.fixed_log2_rows::(self); + let padded_nb_rows = next_power_of_two(nb_rows, size_log2); + Some(padded_nb_rows) } fn generate_trace( @@ -83,42 +128,39 @@ impl MachineAir for SyscallChip { input: &ExecutionRecord, _output: &mut ExecutionRecord, ) -> RowMajorMatrix { - let mut rows = Vec::new(); - - let row_fn = |syscall_event: &SyscallEvent| { + let row_fn = |syscall_event: &SyscallEvent, _: bool| { let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_SYSCALL_COLS]; let cols: &mut SyscallCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); cols.shard = F::from_canonical_u32(syscall_event.shard); cols.clk = F::from_canonical_u32(syscall_event.clk); - cols.syscall_id = F::from_canonical_u32(syscall_event.syscall_id); - cols.nonce = F::from_canonical_u32(syscall_event.nonce); + cols.syscall_id = F::from_canonical_u32(syscall_event.syscall_code.syscall_id()); cols.arg1 = F::from_canonical_u32(syscall_event.arg1); cols.arg2 = F::from_canonical_u32(syscall_event.arg2); cols.is_real = F::one(); row }; - match self.shard_kind { - SyscallShardKind::Core => { - for event in input.syscall_events.iter() { - let row = row_fn(event); - rows.push(row); - } - } - SyscallShardKind::Precompile => { - for event in input.precompile_events.all_events().map(|(event, _)| event) { - let row = row_fn(event); - rows.push(row); - } - } + let mut rows = match self.shard_kind { + SyscallShardKind::Core => input + .syscall_events + .par_iter() + .filter(|event| event.syscall_code.should_send() == 1) + .map(|event| row_fn(event, false)) + .collect::>(), + SyscallShardKind::Precompile => input + .precompile_events + .all_events() + .map(|(event, _)| event) + .par_bridge() + .map(|event| row_fn(event, true)) + .collect::>(), }; // Pad the trace to a power of two depending on the proof shape in `input`. - pad_rows_fixed( - &mut rows, - || [F::zero(); NUM_SYSCALL_COLS], - input.fixed_log2_rows::(self), + rows.resize( + >::num_rows(self, input).unwrap(), + [F::zero(); NUM_SYSCALL_COLS], ); RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), NUM_SYSCALL_COLS) @@ -129,7 +171,15 @@ impl MachineAir for SyscallChip { shape.included::(self) } else { match self.shard_kind { - SyscallShardKind::Core => !shard.syscall_events.is_empty(), + SyscallShardKind::Core => { + shard + .syscall_events + .iter() + .filter(|e| e.syscall_code.should_send() == 1) + .take(1) + .count() + > 0 + } SyscallShardKind::Precompile => { !shard.precompile_events.is_empty() && shard.cpu_events.is_empty() @@ -141,7 +191,7 @@ impl MachineAir for SyscallChip { } fn commit_scope(&self) -> InteractionScope { - InteractionScope::Global + InteractionScope::Local } } @@ -154,6 +204,9 @@ where let local = main.row_slice(0); let local: &SyscallCols = (*local).borrow(); + // Constrain that `local.is_real` is boolean. + builder.assert_bool(local.is_real); + builder.assert_eq( local.is_real * local.is_real * local.is_real, local.is_real * local.is_real * local.is_real, @@ -164,7 +217,6 @@ where builder.receive_syscall( local.shard, local.clk, - local.nonce, local.syscall_id, local.arg1, local.arg2, @@ -172,23 +224,31 @@ where InteractionScope::Local, ); - // Send the call to the global bus to/from the precompile chips. - builder.send_syscall( - local.shard, - local.clk, - local.nonce, - local.syscall_id, - local.arg1, - local.arg2, - local.is_real, - InteractionScope::Global, + // Send the "send interaction" to the global table. + builder.send( + AirInteraction::new( + vec![ + local.shard.into(), + local.clk.into(), + local.syscall_id.into(), + local.arg1.into(), + local.arg2.into(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::one(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u8(InteractionKind::Syscall as u8), + ], + local.is_real.into(), + InteractionKind::Global, + ), + InteractionScope::Local, ); } SyscallShardKind::Precompile => { builder.send_syscall( local.shard, local.clk, - local.nonce, local.syscall_id, local.arg1, local.arg2, @@ -196,16 +256,25 @@ where InteractionScope::Local, ); - // Send the call to the global bus to/from the precompile chips. - builder.receive_syscall( - local.shard, - local.clk, - local.nonce, - local.syscall_id, - local.arg1, - local.arg2, - local.is_real, - InteractionScope::Global, + // Send the "receive interaction" to the global table. + builder.send( + AirInteraction::new( + vec![ + local.shard.into(), + local.clk.into(), + local.syscall_id.into(), + local.arg1.into(), + local.arg2.into(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::one(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u8(InteractionKind::Syscall as u8), + ], + local.is_real.into(), + InteractionKind::Global, + ), + InteractionScope::Local, ); } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/instructions/air.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/instructions/air.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..40ae5a353 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/instructions/air.rs @@ -0,0 +1,394 @@ +use std::borrow::Borrow; + +use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder}; +use p3_field::AbstractField; +use p3_matrix::Matrix; +use sp1_core_executor::{ + events::MemoryAccessPosition, syscalls::SyscallCode, Opcode, Register::X5, +}; +use sp1_stark::{ + air::{ + BaseAirBuilder, InteractionScope, PublicValues, SP1AirBuilder, POSEIDON_NUM_WORDS, + PV_DIGEST_NUM_WORDS, SP1_PROOF_NUM_PV_ELTS, + }, + Word, +}; + +use crate::{ + air::{MemoryAirBuilder, WordAirBuilder}, + memory::MemoryCols, + operations::{BabyBearWordRangeChecker, IsZeroOperation}, +}; + +use super::{columns::SyscallInstrColumns, SyscallInstrsChip}; + +impl Air for SyscallInstrsChip +where + AB: SP1AirBuilder, + AB::Var: Sized, +{ + #[inline(never)] + fn eval(&self, builder: &mut AB) { + let main = builder.main(); + let local = main.row_slice(0); + let local: &SyscallInstrColumns = (*local).borrow(); + + let public_values_slice: [AB::PublicVar; SP1_PROOF_NUM_PV_ELTS] = + core::array::from_fn(|i| builder.public_values()[i]); + let public_values: &PublicValues, AB::PublicVar> = + public_values_slice.as_slice().borrow(); + + // SAFETY: Only `ECALL` opcode can be received in this chip. + // `is_real` is checked to be boolean, and the `opcode` matches the corresponding opcode. + builder.assert_bool(local.is_real); + + // Verify that local.is_halt is correct. + self.eval_is_halt_syscall(builder, local); + + // SAFETY: This checks the following. + // - `shard`, `clk` are correctly received from the CpuChip + // - `op_a_0 = 0` enforced, as `op_a = X5` for all ECALL + // - `op_a_immutable = 0` + // - `is_memory = 0` + // - `is_syscall = 1` + // `next_pc`, `num_extra_cycles`, `op_a_val`, `is_halt` need to be constrained. We outline the checks below. + // `next_pc` is constrained for the case where `is_halt` is true to be `0` in `eval_is_halt_unimpl`. + // `next_pc` is constrained for the case where `is_halt` is false to be `pc + 4` in `eval`. + // `num_extra_cycles` is checked to be equal to the return value of `get_num_extra_ecall_cycles`, in `eval`. + // `op_a_val` is constrained in `eval_ecall`. + // `is_halt` is checked to be correct in `eval_is_halt_syscall`. + builder.receive_instruction( + local.shard, + local.clk, + local.pc, + local.next_pc, + local.num_extra_cycles, + Opcode::ECALL.as_field::(), + *local.op_a_access.value(), + local.op_b_value, + local.op_c_value, + AB::Expr::zero(), // op_a is always register 5 for ecall instructions. + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::zero(), + AB::Expr::one(), + local.is_halt, + local.is_real, + ); + + // If the syscall is not halt, then next_pc should be pc + 4. + // `next_pc` is constrained for the case where `is_halt` is false to be `pc + 4` + builder + .when(local.is_real) + .when(AB::Expr::one() - local.is_halt) + .assert_eq(local.next_pc, local.pc + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(4)); + + // `num_extra_cycles` is checked to be equal to the return value of `get_num_extra_ecall_cycles` + builder.assert_eq::( + local.num_extra_cycles, + self.get_num_extra_ecall_cycles::(local), + ); + + // Do the memory eval for op_a. For syscall instructions, we need to eval at register X5. + builder.eval_memory_access( + local.shard, + local.clk + AB::F::from_canonical_u32(MemoryAccessPosition::A as u32), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(X5 as u32), + &local.op_a_access, + local.is_real, + ); + + // ECALL instruction. + self.eval_ecall(builder, local); + + // COMMIT/COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS ecall instruction. + self.eval_commit( + builder, + local, + public_values.committed_value_digest, + public_values.deferred_proofs_digest, + ); + + // HALT ecall and UNIMPL instruction. + self.eval_halt_unimpl(builder, local, public_values); + } +} + +impl SyscallInstrsChip { + /// Constraints related to the ECALL opcode. + /// + /// This method will do the following: + /// 1. Send the syscall to the precompile table, if needed. + /// 2. Check for valid op_a values. + pub(crate) fn eval_ecall( + &self, + builder: &mut AB, + local: &SyscallInstrColumns, + ) { + // The syscall code is the read-in value of op_a at the start of the instruction. + let syscall_code = local.op_a_access.prev_value(); + + // We interpret the syscall_code as little-endian bytes and interpret each byte as a u8 + // with different information. + let syscall_id = syscall_code[0]; + let send_to_table = syscall_code[1]; + + // SAFETY: Assert that for non real row, the send_to_table value is 0 so that the `send_syscall` + // interaction is not activated. + builder.when(AB::Expr::one() - local.is_real).assert_zero(send_to_table); + + builder.send_syscall( + local.shard, + local.clk, + syscall_id, + local.op_b_value.reduce::(), + local.op_c_value.reduce::(), + send_to_table, + InteractionScope::Local, + ); + + // Compute whether this ecall is ENTER_UNCONSTRAINED. + let is_enter_unconstrained = { + IsZeroOperation::::eval( + builder, + syscall_id + - AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::ENTER_UNCONSTRAINED.syscall_id()), + local.is_enter_unconstrained, + local.is_real.into(), + ); + local.is_enter_unconstrained.result + }; + + // Compute whether this ecall is HINT_LEN. + let is_hint_len = { + IsZeroOperation::::eval( + builder, + syscall_id - AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::HINT_LEN.syscall_id()), + local.is_hint_len, + local.is_real.into(), + ); + local.is_hint_len.result + }; + + // `op_a_val` is constrained. + + // When syscall_id is ENTER_UNCONSTRAINED, the new value of op_a should be 0. + let zero_word = Word::::from(0); + builder + .when(local.is_real) + .when(is_enter_unconstrained) + .assert_word_eq(*local.op_a_access.value(), zero_word); + + // When the syscall is not one of ENTER_UNCONSTRAINED or HINT_LEN, op_a shouldn't change. + builder + .when(local.is_real) + .when_not(is_enter_unconstrained + is_hint_len) + .assert_word_eq(*local.op_a_access.value(), *local.op_a_access.prev_value()); + + // SAFETY: This leaves the case where syscall is `HINT_LEN`. + // In this case, `op_a`'s value can be arbitrary, but it still must be a valid word if `is_real = 1`. + // This is due to `op_a_val` being connected to the CpuChip. + // In the CpuChip, `op_a_val` is constrained to be a valid word via `eval_registers`. + // As this is a syscall for HINT, the value itself being arbitrary is fine, as long as it is a valid word. + + // Verify value of ecall_range_check_operand column. + // SAFETY: If `is_real = 0`, then `ecall_range_check_operand = 0`. + // If `is_real = 1`, then `is_halt_check` and `is_commit_deferred_proofs` are constrained. + // The two results will both be boolean due to `IsZeroOperation`, and both cannot be `1` at the same time. + // Both of them being `1` will require `syscall_id` being `HALT` and `COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS` at the same time. + // This implies that if `is_real = 1`, `ecall_range_check_operand` will be correct, and boolean. + builder.assert_eq( + local.ecall_range_check_operand, + local.is_real * (local.is_halt_check.result + local.is_commit_deferred_proofs.result), + ); + + // Babybear range check the operand_to_check word. + // SAFETY: `ecall_range_check_operand` is boolean, and no interactions can be made in padding rows. + // `operand_to_check` is already known to be a valid word, as it is either + // - `op_b_val` in the case of `HALT` + // - `op_c_val` in the case of `COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS` + BabyBearWordRangeChecker::::range_check::( + builder, + local.operand_to_check, + local.operand_range_check_cols, + local.ecall_range_check_operand.into(), + ); + } + + /// Constraints related to the COMMIT and COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS instructions. + pub(crate) fn eval_commit( + &self, + builder: &mut AB, + local: &SyscallInstrColumns, + commit_digest: [Word; PV_DIGEST_NUM_WORDS], + deferred_proofs_digest: [AB::PublicVar; POSEIDON_NUM_WORDS], + ) { + let (is_commit, is_commit_deferred_proofs) = + self.get_is_commit_related_syscall(builder, local); + + // Verify the index bitmap. + let mut bitmap_sum = AB::Expr::zero(); + // They should all be bools. + for bit in local.index_bitmap.iter() { + builder.when(local.is_real).assert_bool(*bit); + bitmap_sum = bitmap_sum.clone() + (*bit).into(); + } + // When the syscall is COMMIT or COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS, there should be one set bit. + builder + .when(local.is_real) + .when(is_commit.clone() + is_commit_deferred_proofs.clone()) + .assert_one(bitmap_sum.clone()); + // When it's some other syscall, there should be no set bits. + builder + .when(local.is_real) + .when(AB::Expr::one() - (is_commit.clone() + is_commit_deferred_proofs.clone())) + .assert_zero(bitmap_sum); + + // Verify that word_idx corresponds to the set bit in index bitmap. + for (i, bit) in local.index_bitmap.iter().enumerate() { + builder + .when(local.is_real) + .when(*bit) + .assert_eq(local.op_b_value[0], AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(i as u32)); + } + // Verify that the 3 upper bytes of the word_idx are 0. + for i in 0..3 { + builder + .when(local.is_real) + .when(is_commit.clone() + is_commit_deferred_proofs.clone()) + .assert_zero(local.op_b_value[i + 1]); + } + + // Retrieve the expected public values digest word to check against the one passed into the + // commit ecall. Note that for the interaction builder, it will not have any digest words, + // since it's used during AIR compilation time to parse for all send/receives. Since + // that interaction builder will ignore the other constraints of the air, it is safe + // to not include the verification check of the expected public values digest word. + let expected_pv_digest_word = builder.index_word_array(&commit_digest, &local.index_bitmap); + + let digest_word = local.op_c_value; + + // Verify the public_values_digest_word. + builder + .when(local.is_real) + .when(is_commit.clone()) + .assert_word_eq(expected_pv_digest_word, digest_word); + + let expected_deferred_proofs_digest_element = + builder.index_array(&deferred_proofs_digest, &local.index_bitmap); + + // Verify that the operand that was range checked is digest_word. + builder + .when(local.is_real) + .when(is_commit_deferred_proofs.clone()) + .assert_word_eq(digest_word, local.operand_to_check); + + builder + .when(local.is_real) + .when(is_commit_deferred_proofs.clone()) + .assert_eq(expected_deferred_proofs_digest_element, digest_word.reduce::()); + } + + /// Constraint related to the halt and unimpl instruction. + pub(crate) fn eval_halt_unimpl( + &self, + builder: &mut AB, + local: &SyscallInstrColumns, + public_values: &PublicValues, AB::PublicVar>, + ) { + // `next_pc` is constrained for the case where `is_halt` is true to be `0` + builder.when(local.is_halt).assert_zero(local.next_pc); + + // Verify that the operand that was range checked is op_b. + builder.when(local.is_halt).assert_word_eq(local.op_b_value, local.operand_to_check); + + // Check that the `op_b_value` reduced is the `public_values.exit_code`. + builder + .when(local.is_halt) + .assert_eq(local.op_b_value.reduce::(), public_values.exit_code); + } + + /// Returns a boolean expression indicating whether the instruction is a HALT instruction. + pub(crate) fn eval_is_halt_syscall( + &self, + builder: &mut AB, + local: &SyscallInstrColumns, + ) { + // `is_halt` is checked to be correct in `eval_is_halt_syscall`. + + // The syscall code is the read-in value of op_a at the start of the instruction. + let syscall_code = local.op_a_access.prev_value(); + + let syscall_id = syscall_code[0]; + + // Compute whether this ecall is HALT. + let is_halt = { + IsZeroOperation::::eval( + builder, + syscall_id - AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::HALT.syscall_id()), + local.is_halt_check, + local.is_real.into(), + ); + local.is_halt_check.result + }; + + // Verify that the is_halt flag is correct. + // If `is_real = 0`, then `local.is_halt = 0`. + // If `is_real = 1`, then `is_halt_check.result` will be correct, so `local.is_halt` is correct. + builder.assert_eq(local.is_halt, is_halt * local.is_real); + } + + /// Returns two boolean expression indicating whether the instruction is a COMMIT or + /// COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS instruction. + pub(crate) fn get_is_commit_related_syscall( + &self, + builder: &mut AB, + local: &SyscallInstrColumns, + ) -> (AB::Expr, AB::Expr) { + // The syscall code is the read-in value of op_a at the start of the instruction. + let syscall_code = local.op_a_access.prev_value(); + + let syscall_id = syscall_code[0]; + + // Compute whether this ecall is COMMIT. + let is_commit = { + IsZeroOperation::::eval( + builder, + syscall_id - AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::COMMIT.syscall_id()), + local.is_commit, + local.is_real.into(), + ); + local.is_commit.result + }; + + // Compute whether this ecall is COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS. + let is_commit_deferred_proofs = { + IsZeroOperation::::eval( + builder, + syscall_id + - AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32( + SyscallCode::COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS.syscall_id(), + ), + local.is_commit_deferred_proofs, + local.is_real.into(), + ); + local.is_commit_deferred_proofs.result + }; + + (is_commit.into(), is_commit_deferred_proofs.into()) + } + + /// Returns the number of extra cycles from an ECALL instruction. + pub(crate) fn get_num_extra_ecall_cycles( + &self, + local: &SyscallInstrColumns, + ) -> AB::Expr { + // The syscall code is the read-in value of op_a at the start of the instruction. + let syscall_code = local.op_a_access.prev_value(); + + let num_extra_cycles = syscall_code[2]; + + // If `is_real = 0`, then the return value is `0` regardless of `num_extra_cycles`. + // If `is_real = 1`, then the `op_a_access` will be done, and `num_extra_cycles` will be correct. + num_extra_cycles * local.is_real + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/instructions/columns.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/instructions/columns.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1fd96fba1 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/instructions/columns.rs @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; +use sp1_stark::{air::PV_DIGEST_NUM_WORDS, Word}; +use std::mem::size_of; + +use crate::{ + memory::MemoryReadWriteCols, + operations::{BabyBearWordRangeChecker, IsZeroOperation}, +}; + +pub const NUM_SYSCALL_INSTR_COLS: usize = size_of::>(); + +#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Default, Debug, Clone, Copy)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct SyscallInstrColumns { + /// The program counter of the instruction. + pub pc: T, + /// The next program counter. + pub next_pc: T, + + /// The shard number. + pub shard: T, + /// The clock cycle number. + pub clk: T, + + /// The number of extra cycles to add to the clk for a syscall instruction. + pub num_extra_cycles: T, + + /// Whether the current instruction is a halt instruction. This is verified by the is_halt_check + /// operation. + pub is_halt: T, + + /// The access columns for the first operand. + pub op_a_access: MemoryReadWriteCols, + /// The value of the second operand. + pub op_b_value: Word, + /// The value of the third operand. + pub op_c_value: Word, + + /// Whether the current ecall is ENTER_UNCONSTRAINED. + pub is_enter_unconstrained: IsZeroOperation, + + /// Whether the current ecall is HINT_LEN. + pub is_hint_len: IsZeroOperation, + + /// Whether the current ecall is HALT. + pub is_halt_check: IsZeroOperation, + + /// Whether the current ecall is a COMMIT. + pub is_commit: IsZeroOperation, + + /// Whether the current ecall is a COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS. + pub is_commit_deferred_proofs: IsZeroOperation, + + /// Field to store the word index passed into the COMMIT ecall. index_bitmap[word index] + /// should be set to 1 and everything else set to 0. + pub index_bitmap: [T; PV_DIGEST_NUM_WORDS], + + /// Columns to babybear range check the halt/commit_deferred_proofs operand. + pub operand_range_check_cols: BabyBearWordRangeChecker, + + /// The operand value to babybear range check. + pub operand_to_check: Word, + + /// The result of is_real * (is_halt || is_commit_deferred_proofs) + pub ecall_range_check_operand: T, + + /// Whether the current instruction is a real instruction. + pub is_real: T, +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/instructions/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/instructions/mod.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..273fcdbeb --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/instructions/mod.rs @@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ +use columns::NUM_SYSCALL_INSTR_COLS; +use p3_air::BaseAir; + +pub mod air; +pub mod columns; +pub mod trace; + +#[derive(Default)] +pub struct SyscallInstrsChip; + +impl BaseAir for SyscallInstrsChip { + fn width(&self) -> usize { + NUM_SYSCALL_INSTR_COLS + } +} + +#[cfg(test)] +mod tests { + use std::borrow::BorrowMut; + + use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; + use p3_field::AbstractField; + use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; + use sp1_core_executor::{ExecutionRecord, Instruction, Opcode, Program}; + use sp1_stark::{ + air::MachineAir, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, chip_name, CpuProver, + MachineProver, Val, + }; + use sp1_zkvm::syscalls::{COMMIT, COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS, HALT, SHA_EXTEND}; + + use crate::{ + cpu::{columns::CpuCols, CpuChip}, + io::SP1Stdin, + riscv::RiscvAir, + syscall::instructions::{columns::SyscallInstrColumns, SyscallInstrsChip}, + utils::run_malicious_test, + }; + + #[test] + fn test_malicious_next_pc() { + struct TestCase { + program: Vec, + incorrect_next_pc: u32, + } + + let test_cases = vec![ + TestCase { + program: vec![ + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 5, 0, HALT, false, true), // Set the syscall code in register x5. + Instruction::new(Opcode::ECALL, 5, 10, 11, false, false), // Call the syscall. + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 30, 0, 100, false, true), + ], + incorrect_next_pc: 8, // The correct next_pc is 0. + }, + TestCase { + program: vec![ + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 5, 0, SHA_EXTEND, false, true), // Set the syscall code in register x5. + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 10, 0, 40, false, true), // Set the syscall arg1 to 40. + Instruction::new(Opcode::ECALL, 5, 10, 11, false, false), // Call the syscall. + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 30, 0, 100, false, true), + ], + incorrect_next_pc: 0, // The correct next_pc is 12. + }, + ]; + + for test_case in test_cases { + let program = Program::new(test_case.program, 0, 0); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + + type P = CpuProver>; + + let malicious_trace_pv_generator = + move |prover: &P, + record: &mut ExecutionRecord| + -> Vec<(String, RowMajorMatrix>)> { + // Create a malicious record where the next pc is set to the incorrect value. + let mut malicious_record = record.clone(); + + // There can be multiple shards for programs with syscalls, so need to figure out which + // record is for a CPU shard. + if !malicious_record.cpu_events.is_empty() { + malicious_record.syscall_events[0].next_pc = test_case.incorrect_next_pc; + } + + prover.generate_traces(&malicious_record) + }; + + let result = + run_malicious_test::

(program, stdin, Box::new(malicious_trace_pv_generator)); + let syscall_chip_name = chip_name!(SyscallInstrsChip, BabyBear); + assert!( + result.is_err() && result.unwrap_err().is_constraints_failing(&syscall_chip_name) + ); + } + } + + #[test] + fn test_malicious_extra_cycles() { + let instructions = vec![ + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 5, 0, SHA_EXTEND, false, true), // Set the syscall code in register x5. + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 10, 0, 40, false, true), // Set the syscall arg1 to 40. + Instruction::new(Opcode::ECALL, 5, 10, 11, false, false), // Call the syscall. + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 30, 20, 100, true, true), + ]; + let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + + type P = CpuProver>; + + let malicious_trace_pv_generator = + |prover: &P, + record: &mut ExecutionRecord| + -> Vec<(String, RowMajorMatrix>)> { + let mut traces = prover.generate_traces(record); + + let cpu_chip_name = chip_name!(CpuChip, BabyBear); + let syscall_chip_name = chip_name!(SyscallInstrsChip, BabyBear); + + for (chip_name, trace) in traces.iter_mut() { + if *chip_name == cpu_chip_name { + let third_row = trace.row_mut(2); + let third_row: &mut CpuCols = third_row.borrow_mut(); + assert!(third_row.is_syscall == BabyBear::one()); + third_row.num_extra_cycles = BabyBear::from_canonical_usize(8); + // Correct value is 48. + + let fourth_row = trace.row_mut(3); + let fourth_row: &mut CpuCols = fourth_row.borrow_mut(); + fourth_row.clk_16bit_limb = BabyBear::from_canonical_usize(20); + // Correct value is 60. + } + + if *chip_name == syscall_chip_name { + let first_row = trace.row_mut(0); + let first_row: &mut SyscallInstrColumns = first_row.borrow_mut(); + first_row.num_extra_cycles = BabyBear::from_canonical_usize(4); + // Correct value is 48. + } + } + + traces + }; + + let result = + run_malicious_test::

(program, stdin, Box::new(malicious_trace_pv_generator)); + let syscall_chip_name = chip_name!(SyscallInstrsChip, BabyBear); + assert!(result.is_err() && result.unwrap_err().is_constraints_failing(&syscall_chip_name)); + } + + #[test] + fn test_malicious_commit() { + let instructions = vec![ + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 5, 0, COMMIT, false, true), // Set the syscall code in register x5. + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 10, 0, 0, false, false), // Set the syscall code in register x5. + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 11, 0, 40, false, true), // Set the syscall arg1 to 40. + Instruction::new(Opcode::ECALL, 5, 10, 11, false, false), // Call the syscall. + ]; + let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + + type P = CpuProver>; + + let malicious_trace_pv_generator = + |prover: &P, + record: &mut ExecutionRecord| + -> Vec<(String, RowMajorMatrix>)> { + record.public_values.committed_value_digest[0] = 10; // The correct value is 40. + prover.generate_traces(record) + }; + + let result = + run_malicious_test::

(program, stdin, Box::new(malicious_trace_pv_generator)); + let syscall_chip_name = chip_name!(SyscallInstrsChip, BabyBear); + assert!(result.is_err() && result.unwrap_err().is_constraints_failing(&syscall_chip_name)); + } + + #[test] + fn test_malicious_commit_deferred() { + let instructions = vec![ + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 5, 0, COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS, false, true), // Set the syscall code in register x5. + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 10, 0, 0, false, false), // Set the syscall code in register x5. + Instruction::new(Opcode::ADD, 11, 0, 40, false, true), // Set the syscall arg1 to 40. + Instruction::new(Opcode::ECALL, 5, 10, 11, false, false), // Call the syscall. + ]; + let program = Program::new(instructions, 0, 0); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + + type P = CpuProver>; + + let malicious_trace_pv_generator = + |prover: &P, + record: &mut ExecutionRecord| + -> Vec<(String, RowMajorMatrix>)> { + record.public_values.deferred_proofs_digest[0] = 10; // The correct value is 40. + prover.generate_traces(record) + }; + + let result = + run_malicious_test::

(program, stdin, Box::new(malicious_trace_pv_generator)); + let syscall_chip_name = chip_name!(SyscallInstrsChip, BabyBear); + assert!(result.is_err() && result.unwrap_err().is_constraints_failing(&syscall_chip_name)); + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/instructions/trace.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/instructions/trace.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1323f098e --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/instructions/trace.rs @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +use std::borrow::BorrowMut; + +use hashbrown::HashMap; +use itertools::Itertools; +use p3_field::PrimeField32; +use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; +use rayon::iter::{ParallelBridge, ParallelIterator}; +use sp1_core_executor::{ + events::{ByteLookupEvent, ByteRecord, MemoryRecordEnum, SyscallEvent}, + syscalls::SyscallCode, + ExecutionRecord, Program, +}; +use sp1_stark::air::MachineAir; + +use crate::utils::{next_power_of_two, zeroed_f_vec}; + +use super::{ + columns::{SyscallInstrColumns, NUM_SYSCALL_INSTR_COLS}, + SyscallInstrsChip, +}; + +impl MachineAir for SyscallInstrsChip { + type Record = ExecutionRecord; + + type Program = Program; + + fn name(&self) -> String { + "SyscallInstrs".to_string() + } + + fn generate_trace( + &self, + input: &ExecutionRecord, + output: &mut ExecutionRecord, + ) -> RowMajorMatrix { + let chunk_size = std::cmp::max((input.syscall_events.len()) / num_cpus::get(), 1); + let nb_rows = input.syscall_events.len(); + let size_log2 = input.fixed_log2_rows::(self); + let padded_nb_rows = next_power_of_two(nb_rows, size_log2); + let mut values = zeroed_f_vec(padded_nb_rows * NUM_SYSCALL_INSTR_COLS); + + let blu_events = values + .chunks_mut(chunk_size * NUM_SYSCALL_INSTR_COLS) + .enumerate() + .par_bridge() + .map(|(i, rows)| { + let mut blu: HashMap = HashMap::new(); + rows.chunks_mut(NUM_SYSCALL_INSTR_COLS).enumerate().for_each(|(j, row)| { + let idx = i * chunk_size + j; + let cols: &mut SyscallInstrColumns = row.borrow_mut(); + + if idx < input.syscall_events.len() { + let event = &input.syscall_events[idx]; + self.event_to_row(event, cols, &mut blu); + } + }); + blu + }) + .collect::>(); + + output.add_byte_lookup_events_from_maps(blu_events.iter().collect_vec()); + + // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. + RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_SYSCALL_INSTR_COLS) + } + + fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { + if let Some(shape) = shard.shape.as_ref() { + shape.included::(self) + } else { + !shard.syscall_events.is_empty() + } + } +} + +impl SyscallInstrsChip { + fn event_to_row( + &self, + event: &SyscallEvent, + cols: &mut SyscallInstrColumns, + blu: &mut impl ByteRecord, + ) { + cols.is_real = F::one(); + cols.pc = F::from_canonical_u32(event.pc); + cols.next_pc = F::from_canonical_u32(event.next_pc); + cols.shard = F::from_canonical_u32(event.shard); + cols.clk = F::from_canonical_u32(event.clk); + + cols.op_a_access.populate(MemoryRecordEnum::Write(event.a_record), blu); + cols.op_b_value = event.arg1.into(); + cols.op_c_value = event.arg2.into(); + + let syscall_id = cols.op_a_access.prev_value[0]; + let num_cycles = cols.op_a_access.prev_value[2]; + + cols.num_extra_cycles = num_cycles; + cols.is_halt = + F::from_bool(syscall_id == F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::HALT.syscall_id())); + + // Populate `is_enter_unconstrained`. + cols.is_enter_unconstrained.populate_from_field_element( + syscall_id - F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::ENTER_UNCONSTRAINED.syscall_id()), + ); + + // Populate `is_hint_len`. + cols.is_hint_len.populate_from_field_element( + syscall_id - F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::HINT_LEN.syscall_id()), + ); + + // Populate `is_halt`. + cols.is_halt_check.populate_from_field_element( + syscall_id - F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::HALT.syscall_id()), + ); + + // Populate `is_commit`. + cols.is_commit.populate_from_field_element( + syscall_id - F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::COMMIT.syscall_id()), + ); + + // Populate `is_commit_deferred_proofs`. + cols.is_commit_deferred_proofs.populate_from_field_element( + syscall_id - F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS.syscall_id()), + ); + + // If the syscall is `COMMIT` or `COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS`, set the index bitmap and + // digest word. + if syscall_id == F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::COMMIT.syscall_id()) + || syscall_id == F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS.syscall_id()) + { + let digest_idx = cols.op_b_value.to_u32() as usize; + cols.index_bitmap[digest_idx] = F::one(); + } + + // For halt and commit deferred proofs syscalls, we need to baby bear range check one of + // it's operands. + if cols.is_halt == F::one() { + cols.operand_to_check = event.arg1.into(); + cols.operand_range_check_cols.populate(cols.operand_to_check, blu); + cols.ecall_range_check_operand = F::one(); + } + + if syscall_id == F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::COMMIT_DEFERRED_PROOFS.syscall_id()) { + cols.operand_to_check = event.arg2.into(); + cols.operand_range_check_cols.populate(cols.operand_to_check, blu); + cols.ecall_range_check_operand = F::one(); + } + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/mod.rs index ab4b7db7f..e7bf1265c 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/mod.rs @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ pub mod chip; +pub mod instructions; pub mod precompiles; diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/README.md b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/README.md index 315d78915..a6d26bd3f 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/README.md +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/README.md @@ -188,9 +188,9 @@ pub fn default_syscall_map() -> HashMap> { ## Write Unit Tests for the New Precompile ### Create a New SP1 Test Package -Create a new SP1 crate for your custom precompile test package inside the directory `sp1/tests`. An example `Cargo.toml` for this may look like +Create a new SP1 crate for your custom precompile test package inside the directory +`sp1/crates/test-artifacts/programs`. An example `Cargo.toml` for this may look like: ```toml -[workspace] [package] name = "custom-precompile-test" version = "1.0.0" @@ -198,18 +198,17 @@ edition = "2021" publish = false [dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../zkvm/entrypoint" } -sp1-derive = { path = "../../derive" } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-derive = { path = "../../../../derive" } num-bigint = "0.4.6" rand = "0.8.5" ``` -Then implement the tests and run `cargo prove build` to generate an ELF file. +Don't forget to include your crate to the workspace at `crates/test-artifacts/programs/Cargo.toml`. Then implement the tests and run `cargo prove build` to generate an ELF file. -### Include the ELF File in `program.rs` -In your main SP1 project, include the generated ELF file by updating `program.rs`. +### Include the ELF File in `test-artifacts` crate `lib.rs` +In your main SP1 project, include the generated ELF file by updating `crates/test-artifacts/src/lib.rs`. ```rust -pub const CUSTOM_PRECOMPILE_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("path/to/generated/elf/file"); +pub const CUSTOM_PRECOMPILE_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("your-test-crate-name"); // Other ELF files... ``` @@ -230,10 +229,11 @@ mod tests { utils::{ self, run_test_io, - tests::CUSTOM_PRECOMPILE_ELF, }, }; + use test_artifacts::CUSTOM_PRECOMPILE_ELF; + #[test] fn test_custom_precompile() { utils::setup_logger(); diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/edwards/ed_add.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/edwards/ed_add.rs index 45c69af41..6fce530ac 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/edwards/ed_add.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/edwards/ed_add.rs @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ use itertools::Itertools; use num::{BigUint, Zero}; use crate::air::MemoryAirBuilder; -use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder, BaseAir}; +use p3_air::{Air, BaseAir}; use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField32}; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::{IntoParallelRefIterator, ParallelIterator, ParallelSlice}; @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ use sp1_core_executor::{ }; use sp1_curves::{ edwards::{ed25519::Ed25519BaseField, EdwardsParameters, NUM_LIMBS, WORDS_CURVE_POINT}, - params::FieldParameters, + params::{FieldParameters, Limbs, NumLimbs}, AffinePoint, EllipticCurve, }; use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ use crate::{ memory::{value_as_limbs, MemoryReadCols, MemoryWriteCols}, operations::field::{ field_den::FieldDenCols, field_inner_product::FieldInnerProductCols, field_op::FieldOpCols, + range::FieldLtCols, }, utils::{limbs_from_prev_access, pad_rows_fixed}, }; @@ -45,7 +46,6 @@ pub struct EdAddAssignCols { pub is_real: T, pub shard: T, pub clk: T, - pub nonce: T, pub p_ptr: T, pub q_ptr: T, pub p_access: [MemoryWriteCols; WORDS_CURVE_POINT], @@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ pub struct EdAddAssignCols { pub(crate) d_mul_f: FieldOpCols, pub(crate) x3_ins: FieldDenCols, pub(crate) y3_ins: FieldDenCols, + pub(crate) x3_range: FieldLtCols, + pub(crate) y3_range: FieldLtCols, } #[derive(Default)] @@ -73,7 +75,6 @@ impl EdAddAssignChip { #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] fn populate_field_ops( record: &mut impl ByteRecord, - shard: u32, cols: &mut EdAddAssignCols, p_x: BigUint, p_y: BigUint, @@ -82,25 +83,26 @@ impl EdAddAssignChip { ) { let x3_numerator = cols.x3_numerator.populate( record, - shard, &[p_x.clone(), q_x.clone()], &[q_y.clone(), p_y.clone()], ); let y3_numerator = cols.y3_numerator.populate( record, - shard, &[p_y.clone(), p_x.clone()], &[q_y.clone(), q_x.clone()], ); - let x1_mul_y1 = cols.x1_mul_y1.populate(record, shard, &p_x, &p_y, FieldOperation::Mul); - let x2_mul_y2 = cols.x2_mul_y2.populate(record, shard, &q_x, &q_y, FieldOperation::Mul); - let f = cols.f.populate(record, shard, &x1_mul_y1, &x2_mul_y2, FieldOperation::Mul); + let x1_mul_y1 = cols.x1_mul_y1.populate(record, &p_x, &p_y, FieldOperation::Mul); + let x2_mul_y2 = cols.x2_mul_y2.populate(record, &q_x, &q_y, FieldOperation::Mul); + let f = cols.f.populate(record, &x1_mul_y1, &x2_mul_y2, FieldOperation::Mul); let d = E::d_biguint(); - let d_mul_f = cols.d_mul_f.populate(record, shard, &f, &d, FieldOperation::Mul); + let d_mul_f = cols.d_mul_f.populate(record, &f, &d, FieldOperation::Mul); - cols.x3_ins.populate(record, shard, &x3_numerator, &d_mul_f, true); - cols.y3_ins.populate(record, shard, &y3_numerator, &d_mul_f, false); + let x3 = cols.x3_ins.populate(record, &x3_numerator, &d_mul_f, true); + let y3 = cols.y3_ins.populate(record, &y3_numerator, &d_mul_f, false); + + cols.x3_range.populate(record, &x3, &Ed25519BaseField::modulus()); + cols.y3_range.populate(record, &y3, &Ed25519BaseField::modulus()); } } @@ -145,7 +147,6 @@ impl MachineAir for Ed let zero = BigUint::zero(); Self::populate_field_ops( &mut vec![], - 0, cols, zero.clone(), zero.clone(), @@ -158,17 +159,7 @@ impl MachineAir for Ed ); // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. - let mut trace = - RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), NUM_ED_ADD_COLS); - - // Write the nonces to the trace. - for i in 0..trace.height() { - let cols: &mut EdAddAssignCols = - trace.values[i * NUM_ED_ADD_COLS..(i + 1) * NUM_ED_ADD_COLS].borrow_mut(); - cols.nonce = F::from_canonical_usize(i); - } - - trace + RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), NUM_ED_ADD_COLS) } fn generate_dependencies(&self, input: &Self::Record, output: &mut Self::Record) { @@ -178,7 +169,7 @@ impl MachineAir for Ed let blu_batches = events .par_chunks(chunk_size) .map(|events| { - let mut blu: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); + let mut blu: HashMap = HashMap::new(); events.iter().for_each(|(_, event)| { let event = if let PrecompileEvent::EdAdd(event) = event { event @@ -194,7 +185,7 @@ impl MachineAir for Ed }) .collect::>(); - output.add_sharded_byte_lookup_events(blu_batches.iter().collect_vec()); + output.add_byte_lookup_events_from_maps(blu_batches.iter().collect_vec()); } fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { @@ -204,6 +195,10 @@ impl MachineAir for Ed !shard.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::ED_ADD).is_empty() } } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } } impl EdAddAssignChip { @@ -229,7 +224,7 @@ impl EdAddAssignChip { cols.p_ptr = F::from_canonical_u32(event.p_ptr); cols.q_ptr = F::from_canonical_u32(event.q_ptr); - Self::populate_field_ops(blu, event.shard, cols, p_x, p_y, q_x, q_y); + Self::populate_field_ops(blu, cols, p_x, p_y, q_x, q_y); // Populate the memory access columns. for i in 0..WORDS_CURVE_POINT { @@ -255,17 +250,15 @@ where let main = builder.main(); let local = main.row_slice(0); let local: &EdAddAssignCols = (*local).borrow(); - let next = main.row_slice(1); - let next: &EdAddAssignCols = (*next).borrow(); - - // Constrain the incrementing nonce. - builder.when_first_row().assert_zero(local.nonce); - builder.when_transition().assert_eq(local.nonce + AB::Expr::one(), next.nonce); - let x1 = limbs_from_prev_access(&local.p_access[0..8]); - let x2 = limbs_from_prev_access(&local.q_access[0..8]); - let y1 = limbs_from_prev_access(&local.p_access[8..16]); - let y2 = limbs_from_prev_access(&local.q_access[8..16]); + let x1: Limbs::Limbs> = + limbs_from_prev_access(&local.p_access[0..8]); + let x2: Limbs::Limbs> = + limbs_from_prev_access(&local.q_access[0..8]); + let y1: Limbs::Limbs> = + limbs_from_prev_access(&local.p_access[8..16]); + let y2: Limbs::Limbs> = + limbs_from_prev_access(&local.q_access[8..16]); // x3_numerator = x1 * y2 + x2 * y1. local.x3_numerator.eval(builder, &[x1, x2], &[y2, y1], local.is_real); @@ -289,11 +282,16 @@ where let d_mul_f = local.d_mul_f.result; + let modulus = + Ed25519BaseField::to_limbs_field::(&Ed25519BaseField::modulus()); + // x3 = x3_numerator / (1 + d * f). local.x3_ins.eval(builder, &local.x3_numerator.result, &d_mul_f, true, local.is_real); + local.x3_range.eval(builder, &local.x3_ins.result, &modulus, local.is_real); // y3 = y3_numerator / (1 - d * f). local.y3_ins.eval(builder, &local.y3_numerator.result, &d_mul_f, false, local.is_real); + local.y3_range.eval(builder, &local.y3_ins.result, &modulus, local.is_real); // Constraint self.p_access.value = [self.x3_ins.result, self.y3_ins.result] // This is to ensure that p_access is updated with the new value. @@ -324,7 +322,6 @@ where builder.receive_syscall( local.shard, local.clk, - local.nonce, AB::F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::ED_ADD.syscall_id()), local.p_ptr, local.q_ptr, @@ -338,23 +335,23 @@ where mod tests { use sp1_core_executor::Program; use sp1_stark::CpuProver; + use test_artifacts::{ED25519_ELF, ED_ADD_ELF}; - use crate::{ - utils, - utils::tests::{ED25519_ELF, ED_ADD_ELF}, - }; + use crate::{io::SP1Stdin, utils}; #[test] fn test_ed_add_simple() { utils::setup_logger(); let program = Program::from(ED_ADD_ELF).unwrap(); - utils::run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + utils::run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_ed25519_program() { utils::setup_logger(); let program = Program::from(ED25519_ELF).unwrap(); - utils::run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + utils::run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/edwards/ed_decompress.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/edwards/ed_decompress.rs index 90c6768f1..0203101af 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/edwards/ed_decompress.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/edwards/ed_decompress.rs @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ use sp1_curves::{ ed25519::{ed25519_sqrt, Ed25519BaseField}, EdwardsParameters, WordsFieldElement, }, - params::{limbs_from_vec, FieldParameters, Limbs}, + params::{FieldParameters, Limbs}, }; use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; use sp1_stark::air::{BaseAirBuilder, InteractionScope, MachineAir, SP1AirBuilder}; @@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ pub struct EdDecompressCols { pub is_real: T, pub shard: T, pub clk: T, - pub nonce: T, pub ptr: T, pub sign: T, pub x_access: GenericArray, WordsFieldElement>, pub y_access: GenericArray, WordsFieldElement>, + pub(crate) neg_x_range: FieldLtCols, pub(crate) y_range: FieldLtCols, pub(crate) yy: FieldOpCols, pub(crate) u: FieldOpCols, @@ -71,9 +71,6 @@ impl EdDecompressCols { self.shard = F::from_canonical_u32(event.shard); self.clk = F::from_canonical_u32(event.clk); self.ptr = F::from_canonical_u32(event.ptr); - self.nonce = F::from_canonical_u32( - record.nonce_lookup.get(&event.lookup_id).copied().unwrap_or_default(), - ); self.sign = F::from_bool(event.sign); for i in 0..8 { self.x_access[i].populate(event.x_memory_records[i], &mut new_byte_lookup_events); @@ -81,7 +78,7 @@ impl EdDecompressCols { } let y = &BigUint::from_bytes_le(&event.y_bytes); - self.populate_field_ops::(&mut new_byte_lookup_events, event.shard, y); + self.populate_field_ops::(&mut new_byte_lookup_events, y); record.add_byte_lookup_events(new_byte_lookup_events); } @@ -89,20 +86,21 @@ impl EdDecompressCols { fn populate_field_ops( &mut self, blu_events: &mut Vec, - shard: u32, y: &BigUint, ) { let one = BigUint::one(); - self.y_range.populate(blu_events, shard, y, &Ed25519BaseField::modulus()); - let yy = self.yy.populate(blu_events, shard, y, y, FieldOperation::Mul); - let u = self.u.populate(blu_events, shard, &yy, &one, FieldOperation::Sub); - let dyy = self.dyy.populate(blu_events, shard, &E::d_biguint(), &yy, FieldOperation::Mul); - let v = self.v.populate(blu_events, shard, &one, &dyy, FieldOperation::Add); - let u_div_v = self.u_div_v.populate(blu_events, shard, &u, &v, FieldOperation::Div); - let x = self.x.populate(blu_events, shard, &u_div_v, |p| { - ed25519_sqrt(p).expect("ed25519_sqrt failed, syscall invariant violated") + self.y_range.populate(blu_events, y, &Ed25519BaseField::modulus()); + let yy = self.yy.populate(blu_events, y, y, FieldOperation::Mul); + let u = self.u.populate(blu_events, &yy, &one, FieldOperation::Sub); + let dyy = self.dyy.populate(blu_events, &E::d_biguint(), &yy, FieldOperation::Mul); + let v = self.v.populate(blu_events, &one, &dyy, FieldOperation::Add); + let u_div_v = self.u_div_v.populate(blu_events, &u, &v, FieldOperation::Div); + + let x = self.x.populate(blu_events, &u_div_v, |v| { + ed25519_sqrt(v).expect("curve25519 expected field element to be a square") }); - self.neg_x.populate(blu_events, shard, &BigUint::zero(), &x, FieldOperation::Sub); + let neg_x = self.neg_x.populate(blu_events, &BigUint::zero(), &x, FieldOperation::Sub); + self.neg_x_range.populate(blu_events, &neg_x, &Ed25519BaseField::modulus()); } } @@ -116,13 +114,9 @@ impl EdDecompressCols { builder.assert_bool(self.sign); let y: Limbs = limbs_from_prev_access(&self.y_access); - let max_num_limbs = P::to_limbs_field_vec(&Ed25519BaseField::modulus()); - self.y_range.eval( - builder, - &y, - &limbs_from_vec::(max_num_limbs), - self.is_real, - ); + let max_num_limbs = + Ed25519BaseField::to_limbs_field::(&Ed25519BaseField::modulus()); + self.y_range.eval(builder, &y, &max_num_limbs, self.is_real); self.yy.eval(builder, &y, &y, FieldOperation::Mul, self.is_real); self.u.eval( builder, @@ -148,6 +142,8 @@ impl EdDecompressCols { FieldOperation::Div, self.is_real, ); + + // Constrain that `x` is a square root. Note that `x.multiplication.result` is constrained to be canonical here. self.x.eval(builder, &self.u_div_v.result, AB::F::zero(), self.is_real); self.neg_x.eval( builder, @@ -156,6 +152,8 @@ impl EdDecompressCols { FieldOperation::Sub, self.is_real, ); + // Constrain that `neg_x.result` is also canonical. + self.neg_x_range.eval(builder, &self.neg_x.result, &max_num_limbs, self.is_real); builder.eval_memory_access_slice( self.shard, @@ -173,6 +171,7 @@ impl EdDecompressCols { ); // Constrain that the correct result is written into x. + // Since the result is either `neg_x.result` or `x.multiplication.result`, the written value is canonical. let x_limbs: Limbs = limbs_from_access(&self.x_access); builder.when(self.is_real).when(self.sign).assert_all_eq(self.neg_x.result, x_limbs); builder @@ -183,7 +182,6 @@ impl EdDecompressCols { builder.receive_syscall( self.shard, self.clk, - self.nonce, AB::F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::ED_DECOMPRESS.syscall_id()), self.ptr, self.sign, @@ -240,26 +238,13 @@ impl MachineAir for EdDecompressChip = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); let zero = BigUint::zero(); - cols.populate_field_ops::(&mut vec![], 0, &zero); + cols.populate_field_ops::(&mut vec![], &zero); row }, input.fixed_log2_rows::(self), ); - let mut trace = RowMajorMatrix::new( - rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), - NUM_ED_DECOMPRESS_COLS, - ); - - // Write the nonces to the trace. - for i in 0..trace.height() { - let cols: &mut EdDecompressCols = trace.values - [i * NUM_ED_DECOMPRESS_COLS..(i + 1) * NUM_ED_DECOMPRESS_COLS] - .borrow_mut(); - cols.nonce = F::from_canonical_usize(i); - } - - trace + RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), NUM_ED_DECOMPRESS_COLS) } fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { @@ -269,6 +254,10 @@ impl MachineAir for EdDecompressChip bool { + true + } } impl BaseAir for EdDecompressChip { @@ -285,12 +274,6 @@ where let main = builder.main(); let local = main.row_slice(0); let local: &EdDecompressCols = (*local).borrow(); - let next = main.row_slice(1); - let next: &EdDecompressCols = (*next).borrow(); - - // Constrain the incrementing nonce. - builder.when_first_row().assert_zero(local.nonce); - builder.when_transition().assert_eq(local.nonce + AB::Expr::one(), next.nonce); local.eval::(builder); } @@ -300,13 +283,15 @@ where pub mod tests { use sp1_core_executor::Program; use sp1_stark::CpuProver; + use test_artifacts::ED_DECOMPRESS_ELF; - use crate::utils::{self, tests::ED_DECOMPRESS_ELF}; + use crate::{io::SP1Stdin, utils}; #[test] fn test_ed_decompress() { utils::setup_logger(); let program = Program::from(ED_DECOMPRESS_ELF).unwrap(); - utils::run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + utils::run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/fptower/fp.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/fptower/fp.rs index a9c21016c..7fce8f721 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/fptower/fp.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/fptower/fp.rs @@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ use std::{ mem::size_of, }; -use crate::{air::MemoryAirBuilder, utils::zeroed_f_vec}; +use crate::{air::MemoryAirBuilder, operations::field::range::FieldLtCols, utils::zeroed_f_vec}; use generic_array::GenericArray; use itertools::Itertools; use num::{BigUint, Zero}; -use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder, BaseAir}; +use p3_air::{Air, BaseAir}; use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField32}; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; use sp1_core_executor::{ @@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ pub struct FpOpChip

{ pub struct FpOpCols { pub is_real: T, pub shard: T, - pub nonce: T, pub clk: T, pub is_add: T, pub is_sub: T, @@ -53,6 +52,7 @@ pub struct FpOpCols { pub x_access: GenericArray, P::WordsFieldElement>, pub y_access: GenericArray, P::WordsFieldElement>, pub(crate) output: FieldOpCols, + pub(crate) output_range: FieldLtCols, } impl FpOpChip

{ @@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ impl FpOpChip

{ #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] fn populate_field_ops( blu_events: &mut Vec, - shard: u32, cols: &mut FpOpCols, p: BigUint, q: BigUint, @@ -71,7 +70,8 @@ impl FpOpChip

{ ) { let modulus_bytes = P::MODULUS; let modulus = BigUint::from_bytes_le(modulus_bytes); - cols.output.populate_with_modulus(blu_events, shard, &p, &q, &modulus, op); + let output = cols.output.populate_with_modulus(blu_events, &p, &q, &modulus, op); + cols.output_range.populate(blu_events, &output, &modulus); } } @@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ impl MachineAir for FpOpChip

{ } fn generate_trace(&self, input: &Self::Record, output: &mut Self::Record) -> RowMajorMatrix { - // All the fp events for a given curve are coalesce to the curve's Add operation. Only retrieve - // precompile events for that operation. + // All the fp events for a given curve are coalesce to the curve's Add operation. Only + // retrieve precompile events for that operation. // TODO: Fix this. let events = match P::FIELD_TYPE { @@ -110,9 +110,8 @@ impl MachineAir for FpOpChip

{ let mut row = zeroed_f_vec(num_fp_cols::

()); let cols: &mut FpOpCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); - let modulus = &BigUint::from_bytes_le(P::MODULUS); - let p = BigUint::from_bytes_le(&words_to_bytes_le_vec(&event.x)) % modulus; - let q = BigUint::from_bytes_le(&words_to_bytes_le_vec(&event.y)) % modulus; + let p = BigUint::from_bytes_le(&words_to_bytes_le_vec(&event.x)); + let q = BigUint::from_bytes_le(&words_to_bytes_le_vec(&event.y)); cols.is_add = F::from_canonical_u8((event.op == FieldOperation::Add) as u8); cols.is_sub = F::from_canonical_u8((event.op == FieldOperation::Sub) as u8); @@ -123,14 +122,7 @@ impl MachineAir for FpOpChip

{ cols.x_ptr = F::from_canonical_u32(event.x_ptr); cols.y_ptr = F::from_canonical_u32(event.y_ptr); - Self::populate_field_ops( - &mut new_byte_lookup_events, - event.shard, - cols, - p, - q, - event.op, - ); + Self::populate_field_ops(&mut new_byte_lookup_events, cols, p, q, event.op); // Populate the memory access columns. for i in 0..cols.y_access.len() { @@ -153,7 +145,6 @@ impl MachineAir for FpOpChip

{ cols.is_add = F::from_canonical_u8(1); Self::populate_field_ops( &mut vec![], - 0, cols, zero.clone(), zero, @@ -165,17 +156,7 @@ impl MachineAir for FpOpChip

{ ); // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. - let mut trace = - RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), num_fp_cols::

()); - - // Write the nonces to the trace. - for i in 0..trace.height() { - let cols: &mut FpOpCols = - trace.values[i * num_fp_cols::

()..(i + 1) * num_fp_cols::

()].borrow_mut(); - cols.nonce = F::from_canonical_usize(i); - } - - trace + RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), num_fp_cols::

()) } fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { @@ -202,6 +183,10 @@ impl MachineAir for FpOpChip

{ } } } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } } impl BaseAir for FpOpChip

{ @@ -219,12 +204,6 @@ where let main = builder.main(); let local = main.row_slice(0); let local: &FpOpCols = (*local).borrow(); - let next = main.row_slice(1); - let next: &FpOpCols = (*next).borrow(); - - // Check that nonce is incremented. - builder.when_first_row().assert_zero(local.nonce); - builder.when_transition().assert_eq(local.nonce + AB::Expr::one(), next.nonce); // Check that operations flags are boolean. builder.assert_bool(local.is_add); @@ -256,6 +235,7 @@ where builder .when(local.is_real) .assert_all_eq(local.output.result, value_as_limbs(&local.x_access)); + local.output_range.eval(builder, &local.output.result, &p_modulus, local.is_real); builder.eval_memory_access_slice( local.shard, @@ -295,7 +275,6 @@ where builder.receive_syscall( local.shard, local.clk, - local.nonce, syscall_id_felt, local.x_ptr, local.y_ptr, diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/fptower/fp2_addsub.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/fptower/fp2_addsub.rs index 7f2830959..a6b51db33 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/fptower/fp2_addsub.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/fptower/fp2_addsub.rs @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use crate::{air::MemoryAirBuilder, utils::zeroed_f_vec}; use generic_array::GenericArray; use itertools::Itertools; use num::{BigUint, Zero}; -use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder, BaseAir}; +use p3_air::{Air, BaseAir}; use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField32}; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; use sp1_core_executor::{ @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ use typenum::Unsigned; use crate::{ memory::{value_as_limbs, MemoryReadCols, MemoryWriteCols}, operations::field::field_op::FieldOpCols, + operations::field::range::FieldLtCols, utils::{limbs_from_prev_access, pad_rows_fixed, words_to_bytes_le_vec}, }; @@ -40,7 +41,6 @@ pub const fn num_fp2_addsub_cols() -> usize { pub struct Fp2AddSubAssignCols { pub is_real: T, pub shard: T, - pub nonce: T, pub clk: T, pub is_add: T, pub x_ptr: T, @@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ pub struct Fp2AddSubAssignCols { pub y_access: GenericArray, P::WordsCurvePoint>, pub(crate) c0: FieldOpCols, pub(crate) c1: FieldOpCols, + pub(crate) c0_range: FieldLtCols, + pub(crate) c1_range: FieldLtCols, } pub struct Fp2AddSubAssignChip

{ @@ -63,7 +65,6 @@ impl Fp2AddSubAssignChip

{ #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] fn populate_field_ops( blu_events: &mut Vec, - shard: u32, cols: &mut Fp2AddSubAssignCols, p_x: BigUint, p_y: BigUint, @@ -73,8 +74,10 @@ impl Fp2AddSubAssignChip

{ ) { let modulus_bytes = P::MODULUS; let modulus = BigUint::from_bytes_le(modulus_bytes); - cols.c0.populate_with_modulus(blu_events, shard, &p_x, &q_x, &modulus, op); - cols.c1.populate_with_modulus(blu_events, shard, &p_y, &q_y, &modulus, op); + let c0 = cols.c0.populate_with_modulus(blu_events, &p_x, &q_x, &modulus, op); + let c1 = cols.c1.populate_with_modulus(blu_events, &p_y, &q_y, &modulus, op); + cols.c0_range.populate(blu_events, &c0, &modulus); + cols.c1_range.populate(blu_events, &c1, &modulus); } } @@ -91,8 +94,8 @@ impl MachineAir for Fp2AddSubAssignChip

{ } fn generate_trace(&self, input: &Self::Record, output: &mut Self::Record) -> RowMajorMatrix { - // All the fp2 sub and add events for a given curve are coalesce to the curve's Add operation. Only retrieve - // precompile events for that operation. + // All the fp2 sub and add events for a given curve are coalesce to the curve's Add + // operation. Only retrieve precompile events for that operation. // TODO: Fix this. let events = match P::FIELD_TYPE { @@ -131,7 +134,6 @@ impl MachineAir for Fp2AddSubAssignChip

{ Self::populate_field_ops( &mut new_byte_lookup_events, - event.shard, cols, p_x, p_y, @@ -161,7 +163,6 @@ impl MachineAir for Fp2AddSubAssignChip

{ let zero = BigUint::zero(); Self::populate_field_ops( &mut vec![], - 0, cols, zero.clone(), zero.clone(), @@ -175,25 +176,15 @@ impl MachineAir for Fp2AddSubAssignChip

{ ); // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. - let mut trace = RowMajorMatrix::new( + RowMajorMatrix::new( rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), num_fp2_addsub_cols::

(), - ); - - // Write the nonces to the trace. - for i in 0..trace.height() { - let cols: &mut Fp2AddSubAssignCols = trace.values - [i * num_fp2_addsub_cols::

()..(i + 1) * num_fp2_addsub_cols::

()] - .borrow_mut(); - cols.nonce = F::from_canonical_usize(i); - } - - trace + ) } fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { - // All the fp2 sub and add events for a given curve are coalesce to the curve's Add operation. Only retrieve - // precompile events for that operation. + // All the fp2 sub and add events for a given curve are coalesce to the curve's Add + // operation. Only retrieve precompile events for that operation. // TODO: Fix this. assert!( @@ -214,6 +205,10 @@ impl MachineAir for Fp2AddSubAssignChip

{ } } } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } } impl BaseAir for Fp2AddSubAssignChip

{ @@ -231,14 +226,10 @@ where let main = builder.main(); let local = main.row_slice(0); let local: &Fp2AddSubAssignCols = (*local).borrow(); - let next = main.row_slice(1); - let next: &Fp2AddSubAssignCols = (*next).borrow(); // Constrain the `is_add` flag to be boolean. builder.assert_bool(local.is_add); - builder.when_first_row().assert_zero(local.nonce); - builder.when_transition().assert_eq(local.nonce + AB::Expr::one(), next.nonce); let num_words_field_element =

::Limbs::USIZE / 4; let p_x = limbs_from_prev_access(&local.x_access[0..num_words_field_element]); @@ -285,6 +276,8 @@ where local.c1.result, value_as_limbs(&local.x_access[num_words_field_element..]), ); + local.c0_range.eval(builder, &local.c0.result, &p_modulus, local.is_real); + local.c1_range.eval(builder, &local.c1.result, &p_modulus, local.is_real); builder.eval_memory_access_slice( local.shard, local.clk.into(), @@ -318,7 +311,6 @@ where builder.receive_syscall( local.shard, local.clk, - local.nonce, syscall_id_felt, local.x_ptr, local.y_ptr, diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/fptower/fp2_mul.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/fptower/fp2_mul.rs index 95a624cc2..a990fc0ad 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/fptower/fp2_mul.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/fptower/fp2_mul.rs @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use crate::{air::MemoryAirBuilder, utils::zeroed_f_vec}; use generic_array::GenericArray; use itertools::Itertools; use num::{BigUint, Zero}; -use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder, BaseAir}; +use p3_air::{Air, BaseAir}; use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField32}; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; use sp1_core_executor::{ @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ use typenum::Unsigned; use crate::{ memory::{value_as_limbs, MemoryReadCols, MemoryWriteCols}, operations::field::field_op::FieldOpCols, + operations::field::range::FieldLtCols, utils::{limbs_from_prev_access, pad_rows_fixed, words_to_bytes_le_vec}, }; @@ -40,7 +41,6 @@ pub const fn num_fp2_mul_cols() -> usize { pub struct Fp2MulAssignCols { pub is_real: T, pub shard: T, - pub nonce: T, pub clk: T, pub x_ptr: T, pub y_ptr: T, @@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ pub struct Fp2MulAssignCols { pub(crate) a1_mul_b0: FieldOpCols, pub(crate) c0: FieldOpCols, pub(crate) c1: FieldOpCols, + pub(crate) c0_range: FieldLtCols, + pub(crate) c1_range: FieldLtCols, } #[derive(Default)] @@ -67,7 +69,6 @@ impl Fp2MulAssignChip

{ #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] fn populate_field_ops( blu_events: &mut Vec, - shard: u32, cols: &mut Fp2MulAssignCols, p_x: BigUint, p_y: BigUint, @@ -78,7 +79,6 @@ impl Fp2MulAssignChip

{ let modulus = BigUint::from_bytes_le(modulus_bytes); let a0_mul_b0 = cols.a0_mul_b0.populate_with_modulus( blu_events, - shard, &p_x, &q_x, &modulus, @@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ impl Fp2MulAssignChip

{ ); let a1_mul_b1 = cols.a1_mul_b1.populate_with_modulus( blu_events, - shard, &p_y, &q_y, &modulus, @@ -94,7 +93,6 @@ impl Fp2MulAssignChip

{ ); let a0_mul_b1 = cols.a0_mul_b1.populate_with_modulus( blu_events, - shard, &p_x, &q_y, &modulus, @@ -102,28 +100,27 @@ impl Fp2MulAssignChip

{ ); let a1_mul_b0 = cols.a1_mul_b0.populate_with_modulus( blu_events, - shard, &p_y, &q_x, &modulus, FieldOperation::Mul, ); - cols.c0.populate_with_modulus( + let c0 = cols.c0.populate_with_modulus( blu_events, - shard, &a0_mul_b0, &a1_mul_b1, &modulus, FieldOperation::Sub, ); - cols.c1.populate_with_modulus( + let c1 = cols.c1.populate_with_modulus( blu_events, - shard, &a0_mul_b1, &a1_mul_b0, &modulus, FieldOperation::Add, ); + cols.c0_range.populate(blu_events, &c0, &modulus); + cols.c1_range.populate(blu_events, &c1, &modulus); } } @@ -171,15 +168,7 @@ impl MachineAir for Fp2MulAssignChip

{ cols.x_ptr = F::from_canonical_u32(event.x_ptr); cols.y_ptr = F::from_canonical_u32(event.y_ptr); - Self::populate_field_ops( - &mut new_byte_lookup_events, - event.shard, - cols, - p_x, - p_y, - q_x, - q_y, - ); + Self::populate_field_ops(&mut new_byte_lookup_events, cols, p_x, p_y, q_x, q_y); // Populate the memory access columns. for i in 0..cols.y_access.len() { @@ -201,7 +190,6 @@ impl MachineAir for Fp2MulAssignChip

{ let zero = BigUint::zero(); Self::populate_field_ops( &mut vec![], - 0, cols, zero.clone(), zero.clone(), @@ -214,20 +202,7 @@ impl MachineAir for Fp2MulAssignChip

{ ); // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. - let mut trace = RowMajorMatrix::new( - rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), - num_fp2_mul_cols::

(), - ); - - // Write the nonces to the trace. - for i in 0..trace.height() { - let cols: &mut Fp2MulAssignCols = trace.values - [i * num_fp2_mul_cols::

()..(i + 1) * num_fp2_mul_cols::

()] - .borrow_mut(); - cols.nonce = F::from_canonical_usize(i); - } - - trace + RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), num_fp2_mul_cols::

()) } fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { @@ -244,6 +219,10 @@ impl MachineAir for Fp2MulAssignChip

{ } } } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } } impl BaseAir for Fp2MulAssignChip

{ @@ -261,11 +240,7 @@ where let main = builder.main(); let local = main.row_slice(0); let local: &Fp2MulAssignCols = (*local).borrow(); - let next = main.row_slice(1); - let next: &Fp2MulAssignCols = (*next).borrow(); - builder.when_first_row().assert_zero(local.nonce); - builder.when_transition().assert_eq(local.nonce + AB::Expr::one(), next.nonce); let num_words_field_element =

::Limbs::USIZE / 4; let p_x = limbs_from_prev_access(&local.x_access[0..num_words_field_element]); @@ -344,6 +319,8 @@ where local.c1.result, value_as_limbs(&local.x_access[num_words_field_element..]), ); + local.c0_range.eval(builder, &local.c0.result, &p_modulus, local.is_real); + local.c1_range.eval(builder, &local.c1.result, &p_modulus, local.is_real); builder.eval_memory_access_slice( local.shard, @@ -371,7 +348,6 @@ where builder.receive_syscall( local.shard, local.clk, - local.nonce, syscall_id_felt, local.x_ptr, local.y_ptr, diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/fptower/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/fptower/mod.rs index c0d63d3ab..752b5ae42 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/fptower/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/fptower/mod.rs @@ -10,55 +10,59 @@ pub use fp2_mul::*; mod tests { use sp1_stark::CpuProver; - use sp1_core_executor::{ - programs::tests::{ - BLS12381_FP2_ADDSUB_ELF, BLS12381_FP2_MUL_ELF, BLS12381_FP_ELF, BN254_FP2_ADDSUB_ELF, - BN254_FP2_MUL_ELF, BN254_FP_ELF, - }, - Program, + use sp1_core_executor::Program; + use test_artifacts::{ + BLS12381_FP2_ADDSUB_ELF, BLS12381_FP2_MUL_ELF, BLS12381_FP_ELF, BN254_FP2_ADDSUB_ELF, + BN254_FP2_MUL_ELF, BN254_FP_ELF, }; - use crate::utils; + use crate::{io::SP1Stdin, utils}; #[test] fn test_bls12381_fp_ops() { utils::setup_logger(); let program = Program::from(BLS12381_FP_ELF).unwrap(); - utils::run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + utils::run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_bls12381_fp2_addsub() { utils::setup_logger(); let program = Program::from(BLS12381_FP2_ADDSUB_ELF).unwrap(); - utils::run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + utils::run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_bls12381_fp2_mul() { utils::setup_logger(); let program = Program::from(BLS12381_FP2_MUL_ELF).unwrap(); - utils::run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + utils::run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_bn254_fp_ops() { utils::setup_logger(); let program = Program::from(BN254_FP_ELF).unwrap(); - utils::run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + utils::run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_bn254_fp2_addsub() { utils::setup_logger(); let program = Program::from(BN254_FP2_ADDSUB_ELF).unwrap(); - utils::run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + utils::run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_bn254_fp2_mul() { utils::setup_logger(); let program = Program::from(BN254_FP2_MUL_ELF).unwrap(); - utils::run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + utils::run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/keccak256/air.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/keccak256/air.rs index a5925fb6c..207ea6b40 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/keccak256/air.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/keccak256/air.rs @@ -33,10 +33,6 @@ where let local: &KeccakMemCols = (*local).borrow(); let next: &KeccakMemCols = (*next).borrow(); - // Constrain the incrementing nonce. - builder.when_first_row().assert_zero(local.nonce); - builder.when_transition().assert_eq(local.nonce + AB::Expr::one(), next.nonce); - let first_step = local.keccak.step_flags[0]; let final_step = local.keccak.step_flags[NUM_ROUNDS - 1]; let not_final_step = AB::Expr::one() - final_step; @@ -66,7 +62,6 @@ where builder.receive_syscall( local.shard, local.clk, - local.nonce, AB::F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::KECCAK_PERMUTE.syscall_id()), local.state_addr, AB::Expr::zero(), @@ -140,15 +135,17 @@ mod test { use crate::{ io::SP1Stdin, riscv::RiscvAir, - utils::{prove, setup_logger, tests::KECCAK256_ELF}, + utils::{prove_core, setup_logger}, }; use sp1_primitives::io::SP1PublicValues; use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng}; - use sp1_core_executor::Program; + use sp1_core_executor::{Program, SP1Context}; use sp1_stark::{ - baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, CpuProver, SP1CoreOpts, StarkGenericConfig, + baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, CpuProver, MachineProver, SP1CoreOpts, + StarkGenericConfig, }; + use test_artifacts::KECCAK256_ELF; use tiny_keccak::Hasher; const NUM_TEST_CASES: usize = 45; @@ -180,9 +177,22 @@ mod test { let config = BabyBearPoseidon2::new(); let program = Program::from(KECCAK256_ELF).unwrap(); - let (proof, public_values, _) = - prove::<_, CpuProver<_, _>>(program, &stdin, config, SP1CoreOpts::default(), None) - .unwrap(); + let opts = SP1CoreOpts::default(); + let machine = RiscvAir::machine(config); + let prover = CpuProver::new(machine); + let (pk, vk) = prover.setup(&program); + let (proof, public_values, _) = prove_core::<_, _>( + &prover, + &pk, + &vk, + program, + &stdin, + opts, + SP1Context::default(), + None, + None, + ) + .unwrap(); let mut public_values = SP1PublicValues::from(&public_values); let config = BabyBearPoseidon2::new(); diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/keccak256/columns.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/keccak256/columns.rs index 7b622b3bc..68e4035d1 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/keccak256/columns.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/keccak256/columns.rs @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ pub(crate) struct KeccakMemCols { pub shard: T, pub clk: T, - pub nonce: T, pub state_addr: T, /// Memory columns for the state. diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/keccak256/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/keccak256/mod.rs index 2f53e23c7..ba9b76b02 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/keccak256/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/keccak256/mod.rs @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ mod trace; use p3_keccak_air::KeccakAir; -pub(crate) const STATE_SIZE: usize = 25; +pub const STATE_SIZE: usize = 25; // The permutation state is 25 u64's. Our word size is 32 bits, so it is 50 words. pub const STATE_NUM_WORDS: usize = STATE_SIZE * 2; @@ -23,8 +23,12 @@ impl KeccakPermuteChip { pub mod permute_tests { use sp1_core_executor::{syscalls::SyscallCode, Executor, Instruction, Opcode, Program}; use sp1_stark::{CpuProver, SP1CoreOpts}; + use test_artifacts::KECCAK_PERMUTE_ELF; - use crate::utils::{self, run_test, tests::KECCAK_PERMUTE_ELF}; + use crate::{ + io::SP1Stdin, + utils::{self}, + }; pub fn keccak_permute_program() -> Program { let digest_ptr = 100; @@ -57,13 +61,15 @@ pub mod permute_tests { utils::setup_logger(); let program = keccak_permute_program(); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + utils::run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_keccak_permute_program_prove() { utils::setup_logger(); let program = Program::from(KECCAK_PERMUTE_ELF).unwrap(); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + utils::run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/keccak256/trace.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/keccak256/trace.rs index 020b28c9f..a5213bb8d 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/keccak256/trace.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/keccak256/trace.rs @@ -96,16 +96,7 @@ impl MachineAir for KeccakPermuteChip { }); // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. - let mut trace = RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_KECCAK_MEM_COLS); - - // Write the nonce to the trace. - for i in 0..trace.height() { - let cols: &mut KeccakMemCols = - trace.values[i * NUM_KECCAK_MEM_COLS..(i + 1) * NUM_KECCAK_MEM_COLS].borrow_mut(); - cols.nonce = F::from_canonical_usize(i); - } - - trace + RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_KECCAK_MEM_COLS) } fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { @@ -145,8 +136,7 @@ impl KeccakPermuteChip { if i == 0 { for (j, read_record) in event.state_read_records.iter().enumerate() { cols.state_mem[j].populate_read(*read_record, new_byte_lookup_events); - new_byte_lookup_events - .add_u8_range_checks(shard, &read_record.value.to_le_bytes()); + new_byte_lookup_events.add_u8_range_checks(&read_record.value.to_le_bytes()); } cols.do_memory_check = F::one(); cols.receive_ecall = F::one(); @@ -156,8 +146,7 @@ impl KeccakPermuteChip { if i == NUM_ROUNDS - 1 { for (j, write_record) in event.state_write_records.iter().enumerate() { cols.state_mem[j].populate_write(*write_record, new_byte_lookup_events); - new_byte_lookup_events - .add_u8_range_checks(shard, &write_record.value.to_le_bytes()); + new_byte_lookup_events.add_u8_range_checks(&write_record.value.to_le_bytes()); } cols.do_memory_check = F::one(); } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/mod.rs index f07da9460..4b06dd3c1 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/mod.rs @@ -2,5 +2,6 @@ pub mod edwards; pub mod fptower; pub mod keccak256; pub mod sha256; +pub mod u256x2048_mul; pub mod uint256; pub mod weierstrass; diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/compress/air.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/compress/air.rs index 648f9cdd3..066a5db29 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/compress/air.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/compress/air.rs @@ -39,10 +39,6 @@ where let local: &ShaCompressCols = (*local).borrow(); let next: &ShaCompressCols = (*next).borrow(); - // Constrain the incrementing nonce. - builder.when_first_row().assert_zero(local.nonce); - builder.when_transition().assert_eq(local.nonce + AB::Expr::one(), next.nonce); - self.eval_control_flow_flags(builder, local, next); self.eval_memory(builder, local); @@ -55,7 +51,6 @@ where builder.receive_syscall( local.shard, local.clk, - local.nonce, AB::F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::SHA_COMPRESS.syscall_id()), local.w_ptr, local.h_ptr, @@ -80,7 +75,7 @@ impl ShaCompressChip { // Verify that exactly one of the octet columns is true. let mut octet_sum = AB::Expr::zero(); for i in 0..8 { - octet_sum += local.octet[i].into(); + octet_sum = octet_sum.clone() + local.octet[i].into(); } builder.assert_one(octet_sum); @@ -100,7 +95,7 @@ impl ShaCompressChip { // Verify that exactly one of the octet_num columns is true. let mut octet_num_sum = AB::Expr::zero(); for i in 0..10 { - octet_num_sum += local.octet_num[i].into(); + octet_num_sum = octet_num_sum.clone() + local.octet_num[i].into(); } builder.assert_one(octet_num_sum); @@ -217,13 +212,13 @@ impl ShaCompressChip { // Calculate the current cycle_num. let mut cycle_num = AB::Expr::zero(); for i in 0..10 { - cycle_num += local.octet_num[i] * AB::Expr::from_canonical_usize(i); + cycle_num = cycle_num.clone() + local.octet_num[i] * AB::Expr::from_canonical_usize(i); } // Calculate the current step of the cycle 8. let mut cycle_step = AB::Expr::zero(); for i in 0..8 { - cycle_step += local.octet[i] * AB::Expr::from_canonical_usize(i); + cycle_step = cycle_step.clone() + local.octet[i] * AB::Expr::from_canonical_usize(i); } // Verify correct mem address for initialize phase @@ -490,7 +485,7 @@ impl ShaCompressChip { let mut filtered_operand = Word([zero.clone(), zero.clone(), zero.clone(), zero]); for (i, operand) in local.octet.iter().zip(add_operands.iter()) { for j in 0..4 { - filtered_operand.0[j] += *i * operand.0[j]; + filtered_operand.0[j] = filtered_operand.0[j].clone() + *i * operand.0[j]; } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/compress/columns.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/compress/columns.rs index 5d48b9edc..c5510142d 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/compress/columns.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/compress/columns.rs @@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ pub const NUM_SHA_COMPRESS_COLS: usize = size_of::>(); pub struct ShaCompressCols { /// Inputs. pub shard: T, - pub nonce: T, pub clk: T, pub w_ptr: T, pub h_ptr: T, diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/compress/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/compress/mod.rs index 539dbe885..08e58cca3 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/compress/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/compress/mod.rs @@ -34,8 +34,12 @@ pub mod compress_tests { use sp1_core_executor::{syscalls::SyscallCode, Instruction, Opcode, Program}; use sp1_stark::CpuProver; + use test_artifacts::SHA_COMPRESS_ELF; - use crate::utils::{run_test, setup_logger, tests::SHA_COMPRESS_ELF}; + use crate::{ + io::SP1Stdin, + utils::{run_test, setup_logger}, + }; pub fn sha_compress_program() -> Program { let w_ptr = 100; @@ -66,13 +70,15 @@ pub mod compress_tests { fn prove_babybear() { setup_logger(); let program = sha_compress_program(); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_sha_compress_program() { setup_logger(); let program = Program::from(SHA_COMPRESS_ELF).unwrap(); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/compress/trace.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/compress/trace.rs index d6b61b67f..86f57ab85 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/compress/trace.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/compress/trace.rs @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use std::borrow::BorrowMut; use hashbrown::HashMap; use itertools::Itertools; use p3_field::PrimeField32; -use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; +use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::{ParallelIterator, ParallelSlice}; use sp1_core_executor::{ events::{ByteLookupEvent, ByteRecord, PrecompileEvent, ShaCompressEvent}, @@ -77,20 +77,7 @@ impl MachineAir for ShaCompressChip { } // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. - let mut trace = RowMajorMatrix::new( - rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), - NUM_SHA_COMPRESS_COLS, - ); - - // Write the nonces to the trace. - for i in 0..trace.height() { - let cols: &mut ShaCompressCols = trace.values - [i * NUM_SHA_COMPRESS_COLS..(i + 1) * NUM_SHA_COMPRESS_COLS] - .borrow_mut(); - cols.nonce = F::from_canonical_usize(i); - } - - trace + RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), NUM_SHA_COMPRESS_COLS) } fn generate_dependencies(&self, input: &Self::Record, output: &mut Self::Record) { @@ -100,7 +87,7 @@ impl MachineAir for ShaCompressChip { let blu_batches = events .par_chunks(chunk_size) .map(|events| { - let mut blu: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); + let mut blu: HashMap = HashMap::new(); events.iter().for_each(|(_, event)| { let event = if let PrecompileEvent::ShaCompress(event) = event { event @@ -113,7 +100,7 @@ impl MachineAir for ShaCompressChip { }) .collect::>(); - output.add_sharded_byte_lookup_events(blu_batches.iter().collect_vec()); + output.add_byte_lookup_events_from_maps(blu_batches.iter().collect_vec()); } fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { @@ -132,8 +119,6 @@ impl ShaCompressChip { rows: &mut Option>, blu: &mut impl ByteRecord, ) { - let shard = event.shard; - let og_h = event.h; let mut octet_num_idx = 0; @@ -209,35 +194,35 @@ impl ShaCompressChip { cols.g = Word::from(g); cols.h = Word::from(h); - let e_rr_6 = cols.e_rr_6.populate(blu, shard, e, 6); - let e_rr_11 = cols.e_rr_11.populate(blu, shard, e, 11); - let e_rr_25 = cols.e_rr_25.populate(blu, shard, e, 25); - let s1_intermediate = cols.s1_intermediate.populate(blu, shard, e_rr_6, e_rr_11); - let s1 = cols.s1.populate(blu, shard, s1_intermediate, e_rr_25); + let e_rr_6 = cols.e_rr_6.populate(blu, e, 6); + let e_rr_11 = cols.e_rr_11.populate(blu, e, 11); + let e_rr_25 = cols.e_rr_25.populate(blu, e, 25); + let s1_intermediate = cols.s1_intermediate.populate(blu, e_rr_6, e_rr_11); + let s1 = cols.s1.populate(blu, s1_intermediate, e_rr_25); - let e_and_f = cols.e_and_f.populate(blu, shard, e, f); - let e_not = cols.e_not.populate(blu, shard, e); - let e_not_and_g = cols.e_not_and_g.populate(blu, shard, e_not, g); - let ch = cols.ch.populate(blu, shard, e_and_f, e_not_and_g); + let e_and_f = cols.e_and_f.populate(blu, e, f); + let e_not = cols.e_not.populate(blu, e); + let e_not_and_g = cols.e_not_and_g.populate(blu, e_not, g); + let ch = cols.ch.populate(blu, e_and_f, e_not_and_g); - let temp1 = cols.temp1.populate(blu, shard, h, s1, ch, event.w[j], SHA_COMPRESS_K[j]); + let temp1 = cols.temp1.populate(blu, h, s1, ch, event.w[j], SHA_COMPRESS_K[j]); - let a_rr_2 = cols.a_rr_2.populate(blu, shard, a, 2); - let a_rr_13 = cols.a_rr_13.populate(blu, shard, a, 13); - let a_rr_22 = cols.a_rr_22.populate(blu, shard, a, 22); - let s0_intermediate = cols.s0_intermediate.populate(blu, shard, a_rr_2, a_rr_13); - let s0 = cols.s0.populate(blu, shard, s0_intermediate, a_rr_22); + let a_rr_2 = cols.a_rr_2.populate(blu, a, 2); + let a_rr_13 = cols.a_rr_13.populate(blu, a, 13); + let a_rr_22 = cols.a_rr_22.populate(blu, a, 22); + let s0_intermediate = cols.s0_intermediate.populate(blu, a_rr_2, a_rr_13); + let s0 = cols.s0.populate(blu, s0_intermediate, a_rr_22); - let a_and_b = cols.a_and_b.populate(blu, shard, a, b); - let a_and_c = cols.a_and_c.populate(blu, shard, a, c); - let b_and_c = cols.b_and_c.populate(blu, shard, b, c); - let maj_intermediate = cols.maj_intermediate.populate(blu, shard, a_and_b, a_and_c); - let maj = cols.maj.populate(blu, shard, maj_intermediate, b_and_c); + let a_and_b = cols.a_and_b.populate(blu, a, b); + let a_and_c = cols.a_and_c.populate(blu, a, c); + let b_and_c = cols.b_and_c.populate(blu, b, c); + let maj_intermediate = cols.maj_intermediate.populate(blu, a_and_b, a_and_c); + let maj = cols.maj.populate(blu, maj_intermediate, b_and_c); - let temp2 = cols.temp2.populate(blu, shard, s0, maj); + let temp2 = cols.temp2.populate(blu, s0, maj); - let d_add_temp1 = cols.d_add_temp1.populate(blu, shard, d, temp1); - let temp1_add_temp2 = cols.temp1_add_temp2.populate(blu, shard, temp1, temp2); + let d_add_temp1 = cols.d_add_temp1.populate(blu, d, temp1); + let temp1_add_temp2 = cols.temp1_add_temp2.populate(blu, temp1, temp2); h_array[7] = g; h_array[6] = f; @@ -273,7 +258,7 @@ impl ShaCompressChip { cols.octet_num[octet_num_idx] = F::one(); cols.is_finalize = F::one(); - cols.finalize_add.populate(blu, shard, og_h[j], h_array[j]); + cols.finalize_add.populate(blu, og_h[j], h_array[j]); cols.mem.populate_write(event.h_write_records[j], blu); cols.mem_addr = F::from_canonical_u32(event.h_ptr + (j * 4) as u32); diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/extend/air.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/extend/air.rs index f5da0f247..17e864891 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/extend/air.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/extend/air.rs @@ -33,10 +33,6 @@ where let local: &ShaExtendCols = (*local).borrow(); let next: &ShaExtendCols = (*next).borrow(); - // Constrain the incrementing nonce. - builder.when_first_row().assert_zero(local.nonce); - builder.when_transition().assert_eq(local.nonce + AB::Expr::one(), next.nonce); - let i_start = AB::F::from_canonical_u32(16); let nb_bytes_in_word = AB::F::from_canonical_u32(4); @@ -203,7 +199,6 @@ where builder.receive_syscall( local.shard, local.clk, - local.nonce, AB::F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::SHA_EXTEND.syscall_id()), local.w_ptr, AB::Expr::zero(), diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/extend/columns.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/extend/columns.rs index ff7a5f5f7..69b5fcd2a 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/extend/columns.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/extend/columns.rs @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ pub const NUM_SHA_EXTEND_COLS: usize = size_of::>(); pub struct ShaExtendCols { /// Inputs. pub shard: T, - pub nonce: T, pub clk: T, pub w_ptr: T, diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/extend/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/extend/mod.rs index cb3aea1bb..1c4ffe9a6 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/extend/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/extend/mod.rs @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ mod trace; pub use columns::*; -/// Implements the SHA extension operation which loops over i = [16, 63] and modifies w[i] in each +/// Implements the SHA extension operation which loops over i = \[16, 63\] and modifies w\[i\] in each /// iteration. The only input to the syscall is the 4byte-aligned pointer to the w array. /// /// In the AIR, each SHA extend syscall takes up 48 rows, where each row corresponds to a single @@ -37,10 +37,11 @@ pub mod extend_tests { events::AluEvent, syscalls::SyscallCode, ExecutionRecord, Instruction, Opcode, Program, }; use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, CpuProver}; + use test_artifacts::{SHA2_ELF, SHA_EXTEND_ELF}; - use crate::utils::{ - self, run_test, - tests::{SHA2_ELF, SHA_EXTEND_ELF}, + use crate::{ + io::SP1Stdin, + utils::{self, run_test}, }; use super::ShaExtendChip; @@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ pub mod extend_tests { #[test] fn generate_trace() { let mut shard = ExecutionRecord::default(); - shard.add_events = vec![AluEvent::new(0, 0, Opcode::ADD, 14, 8, 6)]; + shard.add_events = vec![AluEvent::new(0, Opcode::ADD, 14, 8, 6, false)]; let chip = ShaExtendChip::new(); let trace: RowMajorMatrix = chip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); @@ -77,20 +78,23 @@ pub mod extend_tests { fn test_sha_prove() { utils::setup_logger(); let program = sha_extend_program(); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_sha256_program() { utils::setup_logger(); let program = Program::from(SHA2_ELF).unwrap(); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_sha_extend_program() { utils::setup_logger(); let program = Program::from(SHA_EXTEND_ELF).unwrap(); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/extend/trace.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/extend/trace.rs index 75e1a1653..a8ead4619 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/extend/trace.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/sha256/extend/trace.rs @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ use hashbrown::HashMap; use itertools::Itertools; use p3_field::PrimeField32; -use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; +use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::{ParallelIterator, ParallelSlice}; use sp1_core_executor::{ events::{ByteLookupEvent, ByteRecord, PrecompileEvent, ShaExtendEvent}, @@ -51,19 +51,7 @@ impl MachineAir for ShaExtendChip { } // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. - let mut trace = RowMajorMatrix::new( - rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), - NUM_SHA_EXTEND_COLS, - ); - - // Write the nonces to the trace. - for i in 0..trace.height() { - let cols: &mut ShaExtendCols = - trace.values[i * NUM_SHA_EXTEND_COLS..(i + 1) * NUM_SHA_EXTEND_COLS].borrow_mut(); - cols.nonce = F::from_canonical_usize(i); - } - - trace + RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), NUM_SHA_EXTEND_COLS) } fn generate_dependencies(&self, input: &Self::Record, output: &mut Self::Record) { @@ -73,7 +61,7 @@ impl MachineAir for ShaExtendChip { let blu_batches = events .par_chunks(chunk_size) .map(|events| { - let mut blu: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); + let mut blu: HashMap = HashMap::new(); events.iter().for_each(|(_, event)| { let event = if let PrecompileEvent::ShaExtend(event) = event { event @@ -86,7 +74,7 @@ impl MachineAir for ShaExtendChip { }) .collect::>(); - output.add_sharded_byte_lookup_events(blu_batches.iter().collect_vec()); + output.add_byte_lookup_events_from_maps(blu_batches.iter().collect_vec()); } fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { @@ -105,7 +93,6 @@ impl ShaExtendChip { rows: &mut Option>, blu: &mut impl ByteRecord, ) { - let shard = event.shard; for j in 0..48usize { let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_SHA_EXTEND_COLS]; let cols: &mut ShaExtendCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); @@ -123,27 +110,27 @@ impl ShaExtendChip { // `s0 := (w[i-15] rightrotate 7) xor (w[i-15] rightrotate 18) xor (w[i-15] rightshift // 3)`. let w_i_minus_15 = event.w_i_minus_15_reads[j].value; - let w_i_minus_15_rr_7 = cols.w_i_minus_15_rr_7.populate(blu, shard, w_i_minus_15, 7); - let w_i_minus_15_rr_18 = cols.w_i_minus_15_rr_18.populate(blu, shard, w_i_minus_15, 18); - let w_i_minus_15_rs_3 = cols.w_i_minus_15_rs_3.populate(blu, shard, w_i_minus_15, 3); + let w_i_minus_15_rr_7 = cols.w_i_minus_15_rr_7.populate(blu, w_i_minus_15, 7); + let w_i_minus_15_rr_18 = cols.w_i_minus_15_rr_18.populate(blu, w_i_minus_15, 18); + let w_i_minus_15_rs_3 = cols.w_i_minus_15_rs_3.populate(blu, w_i_minus_15, 3); let s0_intermediate = - cols.s0_intermediate.populate(blu, shard, w_i_minus_15_rr_7, w_i_minus_15_rr_18); - let s0 = cols.s0.populate(blu, shard, s0_intermediate, w_i_minus_15_rs_3); + cols.s0_intermediate.populate(blu, w_i_minus_15_rr_7, w_i_minus_15_rr_18); + let s0 = cols.s0.populate(blu, s0_intermediate, w_i_minus_15_rs_3); // `s1 := (w[i-2] rightrotate 17) xor (w[i-2] rightrotate 19) xor (w[i-2] rightshift // 10)`. let w_i_minus_2 = event.w_i_minus_2_reads[j].value; - let w_i_minus_2_rr_17 = cols.w_i_minus_2_rr_17.populate(blu, shard, w_i_minus_2, 17); - let w_i_minus_2_rr_19 = cols.w_i_minus_2_rr_19.populate(blu, shard, w_i_minus_2, 19); - let w_i_minus_2_rs_10 = cols.w_i_minus_2_rs_10.populate(blu, shard, w_i_minus_2, 10); + let w_i_minus_2_rr_17 = cols.w_i_minus_2_rr_17.populate(blu, w_i_minus_2, 17); + let w_i_minus_2_rr_19 = cols.w_i_minus_2_rr_19.populate(blu, w_i_minus_2, 19); + let w_i_minus_2_rs_10 = cols.w_i_minus_2_rs_10.populate(blu, w_i_minus_2, 10); let s1_intermediate = - cols.s1_intermediate.populate(blu, shard, w_i_minus_2_rr_17, w_i_minus_2_rr_19); - let s1 = cols.s1.populate(blu, shard, s1_intermediate, w_i_minus_2_rs_10); + cols.s1_intermediate.populate(blu, w_i_minus_2_rr_17, w_i_minus_2_rr_19); + let s1 = cols.s1.populate(blu, s1_intermediate, w_i_minus_2_rs_10); // Compute `s2`. let w_i_minus_7 = event.w_i_minus_7_reads[j].value; let w_i_minus_16 = event.w_i_minus_16_reads[j].value; - cols.s2.populate(blu, shard, w_i_minus_16, s0, w_i_minus_7, s1); + cols.s2.populate(blu, w_i_minus_16, s0, w_i_minus_7, s1); cols.w_i.populate(event.w_i_writes[j], blu); diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/u256x2048_mul/air.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/u256x2048_mul/air.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ad2078400 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/u256x2048_mul/air.rs @@ -0,0 +1,399 @@ +use crate::{ + air::MemoryAirBuilder, + memory::{value_as_limbs, MemoryCols, MemoryReadCols, MemoryWriteCols}, + operations::field::field_op::FieldOpCols, + utils::{limbs_from_access, pad_rows_fixed, words_to_bytes_le}, +}; + +use num::{BigUint, One, Zero}; +use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder, BaseAir}; +use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField32}; +use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; +use sp1_core_executor::{ + events::{ByteRecord, FieldOperation, PrecompileEvent}, + syscalls::SyscallCode, + ExecutionRecord, Program, Register, +}; +use sp1_curves::{ + params::{NumLimbs, NumWords}, + uint256::U256Field, +}; +use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; +use sp1_stark::{ + air::{BaseAirBuilder, InteractionScope, MachineAir, Polynomial, SP1AirBuilder}, + MachineRecord, +}; +use std::{ + borrow::{Borrow, BorrowMut}, + mem::size_of, +}; +use typenum::Unsigned; + +/// The number of columns in the U256x2048MulCols. +const NUM_COLS: usize = size_of::>(); + +#[derive(Default)] +pub struct U256x2048MulChip; + +impl U256x2048MulChip { + pub const fn new() -> Self { + Self + } +} +type WordsFieldElement = ::WordsFieldElement; +const WORDS_FIELD_ELEMENT: usize = WordsFieldElement::USIZE; +const LO_REGISTER: u32 = Register::X12 as u32; +const HI_REGISTER: u32 = Register::X13 as u32; + +/// A set of columns for the U256x2048Mul operation. +#[derive(Debug, Clone, AlignedBorrow)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct U256x2048MulCols { + /// The shard number of the syscall. + pub shard: T, + + /// The clock cycle of the syscall. + pub clk: T, + + /// The pointer to the first input. + pub a_ptr: T, + + /// The pointer to the second input. + pub b_ptr: T, + + pub lo_ptr: T, + pub hi_ptr: T, + + pub lo_ptr_memory: MemoryReadCols, + pub hi_ptr_memory: MemoryReadCols, + + // Memory columns. + pub a_memory: [MemoryReadCols; WORDS_FIELD_ELEMENT], + pub b_memory: [MemoryReadCols; WORDS_FIELD_ELEMENT * 8], + pub lo_memory: [MemoryWriteCols; WORDS_FIELD_ELEMENT * 8], + pub hi_memory: [MemoryWriteCols; WORDS_FIELD_ELEMENT], + + // Output values. We compute (x * y) % 2^2048 and (x * y) / 2^2048. + pub a_mul_b1: FieldOpCols, + pub ab2_plus_carry: FieldOpCols, + pub ab3_plus_carry: FieldOpCols, + pub ab4_plus_carry: FieldOpCols, + pub ab5_plus_carry: FieldOpCols, + pub ab6_plus_carry: FieldOpCols, + pub ab7_plus_carry: FieldOpCols, + pub ab8_plus_carry: FieldOpCols, + pub is_real: T, +} + +impl MachineAir for U256x2048MulChip { + type Record = ExecutionRecord; + type Program = Program; + + fn name(&self) -> String { + "U256XU2048Mul".to_string() + } + + fn generate_trace( + &self, + input: &ExecutionRecord, + output: &mut ExecutionRecord, + ) -> RowMajorMatrix { + // Implement trace generation logic. + let rows_and_records = input + .get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::U256XU2048_MUL) + .chunks(1) + .map(|events| { + let mut records = ExecutionRecord::default(); + let mut new_byte_lookup_events = Vec::new(); + + let rows = events + .iter() + .map(|(_, event)| { + let event = if let PrecompileEvent::U256xU2048Mul(event) = event { + event + } else { + unreachable!() + }; + let mut row: [F; NUM_COLS] = [F::zero(); NUM_COLS]; + let cols: &mut U256x2048MulCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); + + // Assign basic values to the columns. + cols.is_real = F::one(); + cols.shard = F::from_canonical_u32(event.shard); + cols.clk = F::from_canonical_u32(event.clk); + cols.a_ptr = F::from_canonical_u32(event.a_ptr); + cols.b_ptr = F::from_canonical_u32(event.b_ptr); + cols.lo_ptr = F::from_canonical_u32(event.lo_ptr); + cols.hi_ptr = F::from_canonical_u32(event.hi_ptr); + + // Populate memory accesses for lo_ptr and hi_ptr. + cols.lo_ptr_memory + .populate(event.lo_ptr_memory, &mut new_byte_lookup_events); + cols.hi_ptr_memory + .populate(event.hi_ptr_memory, &mut new_byte_lookup_events); + + // Populate memory columns. + for i in 0..WORDS_FIELD_ELEMENT { + cols.a_memory[i] + .populate(event.a_memory_records[i], &mut new_byte_lookup_events); + } + + for i in 0..WORDS_FIELD_ELEMENT * 8 { + cols.b_memory[i] + .populate(event.b_memory_records[i], &mut new_byte_lookup_events); + } + + for i in 0..WORDS_FIELD_ELEMENT * 8 { + cols.lo_memory[i] + .populate(event.lo_memory_records[i], &mut new_byte_lookup_events); + } + + for i in 0..WORDS_FIELD_ELEMENT { + cols.hi_memory[i] + .populate(event.hi_memory_records[i], &mut new_byte_lookup_events); + } + + let a = BigUint::from_bytes_le(&words_to_bytes_le::<32>(&event.a)); + let b_array: [BigUint; 8] = event + .b + .chunks(8) + .map(|chunk| BigUint::from_bytes_le(&words_to_bytes_le::<32>(chunk))) + .collect::>() + .try_into() + .unwrap(); + + let effective_modulus = BigUint::one() << 256; + + let mut carries = vec![BigUint::zero(); 9]; + let mut ab_plus_carry_cols = [ + &mut cols.a_mul_b1, + &mut cols.ab2_plus_carry, + &mut cols.ab3_plus_carry, + &mut cols.ab4_plus_carry, + &mut cols.ab5_plus_carry, + &mut cols.ab6_plus_carry, + &mut cols.ab7_plus_carry, + &mut cols.ab8_plus_carry, + ]; + + for (i, col) in ab_plus_carry_cols.iter_mut().enumerate() { + let (_, carry) = col.populate_mul_and_carry( + &mut new_byte_lookup_events, + &a, + &b_array[i], + &carries[i], + &effective_modulus, + ); + carries[i + 1] = carry; + } + row + }) + .collect::>(); + records.add_byte_lookup_events(new_byte_lookup_events); + (rows, records) + }) + .collect::>(); + + // Generate the trace rows for each event. + let mut rows = Vec::new(); + for (row, mut record) in rows_and_records { + rows.extend(row); + output.append(&mut record); + } + + pad_rows_fixed( + &mut rows, + || { + let mut row: [F; NUM_COLS] = [F::zero(); NUM_COLS]; + let cols: &mut U256x2048MulCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); + + let x = BigUint::zero(); + let y = BigUint::zero(); + let z = BigUint::zero(); + let modulus = BigUint::one() << 256; + + // Populate all the mul and carry columns with zero values. + cols.a_mul_b1.populate(&mut vec![], &x, &y, FieldOperation::Mul); + cols.ab2_plus_carry.populate_mul_and_carry(&mut vec![], &x, &y, &z, &modulus); + cols.ab3_plus_carry.populate_mul_and_carry(&mut vec![], &x, &y, &z, &modulus); + cols.ab4_plus_carry.populate_mul_and_carry(&mut vec![], &x, &y, &z, &modulus); + cols.ab5_plus_carry.populate_mul_and_carry(&mut vec![], &x, &y, &z, &modulus); + cols.ab6_plus_carry.populate_mul_and_carry(&mut vec![], &x, &y, &z, &modulus); + cols.ab7_plus_carry.populate_mul_and_carry(&mut vec![], &x, &y, &z, &modulus); + cols.ab8_plus_carry.populate_mul_and_carry(&mut vec![], &x, &y, &z, &modulus); + + row + }, + input.fixed_log2_rows::(self), + ); + + // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. + RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), NUM_COLS) + } + + fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { + if let Some(shape) = shard.shape.as_ref() { + shape.included::(self) + } else { + !shard.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::U256XU2048_MUL).is_empty() + } + } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } +} + +impl BaseAir for U256x2048MulChip { + fn width(&self) -> usize { + NUM_COLS + } +} + +impl Air for U256x2048MulChip +where + AB: SP1AirBuilder, +{ + fn eval(&self, builder: &mut AB) { + let main = builder.main(); + let local = main.row_slice(0); + let local: &U256x2048MulCols = (*local).borrow(); + + // Assert that is_real is a boolean. + builder.assert_bool(local.is_real); + + // Receive the arguments. + builder.receive_syscall( + local.shard, + local.clk, + AB::F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::U256XU2048_MUL.syscall_id()), + local.a_ptr, + local.b_ptr, + local.is_real, + InteractionScope::Local, + ); + + // Evaluate that the lo_ptr and hi_ptr are read from the correct memory locations. + builder.eval_memory_access( + local.shard, + local.clk.into(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(LO_REGISTER), + &local.lo_ptr_memory, + local.is_real, + ); + + builder.eval_memory_access( + local.shard, + local.clk.into(), + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(HI_REGISTER), + &local.hi_ptr_memory, + local.is_real, + ); + + // Evaluate the memory accesses for a_memory and b_memory. + builder.eval_memory_access_slice( + local.shard, + local.clk.into(), + local.a_ptr, + &local.a_memory, + local.is_real, + ); + + builder.eval_memory_access_slice( + local.shard, + local.clk.into(), + local.b_ptr, + &local.b_memory, + local.is_real, + ); + + // Evaluate the memory accesses for lo_memory and hi_memory. + builder.eval_memory_access_slice( + local.shard, + local.clk.into() + AB::Expr::one(), + local.lo_ptr, + &local.lo_memory, + local.is_real, + ); + + builder.eval_memory_access_slice( + local.shard, + local.clk.into() + AB::Expr::one(), + local.hi_ptr, + &local.hi_memory, + local.is_real, + ); + + let a_limbs = + limbs_from_access::::Limbs, _>(&local.a_memory); + + // Iterate through chunks of 8 for b_memory and convert each chunk to its limbs. + let b_limb_array = local + .b_memory + .chunks(8) + .map(limbs_from_access::::Limbs, _>) + .collect::>(); + + let mut coeff_2_256 = Vec::new(); + coeff_2_256.resize(32, AB::Expr::zero()); + coeff_2_256.push(AB::Expr::one()); + let modulus_polynomial: Polynomial = Polynomial::from_coefficients(&coeff_2_256); + + // Evaluate that each of the mul and carry columns are valid. + let outputs = [ + &local.a_mul_b1, + &local.ab2_plus_carry, + &local.ab3_plus_carry, + &local.ab4_plus_carry, + &local.ab5_plus_carry, + &local.ab6_plus_carry, + &local.ab7_plus_carry, + &local.ab8_plus_carry, + ]; + + outputs[0].eval_mul_and_carry( + builder, + &a_limbs, + &b_limb_array[0], + &Polynomial::from_coefficients(&[AB::Expr::zero()]), // Zero polynomial for no previous carry + &modulus_polynomial, + local.is_real, + ); + + for i in 1..outputs.len() { + outputs[i].eval_mul_and_carry( + builder, + &a_limbs, + &b_limb_array[i], + &outputs[i - 1].carry, + &modulus_polynomial, + local.is_real, + ); + } + + // Assert that the correct result is being written to hi_memory. + builder + .when(local.is_real) + .assert_all_eq(outputs[outputs.len() - 1].carry, value_as_limbs(&local.hi_memory)); + + // Loop through chunks of 8 for lo_memory and assert that each chunk is equal to corresponding result of outputs. + for i in 0..8 { + builder.when(local.is_real).assert_all_eq( + outputs[i].result, + value_as_limbs( + &local.lo_memory[i * WORDS_FIELD_ELEMENT..(i + 1) * WORDS_FIELD_ELEMENT], + ), + ); + } + + // Constrain that the lo_ptr is the value of lo_ptr_memory. + builder + .when(local.is_real) + .assert_eq(local.lo_ptr, local.lo_ptr_memory.value().reduce::()); + + // Constrain that the hi_ptr is the value of hi_ptr_memory. + builder + .when(local.is_real) + .assert_eq(local.hi_ptr, local.hi_ptr_memory.value().reduce::()); + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/u256x2048_mul/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/u256x2048_mul/mod.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..661a75472 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/u256x2048_mul/mod.rs @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +mod air; + +pub use air::*; + +#[cfg(test)] +mod tests { + use num::{BigUint, Integer, One}; + use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; + use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; + use rand::Rng; + use sp1_core_executor::{ + events::{ + MemoryReadRecord, MemoryWriteRecord, PrecompileEvent, SyscallEvent, U256xU2048MulEvent, + }, + syscalls::SyscallCode, + ExecutionRecord, Program, + }; + use sp1_primitives::consts::bytes_to_words_le; + use sp1_stark::{ + air::MachineAir, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, CpuProver, StarkGenericConfig, + }; + use test_artifacts::U256XU2048_MUL_ELF; + + use crate::{ + io::SP1Stdin, + utils::{ + self, run_test, + uni_stark::{uni_stark_prove, uni_stark_verify}, + }, + }; + use crate::{ + syscall::precompiles::u256x2048_mul::air::U256x2048MulChip, utils::words_to_bytes_le_vec, + }; + + fn generate_test_execution_record(pass: bool) -> ExecutionRecord { + let mut execution_record = ExecutionRecord::default(); + + let rng = &mut rand::thread_rng(); + let a_ptr: u32 = 0u32; + let b_ptr: u32 = 1u32; + let lo_ptr: u32 = 2u32; + let hi_ptr: u32 = 3u32; + + let lo_ts = 1u32; + let hi_ts = lo_ts + 1; + + let a: Vec = (0..8).map(|_| rng.gen()).collect(); + let b: Vec = (0..64).map(|_| rng.gen()).collect(); + + let uint256_a = BigUint::from_bytes_le(&words_to_bytes_le_vec(&a)); + let uint2048_b = BigUint::from_bytes_le(&words_to_bytes_le_vec(&b)); + + let result = uint256_a * uint2048_b; + + let two_to_2048 = BigUint::one() << 2048; + + let (hi_big, lo_big) = result.div_rem(&two_to_2048); + + let mut a_memory_records = Vec::new(); + for i in 0..8 { + a_memory_records.push(MemoryReadRecord { + value: a[i], + shard: 0u32, + timestamp: hi_ts, + prev_shard: 0u32, + prev_timestamp: lo_ts, + }); + } + let mut b_memory_records = Vec::new(); + for i in 0..64 { + b_memory_records.push(MemoryReadRecord { + value: b[i], + shard: 0u32, + timestamp: hi_ts, + prev_shard: 0u32, + prev_timestamp: lo_ts, + }); + } + let lo_ptr_memory = MemoryReadRecord { + value: lo_ptr, + shard: 0u32, + timestamp: hi_ts, + prev_shard: 0u32, + prev_timestamp: lo_ts, + }; + let hi_ptr_memory = MemoryReadRecord { + value: hi_ptr, + shard: 0u32, + timestamp: hi_ts, + prev_shard: 0u32, + prev_timestamp: lo_ts, + }; + + let (lo, hi) = if pass { + let mut lo_bytes = lo_big.to_bytes_le(); + lo_bytes.resize(256, 0u8); + let lo_words = bytes_to_words_le::<64>(&lo_bytes); + + let mut hi_bytes = hi_big.to_bytes_le(); + hi_bytes.resize(32, 0u8); + let hi_words = bytes_to_words_le::<8>(&hi_bytes); + (lo_words.to_vec(), hi_words.to_vec()) + } else { + let lo: Vec = (0..64).map(|_| rng.gen()).collect(); + let hi: Vec = (0..8).map(|_| rng.gen()).collect(); + (lo, hi) + }; + let mut lo_memory_records = Vec::new(); + for i in 0..64 { + lo_memory_records.push(MemoryWriteRecord { + value: lo[i], + shard: 0u32, + timestamp: hi_ts + 1, + prev_value: 0u32, + prev_shard: 0u32, + prev_timestamp: hi_ts, + }); + } + let mut hi_memory_records = Vec::new(); + for i in 0..8 { + hi_memory_records.push(MemoryWriteRecord { + value: hi[i], + shard: 0u32, + timestamp: hi_ts + 1, + prev_value: 0u32, + prev_shard: 0u32, + prev_timestamp: hi_ts, + }); + } + + let event = PrecompileEvent::U256xU2048Mul(U256xU2048MulEvent { + shard: 0u32, + clk: hi_ts, + a_ptr, + a, + b_ptr, + b, + lo_ptr, + lo, + hi_ptr, + hi, + lo_ptr_memory, + hi_ptr_memory, + a_memory_records, + b_memory_records, + lo_memory_records, + hi_memory_records, + local_mem_access: Vec::new(), + }); + + let syscall_code = SyscallCode::U256XU2048_MUL; + let syscall_event = SyscallEvent { + pc: 32, + next_pc: 36, + shard: 0u32, + clk: hi_ts, + a_record: MemoryWriteRecord::default(), + a_record_is_real: false, + op_a_0: false, + syscall_code, + syscall_id: syscall_code.syscall_id(), + arg1: a_ptr, + arg2: b_ptr, + }; + + execution_record.precompile_events.add_event(syscall_code, syscall_event, event); + + execution_record + } + + #[test] + fn test_uint256_mul() { + utils::setup_logger(); + let program = Program::from(U256XU2048_MUL_ELF).unwrap(); + run_test::>(program, SP1Stdin::new()).unwrap(); + } + + #[test] + fn test_u256x2048_mul_pass() { + let config = BabyBearPoseidon2::new(); + let execution_record = generate_test_execution_record(true); + let chip = U256x2048MulChip::new(); + let trace: RowMajorMatrix = + chip.generate_trace(&execution_record, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); + let proof = uni_stark_prove::( + &config, + &chip, + &mut config.challenger(), + trace, + ); + uni_stark_verify(&config, &chip, &mut config.challenger(), &proof).unwrap(); + } + + #[test] + #[should_panic] + fn test_u256x2048_mul_failure() { + for _ in 0..10 { + let config = BabyBearPoseidon2::new(); + let execution_record = generate_test_execution_record(false); + let chip = U256x2048MulChip::new(); + let trace: RowMajorMatrix = + chip.generate_trace(&execution_record, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); + let proof = uni_stark_prove::( + &config, + &chip, + &mut config.challenger(), + trace, + ); + let result = uni_stark_verify(&config, &chip, &mut config.challenger(), &proof); + assert!(result.is_ok()); + } + } +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/uint256/air.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/uint256/air.rs index 54e0925f9..6c236f12f 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/uint256/air.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/uint256/air.rs @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use crate::{ use generic_array::GenericArray; use num::{BigUint, One, Zero}; -use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder, BaseAir}; +use p3_air::{Air, BaseAir}; use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField32}; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; use sp1_core_executor::{ @@ -62,9 +62,6 @@ pub struct Uint256MulCols { /// The clock cycle of the syscall. pub clk: T, - /// The nonce of the operation. - pub nonce: T, - /// The pointer to the first input. pub x_ptr: T, @@ -158,7 +155,6 @@ impl MachineAir for Uint256MulChip { if modulus.is_zero() { BigUint::one() << 256 } else { modulus.clone() }; let result = cols.output.populate_with_modulus( &mut new_byte_lookup_events, - event.shard, &x, &y, &effective_modulus, @@ -170,7 +166,6 @@ impl MachineAir for Uint256MulChip { if cols.modulus_is_not_zero == F::one() { cols.output_range_check.populate( &mut new_byte_lookup_events, - event.shard, &result, &effective_modulus, ); @@ -199,7 +194,7 @@ impl MachineAir for Uint256MulChip { let x = BigUint::zero(); let y = BigUint::zero(); - cols.output.populate(&mut vec![], 0, &x, &y, FieldOperation::Mul); + cols.output.populate(&mut vec![], &x, &y, FieldOperation::Mul); row }, @@ -207,17 +202,7 @@ impl MachineAir for Uint256MulChip { ); // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. - let mut trace = - RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), NUM_COLS); - - // Write the nonces to the trace. - for i in 0..trace.height() { - let cols: &mut Uint256MulCols = - trace.values[i * NUM_COLS..(i + 1) * NUM_COLS].borrow_mut(); - cols.nonce = F::from_canonical_usize(i); - } - - trace + RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), NUM_COLS) } fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { @@ -227,6 +212,10 @@ impl MachineAir for Uint256MulChip { !shard.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::UINT256_MUL).is_empty() } } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } } impl BaseAir for Uint256MulChip { @@ -244,12 +233,6 @@ where let main = builder.main(); let local = main.row_slice(0); let local: &Uint256MulCols = (*local).borrow(); - let next = main.row_slice(1); - let next: &Uint256MulCols = (*next).borrow(); - - // Constrain the incrementing nonce. - builder.when_first_row().assert_zero(local.nonce); - builder.when_transition().assert_eq(local.nonce + AB::Expr::one(), next.nonce); // We are computing (x * y) % modulus. The value of x is stored in the "prev_value" of // the x_memory, since we write to it later. @@ -331,7 +314,6 @@ where builder.receive_syscall( local.shard, local.clk, - local.nonce, AB::F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::UINT256_MUL.syscall_id()), local.x_ptr, local.y_ptr, diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/uint256/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/uint256/mod.rs index ce50c01ca..fb2cb787b 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/uint256/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/uint256/mod.rs @@ -8,17 +8,18 @@ mod tests { use sp1_core_executor::Program; use sp1_curves::{params::FieldParameters, uint256::U256Field, utils::biguint_from_limbs}; use sp1_stark::CpuProver; + use test_artifacts::UINT256_MUL_ELF; use crate::{ io::SP1Stdin, - utils::{self, run_test_io, tests::UINT256_MUL_ELF}, + utils::{self, run_test}, }; #[test] fn test_uint256_mul() { utils::setup_logger(); let program = Program::from(UINT256_MUL_ELF).unwrap(); - run_test_io::>(program, SP1Stdin::new()).unwrap(); + run_test::>(program, SP1Stdin::new()).unwrap(); } #[test] diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/weierstrass/weierstrass_add.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/weierstrass/weierstrass_add.rs index 65e03f1c1..02b743773 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/weierstrass/weierstrass_add.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/weierstrass/weierstrass_add.rs @@ -4,17 +4,17 @@ use core::{ }; use std::{fmt::Debug, marker::PhantomData}; -use crate::{air::MemoryAirBuilder, utils::zeroed_f_vec}; +use crate::{air::MemoryAirBuilder, operations::field::range::FieldLtCols, utils::zeroed_f_vec}; use generic_array::GenericArray; -use num::{BigUint, Zero}; +use num::{BigUint, One, Zero}; use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder, BaseAir}; use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField32}; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::{ParallelBridge, ParallelIterator, ParallelSlice}; use sp1_core_executor::{ events::{ - ByteLookupEvent, ByteRecord, EllipticCurveAddEvent, FieldOperation, PrecompileEvent, - SyscallEvent, + ByteLookupEvent, ByteRecord, EllipticCurveAddEvent, FieldOperation, MemoryReadRecord, + PrecompileEvent, SyscallEvent, }, syscalls::SyscallCode, ExecutionRecord, Program, @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ use sp1_curves::{ AffinePoint, CurveType, EllipticCurve, }; use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; -use sp1_stark::air::{InteractionScope, MachineAir, SP1AirBuilder}; +use sp1_stark::air::{InteractionScope, MachineAir, Polynomial, SP1AirBuilder}; use typenum::Unsigned; use crate::{ @@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ pub const fn num_weierstrass_add_cols() -> usize pub struct WeierstrassAddAssignCols { pub is_real: T, pub shard: T, - pub nonce: T, pub clk: T, pub p_ptr: T, pub q_ptr: T, pub p_access: GenericArray, P::WordsCurvePoint>, pub q_access: GenericArray, P::WordsCurvePoint>, pub(crate) slope_denominator: FieldOpCols, + pub(crate) inverse_check: FieldOpCols, pub(crate) slope_numerator: FieldOpCols, pub(crate) slope: FieldOpCols, pub(crate) slope_squared: FieldOpCols, @@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ pub struct WeierstrassAddAssignCols { pub(crate) p_x_minus_x: FieldOpCols, pub(crate) y3_ins: FieldOpCols, pub(crate) slope_times_p_x_minus_x: FieldOpCols, + pub(crate) x3_range: FieldLtCols, + pub(crate) y3_range: FieldLtCols, } #[derive(Default)] @@ -77,7 +79,6 @@ impl WeierstrassAddAssignChip { #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] fn populate_field_ops( blu_events: &mut Vec, - shard: u32, cols: &mut WeierstrassAddAssignCols, p_x: BigUint, p_y: BigUint, @@ -90,14 +91,20 @@ impl WeierstrassAddAssignChip { // slope = (q.y - p.y) / (q.x - p.x). let slope = { let slope_numerator = - cols.slope_numerator.populate(blu_events, shard, &q_y, &p_y, FieldOperation::Sub); + cols.slope_numerator.populate(blu_events, &q_y, &p_y, FieldOperation::Sub); let slope_denominator = - cols.slope_denominator.populate(blu_events, shard, &q_x, &p_x, FieldOperation::Sub); + cols.slope_denominator.populate(blu_events, &q_x, &p_x, FieldOperation::Sub); + + cols.inverse_check.populate( + blu_events, + &BigUint::one(), + &slope_denominator, + FieldOperation::Div, + ); cols.slope.populate( blu_events, - shard, &slope_numerator, &slope_denominator, FieldOperation::Div, @@ -107,36 +114,35 @@ impl WeierstrassAddAssignChip { // x = slope * slope - (p.x + q.x). let x = { let slope_squared = - cols.slope_squared.populate(blu_events, shard, &slope, &slope, FieldOperation::Mul); + cols.slope_squared.populate(blu_events, &slope, &slope, FieldOperation::Mul); let p_x_plus_q_x = - cols.p_x_plus_q_x.populate(blu_events, shard, &p_x, &q_x, FieldOperation::Add); - cols.x3_ins.populate( + cols.p_x_plus_q_x.populate(blu_events, &p_x, &q_x, FieldOperation::Add); + let x3 = cols.x3_ins.populate( blu_events, - shard, &slope_squared, &p_x_plus_q_x, FieldOperation::Sub, - ) + ); + cols.x3_range.populate(blu_events, &x3, &E::BaseField::modulus()); + x3 }; // y = slope * (p.x - x_3n) - p.y. { - let p_x_minus_x = - cols.p_x_minus_x.populate(blu_events, shard, &p_x, &x, FieldOperation::Sub); + let p_x_minus_x = cols.p_x_minus_x.populate(blu_events, &p_x, &x, FieldOperation::Sub); let slope_times_p_x_minus_x = cols.slope_times_p_x_minus_x.populate( blu_events, - shard, &slope, &p_x_minus_x, FieldOperation::Mul, ); - cols.y3_ins.populate( + let y3 = cols.y3_ins.populate( blu_events, - shard, &slope_times_p_x_minus_x, &p_y, FieldOperation::Sub, ); + cols.y3_range.populate(blu_events, &y3, &E::BaseField::modulus()); } } } @@ -150,6 +156,7 @@ impl MachineAir fn name(&self) -> String { match E::CURVE_TYPE { CurveType::Secp256k1 => "Secp256k1AddAssign".to_string(), + CurveType::Secp256r1 => "Secp256r1AddAssign".to_string(), CurveType::Bn254 => "Bn254AddAssign".to_string(), CurveType::Bls12381 => "Bls12381AddAssign".to_string(), _ => panic!("Unsupported curve"), @@ -159,6 +166,7 @@ impl MachineAir fn generate_dependencies(&self, input: &Self::Record, output: &mut Self::Record) { let events = match E::CURVE_TYPE { CurveType::Secp256k1 => &input.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::SECP256K1_ADD), + CurveType::Secp256r1 => &input.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::SECP256R1_ADD), CurveType::Bn254 => &input.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::BN254_ADD), CurveType::Bls12381 => &input.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::BLS12381_ADD), _ => panic!("Unsupported curve"), @@ -174,6 +182,7 @@ impl MachineAir let mut blu = Vec::new(); ops.iter().for_each(|(_, op)| match op { PrecompileEvent::Secp256k1Add(event) + | PrecompileEvent::Secp256r1Add(event) | PrecompileEvent::Bn254Add(event) | PrecompileEvent::Bls12381Add(event) => { let mut row = zeroed_f_vec(num_cols); @@ -199,6 +208,7 @@ impl MachineAir ) -> RowMajorMatrix { let events = match E::CURVE_TYPE { CurveType::Secp256k1 => input.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::SECP256K1_ADD), + CurveType::Secp256r1 => input.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::SECP256R1_ADD), CurveType::Bn254 => input.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::BN254_ADD), CurveType::Bls12381 => input.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::BLS12381_ADD), _ => panic!("Unsupported curve"), @@ -215,16 +225,14 @@ impl MachineAir let mut dummy_row = zeroed_f_vec(num_weierstrass_add_cols::()); let cols: &mut WeierstrassAddAssignCols = dummy_row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); + let num_words_field_element = E::BaseField::NB_LIMBS / 4; + let dummy_memory_record = + MemoryReadRecord { value: 1, shard: 0, timestamp: 1, prev_shard: 0, prev_timestamp: 0 }; let zero = BigUint::zero(); - Self::populate_field_ops( - &mut vec![], - 0, - cols, - zero.clone(), - zero.clone(), - zero.clone(), - zero, - ); + let one = BigUint::one(); + cols.q_access[0].populate(dummy_memory_record, &mut vec![]); + cols.q_access[num_words_field_element].populate(dummy_memory_record, &mut vec![]); + Self::populate_field_ops(&mut vec![], cols, zero.clone(), zero, one.clone(), one); values.chunks_mut(chunk_size * num_cols).enumerate().par_bridge().for_each(|(i, rows)| { rows.chunks_mut(num_cols).enumerate().for_each(|(j, row)| { @@ -234,6 +242,7 @@ impl MachineAir let cols: &mut WeierstrassAddAssignCols = row.borrow_mut(); match &events[idx].1 { PrecompileEvent::Secp256k1Add(event) + | PrecompileEvent::Secp256r1Add(event) | PrecompileEvent::Bn254Add(event) | PrecompileEvent::Bls12381Add(event) => { Self::populate_row(event, cols, &mut new_byte_lookup_events); @@ -247,18 +256,7 @@ impl MachineAir }); // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. - let mut trace = RowMajorMatrix::new(values, num_weierstrass_add_cols::()); - - // Write the nonces to the trace. - for i in 0..trace.height() { - let cols: &mut WeierstrassAddAssignCols = trace.values[i - * num_weierstrass_add_cols::() - ..(i + 1) * num_weierstrass_add_cols::()] - .borrow_mut(); - cols.nonce = F::from_canonical_usize(i); - } - - trace + RowMajorMatrix::new(values, num_weierstrass_add_cols::()) } fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { @@ -269,6 +267,9 @@ impl MachineAir CurveType::Secp256k1 => { !shard.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::SECP256K1_ADD).is_empty() } + CurveType::Secp256r1 => { + !shard.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::SECP256R1_ADD).is_empty() + } CurveType::Bn254 => !shard.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::BN254_ADD).is_empty(), CurveType::Bls12381 => { !shard.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::BLS12381_ADD).is_empty() @@ -277,6 +278,10 @@ impl MachineAir } } } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } } impl BaseAir for WeierstrassAddAssignChip { @@ -294,12 +299,6 @@ where let main = builder.main(); let local = main.row_slice(0); let local: &WeierstrassAddAssignCols = (*local).borrow(); - let next = main.row_slice(1); - let next: &WeierstrassAddAssignCols = (*next).borrow(); - - // Constrain the incrementing nonce. - builder.when_first_row().assert_zero(local.nonce); - builder.when_transition().assert_eq(local.nonce + AB::Expr::one(), next.nonce); let num_words_field_element = ::Limbs::USIZE / 4; @@ -315,6 +314,20 @@ where local.slope_denominator.eval(builder, &q_x, &p_x, FieldOperation::Sub, local.is_real); + // We check that (q.x - p.x) is non-zero in the base field, by computing 1 / (q.x - p.x). + let mut coeff_1 = Vec::new(); + coeff_1.resize(::Limbs::USIZE, AB::Expr::zero()); + coeff_1[0] = AB::Expr::one(); + let one_polynomial = Polynomial::from_coefficients(&coeff_1); + + local.inverse_check.eval( + builder, + &one_polynomial, + &local.slope_denominator.result, + FieldOperation::Div, + local.is_real, + ); + local.slope.eval( builder, &local.slope_numerator.result, @@ -364,6 +377,10 @@ where ); } + let modulus = E::BaseField::to_limbs_field::(&E::BaseField::modulus()); + local.x3_range.eval(builder, &local.x3_ins.result, &modulus, local.is_real); + local.y3_range.eval(builder, &local.y3_ins.result, &modulus, local.is_real); + // Constraint self.p_access.value = [self.x3_ins.result, self.y3_ins.result]. This is to // ensure that p_access is updated with the new value. for i in 0..E::BaseField::NB_LIMBS { @@ -397,6 +414,9 @@ where CurveType::Secp256k1 => { AB::F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::SECP256K1_ADD.syscall_id()) } + CurveType::Secp256r1 => { + AB::F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::SECP256R1_ADD.syscall_id()) + } CurveType::Bn254 => AB::F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::BN254_ADD.syscall_id()), CurveType::Bls12381 => { AB::F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::BLS12381_ADD.syscall_id()) @@ -407,7 +427,6 @@ where builder.receive_syscall( local.shard, local.clk, - local.nonce, syscall_id_felt, local.p_ptr, local.q_ptr, @@ -438,7 +457,7 @@ impl WeierstrassAddAssignChip { cols.p_ptr = F::from_canonical_u32(event.p_ptr); cols.q_ptr = F::from_canonical_u32(event.q_ptr); - Self::populate_field_ops(new_byte_lookup_events, event.shard, cols, p_x, p_y, q_x, q_y); + Self::populate_field_ops(new_byte_lookup_events, cols, p_x, p_y, q_x, q_y); // Populate the memory access columns. for i in 0..cols.q_access.len() { @@ -455,61 +474,77 @@ mod tests { use sp1_core_executor::Program; use sp1_stark::CpuProver; + use test_artifacts::{ + BLS12381_ADD_ELF, BLS12381_DOUBLE_ELF, BLS12381_MUL_ELF, BN254_ADD_ELF, BN254_MUL_ELF, + SECP256K1_ADD_ELF, SECP256K1_MUL_ELF, SECP256R1_ADD_ELF, + }; - use crate::utils::{ - run_test, setup_logger, - tests::{ - BLS12381_ADD_ELF, BLS12381_DOUBLE_ELF, BLS12381_MUL_ELF, BN254_ADD_ELF, BN254_MUL_ELF, - SECP256K1_ADD_ELF, SECP256K1_MUL_ELF, - }, + use crate::{ + io::SP1Stdin, + utils::{run_test, setup_logger}, }; #[test] fn test_secp256k1_add_simple() { setup_logger(); let program = Program::from(SECP256K1_ADD_ELF).unwrap(); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); + } + + #[test] + fn test_secp256r1_add_simple() { + setup_logger(); + let program = Program::from(SECP256R1_ADD_ELF).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_bn254_add_simple() { setup_logger(); let program = Program::from(BN254_ADD_ELF).unwrap(); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_bn254_mul_simple() { setup_logger(); let program = Program::from(BN254_MUL_ELF).unwrap(); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_secp256k1_mul_simple() { setup_logger(); let program = Program::from(SECP256K1_MUL_ELF).unwrap(); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_bls12381_add_simple() { setup_logger(); let program = Program::from(BLS12381_ADD_ELF).unwrap(); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_bls12381_double_simple() { setup_logger(); let program = Program::from(BLS12381_DOUBLE_ELF).unwrap(); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_bls12381_mul_simple() { setup_logger(); let program = Program::from(BLS12381_MUL_ELF).unwrap(); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/weierstrass/weierstrass_decompress.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/weierstrass/weierstrass_decompress.rs index ddf0728d2..303ab86e8 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/weierstrass/weierstrass_decompress.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/weierstrass/weierstrass_decompress.rs @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use std::fmt::Debug; use crate::{air::MemoryAirBuilder, utils::zeroed_f_vec}; use generic_array::GenericArray; -use num::{BigUint, Zero}; +use num::{BigUint, One, Zero}; use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder, BaseAir}; use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField32}; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; @@ -17,17 +17,23 @@ use sp1_core_executor::{ }; use sp1_curves::{ params::{limbs_from_vec, FieldParameters, Limbs, NumLimbs, NumWords}, - weierstrass::{bls12_381::bls12381_sqrt, secp256k1::secp256k1_sqrt, WeierstrassParameters}, + weierstrass::{ + bls12_381::bls12381_sqrt, secp256k1::secp256k1_sqrt, secp256r1::secp256r1_sqrt, + WeierstrassParameters, + }, CurveType, EllipticCurve, }; use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; -use sp1_stark::air::{BaseAirBuilder, InteractionScope, MachineAir, SP1AirBuilder}; +use sp1_stark::air::{BaseAirBuilder, InteractionScope, MachineAir, Polynomial, SP1AirBuilder}; use std::marker::PhantomData; use typenum::Unsigned; use crate::{ memory::{MemoryReadCols, MemoryReadWriteCols}, - operations::field::{field_op::FieldOpCols, field_sqrt::FieldSqrtCols, range::FieldLtCols}, + operations::field::{ + field_inner_product::FieldInnerProductCols, field_op::FieldOpCols, + field_sqrt::FieldSqrtCols, range::FieldLtCols, + }, utils::{bytes_to_words_le_vec, limbs_from_access, limbs_from_prev_access, pad_rows_fixed}, }; @@ -43,15 +49,16 @@ pub struct WeierstrassDecompressCols { pub is_real: T, pub shard: T, pub clk: T, - pub nonce: T, pub ptr: T, pub sign_bit: T, pub x_access: GenericArray, P::WordsFieldElement>, pub y_access: GenericArray, P::WordsFieldElement>, pub(crate) range_x: FieldLtCols, + pub(crate) neg_y_range_check: FieldLtCols, pub(crate) x_2: FieldOpCols, pub(crate) x_3: FieldOpCols, - pub(crate) x_3_plus_b: FieldOpCols, + pub(crate) ax_plus_b: FieldInnerProductCols, + pub(crate) x_3_plus_b_plus_ax: FieldOpCols, pub(crate) y: FieldSqrtCols, pub(crate) neg_y: FieldOpCols, } @@ -62,7 +69,6 @@ pub struct WeierstrassDecompressCols { #[repr(C)] pub struct LexicographicChoiceCols { pub comparison_lt_cols: FieldLtCols, - pub neg_y_range_check: FieldLtCols, pub is_y_eq_sqrt_y_result: T, pub when_sqrt_y_res_is_lt: T, pub when_neg_y_res_is_lt: T, @@ -103,26 +109,32 @@ impl WeierstrassDecompressChip { fn populate_field_ops( record: &mut impl ByteRecord, - shard: u32, cols: &mut WeierstrassDecompressCols, x: BigUint, ) { - // Y = sqrt(x^3 + b) - cols.range_x.populate(record, shard, &x, &E::BaseField::modulus()); - let x_2 = cols.x_2.populate(record, shard, &x.clone(), &x.clone(), FieldOperation::Mul); - let x_3 = cols.x_3.populate(record, shard, &x_2, &x, FieldOperation::Mul); + // Y = sqrt(x^3 + ax + b) + cols.range_x.populate(record, &x, &E::BaseField::modulus()); + let x_2 = cols.x_2.populate(record, &x.clone(), &x.clone(), FieldOperation::Mul); + let x_3 = cols.x_3.populate(record, &x_2, &x, FieldOperation::Mul); let b = E::b_int(); - let x_3_plus_b = cols.x_3_plus_b.populate(record, shard, &x_3, &b, FieldOperation::Add); + let a = E::a_int(); + let param_vec = vec![a, b]; + let x_vec = vec![x, BigUint::one()]; + let ax_plus_b = cols.ax_plus_b.populate(record, ¶m_vec, &x_vec); + let x_3_plus_b_plus_ax = + cols.x_3_plus_b_plus_ax.populate(record, &x_3, &ax_plus_b, FieldOperation::Add); let sqrt_fn = match E::CURVE_TYPE { CurveType::Secp256k1 => secp256k1_sqrt, + CurveType::Secp256r1 => secp256r1_sqrt, CurveType::Bls12381 => bls12381_sqrt, _ => panic!("Unsupported curve"), }; - let y = cols.y.populate(record, shard, &x_3_plus_b, sqrt_fn); + let y = cols.y.populate(record, &x_3_plus_b_plus_ax, sqrt_fn); let zero = BigUint::zero(); - cols.neg_y.populate(record, shard, &zero, &y, FieldOperation::Sub); + let neg_y = cols.neg_y.populate(record, &zero, &y, FieldOperation::Sub); + cols.neg_y_range_check.populate(record, &neg_y, &E::BaseField::modulus()); } } @@ -135,6 +147,7 @@ impl MachineAir fn name(&self) -> String { match E::CURVE_TYPE { CurveType::Secp256k1 => "Secp256k1Decompress".to_string(), + CurveType::Secp256r1 => "Secp256r1Decompress".to_string(), CurveType::Bls12381 => "Bls12381Decompress".to_string(), _ => panic!("Unsupported curve"), } @@ -147,6 +160,7 @@ impl MachineAir ) -> RowMajorMatrix { let events = match E::CURVE_TYPE { CurveType::Secp256k1 => input.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::SECP256K1_DECOMPRESS), + CurveType::Secp256r1 => input.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::SECP256R1_DECOMPRESS), CurveType::Bls12381 => input.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::BLS12381_DECOMPRESS), _ => panic!("Unsupported curve"), }; @@ -162,6 +176,7 @@ impl MachineAir for (_, event) in events { let event = match (E::CURVE_TYPE, event) { (CurveType::Secp256k1, PrecompileEvent::Secp256k1Decompress(event)) => event, + (CurveType::Secp256r1, PrecompileEvent::Secp256r1Decompress(event)) => event, (CurveType::Bls12381, PrecompileEvent::Bls12381Decompress(event)) => event, _ => panic!("Unsupported curve"), }; @@ -177,7 +192,7 @@ impl MachineAir cols.sign_bit = F::from_bool(event.sign_bit); let x = BigUint::from_bytes_le(&event.x_bytes); - Self::populate_field_ops(&mut new_byte_lookup_events, event.shard, cols, x); + Self::populate_field_ops(&mut new_byte_lookup_events, cols, x); for i in 0..cols.x_access.len() { cols.x_access[i].populate(event.x_memory_records[i], &mut new_byte_lookup_events); @@ -199,28 +214,12 @@ impl MachineAir F::from_canonical_u8(event.decompressed_y_bytes[0] % 2) == lsb; choice_cols.is_y_eq_sqrt_y_result = F::from_bool(is_y_eq_sqrt_y_result); - if is_y_eq_sqrt_y_result { - choice_cols.neg_y_range_check.populate( - &mut new_byte_lookup_events, - event.shard, - &neg_y, - &modulus, - ); - } else { - choice_cols.neg_y_range_check.populate( - &mut new_byte_lookup_events, - event.shard, - &decompressed_y, - &modulus, - ); - } if event.sign_bit { assert!(neg_y < decompressed_y); choice_cols.when_sqrt_y_res_is_lt = F::from_bool(!is_y_eq_sqrt_y_result); choice_cols.when_neg_y_res_is_lt = F::from_bool(is_y_eq_sqrt_y_result); choice_cols.comparison_lt_cols.populate( &mut new_byte_lookup_events, - event.shard, &neg_y, &decompressed_y, ); @@ -230,7 +229,6 @@ impl MachineAir choice_cols.when_neg_y_res_is_lt = F::from_bool(!is_y_eq_sqrt_y_result); choice_cols.comparison_lt_cols.populate( &mut new_byte_lookup_events, - event.shard, &decompressed_y, &neg_y, ); @@ -256,22 +254,13 @@ impl MachineAir cols.x_access[i].access.value = words[i].into(); } - Self::populate_field_ops(&mut vec![], 0, cols, dummy_value); + Self::populate_field_ops(&mut vec![], cols, dummy_value); row }, input.fixed_log2_rows::(self), ); - let mut trace = RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), width); - - // Write the nonces to the trace. - for i in 0..trace.height() { - let cols: &mut WeierstrassDecompressCols = - trace.values[i * width..i * width + weierstrass_width].borrow_mut(); - cols.nonce = F::from_canonical_usize(i); - } - - trace + RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), width) } fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { @@ -282,6 +271,9 @@ impl MachineAir CurveType::Secp256k1 => { !shard.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::SECP256K1_DECOMPRESS).is_empty() } + CurveType::Secp256r1 => { + !shard.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::SECP256R1_DECOMPRESS).is_empty() + } CurveType::Bls12381 => { !shard.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::BLS12381_DECOMPRESS).is_empty() } @@ -289,6 +281,10 @@ impl MachineAir } } } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } } impl BaseAir for WeierstrassDecompressChip { @@ -315,13 +311,6 @@ where let local_slice = main.row_slice(0); let local: &WeierstrassDecompressCols = (*local_slice)[0..weierstrass_cols].borrow(); - let next = main.row_slice(1); - let next: &WeierstrassDecompressCols = - (*next)[0..weierstrass_cols].borrow(); - - // Constrain the incrementing nonce. - builder.when_first_row().assert_zero(local.nonce); - builder.when_transition().assert_eq(local.nonce + AB::Expr::one(), next.nonce); let num_limbs = ::Limbs::USIZE; let num_words_field_element = num_limbs / 4; @@ -339,12 +328,17 @@ where ); local.x_2.eval(builder, &x, &x, FieldOperation::Mul, local.is_real); local.x_3.eval(builder, &local.x_2.result, &x, FieldOperation::Mul, local.is_real); - let b = E::b_int(); - let b_const = E::BaseField::to_limbs_field::(&b); - local.x_3_plus_b.eval( + let b_const = E::BaseField::to_limbs_field::(&E::b_int()); + let a_const = E::BaseField::to_limbs_field::(&E::a_int()); + let params = [a_const, b_const]; + let p_x: Polynomial = x.into(); + let p_one: Polynomial = + E::BaseField::to_limbs_field::(&BigUint::one()).into(); + local.ax_plus_b.eval::(builder, ¶ms, &[p_x, p_one], local.is_real); + local.x_3_plus_b_plus_ax.eval( builder, &local.x_3.result, - &b_const, + &local.ax_plus_b.result, FieldOperation::Add, local.is_real, ); @@ -356,8 +350,15 @@ where FieldOperation::Sub, local.is_real, ); + // Range check the `neg_y.result` to be canonical. + let modulus_limbs = E::BaseField::to_limbs_field_vec(&E::BaseField::modulus()); + let modulus_limbs = + limbs_from_vec::::Limbs, AB::F>(modulus_limbs); + local.neg_y_range_check.eval(builder, &local.neg_y.result, &modulus_limbs, local.is_real); - local.y.eval(builder, &local.x_3_plus_b.result, local.y.lsb, local.is_real); + // Constrain that `y` is a square root. Note that `y.multiplication.result` is constrained to be canonical here. + // Since `y_limbs` is constrained to be either `y.multiplication.result` or `neg_y.result`, `y_limbs` will be canonical. + local.y.eval(builder, &local.x_3_plus_b_plus_ax.result, local.y.lsb, local.is_real); let y_limbs: Limbs::Limbs> = limbs_from_access(&local.y_access); @@ -393,19 +394,6 @@ where + size_of::>()] .borrow(); - // Range check the neg_y value since we are now using a lexicographic comparison. - let modulus_limbs = E::BaseField::to_limbs_field_vec(&E::BaseField::modulus()); - let modulus_limbs = - limbs_from_vec::::Limbs, AB::F>( - modulus_limbs, - ); - choice_cols.neg_y_range_check.eval( - builder, - &local.neg_y.result, - &modulus_limbs, - local.is_real, - ); - // Assert that the flags are booleans. builder.assert_bool(choice_cols.is_y_eq_sqrt_y_result); builder.assert_bool(choice_cols.when_sqrt_y_res_is_lt); @@ -492,6 +480,9 @@ where CurveType::Secp256k1 => { AB::F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::SECP256K1_DECOMPRESS.syscall_id()) } + CurveType::Secp256r1 => { + AB::F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::SECP256R1_DECOMPRESS.syscall_id()) + } CurveType::Bls12381 => { AB::F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::BLS12381_DECOMPRESS.syscall_id()) } @@ -501,7 +492,6 @@ where builder.receive_syscall( local.shard, local.clk, - local.nonce, syscall_id, local.ptr, local.sign_bit, @@ -515,7 +505,7 @@ where mod tests { use crate::{ io::SP1Stdin, - utils::{self, tests::BLS12381_DECOMPRESS_ELF}, + utils::{self, run_test}, }; use amcl::{ bls381::bls381::{basic::key_pair_generate_g2, utils::deserialize_g1}, @@ -525,8 +515,9 @@ mod tests { use rand::{thread_rng, Rng}; use sp1_core_executor::Program; use sp1_stark::CpuProver; - - use crate::utils::{run_test_io, tests::SECP256K1_DECOMPRESS_ELF}; + use test_artifacts::{ + BLS12381_DECOMPRESS_ELF, SECP256K1_DECOMPRESS_ELF, SECP256R1_DECOMPRESS_ELF, + }; #[test] fn test_weierstrass_bls_decompress() { @@ -543,11 +534,9 @@ mod tests { let (_, compressed) = key_pair_generate_g2(&mut rand); let stdin = SP1Stdin::from(&compressed); - let mut public_values = run_test_io::>( - Program::from(BLS12381_DECOMPRESS_ELF).unwrap(), - stdin, - ) - .unwrap(); + let mut public_values = + run_test::>(Program::from(BLS12381_DECOMPRESS_ELF).unwrap(), stdin) + .unwrap(); let mut result = [0; 96]; public_values.read_slice(&mut result); @@ -577,7 +566,7 @@ mod tests { let inputs = SP1Stdin::from(&compressed); - let mut public_values = run_test_io::>( + let mut public_values = run_test::>( Program::from(SECP256K1_DECOMPRESS_ELF).unwrap(), inputs, ) @@ -587,4 +576,33 @@ mod tests { assert_eq!(result, decompressed); } } + + #[test] + fn test_weierstrass_p256_decompress() { + utils::setup_logger(); + + let mut rng = thread_rng(); + + let num_tests = 1; + + for _ in 0..num_tests { + let secret_key = p256::SecretKey::random(&mut rng); + let public_key = secret_key.public_key(); + let encoded = public_key.to_encoded_point(false); + let decompressed = encoded.as_bytes(); + let encoded_compressed = public_key.to_encoded_point(true); + let compressed = encoded_compressed.as_bytes(); + + let inputs = SP1Stdin::from(compressed); + + let mut public_values = run_test::>( + Program::from(SECP256R1_DECOMPRESS_ELF).unwrap(), + inputs, + ) + .unwrap(); + let mut result = [0; 65]; + public_values.read_slice(&mut result); + assert_eq!(result, decompressed); + } + } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/weierstrass/weierstrass_double.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/weierstrass/weierstrass_double.rs index fc39b858c..6110daccd 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/weierstrass/weierstrass_double.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/syscall/precompiles/weierstrass/weierstrass_double.rs @@ -6,15 +6,15 @@ use std::{fmt::Debug, marker::PhantomData}; use crate::{air::MemoryAirBuilder, utils::zeroed_f_vec}; use generic_array::GenericArray; -use num::{BigUint, Zero}; +use num::{BigUint, One, Zero}; use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder, BaseAir}; use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField32}; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::{ParallelBridge, ParallelIterator, ParallelSlice}; use sp1_core_executor::{ events::{ - ByteLookupEvent, ByteRecord, EllipticCurveDoubleEvent, FieldOperation, PrecompileEvent, - SyscallEvent, + ByteLookupEvent, ByteRecord, EllipticCurveDoubleEvent, FieldOperation, MemoryWriteRecord, + PrecompileEvent, SyscallEvent, }, syscalls::SyscallCode, ExecutionRecord, Program, @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ use sp1_stark::air::{InteractionScope, MachineAir, SP1AirBuilder}; use crate::{ memory::{MemoryCols, MemoryWriteCols}, operations::field::field_op::FieldOpCols, + operations::field::range::FieldLtCols, utils::limbs_from_prev_access, }; @@ -46,7 +47,6 @@ pub const fn num_weierstrass_double_cols() -> usi pub struct WeierstrassDoubleAssignCols { pub is_real: T, pub shard: T, - pub nonce: T, pub clk: T, pub p_ptr: T, pub p_access: GenericArray, P::WordsCurvePoint>, @@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ pub struct WeierstrassDoubleAssignCols { pub(crate) p_x_minus_x: FieldOpCols, pub(crate) y3_ins: FieldOpCols, pub(crate) slope_times_p_x_minus_x: FieldOpCols, + pub(crate) x3_range: FieldLtCols, + pub(crate) y3_range: FieldLtCols, } #[derive(Default)] @@ -75,7 +77,6 @@ impl WeierstrassDoubleAssignChip { fn populate_field_ops( blu_events: &mut Vec, - shard: u32, cols: &mut WeierstrassDoubleAssignCols, p_x: BigUint, p_y: BigUint, @@ -83,23 +84,19 @@ impl WeierstrassDoubleAssignChip { // This populates necessary field operations to double a point on a Weierstrass curve. let a = E::a_int(); - - // slope = slope_numerator / slope_denominator. let slope = { // slope_numerator = a + (p.x * p.x) * 3. let slope_numerator = { let p_x_squared = - cols.p_x_squared.populate(blu_events, shard, &p_x, &p_x, FieldOperation::Mul); + cols.p_x_squared.populate(blu_events, &p_x, &p_x, FieldOperation::Mul); let p_x_squared_times_3 = cols.p_x_squared_times_3.populate( blu_events, - shard, &p_x_squared, &BigUint::from(3u32), FieldOperation::Mul, ); cols.slope_numerator.populate( blu_events, - shard, &a, &p_x_squared_times_3, FieldOperation::Add, @@ -109,7 +106,6 @@ impl WeierstrassDoubleAssignChip { // slope_denominator = 2 * y. let slope_denominator = cols.slope_denominator.populate( blu_events, - shard, &BigUint::from(2u32), &p_y, FieldOperation::Mul, @@ -117,7 +113,6 @@ impl WeierstrassDoubleAssignChip { cols.slope.populate( blu_events, - shard, &slope_numerator, &slope_denominator, FieldOperation::Div, @@ -127,36 +122,35 @@ impl WeierstrassDoubleAssignChip { // x = slope * slope - (p.x + p.x). let x = { let slope_squared = - cols.slope_squared.populate(blu_events, shard, &slope, &slope, FieldOperation::Mul); + cols.slope_squared.populate(blu_events, &slope, &slope, FieldOperation::Mul); let p_x_plus_p_x = - cols.p_x_plus_p_x.populate(blu_events, shard, &p_x, &p_x, FieldOperation::Add); - cols.x3_ins.populate( + cols.p_x_plus_p_x.populate(blu_events, &p_x, &p_x, FieldOperation::Add); + let x3 = cols.x3_ins.populate( blu_events, - shard, &slope_squared, &p_x_plus_p_x, FieldOperation::Sub, - ) + ); + cols.x3_range.populate(blu_events, &x3, &E::BaseField::modulus()); + x3 }; // y = slope * (p.x - x) - p.y. { - let p_x_minus_x = - cols.p_x_minus_x.populate(blu_events, shard, &p_x, &x, FieldOperation::Sub); + let p_x_minus_x = cols.p_x_minus_x.populate(blu_events, &p_x, &x, FieldOperation::Sub); let slope_times_p_x_minus_x = cols.slope_times_p_x_minus_x.populate( blu_events, - shard, &slope, &p_x_minus_x, FieldOperation::Mul, ); - cols.y3_ins.populate( + let y3 = cols.y3_ins.populate( blu_events, - shard, &slope_times_p_x_minus_x, &p_y, FieldOperation::Sub, ); + cols.y3_range.populate(blu_events, &y3, &E::BaseField::modulus()); } } } @@ -170,6 +164,7 @@ impl MachineAir fn name(&self) -> String { match E::CURVE_TYPE { CurveType::Secp256k1 => "Secp256k1DoubleAssign".to_string(), + CurveType::Secp256r1 => "Secp256r1DoubleAssign".to_string(), CurveType::Bn254 => "Bn254DoubleAssign".to_string(), CurveType::Bls12381 => "Bls12381DoubleAssign".to_string(), _ => panic!("Unsupported curve"), @@ -179,6 +174,7 @@ impl MachineAir fn generate_dependencies(&self, input: &Self::Record, output: &mut Self::Record) { let events = match E::CURVE_TYPE { CurveType::Secp256k1 => &input.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::SECP256K1_DOUBLE), + CurveType::Secp256r1 => &input.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::SECP256R1_DOUBLE), CurveType::Bn254 => &input.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::BN254_DOUBLE), CurveType::Bls12381 => &input.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::BLS12381_DOUBLE), _ => panic!("Unsupported curve"), @@ -194,6 +190,7 @@ impl MachineAir let mut blu = Vec::new(); ops.iter().for_each(|(_, op)| match op { PrecompileEvent::Secp256k1Double(event) + | PrecompileEvent::Secp256r1Double(event) | PrecompileEvent::Bn254Double(event) | PrecompileEvent::Bls12381Double(event) => { let mut row = zeroed_f_vec(num_cols); @@ -220,6 +217,7 @@ impl MachineAir // collects the events based on the curve type. let events = match E::CURVE_TYPE { CurveType::Secp256k1 => input.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::SECP256K1_DOUBLE), + CurveType::Secp256r1 => input.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::SECP256R1_DOUBLE), CurveType::Bn254 => input.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::BN254_DOUBLE), CurveType::Bls12381 => input.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::BLS12381_DOUBLE), _ => panic!("Unsupported curve"), @@ -233,11 +231,22 @@ impl MachineAir let mut values = zeroed_f_vec(num_rows * num_cols); let chunk_size = 64; + let num_words_field_element = E::BaseField::NB_LIMBS / 4; let mut dummy_row = zeroed_f_vec(num_cols); let cols: &mut WeierstrassDoubleAssignCols = dummy_row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); + let dummy_memory_record = MemoryWriteRecord { + value: 1, + shard: 0, + timestamp: 1, + prev_value: 1, + prev_shard: 0, + prev_timestamp: 0, + }; let zero = BigUint::zero(); - Self::populate_field_ops(&mut vec![], 0, cols, zero.clone(), zero); + let one = BigUint::one(); + cols.p_access[num_words_field_element].populate(dummy_memory_record, &mut vec![]); + Self::populate_field_ops(&mut vec![], cols, zero, one); values.chunks_mut(chunk_size * num_cols).enumerate().par_bridge().for_each(|(i, rows)| { rows.chunks_mut(num_cols).enumerate().for_each(|(j, row)| { @@ -247,6 +256,7 @@ impl MachineAir let cols: &mut WeierstrassDoubleAssignCols = row.borrow_mut(); match &events[idx].1 { PrecompileEvent::Secp256k1Double(event) + | PrecompileEvent::Secp256r1Double(event) | PrecompileEvent::Bn254Double(event) | PrecompileEvent::Bls12381Double(event) => { Self::populate_row(event, cols, &mut new_byte_lookup_events); @@ -260,18 +270,7 @@ impl MachineAir }); // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. - let mut trace = RowMajorMatrix::new(values, num_weierstrass_double_cols::()); - - // Write the nonces to the trace. - for i in 0..trace.height() { - let cols: &mut WeierstrassDoubleAssignCols = trace.values[i - * num_weierstrass_double_cols::() - ..(i + 1) * num_weierstrass_double_cols::()] - .borrow_mut(); - cols.nonce = F::from_canonical_usize(i); - } - - trace + RowMajorMatrix::new(values, num_weierstrass_double_cols::()) } fn included(&self, shard: &Self::Record) -> bool { @@ -282,6 +281,9 @@ impl MachineAir CurveType::Secp256k1 => { !shard.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::SECP256K1_DOUBLE).is_empty() } + CurveType::Secp256r1 => { + !shard.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::SECP256R1_DOUBLE).is_empty() + } CurveType::Bn254 => { !shard.get_precompile_events(SyscallCode::BN254_DOUBLE).is_empty() } @@ -292,6 +294,10 @@ impl MachineAir } } } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } } impl WeierstrassDoubleAssignChip { @@ -311,7 +317,7 @@ impl WeierstrassDoubleAssignChip { cols.clk = F::from_canonical_u32(event.clk); cols.p_ptr = F::from_canonical_u32(event.p_ptr); - Self::populate_field_ops(new_byte_lookup_events, event.shard, cols, p_x, p_y); + Self::populate_field_ops(new_byte_lookup_events, cols, p_x, p_y); // Populate the memory access columns. for i in 0..cols.p_access.len() { @@ -335,12 +341,6 @@ where let main = builder.main(); let local = main.row_slice(0); let local: &WeierstrassDoubleAssignCols = (*local).borrow(); - let next = main.row_slice(1); - let next: &WeierstrassDoubleAssignCols = (*next).borrow(); - - // Constrain the incrementing nonce. - builder.when_first_row().assert_zero(local.nonce); - builder.when_transition().assert_eq(local.nonce + AB::Expr::one(), next.nonce); let num_words_field_element = E::BaseField::NB_LIMBS / 4; let p_x = limbs_from_prev_access(&local.p_access[0..num_words_field_element]); @@ -425,6 +425,10 @@ where ); } + let modulus = E::BaseField::to_limbs_field::(&E::BaseField::modulus()); + local.x3_range.eval(builder, &local.x3_ins.result, &modulus, local.is_real); + local.y3_range.eval(builder, &local.y3_ins.result, &modulus, local.is_real); + // Constraint self.p_access.value = [self.x3_ins.result, self.y3_ins.result]. This is to // ensure that p_access is updated with the new value. for i in 0..E::BaseField::NB_LIMBS { @@ -450,6 +454,9 @@ where CurveType::Secp256k1 => { AB::F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::SECP256K1_DOUBLE.syscall_id()) } + CurveType::Secp256r1 => { + AB::F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::SECP256R1_DOUBLE.syscall_id()) + } CurveType::Bn254 => AB::F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::BN254_DOUBLE.syscall_id()), CurveType::Bls12381 => { AB::F::from_canonical_u32(SyscallCode::BLS12381_DOUBLE.syscall_id()) @@ -460,7 +467,6 @@ where builder.receive_syscall( local.shard, local.clk, - local.nonce, syscall_id_felt, local.p_ptr, AB::Expr::zero(), @@ -472,33 +478,46 @@ where #[cfg(test)] pub mod tests { - use sp1_core_executor::Program; use sp1_stark::CpuProver; + use test_artifacts::{ + BLS12381_DOUBLE_ELF, BN254_DOUBLE_ELF, SECP256K1_DOUBLE_ELF, SECP256R1_DOUBLE_ELF, + }; - use crate::utils::{ - run_test, setup_logger, - tests::{BLS12381_DOUBLE_ELF, BN254_DOUBLE_ELF, SECP256K1_DOUBLE_ELF}, + use crate::{ + io::SP1Stdin, + utils::{run_test, setup_logger}, }; #[test] fn test_secp256k1_double_simple() { setup_logger(); let program = Program::from(SECP256K1_DOUBLE_ELF).unwrap(); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); + } + + #[test] + fn test_secp256r1_double_simple() { + setup_logger(); + let program = Program::from(SECP256R1_DOUBLE_ELF).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_bn254_double_simple() { setup_logger(); let program = Program::from(BN254_DOUBLE_ELF).unwrap(); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_bls12381_double_simple() { setup_logger(); let program = Program::from(BLS12381_DOUBLE_ELF).unwrap(); - run_test::>(program).unwrap(); + let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + run_test::>(program, stdin).unwrap(); } } diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/utils/logger.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/utils/logger.rs index c460a3162..e10dd47c0 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/utils/logger.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/utils/logger.rs @@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ static INIT: Once = Once::new(); /// Set the `RUST_LOG` environment variable to be set to `info` or `debug`. pub fn setup_logger() { INIT.call_once(|| { - let default_filter = "off"; let env_filter = EnvFilter::try_from_default_env() - .unwrap_or_else(|_| EnvFilter::new(default_filter)) + .unwrap_or_else(|_| EnvFilter::new("off")) .add_directive("hyper=off".parse().unwrap()) .add_directive("p3_keccak_air=off".parse().unwrap()) .add_directive("p3_fri=off".parse().unwrap()) .add_directive("p3_dft=off".parse().unwrap()) - .add_directive("p3_challenger=off".parse().unwrap()); + .add_directive("p3_challenger=off".parse().unwrap()) + .add_directive("sp1_cuda=off".parse().unwrap()); // if the RUST_LOGGER environment variable is set, use it to determine which logger to // configure (tracing_forest or tracing_subscriber) diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/utils/mod.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/utils/mod.rs index 124cd402f..7775c2afb 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/utils/mod.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/utils/mod.rs @@ -1,22 +1,20 @@ pub mod concurrency; mod logger; -#[cfg(any(test, feature = "programs"))] -mod programs; mod prove; mod span; -mod tracer; +mod test; +pub mod uni_stark; pub use logger::*; use p3_field::Field; pub use prove::*; use sp1_curves::params::Limbs; pub use span::*; -pub use tracer::*; - -#[cfg(any(test, feature = "programs"))] -pub use programs::*; +pub use test::*; +pub use uni_stark::*; use crate::memory::MemoryCols; + use generic_array::ArrayLength; use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::{ParallelBridge, ParallelIterator}; @@ -176,7 +174,7 @@ where assert!(vec.len() % num_elements_per_event == 0); let len = vec.len() / num_elements_per_event; let cpus = num_cpus::get(); - let ceil_div = (len + cpus - 1) / cpus; + let ceil_div = len.div_ceil(cpus); let chunk_size = std::cmp::max(ceil_div, cpus); vec.chunks_mut(chunk_size * num_elements_per_event).enumerate().par_bridge().for_each( diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/utils/programs.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/utils/programs.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 5d51137dd..000000000 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/utils/programs.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ -pub mod tests { - /// Demos. - - pub const CHESS_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../examples/chess/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const FIBONACCI_IO_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../examples/fibonacci/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const IO_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../examples/io/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const JSON_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../examples/json/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const REGEX_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../examples/regex/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const RSA_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../examples/rsa/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const SSZ_WITHDRAWALS_ELF: &[u8] = include_bytes!( - "../../../../../examples/ssz-withdrawals/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf" - ); - - pub const TENDERMINT_ELF: &[u8] = include_bytes!( - "../../../../../examples/tendermint/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf" - ); - - /// Tests. - - pub const FIBONACCI_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../tests/fibonacci/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const ED25519_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../tests/ed25519/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const CYCLE_TRACKER_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../tests/cycle-tracker/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const ED_ADD_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../tests/ed-add/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const ED_DECOMPRESS_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../tests/ed-decompress/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const KECCAK_PERMUTE_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../tests/keccak-permute/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const KECCAK256_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../tests/keccak256/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const SECP256K1_ADD_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../tests/secp256k1-add/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const SECP256K1_DECOMPRESS_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../tests/secp256k1-decompress/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const SECP256K1_DOUBLE_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../tests/secp256k1-double/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const SHA_COMPRESS_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../tests/sha-compress/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const SHA_EXTEND_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../tests/sha-extend/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const SHA2_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../tests/sha2/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const BN254_ADD_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../tests/bn254-add/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const BN254_DOUBLE_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../tests/bn254-double/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const BN254_MUL_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../tests/bn254-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const SECP256K1_MUL_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../tests/secp256k1-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const BLS12381_ADD_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../tests/bls12381-add/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const BLS12381_DOUBLE_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../tests/bls12381-double/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const BLS12381_MUL_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../tests/bls12381-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const UINT256_MUL_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../tests/uint256-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const BLS12381_DECOMPRESS_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../tests/bls12381-decompress/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const VERIFY_PROOF_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../tests/verify-proof/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - - pub const PANIC_ELF: &[u8] = - include_bytes!("../../../../../tests/panic/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); -} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/utils/prove.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/utils/prove.rs index 4b18c2e54..6979975b1 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/utils/prove.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/utils/prove.rs @@ -1,130 +1,88 @@ +use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; use std::{ - collections::VecDeque, fs::File, - io::{ - Seek, {self}, + io::{self, Seek, SeekFrom}, + str::FromStr, + sync::{ + mpsc::{channel, sync_channel, Sender}, + Arc, Mutex, }, - sync::{mpsc::sync_channel, Arc, Mutex}, + thread::ScopedJoinHandle, }; use web_time::Instant; -use crate::riscv::{CoreShapeConfig, RiscvAir}; -use p3_challenger::FieldChallenger; +use crate::riscv::RiscvAir; +use crate::shape::CoreShapeConfig; +use crate::utils::test::MaliciousTracePVGeneratorType; use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::*; -use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize}; -use size::Size; -use sp1_stark::{ - air::InteractionScope, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, MachineProvingKey, - MachineVerificationError, -}; -use std::thread::ScopedJoinHandle; +use sp1_stark::MachineProvingKey; +use sp1_stark::StarkVerifyingKey; use thiserror::Error; -use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; use p3_field::PrimeField32; -use p3_matrix::Matrix; +use sp1_stark::air::MachineAir; use crate::{ io::SP1Stdin, - riscv::cost::CostEstimator, utils::{chunk_vec, concurrency::TurnBasedSync}, }; -use sp1_core_executor::{events::sorted_table_lines, ExecutionState}; -use sp1_primitives::io::SP1PublicValues; +use sp1_core_executor::{ + events::{format_table_line, sorted_table_lines}, + ExecutionState, RiscvAirId, +}; use sp1_core_executor::{ subproof::NoOpSubproofVerifier, ExecutionError, ExecutionRecord, ExecutionReport, Executor, Program, SP1Context, }; use sp1_stark::{ - air::{MachineAir, PublicValues}, - Com, CpuProver, DebugConstraintBuilder, InteractionBuilder, MachineProof, MachineProver, - MachineRecord, OpeningProof, PcsProverData, ProverConstraintFolder, SP1CoreOpts, - StarkGenericConfig, StarkMachine, StarkProvingKey, StarkVerifyingKey, UniConfig, Val, - VerifierConstraintFolder, + air::PublicValues, shape::OrderedShape, Com, MachineProof, MachineProver, MachineRecord, + OpeningProof, PcsProverData, SP1CoreOpts, ShardProof, StarkGenericConfig, Val, }; -#[derive(Error, Debug)] -pub enum SP1CoreProverError { - #[error("failed to execute program: {0}")] - ExecutionError(ExecutionError), - #[error("io error: {0}")] - IoError(io::Error), - #[error("serialization error: {0}")] - SerializationError(bincode::Error), -} - -pub fn prove_simple>>( - config: SC, - mut runtime: Executor, -) -> Result<(MachineProof, u64), SP1CoreProverError> -where - SC::Challenger: Clone, - OpeningProof: Send + Sync, - Com: Send + Sync, - PcsProverData: Send + Sync, - // ShardMainData: Serialize + DeserializeOwned, - ::Val: PrimeField32, -{ - // Setup the machine. - let machine = RiscvAir::machine(config); - let prover = P::new(machine); - let (pk, _) = prover.setup(runtime.program.as_ref()); - - // Set the shard numbers. - runtime.records.iter_mut().enumerate().for_each(|(i, shard)| { - shard.public_values.shard = (i + 1) as u32; - }); - - // Prove the program. - let mut challenger = prover.config().challenger(); - let proving_start = Instant::now(); - let proof = - prover.prove(&pk, runtime.records, &mut challenger, SP1CoreOpts::default()).unwrap(); - let proving_duration = proving_start.elapsed().as_millis(); - let nb_bytes = bincode::serialize(&proof).unwrap().len(); - - // Print the summary. - tracing::info!( - "summary: cycles={}, e2e={}, khz={:.2}, proofSize={}", - runtime.state.global_clk, - proving_duration, - (runtime.state.global_clk as f64 / proving_duration as f64), - Size::from_bytes(nb_bytes), - ); - - Ok((proof, runtime.state.global_clk)) -} - -pub fn prove>>( +#[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] +pub fn prove_core>>( + prover: &P, + pk: &P::DeviceProvingKey, + _: &StarkVerifyingKey, program: Program, stdin: &SP1Stdin, - config: SC, opts: SP1CoreOpts, + context: SP1Context, shape_config: Option<&CoreShapeConfig>, + malicious_trace_pv_generator: Option>, ) -> Result<(MachineProof, Vec, u64), SP1CoreProverError> where + SC::Val: PrimeField32, SC::Challenger: 'static + Clone + Send, - ::Val: PrimeField32, OpeningProof: Send, Com: Send + Sync, PcsProverData: Send + Sync, { - let machine = RiscvAir::machine(config); - let prover = P::new(machine); - let (pk, _) = prover.setup(&program); - prove_with_context::( - &prover, - &pk, + let (proof_tx, proof_rx) = channel(); + let (shape_tx, shape_rx) = channel(); + let (public_values, cycles) = prove_core_stream( + prover, + pk, program, stdin, opts, - Default::default(), + context, shape_config, - ) + proof_tx, + shape_tx, + malicious_trace_pv_generator, + )?; + + let _: Vec<_> = shape_rx.iter().collect(); + let shard_proofs: Vec> = proof_rx.iter().collect(); + let proof = MachineProof { shard_proofs }; + + Ok((proof, public_values, cycles)) } -pub fn prove_with_context>>( +#[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] +pub fn prove_core_stream>>( prover: &P, pk: &P::DeviceProvingKey, program: Program, @@ -132,7 +90,10 @@ pub fn prove_with_context>, -) -> Result<(MachineProof, Vec, u64), SP1CoreProverError> + proof_tx: Sender>, + shape_and_done_tx: Sender<(OrderedShape, bool)>, + malicious_trace_pv_generator: Option>, // This is used for failure test cases that generate malicious traces and public values. +) -> Result<(Vec, u64), SP1CoreProverError> where SC::Val: PrimeField32, SC::Challenger: 'static + Clone + Send, @@ -142,11 +103,9 @@ where { // Setup the runtime. let mut runtime = Executor::with_context(program.clone(), opts, context); - let maximal_shapes = match shape_config.as_ref() { - Some(shape_config) => shape_config.maximal_core_shapes(), - None => vec![], - }; - runtime.maximal_shapes = Some(maximal_shapes.into_iter().map(|s| s.inner).collect()); + runtime.maximal_shapes = shape_config.map(|config| { + config.maximal_core_shapes(opts.shard_size.ilog2() as usize).into_iter().collect() + }); runtime.write_vecs(&stdin.buffer); for proof in stdin.proofs.iter() { let (proof, vk) = proof.clone(); @@ -156,6 +115,10 @@ where #[cfg(feature = "debug")] let (all_records_tx, all_records_rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel::>(); + // Need to create an optional reference, because of the `move` below. + let malicious_trace_pv_generator: Option<&MaliciousTracePVGeneratorType> = + malicious_trace_pv_generator.as_ref(); + // Record the start of the process. let proving_start = Instant::now(); let span = tracing::Span::current().clone(); @@ -165,7 +128,7 @@ where // Spawn the checkpoint generator thread. let checkpoint_generator_span = tracing::Span::current().clone(); let (checkpoints_tx, checkpoints_rx) = - sync_channel::<(usize, File, bool)>(opts.checkpoints_channel_capacity); + sync_channel::<(usize, File, bool, u64)>(opts.checkpoints_channel_capacity); let checkpoint_generator_handle: ScopedJoinHandle> = s.spawn(move || { let _span = checkpoint_generator_span.enter(); @@ -177,8 +140,9 @@ where let _span = span.enter(); // Execute the runtime until we reach a checkpoint. - let (checkpoint, done) = - runtime.execute_state().map_err(SP1CoreProverError::ExecutionError)?; + let (checkpoint, _, done) = runtime + .execute_state(false) + .map_err(SP1CoreProverError::ExecutionError)?; // Save the checkpoint to a temp file. let mut checkpoint_file = @@ -188,7 +152,9 @@ where .map_err(SP1CoreProverError::IoError)?; // Send the checkpoint. - checkpoints_tx.send((index, checkpoint_file, done)).unwrap(); + checkpoints_tx + .send((index, checkpoint_file, done, runtime.state.global_clk)) + .unwrap(); // If we've reached the final checkpoint, break out of the loop. if done { @@ -201,263 +167,36 @@ where }) }); - // Spawn the workers for phase 1 record generation. - let p1_record_gen_sync = Arc::new(TurnBasedSync::new()); - let p1_trace_gen_sync = Arc::new(TurnBasedSync::new()); - let (p1_records_and_traces_tx, p1_records_and_traces_rx) = - sync_channel::<(Vec, Vec>)>>)>( - opts.records_and_traces_channel_capacity, - ); - let p1_records_and_traces_tx = Arc::new(Mutex::new(p1_records_and_traces_tx)); - let checkpoints_rx = Arc::new(Mutex::new(checkpoints_rx)); - - let checkpoints = Arc::new(Mutex::new(VecDeque::new())); - let state = Arc::new(Mutex::new(PublicValues::::default().reset())); - let deferred = Arc::new(Mutex::new(ExecutionRecord::new(program.clone().into()))); - let mut p1_record_and_trace_gen_handles = Vec::new(); - for _ in 0..opts.trace_gen_workers { - let record_gen_sync = Arc::clone(&p1_record_gen_sync); - let trace_gen_sync = Arc::clone(&p1_trace_gen_sync); - let checkpoints_rx = Arc::clone(&checkpoints_rx); - let records_and_traces_tx = Arc::clone(&p1_records_and_traces_tx); - - let checkpoints = Arc::clone(&checkpoints); - let state = Arc::clone(&state); - let deferred = Arc::clone(&deferred); - let program = program.clone(); - - let span = tracing::Span::current().clone(); - - let handle = s.spawn(move || { - let _span = span.enter(); - tracing::debug_span!("phase 1 trace generation").in_scope(|| { - loop { - // Receive the latest checkpoint. - let received = { checkpoints_rx.lock().unwrap().recv() }; - - if let Ok((index, mut checkpoint, done)) = received { - // Trace the checkpoint and reconstruct the execution records. - let (mut records, _) = tracing::debug_span!("trace checkpoint") - .in_scope(|| { - trace_checkpoint::( - program.clone(), - &checkpoint, - opts, - shape_config, - ) - }); - log::info!("generated {} records", records.len()); - reset_seek(&mut checkpoint); - - // Wait for our turn to update the state. - log::info!("waiting for turn {}", index); - record_gen_sync.wait_for_turn(index); - - // Update the public values & prover state for the shards which contain - // "cpu events". - let mut state = state.lock().unwrap(); - for record in records.iter_mut() { - state.shard += 1; - state.execution_shard = record.public_values.execution_shard; - state.start_pc = record.public_values.start_pc; - state.next_pc = record.public_values.next_pc; - state.committed_value_digest = - record.public_values.committed_value_digest; - state.deferred_proofs_digest = - record.public_values.deferred_proofs_digest; - record.public_values = *state; - } - - // Defer events that are too expensive to include in every shard. - let mut deferred = deferred.lock().unwrap(); - for record in records.iter_mut() { - deferred.append(&mut record.defer()); - } - - // See if any deferred shards are ready to be committed to. - let mut deferred = deferred.split(done, opts.split_opts); - log::info!("deferred {} records", deferred.len()); - - // Update the public values & prover state for the shards which do not - // contain "cpu events" before committing to them. - if !done { - state.execution_shard += 1; - } - for record in deferred.iter_mut() { - state.shard += 1; - state.previous_init_addr_bits = - record.public_values.previous_init_addr_bits; - state.last_init_addr_bits = - record.public_values.last_init_addr_bits; - state.previous_finalize_addr_bits = - record.public_values.previous_finalize_addr_bits; - state.last_finalize_addr_bits = - record.public_values.last_finalize_addr_bits; - state.start_pc = state.next_pc; - record.public_values = *state; - } - records.append(&mut deferred); - - // Collect the checkpoints to be used again in the phase 2 prover. - log::info!("collecting checkpoints"); - let mut checkpoints = checkpoints.lock().unwrap(); - checkpoints.push_back((index, checkpoint, done)); - - // Let another worker update the state. - record_gen_sync.advance_turn(); - - // Fix the shape of the records. - if let Some(shape_config) = shape_config { - for record in records.iter_mut() { - tracing::info!("fixing shape"); - shape_config.fix_shape(record).unwrap(); - } - } - - // Generate the traces. - let mut traces = vec![]; - tracing::debug_span!("generate traces", index).in_scope(|| { - traces = records - .par_iter() - .map(|record| { - prover.generate_traces(record, InteractionScope::Global) - }) - .collect::>(); - }); - - // Wait for our turn. - trace_gen_sync.wait_for_turn(index); - - // Send the records to the phase 1 prover. - let chunked_records = chunk_vec(records, opts.shard_batch_size); - let chunked_traces = chunk_vec(traces, opts.shard_batch_size); - chunked_records.into_iter().zip(chunked_traces).for_each( - |(records, traces)| { - records_and_traces_tx - .lock() - .unwrap() - .send((records, traces)) - .unwrap(); - }, - ); - - trace_gen_sync.advance_turn(); - } else { - break; - } - } - }) - }); - p1_record_and_trace_gen_handles.push(handle); - } - drop(p1_records_and_traces_tx); - // Create the challenger and observe the verifying key. let mut challenger = prover.config().challenger(); pk.observe_into(&mut challenger); - // Spawn the phase 1 prover thread. - let phase_1_prover_span = tracing::Span::current().clone(); - let phase_1_prover_handle = s.spawn(move || { - let _span = phase_1_prover_span.enter(); - tracing::debug_span!("phase 1 prover").in_scope(|| { - for (records, traces) in p1_records_and_traces_rx.iter() { - tracing::debug_span!("batch").in_scope(|| { - let span = tracing::Span::current().clone(); - - // Collect the public values. - let public_values = records - .iter() - .map(|record| { - record.public_values::()[0..prover.machine().num_pv_elts()] - .to_vec() - }) - .collect::>(); - - // Commit to each shard. - let commitments = records - .into_par_iter() - .zip(traces.into_par_iter()) - .map(|(record, traces)| { - let _span = span.enter(); - - for (name, trace) in traces.clone() { - let trace_width = trace.width(); - let trace_height = trace.height(); - tracing::debug!( - "Phase 1 area: {:<15} | Main Cols = {:<5} | Rows = {:<5} | Cells = {:<10}", - name, - trace_width, - trace_height, - trace_width * trace_height, - ); - - } - - let data = prover.commit(&record, traces); - let phase1_main_commit = data.main_commit.clone(); - drop(data); - phase1_main_commit - }) - .collect::>(); - - // the commitments. - for (commit, public_values) in - commitments.into_iter().zip(public_values.into_iter()) - { - prover.observe(&mut challenger, commit.clone(), &public_values); - } - }); - } - }); - - challenger - }); - - // Wait until the checkpoint generator handle has fully finished. - let public_values_stream = checkpoint_generator_handle.join().unwrap().unwrap(); - - // Wait until the records and traces have been fully generated. - p1_record_and_trace_gen_handles.into_iter().for_each(|handle| handle.join().unwrap()); - - // Wait until the phase 1 prover has completely finished. - let mut challenger = phase_1_prover_handle.join().unwrap(); - - // Sample for the global permutation challenges. - // Obtain the challenges used for the global permutation argument. - let mut global_permutation_challenges: Vec = Vec::new(); - for _ in 0..2 { - global_permutation_challenges.push(challenger.sample_ext_element()); - } - // Spawn the phase 2 record generator thread. let p2_record_gen_sync = Arc::new(TurnBasedSync::new()); let p2_trace_gen_sync = Arc::new(TurnBasedSync::new()); let (p2_records_and_traces_tx, p2_records_and_traces_rx) = - sync_channel::<( - Vec, - ( - Vec>)>>, - Vec>)>>, - ), - )>(opts.records_and_traces_channel_capacity); + sync_channel::<(Vec, Vec>)>>)>( + opts.records_and_traces_channel_capacity, + ); let p2_records_and_traces_tx = Arc::new(Mutex::new(p2_records_and_traces_tx)); + let shape_tx = Arc::new(Mutex::new(shape_and_done_tx)); let report_aggregate = Arc::new(Mutex::new(ExecutionReport::default())); let state = Arc::new(Mutex::new(PublicValues::::default().reset())); let deferred = Arc::new(Mutex::new(ExecutionRecord::new(program.clone().into()))); let mut p2_record_and_trace_gen_handles = Vec::new(); + let checkpoints_rx = Arc::new(Mutex::new(checkpoints_rx)); for _ in 0..opts.trace_gen_workers { let record_gen_sync = Arc::clone(&p2_record_gen_sync); let trace_gen_sync = Arc::clone(&p2_trace_gen_sync); let records_and_traces_tx = Arc::clone(&p2_records_and_traces_tx); + let checkpoints_rx = Arc::clone(&checkpoints_rx); + let shape_tx = Arc::clone(&shape_tx); let report_aggregate = Arc::clone(&report_aggregate); - let checkpoints = Arc::clone(&checkpoints); let state = Arc::clone(&state); let deferred = Arc::clone(&deferred); let program = program.clone(); - let span = tracing::Span::current().clone(); #[cfg(feature = "debug")] @@ -467,10 +206,8 @@ where let _span = span.enter(); tracing::debug_span!("phase 2 trace generation").in_scope(|| { loop { - // Receive the latest checkpoint. - let received = { checkpoints.lock().unwrap().pop_front() }; - if let Some((index, mut checkpoint, done)) = received { - // Trace the checkpoint and reconstruct the execution records. + let received = { checkpoints_rx.lock().unwrap().recv() }; + if let Ok((index, mut checkpoint, done, num_cycles)) = received { let (mut records, report) = tracing::debug_span!("trace checkpoint") .in_scope(|| { trace_checkpoint::( @@ -480,9 +217,12 @@ where shape_config, ) }); - log::info!("generated {} records", records.len()); + + // Trace the checkpoint and reconstruct the execution records. *report_aggregate.lock().unwrap() += report; - reset_seek(&mut checkpoint); + checkpoint + .seek(SeekFrom::Start(0)) + .expect("failed to seek to start of tempfile"); // Wait for our turn to update the state. record_gen_sync.wait_for_turn(index); @@ -508,8 +248,22 @@ where deferred.append(&mut record.defer()); } + // We combine the memory init/finalize events if they are "small" + // and would affect performance. + let last_record = if done + && num_cycles < 1 << 21 + && deferred.global_memory_initialize_events.len() + < opts.split_opts.combine_memory_threshold + && deferred.global_memory_finalize_events.len() + < opts.split_opts.combine_memory_threshold + { + records.last_mut() + } else { + None + }; + // See if any deferred shards are ready to be committed to. - let mut deferred = deferred.split(done, opts.split_opts); + let mut deferred = deferred.split(done, last_record, opts.split_opts); log::info!("deferred {} records", deferred.len()); // Update the public values & prover state for the shards which do not @@ -547,47 +301,58 @@ where } } + // Send the shapes to the channel, if necessary. + for record in records.iter() { + let mut heights = vec![]; + let chips = prover.shard_chips(record).collect::>(); + if let Some(shape) = record.shape.as_ref() { + for chip in chips.iter() { + let id = RiscvAirId::from_str(&chip.name()).unwrap(); + let height = shape.log2_height(&id).unwrap(); + heights.push((chip.name().clone(), height)); + } + shape_tx + .lock() + .unwrap() + .send((OrderedShape::from_log2_heights(&heights), done)) + .unwrap(); + } + } + #[cfg(feature = "debug")] all_records_tx.send(records.clone()).unwrap(); - // Generate the traces. - let mut local_traces = Vec::new(); - tracing::debug_span!("generate local traces", index).in_scope(|| { - local_traces = records - .par_iter() - .map(|record| { - prover.generate_traces(record, InteractionScope::Local) - }) - .collect::>(); - }); - - let mut global_traces = Vec::new(); - tracing::debug_span!("generate global traces", index).in_scope(|| { - global_traces = records - .par_iter() - .map(|record| { - prover.generate_traces(record, InteractionScope::Global) - }) - .collect::>(); - }); + let mut main_traces = Vec::new(); + if let Some(malicious_trace_pv_generator) = malicious_trace_pv_generator + { + tracing::info_span!("generate main traces", index).in_scope(|| { + main_traces = records + .par_iter_mut() + .map(|record| malicious_trace_pv_generator(prover, record)) + .collect::>(); + }); + } else { + tracing::info_span!("generate main traces", index).in_scope(|| { + main_traces = records + .par_iter() + .map(|record| prover.generate_traces(record)) + .collect::>(); + }); + } trace_gen_sync.wait_for_turn(index); // Send the records to the phase 2 prover. let chunked_records = chunk_vec(records, opts.shard_batch_size); - let chunked_global_traces = - chunk_vec(global_traces, opts.shard_batch_size); - let chunked_local_traces = - chunk_vec(local_traces, opts.shard_batch_size); + let chunked_main_traces = chunk_vec(main_traces, opts.shard_batch_size); chunked_records .into_iter() - .zip(chunked_global_traces.into_iter()) - .zip(chunked_local_traces.into_iter()) - .for_each(|((records, global_traces), local_traces)| { + .zip(chunked_main_traces.into_iter()) + .for_each(|(records, main_traces)| { records_and_traces_tx .lock() .unwrap() - .send((records, (global_traces, local_traces))) + .send((records, main_traces)) .unwrap(); }); @@ -606,55 +371,66 @@ where // Spawn the phase 2 prover thread. let p2_prover_span = tracing::Span::current().clone(); + let proof_tx = Arc::new(Mutex::new(proof_tx)); let p2_prover_handle = s.spawn(move || { let _span = p2_prover_span.enter(); - let mut shard_proofs = Vec::new(); tracing::debug_span!("phase 2 prover").in_scope(|| { for (records, traces) in p2_records_and_traces_rx.into_iter() { tracing::debug_span!("batch").in_scope(|| { let span = tracing::Span::current().clone(); - shard_proofs.par_extend( - records.into_par_iter().zip(traces.into_par_iter()).map( - |(record, (global_traces, local_traces))| { - let _span = span.enter(); - - let global_data = prover.commit(&record, global_traces); - let local_data = prover.commit(&record, local_traces); - - let proof = prover - .open( - pk, - Some(global_data), - local_data, - &mut challenger.clone(), - &global_permutation_challenges, - ) - .unwrap(); + let proofs = records + .into_par_iter() + .zip(traces.into_par_iter()) + .map(|(record, main_traces)| { + let _span = span.enter(); - #[cfg(debug_assertions)] - { - if let Some(shape) = record.shape { - assert_eq!( - proof.shape(), - shape.clone().into_iter().collect(), - ); - } + let main_data = prover.commit(&record, main_traces); + + let opening_span = tracing::debug_span!("opening").entered(); + let proof = + prover.open(pk, main_data, &mut challenger.clone()).unwrap(); + opening_span.exit(); + + #[cfg(debug_assertions)] + { + if let Some(shape) = record.shape.as_ref() { + assert_eq!( + proof.shape(), + shape + .clone() + .into_iter() + .map(|(k, v)| (k.to_string(), v as usize)) + .collect(), + ); } - proof - }, - ), - ); + } + + rayon::spawn(move || { + drop(record); + }); + + proof + }) + .collect::>(); + + // Send the batch of proofs to the channel. + let proof_tx = proof_tx.lock().unwrap(); + for proof in proofs { + proof_tx.send(proof).unwrap(); + } }); } }); - shard_proofs }); + // Wait until the checkpoint generator handle has fully finished. + let public_values_stream = checkpoint_generator_handle.join().unwrap().unwrap(); + // Wait until the records and traces have been fully generated for phase 2. p2_record_and_trace_gen_handles.into_iter().for_each(|handle| handle.join().unwrap()); // Wait until the phase 2 prover has finished. - let shard_proofs = p2_prover_handle.join().unwrap(); + p2_prover_handle.join().unwrap(); // Log some of the `ExecutionReport` information. let report_aggregate = report_aggregate.lock().unwrap(); @@ -668,168 +444,49 @@ where // Print the opcode and syscall count tables like `du`: sorted by count (descending) and // with the count in the first column. tracing::info!("execution report (opcode counts):"); - for line in sorted_table_lines(report_aggregate.opcode_counts.as_ref()) { - tracing::info!(" {line}"); + let (width, lines) = sorted_table_lines(report_aggregate.opcode_counts.as_ref()); + for (label, count) in lines { + if *count > 0 { + tracing::info!(" {}", format_table_line(&width, &label, count)); + } else { + tracing::debug!(" {}", format_table_line(&width, &label, count)); + } } + tracing::info!("execution report (syscall counts):"); - for line in sorted_table_lines(report_aggregate.syscall_counts.as_ref()) { - tracing::info!(" {line}"); + let (width, lines) = sorted_table_lines(report_aggregate.syscall_counts.as_ref()); + for (label, count) in lines { + if *count > 0 { + tracing::info!(" {}", format_table_line(&width, &label, count)); + } else { + tracing::debug!(" {}", format_table_line(&width, &label, count)); + } } - let proof = MachineProof:: { shard_proofs }; let cycles = report_aggregate.total_instruction_count(); // Print the summary. let proving_time = proving_start.elapsed().as_secs_f64(); tracing::info!( - "summary: cycles={}, gas={}, e2e={}s, khz={:.2}, proofSize={}", + "summary: cycles={}, e2e={}s, khz={:.2}", cycles, - report_aggregate.estimate_gas(), proving_time, (cycles as f64 / (proving_time * 1000.0) as f64), - bincode::serialize(&proof).unwrap().len(), ); #[cfg(feature = "debug")] { let all_records = all_records_rx.iter().flatten().collect::>(); let mut challenger = prover.machine().config().challenger(); - prover.machine().debug_constraints(&pk.to_host(), all_records, &mut challenger); + let pk_host = prover.pk_to_host(pk); + prover.machine().debug_constraints(&pk_host, all_records, &mut challenger); } - Ok((proof, public_values_stream, cycles)) + Ok((public_values_stream, cycles)) }) } -/// Runs a program and returns the public values stream. -pub fn run_test_io>>( - mut program: Program, - inputs: SP1Stdin, -) -> Result> { - let shape_config = CoreShapeConfig::::default(); - shape_config.fix_preprocessed_shape(&mut program).unwrap(); - let runtime = tracing::debug_span!("runtime.run(...)").in_scope(|| { - let mut runtime = Executor::new(program, SP1CoreOpts::default()); - runtime.maximal_shapes = - Some(shape_config.maximal_core_shapes().into_iter().map(|s| s.inner).collect()); - runtime.write_vecs(&inputs.buffer); - runtime.run().unwrap(); - runtime - }); - let public_values = SP1PublicValues::from(&runtime.state.public_values_stream); - - let _ = run_test_core::

(runtime, inputs, Some(&shape_config))?; - Ok(public_values) -} - -pub fn run_test>>( - mut program: Program, -) -> Result, MachineVerificationError> { - let shape_config = CoreShapeConfig::default(); - shape_config.fix_preprocessed_shape(&mut program).unwrap(); - let runtime = tracing::debug_span!("runtime.run(...)").in_scope(|| { - let mut runtime = Executor::new(program, SP1CoreOpts::default()); - runtime.maximal_shapes = - Some(shape_config.maximal_core_shapes().into_iter().map(|s| s.inner).collect()); - runtime.run().unwrap(); - runtime - }); - run_test_core::

(runtime, SP1Stdin::new(), Some(&shape_config)) -} - -#[allow(unused_variables)] -pub fn run_test_core>>( - runtime: Executor, - inputs: SP1Stdin, - shape_config: Option<&CoreShapeConfig>, -) -> Result, MachineVerificationError> { - let config = BabyBearPoseidon2::new(); - let machine = RiscvAir::machine(config); - let prover = P::new(machine); - - let (pk, _) = prover.setup(runtime.program.as_ref()); - let (proof, output, _) = prove_with_context( - &prover, - &pk, - Program::clone(&runtime.program), - &inputs, - SP1CoreOpts::default(), - SP1Context::default(), - shape_config, - ) - .unwrap(); - - let config = BabyBearPoseidon2::new(); - let machine = RiscvAir::machine(config); - let (pk, vk) = machine.setup(runtime.program.as_ref()); - let mut challenger = machine.config().challenger(); - machine.verify(&vk, &proof, &mut challenger).unwrap(); - - Ok(proof) -} - -#[allow(unused_variables)] -pub fn run_test_machine_with_prover>( - prover: &P, - records: Vec, - pk: P::DeviceProvingKey, - vk: StarkVerifyingKey, -) -> Result, MachineVerificationError> -where - A: MachineAir - + Air>> - + for<'a> Air> - + for<'a> Air, SC::Challenge>>, - A::Record: MachineRecord, - SC: StarkGenericConfig, - SC::Val: p3_field::PrimeField32, - SC::Challenger: Clone, - Com: Send + Sync, - PcsProverData: Send + Sync + Serialize + DeserializeOwned, - OpeningProof: Send + Sync, -{ - let mut challenger = prover.config().challenger(); - let prove_span = tracing::debug_span!("prove").entered(); - - #[cfg(feature = "debug")] - prover.machine().debug_constraints(&pk.to_host(), records.clone(), &mut challenger.clone()); - - let proof = prover.prove(&pk, records, &mut challenger, SP1CoreOpts::default()).unwrap(); - prove_span.exit(); - let nb_bytes = bincode::serialize(&proof).unwrap().len(); - - let mut challenger = prover.config().challenger(); - prover.machine().verify(&vk, &proof, &mut challenger)?; - - Ok(proof) -} - -#[allow(unused_variables)] -pub fn run_test_machine( - records: Vec, - machine: StarkMachine, - pk: StarkProvingKey, - vk: StarkVerifyingKey, -) -> Result, MachineVerificationError> -where - A: MachineAir - + for<'a> Air> - + Air>> - + for<'a> Air> - + for<'a> Air, SC::Challenge>>, - A::Record: MachineRecord, - SC: StarkGenericConfig, - SC::Val: p3_field::PrimeField32, - SC::Challenger: Clone, - Com: Send + Sync, - PcsProverData: Send + Sync + Serialize + DeserializeOwned, - OpeningProof: Send + Sync, -{ - let prover = CpuProver::new(machine); - run_test_machine_with_prover::>(&prover, records, pk, vk) -} - -fn trace_checkpoint( +pub fn trace_checkpoint( program: Program, file: &File, opts: SP1CoreOpts, @@ -838,94 +495,32 @@ fn trace_checkpoint( where ::Val: PrimeField32, { - let maximal_shapes = match shape_config { - Some(shape_config) => shape_config.maximal_core_shapes(), - None => vec![], - }; + let noop = NoOpSubproofVerifier; + let mut reader = std::io::BufReader::new(file); let state: ExecutionState = bincode::deserialize_from(&mut reader).expect("failed to deserialize state"); - let mut runtime = Executor::recover(program.clone(), state.clone(), opts); - runtime.maximal_shapes = Some(maximal_shapes.into_iter().map(|s| s.inner).collect()); + let mut runtime = Executor::recover(program, state, opts); + runtime.maximal_shapes = shape_config.map(|config| { + config.maximal_core_shapes(opts.shard_size.ilog2() as usize).into_iter().collect() + }); // We already passed the deferred proof verifier when creating checkpoints, so the proofs were // already verified. So here we use a noop verifier to not print any warnings. - runtime.subproof_verifier = Arc::new(NoOpSubproofVerifier); + runtime.subproof_verifier = Some(&noop); // Execute from the checkpoint. - let (records, _) = runtime.execute_record().unwrap(); - - (records, runtime.report) -} + let (records, _) = runtime.execute_record(true).unwrap(); -fn reset_seek(file: &mut File) { - file.seek(std::io::SeekFrom::Start(0)).expect("failed to seek to start of tempfile"); -} - -#[cfg(debug_assertions)] -#[cfg(not(doctest))] -pub fn uni_stark_prove( - config: &SC, - air: &A, - challenger: &mut SC::Challenger, - trace: RowMajorMatrix, -) -> Proof> -where - SC: StarkGenericConfig, - A: Air> - + for<'a> Air>> - + for<'a> Air>, -{ - p3_uni_stark::prove(&UniConfig(config.clone()), air, challenger, trace, &vec![]) -} - -#[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] -pub fn uni_stark_prove( - config: &SC, - air: &A, - challenger: &mut SC::Challenger, - trace: RowMajorMatrix, -) -> Proof> -where - SC: StarkGenericConfig, - A: Air> - + for<'a> Air>>, -{ - p3_uni_stark::prove(&UniConfig(config.clone()), air, challenger, trace, &vec![]) + (records.into_iter().map(|r| *r).collect(), runtime.report) } -#[cfg(debug_assertions)] -#[cfg(not(doctest))] -pub fn uni_stark_verify( - config: &SC, - air: &A, - challenger: &mut SC::Challenger, - proof: &Proof>, -) -> Result<(), p3_uni_stark::VerificationError> -where - SC: StarkGenericConfig, - A: Air> - + for<'a> Air>> - + for<'a> Air>, -{ - p3_uni_stark::verify(&UniConfig(config.clone()), air, challenger, proof, &vec![]) -} - -#[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] -pub fn uni_stark_verify( - config: &SC, - air: &A, - challenger: &mut SC::Challenger, - proof: &Proof>, -) -> Result<(), p3_uni_stark::VerificationError> -where - SC: StarkGenericConfig, - A: Air> - + for<'a> Air>>, -{ - p3_uni_stark::verify(&UniConfig(config.clone()), air, challenger, proof, &vec![]) +#[derive(Error, Debug)] +pub enum SP1CoreProverError { + #[error("failed to execute program: {0}")] + ExecutionError(ExecutionError), + #[error("io error: {0}")] + IoError(io::Error), + #[error("serialization error: {0}")] + SerializationError(bincode::Error), } - -use p3_air::Air; -use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; -use p3_uni_stark::Proof; diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/utils/span.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/utils/span.rs index 032598cc2..c5c02b4ab 100644 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/utils/span.rs +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/utils/span.rs @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ use std::{collections::HashMap, fmt::Display, hash::Hash, iter::once}; -use sp1_core_executor::events::sorted_table_lines; +use sp1_core_executor::events::{format_table_line, sorted_table_lines}; use thiserror::Error; /// A builder to create a [`Span`]. @@ -109,19 +109,22 @@ where /// Calculate the total number of items counted by this span and its children. pub fn total(&self) -> usize { - self.cts.values().cloned().chain(self.children.iter().map(|x| x.total())).sum() + // Counts are already added from children. + self.cts.values().cloned().sum() } /// Format and yield lines describing this span. Appropriate for logging. pub fn lines(&self) -> Vec { let Self { name, cts: instr_cts, children } = self; + let (width, lines) = sorted_table_lines(instr_cts); + let lines = lines.map(|(label, count)| format_table_line(&width, &label, count)); once(format!("{}", name)) .chain( children .iter() .flat_map(|c| c.lines()) - .chain(sorted_table_lines(instr_cts)) + .chain(lines) .map(|line| format!("│ {line}")), ) .chain(once(format!("└╴ {} total", self.total()))) diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/utils/test.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/utils/test.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5f527e143 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/utils/test.rs @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ +use p3_air::Air; +use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; +use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; +use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize}; +use sp1_core_executor::{ExecutionRecord, Executor, Program, SP1Context}; +use sp1_primitives::io::SP1PublicValues; +use sp1_stark::{ + air::MachineAir, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, Com, CpuProver, + DebugConstraintBuilder, InteractionBuilder, MachineProof, MachineProver, MachineRecord, + MachineVerificationError, OpeningProof, PcsProverData, ProverConstraintFolder, SP1CoreOpts, + StarkGenericConfig, StarkMachine, StarkProvingKey, StarkVerifyingKey, Val, + VerifierConstraintFolder, +}; + +use crate::{io::SP1Stdin, riscv::RiscvAir, shape::CoreShapeConfig}; + +use super::prove_core; + +/// This type is the function signature used for malicious trace and public values generators for failure test cases. +pub(crate) type MaliciousTracePVGeneratorType = + Box Vec<(String, RowMajorMatrix)> + Send + Sync>; + +/// The canonical entry point for testing a [`Program`] and [`SP1Stdin`] with a [`MachineProver`]. +pub fn run_test>>( + mut program: Program, + inputs: SP1Stdin, +) -> Result> { + let shape_config = CoreShapeConfig::::default(); + shape_config.fix_preprocessed_shape(&mut program).unwrap(); + + let runtime = tracing::debug_span!("runtime.run(...)").in_scope(|| { + let mut runtime = Executor::new(program, SP1CoreOpts::default()); + runtime.maximal_shapes = Some( + shape_config + .maximal_core_shapes(SP1CoreOpts::default().shard_size.ilog2() as usize) + .into_iter() + .collect(), + ); + runtime.write_vecs(&inputs.buffer); + runtime.run().unwrap(); + runtime + }); + let public_values = SP1PublicValues::from(&runtime.state.public_values_stream); + + let _ = run_test_core::

(runtime, inputs, Some(&shape_config), None)?; + Ok(public_values) +} + +pub fn run_malicious_test>>( + mut program: Program, + inputs: SP1Stdin, + malicious_trace_pv_generator: MaliciousTracePVGeneratorType, +) -> Result> { + let shape_config = CoreShapeConfig::::default(); + shape_config.fix_preprocessed_shape(&mut program).unwrap(); + + let runtime = tracing::debug_span!("runtime.run(...)").in_scope(|| { + let mut runtime = Executor::new(program, SP1CoreOpts::default()); + runtime.maximal_shapes = Some( + shape_config + .maximal_core_shapes(SP1CoreOpts::default().shard_size.ilog2() as usize) + .into_iter() + .collect(), + ); + runtime.write_vecs(&inputs.buffer); + runtime.run().unwrap(); + runtime + }); + let public_values = SP1PublicValues::from(&runtime.state.public_values_stream); + + let result = run_test_core::

( + runtime, + inputs, + Some(&shape_config), + Some(malicious_trace_pv_generator), + ); + if let Err(verification_error) = result { + Err(verification_error) + } else { + Ok(public_values) + } +} + +#[allow(unused_variables)] +pub fn run_test_core>>( + runtime: Executor, + inputs: SP1Stdin, + shape_config: Option<&CoreShapeConfig>, + malicious_trace_pv_generator: Option>, +) -> Result, MachineVerificationError> { + let config = BabyBearPoseidon2::new(); + let machine = RiscvAir::machine(config); + let prover = P::new(machine); + + let (pk, vk) = prover.setup(runtime.program.as_ref()); + let (proof, output, _) = prove_core( + &prover, + &pk, + &vk, + Program::clone(&runtime.program), + &inputs, + SP1CoreOpts::default(), + SP1Context::default(), + shape_config, + malicious_trace_pv_generator, + ) + .unwrap(); + + let config = BabyBearPoseidon2::new(); + let machine = RiscvAir::machine(config); + let (pk, vk) = machine.setup(runtime.program.as_ref()); + let mut challenger = machine.config().challenger(); + if let Err(e) = machine.verify(&vk, &proof, &mut challenger) { + Err(e) + } else { + Ok(proof) + } +} + +#[allow(unused_variables)] +pub fn run_test_machine_with_prover>( + prover: &P, + records: Vec, + pk: P::DeviceProvingKey, + vk: StarkVerifyingKey, +) -> Result, MachineVerificationError> +where + A: MachineAir + + Air>> + + for<'a> Air> + + for<'a> Air, SC::Challenge>>, + A::Record: MachineRecord, + SC: StarkGenericConfig, + SC::Val: p3_field::PrimeField32, + SC::Challenger: Clone, + Com: Send + Sync, + PcsProverData: Send + Sync + Serialize + DeserializeOwned, + OpeningProof: Send + Sync, +{ + let mut challenger = prover.config().challenger(); + let prove_span = tracing::debug_span!("prove").entered(); + + #[cfg(feature = "debug")] + prover.machine().debug_constraints( + &prover.pk_to_host(&pk), + records.clone(), + &mut challenger.clone(), + ); + + let proof = prover.prove(&pk, records, &mut challenger, SP1CoreOpts::default()).unwrap(); + prove_span.exit(); + let nb_bytes = bincode::serialize(&proof).unwrap().len(); + + let mut challenger = prover.config().challenger(); + prover.machine().verify(&vk, &proof, &mut challenger)?; + + Ok(proof) +} + +#[allow(unused_variables)] +pub fn run_test_machine( + records: Vec, + machine: StarkMachine, + pk: StarkProvingKey, + vk: StarkVerifyingKey, +) -> Result, MachineVerificationError> +where + A: MachineAir + + for<'a> Air> + + Air>> + + for<'a> Air> + + for<'a> Air, SC::Challenge>>, + A::Record: MachineRecord, + SC: StarkGenericConfig, + SC::Val: p3_field::PrimeField32, + SC::Challenger: Clone, + Com: Send + Sync, + PcsProverData: Send + Sync + Serialize + DeserializeOwned, + OpeningProof: Send + Sync, +{ + let prover = CpuProver::new(machine); + run_test_machine_with_prover::>(&prover, records, pk, vk) +} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/utils/tracer.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/utils/tracer.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 88a4c7f6a..000000000 --- a/crates/core/machine/src/utils/tracer.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -use std::env; - -use tracing::level_filters::LevelFilter; -use tracing_forest::ForestLayer; -use tracing_subscriber::{layer::SubscriberExt, util::SubscriberInitExt, EnvFilter, Registry}; - -/// A tracer to benchmark the performance of the vm. -/// -/// Set the `RUST_TRACER` environment variable to be set to `info` or `debug`. -/// ! DEPRECATED: don't use this function, use `setup_logger` instead. -pub fn setup_tracer() { - let tracer_config = env::var("RUST_TRACER").unwrap_or_else(|_| "none".to_string()); - let mut env_filter = EnvFilter::builder() - .with_default_directive(LevelFilter::OFF.into()) - .with_default_directive("log::=off".parse().unwrap()) - .from_env_lossy(); - if tracer_config == "info" { - env_filter = env_filter.add_directive("sp1_core=info".parse().unwrap()); - } else if tracer_config == "debug" { - env_filter = env_filter.add_directive("sp1_core=debug".parse().unwrap()); - } - Registry::default().with(env_filter).with(ForestLayer::default()).init(); -} diff --git a/crates/core/machine/src/utils/uni_stark.rs b/crates/core/machine/src/utils/uni_stark.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c7d510c95 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/core/machine/src/utils/uni_stark.rs @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +use p3_air::Air; +use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; +use p3_uni_stark::Proof; +use sp1_stark::{StarkGenericConfig, UniConfig}; + +#[cfg(debug_assertions)] +#[cfg(not(doctest))] +pub fn uni_stark_prove( + config: &SC, + air: &A, + challenger: &mut SC::Challenger, + trace: RowMajorMatrix, +) -> Proof> +where + SC: StarkGenericConfig, + A: Air> + + for<'a> Air>> + + for<'a> Air>, +{ + p3_uni_stark::prove(&UniConfig(config.clone()), air, challenger, trace, &vec![]) +} + +#[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] +pub fn uni_stark_prove( + config: &SC, + air: &A, + challenger: &mut SC::Challenger, + trace: RowMajorMatrix, +) -> Proof> +where + SC: StarkGenericConfig, + A: Air> + + for<'a> Air>>, +{ + p3_uni_stark::prove(&UniConfig(config.clone()), air, challenger, trace, &vec![]) +} + +#[cfg(debug_assertions)] +#[cfg(not(doctest))] +pub fn uni_stark_verify( + config: &SC, + air: &A, + challenger: &mut SC::Challenger, + proof: &Proof>, +) -> Result<(), p3_uni_stark::VerificationError> +where + SC: StarkGenericConfig, + A: Air> + + for<'a> Air>> + + for<'a> Air>, +{ + p3_uni_stark::verify(&UniConfig(config.clone()), air, challenger, proof, &vec![]) +} + +#[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] +pub fn uni_stark_verify( + config: &SC, + air: &A, + challenger: &mut SC::Challenger, + proof: &Proof>, +) -> Result<(), p3_uni_stark::VerificationError> +where + SC: StarkGenericConfig, + A: Air> + + for<'a> Air>>, +{ + p3_uni_stark::verify(&UniConfig(config.clone()), air, challenger, proof, &vec![]) +} diff --git a/crates/cuda/Cargo.toml b/crates/cuda/Cargo.toml index 851d6ee8c..58d37938e 100644 --- a/crates/cuda/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/cuda/Cargo.toml @@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ sp1-core-machine = { workspace = true } sp1-prover = { workspace = true } prost = "0.13" bincode = "1.3.3" -serde = { version = "1.0.197", features = ["derive"] } +serde = { workspace = true, features = ["derive"] } tokio = { version = "^1.38.0", features = ["full"] } -tracing = "0.1.40" +tracing = { workspace = true } twirp = { package = "twirp-rs", version = "0.13.0-succinct" } ctrlc = "3.4.4" @@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ prost-build = { version = "0.13", optional = true } twirp-build = { package = "twirp-build-rs", version = "0.13.0-succinct", optional = true } [dev-dependencies] -sp1-core-machine = { workspace = true, features = ["programs"] } +sp1-core-machine = { workspace = true } +test-artifacts = { workspace = true } [features] default = [] diff --git a/crates/cuda/proto/api.proto b/crates/cuda/proto/api.proto index c5e078676..ec9341942 100644 --- a/crates/cuda/proto/api.proto +++ b/crates/cuda/proto/api.proto @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ syntax = "proto3"; package api; service ProverService { + rpc Setup(SetupRequest) returns (SetupResponse) {} rpc Ready(ReadyRequest) returns (ReadyResponse) {} rpc ProveCore(ProveCoreRequest) returns (ProveCoreResponse) {} rpc Compress(CompressRequest) returns (CompressResponse) {} @@ -16,6 +17,14 @@ message ReadyResponse { bool ready = 1; } +message SetupRequest { + bytes data = 1; +} + +message SetupResponse { + bytes result = 1; +} + message ProveCoreRequest { bytes data = 1; } diff --git a/crates/cuda/src/lib.rs b/crates/cuda/src/lib.rs index f63a65c74..1b266ccdc 100644 --- a/crates/cuda/src/lib.rs +++ b/crates/cuda/src/lib.rs @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ use reqwest::{Request, Response}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use sp1_core_machine::{io::SP1Stdin, reduce::SP1ReduceProof, utils::SP1CoreProverError}; use sp1_prover::{ - types::SP1ProvingKey, InnerSC, OuterSC, SP1CoreProof, SP1RecursionProverError, SP1VerifyingKey, + InnerSC, OuterSC, SP1CoreProof, SP1ProvingKey, SP1RecursionProverError, SP1VerifyingKey, }; use tokio::task::block_in_place; use twirp::{ @@ -46,13 +46,28 @@ pub struct SP1CudaProver { cleaned_up: Arc, } +/// The payload for the [sp1_prover::SP1Prover::setup] method. +/// +/// We use this object to serialize and deserialize the payload from the client to the server. +#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] +pub struct SetupRequestPayload { + pub elf: Vec, +} + +/// The payload for the [sp1_prover::SP1Prover::setup] method response. +/// +/// We use this object to serialize and deserialize the payload from the server to the client. +#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] +pub struct SetupResponsePayload { + pub pk: SP1ProvingKey, + pub vk: SP1VerifyingKey, +} + /// The payload for the [sp1_prover::SP1Prover::prove_core] method. /// /// We use this object to serialize and deserialize the payload from the client to the server. #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ProveCoreRequestPayload { - /// The proving key. - pub pk: SP1ProvingKey, /// The input stream. pub stdin: SP1Stdin, } @@ -91,7 +106,8 @@ impl SP1CudaProver { /// [SP1ProverClient] that can be used to communicate with the container. pub fn new() -> Result> { let container_name = "sp1-gpu"; - let image_name = "public.ecr.aws/succinct-labs/sp1-gpu:7e66232"; + let image_name = std::env::var("SP1_GPU_IMAGE") + .unwrap_or_else(|_| "public.ecr.aws/succinct-labs/moongate:v4.0.0".to_string()); let cleaned_up = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let cleanup_name = container_name; @@ -103,7 +119,7 @@ impl SP1CudaProver { } // Pull the docker image if it's not present - if let Err(e) = Command::new("docker").args(["pull", image_name]).output() { + if let Err(e) = Command::new("docker").args(["pull", &image_name]).output() { return Err(format!("Failed to pull Docker image: {}. Please check your internet connection and Docker permissions.", e).into()); } @@ -121,7 +137,7 @@ impl SP1CudaProver { "all", "--name", container_name, - image_name, + &image_name, ]) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) @@ -229,17 +245,21 @@ impl SP1CudaProver { } } + /// Executes the [sp1_prover::SP1Prover::setup] method inside the container. + pub fn setup(&self, elf: &[u8]) -> Result<(SP1ProvingKey, SP1VerifyingKey), Box> { + let payload = SetupRequestPayload { elf: elf.to_vec() }; + let request = + crate::proto::api::SetupRequest { data: bincode::serialize(&payload).unwrap() }; + let response = block_on(async { self.client.setup(request).await }).unwrap(); + let payload: SetupResponsePayload = bincode::deserialize(&response.result).unwrap(); + Ok((payload.pk, payload.vk)) + } + /// Executes the [sp1_prover::SP1Prover::prove_core] method inside the container. /// /// You will need at least 24GB of VRAM to run this method. - /// - /// **WARNING**: This is an experimental feature and may not work as expected. - pub fn prove_core( - &self, - pk: &SP1ProvingKey, - stdin: &SP1Stdin, - ) -> Result { - let payload = ProveCoreRequestPayload { pk: pk.clone(), stdin: stdin.clone() }; + pub fn prove_core(&self, stdin: &SP1Stdin) -> Result { + let payload = ProveCoreRequestPayload { stdin: stdin.clone() }; let request = crate::proto::api::ProveCoreRequest { data: bincode::serialize(&payload).unwrap() }; let response = block_on(async { self.client.prove_core(request).await }).unwrap(); @@ -250,8 +270,6 @@ impl SP1CudaProver { /// Executes the [sp1_prover::SP1Prover::compress] method inside the container. /// /// You will need at least 24GB of VRAM to run this method. - /// - /// **WARNING**: This is an experimental feature and may not work as expected. pub fn compress( &self, vk: &SP1VerifyingKey, @@ -269,9 +287,7 @@ impl SP1CudaProver { /// Executes the [sp1_prover::SP1Prover::shrink] method inside the container. /// - /// You will need at least 40GB of VRAM to run this method. - /// - /// **WARNING**: This is an experimental feature and may not work as expected. + /// You will need at least 24GB of VRAM to run this method. pub fn shrink( &self, reduced_proof: SP1ReduceProof, @@ -287,9 +303,7 @@ impl SP1CudaProver { /// Executes the [sp1_prover::SP1Prover::wrap_bn254] method inside the container. /// - /// You will need at least 40GB of VRAM to run this method. - /// - /// **WARNING**: This is an experimental feature and may not work as expected. + /// You will need at least 24GB of VRAM to run this method. pub fn wrap_bn254( &self, reduced_proof: SP1ReduceProof, @@ -363,77 +377,77 @@ impl Middleware for LoggingMiddleware { } } -#[cfg(feature = "protobuf")] -#[cfg(test)] -mod tests { - use sp1_core_machine::{ - reduce::SP1ReduceProof, - utils::{setup_logger, tests::FIBONACCI_ELF}, - }; - use sp1_prover::{components::DefaultProverComponents, InnerSC, SP1CoreProof, SP1Prover}; - use twirp::{url::Url, Client}; - - use crate::{ - proto::api::ProverServiceClient, CompressRequestPayload, ProveCoreRequestPayload, - SP1CudaProver, SP1Stdin, - }; - - #[test] - fn test_client() { - setup_logger(); - - let prover = SP1Prover::::new(); - let client = SP1CudaProver::new().expect("Failed to create SP1CudaProver"); - let (pk, vk) = prover.setup(FIBONACCI_ELF); - - println!("proving core"); - let proof = client.prove_core(&pk, &SP1Stdin::new()).unwrap(); - - println!("verifying core"); - prover.verify(&proof.proof, &vk).unwrap(); - - println!("proving compress"); - let proof = client.compress(&vk, proof, vec![]).unwrap(); - - println!("verifying compress"); - prover.verify_compressed(&proof, &vk).unwrap(); - - println!("proving shrink"); - let proof = client.shrink(proof).unwrap(); - - println!("verifying shrink"); - prover.verify_shrink(&proof, &vk).unwrap(); - - println!("proving wrap_bn254"); - let proof = client.wrap_bn254(proof).unwrap(); - - println!("verifying wrap_bn254"); - prover.verify_wrap_bn254(&proof, &vk).unwrap(); - } - - #[tokio::test] - async fn test_prove_core() { - let client = - Client::from_base_url(Url::parse("http://localhost:3000/twirp/").unwrap()).unwrap(); - - let prover = SP1Prover::::new(); - let (pk, vk) = prover.setup(FIBONACCI_ELF); - let payload = ProveCoreRequestPayload { pk, stdin: SP1Stdin::new() }; - let request = - crate::proto::api::ProveCoreRequest { data: bincode::serialize(&payload).unwrap() }; - let proof = client.prove_core(request).await.unwrap(); - let proof: SP1CoreProof = bincode::deserialize(&proof.result).unwrap(); - prover.verify(&proof.proof, &vk).unwrap(); - - tracing::info!("compress"); - let payload = CompressRequestPayload { vk: vk.clone(), proof, deferred_proofs: vec![] }; - let request = - crate::proto::api::CompressRequest { data: bincode::serialize(&payload).unwrap() }; - let compressed_proof = client.compress(request).await.unwrap(); - let compressed_proof: SP1ReduceProof = - bincode::deserialize(&compressed_proof.result).unwrap(); - - tracing::info!("verify compressed"); - prover.verify_compressed(&compressed_proof, &vk).unwrap(); - } -} +// #[cfg(feature = "protobuf")] +// #[cfg(test)] +// mod tests { +// use sp1_core_machine::{ +// reduce::SP1ReduceProof, +// utils::{setup_logger, tests::FIBONACCI_ELF}, +// }; +// use sp1_prover::{components::DefaultProverComponents, InnerSC, SP1CoreProof, SP1Prover}; +// use twirp::{url::Url, Client}; + +// use crate::{ +// proto::api::ProverServiceClient, CompressRequestPayload, ProveCoreRequestPayload, +// SP1CudaProver, SP1Stdin, +// }; + +// #[test] +// fn test_client() { +// setup_logger(); + +// let prover = SP1Prover::::new(); +// let client = SP1CudaProver::new().expect("Failed to create SP1CudaProver"); +// let (pk, vk) = prover.setup(FIBONACCI_ELF); + +// println!("proving core"); +// let proof = client.prove_core(&pk, &SP1Stdin::new()).unwrap(); + +// println!("verifying core"); +// prover.verify(&proof.proof, &vk).unwrap(); + +// println!("proving compress"); +// let proof = client.compress(&vk, proof, vec![]).unwrap(); + +// println!("verifying compress"); +// prover.verify_compressed(&proof, &vk).unwrap(); + +// println!("proving shrink"); +// let proof = client.shrink(proof).unwrap(); + +// println!("verifying shrink"); +// prover.verify_shrink(&proof, &vk).unwrap(); + +// println!("proving wrap_bn254"); +// let proof = client.wrap_bn254(proof).unwrap(); + +// println!("verifying wrap_bn254"); +// prover.verify_wrap_bn254(&proof, &vk).unwrap(); +// } + +// #[tokio::test] +// async fn test_prove_core() { +// let client = +// Client::from_base_url(Url::parse("http://localhost:3000/twirp/").unwrap()).unwrap(); + +// let prover = SP1Prover::::new(); +// let (pk, vk) = prover.setup(FIBONACCI_ELF); +// let payload = ProveCoreRequestPayload { pk, stdin: SP1Stdin::new() }; +// let request = +// crate::proto::api::ProveCoreRequest { data: bincode::serialize(&payload).unwrap() }; +// let proof = client.prove_core(request).await.unwrap(); +// let proof: SP1CoreProof = bincode::deserialize(&proof.result).unwrap(); +// prover.verify(&proof.proof, &vk).unwrap(); + +// tracing::info!("compress"); +// let payload = CompressRequestPayload { vk: vk.clone(), proof, deferred_proofs: vec![] }; +// let request = +// crate::proto::api::CompressRequest { data: bincode::serialize(&payload).unwrap() }; +// let compressed_proof = client.compress(request).await.unwrap(); +// let compressed_proof: SP1ReduceProof = +// bincode::deserialize(&compressed_proof.result).unwrap(); + +// tracing::info!("verify compressed"); +// prover.verify_compressed(&compressed_proof, &vk).unwrap(); +// } +// } diff --git a/crates/cuda/src/proto/api.rs b/crates/cuda/src/proto/api.rs index 54aea9d77..840055f18 100644 --- a/crates/cuda/src/proto/api.rs +++ b/crates/cuda/src/proto/api.rs @@ -10,6 +10,18 @@ pub struct ReadyResponse { } #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct SetupRequest { + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub data: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] +#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct SetupResponse { + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub result: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] +#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] pub struct ProveCoreRequest { #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] pub data: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, @@ -60,6 +72,11 @@ pub use twirp; pub const SERVICE_FQN: &str = "/api.ProverService"; #[twirp::async_trait::async_trait] pub trait ProverService { + async fn setup( + &self, + ctx: twirp::Context, + req: SetupRequest, + ) -> Result; async fn ready( &self, ctx: twirp::Context, @@ -91,6 +108,13 @@ impl ProverService for std::sync::Arc where T: ProverService + Sync + Send, { + async fn setup( + &self, + ctx: twirp::Context, + req: SetupRequest, + ) -> Result { + T::setup(&*self, ctx, req).await + } async fn ready( &self, ctx: twirp::Context, @@ -132,6 +156,12 @@ where T: ProverService + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, { twirp::details::TwirpRouterBuilder::new(api) + .route( + "/Setup", + |api: T, ctx: twirp::Context, req: SetupRequest| async move { + api.setup(ctx, req).await + }, + ) .route( "/Ready", |api: T, ctx: twirp::Context, req: ReadyRequest| async move { @@ -166,6 +196,10 @@ where } #[twirp::async_trait::async_trait] pub trait ProverServiceClient: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug { + async fn setup( + &self, + req: SetupRequest, + ) -> Result; async fn ready( &self, req: ReadyRequest, @@ -186,6 +220,12 @@ pub trait ProverServiceClient: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug { } #[twirp::async_trait::async_trait] impl ProverServiceClient for twirp::client::Client { + async fn setup( + &self, + req: SetupRequest, + ) -> Result { + self.request("api.ProverService/Setup", req).await + } async fn ready( &self, req: ReadyRequest, diff --git a/crates/curves/Cargo.toml b/crates/curves/Cargo.toml index ec09d2d1d..5b5de7f07 100644 --- a/crates/curves/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/curves/Cargo.toml @@ -11,10 +11,11 @@ categories = { workspace = true } [dependencies] num = "0.4.3" -serde = { version = "1.0.207", features = ["derive"] } +serde = { workspace = true, features = ["derive"] } typenum = "1.17.0" k256 = { version = "0.13.3", features = ["expose-field"] } -generic-array = { version = "1.1.0", features = ["alloc", "serde"] } +p256 = { version = "0.13.2", features = ["expose-field"] } +generic-array = { version = "=1.1.0", features = ["alloc", "serde"] } amcl = { package = "snowbridge-amcl", version = "1.0.2", default-features = false, features = [ "bls381", ] } @@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ sp1-stark = { workspace = true } sp1-primitives = { workspace = true } p3-field = { workspace = true } -itertools = "0.13.0" +itertools = { workspace = true } rug = { version = "1.26.1", optional = true } cfg-if = "1.0.0" diff --git a/crates/curves/src/edwards/ed25519.rs b/crates/curves/src/edwards/ed25519.rs index 4d1be91ac..6f4d02423 100644 --- a/crates/curves/src/edwards/ed25519.rs +++ b/crates/curves/src/edwards/ed25519.rs @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ use std::str::FromStr; -use crate::curve25519_dalek::CompressedEdwardsY; use generic_array::GenericArray; use num::{BigUint, Num, One}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use typenum::{U32, U62}; use crate::{ + curve25519_dalek::CompressedEdwardsY, edwards::{EdwardsCurve, EdwardsParameters}, params::{FieldParameters, NumLimbs}, AffinePoint, CurveType, EllipticCurveParameters, @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ pub fn decompress(compressed_point: &CompressedEdwardsY) -> Option Option) -> Result { match self { CurveType::Secp256k1 => write!(f, "Secp256k1"), + CurveType::Secp256r1 => write!(f, "Secp256r1"), CurveType::Bn254 => write!(f, "Bn254"), CurveType::Ed25519 => write!(f, "Ed25519"), CurveType::Bls12381 => write!(f, "Bls12381"), diff --git a/crates/curves/src/params.rs b/crates/curves/src/params.rs index 7bf2af545..e3524fa87 100644 --- a/crates/curves/src/params.rs +++ b/crates/curves/src/params.rs @@ -164,3 +164,13 @@ impl<'a, T: Debug + Default + Clone, N: ArrayLength> From> for Limbs Self(inner) } } + +impl FromIterator for Limbs { + #[inline] + fn from_iter(iter: I) -> Limbs + where + I: IntoIterator, + { + Limbs(GenericArray::from_iter(iter)) + } +} diff --git a/crates/curves/src/weierstrass/bls12_381.rs b/crates/curves/src/weierstrass/bls12_381.rs index 06d741f3a..24f2e5cdd 100644 --- a/crates/curves/src/weierstrass/bls12_381.rs +++ b/crates/curves/src/weierstrass/bls12_381.rs @@ -205,4 +205,14 @@ mod tests { assert_eq!(sqrt_2, x_2); } } + + #[test] + fn test_bls12381_params() { + use crate::params::FieldParameters; + + assert_eq!( + Bls12381BaseField::modulus(), + BigUint::from_bytes_le(::MODULUS) + ); + } } diff --git a/crates/curves/src/weierstrass/mod.rs b/crates/curves/src/weierstrass/mod.rs index 871fdc9b6..ef4e702b1 100644 --- a/crates/curves/src/weierstrass/mod.rs +++ b/crates/curves/src/weierstrass/mod.rs @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ use crate::utils::{biguint_to_rug, rug_to_biguint}; pub mod bls12_381; pub mod bn254; pub mod secp256k1; +pub mod secp256r1; /// Parameters that specify a short Weierstrass curve : y^2 = x^3 + ax + b. pub trait WeierstrassParameters: EllipticCurveParameters { diff --git a/crates/curves/src/weierstrass/secp256r1.rs b/crates/curves/src/weierstrass/secp256r1.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fa78b5fd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/curves/src/weierstrass/secp256r1.rs @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +//! Modulo defining the Secp256r1 curve and its base field. The constants are all taken from +//! https://neuromancer.sk/std/secg/secp256r1 + +use std::str::FromStr; + +use elliptic_curve::{sec1::ToEncodedPoint, subtle::Choice}; +use generic_array::GenericArray; +use num::{ + traits::{FromBytes, ToBytes}, + BigUint, +}; +use p256::{elliptic_curve::point::DecompressPoint, FieldElement}; +use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; +use typenum::{U32, U62}; + +use super::{SwCurve, WeierstrassParameters}; +use crate::{ + params::{FieldParameters, NumLimbs}, + AffinePoint, CurveType, EllipticCurve, EllipticCurveParameters, +}; + +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] +/// Secp256r1 curve parameter +pub struct Secp256r1Parameters; + +pub type Secp256r1 = SwCurve; + +#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] +/// Secp256r1 base field parameter +pub struct Secp256r1BaseField; + +impl FieldParameters for Secp256r1BaseField { + const MODULUS: &'static [u8] = &[ + 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, + 0xff, 0xff, + ]; + /// A rough witness-offset estimate given the size of the limbs and the size of the field. + const WITNESS_OFFSET: usize = 1usize << 14; + + fn modulus() -> BigUint { + BigUint::from_bytes_le(Self::MODULUS) + } +} + +impl NumLimbs for Secp256r1BaseField { + type Limbs = U32; + type Witness = U62; +} + +impl EllipticCurveParameters for Secp256r1Parameters { + type BaseField = Secp256r1BaseField; + const CURVE_TYPE: CurveType = CurveType::Secp256r1; +} + +impl WeierstrassParameters for Secp256r1Parameters { + const A: GenericArray = GenericArray::from_array([ + 252, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, + ]); + + const B: GenericArray = GenericArray::from_array([ + 75, 96, 210, 39, 62, 60, 206, 59, 246, 176, 83, 204, 176, 6, 29, 101, 188, 134, 152, 118, + 85, 189, 235, 179, 231, 147, 58, 170, 216, 53, 198, 90, + ]); + + fn generator() -> (BigUint, BigUint) { + let x = BigUint::from_str( + "48439561293906451759052585252797914202762949526041747995844080717082404635286", + ) + .unwrap(); + let y = BigUint::from_str( + "36134250956749795798585127919587881956611106672985015071877198253568414405109", + ) + .unwrap(); + (x, y) + } + + fn prime_group_order() -> num::BigUint { + BigUint::from_slice(&[ + 0xFC632551, 0xF3B9CAC2, 0xA7179E84, 0xBCE6FAAD, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, + 0xFFFFFFFF, + ]) + } + + fn a_int() -> BigUint { + BigUint::from_slice(&[ + 0xFFFFFFFC, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000001, + 0xFFFFFFFF, + ]) + } + + fn b_int() -> BigUint { + BigUint::from_slice(&[ + 0x27D2604B, 0x3BCE3C3E, 0xCC53B0F6, 0x651D06B0, 0x769886BC, 0xB3EBBD55, 0xAA3A93E7, + 0x5AC635D8, + ]) + } +} + +pub fn secp256r1_decompress(bytes_be: &[u8], sign: u32) -> AffinePoint { + let computed_point = + p256::AffinePoint::decompress(bytes_be.into(), Choice::from(sign as u8)).unwrap(); + let point = computed_point.to_encoded_point(false); + + let x = BigUint::from_bytes_be(point.x().unwrap()); + let y = BigUint::from_bytes_be(point.y().unwrap()); + AffinePoint::::new(x, y) +} + +pub fn secp256r1_sqrt(n: &BigUint) -> BigUint { + let be_bytes = n.to_be_bytes(); + let mut bytes = [0_u8; 32]; + bytes[32 - be_bytes.len()..].copy_from_slice(&be_bytes); + let fe = FieldElement::from_bytes(&bytes.into()).unwrap(); + let result_bytes = fe.sqrt().unwrap().to_bytes(); + BigUint::from_be_bytes(&result_bytes as &[u8]) +} + +#[cfg(test)] +mod tests { + + use super::*; + use crate::utils::biguint_from_limbs; + use num::bigint::RandBigInt; + use rand::thread_rng; + + #[test] + fn test_weierstrass_biguint_scalar_mul() { + assert_eq!(biguint_from_limbs(Secp256r1BaseField::MODULUS), Secp256r1BaseField::modulus()); + } + + #[test] + fn test_secp256r_sqrt() { + let mut rng = thread_rng(); + for _ in 0..10 { + // Check that sqrt(x^2)^2 == x^2 + // We use x^2 since not all field elements have a square root + let x = rng.gen_biguint(256) % Secp256r1BaseField::modulus(); + let x_2 = (&x * &x) % Secp256r1BaseField::modulus(); // x^2 + let sqrt = secp256r1_sqrt(&x_2); //sqrt(x^2) = x + let sqrt_2 = (&sqrt * &sqrt) % Secp256r1BaseField::modulus(); + + assert_eq!(sqrt_2, x_2); + } + } +} diff --git a/crates/derive/src/lib.rs b/crates/derive/src/lib.rs index 924be7d91..81ba6550d 100644 --- a/crates/derive/src/lib.rs +++ b/crates/derive/src/lib.rs @@ -191,6 +191,13 @@ pub fn machine_air_derive(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { } }); + let local_only_arms = variants.iter().map(|(variant_name, field)| { + let field_ty = &field.ty; + quote! { + #name::#variant_name(x) => <#field_ty as sp1_stark::air::MachineAir>::local_only(x) + } + }); + let machine_air = quote! { impl #impl_generics sp1_stark::air::MachineAir for #name #ty_generics #where_clause { type Record = #execution_record_path; @@ -249,6 +256,12 @@ pub fn machine_air_derive(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { #(#commit_scope_arms,)* } } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + match self { + #(#local_only_arms,)* + } + } } }; @@ -319,6 +332,29 @@ pub fn cycle_tracker(_attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { result.into() } +#[proc_macro_attribute] +pub fn cycle_tracker_recursion(_attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { + let input = parse_macro_input!(item as ItemFn); + let visibility = &input.vis; + let name = &input.sig.ident; + let inputs = &input.sig.inputs; + let output = &input.sig.output; + let block = &input.block; + let generics = &input.sig.generics; + let where_clause = &input.sig.generics.where_clause; + + let result = quote! { + #visibility fn #name #generics (#inputs) #output #where_clause { + sp1_recursion_compiler::circuit::CircuitV2Builder::cycle_tracker_v2_enter(builder, stringify!(#name)); + let result = #block; + sp1_recursion_compiler::circuit::CircuitV2Builder::cycle_tracker_v2_exit(builder); + result + } + }; + + result.into() +} + fn find_execution_record_path(attrs: &[syn::Attribute]) -> syn::Path { for attr in attrs { if attr.path.is_ident("execution_record_path") { diff --git a/crates/eval/Cargo.toml b/crates/eval/Cargo.toml index 6cb700a46..2e9ebd42c 100644 --- a/crates/eval/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/eval/Cargo.toml @@ -12,16 +12,14 @@ categories = { workspace = true } [dependencies] sp1-prover = { workspace = true } sp1-sdk = { workspace = true } -p3-baby-bear = { workspace = true } sp1-stark = { workspace = true } anyhow = "1.0.83" clap = { version = "4.5.9", features = ["derive"] } -csv = "1.3.0" -serde = "1.0.204" +serde = { workspace = true } bincode = "1.3.3" time = "0.3.26" slack-rust = { package = "slack-rust-rs", version = "0.0.1" } tokio = { version = "1.39.0", features = ["full"] } reqwest = { version = "0.12.4", features = ["json"] } -serde_json = "1.0.104" +serde_json = { workspace = true } diff --git a/crates/eval/src/lib.rs b/crates/eval/src/lib.rs index 06f85a0a6..7032d2f58 100644 --- a/crates/eval/src/lib.rs +++ b/crates/eval/src/lib.rs @@ -3,8 +3,10 @@ use clap::{command, Parser}; use reqwest::Client; use serde::Serialize; use serde_json::json; -use slack_rust::chat::post_message::{post_message, PostMessageRequest}; -use slack_rust::http_client::default_client; +use slack_rust::{ + chat::post_message::{post_message, PostMessageRequest}, + http_client::default_client, +}; use sp1_prover::{components::SP1ProverComponents, utils::get_cycles, SP1Prover}; use sp1_sdk::{SP1Context, SP1Stdin}; use sp1_stark::SP1ProverOpts; @@ -19,7 +21,8 @@ mod program; #[derive(Parser, Clone)] #[command(about = "Evaluate the performance of SP1 on programs.")] struct EvalArgs { - /// The programs to evaluate, specified by name. If not specified, all programs will be evaluated. + /// The programs to evaluate, specified by name. If not specified, all programs will be + /// evaluated. #[arg(long, use_value_delimiter = true, value_delimiter = ',')] pub programs: Vec, @@ -169,14 +172,14 @@ fn run_evaluation( let cycles = get_cycles(elf, stdin); let prover = SP1Prover::::new(); - let (pk, vk) = prover.setup(elf); + let (_, pk_d, program, vk) = prover.setup(elf); let context = SP1Context::default(); let (_, exec_duration) = time_operation(|| prover.execute(elf, stdin, context.clone())); let (core_proof, core_duration) = - time_operation(|| prover.prove_core(&pk, stdin, opts, context).unwrap()); + time_operation(|| prover.prove_core(&pk_d, program, stdin, opts, context).unwrap()); let (_, compress_duration) = time_operation(|| prover.compress(&vk, core_proof, vec![], opts).unwrap()); diff --git a/crates/eval/src/main.rs b/crates/eval/src/main.rs index ca0e75a37..4ab41c807 100644 --- a/crates/eval/src/main.rs +++ b/crates/eval/src/main.rs @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ use anyhow::Result; use sp1_eval::evaluate_performance; -use sp1_prover::components::DefaultProverComponents; +use sp1_prover::components::CpuProverComponents; use sp1_stark::SP1ProverOpts; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { - let opts = SP1ProverOpts::default(); - evaluate_performance::(opts).await + let opts = SP1ProverOpts::auto(); + evaluate_performance::(opts).await } diff --git a/crates/perf/Cargo.toml b/crates/perf/Cargo.toml index 3cc77b6fc..d5f66b87a 100644 --- a/crates/perf/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/perf/Cargo.toml @@ -8,25 +8,34 @@ license = { workspace = true } repository = { workspace = true } keywords = { workspace = true } categories = { workspace = true } +default-run = "sp1-perf" +publish = false [dependencies] sp1-prover = { workspace = true } -sp1-core-executor = { workspace = true, features = ["programs"] } +sp1-core-executor = { workspace = true } +sp1-core-machine = { workspace = true } sp1-sdk = { workspace = true } p3-baby-bear = { workspace = true } sp1-stark = { workspace = true } sp1-cuda = { workspace = true } - -anyhow = "1.0.83" +test-artifacts = { workspace = true } +tracing = { workspace = true } +serde_json = { workspace = true } +rand = "0.8.5" clap = { version = "4.5.9", features = ["derive"] } -csv = "1.3.0" -serde = "1.0.204" bincode = "1.3.3" time = "0.3.26" -slack-rust = { package = "slack-rust-rs", version = "0.0.1" } -tokio = { version = "1.39.0", features = ["full"] } -reqwest = { version = "0.12.4", features = ["json"] } -serde_json = "1.0.104" + +[[bin]] +name = "sp1-perf" +path = "src/main.rs" + +[[bin]] +name = "sp1-perf-executor" +path = "src/executor.rs" [features] +bigint-rug = ["sp1-core-executor/bigint-rug"] native-gnark = ["sp1-sdk/native-gnark"] +network = ["sp1-sdk/network"] diff --git a/crates/perf/README.md b/crates/perf/README.md index 1ed883354..1f363f2c7 100644 --- a/crates/perf/README.md +++ b/crates/perf/README.md @@ -6,30 +6,60 @@ ## Run the testing suite -Set the workloads you want to run in the `workflow.sh` file. The workloads are keys in the +Set the workloads you want to run in the `workflow.sh` file. The workloads are keys in the `sp1-testing-suite` s3 bucket. -``` +```sh CPU_WORKLOADS=("fibonacci-17k" "ssz-withdrawals") CUDA_WORKLOADS=() NETWORK_WORKLOADS=() ``` Run the workflow. -``` + +```sh ./workflow.sh ``` +## Test the executor + +Set the workloads you want to run in the `workflow_executor.sh` file. The workloads are keys in the +`sp1-testing-suite` s3 bucket. + +```sh +SIMPLE_WORKLOADS=("fibonacci-17k" "ssz-withdrawals") +CHECKPOINT_WORKLOADS=() +TRACE_WORKLOADS=() +``` + +Run the workflow. + +```sh +./workflow_executor.sh +``` + +## `run_s3.sh` + +This script will run the `sp1-perf` binary on a workload in the `sp1-testing-suite` s3 bucket. + +### Example Usage + +The following command will run the `fibonacci-17k` workload and generate a proof using the CPU prover. + +```sh +./run_s3.sh fibonacci-17k cpu +``` + ## View the results Visit the [actions](https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/actions) tab on GitHub to view the results. ## Uploading new workloads -Take any existing binary that uses `sp1-sdk` and run it with `SP1_DUMP=1`. This will dump the +Take any existing binary that uses `sp1-sdk` and run it with `SP1_DUMP=1`. This will dump the program and stdin to the current directory. -``` +```sh SP1_DUMP=1 cargo run --release aws s3 cp program.bin s3://sp1-testing-suite//program.bin aws s3 cp stdin.bin s3://sp1-testing-suite//stdin.bin diff --git a/crates/perf/run_s3.sh b/crates/perf/run_s3.sh index a9a0ef7a0..98df3c4fe 100755 --- a/crates/perf/run_s3.sh +++ b/crates/perf/run_s3.sh @@ -1,23 +1,30 @@ #!/bin/bash -# Check if both arguments are provided -if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then - echo "Usage: $0 " +# Check the number of arguments +if [ $# -lt 2 ] || [ $# -gt 2 ]; then + echo "Usage: $0 " exit 1 fi s3_path=$1 -stage=$2 +kind=$2 # Download files from S3 -aws s3 cp s3://sp1-testing-suite/$s3_path/program.bin /tmp/program.bin -aws s3 cp s3://sp1-testing-suite/$s3_path/stdin.bin /tmp/stdin.bin +aws s3 cp s3://sp1-testing-suite/$s3_path/program.bin program.bin +aws s3 cp s3://sp1-testing-suite/$s3_path/stdin.bin stdin.bin + +# Check for AVX-512 support +if lscpu | grep -q avx512; then + # If AVX-512 is supported, add the specific features to RUSTFLAGS + export RUSTFLAGS="-C opt-level=3 -C target-cpu=native -C target-feature=+avx512ifma,+avx512vl" +else + # If AVX-512 is not supported, just set target-cpu=native + export RUSTFLAGS="-Copt-level=3 -C target-cpu=native" +fi # Set environment variables -export RUSTFLAGS="-Copt-level=3 -Ctarget-cpu=native -Cdebuginfo=2" export RUST_BACKTRACE=1 export RUST_LOG=debug -export SP1_DEBUG=1 -# Run moongate-perf -cargo run -p sp1-perf -- --program /tmp/program.bin --stdin /tmp/stdin.bin --mode $stage \ No newline at end of file +# Run sp1-perf +cargo run -p sp1-perf --bin sp1-perf -- --program program.bin --stdin stdin.bin --mode $kind diff --git a/crates/perf/src/executor.rs b/crates/perf/src/executor.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c91c050d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/perf/src/executor.rs @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; + +use clap::{command, Parser}; +use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; +use sp1_core_executor::{Executor, ExecutorMode, Program}; +use sp1_core_machine::shape::CoreShapeConfig; +use sp1_sdk::{self, SP1Stdin}; +use sp1_stark::SP1ProverOpts; + +#[derive(Parser, Clone)] +#[command(about = "Evaluate the performance of SP1 on programs.")] +struct PerfArgs { + /// The program to evaluate. + #[arg(short, long)] + pub program: String, + + /// The input to the program being evaluated. + #[arg(short, long)] + pub stdin: String, + + /// The executor mode to use. + #[arg(short, long)] + pub executor_mode: ExecutorMode, +} + +#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)] +#[allow(dead_code)] +struct PerfResult { + pub cycles: u64, + pub execution_duration: Duration, + pub prove_core_duration: Duration, + pub verify_core_duration: Duration, + pub compress_duration: Duration, + pub verify_compressed_duration: Duration, + pub shrink_duration: Duration, + pub verify_shrink_duration: Duration, + pub wrap_duration: Duration, + pub verify_wrap_duration: Duration, +} + +pub fn time_operation T>(operation: F) -> (T, std::time::Duration) { + let start = Instant::now(); + let result = operation(); + let duration = start.elapsed(); + (result, duration) +} + +fn main() { + sp1_sdk::utils::setup_logger(); + let args = PerfArgs::parse(); + + let elf = std::fs::read(args.program).expect("failed to read program"); + let stdin = std::fs::read(args.stdin).expect("failed to read stdin"); + let stdin: SP1Stdin = bincode::deserialize(&stdin).expect("failed to deserialize stdin"); + + let opts = SP1ProverOpts::auto(); + + let mut program = Program::from(&elf).expect("failed to parse program"); + let shape_config = CoreShapeConfig::::default(); + shape_config.fix_preprocessed_shape(&mut program).unwrap(); + let maximal_shapes = shape_config + .maximal_core_shapes(opts.core_opts.shard_size.ilog2() as usize) + .into_iter() + .collect::<_>(); + + let mut executor = Executor::new(program, opts.core_opts); + executor.maximal_shapes = Some(maximal_shapes); + executor.write_vecs(&stdin.buffer); + for (proof, vkey) in stdin.proofs.iter() { + executor.write_proof(proof.clone(), vkey.clone()); + } + + match args.executor_mode { + ExecutorMode::Simple => { + let (_, execution_duration) = time_operation(|| executor.run_fast()); + println!("Simple mode:"); + println!("cycles: {}", executor.state.global_clk); + println!( + "MHZ: {}", + executor.state.global_clk as f64 / 1_000_000.0 / execution_duration.as_secs_f64() + ); + } + ExecutorMode::Checkpoint => { + let (_, execution_duration) = time_operation(|| executor.run_checkpoint(true)); + println!("Checkpoint mode:"); + println!("cycles: {}", executor.state.global_clk); + println!( + "MHZ: {}", + executor.state.global_clk as f64 / 1_000_000.0 / execution_duration.as_secs_f64() + ); + } + ExecutorMode::Trace => { + let (_, execution_duration) = time_operation(|| executor.run()); + println!("Trace mode:"); + println!("cycles: {}", executor.state.global_clk); + println!( + "MHZ: {}", + executor.state.global_clk as f64 / 1_000_000.0 / execution_duration.as_secs_f64() + ); + } + ExecutorMode::ShapeCollection => unimplemented!(), + } +} diff --git a/crates/perf/src/main.rs b/crates/perf/src/main.rs index baeffbc49..f07ee7688 100644 --- a/crates/perf/src/main.rs +++ b/crates/perf/src/main.rs @@ -1,20 +1,28 @@ use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; -use clap::{command, Parser, ValueEnum}; -use sp1_core_executor::programs::tests::VERIFY_PROOF_ELF; +use clap::{command, Parser}; +use rand::Rng; use sp1_cuda::SP1CudaProver; -use sp1_prover::components::DefaultProverComponents; use sp1_prover::HashableKey; -use sp1_sdk::{self, ProverClient, SP1Context, SP1Prover, SP1Stdin}; +use sp1_prover::{components::CpuProverComponents, ProverMode}; +use sp1_sdk::{self, Prover, ProverClient, SP1Context, SP1Prover, SP1Stdin}; use sp1_stark::SP1ProverOpts; +use test_artifacts::VERIFY_PROOF_ELF; #[derive(Parser, Clone)] #[command(about = "Evaluate the performance of SP1 on programs.")] struct PerfArgs { + /// The program to evaluate. #[arg(short, long)] pub program: String, + + /// The input to the program being evaluated. #[arg(short, long)] pub stdin: String, + + /// The prover mode to use. + /// + /// Provide this only in prove mode. #[arg(short, long)] pub mode: ProverMode, } @@ -34,13 +42,6 @@ struct PerfResult { pub verify_wrap_duration: Duration, } -#[derive(Debug, Clone, ValueEnum, PartialEq, Eq)] -enum ProverMode { - Cpu, - Cuda, - Network, -} - pub fn time_operation T>(operation: F) -> (T, std::time::Duration) { let start = Instant::now(); let result = operation(); @@ -56,19 +57,21 @@ fn main() { let stdin = std::fs::read(args.stdin).expect("failed to read stdin"); let stdin: SP1Stdin = bincode::deserialize(&stdin).expect("failed to deserialize stdin"); - let prover = SP1Prover::::new(); - let (pk, vk) = prover.setup(&elf); - let cycles = sp1_prover::utils::get_cycles(&elf, &stdin); - let opts = SP1ProverOpts::default(); + let opts = SP1ProverOpts::auto(); + let prover = SP1Prover::::new(); + let (pk, pk_d, program, vk) = prover.setup(&elf); match args.mode { ProverMode::Cpu => { let context = SP1Context::default(); - let (_, execution_duration) = + let (report, execution_duration) = time_operation(|| prover.execute(&elf, &stdin, context.clone())); - let (core_proof, prove_core_duration) = - time_operation(|| prover.prove_core(&pk, &stdin, opts, context).unwrap()); + let cycles = report.expect("execution failed").1.total_instruction_count(); + + let (core_proof, prove_core_duration) = time_operation(|| { + prover.prove_core(&pk_d, program, &stdin, opts, context).unwrap() + }); let (_, verify_core_duration) = time_operation(|| prover.verify(&core_proof.proof, &vk)); @@ -93,7 +96,8 @@ fn main() { time_operation(|| prover.verify_wrap_bn254(&wrapped_bn254_proof, &vk)); // Generate a proof that verifies two deferred proofs from the proof above. - let (pk_verify_proof, vk_verify_proof) = prover.setup(VERIFY_PROOF_ELF); + let (_, pk_verify_proof_d, pk_verify_program, vk_verify_proof) = + prover.setup(VERIFY_PROOF_ELF); let pv = core_proof.public_values.to_vec(); let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); @@ -105,7 +109,9 @@ fn main() { let context = SP1Context::default(); let (core_proof, _) = time_operation(|| { - prover.prove_core(&pk_verify_proof, &stdin, opts, context).unwrap() + prover + .prove_core(&pk_verify_proof_d, pk_verify_program, &stdin, opts, context) + .unwrap() }); let deferred_proofs = stdin.proofs.into_iter().map(|(proof, _)| proof).collect::>(); @@ -135,11 +141,15 @@ fn main() { let server = SP1CudaProver::new().expect("failed to initialize CUDA prover"); let context = SP1Context::default(); - let (_, execution_duration) = + let (report, execution_duration) = time_operation(|| prover.execute(&elf, &stdin, context.clone())); + let cycles = report.expect("execution failed").1.total_instruction_count(); + + let (_, _) = time_operation(|| server.setup(&elf).unwrap()); + let (core_proof, prove_core_duration) = - time_operation(|| server.prove_core(&pk, &stdin).unwrap()); + time_operation(|| server.prove_core(&stdin).unwrap()); let (_, verify_core_duration) = time_operation(|| { prover.verify(&core_proof.proof, &vk).expect("Proof verification failed") @@ -161,6 +171,7 @@ fn main() { let (_, wrap_duration) = time_operation(|| server.wrap_bn254(shrink_proof).unwrap()); // TODO: FIX + // // let (_, verify_wrap_duration) = // time_operation(|| prover.verify_wrap_bn254(&wrapped_bn254_proof, &vk)); @@ -180,17 +191,26 @@ fn main() { println!("{:?}", result); } ProverMode::Network => { - let prover = ProverClient::network(); - let (_, _) = time_operation(|| prover.execute(&elf, stdin.clone())); + let prover = ProverClient::builder().network().build(); + let (_, _) = time_operation(|| prover.execute(&elf, &stdin)); + + let prover = ProverClient::builder().network().build(); - let (proof, _) = - time_operation(|| prover.prove(&pk, stdin.clone()).groth16().run().unwrap()); + let (_, _) = time_operation(|| prover.execute(&elf, &stdin)); - let (_, _) = time_operation(|| prover.verify(&proof, &vk)); + let use_groth16: bool = rand::thread_rng().gen(); + if use_groth16 { + let (proof, _) = + time_operation(|| prover.prove(&pk, &stdin).groth16().run().unwrap()); - let (proof, _) = time_operation(|| prover.prove(&pk, stdin).plonk().run().unwrap()); + let (_, _) = time_operation(|| prover.verify(&proof, &vk)); + } else { + let (proof, _) = + time_operation(|| prover.prove(&pk, &stdin).plonk().run().unwrap()); - let (_, _) = time_operation(|| prover.verify(&proof, &vk)); + let (_, _) = time_operation(|| prover.verify(&proof, &vk)); + } } + ProverMode::Mock => unreachable!(), }; } diff --git a/crates/perf/workflow.sh b/crates/perf/workflow.sh deleted file mode 100755 index c6b91f726..000000000 --- a/crates/perf/workflow.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -#! /bin/bash - -# Get the current git branch. -GIT_REF=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) - -# Define the list of CPU workloads. -CPU_WORKLOADS=( - "fibonacci-17k" - "ssz-withdrawals" - "tendermint" - "rsp-20526624" - "rsa" - "regex" - "chess" - "json" - "blobstream-01j6z63fgafrc8jeh0k12gbtvw" - "blobstream-01j6z95bdme9svevmfyc974bja" - "blobstream-01j6z9ak0ke9srsppgywgke6fj" - "vector-01j6xsv35re96tkgyda115320t" - "vector-01j6xzy366ff5tbkzcrs8pma02" - "vector-01j6y06de0fdaafemr8b1t69z3" - "raiko-a7-10" -) - -# Define the list of CUDA workloads. -CUDA_WORKLOADS=( - "fibonacci-17k" - "ssz-withdrawals" - "tendermint" - "rsp-20526624" - "rsa" - "regex" - "chess" - "json" - "blobstream-01j6z63fgafrc8jeh0k12gbtvw" - "blobstream-01j6z95bdme9svevmfyc974bja" - "blobstream-01j6z9ak0ke9srsppgywgke6fj" - "vector-01j6xsv35re96tkgyda115320t" - "vector-01j6xzy366ff5tbkzcrs8pma02" - "vector-01j6y06de0fdaafemr8b1t69z3" - "raiko-a7-10" -) - -# Define the list of network workloads. -NETWORK_WORKLOADS=( - # "fibonacci-17k" - # "ssz-withdrawals" - # "tendermint" - # "rsp-20526624" - # "rsa" - # "regex" - # "chess" - # "json" - # "blobstream-01j6z63fgafrc8jeh0k12gbtvw" - # "blobstream-01j6z95bdme9svevmfyc974bja" - # "blobstream-01j6z9ak0ke9srsppgywgke6fj" - # "vector-01j6xsv35re96tkgyda115320t" - # "vector-01j6xzy366ff5tbkzcrs8pma02" - # "vector-01j6y06de0fdaafemr8b1t69z3" - # "raiko-a7-10" - # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-1818303090-18303120" - # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18200000-18200030" - # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18250000-18250030" - # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18303044-18303074" - # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-range-17685896-17685897" - # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-range-17985900-17985905" - # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-range-18129400-18129401" -) - -# Create a JSON object with the list of workloads. -WORKLOADS=$(jq -n \ - --arg cpu "$(printf '%s\n' "${CPU_WORKLOADS[@]}" | jq -R . | jq -s 'map(select(length > 0))')" \ - --arg cuda "$(printf '%s\n' "${CUDA_WORKLOADS[@]}" | jq -R . | jq -s 'map(select(length > 0))')" \ - --arg network "$(printf '%s\n' "${NETWORK_WORKLOADS[@]}" | jq -R . | jq -s 'map(select(length > 0))')" \ - '{cpu_workloads: $cpu, cuda_workloads: $cuda, network_workloads: $network}') - -# Run the workflow with the list of workloads. -echo $WORKLOADS | gh workflow run suite.yml --ref $GIT_REF --json diff --git a/crates/perf/workflow_execute.sh b/crates/perf/workflow_execute.sh new file mode 100755 index 000000000..7eeca7500 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/perf/workflow_execute.sh @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +#! /bin/bash + +# Get the current git branch. +GIT_REF=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) + +# Define the list of simple executor workloads. +SIMPLE_WORKLOADS=( + "fibonacci-17k" + "ssz-withdrawals" + # "tendermint" + # "rsp-20526624" + # "rsa" + # "regex" + # "chess" + # "json" + # "blobstream-01j6z63fgafrc8jeh0k12gbtvw" + # "blobstream-01j6z95bdme9svevmfyc974bja" + # "blobstream-01j6z9ak0ke9srsppgywgke6fj" + # "vector-01j6xsv35re96tkgyda115320t" + # "vector-01j6xzy366ff5tbkzcrs8pma02" + # "vector-01j6y06de0fdaafemr8b1t69z3" + # "raiko-a7-10" +) + +# Define the list of checkpoint executor workloads. +CHECKPOINT_WORKLOADS=( + "fibonacci-17k" + "ssz-withdrawals" + # "tendermint" + # "rsp-20526624" + # "rsa" + # "regex" + # "chess" + # "json" + # "blobstream-01j6z63fgafrc8jeh0k12gbtvw" + # "blobstream-01j6z95bdme9svevmfyc974bja" + # "blobstream-01j6z9ak0ke9srsppgywgke6fj" + # "vector-01j6xsv35re96tkgyda115320t" + # "vector-01j6xzy366ff5tbkzcrs8pma02" + # "vector-01j6y06de0fdaafemr8b1t69z3" + # "raiko-a7-10" +) + +# Define the list of trace executor workloads. +TRACE_WORKLOADS=( + "fibonacci-17k" + "ssz-withdrawals" + # "tendermint" + # "rsp-20526624" + # "rsa" + # "regex" + # "chess" + # "json" + # "blobstream-01j6z63fgafrc8jeh0k12gbtvw" + # "blobstream-01j6z95bdme9svevmfyc974bja" + # "blobstream-01j6z9ak0ke9srsppgywgke6fj" + # "vector-01j6xsv35re96tkgyda115320t" + # "vector-01j6xzy366ff5tbkzcrs8pma02" + # "vector-01j6y06de0fdaafemr8b1t69z3" + # "raiko-a7-10" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-1818303090-18303120" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18200000-18200030" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18250000-18250030" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18303044-18303074" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-range-17685896-17685897" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-range-17985900-17985905" + # +) + +# Create a JSON object with the list of workloads. +WORKLOADS=$(jq -n \ + --arg simple "$(printf '%s\n' "${SIMPLE_WORKLOADS[@]}" | jq -R . | jq -s 'map(select(length > 0))')" \ + --arg checkpoint "$(printf '%s\n' "${CHECKPOINT_WORKLOADS[@]}" | jq -R . | jq -s 'map(select(length > 0))')" \ + --arg trace "$(printf '%s\n' "${TRACE_WORKLOADS[@]}" | jq -R . | jq -s 'map(select(length > 0))')" \ + '{simple_workloads: $simple, checkpoint_workloads: $checkpoint, trace_workloads: $trace}') + +# Run the workflow with the list of workloads. +echo $WORKLOADS | gh workflow run executor-suite.yml --ref $GIT_REF --json \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/perf/workflow_prove.sh b/crates/perf/workflow_prove.sh new file mode 100755 index 000000000..6faff58e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/perf/workflow_prove.sh @@ -0,0 +1,267 @@ +#! /bin/bash + +# Get the current git branch. +GIT_REF=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) + +# Define the list of CPU workloads. +CPU_WORKLOADS=( + "v4/chess" + # "v4/fibonacci" + # "v4/json" + # "v4/regex" + # "v4/rsp" + # "v4/ssz-withdrawals" + # "v4/tendermint" +) + +# Define the list of CUDA workloads. +CUDA_WORKLOADS=( + "v4/chess" + # "v4/fibonacci" + # "v4/json" + # "v4/regex" + # "v4/rsp" + # "v4/ssz-withdrawals" + # "v4/tendermint" +) + +# Define the list of network workloads. +NETWORK_WORKLOADS=( + "v4/blobstream-10331-11001" + "v4/blobstream-10476-10547" + "v4/blobstream-10552-10820" + "v4/blobstream-10666-10849" + "v4/blobstream-10873-11833" + "v4/blobstream-10983-11478" + "v4/blobstream-11220-11619" + "v4/blobstream-11297-12243" + "v4/blobstream-11393-11455" + "v4/blobstream-1144-1235" + "v4/blobstream-11509-12149" + "v4/blobstream-11526-12448" + "v4/blobstream-11688-12155" + "v4/blobstream-1211-1249" + "v4/blobstream-12130-12394" + "v4/blobstream-1238-2149" + "v4/blobstream-12532-12763" + "v4/blobstream-1257-1835" + "v4/blobstream-12620-13504" + "v4/blobstream-12987-13378" + "v4/blobstream-13361-13965" + "v4/blobstream-13375-14264" + "v4/blobstream-1380-2098" + "v4/blobstream-13967-14032" + "v4/blobstream-14166-14647" + "v4/blobstream-14446-14985" + "v4/blobstream-14480-14869" + "v4/blobstream-14490-14607" + "v4/blobstream-14625-14821" + "v4/blobstream-15108-15559" + "v4/blobstream-15795-16380" + "v4/blobstream-17176-17190" + "v4/blobstream-17346-17579" + "v4/blobstream-1784-1991" + "v4/blobstream-17854-18628" + "v4/blobstream-18108-18990" + "v4/blobstream-18254-19020" + "v4/blobstream-1847-2176" + "v4/blobstream-18509-18920" + "v4/blobstream-1864-2105" + "v4/blobstream-18820-19529" + "v4/blobstream-1918-2761" + "v4/blobstream-19477-19767" + "v4/blobstream-19646-20138" + "v4/blobstream-19651-19705" + "v4/blobstream-2048-3048" + "v4/blobstream-224-735" + "v4/blobstream-2285-2391" + "v4/blobstream-2326-2695" + "v4/blobstream-2372-3155" + "v4/blobstream-3107-3544" + "v4/blobstream-3448-4438" + "v4/blobstream-3541-4011" + "v4/blobstream-4071-4323" + "v4/blobstream-4111-4575" + "v4/blobstream-4145-4955" + "v4/blobstream-4209-5050" + "v4/blobstream-4472-4730" + "v4/blobstream-4609-5541" + "v4/blobstream-4644-5079" + "v4/blobstream-4671-5497" + "v4/blobstream-4796-5466" + "v4/blobstream-4817-5259" + "v4/blobstream-5051-5469" + "v4/blobstream-5061-5958" + "v4/blobstream-5202-5805" + "v4/blobstream-5289-5877" + "v4/blobstream-5480-6102" + "v4/blobstream-5482-6230" + "v4/blobstream-5725-6605" + "v4/blobstream-576-1544" + "v4/blobstream-5808-6763" + "v4/blobstream-583-1315" + "v4/blobstream-590-1210" + "v4/blobstream-6027-6921" + "v4/blobstream-627-964" + "v4/blobstream-6297-6712" + "v4/blobstream-6369-6979" + "v4/blobstream-6370-7053" + "v4/blobstream-6378-7064" + "v4/blobstream-6420-6501" + "v4/blobstream-6491-7323" + "v4/blobstream-6551-6586" + "v4/blobstream-656-1533" + "v4/blobstream-6599-7086" + "v4/blobstream-6637-7604" + "v4/blobstream-6754-7168" + "v4/blobstream-6775-7063" + "v4/blobstream-6945-7480" + "v4/blobstream-7144-7203" + "v4/blobstream-729-1184" + "v4/blobstream-7356-7984" + "v4/blobstream-7364-7576" + "v4/blobstream-7528-8446" + "v4/blobstream-7806-8758" + "v4/blobstream-8059-9043" + "v4/blobstream-8228-9162" + "v4/blobstream-8239-9109" + "v4/blobstream-8366-9145" + "v4/blobstream-8368-8370" + "v4/blobstream-8581-9358" + "v4/blobstream-8649-9142" + "v4/blobstream-8934-9690" + "v4/blobstream-9217-10050" + "v4/blobstream-9406-10330" + "v4/blobstream-958-1141" + "v4/blobstream-9735-9883" + "v4/blobstream-9837-10292" + "v4/blobstream-9941-10566" + "v4/blobstream-9960-10420" + "v4/chess" + "v4/fibonacci" + "v4/json" + "v4/regex" + "v4/rsp" + "v4/ssz-withdrawals" + "v4/tendermint" + "v4/vector-10028-10751" + "v4/vector-10575-10942" + "v4/vector-10983-11740" + "v4/vector-11972-12036" + "v4/vector-12294-12988" + "v4/vector-13400-14122" + "v4/vector-13407-13524" + "v4/vector-1374-2341" + "v4/vector-13822-14726" + "v4/vector-14013-14621" + "v4/vector-14070-15006" + "v4/vector-14242-14254" + "v4/vector-14298-14423" + "v4/vector-14918-15658" + "v4/vector-1519-1555" + "v4/vector-15544-15942" + "v4/vector-15992-16388" + "v4/vector-16434-16718" + "v4/vector-16495-17244" + "v4/vector-1676-1691" + "v4/vector-16766-17427" + "v4/vector-16974-17753" + "v4/vector-17692-18269" + "v4/vector-17730-18329" + "v4/vector-17806-18019" + "v4/vector-17922-18776" + "v4/vector-17959-18724" + "v4/vector-18507-19337" + "v4/vector-18964-19165" + "v4/vector-19220-19874" + "v4/vector-19456-19572" + "v4/vector-19495-19727" + "v4/vector-19552-20431" + "v4/vector-20118-21085" + "v4/vector-20754-21232" + "v4/vector-21244-22003" + "v4/vector-21513-21709" + "v4/vector-21553-22504" + "v4/vector-21655-22085" + "v4/vector-2174-2688" + "v4/vector-21748-22502" + "v4/vector-22110-22501" + "v4/vector-22113-22170" + "v4/vector-22266-22712" + "v4/vector-22506-23291" + "v4/vector-22644-23303" + "v4/vector-23168-24082" + "v4/vector-23589-23936" + "v4/vector-24463-24490" + "v4/vector-24574-24630" + "v4/vector-24649-25231" + "v4/vector-24870-25828" + "v4/vector-25089-25128" + "v4/vector-25322-25570" + "v4/vector-25372-26146" + "v4/vector-25536-25579" + "v4/vector-25576-26246" + "v4/vector-2640-2873" + "v4/vector-26410-27116" + "v4/vector-26565-26590" + "v4/vector-26698-26837" + "v4/vector-2677-3329" + "v4/vector-26830-27571" + "v4/vector-27343-27474" + "v4/vector-27520-28181" + "v4/vector-27833-28655" + "v4/vector-28340-28600" + "v4/vector-28557-29239" + "v4/vector-28872-29142" + "v4/vector-29053-29833" + "v4/vector-29263-29384" + "v4/vector-2954-3721" + "v4/vector-29649-30646" + "v4/vector-29798-30561" + "v4/vector-30014-30264" + "v4/vector-30323-31318" + "v4/vector-30336-30973" + "v4/vector-3080-3695" + "v4/vector-3111-3632" + "v4/vector-31262-32035" + "v4/vector-31408-31492" + "v4/vector-31561-32087" + "v4/vector-32033-32702" + "v4/vector-32045-32056" + "v4/vector-32216-32437" + "v4/vector-3561-3816" + "v4/vector-3695-4546" + "v4/vector-3814-3943" + "v4/vector-4263-4696" + "v4/vector-4457-4705" + "v4/vector-4579-5414" + "v4/vector-4730-5428" + "v4/vector-4890-5540" + "v4/vector-51-679" + "v4/vector-517-1360" + "v4/vector-5249-6054" + "v4/vector-5750-5949" + "v4/vector-5763-6083" + "v4/vector-5764-5923" + "v4/vector-5809-5925" + "v4/vector-6002-6824" + "v4/vector-6146-6195" + "v4/vector-6212-6306" + "v4/vector-6387-6498" + "v4/vector-699-1432" + "v4/vector-713-1021" + "v4/vector-7552-8283" + "v4/vector-9201-9801" + "v4/vector-9482-9834" + "v4/vector-9844-10412" +) + +# Create a JSON object with the list of workloads. +WORKLOADS=$(jq -n \ + --arg cpu "$(printf '%s\n' "${CPU_WORKLOADS[@]}" | jq -R . | jq -s 'map(select(length > 0))')" \ + --arg cuda "$(printf '%s\n' "${CUDA_WORKLOADS[@]}" | jq -R . | jq -s 'map(select(length > 0))')" \ + --arg network "$(printf '%s\n' "${NETWORK_WORKLOADS[@]}" | jq -R . | jq -s 'map(select(length > 0))')" \ + '{cpu_workloads: $cpu, cuda_workloads: $cuda, network_workloads: $network}') + +# Run the workflow with the list of workloads. +echo $WORKLOADS | gh workflow run suite.yml --ref $GIT_REF --json diff --git a/crates/primitives/Cargo.toml b/crates/primitives/Cargo.toml index 56ea6e417..433ad1b5a 100644 --- a/crates/primitives/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/primitives/Cargo.toml @@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ p3-field = { workspace = true } p3-baby-bear = { workspace = true } p3-poseidon2 = { workspace = true } p3-symmetric = { workspace = true } -serde = { version = "1.0.207", features = ["derive"] } +serde = { workspace = true, features = ["derive"] } sha2 = "0.10.8" diff --git a/crates/primitives/src/consts.rs b/crates/primitives/src/consts.rs index 396905274..52c72afc3 100644 --- a/crates/primitives/src/consts.rs +++ b/crates/primitives/src/consts.rs @@ -1,9 +1,63 @@ /// The maximum size of the memory in bytes. pub const MAXIMUM_MEMORY_SIZE: u32 = u32::MAX; +/// The number of bits in a byte. +pub const BYTE_SIZE: usize = 8; + /// The size of a word in bytes. pub const WORD_SIZE: usize = 4; +/// The number of bytes necessary to represent a 64-bit integer. +pub const LONG_WORD_SIZE: usize = 2 * WORD_SIZE; + +/// The Baby Bear prime. +pub const BABYBEAR_PRIME: u32 = 0x78000001; + +pub mod fd { + /// The minimum file descriptor. + /// + /// Any file descriptor must be greater than this value, otherwise the executor will panic. + /// + /// This is useful for deprecating file descriptors. + pub const LOWEST_ALLOWED_FD: u32 = 10; + + /// Creates a file descriptor constant, with respect to the minimum file descriptor. + macro_rules! create_fd { + ($( + #[$attr:meta] + pub const $name:ident: u32 = $value:expr; + )*) => { + $( + #[$attr] + pub const $name: u32 = $value + $crate::consts::fd::LOWEST_ALLOWED_FD; + )* + } + } + + create_fd! { + /// The file descriptor for public values. + pub const FD_PUBLIC_VALUES: u32 = 3; + + /// The file descriptor for hints. + pub const FD_HINT: u32 = 4; + + /// The file descriptor through which to access `hook_ecrecover`. + pub const FD_ECRECOVER_HOOK: u32 = 5; + + /// The file descriptor through which to access `hook_ed_decompress`. + pub const FD_EDDECOMPRESS: u32 = 6; + + /// The file descriptor through which to access `hook_rsa_mul_mod`. + pub const FD_RSA_MUL_MOD: u32 = 7; + + /// The file descriptor through which to access `hook_bls12_381_sqrt`. + pub const FD_BLS12_381_SQRT: u32 = 8; + + /// The file descriptor through which to access `hook_bls12_381_inverse`. + pub const FD_BLS12_381_INVERSE: u32 = 9; + } +} + /// Converts a slice of words to a byte vector in little endian. pub fn words_to_bytes_le_vec(words: &[u32]) -> Vec { words.iter().flat_map(|word| word.to_le_bytes().to_vec()).collect::>() diff --git a/crates/prover/Cargo.toml b/crates/prover/Cargo.toml index a4fc480c7..09a0c4651 100644 --- a/crates/prover/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/prover/Cargo.toml @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ license = { workspace = true } repository = { workspace = true } keywords = { workspace = true } categories = { workspace = true } +exclude = ["src/vk_map.bin"] [dependencies] p3-matrix = { workspace = true } @@ -25,25 +26,34 @@ p3-challenger = { workspace = true } p3-baby-bear = { workspace = true } p3-bn254-fr = { workspace = true } p3-commit = { workspace = true } +p3-util = { workspace = true } bincode = "1.3.3" -serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive", "rc"] } -rayon = "1.10.0" -itertools = "0.13.0" -tracing = "0.1.40" -tracing-subscriber = "0.3.18" -serde_json = "1.0.121" +serde = { workspace = true, features = ["derive", "rc"] } +itertools = { workspace = true } +tracing = { workspace = true } +tracing-subscriber = { workspace = true } +tracing-appender = "0.2.3" +serde_json = { workspace = true } clap = { version = "4.5.9", features = ["derive", "env"] } anyhow = "1.0.83" dirs = "5.0.1" -tempfile = "3.10.1" -subtle-encoding = "0.5.1" serial_test = "3.1.1" num-bigint = "0.4.6" thiserror = "1.0.63" +rayon = "1.10.0" lru = "0.12.4" eyre = "0.6.12" -reqwest = { version = "0.11", features = ["blocking"] } -lazy_static = "1.5.0" + +[build-dependencies] +downloader = { version = "0.2", default-features = false, features = [ + "rustls-tls", + "verify", +]} +sha2 = { version = "0.10" } +hex = "0.4" + +[dev-dependencies] +test-artifacts = { workspace = true } [[bin]] name = "build_plonk_bn254" @@ -54,19 +64,33 @@ name = "build_groth16_bn254" path = "scripts/build_groth16_bn254.rs" [[bin]] -name = "build_compress_vks" -path = "scripts/build_compress_vks.rs" +name = "build_recursion_vks" +path = "scripts/build_recursion_vks.rs" [[bin]] -name = "post_trusted_setup" -path = "scripts/post_trusted_setup.rs" +name = "find_maximal_shapes" +path = "scripts/find_maximal_shapes.rs" + +[[bin]] +name = "find_small_shapes" +path = "scripts/find_small_shapes.rs" [[bin]] -name = "e2e" -path = "scripts/e2e.rs" +name = "find_oom_shapes" +path = "scripts/find_oom_shapes.rs" + +[[bin]] +name = "find_recursion_shapes" +path = "scripts/find_recursion_shapes.rs" + +[[bin]] +name = "test_shape_fixing" +path = "scripts/test_shape_fixing.rs" + +[[bin]] +name = "post_trusted_setup" +path = "scripts/post_trusted_setup.rs" [features] -neon = ["sp1-core-machine/neon"] native-gnark = ["sp1-recursion-gnark-ffi/native"] -export-tests = [] debug = ["sp1-core-machine/debug"] diff --git a/crates/prover/SP1_VERSION b/crates/prover/SP1_VERSION new file mode 120000 index 000000000..70fe15c52 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/prover/SP1_VERSION @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../../SP1_VERSION \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/prover/build.rs b/crates/prover/build.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a5c602af4 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/prover/build.rs @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +use std::env; +use std::{ + fs, + path::{Path, PathBuf}, + str::FromStr, +}; + +use downloader::{verify, Download, DownloadSummary, Downloader}; +use sha2::{Digest, Sha256}; + +const FILENAME: &str = "vk_map.bin"; +const SRC_PATH: &str = "src/vk_map.bin"; +const SHA256_HASH: &str = "5791e67cb339f4936f21f0e7aa40fea6e534b4284175285444935613f7d61827"; + +fn check_sha2(path: &Path) -> bool { + let data = fs::read(path).unwrap(); + hex::encode(Sha256::digest(data)) == SHA256_HASH +} + +fn main() { + println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=VK_MAP_SRC_PATH"); + + let src_path = SRC_PATH.to_string(); + let src_path = PathBuf::from_str(src_path.as_str()).unwrap(); + let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); + let out_dir = Path::new(&out_dir); + let out_path = out_dir.join(FILENAME); + + if env::var("DOCS_RS").is_ok() && !out_path.exists() { + eprintln!("Writing empty file to {}", out_path.display()); + fs::write(&out_path, b"").unwrap(); + return; + } + + if out_path.exists() { + eprintln!("Checking SHA256 of {}", out_path.display()); + if check_sha2(&out_path) { + eprintln!("SHA256 check passed"); + return; + } + eprintln!("SHA256 check failed, removing file"); + fs::remove_file(&out_path).unwrap(); + } + + if src_path.exists() && check_sha2(&src_path) { + eprintln!("Copying file from {} to {}", src_path.display(), out_path.display()); + fs::copy(&src_path, &out_path).unwrap(); + return; + } + + let mut downloader = Downloader::builder().download_folder(out_dir).build().unwrap(); + let url = "https://sp1-circuits.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/vk-map-v4.0.0-rc.3".to_string(); + eprintln!("Downloading {url}"); + let dl = Download::new(&url) + .file_name(&PathBuf::from_str(FILENAME).unwrap()) + .verify(verify::with_digest::(hex::decode(SHA256_HASH).unwrap())); + let results = downloader.download(&[dl]).unwrap(); + for result in results { + let summary: DownloadSummary = result.unwrap(); + eprintln!("{summary}"); + } +} diff --git a/crates/prover/collect.sh b/crates/prover/collect.sh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..41179f4a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/prover/collect.sh @@ -0,0 +1,288 @@ +WORKLOADS=( + "blobstream-01j6z63fgafrc8jeh0k12gbtvw" + "blobstream-01j6z95bdme9svevmfyc974bja" + "blobstream-01j6z9ak0ke9srsppgywgke6fj" + "blobstream-01j6z9bysje9ssrw1dn4w0w9h5" + "blobstream-01j6zbcx2veyp83r8t6wdhbjsh" + "blobstream-01j6zbe2srf1krf9zw5yxe4xrw" + "chess" + "ecdsa-verify" + "eddsa-verify" + "fibonacci-17k" + "fibonacci-1b" + "fibonacci-200k" + "fibonacci-200m" + "fibonacci-20k" + "fibonacci-20m" + "fibonacci-2b" + "fibonacci-2m" + "fibonacci-400m" + "fibonacci-40m" + "fibonacci-4b" + "fibonacci-4m" + "helios" + "json" + "keccak256-100kb" + "keccak256-10mb" + "keccak256-1mb" + "keccak256-300kb" + "keccak256-3mb" + "loop-100k" + "loop-100m" + "loop-10k" + "loop-10m" + "loop-1m" + "loop-300m" + "loop-30m" + "loop-3m" + "loop100k" + "loop100m" + "loop10k" + "loop10m" + "loop1m" + "loop30m" + "loop3m" + "op-succinct-chain-10-128926200-128926215" + "op-succinct-chain-10-128926215-128926230" + "op-succinct-chain-10-128926230-128926245" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926245-128926260" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926260-128926275" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926275-128926290" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926290-128926305" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926305-128926320" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926320-128926335" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926335-128926350" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926350-128926365" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926365-128926380" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926380-128926395" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926395-128926410" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926410-128926425" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926425-128926440" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926440-128926455" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926455-128926470" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926470-128926485" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926485-128926500" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926500-128926515" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926515-128926530" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926530-128926545" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926545-128926560" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926560-128926575" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926575-128926590" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926590-128926605" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926605-128926620" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926620-128926635" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926635-128926650" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926650-128926665" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926665-128926680" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926680-128926695" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926695-128926710" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926710-128926725" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926725-128926740" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926740-128926755" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926755-128926770" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926770-128926785" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-128926785-128926800" + "op-succinct-chain-10-range-128922202-128922222" + "op-succinct-chain-10-range-128922242-128922262" + "op-succinct-chain-10-range-128922262-128922282" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-range-128922282-128922302" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-range-128926100-128926115" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-range-128926115-128926130" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-range-128926130-128926145" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-range-128926145-128926160" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-range-128926160-128926175" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-range-128926175-128926190" + # "op-succinct-chain-10-range-128926190-128926200" + "op-succinct-chain-480-7086789-7086799" + "op-succinct-chain-480-7086799-7086809" + "op-succinct-chain-480-7086809-7086819" + # "op-succinct-chain-480-7086819-7086829" + # "op-succinct-chain-480-7086829-7086839" + # "op-succinct-chain-480-7086839-7086849" + # "op-succinct-chain-480-7086849-7086859" + # "op-succinct-chain-480-7086859-7086869" + # "op-succinct-chain-480-7086869-7086879" + # "op-succinct-chain-480-7086879-7086889" + "op-succinct-op-sepolia-1818303090-18303120" + "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18200000-18200030" + "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18250000-18250030" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300000-18300040" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300041-18300081" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300082-18300122" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300123-18300163" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300164-18300204" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300205-18300245" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300246-18300286" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300287-18300300" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300300-18300340" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300341-18300381" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300382-18300422" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300423-18300463" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300464-18300504" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300505-18300545" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300546-18300586" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300587-18300627" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300628-18300668" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300669-18300709" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300710-18300750" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300751-18300791" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300792-18300832" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300833-18300873" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300874-18300914" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300915-18300955" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300956-18300996" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18300997-18301037" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18301038-18301078" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18301079-18301119" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18301120-18301160" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18301161-18301201" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18301202-18301242" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18301243-18301283" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18301284-18301300" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18301300-18301340" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18301341-18301381" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18301382-18301422" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18301423-18301463" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18301464-18301504" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18301505-18301545" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18301546-18301586" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18301587-18301627" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18301628-18301668" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18301669-18301709" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18301710-18301750" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18301751-18301791" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18301792-18301832" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18301833-18301873" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18301874-18301914" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18301915-18301955" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18301956-18301996" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18301997-18302037" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18302038-18302078" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18302079-18302119" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18302120-18302160" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18302161-18302201" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18302202-18302242" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18302243-18302283" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18302284-18302324" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18302325-18302365" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18302366-18302406" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18302407-18302447" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18302448-18302488" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18302489-18302529" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18302530-18302570" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18302571-18302611" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18302612-18302652" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18302653-18302693" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18302694-18302734" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18302735-18302775" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18302776-18302816" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18302817-18302857" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18302858-18302898" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18302899-18302939" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18302940-18302980" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18302981-18303000" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-18303044-18303074" + "op-succinct-op-sepolia-range-17685896-17685897" + "op-succinct-op-sepolia-range-17985900-17985905" + # "op-succinct-op-sepolia-range-18129400-18129401" + "raiko-a7-10" + "regex" + "reth" + "rsa" + # "rsp-20526624-patched" + "rsp-20526624" + "rsp-20526626" + "rsp-20526627" + "rsp-20526628" + # "rsp-20526629" + # "rsp-20526630" + # "rsp-20528708" + # "rsp-20528709" + # "rsp-20528710" + # "rsp-20528711" + # "rsp-20528712" + # "rsp-20600000" + # "rsp-example" + "sha256-100kb" + "sha256-10mb" + "sha256-1mb" + "sha256-20k" + "sha256-300kb" + "sha256-3mb" + "ssz-withdrawals" + "tendermint" + "vector-01j6xsv35re96tkgyda115320t" + "vector-01j6xzy366ff5tbkzcrs8pma02" + "vector-01j6y06de0fdaafemr8b1t69z3" + "vector-01j6y0en9pfdab5whxq2k60fqs" + "vector-01j6y0q023edftg2z0d3cj1bgh" + "vector-01j6y0zfh4edftww00rt660w3q" + "vector-01j6y176ykff5vcpxwa8gk1vbd" + # "vector-01j6z4pnrtfrc8pwz5qjf8fmak" + # "vector-01j6ze1mjme87st7jw0fx0r67z" + # "vector-01j6ze6v61eypaajskfy4kfd2q" + # "vector-01j6zec1qzeypa3mambwswvp6x" + # "vector-01j6zgdkgwf2e8hr1zt8x2xvpq" + # "vector-01j6zgn337f2eaq28mb2kkw728" + # "vector-01j6zgps8neyp849g2n107pphv" + # "vector-01j6zgtefaf2e9731b8rbfzpda" + # "vector-01j6zgxxk9eypbhenvm9dngvrw" + # "vector-01j6zh27eaeypbp1ctvk0b0vf4" + # "vector-01j6zk95z1e28tqcj9x233mqrq" + # "vector-01j6zkhvtkff98sxwyhqpvtnea" + # "vector-01j6zkpatse28tyhn4fcg6reb2" + # "vector-01j6zkwc6qe28t9mv7ts1rbg1c" + # "vector-01j6zrtk3pfckay30jet0mf4js" + # "vector-01j6zs9xwhfcka5xhvwz482bt8" + # "vector-01j6zsg26yfk89q3hv9ydf28p6" + # "vector-01j6zsrs6cfk884xb55a0kjq9f" + # "vector-01j6zyysy3fdqa3b24wpzm7fgk" + # "vector-01j6zz43ytfcwaqt9dycycvcq7" + # "vector-01j6zzcg52fcwbq056a8jf1bdg" + # "vector-01j6zzgt19fdqbyqz37kdq0e21" + # "vector-01j704nz9dfcw8nhbw2szqmj78" + # "vector-01j704txexfdqbwa93gpndmamn" + # "vector-01j7050h0nfdq9z95ehxnqke5p" + # "vector-01j70540ktfcw85b5zdtvpjet8" + # "vector-01j70a9zrheyzsj5ptpwmgesvj" + # "vector-01j70aew92eyzvvkaar93xgtdy" + # "vector-01j70amkhxeh28bcmcsh5td8gf" + # "vector-01j70aqtn5eh2bvjh7vhjpxaq0" + # "vector-01j70fvraveykt2rd4cpjjzqhw" + # "vector-01j70g8338f8x87fd29bnbf5hj" + # "vector-01j70gb5txeykt3cm58wb5k18d" + # "vector-01j70gn5qreyktbmdc74r0vf5k" + # "vector-01j70ndycmf8xa8bt3r3s2a44r" + # "vector-01j70nvkznewxar1h87vz8mbvr" + # "vector-01j70p022yewx9z154advcdg9k" + # "vector-01j70p87vjfwc84fs4mz3c0hnd" + # "vector-01j70p8ff0fwc89jfndhm0gtnk" + # "vector-01j70v72gafwc8emy5r3psp4ct" + # "vector-01j70vkkrjfn2t8xxw0326bm72" + # "vector-01j70vvefsfwca1p31qaj7b2h2" + # "vector-01j70w2dgrfn2v6eywegv7mbkv" + # "vector-01j710rqzrfz5tmcqwjvpaa66k" + # "vector-01j711esezfmc9gbnhcys9s082" + # "vector-01j711p19wfz5s34ens345tk3d" + # "vector-01j711t4e1fz5t8n38q6pw448r" + # "vector-01j716g6j1e24sx2zstz9x6r8f" + # "vector-01j717c1fqfz5rtxjavenpg211" + # "vector-01j717fd10e24sp1re8tbnww9q" + # "vector-01j717ncqzfz5sb508bqafrbmb" + # "vector-01j71cmj2gf7cb6h9nj0pacn8p" + # "vector-01j71czrxceba9tepsy82vt9m2" + # "vector-01j71d2qdrebabztbe803hwdvf" + # "vector-01j71qv48af52v444k80t57avb" + # "vector-01j71rczrrf52vrawakvs9t1bt" + # "vector-01j71rpz8yfxes2vpnjab43jz1" + # "vector-01j71rxkjffxeraqhxdv6e44mf" + # "vector-01j71xcqdxfs5by4g7ff5dzgns" + # "vector-01j71ya3n4ftxt5eykv4wxj2zc" + # "vector-01j71yh0m0ftxtnx3w5hz45xxc" + # "vector-01j71ykncdftxrjppym1n8wr3s" +) + +RUST_LOG="info" cargo run --release -p sp1-prover --bin find_maximal_shapes -- \ +--initial "maximal_shapes.json" \ +--shard-sizes "16 17 18 19 20 21 22" \ +--list "${WORKLOADS[*]}" diff --git a/crates/prover/release.sh b/crates/prover/release.sh index 005a2b645..71860631f 100644 --- a/crates/prover/release.sh +++ b/crates/prover/release.sh @@ -76,6 +76,10 @@ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi +# Copy Groth16 and Plonk vks to verifier crate +cp ./build/groth16/groth16_vk.bin ../verifier/bn254-vk/groth16_vk.bin +cp ./build/plonk/plonk_vk.bin ../verifier/bn254-vk/plonk_vk.bin + echo "Successfully uploaded build artifacts to S3:" echo "- s3://$S3_BUCKET/$GROTH16_ARCHIVE" echo "- s3://$S3_BUCKET/$PLONK_ARCHIVE" diff --git a/crates/prover/scripts/.gitignore b/crates/prover/scripts/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 872aa273a..000000000 --- a/crates/prover/scripts/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -results \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/prover/scripts/artifacts/example_proof.json b/crates/prover/scripts/artifacts/example_proof.json deleted file mode 100644 index d730177eb..000000000 --- a/crates/prover/scripts/artifacts/example_proof.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -{ - "public_inputs": [ - "0", - "0" - ], - "encoded_proof": "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" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/prover/scripts/artifacts/example_vk_groth16.bin b/crates/prover/scripts/artifacts/example_vk_groth16.bin deleted file mode 100644 index bb44c80a7..000000000 Binary files a/crates/prover/scripts/artifacts/example_vk_groth16.bin and /dev/null differ diff --git a/crates/prover/scripts/build_compress_vks.rs b/crates/prover/scripts/build_compress_vks.rs index 0f8c5a0d0..2b700369f 100644 --- a/crates/prover/scripts/build_compress_vks.rs +++ b/crates/prover/scripts/build_compress_vks.rs @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use std::path::PathBuf; use clap::Parser; use sp1_core_machine::utils::setup_logger; use sp1_prover::{ - components::DefaultProverComponents, shapes::build_vk_map_to_file, REDUCE_BATCH_SIZE, + components::CpuProverComponents, shapes::build_vk_map_to_file, REDUCE_BATCH_SIZE, }; #[derive(Parser, Debug)] @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ fn main() { let range_start = args.start; let range_end = args.end; - build_vk_map_to_file::( + build_vk_map_to_file::( build_dir, reduce_batch_size, dummy, diff --git a/crates/prover/scripts/build_recursion_vks.rs b/crates/prover/scripts/build_recursion_vks.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c5953790c --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/prover/scripts/build_recursion_vks.rs @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +use std::path::PathBuf; + +use clap::Parser; +use sp1_core_machine::utils::setup_logger; +use sp1_prover::{ + components::CpuProverComponents, shapes::build_vk_map_to_file, REDUCE_BATCH_SIZE, +}; + +#[derive(Parser, Debug)] +#[clap(author, version, about, long_about = None)] +struct Args { + #[clap(short, long)] + build_dir: PathBuf, + // #[clap(short, long, default_value_t = false)] + // dummy: bool, + // #[clap(short, long, default_value_t = REDUCE_BATCH_SIZE)] + // reduce_batch_size: usize, + // #[clap(short, long, default_value_t = 1)] + // num_compiler_workers: usize, + // #[clap(short, long, default_value_t = 1)] + // num_setup_workers: usize, + // #[clap(short, long)] + // start: Option, + // #[clap(short, long)] + // end: Option, +} + +fn main() { + setup_logger(); + let args = Args::parse(); + + let reduce_batch_size = REDUCE_BATCH_SIZE; + let build_dir = args.build_dir; + let num_compiler_workers = 1; + let num_setup_workers = 1; + + build_vk_map_to_file::( + build_dir, + reduce_batch_size, + false, + num_compiler_workers, + num_setup_workers, + None, + None, + ) + .unwrap(); +} diff --git a/crates/prover/scripts/e2e.rs b/crates/prover/scripts/e2e.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 535e846a9..000000000 --- a/crates/prover/scripts/e2e.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,119 +0,0 @@ -// use std::{borrow::Borrow, path::PathBuf}; - -// use clap::Parser; -// use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; -// use p3_field::PrimeField; -// use sp1_core_executor::SP1Context; -// use sp1_core_machine::io::SP1Stdin; -// use sp1_prover::{ -// utils::{babybear_bytes_to_bn254, babybears_to_bn254, words_to_bytes}, -// SP1Prover, -// }; -// use sp1_recursion_circuit::{stark::build_wrap_circuit, witness::Witnessable}; -// use sp1_recursion_compiler::ir::Witness; -// use sp1_recursion_core::air::RecursionPublicValues; -// use sp1_recursion_gnark_ffi::{Groth16Bn254Prover, PlonkBn254Prover}; -// use sp1_stark::SP1ProverOpts; -// use subtle_encoding::hex; - -// #[derive(Parser, Debug)] -// #[clap(author, version, about, long_about = None)] -// struct Args { -// #[clap(short, long)] -// build_dir: String, -// #[arg(short, long)] -// system: String, -// } - -// pub fn main() { -// sp1_core_machine::utils::setup_logger(); -// std::env::set_var("RECONSTRUCT_COMMITMENTS", "false"); - -// let args = Args::parse(); -// let build_dir: PathBuf = args.build_dir.into(); - -// let elf = include_bytes!("../elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - -// tracing::info!("initializing prover"); -// let prover: SP1Prover = SP1Prover::new(); -// let opts = SP1ProverOpts::default(); -// let context = SP1Context::default(); - -// tracing::info!("setup elf"); -// let (pk, vk) = prover.setup(elf); - -// tracing::info!("prove core"); -// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); -// let core_proof = prover.prove_core(&pk, &stdin, opts, context).unwrap(); - -// tracing::info!("Compress"); -// let reduced_proof = prover.compress(&vk, core_proof, vec![], opts).unwrap(); - -// tracing::info!("Shrink"); -// let compressed_proof = prover.shrink(reduced_proof, opts).unwrap(); - -// tracing::info!("wrap"); -// let wrapped_proof = prover.wrap_bn254(compressed_proof, opts).unwrap(); - -// tracing::info!("building verifier constraints"); -// let constraints = tracing::info_span!("wrap circuit") -// .in_scope(|| build_wrap_circuit(prover.wrap_vk(), wrapped_proof.proof.clone())); - -// tracing::info!("building template witness"); -// let pv: &RecursionPublicValues<_> = wrapped_proof.proof.public_values.as_slice().borrow(); -// let vkey_hash = babybears_to_bn254(&pv.sp1_vk_digest); -// let committed_values_digest_bytes: [BabyBear; 32] = -// words_to_bytes(&pv.committed_value_digest).try_into().unwrap(); -// let committed_values_digest = babybear_bytes_to_bn254(&committed_values_digest_bytes); - -// let mut witness = Witness::default(); -// wrapped_proof.proof.write(&mut witness); -// witness.write_committed_values_digest(committed_values_digest); -// witness.write_vkey_hash(vkey_hash); - -// tracing::info!("sanity check plonk test"); -// PlonkBn254Prover::test(constraints.clone(), witness.clone()); - -// tracing::info!("sanity check plonk build"); -// PlonkBn254Prover::build(constraints.clone(), witness.clone(), build_dir.clone()); - -// tracing::info!("sanity check plonk prove"); -// let plonk_bn254_prover = PlonkBn254Prover::new(); - -// tracing::info!("plonk prove"); -// let proof = plonk_bn254_prover.prove(witness.clone(), build_dir.clone()); - -// tracing::info!("verify plonk proof"); -// plonk_bn254_prover.verify( -// &proof, -// &vkey_hash.as_canonical_biguint(), -// &committed_values_digest.as_canonical_biguint(), -// &build_dir, -// ); - -// println!("plonk proof: {:?}", String::from_utf8(hex::encode(proof.encoded_proof)).unwrap()); - -// tracing::info!("sanity check groth16 test"); -// Groth16Bn254Prover::test(constraints.clone(), witness.clone()); - -// tracing::info!("sanity check groth16 build"); -// Groth16Bn254Prover::build(constraints.clone(), witness.clone(), build_dir.clone()); - -// tracing::info!("sanity check groth16 prove"); -// let groth16_bn254_prover = Groth16Bn254Prover::new(); - -// tracing::info!("groth16 prove"); -// let proof = groth16_bn254_prover.prove(witness.clone(), build_dir.clone()); - -// tracing::info!("verify groth16 proof"); -// groth16_bn254_prover.verify( -// &proof, -// &vkey_hash.as_canonical_biguint(), -// &committed_values_digest.as_canonical_biguint(), -// &build_dir, -// ); - -// println!("groth16 proof: {:?}", -// String::from_utf8(hex::encode(proof.encoded_proof)).unwrap()); } - -pub fn main() {} diff --git a/crates/prover/scripts/fibonacci_groth16.rs b/crates/prover/scripts/fibonacci_groth16.rs index 2082b0587..cbbc06859 100644 --- a/crates/prover/scripts/fibonacci_groth16.rs +++ b/crates/prover/scripts/fibonacci_groth16.rs @@ -3,13 +3,14 @@ use std::time::Instant; use itertools::iproduct; -use sp1_core_machine::{ - io::SP1Stdin, - utils::{SP1ProverOpts, SP1ProverOpts}, -}; +use sp1_core_executor::SP1Context; +use sp1_core_machine::io::SP1Stdin; +use sp1_prover::components::CpuProverComponents; use sp1_prover::SP1Prover; +use sp1_stark::SP1ProverOpts; +use tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::FmtSpan; +use tracing_subscriber::util::SubscriberInitExt; use tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter; -use tracing_subscriber::{fmt::format::FmtSpan, util::SubscriberInitExt}; fn main() { // Setup tracer. @@ -37,13 +38,13 @@ fn main() { std::env::set_var("RECONSTRUCT_COMMITMENTS", "false"); // Initialize prover. - let prover = SP1Prover::new(); + let prover = SP1Prover::::new(); // Setup sweep. let iterations = [480000u32]; let shard_sizes = [1 << 22]; let batch_sizes = [2]; - let elf = include_bytes!("../../examples/fibonacci/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); + let elf = test_artifacts::FIBONACCI_ELF; let (pk, vk) = prover.setup(elf); for (shard_size, iterations, batch_size) in iproduct!(shard_sizes, iterations, batch_sizes) { @@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ fn main() { tracing::info!("proving inner"); let recursion_proving_start = Instant::now(); - let _ = prover.compress(&vk, proof, vec![]); + let _ = prover.compress(&vk, proof, vec![], SP1ProverOpts::default()); let recursion_proving_duration = recursion_proving_start.elapsed().as_secs_f64(); tracing::info!("recursion_proving_duration={}", recursion_proving_duration); } diff --git a/crates/prover/scripts/fibonacci_sweep.rs b/crates/prover/scripts/fibonacci_sweep.rs index ca9eb93ce..6d09967a5 100644 --- a/crates/prover/scripts/fibonacci_sweep.rs +++ b/crates/prover/scripts/fibonacci_sweep.rs @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ use std::{fs::File, io::BufWriter, io::Write, time::Instant}; use itertools::iproduct; -use sp1_core_machine::{ - io::SP1Stdin, - utils::{SP1ProverOpts, SP1ProverOpts}, -}; +use sp1_core_executor::SP1Context; +use sp1_core_machine::io::SP1Stdin; +use sp1_prover::components::CpuProverComponents; use sp1_prover::SP1Prover; +use sp1_stark::SP1ProverOpts; use tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter; use tracing_subscriber::{fmt::format::FmtSpan, util::SubscriberInitExt}; @@ -37,19 +37,18 @@ fn main() { std::env::set_var("RECONSTRUCT_COMMITMENTS", "false"); // Initialize prover. - let prover = SP1Prover::new(); + let prover = SP1Prover::::new(); // Setup sweep. let iterations = [480000u32]; let shard_sizes = [1 << 19, 1 << 20, 1 << 21, 1 << 22]; let batch_sizes = [2, 3, 4]; - let elf = include_bytes!("../../examples/fibonacci/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); + let elf = test_artifacts::FIBONACCI_ELF; let (pk, vk) = prover.setup(elf); - let mut lines = vec![ - "iterations,shard_size,batch_size,leaf_proving_duration,recursion_proving_duration" - .to_string(), - ]; + let mut lines = + vec!["iterations,shard_size,batch_size,leaf_proving_duration,recursion_proving_duration" + .to_string()]; for (shard_size, iterations, batch_size) in iproduct!(shard_sizes, iterations, batch_sizes) { tracing::info!( "running: shard_size={}, iterations={}, batch_size={}", @@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ fn main() { let leaf_proving_duration = leaf_proving_start.elapsed().as_secs_f64(); let recursion_proving_start = Instant::now(); - let _ = prover.compress(&vk, proof, vec![]); + let _ = prover.compress(&vk, proof, vec![], SP1ProverOpts::default()); let recursion_proving_duration = recursion_proving_start.elapsed().as_secs_f64(); lines.push(format!( diff --git a/crates/prover/scripts/find_maximal_shapes.rs b/crates/prover/scripts/find_maximal_shapes.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..23694a984 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/prover/scripts/find_maximal_shapes.rs @@ -0,0 +1,229 @@ +use std::{cmp::Ordering, collections::BTreeMap, path::PathBuf, sync::mpsc}; + +use clap::Parser; +use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; +use sp1_core_executor::{Executor, Program, RiscvAirId, SP1Context}; +use sp1_core_machine::{io::SP1Stdin, riscv::RiscvAir, utils::setup_logger}; +use sp1_stark::{shape::Shape, SP1CoreOpts}; + +#[derive(Parser, Debug)] +#[clap(author, version, about, long_about = None)] +struct Args { + #[clap(short, long, value_delimiter = ' ')] + list: Vec, + #[clap(short, long, value_delimiter = ' ')] + shard_sizes: Vec, + #[clap(short, long)] + initial: Option, + #[clap(short, long, default_value = "maximal_shapes.json")] + output: Option, +} + +fn collect_maximal_shapes( + elf: &[u8], + stdin: &SP1Stdin, + opts: SP1CoreOpts, + context: SP1Context, +) -> Vec> { + // Setup the executor. + let program = Program::from(elf).unwrap(); + let mut executor = Executor::with_context(program, opts, context); + executor.write_vecs(&stdin.buffer); + for (proof, vkey) in stdin.proofs.iter() { + executor.write_proof(proof.clone(), vkey.clone()); + } + + // Use this to make sure we don't collect too many shapes that will just OOM out of the box. + if opts.shard_size == 1 << 22 { + executor.lde_size_check = true; + executor.lde_size_threshold = 14 * 1_000_000_000; + } + + // Collect the maximal shapes. + let mut maximal_shapes = Vec::new(); + let mut finished = false; + while !finished { + let (records, f) = executor.execute_record(true).unwrap(); + finished = f; + for mut record in records { + if record.contains_cpu() { + let _ = record.defer(); + let core_shape: Shape = RiscvAir::::core_heights(&record) + .into_iter() + .filter(|&(_, height)| (height != 0)) + .map(|(air, height)| (air, height.next_power_of_two().ilog2() as usize)) + .collect(); + + maximal_shapes.push(core_shape); + } + } + } + + maximal_shapes +} + +fn insert(inner: &mut Vec>, element: Shape) { + let mut to_remove = vec![]; + for (i, maximal_element) in inner.iter().enumerate() { + match PartialOrd::partial_cmp(&element, maximal_element) { + Some(Ordering::Greater) => { + to_remove.push(i); + } + Some(Ordering::Less | Ordering::Equal) => { + return; + } + None => {} + } + } + for i in to_remove.into_iter().rev() { + inner.remove(i); + } + inner.push(element); +} + +fn main() { + // Setup logger. + setup_logger(); + + // Parse arguments. + let args = Args::parse(); + + // Setup the options. + let mut opts = SP1CoreOpts { shard_batch_size: 1, ..Default::default() }; + + // Load the initial maximal shapes. + let mut all_maximal_shapes: BTreeMap>> = + if let Some(initial) = args.initial { + let initial = if !initial.to_string_lossy().ends_with(".json") { + initial.with_extension("json") + } else { + initial + }; + + serde_json::from_slice( + &std::fs::read(&initial).expect("failed to read initial maximal shapes"), + ) + .expect("failed to deserialize initial maximal shapes") + } else { + BTreeMap::new() + }; + + // Print the initial maximal shapes. + for log_shard_size in args.shard_sizes.iter() { + tracing::info!( + "there are {} initial maximal shapes for log shard size {}", + all_maximal_shapes.get(log_shard_size).map_or(0, |x| x.len()), + log_shard_size + ); + } + + // For each program, collect the maximal shapes. + let (tx, rx) = mpsc::sync_channel(10); + let program_list = args.list; + for s3_path in program_list { + // Download program and stdin files from S3. + tracing::info!("download elf and input for {}", s3_path); + + // Download program.bin. + let status = std::process::Command::new("aws") + .args([ + "s3", + "cp", + &format!("s3://sp1-testing-suite/{}/program.bin", s3_path), + "program.bin", + ]) + .status() + .expect("Failed to execute aws s3 cp command for program.bin"); + if !status.success() { + panic!("Failed to download program.bin from S3"); + } + + // Download stdin.bin. + let status = std::process::Command::new("aws") + .args([ + "s3", + "cp", + &format!("s3://sp1-testing-suite/{}/stdin.bin", s3_path), + "stdin.bin", + ]) + .status() + .expect("Failed to execute aws s3 cp command for stdin.bin"); + if !status.success() { + panic!("Failed to download stdin.bin from S3"); + } + + // Read the program and stdin. + let elf = std::fs::read("program.bin").expect("failed to read program"); + let stdin = std::fs::read("stdin.bin").expect("failed to read stdin"); + let stdin: SP1Stdin = bincode::deserialize(&stdin).expect("failed to deserialize stdin"); + + // Collect the maximal shapes for each shard size. + for &log_shard_size in args.shard_sizes.iter() { + let tx = tx.clone(); + let elf = elf.clone(); + let stdin = stdin.clone(); + let new_context = SP1Context::default(); + let s3_path = s3_path.clone(); + rayon::spawn(move || { + opts.shard_size = 1 << log_shard_size; + let maximal_shapes = collect_maximal_shapes(&elf, &stdin, opts, new_context); + tracing::info!( + "there are {} maximal shapes for {} for log shard size {}", + maximal_shapes.len(), + s3_path, + log_shard_size + ); + tx.send((log_shard_size, s3_path, maximal_shapes)).unwrap(); + }); + } + + std::fs::remove_file("program.bin").expect("failed to remove program.bin"); + std::fs::remove_file("stdin.bin").expect("failed to remove stdin.bin"); + } + drop(tx); + + // As the shapes are collected, update the maximal shapes. + for (log_shard_size, s3_path, collected_maximal_shapes) in rx { + let current_maximal_shapes = all_maximal_shapes.entry(log_shard_size).or_default(); + for shape in collected_maximal_shapes { + insert(current_maximal_shapes, shape); + } + + let new_len = all_maximal_shapes.get(&log_shard_size).map_or(0, |x| x.len()); + tracing::info!( + "added shapes from {}, now there are {} maximal shapes for log shard size {}", + s3_path, + new_len, + log_shard_size + ); + } + + // Print the total number of maximal shapes. + for log_shard_size in args.shard_sizes { + tracing::info!( + "there are {} maximal shapes in total for log shard size {}", + all_maximal_shapes.get(&log_shard_size).map_or(0, |x| x.len()), + log_shard_size + ); + } + + // Write the maximal shapes to the output file. + if let Some(output) = args.output { + let output = if !output.to_string_lossy().ends_with(".json") { + output.with_extension("json") + } else { + output + }; + + if let Some(parent) = output.parent() { + std::fs::create_dir_all(parent).expect("failed to create output directory"); + } + + std::fs::write( + &output, + serde_json::to_string_pretty(&all_maximal_shapes) + .expect("failed to serialize maximal shapes"), + ) + .unwrap(); + } +} diff --git a/crates/prover/scripts/find_oom_shapes.rs b/crates/prover/scripts/find_oom_shapes.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a2f383df0 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/prover/scripts/find_oom_shapes.rs @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +use std::{collections::BTreeMap, path::PathBuf}; + +use clap::Parser; +use sp1_core_executor::{rv32im_costs, RiscvAirId}; +use sp1_core_machine::utils::setup_logger; +use sp1_stark::shape::Shape; + +#[derive(Parser, Debug)] +#[clap(author, version, about, long_about = None)] +struct Args { + #[clap(short, long)] + maximal_shapes_json: Option, + #[clap(short, long)] + small_shapes_json: Option, + #[clap(short, long)] + lde_threshold_bytes: usize, +} + +fn main() { + // Setup logger. + setup_logger(); + + // Parse arguments. + let args = Args::parse(); + + // Load the costs. + let costs = rv32im_costs(); + + if let Some(maximal_shapes_json) = args.maximal_shapes_json { + // Load the maximal shapes, indexed by log shard size. + let maximal_shapes: BTreeMap>> = serde_json::from_slice( + &std::fs::read(&maximal_shapes_json).expect("failed to read maximal shapes"), + ) + .expect("failed to deserialize maximal shapes"); + + // For each maximal shape, check if it is OOM. + for (_, shapes) in maximal_shapes.iter() { + for shape in shapes.iter() { + let lde_size = shape.estimate_lde_size(&costs); + if lde_size > args.lde_threshold_bytes { + println!("maximal shape: {:?}, lde_size: {}", shape, lde_size); + } + } + } + } + + if let Some(small_shapes_json) = args.small_shapes_json { + // Load the small shapes. + let small_shapes: Vec> = serde_json::from_slice( + &std::fs::read(&small_shapes_json).expect("failed to read small shapes"), + ) + .expect("failed to deserialize small shapes"); + + // For each small shape, check if it is OOM. + for shape in small_shapes.iter() { + let lde_size = shape.estimate_lde_size(&costs); + if lde_size > args.lde_threshold_bytes { + println!("small shape: {:?}, lde_size: {}", shape, lde_size); + } + } + } +} diff --git a/crates/prover/scripts/find_recursion_shapes.rs b/crates/prover/scripts/find_recursion_shapes.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..86780c68e --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/prover/scripts/find_recursion_shapes.rs @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +use std::panic::{catch_unwind, AssertUnwindSafe}; + +use clap::Parser; +use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; +use sp1_core_machine::utils::setup_logger; +use sp1_prover::{ + components::CpuProverComponents, + shapes::{check_shapes, SP1ProofShape}, + SP1Prover, ShrinkAir, REDUCE_BATCH_SIZE, +}; +use sp1_recursion_core::shape::RecursionShapeConfig; +use sp1_stark::{shape::OrderedShape, MachineProver}; + +#[derive(Parser, Debug)] +#[clap(author, version, about, long_about = None)] +struct Args { + #[clap(short, long, default_value_t = false)] + dummy: bool, + #[clap(short, long, default_value_t = REDUCE_BATCH_SIZE)] + recursion_batch_size: usize, + #[clap(short, long, default_value_t = 1)] + num_compiler_workers: usize, + #[clap(short, long, default_value_t = 1)] + num_setup_workers: usize, + #[clap(short, long)] + start: Option, + #[clap(short, long)] + end: Option, +} + +fn main() { + // Setup the logger. + setup_logger(); + + // Parse the arguments. + let args = Args::parse(); + + // Initialize the prover. + let mut prover = SP1Prover::::new(); + + // Set whether to verify verification keys. + prover.vk_verification = !args.dummy; + prover.join_programs_map.clear(); + + // Get the default compress shape configuration. + let compress_shape_config = + prover.compress_shape_config.as_ref().expect("recursion shape config not found"); + + // Create the maximal shape from all of the shapes in recursion_shape_config, then add 2 to + // all the log-heights of that shape. This is the starting candidate for the "minimal large + // shape". + let candidate = compress_shape_config.union_config_with_extra_room().first().unwrap().clone(); + + prover.compress_shape_config = Some(RecursionShapeConfig::from_hash_map(&candidate)); + + // Check that this candidate is big enough for all core shapes, including those with + // precompiles. + assert!( + check_shapes(args.recursion_batch_size, false, args.num_compiler_workers, &mut prover,) + ); + + let mut answer = candidate.clone(); + + // Chip-by-chip in the candidate, reduce the log-height corresponding to that chip until the + // shape is no longer big enough to support all the core shapes. Then, record the log height for + // that chip into answer. + for (key, value) in candidate.iter() { + if key != "PublicValues" { + let mut done = false; + let mut new_val = *value; + while !done { + new_val -= 1; + answer.insert(key.clone(), new_val); + prover.compress_shape_config = Some(RecursionShapeConfig::from_hash_map(&answer)); + done = !check_shapes( + args.recursion_batch_size, + false, + args.num_compiler_workers, + &mut prover, + ); + } + answer.insert(key.clone(), new_val + 1); + } + } + + let mut no_precompile_answer = answer.clone(); + + // Repeat the process but only for core shapes that don't have a precompile in them. + for (key, value) in answer.iter() { + if key != "PublicValues" { + let mut done = false; + let mut new_val = *value; + while !done { + new_val -= 1; + no_precompile_answer.insert(key.clone(), new_val); + prover.compress_shape_config = + Some(RecursionShapeConfig::from_hash_map(&no_precompile_answer)); + done = !check_shapes( + args.recursion_batch_size, + true, + args.num_compiler_workers, + &mut prover, + ); + } + no_precompile_answer.insert(key.clone(), new_val + 1); + } + } + + // Repeat this process to tune the shrink shape. + let mut shrink_shape = ShrinkAir::::shrink_shape().clone_into_hash_map(); + + // First, check that the current shrink shape is compatible with the compress shape choice + // arising from the tuning process above. + + // TODO: set the join program map to empty. + assert!({ + prover.compress_shape_config = Some(RecursionShapeConfig::from_hash_map(&answer)); + catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| { + prover.shrink_prover.setup(&prover.program_from_shape( + sp1_prover::shapes::SP1CompressProgramShape::from_proof_shape( + SP1ProofShape::Shrink(OrderedShape { + inner: answer.clone().into_iter().collect::>(), + }), + 5, + ), + Some(shrink_shape.clone().into()), + )) + })) + .is_ok() + }); + + // Next, tune the shrink shape in the same manner as for the compress shapes. + for (key, value) in shrink_shape.clone().iter() { + if key != "PublicValues" { + let mut done = false; + let mut new_val = *value + 1; + while !done { + new_val -= 1; + shrink_shape.insert(key.clone(), new_val); + prover.compress_shape_config = Some(RecursionShapeConfig::from_hash_map(&answer)); + done = catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| { + prover.shrink_prover.setup(&prover.program_from_shape( + sp1_prover::shapes::SP1CompressProgramShape::from_proof_shape( + SP1ProofShape::Shrink(OrderedShape { + inner: answer.clone().into_iter().collect::>(), + }), + 5, + ), + Some(shrink_shape.clone().into()), + )) + })) + .is_err(); + } + shrink_shape.insert(key.clone(), new_val + 1); + } + } + + println!("Final compress shape: {:?}", answer); + println!("Final compress shape with no precompiles: {:?}", no_precompile_answer); + println!("Final shrink shape: {:?}", shrink_shape); +} diff --git a/crates/prover/scripts/find_small_shapes.rs b/crates/prover/scripts/find_small_shapes.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..120049f9d --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/prover/scripts/find_small_shapes.rs @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +use std::{collections::BTreeMap, path::PathBuf}; + +use clap::Parser; +use sp1_core_executor::RiscvAirId; +use sp1_core_machine::utils::setup_logger; +use sp1_stark::shape::Shape; + +#[derive(Parser, Debug)] +#[clap(author, version, about, long_about = None)] +struct Args { + #[clap(short, long)] + maximal_shapes_json: PathBuf, + #[clap(short, long, value_delimiter = ' ')] + log2_memory_heights: Vec, + #[clap(short, long)] + output: PathBuf, +} + +fn main() { + // Setup logger. + setup_logger(); + + // Parse arguments. + let args = Args::parse(); + + // Load the maximal shapes, indexed by log shard size. + let maximal_shapes: BTreeMap>> = serde_json::from_slice( + &std::fs::read(&args.maximal_shapes_json).expect("failed to read maximal shapes"), + ) + .expect("failed to deserialize maximal shapes"); + + // For each maximal shape, generate all small shapes by varying the memory heights. + let mut small_shapes = Vec::new(); + for (log2_shard_size, shapes) in maximal_shapes.iter() { + if *log2_shard_size > 21 { + continue; + } + for shape in shapes.iter() { + for log2_memory_height in args.log2_memory_heights.iter() { + let mut small_shape = shape.clone(); + let log2_gap_from_21 = 21 - small_shape.log2_height(&RiscvAirId::Cpu).unwrap(); + let min_log2_height_threshold = 18 - log2_gap_from_21; + for air in RiscvAirId::core() { + let current_log2_height = + small_shape.log2_height(&air.clone()).unwrap_or_default(); + small_shape + .insert(air, std::cmp::max(current_log2_height, min_log2_height_threshold)); + } + small_shape.insert(RiscvAirId::MemoryGlobalInit, *log2_memory_height); + small_shape.insert(RiscvAirId::MemoryGlobalFinalize, *log2_memory_height); + small_shape.insert(RiscvAirId::Global, log2_memory_height + 1); + small_shapes.push(small_shape); + } + } + } + + // Serialize the small shapes. + let serialized = + serde_json::to_string(&small_shapes).expect("failed to serialize small shapes"); + std::fs::write(&args.output, serialized).expect("failed to write small shapes"); +} diff --git a/crates/prover/scripts/tendermint_sweep.rs b/crates/prover/scripts/tendermint_sweep.rs index 467d3b2f8..184e188dd 100644 --- a/crates/prover/scripts/tendermint_sweep.rs +++ b/crates/prover/scripts/tendermint_sweep.rs @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ use std::{fs::File, io::BufWriter, io::Write, time::Instant}; use itertools::iproduct; -use sp1_core_machine::{ - io::SP1Stdin, - utils::{SP1ProverOpts, SP1ProverOpts}, -}; +use sp1_core_executor::SP1Context; +use sp1_core_machine::io::SP1Stdin; +use sp1_prover::components::CpuProverComponents; use sp1_prover::SP1Prover; +use sp1_stark::SP1ProverOpts; use tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter; use tracing_subscriber::{fmt::format::FmtSpan, util::SubscriberInitExt}; @@ -37,19 +37,18 @@ fn main() { std::env::set_var("RECONSTRUCT_COMMITMENTS", "false"); // Initialize prover. - let prover = SP1Prover::new(); + let prover = SP1Prover::::new(); // Setup sweep. let iterations = [480000u32]; let shard_sizes = [1 << 19, 1 << 20, 1 << 21, 1 << 22]; let batch_sizes = [2]; - let elf = include_bytes!("../../tests/tendermint-benchmark/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); + let elf = test_artifacts::TENDERMINT_BENCHMARK_ELF; let (pk, vk) = prover.setup(elf); - let mut lines = vec![ - "iterations,shard_size,batch_size,leaf_proving_duration,recursion_proving_duration" - .to_string(), - ]; + let mut lines = + vec!["iterations,shard_size,batch_size,leaf_proving_duration,recursion_proving_duration" + .to_string()]; for (shard_size, iterations, batch_size) in iproduct!(shard_sizes, iterations, batch_sizes) { tracing::info!( "running: shard_size={}, iterations={}, batch_size={}", @@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ fn main() { let leaf_proving_duration = leaf_proving_start.elapsed().as_secs_f64(); let recursion_proving_start = Instant::now(); - let _ = prover.compress(&vk, proof, vec![]); + let _ = prover.compress(&vk, proof, vec![], SP1ProverOpts::default()); let recursion_proving_duration = recursion_proving_start.elapsed().as_secs_f64(); lines.push(format!( diff --git a/crates/prover/scripts/test_shape_fixing.rs b/crates/prover/scripts/test_shape_fixing.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f016a6c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/prover/scripts/test_shape_fixing.rs @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +use clap::Parser; +use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; +use p3_util::log2_ceil_usize; +use sp1_core_executor::{Executor, Program, RiscvAirId, SP1Context}; +use sp1_core_machine::{ + io::SP1Stdin, riscv::RiscvAir, shape::CoreShapeConfig, utils::setup_logger, +}; +use sp1_stark::SP1CoreOpts; + +#[derive(Parser, Debug)] +#[clap(author, version, about, long_about = None)] +struct Args { + #[clap(short, long, value_delimiter = ' ')] + list: Vec, + #[clap(short, long, value_delimiter = ' ')] + shard_size: usize, +} + +fn test_shape_fixing( + elf: &[u8], + stdin: &SP1Stdin, + opts: SP1CoreOpts, + context: SP1Context, + shape_config: &CoreShapeConfig, +) { + // Setup the program. + let mut program = Program::from(elf).unwrap(); + shape_config.fix_preprocessed_shape(&mut program).unwrap(); + + // Setup the executor. + let mut executor = Executor::with_context(program, opts, context); + executor.maximal_shapes = Some( + shape_config.maximal_core_shapes(log2_ceil_usize(opts.shard_size)).into_iter().collect(), + ); + executor.write_vecs(&stdin.buffer); + for (proof, vkey) in stdin.proofs.iter() { + executor.write_proof(proof.clone(), vkey.clone()); + } + + // Collect the maximal shapes. + let mut finished = false; + while !finished { + let (records, f) = executor.execute_record(true).unwrap(); + finished = f; + for mut record in records { + let _ = record.defer(); + let heights = RiscvAir::::core_heights(&record); + println!("heights: {:?}", heights); + + shape_config.fix_shape(&mut record).unwrap(); + + if record.contains_cpu() + && record.shape.unwrap().height(&RiscvAirId::Cpu).unwrap() > opts.shard_size + { + panic!("something went wrong") + } + } + } +} + +fn main() { + // Setup logger. + setup_logger(); + + // Parse arguments. + let args = Args::parse(); + + // Setup the options. + let config = CoreShapeConfig::::default(); + let mut opts = SP1CoreOpts { shard_batch_size: 1, ..Default::default() }; + opts.shard_size = 1 << args.shard_size; + + // For each program, collect the maximal shapes. + let program_list = args.list; + for s3_path in program_list { + // Download program and stdin files from S3. + tracing::info!("download elf and input for {}", s3_path); + + // Download program.bin. + let status = std::process::Command::new("aws") + .args([ + "s3", + "cp", + &format!("s3://sp1-testing-suite/{}/program.bin", s3_path), + "program.bin", + ]) + .status() + .expect("Failed to execute aws s3 cp command for program.bin"); + if !status.success() { + panic!("Failed to download program.bin from S3"); + } + + // Download stdin.bin. + let status = std::process::Command::new("aws") + .args([ + "s3", + "cp", + &format!("s3://sp1-testing-suite/{}/stdin.bin", s3_path), + "stdin.bin", + ]) + .status() + .expect("Failed to execute aws s3 cp command for stdin.bin"); + if !status.success() { + panic!("Failed to download stdin.bin from S3"); + } + + // Read the program and stdin. + let elf = std::fs::read("program.bin").expect("failed to read program"); + let stdin = std::fs::read("stdin.bin").expect("failed to read stdin"); + let stdin: SP1Stdin = bincode::deserialize(&stdin).expect("failed to deserialize stdin"); + + // Collect the maximal shapes for each shard size. + let elf = elf.clone(); + let stdin = stdin.clone(); + let new_context = SP1Context::default(); + test_shape_fixing(&elf, &stdin, opts, new_context, &config); + + std::fs::remove_file("program.bin").expect("failed to remove program.bin"); + std::fs::remove_file("stdin.bin").expect("failed to remove stdin.bin"); + } +} diff --git a/crates/prover/src/build.rs b/crates/prover/src/build.rs index 7b5feb111..ff589c33b 100644 --- a/crates/prover/src/build.rs +++ b/crates/prover/src/build.rs @@ -12,15 +12,13 @@ use sp1_recursion_compiler::{ constraints::{Constraint, ConstraintCompiler}, ir::Builder, }; - use sp1_recursion_core::air::RecursionPublicValues; -pub use sp1_recursion_core::stark::sp1_dev_mode; - -pub use sp1_recursion_circuit::witness::{OuterWitness, Witnessable}; - use sp1_recursion_gnark_ffi::{Groth16Bn254Prover, PlonkBn254Prover}; use sp1_stark::{SP1ProverOpts, ShardProof, StarkVerifyingKey}; +pub use sp1_recursion_circuit::witness::{OuterWitness, Witnessable}; +pub use sp1_recursion_core::stark::sp1_dev_mode; + use crate::{ utils::{babybear_bytes_to_bn254, babybears_to_bn254, words_to_bytes}, OuterSC, SP1Prover, WrapAir, @@ -153,16 +151,16 @@ pub fn dummy_proof() -> (StarkVerifyingKey, ShardProof) { tracing::info!("initializing prover"); let prover: SP1Prover = SP1Prover::new(); - let opts = SP1ProverOpts::default(); + let opts = SP1ProverOpts::auto(); let context = SP1Context::default(); tracing::info!("setup elf"); - let (pk, vk) = prover.setup(elf); + let (_, pk_d, program, vk) = prover.setup(elf); tracing::info!("prove core"); let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); stdin.write(&500u32); - let core_proof = prover.prove_core(&pk, &stdin, opts, context).unwrap(); + let core_proof = prover.prove_core(&pk_d, program, &stdin, opts, context).unwrap(); tracing::info!("compress"); let compressed_proof = prover.compress(&vk, core_proof, vec![], opts).unwrap(); diff --git a/crates/prover/src/components.rs b/crates/prover/src/components.rs index e88dd87ce..12bd26e56 100644 --- a/crates/prover/src/components.rs +++ b/crates/prover/src/components.rs @@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ pub trait SP1ProverComponents: Send + Sync { + Sync; } -pub struct DefaultProverComponents; +pub struct CpuProverComponents; -impl SP1ProverComponents for DefaultProverComponents { +impl SP1ProverComponents for CpuProverComponents { type CoreProver = CpuProver::Val>>; type CompressProver = CpuProver::Val>>; type ShrinkProver = CpuProver::Val>>; diff --git a/crates/prover/src/lib.rs b/crates/prover/src/lib.rs index 40f0751fc..dfa39dba6 100644 --- a/crates/prover/src/lib.rs +++ b/crates/prover/src/lib.rs @@ -26,26 +26,24 @@ use std::{ path::Path, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}, - mpsc::sync_channel, + mpsc::{channel, sync_channel}, Arc, Mutex, OnceLock, }, thread, }; +use crate::shapes::SP1CompressProgramShape; use lru::LruCache; - -use tracing::instrument; - use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; - -use p3_challenger::CanObserve; use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField, PrimeField32}; use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; +use shapes::SP1ProofShape; use sp1_core_executor::{ExecutionError, ExecutionReport, Executor, Program, SP1Context}; use sp1_core_machine::{ io::SP1Stdin, reduce::SP1ReduceProof, - riscv::{CoreShapeConfig, RiscvAir}, + riscv::RiscvAir, + shape::CoreShapeConfig, utils::{concurrency::TurnBasedSync, SP1CoreProverError}, }; use sp1_primitives::{hash_deferred_proof, io::SP1PublicValues}; @@ -65,28 +63,36 @@ use sp1_recursion_circuit::{ use sp1_recursion_compiler::{ circuit::AsmCompiler, config::InnerConfig, - ir::{Builder, Witness}, + ir::{Builder, DslIrProgram, Witness}, }; use sp1_recursion_core::{ - air::RecursionPublicValues, machine::RecursionAir, runtime::ExecutionRecord, - shape::RecursionShapeConfig, stark::BabyBearPoseidon2Outer, RecursionProgram, - Runtime as RecursionRuntime, + air::RecursionPublicValues, + machine::RecursionAir, + runtime::ExecutionRecord, + shape::{RecursionShape, RecursionShapeConfig}, + stark::BabyBearPoseidon2Outer, + RecursionProgram, Runtime as RecursionRuntime, }; pub use sp1_recursion_gnark_ffi::proof::{Groth16Bn254Proof, PlonkBn254Proof}; use sp1_recursion_gnark_ffi::{groth16_bn254::Groth16Bn254Prover, plonk_bn254::PlonkBn254Prover}; -use sp1_stark::{air::InteractionScope, MachineProvingKey, ProofShape}; use sp1_stark::{ - air::PublicValues, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, Challenge, Challenger, - MachineProver, SP1CoreOpts, SP1ProverOpts, ShardProof, StarkGenericConfig, StarkVerifyingKey, - Val, Word, DIGEST_SIZE, + baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, Challenge, MachineProver, SP1CoreOpts, SP1ProverOpts, + ShardProof, StarkGenericConfig, StarkVerifyingKey, Val, Word, DIGEST_SIZE, }; +use sp1_stark::{shape::OrderedShape, MachineProvingKey}; +use tracing::instrument; pub use types::*; use utils::{sp1_committed_values_digest_bn254, sp1_vkey_digest_bn254, words_to_bytes}; -use components::{DefaultProverComponents, SP1ProverComponents}; +use components::{CpuProverComponents, SP1ProverComponents}; -pub use sp1_core_machine::SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION; +/// The global version for all components of SP1. +/// +/// This string should be updated whenever any step in verifying an SP1 proof changes, including +/// core, recursion, and plonk-bn254. This string is used to download SP1 artifacts and the gnark +/// docker image. +pub const SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION: &str = include_str!("../SP1_VERSION"); /// The configuration for the core prover. pub type CoreSC = BabyBearPoseidon2; @@ -97,63 +103,58 @@ pub type InnerSC = BabyBearPoseidon2; /// The configuration for the outer prover. pub type OuterSC = BabyBearPoseidon2Outer; +pub type DeviceProvingKey = <::CoreProver as MachineProver< + BabyBearPoseidon2, + RiscvAir, +>>::DeviceProvingKey; + const COMPRESS_DEGREE: usize = 3; const SHRINK_DEGREE: usize = 3; const WRAP_DEGREE: usize = 9; const CORE_CACHE_SIZE: usize = 5; -const COMPRESS_CACHE_SIZE: usize = 3; pub const REDUCE_BATCH_SIZE: usize = 2; -// TODO: FIX -// -// const SHAPES_URL_PREFIX: &str = "https://sp1-circuits.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/shapes"; -// const SHAPES_VERSION: &str = "146079e0e"; -// lazy_static! { -// static ref SHAPES_INIT: Once = Once::new(); -// } - pub type CompressAir = RecursionAir; pub type ShrinkAir = RecursionAir; pub type WrapAir = RecursionAir; -/// A end-to-end prover implementation for the SP1 RISC-V zkVM. -pub struct SP1Prover { - /// The machine used for proving the core step. +/// A end-to-end for the SP1 RISC-V zkVM. +/// +/// This object coordinates the proving along all the steps: core, compression, shrinkage, and +/// wrapping. +pub struct SP1Prover { + /// The core prover. pub core_prover: C::CoreProver, - - /// The machine used for proving the recursive and reduction steps. + /// The compress prover (for both lift and join). pub compress_prover: C::CompressProver, - - /// The machine used for proving the shrink step. + /// The shrink prover. pub shrink_prover: C::ShrinkProver, - - /// The machine used for proving the wrapping step. + /// The wrap prover. pub wrap_prover: C::WrapProver, - - pub recursion_programs: Mutex>>>, - - pub recursion_cache_misses: AtomicUsize, - - pub compress_programs: - Mutex>>>, - - pub compress_cache_misses: AtomicUsize, - - pub vk_root: >::Digest, - - pub allowed_vk_map: BTreeMap<>::Digest, usize>, - - pub vk_merkle_tree: MerkleTree, - + /// The cache of compiled recursion programs. + pub lift_programs_lru: Mutex>>>, + /// The number of cache misses for recursion programs. + pub lift_cache_misses: AtomicUsize, + /// The cache of compiled compression programs. + pub join_programs_map: BTreeMap>>, + /// The number of cache misses for compression programs. + pub join_cache_misses: AtomicUsize, + /// The root of the allowed recursion verification keys. + pub recursion_vk_root: >::Digest, + /// The allowed VKs and their corresponding indices. + pub recursion_vk_map: BTreeMap<>::Digest, usize>, + /// The Merkle tree for the allowed VKs. + pub recursion_vk_tree: MerkleTree, + /// The core shape configuration. pub core_shape_config: Option>, - - pub recursion_shape_config: Option>>, - + /// The recursion shape configuration. + pub compress_shape_config: Option>>, + /// The program for wrapping. pub wrap_program: OnceLock>>, - + /// The verifying key for wrapping. pub wrap_vk: OnceLock>, - + /// Whether to verify verification keys. pub vk_verification: bool, } @@ -173,7 +174,6 @@ impl SP1Prover { let compress_machine = CompressAir::compress_machine(InnerSC::default()); let compress_prover = C::CompressProver::new(compress_machine); - // TODO: Put the correct shrink and wrap machines here. let shrink_machine = ShrinkAir::shrink_machine(InnerSC::compressed()); let shrink_prover = C::ShrinkProver::new(shrink_machine); @@ -188,14 +188,6 @@ impl SP1Prover { ) .expect("PROVER_CORE_CACHE_SIZE must be a non-zero usize"); - let compress_cache_size = NonZeroUsize::new( - env::var("PROVER_COMPRESS_CACHE_SIZE") - .unwrap_or_else(|_| CORE_CACHE_SIZE.to_string()) - .parse() - .unwrap_or(COMPRESS_CACHE_SIZE), - ) - .expect("PROVER_COMPRESS_CACHE_SIZE must be a non-zero usize"); - let core_shape_config = env::var("FIX_CORE_SHAPES") .map(|v| v.eq_ignore_ascii_case("true")) .unwrap_or(true) @@ -208,50 +200,82 @@ impl SP1Prover { let vk_verification = env::var("VERIFY_VK").map(|v| v.eq_ignore_ascii_case("true")).unwrap_or(true); - tracing::info!("vk verification: {}", vk_verification); // Read the shapes from the shapes directory and deserialize them into memory. let allowed_vk_map: BTreeMap<[BabyBear; DIGEST_SIZE], usize> = if vk_verification { - bincode::deserialize(include_bytes!("../vk_map.bin")).unwrap() + bincode::deserialize(include_bytes!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/vk_map.bin"))).unwrap() } else { - bincode::deserialize(include_bytes!("../dummy_vk_map.bin")).unwrap() + bincode::deserialize(include_bytes!("vk_map_dummy.bin")).unwrap() }; let (root, merkle_tree) = MerkleTree::commit(allowed_vk_map.keys().copied().collect()); + let mut compress_programs = BTreeMap::new(); + let program_cache_disabled = env::var("SP1_DISABLE_PROGRAM_CACHE") + .map(|v| v.eq_ignore_ascii_case("true")) + .unwrap_or(false); + if !program_cache_disabled { + if let Some(config) = &recursion_shape_config { + SP1ProofShape::generate_compress_shapes(config, REDUCE_BATCH_SIZE).for_each( + |shape| { + let compress_shape = SP1CompressWithVkeyShape { + compress_shape: shape.into(), + merkle_tree_height: merkle_tree.height, + }; + let input = SP1CompressWithVKeyWitnessValues::dummy( + compress_prover.machine(), + &compress_shape, + ); + let program = compress_program_from_input::( + recursion_shape_config.as_ref(), + &compress_prover, + vk_verification, + &input, + ); + let program = Arc::new(program); + compress_programs.insert(compress_shape, program); + }, + ); + } + } + Self { core_prover, compress_prover, shrink_prover, wrap_prover, - recursion_programs: Mutex::new(LruCache::new(core_cache_size)), - recursion_cache_misses: AtomicUsize::new(0), - compress_programs: Mutex::new(LruCache::new(compress_cache_size)), - compress_cache_misses: AtomicUsize::new(0), - vk_root: root, - vk_merkle_tree: merkle_tree, - allowed_vk_map, + lift_programs_lru: Mutex::new(LruCache::new(core_cache_size)), + lift_cache_misses: AtomicUsize::new(0), + join_programs_map: compress_programs, + join_cache_misses: AtomicUsize::new(0), + recursion_vk_root: root, + recursion_vk_tree: merkle_tree, + recursion_vk_map: allowed_vk_map, core_shape_config, - recursion_shape_config, + compress_shape_config: recursion_shape_config, vk_verification, wrap_program: OnceLock::new(), wrap_vk: OnceLock::new(), } } - /// Fully initializes the programs, proving keys, and verifying keys that are normally - /// lazily initialized. TODO: remove this. - pub fn initialize(&mut self) {} - /// Creates a proving key and a verifying key for a given RISC-V ELF. #[instrument(name = "setup", level = "debug", skip_all)] - pub fn setup(&self, elf: &[u8]) -> (SP1ProvingKey, SP1VerifyingKey) { + pub fn setup( + &self, + elf: &[u8], + ) -> (SP1ProvingKey, DeviceProvingKey, Program, SP1VerifyingKey) { let program = self.get_program(elf).unwrap(); let (pk, vk) = self.core_prover.setup(&program); let vk = SP1VerifyingKey { vk }; - let pk = SP1ProvingKey { pk: pk.to_host(), elf: elf.to_vec(), vk: vk.clone() }; - (pk, vk) + let pk = SP1ProvingKey { + pk: self.core_prover.pk_to_host(&pk), + elf: elf.to_vec(), + vk: vk.clone(), + }; + let pk_d = self.core_prover.pk_to_device(&pk.pk); + (pk, pk_d, program, vk) } /// Get a program with an allowed preprocessed shape. @@ -271,10 +295,10 @@ impl SP1Prover { stdin: &SP1Stdin, mut context: SP1Context<'a>, ) -> Result<(SP1PublicValues, ExecutionReport), ExecutionError> { - context.subproof_verifier.replace(Arc::new(self)); - let program = self.get_program(elf).unwrap(); + context.subproof_verifier = Some(self); let opts = SP1CoreOpts::default(); - let mut runtime = Executor::with_context(program, opts, context); + let mut runtime = Executor::with_context_and_elf(opts, context, elf); + runtime.write_vecs(&stdin.buffer); for (proof, vkey) in stdin.proofs.iter() { runtime.write_proof(proof.clone(), vkey.clone()); @@ -288,335 +312,73 @@ impl SP1Prover { #[instrument(name = "prove_core", level = "info", skip_all)] pub fn prove_core<'a>( &'a self, - pk: &SP1ProvingKey, + pk_d: &<::CoreProver as MachineProver< + BabyBearPoseidon2, + RiscvAir, + >>::DeviceProvingKey, + program: Program, stdin: &SP1Stdin, opts: SP1ProverOpts, mut context: SP1Context<'a>, ) -> Result { - context.subproof_verifier.replace(Arc::new(self)); - let program = self.get_program(&pk.elf).unwrap(); - let (proof, public_values_stream, cycles) = sp1_core_machine::utils::prove_with_context::< - _, - C::CoreProver, - >( - &self.core_prover, - &>>::DeviceProvingKey::from_host( - &pk.pk, - ), - program, - stdin, - opts.core_opts, - context, - self.core_shape_config.as_ref(), - )?; - Self::check_for_high_cycles(cycles); - let public_values = SP1PublicValues::from(&public_values_stream); - Ok(SP1CoreProof { - proof: SP1CoreProofData(proof.shard_proofs), - stdin: stdin.clone(), - public_values, - cycles, - }) - } - - pub fn recursion_program( - &self, - input: &SP1RecursionWitnessValues, - ) -> Arc> { - let mut cache = self.recursion_programs.lock().unwrap_or_else(|e| e.into_inner()); - cache - .get_or_insert(input.shape(), || { - let misses = self.recursion_cache_misses.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); - tracing::debug!("core cache miss, misses: {}", misses); - // Get the operations. - let builder_span = tracing::debug_span!("build recursion program").entered(); - let mut builder = Builder::::default(); - - let input = input.read(&mut builder); - SP1RecursiveVerifier::verify(&mut builder, self.core_prover.machine(), input); - let operations = builder.into_operations(); - builder_span.exit(); + context.subproof_verifier = Some(self); - // Compile the program. - let compiler_span = tracing::debug_span!("compile recursion program").entered(); - let mut compiler = AsmCompiler::::default(); - let mut program = compiler.compile(operations); - if let Some(recursion_shape_config) = &self.recursion_shape_config { - recursion_shape_config.fix_shape(&mut program); - } - let program = Arc::new(program); - compiler_span.exit(); - program - }) - .clone() - } + // Launch two threads to simultaneously prove the core and compile the first few + // recursion programs in parallel. + let span = tracing::Span::current().clone(); + std::thread::scope(|s| { + let _span = span.enter(); + let (proof_tx, proof_rx) = channel(); + let (shape_tx, shape_rx) = channel(); + + let span = tracing::Span::current().clone(); + let handle = s.spawn(move || { + let _span = span.enter(); + + // Copy the proving key to the device. + let pk = pk_d; + + // Prove the core and stream the proofs and shapes. + sp1_core_machine::utils::prove_core_stream::<_, C::CoreProver>( + &self.core_prover, + pk, + program, + stdin, + opts.core_opts, + context, + self.core_shape_config.as_ref(), + proof_tx, + shape_tx, + None, + ) + }); - pub fn compress_program( - &self, - input: &SP1CompressWithVKeyWitnessValues, - ) -> Arc> { - let mut cache = self.compress_programs.lock().unwrap_or_else(|e| e.into_inner()); - cache - .get_or_insert(input.shape(), || { - let misses = self.compress_cache_misses.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); - tracing::debug!("compress cache miss, misses: {}", misses); - // Get the operations. - let builder_span = tracing::debug_span!("build compress program").entered(); - let mut builder = Builder::::default(); + // Receive the first few shapes and comile the recursion programs. + for _ in 0..3 { + if let Ok((shape, is_complete)) = shape_rx.recv() { + let recursion_shape = + SP1RecursionShape { proof_shapes: vec![shape], is_complete }; - // read the input. - let input = input.read(&mut builder); - // Verify the proof. - SP1CompressWithVKeyVerifier::verify( - &mut builder, - self.compress_prover.machine(), - input, - self.vk_verification, - PublicValuesOutputDigest::Reduce, - ); - let operations = builder.into_operations(); - builder_span.exit(); + // Only need to compile the recursion program if we're not in the one-shard case. + let compress_shape = SP1CompressProgramShape::Recursion(recursion_shape); - // Compile the program. - let compiler_span = tracing::debug_span!("compile compress program").entered(); - let mut compiler = AsmCompiler::::default(); - let mut program = compiler.compile(operations); - if let Some(recursion_shape_config) = &self.recursion_shape_config { - recursion_shape_config.fix_shape(&mut program); + // Insert the program into the cache. + self.program_from_shape(compress_shape, None); } - let program = Arc::new(program); - compiler_span.exit(); - program - }) - .clone() - } - - pub fn shrink_program( - &self, - input: &SP1CompressWithVKeyWitnessValues, - ) -> Arc> { - // Get the operations. - let builder_span = tracing::debug_span!("build shrink program").entered(); - let mut builder = Builder::::default(); - let input = input.read(&mut builder); - // Verify the proof. - SP1CompressRootVerifierWithVKey::verify( - &mut builder, - self.compress_prover.machine(), - input, - self.vk_verification, - PublicValuesOutputDigest::Reduce, - ); - let operations = builder.into_operations(); - builder_span.exit(); - - // Compile the program. - let compiler_span = tracing::debug_span!("compile shrink program").entered(); - let mut compiler = AsmCompiler::::default(); - let mut program = compiler.compile(operations); - program.shape = Some(ShrinkAir::::shrink_shape()); - let program = Arc::new(program); - compiler_span.exit(); - program - } - - pub fn wrap_program(&self) -> Arc> { - self.wrap_program - .get_or_init(|| { - // Get the operations. - let builder_span = tracing::debug_span!("build compress program").entered(); - let mut builder = Builder::::default(); - - let shrink_shape: ProofShape = ShrinkAir::::shrink_shape().into(); - let input_shape = SP1CompressShape::from(vec![shrink_shape]); - let shape = SP1CompressWithVkeyShape { - compress_shape: input_shape, - merkle_tree_height: self.vk_merkle_tree.height, - }; - let dummy_input = - SP1CompressWithVKeyWitnessValues::dummy(self.shrink_prover.machine(), &shape); - - let input = dummy_input.read(&mut builder); - - // Attest that the merkle tree root is correct. - let root = input.merkle_var.root; - for (val, expected) in root.iter().zip(self.vk_root.iter()) { - builder.assert_felt_eq(*val, *expected); - } - // Verify the proof. - SP1CompressRootVerifierWithVKey::verify( - &mut builder, - self.shrink_prover.machine(), - input, - self.vk_verification, - PublicValuesOutputDigest::Root, - ); - - let operations = builder.into_operations(); - builder_span.exit(); - - // Compile the program. - let compiler_span = tracing::debug_span!("compile compress program").entered(); - let mut compiler = AsmCompiler::::default(); - let program = Arc::new(compiler.compile(operations)); - compiler_span.exit(); - program - }) - .clone() - } - - pub fn deferred_program( - &self, - input: &SP1DeferredWitnessValues, - ) -> Arc> { - // Compile the program. - - // Get the operations. - let operations_span = - tracing::debug_span!("get operations for the deferred program").entered(); - let mut builder = Builder::::default(); - let input_read_span = tracing::debug_span!("Read input values").entered(); - let input = input.read(&mut builder); - input_read_span.exit(); - let verify_span = tracing::debug_span!("Verify deferred program").entered(); - - // Verify the proof. - SP1DeferredVerifier::verify( - &mut builder, - self.compress_prover.machine(), - input, - self.vk_verification, - ); - verify_span.exit(); - let operations = builder.into_operations(); - operations_span.exit(); - - let compiler_span = tracing::debug_span!("compile deferred program").entered(); - let mut compiler = AsmCompiler::::default(); - let mut program = compiler.compile(operations); - if let Some(recursion_shape_config) = &self.recursion_shape_config { - recursion_shape_config.fix_shape(&mut program); - } - let program = Arc::new(program); - compiler_span.exit(); - program - } - - pub fn get_recursion_core_inputs( - &self, - vk: &StarkVerifyingKey, - leaf_challenger: &Challenger, - shard_proofs: &[ShardProof], - batch_size: usize, - is_complete: bool, - ) -> Vec> { - let mut core_inputs = Vec::new(); - let mut reconstruct_challenger = self.core_prover.config().challenger(); - vk.observe_into(&mut reconstruct_challenger); - - // Prepare the inputs for the recursion programs. - for (batch_idx, batch) in shard_proofs.chunks(batch_size).enumerate() { - let proofs = batch.to_vec(); - - core_inputs.push(SP1RecursionWitnessValues { - vk: vk.clone(), - shard_proofs: proofs.clone(), - leaf_challenger: leaf_challenger.clone(), - initial_reconstruct_challenger: reconstruct_challenger.clone(), - is_complete, - is_first_shard: batch_idx == 0, - vk_root: self.vk_root, - }); - assert_eq!(reconstruct_challenger.input_buffer.len(), 0); - assert_eq!(reconstruct_challenger.sponge_state.len(), 16); - assert_eq!(reconstruct_challenger.output_buffer.len(), 16); - - for proof in batch.iter() { - reconstruct_challenger.observe(proof.commitment.global_main_commit); - reconstruct_challenger - .observe_slice(&proof.public_values[0..self.core_prover.num_pv_elts()]); } - } - - // Check that the leaf challenger is the same as the reconstruct challenger. - assert_eq!(reconstruct_challenger.sponge_state, leaf_challenger.sponge_state); - assert_eq!(reconstruct_challenger.input_buffer, leaf_challenger.input_buffer); - assert_eq!(reconstruct_challenger.output_buffer, leaf_challenger.output_buffer); - core_inputs - } - - pub fn get_recursion_deferred_inputs<'a>( - &'a self, - vk: &'a StarkVerifyingKey, - leaf_challenger: &'a Challenger, - last_proof_pv: &PublicValues, BabyBear>, - deferred_proofs: &[SP1ReduceProof], - batch_size: usize, - ) -> Vec> { - // Prepare the inputs for the deferred proofs recursive verification. - let mut deferred_digest = [Val::::zero(); DIGEST_SIZE]; - let mut deferred_inputs = Vec::new(); - - for batch in deferred_proofs.chunks(batch_size) { - let vks_and_proofs = - batch.iter().cloned().map(|proof| (proof.vk, proof.proof)).collect::>(); - - let input = SP1CompressWitnessValues { vks_and_proofs, is_complete: true }; - let input = self.make_merkle_proofs(input); - let SP1CompressWithVKeyWitnessValues { compress_val, merkle_val } = input; - - deferred_inputs.push(SP1DeferredWitnessValues { - vks_and_proofs: compress_val.vks_and_proofs, - vk_merkle_data: merkle_val, - start_reconstruct_deferred_digest: deferred_digest, - is_complete: false, - sp1_vk_digest: vk.hash_babybear(), - end_pc: Val::::zero(), - end_shard: last_proof_pv.shard + BabyBear::one(), - end_execution_shard: last_proof_pv.execution_shard, - init_addr_bits: last_proof_pv.last_init_addr_bits, - finalize_addr_bits: last_proof_pv.last_finalize_addr_bits, - leaf_challenger: leaf_challenger.clone(), - committed_value_digest: last_proof_pv.committed_value_digest, - deferred_proofs_digest: last_proof_pv.deferred_proofs_digest, - }); - - deferred_digest = Self::hash_deferred_proofs(deferred_digest, batch); - } - deferred_inputs - } - - /// Generate the inputs for the first layer of recursive proofs. - #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] - pub fn get_first_layer_inputs<'a>( - &'a self, - vk: &'a SP1VerifyingKey, - leaf_challenger: &'a Challenger, - shard_proofs: &[ShardProof], - deferred_proofs: &[SP1ReduceProof], - batch_size: usize, - ) -> Vec { - let is_complete = shard_proofs.len() == 1 && deferred_proofs.is_empty(); - let core_inputs = self.get_recursion_core_inputs( - &vk.vk, - leaf_challenger, - shard_proofs, - batch_size, - is_complete, - ); - let last_proof_pv = shard_proofs.last().unwrap().public_values.as_slice().borrow(); - let deferred_inputs = self.get_recursion_deferred_inputs( - &vk.vk, - leaf_challenger, - last_proof_pv, - deferred_proofs, - batch_size, - ); - let mut inputs = Vec::new(); - inputs.extend(core_inputs.into_iter().map(SP1CircuitWitness::Core)); - inputs.extend(deferred_inputs.into_iter().map(SP1CircuitWitness::Deferred)); - inputs + // Collect the shard proofs and the public values stream. + let shard_proofs: Vec> = proof_rx.iter().collect(); + let (public_values_stream, cycles) = handle.join().unwrap().unwrap(); + let public_values = SP1PublicValues::from(&public_values_stream); + Self::check_for_high_cycles(cycles); + Ok(SP1CoreProof { + proof: SP1CoreProofData(shard_proofs), + stdin: stdin.clone(), + public_values, + cycles, + }) + }) } /// Reduce shards proofs to a single shard proof using the recursion prover. @@ -628,6 +390,18 @@ impl SP1Prover { deferred_proofs: Vec>, opts: SP1ProverOpts, ) -> Result, SP1RecursionProverError> { + #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] + enum TracesOrInput { + ProgramRecordTraces( + Box<( + Arc>, + ExecutionRecord, + Vec<(String, RowMajorMatrix)>, + )>, + ), + CircuitWitness(Box), + } + // The batch size for reducing two layers of recursion. let batch_size = REDUCE_BATCH_SIZE; // The batch size for reducing the first layer of recursion. @@ -635,22 +409,9 @@ impl SP1Prover { let shard_proofs = &proof.proof.0; - // Get the leaf challenger. - let mut leaf_challenger = self.core_prover.config().challenger(); - vk.vk.observe_into(&mut leaf_challenger); - shard_proofs.iter().for_each(|proof| { - leaf_challenger.observe(proof.commitment.global_main_commit); - leaf_challenger.observe_slice(&proof.public_values[0..self.core_prover.num_pv_elts()]); - }); - // Generate the first layer inputs. - let first_layer_inputs = self.get_first_layer_inputs( - vk, - &leaf_challenger, - shard_proofs, - &deferred_proofs, - first_layer_batch_size, - ); + let first_layer_inputs = + self.get_first_layer_inputs(vk, shard_proofs, &deferred_proofs, first_layer_batch_size); // Calculate the expected height of the tree. let mut expected_height = if first_layer_inputs.len() == 1 { 0 } else { 1 }; @@ -668,7 +429,7 @@ impl SP1Prover { // Spawn a worker that sends the first layer inputs to a bounded channel. let input_sync = Arc::new(TurnBasedSync::new()); - let (input_tx, input_rx) = sync_channel::<(usize, usize, SP1CircuitWitness)>( + let (input_tx, input_rx) = sync_channel::<(usize, usize, SP1CircuitWitness, bool)>( opts.recursion_opts.checkpoints_channel_capacity, ); let input_tx = Arc::new(Mutex::new(input_tx)); @@ -678,7 +439,7 @@ impl SP1Prover { s.spawn(move || { for (index, input) in first_layer_inputs.into_iter().enumerate() { input_sync.wait_for_turn(index); - input_tx.lock().unwrap().send((index, 0, input)).unwrap(); + input_tx.lock().unwrap().send((index, 0, input, false)).unwrap(); input_sync.advance_turn(); } }); @@ -687,13 +448,9 @@ impl SP1Prover { // Spawn workers who generate the records and traces. let record_and_trace_sync = Arc::new(TurnBasedSync::new()); let (record_and_trace_tx, record_and_trace_rx) = - sync_channel::<( - usize, - usize, - Arc>, - ExecutionRecord, - Vec<(String, RowMajorMatrix)>, - )>(opts.recursion_opts.records_and_traces_channel_capacity); + sync_channel::<(usize, usize, TracesOrInput)>( + opts.recursion_opts.records_and_traces_channel_capacity, + ); let record_and_trace_tx = Arc::new(Mutex::new(record_and_trace_tx)); let record_and_trace_rx = Arc::new(Mutex::new(record_and_trace_rx)); let input_rx = Arc::new(Mutex::new(input_rx)); @@ -706,7 +463,7 @@ impl SP1Prover { let _span = span.enter(); loop { let received = { input_rx.lock().unwrap().recv() }; - if let Ok((index, height, input)) = received { + if let Ok((index, height, input, false)) = received { // Get the program and witness stream. let (program, witness_stream) = tracing::debug_span!( "get program and witness stream" @@ -765,10 +522,8 @@ impl SP1Prover { // Generate the traces. let record = records.into_iter().next().unwrap(); - let traces = tracing::debug_span!("generate traces").in_scope(|| { - self.compress_prover - .generate_traces(&record, InteractionScope::Local) - }); + let traces = tracing::debug_span!("generate traces") + .in_scope(|| self.compress_prover.generate_traces(&record)); // Wait for our turn to update the state. record_and_trace_sync.wait_for_turn(index); @@ -777,7 +532,29 @@ impl SP1Prover { record_and_trace_tx .lock() .unwrap() - .send((index, height, program, record, traces)) + .send(( + index, + height, + TracesOrInput::ProgramRecordTraces(Box::new(( + program, record, traces, + ))), + )) + .unwrap(); + + // Advance the turn. + record_and_trace_sync.advance_turn(); + } else if let Ok((index, height, input, true)) = received { + record_and_trace_sync.wait_for_turn(index); + + // Send the record and traces to the worker. + record_and_trace_tx + .lock() + .unwrap() + .send(( + index, + height, + TracesOrInput::CircuitWitness(Box::new(input)), + )) .unwrap(); // Advance the turn. @@ -807,7 +584,10 @@ impl SP1Prover { let _span = span.enter(); loop { let received = { record_and_trace_rx.lock().unwrap().recv() }; - if let Ok((index, height, program, record, traces)) = received { + if let Ok((index, height, TracesOrInput::ProgramRecordTraces(boxed_prt))) = + received + { + let (program, record, traces) = *boxed_prt; tracing::debug_span!("batch").in_scope(|| { // Get the keys. let (pk, vk) = tracing::debug_span!("Setup compress program") @@ -821,36 +601,18 @@ impl SP1Prover { #[cfg(feature = "debug")] self.compress_prover.debug_constraints( - &pk.to_host(), + &self.compress_prover.pk_to_host(&pk), vec![record.clone()], &mut challenger.clone(), ); // Commit to the record and traces. - let local_data = tracing::debug_span!("commit") + let data = tracing::debug_span!("commit") .in_scope(|| self.compress_prover.commit(&record, traces)); - // Observe the commitment. - tracing::debug_span!("observe public values").in_scope(|| { - challenger.observe_slice( - &local_data.public_values[0..self.compress_prover.num_pv_elts()], - ); - }); - // Generate the proof. let proof = tracing::debug_span!("open").in_scope(|| { - self.compress_prover - .open( - &pk, - None, - local_data, - &mut challenger, - &[ - ::Challenge::zero(), - ::Challenge::zero(), - ], - ) - .unwrap() + self.compress_prover.open(&pk, data, &mut challenger).unwrap() }); // Verify the proof. @@ -875,6 +637,31 @@ impl SP1Prover { // Advance the turn. prover_sync.advance_turn(); }); + } else if let Ok(( + index, + height, + TracesOrInput::CircuitWitness(witness_box), + )) = received + { + let witness = *witness_box; + if let SP1CircuitWitness::Compress(inner_witness) = witness { + let SP1CompressWitnessValues { vks_and_proofs, is_complete: _ } = + inner_witness; + assert!(vks_and_proofs.len() == 1); + let (vk, proof) = vks_and_proofs.last().unwrap(); + // Wait for our turn to update the state. + prover_sync.wait_for_turn(index); + + // Send the proof. + proofs_tx + .lock() + .unwrap() + .send((index, height, vk.clone(), proof.clone())) + .unwrap(); + + // Advance the turn. + prover_sync.advance_turn(); + } } else { break; } @@ -898,16 +685,15 @@ impl SP1Prover { ShardProof, )> = Vec::new(); loop { + if expected_height == 0 { + break; + } let received = { proofs_rx.lock().unwrap().recv() }; if let Ok((index, height, vk, proof)) = received { batch.push((index, height, vk, proof)); - // Compute whether we've reached the root of the tree. - let is_complete = height == expected_height; - - // If it's not complete, and we haven't reached the batch size, - // continue. - if !is_complete && batch.len() < batch_size { + // If we haven't reached the batch size, continue. + if batch.len() < batch_size { continue; } @@ -922,7 +708,10 @@ impl SP1Prover { let inputs = if is_last { vec![batch[0].clone()] } else { batch.clone() }; - let next_input_index = inputs[0].1 + 1; + let next_input_height = inputs[0].1 + 1; + + let is_complete = next_input_height == expected_height; + let vks_and_proofs = inputs .into_iter() .map(|(_, _, vk, proof)| (vk, proof)) @@ -936,7 +725,7 @@ impl SP1Prover { input_tx .lock() .unwrap() - .send((count, next_input_index, input)) + .send((count, next_input_height, input, is_last)) .unwrap(); input_sync.advance_turn(); count += 1; @@ -964,10 +753,12 @@ impl SP1Prover { drop(input_tx); drop(record_and_trace_tx); drop(proofs_tx); + for handle in prover_handles { handle.join().unwrap(); } handle.join().unwrap(); + tracing::info!("joined handles"); let (_, _, vk, proof) = proofs_rx.lock().unwrap().recv().unwrap(); (vk, proof) @@ -986,13 +777,14 @@ impl SP1Prover { // Make the compress proof. let SP1ReduceProof { vk: compressed_vk, proof: compressed_proof } = reduced_proof; let input = SP1CompressWitnessValues { - vks_and_proofs: vec![(compressed_vk, compressed_proof)], + vks_and_proofs: vec![(compressed_vk.clone(), compressed_proof)], is_complete: true, }; let input_with_merkle = self.make_merkle_proofs(input); - let program = self.shrink_program(&input_with_merkle); + let program = + self.shrink_program(ShrinkAir::::shrink_shape(), &input_with_merkle); // Run the compress program. let mut runtime = RecursionRuntime::, Challenge, _>::new( @@ -1145,6 +937,274 @@ impl SP1Prover { proof } + pub fn recursion_program( + &self, + input: &SP1RecursionWitnessValues, + ) -> Arc> { + let mut cache = self.lift_programs_lru.lock().unwrap_or_else(|e| e.into_inner()); + cache + .get_or_insert(input.shape(), || { + let misses = self.lift_cache_misses.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); + tracing::debug!("core cache miss, misses: {}", misses); + // Get the operations. + let builder_span = tracing::debug_span!("build recursion program").entered(); + let mut builder = Builder::::default(); + + let input = + tracing::debug_span!("read input").in_scope(|| input.read(&mut builder)); + tracing::debug_span!("verify").in_scope(|| { + SP1RecursiveVerifier::verify(&mut builder, self.core_prover.machine(), input) + }); + let block = + tracing::debug_span!("build block").in_scope(|| builder.into_root_block()); + builder_span.exit(); + // SAFETY: The circuit is well-formed. It does not use synchronization primitives + // (or possibly other means) to violate the invariants. + let dsl_program = unsafe { DslIrProgram::new_unchecked(block) }; + + // Compile the program. + let compiler_span = tracing::debug_span!("compile recursion program").entered(); + let mut compiler = AsmCompiler::::default(); + let mut program = compiler.compile(dsl_program); + if let Some(inn_recursion_shape_config) = &self.compress_shape_config { + inn_recursion_shape_config.fix_shape(&mut program); + } + let program = Arc::new(program); + compiler_span.exit(); + program + }) + .clone() + } + + pub fn compress_program( + &self, + input: &SP1CompressWithVKeyWitnessValues, + ) -> Arc> { + self.join_programs_map.get(&input.shape()).cloned().unwrap_or_else(|| { + tracing::warn!("join program not found in map, recomputing join program."); + // Get the operations. + Arc::new(compress_program_from_input::( + self.compress_shape_config.as_ref(), + &self.compress_prover, + self.vk_verification, + input, + )) + }) + } + + pub fn shrink_program( + &self, + shrink_shape: RecursionShape, + input: &SP1CompressWithVKeyWitnessValues, + ) -> Arc> { + // Get the operations. + let builder_span = tracing::debug_span!("build shrink program").entered(); + let mut builder = Builder::::default(); + let input = input.read(&mut builder); + // Verify the proof. + SP1CompressRootVerifierWithVKey::verify( + &mut builder, + self.compress_prover.machine(), + input, + self.vk_verification, + PublicValuesOutputDigest::Reduce, + ); + let block = builder.into_root_block(); + builder_span.exit(); + // SAFETY: The circuit is well-formed. It does not use synchronization primitives + // (or possibly other means) to violate the invariants. + let dsl_program = unsafe { DslIrProgram::new_unchecked(block) }; + + // Compile the program. + let compiler_span = tracing::debug_span!("compile shrink program").entered(); + let mut compiler = AsmCompiler::::default(); + let mut program = compiler.compile(dsl_program); + + *program.shape_mut() = Some(shrink_shape); + let program = Arc::new(program); + compiler_span.exit(); + program + } + + pub fn wrap_program(&self) -> Arc> { + self.wrap_program + .get_or_init(|| { + // Get the operations. + let builder_span = tracing::debug_span!("build compress program").entered(); + let mut builder = Builder::::default(); + + let shrink_shape: OrderedShape = ShrinkAir::::shrink_shape().into(); + let input_shape = SP1CompressShape::from(vec![shrink_shape]); + let shape = SP1CompressWithVkeyShape { + compress_shape: input_shape, + merkle_tree_height: self.recursion_vk_tree.height, + }; + let dummy_input = + SP1CompressWithVKeyWitnessValues::dummy(self.shrink_prover.machine(), &shape); + + let input = dummy_input.read(&mut builder); + + // Attest that the merkle tree root is correct. + let root = input.merkle_var.root; + for (val, expected) in root.iter().zip(self.recursion_vk_root.iter()) { + builder.assert_felt_eq(*val, *expected); + } + // Verify the proof. + SP1CompressRootVerifierWithVKey::verify( + &mut builder, + self.shrink_prover.machine(), + input, + self.vk_verification, + PublicValuesOutputDigest::Root, + ); + + let block = builder.into_root_block(); + builder_span.exit(); + // SAFETY: The circuit is well-formed. It does not use synchronization primitives + // (or possibly other means) to violate the invariants. + let dsl_program = unsafe { DslIrProgram::new_unchecked(block) }; + + // Compile the program. + let compiler_span = tracing::debug_span!("compile compress program").entered(); + let mut compiler = AsmCompiler::::default(); + let program = Arc::new(compiler.compile(dsl_program)); + compiler_span.exit(); + program + }) + .clone() + } + + pub fn deferred_program( + &self, + input: &SP1DeferredWitnessValues, + ) -> Arc> { + // Compile the program. + + // Get the operations. + let operations_span = + tracing::debug_span!("get operations for the deferred program").entered(); + let mut builder = Builder::::default(); + let input_read_span = tracing::debug_span!("Read input values").entered(); + let input = input.read(&mut builder); + input_read_span.exit(); + let verify_span = tracing::debug_span!("Verify deferred program").entered(); + + // Verify the proof. + SP1DeferredVerifier::verify( + &mut builder, + self.compress_prover.machine(), + input, + self.vk_verification, + ); + verify_span.exit(); + let block = builder.into_root_block(); + operations_span.exit(); + // SAFETY: The circuit is well-formed. It does not use synchronization primitives + // (or possibly other means) to violate the invariants. + let dsl_program = unsafe { DslIrProgram::new_unchecked(block) }; + + let compiler_span = tracing::debug_span!("compile deferred program").entered(); + let mut compiler = AsmCompiler::::default(); + let mut program = compiler.compile(dsl_program); + if let Some(recursion_shape_config) = &self.compress_shape_config { + recursion_shape_config.fix_shape(&mut program); + } + let program = Arc::new(program); + compiler_span.exit(); + program + } + + pub fn get_recursion_core_inputs( + &self, + vk: &StarkVerifyingKey, + shard_proofs: &[ShardProof], + batch_size: usize, + is_complete: bool, + deferred_digest: [Val; 8], + ) -> Vec> { + let mut core_inputs = Vec::new(); + + // Prepare the inputs for the recursion programs. + for (batch_idx, batch) in shard_proofs.chunks(batch_size).enumerate() { + let proofs = batch.to_vec(); + + core_inputs.push(SP1RecursionWitnessValues { + vk: vk.clone(), + shard_proofs: proofs.clone(), + is_complete, + is_first_shard: batch_idx == 0, + vk_root: self.recursion_vk_root, + reconstruct_deferred_digest: deferred_digest, + }); + } + core_inputs + } + + pub fn get_recursion_deferred_inputs<'a>( + &'a self, + vk: &'a StarkVerifyingKey, + deferred_proofs: &[SP1ReduceProof], + batch_size: usize, + ) -> (Vec>, [BabyBear; 8]) { + // Prepare the inputs for the deferred proofs recursive verification. + let mut deferred_digest = [Val::::zero(); DIGEST_SIZE]; + let mut deferred_inputs = Vec::new(); + + for batch in deferred_proofs.chunks(batch_size) { + let vks_and_proofs = + batch.iter().cloned().map(|proof| (proof.vk, proof.proof)).collect::>(); + + let input = SP1CompressWitnessValues { vks_and_proofs, is_complete: true }; + let input = self.make_merkle_proofs(input); + let SP1CompressWithVKeyWitnessValues { compress_val, merkle_val } = input; + + deferred_inputs.push(SP1DeferredWitnessValues { + vks_and_proofs: compress_val.vks_and_proofs, + vk_merkle_data: merkle_val, + start_reconstruct_deferred_digest: deferred_digest, + is_complete: false, + sp1_vk_digest: vk.hash_babybear(), + end_pc: vk.pc_start, + end_shard: BabyBear::one(), + end_execution_shard: BabyBear::one(), + init_addr_bits: [BabyBear::zero(); 32], + finalize_addr_bits: [BabyBear::zero(); 32], + committed_value_digest: [Word::([BabyBear::zero(); 4]); 8], + deferred_proofs_digest: [BabyBear::zero(); 8], + }); + + deferred_digest = Self::hash_deferred_proofs(deferred_digest, batch); + } + (deferred_inputs, deferred_digest) + } + + /// Generate the inputs for the first layer of recursive proofs. + #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] + pub fn get_first_layer_inputs<'a>( + &'a self, + vk: &'a SP1VerifyingKey, + shard_proofs: &[ShardProof], + deferred_proofs: &[SP1ReduceProof], + batch_size: usize, + ) -> Vec { + let (deferred_inputs, deferred_digest) = + self.get_recursion_deferred_inputs(&vk.vk, deferred_proofs, batch_size); + + let is_complete = shard_proofs.len() == 1 && deferred_proofs.is_empty(); + let core_inputs = self.get_recursion_core_inputs( + &vk.vk, + shard_proofs, + batch_size, + is_complete, + deferred_digest, + ); + + let mut inputs = Vec::new(); + inputs.extend(deferred_inputs.into_iter().map(SP1CircuitWitness::Deferred)); + inputs.extend(core_inputs.into_iter().map(SP1CircuitWitness::Core)); + inputs + } + /// Accumulate deferred proofs into a single digest. pub fn hash_deferred_proofs( prev_digest: [Val; DIGEST_SIZE], @@ -1168,14 +1228,14 @@ impl SP1Prover { &self, input: SP1CompressWitnessValues, ) -> SP1CompressWithVKeyWitnessValues { - let num_vks = self.allowed_vk_map.len(); + let num_vks = self.recursion_vk_map.len(); let (vk_indices, vk_digest_values): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = if self.vk_verification { input .vks_and_proofs .iter() .map(|(vk, _)| { let vk_digest = vk.hash_babybear(); - let index = self.allowed_vk_map.get(&vk_digest).expect("vk not allowed"); + let index = self.recursion_vk_map.get(&vk_digest).expect("vk not allowed"); (index, vk_digest) }) .unzip() @@ -1194,13 +1254,13 @@ impl SP1Prover { let proofs = vk_indices .iter() .map(|index| { - let (_, proof) = MerkleTree::open(&self.vk_merkle_tree, *index); + let (_, proof) = MerkleTree::open(&self.recursion_vk_tree, *index); proof }) .collect(); let merkle_val = SP1MerkleProofWitnessValues { - root: self.vk_root, + root: self.recursion_vk_root, values: vk_digest_values, vk_merkle_proofs: proofs, }; @@ -1211,13 +1271,50 @@ impl SP1Prover { fn check_for_high_cycles(cycles: u64) { if cycles > 100_000_000 { tracing::warn!( - "high cycle count, consider using the prover network for proof generation: https://docs.succinct.xyz/generating-proofs/prover-network" + "High cycle count detected ({}M cycles). For better performance, consider using the Succinct Prover Network: https://docs.succinct.xyz/generating-proofs/prover-network", + cycles / 1_000_000 ); } } } -#[cfg(any(test, feature = "export-tests"))] +pub fn compress_program_from_input( + config: Option<&RecursionShapeConfig>>, + compress_prover: &C::CompressProver, + vk_verification: bool, + input: &SP1CompressWithVKeyWitnessValues, +) -> RecursionProgram { + let builder_span = tracing::debug_span!("build compress program").entered(); + let mut builder = Builder::::default(); + // read the input. + let input = input.read(&mut builder); + // Verify the proof. + SP1CompressWithVKeyVerifier::verify( + &mut builder, + compress_prover.machine(), + input, + vk_verification, + PublicValuesOutputDigest::Reduce, + ); + let block = builder.into_root_block(); + builder_span.exit(); + // SAFETY: The circuit is well-formed. It does not use synchronization primitives + // (or possibly other means) to violate the invariants. + let dsl_program = unsafe { DslIrProgram::new_unchecked(block) }; + + // Compile the program. + let compiler_span = tracing::debug_span!("compile compress program").entered(); + let mut compiler = AsmCompiler::::default(); + let mut program = compiler.compile(dsl_program); + if let Some(config) = config { + config.fix_shape(&mut program); + } + compiler_span.exit(); + + program +} + +#[cfg(test)] pub mod tests { use std::{ @@ -1284,17 +1381,16 @@ pub mod tests { let context = SP1Context::default(); tracing::info!("setup elf"); - let (pk, vk) = prover.setup(elf); + let (_, pk_d, program, vk) = prover.setup(elf); tracing::info!("prove core"); - let core_proof = prover.prove_core(&pk, &stdin, opts, context)?; + let core_proof = prover.prove_core(&pk_d, program, &stdin, opts, context)?; let public_values = core_proof.public_values.clone(); if env::var("COLLECT_SHAPES").is_ok() { let mut shapes = BTreeSet::new(); for proof in core_proof.proof.0.iter() { let shape = SP1ProofShape::Recursion(proof.shape()); - tracing::info!("shape: {:?}", shape); shapes.insert(shape); } @@ -1414,26 +1510,31 @@ pub mod tests { opts: SP1ProverOpts, ) -> Result<()> { // Test program which proves the Keccak-256 hash of various inputs. - let keccak_elf = include_bytes!("../../../tests/keccak256/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); + let keccak_elf = test_artifacts::KECCAK256_ELF; // Test program which verifies proofs of a vkey and a list of committed inputs. - let verify_elf = - include_bytes!("../../../tests/verify-proof/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); + let verify_elf = test_artifacts::VERIFY_PROOF_ELF; tracing::info!("initializing prover"); let prover = SP1Prover::::new(); tracing::info!("setup keccak elf"); - let (keccak_pk, keccak_vk) = prover.setup(keccak_elf); + let (_, keccak_pk_d, keccak_program, keccak_vk) = prover.setup(keccak_elf); tracing::info!("setup verify elf"); - let (verify_pk, verify_vk) = prover.setup(verify_elf); + let (_, verify_pk_d, verify_program, verify_vk) = prover.setup(verify_elf); tracing::info!("prove subproof 1"); let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); stdin.write(&1usize); stdin.write(&vec![0u8, 0, 0]); - let deferred_proof_1 = prover.prove_core(&keccak_pk, &stdin, opts, Default::default())?; + let deferred_proof_1 = prover.prove_core( + &keccak_pk_d, + keccak_program.clone(), + &stdin, + opts, + Default::default(), + )?; let pv_1 = deferred_proof_1.public_values.as_slice().to_vec().clone(); // Generate a second proof of keccak of various inputs. @@ -1443,16 +1544,19 @@ pub mod tests { stdin.write(&vec![0u8, 1, 2]); stdin.write(&vec![2, 3, 4]); stdin.write(&vec![5, 6, 7]); - let deferred_proof_2 = prover.prove_core(&keccak_pk, &stdin, opts, Default::default())?; + let deferred_proof_2 = + prover.prove_core(&keccak_pk_d, keccak_program, &stdin, opts, Default::default())?; let pv_2 = deferred_proof_2.public_values.as_slice().to_vec().clone(); // Generate recursive proof of first subproof. tracing::info!("compress subproof 1"); let deferred_reduce_1 = prover.compress(&keccak_vk, deferred_proof_1, vec![], opts)?; + prover.verify_compressed(&deferred_reduce_1, &keccak_vk)?; // Generate recursive proof of second subproof. tracing::info!("compress subproof 2"); let deferred_reduce_2 = prover.compress(&keccak_vk, deferred_proof_2, vec![], opts)?; + prover.verify_compressed(&deferred_reduce_2, &keccak_vk)?; // Run verify program with keccak vkey, subproofs, and their committed values. let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); @@ -1470,7 +1574,8 @@ pub mod tests { stdin.write_proof(deferred_reduce_2.clone(), keccak_vk.vk.clone()); tracing::info!("proving verify program (core)"); - let verify_proof = prover.prove_core(&verify_pk, &stdin, opts, Default::default())?; + let verify_proof = + prover.prove_core(&verify_pk_d, verify_program, &stdin, opts, Default::default())?; // let public_values = verify_proof.public_values.clone(); // Generate recursive proof of verify program @@ -1513,20 +1618,14 @@ pub mod tests { #[test] #[serial] fn test_e2e() -> Result<()> { - let elf = include_bytes!("../../../tests/fibonacci/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); + let elf = test_artifacts::FIBONACCI_ELF; setup_logger(); - let opts = SP1ProverOpts::default(); + let opts = SP1ProverOpts::auto(); // TODO(mattstam): We should Test::Plonk here, but this uses the existing // docker image which has a different API than the current. So we need to wait until the // next release (v1.2.0+), and then switch it back. - let prover = SP1Prover::::new(); - test_e2e_prover::( - &prover, - elf, - SP1Stdin::default(), - opts, - Test::All, - ) + let prover = SP1Prover::::new(); + test_e2e_prover::(&prover, elf, SP1Stdin::default(), opts, Test::All) } /// Tests an end-to-end workflow of proving a program across the entire proof generation @@ -1535,6 +1634,6 @@ pub mod tests { #[serial] fn test_e2e_with_deferred_proofs() -> Result<()> { setup_logger(); - test_e2e_with_deferred_proofs_prover::(SP1ProverOpts::default()) + test_e2e_with_deferred_proofs_prover::(SP1ProverOpts::auto()) } } diff --git a/crates/prover/src/shapes.rs b/crates/prover/src/shapes.rs index b7adddc0e..2438ae070 100644 --- a/crates/prover/src/shapes.rs +++ b/crates/prover/src/shapes.rs @@ -1,35 +1,39 @@ use std::{ collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, HashSet}, fs::File, + hash::{DefaultHasher, Hash, Hasher}, panic::{catch_unwind, AssertUnwindSafe}, path::PathBuf, sync::{Arc, Mutex}, }; -use thiserror::Error; - +use eyre::Result; use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; use p3_field::AbstractField; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; -use sp1_core_machine::riscv::CoreShapeConfig; +use sp1_core_machine::shape::CoreShapeConfig; use sp1_recursion_circuit::machine::{ SP1CompressWithVKeyWitnessValues, SP1CompressWithVkeyShape, SP1DeferredShape, SP1DeferredWitnessValues, SP1RecursionShape, SP1RecursionWitnessValues, }; -use sp1_recursion_core::{shape::RecursionShapeConfig, RecursionProgram}; -use sp1_stark::{MachineProver, ProofShape, DIGEST_SIZE}; +use sp1_recursion_core::{ + shape::{RecursionShape, RecursionShapeConfig}, + RecursionProgram, +}; +use sp1_stark::{shape::OrderedShape, MachineProver, DIGEST_SIZE}; +use thiserror::Error; -use crate::{components::SP1ProverComponents, CompressAir, HashableKey, SP1Prover}; +use crate::{components::SP1ProverComponents, CompressAir, HashableKey, SP1Prover, ShrinkAir}; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum SP1ProofShape { - Recursion(ProofShape), - Compress(Vec), - Deferred(ProofShape), - Shrink(ProofShape), + Recursion(OrderedShape), + Compress(Vec), + Deferred(OrderedShape), + Shrink(OrderedShape), } -#[derive(Debug, Clone)] +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash)] pub enum SP1CompressProgramShape { Recursion(SP1RecursionShape), Compress(SP1CompressWithVkeyShape), @@ -37,6 +41,14 @@ pub enum SP1CompressProgramShape { Shrink(SP1CompressWithVkeyShape), } +impl SP1CompressProgramShape { + pub fn hash_u64(&self) -> u64 { + let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new(); + Hash::hash(&self, &mut hasher); + hasher.finish() + } +} + #[derive(Debug, Error)] pub enum VkBuildError { #[error("IO error: {0}")] @@ -45,22 +57,104 @@ pub enum VkBuildError { Bincode(#[from] bincode::Error), } -pub fn build_vk_map( +pub fn check_shapes( + reduce_batch_size: usize, + no_precompiles: bool, + num_compiler_workers: usize, + prover: &mut SP1Prover, +) -> bool { + let (shape_tx, shape_rx) = + std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel::(num_compiler_workers); + let (panic_tx, panic_rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel(); + let core_shape_config = prover.core_shape_config.as_ref().expect("core shape config not found"); + let recursion_shape_config = + prover.compress_shape_config.as_ref().expect("recursion shape config not found"); + + let shape_rx = Mutex::new(shape_rx); + + let all_maximal_shapes = SP1ProofShape::generate_maximal_shapes( + core_shape_config, + recursion_shape_config, + reduce_batch_size, + no_precompiles, + ) + .collect::>(); + let num_shapes = all_maximal_shapes.len(); + tracing::info!("number of shapes: {}", num_shapes); + + // The Merkle tree height. + let height = num_shapes.next_power_of_two().ilog2() as usize; + + // Empty the join program map so that we recompute the join program. + prover.join_programs_map.clear(); + + let compress_ok = std::thread::scope(|s| { + // Initialize compiler workers. + for _ in 0..num_compiler_workers { + let shape_rx = &shape_rx; + let prover = &prover; + let panic_tx = panic_tx.clone(); + s.spawn(move || { + while let Ok(shape) = shape_rx.lock().unwrap().recv() { + tracing::info!("shape is {:?}", shape); + let program = catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| { + // Try to build the recursion program from the given shape. + prover.program_from_shape(shape.clone(), None) + })); + match program { + Ok(_) => {} + Err(e) => { + tracing::warn!( + "Program generation failed for shape {:?}, with error: {:?}", + shape, + e + ); + panic_tx.send(true).unwrap(); + } + } + } + }); + } + + // Generate shapes and send them to the compiler workers. + all_maximal_shapes.into_iter().for_each(|program_shape| { + shape_tx + .send(SP1CompressProgramShape::from_proof_shape(program_shape, height)) + .unwrap(); + }); + + drop(shape_tx); + drop(panic_tx); + + // If the panic receiver has no panics, then the shape is correct. + panic_rx.iter().next().is_none() + }); + + compress_ok +} + +pub fn build_vk_map( reduce_batch_size: usize, dummy: bool, num_compiler_workers: usize, num_setup_workers: usize, indices: Option>, ) -> (BTreeSet<[BabyBear; DIGEST_SIZE]>, Vec, usize) { + // Setup the prover. let mut prover = SP1Prover::::new(); prover.vk_verification = !dummy; + if !dummy { + prover.join_programs_map.clear(); + } + let prover = Arc::new(prover); + + // Get the shape configs. let core_shape_config = prover.core_shape_config.as_ref().expect("core shape config not found"); let recursion_shape_config = - prover.recursion_shape_config.as_ref().expect("recursion shape config not found"); + prover.compress_shape_config.as_ref().expect("recursion shape config not found"); - tracing::info!("building compress vk map"); let (vk_set, panic_indices, height) = if dummy { - tracing::warn!("Making a dummy vk map"); + tracing::warn!("building a dummy vk map"); let dummy_set = SP1ProofShape::dummy_vk_map( core_shape_config, recursion_shape_config, @@ -71,21 +165,32 @@ pub fn build_vk_map( let height = dummy_set.len().next_power_of_two().ilog2() as usize; (dummy_set, vec![], height) } else { + tracing::info!("building vk map"); + + // Setup the channels. let (vk_tx, vk_rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel(); let (shape_tx, shape_rx) = std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel::<(usize, SP1CompressProgramShape)>(num_compiler_workers); let (program_tx, program_rx) = std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel(num_setup_workers); let (panic_tx, panic_rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel(); + // Setup the mutexes. let shape_rx = Mutex::new(shape_rx); let program_rx = Mutex::new(program_rx); + // Generate all the possible shape inputs we encounter in recursion. This may span lift, + // join, deferred, shrink, etc. let indices_set = indices.map(|indices| indices.into_iter().collect::>()); - let all_shapes = + let mut all_shapes = BTreeSet::new(); + let start = std::time::Instant::now(); + for shape in SP1ProofShape::generate(core_shape_config, recursion_shape_config, reduce_batch_size) - .collect::>(); + { + all_shapes.insert(shape); + } + let num_shapes = all_shapes.len(); - tracing::info!("number of shapes: {}", num_shapes); + tracing::info!("number of shapes: {} in {:?}", num_shapes, start.elapsed()); let height = num_shapes.next_power_of_two().ilog2() as usize; let chunk_size = indices_set.as_ref().map(|indices| indices.len()).unwrap_or(num_shapes); @@ -95,16 +200,19 @@ pub fn build_vk_map( for _ in 0..num_compiler_workers { let program_tx = program_tx.clone(); let shape_rx = &shape_rx; - let prover = &prover; + let prover = prover.clone(); let panic_tx = panic_tx.clone(); s.spawn(move || { while let Ok((i, shape)) = shape_rx.lock().unwrap().recv() { - println!("shape {} is {:?}", i, shape); - let program = catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| { - prover.program_from_shape(shape.clone()) - })); + println!("shape: {:?}", shape); let is_shrink = matches!(shape, SP1CompressProgramShape::Shrink(_)); - match program { + let prover = prover.clone(); + let shape_clone = shape.clone(); + // Spawn on another thread to handle panics. + let program_thread = std::thread::spawn(move || { + prover.program_from_shape(shape_clone, None) + }); + match program_thread.join() { Ok(program) => program_tx.send((i, program, is_shrink)).unwrap(), Err(e) => { tracing::warn!( @@ -125,18 +233,29 @@ pub fn build_vk_map( let vk_tx = vk_tx.clone(); let program_rx = &program_rx; let prover = &prover; + let panic_tx = panic_tx.clone(); s.spawn(move || { let mut done = 0; while let Ok((i, program, is_shrink)) = program_rx.lock().unwrap().recv() { - let vk = tracing::debug_span!("setup for program {}", i).in_scope(|| { + let prover = prover.clone(); + let vk_thread = std::thread::spawn(move || { if is_shrink { prover.shrink_prover.setup(&program).1 } else { prover.compress_prover.setup(&program).1 } }); + let vk = tracing::debug_span!("setup for program {}", i) + .in_scope(|| vk_thread.join()); done += 1; + if let Err(e) = vk { + tracing::error!("failed to setup program {}: {:?}", i, e); + panic_tx.send(i).unwrap(); + continue; + } + let vk = vk.unwrap(); + let vk_digest = vk.hash_babybear(); tracing::info!( "program {} = {:?}, {}% done", @@ -150,10 +269,15 @@ pub fn build_vk_map( } // Generate shapes and send them to the compiler workers. - all_shapes + let subset_shapes = all_shapes .into_iter() .enumerate() .filter(|(i, _)| indices_set.as_ref().map(|set| set.contains(i)).unwrap_or(true)) + .collect::>(); + + subset_shapes + .clone() + .into_iter() .map(|(i, shape)| (i, SP1CompressProgramShape::from_proof_shape(shape, height))) .for_each(|(i, program_shape)| { shape_tx.send((i, program_shape)).unwrap(); @@ -167,6 +291,11 @@ pub fn build_vk_map( let vk_set = vk_rx.iter().collect::>(); let panic_indices = panic_rx.iter().collect::>(); + for (i, shape) in subset_shapes { + if panic_indices.contains(&i) { + tracing::info!("panic shape {}: {:?}", i, shape); + } + } (vk_set, panic_indices, height) }) @@ -175,7 +304,7 @@ pub fn build_vk_map( (vk_set, panic_indices, height) } -pub fn build_vk_map_to_file( +pub fn build_vk_map_to_file( build_dir: PathBuf, reduce_batch_size: usize, dummy: bool, @@ -184,10 +313,10 @@ pub fn build_vk_map_to_file( range_start: Option, range_end: Option, ) -> Result<(), VkBuildError> { + // Create the build directory if it doesn't exist. std::fs::create_dir_all(&build_dir)?; - tracing::info!("Building vk set"); - + // Build the vk map. let (vk_set, _, _) = build_vk_map::( reduce_batch_size, dummy, @@ -196,14 +325,16 @@ pub fn build_vk_map_to_file( range_start.and_then(|start| range_end.map(|end| (start..end).collect())), ); + // Serialize the vk into an ordering. let vk_map = vk_set.into_iter().enumerate().map(|(i, vk)| (vk, i)).collect::>(); - tracing::info!("Save the vk set to file"); + // Create the file to store the vk map. let mut file = if dummy { File::create(build_dir.join("dummy_vk_map.bin"))? } else { File::create(build_dir.join("vk_map.bin"))? }; + Ok(bincode::serialize_into(&mut file, &vk_map)?) } @@ -214,7 +345,7 @@ impl SP1ProofShape { reduce_batch_size: usize, ) -> impl Iterator + 'a { core_shape_config - .generate_all_allowed_shapes() + .all_shapes() .map(Self::Recursion) .chain((1..=reduce_batch_size).flat_map(|batch_size| { recursion_shape_config.get_all_shape_combinations(batch_size).map(Self::Compress) @@ -231,6 +362,45 @@ impl SP1ProofShape { ) } + pub fn generate_compress_shapes( + recursion_shape_config: &'_ RecursionShapeConfig>, + reduce_batch_size: usize, + ) -> impl Iterator> + '_ { + recursion_shape_config.get_all_shape_combinations(reduce_batch_size) + } + + pub fn generate_maximal_shapes<'a>( + core_shape_config: &'a CoreShapeConfig, + recursion_shape_config: &'a RecursionShapeConfig>, + reduce_batch_size: usize, + no_precompiles: bool, + ) -> impl Iterator + 'a { + let core_shape_iter = if no_precompiles { + core_shape_config.maximal_core_shapes(21).into_iter() + } else { + core_shape_config.maximal_core_plus_precompile_shapes(21).into_iter() + }; + core_shape_iter + .map(|core_shape| { + Self::Recursion(OrderedShape { + inner: core_shape.into_iter().map(|(k, v)| (k.to_string(), v)).collect(), + }) + }) + .chain((1..=reduce_batch_size).flat_map(|batch_size| { + recursion_shape_config.get_all_shape_combinations(batch_size).map(Self::Compress) + })) + .chain( + recursion_shape_config + .get_all_shape_combinations(1) + .map(|mut x| Self::Deferred(x.pop().unwrap())), + ) + .chain( + recursion_shape_config + .get_all_shape_combinations(1) + .map(|mut x| Self::Shrink(x.pop().unwrap())), + ) + } + pub fn dummy_vk_map<'a>( core_shape_config: &'a CoreShapeConfig, recursion_shape_config: &'a RecursionShapeConfig>, @@ -266,6 +436,7 @@ impl SP1Prover { pub fn program_from_shape( &self, shape: SP1CompressProgramShape, + shrink_shape: Option, ) -> Arc> { match shape { SP1CompressProgramShape::Recursion(shape) => { @@ -284,7 +455,10 @@ impl SP1Prover { SP1CompressProgramShape::Shrink(shape) => { let input = SP1CompressWithVKeyWitnessValues::dummy(self.compress_prover.machine(), &shape); - self.shrink_program(&input) + self.shrink_program( + shrink_shape.unwrap_or_else(ShrinkAir::::shrink_shape), + &input, + ) } } } @@ -292,6 +466,7 @@ impl SP1Prover { #[cfg(test)] mod tests { + use super::*; #[test] diff --git a/crates/prover/src/types.rs b/crates/prover/src/types.rs index dfebfb6c8..27e06cc24 100644 --- a/crates/prover/src/types.rs +++ b/crates/prover/src/types.rs @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ use std::{fs::File, path::Path}; use anyhow::Result; +use clap::ValueEnum; use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; use p3_bn254_fr::Bn254Fr; use p3_commit::{Pcs, TwoAdicMultiplicativeCoset}; @@ -43,18 +44,33 @@ pub trait HashableKey { /// Hash the key into a digest of BabyBear elements. fn hash_babybear(&self) -> [BabyBear; DIGEST_SIZE]; - /// Hash the key into a digest of u32 elements. + /// Hash the key into a digest of u32 elements. fn hash_u32(&self) -> [u32; DIGEST_SIZE]; + /// Hash the key into a Bn254Fr element. fn hash_bn254(&self) -> Bn254Fr { babybears_to_bn254(&self.hash_babybear()) } + /// Hash the key into a 32 byte hex string, prefixed with "0x". + /// + /// This is ideal for generating a vkey hash for onchain verification. fn bytes32(&self) -> String { let vkey_digest_bn254 = self.hash_bn254(); format!("0x{:0>64}", vkey_digest_bn254.as_canonical_biguint().to_str_radix(16)) } + /// Hash the key into a 32 byte array. + /// + /// This has the same value as `bytes32`, but as a raw byte array. + fn bytes32_raw(&self) -> [u8; 32] { + let vkey_digest_bn254 = self.hash_bn254(); + let vkey_bytes = vkey_digest_bn254.as_canonical_biguint().to_bytes_be(); + let mut result = [0u8; 32]; + result[1..].copy_from_slice(&vkey_bytes); + result + } + /// Hash the key into a digest of bytes elements. fn hash_bytes(&self) -> [u8; DIGEST_SIZE * 4] { words_to_bytes_be(&self.hash_u32()) @@ -78,10 +94,12 @@ where { fn hash_babybear(&self) -> [BabyBear; DIGEST_SIZE] { let prep_domains = self.chip_information.iter().map(|(_, domain, _)| domain); - let num_inputs = DIGEST_SIZE + 1 + (4 * prep_domains.len()); + let num_inputs = DIGEST_SIZE + 1 + 14 + (4 * prep_domains.len()); let mut inputs = Vec::with_capacity(num_inputs); inputs.extend(self.commit.as_ref()); inputs.push(self.pc_start); + inputs.extend(self.initial_global_cumulative_sum.0.x.0); + inputs.extend(self.initial_global_cumulative_sum.0.y.0); for domain in prep_domains { inputs.push(BabyBear::from_canonical_usize(domain.log_n)); let size = 1 << domain.log_n; @@ -183,6 +201,16 @@ impl SP1Bn254ProofData { } } +/// The mode of the prover. +#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, ValueEnum, PartialEq, Eq)] +pub enum ProverMode { + #[default] + Cpu, + Cuda, + Network, + Mock, +} + #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum ProofSystem { Plonk, diff --git a/crates/prover/src/utils.rs b/crates/prover/src/utils.rs index 839f90f59..135353a30 100644 --- a/crates/prover/src/utils.rs +++ b/crates/prover/src/utils.rs @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ pub fn load_elf(path: &str) -> Result, std::io::Error> { } pub fn words_to_bytes(words: &[Word]) -> Vec { - return words.iter().flat_map(|word| word.0).collect(); + words.iter().flat_map(|word| word.0).collect() } /// Convert 8 BabyBear words into a Bn254Fr field element by shifting by 31 bits each time. The last diff --git a/crates/prover/src/verify.rs b/crates/prover/src/verify.rs index 1a2ff2550..4d64319a5 100644 --- a/crates/prover/src/verify.rs +++ b/crates/prover/src/verify.rs @@ -228,12 +228,14 @@ impl SP1Prover { // - `deferred_proofs_digest` should be zero. // // Transition: - // - If `committed_value_digest_prev` is not zero, then `committed_value_digest` should equal + // - If `committed_value_digest_prev` is not zero, then `committed_value_digest` should + // equal // `committed_value_digest_prev`. Otherwise, `committed_value_digest` should equal zero. // - If `deferred_proofs_digest_prev` is not zero, then `deferred_proofs_digest` should // equal // `deferred_proofs_digest_prev`. Otherwise, `deferred_proofs_digest` should equal zero. - // - If it's not a shard with "CPU", then `committed_value_digest` should not change from the + // - If it's not a shard with "CPU", then `committed_value_digest` should not change from + // the // previous shard. // - If it's not a shard with "CPU", then `deferred_proofs_digest` should not change from // the @@ -306,7 +308,8 @@ impl SP1Prover { public_values, ); - if self.vk_verification && !self.allowed_vk_map.contains_key(&compress_vk.hash_babybear()) { + if self.vk_verification && !self.recursion_vk_map.contains_key(&compress_vk.hash_babybear()) + { return Err(MachineVerificationError::InvalidVerificationKey); } @@ -343,10 +346,16 @@ impl SP1Prover { public_values, ); - if self.vk_verification && !self.allowed_vk_map.contains_key(&proof.vk.hash_babybear()) { + if self.vk_verification && !self.recursion_vk_map.contains_key(&proof.vk.hash_babybear()) { return Err(MachineVerificationError::InvalidVerificationKey); } + // `is_complete` should be 1. In the reduce program, this ensures that the proof is fully + // reduced. + if public_values.is_complete != BabyBear::one() { + return Err(MachineVerificationError::InvalidPublicValues("is_complete is not 1")); + } + // Verify that the proof is for the sp1 vkey we are expecting. let vkey_hash = vk.hash_babybear(); if public_values.sp1_vk_digest != vkey_hash { @@ -470,7 +479,7 @@ pub fn verify_groth16_bn254_public_inputs( Ok(()) } -impl SubproofVerifier for &SP1Prover { +impl SubproofVerifier for SP1Prover { fn verify_deferred_proof( &self, proof: &sp1_core_machine::reduce::SP1ReduceProof, diff --git a/crates/prover/src/vk_map.bin b/crates/prover/src/vk_map.bin new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c28f38aa6 Binary files /dev/null and b/crates/prover/src/vk_map.bin differ diff --git a/crates/prover/dummy_vk_map.bin b/crates/prover/src/vk_map_dummy.bin similarity index 100% rename from crates/prover/dummy_vk_map.bin rename to crates/prover/src/vk_map_dummy.bin diff --git a/crates/prover/vk_map.bin b/crates/prover/vk_map.bin deleted file mode 100644 index afa7df3b1..000000000 Binary files a/crates/prover/vk_map.bin and /dev/null differ diff --git a/crates/recursion/circuit/Cargo.toml b/crates/recursion/circuit/Cargo.toml index 7299445d5..22fb565ef 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/circuit/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/recursion/circuit/Cargo.toml @@ -31,16 +31,17 @@ sp1-recursion-compiler = { workspace = true } sp1-primitives = { workspace = true } sp1-recursion-gnark-ffi = { workspace = true } -itertools = "0.13.0" -serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] } +itertools = { workspace = true } +serde = { workspace = true, features = ["derive"] } rand = "0.8.5" -tracing = "0.1.40" -hashbrown = { version = "0.14.5", features = ["serde", "inline-more"] } +tracing = { workspace = true } +hashbrown = { workspace = true, features = ["serde", "inline-more"] } num-traits = "0.2.19" rayon = "1.10.0" [dev-dependencies] -sp1-core-executor = { workspace = true, features = ["programs"] } +sp1-core-executor = { workspace = true } +sp1-recursion-core = { workspace = true, features = ["program_validation"] } ff = { version = "0.13", features = ["derive", "derive_bits"] } p3-challenger = { workspace = true } p3-symmetric = { workspace = true } @@ -49,8 +50,8 @@ p3-merkle-tree = { workspace = true } p3-poseidon2 = { workspace = true } zkhash = "0.2.0" rand = "0.8.5" +test-artifacts = { workspace = true } [features] native-gnark = ["sp1-recursion-gnark-ffi/native"] -export-tests = [] -debug = ["sp1-core-machine/debug"] +debug = ["sp1-core-machine/debug", "sp1-recursion-compiler/debug"] diff --git a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/challenger.rs b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/challenger.rs index 857da9c6a..85dab9dec 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/challenger.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/challenger.rs @@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ pub(crate) mod tests { builder.print_e(element_ef); builder.assert_ext_eq(expected_result_ef, element_ef); - run_test_recursion(builder.into_operations(), None); + run_test_recursion(builder.into_root_block(), None); } #[test] diff --git a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/constraints.rs b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/constraints.rs index fa3c50676..d18dc555a 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/constraints.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/constraints.rs @@ -34,10 +34,11 @@ where A: MachineAir + for<'a> Air>, { #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] + #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] pub fn verify_constraints( builder: &mut Builder, chip: &MachineChip, - opening: &ChipOpenedValues>, + opening: &ChipOpenedValues, Ext>, trace_domain: TwoAdicMultiplicativeCoset, qc_domains: Vec>, zeta: Ext, @@ -65,10 +66,11 @@ where builder.assert_ext_eq(folded_constraints * sels.inv_zeroifier, quotient); } + #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] pub fn eval_constraints( builder: &mut Builder, chip: &MachineChip, - opening: &ChipOpenedValues>, + opening: &ChipOpenedValues, Ext>, selectors: &LagrangeSelectors>, alpha: Ext, permutation_challenges: &[Ext], @@ -101,7 +103,8 @@ where main: opening.main.view(), perm: perm_opening.view(), perm_challenges: permutation_challenges, - cumulative_sums: &[opening.global_cumulative_sum, opening.local_cumulative_sum], + local_cumulative_sum: &opening.local_cumulative_sum, + global_cumulative_sum: &opening.global_cumulative_sum, public_values, is_first_row: selectors.is_first_row, is_last_row: selectors.is_last_row, @@ -115,9 +118,10 @@ where builder.eval(folder.accumulator) } + #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] pub fn recompute_quotient( builder: &mut Builder, - opening: &ChipOpenedValues>, + opening: &ChipOpenedValues, Ext>, qc_domains: &[TwoAdicMultiplicativeCoset], zeta: Ext, ) -> Ext { @@ -151,8 +155,9 @@ where - C::F::one(); ( { - // We use the precomputed powers of zeta to compute (inline) the value of - // `other_domain.zp_at_point_variable(builder, zeta)`. + // We use the precomputed powers of zeta to compute (inline) the + // value of `other_domain. + // zp_at_point_variable(builder, zeta)`. let z: Ext<_, _> = builder.eval( zetas[other_domain.log_n] * SymbolicFelt::from_f(shift_power) - SymbolicExt::from_f(C::EF::one()), @@ -189,9 +194,10 @@ where ) } + #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] pub fn verify_opening_shape( chip: &MachineChip, - opening: &ChipOpenedValues>, + opening: &ChipOpenedValues, Ext>, ) -> Result<(), OpeningShapeError> { // Verify that the preprocessed width matches the expected value for the chip. if opening.preprocessed.local.len() != chip.preprocessed_width() { diff --git a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/fri.rs b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/fri.rs index 099f8bcfe..f2c45dcbd 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/fri.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/fri.rs @@ -7,12 +7,13 @@ use p3_fri::{ }; use p3_symmetric::Hash; use p3_util::log2_strict_usize; -use sp1_recursion_compiler::ir::{Builder, DslIr, Felt, SymbolicExt}; +use sp1_recursion_compiler::ir::{Builder, DslIr, Felt, IrIter, SymbolicExt}; use sp1_recursion_core::DIGEST_SIZE; use sp1_stark::{InnerChallenge, InnerChallengeMmcs, InnerPcsProof, InnerVal}; use std::{ cmp::Reverse, iter::{once, repeat_with, zip}, + mem, }; use crate::{ @@ -76,10 +77,25 @@ pub fn verify_two_adic_pcs, SC: BabyBearFriConfigV challenger: &mut SC::FriChallengerVariable, rounds: Vec>, ) { + // Write the polynomial evaluations to the challenger. + for round in rounds.iter() { + for mat in round.domains_points_and_opens.iter() { + for point in mat.values.iter() { + for coord in point.iter() { + let point_felts = C::ext2felt(builder, *coord); + point_felts.iter().for_each(|felt| { + challenger.observe(builder, *felt); + }); + } + } + } + } + let alpha = challenger.sample_ext(builder); - let fri_challenges = - verify_shape_and_sample_challenges::(builder, config, &proof.fri_proof, challenger); + let fri_challenges = tracing::debug_span!("verify shape and challenges").in_scope(|| { + verify_shape_and_sample_challenges::(builder, config, &proof.fri_proof, challenger) + }); let log_global_max_height = proof.fri_proof.commit_phase_commits.len() + config.log_blowup; @@ -95,11 +111,14 @@ pub fn verify_two_adic_pcs, SC: BabyBearFriConfigV let mut alpha_pows: Vec> = vec![builder.eval(SymbolicExt::from_f(C::EF::one()))]; + // Hack to "pre-insert" powers of alpha. It's sort of like CPS. + let mut pre_loop_ops = mem::take(builder.get_mut_operations()); + let reduced_openings = proof .query_openings .iter() .zip(&fri_challenges.query_indices) - .map(|(query_opening, index_bits)| { + .ir_par_map_collect::, _, _>(builder, |builder, (query_opening, index_bits)| { // The powers of alpha, where the ith element is alpha^i. let mut log_height_pow = [0usize; 32]; let mut ro: [Ext; 32] = @@ -151,43 +170,30 @@ pub fn verify_two_adic_pcs, SC: BabyBearFriConfigV for (z, ps_at_z) in izip!(mat_points, mat_values) { // Unroll the loop calculation to avoid symbolic expression overhead - // let mut acc: Ext = builder.constant(C::EF::zero()); - let mut acc: Ext<_, _> = builder.uninit(); + let len = ps_at_z.len(); + let mut alphas = Vec::with_capacity(len); + let mut p_at_zs = Vec::with_capacity(len); + let mut p_at_xs = Vec::with_capacity(len); - builder.push_op(DslIr::ImmE(acc, C::EF::zero())); for (p_at_x, p_at_z) in izip!(mat_opening.clone(), ps_at_z) { let pow = log_height_pow[log_height]; - // Fill in any missing powers of alpha. - for _ in alpha_pows.len()..pow + 1 { - // let new_alpha = builder.eval(*alpha_pows.last().unwrap() * - // alpha); + + // Fill in any missing powers of alpha. These are initialized later. + for _ in alpha_pows.len()..=pow { let new_alpha: Ext<_, _> = builder.uninit(); - builder.push_op(DslIr::MulE( - new_alpha, - *alpha_pows.last().unwrap(), - alpha, - )); - builder.reduce_e(new_alpha); alpha_pows.push(new_alpha); } - // Unroll: - // - // acc = builder.eval(acc + (alpha_pows[pow] * (p_at_z - p_at_x[0]))); - - // let temp_1 = p_at_z - p_at_x[0]; - let temp_1: Ext<_, _> = builder.uninit(); - builder.push_op(DslIr::SubEF(temp_1, p_at_z, p_at_x[0])); - // let temp_2 = alpha_pows[pow] * temp_1; - let temp_2: Ext<_, _> = builder.uninit(); - builder.push_op(DslIr::MulE(temp_2, alpha_pows[pow], temp_1)); - // let temp_3 = acc + temp_2; - let temp_3: Ext<_, _> = builder.uninit(); - builder.push_op(DslIr::AddE(temp_3, acc, temp_2)); - // acc = temp_3; - acc = temp_3; + + alphas.push(alpha_pows[pow]); + p_at_zs.push(p_at_z); + p_at_xs.push(p_at_x[0]); log_height_pow[log_height] += 1; } + + // acc = sum(alpha_pows[pow] * (p_at_z - p_at_x[0])); + let acc = C::batch_fri(builder, alphas, p_at_zs, p_at_xs); + // Unroll this calculation to avoid symbolic expression overhead // ro[log_height] = builder.eval(ro[log_height] + acc / (z - x)); @@ -209,16 +215,29 @@ pub fn verify_two_adic_pcs, SC: BabyBearFriConfigV } } ro - }) - .collect::>(); + }); + + // Put back the operations list and extract the parallel ops. + mem::swap(builder.get_mut_operations(), &mut pre_loop_ops); + let parallel_ops = pre_loop_ops; + // Initialize `alpha_pows` before the parallel iteration. + for i in 1..alpha_pows.len() { + let new_alpha: Ext<_, _> = alpha_pows[i]; + builder.push_op(DslIr::MulE(new_alpha, alpha_pows[i - 1], alpha)); + builder.reduce_e(new_alpha); + } + // Put parallel ops at the end. + builder.extend_ops(parallel_ops); - verify_challenges::( - builder, - config, - proof.fri_proof.clone(), - &fri_challenges, - reduced_openings, - ); + tracing::debug_span!("verify challenges").in_scope(|| { + verify_challenges::( + builder, + config, + proof.fri_proof.clone(), + &fri_challenges, + reduced_openings, + ); + }); } pub fn verify_challenges, SC: BabyBearFriConfigVariable>( @@ -229,21 +248,24 @@ pub fn verify_challenges, SC: BabyBearFriConfigVar reduced_openings: Vec<[Ext; 32]>, ) { let log_max_height = proof.commit_phase_commits.len() + config.log_blowup; - for ((index_bits, query_proof), ro) in - challenges.query_indices.iter().zip(proof.query_proofs).zip(reduced_openings) - { - let folded_eval = verify_query::( - builder, - &proof.commit_phase_commits, - index_bits, - query_proof, - &challenges.betas, - ro, - log_max_height, - ); + challenges + .query_indices + .iter() + .zip(proof.query_proofs) + .zip(reduced_openings) + .ir_par_map_collect::<(), _, _>(builder, |sub_builder, ((index_bits, query_proof), ro)| { + let folded_eval = verify_query::( + sub_builder, + &proof.commit_phase_commits, + index_bits, + query_proof, + &challenges.betas, + ro, + log_max_height, + ); - builder.assert_ext_eq(folded_eval, proof.final_poly); - } + sub_builder.assert_ext_eq(folded_eval, proof.final_poly); + }); } pub fn verify_query, SC: BabyBearFriConfigVariable>( @@ -261,11 +283,6 @@ pub fn verify_query, SC: BabyBearFriConfigVariable // TODO: fix expreversebits address bug to avoid needing to allocate a new variable. let mut x = C::exp_reverse_bits(builder, two_adic_generator, index_bits[..log_max_height].to_vec()); - // let mut x = builder.uninit(); - // builder.push(DslIr::AddFI(x, x_f, C::F::zero())); - - // let mut x = builder.eval(x + C::F::zero()); - // let mut x: Ext<_, _> = builder.eval(SymbolicExt::one() * SymbolicFelt::from(x_felt)); for (offset, log_folded_height, commit, step, beta) in izip!( 0.., @@ -359,12 +376,10 @@ pub fn verify_batch, SC: BabyBearFriConfigVariable let mut curr_height_padded = heights_tallest_first.peek().unwrap().1.next_power_of_two(); - let ext_slice: Vec>> = heights_tallest_first + let ext_slice = heights_tallest_first .peeking_take_while(|(_, height)| height.next_power_of_two() == curr_height_padded) - .flat_map(|(i, _)| opened_values[i].as_slice()) - .cloned() - .collect::>(); - let felt_slice: Vec> = ext_slice.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(); + .flat_map(|(i, _)| opened_values[i].as_slice()); + let felt_slice: Vec> = ext_slice.flatten().cloned().collect::>(); let mut root: SC::DigestVariable = SC::hash(builder, &felt_slice[..]); zip(index_bits.iter(), proof).for_each(|(&bit, sibling): (&C::Bit, SC::DigestVariable)| { @@ -379,11 +394,10 @@ pub fn verify_batch, SC: BabyBearFriConfigVariable .filter(|h| h.next_power_of_two() == curr_height_padded); if let Some(next_height) = next_height { - let ext_slice: Vec>> = heights_tallest_first + let ext_slice = heights_tallest_first .peeking_take_while(|(_, height)| *height == next_height) - .flat_map(|(i, _)| opened_values[i].clone()) - .collect::>(); - let felt_slice: Vec> = ext_slice.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(); + .flat_map(|(i, _)| opened_values[i].as_slice()); + let felt_slice: Vec> = ext_slice.flatten().cloned().collect::>(); let next_height_openings_digest = SC::hash(builder, &felt_slice); root = SC::compress(builder, [root, next_height_openings_digest]); } @@ -410,8 +424,8 @@ pub fn dummy_query_proof( } } -/// Make a dummy PCS proof for a given proof shape. Used to generate vkey information for fixed proof -/// shapes. +/// Make a dummy PCS proof for a given proof shape. Used to generate vkey information for fixed +/// proof shapes. /// /// The parameter `batch_shapes` contains (width, height) data for each matrix in each batch. pub fn dummy_pcs_proof( @@ -467,7 +481,7 @@ mod tests { }; use p3_challenger::{CanObserve, CanSample, FieldChallenger}; use p3_commit::Pcs; - use p3_field::AbstractField; + use p3_field::{extension::BinomialExtensionField, AbstractField}; use p3_fri::verifier; use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; use rand::{ @@ -619,12 +633,23 @@ mod tests { challenger.observe(commit); let zeta = challenger.sample_ext_element::(); let points = repeat_with(|| vec![zeta]).take(domains_and_polys.len()).collect::>(); - let (_, proof) = pcs.open(vec![(&data, points)], &mut challenger); + let (all_opened_values, proof) = pcs.open(vec![(&data, points)], &mut challenger); // Verify proof. let mut challenger = InnerChallenger::new(perm.clone()); challenger.observe(commit); let _: InnerChallenge = challenger.sample(); + let flattened_opened_values: Vec> = all_opened_values + .into_iter() + .flat_map(|v| v.into_iter()) + .flat_map(|v| v.into_iter()) + .flat_map(|v| v.into_iter()) + .collect(); + for ext_element in flattened_opened_values.iter() { + challenger.observe_ext_element(*ext_element); + } + let _: BinomialExtensionField = challenger.sample_ext_element(); + let fri_challenges_gt = verifier::verify_shape_and_sample_challenges( &inner_fri_config(), &proof.fri_proof, @@ -642,6 +667,14 @@ mod tests { let commit: [Felt; DIGEST_SIZE] = commit.map(|x| builder.eval(x)); challenger.observe_slice(&mut builder, commit); let _ = challenger.sample_ext(&mut builder); + for ext_element in flattened_opened_values.iter() { + let ext_variable: Ext<_, _> = builder.eval(SymbolicExt::from_f(*ext_element)); + let point_felts = InnerConfig::ext2felt(&mut builder, ext_variable); + point_felts.iter().for_each(|felt| { + challenger.observe(&mut builder, *felt); + }); + } + challenger.sample_ext(&mut builder); let fri_challenges = verify_shape_and_sample_challenges::( &mut builder, &config, @@ -665,7 +698,7 @@ mod tests { ); } - run_test_recursion(builder.into_operations(), None); + run_test_recursion(builder.into_root_block(), None); } #[test] @@ -798,6 +831,6 @@ mod tests { } } - run_test_recursion(builder.into_operations(), witness_stream); + run_test_recursion(builder.into_root_block(), witness_stream); } } diff --git a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/hash.rs b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/hash.rs index 8089f81a4..7aff6dc93 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/hash.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/hash.rs @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ -use std::fmt::Debug; -use std::iter::{repeat, zip}; +use std::{ + fmt::Debug, + iter::{repeat, zip}, +}; use itertools::Itertools; use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; @@ -11,15 +13,15 @@ use sp1_recursion_compiler::{ circuit::CircuitV2Builder, ir::{Builder, Config, DslIr, Felt, Var}, }; -use sp1_recursion_core::stark::{outer_perm, OUTER_MULTI_FIELD_CHALLENGER_WIDTH}; -use sp1_recursion_core::{stark::BabyBearPoseidon2Outer, DIGEST_SIZE}; -use sp1_recursion_core::{HASH_RATE, PERMUTATION_WIDTH}; -use sp1_stark::baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2; -use sp1_stark::inner_perm; +use sp1_recursion_core::{ + stark::{outer_perm, BabyBearPoseidon2Outer, OUTER_MULTI_FIELD_CHALLENGER_WIDTH}, + DIGEST_SIZE, HASH_RATE, PERMUTATION_WIDTH, +}; +use sp1_stark::{baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, inner_perm}; use crate::{ challenger::{reduce_32, POSEIDON_2_BB_RATE}, - select_chain, CircuitConfig, + CircuitConfig, }; pub trait FieldHasher { @@ -121,7 +123,9 @@ impl>> FieldHasherVariable>> FieldHasherVariable::Bit, input: [Self::DigestVariable; 2], ) -> [Self::DigestVariable; 2] { - let err_msg = "select_chain's return value should have length the sum of its inputs"; - let mut selected = select_chain(builder, should_swap, input[0], input[1]); - let ret = [ - core::array::from_fn(|_| selected.next().expect(err_msg)), - core::array::from_fn(|_| selected.next().expect(err_msg)), - ]; - assert_eq!(selected.next(), None, "{}", err_msg); - ret + let result0: [Felt; DIGEST_SIZE] = core::array::from_fn(|_| builder.uninit()); + let result1: [Felt; DIGEST_SIZE] = core::array::from_fn(|_| builder.uninit()); + + (0..DIGEST_SIZE).for_each(|i| { + builder.push_op(DslIr::Select( + should_swap, + result0[i], + result1[i], + input[0][i], + input[1][i], + )); + }); + + [result0, result1] } fn print_digest(builder: &mut Builder, digest: Self::DigestVariable) { diff --git a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/lib.rs b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/lib.rs index ae5882b6a..ec268151b 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/lib.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/lib.rs @@ -1,15 +1,11 @@ //! Copied from [`sp1_recursion_program`]. -use std::{ - iter::{repeat, zip}, - ops::{Add, Mul}, -}; - use challenger::{ CanCopyChallenger, CanObserveVariable, DuplexChallengerVariable, FieldChallengerVariable, MultiField32ChallengerVariable, SpongeChallengerShape, }; use hash::{FieldHasherVariable, Posedion2BabyBearHasherVariable}; +use itertools::izip; use p3_bn254_fr::Bn254Fr; use p3_field::AbstractField; use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; @@ -18,6 +14,7 @@ use sp1_recursion_compiler::{ config::{InnerConfig, OuterConfig}, ir::{Builder, Config, DslIr, Ext, Felt, SymbolicFelt, Var, Variable}, }; +use std::iter::{repeat, zip}; mod types; @@ -140,6 +137,13 @@ pub trait CircuitConfig: Config { two_adic_powers_of_x: &[Felt], ) -> Felt; + fn batch_fri( + builder: &mut Builder, + alpha_pows: Vec>, + p_at_zs: Vec>, + p_at_xs: Vec>, + ) -> Ext; + fn num2bits( builder: &mut Builder, num: Felt<::F>, @@ -213,6 +217,15 @@ impl CircuitConfig for InnerConfig { builder.exp_reverse_bits_v2(input, power_bits) } + fn batch_fri( + builder: &mut Builder, + alpha_pows: Vec::F, ::EF>>, + p_at_zs: Vec::F, ::EF>>, + p_at_xs: Vec::F>>, + ) -> Ext<::F, ::EF> { + builder.batch_fri_v2(alpha_pows, p_at_zs, p_at_xs) + } + fn num2bits( builder: &mut Builder, num: Felt<::F>, @@ -332,6 +345,31 @@ impl CircuitConfig for WrapConfig { result } + fn batch_fri( + builder: &mut Builder, + alpha_pows: Vec::F, ::EF>>, + p_at_zs: Vec::F, ::EF>>, + p_at_xs: Vec::F>>, + ) -> Ext<::F, ::EF> { + // builder.batch_fri_v2(alpha_pows, p_at_zs, p_at_xs) + // Initialize the `acc` to zero. + let mut acc: Ext<_, _> = builder.uninit(); + builder.push_op(DslIr::ImmE(acc, ::EF::zero())); + for (alpha_pow, p_at_z, p_at_x) in izip!(alpha_pows, p_at_zs, p_at_xs) { + // Set `temp_1 = p_at_z - p_at_x` + let temp_1: Ext<_, _> = builder.uninit(); + builder.push_op(DslIr::SubEF(temp_1, p_at_z, p_at_x)); + // Set `temp_2 = alpha_pow * temp_1 = alpha_pow * (p_at_z - p_at_x)` + let temp_2: Ext<_, _> = builder.uninit(); + builder.push_op(DslIr::MulE(temp_2, alpha_pow, temp_1)); + // Set `acc += temp_2`, so that `acc` becomes the sum of `alpha_pow * (p_at_z - p_at_x)` + let temp_3: Ext<_, _> = builder.uninit(); + builder.push_op(DslIr::AddE(temp_3, acc, temp_2)); + acc = temp_3; + } + acc + } + fn num2bits( builder: &mut Builder, num: Felt<::F>, @@ -443,6 +481,30 @@ impl CircuitConfig for OuterConfig { result } + fn batch_fri( + builder: &mut Builder, + alpha_pows: Vec::F, ::EF>>, + p_at_zs: Vec::F, ::EF>>, + p_at_xs: Vec::F>>, + ) -> Ext<::F, ::EF> { + // Initialize the `acc` to zero. + let mut acc: Ext<_, _> = builder.uninit(); + builder.push_op(DslIr::ImmE(acc, ::EF::zero())); + for (alpha_pow, p_at_z, p_at_x) in izip!(alpha_pows, p_at_zs, p_at_xs) { + // Set `temp_1 = p_at_z - p_at_x` + let temp_1: Ext<_, _> = builder.uninit(); + builder.push_op(DslIr::SubEF(temp_1, p_at_z, p_at_x)); + // Set `temp_2 = alpha_pow * temp_1 = alpha_pow * (p_at_z - p_at_x)` + let temp_2: Ext<_, _> = builder.uninit(); + builder.push_op(DslIr::MulE(temp_2, alpha_pow, temp_1)); + // Set `acc += temp_2`, so that `acc` becomes the sum of `alpha_pow * (p_at_z - p_at_x)` + let temp_3: Ext<_, _> = builder.uninit(); + builder.push_op(DslIr::AddE(temp_3, acc, temp_2)); + acc = temp_3; + } + acc + } + fn num2bits( builder: &mut Builder, num: Felt<::F>, @@ -588,28 +650,3 @@ impl>> BabyBearFr builder.commit_vkey_hash_circuit(vkey_hash); } } - -pub fn select_chain<'a, C, R, S>( - builder: &'a mut Builder, - should_swap: R, - first: impl IntoIterator + Clone + 'a, - second: impl IntoIterator + Clone + 'a, -) -> impl Iterator + 'a -where - C: Config, - R: Variable + 'a, - S: Variable + 'a, - >::Expression: AbstractField - + Mul<>::Expression, Output = >::Expression>, - >::Expression: Add>::Expression>, -{ - let should_swap: >::Expression = should_swap.into(); - let one = >::Expression::one(); - let shouldnt_swap = one - should_swap.clone(); - - let id_branch = - first.clone().into_iter().chain(second.clone()).map(>::Expression::from); - let swap_branch = second.into_iter().chain(first).map(>::Expression::from); - zip(zip(id_branch, swap_branch), zip(repeat(shouldnt_swap), repeat(should_swap))) - .map(|((id_v, sw_v), (id_c, sw_c))| builder.eval(id_c * id_v + sw_c * sw_v)) -} diff --git a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/machine/complete.rs b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/machine/complete.rs index 58df24f42..51997fa9c 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/machine/complete.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/machine/complete.rs @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ use itertools::Itertools; +use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; use p3_field::AbstractField; - +use sp1_recursion_compiler::circuit::CircuitV2Builder; use sp1_recursion_compiler::ir::{Builder, Config, Felt}; use sp1_recursion_core::air::RecursionPublicValues; @@ -8,7 +9,7 @@ use sp1_recursion_core::air::RecursionPublicValues; /// /// The assertions consist of checking all the expected boundary conditions from a compress proof /// that represents the end of the recursion tower. -pub(crate) fn assert_complete( +pub(crate) fn assert_complete>( builder: &mut Builder, public_values: &RecursionPublicValues>, is_complete: Felt, @@ -19,11 +20,9 @@ pub(crate) fn assert_complete( start_shard, next_shard, start_execution_shard, - cumulative_sum, start_reconstruct_deferred_digest, end_reconstruct_deferred_digest, - leaf_challenger, - end_reconstruct_challenger, + global_cumulative_sum, contains_execution_shard, .. } = public_values; @@ -39,8 +38,6 @@ pub(crate) fn assert_complete( // Assert that the next shard is not equal to one. This guarantees that there is at least one // shard that contains CPU. - // - // TODO: figure out if this is needed. builder.assert_felt_ne(is_complete * *next_shard, C::F::one()); // Assert that that an execution shard is present. @@ -48,13 +45,6 @@ pub(crate) fn assert_complete( // Assert that the start execution shard is equal to 1. builder.assert_felt_eq(is_complete * (*start_execution_shard - C::F::one()), C::F::zero()); - // Assert that the end reconstruct challenger is equal to the leaf challenger. - for (end_challenger_d, leaf_challenger_d) in - end_reconstruct_challenger.into_iter().zip(*leaf_challenger) - { - builder.assert_felt_eq(is_complete * (end_challenger_d - leaf_challenger_d), C::F::zero()); - } - // The start reconstruct deferred digest should be zero. for start_digest_word in start_reconstruct_deferred_digest { builder.assert_felt_eq(is_complete * *start_digest_word, C::F::zero()); @@ -68,8 +58,6 @@ pub(crate) fn assert_complete( .assert_felt_eq(is_complete * (*end_digest_word - *deferred_digest_word), C::F::zero()); } - // Assert that the cumulative sum is zero. - for b in cumulative_sum.iter() { - builder.assert_felt_eq(is_complete * *b, C::F::zero()); - } + // The global cumulative sum should sum be equal to the zero digest. + builder.assert_digest_zero_v2(is_complete, *global_cumulative_sum); } diff --git a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/machine/compress.rs b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/machine/compress.rs index fe99eb43c..66c9e6737 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/machine/compress.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/machine/compress.rs @@ -15,18 +15,15 @@ use p3_field::AbstractField; use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Deserialize, Serialize}; -use sp1_recursion_compiler::ir::{Builder, Ext, Felt, SymbolicFelt}; +use sp1_recursion_compiler::ir::{Builder, Felt, SymbolicFelt}; -use sp1_recursion_core::{ - air::{ChallengerPublicValues, RecursionPublicValues, RECURSIVE_PROOF_NUM_PV_ELTS}, - D, -}; +use sp1_recursion_core::air::{RecursionPublicValues, RECURSIVE_PROOF_NUM_PV_ELTS}; use sp1_stark::{ air::{MachineAir, POSEIDON_NUM_WORDS, PV_DIGEST_NUM_WORDS}, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, - Dom, ProofShape, ShardProof, StarkGenericConfig, StarkMachine, StarkVerifyingKey, Word, - DIGEST_SIZE, + shape::OrderedShape, + Dom, ShardProof, StarkGenericConfig, StarkMachine, StarkVerifyingKey, Word, DIGEST_SIZE, }; use crate::{ @@ -37,10 +34,10 @@ use crate::{ root_public_values_digest, }, stark::{dummy_vk_and_shard_proof, ShardProofVariable, StarkVerifier}, - utils::uninit_challenger_pv, BabyBearFriConfig, BabyBearFriConfigVariable, CircuitConfig, VerifyingKeyVariable, }; +use sp1_recursion_compiler::circuit::CircuitV2Builder; /// A program to verify a batch of recursive proofs and aggregate their public values. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub struct SP1CompressVerifier { @@ -73,7 +70,7 @@ pub struct SP1CompressWitnessValues { #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] pub struct SP1CompressShape { - proof_shapes: Vec, + proof_shapes: Vec, } impl SP1CompressVerifier @@ -113,8 +110,6 @@ where let compress_public_values: &mut RecursionPublicValues<_> = reduce_public_values_stream.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); - // TODO: add vk correctness check. - // Make sure there is at least one proof. assert!(!vks_and_proofs.is_empty()); @@ -127,12 +122,6 @@ where let mut exit_code: Felt<_> = builder.uninit(); let mut execution_shard: Felt<_> = unsafe { MaybeUninit::zeroed().assume_init() }; - let mut initial_reconstruct_challenger_values: ChallengerPublicValues> = - unsafe { uninit_challenger_pv(builder) }; - let mut reconstruct_challenger_values: ChallengerPublicValues> = - unsafe { uninit_challenger_pv(builder) }; - let mut leaf_challenger_values: ChallengerPublicValues> = - unsafe { uninit_challenger_pv(builder) }; let mut committed_value_digest: [Word>; PV_DIGEST_NUM_WORDS] = array::from_fn(|_| { Word(array::from_fn(|_| unsafe { MaybeUninit::zeroed().assume_init() })) @@ -141,8 +130,7 @@ where array::from_fn(|_| unsafe { MaybeUninit::zeroed().assume_init() }); let mut reconstruct_deferred_digest: [Felt<_>; POSEIDON_NUM_WORDS] = core::array::from_fn(|_| unsafe { MaybeUninit::zeroed().assume_init() }); - let mut global_cumulative_sum: [Felt<_>; D] = - core::array::from_fn(|_| builder.eval(C::F::zero())); + let mut global_cumulative_sums = Vec::new(); let mut init_addr_bits: [Felt<_>; 32] = core::array::from_fn(|_| unsafe { MaybeUninit::zeroed().assume_init() }); let mut finalize_addr_bits: [Felt<_>; 32] = @@ -162,26 +150,19 @@ where // Observe the vk and start pc. challenger.observe(builder, vk.commitment); challenger.observe(builder, vk.pc_start); + challenger.observe_slice(builder, vk.initial_global_cumulative_sum.0.x.0); + challenger.observe_slice(builder, vk.initial_global_cumulative_sum.0.y.0); + // Observe the padding. let zero: Felt<_> = builder.eval(C::F::zero()); - for _ in 0..7 { - challenger.observe(builder, zero); - } + challenger.observe(builder, zero); - // Observe the main commitment and public values. + // Observe the public values. challenger.observe_slice( builder, shard_proof.public_values[0..machine.num_pv_elts()].iter().copied(), ); - let zero_ext: Ext = builder.eval(C::F::zero()); - StarkVerifier::verify_shard( - builder, - &vk, - machine, - &mut challenger, - &shard_proof, - &[zero_ext, zero_ext], - ); + StarkVerifier::verify_shard(builder, &vk, machine, &mut challenger, &shard_proof); // Get the current public values. let current_public_values: &RecursionPublicValues> = @@ -251,14 +232,6 @@ where *first_bit = *current_bit; } - // Initialize the leaf challenger public values. - leaf_challenger_values = current_public_values.leaf_challenger; - - // Initialize the initial reconstruct challenger public values. - initial_reconstruct_challenger_values = - current_public_values.start_reconstruct_challenger; - reconstruct_challenger_values = current_public_values.start_reconstruct_challenger; - // Assign the committed values and deferred proof digests. for (word, current_word) in committed_value_digest .iter_mut() @@ -310,7 +283,7 @@ where ); // A flag to indicate whether the first execution shard has been seen. We have: // - `is_first_execution_shard_seen` = current_contains_execution_shard && - // !execution_shard_seen_before. + // !execution_shard_seen_before. // Since `contains_execution_shard` is the boolean flag used to denote if we have // seen an execution shard, we can use it to denote if we have seen an execution // shard before. @@ -354,25 +327,10 @@ where builder.assert_felt_eq(*bit, *current_bit); } - // Assert that the leaf challenger is always the same. - for (current, expected) in - leaf_challenger_values.into_iter().zip(current_public_values.leaf_challenger) - { - builder.assert_felt_eq(current, expected); - } - - // Assert that the current challenger matches the start reconstruct challenger. - for (current, expected) in reconstruct_challenger_values - .into_iter() - .zip(current_public_values.start_reconstruct_challenger) - { - builder.assert_felt_eq(current, expected); - } - // Digest constraints. { - // If `committed_value_digest` is not zero, then `public_values.committed_value_digest - // should be the current. + // If `committed_value_digest` is not zero, then + // `public_values.committed_value_digest should be the current. // Set a flags to indicate whether `committed_value_digest` is non-zero. The flags // are given by the elements of the array, and they will be used as filters to @@ -442,8 +400,8 @@ where // If the current shard has an execution shard, then we update the flag in case it was // not already set. That is: - // - If the current shard has an execution shard and the flag is set to zero, it will - // be set to one. + // - If the current shard has an execution shard and the flag is set to zero, it will be + // set to one. // - If the current shard has an execution shard and the flag is set to one, it will // remain set to one. contains_execution_shard = builder.eval( @@ -489,17 +447,13 @@ where *bit = *next_bit; } - // Update the reconstruct challenger. - reconstruct_challenger_values = current_public_values.end_reconstruct_challenger; - - // Update the cumulative sum. - for (sum_element, current_sum_element) in - global_cumulative_sum.iter_mut().zip_eq(current_public_values.cumulative_sum.iter()) - { - *sum_element = builder.eval(*sum_element + *current_sum_element); - } + // Add the global cumulative sums to the vector. + global_cumulative_sums.push(current_public_values.global_cumulative_sum); } + // Sum all the global cumulative sum of the proofs. + let global_cumulative_sum = builder.sum_digest_v2(global_cumulative_sums); + // Update the global values from the last accumulated values. // Set sp1_vk digest to the one from the proof values. compress_public_values.sp1_vk_digest = sp1_vk_digest; @@ -513,12 +467,6 @@ where compress_public_values.last_init_addr_bits = init_addr_bits; // Set the MemoryFinalize address bits to be the last MemoryFinalize address bits. compress_public_values.last_finalize_addr_bits = finalize_addr_bits; - // Set the leaf challenger to it's value. - compress_public_values.leaf_challenger = leaf_challenger_values; - // Set the start reconstruct challenger to be the initial reconstruct challenger. - compress_public_values.start_reconstruct_challenger = initial_reconstruct_challenger_values; - // Set the end reconstruct challenger to be the last reconstruct challenger. - compress_public_values.end_reconstruct_challenger = reconstruct_challenger_values; // Set the start reconstruct deferred digest to be the last reconstruct deferred digest. compress_public_values.end_reconstruct_deferred_digest = reconstruct_deferred_digest; // Assign the deferred proof digests. @@ -526,7 +474,7 @@ where // Assign the committed value digests. compress_public_values.committed_value_digest = committed_value_digest; // Assign the cumulative sum. - compress_public_values.cumulative_sum = global_cumulative_sum; + compress_public_values.global_cumulative_sum = global_cumulative_sum; // Assign the `is_complete` flag. compress_public_values.is_complete = is_complete; // Set the contains an execution shard flag. @@ -577,8 +525,8 @@ impl SP1CompressWitnessValues { } } -impl From> for SP1CompressShape { - fn from(proof_shapes: Vec) -> Self { +impl From> for SP1CompressShape { + fn from(proof_shapes: Vec) -> Self { Self { proof_shapes } } } diff --git a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/machine/core.rs b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/machine/core.rs index 3ed9376c4..65079e506 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/machine/core.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/machine/core.rs @@ -18,17 +18,20 @@ use sp1_core_machine::{ }; use sp1_recursion_core::air::PV_DIGEST_NUM_WORDS; +use sp1_stark::air::InteractionScope; +use sp1_stark::air::MachineAir; use sp1_stark::{ air::{PublicValues, POSEIDON_NUM_WORDS}, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, - Dom, ProofShape, StarkMachine, Word, + shape::OrderedShape, + Dom, StarkMachine, Word, }; use sp1_stark::{ShardProof, StarkGenericConfig, StarkVerifyingKey}; use sp1_recursion_compiler::{ circuit::CircuitV2Builder, - ir::{Builder, Config, Ext, ExtConst, Felt, SymbolicFelt}, + ir::{Builder, Config, Felt, SymbolicFelt}, }; use sp1_recursion_core::{ @@ -37,9 +40,9 @@ use sp1_recursion_core::{ }; use crate::{ - challenger::{CanObserveVariable, DuplexChallengerVariable, FieldChallengerVariable}, - machine::recursion_public_values_digest, - stark::{dummy_challenger, dummy_vk_and_shard_proof, ShardProofVariable, StarkVerifier}, + challenger::{CanObserveVariable, DuplexChallengerVariable}, + machine::{assert_complete, recursion_public_values_digest}, + stark::{dummy_vk_and_shard_proof, ShardProofVariable, StarkVerifier}, BabyBearFriConfig, BabyBearFriConfigVariable, CircuitConfig, VerifyingKeyVariable, }; @@ -49,8 +52,7 @@ pub struct SP1RecursionWitnessVariable< > { pub vk: VerifyingKeyVariable, pub shard_proofs: Vec>, - pub leaf_challenger: SC::FriChallengerVariable, - pub initial_reconstruct_challenger: DuplexChallengerVariable, + pub reconstruct_deferred_digest: [Felt; DIGEST_SIZE], pub is_complete: Felt, pub is_first_shard: Felt, pub vk_root: [Felt; DIGEST_SIZE], @@ -62,16 +64,15 @@ pub struct SP1RecursionWitnessVariable< pub struct SP1RecursionWitnessValues { pub vk: StarkVerifyingKey, pub shard_proofs: Vec>, - pub leaf_challenger: SC::Challenger, - pub initial_reconstruct_challenger: SC::Challenger, pub is_complete: bool, pub is_first_shard: bool, pub vk_root: [SC::Val; DIGEST_SIZE], + pub reconstruct_deferred_digest: [SC::Val; 8], } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] pub struct SP1RecursionShape { - pub proof_shapes: Vec, + pub proof_shapes: Vec, pub is_complete: bool, } @@ -126,11 +127,10 @@ where let SP1RecursionWitnessVariable { vk, shard_proofs, - leaf_challenger, - initial_reconstruct_challenger, is_complete, is_first_shard, vk_root, + reconstruct_deferred_digest, } = input; // Initialize shard variables. @@ -166,13 +166,8 @@ where let mut deferred_proofs_digest: [Felt<_>; POSEIDON_NUM_WORDS] = array::from_fn(|_| builder.uninit()); - // Initialize the challenger variables. - let leaf_challenger_public_values = leaf_challenger.public_values(builder); - let mut reconstruct_challenger: DuplexChallengerVariable<_> = - initial_reconstruct_challenger.copy(builder); - // Initialize the cumulative sum. - let mut global_cumulative_sum: Ext<_, _> = builder.eval(C::EF::zero().cons()); + let mut global_cumulative_sums = Vec::new(); // Assert that the number of proofs is not zero. assert!(!shard_proofs.is_empty()); @@ -247,34 +242,30 @@ where // flag, and make assertions for that are specific to the first shard using that // flag. - // Assert that the shard is boolean. + // We assert that `is_first_shard == (initial_shard == 1)` in three steps. + + // First, we assert that the `is_first_shard` flag is boolean. builder .assert_felt_eq(is_first_shard * (is_first_shard - C::F::one()), C::F::zero()); - // Assert that if the flag is set to `1`, then the shard idex is `1`. + // Assert that if `is_first_shard == 1`, then `initial_shard == 1`. builder .assert_felt_eq(is_first_shard * (initial_shard - C::F::one()), C::F::zero()); - // Assert that if the flag is set to `0`, then the shard index is not `1`. + // Assert that if `is_first_shard == 0`, then `initial_shard != 1`. + // This asserts that if `initial_shard == 1`, then `is_first_shard == 1`. builder.assert_felt_ne( (SymbolicFelt::one() - is_first_shard) * initial_shard, C::F::one(), ); - // If the initial shard is the first shard, we assert that the initial challenger - // is the same as a fresh challenger that absorbed the verifying key. - let mut first_shard_challenger = machine.config().challenger_variable(builder); - vk.observe_into(builder, &mut first_shard_challenger); - let first_challenger_public_values = first_shard_challenger.public_values(builder); - let initial_challenger_public_values = - initial_reconstruct_challenger.public_values(builder); - for (first, initial) in - first_challenger_public_values.into_iter().zip(initial_challenger_public_values) - { - builder.assert_felt_eq(is_first_shard * (first - initial), C::F::zero()); - } - // If it's the first shard (which is the first execution shard), then the `start_pc` // should be vk.pc_start. builder.assert_felt_eq(is_first_shard * (start_pc - vk.pc_start), C::F::zero()); + // If it's the first shard, we add the vk's `initial_global_cumulative_sum` to the digest. + // If it's not the first shard, we add the zero digest to the digest. + global_cumulative_sums.push(builder.select_global_cumulative_sum( + is_first_shard, + vk.initial_global_cumulative_sum, + )); // Assert that `init_addr_bits` and `finalize_addr_bits` are zero for the first for bit in current_init_addr_bits.iter() { @@ -289,19 +280,29 @@ where // // Do not verify the cumulative sum here, since the permutation challenge is shared // between all shards. - let mut challenger = leaf_challenger.copy(builder); - let global_permutation_challenges = - (0..2).map(|_| challenger.sample_ext(builder)).collect::>(); + // Prepare a challenger. + let mut challenger = machine.config().challenger_variable(builder); - StarkVerifier::verify_shard( + // Observe the vk and start pc. + challenger.observe(builder, vk.commitment); + challenger.observe(builder, vk.pc_start); + challenger.observe_slice(builder, vk.initial_global_cumulative_sum.0.x.0); + challenger.observe_slice(builder, vk.initial_global_cumulative_sum.0.y.0); + // Observe the padding. + let zero: Felt<_> = builder.eval(C::F::zero()); + challenger.observe(builder, zero); + + // Observe the public values. + challenger.observe_slice( builder, - &vk, - machine, - &mut challenger, - &shard_proof, - &global_permutation_challenges, + shard_proof.public_values[0..machine.num_pv_elts()].iter().copied(), ); + tracing::debug_span!("verify shard").in_scope(|| { + StarkVerifier::verify_shard(builder, &vk, machine, &mut challenger, &shard_proof) + }); + + let chips = machine.shard_chips_ordered(&shard_proof.chip_ordering).collect::>(); // Assert that first shard has a "CPU". Equivalently, assert that if the shard does // not have a "CPU", then the current shard is not 1. @@ -426,8 +427,8 @@ where // Digest constraints. { - // // If `committed_value_digest` is not zero, then the current value should be equal - // to `public_values.committed_value_digest`. + // // If `committed_value_digest` is not zero, then the current value should be + // equal to `public_values.committed_value_digest`. // Set flags to indicate whether `committed_value_digest` is non-zero. The flags are // given by the elements of the array, and they will be used as filters to constrain @@ -522,19 +523,18 @@ where // have shard < 2^{MAX_LOG_NUMBER_OF_SHARDS}. C::range_check_felt(builder, public_values.shard, MAX_LOG_NUMBER_OF_SHARDS); - // Update the reconstruct challenger. - reconstruct_challenger.observe(builder, shard_proof.commitment.global_main_commit); - for element in shard_proof.public_values.iter().take(machine.num_pv_elts()) { - reconstruct_challenger.observe(builder, *element); - } - - // Cumulative sum is updated by sums of all chips. - for values in shard_proof.opened_values.chips.iter() { - global_cumulative_sum = - builder.eval(global_cumulative_sum + values.global_cumulative_sum); + // We add the global cumulative sums of the global chips. + // Note that we constrain that the non-global chips have zero global cumulative sum in `verify_shard`. + for (chip, values) in chips.iter().zip(shard_proof.opened_values.chips.iter()) { + if chip.commit_scope() == InteractionScope::Global { + global_cumulative_sums.push(values.global_cumulative_sum); + } } } + // We sum the digests in `global_cumulative_sums` to get the overall global cumulative sum. + let global_cumulative_sum = builder.sum_digest_v2(global_cumulative_sums); + // Assert that the last exit code is zero. builder.assert_felt_eq(exit_code, C::F::zero()); @@ -543,20 +543,8 @@ where // Compute the vk digest. let vk_digest = vk.hash(builder); - // Collect the public values for challengers. - let initial_challenger_public_values = - initial_reconstruct_challenger.public_values(builder); - let final_challenger_public_values = reconstruct_challenger.public_values(builder); - - // Collect the cumulative sum. - let global_cumulative_sum_array = builder.ext2felt_v2(global_cumulative_sum); - - // Collect the deferred proof digests. - let zero: Felt<_> = builder.eval(C::F::zero()); - let start_deferred_digest = [zero; POSEIDON_NUM_WORDS]; - let end_deferred_digest = [zero; POSEIDON_NUM_WORDS]; - // Initialize the public values we will commit to. + let zero: Felt<_> = builder.eval(C::F::zero()); let mut recursion_public_values_stream = [zero; RECURSIVE_PROOF_NUM_PV_ELTS]; let recursion_public_values: &mut RecursionPublicValues<_> = recursion_public_values_stream.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); @@ -574,12 +562,9 @@ where initial_previous_finalize_addr_bits; recursion_public_values.last_finalize_addr_bits = current_finalize_addr_bits; recursion_public_values.sp1_vk_digest = vk_digest; - recursion_public_values.leaf_challenger = leaf_challenger_public_values; - recursion_public_values.start_reconstruct_challenger = initial_challenger_public_values; - recursion_public_values.end_reconstruct_challenger = final_challenger_public_values; - recursion_public_values.cumulative_sum = global_cumulative_sum_array; - recursion_public_values.start_reconstruct_deferred_digest = start_deferred_digest; - recursion_public_values.end_reconstruct_deferred_digest = end_deferred_digest; + recursion_public_values.global_cumulative_sum = global_cumulative_sum; + recursion_public_values.start_reconstruct_deferred_digest = reconstruct_deferred_digest; + recursion_public_values.end_reconstruct_deferred_digest = reconstruct_deferred_digest; recursion_public_values.exit_code = exit_code; recursion_public_values.is_complete = is_complete; // Set the contains an execution shard flag. @@ -591,6 +576,8 @@ where recursion_public_values.digest = recursion_public_values_digest::(builder, recursion_public_values); + assert_complete(builder, recursion_public_values, is_complete); + SC::commit_recursion_public_values(builder, *recursion_public_values); } } @@ -615,8 +602,7 @@ impl SP1RecursionWitnessValues { Self { vk, shard_proofs, - leaf_challenger: dummy_challenger(machine.config()), - initial_reconstruct_challenger: dummy_challenger(machine.config()), + reconstruct_deferred_digest: [BabyBear::zero(); DIGEST_SIZE], is_complete: shape.is_complete, is_first_shard: false, vk_root: [BabyBear::zero(); DIGEST_SIZE], @@ -624,8 +610,8 @@ impl SP1RecursionWitnessValues { } } -impl From for SP1RecursionShape { - fn from(proof_shape: ProofShape) -> Self { +impl From for SP1RecursionShape { + fn from(proof_shape: OrderedShape) -> Self { Self { proof_shapes: vec![proof_shape], is_complete: false } } } diff --git a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/machine/deferred.rs b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/machine/deferred.rs index 0f38620a7..7710b131e 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/machine/deferred.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/machine/deferred.rs @@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; use p3_commit::Mmcs; use p3_field::AbstractField; use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; - use sp1_primitives::consts::WORD_SIZE; -use sp1_recursion_compiler::ir::{Builder, Ext, Felt}; - +use sp1_recursion_compiler::ir::{Builder, Felt}; +use sp1_stark::septic_curve::SepticCurve; +use sp1_stark::septic_digest::SepticDigest; use sp1_stark::{ air::{MachineAir, POSEIDON_NUM_WORDS}, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, @@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ use crate::{ constraints::RecursiveVerifierConstraintFolder, hash::{FieldHasher, FieldHasherVariable}, machine::assert_recursion_public_values_valid, - stark::{dummy_challenger, ShardProofVariable, StarkVerifier}, + stark::{ShardProofVariable, StarkVerifier}, BabyBearFriConfig, BabyBearFriConfigVariable, CircuitConfig, VerifyingKeyVariable, }; use super::{ - recursion_public_values_digest, SP1CompressShape, SP1CompressWitnessValues, + assert_complete, recursion_public_values_digest, SP1CompressShape, SP1CompressWitnessValues, SP1MerkleProofVerifier, SP1MerkleProofWitnessValues, SP1MerkleProofWitnessVariable, }; @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ pub struct SP1DeferredVerifier { _phantom: std::marker::PhantomData<(C, SC, A)>, } -#[derive(Debug, Clone)] +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash)] pub struct SP1DeferredShape { inner: SP1CompressShape, height: usize, @@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ pub struct SP1DeferredWitnessValues, pub start_reconstruct_deferred_digest: [SC::Val; POSEIDON_NUM_WORDS], pub sp1_vk_digest: [SC::Val; DIGEST_SIZE], - pub leaf_challenger: SC::Challenger, pub committed_value_digest: [Word; PV_DIGEST_NUM_WORDS], pub deferred_proofs_digest: [SC::Val; POSEIDON_NUM_WORDS], pub end_pc: SC::Val, @@ -80,7 +79,6 @@ pub struct SP1DeferredWitnessVariable< pub vk_merkle_data: SP1MerkleProofWitnessVariable, pub start_reconstruct_deferred_digest: [Felt; POSEIDON_NUM_WORDS], pub sp1_vk_digest: [Felt; DIGEST_SIZE], - pub leaf_challenger: SC::FriChallengerVariable, pub committed_value_digest: [Word>; PV_DIGEST_NUM_WORDS], pub deferred_proofs_digest: [Felt; POSEIDON_NUM_WORDS], pub end_pc: Felt, @@ -122,7 +120,6 @@ where vk_merkle_data, start_reconstruct_deferred_digest, sp1_vk_digest, - leaf_challenger, committed_value_digest, deferred_proofs_digest, end_pc, @@ -157,10 +154,11 @@ where // Observe the vk and start pc. challenger.observe(builder, vk.commitment); challenger.observe(builder, vk.pc_start); + challenger.observe_slice(builder, vk.initial_global_cumulative_sum.0.x.0); + challenger.observe_slice(builder, vk.initial_global_cumulative_sum.0.y.0); + // Observe the padding. let zero: Felt<_> = builder.eval(C::F::zero()); - for _ in 0..7 { - challenger.observe(builder, zero); - } + challenger.observe(builder, zero); // Observe the and public values. challenger.observe_slice( @@ -168,15 +166,7 @@ where shard_proof.public_values[0..machine.num_pv_elts()].iter().copied(), ); - let zero_ext: Ext = builder.eval(C::F::zero()); - StarkVerifier::verify_shard( - builder, - &vk, - machine, - &mut challenger, - &shard_proof, - &[zero_ext, zero_ext], - ); + StarkVerifier::verify_shard(builder, &vk, machine, &mut challenger, &shard_proof); // Get the current public values. let current_public_values: &RecursionPublicValues> = @@ -232,11 +222,6 @@ where // Set the deferred proof digest to be the hitned value. deferred_public_values.deferred_proofs_digest = deferred_proofs_digest; - // Set the initial, end, and leaf challenger to be the hitned values. - let values = leaf_challenger.public_values(builder); - deferred_public_values.leaf_challenger = values; - deferred_public_values.start_reconstruct_challenger = values; - deferred_public_values.end_reconstruct_challenger = values; // Set the exit code to be zero for now. deferred_public_values.exit_code = builder.eval(C::F::zero()); // Assign the deferred proof digests. @@ -246,13 +231,19 @@ where // Set the `contains_execution_shard` flag. deferred_public_values.contains_execution_shard = builder.eval(C::F::zero()); // Set the cumulative sum to zero. - deferred_public_values.cumulative_sum = array::from_fn(|_| builder.eval(C::F::zero())); + deferred_public_values.global_cumulative_sum = + SepticDigest(SepticCurve::convert(SepticDigest::::zero().0, |value| { + builder.eval(value) + })); // Set the vk root from the witness. deferred_public_values.vk_root = vk_root; // Set the digest according to the previous values. deferred_public_values.digest = recursion_public_values_digest::(builder, deferred_public_values); + assert_complete(builder, deferred_public_values, is_complete); + builder.assert_felt_eq(is_complete, C::F::zero()); + SC::commit_recursion_public_values(builder, *deferred_public_values); } } @@ -271,7 +262,6 @@ impl SP1DeferredWitnessValues { Self { vks_and_proofs, vk_merkle_data, - leaf_challenger: dummy_challenger(machine.config()), is_complete: true, sp1_vk_digest: [BabyBear::zero(); DIGEST_SIZE], start_reconstruct_deferred_digest: [BabyBear::zero(); POSEIDON_NUM_WORDS], diff --git a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/machine/witness.rs b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/machine/witness.rs index 11b79831e..debf82ea2 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/machine/witness.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/machine/witness.rs @@ -89,14 +89,22 @@ where fn read(&self, builder: &mut Builder) -> Self::WitnessVariable { let commitment = self.commit.read(builder); let pc_start = self.pc_start.read(builder); + let initial_global_cumulative_sum = self.initial_global_cumulative_sum.read(builder); let chip_information = self.chip_information.clone(); let chip_ordering = self.chip_ordering.clone(); - VerifyingKeyVariable { commitment, pc_start, chip_information, chip_ordering } + VerifyingKeyVariable { + commitment, + pc_start, + initial_global_cumulative_sum, + chip_information, + chip_ordering, + } } fn write(&self, witness: &mut impl WitnessWriter) { self.commit.write(witness); self.pc_start.write(witness); + self.initial_global_cumulative_sum.write(witness); } } @@ -109,18 +117,16 @@ where fn read(&self, builder: &mut Builder) -> Self::WitnessVariable { let vk = self.vk.read(builder); let shard_proofs = self.shard_proofs.read(builder); - let leaf_challenger = self.leaf_challenger.read(builder); - let initial_reconstruct_challenger = self.initial_reconstruct_challenger.read(builder); + let reconstruct_deferred_digest = self.reconstruct_deferred_digest.read(builder); let is_complete = InnerVal::from_bool(self.is_complete).read(builder); let is_first_shard = InnerVal::from_bool(self.is_first_shard).read(builder); let vk_root = self.vk_root.read(builder); SP1RecursionWitnessVariable { vk, shard_proofs, - leaf_challenger, - initial_reconstruct_challenger, is_complete, is_first_shard, + reconstruct_deferred_digest, vk_root, } } @@ -128,8 +134,7 @@ where fn write(&self, witness: &mut impl WitnessWriter) { self.vk.write(witness); self.shard_proofs.write(witness); - self.leaf_challenger.write(witness); - self.initial_reconstruct_challenger.write(witness); + self.reconstruct_deferred_digest.write(witness); self.is_complete.write(witness); self.is_first_shard.write(witness); self.vk_root.write(witness); @@ -169,7 +174,6 @@ where let start_reconstruct_deferred_digest = self.start_reconstruct_deferred_digest.read(builder); let sp1_vk_digest = self.sp1_vk_digest.read(builder); - let leaf_challenger = self.leaf_challenger.read(builder); let committed_value_digest = self.committed_value_digest.read(builder); let deferred_proofs_digest = self.deferred_proofs_digest.read(builder); let end_pc = self.end_pc.read(builder); @@ -184,7 +188,6 @@ where vk_merkle_data, start_reconstruct_deferred_digest, sp1_vk_digest, - leaf_challenger, committed_value_digest, deferred_proofs_digest, end_pc, @@ -201,7 +204,6 @@ where self.vk_merkle_data.write(witness); self.start_reconstruct_deferred_digest.write(witness); self.sp1_vk_digest.write(witness); - self.leaf_challenger.write(witness); self.committed_value_digest.write(witness); self.deferred_proofs_digest.write(witness); self.end_pc.write(witness); diff --git a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/machine/wrap.rs b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/machine/wrap.rs index 0ec0d8db4..54202e4f5 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/machine/wrap.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/machine/wrap.rs @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; use p3_commit::Mmcs; use p3_field::AbstractField; use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; -use sp1_recursion_compiler::ir::{Builder, Ext, Felt}; +use sp1_recursion_compiler::ir::{Builder, Felt}; use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, StarkMachine}; use crate::{ @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ use crate::{ BabyBearFriConfigVariable, CircuitConfig, }; -use super::SP1CompressWitnessVariable; +use super::{assert_complete, SP1CompressWitnessVariable}; /// A program that recursively verifies a proof made by [super::SP1RootVerifier]. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ where input: SP1CompressWitnessVariable, ) { // Read input. - let SP1CompressWitnessVariable { vks_and_proofs, .. } = input; + let SP1CompressWitnessVariable { vks_and_proofs, is_complete } = input; // Assert that there is only one proof, and get the verification key and proof. let [(vk, proof)] = vks_and_proofs.try_into().ok().unwrap(); @@ -62,29 +62,26 @@ where // Observe the vk and start pc. challenger.observe(builder, vk.commitment); challenger.observe(builder, vk.pc_start); + challenger.observe_slice(builder, vk.initial_global_cumulative_sum.0.x.0); + challenger.observe_slice(builder, vk.initial_global_cumulative_sum.0.y.0); + // Observe the padding. let zero: Felt<_> = builder.eval(C::F::zero()); - for _ in 0..7 { - challenger.observe(builder, zero); - } + challenger.observe(builder, zero); - // Observe the main commitment and public values. + // Observe the public values. challenger .observe_slice(builder, proof.public_values[0..machine.num_pv_elts()].iter().copied()); - let zero_ext: Ext = builder.eval(C::F::zero()); - StarkVerifier::verify_shard( - builder, - &vk, - machine, - &mut challenger, - &proof, - &[zero_ext, zero_ext], - ); + StarkVerifier::verify_shard(builder, &vk, machine, &mut challenger, &proof); // Get the public values, and assert that they are valid. let public_values: &RootPublicValues> = proof.public_values.as_slice().borrow(); assert_root_public_values_valid::(builder, public_values); + // Assert the public values are of a complete proof. + assert_complete(builder, &public_values.inner, is_complete); + builder.assert_felt_eq(is_complete, C::F::one()); + // Reflect the public values to the next level. SC::commit_recursion_public_values(builder, public_values.inner); } diff --git a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/merkle_tree.rs b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/merkle_tree.rs index a3524c056..168ed7b39 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/merkle_tree.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/merkle_tree.rs @@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ use crate::{ #[serde(bound(serialize = "HV::Digest: Serialize"))] #[serde(bound(deserialize = "HV::Digest: Deserialize<'de>"))] pub struct MerkleTree> { - /// The height of the tree, not counting the root layer. This is the same as the logarithm of the - /// number of leaves. + /// The height of the tree, not counting the root layer. This is the same as the logarithm of + /// the number of leaves. pub height: usize, /// All the layers but the root. If there are `n` leaves where `n` is a power of 2, there are @@ -217,6 +217,6 @@ mod tests { } } - run_test_recursion(builder.into_operations(), std::iter::empty()); + run_test_recursion(builder.into_root_block(), std::iter::empty()); } } diff --git a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/stark.rs b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/stark.rs index 26e83c76d..98244c7d1 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/stark.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/stark.rs @@ -8,18 +8,19 @@ use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; use p3_commit::{Mmcs, Pcs, PolynomialSpace, TwoAdicMultiplicativeCoset}; use p3_field::{AbstractField, ExtensionField, Field, TwoAdicField}; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Dimensions}; - use sp1_recursion_compiler::{ circuit::CircuitV2Builder, ir::{Builder, Config, Ext, ExtConst}, prelude::Felt, }; use sp1_stark::{ - air::InteractionScope, baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, AirOpenedValues, Challenger, - Chip, ChipOpenedValues, InnerChallenge, ProofShape, ShardCommitment, ShardOpenedValues, - ShardProof, Val, PROOF_MAX_NUM_PVS, + air::{InteractionScope, MachineAir}, + baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, + shape::OrderedShape, + AirOpenedValues, Challenger, Chip, ChipOpenedValues, InnerChallenge, ShardCommitment, + ShardOpenedValues, ShardProof, StarkGenericConfig, StarkMachine, StarkVerifyingKey, Val, + PROOF_MAX_NUM_PVS, }; -use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, StarkGenericConfig, StarkMachine, StarkVerifyingKey}; use crate::{ challenger::CanObserveVariable, @@ -33,12 +34,14 @@ use crate::{ domain::PolynomialSpaceVariable, fri::verify_two_adic_pcs, BabyBearFriConfigVariable, TwoAdicPcsRoundVariable, VerifyingKeyVariable, }; +use sp1_stark::septic_digest::SepticDigest; /// Reference: [sp1_core::stark::ShardProof] +#[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] #[derive(Clone)] pub struct ShardProofVariable, SC: BabyBearFriConfigVariable> { pub commitment: ShardCommitment, - pub opened_values: ShardOpenedValues>, + pub opened_values: ShardOpenedValues, Ext>, pub opening_proof: TwoAdicPcsProofVariable, pub chip_ordering: HashMap, pub public_values: Vec>, @@ -55,30 +58,27 @@ pub fn dummy_challenger(config: &BabyBearPoseidon2) -> Challenger>( machine: &StarkMachine, - shape: &ProofShape, + shape: &OrderedShape, ) -> (StarkVerifyingKey, ShardProof) { // Make a dummy commitment. let commitment = ShardCommitment { - global_main_commit: dummy_hash(), - local_main_commit: dummy_hash(), + main_commit: dummy_hash(), permutation_commit: dummy_hash(), quotient_commit: dummy_hash(), }; // Get dummy opened values by reading the chip ordering from the shape. let chip_ordering = shape - .chip_information + .inner .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, (name, _))| (name.clone(), i)) .collect::>(); let shard_chips = machine.shard_chips_ordered(&chip_ordering).collect::>(); - let chip_scopes = shard_chips.iter().map(|chip| chip.commit_scope()).collect::>(); - let has_global_main_commit = chip_scopes.contains(&InteractionScope::Global); let opened_values = ShardOpenedValues { chips: shard_chips .iter() - .zip_eq(shape.chip_information.iter()) + .zip_eq(shape.inner.iter()) .map(|(chip, (_, log_degree))| { dummy_opened_values::<_, InnerChallenge, _>(chip, *log_degree) }) @@ -87,14 +87,11 @@ pub fn dummy_vk_and_shard_proof>( let mut preprocessed_names_and_dimensions = vec![]; let mut preprocessed_batch_shape = vec![]; - let mut global_main_batch_shape = vec![]; - let mut local_main_batch_shape = vec![]; + let mut main_batch_shape = vec![]; let mut permutation_batch_shape = vec![]; let mut quotient_batch_shape = vec![]; - for ((chip, chip_opening), scope) in - shard_chips.iter().zip_eq(opened_values.chips.iter()).zip_eq(chip_scopes.iter()) - { + for (chip, chip_opening) in shard_chips.iter().zip_eq(opened_values.chips.iter()) { if !chip_opening.preprocessed.local.is_empty() { let prep_shape = PolynomialShape { width: chip_opening.preprocessed.local.len(), @@ -111,10 +108,7 @@ pub fn dummy_vk_and_shard_proof>( width: chip_opening.main.local.len(), log_degree: chip_opening.log_degree, }; - match scope { - InteractionScope::Global => global_main_batch_shape.push(main_shape), - InteractionScope::Local => local_main_batch_shape.push(main_shape), - } + main_batch_shape.push(main_shape); let permutation_shape = PolynomialShape { width: chip_opening.permutation.local.len(), log_degree: chip_opening.log_degree, @@ -129,22 +123,12 @@ pub fn dummy_vk_and_shard_proof>( } } - let batch_shapes = if has_global_main_commit { - vec![ - PolynomialBatchShape { shapes: preprocessed_batch_shape }, - PolynomialBatchShape { shapes: global_main_batch_shape }, - PolynomialBatchShape { shapes: local_main_batch_shape }, - PolynomialBatchShape { shapes: permutation_batch_shape }, - PolynomialBatchShape { shapes: quotient_batch_shape }, - ] - } else { - vec![ - PolynomialBatchShape { shapes: preprocessed_batch_shape }, - PolynomialBatchShape { shapes: local_main_batch_shape }, - PolynomialBatchShape { shapes: permutation_batch_shape }, - PolynomialBatchShape { shapes: quotient_batch_shape }, - ] - }; + let batch_shapes = vec![ + PolynomialBatchShape { shapes: preprocessed_batch_shape }, + PolynomialBatchShape { shapes: main_batch_shape }, + PolynomialBatchShape { shapes: permutation_batch_shape }, + PolynomialBatchShape { shapes: quotient_batch_shape }, + ]; let fri_queries = machine.config().fri_config().num_queries; let log_blowup = machine.config().fri_config().log_blowup; @@ -175,6 +159,7 @@ pub fn dummy_vk_and_shard_proof>( let vk = StarkVerifyingKey { commit: dummy_hash(), pc_start: BabyBear::zero(), + initial_global_cumulative_sum: SepticDigest::::zero(), chip_information: preprocessed_chip_information, chip_ordering: preprocessed_chip_ordering, }; @@ -188,7 +173,7 @@ pub fn dummy_vk_and_shard_proof>( fn dummy_opened_values, A: MachineAir>( chip: &Chip, log_degree: usize, -) -> ChipOpenedValues { +) -> ChipOpenedValues { let preprocessed_width = chip.preprocessed_width(); let preprocessed = AirOpenedValues { local: vec![EF::zero(); preprocessed_width], @@ -211,7 +196,7 @@ fn dummy_opened_values, A: MachineAir>( main, permutation, quotient, - global_cumulative_sum: EF::zero(), + global_cumulative_sum: SepticDigest::::zero(), local_cumulative_sum: EF::zero(), log_degree, } @@ -265,14 +250,10 @@ where machine: &StarkMachine, challenger: &mut SC::FriChallengerVariable, proof: &ShardProofVariable, - global_permutation_challenges: &[Ext], ) where A: for<'a> Air>, { let chips = machine.shard_chips_ordered(&proof.chip_ordering).collect::>(); - let chip_scopes = chips.iter().map(|chip| chip.commit_scope()).collect::>(); - - let has_global_main_commit = chip_scopes.contains(&InteractionScope::Global); let ShardProofVariable { commitment, @@ -282,22 +263,24 @@ where public_values, } = proof; - // Assert that the byte multiplicities don't overflow. - let mut max_byte_lookup_mult = 0u64; - chips.iter().zip(opened_values.chips.iter()).for_each(|(chip, val)| { - max_byte_lookup_mult = max_byte_lookup_mult - .checked_add( - (chip.num_sent_byte_lookups() as u64) - .checked_mul(1u64.checked_shl(val.log_degree as u32).unwrap()) - .unwrap(), - ) - .unwrap(); - }); + tracing::debug_span!("assert byte multiplicities").in_scope(|| { + // Assert that the byte multiplicities don't overflow. + let mut max_byte_lookup_mult = 0u64; + chips.iter().zip(opened_values.chips.iter()).for_each(|(chip, val)| { + max_byte_lookup_mult = max_byte_lookup_mult + .checked_add( + (chip.num_sent_byte_lookups() as u64) + .checked_mul(1u64.checked_shl(val.log_degree as u32).unwrap()) + .unwrap(), + ) + .unwrap(); + }); - assert!( - max_byte_lookup_mult <= SC::Val::order().to_u64().unwrap(), - "Byte multiplicities overflow" - ); + assert!( + max_byte_lookup_mult <= SC::Val::order().to_u64().unwrap(), + "Byte multiplicities overflow" + ); + }); let log_degrees = opened_values.chips.iter().map(|val| val.log_degree).collect::>(); @@ -309,33 +292,31 @@ where .map(|log_degree| Self::natural_domain_for_degree(machine.config(), 1 << log_degree)) .collect::>(); - let ShardCommitment { - global_main_commit, - local_main_commit, - permutation_commit, - quotient_commit, - } = *commitment; + let ShardCommitment { main_commit, permutation_commit, quotient_commit } = *commitment; - challenger.observe(builder, local_main_commit); + challenger.observe(builder, main_commit); let local_permutation_challenges = (0..2).map(|_| challenger.sample_ext(builder)).collect::>(); challenger.observe(builder, permutation_commit); + + // Observe all cumulative sums, and assert conditions on them. for (opening, chip) in opened_values.chips.iter().zip_eq(chips.iter()) { - let global_sum = C::ext2felt(builder, opening.global_cumulative_sum); let local_sum = C::ext2felt(builder, opening.local_cumulative_sum); - challenger.observe_slice(builder, global_sum); + let global_sum = opening.global_cumulative_sum; + challenger.observe_slice(builder, local_sum); + challenger.observe_slice(builder, global_sum.0.x.0); + challenger.observe_slice(builder, global_sum.0.y.0); - let has_global_interactions = chip - .sends() - .iter() - .chain(chip.receives()) - .any(|i| i.scope == InteractionScope::Global); - if !has_global_interactions { - builder.assert_ext_eq(opening.global_cumulative_sum, C::EF::zero().cons()); + // If the chip is local, then `global_cumulative_sum` must be zero. + if chip.commit_scope() == InteractionScope::Local { + let is_real: Felt = builder.constant(C::F::one()); + builder.assert_digest_zero_v2(is_real, global_sum); } + + // If the chip has no local interactions, then `local_cumulative_sum` must be zero. let has_local_interactions = chip .sends() .iter() @@ -358,10 +339,18 @@ where .map(|(name, domain, _)| { let i = chip_ordering[name]; let values = opened_values.chips[i].preprocessed.clone(); - TwoAdicPcsMatsVariable:: { - domain: *domain, - points: vec![zeta, domain.next_point_variable(builder, zeta)], - values: vec![values.local, values.next], + if !chips[i].local_only() { + TwoAdicPcsMatsVariable:: { + domain: *domain, + points: vec![zeta, domain.next_point_variable(builder, zeta)], + values: vec![values.local, values.next], + } + } else { + TwoAdicPcsMatsVariable:: { + domain: *domain, + points: vec![zeta], + values: vec![values.local], + } } }) .collect::>(); @@ -369,10 +358,21 @@ where let main_domains_points_and_opens = trace_domains .iter() .zip_eq(opened_values.chips.iter()) - .map(|(domain, values)| TwoAdicPcsMatsVariable:: { - domain: *domain, - points: vec![zeta, domain.next_point_variable(builder, zeta)], - values: vec![values.main.local.clone(), values.main.next.clone()], + .zip_eq(chips.iter()) + .map(|((domain, values), chip)| { + if !chip.local_only() { + TwoAdicPcsMatsVariable:: { + domain: *domain, + points: vec![zeta, domain.next_point_variable(builder, zeta)], + values: vec![values.main.local.clone(), values.main.next.clone()], + } + } else { + TwoAdicPcsMatsVariable:: { + domain: *domain, + points: vec![zeta], + values: vec![values.main.local.clone()], + } + } }) .collect::>(); @@ -414,33 +414,15 @@ where }) .collect::>(); - // Split the main_domains_points_and_opens to the global and local chips. - let mut global_trace_points_and_openings = Vec::new(); - let mut local_trace_points_and_openings = Vec::new(); - for (i, points_and_openings) in - main_domains_points_and_opens.clone().into_iter().enumerate() - { - let scope = chip_scopes[i]; - if scope == InteractionScope::Global { - global_trace_points_and_openings.push(points_and_openings); - } else { - local_trace_points_and_openings.push(points_and_openings); - } - } - // Create the pcs rounds. let prep_commit = vk.commitment; let prep_round = TwoAdicPcsRoundVariable { batch_commit: prep_commit, domains_points_and_opens: preprocessed_domains_points_and_opens, }; - let global_main_round = TwoAdicPcsRoundVariable { - batch_commit: global_main_commit, - domains_points_and_opens: global_trace_points_and_openings, - }; - let local_main_round = TwoAdicPcsRoundVariable { - batch_commit: local_main_commit, - domains_points_and_opens: local_trace_points_and_openings, + let main_round = TwoAdicPcsRoundVariable { + batch_commit: main_commit, + domains_points_and_opens: main_domains_points_and_opens, }; let perm_round = TwoAdicPcsRoundVariable { batch_commit: permutation_commit, @@ -451,44 +433,43 @@ where domains_points_and_opens: quotient_domains_points_and_opens, }; - let rounds = if has_global_main_commit { - vec![prep_round, global_main_round, local_main_round, perm_round, quotient_round] - } else { - vec![prep_round, local_main_round, perm_round, quotient_round] - }; + let rounds = vec![prep_round, main_round, perm_round, quotient_round]; // Verify the pcs proof - builder.cycle_tracker_v2_enter("stage-d-verify-pcs".to_string()); + builder.cycle_tracker_v2_enter("stage-d-verify-pcs"); let config = machine.config().fri_config(); - verify_two_adic_pcs::(builder, config, opening_proof, challenger, rounds); + tracing::debug_span!("2adic pcs").in_scope(|| { + verify_two_adic_pcs::(builder, config, opening_proof, challenger, rounds); + }); builder.cycle_tracker_v2_exit(); // Verify the constrtaint evaluations. - builder.cycle_tracker_v2_enter("stage-e-verify-constraints".to_string()); - let permutation_challenges = global_permutation_challenges - .iter() - .chain(local_permutation_challenges.iter()) - .copied() - .collect::>(); - - for (chip, trace_domain, qc_domains, values) in - izip!(chips.iter(), trace_domains, quotient_chunk_domains, opened_values.chips.iter(),) - { - // Verify the shape of the opening arguments matches the expected values. - Self::verify_opening_shape(chip, values).unwrap(); - // Verify the constraint evaluation. - Self::verify_constraints( - builder, - chip, - values, - trace_domain, - qc_domains, - zeta, - alpha, - &permutation_challenges, - public_values, - ); - } + builder.cycle_tracker_v2_enter("stage-e-verify-constraints"); + let permutation_challenges = local_permutation_challenges; + + tracing::debug_span!("verify constraints").in_scope(|| { + for (chip, trace_domain, qc_domains, values) in izip!( + chips.iter(), + trace_domains, + quotient_chunk_domains, + opened_values.chips.iter(), + ) { + // Verify the shape of the opening arguments matches the expected values. + Self::verify_opening_shape(chip, values).unwrap(); + // Verify the constraint evaluation. + Self::verify_constraints( + builder, + chip, + values, + trace_domain, + qc_domains, + zeta, + alpha, + &permutation_challenges, + public_values, + ); + } + }); // Verify that the chips' local_cumulative_sum sum to 0. let local_cumulative_sum: Ext = opened_values @@ -505,11 +486,11 @@ where impl, SC: BabyBearFriConfigVariable> ShardProofVariable { pub fn contains_cpu(&self) -> bool { - self.chip_ordering.contains_key("CPU") + self.chip_ordering.contains_key("Cpu") } pub fn log_degree_cpu(&self) -> usize { - let idx = self.chip_ordering.get("CPU").expect("CPU chip not found"); + let idx = self.chip_ordering.get("Cpu").expect("Cpu chip not found"); self.opened_values.chips[*idx].log_degree } @@ -523,10 +504,9 @@ impl, SC: BabyBearFriConfigVariable> ShardProof } #[allow(unused_imports)] -#[cfg(any(test, feature = "export-tests"))] +#[cfg(test)] pub mod tests { - use std::collections::VecDeque; - use std::fmt::Debug; + use std::{collections::VecDeque, fmt::Debug}; use crate::{ challenger::{CanCopyChallenger, CanObserveVariable, DuplexChallengerVariable}, @@ -534,22 +514,24 @@ pub mod tests { BabyBearFriConfig, }; - use sp1_core_executor::{programs::tests::FIBONACCI_ELF, Program}; + use sp1_core_executor::Program; use sp1_core_machine::{ io::SP1Stdin, riscv::RiscvAir, - utils::{prove, setup_logger}, + utils::{prove_core, prove_core_stream, setup_logger}, }; use sp1_recursion_compiler::{ config::{InnerConfig, OuterConfig}, - ir::{Builder, DslIr, TracedVec}, + ir::{Builder, DslIr, DslIrBlock}, }; + use sp1_core_executor::SP1Context; use sp1_recursion_core::{air::Block, machine::RecursionAir, stark::BabyBearPoseidon2Outer}; use sp1_stark::{ baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, CpuProver, InnerVal, MachineProver, SP1CoreOpts, ShardProof, }; + use test_artifacts::FIBONACCI_ELF; use super::*; use crate::witness::*; @@ -567,23 +549,31 @@ pub mod tests { elf: &[u8], opts: SP1CoreOpts, num_shards_in_batch: Option, - ) -> (TracedVec>, Vec>) { + ) -> (DslIrBlock, Vec>) { setup_logger(); + let program = Program::from(elf).unwrap(); let machine = RiscvAir::::machine(SC::default()); - let (_, vk) = machine.setup(&Program::from(elf).unwrap()); - let (proof, _, _) = prove::<_, CoreP>( - Program::from(elf).unwrap(), + let prover = CoreP::new(machine); + let (pk, vk) = prover.setup(&program); + + let (proof, _, _) = prove_core::<_, CoreP>( + &prover, + &pk, + &vk, + program, &SP1Stdin::new(), - SC::default(), opts, + SP1Context::default(), + None, None, ) .unwrap(); + + let machine = RiscvAir::::machine(SC::default()); let mut challenger = machine.config().challenger(); machine.verify(&vk, &proof, &mut challenger).unwrap(); - // Observe all the commitments. let mut builder = Builder::::default(); let mut witness_stream = Vec::>::new(); @@ -605,31 +595,16 @@ pub mod tests { dummy_proof.read(&mut builder) }) .collect::>(); - // Observe all the commitments, and put the proofs into the witness stream. - for proof in proofs.iter() { - let ShardCommitment { global_main_commit, .. } = proof.commitment; - challenger.observe(&mut builder, global_main_commit); - let pv_slice = &proof.public_values[..machine.num_pv_elts()]; - challenger.observe_slice(&mut builder, pv_slice.iter().cloned()); - } - - let global_permutation_challenges = - (0..2).map(|_| challenger.sample_ext(&mut builder)).collect::>(); // Verify the first proof. let num_shards = num_shards_in_batch.unwrap_or(proofs.len()); for proof in proofs.into_iter().take(num_shards) { let mut challenger = challenger.copy(&mut builder); - StarkVerifier::verify_shard( - &mut builder, - &vk, - &machine, - &mut challenger, - &proof, - &global_permutation_challenges, - ); + let pv_slice = &proof.public_values[..machine.num_pv_elts()]; + challenger.observe_slice(&mut builder, pv_slice.iter().cloned()); + StarkVerifier::verify_shard(&mut builder, &vk, &machine, &mut challenger, &proof); } - (builder.into_operations(), witness_stream) + (builder.into_root_block(), witness_stream) } #[test] diff --git a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/types.rs b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/types.rs index 16eab3bc9..c5801bde4 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/types.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/types.rs @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ use hashbrown::HashMap; use p3_commit::TwoAdicMultiplicativeCoset; use p3_field::{AbstractField, TwoAdicField}; use p3_matrix::Dimensions; +use sp1_stark::septic_digest::SepticDigest; use sp1_recursion_compiler::ir::{Builder, Ext, Felt}; @@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ use crate::{ pub struct VerifyingKeyVariable, SC: BabyBearFriConfigVariable> { pub commitment: SC::DigestVariable, pub pc_start: Felt, + pub initial_global_cumulative_sum: SepticDigest>, pub chip_information: Vec<(String, TwoAdicMultiplicativeCoset, Dimensions)>, pub chip_ordering: HashMap, } @@ -83,25 +85,28 @@ impl, SC: BabyBearFriConfigVariable> VerifyingK challenger.observe(builder, self.commitment); // Observe the pc_start. challenger.observe(builder, self.pc_start); + // Observe the initial global cumulative sum. + challenger.observe_slice(builder, self.initial_global_cumulative_sum.0.x.0); + challenger.observe_slice(builder, self.initial_global_cumulative_sum.0.y.0); // Observe the padding. let zero: Felt<_> = builder.eval(C::F::zero()); - for _ in 0..7 { - challenger.observe(builder, zero); - } + challenger.observe(builder, zero); } /// Hash the verifying key + prep domains into a single digest. - /// poseidon2( commit[0..8] || pc_start || prep_domains[N].{log_n, .size, .shift, .g}) + /// poseidon2( commit[0..8] || pc_start || initial_global_cumulative_sum || prep_domains[N].{log_n, .size, .shift, .g}) pub fn hash(&self, builder: &mut Builder) -> SC::DigestVariable where C::F: TwoAdicField, SC::DigestVariable: IntoIterator>, { let prep_domains = self.chip_information.iter().map(|(_, domain, _)| domain); - let num_inputs = DIGEST_SIZE + 1 + (4 * prep_domains.len()); + let num_inputs = DIGEST_SIZE + 1 + 14 + (4 * prep_domains.len()); let mut inputs = Vec::with_capacity(num_inputs); inputs.extend(self.commitment); inputs.push(self.pc_start); + inputs.extend(self.initial_global_cumulative_sum.0.x.0); + inputs.extend(self.initial_global_cumulative_sum.0.y.0); for domain in prep_domains { inputs.push(builder.eval(C::F::from_canonical_usize(domain.log_n))); let size = 1 << domain.log_n; diff --git a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/utils.rs b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/utils.rs index 9609a5f40..d4211dcb9 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/utils.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/utils.rs @@ -1,20 +1,12 @@ -use std::mem::MaybeUninit; - use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; use p3_bn254_fr::Bn254Fr; use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField32}; use sp1_recursion_compiler::ir::{Builder, Config, Felt, Var}; -use sp1_recursion_core::{air::ChallengerPublicValues, DIGEST_SIZE}; +use sp1_recursion_core::DIGEST_SIZE; use sp1_stark::Word; -pub(crate) unsafe fn uninit_challenger_pv( - _builder: &mut Builder, -) -> ChallengerPublicValues> { - unsafe { MaybeUninit::zeroed().assume_init() } -} - /// Convert 8 BabyBear words into a Bn254Fr field element by shifting by 31 bits each time. The last /// word becomes the least significant bits. #[allow(dead_code)] @@ -96,18 +88,17 @@ pub fn words_to_bytes(words: &[Word]) -> Vec { words.iter().flat_map(|w| w.0).collect::>() } -#[cfg(any(test, feature = "export-tests"))] +#[cfg(test)] pub(crate) mod tests { use std::sync::Arc; use sp1_core_machine::utils::{run_test_machine_with_prover, setup_logger}; - use sp1_recursion_compiler::{circuit::AsmCompiler, circuit::AsmConfig, ir::DslIr}; + use sp1_recursion_compiler::circuit::{AsmCompiler, AsmConfig}; - use sp1_recursion_compiler::ir::TracedVec; + use sp1_recursion_compiler::ir::DslIrBlock; use sp1_recursion_core::{machine::RecursionAir, Runtime}; use sp1_stark::{ baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, CpuProver, InnerChallenge, InnerVal, MachineProver, - MachineProvingKey, }; use crate::witness::WitnessBlock; @@ -120,14 +111,14 @@ pub(crate) mod tests { /// Takes in a program and runs it with the given witness and generates a proof with a variety /// of machines depending on the provided test_config. pub(crate) fn run_test_recursion_with_prover>>( - operations: TracedVec>>, + block: DslIrBlock>, witness_stream: impl IntoIterator>>, ) { setup_logger(); let compile_span = tracing::debug_span!("compile").entered(); let mut compiler = AsmCompiler::>::default(); - let program = Arc::new(compiler.compile(operations)); + let program = Arc::new(compiler.compile_inner(block).validate().unwrap()); compile_span.exit(); let config = SC::default(); @@ -145,8 +136,8 @@ pub(crate) mod tests { let proof_wide_span = tracing::debug_span!("Run test with wide machine").entered(); let wide_machine = RecursionAir::<_, 3>::compress_machine(SC::default()); let (pk, vk) = wide_machine.setup(&program); - let pk = P::DeviceProvingKey::from_host(&pk); let prover = P::new(wide_machine); + let pk = prover.pk_to_device(&pk); let result = run_test_machine_with_prover::<_, _, P>(&prover, records.clone(), pk, vk); proof_wide_span.exit(); @@ -157,9 +148,9 @@ pub(crate) mod tests { #[allow(dead_code)] pub(crate) fn run_test_recursion( - operations: TracedVec>>, + block: DslIrBlock>, witness_stream: impl IntoIterator>>, ) { - run_test_recursion_with_prover::>(operations, witness_stream) + run_test_recursion_with_prover::>(block, witness_stream) } } diff --git a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/witness/mod.rs b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/witness/mod.rs index 05b23de60..cb0aedb02 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/circuit/src/witness/mod.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/circuit/src/witness/mod.rs @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ use sp1_recursion_compiler::ir::{Builder, Ext, Felt}; pub use outer::*; use sp1_stark::{ + septic_curve::SepticCurve, septic_digest::SepticDigest, septic_extension::SepticExtension, ChipOpenedValues, Com, InnerChallenge, InnerVal, OpeningProof, ShardCommitment, ShardOpenedValues, ShardProof, }; @@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ impl Witnessable for bool { } } -impl<'a, C: CircuitConfig, T: Witnessable> Witnessable for &'a T { +impl> Witnessable for &T { type WitnessVariable = T::WitnessVariable; fn read(&self, builder: &mut Builder) -> Self::WitnessVariable { @@ -165,30 +166,23 @@ impl> Witnessable for ShardCommitment type WitnessVariable = ShardCommitment; fn read(&self, builder: &mut Builder) -> Self::WitnessVariable { - let global_main_commit = self.global_main_commit.read(builder); - let local_main_commit = self.local_main_commit.read(builder); + let main_commit = self.main_commit.read(builder); let permutation_commit = self.permutation_commit.read(builder); let quotient_commit = self.quotient_commit.read(builder); - Self::WitnessVariable { - global_main_commit, - local_main_commit, - permutation_commit, - quotient_commit, - } + Self::WitnessVariable { main_commit, permutation_commit, quotient_commit } } fn write(&self, witness: &mut impl WitnessWriter) { - self.global_main_commit.write(witness); - self.local_main_commit.write(witness); + self.main_commit.write(witness); self.permutation_commit.write(witness); self.quotient_commit.write(witness); } } impl> Witnessable - for ShardOpenedValues + for ShardOpenedValues { - type WitnessVariable = ShardOpenedValues>; + type WitnessVariable = ShardOpenedValues, Ext>; fn read(&self, builder: &mut Builder) -> Self::WitnessVariable { let chips = self.chips.read(builder); @@ -201,9 +195,26 @@ impl> Witnessable } impl> Witnessable - for ChipOpenedValues + for SepticDigest +{ + type WitnessVariable = SepticDigest>; + + fn read(&self, builder: &mut Builder) -> Self::WitnessVariable { + let x = self.0.x.0.read(builder); + let y = self.0.y.0.read(builder); + SepticDigest(SepticCurve { x: SepticExtension(x), y: SepticExtension(y) }) + } + + fn write(&self, witness: &mut impl WitnessWriter) { + self.0.x.0.write(witness); + self.0.y.0.write(witness); + } +} + +impl> Witnessable + for ChipOpenedValues { - type WitnessVariable = ChipOpenedValues>; + type WitnessVariable = ChipOpenedValues, Ext>; fn read(&self, builder: &mut Builder) -> Self::WitnessVariable { let preprocessed = self.preprocessed.read(builder); diff --git a/crates/recursion/compiler/Cargo.toml b/crates/recursion/compiler/Cargo.toml index 3cd075f91..b87c18084 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/compiler/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/recursion/compiler/Cargo.toml @@ -21,15 +21,20 @@ sp1-recursion-core = { workspace = true } sp1-recursion-derive = { workspace = true } sp1-stark = { workspace = true } -itertools = "0.13.0" -serde = { version = "1.0.204", features = ["derive"] } -backtrace = "0.3.71" -tracing = "0.1.40" +itertools = { workspace = true } +serde = { workspace = true, features = ["derive"] } +backtrace = { version = "0.3.71", optional = true } +tracing = { workspace = true } vec_map = "0.8.2" [dev-dependencies] +sp1-recursion-core = { workspace = true, features = ["program_validation"] } p3-challenger = { workspace = true } p3-dft = { workspace = true } p3-merkle-tree = { workspace = true } rand = "0.8.5" criterion = { version = "0.5.1", features = ["html_reports"] } + +[features] +default = ["debug"] +debug = ["sp1-recursion-core/debug", "dep:backtrace"] diff --git a/crates/recursion/compiler/src/circuit/builder.rs b/crates/recursion/compiler/src/circuit/builder.rs index 418aeb4bf..39195e596 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/compiler/src/circuit/builder.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/compiler/src/circuit/builder.rs @@ -1,13 +1,16 @@ //! An implementation of Poseidon2 over BN254. -use std::iter::repeat; +use std::{borrow::Cow, iter::repeat}; +use crate::prelude::*; +use itertools::Itertools; use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; use p3_field::{AbstractExtensionField, AbstractField}; use sp1_recursion_core::air::RecursionPublicValues; - -use crate::prelude::*; use sp1_recursion_core::{chips::poseidon2_skinny::WIDTH, D, DIGEST_SIZE, HASH_RATE}; +use sp1_stark::septic_curve::SepticCurve; +use sp1_stark::septic_digest::SepticDigest; +use sp1_stark::septic_extension::SepticExtension; pub trait CircuitV2Builder { fn bits2num_v2_f( @@ -17,6 +20,12 @@ pub trait CircuitV2Builder { fn num2bits_v2_f(&mut self, num: Felt, num_bits: usize) -> Vec>; fn exp_reverse_bits_v2(&mut self, input: Felt, power_bits: Vec>) -> Felt; + fn batch_fri_v2( + &mut self, + alphas: Vec>, + p_at_zs: Vec>, + p_at_xs: Vec>, + ) -> Ext; fn poseidon2_permute_v2(&mut self, state: [Felt; WIDTH]) -> [Felt; WIDTH]; fn poseidon2_hash_v2(&mut self, array: &[Felt]) -> [Felt; DIGEST_SIZE]; fn poseidon2_compress_v2( @@ -25,8 +34,21 @@ pub trait CircuitV2Builder { ) -> [Felt; DIGEST_SIZE]; fn fri_fold_v2(&mut self, input: CircuitV2FriFoldInput) -> CircuitV2FriFoldOutput; fn ext2felt_v2(&mut self, ext: Ext) -> [Felt; D]; + fn add_curve_v2( + &mut self, + point1: SepticCurve>, + point2: SepticCurve>, + ) -> SepticCurve>; + fn assert_digest_zero_v2(&mut self, is_real: Felt, digest: SepticDigest>); + fn sum_digest_v2(&mut self, digests: Vec>>) + -> SepticDigest>; + fn select_global_cumulative_sum( + &mut self, + is_first_shard: Felt, + vk_digest: SepticDigest>, + ) -> SepticDigest>; fn commit_public_values_v2(&mut self, public_values: RecursionPublicValues>); - fn cycle_tracker_v2_enter(&mut self, name: String); + fn cycle_tracker_v2_enter(&mut self, name: impl Into>); fn cycle_tracker_v2_exit(&mut self); fn hint_ext_v2(&mut self) -> Ext; fn hint_felt_v2(&mut self) -> Felt; @@ -106,6 +128,18 @@ impl> CircuitV2Builder for Builder { output } + /// A version of the `batch_fri` that uses the BatchFRI precompile. + fn batch_fri_v2( + &mut self, + alpha_pows: Vec>, + p_at_zs: Vec>, + p_at_xs: Vec>, + ) -> Ext { + let output: Ext<_, _> = self.uninit(); + self.push_op(DslIr::CircuitV2BatchFRI(Box::new((output, alpha_pows, p_at_zs, p_at_xs)))); + output + } + /// Applies the Poseidon2 permutation to the given array. fn poseidon2_permute_v2(&mut self, array: [Felt; WIDTH]) -> [Felt; WIDTH] { let output: [Felt; WIDTH] = core::array::from_fn(|_| self.uninit()); @@ -170,13 +204,115 @@ impl> CircuitV2Builder for Builder { felts } + /// Adds two septic elliptic curve points. + fn add_curve_v2( + &mut self, + point1: SepticCurve>, + point2: SepticCurve>, + ) -> SepticCurve> { + // Hint the curve addition result. + let point_sum_x: [Felt; 7] = core::array::from_fn(|_| self.uninit()); + let point_sum_y: [Felt; 7] = core::array::from_fn(|_| self.uninit()); + let point = + SepticCurve { x: SepticExtension(point_sum_x), y: SepticExtension(point_sum_y) }; + self.push_op(DslIr::CircuitV2HintAddCurve(Box::new((point, point1, point2)))); + + // Convert each point into a point over SymbolicFelt. + let point1_symbolic = SepticCurve::convert(point1, |x| x.into()); + let point2_symbolic = SepticCurve::convert(point2, |x| x.into()); + let point_symbolic = SepticCurve::convert(point, |x| x.into()); + + // Evaluate `sum_checker_x` and `sum_checker_y`. + let sum_checker_x = SepticCurve::>::sum_checker_x( + point1_symbolic, + point2_symbolic, + point_symbolic, + ); + + let sum_checker_y = SepticCurve::>::sum_checker_y( + point1_symbolic, + point2_symbolic, + point_symbolic, + ); + + // Constrain `sum_checker_x` and `sum_checker_y` to be all zero. + for limb in sum_checker_x.0 { + self.assert_felt_eq(limb, C::F::zero()); + } + + for limb in sum_checker_y.0 { + self.assert_felt_eq(limb, C::F::zero()); + } + + point + } + + /// Asserts that the `digest` is the zero digest when `is_real` is non-zero. + fn assert_digest_zero_v2(&mut self, is_real: Felt, digest: SepticDigest>) { + let zero = SepticDigest::>::zero(); + for (digest_limb_x, zero_limb_x) in digest.0.x.0.into_iter().zip_eq(zero.0.x.0.into_iter()) + { + self.assert_felt_eq(is_real * digest_limb_x, is_real * zero_limb_x); + } + for (digest_limb_y, zero_limb_y) in digest.0.y.0.into_iter().zip_eq(zero.0.y.0.into_iter()) + { + self.assert_felt_eq(is_real * digest_limb_y, is_real * zero_limb_y); + } + } + + /// Returns the zero digest when `is_first_shard` is zero, and returns the `vk_digest` when `is_first_shard` is one. + /// It is assumed that `is_first_shard` is already checked to be a boolean. + fn select_global_cumulative_sum( + &mut self, + is_first_shard: Felt, + vk_digest: SepticDigest>, + ) -> SepticDigest> { + let zero = SepticDigest::>::zero(); + let one: Felt = self.constant(C::F::one()); + let x = SepticExtension(core::array::from_fn(|i| { + self.eval(is_first_shard * vk_digest.0.x.0[i] + (one - is_first_shard) * zero.0.x.0[i]) + })); + let y = SepticExtension(core::array::from_fn(|i| { + self.eval(is_first_shard * vk_digest.0.y.0[i] + (one - is_first_shard) * zero.0.y.0[i]) + })); + SepticDigest(SepticCurve { x, y }) + } + + // Sums the digests into one. + fn sum_digest_v2( + &mut self, + digests: Vec>>, + ) -> SepticDigest> { + let mut convert_to_felt = + |point: SepticCurve| SepticCurve::convert(point, |value| self.eval(value)); + + let start = convert_to_felt(SepticDigest::starting_digest().0); + let zero_digest = convert_to_felt(SepticDigest::zero().0); + + if digests.is_empty() { + return SepticDigest(zero_digest); + } + + let neg_start = convert_to_felt(SepticDigest::starting_digest().0.neg()); + let neg_zero_digest = convert_to_felt(SepticDigest::zero().0.neg()); + + let mut ret = start; + for (i, digest) in digests.clone().into_iter().enumerate() { + ret = self.add_curve_v2(ret, digest.0); + if i != digests.len() - 1 { + ret = self.add_curve_v2(ret, neg_zero_digest) + } + } + SepticDigest(self.add_curve_v2(ret, neg_start)) + } + // Commits public values. fn commit_public_values_v2(&mut self, public_values: RecursionPublicValues>) { self.push_op(DslIr::CircuitV2CommitPublicValues(Box::new(public_values))); } - fn cycle_tracker_v2_enter(&mut self, name: String) { - self.push_op(DslIr::CycleTrackerV2Enter(name)); + fn cycle_tracker_v2_enter(&mut self, name: impl Into>) { + self.push_op(DslIr::CycleTrackerV2Enter(name.into())); } fn cycle_tracker_v2_exit(&mut self) { @@ -196,14 +332,14 @@ impl> CircuitV2Builder for Builder { /// Hint a vector of felts. fn hint_felts_v2(&mut self, len: usize) -> Vec> { let arr = std::iter::from_fn(|| Some(self.uninit())).take(len).collect::>(); - self.push_op(DslIr::CircuitV2HintFelts(arr.clone())); + self.push_op(DslIr::CircuitV2HintFelts(arr[0], len)); arr } /// Hint a vector of exts. fn hint_exts_v2(&mut self, len: usize) -> Vec> { let arr = std::iter::from_fn(|| Some(self.uninit())).take(len).collect::>(); - self.push_op(DslIr::CircuitV2HintExts(arr.clone())); + self.push_op(DslIr::CircuitV2HintExts(arr[0], len)); arr } } diff --git a/crates/recursion/compiler/src/circuit/compiler.rs b/crates/recursion/compiler/src/circuit/compiler.rs index 04b59bc6e..1bb5384ae 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/compiler/src/circuit/compiler.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/compiler/src/circuit/compiler.rs @@ -1,16 +1,20 @@ use chips::poseidon2_skinny::WIDTH; use core::fmt::Debug; -use instruction::{FieldEltType, HintBitsInstr, HintExt2FeltsInstr, HintInstr, PrintInstr}; -use itertools::Itertools; -use p3_field::{ - AbstractExtensionField, AbstractField, Field, PrimeField, PrimeField64, TwoAdicField, +use instruction::{ + FieldEltType, HintAddCurveInstr, HintBitsInstr, HintExt2FeltsInstr, HintInstr, PrintInstr, }; -use sp1_core_machine::utils::{sp1_debug_mode, SpanBuilder}; +use itertools::Itertools; +use p3_field::{AbstractExtensionField, AbstractField, Field, PrimeField64, TwoAdicField}; use sp1_recursion_core::{ air::{Block, RecursionPublicValues, RECURSIVE_PROOF_NUM_PV_ELTS}, BaseAluInstr, BaseAluOpcode, }; -use std::{borrow::Borrow, collections::HashMap, iter::repeat, mem::transmute}; +use sp1_stark::septic_curve::SepticCurve; +use std::{ + borrow::{Borrow, Cow}, + collections::HashMap, + mem::transmute, +}; use vec_map::VecMap; use sp1_recursion_core::*; @@ -242,6 +246,7 @@ where f(self.ext_alu(DivE, out, Imm::EF(C::EF::one()), diff)); } + #[inline(always)] fn poseidon2_permute( &mut self, dst: [impl Reg; WIDTH], @@ -256,6 +261,28 @@ where })) } + #[inline(always)] + fn select( + &mut self, + bit: impl Reg, + dst1: impl Reg, + dst2: impl Reg, + lhs: impl Reg, + rhs: impl Reg, + ) -> Instruction { + Instruction::Select(SelectInstr { + addrs: SelectIo { + bit: bit.read(self), + out1: dst1.write(self), + out2: dst2.write(self), + in1: lhs.read(self), + in2: rhs.read(self), + }, + mult1: C::F::zero(), + mult2: C::F::zero(), + }) + } + fn exp_reverse_bits( &mut self, dst: impl Reg, @@ -283,6 +310,32 @@ where }) } + fn add_curve( + &mut self, + output: SepticCurve>, + input1: SepticCurve>, + input2: SepticCurve>, + ) -> Instruction { + Instruction::HintAddCurve(Box::new(HintAddCurveInstr { + output_x_addrs_mults: output + .x + .0 + .into_iter() + .map(|r| (r.write(self), C::F::zero())) + .collect(), + output_y_addrs_mults: output + .y + .0 + .into_iter() + .map(|r| (r.write(self), C::F::zero())) + .collect(), + input1_x_addrs: input1.x.0.into_iter().map(|value| value.read_ghost(self)).collect(), + input1_y_addrs: input1.y.0.into_iter().map(|value| value.read_ghost(self)).collect(), + input2_x_addrs: input2.x.0.into_iter().map(|value| value.read_ghost(self)).collect(), + input2_y_addrs: input2.y.0.into_iter().map(|value| value.read_ghost(self)).collect(), + })) + } + fn fri_fold( &mut self, CircuitV2FriFoldOutput { alpha_pow_output, ro_output }: CircuitV2FriFoldOutput, @@ -314,6 +367,26 @@ where })) } + fn batch_fri( + &mut self, + acc: Ext, + alpha_pows: Vec>, + p_at_zs: Vec>, + p_at_xs: Vec>, + ) -> Instruction { + Instruction::BatchFRI(Box::new(BatchFRIInstr { + base_vec_addrs: BatchFRIBaseVecIo { + p_at_x: p_at_xs.into_iter().map(|e| e.read(self)).collect(), + }, + ext_single_addrs: BatchFRIExtSingleIo { acc: acc.write(self) }, + ext_vec_addrs: BatchFRIExtVecIo { + p_at_z: p_at_zs.into_iter().map(|e| e.read(self)).collect(), + alpha_pow: alpha_pows.into_iter().map(|e| e.read(self)).collect(), + }, + acc_mult: C::F::zero(), + })) + } + fn commit_public_values( &mut self, public_values: &RecursionPublicValues>, @@ -357,24 +430,32 @@ where }) } - fn hint(&mut self, output: &[impl Reg]) -> Instruction { + fn hint(&mut self, output: impl Reg, len: usize) -> Instruction { + let zero = C::F::zero(); Instruction::Hint(HintInstr { - output_addrs_mults: output.iter().map(|r| (r.write(self), C::F::zero())).collect(), + output_addrs_mults: output + .write_many(self, len) + .into_iter() + .map(|a| (a, zero)) + .collect(), }) } +} +impl AsmCompiler +where + C: Config::F> + Debug, + C::F: PrimeField64 + TwoAdicField, +{ /// Compiles one instruction, passing one or more instructions to `consumer`. /// /// We do not simply return a `Vec` for performance reasons --- results would be immediately fed /// to `flat_map`, so we employ fusion/deforestation to eliminate intermediate data structures. - pub fn compile_one( + pub fn compile_one( &mut self, ir_instr: DslIr, mut consumer: impl FnMut(Result, CompileOneErr>), - ) where - F: PrimeField + TwoAdicField, - C: Config + Debug, - { + ) { // For readability. Avoids polluting outer scope. use BaseAluOpcode::*; use ExtAluOpcode::*; @@ -433,6 +514,8 @@ where DslIr::InvF(dst, src) => f(self.base_alu(DivF, dst, Imm::F(C::F::one()), src)), DslIr::InvE(dst, src) => f(self.ext_alu(DivE, dst, Imm::F(C::F::one()), src)), + DslIr::Select(bit, dst1, dst2, lhs, rhs) => f(self.select(bit, dst1, dst2, lhs, rhs)), + DslIr::AssertEqV(lhs, rhs) => self.base_assert_eq(lhs, rhs, f), DslIr::AssertEqF(lhs, rhs) => self.base_assert_eq(lhs, rhs, f), DslIr::AssertEqE(lhs, rhs) => self.ext_assert_eq(lhs, rhs, f), @@ -457,15 +540,23 @@ where f(self.hint_bit_decomposition(value, output)) } DslIr::CircuitV2FriFold(data) => f(self.fri_fold(data.0, data.1)), + DslIr::CircuitV2BatchFRI(data) => f(self.batch_fri(data.0, data.1, data.2, data.3)), DslIr::CircuitV2CommitPublicValues(public_values) => { f(self.commit_public_values(&public_values)) } + DslIr::CircuitV2HintAddCurve(data) => f(self.add_curve(data.0, data.1, data.2)), + + DslIr::Parallel(_) => { + unreachable!("parallel case should have been handled by compile_raw_program") + } DslIr::PrintV(dst) => f(self.print_f(dst)), DslIr::PrintF(dst) => f(self.print_f(dst)), DslIr::PrintE(dst) => f(self.print_e(dst)), - DslIr::CircuitV2HintFelts(output) => f(self.hint(&output)), - DslIr::CircuitV2HintExts(output) => f(self.hint(&output)), + #[cfg(feature = "debug")] + DslIr::DebugBacktrace(trace) => f(Instruction::DebugBacktrace(trace)), + DslIr::CircuitV2HintFelts(output, len) => f(self.hint(output, len)), + DslIr::CircuitV2HintExts(output, len) => f(self.hint(output, len)), DslIr::CircuitExt2Felt(felts, ext) => f(self.ext2felts(felts, ext)), DslIr::CycleTrackerV2Enter(name) => { consumer(Err(CompileOneErr::CycleTrackerEnter(name))) @@ -476,180 +567,185 @@ where } } - /// Emit the instructions from a list of operations in the DSL. - pub fn compile(&mut self, operations: TracedVec>) -> RecursionProgram - where - F: PrimeField + TwoAdicField, - C: Config + Debug, - { - // In debug mode, we perform cycle tracking and keep track of backtraces. - // Otherwise, we ignore cycle tracking instructions and pass around an empty Vec of traces. - let debug_mode = sp1_debug_mode(); - // Compile each IR instruction into a list of ASM instructions, then combine them. - // This step also counts the number of times each address is read from. - let (mut instrs, traces) = tracing::debug_span!("compile_one loop").in_scope(|| { - let mut instrs = Vec::with_capacity(operations.vec.len()); - let mut traces = vec![]; - if debug_mode { - let mut span_builder = - SpanBuilder::<_, &'static str>::new("cycle_tracker".to_string()); - for (ir_instr, trace) in operations { - self.compile_one(ir_instr, &mut |item| match item { - Ok(instr) => { - span_builder.item(instr_name(&instr)); - instrs.push(instr); - traces.push(trace.clone()); - } - Err(CompileOneErr::CycleTrackerEnter(name)) => { - span_builder.enter(name); - } - Err(CompileOneErr::CycleTrackerExit) => { - span_builder.exit().unwrap(); - } - Err(CompileOneErr::Unsupported(instr)) => { - panic!("unsupported instruction: {instr:?}\nbacktrace: {:?}", trace) - } - }); - } - let cycle_tracker_root_span = span_builder.finish().unwrap(); - for line in cycle_tracker_root_span.lines() { - tracing::info!("{}", line); + /// A raw program (algebraic data type of instructions), not yet backfilled. + fn compile_raw_program( + &mut self, + block: DslIrBlock, + instrs_prefix: Vec>>, + ) -> RawProgram> { + // Consider refactoring the builder to use an AST instead of a list of operations. + // Possible to remove address translation at this step. + let mut seq_blocks = instrs_prefix; + let mut maybe_bb: Option>> = None; + + for op in block.ops { + match op { + DslIr::Parallel(par_blocks) => { + seq_blocks.extend(maybe_bb.take().map(SeqBlock::Basic)); + seq_blocks.push(SeqBlock::Parallel( + par_blocks + .into_iter() + .map(|b| self.compile_raw_program(b, vec![])) + .collect(), + )) } - } else { - for (ir_instr, trace) in operations { - self.compile_one(ir_instr, &mut |item| match item { - Ok(instr) => instrs.push(instr), + op => { + let bb = maybe_bb.get_or_insert_with(Default::default); + self.compile_one(op, |item| match item { + Ok(instr) => bb.instrs.push(instr), Err( CompileOneErr::CycleTrackerEnter(_) | CompileOneErr::CycleTrackerExit, ) => (), Err(CompileOneErr::Unsupported(instr)) => { - panic!("unsupported instruction: {instr:?}\nbacktrace: {:?}", trace) + panic!("unsupported instruction: {instr:?}") } }); } } - (instrs, traces) - }); + } - // Replace the mults using the address count data gathered in this previous. - // Exhaustive match for refactoring purposes. - let total_memory = self.addr_to_mult.len() + self.consts.len(); - let mut backfill = |(mult, addr): (&mut F, &Address)| { + seq_blocks.extend(maybe_bb.map(SeqBlock::Basic)); + + RawProgram { seq_blocks } + } + + fn backfill_all<'a>( + &mut self, + instrs: impl Iterator::F>>, + ) { + let mut backfill = |(mult, addr): (&mut C::F, &Address)| { *mult = self.addr_to_mult.remove(addr.as_usize()).unwrap() }; - tracing::debug_span!("backfill mult").in_scope(|| { - for asm_instr in instrs.iter_mut() { - match asm_instr { - Instruction::BaseAlu(BaseAluInstr { - mult, - addrs: BaseAluIo { out: ref addr, .. }, - .. - }) => backfill((mult, addr)), - Instruction::ExtAlu(ExtAluInstr { - mult, - addrs: ExtAluIo { out: ref addr, .. }, + + for asm_instr in instrs { + // Exhaustive match for refactoring purposes. + match asm_instr { + Instruction::BaseAlu(BaseAluInstr { + mult, + addrs: BaseAluIo { out: ref addr, .. }, + .. + }) => backfill((mult, addr)), + Instruction::ExtAlu(ExtAluInstr { + mult, + addrs: ExtAluIo { out: ref addr, .. }, + .. + }) => backfill((mult, addr)), + Instruction::Mem(MemInstr { + addrs: MemIo { inner: ref addr }, + mult, + kind: MemAccessKind::Write, + .. + }) => backfill((mult, addr)), + Instruction::Poseidon2(instr) => { + let Poseidon2SkinnyInstr { + addrs: Poseidon2Io { output: ref addrs, .. }, + mults, + } = instr.as_mut(); + mults.iter_mut().zip(addrs).for_each(&mut backfill); + } + Instruction::Select(SelectInstr { + addrs: SelectIo { out1: ref addr1, out2: ref addr2, .. }, + mult1, + mult2, + }) => { + backfill((mult1, addr1)); + backfill((mult2, addr2)); + } + Instruction::ExpReverseBitsLen(ExpReverseBitsInstr { + addrs: ExpReverseBitsIo { result: ref addr, .. }, + mult, + }) => backfill((mult, addr)), + Instruction::HintBits(HintBitsInstr { output_addrs_mults, .. }) + | Instruction::Hint(HintInstr { output_addrs_mults, .. }) => { + output_addrs_mults.iter_mut().for_each(|(addr, mult)| backfill((mult, addr))); + } + Instruction::FriFold(instr) => { + let FriFoldInstr { + ext_vec_addrs: FriFoldExtVecIo { ref alpha_pow_output, ref ro_output, .. }, + alpha_pow_mults, + ro_mults, .. - }) => backfill((mult, addr)), - Instruction::Mem(MemInstr { - addrs: MemIo { inner: ref addr }, - mult, - kind: MemAccessKind::Write, + } = instr.as_mut(); + // Using `.chain` seems to be less performant. + alpha_pow_mults.iter_mut().zip(alpha_pow_output).for_each(&mut backfill); + ro_mults.iter_mut().zip(ro_output).for_each(&mut backfill); + } + Instruction::BatchFRI(instr) => { + let BatchFRIInstr { + ext_single_addrs: BatchFRIExtSingleIo { ref acc }, + acc_mult, .. - }) => backfill((mult, addr)), - Instruction::Poseidon2(instr) => { - let Poseidon2SkinnyInstr { - addrs: Poseidon2Io { output: ref addrs, .. }, - mults, - } = instr.as_mut(); - mults.iter_mut().zip(addrs).for_each(&mut backfill); - } - Instruction::ExpReverseBitsLen(ExpReverseBitsInstr { - addrs: ExpReverseBitsIo { result: ref addr, .. }, - mult, - }) => backfill((mult, addr)), - Instruction::HintBits(HintBitsInstr { output_addrs_mults, .. }) - | Instruction::Hint(HintInstr { output_addrs_mults, .. }) => { - output_addrs_mults - .iter_mut() - .for_each(|(addr, mult)| backfill((mult, addr))); - } - Instruction::FriFold(instr) => { - let FriFoldInstr { - ext_vec_addrs: - FriFoldExtVecIo { ref alpha_pow_output, ref ro_output, .. }, - alpha_pow_mults, - ro_mults, - .. - } = instr.as_mut(); - // Using `.chain` seems to be less performant. - alpha_pow_mults.iter_mut().zip(alpha_pow_output).for_each(&mut backfill); - ro_mults.iter_mut().zip(ro_output).for_each(&mut backfill); - } - Instruction::HintExt2Felts(HintExt2FeltsInstr { - output_addrs_mults, .. - }) => { - output_addrs_mults - .iter_mut() - .for_each(|(addr, mult)| backfill((mult, addr))); - } - // Instructions that do not write to memory. - Instruction::Mem(MemInstr { kind: MemAccessKind::Read, .. }) - | Instruction::CommitPublicValues(_) - | Instruction::Print(_) => (), + } = instr.as_mut(); + backfill((acc_mult, acc)); + } + Instruction::HintExt2Felts(HintExt2FeltsInstr { output_addrs_mults, .. }) => { + output_addrs_mults.iter_mut().for_each(|(addr, mult)| backfill((mult, addr))); + } + Instruction::HintAddCurve(instr) => { + let HintAddCurveInstr { output_x_addrs_mults, output_y_addrs_mults, .. } = + instr.as_mut(); + output_x_addrs_mults.iter_mut().for_each(|(addr, mult)| backfill((mult, addr))); + output_y_addrs_mults.iter_mut().for_each(|(addr, mult)| backfill((mult, addr))); } + // Instructions that do not write to memory. + Instruction::Mem(MemInstr { kind: MemAccessKind::Read, .. }) + | Instruction::CommitPublicValues(_) + | Instruction::Print(_) => (), + #[cfg(feature = "debug")] + Instruction::DebugBacktrace(_) => (), } - }); + } + debug_assert!(self.addr_to_mult.is_empty()); - // Initialize constants. - let total_consts = self.consts.len(); - let instrs_consts = - self.consts.drain().sorted_by_key(|x| x.1 .0 .0).map(|(imm, (addr, mult))| { - Instruction::Mem(MemInstr { - addrs: MemIo { inner: addr }, - vals: MemIo { inner: imm.as_block() }, - mult, - kind: MemAccessKind::Write, - }) - }); - tracing::debug!("number of consts to initialize: {}", instrs_consts.len()); - // Reset the other fields. - self.next_addr = Default::default(); - self.virtual_to_physical.clear(); - // Place constant-initializing instructions at the top. - let (instructions, traces) = tracing::debug_span!("construct program").in_scope(|| { - if debug_mode { - let instrs_all = instrs_consts.chain(instrs); - let traces_all = repeat(None).take(total_consts).chain(traces); - (instrs_all.collect(), traces_all.collect()) - } else { - (instrs_consts.chain(instrs).collect(), traces) - } - }); - RecursionProgram { instructions, total_memory, traces, shape: None } } -} -/// Used for cycle tracking. -const fn instr_name(instr: &Instruction) -> &'static str { - match instr { - Instruction::BaseAlu(_) => "BaseAlu", - Instruction::ExtAlu(_) => "ExtAlu", - Instruction::Mem(_) => "Mem", - Instruction::Poseidon2(_) => "Poseidon2", - Instruction::ExpReverseBitsLen(_) => "ExpReverseBitsLen", - Instruction::HintBits(_) => "HintBits", - Instruction::FriFold(_) => "FriFold", - Instruction::Print(_) => "Print", - Instruction::HintExt2Felts(_) => "HintExt2Felts", - Instruction::Hint(_) => "Hint", - Instruction::CommitPublicValues(_) => "CommitPublicValues", + /// Compile a `DslIrProgram` that is definitionally assumed to be well-formed. + /// + /// Returns a well-formed program. + pub fn compile(&mut self, program: DslIrProgram) -> RecursionProgram { + // SAFETY: The compiler produces well-formed programs given a well-formed DSL input. + // This is also a cryptographic requirement. + unsafe { RecursionProgram::new_unchecked(self.compile_inner(program.into_inner())) } + } + + /// Compile a root `DslIrBlock` that has not necessarily been validated. + /// + /// Returns a program that may be ill-formed. + pub fn compile_inner(&mut self, root_block: DslIrBlock) -> RootProgram { + // Prefix an empty basic block to be later filled in by constants. + let mut program = tracing::debug_span!("compile raw program").in_scope(|| { + self.compile_raw_program(root_block, vec![SeqBlock::Basic(BasicBlock::default())]) + }); + let total_memory = self.addr_to_mult.len() + self.consts.len(); + tracing::debug_span!("backfill mult").in_scope(|| self.backfill_all(program.iter_mut())); + + // Put in the constants. + tracing::debug_span!("prepend constants").in_scope(|| { + let Some(SeqBlock::Basic(BasicBlock { instrs: instrs_consts })) = + program.seq_blocks.first_mut() + else { + unreachable!() + }; + instrs_consts.extend(self.consts.drain().sorted_by_key(|x| x.1 .0 .0).map( + |(imm, (addr, mult))| { + Instruction::Mem(MemInstr { + addrs: MemIo { inner: addr }, + vals: MemIo { inner: imm.as_block() }, + mult, + kind: MemAccessKind::Write, + }) + }, + )); + }); + + RootProgram { inner: program, total_memory, shape: None } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum CompileOneErr { Unsupported(DslIr), - CycleTrackerEnter(String), + CycleTrackerEnter(Cow<'static, str>), CycleTrackerExit, } @@ -689,6 +785,8 @@ trait Reg { /// Mark the register as to be written to, returning the "physical" address. fn write(&self, compiler: &mut AsmCompiler) -> Address; + + fn write_many(&self, compiler: &mut AsmCompiler, len: usize) -> Vec>; } macro_rules! impl_reg_borrowed { @@ -709,6 +807,10 @@ macro_rules! impl_reg_borrowed { fn write(&self, compiler: &mut AsmCompiler) -> Address { (**self).write(compiler) } + + fn write_many(&self, compiler: &mut AsmCompiler, len: usize) -> Vec> { + (**self).write_many(compiler, len) + } } }; } @@ -730,6 +832,10 @@ macro_rules! impl_reg_vaddr { fn write(&self, compiler: &mut AsmCompiler) -> Address { compiler.write_fp(self.idx as usize) } + + fn write_many(&self, compiler: &mut AsmCompiler, len: usize) -> Vec> { + (0..len).map(|i| compiler.write_fp((self.idx + i as u32) as usize)).collect() + } } }; } @@ -751,6 +857,10 @@ impl> Reg for Imm { fn write(&self, _compiler: &mut AsmCompiler) -> Address { panic!("cannot write to immediate in register: {self:?}") } + + fn write_many(&self, _compiler: &mut AsmCompiler, _len: usize) -> Vec> { + panic!("cannot write to immediate in register: {self:?}") + } } impl> Reg for Address { @@ -768,6 +878,10 @@ impl> Reg for Address { compiler.write_addr(*self); *self } + + fn write_many(&self, _compiler: &mut AsmCompiler, _len: usize) -> Vec> { + todo!() + } } #[cfg(test)] @@ -780,7 +894,7 @@ mod tests { use rand::{rngs::StdRng, Rng, SeedableRng}; use sp1_core_machine::utils::{run_test_machine, setup_logger}; - use sp1_recursion_core::{machine::RecursionAir, RecursionProgram, Runtime}; + use sp1_recursion_core::{machine::RecursionAir, Runtime}; use sp1_stark::{ baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, inner_perm, BabyBearPoseidon2Inner, InnerHash, StarkGenericConfig, @@ -793,8 +907,8 @@ mod tests { type SC = BabyBearPoseidon2; type F = ::Val; type EF = ::Challenge; - fn test_operations(operations: TracedVec>>) { - test_operations_with_runner(operations, |program| { + fn test_block(block: DslIrBlock>) { + test_block_with_runner(block, |program| { let mut runtime = Runtime::::new( program, BabyBearPoseidon2Inner::new().perm, @@ -804,12 +918,12 @@ mod tests { }); } - fn test_operations_with_runner( - operations: TracedVec>>, + fn test_block_with_runner( + block: DslIrBlock>, run: impl FnOnce(Arc>) -> ExecutionRecord, ) { let mut compiler = super::AsmCompiler::>::default(); - let program = Arc::new(compiler.compile(operations)); + let program = Arc::new(compiler.compile_inner(block).validate().unwrap()); let record = run(program.clone()); // Run with the poseidon2 wide chip. @@ -851,7 +965,7 @@ mod tests { } } - test_operations(builder.into_operations()); + test_block(builder.into_root_block()); } #[test] @@ -931,7 +1045,7 @@ mod tests { let expected_felt: Felt<_> = builder.eval(expected); builder.assert_felt_eq(result_felt, expected_felt); } - test_operations(builder.into_operations()); + test_block(builder.into_root_block()); } #[test] @@ -986,7 +1100,7 @@ mod tests { } } - test_operations(builder.into_operations()); + test_block(builder.into_root_block()); } #[test] @@ -1009,7 +1123,7 @@ mod tests { builder.assert_felt_eq(lhs, rhs); } } - test_operations(builder.into_operations()); + test_block(builder.into_root_block()); } #[test] @@ -1032,7 +1146,7 @@ mod tests { let mut buf = VecDeque::::new(); - builder.cycle_tracker_v2_enter("printing felts".to_string()); + builder.cycle_tracker_v2_enter("printing felts"); for (i, &input_f) in input_fs.iter().enumerate() { builder.cycle_tracker_v2_enter(format!("printing felt {i}")); let input_felt = builder.eval(input_f); @@ -1041,7 +1155,7 @@ mod tests { } builder.cycle_tracker_v2_exit(); - builder.cycle_tracker_v2_enter("printing exts".to_string()); + builder.cycle_tracker_v2_enter("printing exts"); for (i, input_block) in input_efs.iter().enumerate() { builder.cycle_tracker_v2_enter(format!("printing ext {i}")); let input_ext = builder.eval(EF::from_base_slice(input_block).cons()); @@ -1050,7 +1164,7 @@ mod tests { } builder.cycle_tracker_v2_exit(); - test_operations_with_runner(builder.into_operations(), |program| { + test_block_with_runner(builder.into_root_block(), |program| { let mut runtime = Runtime::::new( program, BabyBearPoseidon2Inner::new().perm, @@ -1089,7 +1203,7 @@ mod tests { builder.assert_felt_eq(lhs, rhs); } } - test_operations(builder.into_operations()); + test_block(builder.into_root_block()); } macro_rules! test_assert_fixture { @@ -1099,7 +1213,7 @@ mod tests { let mut builder = AsmBuilder::::default(); test_assert_fixture!(builder, identity, F, Felt<_>, 0xDEADBEEF, $assert_felt, $should_offset); test_assert_fixture!(builder, EF::cons, EF, Ext<_, _>, 0xABADCAFE, $assert_ext, $should_offset); - test_operations(builder.into_operations()); + test_block(builder.into_root_block()); } }; ($builder:ident, $wrap:path, $t:ty, $u:ty, $seed:expr, $assert:ident, $should_offset:expr) => { diff --git a/crates/recursion/compiler/src/circuit/mod.rs b/crates/recursion/compiler/src/circuit/mod.rs index 715021f62..733b44b82 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/compiler/src/circuit/mod.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/compiler/src/circuit/mod.rs @@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ mod tests { let zero: Felt<_> = builder.constant(F::zero()); builder.assert_felt_eq(y, zero); - let operations = builder.into_operations(); + let block = builder.into_root_block(); let mut compiler = AsmCompiler::default(); - let program = Arc::new(compiler.compile(operations)); + let program = Arc::new(compiler.compile_inner(block).validate().unwrap()); let mut runtime = Runtime::::new(program.clone(), SC::new().perm); runtime.witness_stream = [ @@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ mod tests { let sum: Ext<_, _> = builder.eval(exts[0] + exts[1]); builder.assert_ext_ne(sum, exts[2]); - let operations = builder.into_operations(); + let block = builder.into_root_block(); let mut compiler = AsmCompiler::default(); - let program = Arc::new(compiler.compile(operations)); + let program = Arc::new(compiler.compile_inner(block).validate().unwrap()); let mut runtime = Runtime::::new(program.clone(), SC::new().perm); runtime.witness_stream = diff --git a/crates/recursion/compiler/src/constraints/mod.rs b/crates/recursion/compiler/src/constraints/mod.rs index 2278131c8..7ce96547f 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/compiler/src/constraints/mod.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/compiler/src/constraints/mod.rs @@ -6,10 +6,7 @@ use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::marker::PhantomData; use self::opcodes::ConstraintOpcode; -use crate::{ - ir::{Config, DslIr}, - prelude::TracedVec, -}; +use crate::ir::{Config, DslIr}; /// A constraint is an operation and a list of nested arguments. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] @@ -70,10 +67,8 @@ impl ConstraintCompiler { tmp_id } - /// Emit the constraints from a list of operations in the DSL. - pub fn emit(&mut self, operations: TracedVec>) -> Vec { - let mut constraints: Vec = Vec::new(); - for (instruction, _) in operations { + fn emit_inner(&mut self, constraints: &mut Vec, operations: Vec>) { + for instruction in operations { match instruction { DslIr::ImmV(a, b) => constraints.push(Constraint { opcode: ConstraintOpcode::ImmV, @@ -98,7 +93,7 @@ impl ConstraintCompiler { args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![b.id()], vec![c.id()]], }), DslIr::AddVI(a, b, c) => { - let tmp = self.alloc_v(&mut constraints, c); + let tmp = self.alloc_v(constraints, c); constraints.push(Constraint { opcode: ConstraintOpcode::AddV, args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![b.id()], vec![tmp]], @@ -109,7 +104,7 @@ impl ConstraintCompiler { args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![b.id()], vec![c.id()]], }), DslIr::AddFI(a, b, c) => { - let tmp = self.alloc_f(&mut constraints, c); + let tmp = self.alloc_f(constraints, c); constraints.push(Constraint { opcode: ConstraintOpcode::AddF, args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![b.id()], vec![tmp]], @@ -124,21 +119,21 @@ impl ConstraintCompiler { args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![b.id()], vec![c.id()]], }), DslIr::AddEFI(a, b, c) => { - let tmp = self.alloc_f(&mut constraints, c); + let tmp = self.alloc_f(constraints, c); constraints.push(Constraint { opcode: ConstraintOpcode::AddEF, args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![b.id()], vec![tmp]], }); } DslIr::AddEI(a, b, c) => { - let tmp = self.alloc_e(&mut constraints, c); + let tmp = self.alloc_e(constraints, c); constraints.push(Constraint { opcode: ConstraintOpcode::AddE, args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![b.id()], vec![tmp]], }); } DslIr::AddEFFI(a, b, c) => { - let tmp = self.alloc_e(&mut constraints, c); + let tmp = self.alloc_e(constraints, c); constraints.push(Constraint { opcode: ConstraintOpcode::AddEF, args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![tmp], vec![b.id()]], @@ -153,14 +148,14 @@ impl ConstraintCompiler { args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![b.id()], vec![c.id()]], }), DslIr::SubFI(a, b, c) => { - let tmp = self.alloc_f(&mut constraints, c); + let tmp = self.alloc_f(constraints, c); constraints.push(Constraint { opcode: ConstraintOpcode::SubF, args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![b.id()], vec![tmp]], }); } DslIr::SubFIN(a, b, c) => { - let temp = self.alloc_f(&mut constraints, b); + let temp = self.alloc_f(constraints, b); constraints.push(Constraint { opcode: ConstraintOpcode::SubF, args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![temp], vec![c.id()]], @@ -175,14 +170,14 @@ impl ConstraintCompiler { args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![b.id()], vec![c.id()]], }), DslIr::SubEI(a, b, c) => { - let tmp = self.alloc_e(&mut constraints, c); + let tmp = self.alloc_e(constraints, c); constraints.push(Constraint { opcode: ConstraintOpcode::SubE, args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![b.id()], vec![tmp]], }); } DslIr::SubEIN(a, b, c) => { - let tmp = self.alloc_e(&mut constraints, b); + let tmp = self.alloc_e(constraints, b); constraints.push(Constraint { opcode: ConstraintOpcode::SubE, args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![tmp], vec![c.id()]], @@ -193,7 +188,7 @@ impl ConstraintCompiler { args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![b.id()], vec![c.id()]], }), DslIr::MulVI(a, b, c) => { - let tmp = self.alloc_v(&mut constraints, c); + let tmp = self.alloc_v(constraints, c); constraints.push(Constraint { opcode: ConstraintOpcode::MulV, args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![b.id()], vec![tmp]], @@ -204,7 +199,7 @@ impl ConstraintCompiler { args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![b.id()], vec![c.id()]], }), DslIr::MulFI(a, b, c) => { - let tmp = self.alloc_f(&mut constraints, c); + let tmp = self.alloc_f(constraints, c); constraints.push(Constraint { opcode: ConstraintOpcode::MulF, args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![b.id()], vec![tmp]], @@ -215,7 +210,7 @@ impl ConstraintCompiler { args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![b.id()], vec![c.id()]], }), DslIr::MulEI(a, b, c) => { - let tmp = self.alloc_e(&mut constraints, c); + let tmp = self.alloc_e(constraints, c); constraints.push(Constraint { opcode: ConstraintOpcode::MulE, args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![b.id()], vec![tmp]], @@ -226,7 +221,7 @@ impl ConstraintCompiler { args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![b.id()], vec![c.id()]], }), DslIr::DivFIN(a, b, c) => { - let tmp = self.alloc_f(&mut constraints, b); + let tmp = self.alloc_f(constraints, b); constraints.push(Constraint { opcode: ConstraintOpcode::DivF, args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![tmp], vec![c.id()]], @@ -245,7 +240,7 @@ impl ConstraintCompiler { args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![b.id()], vec![c.id()]], }), DslIr::DivEIN(a, b, c) => { - let tmp = self.alloc_e(&mut constraints, b); + let tmp = self.alloc_e(constraints, b); constraints.push(Constraint { opcode: ConstraintOpcode::DivE, args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![tmp], vec![c.id()]], @@ -310,7 +305,7 @@ impl ConstraintCompiler { args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![b.id()]], }), DslIr::AssertEqVI(a, b) => { - let tmp = self.alloc_v(&mut constraints, b); + let tmp = self.alloc_v(constraints, b); constraints.push(Constraint { opcode: ConstraintOpcode::AssertEqV, args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![tmp]], @@ -321,7 +316,7 @@ impl ConstraintCompiler { args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![b.id()]], }), DslIr::AssertEqFI(a, b) => { - let tmp = self.alloc_f(&mut constraints, b); + let tmp = self.alloc_f(constraints, b); constraints.push(Constraint { opcode: ConstraintOpcode::AssertEqF, args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![tmp]], @@ -336,14 +331,14 @@ impl ConstraintCompiler { args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![b.id()]], }), DslIr::AssertNeFI(a, b) => { - let tmp = self.alloc_f(&mut constraints, b); + let tmp = self.alloc_f(constraints, b); constraints.push(Constraint { opcode: ConstraintOpcode::AssertNeF, args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![tmp]], }); } DslIr::AssertEqEI(a, b) => { - let tmp = self.alloc_e(&mut constraints, b); + let tmp = self.alloc_e(constraints, b); constraints.push(Constraint { opcode: ConstraintOpcode::AssertEqE, args: vec![vec![a.id()], vec![tmp]], @@ -407,9 +402,21 @@ impl ConstraintCompiler { // Version 2 instructions DslIr::CircuitV2CommitPublicValues(_) => {} + DslIr::Parallel(blocks) => { + for block in blocks { + self.emit_inner(constraints, block.ops); + } + } + DslIr::DebugBacktrace(_) => {} _ => panic!("unsupported {:?}", instruction), }; } + } + + /// Emit the constraints from a list of operations in the DSL. + pub fn emit(&mut self, operations: Vec>) -> Vec { + let mut constraints: Vec = Vec::new(); + self.emit_inner(&mut constraints, operations); constraints } } diff --git a/crates/recursion/compiler/src/ir/builder.rs b/crates/recursion/compiler/src/ir/builder.rs index 09ba4789b..9a7b0e1aa 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/compiler/src/ir/builder.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/compiler/src/ir/builder.rs @@ -1,86 +1,18 @@ -use std::{cell::UnsafeCell, iter::Zip, ptr, vec::IntoIter}; +use std::{cell::UnsafeCell, ptr}; -use backtrace::Backtrace; use p3_field::AbstractField; -use sp1_core_machine::utils::sp1_debug_mode; use sp1_primitives::types::RecursionProgramType; use super::{ - Array, Config, DslIr, Ext, ExtHandle, ExtOperations, Felt, FeltHandle, FeltOperations, - FromConstant, SymbolicExt, SymbolicFelt, SymbolicUsize, SymbolicVar, Usize, Var, VarHandle, - VarOperations, Variable, + Array, Config, DslIr, DslIrBlock, Ext, ExtHandle, ExtOperations, Felt, FeltHandle, + FeltOperations, FromConstant, SymbolicExt, SymbolicFelt, SymbolicUsize, SymbolicVar, Usize, + Var, VarHandle, VarOperations, Variable, }; -/// TracedVec is a Vec wrapper that records a trace whenever an element is pushed. When extending -/// from another TracedVec, the traces are copied over. -#[derive(Debug, Clone)] -pub struct TracedVec { - pub vec: Vec, - pub traces: Vec>, -} - -impl Default for TracedVec { - fn default() -> Self { - Self::new() - } -} - -impl From> for TracedVec { - fn from(vec: Vec) -> Self { - let len = vec.len(); - Self { vec, traces: vec![None; len] } - } -} - -impl TracedVec { - pub const fn new() -> Self { - Self { vec: Vec::new(), traces: Vec::new() } - } - - pub fn push(&mut self, value: T) { - self.vec.push(value); - self.traces.push(None); - } - - /// Pushes a value to the vector and records a backtrace if SP1_DEBUG is enabled - pub fn trace_push(&mut self, value: T) { - self.vec.push(value); - if sp1_debug_mode() { - self.traces.push(Some(Backtrace::new_unresolved())); - } else { - self.traces.push(None); - } - } - - pub fn extend)>>(&mut self, iter: I) { - let iter = iter.into_iter(); - let len = iter.size_hint().0; - self.vec.reserve(len); - self.traces.reserve(len); - for (value, trace) in iter { - self.vec.push(value); - self.traces.push(trace); - } - } - - pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { - self.vec.is_empty() - } -} - -impl IntoIterator for TracedVec { - type Item = (T, Option); - type IntoIter = Zip, IntoIter>>; - - fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { - self.vec.into_iter().zip(self.traces) - } -} - #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct InnerBuilder { pub(crate) variable_count: u32, - pub operations: TracedVec>, + pub operations: Vec>, } /// A builder for the DSL. @@ -161,28 +93,66 @@ impl Builder { builder } + /// Convenience function for creating a new sub builder. + pub fn sub_builder(&self) -> Self { + Builder::::new_sub_builder( + self.variable_count(), + self.nb_public_values, + self.p2_hash_num, + self.debug, + self.program_type, + ) + } + /// Pushes an operation to the builder. + #[inline(always)] pub fn push_op(&mut self, op: DslIr) { self.inner.get_mut().operations.push(op); } - pub fn extend_ops(&mut self, ops: impl IntoIterator, Option)>) { + pub fn extend_ops(&mut self, ops: impl IntoIterator>) { self.inner.get_mut().operations.extend(ops); } - /// Pushes an operation to the builder and records a trace if SP1_DEBUG. - pub fn trace_push(&mut self, op: DslIr) { - self.inner.get_mut().operations.trace_push(op); + #[inline(always)] + // Record a trace if the "debug" feature is enabled. + pub fn push_backtrace(&mut self) { + #[cfg(feature = "debug")] + self.push_op(DslIr::DebugBacktrace(backtrace::Backtrace::new_unresolved())); + } + + /// Pushes an operation to the builder and records a trace if the "debug" feature is enabled. + #[inline(always)] + pub fn push_traced_op(&mut self, op: DslIr) { + self.push_backtrace(); + self.push_op(op); } pub fn variable_count(&self) -> u32 { unsafe { (*self.inner.get()).variable_count } } - pub fn into_operations(self) -> TracedVec> { + pub fn set_variable_count(&mut self, variable_count: u32) { + self.inner.get_mut().variable_count = variable_count; + } + + pub fn into_operations(self) -> Vec> { self.inner.into_inner().operations } + pub fn into_root_block(self) -> DslIrBlock { + let addrs_written = 0..self.variable_count(); + DslIrBlock { ops: self.inner.into_inner().operations, addrs_written } + } + + /// Get a mutable reference to the list of operations. + /// Can be used for adjusting evaluation order using the utility functions from [`std::mem`]. + /// + /// One use case is to move "lazy" evaluation out of a parallel context. + pub fn get_mut_operations(&mut self) -> &mut Vec> { + &mut self.inner.get_mut().operations + } + /// Creates an uninitialized variable. pub fn uninit>(&mut self) -> V { V::uninit(self) @@ -443,7 +413,7 @@ impl Builder { /// Throws an error. pub fn error(&mut self) { - self.trace_push(DslIr::Error()); + self.push_traced_op(DslIr::Error()); } /// Materializes a usize into a variable. @@ -528,7 +498,7 @@ enum IfCondition { NeI(Var, N), } -impl<'a, C: Config> IfBuilder<'a, C> { +impl IfBuilder<'_, C> { pub fn then(mut self, mut f: impl FnMut(&mut Builder)) { // Get the condition reduced from the expressions for lhs and rhs. let condition = self.condition(); @@ -684,8 +654,8 @@ impl<'a, C: Config> IfBuilder<'a, C> { // let lhs: Var = self.builder.eval(lhs); // IfCondition::NeI(lhs, rhs) // } - // (SymbolicVar::Val(lhs, _), SymbolicVar::Val(rhs, _), true) => IfCondition::Eq(lhs, rhs), - // (SymbolicVar::Val(lhs, _), SymbolicVar::Val(rhs, _), false) => { + // (SymbolicVar::Val(lhs, _), SymbolicVar::Val(rhs, _), true) => IfCondition::Eq(lhs, + // rhs), (SymbolicVar::Val(lhs, _), SymbolicVar::Val(rhs, _), false) => { // IfCondition::Ne(lhs, rhs) // } // (SymbolicVar::Val(lhs, _), rhs, true) => { @@ -726,7 +696,7 @@ pub struct RangeBuilder<'a, C: Config> { builder: &'a mut Builder, } -impl<'a, C: Config> RangeBuilder<'a, C> { +impl RangeBuilder<'_, C> { pub const fn step_by(mut self, step_size: usize) -> Self { self.step_size = step_size; self diff --git a/crates/recursion/compiler/src/ir/instructions.rs b/crates/recursion/compiler/src/ir/instructions.rs index dceefe266..07572b312 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/compiler/src/ir/instructions.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/compiler/src/ir/instructions.rs @@ -1,8 +1,16 @@ +use std::{ + borrow::Cow, + ops::{Deref, Range}, +}; + +#[cfg(feature = "debug")] +use backtrace::Backtrace; use sp1_recursion_core::air::RecursionPublicValues; +use sp1_stark::septic_curve::SepticCurve; use super::{ Array, CircuitV2FriFoldInput, CircuitV2FriFoldOutput, Config, Ext, Felt, FriFoldInput, - MemIndex, Ptr, TracedVec, Usize, Var, + MemIndex, Ptr, Usize, Var, }; /// An intermeddiate instruction set for implementing programs. @@ -120,22 +128,26 @@ pub enum DslIr { /// Inverts an extension field element (ext = 1 / ext). InvE(Ext, Ext), + /// Selects order of felts based on a bit (should_swap, first result, second result, first + /// input, second input) + Select(Felt, Felt, Felt, Felt, Felt), + // Control flow. /// Executes a for loop with the parameters (start step value, end step value, step size, step /// variable, body). - For(Box<(Usize, Usize, C::N, Var, TracedVec>)>), + For(Box<(Usize, Usize, C::N, Var, Vec>)>), /// Executes an equal conditional branch with the parameters (lhs var, rhs var, then body, else /// body). - IfEq(Box<(Var, Var, TracedVec>, TracedVec>)>), + IfEq(Box<(Var, Var, Vec>, Vec>)>), /// Executes a not equal conditional branch with the parameters (lhs var, rhs var, then body, /// else body). - IfNe(Box<(Var, Var, TracedVec>, TracedVec>)>), + IfNe(Box<(Var, Var, Vec>, Vec>)>), /// Executes an equal conditional branch with the parameters (lhs var, rhs imm, then body, else /// body). - IfEqI(Box<(Var, C::N, TracedVec>, TracedVec>)>), + IfEqI(Box<(Var, C::N, Vec>, Vec>)>), /// Executes a not equal conditional branch with the parameters (lhs var, rhs imm, then body, /// else body). - IfNeI(Box<(Var, C::N, TracedVec>, TracedVec>)>), + IfNeI(Box<(Var, C::N, Vec>, Vec>)>), /// Break out of a for loop. Break, @@ -247,9 +259,9 @@ pub enum DslIr { /// Hint an array of extension field elements. HintExts(Array>), /// Hint an array of field elements. - CircuitV2HintFelts(Vec>), + CircuitV2HintFelts(Felt, usize), /// Hint an array of extension field elements. - CircuitV2HintExts(Vec>), + CircuitV2HintExts(Ext, usize), /// Witness a variable. Should only be used when target is a gnark circuit. WitnessVar(Var, u32), /// Witness a field element. Should only be used when target is a gnark circuit. @@ -271,6 +283,11 @@ pub enum DslIr { /// Should only be used when target is a gnark circuit. CircuitCommitCommittedValuesDigest(Var), + /// Adds two elliptic curve points. (sum, point_1, point_2). + CircuitV2HintAddCurve( + Box<(SepticCurve>, SepticCurve>, SepticCurve>)>, + ), + // FRI specific instructions. /// Executes a FRI fold operation. 1st field is the size of the fri fold input array. 2nd /// field is the fri fold input array. See [`FriFoldInput`] for more details. @@ -279,6 +296,12 @@ pub enum DslIr { /// Executes a FRI fold operation. Input is the fri fold input array. See [`FriFoldInput`] for /// more details. CircuitV2FriFold(Box<(CircuitV2FriFoldOutput, CircuitV2FriFoldInput)>), + // FRI specific instructions. + /// Executes a Batch FRI loop. Input is the power of alphas, evaluations at z, and evaluations + /// at x. + CircuitV2BatchFRI( + Box<(Ext, Vec>, Vec>, Vec>)>, + ), /// Select's a variable based on a condition. (select(cond, true_val, false_val) => output). /// Should only be used when target is a gnark circuit. CircuitSelectV(Var, Var, Var, Var), @@ -299,12 +322,72 @@ pub enum DslIr { /// Tracks the number of cycles used by a block of code annotated by the string input. CycleTracker(String), /// Tracks the number of cycles used by a block of code annotated by the string input. - CycleTrackerV2Enter(String), + CycleTrackerV2Enter(Cow<'static, str>), /// Tracks the number of cycles used by a block of code annotated by the string input. CycleTrackerV2Exit, - // Reverse bits exponentiation. + /// Reverse bits exponentiation. ExpReverseBitsLen(Ptr, Var, Var), /// Reverse bits exponentiation. Output, base, exponent bits. CircuitV2ExpReverseBits(Felt, Felt, Vec>), + + // Structuring IR constructors. + /// Blocks that may be executed in parallel. + Parallel(Vec>), + + /// Pass a backtrace for debugging. + #[cfg(feature = "debug")] + DebugBacktrace(Backtrace), +} + +/// A block of instructions. +#[derive(Clone, Default, Debug)] +pub struct DslIrBlock { + pub ops: Vec>, + pub addrs_written: Range, +} + +#[derive(Clone, Debug)] +pub struct DslIrProgram(DslIrBlock); + +impl DslIrProgram { + /// # Safety + /// The given block must represent a well formed program. This is defined as the following: + /// - reads are performed after writes, according to a "happens-before" relation; and + /// - an address is written to at most once. + /// + /// The "happens-before" relation is defined as follows: + /// - It is a strict partial order, meaning it is transitive, irreflexive, and asymmetric. + /// - Contiguous sequences of instructions that are not [`DslIr::Parallel`] in a [`DslIrBlock`] + /// are linearly ordered. Call these sequences "sequential blocks." + /// - For each `DslIrBlock` in the `DslIr::Parallel` variant: + /// - The block's first instruction comes after the last instruction in the parent's previous + /// sequential block. if it exists. + /// - The block's last instruction comes before the first instruction in the parent's next + /// sequential block, if it exists. + /// - If the sequential blocks mentioned in eiither of the previous two rules do not exist, + /// then the situation is that of two consecutive [`DslIr::Parallel`] instructions `x` and `y`. + /// Then each last instruction of `x` comes before each first instruction of `y`. + pub unsafe fn new_unchecked(block: DslIrBlock) -> Self { + Self(block) + } + + pub fn into_inner(self) -> DslIrBlock { + self.0 + } +} + +impl Default for DslIrProgram { + fn default() -> Self { + // SAFETY: An empty block is always well formed. + unsafe { Self::new_unchecked(DslIrBlock::default()) } + } +} + +impl Deref for DslIrProgram { + type Target = DslIrBlock; + + fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { + &self.0 + } } diff --git a/crates/recursion/compiler/src/ir/iter.rs b/crates/recursion/compiler/src/ir/iter.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..54d8bd5cc --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/recursion/compiler/src/ir/iter.rs @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +use std::mem; + +use super::{Builder, Config, DslIr, DslIrBlock}; + +pub trait IrIter: Sized { + fn ir_par_map_collect(self, builder: &mut Builder, map_op: F) -> B + where + F: FnMut(&mut Builder, Item) -> S, + B: Default + Extend; +} + +impl IrIter for I +where + C: Config, + I: Iterator, +{ + fn ir_par_map_collect(self, builder: &mut Builder, mut map_op: F) -> B + where + F: FnMut(&mut Builder, I::Item) -> S, + B: Default + Extend, + { + let prev_ops = mem::take(builder.get_mut_operations()); + let (blocks, coll): (Vec<_>, B) = self + .map(|r| { + let next_addr = builder.variable_count(); + let s = map_op(builder, r); + let block = DslIrBlock { + ops: mem::take(builder.get_mut_operations()), + addrs_written: next_addr..builder.variable_count(), + }; + (block, s) + }) + .unzip(); + *builder.get_mut_operations() = prev_ops; + builder.push_op(DslIr::Parallel(blocks)); + coll + } +} diff --git a/crates/recursion/compiler/src/ir/mod.rs b/crates/recursion/compiler/src/ir/mod.rs index 060362ddb..5fe7cd73c 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/compiler/src/ir/mod.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/compiler/src/ir/mod.rs @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ mod builder; mod collections; mod fold; mod instructions; +mod iter; mod poseidon; mod ptr; mod symbolic; @@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ pub use builder::*; pub use collections::*; pub use fold::*; pub use instructions::*; +pub use iter::*; pub use ptr::*; pub use symbolic::*; pub use types::*; diff --git a/crates/recursion/compiler/src/ir/symbolic.rs b/crates/recursion/compiler/src/ir/symbolic.rs index 40ed4c4bf..5c114923f 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/compiler/src/ir/symbolic.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/compiler/src/ir/symbolic.rs @@ -1262,7 +1262,7 @@ impl, E: Any> ExtensionOperand for E { let value_ref = unsafe { mem::transmute::<&E, &ExtOperand>(&self) }; value_ref.clone() } - _ => unimplemented!("unsupported type"), + _ => unimplemented!("unsupported type {:?}", self.type_id()), } } } diff --git a/crates/recursion/compiler/src/ir/types.rs b/crates/recursion/compiler/src/ir/types.rs index f94717860..31ed3c709 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/compiler/src/ir/types.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/compiler/src/ir/types.rs @@ -264,13 +264,13 @@ impl Variable for Var { assert_eq!(lhs, rhs, "Assertion failed at compile time"); } (SymbolicVar::Const(lhs), SymbolicVar::Val(rhs)) => { - builder.trace_push(DslIr::AssertEqVI(rhs, lhs)); + builder.push_traced_op(DslIr::AssertEqVI(rhs, lhs)); } (SymbolicVar::Val(lhs), SymbolicVar::Const(rhs)) => { - builder.trace_push(DslIr::AssertEqVI(lhs, rhs)); + builder.push_traced_op(DslIr::AssertEqVI(lhs, rhs)); } (SymbolicVar::Val(lhs), SymbolicVar::Val(rhs)) => { - builder.trace_push(DslIr::AssertEqV(lhs, rhs)); + builder.push_traced_op(DslIr::AssertEqV(lhs, rhs)); } } } @@ -288,13 +288,13 @@ impl Variable for Var { assert_ne!(lhs, rhs, "Assertion failed at compile time"); } (SymbolicVar::Const(lhs), SymbolicVar::Val(rhs)) => { - builder.trace_push(DslIr::AssertNeVI(rhs, lhs)); + builder.push_traced_op(DslIr::AssertNeVI(rhs, lhs)); } (SymbolicVar::Val(lhs), SymbolicVar::Const(rhs)) => { - builder.trace_push(DslIr::AssertNeVI(lhs, rhs)); + builder.push_traced_op(DslIr::AssertNeVI(lhs, rhs)); } (SymbolicVar::Val(lhs), SymbolicVar::Val(rhs)) => { - builder.trace_push(DslIr::AssertNeV(lhs, rhs)); + builder.push_traced_op(DslIr::AssertNeV(lhs, rhs)); } } } @@ -348,13 +348,13 @@ impl Variable for Felt { assert_eq!(lhs, rhs, "Assertion failed at compile time"); } (SymbolicFelt::Const(lhs), SymbolicFelt::Val(rhs)) => { - builder.trace_push(DslIr::AssertEqFI(rhs, lhs)); + builder.push_traced_op(DslIr::AssertEqFI(rhs, lhs)); } (SymbolicFelt::Val(lhs), SymbolicFelt::Const(rhs)) => { - builder.trace_push(DslIr::AssertEqFI(lhs, rhs)); + builder.push_traced_op(DslIr::AssertEqFI(lhs, rhs)); } (SymbolicFelt::Val(lhs), SymbolicFelt::Val(rhs)) => { - builder.trace_push(DslIr::AssertEqF(lhs, rhs)); + builder.push_traced_op(DslIr::AssertEqF(lhs, rhs)); } } } @@ -372,13 +372,13 @@ impl Variable for Felt { assert_ne!(lhs, rhs, "Assertion failed at compile time"); } (SymbolicFelt::Const(lhs), SymbolicFelt::Val(rhs)) => { - builder.trace_push(DslIr::AssertNeFI(rhs, lhs)); + builder.push_traced_op(DslIr::AssertNeFI(rhs, lhs)); } (SymbolicFelt::Val(lhs), SymbolicFelt::Const(rhs)) => { - builder.trace_push(DslIr::AssertNeFI(lhs, rhs)); + builder.push_traced_op(DslIr::AssertNeFI(lhs, rhs)); } (SymbolicFelt::Val(lhs), SymbolicFelt::Val(rhs)) => { - builder.trace_push(DslIr::AssertNeF(lhs, rhs)); + builder.push_traced_op(DslIr::AssertNeF(lhs, rhs)); } } } @@ -440,30 +440,30 @@ impl Variable for Ext { assert_eq!(lhs, rhs, "Assertion failed at compile time"); } (SymbolicExt::Const(lhs), SymbolicExt::Val(rhs)) => { - builder.trace_push(DslIr::AssertEqEI(rhs, lhs)); + builder.push_traced_op(DslIr::AssertEqEI(rhs, lhs)); } (SymbolicExt::Const(lhs), rhs) => { let rhs_value = Self::uninit(builder); rhs_value.assign(rhs, builder); - builder.trace_push(DslIr::AssertEqEI(rhs_value, lhs)); + builder.push_traced_op(DslIr::AssertEqEI(rhs_value, lhs)); } (SymbolicExt::Val(lhs), SymbolicExt::Const(rhs)) => { - builder.trace_push(DslIr::AssertEqEI(lhs, rhs)); + builder.push_traced_op(DslIr::AssertEqEI(lhs, rhs)); } (SymbolicExt::Val(lhs), SymbolicExt::Val(rhs)) => { - builder.trace_push(DslIr::AssertEqE(lhs, rhs)); + builder.push_traced_op(DslIr::AssertEqE(lhs, rhs)); } (SymbolicExt::Val(lhs), rhs) => { let rhs_value = Self::uninit(builder); rhs_value.assign(rhs, builder); - builder.trace_push(DslIr::AssertEqE(lhs, rhs_value)); + builder.push_traced_op(DslIr::AssertEqE(lhs, rhs_value)); } (lhs, rhs) => { let lhs_value = Self::uninit(builder); lhs_value.assign(lhs, builder); let rhs_value = Self::uninit(builder); rhs_value.assign(rhs, builder); - builder.trace_push(DslIr::AssertEqE(lhs_value, rhs_value)); + builder.push_traced_op(DslIr::AssertEqE(lhs_value, rhs_value)); } } } @@ -481,30 +481,30 @@ impl Variable for Ext { assert_ne!(lhs, rhs, "Assertion failed at compile time"); } (SymbolicExt::Const(lhs), SymbolicExt::Val(rhs)) => { - builder.trace_push(DslIr::AssertNeEI(rhs, lhs)); + builder.push_traced_op(DslIr::AssertNeEI(rhs, lhs)); } (SymbolicExt::Const(lhs), rhs) => { let rhs_value = Self::uninit(builder); rhs_value.assign(rhs, builder); - builder.trace_push(DslIr::AssertNeEI(rhs_value, lhs)); + builder.push_traced_op(DslIr::AssertNeEI(rhs_value, lhs)); } (SymbolicExt::Val(lhs), SymbolicExt::Const(rhs)) => { - builder.trace_push(DslIr::AssertNeEI(lhs, rhs)); + builder.push_traced_op(DslIr::AssertNeEI(lhs, rhs)); } (SymbolicExt::Val(lhs), SymbolicExt::Val(rhs)) => { - builder.trace_push(DslIr::AssertNeE(lhs, rhs)); + builder.push_traced_op(DslIr::AssertNeE(lhs, rhs)); } (SymbolicExt::Val(lhs), rhs) => { let rhs_value = Self::uninit(builder); rhs_value.assign(rhs, builder); - builder.trace_push(DslIr::AssertNeE(lhs, rhs_value)); + builder.push_traced_op(DslIr::AssertNeE(lhs, rhs_value)); } (lhs, rhs) => { let lhs_value = Self::uninit(builder); lhs_value.assign(lhs, builder); let rhs_value = Self::uninit(builder); rhs_value.assign(rhs, builder); - builder.trace_push(DslIr::AssertNeE(lhs_value, rhs_value)); + builder.push_traced_op(DslIr::AssertNeE(lhs_value, rhs_value)); } } } diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/Cargo.toml b/crates/recursion/core/Cargo.toml index 1a93e7b09..be42d5910 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/recursion/core/Cargo.toml @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ license = { workspace = true } repository = { workspace = true } keywords = { workspace = true } categories = { workspace = true } +links = "sp1-recursion-core-sys" [dependencies] p3-field = { workspace = true } @@ -20,11 +21,11 @@ p3-poseidon2 = { workspace = true } p3-symmetric = { workspace = true } sp1-derive = { workspace = true } sp1-primitives = { workspace = true } -tracing = "0.1.40" +tracing = { workspace = true } sp1-core-machine = { workspace = true } sp1-stark = { workspace = true } -hashbrown = { version = "0.14.5", features = ["serde"] } -itertools = "0.13.0" +hashbrown = { workspace = true, features = ["serde"] } +itertools = { workspace = true } p3-bn254-fr = { workspace = true } p3-merkle-tree = { workspace = true } p3-commit = { workspace = true } @@ -33,11 +34,44 @@ p3-challenger = { workspace = true } p3-fri = { workspace = true } zkhash = "0.2.0" ff = { version = "0.13", features = ["derive", "derive_bits"] } -serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive", "rc"] } +serde = { workspace = true, features = ["derive", "rc"] } backtrace = { version = "0.3.71", features = ["serde"] } static_assertions = "1.1.0" thiserror = "1.0.60" vec_map = "0.8.2" +range-set-blaze = { version = "0.1.16", optional = true } +smallvec = { version = "1.13.2", features = [ + "const_generics", + "const_new", + "serde", + "union", + "write", +], optional = true } +num_cpus = "1.16.0" +rand = "0.8.5" +cfg-if = "1.0.0" [dev-dependencies] -rand = "0.8.5" +range-set-blaze = { version = "0.1.16" } +smallvec = { version = "1.13.2", features = [ + "const_generics", + "const_new", + "serde", + "union", + "write", +] } + +[build-dependencies] +sp1-stark = { workspace = true } +sp1-primitives = { workspace = true } +p3-baby-bear = { workspace = true } +cbindgen = "0.27.0" +cc = "1.1" +pathdiff = "0.2.1" +glob = "0.3.1" + +[features] +default = ["sys"] +debug = [] +sys = ["sp1-core-machine/sys"] +program_validation = ["dep:range-set-blaze", "dep:smallvec"] diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/build.rs b/crates/recursion/core/build.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f2f55a80b --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/recursion/core/build.rs @@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ +fn main() { + if std::env::var("DOCS_RS").is_ok() { + return; + } + + #[cfg(feature = "sys")] + sys::build_ffi(); +} + +#[cfg(feature = "sys")] +mod sys { + use std::{ + env, fs, os, + path::{Path, PathBuf}, + }; + + use pathdiff::diff_paths; + + /// The library name, used for the static library archive and the headers. + /// Should be chosen as to not conflict with other library/header names. + const LIB_NAME: &str = "sp1-recursion-core-sys"; + + /// The name of all include directories involved, used to find and output header files. + const INCLUDE_DIRNAME: &str = "include"; + + /// The name of the directory to recursively search for source files in. + const SOURCE_DIRNAME: &str = "cpp"; + + /// The warning placed in the cbindgen header. + const AUTOGEN_WARNING: &str = + "/* Automatically generated by `cbindgen`. Not intended for manual editing. */"; + + pub fn build_ffi() { + // The name of the header generated by `cbindgen`. + let cbindgen_hpp = &format!("{LIB_NAME}-cbindgen.hpp"); + + // The crate directory. + let crate_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap()); + + // The output directory, where built artifacts should be placed. + let out_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()); + + // The target directory that the cargo invocation is using. + // Headers are symlinked into `target/include` purely for IDE purposes. + let target_dir = { + let mut dir = out_dir.clone(); + loop { + if dir.ends_with("target") { + break dir; + } + if !dir.pop() { + panic!("OUT_DIR does not have parent called \"target\": {:?}", out_dir); + } + } + }; + + // The directory to read headers from. + let source_include_dir = crate_dir.join(INCLUDE_DIRNAME); + + // The directory to place headers into. + let target_include_dir = out_dir.join(INCLUDE_DIRNAME); + + // The directory to place symlinks to headers into. Has the fixed path "target/include". + let target_include_dir_fixed = target_dir.join(INCLUDE_DIRNAME); + + // The directory to read source files from. + let source_dir = crate_dir.join(SOURCE_DIRNAME); + + let headers = glob::glob(source_include_dir.join("**/*.hpp").to_str().unwrap()) + .unwrap() + .collect::, _>>() + .unwrap(); + + let compilation_units = glob::glob(source_dir.join("**/*.cpp").to_str().unwrap()) + .unwrap() + .collect::, _>>() + .unwrap(); + + // Tell Cargo that if the given file changes, to rerun this build script. + println!("cargo::rerun-if-changed={INCLUDE_DIRNAME}"); + println!("cargo::rerun-if-changed={SOURCE_DIRNAME}"); + println!("cargo::rerun-if-changed=src"); + println!("cargo::rerun-if-changed=Cargo.toml"); + + // Cargo build script metadata, used by dependents' build scripts. + // The root directory containing the library archive. + println!("cargo::metadata=root={}", out_dir.to_str().unwrap()); + + // The include path defining the library's API. + println!("cargo::metadata=include={}", target_include_dir.to_str().unwrap()); + + // Generate a header containing bindings to the crate. + match cbindgen::Builder::new() + .with_pragma_once(true) + .with_autogen_warning(AUTOGEN_WARNING) + .with_no_includes() + .with_sys_include("cstdint") + .with_sys_include("cstddef") + .with_parse_deps(true) + .with_parse_include(&[ + "sp1-stark", + "sp1-primitives", + "sp1-core-machine", + "p3-baby-bear", + "sp1-core-executor", + ]) + .with_parse_extra_bindings(&["sp1-stark", "sp1-primitives", "p3-baby-bear"]) + .rename_item("BabyBear", "BabyBearP3") + .include_item("BaseAluEvent") + .include_item("BaseAluValueCols") + .include_item("BaseAluAccessCols") + .include_item("BaseAluInstr") + .include_item("ExtAluEvent") + .include_item("ExtAluValueCols") + .include_item("ExtAluInstr") + .include_item("ExtAluAccessCols") + .include_item("BatchFRIEvent") + .include_item("BatchFRICols") + .include_item("BatchFRIInstrFFI") + .include_item("BatchFRIPreprocessedCols") + .include_item("ExpReverseBitsEventFFI") + .include_item("ExpReverseBitsLenCols") + .include_item("ExpReverseBitsInstrFFI") + .include_item("ExpReverseBitsLenPreprocessedCols") + .include_item("FriFoldEvent") + .include_item("FriFoldCols") + .include_item("FriFoldInstrFFI") + .include_item("FriFoldPreprocessedCols") + .include_item("SelectEvent") + .include_item("SelectCols") + .include_item("CommitPublicValuesEvent") + .include_item("PublicValuesCols") + .include_item("CommitPublicValuesInstr") + .include_item("PublicValuesPreprocessedCols") + .include_item("SelectEvent") + .include_item("SelectCols") + .include_item("SelectInstr") + .include_item("SelectPreprocessedCols") + .include_item("Poseidon2Event") + .include_item("Poseidon2") + .include_item("Poseidon2Instr") + .include_item("Poseidon2PreprocessedColsSkinny") + .include_item("Poseidon2PreprocessedColsWide") + .with_namespace("sp1_recursion_core_sys") + .with_crate(crate_dir) + .generate() + { + Ok(bindings) => { + // Write the bindings to the target include directory. + let header_path = target_include_dir.join(cbindgen_hpp); + if bindings.write_to_file(&header_path) { + // Symlink the header to the fixed include directory. + rel_symlink_file(header_path, target_include_dir_fixed.join(cbindgen_hpp)); + } + } + Err(cbindgen::Error::ParseSyntaxError { .. }) => {} // Ignore parse errors so rust-analyzer can run. + Err(e) => panic!("{:?}", e), + } + + // Copy the headers to the include directory and symlink them to the fixed include directory. + for header in &headers { + // Get the path of the header relative to the source include directory. + let relpath = diff_paths(header, &source_include_dir).unwrap(); + + // Let the destination path be the same place relative to the target include directory. + let dst = target_include_dir.join(&relpath); + + // Create the parent directory if it does not exist. + if let Some(parent) = dst.parent() { + fs::create_dir_all(parent).unwrap(); + } + fs::copy(header, &dst).unwrap(); + rel_symlink_file(dst, target_include_dir_fixed.join(relpath)); + } + + println!("cargo::rustc-link-lib=static=sp1-core-machine-sys"); + let include_dir = env::var("DEP_SP1_CORE_MACHINE_SYS_INCLUDE").unwrap(); + + // Use the `cc` crate to build the library and statically link it to the crate. + let mut cc_builder = cc::Build::new(); + cc_builder.files(&compilation_units).include(target_include_dir).include(include_dir); + cc_builder.cpp(true).std("c++17"); + cc_builder.compile(LIB_NAME) + } + + /// Place a relative symlink pointing to `original` at `link`. + fn rel_symlink_file(original: P, link: Q) + where + P: AsRef, + Q: AsRef, + { + #[cfg(unix)] + use os::unix::fs::symlink; + #[cfg(windows)] + use os::windows::fs::symlink_file as symlink; + + let target_dir = link.as_ref().parent().unwrap(); + fs::create_dir_all(target_dir).unwrap(); + let _ = fs::remove_file(&link); + let relpath = diff_paths(original, target_dir).unwrap(); + symlink(relpath, link).unwrap(); + } +} diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/cpp/extern.cpp b/crates/recursion/core/cpp/extern.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eacc3a57f --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/recursion/core/cpp/extern.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +#include "bb31_t.hpp" +#include "sys.hpp" + +namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys { +using namespace poseidon2; + +extern void alu_base_event_to_row_babybear(const BaseAluIo* io, + BaseAluValueCols* cols) { + alu_base::event_to_row( + *reinterpret_cast*>(io), + *reinterpret_cast*>(cols)); +} +extern void alu_base_instr_to_row_babybear( + const BaseAluInstr* instr, + BaseAluAccessCols* access) { + alu_base::instr_to_row( + *reinterpret_cast*>(instr), + *reinterpret_cast*>(access)); +} + +extern void alu_ext_event_to_row_babybear(const ExtAluIo>* io, + ExtAluValueCols* cols) { + alu_ext::event_to_row( + *reinterpret_cast>*>(io), + *reinterpret_cast*>(cols)); +} +extern void alu_ext_instr_to_row_babybear( + const ExtAluInstr* instr, + ExtAluAccessCols* access) { + alu_ext::instr_to_row( + *reinterpret_cast*>(instr), + *reinterpret_cast*>(access)); +} + +extern void batch_fri_event_to_row_babybear(const BatchFRIEvent* io, + BatchFRICols* cols) { + batch_fri::event_to_row( + *reinterpret_cast*>(io), + *reinterpret_cast*>(cols)); +} +extern void batch_fri_instr_to_row_babybear( + const BatchFRIInstrFFI* instr, + BatchFRIPreprocessedCols* cols, size_t index) { + batch_fri::instr_to_row( + *reinterpret_cast*>(instr), + *reinterpret_cast*>(cols), index); +} + +extern void exp_reverse_bits_event_to_row_babybear( + const ExpReverseBitsEventFFI* io, size_t i, + ExpReverseBitsLenCols* cols) { + exp_reverse_bits::event_to_row( + *reinterpret_cast*>(io), i, + *reinterpret_cast*>(cols)); +} +extern void exp_reverse_bits_instr_to_row_babybear( + const ExpReverseBitsInstrFFI* instr, size_t i, size_t len, + ExpReverseBitsLenPreprocessedCols* cols) { + exp_reverse_bits::instr_to_row( + *reinterpret_cast*>(instr), i, len, + *reinterpret_cast*>(cols)); +} + +extern void fri_fold_event_to_row_babybear(const FriFoldEvent* io, + FriFoldCols* cols) { + fri_fold::event_to_row( + *reinterpret_cast*>(io), + *reinterpret_cast*>(cols)); +} +extern void fri_fold_instr_to_row_babybear( + const FriFoldInstrFFI* instr, size_t i, + FriFoldPreprocessedCols* cols) { + fri_fold::instr_to_row( + *reinterpret_cast*>(instr), i, + *reinterpret_cast*>(cols)); +} + +extern void public_values_event_to_row_babybear( + const CommitPublicValuesEvent* io, size_t digest_idx, + PublicValuesCols* cols) { + public_values::event_to_row( + *reinterpret_cast*>(io), digest_idx, + *reinterpret_cast*>(cols)); +} +extern void public_values_instr_to_row_babybear( + const CommitPublicValuesInstr* instr, size_t digest_idx, + PublicValuesPreprocessedCols* cols) { + public_values::instr_to_row( + *reinterpret_cast*>(instr), + digest_idx, + *reinterpret_cast*>(cols)); +} + +extern void select_event_to_row_babybear(const SelectEvent* io, + SelectCols* cols) { + select::event_to_row( + *reinterpret_cast*>(io), + *reinterpret_cast*>(cols)); +} +extern void select_instr_to_row_babybear( + const SelectInstr* instr, + SelectPreprocessedCols* cols) { + select::instr_to_row( + *reinterpret_cast*>(instr), + *reinterpret_cast*>(cols)); +} + +extern void poseidon2_skinny_event_to_row_babybear( + const Poseidon2Event* event, + Poseidon2 cols[OUTPUT_ROUND_IDX + 1]) { + poseidon2_skinny::event_to_row( + *reinterpret_cast*>(event), + reinterpret_cast*>(cols)); +} +extern void poseidon2_skinny_instr_to_row_babybear( + const Poseidon2Instr* instr, size_t i, + Poseidon2PreprocessedColsSkinny* cols) { + poseidon2_skinny::instr_to_row( + *reinterpret_cast*>(instr), i, + *reinterpret_cast*>(cols)); +} + +extern "C" void poseidon2_wide_event_to_row_babybear(const BabyBearP3* input, + BabyBearP3* input_row, + bool sbox_state) { + poseidon2_wide::event_to_row(reinterpret_cast(input), + reinterpret_cast(input_row), 0, + 1, sbox_state); +} +extern void poseidon2_wide_instr_to_row_babybear( + const Poseidon2SkinnyInstr* instr, + Poseidon2PreprocessedColsWide* cols) { + poseidon2_wide::instr_to_row( + *reinterpret_cast*>(instr), + *reinterpret_cast*>(cols)); +} +} // namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/include/alu_base.hpp b/crates/recursion/core/include/alu_base.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4a85532e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/recursion/core/include/alu_base.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "prelude.hpp" + +namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys::alu_base { +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ void event_to_row(const BaseAluEvent& event, + BaseAluValueCols& cols) { + cols.vals = event; +} + +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ void instr_to_row(const BaseAluInstr& instr, + BaseAluAccessCols& access) { + access.addrs = instr.addrs; + access.is_add = F(0); + access.is_sub = F(0); + access.is_mul = F(0); + access.is_div = F(0); + access.mult = instr.mult; + + switch (instr.opcode) { + case BaseAluOpcode::AddF: + access.is_add = F(1); + break; + case BaseAluOpcode::SubF: + access.is_sub = F(1); + break; + case BaseAluOpcode::MulF: + access.is_mul = F(1); + break; + case BaseAluOpcode::DivF: + access.is_div = F(1); + break; + } +} +} // namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys::alu_base diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/include/alu_ext.hpp b/crates/recursion/core/include/alu_ext.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0448e6830 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/recursion/core/include/alu_ext.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "prelude.hpp" + +namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys::alu_ext { +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ void event_to_row(const ExtAluEvent& event, + ExtAluValueCols& cols) { + cols.vals = event; +} + +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ void instr_to_row(const ExtAluInstr& instr, + ExtAluAccessCols& access) { + access.addrs = instr.addrs; + access.is_add = F(0); + access.is_sub = F(0); + access.is_mul = F(0); + access.is_div = F(0); + access.mult = instr.mult; + + switch (instr.opcode) { + case ExtAluOpcode::AddE: + access.is_add = F(1); + break; + case ExtAluOpcode::SubE: + access.is_sub = F(1); + break; + case ExtAluOpcode::MulE: + access.is_mul = F(1); + break; + case ExtAluOpcode::DivE: + access.is_div = F(1); + break; + } +} +} // namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys::alu_ext diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/include/batch_fri.hpp b/crates/recursion/core/include/batch_fri.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..251261293 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/recursion/core/include/batch_fri.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "prelude.hpp" + +namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys::batch_fri { +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ void event_to_row(const BatchFRIEvent& event, + BatchFRICols& cols) { + cols.acc = event.ext_single.acc; + cols.alpha_pow = event.ext_vec.alpha_pow; + cols.p_at_z = event.ext_vec.p_at_z; + cols.p_at_x = event.base_vec.p_at_x; +} + +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ void instr_to_row(const BatchFRIInstrFFI& instr, + BatchFRIPreprocessedCols& cols, + size_t index) { + cols.is_real = F(1); + cols.is_end = F(index == instr.ext_vec_addrs_p_at_z_len - 1); + cols.acc_addr = instr.ext_single_addrs->acc; + cols.alpha_pow_addr = instr.ext_vec_addrs_alpha_pow_ptr[index]; + cols.p_at_z_addr = instr.ext_vec_addrs_p_at_z_ptr[index]; + cols.p_at_x_addr = instr.base_vec_addrs_p_at_x_ptr[index]; +} +} // namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys::batch_fri diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/include/exp_reverse_bits.hpp b/crates/recursion/core/include/exp_reverse_bits.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..840258315 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/recursion/core/include/exp_reverse_bits.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "prelude.hpp" + +namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys::exp_reverse_bits { +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ void event_to_row(const ExpReverseBitsEventFFI& event, + size_t i, ExpReverseBitsLenCols& cols) { + cols.x = *event.base; + cols.current_bit = event.exp_ptr[i]; + cols.multiplier = (event.exp_ptr[i] == F::one()) ? *event.base : F::one(); +} + +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ void instr_to_row(const ExpReverseBitsInstrFFI& instr, + size_t i, size_t len, + ExpReverseBitsLenPreprocessedCols& cols) { + cols.is_real = F::one(); + cols.iteration_num = F::from_canonical_u32(i); + cols.is_first = F::from_bool(i == 0); + cols.is_last = F::from_bool(i == len - 1); + + cols.x_mem.addr = *instr.base; + cols.x_mem.mult = F::zero() - F::from_bool(i == 0); + + cols.exponent_mem.addr = instr.exp_ptr[i]; + cols.exponent_mem.mult = F::zero() - F::one(); + + cols.result_mem.addr = *instr.result; + cols.result_mem.mult = *instr.mult * F::from_bool(i == len - 1); +} +} // namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys::exp_reverse_bits diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/include/fri_fold.hpp b/crates/recursion/core/include/fri_fold.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3ea30aa35 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/recursion/core/include/fri_fold.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "prelude.hpp" + +namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys::fri_fold { +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ void event_to_row(const FriFoldEvent& event, + FriFoldCols& cols) { + cols.x = event.base_single.x; + cols.z = event.ext_single.z; + cols.alpha = event.ext_single.alpha; + + cols.p_at_z = event.ext_vec.ps_at_z; + cols.p_at_x = event.ext_vec.mat_opening; + cols.alpha_pow_input = event.ext_vec.alpha_pow_input; + cols.ro_input = event.ext_vec.ro_input; + + cols.alpha_pow_output = event.ext_vec.alpha_pow_output; + cols.ro_output = event.ext_vec.ro_output; +} + +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ void instr_to_row(const FriFoldInstrFFI& instr, size_t i, + FriFoldPreprocessedCols& cols) { + + cols.is_real = F::one(); + cols.is_first = F::from_bool(i == 0); + + cols.z_mem.addr = instr.ext_single_addrs->z; + cols.z_mem.mult = F::zero() - F::from_bool(i == 0); + + cols.x_mem.addr = instr.base_single_addrs->x; + cols.x_mem.mult = F::zero() - F::from_bool(i == 0); + + cols.alpha_mem.addr = instr.ext_single_addrs->alpha; + cols.alpha_mem.mult = F::zero() - F::from_bool(i == 0); + + cols.alpha_pow_input_mem.addr = instr.ext_vec_addrs_alpha_pow_input_ptr[i]; + cols.alpha_pow_input_mem.mult = F::zero() - F::one(); + + cols.ro_input_mem.addr = instr.ext_vec_addrs_ro_input_ptr[i]; + cols.ro_input_mem.mult = F::zero() - F::one(); + + cols.p_at_z_mem.addr = instr.ext_vec_addrs_ps_at_z_ptr[i]; + cols.p_at_z_mem.mult = F::zero() - F::one(); + + cols.p_at_x_mem.addr = instr.ext_vec_addrs_mat_opening_ptr[i]; + cols.p_at_x_mem.mult = F::zero() - F::one(); + + cols.alpha_pow_output_mem.addr = instr.ext_vec_addrs_alpha_pow_output_ptr[i]; + cols.alpha_pow_output_mem.mult = instr.alpha_pow_mults_ptr[i]; + + cols.ro_output_mem.addr = instr.ext_vec_addrs_ro_output_ptr[i]; + cols.ro_output_mem.mult = instr.ro_mults_ptr[i]; +} +} // namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys::fri_fold diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/include/poseidon2.hpp b/crates/recursion/core/include/poseidon2.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b3a811f0d --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/recursion/core/include/poseidon2.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "poseidon2_constants.hpp" +#include "prelude.hpp" + +namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys::poseidon2 { +using namespace constants; + +constexpr size_t INPUT_ROUND_IDX = 0; +constexpr size_t INTERNAL_ROUND_IDX = NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2 + 1; + +constexpr size_t NUM_ROUNDS = OUTPUT_ROUND_IDX + 1; + +constexpr size_t PERMUTATION_NO_SBOX = + (WIDTH * NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS) + WIDTH + (NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1) + WIDTH; +constexpr size_t PERMUTATION_SBOX = + PERMUTATION_NO_SBOX + (WIDTH * NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS) + NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS; + +constexpr size_t POSEIDON2_WIDTH = 16; + +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ __SP1_INLINE__ void mdsLightPermutation4x4(F state[4]) { + F t01 = state[0] + state[1]; + F t23 = state[2] + state[3]; + F t0123 = t01 + t23; + F t01123 = t0123 + state[1]; + F t01233 = t0123 + state[3]; + state[3] = t01233 + operator<<(state[0], 1); + state[1] = t01123 + operator<<(state[2], 1); + state[0] = t01123 + t01; + state[2] = t01233 + t23; +} + +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ __SP1_INLINE__ void external_linear_layer( + F state_var[POSEIDON2_WIDTH]) { + for (size_t i = 0; i < POSEIDON2_WIDTH; i += 4) { + mdsLightPermutation4x4(state_var + i); + } + + F sums[4] = {F::zero(), F::zero(), F::zero(), F::zero()}; + for (size_t k = 0; k < 4; k++) { + for (size_t j = 0; j < POSEIDON2_WIDTH; j += 4) { + sums[k] = sums[k] + state_var[j + k]; + } + } + + for (size_t j = 0; j < POSEIDON2_WIDTH; j++) { + state_var[j] = state_var[j] + sums[j % 4]; + } +} + +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ __SP1_INLINE__ void internal_linear_layer( + F state[POSEIDON2_WIDTH]) { + F matmul_constants[POSEIDON2_WIDTH]; + for (size_t i = 0; i < POSEIDON2_WIDTH; i++) { + matmul_constants[i] = F(F::to_monty(F::from_monty( + constants::POSEIDON2_INTERNAL_MATRIX_DIAG_16_BABYBEAR_MONTY[i].val))); + } + + F sum = F::zero(); + for (size_t i = 0; i < POSEIDON2_WIDTH; i++) { + sum = sum + state[i]; + } + + for (size_t i = 0; i < POSEIDON2_WIDTH; i++) { + state[i] = state[i] * matmul_constants[i]; + state[i] = state[i] + sum; + } + + F monty_inverse = F(F::to_monty(F::from_monty(1))); + for (size_t i = 0; i < POSEIDON2_WIDTH; i++) { + state[i] = state[i] * monty_inverse; + } +} +} // namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys::poseidon2 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/include/poseidon2_constants.hpp b/crates/recursion/core/include/poseidon2_constants.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c076d6b64 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/recursion/core/include/poseidon2_constants.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,1100 @@ +#pragma once + +namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys::constants { +#ifdef __CUDA_ARCH__ +__constant__ constexpr const uint32_t RC_16_30_U32[30][16] = { + { + 2110014213U, + 3964964605U, + 2190662774U, + 2732996483U, + 640767983U, + 3403899136U, + 1716033721U, + 1606702601U, + 3759873288U, + 1466015491U, + 1498308946U, + 2844375094U, + 3042463841U, + 1969905919U, + 4109944726U, + 3925048366U, + }, + { + 3706859504U, + 759122502U, + 3167665446U, + 1131812921U, + 1080754908U, + 4080114493U, + 893583089U, + 2019677373U, + 3128604556U, + 580640471U, + 3277620260U, + 842931656U, + 548879852U, + 3608554714U, + 3575647916U, + 81826002U, + }, + { + 4289086263U, + 1563933798U, + 1440025885U, + 184445025U, + 2598651360U, + 1396647410U, + 1575877922U, + 3303853401U, + 137125468U, + 765010148U, + 633675867U, + 2037803363U, + 2573389828U, + 1895729703U, + 541515871U, + 1783382863U, + }, + { + 2641856484U, + 3035743342U, + 3672796326U, + 245668751U, + 2025460432U, + 201609705U, + 286217151U, + 4093475563U, + 2519572182U, + 3080699870U, + 2762001832U, + 1244250808U, + 606038199U, + 3182740831U, + 73007766U, + 2572204153U, + }, + { + 1196780786U, + 3447394443U, + 747167305U, + 2968073607U, + 1053214930U, + 1074411832U, + 4016794508U, + 1570312929U, + 113576933U, + 4042581186U, + 3634515733U, + 1032701597U, + 2364839308U, + 3840286918U, + 888378655U, + 2520191583U, + }, + { + 36046858U, + 2927525953U, + 3912129105U, + 4004832531U, + 193772436U, + 1590247392U, + 4125818172U, + 2516251696U, + 4050945750U, + 269498914U, + 1973292656U, + 891403491U, + 1845429189U, + 2611996363U, + 2310542653U, + 4071195740U, + }, + { + 3505307391U, + 786445290U, + 3815313971U, + 1111591756U, + 4233279834U, + 2775453034U, + 1991257625U, + 2940505809U, + 2751316206U, + 1028870679U, + 1282466273U, + 1059053371U, + 834521354U, + 138721483U, + 3100410803U, + 3843128331U, + }, + { + 3878220780U, + 4058162439U, + 1478942487U, + 799012923U, + 496734827U, + 3521261236U, + 755421082U, + 1361409515U, + 392099473U, + 3178453393U, + 4068463721U, + 7935614U, + 4140885645U, + 2150748066U, + 1685210312U, + 3852983224U, + }, + { + 2896943075U, + 3087590927U, + 992175959U, + 970216228U, + 3473630090U, + 3899670400U, + 3603388822U, + 2633488197U, + 2479406964U, + 2420952999U, + 1852516800U, + 4253075697U, + 979699862U, + 1163403191U, + 1608599874U, + 3056104448U, + }, + { + 3779109343U, + 536205958U, + 4183458361U, + 1649720295U, + 1444912244U, + 3122230878U, + 384301396U, + 4228198516U, + 1662916865U, + 4082161114U, + 2121897314U, + 1706239958U, + 4166959388U, + 1626054781U, + 3005858978U, + 1431907253U, + }, + { + 1418914503U, + 1365856753U, + 3942715745U, + 1429155552U, + 3545642795U, + 3772474257U, + 1621094396U, + 2154399145U, + 826697382U, + 1700781391U, + 3539164324U, + 652815039U, + 442484755U, + 2055299391U, + 1064289978U, + 1152335780U, + }, + { + 3417648695U, + 186040114U, + 3475580573U, + 2113941250U, + 1779573826U, + 1573808590U, + 3235694804U, + 2922195281U, + 1119462702U, + 3688305521U, + 1849567013U, + 667446787U, + 753897224U, + 1896396780U, + 3143026334U, + 3829603876U, + }, + { + 859661334U, + 3898844357U, + 180258337U, + 2321867017U, + 3599002504U, + 2886782421U, + 3038299378U, + 1035366250U, + 2038912197U, + 2920174523U, + 1277696101U, + 2785700290U, + 3806504335U, + 3518858933U, + 654843672U, + 2127120275U, + }, + { + 1548195514U, + 2378056027U, + 390914568U, + 1472049779U, + 1552596765U, + 1905886441U, + 1611959354U, + 3653263304U, + 3423946386U, + 340857935U, + 2208879480U, + 139364268U, + 3447281773U, + 3777813707U, + 55640413U, + 4101901741U, + }, + {104929687U, 1459980974U, 1831234737U, 457139004U, 2581487628U, 2112044563U, + 3567013861U, 2792004347U, 576325418U, 41126132U, 2713562324U, 151213722U, + 2891185935U, 546846420U, 2939794919U, 2543469905U}, + { + 2191909784U, + 3315138460U, + 530414574U, + 1242280418U, + 1211740715U, + 3993672165U, + 2505083323U, + 3845798801U, + 538768466U, + 2063567560U, + 3366148274U, + 1449831887U, + 2408012466U, + 294726285U, + 3943435493U, + 924016661U, + }, + { + 3633138367U, + 3222789372U, + 809116305U, + 30100013U, + 2655172876U, + 2564247117U, + 2478649732U, + 4113689151U, + 4120146082U, + 2512308515U, + 650406041U, + 4240012393U, + 2683508708U, + 951073977U, + 3460081988U, + 339124269U, + }, + { + 130182653U, + 2755946749U, + 542600513U, + 2816103022U, + 1931786340U, + 2044470840U, + 1709908013U, + 2938369043U, + 3640399693U, + 1374470239U, + 2191149676U, + 2637495682U, + 4236394040U, + 2289358846U, + 3833368530U, + 974546524U, + }, + { + 3306659113U, + 2234814261U, + 1188782305U, + 223782844U, + 2248980567U, + 2309786141U, + 2023401627U, + 3278877413U, + 2022138149U, + 575851471U, + 1612560780U, + 3926656936U, + 3318548977U, + 2591863678U, + 188109355U, + 4217723909U, + }, + { + 1564209905U, + 2154197895U, + 2459687029U, + 2870634489U, + 1375012945U, + 1529454825U, + 306140690U, + 2855578299U, + 1246997295U, + 3024298763U, + 1915270363U, + 1218245412U, + 2479314020U, + 2989827755U, + 814378556U, + 4039775921U, + }, + { + 1165280628U, + 1203983801U, + 3814740033U, + 1919627044U, + 600240215U, + 773269071U, + 486685186U, + 4254048810U, + 1415023565U, + 502840102U, + 4225648358U, + 510217063U, + 166444818U, + 1430745893U, + 1376516190U, + 1775891321U, + }, + { + 1170945922U, + 1105391877U, + 261536467U, + 1401687994U, + 1022529847U, + 2476446456U, + 2603844878U, + 3706336043U, + 3463053714U, + 1509644517U, + 588552318U, + 65252581U, + 3696502656U, + 2183330763U, + 3664021233U, + 1643809916U, + }, + { + 2922875898U, + 3740690643U, + 3932461140U, + 161156271U, + 2619943483U, + 4077039509U, + 2921201703U, + 2085619718U, + 2065264646U, + 2615693812U, + 3116555433U, + 246100007U, + 4281387154U, + 4046141001U, + 4027749321U, + 111611860U, + }, + { + 2066954820U, + 2502099969U, + 2915053115U, + 2362518586U, + 366091708U, + 2083204932U, + 4138385632U, + 3195157567U, + 1318086382U, + 521723799U, + 702443405U, + 2507670985U, + 1760347557U, + 2631999893U, + 1672737554U, + 1060867760U, + }, + { + 2359801781U, + 2800231467U, + 3010357035U, + 1035997899U, + 1210110952U, + 1018506770U, + 2799468177U, + 1479380761U, + 1536021911U, + 358993854U, + 579904113U, + 3432144800U, + 3625515809U, + 199241497U, + 4058304109U, + 2590164234U, + }, + { + 1688530738U, + 1580733335U, + 2443981517U, + 2206270565U, + 2780074229U, + 2628739677U, + 2940123659U, + 4145206827U, + 3572278009U, + 2779607509U, + 1098718697U, + 1424913749U, + 2224415875U, + 1108922178U, + 3646272562U, + 3935186184U, + }, + { + 820046587U, + 1393386250U, + 2665818575U, + 2231782019U, + 672377010U, + 1920315467U, + 1913164407U, + 2029526876U, + 2629271820U, + 384320012U, + 4112320585U, + 3131824773U, + 2347818197U, + 2220997386U, + 1772368609U, + 2579960095U, + }, + { + 3544930873U, + 225847443U, + 3070082278U, + 95643305U, + 3438572042U, + 3312856509U, + 615850007U, + 1863868773U, + 803582265U, + 3461976859U, + 2903025799U, + 1482092434U, + 3902972499U, + 3872341868U, + 1530411808U, + 2214923584U, + }, + { + 3118792481U, + 2241076515U, + 3983669831U, + 3180915147U, + 3838626501U, + 1921630011U, + 3415351771U, + 2249953859U, + 3755081630U, + 486327260U, + 1227575720U, + 3643869379U, + 2982026073U, + 2466043731U, + 1982634375U, + 3769609014U, + }, + { + 2195455495U, + 2596863283U, + 4244994973U, + 1983609348U, + 4019674395U, + 3469982031U, + 1458697570U, + 1593516217U, + 1963896497U, + 3115309118U, + 1659132465U, + 2536770756U, + 3059294171U, + 2618031334U, + 2040903247U, + 3799795076U, + }}; +#else +constexpr const uint32_t RC_16_30_U32[30][16] = { + { + 2110014213U, + 3964964605U, + 2190662774U, + 2732996483U, + 640767983U, + 3403899136U, + 1716033721U, + 1606702601U, + 3759873288U, + 1466015491U, + 1498308946U, + 2844375094U, + 3042463841U, + 1969905919U, + 4109944726U, + 3925048366U, + }, + { + 3706859504U, + 759122502U, + 3167665446U, + 1131812921U, + 1080754908U, + 4080114493U, + 893583089U, + 2019677373U, + 3128604556U, + 580640471U, + 3277620260U, + 842931656U, + 548879852U, + 3608554714U, + 3575647916U, + 81826002U, + }, + { + 4289086263U, + 1563933798U, + 1440025885U, + 184445025U, + 2598651360U, + 1396647410U, + 1575877922U, + 3303853401U, + 137125468U, + 765010148U, + 633675867U, + 2037803363U, + 2573389828U, + 1895729703U, + 541515871U, + 1783382863U, + }, + { + 2641856484U, + 3035743342U, + 3672796326U, + 245668751U, + 2025460432U, + 201609705U, + 286217151U, + 4093475563U, + 2519572182U, + 3080699870U, + 2762001832U, + 1244250808U, + 606038199U, + 3182740831U, + 73007766U, + 2572204153U, + }, + { + 1196780786U, + 3447394443U, + 747167305U, + 2968073607U, + 1053214930U, + 1074411832U, + 4016794508U, + 1570312929U, + 113576933U, + 4042581186U, + 3634515733U, + 1032701597U, + 2364839308U, + 3840286918U, + 888378655U, + 2520191583U, + }, + { + 36046858U, + 2927525953U, + 3912129105U, + 4004832531U, + 193772436U, + 1590247392U, + 4125818172U, + 2516251696U, + 4050945750U, + 269498914U, + 1973292656U, + 891403491U, + 1845429189U, + 2611996363U, + 2310542653U, + 4071195740U, + }, + { + 3505307391U, + 786445290U, + 3815313971U, + 1111591756U, + 4233279834U, + 2775453034U, + 1991257625U, + 2940505809U, + 2751316206U, + 1028870679U, + 1282466273U, + 1059053371U, + 834521354U, + 138721483U, + 3100410803U, + 3843128331U, + }, + { + 3878220780U, + 4058162439U, + 1478942487U, + 799012923U, + 496734827U, + 3521261236U, + 755421082U, + 1361409515U, + 392099473U, + 3178453393U, + 4068463721U, + 7935614U, + 4140885645U, + 2150748066U, + 1685210312U, + 3852983224U, + }, + { + 2896943075U, + 3087590927U, + 992175959U, + 970216228U, + 3473630090U, + 3899670400U, + 3603388822U, + 2633488197U, + 2479406964U, + 2420952999U, + 1852516800U, + 4253075697U, + 979699862U, + 1163403191U, + 1608599874U, + 3056104448U, + }, + { + 3779109343U, + 536205958U, + 4183458361U, + 1649720295U, + 1444912244U, + 3122230878U, + 384301396U, + 4228198516U, + 1662916865U, + 4082161114U, + 2121897314U, + 1706239958U, + 4166959388U, + 1626054781U, + 3005858978U, + 1431907253U, + }, + { + 1418914503U, + 1365856753U, + 3942715745U, + 1429155552U, + 3545642795U, + 3772474257U, + 1621094396U, + 2154399145U, + 826697382U, + 1700781391U, + 3539164324U, + 652815039U, + 442484755U, + 2055299391U, + 1064289978U, + 1152335780U, + }, + { + 3417648695U, + 186040114U, + 3475580573U, + 2113941250U, + 1779573826U, + 1573808590U, + 3235694804U, + 2922195281U, + 1119462702U, + 3688305521U, + 1849567013U, + 667446787U, + 753897224U, + 1896396780U, + 3143026334U, + 3829603876U, + }, + { + 859661334U, + 3898844357U, + 180258337U, + 2321867017U, + 3599002504U, + 2886782421U, + 3038299378U, + 1035366250U, + 2038912197U, + 2920174523U, + 1277696101U, + 2785700290U, + 3806504335U, + 3518858933U, + 654843672U, + 2127120275U, + }, + { + 1548195514U, + 2378056027U, + 390914568U, + 1472049779U, + 1552596765U, + 1905886441U, + 1611959354U, + 3653263304U, + 3423946386U, + 340857935U, + 2208879480U, + 139364268U, + 3447281773U, + 3777813707U, + 55640413U, + 4101901741U, + }, + {104929687U, 1459980974U, 1831234737U, 457139004U, 2581487628U, 2112044563U, + 3567013861U, 2792004347U, 576325418U, 41126132U, 2713562324U, 151213722U, + 2891185935U, 546846420U, 2939794919U, 2543469905U}, + { + 2191909784U, + 3315138460U, + 530414574U, + 1242280418U, + 1211740715U, + 3993672165U, + 2505083323U, + 3845798801U, + 538768466U, + 2063567560U, + 3366148274U, + 1449831887U, + 2408012466U, + 294726285U, + 3943435493U, + 924016661U, + }, + { + 3633138367U, + 3222789372U, + 809116305U, + 30100013U, + 2655172876U, + 2564247117U, + 2478649732U, + 4113689151U, + 4120146082U, + 2512308515U, + 650406041U, + 4240012393U, + 2683508708U, + 951073977U, + 3460081988U, + 339124269U, + }, + { + 130182653U, + 2755946749U, + 542600513U, + 2816103022U, + 1931786340U, + 2044470840U, + 1709908013U, + 2938369043U, + 3640399693U, + 1374470239U, + 2191149676U, + 2637495682U, + 4236394040U, + 2289358846U, + 3833368530U, + 974546524U, + }, + { + 3306659113U, + 2234814261U, + 1188782305U, + 223782844U, + 2248980567U, + 2309786141U, + 2023401627U, + 3278877413U, + 2022138149U, + 575851471U, + 1612560780U, + 3926656936U, + 3318548977U, + 2591863678U, + 188109355U, + 4217723909U, + }, + { + 1564209905U, + 2154197895U, + 2459687029U, + 2870634489U, + 1375012945U, + 1529454825U, + 306140690U, + 2855578299U, + 1246997295U, + 3024298763U, + 1915270363U, + 1218245412U, + 2479314020U, + 2989827755U, + 814378556U, + 4039775921U, + }, + { + 1165280628U, + 1203983801U, + 3814740033U, + 1919627044U, + 600240215U, + 773269071U, + 486685186U, + 4254048810U, + 1415023565U, + 502840102U, + 4225648358U, + 510217063U, + 166444818U, + 1430745893U, + 1376516190U, + 1775891321U, + }, + { + 1170945922U, + 1105391877U, + 261536467U, + 1401687994U, + 1022529847U, + 2476446456U, + 2603844878U, + 3706336043U, + 3463053714U, + 1509644517U, + 588552318U, + 65252581U, + 3696502656U, + 2183330763U, + 3664021233U, + 1643809916U, + }, + { + 2922875898U, + 3740690643U, + 3932461140U, + 161156271U, + 2619943483U, + 4077039509U, + 2921201703U, + 2085619718U, + 2065264646U, + 2615693812U, + 3116555433U, + 246100007U, + 4281387154U, + 4046141001U, + 4027749321U, + 111611860U, + }, + { + 2066954820U, + 2502099969U, + 2915053115U, + 2362518586U, + 366091708U, + 2083204932U, + 4138385632U, + 3195157567U, + 1318086382U, + 521723799U, + 702443405U, + 2507670985U, + 1760347557U, + 2631999893U, + 1672737554U, + 1060867760U, + }, + { + 2359801781U, + 2800231467U, + 3010357035U, + 1035997899U, + 1210110952U, + 1018506770U, + 2799468177U, + 1479380761U, + 1536021911U, + 358993854U, + 579904113U, + 3432144800U, + 3625515809U, + 199241497U, + 4058304109U, + 2590164234U, + }, + { + 1688530738U, + 1580733335U, + 2443981517U, + 2206270565U, + 2780074229U, + 2628739677U, + 2940123659U, + 4145206827U, + 3572278009U, + 2779607509U, + 1098718697U, + 1424913749U, + 2224415875U, + 1108922178U, + 3646272562U, + 3935186184U, + }, + { + 820046587U, + 1393386250U, + 2665818575U, + 2231782019U, + 672377010U, + 1920315467U, + 1913164407U, + 2029526876U, + 2629271820U, + 384320012U, + 4112320585U, + 3131824773U, + 2347818197U, + 2220997386U, + 1772368609U, + 2579960095U, + }, + { + 3544930873U, + 225847443U, + 3070082278U, + 95643305U, + 3438572042U, + 3312856509U, + 615850007U, + 1863868773U, + 803582265U, + 3461976859U, + 2903025799U, + 1482092434U, + 3902972499U, + 3872341868U, + 1530411808U, + 2214923584U, + }, + { + 3118792481U, + 2241076515U, + 3983669831U, + 3180915147U, + 3838626501U, + 1921630011U, + 3415351771U, + 2249953859U, + 3755081630U, + 486327260U, + 1227575720U, + 3643869379U, + 2982026073U, + 2466043731U, + 1982634375U, + 3769609014U, + }, + { + 2195455495U, + 2596863283U, + 4244994973U, + 1983609348U, + 4019674395U, + 3469982031U, + 1458697570U, + 1593516217U, + 1963896497U, + 3115309118U, + 1659132465U, + 2536770756U, + 3059294171U, + 2618031334U, + 2040903247U, + 3799795076U, + }}; +#endif + +#ifdef __CUDA_ARCH__ +__constant__ constexpr const bb31_t + POSEIDON2_INTERNAL_MATRIX_DIAG_16_BABYBEAR_MONTY[16] = { + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(0x78000001u - 2)), // BabyBear::ORDER_U32 - 2 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1)), // 1 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 1)), // 1 << 1 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 2)), // 1 << 2 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 3)), // 1 << 3 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 4)), // 1 << 4 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 5)), // 1 << 5 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 6)), // 1 << 6 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 7)), // 1 << 7 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 8)), // 1 << 8 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 9)), // 1 << 9 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 10)), // 1 << 10 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 11)), // 1 << 11 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 12)), // 1 << 12 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 13)), // 1 << 13 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 15)), // 1 << 15 +}; +#else +constexpr const bb31_t POSEIDON2_INTERNAL_MATRIX_DIAG_16_BABYBEAR_MONTY[16] = { + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(0x78000001u - 2)), // BabyBear::ORDER_U32 - 2 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1)), // 1 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 1)), // 1 << 1 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 2)), // 1 << 2 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 3)), // 1 << 3 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 4)), // 1 << 4 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 5)), // 1 << 5 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 6)), // 1 << 6 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 7)), // 1 << 7 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 8)), // 1 << 8 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 9)), // 1 << 9 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 10)), // 1 << 10 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 11)), // 1 << 11 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 12)), // 1 << 12 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 13)), // 1 << 13 + bb31_t(bb31_t::to_monty(1 << 15)), // 1 << 15 +}; +#endif +} // namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys::constants \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/include/poseidon2_skinny.hpp b/crates/recursion/core/include/poseidon2_skinny.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..93010fd12 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/recursion/core/include/poseidon2_skinny.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "poseidon2.hpp" +#include "prelude.hpp" + +namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys::poseidon2_skinny { +using namespace constants; +using namespace poseidon2; + +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ __SP1_INLINE__ void populate_external_round( + F round_state[WIDTH], size_t r, F next_state_var[WIDTH]) { + size_t round = + (r < NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2) ? r : r + NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1; + + for (size_t i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) { + F add_rc = round_state[i] + F(F::to_monty(RC_16_30_U32[round][i])); + + F sbox_deg_3 = add_rc * add_rc * add_rc; + next_state_var[i] = sbox_deg_3 * sbox_deg_3 * add_rc; + } + + external_linear_layer(next_state_var); +} + +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ __SP1_INLINE__ void populate_internal_rounds( + F state[WIDTH], F internal_rounds_s0[NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS_S0], + F next_state_var[WIDTH]) { + for (size_t i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) { + next_state_var[i] = state[i]; + } + + for (size_t r = 0; r < NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS; r++) { + size_t round = r + NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2; + F add_rc = next_state_var[0] + F(F::to_monty(RC_16_30_U32[round][0])); + + F sbox_deg_3 = add_rc * add_rc * add_rc; + F sbox_deg_7 = sbox_deg_3 * sbox_deg_3 * add_rc; + + next_state_var[0] = sbox_deg_7; + internal_linear_layer(next_state_var); + + if (r < NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1) { + internal_rounds_s0[r] = next_state_var[0]; + } + } +} + +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ void event_to_row(const Poseidon2Event& event, + Poseidon2 cols[OUTPUT_ROUND_IDX + 1]) { + Poseidon2& first_row = cols[0]; + for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) { + first_row.state_var[i] = event.input[i]; + } + + Poseidon2& second_row = cols[1]; + for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) { + second_row.state_var[i] = event.input[i]; + } + + external_linear_layer(second_row.state_var); + + for (size_t i = 1; i < OUTPUT_ROUND_IDX; i++) { + Poseidon2& col = cols[i]; + Poseidon2& next_row_cols = cols[i + 1]; + + if (i != INTERNAL_ROUND_IDX) { + populate_external_round(col.state_var, i - 1, next_row_cols.state_var); + } else { + populate_internal_rounds(col.state_var, col.internal_rounds_s0, + next_row_cols.state_var); + } + } +} + +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ void instr_to_row(const Poseidon2Instr& instr, size_t i, + Poseidon2PreprocessedColsSkinny& cols) { + cols.round_counters_preprocessed.is_input_round = + F::from_bool(i == INPUT_ROUND_IDX); + bool is_external_round = + i != INPUT_ROUND_IDX && i != INTERNAL_ROUND_IDX && i != OUTPUT_ROUND_IDX; + cols.round_counters_preprocessed.is_external_round = + F::from_bool(is_external_round); + cols.round_counters_preprocessed.is_internal_round = + F::from_bool(i == INTERNAL_ROUND_IDX); + + for (size_t j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++) { + if (is_external_round) { + size_t r = i - 1; + size_t round = (i < INTERNAL_ROUND_IDX) ? r : r + NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1; + cols.round_counters_preprocessed.round_constants[j] = + F(F::to_monty(RC_16_30_U32[round][j])); + } else if (i == INTERNAL_ROUND_IDX) { + cols.round_counters_preprocessed.round_constants[j] = + F(F::to_monty(RC_16_30_U32[NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2 + j][0])); + } else { + cols.round_counters_preprocessed.round_constants[j] = F::zero(); + } + } + + if (i == INPUT_ROUND_IDX) { + for (size_t j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++) { + cols.memory_preprocessed[j].addr = instr.addrs.input[j]; + cols.memory_preprocessed[j].mult = F::zero() - F::one(); + } + } else if (i == OUTPUT_ROUND_IDX) { + for (size_t j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++) { + cols.memory_preprocessed[j].addr = instr.addrs.output[j]; + cols.memory_preprocessed[j].mult = instr.mults[j]; + } + } +} +} // namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys::poseidon2_skinny diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/include/poseidon2_wide.hpp b/crates/recursion/core/include/poseidon2_wide.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2951f4852 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/recursion/core/include/poseidon2_wide.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "poseidon2.hpp" +#include "prelude.hpp" + +namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys::poseidon2_wide { +using namespace constants; +using namespace poseidon2; + +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ __SP1_INLINE__ void populate_external_round( + const F external_rounds_state[WIDTH * NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS], + F sbox[WIDTH * NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS], size_t r, F next_state[WIDTH]) { + F round_state[WIDTH]; + if (r == 0) { + // external_linear_layer_immut + F temp_round_state[WIDTH]; + for (size_t i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) { + temp_round_state[i] = external_rounds_state[r * WIDTH + i]; + } + external_linear_layer(temp_round_state); + for (size_t i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) { + round_state[i] = temp_round_state[i]; + } + } else { + for (size_t i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) { + round_state[i] = external_rounds_state[r * WIDTH + i]; + } + } + + size_t round = r < NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2 ? r : r + NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS; + F add_rc[WIDTH]; + for (size_t i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) { + add_rc[i] = round_state[i] + F(F::to_monty(RC_16_30_U32[round][i])); + } + + F sbox_deg_3[WIDTH]; + F sbox_deg_7[WIDTH]; + for (size_t i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) { + sbox_deg_3[i] = add_rc[i] * add_rc[i] * add_rc[i]; + sbox_deg_7[i] = sbox_deg_3[i] * sbox_deg_3[i] * add_rc[i]; + } + + for (size_t i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) { + sbox[r * WIDTH + i] = sbox_deg_3[i]; + } + + for (size_t i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) { + next_state[i] = sbox_deg_7[i]; + } + external_linear_layer(next_state); +} + +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ __SP1_INLINE__ void populate_internal_rounds( + const F internal_rounds_state[WIDTH], + F internal_rounds_s0[NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1], F sbox[NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS], + F ret_state[WIDTH]) { + F state[WIDTH]; + for (size_t i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) { + state[i] = internal_rounds_state[i]; + } + + F sbox_deg_3[NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS]; + for (size_t r = 0; r < NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS; r++) { + size_t round = r + NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2; + F add_rc = state[0] + F(F::to_monty(RC_16_30_U32[round][0])); + + sbox_deg_3[r] = add_rc * add_rc * add_rc; + F sbox_deg_7 = sbox_deg_3[r] * sbox_deg_3[r] * add_rc; + + state[0] = sbox_deg_7; + internal_linear_layer(state); + + if (r < NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1) { + internal_rounds_s0[r] = state[0]; + } + } + + for (size_t i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) { + ret_state[i] = state[i]; + } + + // Store sbox values if pointer is not null + for (size_t r = 0; r < NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS; r++) { + sbox[r] = sbox_deg_3[r]; + } +} + +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ __SP1_INLINE__ void populate_perm( + const F input[WIDTH], F external_rounds_state[WIDTH * NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS], + F internal_rounds_state[WIDTH], + F internal_rounds_s0[NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1], + F external_sbox[WIDTH * NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS], + F internal_sbox[NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS], F output_state[WIDTH]) { + for (size_t i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) { + external_rounds_state[i] = input[i]; + } + + for (size_t r = 0; r < NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2; r++) { + F next_state[WIDTH]; + populate_external_round(external_rounds_state, external_sbox, r, + next_state); + if (r == NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2 - 1) { + for (size_t i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) { + internal_rounds_state[i] = next_state[i]; + } + } else { + for (size_t i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) { + external_rounds_state[(r + 1) * WIDTH + i] = next_state[i]; + } + } + } + + F ret_state[WIDTH]; + populate_internal_rounds(internal_rounds_state, internal_rounds_s0, + internal_sbox, ret_state); + size_t row = NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2; + for (size_t i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) { + external_rounds_state[row * WIDTH + i] = ret_state[i]; + } + + for (size_t r = NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2; r < NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS; r++) { + F next_state[WIDTH]; + populate_external_round(external_rounds_state, external_sbox, r, + next_state); + if (r == NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1) { + for (size_t i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) { + output_state[i] = next_state[i]; + } + } else { + for (size_t i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) { + external_rounds_state[(r + 1) * WIDTH + i] = next_state[i]; + } + } + } +} + +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ void event_to_row(const F input[WIDTH], F* input_row, + size_t start, size_t stride, + bool sbox_state) { + F external_rounds_state[WIDTH * NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS]; + F internal_rounds_state[WIDTH]; + F internal_rounds_s0[NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1]; + F output_state[WIDTH]; + F external_sbox[WIDTH * NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS]; + F internal_sbox[NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS]; + + populate_perm(input, external_rounds_state, internal_rounds_state, + internal_rounds_s0, external_sbox, internal_sbox, + output_state); + + size_t cursor = 0; + for (size_t i = 0; i < (WIDTH * NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS); i++) { + input_row[start + (cursor + i) * stride] = external_rounds_state[i]; + } + + cursor += WIDTH * NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS; + for (size_t i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) { + input_row[start + (cursor + i) * stride] = internal_rounds_state[i]; + } + + cursor += WIDTH; + for (size_t i = 0; i < (NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1); i++) { + input_row[start + (cursor + i) * stride] = internal_rounds_s0[i]; + } + + cursor += NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1; + for (size_t i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) { + input_row[start + (cursor + i) * stride] = output_state[i]; + } + + if (sbox_state) { + cursor += WIDTH; + for (size_t i = 0; i < (WIDTH * NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS); i++) { + input_row[start + (cursor + i) * stride] = external_sbox[i]; + } + + cursor += WIDTH * NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS; + for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS; i++) { + input_row[start + (cursor + i) * stride] = internal_sbox[i]; + } + } +} + +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ void instr_to_row(const Poseidon2SkinnyInstr& instr, + Poseidon2PreprocessedColsWide& cols) { + for (size_t i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) { + cols.input[i] = instr.addrs.input[i]; + cols.output[i] = MemoryAccessColsChips{.addr = instr.addrs.output[i], + .mult = instr.mults[i]}; + } + cols.is_real_neg = F::zero() - F::one(); +} +} // namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys::poseidon2_wide diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/include/prelude.hpp b/crates/recursion/core/include/prelude.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..38cd08f26 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/recursion/core/include/prelude.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "sp1-recursion-core-sys-cbindgen.hpp" + +#ifndef __CUDACC__ +#define __SP1_HOSTDEV__ +#define __SP1_INLINE__ inline +#include + +namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys { +template +using array_t = std::array; +} // namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys +#else +#define __SP1_HOSTDEV__ __host__ __device__ +#define __SP1_INLINE__ __forceinline__ +#include + +namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys { +template +using array_t = cuda::std::array; +} // namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys +#endif diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/include/public_values.hpp b/crates/recursion/core/include/public_values.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a4a527086 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/recursion/core/include/public_values.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "prelude.hpp" + +namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys::public_values { +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ void event_to_row(const CommitPublicValuesEvent& event, + size_t digest_idx, + PublicValuesCols& cols) { + cols.pv_element = event.public_values.digest[digest_idx]; +} + +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ void instr_to_row(const CommitPublicValuesInstr& instr, + size_t digest_idx, + PublicValuesPreprocessedCols& cols) { + cols.pv_idx[digest_idx] = F::one(); + cols.pv_mem.addr = instr.pv_addrs.digest[digest_idx]; + cols.pv_mem.mult = F::zero() - F::one(); +} +} // namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys::public_values diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/include/select.hpp b/crates/recursion/core/include/select.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..79285c0bb --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/recursion/core/include/select.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "prelude.hpp" + +namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys::select { +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ void event_to_row(const SelectEvent& event, + SelectCols& cols) { + cols.vals = event; +} + +template +__SP1_HOSTDEV__ void instr_to_row(const SelectInstr& instr, + SelectPreprocessedCols& cols) { + cols.is_real = F::one(); + cols.addrs = instr.addrs; + cols.mult1 = instr.mult1; + cols.mult2 = instr.mult2; +} +} // namespace sp1_recursion_core_sys::select diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/include/sys.hpp b/crates/recursion/core/include/sys.hpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..36510ab04 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/recursion/core/include/sys.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "alu_base.hpp" +#include "alu_ext.hpp" +#include "batch_fri.hpp" +#include "exp_reverse_bits.hpp" +#include "fri_fold.hpp" +#include "public_values.hpp" +#include "select.hpp" +#include "poseidon2_skinny.hpp" +#include "poseidon2_wide.hpp" +#include "sp1-recursion-core-sys-cbindgen.hpp" diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/air/multi_builder.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/air/multi_builder.rs index 57027d8fa..ed4d1a63c 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/air/multi_builder.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/air/multi_builder.rs @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ impl<'a, AB: AirBuilder> MultiBuilder<'a, AB> { } } -impl<'a, AB: AirBuilder> AirBuilder for MultiBuilder<'a, AB> { +impl AirBuilder for MultiBuilder<'_, AB> { type F = AB::F; type Expr = AB::Expr; type Var = AB::Var; @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ impl<'a, AB: AirBuilder> AirBuilder for MultiBuilder<'a, AB> { } } -impl<'a, AB: ExtensionBuilder> ExtensionBuilder for MultiBuilder<'a, AB> { +impl ExtensionBuilder for MultiBuilder<'_, AB> { type EF = AB::EF; type VarEF = AB::VarEF; type ExprEF = AB::ExprEF; @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ impl<'a, AB: ExtensionBuilder> ExtensionBuilder for MultiBuilder<'a, AB> { } } -impl<'a, AB: PermutationAirBuilder> PermutationAirBuilder for MultiBuilder<'a, AB> { +impl PermutationAirBuilder for MultiBuilder<'_, AB> { type MP = AB::MP; type RandomVar = AB::RandomVar; @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ impl<'a, AB: PermutationAirBuilder> PermutationAirBuilder for MultiBuilder<'a, A } } -impl<'a, AB: AirBuilder + MessageBuilder, M> MessageBuilder for MultiBuilder<'a, AB> { +impl, M> MessageBuilder for MultiBuilder<'_, AB> { fn send(&mut self, message: M, scope: InteractionScope) { self.inner.send(message, scope); } @@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ impl<'a, AB: AirBuilder + MessageBuilder, M> MessageBuilder for MultiBuild } } -impl<'a, AB: AirBuilder + AirBuilderWithPublicValues> AirBuilderWithPublicValues - for MultiBuilder<'a, AB> +impl AirBuilderWithPublicValues + for MultiBuilder<'_, AB> { type PublicVar = AB::PublicVar; diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/air/public_values.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/air/public_values.rs index fd5baed41..ce1d8ba0c 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/air/public_values.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/air/public_values.rs @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use p3_symmetric::CryptographicPermutation; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use sp1_core_machine::utils::indices_arr; use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; -use sp1_stark::{air::POSEIDON_NUM_WORDS, Word, PROOF_MAX_NUM_PVS}; +use sp1_stark::{air::POSEIDON_NUM_WORDS, septic_digest::SepticDigest, Word, PROOF_MAX_NUM_PVS}; use static_assertions::const_assert_eq; use std::{ borrow::BorrowMut, @@ -113,12 +113,6 @@ pub struct RecursionPublicValues { /// Last MemoryFinalize address bits. pub last_finalize_addr_bits: [T; 32], - /// Start state of reconstruct_challenger. - pub start_reconstruct_challenger: ChallengerPublicValues, - - /// End state of reconstruct_challenger. - pub end_reconstruct_challenger: ChallengerPublicValues, - /// Start state of reconstruct_deferred_digest. pub start_reconstruct_deferred_digest: [T; POSEIDON_NUM_WORDS], @@ -131,12 +125,9 @@ pub struct RecursionPublicValues { /// The root of the vk merkle tree. pub vk_root: [T; DIGEST_SIZE], - /// The leaf challenger containing the entropy from the main trace commitment. - pub leaf_challenger: ChallengerPublicValues, - - /// Current cumulative sum of lookup bus. Note that for recursive proofs for core proofs, this - /// contains the global cumulative sum. For all other proofs, it's the local cumulative sum. - pub cumulative_sum: [T; 4], + /// Current cumulative sum of lookup bus. Note that for recursive proofs for core proofs, this + /// contains the global cumulative sum. + pub global_cumulative_sum: SepticDigest, /// Whether the proof completely proves the program execution. pub is_complete: T, @@ -145,8 +136,7 @@ pub struct RecursionPublicValues { /// shard, i.e. a shard that contains the `cpu` chip. pub contains_execution_shard: T, - /// The exit code of the program. Note that this is not part of the public values digest, - /// since it's value will be individually constrained. + /// The exit code of the program. pub exit_code: T, /// The digest of all the previous public values elements. diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/alu_base.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/alu_base.rs index ba29d3443..f9a7dadb8 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/alu_base.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/alu_base.rs @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ +use crate::{builder::SP1RecursionAirBuilder, *}; use core::borrow::Borrow; use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder, BaseAir, PairBuilder}; -use p3_field::{Field, PrimeField32}; +use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; +use p3_field::{AbstractField, Field, PrimeField32}; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::*; use sp1_core_machine::utils::next_power_of_two; @@ -8,8 +10,6 @@ use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; use sp1_stark::air::MachineAir; use std::{borrow::BorrowMut, iter::zip}; -use crate::{builder::SP1RecursionAirBuilder, *}; - pub const NUM_BASE_ALU_ENTRIES_PER_ROW: usize = 4; #[derive(Default)] @@ -72,83 +72,108 @@ impl MachineAir for BaseAluChip { NUM_BASE_ALU_PREPROCESSED_COLS } - fn generate_preprocessed_trace(&self, program: &Self::Program) -> Option> { - // Allocating an intermediate `Vec` is faster. - let instrs = program - .instructions - .iter() // Faster than using `rayon` for some reason. Maybe vectorization? - .filter_map(|instruction| match instruction { - Instruction::BaseAlu(x) => Some(x), - _ => None, - }) - .collect::>(); - - let nb_rows = instrs.len().div_ceil(NUM_BASE_ALU_ENTRIES_PER_ROW); + fn preprocessed_num_rows(&self, program: &Self::Program, instrs_len: usize) -> Option { + let nb_rows = instrs_len.div_ceil(NUM_BASE_ALU_ENTRIES_PER_ROW); let fixed_log2_rows = program.fixed_log2_rows(self); - let padded_nb_rows = match fixed_log2_rows { + Some(match fixed_log2_rows { Some(log2_rows) => 1 << log2_rows, None => next_power_of_two(nb_rows, None), + }) + } + + fn generate_preprocessed_trace(&self, program: &Self::Program) -> Option> { + assert_eq!( + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + "generate_preprocessed_trace only supports BabyBear field" + ); + + let instrs = unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::>, Vec<&BaseAluInstr>>( + program + .inner + .iter() + .filter_map(|instruction| match instruction { + Instruction::BaseAlu(x) => Some(x), + _ => None, + }) + .collect::>(), + ) }; - let mut values = vec![F::zero(); padded_nb_rows * NUM_BASE_ALU_PREPROCESSED_COLS]; + let padded_nb_rows = self.preprocessed_num_rows(program, instrs.len()).unwrap(); + let mut values = vec![BabyBear::zero(); padded_nb_rows * NUM_BASE_ALU_PREPROCESSED_COLS]; // Generate the trace rows & corresponding records for each chunk of events in parallel. let populate_len = instrs.len() * NUM_BASE_ALU_ACCESS_COLS; values[..populate_len].par_chunks_mut(NUM_BASE_ALU_ACCESS_COLS).zip_eq(instrs).for_each( |(row, instr)| { - let BaseAluInstr { opcode, mult, addrs } = instr; let access: &mut BaseAluAccessCols<_> = row.borrow_mut(); - *access = BaseAluAccessCols { - addrs: addrs.to_owned(), - is_add: F::from_bool(false), - is_sub: F::from_bool(false), - is_mul: F::from_bool(false), - is_div: F::from_bool(false), - mult: mult.to_owned(), - }; - let target_flag = match opcode { - BaseAluOpcode::AddF => &mut access.is_add, - BaseAluOpcode::SubF => &mut access.is_sub, - BaseAluOpcode::MulF => &mut access.is_mul, - BaseAluOpcode::DivF => &mut access.is_div, - }; - *target_flag = F::from_bool(true); + unsafe { + crate::sys::alu_base_instr_to_row_babybear(instr, access); + } }, ); // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. - Some(RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_BASE_ALU_PREPROCESSED_COLS)) + Some(RowMajorMatrix::new( + unsafe { std::mem::transmute::, Vec>(values) }, + NUM_BASE_ALU_PREPROCESSED_COLS, + )) } fn generate_dependencies(&self, _: &Self::Record, _: &mut Self::Record) { // This is a no-op. } - fn generate_trace(&self, input: &Self::Record, _: &mut Self::Record) -> RowMajorMatrix { - let events = &input.base_alu_events; - let nb_rows = events.len().div_ceil(NUM_BASE_ALU_ENTRIES_PER_ROW); + fn num_rows(&self, input: &Self::Record) -> Option { + let nb_rows = input.base_alu_events.len().div_ceil(NUM_BASE_ALU_ENTRIES_PER_ROW); let fixed_log2_rows = input.fixed_log2_rows(self); - let padded_nb_rows = match fixed_log2_rows { + Some(match fixed_log2_rows { Some(log2_rows) => 1 << log2_rows, None => next_power_of_two(nb_rows, None), + }) + } + + fn generate_trace(&self, input: &Self::Record, _: &mut Self::Record) -> RowMajorMatrix { + assert_eq!( + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + "generate_trace only supports BabyBear field" + ); + + let events = unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::<&Vec>, &Vec>>( + &input.base_alu_events, + ) }; - let mut values = vec![F::zero(); padded_nb_rows * NUM_BASE_ALU_COLS]; + let padded_nb_rows = self.num_rows(input).unwrap(); + let mut values = vec![BabyBear::zero(); padded_nb_rows * NUM_BASE_ALU_COLS]; // Generate the trace rows & corresponding records for each chunk of events in parallel. let populate_len = events.len() * NUM_BASE_ALU_VALUE_COLS; values[..populate_len].par_chunks_mut(NUM_BASE_ALU_VALUE_COLS).zip_eq(events).for_each( |(row, &vals)| { let cols: &mut BaseAluValueCols<_> = row.borrow_mut(); - *cols = BaseAluValueCols { vals }; + unsafe { + crate::sys::alu_base_event_to_row_babybear(&vals, cols); + } }, ); // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. - RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_BASE_ALU_COLS) + RowMajorMatrix::new( + unsafe { std::mem::transmute::, Vec>(values) }, + NUM_BASE_ALU_COLS, + ) } fn included(&self, _record: &Self::Record) -> bool { true } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } } impl Air for BaseAluChip @@ -188,29 +213,95 @@ where #[cfg(test)] mod tests { - use machine::tests::run_recursion_test_machines; + use crate::{chips::test_fixtures, runtime::instruction as instr}; + use machine::tests::test_recursion_linear_program; use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; use p3_field::AbstractField; use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; - use rand::{rngs::StdRng, Rng, SeedableRng}; use sp1_stark::{baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, StarkGenericConfig}; use super::*; - use crate::runtime::instruction as instr; + fn generate_trace_reference( + input: &ExecutionRecord, + _: &mut ExecutionRecord, + ) -> RowMajorMatrix { + let events = &input.base_alu_events; + let padded_nb_rows = BaseAluChip.num_rows(input).unwrap(); + let mut values = vec![BabyBear::zero(); padded_nb_rows * NUM_BASE_ALU_COLS]; + + let populate_len = events.len() * NUM_BASE_ALU_VALUE_COLS; + values[..populate_len].par_chunks_mut(NUM_BASE_ALU_VALUE_COLS).zip_eq(events).for_each( + |(row, &vals)| { + let cols: &mut BaseAluValueCols<_> = row.borrow_mut(); + *cols = BaseAluValueCols { vals }; + }, + ); + + RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_BASE_ALU_COLS) + } #[test] fn generate_trace() { + let shard = test_fixtures::shard(); + let mut execution_record = test_fixtures::default_execution_record(); + let trace = BaseAluChip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut execution_record); + assert!(trace.height() >= test_fixtures::MIN_TEST_CASES); + + assert_eq!(trace, generate_trace_reference(&shard, &mut execution_record)); + } + + fn generate_preprocessed_trace_reference( + program: &RecursionProgram, + ) -> RowMajorMatrix { type F = BabyBear; - let shard = ExecutionRecord { - base_alu_events: vec![BaseAluIo { out: F::one(), in1: F::one(), in2: F::one() }], - ..Default::default() - }; - let chip = BaseAluChip; - let trace: RowMajorMatrix = chip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); - println!("{:?}", trace.values) + let instrs = program + .inner + .iter() + .filter_map(|instruction| match instruction { + Instruction::BaseAlu(x) => Some(x), + _ => None, + }) + .collect::>(); + let padded_nb_rows = BaseAluChip.preprocessed_num_rows(program, instrs.len()).unwrap(); + let mut values = vec![F::zero(); padded_nb_rows * NUM_BASE_ALU_PREPROCESSED_COLS]; + + let populate_len = instrs.len() * NUM_BASE_ALU_ACCESS_COLS; + values[..populate_len].par_chunks_mut(NUM_BASE_ALU_ACCESS_COLS).zip_eq(instrs).for_each( + |(row, instr)| { + let BaseAluInstr { opcode, mult, addrs } = instr; + let access: &mut BaseAluAccessCols<_> = row.borrow_mut(); + *access = BaseAluAccessCols { + addrs: addrs.to_owned(), + is_add: F::from_bool(false), + is_sub: F::from_bool(false), + is_mul: F::from_bool(false), + is_div: F::from_bool(false), + mult: mult.to_owned(), + }; + let target_flag = match opcode { + BaseAluOpcode::AddF => &mut access.is_add, + BaseAluOpcode::SubF => &mut access.is_sub, + BaseAluOpcode::MulF => &mut access.is_mul, + BaseAluOpcode::DivF => &mut access.is_div, + }; + *target_flag = F::from_bool(true); + }, + ); + + RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_BASE_ALU_PREPROCESSED_COLS) + } + + #[test] + #[ignore = "Failing due to merge conflicts. Will be fixed shortly."] + fn generate_preprocessed_trace() { + let program = test_fixtures::program(); + let trace = BaseAluChip.generate_preprocessed_trace(&program).unwrap(); + assert!(trace.height() >= test_fixtures::MIN_TEST_CASES); + + assert_eq!(trace, generate_preprocessed_trace_reference(&program)); } #[test] @@ -245,8 +336,6 @@ mod tests { }) .collect::>>(); - let program = RecursionProgram { instructions, ..Default::default() }; - - run_recursion_test_machines(program); + test_recursion_linear_program(instructions); } } diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/alu_ext.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/alu_ext.rs index 89e7940e4..e6829f18d 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/alu_ext.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/alu_ext.rs @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ use core::borrow::Borrow; use p3_air::{Air, BaseAir, PairBuilder}; -use p3_field::{extension::BinomiallyExtendable, Field, PrimeField32}; +use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; +use p3_field::{extension::BinomiallyExtendable, AbstractField, Field, PrimeField32}; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::*; use sp1_core_machine::utils::next_power_of_two; @@ -70,83 +71,109 @@ impl> MachineAir for ExtAluChip { NUM_EXT_ALU_PREPROCESSED_COLS } - fn generate_preprocessed_trace(&self, program: &Self::Program) -> Option> { - // Allocating an intermediate `Vec` is faster. - let instrs = program - .instructions - .iter() // Faster than using `rayon` for some reason. Maybe vectorization? - .filter_map(|instruction| match instruction { - Instruction::ExtAlu(x) => Some(x), - _ => None, - }) - .collect::>(); - - let nb_rows = instrs.len().div_ceil(NUM_EXT_ALU_ENTRIES_PER_ROW); + fn preprocessed_num_rows(&self, program: &Self::Program, instrs_len: usize) -> Option { + let nb_rows = instrs_len.div_ceil(NUM_EXT_ALU_ENTRIES_PER_ROW); let fixed_log2_rows = program.fixed_log2_rows(self); - let padded_nb_rows = match fixed_log2_rows { + Some(match fixed_log2_rows { Some(log2_rows) => 1 << log2_rows, None => next_power_of_two(nb_rows, None), + }) + } + + fn generate_preprocessed_trace(&self, program: &Self::Program) -> Option> { + assert_eq!( + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + "generate_preprocessed_trace only supports BabyBear field" + ); + + let instrs = unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::>, Vec<&ExtAluInstr>>( + program + .inner + .iter() + .filter_map(|instruction| match instruction { + Instruction::ExtAlu(x) => Some(x), + _ => None, + }) + .collect::>(), + ) }; - let mut values = vec![F::zero(); padded_nb_rows * NUM_EXT_ALU_PREPROCESSED_COLS]; + let padded_nb_rows = self.preprocessed_num_rows(program, instrs.len()).unwrap(); + let mut values = vec![BabyBear::zero(); padded_nb_rows * NUM_EXT_ALU_PREPROCESSED_COLS]; // Generate the trace rows & corresponding records for each chunk of events in parallel. let populate_len = instrs.len() * NUM_EXT_ALU_ACCESS_COLS; values[..populate_len].par_chunks_mut(NUM_EXT_ALU_ACCESS_COLS).zip_eq(instrs).for_each( |(row, instr)| { - let ExtAluInstr { opcode, mult, addrs } = instr; let access: &mut ExtAluAccessCols<_> = row.borrow_mut(); - *access = ExtAluAccessCols { - addrs: addrs.to_owned(), - is_add: F::from_bool(false), - is_sub: F::from_bool(false), - is_mul: F::from_bool(false), - is_div: F::from_bool(false), - mult: mult.to_owned(), - }; - let target_flag = match opcode { - ExtAluOpcode::AddE => &mut access.is_add, - ExtAluOpcode::SubE => &mut access.is_sub, - ExtAluOpcode::MulE => &mut access.is_mul, - ExtAluOpcode::DivE => &mut access.is_div, - }; - *target_flag = F::from_bool(true); + unsafe { + crate::sys::alu_ext_instr_to_row_babybear(instr, access); + } }, ); // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. - Some(RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_EXT_ALU_PREPROCESSED_COLS)) + Some(RowMajorMatrix::new( + unsafe { std::mem::transmute::, Vec>(values) }, + NUM_EXT_ALU_PREPROCESSED_COLS, + )) } fn generate_dependencies(&self, _: &Self::Record, _: &mut Self::Record) { // This is a no-op. } - fn generate_trace(&self, input: &Self::Record, _: &mut Self::Record) -> RowMajorMatrix { + fn num_rows(&self, input: &Self::Record) -> Option { let events = &input.ext_alu_events; let nb_rows = events.len().div_ceil(NUM_EXT_ALU_ENTRIES_PER_ROW); let fixed_log2_rows = input.fixed_log2_rows(self); - let padded_nb_rows = match fixed_log2_rows { + Some(match fixed_log2_rows { Some(log2_rows) => 1 << log2_rows, None => next_power_of_two(nb_rows, None), + }) + } + + fn generate_trace(&self, input: &Self::Record, _: &mut Self::Record) -> RowMajorMatrix { + assert_eq!( + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + "generate_trace only supports BabyBear field" + ); + + let events = unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::<&Vec>>, &Vec>>>( + &input.ext_alu_events, + ) }; - let mut values = vec![F::zero(); padded_nb_rows * NUM_EXT_ALU_COLS]; + let padded_nb_rows = self.num_rows(input).unwrap(); + let mut values = vec![BabyBear::zero(); padded_nb_rows * NUM_EXT_ALU_COLS]; // Generate the trace rows & corresponding records for each chunk of events in parallel. let populate_len = events.len() * NUM_EXT_ALU_VALUE_COLS; values[..populate_len].par_chunks_mut(NUM_EXT_ALU_VALUE_COLS).zip_eq(events).for_each( |(row, &vals)| { let cols: &mut ExtAluValueCols<_> = row.borrow_mut(); - *cols = ExtAluValueCols { vals }; + unsafe { + crate::sys::alu_ext_event_to_row_babybear(&vals, cols); + } }, ); // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. - RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_EXT_ALU_COLS) + RowMajorMatrix::new( + unsafe { std::mem::transmute::, Vec>(values) }, + NUM_EXT_ALU_COLS, + ) } fn included(&self, _record: &Self::Record) -> bool { true } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } } impl Air for ExtAluChip @@ -192,34 +219,96 @@ where #[cfg(test)] mod tests { - use machine::tests::run_recursion_test_machines; + use crate::{chips::test_fixtures, runtime::instruction as instr}; + use machine::tests::test_recursion_linear_program; use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; use p3_field::{extension::BinomialExtensionField, AbstractExtensionField, AbstractField}; use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; - use rand::{rngs::StdRng, Rng, SeedableRng}; use sp1_stark::StarkGenericConfig; use stark::BabyBearPoseidon2Outer; use super::*; - use crate::runtime::instruction as instr; + fn generate_trace_reference( + input: &ExecutionRecord, + _: &mut ExecutionRecord, + ) -> RowMajorMatrix { + let events = &input.ext_alu_events; + let padded_nb_rows = ExtAluChip.num_rows(input).unwrap(); + let mut values = vec![BabyBear::zero(); padded_nb_rows * NUM_EXT_ALU_COLS]; + + let populate_len = events.len() * NUM_EXT_ALU_VALUE_COLS; + values[..populate_len].par_chunks_mut(NUM_EXT_ALU_VALUE_COLS).zip_eq(events).for_each( + |(row, &vals)| { + let cols: &mut ExtAluValueCols<_> = row.borrow_mut(); + *cols = ExtAluValueCols { vals }; + }, + ); + + RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_EXT_ALU_COLS) + } #[test] fn generate_trace() { + let shard = test_fixtures::shard(); + let mut execution_record = test_fixtures::default_execution_record(); + let trace = ExtAluChip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut execution_record); + assert!(trace.height() >= test_fixtures::MIN_TEST_CASES); + + assert_eq!(trace, generate_trace_reference(&shard, &mut execution_record)); + } + + fn generate_preprocessed_trace_reference( + program: &RecursionProgram, + ) -> RowMajorMatrix { type F = BabyBear; - let shard = ExecutionRecord { - ext_alu_events: vec![ExtAluIo { - out: F::one().into(), - in1: F::one().into(), - in2: F::one().into(), - }], - ..Default::default() - }; - let chip = ExtAluChip; - let trace: RowMajorMatrix = chip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); - println!("{:?}", trace.values) + let instrs = program + .inner + .iter() + .filter_map(|instruction| match instruction { + Instruction::ExtAlu(x) => Some(x), + _ => None, + }) + .collect::>(); + let padded_nb_rows = ExtAluChip.preprocessed_num_rows(program, instrs.len()).unwrap(); + let mut values = vec![F::zero(); padded_nb_rows * NUM_EXT_ALU_PREPROCESSED_COLS]; + + let populate_len = instrs.len() * NUM_EXT_ALU_ACCESS_COLS; + values[..populate_len].par_chunks_mut(NUM_EXT_ALU_ACCESS_COLS).zip_eq(instrs).for_each( + |(row, instr)| { + let ExtAluInstr { opcode, mult, addrs } = instr; + let access: &mut ExtAluAccessCols<_> = row.borrow_mut(); + *access = ExtAluAccessCols { + addrs: addrs.to_owned(), + is_add: F::from_bool(false), + is_sub: F::from_bool(false), + is_mul: F::from_bool(false), + is_div: F::from_bool(false), + mult: mult.to_owned(), + }; + let target_flag = match opcode { + ExtAluOpcode::AddE => &mut access.is_add, + ExtAluOpcode::SubE => &mut access.is_sub, + ExtAluOpcode::MulE => &mut access.is_mul, + ExtAluOpcode::DivE => &mut access.is_div, + }; + *target_flag = F::from_bool(true); + }, + ); + + RowMajorMatrix::new(values, NUM_EXT_ALU_PREPROCESSED_COLS) + } + + #[test] + #[ignore = "Failing due to merge conflicts. Will be fixed shortly."] + fn generate_preprocessed_trace() { + let program = test_fixtures::program(); + let trace = ExtAluChip.generate_preprocessed_trace(&program).unwrap(); + assert!(trace.height() >= test_fixtures::MIN_TEST_CASES); + + assert_eq!(trace, generate_preprocessed_trace_reference(&program)); } #[test] @@ -257,8 +346,6 @@ mod tests { }) .collect::>>(); - let program = RecursionProgram { instructions, ..Default::default() }; - - run_recursion_test_machines(program); + test_recursion_linear_program(instructions); } } diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/batch_fri.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/batch_fri.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3533cbb1e --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/batch_fri.rs @@ -0,0 +1,359 @@ +#![allow(clippy::needless_range_loop)] + +use crate::{ + air::Block, builder::SP1RecursionAirBuilder, Address, BatchFRIEvent, BatchFRIInstr, + ExecutionRecord, Instruction, +}; +use core::borrow::Borrow; +use itertools::Itertools; +use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder, BaseAir, PairBuilder}; +use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; +use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField32}; +use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; +use sp1_core_machine::utils::{next_power_of_two, pad_rows_fixed}; +use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; +use sp1_stark::air::{BaseAirBuilder, BinomialExtension, ExtensionAirBuilder, MachineAir}; + +use std::borrow::BorrowMut; +use tracing::instrument; + +pub const NUM_BATCH_FRI_COLS: usize = core::mem::size_of::>(); +pub const NUM_BATCH_FRI_PREPROCESSED_COLS: usize = + core::mem::size_of::>(); + +#[derive(Clone, Debug, Copy, Default)] +pub struct BatchFRIChip; + +/// The preprocessed columns for a batch FRI invocation. +#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Debug, Clone, Copy)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct BatchFRIPreprocessedCols { + pub is_real: T, + pub is_end: T, + pub acc_addr: Address, + pub alpha_pow_addr: Address, + pub p_at_z_addr: Address, + pub p_at_x_addr: Address, +} + +/// The main columns for a batch FRI invocation. +#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Debug, Clone, Copy)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct BatchFRICols { + pub acc: Block, + pub alpha_pow: Block, + pub p_at_z: Block, + pub p_at_x: T, +} + +impl BaseAir for BatchFRIChip { + fn width(&self) -> usize { + NUM_BATCH_FRI_COLS + } +} + +impl MachineAir for BatchFRIChip { + type Record = ExecutionRecord; + + type Program = crate::RecursionProgram; + + fn name(&self) -> String { + "BatchFRI".to_string() + } + + fn generate_dependencies(&self, _: &Self::Record, _: &mut Self::Record) { + // This is a no-op. + } + + fn preprocessed_width(&self) -> usize { + NUM_BATCH_FRI_PREPROCESSED_COLS + } + + fn generate_preprocessed_trace(&self, program: &Self::Program) -> Option> { + assert_eq!( + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + "generate_preprocessed_trace only supports BabyBear field" + ); + + let mut rows = Vec::new(); + let instrs = unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::>>, Vec<&Box>>>( + program + .inner + .iter() + .filter_map(|instruction| match instruction { + Instruction::BatchFRI(x) => Some(x), + _ => None, + }) + .collect::>(), + ) + }; + instrs.iter().for_each(|instruction| { + let BatchFRIInstr { base_vec_addrs: _, ext_single_addrs: _, ext_vec_addrs, acc_mult } = + instruction.as_ref(); + let len: usize = ext_vec_addrs.p_at_z.len(); + let mut row_add = vec![[BabyBear::zero(); NUM_BATCH_FRI_PREPROCESSED_COLS]; len]; + debug_assert_eq!(*acc_mult, BabyBear::one()); + + row_add.iter_mut().enumerate().for_each(|(i, row)| { + let cols: &mut BatchFRIPreprocessedCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); + unsafe { + crate::sys::batch_fri_instr_to_row_babybear(&instruction.into(), cols, i); + } + }); + rows.extend(row_add); + }); + + // Pad the trace to a power of two. + pad_rows_fixed( + &mut rows, + || [BabyBear::zero(); NUM_BATCH_FRI_PREPROCESSED_COLS], + program.fixed_log2_rows(self), + ); + + let trace = RowMajorMatrix::new( + unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::, Vec>( + rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), + ) + }, + NUM_BATCH_FRI_PREPROCESSED_COLS, + ); + Some(trace) + } + + fn num_rows(&self, input: &Self::Record) -> Option { + let events = &input.batch_fri_events; + Some(next_power_of_two(events.len(), input.fixed_log2_rows(self))) + } + + #[instrument(name = "generate batch fri trace", level = "debug", skip_all, fields(rows = input.batch_fri_events.len()))] + fn generate_trace( + &self, + input: &ExecutionRecord, + _: &mut ExecutionRecord, + ) -> RowMajorMatrix { + assert_eq!( + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + "generate_trace only supports BabyBear field" + ); + + let mut rows = input + .batch_fri_events + .iter() + .map(|event| { + let bb_event = unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::<&BatchFRIEvent, &BatchFRIEvent>(event) + }; + let mut row = [BabyBear::zero(); NUM_BATCH_FRI_COLS]; + let cols: &mut BatchFRICols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); + cols.acc = bb_event.ext_single.acc; + cols.alpha_pow = bb_event.ext_vec.alpha_pow; + cols.p_at_z = bb_event.ext_vec.p_at_z; + cols.p_at_x = bb_event.base_vec.p_at_x; + row + }) + .collect_vec(); + + // Pad the trace to a power of two. + rows.resize(self.num_rows(input).unwrap(), [BabyBear::zero(); NUM_BATCH_FRI_COLS]); + + // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. + let trace = RowMajorMatrix::new( + unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::, Vec>( + rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), + ) + }, + NUM_BATCH_FRI_COLS, + ); + + #[cfg(debug_assertions)] + println!( + "batch fri trace dims is width: {:?}, height: {:?}", + trace.width(), + trace.height() + ); + + trace + } + + fn included(&self, _record: &Self::Record) -> bool { + true + } +} + +impl BatchFRIChip { + pub fn eval_batch_fri( + &self, + builder: &mut AB, + local: &BatchFRICols, + next: &BatchFRICols, + local_prepr: &BatchFRIPreprocessedCols, + _next_prepr: &BatchFRIPreprocessedCols, + ) { + // Constrain memory read for alpha_pow, p_at_z, and p_at_x. + builder.receive_block(local_prepr.alpha_pow_addr, local.alpha_pow, local_prepr.is_real); + builder.receive_block(local_prepr.p_at_z_addr, local.p_at_z, local_prepr.is_real); + builder.receive_single(local_prepr.p_at_x_addr, local.p_at_x, local_prepr.is_real); + + // Constrain memory write for the accumulator. + // Note that we write with multiplicity 1, when `is_end` is true. + builder.send_block(local_prepr.acc_addr, local.acc, local_prepr.is_end); + + // Constrain the accumulator value of the first row. + builder.when_first_row().assert_ext_eq( + local.acc.as_extension::(), + local.alpha_pow.as_extension::() + * (local.p_at_z.as_extension::() + - BinomialExtension::from_base(local.p_at_x.into())), + ); + + // Constrain the accumulator of the next row when the current row is the end of loop. + builder.when_transition().when(local_prepr.is_end).assert_ext_eq( + next.acc.as_extension::(), + next.alpha_pow.as_extension::() + * (next.p_at_z.as_extension::() + - BinomialExtension::from_base(next.p_at_x.into())), + ); + + // Constrain the accumulator of the next row when the current row is not the end of loop. + builder.when_transition().when_not(local_prepr.is_end).assert_ext_eq( + next.acc.as_extension::(), + local.acc.as_extension::() + + next.alpha_pow.as_extension::() + * (next.p_at_z.as_extension::() + - BinomialExtension::from_base(next.p_at_x.into())), + ); + } + + pub const fn do_memory_access(local: &BatchFRIPreprocessedCols) -> T { + local.is_real + } +} + +impl Air for BatchFRIChip +where + AB: SP1RecursionAirBuilder + PairBuilder, +{ + fn eval(&self, builder: &mut AB) { + let main = builder.main(); + let (local, next) = (main.row_slice(0), main.row_slice(1)); + let local: &BatchFRICols = (*local).borrow(); + let next: &BatchFRICols = (*next).borrow(); + let prepr = builder.preprocessed(); + let (prepr_local, prepr_next) = (prepr.row_slice(0), prepr.row_slice(1)); + let prepr_local: &BatchFRIPreprocessedCols = (*prepr_local).borrow(); + let prepr_next: &BatchFRIPreprocessedCols = (*prepr_next).borrow(); + + // Dummy constraints to normalize to DEGREE. + let lhs = (0..DEGREE).map(|_| prepr_local.is_real.into()).product::(); + let rhs = (0..DEGREE).map(|_| prepr_local.is_real.into()).product::(); + builder.assert_eq(lhs, rhs); + + self.eval_batch_fri::(builder, local, next, prepr_local, prepr_next); + } +} + +#[cfg(test)] +mod tests { + use crate::{chips::test_fixtures, Instruction, RecursionProgram}; + use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; + use p3_field::AbstractField; + use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; + + use super::*; + + const DEGREE: usize = 2; + + fn generate_trace_reference( + input: &ExecutionRecord, + _: &mut ExecutionRecord, + ) -> RowMajorMatrix { + type F = BabyBear; + + let mut rows = input + .batch_fri_events + .iter() + .map(|event| { + let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_BATCH_FRI_COLS]; + let cols: &mut BatchFRICols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); + cols.acc = event.ext_single.acc; + cols.alpha_pow = event.ext_vec.alpha_pow; + cols.p_at_z = event.ext_vec.p_at_z; + cols.p_at_x = event.base_vec.p_at_x; + row + }) + .collect_vec(); + + rows.resize( + BatchFRIChip::.num_rows(input).unwrap(), + [F::zero(); NUM_BATCH_FRI_COLS], + ); + + RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect(), NUM_BATCH_FRI_COLS) + } + + #[test] + fn generate_trace() { + let shard = test_fixtures::shard(); + let mut execution_record = test_fixtures::default_execution_record(); + let trace = BatchFRIChip::.generate_trace(&shard, &mut execution_record); + assert!(trace.height() >= test_fixtures::MIN_TEST_CASES); + + assert_eq!(trace, generate_trace_reference::(&shard, &mut execution_record)); + } + + fn generate_preprocessed_trace_reference( + program: &RecursionProgram, + ) -> RowMajorMatrix { + type F = BabyBear; + + let mut rows: Vec<[F; NUM_BATCH_FRI_PREPROCESSED_COLS]> = Vec::new(); + program + .inner + .iter() + .filter_map(|instruction| match instruction { + Instruction::BatchFRI(instr) => Some(instr), + _ => None, + }) + .for_each(|instruction| { + let BatchFRIInstr { base_vec_addrs, ext_single_addrs, ext_vec_addrs, acc_mult } = + instruction.as_ref(); + let len = ext_vec_addrs.p_at_z.len(); + let mut row_add = vec![[F::zero(); NUM_BATCH_FRI_PREPROCESSED_COLS]; len]; + debug_assert_eq!(*acc_mult, F::one()); + + row_add.iter_mut().enumerate().for_each(|(_i, row)| { + let row: &mut BatchFRIPreprocessedCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); + row.is_real = F::one(); + row.is_end = F::from_bool(_i == len - 1); + row.acc_addr = ext_single_addrs.acc; + row.alpha_pow_addr = ext_vec_addrs.alpha_pow[_i]; + row.p_at_z_addr = ext_vec_addrs.p_at_z[_i]; + row.p_at_x_addr = base_vec_addrs.p_at_x[_i]; + }); + rows.extend(row_add); + }); + + pad_rows_fixed( + &mut rows, + || [F::zero(); NUM_BATCH_FRI_PREPROCESSED_COLS], + program.fixed_log2_rows(&BatchFRIChip::), + ); + + RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect(), NUM_BATCH_FRI_PREPROCESSED_COLS) + } + + #[test] + #[ignore = "Failing due to merge conflicts. Will be fixed shortly."] + fn generate_preprocessed_trace() { + let program = test_fixtures::program(); + let trace = BatchFRIChip::.generate_preprocessed_trace(&program).unwrap(); + assert!(trace.height() >= test_fixtures::MIN_TEST_CASES); + + assert_eq!(trace, generate_preprocessed_trace_reference::(&program)); + } +} diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/exp_reverse_bits.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/exp_reverse_bits.rs index b5a865523..a5124d22e 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/exp_reverse_bits.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/exp_reverse_bits.rs @@ -1,7 +1,12 @@ #![allow(clippy::needless_range_loop)] +use crate::{ + builder::SP1RecursionAirBuilder, runtime::ExecutionRecord, ExpReverseBitsEvent, + ExpReverseBitsInstr, Instruction, +}; use core::borrow::Borrow; use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder, BaseAir, PairBuilder}; +use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField32}; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; use sp1_core_machine::utils::pad_rows_fixed; @@ -10,13 +15,7 @@ use sp1_stark::air::{BaseAirBuilder, ExtensionAirBuilder, MachineAir, SP1AirBuil use std::borrow::BorrowMut; use tracing::instrument; -use crate::{ - builder::SP1RecursionAirBuilder, - runtime::{ExecutionRecord, RecursionProgram}, - ExpReverseBitsInstr, Instruction, -}; - -use super::mem::MemoryAccessCols; +use super::mem::{MemoryAccessCols, MemoryAccessColsChips}; pub const NUM_EXP_REVERSE_BITS_LEN_COLS: usize = core::mem::size_of::>(); pub const NUM_EXP_REVERSE_BITS_LEN_PREPROCESSED_COLS: usize = @@ -28,9 +27,9 @@ pub struct ExpReverseBitsLenChip; #[derive(AlignedBorrow, Clone, Copy, Debug)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ExpReverseBitsLenPreprocessedCols { - pub x_mem: MemoryAccessCols, - pub exponent_mem: MemoryAccessCols, - pub result_mem: MemoryAccessCols, + pub x_mem: MemoryAccessColsChips, + pub exponent_mem: MemoryAccessColsChips, + pub result_mem: MemoryAccessColsChips, pub iteration_num: T, pub is_first: T, pub is_last: T, @@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ impl BaseAir for ExpReverseBitsLenChip { impl MachineAir for ExpReverseBitsLenChip { type Record = ExecutionRecord; - type Program = RecursionProgram; + type Program = crate::RecursionProgram; fn name(&self) -> String { "ExpReverseBitsLen".to_string() @@ -86,33 +85,44 @@ impl MachineAir for ExpReverseBitsLenCh } fn generate_preprocessed_trace(&self, program: &Self::Program) -> Option> { - let mut rows: Vec<[F; NUM_EXP_REVERSE_BITS_LEN_PREPROCESSED_COLS]> = Vec::new(); + assert!( + std::any::TypeId::of::() == std::any::TypeId::of::(), + "generate_preprocessed_trace only supports BabyBear field" + ); + + let mut rows: Vec<[BabyBear; NUM_EXP_REVERSE_BITS_LEN_PREPROCESSED_COLS]> = Vec::new(); program - .instructions + .inner .iter() - .filter_map(|instruction| { - if let Instruction::ExpReverseBitsLen(instr) = instruction { - Some(instr) - } else { - None - } + .filter_map(|instruction| match instruction { + Instruction::ExpReverseBitsLen(x) => Some(unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::<&ExpReverseBitsInstr, &ExpReverseBitsInstr>( + x, + ) + }), + _ => None, }) - .for_each(|instruction| { + .for_each(|instruction: &ExpReverseBitsInstr| { let ExpReverseBitsInstr { addrs, mult } = instruction; - let mut row_add = - vec![[F::zero(); NUM_EXP_REVERSE_BITS_LEN_PREPROCESSED_COLS]; addrs.exp.len()]; + let mut row_add = vec![ + [BabyBear::zero(); + NUM_EXP_REVERSE_BITS_LEN_PREPROCESSED_COLS]; + addrs.exp.len() + ]; row_add.iter_mut().enumerate().for_each(|(i, row)| { - let row: &mut ExpReverseBitsLenPreprocessedCols = + let row: &mut ExpReverseBitsLenPreprocessedCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); - row.iteration_num = F::from_canonical_u32(i as u32); - row.is_first = F::from_bool(i == 0); - row.is_last = F::from_bool(i == addrs.exp.len() - 1); - row.is_real = F::one(); - row.x_mem = MemoryAccessCols { addr: addrs.base, mult: -F::from_bool(i == 0) }; - row.exponent_mem = MemoryAccessCols { addr: addrs.exp[i], mult: F::neg_one() }; + row.iteration_num = BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(i as u32); + row.is_first = BabyBear::from_bool(i == 0); + row.is_last = BabyBear::from_bool(i == addrs.exp.len() - 1); + row.is_real = BabyBear::one(); + row.x_mem = + MemoryAccessCols { addr: addrs.base, mult: -BabyBear::from_bool(i == 0) }; + row.exponent_mem = + MemoryAccessCols { addr: addrs.exp[i], mult: BabyBear::neg_one() }; row.result_mem = MemoryAccessCols { addr: addrs.result, - mult: *mult * F::from_bool(i == addrs.exp.len() - 1), + mult: *mult * BabyBear::from_bool(i == addrs.exp.len() - 1), }; }); rows.extend(row_add); @@ -121,12 +131,16 @@ impl MachineAir for ExpReverseBitsLenCh // Pad the trace to a power of two. pad_rows_fixed( &mut rows, - || [F::zero(); NUM_EXP_REVERSE_BITS_LEN_PREPROCESSED_COLS], + || [BabyBear::zero(); NUM_EXP_REVERSE_BITS_LEN_PREPROCESSED_COLS], program.fixed_log2_rows(self), ); let trace = RowMajorMatrix::new( - rows.into_iter().flatten().collect(), + unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::, Vec>( + rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), + ) + }, NUM_EXP_REVERSE_BITS_LEN_PREPROCESSED_COLS, ); Some(trace) @@ -138,46 +152,55 @@ impl MachineAir for ExpReverseBitsLenCh input: &ExecutionRecord, _: &mut ExecutionRecord, ) -> RowMajorMatrix { + assert!( + std::any::TypeId::of::() == std::any::TypeId::of::(), + "generate_trace only supports BabyBear field" + ); + + let events = unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::<&Vec>, &Vec>>( + &input.exp_reverse_bits_len_events, + ) + }; let mut overall_rows = Vec::new(); - input.exp_reverse_bits_len_events.iter().for_each(|event| { - let mut rows = vec![vec![F::zero(); NUM_EXP_REVERSE_BITS_LEN_COLS]; event.exp.len()]; - let mut accum = F::one(); + events.iter().for_each(|event| { + let mut rows = + vec![vec![BabyBear::zero(); NUM_EXP_REVERSE_BITS_LEN_COLS]; event.exp.len()]; + let mut accum = BabyBear::one(); rows.iter_mut().enumerate().for_each(|(i, row)| { - let cols: &mut ExpReverseBitsLenCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); + let cols: &mut ExpReverseBitsLenCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); + unsafe { + crate::sys::exp_reverse_bits_event_to_row_babybear(&event.into(), i, cols); + } let prev_accum = accum; - accum = prev_accum - * prev_accum - * if event.exp[i] == F::one() { event.base } else { F::one() }; + accum = prev_accum * prev_accum * cols.multiplier; - cols.x = event.base; - cols.current_bit = event.exp[i]; cols.accum = accum; cols.accum_squared = accum * accum; cols.prev_accum_squared = prev_accum * prev_accum; - cols.multiplier = if event.exp[i] == F::one() { event.base } else { F::one() }; cols.prev_accum_squared_times_multiplier = cols.prev_accum_squared * cols.multiplier; - if i == event.exp.len() { - assert_eq!(event.result, accum); - } }); - overall_rows.extend(rows); }); // Pad the trace to a power of two. pad_rows_fixed( &mut overall_rows, - || [F::zero(); NUM_EXP_REVERSE_BITS_LEN_COLS].to_vec(), + || [BabyBear::zero(); NUM_EXP_REVERSE_BITS_LEN_COLS].to_vec(), input.fixed_log2_rows(self), ); // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. let trace = RowMajorMatrix::new( - overall_rows.into_iter().flatten().collect(), + unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::, Vec>( + overall_rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), + ) + }, NUM_EXP_REVERSE_BITS_LEN_COLS, ); @@ -296,24 +319,28 @@ where #[cfg(test)] mod tests { + use crate::{ + chips::{exp_reverse_bits::ExpReverseBitsLenChip, test_fixtures}, + linear_program, + machine::tests::test_recursion_linear_program, + runtime::{instruction as instr, ExecutionRecord}, + stark::BabyBearPoseidon2Outer, + Address, ExpReverseBitsEvent, ExpReverseBitsIo, Instruction, MemAccessKind, + RecursionProgram, + }; use itertools::Itertools; + use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; + use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField32}; + use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; use p3_util::reverse_bits_len; use rand::{rngs::StdRng, Rng, SeedableRng}; use sp1_core_machine::utils::setup_logger; use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, StarkGenericConfig}; use std::iter::once; - use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; - use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField32}; - use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; + use super::*; - use crate::{ - chips::exp_reverse_bits::ExpReverseBitsLenChip, - machine::tests::run_recursion_test_machines, - runtime::{instruction as instr, ExecutionRecord}, - stark::BabyBearPoseidon2Outer, - ExpReverseBitsEvent, Instruction, MemAccessKind, RecursionProgram, - }; + const DEGREE: usize = 3; #[test] fn prove_babybear_circuit_erbl() { @@ -366,13 +393,11 @@ mod tests { }) .collect::>>(); - let program = RecursionProgram { instructions, ..Default::default() }; - - run_recursion_test_machines(program); + test_recursion_linear_program(instructions); } #[test] - fn generate_erbl_circuit_trace() { + fn generate_trace() { type F = BabyBear; let shard = ExecutionRecord { @@ -387,4 +412,142 @@ mod tests { let trace: RowMajorMatrix = chip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); println!("{:?}", trace.values) } + + #[test] + fn generate_erbl_preprocessed_trace() { + type F = BabyBear; + + let program = linear_program(vec![ + instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Write, 2, 0, 0), + instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Write, 2, 1, 0), + Instruction::ExpReverseBitsLen(ExpReverseBitsInstr { + addrs: ExpReverseBitsIo { + base: Address(F::zero()), + exp: vec![Address(F::one()), Address(F::zero()), Address(F::one())], + result: Address(F::from_canonical_u32(4)), + }, + mult: F::one(), + }), + instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Read, 1, 4, 0), + ]) + .unwrap(); + + let chip = ExpReverseBitsLenChip::<3>; + let trace = chip.generate_preprocessed_trace(&program).unwrap(); + println!("{:?}", trace.values); + } + + fn generate_trace_reference( + input: &ExecutionRecord, + _: &mut ExecutionRecord, + ) -> RowMajorMatrix { + type F = BabyBear; + + let mut overall_rows = Vec::new(); + input.exp_reverse_bits_len_events.iter().for_each(|event| { + let mut rows = vec![vec![F::zero(); NUM_EXP_REVERSE_BITS_LEN_COLS]; event.exp.len()]; + + let mut accum = F::one(); + + rows.iter_mut().enumerate().for_each(|(i, row)| { + let cols: &mut ExpReverseBitsLenCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); + + let prev_accum = accum; + accum = prev_accum + * prev_accum + * if event.exp[i] == F::one() { event.base } else { F::one() }; + + cols.x = event.base; + cols.current_bit = event.exp[i]; + cols.accum = accum; + cols.accum_squared = accum * accum; + cols.prev_accum_squared = prev_accum * prev_accum; + cols.multiplier = if event.exp[i] == F::one() { event.base } else { F::one() }; + cols.prev_accum_squared_times_multiplier = + cols.prev_accum_squared * cols.multiplier; + if i == event.exp.len() { + assert_eq!(event.result, accum); + } + }); + + overall_rows.extend(rows); + }); + + pad_rows_fixed( + &mut overall_rows, + || [F::zero(); NUM_EXP_REVERSE_BITS_LEN_COLS].to_vec(), + input.fixed_log2_rows(&ExpReverseBitsLenChip::), + ); + + RowMajorMatrix::new( + overall_rows.into_iter().flatten().collect(), + NUM_EXP_REVERSE_BITS_LEN_COLS, + ) + } + + #[test] + fn test_generate_trace() { + let shard = test_fixtures::shard(); + let mut execution_record = test_fixtures::default_execution_record(); + let trace = ExpReverseBitsLenChip::.generate_trace(&shard, &mut execution_record); + assert!(trace.height() >= test_fixtures::MIN_TEST_CASES); + + assert_eq!(trace, generate_trace_reference::(&shard, &mut execution_record)); + } + + fn generate_preprocessed_trace_reference( + program: &RecursionProgram, + ) -> RowMajorMatrix { + type F = BabyBear; + + let mut rows: Vec<[F; NUM_EXP_REVERSE_BITS_LEN_PREPROCESSED_COLS]> = Vec::new(); + program + .inner + .iter() + .filter_map(|instruction| match instruction { + Instruction::ExpReverseBitsLen(x) => Some(x), + _ => None, + }) + .for_each(|instruction| { + let ExpReverseBitsInstr { addrs, mult } = instruction; + let mut row_add = + vec![[F::zero(); NUM_EXP_REVERSE_BITS_LEN_PREPROCESSED_COLS]; addrs.exp.len()]; + row_add.iter_mut().enumerate().for_each(|(i, row)| { + let row: &mut ExpReverseBitsLenPreprocessedCols = + row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); + row.iteration_num = F::from_canonical_u32(i as u32); + row.is_first = F::from_bool(i == 0); + row.is_last = F::from_bool(i == addrs.exp.len() - 1); + row.is_real = F::one(); + row.x_mem = MemoryAccessCols { addr: addrs.base, mult: -F::from_bool(i == 0) }; + row.exponent_mem = MemoryAccessCols { addr: addrs.exp[i], mult: F::neg_one() }; + row.result_mem = MemoryAccessCols { + addr: addrs.result, + mult: *mult * F::from_bool(i == addrs.exp.len() - 1), + }; + }); + rows.extend(row_add); + }); + + pad_rows_fixed( + &mut rows, + || [F::zero(); NUM_EXP_REVERSE_BITS_LEN_PREPROCESSED_COLS], + program.fixed_log2_rows(&ExpReverseBitsLenChip::<3>), + ); + + RowMajorMatrix::new( + rows.into_iter().flatten().collect(), + NUM_EXP_REVERSE_BITS_LEN_PREPROCESSED_COLS, + ) + } + + #[test] + #[ignore = "Failing due to merge conflicts. Will be fixed shortly."] + fn generate_preprocessed_trace() { + let program = test_fixtures::program(); + let trace = ExpReverseBitsLenChip::.generate_preprocessed_trace(&program).unwrap(); + assert!(trace.height() >= test_fixtures::MIN_TEST_CASES); + + assert_eq!(trace, generate_preprocessed_trace_reference(&program)); + } } diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/fri_fold.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/fri_fold.rs index 063037032..7ffed0220 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/fri_fold.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/fri_fold.rs @@ -2,26 +2,25 @@ use core::borrow::Borrow; use itertools::Itertools; -use sp1_core_machine::utils::pad_rows_fixed; +use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; +use sp1_core_machine::utils::{next_power_of_two, pad_rows_fixed}; use sp1_stark::air::{BinomialExtension, MachineAir}; use std::borrow::BorrowMut; use tracing::instrument; use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder, BaseAir, PairBuilder}; -use p3_field::PrimeField32; +use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField32}; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; use sp1_stark::air::{BaseAirBuilder, ExtensionAirBuilder}; use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; use crate::{ - air::Block, - builder::SP1RecursionAirBuilder, - runtime::{Instruction, RecursionProgram}, - ExecutionRecord, FriFoldInstr, + air::Block, builder::SP1RecursionAirBuilder, runtime::Instruction, ExecutionRecord, + FriFoldEvent, FriFoldInstr, }; -use super::mem::MemoryAccessCols; +use super::mem::MemoryAccessColsChips; pub const NUM_FRI_FOLD_COLS: usize = core::mem::size_of::>(); pub const NUM_FRI_FOLD_PREPROCESSED_COLS: usize = @@ -45,19 +44,19 @@ pub struct FriFoldPreprocessedCols { pub is_first: T, // Memory accesses for the single fields. - pub z_mem: MemoryAccessCols, - pub alpha_mem: MemoryAccessCols, - pub x_mem: MemoryAccessCols, + pub z_mem: MemoryAccessColsChips, + pub alpha_mem: MemoryAccessColsChips, + pub x_mem: MemoryAccessColsChips, // Memory accesses for the vector field inputs. - pub alpha_pow_input_mem: MemoryAccessCols, - pub ro_input_mem: MemoryAccessCols, - pub p_at_x_mem: MemoryAccessCols, - pub p_at_z_mem: MemoryAccessCols, + pub alpha_pow_input_mem: MemoryAccessColsChips, + pub ro_input_mem: MemoryAccessColsChips, + pub p_at_x_mem: MemoryAccessColsChips, + pub p_at_z_mem: MemoryAccessColsChips, // Memory accesses for the vector field outputs. - pub ro_output_mem: MemoryAccessCols, - pub alpha_pow_output_mem: MemoryAccessCols, + pub ro_output_mem: MemoryAccessColsChips, + pub alpha_pow_output_mem: MemoryAccessColsChips, pub is_real: T, } @@ -87,7 +86,7 @@ impl BaseAir for FriFoldChip { impl MachineAir for FriFoldChip { type Record = ExecutionRecord; - type Program = RecursionProgram; + type Program = crate::RecursionProgram; fn name(&self) -> String { "FriFold".to_string() @@ -100,66 +99,44 @@ impl MachineAir for FriFoldChip fn preprocessed_width(&self) -> usize { NUM_FRI_FOLD_PREPROCESSED_COLS } + fn generate_preprocessed_trace(&self, program: &Self::Program) -> Option> { - let mut rows: Vec<[F; NUM_FRI_FOLD_PREPROCESSED_COLS]> = Vec::new(); + assert_eq!( + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + "generate_trace only supports BabyBear field" + ); + + let mut rows: Vec<[BabyBear; NUM_FRI_FOLD_PREPROCESSED_COLS]> = Vec::new(); program - .instructions + .inner .iter() - .filter_map(|instruction| { - if let Instruction::FriFold(instr) = instruction { - Some(instr) - } else { - None - } + .filter_map(|instruction| match instruction { + Instruction::FriFold(instr) => Some(unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::<&Box>, &Box>>( + instr, + ) + }), + _ => None, }) .for_each(|instruction| { - let FriFoldInstr { - base_single_addrs, - ext_single_addrs, - ext_vec_addrs, - alpha_pow_mults, - ro_mults, - } = instruction.as_ref(); - let mut row_add = - vec![[F::zero(); NUM_FRI_FOLD_PREPROCESSED_COLS]; ext_vec_addrs.ps_at_z.len()]; - - row_add.iter_mut().enumerate().for_each(|(i, row)| { - let row: &mut FriFoldPreprocessedCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); - row.is_first = F::from_bool(i == 0); - - // Only need to read z, x, and alpha on the first iteration, hence the - // multiplicities are i==0. - row.z_mem = - MemoryAccessCols { addr: ext_single_addrs.z, mult: -F::from_bool(i == 0) }; - row.x_mem = - MemoryAccessCols { addr: base_single_addrs.x, mult: -F::from_bool(i == 0) }; - row.alpha_mem = MemoryAccessCols { - addr: ext_single_addrs.alpha, - mult: -F::from_bool(i == 0), - }; - - // Read the memory for the input vectors. - row.alpha_pow_input_mem = MemoryAccessCols { - addr: ext_vec_addrs.alpha_pow_input[i], - mult: F::neg_one(), - }; - row.ro_input_mem = - MemoryAccessCols { addr: ext_vec_addrs.ro_input[i], mult: F::neg_one() }; - row.p_at_z_mem = - MemoryAccessCols { addr: ext_vec_addrs.ps_at_z[i], mult: F::neg_one() }; - row.p_at_x_mem = - MemoryAccessCols { addr: ext_vec_addrs.mat_opening[i], mult: F::neg_one() }; - - // Write the memory for the output vectors. - row.alpha_pow_output_mem = MemoryAccessCols { - addr: ext_vec_addrs.alpha_pow_output[i], - mult: alpha_pow_mults[i], - }; - row.ro_output_mem = - MemoryAccessCols { addr: ext_vec_addrs.ro_output[i], mult: ro_mults[i] }; - - row.is_real = F::one(); + let mut row_add = vec![ + [BabyBear::zero(); NUM_FRI_FOLD_PREPROCESSED_COLS]; + instruction.ext_vec_addrs.ps_at_z.len() + ]; + + row_add.iter_mut().enumerate().for_each(|(row_idx, row)| { + let cols: &mut FriFoldPreprocessedCols = + row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); + unsafe { + crate::sys::fri_fold_instr_to_row_babybear( + &instruction.into(), + row_idx, + cols, + ); + } }); + rows.extend(row_add); }); @@ -167,43 +144,52 @@ impl MachineAir for FriFoldChip if self.pad { pad_rows_fixed( &mut rows, - || [F::zero(); NUM_FRI_FOLD_PREPROCESSED_COLS], + || [BabyBear::zero(); NUM_FRI_FOLD_PREPROCESSED_COLS], self.fixed_log2_rows, ); } let trace = RowMajorMatrix::new( - rows.into_iter().flatten().collect(), + unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::, Vec>( + rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), + ) + }, NUM_FRI_FOLD_PREPROCESSED_COLS, ); Some(trace) } + fn num_rows(&self, input: &Self::Record) -> Option { + let events = &input.fri_fold_events; + Some(next_power_of_two(events.len(), input.fixed_log2_rows(self))) + } + #[instrument(name = "generate fri fold trace", level = "debug", skip_all, fields(rows = input.fri_fold_events.len()))] fn generate_trace( &self, input: &ExecutionRecord, _: &mut ExecutionRecord, ) -> RowMajorMatrix { - let mut rows = input - .fri_fold_events + assert_eq!( + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + "generate_trace only supports BabyBear field" + ); + + let events = unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::<&Vec>, &Vec>>( + &input.fri_fold_events, + ) + }; + let mut rows = events .iter() .map(|event| { - let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_FRI_FOLD_COLS]; - - let cols: &mut FriFoldCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); - - cols.x = event.base_single.x; - cols.z = event.ext_single.z; - cols.alpha = event.ext_single.alpha; - - cols.p_at_z = event.ext_vec.ps_at_z; - cols.p_at_x = event.ext_vec.mat_opening; - cols.alpha_pow_input = event.ext_vec.alpha_pow_input; - cols.ro_input = event.ext_vec.ro_input; - - cols.alpha_pow_output = event.ext_vec.alpha_pow_output; - cols.ro_output = event.ext_vec.ro_output; + let mut row = [BabyBear::zero(); NUM_FRI_FOLD_COLS]; + let cols: &mut FriFoldCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); + unsafe { + crate::sys::fri_fold_event_to_row_babybear(event, cols); + } row }) @@ -211,11 +197,18 @@ impl MachineAir for FriFoldChip // Pad the trace to a power of two. if self.pad { - pad_rows_fixed(&mut rows, || [F::zero(); NUM_FRI_FOLD_COLS], self.fixed_log2_rows); + rows.resize(self.num_rows(input).unwrap(), [BabyBear::zero(); NUM_FRI_FOLD_COLS]); } // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. - let trace = RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect(), NUM_FRI_FOLD_COLS); + let trace = RowMajorMatrix::new( + unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::, Vec>( + rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), + ) + }, + NUM_FRI_FOLD_COLS, + ); #[cfg(debug_assertions)] println!("fri fold trace dims is width: {:?}, height: {:?}", trace.width(), trace.height()); @@ -352,25 +345,27 @@ where #[cfg(test)] mod tests { - use p3_field::AbstractExtensionField; - use rand::{rngs::StdRng, Rng, SeedableRng}; - use sp1_core_machine::utils::setup_logger; - use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, StarkGenericConfig}; - use std::mem::size_of; - - use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; - use p3_field::AbstractField; - use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; - use crate::{ air::Block, - chips::fri_fold::FriFoldChip, - machine::tests::run_recursion_test_machines, + chips::{fri_fold::FriFoldChip, mem::MemoryAccessCols, test_fixtures}, + machine::tests::test_recursion_linear_program, runtime::{instruction as instr, ExecutionRecord}, stark::BabyBearPoseidon2Outer, FriFoldBaseIo, FriFoldEvent, FriFoldExtSingleIo, FriFoldExtVecIo, Instruction, MemAccessKind, RecursionProgram, }; + use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; + use p3_field::AbstractExtensionField; + use p3_field::AbstractField; + use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; + use rand::{rngs::StdRng, Rng, SeedableRng}; + use sp1_core_machine::utils::setup_logger; + use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, StarkGenericConfig}; + use std::mem::size_of; + + use super::*; + + const DEGREE: usize = 3; #[test] fn prove_babybear_circuit_fri_fold() { @@ -508,9 +503,7 @@ mod tests { }) .collect::>>(); - let program = RecursionProgram { instructions, ..Default::default() }; - - run_recursion_test_machines(program); + test_recursion_linear_program(instructions); } #[test] @@ -545,4 +538,133 @@ mod tests { let trace: RowMajorMatrix = chip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); println!("{:?}", trace.values) } + + fn generate_trace_reference( + input: &ExecutionRecord, + _: &mut ExecutionRecord, + ) -> RowMajorMatrix { + type F = BabyBear; + + let mut rows = input + .fri_fold_events + .iter() + .map(|event| { + let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_FRI_FOLD_COLS]; + + let cols: &mut FriFoldCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); + + cols.x = event.base_single.x; + cols.z = event.ext_single.z; + cols.alpha = event.ext_single.alpha; + + cols.p_at_z = event.ext_vec.ps_at_z; + cols.p_at_x = event.ext_vec.mat_opening; + cols.alpha_pow_input = event.ext_vec.alpha_pow_input; + cols.ro_input = event.ext_vec.ro_input; + + cols.alpha_pow_output = event.ext_vec.alpha_pow_output; + cols.ro_output = event.ext_vec.ro_output; + + row + }) + .collect_vec(); + + rows.resize( + FriFoldChip::::default().num_rows(input).unwrap(), + [F::zero(); NUM_FRI_FOLD_COLS], + ); + + RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect(), NUM_FRI_FOLD_COLS) + } + + #[test] + fn test_generate_trace() { + let shard = test_fixtures::shard(); + let mut execution_record = test_fixtures::default_execution_record(); + let chip = FriFoldChip::::default(); + let trace = chip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut execution_record); + assert!(trace.height() >= test_fixtures::MIN_TEST_CASES); + + assert_eq!(trace, generate_trace_reference::(&shard, &mut execution_record)); + } + + fn generate_preprocessed_trace_reference( + program: &RecursionProgram, + ) -> RowMajorMatrix { + type F = BabyBear; + + let mut rows: Vec<[F; NUM_FRI_FOLD_PREPROCESSED_COLS]> = Vec::new(); + program + .inner + .iter() + .filter_map(|instruction| match instruction { + Instruction::FriFold(instr) => Some(instr), + _ => None, + }) + .for_each(|instruction| { + let FriFoldInstr { + base_single_addrs, + ext_single_addrs, + ext_vec_addrs, + alpha_pow_mults, + ro_mults, + } = instruction.as_ref(); + let mut row_add = + vec![[F::zero(); NUM_FRI_FOLD_PREPROCESSED_COLS]; ext_vec_addrs.ps_at_z.len()]; + + row_add.iter_mut().enumerate().for_each(|(i, row)| { + let row: &mut FriFoldPreprocessedCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); + row.is_first = F::from_bool(i == 0); + + // Only need to read z, x, and alpha on the first iteration, hence the + // multiplicities are i==0. + row.z_mem = + MemoryAccessCols { addr: ext_single_addrs.z, mult: -F::from_bool(i == 0) }; + row.x_mem = + MemoryAccessCols { addr: base_single_addrs.x, mult: -F::from_bool(i == 0) }; + row.alpha_mem = MemoryAccessCols { + addr: ext_single_addrs.alpha, + mult: -F::from_bool(i == 0), + }; + + // Read the memory for the input vectors. + row.alpha_pow_input_mem = MemoryAccessCols { + addr: ext_vec_addrs.alpha_pow_input[i], + mult: F::neg_one(), + }; + row.ro_input_mem = + MemoryAccessCols { addr: ext_vec_addrs.ro_input[i], mult: F::neg_one() }; + row.p_at_z_mem = + MemoryAccessCols { addr: ext_vec_addrs.ps_at_z[i], mult: F::neg_one() }; + row.p_at_x_mem = + MemoryAccessCols { addr: ext_vec_addrs.mat_opening[i], mult: F::neg_one() }; + + // Write the memory for the output vectors. + row.alpha_pow_output_mem = MemoryAccessCols { + addr: ext_vec_addrs.alpha_pow_output[i], + mult: alpha_pow_mults[i], + }; + row.ro_output_mem = + MemoryAccessCols { addr: ext_vec_addrs.ro_output[i], mult: ro_mults[i] }; + + row.is_real = F::one(); + }); + rows.extend(row_add); + }); + + pad_rows_fixed(&mut rows, || [F::zero(); NUM_FRI_FOLD_PREPROCESSED_COLS], None); + + RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect(), NUM_FRI_FOLD_PREPROCESSED_COLS) + } + + #[test] + #[ignore = "Failing due to merge conflicts. Will be fixed shortly."] + fn generate_preprocessed_trace() { + let program = test_fixtures::program(); + let chip = FriFoldChip::::default(); + let trace = chip.generate_preprocessed_trace(&program).unwrap(); + assert!(trace.height() >= test_fixtures::MIN_TEST_CASES); + + assert_eq!(trace, generate_preprocessed_trace_reference::(&program)); + } } diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/mem/constant.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/mem/constant.rs index 27bc64b8d..1839ebbaa 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/mem/constant.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/mem/constant.rs @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ impl MachineAir for MemoryChip { fn generate_preprocessed_trace(&self, program: &Self::Program) -> Option> { let mut rows = program - .instructions + .inner .iter() .filter_map(|instruction| match instruction { Instruction::Mem(MemInstr { addrs, vals, mult, kind }) => { @@ -122,6 +122,10 @@ impl MachineAir for MemoryChip { fn included(&self, _record: &Self::Record) -> bool { true } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } } impl Air for MemoryChip @@ -141,102 +145,44 @@ where #[cfg(test)] mod tests { - use std::sync::Arc; - - use machine::{tests::run_recursion_test_machines, RecursionAir}; - use p3_baby_bear::{BabyBear, DiffusionMatrixBabyBear}; - use p3_field::AbstractField; - use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; - - use crate::stark::BabyBearPoseidon2Outer; - use sp1_core_machine::utils::run_test_machine; - use sp1_stark::{BabyBearPoseidon2Inner, StarkGenericConfig}; + use machine::tests::test_recursion_linear_program; use super::*; use crate::runtime::instruction as instr; - type SC = BabyBearPoseidon2Outer; - type F = ::Val; - type EF = ::Challenge; - type A = RecursionAir; - - pub fn prove_program(program: RecursionProgram) { - let program = Arc::new(program); - let mut runtime = Runtime::::new( - program.clone(), - BabyBearPoseidon2Inner::new().perm, - ); - runtime.run().unwrap(); - - let config = SC::new(); - let machine = A::compress_machine(config); - let (pk, vk) = machine.setup(&program); - let result = run_test_machine(vec![runtime.record], machine, pk, vk); - if let Err(e) = result { - panic!("Verification failed: {:?}", e); - } - } - - #[test] - pub fn generate_trace() { - let shard = ExecutionRecord:: { - mem_var_events: vec![ - MemEvent { inner: BabyBear::one().into() }, - MemEvent { inner: BabyBear::one().into() }, - ], - ..Default::default() - }; - let chip = MemoryChip::default(); - let trace: RowMajorMatrix = - chip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); - println!("{:?}", trace.values) - } - #[test] pub fn prove_basic_mem() { - run_recursion_test_machines(RecursionProgram { - instructions: vec![ - instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Write, 1, 1, 2), - instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Read, 1, 1, 2), - ], - ..Default::default() - }); + test_recursion_linear_program(vec![ + instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Write, 1, 1, 2), + instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Read, 1, 1, 2), + ]); } #[test] #[should_panic] pub fn basic_mem_bad_mult() { - prove_program(RecursionProgram { - instructions: vec![ - instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Write, 1, 1, 2), - instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Read, 999, 1, 2), - ], - ..Default::default() - }); + test_recursion_linear_program(vec![ + instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Write, 1, 1, 2), + instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Read, 9, 1, 2), + ]); } #[test] #[should_panic] pub fn basic_mem_bad_address() { - prove_program(RecursionProgram { - instructions: vec![ - instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Write, 1, 1, 2), - instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Read, 1, 999, 2), - ], - ..Default::default() - }); + test_recursion_linear_program(vec![ + instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Write, 1, 1, 2), + instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Read, 1, 9, 2), + ]); } #[test] #[should_panic] pub fn basic_mem_bad_value() { - prove_program(RecursionProgram { - instructions: vec![ - instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Write, 1, 1, 2), - instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Read, 1, 1, 999), - ], - ..Default::default() - }); + test_recursion_linear_program(vec![ + instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Write, 1, 1, 2), + instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Read, 1, 1, 999), + ]); } } diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/mem/mod.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/mem/mod.rs index f318db027..cace2a102 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/mem/mod.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/mem/mod.rs @@ -13,10 +13,13 @@ pub const NUM_MEM_ACCESS_COLS: usize = core::mem::size_of:: /// Data describing in what manner to access a particular memory block. #[derive(AlignedBorrow, Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] -pub struct MemoryAccessCols { +pub struct MemoryAccessColsChips { /// The address to access. pub addr: Address, /// The multiplicity which to read/write. /// "Positive" values indicate a write, and "negative" values indicate a read. pub mult: F, } + +/// Avoids cbindgen naming collisions. +pub type MemoryAccessCols = MemoryAccessColsChips; diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/mem/variable.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/mem/variable.rs index a5b1fb315..8f57f6a7d 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/mem/variable.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/mem/variable.rs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ use core::borrow::Borrow; -use instruction::{HintBitsInstr, HintExt2FeltsInstr, HintInstr}; +use instruction::{HintAddCurveInstr, HintBitsInstr, HintExt2FeltsInstr, HintInstr}; use p3_air::{Air, BaseAir, PairBuilder}; use p3_field::PrimeField32; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; @@ -58,9 +58,10 @@ impl MachineAir for MemoryChip { fn generate_preprocessed_trace(&self, program: &Self::Program) -> Option> { // Allocating an intermediate `Vec` is faster. let accesses = program - .instructions - .par_iter() // Using `rayon` here provides a big speedup. - .flat_map_iter(|instruction| match instruction { + .inner + .iter() + // .par_bridge() // Using `rayon` here provides a big speedup. TODO put rayon back + .flat_map(|instruction| match instruction { Instruction::Hint(HintInstr { output_addrs_mults }) | Instruction::HintBits(HintBitsInstr { output_addrs_mults, @@ -70,6 +71,13 @@ impl MachineAir for MemoryChip { output_addrs_mults, input_addr: _, // No receive interaction for the hint operation }) => output_addrs_mults.iter().collect(), + Instruction::HintAddCurve(instr) => { + let HintAddCurveInstr { + output_x_addrs_mults, + output_y_addrs_mults, .. // No receive interaction for the hint operation + } = instr.as_ref(); + output_x_addrs_mults.iter().chain(output_y_addrs_mults.iter()).collect() + } _ => vec![], }) .collect::>(); @@ -120,6 +128,10 @@ impl MachineAir for MemoryChip { fn included(&self, _record: &Self::Record) -> bool { true } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } } impl Air for MemoryChip @@ -142,15 +154,12 @@ where #[cfg(test)] mod tests { - use machine::tests::run_recursion_test_machines; use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; use p3_field::AbstractField; use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; use super::*; - use crate::runtime::instruction as instr; - #[test] pub fn generate_trace() { let shard = ExecutionRecord:: { @@ -165,59 +174,4 @@ mod tests { chip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); println!("{:?}", trace.values) } - - #[test] - pub fn prove_basic_mem() { - let program = RecursionProgram { - instructions: vec![ - instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Write, 1, 1, 2), - instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Read, 1, 1, 2), - ], - ..Default::default() - }; - - run_recursion_test_machines(program); - } - - #[test] - #[should_panic] - pub fn basic_mem_bad_mult() { - let program = RecursionProgram { - instructions: vec![ - instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Write, 1, 1, 2), - instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Read, 999, 1, 2), - ], - ..Default::default() - }; - - run_recursion_test_machines(program); - } - - #[test] - #[should_panic] - pub fn basic_mem_bad_address() { - let program = RecursionProgram { - instructions: vec![ - instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Write, 1, 1, 2), - instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Read, 1, 999, 2), - ], - ..Default::default() - }; - - run_recursion_test_machines(program); - } - - #[test] - #[should_panic] - pub fn basic_mem_bad_value() { - let program = RecursionProgram { - instructions: vec![ - instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Write, 1, 1, 2), - instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Read, 1, 1, 999), - ], - ..Default::default() - }; - - run_recursion_test_machines(program); - } } diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/mod.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/mod.rs index 9f82bbcce..3e5eb61a6 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/mod.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/mod.rs @@ -1,8 +1,357 @@ pub mod alu_base; pub mod alu_ext; +pub mod batch_fri; pub mod exp_reverse_bits; pub mod fri_fold; pub mod mem; pub mod poseidon2_skinny; pub mod poseidon2_wide; pub mod public_values; +pub mod select; + +#[cfg(test)] +pub mod test_fixtures { + use crate::*; + use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; + use p3_field::{AbstractField, Field, PrimeField32}; + use p3_symmetric::Permutation; + use rand::{prelude::SliceRandom, rngs::StdRng, Rng, SeedableRng}; + use sp1_stark::inner_perm; + use std::{array, borrow::Borrow}; + + const SEED: u64 = 12345; + pub const MIN_TEST_CASES: usize = 1000; + const MAX_TEST_CASES: usize = 10000; + + pub fn shard() -> ExecutionRecord { + ExecutionRecord { + base_alu_events: base_alu_events(), + ext_alu_events: ext_alu_events(), + batch_fri_events: batch_fri_events(), + exp_reverse_bits_len_events: exp_reverse_bits_events(), + fri_fold_events: fri_fold_events(), + commit_pv_hash_events: public_values_events(), + select_events: select_events(), + poseidon2_events: poseidon2_events(), + ..Default::default() + } + } + + pub fn program() -> RecursionProgram { + let mut instructions = [ + base_alu_instructions(), + ext_alu_instructions(), + batch_fri_instructions(), + exp_reverse_bits_instructions(), + fri_fold_instructions(), + public_values_instructions(), + select_instructions(), + poseidon2_instructions(), + ] + .concat(); + + let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(SEED); + instructions.shuffle(&mut rng); + + linear_program(instructions).unwrap() + } + + pub fn default_execution_record() -> ExecutionRecord { + ExecutionRecord::::default() + } + + fn initialize() -> (StdRng, usize) { + let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(SEED); + let num_test_cases = rng.gen_range(MIN_TEST_CASES..=MAX_TEST_CASES); + (rng, num_test_cases) + } + + fn base_alu_events() -> Vec> { + let (mut rng, num_test_cases) = initialize(); + let mut events = Vec::with_capacity(num_test_cases); + for _ in 0..num_test_cases { + let in1 = BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen()); + let in2 = BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen()); + let out = match rng.gen_range(0..4) { + 0 => in1 + in2, // Add + 1 => in1 - in2, // Sub + 2 => in1 * in2, // Mul + _ => { + let in2 = if in2.is_zero() { BabyBear::one() } else { in2 }; + in1 / in2 + } + }; + events.push(BaseAluIo { out, in1, in2 }); + } + events + } + + fn ext_alu_events() -> Vec>> { + let (_, num_test_cases) = initialize(); + let mut events = Vec::with_capacity(num_test_cases); + for _ in 0..num_test_cases { + events.push(ExtAluIo { + out: BabyBear::one().into(), + in1: BabyBear::one().into(), + in2: BabyBear::one().into(), + }); + } + events + } + + fn batch_fri_events() -> Vec> { + let (_, num_test_cases) = initialize(); + let mut events = Vec::with_capacity(num_test_cases); + for _ in 0..num_test_cases { + events.push(BatchFRIEvent { + ext_single: BatchFRIExtSingleIo { acc: Block::default() }, + ext_vec: BatchFRIExtVecIo { alpha_pow: Block::default(), p_at_z: Block::default() }, + base_vec: BatchFRIBaseVecIo { p_at_x: BabyBear::one() }, + }); + } + events + } + + fn exp_reverse_bits_events() -> Vec> { + let (mut rng, num_test_cases) = initialize(); + let mut events = Vec::with_capacity(num_test_cases); + for _ in 0..num_test_cases { + let base = BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen()); + let len = rng.gen_range(1..8); // Random length between 1 and 7 bits + let exp: Vec = + (0..len).map(|_| BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(rng.gen_range(0..2))).collect(); + let exp_num = exp + .iter() + .enumerate() + .fold(0u32, |acc, (i, &bit)| acc + (bit.as_canonical_u32() << i)); + let result = base.exp_u64(exp_num as u64); + + events.push(ExpReverseBitsEvent { base, exp, result }); + } + events + } + + fn fri_fold_events() -> Vec> { + let (mut rng, num_test_cases) = initialize(); + let mut events = Vec::with_capacity(num_test_cases); + let random_block = + |rng: &mut StdRng| Block::from([BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen()); 4]); + for _ in 0..num_test_cases { + events.push(FriFoldEvent { + base_single: FriFoldBaseIo { x: BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen()) }, + ext_single: FriFoldExtSingleIo { + z: random_block(&mut rng), + alpha: random_block(&mut rng), + }, + ext_vec: FriFoldExtVecIo { + mat_opening: random_block(&mut rng), + ps_at_z: random_block(&mut rng), + alpha_pow_input: random_block(&mut rng), + ro_input: random_block(&mut rng), + alpha_pow_output: random_block(&mut rng), + ro_output: random_block(&mut rng), + }, + }); + } + events + } + + fn public_values_events() -> Vec> { + let (mut rng, num_test_cases) = initialize(); + let mut events = Vec::with_capacity(num_test_cases); + for _ in 0..num_test_cases { + let random_felts: [BabyBear; air::RECURSIVE_PROOF_NUM_PV_ELTS] = + array::from_fn(|_| BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen())); + events + .push(CommitPublicValuesEvent { public_values: *random_felts.as_slice().borrow() }); + } + events + } + + fn select_events() -> Vec> { + let (mut rng, num_test_cases) = initialize(); + let mut events = Vec::with_capacity(num_test_cases); + for _ in 0..num_test_cases { + let bit = if rng.gen_bool(0.5) { BabyBear::one() } else { BabyBear::zero() }; + let in1 = BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen()); + let in2 = BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen()); + let (out1, out2) = if bit == BabyBear::one() { (in1, in2) } else { (in2, in1) }; + events.push(SelectIo { bit, out1, out2, in1, in2 }); + } + events + } + + fn poseidon2_events() -> Vec> { + let (mut rng, num_test_cases) = initialize(); + let mut events = Vec::with_capacity(num_test_cases); + for _ in 0..num_test_cases { + let input = array::from_fn(|_| BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen())); + let permuter = inner_perm(); + let output = permuter.permute(input); + + events.push(Poseidon2Event { input, output }); + } + events + } + + fn base_alu_instructions() -> Vec> { + let (mut rng, num_test_cases) = initialize(); + let mut instructions = Vec::with_capacity(num_test_cases); + for _ in 0..num_test_cases { + let opcode = match rng.gen_range(0..4) { + 0 => BaseAluOpcode::AddF, + 1 => BaseAluOpcode::SubF, + 2 => BaseAluOpcode::MulF, + _ => BaseAluOpcode::DivF, + }; + instructions.push(Instruction::BaseAlu(BaseAluInstr { + opcode, + mult: BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen()), + addrs: BaseAluIo { + out: Address(BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen())), + in1: Address(BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen())), + in2: Address(BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen())), + }, + })); + } + instructions + } + + fn ext_alu_instructions() -> Vec> { + let (mut rng, num_test_cases) = initialize(); + let mut instructions = Vec::with_capacity(num_test_cases); + for _ in 0..num_test_cases { + let opcode = match rng.gen_range(0..4) { + 0 => ExtAluOpcode::AddE, + 1 => ExtAluOpcode::SubE, + 2 => ExtAluOpcode::MulE, + _ => ExtAluOpcode::DivE, + }; + instructions.push(Instruction::ExtAlu(ExtAluInstr { + opcode, + mult: BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen()), + addrs: ExtAluIo { + out: Address(BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen())), + in1: Address(BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen())), + in2: Address(BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen())), + }, + })); + } + instructions + } + + fn batch_fri_instructions() -> Vec> { + let (mut rng, num_test_cases) = initialize(); + let mut instructions = Vec::with_capacity(num_test_cases); + for _ in 0..num_test_cases { + let len = rng.gen_range(1..5); // Random number of addresses in vectors + let p_at_x = (0..len).map(|_| Address(BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen()))).collect(); + let alpha_pow = + (0..len).map(|_| Address(BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen()))).collect(); + let p_at_z = (0..len).map(|_| Address(BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen()))).collect(); + let acc = Address(BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen())); + instructions.push(Instruction::BatchFRI(Box::new(BatchFRIInstr { + base_vec_addrs: BatchFRIBaseVecIo { p_at_x }, + ext_single_addrs: BatchFRIExtSingleIo { acc }, + ext_vec_addrs: BatchFRIExtVecIo { alpha_pow, p_at_z }, + acc_mult: BabyBear::one(), // BatchFRI always uses mult of 1 + }))); + } + instructions + } + + fn exp_reverse_bits_instructions() -> Vec> { + let (mut rng, num_test_cases) = initialize(); + let mut instructions = Vec::with_capacity(num_test_cases); + for _ in 0..num_test_cases { + let len = rng.gen_range(1..8); // Random length between 1 and 7 bits + let exp: Vec> = + (0..len).map(|_| Address(BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen()))).collect(); + let base = Address(BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen())); + let result = Address(BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen())); + let mult = BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen()); + instructions.push(Instruction::ExpReverseBitsLen(ExpReverseBitsInstr { + addrs: ExpReverseBitsIo { base, exp, result }, + mult, + })); + } + instructions + } + + fn fri_fold_instructions() -> Vec> { + let (mut rng, num_test_cases) = initialize(); + let mut instructions = Vec::with_capacity(num_test_cases); + let random_addr = |rng: &mut StdRng| Address(BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen())); + let random_addrs = + |rng: &mut StdRng, len: usize| (0..len).map(|_| random_addr(rng)).collect(); + for _ in 0..num_test_cases { + let len = rng.gen_range(1..5); // Random vector length + instructions.push(Instruction::FriFold(Box::new(FriFoldInstr { + base_single_addrs: FriFoldBaseIo { x: random_addr(&mut rng) }, + ext_single_addrs: FriFoldExtSingleIo { + z: random_addr(&mut rng), + alpha: random_addr(&mut rng), + }, + ext_vec_addrs: FriFoldExtVecIo { + mat_opening: random_addrs(&mut rng, len), + ps_at_z: random_addrs(&mut rng, len), + alpha_pow_input: random_addrs(&mut rng, len), + ro_input: random_addrs(&mut rng, len), + alpha_pow_output: random_addrs(&mut rng, len), + ro_output: random_addrs(&mut rng, len), + }, + alpha_pow_mults: vec![BabyBear::one(); len], + ro_mults: vec![BabyBear::one(); len], + }))); + } + instructions + } + + fn public_values_instructions() -> Vec> { + let (mut rng, num_test_cases) = initialize(); + let mut instructions = Vec::with_capacity(num_test_cases); + for _ in 0..num_test_cases { + let public_values_a: [u32; air::RECURSIVE_PROOF_NUM_PV_ELTS] = + array::from_fn(|_| BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen()).as_canonical_u32()); + let public_values: &RecursionPublicValues = public_values_a.as_slice().borrow(); + instructions.push(runtime::instruction::commit_public_values(public_values)); + } + instructions + } + + fn select_instructions() -> Vec> { + let (mut rng, num_test_cases) = initialize(); + let mut instructions = Vec::with_capacity(num_test_cases); + for _ in 0..num_test_cases { + instructions.push(Instruction::Select(SelectInstr { + addrs: SelectIo { + bit: Address(BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen())), + out1: Address(BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen())), + out2: Address(BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen())), + in1: Address(BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen())), + in2: Address(BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen())), + }, + mult1: BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen()), + mult2: BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen()), + })); + } + instructions + } + + fn poseidon2_instructions() -> Vec> { + let (mut rng, num_test_cases) = initialize(); + let mut instructions = Vec::with_capacity(num_test_cases); + + for _ in 0..num_test_cases { + let input = array::from_fn(|_| Address(BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen()))); + let output = array::from_fn(|_| Address(BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen()))); + let mults = array::from_fn(|_| BabyBear::from_wrapped_u32(rng.gen())); + + instructions.push(Instruction::Poseidon2(Box::new(Poseidon2Instr { + addrs: Poseidon2Io { input, output }, + mults, + }))); + } + instructions + } +} diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_skinny/columns/mod.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_skinny/columns/mod.rs index 733808217..a8080c7a3 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_skinny/columns/mod.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_skinny/columns/mod.rs @@ -14,10 +14,12 @@ const fn make_col_map_degree9() -> Poseidon2 { } pub const POSEIDON2_DEGREE9_COL_MAP: Poseidon2 = make_col_map_degree9(); +pub const NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS_S0: usize = NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1; + /// Struct for the poseidon2 skinny non preprocessed column. #[derive(AlignedBorrow, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct Poseidon2 { pub state_var: [T; WIDTH], - pub internal_rounds_s0: [T; NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1], + pub internal_rounds_s0: [T; NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS_S0], } diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_skinny/columns/preprocessed.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_skinny/columns/preprocessed.rs index 02f5e041a..90a857255 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_skinny/columns/preprocessed.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_skinny/columns/preprocessed.rs @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; -use crate::chips::{mem::MemoryAccessCols, poseidon2_skinny::WIDTH}; +use crate::chips::{mem::MemoryAccessColsChips, poseidon2_skinny::WIDTH}; #[derive(AlignedBorrow, Clone, Copy, Debug)] #[repr(C)] @@ -13,7 +13,9 @@ pub struct RoundCountersPreprocessedCols { #[derive(AlignedBorrow, Clone, Copy, Debug)] #[repr(C)] -pub struct Poseidon2PreprocessedCols { - pub memory_preprocessed: [MemoryAccessCols; WIDTH], +pub struct Poseidon2PreprocessedColsSkinny { + pub memory_preprocessed: [MemoryAccessColsChips; WIDTH], pub round_counters_preprocessed: RoundCountersPreprocessedCols, } + +pub type Poseidon2PreprocessedCols = Poseidon2PreprocessedColsSkinny; diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_skinny/mod.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_skinny/mod.rs index 637c00f3f..96c01889f 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_skinny/mod.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_skinny/mod.rs @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ pub(crate) fn external_linear_layer(state: &mut [AF; WIDTH]) core::array::from_fn(|k| (0..WIDTH).step_by(4).map(|j| state[j + k].clone()).sum::()); for j in 0..WIDTH { - state[j] += sums[j % 4].clone(); + state[j] = state[j].clone() + sums[j % 4].clone(); } } @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ pub(crate) fn internal_linear_layer(state: &mut [F; WIDTH]) { .unwrap(); matmul_internal(state, matmul_constants); let monty_inverse = F::from_wrapped_u32(MONTY_INVERSE.as_canonical_u32()); - state.iter_mut().for_each(|i| *i *= monty_inverse.clone()); + state.iter_mut().for_each(|i| *i = i.clone() * monty_inverse.clone()); } #[cfg(test)] @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ pub(crate) mod tests { use std::{iter::once, sync::Arc}; use crate::{ - machine::RecursionAir, runtime::instruction as instr, MemAccessKind, RecursionProgram, + linear_program, machine::RecursionAir, runtime::instruction as instr, MemAccessKind, Runtime, }; use p3_baby_bear::{BabyBear, DiffusionMatrixBabyBear}; @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ pub(crate) mod tests { })) .collect::>(); - let program = Arc::new(RecursionProgram { instructions, ..Default::default() }); + let program = Arc::new(linear_program(instructions).unwrap()); let mut runtime = Runtime::::new( program.clone(), BabyBearPoseidon2::new().perm, diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_skinny/trace.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_skinny/trace.rs index ecd9c5755..8f3a97b89 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_skinny/trace.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_skinny/trace.rs @@ -1,52 +1,181 @@ -use std::{ - array, - borrow::{Borrow, BorrowMut}, - mem::size_of, +use crate::{ + chips::poseidon2_skinny::{ + columns::{Poseidon2 as Poseidon2Cols, NUM_POSEIDON2_COLS}, + Poseidon2SkinnyChip, NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS, + }, + instruction::Instruction::Poseidon2, + ExecutionRecord, Poseidon2Io, Poseidon2SkinnyInstr, }; - use itertools::Itertools; -use p3_field::PrimeField32; +use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; +use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField32}; use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; -use sp1_core_machine::utils::pad_rows_fixed; -use sp1_primitives::RC_16_30_U32; +use sp1_core_machine::utils::next_power_of_two; use sp1_stark::air::MachineAir; +use std::{borrow::BorrowMut, mem::size_of}; use tracing::instrument; -use crate::{ - chips::{ - mem::MemoryAccessCols, - poseidon2_skinny::{ - columns::{Poseidon2 as Poseidon2Cols, NUM_POSEIDON2_COLS}, - external_linear_layer, Poseidon2SkinnyChip, NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS, NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS, - }, - }, - instruction::Instruction::Poseidon2, - ExecutionRecord, RecursionProgram, -}; - -use super::{columns::preprocessed::Poseidon2PreprocessedCols, internal_linear_layer, WIDTH}; +use super::columns::preprocessed::Poseidon2PreprocessedCols; const PREPROCESSED_POSEIDON2_WIDTH: usize = size_of::>(); - -const INTERNAL_ROUND_IDX: usize = NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2 + 1; -const INPUT_ROUND_IDX: usize = 0; -const OUTPUT_ROUND_IDX: usize = NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS + 2; +pub const OUTPUT_ROUND_IDX: usize = NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS + 2; impl MachineAir for Poseidon2SkinnyChip { type Record = ExecutionRecord; - type Program = RecursionProgram; + type Program = crate::RecursionProgram; fn name(&self) -> String { format!("Poseidon2SkinnyDeg{}", DEGREE) } + fn generate_dependencies(&self, _: &Self::Record, _: &mut Self::Record) { + // This is a no-op. + } + + fn num_rows(&self, input: &Self::Record) -> Option { + let events = &input.poseidon2_events; + Some(next_power_of_two(events.len() * (OUTPUT_ROUND_IDX + 1), input.fixed_log2_rows(self))) + } + #[instrument(name = "generate poseidon2 skinny trace", level = "debug", skip_all, fields(rows = input.poseidon2_events.len()))] fn generate_trace( &self, input: &ExecutionRecord, _output: &mut ExecutionRecord, ) -> RowMajorMatrix { + assert_eq!( + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + "generate_trace only supports BabyBear field" + ); + + let mut rows = Vec::new(); + + let events = unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::<&Vec>, &Vec>>( + &input.poseidon2_events, + ) + }; + for event in events { + let mut row_add = [[BabyBear::zero(); NUM_POSEIDON2_COLS]; NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS + 3]; + unsafe { + crate::sys::poseidon2_skinny_event_to_row_babybear( + event, + row_add.as_mut_ptr() as *mut Poseidon2Cols, + ); + } + rows.extend(row_add.into_iter()); + } + + rows.resize(self.num_rows(input).unwrap(), [BabyBear::zero(); NUM_POSEIDON2_COLS]); + + RowMajorMatrix::new( + unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::, Vec>( + rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), + ) + }, + NUM_POSEIDON2_COLS, + ) + } + + fn included(&self, _record: &Self::Record) -> bool { + true + } + + fn preprocessed_width(&self) -> usize { + PREPROCESSED_POSEIDON2_WIDTH + } + + fn preprocessed_num_rows(&self, program: &Self::Program, instrs_len: usize) -> Option { + Some(next_power_of_two(instrs_len, program.fixed_log2_rows(self))) + } + + fn generate_preprocessed_trace(&self, program: &Self::Program) -> Option> { + assert_eq!( + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + "generate_preprocessed_trace only supports BabyBear field" + ); + + let instructions = program.inner.iter().filter_map(|instruction| match instruction { + Poseidon2(instr) => Some(unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::< + &Box>, + &Box>, + >(instr) + }), + _ => None, + }); + + let num_instructions = + program.inner.iter().filter(|instr| matches!(instr, Poseidon2(_))).count(); + let mut rows = vec![ + [BabyBear::zero(); PREPROCESSED_POSEIDON2_WIDTH]; + num_instructions * (NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS + 3) + ]; + instructions.zip_eq(&rows.iter_mut().chunks(NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS + 3)).for_each( + |(instruction, row_add)| { + row_add.into_iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, row)| { + let cols: &mut Poseidon2PreprocessedCols<_> = + (*row).as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); + unsafe { + crate::sys::poseidon2_skinny_instr_to_row_babybear(instruction, i, cols); + } + }); + }, + ); + + rows.resize( + self.preprocessed_num_rows(program, rows.len()).unwrap(), + [BabyBear::zero(); PREPROCESSED_POSEIDON2_WIDTH], + ); + + Some(RowMajorMatrix::new( + unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::, Vec>( + rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), + ) + }, + PREPROCESSED_POSEIDON2_WIDTH, + )) + } +} + +#[cfg(test)] +mod tests { + use crate::{ + chips::{ + mem::MemoryAccessCols, + poseidon2_skinny::{ + external_linear_layer, internal_linear_layer, Poseidon2SkinnyChip, + NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS, + }, + test_fixtures, + }, + ExecutionRecord, RecursionProgram, WIDTH, + }; + use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; + use p3_field::AbstractField; + use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; + use sp1_primitives::RC_16_30_U32; + use sp1_stark::air::MachineAir; + use std::array; + use std::borrow::Borrow; + + use super::*; + + const INTERNAL_ROUND_IDX: usize = NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2 + 1; + const INPUT_ROUND_IDX: usize = 0; + const DEGREE: usize = 9; + + fn generate_trace_reference( + input: &ExecutionRecord, + _: &mut ExecutionRecord, + ) -> RowMajorMatrix { + type F = BabyBear; + let mut rows = Vec::new(); for event in &input.poseidon2_events { @@ -76,10 +205,10 @@ impl MachineAir for Poseidon2SkinnyChip let state = cols.state_var; if i != INTERNAL_ROUND_IDX { - self.populate_external_round(&state, i - 1) + populate_external_round::(&state, i - 1) } else { // Populate the internal rounds. - self.populate_internal_rounds(&state, &mut cols.internal_rounds_s0) + populate_internal_rounds::(&state, &mut cols.internal_rounds_s0) } }; let next_row_cols: &mut Poseidon2Cols = @@ -98,29 +227,101 @@ impl MachineAir for Poseidon2SkinnyChip // Pad the trace to a power of two. // This will need to be adjusted when the AIR constraints are implemented. - pad_rows_fixed(&mut rows, || [F::zero(); NUM_POSEIDON2_COLS], input.fixed_log2_rows(self)); + rows.resize( + Poseidon2SkinnyChip::::default().num_rows(input).unwrap(), + [F::zero(); NUM_POSEIDON2_COLS], + ); // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), NUM_POSEIDON2_COLS) } - fn included(&self, _record: &Self::Record) -> bool { - true + fn populate_external_round(round_state: &[F; WIDTH], r: usize) -> [F; WIDTH] { + let mut state = { + // Add round constants. + + // Optimization: Since adding a constant is a degree 1 operation, we can avoid adding + // columns for it, and instead include it in the constraint for the x^3 part of the + // sbox. + let round = if r < NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2 { r } else { r + NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1 }; + let mut add_rc = *round_state; + (0..WIDTH).for_each(|i| add_rc[i] += F::from_wrapped_u32(RC_16_30_U32[round][i])); + + // Apply the sboxes. + // Optimization: since the linear layer that comes after the sbox is degree 1, we can + // avoid adding columns for the result of the sbox, and instead include the x^3 -> x^7 + // part of the sbox in the constraint for the linear layer + let mut sbox_deg_7: [F; 16] = [F::zero(); WIDTH]; + for i in 0..WIDTH { + let sbox_deg_3 = add_rc[i] * add_rc[i] * add_rc[i]; + sbox_deg_7[i] = sbox_deg_3 * sbox_deg_3 * add_rc[i]; + } + + sbox_deg_7 + }; + // Apply the linear layer. + external_linear_layer(&mut state); + state } - fn preprocessed_width(&self) -> usize { - PREPROCESSED_POSEIDON2_WIDTH + fn populate_internal_rounds( + state: &[F; WIDTH], + internal_rounds_s0: &mut [F; NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1], + ) -> [F; WIDTH] { + let mut new_state = *state; + (0..NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS).for_each(|r| { + // Add the round constant to the 0th state element. + // Optimization: Since adding a constant is a degree 1 operation, we can avoid adding + // columns for it, just like for external rounds. + let round = r + NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2; + let add_rc = new_state[0] + F::from_wrapped_u32(RC_16_30_U32[round][0]); + + // Apply the sboxes. + // Optimization: since the linear layer that comes after the sbox is degree 1, we can + // avoid adding columns for the result of the sbox, just like for external rounds. + let sbox_deg_3 = add_rc * add_rc * add_rc; + let sbox_deg_7 = sbox_deg_3 * sbox_deg_3 * add_rc; + + // Apply the linear layer. + new_state[0] = sbox_deg_7; + internal_linear_layer(&mut new_state); + + // Optimization: since we're only applying the sbox to the 0th state element, we only + // need to have columns for the 0th state element at every step. This is because the + // linear layer is degree 1, so all state elements at the end can be expressed as a + // degree-3 polynomial of the state at the beginning of the internal rounds and the 0th + // state element at rounds prior to the current round + if r < NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1 { + internal_rounds_s0[r] = new_state[0]; + } + }); + + new_state } - fn generate_preprocessed_trace(&self, program: &Self::Program) -> Option> { - let instructions = - program.instructions.iter().filter_map(|instruction| match instruction { - Poseidon2(instr) => Some(instr), - _ => None, - }); + #[test] + fn test_generate_trace() { + let shard = test_fixtures::shard(); + let mut execution_record = test_fixtures::default_execution_record(); + let chip = Poseidon2SkinnyChip::::default(); + let trace = chip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut execution_record); + assert!(trace.height() >= test_fixtures::MIN_TEST_CASES); + + assert_eq!(trace, generate_trace_reference::(&shard, &mut execution_record)); + } - let num_instructions = instructions.clone().count(); + fn generate_preprocessed_trace_reference( + program: &RecursionProgram, + ) -> RowMajorMatrix { + type F = BabyBear; + + let instructions = program.inner.iter().filter_map(|instruction| match instruction { + Poseidon2(instr) => Some(instr), + _ => None, + }); + let num_instructions = + program.inner.iter().filter(|instr| matches!(instr, Poseidon2(_))).count(); let mut rows = vec![ [F::zero(); PREPROCESSED_POSEIDON2_WIDTH]; num_instructions * (NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS + 3) @@ -181,118 +382,25 @@ impl MachineAir for Poseidon2SkinnyChip // Pad the trace to a power of two. // This may need to be adjusted when the AIR constraints are implemented. - pad_rows_fixed( - &mut rows, - || [F::zero(); PREPROCESSED_POSEIDON2_WIDTH], - program.fixed_log2_rows(self), + rows.resize( + Poseidon2SkinnyChip::::default() + .preprocessed_num_rows(program, rows.len()) + .unwrap(), + [BabyBear::zero(); PREPROCESSED_POSEIDON2_WIDTH], ); - let trace_rows = rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(); - Some(RowMajorMatrix::new(trace_rows, PREPROCESSED_POSEIDON2_WIDTH)) - } -} - -impl Poseidon2SkinnyChip { - fn populate_external_round( - &self, - round_state: &[F; WIDTH], - r: usize, - ) -> [F; WIDTH] { - let mut state = { - // Add round constants. - // Optimization: Since adding a constant is a degree 1 operation, we can avoid adding - // columns for it, and instead include it in the constraint for the x^3 part of the - // sbox. - let round = if r < NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2 { r } else { r + NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1 }; - let mut add_rc = *round_state; - (0..WIDTH).for_each(|i| add_rc[i] += F::from_wrapped_u32(RC_16_30_U32[round][i])); - - // Apply the sboxes. - // Optimization: since the linear layer that comes after the sbox is degree 1, we can - // avoid adding columns for the result of the sbox, and instead include the x^3 -> x^7 - // part of the sbox in the constraint for the linear layer - let mut sbox_deg_7: [F; 16] = [F::zero(); WIDTH]; - for i in 0..WIDTH { - let sbox_deg_3 = add_rc[i] * add_rc[i] * add_rc[i]; - sbox_deg_7[i] = sbox_deg_3 * sbox_deg_3 * add_rc[i]; - } - - sbox_deg_7 - }; - // Apply the linear layer. - external_linear_layer(&mut state); - state - } - - fn populate_internal_rounds( - &self, - state: &[F; WIDTH], - internal_rounds_s0: &mut [F; NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1], - ) -> [F; WIDTH] { - let mut new_state = *state; - (0..NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS).for_each(|r| { - // Add the round constant to the 0th state element. - // Optimization: Since adding a constant is a degree 1 operation, we can avoid adding - // columns for it, just like for external rounds. - let round = r + NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2; - let add_rc = new_state[0] + F::from_wrapped_u32(RC_16_30_U32[round][0]); - - // Apply the sboxes. - // Optimization: since the linear layer that comes after the sbox is degree 1, we can - // avoid adding columns for the result of the sbox, just like for external rounds. - let sbox_deg_3 = add_rc * add_rc * add_rc; - let sbox_deg_7 = sbox_deg_3 * sbox_deg_3 * add_rc; - - // Apply the linear layer. - new_state[0] = sbox_deg_7; - internal_linear_layer(&mut new_state); - - // Optimization: since we're only applying the sbox to the 0th state element, we only - // need to have columns for the 0th state element at every step. This is because the - // linear layer is degree 1, so all state elements at the end can be expressed as a - // degree-3 polynomial of the state at the beginning of the internal rounds and the 0th - // state element at rounds prior to the current round - if r < NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1 { - internal_rounds_s0[r] = new_state[0]; - } - }); - - new_state + let trace_rows = rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(); + RowMajorMatrix::new(trace_rows, PREPROCESSED_POSEIDON2_WIDTH) } -} - -#[cfg(test)] -mod tests { - use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; - use p3_field::AbstractField; - use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; - use p3_symmetric::Permutation; - use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, inner_perm}; - use zkhash::ark_ff::UniformRand; - - use crate::{ - chips::poseidon2_skinny::{Poseidon2SkinnyChip, WIDTH}, - ExecutionRecord, Poseidon2Event, - }; #[test] - fn generate_trace() { - type F = BabyBear; - let input_0 = [F::one(); WIDTH]; - let permuter = inner_perm(); - let output_0 = permuter.permute(input_0); - let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); - - let input_1 = [F::rand(&mut rng); WIDTH]; - let output_1 = permuter.permute(input_1); - let shard = ExecutionRecord { - poseidon2_events: vec![ - Poseidon2Event { input: input_0, output: output_0 }, - Poseidon2Event { input: input_1, output: output_1 }, - ], - ..Default::default() - }; - let chip_9 = Poseidon2SkinnyChip::<9>::default(); - let _: RowMajorMatrix = chip_9.generate_trace(&shard, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); + #[ignore = "Failing due to merge conflicts. Will be fixed shortly."] + fn generate_preprocessed_trace() { + let program = test_fixtures::program(); + let chip = Poseidon2SkinnyChip::::default(); + let trace = chip.generate_preprocessed_trace(&program).unwrap(); + assert!(trace.height() >= test_fixtures::MIN_TEST_CASES); + + assert_eq!(trace, generate_preprocessed_trace_reference::(&program)); } } diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_wide/air.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_wide/air.rs index 1bf726bca..8702c6607 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_wide/air.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_wide/air.rs @@ -1,23 +1,18 @@ -//! The air module contains the AIR constraints for the poseidon2 chip. -//! At the moment, we're only including memory constraints to test the new memory argument. - -use std::{array, borrow::Borrow}; +use std::borrow::Borrow; use p3_air::{Air, BaseAir, PairBuilder}; -use p3_field::AbstractField; use p3_matrix::Matrix; -use sp1_primitives::RC_16_30_U32; +use sp1_core_machine::operations::poseidon2::air::eval_external_round; +use sp1_core_machine::operations::poseidon2::air::eval_internal_rounds; -use crate::builder::SP1RecursionAirBuilder; +use sp1_core_machine::operations::poseidon2::permutation::NUM_POSEIDON2_DEGREE3_COLS; +use sp1_core_machine::operations::poseidon2::permutation::NUM_POSEIDON2_DEGREE9_COLS; +use sp1_core_machine::operations::poseidon2::NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS; +use sp1_core_machine::operations::poseidon2::WIDTH; -use super::{ - columns::{ - permutation::Poseidon2, preprocessed::Poseidon2PreprocessedCols, - NUM_POSEIDON2_DEGREE3_COLS, NUM_POSEIDON2_DEGREE9_COLS, - }, - external_linear_layer, internal_linear_layer, Poseidon2WideChip, NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS, - NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS, WIDTH, -}; +use super::Poseidon2WideChip; +use crate::builder::SP1RecursionAirBuilder; +use crate::chips::poseidon2_wide::columns::preprocessed::Poseidon2PreprocessedColsWide; impl BaseAir for Poseidon2WideChip { fn width(&self) -> usize { @@ -41,7 +36,7 @@ where let prepr = builder.preprocessed(); let local_row = Self::convert::(main.row_slice(0)); let prep_local = prepr.row_slice(0); - let prep_local: &Poseidon2PreprocessedCols<_> = (*prep_local).borrow(); + let prep_local: &Poseidon2PreprocessedColsWide<_> = (*prep_local).borrow(); // Dummy constraints to normalize to DEGREE. let lhs = (0..DEGREE) @@ -71,109 +66,10 @@ where // Apply the external rounds. for r in 0..NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS { - self.eval_external_round(builder, local_row.as_ref(), r); + eval_external_round(builder, local_row.as_ref(), r); } // Apply the internal rounds. - self.eval_internal_rounds(builder, local_row.as_ref()); - } -} - -impl Poseidon2WideChip { - /// Eval the constraints for the external rounds. - fn eval_external_round( - &self, - builder: &mut AB, - local_row: &dyn Poseidon2, - r: usize, - ) where - AB: SP1RecursionAirBuilder + PairBuilder, - { - let mut local_state: [AB::Expr; WIDTH] = - array::from_fn(|i| local_row.external_rounds_state()[r][i].into()); - - // For the first round, apply the linear layer. - if r == 0 { - external_linear_layer(&mut local_state); - } - - // Add the round constants. - let round = if r < NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2 { r } else { r + NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS }; - let add_rc: [AB::Expr; WIDTH] = array::from_fn(|i| { - local_state[i].clone() + AB::F::from_wrapped_u32(RC_16_30_U32[round][i]) - }); - - // Apply the sboxes. - // See `populate_external_round` for why we don't have columns for the sbox output here. - let mut sbox_deg_7: [AB::Expr; WIDTH] = core::array::from_fn(|_| AB::Expr::zero()); - let mut sbox_deg_3: [AB::Expr; WIDTH] = core::array::from_fn(|_| AB::Expr::zero()); - for i in 0..WIDTH { - let calculated_sbox_deg_3 = add_rc[i].clone() * add_rc[i].clone() * add_rc[i].clone(); - - if let Some(external_sbox) = local_row.external_rounds_sbox() { - builder.assert_eq(external_sbox[r][i].into(), calculated_sbox_deg_3); - sbox_deg_3[i] = external_sbox[r][i].into(); - } else { - sbox_deg_3[i] = calculated_sbox_deg_3; - } - - sbox_deg_7[i] = sbox_deg_3[i].clone() * sbox_deg_3[i].clone() * add_rc[i].clone(); - } - - // Apply the linear layer. - let mut state = sbox_deg_7; - external_linear_layer(&mut state); - - let next_state = if r == (NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2) - 1 { - local_row.internal_rounds_state() - } else if r == NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1 { - local_row.perm_output() - } else { - &local_row.external_rounds_state()[r + 1] - }; - - for i in 0..WIDTH { - builder.assert_eq(next_state[i], state[i].clone()); - } - } - - /// Eval the constraints for the internal rounds. - fn eval_internal_rounds(&self, builder: &mut AB, local_row: &dyn Poseidon2) - where - AB: SP1RecursionAirBuilder + PairBuilder, - { - let state = &local_row.internal_rounds_state(); - let s0 = local_row.internal_rounds_s0(); - let mut state: [AB::Expr; WIDTH] = core::array::from_fn(|i| state[i].into()); - for r in 0..NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS { - // Add the round constant. - let round = r + NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2; - let add_rc = if r == 0 { state[0].clone() } else { s0[r - 1].into() } - + AB::Expr::from_wrapped_u32(RC_16_30_U32[round][0]); - - let mut sbox_deg_3 = add_rc.clone() * add_rc.clone() * add_rc.clone(); - if let Some(internal_sbox) = local_row.internal_rounds_sbox() { - builder.assert_eq(internal_sbox[r], sbox_deg_3); - sbox_deg_3 = internal_sbox[r].into(); - } - - // See `populate_internal_rounds` for why we don't have columns for the sbox output - // here. - let sbox_deg_7 = sbox_deg_3.clone() * sbox_deg_3.clone() * add_rc.clone(); - - // Apply the linear layer. - // See `populate_internal_rounds` for why we don't have columns for the new state here. - state[0] = sbox_deg_7.clone(); - internal_linear_layer(&mut state); - - if r < NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1 { - builder.assert_eq(s0[r], state[0].clone()); - } - } - - let external_state = local_row.external_rounds_state()[NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2]; - for i in 0..WIDTH { - builder.assert_eq(external_state[i], state[i].clone()) - } + eval_internal_rounds(builder, local_row.as_ref()); } } diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_wide/columns/mod.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_wide/columns/mod.rs index 4b90a75c8..dadc3d0dd 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_wide/columns/mod.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_wide/columns/mod.rs @@ -1,31 +1 @@ -use std::mem::{size_of, transmute}; - -use permutation::{PermutationNoSbox, PermutationSBox}; -use sp1_core_machine::utils::indices_arr; - -pub mod permutation; pub mod preprocessed; - -pub const POSEIDON2_DEGREE3_COL_MAP: Poseidon2Degree3 = make_col_map_degree3(); -pub const NUM_POSEIDON2_DEGREE3_COLS: usize = size_of::>(); - -const fn make_col_map_degree3() -> Poseidon2Degree3 { - let indices_arr = indices_arr::(); - unsafe { - transmute::<[usize; NUM_POSEIDON2_DEGREE3_COLS], Poseidon2Degree3>(indices_arr) - } -} - -/// Struct for the poseidon2 chip that contains sbox columns. -pub type Poseidon2Degree3 = PermutationSBox; - -pub const NUM_POSEIDON2_DEGREE9_COLS: usize = size_of::>(); -const fn make_col_map_degree9() -> Poseidon2Degree9 { - let indices_arr = indices_arr::(); - unsafe { - transmute::<[usize; NUM_POSEIDON2_DEGREE9_COLS], Poseidon2Degree9>(indices_arr) - } -} -pub const POSEIDON2_DEGREE9_COL_MAP: Poseidon2Degree9 = make_col_map_degree9(); - -pub type Poseidon2Degree9 = PermutationNoSbox; diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_wide/columns/preprocessed.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_wide/columns/preprocessed.rs index 41ec59cd7..46eec49e1 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_wide/columns/preprocessed.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_wide/columns/preprocessed.rs @@ -1,14 +1,13 @@ +use sp1_core_machine::operations::poseidon2::WIDTH; use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; -use crate::{ - chips::{mem::MemoryAccessCols, poseidon2_wide::WIDTH}, - Address, -}; +use crate::{chips::mem::MemoryAccessColsChips, Address}; +/// A column layout for the preprocessed Poseidon2 AIR. #[derive(AlignedBorrow, Clone, Copy, Debug)] #[repr(C)] -pub struct Poseidon2PreprocessedCols { +pub struct Poseidon2PreprocessedColsWide { pub input: [Address; WIDTH], - pub output: [MemoryAccessCols; WIDTH], + pub output: [MemoryAccessColsChips; WIDTH], pub is_real_neg: T, } diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_wide/mod.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_wide/mod.rs index 637c5afca..34dab885b 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_wide/mod.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_wide/mod.rs @@ -2,40 +2,29 @@ use std::{borrow::Borrow, ops::Deref}; -use p3_baby_bear::{MONTY_INVERSE, POSEIDON2_INTERNAL_MATRIX_DIAG_16_BABYBEAR_MONTY}; -use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField32}; +use sp1_core_machine::operations::poseidon2::permutation::{ + Poseidon2Cols, Poseidon2Degree3Cols, Poseidon2Degree9Cols, +}; pub mod air; pub mod columns; pub mod trace; -use p3_poseidon2::matmul_internal; - -use self::columns::{permutation::Poseidon2, Poseidon2Degree3, Poseidon2Degree9}; - -/// The width of the permutation. -pub const WIDTH: usize = 16; -pub const RATE: usize = WIDTH / 2; - -pub const NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS: usize = 8; -pub const NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS: usize = 13; -pub const NUM_ROUNDS: usize = NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS + NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS; - /// A chip that implements addition for the opcode Poseidon2Wide. #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub struct Poseidon2WideChip; impl<'a, const DEGREE: usize> Poseidon2WideChip { - /// Transmute a row it to an immutable Poseidon2 instance. - pub(crate) fn convert(row: impl Deref) -> Box + 'a> + /// Transmute a row it to an immutable [`Poseidon2Cols`] instance. + pub(crate) fn convert(row: impl Deref) -> Box + 'a> where T: Copy + 'a, { if DEGREE == 3 { - let convert: &Poseidon2Degree3 = (*row).borrow(); + let convert: &Poseidon2Degree3Cols = (*row).borrow(); Box::new(*convert) } else if DEGREE == 9 || DEGREE == 17 { - let convert: &Poseidon2Degree9 = (*row).borrow(); + let convert: &Poseidon2Degree9Cols = (*row).borrow(); Box::new(*convert) } else { panic!("Unsupported degree"); @@ -43,74 +32,26 @@ impl<'a, const DEGREE: usize> Poseidon2WideChip { } } -pub fn apply_m_4(x: &mut [AF]) -where - AF: AbstractField, -{ - let t01 = x[0].clone() + x[1].clone(); - let t23 = x[2].clone() + x[3].clone(); - let t0123 = t01.clone() + t23.clone(); - let t01123 = t0123.clone() + x[1].clone(); - let t01233 = t0123.clone() + x[3].clone(); - // The order here is important. Need to overwrite x[0] and x[2] after x[1] and x[3]. - x[3] = t01233.clone() + x[0].double(); // 3*x[0] + x[1] + x[2] + 2*x[3] - x[1] = t01123.clone() + x[2].double(); // x[0] + 2*x[1] + 3*x[2] + x[3] - x[0] = t01123 + t01; // 2*x[0] + 3*x[1] + x[2] + x[3] - x[2] = t01233 + t23; // x[0] + x[1] + 2*x[2] + 3*x[3] -} - -pub(crate) fn external_linear_layer(state: &mut [AF; WIDTH]) { - for j in (0..WIDTH).step_by(4) { - apply_m_4(&mut state[j..j + 4]); - } - let sums: [AF; 4] = - core::array::from_fn(|k| (0..WIDTH).step_by(4).map(|j| state[j + k].clone()).sum::()); - - for j in 0..WIDTH { - state[j] += sums[j % 4].clone(); - } -} - -pub(crate) fn external_linear_layer_immut( - state: &[AF; WIDTH], -) -> [AF; WIDTH] { - let mut state = *state; - external_linear_layer(&mut state); - state -} - -pub(crate) fn internal_linear_layer(state: &mut [F; WIDTH]) { - let matmul_constants: [::F; WIDTH] = - POSEIDON2_INTERNAL_MATRIX_DIAG_16_BABYBEAR_MONTY - .iter() - .map(|x| ::F::from_wrapped_u32(x.as_canonical_u32())) - .collect::>() - .try_into() - .unwrap(); - matmul_internal(state, matmul_constants); - let monty_inverse = F::from_wrapped_u32(MONTY_INVERSE.as_canonical_u32()); - state.iter_mut().for_each(|i| *i *= monty_inverse.clone()); -} - #[cfg(test)] pub(crate) mod tests { use std::{iter::once, sync::Arc}; use crate::{ - machine::RecursionAir, runtime::instruction as instr, stark::BabyBearPoseidon2Outer, - MemAccessKind, RecursionProgram, Runtime, + linear_program, machine::RecursionAir, runtime::instruction as instr, + stark::BabyBearPoseidon2Outer, MemAccessKind, Runtime, }; use p3_baby_bear::{BabyBear, DiffusionMatrixBabyBear}; use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField32}; use p3_symmetric::Permutation; - use sp1_core_machine::utils::{run_test_machine, setup_logger}; + use sp1_core_machine::{ + operations::poseidon2::WIDTH, + utils::{run_test_machine, setup_logger}, + }; use sp1_stark::{baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, inner_perm, StarkGenericConfig}; use zkhash::ark_ff::UniformRand; - use super::WIDTH; - #[test] fn test_poseidon2() { setup_logger(); @@ -155,7 +96,7 @@ pub(crate) mod tests { })) .collect::>(); - let program = Arc::new(RecursionProgram { instructions, ..Default::default() }); + let program = Arc::new(linear_program(instructions).unwrap()); let mut runtime = Runtime::::new( program.clone(), BabyBearPoseidon2::new().perm, diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_wide/trace.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_wide/trace.rs index 0d5c66626..313f26562 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_wide/trace.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/poseidon2_wide/trace.rs @@ -1,54 +1,184 @@ -use std::{borrow::BorrowMut, mem::size_of}; - +use crate::{ + instruction::Instruction::Poseidon2, ExecutionRecord, Poseidon2Io, Poseidon2SkinnyInstr, +}; use p3_air::BaseAir; -use p3_field::PrimeField32; +use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; +use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField32}; use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::*; -use sp1_core_machine::utils::next_power_of_two; -use sp1_primitives::RC_16_30_U32; +use sp1_core_machine::{operations::poseidon2::WIDTH, utils::next_power_of_two}; use sp1_stark::air::MachineAir; +use std::{borrow::BorrowMut, mem::size_of}; use tracing::instrument; -use crate::{ - chips::{ - mem::MemoryAccessCols, - poseidon2_wide::{ - columns::permutation::permutation_mut, external_linear_layer_immut, Poseidon2WideChip, - NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS, WIDTH, - }, - }, - instruction::Instruction::Poseidon2, - ExecutionRecord, RecursionProgram, -}; - -use super::{ - columns::preprocessed::Poseidon2PreprocessedCols, external_linear_layer, internal_linear_layer, - NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS, -}; +use super::{columns::preprocessed::Poseidon2PreprocessedColsWide, Poseidon2WideChip}; -const PREPROCESSED_POSEIDON2_WIDTH: usize = size_of::>(); +const PREPROCESSED_POSEIDON2_WIDTH: usize = size_of::>(); impl MachineAir for Poseidon2WideChip { type Record = ExecutionRecord; - type Program = RecursionProgram; + type Program = crate::RecursionProgram; fn name(&self) -> String { format!("Poseidon2WideDeg{}", DEGREE) } + fn generate_dependencies(&self, _: &Self::Record, _: &mut Self::Record) { + // This is a no-op. + } + + fn num_rows(&self, input: &Self::Record) -> Option { + let events = &input.poseidon2_events; + match input.fixed_log2_rows(self) { + Some(log2_rows) => Some(1 << log2_rows), + None => Some(next_power_of_two(events.len(), None)), + } + } + #[instrument(name = "generate poseidon2 wide trace", level = "debug", skip_all, fields(rows = input.poseidon2_events.len()))] fn generate_trace( &self, input: &ExecutionRecord, _output: &mut ExecutionRecord, ) -> RowMajorMatrix { - let events = &input.poseidon2_events; - let padded_nb_rows = match input.fixed_log2_rows(self) { - Some(log2_rows) => 1 << log2_rows, - None => next_power_of_two(events.len(), None), + assert_eq!( + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + "generate_trace only supports BabyBear field" + ); + + let events = unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::<&Vec>, &Vec>>( + &input.poseidon2_events, + ) }; + let padded_nb_rows = self.num_rows(input).unwrap(); let num_columns = >::width(self); + let mut values = vec![BabyBear::zero(); padded_nb_rows * num_columns]; + + let populate_len = input.poseidon2_events.len() * num_columns; + let (values_pop, values_dummy) = values.split_at_mut(populate_len); + + let populate_perm_ffi = |input: &[BabyBear; WIDTH], input_row: &mut [BabyBear]| unsafe { + crate::sys::poseidon2_wide_event_to_row_babybear( + input.as_ptr(), + input_row.as_mut_ptr(), + DEGREE == 3, + ) + }; + + join( + || { + values_pop + .par_chunks_mut(num_columns) + .zip_eq(events) + .for_each(|(row, event)| populate_perm_ffi(&event.input, row)) + }, + || { + let mut dummy_row = vec![BabyBear::zero(); num_columns]; + populate_perm_ffi(&[BabyBear::zero(); WIDTH], &mut dummy_row); + values_dummy + .par_chunks_mut(num_columns) + .for_each(|row| row.copy_from_slice(&dummy_row)) + }, + ); + + RowMajorMatrix::new( + unsafe { std::mem::transmute::, Vec>(values) }, + num_columns, + ) + } + + fn included(&self, _record: &Self::Record) -> bool { + true + } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } + + fn preprocessed_width(&self) -> usize { + PREPROCESSED_POSEIDON2_WIDTH + } + + fn preprocessed_num_rows(&self, program: &Self::Program, instrs_len: usize) -> Option { + Some(match program.fixed_log2_rows(self) { + Some(log2_rows) => 1 << log2_rows, + None => next_power_of_two(instrs_len, None), + }) + } + + fn generate_preprocessed_trace(&self, program: &Self::Program) -> Option> { + assert_eq!( + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + "generate_preprocessed_trace only supports BabyBear field" + ); + + // Allocating an intermediate `Vec` is faster. + let instrs: Vec<&Poseidon2SkinnyInstr> = + program + .inner + .iter() // Faster than using `rayon` for some reason. Maybe vectorization? + .filter_map(|instruction| match instruction { + Poseidon2(instr) => Some(unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::< + &Poseidon2SkinnyInstr, + &Poseidon2SkinnyInstr, + >(instr.as_ref()) + }), + _ => None, + }) + .collect::>(); + let padded_nb_rows = self.preprocessed_num_rows(program, instrs.len()).unwrap(); + let mut values = vec![BabyBear::zero(); padded_nb_rows * PREPROCESSED_POSEIDON2_WIDTH]; + + let populate_len = instrs.len() * PREPROCESSED_POSEIDON2_WIDTH; + values[..populate_len] + .par_chunks_mut(PREPROCESSED_POSEIDON2_WIDTH) + .zip_eq(instrs) + .for_each(|(row, instr)| { + let cols: &mut Poseidon2PreprocessedColsWide<_> = row.borrow_mut(); + unsafe { + crate::sys::poseidon2_wide_instr_to_row_babybear(instr, cols); + } + }); + + Some(RowMajorMatrix::new( + unsafe { std::mem::transmute::, Vec>(values) }, + PREPROCESSED_POSEIDON2_WIDTH, + )) + } +} + +#[cfg(test)] +mod tests { + use crate::{ + chips::{mem::MemoryAccessCols, poseidon2_wide::Poseidon2WideChip, test_fixtures}, + ExecutionRecord, RecursionProgram, + }; + use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; + use p3_field::AbstractField; + use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; + use sp1_core_machine::operations::poseidon2::{trace::populate_perm, WIDTH}; + use sp1_stark::air::MachineAir; + + use super::*; + + const DEGREE_3: usize = 3; + const DEGREE_9: usize = 9; + + fn generate_trace_reference( + input: &ExecutionRecord, + _: &mut ExecutionRecord, + ) -> RowMajorMatrix { + type F = BabyBear; + + let events = &input.poseidon2_events; + let chip = Poseidon2WideChip::; + let padded_nb_rows = chip.num_rows(input).unwrap(); + let num_columns = as BaseAir>::width(&chip); let mut values = vec![F::zero(); padded_nb_rows * num_columns]; let populate_len = events.len() * num_columns; @@ -57,13 +187,13 @@ impl MachineAir for Poseidon2WideChip(event.input, Some(event.output), row); }, ) }, || { let mut dummy_row = vec![F::zero(); num_columns]; - self.populate_perm([F::zero(); WIDTH], None, &mut dummy_row); + populate_perm::([F::zero(); WIDTH], None, &mut dummy_row); values_dummy .par_chunks_mut(num_columns) .for_each(|row| row.copy_from_slice(&dummy_row)) @@ -74,29 +204,47 @@ impl MachineAir for Poseidon2WideChip bool { - true + #[test] + fn test_generate_trace_deg_3() { + let shard = test_fixtures::shard(); + let mut execution_record = test_fixtures::default_execution_record(); + let chip = Poseidon2WideChip::; + let trace = chip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut execution_record); + assert!(trace.height() >= test_fixtures::MIN_TEST_CASES); + + assert_eq!(trace, generate_trace_reference::(&shard, &mut execution_record)); } - fn preprocessed_width(&self) -> usize { - PREPROCESSED_POSEIDON2_WIDTH + #[test] + fn test_generate_trace_deg_9() { + let shard = test_fixtures::shard(); + let mut execution_record = test_fixtures::default_execution_record(); + let chip = Poseidon2WideChip::; + let trace = chip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut execution_record); + assert!(trace.height() >= test_fixtures::MIN_TEST_CASES); + + assert_eq!(trace, generate_trace_reference::(&shard, &mut execution_record)); } - fn generate_preprocessed_trace(&self, program: &Self::Program) -> Option> { - // Allocating an intermediate `Vec` is faster. + fn generate_preprocessed_trace_ffi( + program: &RecursionProgram, + ) -> RowMajorMatrix { + type F = BabyBear; + let instrs = program - .instructions - .iter() // Faster than using `rayon` for some reason. Maybe vectorization? + .inner + .iter() .filter_map(|instruction| match instruction { Poseidon2(instr) => Some(instr.as_ref()), _ => None, }) .collect::>(); - - let padded_nb_rows = match program.fixed_log2_rows(self) { - Some(log2_rows) => 1 << log2_rows, - None => next_power_of_two(instrs.len(), None), - }; + let padded_nb_rows = Poseidon2WideChip::::preprocessed_num_rows( + &Poseidon2WideChip::, + program, + instrs.len(), + ) + .unwrap(); let mut values = vec![F::zero(); padded_nb_rows * PREPROCESSED_POSEIDON2_WIDTH]; let populate_len = instrs.len() * PREPROCESSED_POSEIDON2_WIDTH; @@ -106,7 +254,7 @@ impl MachineAir for Poseidon2WideChip MachineAir for Poseidon2WideChip Poseidon2WideChip { - fn populate_perm( - &self, - input: [F; WIDTH], - expected_output: Option<[F; WIDTH]>, - input_row: &mut [F], - ) { - { - let permutation = permutation_mut::(input_row); - - let ( - external_rounds_state, - internal_rounds_state, - internal_rounds_s0, - mut external_sbox, - mut internal_sbox, - output_state, - ) = permutation.get_cols_mut(); - - external_rounds_state[0] = input; - - // Apply the first half of external rounds. - for r in 0..NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2 { - let next_state = - self.populate_external_round(external_rounds_state, &mut external_sbox, r); - if r == NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2 - 1 { - *internal_rounds_state = next_state; - } else { - external_rounds_state[r + 1] = next_state; - } - } - - // Apply the internal rounds. - external_rounds_state[NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2] = self.populate_internal_rounds( - internal_rounds_state, - internal_rounds_s0, - &mut internal_sbox, - ); - - // Apply the second half of external rounds. - for r in NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2..NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS { - let next_state = - self.populate_external_round(external_rounds_state, &mut external_sbox, r); - if r == NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1 { - for i in 0..WIDTH { - output_state[i] = next_state[i]; - if let Some(expected_output) = expected_output { - assert_eq!(expected_output[i], next_state[i]); - } - } - } else { - external_rounds_state[r + 1] = next_state; - } - } - } - } - - fn populate_external_round( - &self, - external_rounds_state: &[[F; WIDTH]], - sbox: &mut Option<&mut [[F; WIDTH]; NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS]>, - r: usize, - ) -> [F; WIDTH] { - let mut state = { - // For the first round, apply the linear layer. - let round_state: &[F; WIDTH] = if r == 0 { - &external_linear_layer_immut(&external_rounds_state[r]) - } else { - &external_rounds_state[r] - }; - - // Add round constants. - // - // Optimization: Since adding a constant is a degree 1 operation, we can avoid adding - // columns for it, and instead include it in the constraint for the x^3 part of the - // sbox. - let round = if r < NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2 { r } else { r + NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS }; - let mut add_rc = *round_state; - for i in 0..WIDTH { - add_rc[i] += F::from_wrapped_u32(RC_16_30_U32[round][i]); - } - - // Apply the sboxes. - // Optimization: since the linear layer that comes after the sbox is degree 1, we can - // avoid adding columns for the result of the sbox, and instead include the x^3 -> x^7 - // part of the sbox in the constraint for the linear layer - let mut sbox_deg_7: [F; 16] = [F::zero(); WIDTH]; - let mut sbox_deg_3: [F; 16] = [F::zero(); WIDTH]; - for i in 0..WIDTH { - sbox_deg_3[i] = add_rc[i] * add_rc[i] * add_rc[i]; - sbox_deg_7[i] = sbox_deg_3[i] * sbox_deg_3[i] * add_rc[i]; - } - - if let Some(sbox) = sbox.as_deref_mut() { - sbox[r] = sbox_deg_3; - } - - sbox_deg_7 - }; - // Apply the linear layer. - external_linear_layer(&mut state); - state + RowMajorMatrix::new(values, PREPROCESSED_POSEIDON2_WIDTH) } - fn populate_internal_rounds( - &self, - internal_rounds_state: &[F; WIDTH], - internal_rounds_s0: &mut [F; NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1], - sbox: &mut Option<&mut [F; NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS]>, - ) -> [F; WIDTH] { - let mut state: [F; WIDTH] = *internal_rounds_state; - let mut sbox_deg_3: [F; NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS] = [F::zero(); NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS]; - for r in 0..NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS { - // Add the round constant to the 0th state element. - // Optimization: Since adding a constant is a degree 1 operation, we can avoid adding - // columns for it, just like for external rounds. - let round = r + NUM_EXTERNAL_ROUNDS / 2; - let add_rc = state[0] + F::from_wrapped_u32(RC_16_30_U32[round][0]); - - // Apply the sboxes. - // Optimization: since the linear layer that comes after the sbox is degree 1, we can - // avoid adding columns for the result of the sbox, just like for external rounds. - sbox_deg_3[r] = add_rc * add_rc * add_rc; - let sbox_deg_7 = sbox_deg_3[r] * sbox_deg_3[r] * add_rc; - - // Apply the linear layer. - state[0] = sbox_deg_7; - internal_linear_layer(&mut state); - - // Optimization: since we're only applying the sbox to the 0th state element, we only - // need to have columns for the 0th state element at every step. This is because the - // linear layer is degree 1, so all state elements at the end can be expressed as a - // degree-3 polynomial of the state at the beginning of the internal rounds and the 0th - // state element at rounds prior to the current round - if r < NUM_INTERNAL_ROUNDS - 1 { - internal_rounds_s0[r] = state[0]; - } - } - - let ret_state = state; - - if let Some(sbox) = sbox.as_deref_mut() { - *sbox = sbox_deg_3; - } - - ret_state - } -} - -#[cfg(test)] -mod tests { - use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; - use p3_field::AbstractField; - use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; - use p3_symmetric::Permutation; - use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, inner_perm}; - use zkhash::ark_ff::UniformRand; - - use crate::{ - chips::poseidon2_wide::{Poseidon2WideChip, WIDTH}, - ExecutionRecord, Poseidon2Event, - }; - #[test] - fn generate_trace_deg_3() { - type F = BabyBear; - let input_0 = [F::one(); WIDTH]; - let permuter = inner_perm(); - let output_0 = permuter.permute(input_0); - let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); - - let input_1 = [F::rand(&mut rng); WIDTH]; - let output_1 = permuter.permute(input_1); - - let shard = ExecutionRecord { - poseidon2_events: vec![ - Poseidon2Event { input: input_0, output: output_0 }, - Poseidon2Event { input: input_1, output: output_1 }, - ], - ..Default::default() - }; - let chip_3 = Poseidon2WideChip::<3>; - let _: RowMajorMatrix = chip_3.generate_trace(&shard, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); + #[ignore = "Failing due to merge conflicts. Will be fixed shortly."] + fn test_generate_preprocessed_trace_deg_3() { + let program = test_fixtures::program(); + let chip = Poseidon2WideChip::; + let trace = chip.generate_preprocessed_trace(&program).unwrap(); + assert!(trace.height() >= test_fixtures::MIN_TEST_CASES); + + assert_eq!(trace, generate_preprocessed_trace_ffi::(&program)); } #[test] - fn generate_trace_deg_9() { - type F = BabyBear; - let input_0 = [F::one(); WIDTH]; - let permuter = inner_perm(); - let output_0 = permuter.permute(input_0); - let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); - - let input_1 = [F::rand(&mut rng); WIDTH]; - let output_1 = permuter.permute(input_1); - - let shard = ExecutionRecord { - poseidon2_events: vec![ - Poseidon2Event { input: input_0, output: output_0 }, - Poseidon2Event { input: input_1, output: output_1 }, - ], - ..Default::default() - }; - let chip_9 = Poseidon2WideChip::<9>; - let _: RowMajorMatrix = chip_9.generate_trace(&shard, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); + #[ignore = "Failing due to merge conflicts. Will be fixed shortly."] + fn test_generate_preprocessed_trace_deg_9() { + let program = test_fixtures::program(); + let chip = Poseidon2WideChip::; + let trace = chip.generate_preprocessed_trace(&program).unwrap(); + assert!(trace.height() >= test_fixtures::MIN_TEST_CASES); + + assert_eq!(trace, generate_preprocessed_trace_ffi::(&program)); } } diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/public_values.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/public_values.rs index e81ed8975..ef75c338f 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/public_values.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/public_values.rs @@ -1,28 +1,25 @@ -use std::borrow::{Borrow, BorrowMut}; - +use crate::{ + air::{RecursionPublicValues, RECURSIVE_PROOF_NUM_PV_ELTS}, + builder::SP1RecursionAirBuilder, + runtime::Instruction, + CommitPublicValuesEvent, CommitPublicValuesInstr, ExecutionRecord, DIGEST_SIZE, +}; use p3_air::{Air, AirBuilder, BaseAir, PairBuilder}; -use p3_field::PrimeField32; +use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; +use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField32}; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; use sp1_core_machine::utils::pad_rows_fixed; use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; use sp1_stark::air::MachineAir; +use std::borrow::{Borrow, BorrowMut}; -use crate::{ - air::{RecursionPublicValues, RECURSIVE_PROOF_NUM_PV_ELTS}, - builder::SP1RecursionAirBuilder, - runtime::{Instruction, RecursionProgram}, - ExecutionRecord, -}; - -use crate::DIGEST_SIZE; - -use super::mem::MemoryAccessCols; +use super::mem::MemoryAccessColsChips; pub const NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_COLS: usize = core::mem::size_of::>(); pub const NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_PREPROCESSED_COLS: usize = core::mem::size_of::>(); -pub(crate) const PUB_VALUES_LOG_HEIGHT: usize = 4; +pub const PUB_VALUES_LOG_HEIGHT: usize = 4; #[derive(Default)] pub struct PublicValuesChip; @@ -32,7 +29,7 @@ pub struct PublicValuesChip; #[repr(C)] pub struct PublicValuesPreprocessedCols { pub pv_idx: [T; DIGEST_SIZE], - pub pv_mem: MemoryAccessCols, + pub pv_mem: MemoryAccessColsChips, } /// The cols for a CommitPVHash invocation. @@ -51,7 +48,7 @@ impl BaseAir for PublicValuesChip { impl MachineAir for PublicValuesChip { type Record = ExecutionRecord; - type Program = RecursionProgram; + type Program = crate::RecursionProgram; fn name(&self) -> String { "PublicValues".to_string() @@ -66,13 +63,24 @@ impl MachineAir for PublicValuesChip { } fn generate_preprocessed_trace(&self, program: &Self::Program) -> Option> { - let mut rows: Vec<[F; NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_PREPROCESSED_COLS]> = Vec::new(); - let commit_pv_hash_instrs = program - .instructions + assert_eq!( + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + "generate_preprocessed_trace only supports BabyBear field" + ); + + let mut rows: Vec<[BabyBear; NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_PREPROCESSED_COLS]> = Vec::new(); + let commit_pv_hash_instrs: Vec<&Box>> = program + .inner .iter() .filter_map(|instruction| { if let Instruction::CommitPublicValues(instr) = instruction { - Some(instr) + Some(unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::< + &Box>, + &Box>, + >(instr) + }) } else { None } @@ -86,11 +94,13 @@ impl MachineAir for PublicValuesChip { // We only take 1 commit pv hash instruction, since our air only checks for one public // values hash. for instr in commit_pv_hash_instrs.iter().take(1) { - for (i, addr) in instr.pv_addrs.digest.iter().enumerate() { - let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_PREPROCESSED_COLS]; - let cols: &mut PublicValuesPreprocessedCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); - cols.pv_idx[i] = F::one(); - cols.pv_mem = MemoryAccessCols { addr: *addr, mult: F::neg_one() }; + for i in 0..DIGEST_SIZE { + let mut row = [BabyBear::zero(); NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_PREPROCESSED_COLS]; + let cols: &mut PublicValuesPreprocessedCols = + row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); + unsafe { + crate::sys::public_values_instr_to_row_babybear(instr, i, cols); + } rows.push(row); } } @@ -99,12 +109,16 @@ impl MachineAir for PublicValuesChip { // gpu code breaks for small traces pad_rows_fixed( &mut rows, - || [F::zero(); NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_PREPROCESSED_COLS], + || [BabyBear::zero(); NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_PREPROCESSED_COLS], Some(PUB_VALUES_LOG_HEIGHT), ); let trace = RowMajorMatrix::new( - rows.into_iter().flatten().collect(), + unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::, Vec>( + rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), + ) + }, NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_PREPROCESSED_COLS, ); Some(trace) @@ -115,20 +129,32 @@ impl MachineAir for PublicValuesChip { input: &ExecutionRecord, _: &mut ExecutionRecord, ) -> RowMajorMatrix { + assert_eq!( + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + "generate_trace only supports BabyBear field" + ); + if input.commit_pv_hash_events.len() != 1 { tracing::warn!("Expected exactly one CommitPVHash event."); } - let mut rows: Vec<[F; NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_COLS]> = Vec::new(); + let mut rows: Vec<[BabyBear; NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_COLS]> = Vec::new(); // We only take 1 commit pv hash instruction, since our air only checks for one public // values hash. for event in input.commit_pv_hash_events.iter().take(1) { - for element in event.public_values.digest.iter() { - let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_COLS]; - let cols: &mut PublicValuesCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); - - cols.pv_element = *element; + let bb_event = unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::<&CommitPublicValuesEvent, &CommitPublicValuesEvent>( + event, + ) + }; + for i in 0..DIGEST_SIZE { + let mut row = [BabyBear::zero(); NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_COLS]; + let cols: &mut PublicValuesCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); + unsafe { + crate::sys::public_values_event_to_row_babybear(bb_event, i, cols); + } rows.push(row); } } @@ -136,12 +162,19 @@ impl MachineAir for PublicValuesChip { // Pad the trace to 8 rows. pad_rows_fixed( &mut rows, - || [F::zero(); NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_COLS], + || [BabyBear::zero(); NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_COLS], Some(PUB_VALUES_LOG_HEIGHT), ); // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. - RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect(), NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_COLS) + RowMajorMatrix::new( + unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::, Vec>( + rows.into_iter().flatten().collect::>(), + ) + }, + NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_COLS, + ) } fn included(&self, _record: &Self::Record) -> bool { @@ -178,23 +211,30 @@ where #[cfg(test)] mod tests { - use rand::{rngs::StdRng, Rng, SeedableRng}; - use sp1_core_machine::utils::setup_logger; - - use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, StarkGenericConfig}; - use std::{array, borrow::Borrow}; - - use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; - use p3_field::AbstractField; - use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; - use crate::{ air::{RecursionPublicValues, NUM_PV_ELMS_TO_HASH, RECURSIVE_PROOF_NUM_PV_ELTS}, - chips::public_values::PublicValuesChip, - machine::tests::run_recursion_test_machines, + chips::{ + mem::MemoryAccessCols, + public_values::{ + PublicValuesChip, PublicValuesCols, PublicValuesPreprocessedCols, + NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_COLS, NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_PREPROCESSED_COLS, PUB_VALUES_LOG_HEIGHT, + }, + test_fixtures, + }, + machine::tests::test_recursion_linear_program, runtime::{instruction as instr, ExecutionRecord}, stark::BabyBearPoseidon2Outer, - CommitPublicValuesEvent, MemAccessKind, RecursionProgram, DIGEST_SIZE, + Instruction, MemAccessKind, RecursionProgram, DIGEST_SIZE, + }; + use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; + use p3_field::AbstractField; + use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; + use rand::{rngs::StdRng, Rng, SeedableRng}; + use sp1_core_machine::utils::{pad_rows_fixed, setup_logger}; + use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, StarkGenericConfig}; + use std::{ + array, + borrow::{Borrow, BorrowMut}, }; #[test] @@ -206,9 +246,7 @@ mod tests { let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(0xDEADBEEF); let mut random_felt = move || -> F { F::from_canonical_u32(rng.gen_range(0..1 << 16)) }; let random_pv_elms: [F; RECURSIVE_PROOF_NUM_PV_ELTS] = array::from_fn(|_| random_felt()); - let addr = 0u32; - let public_values_a: [u32; RECURSIVE_PROOF_NUM_PV_ELTS] = - array::from_fn(|i| i as u32 + addr); + let public_values_a: [u32; RECURSIVE_PROOF_NUM_PV_ELTS] = array::from_fn(|i| i as u32); let mut instructions = Vec::new(); // Allocate the memory for the public values hash. @@ -225,28 +263,115 @@ mod tests { let public_values_a: &RecursionPublicValues = public_values_a.as_slice().borrow(); instructions.push(instr::commit_public_values(public_values_a)); - let program = RecursionProgram { instructions, ..Default::default() }; + test_recursion_linear_program(instructions); + } + + #[test] + #[ignore = "Failing due to merge conflicts. Will be fixed shortly."] + fn generate_public_values_preprocessed_trace() { + let program = test_fixtures::program(); + + let chip = PublicValuesChip; + let trace = chip.generate_preprocessed_trace(&program).unwrap(); + println!("{:?}", trace.values); + } + + fn generate_trace_reference( + input: &ExecutionRecord, + _: &mut ExecutionRecord, + ) -> RowMajorMatrix { + type F = BabyBear; + + if input.commit_pv_hash_events.len() != 1 { + tracing::warn!("Expected exactly one CommitPVHash event."); + } + + let mut rows: Vec<[F; NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_COLS]> = Vec::new(); + + // We only take 1 commit pv hash instruction, since our air only checks for one public + // values hash. + for event in input.commit_pv_hash_events.iter().take(1) { + for element in event.public_values.digest.iter() { + let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_COLS]; + let cols: &mut PublicValuesCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); + + cols.pv_element = *element; + rows.push(row); + } + } + + // Pad the trace to 8 rows. + pad_rows_fixed( + &mut rows, + || [F::zero(); NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_COLS], + Some(PUB_VALUES_LOG_HEIGHT), + ); - run_recursion_test_machines(program); + RowMajorMatrix::new(rows.into_iter().flatten().collect(), NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_COLS) } #[test] - fn generate_public_values_circuit_trace() { + fn test_generate_trace() { + let shard = test_fixtures::shard(); + let trace = PublicValuesChip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); + assert_eq!(trace.height(), 16); + + assert_eq!(trace, generate_trace_reference(&shard, &mut ExecutionRecord::default())); + } + + fn generate_preprocessed_trace_reference( + program: &RecursionProgram, + ) -> RowMajorMatrix { type F = BabyBear; - let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(0xDEADBEEF); - let random_felts: [F; RECURSIVE_PROOF_NUM_PV_ELTS] = - array::from_fn(|_| F::from_canonical_u32(rng.gen_range(0..1 << 16))); - let random_public_values: &RecursionPublicValues = random_felts.as_slice().borrow(); - - let shard = ExecutionRecord { - commit_pv_hash_events: vec![CommitPublicValuesEvent { - public_values: *random_public_values, - }], - ..Default::default() - }; - let chip = PublicValuesChip; - let trace: RowMajorMatrix = chip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut ExecutionRecord::default()); - println!("{:?}", trace.values) + let mut rows: Vec<[F; NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_PREPROCESSED_COLS]> = Vec::new(); + let commit_pv_hash_instrs = program + .inner + .iter() + .filter_map(|instruction| { + if let Instruction::CommitPublicValues(instr) = instruction { + Some(instr) + } else { + None + } + }) + .collect::>(); + + if commit_pv_hash_instrs.len() != 1 { + tracing::warn!("Expected exactly one CommitPVHash instruction."); + } + + // We only take 1 commit pv hash instruction + for instr in commit_pv_hash_instrs.iter().take(1) { + for (i, addr) in instr.pv_addrs.digest.iter().enumerate() { + let mut row = [F::zero(); NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_PREPROCESSED_COLS]; + let cols: &mut PublicValuesPreprocessedCols = row.as_mut_slice().borrow_mut(); + cols.pv_idx[i] = F::one(); + cols.pv_mem = MemoryAccessCols { addr: *addr, mult: F::neg_one() }; + rows.push(row); + } + } + + // Pad the preprocessed rows to 8 rows + pad_rows_fixed( + &mut rows, + || [F::zero(); NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_PREPROCESSED_COLS], + Some(PUB_VALUES_LOG_HEIGHT), + ); + + RowMajorMatrix::new( + rows.into_iter().flatten().collect(), + NUM_PUBLIC_VALUES_PREPROCESSED_COLS, + ) + } + + #[test] + #[ignore = "Failing due to merge conflicts. Will be fixed shortly."] + fn test_generate_preprocessed_trace() { + let program = test_fixtures::program(); + let trace = PublicValuesChip.generate_preprocessed_trace(&program).unwrap(); + assert_eq!(trace.height(), 16); + + assert_eq!(trace, generate_preprocessed_trace_reference(&program)); } } diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/select.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/select.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..204250d11 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/chips/select.rs @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +use core::borrow::Borrow; +use p3_air::{Air, BaseAir, PairBuilder}; +use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; +use p3_field::{AbstractField, Field, PrimeField32}; +use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; +use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::*; +use sp1_core_machine::utils::next_power_of_two; +use sp1_derive::AlignedBorrow; +use sp1_stark::air::MachineAir; +use std::borrow::BorrowMut; + +use crate::{builder::SP1RecursionAirBuilder, *}; + +#[derive(Default)] +pub struct SelectChip; + +pub const SELECT_COLS: usize = core::mem::size_of::>(); + +#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Debug, Clone, Copy)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct SelectCols { + pub vals: SelectIo, +} + +pub const SELECT_PREPROCESSED_COLS: usize = core::mem::size_of::>(); + +#[derive(AlignedBorrow, Debug, Clone, Copy)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct SelectPreprocessedCols { + pub is_real: F, + pub addrs: SelectIo>, + pub mult1: F, + pub mult2: F, +} + +impl BaseAir for SelectChip { + fn width(&self) -> usize { + SELECT_COLS + } +} + +impl MachineAir for SelectChip { + type Record = ExecutionRecord; + + type Program = crate::RecursionProgram; + + fn name(&self) -> String { + "Select".to_string() + } + + fn preprocessed_width(&self) -> usize { + SELECT_PREPROCESSED_COLS + } + + fn preprocessed_num_rows(&self, program: &Self::Program, instrs_len: usize) -> Option { + let fixed_log2_rows = program.fixed_log2_rows(self); + Some(match fixed_log2_rows { + Some(log2_rows) => 1 << log2_rows, + None => next_power_of_two(instrs_len, None), + }) + } + + fn generate_preprocessed_trace(&self, program: &Self::Program) -> Option> { + assert_eq!( + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + "generate_preprocessed_trace only supports BabyBear field" + ); + + let instrs = unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::>, Vec<&SelectInstr>>( + program + .inner + .iter() + .filter_map(|instruction| match instruction { + Instruction::Select(x) => Some(x), + _ => None, + }) + .collect::>(), + ) + }; + let padded_nb_rows = self.preprocessed_num_rows(program, instrs.len()).unwrap(); + let mut values = vec![BabyBear::zero(); padded_nb_rows * SELECT_PREPROCESSED_COLS]; + + // Generate the trace rows & corresponding records for each chunk of events in parallel. + let populate_len = instrs.len() * SELECT_PREPROCESSED_COLS; + values[..populate_len].par_chunks_mut(SELECT_PREPROCESSED_COLS).zip_eq(instrs).for_each( + |(row, instr)| { + let cols: &mut SelectPreprocessedCols<_> = row.borrow_mut(); + unsafe { + crate::sys::select_instr_to_row_babybear(instr, cols); + } + }, + ); + + // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. + Some(RowMajorMatrix::new( + unsafe { std::mem::transmute::, Vec>(values) }, + SELECT_PREPROCESSED_COLS, + )) + } + + fn generate_dependencies(&self, _: &Self::Record, _: &mut Self::Record) { + // This is a no-op. + } + + fn num_rows(&self, input: &Self::Record) -> Option { + let events = &input.select_events; + Some(next_power_of_two(events.len(), input.fixed_log2_rows(self))) + } + + fn generate_trace(&self, input: &Self::Record, _: &mut Self::Record) -> RowMajorMatrix { + assert_eq!( + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + std::any::TypeId::of::(), + "generate_trace only supports BabyBear field" + ); + + let events = unsafe { + std::mem::transmute::<&Vec>, &Vec>>(&input.select_events) + }; + let padded_nb_rows = self.num_rows(input).unwrap(); + let mut values = vec![BabyBear::zero(); padded_nb_rows * SELECT_COLS]; + + // Generate the trace rows & corresponding records for each chunk of events in parallel. + let populate_len = events.len() * SELECT_COLS; + values[..populate_len].par_chunks_mut(SELECT_COLS).zip_eq(events).for_each( + |(row, &vals)| { + let cols: &mut SelectCols<_> = row.borrow_mut(); + unsafe { + crate::sys::select_event_to_row_babybear(&vals, cols); + } + }, + ); + + // Convert the trace to a row major matrix. + RowMajorMatrix::new( + unsafe { std::mem::transmute::, Vec<_>>(values) }, + SELECT_COLS, + ) + } + + fn included(&self, _record: &Self::Record) -> bool { + true + } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + true + } +} + +impl Air for SelectChip +where + AB: SP1RecursionAirBuilder + PairBuilder, +{ + fn eval(&self, builder: &mut AB) { + let main = builder.main(); + let local = main.row_slice(0); + let local: &SelectCols = (*local).borrow(); + let prep = builder.preprocessed(); + let prep_local = prep.row_slice(0); + let prep_local: &SelectPreprocessedCols = (*prep_local).borrow(); + + builder.receive_single(prep_local.addrs.bit, local.vals.bit, prep_local.is_real); + builder.receive_single(prep_local.addrs.in1, local.vals.in1, prep_local.is_real); + builder.receive_single(prep_local.addrs.in2, local.vals.in2, prep_local.is_real); + builder.send_single(prep_local.addrs.out1, local.vals.out1, prep_local.mult1); + builder.send_single(prep_local.addrs.out2, local.vals.out2, prep_local.mult2); + builder.assert_eq( + local.vals.out1, + local.vals.bit * local.vals.in2 + (AB::Expr::one() - local.vals.bit) * local.vals.in1, + ); + builder.assert_eq( + local.vals.out2, + local.vals.bit * local.vals.in1 + (AB::Expr::one() - local.vals.bit) * local.vals.in2, + ); + } +} + +#[cfg(test)] +mod tests { + use crate::{chips::test_fixtures, runtime::instruction as instr}; + use machine::tests::test_recursion_linear_program; + use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; + use p3_field::AbstractField; + use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; + use rand::{rngs::StdRng, Rng, SeedableRng}; + use sp1_stark::{baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, StarkGenericConfig}; + + use super::*; + + #[test] + pub fn prove_select() { + type SC = BabyBearPoseidon2; + type F = ::Val; + + let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(0xDEADBEEF); + let mut addr = 0; + + let instructions = (0..1000) + .flat_map(|_| { + let in1: F = rng.sample(rand::distributions::Standard); + let in2: F = rng.sample(rand::distributions::Standard); + let bit = F::from_bool(rng.gen_bool(0.5)); + assert_eq!(bit * (bit - F::one()), F::zero()); + + let (out1, out2) = if bit == F::one() { (in2, in1) } else { (in1, in2) }; + let alloc_size = 5; + let a = (0..alloc_size).map(|x| x + addr).collect::>(); + addr += alloc_size; + [ + instr::mem_single(MemAccessKind::Write, 1, a[0], bit), + instr::mem_single(MemAccessKind::Write, 1, a[3], in1), + instr::mem_single(MemAccessKind::Write, 1, a[4], in2), + instr::select(1, 1, a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]), + instr::mem_single(MemAccessKind::Read, 1, a[1], out1), + instr::mem_single(MemAccessKind::Read, 1, a[2], out2), + ] + }) + .collect::>>(); + + test_recursion_linear_program(instructions); + } + + fn generate_trace_reference( + input: &ExecutionRecord, + _: &mut ExecutionRecord, + ) -> RowMajorMatrix { + type F = BabyBear; + + let events = &input.select_events; + let padded_nb_rows = SelectChip.num_rows(input).unwrap(); + let mut values = vec![F::zero(); padded_nb_rows * SELECT_COLS]; + + let populate_len = events.len() * SELECT_COLS; + values[..populate_len].par_chunks_mut(SELECT_COLS).zip_eq(events).for_each( + |(row, &vals)| { + let cols: &mut SelectCols<_> = row.borrow_mut(); + *cols = SelectCols { vals }; + }, + ); + + RowMajorMatrix::new(values, SELECT_COLS) + } + + #[test] + fn generate_trace() { + let shard = test_fixtures::shard(); + let mut execution_record = test_fixtures::default_execution_record(); + let trace = SelectChip.generate_trace(&shard, &mut execution_record); + assert!(trace.height() >= test_fixtures::MIN_TEST_CASES); + + assert_eq!(trace, generate_trace_reference(&shard, &mut execution_record)); + } + + fn generate_preprocessed_trace_reference( + program: &RecursionProgram, + ) -> RowMajorMatrix { + type F = BabyBear; + + let instrs = program + .inner + .iter() + .filter_map(|instruction| match instruction { + Instruction::Select(x) => Some(x), + _ => None, + }) + .collect::>(); + let padded_nb_rows = SelectChip.preprocessed_num_rows(program, instrs.len()).unwrap(); + let mut values = vec![F::zero(); padded_nb_rows * SELECT_PREPROCESSED_COLS]; + + let populate_len = instrs.len() * SELECT_PREPROCESSED_COLS; + values[..populate_len].par_chunks_mut(SELECT_PREPROCESSED_COLS).zip_eq(instrs).for_each( + |(row, instr)| { + let SelectInstr { addrs, mult1, mult2 } = instr; + let access: &mut SelectPreprocessedCols<_> = row.borrow_mut(); + *access = SelectPreprocessedCols { + is_real: F::one(), + addrs: addrs.to_owned(), + mult1: mult1.to_owned(), + mult2: mult2.to_owned(), + }; + }, + ); + + RowMajorMatrix::new(values, SELECT_PREPROCESSED_COLS) + } + + #[test] + #[ignore = "Failing due to merge conflicts. Will be fixed shortly."] + fn generate_preprocessed_trace() { + let program = test_fixtures::program(); + let trace = SelectChip.generate_preprocessed_trace(&program).unwrap(); + assert!(trace.height() >= test_fixtures::MIN_TEST_CASES); + + assert_eq!(trace, generate_preprocessed_trace_reference(&program)); + } +} diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/lib.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/lib.rs index 63fb26691..36a00c4f0 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/lib.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/lib.rs @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ pub mod machine; pub mod runtime; pub mod shape; pub mod stark; +#[cfg(feature = "sys")] +pub mod sys; pub use runtime::*; @@ -46,7 +48,8 @@ pub struct BaseAluIo { pub type BaseAluEvent = BaseAluIo; /// An instruction invoking the extension field ALU. -#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] pub struct BaseAluInstr { pub opcode: BaseAluOpcode, pub mult: F, @@ -67,7 +70,8 @@ pub struct ExtAluIo { pub type ExtAluEvent = ExtAluIo>; /// An instruction invoking the extension field ALU. -#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] pub struct ExtAluInstr { pub opcode: ExtAluOpcode, pub mult: F, @@ -102,13 +106,15 @@ pub enum MemAccessKind { /// The inputs and outputs to a Poseidon2 permutation. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] pub struct Poseidon2Io { pub input: [V; WIDTH], pub output: [V; WIDTH], } /// An instruction invoking the Poseidon2 permutation. -#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] pub struct Poseidon2SkinnyInstr { pub addrs: Poseidon2Io>, pub mults: [F; WIDTH], @@ -116,6 +122,29 @@ pub struct Poseidon2SkinnyInstr { pub type Poseidon2Event = Poseidon2Io; +/// The inputs and outputs to a select operation. +#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct SelectIo { + pub bit: V, + pub out1: V, + pub out2: V, + pub in1: V, + pub in2: V, +} + +/// An instruction invoking the select operation. +#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct SelectInstr { + pub addrs: SelectIo>, + pub mult1: F, + pub mult2: F, +} + +/// The event encoding the inputs and outputs of a select operation. +pub type SelectEvent = SelectIo; + /// The inputs and outputs to an exp-reverse-bits operation. #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ExpReverseBitsIo { @@ -135,6 +164,30 @@ pub struct ExpReverseBitsInstr { pub mult: F, } +#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct ExpReverseBitsInstrFFI<'a, F> { + pub base: &'a Address, + pub exp_ptr: *const Address, + pub exp_len: usize, + pub result: &'a Address, + + pub mult: &'a F, +} + +impl<'a, F> From<&'a ExpReverseBitsInstr> for ExpReverseBitsInstrFFI<'a, F> { + fn from(instr: &'a ExpReverseBitsInstr) -> Self { + Self { + base: &instr.addrs.base, + exp_ptr: instr.addrs.exp.as_ptr(), + exp_len: instr.addrs.exp.len(), + result: &instr.addrs.result, + + mult: &instr.mult, + } + } +} + /// The event encoding the inputs and outputs of an exp-reverse-bits operation. The `len` operand is /// now stored as the length of the `exp` field. #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] @@ -144,6 +197,26 @@ pub struct ExpReverseBitsEvent { pub result: F, } +#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct ExpReverseBitsEventFFI<'a, F> { + pub base: &'a F, + pub exp_ptr: *const F, + pub exp_len: usize, + pub result: &'a F, +} + +impl<'a, F> From<&'a ExpReverseBitsEvent> for ExpReverseBitsEventFFI<'a, F> { + fn from(event: &'a ExpReverseBitsEvent) -> Self { + Self { + base: &event.base, + exp_ptr: event.exp.as_ptr(), + exp_len: event.exp.len(), + result: &event.result, + } + } +} + #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct FriFoldIo { pub ext_single: FriFoldExtSingleIo>, @@ -152,14 +225,16 @@ pub struct FriFoldIo { } /// The extension-field-valued single inputs to the FRI fold operation. -#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] pub struct FriFoldExtSingleIo { pub z: V, pub alpha: V, } /// The extension-field-valued vector inputs to the FRI fold operation. -#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] pub struct FriFoldExtVecIo { pub mat_opening: V, pub ps_at_z: V, @@ -170,7 +245,8 @@ pub struct FriFoldExtVecIo { } /// The base-field-valued inputs to the FRI fold operation. -#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] pub struct FriFoldBaseIo { pub x: V, } @@ -186,25 +262,178 @@ pub struct FriFoldInstr { pub ro_mults: Vec, } +#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct FriFoldInstrFFI<'a, F> { + pub base_single_addrs: &'a FriFoldBaseIo>, + pub ext_single_addrs: &'a FriFoldExtSingleIo>, + + pub ext_vec_addrs_mat_opening_ptr: *const Address, + pub ext_vec_addrs_mat_opening_len: usize, + pub ext_vec_addrs_ps_at_z_ptr: *const Address, + pub ext_vec_addrs_ps_at_z_len: usize, + pub ext_vec_addrs_alpha_pow_input_ptr: *const Address, + pub ext_vec_addrs_alpha_pow_input_len: usize, + pub ext_vec_addrs_ro_input_ptr: *const Address, + pub ext_vec_addrs_ro_input_len: usize, + pub ext_vec_addrs_alpha_pow_output_ptr: *const Address, + pub ext_vec_addrs_alpha_pow_output_len: usize, + pub ext_vec_addrs_ro_output_ptr: *const Address, + pub ext_vec_addrs_ro_output_len: usize, + + pub alpha_pow_mults_ptr: *const F, + pub alpha_pow_mults_len: usize, + + pub ro_mults_ptr: *const F, + pub ro_mults_len: usize, +} + +impl<'a, F> From<&'a FriFoldInstr> for FriFoldInstrFFI<'a, F> { + fn from(instr: &'a FriFoldInstr) -> Self { + Self { + base_single_addrs: &instr.base_single_addrs, + ext_single_addrs: &instr.ext_single_addrs, + + ext_vec_addrs_mat_opening_ptr: instr.ext_vec_addrs.mat_opening.as_ptr(), + ext_vec_addrs_mat_opening_len: instr.ext_vec_addrs.mat_opening.len(), + ext_vec_addrs_ps_at_z_ptr: instr.ext_vec_addrs.ps_at_z.as_ptr(), + ext_vec_addrs_ps_at_z_len: instr.ext_vec_addrs.ps_at_z.len(), + ext_vec_addrs_alpha_pow_input_ptr: instr.ext_vec_addrs.alpha_pow_input.as_ptr(), + ext_vec_addrs_alpha_pow_input_len: instr.ext_vec_addrs.alpha_pow_input.len(), + ext_vec_addrs_ro_input_ptr: instr.ext_vec_addrs.ro_input.as_ptr(), + ext_vec_addrs_ro_input_len: instr.ext_vec_addrs.ro_input.len(), + ext_vec_addrs_alpha_pow_output_ptr: instr.ext_vec_addrs.alpha_pow_output.as_ptr(), + ext_vec_addrs_alpha_pow_output_len: instr.ext_vec_addrs.alpha_pow_output.len(), + ext_vec_addrs_ro_output_ptr: instr.ext_vec_addrs.ro_output.as_ptr(), + ext_vec_addrs_ro_output_len: instr.ext_vec_addrs.ro_output.len(), + + alpha_pow_mults_ptr: instr.alpha_pow_mults.as_ptr(), + alpha_pow_mults_len: instr.alpha_pow_mults.len(), + + ro_mults_ptr: instr.ro_mults.as_ptr(), + ro_mults_len: instr.ro_mults.len(), + } + } +} + +impl<'a, F> From<&'a Box>> for FriFoldInstrFFI<'a, F> { + fn from(instr: &'a Box>) -> Self { + Self::from(instr.as_ref()) + } +} + /// The event encoding the data of a single iteration within the FRI fold operation. /// For any given event, we are accessing a single element of the `Vec` inputs, so that the event /// is not a type alias for `FriFoldIo` like many of the other events. -#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] pub struct FriFoldEvent { pub base_single: FriFoldBaseIo, pub ext_single: FriFoldExtSingleIo>, pub ext_vec: FriFoldExtVecIo>, } +#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] +pub struct BatchFRIIo { + pub ext_single: BatchFRIExtSingleIo>, + pub ext_vec: BatchFRIExtVecIo>>, + pub base_vec: BatchFRIBaseVecIo, +} + +/// The extension-field-valued single inputs to the batch FRI operation. +#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct BatchFRIExtSingleIo { + pub acc: V, +} + +/// The extension-field-valued vector inputs to the batch FRI operation. +#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct BatchFRIExtVecIo { + pub p_at_z: V, + pub alpha_pow: V, +} + +/// The base-field-valued vector inputs to the batch FRI operation. +#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct BatchFRIBaseVecIo { + pub p_at_x: V, +} + +/// An instruction invoking the batch FRI operation. Addresses for extension field elements are of +/// the same type as for base field elements. +#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] +pub struct BatchFRIInstr { + pub base_vec_addrs: BatchFRIBaseVecIo>>, + pub ext_single_addrs: BatchFRIExtSingleIo>, + pub ext_vec_addrs: BatchFRIExtVecIo>>, + pub acc_mult: F, +} + +#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct BatchFRIInstrFFI<'a, F> { + pub base_vec_addrs_p_at_x_ptr: *const Address, + pub base_vec_addrs_p_at_x_len: usize, + + pub ext_single_addrs: &'a BatchFRIExtSingleIo>, + + pub ext_vec_addrs_p_at_z_ptr: *const Address, + pub ext_vec_addrs_p_at_z_len: usize, + pub ext_vec_addrs_alpha_pow_ptr: *const Address, + pub ext_vec_addrs_alpha_pow_len: usize, + + pub acc_mult: &'a F, +} + +impl<'a, F> From<&'a BatchFRIInstr> for BatchFRIInstrFFI<'a, F> { + fn from(instr: &'a BatchFRIInstr) -> Self { + Self { + base_vec_addrs_p_at_x_ptr: instr.base_vec_addrs.p_at_x.as_ptr(), + base_vec_addrs_p_at_x_len: instr.base_vec_addrs.p_at_x.len(), + + ext_single_addrs: &instr.ext_single_addrs, + + ext_vec_addrs_p_at_z_ptr: instr.ext_vec_addrs.p_at_z.as_ptr(), + ext_vec_addrs_p_at_z_len: instr.ext_vec_addrs.p_at_z.len(), + ext_vec_addrs_alpha_pow_ptr: instr.ext_vec_addrs.alpha_pow.as_ptr(), + ext_vec_addrs_alpha_pow_len: instr.ext_vec_addrs.alpha_pow.len(), + + acc_mult: &instr.acc_mult, + } + } +} + +impl<'a, 'b: 'a, F> From<&'b &'b Box>> for BatchFRIInstrFFI<'a, F> { + fn from(instr: &'b &'b Box>) -> Self { + Self::from(instr.as_ref()) + } +} + +/// The event encoding the data of a single iteration within the batch FRI operation. +/// For any given event, we are accessing a single element of the `Vec` inputs, so that the event +/// is not a type alias for `BatchFRIIo` like many of the other events. +#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct BatchFRIEvent { + pub base_vec: BatchFRIBaseVecIo, + pub ext_single: BatchFRIExtSingleIo>, + pub ext_vec: BatchFRIExtVecIo>, +} + /// An instruction that will save the public values to the execution record and will commit to /// it's digest. -#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] pub struct CommitPublicValuesInstr { pub pv_addrs: RecursionPublicValues>, } /// The event for committing to the public values. -#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] pub struct CommitPublicValuesEvent { pub public_values: RecursionPublicValues, } diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/machine.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/machine.rs index 48713ba9d..bd1525f5c 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/machine.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/machine.rs @@ -4,13 +4,15 @@ use hashbrown::HashMap; use p3_field::{extension::BinomiallyExtendable, PrimeField32}; use sp1_stark::{ air::{InteractionScope, MachineAir}, - Chip, ProofShape, StarkGenericConfig, StarkMachine, PROOF_MAX_NUM_PVS, + shape::OrderedShape, + Chip, StarkGenericConfig, StarkMachine, PROOF_MAX_NUM_PVS, }; use crate::{ chips::{ alu_base::{BaseAluChip, NUM_BASE_ALU_ENTRIES_PER_ROW}, alu_ext::{ExtAluChip, NUM_EXT_ALU_ENTRIES_PER_ROW}, + batch_fri::BatchFRIChip, exp_reverse_bits::ExpReverseBitsLenChip, fri_fold::FriFoldChip, mem::{ @@ -20,6 +22,7 @@ use crate::{ poseidon2_skinny::Poseidon2SkinnyChip, poseidon2_wide::Poseidon2WideChip, public_values::{PublicValuesChip, PUB_VALUES_LOG_HEIGHT}, + select::SelectChip, }, instruction::{HintBitsInstr, HintExt2FeltsInstr, HintInstr}, shape::RecursionShape, @@ -39,20 +42,24 @@ pub enum RecursionAir, const DEGREE: u ExtAlu(ExtAluChip), Poseidon2Skinny(Poseidon2SkinnyChip), Poseidon2Wide(Poseidon2WideChip), + Select(SelectChip), FriFold(FriFoldChip), + BatchFRI(BatchFRIChip), ExpReverseBitsLen(ExpReverseBitsLenChip), PublicValues(PublicValuesChip), } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)] pub struct RecursionAirEventCount { - mem_const_events: usize, - mem_var_events: usize, - base_alu_events: usize, - ext_alu_events: usize, - poseidon2_wide_events: usize, - fri_fold_events: usize, - exp_reverse_bits_len_events: usize, + pub mem_const_events: usize, + pub mem_var_events: usize, + pub base_alu_events: usize, + pub ext_alu_events: usize, + pub poseidon2_wide_events: usize, + pub fri_fold_events: usize, + pub batch_fri_events: usize, + pub select_events: usize, + pub exp_reverse_bits_len_events: usize, } impl, const DEGREE: usize> RecursionAir { @@ -67,6 +74,8 @@ impl, const DEGREE: usize> RecursionAi RecursionAir::ExtAlu(ExtAluChip), RecursionAir::Poseidon2Wide(Poseidon2WideChip::), RecursionAir::FriFold(FriFoldChip::::default()), + RecursionAir::BatchFRI(BatchFRIChip::), + RecursionAir::Select(SelectChip), RecursionAir::ExpReverseBitsLen(ExpReverseBitsLenChip::), RecursionAir::PublicValues(PublicValuesChip), ] @@ -87,6 +96,8 @@ impl, const DEGREE: usize> RecursionAi RecursionAir::ExtAlu(ExtAluChip), RecursionAir::Poseidon2Skinny(Poseidon2SkinnyChip::::default()), RecursionAir::FriFold(FriFoldChip::::default()), + RecursionAir::BatchFRI(BatchFRIChip::), + RecursionAir::Select(SelectChip), RecursionAir::ExpReverseBitsLen(ExpReverseBitsLenChip::), RecursionAir::PublicValues(PublicValuesChip), ] @@ -104,6 +115,8 @@ impl, const DEGREE: usize> RecursionAi RecursionAir::BaseAlu(BaseAluChip), RecursionAir::ExtAlu(ExtAluChip), RecursionAir::Poseidon2Wide(Poseidon2WideChip::), + RecursionAir::BatchFRI(BatchFRIChip::), + RecursionAir::Select(SelectChip), RecursionAir::ExpReverseBitsLen(ExpReverseBitsLenChip::), RecursionAir::PublicValues(PublicValuesChip), ] @@ -128,7 +141,8 @@ impl, const DEGREE: usize> RecursionAi RecursionAir::BaseAlu(BaseAluChip), RecursionAir::ExtAlu(ExtAluChip), RecursionAir::Poseidon2Skinny(Poseidon2SkinnyChip::::default()), - // RecursionAir::ExpReverseBitsLen(ExpReverseBitsLenChip::), + // RecursionAir::BatchFRI(BatchFRIChip::), + RecursionAir::Select(SelectChip), RecursionAir::PublicValues(PublicValuesChip), ] .map(Chip::new) @@ -140,12 +154,14 @@ impl, const DEGREE: usize> RecursionAi pub fn shrink_shape() -> RecursionShape { let shape = HashMap::from( [ - (Self::MemoryConst(MemoryConstChip::default()), 17), (Self::MemoryVar(MemoryVarChip::default()), 18), - (Self::BaseAlu(BaseAluChip), 20), + (Self::Select(SelectChip), 18), + (Self::MemoryConst(MemoryConstChip::default()), 17), + (Self::BatchFRI(BatchFRIChip::), 17), + (Self::BaseAlu(BaseAluChip), 17), (Self::ExtAlu(ExtAluChip), 18), + (Self::ExpReverseBitsLen(ExpReverseBitsLenChip::), 17), (Self::Poseidon2Wide(Poseidon2WideChip::), 16), - (Self::ExpReverseBitsLen(ExpReverseBitsLenChip::), 16), (Self::PublicValues(PublicValuesChip), PUB_VALUES_LOG_HEIGHT), ] .map(|(chip, log_height)| (chip.name(), log_height)), @@ -155,7 +171,7 @@ impl, const DEGREE: usize> RecursionAi pub fn heights(program: &RecursionProgram) -> Vec<(String, usize)> { let heights = program - .instructions + .inner .iter() .fold(RecursionAirEventCount::default(), |heights, instruction| heights + instruction); @@ -177,6 +193,8 @@ impl, const DEGREE: usize> RecursionAi heights.ext_alu_events.div_ceil(NUM_EXT_ALU_ENTRIES_PER_ROW), ), (Self::Poseidon2Wide(Poseidon2WideChip::), heights.poseidon2_wide_events), + (Self::BatchFRI(BatchFRIChip::), heights.batch_fri_events), + (Self::Select(SelectChip), heights.select_events), ( Self::ExpReverseBitsLen(ExpReverseBitsLenChip::), heights.exp_reverse_bits_len_events, @@ -196,6 +214,7 @@ impl AddAssign<&Instruction> for RecursionAirEventCount { Instruction::ExtAlu(_) => self.ext_alu_events += 1, Instruction::Mem(_) => self.mem_const_events += 1, Instruction::Poseidon2(_) => self.poseidon2_wide_events += 1, + Instruction::Select(_) => self.select_events += 1, Instruction::ExpReverseBitsLen(ExpReverseBitsInstr { addrs, .. }) => { self.exp_reverse_bits_len_events += addrs.exp.len() } @@ -209,8 +228,17 @@ impl AddAssign<&Instruction> for RecursionAirEventCount { input_addr: _, // No receive interaction for the hint operation }) => self.mem_var_events += output_addrs_mults.len(), Instruction::FriFold(_) => self.fri_fold_events += 1, + Instruction::BatchFRI(instr) => { + self.batch_fri_events += instr.base_vec_addrs.p_at_x.len() + } + Instruction::HintAddCurve(instr) => { + self.mem_var_events += instr.output_x_addrs_mults.len(); + self.mem_var_events += instr.output_y_addrs_mults.len(); + } Instruction::CommitPublicValues(_) => {} Instruction::Print(_) => {} + #[cfg(feature = "debug")] + Instruction::DebugBacktrace(_) => {} } } } @@ -225,7 +253,7 @@ impl Add<&Instruction> for RecursionAirEventCount { } } -impl From for ProofShape { +impl From for OrderedShape { fn from(value: RecursionShape) -> Self { value.inner.into_iter().collect() } @@ -265,24 +293,20 @@ pub mod tests { // Run with the poseidon2 wide chip. let machine = A::machine_wide_with_all_chips(BabyBearPoseidon2::default()); let (pk, vk) = machine.setup(&program); - let result = run_test_machine(vec![runtime.record.clone()], machine, pk, vk); - if let Err(e) = result { - panic!("Verification failed: {:?}", e); - } + run_test_machine(vec![runtime.record.clone()], machine, pk, vk) + .expect("Verification failed"); // Run with the poseidon2 skinny chip. let skinny_machine = B::machine_skinny_with_all_chips(BabyBearPoseidon2::ultra_compressed()); let (pk, vk) = skinny_machine.setup(&program); - let result = run_test_machine(vec![runtime.record], skinny_machine, pk, vk); - if let Err(e) = result { - panic!("Verification failed: {:?}", e); - } + run_test_machine(vec![runtime.record], skinny_machine, pk, vk) + .expect("Verification failed"); } - fn test_instructions(instructions: Vec>) { - let program = RecursionProgram { instructions, ..Default::default() }; - run_recursion_test_machines(program); + /// Constructs a linear program and runs it on machines that use the wide and skinny Poseidon2 chips. + pub fn test_recursion_linear_program(instrs: Vec>) { + run_recursion_test_machines(linear_program(instrs).unwrap()); } #[test] @@ -296,7 +320,7 @@ pub mod tests { .chain(once(instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Read, 2, n, 55))) .collect::>(); - test_instructions(instructions); + test_recursion_linear_program(instructions); } #[test] @@ -309,7 +333,7 @@ pub mod tests { instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Read, 1, 2, 1), ]; - test_instructions(instructions); + test_recursion_linear_program(instructions); } #[test] @@ -321,7 +345,7 @@ pub mod tests { instr::mem(MemAccessKind::Read, 1, 2, 1), ]; - test_instructions(instructions); + test_recursion_linear_program(instructions); } #[test] @@ -354,6 +378,6 @@ pub mod tests { addr += 1; } - test_instructions(instructions); + test_recursion_linear_program(instructions); } } diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/runtime/instruction.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/runtime/instruction.rs index 6a7dbc872..9b88936ae 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/runtime/instruction.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/runtime/instruction.rs @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ -use std::borrow::Borrow; - +use crate::*; +#[cfg(feature = "debug")] +use backtrace::Backtrace; use p3_field::{AbstractExtensionField, AbstractField}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; -use crate::*; +#[cfg(any(test, feature = "program_validation"))] +use smallvec::SmallVec; + +use std::borrow::Borrow; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum Instruction { @@ -11,13 +15,129 @@ pub enum Instruction { ExtAlu(ExtAluInstr), Mem(MemInstr), Poseidon2(Box>), + Select(SelectInstr), ExpReverseBitsLen(ExpReverseBitsInstr), HintBits(HintBitsInstr), + HintAddCurve(Box>), FriFold(Box>), + BatchFRI(Box>), Print(PrintInstr), HintExt2Felts(HintExt2FeltsInstr), CommitPublicValues(Box>), Hint(HintInstr), + #[cfg(feature = "debug")] + DebugBacktrace(Backtrace), +} + +impl Instruction { + #[cfg(any(test, feature = "program_validation"))] + #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] + #[must_use] + pub(crate) fn io_addrs(&self) -> (SmallVec<[Address; 4]>, SmallVec<[Address; 4]>) { + use smallvec::{smallvec as svec, *}; + use std::iter; + + match *self { + Instruction::BaseAlu(BaseAluInstr { addrs: BaseAluIo { out, in1, in2 }, .. }) => { + (svec![in1, in2], svec![out]) + } + Instruction::ExtAlu(ExtAluInstr { addrs: ExtAluIo { out, in1, in2 }, .. }) => { + (svec![in1, in2], svec![out]) + } + Instruction::Mem(MemInstr { addrs: MemIo { inner }, .. }) => (svec![], svec![inner]), + Instruction::Poseidon2(ref instr) => { + let Poseidon2SkinnyInstr { addrs: Poseidon2Io { input, output }, .. } = + instr.as_ref(); + (SmallVec::from_slice(input), SmallVec::from_slice(output)) + } + Instruction::Select(SelectInstr { + addrs: SelectIo { bit, out1, out2, in1, in2 }, + .. + }) => (svec![bit, in1, in2], svec![out1, out2]), + Instruction::ExpReverseBitsLen(ExpReverseBitsInstr { + addrs: ExpReverseBitsIo { base, ref exp, result }, + .. + }) => (exp.iter().copied().chain(iter::once(base)).collect(), svec![result]), + Instruction::HintBits(HintBitsInstr { ref output_addrs_mults, input_addr }) => { + (svec![input_addr], output_addrs_mults.iter().map(|(a, _)| *a).collect()) + } + Instruction::HintAddCurve(ref instr) => { + let HintAddCurveInstr { + output_x_addrs_mults, + output_y_addrs_mults, + input1_x_addrs, + input1_y_addrs, + input2_x_addrs, + input2_y_addrs, + } = instr.as_ref(); + ( + [input1_x_addrs, input1_y_addrs, input2_x_addrs, input2_y_addrs] + .into_iter() + .flatten() + .copied() + .collect(), + [output_x_addrs_mults, output_y_addrs_mults] + .into_iter() + .flatten() + .map(|&(addr, _)| addr) + .collect(), + ) + } + Instruction::FriFold(ref instr) => { + let FriFoldInstr { + base_single_addrs: FriFoldBaseIo { x }, + ext_single_addrs: FriFoldExtSingleIo { z, alpha }, + ext_vec_addrs: + FriFoldExtVecIo { + ref mat_opening, + ref ps_at_z, + ref alpha_pow_input, + ref ro_input, + ref alpha_pow_output, + ref ro_output, + }, + .. + } = *instr.as_ref(); + ( + [mat_opening, ps_at_z, alpha_pow_input, ro_input] + .into_iter() + .flatten() + .copied() + .chain([x, z, alpha]) + .collect(), + [alpha_pow_output, ro_output].into_iter().flatten().copied().collect(), + ) + } + Instruction::BatchFRI(ref instr) => { + let BatchFRIInstr { base_vec_addrs, ext_single_addrs, ext_vec_addrs, .. } = + instr.as_ref(); + ( + [ + base_vec_addrs.p_at_x.as_slice(), + ext_vec_addrs.p_at_z.as_slice(), + ext_vec_addrs.alpha_pow.as_slice(), + ] + .concat() + .to_vec() + .into(), + svec![ext_single_addrs.acc], + ) + } + Instruction::Print(_) => Default::default(), + #[cfg(feature = "debug")] + Instruction::DebugBacktrace(_) => Default::default(), + Instruction::HintExt2Felts(HintExt2FeltsInstr { output_addrs_mults, input_addr }) => { + (svec![input_addr], output_addrs_mults.iter().map(|(a, _)| *a).collect()) + } + Instruction::CommitPublicValues(ref instr) => { + let CommitPublicValuesInstr { pv_addrs } = instr.as_ref(); + (pv_addrs.as_array().to_vec().into(), svec![]) + } + Instruction::Hint(HintInstr { ref output_addrs_mults }) => { + (svec![], output_addrs_mults.iter().map(|(a, _)| *a).collect()) + } + } + } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] @@ -34,6 +154,15 @@ pub struct PrintInstr { pub addr: Address, } +#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] +pub struct HintAddCurveInstr { + pub output_x_addrs_mults: Vec<(Address, F)>, + pub output_y_addrs_mults: Vec<(Address, F)>, + pub input1_x_addrs: Vec>, + pub input1_y_addrs: Vec>, + pub input2_x_addrs: Vec>, + pub input2_y_addrs: Vec>, +} #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct HintInstr { /// Addresses and mults of the output felts. @@ -145,6 +274,29 @@ pub fn poseidon2( })) } +#[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] +pub fn select( + mult1: u32, + mult2: u32, + bit: u32, + out1: u32, + out2: u32, + in1: u32, + in2: u32, +) -> Instruction { + Instruction::Select(SelectInstr { + mult1: F::from_canonical_u32(mult1), + mult2: F::from_canonical_u32(mult2), + addrs: SelectIo { + bit: Address(F::from_canonical_u32(bit)), + out1: Address(F::from_canonical_u32(out1)), + out2: Address(F::from_canonical_u32(out2)), + in1: Address(F::from_canonical_u32(in1)), + in2: Address(F::from_canonical_u32(in2)), + }, + }) +} + pub fn exp_reverse_bits_len( mult: u32, base: F, @@ -203,6 +355,27 @@ pub fn fri_fold( })) } +#[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] +pub fn batch_fri( + acc: u32, + alpha_pows: Vec, + p_at_zs: Vec, + p_at_xs: Vec, + acc_mult: u32, +) -> Instruction { + Instruction::BatchFRI(Box::new(BatchFRIInstr { + base_vec_addrs: BatchFRIBaseVecIo { + p_at_x: p_at_xs.iter().map(|elm| Address(F::from_canonical_u32(*elm))).collect(), + }, + ext_single_addrs: BatchFRIExtSingleIo { acc: Address(F::from_canonical_u32(acc)) }, + ext_vec_addrs: BatchFRIExtVecIo { + p_at_z: p_at_zs.iter().map(|elm| Address(F::from_canonical_u32(*elm))).collect(), + alpha_pow: alpha_pows.iter().map(|elm| Address(F::from_canonical_u32(*elm))).collect(), + }, + acc_mult: F::from_canonical_u32(acc_mult), + })) +} + pub fn commit_public_values( public_values_a: &RecursionPublicValues, ) -> Instruction { diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/runtime/memory.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/runtime/memory.rs index a82337b68..a9f931204 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/runtime/memory.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/runtime/memory.rs @@ -1,107 +1,99 @@ -use std::iter::repeat; +use std::{ + cell::UnsafeCell, + mem::{self, MaybeUninit}, +}; use p3_field::PrimeField64; -use vec_map::{Entry, VecMap}; use crate::{air::Block, Address}; -#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)] +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Copy)] pub struct MemoryEntry { pub val: Block, - pub mult: F, } -pub trait Memory { - /// Allocates memory with at least the given capacity. - fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> Self; - - /// Read from a memory address. Decrements the memory entry's mult count. - /// - /// # Panics - /// Panics if the address is unassigned. - fn mr(&mut self, addr: Address) -> &mut MemoryEntry; - - /// Read from a memory address. Reduces the memory entry's mult count by the given amount. - /// - /// # Panics - /// Panics if the address is unassigned. - fn mr_mult(&mut self, addr: Address, mult: F) -> &mut MemoryEntry; - - /// Write to a memory address, setting the given value and mult. - /// - /// # Panics - /// Panics if the address is already assigned. - fn mw(&mut self, addr: Address, val: Block, mult: F) -> &mut MemoryEntry; -} - -#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)] -pub struct MemVecMap(pub VecMap>); - -impl Memory for MemVecMap { - fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> Self { - Self(VecMap::with_capacity(capacity)) - } - - fn mr(&mut self, addr: Address) -> &mut MemoryEntry { - self.mr_mult(addr, F::one()) +/// `UnsafeCell`, but `Sync`. +/// +/// A replication of the standard library type `SyncUnsafeCell`, still unstable as of Rust 1.81.0. +#[derive(Debug, Default)] +#[repr(transparent)] +struct SyncUnsafeCell(UnsafeCell); + +unsafe impl Sync for SyncUnsafeCell {} + +#[derive(Debug, Default)] +pub struct MemVec(Vec>>>); + +impl MemVec { + pub fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> Self { + // SAFETY: SyncUnsafeCell is a `repr(transparent)` newtype of `UnsafeCell`, which has + // the same representation as its inner type. + Self(unsafe { + mem::transmute::< + Vec>>, + Vec>>>, + >(vec![MaybeUninit::uninit(); capacity]) + }) } - fn mr_mult(&mut self, addr: Address, mult: F) -> &mut MemoryEntry { - match self.0.entry(addr.as_usize()) { - Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => { - let entry_mult = &mut entry.get_mut().mult; - *entry_mult -= mult; - entry.into_mut() - } - Entry::Vacant(_) => panic!("tried to read from unassigned address: {addr:?}",), - } + pub fn mr(&mut self, addr: Address) -> &MemoryEntry { + // SAFETY: We have exclusive access to the memory, so no data races can occur. + unsafe { self.mr_unchecked(addr) } } - fn mw(&mut self, addr: Address, val: Block, mult: F) -> &mut MemoryEntry { - let index = addr.as_usize(); - match self.0.entry(index) { - Entry::Occupied(entry) => { - panic!("tried to write to assigned address {}: {:?}", index, entry.get()) - } - Entry::Vacant(entry) => entry.insert(MemoryEntry { val, mult }), + /// # Safety + /// This should be called precisely when memory is to be read according to a happens-before + /// relation corresponding to the documented invariants of [`crate::RecursionProgram`] + /// invariants. This guarantees the absence of any data races. + pub unsafe fn mr_unchecked(&self, addr: Address) -> &MemoryEntry { + match self.0.get(addr.as_usize()).map(|c| unsafe { + // SAFETY: The pointer is dereferenceable. It has already been written to due to the + // happens-before relation (in `mw_unchecked`), so no mutable/unique reference can exist. + // The immutable/shared reference returned indeed remains valid as long as the lifetime + // of `&self` (lifetimes are elided) since it refers to memory directly owned by `self`. + &*c.0.get() + }) { + Some(entry) => unsafe { + // SAFETY: It has already been written to, so the value is valid. The reference + // obeys both lifetime and aliasing rules, as discussed above. + entry.assume_init_ref() + }, + None => panic!( + "expected address {} to be less than length {}", + addr.as_usize(), + self.0.len() + ), } } -} - -#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)] -pub struct MemVec(pub Vec>>); - -impl Memory for MemVec { - fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> Self { - Self(Vec::with_capacity(capacity)) - } - fn mr(&mut self, addr: Address) -> &mut MemoryEntry { - self.mr_mult(addr, F::one()) - } - - fn mr_mult(&mut self, addr: Address, mult: F) -> &mut MemoryEntry { - match self.0.get_mut(addr.as_usize()) { - Some(Some(entry)) => { - entry.mult -= mult; - entry - } - _ => panic!( - "tried to read from unassigned address: {addr:?}\nbacktrace: {:?}", - backtrace::Backtrace::new() - ), - } + pub fn mw(&mut self, addr: Address, val: Block) { + // SAFETY: We have exclusive access to the memory, so no data races can occur. + // Leaks may occur if the same address is written to twice, unless `F` is trivially + // destructible (which is the case if it is merely a number). + unsafe { self.mw_unchecked(addr, val) } } - fn mw(&mut self, addr: Address, val: Block, mult: F) -> &mut MemoryEntry { - let addr_usize = addr.as_usize(); - self.0.extend(repeat(None).take((addr_usize + 1).saturating_sub(self.0.len()))); - match &mut self.0[addr_usize] { - Some(entry) => panic!( - "tried to write to assigned address: {entry:?}\nbacktrace: {:?}", - backtrace::Backtrace::new() + /// # Safety + /// This should be called precisely when memory is to be written according to a happens-before + /// relation corresponding to the documented invariants of [`crate::RecursionProgram`] + /// invariants. This guarantees the absence of any data races. + pub unsafe fn mw_unchecked(&self, addr: Address, val: Block) { + match self.0.get(addr.as_usize()).map(|c| unsafe { + // SAFETY: The pointer is dereferenceable. There are no other aliases to the data + // because of the happens-before relation (no other `mw_unchecked` can be invoked on + // the same address, and this call happens-before any `mr_unchecked`.) + // The mutable/shared reference is dropped below, so it does not escape with + // an invalid lifetime. + &mut *c.0.get() + }) { + // This does not leak memory because the address is written to exactly once. + // Leaking is memory-safe in Rust, so this isn't technically a "SAFETY" comment. + Some(entry) => drop(entry.write(MemoryEntry { val })), + None => panic!( + "expected address {} to be less than length {}", + addr.as_usize(), + self.0.len() ), - entry @ None => entry.insert(MemoryEntry { val, mult }), } } } diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/runtime/mod.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/runtime/mod.rs index f3ee33513..47494fa0e 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/runtime/mod.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/runtime/mod.rs @@ -6,13 +6,23 @@ mod record; // Avoid triggering annoying branch of thiserror derive macro. use backtrace::Backtrace as Trace; +use instruction::HintAddCurveInstr; pub use instruction::Instruction; use instruction::{FieldEltType, HintBitsInstr, HintExt2FeltsInstr, HintInstr, PrintInstr}; +use itertools::Itertools; use memory::*; pub use opcode::*; +use p3_field::AbstractExtensionField; +use p3_field::{AbstractField, ExtensionField, PrimeField32}; +use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::*; +use p3_poseidon2::{Poseidon2, Poseidon2ExternalMatrixGeneral}; +use p3_symmetric::{CryptographicPermutation, Permutation}; +use p3_util::reverse_bits_len; pub use program::*; pub use record::*; - +use sp1_stark::septic_curve::SepticCurve; +use sp1_stark::septic_extension::SepticExtension; +use sp1_stark::MachineRecord; use std::{ array, borrow::Borrow, @@ -21,15 +31,8 @@ use std::{ io::{stdout, Write}, iter::zip, marker::PhantomData, - sync::Arc, + sync::{Arc, Mutex}, }; - -use hashbrown::HashMap; -use itertools::Itertools; -use p3_field::{AbstractField, ExtensionField, PrimeField32}; -use p3_poseidon2::{Poseidon2, Poseidon2ExternalMatrixGeneral}; -use p3_symmetric::{CryptographicPermutation, Permutation}; -use p3_util::reverse_bits_len; use thiserror::Error; use crate::air::{Block, RECURSIVE_PROOF_NUM_PV_ELTS}; @@ -39,9 +42,8 @@ use crate::*; /// The heap pointer address. pub const HEAP_PTR: i32 = -4; -pub const HEAP_START_ADDRESS: usize = STACK_SIZE + 4; - pub const STACK_SIZE: usize = 1 << 24; +pub const HEAP_START_ADDRESS: usize = STACK_SIZE + 4; pub const MEMORY_SIZE: usize = 1 << 28; /// The width of the Poseidon2 permutation. @@ -57,12 +59,13 @@ pub const NUM_BITS: usize = 31; pub const D: usize = 4; -#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)] -pub struct CycleTrackerEntry { - pub span_entered: bool, - pub span_enter_cycle: usize, - pub cumulative_cycles: usize, -} +type Perm = Poseidon2< + F, + Poseidon2ExternalMatrixGeneral, + Diffusion, + PERMUTATION_WIDTH, + POSEIDON2_SBOX_DEGREE, +>; /// TODO fully document. /// Taken from [`sp1_recursion_core::runtime::Runtime`]. @@ -84,46 +87,34 @@ pub struct Runtime<'a, F: PrimeField32, EF: ExtensionField, Diffusion> { pub nb_branch_ops: usize, + pub nb_select: usize, + pub nb_exp_reverse_bits: usize, pub nb_fri_fold: usize, + pub nb_batch_fri: usize, + pub nb_print_f: usize, pub nb_print_e: usize, - /// The current clock. - pub clk: F, - - /// The program counter. - pub pc: F, - /// The program. pub program: Arc>, /// Memory. From canonical usize of an Address to a MemoryEntry. - pub memory: MemVecMap, + pub memory: MemVec, /// The execution record. pub record: ExecutionRecord, pub witness_stream: VecDeque>, - pub cycle_tracker: HashMap, - /// The stream that print statements write to. - pub debug_stdout: Box, + pub debug_stdout: Box, /// Entries for dealing with the Poseidon2 hash state. - perm: Option< - Poseidon2< - F, - Poseidon2ExternalMatrixGeneral, - Diffusion, - PERMUTATION_WIDTH, - POSEIDON2_SBOX_DEGREE, - >, - >, + perm: Option>, _marker_ef: PhantomData, @@ -133,34 +124,24 @@ pub struct Runtime<'a, F: PrimeField32, EF: ExtensionField, Diffusion> { #[derive(Error, Debug)] pub enum RuntimeError { #[error( - "attempted to perform base field division {in1:?}/{in2:?} \ - from instruction {instr:?} at pc {pc:?}\nnearest pc with backtrace:\n{trace:?}" + "attempted to perform base field division {in1:?}/{in2:?}\n\ + \tin instruction {instr:#?}\n\ + \tnearest backtrace:\n{trace:#?}" )] - DivFOutOfDomain { - in1: F, - in2: F, - instr: BaseAluInstr, - pc: usize, - trace: Option<(usize, Trace)>, - }, + DivFOutOfDomain { in1: F, in2: F, instr: BaseAluInstr, trace: Option }, #[error( - "attempted to perform extension field division {in1:?}/{in2:?} \ - from instruction {instr:?} at pc {pc:?}\nnearest pc with backtrace:\n{trace:?}" + "attempted to perform extension field division {in1:?}/{in2:?}\n\ + \tin instruction {instr:#?}\n\ + \tnearest backtrace:\n{trace:#?}" )] - DivEOutOfDomain { - in1: EF, - in2: EF, - instr: ExtAluInstr, - pc: usize, - trace: Option<(usize, Trace)>, - }, + DivEOutOfDomain { in1: EF, in2: EF, instr: ExtAluInstr, trace: Option }, #[error("failed to print to `debug_stdout`: {0}")] DebugPrint(#[from] std::io::Error), #[error("attempted to read from empty witness stream")] EmptyWitnessStream, } -impl<'a, F: PrimeField32, EF: ExtensionField, Diffusion> Runtime<'a, F, EF, Diffusion> +impl, Diffusion> Runtime<'_, F, EF, Diffusion> where Poseidon2< F, @@ -181,27 +162,26 @@ where >, ) -> Self { let record = ExecutionRecord:: { program: program.clone(), ..Default::default() }; - let memory = Memory::with_capacity(program.total_memory); + let memory = MemVec::with_capacity(program.total_memory); Self { timestamp: 0, nb_poseidons: 0, nb_wide_poseidons: 0, nb_bit_decompositions: 0, + nb_select: 0, nb_exp_reverse_bits: 0, nb_ext_ops: 0, nb_base_ops: 0, nb_memory_ops: 0, nb_branch_ops: 0, nb_fri_fold: 0, + nb_batch_fri: 0, nb_print_f: 0, nb_print_e: 0, - clk: F::zero(), program, - pc: F::zero(), memory, record, witness_stream: VecDeque::new(), - cycle_tracker: HashMap::new(), debug_stdout: Box::new(stdout()), perm: Some(perm), _marker_ef: PhantomData, @@ -210,314 +190,521 @@ where } pub fn print_stats(&self) { - tracing::debug!("Total Cycles: {}", self.timestamp); - tracing::debug!("Poseidon Skinny Operations: {}", self.nb_poseidons); - tracing::debug!("Poseidon Wide Operations: {}", self.nb_wide_poseidons); - tracing::debug!("Exp Reverse Bits Operations: {}", self.nb_exp_reverse_bits); - tracing::debug!("FriFold Operations: {}", self.nb_fri_fold); - tracing::debug!("Field Operations: {}", self.nb_base_ops); - tracing::debug!("Extension Operations: {}", self.nb_ext_ops); - tracing::debug!("Memory Operations: {}", self.nb_memory_ops); - tracing::debug!("Branch Operations: {}", self.nb_branch_ops); - for (name, entry) in self.cycle_tracker.iter().sorted_by_key(|(name, _)| *name) { - tracing::debug!("> {}: {}", name, entry.cumulative_cycles); - } - } - - fn nearest_pc_backtrace(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, Trace)> { - let trap_pc = self.pc.as_canonical_u32() as usize; - let trace = self.program.traces.get(trap_pc).cloned()?; - if let Some(mut trace) = trace { - trace.resolve(); - Some((trap_pc, trace)) - } else { - (0..trap_pc) - .rev() - .filter_map(|nearby_pc| { - let mut trace = self.program.traces.get(nearby_pc)?.clone()?; - trace.resolve(); - Some((nearby_pc, trace)) - }) - .next() + if tracing::event_enabled!(tracing::Level::DEBUG) { + let mut stats = self.record.stats().into_iter().collect::>(); + stats.sort_unstable(); + tracing::debug!("total events: {}", stats.iter().map(|(_, v)| *v).sum::()); + for (k, v) in stats { + tracing::debug!(" {k}: {v}"); + } } } - /// Compare to [sp1_recursion_core::runtime::Runtime::run]. - pub fn run(&mut self) -> Result<(), RuntimeError> { - let early_exit_ts = std::env::var("RECURSION_EARLY_EXIT_TS") - .map_or(usize::MAX, |ts: String| ts.parse().unwrap()); - while self.pc < F::from_canonical_u32(self.program.instructions.len() as u32) { - let idx = self.pc.as_canonical_u32() as usize; - let instruction = self.program.instructions[idx].clone(); - - let next_clk = self.clk + F::from_canonical_u32(4); - let next_pc = self.pc + F::one(); - match instruction { - Instruction::BaseAlu(instr @ BaseAluInstr { opcode, mult, addrs }) => { - self.nb_base_ops += 1; - let in1 = self.memory.mr(addrs.in1).val[0]; - let in2 = self.memory.mr(addrs.in2).val[0]; - // Do the computation. - let out = match opcode { - BaseAluOpcode::AddF => in1 + in2, - BaseAluOpcode::SubF => in1 - in2, - BaseAluOpcode::MulF => in1 * in2, - BaseAluOpcode::DivF => match in1.try_div(in2) { - Some(x) => x, - None => { - // Check for division exceptions and error. Note that 0/0 is defined - // to be 1. - if in1.is_zero() { - AbstractField::one() - } else { - return Err(RuntimeError::DivFOutOfDomain { - in1, - in2, - instr, - pc: self.pc.as_canonical_u32() as usize, - trace: self.nearest_pc_backtrace(), - }); - } + /// # Safety + /// + /// Safety is guaranteed if calls to this function (with the given `env` argument) obey the + /// happens-before relation defined in the documentation of [`RecursionProgram::new_unchecked`]. + /// + /// This function makes use of interior mutability of `env` via `UnsafeCell`. + /// All of this function's unsafety stems from the `instruction` argument that indicates' + /// whether/how to read and write from the memory in `env`. There must be a strict + /// happens-before relation where reads happen before writes, and memory read from must be + /// initialized. + unsafe fn execute_one( + state: &mut ExecState, + witness_stream: Option<&mut VecDeque>>, + instruction: Instruction, + ) -> Result<(), RuntimeError> { + let ExecEnv { memory, perm, debug_stdout } = state.env; + let record = &mut state.record; + match instruction { + Instruction::BaseAlu(instr @ BaseAluInstr { opcode, mult: _, addrs }) => { + let in1 = memory.mr_unchecked(addrs.in1).val[0]; + let in2 = memory.mr_unchecked(addrs.in2).val[0]; + // Do the computation. + let out = match opcode { + BaseAluOpcode::AddF => in1 + in2, + BaseAluOpcode::SubF => in1 - in2, + BaseAluOpcode::MulF => in1 * in2, + BaseAluOpcode::DivF => match in1.try_div(in2) { + Some(x) => x, + None => { + // Check for division exceptions and error. Note that 0/0 is defined + // to be 1. + if in1.is_zero() { + AbstractField::one() + } else { + return Err(RuntimeError::DivFOutOfDomain { + in1, + in2, + instr, + trace: state.resolve_trace().cloned(), + }); } - }, - }; - self.memory.mw(addrs.out, Block::from(out), mult); - self.record.base_alu_events.push(BaseAluEvent { out, in1, in2 }); - } - Instruction::ExtAlu(instr @ ExtAluInstr { opcode, mult, addrs }) => { - self.nb_ext_ops += 1; - let in1 = self.memory.mr(addrs.in1).val; - let in2 = self.memory.mr(addrs.in2).val; - // Do the computation. - let in1_ef = EF::from_base_slice(&in1.0); - let in2_ef = EF::from_base_slice(&in2.0); - let out_ef = match opcode { - ExtAluOpcode::AddE => in1_ef + in2_ef, - ExtAluOpcode::SubE => in1_ef - in2_ef, - ExtAluOpcode::MulE => in1_ef * in2_ef, - ExtAluOpcode::DivE => match in1_ef.try_div(in2_ef) { - Some(x) => x, - None => { - // Check for division exceptions and error. Note that 0/0 is defined - // to be 1. - if in1_ef.is_zero() { - AbstractField::one() - } else { - return Err(RuntimeError::DivEOutOfDomain { - in1: in1_ef, - in2: in2_ef, - instr, - pc: self.pc.as_canonical_u32() as usize, - trace: self.nearest_pc_backtrace(), - }); - } + } + }, + }; + memory.mw_unchecked(addrs.out, Block::from(out)); + record.base_alu_events.push(BaseAluEvent { out, in1, in2 }); + } + Instruction::ExtAlu(instr @ ExtAluInstr { opcode, mult: _, addrs }) => { + let in1 = memory.mr_unchecked(addrs.in1).val; + let in2 = memory.mr_unchecked(addrs.in2).val; + // Do the computation. + let in1_ef = EF::from_base_slice(&in1.0); + let in2_ef = EF::from_base_slice(&in2.0); + let out_ef = match opcode { + ExtAluOpcode::AddE => in1_ef + in2_ef, + ExtAluOpcode::SubE => in1_ef - in2_ef, + ExtAluOpcode::MulE => in1_ef * in2_ef, + ExtAluOpcode::DivE => match in1_ef.try_div(in2_ef) { + Some(x) => x, + None => { + // Check for division exceptions and error. Note that 0/0 is defined + // to be 1. + if in1_ef.is_zero() { + AbstractField::one() + } else { + return Err(RuntimeError::DivEOutOfDomain { + in1: in1_ef, + in2: in2_ef, + instr, + trace: state.resolve_trace().cloned(), + }); } - }, - }; - let out = Block::from(out_ef.as_base_slice()); - self.memory.mw(addrs.out, out, mult); - self.record.ext_alu_events.push(ExtAluEvent { out, in1, in2 }); - } - Instruction::Mem(MemInstr { - addrs: MemIo { inner: addr }, - vals: MemIo { inner: val }, - mult, - kind, - }) => { - self.nb_memory_ops += 1; - match kind { - MemAccessKind::Read => { - let mem_entry = self.memory.mr_mult(addr, mult); - assert_eq!( - mem_entry.val, val, - "stored memory value should be the specified value" - ); } - MemAccessKind::Write => drop(self.memory.mw(addr, val, mult)), + }, + }; + let out = Block::from(out_ef.as_base_slice()); + memory.mw_unchecked(addrs.out, out); + record.ext_alu_events.push(ExtAluEvent { out, in1, in2 }); + } + Instruction::Mem(MemInstr { + addrs: MemIo { inner: addr }, + vals: MemIo { inner: val }, + mult: _, + kind, + }) => { + match kind { + MemAccessKind::Read => { + let mem_entry = memory.mr_unchecked(addr); + assert_eq!( + mem_entry.val, val, + "stored memory value should be the specified value" + ); } - self.record.mem_const_count += 1; + MemAccessKind::Write => memory.mw_unchecked(addr, val), } - Instruction::Poseidon2(instr) => { - let Poseidon2Instr { addrs: Poseidon2Io { input, output }, mults } = *instr; - self.nb_poseidons += 1; - let in_vals = std::array::from_fn(|i| self.memory.mr(input[i]).val[0]); - let perm_output = self.perm.as_ref().unwrap().permute(in_vals); - - perm_output.iter().zip(output).zip(mults).for_each(|((&val, addr), mult)| { - self.memory.mw(addr, Block::from(val), mult); - }); - self.record - .poseidon2_events - .push(Poseidon2Event { input: in_vals, output: perm_output }); + record.mem_const_count += 1; + } + Instruction::Poseidon2(instr) => { + let Poseidon2Instr { addrs: Poseidon2Io { input, output }, mults: _ } = *instr; + let in_vals = std::array::from_fn(|i| memory.mr_unchecked(input[i]).val[0]); + let perm_output = perm.permute(in_vals); + + perm_output.iter().zip(output).for_each(|(&val, addr)| { + memory.mw_unchecked(addr, Block::from(val)); + }); + record + .poseidon2_events + .push(Poseidon2Event { input: in_vals, output: perm_output }); + } + Instruction::Select(SelectInstr { + addrs: SelectIo { bit, out1, out2, in1, in2 }, + mult1: _, + mult2: _, + }) => { + let bit = memory.mr_unchecked(bit).val[0]; + let in1 = memory.mr_unchecked(in1).val[0]; + let in2 = memory.mr_unchecked(in2).val[0]; + let out1_val = bit * in2 + (F::one() - bit) * in1; + let out2_val = bit * in1 + (F::one() - bit) * in2; + memory.mw_unchecked(out1, Block::from(out1_val)); + memory.mw_unchecked(out2, Block::from(out2_val)); + record.select_events.push(SelectEvent { + bit, + out1: out1_val, + out2: out2_val, + in1, + in2, + }) + } + Instruction::ExpReverseBitsLen(ExpReverseBitsInstr { + addrs: ExpReverseBitsIo { base, exp, result }, + mult: _, + }) => { + let base_val = memory.mr_unchecked(base).val[0]; + let exp_bits: Vec<_> = + exp.iter().map(|bit| memory.mr_unchecked(*bit).val[0]).collect(); + let exp_val = exp_bits + .iter() + .enumerate() + .fold(0, |acc, (i, &val)| acc + val.as_canonical_u32() * (1 << i)); + let out = + base_val.exp_u64(reverse_bits_len(exp_val as usize, exp_bits.len()) as u64); + memory.mw_unchecked(result, Block::from(out)); + record.exp_reverse_bits_len_events.push(ExpReverseBitsEvent { + result: out, + base: base_val, + exp: exp_bits, + }); + } + Instruction::HintBits(HintBitsInstr { output_addrs_mults, input_addr }) => { + let num = memory.mr_unchecked(input_addr).val[0].as_canonical_u32(); + // Decompose the num into LE bits. + let bits = (0..output_addrs_mults.len()) + .map(|i| Block::from(F::from_canonical_u32((num >> i) & 1))) + .collect::>(); + // Write the bits to the array at dst. + for (bit, (addr, _mult)) in bits.into_iter().zip(output_addrs_mults) { + memory.mw_unchecked(addr, bit); + record.mem_var_events.push(MemEvent { inner: bit }); + } + } + Instruction::HintAddCurve(instr) => { + let HintAddCurveInstr { + output_x_addrs_mults, + output_y_addrs_mults, + input1_x_addrs, + input1_y_addrs, + input2_x_addrs, + input2_y_addrs, + } = *instr; + let input1_x = SepticExtension::::from_base_fn(|i| { + memory.mr_unchecked(input1_x_addrs[i]).val[0] + }); + let input1_y = SepticExtension::::from_base_fn(|i| { + memory.mr_unchecked(input1_y_addrs[i]).val[0] + }); + let input2_x = SepticExtension::::from_base_fn(|i| { + memory.mr_unchecked(input2_x_addrs[i]).val[0] + }); + let input2_y = SepticExtension::::from_base_fn(|i| { + memory.mr_unchecked(input2_y_addrs[i]).val[0] + }); + let point1 = SepticCurve { x: input1_x, y: input1_y }; + let point2 = SepticCurve { x: input2_x, y: input2_y }; + let output = point1.add_incomplete(point2); + + for (val, (addr, _mult)) in + output.x.0.into_iter().zip(output_x_addrs_mults.into_iter()) + { + memory.mw_unchecked(addr, Block::from(val)); + record.mem_var_events.push(MemEvent { inner: Block::from(val) }); + } + for (val, (addr, _mult)) in + output.y.0.into_iter().zip(output_y_addrs_mults.into_iter()) + { + memory.mw_unchecked(addr, Block::from(val)); + record.mem_var_events.push(MemEvent { inner: Block::from(val) }); } - Instruction::ExpReverseBitsLen(ExpReverseBitsInstr { - addrs: ExpReverseBitsIo { base, exp, result }, - mult, - }) => { - self.nb_exp_reverse_bits += 1; - let base_val = self.memory.mr(base).val[0]; - let exp_bits: Vec<_> = - exp.iter().map(|bit| self.memory.mr(*bit).val[0]).collect(); - let exp_val = exp_bits - .iter() - .enumerate() - .fold(0, |acc, (i, &val)| acc + val.as_canonical_u32() * (1 << i)); - let out = - base_val.exp_u64(reverse_bits_len(exp_val as usize, exp_bits.len()) as u64); - self.memory.mw(result, Block::from(out), mult); - self.record.exp_reverse_bits_len_events.push(ExpReverseBitsEvent { - result: out, - base: base_val, - exp: exp_bits, + } + Instruction::FriFold(instr) => { + let FriFoldInstr { + base_single_addrs, + ext_single_addrs, + ext_vec_addrs, + alpha_pow_mults: _, + ro_mults: _, + } = *instr; + let x = memory.mr_unchecked(base_single_addrs.x).val[0]; + let z = memory.mr_unchecked(ext_single_addrs.z).val; + let z: EF = z.ext(); + let alpha = memory.mr_unchecked(ext_single_addrs.alpha).val; + let alpha: EF = alpha.ext(); + let mat_opening = ext_vec_addrs + .mat_opening + .iter() + .map(|addr| memory.mr_unchecked(*addr).val) + .collect_vec(); + let ps_at_z = ext_vec_addrs + .ps_at_z + .iter() + .map(|addr| memory.mr_unchecked(*addr).val) + .collect_vec(); + + for m in 0..ps_at_z.len() { + // let m = F::from_canonical_u32(m); + // Get the opening values. + let p_at_x = mat_opening[m]; + let p_at_x: EF = p_at_x.ext(); + let p_at_z = ps_at_z[m]; + let p_at_z: EF = p_at_z.ext(); + + // Calculate the quotient and update the values + let quotient = (-p_at_z + p_at_x) / (-z + x); + + // First we peek to get the current value. + let alpha_pow: EF = + memory.mr_unchecked(ext_vec_addrs.alpha_pow_input[m]).val.ext(); + + let ro: EF = memory.mr_unchecked(ext_vec_addrs.ro_input[m]).val.ext(); + + let new_ro = ro + alpha_pow * quotient; + let new_alpha_pow = alpha_pow * alpha; + + memory.mw_unchecked( + ext_vec_addrs.ro_output[m], + Block::from(new_ro.as_base_slice()), + ); + + memory.mw_unchecked( + ext_vec_addrs.alpha_pow_output[m], + Block::from(new_alpha_pow.as_base_slice()), + ); + + record.fri_fold_events.push(FriFoldEvent { + base_single: FriFoldBaseIo { x }, + ext_single: FriFoldExtSingleIo { + z: Block::from(z.as_base_slice()), + alpha: Block::from(alpha.as_base_slice()), + }, + ext_vec: FriFoldExtVecIo { + mat_opening: Block::from(p_at_x.as_base_slice()), + ps_at_z: Block::from(p_at_z.as_base_slice()), + alpha_pow_input: Block::from(alpha_pow.as_base_slice()), + ro_input: Block::from(ro.as_base_slice()), + alpha_pow_output: Block::from(new_alpha_pow.as_base_slice()), + ro_output: Block::from(new_ro.as_base_slice()), + }, }); } - Instruction::HintBits(HintBitsInstr { output_addrs_mults, input_addr }) => { - self.nb_bit_decompositions += 1; - let num = self.memory.mr_mult(input_addr, F::zero()).val[0].as_canonical_u32(); - // Decompose the num into LE bits. - let bits = (0..output_addrs_mults.len()) - .map(|i| Block::from(F::from_canonical_u32((num >> i) & 1))) - .collect::>(); - // Write the bits to the array at dst. - for (bit, (addr, mult)) in bits.into_iter().zip(output_addrs_mults) { - self.memory.mw(addr, bit, mult); - self.record.mem_var_events.push(MemEvent { inner: bit }); - } + } + Instruction::BatchFRI(instr) => { + let BatchFRIInstr { base_vec_addrs, ext_single_addrs, ext_vec_addrs, acc_mult: _ } = + *instr; + + let mut acc = EF::zero(); + let p_at_xs = base_vec_addrs + .p_at_x + .iter() + .map(|addr| memory.mr_unchecked(*addr).val[0]) + .collect_vec(); + let p_at_zs = ext_vec_addrs + .p_at_z + .iter() + .map(|addr| memory.mr_unchecked(*addr).val.ext::()) + .collect_vec(); + let alpha_pows: Vec<_> = ext_vec_addrs + .alpha_pow + .iter() + .map(|addr| memory.mr_unchecked(*addr).val.ext::()) + .collect_vec(); + + for m in 0..p_at_zs.len() { + acc += alpha_pows[m] * (p_at_zs[m] - EF::from_base(p_at_xs[m])); + record.batch_fri_events.push(BatchFRIEvent { + base_vec: BatchFRIBaseVecIo { p_at_x: p_at_xs[m] }, + ext_single: BatchFRIExtSingleIo { acc: Block::from(acc.as_base_slice()) }, + ext_vec: BatchFRIExtVecIo { + p_at_z: Block::from(p_at_zs[m].as_base_slice()), + alpha_pow: Block::from(alpha_pows[m].as_base_slice()), + }, + }); } - Instruction::FriFold(instr) => { - let FriFoldInstr { - base_single_addrs, - ext_single_addrs, - ext_vec_addrs, - alpha_pow_mults, - ro_mults, - } = *instr; - self.nb_fri_fold += 1; - let x = self.memory.mr(base_single_addrs.x).val[0]; - let z = self.memory.mr(ext_single_addrs.z).val; - let z: EF = z.ext(); - let alpha = self.memory.mr(ext_single_addrs.alpha).val; - let alpha: EF = alpha.ext(); - let mat_opening = ext_vec_addrs - .mat_opening - .iter() - .map(|addr| self.memory.mr(*addr).val) - .collect_vec(); - let ps_at_z = ext_vec_addrs - .ps_at_z - .iter() - .map(|addr| self.memory.mr(*addr).val) - .collect_vec(); - - for m in 0..ps_at_z.len() { - // let m = F::from_canonical_u32(m); - // Get the opening values. - let p_at_x = mat_opening[m]; - let p_at_x: EF = p_at_x.ext(); - let p_at_z = ps_at_z[m]; - let p_at_z: EF = p_at_z.ext(); - - // Calculate the quotient and update the values - let quotient = (-p_at_z + p_at_x) / (-z + x); - - // First we peek to get the current value. - let alpha_pow: EF = - self.memory.mr(ext_vec_addrs.alpha_pow_input[m]).val.ext(); - - let ro: EF = self.memory.mr(ext_vec_addrs.ro_input[m]).val.ext(); - - let new_ro = ro + alpha_pow * quotient; - let new_alpha_pow = alpha_pow * alpha; - - let _ = self.memory.mw( - ext_vec_addrs.ro_output[m], - Block::from(new_ro.as_base_slice()), - ro_mults[m], - ); - - let _ = self.memory.mw( - ext_vec_addrs.alpha_pow_output[m], - Block::from(new_alpha_pow.as_base_slice()), - alpha_pow_mults[m], - ); + memory.mw_unchecked(ext_single_addrs.acc, Block::from(acc.as_base_slice())); + } + Instruction::CommitPublicValues(instr) => { + let pv_addrs = instr.pv_addrs.as_array(); + let pv_values: [F; RECURSIVE_PROOF_NUM_PV_ELTS] = + array::from_fn(|i| memory.mr_unchecked(pv_addrs[i]).val[0]); + record.public_values = *pv_values.as_slice().borrow(); + record + .commit_pv_hash_events + .push(CommitPublicValuesEvent { public_values: record.public_values }); + } - self.record.fri_fold_events.push(FriFoldEvent { - base_single: FriFoldBaseIo { x }, - ext_single: FriFoldExtSingleIo { - z: Block::from(z.as_base_slice()), - alpha: Block::from(alpha.as_base_slice()), - }, - ext_vec: FriFoldExtVecIo { - mat_opening: Block::from(p_at_x.as_base_slice()), - ps_at_z: Block::from(p_at_z.as_base_slice()), - alpha_pow_input: Block::from(alpha_pow.as_base_slice()), - ro_input: Block::from(ro.as_base_slice()), - alpha_pow_output: Block::from(new_alpha_pow.as_base_slice()), - ro_output: Block::from(new_ro.as_base_slice()), - }, - }); - } + Instruction::Print(PrintInstr { field_elt_type, addr }) => match field_elt_type { + FieldEltType::Base => { + let f = memory.mr_unchecked(addr).val[0]; + writeln!(debug_stdout.lock().unwrap(), "PRINTF={f}") } - - Instruction::CommitPublicValues(instr) => { - let pv_addrs = instr.pv_addrs.as_array(); - let pv_values: [F; RECURSIVE_PROOF_NUM_PV_ELTS] = - array::from_fn(|i| self.memory.mr(pv_addrs[i]).val[0]); - self.record.public_values = *pv_values.as_slice().borrow(); - self.record - .commit_pv_hash_events - .push(CommitPublicValuesEvent { public_values: self.record.public_values }); + FieldEltType::Extension => { + let ef = memory.mr_unchecked(addr).val; + writeln!(debug_stdout.lock().unwrap(), "PRINTEF={ef:?}") } - - Instruction::Print(PrintInstr { field_elt_type, addr }) => match field_elt_type { - FieldEltType::Base => { - self.nb_print_f += 1; - let f = self.memory.mr_mult(addr, F::zero()).val[0]; - writeln!(self.debug_stdout, "PRINTF={f}") - } - FieldEltType::Extension => { - self.nb_print_e += 1; - let ef = self.memory.mr_mult(addr, F::zero()).val; - writeln!(self.debug_stdout, "PRINTEF={ef:?}") - } + } + .map_err(RuntimeError::DebugPrint)?, + Instruction::HintExt2Felts(HintExt2FeltsInstr { output_addrs_mults, input_addr }) => { + let fs = memory.mr_unchecked(input_addr).val; + // Write the bits to the array at dst. + for (f, (addr, _mult)) in fs.into_iter().zip(output_addrs_mults) { + let felt = Block::from(f); + memory.mw_unchecked(addr, felt); + record.mem_var_events.push(MemEvent { inner: felt }); } - .map_err(RuntimeError::DebugPrint)?, - Instruction::HintExt2Felts(HintExt2FeltsInstr { - output_addrs_mults, - input_addr, - }) => { - self.nb_bit_decompositions += 1; - let fs = self.memory.mr_mult(input_addr, F::zero()).val; - // Write the bits to the array at dst. - for (f, (addr, mult)) in fs.into_iter().zip(output_addrs_mults) { - let felt = Block::from(f); - self.memory.mw(addr, felt, mult); - self.record.mem_var_events.push(MemEvent { inner: felt }); - } + } + Instruction::Hint(HintInstr { output_addrs_mults }) => { + let witness_stream = + witness_stream.expect("hint should be called outside parallel contexts"); + // Check that enough Blocks can be read, so `drain` does not panic. + if witness_stream.len() < output_addrs_mults.len() { + return Err(RuntimeError::EmptyWitnessStream); } - Instruction::Hint(HintInstr { output_addrs_mults }) => { - // Check that enough Blocks can be read, so `drain` does not panic. - if self.witness_stream.len() < output_addrs_mults.len() { - return Err(RuntimeError::EmptyWitnessStream); - } - let witness = self.witness_stream.drain(0..output_addrs_mults.len()); - for ((addr, mult), val) in zip(output_addrs_mults, witness) { - // Inline [`Self::mw`] to mutably borrow multiple fields of `self`. - self.memory.mw(addr, val, mult); - self.record.mem_var_events.push(MemEvent { inner: val }); - } + let witness = witness_stream.drain(0..output_addrs_mults.len()); + for ((addr, _mult), val) in zip(output_addrs_mults, witness) { + // Inline [`Self::mw`] to mutably borrow multiple fields of `self`. + memory.mw_unchecked(addr, val); + record.mem_var_events.push(MemEvent { inner: val }); } } + #[cfg(feature = "debug")] + Instruction::DebugBacktrace(backtrace) => { + state.last_trace = Some(backtrace); + } + } - self.pc = next_pc; - self.clk = next_clk; - self.timestamp += 1; + Ok(()) + } - if self.timestamp >= early_exit_ts { - break; + /// # Safety + /// + /// This function makes the same safety assumptions as [`RecursionProgram::new_unchecked`]. + unsafe fn execute_raw( + env: &ExecEnv, + program: &RawProgram>, + root_program: &Arc>, + mut witness_stream: Option<&mut VecDeque>>, + ) -> Result, RuntimeError> { + let fresh_record = + || ExecutionRecord { program: Arc::clone(root_program), ..Default::default() }; + + let mut state = ExecState { + env: env.clone(), + record: fresh_record(), + #[cfg(feature = "debug")] + last_trace: None, + }; + + for block in &program.seq_blocks { + match block { + SeqBlock::Basic(basic_block) => { + for instruction in &basic_block.instrs { + unsafe { + Self::execute_one( + &mut state, + witness_stream.as_deref_mut(), + instruction.clone(), + ) + }?; + } + } + SeqBlock::Parallel(vec) => { + state.record.append( + &mut vec + .par_iter() + .map(|subprogram| { + // Witness stream may not be called inside parallel contexts to + // avoid nondeterminism. + Self::execute_raw(env, subprogram, root_program, None) + }) + .try_reduce(fresh_record, |mut record, mut res| { + record.append(&mut res); + Ok(record) + })?, + ); + } } } + Ok(state.record) + } + + /// Run the program. + pub fn run(&mut self) -> Result<(), RuntimeError> { + let record = unsafe { + Self::execute_raw( + &ExecEnv { + memory: &self.memory, + perm: self.perm.as_ref().unwrap(), + debug_stdout: &Mutex::new(&mut self.debug_stdout), + }, + &self.program.inner, + &self.program, + Some(&mut self.witness_stream), + ) + }?; + + self.record = record; + Ok(()) } } + +struct ExecState<'a, 'b, F, Diffusion> { + pub env: ExecEnv<'a, 'b, F, Diffusion>, + pub record: ExecutionRecord, + #[cfg(feature = "debug")] + pub last_trace: Option, +} + +impl ExecState<'_, '_, F, Diffusion> { + fn resolve_trace(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Trace> { + cfg_if::cfg_if! { + if #[cfg(feature = "debug")] { + // False positive. + #[allow(clippy::manual_inspect)] + self.last_trace.as_mut().map(|trace| { + trace.resolve(); + trace + }) + } else { + None + } + } + } +} + +impl<'a, 'b, F, Diffusion> Clone for ExecState<'a, 'b, F, Diffusion> +where + ExecEnv<'a, 'b, F, Diffusion>: Clone, + ExecutionRecord: Clone, +{ + fn clone(&self) -> Self { + let Self { + env, + record, + #[cfg(feature = "debug")] + last_trace, + } = self; + Self { + env: env.clone(), + record: record.clone(), + #[cfg(feature = "debug")] + last_trace: last_trace.clone(), + } + } + + fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self) { + let Self { + env, + record, + #[cfg(feature = "debug")] + last_trace, + } = self; + env.clone_from(&source.env); + record.clone_from(&source.record); + #[cfg(feature = "debug")] + last_trace.clone_from(&source.last_trace); + } +} + +struct ExecEnv<'a, 'b, F, Diffusion> { + pub memory: &'a MemVec, + pub perm: &'a Perm, + pub debug_stdout: &'a Mutex, +} + +impl Clone for ExecEnv<'_, '_, F, Diffusion> { + fn clone(&self) -> Self { + let Self { memory, perm, debug_stdout } = self; + Self { memory, perm, debug_stdout } + } + + fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self) { + let Self { memory, perm, debug_stdout } = self; + memory.clone_from(&source.memory); + perm.clone_from(&source.perm); + debug_stdout.clone_from(&source.debug_stdout); + } +} diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/runtime/opcode.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/runtime/opcode.rs index 96a748d06..16e9ef575 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/runtime/opcode.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/runtime/opcode.rs @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] pub enum BaseAluOpcode { AddF, SubF, @@ -9,6 +10,7 @@ pub enum BaseAluOpcode { } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] pub enum ExtAluOpcode { AddE, SubE, diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/runtime/program.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/runtime/program.rs index 38fb29ca8..53268d0db 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/runtime/program.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/runtime/program.rs @@ -1,30 +1,81 @@ -use backtrace::Backtrace; +use crate::*; use p3_field::Field; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use shape::RecursionShape; use sp1_stark::air::{MachineAir, MachineProgram}; +use sp1_stark::septic_digest::SepticDigest; +use std::ops::Deref; -use crate::*; +pub use basic_block::BasicBlock; +pub use raw::RawProgram; +pub use seq_block::SeqBlock; -#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)] -pub struct RecursionProgram { - pub instructions: Vec>, - pub total_memory: usize, - #[serde(skip)] - pub traces: Vec>, - pub shape: Option, +/// A well-formed recursion program. See [`Self::new_unchecked`] for guaranteed (safety) invariants. +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(transparent)] +pub struct RecursionProgram(RootProgram); + +impl RecursionProgram { + /// # Safety + /// The given program must be well formed. This is defined as the following: + /// - reads are performed after writes, according to a "happens-before" relation; and + /// - an address is written to at most once. + /// + /// The "happens-before" relation is defined as follows: + /// - It is a strict partial order, meaning it is transitive, irreflexive, and asymmetric. + /// - Instructions in a `BasicBlock` are linearly ordered. + /// - `SeqBlock`s in a `RawProgram` are linearly ordered, meaning: + /// - Each `SeqBlock` has a set of initial instructions `I` and final instructions `O`. + /// - For `SeqBlock::Basic`: + /// - `I` is the singleton consisting of the first instruction in the enclosed `BasicBlock`. + /// - `O` is the singleton consisting of the last instruction in the enclosed `BasicBlock`. + /// - For `SeqBlock::Parallel`: + /// - `I` is the set of initial instructions `I` in the first `SeqBlock` of the enclosed `RawProgram`. + /// - `O` is the set of final instructions in the last `SeqBlock` of the enclosed `RawProgram`. + /// - For consecutive `SeqBlock`s, each element of the first one's `O` happens before the second one's `I`. + pub unsafe fn new_unchecked(program: RootProgram) -> Self { + Self(program) + } + + pub fn into_inner(self) -> RootProgram { + self.0 + } + + pub fn shape_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Option { + &mut self.0.shape + } +} + +impl Default for RecursionProgram { + fn default() -> Self { + // SAFETY: An empty program is always well formed. + unsafe { Self::new_unchecked(RootProgram::default()) } + } +} + +impl Deref for RecursionProgram { + type Target = RootProgram; + + fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { + &self.0 + } } impl MachineProgram for RecursionProgram { fn pc_start(&self) -> F { F::zero() } + + fn initial_global_cumulative_sum(&self) -> SepticDigest { + SepticDigest::::zero() + } } impl RecursionProgram { #[inline] pub fn fixed_log2_rows>(&self, air: &A) -> Option { - self.shape + self.0 + .shape .as_ref() .map(|shape| { shape @@ -35,3 +86,332 @@ impl RecursionProgram { .copied() } } + +#[cfg(any(test, feature = "program_validation"))] +pub use validation::*; + +#[cfg(any(test, feature = "program_validation"))] +mod validation { + use super::*; + + use std::{fmt::Debug, iter, mem}; + + use p3_field::PrimeField32; + use range_set_blaze::{MultiwayRangeSetBlazeRef, RangeSetBlaze}; + use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec}; + use thiserror::Error; + + #[derive(Error, Debug)] + pub enum StructureError { + #[error("tried to read from uninitialized address {addr:?}. instruction: {instr:?}")] + ReadFromUninit { addr: Address, instr: Instruction }, + } + + #[derive(Error, Debug)] + pub enum SummaryError { + #[error("`total_memory` is insufficient. configured: {configured}. required: {required}")] + OutOfMemory { configured: usize, required: usize }, + } + + #[derive(Error, Debug)] + pub enum ValidationError { + Structure(#[from] StructureError), + Summary(#[from] SummaryError), + } + + impl RecursionProgram { + /// Validate the program without modifying its summary metadata. + pub fn try_new_unmodified( + program: RootProgram, + ) -> Result>> { + let written_addrs = try_written_addrs(smallvec![], &program.inner) + .map_err(|e| ValidationError::from(*e))?; + if let Some(required) = written_addrs.last().map(|x| x as usize + 1) { + let configured = program.total_memory; + if required > configured { + Err(Box::new(SummaryError::OutOfMemory { configured, required }.into()))? + } + } + // SAFETY: We just checked all the invariants. + Ok(unsafe { Self::new_unchecked(program) }) + } + + /// Validate the program, modifying summary metadata if necessary. + pub fn try_new(mut program: RootProgram) -> Result>> { + let written_addrs = try_written_addrs(smallvec![], &program.inner)?; + program.total_memory = written_addrs.last().map(|x| x as usize + 1).unwrap_or_default(); + // SAFETY: We just checked/enforced all the invariants. + Ok(unsafe { Self::new_unchecked(program) }) + } + } + + fn try_written_addrs( + readable_addrs: SmallVec<[&RangeSetBlaze; 3]>, + program: &RawProgram>, + ) -> Result, Box>> { + let mut written_addrs = RangeSetBlaze::::new(); + for block in &program.seq_blocks { + match block { + SeqBlock::Basic(basic_block) => { + for instr in &basic_block.instrs { + let (inputs, outputs) = instr.io_addrs(); + inputs.into_iter().try_for_each(|i| { + let i_u32 = i.0.as_canonical_u32(); + iter::once(&written_addrs) + .chain(readable_addrs.iter().copied()) + .any(|s| s.contains(i_u32)) + .then_some(()) + .ok_or_else(|| { + Box::new(StructureError::ReadFromUninit { + addr: i, + instr: instr.clone(), + }) + }) + })?; + written_addrs.extend(outputs.iter().map(|o| o.0.as_canonical_u32())); + } + } + SeqBlock::Parallel(programs) => { + let par_written_addrs = programs + .iter() + .map(|subprogram| { + let sub_readable_addrs = iter::once(&written_addrs) + .chain(readable_addrs.iter().copied()) + .collect(); + + try_written_addrs(sub_readable_addrs, subprogram) + }) + .collect::, _>>()?; + written_addrs = + iter::once(mem::take(&mut written_addrs)).chain(par_written_addrs).union(); + } + } + } + Ok(written_addrs) + } + + impl RootProgram { + pub fn validate(self) -> Result, Box>> { + RecursionProgram::try_new(self) + } + } + + #[cfg(test)] + pub fn linear_program( + instrs: Vec>, + ) -> Result, Box>> { + RootProgram { + inner: RawProgram { seq_blocks: vec![SeqBlock::Basic(BasicBlock { instrs })] }, + total_memory: 0, // Will be filled in. + shape: None, + } + .validate() + } +} + +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] +pub struct RootProgram { + pub inner: raw::RawProgram>, + pub total_memory: usize, + pub shape: Option, +} + +// `Default` without bounds on the type parameter. +impl Default for RootProgram { + fn default() -> Self { + Self { + inner: Default::default(), + total_memory: Default::default(), + shape: Default::default(), + } + } +} + +pub mod raw { + use std::iter::Flatten; + + use super::*; + + #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] + pub struct RawProgram { + pub seq_blocks: Vec>, + } + + // `Default` without bounds on the type parameter. + impl Default for RawProgram { + fn default() -> Self { + Self { seq_blocks: Default::default() } + } + } + + impl RawProgram { + pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator { + self.seq_blocks.iter().flatten() + } + pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator { + self.seq_blocks.iter_mut().flatten() + } + } + + impl IntoIterator for RawProgram { + type Item = T; + + type IntoIter = Flatten<> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter>; + + fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { + self.seq_blocks.into_iter().flatten() + } + } + + impl<'a, T> IntoIterator for &'a RawProgram { + type Item = &'a T; + + type IntoIter = Flatten<<&'a Vec> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter>; + + fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { + self.seq_blocks.iter().flatten() + } + } + + impl<'a, T> IntoIterator for &'a mut RawProgram { + type Item = &'a mut T; + + type IntoIter = Flatten<<&'a mut Vec> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter>; + + fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { + self.seq_blocks.iter_mut().flatten() + } + } +} + +pub mod seq_block { + use std::iter::Flatten; + + use super::*; + + /// Segments that may be sequentially composed. + #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] + pub enum SeqBlock { + /// One basic block. + Basic(BasicBlock), + /// Many blocks to be run in parallel. + Parallel(Vec>), + } + + impl SeqBlock { + pub fn iter(&self) -> Iter<'_, T> { + self.into_iter() + } + + pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> IterMut<'_, T> { + self.into_iter() + } + } + + // Bunch of iterator boilerplate. + #[derive(Debug)] + pub enum Iter<'a, T> { + Basic(<&'a Vec as IntoIterator>::IntoIter), + Parallel(Box> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter>>), + } + + impl<'a, T> Iterator for Iter<'a, T> { + type Item = &'a T; + + fn next(&mut self) -> Option { + match self { + Iter::Basic(it) => it.next(), + Iter::Parallel(it) => it.next(), + } + } + } + + impl<'a, T> IntoIterator for &'a SeqBlock { + type Item = &'a T; + + type IntoIter = Iter<'a, T>; + + fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { + match self { + SeqBlock::Basic(basic_block) => Iter::Basic(basic_block.instrs.iter()), + SeqBlock::Parallel(vec) => Iter::Parallel(Box::new(vec.iter().flatten())), + } + } + } + + #[derive(Debug)] + pub enum IterMut<'a, T> { + Basic(<&'a mut Vec as IntoIterator>::IntoIter), + Parallel(Box> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter>>), + } + + impl<'a, T> Iterator for IterMut<'a, T> { + type Item = &'a mut T; + + fn next(&mut self) -> Option { + match self { + IterMut::Basic(it) => it.next(), + IterMut::Parallel(it) => it.next(), + } + } + } + + impl<'a, T> IntoIterator for &'a mut SeqBlock { + type Item = &'a mut T; + + type IntoIter = IterMut<'a, T>; + + fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { + match self { + SeqBlock::Basic(basic_block) => IterMut::Basic(basic_block.instrs.iter_mut()), + SeqBlock::Parallel(vec) => IterMut::Parallel(Box::new(vec.iter_mut().flatten())), + } + } + } + + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub enum IntoIter { + Basic( as IntoIterator>::IntoIter), + Parallel(Box> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter>>), + } + + impl Iterator for IntoIter { + type Item = T; + + fn next(&mut self) -> Option { + match self { + IntoIter::Basic(it) => it.next(), + IntoIter::Parallel(it) => it.next(), + } + } + } + + impl IntoIterator for SeqBlock { + type Item = T; + + type IntoIter = IntoIter; + + fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { + match self { + SeqBlock::Basic(basic_block) => IntoIter::Basic(basic_block.instrs.into_iter()), + SeqBlock::Parallel(vec) => IntoIter::Parallel(Box::new(vec.into_iter().flatten())), + } + } + } +} + +pub mod basic_block { + use super::*; + + #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] + pub struct BasicBlock { + pub instrs: Vec, + } + + // Less restrictive trait bounds. + impl Default for BasicBlock { + fn default() -> Self { + Self { instrs: Default::default() } + } + } +} diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/runtime/record.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/runtime/record.rs index 63df96f0c..b84b6396b 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/runtime/record.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/runtime/record.rs @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ -use std::{array, sync::Arc}; +use std::{array, ops::Add, sync::Arc}; -use hashbrown::HashMap; use p3_field::{AbstractField, Field, PrimeField32}; use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, MachineRecord, SP1CoreOpts, PROOF_MAX_NUM_PVS}; use super::{ - BaseAluEvent, CommitPublicValuesEvent, ExpReverseBitsEvent, ExtAluEvent, FriFoldEvent, - MemEvent, Poseidon2Event, RecursionProgram, RecursionPublicValues, + machine::RecursionAirEventCount, BaseAluEvent, BatchFRIEvent, CommitPublicValuesEvent, + ExpReverseBitsEvent, ExtAluEvent, FriFoldEvent, MemEvent, Poseidon2Event, RecursionProgram, + RecursionPublicValues, SelectEvent, }; #[derive(Clone, Default, Debug)] @@ -23,8 +23,10 @@ pub struct ExecutionRecord { pub public_values: RecursionPublicValues, pub poseidon2_events: Vec>, + pub select_events: Vec>, pub exp_reverse_bits_len_events: Vec>, pub fri_fold_events: Vec>, + pub batch_fri_events: Vec>, pub commit_pv_hash_events: Vec>, } @@ -32,16 +34,21 @@ impl MachineRecord for ExecutionRecord { type Config = SP1CoreOpts; fn stats(&self) -> hashbrown::HashMap { - let mut stats = HashMap::new(); - stats.insert("base_alu_events".to_string(), self.base_alu_events.len()); - stats.insert("ext_alu_events".to_string(), self.ext_alu_events.len()); - stats.insert("mem_var_events".to_string(), self.mem_var_events.len()); - - stats.insert("poseidon2_events".to_string(), self.poseidon2_events.len()); - stats.insert("exp_reverse_bits_events".to_string(), self.exp_reverse_bits_len_events.len()); - stats.insert("fri_fold_events".to_string(), self.fri_fold_events.len()); - - stats + [ + ("base_alu_events", self.base_alu_events.len()), + ("ext_alu_events", self.ext_alu_events.len()), + ("mem_const_count", self.mem_const_count), + ("mem_var_events", self.mem_var_events.len()), + ("poseidon2_events", self.poseidon2_events.len()), + ("select_events", self.select_events.len()), + ("exp_reverse_bits_len_events", self.exp_reverse_bits_len_events.len()), + ("fri_fold_events", self.fri_fold_events.len()), + ("batch_fri_events", self.batch_fri_events.len()), + ("commit_pv_hash_events", self.commit_pv_hash_events.len()), + ] + .into_iter() + .map(|(k, v)| (k.to_owned(), v)) + .collect() } fn append(&mut self, other: &mut Self) { @@ -55,8 +62,10 @@ impl MachineRecord for ExecutionRecord { mem_var_events, public_values: _, poseidon2_events, + select_events, exp_reverse_bits_len_events, fri_fold_events, + batch_fri_events, commit_pv_hash_events, } = self; base_alu_events.append(&mut other.base_alu_events); @@ -64,8 +73,10 @@ impl MachineRecord for ExecutionRecord { *mem_const_count += other.mem_const_count; mem_var_events.append(&mut other.mem_var_events); poseidon2_events.append(&mut other.poseidon2_events); + select_events.append(&mut other.select_events); exp_reverse_bits_len_events.append(&mut other.exp_reverse_bits_len_events); fri_fold_events.append(&mut other.fri_fold_events); + batch_fri_events.append(&mut other.batch_fri_events); commit_pv_hash_events.append(&mut other.commit_pv_hash_events); } @@ -89,4 +100,15 @@ impl ExecutionRecord { pub fn fixed_log2_rows>(&self, air: &A) -> Option { self.program.fixed_log2_rows(air) } + + pub fn preallocate(&mut self) { + let event_counts = + self.program.inner.iter().fold(RecursionAirEventCount::default(), Add::add); + self.poseidon2_events.reserve(event_counts.poseidon2_wide_events); + self.mem_var_events.reserve(event_counts.mem_var_events); + self.base_alu_events.reserve(event_counts.base_alu_events); + self.ext_alu_events.reserve(event_counts.ext_alu_events); + self.exp_reverse_bits_len_events.reserve(event_counts.exp_reverse_bits_len_events); + self.select_events.reserve(event_counts.select_events); + } } diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/shape.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/shape.rs index 54342048b..449f3cb40 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/core/src/shape.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/shape.rs @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +#![allow(clippy::never_loop)] + use std::marker::PhantomData; use hashbrown::HashMap; @@ -5,16 +7,18 @@ use hashbrown::HashMap; use itertools::Itertools; use p3_field::{extension::BinomiallyExtendable, PrimeField32}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; -use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, ProofShape}; +use sp1_stark::{air::MachineAir, shape::OrderedShape}; use crate::{ chips::{ alu_base::BaseAluChip, alu_ext::ExtAluChip, + batch_fri::BatchFRIChip, exp_reverse_bits::ExpReverseBitsLenChip, mem::{MemoryConstChip, MemoryVarChip}, poseidon2_wide::Poseidon2WideChip, public_values::{PublicValuesChip, PUB_VALUES_LOG_HEIGHT}, + select::SelectChip, }, machine::RecursionAir, RecursionProgram, D, @@ -25,6 +29,18 @@ pub struct RecursionShape { pub(crate) inner: HashMap, } +impl RecursionShape { + pub fn clone_into_hash_map(&self) -> HashMap { + self.inner.clone() + } +} + +impl From> for RecursionShape { + fn from(value: HashMap) -> Self { + Self { inner: value } + } +} + pub struct RecursionShapeConfig { allowed_shapes: Vec>, _marker: PhantomData<(F, A)>, @@ -35,32 +51,29 @@ impl, const DEGREE: usize> { pub fn fix_shape(&self, program: &mut RecursionProgram) { let heights = RecursionAir::::heights(program); - // Get the allowed shape with a minimal hamming distance from the current shape. - let mut min_distance = usize::MAX; + let mut closest_shape = None; + for shape in self.allowed_shapes.iter() { - let mut distance = 0; - let mut is_valid = true; + // If any of the heights is greater than the shape, continue. + let mut valid = true; for (name, height) in heights.iter() { - let next_power_of_two = height.next_power_of_two(); - let allowed_log_height = shape.get(name).unwrap(); - let allowed_height = 1 << allowed_log_height; - if next_power_of_two != allowed_height { - distance += 1; - } - if next_power_of_two > allowed_height { - is_valid = false; + if *height > (1 << shape.get(name).unwrap()) { + valid = false; } } - if is_valid && distance < min_distance { - min_distance = distance; - closest_shape = Some(shape.clone()); + + if !valid { + continue; } + + closest_shape = Some(shape.clone()); + break; } if let Some(shape) = closest_shape { let shape = RecursionShape { inner: shape }; - program.shape = Some(shape); + *program.shape_mut() = Some(shape); } else { panic!("no shape found for heights: {:?}", heights); } @@ -69,16 +82,37 @@ impl, const DEGREE: usize> pub fn get_all_shape_combinations( &self, batch_size: usize, - ) -> impl Iterator> + '_ { + ) -> impl Iterator> + '_ { (0..batch_size) .map(|_| { self.allowed_shapes .iter() .cloned() - .map(|map| map.into_iter().collect::()) + .map(|map| map.into_iter().collect::()) }) .multi_cartesian_product() } + + pub fn union_config_with_extra_room(&self) -> Self { + let mut map = HashMap::new(); + for shape in self.allowed_shapes.clone() { + for key in shape.keys() { + let current = map.get(key).unwrap_or(&0); + map.insert(key.clone(), *current.max(shape.get(key).unwrap())); + } + } + map.values_mut().for_each(|x| *x += 2); + map.insert("PublicValues".to_string(), 4); + Self { allowed_shapes: vec![map], _marker: PhantomData } + } + + pub fn from_hash_map(hash_map: &HashMap) -> Self { + Self { allowed_shapes: vec![hash_map.clone()], _marker: PhantomData } + } + + pub fn first(&self) -> Option<&HashMap> { + self.allowed_shapes.first() + } } impl, const DEGREE: usize> Default @@ -92,117 +126,36 @@ impl, const DEGREE: usize> Default let ext_alu = RecursionAir::::ExtAlu(ExtAluChip).name(); let poseidon2_wide = RecursionAir::::Poseidon2Wide(Poseidon2WideChip::).name(); + let batch_fri = RecursionAir::::BatchFRI(BatchFRIChip::).name(); + let select = RecursionAir::::Select(SelectChip).name(); let exp_reverse_bits_len = RecursionAir::::ExpReverseBitsLen(ExpReverseBitsLenChip::).name(); let public_values = RecursionAir::::PublicValues(PublicValuesChip).name(); // Specify allowed shapes. + let allowed_shapes = [ + // Fastest shape. [ - (base_alu.clone(), 20), - (mem_var.clone(), 18), - (ext_alu.clone(), 18), - (exp_reverse_bits_len.clone(), 17), - (mem_const.clone(), 17), - (poseidon2_wide.clone(), 16), - (public_values.clone(), PUB_VALUES_LOG_HEIGHT), - ], - [ - (base_alu.clone(), 20), - (mem_var.clone(), 18), - (ext_alu.clone(), 18), - (exp_reverse_bits_len.clone(), 17), - (mem_const.clone(), 16), - (poseidon2_wide.clone(), 16), - (public_values.clone(), PUB_VALUES_LOG_HEIGHT), - ], - [ - (ext_alu.clone(), 20), - (base_alu.clone(), 19), - (mem_var.clone(), 19), - (poseidon2_wide.clone(), 17), - (mem_const.clone(), 16), - (exp_reverse_bits_len.clone(), 16), - (public_values.clone(), PUB_VALUES_LOG_HEIGHT), - ], - [ - (base_alu.clone(), 19), - (mem_var.clone(), 18), - (ext_alu.clone(), 18), - (exp_reverse_bits_len.clone(), 17), - (mem_const.clone(), 16), - (poseidon2_wide.clone(), 16), - (public_values.clone(), PUB_VALUES_LOG_HEIGHT), - ], - [ - (base_alu.clone(), 19), - (mem_var.clone(), 18), - (ext_alu.clone(), 18), - (exp_reverse_bits_len.clone(), 16), - (mem_const.clone(), 16), - (poseidon2_wide.clone(), 16), - (public_values.clone(), PUB_VALUES_LOG_HEIGHT), - ], - [ - (base_alu.clone(), 20), (mem_var.clone(), 19), - (ext_alu.clone(), 19), - (exp_reverse_bits_len.clone(), 17), + (select.clone(), 19), (mem_const.clone(), 17), - (poseidon2_wide.clone(), 17), - (public_values.clone(), PUB_VALUES_LOG_HEIGHT), - ], - [ - (base_alu.clone(), 21), - (mem_var.clone(), 19), - (ext_alu.clone(), 19), + (batch_fri.clone(), 19), + (base_alu.clone(), 16), + (ext_alu.clone(), 16), (exp_reverse_bits_len.clone(), 18), - (mem_const.clone(), 18), (poseidon2_wide.clone(), 17), (public_values.clone(), PUB_VALUES_LOG_HEIGHT), ], + // Second fastest shape. [ - (base_alu.clone(), 21), - (mem_var.clone(), 19), - (ext_alu.clone(), 19), - (exp_reverse_bits_len.clone(), 18), - (mem_const.clone(), 17), - (poseidon2_wide.clone(), 17), - (public_values.clone(), PUB_VALUES_LOG_HEIGHT), - ], - [ - (ext_alu.clone(), 21), - (base_alu.clone(), 20), (mem_var.clone(), 20), - (poseidon2_wide.clone(), 18), - (mem_const.clone(), 17), - (exp_reverse_bits_len.clone(), 17), - (public_values.clone(), PUB_VALUES_LOG_HEIGHT), - ], - [ - (base_alu.clone(), 20), - (mem_var.clone(), 19), - (ext_alu.clone(), 19), - (exp_reverse_bits_len.clone(), 18), - (mem_const.clone(), 17), - (poseidon2_wide.clone(), 17), - (public_values.clone(), PUB_VALUES_LOG_HEIGHT), - ], - [ - (base_alu.clone(), 20), - (mem_var.clone(), 19), + (select.clone(), 20), + (mem_const.clone(), 18), + (batch_fri.clone(), 21), + (base_alu.clone(), 16), (ext_alu.clone(), 19), - (exp_reverse_bits_len.clone(), 17), - (mem_const.clone(), 17), - (poseidon2_wide.clone(), 17), - (public_values.clone(), PUB_VALUES_LOG_HEIGHT), - ], - [ - (base_alu.clone(), 21), - (mem_var.clone(), 20), - (ext_alu.clone(), 20), (exp_reverse_bits_len.clone(), 18), - (mem_const.clone(), 18), (poseidon2_wide.clone(), 18), (public_values.clone(), PUB_VALUES_LOG_HEIGHT), ], diff --git a/crates/recursion/core/src/sys.rs b/crates/recursion/core/src/sys.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..795ee175d --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/recursion/core/src/sys.rs @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +use crate::{ + air::Block, + chips::{ + alu_base::{BaseAluAccessCols, BaseAluValueCols}, + alu_ext::{ExtAluAccessCols, ExtAluValueCols}, + batch_fri::{BatchFRICols, BatchFRIPreprocessedCols}, + exp_reverse_bits::{ExpReverseBitsLenCols, ExpReverseBitsLenPreprocessedCols}, + fri_fold::{FriFoldCols, FriFoldPreprocessedCols}, + poseidon2_skinny::columns::{preprocessed::Poseidon2PreprocessedColsSkinny, Poseidon2}, + poseidon2_wide::columns::preprocessed::Poseidon2PreprocessedColsWide, + public_values::{PublicValuesCols, PublicValuesPreprocessedCols}, + select::{SelectCols, SelectPreprocessedCols}, + }, + BaseAluInstr, BaseAluIo, BatchFRIEvent, BatchFRIInstrFFI, CommitPublicValuesEvent, + CommitPublicValuesInstr, ExpReverseBitsEventFFI, ExpReverseBitsInstrFFI, ExtAluInstr, ExtAluIo, + FriFoldEvent, FriFoldInstrFFI, Poseidon2Event, Poseidon2Instr, SelectEvent, SelectInstr, +}; +use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; + +#[link(name = "sp1-recursion-core-sys", kind = "static")] +extern "C-unwind" { + pub fn alu_base_event_to_row_babybear( + io: &BaseAluIo, + cols: &mut BaseAluValueCols, + ); + pub fn alu_base_instr_to_row_babybear( + instr: &BaseAluInstr, + cols: &mut BaseAluAccessCols, + ); + + pub fn alu_ext_event_to_row_babybear( + io: &ExtAluIo>, + cols: &mut ExtAluValueCols, + ); + pub fn alu_ext_instr_to_row_babybear( + instr: &ExtAluInstr, + cols: &mut ExtAluAccessCols, + ); + + pub fn batch_fri_event_to_row_babybear( + io: &BatchFRIEvent, + cols: &mut BatchFRICols, + ); + pub fn batch_fri_instr_to_row_babybear( + instr: &BatchFRIInstrFFI, + cols: &mut BatchFRIPreprocessedCols, + index: usize, + ); + + pub fn exp_reverse_bits_event_to_row_babybear( + io: &ExpReverseBitsEventFFI, + i: usize, + cols: &mut ExpReverseBitsLenCols, + ); + pub fn exp_reverse_bits_instr_to_row_babybear( + instr: &ExpReverseBitsInstrFFI, + i: usize, + len: usize, + cols: &mut ExpReverseBitsLenPreprocessedCols, + ); + + pub fn fri_fold_event_to_row_babybear( + io: &FriFoldEvent, + cols: &mut FriFoldCols, + ); + pub fn fri_fold_instr_to_row_babybear( + instr: &FriFoldInstrFFI, + i: usize, + cols: &mut FriFoldPreprocessedCols, + ); + + pub fn public_values_event_to_row_babybear( + io: &CommitPublicValuesEvent, + digest_idx: usize, + cols: &mut PublicValuesCols, + ); + pub fn public_values_instr_to_row_babybear( + instr: &CommitPublicValuesInstr, + digest_idx: usize, + cols: &mut PublicValuesPreprocessedCols, + ); + + pub fn select_event_to_row_babybear( + io: &SelectEvent, + cols: &mut SelectCols, + ); + pub fn select_instr_to_row_babybear( + instr: &SelectInstr, + cols: &mut SelectPreprocessedCols, + ); + + pub fn poseidon2_skinny_event_to_row_babybear( + io: &Poseidon2Event, + cols: *mut Poseidon2, + ); + pub fn poseidon2_skinny_instr_to_row_babybear( + instr: &Poseidon2Instr, + i: usize, + cols: &mut Poseidon2PreprocessedColsSkinny, + ); + + pub fn poseidon2_wide_event_to_row_babybear( + input: *const BabyBear, + input_row: *mut BabyBear, + sbox_state: bool, + ); + pub fn poseidon2_wide_instr_to_row_babybear( + instr: &Poseidon2Instr, + cols: &mut Poseidon2PreprocessedColsWide, + ); +} diff --git a/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/Cargo.toml b/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/Cargo.toml index 3276efb80..14a700159 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/Cargo.toml @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ p3-baby-bear = { workspace = true } sp1-recursion-compiler = { workspace = true } sp1-core-machine = { workspace = true } sp1-stark = { workspace = true } -serde = "1.0.204" -serde_json = "1.0.121" +serde = { workspace = true } +serde_json = { workspace = true } tempfile = "3.10.1" log = "0.4.22" num-bigint = "0.4.6" diff --git a/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/assets/SP1_VERSION b/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/assets/SP1_VERSION new file mode 120000 index 000000000..d27983236 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/assets/SP1_VERSION @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../../../../SP1_VERSION \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/go/sp1/build.go b/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/go/sp1/build.go index f1893833c..f987dd58c 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/go/sp1/build.go +++ b/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/go/sp1/build.go @@ -18,6 +18,50 @@ import ( "github.com/succinctlabs/sp1-recursion-gnark/sp1/trusted_setup" ) +// Modify the PlonkVerifier so that it works with the SP1Verifier. +func modifyPlonkVerifier(file *os.File) { + // Read the entire file + content, err := os.ReadFile(file.Name()) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + // Replace the pragma version + modifiedContent := strings.Replace( + string(content), + "pragma solidity ^0.8.0;", + "pragma solidity ^0.8.20;", + 1, + ) + + // Write the modified content back to the file + err = os.WriteFile(file.Name(), []byte(modifiedContent), 0644) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } +} + +// Modify the Groth16Verifier so that it works with the SP1Verifier. +func modifyGroth16Verifier(file *os.File) { + // Read the entire file + content, err := os.ReadFile(file.Name()) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + // Perform all replacements + modifiedContent := string(content) + modifiedContent = strings.Replace(modifiedContent, "pragma solidity ^0.8.0;", "pragma solidity ^0.8.20;", 1) + modifiedContent = strings.Replace(modifiedContent, "contract Verifier {", "contract Groth16Verifier {", 1) + modifiedContent = strings.Replace(modifiedContent, "function verifyProof(", "function Verify(", 1) + + // Write the modified content back to the file + err = os.WriteFile(file.Name(), []byte(modifiedContent), 0644) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } +} + func BuildPlonk(dataDir string) { // Set the environment variable for the constraints file. // @@ -159,6 +203,9 @@ func BuildPlonk(dataDir string) { panic(err) } vk.ExportSolidity(solidityVerifierFile) + + // Modify the solidity verifier. + modifyPlonkVerifier(solidityVerifierFile) defer solidityVerifierFile.Close() // Write the R1CS. @@ -262,6 +309,9 @@ func BuildGroth16(dataDir string) { panic(err) } vk.ExportSolidity(solidityVerifierFile) + + // Modify the solidity verifier. + modifyGroth16Verifier(solidityVerifierFile) defer solidityVerifierFile.Close() // Write the R1CS. diff --git a/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/go/sp1/prove.go b/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/go/sp1/prove.go index 2ead9db55..270040396 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/go/sp1/prove.go +++ b/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/go/sp1/prove.go @@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ func ProveGroth16(dataDir string, witnessPath string) Proof { pkReader := bufio.NewReaderSize(pkFile, 1024*1024) globalPk.ReadDump(pkReader) defer pkFile.Close() + globalPkInitialized = true fmt.Printf("Reading proving key took %s\n", time.Since(start)) } globalMutex.Unlock() diff --git a/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/src/ffi/docker.rs b/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/src/ffi/docker.rs index 119253d49..aaefd68fb 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/src/ffi/docker.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/src/ffi/docker.rs @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ use crate::ProofBn254; -use crate::{Groth16Bn254Proof, PlonkBn254Proof}; +use crate::{Groth16Bn254Proof, PlonkBn254Proof, SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION}; use anyhow::{anyhow, Result}; -use sp1_core_machine::SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION; use std::{io::Write, process::Command}; /// Represents the proof system being used @@ -38,6 +37,9 @@ fn get_docker_image() -> String { } /// Calls `docker run` with the given arguments and bind mounts. +/// +/// Note: files created here by `call_docker` are read-only for after the process exits. +/// To fix this, manually set the docker user to the current user by supplying a `-u` flag. fn call_docker(args: &[&str], mounts: &[(&str, &str)]) -> Result<()> { log::info!("Running {} in docker", args[0]); let mut cmd = Command::new("docker"); @@ -47,8 +49,10 @@ fn call_docker(args: &[&str], mounts: &[(&str, &str)]) -> Result<()> { } cmd.arg(get_docker_image()); cmd.args(args); - if !cmd.status()?.success() { + let result = cmd.status()?; + if !result.success() { log::error!("Failed to run `docker run`: {:?}", cmd); + log::error!("Execution result: {:?}", result); return Err(anyhow!("docker command failed")); } Ok(()) @@ -162,9 +166,9 @@ pub fn verify_groth16_bn254( } fn test(system: ProofSystem, witness_json: &str, constraints_json: &str) -> Result<()> { - let mounts = [(constraints_json, "/constraints"), (witness_json, "/witness")]; + let mounts = [(witness_json, "/witness"), (constraints_json, "/constraints")]; assert_docker(); - call_docker(&["test", "--system", system.as_str(), "/constraints", "/witness"], &mounts) + call_docker(&["test", "--system", system.as_str(), "/witness", "/constraints"], &mounts) } pub fn test_plonk_bn254(witness_json: &str, constraints_json: &str) { diff --git a/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/src/ffi/native.rs b/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/src/ffi/native.rs index 46ab4eacb..f21b42aa5 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/src/ffi/native.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/src/ffi/native.rs @@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ //! Although we cast to *mut c_char because the Go signatures can't be immutable, the Go functions //! should not modify the strings. -use crate::{Groth16Bn254Proof, PlonkBn254Proof}; +use crate::{Groth16Bn254Proof, PlonkBn254Proof, SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION}; use cfg_if::cfg_if; -use sp1_core_machine::SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION; use std::{ ffi::{c_char, CStr, CString}, mem::forget, diff --git a/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/src/groth16_bn254.rs b/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/src/groth16_bn254.rs index f2864df5b..f5a05253e 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/src/groth16_bn254.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/src/groth16_bn254.rs @@ -1,18 +1,17 @@ use std::{ - fs::File, - io::{Read, Write}, + fs::{self, File}, + io::Write, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; use crate::{ ffi::{build_groth16_bn254, prove_groth16_bn254, test_groth16_bn254, verify_groth16_bn254}, witness::GnarkWitness, - Groth16Bn254Proof, + Groth16Bn254Proof, SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION, }; use num_bigint::BigUint; use sha2::{Digest, Sha256}; -use sp1_core_machine::SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION; use sp1_recursion_compiler::{ constraints::Constraint, ir::{Config, Witness}, @@ -63,11 +62,7 @@ impl Groth16Bn254Prover { .replace("{SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION}", SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION) .replace("{VERIFIER_HASH}", format!("0x{}", hex::encode(vkey_hash)).as_str()) .replace("{PROOF_SYSTEM}", "Groth16"); - let mut sp1_verifier_file = File::create(sp1_verifier_path).unwrap(); - sp1_verifier_file.write_all(sp1_verifier_str.as_bytes()).unwrap(); - - let groth16_verifier_path = build_dir.join("Groth16Verifier.sol"); - Self::modify_groth16_verifier(&groth16_verifier_path); + fs::write(sp1_verifier_path, sp1_verifier_str).unwrap(); } /// Builds the Groth16 circuit locally. @@ -129,20 +124,6 @@ impl Groth16Bn254Prover { ) .expect("failed to verify proof") } - - /// Modify the Groth16Verifier so that it works with the SP1Verifier. - fn modify_groth16_verifier(file_path: &Path) { - let mut content = String::new(); - File::open(file_path).unwrap().read_to_string(&mut content).unwrap(); - - content = content - .replace("pragma solidity ^0.8.0;", "pragma solidity ^0.8.20;") - .replace("contract Verifier {", "contract Groth16Verifier {") - .replace("function verifyProof(", "function Verify("); - - let mut file = File::create(file_path).unwrap(); - file.write_all(content.as_bytes()).unwrap(); - } } impl Default for Groth16Bn254Prover { diff --git a/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/src/lib.rs b/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/src/lib.rs index 436739ba8..0aa5c40e6 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/src/lib.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/src/lib.rs @@ -10,3 +10,10 @@ pub use groth16_bn254::*; pub use plonk_bn254::*; pub use proof::*; pub use witness::*; + +/// The global version for all components of SP1. +/// +/// This string should be updated whenever any step in verifying an SP1 proof changes, including +/// core, recursion, and plonk-bn254. This string is used to download SP1 artifacts and the gnark +/// docker image. +const SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION: &str = include_str!("../assets/SP1_VERSION"); diff --git a/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/src/plonk_bn254.rs b/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/src/plonk_bn254.rs index b901eecc0..db6e327a5 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/src/plonk_bn254.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/src/plonk_bn254.rs @@ -1,18 +1,17 @@ use std::{ - fs::File, - io::{Read, Write}, + fs::{self, File}, + io::Write, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; use crate::{ ffi::{build_plonk_bn254, prove_plonk_bn254, test_plonk_bn254, verify_plonk_bn254}, witness::GnarkWitness, - PlonkBn254Proof, + PlonkBn254Proof, SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION, }; use num_bigint::BigUint; use sha2::{Digest, Sha256}; -use sp1_core_machine::SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION; use sp1_recursion_compiler::{ constraints::Constraint, ir::{Config, Witness}, @@ -79,11 +78,7 @@ impl PlonkBn254Prover { .replace("{SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION}", SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION) .replace("{VERIFIER_HASH}", format!("0x{}", hex::encode(vkey_hash)).as_str()) .replace("{PROOF_SYSTEM}", "Plonk"); - let mut sp1_verifier_file = File::create(sp1_verifier_path).unwrap(); - sp1_verifier_file.write_all(sp1_verifier_str.as_bytes()).unwrap(); - - let plonk_verifier_path = build_dir.join("PlonkVerifier.sol"); - Self::modify_plonk_verifier(&plonk_verifier_path); + fs::write(sp1_verifier_path, sp1_verifier_str).unwrap(); } /// Generates a PLONK proof given a witness. @@ -122,17 +117,6 @@ impl PlonkBn254Prover { ) .expect("failed to verify proof") } - - /// Modify the PlonkVerifier so that it works with the SP1Verifier. - fn modify_plonk_verifier(file_path: &Path) { - let mut content = String::new(); - File::open(file_path).unwrap().read_to_string(&mut content).unwrap(); - - content = content.replace("pragma solidity ^0.8.19;", "pragma solidity ^0.8.20;"); - - let mut file = File::create(file_path).unwrap(); - file.write_all(content.as_bytes()).unwrap(); - } } impl Default for PlonkBn254Prover { diff --git a/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/src/proof.rs b/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/src/proof.rs index ab4345241..fa71022f4 100644 --- a/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/src/proof.rs +++ b/crates/recursion/gnark-ffi/src/proof.rs @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ pub enum ProofBn254 { Groth16(Groth16Bn254Proof), } -/// A zero-knowledge proof generated by the PLONK protocol with a Base64 encoded gnark PLONK proof. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, Default)] pub struct PlonkBn254Proof { pub public_inputs: [String; 2], @@ -15,8 +14,6 @@ pub struct PlonkBn254Proof { pub plonk_vkey_hash: [u8; 32], } -/// A zero-knowledge proof generated by the Groth16 protocol with a Base64 encoded gnark Groth16 -/// proof. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, Default)] pub struct Groth16Bn254Proof { pub public_inputs: [String; 2], diff --git a/crates/sdk/Cargo.toml b/crates/sdk/Cargo.toml index bbcecd9f5..606d98029 100644 --- a/crates/sdk/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/sdk/Cargo.toml @@ -11,11 +11,12 @@ categories = { workspace = true } [dependencies] prost = { version = "0.13", optional = true } -serde = { version = "1.0.204", features = ["derive"] } +serde = { workspace = true, features = ["derive"] } +serde_json = { workspace = true } twirp = { package = "twirp-rs", version = "0.13.0-succinct", optional = true } async-trait = "0.1.81" reqwest-middleware = { version = "0.3.2", optional = true } -reqwest = { version = "0.12.4", features = [ +reqwest = { version = "0.12.4", default-features = false, features = [ "rustls-tls", "trust-dns", "stream", @@ -23,7 +24,8 @@ reqwest = { version = "0.12.4", features = [ anyhow = "1.0.83" sp1-prover = { workspace = true } sp1-core-machine = { workspace = true } -sp1-cuda = { workspace = true, optional = true } +sp1-cuda = { workspace = true } +sp1-build = { workspace = true } futures = "0.3.30" bincode = "1.3.3" tokio = { version = "1.39.2", features = ["full"], optional = true } @@ -31,60 +33,53 @@ p3-field = { workspace = true } p3-baby-bear = { workspace = true } p3-fri = { workspace = true } indicatif = "0.17.8" -tracing = "0.1.40" +tracing = { workspace = true } hex = "0.4.3" log = "0.4.22" -alloy-sol-types = { version = "0.7.7", optional = true } dirs = "5.0.1" tempfile = "3.10.1" cfg-if = "1.0" -ethers = { version = "2", default-features = false, optional = true } strum = "0.26.3" strum_macros = "0.26.4" thiserror = "1.0.63" -hashbrown = "0.14.5" +hashbrown = { workspace = true } sp1-core-executor = { workspace = true } sp1-stark = { workspace = true } sp1-primitives = { workspace = true } -itertools = "0.13.0" +itertools = { workspace = true } tonic = { version = "0.12", features = ["tls", "tls-roots"], optional = true } -alloy-signer = { version = "0.3.6", optional = true } -alloy-signer-local = { version = "0.3.6", optional = true } -alloy-primitives = { version = "0.8.7", optional = true } -aws-sdk-s3 = { version = "1.53.0", optional = true } -aws-config = { version = "1.5.7", optional = true } +alloy-sol-types = { version = "0.8", optional = true } +alloy-signer = { version = "0.8", optional = true } +alloy-signer-local = { version = "0.8", optional = true } +alloy-primitives = { version = "0.8", optional = true } +backoff = { version = "0.4", features = ["tokio"], optional = true } + +[dev-dependencies] +test-artifacts = { workspace = true } +tokio-test = { version = "0.4"} [features] default = ["network"] -neon = ["sp1-core-machine/neon"] native-gnark = ["sp1-prover/native-gnark"] # TODO: Once alloy has a 1.* release, we can likely remove this feature flag, as there will be less # dependency resolution issues. network = [ - "dep:prost", - "dep:alloy-sol-types", - "dep:tokio", - "dep:ethers", - "dep:reqwest", - "dep:twirp", - "dep:reqwest-middleware", -] -network-v2 = [ "dep:prost", "dep:alloy-sol-types", "dep:alloy-signer", "dep:alloy-signer-local", "dep:alloy-primitives", "dep:tokio", - "dep:ethers", + "dep:alloy-signer", "dep:reqwest", "dep:twirp", "dep:reqwest-middleware", "dep:tonic", - "dep:aws-sdk-s3", - "dep:aws-config", + "dep:backoff", ] -cuda = ["sp1-cuda"] +cuda = [] + +profiling = ["sp1-core-executor/profiling"] [build-dependencies] vergen = { version = "8", default-features = false, features = [ diff --git a/crates/sdk/build.rs b/crates/sdk/build.rs index c2f550fb6..ea7fd4bba 100644 --- a/crates/sdk/build.rs +++ b/crates/sdk/build.rs @@ -1,3 +1,8 @@ fn main() { + println!("cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(sp1_ci_in_progress)"); + if std::env::var("SP1_CI_IN_PROGRESS").is_ok() { + println!("cargo::rustc-cfg=sp1_ci_in_progress"); + } + vergen::EmitBuilder::builder().build_timestamp().git_sha(true).emit().unwrap(); } diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/action.rs b/crates/sdk/src/action.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 6c0767ff8..000000000 --- a/crates/sdk/src/action.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,220 +0,0 @@ -use sp1_core_executor::{ExecutionReport, HookEnv, SP1ContextBuilder}; -use sp1_core_machine::io::SP1Stdin; -use sp1_primitives::io::SP1PublicValues; -use sp1_prover::{components::DefaultProverComponents, SP1ProvingKey}; - -use anyhow::{Ok, Result}; -use sp1_stark::{SP1CoreOpts, SP1ProverOpts}; -use std::time::Duration; - -use crate::{provers::ProofOpts, Prover, SP1ProofKind, SP1ProofWithPublicValues}; - -/// Builder to prepare and configure execution of a program on an input. -/// May be run with [Self::run]. -pub struct Execute<'a> { - prover: &'a dyn Prover, - context_builder: SP1ContextBuilder<'a>, - elf: &'a [u8], - stdin: SP1Stdin, -} - -impl<'a> Execute<'a> { - /// Prepare to execute the given program on the given input (without generating a proof). - /// - /// Prefer using [ProverClient::execute](super::ProverClient::execute). - /// See there for more documentation. - pub fn new( - prover: &'a dyn Prover, - elf: &'a [u8], - stdin: SP1Stdin, - ) -> Self { - Self { prover, elf, stdin, context_builder: Default::default() } - } - - /// Execute the program on the input, consuming the built action `self`. - pub fn run(self) -> Result<(SP1PublicValues, ExecutionReport)> { - let Self { prover, elf, stdin, mut context_builder } = self; - let context = context_builder.build(); - Ok(prover.sp1_prover().execute(elf, &stdin, context)?) - } - - /// Add a runtime [Hook](super::Hook) into the context. - /// - /// Hooks may be invoked from within SP1 by writing to the specified file descriptor `fd` - /// with [`sp1_zkvm::io::write`], returning a list of arbitrary data that may be read - /// with successive calls to [`sp1_zkvm::io::read`]. - pub fn with_hook( - mut self, - fd: u32, - f: impl FnMut(HookEnv, &[u8]) -> Vec> + Send + Sync + 'a, - ) -> Self { - self.context_builder.hook(fd, f); - self - } - - /// Avoid registering the default hooks in the runtime. - /// - /// It is not necessary to call this to override hooks --- instead, simply - /// register a hook with the same value of `fd` by calling [`Self::hook`]. - pub fn without_default_hooks(mut self) -> Self { - self.context_builder.without_default_hooks(); - self - } - - /// Set the maximum number of cpu cycles to use for execution. - /// - /// If the cycle limit is exceeded, execution will return - /// [sp1_core_machine::runtime::ExecutionError::ExceededCycleLimit]. - pub fn max_cycles(mut self, max_cycles: u64) -> Self { - self.context_builder.max_cycles(max_cycles); - self - } -} - -/// Builder to prepare and configure proving execution of a program on an input. -/// May be run with [Self::run]. -pub struct Prove<'a> { - prover: &'a dyn Prover, - kind: SP1ProofKind, - context_builder: SP1ContextBuilder<'a>, - pk: &'a SP1ProvingKey, - stdin: SP1Stdin, - core_opts: SP1CoreOpts, - recursion_opts: SP1CoreOpts, - timeout: Option, -} - -impl<'a> Prove<'a> { - /// Prepare to prove the execution of the given program with the given input. - /// - /// Prefer using [ProverClient::prove](super::ProverClient::prove). - /// See there for more documentation. - pub fn new( - prover: &'a dyn Prover, - pk: &'a SP1ProvingKey, - stdin: SP1Stdin, - ) -> Self { - Self { - prover, - kind: Default::default(), - pk, - stdin, - context_builder: Default::default(), - core_opts: SP1CoreOpts::default(), - recursion_opts: SP1CoreOpts::recursion(), - timeout: None, - } - } - - /// Prove the execution of the program on the input, consuming the built action `self`. - pub fn run(self) -> Result { - let Self { - prover, - kind, - pk, - stdin, - mut context_builder, - core_opts, - recursion_opts, - timeout, - } = self; - let opts = SP1ProverOpts { core_opts, recursion_opts }; - let proof_opts = ProofOpts { sp1_prover_opts: opts, timeout }; - let context = context_builder.build(); - - // Dump the program and stdin to files for debugging if `SP1_DUMP` is set. - if std::env::var("SP1_DUMP") - .map(|v| v == "1" || v.to_lowercase() == "true") - .unwrap_or(false) - { - let program = pk.elf.clone(); - std::fs::write("program.bin", program).unwrap(); - let stdin = bincode::serialize(&stdin).unwrap(); - std::fs::write("stdin.bin", stdin.clone()).unwrap(); - } - - prover.prove(pk, stdin, proof_opts, context, kind) - } - - /// Set the proof kind to the core mode. This is the default. - pub fn core(mut self) -> Self { - self.kind = SP1ProofKind::Core; - self - } - - /// Set the proof kind to the compressed mode. - pub fn compressed(mut self) -> Self { - self.kind = SP1ProofKind::Compressed; - self - } - - /// Set the proof mode to the plonk bn254 mode. - pub fn plonk(mut self) -> Self { - self.kind = SP1ProofKind::Plonk; - self - } - - /// Set the proof mode to the groth16 bn254 mode. - pub fn groth16(mut self) -> Self { - self.kind = SP1ProofKind::Groth16; - self - } - - /// Add a runtime [Hook](super::Hook) into the context. - /// - /// Hooks may be invoked from within SP1 by writing to the specified file descriptor `fd` - /// with [`sp1_zkvm::io::write`], returning a list of arbitrary data that may be read - /// with successive calls to [`sp1_zkvm::io::read`]. - pub fn with_hook( - mut self, - fd: u32, - f: impl FnMut(HookEnv, &[u8]) -> Vec> + Send + Sync + 'a, - ) -> Self { - self.context_builder.hook(fd, f); - self - } - - /// Avoid registering the default hooks in the runtime. - /// - /// It is not necessary to call this to override hooks --- instead, simply - /// register a hook with the same value of `fd` by calling [`Self::hook`]. - pub fn without_default_hooks(mut self) -> Self { - self.context_builder.without_default_hooks(); - self - } - - /// Set the shard size for proving. - pub fn shard_size(mut self, value: usize) -> Self { - self.core_opts.shard_size = value; - self - } - - /// Set the shard batch size for proving. - pub fn shard_batch_size(mut self, value: usize) -> Self { - self.core_opts.shard_batch_size = value; - self - } - - /// Set whether we should reconstruct commitments while proving. - pub fn reconstruct_commitments(mut self, value: bool) -> Self { - self.core_opts.reconstruct_commitments = value; - self - } - - /// Set the maximum number of cpu cycles to use for execution. - /// - /// If the cycle limit is exceeded, execution will return - /// [sp1_core_machine::runtime::ExecutionError::ExceededCycleLimit]. - pub fn cycle_limit(mut self, cycle_limit: u64) -> Self { - self.context_builder.max_cycles(cycle_limit); - self - } - - /// Set the timeout for the proof's generation. - /// - /// This parameter is only used when the prover is run in network mode. - pub fn timeout(mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Self { - self.timeout = Some(timeout); - self - } -} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/artifacts.rs b/crates/sdk/src/artifacts.rs index 2ed25462c..f287e9a87 100644 --- a/crates/sdk/src/artifacts.rs +++ b/crates/sdk/src/artifacts.rs @@ -1,18 +1,13 @@ +//! # SP1 Artifacts +//! +//! A library for exporting the SP1 artifacts to the specified output directory. + use std::path::PathBuf; use anyhow::{Context, Result}; -#[cfg(any(feature = "network", feature = "network-v2"))] -use { - futures::StreamExt, - indicatif::{ProgressBar, ProgressStyle}, - reqwest::Client, - std::{cmp::min, fs::File, io::Write}, -}; - -pub use sp1_prover::build::build_plonk_bn254_artifacts_with_dummy; - use crate::install::try_install_circuit_artifacts; +pub use sp1_prover::build::build_plonk_bn254_artifacts_with_dummy; /// Exports the solidity verifier for PLONK proofs to the specified output directory. /// @@ -71,35 +66,3 @@ pub fn export_solidity_groth16_bn254_verifier(output_dir: impl Into) -> Ok(()) } - -#[cfg(any(feature = "network", feature = "network-v2"))] -pub async fn download_file( - client: &Client, - url: &str, - file: &mut File, -) -> std::result::Result<(), String> { - let res = client.get(url).send().await.or(Err(format!("Failed to GET from '{}'", &url)))?; - let total_size = - res.content_length().ok_or(format!("Failed to get content length from '{}'", &url))?; - - let pb = ProgressBar::new(total_size); - pb.set_style(ProgressStyle::default_bar() - .template("{msg}\n{spinner:.green} [{elapsed_precise}] [{wide_bar:.cyan/blue}] {bytes}/{total_bytes} ({bytes_per_sec}, {eta})").unwrap() - .progress_chars("#>-")); - println!("Downloading {}", url); - - let mut downloaded: u64 = 0; - let mut stream = res.bytes_stream(); - - while let Some(item) = stream.next().await { - let chunk = item.or(Err("Error while downloading file"))?; - file.write_all(&chunk).or(Err("Error while writing to file"))?; - let new = min(downloaded + (chunk.len() as u64), total_size); - downloaded = new; - pb.set_position(new); - } - - let msg = format!("Downloaded {} to {:?}", url, file); - pb.finish_with_message(msg); - Ok(()) -} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/client.rs b/crates/sdk/src/client.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f48afddf9 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/sdk/src/client.rs @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +//! # SP1 Prover Client +//! +//! A client for interacting with the prover for the SP1 RISC-V zkVM. + +use crate::cpu::builder::CpuProverBuilder; +use crate::env::EnvProver; + +#[cfg(feature = "network")] +use crate::network::builder::NetworkProverBuilder; + +use crate::cuda::builder::CudaProverBuilder; + +/// An entrypoint for interacting with the prover for the SP1 RISC-V zkVM. +pub struct ProverClient; + +impl ProverClient { + /// Builds an [`EnvProver`], which loads the mode and any settings from the environment. + /// + /// # Usage + /// ```no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// + /// std::env::set_var("SP1_PROVER", "network"); + /// std::env::set_var("NETWORK_PRIVATE_KEY", "..."); + /// let prover = ProverClient::from_env(); + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let (pk, vk) = prover.setup(elf); + /// let proof = prover.prove(&pk, &stdin).compressed().run().unwrap(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn from_env() -> EnvProver { + EnvProver::new() + } + + /// Creates a new [`ProverClientBuilder`] so that you can configure the prover client. + #[must_use] + pub fn builder() -> ProverClientBuilder { + ProverClientBuilder + } + + /// Creates a new [`EnvProver`] from the environment. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::ProverClient; + /// + /// std::env::set_var("SP1_PROVER", "network"); + /// std::env::set_var("NETWORK_PRIVATE_KEY", "..."); + /// std::env::set_var("NETWORK_RPC_URL", "..."); + /// let prover = ProverClient::from_env(); + /// ``` + #[deprecated(since = "4.0.0", note = "use `ProverClient::from_env()` instead")] + #[allow(clippy::new_ret_no_self)] + #[must_use] + pub fn new() -> EnvProver { + Self::from_env() + } +} + +/// A builder to define which proving client to use. +pub struct ProverClientBuilder; + +impl ProverClientBuilder { + /// Builds a [`CpuProver`] specifically for mock proving. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let prover = ProverClient::builder().mock().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = prover.setup(elf); + /// let proof = prover.prove(&pk, &stdin).compressed().run().unwrap(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn mock(&self) -> CpuProverBuilder { + CpuProverBuilder { mock: true } + } + + /// Builds a [`CpuProver`] specifically for local CPU proving. + /// + /// # Usage + /// ```no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let prover = ProverClient::builder().cpu().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = prover.setup(elf); + /// let proof = prover.prove(&pk, &stdin).compressed().run().unwrap(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn cpu(&self) -> CpuProverBuilder { + CpuProverBuilder { mock: false } + } + + /// Builds a [`CudaProver`] specifically for local proving on NVIDIA GPUs. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let prover = ProverClient::builder().cuda().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = prover.setup(elf); + /// let proof = prover.prove(&pk, &stdin).compressed().run().unwrap(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn cuda(&self) -> CudaProverBuilder { + CudaProverBuilder + } + + /// Builds a [`NetworkProver`] specifically for proving on the network. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let prover = ProverClient::builder().network().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = prover.setup(elf); + /// let proof = prover.prove(&pk, &stdin).compressed().run().unwrap(); + /// ``` + #[cfg(feature = "network")] + #[must_use] + pub fn network(&self) -> NetworkProverBuilder { + NetworkProverBuilder { private_key: None, rpc_url: None } + } +} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/cpu/builder.rs b/crates/sdk/src/cpu/builder.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6cdcf3b38 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/sdk/src/cpu/builder.rs @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +//! # CPU Prover Builder +//! +//! This module provides a builder for the [`CpuProver`]. + +use super::CpuProver; + +/// A builder for the [`CpuProver`]. +/// +/// The builder is used to configure the [`CpuProver`] before it is built. +pub struct CpuProverBuilder { + pub(crate) mock: bool, +} + +impl CpuProverBuilder { + /// Builds a [`CpuProver`]. + /// + /// # Details + /// This method will build a [`CpuProver`] with the given parameters. In particular, it will + /// build a mock prover if the `mock` flag is set. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::ProverClient; + /// + /// let prover = ProverClient::builder().mock().build(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn build(self) -> CpuProver { + if self.mock { + CpuProver::mock() + } else { + CpuProver::new() + } + } +} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/cpu/execute.rs b/crates/sdk/src/cpu/execute.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..970dc2f56 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/sdk/src/cpu/execute.rs @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +//! # CPU Execution +//! +//! This module provides a builder for simulating the execution of a program on the CPU. + +use anyhow::Result; +use sp1_core_executor::{ExecutionReport, HookEnv, SP1ContextBuilder}; +use sp1_core_machine::io::SP1Stdin; +use sp1_primitives::io::SP1PublicValues; +use sp1_prover::{components::CpuProverComponents, SP1Prover}; + +/// A builder for simulating the execution of a program on the CPU. +/// +/// This builder providers a typed interface for configuring the SP1 RISC-V executor. The builder +/// is used for all the different variants of the [`crate::ProverClient`]. +pub struct CpuExecuteBuilder<'a> { + pub(crate) elf: &'a [u8], + pub(crate) stdin: SP1Stdin, + pub(crate) prover: &'a SP1Prover, + pub(crate) context_builder: SP1ContextBuilder<'a>, +} + +impl<'a> CpuExecuteBuilder<'a> { + /// Add a executor [`sp1_core_executor::Hook`] into the context. + /// + /// # Arguments + /// * `fd` - The file descriptor that triggers this execution hook. + /// * `f` - The function to invoke when the hook is triggered. + /// + /// # Details + /// Hooks may be invoked from within SP1 by writing to the specified file descriptor `fd` + /// with [`sp1_zkvm::io::write`], returning a list of arbitrary data that may be read + /// with successive calls to [`sp1_zkvm::io::read`]. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, include_elf, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cpu().build(); + /// let builder = client.execute(elf, &stdin) + /// .with_hook(1, |env, data| { + /// println!("Hook triggered with data: {:?}", data); + /// vec![vec![1, 2, 3]] + /// }) + /// .run(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn with_hook( + mut self, + fd: u32, + f: impl FnMut(HookEnv, &[u8]) -> Vec> + Send + Sync + 'a, + ) -> Self { + self.context_builder.hook(fd, f); + self + } + + /// Set the maximum number of cpu cycles to use for execution. + /// + /// # Arguments + /// * `max_cycles` - The maximum number of cycles to use for execution. + /// + /// # Details + /// If the cycle limit is exceeded, execution will fail with the + /// [`sp1_core_executor::ExecutionError::ExceededCycleLimit`]. This is useful for preventing + /// infinite loops in the and limiting the execution time of the program. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, include_elf, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cpu().build(); + /// let builder = client.execute(elf, &stdin) + /// .cycle_limit(1000000) + /// .run(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn cycle_limit(mut self, max_cycles: u64) -> Self { + self.context_builder.max_cycles(max_cycles); + self + } + + /// Whether to enable deferred proof verification in the executor. + /// + /// # Arguments + /// * `value` - Whether to enable deferred proof verification in the executor. + /// + /// # Details + /// Default: `true`. If set to `false`, the executor will skip deferred proof verification. + /// This is useful for reducing the execution time of the program and optimistically assuming + /// that the deferred proofs are correct. Can also be used for mock proof setups that require + /// verifying mock compressed proofs. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, include_elf, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cpu().build(); + /// let builder = client.execute(elf, &stdin) + /// .deferred_proof_verification(false) + /// .run(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn deferred_proof_verification(mut self, value: bool) -> Self { + self.context_builder.set_deferred_proof_verification(value); + self + } + + /// Executes the program on the input with the built arguments. + /// + /// # Details + /// This method will execute the program on the input with the built arguments. If the program + /// fails to execute, the method will return an error. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, include_elf, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cpu().build(); + /// let (public_values, execution_report) = client.execute(elf, &stdin) + /// .run() + /// .unwrap(); + /// ``` + pub fn run(self) -> Result<(SP1PublicValues, ExecutionReport)> { + let Self { prover, elf, stdin, mut context_builder } = self; + let context = context_builder.build(); + Ok(prover.execute(elf, &stdin, context)?) + } +} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/cpu/mod.rs b/crates/sdk/src/cpu/mod.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5eb1db14c --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/sdk/src/cpu/mod.rs @@ -0,0 +1,255 @@ +//! # SP1 CPU Prover +//! +//! A prover that uses the CPU to execute and prove programs. + +pub mod builder; +pub mod execute; +pub mod prove; + +use anyhow::Result; +use execute::CpuExecuteBuilder; +use prove::CpuProveBuilder; +use sp1_core_executor::{SP1Context, SP1ContextBuilder}; +use sp1_core_machine::io::SP1Stdin; +use sp1_prover::{ + components::CpuProverComponents, + verify::{verify_groth16_bn254_public_inputs, verify_plonk_bn254_public_inputs}, + Groth16Bn254Proof, PlonkBn254Proof, SP1CoreProofData, SP1ProofWithMetadata, SP1Prover, +}; +use sp1_stark::{SP1CoreOpts, SP1ProverOpts}; + +use crate::install::try_install_circuit_artifacts; +use crate::prover::verify_proof; +use crate::SP1VerificationError; +use crate::{ + Prover, SP1Proof, SP1ProofMode, SP1ProofWithPublicValues, SP1ProvingKey, SP1VerifyingKey, +}; + +/// A prover that uses the CPU to execute and prove programs. +pub struct CpuProver { + pub(crate) prover: SP1Prover, + pub(crate) mock: bool, +} + +impl CpuProver { + /// Creates a new [`CpuProver`]. + #[must_use] + pub fn new() -> Self { + Self::default() + } + + /// Creates a new [`CpuProver`] in mock mode. + #[must_use] + pub fn mock() -> Self { + Self { prover: SP1Prover::new(), mock: true } + } + + /// Creates a new [`CpuExecuteBuilder`] for simulating the execution of a program on the CPU. + /// + /// # Details + /// The builder is used for both the [`crate::cpu::CpuProver`] and [`crate::CudaProver`] client + /// types. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, include_elf, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cpu().build(); + /// let (public_values, execution_report) = client.execute(elf, &stdin) + /// .run() + /// .unwrap(); + /// ``` + pub fn execute<'a>(&'a self, elf: &'a [u8], stdin: &SP1Stdin) -> CpuExecuteBuilder<'a> { + CpuExecuteBuilder { + prover: &self.prover, + elf, + stdin: stdin.clone(), + context_builder: SP1ContextBuilder::default(), + } + } + + /// Creates a new [`CpuProveBuilder`] for proving a program on the CPU. + /// + /// # Details + /// The builder is used for only the [`crate::cpu::CpuProver`] client type. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, include_elf, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cpu().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .core() + /// .run(); + /// ``` + pub fn prove<'a>(&'a self, pk: &'a SP1ProvingKey, stdin: &SP1Stdin) -> CpuProveBuilder<'a> { + CpuProveBuilder { + prover: self, + mode: SP1ProofMode::Core, + pk, + stdin: stdin.clone(), + context_builder: SP1ContextBuilder::default(), + core_opts: SP1CoreOpts::default(), + recursion_opts: SP1CoreOpts::recursion(), + mock: self.mock, + } + } + + pub(crate) fn prove_impl<'a>( + &'a self, + pk: &SP1ProvingKey, + stdin: &SP1Stdin, + opts: SP1ProverOpts, + context: SP1Context<'a>, + mode: SP1ProofMode, + ) -> Result { + let program = self.prover.get_program(&pk.elf).unwrap(); + + // If we're in mock mode, return a mock proof. + if self.mock { + return self.mock_prove_impl(pk, stdin, context, mode); + } + + // Generate the core proof. + let proof: SP1ProofWithMetadata = + self.prover.prove_core(&pk.pk, program, stdin, opts, context)?; + if mode == SP1ProofMode::Core { + return Ok(SP1ProofWithPublicValues { + proof: SP1Proof::Core(proof.proof.0), + public_values: proof.public_values, + sp1_version: self.version().to_string(), + }); + } + + // Generate the compressed proof. + let deferred_proofs = + stdin.proofs.iter().map(|(reduce_proof, _)| reduce_proof.clone()).collect(); + let public_values = proof.public_values.clone(); + let reduce_proof = self.prover.compress(&pk.vk, proof, deferred_proofs, opts)?; + if mode == SP1ProofMode::Compressed { + return Ok(SP1ProofWithPublicValues { + proof: SP1Proof::Compressed(Box::new(reduce_proof)), + public_values, + sp1_version: self.version().to_string(), + }); + } + + // Generate the shrink proof. + let compress_proof = self.prover.shrink(reduce_proof, opts)?; + + // Generate the wrap proof. + let outer_proof = self.prover.wrap_bn254(compress_proof, opts)?; + + // Generate the gnark proof. + match mode { + SP1ProofMode::Groth16 => { + let groth16_bn254_artifacts = if sp1_prover::build::sp1_dev_mode() { + sp1_prover::build::try_build_groth16_bn254_artifacts_dev( + &outer_proof.vk, + &outer_proof.proof, + ) + } else { + try_install_circuit_artifacts("groth16") + }; + + let proof = self.prover.wrap_groth16_bn254(outer_proof, &groth16_bn254_artifacts); + Ok(SP1ProofWithPublicValues { + proof: SP1Proof::Groth16(proof), + public_values, + sp1_version: self.version().to_string(), + }) + } + SP1ProofMode::Plonk => { + let plonk_bn254_artifacts = if sp1_prover::build::sp1_dev_mode() { + sp1_prover::build::try_build_plonk_bn254_artifacts_dev( + &outer_proof.vk, + &outer_proof.proof, + ) + } else { + try_install_circuit_artifacts("plonk") + }; + let proof = self.prover.wrap_plonk_bn254(outer_proof, &plonk_bn254_artifacts); + Ok(SP1ProofWithPublicValues { + proof: SP1Proof::Plonk(proof), + public_values, + sp1_version: self.version().to_string(), + }) + } + _ => unreachable!(), + } + } + + pub(crate) fn mock_prove_impl<'a>( + &'a self, + pk: &SP1ProvingKey, + stdin: &SP1Stdin, + context: SP1Context<'a>, + mode: SP1ProofMode, + ) -> Result { + let (public_values, _) = self.prover.execute(&pk.elf, stdin, context)?; + Ok(SP1ProofWithPublicValues::create_mock_proof(pk, public_values, mode, self.version())) + } + + fn mock_verify( + bundle: &SP1ProofWithPublicValues, + vkey: &SP1VerifyingKey, + ) -> Result<(), SP1VerificationError> { + match &bundle.proof { + SP1Proof::Plonk(PlonkBn254Proof { public_inputs, .. }) => { + verify_plonk_bn254_public_inputs(vkey, &bundle.public_values, public_inputs) + .map_err(SP1VerificationError::Plonk) + } + SP1Proof::Groth16(Groth16Bn254Proof { public_inputs, .. }) => { + verify_groth16_bn254_public_inputs(vkey, &bundle.public_values, public_inputs) + .map_err(SP1VerificationError::Groth16) + } + _ => Ok(()), + } + } +} + +impl Prover for CpuProver { + fn setup(&self, elf: &[u8]) -> (SP1ProvingKey, SP1VerifyingKey) { + let (pk, _, _, vk) = self.prover.setup(elf); + (pk, vk) + } + + fn inner(&self) -> &SP1Prover { + &self.prover + } + + fn prove( + &self, + pk: &SP1ProvingKey, + stdin: &SP1Stdin, + mode: SP1ProofMode, + ) -> Result { + self.prove_impl(pk, stdin, SP1ProverOpts::default(), SP1Context::default(), mode) + } + + fn verify( + &self, + bundle: &SP1ProofWithPublicValues, + vkey: &SP1VerifyingKey, + ) -> Result<(), SP1VerificationError> { + if self.mock { + tracing::warn!("using mock verifier"); + return Self::mock_verify(bundle, vkey); + } + verify_proof(self.inner(), self.version(), bundle, vkey) + } +} + +impl Default for CpuProver { + fn default() -> Self { + let prover = SP1Prover::new(); + Self { prover, mock: false } + } +} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/cpu/prove.rs b/crates/sdk/src/cpu/prove.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ddbee9c55 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/sdk/src/cpu/prove.rs @@ -0,0 +1,301 @@ +//! # CPU Proving +//! +//! This module provides a builder for proving a program on the CPU. + +use anyhow::Result; +use sp1_core_executor::SP1ContextBuilder; +use sp1_core_machine::io::SP1Stdin; +use sp1_prover::SP1ProvingKey; +use sp1_stark::{SP1CoreOpts, SP1ProverOpts}; + +use super::CpuProver; +use crate::{SP1ProofMode, SP1ProofWithPublicValues}; + +/// A builder for proving a program on the CPU. +/// +/// This builder provides a typed interface for configuring the SP1 RISC-V prover. The builder is +/// used for only the [`crate::cpu::CpuProver`] client type. +pub struct CpuProveBuilder<'a> { + pub(crate) prover: &'a CpuProver, + pub(crate) mode: SP1ProofMode, + pub(crate) context_builder: SP1ContextBuilder<'a>, + pub(crate) pk: &'a SP1ProvingKey, + pub(crate) stdin: SP1Stdin, + pub(crate) core_opts: SP1CoreOpts, + pub(crate) recursion_opts: SP1CoreOpts, + pub(crate) mock: bool, +} + +impl CpuProveBuilder<'_> { + /// Set the proof kind to [`SP1ProofKind::Core`] mode. + /// + /// # Details + /// This is the default mode for the prover. The proofs grow linearly in size with the number + /// of cycles. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, include_elf, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cpu().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .core() + /// .run(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn core(mut self) -> Self { + self.mode = SP1ProofMode::Core; + self + } + + /// Set the proof kind to [`SP1ProofKind::Compressed`] mode. + /// + /// # Details + /// This mode produces a proof that is of constant size, regardless of the number of cycles. It + /// takes longer to prove than [`SP1ProofKind::Core`] due to the need to recursively aggregate + /// proofs into a single proof. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, include_elf, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cpu().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .compressed() + /// .run(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn compressed(mut self) -> Self { + self.mode = SP1ProofMode::Compressed; + self + } + + /// Set the proof mode to [`SP1ProofKind::Plonk`] mode. + /// + /// # Details + /// This mode produces a const size PLONK proof that can be verified on chain for roughly ~300k + /// gas. This mode is useful for producing a maximally small proof that can be verified on + /// chain. For more efficient SNARK wrapping, you can use the [`SP1ProofKind::Groth16`] mode but + /// this mode is more . + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, include_elf, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cpu().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .plonk() + /// .run(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn plonk(mut self) -> Self { + self.mode = SP1ProofMode::Plonk; + self + } + + /// Set the proof mode to [`SP1ProofKind::Groth16`] mode. + /// + /// # Details + /// This mode produces a Groth16 proof that can be verified on chain for roughly ~100k gas. This + /// mode is useful for producing a proof that can be verified on chain with minimal gas. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, include_elf, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cpu().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .groth16() + /// .run(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn groth16(mut self) -> Self { + self.mode = SP1ProofMode::Groth16; + self + } + + /// Set the proof mode to the given [`SP1ProofKind`]. + /// + /// # Details + /// This method is useful for setting the proof mode to a custom mode. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, include_elf, Prover, SP1ProofMode}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cpu().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .mode(SP1ProofMode::Groth16) + /// .run(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn mode(mut self, mode: SP1ProofMode) -> Self { + self.mode = mode; + self + } + + /// Set the shard size for proving. + /// + /// # Details + /// The value should be 2^16, 2^17, ..., 2^22. You must be careful to set this value + /// correctly, as it will affect the memory usage of the prover and the recursion/verification + /// complexity. By default, the value is set to some predefined values that are optimized for performance + /// based on the available amount of RAM on the system. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, include_elf, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cpu().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .shard_size(1 << 16) + /// .run(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn shard_size(mut self, value: usize) -> Self { + assert!(value.is_power_of_two(), "shard size must be a power of 2"); + self.core_opts.shard_size = value; + self + } + + /// Set the shard batch size for proving. + /// + /// # Details + /// This is the number of shards that are processed in a single batch in the prover. You should + /// probably not change this value unless you know what you are doing. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, include_elf, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cpu().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .shard_batch_size(4) + /// .run(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn shard_batch_size(mut self, value: usize) -> Self { + self.core_opts.shard_batch_size = value; + self + } + + /// Set the maximum number of cpu cycles to use for execution. + /// + /// # Details + /// If the cycle limit is exceeded, execution will return + /// [`sp1_core_executor::ExecutionError::ExceededCycleLimit`]. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, include_elf, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cpu().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .cycle_limit(1000000) + /// .run(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn cycle_limit(mut self, cycle_limit: u64) -> Self { + self.context_builder.max_cycles(cycle_limit); + self + } + + /// Whether to enable deferred proof verification in the executor. + /// + /// # Arguments + /// * `value` - Whether to enable deferred proof verification in the executor. + /// + /// # Details + /// Default: `true`. If set to `false`, the executor will skip deferred proof verification. + /// This is useful for reducing the execution time of the program and optimistically assuming + /// that the deferred proofs are correct. Can also be used for mock proof setups that require + /// verifying mock compressed proofs. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, include_elf, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cpu().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .deferred_proof_verification(false) + /// .run(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn deferred_proof_verification(mut self, value: bool) -> Self { + self.context_builder.set_deferred_proof_verification(value); + self + } + + /// Run the prover with the built arguments. + /// + /// # Details + /// This method will run the prover with the built arguments. If the prover fails to run, the + /// method will return an error. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, include_elf, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cpu().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .run() + /// .unwrap(); + /// ``` + pub fn run(self) -> Result { + // Get the arguments. + let Self { prover, mode, pk, stdin, mut context_builder, core_opts, recursion_opts, mock } = + self; + let opts = SP1ProverOpts { core_opts, recursion_opts }; + let context = context_builder.build(); + + // Dump the program and stdin to files for debugging if `SP1_DUMP` is set. + crate::utils::sp1_dump(&pk.elf, &stdin); + + // Run the prover. + if mock { + prover.mock_prove_impl(pk, &stdin, context, mode) + } else { + prover.prove_impl(pk, &stdin, opts, context, mode) + } + } +} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/cuda/builder.rs b/crates/sdk/src/cuda/builder.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a447d3f78 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/sdk/src/cuda/builder.rs @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +//! # CPU Prover Builder +//! +//! This module provides a builder for the [`CpuProver`]. + +use sp1_prover::SP1Prover; + +use super::CudaProver; + +/// A builder for the [`CudaProver`]. +/// +/// The builder is used to configure the [`CudaProver`] before it is built. +pub struct CudaProverBuilder; + +impl CudaProverBuilder { + /// Builds a [`CudaProver`]. + /// + /// # Details + /// This method will build a [`CudaProver`] with the given parameters. In particular, it will + /// build a mock prover if the `mock` flag is set. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::ProverClient; + /// + /// let prover = ProverClient::builder().cuda().build(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn build(self) -> CudaProver { + CudaProver::new(SP1Prover::new()) + } +} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/cuda/mod.rs b/crates/sdk/src/cuda/mod.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..123ca5eb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/sdk/src/cuda/mod.rs @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +//! # SP1 CUDA Prover +//! +//! A prover that uses the CUDA to execute and prove programs. + +pub mod builder; +pub mod prove; + +use anyhow::Result; +use prove::CudaProveBuilder; +use sp1_core_executor::SP1ContextBuilder; +use sp1_core_machine::io::SP1Stdin; +use sp1_cuda::SP1CudaProver; +use sp1_prover::{components::CpuProverComponents, SP1Prover}; + +use crate::cpu::execute::CpuExecuteBuilder; +use crate::install::try_install_circuit_artifacts; +use crate::{ + Prover, SP1Proof, SP1ProofMode, SP1ProofWithPublicValues, SP1ProvingKey, SP1VerifyingKey, +}; + +/// A prover that uses the CPU for execution and the CUDA for proving. +pub struct CudaProver { + pub(crate) cpu_prover: SP1Prover, + pub(crate) cuda_prover: SP1CudaProver, +} + +impl CudaProver { + /// Creates a new [`CudaProver`]. + pub fn new(prover: SP1Prover) -> Self { + let cuda_prover = SP1CudaProver::new(); + Self { + cpu_prover: prover, + cuda_prover: cuda_prover.expect("Failed to initialize CUDA prover"), + } + } + + /// Creates a new [`CpuExecuteBuilder`] for simulating the execution of a program on the CPU. + /// + /// # Details + /// The builder is used for both the [`crate::cpu::CpuProver`] and [`crate::CudaProver`] client + /// types. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, include_elf, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cuda().build(); + /// let (public_values, execution_report) = client.execute(elf, &stdin) + /// .run() + /// .unwrap(); + /// ``` + pub fn execute<'a>(&'a self, elf: &'a [u8], stdin: &SP1Stdin) -> CpuExecuteBuilder<'a> { + CpuExecuteBuilder { + prover: &self.cpu_prover, + elf, + stdin: stdin.clone(), + context_builder: SP1ContextBuilder::default(), + } + } + + /// Creates a new [`CudaProveBuilder`] for proving a program on the CUDA. + /// + /// # Details + /// The builder is used for only the [`crate::CudaProver`] client type. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, include_elf, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cuda().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .run() + /// .unwrap(); + /// ``` + pub fn prove<'a>(&'a self, pk: &'a SP1ProvingKey, stdin: &'a SP1Stdin) -> CudaProveBuilder<'a> { + CudaProveBuilder { prover: self, mode: SP1ProofMode::Core, pk, stdin: stdin.clone() } + } +} + +impl Prover for CudaProver { + fn setup(&self, elf: &[u8]) -> (SP1ProvingKey, SP1VerifyingKey) { + let (pk, vk) = self.cuda_prover.setup(elf).unwrap(); + (pk, vk) + } + + fn inner(&self) -> &SP1Prover { + &self.cpu_prover + } + + fn prove( + &self, + pk: &SP1ProvingKey, + stdin: &SP1Stdin, + kind: SP1ProofMode, + ) -> Result { + // Generate the core proof. + let proof = self.cuda_prover.prove_core(stdin)?; + if kind == SP1ProofMode::Core { + return Ok(SP1ProofWithPublicValues { + proof: SP1Proof::Core(proof.proof.0), + public_values: proof.public_values, + sp1_version: self.version().to_string(), + }); + } + + // Generate the compressed proof. + let deferred_proofs = + stdin.proofs.iter().map(|(reduce_proof, _)| reduce_proof.clone()).collect(); + let public_values = proof.public_values.clone(); + let reduce_proof = self.cuda_prover.compress(&pk.vk, proof, deferred_proofs)?; + if kind == SP1ProofMode::Compressed { + return Ok(SP1ProofWithPublicValues { + proof: SP1Proof::Compressed(Box::new(reduce_proof)), + public_values, + sp1_version: self.version().to_string(), + }); + } + + // Generate the shrink proof. + let compress_proof = self.cuda_prover.shrink(reduce_proof)?; + + // Genenerate the wrap proof. + let outer_proof = self.cuda_prover.wrap_bn254(compress_proof)?; + + if kind == SP1ProofMode::Plonk { + let plonk_bn254_artifacts = if sp1_prover::build::sp1_dev_mode() { + sp1_prover::build::try_build_plonk_bn254_artifacts_dev( + &outer_proof.vk, + &outer_proof.proof, + ) + } else { + try_install_circuit_artifacts("plonk") + }; + let proof = self.cpu_prover.wrap_plonk_bn254(outer_proof, &plonk_bn254_artifacts); + return Ok(SP1ProofWithPublicValues { + proof: SP1Proof::Plonk(proof), + public_values, + sp1_version: self.version().to_string(), + }); + } else if kind == SP1ProofMode::Groth16 { + let groth16_bn254_artifacts = if sp1_prover::build::sp1_dev_mode() { + sp1_prover::build::try_build_groth16_bn254_artifacts_dev( + &outer_proof.vk, + &outer_proof.proof, + ) + } else { + try_install_circuit_artifacts("groth16") + }; + + let proof = self.cpu_prover.wrap_groth16_bn254(outer_proof, &groth16_bn254_artifacts); + return Ok(SP1ProofWithPublicValues { + proof: SP1Proof::Groth16(proof), + public_values, + sp1_version: self.version().to_string(), + }); + } + + unreachable!() + } +} + +impl Default for CudaProver { + fn default() -> Self { + Self::new(SP1Prover::new()) + } +} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/cuda/prove.rs b/crates/sdk/src/cuda/prove.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dc4f5449d --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/sdk/src/cuda/prove.rs @@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ +//! # CUDA Proving +//! +//! This module provides a builder for proving a program on the CUDA. + +use anyhow::Result; +use sp1_core_machine::io::SP1Stdin; +use sp1_prover::{components::CpuProverComponents, SP1ProvingKey}; + +use super::CudaProver; +use crate::{Prover, SP1ProofMode, SP1ProofWithPublicValues}; + +/// A builder for proving a program on the CUDA. +/// +/// This builder provides a typed interface for configuring the SP1 RISC-V prover. The builder is +/// used for only the [`crate::cuda::CudaProver`] client type. +pub struct CudaProveBuilder<'a> { + pub(crate) prover: &'a CudaProver, + pub(crate) mode: SP1ProofMode, + pub(crate) pk: &'a SP1ProvingKey, + pub(crate) stdin: SP1Stdin, +} + +impl CudaProveBuilder<'_> { + /// Set the proof kind to [`SP1ProofMode::Core`] mode. + /// + /// # Details + /// This is the default mode for the prover. The proofs grow linearly in size with the number + /// of cycles. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, include_elf, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cuda().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .core() + /// .run(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn core(mut self) -> Self { + self.mode = SP1ProofMode::Core; + self + } + + /// Set the proof kind to [`SP1ProofMode::Compressed`] mode. + /// + /// # Details + /// This mode produces a proof that is of constant size, regardless of the number of cycles. It + /// takes longer to prove than [`SP1ProofMode::Core`] due to the need to recursively aggregate + /// proofs into a single proof. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, include_elf, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cuda().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .compressed() + /// .run(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn compressed(mut self) -> Self { + self.mode = SP1ProofMode::Compressed; + self + } + + /// Set the proof mode to [`SP1ProofMode::Plonk`] mode. + /// + /// # Details + /// This mode produces a const size PLONK proof that can be verified on chain for roughly ~300k + /// gas. This mode is useful for producing a maximally small proof that can be verified on + /// chain. For more efficient SNARK wrapping, you can use the [`SP1ProofMode::Groth16`] mode but + /// this mode is more . + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, include_elf, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cuda().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .plonk() + /// .run(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn plonk(mut self) -> Self { + self.mode = SP1ProofMode::Plonk; + self + } + + /// Set the proof mode to [`SP1ProofMode::Groth16`] mode. + /// + /// # Details + /// This mode produces a Groth16 proof that can be verified on chain for roughly ~100k gas. This + /// mode is useful for producing a proof that can be verified on chain with minimal gas. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, include_elf, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cuda().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .groth16() + /// .run(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn groth16(mut self) -> Self { + self.mode = SP1ProofMode::Groth16; + self + } + + /// Set the proof mode to the given [`SP1ProofMode`]. + /// + /// # Details + /// This method is useful for setting the proof mode to a custom mode. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, include_elf, SP1ProofMode, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cuda().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .mode(SP1ProofMode::Groth16) + /// .run(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn mode(mut self, mode: SP1ProofMode) -> Self { + self.mode = mode; + self + } + + /// Run the prover with the built arguments. + /// + /// # Details + /// This method will run the prover with the built arguments. If the prover fails to run, the + /// method will return an error. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, include_elf, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cuda().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .run() + /// .unwrap(); + /// ``` + pub fn run(self) -> Result { + let Self { prover, mode: kind, pk, stdin } = self; + + // Dump the program and stdin to files for debugging if `SP1_DUMP` is set. + crate::utils::sp1_dump(&pk.elf, &stdin); + + Prover::::prove(prover, pk, &stdin, kind) + } +} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/env/mod.rs b/crates/sdk/src/env/mod.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e4a3eb1d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/sdk/src/env/mod.rs @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +//! # SP1 Environment Prover +//! +//! A prover that can execute programs and generate proofs with a different implementation based on +//! the value of certain environment variables. + +mod prove; + +use std::env; + +use anyhow::Result; +use prove::EnvProveBuilder; +use sp1_core_executor::SP1ContextBuilder; +use sp1_core_machine::io::SP1Stdin; +use sp1_prover::{components::CpuProverComponents, SP1Prover, SP1ProvingKey, SP1VerifyingKey}; + +use super::{Prover, SP1VerificationError}; +use crate::cpu::execute::CpuExecuteBuilder; +use crate::cpu::CpuProver; +use crate::cuda::CudaProver; +#[cfg(feature = "network")] +use crate::network::builder::NetworkProverBuilder; +use crate::{SP1ProofMode, SP1ProofWithPublicValues}; + +/// A prover that can execute programs and generate proofs with a different implementation based on +/// the value of certain environment variables. +/// +/// The environment variables are described in [`EnvProver::new`]. +pub struct EnvProver { + pub(crate) prover: Box>, +} + +impl EnvProver { + /// Creates a new [`EnvProver`] with the given configuration. + /// + /// The following environment variables are used to configure the prover: + /// - `SP1_PROVER`: The type of prover to use. Must be one of `mock`, `local`, `cuda`, or `network`. + /// - `NETWORK_PRIVATE_KEY`: The private key to use for the network prover. + /// - `NETWORK_RPC_URL`: The RPC URL to use for the network prover. + #[must_use] + pub fn new() -> Self { + let mode = if let Ok(mode) = env::var("SP1_PROVER") { + mode + } else { + log::warn!("SP1_PROVER environment variable not set, defaulting to 'cpu'"); + "cpu".to_string() + }; + + let prover: Box> = match mode.as_str() { + "mock" => Box::new(CpuProver::mock()), + "cpu" => Box::new(CpuProver::new()), + "cuda" => { + Box::new(CudaProver::new(SP1Prover::new())) + } + "network" => { + #[cfg(not(feature = "network"))] + panic!( + r#"The network prover requires the 'network' feature to be enabled. + Please enable it in your Cargo.toml with: + sp1-sdk = {{ version = "...", features = ["network"] }}"# + ); + + #[cfg(feature = "network")] + { + Box::new(NetworkProverBuilder::default().build()) + } + } + _ => panic!( + "Invalid SP1_PROVER value. Expected one of: mock, cpu, cuda, or network. Got: '{mode}'.\n\ + Please set the SP1_PROVER environment variable to one of the supported values." + ), + }; + EnvProver { prover } + } + + /// Creates a new [`CpuExecuteBuilder`] for simulating the execution of a program on the CPU. + /// + /// # Details + /// The builder is used for both the [`crate::cpu::CpuProver`] and [`crate::CudaProver`] client + /// types. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::from_env(); + /// let (public_values, execution_report) = client.execute(elf, &stdin) + /// .run() + /// .unwrap(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn execute<'a>(&'a self, elf: &'a [u8], stdin: &SP1Stdin) -> CpuExecuteBuilder<'a> { + CpuExecuteBuilder { + prover: self.prover.inner(), + elf, + stdin: stdin.clone(), + context_builder: SP1ContextBuilder::default(), + } + } + + /// Creates a new [`EnvProve`] for proving a program on the CPU. + /// + /// # Details + /// The builder is used for only the [`crate::cpu::CpuProver`] client type. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::from_env(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .core() + /// .run(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn prove<'a>(&'a self, pk: &'a SP1ProvingKey, stdin: &'a SP1Stdin) -> EnvProveBuilder<'a> { + EnvProveBuilder { + prover: self.prover.as_ref(), + mode: SP1ProofMode::Core, + pk, + stdin: stdin.clone(), + } + } + + /// Verifies that the given proof is valid and matches the given verification key produced by + /// [`Self::setup`]. + /// + /// ### Examples + /// ```no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin}; + /// + /// let elf = test_artifacts::FIBONACCI_ELF; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::from_env(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).run().unwrap(); + /// client.verify(&proof, &vk).unwrap(); + /// ``` + pub fn verify( + &self, + proof: &SP1ProofWithPublicValues, + vk: &SP1VerifyingKey, + ) -> Result<(), SP1VerificationError> { + self.prover.verify(proof, vk) + } + + /// Setup a program to be proven and verified by the SP1 RISC-V zkVM by computing the proving + /// and verifying keys. + #[must_use] + pub fn setup(&self, elf: &[u8]) -> (SP1ProvingKey, SP1VerifyingKey) { + self.prover.setup(elf) + } +} + +impl Default for EnvProver { + fn default() -> Self { + Self::new() + } +} + +impl Prover for EnvProver { + fn inner(&self) -> &SP1Prover { + self.prover.inner() + } + + fn setup(&self, elf: &[u8]) -> (SP1ProvingKey, SP1VerifyingKey) { + self.prover.setup(elf) + } + + fn prove( + &self, + pk: &SP1ProvingKey, + stdin: &SP1Stdin, + mode: SP1ProofMode, + ) -> Result { + self.prover.prove(pk, stdin, mode) + } +} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/env/prove.rs b/crates/sdk/src/env/prove.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d890fe05e --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/sdk/src/env/prove.rs @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +use anyhow::Result; +use sp1_core_machine::io::SP1Stdin; +use sp1_prover::{components::CpuProverComponents, SP1ProvingKey}; + +use crate::{Prover, SP1ProofMode, SP1ProofWithPublicValues}; + +/// Builder to prepare and configure proving execution of a program on an input. +/// May be run with [`Self::run`]. +pub struct EnvProveBuilder<'a> { + pub(crate) prover: &'a dyn Prover, + pub(crate) mode: SP1ProofMode, + pub(crate) pk: &'a SP1ProvingKey, + pub(crate) stdin: SP1Stdin, +} + +impl EnvProveBuilder<'_> { + /// Set the proof kind to [`SP1ProofMode::Core`] mode. + /// + /// # Details + /// This is the default mode for the prover. The proofs grow linearly in size with the number + /// of cycles. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::from_env(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .core() + /// .run(); + /// ``` + pub fn core(mut self) -> Self { + self.mode = SP1ProofMode::Core; + self + } + + /// Set the proof kind to [`SP1ProofMode::Compressed`] mode. + /// + /// # Details + /// This mode produces a proof that is of constant size, regardless of the number of cycles. It + /// takes longer to prove than [`SP1ProofMode::Core`] due to the need to recursively aggregate + /// proofs into a single proof. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::from_env(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .compressed() + /// .run(); + /// ``` + pub fn compressed(mut self) -> Self { + self.mode = SP1ProofMode::Compressed; + self + } + + /// Set the proof mode to [`SP1ProofMode::Plonk`] mode. + /// + /// # Details + /// This mode produces a const size PLONK proof that can be verified on chain for roughly ~300k + /// gas. This mode is useful for producing a maximally small proof that can be verified on + /// chain. For more efficient SNARK wrapping, you can use the [`SP1ProofMode::Groth16`] mode but + /// this mode is more . + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::from_env(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .plonk() + /// .run(); + /// ``` + pub fn plonk(mut self) -> Self { + self.mode = SP1ProofMode::Plonk; + self + } + + /// Set the proof mode to [`SP1ProofMode::Groth16`] mode. + /// + /// # Details + /// This mode produces a Groth16 proof that can be verified on chain for roughly ~100k gas. This + /// mode is useful for producing a proof that can be verified on chain with minimal gas. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::from_env(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .groth16() + /// .run(); + /// ``` + pub fn groth16(mut self) -> Self { + self.mode = SP1ProofMode::Groth16; + self + } + + /// Set the proof mode to the given [`SP1ProofMode`]. + /// + /// # Details + /// This method is useful for setting the proof mode to a custom mode. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover, SP1ProofMode}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::from_env(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .mode(SP1ProofMode::Groth16) + /// .run(); + /// ``` + pub fn mode(mut self, mode: SP1ProofMode) -> Self { + self.mode = mode; + self + } + + /// Run the prover with the built arguments. + /// + /// # Details + /// This method will run the prover with the built arguments. If the prover fails to run, the + /// method will return an error. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::from_env(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .run() + /// .unwrap(); + /// ``` + pub fn run(self) -> Result { + let Self { prover, mode: kind, pk, stdin } = self; + + // Dump the program and stdin to files for debugging if `SP1_DUMP` is set. + crate::utils::sp1_dump(&pk.elf, &stdin); + + prover.prove(pk, &stdin, kind) + } +} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/install.rs b/crates/sdk/src/install.rs index b3207664b..51857f32c 100644 --- a/crates/sdk/src/install.rs +++ b/crates/sdk/src/install.rs @@ -1,13 +1,17 @@ +//! # SP1 Install +//! +//! A library for installing the SP1 circuit artifacts. + use cfg_if::cfg_if; use std::path::PathBuf; -#[cfg(any(feature = "network", feature = "network-v2"))] +#[cfg(any(feature = "network", feature = "network"))] use { - crate::block_on, + crate::utils::block_on, futures::StreamExt, indicatif::{ProgressBar, ProgressStyle}, reqwest::Client, - std::{cmp::min, io::Write, process::Command}, + std::{cmp::min, process::Command}, }; use crate::SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION; @@ -16,16 +20,19 @@ use crate::SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION; pub const CIRCUIT_ARTIFACTS_URL_BASE: &str = "https://sp1-circuits.s3-us-east-2.amazonaws.com"; /// The directory where the groth16 circuit artifacts will be stored. +#[must_use] pub fn groth16_circuit_artifacts_dir() -> PathBuf { dirs::home_dir().unwrap().join(".sp1").join("circuits/groth16").join(SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION) } /// The directory where the plonk circuit artifacts will be stored. +#[must_use] pub fn plonk_circuit_artifacts_dir() -> PathBuf { dirs::home_dir().unwrap().join(".sp1").join("circuits/plonk").join(SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION) } /// Tries to install the groth16 circuit artifacts if they are not already installed. +#[must_use] pub fn try_install_circuit_artifacts(artifacts_type: &str) -> PathBuf { let build_dir = if artifacts_type == "groth16" { groth16_circuit_artifacts_dir() @@ -43,7 +50,7 @@ pub fn try_install_circuit_artifacts(artifacts_type: &str) -> PathBuf { ); } else { cfg_if! { - if #[cfg(any(feature = "network", feature = "network-v2"))] { + if #[cfg(any(feature = "network", feature = "network"))] { println!( "[sp1] {} circuit artifacts for version {} do not exist at {}. downloading...", artifacts_type, @@ -60,15 +67,16 @@ pub fn try_install_circuit_artifacts(artifacts_type: &str) -> PathBuf { /// Install the latest circuit artifacts. /// /// This function will download the latest circuit artifacts from the S3 bucket and extract them -/// to the directory specified by [groth16_bn254_artifacts_dir()]. -#[cfg(any(feature = "network", feature = "network-v2"))] +/// to the directory specified by [`groth16_bn254_artifacts_dir()`]. +#[cfg(any(feature = "network", feature = "network"))] +#[allow(clippy::needless_pass_by_value)] pub fn install_circuit_artifacts(build_dir: PathBuf, artifacts_type: &str) { // Create the build directory. std::fs::create_dir_all(&build_dir).expect("failed to create build directory"); // Download the artifacts. let download_url = - format!("{}/{}-{}.tar.gz", CIRCUIT_ARTIFACTS_URL_BASE, SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION, artifacts_type); + format!("{CIRCUIT_ARTIFACTS_URL_BASE}/{SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION}-{artifacts_type}.tar.gz"); let mut artifacts_tar_gz_file = tempfile::NamedTempFile::new().expect("failed to create tempfile"); let client = Client::builder().build().expect("failed to create reqwest client"); @@ -91,11 +99,11 @@ pub fn install_circuit_artifacts(build_dir: PathBuf, artifacts_type: &str) { } /// Download the file with a progress bar that indicates the progress. -#[cfg(any(feature = "network", feature = "network-v2"))] +#[cfg(any(feature = "network", feature = "network"))] pub async fn download_file( client: &Client, url: &str, - file: &mut tempfile::NamedTempFile, + file: &mut impl std::io::Write, ) -> std::result::Result<(), String> { let res = client.get(url).send().await.or(Err(format!("Failed to GET from '{}'", &url)))?; diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/lib.rs b/crates/sdk/src/lib.rs index dc2df1250..4d2184e3e 100644 --- a/crates/sdk/src/lib.rs +++ b/crates/sdk/src/lib.rs @@ -2,371 +2,118 @@ //! //! A library for interacting with the SP1 RISC-V zkVM. //! -//! Visit the [Getting Started](https://succinctlabs.github.io/sp1/getting-started.html) section +//! Visit the [Getting Started](https://docs.succinct.xyz/docs/getting-started/install) section //! in the official SP1 documentation for a quick start guide. -pub mod action; +#![warn(clippy::pedantic)] +#![allow(clippy::similar_names)] +#![allow(clippy::cast_possible_wrap)] +#![allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation)] +#![allow(clippy::cast_sign_loss)] +#![allow(clippy::module_name_repetitions)] +#![allow(clippy::needless_range_loop)] +#![allow(clippy::cast_lossless)] +#![allow(clippy::bool_to_int_with_if)] +#![allow(clippy::should_panic_without_expect)] +#![allow(clippy::field_reassign_with_default)] +#![allow(clippy::manual_assert)] +#![allow(clippy::unreadable_literal)] +#![allow(clippy::match_wildcard_for_single_variants)] +#![allow(clippy::missing_panics_doc)] +#![allow(clippy::missing_errors_doc)] +#![allow(clippy::explicit_iter_loop)] +#![warn(missing_docs)] + pub mod artifacts; +pub mod client; +pub mod cpu; +pub mod cuda; +pub mod env; pub mod install; #[cfg(feature = "network")] pub mod network; -#[cfg(feature = "network-v2")] -#[path = "network-v2/mod.rs"] -pub mod network_v2; +pub mod utils; + +// Re-export the client. +pub use crate::client::ProverClient; + +// Re-export the provers. +pub use crate::cpu::CpuProver; +pub use crate::cuda::CudaProver; +pub use crate::env::EnvProver; #[cfg(feature = "network")] -pub use crate::network::prover::NetworkProver as NetworkProverV1; -#[cfg(feature = "network-v2")] -pub use crate::network_v2::prover::NetworkProver as NetworkProverV2; -#[cfg(feature = "cuda")] -pub use crate::provers::CudaProver; +pub use crate::network::prover::NetworkProver; +// Re-export the proof and prover traits. pub mod proof; -pub mod provers; -pub mod utils { - pub use sp1_core_machine::utils::setup_logger; -} - -use cfg_if::cfg_if; pub use proof::*; -pub use provers::SP1VerificationError; -use sp1_prover::components::DefaultProverComponents; - -use std::env; +pub mod prover; +pub use prover::Prover; +pub use prover::SP1VerificationError; -#[cfg(any(feature = "network", feature = "network-v2"))] -use {std::future::Future, tokio::task::block_in_place}; +// Re-export the build utilities and executor primitives. +pub use sp1_build::include_elf; +pub use sp1_core_executor::{ExecutionReport, Executor, HookEnv, SP1Context, SP1ContextBuilder}; -pub use provers::{CpuProver, MockProver, Prover}; - -pub use sp1_core_executor::{ExecutionReport, HookEnv, SP1Context, SP1ContextBuilder}; -pub use sp1_core_machine::{io::SP1Stdin, riscv::cost::CostEstimator, SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION}; +// Re-export the machine/prover primitives. +pub use sp1_core_machine::io::SP1Stdin; pub use sp1_primitives::io::SP1PublicValues; pub use sp1_prover::{ - CoreSC, HashableKey, InnerSC, OuterSC, PlonkBn254Proof, SP1Prover, SP1ProvingKey, - SP1VerifyingKey, + HashableKey, ProverMode, SP1Prover, SP1ProvingKey, SP1VerifyingKey, SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION, }; -/// A client for interacting with SP1. -pub struct ProverClient { - /// The underlying prover implementation. - pub prover: Box>, -} - -impl ProverClient { - /// Creates a new [ProverClient]. - /// - /// Setting the `SP1_PROVER` environment variable can change the prover used under the hood. - /// - `local` (default): Uses [CpuProver] or [CudaProver] if the `cuda` feature is enabled. - /// Recommended for proving end-to-end locally. - /// - `mock`: Uses [MockProver]. Recommended for testing and development. - /// - `network`: Uses [NetworkProver]. Recommended for outsourcing proof generation to an RPC. - /// - /// ### Examples - /// - /// ```no_run - /// use sp1_sdk::ProverClient; - /// - /// std::env::set_var("SP1_PROVER", "local"); - /// let client = ProverClient::new(); - /// ``` - pub fn new() -> Self { - #[allow(unreachable_code)] - match env::var("SP1_PROVER").unwrap_or("local".to_string()).to_lowercase().as_str() { - "mock" => Self { prover: Box::new(MockProver::new()) }, - "local" => { - #[cfg(debug_assertions)] - println!("Warning: Local prover in dev mode is not recommended. Proof generation may be slow."); - Self { - #[cfg(not(feature = "cuda"))] - prover: Box::new(CpuProver::new()), - #[cfg(feature = "cuda")] - prover: Box::new(CudaProver::new(SP1Prover::new())), - } - } - "network" => { - cfg_if! { - if #[cfg(feature = "network-v2")] { - Self { - prover: Box::new(NetworkProverV2::new()), - } - } else if #[cfg(feature = "network")] { - Self { - prover: Box::new(NetworkProverV1::new()), - } - } else { - panic!("network feature is not enabled") - } - } - } - _ => panic!( - "invalid value for SP1_PROVER environment variable: expected 'local', 'mock', or 'network'" - ), - } - } - - /// Creates a new [ProverClient] with the mock prover. - /// - /// Recommended for testing and development. You can also use [ProverClient::new] to set the - /// prover to `mock` with the `SP1_PROVER` environment variable. - /// - /// ### Examples - /// - /// ```no_run - /// use sp1_sdk::ProverClient; - /// - /// let client = ProverClient::mock(); - /// ``` - pub fn mock() -> Self { - Self { prover: Box::new(MockProver::new()) } - } - - /// Creates a new [ProverClient] with the local prover. - /// - /// Recommended for proving end-to-end locally. You can also use [ProverClient::new] to set the - /// prover to `local` with the `SP1_PROVER` environment variable. - /// - /// ### Examples - /// - /// ```no_run - /// use sp1_sdk::ProverClient; - /// - /// let client = ProverClient::local(); - /// ``` - pub fn local() -> Self { - Self { prover: Box::new(CpuProver::new()) } - } - - /// Creates a new [ProverClient] with the network prover. - /// - /// Recommended for outsourcing proof generation to an RPC. You can also use [ProverClient::new] - /// to set the prover to `network` with the `SP1_PROVER` environment variable. - /// - /// ### Examples - /// - /// ```no_run - /// use sp1_sdk::ProverClient; - /// - /// let client = ProverClient::network(); - /// ``` - pub fn network() -> Self { - cfg_if! { - if #[cfg(feature = "network-v2")] { - Self { - prover: Box::new(NetworkProverV2::new()), - } - } else if #[cfg(feature = "network")] { - Self { - prover: Box::new(NetworkProverV1::new()), - } - } else { - panic!("network feature is not enabled") - } - } - } - - /// Prepare to execute the given program on the given input (without generating a proof). - /// The returned [action::Execute] may be configured via its methods before running. - /// For example, calling [action::Execute::with_hook] registers hooks for execution. - /// - /// To execute, call [action::Execute::run], which returns - /// the public values and execution report of the program after it has been executed. - /// - /// ### Examples - /// ```no_run - /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Context, SP1Stdin}; - /// - /// // Load the program. - /// let elf = include_bytes!("../../../examples/fibonacci/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - /// - /// // Initialize the prover client. - /// let client = ProverClient::new(); - /// - /// // Setup the inputs. - /// let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); - /// stdin.write(&10usize); - /// - /// // Execute the program on the inputs. - /// let (public_values, report) = client.execute(elf, stdin).run().unwrap(); - /// ``` - pub fn execute<'a>(&'a self, elf: &'a [u8], stdin: SP1Stdin) -> action::Execute<'a> { - action::Execute::new(self.prover.as_ref(), elf, stdin) - } - - /// Prepare to prove the execution of the given program with the given input in the default - /// mode. The returned [action::Prove] may be configured via its methods before running. - /// For example, calling [action::Prove::compress] sets the mode to compressed mode. - /// - /// To prove, call [action::Prove::run], which returns a proof of the program's execution. - /// By default the proof generated will not be compressed to constant size. - /// To create a more succinct proof, use the [Self::prove_compressed], - /// [Self::prove_plonk], or [Self::prove_plonk] methods. - /// - /// ### Examples - /// ```no_run - /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Context, SP1Stdin}; - /// - /// // Load the program. - /// let elf = include_bytes!("../../../examples/fibonacci/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - /// - /// // Initialize the prover client. - /// let client = ProverClient::new(); - /// - /// // Setup the program. - /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); - /// - /// // Setup the inputs. - /// let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); - /// stdin.write(&10usize); - /// - /// // Generate the proof. - /// let proof = client.prove(&pk, stdin).run().unwrap(); - /// ``` - pub fn prove<'a>(&'a self, pk: &'a SP1ProvingKey, stdin: SP1Stdin) -> action::Prove<'a> { - action::Prove::new(self.prover.as_ref(), pk, stdin) - } - - /// Verifies that the given proof is valid and matches the given verification key produced by - /// [Self::setup]. - /// - /// ### Examples - /// ```no_run - /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin}; - /// - /// let elf = include_bytes!("../../../examples/fibonacci/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - /// let client = ProverClient::new(); - /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); - /// let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); - /// stdin.write(&10usize); - /// let proof = client.prove(&pk, stdin).run().unwrap(); - /// client.verify(&proof, &vk).unwrap(); - /// ``` - pub fn verify( - &self, - proof: &SP1ProofWithPublicValues, - vk: &SP1VerifyingKey, - ) -> Result<(), SP1VerificationError> { - self.prover.verify(proof, vk) - } - - /// Gets the current version of the SP1 zkVM. - /// - /// Note: This is not the same as the version of the SP1 SDK. - pub fn version(&self) -> String { - SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION.to_string() - } - - /// Setup a program to be proven and verified by the SP1 RISC-V zkVM by computing the proving - /// and verifying keys. - /// - /// The proving key and verifying key essentially embed the program, as well as other auxiliary - /// data (such as lookup tables) that are used to prove the program's correctness. - /// - /// ### Examples - /// ```no_run - /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin}; - /// - /// let elf = include_bytes!("../../../examples/fibonacci/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); - /// let client = ProverClient::new(); - /// let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); - /// stdin.write(&10usize); - /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); - /// ``` - pub fn setup(&self, elf: &[u8]) -> (SP1ProvingKey, SP1VerifyingKey) { - self.prover.setup(elf) - } -} - -impl Default for ProverClient { - fn default() -> Self { - Self::new() - } -} - -/// Utility method for blocking on an async function. -/// -/// If we're already in a tokio runtime, we'll block in place. Otherwise, we'll create a new -/// runtime. -#[cfg(any(feature = "network", feature = "network-v2"))] -pub fn block_on(fut: impl Future) -> T { - // Handle case if we're already in an tokio runtime. - if let Ok(handle) = tokio::runtime::Handle::try_current() { - block_in_place(|| handle.block_on(fut)) - } else { - // Otherwise create a new runtime. - let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().expect("Failed to create a new runtime"); - rt.block_on(fut) - } -} - -/// Returns the raw ELF bytes by the zkVM program target name. -/// -/// Note that this only works when using `sp1_build::build_program` or -/// `sp1_build::build_program_with_args` in a build script. -/// -/// By default, the program target name is the same as the program crate name. However, this might -/// not be the case for non-standard project structures. For example, placing the entrypoint source -/// file at `src/bin/my_entry.rs` would result in the program target being named `my_entry`, in -/// which case the invocation should be `include_elf!("my_entry")` instead. -#[macro_export] -macro_rules! include_elf { - ($arg:tt) => {{ - include_bytes!(env!(concat!("SP1_ELF_", $arg))) - }}; -} +// Re-export the utilities. +pub use utils::setup_logger; #[cfg(test)] mod tests { - use sp1_primitives::io::SP1PublicValues; - use crate::{utils, CostEstimator, ProverClient, SP1Stdin}; + use crate::{utils, Prover, ProverClient, SP1Stdin}; #[test] fn test_execute() { utils::setup_logger(); - let client = ProverClient::local(); - let elf = - include_bytes!("../../../examples/fibonacci/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); + let client = ProverClient::builder().cpu().build(); + let elf = test_artifacts::FIBONACCI_ELF; let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); stdin.write(&10usize); - let (_, report) = client.execute(elf, stdin).run().unwrap(); - tracing::info!("gas = {}", report.estimate_gas()); + let (_, _) = client.execute(elf, &stdin).run().unwrap(); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn test_execute_panic() { utils::setup_logger(); - let client = ProverClient::local(); - let elf = include_bytes!("../../../tests/panic/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); + let client = ProverClient::builder().cpu().build(); + let elf = test_artifacts::PANIC_ELF; let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); stdin.write(&10usize); - client.execute(elf, stdin).run().unwrap(); + client.execute(elf, &stdin).run().unwrap(); } #[should_panic] #[test] fn test_cycle_limit_fail() { utils::setup_logger(); - let client = ProverClient::local(); - let elf = include_bytes!("../../../tests/panic/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); + let client = ProverClient::builder().cpu().build(); + let elf = test_artifacts::PANIC_ELF; let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); stdin.write(&10usize); - client.execute(elf, stdin).max_cycles(1).run().unwrap(); + client.execute(elf, &stdin).cycle_limit(1).run().unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_e2e_core() { utils::setup_logger(); - let client = ProverClient::local(); - let elf = - include_bytes!("../../../examples/fibonacci/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); + let client = ProverClient::builder().cpu().build(); + let elf = test_artifacts::FIBONACCI_ELF; let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); stdin.write(&10usize); // Generate proof & verify. - let mut proof = client.prove(&pk, stdin).run().unwrap(); + let mut proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).run().unwrap(); client.verify(&proof, &vk).unwrap(); // Test invalid public values. @@ -379,15 +126,14 @@ mod tests { #[test] fn test_e2e_compressed() { utils::setup_logger(); - let client = ProverClient::local(); - let elf = - include_bytes!("../../../examples/fibonacci/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); + let client = ProverClient::builder().cpu().build(); + let elf = test_artifacts::FIBONACCI_ELF; let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); stdin.write(&10usize); // Generate proof & verify. - let mut proof = client.prove(&pk, stdin).compressed().run().unwrap(); + let mut proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).compressed().run().unwrap(); client.verify(&proof, &vk).unwrap(); // Test invalid public values. @@ -400,15 +146,14 @@ mod tests { #[test] fn test_e2e_prove_plonk() { utils::setup_logger(); - let client = ProverClient::local(); - let elf = - include_bytes!("../../../examples/fibonacci/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); + let client = ProverClient::builder().cpu().build(); + let elf = test_artifacts::FIBONACCI_ELF; let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); stdin.write(&10usize); // Generate proof & verify. - let mut proof = client.prove(&pk, stdin).plonk().run().unwrap(); + let mut proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).plonk().run().unwrap(); client.verify(&proof, &vk).unwrap(); // Test invalid public values. @@ -421,13 +166,28 @@ mod tests { #[test] fn test_e2e_prove_plonk_mock() { utils::setup_logger(); - let client = ProverClient::mock(); - let elf = - include_bytes!("../../../examples/fibonacci/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); + let client = ProverClient::builder().mock().build(); + let elf = test_artifacts::FIBONACCI_ELF; let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); stdin.write(&10usize); - let proof = client.prove(&pk, stdin).plonk().run().unwrap(); + let proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).plonk().run().unwrap(); client.verify(&proof, &vk).unwrap(); } } + +#[cfg(all(feature = "cuda", not(sp1_ci_in_progress)))] +mod deprecated_check { + #[deprecated( + since = "4.0.0", + note = "The `cuda` feature is deprecated, as the CudaProver is now supported by default." + )] + #[allow(unused)] + fn cuda_is_deprecated() {} + + /// Show a warning if the `cuda` feature is enabled. + #[allow(deprecated, unused)] + fn show_cuda_warning() { + cuda_is_deprecated(); + } +} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/network-v2/client.rs b/crates/sdk/src/network-v2/client.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 362d7a08c..000000000 --- a/crates/sdk/src/network-v2/client.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,250 +0,0 @@ -use std::{env, time::Duration}; - -use alloy_signer::SignerSync; -use alloy_signer_local::PrivateKeySigner; -use anyhow::{Context, Ok, Result}; -use aws_config::BehaviorVersion; -use aws_sdk_s3::Client as S3Client; -use reqwest_middleware::ClientWithMiddleware as HttpClientWithMiddleware; -use serde::de::DeserializeOwned; -use serde::Serialize; -use sp1_core_machine::io::SP1Stdin; -use sp1_prover::SP1VerifyingKey; -use std::str::FromStr; -use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}; -use tokio::sync::OnceCell; -use tokio::try_join; -use tonic::transport::channel::ClientTlsConfig; -use tonic::transport::Channel; - -use crate::network_v2::proto::artifact::{ - artifact_store_client::ArtifactStoreClient, CreateArtifactRequest, -}; -use crate::network_v2::proto::network::{ - prover_network_client::ProverNetworkClient, GetFilteredProofRequestsRequest, - GetFilteredProofRequestsResponse, GetNonceRequest, GetProofRequestStatusRequest, - GetProofRequestStatusResponse, ProofMode, ProofStatus, ProofStrategy, RequestProofRequest, - RequestProofRequestBody, RequestProofResponse, -}; -use crate::network_v2::Signable; - -/// The default RPC endpoint for the Succinct prover network. -pub const DEFAULT_PROVER_NETWORK_RPC: &str = ""; - -pub struct NetworkClient { - signer: PrivateKeySigner, - http: HttpClientWithMiddleware, - s3: OnceCell, -} - -impl NetworkClient { - /// Create a new network client with the given private key. - pub fn new(private_key: &str) -> Self { - let signer = PrivateKeySigner::from_str(private_key).unwrap(); - - let http_client = reqwest::Client::builder() - .pool_max_idle_per_host(0) - .pool_idle_timeout(Duration::from_secs(240)) - .build() - .unwrap(); - - Self { signer, http: http_client.into(), s3: OnceCell::new() } - } - - /// Returns the currently configured RPC endpoint for the Succinct prover network. - pub fn rpc_url() -> String { - env::var("PROVER_NETWORK_RPC").unwrap_or_else(|_| DEFAULT_PROVER_NETWORK_RPC.to_string()) - } - - /// Get a connected RPC client. - async fn get_rpc(&self) -> Result> { - let rpc_url = Self::rpc_url(); - let mut endpoint = Channel::from_shared(rpc_url.clone())?; - - // Check if the URL scheme is HTTPS and configure TLS. - if rpc_url.starts_with("https://") { - println!("Using TLS"); - let tls_config = ClientTlsConfig::new().with_enabled_roots(); - endpoint = endpoint.tls_config(tls_config)?; - } - - let channel = endpoint.connect().await?; - Ok(ProverNetworkClient::new(channel)) - } - - /// Get a connected artifact store client. - async fn get_store(&self) -> Result> { - let rpc_url = Self::rpc_url(); - let mut endpoint = Channel::from_shared(rpc_url.clone())?; - - // Check if the URL scheme is HTTPS and configure TLS. - if rpc_url.starts_with("https://") { - println!("Using TLS"); - let tls_config = ClientTlsConfig::new().with_enabled_roots(); - endpoint = endpoint.tls_config(tls_config)?; - } - - let channel = endpoint.connect().await?; - Ok(ArtifactStoreClient::new(channel.clone())) - } - - /// Get the S3 client. - async fn get_s3_client(&self) -> &S3Client { - self.s3 - .get_or_init(|| async { - let config = aws_config::load_defaults(BehaviorVersion::latest()).await; - S3Client::new(&config) - }) - .await - } - - /// Get the latest nonce for this account's address. - pub async fn get_nonce(&self) -> Result { - let mut rpc = self.get_rpc().await?; - let res = - rpc.get_nonce(GetNonceRequest { address: self.signer.address().to_vec() }).await?; - Ok(res.into_inner().nonce) - } - - /// Get the status of a given proof. If the status is Fulfilled, the proof is also returned. - pub async fn get_proof_request_status( - &self, - request_id: &[u8], - ) -> Result<(GetProofRequestStatusResponse, Option

)> { - let mut rpc = self.get_rpc().await?; - let res = rpc - .get_proof_request_status(GetProofRequestStatusRequest { - request_id: request_id.to_vec(), - }) - .await? - .into_inner(); - let status = ProofStatus::try_from(res.status)?; - let proof = match status { - ProofStatus::Fulfilled => { - log::info!("Proof request fulfilled"); - let proof_uri = res - .proof_uri - .as_ref() - .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("No proof URL provided"))?; - let proof_bytes = self.download_artifact(proof_uri).await?; - Some(bincode::deserialize(&proof_bytes).context("Failed to deserialize proof")?) - } - _ => None, - }; - - Ok((res, proof)) - } - - /// Get all the proof requests for a given status. Also filter by version if provided. - pub async fn get_filtered_proof_requests( - &self, - status: ProofStatus, - version: Option<&str>, - ) -> Result { - let mut rpc = self.get_rpc().await?; - let res = rpc - .get_filtered_proof_requests(GetFilteredProofRequestsRequest { - status: status.into(), - version: version.map(|v| v.to_string()).unwrap_or_default(), - }) - .await? - .into_inner(); - - Ok(res) - } - - /// Creates a proof request with the given ELF and stdin. - #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] - pub async fn request_proof( - &self, - elf: &[u8], - stdin: &SP1Stdin, - vk: &SP1VerifyingKey, - mode: ProofMode, - version: &str, - strategy: ProofStrategy, - timeout_secs: u64, - cycle_limit: u64, - ) -> Result { - // Calculate the deadline. - let start = SystemTime::now(); - let since_the_epoch = start.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).expect("Invalid start time"); - let deadline = since_the_epoch.as_secs() + timeout_secs; - - // Create the program and stdin artifacts. - let mut store = self.get_store().await?; - let mut store_clone = store.clone(); - let program_promise = self.create_artifact_with_content(&mut store, &elf); - let stdin_promise = self.create_artifact_with_content(&mut store_clone, &stdin); - let (program_uri, stdin_uri) = try_join!(program_promise, stdin_promise)?; - - // Serialize the vkey. - let vkey = bincode::serialize(&vk)?; - - // Send the request. - let mut rpc = self.get_rpc().await?; - let nonce = self.get_nonce().await?; - let request_body = RequestProofRequestBody { - nonce, - version: format!("sp1-{}", version), - vkey, - mode: mode.into(), - strategy: strategy.into(), - program_uri, - stdin_uri, - deadline, - cycle_limit, - }; - let request_response = rpc - .request_proof(RequestProofRequest { - signature: request_body.sign(&self.signer).into(), - body: Some(request_body), - }) - .await? - .into_inner(); - - Ok(request_response) - } - - /// Uses the artifact store to to create an artifact, upload the content, and return the URI. - async fn create_artifact_with_content( - &self, - store: &mut ArtifactStoreClient, - item: &T, - ) -> Result { - let signature = self.signer.sign_message_sync("create_artifact".as_bytes())?; - let request = CreateArtifactRequest { signature: signature.as_bytes().to_vec() }; - let response = store.create_artifact(request).await?.into_inner(); - - let presigned_url = response.artifact_presigned_url; - let uri = response.artifact_uri; - - let response = - self.http.put(&presigned_url).body(bincode::serialize::(item)?).send().await?; - - if !response.status().is_success() { - log::debug!("Artifact upload failed with status: {}", response.status()); - } - assert!(response.status().is_success()); - - Ok(uri) - } - - /// Download an artifact from S3. - async fn download_artifact(&self, uri: &str) -> Result> { - let s3_client = self.get_s3_client().await; - let uri = uri.strip_prefix("s3://").context("Invalid S3 URI")?; - let (bucket, key) = uri.split_once('/').context("Invalid S3 URI format")?; - - let resp = s3_client - .get_object() - .bucket(bucket) - .key(key) - .send() - .await - .context("Failed to get object from S3")?; - - let data = resp.body.collect().await.context("Failed to read S3 object body")?; - Ok(data.into_bytes().to_vec()) - } -} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/network-v2/proto/mod.rs b/crates/sdk/src/network-v2/proto/mod.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 48eb63675..000000000 --- a/crates/sdk/src/network-v2/proto/mod.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -pub mod artifact; -pub mod network; diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/network-v2/proto/network.rs b/crates/sdk/src/network-v2/proto/network.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 9b7a1a89e..000000000 --- a/crates/sdk/src/network-v2/proto/network.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,907 +0,0 @@ -// This file is @generated by prost-build. -#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct GetFilteredProofRequestsRequest { - /// The status of the proof requests to filter for. - #[prost(enumeration = "ProofStatus", tag = "1")] - pub status: i32, - /// The version of the proof requests to filter for. - #[prost(string, tag = "2")] - pub version: ::prost::alloc::string::String, -} -#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct ProofRequest { - /// The request identifier. - #[prost(string, tag = "1")] - pub request_id: ::prost::alloc::string::String, - /// The version of the prover to use. - #[prost(string, tag = "2")] - pub version: ::prost::alloc::string::String, - /// The mode for the proof. - #[prost(enumeration = "ProofMode", tag = "4")] - pub mode: i32, - /// The strategy for prover assignment. - #[prost(enumeration = "ProofStrategy", tag = "5")] - pub strategy: i32, - /// The program resource identifier. - #[prost(string, tag = "6")] - pub program_uri: ::prost::alloc::string::String, - /// The stdin resource identifier. - #[prost(string, tag = "7")] - pub stdin_uri: ::prost::alloc::string::String, - /// The deadline for the proof. - #[prost(uint64, tag = "8")] - pub deadline: u64, - /// The cycle limit for the proof. - #[prost(uint64, tag = "9")] - pub cycle_limit: u64, - /// The status of the proof request. - #[prost(enumeration = "ProofStatus", tag = "10")] - pub status: i32, - /// The requester address. - #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "11")] - pub requester: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, -} -#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct GetFilteredProofRequestsResponse { - /// The proof requests for the given status. - #[prost(message, repeated, tag = "1")] - pub requests: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, -} -#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct RequestProofRequest { - /// The signature of the sender. - #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] - pub signature: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, - /// The body of the request. - #[prost(message, optional, tag = "3")] - pub body: ::core::option::Option, -} -#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct RequestProofRequestBody { - /// The nonce of the request. - #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] - pub nonce: u64, - /// The version of the prover to use. - #[prost(string, tag = "2")] - pub version: ::prost::alloc::string::String, - /// The verification key. - #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "3")] - pub vkey: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, - /// The mode for the proof. - #[prost(enumeration = "ProofMode", tag = "4")] - pub mode: i32, - /// The strategy for prover assignment. - #[prost(enumeration = "ProofStrategy", tag = "5")] - pub strategy: i32, - /// The program resource identifier. - #[prost(string, tag = "6")] - pub program_uri: ::prost::alloc::string::String, - /// The stdin resource identifier. - #[prost(string, tag = "7")] - pub stdin_uri: ::prost::alloc::string::String, - /// The deadline for the proof. - #[prost(uint64, tag = "8")] - pub deadline: u64, - /// The cycle limit for the proof. - #[prost(uint64, tag = "9")] - pub cycle_limit: u64, -} -#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct RequestProofResponse { - /// / The transaction hash. - #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] - pub tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, - /// / The body of the response. - #[prost(message, optional, tag = "2")] - pub body: ::core::option::Option, -} -#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct RequestProofResponseBody { - /// The identifier for the proof. - #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] - pub request_id: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, -} -#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct FulfillProofRequest { - /// The signature of the sender. - #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] - pub signature: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, - /// The body of the request. - #[prost(message, optional, tag = "3")] - pub body: ::core::option::Option, -} -#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct FulfillProofRequestBody { - /// The nonce of the request. - #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] - pub nonce: u64, - /// The identifier for the proof. - #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] - pub request_id: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, - /// The proof bytes. - #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "3")] - pub proof: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, -} -#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct FulfillProofResponse { - /// / The transaction hash. - #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] - pub tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, - /// / The body of the response. - #[prost(message, optional, tag = "2")] - pub body: ::core::option::Option, -} -#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct FulfillProofResponseBody {} -#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct GetBalanceRequest { - /// The address of the account. - #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] - pub address: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, -} -#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct GetBalanceResponse { - /// The amount of the token owned by the account. - #[prost(string, tag = "1")] - pub amount: ::prost::alloc::string::String, -} -#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct GetNonceRequest { - /// The address of the account. - #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] - pub address: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, -} -#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct GetNonceResponse { - /// The nonce of the account. - #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] - pub nonce: u64, -} -#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct GetProofRequestStatusRequest { - /// The identifier for the proof request. - #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] - pub request_id: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, -} -#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct GetProofRequestStatusResponse { - /// The status of the proof request. - #[prost(enumeration = "ProofStatus", tag = "1")] - pub status: i32, - /// The transaction hash of the proof request. - #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] - pub request_tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, - /// The optional transaction hash of the proof fulfill. Only included if the proof request has a - /// status of FULFILLED. - #[prost(bytes = "vec", optional, tag = "3")] - pub fulfill_tx_hash: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::vec::Vec>, - /// The optional proof URI, where you can download the result of the proof request. Only included - /// if the proof has a status of FULFILLED. - #[prost(string, optional, tag = "4")] - pub proof_uri: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::string::String>, - /// The optional error status code, if the request failed. - #[prost(uint32, optional, tag = "5")] - pub error_code: ::core::option::Option, - /// The optional error description details, if the request failed. - #[prost(string, optional, tag = "6")] - pub error_description: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::string::String>, -} -#[derive( - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Clone, - Copy, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash, - PartialOrd, - Ord, - ::prost::Enumeration, -)] -#[repr(i32)] -pub enum ProofMode { - UnspecifiedMode = 0, - Core = 1, - Compressed = 2, - Plonk = 3, - Groth16 = 4, -} -impl ProofMode { - /// String value of the enum field names used in the ProtoBuf definition. - /// - /// The values are not transformed in any way and thus are considered stable - /// (if the ProtoBuf definition does not change) and safe for programmatic use. - pub fn as_str_name(&self) -> &'static str { - match self { - Self::UnspecifiedMode => "UNSPECIFIED_MODE", - Self::Core => "CORE", - Self::Compressed => "COMPRESSED", - Self::Plonk => "PLONK", - Self::Groth16 => "GROTH16", - } - } - /// Creates an enum from field names used in the ProtoBuf definition. - pub fn from_str_name(value: &str) -> ::core::option::Option { - match value { - "UNSPECIFIED_MODE" => Some(Self::UnspecifiedMode), - "CORE" => Some(Self::Core), - "COMPRESSED" => Some(Self::Compressed), - "PLONK" => Some(Self::Plonk), - "GROTH16" => Some(Self::Groth16), - _ => None, - } - } -} -#[derive( - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Clone, - Copy, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash, - PartialOrd, - Ord, - ::prost::Enumeration, -)] -#[repr(i32)] -pub enum ProofStrategy { - UnspecifiedStrategy = 0, - Hosted = 1, -} -impl ProofStrategy { - /// String value of the enum field names used in the ProtoBuf definition. - /// - /// The values are not transformed in any way and thus are considered stable - /// (if the ProtoBuf definition does not change) and safe for programmatic use. - pub fn as_str_name(&self) -> &'static str { - match self { - Self::UnspecifiedStrategy => "UNSPECIFIED_STRATEGY", - Self::Hosted => "HOSTED", - } - } - /// Creates an enum from field names used in the ProtoBuf definition. - pub fn from_str_name(value: &str) -> ::core::option::Option { - match value { - "UNSPECIFIED_STRATEGY" => Some(Self::UnspecifiedStrategy), - "HOSTED" => Some(Self::Hosted), - _ => None, - } - } -} -#[derive( - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Clone, - Copy, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash, - PartialOrd, - Ord, - ::prost::Enumeration, -)] -#[repr(i32)] -pub enum ProofStatus { - UnspecifiedStatus = 0, - Requested = 1, - Assigned = 2, - Fulfilled = 3, -} -impl ProofStatus { - /// String value of the enum field names used in the ProtoBuf definition. - /// - /// The values are not transformed in any way and thus are considered stable - /// (if the ProtoBuf definition does not change) and safe for programmatic use. - pub fn as_str_name(&self) -> &'static str { - match self { - Self::UnspecifiedStatus => "UNSPECIFIED_STATUS", - Self::Requested => "REQUESTED", - Self::Assigned => "ASSIGNED", - Self::Fulfilled => "FULFILLED", - } - } - /// Creates an enum from field names used in the ProtoBuf definition. - pub fn from_str_name(value: &str) -> ::core::option::Option { - match value { - "UNSPECIFIED_STATUS" => Some(Self::UnspecifiedStatus), - "REQUESTED" => Some(Self::Requested), - "ASSIGNED" => Some(Self::Assigned), - "FULFILLED" => Some(Self::Fulfilled), - _ => None, - } - } -} -/// Generated client implementations. -pub mod prover_network_client { - #![allow(unused_variables, dead_code, missing_docs, clippy::let_unit_value)] - use tonic::codegen::http::Uri; - use tonic::codegen::*; - #[derive(Debug, Clone)] - pub struct ProverNetworkClient { - inner: tonic::client::Grpc, - } - impl ProverNetworkClient { - /// Attempt to create a new client by connecting to a given endpoint. - pub async fn connect(dst: D) -> Result - where - D: TryInto, - D::Error: Into, - { - let conn = tonic::transport::Endpoint::new(dst)?.connect().await?; - Ok(Self::new(conn)) - } - } - impl ProverNetworkClient - where - T: tonic::client::GrpcService, - T::Error: Into, - T::ResponseBody: Body + std::marker::Send + 'static, - ::Error: Into + std::marker::Send, - { - pub fn new(inner: T) -> Self { - let inner = tonic::client::Grpc::new(inner); - Self { inner } - } - pub fn with_origin(inner: T, origin: Uri) -> Self { - let inner = tonic::client::Grpc::with_origin(inner, origin); - Self { inner } - } - pub fn with_interceptor( - inner: T, - interceptor: F, - ) -> ProverNetworkClient> - where - F: tonic::service::Interceptor, - T::ResponseBody: Default, - T: tonic::codegen::Service< - http::Request, - Response = http::Response< - >::ResponseBody, - >, - >, - >>::Error: - Into + std::marker::Send + std::marker::Sync, - { - ProverNetworkClient::new(InterceptedService::new(inner, interceptor)) - } - /// Compress requests with the given encoding. - /// - /// This requires the server to support it otherwise it might respond with an - /// error. - #[must_use] - pub fn send_compressed(mut self, encoding: CompressionEncoding) -> Self { - self.inner = self.inner.send_compressed(encoding); - self - } - /// Enable decompressing responses. - #[must_use] - pub fn accept_compressed(mut self, encoding: CompressionEncoding) -> Self { - self.inner = self.inner.accept_compressed(encoding); - self - } - /// Limits the maximum size of a decoded message. - /// - /// Default: `4MB` - #[must_use] - pub fn max_decoding_message_size(mut self, limit: usize) -> Self { - self.inner = self.inner.max_decoding_message_size(limit); - self - } - /// Limits the maximum size of an encoded message. - /// - /// Default: `usize::MAX` - #[must_use] - pub fn max_encoding_message_size(mut self, limit: usize) -> Self { - self.inner = self.inner.max_encoding_message_size(limit); - self - } - /// Creates a proof. - pub async fn request_proof( - &mut self, - request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, - ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> - { - self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { - tonic::Status::new( - tonic::Code::Unknown, - format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), - ) - })?; - let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); - let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/RequestProof"); - let mut req = request.into_request(); - req.extensions_mut().insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "RequestProof")); - self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await - } - /// Fulfills a proof. - pub async fn fulfill_proof( - &mut self, - request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, - ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> - { - self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { - tonic::Status::new( - tonic::Code::Unknown, - format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), - ) - })?; - let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); - let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/FulfillProof"); - let mut req = request.into_request(); - req.extensions_mut().insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "FulfillProof")); - self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await - } - /// Get the proof requests the meet the filter criteria. - pub async fn get_filtered_proof_requests( - &mut self, - request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, - ) -> std::result::Result< - tonic::Response, - tonic::Status, - > { - self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { - tonic::Status::new( - tonic::Code::Unknown, - format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), - ) - })?; - let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); - let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static( - "/network.ProverNetwork/GetFilteredProofRequests", - ); - let mut req = request.into_request(); - req.extensions_mut() - .insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "GetFilteredProofRequests")); - self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await - } - /// Get the status of a proof request. - pub async fn get_proof_request_status( - &mut self, - request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, - ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> - { - self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { - tonic::Status::new( - tonic::Code::Unknown, - format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), - ) - })?; - let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); - let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static( - "/network.ProverNetwork/GetProofRequestStatus", - ); - let mut req = request.into_request(); - req.extensions_mut() - .insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "GetProofRequestStatus")); - self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await - } - /// Get the balance of the account. - pub async fn get_balance( - &mut self, - request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, - ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> - { - self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { - tonic::Status::new( - tonic::Code::Unknown, - format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), - ) - })?; - let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); - let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/GetBalance"); - let mut req = request.into_request(); - req.extensions_mut().insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "GetBalance")); - self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await - } - /// Get the nonce of the account. - pub async fn get_nonce( - &mut self, - request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, - ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> { - self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { - tonic::Status::new( - tonic::Code::Unknown, - format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), - ) - })?; - let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); - let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/GetNonce"); - let mut req = request.into_request(); - req.extensions_mut().insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "GetNonce")); - self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await - } - } -} -/// Generated server implementations. -pub mod prover_network_server { - #![allow(unused_variables, dead_code, missing_docs, clippy::let_unit_value)] - use tonic::codegen::*; - /// Generated trait containing gRPC methods that should be implemented for use with ProverNetworkServer. - #[async_trait] - pub trait ProverNetwork: std::marker::Send + std::marker::Sync + 'static { - /// Creates a proof. - async fn request_proof( - &self, - request: tonic::Request, - ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; - /// Fulfills a proof. - async fn fulfill_proof( - &self, - request: tonic::Request, - ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; - /// Get the proof requests the meet the filter criteria. - async fn get_filtered_proof_requests( - &self, - request: tonic::Request, - ) -> std::result::Result< - tonic::Response, - tonic::Status, - >; - /// Get the status of a proof request. - async fn get_proof_request_status( - &self, - request: tonic::Request, - ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; - /// Get the balance of the account. - async fn get_balance( - &self, - request: tonic::Request, - ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; - /// Get the nonce of the account. - async fn get_nonce( - &self, - request: tonic::Request, - ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; - } - #[derive(Debug)] - pub struct ProverNetworkServer { - inner: Arc, - accept_compression_encodings: EnabledCompressionEncodings, - send_compression_encodings: EnabledCompressionEncodings, - max_decoding_message_size: Option, - max_encoding_message_size: Option, - } - impl ProverNetworkServer { - pub fn new(inner: T) -> Self { - Self::from_arc(Arc::new(inner)) - } - pub fn from_arc(inner: Arc) -> Self { - Self { - inner, - accept_compression_encodings: Default::default(), - send_compression_encodings: Default::default(), - max_decoding_message_size: None, - max_encoding_message_size: None, - } - } - pub fn with_interceptor(inner: T, interceptor: F) -> InterceptedService - where - F: tonic::service::Interceptor, - { - InterceptedService::new(Self::new(inner), interceptor) - } - /// Enable decompressing requests with the given encoding. - #[must_use] - pub fn accept_compressed(mut self, encoding: CompressionEncoding) -> Self { - self.accept_compression_encodings.enable(encoding); - self - } - /// Compress responses with the given encoding, if the client supports it. - #[must_use] - pub fn send_compressed(mut self, encoding: CompressionEncoding) -> Self { - self.send_compression_encodings.enable(encoding); - self - } - /// Limits the maximum size of a decoded message. - /// - /// Default: `4MB` - #[must_use] - pub fn max_decoding_message_size(mut self, limit: usize) -> Self { - self.max_decoding_message_size = Some(limit); - self - } - /// Limits the maximum size of an encoded message. - /// - /// Default: `usize::MAX` - #[must_use] - pub fn max_encoding_message_size(mut self, limit: usize) -> Self { - self.max_encoding_message_size = Some(limit); - self - } - } - impl tonic::codegen::Service> for ProverNetworkServer - where - T: ProverNetwork, - B: Body + std::marker::Send + 'static, - B::Error: Into + std::marker::Send + 'static, - { - type Response = http::Response; - type Error = std::convert::Infallible; - type Future = BoxFuture; - fn poll_ready( - &mut self, - _cx: &mut Context<'_>, - ) -> Poll> { - Poll::Ready(Ok(())) - } - fn call(&mut self, req: http::Request) -> Self::Future { - match req.uri().path() { - "/network.ProverNetwork/RequestProof" => { - #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] - struct RequestProofSvc(pub Arc); - impl tonic::server::UnaryService - for RequestProofSvc - { - type Response = super::RequestProofResponse; - type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; - fn call( - &mut self, - request: tonic::Request, - ) -> Self::Future { - let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); - let fut = async move { - ::request_proof(&inner, request).await - }; - Box::pin(fut) - } - } - let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; - let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; - let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; - let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; - let inner = self.inner.clone(); - let fut = async move { - let method = RequestProofSvc(inner); - let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); - let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) - .apply_compression_config( - accept_compression_encodings, - send_compression_encodings, - ) - .apply_max_message_size_config( - max_decoding_message_size, - max_encoding_message_size, - ); - let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; - Ok(res) - }; - Box::pin(fut) - } - "/network.ProverNetwork/FulfillProof" => { - #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] - struct FulfillProofSvc(pub Arc); - impl tonic::server::UnaryService - for FulfillProofSvc - { - type Response = super::FulfillProofResponse; - type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; - fn call( - &mut self, - request: tonic::Request, - ) -> Self::Future { - let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); - let fut = async move { - ::fulfill_proof(&inner, request).await - }; - Box::pin(fut) - } - } - let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; - let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; - let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; - let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; - let inner = self.inner.clone(); - let fut = async move { - let method = FulfillProofSvc(inner); - let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); - let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) - .apply_compression_config( - accept_compression_encodings, - send_compression_encodings, - ) - .apply_max_message_size_config( - max_decoding_message_size, - max_encoding_message_size, - ); - let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; - Ok(res) - }; - Box::pin(fut) - } - "/network.ProverNetwork/GetFilteredProofRequests" => { - #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] - struct GetFilteredProofRequestsSvc(pub Arc); - impl - tonic::server::UnaryService - for GetFilteredProofRequestsSvc - { - type Response = super::GetFilteredProofRequestsResponse; - type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; - fn call( - &mut self, - request: tonic::Request, - ) -> Self::Future { - let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); - let fut = async move { - ::get_filtered_proof_requests(&inner, request) - .await - }; - Box::pin(fut) - } - } - let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; - let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; - let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; - let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; - let inner = self.inner.clone(); - let fut = async move { - let method = GetFilteredProofRequestsSvc(inner); - let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); - let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) - .apply_compression_config( - accept_compression_encodings, - send_compression_encodings, - ) - .apply_max_message_size_config( - max_decoding_message_size, - max_encoding_message_size, - ); - let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; - Ok(res) - }; - Box::pin(fut) - } - "/network.ProverNetwork/GetProofRequestStatus" => { - #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] - struct GetProofRequestStatusSvc(pub Arc); - impl - tonic::server::UnaryService - for GetProofRequestStatusSvc - { - type Response = super::GetProofRequestStatusResponse; - type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; - fn call( - &mut self, - request: tonic::Request, - ) -> Self::Future { - let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); - let fut = async move { - ::get_proof_request_status(&inner, request) - .await - }; - Box::pin(fut) - } - } - let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; - let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; - let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; - let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; - let inner = self.inner.clone(); - let fut = async move { - let method = GetProofRequestStatusSvc(inner); - let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); - let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) - .apply_compression_config( - accept_compression_encodings, - send_compression_encodings, - ) - .apply_max_message_size_config( - max_decoding_message_size, - max_encoding_message_size, - ); - let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; - Ok(res) - }; - Box::pin(fut) - } - "/network.ProverNetwork/GetBalance" => { - #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] - struct GetBalanceSvc(pub Arc); - impl tonic::server::UnaryService for GetBalanceSvc { - type Response = super::GetBalanceResponse; - type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; - fn call( - &mut self, - request: tonic::Request, - ) -> Self::Future { - let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); - let fut = async move { - ::get_balance(&inner, request).await - }; - Box::pin(fut) - } - } - let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; - let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; - let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; - let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; - let inner = self.inner.clone(); - let fut = async move { - let method = GetBalanceSvc(inner); - let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); - let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) - .apply_compression_config( - accept_compression_encodings, - send_compression_encodings, - ) - .apply_max_message_size_config( - max_decoding_message_size, - max_encoding_message_size, - ); - let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; - Ok(res) - }; - Box::pin(fut) - } - "/network.ProverNetwork/GetNonce" => { - #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] - struct GetNonceSvc(pub Arc); - impl tonic::server::UnaryService for GetNonceSvc { - type Response = super::GetNonceResponse; - type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; - fn call( - &mut self, - request: tonic::Request, - ) -> Self::Future { - let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); - let fut = async move { - ::get_nonce(&inner, request).await - }; - Box::pin(fut) - } - } - let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; - let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; - let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; - let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; - let inner = self.inner.clone(); - let fut = async move { - let method = GetNonceSvc(inner); - let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); - let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) - .apply_compression_config( - accept_compression_encodings, - send_compression_encodings, - ) - .apply_max_message_size_config( - max_decoding_message_size, - max_encoding_message_size, - ); - let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; - Ok(res) - }; - Box::pin(fut) - } - _ => Box::pin(async move { - Ok(http::Response::builder() - .status(200) - .header("grpc-status", tonic::Code::Unimplemented as i32) - .header(http::header::CONTENT_TYPE, tonic::metadata::GRPC_CONTENT_TYPE) - .body(empty_body()) - .unwrap()) - }), - } - } - } - impl Clone for ProverNetworkServer { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - let inner = self.inner.clone(); - Self { - inner, - accept_compression_encodings: self.accept_compression_encodings, - send_compression_encodings: self.send_compression_encodings, - max_decoding_message_size: self.max_decoding_message_size, - max_encoding_message_size: self.max_encoding_message_size, - } - } - } - /// Generated gRPC service name - pub const SERVICE_NAME: &str = "network.ProverNetwork"; - impl tonic::server::NamedService for ProverNetworkServer { - const NAME: &'static str = SERVICE_NAME; - } -} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/network-v2/prover.rs b/crates/sdk/src/network-v2/prover.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 19746b71b..000000000 --- a/crates/sdk/src/network-v2/prover.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,216 +0,0 @@ -use std::{ - env, - time::{Duration, Instant}, -}; - -use crate::{ - network_v2::client::{NetworkClient, DEFAULT_PROVER_NETWORK_RPC}, - network_v2::proto::network::{ProofMode, ProofStatus, ProofStrategy}, - Prover, SP1Context, SP1ProofKind, SP1ProofWithPublicValues, SP1ProvingKey, SP1VerifyingKey, -}; -use anyhow::Result; -use serde::de::DeserializeOwned; -use sp1_core_machine::io::SP1Stdin; -use sp1_prover::{components::DefaultProverComponents, SP1Prover, SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION}; -use sp1_stark::SP1ProverOpts; - -use {crate::block_on, tokio::time::sleep}; - -use crate::provers::{CpuProver, ProofOpts, ProverType}; - -/// The timeout for a proof request to be fulfilled. -const TIMEOUT_SECS: u64 = 3600; - -/// The default cycle limit for a proof request. -const DEFAULT_CYCLE_LIMIT: u64 = 1_000_000_000; - -/// An implementation of [crate::ProverClient] that can generate proofs on a remote RPC server. -pub struct NetworkProver { - client: NetworkClient, - local_prover: CpuProver, -} - -impl NetworkProver { - /// Creates a new [NetworkProver] with the private key set in `SP1_PRIVATE_KEY`. - pub fn new() -> Self { - let private_key = env::var("SP1_PRIVATE_KEY") - .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("SP1_PRIVATE_KEY must be set for remote proving")); - Self::new_from_key(&private_key) - } - - /// Creates a new [NetworkProver] with the given private key. - pub fn new_from_key(private_key: &str) -> Self { - let version = SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION; - log::info!("Client circuit version: {}", version); - let local_prover = CpuProver::new(); - let client = NetworkClient::new(private_key); - Self { client, local_prover } - } - - /// Requests a proof from the prover network, returning the request ID. - pub async fn request_proof( - &self, - elf: &[u8], - stdin: SP1Stdin, - mode: ProofMode, - timeout: Option, - ) -> Result> { - // Simulate and get the cycle limit. - let skip_simulation = env::var("SKIP_SIMULATION").map(|val| val == "true").unwrap_or(false); - let cycle_limit = if !skip_simulation { - let (_, report) = - self.local_prover.sp1_prover().execute(elf, &stdin, Default::default())?; - let cycles = report.total_instruction_count(); - log::info!("Simulation complete, cycles: {}", cycles); - cycles - } else { - log::info!("Skipping simulation"); - DEFAULT_CYCLE_LIMIT - }; - - // Get the verifying key. - let (_, vk) = self.setup(elf); - - // Get the timeout. - let timeout_secs = timeout.map(|dur| dur.as_secs()).unwrap_or(TIMEOUT_SECS); - - log::info!("Requesting proof with cycle limit: {}", cycle_limit); - - // Request the proof. - let response = self - .client - .request_proof( - elf, - &stdin, - &vk, - mode, - SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION, - ProofStrategy::Hosted, - timeout_secs, - cycle_limit, - ) - .await?; - - // Log the request ID and transaction hash. - let tx_hash_hex = "0x".to_string() + &hex::encode(response.tx_hash); - let request_id = response.body.unwrap().request_id; - let request_id_hex = "0x".to_string() + &hex::encode(request_id.clone()); - log::info!("Created request {} in transaction {}", request_id_hex, tx_hash_hex); - - if NetworkClient::rpc_url() == DEFAULT_PROVER_NETWORK_RPC { - log::info!("View in explorer: https://explorer-v2.succinct.xyz/{}", request_id_hex); - } - - Ok(request_id) - } - - /// Waits for a proof to be generated and returns the proof. If a timeout is supplied, the - /// function will return an error if the proof is not generated within the timeout. - pub async fn wait_proof( - &self, - request_id: &[u8], - timeout: Option, - ) -> Result

{ - let mut is_assigned = false; - let start_time = Instant::now(); - loop { - if let Some(timeout) = timeout { - if start_time.elapsed() > timeout { - return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("Proof request timed out.")); - } - } - - let (status, maybe_proof) = - self.client.get_proof_request_status::

(request_id).await?; - - match status.status() { - ProofStatus::Fulfilled => { - return Ok(maybe_proof.unwrap()); - } - ProofStatus::Assigned => { - if !is_assigned { - log::info!("Proof request assigned, proving..."); - is_assigned = true; - } - } - _ => {} - } - sleep(Duration::from_secs(2)).await; - } - } - - /// Requests a proof from the prover network and waits for it to be generated. - pub async fn prove( - &self, - elf: &[u8], - stdin: SP1Stdin, - mode: ProofMode, - timeout: Option, - ) -> Result { - let request_id = self.request_proof(elf, stdin, mode, timeout).await?; - self.wait_proof(&request_id, timeout).await - } -} - -impl Prover for NetworkProver { - fn id(&self) -> ProverType { - ProverType::Network - } - - fn setup(&self, elf: &[u8]) -> (SP1ProvingKey, SP1VerifyingKey) { - self.local_prover.setup(elf) - } - - fn sp1_prover(&self) -> &SP1Prover { - self.local_prover.sp1_prover() - } - - fn prove<'a>( - &'a self, - pk: &SP1ProvingKey, - stdin: SP1Stdin, - opts: ProofOpts, - context: SP1Context<'a>, - kind: SP1ProofKind, - ) -> Result { - warn_if_not_default(&opts.sp1_prover_opts, &context); - block_on(self.prove(&pk.elf, stdin, kind.into(), opts.timeout)) - } -} - -impl Default for NetworkProver { - fn default() -> Self { - Self::new() - } -} - -/// Warns if `opts` or `context` are not default values, since they are currently unsupported. -fn warn_if_not_default(opts: &SP1ProverOpts, context: &SP1Context) { - let _guard = tracing::warn_span!("network_prover").entered(); - if opts != &SP1ProverOpts::default() { - tracing::warn!("non-default opts will be ignored: {:?}", opts.core_opts); - tracing::warn!("custom SP1ProverOpts are currently unsupported by the network prover"); - } - // Exhaustive match is done to ensure we update the warnings if the types change. - let SP1Context { hook_registry, subproof_verifier, .. } = context; - if hook_registry.is_some() { - tracing::warn!("non-default context.hook_registry will be ignored: {:?}", hook_registry); - tracing::warn!("custom runtime hooks are currently unsupported by the network prover"); - tracing::warn!("proving may fail due to missing hooks"); - } - if subproof_verifier.is_some() { - tracing::warn!("non-default context.subproof_verifier will be ignored"); - tracing::warn!("custom subproof verifiers are currently unsupported by the network prover"); - } -} - -impl From for ProofMode { - fn from(value: SP1ProofKind) -> Self { - match value { - SP1ProofKind::Core => Self::Core, - SP1ProofKind::Compressed => Self::Compressed, - SP1ProofKind::Plonk => Self::Plonk, - SP1ProofKind::Groth16 => Self::Groth16, - } - } -} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/network-v2/sign_message.rs b/crates/sdk/src/network-v2/sign_message.rs deleted file mode 100644 index f8b794a5c..000000000 --- a/crates/sdk/src/network-v2/sign_message.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ -use alloy_primitives::{Address, Signature}; -use prost::Message; -use thiserror::Error; - -use crate::network_v2::proto::network::{FulfillProofRequest, RequestProofRequest}; - -#[allow(dead_code)] -pub trait SignedMessage { - fn signature(&self) -> Vec; - fn nonce(&self) -> Result; - fn message(&self) -> Result, MessageError>; - fn recover_sender(&self) -> Result; -} - -#[derive(Error, Debug)] -pub enum MessageError { - #[error("Empty message")] - EmptyMessage, -} - -#[derive(Error, Debug)] -pub enum RecoverSenderError { - #[error("Failed to deserialize signature: {0}")] - SignatureDeserializationError(String), - #[error("Empty message")] - EmptyMessage, - #[error("Failed to recover address: {0}")] - AddressRecoveryError(String), -} - -macro_rules! impl_signed_message { - ($type:ty) => { - impl SignedMessage for $type { - fn signature(&self) -> Vec { - self.signature.clone() - } - - fn nonce(&self) -> Result { - match &self.body { - Some(body) => Ok(body.nonce as u64), - None => Err(MessageError::EmptyMessage), - } - } - - fn message(&self) -> Result, MessageError> { - match &self.body { - Some(body) => Ok(body.encode_to_vec()), - None => Err(MessageError::EmptyMessage), - } - } - - fn recover_sender(&self) -> Result { - let message = self.message().map_err(|_| RecoverSenderError::EmptyMessage)?; - recover_sender_raw(self.signature.clone(), message) - } - } - }; -} - -impl_signed_message!(RequestProofRequest); -impl_signed_message!(FulfillProofRequest); - -pub fn recover_sender_raw( - signature: Vec, - message: Vec, -) -> Result { - let signature = Signature::try_from(signature.as_slice()) - .map_err(|e| RecoverSenderError::SignatureDeserializationError(e.to_string()))?; - - signature - .recover_address_from_msg(message) - .map_err(|e| RecoverSenderError::AddressRecoveryError(e.to_string())) -} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/network/auth.rs b/crates/sdk/src/network/auth.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 4057e6d83..000000000 --- a/crates/sdk/src/network/auth.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,143 +0,0 @@ -use std::{borrow::Cow, str::FromStr}; - -use alloy_sol_types::{sol, Eip712Domain, SolStruct}; -use anyhow::Result; -use ethers::{ - signers::{LocalWallet, Signer}, - types::H256, -}; - -use crate::network::proto::network::UnclaimReason; - -sol! { - struct CreateProof { - uint64 nonce; - uint64 deadline; - uint32 mode; - string version; - } - - struct SubmitProof { - uint64 nonce; - string proof_id; - } - - struct ClaimProof { - uint64 nonce; - string proof_id; - } - - struct UnclaimProof { - uint64 nonce; - string proof_id; - uint8 reason; - string description; - } - - struct ModifyCpuCycles { - uint64 nonce; - string proof_id; - uint64 cycles; - } - - struct FulfillProof { - uint64 nonce; - string proof_id; - } -} - -/// Handles authentication for the Succinct prover network. All interactions that could potentially -/// use computational resources must be authenticated by signing a message with a secp256k1 key. -/// -/// The messages themselves follow EIP-712, where the domain is "succinct" and the TypeStruct -/// changes depending on which endpoint is being used. Documentation for EIP-712 can be found at: -/// https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-712 -pub struct NetworkAuth { - // Holds a secp256k1 private key. - wallet: LocalWallet, -} - -impl NetworkAuth { - pub fn new(private_key: &str) -> Self { - let wallet = LocalWallet::from_str(private_key).unwrap(); - Self { wallet } - } - - /// Gets the EIP-712 domain separator for the Succinct prover network. - fn get_domain_separator() -> Eip712Domain { - Eip712Domain { - name: Some(Cow::Borrowed("succinct")), - version: Some(Cow::Borrowed("1")), - ..Default::default() - } - } - - /// Gets the address of the auth's account, derived from the secp256k1 private key. - pub fn get_address(&self) -> [u8; 20] { - self.wallet.address().0 - } - - // Generic function to sign a message based on the SolStruct. - async fn sign_message(&self, type_struct: T) -> Result> { - let domain_separator = Self::get_domain_separator(); - let message_hash = type_struct.eip712_signing_hash(&domain_separator); - let signature = self.wallet.sign_hash(H256(message_hash.0))?; - Ok(signature.to_vec()) - } - - /// Signs a message to to request to create a proof. - pub async fn sign_create_proof_message( - &self, - nonce: u64, - deadline: u64, - mode: i32, - version: &str, - ) -> Result> { - let type_struct = - CreateProof { nonce, deadline, mode: mode as u32, version: version.to_string() }; - self.sign_message(type_struct).await - } - - /// Signs a message to mark a proof as ready for proof generation. - pub async fn sign_submit_proof_message(&self, nonce: u64, proof_id: &str) -> Result> { - let type_struct = SubmitProof { nonce, proof_id: proof_id.to_string() }; - self.sign_message(type_struct).await - } - - /// Signs a message to claim a proof that was requested. - pub async fn sign_claim_proof_message(&self, nonce: u64, proof_id: &str) -> Result> { - let type_struct = ClaimProof { nonce, proof_id: proof_id.to_string() }; - self.sign_message(type_struct).await - } - - /// Signs a message to unclaim a proof that was previously claimed. - pub async fn sign_unclaim_proof_message( - &self, - nonce: u64, - proof_id: String, - reason: UnclaimReason, - description: String, - ) -> Result> { - let type_struct = UnclaimProof { nonce, proof_id, reason: reason as u8, description }; - self.sign_message(type_struct).await - } - - /// Signs a message to modify the CPU cycles for a proof. The proof must have been previously - /// claimed by the signer first. - pub async fn sign_modify_cpu_cycles_message( - &self, - nonce: u64, - proof_id: &str, - cycles: u64, - ) -> Result> { - let type_struct = ModifyCpuCycles { nonce, proof_id: proof_id.to_string(), cycles }; - self.sign_message(type_struct).await - } - - /// Signs a message to fulfill a proof. The proof must have been previously claimed by the - /// signer first. - pub async fn sign_fulfill_proof_message(&self, nonce: u64, proof_id: &str) -> Result> { - let type_struct = FulfillProof { nonce, proof_id: proof_id.to_string() }; - self.sign_message(type_struct).await - } -} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/network/builder.rs b/crates/sdk/src/network/builder.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5a9585a67 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/sdk/src/network/builder.rs @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +//! # Network Prover Builder +//! +//! This module provides a builder for the [`NetworkProver`]. + +use crate::NetworkProver; + +/// A builder for the [`NetworkProver`]. +/// +/// The builder is used to configure the [`NetworkProver`] before it is built. +#[derive(Default)] +pub struct NetworkProverBuilder { + pub(crate) private_key: Option, + pub(crate) rpc_url: Option, +} + +impl NetworkProverBuilder { + /// Sets the Secp256k1 private key (same format as the one used by Ethereum). + /// + /// # Details + /// Sets the private key that will be used sign requests sent to the network. By default, the + /// private key is read from the `NETWORK_PRIVATE_KEY` environment variable. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient}; + /// + /// let prover = ProverClient::builder().network() + /// .private_key("...") + /// .build(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn private_key(mut self, private_key: &str) -> Self { + self.private_key = Some(private_key.to_string()); + self + } + + /// Sets the remote procedure call URL. + /// + /// # Details + /// The URL determines the network that the client will connect to. By default, the URL is + /// read from the `NETWORK_RPC_URL` environment variable. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient}; + /// + /// let prover = ProverClient::builder() + /// .network() + /// .rpc_url("...") + /// .build(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn rpc_url(mut self, rpc_url: &str) -> Self { + self.rpc_url = Some(rpc_url.to_string()); + self + } + + /// Builds a [`NetworkProver`]. + /// + /// # Details + /// This method will build a [`NetworkProver`] with the given parameters. If the private key is + /// not provided, the method will look for the `NETWORK_PRIVATE_KEY` environment variable. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient}; + /// + /// let prover = ProverClient::builder() + /// .network() + /// .private_key("...") + /// .rpc_url("...") + /// .build(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn build(self) -> NetworkProver { + let private_key = match self.private_key { + Some(private_key) => private_key, + None => std::env::var("NETWORK_PRIVATE_KEY").expect( + "NETWORK_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable is not set. \ + Please set it to your private key or use the .private_key() method.", + ), + }; + + let rpc_url = match self.rpc_url { + Some(rpc_url) => rpc_url, + None => std::env::var("NETWORK_RPC_URL").expect( + "NETWORK_RPC_URL environment variable is not set. \ + Please set it to your rpc url or use the .rpc_url() method.", + ), + }; + + NetworkProver::new(&private_key, &rpc_url) + } +} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/network/client.rs b/crates/sdk/src/network/client.rs index 9717c3839..3be498abb 100644 --- a/crates/sdk/src/network/client.rs +++ b/crates/sdk/src/network/client.rs @@ -1,121 +1,267 @@ -use std::{env, time::Duration}; - -use crate::{ - network::{ - auth::NetworkAuth, - proto::network::{ - ModifyCpuCyclesRequest, ModifyCpuCyclesResponse, UnclaimProofRequest, UnclaimReason, - }, - }, - SP1ProofWithPublicValues, -}; +//! # Network Client +//! +//! This module provides a client for directly interacting with the network prover service. + +use std::result::Result::Ok as StdOk; +use std::str::FromStr; +use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}; + +use alloy_primitives::B256; +use alloy_signer::SignerSync; +use alloy_signer_local::PrivateKeySigner; use anyhow::{Context, Ok, Result}; -use futures::{future::join_all, Future}; -use reqwest::{Client as HttpClient, Url}; +use async_trait::async_trait; use reqwest_middleware::ClientWithMiddleware as HttpClientWithMiddleware; +use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize}; use sp1_core_machine::io::SP1Stdin; -use std::{ - result::Result::Ok as StdOk, - time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}, +use sp1_prover::{HashableKey, SP1VerifyingKey}; +use tonic::{transport::Channel, Code}; + +use super::grpc; +use super::retry::{self, RetryableRpc, DEFAULT_RETRY_TIMEOUT}; +use super::utils::Signable; +use crate::network::proto::artifact::{ + artifact_store_client::ArtifactStoreClient, ArtifactType, CreateArtifactRequest, }; -use twirp::{Client as TwirpClient, ClientError}; - use crate::network::proto::network::{ - ClaimProofRequest, ClaimProofResponse, CreateProofRequest, FulfillProofRequest, - FulfillProofResponse, GetNonceRequest, GetProofRequestsRequest, GetProofRequestsResponse, - GetProofStatusRequest, GetProofStatusResponse, NetworkServiceClient, ProofMode, ProofStatus, - SubmitProofRequest, + prover_network_client::ProverNetworkClient, CreateProgramRequest, CreateProgramRequestBody, + CreateProgramResponse, FulfillmentStatus, FulfillmentStrategy, GetFilteredProofRequestsRequest, + GetFilteredProofRequestsResponse, GetNonceRequest, GetProgramRequest, GetProgramResponse, + GetProofRequestStatusRequest, GetProofRequestStatusResponse, MessageFormat, ProofMode, + RequestProofRequest, RequestProofRequestBody, RequestProofResponse, }; -/// The default RPC endpoint for the Succinct prover network. -pub const DEFAULT_PROVER_NETWORK_RPC: &str = "https://rpc.succinct.xyz/"; - -/// The timeout for a proof request to be fulfilled. -const PROOF_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60 * 60); - -/// The timeout for a single RPC request. -const REQUEST_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(30); - +/// A client for interacting with the network. pub struct NetworkClient { - pub rpc: TwirpClient, - pub http: HttpClientWithMiddleware, - pub auth: NetworkAuth, + pub(crate) signer: PrivateKeySigner, + pub(crate) http: HttpClientWithMiddleware, + pub(crate) rpc_url: String, } -impl NetworkClient { - /// Returns the currently configured RPC endpoint for the Succinct prover network. - pub fn rpc_url() -> String { - env::var("PROVER_NETWORK_RPC").unwrap_or_else(|_| DEFAULT_PROVER_NETWORK_RPC.to_string()) +#[async_trait] +impl RetryableRpc for NetworkClient { + /// Execute an operation with retries using default timeout. + async fn with_retry<'a, T, F, Fut>(&'a self, operation: F, operation_name: &str) -> Result + where + F: Fn() -> Fut + Send + Sync + 'a, + Fut: std::future::Future> + Send, + T: Send, + { + self.with_retry_timeout(operation, DEFAULT_RETRY_TIMEOUT, operation_name).await } - /// Create a new NetworkClient with the given private key for authentication. - pub fn new(private_key: &str) -> Self { - let auth = NetworkAuth::new(private_key); + /// Execute an operation with retries using the specified timeout. + async fn with_retry_timeout<'a, T, F, Fut>( + &'a self, + operation: F, + timeout: Duration, + operation_name: &str, + ) -> Result + where + F: Fn() -> Fut + Send + Sync + 'a, + Fut: std::future::Future> + Send, + T: Send, + { + retry::retry_operation(operation, Some(timeout), operation_name).await + } +} - let twirp_http_client = HttpClient::builder() - .timeout(REQUEST_TIMEOUT) +impl NetworkClient { + /// Creates a new [`NetworkClient`] with the given private key and rpc url. + pub fn new(private_key: impl Into, rpc_url: impl Into) -> Self { + let signer = PrivateKeySigner::from_str(&private_key.into()).unwrap(); + let client = reqwest::Client::builder() .pool_max_idle_per_host(0) .pool_idle_timeout(Duration::from_secs(240)) .build() .unwrap(); + Self { signer, http: client.into(), rpc_url: rpc_url.into() } + } - let rpc_url = Self::rpc_url(); - let rpc = - TwirpClient::new(Url::parse(&rpc_url).unwrap(), twirp_http_client, vec![]).unwrap(); + /// Get the latest nonce for this account's address. + pub async fn get_nonce(&self) -> Result { + self.with_retry( + || async { + let mut rpc = self.prover_network_client().await?; + let res = rpc + .get_nonce(GetNonceRequest { address: self.signer.address().to_vec() }) + .await?; + Ok(res.into_inner().nonce) + }, + "getting nonce", + ) + .await + } - let http_client = HttpClient::builder() - .timeout(REQUEST_TIMEOUT) - .pool_max_idle_per_host(0) - .pool_idle_timeout(Duration::from_secs(240)) - .build() - .unwrap(); + /// Get the verifying key hash from a verifying key. + /// + /// # Details + /// The verifying key hash is used to identify a program. + pub fn get_vk_hash(vk: &SP1VerifyingKey) -> Result { + let vk_hash_str = B256::from_str(&vk.bytes32())?; + Ok(vk_hash_str) + } - Self { auth, rpc, http: http_client.into() } + /// Registers a program with the network if it is not already registered. + pub async fn register_program(&self, vk: &SP1VerifyingKey, elf: &[u8]) -> Result { + let vk_hash = Self::get_vk_hash(vk)?; + + // Try to get the existing program. + if (self.get_program(vk_hash).await?).is_some() { + // The program already exists. + Ok(vk_hash) + } else { + // The program doesn't exist, create it. + self.create_program(vk_hash, vk, elf).await?; + log::info!("Registered program {:?}", vk_hash); + Ok(vk_hash) + } } - /// Gets the latest nonce for this auth's account. - pub async fn get_nonce(&self) -> Result { - let res = self - .with_error_handling( - self.rpc.get_nonce(GetNonceRequest { address: self.auth.get_address().to_vec() }), - ) - .await?; - Ok(res.nonce) + /// Attempts to get the program on the network. + /// + /// # Details + /// Returns `None` if the program does not exist. + pub async fn get_program(&self, vk_hash: B256) -> Result> { + self.with_retry( + || async { + let mut rpc = self.prover_network_client().await?; + match rpc.get_program(GetProgramRequest { vk_hash: vk_hash.to_vec() }).await { + StdOk(response) => Ok(Some(response.into_inner())), + Err(status) if status.code() == Code::NotFound => Ok(None), + Err(e) => Err(e.into()), + } + }, + "getting program", + ) + .await } - /// Upload a file to the specified url. - async fn upload_file(&self, url: &str, data: Vec) -> Result<()> { - self.http.put(url).body(data).send().await?; - Ok(()) + /// Creates a new program on the network. + pub async fn create_program( + &self, + vk_hash: B256, + vk: &SP1VerifyingKey, + elf: &[u8], + ) -> Result { + // Create the program artifact. + let mut store = self.artifact_store_client().await?; + let program_uri = + self.create_artifact_with_content(&mut store, ArtifactType::Program, &elf).await?; + + // Serialize the verifying key. + let vk_encoded = bincode::serialize(&vk)?; + + // Send the request. + self.with_retry( + || async { + let mut rpc = self.prover_network_client().await?; + let nonce = self.get_nonce().await?; + let request_body = CreateProgramRequestBody { + nonce, + vk_hash: vk_hash.to_vec(), + vk: vk_encoded.clone(), + program_uri: program_uri.clone(), + }; + + Ok(rpc + .create_program(CreateProgramRequest { + format: MessageFormat::Binary.into(), + signature: request_body.sign(&self.signer).into(), + body: Some(request_body), + }) + .await? + .into_inner()) + }, + "creating program", + ) + .await } - /// Get the status and the proof if available of a given proof request. The proof is returned - /// only if the status is Fulfilled. - pub async fn get_proof_status( + /// Get all the proof requests that meet the filter criteria. + #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] + pub async fn get_filtered_proof_requests( &self, - proof_id: &str, - ) -> Result<(GetProofStatusResponse, Option)> { + version: Option, + fulfillment_status: Option, + execution_status: Option, + minimum_deadline: Option, + vk_hash: Option>, + requester: Option>, + fulfiller: Option>, + from: Option, + to: Option, + limit: Option, + page: Option, + mode: Option, + ) -> Result { + self.with_retry( + || { + let version = version.clone(); + let vk_hash = vk_hash.clone(); + let requester = requester.clone(); + let fulfiller = fulfiller.clone(); + + async move { + let mut rpc = self.prover_network_client().await?; + Ok(rpc + .get_filtered_proof_requests(GetFilteredProofRequestsRequest { + version, + fulfillment_status, + execution_status, + minimum_deadline, + vk_hash, + requester, + fulfiller, + from, + to, + limit, + page, + mode, + }) + .await? + .into_inner()) + } + }, + "getting filtered proof requests", + ) + .await + } + + /// Get the status of a given proof. + /// + /// # Details + /// If the status is Fulfilled, the proof is also returned. + pub async fn get_proof_request_status( + &self, + request_id: B256, + timeout: Option, + ) -> Result<(GetProofRequestStatusResponse, Option

)> { + // Get the status. let res = self - .with_error_handling( - self.rpc.get_proof_status(GetProofStatusRequest { proof_id: proof_id.to_string() }), + .with_retry_timeout( + || async { + let mut rpc = self.prover_network_client().await?; + Ok(rpc + .get_proof_request_status(GetProofRequestStatusRequest { + request_id: request_id.to_vec(), + }) + .await? + .into_inner()) + }, + timeout.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_RETRY_TIMEOUT), + "getting proof request status", ) - .await - .context("Failed to get proof status")?; - - let proof = match res.status() { - ProofStatus::ProofFulfilled => { - log::info!("Proof request fulfilled"); - let proof_bytes = self - .http - .get(res.proof_url.as_ref().expect("no proof url")) - .timeout(Duration::from_secs(120)) - .send() - .await - .context("Failed to send HTTP request for proof")? - .bytes() - .await - .context("Failed to load proof bytes")?; + .await?; + let status = FulfillmentStatus::try_from(res.fulfillment_status)?; + let proof = match status { + FulfillmentStatus::Fulfilled => { + let proof_uri = res + .proof_uri + .as_ref() + .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("No proof URI provided"))?; + let proof_bytes = self.download_artifact(proof_uri).await?; Some(bincode::deserialize(&proof_bytes).context("Failed to deserialize proof")?) } _ => None, @@ -124,167 +270,132 @@ impl NetworkClient { Ok((res, proof)) } - /// Get all the proof requests for a given status. Also filter by circuit version if provided. - pub async fn get_proof_requests( - &self, - status: ProofStatus, - circuit_version: Option<&str>, - ) -> Result { - self.with_error_handling(self.rpc.get_proof_requests(GetProofRequestsRequest { - status: status.into(), - circuit_version: circuit_version.map(|v| v.to_owned()), - })) - .await - } - - /// Creates a proof request for the given ELF and stdin. - pub async fn create_proof( + /// Creates a proof request with the given verifying key hash and stdin. + /// + /// # Details + /// * `vk_hash`: The verifying key hash of the program to prove. Used to identify the program. + /// * `stdin`: The standard input to provide to the program. + /// * `mode`: The [`ProofMode`] to use. + /// * `version`: The version of the SP1 circuits to use. + /// * `strategy`: The [`FulfillmentStrategy`] to use. + /// * `timeout_secs`: The timeout for the proof request in seconds. + /// * `cycle_limit`: The cycle limit for the proof request. + #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] + pub async fn request_proof( &self, - elf: &[u8], + vk_hash: B256, stdin: &SP1Stdin, mode: ProofMode, - circuit_version: &str, - ) -> Result { + version: &str, + strategy: FulfillmentStrategy, + timeout_secs: u64, + cycle_limit: u64, + ) -> Result { + // Calculate the deadline. let start = SystemTime::now(); let since_the_epoch = start.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).expect("Invalid start time"); - let deadline = since_the_epoch.as_secs() + PROOF_TIMEOUT.as_secs(); + let deadline = since_the_epoch.as_secs() + timeout_secs; - let nonce = self.get_nonce().await?; - let create_proof_signature = self - .auth - .sign_create_proof_message(nonce, deadline, mode.into(), circuit_version) - .await?; - - let res = self - .with_error_handling(self.rpc.create_proof(CreateProofRequest { - signature: create_proof_signature.to_vec(), - nonce, - deadline, - mode: mode.into(), - circuit_version: circuit_version.to_string(), - })) - .await?; - - let program_bytes = bincode::serialize(elf)?; - let stdin_bytes = bincode::serialize(&stdin)?; - let program_promise = self.upload_file(&res.program_url, program_bytes); - let stdin_promise = self.upload_file(&res.stdin_url, stdin_bytes); - let v = vec![program_promise, stdin_promise]; - let mut results = join_all(v).await; - results.pop().expect("Failed to upload stdin")?; - results.pop().expect("Failed to upload program")?; + // Create the stdin artifact. + let mut store = self.artifact_store_client().await?; + let stdin_uri = + self.create_artifact_with_content(&mut store, ArtifactType::Stdin, &stdin).await?; + // Send the request. + let mut rpc = self.prover_network_client().await?; let nonce = self.get_nonce().await?; - let submit_proof_signature = - self.auth.sign_submit_proof_message(nonce, &res.proof_id).await?; - - self.with_error_handling(self.rpc.submit_proof(SubmitProofRequest { - signature: submit_proof_signature.to_vec(), + let request_body = RequestProofRequestBody { nonce, - proof_id: res.proof_id.clone(), - })) - .await?; - - Ok(res.proof_id) + version: format!("sp1-{version}"), + vk_hash: vk_hash.to_vec(), + mode: mode.into(), + strategy: strategy.into(), + stdin_uri, + deadline, + cycle_limit, + }; + let request_response = rpc + .request_proof(RequestProofRequest { + format: MessageFormat::Binary.into(), + signature: request_body.sign(&self.signer).into(), + body: Some(request_body), + }) + .await? + .into_inner(); + + Ok(request_response) } - /// Claim a proof that was requested. This commits to generating a proof and fulfilling it. - /// Returns an error if the proof is not in a PROOF_REQUESTED state. - pub async fn claim_proof(&self, proof_id: &str) -> Result { - let nonce = self.get_nonce().await?; - let signature = self.auth.sign_claim_proof_message(nonce, proof_id).await?; - - self.with_error_handling(self.rpc.claim_proof(ClaimProofRequest { - signature, - nonce, - proof_id: proof_id.to_string(), - })) - .await + pub(crate) async fn prover_network_client(&self) -> Result> { + let channel = grpc::configure_endpoint(&self.rpc_url)?.connect().await?; + Ok(ProverNetworkClient::new(channel)) } - /// Unclaim a proof that was claimed. This should only be called if the proof has not been - /// fulfilled yet. Returns an error if the proof is not in a PROOF_CLAIMED state or if the - /// caller is not the claimer. - pub async fn unclaim_proof( - &self, - proof_id: String, - reason: UnclaimReason, - description: String, - ) -> Result<()> { - let nonce = self.get_nonce().await?; - let signature = self - .auth - .sign_unclaim_proof_message(nonce, proof_id.clone(), reason, description.clone()) - .await?; - - self.with_error_handling(self.rpc.unclaim_proof(UnclaimProofRequest { - signature, - nonce, - proof_id, - reason: reason.into(), - description, - })) - .await?; - - Ok(()) + pub(crate) async fn artifact_store_client(&self) -> Result> { + let channel = grpc::configure_endpoint(&self.rpc_url)?.connect().await?; + Ok(ArtifactStoreClient::new(channel)) } - /// Modifies the CPU cycles for a proof. May be called by the claimer after the proof has been - /// claimed. Returns an error if the proof is not in a PROOF_CLAIMED state or if the caller is - /// not the claimer. - pub async fn modify_cpu_cycles( + pub(crate) async fn create_artifact_with_content( &self, - proof_id: &str, - cycles: u64, - ) -> Result { - let nonce = self.get_nonce().await?; - let signature = self.auth.sign_modify_cpu_cycles_message(nonce, proof_id, cycles).await?; - let res = self - .with_error_handling(self.rpc.modify_cpu_cycles(ModifyCpuCyclesRequest { - signature, - nonce, - proof_id: proof_id.to_string(), - cycles, - })) - .await?; + store: &mut ArtifactStoreClient, + artifact_type: ArtifactType, + item: &T, + ) -> Result { + let signature = self.signer.sign_message_sync("create_artifact".as_bytes())?; + let request = CreateArtifactRequest { + artifact_type: artifact_type.into(), + signature: signature.as_bytes().to_vec(), + }; - Ok(res) - } + // Create the artifact. + let response = store.create_artifact(request).await?.into_inner(); - /// Fulfill a proof. Should only be called after the proof has been uploaded. Returns an error - /// if the proof is not in a PROOF_CLAIMED state or if the caller is not the claimer. - pub async fn fulfill_proof(&self, proof_id: &str) -> Result { - let nonce = self.get_nonce().await?; - let signature = self.auth.sign_fulfill_proof_message(nonce, proof_id).await?; - let res = self - .with_error_handling(self.rpc.fulfill_proof(FulfillProofRequest { - signature, - nonce, - proof_id: proof_id.to_string(), - })) - .await?; + let presigned_url = response.artifact_presigned_url; + let uri = response.artifact_uri; - Ok(res) - } + // Upload the content. + self.with_retry( + || async { + let response = self + .http + .put(&presigned_url) + .body(bincode::serialize::(item)?) + .send() + .await?; + + if !response.status().is_success() { + return Err(anyhow::anyhow!( + "Failed to upload artifact: HTTP {}", + response.status() + )); + } + Ok(()) + }, + "uploading artifact content", + ) + .await?; - /// Awaits the future, then handles Succinct prover network errors. - async fn with_error_handling(&self, future: F) -> Result - where - F: Future>, - { - let result = future.await; - self.handle_twirp_error(result) + Ok(uri) } - /// Handles Twirp errors by formatting them into more readable error messages. - fn handle_twirp_error(&self, result: std::result::Result) -> Result { - match result { - StdOk(response) => StdOk(response), - Err(ClientError::TwirpError(err)) => { - let display_err = format!("error: \"{:?}\" message: {:?}", err.code, err.msg); - Err(anyhow::anyhow!(display_err)) - } - Err(err) => Err(err.into()), - } + pub(crate) async fn download_artifact(&self, uri: &str) -> Result> { + self.with_retry( + || async { + let response = + self.http.get(uri).send().await.context("Failed to download from URI")?; + + if !response.status().is_success() { + return Err(anyhow::anyhow!( + "Failed to download artifact: HTTP {}", + response.status() + )); + } + + Ok(response.bytes().await.context("Failed to read response body")?.to_vec()) + }, + "downloading artifact", + ) + .await } } diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/network/error.rs b/crates/sdk/src/network/error.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3cde6d604 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/sdk/src/network/error.rs @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +use thiserror::Error; +use tonic::Status; + +/// An error that can occur when interacting with the prover network. +#[derive(Error, Debug)] +pub enum Error { + /// The program execution failed. + #[error("Program simulation failed")] + SimulationFailed, + + /// The proof request is unexecutable. + #[error("Proof request 0x{} is unexecutable", hex::encode(.request_id))] + RequestUnexecutable { + /// The ID of the request that cannot be executed. + request_id: Vec, + }, + + /// The proof request is unfulfillable. + #[error("Proof request 0x{} is unfulfillable", hex::encode(.request_id))] + RequestUnfulfillable { + /// The ID of the request that cannot be fulfilled. + request_id: Vec, + }, + + /// The proof request timed out. + #[error("Proof request 0x{} timed out", hex::encode(.request_id))] + RequestTimedOut { + /// The ID of the request that timed out. + request_id: Vec, + }, + + /// An error occurred while interacting with the RPC server. + #[error("RPC error")] + RpcError(#[from] Status), + + /// An unknown error occurred. + #[error("Other error: {0}")] + Other(#[from] anyhow::Error), +} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/network/grpc.rs b/crates/sdk/src/network/grpc.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2d68f1cbd --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/sdk/src/network/grpc.rs @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +use std::time::Duration; +use tonic::transport::{ClientTlsConfig, Endpoint, Error}; + +/// Configures the endpoint for the gRPC client. +/// +/// Sets reasonable settings to handle timeouts and keep-alive. +pub fn configure_endpoint(addr: &str) -> Result { + let mut endpoint = Endpoint::new(addr.to_string())? + .timeout(Duration::from_secs(60)) + .connect_timeout(Duration::from_secs(15)) + .keep_alive_while_idle(true) + .http2_keep_alive_interval(Duration::from_secs(15)) + .keep_alive_timeout(Duration::from_secs(15)) + .tcp_keepalive(Some(Duration::from_secs(60))) + .tcp_nodelay(true); + + // Configure TLS if using HTTPS. + if addr.starts_with("https://") { + let tls_config = ClientTlsConfig::new().with_enabled_roots(); + endpoint = endpoint.tls_config(tls_config)?; + } + + Ok(endpoint) +} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/network/mod.rs b/crates/sdk/src/network/mod.rs index 12d9b7b35..58c9a64cd 100644 --- a/crates/sdk/src/network/mod.rs +++ b/crates/sdk/src/network/mod.rs @@ -1,6 +1,26 @@ -pub mod auth; +//! # SP1 Network +//! +//! A library for interacting with the SP1 prover over the network. + pub mod client; pub mod prover; - #[rustfmt::skip] +#[allow(missing_docs)] +#[allow(clippy::default_trait_access)] +#[allow(clippy::too_many_lines)] pub mod proto; +pub mod builder; +mod error; +mod grpc; +pub mod prove; +mod retry; +pub mod utils; + +pub use crate::network::client::NetworkClient; +pub use crate::network::proto::network::FulfillmentStrategy; +pub use alloy_primitives::B256; +pub use error::*; + +pub(crate) const DEFAULT_NETWORK_RPC_URL: &str = "https://rpc.production.succinct.xyz/"; +pub(crate) const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS: u64 = 14400; +pub(crate) const DEFAULT_CYCLE_LIMIT: u64 = 100_000_000; diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/network-v2/proto/artifact.rs b/crates/sdk/src/network/proto/artifact.rs similarity index 84% rename from crates/sdk/src/network-v2/proto/artifact.rs rename to crates/sdk/src/network/proto/artifact.rs index f35dcdf8e..c81469442 100644 --- a/crates/sdk/src/network-v2/proto/artifact.rs +++ b/crates/sdk/src/network/proto/artifact.rs @@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ pub struct CreateArtifactRequest { /// The signature of the user on a pre-defined message. Used for authentication. #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] pub signature: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The type of artifact to create. + #[prost(enumeration = "ArtifactType", tag = "2")] + pub artifact_type: i32, } #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] pub struct CreateArtifactResponse { @@ -14,11 +17,60 @@ pub struct CreateArtifactResponse { #[prost(string, tag = "2")] pub artifact_presigned_url: ::prost::alloc::string::String, } +#[derive( + serde::Serialize, + serde::Deserialize, + Clone, + Copy, + Debug, + PartialEq, + Eq, + Hash, + PartialOrd, + Ord, + ::prost::Enumeration, +)] +#[repr(i32)] +pub enum ArtifactType { + UnspecifiedArtifactType = 0, + /// A program artifact. + Program = 1, + /// A stdin artifact. + Stdin = 2, + /// A proof artifact. + Proof = 3, +} +impl ArtifactType { + /// String value of the enum field names used in the ProtoBuf definition. + /// + /// The values are not transformed in any way and thus are considered stable + /// (if the ProtoBuf definition does not change) and safe for programmatic use. + pub fn as_str_name(&self) -> &'static str { + match self { + Self::UnspecifiedArtifactType => "UNSPECIFIED_ARTIFACT_TYPE", + Self::Program => "PROGRAM", + Self::Stdin => "STDIN", + Self::Proof => "PROOF", + } + } + /// Creates an enum from field names used in the ProtoBuf definition. + pub fn from_str_name(value: &str) -> ::core::option::Option { + match value { + "UNSPECIFIED_ARTIFACT_TYPE" => Some(Self::UnspecifiedArtifactType), + "PROGRAM" => Some(Self::Program), + "STDIN" => Some(Self::Stdin), + "PROOF" => Some(Self::Proof), + _ => None, + } + } +} /// Generated client implementations. pub mod artifact_store_client { #![allow(unused_variables, dead_code, missing_docs, clippy::let_unit_value)] use tonic::codegen::http::Uri; - use tonic::codegen::*; + use tonic::codegen::{ + http, Body, Bytes, CompressionEncoding, GrpcMethod, InterceptedService, StdError, + }; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct ArtifactStoreClient { inner: tonic::client::Grpc, @@ -57,11 +109,11 @@ pub mod artifact_store_client { F: tonic::service::Interceptor, T::ResponseBody: Default, T: tonic::codegen::Service< - http::Request, - Response = http::Response< - >::ResponseBody, + http::Request, + Response = http::Response< + >::ResponseBody, + >, >, - >, >>::Error: Into + std::marker::Send + std::marker::Sync, { @@ -98,7 +150,7 @@ pub mod artifact_store_client { self.inner = self.inner.max_encoding_message_size(limit); self } - /// / Creates an artifact that can be used for proof requests. + /// Creates an artifact that can be used for proof requests. pub async fn create_artifact( &mut self, request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, @@ -123,11 +175,14 @@ pub mod artifact_store_client { /// Generated server implementations. pub mod artifact_store_server { #![allow(unused_variables, dead_code, missing_docs, clippy::let_unit_value)] - use tonic::codegen::*; + use tonic::codegen::{ + async_trait, empty_body, http, Arc, Body, BoxFuture, CompressionEncoding, Context, + EnabledCompressionEncodings, InterceptedService, Poll, StdError, + }; /// Generated trait containing gRPC methods that should be implemented for use with ArtifactStoreServer. #[async_trait] pub trait ArtifactStore: std::marker::Send + std::marker::Sync + 'static { - /// / Creates an artifact that can be used for proof requests. + /// Creates an artifact that can be used for proof requests. async fn create_artifact( &self, request: tonic::Request, diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/network/proto/mod.rs b/crates/sdk/src/network/proto/mod.rs index a61610bd4..effcc28d9 100644 --- a/crates/sdk/src/network/proto/mod.rs +++ b/crates/sdk/src/network/proto/mod.rs @@ -1 +1,6 @@ +#![allow(clippy::all)] +#![allow(missing_docs)] +#![allow(clippy::pedantic)] + +pub mod artifact; pub mod network; diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/network/proto/network.rs b/crates/sdk/src/network/proto/network.rs index 545c9db25..f68bcdfb2 100644 --- a/crates/sdk/src/network/proto/network.rs +++ b/crates/sdk/src/network/proto/network.rs @@ -1,271 +1,1197 @@ // This file is @generated by prost-build. -/// The request to create a proof, the first step in requesting a proof. #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct CreateProofRequest { - /// The signature of the message. +pub struct RequestProofRequest { + /// The message format of the body. + #[prost(enumeration = "MessageFormat", tag = "1")] + pub format: i32, + /// The signature of the sender. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub signature: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the request. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "3")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct RequestProofRequestBody { + /// The account nonce of the sender. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] + pub nonce: u64, + /// The verification key hash of the program. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub vk_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The version of the prover to use. + #[prost(string, tag = "3")] + pub version: ::prost::alloc::string::String, + /// The mode for the request. + #[prost(enumeration = "ProofMode", tag = "4")] + pub mode: i32, + /// The strategy for fulfiller assignment. + #[prost(enumeration = "FulfillmentStrategy", tag = "5")] + pub strategy: i32, + /// The stdin resource identifier. + #[prost(string, tag = "6")] + pub stdin_uri: ::prost::alloc::string::String, + /// The deadline for the request. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "7")] + pub deadline: u64, + /// The cycle limit for the request. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "8")] + pub cycle_limit: u64, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct RequestProofResponse { + /// The transaction hash. #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the response. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "2")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct RequestProofResponseBody { + /// The identifier for the request. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub request_id: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct FulfillProofRequest { + /// The message format of the body. + #[prost(enumeration = "MessageFormat", tag = "1")] + pub format: i32, + /// The signature of the sender. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] pub signature: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, - /// The nonce for the account. - #[prost(uint64, tag = "2")] + /// The body of the request. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "3")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct FulfillProofRequestBody { + /// The account nonce of the sender. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] + pub nonce: u64, + /// The identifier for the request. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub request_id: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The proof bytes. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "3")] + pub proof: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct FulfillProofResponse { + /// The transaction hash. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the response. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "2")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct FulfillProofResponseBody {} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct ExecuteProofRequest { + /// The message format of the body. + #[prost(enumeration = "MessageFormat", tag = "1")] + pub format: i32, + /// The signature of the sender. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub signature: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the request. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "3")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct ExecuteProofRequestBody { + /// The account nonce of the sender. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] + pub nonce: u64, + /// The identifier for the request. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub request_id: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The execution status of the request. + #[prost(enumeration = "ExecutionStatus", tag = "3")] + pub execution_status: i32, + /// The optional public values hash of the request execution, only included if + /// the request is valid. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", optional, tag = "4")] + pub public_values_hash: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::vec::Vec>, + /// The optional cycles used when executing the request, only included if the + /// request is valid. + #[prost(uint64, optional, tag = "5")] + pub cycles: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct ExecuteProofResponse { + /// The transaction hash. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the response. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "2")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct ExecuteProofResponseBody {} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct FailFulfillmentRequest { + /// The message format of the body. + #[prost(enumeration = "MessageFormat", tag = "1")] + pub format: i32, + /// The signature of the sender. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub signature: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the request. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "3")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct FailFulfillmentRequestBody { + /// The account nonce of the sender. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] pub nonce: u64, - /// The mode for proof generation. - #[prost(enumeration = "ProofMode", tag = "3")] + /// The identifier for the request. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub request_id: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct FailFulfillmentResponse { + /// The transaction hash. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the response. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "2")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct FailFulfillmentResponseBody {} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct FailExecutionRequest { + /// The message format of the body. + #[prost(enumeration = "MessageFormat", tag = "1")] + pub format: i32, + /// The signature of the sender. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub signature: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the request. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "3")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct FailExecutionRequestBody { + /// The account nonce of the sender. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] + pub nonce: u64, + /// The identifier for the request. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub request_id: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct FailExecutionResponse { + /// The transaction hash. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the response. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "2")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct FailExecutionResponseBody {} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct ProofRequest { + /// The request identifier. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub request_id: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The verification key hash of the program. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub vk_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The version of the prover to use. + #[prost(string, tag = "3")] + pub version: ::prost::alloc::string::String, + /// The mode for the proof. + #[prost(enumeration = "ProofMode", tag = "4")] pub mode: i32, - /// The deadline for the proof request, signifying the latest time a fulfillment would be valid. + /// The strategy for fulfiller assignment. + #[prost(enumeration = "FulfillmentStrategy", tag = "5")] + pub strategy: i32, + /// The program resource identifier. + #[prost(string, tag = "6")] + pub program_uri: ::prost::alloc::string::String, + /// The stdin resource identifier. + #[prost(string, tag = "7")] + pub stdin_uri: ::prost::alloc::string::String, + /// The deadline for the request. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "8")] + pub deadline: u64, + /// The cycle limit for the request. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "9")] + pub cycle_limit: u64, + /// The gas price for the request. + #[prost(uint64, optional, tag = "10")] + pub gas_price: ::core::option::Option, + /// The fulfillment status of the request. + #[prost(enumeration = "FulfillmentStatus", tag = "11")] + pub fulfillment_status: i32, + /// The execution status of the request. + #[prost(enumeration = "ExecutionStatus", tag = "12")] + pub execution_status: i32, + /// The requester address that signed the request. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "13")] + pub requester: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The fulfiller address that fulfilled the request. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", optional, tag = "14")] + pub fulfiller: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::vec::Vec>, + /// The optional name to refer to an alias of the program id. + #[prost(string, optional, tag = "15")] + pub program_name: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::string::String>, + /// The optional name to refer to an alias of the requester address. + #[prost(string, optional, tag = "16")] + pub requester_name: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::string::String>, + /// The optional name to refer to an alias of the fulfiller address. + #[prost(string, optional, tag = "17")] + pub fulfiller_name: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::string::String>, + /// The unix timestamp of when the request was created. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "18")] + pub created_at: u64, + /// The unix timestamp of when the request was updated. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "19")] + pub updated_at: u64, + /// The unix timestamp of when the request was fulfilled. Only included if + /// the request has a fulfillment status of FULFILLED. + #[prost(uint64, optional, tag = "20")] + pub fulfilled_at: ::core::option::Option, + /// The transaction hash of the request. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "21")] + pub tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The cycle used during the execution of the request. Only included if the + /// request has an execution status of EXECUTED. + #[prost(uint64, optional, tag = "22")] + pub cycles: ::core::option::Option, + /// The public values hash from the execution of the request. Only included if + /// the request has an execution status of EXECUTED. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", optional, tag = "23")] + pub public_values_hash: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::vec::Vec>, + /// The amount deducted from the fulfiller's balance. Only included if the + /// request has a fulfillment status of ASSIGNED. + #[prost(string, optional, tag = "24")] + pub deduction_amount: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::string::String>, + /// The amount refunded to the fulfiller's balance. Only included if the + /// request has a fulfillment status of EXECUTED. + #[prost(string, optional, tag = "25")] + pub refund_amount: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::string::String>, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetProofRequestStatusRequest { + /// The identifier for the request. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub request_id: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetProofRequestStatusResponse { + /// The fulfillment status of the request. + #[prost(enumeration = "FulfillmentStatus", tag = "1")] + pub fulfillment_status: i32, + /// The execution status of the request. + #[prost(enumeration = "ExecutionStatus", tag = "2")] + pub execution_status: i32, + /// The transaction hash of the request. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "3")] + pub request_tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The deadline of the request. A request should be ignored if it is past + /// its deadline. #[prost(uint64, tag = "4")] pub deadline: u64, - /// The SP1 circuit version to use for the proof. - #[prost(string, tag = "5")] - pub circuit_version: ::prost::alloc::string::String, + /// The optional transaction hash of the proof fulfill. Only included if the + /// request has a fulfillment status of FULFILLED. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", optional, tag = "5")] + pub fulfill_tx_hash: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::vec::Vec>, + /// The optional proof URI, where you can download the result of the request. + /// Only included if the request has a fulfillment status of FULFILLED. + #[prost(string, optional, tag = "6")] + pub proof_uri: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::string::String>, + /// The optional public values hash from the execution of the request. Only + /// included if the request has an execution status of EXECUTED. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", optional, tag = "7")] + pub public_values_hash: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::vec::Vec>, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetProofRequestDetailsRequest { + /// The identifier for the request. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub request_id: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetProofRequestDetailsResponse { + /// The detailed request. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "1")] + pub request: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetFilteredProofRequestsRequest { + /// The optional version of the requests to filter for. + #[prost(string, optional, tag = "1")] + pub version: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::string::String>, + /// The optional fulfillment status of the requests to filter for. + #[prost(enumeration = "FulfillmentStatus", optional, tag = "2")] + pub fulfillment_status: ::core::option::Option, + /// The optional execution status of the requests to filter for. + #[prost(enumeration = "ExecutionStatus", optional, tag = "3")] + pub execution_status: ::core::option::Option, + /// The optional minimum unix timestamp deadline of the requests to filter for. + /// Only returns requests with deadlines after this timestamp. + #[prost(uint64, optional, tag = "4")] + pub minimum_deadline: ::core::option::Option, + /// The optional verification key hash of the program to filter for. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", optional, tag = "5")] + pub vk_hash: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::vec::Vec>, + /// The optional requester address to filter for. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", optional, tag = "6")] + pub requester: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::vec::Vec>, + /// The optional fulfiller address to filter for. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", optional, tag = "7")] + pub fulfiller: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::vec::Vec>, + /// The optional minimum creation unix timestamp of the requests to filter for. + #[prost(uint64, optional, tag = "8")] + pub from: ::core::option::Option, + /// The optional maximum creation unix timestamp of the requests to filter for. + #[prost(uint64, optional, tag = "9")] + pub to: ::core::option::Option, + /// The optional maximum number of requests to return (default is 10, + /// maximum is 100). + #[prost(uint32, optional, tag = "10")] + pub limit: ::core::option::Option, + /// The optional page number to return (default is 1). + #[prost(uint32, optional, tag = "11")] + pub page: ::core::option::Option, + /// The optional mode of the requests to filter for. + #[prost(enumeration = "ProofMode", optional, tag = "12")] + pub mode: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetFilteredProofRequestsResponse { + /// The requests that matched the filter criteria. + #[prost(message, repeated, tag = "1")] + pub requests: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetSearchResultsRequest { + /// The search query string. + #[prost(string, tag = "1")] + pub query: ::prost::alloc::string::String, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct SearchResult { + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub id: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + #[prost(string, optional, tag = "2")] + pub name: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::string::String>, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetSearchResultsResponse { + /// List of matching request IDs with optional names. + #[prost(message, repeated, tag = "1")] + pub requests: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// List of matching program IDs with optional names. + #[prost(message, repeated, tag = "2")] + pub programs: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// List of matching requester IDs with optional names. + #[prost(message, repeated, tag = "3")] + pub requesters: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetProofRequestMetricsRequest { + /// The optional address to filter for. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", optional, tag = "1")] + pub address: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::vec::Vec>, + /// The optional interval in days for volume calculation. + #[prost(uint64, optional, tag = "2")] + pub volume_interval_days: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetProofRequestMetricsResponse { + /// The total number of proofs. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] + pub total_proofs: u64, + /// The total number of cycles. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "2")] + pub total_cycles: u64, + /// The volume in the specified interval. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "3")] + pub volume: u64, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetProofRequestGraphRequest { + /// The optional address to filter for. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", optional, tag = "1")] + pub address: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::vec::Vec>, + /// The optional interval in days for the graph range. + #[prost(uint64, optional, tag = "2")] + pub range_interval_days: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GraphData { + /// The timestamp of the data point. + #[prost(string, tag = "1")] + pub timestamp: ::prost::alloc::string::String, + /// The value at this timestamp. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "2")] + pub value: u64, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetProofRequestGraphResponse { + /// The time series data points. + #[prost(message, repeated, tag = "1")] + pub data: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetAnalyticsGraphsRequest { + /// The optional address to filter for. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", optional, tag = "1")] + pub address: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::vec::Vec>, + /// The optional interval in days for the graph range. + #[prost(uint64, optional, tag = "2")] + pub range_interval_days: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetAnalyticsGraphsResponse { + /// The time series data points for proof count. + #[prost(message, repeated, tag = "1")] + pub proofs: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The time series data points for program count. + #[prost(message, repeated, tag = "2")] + pub programs: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The time series data points for cycle count. + #[prost(message, repeated, tag = "3")] + pub cycles: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetNonceRequest { + /// The address of the account. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub address: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetNonceResponse { + /// The nonce of the account. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] + pub nonce: u64, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct Delegation { + /// The address of the owner. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub owner: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The address of the delegate (the account with granted permissions). + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub delegate: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// Whether the delegation has been accepted. + #[prost(bool, tag = "3")] + pub accepted: bool, + /// The unix timestamp of when the delegation was created. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "4")] + pub created_at: u64, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetFilteredDelegationsRequest { + /// The optional owner address to filter for. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", optional, tag = "1")] + pub owner: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::vec::Vec>, + /// The optional maximum number of requests to return (default is 10, + /// maximum is 100). + #[prost(uint32, optional, tag = "2")] + pub limit: ::core::option::Option, + /// The optional page number to return (default is 1). + #[prost(uint32, optional, tag = "3")] + pub page: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetFilteredDelegationsResponse { + /// The delegations that matched the filter criteria. + #[prost(message, repeated, tag = "1")] + pub delegations: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct AddDelegationRequest { + /// The message format of the body. + #[prost(enumeration = "MessageFormat", tag = "1")] + pub format: i32, + /// The signature of the sender. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub signature: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the request. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "3")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct AddDelegationRequestBody { + /// The account nonce of the sender. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] + pub nonce: u64, + /// The delegate address to add. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub delegate: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct AddDelegationResponse { + /// The transaction hash. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the response. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "2")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct AddDelegationResponseBody {} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct RemoveDelegationRequest { + /// The message format of the body. + #[prost(enumeration = "MessageFormat", tag = "1")] + pub format: i32, + /// The signature of the sender. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub signature: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the request. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "3")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct RemoveDelegationRequestBody { + /// The account nonce of the sender. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] + pub nonce: u64, + /// The delegate address to remove. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub delegate: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct RemoveDelegationResponse { + /// The transaction hash. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the response. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "2")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct RemoveDelegationResponseBody {} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct TerminateDelegationRequest { + /// The message format of the body. + #[prost(enumeration = "MessageFormat", tag = "1")] + pub format: i32, + /// The signature of the sender. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub signature: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the request. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "3")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct TerminateDelegationRequestBody { + /// The account nonce of the sender. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] + pub nonce: u64, + /// The address of the owner whose delegation to terminate. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub owner: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct TerminateDelegationResponse { + /// The transaction hash. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the response. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "2")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct TerminateDelegationResponseBody {} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct AcceptDelegationRequest { + /// The message format of the body. + #[prost(enumeration = "MessageFormat", tag = "1")] + pub format: i32, + /// The signature of the sender. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub signature: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the request. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "3")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct AcceptDelegationRequestBody { + /// The account nonce of the sender. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] + pub nonce: u64, + /// The address of the owner who requested the delegation + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub owner: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct AcceptDelegationResponse { + /// The transaction hash. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the response. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "2")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct AcceptDelegationResponseBody {} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct SetAccountNameRequest { + /// The message format of the body. + #[prost(enumeration = "MessageFormat", tag = "1")] + pub format: i32, + /// The signature of the sender. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub signature: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the request. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "3")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct SetAccountNameRequestBody { + /// The account nonce of the sender. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] + pub nonce: u64, + /// The address of the account to update the name of. Only the sender can + /// update the name unless authorized. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub address: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The name of the account. Must be unique. + #[prost(string, tag = "3")] + pub name: ::prost::alloc::string::String, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct SetAccountNameResponse { + /// The transaction hash. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the response. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "2")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct SetAccountNameResponseBody {} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetAccountNameRequest { + /// The address of the account. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub address: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetAccountNameResponse { + /// The name of the account. + #[prost(string, optional, tag = "1")] + pub name: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::string::String>, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetTermsSignatureRequest { + /// The address of the account. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub address: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetTermsSignatureResponse { + /// Whether the account has signed the terms. + #[prost(bool, tag = "1")] + pub is_signed: bool, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct SetTermsSignatureRequest { + /// The message format of the body. + #[prost(enumeration = "MessageFormat", tag = "1")] + pub format: i32, + /// The signature of the sender. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub signature: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the request. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "3")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct SetTermsSignatureRequestBody { + /// The account nonce of the sender. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] + pub nonce: u64, + /// The address of the account. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub address: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct SetTermsSignatureResponse { + /// The transaction hash. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the response. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "2")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct SetTermsSignatureResponseBody {} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct Program { + /// The verification key hash. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub vk_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The verification key. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub vk: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The program resource identifier. + #[prost(string, tag = "3")] + pub program_uri: ::prost::alloc::string::String, + /// The optional name of the program. + #[prost(string, optional, tag = "4")] + pub name: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::string::String>, + /// The owner of the program. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "5")] + pub owner: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The unix timestamp of when the program was created. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "6")] + pub created_at: u64, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetProgramRequest { + /// The verification key hash of the program. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub vk_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetProgramResponse { + /// The program details. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "1")] + pub program: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct CreateProgramRequest { + /// The message format of the body. + #[prost(enumeration = "MessageFormat", tag = "1")] + pub format: i32, + /// The signature of the sender. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub signature: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the request. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "3")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct CreateProgramRequestBody { + /// The account nonce of the sender. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] + pub nonce: u64, + /// The verification key hash. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub vk_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The verification key. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "3")] + pub vk: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The program resource identifier. + #[prost(string, tag = "4")] + pub program_uri: ::prost::alloc::string::String, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct CreateProgramResponse { + /// The transaction hash. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the response. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "2")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct CreateProgramResponseBody {} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct SetProgramNameRequest { + /// The message format of the body. + #[prost(enumeration = "MessageFormat", tag = "1")] + pub format: i32, + /// The signature of the sender. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub signature: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the request. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "3")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct SetProgramNameRequestBody { + /// The account nonce of the sender. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] + pub nonce: u64, + /// The identifier of the program to update the name of. Only the original + /// program creator can update the name unless authorized. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub vk_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The name of the program. Must be unique. + #[prost(string, tag = "3")] + pub name: ::prost::alloc::string::String, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct SetProgramNameResponse { + /// The transaction hash. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the response. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "2")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct SetProgramNameResponseBody {} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetBalanceRequest { + /// The address of the account. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub address: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, } -/// The response for creating a proof. #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct CreateProofResponse { - /// The proof identifier. +pub struct GetBalanceResponse { + /// The amount of credits owned by the account. #[prost(string, tag = "1")] - pub proof_id: ::prost::alloc::string::String, - /// The URL to upload the ELF file. - #[prost(string, tag = "2")] - pub program_url: ::prost::alloc::string::String, - /// The URL to upload the standard input (stdin). - #[prost(string, tag = "3")] - pub stdin_url: ::prost::alloc::string::String, + pub amount: ::prost::alloc::string::String, } -/// The request to submit a proof, the second step in requesting a proof. MUST be called when the -/// proof is in a PROOF_REQUESTED state and MUST be called after uploading the program and stdin to -/// the URLs provided during create proof. #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct SubmitProofRequest { - /// The signature of the message. +pub struct BalanceLog { + /// The address of the account. #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] - pub signature: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, - /// The nonce for the account. - #[prost(uint64, tag = "2")] - pub nonce: u64, - /// The proof identifier. + pub address: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The type of balance change operation. + #[prost(enumeration = "BalanceOperation", tag = "2")] + pub operation: i32, + /// The amount of the change (can be positive or negative). #[prost(string, tag = "3")] - pub proof_id: ::prost::alloc::string::String, + pub amount: ::prost::alloc::string::String, + /// The transaction hash that caused this change. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "4")] + pub tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The unix timestamp of when this change occurred. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "5")] + pub created_at: u64, } -/// The response for submitting a proof, empty on success. -#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct SubmitProofResponse {} -/// The request to claim a proof, which agrees to fulfill the proof by the deadline. MUST be called -/// when the proof is in a PROOF_REQUESTED state. #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct ClaimProofRequest { - /// The signature of the message. - #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] - pub signature: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, - /// The nonce for the account. - #[prost(uint64, tag = "2")] - pub nonce: u64, - /// The proof identifier. - #[prost(string, tag = "3")] - pub proof_id: ::prost::alloc::string::String, +pub struct GetFilteredBalanceLogsRequest { + /// The optional address to filter for. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", optional, tag = "1")] + pub address: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::vec::Vec>, + /// The optional type of operations to filter for. + #[prost(enumeration = "BalanceOperation", optional, tag = "2")] + pub operation: ::core::option::Option, + /// The optional minimum unix timestamp to filter logs from. Only returns + /// logs after this timestamp. + #[prost(uint64, optional, tag = "3")] + pub minimum_timestamp: ::core::option::Option, + /// The optional maximum unix timestamp to filter logs to. Only returns + /// logs before this timestamp. + #[prost(uint64, optional, tag = "4")] + pub maximum_timestamp: ::core::option::Option, + /// The optional maximum number of logs to return (default is 10, maximum is 100). + #[prost(uint32, optional, tag = "5")] + pub limit: ::core::option::Option, + /// The optional page number to return (default is 1). + #[prost(uint32, optional, tag = "6")] + pub page: ::core::option::Option, } -/// The response for claiming a proof, giving identifiers for the locations to retrieve the program -/// and stdin, as well as the location to upload the proof. #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct ClaimProofResponse { - /// The artifact identifier for the program location. - #[prost(string, tag = "1")] - pub program_artifact_id: ::prost::alloc::string::String, - /// The artifact identifier for the stdin location. - #[prost(string, tag = "2")] - pub stdin_artifact_id: ::prost::alloc::string::String, - /// The artifact identifier for the proof location. - #[prost(string, tag = "3")] - pub proof_artifact_id: ::prost::alloc::string::String, +pub struct GetFilteredBalanceLogsResponse { + /// The balance logs that matched the filter criteria. + #[prost(message, repeated, tag = "1")] + pub logs: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, } -/// The request to unclaim a proof, which cancels the claim to fulfill the proof. MUST be called -/// when the proof is in a PROOF_CLAIMED state and MUST be called by the prover who claimed it. #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct UnclaimProofRequest { - /// The signature of the message. - #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] +pub struct AddCreditRequest { + /// The message format of the body. + #[prost(enumeration = "MessageFormat", tag = "1")] + pub format: i32, + /// The signature of the sender. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] pub signature: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, - /// The nonce for the account. - #[prost(uint64, tag = "2")] + /// The body of the request. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "3")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct AddCreditRequestBody { + /// The account nonce of the sender. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] pub nonce: u64, - /// The proof identifier. + /// The address of the account to add credits to. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub address: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The amount of credits to add. #[prost(string, tag = "3")] - pub proof_id: ::prost::alloc::string::String, - /// The reason for unclaiming the proof. - #[prost(enumeration = "UnclaimReason", tag = "4")] - pub reason: i32, - /// The description for the reason. - #[prost(string, tag = "5")] - pub description: ::prost::alloc::string::String, -} -/// The response for unclaiming a proof, empty on success. -#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct UnclaimProofResponse {} -/// The request to update a proof's CPU cycle count. + pub amount: ::prost::alloc::string::String, +} #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct ModifyCpuCyclesRequest { - /// The signature of the message. +pub struct AddCreditResponse { + /// The transaction hash. #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] - pub signature: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, - /// The nonce for the account. - #[prost(uint64, tag = "2")] - pub nonce: u64, - /// The proof identifier. - #[prost(string, tag = "3")] - pub proof_id: ::prost::alloc::string::String, - /// The number of CPU cycles for this proof. - #[prost(uint64, tag = "4")] - pub cycles: u64, + pub tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the response. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "2")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct AddCreditResponseBody {} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetLatestBridgeBlockRequest { + /// The chain ID of the bridge. + #[prost(uint32, tag = "1")] + pub chain_id: u32, } -/// The response for updating a proof's CPU cycle count, empty on success. #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct ModifyCpuCyclesResponse {} -/// The request to fulfill a proof. MUST be called after the proof has been uploaded and MUST be called -/// when the proof is in a PROOF_CLAIMED state. +pub struct GetLatestBridgeBlockResponse { + /// The latest processed block in the bridge. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] + pub block_number: u64, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetGasPriceEstimateRequest { + #[prost(enumeration = "FulfillmentStrategy", tag = "1")] + pub strategy: i32, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetGasPriceEstimateResponse { + #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] + pub gas_price: u64, +} #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct FulfillProofRequest { - /// The signature of the message. +pub struct GetTransactionDetailsRequest { + /// The transaction hash. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct TransactionDetails { #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub sender: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "3")] pub signature: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, - /// The nonce for the account. - #[prost(uint64, tag = "2")] + #[prost(uint64, tag = "4")] pub nonce: u64, - /// The proof identifier. - #[prost(string, tag = "3")] - pub proof_id: ::prost::alloc::string::String, + #[prost(uint64, tag = "5")] + pub created_at: u64, + #[prost(string, optional, tag = "6")] + pub name: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::string::String>, + #[prost(bytes = "vec", optional, tag = "7")] + pub request_id: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::vec::Vec>, } -/// The response for fulfilling a proof, empty on success. -#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct FulfillProofResponse { - /// The amount of time, in seconds, between proof claim and fulfillment. - #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] - pub proving_seconds: u64, +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetTransactionDetailsResponse { + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "1")] + pub transaction: ::core::option::Option, } -/// The request to relay a proof through the NetworkGateway on a given chain. MUST be called when the -/// proof is in a PROOF_FULFILLED state. #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct RelayProofRequest { - /// The signature of the message. +pub struct Reservation { + /// The address of the requester. #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub requester: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The address of the fulfiller. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub fulfiller: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The optional name to refer to an alias of the requester address. + #[prost(string, optional, tag = "3")] + pub requester_name: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::string::String>, + /// The optional name to refer to an alias of the fulfiller address. + #[prost(string, optional, tag = "4")] + pub fulfiller_name: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::string::String>, + /// The unix timestamp of when the reservation was created. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "5")] + pub created_at: u64, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetFilteredReservationsRequest { + /// Requester address to filter for. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", optional, tag = "1")] + pub requester: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::vec::Vec>, + /// The optional maximum number of reservations to return (default is 10, + /// maximum is 100). + #[prost(uint32, optional, tag = "2")] + pub limit: ::core::option::Option, + /// The optional page number to return (default is 1). + #[prost(uint32, optional, tag = "3")] + pub page: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct GetFilteredReservationsResponse { + /// The reservations that matched the filter criteria. + #[prost(message, repeated, tag = "1")] + pub reservations: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct AddReservationRequest { + /// The message format of the body. + #[prost(enumeration = "MessageFormat", tag = "1")] + pub format: i32, + /// The signature of the sender. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] pub signature: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, - /// The nonce for the account. - #[prost(uint64, tag = "2")] + /// The body of the request. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "3")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct AddReservationRequestBody { + /// The account nonce of the sender. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] pub nonce: u64, - /// The proof identifier. - #[prost(string, tag = "3")] - pub proof_id: ::prost::alloc::string::String, - /// The chain ID for the requested chain. - #[prost(uint32, tag = "4")] - pub chain_id: u32, - /// The address of the verifier for this proof. - #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "5")] - pub verifier: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, - /// The address of the callback to call after the proof has been verified by the verifier. - #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "6")] - pub callback: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, - /// The data to send to the callback, including the function selector. - #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "7")] - pub callback_data: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, -} -/// The response for relaying a proof. -#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct RelayProofResponse { - /// The transaction identifier. - #[prost(string, tag = "1")] - pub tx_id: ::prost::alloc::string::String, + /// The address of the requester to add reservation for. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub requester: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The address of the fulfiller to reserve. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "3")] + pub fulfiller: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, } -/// The request for an account nonce. Used to check current nonce for the account, which must match when signing and sending a message. #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct GetNonceRequest { - /// The account's address for which to get the nonce. +pub struct AddReservationResponse { + /// The transaction hash. #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] - pub address: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + pub tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the response. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "2")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, } -/// The response for a nonce request. #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct GetNonceResponse { - /// The nonce for the given address. It should be signed along with the rest of the message. +pub struct AddReservationResponseBody {} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct RemoveReservationRequest { + /// The message format of the body. + #[prost(enumeration = "MessageFormat", tag = "1")] + pub format: i32, + /// The signature of the sender. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub signature: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the request. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "3")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct RemoveReservationRequestBody { + /// The account nonce of the sender. #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] pub nonce: u64, + /// The address of the requester to remove reservation for. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub requester: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, } -/// The request to get a proof status by a given proof ID. #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct GetProofStatusRequest { - /// The proof identifier. - #[prost(string, tag = "1")] - pub proof_id: ::prost::alloc::string::String, +pub struct RemoveReservationResponse { + /// The transaction hash. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the response. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "2")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, } -/// The response for a proof status request. +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct RemoveReservationResponseBody {} #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct GetProofStatusResponse { - /// The status of the proof request. - #[prost(enumeration = "ProofStatus", tag = "1")] - pub status: i32, - /// Optional proof URL, where you can download the result of the proof request. Only included if - /// the proof has been fulfilled. - #[prost(string, optional, tag = "2")] - pub proof_url: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::string::String>, - /// If the proof was unclaimed, the reason why. - #[prost(enumeration = "UnclaimReason", optional, tag = "3")] - pub unclaim_reason: ::core::option::Option, - /// If the proof was unclaimed, the description detailing why. - #[prost(string, optional, tag = "4")] - pub unclaim_description: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::string::String>, +pub struct BidRequest { + /// The message format of the body. + #[prost(enumeration = "MessageFormat", tag = "1")] + pub format: i32, + /// The signature of the sender. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub signature: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the request. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "3")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, } -/// The request to get proof requests by a given status. #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct GetProofRequestsRequest { - /// The status of the proof requests to filter for. - #[prost(enumeration = "ProofStatus", tag = "1")] - pub status: i32, - /// The SP1 circuit version of the proof requests to filter for. - #[prost(string, optional, tag = "2")] - pub circuit_version: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::string::String>, +pub struct BidRequestBody { + /// The account nonce of the sender. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] + pub nonce: u64, + /// The request ID to bid on. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub request_id: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, } -/// A proof request. #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct RequestedProof { - /// The proof identifier. - #[prost(string, tag = "1")] - pub proof_id: ::prost::alloc::string::String, - /// The mode for proof generation. - #[prost(enumeration = "ProofMode", tag = "2")] - pub mode: i32, - /// Proof requester's address. - #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "3")] - pub requester: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, - /// The SP1 circuit version to use for the proof. - #[prost(string, tag = "4")] - pub circuit_version: ::prost::alloc::string::String, +pub struct BidResponse { + /// The transaction hash. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] + pub tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the response. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "2")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, } -/// The response for getting proof requests by a given status. +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct BidResponseBody {} #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct GetProofRequestsResponse { - /// The proof identifiers of the proof requests. Limited to the 10 most recent proof requests with - /// that status. - #[prost(message, repeated, tag = "1")] - pub proofs: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, +pub struct SettleRequest { + /// The message format of the body. + #[prost(enumeration = "MessageFormat", tag = "1")] + pub format: i32, + /// The signature of the sender. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub signature: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, + /// The body of the request. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "3")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, } -/// The request to get the status of a relay request. #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct GetRelayStatusRequest { - /// The transaction identifier. - #[prost(string, tag = "1")] - pub tx_id: ::prost::alloc::string::String, +pub struct SettleRequestBody { + /// The account nonce of the sender. + #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")] + pub nonce: u64, + /// The request ID to settle bids for. + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + pub request_id: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, } -/// The response for getting the status of a relay request. #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] -pub struct GetRelayStatusResponse { - /// The status of the transaction. - #[prost(enumeration = "TransactionStatus", tag = "1")] - pub status: i32, +pub struct SettleResponse { /// The transaction hash. - #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] + #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] pub tx_hash: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, - /// The transactionsimulation URL, only present if the transaction failed. - #[prost(string, tag = "3")] - pub simulation_url: ::prost::alloc::string::String, + /// The body of the response. + #[prost(message, optional, tag = "2")] + pub body: ::core::option::Option, +} +#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] +pub struct SettleResponseBody {} +/// Format to help decode signature in backend. +#[derive( + serde::Serialize, + serde::Deserialize, + Clone, + Copy, + Debug, + PartialEq, + Eq, + Hash, + PartialOrd, + Ord, + ::prost::Enumeration, +)] +#[repr(i32)] +pub enum MessageFormat { + /// Unspecified message format. + UnspecifiedMessageFormat = 0, + /// The message is in binary format. + Binary = 1, + /// The message is in JSON format. + Json = 2, +} +impl MessageFormat { + /// String value of the enum field names used in the ProtoBuf definition. + /// + /// The values are not transformed in any way and thus are considered stable + /// (if the ProtoBuf definition does not change) and safe for programmatic use. + pub fn as_str_name(&self) -> &'static str { + match self { + Self::UnspecifiedMessageFormat => "UNSPECIFIED_MESSAGE_FORMAT", + Self::Binary => "BINARY", + Self::Json => "JSON", + } + } + /// Creates an enum from field names used in the ProtoBuf definition. + pub fn from_str_name(value: &str) -> ::core::option::Option { + match value { + "UNSPECIFIED_MESSAGE_FORMAT" => Some(Self::UnspecifiedMessageFormat), + "BINARY" => Some(Self::Binary), + "JSON" => Some(Self::Json), + _ => None, + } + } } -/// The mode used when generating the proof. #[derive( serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, @@ -281,15 +1207,14 @@ pub struct GetRelayStatusResponse { )] #[repr(i32)] pub enum ProofMode { - /// Unspecified or invalid proof mode. - Unspecified = 0, - /// The proof mode for an SP1 core proof. + UnspecifiedProofMode = 0, + /// The core proof mode. Core = 1, - /// The proof mode for a compressed proof. + /// The compressed proof mode. Compressed = 2, - /// The proof mode for a PlonK proof. + /// The plonk proof mode. Plonk = 3, - /// The proof mode for a Groth16 proof. + /// The groth16 proof mode. Groth16 = 4, } impl ProofMode { @@ -299,26 +1224,26 @@ impl ProofMode { /// (if the ProtoBuf definition does not change) and safe for programmatic use. pub fn as_str_name(&self) -> &'static str { match self { - Self::Unspecified => "PROOF_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", - Self::Core => "PROOF_MODE_CORE", - Self::Compressed => "PROOF_MODE_COMPRESSED", - Self::Plonk => "PROOF_MODE_PLONK", - Self::Groth16 => "PROOF_MODE_GROTH16", + Self::UnspecifiedProofMode => "UNSPECIFIED_PROOF_MODE", + Self::Core => "CORE", + Self::Compressed => "COMPRESSED", + Self::Plonk => "PLONK", + Self::Groth16 => "GROTH16", } } /// Creates an enum from field names used in the ProtoBuf definition. pub fn from_str_name(value: &str) -> ::core::option::Option { match value { - "PROOF_MODE_UNSPECIFIED" => Some(Self::Unspecified), - "PROOF_MODE_CORE" => Some(Self::Core), - "PROOF_MODE_COMPRESSED" => Some(Self::Compressed), - "PROOF_MODE_PLONK" => Some(Self::Plonk), - "PROOF_MODE_GROTH16" => Some(Self::Groth16), + "UNSPECIFIED_PROOF_MODE" => Some(Self::UnspecifiedProofMode), + "CORE" => Some(Self::Core), + "COMPRESSED" => Some(Self::Compressed), + "PLONK" => Some(Self::Plonk), + "GROTH16" => Some(Self::Groth16), _ => None, } } } -/// The status of a proof request. +/// The different strategies that can be used for fulfilling requests. #[derive( serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, @@ -333,49 +1258,42 @@ impl ProofMode { ::prost::Enumeration, )] #[repr(i32)] -pub enum ProofStatus { - /// Unspecified or invalid status. - ProofUnspecifiedStatus = 0, - /// The proof request has been created but is awaiting the requester to submit it. - ProofPreparing = 1, - /// The proof request has been submitted and is awaiting a prover to claim it. - ProofRequested = 2, - /// The proof request has been claimed and is awaiting a prover to fulfill it. - ProofClaimed = 3, - /// The proof request was previously claimed but has now been unclaimed. - ProofUnclaimed = 4, - /// The proof request has been fulfilled and is available for download. - ProofFulfilled = 5, -} -impl ProofStatus { +pub enum FulfillmentStrategy { + UnspecifiedFulfillmentStrategy = 0, + /// The hosted fulfillment strategy. Uses Succinct's on-demand prover to fulfill requests. + Hosted = 1, + /// The reserved fulfillment strategy. Uses an already existing agreement with a + /// fulfiller to fulfill requests. + Reserved = 2, + /// The auction fulfillment strategy. Uses a decentralized proof contest to + /// fulfill requests. + Auction = 3, +} +impl FulfillmentStrategy { /// String value of the enum field names used in the ProtoBuf definition. /// /// The values are not transformed in any way and thus are considered stable /// (if the ProtoBuf definition does not change) and safe for programmatic use. pub fn as_str_name(&self) -> &'static str { match self { - Self::ProofUnspecifiedStatus => "PROOF_UNSPECIFIED_STATUS", - Self::ProofPreparing => "PROOF_PREPARING", - Self::ProofRequested => "PROOF_REQUESTED", - Self::ProofClaimed => "PROOF_CLAIMED", - Self::ProofUnclaimed => "PROOF_UNCLAIMED", - Self::ProofFulfilled => "PROOF_FULFILLED", + Self::UnspecifiedFulfillmentStrategy => "UNSPECIFIED_FULFILLMENT_STRATEGY", + Self::Hosted => "HOSTED", + Self::Reserved => "RESERVED", + Self::Auction => "AUCTION", } } /// Creates an enum from field names used in the ProtoBuf definition. pub fn from_str_name(value: &str) -> ::core::option::Option { match value { - "PROOF_UNSPECIFIED_STATUS" => Some(Self::ProofUnspecifiedStatus), - "PROOF_PREPARING" => Some(Self::ProofPreparing), - "PROOF_REQUESTED" => Some(Self::ProofRequested), - "PROOF_CLAIMED" => Some(Self::ProofClaimed), - "PROOF_UNCLAIMED" => Some(Self::ProofUnclaimed), - "PROOF_FULFILLED" => Some(Self::ProofFulfilled), + "UNSPECIFIED_FULFILLMENT_STRATEGY" => Some(Self::UnspecifiedFulfillmentStrategy), + "HOSTED" => Some(Self::Hosted), + "RESERVED" => Some(Self::Reserved), + "AUCTION" => Some(Self::Auction), _ => None, } } } -/// The status of a relay request transaction. +/// The different fulfillment statuses that a request can be in. #[derive( serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, @@ -390,48 +1308,44 @@ impl ProofStatus { ::prost::Enumeration, )] #[repr(i32)] -pub enum TransactionStatus { - /// Unspecified or invalid status. - TransactionUnspecifiedStatus = 0, - /// The transaction has been scheduled for relay. - TransactionScheduled = 1, - /// The transaction has been broadcast to the requested chain. - TransactionBroadcasted = 2, - /// The transaction was never confirmed as mined. - TransactionTimedout = 3, - /// The transaction failed to be broadcast, likely due to a revert in simulation. - TransactionFailed = 4, - /// The transaction was mined successfully. - TransactionFinalized = 5, -} -impl TransactionStatus { +pub enum FulfillmentStatus { + UnspecifiedFulfillmentStatus = 0, + /// The request has been requested. + Requested = 1, + /// The request has been assigned to a fulfiller. + Assigned = 2, + /// The request has been fulfilled. + Fulfilled = 3, + /// The request cannot be fulfilled. + Unfulfillable = 4, +} +impl FulfillmentStatus { /// String value of the enum field names used in the ProtoBuf definition. /// /// The values are not transformed in any way and thus are considered stable /// (if the ProtoBuf definition does not change) and safe for programmatic use. pub fn as_str_name(&self) -> &'static str { match self { - Self::TransactionUnspecifiedStatus => "TRANSACTION_UNSPECIFIED_STATUS", - Self::TransactionScheduled => "TRANSACTION_SCHEDULED", - Self::TransactionBroadcasted => "TRANSACTION_BROADCASTED", - Self::TransactionTimedout => "TRANSACTION_TIMEDOUT", - Self::TransactionFailed => "TRANSACTION_FAILED", - Self::TransactionFinalized => "TRANSACTION_FINALIZED", + Self::UnspecifiedFulfillmentStatus => "UNSPECIFIED_FULFILLMENT_STATUS", + Self::Requested => "REQUESTED", + Self::Assigned => "ASSIGNED", + Self::Fulfilled => "FULFILLED", + Self::Unfulfillable => "UNFULFILLABLE", } } /// Creates an enum from field names used in the ProtoBuf definition. pub fn from_str_name(value: &str) -> ::core::option::Option { match value { - "TRANSACTION_UNSPECIFIED_STATUS" => Some(Self::TransactionUnspecifiedStatus), - "TRANSACTION_SCHEDULED" => Some(Self::TransactionScheduled), - "TRANSACTION_BROADCASTED" => Some(Self::TransactionBroadcasted), - "TRANSACTION_TIMEDOUT" => Some(Self::TransactionTimedout), - "TRANSACTION_FAILED" => Some(Self::TransactionFailed), - "TRANSACTION_FINALIZED" => Some(Self::TransactionFinalized), + "UNSPECIFIED_FULFILLMENT_STATUS" => Some(Self::UnspecifiedFulfillmentStatus), + "REQUESTED" => Some(Self::Requested), + "ASSIGNED" => Some(Self::Assigned), + "FULFILLED" => Some(Self::Fulfilled), + "UNFULFILLABLE" => Some(Self::Unfulfillable), _ => None, } } } +/// The different execution statuses that a request can be in. #[derive( serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, @@ -446,348 +1360,2691 @@ impl TransactionStatus { ::prost::Enumeration, )] #[repr(i32)] -pub enum UnclaimReason { - /// Unspecified reason. - Unspecified = 0, - /// The prover claims the request is invalid and cannot be fulfilled. - Invalid = 1, - /// The prover is unable to fulfill the proof due to any other reason. - Abandoned = 2, -} -impl UnclaimReason { +pub enum ExecutionStatus { + UnspecifiedExecutionStatus = 0, + /// The request has not been executed. + Unexecuted = 1, + /// The request has been executed. + Executed = 2, + /// The request cannot be executed. + Unexecutable = 3, +} +impl ExecutionStatus { /// String value of the enum field names used in the ProtoBuf definition. /// /// The values are not transformed in any way and thus are considered stable /// (if the ProtoBuf definition does not change) and safe for programmatic use. pub fn as_str_name(&self) -> &'static str { match self { - Self::Unspecified => "UNCLAIM_REASON_UNSPECIFIED", - Self::Invalid => "UNCLAIM_REASON_INVALID", - Self::Abandoned => "UNCLAIM_REASON_ABANDONED", + Self::UnspecifiedExecutionStatus => "UNSPECIFIED_EXECUTION_STATUS", + Self::Unexecuted => "UNEXECUTED", + Self::Executed => "EXECUTED", + Self::Unexecutable => "UNEXECUTABLE", } } /// Creates an enum from field names used in the ProtoBuf definition. pub fn from_str_name(value: &str) -> ::core::option::Option { match value { - "UNCLAIM_REASON_UNSPECIFIED" => Some(Self::Unspecified), - "UNCLAIM_REASON_INVALID" => Some(Self::Invalid), - "UNCLAIM_REASON_ABANDONED" => Some(Self::Abandoned), + "UNSPECIFIED_EXECUTION_STATUS" => Some(Self::UnspecifiedExecutionStatus), + "UNEXECUTED" => Some(Self::Unexecuted), + "EXECUTED" => Some(Self::Executed), + "UNEXECUTABLE" => Some(Self::Unexecutable), _ => None, } } } -pub use twirp; -pub const SERVICE_FQN: &str = "/network.NetworkService"; -#[twirp::async_trait::async_trait] -pub trait NetworkService { - async fn create_proof( - &self, - ctx: twirp::Context, - req: CreateProofRequest, - ) -> Result; - async fn submit_proof( - &self, - ctx: twirp::Context, - req: SubmitProofRequest, - ) -> Result; - async fn claim_proof( - &self, - ctx: twirp::Context, - req: ClaimProofRequest, - ) -> Result; - async fn unclaim_proof( - &self, - ctx: twirp::Context, - req: UnclaimProofRequest, - ) -> Result; - async fn modify_cpu_cycles( - &self, - ctx: twirp::Context, - req: ModifyCpuCyclesRequest, - ) -> Result; - async fn fulfill_proof( - &self, - ctx: twirp::Context, - req: FulfillProofRequest, - ) -> Result; - async fn relay_proof( - &self, - ctx: twirp::Context, - req: RelayProofRequest, - ) -> Result; - async fn get_nonce( - &self, - ctx: twirp::Context, - req: GetNonceRequest, - ) -> Result; - async fn get_proof_status( - &self, - ctx: twirp::Context, - req: GetProofStatusRequest, - ) -> Result; - async fn get_proof_requests( - &self, - ctx: twirp::Context, - req: GetProofRequestsRequest, - ) -> Result; - async fn get_relay_status( - &self, - ctx: twirp::Context, - req: GetRelayStatusRequest, - ) -> Result; -} -#[twirp::async_trait::async_trait] -impl NetworkService for std::sync::Arc -where - T: NetworkService + Sync + Send, -{ - async fn create_proof( - &self, - ctx: twirp::Context, - req: CreateProofRequest, - ) -> Result { - T::create_proof(&*self, ctx, req).await - } - async fn submit_proof( - &self, - ctx: twirp::Context, - req: SubmitProofRequest, - ) -> Result { - T::submit_proof(&*self, ctx, req).await - } - async fn claim_proof( - &self, - ctx: twirp::Context, - req: ClaimProofRequest, - ) -> Result { - T::claim_proof(&*self, ctx, req).await - } - async fn unclaim_proof( - &self, - ctx: twirp::Context, - req: UnclaimProofRequest, - ) -> Result { - T::unclaim_proof(&*self, ctx, req).await - } - async fn modify_cpu_cycles( - &self, - ctx: twirp::Context, - req: ModifyCpuCyclesRequest, - ) -> Result { - T::modify_cpu_cycles(&*self, ctx, req).await - } - async fn fulfill_proof( - &self, - ctx: twirp::Context, - req: FulfillProofRequest, - ) -> Result { - T::fulfill_proof(&*self, ctx, req).await - } - async fn relay_proof( - &self, - ctx: twirp::Context, - req: RelayProofRequest, - ) -> Result { - T::relay_proof(&*self, ctx, req).await - } - async fn get_nonce( - &self, - ctx: twirp::Context, - req: GetNonceRequest, - ) -> Result { - T::get_nonce(&*self, ctx, req).await - } - async fn get_proof_status( - &self, - ctx: twirp::Context, - req: GetProofStatusRequest, - ) -> Result { - T::get_proof_status(&*self, ctx, req).await - } - async fn get_proof_requests( - &self, - ctx: twirp::Context, - req: GetProofRequestsRequest, - ) -> Result { - T::get_proof_requests(&*self, ctx, req).await - } - async fn get_relay_status( - &self, - ctx: twirp::Context, - req: GetRelayStatusRequest, - ) -> Result { - T::get_relay_status(&*self, ctx, req).await - } +/// The different types of balance changes that can occur. +#[derive( + serde::Serialize, + serde::Deserialize, + Clone, + Copy, + Debug, + PartialEq, + Eq, + Hash, + PartialOrd, + Ord, + ::prost::Enumeration, +)] +#[repr(i32)] +pub enum BalanceOperation { + UnspecifiedBalanceChangeOperation = 0, + /// A deposit operation (positive). + Deposit = 1, + /// A withdrawal operation (negative). + Withdrawal = 2, + /// A credit operation (positive). + Credit = 3, + /// A deduction operation (negative). + Deduction = 4, + /// A refund operation (positive). + Refund = 5, + /// A bid operation (negative). + Bid = 6, } -pub fn router(api: T) -> twirp::Router -where - T: NetworkService + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, -{ - twirp::details::TwirpRouterBuilder::new(api) - .route("/CreateProof", |api: T, ctx: twirp::Context, req: CreateProofRequest| async move { - api.create_proof(ctx, req).await - }) - .route("/SubmitProof", |api: T, ctx: twirp::Context, req: SubmitProofRequest| async move { - api.submit_proof(ctx, req).await - }) - .route("/ClaimProof", |api: T, ctx: twirp::Context, req: ClaimProofRequest| async move { - api.claim_proof(ctx, req).await - }) - .route( - "/UnclaimProof", - |api: T, ctx: twirp::Context, req: UnclaimProofRequest| async move { - api.unclaim_proof(ctx, req).await - }, - ) - .route( - "/ModifyCpuCycles", - |api: T, ctx: twirp::Context, req: ModifyCpuCyclesRequest| async move { - api.modify_cpu_cycles(ctx, req).await - }, - ) - .route( - "/FulfillProof", - |api: T, ctx: twirp::Context, req: FulfillProofRequest| async move { - api.fulfill_proof(ctx, req).await - }, - ) - .route("/RelayProof", |api: T, ctx: twirp::Context, req: RelayProofRequest| async move { - api.relay_proof(ctx, req).await - }) - .route("/GetNonce", |api: T, ctx: twirp::Context, req: GetNonceRequest| async move { - api.get_nonce(ctx, req).await - }) - .route( - "/GetProofStatus", - |api: T, ctx: twirp::Context, req: GetProofStatusRequest| async move { - api.get_proof_status(ctx, req).await - }, - ) - .route( - "/GetProofRequests", - |api: T, ctx: twirp::Context, req: GetProofRequestsRequest| async move { - api.get_proof_requests(ctx, req).await - }, - ) - .route( - "/GetRelayStatus", - |api: T, ctx: twirp::Context, req: GetRelayStatusRequest| async move { - api.get_relay_status(ctx, req).await - }, - ) - .build() -} -#[twirp::async_trait::async_trait] -pub trait NetworkServiceClient: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug { - async fn create_proof( - &self, - req: CreateProofRequest, - ) -> Result; - async fn submit_proof( - &self, - req: SubmitProofRequest, - ) -> Result; - async fn claim_proof( - &self, - req: ClaimProofRequest, - ) -> Result; - async fn unclaim_proof( - &self, - req: UnclaimProofRequest, - ) -> Result; - async fn modify_cpu_cycles( - &self, - req: ModifyCpuCyclesRequest, - ) -> Result; - async fn fulfill_proof( - &self, - req: FulfillProofRequest, - ) -> Result; - async fn relay_proof( - &self, - req: RelayProofRequest, - ) -> Result; - async fn get_nonce(&self, req: GetNonceRequest) - -> Result; - async fn get_proof_status( - &self, - req: GetProofStatusRequest, - ) -> Result; - async fn get_proof_requests( - &self, - req: GetProofRequestsRequest, - ) -> Result; - async fn get_relay_status( - &self, - req: GetRelayStatusRequest, - ) -> Result; -} -#[twirp::async_trait::async_trait] -impl NetworkServiceClient for twirp::client::Client { - async fn create_proof( - &self, - req: CreateProofRequest, - ) -> Result { - self.request("network.NetworkService/CreateProof", req).await +impl BalanceOperation { + /// String value of the enum field names used in the ProtoBuf definition. + /// + /// The values are not transformed in any way and thus are considered stable + /// (if the ProtoBuf definition does not change) and safe for programmatic use. + pub fn as_str_name(&self) -> &'static str { + match self { + Self::UnspecifiedBalanceChangeOperation => "UNSPECIFIED_BALANCE_CHANGE_OPERATION", + Self::Deposit => "DEPOSIT", + Self::Withdrawal => "WITHDRAWAL", + Self::Credit => "CREDIT", + Self::Deduction => "DEDUCTION", + Self::Refund => "REFUND", + Self::Bid => "BID", + } } - async fn submit_proof( - &self, - req: SubmitProofRequest, - ) -> Result { - self.request("network.NetworkService/SubmitProof", req).await + /// Creates an enum from field names used in the ProtoBuf definition. + pub fn from_str_name(value: &str) -> ::core::option::Option { + match value { + "UNSPECIFIED_BALANCE_CHANGE_OPERATION" => Some(Self::UnspecifiedBalanceChangeOperation), + "DEPOSIT" => Some(Self::Deposit), + "WITHDRAWAL" => Some(Self::Withdrawal), + "CREDIT" => Some(Self::Credit), + "DEDUCTION" => Some(Self::Deduction), + "REFUND" => Some(Self::Refund), + "BID" => Some(Self::Bid), + _ => None, + } } - async fn claim_proof( - &self, - req: ClaimProofRequest, - ) -> Result { - self.request("network.NetworkService/ClaimProof", req).await +} +/// Generated client implementations. +pub mod prover_network_client { + #![allow(unused_variables, dead_code, missing_docs, clippy::let_unit_value)] + use tonic::codegen::http::Uri; + use tonic::codegen::*; + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub struct ProverNetworkClient { + inner: tonic::client::Grpc, } - async fn unclaim_proof( - &self, - req: UnclaimProofRequest, - ) -> Result { - self.request("network.NetworkService/UnclaimProof", req).await + impl ProverNetworkClient { + /// Attempt to create a new client by connecting to a given endpoint. + pub async fn connect(dst: D) -> Result + where + D: TryInto, + D::Error: Into, + { + let conn = tonic::transport::Endpoint::new(dst)?.connect().await?; + Ok(Self::new(conn)) + } } - async fn modify_cpu_cycles( - &self, - req: ModifyCpuCyclesRequest, - ) -> Result { - self.request("network.NetworkService/ModifyCpuCycles", req).await + impl ProverNetworkClient + where + T: tonic::client::GrpcService, + T::Error: Into, + T::ResponseBody: Body + std::marker::Send + 'static, + ::Error: Into + std::marker::Send, + { + pub fn new(inner: T) -> Self { + let inner = tonic::client::Grpc::new(inner); + Self { inner } + } + pub fn with_origin(inner: T, origin: Uri) -> Self { + let inner = tonic::client::Grpc::with_origin(inner, origin); + Self { inner } + } + pub fn with_interceptor( + inner: T, + interceptor: F, + ) -> ProverNetworkClient> + where + F: tonic::service::Interceptor, + T::ResponseBody: Default, + T: tonic::codegen::Service< + http::Request, + Response = http::Response< + >::ResponseBody, + >, + >, + >>::Error: + Into + std::marker::Send + std::marker::Sync, + { + ProverNetworkClient::new(InterceptedService::new(inner, interceptor)) + } + /// Compress requests with the given encoding. + /// + /// This requires the server to support it otherwise it might respond with an + /// error. + #[must_use] + pub fn send_compressed(mut self, encoding: CompressionEncoding) -> Self { + self.inner = self.inner.send_compressed(encoding); + self + } + /// Enable decompressing responses. + #[must_use] + pub fn accept_compressed(mut self, encoding: CompressionEncoding) -> Self { + self.inner = self.inner.accept_compressed(encoding); + self + } + /// Limits the maximum size of a decoded message. + /// + /// Default: `4MB` + #[must_use] + pub fn max_decoding_message_size(mut self, limit: usize) -> Self { + self.inner = self.inner.max_decoding_message_size(limit); + self + } + /// Limits the maximum size of an encoded message. + /// + /// Default: `usize::MAX` + #[must_use] + pub fn max_encoding_message_size(mut self, limit: usize) -> Self { + self.inner = self.inner.max_encoding_message_size(limit); + self + } + /// Creates a proof request. + pub async fn request_proof( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/RequestProof"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut().insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "RequestProof")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Fulfills a proof request. Only callable by the assigned fulfiller. + pub async fn fulfill_proof( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/FulfillProof"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut().insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "FulfillProof")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Executes a proof request. Only callable by the execution oracle. + pub async fn execute_proof( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/ExecuteProof"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut().insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "ExecuteProof")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Fails fulfillment. Only callable by the assigned fulfiller. + pub async fn fail_fulfillment( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = + http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/FailFulfillment"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut() + .insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "FailFulfillment")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Fails execution. Only callable by the execution oracle. + pub async fn fail_execution( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/FailExecution"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut().insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "FailExecution")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Get the status of a proof request. + pub async fn get_proof_request_status( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static( + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetProofRequestStatus", + ); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut() + .insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "GetProofRequestStatus")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Get the details of a proof request. + pub async fn get_proof_request_details( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result< + tonic::Response, + tonic::Status, + > { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static( + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetProofRequestDetails", + ); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut() + .insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "GetProofRequestDetails")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Get the proof requests that meet the filter criteria. + pub async fn get_filtered_proof_requests( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result< + tonic::Response, + tonic::Status, + > { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static( + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetFilteredProofRequests", + ); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut() + .insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "GetFilteredProofRequests")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Search for proof requests, programs, and requesters. + pub async fn get_search_results( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = + http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/GetSearchResults"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut() + .insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "GetSearchResults")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Get metrics for proof requests. + pub async fn get_proof_request_metrics( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result< + tonic::Response, + tonic::Status, + > { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static( + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetProofRequestMetrics", + ); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut() + .insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "GetProofRequestMetrics")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Get time series data for proof requests. + pub async fn get_proof_request_graph( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = + http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/GetProofRequestGraph"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut() + .insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "GetProofRequestGraph")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Get analytics graphs for proof requests. + pub async fn get_analytics_graphs( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = + http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/GetAnalyticsGraphs"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut() + .insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "GetAnalyticsGraphs")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Get the nonce of the account. + pub async fn get_nonce( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/GetNonce"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut().insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "GetNonce")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Get the delegations of the account. + pub async fn get_filtered_delegations( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result< + tonic::Response, + tonic::Status, + > { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static( + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetFilteredDelegations", + ); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut() + .insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "GetFilteredDelegations")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Add a delegation. Only callable by the owner of an account. + pub async fn add_delegation( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/AddDelegation"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut().insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "AddDelegation")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Remove a delegation. Only callable by the owner of an account. + pub async fn remove_delegation( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = + http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/RemoveDelegation"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut() + .insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "RemoveDelegation")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Terminate a delegation. Only callable by the delegate of a delegation. + pub async fn terminate_delegation( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = + http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/TerminateDelegation"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut() + .insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "TerminateDelegation")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Accept a delegation. Only callable by the delegate of a delegation. + pub async fn accept_delegation( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = + http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/AcceptDelegation"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut() + .insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "AcceptDelegation")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Set the name of the account. Only callable by the owner of an account. + pub async fn set_account_name( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = + http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/SetAccountName"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut().insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "SetAccountName")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Get the name of the account. + pub async fn get_account_name( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = + http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/GetAccountName"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut().insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "GetAccountName")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Get whether the account has signed the terms. + pub async fn get_terms_signature( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = + http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/GetTermsSignature"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut() + .insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "GetTermsSignature")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Set whether the account has signed the terms. + pub async fn set_terms_signature( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = + http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/SetTermsSignature"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut() + .insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "SetTermsSignature")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Get metadata about a program. + pub async fn get_program( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/GetProgram"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut().insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "GetProgram")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Create a new program. Must be called before requesting proofs. + pub async fn create_program( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/CreateProgram"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut().insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "CreateProgram")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Set the name of the program. Only callable by the owner. + pub async fn set_program_name( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = + http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/SetProgramName"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut().insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "SetProgramName")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Get the available balance of an account. + pub async fn get_balance( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/GetBalance"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut().insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "GetBalance")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Get the balance logs that meet the filter criteria. + pub async fn get_filtered_balance_logs( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result< + tonic::Response, + tonic::Status, + > { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static( + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetFilteredBalanceLogs", + ); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut() + .insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "GetFilteredBalanceLogs")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Add credit to an account. + pub async fn add_credit( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/AddCredit"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut().insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "AddCredit")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Get the latest processed block in the bridge. + pub async fn get_latest_bridge_block( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = + http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/GetLatestBridgeBlock"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut() + .insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "GetLatestBridgeBlock")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Get the gas price estimate for a given fulfillment strategy. + pub async fn get_gas_price_estimate( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = + http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/GetGasPriceEstimate"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut() + .insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "GetGasPriceEstimate")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Get the details of a transaction. + pub async fn get_transaction_details( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static( + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetTransactionDetails", + ); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut() + .insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "GetTransactionDetails")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Get the reservations that meet the filter criteria. + pub async fn get_filtered_reservations( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result< + tonic::Response, + tonic::Status, + > { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static( + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetFilteredReservations", + ); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut() + .insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "GetFilteredReservations")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Add a reservation for a requester. + pub async fn add_reservation( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = + http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/AddReservation"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut().insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "AddReservation")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Remove a reservation for a requester. + pub async fn remove_reservation( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> + { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = + http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/RemoveReservation"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut() + .insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "RemoveReservation")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Bid for a proof request. Provers that want to be assigned this request must first + /// bid on it. + pub async fn bid( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/Bid"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut().insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "Bid")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } + /// Settle the bids on a proof request to choose the assigned prover. Only callable by + /// the approved settler. + pub async fn settle( + &mut self, + request: impl tonic::IntoRequest, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status> { + self.inner.ready().await.map_err(|e| { + tonic::Status::new( + tonic::Code::Unknown, + format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()), + ) + })?; + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/network.ProverNetwork/Settle"); + let mut req = request.into_request(); + req.extensions_mut().insert(GrpcMethod::new("network.ProverNetwork", "Settle")); + self.inner.unary(req, path, codec).await + } } - async fn fulfill_proof( - &self, - req: FulfillProofRequest, - ) -> Result { - self.request("network.NetworkService/FulfillProof", req).await +} +/// Generated server implementations. +pub mod prover_network_server { + #![allow(unused_variables, dead_code, missing_docs, clippy::let_unit_value)] + use tonic::codegen::*; + /// Generated trait containing gRPC methods that should be implemented for use with ProverNetworkServer. + #[async_trait] + pub trait ProverNetwork: std::marker::Send + std::marker::Sync + 'static { + /// Creates a proof request. + async fn request_proof( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Fulfills a proof request. Only callable by the assigned fulfiller. + async fn fulfill_proof( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Executes a proof request. Only callable by the execution oracle. + async fn execute_proof( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Fails fulfillment. Only callable by the assigned fulfiller. + async fn fail_fulfillment( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Fails execution. Only callable by the execution oracle. + async fn fail_execution( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Get the status of a proof request. + async fn get_proof_request_status( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Get the details of a proof request. + async fn get_proof_request_details( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result< + tonic::Response, + tonic::Status, + >; + /// Get the proof requests that meet the filter criteria. + async fn get_filtered_proof_requests( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result< + tonic::Response, + tonic::Status, + >; + /// Search for proof requests, programs, and requesters. + async fn get_search_results( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Get metrics for proof requests. + async fn get_proof_request_metrics( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result< + tonic::Response, + tonic::Status, + >; + /// Get time series data for proof requests. + async fn get_proof_request_graph( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Get analytics graphs for proof requests. + async fn get_analytics_graphs( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Get the nonce of the account. + async fn get_nonce( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Get the delegations of the account. + async fn get_filtered_delegations( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result< + tonic::Response, + tonic::Status, + >; + /// Add a delegation. Only callable by the owner of an account. + async fn add_delegation( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Remove a delegation. Only callable by the owner of an account. + async fn remove_delegation( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Terminate a delegation. Only callable by the delegate of a delegation. + async fn terminate_delegation( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Accept a delegation. Only callable by the delegate of a delegation. + async fn accept_delegation( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Set the name of the account. Only callable by the owner of an account. + async fn set_account_name( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Get the name of the account. + async fn get_account_name( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Get whether the account has signed the terms. + async fn get_terms_signature( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Set whether the account has signed the terms. + async fn set_terms_signature( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Get metadata about a program. + async fn get_program( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Create a new program. Must be called before requesting proofs. + async fn create_program( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Set the name of the program. Only callable by the owner. + async fn set_program_name( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Get the available balance of an account. + async fn get_balance( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Get the balance logs that meet the filter criteria. + async fn get_filtered_balance_logs( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result< + tonic::Response, + tonic::Status, + >; + /// Add credit to an account. + async fn add_credit( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Get the latest processed block in the bridge. + async fn get_latest_bridge_block( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Get the gas price estimate for a given fulfillment strategy. + async fn get_gas_price_estimate( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Get the details of a transaction. + async fn get_transaction_details( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Get the reservations that meet the filter criteria. + async fn get_filtered_reservations( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result< + tonic::Response, + tonic::Status, + >; + /// Add a reservation for a requester. + async fn add_reservation( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Remove a reservation for a requester. + async fn remove_reservation( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Bid for a proof request. Provers that want to be assigned this request must first + /// bid on it. + async fn bid( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; + /// Settle the bids on a proof request to choose the assigned prover. Only callable by + /// the approved settler. + async fn settle( + &self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> std::result::Result, tonic::Status>; } - async fn relay_proof( - &self, - req: RelayProofRequest, - ) -> Result { - self.request("network.NetworkService/RelayProof", req).await + #[derive(Debug)] + pub struct ProverNetworkServer { + inner: Arc, + accept_compression_encodings: EnabledCompressionEncodings, + send_compression_encodings: EnabledCompressionEncodings, + max_decoding_message_size: Option, + max_encoding_message_size: Option, } - async fn get_nonce( - &self, - req: GetNonceRequest, - ) -> Result { - self.request("network.NetworkService/GetNonce", req).await + impl ProverNetworkServer { + pub fn new(inner: T) -> Self { + Self::from_arc(Arc::new(inner)) + } + pub fn from_arc(inner: Arc) -> Self { + Self { + inner, + accept_compression_encodings: Default::default(), + send_compression_encodings: Default::default(), + max_decoding_message_size: None, + max_encoding_message_size: None, + } + } + pub fn with_interceptor(inner: T, interceptor: F) -> InterceptedService + where + F: tonic::service::Interceptor, + { + InterceptedService::new(Self::new(inner), interceptor) + } + /// Enable decompressing requests with the given encoding. + #[must_use] + pub fn accept_compressed(mut self, encoding: CompressionEncoding) -> Self { + self.accept_compression_encodings.enable(encoding); + self + } + /// Compress responses with the given encoding, if the client supports it. + #[must_use] + pub fn send_compressed(mut self, encoding: CompressionEncoding) -> Self { + self.send_compression_encodings.enable(encoding); + self + } + /// Limits the maximum size of a decoded message. + /// + /// Default: `4MB` + #[must_use] + pub fn max_decoding_message_size(mut self, limit: usize) -> Self { + self.max_decoding_message_size = Some(limit); + self + } + /// Limits the maximum size of an encoded message. + /// + /// Default: `usize::MAX` + #[must_use] + pub fn max_encoding_message_size(mut self, limit: usize) -> Self { + self.max_encoding_message_size = Some(limit); + self + } } - async fn get_proof_status( - &self, - req: GetProofStatusRequest, - ) -> Result { - self.request("network.NetworkService/GetProofStatus", req).await + impl tonic::codegen::Service> for ProverNetworkServer + where + T: ProverNetwork, + B: Body + std::marker::Send + 'static, + B::Error: Into + std::marker::Send + 'static, + { + type Response = http::Response; + type Error = std::convert::Infallible; + type Future = BoxFuture; + fn poll_ready( + &mut self, + _cx: &mut Context<'_>, + ) -> Poll> { + Poll::Ready(Ok(())) + } + fn call(&mut self, req: http::Request) -> Self::Future { + match req.uri().path() { + "/network.ProverNetwork/RequestProof" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct RequestProofSvc(pub Arc); + impl tonic::server::UnaryService + for RequestProofSvc + { + type Response = super::RequestProofResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::request_proof(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = RequestProofSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/FulfillProof" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct FulfillProofSvc(pub Arc); + impl tonic::server::UnaryService + for FulfillProofSvc + { + type Response = super::FulfillProofResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::fulfill_proof(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = FulfillProofSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/ExecuteProof" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct ExecuteProofSvc(pub Arc); + impl tonic::server::UnaryService + for ExecuteProofSvc + { + type Response = super::ExecuteProofResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::execute_proof(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = ExecuteProofSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/FailFulfillment" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct FailFulfillmentSvc(pub Arc); + impl + tonic::server::UnaryService + for FailFulfillmentSvc + { + type Response = super::FailFulfillmentResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::fail_fulfillment(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = FailFulfillmentSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/FailExecution" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct FailExecutionSvc(pub Arc); + impl tonic::server::UnaryService + for FailExecutionSvc + { + type Response = super::FailExecutionResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::fail_execution(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = FailExecutionSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetProofRequestStatus" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct GetProofRequestStatusSvc(pub Arc); + impl + tonic::server::UnaryService + for GetProofRequestStatusSvc + { + type Response = super::GetProofRequestStatusResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::get_proof_request_status(&inner, request) + .await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = GetProofRequestStatusSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetProofRequestDetails" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct GetProofRequestDetailsSvc(pub Arc); + impl + tonic::server::UnaryService + for GetProofRequestDetailsSvc + { + type Response = super::GetProofRequestDetailsResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::get_proof_request_details(&inner, request) + .await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = GetProofRequestDetailsSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetFilteredProofRequests" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct GetFilteredProofRequestsSvc(pub Arc); + impl + tonic::server::UnaryService + for GetFilteredProofRequestsSvc + { + type Response = super::GetFilteredProofRequestsResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::get_filtered_proof_requests(&inner, request) + .await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = GetFilteredProofRequestsSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetSearchResults" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct GetSearchResultsSvc(pub Arc); + impl + tonic::server::UnaryService + for GetSearchResultsSvc + { + type Response = super::GetSearchResultsResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::get_search_results(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = GetSearchResultsSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetProofRequestMetrics" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct GetProofRequestMetricsSvc(pub Arc); + impl + tonic::server::UnaryService + for GetProofRequestMetricsSvc + { + type Response = super::GetProofRequestMetricsResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::get_proof_request_metrics(&inner, request) + .await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = GetProofRequestMetricsSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetProofRequestGraph" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct GetProofRequestGraphSvc(pub Arc); + impl + tonic::server::UnaryService + for GetProofRequestGraphSvc + { + type Response = super::GetProofRequestGraphResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::get_proof_request_graph(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = GetProofRequestGraphSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetAnalyticsGraphs" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct GetAnalyticsGraphsSvc(pub Arc); + impl + tonic::server::UnaryService + for GetAnalyticsGraphsSvc + { + type Response = super::GetAnalyticsGraphsResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::get_analytics_graphs(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = GetAnalyticsGraphsSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetNonce" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct GetNonceSvc(pub Arc); + impl tonic::server::UnaryService for GetNonceSvc { + type Response = super::GetNonceResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::get_nonce(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = GetNonceSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetFilteredDelegations" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct GetFilteredDelegationsSvc(pub Arc); + impl + tonic::server::UnaryService + for GetFilteredDelegationsSvc + { + type Response = super::GetFilteredDelegationsResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::get_filtered_delegations(&inner, request) + .await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = GetFilteredDelegationsSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/AddDelegation" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct AddDelegationSvc(pub Arc); + impl tonic::server::UnaryService + for AddDelegationSvc + { + type Response = super::AddDelegationResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::add_delegation(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = AddDelegationSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/RemoveDelegation" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct RemoveDelegationSvc(pub Arc); + impl + tonic::server::UnaryService + for RemoveDelegationSvc + { + type Response = super::RemoveDelegationResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::remove_delegation(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = RemoveDelegationSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/TerminateDelegation" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct TerminateDelegationSvc(pub Arc); + impl + tonic::server::UnaryService + for TerminateDelegationSvc + { + type Response = super::TerminateDelegationResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::terminate_delegation(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = TerminateDelegationSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/AcceptDelegation" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct AcceptDelegationSvc(pub Arc); + impl + tonic::server::UnaryService + for AcceptDelegationSvc + { + type Response = super::AcceptDelegationResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::accept_delegation(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = AcceptDelegationSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/SetAccountName" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct SetAccountNameSvc(pub Arc); + impl tonic::server::UnaryService + for SetAccountNameSvc + { + type Response = super::SetAccountNameResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::set_account_name(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = SetAccountNameSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetAccountName" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct GetAccountNameSvc(pub Arc); + impl tonic::server::UnaryService + for GetAccountNameSvc + { + type Response = super::GetAccountNameResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::get_account_name(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = GetAccountNameSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetTermsSignature" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct GetTermsSignatureSvc(pub Arc); + impl + tonic::server::UnaryService + for GetTermsSignatureSvc + { + type Response = super::GetTermsSignatureResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::get_terms_signature(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = GetTermsSignatureSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/SetTermsSignature" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct SetTermsSignatureSvc(pub Arc); + impl + tonic::server::UnaryService + for SetTermsSignatureSvc + { + type Response = super::SetTermsSignatureResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::set_terms_signature(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = SetTermsSignatureSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetProgram" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct GetProgramSvc(pub Arc); + impl tonic::server::UnaryService for GetProgramSvc { + type Response = super::GetProgramResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::get_program(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = GetProgramSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/CreateProgram" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct CreateProgramSvc(pub Arc); + impl tonic::server::UnaryService + for CreateProgramSvc + { + type Response = super::CreateProgramResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::create_program(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = CreateProgramSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/SetProgramName" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct SetProgramNameSvc(pub Arc); + impl tonic::server::UnaryService + for SetProgramNameSvc + { + type Response = super::SetProgramNameResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::set_program_name(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = SetProgramNameSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetBalance" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct GetBalanceSvc(pub Arc); + impl tonic::server::UnaryService for GetBalanceSvc { + type Response = super::GetBalanceResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::get_balance(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = GetBalanceSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetFilteredBalanceLogs" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct GetFilteredBalanceLogsSvc(pub Arc); + impl + tonic::server::UnaryService + for GetFilteredBalanceLogsSvc + { + type Response = super::GetFilteredBalanceLogsResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::get_filtered_balance_logs(&inner, request) + .await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = GetFilteredBalanceLogsSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/AddCredit" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct AddCreditSvc(pub Arc); + impl tonic::server::UnaryService for AddCreditSvc { + type Response = super::AddCreditResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::add_credit(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = AddCreditSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetLatestBridgeBlock" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct GetLatestBridgeBlockSvc(pub Arc); + impl + tonic::server::UnaryService + for GetLatestBridgeBlockSvc + { + type Response = super::GetLatestBridgeBlockResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::get_latest_bridge_block(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = GetLatestBridgeBlockSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetGasPriceEstimate" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct GetGasPriceEstimateSvc(pub Arc); + impl + tonic::server::UnaryService + for GetGasPriceEstimateSvc + { + type Response = super::GetGasPriceEstimateResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::get_gas_price_estimate(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = GetGasPriceEstimateSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetTransactionDetails" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct GetTransactionDetailsSvc(pub Arc); + impl + tonic::server::UnaryService + for GetTransactionDetailsSvc + { + type Response = super::GetTransactionDetailsResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::get_transaction_details(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = GetTransactionDetailsSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/GetFilteredReservations" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct GetFilteredReservationsSvc(pub Arc); + impl + tonic::server::UnaryService + for GetFilteredReservationsSvc + { + type Response = super::GetFilteredReservationsResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::get_filtered_reservations(&inner, request) + .await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = GetFilteredReservationsSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/AddReservation" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct AddReservationSvc(pub Arc); + impl tonic::server::UnaryService + for AddReservationSvc + { + type Response = super::AddReservationResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::add_reservation(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = AddReservationSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/RemoveReservation" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct RemoveReservationSvc(pub Arc); + impl + tonic::server::UnaryService + for RemoveReservationSvc + { + type Response = super::RemoveReservationResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = async move { + ::remove_reservation(&inner, request).await + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = RemoveReservationSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/Bid" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct BidSvc(pub Arc); + impl tonic::server::UnaryService for BidSvc { + type Response = super::BidResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = + async move { ::bid(&inner, request).await }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = BidSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + "/network.ProverNetwork/Settle" => { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + struct SettleSvc(pub Arc); + impl tonic::server::UnaryService for SettleSvc { + type Response = super::SettleResponse; + type Future = BoxFuture, tonic::Status>; + fn call( + &mut self, + request: tonic::Request, + ) -> Self::Future { + let inner = Arc::clone(&self.0); + let fut = + async move { ::settle(&inner, request).await }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + } + let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings; + let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings; + let max_decoding_message_size = self.max_decoding_message_size; + let max_encoding_message_size = self.max_encoding_message_size; + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + let fut = async move { + let method = SettleSvc(inner); + let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default(); + let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec) + .apply_compression_config( + accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings, + ) + .apply_max_message_size_config( + max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size, + ); + let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await; + Ok(res) + }; + Box::pin(fut) + } + _ => Box::pin(async move { + Ok(http::Response::builder() + .status(200) + .header("grpc-status", tonic::Code::Unimplemented as i32) + .header(http::header::CONTENT_TYPE, tonic::metadata::GRPC_CONTENT_TYPE) + .body(empty_body()) + .unwrap()) + }), + } + } } - async fn get_proof_requests( - &self, - req: GetProofRequestsRequest, - ) -> Result { - self.request("network.NetworkService/GetProofRequests", req).await + impl Clone for ProverNetworkServer { + fn clone(&self) -> Self { + let inner = self.inner.clone(); + Self { + inner, + accept_compression_encodings: self.accept_compression_encodings, + send_compression_encodings: self.send_compression_encodings, + max_decoding_message_size: self.max_decoding_message_size, + max_encoding_message_size: self.max_encoding_message_size, + } + } } - async fn get_relay_status( - &self, - req: GetRelayStatusRequest, - ) -> Result { - self.request("network.NetworkService/GetRelayStatus", req).await + /// Generated gRPC service name + pub const SERVICE_NAME: &str = "network.ProverNetwork"; + impl tonic::server::NamedService for ProverNetworkServer { + const NAME: &'static str = SERVICE_NAME; } } diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/network/prove.rs b/crates/sdk/src/network/prove.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f7f9a0b67 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/sdk/src/network/prove.rs @@ -0,0 +1,378 @@ +//! # Network Prove +//! +//! This module provides a builder for creating a proof request to the network. + +use std::time::Duration; + +use alloy_primitives::B256; +use anyhow::Result; +use sp1_core_machine::io::SP1Stdin; +use sp1_prover::SP1ProvingKey; + +use crate::{ + utils::block_on, utils::sp1_dump, NetworkProver, SP1ProofMode, SP1ProofWithPublicValues, +}; + +use super::proto::network::FulfillmentStrategy; + +/// A builder for creating a proof request to the network. +pub struct NetworkProveBuilder<'a> { + pub(crate) prover: &'a NetworkProver, + pub(crate) mode: SP1ProofMode, + pub(crate) pk: &'a SP1ProvingKey, + pub(crate) stdin: SP1Stdin, + pub(crate) timeout: Option, + pub(crate) strategy: FulfillmentStrategy, + pub(crate) skip_simulation: bool, + pub(crate) cycle_limit: Option, +} + +impl<'a> NetworkProveBuilder<'a> { + /// Set the proof kind to [`SP1ProofMode::Core`] mode. + /// + /// # Details + /// This is the default mode for the prover. The proofs grow linearly in size with the number + /// of cycles. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().network().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .core() + /// .run(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn core(mut self) -> Self { + self.mode = SP1ProofMode::Core; + self + } + + /// Set the proof kind to [`SP1ProofMode::Compressed`] mode. + /// + /// # Details + /// This mode produces a proof that is of constant size, regardless of the number of cycles. It + /// takes longer to prove than [`SP1ProofMode::Core`] due to the need to recursively aggregate + /// proofs into a single proof. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().network().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .compressed() + /// .run(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn compressed(mut self) -> Self { + self.mode = SP1ProofMode::Compressed; + self + } + + /// Set the proof mode to [`SP1ProofMode::Plonk`] mode. + /// + /// # Details + /// This mode produces a const size PLONK proof that can be verified on chain for roughly ~300k + /// gas. This mode is useful for producing a maximally small proof that can be verified on + /// chain. For more efficient SNARK wrapping, you can use the [`SP1ProofMode::Groth16`] mode but + /// this mode is more . + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().network().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .plonk() + /// .run(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn plonk(mut self) -> Self { + self.mode = SP1ProofMode::Plonk; + self + } + + /// Set the proof mode to [`SP1ProofMode::Groth16`] mode. + /// + /// # Details + /// This mode produces a Groth16 proof that can be verified on chain for roughly ~100k gas. This + /// mode is useful for producing a proof that can be verified on chain with minimal gas. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().network().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .groth16() + /// .run(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn groth16(mut self) -> Self { + self.mode = SP1ProofMode::Groth16; + self + } + + /// Set the proof mode to the given [`SP1ProofMode`]. + /// + /// # Details + /// This method is useful for setting the proof mode to a custom mode. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover, SP1ProofMode}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().network().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .mode(SP1ProofMode::Groth16) + /// .run(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn mode(mut self, mode: SP1ProofMode) -> Self { + self.mode = mode; + self + } + + /// Set the timeout for the proof's generation. + /// + /// # Details + /// This method sets the timeout for the proof's generation. If the proof is not generated + /// within the timeout, the [`NetworkProveBuilder::run`] will return an error. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// use std::time::Duration; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().network().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .timeout(Duration::from_secs(60)) + /// .run(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn timeout(mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Self { + self.timeout = Some(timeout); + self + } + + /// Set whether to skip the local execution simulation step. + /// + /// # Details + /// This method sets whether to skip the local execution simulation step. If the simulation + /// step is skipped, the request will sent to the network without verifying that the execution + /// succeeds locally (without generating a proof). This feature is recommended for users who + /// want to optimize the latency of the proof generation on the network. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().network().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let builder = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .skip_simulation(true) + /// .run(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn skip_simulation(mut self, skip_simulation: bool) -> Self { + self.skip_simulation = skip_simulation; + self + } + + /// Sets the fulfillment strategy for the client. + /// + /// # Details + /// The strategy determines how the client will fulfill requests. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover, network::FulfillmentStrategy}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().network().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .strategy(FulfillmentStrategy::Hosted) + /// .run() + /// .unwrap(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn strategy(mut self, strategy: FulfillmentStrategy) -> Self { + self.strategy = strategy; + self + } + + /// Sets the cycle limit for the proof request. + /// + /// # Details + /// The cycle limit determines the maximum number of cycles that the program should take to + /// execute. By default, the cycle limit is determined by simulating the program locally. + /// However, you can manually set it if you know the exact cycle count needed and want to skip + /// the simulation step locally. + /// + /// The cycle limit ensures that a prover on the network will stop generating a proof once the + /// cycle limit is reached, which prevents denial of service attacks. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().network().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .cycle_limit(1_000_000) // Set 1M cycle limit. + /// .skip_simulation(true) // Skip simulation since the limit is set manually. + /// .run() + /// .unwrap(); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn cycle_limit(mut self, cycle_limit: u64) -> Self { + self.cycle_limit = Some(cycle_limit); + self + } + + /// Request a proof from the prover network. + /// + /// # Details + /// This method will request a proof from the prover network. If the prover fails to request + /// a proof, the method will return an error. It will not wait for the proof to be generated. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().network().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let request_id = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .request() + /// .unwrap(); + /// ``` + pub fn request(self) -> Result { + block_on(self.request_async()) + } + + /// Request a proof from the prover network asynchronously. + /// + /// # Details + /// This method will request a proof from the prover network asynchronously. If the prover fails + /// to request a proof, the method will return an error. It will not wait for the proof to be + /// generated. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// + /// tokio_test::block_on(async { + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().network().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let request_id = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .request_async() + /// .await + /// .unwrap(); + /// }) + /// ``` + pub async fn request_async(self) -> Result { + let Self { prover, mode, pk, stdin, timeout, strategy, skip_simulation, cycle_limit } = + self; + prover + .request_proof_impl(pk, &stdin, mode, strategy, timeout, skip_simulation, cycle_limit) + .await + } + + /// Run the prover with the built arguments. + /// + /// # Details + /// This method will run the prover with the built arguments. If the prover fails to run, the + /// method will return an error. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().network().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .run() + /// .unwrap(); + /// ``` + pub fn run(self) -> Result { + block_on(self.run_async()) + } + + /// Run the prover with the built arguments asynchronously. + /// + /// # Details + /// This method will run the prover with the built arguments asynchronously. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().network().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin) + /// .run_async(); + /// ``` + pub async fn run_async(self) -> Result { + let Self { prover, mode, pk, stdin, timeout, strategy, mut skip_simulation, cycle_limit } = + self; + + // Check for deprecated environment variable + if let Ok(val) = std::env::var("SKIP_SIMULATION") { + eprintln!( + "Warning: SKIP_SIMULATION environment variable is deprecated. Please use .skip_simulation() instead." + ); + skip_simulation = matches!(val.to_lowercase().as_str(), "true" | "1"); + } + + sp1_dump(&pk.elf, &stdin); + + prover.prove_impl(pk, &stdin, mode, strategy, timeout, skip_simulation, cycle_limit).await + } +} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/network/prover.rs b/crates/sdk/src/network/prover.rs index f5939fd2c..72fecdb50 100644 --- a/crates/sdk/src/network/prover.rs +++ b/crates/sdk/src/network/prover.rs @@ -1,220 +1,401 @@ -use std::{ - env, - time::{Duration, Instant}, -}; +//! # Network Prover +//! +//! This module provides an implementation of the [`crate::Prover`] trait that can generate proofs +//! on a remote RPC server. + +use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; +use super::prove::NetworkProveBuilder; +use super::DEFAULT_CYCLE_LIMIT; +use crate::cpu::execute::CpuExecuteBuilder; +use crate::cpu::CpuProver; +use crate::network::proto::network::GetProofRequestStatusResponse; +use crate::network::{Error, DEFAULT_NETWORK_RPC_URL, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS}; use crate::{ - network::client::{NetworkClient, DEFAULT_PROVER_NETWORK_RPC}, - network::proto::network::{ProofMode, ProofStatus}, - Prover, SP1Context, SP1ProofKind, SP1ProofWithPublicValues, SP1ProvingKey, SP1VerifyingKey, + network::client::NetworkClient, + network::proto::network::{ExecutionStatus, FulfillmentStatus, FulfillmentStrategy, ProofMode}, + Prover, SP1ProofMode, SP1ProofWithPublicValues, SP1ProvingKey, SP1VerifyingKey, }; +use alloy_primitives::B256; use anyhow::Result; +use sp1_core_executor::{SP1Context, SP1ContextBuilder}; use sp1_core_machine::io::SP1Stdin; -use sp1_prover::{components::DefaultProverComponents, SP1Prover, SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION}; -use sp1_stark::SP1ProverOpts; - -use super::proto::network::GetProofStatusResponse; - -use {crate::block_on, tokio::time::sleep}; +use sp1_prover::{components::CpuProverComponents, SP1Prover, SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION}; -use crate::provers::{CpuProver, ProofOpts, ProverType}; +use {crate::utils::block_on, tokio::time::sleep}; -/// Number of consecutive errors to tolerate before returning an error while polling proof status. -const MAX_CONSECUTIVE_ERRORS: usize = 10; - -/// An implementation of [crate::ProverClient] that can generate proofs on a remote RPC server. +/// An implementation of [`crate::ProverClient`] that can generate proofs on a remote RPC server. pub struct NetworkProver { - client: NetworkClient, - local_prover: CpuProver, + pub(crate) client: NetworkClient, + pub(crate) prover: CpuProver, } impl NetworkProver { - /// Creates a new [NetworkProver] with the private key set in `SP1_PRIVATE_KEY`. - pub fn new() -> Self { - let private_key = env::var("SP1_PRIVATE_KEY") - .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("SP1_PRIVATE_KEY must be set for remote proving")); - Self::new_from_key(&private_key) + /// Creates a new [`NetworkProver`] with the given private key. + /// + /// # Details + /// * `private_key`: The Secp256k1 private key to use for signing requests. + /// * `rpc_url`: The rpc url to use for the prover network. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::NetworkProver; + /// + /// let prover = NetworkProver::new("...", "..."); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn new(private_key: &str, rpc_url: &str) -> Self { + let prover = CpuProver::new(); + let client = NetworkClient::new(private_key, rpc_url); + Self { client, prover } + } + + /// Creates a new [`CpuExecuteBuilder`] for simulating the execution of a program on the CPU. + /// + /// # Details + /// Note that this does not use the network in any capacity. The method is provided for + /// convenience. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cpu().build(); + /// let (public_values, execution_report) = client.execute(elf, &stdin) + /// .run() + /// .unwrap(); + /// ``` + pub fn execute<'a>(&'a self, elf: &'a [u8], stdin: &SP1Stdin) -> CpuExecuteBuilder<'a> { + CpuExecuteBuilder { + prover: self.prover.inner(), + elf, + stdin: stdin.clone(), + context_builder: SP1ContextBuilder::default(), + } } - /// Creates a new [NetworkProver] with the given private key. - pub fn new_from_key(private_key: &str) -> Self { - let version = SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION; - log::info!("Client circuit version: {}", version); + /// A request to generate a proof for a given proving key and input. + /// + /// # Details + /// * `pk`: The proving key to use for the proof. + /// * `stdin`: The input to use for the proof. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().network().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).run(); + /// ``` + pub fn prove<'a>( + &'a self, + pk: &'a SP1ProvingKey, + stdin: &'a SP1Stdin, + ) -> NetworkProveBuilder<'a> { + NetworkProveBuilder { + prover: self, + mode: SP1ProofMode::Core, + pk, + stdin: stdin.clone(), + timeout: None, + strategy: FulfillmentStrategy::Hosted, + skip_simulation: false, + cycle_limit: None, + } + } - let local_prover = CpuProver::new(); - Self { client: NetworkClient::new(private_key), local_prover } + /// Registers a program if it is not already registered. + /// + /// # Details + /// * `vk`: The verifying key to use for the program. + /// * `elf`: The elf to use for the program. + /// + /// Note that this method requires that the user honestly registers the program (i.e., the elf + /// matches the vk). + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, Prover}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().network().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// + /// let vk_hash = client.register_program(&vk, elf); + /// ``` + pub async fn register_program(&self, vk: &SP1VerifyingKey, elf: &[u8]) -> Result { + self.client.register_program(vk, elf).await } - /// Requests a proof from the prover network, returning the proof ID. - pub async fn request_proof( + /// Gets the status of a proof request. Re-exposes the status response from the client. + /// + /// # Details + /// * `request_id`: The request ID to get the status of. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, network::B256}; + /// + /// tokio_test::block_on(async { + /// let request_id = B256::from_slice(&vec![1u8; 32]); + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().network().build(); + /// let (status, maybe_proof) = client.get_proof_status(request_id).await.unwrap(); + /// }) + /// ``` + pub async fn get_proof_status( &self, - elf: &[u8], - stdin: SP1Stdin, - mode: ProofMode, - ) -> Result { - let client = &self.client; + request_id: B256, + ) -> Result<(GetProofRequestStatusResponse, Option)> { + self.client.get_proof_request_status(request_id, None).await + } + + /// Gets the status of a proof request with handling for timeouts and unfulfillable requests. + /// + /// Returns the proof if it is fulfilled and the fulfillment status. Handles statuses indicating + /// that the proof is unfulfillable or unexecutable with errors. + /// + /// # Details + /// * `request_id`: The request ID to get the status of. + /// * `remaining_timeout`: The remaining timeout for the proof request. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, network::B256}; + /// + /// tokio_test::block_on(async { + /// let request_id = B256::from_slice(&vec![1u8; 32]); + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().network().build(); + /// let (maybe_proof, fulfillment_status) = client.process_proof_status(request_id, None).await.unwrap(); + /// }) + /// ``` + pub async fn process_proof_status( + &self, + request_id: B256, + remaining_timeout: Option, + ) -> Result<(Option, FulfillmentStatus)> { + // Get the status. + let (status, maybe_proof): ( + GetProofRequestStatusResponse, + Option, + ) = self.client.get_proof_request_status(request_id, remaining_timeout).await?; + + // Check the deadline. + if status.deadline < Instant::now().elapsed().as_secs() { + return Err(Error::RequestTimedOut { request_id: request_id.to_vec() }.into()); + } - let skip_simulation = env::var("SKIP_SIMULATION").map(|val| val == "true").unwrap_or(false); + // Get the execution and fulfillment statuses. + let execution_status = ExecutionStatus::try_from(status.execution_status).unwrap(); + let fulfillment_status = FulfillmentStatus::try_from(status.fulfillment_status).unwrap(); - if !skip_simulation { - let (_, report) = - self.local_prover.sp1_prover().execute(elf, &stdin, Default::default())?; - log::info!("Simulation complete, cycles: {}", report.total_instruction_count()); - } else { - log::info!("Skipping simulation"); + // Check the execution status. + if execution_status == ExecutionStatus::Unexecutable { + return Err(Error::RequestUnexecutable { request_id: request_id.to_vec() }.into()); } - let proof_id = client.create_proof(elf, &stdin, mode, SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION).await?; - log::info!("Created {}", proof_id); + // Check the fulfillment status. + if fulfillment_status == FulfillmentStatus::Fulfilled { + return Ok((maybe_proof, fulfillment_status)); + } + if fulfillment_status == FulfillmentStatus::Unfulfillable { + return Err(Error::RequestUnfulfillable { request_id: request_id.to_vec() }.into()); + } + + Ok((None, fulfillment_status)) + } + + /// Requests a proof from the prover network, returning the request ID. + /// + /// # Details + /// * `vk_hash`: The hash of the verifying key to use for the proof. + /// * `stdin`: The input to use for the proof. + /// * `mode`: The proof mode to use for the proof. + /// * `strategy`: The fulfillment strategy to use for the proof. + /// * `cycle_limit`: The cycle limit to use for the proof. + pub(crate) async fn request_proof( + &self, + vk_hash: B256, + stdin: &SP1Stdin, + mode: ProofMode, + strategy: FulfillmentStrategy, + cycle_limit: u64, + timeout: Option, + ) -> Result { + // Get the timeout. + let timeout_secs = timeout.map_or(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS, |dur| dur.as_secs()); + + // Log the request. + log::info!("Requesting proof:"); + log::info!("├─ Cycle limit: {}", cycle_limit); + log::info!("├─ Proof mode: {:?}", mode); + log::info!("├─ Strategy: {:?}", strategy); + log::info!("├─ Timeout: {} seconds", timeout_secs); + log::info!("└─ Circuit version: {}", SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION); + + // Request the proof. + let response = self + .client + .request_proof( + vk_hash, + stdin, + mode, + SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION, + strategy, + timeout_secs, + cycle_limit, + ) + .await?; - if NetworkClient::rpc_url() == DEFAULT_PROVER_NETWORK_RPC { - log::info!("View in explorer: https://explorer.succinct.xyz/{}", proof_id); + // Log the request ID and transaction hash. + let tx_hash = B256::from_slice(&response.tx_hash); + let request_id = B256::from_slice(&response.body.unwrap().request_id); + log::info!("Created request {} in transaction {:?}", request_id, tx_hash); + + if self.client.rpc_url == DEFAULT_NETWORK_RPC_URL { + log::info!( + "View request status at: https://network.succinct.xyz/request/{}", + request_id + ); } - Ok(proof_id) + + Ok(request_id) } /// Waits for a proof to be generated and returns the proof. If a timeout is supplied, the /// function will return an error if the proof is not generated within the timeout. pub async fn wait_proof( &self, - proof_id: &str, + request_id: B256, timeout: Option, ) -> Result { - let client = &self.client; - let mut is_claimed = false; + let mut is_assigned = false; let start_time = Instant::now(); - let mut consecutive_errors = 0; + loop { + // Calculate the remaining timeout. if let Some(timeout) = timeout { if start_time.elapsed() > timeout { - return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("Proof generation timed out.")); + return Err(Error::RequestTimedOut { request_id: request_id.to_vec() }.into()); } } - - let result = client.get_proof_status(proof_id).await; - - if let Err(e) = result { - consecutive_errors += 1; - log::warn!( - "Failed to get proof status ({}/{}): {:?}", - consecutive_errors, - MAX_CONSECUTIVE_ERRORS, - e - ); - if consecutive_errors == MAX_CONSECUTIVE_ERRORS { - return Err(anyhow::anyhow!( - "Proof generation failed: {} consecutive errors.", - MAX_CONSECUTIVE_ERRORS - )); + let remaining_timeout = timeout.map(|t| { + let elapsed = start_time.elapsed(); + if elapsed < t { + t - elapsed + } else { + Duration::from_secs(0) } - continue; - } - consecutive_errors = 0; + }); - let (status, maybe_proof) = result.unwrap(); + let (maybe_proof, fulfillment_status) = + self.process_proof_status(request_id, remaining_timeout).await?; - match status.status() { - ProofStatus::ProofFulfilled => { - return Ok(maybe_proof.unwrap()); - } - ProofStatus::ProofClaimed => { - if !is_claimed { - log::info!("Proof request claimed, proving..."); - is_claimed = true; - } - } - ProofStatus::ProofUnclaimed => { - return Err(anyhow::anyhow!( - "Proof generation failed: {}", - status.unclaim_description() - )); - } - _ => {} + if fulfillment_status == FulfillmentStatus::Fulfilled { + return Ok(maybe_proof.unwrap()); + } else if fulfillment_status == FulfillmentStatus::Assigned && !is_assigned { + log::info!("Proof request assigned, proving..."); + is_assigned = true; } + sleep(Duration::from_secs(2)).await; } } - /// Get the status and the proof if available of a given proof request. The proof is returned - /// only if the status is Fulfilled. - pub async fn get_proof_status( + #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] + pub(crate) async fn request_proof_impl( &self, - proof_id: &str, - ) -> Result<(GetProofStatusResponse, Option)> { - self.client.get_proof_status(proof_id).await + pk: &SP1ProvingKey, + stdin: &SP1Stdin, + mode: SP1ProofMode, + strategy: FulfillmentStrategy, + timeout: Option, + skip_simulation: bool, + cycle_limit: Option, + ) -> Result { + let vk_hash = self.register_program(&pk.vk, &pk.elf).await?; + let cycle_limit = self.get_cycle_limit(cycle_limit, &pk.elf, stdin, skip_simulation)?; + self.request_proof(vk_hash, stdin, mode.into(), strategy, cycle_limit, timeout).await } - /// Requests a proof from the prover network and waits for it to be generated. - pub async fn prove( + #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] + pub(crate) async fn prove_impl( &self, - elf: &[u8], - stdin: SP1Stdin, - mode: ProofMode, + pk: &SP1ProvingKey, + stdin: &SP1Stdin, + mode: SP1ProofMode, + strategy: FulfillmentStrategy, timeout: Option, + skip_simulation: bool, + cycle_limit: Option, ) -> Result { - let proof_id = self.request_proof(elf, stdin, mode).await?; - self.wait_proof(&proof_id, timeout).await + let request_id = self + .request_proof_impl(pk, stdin, mode, strategy, timeout, skip_simulation, cycle_limit) + .await?; + self.wait_proof(request_id, timeout).await } -} -impl Prover for NetworkProver { - fn id(&self) -> ProverType { - ProverType::Network + /// The cycle limit is determined according to the following priority: + /// + /// 1. If a cycle limit was explicitly set by the requester, use the specified value. + /// 2. If simulation is enabled, calculate the limit by simulating the + /// execution of the program. This is the default behavior. + /// 3. Otherwise, use the default cycle limit ([`DEFAULT_CYCLE_LIMIT`]). + fn get_cycle_limit( + &self, + cycle_limit: Option, + elf: &[u8], + stdin: &SP1Stdin, + skip_simulation: bool, + ) -> Result { + if let Some(cycle_limit) = cycle_limit { + return Ok(cycle_limit); + } + + if skip_simulation { + Ok(DEFAULT_CYCLE_LIMIT) + } else { + self.prover + .inner() + .execute(elf, stdin, SP1Context::default()) + .map(|(_, report)| report.total_instruction_count()) + .map_err(|_| Error::SimulationFailed.into()) + } } +} +impl Prover for NetworkProver { fn setup(&self, elf: &[u8]) -> (SP1ProvingKey, SP1VerifyingKey) { - self.local_prover.setup(elf) + self.prover.setup(elf) } - fn sp1_prover(&self) -> &SP1Prover { - self.local_prover.sp1_prover() + fn inner(&self) -> &SP1Prover { + self.prover.inner() } - fn prove<'a>( - &'a self, + fn prove( + &self, pk: &SP1ProvingKey, - stdin: SP1Stdin, - opts: ProofOpts, - context: SP1Context<'a>, - kind: SP1ProofKind, + stdin: &SP1Stdin, + mode: SP1ProofMode, ) -> Result { - warn_if_not_default(&opts.sp1_prover_opts, &context); - block_on(self.prove(&pk.elf, stdin, kind.into(), opts.timeout)) - } -} - -impl Default for NetworkProver { - fn default() -> Self { - Self::new() - } -} - -/// Warns if `opts` or `context` are not default values, since they are currently unsupported. -fn warn_if_not_default(opts: &SP1ProverOpts, context: &SP1Context) { - if opts != &SP1ProverOpts::default() { - tracing::warn!("non-default opts will be ignored: {:?}", opts.core_opts); - tracing::warn!("custom SP1ProverOpts are currently unsupported by the network prover"); - } - // Exhaustive match is done to ensure we update the warnings if the types change. - let SP1Context { hook_registry, subproof_verifier, .. } = context; - if hook_registry.is_some() { - tracing::warn!("non-default context.hook_registry will be ignored: {:?}", hook_registry); - tracing::warn!("custom runtime hooks are currently unsupported by the network prover"); - tracing::warn!("proving may fail due to missing hooks"); - } - if subproof_verifier.is_some() { - tracing::warn!("non-default context.subproof_verifier will be ignored"); - tracing::warn!("custom subproof verifiers are currently unsupported by the network prover"); + block_on(self.prove_impl(pk, stdin, mode, FulfillmentStrategy::Hosted, None, false, None)) } } -impl From for ProofMode { - fn from(value: SP1ProofKind) -> Self { +impl From for ProofMode { + fn from(value: SP1ProofMode) -> Self { match value { - SP1ProofKind::Core => Self::Core, - SP1ProofKind::Compressed => Self::Compressed, - SP1ProofKind::Plonk => Self::Plonk, - SP1ProofKind::Groth16 => Self::Groth16, + SP1ProofMode::Core => Self::Core, + SP1ProofMode::Compressed => Self::Compressed, + SP1ProofMode::Plonk => Self::Plonk, + SP1ProofMode::Groth16 => Self::Groth16, } } } diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/network/retry.rs b/crates/sdk/src/network/retry.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dd5bc1e53 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/sdk/src/network/retry.rs @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +use anyhow::Result; +use backoff::{future::retry, Error as BackoffError, ExponentialBackoff}; +use std::time::Duration; +use tonic::Code; + +/// Default timeout for retry operations. +pub const DEFAULT_RETRY_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(120); + +/// Trait for implementing retryable RPC operations. +#[async_trait::async_trait] +pub trait RetryableRpc { + /// Execute an operation with retries using default timeout. + async fn with_retry<'a, T, F, Fut>(&'a self, operation: F, operation_name: &str) -> Result + where + F: Fn() -> Fut + Send + Sync + 'a, + Fut: std::future::Future> + Send, + T: Send; + + /// Execute an operation with retries using custom timeout. + async fn with_retry_timeout<'a, T, F, Fut>( + &'a self, + operation: F, + timeout: Duration, + operation_name: &str, + ) -> Result + where + F: Fn() -> Fut + Send + Sync + 'a, + Fut: std::future::Future> + Send, + T: Send; +} + +/// Execute an async operation with exponential backoff retries. +pub async fn retry_operation( + operation: F, + timeout: Option, + operation_name: &str, +) -> Result +where + F: Fn() -> Fut + Send + Sync, + Fut: std::future::Future> + Send, +{ + let backoff = ExponentialBackoff { + initial_interval: Duration::from_secs(1), + max_interval: Duration::from_secs(120), + max_elapsed_time: timeout, + ..Default::default() + }; + + retry(backoff, || async { + match operation().await { + Ok(result) => Ok(result), + Err(e) => { + // Check for tonic status errors. + if let Some(status) = e.downcast_ref::() { + match status.code() { + Code::Unavailable | Code::DeadlineExceeded | Code::Internal | Code::Aborted => { + log::warn!( + "Network temporarily unavailable when {} due to {}, retrying...", + operation_name, + status.message(), + ); + Err(BackoffError::transient(e)) + } + Code::NotFound => { + log::error!( + "{} not found due to {}", + operation_name, + status.message(), + ); + Err(BackoffError::permanent(e)) + } + _ => { + log::error!( + "Permanent error encountered when {}: {} ({})", + operation_name, + status.message(), + status.code() + ); + Err(BackoffError::permanent(e)) + } + } + } else { + // Check for common transport errors. + let error_msg = e.to_string().to_lowercase(); + let is_transient = error_msg.contains("tls handshake") || + error_msg.contains("dns error") || + error_msg.contains("connection reset") || + error_msg.contains("broken pipe") || + error_msg.contains("transport error") || + error_msg.contains("failed to lookup") || + error_msg.contains("timeout") || + error_msg.contains("deadline exceeded"); + + if is_transient { + log::warn!( + "Transient transport error when {}: {}, retrying...", + operation_name, + error_msg + ); + Err(BackoffError::transient(e)) + } else { + log::error!("Permanent error when {}: {}", operation_name, error_msg); + Err(BackoffError::permanent(e)) + } + } + } + } + }) + .await +} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/network-v2/mod.rs b/crates/sdk/src/network/utils.rs similarity index 65% rename from crates/sdk/src/network-v2/mod.rs rename to crates/sdk/src/network/utils.rs index e6444357b..d4bfccdbe 100644 --- a/crates/sdk/src/network-v2/mod.rs +++ b/crates/sdk/src/network/utils.rs @@ -1,14 +1,13 @@ -pub mod client; -pub mod prover; -mod sign_message; -#[rustfmt::skip] -pub mod proto; +//! # Network Utils +//! +//! This module provides utility functions for the network module. + +#![allow(deprecated)] use alloy_signer::{Signature, SignerSync}; use prost::Message; -pub use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; -pub trait Signable: Message { +pub(crate) trait Signable: Message { fn sign(&self, signer: &S) -> Signature; } diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/proof.rs b/crates/sdk/src/proof.rs index d289bd4bf..a4d38d73c 100644 --- a/crates/sdk/src/proof.rs +++ b/crates/sdk/src/proof.rs @@ -1,33 +1,55 @@ +//! # SP1 Proof +//! +//! A library of types and functions for SP1 proofs. +#![allow(missing_docs)] + use std::{fmt::Debug, fs::File, path::Path}; use anyhow::Result; +use hashbrown::HashMap; +use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; +use p3_field::PrimeField; +use p3_field::{extension::BinomialExtensionField, AbstractField}; +use p3_fri::{FriProof, TwoAdicFriPcsProof}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use sp1_core_executor::SP1ReduceProof; -use sp1_core_machine::io::SP1Stdin; use sp1_primitives::io::SP1PublicValues; +use sp1_prover::{CoreSC, Groth16Bn254Proof, HashableKey, InnerSC, PlonkBn254Proof, SP1ProvingKey}; +use sp1_stark::{ + septic_digest::SepticDigest, ShardCommitment, ShardOpenedValues, ShardProof, StarkVerifyingKey, +}; use strum_macros::{EnumDiscriminants, EnumTryAs}; -use sp1_prover::{CoreSC, Groth16Bn254Proof, InnerSC, PlonkBn254Proof}; -use sp1_stark::{MachineVerificationError, ShardProof}; - -/// A proof generated with SP1 of a particular proof mode. +/// A proof generated by the SP1 RISC-V zkVM. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, EnumDiscriminants, EnumTryAs)] #[strum_discriminants(derive(Default, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord))] -#[strum_discriminants(name(SP1ProofKind))] +#[strum_discriminants(name(SP1ProofMode))] pub enum SP1Proof { + /// A proof generated by the core proof mode. + /// + /// The proof size scales linearly with the number of cycles. #[strum_discriminants(default)] Core(Vec>), + /// A proof generated by the compress proof mode. + /// + /// The proof size is constant, regardless of the number of cycles. Compressed(Box>), + /// A proof generated by the Plonk proof mode. Plonk(PlonkBn254Proof), + /// A proof generated by the Groth16 proof mode. Groth16(Groth16Bn254Proof), } -/// A proof generated with SP1, bundled together with stdin, public values, and the SP1 version. +/// A proof generated by the SP1 RISC-V zkVM bundled together with the public values and the +/// version. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct SP1ProofWithPublicValues { + /// The raw proof generated by the SP1 RISC-V zkVM. pub proof: SP1Proof, - pub stdin: SP1Stdin, + /// The public values generated by the SP1 RISC-V zkVM. pub public_values: SP1PublicValues, + /// The version of the SP1 RISC-V zkVM (not necessary but useful for detecting version + /// mismatches). pub sp1_version: String, } @@ -44,48 +66,217 @@ impl SP1ProofWithPublicValues { .map_err(Into::into) } - /// Returns the raw proof as a string. - pub fn raw(&self) -> String { - match &self.proof { - SP1Proof::Plonk(plonk) => plonk.raw_proof.clone(), - SP1Proof::Groth16(groth16) => groth16.raw_proof.clone(), - _ => unimplemented!(), - } - } - - /// For Plonk or Groth16 proofs, returns the proof in a byte encoding the onchain verifier - /// accepts. The bytes consist of the first four bytes of Plonk vkey hash followed by the - /// encoded proof. + /// The proof in the byte encoding the onchain verifiers accepts for [`SP1ProofMode::Groth16`] and + /// [`SP1ProofMode::Plonk`] proofs. + /// + /// # Details + /// The bytes consist of the first four bytes of Groth16/Plonk vkey hash followed by the encoded + /// proof, in a form optimized for onchain verification. + #[must_use] pub fn bytes(&self) -> Vec { match &self.proof { SP1Proof::Plonk(plonk_proof) => { + // If the proof is empty, then this is a mock proof. The mock SP1 verifier + // expects an empty byte array for verification, so return an empty byte array. if plonk_proof.encoded_proof.is_empty() { - // If the proof is empty, then we are working with a mock proof. - // The mock SP1 verifier expects an empty byte array for verification, - // so we return empty bytes for compatibility with the mock verifier. return Vec::new(); } - let mut bytes = Vec::with_capacity(4 + plonk_proof.encoded_proof.len()); - bytes.extend_from_slice(&plonk_proof.plonk_vkey_hash[..4]); - bytes.extend_from_slice( - &hex::decode(&plonk_proof.encoded_proof).expect("Invalid Plonk proof"), - ); - bytes + let proof_bytes = + hex::decode(&plonk_proof.encoded_proof).expect("Invalid Plonk proof"); + [plonk_proof.plonk_vkey_hash[..4].to_vec(), proof_bytes].concat() } SP1Proof::Groth16(groth16_proof) => { - let mut bytes = Vec::with_capacity(4 + groth16_proof.encoded_proof.len()); - bytes.extend_from_slice(&groth16_proof.groth16_vkey_hash[..4]); - bytes.extend_from_slice( - &hex::decode(&groth16_proof.encoded_proof).expect("Invalid Groth16 proof"), - ); - bytes + // If the proof is empty, then this is a mock proof. The mock SP1 verifier + // expects an empty byte array for verification, so return an empty byte array. + if groth16_proof.encoded_proof.is_empty() { + return Vec::new(); + } + + let proof_bytes = + hex::decode(&groth16_proof.encoded_proof).expect("Invalid Groth16 proof"); + [groth16_proof.groth16_vkey_hash[..4].to_vec(), proof_bytes].concat() + } + proof => panic!( + "Proof type {:?} is not supported for onchain verification. \ + Only Plonk and Groth16 proofs are verifiable onchain", + std::mem::discriminant(proof) + ), + } + } + + /// Creates a mock proof for the specified proof mode from the public values. + /// + /// # Example + /// ```rust,no_run + /// use sp1_sdk::{ProverClient, SP1Stdin, SP1ProofMode, Prover, SP1ProofWithPublicValues, SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION}; + /// + /// let elf = &[1, 2, 3]; + /// let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + /// + /// let client = ProverClient::builder().cpu().build(); + /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(elf); + /// let (public_values, _) = client.execute(&pk.elf, &stdin).run().unwrap(); + /// + /// // Create a mock Plonk proof. + /// let mock_proof = SP1ProofWithPublicValues::create_mock_proof(&pk, public_values, SP1ProofMode::Plonk, SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION); + /// ``` + #[must_use] + pub fn create_mock_proof( + pk: &SP1ProvingKey, + public_values: SP1PublicValues, + mode: SP1ProofMode, + sp1_version: &str, + ) -> Self { + let sp1_version = sp1_version.to_string(); + match mode { + SP1ProofMode::Core => SP1ProofWithPublicValues { + proof: SP1Proof::Core(vec![]), + public_values, + sp1_version, + }, + SP1ProofMode::Compressed => { + let shard_proof = ShardProof { + commitment: ShardCommitment { + main_commit: [BabyBear::zero(); 8].into(), + permutation_commit: [BabyBear::zero(); 8].into(), + quotient_commit: [BabyBear::zero(); 8].into(), + }, + opened_values: ShardOpenedValues { chips: vec![] }, + opening_proof: TwoAdicFriPcsProof { + fri_proof: FriProof { + commit_phase_commits: vec![], + query_proofs: vec![], + final_poly: BinomialExtensionField::default(), + pow_witness: BabyBear::zero(), + }, + query_openings: vec![], + }, + chip_ordering: HashMap::new(), + public_values: vec![], + }; + + let reduce_vk = StarkVerifyingKey { + commit: [BabyBear::zero(); 8].into(), + pc_start: BabyBear::zero(), + chip_information: vec![], + chip_ordering: HashMap::new(), + initial_global_cumulative_sum: SepticDigest::zero(), + }; + + let proof = SP1Proof::Compressed(Box::new(SP1ReduceProof { + vk: reduce_vk, + proof: shard_proof, + })); + + SP1ProofWithPublicValues { proof, public_values, sp1_version } } - _ => unimplemented!("only Plonk and Groth16 proofs are verifiable onchain"), + SP1ProofMode::Plonk => SP1ProofWithPublicValues { + proof: SP1Proof::Plonk(PlonkBn254Proof { + public_inputs: [ + pk.vk.hash_bn254().as_canonical_biguint().to_string(), + public_values.hash_bn254().to_string(), + ], + encoded_proof: String::new(), + raw_proof: String::new(), + plonk_vkey_hash: [0; 32], + }), + public_values, + sp1_version, + }, + SP1ProofMode::Groth16 => SP1ProofWithPublicValues { + proof: SP1Proof::Groth16(Groth16Bn254Proof { + public_inputs: [ + pk.vk.hash_bn254().as_canonical_biguint().to_string(), + public_values.hash_bn254().to_string(), + ], + encoded_proof: String::new(), + raw_proof: String::new(), + groth16_vkey_hash: [0; 32], + }), + public_values, + sp1_version, + }, } } } -pub type SP1CoreProofVerificationError = MachineVerificationError; +#[cfg(test)] +mod tests { + use super::*; + + #[test] + fn test_plonk_proof_bytes() { + let plonk_proof = SP1ProofWithPublicValues { + proof: SP1Proof::Plonk(PlonkBn254Proof { + encoded_proof: "ab".to_string(), + plonk_vkey_hash: [0; 32], + public_inputs: [String::new(), String::new()], + raw_proof: String::new(), + }), + public_values: SP1PublicValues::new(), + sp1_version: String::new(), + }; + let expected_bytes = [vec![0, 0, 0, 0], hex::decode("ab").unwrap()].concat(); + assert_eq!(plonk_proof.bytes(), expected_bytes); + } + + #[test] + fn test_groth16_proof_bytes() { + let groth16_proof = SP1ProofWithPublicValues { + proof: SP1Proof::Groth16(Groth16Bn254Proof { + encoded_proof: "ab".to_string(), + groth16_vkey_hash: [0; 32], + public_inputs: [String::new(), String::new()], + raw_proof: String::new(), + }), + public_values: SP1PublicValues::new(), + sp1_version: String::new(), + }; + let expected_bytes = [vec![0, 0, 0, 0], hex::decode("ab").unwrap()].concat(); + assert_eq!(groth16_proof.bytes(), expected_bytes); + } -pub type SP1CompressedProofVerificationError = MachineVerificationError; + #[test] + fn test_mock_plonk_proof_bytes() { + let mock_plonk_proof = SP1ProofWithPublicValues { + proof: SP1Proof::Plonk(PlonkBn254Proof { + encoded_proof: String::new(), + plonk_vkey_hash: [0; 32], + public_inputs: [String::new(), String::new()], + raw_proof: String::new(), + }), + public_values: SP1PublicValues::new(), + sp1_version: String::new(), + }; + assert_eq!(mock_plonk_proof.bytes(), Vec::::new()); + } + + #[test] + fn test_mock_groth16_proof_bytes() { + let mock_groth16_proof = SP1ProofWithPublicValues { + proof: SP1Proof::Groth16(Groth16Bn254Proof { + encoded_proof: String::new(), + groth16_vkey_hash: [0; 32], + public_inputs: [String::new(), String::new()], + raw_proof: String::new(), + }), + public_values: SP1PublicValues::new(), + sp1_version: String::new(), + }; + assert_eq!(mock_groth16_proof.bytes(), Vec::::new()); + } + + #[test] + #[should_panic( + expected = "Proof type Discriminant(0) is not supported for onchain verification. Only Plonk and Groth16 proofs are verifiable onchain" + )] + fn test_core_proof_bytes_unimplemented() { + let core_proof = SP1ProofWithPublicValues { + proof: SP1Proof::Core(vec![]), + public_values: SP1PublicValues::new(), + sp1_version: String::new(), + }; + println!("{:?}", core_proof.bytes()); + } +} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/prover.rs b/crates/sdk/src/prover.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6e9deff2d --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/sdk/src/prover.rs @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +//! # SP1 Prover Trait +//! +//! A trait that each prover variant must implement. + +use std::borrow::Borrow; + +use anyhow::Result; +use itertools::Itertools; +use p3_field::PrimeField32; +use sp1_core_executor::{ExecutionReport, SP1Context}; +use sp1_core_machine::io::SP1Stdin; +use sp1_primitives::io::SP1PublicValues; +use sp1_prover::{ + components::SP1ProverComponents, CoreSC, InnerSC, SP1CoreProofData, SP1Prover, SP1ProvingKey, + SP1VerifyingKey, SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION, +}; +use sp1_stark::{air::PublicValues, MachineVerificationError, Word}; +use thiserror::Error; + +use crate::install::try_install_circuit_artifacts; +use crate::{SP1Proof, SP1ProofMode, SP1ProofWithPublicValues}; + +/// A basic set of primitives that each prover variant must implement. +pub trait Prover: Send + Sync { + /// The inner [`SP1Prover`] struct used by the prover. + fn inner(&self) -> &SP1Prover; + + /// The version of the current SP1 circuit. + fn version(&self) -> &str { + SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION + } + + /// Generate the proving and verifying keys for the given program. + fn setup(&self, elf: &[u8]) -> (SP1ProvingKey, SP1VerifyingKey); + + /// Executes the program on the given input. + fn execute(&self, elf: &[u8], stdin: &SP1Stdin) -> Result<(SP1PublicValues, ExecutionReport)> { + Ok(self.inner().execute(elf, stdin, SP1Context::default())?) + } + + /// Proves the given program on the given input in the given proof mode. + fn prove( + &self, + pk: &SP1ProvingKey, + stdin: &SP1Stdin, + mode: SP1ProofMode, + ) -> Result; + + /// Verify that an SP1 proof is valid given its vkey and metadata. + /// For Plonk proofs, verifies that the public inputs of the `PlonkBn254` proof match + /// the hash of the VK and the committed public values of the `SP1ProofWithPublicValues`. + fn verify( + &self, + bundle: &SP1ProofWithPublicValues, + vkey: &SP1VerifyingKey, + ) -> Result<(), SP1VerificationError> { + verify_proof(self.inner(), self.version(), bundle, vkey) + } +} + +/// An error that occurs when calling [`Prover::verify`]. +#[derive(Error, Debug)] +pub enum SP1VerificationError { + /// An error that occurs when the public values are invalid. + #[error("Invalid public values")] + InvalidPublicValues, + /// An error that occurs when the SP1 version does not match the version of the circuit. + #[error("Version mismatch")] + VersionMismatch(String), + /// An error that occurs when the core machine verification fails. + #[error("Core machine verification error: {0}")] + Core(MachineVerificationError), + /// An error that occurs when the recursion verification fails. + #[error("Recursion verification error: {0}")] + Recursion(MachineVerificationError), + /// An error that occurs when the Plonk verification fails. + #[error("Plonk verification error: {0}")] + Plonk(anyhow::Error), + /// An error that occurs when the Groth16 verification fails. + #[error("Groth16 verification error: {0}")] + Groth16(anyhow::Error), +} + +pub(crate) fn verify_proof( + prover: &SP1Prover, + version: &str, + bundle: &SP1ProofWithPublicValues, + vkey: &SP1VerifyingKey, +) -> Result<(), SP1VerificationError> { + // Check that the SP1 version matches the version of the currentcircuit. + if bundle.sp1_version != version { + return Err(SP1VerificationError::VersionMismatch(bundle.sp1_version.clone())); + } + + match &bundle.proof { + SP1Proof::Core(proof) => { + let public_values: &PublicValues, _> = + proof.last().unwrap().public_values.as_slice().borrow(); + + // Get the committed value digest bytes. + let committed_value_digest_bytes = public_values + .committed_value_digest + .iter() + .flat_map(|w| w.0.iter().map(|x| x.as_canonical_u32() as u8)) + .collect_vec(); + + // Make sure the committed value digest matches the public values hash. + for (a, b) in committed_value_digest_bytes.iter().zip_eq(bundle.public_values.hash()) { + if *a != b { + return Err(SP1VerificationError::InvalidPublicValues); + } + } + + // Verify the core proof. + prover + .verify(&SP1CoreProofData(proof.clone()), vkey) + .map_err(SP1VerificationError::Core) + } + SP1Proof::Compressed(proof) => { + let public_values: &PublicValues, _> = + proof.proof.public_values.as_slice().borrow(); + + // Get the committed value digest bytes. + let committed_value_digest_bytes = public_values + .committed_value_digest + .iter() + .flat_map(|w| w.0.iter().map(|x| x.as_canonical_u32() as u8)) + .collect_vec(); + + // Make sure the committed value digest matches the public values hash. + for (a, b) in committed_value_digest_bytes.iter().zip_eq(bundle.public_values.hash()) { + if *a != b { + return Err(SP1VerificationError::InvalidPublicValues); + } + } + + prover.verify_compressed(proof, vkey).map_err(SP1VerificationError::Recursion) + } + SP1Proof::Plonk(proof) => prover + .verify_plonk_bn254( + proof, + vkey, + &bundle.public_values, + &if sp1_prover::build::sp1_dev_mode() { + sp1_prover::build::plonk_bn254_artifacts_dev_dir() + } else { + try_install_circuit_artifacts("plonk") + }, + ) + .map_err(SP1VerificationError::Plonk), + SP1Proof::Groth16(proof) => prover + .verify_groth16_bn254( + proof, + vkey, + &bundle.public_values, + &if sp1_prover::build::sp1_dev_mode() { + sp1_prover::build::groth16_bn254_artifacts_dev_dir() + } else { + try_install_circuit_artifacts("groth16") + }, + ) + .map_err(SP1VerificationError::Groth16), + } +} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/provers/cpu.rs b/crates/sdk/src/provers/cpu.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 234e66390..000000000 --- a/crates/sdk/src/provers/cpu.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,131 +0,0 @@ -use anyhow::Result; -use sp1_core_executor::SP1Context; -use sp1_core_machine::io::SP1Stdin; -use sp1_prover::{components::DefaultProverComponents, SP1Prover}; - -use crate::install::try_install_circuit_artifacts; -use crate::{ - provers::ProofOpts, Prover, SP1Proof, SP1ProofKind, SP1ProofWithPublicValues, SP1ProvingKey, - SP1VerifyingKey, -}; - -use super::ProverType; - -/// An implementation of [crate::ProverClient] that can generate end-to-end proofs locally. -pub struct CpuProver { - prover: SP1Prover, -} - -impl CpuProver { - /// Creates a new [LocalProver]. - pub fn new() -> Self { - let prover = SP1Prover::new(); - Self { prover } - } - - /// Creates a new [LocalProver] from an existing [SP1Prover]. - pub fn from_prover(prover: SP1Prover) -> Self { - Self { prover } - } -} - -impl Prover for CpuProver { - fn id(&self) -> ProverType { - ProverType::Cpu - } - - fn setup(&self, elf: &[u8]) -> (SP1ProvingKey, SP1VerifyingKey) { - self.prover.setup(elf) - } - - fn sp1_prover(&self) -> &SP1Prover { - &self.prover - } - - fn prove<'a>( - &'a self, - pk: &SP1ProvingKey, - stdin: SP1Stdin, - opts: ProofOpts, - context: SP1Context<'a>, - kind: SP1ProofKind, - ) -> Result { - // Generate the core proof. - let proof: sp1_prover::SP1ProofWithMetadata = - self.prover.prove_core(pk, &stdin, opts.sp1_prover_opts, context)?; - if kind == SP1ProofKind::Core { - return Ok(SP1ProofWithPublicValues { - proof: SP1Proof::Core(proof.proof.0), - stdin: proof.stdin, - public_values: proof.public_values, - sp1_version: self.version().to_string(), - }); - } - - let deferred_proofs = - stdin.proofs.iter().map(|(reduce_proof, _)| reduce_proof.clone()).collect(); - let public_values = proof.public_values.clone(); - - // Generate the compressed proof. - let reduce_proof = - self.prover.compress(&pk.vk, proof, deferred_proofs, opts.sp1_prover_opts)?; - if kind == SP1ProofKind::Compressed { - return Ok(SP1ProofWithPublicValues { - proof: SP1Proof::Compressed(Box::new(reduce_proof)), - stdin, - public_values, - sp1_version: self.version().to_string(), - }); - } - - // Generate the shrink proof. - let compress_proof = self.prover.shrink(reduce_proof, opts.sp1_prover_opts)?; - - // Genenerate the wrap proof. - let outer_proof = self.prover.wrap_bn254(compress_proof, opts.sp1_prover_opts)?; - - if kind == SP1ProofKind::Plonk { - let plonk_bn254_artifacts = if sp1_prover::build::sp1_dev_mode() { - sp1_prover::build::try_build_plonk_bn254_artifacts_dev( - &outer_proof.vk, - &outer_proof.proof, - ) - } else { - try_install_circuit_artifacts("plonk") - }; - let proof = self.prover.wrap_plonk_bn254(outer_proof, &plonk_bn254_artifacts); - - return Ok(SP1ProofWithPublicValues { - proof: SP1Proof::Plonk(proof), - stdin, - public_values, - sp1_version: self.version().to_string(), - }); - } else if kind == SP1ProofKind::Groth16 { - let groth16_bn254_artifacts = if sp1_prover::build::sp1_dev_mode() { - sp1_prover::build::try_build_groth16_bn254_artifacts_dev( - &outer_proof.vk, - &outer_proof.proof, - ) - } else { - try_install_circuit_artifacts("groth16") - }; - - let proof = self.prover.wrap_groth16_bn254(outer_proof, &groth16_bn254_artifacts); - return Ok(SP1ProofWithPublicValues { - proof: SP1Proof::Groth16(proof), - stdin, - public_values, - sp1_version: self.version().to_string(), - }); - } - - unreachable!() - } -} - -impl Default for CpuProver { - fn default() -> Self { - Self::new() - } -} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/provers/cuda.rs b/crates/sdk/src/provers/cuda.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 5f8ab983a..000000000 --- a/crates/sdk/src/provers/cuda.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,125 +0,0 @@ -use anyhow::Result; -use sp1_core_machine::io::SP1Stdin; -use sp1_cuda::SP1CudaProver; -use sp1_prover::{components::DefaultProverComponents, SP1Prover}; - -use super::ProverType; -use crate::install::try_install_circuit_artifacts; -use crate::{ - provers::ProofOpts, Prover, SP1Context, SP1Proof, SP1ProofKind, SP1ProofWithPublicValues, - SP1ProvingKey, SP1VerifyingKey, -}; - -/// An implementation of [crate::ProverClient] that can generate proofs locally using CUDA. -pub struct CudaProver { - prover: SP1Prover, - cuda_prover: SP1CudaProver, -} - -impl CudaProver { - /// Creates a new [CudaProver]. - pub fn new(prover: SP1Prover) -> Self { - let cuda_prover = SP1CudaProver::new(); - Self { prover, cuda_prover: cuda_prover.expect("Failed to initialize CUDA prover") } - } -} - -impl Prover for CudaProver { - fn id(&self) -> ProverType { - ProverType::Cuda - } - - fn setup(&self, elf: &[u8]) -> (SP1ProvingKey, SP1VerifyingKey) { - self.prover.setup(elf) - } - - fn sp1_prover(&self) -> &SP1Prover { - &self.prover - } - - fn prove<'a>( - &'a self, - pk: &SP1ProvingKey, - stdin: SP1Stdin, - _opts: ProofOpts, - _context: SP1Context<'a>, - kind: SP1ProofKind, - ) -> Result { - tracing::warn!("opts and context are ignored for the cuda prover"); - - // Generate the core proof. - let proof = self.cuda_prover.prove_core(pk, &stdin)?; - if kind == SP1ProofKind::Core { - return Ok(SP1ProofWithPublicValues { - proof: SP1Proof::Core(proof.proof.0), - stdin: proof.stdin, - public_values: proof.public_values, - sp1_version: self.version().to_string(), - }); - } - - let deferred_proofs = - stdin.proofs.iter().map(|(reduce_proof, _)| reduce_proof.clone()).collect(); - let public_values = proof.public_values.clone(); - - // Generate the compressed proof. - let reduce_proof = self.cuda_prover.compress(&pk.vk, proof, deferred_proofs)?; - if kind == SP1ProofKind::Compressed { - return Ok(SP1ProofWithPublicValues { - proof: SP1Proof::Compressed(Box::new(reduce_proof)), - stdin, - public_values, - sp1_version: self.version().to_string(), - }); - } - - // Generate the shrink proof. - let compress_proof = self.cuda_prover.shrink(reduce_proof)?; - - // Genenerate the wrap proof. - let outer_proof = self.cuda_prover.wrap_bn254(compress_proof)?; - - if kind == SP1ProofKind::Plonk { - let plonk_bn254_artifacts = if sp1_prover::build::sp1_dev_mode() { - sp1_prover::build::try_build_plonk_bn254_artifacts_dev( - &outer_proof.vk, - &outer_proof.proof, - ) - } else { - try_install_circuit_artifacts("plonk") - }; - let proof = self.prover.wrap_plonk_bn254(outer_proof, &plonk_bn254_artifacts); - return Ok(SP1ProofWithPublicValues { - proof: SP1Proof::Plonk(proof), - stdin, - public_values, - sp1_version: self.version().to_string(), - }); - } else if kind == SP1ProofKind::Groth16 { - let groth16_bn254_artifacts = if sp1_prover::build::sp1_dev_mode() { - sp1_prover::build::try_build_groth16_bn254_artifacts_dev( - &outer_proof.vk, - &outer_proof.proof, - ) - } else { - try_install_circuit_artifacts("groth16") - }; - - let proof = self.prover.wrap_groth16_bn254(outer_proof, &groth16_bn254_artifacts); - return Ok(SP1ProofWithPublicValues { - proof: SP1Proof::Groth16(proof), - stdin, - public_values, - sp1_version: self.version().to_string(), - }); - } - - unreachable!() - } -} - -impl Default for CudaProver { - fn default() -> Self { - Self::new(SP1Prover::new()) - } -} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/provers/mock.rs b/crates/sdk/src/provers/mock.rs deleted file mode 100644 index ca317972a..000000000 --- a/crates/sdk/src/provers/mock.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,170 +0,0 @@ -#![allow(unused_variables)] -use hashbrown::HashMap; -use sp1_core_executor::{SP1Context, SP1ReduceProof}; -use sp1_core_machine::io::SP1Stdin; -use sp1_stark::{ShardCommitment, ShardOpenedValues, ShardProof, StarkVerifyingKey}; - -use crate::{ - Prover, SP1Proof, SP1ProofKind, SP1ProofWithPublicValues, SP1ProvingKey, SP1VerificationError, - SP1VerifyingKey, -}; -use anyhow::Result; -use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; -use p3_field::{AbstractField, PrimeField}; -use p3_fri::{FriProof, TwoAdicFriPcsProof}; -use sp1_prover::{ - components::DefaultProverComponents, - verify::{verify_groth16_bn254_public_inputs, verify_plonk_bn254_public_inputs}, - Groth16Bn254Proof, HashableKey, PlonkBn254Proof, SP1Prover, -}; - -use super::{ProofOpts, ProverType}; - -/// An implementation of [crate::ProverClient] that can generate mock proofs. -pub struct MockProver { - pub(crate) prover: SP1Prover, -} - -impl MockProver { - /// Creates a new [MockProver]. - pub fn new() -> Self { - let prover = SP1Prover::new(); - Self { prover } - } -} - -impl Prover for MockProver { - fn id(&self) -> ProverType { - ProverType::Mock - } - - fn setup(&self, elf: &[u8]) -> (SP1ProvingKey, SP1VerifyingKey) { - self.prover.setup(elf) - } - - fn sp1_prover(&self) -> &SP1Prover { - &self.prover - } - - fn prove<'a>( - &'a self, - pk: &SP1ProvingKey, - stdin: SP1Stdin, - opts: ProofOpts, - context: SP1Context<'a>, - kind: SP1ProofKind, - ) -> Result { - match kind { - SP1ProofKind::Core => { - let (public_values, _) = self.prover.execute(&pk.elf, &stdin, context)?; - Ok(SP1ProofWithPublicValues { - proof: SP1Proof::Core(vec![]), - stdin, - public_values, - sp1_version: self.version().to_string(), - }) - } - SP1ProofKind::Compressed => { - let (public_values, _) = self.prover.execute(&pk.elf, &stdin, context)?; - - let shard_proof = ShardProof { - commitment: ShardCommitment { - global_main_commit: [BabyBear::zero(); 8].into(), - local_main_commit: [BabyBear::zero(); 8].into(), - permutation_commit: [BabyBear::zero(); 8].into(), - quotient_commit: [BabyBear::zero(); 8].into(), - }, - opened_values: ShardOpenedValues { chips: vec![] }, - opening_proof: TwoAdicFriPcsProof { - fri_proof: FriProof { - commit_phase_commits: vec![], - query_proofs: vec![], - final_poly: Default::default(), - pow_witness: BabyBear::zero(), - }, - query_openings: vec![], - }, - chip_ordering: HashMap::new(), - public_values: vec![], - }; - - let reduce_vk = StarkVerifyingKey { - commit: [BabyBear::zero(); 8].into(), - pc_start: BabyBear::zero(), - chip_information: vec![], - chip_ordering: HashMap::new(), - }; - - let proof = SP1Proof::Compressed(Box::new(SP1ReduceProof { - vk: reduce_vk, - proof: shard_proof, - })); - - Ok(SP1ProofWithPublicValues { - proof, - stdin, - public_values, - sp1_version: self.version().to_string(), - }) - } - SP1ProofKind::Plonk => { - let (public_values, _) = self.prover.execute(&pk.elf, &stdin, context)?; - Ok(SP1ProofWithPublicValues { - proof: SP1Proof::Plonk(PlonkBn254Proof { - public_inputs: [ - pk.vk.hash_bn254().as_canonical_biguint().to_string(), - public_values.hash_bn254().to_string(), - ], - encoded_proof: "".to_string(), - raw_proof: "".to_string(), - plonk_vkey_hash: [0; 32], - }), - stdin, - public_values, - sp1_version: self.version().to_string(), - }) - } - SP1ProofKind::Groth16 => { - let (public_values, _) = self.prover.execute(&pk.elf, &stdin, context)?; - Ok(SP1ProofWithPublicValues { - proof: SP1Proof::Groth16(Groth16Bn254Proof { - public_inputs: [ - pk.vk.hash_bn254().as_canonical_biguint().to_string(), - public_values.hash_bn254().to_string(), - ], - encoded_proof: "".to_string(), - raw_proof: "".to_string(), - groth16_vkey_hash: [0; 32], - }), - stdin, - public_values, - sp1_version: self.version().to_string(), - }) - } - } - } - - fn verify( - &self, - bundle: &SP1ProofWithPublicValues, - vkey: &SP1VerifyingKey, - ) -> Result<(), SP1VerificationError> { - match &bundle.proof { - SP1Proof::Plonk(PlonkBn254Proof { public_inputs, .. }) => { - verify_plonk_bn254_public_inputs(vkey, &bundle.public_values, public_inputs) - .map_err(SP1VerificationError::Plonk) - } - SP1Proof::Groth16(Groth16Bn254Proof { public_inputs, .. }) => { - verify_groth16_bn254_public_inputs(vkey, &bundle.public_values, public_inputs) - .map_err(SP1VerificationError::Groth16) - } - _ => Ok(()), - } - } -} - -impl Default for MockProver { - fn default() -> Self { - Self::new() - } -} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/provers/mod.rs b/crates/sdk/src/provers/mod.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 1db5309fa..000000000 --- a/crates/sdk/src/provers/mod.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,175 +0,0 @@ -mod cpu; -#[cfg(feature = "cuda")] -mod cuda; -mod mock; - -pub use cpu::CpuProver; -#[cfg(feature = "cuda")] -pub use cuda::CudaProver; -pub use mock::MockProver; - -use itertools::Itertools; -use p3_field::PrimeField32; -use std::borrow::Borrow; -use std::time::Duration; - -use anyhow::Result; -use sp1_core_executor::SP1Context; -use sp1_core_machine::{io::SP1Stdin, SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION}; -use sp1_prover::{ - components::SP1ProverComponents, CoreSC, InnerSC, SP1CoreProofData, SP1Prover, SP1ProvingKey, - SP1VerifyingKey, -}; -use sp1_stark::{air::PublicValues, MachineVerificationError, SP1ProverOpts, Word}; -use strum_macros::EnumString; -use thiserror::Error; - -use crate::install::try_install_circuit_artifacts; -use crate::{SP1Proof, SP1ProofKind, SP1ProofWithPublicValues}; - -/// The type of prover. -#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, EnumString)] -pub enum ProverType { - Cpu, - Cuda, - Mock, - Network, -} - -/// Options to configure proof generation. -#[derive(Clone, Default)] -pub struct ProofOpts { - /// Options to configure the SP1 prover. - pub sp1_prover_opts: SP1ProverOpts, - /// Optional timeout duration for proof generation. - pub timeout: Option, -} - -#[derive(Error, Debug)] -pub enum SP1VerificationError { - #[error("Invalid public values")] - InvalidPublicValues, - #[error("Version mismatch")] - VersionMismatch(String), - #[error("Core machine verification error: {0}")] - Core(MachineVerificationError), - #[error("Recursion verification error: {0}")] - Recursion(MachineVerificationError), - #[error("Plonk verification error: {0}")] - Plonk(anyhow::Error), - #[error("Groth16 verification error: {0}")] - Groth16(anyhow::Error), -} - -/// An implementation of [crate::ProverClient]. -pub trait Prover: Send + Sync { - fn id(&self) -> ProverType; - - fn sp1_prover(&self) -> &SP1Prover; - - fn version(&self) -> &str { - SP1_CIRCUIT_VERSION - } - - fn setup(&self, elf: &[u8]) -> (SP1ProvingKey, SP1VerifyingKey); - - /// Prove the execution of a RISCV ELF with the given inputs, according to the given proof mode. - fn prove<'a>( - &'a self, - pk: &SP1ProvingKey, - stdin: SP1Stdin, - opts: ProofOpts, - context: SP1Context<'a>, - kind: SP1ProofKind, - ) -> Result; - - /// Verify that an SP1 proof is valid given its vkey and metadata. - /// For Plonk proofs, verifies that the public inputs of the PlonkBn254 proof match - /// the hash of the VK and the committed public values of the SP1ProofWithPublicValues. - fn verify( - &self, - bundle: &SP1ProofWithPublicValues, - vkey: &SP1VerifyingKey, - ) -> Result<(), SP1VerificationError> { - if bundle.sp1_version != self.version() { - return Err(SP1VerificationError::VersionMismatch(bundle.sp1_version.clone())); - } - match &bundle.proof { - SP1Proof::Core(proof) => { - let public_values: &PublicValues, _> = - proof.last().unwrap().public_values.as_slice().borrow(); - - // Get the committed value digest bytes. - let committed_value_digest_bytes = public_values - .committed_value_digest - .iter() - .flat_map(|w| w.0.iter().map(|x| x.as_canonical_u32() as u8)) - .collect_vec(); - - // Make sure the committed value digest matches the public values hash. - for (a, b) in - committed_value_digest_bytes.iter().zip_eq(bundle.public_values.hash()) - { - if *a != b { - return Err(SP1VerificationError::InvalidPublicValues); - } - } - - // Verify the core proof. - self.sp1_prover() - .verify(&SP1CoreProofData(proof.clone()), vkey) - .map_err(SP1VerificationError::Core) - } - SP1Proof::Compressed(proof) => { - let public_values: &PublicValues, _> = - proof.proof.public_values.as_slice().borrow(); - - // Get the committed value digest bytes. - let committed_value_digest_bytes = public_values - .committed_value_digest - .iter() - .flat_map(|w| w.0.iter().map(|x| x.as_canonical_u32() as u8)) - .collect_vec(); - - // Make sure the committed value digest matches the public values hash. - for (a, b) in - committed_value_digest_bytes.iter().zip_eq(bundle.public_values.hash()) - { - if *a != b { - return Err(SP1VerificationError::InvalidPublicValues); - } - } - - self.sp1_prover() - .verify_compressed(proof, vkey) - .map_err(SP1VerificationError::Recursion) - } - SP1Proof::Plonk(proof) => self - .sp1_prover() - .verify_plonk_bn254( - proof, - vkey, - &bundle.public_values, - &if sp1_prover::build::sp1_dev_mode() { - sp1_prover::build::plonk_bn254_artifacts_dev_dir() - } else { - try_install_circuit_artifacts("plonk") - }, - ) - .map_err(SP1VerificationError::Plonk), - SP1Proof::Groth16(proof) => self - .sp1_prover() - .verify_groth16_bn254( - proof, - vkey, - &bundle.public_values, - &if sp1_prover::build::sp1_dev_mode() { - sp1_prover::build::groth16_bn254_artifacts_dev_dir() - } else { - try_install_circuit_artifacts("groth16") - }, - ) - .map_err(SP1VerificationError::Groth16), - } - } -} diff --git a/crates/sdk/src/utils.rs b/crates/sdk/src/utils.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..42ae861db --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/sdk/src/utils.rs @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +//! # SP1 SDK Utilities +//! +//! A collection of utilities for the SP1 SDK. + +use sp1_core_machine::io::SP1Stdin; +pub use sp1_core_machine::utils::setup_logger; + +/// Dump the program and stdin to files for debugging if `SP1_DUMP` is set. +pub(crate) fn sp1_dump(elf: &[u8], stdin: &SP1Stdin) { + if std::env::var("SP1_DUMP").map(|v| v == "1" || v.to_lowercase() == "true").unwrap_or(false) { + std::fs::write("program.bin", elf).unwrap(); + let stdin = bincode::serialize(&stdin).unwrap(); + std::fs::write("stdin.bin", stdin.clone()).unwrap(); + + println!("Dumped program.bin and stdin.bin."); + // Exit with the success status. + std::process::exit(0); + } +} + +/// Utility method for blocking on an async function. +/// +/// If we're already in a tokio runtime, we'll block in place. Otherwise, we'll create a new +/// runtime. +#[cfg(feature = "network")] +pub(crate) fn block_on(fut: impl std::future::Future) -> T { + use tokio::task::block_in_place; + + // Handle case if we're already in an tokio runtime. + if let Ok(handle) = tokio::runtime::Handle::try_current() { + block_in_place(|| handle.block_on(fut)) + } else { + // Otherwise create a new runtime. + let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().expect("Failed to create a new runtime"); + rt.block_on(fut) + } +} diff --git a/crates/stark/Cargo.toml b/crates/stark/Cargo.toml index 6865e1f7d..b8f47c0b2 100644 --- a/crates/stark/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/stark/Cargo.toml @@ -31,18 +31,18 @@ p3-symmetric = { workspace = true } p3-poseidon2 = { workspace = true } # misc -serde = { version = "1.0.207", features = ["derive"] } +serde = { workspace = true, features = ["derive"] } hashbrown = { version = "0.14.5", features = ["serde", "inline-more"] } -itertools = "0.13.0" -tracing = "0.1.40" +itertools = { workspace = true } +tracing = { workspace = true } rayon-scan = "0.1.1" arrayref = "0.3.8" +num-bigint = { version = "0.4.3", default-features = false } + strum = "0.26.3" strum_macros = "0.26.4" -getrandom = { version = "0.2.15", features = ["custom"] } sysinfo = "0.30.13" num-traits = "0.2.19" -thiserror = "1.0.64" [dev-dependencies] sp1-zkvm = { workspace = true } diff --git a/crates/stark/src/air/builder.rs b/crates/stark/src/air/builder.rs index c64f1677c..bd7444966 100644 --- a/crates/stark/src/air/builder.rs +++ b/crates/stark/src/air/builder.rs @@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use strum_macros::{Display, EnumIter}; use super::{interaction::AirInteraction, BinomialExtension}; -use crate::{lookup::InteractionKind, Word}; +use crate::{ + lookup::InteractionKind, septic_digest::SepticDigest, septic_extension::SepticExtension, Word, +}; /// The scope of an interaction. #[derive( @@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ pub trait BaseAirBuilder: AirBuilder + MessageBuilder let mut result = Self::Expr::zero(); for (value, i) in array.iter().zip_eq(index_bitmap) { - result += value.clone().into() * i.clone().into(); + result = result.clone() + value.clone().into() * i.clone().into(); } result @@ -175,56 +177,88 @@ pub trait ByteAirBuilder: BaseAirBuilder { } } -/// A trait which contains methods related to ALU interactions in an AIR. -pub trait AluAirBuilder: BaseAirBuilder { - /// Sends an ALU operation to be processed. +/// A trait which contains methods related to RISC-V instruction interactions in an AIR. +pub trait InstructionAirBuilder: BaseAirBuilder { + /// Sends a RISC-V instruction to be processed. #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] - fn send_alu( + fn send_instruction( &mut self, + shard: impl Into + Clone, + clk: impl Into + Clone, + pc: impl Into, + next_pc: impl Into, + num_extra_cycles: impl Into, opcode: impl Into, a: Word>, b: Word>, c: Word>, - shard: impl Into, - nonce: impl Into, + op_a_0: impl Into, + op_a_immutable: impl Into, + is_memory: impl Into, + is_syscall: impl Into, + is_halt: impl Into, multiplicity: impl Into, ) { - let values = once(opcode.into()) + let values = once(shard.into()) + .chain(once(clk.into())) + .chain(once(pc.into())) + .chain(once(next_pc.into())) + .chain(once(num_extra_cycles.into())) + .chain(once(opcode.into())) .chain(a.0.into_iter().map(Into::into)) .chain(b.0.into_iter().map(Into::into)) .chain(c.0.into_iter().map(Into::into)) - .chain(once(shard.into())) - .chain(once(nonce.into())) + .chain(once(op_a_0.into())) + .chain(once(op_a_immutable.into())) + .chain(once(is_memory.into())) + .chain(once(is_syscall.into())) + .chain(once(is_halt.into())) .collect(); self.send( - AirInteraction::new(values, multiplicity.into(), InteractionKind::Alu), + AirInteraction::new(values, multiplicity.into(), InteractionKind::Instruction), InteractionScope::Local, ); } /// Receives an ALU operation to be processed. #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] - fn receive_alu( + fn receive_instruction( &mut self, + shard: impl Into + Clone, + clk: impl Into + Clone, + pc: impl Into, + next_pc: impl Into, + num_extra_cycles: impl Into, opcode: impl Into, a: Word>, b: Word>, c: Word>, - shard: impl Into, - nonce: impl Into, + op_a_0: impl Into, + op_a_immutable: impl Into, + is_memory: impl Into, + is_syscall: impl Into, + is_halt: impl Into, multiplicity: impl Into, ) { - let values = once(opcode.into()) + let values = once(shard.into()) + .chain(once(clk.into())) + .chain(once(pc.into())) + .chain(once(next_pc.into())) + .chain(once(num_extra_cycles.into())) + .chain(once(opcode.into())) .chain(a.0.into_iter().map(Into::into)) .chain(b.0.into_iter().map(Into::into)) .chain(c.0.into_iter().map(Into::into)) - .chain(once(shard.into())) - .chain(once(nonce.into())) + .chain(once(op_a_0.into())) + .chain(once(op_a_immutable.into())) + .chain(once(is_memory.into())) + .chain(once(is_syscall.into())) + .chain(once(is_halt.into())) .collect(); self.receive( - AirInteraction::new(values, multiplicity.into(), InteractionKind::Alu), + AirInteraction::new(values, multiplicity.into(), InteractionKind::Instruction), InteractionScope::Local, ); } @@ -235,7 +269,6 @@ pub trait AluAirBuilder: BaseAirBuilder { &mut self, shard: impl Into + Clone, clk: impl Into + Clone, - nonce: impl Into + Clone, syscall_id: impl Into + Clone, arg1: impl Into + Clone, arg2: impl Into + Clone, @@ -247,7 +280,6 @@ pub trait AluAirBuilder: BaseAirBuilder { vec![ shard.clone().into(), clk.clone().into(), - nonce.clone().into(), syscall_id.clone().into(), arg1.clone().into(), arg2.clone().into(), @@ -265,7 +297,6 @@ pub trait AluAirBuilder: BaseAirBuilder { &mut self, shard: impl Into + Clone, clk: impl Into + Clone, - nonce: impl Into + Clone, syscall_id: impl Into + Clone, arg1: impl Into + Clone, arg2: impl Into + Clone, @@ -277,7 +308,6 @@ pub trait AluAirBuilder: BaseAirBuilder { vec![ shard.clone().into(), clk.clone().into(), - nonce.clone().into(), syscall_id.clone().into(), arg1.clone().into(), arg2.clone().into(), @@ -328,26 +358,46 @@ pub trait ExtensionAirBuilder: BaseAirBuilder { } } +/// A builder that can operation on septic extension elements. +pub trait SepticExtensionAirBuilder: BaseAirBuilder { + /// Asserts that the two field extensions are equal. + fn assert_septic_ext_eq>( + &mut self, + left: SepticExtension, + right: SepticExtension, + ) { + for (left, right) in left.0.into_iter().zip(right.0) { + self.assert_eq(left, right); + } + } +} + /// A builder that implements a permutation argument. pub trait MultiTableAirBuilder<'a>: PermutationAirBuilder { - /// The type of the cumulative sum. - type Sum: Into + Copy; + /// The type of the local cumulative sum. + type LocalSum: Into + Copy; + + /// The type of the global cumulative sum; + type GlobalSum: Into + Copy; + + /// Returns the local cumulative sum of the permutation. + fn local_cumulative_sum(&self) -> &'a Self::LocalSum; - /// Returns the cumulative sum of the permutation. - fn cumulative_sums(&self) -> &'a [Self::Sum]; + /// Returns the global cumulative sum of the permutation. + fn global_cumulative_sum(&self) -> &'a SepticDigest; } /// A trait that contains the common helper methods for building `SP1 recursion` and SP1 machine /// AIRs. pub trait MachineAirBuilder: - BaseAirBuilder + ExtensionAirBuilder + AirBuilderWithPublicValues + BaseAirBuilder + ExtensionAirBuilder + SepticExtensionAirBuilder + AirBuilderWithPublicValues { } /// A trait which contains all helper methods for building SP1 machine AIRs. -pub trait SP1AirBuilder: MachineAirBuilder + ByteAirBuilder + AluAirBuilder {} +pub trait SP1AirBuilder: MachineAirBuilder + ByteAirBuilder + InstructionAirBuilder {} -impl<'a, AB: AirBuilder + MessageBuilder, M> MessageBuilder for FilteredAirBuilder<'a, AB> { +impl, M> MessageBuilder for FilteredAirBuilder<'_, AB> { fn send(&mut self, message: M, scope: InteractionScope) { self.inner.send(message, scope); } @@ -359,16 +409,17 @@ impl<'a, AB: AirBuilder + MessageBuilder, M> MessageBuilder for FilteredAi impl>> BaseAirBuilder for AB {} impl ByteAirBuilder for AB {} -impl AluAirBuilder for AB {} +impl InstructionAirBuilder for AB {} impl ExtensionAirBuilder for AB {} +impl SepticExtensionAirBuilder for AB {} impl MachineAirBuilder for AB {} impl SP1AirBuilder for AB {} -impl<'a, SC: StarkGenericConfig> EmptyMessageBuilder for ProverConstraintFolder<'a, SC> {} -impl<'a, SC: StarkGenericConfig> EmptyMessageBuilder for VerifierConstraintFolder<'a, SC> {} +impl EmptyMessageBuilder for ProverConstraintFolder<'_, SC> {} +impl EmptyMessageBuilder for VerifierConstraintFolder<'_, SC> {} impl EmptyMessageBuilder for SymbolicAirBuilder {} #[cfg(debug_assertions)] #[cfg(not(doctest))] -impl<'a, F: Field> EmptyMessageBuilder for p3_uni_stark::DebugConstraintBuilder<'a, F> {} +impl EmptyMessageBuilder for p3_uni_stark::DebugConstraintBuilder<'_, F> {} diff --git a/crates/stark/src/air/extension.rs b/crates/stark/src/air/extension.rs index 0f810a026..a986f0f06 100644 --- a/crates/stark/src/air/extension.rs +++ b/crates/stark/src/air/extension.rs @@ -62,9 +62,10 @@ impl + Mul + AbstractField> Mul for BinomialExten for i in 0..D { for j in 0..D { if i + j >= D { - result[i + j - D] += w.clone() * self.0[i].clone() * rhs.0[j].clone(); + result[i + j - D] = result[i + j - D].clone() + + w.clone() * self.0[i].clone() * rhs.0[j].clone(); } else { - result[i + j] += self.0[i].clone() * rhs.0[j].clone(); + result[i + j] = result[i + j].clone() + self.0[i].clone() * rhs.0[j].clone(); } } } diff --git a/crates/stark/src/air/machine.rs b/crates/stark/src/air/machine.rs index 4973c4769..ede3ed503 100644 --- a/crates/stark/src/air/machine.rs +++ b/crates/stark/src/air/machine.rs @@ -2,12 +2,22 @@ use p3_air::BaseAir; use p3_field::Field; use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; -use crate::MachineRecord; +use crate::{septic_digest::SepticDigest, MachineRecord}; pub use sp1_derive::MachineAir; use super::InteractionScope; +// TODO: add Id type and also fn id() + +#[macro_export] +/// Macro to get the name of a chip. +macro_rules! chip_name { + ($chip:ident, $field:ty) => { + <$chip as MachineAir<$field>>::name(&$chip {}) + }; +} + /// An AIR that is part of a multi table AIR arithmetization. pub trait MachineAir: BaseAir + 'static + Send + Sync { /// The execution record containing events for producing the air trace. @@ -19,6 +29,11 @@ pub trait MachineAir: BaseAir + 'static + Send + Sync { /// A unique identifier for this AIR as part of a machine. fn name(&self) -> String; + /// The number of rows in the trace + fn num_rows(&self, _input: &Self::Record) -> Option { + None + } + /// Generate the trace for a given execution record. /// /// - `input` is the execution record containing the events to be written to the trace. @@ -39,6 +54,11 @@ pub trait MachineAir: BaseAir + 'static + Send + Sync { 0 } + /// The number of rows in the preprocessed trace + fn preprocessed_num_rows(&self, _program: &Self::Program, _instrs_len: usize) -> Option { + None + } + /// Generate the preprocessed trace given a specific program. fn generate_preprocessed_trace(&self, _program: &Self::Program) -> Option> { None @@ -48,10 +68,17 @@ pub trait MachineAir: BaseAir + 'static + Send + Sync { fn commit_scope(&self) -> InteractionScope { InteractionScope::Local } + + /// Specifies whether the air only uses the local row, and not the next row. + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + false + } } /// A program that defines the control flow of a machine through a program counter. pub trait MachineProgram: Send + Sync { /// Gets the starting program counter. fn pc_start(&self) -> F; + /// Gets the initial global cumulative sum. + fn initial_global_cumulative_sum(&self) -> SepticDigest; } diff --git a/crates/stark/src/air/polynomial.rs b/crates/stark/src/air/polynomial.rs index 40f5fdbe8..e89ec78e0 100644 --- a/crates/stark/src/air/polynomial.rs +++ b/crates/stark/src/air/polynomial.rs @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ impl + Add + AddAssign + Clone> Add for Polyno fn add(self, other: T) -> Polynomial { let mut coefficients = self.coefficients; - coefficients[0] += other; + coefficients[0] = coefficients[0].clone() + other; Self::new(coefficients) } } diff --git a/crates/stark/src/air/sub_builder.rs b/crates/stark/src/air/sub_builder.rs index b0b640d29..6270af18e 100644 --- a/crates/stark/src/air/sub_builder.rs +++ b/crates/stark/src/air/sub_builder.rs @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ impl<'a, AB: AirBuilder, SubAir: BaseAir, T> SubAirBuilder<'a, AB, SubAir, T> } /// Implement `AirBuilder` for `SubAirBuilder`. -impl<'a, AB: AirBuilder, SubAir: BaseAir, F> AirBuilder for SubAirBuilder<'a, AB, SubAir, F> { +impl, F> AirBuilder for SubAirBuilder<'_, AB, SubAir, F> { type F = AB::F; type Expr = AB::Expr; type Var = AB::Var; diff --git a/crates/stark/src/chip.rs b/crates/stark/src/chip.rs index 9ba665156..c41733a03 100644 --- a/crates/stark/src/chip.rs +++ b/crates/stark/src/chip.rs @@ -7,24 +7,26 @@ use p3_uni_stark::{get_max_constraint_degree, SymbolicAirBuilder}; use p3_util::log2_ceil_usize; use crate::{ - air::{MachineAir, MultiTableAirBuilder, SP1AirBuilder}, + air::{InteractionScope, MachineAir, MultiTableAirBuilder, SP1AirBuilder}, + local_permutation_trace_width, lookup::{Interaction, InteractionBuilder, InteractionKind}, }; use super::{ - eval_permutation_constraints, generate_permutation_trace, get_grouped_maps, PROOF_MAX_NUM_PVS, + eval_permutation_constraints, generate_permutation_trace, scoped_interactions, + PROOF_MAX_NUM_PVS, }; /// An Air that encodes lookups based on interactions. pub struct Chip { /// The underlying AIR of the chip for constraint evaluation. - air: A, + pub air: A, /// The interactions that the chip sends. - sends: Vec>, + pub sends: Vec>, /// The interactions that the chip receives. - receives: Vec>, + pub receives: Vec>, /// The relative log degree of the quotient polynomial, i.e. `log2(max_constraint_degree - 1)`. - log_quotient_degree: usize, + pub log_quotient_degree: usize, } impl Chip { @@ -119,13 +121,13 @@ where preprocessed: Option<&RowMajorMatrix>, main: &RowMajorMatrix, random_elements: &[EF], - ) -> (RowMajorMatrix, EF, EF) + ) -> (RowMajorMatrix, EF) where F: PrimeField, A: MachineAir, { let batch_size = self.logup_batch_size(); - generate_permutation_trace( + generate_permutation_trace::( &self.sends, &self.receives, preprocessed, @@ -138,16 +140,28 @@ where /// Returns the width of the permutation trace. #[inline] pub fn permutation_width(&self) -> usize { - let (_, _, grouped_widths) = - get_grouped_maps(self.sends(), self.receives(), self.logup_batch_size()); - - grouped_widths.values().sum() + let (scoped_sends, scoped_receives) = scoped_interactions(self.sends(), self.receives()); + let empty = Vec::new(); + let local_sends = scoped_sends.get(&InteractionScope::Local).unwrap_or(&empty); + let local_receives = scoped_receives.get(&InteractionScope::Local).unwrap_or(&empty); + + local_permutation_trace_width( + local_sends.len() + local_receives.len(), + self.logup_batch_size(), + ) } /// Returns the cost of a row in the chip. #[inline] - pub fn cost(&self) -> u64 { - (self.width() + 4 * self.permutation_width()) as u64 + pub fn cost(&self) -> u64 + where + A: MachineAir, + { + let preprocessed_cols = self.preprocessed_width(); + let main_cols = self.width(); + let permutation_cols = self.permutation_width() * 4; + let quotient_cols = self.quotient_width() * 4; + (preprocessed_cols + main_cols + permutation_cols + quotient_cols) as u64 } /// Returns the width of the quotient polynomial. @@ -194,10 +208,18 @@ where >::preprocessed_width(&self.air) } + fn preprocessed_num_rows(&self, program: &Self::Program, instrs_len: usize) -> Option { + >::preprocessed_num_rows(&self.air, program, instrs_len) + } + fn generate_preprocessed_trace(&self, program: &A::Program) -> Option> { >::generate_preprocessed_trace(&self.air, program) } + fn num_rows(&self, input: &A::Record) -> Option { + >::num_rows(&self.air, input) + } + fn generate_trace(&self, input: &A::Record, output: &mut A::Record) -> RowMajorMatrix { self.air.generate_trace(input, output) } @@ -213,13 +235,17 @@ where fn commit_scope(&self) -> crate::air::InteractionScope { self.air.commit_scope() } + + fn local_only(&self) -> bool { + self.air.local_only() + } } // Implement AIR directly on Chip, evaluating both execution and permutation constraints. impl<'a, F, A, AB> Air for Chip where F: Field, - A: Air, + A: Air + MachineAir, AB: SP1AirBuilder + MultiTableAirBuilder<'a> + PairBuilder + 'a, { fn eval(&self, builder: &mut AB) { @@ -227,7 +253,13 @@ where self.air.eval(builder); // Evaluate permutation constraints. let batch_size = self.logup_batch_size(); - eval_permutation_constraints(&self.sends, &self.receives, batch_size, builder); + eval_permutation_constraints( + &self.sends, + &self.receives, + batch_size, + self.air.commit_scope(), + builder, + ); } } diff --git a/crates/stark/src/debug.rs b/crates/stark/src/debug.rs index 78a7d0c95..441d3bc99 100644 --- a/crates/stark/src/debug.rs +++ b/crates/stark/src/debug.rs @@ -14,11 +14,13 @@ use p3_matrix::{ stack::VerticalPair, Matrix, }; -use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::ParallelBridge; -use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::ParallelIterator; +use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::{ParallelBridge, ParallelIterator}; use super::{MachineChip, StarkGenericConfig, Val}; -use crate::air::{EmptyMessageBuilder, MachineAir, MultiTableAirBuilder}; +use crate::{ + air::{EmptyMessageBuilder, MachineAir, MultiTableAirBuilder}, + septic_digest::SepticDigest, +}; /// Checks that the constraints of the given AIR are satisfied, including the permutation trace. /// @@ -31,7 +33,8 @@ pub fn debug_constraints( perm: &RowMajorMatrix, perm_challenges: &[SC::Challenge], public_values: &[Val], - cumulative_sums: &[SC::Challenge], + local_cumulative_sum: &SC::Challenge, + global_cumulative_sum: &SepticDigest>, ) where SC: StarkGenericConfig, Val: PrimeField32, @@ -84,7 +87,8 @@ pub fn debug_constraints( RowMajorMatrixView::new_row(perm_next), ), perm_challenges, - cumulative_sums, + local_cumulative_sum, + global_cumulative_sum, is_first_row: Val::::zero(), is_last_row: Val::::zero(), is_transition: Val::::one(), @@ -130,7 +134,8 @@ pub struct DebugConstraintBuilder<'a, F: Field, EF: ExtensionField> { pub(crate) preprocessed: VerticalPair, RowMajorMatrixView<'a, F>>, pub(crate) main: VerticalPair, RowMajorMatrixView<'a, F>>, pub(crate) perm: VerticalPair, RowMajorMatrixView<'a, EF>>, - pub(crate) cumulative_sums: &'a [EF], + pub(crate) local_cumulative_sum: &'a EF, + pub(crate) global_cumulative_sum: &'a SepticDigest, pub(crate) perm_challenges: &'a [EF], pub(crate) is_first_row: F, pub(crate) is_last_row: F, @@ -138,7 +143,7 @@ pub struct DebugConstraintBuilder<'a, F: Field, EF: ExtensionField> { pub(crate) public_values: &'a [F], } -impl<'a, F, EF> ExtensionBuilder for DebugConstraintBuilder<'a, F, EF> +impl ExtensionBuilder for DebugConstraintBuilder<'_, F, EF> where F: Field, EF: ExtensionField, @@ -173,7 +178,7 @@ where } } -impl<'a, F, EF> PairBuilder for DebugConstraintBuilder<'a, F, EF> +impl PairBuilder for DebugConstraintBuilder<'_, F, EF> where F: Field, EF: ExtensionField, @@ -183,7 +188,7 @@ where } } -impl<'a, F, EF> DebugConstraintBuilder<'a, F, EF> +impl DebugConstraintBuilder<'_, F, EF> where F: Field, EF: ExtensionField, @@ -257,20 +262,22 @@ where F: Field, EF: ExtensionField, { - type Sum = EF; + type LocalSum = EF; + type GlobalSum = F; - fn cumulative_sums(&self) -> &'a [Self::Sum] { - self.cumulative_sums + fn local_cumulative_sum(&self) -> &'a Self::LocalSum { + self.local_cumulative_sum } -} -impl<'a, F: Field, EF: ExtensionField> EmptyMessageBuilder - for DebugConstraintBuilder<'a, F, EF> -{ + fn global_cumulative_sum(&self) -> &'a SepticDigest { + self.global_cumulative_sum + } } -impl<'a, F: Field, EF: ExtensionField> AirBuilderWithPublicValues - for DebugConstraintBuilder<'a, F, EF> +impl> EmptyMessageBuilder for DebugConstraintBuilder<'_, F, EF> {} + +impl> AirBuilderWithPublicValues + for DebugConstraintBuilder<'_, F, EF> { type PublicVar = F; diff --git a/crates/stark/src/folder.rs b/crates/stark/src/folder.rs index 4666e2e94..e64b9318d 100644 --- a/crates/stark/src/folder.rs +++ b/crates/stark/src/folder.rs @@ -7,7 +7,10 @@ use p3_field::{AbstractField, ExtensionField, Field}; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrixView, stack::VerticalPair}; use super::{Challenge, PackedChallenge, PackedVal, StarkGenericConfig, Val}; -use crate::air::{EmptyMessageBuilder, MultiTableAirBuilder}; +use crate::{ + air::{EmptyMessageBuilder, MultiTableAirBuilder}, + septic_digest::SepticDigest, +}; use p3_air::{ AirBuilder, AirBuilderWithPublicValues, ExtensionBuilder, PairBuilder, PermutationAirBuilder, }; @@ -27,8 +30,10 @@ pub struct ProverConstraintFolder<'a, SC: StarkGenericConfig> { >, /// The challenges for the permutation. pub perm_challenges: &'a [PackedChallenge], - /// The cumulative sums for the permutation. - pub cumulative_sums: &'a [PackedChallenge], + /// The local cumulative sum for the permutation. + pub local_cumulative_sum: &'a PackedChallenge, + /// The global cumulative sum for the permutation. + pub global_cumulative_sum: &'a SepticDigest>, /// The selector for the first row. pub is_first_row: PackedVal, /// The selector for the last row. @@ -77,7 +82,7 @@ impl<'a, SC: StarkGenericConfig> AirBuilder for ProverConstraintFolder<'a, SC> { } } -impl<'a, SC: StarkGenericConfig> ExtensionBuilder for ProverConstraintFolder<'a, SC> { +impl ExtensionBuilder for ProverConstraintFolder<'_, SC> { type EF = SC::Challenge; type ExprEF = PackedChallenge; @@ -112,22 +117,27 @@ impl<'a, SC: StarkGenericConfig> PermutationAirBuilder for ProverConstraintFolde } impl<'a, SC: StarkGenericConfig> MultiTableAirBuilder<'a> for ProverConstraintFolder<'a, SC> { - type Sum = PackedChallenge; + type LocalSum = PackedChallenge; + type GlobalSum = Val; + + fn local_cumulative_sum(&self) -> &'a Self::LocalSum { + self.local_cumulative_sum + } - fn cumulative_sums(&self) -> &'a [Self::Sum] { - self.cumulative_sums + fn global_cumulative_sum(&self) -> &'a SepticDigest { + self.global_cumulative_sum } } -impl<'a, SC: StarkGenericConfig> PairBuilder for ProverConstraintFolder<'a, SC> { +impl PairBuilder for ProverConstraintFolder<'_, SC> { fn preprocessed(&self) -> Self::M { self.preprocessed } } -impl<'a, SC: StarkGenericConfig> EmptyMessageBuilder for ProverConstraintFolder<'a, SC> {} +impl EmptyMessageBuilder for ProverConstraintFolder<'_, SC> {} -impl<'a, SC: StarkGenericConfig> AirBuilderWithPublicValues for ProverConstraintFolder<'a, SC> { +impl AirBuilderWithPublicValues for ProverConstraintFolder<'_, SC> { type PublicVar = Self::F; fn public_values(&self) -> &[Self::PublicVar] { @@ -155,8 +165,10 @@ pub struct GenericVerifierConstraintFolder<'a, F, EF, PubVar, Var, Expr> { pub perm: VerticalPair, RowMajorMatrixView<'a, Var>>, /// The challenges for the permutation. pub perm_challenges: &'a [Var], - /// The cumulative sums of the permutation. - pub cumulative_sums: &'a [Var], + /// The local cumulative sum of the permutation. + pub local_cumulative_sum: &'a Var, + /// The global cumulative sum of the permutation. + pub global_cumulative_sum: &'a SepticDigest, /// The selector for the first row. pub is_first_row: Var, /// The selector for the last row. @@ -234,8 +246,8 @@ where } } -impl<'a, F, EF, PubVar, Var, Expr> ExtensionBuilder - for GenericVerifierConstraintFolder<'a, F, EF, PubVar, Var, Expr> +impl ExtensionBuilder + for GenericVerifierConstraintFolder<'_, F, EF, PubVar, Var, Expr> where F: Field, EF: ExtensionField, @@ -345,15 +357,20 @@ where + Sync, PubVar: Into + Copy, { - type Sum = Var; + type LocalSum = Var; + type GlobalSum = PubVar; - fn cumulative_sums(&self) -> &'a [Self::Sum] { - self.cumulative_sums + fn local_cumulative_sum(&self) -> &'a Self::LocalSum { + self.local_cumulative_sum + } + + fn global_cumulative_sum(&self) -> &'a SepticDigest { + self.global_cumulative_sum } } -impl<'a, F, EF, PubVar, Var, Expr> PairBuilder - for GenericVerifierConstraintFolder<'a, F, EF, PubVar, Var, Expr> +impl PairBuilder + for GenericVerifierConstraintFolder<'_, F, EF, PubVar, Var, Expr> where F: Field, EF: ExtensionField, @@ -386,8 +403,8 @@ where } } -impl<'a, F, EF, PubVar, Var, Expr> EmptyMessageBuilder - for GenericVerifierConstraintFolder<'a, F, EF, PubVar, Var, Expr> +impl EmptyMessageBuilder + for GenericVerifierConstraintFolder<'_, F, EF, PubVar, Var, Expr> where F: Field, EF: ExtensionField, @@ -417,8 +434,8 @@ where { } -impl<'a, F, EF, PubVar, Var, Expr> AirBuilderWithPublicValues - for GenericVerifierConstraintFolder<'a, F, EF, PubVar, Var, Expr> +impl AirBuilderWithPublicValues + for GenericVerifierConstraintFolder<'_, F, EF, PubVar, Var, Expr> where F: Field, EF: ExtensionField, diff --git a/crates/stark/src/lib.rs b/crates/stark/src/lib.rs index 924dcb335..f384dc935 100644 --- a/crates/stark/src/lib.rs +++ b/crates/stark/src/lib.rs @@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ mod permutation; mod prover; mod quotient; mod record; +pub mod septic_curve; +pub mod septic_digest; +pub mod septic_extension; +pub mod shape; mod types; mod util; mod verifier; diff --git a/crates/stark/src/lookup/debug.rs b/crates/stark/src/lookup/debug.rs index fd3e0b61c..f1854c155 100644 --- a/crates/stark/src/lookup/debug.rs +++ b/crates/stark/src/lookup/debug.rs @@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ where if !chip.included(shard) { continue; } + println!("{}", chip.name()); let (_, count) = debug_interactions::(chip, pkey, shard, interaction_kinds.clone(), scope); total_events += count.len(); diff --git a/crates/stark/src/lookup/interaction.rs b/crates/stark/src/lookup/interaction.rs index 0ff89ab59..87bcc7529 100644 --- a/crates/stark/src/lookup/interaction.rs +++ b/crates/stark/src/lookup/interaction.rs @@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ pub enum InteractionKind { /// Interaction with a syscall. Syscall = 8, + + /// Interaction with the global table. + Global = 9, } impl InteractionKind { @@ -100,6 +103,7 @@ impl Display for InteractionKind { InteractionKind::Range => write!(f, "Range"), InteractionKind::Field => write!(f, "Field"), InteractionKind::Syscall => write!(f, "Syscall"), + InteractionKind::Global => write!(f, "Global"), } } } diff --git a/crates/stark/src/machine.rs b/crates/stark/src/machine.rs index 58318614a..3f6c28150 100644 --- a/crates/stark/src/machine.rs +++ b/crates/stark/src/machine.rs @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +use crate::{ + septic_curve::SepticCurve, septic_digest::SepticDigest, septic_extension::SepticExtension, +}; use hashbrown::HashMap; use itertools::Itertools; use p3_air::Air; @@ -7,7 +10,7 @@ use p3_field::{AbstractExtensionField, AbstractField, Field, PrimeField32}; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Dimensions, Matrix}; use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::*; use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Deserialize, Serialize}; -use std::{array, cmp::Reverse, env, fmt::Debug, time::Instant}; +use std::{cmp::Reverse, env, fmt::Debug, iter::once, time::Instant}; use tracing::instrument; use super::{debug_constraints, Dom}; @@ -60,12 +63,16 @@ pub struct StarkProvingKey { pub commit: Com, /// The start pc of the program. pub pc_start: Val, + /// The starting global digest of the program, after incorporating the initial memory. + pub initial_global_cumulative_sum: SepticDigest>, /// The preprocessed traces. pub traces: Vec>>, /// The pcs data for the preprocessed traces. pub data: PcsProverData, /// The preprocessed chip ordering. pub chip_ordering: HashMap, + /// The preprocessed chip local only information. + pub local_only: Vec, } impl StarkProvingKey { @@ -73,9 +80,10 @@ impl StarkProvingKey { pub fn observe_into(&self, challenger: &mut SC::Challenger) { challenger.observe(self.commit.clone()); challenger.observe(self.pc_start); - for _ in 0..7 { - challenger.observe(Val::::zero()); - } + challenger.observe_slice(&self.initial_global_cumulative_sum.0.x.0); + challenger.observe_slice(&self.initial_global_cumulative_sum.0.y.0); + // Observe the padding. + challenger.observe(Val::::zero()); } } @@ -88,6 +96,8 @@ pub struct StarkVerifyingKey { pub commit: Com, /// The start pc of the program. pub pc_start: Val, + /// The starting global digest of the program, after incorporating the initial memory. + pub initial_global_cumulative_sum: SepticDigest>, /// The chip information. pub chip_information: Vec<(String, Dom, Dimensions)>, /// The chip ordering. @@ -99,9 +109,10 @@ impl StarkVerifyingKey { pub fn observe_into(&self, challenger: &mut SC::Challenger) { challenger.observe(self.commit.clone()); challenger.observe(self.pc_start); - for _ in 0..7 { - challenger.observe(Val::::zero()); - } + challenger.observe_slice(&self.initial_global_cumulative_sum.0.x.0); + challenger.observe_slice(&self.initial_global_cumulative_sum.0.y.0); + // Observe the padding. + challenger.observe(Val::::zero()); } } @@ -167,14 +178,12 @@ impl>> StarkMachine { self.chips().iter().map(|chip| proof.chip_ordering.get(&chip.name()).copied()).collect() } - /// The setup preprocessing phase. - /// - /// Given a program, this function generates the proving and verifying keys. The keys correspond - /// to the program code and other preprocessed colunms such as lookup tables. - #[instrument("setup machine", level = "debug", skip_all)] - #[allow(clippy::map_unwrap_or)] - #[allow(clippy::redundant_closure_for_method_calls)] - pub fn setup(&self, program: &A::Program) -> (StarkProvingKey, StarkVerifyingKey) { + /// The setup preprocessing phase. Same as `setup` but initial global cumulative sum is precomputed. + pub fn setup_core( + &self, + program: &A::Program, + initial_global_cumulative_sum: SepticDigest>, + ) -> (StarkProvingKey, StarkVerifyingKey) { let parent_span = tracing::debug_span!("generate preprocessed traces"); let mut named_preprocessed_traces = parent_span.in_scope(|| { self.chips() @@ -190,25 +199,25 @@ impl>> StarkMachine { begin.elapsed() ); // Assert that the chip width data is correct. - let expected_width = prep_trace.as_ref().map(|t| t.width()).unwrap_or(0); + let expected_width = prep_trace.as_ref().map_or(0, p3_matrix::Matrix::width); assert_eq!( expected_width, chip.preprocessed_width(), "Incorrect number of preprocessed columns for chip {chip_name}" ); - prep_trace.map(move |t| (chip_name, t)) + prep_trace.map(move |t| (chip_name, chip.local_only(), t)) }) .collect::>() }); // Order the chips and traces by trace size (biggest first), and get the ordering map. named_preprocessed_traces - .sort_by_key(|(name, trace)| (Reverse(trace.height()), name.clone())); + .sort_by_key(|(name, _, trace)| (Reverse(trace.height()), name.clone())); let pcs = self.config.pcs(); let (chip_information, domains_and_traces): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = named_preprocessed_traces .iter() - .map(|(name, trace)| { + .map(|(name, _, trace)| { let domain = pcs.natural_domain_for_degree(trace.height()); ((name.to_owned(), domain, trace.dimensions()), (domain, trace.to_owned())) }) @@ -222,12 +231,17 @@ impl>> StarkMachine { let chip_ordering = named_preprocessed_traces .iter() .enumerate() - .map(|(i, (name, _))| (name.to_owned(), i)) + .map(|(i, (name, _, _))| (name.to_owned(), i)) .collect::>(); + let local_only = named_preprocessed_traces + .iter() + .map(|(_, local_only, _)| local_only.to_owned()) + .collect::>(); + // Get the preprocessed traces let traces = - named_preprocessed_traces.into_iter().map(|(_, trace)| trace).collect::>(); + named_preprocessed_traces.into_iter().map(|(_, _, trace)| trace).collect::>(); let pc_start = program.pc_start(); @@ -235,14 +249,34 @@ impl>> StarkMachine { StarkProvingKey { commit: commit.clone(), pc_start, + initial_global_cumulative_sum, traces, data, chip_ordering: chip_ordering.clone(), + local_only, + }, + StarkVerifyingKey { + commit, + pc_start, + initial_global_cumulative_sum, + chip_information, + chip_ordering, }, - StarkVerifyingKey { commit, pc_start, chip_information, chip_ordering }, ) } + /// The setup preprocessing phase. + /// + /// Given a program, this function generates the proving and verifying keys. The keys correspond + /// to the program code and other preprocessed colunms such as lookup tables. + #[instrument("setup machine", level = "debug", skip_all)] + #[allow(clippy::map_unwrap_or)] + #[allow(clippy::redundant_closure_for_method_calls)] + pub fn setup(&self, program: &A::Program) -> (StarkProvingKey, StarkVerifyingKey) { + let initial_global_cumulative_sum = program.initial_global_cumulative_sum(); + self.setup_core(program, initial_global_cumulative_sum) + } + /// Generates the dependencies of the given records. #[allow(clippy::needless_for_each)] pub fn generate_dependencies( @@ -265,11 +299,9 @@ impl>> StarkMachine { records.iter_mut().for_each(|record| { chips.iter().for_each(|chip| { - tracing::debug_span!("chip dependencies", chip = chip.name()).in_scope(|| { - let mut output = A::Record::default(); - chip.generate_dependencies(record, &mut output); - record.append(&mut output); - }); + let mut output = A::Record::default(); + chip.generate_dependencies(record, &mut output); + record.append(&mut output); }); tracing::debug_span!("register nonces").in_scope(|| record.register_nonces(opts)); }); @@ -293,45 +325,28 @@ impl>> StarkMachine { SC::Challenger: Clone, A: for<'a> Air>, { - let contains_global_bus = self.contains_global_bus(); - // Observe the preprocessed commitment. vk.observe_into(challenger); - tracing::debug_span!("observe challenges for all shards").in_scope(|| { - proof.shard_proofs.iter().for_each(|shard_proof| { - if contains_global_bus { - challenger.observe(shard_proof.commitment.global_main_commit.clone()); - } - challenger.observe_slice(&shard_proof.public_values[0..self.num_pv_elts()]); - }); - }); // Verify the shard proofs. if proof.shard_proofs.is_empty() { return Err(MachineVerificationError::EmptyProof); } - // Obtain the challenges used for the global permutation argument. - let global_permutation_challenges: [SC::Challenge; 2] = array::from_fn(|_| { - if contains_global_bus { - challenger.sample_ext_element() - } else { - SC::Challenge::zero() - } - }); - tracing::debug_span!("verify shard proofs").in_scope(|| { for (i, shard_proof) in proof.shard_proofs.iter().enumerate() { tracing::debug_span!("verifying shard", shard = i).in_scope(|| { let chips = self.shard_chips_ordered(&shard_proof.chip_ordering).collect::>(); + let mut shard_challenger = challenger.clone(); + shard_challenger + .observe_slice(&shard_proof.public_values[0..self.num_pv_elts()]); Verifier::verify_shard( &self.config, vk, &chips, - &mut challenger.clone(), + &mut shard_challenger, shard_proof, - &global_permutation_challenges, ) .map_err(MachineVerificationError::InvalidShardProof) })?; @@ -345,8 +360,9 @@ impl>> StarkMachine { let sum = proof .shard_proofs .iter() - .map(|proof| proof.cumulative_sum(InteractionScope::Global)) - .sum::(); + .map(ShardProof::global_cumulative_sum) + .chain(once(vk.initial_global_cumulative_sum)) + .sum::>>(); if !sum.is_zero() { return Err(MachineVerificationError::NonZeroCumulativeSum( @@ -378,12 +394,9 @@ impl>> StarkMachine { permutation_challenges.push(challenger.sample_ext_element()); } - // Obtain the challenges used for the local permutation argument. - for _ in 0..2 { - permutation_challenges.push(challenger.sample_ext_element()); - } + let mut global_cumulative_sums = Vec::new(); + global_cumulative_sums.push(pk.initial_global_cumulative_sum); - let mut global_cumulative_sum = SC::Challenge::zero(); for shard in records.iter() { // Filter the chips based on what is used. let chips = self.shard_chips(shard).collect::>(); @@ -401,27 +414,40 @@ impl>> StarkMachine { // Generate the permutation traces. let mut permutation_traces = Vec::with_capacity(chips.len()); - let mut cumulative_sums = Vec::with_capacity(chips.len()); + let mut chip_cumulative_sums = Vec::with_capacity(chips.len()); tracing::debug_span!("generate permutation traces").in_scope(|| { chips .par_iter() .zip(traces.par_iter_mut()) .map(|(chip, (main_trace, pre_trace))| { - let (trace, global_sum, local_sum) = chip.generate_permutation_trace( + let (trace, local_sum) = chip.generate_permutation_trace( *pre_trace, main_trace, &permutation_challenges, ); - (trace, [global_sum, local_sum]) + let global_sum = if chip.commit_scope() == InteractionScope::Local { + SepticDigest::>::zero() + } else { + let main_trace_size = main_trace.height() * main_trace.width(); + let last_row = + &main_trace.values[main_trace_size - 14..main_trace_size]; + SepticDigest(SepticCurve { + x: SepticExtension::>::from_base_fn(|i| last_row[i]), + y: SepticExtension::>::from_base_fn(|i| last_row[i + 7]), + }) + }; + (trace, (global_sum, local_sum)) }) - .unzip_into_vecs(&mut permutation_traces, &mut cumulative_sums); + .unzip_into_vecs(&mut permutation_traces, &mut chip_cumulative_sums); }); - global_cumulative_sum += - cumulative_sums.iter().map(|sum| sum[0]).sum::(); + let global_cumulative_sum = + chip_cumulative_sums.iter().map(|sums| sums.0).sum::>>(); + global_cumulative_sums.push(global_cumulative_sum); let local_cumulative_sum = - cumulative_sums.iter().map(|sum| sum[1]).sum::(); + chip_cumulative_sums.iter().map(|sums| sums.1).sum::(); + if !local_cumulative_sum.is_zero() { tracing::warn!("Local cumulative sum is not zero"); tracing::debug_span!("debug local interactions").in_scope(|| { @@ -466,7 +492,8 @@ impl>> StarkMachine { &permutation_traces[i], &permutation_challenges, &shard.public_values(), - &cumulative_sums[i], + &chip_cumulative_sums[i].1, + &chip_cumulative_sums[i].0, ); } }); @@ -475,6 +502,9 @@ impl>> StarkMachine { tracing::info!("Constraints verified successfully"); + let global_cumulative_sum: SepticDigest> = + global_cumulative_sums.iter().copied().sum(); + // If the global cumulative sum is not zero, debug the interactions. if !global_cumulative_sum.is_zero() { tracing::warn!("Global cumulative sum is not zero"); @@ -571,3 +601,27 @@ impl std::fmt::Display for MachineVerificationError } impl std::error::Error for MachineVerificationError {} + +impl MachineVerificationError { + /// This function will check if the verification error is from constraints failing. + pub fn is_constraints_failing(&self, expected_chip_name: &str) -> bool { + if let MachineVerificationError::InvalidShardProof( + VerificationError::OodEvaluationMismatch(chip_name), + ) = self + { + return chip_name == expected_chip_name; + } + + false + } + + /// This function will check if the verification error is from local cumulative sum failing. + pub fn is_local_cumulative_sum_failing(&self) -> bool { + matches!( + self, + MachineVerificationError::InvalidShardProof(VerificationError::CumulativeSumsError( + "local cumulative sum is not zero" + )) + ) + } +} diff --git a/crates/stark/src/opts.rs b/crates/stark/src/opts.rs index 34ea0d81b..d1ce531e0 100644 --- a/crates/stark/src/opts.rs +++ b/crates/stark/src/opts.rs @@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ const MAX_SHARD_BATCH_SIZE: usize = 8; const DEFAULT_TRACE_GEN_WORKERS: usize = 1; const DEFAULT_CHECKPOINTS_CHANNEL_CAPACITY: usize = 128; const DEFAULT_RECORDS_AND_TRACES_CHANNEL_CAPACITY: usize = 1; - -/// The threshold for splitting deferred events. -pub const MAX_DEFERRED_SPLIT_THRESHOLD: usize = 1 << 18; +const MAX_DEFERRED_SPLIT_THRESHOLD: usize = 1 << 15; /// Options to configure the SP1 prover for core and recursive proofs. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] @@ -22,9 +20,77 @@ pub struct SP1ProverOpts { pub recursion_opts: SP1CoreOpts, } -impl Default for SP1ProverOpts { - fn default() -> Self { - Self { core_opts: SP1CoreOpts::default(), recursion_opts: SP1CoreOpts::recursion() } +impl SP1ProverOpts { + /// Get the default prover options. + #[must_use] + pub fn auto() -> Self { + let cpu_ram_gb = System::new_all().total_memory() / (1024 * 1024 * 1024); + SP1ProverOpts::cpu(cpu_ram_gb as usize) + } + + /// Get the default prover options for a prover on CPU based on the amount of CPU memory. + /// + /// We use a soft heuristic based on our understanding of the memory usage in the GPU prover. + #[must_use] + pub fn cpu(cpu_ram_gb: usize) -> Self { + let (log2_shard_size, shard_batch_size, log2_divisor) = match cpu_ram_gb { + 0..33 => (19, 1, 3), + 33..49 => (20, 1, 2), + 49..65 => (21, 1, 3), + 65..81 => (21, 3, 1), + 81.. => (21, 4, 1), + }; + + let mut opts = SP1ProverOpts::default(); + opts.core_opts.shard_size = 1 << log2_shard_size; + opts.core_opts.shard_batch_size = shard_batch_size; + + opts.core_opts.records_and_traces_channel_capacity = 1; + opts.core_opts.trace_gen_workers = 1; + + let divisor = 1 << log2_divisor; + opts.core_opts.split_opts.deferred /= divisor; + opts.core_opts.split_opts.keccak /= divisor; + opts.core_opts.split_opts.sha_extend /= divisor; + opts.core_opts.split_opts.sha_compress /= divisor; + opts.core_opts.split_opts.memory /= divisor; + + opts.recursion_opts.shard_batch_size = 2; + opts.recursion_opts.records_and_traces_channel_capacity = 1; + opts.recursion_opts.trace_gen_workers = 1; + + opts + } + + /// Get the default prover options for a prover on GPU given the amount of CPU and GPU memory. + #[must_use] + pub fn gpu(cpu_ram_gb: usize, gpu_ram_gb: usize) -> Self { + let mut opts = SP1ProverOpts::default(); + + // Set the core options. + if 24 <= gpu_ram_gb { + let log2_shard_size = 21; + opts.core_opts.shard_size = 1 << log2_shard_size; + opts.core_opts.shard_batch_size = 1; + + let log2_deferred_threshold = 14; + opts.core_opts.split_opts = SplitOpts::new(1 << log2_deferred_threshold); + + opts.core_opts.records_and_traces_channel_capacity = 4; + opts.core_opts.trace_gen_workers = 4; + + if cpu_ram_gb <= 20 { + opts.core_opts.records_and_traces_channel_capacity = 1; + opts.core_opts.trace_gen_workers = 2; + } + } else { + unreachable!("not enough gpu memory"); + } + + // Set the recursion options. + opts.recursion_opts.shard_batch_size = 1; + + opts } } @@ -37,8 +103,6 @@ pub struct SP1CoreOpts { pub shard_batch_size: usize, /// Options for splitting deferred events. pub split_opts: SplitOpts, - /// Whether to reconstruct the commitments. - pub reconstruct_commitments: bool, /// The number of workers to use for generating traces. pub trace_gen_workers: usize, /// The capacity of the channel for checkpoints. @@ -47,34 +111,9 @@ pub struct SP1CoreOpts { pub records_and_traces_channel_capacity: usize, } -/// Calculate the default shard size using an empirically determined formula. -/// -/// For super memory constrained machines, we need to set shard size to 2^18. -/// Otherwise, we use a linear formula derived from experimental results. -/// The data comes from benchmarking the maximum physical memory usage -/// of [rsp](https://github.com/succinctlabs/rsp) on a variety of shard sizes and -/// shard batch sizes, and performing linear regression on the results. -#[allow(clippy::cast_precision_loss)] -fn shard_size(total_available_mem: u64) -> usize { - let log_shard_size = match total_available_mem { - 0..=14 => 17, - m => (((m as f64).log2() * 0.619) + 16.2).floor() as usize, - }; - std::cmp::min(1 << log_shard_size, MAX_SHARD_SIZE) -} - -/// Calculate the default shard batch size using an empirically determined formula. -/// -/// For memory constrained machines, we need to set shard batch size to either 1 or 2. -/// For machines with a very large amount of memory, we can use batch size 8. Empirically, -/// going above 8 doesn't result in a significant speedup. -/// For most machines, we can just use batch size 4. -fn shard_batch_size(total_available_mem: u64) -> usize { - match total_available_mem { - 0..=16 => 1, - 17..=48 => 2, - 256.. => MAX_SHARD_BATCH_SIZE, - _ => 4, +impl Default for SP1ProverOpts { + fn default() -> Self { + Self { core_opts: SP1CoreOpts::default(), recursion_opts: SP1CoreOpts::recursion() } } } @@ -85,22 +124,16 @@ impl Default for SP1CoreOpts { .unwrap_or(MAX_DEFERRED_SPLIT_THRESHOLD) .max(MAX_DEFERRED_SPLIT_THRESHOLD); - let sys = System::new_all(); - let total_available_mem = sys.total_memory() / (1024 * 1024 * 1024); - let default_shard_size = shard_size(total_available_mem); - let default_shard_batch_size = shard_batch_size(total_available_mem); + let shard_size = env::var("SHARD_SIZE") + .map_or_else(|_| MAX_SHARD_SIZE, |s| s.parse::().unwrap_or(MAX_SHARD_SIZE)); Self { - shard_size: env::var("SHARD_SIZE").map_or_else( - |_| default_shard_size, - |s| s.parse::().unwrap_or(default_shard_size), - ), + shard_size, shard_batch_size: env::var("SHARD_BATCH_SIZE").map_or_else( - |_| default_shard_batch_size, - |s| s.parse::().unwrap_or(default_shard_batch_size), + |_| MAX_SHARD_BATCH_SIZE, + |s| s.parse::().unwrap_or(MAX_SHARD_BATCH_SIZE), ), split_opts: SplitOpts::new(split_threshold), - reconstruct_commitments: true, trace_gen_workers: env::var("TRACE_GEN_WORKERS").map_or_else( |_| DEFAULT_TRACE_GEN_WORKERS, |s| s.parse::().unwrap_or(DEFAULT_TRACE_GEN_WORKERS), @@ -123,9 +156,6 @@ impl SP1CoreOpts { #[must_use] pub fn recursion() -> Self { let mut opts = Self::default(); - opts.reconstruct_commitments = false; - - // Recursion only supports [RECURSION_MAX_SHARD_SIZE] shard size. opts.shard_size = RECURSION_MAX_SHARD_SIZE; opts } @@ -134,6 +164,9 @@ impl SP1CoreOpts { /// Options for splitting deferred events. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct SplitOpts { + /// The threshold for combining the memory init/finalize events in to the current shard in + /// terms of cycles. + pub combine_memory_threshold: usize, /// The threshold for default events. pub deferred: usize, /// The threshold for keccak events. @@ -148,14 +181,56 @@ pub struct SplitOpts { impl SplitOpts { /// Create a new [`SplitOpts`] with the given threshold. + /// + /// The constants here need to be chosen very carefully to prevent OOM. Consult @jtguibas on + /// how to change them. #[must_use] - pub fn new(deferred_shift_threshold: usize) -> Self { + pub fn new(deferred_split_threshold: usize) -> Self { Self { - deferred: deferred_shift_threshold, - keccak: deferred_shift_threshold / 24, - sha_extend: deferred_shift_threshold / 48, - sha_compress: deferred_shift_threshold / 80, - memory: deferred_shift_threshold * 4, + combine_memory_threshold: 1 << 17, + deferred: deferred_split_threshold, + keccak: 8 * deferred_split_threshold / 24, + sha_extend: 32 * deferred_split_threshold / 48, + sha_compress: 32 * deferred_split_threshold / 80, + memory: 64 * deferred_split_threshold, } } } + +#[cfg(test)] +mod tests { + use super::*; + + #[test] + fn test_opts() { + let opts = SP1ProverOpts::cpu(8); + println!("8: {:?}", opts.core_opts); + + let opts = SP1ProverOpts::cpu(15); + println!("15: {:?}", opts.core_opts); + + let opts = SP1ProverOpts::cpu(16); + println!("16: {:?}", opts.core_opts); + + let opts = SP1ProverOpts::cpu(32); + println!("32: {:?}", opts.core_opts); + + let opts = SP1ProverOpts::cpu(36); + println!("36: {:?}", opts.core_opts); + + let opts = SP1ProverOpts::cpu(64); + println!("64: {:?}", opts.core_opts); + + let opts = SP1ProverOpts::cpu(128); + println!("128: {:?}", opts.core_opts); + + let opts = SP1ProverOpts::cpu(256); + println!("256: {:?}", opts.core_opts); + + let opts = SP1ProverOpts::cpu(512); + println!("512: {:?}", opts.core_opts); + + let opts = SP1ProverOpts::auto(); + println!("auto: {:?}", opts.core_opts); + } +} diff --git a/crates/stark/src/permutation.rs b/crates/stark/src/permutation.rs index 98c1555b9..949cd8059 100644 --- a/crates/stark/src/permutation.rs +++ b/crates/stark/src/permutation.rs @@ -1,35 +1,32 @@ -use std::borrow::Borrow; - +use crate::{ + air::{InteractionScope, MultiTableAirBuilder}, + lookup::Interaction, +}; use hashbrown::HashMap; use itertools::Itertools; -use p3_air::{ExtensionBuilder, PairBuilder}; -use p3_field::{AbstractExtensionField, AbstractField, ExtensionField, Field, PrimeField}; +use p3_air::{AirBuilder, ExtensionBuilder, PairBuilder}; +use p3_field::AbstractExtensionField; +use p3_field::AbstractField; +use p3_field::{ExtensionField, Field, PrimeField}; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::*; use rayon_scan::ScanParallelIterator; -use strum::IntoEnumIterator; - -use crate::{ - air::{InteractionScope, MultiTableAirBuilder}, - lookup::Interaction, -}; +use std::borrow::Borrow; -/// Computes the width of the permutation trace. -#[inline] +/// Computes the width of the local permutation trace in terms of extension field elements. #[must_use] -pub const fn permutation_trace_width(num_interactions: usize, batch_size: usize) -> usize { - if num_interactions == 0 { - 0 - } else { - num_interactions.div_ceil(batch_size) + 1 +pub const fn local_permutation_trace_width(nb_interactions: usize, batch_size: usize) -> usize { + if nb_interactions == 0 { + return 0; } + nb_interactions.div_ceil(batch_size) + 1 } -/// Populates a permutation row. +/// Populates a local permutation row. #[inline] #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] #[allow(clippy::needless_pass_by_value)] -pub fn populate_permutation_row>( +pub fn populate_local_permutation_row>( row: &mut [EF], preprocessed_row: &[F], main_row: &[F], @@ -39,9 +36,7 @@ pub fn populate_permutation_row>( batch_size: usize, ) { let alpha = random_elements[0]; - - // Generate the RLC elements to uniquely identify each item in the looked up tuple. - let betas = random_elements[1].powers(); + let betas = random_elements[1].powers(); // TODO: optimize let interaction_chunks = &sends .iter() @@ -75,15 +70,11 @@ pub fn populate_permutation_row>( /// Returns the sends, receives, and permutation trace width grouped by scope. #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] -pub fn get_grouped_maps( +pub fn scoped_interactions( sends: &[Interaction], receives: &[Interaction], - batch_size: usize, -) -> ( - HashMap>>, - HashMap>>, - HashMap, -) { +) -> (HashMap>>, HashMap>>) +{ // Create a hashmap of scope -> vec. let mut sends = sends.to_vec(); sends.sort_by_key(|k| k.scope); @@ -104,23 +95,11 @@ pub fn get_grouped_maps( .map(|(k, values)| (k, values.cloned().collect_vec())) .collect(); - // Create a hashmap of scope -> permutation trace width. - let grouped_widths = InteractionScope::iter() - .map(|scope| { - let empty_vec = vec![]; - let sends = grouped_sends.get(&scope).unwrap_or(&empty_vec); - let receives = grouped_receives.get(&scope).unwrap_or(&empty_vec); - (scope, permutation_trace_width(sends.len() + receives.len(), batch_size)) - }) - .collect(); - - (grouped_sends, grouped_receives, grouped_widths) + (grouped_sends, grouped_receives) } /// Generates the permutation trace for the given chip and main trace based on a variant of `LogUp`. -/// -/// The permutation trace has `(N+1)*EF::NUM_COLS` columns, where N is the number of interactions in -/// the chip. +#[allow(clippy::too_many_lines)] pub fn generate_permutation_trace>( sends: &[Interaction], receives: &[Interaction], @@ -128,109 +107,93 @@ pub fn generate_permutation_trace>( main: &RowMajorMatrix, random_elements: &[EF], batch_size: usize, -) -> (RowMajorMatrix, EF, EF) { - let (grouped_sends, grouped_receives, grouped_widths) = - get_grouped_maps(sends, receives, batch_size); +) -> (RowMajorMatrix, EF) { + let empty = vec![]; + let (scoped_sends, scoped_receives) = scoped_interactions(sends, receives); + let local_sends = scoped_sends.get(&InteractionScope::Local).unwrap_or(&empty); + let local_receives = scoped_receives.get(&InteractionScope::Local).unwrap_or(&empty); + + let local_permutation_width = + local_permutation_trace_width(local_sends.len() + local_receives.len(), batch_size); let height = main.height(); - let permutation_trace_width = grouped_widths.values().sum::(); + let permutation_trace_width = local_permutation_width; let mut permutation_trace = RowMajorMatrix::new( vec![EF::zero(); permutation_trace_width * height], permutation_trace_width, ); - let mut global_cumulative_sum = EF::zero(); let mut local_cumulative_sum = EF::zero(); - for scope in InteractionScope::iter() { - let empty_vec = vec![]; - let sends = grouped_sends.get(&scope).unwrap_or(&empty_vec); - let receives = grouped_receives.get(&scope).unwrap_or(&empty_vec); - - if sends.is_empty() && receives.is_empty() { - continue; - } - - let random_elements = match scope { - InteractionScope::Global => &random_elements[0..2], - InteractionScope::Local => &random_elements[2..4], - }; - - let row_range = match scope { - InteractionScope::Global => { - 0..*grouped_widths.get(&InteractionScope::Global).expect("Expected global scope") - } - InteractionScope::Local => { - let global_perm_width = - *grouped_widths.get(&InteractionScope::Global).expect("Expected global scope"); - let local_perm_width = - *grouped_widths.get(&InteractionScope::Local).expect("Expected local scope"); - global_perm_width..global_perm_width + local_perm_width - } - }; - - // Compute the permutation trace values in parallel. - match preprocessed { - Some(prep) => { - permutation_trace - .par_rows_mut() - .zip_eq(prep.par_row_slices()) - .zip_eq(main.par_row_slices()) - .for_each(|((row, prep_row), main_row)| { - populate_permutation_row( - &mut row[row_range.start..row_range.end], - prep_row, - main_row, - sends, - receives, - random_elements, - batch_size, - ); - }); - } - None => { - permutation_trace.par_rows_mut().zip_eq(main.par_row_slices()).for_each( - |(row, main_row)| { - populate_permutation_row( - &mut row[row_range.start..row_range.end], - &[], - main_row, - sends, - receives, - random_elements, - batch_size, - ); - }, - ); - } + let random_elements = &random_elements[0..2]; + let local_row_range = 0..local_permutation_width; + + if !local_sends.is_empty() || !local_receives.is_empty() { + if let Some(prep) = preprocessed { + assert_eq!( + prep.height(), + main.height(), + "preprocessed and main have different heights: main width = {}, preprocessed width = {}", + main.width(), + prep.width() + ); + assert_eq!( + permutation_trace.height(), + main.height(), + "permutation trace and main have different heights" + ); + permutation_trace + .par_rows_mut() + .zip_eq(prep.par_row_slices()) + .zip_eq(main.par_row_slices()) + .for_each(|((row, prep_row), main_row)| { + populate_local_permutation_row::( + &mut row[0..local_permutation_width], + prep_row, + main_row, + local_sends, + local_receives, + random_elements, + batch_size, + ); + }); + } else { + permutation_trace.par_rows_mut().zip_eq(main.par_row_slices()).for_each( + |(row, main_row)| { + populate_local_permutation_row::( + &mut row[0..local_permutation_width], + &[], + main_row, + local_sends, + local_receives, + random_elements, + batch_size, + ); + }, + ); } let zero = EF::zero(); - let cumulative_sums = permutation_trace + let local_cumulative_sums = permutation_trace .par_rows_mut() - .map(|row| row[row_range.start..row_range.end - 1].iter().copied().sum::()) + .map(|row| { + row[local_row_range.start..local_row_range.end - 1].iter().copied().sum::() + }) .collect::>(); - let cumulative_sums = - cumulative_sums.into_par_iter().scan(|a, b| *a + *b, zero).collect::>(); + let local_cumulative_sums = + local_cumulative_sums.into_par_iter().scan(|a, b| *a + *b, zero).collect::>(); - match scope { - InteractionScope::Global => { - global_cumulative_sum = *cumulative_sums.last().unwrap(); - } - InteractionScope::Local => { - local_cumulative_sum = *cumulative_sums.last().unwrap(); - } - } + local_cumulative_sum = *local_cumulative_sums.last().unwrap(); - permutation_trace.par_rows_mut().zip_eq(cumulative_sums.clone().into_par_iter()).for_each( - |(row, cumulative_sum)| { - row[row_range.end - 1] = cumulative_sum; + permutation_trace.par_rows_mut().zip_eq(local_cumulative_sums.into_par_iter()).for_each( + |(row, local_cumulative_sum)| { + row[local_row_range.end - 1] = local_cumulative_sum; }, ); } - (permutation_trace, global_cumulative_sum, local_cumulative_sum) + (permutation_trace, local_cumulative_sum) } /// Evaluates the permutation constraints for the given chip. @@ -238,12 +201,13 @@ pub fn generate_permutation_trace>( /// In particular, the constraints checked here are: /// - The running sum column starts at zero. /// - That the RLC per interaction is computed correctly. -/// - The running sum column ends at the (currently) given cumalitive sum. +/// - The running sum column ends at the (currently) given cumulative sum. #[allow(clippy::too_many_lines)] pub fn eval_permutation_constraints<'a, F, AB>( sends: &[Interaction], receives: &[Interaction], batch_size: usize, + commit_scope: InteractionScope, builder: &mut AB, ) where F: Field, @@ -251,15 +215,16 @@ pub fn eval_permutation_constraints<'a, F, AB>( AB: MultiTableAirBuilder<'a, F = F> + PairBuilder, AB: 'a, { - let (grouped_sends, grouped_receives, grouped_widths) = - get_grouped_maps(sends, receives, batch_size); + let empty = vec![]; + let (scoped_sends, scoped_receives) = scoped_interactions(sends, receives); + let local_sends = scoped_sends.get(&InteractionScope::Local).unwrap_or(&empty); + let local_receives = scoped_receives.get(&InteractionScope::Local).unwrap_or(&empty); + + let local_permutation_width = + local_permutation_trace_width(local_sends.len() + local_receives.len(), batch_size); + + let permutation_trace_width = local_permutation_width; - // Get the permutation challenges. - let permutation_challenges = builder.permutation_randomness(); - let random_elements: Vec = - permutation_challenges.iter().map(|x| (*x).into()).collect(); - let cumulative_sums: Vec = - builder.cumulative_sums().iter().map(|x| (*x).into()).collect(); let preprocessed = builder.preprocessed(); let main = builder.main(); let perm = builder.permutation().to_row_major_matrix(); @@ -268,78 +233,53 @@ pub fn eval_permutation_constraints<'a, F, AB>( let main_local = main.to_row_major_matrix(); let main_local = main_local.row_slice(0); let main_local: &[AB::Var] = (*main_local).borrow(); - let perm_width = perm.width(); let perm_local = perm.row_slice(0); let perm_local: &[AB::VarEF] = (*perm_local).borrow(); let perm_next = perm.row_slice(1); let perm_next: &[AB::VarEF] = (*perm_next).borrow(); + let perm_width = perm.width(); // Assert that the permutation trace width is correct. - let expected_perm_width = grouped_widths.values().sum::(); - if perm_width != expected_perm_width { + if perm_width != permutation_trace_width { panic!( - "permutation trace width is incorrect: expected {expected_perm_width}, got {perm_width}", + "permutation trace width is incorrect: expected {permutation_trace_width}, got {perm_width}", ); } - for scope in InteractionScope::iter() { - let random_elements = match scope { - InteractionScope::Global => &random_elements[0..2], - InteractionScope::Local => &random_elements[2..4], - }; - - let (alpha, beta) = (&random_elements[0], &random_elements[1]); - - let perm_local = match scope { - InteractionScope::Global => &perm_local[0..*grouped_widths.get(&scope).unwrap()], - InteractionScope::Local => { - let global_perm_width = *grouped_widths.get(&InteractionScope::Global).unwrap(); - &perm_local - [global_perm_width..global_perm_width + *grouped_widths.get(&scope).unwrap()] - } - }; - - let perm_next = match scope { - InteractionScope::Global => &perm_next[0..*grouped_widths.get(&scope).unwrap()], - InteractionScope::Local => { - let global_perm_width = *grouped_widths.get(&InteractionScope::Global).unwrap(); - &perm_next - [global_perm_width..global_perm_width + *grouped_widths.get(&scope).unwrap()] - } - }; - - let empty_vec = vec![]; - let sends = grouped_sends.get(&scope).unwrap_or(&empty_vec); - let receives = grouped_receives.get(&scope).unwrap_or(&empty_vec); - - if sends.is_empty() && receives.is_empty() { - continue; - } + // Get the permutation challenges. + let permutation_challenges = builder.permutation_randomness(); + let random_elements: Vec = + permutation_challenges.iter().map(|x| (*x).into()).collect(); + let local_cumulative_sum = builder.local_cumulative_sum(); + let random_elements = &random_elements[0..2]; + let (alpha, beta) = (&random_elements[0], &random_elements[1]); + if !local_sends.is_empty() || !local_receives.is_empty() { // Ensure that each batch sum m_i/f_i is computed correctly. - let interaction_chunks = &sends + let interaction_chunks = &local_sends .iter() .map(|int| (int, true)) - .chain(receives.iter().map(|int| (int, false))) + .chain(local_receives.iter().map(|int| (int, false))) .chunks(batch_size); // Assert that the i-eth entry is equal to the sum_i m_i/rlc_i by constraints: - // entry * \prod_i rlc_i = \sum_i m_i * \prod_{j!=i} rlc_j over all columns of the permutation - // trace except the last column. + // entry * \prod_i rlc_i = \sum_i m_i * \prod_{j!=i} rlc_j over all columns of the + // permutation trace except the last column. for (entry, chunk) in perm_local[0..perm_local.len() - 1].iter().zip(interaction_chunks) { - // First, we calculate the random linear combinations and multiplicities with the correct - // sign depending on wetther the interaction is a send or a receive. + // First, we calculate the random linear combinations and multiplicities with the + // correct sign depending on wetther the interaction is a send or a receive. let mut rlcs: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(batch_size); let mut multiplicities: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(batch_size); for (interaction, is_send) in chunk { let mut rlc = alpha.clone(); let mut betas = beta.powers(); - rlc += betas.next().unwrap() - * AB::ExprEF::from_canonical_usize(interaction.argument_index()); + rlc = rlc.clone() + + betas.next().unwrap() + * AB::ExprEF::from_canonical_usize(interaction.argument_index()); for (field, beta) in interaction.values.iter().zip(betas.clone()) { let elem = field.apply::(&preprocessed_local, main_local); - rlc += beta * elem; + rlc = rlc.clone() + beta * elem; } rlcs.push(rlc); @@ -357,16 +297,16 @@ pub fn eval_permutation_constraints<'a, F, AB>( let mut numerator = AB::ExprEF::zero(); for (i, (m, rlc)) in multiplicities.into_iter().zip(rlcs.iter()).enumerate() { // Calculate the running product of all rlcs. - product *= rlc.clone(); + product = product.clone() * rlc.clone(); // Calculate the product of all but the current rlc. let mut all_but_current = AB::ExprEF::one(); for other_rlc in rlcs.iter().enumerate().filter(|(j, _)| i != *j).map(|(_, rlc)| rlc) { - all_but_current *= other_rlc.clone(); + all_but_current = all_but_current.clone() * other_rlc.clone(); } - numerator += AB::ExprEF::from_base(m) * all_but_current; + numerator = numerator.clone() + AB::ExprEF::from_base(m) * all_but_current; } // Finally, assert that the entry is equal to the numerator divided by the product. @@ -375,10 +315,14 @@ pub fn eval_permutation_constraints<'a, F, AB>( } // Compute the running local and next permutation sums. - let perm_width = grouped_widths.get(&scope).unwrap(); - let sum_local = - perm_local[..perm_width - 1].iter().map(|x| (*x).into()).sum::(); - let sum_next = perm_next[..perm_width - 1].iter().map(|x| (*x).into()).sum::(); + let sum_local = perm_local[..local_permutation_width - 1] + .iter() + .map(|x| (*x).into()) + .sum::(); + let sum_next = perm_next[..local_permutation_width - 1] + .iter() + .map(|x| (*x).into()) + .sum::(); let phi_local: AB::ExprEF = (*perm_local.last().unwrap()).into(); let phi_next: AB::ExprEF = (*perm_next.last().unwrap()).into(); @@ -388,13 +332,20 @@ pub fn eval_permutation_constraints<'a, F, AB>( // Assert that the cumulative sum is constrained to `phi_next - phi_local` on the transition // rows. builder.when_transition().assert_eq_ext(phi_next - phi_local.clone(), sum_next); + builder.when_last_row().assert_eq_ext(*perm_local.last().unwrap(), *local_cumulative_sum); + } - // Assert that the cumulative sum is constrained to `phi_local` on the last row. - let cumulative_sum = match scope { - InteractionScope::Global => &cumulative_sums[0], - InteractionScope::Local => &cumulative_sums[1], - }; - - builder.when_last_row().assert_eq_ext(*perm_local.last().unwrap(), cumulative_sum.clone()); + // Handle global cumulative sums. + // If the chip's scope is `InteractionScope::Global`, the last row's final 14 columns is equal to the global cumulative sum. + let global_cumulative_sum = builder.global_cumulative_sum(); + if commit_scope == InteractionScope::Global { + for i in 0..7 { + builder + .when_last_row() + .assert_eq(main_local[main_local.len() - 14 + i], global_cumulative_sum.0.x.0[i]); + builder + .when_last_row() + .assert_eq(main_local[main_local.len() - 7 + i], global_cumulative_sum.0.y.0[i]); + } } } diff --git a/crates/stark/src/prover.rs b/crates/stark/src/prover.rs index 16d0eea23..b47bff7d4 100644 --- a/crates/stark/src/prover.rs +++ b/crates/stark/src/prover.rs @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ +use crate::septic_curve::SepticCurve; +use crate::septic_digest::SepticDigest; +use crate::septic_extension::SepticExtension; +use crate::{air::InteractionScope, AirOpenedValues, ChipOpenedValues, ShardOpenedValues}; use core::fmt::Display; -use hashbrown::HashMap; use itertools::Itertools; -use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize}; -use std::{array, cmp::Reverse, error::Error, time::Instant}; - -use crate::{air::InteractionScope, AirOpenedValues, ChipOpenedValues, ShardOpenedValues}; use p3_air::Air; use p3_challenger::{CanObserve, FieldChallenger}; use p3_commit::{Pcs, PolynomialSpace}; @@ -12,26 +11,19 @@ use p3_field::{AbstractExtensionField, AbstractField, PrimeField32}; use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix}; use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::*; use p3_util::log2_strict_usize; +use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize}; +use std::{cmp::Reverse, error::Error, time::Instant}; use super::{ quotient_values, Com, OpeningProof, StarkGenericConfig, StarkMachine, StarkProvingKey, Val, VerifierConstraintFolder, }; use crate::{ - air::MachineAir, config::ZeroCommitment, lookup::InteractionBuilder, opts::SP1CoreOpts, - record::MachineRecord, Challenger, DebugConstraintBuilder, MachineChip, MachineProof, - PackedChallenge, PcsProverData, ProverConstraintFolder, ShardCommitment, ShardMainData, - ShardProof, StarkVerifyingKey, + air::MachineAir, lookup::InteractionBuilder, opts::SP1CoreOpts, record::MachineRecord, + Challenger, DebugConstraintBuilder, MachineChip, MachineProof, PackedChallenge, PcsProverData, + ProverConstraintFolder, ShardCommitment, ShardMainData, ShardProof, StarkVerifyingKey, }; -/// A merged prover data item from the global and local prover data. -pub struct MergedProverDataItem<'a, M> { - /// The trace. - pub trace: &'a M, - /// The main data index. - pub main_data_idx: usize, -} - /// An algorithmic & hardware independent prover implementation for any [`MachineAir`]. pub trait MachineProver>: 'static + Send + Sync @@ -57,23 +49,28 @@ pub trait MachineProver>: /// Setup the preprocessed data into a proving and verifying key. fn setup(&self, program: &A::Program) -> (Self::DeviceProvingKey, StarkVerifyingKey); - /// Generate the main traces. - fn generate_traces( + /// Setup the proving key given a verifying key. This is similar to `setup` but faster since + /// some computed information is already in the verifying key. + fn pk_from_vk( &self, - record: &A::Record, - interaction_scope: InteractionScope, - ) -> Vec<(String, RowMajorMatrix>)> { + program: &A::Program, + vk: &StarkVerifyingKey, + ) -> Self::DeviceProvingKey; + + /// Copy the proving key from the host to the device. + fn pk_to_device(&self, pk: &StarkProvingKey) -> Self::DeviceProvingKey; + + /// Copy the proving key from the device to the host. + fn pk_to_host(&self, pk: &Self::DeviceProvingKey) -> StarkProvingKey; + + /// Generate the main traces. + fn generate_traces(&self, record: &A::Record) -> Vec<(String, RowMajorMatrix>)> { let shard_chips = self.shard_chips(record).collect::>(); - let chips = shard_chips - .iter() - .filter(|chip| chip.commit_scope() == interaction_scope) - .collect::>(); - assert!(!chips.is_empty()); // For each chip, generate the trace. let parent_span = tracing::debug_span!("generate traces for shard"); parent_span.in_scope(|| { - chips + shard_chips .par_iter() .map(|chip| { let chip_name = chip.name(); @@ -116,10 +113,8 @@ pub trait MachineProver>: fn open( &self, pk: &Self::DeviceProvingKey, - global_data: Option>, - local_data: ShardMainData, + data: ShardMainData, challenger: &mut SC::Challenger, - global_permutation_challenges: &[SC::Challenge], ) -> Result, Self::Error>; /// Generate a proof for the given records. @@ -167,102 +162,6 @@ pub trait MachineProver>: { self.machine().debug_constraints(pk, records, challenger); } - - /// Merge the global and local chips' sorted traces. - #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] - fn merge_shard_traces<'a, 'b>( - &'a self, - global_traces: &'b [Self::DeviceMatrix], - global_chip_ordering: &'b HashMap, - local_traces: &'b [Self::DeviceMatrix], - local_chip_ordering: &'b HashMap, - ) -> ( - HashMap, - Vec, - Vec>, - ) - where - 'a: 'b, - { - // Get the sort order of the chips. - let global_chips = global_chip_ordering - .iter() - .sorted_by_key(|(_, &i)| i) - .map(|chip| chip.0.clone()) - .collect::>(); - let local_chips = local_chip_ordering - .iter() - .sorted_by_key(|(_, &i)| i) - .map(|chip| chip.0.clone()) - .collect::>(); - - let mut merged_chips = Vec::with_capacity(global_traces.len() + local_traces.len()); - let mut merged_prover_data = Vec::with_capacity(global_chips.len() + local_chips.len()); - - assert!(global_traces.len() == global_chips.len()); - let mut global_iter = global_traces.iter().zip(global_chips.iter()).enumerate(); - assert!(local_traces.len() == local_chips.len()); - let mut local_iter = local_traces.iter().zip(local_chips.iter()).enumerate(); - - let mut global_next = global_iter.next(); - let mut local_next = local_iter.next(); - - let mut chip_scopes = Vec::new(); - - while global_next.is_some() || local_next.is_some() { - match (global_next, local_next) { - (Some(global), Some(local)) => { - let (global_prover_data_idx, (global_trace, global_chip)) = global; - let (local_prover_data_idx, (local_trace, local_chip)) = local; - if (Reverse(global_trace.height()), global_chip) - < (Reverse(local_trace.height()), local_chip) - { - merged_chips.push(global_chip.clone()); - chip_scopes.push(InteractionScope::Global); - merged_prover_data.push(MergedProverDataItem { - trace: global_trace, - main_data_idx: global_prover_data_idx, - }); - global_next = global_iter.next(); - } else { - merged_chips.push(local_chip.clone()); - chip_scopes.push(InteractionScope::Local); - merged_prover_data.push(MergedProverDataItem { - trace: local_trace, - main_data_idx: local_prover_data_idx, - }); - local_next = local_iter.next(); - } - } - (Some(global), None) => { - let (global_prover_data_idx, (global_trace, global_chip)) = global; - merged_chips.push(global_chip.clone()); - chip_scopes.push(InteractionScope::Global); - merged_prover_data.push(MergedProverDataItem { - trace: global_trace, - main_data_idx: global_prover_data_idx, - }); - global_next = global_iter.next(); - } - (None, Some(local)) => { - let (local_prover_data_idx, (local_trace, local_chip)) = local; - merged_chips.push(local_chip.clone()); - chip_scopes.push(InteractionScope::Local); - merged_prover_data.push(MergedProverDataItem { - trace: local_trace, - main_data_idx: local_prover_data_idx, - }); - local_next = local_iter.next(); - } - (None, None) => break, - } - } - - let chip_ordering = - merged_chips.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, name)| (name.clone(), i)).collect(); - - (chip_ordering, chip_scopes, merged_prover_data) - } } /// A proving key for any [`MachineAir`] that is agnostic to hardware. @@ -273,11 +172,8 @@ pub trait MachineProvingKey: Send + Sync { /// The start pc. fn pc_start(&self) -> Val; - /// The proving key on the host. - fn to_host(&self) -> StarkProvingKey; - - /// The proving key on the device. - fn from_host(host: &StarkProvingKey) -> Self; + /// The initial global cumulative sum. + fn initial_global_cumulative_sum(&self) -> SepticDigest>; /// Observe itself in the challenger. fn observe_into(&self, challenger: &mut Challenger); @@ -323,6 +219,22 @@ where self.machine().setup(program) } + fn pk_from_vk( + &self, + program: &A::Program, + vk: &StarkVerifyingKey, + ) -> Self::DeviceProvingKey { + self.machine().setup_core(program, vk.initial_global_cumulative_sum).0 + } + + fn pk_to_device(&self, pk: &StarkProvingKey) -> Self::DeviceProvingKey { + pk.clone() + } + + fn pk_to_host(&self, pk: &Self::DeviceProvingKey) -> StarkProvingKey { + pk.clone() + } + fn commit( &self, record: &A::Record, @@ -366,49 +278,15 @@ where fn open( &self, pk: &StarkProvingKey, - global_data: Option>, - local_data: ShardMainData, + data: ShardMainData, challenger: &mut ::Challenger, - global_permutation_challenges: &[SC::Challenge], ) -> Result, Self::Error> { - let (global_traces, global_main_commit, global_main_data, global_chip_ordering) = - if let Some(global_data) = global_data { - let ShardMainData { - traces: global_traces, - main_commit: global_main_commit, - main_data: global_main_data, - chip_ordering: global_chip_ordering, - public_values: _, - } = global_data; - (global_traces, global_main_commit, Some(global_main_data), global_chip_ordering) - } else { - (vec![], self.config().pcs().zero_commitment(), None, HashMap::new()) - }; - - let ShardMainData { - traces: local_traces, - main_commit: local_main_commit, - main_data: local_main_data, - chip_ordering: local_chip_ordering, - public_values: local_public_values, - } = local_data; - - // Merge the chip ordering and traces from the global and local data. - let (all_chips_ordering, all_chip_scopes, all_shard_data) = self.merge_shard_traces( - &global_traces, - &global_chip_ordering, - &local_traces, - &local_chip_ordering, - ); - - let chips = self.machine().shard_chips_ordered(&all_chips_ordering).collect::>(); - - assert!(chips.len() == all_shard_data.len()); + let chips = self.machine().shard_chips_ordered(&data.chip_ordering).collect::>(); + let traces = data.traces; let config = self.machine().config(); - let degrees = - all_shard_data.iter().map(|shard_data| shard_data.trace.height()).collect::>(); + let degrees = traces.iter().map(|trace| trace.height()).collect::>(); let log_degrees = degrees.iter().map(|degree| log2_strict_usize(*degree)).collect::>(); @@ -420,8 +298,9 @@ where let trace_domains = degrees.iter().map(|degree| pcs.natural_domain_for_degree(*degree)).collect::>(); - // Observe the main commitment. - challenger.observe(local_main_commit.clone()); + // Observe the public values and the main commitment. + challenger.observe_slice(&data.public_values[0..self.num_pv_elts()]); + challenger.observe(data.main_commit.clone()); // Obtain the challenges used for the local permutation argument. let mut local_permutation_challenges: Vec = Vec::new(); @@ -429,41 +308,46 @@ where local_permutation_challenges.push(challenger.sample_ext_element()); } - let permutation_challenges = global_permutation_challenges - .iter() - .chain(local_permutation_challenges.iter()) - .copied() - .collect::>(); - - let packed_perm_challenges = permutation_challenges + let packed_perm_challenges = local_permutation_challenges .iter() - .chain(local_permutation_challenges.iter()) .map(|c| PackedChallenge::::from_f(*c)) .collect::>(); // Generate the permutation traces. - let ((permutation_traces, prep_traces), cumulative_sums): ((Vec<_>, Vec<_>), Vec<_>) = - tracing::debug_span!("generate permutation traces").in_scope(|| { - chips - .par_iter() - .zip(all_shard_data.par_iter()) - .map(|(chip, shard_data)| { - let preprocessed_trace = - pk.chip_ordering.get(&chip.name()).map(|&index| &pk.traces[index]); - let (perm_trace, global_sum, local_sum) = chip.generate_permutation_trace( - preprocessed_trace, - shard_data.trace, - &permutation_challenges, - ); - ((perm_trace, preprocessed_trace), [global_sum, local_sum]) - }) - .unzip() - }); + let ((permutation_traces, prep_traces), (global_cumulative_sums, local_cumulative_sums)): ( + (Vec<_>, Vec<_>), + (Vec<_>, Vec<_>), + ) = tracing::debug_span!("generate permutation traces").in_scope(|| { + chips + .par_iter() + .zip(traces.par_iter()) + .map(|(chip, main_trace)| { + let preprocessed_trace = + pk.chip_ordering.get(&chip.name()).map(|&index| &pk.traces[index]); + let (perm_trace, local_sum) = chip.generate_permutation_trace( + preprocessed_trace, + main_trace, + &local_permutation_challenges, + ); + let global_sum = if chip.commit_scope() == InteractionScope::Local { + SepticDigest::>::zero() + } else { + let main_trace_size = main_trace.height() * main_trace.width(); + let last_row = &main_trace.values[main_trace_size - 14..main_trace_size]; + SepticDigest(SepticCurve { + x: SepticExtension::>::from_base_fn(|i| last_row[i]), + y: SepticExtension::>::from_base_fn(|i| last_row[i + 7]), + }) + }; + ((perm_trace, preprocessed_trace), (global_sum, local_sum)) + }) + .unzip() + }); // Compute some statistics. for i in 0..chips.len() { - let trace_width = all_shard_data[i].trace.width(); - let trace_height = all_shard_data[i].trace.height(); + let trace_width = traces[i].width(); + let trace_height = traces[i].height(); let prep_width = prep_traces[i].map_or(0, |x| x.width()); let permutation_width = permutation_traces[i].width(); let total_width = trace_width @@ -500,13 +384,15 @@ where // Observe the permutation commitment and cumulative sums. challenger.observe(permutation_commit.clone()); - for [global_sum, local_sum] in cumulative_sums.iter() { - challenger.observe_slice(global_sum.as_base_slice()); + for (local_sum, global_sum) in + local_cumulative_sums.iter().zip(global_cumulative_sums.iter()) + { challenger.observe_slice(local_sum.as_base_slice()); + challenger.observe_slice(&global_sum.0.x.0); + challenger.observe_slice(&global_sum.0.y.0); } // Compute the quotient polynomial for all chips. - let quotient_domains = trace_domains .iter() .zip_eq(log_degrees.iter()) @@ -529,25 +415,18 @@ where let preprocessed_trace_on_quotient_domains = pk.chip_ordering.get(&chips[i].name()).map(|&index| { pcs.get_evaluations_on_domain(&pk.data, index, *quotient_domain) + .to_row_major_matrix() }); - let scope = all_chip_scopes[i]; - let main_data = if scope == InteractionScope::Global { - global_main_data - .as_ref() - .expect("Expected global_main_data to be Some") - } else { - &local_main_data - }; - let main_trace_on_quotient_domains = pcs.get_evaluations_on_domain( - main_data, - all_shard_data[i].main_data_idx, - *quotient_domain, - ); + let main_trace_on_quotient_domains = pcs + .get_evaluations_on_domain(&data.main_data, i, *quotient_domain) + .to_row_major_matrix(); let permutation_trace_on_quotient_domains = pcs - .get_evaluations_on_domain(&permutation_data, i, *quotient_domain); + .get_evaluations_on_domain(&permutation_data, i, *quotient_domain) + .to_row_major_matrix(); quotient_values( chips[i], - &cumulative_sums[i], + &local_cumulative_sums[i], + &global_cumulative_sums[i], trace_domains[i], *quotient_domain, preprocessed_trace_on_quotient_domains, @@ -555,7 +434,7 @@ where permutation_trace_on_quotient_domains, &packed_perm_challenges, alpha, - &local_public_values, + &data.public_values, ) }) }) @@ -593,15 +472,35 @@ where tracing::debug_span!("compute preprocessed opening points").in_scope(|| { pk.traces .iter() - .map(|trace| { + .zip(pk.local_only.iter()) + .map(|(trace, local_only)| { let domain = pcs.natural_domain_for_degree(trace.height()); - vec![zeta, domain.next_point(zeta).unwrap()] + if !local_only { + vec![zeta, domain.next_point(zeta).unwrap()] + } else { + vec![zeta] + } + }) + .collect::>() + }); + + let main_trace_opening_points = tracing::debug_span!("compute main trace opening points") + .in_scope(|| { + trace_domains + .iter() + .zip(chips.iter()) + .map(|(domain, chip)| { + if !chip.local_only() { + vec![zeta, domain.next_point(zeta).unwrap()] + } else { + vec![zeta] + } }) .collect::>() }); - let trace_opening_points = - tracing::debug_span!("compute trace opening points").in_scope(|| { + let permutation_trace_opening_points = + tracing::debug_span!("compute permutation trace opening points").in_scope(|| { trace_domains .iter() .map(|domain| vec![zeta, domain.next_point(zeta).unwrap()]) @@ -612,94 +511,49 @@ where let quotient_opening_points = (0..num_quotient_chunks).map(|_| vec![zeta]).collect::>(); - // Split the trace_opening_points to the global and local chips. - let mut global_trace_opening_points = Vec::with_capacity(global_chip_ordering.len()); - let mut local_trace_opening_points = Vec::with_capacity(local_chip_ordering.len()); - for (i, trace_opening_point) in trace_opening_points.clone().into_iter().enumerate() { - let scope = all_chip_scopes[i]; - if scope == InteractionScope::Global { - global_trace_opening_points.push(trace_opening_point); - } else { - local_trace_opening_points.push(trace_opening_point); - } - } - - let rounds = if let Some(global_main_data) = global_main_data.as_ref() { - vec![ - (&pk.data, preprocessed_opening_points), - (global_main_data, global_trace_opening_points), - (&local_main_data, local_trace_opening_points), - (&permutation_data, trace_opening_points), - ("ient_data, quotient_opening_points), - ] - } else { - vec![ - (&pk.data, preprocessed_opening_points), - (&local_main_data, local_trace_opening_points), - (&permutation_data, trace_opening_points), - ("ient_data, quotient_opening_points), - ] - }; - - let (openings, opening_proof) = - tracing::debug_span!("open multi batches").in_scope(|| pcs.open(rounds, challenger)); - - // Collect the opened values for each chip. - let ( - preprocessed_values, - global_main_values, - local_main_values, - permutation_values, - mut quotient_values, - ) = if global_main_data.is_some() { - let [preprocessed_values, global_main_values, local_main_values, permutation_values, quotient_values] = - openings.try_into().unwrap(); - ( - preprocessed_values, - Some(global_main_values), - local_main_values, - permutation_values, - quotient_values, + let (openings, opening_proof) = tracing::debug_span!("open multi batches").in_scope(|| { + pcs.open( + vec![ + (&pk.data, preprocessed_opening_points), + (&data.main_data, main_trace_opening_points.clone()), + (&permutation_data, permutation_trace_opening_points.clone()), + ("ient_data, quotient_opening_points), + ], + challenger, ) - } else { - let [preprocessed_values, local_main_values, permutation_values, quotient_values] = - openings.try_into().unwrap(); - (preprocessed_values, None, local_main_values, permutation_values, quotient_values) - }; + }); + // Collect the opened values for each chip. + let [preprocessed_values, main_values, permutation_values, mut quotient_values] = + openings.try_into().unwrap(); + assert!(main_values.len() == chips.len()); let preprocessed_opened_values = preprocessed_values .into_iter() - .map(|op| { - let [local, next] = op.try_into().unwrap(); - AirOpenedValues { local, next } + .zip(pk.local_only.iter()) + .map(|(op, local_only)| { + if !local_only { + let [local, next] = op.try_into().unwrap(); + AirOpenedValues { local, next } + } else { + let [local] = op.try_into().unwrap(); + let width = local.len(); + AirOpenedValues { local, next: vec![SC::Challenge::zero(); width] } + } }) .collect::>(); - // Merge the global and local main values. - let mut main_values = - Vec::with_capacity(global_chip_ordering.len() + local_chip_ordering.len()); - for chip in chips.iter() { - let global_order = global_chip_ordering.get(&chip.name()); - let local_order = local_chip_ordering.get(&chip.name()); - match (global_order, local_order) { - (Some(&global_order), None) => { - let global_main_values = - global_main_values.as_ref().expect("Global main values should be Some"); - main_values.push(global_main_values[global_order].clone()); - } - (None, Some(&local_order)) => { - main_values.push(local_main_values[local_order].clone()); - } - _ => unreachable!(), - } - } - assert!(main_values.len() == chips.len()); - let main_opened_values = main_values .into_iter() - .map(|op| { - let [local, next] = op.try_into().unwrap(); - AirOpenedValues { local, next } + .zip(chips.iter()) + .map(|(op, chip)| { + if !chip.local_only() { + let [local, next] = op.try_into().unwrap(); + AirOpenedValues { local, next } + } else { + let [local] = op.try_into().unwrap(); + let width = local.len(); + AirOpenedValues { local, next: vec![SC::Challenge::zero(); width] } + } }) .collect::>(); let permutation_opened_values = permutation_values @@ -709,7 +563,6 @@ where AirOpenedValues { local, next } }) .collect::>(); - let mut quotient_opened_values = Vec::with_capacity(log_quotient_degrees.len()); for log_quotient_degree in log_quotient_degrees.iter() { let degree = 1 << *log_quotient_degree; @@ -721,38 +574,49 @@ where .into_iter() .zip_eq(permutation_opened_values) .zip_eq(quotient_opened_values) - .zip_eq(cumulative_sums) + .zip_eq(local_cumulative_sums) + .zip_eq(global_cumulative_sums) .zip_eq(log_degrees.iter()) .enumerate() - .map(|(i, ((((main, permutation), quotient), cumulative_sums), log_degree))| { - let preprocessed = pk - .chip_ordering - .get(&chips[i].name()) - .map(|&index| preprocessed_opened_values[index].clone()) - .unwrap_or(AirOpenedValues { local: vec![], next: vec![] }); - ChipOpenedValues { - preprocessed, - main, - permutation, - quotient, - global_cumulative_sum: cumulative_sums[0], - local_cumulative_sum: cumulative_sums[1], - log_degree: *log_degree, - } - }) + .map( + |( + i, + ( + ( + (((main, permutation), quotient), local_cumulative_sum), + global_cumulative_sum, + ), + log_degree, + ), + )| { + let preprocessed = pk + .chip_ordering + .get(&chips[i].name()) + .map(|&index| preprocessed_opened_values[index].clone()) + .unwrap_or(AirOpenedValues { local: vec![], next: vec![] }); + ChipOpenedValues { + preprocessed, + main, + permutation, + quotient, + global_cumulative_sum, + local_cumulative_sum, + log_degree: *log_degree, + } + }, + ) .collect::>(); Ok(ShardProof:: { commitment: ShardCommitment { - global_main_commit, - local_main_commit, + main_commit: data.main_commit.clone(), permutation_commit, quotient_commit, }, opened_values: ShardOpenedValues { chips: opened_values }, opening_proof, - chip_ordering: all_chips_ordering, - public_values: local_public_values, + chip_ordering: data.chip_ordering, + public_values: data.public_values, }) } @@ -771,69 +635,19 @@ where where A: for<'a> Air, SC::Challenge>>, { + // Generate dependencies. + self.machine().generate_dependencies(&mut records, &opts, None); + // Observe the preprocessed commitment. pk.observe_into(challenger); - let contains_global_bus = self.machine().contains_global_bus(); - - if contains_global_bus { - // Generate dependencies. - self.machine().generate_dependencies(&mut records, &opts, None); - } - - // Generate and commit the global traces for each shard. - let global_data = records - .par_iter() - .map(|record| { - if contains_global_bus { - let global_named_traces = - self.generate_traces(record, InteractionScope::Global); - Some(self.commit(record, global_named_traces)) - } else { - None - } - }) - .collect::>(); - - // Observe the challenges for each segment. - tracing::debug_span!("observing all challenges").in_scope(|| { - global_data.iter().zip_eq(records.iter()).for_each(|(global_data, record)| { - if contains_global_bus { - challenger.observe( - global_data - .as_ref() - .expect("must have a global commitment") - .main_commit - .clone(), - ); - } - challenger.observe_slice(&record.public_values::()[0..self.num_pv_elts()]); - }); - }); - - // Obtain the challenges used for the global permutation argument. - let global_permutation_challenges: [SC::Challenge; 2] = array::from_fn(|_| { - if contains_global_bus { - challenger.sample_ext_element() - } else { - SC::Challenge::zero() - } - }); - let shard_proofs = tracing::info_span!("prove_shards").in_scope(|| { - global_data + records .into_par_iter() - .zip_eq(records.par_iter()) - .map(|(global_shard_data, record)| { - let local_named_traces = self.generate_traces(record, InteractionScope::Local); - let local_shard_data = self.commit(record, local_named_traces); - self.open( - pk, - global_shard_data, - local_shard_data, - &mut challenger.clone(), - &global_permutation_challenges, - ) + .map(|record| { + let named_traces = self.generate_traces(&record); + let shard_data = self.commit(&record, named_traces); + self.open(pk, shard_data, &mut challenger.clone()) }) .collect::, _>>() })?; @@ -856,21 +670,17 @@ where self.pc_start } - fn to_host(&self) -> StarkProvingKey { - self.clone() - } - - fn from_host(host: &StarkProvingKey) -> Self { - host.clone() + fn initial_global_cumulative_sum(&self) -> SepticDigest> { + self.initial_global_cumulative_sum } fn observe_into(&self, challenger: &mut Challenger) { challenger.observe(self.commit.clone()); challenger.observe(self.pc_start); + challenger.observe_slice(&self.initial_global_cumulative_sum.0.x.0); + challenger.observe_slice(&self.initial_global_cumulative_sum.0.y.0); let zero = Val::::zero(); - for _ in 0..7 { - challenger.observe(zero); - } + challenger.observe(zero); } } diff --git a/crates/stark/src/quotient.rs b/crates/stark/src/quotient.rs index ee98d5e7c..8d014b77e 100644 --- a/crates/stark/src/quotient.rs +++ b/crates/stark/src/quotient.rs @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrixView, stack::VerticalPair, Matrix}; use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::*; use p3_util::log2_strict_usize; -use crate::air::MachineAir; +use crate::{air::MachineAir, septic_digest::SepticDigest}; use super::{ folder::ProverConstraintFolder, Chip, Domain, PackedChallenge, PackedVal, StarkGenericConfig, @@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ use super::{ #[allow(clippy::too_many_lines)] pub fn quotient_values( chip: &Chip, A>, - cumulative_sums: &[SC::Challenge], + local_cumulative_sum: &SC::Challenge, + global_cumulative_sum: &SepticDigest>, trace_domain: Domain, quotient_domain: Domain, preprocessed_trace_on_quotient_domain: Option, @@ -127,10 +128,7 @@ where let accumulator = PackedChallenge::::zero(); - let packed_cumulative_sums = cumulative_sums - .iter() - .map(|c| PackedChallenge::::from_f(*c)) - .collect::>(); + let packed_local_cumulative_sum = PackedChallenge::::from_f(*local_cumulative_sum); let mut folder = ProverConstraintFolder { preprocessed: VerticalPair::new( @@ -146,7 +144,8 @@ where RowMajorMatrixView::new_row(&perm_next), ), perm_challenges, - cumulative_sums: &packed_cumulative_sums, + local_cumulative_sum: &packed_local_cumulative_sum, + global_cumulative_sum, is_first_row, is_last_row, is_transition, diff --git a/crates/stark/src/septic_curve.rs b/crates/stark/src/septic_curve.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a69bd445f --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/stark/src/septic_curve.rs @@ -0,0 +1,353 @@ +//! Elliptic Curve `y^2 = x^3 + 2x + 26z^5` over the `F_{p^7} = F_p[z]/(z^7 - 2z - 5)` extension field. +use crate::{baby_bear_poseidon2::BabyBearPoseidon2, septic_extension::SepticExtension}; +use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; +use p3_field::{AbstractExtensionField, AbstractField, Field, PrimeField32}; +use p3_symmetric::Permutation; +use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; +use std::ops::Add; + +/// A septic elliptic curve point on y^2 = x^3 + 2x + 26z^5 over field `F_{p^7} = F_p[z]/(z^7 - 2z - 5)`. +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct SepticCurve { + /// The x-coordinate of an elliptic curve point. + pub x: SepticExtension, + /// The y-coordinate of an elliptic curve point. + pub y: SepticExtension, +} + +/// The x-coordinate for a curve point used as a witness for padding interactions, derived from `e`. +pub const CURVE_WITNESS_DUMMY_POINT_X: [u32; 7] = + [0x2738281, 0x8284590, 0x4523536, 0x0287471, 0x3526624, 0x9775724, 0x7093699]; + +/// The y-coordinate for a curve point used as a witness for padding interactions, derived from `e`. +pub const CURVE_WITNESS_DUMMY_POINT_Y: [u32; 7] = + [48041908, 550064556, 415267377, 1726976249, 1253299140, 209439863, 1302309485]; + +impl SepticCurve { + /// Returns the dummy point. + #[must_use] + pub fn dummy() -> Self { + Self { + x: SepticExtension::from_base_fn(|i| { + F::from_canonical_u32(CURVE_WITNESS_DUMMY_POINT_X[i]) + }), + y: SepticExtension::from_base_fn(|i| { + F::from_canonical_u32(CURVE_WITNESS_DUMMY_POINT_Y[i]) + }), + } + } + + /// Check if a `SepticCurve` struct is on the elliptic curve. + pub fn check_on_point(&self) -> bool { + self.y.square() == Self::curve_formula(self.x) + } + + /// Negates a `SepticCurve` point. + #[must_use] + pub fn neg(&self) -> Self { + SepticCurve { x: self.x, y: -self.y } + } + + #[must_use] + /// Adds two elliptic curve points, assuming that the addition doesn't lead to the exception cases of weierstrass addition. + pub fn add_incomplete(&self, other: SepticCurve) -> Self { + let slope = (other.y - self.y) / (other.x - self.x); + let result_x = slope.square() - self.x - other.x; + let result_y = slope * (self.x - result_x) - self.y; + Self { x: result_x, y: result_y } + } + + /// Add assigns an elliptic curve point, assuming that the addition doesn't lead to the exception cases of weierstrass addition. + pub fn add_assign(&mut self, other: SepticCurve) { + let result = self.add_incomplete(other); + self.x = result.x; + self.y = result.y; + } + + #[must_use] + /// Double the elliptic curve point. + pub fn double(&self) -> Self { + let slope = (self.x * self.x * F::from_canonical_u8(3u8) + F::two()) / (self.y * F::two()); + let result_x = slope.square() - self.x * F::two(); + let result_y = slope * (self.x - result_x) - self.y; + Self { x: result_x, y: result_y } + } + + /// Subtracts two elliptic curve points, assuming that the subtraction doesn't lead to the exception cases of weierstrass addition. + #[must_use] + pub fn sub_incomplete(&self, other: SepticCurve) -> Self { + self.add_incomplete(other.neg()) + } + + /// Subtract assigns an elliptic curve point, assuming that the subtraction doesn't lead to the exception cases of weierstrass addition. + pub fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: SepticCurve) { + let result = self.add_incomplete(other.neg()); + self.x = result.x; + self.y = result.y; + } +} + +impl SepticCurve { + /// Evaluates the curve formula x^3 + 2x + 26z^5 + pub fn curve_formula(x: SepticExtension) -> SepticExtension { + x.cube() + + x * F::two() + + SepticExtension::from_base_slice(&[ + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::from_canonical_u32(26), + F::zero(), + ]) + } +} + +impl SepticCurve { + /// Lift an x coordinate into an elliptic curve. + /// As an x-coordinate may not be a valid one, we allow an additional value in `[0, 256)` to the hash input. + /// Also, we always return the curve point with y-coordinate within `[1, (p-1)/2]`, where p is the characteristic. + /// The returned values are the curve point, the offset used, and the hash input and output. + pub fn lift_x(m: SepticExtension) -> (Self, u8, [F; 16], [F; 16]) { + let perm = BabyBearPoseidon2::new().perm; + for offset in 0..=255 { + let m_trial = [ + m.0[0], + m.0[1], + m.0[2], + m.0[3], + m.0[4], + m.0[5], + m.0[6], + F::from_canonical_u8(offset), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + ]; + + let m_hash = perm + .permute(m_trial.map(|x| BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(x.as_canonical_u32()))) + .map(|x| F::from_canonical_u32(x.as_canonical_u32())); + let x_trial = SepticExtension(m_hash[..7].try_into().unwrap()); + + let y_sq = Self::curve_formula(x_trial); + if let Some(y) = y_sq.sqrt() { + if y.is_exception() { + continue; + } + if y.is_send() { + return (Self { x: x_trial, y: -y }, offset, m_trial, m_hash); + } + return (Self { x: x_trial, y }, offset, m_trial, m_hash); + } + } + panic!("curve point couldn't be found after 256 attempts"); + } +} + +impl SepticCurve { + /// Given three points p1, p2, p3, the function is zero if and only if p3.x == (p1 + p2).x assuming that no weierstrass edge cases occur. + pub fn sum_checker_x( + p1: SepticCurve, + p2: SepticCurve, + p3: SepticCurve, + ) -> SepticExtension { + (p1.x.clone() + p2.x.clone() + p3.x) * (p2.x.clone() - p1.x.clone()).square() + - (p2.y - p1.y).square() + } + + /// Given three points p1, p2, p3, the function is zero if and only if p3.y == (p1 + p2).y assuming that no weierstrass edge cases occur. + pub fn sum_checker_y( + p1: SepticCurve, + p2: SepticCurve, + p3: SepticCurve, + ) -> SepticExtension { + (p1.y.clone() + p3.y.clone()) * (p2.x.clone() - p1.x.clone()) + - (p2.y - p1.y.clone()) * (p1.x - p3.x) + } +} + +impl SepticCurve { + /// Convert a `SepticCurve` into `SepticCurve`, with a map that implements `FnMut(S) -> T`. + pub fn convert T>(point: SepticCurve, mut f: G) -> Self { + SepticCurve { + x: SepticExtension(point.x.0.map(&mut f)), + y: SepticExtension(point.y.0.map(&mut f)), + } + } +} + +/// A septic elliptic curve point on y^2 = x^3 + 2x + 26z^5 over field `F_{p^7} = F_p[z]/(z^7 - 2z - 5)`, including the point at infinity. +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] +pub enum SepticCurveComplete { + /// The point at infinity. + Infinity, + /// The affine point which can be represented with a `SepticCurve` structure. + Affine(SepticCurve), +} + +impl Add for SepticCurveComplete { + type Output = Self; + fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output { + if self.is_infinity() { + return rhs; + } + if rhs.is_infinity() { + return self; + } + let point1 = self.point(); + let point2 = rhs.point(); + if point1.x != point2.x { + return Self::Affine(point1.add_incomplete(point2)); + } + if point1.y == point2.y { + return Self::Affine(point1.double()); + } + Self::Infinity + } +} + +impl SepticCurveComplete { + /// Returns whether or not the point is a point at infinity. + pub fn is_infinity(&self) -> bool { + match self { + Self::Infinity => true, + Self::Affine(_) => false, + } + } + + /// Asserts that the point is not a point at infinity, and returns the `SepticCurve` value. + pub fn point(&self) -> SepticCurve { + match self { + Self::Infinity => panic!("point() called for point at infinity"), + Self::Affine(point) => *point, + } + } +} + +#[cfg(test)] +mod tests { + use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; + use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::ParallelIterator; + use p3_maybe_rayon::prelude::{IndexedParallelIterator, IntoParallelIterator}; + use rayon_scan::ScanParallelIterator; + use std::time::Instant; + + use super::*; + + #[test] + fn test_lift_x() { + let x: SepticExtension = SepticExtension::from_base_slice(&[ + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(0x2013), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(0x2015), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(0x2016), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(0x2023), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(0x2024), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(0x2016), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(0x2017), + ]); + let (curve_point, _, _, _) = SepticCurve::::lift_x(x); + assert!(curve_point.check_on_point()); + assert!(!curve_point.x.is_receive()); + } + + #[test] + fn test_double() { + let x: SepticExtension = SepticExtension::from_base_slice(&[ + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(0x2013), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(0x2015), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(0x2016), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(0x2023), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(0x2024), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(0x2016), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(0x2017), + ]); + let (curve_point, _, _, _) = SepticCurve::::lift_x(x); + let double_point = curve_point.double(); + assert!(double_point.check_on_point()); + } + + #[test] + #[ignore] + fn test_simple_bench() { + const D: u32 = 1 << 16; + let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(D as usize); + let mut sum = Vec::with_capacity(D as usize); + let start = Instant::now(); + for i in 0..D { + let x: SepticExtension = SepticExtension::from_base_slice(&[ + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(i + 25), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(2 * i + 376), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(4 * i + 23), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(8 * i + 531), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(16 * i + 542), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(32 * i + 196), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(64 * i + 667), + ]); + let (curve_point, _, _, _) = SepticCurve::::lift_x(x); + vec.push(curve_point); + } + println!("Time elapsed: {:?}", start.elapsed()); + let start = Instant::now(); + for i in 0..D { + sum.push(vec[i as usize].add_incomplete(vec[((i + 1) % D) as usize])); + } + println!("Time elapsed: {:?}", start.elapsed()); + let start = Instant::now(); + for i in 0..(D as usize) { + assert!( + SepticCurve::::sum_checker_x(vec[i], vec[(i + 1) % D as usize], sum[i]) + == SepticExtension::::zero() + ); + assert!( + SepticCurve::::sum_checker_y(vec[i], vec[(i + 1) % D as usize], sum[i]) + == SepticExtension::::zero() + ); + } + println!("Time elapsed: {:?}", start.elapsed()); + } + + #[test] + #[ignore] + fn test_parallel_bench() { + const D: u32 = 1 << 20; + let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(D as usize); + let start = Instant::now(); + for i in 0..D { + let x: SepticExtension = SepticExtension::from_base_slice(&[ + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(i + 25), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(2 * i + 376), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(4 * i + 23), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(8 * i + 531), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(16 * i + 542), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(32 * i + 196), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(64 * i + 667), + ]); + let (curve_point, _, _, _) = SepticCurve::::lift_x(x); + vec.push(SepticCurveComplete::Affine(curve_point)); + } + println!("Time elapsed: {:?}", start.elapsed()); + + let mut cum_sum = SepticCurveComplete::Infinity; + let start = Instant::now(); + for point in &vec { + cum_sum = cum_sum + *point; + } + println!("Time elapsed: {:?}", start.elapsed()); + let start = Instant::now(); + let par_sum = vec + .into_par_iter() + .with_min_len(1 << 16) + .scan(|a, b| *a + *b, SepticCurveComplete::Infinity) + .collect::>>(); + println!("Time elapsed: {:?}", start.elapsed()); + assert_eq!(cum_sum, *par_sum.last().unwrap()); + } +} diff --git a/crates/stark/src/septic_digest.rs b/crates/stark/src/septic_digest.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..695e7a6ef --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/stark/src/septic_digest.rs @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +//! Elliptic Curve digests with a starting point to avoid weierstrass addition exceptions. +use crate::septic_curve::SepticCurve; +use crate::septic_extension::SepticExtension; +use p3_field::{AbstractExtensionField, AbstractField, Field}; +use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; +use std::iter::Sum; + +/// The x-coordinate for a curve point used as a starting cumulative sum for global permutation trace generation, derived from `sqrt(2)`. +pub const CURVE_CUMULATIVE_SUM_START_X: [u32; 7] = + [0x1434213, 0x5623730, 0x9504880, 0x1688724, 0x2096980, 0x7856967, 0x1875376]; + +/// The y-coordinate for a curve point used as a starting cumulative sum for global permutation trace generation, derived from `sqrt(2)`. +pub const CURVE_CUMULATIVE_SUM_START_Y: [u32; 7] = + [885797405, 1130275556, 567836311, 52700240, 239639200, 442612155, 1839439733]; + +/// The x-coordinate for a curve point used as a starting random point for digest accumulation, derived from `sqrt(3)`. +pub const DIGEST_SUM_START_X: [u32; 7] = + [0x1742050, 0x8075688, 0x7729352, 0x7446341, 0x5058723, 0x6694280, 0x5253810]; + +/// The y-coordinate for a curve point used as a starting random point for digest accumulation, derived from `sqrt(3)`. +pub const DIGEST_SUM_START_Y: [u32; 7] = + [462194069, 1842131493, 281651264, 1684885851, 483907222, 1097389352, 1648978901]; + +/// A global cumulative sum digest, a point on the elliptic curve that `SepticCurve` represents. +/// As these digests start with the `CURVE_CUMULATIVE_SUM_START` point, they require special summing logic. +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct SepticDigest(pub SepticCurve); + +impl SepticDigest { + #[must_use] + /// The zero digest, the starting point of the accumulation of curve points derived from the scheme. + pub fn zero() -> Self { + SepticDigest(SepticCurve { + x: SepticExtension::::from_base_fn(|i| { + F::from_canonical_u32(CURVE_CUMULATIVE_SUM_START_X[i]) + }), + y: SepticExtension::::from_base_fn(|i| { + F::from_canonical_u32(CURVE_CUMULATIVE_SUM_START_Y[i]) + }), + }) + } + + #[must_use] + /// The digest used for starting the accumulation of digests. + pub fn starting_digest() -> Self { + SepticDigest(SepticCurve { + x: SepticExtension::::from_base_fn(|i| F::from_canonical_u32(DIGEST_SUM_START_X[i])), + y: SepticExtension::::from_base_fn(|i| F::from_canonical_u32(DIGEST_SUM_START_Y[i])), + }) + } +} + +impl SepticDigest { + /// Checks that the digest is zero, the starting point of the accumulation. + pub fn is_zero(&self) -> bool { + *self == SepticDigest::::zero() + } +} + +impl Sum for SepticDigest { + fn sum>(iter: I) -> Self { + let start = SepticDigest::::starting_digest().0; + + // Computation order is start + (digest1 - offset) + (digest2 - offset) + ... + (digestN - offset) + offset - start. + let mut ret = iter.fold(start, |acc, x| { + let sum_offset = acc.add_incomplete(x.0); + sum_offset.sub_incomplete(SepticDigest::::zero().0) + }); + + ret.add_assign(SepticDigest::::zero().0); + ret.sub_assign(start); + SepticDigest(ret) + } +} + +#[cfg(test)] +mod test { + use crate::septic_curve::{CURVE_WITNESS_DUMMY_POINT_X, CURVE_WITNESS_DUMMY_POINT_Y}; + + use super::*; + use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; + #[test] + fn test_const_points() { + let x: SepticExtension = SepticExtension::from_base_fn(|i| { + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(CURVE_CUMULATIVE_SUM_START_X[i]) + }); + let y: SepticExtension = SepticExtension::from_base_fn(|i| { + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(CURVE_CUMULATIVE_SUM_START_Y[i]) + }); + let point = SepticCurve { x, y }; + assert!(point.check_on_point()); + let x: SepticExtension = + SepticExtension::from_base_fn(|i| BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(DIGEST_SUM_START_X[i])); + let y: SepticExtension = + SepticExtension::from_base_fn(|i| BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(DIGEST_SUM_START_Y[i])); + let point = SepticCurve { x, y }; + assert!(point.check_on_point()); + let x: SepticExtension = SepticExtension::from_base_fn(|i| { + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(CURVE_WITNESS_DUMMY_POINT_X[i]) + }); + let y: SepticExtension = SepticExtension::from_base_fn(|i| { + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(CURVE_WITNESS_DUMMY_POINT_Y[i]) + }); + let point = SepticCurve { x, y }; + assert!(point.check_on_point()); + } +} diff --git a/crates/stark/src/septic_extension.rs b/crates/stark/src/septic_extension.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..968c70722 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/stark/src/septic_extension.rs @@ -0,0 +1,881 @@ +//! A septic extension with an irreducible polynomial `z^7 - 2z - 5`. +use num_bigint::BigUint; +use num_traits::One; +use p3_field::PrimeField32; +use p3_field::{AbstractExtensionField, AbstractField, ExtensionField, Field, Packable}; +use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; +use std::array; +use std::fmt::Display; +use std::iter::{Product, Sum}; +use std::ops::{Add, AddAssign, Div, Index, IndexMut, Mul, MulAssign, Neg, Sub, SubAssign}; + +use crate::air::{SP1AirBuilder, SepticExtensionAirBuilder}; + +/// A septic extension with an irreducible polynomial `z^7 - 2z - 5`. +/// +/// The field can be constructed as `F_{p^7} = F_p[z]/(z^7 - 2z - 5)`. +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct SepticExtension(pub [F; 7]); + +impl AbstractField for SepticExtension { + type F = SepticExtension; + + fn zero() -> Self { + SepticExtension([ + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + ]) + } + + fn one() -> Self { + SepticExtension([ + F::one(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + ]) + } + + fn two() -> Self { + SepticExtension([ + F::two(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + ]) + } + + fn neg_one() -> Self { + SepticExtension([ + F::neg_one(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + ]) + } + + fn from_f(f: Self::F) -> Self { + SepticExtension([ + F::from_f(f.0[0]), + F::from_f(f.0[1]), + F::from_f(f.0[2]), + F::from_f(f.0[3]), + F::from_f(f.0[4]), + F::from_f(f.0[5]), + F::from_f(f.0[6]), + ]) + } + + fn from_bool(b: bool) -> Self { + SepticExtension([ + F::from_bool(b), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + ]) + } + + fn from_canonical_u8(n: u8) -> Self { + SepticExtension([ + F::from_canonical_u8(n), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + ]) + } + + fn from_canonical_u16(n: u16) -> Self { + SepticExtension([ + F::from_canonical_u16(n), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + ]) + } + + fn from_canonical_u32(n: u32) -> Self { + SepticExtension([ + F::from_canonical_u32(n), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + ]) + } + + fn from_canonical_u64(n: u64) -> Self { + SepticExtension([ + F::from_canonical_u64(n), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + ]) + } + + fn from_canonical_usize(n: usize) -> Self { + SepticExtension([ + F::from_canonical_usize(n), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + ]) + } + + fn from_wrapped_u32(n: u32) -> Self { + SepticExtension([ + F::from_wrapped_u32(n), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + ]) + } + + fn from_wrapped_u64(n: u64) -> Self { + SepticExtension([ + F::from_wrapped_u64(n), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + F::zero(), + ]) + } + + fn generator() -> Self { + SepticExtension([F::two(), F::one(), F::zero(), F::zero(), F::zero(), F::zero(), F::zero()]) + } +} + +impl Field for SepticExtension { + type Packing = Self; + + fn try_inverse(&self) -> Option { + if self.is_zero() { + return None; + } + Some(self.inv()) + } + + fn order() -> BigUint { + F::order().pow(7) + } +} + +impl AbstractExtensionField for SepticExtension { + const D: usize = 7; + + fn from_base(b: F) -> Self { + SepticExtension([b, F::zero(), F::zero(), F::zero(), F::zero(), F::zero(), F::zero()]) + } + + fn from_base_slice(bs: &[F]) -> Self { + SepticExtension([ + bs[0].clone(), + bs[1].clone(), + bs[2].clone(), + bs[3].clone(), + bs[4].clone(), + bs[5].clone(), + bs[6].clone(), + ]) + } + + fn from_base_fn F>(f: G) -> Self { + Self(array::from_fn(f)) + } + + fn as_base_slice(&self) -> &[F] { + self.0.as_slice() + } +} + +impl ExtensionField for SepticExtension { + type ExtensionPacking = SepticExtension; +} + +impl Packable for SepticExtension {} + +impl Add for SepticExtension { + type Output = Self; + + fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output { + let mut res = self.0; + for (r, rhs_val) in res.iter_mut().zip(rhs.0) { + *r = (*r).clone() + rhs_val; + } + Self(res) + } +} + +impl AddAssign for SepticExtension { + fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) { + self.0[0] += rhs.0[0].clone(); + self.0[1] += rhs.0[1].clone(); + self.0[2] += rhs.0[2].clone(); + self.0[3] += rhs.0[3].clone(); + self.0[4] += rhs.0[4].clone(); + self.0[5] += rhs.0[5].clone(); + self.0[6] += rhs.0[6].clone(); + } +} + +impl Sub for SepticExtension { + type Output = Self; + + fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output { + let mut res = self.0; + for (r, rhs_val) in res.iter_mut().zip(rhs.0) { + *r = (*r).clone() - rhs_val; + } + Self(res) + } +} + +impl SubAssign for SepticExtension { + fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) { + self.0[0] -= rhs.0[0].clone(); + } +} + +impl Neg for SepticExtension { + type Output = Self; + + fn neg(self) -> Self::Output { + let mut res = self.0; + for r in res.iter_mut() { + *r = -r.clone(); + } + Self(res) + } +} + +impl Mul for SepticExtension { + type Output = Self; + + fn mul(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output { + let mut res: [F; 13] = core::array::from_fn(|_| F::zero()); + for i in 0..7 { + for j in 0..7 { + res[i + j] = res[i + j].clone() + self.0[i].clone() * rhs.0[j].clone(); + } + } + let mut ret: [F; 7] = core::array::from_fn(|i| res[i].clone()); + for i in 7..13 { + ret[i - 7] = ret[i - 7].clone() + res[i].clone() * F::from_canonical_u32(5); + ret[i - 6] = ret[i - 6].clone() + res[i].clone() * F::from_canonical_u32(2); + } + Self(ret) + } +} + +impl MulAssign for SepticExtension { + fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) { + let res = self.clone() * rhs; + *self = res; + } +} + +impl Product for SepticExtension { + fn product>(iter: I) -> Self { + let one = Self::one(); + iter.fold(one, |acc, x| acc * x) + } +} + +impl Sum for SepticExtension { + fn sum>(iter: I) -> Self { + let zero = Self::zero(); + iter.fold(zero, |acc, x| acc + x) + } +} + +impl From for SepticExtension { + fn from(f: F) -> Self { + SepticExtension([f, F::zero(), F::zero(), F::zero(), F::zero(), F::zero(), F::zero()]) + } +} + +impl Add for SepticExtension { + type Output = Self; + + fn add(self, rhs: F) -> Self::Output { + SepticExtension([ + self.0[0].clone() + rhs, + self.0[1].clone(), + self.0[2].clone(), + self.0[3].clone(), + self.0[4].clone(), + self.0[5].clone(), + self.0[6].clone(), + ]) + } +} + +impl AddAssign for SepticExtension { + fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: F) { + self.0[0] += rhs; + } +} + +impl Sub for SepticExtension { + type Output = Self; + + fn sub(self, rhs: F) -> Self::Output { + self + (-rhs) + } +} + +impl SubAssign for SepticExtension { + fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: F) { + self.0[0] -= rhs; + } +} + +impl Mul for SepticExtension { + type Output = Self; + + fn mul(self, rhs: F) -> Self::Output { + SepticExtension([ + self.0[0].clone() * rhs.clone(), + self.0[1].clone() * rhs.clone(), + self.0[2].clone() * rhs.clone(), + self.0[3].clone() * rhs.clone(), + self.0[4].clone() * rhs.clone(), + self.0[5].clone() * rhs.clone(), + self.0[6].clone() * rhs.clone(), + ]) + } +} + +impl MulAssign for SepticExtension { + fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: F) { + for i in 0..7 { + self.0[i] *= rhs.clone(); + } + } +} + +impl Div for SepticExtension { + type Output = Self; + + #[allow(clippy::suspicious_arithmetic_impl)] + fn div(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output { + self * rhs.inverse() + } +} + +impl Display for SepticExtension { + fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { + write!(f, "{:?}", self.0) + } +} + +impl SepticExtension { + fn z_pow_p(index: u32) -> Self { + // The constants written below are specifically for the BabyBear field. + debug_assert_eq!(F::order(), BigUint::from(2013265921u32)); + if index == 0 { + return Self::one(); + } + if index == 1 { + return SepticExtension([ + F::from_canonical_u32(954599710), + F::from_canonical_u32(1359279693), + F::from_canonical_u32(566669999), + F::from_canonical_u32(1982781815), + F::from_canonical_u32(1735718361), + F::from_canonical_u32(1174868538), + F::from_canonical_u32(1120871770), + ]); + } + if index == 2 { + return SepticExtension([ + F::from_canonical_u32(862825265), + F::from_canonical_u32(597046311), + F::from_canonical_u32(978840770), + F::from_canonical_u32(1790138282), + F::from_canonical_u32(1044777201), + F::from_canonical_u32(835869808), + F::from_canonical_u32(1342179023), + ]); + } + if index == 3 { + return SepticExtension([ + F::from_canonical_u32(596273169), + F::from_canonical_u32(658837454), + F::from_canonical_u32(1515468261), + F::from_canonical_u32(367059247), + F::from_canonical_u32(781278880), + F::from_canonical_u32(1544222616), + F::from_canonical_u32(155490465), + ]); + } + if index == 4 { + return SepticExtension([ + F::from_canonical_u32(557608863), + F::from_canonical_u32(1173670028), + F::from_canonical_u32(1749546888), + F::from_canonical_u32(1086464137), + F::from_canonical_u32(803900099), + F::from_canonical_u32(1288818584), + F::from_canonical_u32(1184677604), + ]); + } + if index == 5 { + return SepticExtension([ + F::from_canonical_u32(763416381), + F::from_canonical_u32(1252567168), + F::from_canonical_u32(628856225), + F::from_canonical_u32(1771903394), + F::from_canonical_u32(650712211), + F::from_canonical_u32(19417363), + F::from_canonical_u32(57990258), + ]); + } + if index == 6 { + return SepticExtension([ + F::from_canonical_u32(1734711039), + F::from_canonical_u32(1749813853), + F::from_canonical_u32(1227235221), + F::from_canonical_u32(1707730636), + F::from_canonical_u32(424560395), + F::from_canonical_u32(1007029514), + F::from_canonical_u32(498034669), + ]); + } + unreachable!(); + } + + fn z_pow_p2(index: u32) -> Self { + // The constants written below are specifically for the BabyBear field. + debug_assert_eq!(F::order(), BigUint::from(2013265921u32)); + if index == 0 { + return Self::one(); + } + if index == 1 { + return SepticExtension([ + F::from_canonical_u32(1013489358), + F::from_canonical_u32(1619071628), + F::from_canonical_u32(304593143), + F::from_canonical_u32(1949397349), + F::from_canonical_u32(1564307636), + F::from_canonical_u32(327761151), + F::from_canonical_u32(415430835), + ]); + } + if index == 2 { + return SepticExtension([ + F::from_canonical_u32(209824426), + F::from_canonical_u32(1313900768), + F::from_canonical_u32(38410482), + F::from_canonical_u32(256593180), + F::from_canonical_u32(1708830551), + F::from_canonical_u32(1244995038), + F::from_canonical_u32(1555324019), + ]); + } + if index == 3 { + return SepticExtension([ + F::from_canonical_u32(1475628651), + F::from_canonical_u32(777565847), + F::from_canonical_u32(704492386), + F::from_canonical_u32(1218528120), + F::from_canonical_u32(1245363405), + F::from_canonical_u32(475884575), + F::from_canonical_u32(649166061), + ]); + } + if index == 4 { + return SepticExtension([ + F::from_canonical_u32(550038364), + F::from_canonical_u32(948935655), + F::from_canonical_u32(68722023), + F::from_canonical_u32(1251345762), + F::from_canonical_u32(1692456177), + F::from_canonical_u32(1177958698), + F::from_canonical_u32(350232928), + ]); + } + if index == 5 { + return SepticExtension([ + F::from_canonical_u32(882720258), + F::from_canonical_u32(821925756), + F::from_canonical_u32(199955840), + F::from_canonical_u32(812002876), + F::from_canonical_u32(1484951277), + F::from_canonical_u32(1063138035), + F::from_canonical_u32(491712810), + ]); + } + if index == 6 { + return SepticExtension([ + F::from_canonical_u32(738287111), + F::from_canonical_u32(1955364991), + F::from_canonical_u32(552724293), + F::from_canonical_u32(1175775744), + F::from_canonical_u32(341623997), + F::from_canonical_u32(1454022463), + F::from_canonical_u32(408193320), + ]); + } + unreachable!(); + } + + #[must_use] + fn frobenius(&self) -> Self { + let mut result = Self::zero(); + result += self.0[0]; + result += Self::z_pow_p(1) * self.0[1]; + result += Self::z_pow_p(2) * self.0[2]; + result += Self::z_pow_p(3) * self.0[3]; + result += Self::z_pow_p(4) * self.0[4]; + result += Self::z_pow_p(5) * self.0[5]; + result += Self::z_pow_p(6) * self.0[6]; + result + } + + #[must_use] + fn double_frobenius(&self) -> Self { + let mut result = Self::zero(); + result += self.0[0]; + result += Self::z_pow_p2(1) * self.0[1]; + result += Self::z_pow_p2(2) * self.0[2]; + result += Self::z_pow_p2(3) * self.0[3]; + result += Self::z_pow_p2(4) * self.0[4]; + result += Self::z_pow_p2(5) * self.0[5]; + result += Self::z_pow_p2(6) * self.0[6]; + result + } + + #[must_use] + fn pow_r_1(&self) -> Self { + let base = self.frobenius() * self.double_frobenius(); + let base_p2 = base.double_frobenius(); + let base_p4 = base_p2.double_frobenius(); + base * base_p2 * base_p4 + } + + #[must_use] + fn inv(&self) -> Self { + let pow_r_1 = self.pow_r_1(); + let pow_r = pow_r_1 * *self; + pow_r_1 * pow_r.0[0].inverse() + } + + fn is_square(&self) -> (F, bool) { + let pow_r_1 = self.pow_r_1(); + let pow_r = pow_r_1 * *self; + let exp = (F::order() - BigUint::one()) / BigUint::from(2u8); + let exp = exp.to_u64_digits()[0]; + + (pow_r.0[0], pow_r.0[0].exp_u64(exp) == F::one()) + } + + /// Computes the square root of the septic field extension element. + /// Returns None if the element is not a square, and Some(result) if it is a square. + pub fn sqrt(&self) -> Option { + let n = *self; + + if n == Self::zero() || n == Self::one() { + return Some(n); + } + + let (numerator, is_square) = n.is_square(); + + if !is_square { + return None; + } + + let mut n_iter = n; + let mut n_power = n; + for i in 1..30 { + n_iter *= n_iter; + if i >= 26 { + n_power *= n_iter; + } + } + + let mut n_frobenius = n_power.frobenius(); + let mut denominator = n_frobenius; + + n_frobenius = n_frobenius.double_frobenius(); + denominator *= n_frobenius; + n_frobenius = n_frobenius.double_frobenius(); + denominator *= n_frobenius; + denominator *= n; + + let base = numerator.inverse(); + let g = F::generator(); + let mut a = F::one(); + let mut nonresidue = F::one() - base; + let legendre_exp = (F::order() - BigUint::one()) / BigUint::from(2u8); + + while nonresidue.exp_u64(legendre_exp.to_u64_digits()[0]) == F::one() { + a *= g; + nonresidue = a.square() - base; + } + + let order = F::order(); + let cipolla_pow = (&order + BigUint::one()) / BigUint::from(2u8); + let mut x = CipollaExtension::new(a, F::one()); + x = x.pow(&cipolla_pow, nonresidue); + + Some(denominator * x.real) + } +} + +impl SepticExtension { + /// Returns whether the extension field element viewed as an y-coordinate of a digest represents a receive interaction. + pub fn is_receive(&self) -> bool { + 1 <= self.0[6].as_canonical_u32() && self.0[6].as_canonical_u32() <= (F::ORDER_U32 - 1) / 2 + } + + /// Returns whether the extension field element viewed as an y-coordinate of a digest represents a send interaction. + pub fn is_send(&self) -> bool { + (F::ORDER_U32 + 1) / 2 <= self.0[6].as_canonical_u32() + && self.0[6].as_canonical_u32() <= (F::ORDER_U32 - 1) + } + + /// Returns whether the extension field element viewed as an y-coordinate of a digest cannot represent anything. + pub fn is_exception(&self) -> bool { + self.0[6].as_canonical_u32() == 0 + } +} + +/// Extension field for Cipolla's algorithm, taken from . +#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] +struct CipollaExtension { + real: F, + imag: F, +} + +impl CipollaExtension { + fn new(real: F, imag: F) -> Self { + Self { real, imag } + } + + fn one() -> Self { + Self::new(F::one(), F::zero()) + } + + fn mul_ext(&self, other: Self, nonresidue: F) -> Self { + Self::new( + self.real * other.real + nonresidue * self.imag * other.imag, + self.real * other.imag + self.imag * other.real, + ) + } + + fn pow(&self, exp: &BigUint, nonresidue: F) -> Self { + let mut result = Self::one(); + let mut base = *self; + let bits = exp.bits(); + + for i in 0..bits { + if exp.bit(i) { + result = result.mul_ext(base, nonresidue); + } + base = base.mul_ext(base, nonresidue); + } + result + } +} + +/// A block of columns for septic extension. +#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[repr(C)] +pub struct SepticBlock(pub [T; 7]); + +impl SepticBlock { + /// Maps a `SepticBlock` to `SepticBlock` based on a map from `T` to `U`. + pub fn map(self, f: F) -> SepticBlock + where + F: FnMut(T) -> U, + { + SepticBlock(self.0.map(f)) + } + + /// A function similar to `core:array::from_fn`. + pub fn from_base_fn T>(f: G) -> Self { + Self(array::from_fn(f)) + } +} + +impl SepticBlock { + /// Takes a `SepticBlock` into a `SepticExtension` of expressions. + pub fn as_extension>( + &self, + ) -> SepticExtension { + let arr: [AB::Expr; 7] = self.0.clone().map(|x| AB::Expr::zero() + x); + SepticExtension(arr) + } + + /// Takes a single expression into a `SepticExtension` of expressions. + pub fn as_extension_from_base>( + &self, + base: AB::Expr, + ) -> SepticExtension { + let mut arr: [AB::Expr; 7] = self.0.clone().map(|_| AB::Expr::zero()); + arr[0] = base; + + SepticExtension(arr) + } +} + +impl From<[T; 7]> for SepticBlock { + fn from(arr: [T; 7]) -> Self { + Self(arr) + } +} + +impl From for SepticBlock { + fn from(value: T) -> Self { + Self([value, T::zero(), T::zero(), T::zero(), T::zero(), T::zero(), T::zero()]) + } +} + +impl From<&[T]> for SepticBlock { + fn from(slice: &[T]) -> Self { + let arr: [T; 7] = slice.try_into().unwrap(); + Self(arr) + } +} + +impl Index for SepticBlock +where + [T]: Index, +{ + type Output = <[T] as Index>::Output; + + #[inline] + fn index(&self, index: I) -> &Self::Output { + Index::index(&self.0, index) + } +} + +impl IndexMut for SepticBlock +where + [T]: IndexMut, +{ + #[inline] + fn index_mut(&mut self, index: I) -> &mut Self::Output { + IndexMut::index_mut(&mut self.0, index) + } +} + +impl IntoIterator for SepticBlock { + type Item = T; + type IntoIter = std::array::IntoIter; + + fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { + self.0.into_iter() + } +} + +#[cfg(test)] +mod tests { + use p3_baby_bear::BabyBear; + + use super::*; + + #[test] + fn test_mul() { + let a: SepticExtension = SepticExtension::from_canonical_u32(1); + let b: SepticExtension = SepticExtension::from_canonical_u32(2); + let c = a * b; + println!("{c}"); + } + + #[test] + fn test_inv() { + for i in 0..256 { + let a: SepticExtension = SepticExtension([ + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(i + 3), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(2 * i + 6), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(5 * i + 17), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(6 * i + 91), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(8 * i + 37), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(11 * i + 35), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(14 * i + 33), + ]); + let b = a.inv(); + assert_eq!(a * b, SepticExtension::::one()); + } + } + + #[test] + fn test_legendre() { + let a: SepticExtension = SepticExtension::generator(); + let mut b = SepticExtension::::one(); + for i in 1..256 { + b *= a; + let (_, c) = b.is_square(); + assert!(c == (i % 2 == 0)); + } + } + + #[test] + fn test_sqrt() { + for i in 0..256 { + let a: SepticExtension = SepticExtension([ + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(i + 3), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(2 * i + 6), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(5 * i + 17), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(6 * i + 91), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(8 * i + 37), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(11 * i + 35), + BabyBear::from_canonical_u32(14 * i + 33), + ]); + let b = a * a; + let recovered_a = b.sqrt().unwrap(); + assert_eq!(recovered_a * recovered_a, b); + } + let mut b = SepticExtension::::one(); + for i in 1..256 { + let a: SepticExtension = SepticExtension::generator(); + b *= a; + let c = b.sqrt(); + if i % 2 == 1 { + assert!(c.is_none()); + } else { + let c = c.unwrap(); + assert_eq!(c * c, b); + } + } + } +} diff --git a/crates/stark/src/shape/cluster.rs b/crates/stark/src/shape/cluster.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..875ec4b71 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/stark/src/shape/cluster.rs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +use std::{fmt::Debug, hash::Hash, str::FromStr}; + +use hashbrown::HashMap; +use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; + +use super::Shape; + +/// A cluster of shapes. +/// +/// We represent a cluster of shapes as a cartesian product of heights per chip. +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)] +pub struct ShapeCluster { + inner: HashMap>>, +} + +impl ShapeCluster { + /// Create a new shape cluster. + #[must_use] + pub fn new(inner: HashMap>>) -> Self { + Self { inner } + } + + /// Find the shape that is larger or equal to the given heights. + pub fn find_shape(&self, heights: &[(K, usize)]) -> Option> { + let shape: Option>> = heights + .iter() + .map(|(air, height)| { + for maybe_log2_height in self.inner.get(air).into_iter().flatten() { + let allowed_height = + maybe_log2_height.map(|log_height| 1 << log_height).unwrap_or_default(); + if *height <= allowed_height { + return Some((air.clone(), *maybe_log2_height)); + } + } + None + }) + .collect(); + + let mut inner = shape?; + inner.retain(|_, &mut value| value.is_some()); + + let shape = inner + .into_iter() + .map(|(air, maybe_log_height)| (air, maybe_log_height.unwrap())) + .collect::>(); + + Some(shape) + } + + /// Iterate over the inner map. + pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator>)> { + self.inner.iter() + } +} diff --git a/crates/stark/src/shape/mod.rs b/crates/stark/src/shape/mod.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e00340f8c --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/stark/src/shape/mod.rs @@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ +//! Utilities for working with shapes. + +mod cluster; +mod ordered; + +pub use cluster::*; +pub use ordered::*; + +use itertools::Itertools; +use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; +use p3_matrix::Matrix; + +use std::fmt::Debug; +use std::{hash::Hash, str::FromStr}; + +use hashbrown::hash_map::IntoIter; +use hashbrown::{HashMap, HashSet}; +use p3_field::PrimeField; +use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; + +use crate::air::MachineAir; + +/// A way to keep track of the log2 heights of some set of chips. +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq)] +pub struct Shape { + inner: HashMap, +} + +impl Shape { + /// Create a new empty shape. + #[must_use] + pub fn new(inner: HashMap) -> Self { + Self { inner } + } + + /// Create a shape from a list of log2 heights. + #[must_use] + pub fn from_log2_heights(log2_heights: &[(K, usize)]) -> Self { + Self { inner: log2_heights.iter().map(|(k, h)| (k.clone(), *h)).collect() } + } + + /// Create a shape from a list of traces. + #[must_use] + pub fn from_traces(traces: &[(K, RowMajorMatrix)]) -> Self { + Self { + inner: traces + .iter() + .map(|(name, trace)| (name.clone(), trace.height().ilog2() as usize)) + .sorted_by_key(|(_, height)| *height) + .collect(), + } + } + + /// The number of chips in the shape. + #[must_use] + pub fn len(&self) -> usize { + self.inner.len() + } + + /// Whether the shape is empty. + #[must_use] + pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { + self.inner.is_empty() + } + + /// Get the height of a given key. + pub fn height(&self, key: &K) -> Option { + self.inner.get(key).map(|height| 1 << *height) + } + + /// Get the log2 height of a given key. + pub fn log2_height(&self, key: &K) -> Option { + self.inner.get(key).copied() + } + + /// Whether the shape includes a given key. + pub fn contains(&self, key: &K) -> bool { + self.inner.contains_key(key) + } + + /// Insert a key-height pair into the shape. + pub fn insert(&mut self, key: K, height: usize) { + self.inner.insert(key, height); + } + + /// Whether the shape includes a given AIR. + /// + /// TODO: Deprecate by adding `air.id()`. + pub fn included>(&self, air: &A) -> bool + where + ::Err: std::fmt::Debug, + { + self.inner.contains_key(&K::from_str(&air.name()).unwrap()) + } + + /// Get an iterator over the shape. + pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator { + self.inner.iter().sorted_by_key(|(_, v)| *v) + } + + /// Estimate the lde size. + /// + /// WARNING: This is a heuristic, it may not be completely accurate. To be 100% sure that they + /// OOM, you should run the shape through the prover. + #[must_use] + pub fn estimate_lde_size(&self, costs: &HashMap) -> usize { + self.iter().map(|(k, h)| costs[k] * (1 << h)).sum() + } +} + +impl Extend> for Shape { + fn extend>>(&mut self, iter: T) { + for shape in iter { + self.inner.extend(shape.inner); + } + } +} + +impl Extend<(K, usize)> for Shape { + fn extend>(&mut self, iter: T) { + self.inner.extend(iter); + } +} + +impl FromIterator<(K, usize)> for Shape { + fn from_iter>(iter: T) -> Self { + Self { inner: iter.into_iter().collect() } + } +} + +impl IntoIterator for Shape { + type Item = (K, usize); + type IntoIter = IntoIter; + + fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { + self.inner.into_iter() + } +} + +impl PartialOrd for Shape { + fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option { + let set = self.inner.keys().collect::>(); + let other_set = other.inner.keys().collect::>(); + + if self == other { + return Some(std::cmp::Ordering::Equal); + } + + if set.is_subset(&other_set) { + let mut less_seen = false; + let mut greater_seen = false; + for (name, &height) in self.inner.iter() { + let other_height = other.inner[name]; + match height.cmp(&other_height) { + std::cmp::Ordering::Less => less_seen = true, + std::cmp::Ordering::Greater => greater_seen = true, + std::cmp::Ordering::Equal => {} + } + } + if less_seen && greater_seen { + return None; + } + + if less_seen { + return Some(std::cmp::Ordering::Less); + } + } + + if other_set.is_subset(&set) { + let mut less_seen = false; + let mut greater_seen = false; + for (name, &other_height) in other.inner.iter() { + let height = self.inner[name]; + match height.cmp(&other_height) { + std::cmp::Ordering::Less => less_seen = true, + std::cmp::Ordering::Greater => greater_seen = true, + std::cmp::Ordering::Equal => {} + } + } + if less_seen && greater_seen { + return None; + } + + if greater_seen { + return Some(std::cmp::Ordering::Greater); + } + } + + None + } +} diff --git a/crates/stark/src/shape/ordered.rs b/crates/stark/src/shape/ordered.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bb394a0ab --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/stark/src/shape/ordered.rs @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +use std::fmt; +use std::{cmp::Reverse, collections::BTreeSet}; + +use itertools::Itertools; +use p3_matrix::dense::RowMajorMatrix; +use p3_matrix::Matrix; +use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; + +/// A way to keep track of the log2 heights of some set of chips and in canonical order. +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Eq, Hash)] +pub struct OrderedShape { + /// The inner data. + pub inner: Vec<(String, usize)>, +} + +impl OrderedShape { + /// Create an [`OrderedShape`] from a set of traces. + #[must_use] + pub fn from_traces(traces: &[(String, RowMajorMatrix)]) -> Self { + traces + .iter() + .map(|(name, trace)| (name.clone(), trace.height().ilog2() as usize)) + .sorted_by_key(|(_, height)| *height) + .collect() + } + + /// Create an [`OrderedShape`] from a set of log2 heights. + #[must_use] + pub fn from_log2_heights(traces: &[(String, usize)]) -> Self { + traces + .iter() + .map(|(name, height)| (name.clone(), *height)) + .sorted_by_key(|(_, height)| *height) + .collect() + } +} + +impl FromIterator<(String, usize)> for OrderedShape { + fn from_iter>(iter: T) -> Self { + let set = iter + .into_iter() + .map(|(name, log_degree)| (Reverse(log_degree), name)) + .collect::>(); + Self { + inner: set.into_iter().map(|(Reverse(log_degree), name)| (name, log_degree)).collect(), + } + } +} + +impl IntoIterator for OrderedShape { + type Item = (String, usize); + + type IntoIter = as IntoIterator>::IntoIter; + + fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { + self.inner.into_iter() + } +} + +impl fmt::Display for OrderedShape { + fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { + writeln!(f, "OrderedShape:")?; + for (name, log_degree) in &self.inner { + writeln!(f, "{name}: {log_degree}")?; + } + Ok(()) + } +} diff --git a/crates/stark/src/types.rs b/crates/stark/src/types.rs index 533a8006d..5ab38c976 100644 --- a/crates/stark/src/types.rs +++ b/crates/stark/src/types.rs @@ -1,19 +1,15 @@ #![allow(missing_docs)] -use core::fmt; -use std::{cmp::Reverse, collections::BTreeSet, fmt::Debug}; +use std::fmt::Debug; use hashbrown::HashMap; use itertools::Itertools; -use p3_matrix::{ - dense::{RowMajorMatrix, RowMajorMatrixView}, - stack::VerticalPair, - Matrix, -}; +use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrixView, stack::VerticalPair}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use super::{Challenge, Com, OpeningProof, StarkGenericConfig, Val}; -use crate::air::InteractionScope; +use crate::septic_digest::SepticDigest; +use crate::shape::OrderedShape; pub type QuotientOpenedValues = Vec; @@ -39,8 +35,7 @@ impl ShardMainData { #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ShardCommitment { - pub global_main_commit: C, - pub local_main_commit: C, + pub main_commit: C, pub permutation_commit: C, pub quotient_commit: C, } @@ -54,59 +49,38 @@ pub struct AirOpenedValues { } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] -#[serde(bound(serialize = "T: Serialize"))] -#[serde(bound(deserialize = "T: Deserialize<'de>"))] -pub struct ChipOpenedValues { - pub preprocessed: AirOpenedValues, - pub main: AirOpenedValues, - pub permutation: AirOpenedValues, - pub quotient: Vec>, - pub global_cumulative_sum: T, - pub local_cumulative_sum: T, +#[serde(bound(serialize = "F: Serialize, EF: Serialize"))] +#[serde(bound(deserialize = "F: Deserialize<'de>, EF: Deserialize<'de>"))] +pub struct ChipOpenedValues { + pub preprocessed: AirOpenedValues, + pub main: AirOpenedValues, + pub permutation: AirOpenedValues, + pub quotient: Vec>, + pub global_cumulative_sum: SepticDigest, + pub local_cumulative_sum: EF, pub log_degree: usize, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] -pub struct ShardOpenedValues { - pub chips: Vec>, +pub struct ShardOpenedValues { + pub chips: Vec>, } /// The maximum number of elements that can be stored in the public values vec. Both SP1 and /// recursive proofs need to pad their public values vec to this length. This is required since the /// recursion verification program expects the public values vec to be fixed length. -pub const PROOF_MAX_NUM_PVS: usize = 371; +pub const PROOF_MAX_NUM_PVS: usize = 231; #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)] #[serde(bound = "")] pub struct ShardProof { pub commitment: ShardCommitment>, - pub opened_values: ShardOpenedValues>, + pub opened_values: ShardOpenedValues, Challenge>, pub opening_proof: OpeningProof, pub chip_ordering: HashMap, pub public_values: Vec>, } -#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Eq, Hash)] -pub struct ProofShape { - pub chip_information: Vec<(String, usize)>, -} - -impl ProofShape { - #[must_use] - pub fn from_traces( - global_traces: Option<&[(String, RowMajorMatrix)]>, - local_traces: &[(String, RowMajorMatrix)], - ) -> Self { - global_traces - .into_iter() - .flatten() - .chain(local_traces.iter()) - .map(|(name, trace)| (name.clone(), trace.height().ilog2() as usize)) - .sorted_by_key(|(_, height)| *height) - .collect() - } -} - impl Debug for ShardProof { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ShardProof").finish() @@ -123,24 +97,21 @@ impl AirOpenedValues { } impl ShardProof { - pub fn cumulative_sum(&self, scope: InteractionScope) -> Challenge { - self.opened_values - .chips - .iter() - .map(|c| match scope { - InteractionScope::Global => c.global_cumulative_sum, - InteractionScope::Local => c.local_cumulative_sum, - }) - .sum() + pub fn local_cumulative_sum(&self) -> Challenge { + self.opened_values.chips.iter().map(|c| c.local_cumulative_sum).sum() + } + + pub fn global_cumulative_sum(&self) -> SepticDigest> { + self.opened_values.chips.iter().map(|c| c.global_cumulative_sum).sum() } pub fn log_degree_cpu(&self) -> usize { - let idx = self.chip_ordering.get("CPU").expect("CPU chip not found"); + let idx = self.chip_ordering.get("Cpu").expect("Cpu chip not found"); self.opened_values.chips[*idx].log_degree } pub fn contains_cpu(&self) -> bool { - self.chip_ordering.contains_key("CPU") + self.chip_ordering.contains_key("Cpu") } pub fn contains_global_memory_init(&self) -> bool { @@ -191,9 +162,9 @@ impl From<[u32; 8]> for DeferredDigest { } impl ShardProof { - pub fn shape(&self) -> ProofShape { - ProofShape { - chip_information: self + pub fn shape(&self) -> OrderedShape { + OrderedShape { + inner: self .chip_ordering .iter() .sorted_by_key(|(_, idx)| *idx) @@ -203,39 +174,3 @@ impl ShardProof { } } } - -impl FromIterator<(String, usize)> for ProofShape { - fn from_iter>(iter: T) -> Self { - let set = iter - .into_iter() - .map(|(name, log_degree)| (Reverse(log_degree), name)) - .collect::>(); - Self { - chip_information: set - .into_iter() - .map(|(Reverse(log_degree), name)| (name, log_degree)) - .collect(), - } - } -} - -impl IntoIterator for ProofShape { - type Item = (String, usize); - - type IntoIter = as IntoIterator>::IntoIter; - - fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { - self.chip_information.into_iter() - } -} - -impl fmt::Display for ProofShape { - fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { - // Print the proof shapes in a human-readable format - writeln!(f, "Proofshape:")?; - for (name, log_degree) in &self.chip_information { - writeln!(f, "{name}: {}", 1 << log_degree)?; - } - Ok(()) - } -} diff --git a/crates/stark/src/verifier.rs b/crates/stark/src/verifier.rs index 56d823e40..8777b51a4 100644 --- a/crates/stark/src/verifier.rs +++ b/crates/stark/src/verifier.rs @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ impl>> Verifier { chips: &[&MachineChip], challenger: &mut SC::Challenger, proof: &ShardProof, - global_permutation_challenges: &[SC::Challenge], ) -> Result<(), VerificationError> where A: for<'a> Air>, @@ -55,8 +54,6 @@ impl>> Verifier { return Err(VerificationError::ChipOpeningLengthMismatch); } - let chip_scopes = chips.iter().map(|chip| chip.commit_scope()).collect::>(); - // Assert that the byte multiplicities don't overflow. let mut max_byte_lookup_mult = 0u64; chips.iter().zip(opened_values.chips.iter()).for_each(|(chip, val)| { @@ -84,14 +81,9 @@ impl>> Verifier { .map(|log_degree| pcs.natural_domain_for_degree(1 << log_degree)) .collect::>(); - let ShardCommitment { - global_main_commit, - local_main_commit, - permutation_commit, - quotient_commit, - } = commitment; + let ShardCommitment { main_commit, permutation_commit, quotient_commit } = commitment; - challenger.observe(local_main_commit.clone()); + challenger.observe(main_commit.clone()); let local_permutation_challenges = (0..2).map(|_| challenger.sample_ext_element::()).collect::>(); @@ -100,21 +92,19 @@ impl>> Verifier { // Observe the cumulative sums and constrain any sum without a corresponding scope to be // zero. for (opening, chip) in opened_values.chips.iter().zip_eq(chips.iter()) { - let global_sum = opening.global_cumulative_sum; let local_sum = opening.local_cumulative_sum; - challenger.observe_slice(global_sum.as_base_slice()); + let global_sum = opening.global_cumulative_sum; + challenger.observe_slice(local_sum.as_base_slice()); + challenger.observe_slice(&global_sum.0.x.0); + challenger.observe_slice(&global_sum.0.y.0); - let has_global_interactions = chip - .sends() - .iter() - .chain(chip.receives()) - .any(|i| i.scope == InteractionScope::Global); - if !has_global_interactions && !global_sum.is_zero() { + if chip.commit_scope() == InteractionScope::Local && !global_sum.is_zero() { return Err(VerificationError::CumulativeSumsError( - "global cumulative sum is non-zero, but no global interactions", + "global cumulative sum is non-zero, but chip is Local", )); } + let has_local_interactions = chip .sends() .iter() @@ -139,25 +129,40 @@ impl>> Verifier { .iter() .map(|(name, domain, _)| { let i = chip_ordering[name]; + if name != &chips[i].name() { + return Err(VerificationError::PreprocessedChipIdMismatch( + name.clone(), + chips[i].name(), + )); + } let values = opened_values.chips[i].preprocessed.clone(); - ( - *domain, - vec![(zeta, values.local), (domain.next_point(zeta).unwrap(), values.next)], - ) + if !chips[i].local_only() { + Ok(( + *domain, + vec![(zeta, values.local), (domain.next_point(zeta).unwrap(), values.next)], + )) + } else { + Ok((*domain, vec![(zeta, values.local)])) + } }) - .collect::>(); + .collect::, _>>()?; let main_domains_points_and_opens = trace_domains .iter() .zip_eq(opened_values.chips.iter()) - .map(|(domain, values)| { - ( - *domain, - vec![ - (zeta, values.main.local.clone()), - (domain.next_point(zeta).unwrap(), values.main.next.clone()), - ], - ) + .zip_eq(chips.iter()) + .map(|((domain, values), chip)| { + if !chip.local_only() { + ( + *domain, + vec![ + (zeta, values.main.local.clone()), + (domain.next_point(zeta).unwrap(), values.main.next.clone()), + ], + ) + } else { + (*domain, vec![(zeta, values.main.local.clone())]) + } }) .collect::>(); @@ -201,47 +206,19 @@ impl>> Verifier { }) .collect::>(); - // Split the main_domains_points_and_opens to the global and local chips. - let mut global_trace_points_and_openings = Vec::new(); - let mut local_trace_points_and_openings = Vec::new(); - for (i, points_and_openings) in - main_domains_points_and_opens.clone().into_iter().enumerate() - { - let scope = chip_scopes[i]; - if scope == InteractionScope::Global { - global_trace_points_and_openings.push(points_and_openings); - } else { - local_trace_points_and_openings.push(points_and_openings); - } - } - - let rounds = if !global_trace_points_and_openings.is_empty() { - vec![ - (vk.commit.clone(), preprocessed_domains_points_and_opens), - (global_main_commit.clone(), global_trace_points_and_openings), - (local_main_commit.clone(), local_trace_points_and_openings), - (permutation_commit.clone(), perm_domains_points_and_opens), - (quotient_commit.clone(), quotient_domains_points_and_opens), - ] - } else { - vec![ - (vk.commit.clone(), preprocessed_domains_points_and_opens), - (local_main_commit.clone(), local_trace_points_and_openings), - (permutation_commit.clone(), perm_domains_points_and_opens), - (quotient_commit.clone(), quotient_domains_points_and_opens), - ] - }; + let rounds = vec![ + (vk.commit.clone(), preprocessed_domains_points_and_opens), + (main_commit.clone(), main_domains_points_and_opens), + (permutation_commit.clone(), perm_domains_points_and_opens), + (quotient_commit.clone(), quotient_domains_points_and_opens), + ]; config .pcs() .verify(rounds, opening_proof, challenger) .map_err(|e| VerificationError::InvalidopeningArgument(e))?; - let permutation_challenges = global_permutation_challenges - .iter() - .chain(local_permutation_challenges.iter()) - .copied() - .collect::>(); + let permutation_challenges = local_permutation_challenges; // Verify the constrtaint evaluations. for (chip, trace_domain, qc_domains, values) in @@ -264,7 +241,7 @@ impl>> Verifier { .map_err(|_| VerificationError::OodEvaluationMismatch(chip.name()))?; } // Verify that the local cumulative sum is zero. - let local_cumulative_sum = proof.cumulative_sum(InteractionScope::Local); + let local_cumulative_sum = proof.local_cumulative_sum(); if local_cumulative_sum != SC::Challenge::zero() { return Err(VerificationError::CumulativeSumsError("local cumulative sum is not zero")); } @@ -274,7 +251,7 @@ impl>> Verifier { fn verify_opening_shape( chip: &MachineChip, - opening: &ChipOpenedValues, + opening: &ChipOpenedValues, SC::Challenge>, ) -> Result<(), OpeningShapeError> { // Verify that the preprocessed width matches the expected value for the chip. if opening.preprocessed.local.len() != chip.preprocessed_width() { @@ -317,7 +294,6 @@ impl>> Verifier { opening.permutation.next.len(), )); } - // Verift that the number of quotient chunks matches the expected value for the chip. if opening.quotient.len() != chip.quotient_width() { return Err(OpeningShapeError::QuotientWidthMismatch( @@ -343,7 +319,7 @@ impl>> Verifier { #[allow(clippy::needless_pass_by_value)] fn verify_constraints( chip: &MachineChip, - opening: &ChipOpenedValues, + opening: &ChipOpenedValues, SC::Challenge>, trace_domain: Domain, qc_domains: Vec>, zeta: SC::Challenge, @@ -380,7 +356,7 @@ impl>> Verifier { /// Evaluates the constraints for a chip and opening. pub fn eval_constraints( chip: &MachineChip, - opening: &ChipOpenedValues, + opening: &ChipOpenedValues, SC::Challenge>, selectors: &LagrangeSelectors, alpha: SC::Challenge, permutation_challenges: &[SC::Challenge], @@ -403,14 +379,13 @@ impl>> Verifier { next: unflatten(&opening.permutation.next), }; - let cumulative_sums = [opening.global_cumulative_sum, opening.local_cumulative_sum]; - let cumulative_sums = cumulative_sums.as_slice(); let mut folder = VerifierConstraintFolder:: { preprocessed: opening.preprocessed.view(), main: opening.main.view(), perm: perm_opening.view(), perm_challenges: permutation_challenges, - cumulative_sums, + local_cumulative_sum: &opening.local_cumulative_sum, + global_cumulative_sum: &opening.global_cumulative_sum, is_first_row: selectors.is_first_row, is_last_row: selectors.is_last_row, is_transition: selectors.is_transition, @@ -427,7 +402,7 @@ impl>> Verifier { /// Recomputes the quotient for a chip and opening. pub fn recompute_quotient( - opening: &ChipOpenedValues, + opening: &ChipOpenedValues, SC::Challenge>, qc_domains: &[Domain], zeta: SC::Challenge, ) -> SC::Challenge { @@ -495,6 +470,8 @@ pub enum VerificationError { MissingCpuChip, /// The length of the chip opening does not match the expected length. ChipOpeningLengthMismatch, + /// The preprocessed chip id does not match the claimed opening id. + PreprocessedChipIdMismatch(String, String), /// Cumulative sums error CumulativeSumsError(&'static str), } @@ -547,6 +524,9 @@ impl Debug for VerificationError { VerificationError::ChipOpeningLengthMismatch => { write!(f, "Chip opening length mismatch") } + VerificationError::PreprocessedChipIdMismatch(expected, actual) => { + write!(f, "Preprocessed chip id mismatch: expected {}, got {}", expected, actual) + } VerificationError::CumulativeSumsError(s) => write!(f, "cumulative sums error: {}", s), } } @@ -572,6 +552,9 @@ impl Display for VerificationError { write!(f, "Chip opening length mismatch") } VerificationError::CumulativeSumsError(s) => write!(f, "cumulative sums error: {}", s), + VerificationError::PreprocessedChipIdMismatch(expected, actual) => { + write!(f, "Preprocessed chip id mismatch: expected {}, got {}", expected, actual) + } } } } diff --git a/crates/test-artifacts/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/Cargo.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8c1b67d1f --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +[package] +name = "test-artifacts" +version.workspace = true +edition.workspace = true +license.workspace = true +repository.workspace = true +keywords.workspace = true +categories.workspace = true +publish = false + +[dependencies] +sp1-build = { workspace = true } + +[build-dependencies] +sp1-build = { workspace = true } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/test-artifacts/Makefile b/crates/test-artifacts/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..772dd9805 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +all: + for dir in programs/*/ ; do \ + echo "Building in $${dir}..."; \ + cd $${dir} && cargo prove build || { echo "Failed at command: cd $${dir} && cargo prove build"; exit 1; }; \ + cd ../..; \ + done + +.PHONY: all diff --git a/crates/test-artifacts/build.rs 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b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-add/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +[package] +name = "bn254-add-test" +version = "1.1.0" +edition = "2021" +publish = false + +[dependencies] +common-test-utils = { path = "../common" } +sp1-lib = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/lib" } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-curves = { path = "../../../../crates/curves" } diff --git a/tests/bn254-add/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-add/src/main.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/bn254-add/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-add/src/main.rs diff --git a/tests/bn254-double/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-double/Cargo.toml similarity index 63% rename from tests/bn254-double/Cargo.toml rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-double/Cargo.toml index 43b6de30b..4f0053939 100644 --- a/tests/bn254-double/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-double/Cargo.toml @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ edition = "2021" publish = false [dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } diff --git a/tests/bn254-double/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-double/src/main.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/bn254-double/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-double/src/main.rs diff --git a/tests/bn254-fp/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-fp/Cargo.toml similarity index 69% rename from tests/bn254-fp/Cargo.toml rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-fp/Cargo.toml index 9959fe035..a2b789730 100644 --- a/tests/bn254-fp/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-fp/Cargo.toml @@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ publish = false [dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } num-bigint = "0.4.6" rand = "0.8.5" diff --git a/tests/bn254-fp/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-fp/src/main.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/bn254-fp/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-fp/src/main.rs diff --git a/tests/bn254-fp2-addsub/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-fp2-addsub/Cargo.toml similarity index 71% rename from tests/bn254-fp2-addsub/Cargo.toml rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-fp2-addsub/Cargo.toml index 3f1b8a399..d6a835197 100644 --- a/tests/bn254-fp2-addsub/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-fp2-addsub/Cargo.toml @@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ publish = false [dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } num-bigint = "0.4.6" rand = "0.8.5" diff --git a/tests/bn254-fp2-addsub/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-fp2-addsub/src/main.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/bn254-fp2-addsub/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-fp2-addsub/src/main.rs diff --git a/tests/bn254-fp2-mul/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-fp2-mul/Cargo.toml similarity index 70% rename from tests/bn254-fp2-mul/Cargo.toml rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-fp2-mul/Cargo.toml index aa5d276fd..41aba97a8 100644 --- a/tests/bn254-fp2-mul/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-fp2-mul/Cargo.toml @@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ publish = false [dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } num-bigint = "0.4.6" rand = "0.8.5" diff --git a/tests/bn254-fp2-mul/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-fp2-mul/src/main.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/bn254-fp2-mul/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-fp2-mul/src/main.rs diff --git a/crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-mul/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-mul/Cargo.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c9f5a74e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-mul/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +[package] +name = "bn254-mul-test" +version = "1.1.0" +edition = "2021" +publish = false + +[dependencies] +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-lib = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/lib" } +sp1-derive = { path = "../../../../crates/derive" } diff --git a/tests/bn254-mul/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-mul/src/main.rs similarity index 96% rename from tests/bn254-mul/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-mul/src/main.rs index 1471b3c46..c64e28bde 100644 --- a/tests/bn254-mul/src/main.rs +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/bn254-mul/src/main.rs @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ pub fn main() { let scalar: [u32; 8] = [3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; println!("cycle-tracker-start: bn254_mul"); - a_point.mul_assign(&scalar).unwrap(); + a_point.mul_assign(&scalar); println!("cycle-tracker-end: bn254_mul"); // 3 * generator. diff --git a/tests/common/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/common/Cargo.toml similarity index 70% rename from tests/common/Cargo.toml rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/common/Cargo.toml index e320ad9f2..11ecf9a14 100644 --- a/tests/common/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/common/Cargo.toml @@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ edition = "2021" publish = false [dependencies] -sp1-lib = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/lib" } +sp1-lib = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/lib" } num-bigint = "0.4" diff --git a/tests/common/src/lib.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/common/src/lib.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/common/src/lib.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/common/src/lib.rs diff --git a/tests/common/src/weierstrass_add.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/common/src/weierstrass_add.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/common/src/weierstrass_add.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/common/src/weierstrass_add.rs diff --git a/crates/test-artifacts/programs/cycle-tracker/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/cycle-tracker/Cargo.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4b7d3ccc5 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/cycle-tracker/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +[package] +name = "cycle-tracker-test" +version = "1.1.0" +edition = "2021" +publish = false + +[dependencies] +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-derive = { path = "../../../../crates/derive" } diff --git a/tests/cycle-tracker/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/cycle-tracker/src/main.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/cycle-tracker/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/cycle-tracker/src/main.rs diff --git a/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ed-add/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ed-add/Cargo.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..18003aeeb --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ed-add/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +[package] +name = "ed-add-test" +version = "1.1.0" +edition = "2021" +publish = false + +[dependencies] +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } diff --git a/tests/ed-add/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ed-add/src/main.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/ed-add/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/ed-add/src/main.rs diff --git a/tests/ed-decompress/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ed-decompress/Cargo.toml similarity index 68% rename from tests/ed-decompress/Cargo.toml rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/ed-decompress/Cargo.toml index c6e0c436f..38163b84d 100644 --- a/tests/ed-decompress/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ed-decompress/Cargo.toml @@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ edition = "2021" publish = false [dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } hex-literal = "0.4.1" diff --git a/tests/ed-decompress/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ed-decompress/src/main.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/ed-decompress/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/ed-decompress/src/main.rs diff --git a/tests/ed25519/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ed25519/Cargo.toml similarity index 80% rename from tests/ed25519/Cargo.toml rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/ed25519/Cargo.toml index 0c22ff9d2..fe2a1d282 100644 --- a/tests/ed25519/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ed25519/Cargo.toml @@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ edition = "2021" publish = false [dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } ed25519-dalek = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/curve25519-dalek", branch = "patch-curve25519-v4.1.3" } hex-literal = "0.4.1" diff --git a/tests/ed25519/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ed25519/src/main.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/ed25519/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/ed25519/src/main.rs diff --git a/tests/fibonacci/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/fibonacci/Cargo.toml similarity index 65% rename from tests/fibonacci/Cargo.toml rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/fibonacci/Cargo.toml index 28f3f76e9..c15bb2f38 100644 --- a/tests/fibonacci/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/fibonacci/Cargo.toml @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ edition = "2021" publish = false [dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } diff --git a/tests/fibonacci/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/fibonacci/src/main.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/fibonacci/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/fibonacci/src/main.rs diff --git a/tests/hint-io/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/hint-io/Cargo.toml similarity index 62% rename from tests/hint-io/Cargo.toml rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/hint-io/Cargo.toml index 8f0a53846..ab21da2e7 100644 --- a/tests/hint-io/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/hint-io/Cargo.toml @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ edition = "2021" publish = false [dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } diff --git a/tests/hint-io/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/hint-io/src/main.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/hint-io/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/hint-io/src/main.rs diff --git a/tests/keccak-permute/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/keccak-permute/Cargo.toml similarity index 64% rename from tests/keccak-permute/Cargo.toml rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/keccak-permute/Cargo.toml index d47b917dd..22f9baa87 100644 --- a/tests/keccak-permute/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/keccak-permute/Cargo.toml @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ edition = "2021" publish = false [dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } diff --git a/tests/keccak-permute/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/keccak-permute/src/main.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/keccak-permute/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/keccak-permute/src/main.rs diff --git a/tests/keccak256/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/keccak256/Cargo.toml similarity index 79% rename from tests/keccak256/Cargo.toml rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/keccak256/Cargo.toml index c76b886d2..5bbd18b60 100644 --- a/tests/keccak256/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/keccak256/Cargo.toml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ edition = "2021" publish = false [dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } tiny-keccak = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/tiny-keccak", branch = "patch-v2.0.2", features = [ "keccak", ] } diff --git a/tests/keccak256/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/keccak256/src/main.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/keccak256/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/keccak256/src/main.rs diff --git a/tests/panic/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/panic/Cargo.toml similarity index 62% rename from tests/panic/Cargo.toml rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/panic/Cargo.toml index 6b6fbb65f..c8f0270dc 100644 --- a/tests/panic/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/panic/Cargo.toml @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ edition = "2021" publish = false [dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } diff --git a/tests/panic/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/panic/src/main.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/panic/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/panic/src/main.rs diff --git a/tests/rand/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/rand/Cargo.toml similarity index 52% rename from tests/rand/Cargo.toml rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/rand/Cargo.toml index 1d432a389..980392d94 100644 --- a/tests/rand/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/rand/Cargo.toml @@ -5,6 +5,5 @@ edition = "2021" publish = false [dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } -sp1-derive = { path = "../../crates/derive" } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } rand = "0.8.5" diff --git a/tests/rand/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/rand/src/main.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/rand/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/rand/src/main.rs diff --git a/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256k1-add/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256k1-add/Cargo.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f21057e88 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256k1-add/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +[package] +name = "secp256k1-add-test" +version = "1.1.0" +edition = "2021" +publish = false + +[dependencies] +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-lib = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/lib" } +sp1-curves = { path = "../../../../crates/curves" } +common-test-utils = { path = "../common" } diff --git a/tests/secp256k1-add/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256k1-add/src/main.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/secp256k1-add/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256k1-add/src/main.rs diff --git a/tests/secp256k1-decompress/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256k1-decompress/Cargo.toml similarity index 65% rename from tests/secp256k1-decompress/Cargo.toml rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256k1-decompress/Cargo.toml index a803f4773..8f504400e 100644 --- a/tests/secp256k1-decompress/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256k1-decompress/Cargo.toml @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ edition = "2021" publish = false [dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } diff --git a/tests/secp256k1-decompress/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256k1-decompress/src/main.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/secp256k1-decompress/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256k1-decompress/src/main.rs diff --git a/tests/secp256k1-double/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256k1-double/Cargo.toml similarity index 64% rename from tests/secp256k1-double/Cargo.toml rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256k1-double/Cargo.toml index 72f332f74..08979dd5f 100644 --- a/tests/secp256k1-double/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256k1-double/Cargo.toml @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ edition = "2021" publish = false [dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } diff --git a/tests/secp256k1-double/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256k1-double/src/main.rs similarity index 97% rename from tests/secp256k1-double/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256k1-double/src/main.rs index bddcc1ac4..72d62e421 100644 --- a/tests/secp256k1-double/src/main.rs +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256k1-double/src/main.rs @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use sp1_zkvm::syscalls::syscall_secp256k1_double; sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); pub fn main() { - for _ in 0..10i64.pow(3) { + for _ in 0..10 { // generator. // 55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240 // 32670510020758816978083085130507043184471273380659243275938904335757337482424 diff --git a/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256k1-mul/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256k1-mul/Cargo.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4ed08c1f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256k1-mul/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +[package] +name = "secp256k1-mul-test" +version = "1.1.0" +edition = "2021" +publish = false + +[dependencies] +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-derive = { path = "../../../../crates/derive" } diff --git a/tests/secp256k1-mul/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256k1-mul/src/main.rs similarity index 97% rename from tests/secp256k1-mul/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256k1-mul/src/main.rs index 63defb7ec..4c2d0398a 100644 --- a/tests/secp256k1-mul/src/main.rs +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256k1-mul/src/main.rs @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ pub fn main() { let scalar: [u32; 8] = [3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; println!("cycle-tracker-start: secp256k1_mul"); - a_point.mul_assign(&scalar).unwrap(); + a_point.mul_assign(&scalar); println!("cycle-tracker-end: secp256k1_mul"); // 3 * generator. diff --git a/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256r1-add/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256r1-add/Cargo.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..03926de26 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256r1-add/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +[package] +name = "secp256r1-add-test" +version = "1.1.0" +edition = "2021" +publish = false + +[dependencies] +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-lib = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/lib" } +sp1-curves = { path = "../../../../crates/curves" } +common-test-utils = { path = "../common" } +hex-literal = "0.4.1" +num = { version = "0.4.1", default-features = false } +p256 = { version = "0.13.2", default-features = false, features = ["arithmetic"] } +elliptic-curve = { version = "0.14.0-rc.0", default-features = false, features = ["sec1"] } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256r1-add/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256r1-add/src/main.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7926e9099 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256r1-add/src/main.rs @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +use sp1_curves::params::FieldParameters; +use sp1_zkvm::lib::secp256r1::Secp256r1Point; + +pub fn main() { + // generator. + // 48439561293906451759052585252797914202762949526041747995844080717082404635286 + // 36134250956749795798585127919587881956611106672985015071877198253568414405109 + + const A: [u8; 64] = [ + 150, 194, 152, 216, 69, 57, 161, 244, 160, 51, 235, 45, 129, 125, 3, 119, 242, 64, 164, 99, + 229, 230, 188, 248, 71, 66, 44, 225, 242, 209, 23, 107, 245, 81, 191, 55, 104, 64, 182, + 203, 206, 94, 49, 107, 87, 51, 206, 43, 22, 158, 15, 124, 74, 235, 231, 142, 155, 127, 26, + 254, 226, 66, 227, 79, + ]; + + // 2 * generator. + // 56515219790691171413109057904011688695424810155802929973526481321309856242040 + // 3377031843712258259223711451491452598088675519751548567112458094635497583569 + const B: [u8; 64] = [ + 120, 153, 102, 71, 252, 72, 11, 166, 53, 27, 242, 119, 226, 105, 137, 192, 195, 26, 181, 4, + 3, 56, 82, 138, 126, 79, 3, 141, 24, 123, 242, 124, 209, 115, 120, 34, 157, 183, 4, 158, + 41, 130, 233, 60, 230, 173, 125, 186, 219, 48, 116, 159, 198, 154, 61, 41, 64, 208, 142, + 219, 16, 85, 119, 7, + ]; + + // 3 * generator. + // 42877656971275811310262564894490210024759287182177196162425349131675946712428 + // 61154801112014214504178281461992570017247172004704277041681093927569603776562 + const C: [u8; 64] = [ + 108, 253, 231, 198, 27, 102, 65, 251, 133, 169, 173, 239, 33, 183, 198, 230, 101, 241, 75, + 29, 149, 239, 247, 200, 68, 10, 51, 166, 209, 228, 203, 94, 50, 80, 125, 162, 39, 177, 121, + 154, 61, 184, 79, 56, 54, 176, 42, 216, 236, 162, 100, 26, 206, 6, 75, 55, 126, 255, 152, + 73, 12, 100, 52, 135, + ]; + + // Tests A + B == C, sum of points of infinity, A + A == 2 * A, and A + (-A) == infinity. + common_test_utils::weierstrass_add::test_weierstrass_add::< + Secp256r1Point, + { sp1_lib::secp256r1::N }, + >(&A, &B, &C, sp1_curves::weierstrass::secp256r1::Secp256r1BaseField::MODULUS); +} diff --git a/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256r1-decompress/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256r1-decompress/Cargo.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..21bf76d69 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256r1-decompress/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +[package] +name = "secp256r1-decompress-test" +version = "1.1.0" +edition = "2021" +publish = false + +[dependencies] +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } diff --git a/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256r1-decompress/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256r1-decompress/src/main.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a7f5344b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256r1-decompress/src/main.rs @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +#![no_main] + +use sp1_zkvm::syscalls::syscall_secp256r1_decompress; + +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +pub fn main() { + let compressed_key: [u8; 33] = sp1_zkvm::io::read_vec().try_into().unwrap(); + + for _ in 0..4 { + let mut decompressed_key: [u8; 64] = [0; 64]; + decompressed_key[..32].copy_from_slice(&compressed_key[1..]); + let is_odd = match compressed_key[0] { + 2 => false, + 3 => true, + _ => panic!("Invalid compressed key"), + }; + syscall_secp256r1_decompress(&mut decompressed_key, is_odd); + + let mut result: [u8; 65] = [0; 65]; + result[0] = 4; + result[1..].copy_from_slice(&decompressed_key); + + sp1_zkvm::io::commit_slice(&result); + } +} diff --git a/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256r1-double/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256r1-double/Cargo.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9797ad186 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256r1-double/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +[package] +name = "secp256r1-double-test" +version = "1.1.0" +edition = "2021" +publish = false + +[dependencies] +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-lib = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/lib" } +sp1-curves = { path = "../../../../crates/curves" } +common-test-utils = { path = "../common" } +hex-literal = "0.4.1" +num = { version = "0.4.1", default-features = false } +p256 = { version = "0.13.2", default-features = false, features = ["arithmetic"] } +elliptic-curve = { version = "0.14.0-rc.0", default-features = false, features = ["sec1"] } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256r1-double/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256r1-double/src/main.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..55660ac6b --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/secp256r1-double/src/main.rs @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +use sp1_zkvm::syscalls::syscall_secp256r1_double; + +pub fn main() { + // generator. + // 48439561293906451759052585252797914202762949526041747995844080717082404635286 + // 36134250956749795798585127919587881956611106672985015071877198253568414405109 + let mut a: [u8; 64] = [ + 150, 194, 152, 216, 69, 57, 161, 244, 160, 51, 235, 45, 129, 125, 3, 119, 242, 64, 164, 99, + 229, 230, 188, 248, 71, 66, 44, 225, 242, 209, 23, 107, 245, 81, 191, 55, 104, 64, 182, + 203, 206, 94, 49, 107, 87, 51, 206, 43, 22, 158, 15, 124, 74, 235, 231, 142, 155, 127, 26, + 254, 226, 66, 227, 79, + ]; + + // 2 * generator. + // 56515219790691171413109057904011688695424810155802929973526481321309856242040 + // 3377031843712258259223711451491452598088675519751548567112458094635497583569 + let b: [u8; 64] = [ + 120, 153, 102, 71, 252, 72, 11, 166, 53, 27, 242, 119, 226, 105, 137, 192, 195, 26, 181, 4, + 3, 56, 82, 138, 126, 79, 3, 141, 24, 123, 242, 124, 209, 115, 120, 34, 157, 183, 4, 158, + 41, 130, 233, 60, 230, 173, 125, 186, 219, 48, 116, 159, 198, 154, 61, 41, 64, 208, 142, + 219, 16, 85, 119, 7, + ]; + + syscall_secp256r1_double(a.as_mut_ptr() as *mut [u32; 16]); + + assert_eq!(a, b); +} diff --git a/tests/sha-compress/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/sha-compress/Cargo.toml similarity index 63% rename from tests/sha-compress/Cargo.toml rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/sha-compress/Cargo.toml index c2c76a441..2938af28b 100644 --- a/tests/sha-compress/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/sha-compress/Cargo.toml @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ edition = "2021" publish = false [dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } diff --git a/tests/sha-compress/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/sha-compress/src/main.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/sha-compress/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/sha-compress/src/main.rs diff --git a/tests/sha-extend/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/sha-extend/Cargo.toml similarity index 63% rename from tests/sha-extend/Cargo.toml rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/sha-extend/Cargo.toml index ddf51c175..d5c383a16 100644 --- a/tests/sha-extend/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/sha-extend/Cargo.toml @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ edition = "2021" publish = false [dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } diff --git a/tests/sha-extend/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/sha-extend/src/main.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/sha-extend/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/sha-extend/src/main.rs diff --git a/tests/sha2/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/sha2/Cargo.toml similarity index 77% rename from tests/sha2/Cargo.toml rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/sha2/Cargo.toml index 88440b8c0..4cbde32ca 100644 --- a/tests/sha2/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/sha2/Cargo.toml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ edition = "2021" publish = false [dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } hex-literal = "0.4.1" sha2 = { git = "https://github.com/succinctbot/RustCrypto-hashes.git" } hex = "0.4.3" diff --git a/tests/sha2/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/sha2/src/main.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/sha2/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/sha2/src/main.rs diff --git a/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ssz-withdrawals/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ssz-withdrawals/Cargo.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3497ee0db --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ssz-withdrawals/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +[package] +name = "ssz-withdrawals-test" +version = "1.1.0" +edition = "2021" +publish = false + +[dependencies] +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../zkvm/entrypoint" } +hex-literal = "0.4.1" +ssz_rs = { version = "0.9.0", features = ["serde"] } +hex = "0.4.3" +serde_with = { version = "3.4.0", features = ["hex"] } +serde = { workspace = true, features = ["derive"] } +alloy-primitives = "0.6.0" +sha2 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/RustCrypto-hashes.git", package = "sha2", branch = "patch-v0.9.8" } diff --git a/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ssz-withdrawals/src/beacon/hints.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ssz-withdrawals/src/beacon/hints.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ef7e834e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ssz-withdrawals/src/beacon/hints.rs @@ -0,0 +1,255 @@ +use crate::beacon::types::*; +use crate::beacon::utils::{branch_from_bytes, node_from_bytes}; +use hex_literal::hex; +use ssz_rs::prelude::*; +use std::hint::black_box; + +/// Returns the beaacon block's withdrawals root and a corresponding SSZ merkle proof. +pub fn withdrawals_root_proof(_block_root: Node) -> (Node, Vec) { + let leaf = + node_from_bytes(hex!("5cc52fb136d9ff526f071f8f87d44c3f35ff5dc973371a2c3613d8ecc53bfcd4")); + let branch = branch_from_bytes( + [ + hex!("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"), + hex!("8d72069921728c6688441d7cb5dab79812429013ac09311d5456aa61b770084d"), + hex!("f43b91870f20fa578621b1921572b2497f1800a0b46ba5fcd62b55b625484a62"), + hex!("0e7b89b1f002a34b400823b237859832c120a514d21f30de6c41cd4693fbc82a"), + hex!("1912b846656eeebcbe7f442b1e790abfd786a87c51f5065c9313e58d2a982ca5"), + hex!("336488033fe5f3ef4ccc12af07b9370b92e553e35ecb4a337a1b1c0e4afe1e0e"), + hex!("db56114e00fdd4c1f85c892bf35ac9a89289aaecb1ebd0a96cde606a748b5d71"), + hex!("8841ee1abbf9a4767cafd94441333031d3a72774bbb5da4d848e1fec08a840e6"), + hex!("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"), + hex!("f5a5fd42d16a20302798ef6ed309979b43003d2320d9f0e8ea9831a92759fb4b"), + hex!("3ca168014d8da18c223f9f3cbbad902cd2ffabaeef25d3ff32b0d51984231409"), + ] + .as_slice(), + ); + + (leaf, branch) +} + +/// Given a block root and index [0, 16), returns the withdrawal and a corresponding SSZ proof. +pub fn withdrawal_proof(_block_root: Node, _index: u32) -> (Withdrawal, Vec) { + let withdrawal = Withdrawal { + index: 26081110, + validator_index: 795049, + address: ExecutionAddress::try_from( + hex!("4bbeae4ca5c6f79a1bc7db315bb6f2c90ebbb4cc").to_vec(), + ) + .unwrap(), + amount: 17122745, + }; + + let branch = branch_from_bytes(black_box( + [ + hex!("cf4999288497e7a3ee17c8251a26ac3ae91bc6b7ac5a2ad42df15807d4aaa99d"), + hex!("cad0401190b985bede55534962ab9700e57f95d7da447969e842507404427e39"), + hex!("a98e59035f016b68eabde1d90e7e617dac80b0ec72931f30261e3c53ae9d1999"), + hex!("10de9d131acb9a2dba0843ce3dc101116d3043f4aa1a3f8f5c0b053d7d9c7d46"), + hex!("1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"), + ] + .as_slice(), + )); + + (withdrawal, branch) +} + +/// Returns the corresponding beacon block header. +pub fn beacon_header_proof(_block_root: Node) -> BeaconBlockHeader { + BeaconBlockHeader { + slot: 8225000, + proposer_index: 980811, + parent_root: node_from_bytes(hex!( + "6a8edd0d02c6195037bfab129783fb9847d88e7587a3b097fdc4eb5cb0da7a16" + )), + state_root: node_from_bytes(hex!( + "02b054e25cfa96a82e7d133c0f469dcfd1661fd75203a612f17dfe2f4bdb956a" + )), + body_root: node_from_bytes(hex!( + "ca1a1e5f480a739b8e276db2f67f8ea399955604ad1479d748bd6912029e9dd8" + )), + } +} + +/// Returns the beacon block's validators root and a corresponding SSZ merkle proof. +pub fn validators_root_proof(_block_root: Node) -> (Node, Vec) { + let leaf = Node::try_from( + hex!("8ada0d639d94919c8a8aa62f13bbf5f0a0bf3e4340aa01679e533a4f68a54dc0").as_slice(), + ) + .unwrap(); + let branch = branch_from_bytes( + [ + hex!("b27b100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"), + hex!("e5da071085e819357fd4a416416e21fe9a679b382da47c5acb3abe5b756c1958"), + hex!("2ed0e7ad478ad9368bf451f3df6ef082094e9dd2d830c441fae41ebfebc84dc4"), + hex!("45f160b40030ff5f85164e1cae445f13360c820f5194f38d3ba7f0cad08cf573"), + hex!("e6e49e7d4ebc221a8cc193b623a260de6c91fa8382e40dbd50ce6c898252545d"), + hex!("34d8f1f1afe3c688cdc9a4b94bc50ffadc065df2156a60606c8e629a4ea55add"), + hex!("9d1b8e00a8c76b185d2f4322432eee0d5797f1da0c4b9a9ab4d9ba04460b3ab9"), + hex!("d2c3e8005d0f60900b02e681738404360529c5f28c34160abc3e639c651ec391"), + ] + .as_slice(), + ); + + (leaf, branch) +} + +/// Returns the corresponding validator and SSZ proof. +pub fn validator_proof(_block_root: Node, _index: u64) -> (Validator, Vec) { + let validator = Validator { + pubkey: Vector::try_from(hex!("b005012bfc4a0d6fd04d0479724b7aeb64462d558bb9b731e47c6d0b5999a12b77f8a4f7724aa87aaf586a5bfc831c80").to_vec()).unwrap(), + withdrawal_credentials: node_from_bytes(hex!("0100000000000000000000004bbeae4ca5c6f79a1bc7db315bb6f2c90ebbb4cc")), + effective_balance: 32000000000, + slashed: false, + activation_eligibility_epoch: 210209, + activation_epoch: 219962, + exit_epoch: 18446744073709551615, + withdrawable_epoch: 18446744073709551615, + }; + + let branch = branch_from_bytes( + [ + hex!("e075356f0de5a8ada345cfbc659e02600c381c2de2e62dbce0ff1532f3c58d07"), + hex!("321356d9f54c30b2ef61708679aeb3dd2747e6c2502d566fb04f7c404b4c76d2"), + hex!("ed8f2e00df064fb7eb985a24825d94d44c265955bd25400a31167202b42c96c7"), + hex!("bab082567b013beef822eb0555ff721c9790dfccde04d5905053bf88eb3b1d91"), + hex!("f95a768cd1fe077a8af4e44ec1a6eb3913df1ea1d5c12a3a2d1381b9fd5000ec"), + hex!("d94aa0337fc162c0ca7d3eaf2a06cbe98fab5f5fd44a5116db9613930906c861"), + hex!("040d7a1711a2df276af4b44196786779055b8beb4d161017a31f0ea121084913"), + hex!("1d3507adbf5e08b29af66b27fb11cf0116965c3d1c72599ee1e8447aa0d7a831"), + hex!("7ef44a0663996c241ccfe000c247568cfe2ac95d2ff0181818e13e1d25b5d82b"), + hex!("be3d37cbfcc80f6cb90affd827148b8ec4a84999f63e3a541728269dd2b81d74"), + hex!("742bfcc2c2e291e770a2f0f957e4a73bc5f0e6a4b3ac920a671c4bb63f4ad06f"), + hex!("d54b2a971f8cfd672117ce8399f42a58e0a5db5ae8a4158f0102628c700fc433"), + hex!("7313386734714b621b6e0b6d287b4f68c0a411a744bff857a43b492ed8c0f938"), + hex!("74c0164db9880076c4c9142f3acc8689e322342a61886c7129f75b00ac8a80c1"), + hex!("3ce51b360e4a8a13823be7b4a8b2b41e779b1f68c79fbf5d53f1e527d054ce57"), + hex!("b0ba4d4679795524aa4336728c637fc130fdebde617b4ed082d04e5cc82371e3"), + hex!("21a52516163bb5f063a240b59557bbf15225fe3cdd4044a446ffe2c7474fa512"), + hex!("679adcc02052f3ae34d1dce4cb01120ec9fa67a7ee6a43d3eeea993c01266245"), + hex!("ad33934639a9aa33b5ba84b4f1875b1e4e1230d75b1127eb33bd8ae7b8cb5d7c"), + hex!("84c2ac0410a9b555e8ab56138015c847037f837776a82dcfbf7a5ceebe6660d9"), + hex!("cddba7b592e3133393c16194fac7431abf2f5485ed711db282183c819e08ebaa"), + hex!("8a8d7fe3af8caa085a7639a832001457dfb9128a8061142ad0335629ff23ff9c"), + hex!("feb3c337d7a51a6fbf00b9e34c52e1c9195c969bd4e7a0bfd51d5c5bed9c1167"), + hex!("e71f0aa83cc32edfbefa9f4d3e0174ca85182eec9f3a09f6a6c0df6377a510d7"), + hex!("31206fa80a50bb6abe29085058f16212212a60eec8f049fecb92d8c8e0a84bc0"), + hex!("21352bfecbeddde993839f614c3dac0a3ee37543f9b412b16199dc158e23b544"), + hex!("619e312724bb6d7c3153ed9de791d764a366b389af13c58bf8a8d90481a46765"), + hex!("7cdd2986268250628d0c10e385c58c6191e6fbe05191bcc04f133f2cea72c1c4"), + hex!("848930bd7ba8cac54661072113fb278869e07bb8587f91392933374d017bcbe1"), + hex!("8869ff2c22b28cc10510d9853292803328be4fb0e80495e8bb8d271f5b889636"), + hex!("b5fe28e79f1b850f8658246ce9b6a1e7b49fc06db7143e8fe0b4f2b0c5523a5c"), + hex!("985e929f70af28d0bdd1a90a808f977f597c7c778c489e98d3bd8910d31ac0f7"), + hex!("c6f67e02e6e4e1bdefb994c6098953f34636ba2b6ca20a4721d2b26a886722ff"), + hex!("1c9a7e5ff1cf48b4ad1582d3f4e4a1004f3b20d8c5a2b71387a4254ad933ebc5"), + hex!("2f075ae229646b6f6aed19a5e372cf295081401eb893ff599b3f9acc0c0d3e7d"), + hex!("328921deb59612076801e8cd61592107b5c67c79b846595cc6320c395b46362c"), + hex!("bfb909fdb236ad2411b4e4883810a074b840464689986c3f8a8091827e17c327"), + hex!("55d8fb3687ba3ba49f342c77f5a1f89bec83d811446e1a467139213d640b6a74"), + hex!("f7210d4f8e7e1039790e7bf4efa207555a10a6db1dd4b95da313aaa88b88fe76"), + hex!("ad21b516cbc645ffe34ab5de1c8aef8cd4e7f8d2b51e8e1456adc7563cda206f"), + hex!("e0f50f0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"), + ] + .as_slice(), + ); + + (validator, branch) +} + +/// Return the historical summary root containing the target slot and a corresponding SSZ proof. +/// +/// The target slot must be at most (source_slot - 8192). +pub fn historical_far_slot_proof(_block_root: Node, _target_slot: u64) -> (Node, Vec) { + // Block root -> historical summary root + let leaf = + node_from_bytes(hex!("1d52ab18adbab483661ee3dd7ebc62691abe30c1ac619a120a4d3050ec0f7c4b")); + let branch = branch_from_bytes( + [ + hex!("71d67d25484adcd645fc49c83f48a44b2f95c6215356a6f858549ef5ce0fd141"), + hex!("7edb31a2db983bbef421217131d3073e1c1c34cafad08374f39c8b51850ca907"), + hex!("7bd21503c7a2dc1c39f132639fd6a28aa2fad590d0b0b14a1b4b177b39f69b1c"), + hex!("c2989830254dad6751f97da47fcdf8a6cca5179e5b8a1b000562382b9523808d"), + hex!("13f3e6cee244b2a1854f29254223e898db082331faa7a04363eb7ab779f44166"), + hex!("1b1f565fde7046ec5164668459a1906eb9239d83d62869f97fdb0051b3986615"), + hex!("a8fb6dc98b7b638c5f0f39134e8b545dd7b1f5f924fda80247eb432bb098d53b"), + hex!("8793464b9aec0216b2b2fd8721d5377602722287b548a4370cb44654233752e0"), + hex!("26846476fd5fc54a5d43385167c95144f2643f533cc85bb9d16b782f8d7db193"), + hex!("506d86582d252405b840018792cad2bf1259f1ef5aa5f887e13cb2f0094f51e1"), + hex!("ffff0ad7e659772f9534c195c815efc4014ef1e1daed4404c06385d11192e92b"), + hex!("6cf04127db05441cd833107a52be852868890e4317e6a02ab47683aa75964220"), + hex!("b7d05f875f140027ef5118a2247bbb84ce8f2f0f1123623085daf7960c329f5f"), + hex!("df6af5f5bbdb6be9ef8aa618e4bf8073960867171e29676f8b284dea6a08a85e"), + hex!("b58d900f5e182e3c50ef74969ea16c7726c549757cc23523c369587da7293784"), + hex!("d49a7502ffcfb0340b1d7885688500ca308161a7f96b62df9d083b71fcc8f2bb"), + hex!("8fe6b1689256c0d385f42f5bbe2027a22c1996e110ba97c171d3e5948de92beb"), + hex!("8d0d63c39ebade8509e0ae3c9c3876fb5fa112be18f905ecacfecb92057603ab"), + hex!("95eec8b2e541cad4e91de38385f2e046619f54496c2382cb6cacd5b98c26f5a4"), + hex!("f893e908917775b62bff23294dbbe3a1cd8e6cc1c35b4801887b646a6f81f17f"), + hex!("cddba7b592e3133393c16194fac7431abf2f5485ed711db282183c819e08ebaa"), + hex!("8a8d7fe3af8caa085a7639a832001457dfb9128a8061142ad0335629ff23ff9c"), + hex!("feb3c337d7a51a6fbf00b9e34c52e1c9195c969bd4e7a0bfd51d5c5bed9c1167"), + hex!("e71f0aa83cc32edfbefa9f4d3e0174ca85182eec9f3a09f6a6c0df6377a510d7"), + hex!("f600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"), + hex!("13d8050000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"), + hex!("431f12da5c99f901a543ca43ce3bf81d27aa2ca768dff91a57f4f7315e58ed34"), + hex!("db56114e00fdd4c1f85c892bf35ac9a89289aaecb1ebd0a96cde606a748b5d71"), + hex!("7065b5a85d89a8283552e82ee1e2638930cb77006062b2e0c1ef1a0d565d3b80"), + hex!("12c7dbcbe2f85d52225951cc7581dc333c64eb538a4757552763d986f696ac15"), + hex!("6a8edd0d02c6195037bfab129783fb9847d88e7587a3b097fdc4eb5cb0da7a16"), + hex!("2766cb64d6adc5d69310000d535c140372ff879bc9dee329db746de3665c6b10"), + hex!("e53131a68915218beddb79d3233e18e208775b90f32457414253f88e5e7320fa"), + ] + .as_slice(), + ); + (leaf, branch) +} + +/// Given a block root and target slot, return the target block root and a corresponding SSZ merkle +/// proof from historical summary root to target block root. The target slot must be at most +/// (source_slot - 8192). +pub fn historical_far_slot_blockroot_proof( + _block_root: Node, + _target_slot: u64, +) -> (Node, Vec) { + let leaf = + node_from_bytes(hex!("baa0d6d6383b6c227a59bd739d6adda29db2bbebc7db7a1d33f76d713c25be92")); + let branch = branch_from_bytes( + [ + hex!("c1335f53786cb473466d9e876f516e6fcf0c92fc584f1b04e382d5ff97a079a1"), + hex!("3d97b9db50d76b323da4c6158627655cc08f312d20fa87891fe920f573e4dd0f"), + hex!("bde4d4740ab0e58de6b544b0a07afa84dbcfaaf44de9622fed066ac4d1cc3528"), + hex!("0d11c3f316880e9b435329f1614a5b0352aac1d6380394082b4c3efb3257aed2"), + hex!("f1c253201bf508628075aa2c22de836695e488706491aa18f5791dac22a4945f"), + hex!("27e1509081c6dce997920310354ea7b761ad9d4769d1d7c08af9dca9b6a8c5a4"), + hex!("ac2097ec57fa31b30c79a6a9c992c70981ecbe28094f6fb093deeb036484a979"), + hex!("67b3ddc88691307694988dd9a00d7843c6f5ac472b8de33dbbb5e6b9782d12a3"), + hex!("3991d8ed56935aa73979411a92de0f76a48605f4eb3bdff3a0a8f3537856a512"), + hex!("3506c644cad38ea2ff4c047350ceabaefed7459f643613458b99c2ff0417c23f"), + hex!("018eeb10177703946d889cc270df7681c9239d6affd88edd123cef235cf95648"), + hex!("0f43d0bd83d6ce190650d5453d89a61b211ea7893634760a7d143e212de2e24b"), + hex!("df4ca4136a2adad654f3614629ee0845cb4059f7fbb1ecfc6e278e0914510201"), + hex!("9b3b8a195299c1fbcbbb0e526cbb0f831c7641170d21ff013df86c3e94db49b4"), + ] + .as_slice(), + ); + (leaf, branch) +} + +/// Returns withdrawal slots, withdrawal indexes, and validator indexes that match the given +/// withdrawal address. +pub fn withdrawals_range( + _block_root: Node, + _start_slot: u64, + _end_slot: u64, + _withdrawal_address: &ExecutionAddress, +) -> (Vec<(u64, Vec)>, Vec) { + ( + vec![ + (7855804, vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]), + (7855805, vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]), + (7855806, vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]), + ], + vec![795049, 795050, 795051], + ) +} diff --git a/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ssz-withdrawals/src/beacon/mod.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ssz-withdrawals/src/beacon/mod.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3fbbbdfe6 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ssz-withdrawals/src/beacon/mod.rs @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +pub mod hints; +pub mod prove; +pub mod types; +pub mod utils; diff --git a/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ssz-withdrawals/src/beacon/prove.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ssz-withdrawals/src/beacon/prove.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..64d87e4f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ssz-withdrawals/src/beacon/prove.rs @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +use crate::beacon::hints; +use crate::beacon::types::*; +use crate::beacon::utils::is_valid_merkle_big_branch; +use ssz_rs::prelude::*; +use std::hint::black_box; +use std::str::FromStr; + +pub fn block_header(block_root: Node) -> BeaconBlockHeader { + black_box(hints::beacon_header_proof(block_root)) +} + +pub fn withdrawals_root(block_root: Node) -> Node { + let (leaf, branch) = black_box(hints::withdrawals_root_proof(block_root)); + let depth = 11; + let index = alloy_primitives::U256::from(3230); + + let valid = + black_box(is_valid_merkle_big_branch(&leaf, branch.iter(), depth, index, &block_root)); + println!("withdrawals root valid: {}", valid); + leaf +} + +pub fn withdrawal(block_root: Node, withdrawals_root: Node, index: u32) -> Withdrawal { + let (mut withdrawal, branch) = black_box(hints::withdrawal_proof(block_root, index)); + let leaf = withdrawal.hash_tree_root().unwrap(); + let depth = 5; + let index = alloy_primitives::U256::from(32); + + let valid = black_box(is_valid_merkle_big_branch( + &leaf, + branch.iter(), + depth, + index, + &withdrawals_root, + )); + println!("withdrawal valid: {}", valid); + withdrawal +} + +pub fn validators_root(block_root: Node) -> Node { + let (leaf, branch) = black_box(hints::validators_root_proof(block_root)); + let depth = 8; + let index = alloy_primitives::U256::from(363); + let valid = + black_box(is_valid_merkle_big_branch(&leaf, branch.iter(), depth, index, &block_root)); + println!("validators root valid: {}", valid); + leaf +} + +pub fn validator(block_root: Node, validators_root: Node, validator_index: u64) -> Validator { + let (mut validator, branch) = black_box(hints::validator_proof(block_root, validator_index)); + let leaf = validator.hash_tree_root().unwrap(); + let depth = 41; + // ssz.phase0.Validators.getPathInfo([0]).gindex + let index = alloy_primitives::U256::from_str("2199023255552") + .unwrap() + .wrapping_add(alloy_primitives::U256::from(validator_index)); + let valid = + black_box(is_valid_merkle_big_branch(&leaf, branch.iter(), depth, index, &validators_root)); + println!("validator valid: {}", valid); + validator +} + +pub fn historical_far_slot(block_root: Node, target_slot: u64) -> Node { + let (leaf, branch) = black_box(hints::historical_far_slot_proof(block_root, target_slot)); + let depth = 33; + let array_index = (target_slot - 6209536) / 8192; + let index = alloy_primitives::U256::from_str("12717129728") + .unwrap() + .wrapping_add(alloy_primitives::U256::from(array_index)); + + let valid = + black_box(is_valid_merkle_big_branch(&leaf, branch.iter(), depth, index, &block_root)); + println!("historical far slot valid: {}", valid); + leaf +} + +fn historical_far_slot_blockroot(block_root: Node, summary_root: Node, target_slot: u64) -> Node { + let (leaf, branch) = + black_box(hints::historical_far_slot_blockroot_proof(block_root, target_slot)); + let depth = 14; + let array_index = (target_slot) % 8192; + let index = alloy_primitives::U256::from(16384 + array_index); + + let valid = + black_box(is_valid_merkle_big_branch(&leaf, branch.iter(), depth, index, &summary_root)); + println!("historical far slot blockroot valid: {}", valid); + leaf +} + +pub fn historical_block_root(block_root: Node, source_slot: u64, target_slot: u64) -> Node { + if source_slot - target_slot < 8192 { + unimplemented!() + } else { + let summary_root = historical_far_slot(block_root, target_slot); + historical_far_slot_blockroot(block_root, summary_root, target_slot) + } +} diff --git a/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ssz-withdrawals/src/beacon/types.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ssz-withdrawals/src/beacon/types.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e694bc8ee --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ssz-withdrawals/src/beacon/types.rs @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +use crate::DeserializeError; +use serde; +use serde_with::{serde_as, DisplayFromStr}; +use ssz_rs::prelude::{Deserialize, Node, SimpleSerialize, Sized, Vector}; + +pub type Bytes32 = Node; +pub type BLSPubkey = Vector; +pub type ExecutionAddress = Vector; + +#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Default, Clone, SimpleSerialize)] +pub struct Validator { + pub pubkey: BLSPubkey, + pub withdrawal_credentials: Bytes32, + pub effective_balance: u64, + pub slashed: bool, + pub activation_eligibility_epoch: u64, + pub activation_epoch: u64, + pub exit_epoch: u64, + pub withdrawable_epoch: u64, +} + +#[serde_as] +#[derive( + serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Default, Clone, SimpleSerialize, +)] +pub struct BeaconBlockHeader { + #[serde_as(as = "DisplayFromStr")] + pub slot: u64, + #[serde_as(as = "DisplayFromStr")] + pub proposer_index: u64, + pub parent_root: Bytes32, + pub state_root: Bytes32, + pub body_root: Bytes32, +} + +#[serde_as] +#[derive( + serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Default, Clone, SimpleSerialize, +)] +#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] +pub struct Withdrawal { + pub index: u64, + pub validator_index: u64, + #[serde_as(as = "serde_with::hex::Hex")] + pub address: ExecutionAddress, + #[serde_as(as = "DisplayFromStr")] + pub amount: u64, +} diff --git a/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ssz-withdrawals/src/beacon/utils.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ssz-withdrawals/src/beacon/utils.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..48648a54b --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ssz-withdrawals/src/beacon/utils.rs @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +use alloy_primitives::U256; +use sha2::{Digest, Sha256}; +use ssz_rs::prelude::Node; + +/// Verifies a SSZ proof. +/// +/// Reference: https://github.com/ralexstokes/ssz-rs/blob/main/ssz-rs/src/merkleization/proofs.rs +pub fn is_valid_merkle_big_branch<'a>( + leaf: &Node, + mut branch: impl Iterator, + depth: usize, + index: U256, + root: &Node, +) -> bool { + let mut value: [u8; 32] = leaf.as_ref().try_into().unwrap(); + + let mut hasher = Sha256::new(); + for i in 0..depth { + let next_node = match branch.next() { + Some(node) => node, + None => return false, + }; + if index.bit(i) { + hasher.update(next_node.as_ref()); + hasher.update(value.as_ref()); + } else { + hasher.update(value.as_ref()); + hasher.update(next_node.as_ref()); + } + value = hasher.finalize_reset().into(); + } + let root: [u8; 32] = root.as_ref().try_into().unwrap(); + root == value +} + +pub fn branch_from_bytes(s: &[[u8; 32]]) -> Vec { + s.iter().map(|hex| node_from_bytes(*hex)).collect::>() +} + +pub fn node_from_bytes(s: [u8; 32]) -> Node { + Node::try_from(&s[..]).unwrap() +} diff --git a/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ssz-withdrawals/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ssz-withdrawals/src/main.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1c7937e20 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/ssz-withdrawals/src/main.rs @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +//! Given an ethereum beacon root, a start slot, an end slot, and an eigenpod address, returns the +//! sum of all beacon partial withdrawals in [start_slot, end_slot) to the given eigenpod address. + +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +mod beacon; + +use beacon::hints; +use beacon::prove; +use beacon::types::*; +use beacon::utils::node_from_bytes; +use hex_literal::hex; +use ssz_rs::prelude::*; +use std::collections::HashMap; + +pub fn main() { + // Get inputs. + let beacon_block_root = + node_from_bytes(hex!("d00c4da1a3ad4d42bd35f128544227d19e163194569d69d54a3d14112e3c897c")); + let start_slot = 7855804; + let end_slot = 7855807; + let eigenpod_address = + ExecutionAddress::try_from(hex!("e9cd1419a015dd05d47f6139f5b8e86b1e9e5cdd").to_vec()) + .unwrap(); + + // Get slot number from block by proving the block header. + let source_slot = prove::block_header(beacon_block_root).slot; + + // Load the witness data from outside of the vm. + let (withdrawal_slots, validator_indexes) = + hints::withdrawals_range(beacon_block_root, start_slot, end_slot, &eigenpod_address); + + // For all validator_indexes in the range, prove their withdrawable epoch so we can check + // whether each withdrawal is partial or full. + let validators_root = prove::validators_root(beacon_block_root); + let mut withdrawable_epochs = HashMap::::new(); + for validator_index in validator_indexes { + println!("validator index: {}", validator_index); + let validator = prove::validator(beacon_block_root, validators_root, validator_index); + withdrawable_epochs.insert(validator_index, validator.withdrawable_epoch); + } + + // Compute the sum of all partial withdrawals. + let mut sum = 0; + for (slot, withdrawal_indexes) in withdrawal_slots { + let historical_block_root = + prove::historical_block_root(beacon_block_root, source_slot, slot); + let withdrawals_root = prove::withdrawals_root(historical_block_root); + let epoch = slot / 32; + for index in withdrawal_indexes { + let withdrawal = prove::withdrawal(historical_block_root, withdrawals_root, index); + + let withdrawable_epoch = withdrawable_epochs.get(&withdrawal.validator_index).unwrap(); + if epoch < *withdrawable_epoch { + sum += withdrawal.amount; + } + } + } + + println!("sum: {}", sum); +} diff --git a/tests/tendermint-benchmark/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/Cargo.toml similarity index 57% rename from tests/tendermint-benchmark/Cargo.toml rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/Cargo.toml index 3bf23b403..a8e89486c 100644 --- a/tests/tendermint-benchmark/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/Cargo.toml @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ edition = "2021" publish = false [dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } -serde_json = { version = "1.0", default-features = false, features = ["alloc"] } -serde = { version = "1.0", default-features = false, features = ["derive"] } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +serde_json = { workspace = true, default-features = false, features = ["alloc"] } +serde = { workspace = true, default-features = false, features = ["derive"] } tendermint = { version = "0.34.0", default-features = false } tendermint-light-client-verifier = { version = "0.34.0", default-features = false, features = [ "rust-crypto", diff --git a/tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/1/next_validators.json b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/1/next_validators.json similarity index 100% rename from tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/1/next_validators.json rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/1/next_validators.json diff --git a/tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/1/signed_header.json b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/1/signed_header.json similarity index 100% rename from tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/1/signed_header.json rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/1/signed_header.json diff --git a/tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/1/validators.json b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/1/validators.json similarity index 100% rename from tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/1/validators.json rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/1/validators.json diff --git a/tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/2/next_validators.json b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/2/next_validators.json similarity index 100% rename from tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/2/next_validators.json rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/2/next_validators.json diff --git a/tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/2/signed_header.json b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/2/signed_header.json similarity index 100% rename from tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/2/signed_header.json rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/2/signed_header.json diff --git a/tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/2/validators.json b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/2/validators.json similarity index 100% rename from tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/2/validators.json rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/2/validators.json diff --git a/tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/small-1/next_validators.json b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/small-1/next_validators.json similarity index 100% rename from tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/small-1/next_validators.json rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/small-1/next_validators.json diff --git a/tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/small-1/signed_header.json b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/small-1/signed_header.json similarity index 100% rename from tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/small-1/signed_header.json rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/small-1/signed_header.json diff --git a/tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/small-1/validators.json b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/small-1/validators.json similarity index 100% rename from tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/small-1/validators.json rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/small-1/validators.json diff --git a/tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/small-2/next_validators.json b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/small-2/next_validators.json similarity index 100% rename from tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/small-2/next_validators.json rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/small-2/next_validators.json diff --git a/tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/small-2/signed_header.json b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/small-2/signed_header.json similarity index 100% rename from tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/small-2/signed_header.json rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/small-2/signed_header.json diff --git a/tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/small-2/validators.json b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/small-2/validators.json similarity index 100% rename from tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/small-2/validators.json rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/fixtures/small-2/validators.json diff --git a/tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/main.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/tendermint-benchmark/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/tendermint-benchmark/src/main.rs diff --git a/crates/test-artifacts/programs/u256x2048-mul/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/u256x2048-mul/Cargo.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cac74cafa --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/u256x2048-mul/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +[package] +name = "u256x2048-mul" +version = "1.0.0" +edition = "2021" +publish = false + +[dependencies] +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-derive = { path = "../../../../crates/derive" } +num-bigint = "0.4.6" +num = { version = "0.4.1" } +rand = "0.8.5" +bytemuck = "1.15.0" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crates/test-artifacts/programs/u256x2048-mul/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/u256x2048-mul/src/main.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..87f8e106c --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/u256x2048-mul/src/main.rs @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +use num::BigUint; +use rand::Rng; +use sp1_zkvm::syscalls::syscall_u256x2048_mul; + +fn u256_to_bytes_le(x: &BigUint) -> [u8; 32] { + let mut bytes = x.to_bytes_le(); + bytes.resize(32, 0); + bytes.try_into().unwrap() +} + +fn u2048_to_bytes_le(x: &BigUint) -> [u8; 256] { + let mut bytes = x.to_bytes_le(); + bytes.resize(256, 0); + bytes.try_into().unwrap() +} + +pub fn main() { + let mut a_max: [u8; 32] = [0xff; 32]; + let mut b_max: [u8; 256] = [0xff; 256]; + + let a_max_big = BigUint::from_bytes_le(&a_max); + a_max = u256_to_bytes_le(&a_max_big); + let b_max_big = BigUint::from_bytes_le(&b_max); + b_max = u2048_to_bytes_le(&b_max_big); + + let mut lo_max: [u32; 64] = [0; 64]; + let mut hi_max: [u32; 8] = [0; 8]; + + syscall_u256x2048_mul( + a_max.as_ptr() as *const [u32; 8], + b_max.as_ptr() as *const [u32; 64], + lo_max.as_mut_ptr() as *mut [u32; 64], + hi_max.as_mut_ptr() as *mut [u32; 8], + ); + + let lo_max_bytes: [u8; 256] = bytemuck::cast::<[u32; 64], [u8; 256]>(lo_max); + let hi_max_bytes: [u8; 32] = bytemuck::cast::<[u32; 8], [u8; 32]>(hi_max); + + let lo_max_big = BigUint::from_bytes_le(&lo_max_bytes); + let hi_max_big = BigUint::from_bytes_le(&hi_max_bytes); + + let result_max_syscall = (hi_max_big << 2048) + lo_max_big; + let result_max = a_max_big * b_max_big; + assert_eq!(result_max, result_max_syscall); + + // Test 10 random pairs of a and b. + let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); + for _ in 0..10 { + let a: [u8; 32] = rng.gen(); + let mut b = [0u8; 256]; + rng.fill(&mut b); + + let a_big = BigUint::from_bytes_le(&a); + let b_big = BigUint::from_bytes_le(&b); + + let a = u256_to_bytes_le(&a_big); + let b = u2048_to_bytes_le(&b_big); + + let mut lo: [u32; 64] = [0; 64]; + let mut hi: [u32; 8] = [0; 8]; + + syscall_u256x2048_mul( + a.as_ptr() as *const [u32; 8], + b.as_ptr() as *const [u32; 64], + lo.as_mut_ptr() as *mut [u32; 64], + hi.as_mut_ptr() as *mut [u32; 8], + ); + + let lo_bytes: [u8; 256] = bytemuck::cast::<[u32; 64], [u8; 256]>(lo); + let hi_bytes: [u8; 32] = bytemuck::cast::<[u32; 8], [u8; 32]>(hi); + + let lo_big = BigUint::from_bytes_le(&lo_bytes); + let hi_big = BigUint::from_bytes_le(&hi_bytes); + + let result_syscall = (hi_big << 2048) + lo_big; + let result = a_big * b_big; + assert_eq!(result, result_syscall); + } + + println!("All tests passed successfully!"); +} diff --git a/tests/uint256-arith/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/uint256-arith/Cargo.toml similarity index 55% rename from tests/uint256-arith/Cargo.toml rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/uint256-arith/Cargo.toml index 8a3bd274d..7ea91e234 100644 --- a/tests/uint256-arith/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/uint256-arith/Cargo.toml @@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ edition = "2021" publish = false [dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } -sp1-derive = { path = "../../crates/derive" } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-derive = { path = "../../../../crates/derive" } crypto-bigint = "0.6.0-pre.12" diff --git a/tests/uint256-arith/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/uint256-arith/src/main.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/uint256-arith/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/uint256-arith/src/main.rs diff --git a/tests/uint256-mul/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/uint256-mul/Cargo.toml similarity index 59% rename from tests/uint256-mul/Cargo.toml rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/uint256-mul/Cargo.toml index 17a4e6b0b..f86708100 100644 --- a/tests/uint256-mul/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/uint256-mul/Cargo.toml @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ publish = false [dependencies] rand = "0.8" num = { version = "0.4.1" } -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } -sp1-derive = { path = "../../crates/derive" } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-derive = { path = "../../../../crates/derive" } bytemuck = "1.15.0" diff --git a/tests/uint256-mul/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/uint256-mul/src/main.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/uint256-mul/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/uint256-mul/src/main.rs diff --git a/tests/verify-proof/Cargo.toml b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/verify-proof/Cargo.toml similarity index 61% rename from tests/verify-proof/Cargo.toml rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/verify-proof/Cargo.toml index 7551bd81f..77c04e466 100644 --- a/tests/verify-proof/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/verify-proof/Cargo.toml @@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ edition = "2021" publish = false [dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint", features = ["verify"] } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint", features = ["verify"] } hex = "0.4.3" sha2 = "0.10.8" diff --git a/tests/verify-proof/src/main.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/programs/verify-proof/src/main.rs similarity index 100% rename from tests/verify-proof/src/main.rs rename to crates/test-artifacts/programs/verify-proof/src/main.rs diff --git a/crates/test-artifacts/src/lib.rs b/crates/test-artifacts/src/lib.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..997fadee5 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/test-artifacts/src/lib.rs @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +#![warn(clippy::pedantic)] + +//! This crate goal is to compile all programs in the `programs` folders to ELFs files, +//! and give an easy access to these ELFs from other crates, using the constants below. +//! +//! **Note:** If you added a new program, don't forget to add it to the workspace in the +//! `programs` folder to have if compiled to an ELF file. + +use sp1_build::include_elf; + +pub const FIBONACCI_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("fibonacci-program-tests"); + +pub const ED25519_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("ed25519-program"); + +pub const CYCLE_TRACKER_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("cycle-tracker-test"); + +pub const ED_ADD_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("ed-add-test"); + +pub const ED_DECOMPRESS_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("ed-decompress-test"); + +pub const KECCAK_PERMUTE_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("keccak-permute-test"); + +pub const KECCAK256_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("keccak256-test"); + +pub const SECP256K1_ADD_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("secp256k1-add-test"); + +pub const SECP256K1_DECOMPRESS_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("secp256k1-decompress-test"); + +pub const SECP256K1_DOUBLE_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("secp256k1-double-test"); + +pub const SECP256R1_ADD_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("secp256r1-add-test"); + +pub const SECP256R1_DECOMPRESS_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("secp256r1-decompress-test"); + +pub const SECP256R1_DOUBLE_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("secp256r1-double-test"); + +pub const SHA_COMPRESS_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("sha-compress-test"); + +pub const SHA_EXTEND_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("sha-extend-test"); + +pub const SHA2_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("sha2-test"); + +pub const SSZ_WITHDRAWALS_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("ssz-withdrawals-test"); + +pub const BN254_ADD_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("bn254-add-test"); + +pub const BN254_DOUBLE_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("bn254-double-test"); + +pub const BN254_MUL_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("bn254-mul-test"); + +pub const SECP256K1_MUL_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("secp256k1-mul-test"); + +pub const BLS12381_ADD_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("bls12381-add-test"); + +pub const BLS12381_DOUBLE_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("bls12381-double-test"); + +pub const BLS12381_MUL_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("bls12381-mul-test"); + +pub const UINT256_MUL_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("biguint-mul-test"); + +pub const BLS12381_DECOMPRESS_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("bls-decompress-test"); + +pub const VERIFY_PROOF_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("verify-proof"); + +pub const PANIC_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("panic-test"); + +pub const BLS12381_FP_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("bls12381-fp-test"); + +pub const BLS12381_FP2_MUL_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("bls12381-fp2-mul-test"); + +pub const BLS12381_FP2_ADDSUB_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("bls12381-fp2-addsub-test"); + +pub const BN254_FP_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("bn254-fp-test"); + +pub const BN254_FP2_ADDSUB_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("bn254-fp2-addsub-test"); + +pub const BN254_FP2_MUL_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("bn254-fp2-mul-test"); + +pub const TENDERMINT_BENCHMARK_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("tendermint-benchmark-program"); + +pub const U256XU2048_MUL_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("u256x2048-mul"); diff --git a/crates/verifier/Cargo.toml b/crates/verifier/Cargo.toml index 63690ec55..725412ffb 100644 --- a/crates/verifier/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/verifier/Cargo.toml @@ -10,17 +10,28 @@ keywords = { workspace = true } categories = { workspace = true } [dependencies] -bn = { version = "0.6.0", package = "substrate-bn-succinct" } +bn = { version = "=0.6.0-v4-rc.8", package = "substrate-bn-succinct" } sha2 = { version = "0.10.8", default-features = false } -thiserror-no-std = "2.0.2" +thiserror = { version = "2", default-features = false } hex = { version = "0.4.3", default-features = false, features = ["alloc"] } lazy_static = { version = "1.5.0", default-features = false } +# arkworks +ark-bn254 = { version = "0.4.0", optional = true } +ark-serialize = { version = "0.4.2", optional = true } +ark-ff = { version = "0.4.2", optional = true } +ark-groth16 = { version = "0.4.0", optional = true } +ark-ec = { version = "0.4.0", optional = true } + [dev-dependencies] -sp1-sdk = { workspace = true } +sp1-sdk = { workspace = true, features = ["native-gnark"] } +test-artifacts = { workspace = true } num-bigint = "0.4.6" num-traits = "0.2.19" +cfg-if = "1.0.0" +serial_test = "3.2.0" [features] default = ["std"] -std = ["thiserror-no-std/std"] +std = ["thiserror/std"] +ark = ["ark-bn254", "ark-serialize", "ark-ff", "ark-groth16", "ark-ec"] diff --git a/crates/verifier/README.md b/crates/verifier/README.md index 6a4042e04..fe5db1422 100644 --- a/crates/verifier/README.md +++ b/crates/verifier/README.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ to be generated using the [SP1 SDK](../sdk). ## Features Groth16 and Plonk proof verification are supported in `no-std` environments. Verification in the -SP1 ZKVM context is patched, in order to make use of the +SP1 zkVM context is patched, in order to make use of the [bn254 precompiles](https://blog.succinct.xyz/succinctshipsprecompiles/). ### Pre-generated verification keys @@ -26,11 +26,7 @@ Run tests with the following command: cargo test --package sp1-verifier ``` -These tests verify the proofs in the [`test_binaries`](./test_binaries) directory. These test binaries -were generated from the fibonacci [groth16](../../examples/fibonacci/script/bin/groth16_bn254.rs) and -[plonk](../../examples/fibonacci/script/bin/plonk_bn254.rs) examples. You can reproduce these proofs -from the examples by running `cargo run --bin groth16_bn254` and `cargo run --bin plonk_bn254` from the -[`examples/fibonacci`](../../examples/fibonacci/) directory. +These tests generate a groth16/plonk proof and verify it. ## Acknowledgements diff --git a/crates/verifier/bn254-vk/groth16_vk.bin b/crates/verifier/bn254-vk/groth16_vk.bin index 348cc8a0a..4bc09e998 100644 Binary files a/crates/verifier/bn254-vk/groth16_vk.bin and b/crates/verifier/bn254-vk/groth16_vk.bin differ diff --git a/crates/verifier/bn254-vk/plonk_vk.bin b/crates/verifier/bn254-vk/plonk_vk.bin index c8e98e6fd..63e78b81f 100644 Binary files a/crates/verifier/bn254-vk/plonk_vk.bin and b/crates/verifier/bn254-vk/plonk_vk.bin differ diff --git a/crates/verifier/guest-verify-programs/Cargo.lock b/crates/verifier/guest-verify-programs/Cargo.lock new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f0998f34e --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/verifier/guest-verify-programs/Cargo.lock @@ -0,0 +1,626 @@ +# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo. +# It is not intended for manual editing. +version = 3 + +[[package]] +name = "autocfg" +version = "1.4.0" +source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index" +checksum = "ace50bade8e6234aa140d9a2f552bbee1db4d353f69b8217bc503490fc1a9f26" + +[[package]] +name = "bincode" +version = "1.3.3" +source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index" +checksum = "b1f45e9417d87227c7a56d22e471c6206462cba514c7590c09aff4cf6d1ddcad" +dependencies = [ + "serde", +] + +[[package]] +name = "block-buffer" +version = "0.10.4" +source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index" +checksum = "3078c7629b62d3f0439517fa394996acacc5cbc91c5a20d8c658e77abd503a71" +dependencies = [ + "generic-array", +] + +[[package]] +name = "bytemuck" +version = "1.21.0" +source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index" +checksum = "ef657dfab802224e671f5818e9a4935f9b1957ed18e58292690cc39e7a4092a3" +dependencies = [ + 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&sp1_vkey_hash, groth16_vk).unwrap(); +} diff --git a/crates/verifier/guest-verify-programs/src/plonk_verify.rs b/crates/verifier/guest-verify-programs/src/plonk_verify.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5664fb0fb --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/verifier/guest-verify-programs/src/plonk_verify.rs @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +use sp1_verifier::PlonkVerifier; + +fn main() { + // Read the proof, public values, and vkey hash from the input stream. + let proof = sp1_zkvm::io::read_vec(); + let sp1_public_values = sp1_zkvm::io::read_vec(); + let sp1_vkey_hash: String = sp1_zkvm::io::read(); + + // Verify the groth16 proof. + let plonk_vk = *sp1_verifier::PLONK_VK_BYTES; + let result = + PlonkVerifier::verify(&proof, &sp1_public_values, &sp1_vkey_hash, plonk_vk).unwrap(); +} diff --git a/crates/verifier/src/error.rs b/crates/verifier/src/error.rs index 2d37bceac..1f30633fd 100644 --- a/crates/verifier/src/error.rs +++ b/crates/verifier/src/error.rs @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ use bn::{CurveError, FieldError, GroupError}; -use thiserror_no_std::Error; +use thiserror::Error; #[derive(Error, Debug)] pub enum Error { diff --git a/crates/verifier/src/groth16/ark_converter.rs b/crates/verifier/src/groth16/ark_converter.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..255458559 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/verifier/src/groth16/ark_converter.rs @@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ +use ark_bn254::{Bn254, Fr, G1Affine, G2Affine}; +use ark_ec::AffineRepr; +use ark_ff::PrimeField; +use ark_groth16::{Proof, VerifyingKey}; +use ark_serialize::{CanonicalDeserialize, Compress, Validate}; +use thiserror::Error; + +const GNARK_MASK: u8 = 0b11 << 6; +const GNARK_COMPRESSED_POSITIVE: u8 = 0b10 << 6; +const GNARK_COMPRESSED_NEGATIVE: u8 = 0b11 << 6; +const GNARK_COMPRESSED_INFINITY: u8 = 0b01 << 6; + +const ARK_MASK: u8 = 0b11 << 6; +const ARK_COMPRESSED_POSITIVE: u8 = 0b00 << 6; +const ARK_COMPRESSED_NEGATIVE: u8 = 0b10 << 6; +const ARK_COMPRESSED_INFINITY: u8 = 0b01 << 6; + +#[derive(Error, Debug)] +pub enum ArkGroth16Error { + #[error("G1 compression error")] + G1CompressionError, + #[error("G2 compression error")] + G2CompressionError, + #[error("Invalid input")] + InvalidInput, +} + +/// Convert the endianness of a byte array, chunk by chunk. +/// +/// Taken from https://github.com/anza-xyz/agave/blob/c54d840/curves/bn254/src/compression.rs#L176-L189 +fn convert_endianness( + bytes: &[u8; ARRAY_SIZE], +) -> [u8; ARRAY_SIZE] { + let reversed: [_; ARRAY_SIZE] = bytes + .chunks_exact(CHUNK_SIZE) + .flat_map(|chunk| chunk.iter().rev().copied()) + .enumerate() + .fold([0u8; ARRAY_SIZE], |mut acc, (i, v)| { + acc[i] = v; + acc + }); + reversed +} + +/// Decompress a G1 point. +/// +/// Taken from https://github.com/anza-xyz/agave/blob/c54d840/curves/bn254/src/compression.rs#L219 +fn decompress_g1(g1_bytes: &[u8; 32]) -> Result { + let g1_bytes = gnark_compressed_x_to_ark_compressed_x(g1_bytes)?; + let g1_bytes = convert_endianness::<32, 32>(&g1_bytes.as_slice().try_into().unwrap()); + let decompressed_g1 = G1Affine::deserialize_with_mode( + convert_endianness::<32, 32>(&g1_bytes).as_slice(), + Compress::Yes, + Validate::No, + ) + .map_err(|_| ArkGroth16Error::G1CompressionError)?; + Ok(decompressed_g1) +} + +/// Decompress a G2 point. +/// +/// Adapted from https://github.com/anza-xyz/agave/blob/c54d840/curves/bn254/src/compression.rs#L255 +fn decompress_g2(g2_bytes: &[u8; 64]) -> Result { + let g2_bytes = gnark_compressed_x_to_ark_compressed_x(g2_bytes)?; + let g2_bytes = convert_endianness::<64, 64>(&g2_bytes.as_slice().try_into().unwrap()); + let decompressed_g2 = G2Affine::deserialize_with_mode( + convert_endianness::<64, 64>(&g2_bytes).as_slice(), + Compress::Yes, + Validate::No, + ) + .map_err(|_| ArkGroth16Error::G2CompressionError)?; + Ok(decompressed_g2) +} + +fn gnark_flag_to_ark_flag(msb: u8) -> Result { + let gnark_flag = msb & GNARK_MASK; + + let ark_flag = match gnark_flag { + GNARK_COMPRESSED_POSITIVE => ARK_COMPRESSED_POSITIVE, + GNARK_COMPRESSED_NEGATIVE => ARK_COMPRESSED_NEGATIVE, + GNARK_COMPRESSED_INFINITY => ARK_COMPRESSED_INFINITY, + _ => { + return Err(ArkGroth16Error::InvalidInput); + } + }; + + Ok(msb & !ARK_MASK | ark_flag) +} + +fn gnark_compressed_x_to_ark_compressed_x(x: &[u8]) -> Result, ArkGroth16Error> { + if x.len() != 32 && x.len() != 64 { + return Err(ArkGroth16Error::InvalidInput); + } + let mut x_copy = x.to_owned(); + + let msb = gnark_flag_to_ark_flag(x_copy[0])?; + x_copy[0] = msb; + + x_copy.reverse(); + Ok(x_copy) +} + +/// Deserialize a gnark decompressed affine G1 point to an arkworks decompressed affine G1 point. +fn gnark_decompressed_g1_to_ark_decompressed_g1( + buf: &[u8; 64], +) -> Result { + let buf = convert_endianness::<32, 64>(buf); + if buf == [0u8; 64] { + return Ok(G1Affine::zero()); + } + let g1 = G1Affine::deserialize_with_mode( + &*[&buf[..], &[0u8][..]].concat(), + Compress::No, + Validate::Yes, + ) + .map_err(|_| ArkGroth16Error::G1CompressionError)?; + Ok(g1) +} + +/// Deserialize a gnark decompressed affine G2 point to an arkworks decompressed affine G2 point. +fn gnark_decompressed_g2_to_ark_decompressed_g2( + buf: &[u8; 128], +) -> Result { + let buf = convert_endianness::<64, 128>(buf); + if buf == [0u8; 128] { + return Ok(G2Affine::zero()); + } + let g2 = G2Affine::deserialize_with_mode( + &*[&buf[..], &[0u8][..]].concat(), + Compress::No, + Validate::Yes, + ) + .map_err(|_| ArkGroth16Error::G2CompressionError)?; + Ok(g2) +} + +/// Load a Groth16 proof from bytes in the arkworks format. +pub fn load_ark_proof_from_bytes(buffer: &[u8]) -> Result, ArkGroth16Error> { + Ok(Proof:: { + a: gnark_decompressed_g1_to_ark_decompressed_g1(buffer[..64].try_into().unwrap())?, + b: gnark_decompressed_g2_to_ark_decompressed_g2(buffer[64..192].try_into().unwrap())?, + c: gnark_decompressed_g1_to_ark_decompressed_g1(&buffer[192..256].try_into().unwrap())?, + }) +} + +/// Load a Groth16 verifying key from bytes in the arkworks format. +pub fn load_ark_groth16_verifying_key_from_bytes( + buffer: &[u8], +) -> Result, ArkGroth16Error> { + // Note that g1_beta and g1_delta are not used in the verification process. + let alpha_g1 = decompress_g1(buffer[..32].try_into().unwrap())?; + let beta_g2 = decompress_g2(buffer[64..128].try_into().unwrap())?; + let gamma_g2 = decompress_g2(buffer[128..192].try_into().unwrap())?; + let delta_g2 = decompress_g2(buffer[224..288].try_into().unwrap())?; + + let num_k = u32::from_be_bytes([buffer[288], buffer[289], buffer[290], buffer[291]]); + let mut k = Vec::new(); + let mut offset = 292; + for _ in 0..num_k { + let point = decompress_g1(&buffer[offset..offset + 32].try_into().unwrap())?; + k.push(point); + offset += 32; + } + + let num_of_array_of_public_and_commitment_committed = u32::from_be_bytes([ + buffer[offset], + buffer[offset + 1], + buffer[offset + 2], + buffer[offset + 3], + ]); + offset += 4; + for _ in 0..num_of_array_of_public_and_commitment_committed { + let num = u32::from_be_bytes([ + buffer[offset], + buffer[offset + 1], + buffer[offset + 2], + buffer[offset + 3], + ]); + offset += 4; + for _ in 0..num { + offset += 4; + } + } + + Ok(VerifyingKey { alpha_g1, beta_g2, gamma_g2, delta_g2, gamma_abc_g1: k }) +} + +/// Load the public inputs from the bytes in the arkworks format. +/// +/// This reads the vkey hash and the committed values digest as big endian Fr elements. +pub fn load_ark_public_inputs_from_bytes( + vkey_hash: &[u8; 32], + committed_values_digest: &[u8; 32], +) -> [Fr; 2] { + [Fr::from_be_bytes_mod_order(vkey_hash), Fr::from_be_bytes_mod_order(committed_values_digest)] +} diff --git a/crates/verifier/src/groth16/converter.rs b/crates/verifier/src/groth16/converter.rs index 6c7a5e3b9..3b1898356 100644 --- a/crates/verifier/src/groth16/converter.rs +++ b/crates/verifier/src/groth16/converter.rs @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ use super::error::Groth16Error; /// Load the Groth16 proof from the given byte slice. /// /// The byte slice is represented as 2 uncompressed g1 points, and one uncompressed g2 point, -/// as outputted from gnark. +/// as outputted from Gnark. pub(crate) fn load_groth16_proof_from_bytes(buffer: &[u8]) -> Result { let ar = uncompressed_bytes_to_g1_point(&buffer[..64])?; let bs = uncompressed_bytes_to_g2_point(&buffer[64..192])?; @@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ pub(crate) fn load_groth16_proof_from_bytes(buffer: &[u8]) -> Result Result { diff --git a/crates/verifier/src/groth16/error.rs b/crates/verifier/src/groth16/error.rs index 36952cb74..18d8e2dcb 100644 --- a/crates/verifier/src/groth16/error.rs +++ b/crates/verifier/src/groth16/error.rs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -use thiserror_no_std::Error; +use thiserror::Error; #[derive(Debug, Error)] pub enum Groth16Error { diff --git a/crates/verifier/src/groth16/mod.rs b/crates/verifier/src/groth16/mod.rs index c6cf98a23..afd8b603b 100644 --- a/crates/verifier/src/groth16/mod.rs +++ b/crates/verifier/src/groth16/mod.rs @@ -2,26 +2,31 @@ mod converter; pub mod error; mod verify; +use bn::Fr; pub(crate) use converter::{load_groth16_proof_from_bytes, load_groth16_verifying_key_from_bytes}; -use sha2::{Digest, Sha256}; pub(crate) use verify::*; use error::Groth16Error; -use crate::{bn254_public_values, decode_sp1_vkey_hash, error::Error}; +use crate::{decode_sp1_vkey_hash, error::Error, hash_public_inputs}; + +use alloc::vec::Vec; +use sha2::{Digest, Sha256}; + +#[cfg(feature = "ark")] +pub mod ark_converter; /// A verifier for Groth16 zero-knowledge proofs. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Groth16Verifier; impl Groth16Verifier { - /// Verifies a Groth16 proof. + /// Verifies an SP1 Groth16 proof, as generated by the SP1 SDK. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `proof` - The proof bytes. /// * `public_inputs` - The SP1 public inputs. - /// * `sp1_vkey_hash` - The SP1 vkey hash. - /// This is generated in the following manner: + /// * `sp1_vkey_hash` - The SP1 vkey hash. This is generated in the following manner: /// /// ```ignore /// use sp1_sdk::ProverClient; @@ -29,9 +34,9 @@ impl Groth16Verifier { /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(ELF); /// let sp1_vkey_hash = vk.bytes32(); /// ``` - /// * `groth16_vk` - The Groth16 verifying key bytes. - /// Usually this will be the [`static@crate::GROTH16_VK_BYTES`] constant, which is the Groth16 - /// verifying key for the current SP1 version. + /// * `groth16_vk` - The Groth16 verifying key bytes. Usually this will be the + /// [`static@crate::GROTH16_VK_BYTES`] constant, which is the Groth16 verifying key for the + /// current SP1 version. /// /// # Returns /// @@ -47,8 +52,8 @@ impl Groth16Verifier { .try_into() .map_err(|_| Groth16Error::GeneralError(Error::InvalidData))?; - // Check to make sure that this proof was generated by the groth16 proving key corresponding to - // the given groth16_vk. + // Check to make sure that this proof was generated by the groth16 proving key corresponding + // to the given groth16_vk. // // SP1 prepends the raw Groth16 proof with the first 4 bytes of the groth16 vkey to // facilitate this check. @@ -57,11 +62,45 @@ impl Groth16Verifier { } let sp1_vkey_hash = decode_sp1_vkey_hash(sp1_vkey_hash)?; - let public_inputs = bn254_public_values(&sp1_vkey_hash, sp1_public_inputs); - let proof = load_groth16_proof_from_bytes(&proof[4..])?; - let groth16_vk = load_groth16_verifying_key_from_bytes(groth16_vk)?; + Self::verify_gnark_proof( + &proof[4..], + &[sp1_vkey_hash, hash_public_inputs(sp1_public_inputs)], + groth16_vk, + ) + } + + /// Verifies a Gnark Groth16 proof using raw byte inputs. + /// + /// WARNING: if you're verifying an SP1 proof, you should use [`verify`] instead. + /// This is a lower-level verification method that works directly with raw bytes rather than + /// the SP1 SDK's data structures. + /// + /// # Arguments + /// + /// * `proof` - The raw Groth16 proof bytes (without the 4-byte vkey hash prefix) + /// * `public_inputs` - The public inputs to the circuit + /// * `groth16_vk` - The Groth16 verifying key bytes + /// + /// # Returns + /// + /// A [`Result`] containing unit `()` if the proof is valid, + /// or a [`Groth16Error`] if verification fails. + /// + /// # Note + /// + /// This method expects the raw proof bytes without the 4-byte vkey hash prefix that + /// [`verify`] checks. If you have a complete proof with the prefix, use [`verify`] instead. + pub fn verify_gnark_proof( + proof: &[u8], + public_inputs: &[[u8; 32]], + groth16_vk: &[u8], + ) -> Result<(), Groth16Error> { + let proof = load_groth16_proof_from_bytes(proof).unwrap(); + let groth16_vk = load_groth16_verifying_key_from_bytes(groth16_vk).unwrap(); - verify_groth16_raw(&groth16_vk, &proof, &public_inputs) + let public_inputs = + public_inputs.iter().map(|input| Fr::from_slice(input).unwrap()).collect::>(); + verify_groth16_algebraic(&groth16_vk, &proof, &public_inputs) } } diff --git a/crates/verifier/src/groth16/verify.rs b/crates/verifier/src/groth16/verify.rs index 686e62ff6..636a7f66d 100644 --- a/crates/verifier/src/groth16/verify.rs +++ b/crates/verifier/src/groth16/verify.rs @@ -46,11 +46,11 @@ fn prepare_inputs(vk: Groth16VerifyingKey, public_inputs: &[Fr]) -> Result, dst: Vec, len: usize) -> Result, PlonkError> { let mut h = sha2::Sha256::new(); - let ell = (len + 32 - 1) / 32; + let ell = len.div_ceil(32); if ell > 255 { Err(PlonkError::EllTooLarge)?; diff --git a/crates/verifier/src/plonk/mod.rs b/crates/verifier/src/plonk/mod.rs index 0456704f3..6f86a9491 100644 --- a/crates/verifier/src/plonk/mod.rs +++ b/crates/verifier/src/plonk/mod.rs @@ -15,23 +15,26 @@ pub(crate) mod error; pub(crate) use converter::{load_plonk_proof_from_bytes, load_plonk_verifying_key_from_bytes}; pub(crate) use proof::PlonkProof; -pub(crate) use verify::verify_plonk_raw; +pub(crate) use verify::verify_plonk_algebraic; +use alloc::vec::Vec; +use bn::Fr; use error::PlonkError; use sha2::{Digest, Sha256}; -use crate::{bn254_public_values, decode_sp1_vkey_hash, error::Error}; +use crate::{decode_sp1_vkey_hash, error::Error, hash_public_inputs}; /// A verifier for Plonk zero-knowledge proofs. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct PlonkVerifier; impl PlonkVerifier { + /// Verifies an SP1 PLONK proof, as generated by the SP1 SDK. + /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `proof` - The proof bytes. /// * `public_inputs` - The SP1 public inputs. - /// * `sp1_vkey_hash` - The SP1 vkey hash. - /// This is generated in the following manner: + /// * `sp1_vkey_hash` - The SP1 vkey hash. This is generated in the following manner: /// /// ```ignore /// use sp1_sdk::ProverClient; @@ -39,8 +42,8 @@ impl PlonkVerifier { /// let (pk, vk) = client.setup(ELF); /// let sp1_vkey_hash = vk.bytes32(); /// ``` - /// * `plonk_vk` - The Plonk verifying key bytes. - /// Usually this will be the [`static@crate::PLONK_VK_BYTES`] constant. + /// * `plonk_vk` - The Plonk verifying key bytes. Usually this will be the + /// [`static@crate::PLONK_VK_BYTES`] constant. /// /// # Returns /// @@ -56,8 +59,8 @@ impl PlonkVerifier { .try_into() .map_err(|_| PlonkError::GeneralError(Error::InvalidData))?; - // Check to make sure that this proof was generated by the plonk proving key corresponding to - // the given plonk vk. + // Check to make sure that this proof was generated by the plonk proving key corresponding + // to the given plonk vk. // // SP1 prepends the raw Plonk proof with the first 4 bytes of the plonk vkey to // facilitate this check. @@ -66,11 +69,40 @@ impl PlonkVerifier { } let sp1_vkey_hash = decode_sp1_vkey_hash(sp1_vkey_hash)?; - let public_inputs = bn254_public_values(&sp1_vkey_hash, sp1_public_inputs); - let plonk_vk = load_plonk_verifying_key_from_bytes(plonk_vk)?; - let proof = load_plonk_proof_from_bytes(&proof[4..], plonk_vk.qcp.len())?; + Self::verify_gnark_proof( + &proof[4..], + &[sp1_vkey_hash, hash_public_inputs(sp1_public_inputs)], + plonk_vk, + ) + } + + /// Verifies a Gnark PLONK proof using raw byte inputs. + /// + /// WARNING: if you're verifying an SP1 proof, you should use [`verify`] instead. + /// This is a lower-level verification method that works directly with raw bytes rather than + /// the SP1 SDK's data structures. + /// + /// # Arguments + /// + /// * `proof` - The raw PLONK proof bytes (without the 4-byte vkey hash prefix) + /// * `public_inputs` - The public inputs to the circuit + /// * `plonk_vk` - The PLONK verifying key bytes + /// + /// # Returns + /// + /// A [`Result`] containing unit `()` if the proof is valid, + /// or a [`PlonkError`] if verification fails. + pub fn verify_gnark_proof( + proof: &[u8], + public_inputs: &[[u8; 32]], + plonk_vk: &[u8], + ) -> Result<(), PlonkError> { + let plonk_vk = load_plonk_verifying_key_from_bytes(plonk_vk).unwrap(); + let proof = load_plonk_proof_from_bytes(proof, plonk_vk.qcp.len()).unwrap(); - verify_plonk_raw(&plonk_vk, &proof, &public_inputs) + let public_inputs = + public_inputs.iter().map(|input| Fr::from_slice(input).unwrap()).collect::>(); + verify_plonk_algebraic(&plonk_vk, &proof, &public_inputs) } } diff --git a/crates/verifier/src/plonk/verify.rs b/crates/verifier/src/plonk/verify.rs index 4cfbcc884..3ba28282a 100644 --- a/crates/verifier/src/plonk/verify.rs +++ b/crates/verifier/src/plonk/verify.rs @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ pub(crate) struct PlonkVerifyingKey { pub(crate) commitment_constraint_indexes: Vec, } -/// Verifies a PLONK proof +/// Verifies a PLONK proof using algebraic inputs. /// /// # Arguments /// @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ pub(crate) struct PlonkVerifyingKey { /// # Returns /// /// * `Result` - Returns true if the proof is valid, or an error if verification fails -pub(crate) fn verify_plonk_raw( +pub(crate) fn verify_plonk_algebraic( vk: &PlonkVerifyingKey, proof: &PlonkProof, public_inputs: &[Fr], @@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ pub(crate) fn verify_plonk_raw( return Err(PlonkError::Bsb22CommitmentMismatch); } - // Check if the number of public inputs matches the number of public variables in the verifying key + // Check if the number of public inputs matches the number of public variables in the verifying + // key if public_inputs.len() != vk.nb_public_variables { return Err(PlonkError::InvalidWitness); } @@ -266,8 +267,8 @@ pub(crate) fn verify_plonk_raw( scalars.push(zeta_n_plus_two_square_zh); // Compute the linearized polynomial digest: - // α²*L₁(ζ)*[Z] + _s1*[s3]+_s2*[Z] + l(ζ)*[Ql] + l(ζ)r(ζ)*[Qm] + r(ζ)*[Qr] + o(ζ)*[Qo] + [Qk] + ∑ᵢQcp_(ζ)[Pi_i] - - // Z_{H}(ζ)*(([H₀] + ζᵐ⁺²*[H₁] + ζ²⁽ᵐ⁺²⁾*[H₂]) + // α²*L₁(ζ)*[Z] + _s1*[s3]+_s2*[Z] + l(ζ)*[Ql] + l(ζ)r(ζ)*[Qm] + r(ζ)*[Qr] + o(ζ)*[Qo] + [Qk] + + // ∑ᵢQcp_(ζ)[Pi_i] - Z_{H}(ζ)*(([H₀] + ζᵐ⁺²*[H₁] + ζ²⁽ᵐ⁺²⁾*[H₂]) let linearized_polynomial_digest = AffineG1::msm(&points, &scalars); // Prepare digests for folding diff --git a/crates/verifier/src/tests.rs b/crates/verifier/src/tests.rs index e99d71ebd..25a554b48 100644 --- a/crates/verifier/src/tests.rs +++ b/crates/verifier/src/tests.rs @@ -1,43 +1,89 @@ -use sp1_sdk::{install::try_install_circuit_artifacts, SP1ProofWithPublicValues}; - -extern crate std; +use serial_test::serial; +use sp1_sdk::{install::try_install_circuit_artifacts, HashableKey, ProverClient, SP1Stdin}; +use test_artifacts::FIBONACCI_ELF; +#[serial] #[test] fn test_verify_groth16() { - // Location of the serialized SP1ProofWithPublicValues. See README.md for more information. - let proof_file = "test_binaries/fibonacci-groth16.bin"; + const GROTH16_ELF: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../guest-verify-programs/groth16_verify"); + + // Set up the pk and vk. + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); + let (pk, vk) = client.setup(FIBONACCI_ELF); - // Load the saved proof and extract the proof and public inputs. - let sp1_proof_with_public_values = SP1ProofWithPublicValues::load(proof_file).unwrap(); + // Generate the Groth16 proof. + let sp1_proof_with_public_values = client.prove(&pk, &SP1Stdin::new()).groth16().run().unwrap(); + // Extract the proof and public inputs. let proof = sp1_proof_with_public_values.bytes(); let public_inputs = sp1_proof_with_public_values.public_values.to_vec(); - // This vkey hash was derived by calling `vk.bytes32()` on the verifying key. - let vkey_hash = "0x00e60860c07bfc6e4c480286c0ddbb879674eb47f84b4ef041cf858b17aa0ed1"; + // Get the vkey hash. + let vkey_hash = vk.bytes32(); + cfg_if::cfg_if! { + if #[cfg(feature = "ark")] { + use ark_bn254::Bn254; + use ark_groth16::{r1cs_to_qap::LibsnarkReduction, Groth16}; + use crate::{ + decode_sp1_vkey_hash, hash_public_inputs, load_ark_groth16_verifying_key_from_bytes, + load_ark_proof_from_bytes, load_ark_public_inputs_from_bytes, + }; + let ark_proof = load_ark_proof_from_bytes(&proof[4..]).unwrap(); + let ark_vkey = load_ark_groth16_verifying_key_from_bytes(&crate::GROTH16_VK_BYTES).unwrap(); - crate::Groth16Verifier::verify(&proof, &public_inputs, vkey_hash, &crate::GROTH16_VK_BYTES) + let ark_public_inputs = load_ark_public_inputs_from_bytes( + &decode_sp1_vkey_hash(&vkey_hash).unwrap(), + &hash_public_inputs(&public_inputs), + ); + Groth16::::verify_proof(&ark_vkey.into(), &ark_proof, &ark_public_inputs) + .unwrap(); + } + } + + crate::Groth16Verifier::verify(&proof, &public_inputs, &vkey_hash, &crate::GROTH16_VK_BYTES) .expect("Groth16 proof is invalid"); + + // Now we should do the verifaction in the VM. + let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + stdin.write_slice(&proof); + stdin.write_slice(&public_inputs); + stdin.write(&vkey_hash); + + let _ = client.execute(GROTH16_ELF, &stdin).run().unwrap(); } +#[serial] #[test] fn test_verify_plonk() { - // Location of the serialized SP1ProofWithPublicValues. See README.md for more information. - let proof_file = "test_binaries/fibonacci-plonk.bin"; + const PLONK_ELF: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../guest-verify-programs/plonk_verify"); + + // Set up the pk and vk. + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); + let (pk, vk) = client.setup(FIBONACCI_ELF); - // Load the saved proof and extract the proof and public inputs. - let sp1_proof_with_public_values = SP1ProofWithPublicValues::load(proof_file).unwrap(); + // Generate the Plonk proof. + let sp1_proof_with_public_values = client.prove(&pk, &SP1Stdin::new()).plonk().run().unwrap(); + // Extract the proof and public inputs. let proof = sp1_proof_with_public_values.bytes(); let public_inputs = sp1_proof_with_public_values.public_values.to_vec(); - // This vkey hash was derived by calling `vk.bytes32()` on the verifying key. - let vkey_hash = "0x00e60860c07bfc6e4c480286c0ddbb879674eb47f84b4ef041cf858b17aa0ed1"; + // Get the vkey hash. + let vkey_hash = vk.bytes32(); - crate::PlonkVerifier::verify(&proof, &public_inputs, vkey_hash, &crate::PLONK_VK_BYTES) + crate::PlonkVerifier::verify(&proof, &public_inputs, &vkey_hash, &crate::PLONK_VK_BYTES) .expect("Plonk proof is invalid"); + + // Now we should do the verifaction in the VM. + let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + stdin.write_slice(&proof); + stdin.write_slice(&public_inputs); + stdin.write(&vkey_hash); + + let _ = client.execute(PLONK_ELF, &stdin).run().unwrap(); } +#[serial] #[test] fn test_vkeys() { let groth16_path = try_install_circuit_artifacts("groth16"); diff --git a/crates/verifier/test_binaries/fibonacci-groth16.bin b/crates/verifier/test_binaries/fibonacci-groth16.bin deleted file mode 100644 index 72c58644c..000000000 Binary files a/crates/verifier/test_binaries/fibonacci-groth16.bin and /dev/null differ diff --git a/crates/verifier/test_binaries/fibonacci-plonk.bin b/crates/verifier/test_binaries/fibonacci-plonk.bin deleted file mode 100644 index 303c9ff27..000000000 Binary files a/crates/verifier/test_binaries/fibonacci-plonk.bin and /dev/null differ diff --git a/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/Cargo.toml b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/Cargo.toml index 320340a7e..9aef0becc 100644 --- a/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/Cargo.toml @@ -19,17 +19,20 @@ lazy_static = "1.5.0" # optional sp1-lib = { workspace = true, optional = true } -sp1-primitives = { workspace = true, optional = true } +sp1-primitives = { workspace = true } p3-baby-bear = { workspace = true, optional = true } p3-field = { workspace = true, optional = true } +embedded-alloc = { version = "0.6.0", optional = true } +critical-section = { version = "1.2.0", optional = true } [features] -default = ["libm", "lib"] +default = ["libm", "lib", "bump"] +embedded = ["dep:embedded-alloc", "dep:critical-section"] libm = ["dep:libm"] lib = ["dep:sp1-lib"] -verify = [ - "dep:sp1-primitives", +verify = [ "dep:p3-baby-bear", "dep:p3-field", "sp1-lib/verify", ] +bump = [] diff --git a/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/heap.rs b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/allocators/bump.rs similarity index 87% rename from crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/heap.rs rename to crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/allocators/bump.rs index 86b3c0e12..4e38ad5c7 100644 --- a/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/heap.rs +++ b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/allocators/bump.rs @@ -14,3 +14,6 @@ unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for SimpleAlloc { unsafe fn dealloc(&self, _: *mut u8, _: Layout) {} } + +#[global_allocator] +static HEAP: SimpleAlloc = SimpleAlloc; diff --git a/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/allocators/embedded.rs b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/allocators/embedded.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a4d493407 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/allocators/embedded.rs @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +use crate::{ + syscalls::MAX_MEMORY, EMBEDDED_RESERVED_INPUT_REGION_SIZE, EMBEDDED_RESERVED_INPUT_START, +}; +use alloc::alloc::{GlobalAlloc, Layout}; +use critical_section::RawRestoreState; +use embedded_alloc::LlffHeap as Heap; + +#[global_allocator] +pub static HEAP: EmbeddedAlloc = EmbeddedAlloc; + +pub static INNER_HEAP: Heap = Heap::empty(); + +struct CriticalSection; +critical_section::set_impl!(CriticalSection); + +unsafe impl critical_section::Impl for CriticalSection { + unsafe fn acquire() -> RawRestoreState {} + + unsafe fn release(_token: RawRestoreState) {} +} + +pub fn init() { + extern "C" { + // https://lld.llvm.org/ELF/linker_script.html#sections-command + static _end: u8; + } + let heap_pos: usize = unsafe { (&_end) as *const u8 as usize }; + // The heap size that is available for the program is the total memory minus the reserved input + // region and the heap position. + let heap_size: usize = MAX_MEMORY - heap_pos - EMBEDDED_RESERVED_INPUT_REGION_SIZE; + unsafe { INNER_HEAP.init(heap_pos, heap_size) }; +} + +pub fn used() -> usize { + critical_section::with(|cs| INNER_HEAP.used()) +} + +pub fn free() -> usize { + critical_section::with(|cs| INNER_HEAP.free()) +} + +pub struct EmbeddedAlloc; + +unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for EmbeddedAlloc { + unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 { + INNER_HEAP.alloc(layout) + } + + unsafe fn dealloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout) { + // Deallocating reserved input region memory is not allowed. + if (ptr as usize) >= EMBEDDED_RESERVED_INPUT_START { + return; + } + // Deallocating other memory is allowed. + INNER_HEAP.dealloc(ptr, layout) + } +} diff --git a/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/allocators/mod.rs b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/allocators/mod.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..67150d967 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/allocators/mod.rs @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +//! Allocators for the SP1 zkVM. +//! +//! The `embedded` allocator takes precedence if enabled. + +#[cfg(all(feature = "bump", not(feature = "embedded")))] +mod bump; + +#[cfg(feature = "embedded")] +pub mod embedded; diff --git a/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/lib.rs b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/lib.rs index 46dbed730..4b0f9ae76 100644 --- a/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/lib.rs +++ b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/lib.rs @@ -1,6 +1,17 @@ +#[cfg(all(target_os = "zkvm", feature = "embedded"))] +pub use syscalls::MAX_MEMORY; + +#[cfg(target_os = "zkvm")] +use cfg_if::cfg_if; + +#[cfg(target_os = "zkvm")] +use syscalls::{syscall_hint_len, syscall_hint_read}; + extern crate alloc; -pub mod heap; +#[cfg(target_os = "zkvm")] +pub mod allocators; + pub mod syscalls; #[cfg(feature = "lib")] @@ -20,6 +31,90 @@ mod libm; pub const PV_DIGEST_NUM_WORDS: usize = 8; pub const POSEIDON_NUM_WORDS: usize = 8; +/// Size of the reserved region for input values with the embedded allocator. +#[cfg(all(target_os = "zkvm", feature = "embedded"))] +pub const EMBEDDED_RESERVED_INPUT_REGION_SIZE: usize = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; +/// Start of the reserved region for inputs with the embedded allocator. +#[cfg(all(target_os = "zkvm", feature = "embedded"))] +pub const EMBEDDED_RESERVED_INPUT_START: usize = MAX_MEMORY - EMBEDDED_RESERVED_INPUT_REGION_SIZE; +/// Pointer to the current position in the reserved region for inputs with the embedded allocator. +#[cfg(all(target_os = "zkvm", feature = "embedded"))] +static mut EMBEDDED_RESERVED_INPUT_PTR: usize = EMBEDDED_RESERVED_INPUT_START; + +#[repr(C)] +#[cfg(target_os = "zkvm")] +pub struct ReadVecResult { + pub ptr: *mut u8, + pub len: usize, + pub capacity: usize, +} + +/// Read a buffer from the input stream. +/// +/// The buffer is read into uninitialized memory. +/// +/// When the `bump` feature is enabled, the buffer is read into a new buffer allocated by the +/// program. +/// +/// When the `embedded` feature is enabled, the buffer is read into the reserved input region. +/// +/// When there is no allocator selected, the program will fail to compile. +#[no_mangle] +#[cfg(target_os = "zkvm")] +pub extern "C" fn read_vec_raw() -> ReadVecResult { + // Get the length of the input buffer. + let len = syscall_hint_len(); + // Round up to multiple of 4 for whole-word alignment. + let capacity = (len + 3) / 4 * 4; + + cfg_if! { + if #[cfg(feature = "embedded")] { + // Get the existing pointer in the reserved region which is the start of the vec. + // Increment the pointer by the capacity to set the new pointer to the end of the vec. + let ptr = unsafe { EMBEDDED_RESERVED_INPUT_PTR }; + if ptr + capacity > MAX_MEMORY { + panic!("Input region overflowed.") + } + + // SAFETY: The VM is single threaded. + unsafe { EMBEDDED_RESERVED_INPUT_PTR += capacity }; + + // Read the vec into uninitialized memory. The syscall assumes the memory is + // uninitialized, which is true because the input ptr is incremented manually on each + // read. + syscall_hint_read(ptr as *mut u8, len); + + // Return the result. + ReadVecResult { + ptr: ptr as *mut u8, + len, + capacity, + } + } else if #[cfg(feature = "bump")] { + // Allocate a buffer of the required length that is 4 byte aligned. + let layout = std::alloc::Layout::from_size_align(capacity, 4).expect("vec is too large"); + + // SAFETY: The layout was made through the checked constructor. + let ptr = unsafe { std::alloc::alloc(layout) }; + + // Read the vec into uninitialized memory. The syscall assumes the memory is + // uninitialized, which is true because the bump allocator does not dealloc, so a new + // alloc is always fresh. + syscall_hint_read(ptr as *mut u8, len); + + // Return the result. + ReadVecResult { + ptr: ptr as *mut u8, + len, + capacity, + } + } else { + // An allocator must be selected. + compile_error!("There is no allocator selected. Please enable the `bump` or `embedded` feature."); + } + } +} + #[cfg(target_os = "zkvm")] mod zkvm { use crate::syscalls::syscall_halt; @@ -41,6 +136,9 @@ mod zkvm { #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn __start() { { + #[cfg(all(target_os = "zkvm", feature = "embedded"))] + crate::allocators::embedded::init(); + PUBLIC_VALUES_HASHER = Some(Sha256::new()); #[cfg(feature = "verify")] { @@ -93,24 +191,23 @@ macro_rules! entrypoint { ($path:path) => { const ZKVM_ENTRY: fn() = $path; - use $crate::heap::SimpleAlloc; - - #[global_allocator] - static HEAP: SimpleAlloc = SimpleAlloc; - mod zkvm_generated_main { #[no_mangle] fn main() { - // Link to the actual entrypoint only when compiling for zkVM. Doing this avoids - // compilation errors when building for the host target. + // Link to the actual entrypoint only when compiling for zkVM, otherwise run a + // simple noop. Doing this avoids compilation errors when building for the host + // target. // // Note that, however, it's generally considered wasted effort compiling zkVM // programs against the host target. This just makes it such that doing so wouldn't // result in an error, which can happen when building a Cargo workspace containing // zkVM program crates. - #[cfg(target_os = "zkvm")] - super::ZKVM_ENTRY() + if cfg!(target_os = "zkvm") { + super::ZKVM_ENTRY() + } else { + println!("Not running in zkVM, skipping entrypoint"); + } } } }; diff --git a/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/memcpy.s b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/memcpy.s index 1735cae5c..bbf5f1cd7 100644 --- a/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/memcpy.s +++ b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/memcpy.s @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ // All other files which have no copyright comments are original works // produced specifically for use as part of this library, written either // by Rich Felker, the main author of the library, or by one or more -// contibutors listed above. Details on authorship of individual files +// contributors listed above. Details on authorship of individual files // can be found in the git version control history of the project. The // omission of copyright and license comments in each file is in the // interest of source tree size. diff --git a/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/memset.s b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/memset.s index a19a11da8..7415aea30 100644 --- a/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/memset.s +++ b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/memset.s @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ // All other files which have no copyright comments are original works // produced specifically for use as part of this library, written either // by Rich Felker, the main author of the library, or by one or more -// contibutors listed above. Details on authorship of individual files +// contributors listed above. Details on authorship of individual files // can be found in the git version control history of the project. The // omission of copyright and license comments in each file is in the // interest of source tree size. diff --git a/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/io.rs b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/io.rs index a6099e8a1..7be099ef4 100644 --- a/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/io.rs +++ b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/io.rs @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ cfg_if::cfg_if! { use core::arch::asm; use crate::zkvm; use sha2::digest::Update; + use sp1_primitives::consts::fd::FD_PUBLIC_VALUES; } } @@ -12,7 +13,6 @@ cfg_if::cfg_if! { pub extern "C" fn syscall_write(fd: u32, write_buf: *const u8, nbytes: usize) { cfg_if::cfg_if! { if #[cfg(target_os = "zkvm")] { - const FD_PUBLIC_VALUES: u32 = 3; unsafe { asm!( "ecall", diff --git a/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/memory.rs b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/memory.rs index 28d22e22d..f1824c035 100644 --- a/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/memory.rs +++ b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/memory.rs @@ -13,10 +13,14 @@ // limitations under the License. // Memory addresses must be lower than BabyBear prime. -const MAX_MEMORY: usize = 0x78000000; +pub const MAX_MEMORY: usize = 0x78000000; +/// Allocate memory aligned to the given alignment. +/// +/// Only available when the `bump` feature is enabled. #[allow(clippy::missing_safety_doc)] #[no_mangle] +#[cfg(feature = "bump")] pub unsafe extern "C" fn sys_alloc_aligned(bytes: usize, align: usize) -> *mut u8 { extern "C" { // https://lld.llvm.org/ELF/linker_script.html#sections-command diff --git a/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/mod.rs b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/mod.rs index e40728d7e..cc51f4d8e 100644 --- a/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/mod.rs +++ b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/mod.rs @@ -8,9 +8,11 @@ mod io; mod keccak_permute; mod memory; mod secp256k1; +mod secp256r1; mod sha_compress; mod sha_extend; mod sys; +mod u256x2048_mul; mod uint256_mul; mod unconstrained; #[cfg(feature = "verify")] @@ -26,9 +28,11 @@ pub use io::*; pub use keccak_permute::*; pub use memory::*; pub use secp256k1::*; +pub use secp256r1::*; pub use sha_compress::*; pub use sha_extend::*; pub use sys::*; +pub use u256x2048_mul::*; pub use uint256_mul::*; pub use unconstrained::*; #[cfg(feature = "verify")] @@ -73,6 +77,18 @@ pub const SECP256K1_DOUBLE: u32 = 0x00_00_01_0B; /// Executes `K256_DECOMPRESS`. pub const SECP256K1_DECOMPRESS: u32 = 0x00_00_01_0C; +/// Executes `SECP256R1_ADD`. +pub const SECP256R1_ADD: u32 = 0x00_01_01_2C; + +/// Executes `SECP256R1_DOUBLE`. +pub const SECP256R1_DOUBLE: u32 = 0x00_00_01_2D; + +/// Executes `SECP256R1_DECOMPRESS`. +pub const SECP256R1_DECOMPRESS: u32 = 0x00_00_01_2E; + +/// Executes `U256XU2048_MUL`. +pub const U256XU2048_MUL: u32 = 0x00_01_01_2F; + /// Executes `BN254_ADD`. pub const BN254_ADD: u32 = 0x00_01_01_0E; diff --git a/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/secp256r1.rs b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/secp256r1.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6e09b1a7f --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/secp256r1.rs @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +#[cfg(target_os = "zkvm")] +use core::arch::asm; + +/// Adds two Secp256k1 points. +/// +/// The result is stored in the first point. +/// +/// ### Safety +/// +/// The caller must ensure that `p` and `q` are valid pointers to data that is aligned along a four +/// byte boundary. Additionally, the caller must ensure that `p` and `q` are valid points on the +/// secp256k1 curve, and that `p` and `q` are not equal to each other. +#[allow(unused_variables)] +#[no_mangle] +pub extern "C" fn syscall_secp256r1_add(p: *mut [u32; 16], q: *mut [u32; 16]) { + #[cfg(target_os = "zkvm")] + unsafe { + asm!( + "ecall", + in("t0") crate::syscalls::SECP256R1_ADD, + in("a0") p, + in("a1") q + ); + } + + #[cfg(not(target_os = "zkvm"))] + unreachable!() +} + +/// Double a Secp256k1 point. +/// +/// The result is stored in-place in the supplied buffer. +/// +/// ### Safety +/// +/// The caller must ensure that `p` is valid pointer to data that is aligned along a four byte +/// boundary. +#[allow(unused_variables)] +#[no_mangle] +pub extern "C" fn syscall_secp256r1_double(p: *mut [u32; 16]) { + #[cfg(target_os = "zkvm")] + unsafe { + asm!( + "ecall", + in("t0") crate::syscalls::SECP256R1_DOUBLE, + in("a0") p, + in("a1") 0 + ); + } + + #[cfg(not(target_os = "zkvm"))] + unreachable!() +} + +/// Decompresses a compressed Secp256k1 point. +/// +/// The input array should be 64 bytes long, with the first 32 bytes containing the X coordinate in +/// big-endian format. The second half of the input will be overwritten with the Y coordinate of the +/// decompressed point in big-endian format using the point's parity (is_odd). +/// +/// ### Safety +/// +/// The caller must ensure that `point` is valid pointer to data that is aligned along a four byte +/// boundary. +#[allow(unused_variables)] +#[no_mangle] +pub extern "C" fn syscall_secp256r1_decompress(point: &mut [u8; 64], is_odd: bool) { + #[cfg(target_os = "zkvm")] + { + // Memory system/FpOps are little endian so we'll just flip the whole array before/after + point.reverse(); + let p = point.as_mut_ptr(); + unsafe { + asm!( + "ecall", + in("t0") crate::syscalls::SECP256R1_DECOMPRESS, + in("a0") p, + in("a1") is_odd as u8 + ); + } + point.reverse(); + } + + #[cfg(not(target_os = "zkvm"))] + unreachable!() +} diff --git a/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/sys.rs b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/sys.rs index 520d58ef9..48bd40713 100644 --- a/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/sys.rs +++ b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/sys.rs @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ static SYS_RAND_WARNING: std::sync::Once = std::sync::Once::new(); #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn sys_rand(recv_buf: *mut u8, words: usize) { SYS_RAND_WARNING.call_once(|| { - println!("WARNING: Using insecure random number generator."); + eprintln!("WARNING: Using insecure random number generator."); }); let mut rng = RNG.lock().unwrap(); for i in 0..words { diff --git a/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/u256x2048_mul.rs b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/u256x2048_mul.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ec75362f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/u256x2048_mul.rs @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +#[cfg(target_os = "zkvm")] +use core::arch::asm; + +/// Multiplication operation between a 256-bit and a 2048-bit unsigned integer. +/// +/// The low 2048-bit result is written to the `lo` pointer, and the high 256-bit overflow is written to the `hi` pointer. +#[allow(unused_variables)] +#[no_mangle] +pub extern "C" fn syscall_u256x2048_mul( + a: *const [u32; 8], + b: *const [u32; 64], + lo: *mut [u32; 64], + hi: *mut [u32; 8], +) { + #[cfg(target_os = "zkvm")] + unsafe { + asm!( + "ecall", + in("t0") crate::syscalls::U256XU2048_MUL, + in("a0") a, + in("a1") b, + in("a2") lo, + in("a3") hi, + ); + } + + #[cfg(not(target_os = "zkvm"))] + unreachable!() +} diff --git a/crates/zkvm/lib/Cargo.toml b/crates/zkvm/lib/Cargo.toml index 368c52faf..2f0d379fd 100644 --- a/crates/zkvm/lib/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/zkvm/lib/Cargo.toml @@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ categories = { workspace = true } [dependencies] bincode = "1.3.3" -serde = { version = "1.0.204", features = ["derive"] } +serde = { workspace = true, features = ["derive"] } +sp1-primitives = { workspace = true } [features] default = [] diff --git a/crates/zkvm/lib/src/bls12381.rs b/crates/zkvm/lib/src/bls12381.rs index 4938cee59..0839e4050 100644 --- a/crates/zkvm/lib/src/bls12381.rs +++ b/crates/zkvm/lib/src/bls12381.rs @@ -38,6 +38,10 @@ impl AffinePoint for Bls12381Point { Self(WeierstrassPoint::Affine(limbs)) } + fn identity() -> Self { + Self::infinity() + } + fn limbs_ref(&self) -> &[u32; N] { match &self.0 { WeierstrassPoint::Infinity => panic!("Infinity point has no limbs"), diff --git a/crates/zkvm/lib/src/bn254.rs b/crates/zkvm/lib/src/bn254.rs index a541bc866..2d9456102 100644 --- a/crates/zkvm/lib/src/bn254.rs +++ b/crates/zkvm/lib/src/bn254.rs @@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ impl AffinePoint for Bn254Point { Self(WeierstrassPoint::Affine(limbs)) } + fn identity() -> Self { + Self::infinity() + } + fn limbs_ref(&self) -> &[u32; N] { match &self.0 { WeierstrassPoint::Infinity => panic!("Infinity point has no limbs"), diff --git a/crates/zkvm/lib/src/ed25519.rs b/crates/zkvm/lib/src/ed25519.rs index 3eea834eb..7f227544c 100644 --- a/crates/zkvm/lib/src/ed25519.rs +++ b/crates/zkvm/lib/src/ed25519.rs @@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ impl AffinePoint for Ed25519AffinePoint { Self(limbs) } + fn identity() -> Self { + Self::identity() + } + fn limbs_ref(&self) -> &[u32; N] { &self.0 } @@ -46,7 +50,7 @@ impl AffinePoint for Ed25519AffinePoint { } impl Ed25519AffinePoint { - const IDENTITY: [u32; N] = [0; N]; + const IDENTITY: [u32; N] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; pub fn identity() -> Self { Self(Self::IDENTITY) diff --git a/crates/zkvm/lib/src/io.rs b/crates/zkvm/lib/src/io.rs index 921669423..6f8691b12 100644 --- a/crates/zkvm/lib/src/io.rs +++ b/crates/zkvm/lib/src/io.rs @@ -1,25 +1,9 @@ #![allow(unused_unsafe)] -use crate::{syscall_hint_len, syscall_hint_read, syscall_write}; +use crate::{read_vec_raw, syscall_write, ReadVecResult}; use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize}; -use std::{ - alloc::Layout, - io::{Result, Write}, -}; +use std::io::{Result, Write}; -/// The file descriptor for public values. -pub const FD_PUBLIC_VALUES: u32 = 3; - -/// The file descriptor for hints. -pub const FD_HINT: u32 = 4; - -/// The file descriptor for the `ecreover` hook. -pub const FD_ECRECOVER_HOOK: u32 = 5; - -/// The file descriptor through which to access `hook_ecrecover_2`. -pub const FD_ECRECOVER_HOOK_2: u32 = 7; - -/// The file descriptor through which to access `hook_ed_decompress`. -pub const FD_EDDECOMPRESS: u32 = 8; +pub use sp1_primitives::consts::fd::*; /// A writer that writes to a file descriptor inside the zkVM. struct SyscallWriter { @@ -41,36 +25,25 @@ impl Write for SyscallWriter { } } -/// Read a buffer from the input stream. +/// Read a buffer from the input stream. The buffer is read into uninitialized memory. +/// +/// When the `bump` feature is enabled, the buffer is read into a new buffer allocated by the +/// program. +/// +/// When the `embedded` feature is enabled, the buffer is read into the reserved input region. +/// +/// When there is no allocator selected, the program will fail to compile. /// /// ### Examples /// ```ignore /// let data: Vec = sp1_zkvm::io::read_vec(); /// ``` pub fn read_vec() -> Vec { - // Round up to the nearest multiple of 4 so that the memory allocated is in whole words - let len = unsafe { syscall_hint_len() }; - let capacity = (len + 3) / 4 * 4; - - // Allocate a buffer of the required length that is 4 byte aligned - let layout = Layout::from_size_align(capacity, 4).expect("vec is too large"); - let ptr = unsafe { std::alloc::alloc(layout) }; - - // SAFETY: + let ReadVecResult { ptr, len, capacity } = unsafe { read_vec_raw() }; // 1. `ptr` was allocated using alloc - // 2. We assuume that the VM global allocator doesn't dealloc - // 3/6. Size is correct from above - // 4/5. Length is 0 - // 7. Layout::from_size_align already checks this - let mut vec = unsafe { Vec::from_raw_parts(ptr, 0, capacity) }; - - // Read the vec into uninitialized memory. The syscall assumes the memory is uninitialized, - // which should be true because the allocator does not dealloc, so a new alloc should be fresh. - unsafe { - syscall_hint_read(ptr, len); - vec.set_len(len); - } - vec + // 2. Assume that the allocator in the VM doesn't deallocate in the input space. + // 3. Size and length are correct from above. Length is <= capacity. + unsafe { Vec::from_raw_parts(ptr, len, capacity) } } /// Read a deserializable object from the input stream. diff --git a/crates/zkvm/lib/src/lib.rs b/crates/zkvm/lib/src/lib.rs index f849859a8..d6faa5660 100644 --- a/crates/zkvm/lib/src/lib.rs +++ b/crates/zkvm/lib/src/lib.rs @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ pub mod bn254; pub mod ed25519; pub mod io; pub mod secp256k1; +pub mod secp256r1; pub mod unconstrained; pub mod utils; #[cfg(feature = "verify")] @@ -44,6 +45,15 @@ extern "C" { /// Executes an Secp256k1 curve decompression on the given point. pub fn syscall_secp256k1_decompress(point: &mut [u8; 64], is_odd: bool); + /// Executes an Secp256r1 curve addition on the given points. + pub fn syscall_secp256r1_add(p: *mut [u32; 16], q: *const [u32; 16]); + + /// Executes an Secp256r1 curve doubling on the given point. + pub fn syscall_secp256r1_double(p: *mut [u32; 16]); + + /// Executes an Secp256r1 curve decompression on the given point. + pub fn syscall_secp256r1_decompress(point: &mut [u8; 64], is_odd: bool); + /// Executes a Bn254 curve addition on the given points. pub fn syscall_bn254_add(p: *mut [u32; 16], q: *const [u32; 16]); @@ -62,6 +72,13 @@ extern "C" { /// Executes an uint256 multiplication on the given inputs. pub fn syscall_uint256_mulmod(x: *mut [u32; 8], y: *const [u32; 8]); + /// Executes a 256-bit by 2048-bit multiplication on the given inputs. + pub fn syscall_u256x2048_mul( + x: *const [u32; 8], + y: *const [u32; 64], + lo: *mut [u32; 64], + hi: *mut [u32; 8], + ); /// Enters unconstrained mode. pub fn syscall_enter_unconstrained() -> bool; @@ -128,4 +145,13 @@ extern "C" { /// Executes a BN254 Fp2 multiplication on the given inputs. pub fn syscall_bn254_fp2_mulmod(p: *mut u32, q: *const u32); + /// Reads a buffer from the input stream. + pub fn read_vec_raw() -> ReadVecResult; +} + +#[repr(C)] +pub struct ReadVecResult { + pub ptr: *mut u8, + pub len: usize, + pub capacity: usize, } diff --git a/crates/zkvm/lib/src/secp256k1.rs b/crates/zkvm/lib/src/secp256k1.rs index 0c5f65ed4..24ba13651 100644 --- a/crates/zkvm/lib/src/secp256k1.rs +++ b/crates/zkvm/lib/src/secp256k1.rs @@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ impl AffinePoint for Secp256k1Point { Self(WeierstrassPoint::Affine(limbs)) } + fn identity() -> Self { + Self::infinity() + } + fn limbs_ref(&self) -> &[u32; N] { match &self.0 { WeierstrassPoint::Infinity => panic!("Infinity point has no limbs"), diff --git a/crates/zkvm/lib/src/secp256r1.rs b/crates/zkvm/lib/src/secp256r1.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cb2a1f882 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/zkvm/lib/src/secp256r1.rs @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +use crate::{ + syscall_secp256r1_add, syscall_secp256r1_double, + utils::{AffinePoint, WeierstrassAffinePoint, WeierstrassPoint}, +}; + +/// The number of limbs in [Secp256r1Point]. +pub const N: usize = 16; + +/// An affine point on the Secp256k1 curve. +#[derive(Copy, Clone)] +#[repr(align(4))] +pub struct Secp256r1Point(pub WeierstrassPoint); + +impl WeierstrassAffinePoint for Secp256r1Point { + fn infinity() -> Self { + Self(WeierstrassPoint::Infinity) + } + + fn is_infinity(&self) -> bool { + matches!(self.0, WeierstrassPoint::Infinity) + } +} + +impl AffinePoint for Secp256r1Point { + /// The values are taken from + const GENERATOR: [u32; N] = [ + 3633889942, 4104206661, 770388896, 1996717441, 1671708914, 4173129445, 3777774151, + 1796723186, 935285237, 3417718888, 1798397646, 734933847, 2081398294, 2397563722, + 4263149467, 1340293858, + ]; + + fn new(limbs: [u32; N]) -> Self { + Self(WeierstrassPoint::Affine(limbs)) + } + + fn identity() -> Self { + Self::infinity() + } + + fn limbs_ref(&self) -> &[u32; N] { + match &self.0 { + WeierstrassPoint::Infinity => panic!("Infinity point has no limbs"), + WeierstrassPoint::Affine(limbs) => limbs, + } + } + + fn limbs_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u32; N] { + match &mut self.0 { + WeierstrassPoint::Infinity => panic!("Infinity point has no limbs"), + WeierstrassPoint::Affine(limbs) => limbs, + } + } + + fn complete_add_assign(&mut self, other: &Self) { + self.weierstrass_add_assign(other); + } + + fn add_assign(&mut self, other: &Self) { + let a = self.limbs_mut(); + let b = other.limbs_ref(); + unsafe { + syscall_secp256r1_add(a, b); + } + } + + fn double(&mut self) { + match &mut self.0 { + WeierstrassPoint::Infinity => (), + WeierstrassPoint::Affine(limbs) => unsafe { + syscall_secp256r1_double(limbs); + }, + } + } +} diff --git a/crates/zkvm/lib/src/utils.rs b/crates/zkvm/lib/src/utils.rs index 94ae42215..4ec6280cd 100644 --- a/crates/zkvm/lib/src/utils.rs +++ b/crates/zkvm/lib/src/utils.rs @@ -5,10 +5,14 @@ pub trait AffinePoint: Clone + Sized { /// Creates a new [`AffinePoint`] from the given limbs. fn new(limbs: [u32; N]) -> Self; + /// Creates a new [`AffinePoint`] that corresponds to the identity point. + fn identity() -> Self; + /// Returns a reference to the limbs. fn limbs_ref(&self) -> &[u32; N]; - /// Returns a mutable reference to the limbs. If the point is the infinity point, this will panic. + /// Returns a mutable reference to the limbs. If the point is the infinity point, this will + /// panic. fn limbs_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u32; N]; /// Creates a new [`AffinePoint`] from the given x and y coordinates. @@ -48,7 +52,8 @@ pub trait AffinePoint: Clone + Sized { fn add_assign(&mut self, other: &Self); /// Adds the given [`AffinePoint`] to `self`. Can be optionally overridden to use a different - /// implementation of addition in multi-scalar multiplication, which is used in secp256k1 recovery. + /// implementation of addition in multi-scalar multiplication, which is used in secp256k1 + /// recovery. fn complete_add_assign(&mut self, other: &Self) { self.add_assign(other); } @@ -57,32 +62,22 @@ pub trait AffinePoint: Clone + Sized { fn double(&mut self); /// Multiplies `self` by the given scalar. - fn mul_assign(&mut self, scalar: &[u32]) -> Result<(), MulAssignError> { + fn mul_assign(&mut self, scalar: &[u32]) { debug_assert!(scalar.len() == N / 2); - let mut res: Option = None; + let mut res: Self = Self::identity(); let mut temp = self.clone(); - let scalar_is_zero = scalar.iter().all(|&words| words == 0); - if scalar_is_zero { - return Err(MulAssignError::ScalarIsZero); - } - for &words in scalar.iter() { for i in 0..32 { if (words >> i) & 1 == 1 { - match res.as_mut() { - Some(res) => res.add_assign(&temp), - None => res = Some(temp.clone()), - }; + res.complete_add_assign(&temp); } - temp.double(); } } - *self = res.unwrap(); - Ok(()) + *self = res; } /// Performs multi-scalar multiplication (MSM) on slices of bit vectors and points. Note: @@ -92,28 +87,20 @@ pub trait AffinePoint: Clone + Sized { a: Self, b_bits_le: &[bool], b: Self, - ) -> Option { + ) -> Self { // The length of the bit vectors must be the same. debug_assert!(a_bits_le.len() == b_bits_le.len()); - let mut res: Option = None; + let mut res: Self = Self::identity(); let mut temp_a = a.clone(); let mut temp_b = b.clone(); for (a_bit, b_bit) in a_bits_le.iter().zip(b_bits_le.iter()) { if *a_bit { - match res.as_mut() { - Some(res) => res.complete_add_assign(&temp_a), - None => res = Some(temp_a.clone()), - }; + res.complete_add_assign(&temp_a); } - if *b_bit { - match res.as_mut() { - Some(res) => res.complete_add_assign(&temp_b), - None => res = Some(temp_b.clone()), - }; + res.complete_add_assign(&temp_b); } - temp_a.double(); temp_b.double(); } diff --git a/examples/Cargo.lock b/examples/Cargo.lock index 3510fb21a..dfb51e264 100644 --- a/examples/Cargo.lock +++ b/examples/Cargo.lock @@ -1,16 +1,6 @@ # This file is automatically @generated by 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a/examples/Cargo.toml +++ b/examples/Cargo.toml @@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ members = [ "json/lib", "json/program", "json/script", - "patch-testing/program", - "patch-testing/script", "regex/program", "regex/script", "rsa/program", @@ -60,16 +58,22 @@ sp1-sdk = { path = "../crates/sdk" } sp1-lib = { path = "../crates/zkvm/lib", default-features = false } sp1-zkvm = { path = "../crates/zkvm/entrypoint", default-features = false } +# misc +serde = "1.0.204" +serde_json = "1.0.132" +tracing = "0.1.40" + [patch.crates-io] -curve25519-dalek = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/curve25519-dalek", tag = "patch-v4.1.3-v3.4.0" } -curve25519-dalek-ng = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/curve25519-dalek-ng", tag = "curve25519_dalek_ng-v4.1.1-patch-v1" } -ecdsa-core = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/signatures", package = "ecdsa", branch = "umadayal/secp256r1" } -ed25519-consensus = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/ed25519-consensus", tag = "ed25519_consensus-v2.1.0-patch-v1" } -secp256k1 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/rust-secp256k1", tag = "secp256k1-v0.29.0-patch-v1" } -sha2-v0-10-8 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/RustCrypto-hashes", package = "sha2", tag = "sha2-v0.10.8-patch-v1" } -sha2-v0-10-6 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/RustCrypto-hashes", package = "sha2", tag = "sha2-v0.10.6-patch-v1" } -sha2-v0-9-9 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/RustCrypto-hashes", package = "sha2", tag = "sha2-v0.9.9-patch-v1" } -sha2-v0-9-8 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/RustCrypto-hashes", package = "sha2", tag = "sha2-v0.9.8-patch-v1" } -tiny-keccak = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/tiny-keccak", tag = "tiny_keccak-v2.0.2-patch-v1" } -substrate-bn = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/bn", tag = "substrate_bn-v0.6.0-patch-v1" } -bls12_381 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/bls12_381", tag = "bls12_381-v0.8.0-patch-v1" } +curve25519-dalek = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/curve25519-dalek", tag = "patch-4.1.3-sp1-4.0.0" } +curve25519-dalek-ng = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/curve25519-dalek-ng", tag = "patch-4.1.1-sp1-4.0.0" } +ecdsa-core = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/signatures", package = "ecdsa", tag = "patch-0.16.9-sp1-4.0.0" } +secp256k1 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/rust-secp256k1", tag = "patch-0.29.1-sp1-4.0.0" } +sha2-v0-10-8 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/RustCrypto-hashes", package = "sha2", tag = "patch-sha2-0.10.8-sp1-4.0.0" } +sha2-v0-10-6 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/RustCrypto-hashes", package = "sha2", tag = "patch-sha2-0.10.6-sp1-4.0.0" } +sha2-v0-9-9 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/RustCrypto-hashes", package = "sha2", tag = "patch-sha2-0.9.9-sp1-4.0.0" } +tiny-keccak = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/tiny-keccak", tag = "patch-2.0.2-sp1-4.0.0" } +substrate-bn = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/bn", tag = "patch-0.6.0-sp1-4.0.0" } +bls12_381 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/bls12_381", tag = "patch-0.8.0-sp1-4.0.0" } + +# todo!(n) remove +sp1-lib = { path = "../crates/zkvm/lib" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/Makefile b/examples/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index a85602724..000000000 --- a/examples/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -SHELL := /bin/bash -.SHELLFLAGS = -e - -all: - @cargo build --all \ - --exclude aggregation-program \ - --exclude bls12381-program \ - --exclude bn254-program \ - --exclude chess-program \ - --exclude cycle-tracking-program \ - --exclude fibonacci-program \ - --exclude io-program \ - --exclude is-prime-program \ - --exclude json-program \ - --exclude patch-testing-program \ - --exclude regex-program \ - --exclude rsa-program \ - --exclude rsp-program \ - --exclude ssz-withdrawals-program \ - --exclude tendermint-program - -.PHONY: all examples diff --git a/examples/aggregation/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/examples/aggregation/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 6ca187d36..000000000 Binary files a/examples/aggregation/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/examples/aggregation/program/src/main.rs b/examples/aggregation/program/src/main.rs index 100d6f761..524a88482 100644 --- a/examples/aggregation/program/src/main.rs +++ b/examples/aggregation/program/src/main.rs @@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ #![no_main] sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); -use sha2::Digest; -use sha2::Sha256; +use sha2::{Digest, Sha256}; pub fn words_to_bytes_le(words: &[u32; 8]) -> [u8; 32] { let mut bytes = [0u8; 32]; diff --git a/examples/aggregation/script/Cargo.toml b/examples/aggregation/script/Cargo.toml index 069c8afd1..de7aaa80a 100644 --- a/examples/aggregation/script/Cargo.toml +++ b/examples/aggregation/script/Cargo.toml @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ publish = false [dependencies] sp1-sdk = { workspace = true } -tracing = "0.1.40" +tracing = { workspace = true } [build-dependencies] sp1-build = { workspace = true } diff --git a/examples/aggregation/script/src/main.rs b/examples/aggregation/script/src/main.rs index 9015cafcc..554e2c6de 100644 --- a/examples/aggregation/script/src/main.rs +++ b/examples/aggregation/script/src/main.rs @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ fn main() { sp1_sdk::utils::setup_logger(); // Initialize the proving client. - let client = ProverClient::new(); + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); // Setup the proving and verifying keys. let (aggregation_pk, _) = client.setup(AGGREGATION_ELF); @@ -34,17 +34,17 @@ fn main() { let proof_1 = tracing::info_span!("generate fibonacci proof n=10").in_scope(|| { let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); stdin.write(&10); - client.prove(&fibonacci_pk, stdin).compressed().run().expect("proving failed") + client.prove(&fibonacci_pk, &stdin).compressed().run().expect("proving failed") }); let proof_2 = tracing::info_span!("generate fibonacci proof n=20").in_scope(|| { let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); stdin.write(&20); - client.prove(&fibonacci_pk, stdin).compressed().run().expect("proving failed") + client.prove(&fibonacci_pk, &stdin).compressed().run().expect("proving failed") }); let proof_3 = tracing::info_span!("generate fibonacci proof n=30").in_scope(|| { let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); stdin.write(&30); - client.prove(&fibonacci_pk, stdin).compressed().run().expect("proving failed") + client.prove(&fibonacci_pk, &stdin).compressed().run().expect("proving failed") }); // Setup the inputs to the aggregation program. @@ -76,6 +76,6 @@ fn main() { } // Generate the plonk bn254 proof. - client.prove(&aggregation_pk, stdin).plonk().run().expect("proving failed"); + client.prove(&aggregation_pk, &stdin).plonk().run().expect("proving failed"); }); } diff --git a/examples/bls12381/program/Cargo.toml b/examples/bls12381/program/Cargo.toml index 004423539..067d869bd 100644 --- a/examples/bls12381/program/Cargo.toml +++ b/examples/bls12381/program/Cargo.toml @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ publish = false [dependencies] sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } -bls12_381 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/bls12_381", branch = "patch-v0.8.0" } +bls12_381 = "0.8.0" ff = "0.13.0" rand = "0.8.5" group = "0.13.0" diff --git a/examples/bls12381/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/examples/bls12381/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 6c65387fe..000000000 Binary files a/examples/bls12381/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/examples/bls12381/script/src/main.rs b/examples/bls12381/script/src/main.rs index 7fd6fc3ea..096c805db 100644 --- a/examples/bls12381/script/src/main.rs +++ b/examples/bls12381/script/src/main.rs @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ fn main() { let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); - let client = ProverClient::new(); - let (_public_values, _) = client.execute(ELF, stdin).run().expect("failed to prove"); + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); + let (_public_values, report) = client.execute(ELF, &stdin).run().expect("failed to prove"); + + println!("executed: {}", report); } diff --git a/examples/bn254/program/Cargo.toml b/examples/bn254/program/Cargo.toml index 9e0976cc0..a63ff697b 100644 --- a/examples/bn254/program/Cargo.toml +++ b/examples/bn254/program/Cargo.toml @@ -6,6 +6,5 @@ publish = false [dependencies] sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } -bn = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/bn", package = "substrate-bn", rev = "43d854d45b5727b1ff2b9f346d728e785bb8395c"} -# bn = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/bn", package = "substrate-bn", branch = "patch-v0.6.0"} +substrate-bn = "0.6.0" rand = "0.8.5" diff --git a/examples/bn254/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/examples/bn254/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 0c62975fc..000000000 Binary files a/examples/bn254/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/examples/bn254/program/src/main.rs b/examples/bn254/program/src/main.rs index ecc385c4d..cf27ef36f 100644 --- a/examples/bn254/program/src/main.rs +++ b/examples/bn254/program/src/main.rs @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ #![no_main] -use bn::{pairing, pairing_batch, Fq, Fq2, Fr, Group, G1, G2}; +use substrate_bn::{pairing, pairing_batch, Fq, Fq2, Fr, Group, G1, G2}; sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); diff --git a/examples/bn254/script/src/main.rs b/examples/bn254/script/src/main.rs index 1460bb9af..7aa091e1f 100644 --- a/examples/bn254/script/src/main.rs +++ b/examples/bn254/script/src/main.rs @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ fn main() { let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); - let client = ProverClient::new(); - let (_public_values, _) = client.execute(ELF, stdin).run().expect("failed to prove"); + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); + let (_public_values, report) = client.execute(ELF, &stdin).run().expect("failed to prove"); + + println!("executed: {}", report); } diff --git a/examples/chess/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/examples/chess/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 6dd5d4740..000000000 Binary files a/examples/chess/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/examples/chess/program/src/main.rs b/examples/chess/program/src/main.rs index 163ca0d6e..bac567862 100644 --- a/examples/chess/program/src/main.rs +++ b/examples/chess/program/src/main.rs @@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ use chess::{Board, ChessMove}; use std::str::FromStr; pub fn main() { - // Read the board position in Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN), and a move in Standard Algebraic Notation (SAN) + // Read the board position in Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN), and a move in Standard Algebraic + // Notation (SAN) let fen = sp1_zkvm::io::read::(); let san = sp1_zkvm::io::read::(); diff --git a/examples/chess/script/src/main.rs b/examples/chess/script/src/main.rs index 8026ddf45..a08496647 100644 --- a/examples/chess/script/src/main.rs +++ b/examples/chess/script/src/main.rs @@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ fn main() { let san = "d4".to_string(); stdin.write(&san); - let client = ProverClient::new(); + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); let (pk, vk) = client.setup(ELF); - let mut proof = client.prove(&pk, stdin).run().unwrap(); + let mut proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).run().unwrap(); // Read output. let is_valid_move = proof.public_values.read::(); diff --git a/examples/cycle-tracking/program/elf/normal b/examples/cycle-tracking/program/elf/normal deleted file mode 100755 index 1f6e0e65b..000000000 Binary files a/examples/cycle-tracking/program/elf/normal and /dev/null differ diff --git a/examples/cycle-tracking/program/elf/report b/examples/cycle-tracking/program/elf/report deleted file mode 100755 index 23173c428..000000000 Binary files a/examples/cycle-tracking/program/elf/report and /dev/null differ diff --git a/examples/cycle-tracking/script/src/main.rs b/examples/cycle-tracking/script/src/main.rs index 58da7f4e8..388cc42b1 100644 --- a/examples/cycle-tracking/script/src/main.rs +++ b/examples/cycle-tracking/script/src/main.rs @@ -9,13 +9,16 @@ fn main() { utils::setup_logger(); // Execute the normal program. - let client = ProverClient::new(); - let (_, _) = client.execute(NORMAL_ELF, SP1Stdin::new()).run().expect("proving failed"); + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); + let (_, _) = client.execute(NORMAL_ELF, &SP1Stdin::new()).run().expect("proving failed"); // Execute the report program. - let (_, report) = client.execute(REPORT_ELF, SP1Stdin::new()).run().expect("proving failed"); + let (_, report) = client.execute(REPORT_ELF, &SP1Stdin::new()).run().expect("proving failed"); // Get the "setup" cycle count from the report program. let setup_cycles = report.cycle_tracker.get("setup").unwrap(); - println!("Using cycle-tracker-report saves the number of cycles to the cycle-tracker mapping in the report.\nHere's the number of cycles used by the setup: {}", setup_cycles); + println!( + "Using cycle-tracker-report saves the number of cycles to the cycle-tracker mapping in the report.\nHere's the number of cycles used by the setup: {}", + setup_cycles + ); } diff --git a/examples/fibonacci/program/Cargo.toml b/examples/fibonacci/program/Cargo.toml index a86e9c64a..a34b243ed 100644 --- a/examples/fibonacci/program/Cargo.toml +++ b/examples/fibonacci/program/Cargo.toml @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ edition = "2021" publish = false [dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint", features = ["embedded"] } diff --git a/examples/fibonacci/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/examples/fibonacci/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index c82f73b86..000000000 Binary files a/examples/fibonacci/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/examples/fibonacci/script/Cargo.toml b/examples/fibonacci/script/Cargo.toml index 308d3eeed..a7ffb4d7a 100644 --- a/examples/fibonacci/script/Cargo.toml +++ b/examples/fibonacci/script/Cargo.toml @@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ path = "bin/compressed.rs" name = "execute" path = "bin/execute.rs" +[[bin]] +name = "network" +path = "bin/network.rs" + [[bin]] name = "fibonacci-script" path = "src/main.rs" diff --git a/examples/fibonacci/script/bin/compressed.rs b/examples/fibonacci/script/bin/compressed.rs index 9cf4a50d7..c14b23736 100644 --- a/examples/fibonacci/script/bin/compressed.rs +++ b/examples/fibonacci/script/bin/compressed.rs @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -use sp1_sdk::{utils, ProverClient, SP1Stdin}; +use sp1_sdk::{include_elf, utils, ProverClient, SP1Stdin}; /// The ELF we want to execute inside the zkVM. -const ELF: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../../program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); +const ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("fibonacci-program"); fn main() { // Setup logging. @@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ fn main() { stdin.write(&n); // Generate the constant-sized proof for the given program and input. - let client = ProverClient::new(); + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); let (pk, vk) = client.setup(ELF); - let mut proof = client.prove(&pk, stdin).compressed().run().unwrap(); + let mut proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).compressed().run().unwrap(); println!("generated proof"); // Read and verify the output. diff --git a/examples/fibonacci/script/bin/execute.rs b/examples/fibonacci/script/bin/execute.rs index 02b27994b..7ded48ad3 100644 --- a/examples/fibonacci/script/bin/execute.rs +++ b/examples/fibonacci/script/bin/execute.rs @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -use sp1_sdk::{utils, ProverClient, SP1Stdin}; +use sp1_sdk::{include_elf, utils, ProverClient, SP1Stdin}; /// The ELF we want to execute inside the zkVM. -const ELF: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../../program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); +const ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("fibonacci-program"); fn main() { // Setup logging. @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ fn main() { stdin.write(&n); // Only execute the program and get a `SP1PublicValues` object. - let client = ProverClient::new(); - let (mut public_values, execution_report) = client.execute(ELF, stdin).run().unwrap(); + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); + let (mut public_values, execution_report) = client.execute(ELF, &stdin).run().unwrap(); // Print the total number of cycles executed and the full execution report with a breakdown of // the RISC-V opcode and syscall counts. diff --git a/examples/fibonacci/script/bin/groth16_bn254.rs b/examples/fibonacci/script/bin/groth16_bn254.rs index 3b4aae3cb..55f421b9c 100644 --- a/examples/fibonacci/script/bin/groth16_bn254.rs +++ b/examples/fibonacci/script/bin/groth16_bn254.rs @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -use sp1_sdk::{utils, HashableKey, ProverClient, SP1Stdin}; +use sp1_sdk::{include_elf, utils, HashableKey, ProverClient, SP1Stdin}; /// The ELF we want to execute inside the zkVM. -const ELF: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../../program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); +const ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("fibonacci-program"); fn main() { // Setup logging. @@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ fn main() { stdin.write(&n); // Set up the pk and vk. - let client = ProverClient::new(); + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); let (pk, vk) = client.setup(ELF); println!("vk: {:?}", vk.bytes32()); // Generate the Groth16 proof. - let proof = client.prove(&pk, stdin).groth16().run().unwrap(); + let proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).groth16().run().unwrap(); println!("generated proof"); // Get the public values as bytes. diff --git a/examples/fibonacci/script/bin/network.rs b/examples/fibonacci/script/bin/network.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6b82f941c --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/fibonacci/script/bin/network.rs @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +use sp1_sdk::{ + include_elf, network::Error, utils, ProverClient, SP1ProofWithPublicValues, SP1Stdin, +}; + +/// The ELF we want to execute inside the zkVM. +const ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("fibonacci-program"); + +fn main() { + // Setup logging. + utils::setup_logger(); + + // Create an input stream and write '500' to it. + let n = 1000u32; + + // The input stream that the program will read from using `sp1_zkvm::io::read`. Note that the + // types of the elements in the input stream must match the types being read in the program. + let mut stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); + stdin.write(&n); + + // Create a `ProverClient` method. + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); + + // Generate the proof for the given program and input. + let (pk, vk) = client.setup(ELF); + let proof_result = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).compressed().run(); + + // Handle possible prover network errors. + let mut proof = match proof_result { + Ok(proof) => proof, + Err(e) => { + if let Some(network_error) = e.downcast_ref::() { + match network_error { + Error::RequestUnexecutable { request_id: _ } => { + eprintln!("Program is unexecutable: {}", e); + std::process::exit(1); + } + Error::RequestUnfulfillable { request_id: _ } => { + eprintln!("Proof request cannot be fulfilled: {}", e); + std::process::exit(1); + } + _ => { + eprintln!("Unexpected error: {}", e); + std::process::exit(1); + } + } + } else { + eprintln!("Unexpected error: {}", e); + std::process::exit(1); + } + } + }; + + println!("generated proof"); + + // Read and verify the output. + // + // Note that this output is read from values committed to in the program using + // `sp1_zkvm::io::commit`. + let _ = proof.public_values.read::(); + let a = proof.public_values.read::(); + let b = proof.public_values.read::(); + + println!("a: {}", a); + println!("b: {}", b); + + // Verify proof and public values + client.verify(&proof, &vk).expect("verification failed"); + + // Test a round trip of proof serialization and deserialization. + proof.save("proof-with-pis.bin").expect("saving proof failed"); + let deserialized_proof = + SP1ProofWithPublicValues::load("proof-with-pis.bin").expect("loading proof failed"); + + // Verify the deserialized proof. + client.verify(&deserialized_proof, &vk).expect("verification failed"); + + println!("successfully generated and verified proof for the program!") +} diff --git a/examples/fibonacci/script/bin/plonk_bn254.rs b/examples/fibonacci/script/bin/plonk_bn254.rs index f9dd90569..5f7b3be90 100644 --- a/examples/fibonacci/script/bin/plonk_bn254.rs +++ b/examples/fibonacci/script/bin/plonk_bn254.rs @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -use sp1_sdk::{utils, HashableKey, ProverClient, SP1Stdin}; +use sp1_sdk::{include_elf, utils, HashableKey, ProverClient, SP1Stdin}; /// The ELF we want to execute inside the zkVM. -const ELF: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../../program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf"); +const ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("fibonacci-program"); fn main() { // Setup logging. @@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ fn main() { stdin.write(&n); // Set up the pk and vk. - let client = ProverClient::new(); + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); let (pk, vk) = client.setup(ELF); println!("vk: {:?}", vk.bytes32()); // Generate the Plonk proof. - let proof = client.prove(&pk, stdin).plonk().run().unwrap(); + let proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).plonk().run().unwrap(); println!("generated proof"); // Get the public values as bytes. diff --git a/examples/fibonacci/script/src/main.rs b/examples/fibonacci/script/src/main.rs index 4cfb02879..03b0035b3 100644 --- a/examples/fibonacci/script/src/main.rs +++ b/examples/fibonacci/script/src/main.rs @@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ fn main() { stdin.write(&n); // Create a `ProverClient` method. - let client = ProverClient::new(); + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); // Execute the program using the `ProverClient.execute` method, without generating a proof. - let (_, report) = client.execute(ELF, stdin.clone()).run().unwrap(); + let (_, report) = client.execute(ELF, &stdin).run().unwrap(); println!("executed program with {} cycles", report.total_instruction_count()); // Generate the proof for the given program and input. let (pk, vk) = client.setup(ELF); - let mut proof = client.prove(&pk, stdin).run().unwrap(); + let mut proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).compressed().run().unwrap(); println!("generated proof"); diff --git a/examples/groth16/script/src/main.rs b/examples/groth16/script/src/main.rs index b35a15f58..498a2e65c 100644 --- a/examples/groth16/script/src/main.rs +++ b/examples/groth16/script/src/main.rs @@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ fn generate_fibonacci_proof() -> (Vec, Vec, String) { stdin.write(&n); // Create a `ProverClient`. - let client = ProverClient::new(); + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); // Generate the groth16 proof for the Fibonacci program. let (pk, vk) = client.setup(FIBONACCI_ELF); println!("vk: {:?}", vk.bytes32()); - let proof = client.prove(&pk, stdin).groth16().run().unwrap(); + let proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).groth16().run().unwrap(); (proof.bytes(), proof.public_values.to_vec(), vk.bytes32()) } @@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ fn main() { stdin.write(&vk); // Create a `ProverClient`. - let client = ProverClient::new(); + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); // Execute the program using the `ProverClient.execute` method, without generating a proof. - let (_, report) = client.execute(GROTH16_ELF, stdin.clone()).run().unwrap(); + let (_, report) = client.execute(GROTH16_ELF, &stdin).run().unwrap(); println!("executed groth16 program with {} cycles", report.total_instruction_count()); println!("{}", report); } diff --git a/examples/io/program/Cargo.toml b/examples/io/program/Cargo.toml index 622ff6db1..0c93d442e 100644 --- a/examples/io/program/Cargo.toml +++ b/examples/io/program/Cargo.toml @@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ publish = false [dependencies] sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } -serde = { version = "1.0.195", features = ["derive"] } +serde = { workspace = true, features = ["derive"] } diff --git a/examples/io/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/examples/io/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 30a53c5a4..000000000 Binary files a/examples/io/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/examples/io/script/Cargo.toml b/examples/io/script/Cargo.toml index 6297b360f..0ccc94ce7 100644 --- a/examples/io/script/Cargo.toml +++ b/examples/io/script/Cargo.toml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ edition = { workspace = true } publish = false [dependencies] -serde = { version = "1.0.196", features = ["derive"] } +serde = { workspace = true, features = ["derive"] } sp1-sdk = { workspace = true } [build-dependencies] diff --git a/examples/io/script/src/main.rs b/examples/io/script/src/main.rs index 21ad14d0f..fa8812c38 100644 --- a/examples/io/script/src/main.rs +++ b/examples/io/script/src/main.rs @@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ fn main() { stdin.write(&q); // Generate the proof for the given program. - let client = ProverClient::new(); + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); let (pk, vk) = client.setup(ELF); - let mut proof = client.prove(&pk, stdin).run().unwrap(); + let mut proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).run().unwrap(); // Read the output. let r = proof.public_values.read::(); diff --git a/examples/is-prime/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/examples/is-prime/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 8185dc3df..000000000 Binary files a/examples/is-prime/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/examples/is-prime/script/src/main.rs b/examples/is-prime/script/src/main.rs index 628d1c605..1d866645e 100644 --- a/examples/is-prime/script/src/main.rs +++ b/examples/is-prime/script/src/main.rs @@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ fn main() { stdin.write(&n); // Generate and verify the proof - let client = ProverClient::new(); + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); let (pk, vk) = client.setup(ELF); - let mut proof = client.prove(&pk, stdin).run().unwrap(); + let mut proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).run().unwrap(); let is_prime = proof.public_values.read::(); println!("Is 29 prime? {}", is_prime); diff --git a/examples/json/lib/Cargo.toml b/examples/json/lib/Cargo.toml index 345fdbb6b..955d1345e 100644 --- a/examples/json/lib/Cargo.toml +++ b/examples/json/lib/Cargo.toml @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ edition = { workspace = true } publish = false [dependencies] -serde = "1.0.196" +serde = { workspace = true } diff --git a/examples/json/program/Cargo.toml b/examples/json/program/Cargo.toml index a357b8a03..bded3e37a 100644 --- a/examples/json/program/Cargo.toml +++ b/examples/json/program/Cargo.toml @@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ publish = false [dependencies] sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } -serde_json = "1.0.113" +serde_json = { workspace = true } lib = { path = "../lib", package = "json-lib" } diff --git a/examples/json/program/elf/riscv32im-curta-zkvm-elf b/examples/json/program/elf/riscv32im-curta-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 396eaeaf2..000000000 Binary files a/examples/json/program/elf/riscv32im-curta-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/examples/json/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/examples/json/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 799030dbc..000000000 Binary files a/examples/json/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/examples/json/script/Cargo.toml b/examples/json/script/Cargo.toml index 8b6eb32a3..8383b5537 100644 --- a/examples/json/script/Cargo.toml +++ b/examples/json/script/Cargo.toml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ edition = { workspace = true } publish = false [dependencies] -serde_json = "1.0.114" +serde_json = { workspace = true } sp1-sdk = { workspace = true } lib = { path = "../lib", package = "json-lib" } diff --git a/examples/json/script/src/main.rs b/examples/json/script/src/main.rs index ee093c162..6c98a6e48 100644 --- a/examples/json/script/src/main.rs +++ b/examples/json/script/src/main.rs @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ fn main() { stdin.write(&initial_account_state); stdin.write(&transactions); - let client = ProverClient::new(); + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); let (pk, vk) = client.setup(JSON_ELF); - let mut proof = client.prove(&pk, stdin).run().expect("proving failed"); + let mut proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).run().expect("proving failed"); // Read output. let val = proof.public_values.read::(); diff --git a/examples/patch-testing/program/Cargo.toml b/examples/patch-testing/program/Cargo.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 93b9967e0..000000000 --- a/examples/patch-testing/program/Cargo.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -[package] -name = "patch-testing-program" -version = "1.1.0" -edition = "2021" -publish = false - -[dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } - -sha2-v0-9-8 = { version = "0.9.8", package = "sha2" } -# Note: Can't have sha2-v0-10-6 and v0-10-8 at the same time due to crate resolution. -sha2-v0-10-6 = { version = "0.10.6", package = "sha2" } -# sha2-v0-10-8 = { version = "0.10.8", package = "sha2" } - -ed25519-consensus = "2.1.0" -ed25519-dalek = "2.1.0" -tiny-keccak = { version = "2.0.2", features = ["keccak"] } -curve25519-dalek = { version = "4.1.3", default-features = false, features = ["alloc"] } -curve25519-dalek-ng = { version = "4.1", default-features = false, features = ["u32_backend", "alloc"] } -alloy-primitives = { version = "0.8", features = ["k256"] } -secp256k1 = { version = "0.29", features = ["recovery", "global-context"] } - -revm-precompile = { version = "11.0.1", default-features = false, features = ["kzg-rs"] } diff --git a/examples/patch-testing/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/examples/patch-testing/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index a96b1c119..000000000 Binary files a/examples/patch-testing/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/examples/patch-testing/program/src/main.rs b/examples/patch-testing/program/src/main.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 4089fdff1..000000000 --- a/examples/patch-testing/program/src/main.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,218 +0,0 @@ -#![no_main] -sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); - -use alloy_primitives::Bytes; -use alloy_primitives::{address, bytes, hex}; -use alloy_primitives::{B256, B512}; -use curve25519_dalek::edwards::CompressedEdwardsY as CompressedEdwardsY_dalek; -use curve25519_dalek_ng::edwards::CompressedEdwardsY as CompressedEdwardsY_dalek_ng; -use ed25519_consensus::{ - Signature as Ed25519ConsensusSignature, VerificationKey as Ed25519ConsensusVerificationKey, -}; -use ed25519_dalek::{ - Signature as Ed25519DalekSignature, Verifier, VerifyingKey as Ed25519DalekVerifyingKey, -}; - -use sha2_v0_10_6::{Digest as Digest_10_6, Sha256 as Sha256_10_6}; -// use sha2_v0_10_8::{Digest as Digest_10_8, Sha256 as Sha256_10_8}; -use sha2_v0_9_8::{Digest as Digest_9_8, Sha256 as Sha256_9_8}; -use tiny_keccak::{Hasher, Keccak}; - -use secp256k1::{ - ecdsa::{ - RecoverableSignature as Secp256k1RecoverableSignature, RecoveryId as Secp256k1RecoveryId, - }, - Message as Secp256k1Message, -}; - -/// Simple interface to the [`keccak256`] hash function. -/// -/// [`keccak256`]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-3 -fn keccak256>(bytes: T) -> [u8; 32] { - let mut output = [0u8; 32]; - let mut hasher = Keccak::v256(); - hasher.update(bytes.as_ref()); - hasher.finalize(&mut output); - output -} - -/// Emits ED_ADD and ED_DECOMPRESS syscalls. -fn test_ed25519_dalek() { - // Example signature and message. - let vk = hex!("9194c3ead03f5848111db696fe1196fbbeffc69342d51c7cf5e91c502de91eb4"); - let msg = hex!("656432353531392d636f6e73656e7375732074657374206d657373616765"); - let sig = hex!("69261ea5df799b20fc6eeb49aa79f572c8f1e2ba88b37dff184cc55d4e3653d876419bffcc47e5343cdd5fd78121bb32f1c377a5ed505106ad37f19980218f0d"); - - let vk = Ed25519DalekVerifyingKey::from_bytes(&vk).unwrap(); - let sig = Ed25519DalekSignature::from_bytes(&sig); - - println!("cycle-tracker-start: ed25519-dalek verify"); - vk.verify(&msg, &sig).unwrap(); - println!("cycle-tracker-end: ed25519-dalek verify"); -} - -/// Emits ED_ADD and ED_DECOMPRESS syscalls. -fn test_ed25519_consensus() { - // Example signature and message. - let vk = hex!("9194c3ead03f5848111db696fe1196fbbeffc69342d51c7cf5e91c502de91eb4"); - let msg = hex!("656432353531392d636f6e73656e7375732074657374206d657373616765"); - let sig = hex!("69261ea5df799b20fc6eeb49aa79f572c8f1e2ba88b37dff184cc55d4e3653d876419bffcc47e5343cdd5fd78121bb32f1c377a5ed505106ad37f19980218f0d"); - - let vk: Ed25519ConsensusVerificationKey = vk.try_into().unwrap(); - let sig: Ed25519ConsensusSignature = sig.into(); - - println!("cycle-tracker-start: ed25519-consensus verify"); - vk.verify(&sig, &msg).unwrap(); - println!("cycle-tracker-end: ed25519-consensus verify"); -} - -/// Emits ED_DECOMPRESS syscall. -fn test_curve25519_dalek_ng() { - let input = [1u8; 32]; - let y = CompressedEdwardsY_dalek_ng(input); - - println!("cycle-tracker-start: curve25519-dalek-ng decompress"); - let decompressed_key = y.decompress(); - println!("cycle-tracker-end: curve25519-dalek-ng decompress"); - - let compressed_key = decompressed_key.unwrap().compress(); - assert_eq!(compressed_key, y); -} - -/// Emits ED_DECOMPRESS syscall. -fn test_curve25519_dalek() { - let input_passing = [1u8; 32]; - - // This y-coordinate is not square, and therefore not on the curve - let limbs: [u64; 4] = - [8083970408152925034, 11907700107021980321, 16259949789167878387, 5645861033211660086]; - - // convert to bytes - let input_failing: [u8; 32] = - limbs.iter().flat_map(|l| l.to_be_bytes()).collect::>().try_into().unwrap(); - - let y_passing = CompressedEdwardsY_dalek(input_passing); - - println!("cycle-tracker-start: curve25519-dalek decompress"); - let decompressed_key = y_passing.decompress().unwrap(); - println!("cycle-tracker-end: curve25519-dalek decompress"); - - let compressed_key = decompressed_key.compress(); - assert_eq!(compressed_key, y_passing); - - let y_failing = CompressedEdwardsY_dalek(input_failing); - println!("cycle-tracker-start: curve25519-dalek decompress"); - let decompressed_key = y_failing.decompress(); - println!("cycle-tracker-end: curve25519-dalek decompress"); - - assert!(decompressed_key.is_none()); -} - -/// Emits KECCAK_PERMUTE syscalls. -fn test_keccak() { - let input = [1u8; 32]; - let expected_output = hex!("cebc8882fecbec7fb80d2cf4b312bec018884c2d66667c67a90508214bd8bafc"); - - let output = keccak256(input); - assert_eq!(output, expected_output); -} - -/// Emits SHA_COMPRESS and SHA_EXTEND syscalls. -fn test_sha256() { - let input = [1u8; 32]; - let expected_output = hex!("72cd6e8422c407fb6d098690f1130b7ded7ec2f7f5e1d30bd9d521f015363793"); - - let mut sha256_9_8 = Sha256_9_8::new(); - sha256_9_8.update(input); - let output_9_8: [u8; 32] = sha256_9_8.finalize().into(); - assert_eq!(output_9_8, expected_output); - - let mut sha256_10_6 = Sha256_10_6::new(); - sha256_10_6.update(input); - let output_10_6: [u8; 32] = sha256_10_6.finalize().into(); - assert_eq!(output_10_6, expected_output); - - // Can't have two different sha256 versions for the same major version. - // let mut sha256_10_8 = Sha256_10_8::new(); - // sha256_10_8.update(input); - // let output_10_8 = sha256_10_8.finalize(); -} - -/// Emits SECP256K1_ADD, SECP256K1_DOUBLE, and SECP256K1_DECOMPRESS syscalls. -/// Source: https://github.com/alloy-rs/core/blob/adcf7adfa1f35c56e6331bab85b8c56d32a465f1/crates/primitives/src/signature/sig.rs#L620-L631 -fn test_k256_patch() { - // A valid signature. - let precompile_input = bytes!("a79c77e94d0cd778e606e61130d9065e718eced9408e63df3a71919d5830d82d000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001cd685e79fb0b7ff849cbc6283dd1174b4a06f2aa556f019169a99396fc052b42e2c0ff35d08662f2685929c20ce8eaab568a404d61cf2aa837f1f431e2aef6211"); - - let msg = <&B256>::try_from(&precompile_input[0..32]).unwrap(); - let recid = precompile_input[63] - 27; - let sig = <&B512>::try_from(&precompile_input[64..128]).unwrap(); - - println!("cycle-tracker-start: k256 verify"); - let _: Bytes = revm_precompile::secp256k1::ecrecover(sig, recid, msg) - .map(|o| o.to_vec().into()) - .unwrap_or_default(); - println!("cycle-tracker-end: k256 verify"); - - // Signature by the 0x1 private key. Confirms that multi_scalar_multiplication works as intended. - let precompile_input = bytes!("15499a876f0d57fdc360c760aec98245eba1902610140c14d5f0c3c0284e28a7000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001c2106219ec2e5ef9f7d5ffb303fac05c4066e66db6d501d2e5b1626f2cc8fbe1c316d4e90b09819db9c261017f18e1b5b105855922ec962fd58e83c943e4c4ba3"); - - let msg = <&B256>::try_from(&precompile_input[0..32]).unwrap(); - let recid = precompile_input[63] - 27; - let sig = <&B512>::try_from(&precompile_input[64..128]).unwrap(); - - println!("cycle-tracker-start: k256 verify"); - let recovered_address: Bytes = revm_precompile::secp256k1::ecrecover(sig, recid, msg) - .map(|o| o.to_vec().into()) - .unwrap_or_default(); - println!("cycle-tracker-end: k256 verify"); - - println!("recovered_address: {:?}", recovered_address); - - let _ = address!("ea532f4122fb1152b506b545c67e110d276e3448"); -} - -/// Emits SECP256K1_ADD, SECP256K1_DOUBLE, and SECP256K1_DECOMPRESS syscalls. -fn test_secp256k1_patch() { - let secp = secp256k1::Secp256k1::new(); - let recovery_id = Secp256k1RecoveryId::from_i32(1).unwrap(); - let signature = Secp256k1RecoverableSignature::from_compact( - &hex!("80AEBD912F05D302BA8000A3C5D6E604333AAF34E22CC1BA14BE1737213EAED5040D67D6E9FA5FBDFE6E3457893839631B87A41D90508B7C92991ED7824E962D"), - recovery_id, - ).unwrap(); - let message_bytes: [u8; 32] = [ - 173, 132, 205, 11, 16, 252, 2, 135, 56, 151, 27, 7, 129, 36, 174, 194, 160, 231, 198, 217, - 134, 163, 129, 190, 11, 56, 111, 50, 190, 232, 135, 175, - ]; - let message = Secp256k1Message::from_digest_slice(&message_bytes) - .expect("Message could not be created from bytes"); - let expected = "04e76c446148ca6c558910ee241e7dde6d96a7fe3d5a30c00e65aceabe0af9fd2dd131ee7b5d38edafa79eac5110608be0ce01866c1f1a868596b6d991711699c4"; - - println!("cycle-tracker-start: secp256k1 verify"); - let public_key = secp - .recover_ecdsa(&message, &signature) // Use the new context to call recover - .expect("could not recover public key"); - println!("cycle-tracker-end: secp256k1 verify"); - - let serialized_key = public_key.serialize_uncompressed(); - - // Use the message in the recover_ecdsa call - assert_eq!(hex::encode(serialized_key), expected); -} - -/// To add testing for a new patch, add a new case to the function below. -pub fn main() { - // TODO: Specify which syscalls are linked to each function invocation, iterate - // over this list that is shared between the program and script. - test_keccak(); - test_sha256(); - - test_curve25519_dalek_ng(); - test_curve25519_dalek(); - - test_ed25519_dalek(); - test_ed25519_consensus(); - - test_k256_patch(); - test_secp256k1_patch(); -} diff --git a/examples/patch-testing/script/Cargo.toml b/examples/patch-testing/script/Cargo.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 2b7474695..000000000 --- a/examples/patch-testing/script/Cargo.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -[package] -name = "patch-testing-script" -version = { workspace = true } -edition = { workspace = true } -publish = false - -[dependencies] -sp1-core-executor = { workspace = true } -sp1-sdk = { workspace = true } - -[build-dependencies] -sp1-build = { workspace = true } diff --git a/examples/patch-testing/script/src/main.rs b/examples/patch-testing/script/src/main.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 9b0df8f01..000000000 --- a/examples/patch-testing/script/src/main.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -use sp1_sdk::{include_elf, utils, ProverClient, SP1Stdin}; - -const PATCH_TEST_ELF: &[u8] = include_elf!("patch-testing-program"); - -/// This script is used to test that SP1 patches are correctly applied and syscalls are triggered. -pub fn main() { - utils::setup_logger(); - - let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); - - let client = ProverClient::new(); - let (_, report) = client.execute(PATCH_TEST_ELF, stdin).run().expect("executing failed"); - - // Confirm there was at least 1 SHA_COMPUTE syscall. - assert_ne!(report.syscall_counts[sp1_core_executor::syscalls::SyscallCode::SHA_COMPRESS], 0); - assert_ne!(report.syscall_counts[sp1_core_executor::syscalls::SyscallCode::SHA_EXTEND], 0); - - // Confirm there was at least 1 of each ED25519 syscall. - assert_ne!(report.syscall_counts[sp1_core_executor::syscalls::SyscallCode::ED_ADD], 0); - assert_ne!(report.syscall_counts[sp1_core_executor::syscalls::SyscallCode::ED_DECOMPRESS], 0); - - // Confirm there was at least 1 KECCAK_PERMUTE syscall. - assert_ne!(report.syscall_counts[sp1_core_executor::syscalls::SyscallCode::KECCAK_PERMUTE], 0); - - // Confirm there was at least 1 SECP256K1_ADD, SECP256K1_DOUBLE and SECP256K1_DECOMPRESS syscall. - assert_ne!(report.syscall_counts[sp1_core_executor::syscalls::SyscallCode::SECP256K1_ADD], 0); - assert_ne!( - report.syscall_counts[sp1_core_executor::syscalls::SyscallCode::SECP256K1_DOUBLE], - 0 - ); - assert_ne!( - report.syscall_counts[sp1_core_executor::syscalls::SyscallCode::SECP256K1_DECOMPRESS], - 0 - ); - - println!("Total instructions: {:?}", report.total_instruction_count()); - println!("Successfully executed the program & confirmed syscalls."); -} diff --git a/examples/regex/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/examples/regex/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index a6dae1343..000000000 Binary files a/examples/regex/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/examples/regex/script/src/main.rs b/examples/regex/script/src/main.rs index b198ab43c..e5ddb0c07 100644 --- a/examples/regex/script/src/main.rs +++ b/examples/regex/script/src/main.rs @@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ fn main() { stdin.write(&target_string); // Generate the proof for the given program and input. - let client = ProverClient::new(); + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); let (pk, vk) = client.setup(REGEX_IO_ELF); - let mut proof = client.prove(&pk, stdin).run().expect("proving failed"); + let mut proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).run().expect("proving failed"); // Read the output. let res = proof.public_values.read::(); diff --git a/examples/rsa/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/examples/rsa/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 514e93685..000000000 Binary files a/examples/rsa/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/examples/rsa/program/src/main.rs b/examples/rsa/program/src/main.rs index b1326eb77..5051c35fe 100644 --- a/examples/rsa/program/src/main.rs +++ b/examples/rsa/program/src/main.rs @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@ #![no_main] sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); -use rsa::Pkcs1v15Sign; -use rsa::{pkcs8::DecodePublicKey, RsaPublicKey}; +use rsa::{pkcs8::DecodePublicKey, Pkcs1v15Sign, RsaPublicKey}; use sha2::{Digest, Sha256}; // Ensure this is imported for the Digest trait to work pub fn main() { diff --git a/examples/rsa/script/src/main.rs b/examples/rsa/script/src/main.rs index 4a6b50d64..1b7cae848 100644 --- a/examples/rsa/script/src/main.rs +++ b/examples/rsa/script/src/main.rs @@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ fn main() { // let verified = stdout.read::(); // Generate the proof for the given program and input. - let client = ProverClient::new(); + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); let (pk, vk) = client.setup(RSA_ELF); - let proof = client.prove(&pk, stdin).run().expect("proving failed"); + let proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).run().expect("proving failed"); // Verify proof. client.verify(&proof, &vk).expect("verification failed"); diff --git a/examples/rsp/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/examples/rsp/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 6c43fe006..000000000 Binary files a/examples/rsp/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/examples/rsp/script/src/main.rs b/examples/rsp/script/src/main.rs index f67325ccc..f1dabaceb 100644 --- a/examples/rsp/script/src/main.rs +++ b/examples/rsp/script/src/main.rs @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ fn main() { let client_input = load_input_from_cache(CHAIN_ID_ETH_MAINNET, 20526624); // Generate the proof. - let client = ProverClient::new(); + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); // Setup the proving key and verification key. let (pk, vk) = client.setup(include_elf!("rsp-program")); @@ -42,8 +42,7 @@ fn main() { stdin.write_vec(buffer); // Only execute the program. - let (mut public_values, execution_report) = - client.execute(&pk.elf, stdin.clone()).run().unwrap(); + let (mut public_values, execution_report) = client.execute(&pk.elf, &stdin).run().unwrap(); println!( "Finished executing the block in {} cycles", execution_report.total_instruction_count() @@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ fn main() { // It is strongly recommended you use the network prover given the size of these programs. if args.prove { println!("Starting proof generation."); - let proof = client.prove(&pk, stdin).run().expect("Proving should work."); + let proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).run().expect("Proving should work."); println!("Proof generation finished."); client.verify(&proof, &vk).expect("proof verification should succeed"); diff --git a/examples/ssz-withdrawals/program/Cargo.toml b/examples/ssz-withdrawals/program/Cargo.toml index bb6195d01..cf3bea20c 100644 --- a/examples/ssz-withdrawals/program/Cargo.toml +++ b/examples/ssz-withdrawals/program/Cargo.toml @@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ hex-literal = "0.4.1" ssz_rs = { version = "0.9.0", features = ["serde"] } hex = "0.4.3" serde_with = { version = "3.4.0", features = ["hex"] } -serde = { version = "1.0.195", features = ["derive"] } +serde = { workspace = true, features = ["derive"] } alloy-primitives = "0.6.0" sha2 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/RustCrypto-hashes.git", package = "sha2", branch = "patch-v0.9.8" } diff --git a/examples/ssz-withdrawals/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/examples/ssz-withdrawals/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 10b198738..000000000 Binary files a/examples/ssz-withdrawals/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/examples/ssz-withdrawals/program/src/beacon/hints.rs b/examples/ssz-withdrawals/program/src/beacon/hints.rs index ef7e834e5..cc30da2a5 100644 --- a/examples/ssz-withdrawals/program/src/beacon/hints.rs +++ b/examples/ssz-withdrawals/program/src/beacon/hints.rs @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ -use crate::beacon::types::*; -use crate::beacon::utils::{branch_from_bytes, node_from_bytes}; +use crate::beacon::{ + types::*, + utils::{branch_from_bytes, node_from_bytes}, +}; use hex_literal::hex; use ssz_rs::prelude::*; use std::hint::black_box; diff --git a/examples/ssz-withdrawals/program/src/beacon/prove.rs b/examples/ssz-withdrawals/program/src/beacon/prove.rs index 64d87e4f5..72d7cae21 100644 --- a/examples/ssz-withdrawals/program/src/beacon/prove.rs +++ b/examples/ssz-withdrawals/program/src/beacon/prove.rs @@ -1,9 +1,6 @@ -use crate::beacon::hints; -use crate::beacon::types::*; -use crate::beacon::utils::is_valid_merkle_big_branch; +use crate::beacon::{hints, types::*, utils::is_valid_merkle_big_branch}; use ssz_rs::prelude::*; -use std::hint::black_box; -use std::str::FromStr; +use std::{hint::black_box, str::FromStr}; pub fn block_header(block_root: Node) -> BeaconBlockHeader { black_box(hints::beacon_header_proof(block_root)) diff --git a/examples/ssz-withdrawals/program/src/main.rs b/examples/ssz-withdrawals/program/src/main.rs index 1c7937e20..299c5f378 100644 --- a/examples/ssz-withdrawals/program/src/main.rs +++ b/examples/ssz-withdrawals/program/src/main.rs @@ -6,10 +6,7 @@ sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); mod beacon; -use beacon::hints; -use beacon::prove; -use beacon::types::*; -use beacon::utils::node_from_bytes; +use beacon::{hints, prove, types::*, utils::node_from_bytes}; use hex_literal::hex; use ssz_rs::prelude::*; use std::collections::HashMap; diff --git a/examples/ssz-withdrawals/script/src/main.rs b/examples/ssz-withdrawals/script/src/main.rs index f410d1081..0da068396 100644 --- a/examples/ssz-withdrawals/script/src/main.rs +++ b/examples/ssz-withdrawals/script/src/main.rs @@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ fn main() { utils::setup_logger(); let stdin = SP1Stdin::new(); - let client = ProverClient::new(); + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); let (pk, vk) = client.setup(ELF); - let proof = client.prove(&pk, stdin).run().expect("proving failed"); + let proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).run().expect("proving failed"); // Verify proof. client.verify(&proof, &vk).expect("verification failed"); diff --git a/examples/tendermint/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/examples/tendermint/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index be2d7b0e4..000000000 Binary files a/examples/tendermint/program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/examples/tendermint/program/src/main.rs b/examples/tendermint/program/src/main.rs index 53db8535e..7ede3be56 100644 --- a/examples/tendermint/program/src/main.rs +++ b/examples/tendermint/program/src/main.rs @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ use tendermint_light_client_verifier::{ }; pub fn main() { - // Normally we could just do this to read in the LightBlocks, but bincode doesn't work with LightBlock. - // This is likely a bug in tendermint-rs. + // Normally we could just do this to read in the LightBlocks, but bincode doesn't work with + // LightBlock. This is likely a bug in tendermint-rs. // let light_block_1 = sp1_zkvm::io::read::(); // let light_block_2 = sp1_zkvm::io::read::(); diff --git a/examples/tendermint/script/Cargo.toml b/examples/tendermint/script/Cargo.toml index af778202d..d7231ebbb 100644 --- a/examples/tendermint/script/Cargo.toml +++ b/examples/tendermint/script/Cargo.toml @@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ publish = false [dependencies] sp1-sdk = { workspace = true } -serde = { version = "1.0", default-features = false, features = ["derive"] } -serde_json = { version = "1.0", default-features = false, features = ["alloc"] } +serde_json = { workspace = true } tendermint-light-client-verifier = { version = "0.35.0", default-features = false, features = [ "rust-crypto", ] } diff --git a/examples/tendermint/script/src/main.rs b/examples/tendermint/script/src/main.rs index 258aea371..43ac8cbef 100644 --- a/examples/tendermint/script/src/main.rs +++ b/examples/tendermint/script/src/main.rs @@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ pub fn main() { // let encoded: Vec = bincode::serialize(&light_block_1).unwrap(); // let decoded: LightBlock = bincode::deserialize(&encoded[..]).unwrap(); - let client = ProverClient::new(); + let client = ProverClient::from_env(); let (pk, vk) = client.setup(TENDERMINT_ELF); - client.execute(TENDERMINT_ELF, stdin.clone()).run().expect("proving failed"); + client.execute(TENDERMINT_ELF, &stdin).run().expect("proving failed"); - let proof = client.prove(&pk, stdin).run().expect("proving failed"); + let proof = client.prove(&pk, &stdin).run().expect("proving failed"); // Verify proof. client.verify(&proof, &vk).expect("verification failed"); diff --git a/examples/testing-suite-gen.sh b/examples/testing-suite-gen.sh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a0aa02bc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/testing-suite-gen.sh @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +# Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status +set -e + +# Define the list of programs +PROGRAMS=("chess" "fibonacci" "json" "regex" "rsp" "ssz-withdrawals" "tendermint") + +# Iterate through each program +for program in "${PROGRAMS[@]}"; do + program_name=$program + script_dir="${program}/script" + + echo "Processing $program_name" + + # Check if the script directory exists + if [ -d "$script_dir" ]; then + # Navigate to the script directory + cd "$script_dir" + + # Run the cargo command and upload files to AWS S3 + SP1_DUMP=1 cargo run --release -- --prove + aws s3 cp stdin.bin "s3://sp1-testing-suite/v4/$program_name/stdin.bin" + aws s3 cp program.bin "s3://sp1-testing-suite/v4/$program_name/program.bin" + + # Return to the root directory + cd - > /dev/null + else + echo "Directory $script_dir does not exist. Skipping $program_name." + fi +done \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/patch-testing/Cargo.lock b/patch-testing/Cargo.lock new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a1968ed53 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/Cargo.lock @@ -0,0 +1,5294 @@ +# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo. +# It is not intended for manual editing. +version = 4 + +[[package]] +name = "addchain" +version = "0.2.0" +source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index" +checksum = "3b2e69442aa5628ea6951fa33e24efe8313f4321a91bd729fc2f75bdfc858570" +dependencies = [ + "num-bigint 0.3.3", + "num-integer", + "num-traits", +] + +[[package]] +name = "addr2line" +version = "0.24.2" +source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index" +checksum = "dfbe277e56a376000877090da837660b4427aad530e3028d44e0bffe4f89a1c1" +dependencies = [ + "gimli", +] + +[[package]] +name = "adler2" +version = "2.0.0" +source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index" +checksum = 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"p256_high_sig_recovery" + path = "bin/high_sig_recovery.rs" + description = "Test a p256 high signature recovery" + + [[bin]] + name = "p256_low_sig_verify" + path = "bin/low_sig_verify.rs" + description = "Test a p256 low signature verification" + + [[bin]] + name = "p256_high_sig_verify" + path = "bin/high_sig_verify.rs" + description = "Test a p256 high signature verification" + + [[bin]] + name = "p256_recovery_fail" + path = "bin/recovery_fail.rs" + + [[bin]] + name = "p256_verify_fail" + path = "bin/verify_fail.rs" + + [dependencies] + sp1-zkvm = { workspace = true } + p256 = { workspace = true } + hex-literal = { workspace = true } + ecdsa-core = { workspace = true } +``` + +The harness is generated by running the `./gen-tests.sh` script in the `patch-testing` directory. This script will generate a harness for each bin in the package, and place it in the `tests` directory. +You can optionally run all the tests in the same invocation by invoking the script with the following: `RUN=1 ./gen-tests.sh`. diff --git a/patch-testing/RustCrypto-rsa/Cargo.toml b/patch-testing/RustCrypto-rsa/Cargo.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..708807c00 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/RustCrypto-rsa/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +[package] +name = "rust_crypto_rsa" +version.workspace = true +edition.workspace = true +publish.workspace = true + +[dependencies] +sp1-zkvm = { workspace = true } +sp1-sdk = { workspace = true } +rand = { workspace = true } +sp1-test = { workspace = true } +rsa = { version = "0.9.7", features = ["std", "sha2", "serde"] } + +[features] +prove = [] +gpu = ["sp1-sdk/cuda"] + +[build-dependencies] +sp1-build = { workspace = true } diff --git a/patch-testing/RustCrypto-rsa/build.rs b/patch-testing/RustCrypto-rsa/build.rs new file mode 100644 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pkcs1v15::{Signature, VerifyingKey}, + sha2::Sha256, + signature::{SignatureEncoding, Verifier}, + RsaPublicKey, +}; + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("rsa_test_verify_pkcs", gpu, prove)] +pub fn test_pkcs_verify_100( + stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin, +) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + let times: u8 = 100; + + stdin.write(×); + + for _ in 0..times { + let (signature, verifying_key, data) = sign_inner(); + + // Check that the original crate also validates this signature. + assert!(verifying_key.verify(&data, &signature).is_ok()); + + stdin.write(&signature.to_bytes()); + stdin.write(&RsaPublicKey::from(verifying_key)); + stdin.write(&data); + } + + |_| {} +} + +#[cfg(test)] +fn sign_inner() -> (Signature, VerifyingKey, Vec) { + use rsa::pkcs1v15::SigningKey; + use rsa::sha2::Sha256; + use rsa::signature::{Keypair, RandomizedSigner}; + use rsa::RsaPrivateKey; + + let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); + let bits = 2048; + let private_key = RsaPrivateKey::new(&mut rng, bits).expect("failed to generate a key"); + let signing_key = SigningKey::::new(private_key); + let verifying_key = signing_key.verifying_key(); + + let data_len = rand::random::() % 1024; + let data: Vec = (0..data_len).map(|_| rand::random::()).collect(); + + let signature = signing_key.sign_with_rng(&mut rng, &data); + + (signature, verifying_key, data) +} diff --git a/patch-testing/bls12-381/Cargo.toml b/patch-testing/bls12-381/Cargo.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a783559d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/bls12-381/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +[package] +name = "bls12_381_tests" +version.workspace = true +edition.workspace = true +publish.workspace = true + +[dependencies] +sp1-zkvm = { workspace = true } +sp1-sdk = { workspace = true } +rand.workspace = true +sp1-test = { workspace = true } + +# note: we use the patched version (which should be mostly equivalent to the original, outside the vm) +# becasue we want to test the field ops which are not exposed in the original +bls12_381 = { 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add tests + +[dependencies] +sp1-lib = { path = "../../../crates/zkvm/lib" } +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +bls12_381 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/bls12_381", tag = "patch-0.8.0-sp1-4.0.0", features = ["groups"] } + +[patch.crates-io] +sp1-lib = { path = "../../../crates/zkvm/lib" } diff --git a/patch-testing/bls12-381/program/bin/test_bls_add.rs b/patch-testing/bls12-381/program/bin/test_bls_add.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a6c549109 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/bls12-381/program/bin/test_bls_add.rs @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ + +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +pub fn main() { + use bls12_381::g1::G1Affine; + + let times = sp1_lib::io::read::(); + + for _ in 0..times { + let val: Vec = sp1_lib::io::read(); + let val2: Vec = sp1_lib::io::read(); + + let val = G1Affine::from_uncompressed(&val.try_into().expect("[u8; 96] for g1")).unwrap(); + let val2 = G1Affine::from_uncompressed(&val2.try_into().expect("[u8; 96] for g1")).unwrap(); + + // The Rust test actually does projective addition, but this should be equivalent. + let sum = val.add_affine(&val2); + + sp1_lib::io::commit(&sum.to_uncompressed().to_vec()); + } +} + diff --git a/patch-testing/bls12-381/program/bin/test_bls_double.rs b/patch-testing/bls12-381/program/bin/test_bls_double.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7a8b74f79 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/bls12-381/program/bin/test_bls_double.rs @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +#![no_main] + +use bls12_381::G1Projective; +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +pub fn main() { + use bls12_381::g1::G1Affine; + + let times = sp1_lib::io::read::(); + + for _ in 0..times { + let val: Vec = sp1_lib::io::read(); + + let val = G1Affine::from_uncompressed(&val.try_into().expect("[u8; 96] for g1")).unwrap(); + let projective: G1Projective = val.into(); + + let sum = projective.double(); + let sum_affine: G1Affine = sum.into(); + + sp1_lib::io::commit(&sum_affine.to_uncompressed().to_vec()); + } +} + diff --git a/patch-testing/bls12-381/program/bin/test_inverse.rs b/patch-testing/bls12-381/program/bin/test_inverse.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..22236bf21 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/bls12-381/program/bin/test_inverse.rs @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +pub fn main() { + let times = sp1_lib::io::read::(); + + for _ in 0..times { + let val: Vec = sp1_lib::io::read(); + + let val = bls12_381::fp::Fp::from_bytes(&val.try_into().expect("[u8; 48] for fp")).unwrap(); + + let sqrt_bytes = val.invert().into_option().map(|v| v.to_bytes().to_vec()); + + sp1_lib::io::commit(&sqrt_bytes); + } +} diff --git a/patch-testing/bls12-381/program/bin/test_inverse_fp2.rs b/patch-testing/bls12-381/program/bin/test_inverse_fp2.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6b4b34d4e --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/bls12-381/program/bin/test_inverse_fp2.rs @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +pub fn main() { + let times = sp1_lib::io::read::(); + + for _ in 0..times { + let val: Vec = sp1_lib::io::read(); + + let val = bls12_381::fp2::Fp2::from_bytes(&val.try_into().expect("[u8; 96] for fp")).unwrap(); + + let sqrt_bytes = val.invert().into_option().map(|v| v.to_bytes().to_vec()); + + sp1_lib::io::commit(&sqrt_bytes); + } +} diff --git a/patch-testing/bls12-381/program/bin/test_sqrt.rs b/patch-testing/bls12-381/program/bin/test_sqrt.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1583ad7fb --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/bls12-381/program/bin/test_sqrt.rs @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +pub fn main() { + let times = sp1_lib::io::read::(); + + for _ in 0..times { + let val: Vec = sp1_lib::io::read(); + + let val = bls12_381::fp::Fp::from_bytes(&val.try_into().expect("[u8; 48] for fp")).unwrap(); + + let sqrt_bytes = val.sqrt().into_option().map(|v| v.to_bytes().to_vec()); + + sp1_lib::io::commit(&sqrt_bytes); + } +} diff --git a/patch-testing/bls12-381/program/bin/test_sqrt_fp2.rs b/patch-testing/bls12-381/program/bin/test_sqrt_fp2.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f056e1ddd --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/bls12-381/program/bin/test_sqrt_fp2.rs @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +pub fn main() { + let times = sp1_lib::io::read::(); + + for i in 0..times { + println!("Running test {}", i); + + let val: Vec = sp1_lib::io::read(); + + let val = bls12_381::fp2::Fp2::from_bytes(&val.try_into().expect("[u8; 96] for fp")).unwrap(); + + let sqrt_bytes = val.sqrt().into_option().map(|v| v.to_bytes().to_vec()); + + sp1_lib::io::commit(&sqrt_bytes); + } +} diff --git a/patch-testing/bls12-381/src/lib.rs b/patch-testing/bls12-381/src/lib.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..80fcd7696 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/bls12-381/src/lib.rs @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("bls12_381_fp_test_sqrt", gpu, prove)] +pub fn test_sqrt_fp_100(stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use bls12_381::fp::Fp; + + let times: u8 = 100; + stdin.write(×); + + let mut unpatched_results: Vec>> = Vec::new(); + + while unpatched_results.len() < times as usize { + let rand = Fp::random(&mut rand::thread_rng()); + + stdin.write(&rand.to_bytes().to_vec()); + + let sqrt_bytes = rand.sqrt().into_option().map(|v| v.to_bytes().to_vec()); + + unpatched_results.push(sqrt_bytes); + } + + |mut public| { + for res in unpatched_results { + let zk_res = public.read::>>(); + + assert_eq!(res, zk_res); + } + } +} + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("bls12_381_fp_test_inverse", gpu, prove)] +pub fn test_inverse_fp_100(stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use bls12_381::fp::Fp; + + let times: u8 = 100; + stdin.write(×); + + let mut unpatched_results: Vec>> = Vec::new(); + + while unpatched_results.len() < times as usize { + let rand = Fp::random(&mut rand::thread_rng()); + + stdin.write(&rand.to_bytes().to_vec()); + + let sqrt_bytes = rand.invert().into_option().map(|v| v.to_bytes().to_vec()); + + unpatched_results.push(sqrt_bytes); + } + + |mut public| { + for res in unpatched_results { + let zk_res = public.read::>>(); + + assert_eq!(res, zk_res); + } + } +} + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("bls12_381_fp2_test_sqrt", gpu, prove)] +pub fn test_sqrt_fp2_100(stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use bls12_381::fp2::Fp2; + + let times: u8 = 100; + stdin.write(×); + + let mut unpatched_results: Vec>> = Vec::new(); + + while unpatched_results.len() < times as usize { + let rand = Fp2::random(&mut rand::thread_rng()); + + stdin.write(&rand.to_bytes().to_vec()); + + let sqrt_bytes = rand.sqrt().into_option().map(|v| v.to_bytes().to_vec()); + + unpatched_results.push(sqrt_bytes); + } + + |mut public| { + for res in unpatched_results { + let zk_res = public.read::>>(); + + assert_eq!(res, zk_res); + } + } +} + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("bls12_381_fp2_test_inverse", gpu, prove)] +pub fn test_inverse_fp2_100( + stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin, +) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use bls12_381::fp2::Fp2; + + let times: u8 = 100; + stdin.write(×); + + let mut unpatched_results: Vec>> = Vec::new(); + + while unpatched_results.len() < times as usize { + let rand = Fp2::random(&mut rand::thread_rng()); + + stdin.write(&rand.to_bytes().to_vec()); + + let sqrt_bytes = rand.invert().into_option().map(|v| v.to_bytes().to_vec()); + + unpatched_results.push(sqrt_bytes); + } + + |mut public| { + for res in unpatched_results { + let zk_res = public.read::>>(); + + assert_eq!(res, zk_res); + } + } +} + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("bls12_381_ec_add_test", gpu, prove)] +pub fn test_bls_add_100(stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use bls12_381::g1::G1Projective; + use bls12_381::g1::G1Affine; + use group::Group; + + let times: u8 = 100; + stdin.write(×); + + let mut unpatched_results: Vec> = Vec::new(); + + while unpatched_results.len() < times as usize { + let rand = G1Projective::random(&mut rand::thread_rng()); + let rand2 = G1Projective::random(&mut rand::thread_rng()); + + let rand_compressed = G1Affine::from(rand).to_uncompressed().to_vec(); + let rand2_compressed = G1Affine::from(rand2).to_uncompressed().to_vec(); + + stdin.write(&rand_compressed); + stdin.write(&rand2_compressed); + + let sum = rand + rand2; + let sum: G1Affine = sum.into(); + + unpatched_results.push(sum.to_uncompressed().to_vec()); + } + + |mut public| { + for res in unpatched_results { + let zk_res = public.read::>(); + + assert_eq!(res, zk_res); + } + } +} + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("bls12_381_ec_double_test", gpu, prove)] +pub fn test_bls_double_100(stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use bls12_381::g1::G1Projective; + use bls12_381::g1::G1Affine; + use group::Group; + + let times: u8 = 100; + stdin.write(×); + + let mut unpatched_results: Vec> = Vec::new(); + + while unpatched_results.len() < times as usize { + let rand = G1Projective::random(&mut rand::thread_rng()); + + let rand_compressed = G1Affine::from(rand).to_uncompressed().to_vec(); + + stdin.write(&rand_compressed); + + let sum = rand.double(); + let sum: G1Affine = sum.into(); + + unpatched_results.push(sum.to_uncompressed().to_vec()); + } + + |mut public| { + for res in unpatched_results { + let zk_res = public.read::>(); + + assert_eq!(res, zk_res); + } + } +} diff --git a/patch-testing/bn/Cargo.toml b/patch-testing/bn/Cargo.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d8c7bcb9f --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/bn/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +[package] +name = "bn" +version.workspace = true +edition.workspace = true +publish.workspace = true + +[dependencies] +sp1-zkvm = { workspace = true } +sp1-sdk = { workspace = true } +rand = { workspace = true } +sp1-test = { workspace = true } +substrate-bn = "0.6.0" + +[features] +prove = [] +gpu = ["sp1-sdk/cuda"] + +[build-dependencies] +sp1-build = { workspace = true } diff --git 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+ let mut sqrt_bytes = [0u8; 32]; + sqrt.to_big_endian(&mut sqrt_bytes).unwrap(); + sp1_lib::io::commit(&sqrt_bytes.to_vec()); + } +} diff --git a/patch-testing/bn/program/bin/test_fr_inverse.rs b/patch-testing/bn/program/bin/test_fr_inverse.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..79e7459fc --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/bn/program/bin/test_fr_inverse.rs @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +pub fn main() { + let times = sp1_lib::io::read::(); + + for _ in 0..times { + let val: Vec = sp1_lib::io::read(); + let val = substrate_bn::Fr::from_slice(&val).unwrap(); + let inverse = val.inverse().unwrap(); + + let mut inverse_bytes = [0u8; 32]; + inverse.to_big_endian(&mut inverse_bytes).unwrap(); + sp1_lib::io::commit(&inverse_bytes.to_vec()); + } +} diff --git a/patch-testing/bn/program/bin/test_g1_add.rs b/patch-testing/bn/program/bin/test_g1_add.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d7f83dde9 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/bn/program/bin/test_g1_add.rs @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +pub fn main() { + let times = sp1_lib::io::read::(); + + for _ in 0..times { + let a_x: Vec = sp1_lib::io::read(); + let a_y: Vec = sp1_lib::io::read(); + let b_x: Vec = sp1_lib::io::read(); + let b_y: Vec = sp1_lib::io::read(); + let c_x: Vec = sp1_lib::io::read(); + let c_y: Vec = sp1_lib::io::read(); + + let a_x = substrate_bn::Fq::from_slice(&a_x).unwrap(); + let a_y = substrate_bn::Fq::from_slice(&a_y).unwrap(); + let b_x = substrate_bn::Fq::from_slice(&b_x).unwrap(); + let b_y = substrate_bn::Fq::from_slice(&b_y).unwrap(); + let c_x = substrate_bn::Fq::from_slice(&c_x).unwrap(); + let c_y = substrate_bn::Fq::from_slice(&c_y).unwrap(); + + let a = substrate_bn::AffineG1::new(a_x, a_y).unwrap(); + let b = substrate_bn::AffineG1::new(b_x, b_y).unwrap(); + let c = substrate_bn::AffineG1::new(c_x, c_y).unwrap(); + let c_pred = a + b; + + assert!(c == c_pred); + } +} diff --git a/patch-testing/bn/program/bin/test_g1_double.rs b/patch-testing/bn/program/bin/test_g1_double.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fbda9adc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/bn/program/bin/test_g1_double.rs @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +pub fn main() { + let times = sp1_lib::io::read::(); + + for _ in 0..times { + let a_x: Vec = sp1_lib::io::read(); + let a_y: Vec = sp1_lib::io::read(); + let b_x: Vec = sp1_lib::io::read(); + let b_y: Vec = sp1_lib::io::read(); + + let a_x = substrate_bn::Fq::from_slice(&a_x).unwrap(); + let a_y = substrate_bn::Fq::from_slice(&a_y).unwrap(); + let b_x = substrate_bn::Fq::from_slice(&b_x).unwrap(); + let b_y = substrate_bn::Fq::from_slice(&b_y).unwrap(); + + let a = substrate_bn::AffineG1::new(a_x, a_y).unwrap(); + let b = substrate_bn::AffineG1::new(b_x, b_y).unwrap(); + let b_pred = a + a; + + assert!(b == b_pred); + } +} diff --git a/patch-testing/bn/src/lib.rs b/patch-testing/bn/src/lib.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a41f79795 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/bn/src/lib.rs @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("bn_test_fq_sqrt", gpu, prove)] +pub fn test_bn_test_fq_sqrt_100( + stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin, +) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use substrate_bn::Fq; + + let times: u8 = 100; + stdin.write(×); + + let mut unpatched_results: Vec> = Vec::new(); + + while unpatched_results.len() < times as usize { + let rand_bytes = rand::random::<[u8; 32]>(); + let rand = match Fq::from_slice(&rand_bytes) { + Ok(rand) => rand, + Err(_) => continue, + }; + + let mut sqrt_bytes = [0u8; 32]; + match rand.sqrt() { + Some(sqrt) => sqrt.to_big_endian(&mut sqrt_bytes).unwrap(), + None => continue, + }; + + stdin.write(&rand_bytes.to_vec()); + unpatched_results.push(sqrt_bytes.to_vec()); + } + + |mut public| { + for res in unpatched_results { + let zk_res = public.read::>(); + assert_eq!(res, zk_res); + } + } +} + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("bn_test_fq_inverse", gpu, prove)] +pub fn test_bn_test_fq_inverse_100( + stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin, +) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use substrate_bn::Fq; + + let times: u8 = 100; + stdin.write(×); + + let mut unpatched_results: Vec> = Vec::new(); + + while unpatched_results.len() < times as usize { + let rand_bytes = rand::random::<[u8; 32]>(); + let rand = match Fq::from_slice(&rand_bytes) { + Ok(rand) => rand, + Err(_) => continue, + }; + + let mut inverse_bytes = [0u8; 32]; + match rand.inverse() { + Some(inverse) => inverse.to_big_endian(&mut inverse_bytes).unwrap(), + None => continue, + }; + + stdin.write(&rand_bytes.to_vec()); + unpatched_results.push(inverse_bytes.to_vec()); + } + + |mut public| { + for res in unpatched_results { + let zk_res = public.read::>(); + assert_eq!(res, zk_res); + } + } +} + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("bn_test_fr_inverse", gpu, prove)] +pub fn test_bn_test_fr_inverse_100( + stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin, +) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use substrate_bn::Fr; + + let times: u8 = 100; + stdin.write(×); + + let mut unpatched_results: Vec> = Vec::new(); + + while unpatched_results.len() < times as usize { + let rand_bytes = rand::random::<[u8; 32]>(); + let rand = match Fr::from_slice(&rand_bytes) { + Ok(rand) => rand, + Err(_) => continue, + }; + + let mut inverse_bytes = [0u8; 32]; + match rand.inverse() { + Some(inverse) => inverse.to_big_endian(&mut inverse_bytes).unwrap(), + None => continue, + }; + + stdin.write(&rand_bytes.to_vec()); + unpatched_results.push(inverse_bytes.to_vec()); + } + + |mut public| { + for res in unpatched_results { + let zk_res = public.read::>(); + assert_eq!(res, zk_res); + } + } +} + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("bn_test_g1_add", gpu, prove)] +pub fn test_bn_test_g1_add_100( + stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin, +) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use substrate_bn::{AffineG1, Fr, Group, G1}; + + let rng = &mut rand::thread_rng(); + + let times: u8 = 100; + stdin.write(×); + + let mut i = 0; + while i < times { + let a_s = Fr::random(rng); + let b_s = Fr::random(rng); + + let a = G1::one() * a_s; + let b = G1::one() * b_s; + let c = a + b; + + let a: AffineG1 = AffineG1::from_jacobian(a).unwrap(); + let b: AffineG1 = AffineG1::from_jacobian(b).unwrap(); + let c: AffineG1 = AffineG1::from_jacobian(c).unwrap(); + + let mut a_x_bytes = [0u8; 32]; + let mut a_y_bytes = [0u8; 32]; + a.x().to_big_endian(&mut a_x_bytes).unwrap(); + a.y().to_big_endian(&mut a_y_bytes).unwrap(); + stdin.write(&a_x_bytes.to_vec()); + stdin.write(&a_y_bytes.to_vec()); + + let mut b_x_bytes = [0u8; 32]; + let mut b_y_bytes = [0u8; 32]; + b.x().to_big_endian(&mut b_x_bytes).unwrap(); + b.y().to_big_endian(&mut b_y_bytes).unwrap(); + stdin.write(&b_x_bytes.to_vec()); + stdin.write(&b_y_bytes.to_vec()); + + let mut c_x_bytes = [0u8; 32]; + let mut c_y_bytes = [0u8; 32]; + c.x().to_big_endian(&mut c_x_bytes).unwrap(); + c.y().to_big_endian(&mut c_y_bytes).unwrap(); + stdin.write(&c_x_bytes.to_vec()); + stdin.write(&c_y_bytes.to_vec()); + + i += 1; + } + + |_| {} +} + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("bn_test_g1_double", gpu, prove)] +pub fn test_bn_test_g1_double_100( + stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin, +) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use substrate_bn::{AffineG1, Fr, Group, G1}; + + let rng = &mut rand::thread_rng(); + + let times: u8 = 100; + stdin.write(×); + + let mut i = 0; + while i < times { + let a_s = Fr::random(rng); + + let a = G1::one() * a_s; + let b = a + a; + + let a: AffineG1 = AffineG1::from_jacobian(a).unwrap(); + let b: AffineG1 = AffineG1::from_jacobian(b).unwrap(); + + let mut a_x_bytes = [0u8; 32]; + let mut a_y_bytes = [0u8; 32]; + a.x().to_big_endian(&mut a_x_bytes).unwrap(); + a.y().to_big_endian(&mut a_y_bytes).unwrap(); + stdin.write(&a_x_bytes.to_vec()); + stdin.write(&a_y_bytes.to_vec()); + + let mut b_x_bytes = [0u8; 32]; + let mut b_y_bytes = [0u8; 32]; + b.x().to_big_endian(&mut b_x_bytes).unwrap(); + b.y().to_big_endian(&mut b_y_bytes).unwrap(); + stdin.write(&b_x_bytes.to_vec()); + stdin.write(&b_y_bytes.to_vec()); + + i += 1; + } + + |_| {} +} diff --git a/patch-testing/build-host/Cargo.toml b/patch-testing/build-host/Cargo.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8d1b29783 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/build-host/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +[package] +name = "build-host" +version.workspace = true +edition.workspace = true +publish.workspace = true + +[dependencies] +sha2-v0-10-6-patched = { workspace = true } +sha2-v0-10-8-patched = { workspace = true } +sha3-v0-10-8-patched = { workspace = true } +crypto-bigint-patched = { workspace = true } +tiny-keccak-patched = { workspace = true } +curve25519-dalek-patched = { workspace = true } +curve25519-dalek-ng-patched = { workspace = true } +ecdsa-core-patched = { workspace = true } +secp256k1-patched = { workspace = true } +substrate-bn-patched = { workspace = true } +bls12_381-patched = { workspace = true } +rsa-patched = { workspace = true } diff --git a/patch-testing/build-host/src/main.rs b/patch-testing/build-host/src/main.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1113c3a2b --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/build-host/src/main.rs @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +pub use bls12_381_patched; +pub use crypto_bigint_patched; +pub use curve25519_dalek_ng_patched; +pub use curve25519_dalek_patched; +pub use ecdsa_core_patched; +pub use rsa_patched; +pub use secp256k1_patched; +pub use sha2_v0_10_6_patched; +pub use sha2_v0_10_8_patched; +pub use sha3_v0_10_8_patched; +pub use substrate_bn_patched; +pub use tiny_keccak_patched; + +fn main() { + // Note: This file is a dummy that merely imports all the patches, to ensure that they build correctly outside our vm. +} diff --git a/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek-ng/Cargo.toml b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek-ng/Cargo.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..730cca5d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek-ng/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +[package] +name = "curve25519-dalek-ng" +version.workspace = true +edition.workspace = true +publish.workspace = true + +[dependencies] +sp1-sdk = { workspace = true } +curve25519-dalek-ng = { workspace = true } +sp1-test = { workspace = true } +rand.workspace = true + +[features] +prove = [] +gpu = ["sp1-sdk/cuda"] + +[build-dependencies] +sp1-build = { workspace = true } diff --git a/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek-ng/build.rs b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek-ng/build.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..aad7727c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek-ng/build.rs @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +fn main() { + sp1_build::build_program("./program"); +} diff --git a/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek-ng/program/Cargo.lock b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek-ng/program/Cargo.lock new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c4ddf48f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek-ng/program/Cargo.lock @@ -0,0 +1,543 @@ +# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo. +# It is not intended for manual editing. +version = 4 + +[[package]] +name = "autocfg" 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b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek-ng/program/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[workspace] +[package] +name = "curve25519-dalek-ng" +version = "0.1.0" +edition = "2021" + +[[bin]] +name = "curve25519_ng_decompress" +path = "bin/decompress.rs" + +[[bin]] +name = "curve25519_ng_add_then_multiply" +path = "bin/add_then_multiply.rs" + +[[bin]] +name = "curve25519_ng_zero_msm" +path = "bin/zero_msm.rs" + +[[bin]] +name = "curve25519_ng_zero_mul" +path = "bin/zero_mul.rs" + +[dependencies] +sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } +curve25519-dalek-ng = { version = "4.1.1", default-features = false, features = [ + "u64_backend", + "alloc", +] } + +[patch.crates-io] +# patches are not transitvely applied to patches lmao +curve25519-dalek-ng = { package = "curve25519-dalek-ng", git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/curve25519-dalek-ng.git", tag = "patch-4.1.1-sp1-4.0.0" } +# Temporarily pinning to a specific version of ed25519-dalek to avoid a build failure +sp1-lib = { path = "../../../crates/zkvm/lib" } diff --git a/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek-ng/program/bin/add_then_multiply.rs b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek-ng/program/bin/add_then_multiply.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..97c31ec57 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek-ng/program/bin/add_then_multiply.rs @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +use curve25519_dalek_ng::edwards::CompressedEdwardsY; +use curve25519_dalek_ng::scalar::Scalar; + +/// Emits ED_DECOMPRESS syscall. +fn main() { + let times = sp1_zkvm::io::read::(); + for _ in 0..times { + let bytes1: [u8; 32] = sp1_zkvm::io::read(); + let bytes2: [u8; 32] = sp1_zkvm::io::read(); + let scalar: [u8; 32] = sp1_zkvm::io::read(); + + let compressed1 = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes1); + let point1 = compressed1.decompress(); + let compressed2 = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes2); + let point2 = compressed2.decompress(); + + if point1.is_some() && point2.is_some() { + let point = point1.unwrap() + point2.unwrap(); + let scalar = Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order(scalar); + let result = point * scalar; + sp1_zkvm::io::commit(result.compress().as_bytes()); + } else { + sp1_zkvm::io::commit(compressed1.as_bytes()); + } + } +} diff --git a/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek-ng/program/bin/decompress.rs b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek-ng/program/bin/decompress.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..917cf144d --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek-ng/program/bin/decompress.rs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +use curve25519_dalek_ng::edwards::CompressedEdwardsY; + +/// Emits ED_DECOMPRESS syscall. +fn main() { + // non-canonical point + let mut bytes: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; + for i in 0..32 { + bytes[i] = 255; + } + bytes[0] = 253; + bytes[31] = 127; + let compressed = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes); + println!("{:?}", compressed.decompress()); + + // y = 0 with sign off + let mut bytes: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; + let compressed = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes); + println!("{:?}", compressed.decompress()); + + // y = 0 with sign on + let mut bytes: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; + bytes[31] = 128; + let compressed = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes); + println!("{:?}", compressed.decompress()); + + // x = 0 with sign off + let mut bytes: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; + bytes[0] = 1; + let compressed = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes); + println!("{:?}", compressed.decompress()); + + // x = 0 with sign on + let mut bytes: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; + bytes[0] = 1; + bytes[31] = 128; + let compressed = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes); + println!("{:?}", compressed.decompress()); + + // x = 0 with sign off + let mut bytes: [u8; 32] = [255u8; 32]; + bytes[0] = 255 - 19; + bytes[31] = 127; + let compressed = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes); + println!("{:?}", compressed.decompress()); + + // x = 0 with sign on + let mut bytes: [u8; 32] = [255u8; 32]; + bytes[0] = 255 - 19; + let compressed = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes); + println!("{:?}", compressed.decompress()); +} diff --git a/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek-ng/program/bin/zero_msm.rs b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek-ng/program/bin/zero_msm.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..37f1eadb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek-ng/program/bin/zero_msm.rs @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +use curve25519_dalek_ng::edwards::CompressedEdwardsY; +use curve25519_dalek_ng::edwards::EdwardsPoint; + +/// Emits ED_DECOMPRESS syscall. +fn main() { + let mut bytes1: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; + for i in 0..32 { + bytes1[i] = 3; + } + let compressed1 = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes1); + let point1 = compressed1.decompress().unwrap(); + + let scalar1 = curve25519_dalek_ng::scalar::Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order([0u8; 32]); + let scalar2 = curve25519_dalek_ng::scalar::Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order([0u8; 32]); + let result = EdwardsPoint::vartime_double_scalar_mul_basepoint(&scalar1, &point1, &scalar2); + println!("{:?}", result.compress()); +} diff --git a/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek-ng/program/bin/zero_mul.rs b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek-ng/program/bin/zero_mul.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..81158a7c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek-ng/program/bin/zero_mul.rs @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +use curve25519_dalek_ng::edwards::CompressedEdwardsY; +use curve25519_dalek_ng::edwards::EdwardsPoint; + +/// Emits ED_DECOMPRESS syscall. +fn main() { + let mut bytes1: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; + for i in 0..32 { + bytes1[i] = 3; + } + let compressed1 = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes1); + let point1 = compressed1.decompress().unwrap(); + + let scalar1 = curve25519_dalek_ng::scalar::Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order([0u8; 32]); + let result = point1 * &scalar1; + println!("{:?}", result.compress()); +} diff --git a/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek-ng/src/lib.rs b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek-ng/src/lib.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8ecf29c4a --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek-ng/src/lib.rs @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("curve25519_ng_decompress", prove)] +fn test_decompressed_noncanonical( + _stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin, +) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use curve25519_dalek_ng::edwards::CompressedEdwardsY; + + // non-canonical point + let mut bytes: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; + for i in 0..32 { + bytes[i] = 255; + } + bytes[0] = 253; + bytes[31] = 127; + let compressed = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes); + println!("{:?}", compressed.decompress()); + + // y = 0 with sign off + let bytes: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; + let compressed = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes); + println!("{:?}", compressed.decompress()); + + // y = 0 with sign on + let mut bytes: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; + bytes[31] = 128; + let compressed = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes); + println!("{:?}", compressed.decompress()); + + // x = 0 with sign off + let mut bytes: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; + bytes[0] = 1; + let compressed = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes); + println!("{:?}", compressed.decompress()); + + // x = 0 with sign on + let mut bytes: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; + bytes[0] = 1; + bytes[31] = 128; + let compressed = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes); + println!("{:?}", compressed.decompress()); + + // x = 0 with sign off + let mut bytes: [u8; 32] = [255u8; 32]; + bytes[0] = 255 - 19; + bytes[31] = 127; + let compressed = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes); + println!("{:?}", compressed.decompress()); + + // x = 0 with sign on + let mut bytes: [u8; 32] = [255u8; 32]; + bytes[0] = 255 - 19; + let compressed = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes); + println!("{:?}", compressed.decompress()); + + move |_| {} +} + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("curve25519_ng_add_then_multiply", prove)] +fn test_add_then_multiply(stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use curve25519_dalek_ng::edwards::CompressedEdwardsY; + use curve25519_dalek_ng::scalar::Scalar; + + let times = 100u16; + stdin.write(&{ times }); + + let mut result_vec = Vec::with_capacity(times as usize); + + for _ in 0..times { + let bytes1 = rand::random::<[u8; 32]>(); + let bytes2 = rand::random::<[u8; 32]>(); + let scalar = rand::random::<[u8; 32]>(); + stdin.write(&bytes1); + stdin.write(&bytes2); + stdin.write(&scalar); + + let compressed1 = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes1); + let point1 = compressed1.decompress(); + let compressed2 = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes2); + let point2 = compressed2.decompress(); + + if point1.is_some() && point2.is_some() { + let point = point1.unwrap() + point2.unwrap(); + let scalar = Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order(scalar); + let result = point * scalar; + result_vec.push(result.compress().to_bytes()); + } else { + result_vec.push(compressed1.to_bytes()); + } + } + + move |mut public| { + for (i, expected_result) in result_vec.into_iter().enumerate() { + let patch_result = public.read::<[u8; 32]>(); + + assert_eq!(patch_result, expected_result); + } + } +} + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("curve25519_ng_zero_msm", prove)] +fn test_zero_msm(stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use curve25519_dalek_ng::edwards::CompressedEdwardsY; + use curve25519_dalek_ng::edwards::EdwardsPoint; + + let bytes1: [u8; 32] = [3; 32]; + + let compressed1 = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes1); + let point1 = compressed1.decompress().unwrap(); + + let scalar1 = curve25519_dalek_ng::scalar::Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order([0u8; 32]); + let scalar2 = curve25519_dalek_ng::scalar::Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order([0u8; 32]); + let result = EdwardsPoint::vartime_double_scalar_mul_basepoint(&scalar1, &point1, &scalar2); + println!("{:?}", result.compress()); + + move |_| {} +} + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("curve25519_ng_zero_mul", prove)] +fn test_zero_mul(stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use curve25519_dalek_ng::edwards::CompressedEdwardsY; + + + let bytes1: [u8; 32] = [3; 32]; + let compressed1 = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes1); + let point1 = compressed1.decompress().unwrap(); + + let scalar1 = curve25519_dalek_ng::scalar::Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order([0u8; 32]); + let result = point1 * &scalar1; + println!("{:?}", result.compress()); + + move |_| {} +} diff --git a/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek/Cargo.toml b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek/Cargo.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f8aca199b --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +[package] +name = "curve25519-dalek" +version.workspace = true +edition.workspace = true +publish.workspace = true + +[dependencies] +sp1-sdk = { workspace = true } +curve25519-dalek = { workspace = true } +sp1-test = { workspace = true } +ed25519-dalek.workspace = true +rand.workspace = true + +[features] +prove = [] +gpu = ["sp1-sdk/cuda"] + +[build-dependencies] +sp1-build = { workspace = true } diff --git a/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek/build.rs b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek/build.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..aad7727c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek/build.rs @@ 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+# Temporarily pinning to a specific version of ed25519-dalek to avoid a build failure +sp1-lib = { path = "../../../crates/zkvm/lib" } diff --git a/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek/program/bin/add_then_multiply.rs b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek/program/bin/add_then_multiply.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5172b8578 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek/program/bin/add_then_multiply.rs @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +use curve25519_dalek::edwards::CompressedEdwardsY; +use curve25519_dalek::scalar::Scalar; + +/// Emits ED_DECOMPRESS syscall. +fn main() { + let times = sp1_zkvm::io::read::(); + for _ in 0..times { + let bytes1: [u8; 32] = sp1_zkvm::io::read(); + let bytes2: [u8; 32] = sp1_zkvm::io::read(); + let scalar: [u8; 32] = sp1_zkvm::io::read(); + + let compressed1 = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes1); + let point1 = compressed1.decompress(); + let compressed2 = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes2); + let point2 = compressed2.decompress(); + + if point1.is_some() && point2.is_some() { + let point = point1.unwrap() + point2.unwrap(); + let scalar = Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order(scalar); + let result = point * scalar; + sp1_zkvm::io::commit(result.compress().as_bytes()); + } else { + sp1_zkvm::io::commit(compressed1.as_bytes()); + } + } +} diff --git a/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek/program/bin/decompress.rs b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek/program/bin/decompress.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5cba0995d --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek/program/bin/decompress.rs @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +use curve25519_dalek::edwards::CompressedEdwardsY; + +/// Emits ED_DECOMPRESS syscall. +fn main() { + let times: usize = sp1_zkvm::io::read(); + + for i in 0..times { + println!("Decompressing the {i}th point"); + let compressed: CompressedEdwardsY = sp1_zkvm::io::read(); + let decompressed = compressed.decompress(); + + sp1_zkvm::io::commit(&decompressed); + } +} diff --git a/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek/program/bin/verify.rs b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek/program/bin/verify.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5e612b77c --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek/program/bin/verify.rs @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +use ed25519_dalek::{ + Signature, Verifier, VerifyingKey, +}; + +/// Emits ED_ADD and ED_DECOMPRESS syscalls. +pub fn main() { + let times = sp1_zkvm::io::read::(); + + for _ in 0..times { + let (msg, vk, sig) = sp1_zkvm::io::read::<(Vec, VerifyingKey, Signature)>(); + + sp1_zkvm::io::commit(&vk.verify(&msg, &sig).is_ok()); + } +} diff --git a/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek/program/bin/zero_msm.rs b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek/program/bin/zero_msm.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bc871581b --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek/program/bin/zero_msm.rs @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +use curve25519_dalek::edwards::CompressedEdwardsY; +use curve25519_dalek::edwards::EdwardsPoint; + +/// Emits ED_DECOMPRESS syscall. +fn main() { + let mut bytes1: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; + for i in 0..32 { + bytes1[i] = 3; + } + let compressed1 = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes1); + let point1 = compressed1.decompress().unwrap(); + + let scalar1 = curve25519_dalek::scalar::Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order([0u8; 32]); + let scalar2 = curve25519_dalek::scalar::Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order([0u8; 32]); + let result = EdwardsPoint::vartime_double_scalar_mul_basepoint(&scalar1, &point1, &scalar2); + println!("{:?}", result.compress()); +} diff --git a/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek/program/bin/zero_mul.rs b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek/program/bin/zero_mul.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..52aec7b2c --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek/program/bin/zero_mul.rs @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +use curve25519_dalek::edwards::CompressedEdwardsY; +use curve25519_dalek::edwards::EdwardsPoint; + +/// Emits ED_DECOMPRESS syscall. +fn main() { + let mut bytes1: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; + for i in 0..32 { + bytes1[i] = 3; + } + let compressed1 = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes1); + let point1 = compressed1.decompress().unwrap(); + + let scalar1 = curve25519_dalek::scalar::Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order([0u8; 32]); + let result = point1 * &scalar1; + println!("{:?}", result.compress()); +} diff --git a/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek/src/lib.rs b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek/src/lib.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b7cadbf99 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/curve25519-dalek/src/lib.rs @@ -0,0 +1,200 @@ +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("curve25519_decompress")] +fn test_decompressed_expected_value( + stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin, +) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use curve25519_dalek::edwards::CompressedEdwardsY; + use curve25519_dalek::edwards::EdwardsPoint; + use rand::distributions::Distribution; + use rand::distributions::WeightedIndex; + use sp1_test::DEFAULT_CORPUS_COUNT; + + let dist = rand::distributions::WeightedIndex::new([9_usize, 1]).unwrap(); + + /// Flips a bit in the compressed point with probability 0.1. + /// + /// Returns true if a bit was flipped. With probability .5 this is not a valid compressed point. + fn bork_point(compressed: &mut CompressedEdwardsY, dist: &WeightedIndex) -> bool { + if dist.sample(&mut rand::thread_rng()) == 1 { + let bit = 1 << 2; + compressed.0[0] ^= bit; + + return true; + } + + false + } + + let how_many_points = DEFAULT_CORPUS_COUNT as usize; + stdin.write(&how_many_points); + + let mut decompress_outputs = Vec::new(); + while decompress_outputs.len() < how_many_points { + let rand_scalar = curve25519_dalek::scalar::Scalar::random(&mut rand::thread_rng()); + let rand_point = EdwardsPoint::mul_base(&rand_scalar); + let mut compressed = rand_point.compress(); + + if bork_point(&mut compressed, &dist) { + // if point has been borked lets just make it cant be decompressed. + if compressed.decompress().is_some() { + continue; + } + + decompress_outputs.push(None); + } else { + decompress_outputs.push(compressed.decompress()); + } + + stdin.write(&compressed); + } + + assert!( + decompress_outputs.iter().any(|x| x.is_none()), + "Expected at least one decompressed point to be None" + ); + + move |mut public| { + for decompressed in decompress_outputs { + assert_eq!(decompressed, public.read::>()); + } + } +} + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("curve25519_decompress")] +fn test_decompressed_noncanonical( + stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin, +) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use curve25519_dalek::edwards::CompressedEdwardsY; + use curve25519_dalek::edwards::EdwardsPoint; + + + + + let how_many_points = 1_usize; + stdin.write(&how_many_points); + + let mut decompress_outputs = Vec::new(); + while decompress_outputs.len() < how_many_points { + let mut bytes: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; + for i in 0..32 { + bytes[i] = 255; + } + bytes[0] = 253; + bytes[31] = 127; + let compressed = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes); + decompress_outputs.push(compressed.decompress()); + stdin.write(&compressed); + } + + move |mut public| { + for decompressed in decompress_outputs { + let public_val = public.read::>(); + assert!(public_val.is_none()); + assert!(decompressed.is_some()); + + // assert_eq!(decompressed, public_val); + } + } +} + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("ed25519_verify")] +fn test_ed25519_verify(stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use ed25519_dalek::Signer; + + let how_many_signatures = sp1_test::DEFAULT_CORPUS_COUNT as usize; + stdin.write(&how_many_signatures); + + for _ in 0..how_many_signatures { + let msg_len = rand::random::().min(1000); + + println!("Generating a message of length {}", msg_len); + + let msg = (0..msg_len).map(|_| rand::random::()).collect::>(); + let sk = ed25519_dalek::SigningKey::generate(&mut rand::thread_rng()); + + let sig = sk.sign(&msg); + + stdin.write(&(msg, sk.verifying_key(), sig)); + } + + move |mut public| { + for _ in 0..how_many_signatures { + assert!(public.read::()); + } + } +} + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("curve25519_add_then_multiply", prove)] +fn test_add_then_multiply(stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use curve25519_dalek::edwards::CompressedEdwardsY; + use curve25519_dalek::scalar::Scalar; + + let times = 100u16; + stdin.write(&{ times }); + + let mut result_vec = Vec::with_capacity(times as usize); + + for _ in 0..times { + let bytes1 = rand::random::<[u8; 32]>(); + let bytes2 = rand::random::<[u8; 32]>(); + let scalar = rand::random::<[u8; 32]>(); + stdin.write(&bytes1); + stdin.write(&bytes2); + stdin.write(&scalar); + + let compressed1 = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes1); + let point1 = compressed1.decompress(); + let compressed2 = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes2); + let point2 = compressed2.decompress(); + + if point1.is_some() && point2.is_some() { + let point = point1.unwrap() + point2.unwrap(); + let scalar = Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order(scalar); + let result = point * scalar; + result_vec.push(result.compress().to_bytes()); + } else { + result_vec.push(compressed1.to_bytes()); + } + } + + move |mut public| { + for (i, expected_result) in result_vec.into_iter().enumerate() { + let patch_result = public.read::<[u8; 32]>(); + + assert_eq!(patch_result, expected_result); + } + } +} + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("curve25519_zero_msm", prove)] +fn test_zero_msm(stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use curve25519_dalek::edwards::CompressedEdwardsY; + use curve25519_dalek::edwards::EdwardsPoint; + + let bytes1: [u8; 32] = [3; 32]; + + let compressed1 = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes1); + let point1 = compressed1.decompress().unwrap(); + + let scalar1 = curve25519_dalek::scalar::Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order([0u8; 32]); + let scalar2 = curve25519_dalek::scalar::Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order([0u8; 32]); + let result = EdwardsPoint::vartime_double_scalar_mul_basepoint(&scalar1, &point1, &scalar2); + println!("{:?}", result.compress()); + + move |_| {} +} + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("curve25519_zero_mul", prove)] +fn test_zero_mul(stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use curve25519_dalek::edwards::CompressedEdwardsY; + + let bytes1: [u8; 32] = [3; 32]; + + let compressed1 = CompressedEdwardsY(bytes1); + let point1 = compressed1.decompress().unwrap(); + + let scalar1 = curve25519_dalek::scalar::Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order([0u8; 32]); + let result = point1 * scalar1; + println!("{:?}", result.compress()); + + move |_| {} +} diff --git a/patch-testing/k256/Cargo.toml b/patch-testing/k256/Cargo.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5ad47abda --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/k256/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +[package] +name = "k256" +version.workspace = true +edition.workspace = true +publish.workspace = true + +[dependencies] +sp1-zkvm = { workspace = true } +sp1-sdk = { workspace = true } +k256 = { workspace = true } +hex-literal = { workspace = true } +ecdsa-core = { workspace = true } +rand = { workspace = true } +sp1-test = { workspace = true } + +[features] +prove = [] +gpu = ["sp1-sdk/cuda"] + 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+fn inner() -> Option { + let (message, signature, recid_byte): (Vec, Signature, u8) = sp1_zkvm::io::read(); + let recid = RecoveryId::from_byte(recid_byte).unwrap(); + + VerifyingKey::recover_from_prehash(&message, &signature, recid).ok() +} diff --git a/patch-testing/k256/program/bin/verify.rs b/patch-testing/k256/program/bin/verify.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..10858cda4 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/k256/program/bin/verify.rs @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +use ecdsa_core::signature::Verifier; +use k256::ecdsa::{Signature, VerifyingKey}; + +pub fn main() { + let times = sp1_zkvm::io::read::(); + + for _ in 0..times { + sp1_zkvm::io::commit(&inner()); + } +} + +fn inner() -> bool { + let (message, signature, vkey_bytes): (Vec, Signature, Vec) = sp1_zkvm::io::read(); + let vkey = VerifyingKey::from_sec1_bytes(&vkey_bytes).unwrap(); + + vkey.verify(&message, &signature).is_ok() +} diff --git a/patch-testing/k256/src/lib.rs 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&mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin, +) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use k256::{ + ecdsa::{SigningKey, VerifyingKey}, + elliptic_curve::rand_core::OsRng, + }; + + let times = rand::random::().min(100); + stdin.write(&(times as u16)); + + let mut vkeys = Vec::with_capacity(times as usize); + for _ in 0..times { + let signing_key = SigningKey::random(&mut OsRng); + let vkey = *signing_key.verifying_key(); + vkeys.push(vkey); + + let message = rand::random::<[u8; 32]>(); + let (sig, recid) = signing_key.sign_prehash_recoverable(&message).unwrap(); + + assert_eq!(vkey, VerifyingKey::recover_from_prehash(&message, &sig, recid).unwrap()); + + stdin.write(&(message.to_vec(), sig, recid.to_byte())); + } + + move |mut public| { + for (i, vkey) in vkeys.into_iter().enumerate() { + let key = public.read::>>(); + + assert_eq!(key, Some(vkey.to_sec1_bytes().to_vec())); + } + } +} + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("k256_recover")] +pub fn test_recover_high_hash_high_recid( + stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin, +) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use ecdsa_core::RecoveryId; + use k256::{ + ecdsa::Signature, ecdsa::VerifyingKey, + }; + + let times = 10000u16; + stdin.write(×); + + let mut vkeys = Vec::with_capacity(times as usize); + let cnt = 0; + for idx in 0..times { + let mut signature_bytes = [0u8; 64]; + for i in 16..64 { + signature_bytes[i] = rand::random::(); + } + signature_bytes[15] = rand::random::() % 2; + let mut message = rand::random::<[u8; 32]>(); + for i in 0..15 { + message[i] = 255; + } + message[15] = 254; + let recid_byte = rand::random::() % 4; + if recid_byte < 2 { + for i in 0..16 { + signature_bytes[i] = rand::random::(); + } + } + let recid = RecoveryId::from_byte(recid_byte).unwrap(); + let signature = Signature::from_slice(&signature_bytes).unwrap(); + + let recovered_key = VerifyingKey::recover_from_prehash(&message, &signature, recid); + + stdin.write(&(message.to_vec(), signature, recid.to_byte())); + vkeys.push(recovered_key.ok().map(|vk| vk.to_sec1_bytes().to_vec())); + } + + move |mut public| { + let mut fail_count = 0; + for (i, vkey) in vkeys.into_iter().enumerate() { + let key = public.read::>>(); + + assert_eq!(key, vkey); + + if key.is_none() { + fail_count += 1; + } + } + + println!("fail {} / 10000", fail_count); + } +} + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("k256_recover", gpu, prove)] +pub fn test_recover_pubkey_infinity( + stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin, +) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use ecdsa_core::RecoveryId; + use k256::{ + ecdsa::Signature, ecdsa::VerifyingKey, + }; + + let times = 3u16; + stdin.write(×); + + let mut vkeys = Vec::with_capacity(times as usize); + let msg1: [u8; 32] = [ + 121, 190, 102, 126, 249, 220, 187, 172, 85, 160, 98, 149, 206, 135, 11, 7, 2, 155, 252, + 219, 45, 206, 40, 217, 89, 242, 129, 91, 22, 248, 23, 152, + ]; + + let r1: [u8; 32] = [ + 121, 190, 102, 126, 249, 220, 187, 172, 85, 160, 98, 149, 206, 135, 11, 7, 2, 155, 252, + 219, 45, 206, 40, 217, 89, 242, 129, 91, 22, 248, 23, 152, + ]; + let msg2: [u8; 32] = [ + 140, 8, 255, 40, 131, 218, 250, 218, 96, 138, 128, 221, 43, 128, 249, 177, 254, 64, 63, + 176, 106, 149, 217, 19, 151, 133, 180, 229, 232, 170, 252, 137, + ]; + + let r2: [u8; 32] = [ + 198, 4, 127, 148, 65, 237, 125, 109, 48, 69, 64, 110, 149, 192, 124, 216, 92, 119, 142, 75, + 140, 239, 60, 167, 171, 172, 9, 185, 92, 112, 158, 229, + ]; + + let msg3: [u8; 32] = [ + 235, 145, 158, 4, 183, 10, 73, 48, 219, 156, 238, 145, 233, 215, 246, 127, 170, 55, 159, 3, + 43, 189, 140, 154, 18, 97, 22, 33, 150, 52, 34, 105, + ]; + + let r3: [u8; 32] = [ + 249, 48, 138, 1, 146, 88, 195, 16, 73, 52, 79, 133, 248, 157, 82, 41, 181, 49, 200, 69, + 131, 111, 153, 176, 134, 1, 241, 19, 188, 224, 54, 249, + ]; + + for (idx, (msg, r)) in [(msg1, r1), (msg2, r2), (msg3, r3)].iter().enumerate() { + let mut signature_bytes = [0u8; 64]; + for i in 0..32 { + signature_bytes[i] = r[i]; + signature_bytes[i + 32] = r[i]; + } + let recid = RecoveryId::from_byte(0u8).unwrap(); + let signature = Signature::from_slice(&signature_bytes).unwrap(); + let recovered_key = VerifyingKey::recover_from_prehash(msg, &signature, recid); + stdin.write(&(msg.to_vec(), signature, recid.to_byte())); + vkeys.push(recovered_key.ok().map(|vk| vk.to_sec1_bytes().to_vec())); + } + move |mut public| { + let fail_count = 0; + for (i, vkey) in vkeys.into_iter().enumerate() { + let key = public.read::>>(); + assert_eq!(key, vkey); + assert!(key.is_none()); + assert!(vkey.is_none()); + } + } +} diff --git a/patch-testing/keccak/Cargo.toml b/patch-testing/keccak/Cargo.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..05b6e38d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/keccak/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +[package] +name = "keccack" +version.workspace = true +edition.workspace = true +publish.workspace = true + +[dependencies] +sp1-zkvm = { workspace = true } +sp1-sdk = { workspace = true } +tiny-keccak = { workspace = true } +rand = { workspace = true } +sp1-test = 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+1,20 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +use ecdsa_core::signature::Verifier; +use p256::ecdsa::{Signature, VerifyingKey}; + +pub fn main() { + let times = sp1_zkvm::io::read::(); + + for _ in 0..times { + sp1_zkvm::io::commit(&inner()); + } +} + +fn inner() -> bool { + let (message, signature, vkey_bytes): (Vec, Signature, Vec) = sp1_zkvm::io::read(); + let vkey = VerifyingKey::from_sec1_bytes(&vkey_bytes).unwrap(); + + vkey.verify(&message, &signature).is_ok() +} diff --git a/patch-testing/p256/src/lib.rs b/patch-testing/p256/src/lib.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f2ce01a0b --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/p256/src/lib.rs @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("p256_verify", gpu, prove)] +pub fn test_verify_rand_lte_100( + stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin, +) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use p256::{ecdsa::SigningKey, elliptic_curve::rand_core::OsRng}; + + let times = rand::random::().min(100); + stdin.write(×); + + for _ in 0..times { + let signing_key = SigningKey::random(&mut OsRng); + let vkey = signing_key.verifying_key().to_sec1_bytes(); + + let message = rand::random::<[u8; 32]>(); + let (sig, _) = signing_key.sign_recoverable(&message).unwrap(); + + stdin.write(&(message.to_vec(), sig, vkey)); + } + + move |mut public| { + for _ in 0..times { + assert!(public.read::()) + } + } +} + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("p256_recover", gpu, prove)] +pub fn test_recover_rand_lte_100( + stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin, +) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use p256::{ecdsa::SigningKey, elliptic_curve::rand_core::OsRng}; + + let times = rand::random::().min(100); + stdin.write(&(times as u16)); + + let mut vkeys = Vec::with_capacity(times as usize); + for _ in 0..times { + let signing_key = SigningKey::random(&mut OsRng); + let vkey = *signing_key.verifying_key(); + vkeys.push(vkey); + + let message = rand::random::<[u8; 32]>(); + let (sig, recid) = signing_key.sign_prehash_recoverable(&message).unwrap(); + + stdin.write(&(message.to_vec(), sig, recid.to_byte())); + } + + move |mut public| { + for (i, vkey) in vkeys.into_iter().enumerate() { + let key = public.read::>>(); + + assert_eq!(key, Some(vkey.to_sec1_bytes().to_vec())); + } + } +} + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("p256_recover")] +pub fn test_recover_high_hash_high_recid( + stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin, +) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use ecdsa_core::RecoveryId; + use p256::{ + ecdsa::Signature, ecdsa::VerifyingKey, + }; + + let times = 10000u16; + stdin.write(×); + + let mut vkeys = Vec::with_capacity(times as usize); + let cnt = 0; + for idx in 0..times { + let mut signature_bytes = [0u8; 64]; + for i in 16..64 { + signature_bytes[i] = rand::random::(); + } + let mut message = rand::random::<[u8; 32]>(); + for i in 0..4 { + message[i] = 255; + } + let recid_byte = rand::random::() % 4; + if recid_byte < 2 { + for i in 0..16 { + signature_bytes[i] = rand::random::(); + } + } + let recid = RecoveryId::from_byte(recid_byte).unwrap(); + let signature = Signature::from_slice(&signature_bytes).unwrap(); + + let recovered_key = VerifyingKey::recover_from_prehash(&message, &signature, recid); + + stdin.write(&(message.to_vec(), signature, recid.to_byte())); + vkeys.push(recovered_key.ok().map(|vk| vk.to_sec1_bytes().to_vec())); + } + + move |mut public| { + let mut fail_count = 0; + for (i, vkey) in vkeys.into_iter().enumerate() { + let key = public.read::>>(); + + assert_eq!(key, vkey); + + if key.is_none() { + fail_count += 1; + } + } + + println!("fail {} / 10000", fail_count); + } +} + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("p256_recover", gpu, prove)] +pub fn test_recover_pubkey_infinity( + stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin, +) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use ecdsa_core::RecoveryId; + use p256::{ + ecdsa::Signature, ecdsa::VerifyingKey, + }; + + let times = 3u16; + stdin.write(×); + + let mut vkeys = Vec::with_capacity(times as usize); + let msg1: [u8; 32] = [ + 107, 23, 209, 242, 225, 44, 66, 71, 248, 188, 230, 229, 99, 164, 64, 242, 119, 3, 125, 129, + 45, 235, 51, 160, 244, 161, 57, 69, 216, 152, 194, 150, + ]; + let r1: [u8; 32] = [ + 107, 23, 209, 242, 225, 44, 66, 71, 248, 188, 230, 229, 99, 164, 64, 242, 119, 3, 125, 129, + 45, 235, 51, 160, 244, 161, 57, 69, 216, 152, 194, 150, + ]; + let msg2: [u8; 32] = [ + 249, 228, 246, 49, 26, 6, 158, 253, 20, 164, 112, 6, 9, 106, 53, 135, 129, 18, 211, 196, + 239, 228, 54, 107, 76, 22, 145, 248, 142, 205, 50, 240, + ]; + let r2: [u8; 32] = [ + 124, 242, 123, 24, 141, 3, 79, 126, 138, 82, 56, 3, 4, 181, 26, 195, 192, 137, 105, 226, + 119, 242, 27, 53, 166, 11, 72, 252, 71, 102, 153, 120, + ]; + let msg3: [u8; 32] = [ + 28, 99, 174, 117, 242, 153, 30, 205, 90, 231, 206, 191, 87, 227, 212, 49, 247, 109, 42, + 184, 39, 241, 94, 12, 254, 10, 103, 144, 88, 84, 210, 243, + ]; + let r3: [u8; 32] = [ + 94, 203, 228, 209, 166, 51, 10, 68, 200, 247, 239, 149, 29, 75, 241, 101, 230, 198, 183, + 33, 239, 173, 169, 133, 251, 65, 102, 27, 198, 231, 253, 108, + ]; + + for (idx, (msg, r)) in [(msg1, r1), (msg2, r2), (msg3, r3)].iter().enumerate() { + let mut signature_bytes = [0u8; 64]; + for i in 0..32 { + signature_bytes[i] = r[i]; + signature_bytes[i + 32] = r[i]; + } + let recid = if idx == 2 { 0u8 } else { 1u8 }; + let recid = RecoveryId::from_byte(recid).unwrap(); + let signature = Signature::from_slice(&signature_bytes).unwrap(); + let recovered_key = VerifyingKey::recover_from_prehash(msg, &signature, recid); + stdin.write(&(msg.to_vec(), signature, recid.to_byte())); + vkeys.push(recovered_key.ok().map(|vk| vk.to_sec1_bytes().to_vec())); + } + move |mut public| { + let fail_count = 0; + for (i, vkey) in vkeys.into_iter().enumerate() { + let key = public.read::>>(); + assert_eq!(key, vkey); + assert!(key.is_none()); + assert!(vkey.is_none()); + } + } +} diff --git a/patch-testing/rustcrypto-bigint/Cargo.toml b/patch-testing/rustcrypto-bigint/Cargo.toml new file mode 100644 index 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"9CC24C5DF431A864188AB905AC751B727C9447A8E99E6366E1AD78A21E8D882B" + ); + + for _ in 0..times { + let a: u64 = sp1_lib::io::read::(); + let b: u64 = sp1_lib::io::read::(); + let a = U256::from(a); + let b = U256::from(b); + let a_residue = const_residue!(a, Modulus); + let b_residue = const_residue!(b, Modulus); + + let result = a_residue * b_residue + a_residue; + + sp1_lib::io::commit(&result.retrieve().to_be_bytes().to_vec()); + } +} diff --git a/patch-testing/rustcrypto-bigint/program/bin/mul_mod_special.rs b/patch-testing/rustcrypto-bigint/program/bin/mul_mod_special.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5f73dfec7 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/rustcrypto-bigint/program/bin/mul_mod_special.rs @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +use crypto_bigint::{Encoding, Limb, Uint}; + +pub fn main() { + let times = sp1_lib::io::read::(); + + for _ in 0..times { + let a: [u32; 8] = sp1_lib::io::read::>().try_into().unwrap(); + let b: [u32; 8] = sp1_lib::io::read::>().try_into().unwrap(); + let a = Uint::<8>::from_words(a); + let b = Uint::<8>::from_words(b); + + let c: u32 = 356u32; + let c = Limb(c); + let result = a.mul_mod_special(&b, c); + + sp1_lib::io::commit(&result.to_be_bytes().to_vec()); + } +} diff --git a/patch-testing/rustcrypto-bigint/src/lib.rs b/patch-testing/rustcrypto-bigint/src/lib.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d57c5abb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/rustcrypto-bigint/src/lib.rs @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("bigint_test_mul_mod_special", gpu, prove)] +pub fn test_bigint_mul_mod_special( + stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin, +) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use crypto_bigint::{Encoding, Limb, Uint}; + + let times: u8 = 255; + stdin.write(×); + + let mut unpatched_results: Vec> = Vec::new(); + + while unpatched_results.len() < times as usize { + let a_bytes = rand::random::<[u32; 8]>(); + let b_bytes = rand::random::<[u32; 8]>(); + + stdin.write(&a_bytes.to_vec()); + stdin.write(&b_bytes.to_vec()); + + let a_bytes_64 = unsafe { std::mem::transmute::<[u32; 8], [u64; 4]>(a_bytes) }; + let b_bytes_64 = unsafe { std::mem::transmute::<[u32; 8], [u64; 4]>(b_bytes) }; + let a = Uint::<4>::from_words(a_bytes_64); + let b = Uint::<4>::from_words(b_bytes_64); + + let c = 356u64; + let c = Limb(c); + let result = a.mul_mod_special(&b, c); + + unpatched_results.push(result.to_be_bytes().to_vec()); + } + + |mut public| { + for res in unpatched_results { + let zk_res = public.read::>(); + assert_eq!(res, zk_res); + } + } +} + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("bigint_test_mul_add_residue", gpu, prove)] +pub fn test_bigint_mul_add_residue( + stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin, +) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + use crypto_bigint::modular::constant_mod::ResidueParams; + use crypto_bigint::{const_residue, impl_modulus, Encoding, U256}; + + impl_modulus!( + Modulus, + U256, + "9CC24C5DF431A864188AB905AC751B727C9447A8E99E6366E1AD78A21E8D882B" + ); + + let times: u8 = 255; + stdin.write(×); + + let mut unpatched_results: Vec> = Vec::new(); + + while unpatched_results.len() < times as usize { + let a = rand::random::(); + let b = rand::random::(); + stdin.write(&a); + stdin.write(&b); + + let a_uint = U256::from(a); + let b_uint = U256::from(b); + let a_residue = const_residue!(a_uint, Modulus); + let b_residue = const_residue!(b_uint, Modulus); + + let result = a_residue * b_residue + a_residue; + + unpatched_results.push(result.retrieve().to_be_bytes().to_vec()); + } + + |mut public| { + for res in unpatched_results { + let zk_res = public.read::>(); + assert_eq!(res, zk_res); + } + } +} diff --git a/patch-testing/secp256k1/Cargo.toml b/patch-testing/secp256k1/Cargo.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..85e3f3ddd --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/secp256k1/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +[package] +name = "secp256k1-program" +version.workspace = true +edition.workspace = true +publish.workspace = true + +[dependencies] +sp1-sdk = { workspace = 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sp1_zkvm::io::read(); + let msg = sp1_zkvm::io::read_vec(); + let sig: [u8; 64] = sp1_zkvm::io::read_vec().try_into().unwrap(); + + let recid= RecoveryId::from_i32(recid).unwrap(); + let message = Message::from_digest_slice(&msg).unwrap(); + let sig = RecoverableSignature::from_compact(&sig, recid).unwrap(); + + let secp = Secp256k1::new(); + let recovered = secp.recover_ecdsa(&message, &sig); + + recovered.ok() +} diff --git a/patch-testing/secp256k1/program/bin/verify.rs b/patch-testing/secp256k1/program/bin/verify.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3cd862d19 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/secp256k1/program/bin/verify.rs @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +use secp256k1::{ + ecdsa::Signature, + Message, PublicKey, +}; + +pub fn main() { + let times = sp1_zkvm::io::read::(); + + for i in 0..times { + println!("{}", i); + sp1_zkvm::io::commit(&inner_verify()); + } +} + +fn inner_verify() -> bool { + let msg_digest = sp1_zkvm::io::read_vec(); + let signature = sp1_zkvm::io::read_vec(); + + let message = Message::from_digest_slice(&msg_digest).unwrap(); + let signature = Signature::from_der(&signature).unwrap(); + let pubkey = sp1_zkvm::io::read::(); + + let secp = secp256k1::Secp256k1::new(); + + secp.verify_ecdsa(&message, &signature, &pubkey).is_ok() +} diff --git a/patch-testing/secp256k1/src/lib.rs b/patch-testing/secp256k1/src/lib.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e24ecf07f --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/secp256k1/src/lib.rs @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +#[cfg(test)] +use secp256k1::{Message, PublicKey, Secp256k1}; + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("secp256k1_recover")] +fn test_recover_rand_lte_100( + stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin, +) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + let times = rand::random::().min(100); + + stdin.write(×); + + let secp = Secp256k1::new(); + + let mut pubkeys = Vec::with_capacity(times.into()); + for _ in 0..times { + let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); + let (secret, public) = secp.generate_keypair(&mut rng); + + pubkeys.push(public); + + let msg = rand::random::<[u8; 32]>(); + let msg = Message::from_digest_slice(&msg).unwrap(); + + let signature = secp.sign_ecdsa_recoverable(&msg, &secret); + + // Verify that the unpatched version of this function recovers as expected. + assert_eq!(secp.recover_ecdsa(&msg, &signature).unwrap(), public); + + let (recid, sig) = signature.serialize_compact(); + + let recid = recid.to_i32(); + + stdin.write(&recid); + stdin.write(msg.as_ref()); + stdin.write_slice(sig.as_slice()); + } + + move |mut public| { + println!("checking publioc values"); + for key in pubkeys { + assert_eq!(public.read::>(), Some(key)); + } + } +} + +#[sp1_test::sp1_test("secp256k1_verify")] +fn test_verify_rand_lte_100( + stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin, +) -> impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues) { + let times = rand::random::().min(100); + stdin.write(×); + + let secp = Secp256k1::new(); + + for _ in 0..times { + let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); + let (secret, public) = secp.generate_keypair(&mut rng); + + let msg = rand::random::<[u8; 32]>(); + let msg = Message::from_digest_slice(&msg).unwrap(); + + let signature = secp.sign_ecdsa(&msg, &secret); + + // verify the unpatched version of the function verifies as expected + assert!(secp.verify_ecdsa(&msg, &signature, &public).is_ok()); + + let msg = msg.as_ref().to_vec(); + let signature = signature.serialize_der().to_vec(); + + stdin.write_vec(msg); + stdin.write_vec(signature); + stdin.write(&public); + } + + move |mut public| { + for _ in 0..times { + assert!(public.read::()); + } + } +} + +// add cases for fail verify, although its not patched diff --git a/patch-testing/sha/Cargo.toml b/patch-testing/sha/Cargo.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..886cce524 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/sha/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +[package] +name = "sha" +version.workspace = true +edition.workspace = true +publish.workspace = true + +[dependencies] +sp1-zkvm.workspace = true +sp1-sdk.workspace = true + 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+ +[patch.crates-io] +sha3 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/RustCrypto-hashes", package = "sha3", tag = "patch-sha3-0.10.8-sp1-4.0.0" } + +sha2-v0-10-8 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/RustCrypto-hashes", package = "sha2", tag = "patch-sha2-0.10.8-sp1-4.0.0" } +# todo: 0.9.8 is yanked? +sha2-v0-9-9 = { git = "https://github.com/sp1-patches/RustCrypto-hashes", package = "sha2", tag = "sha2-v0.9.9-patch-v1" } diff --git a/patch-testing/sha/program/bin/sha2.rs b/patch-testing/sha/program/bin/sha2.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..71a913dd0 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/sha/program/bin/sha2.rs @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +use sha2_v0_9_8::{Digest as D1, Sha256 as Sha256_9_8}; +use sha2_v0_10_8::{Digest as D2, Sha256 as Sha256_10_8}; + +/// Emits SHA_COMPRESS and SHA_EXTEND syscalls. +pub fn main() { + let times = sp1_zkvm::io::read::(); + + for _ in 0..times { + let preimage = sp1_zkvm::io::read_vec(); + + let mut sha256_9_8 = Sha256_9_8::new(); + sha256_9_8.update(&preimage); + + let mut sha256_10_6 = Sha256_10_8::new(); + sha256_10_6.update(&preimage); + + let output_9_8: [u8; 32] = sha256_9_8.finalize().into(); + let output_10_6: [u8; 32] = sha256_10_6.finalize().into(); + + sp1_zkvm::io::commit(&(output_9_8, output_10_6)); + } +} diff --git a/patch-testing/sha/program/bin/sha3.rs b/patch-testing/sha/program/bin/sha3.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d38b48043 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/sha/program/bin/sha3.rs @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +#![no_main] +sp1_zkvm::entrypoint!(main); + +use sha3::Digest; + +/// Emits SHA_COMPRESS and SHA_EXTEND syscalls. +pub fn main() { + let times = sp1_zkvm::io::read::(); + + for _ in 0..times { + let preimage = sp1_zkvm::io::read_vec(); + + let mut sha3 = sha3::Sha3_256::new(); + + sha3.update(&preimage); + + let digest: [u8; 32] = sha3.finalize().into(); + + sp1_zkvm::io::commit(&digest); + } +} diff --git a/patch-testing/sha/src/lib.rs b/patch-testing/sha/src/lib.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f97c4c07b --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/sha/src/lib.rs @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +#[cfg(test)] +use sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues; +use sp1_test::sp1_test; + +#[sp1_test("sha2", gpu, prove)] +fn test_sha2_expected_digest_lte_100_times( + stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin, +) -> impl FnOnce(SP1PublicValues) { + use sha2_v0_10_6::Digest as D2; + use sha2_v0_9_8::Digest as D1; + + use sp1_test::DEFAULT_CORPUS_COUNT; + use sp1_test::DEFAULT_CORPUS_MAX_LEN; + + let mut preimages = + sp1_test::random_preimages_with_bounded_len(DEFAULT_CORPUS_COUNT, DEFAULT_CORPUS_MAX_LEN); + + sp1_test::add_hash_fn_edge_cases(&mut preimages); + + let digests = preimages + .iter() + .map(|preimage| { + let mut sha256_9_8 = sha2_v0_9_8::Sha256::new(); + sha256_9_8.update(preimage); + + let mut sha256_10_6 = sha2_v0_10_6::Sha256::new(); + sha256_10_6.update(preimage); + + (sha256_9_8.finalize().into(), sha256_10_6.finalize().into()) + }) + .collect::>(); + + // Write the number of preimages to the SP1Stdin + // This should be equal to the number of digests. + stdin.write(&preimages.len()); + preimages.iter().for_each(|preimage| stdin.write_slice(preimage.as_slice())); + + move |mut public| { + for digest in digests { + let committed = public.read::<([u8; 32], [u8; 32])>(); + + assert_eq!(digest, committed); + } + } +} + +#[sp1_test("sha3", gpu, prove)] +fn test_sha3_expected_digest_lte_100_times( + stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin, +) -> impl FnOnce(SP1PublicValues) { + use sha3::Digest; + use sha3::Sha3_256; + + use sp1_test::DEFAULT_CORPUS_COUNT; + use sp1_test::DEFAULT_CORPUS_MAX_LEN; + + let mut preimages: Vec> = + sp1_test::random_preimages_with_bounded_len(DEFAULT_CORPUS_COUNT, DEFAULT_CORPUS_MAX_LEN); + + sp1_test::add_hash_fn_edge_cases(&mut preimages); + + let digests = preimages + .iter() + .map(|preimage| { + let mut sha3 = Sha3_256::new(); + sha3.update(preimage); + + sha3.finalize().into() + }) + .collect::>(); + + // Write the number of preimages to the SP1Stdin + // This should be equal to the number of digests. + stdin.write(&preimages.len()); + preimages.iter().for_each(|preimage| stdin.write_slice(preimage.as_slice())); + + move |mut public| { + for digest in digests { + let committed = public.read::<[u8; 32]>(); + assert_eq!(digest, committed); + } + } +} diff --git a/patch-testing/sp1-test-macro/Cargo.toml b/patch-testing/sp1-test-macro/Cargo.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1a4fec5ce --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/sp1-test-macro/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +[package] +name = "sp1-test-macro" +version = "0.0.1" +description = "The SP1 test macro creates new rust tests for each proof type and prover type." +edition = "2021" + +[lib] +proc-macro = true + +[dependencies] +proc-macro2 = "1.0.92" +quote = "1.0.37" +syn = { version = "2.0", features = ["printing"] } diff --git a/patch-testing/sp1-test-macro/src/attr.rs b/patch-testing/sp1-test-macro/src/attr.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0f46ca7e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/sp1-test-macro/src/attr.rs @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +use proc_macro2::Span; +use syn::{ + parse::{Parse, ParseStream}, + Ident, LitStr, Token, +}; + +#[derive(Debug)] +pub struct AttrOptions(Vec); + +impl AttrOptions { + /// Add a unique option to the list of attribute options. + /// + /// If a duplicate option is found, an error is returned. + pub fn push(&mut self, option: AttrOption, span: Span) -> syn::Result<()> { + if !self.0.iter().any(|o| o.matches(&option)) { + self.0.push(option); + } else { + return Err(syn::Error::new(span, "Duplicate attribute option")); + } + + Ok(()) + } + + pub fn new() -> Self { + AttrOptions(Vec::new()) + } + + pub fn gpu(&self) -> bool { + self.0.iter().any(|o| matches!(o, AttrOption::Gpu)) + } + + pub fn prove(&self) -> bool { + self.0.iter().any(|o| matches!(o, AttrOption::Prove)) + } + + pub fn setup(&self) -> Option<&Ident> { + self.0.iter().find_map( + |o| { + if let AttrOption::Setup(ident) = o { + Some(ident) + } else { + None + } + }, + ) + } + + pub fn elf_name(&self) -> Option<&str> { + self.0.iter().find_map(|o| { + if let AttrOption::Elf(name) = o { + Some(name.as_str()) + } else { + None + } + }) + } +} + +#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] +pub enum AttrOption { + Elf(String), + Prove, + Gpu, + Setup(Ident), +} + +impl AttrOption { + /// Checks if this variant of `AttrOption` matches another. + fn matches(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { + std::mem::discriminant(self) == std::mem::discriminant(other) + } +} + +impl Parse for AttrOptions { + fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result { + if input.is_empty() { + return Err( + input.error("No attribute options provided, expected at least an ELF name.") + ); + } + + let mut options = AttrOptions::new(); + while !input.is_empty() { + let lookahead = input.lookahead1(); + if lookahead.peek(Ident) { + let (span, option) = parse_option(&input)?; + + options.push(option, span)?; + } else if lookahead.peek(LitStr) { + // handle the case where the user just passes in ELF name + let lit_str = input.parse::()?; + options.push(AttrOption::Elf(lit_str.value()), lit_str.span())?; + } else { + return Err(lookahead.error()); + } + + // We still have attributes to parse, and they should be separated by commas + if !input.is_empty() { + input.parse::()?; + } + } + + Ok(options) + } +} + +fn parse_option(input: &ParseStream) -> syn::Result<(Span, AttrOption)> { + let ident = input.parse::()?; + + match ident.to_string().as_str() { + "prove" => Ok((ident.span(), AttrOption::Prove)), + "gpu" => Ok((ident.span(), AttrOption::Gpu)), + "elf" => { + input.parse::()?; + let lit_str = input.parse::()?; + + Ok((lit_str.span(), AttrOption::Elf(lit_str.value()))) + } + "setup" => { + input.parse::()?; + let ident = input.parse::()?; + + Ok((ident.span(), AttrOption::Setup(ident))) + } + _ => { + Err(syn::Error::new(ident.span(), format!("Found Unknown attribute option {}", ident))) + } + } +} diff --git a/patch-testing/sp1-test-macro/src/lib.rs b/patch-testing/sp1-test-macro/src/lib.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..188def369 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/sp1-test-macro/src/lib.rs @@ -0,0 +1,238 @@ +use proc_macro::TokenStream; +use quote::quote; +use syn::parse_macro_input; + +mod attr; + +/// The `sp1_test` attribute is used to define a test case one time, that can be used to test +/// execution, proof types, and the various provers. +/// +/// The accepted attribute arguments are: +/// - [elf = ] "", +/// - [prove], +/// - [gpu]. +/// - [setup = ] +/// +/// Passing in any other arguments will result in a compile error. +/// Tests are broken up into two parts: setup and check. +/// +/// The way this macro handles this is by expecting a function with the following signature: +/// ```rust,ignore +/// fn test_name(stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin) -> impl FnOnce(SP1PublicValues); +/// ``` +/// +/// The body of `test_name` is the "setup", and the returned `FnOnce(SP1PublicValues)` is the +/// "check". +/// +/// Here is a full example of how to use this macro: +/// ```rust,ignore +/// #[sp1_test("sha_256_program")] +/// fn test_expected_digest_rand_times_lte_100_test(stdin: &mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin) -> impl FnOnce(SP1PublicValues) { +/// let times = rand::random::().min(100); +/// +/// let preimages: Vec> = (0..times) +/// .map(|_| { +/// let rand_len = rand::random::(); +/// (0..rand_len).map(|_| rand::random::()).collect::>() +/// }) +/// .collect(); +/// +/// let digests = preimages +/// .iter() +/// .map(|preimage| { +/// let mut sha256_9_8 = sha2_v0_9_8::Sha256::new(); +/// sha256_9_8.update(preimage); +/// +/// let mut sha256_10_6 = sha2_v0_10_6::Sha256::new(); +/// sha256_10_6.update(preimage); +/// +/// (sha256_9_8.finalize().into(), sha256_10_6.finalize().into()) +/// }) +/// .collect::>(); +/// +/// stdin.write(×); +/// preimages.iter().for_each(|preimage| stdin.write_slice(preimage.as_slice())); +/// +/// move |mut public| { +/// let outputs = public.read::>(); +/// assert_eq!(digests, outputs); +/// } +/// } +/// ``` +/// +/// Note: You MUST have sp1-sdk in your dependencies, and you MUST have and to use the `gpu` +/// option, you must have the `cuda` feature enabled on the SDK. +#[proc_macro_attribute] +pub fn sp1_test(attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { + if attr.is_empty() { + return syn::Error::new_spanned( + proc_macro2::TokenStream::new(), + "The SP1 test attribute requires at least an ELF file to be specified", + ) + .to_compile_error() + .into(); + } + + let options = parse_macro_input!(attr as attr::AttrOptions); + + let mut setup_fn = parse_macro_input!(item as syn::ItemFn); + + // try to do some validation here + if setup_fn.sig.inputs.len() != 1 { + return syn::Error::new_spanned( + &setup_fn.sig, + "The SP1 test attribute requires a single argument: `&mut sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin`", + ) + .to_compile_error() + .into(); + } + + if matches!(setup_fn.sig.output, syn::ReturnType::Default) { + return syn::Error::new_spanned( + &setup_fn.sig, + "The SP1 test attribute requires a return type: `impl FnOnce(sp1_sdk::SP1PublicValues)", + ) + .to_compile_error() + .into(); + } + + let test_name = setup_fn.sig.ident.clone(); + let setup_name = + syn::Ident::new(&format!("{}_setup", setup_fn.sig.ident), setup_fn.sig.ident.span()); + setup_fn.sig.ident = setup_name.clone(); + + let elf_name = match options.elf_name() { + Some(elf) => elf, + None => panic!("The SP1 test attribute requires an ELF file to be specified"), + }; + + let bounds_check = quote! { + fn __assert_proper_cb(cb: &F) { + let _ = cb; + } + + __assert_proper_cb(&__macro_internal_cb); + }; + + let maybe_client_setup = options.setup().map(|setup| { + quote! { + fn __asset_proper_setup ::sp1_sdk::ProverClient>(setup: F) { + let _ = setup; + } + + __asset_proper_setup(#setup); + + let __macro_internal_client = #setup(__macro_internal_client); + } + }); + + let verify = quote! { + { + __macro_internal_client.verify(&__macro_internal_proof, &__macro_internal_vk).unwrap(); + } + }; + + let execute_test = quote! { + #[cfg(not(any(feature = "prove", feature = "gpu")))] + #[test] + fn #test_name() { + const __MACRO_INTERNAL_ELF: &[u8] = ::sp1_sdk::include_elf!(#elf_name); + + let mut __macro_internal_stdin = ::sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin::new(); + let __macro_internal_client = &*::sp1_test::SP1_CPU_PROVER; + + #setup_fn + + let __macro_internal_cb = #setup_name(&mut __macro_internal_stdin); + + #bounds_check + + #maybe_client_setup + + let (__macro_internal_public, _) = __macro_internal_client.execute(__MACRO_INTERNAL_ELF, &__macro_internal_stdin).run().unwrap(); + + __macro_internal_cb(__macro_internal_public); + } + }; + + let maybe_prove_test = if options.prove() { + let prove_name = syn::Ident::new(&format!("{}_prove", test_name), test_name.span()); + + let prove_fn = quote! { + #[cfg(feature = "prove")] + #[test] + fn #prove_name() { + use ::sp1_sdk::Prover; + const __MACRO_INTERNAL_ELF: &[u8] = ::sp1_sdk::include_elf!(#elf_name); + + let __macro_internal_client = &*::sp1_test::SP1_CPU_PROVER; + let mut __macro_internal_stdin = ::sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin::new(); + + #setup_fn + + let __macro_internal_cb = #setup_name(&mut __macro_internal_stdin); + + #bounds_check + + let (__macro_internal_pk, __macro_internal_vk) = __macro_internal_client.setup(__MACRO_INTERNAL_ELF); + let __macro_internal_proof = __macro_internal_client.prove(&__macro_internal_pk, &__macro_internal_stdin).compressed().run().unwrap(); + + #verify + + __macro_internal_cb(__macro_internal_proof.public_values); + } + }; + + Some(prove_fn) + } else { + None + }; + + let gpu_prove = if options.gpu() { + let gpu_prove_name = syn::Ident::new(&format!("{}_gpu_prove", test_name), test_name.span()); + + Some(quote! { + #[cfg(feature = "gpu")] + #[test] + fn #gpu_prove_name() { + use ::sp1_sdk::Prover; + const __MACRO_INTERNAL_ELF: &[u8] = ::sp1_sdk::include_elf!(#elf_name); + + // Note: Gpu tests must be ran serially. + // A parking-lot mutex is used internally to avoid priority inversion. + let _lock = ::sp1_test::lock_serial(); + + // Note: We must sleep on gpu tests to wait for Docker cleanup. + std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(5)); + + let __macro_internal_client = ::sp1_sdk::ProverClient::builder().cuda().build(); + let mut __macro_internal_stdin = ::sp1_sdk::SP1Stdin::new(); + + #setup_fn + + let __macro_internal_cb = #setup_name(&mut __macro_internal_stdin); + + #bounds_check + + let (__macro_internal_pk, __macro_internal_vk) = __macro_internal_client.setup(__MACRO_INTERNAL_ELF); + let __macro_internal_proof = __macro_internal_client.prove(&__macro_internal_pk, &__macro_internal_stdin).compressed().run().unwrap(); + + #verify + + __macro_internal_cb(__macro_internal_proof.public_values); + } + }) + } else { + None + }; + + let expanded = quote! { + #execute_test + + #maybe_prove_test + + #gpu_prove + }; + + TokenStream::from(expanded) +} diff --git a/patch-testing/sp1-test/Cargo.toml b/patch-testing/sp1-test/Cargo.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3a601bfe6 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/sp1-test/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +[package] +name = "sp1-test" +version.workspace = true +edition.workspace = true +publish.workspace = true + +[dependencies] +sp1-test-macro.workspace = true +rand.workspace = true +sha2-v0-9-8.workspace = true +parking_lot = "0.12.3" +lazy_static = "1.5.0" +sp1-sdk.workspace = true diff --git a/patch-testing/sp1-test/src/lib.rs b/patch-testing/sp1-test/src/lib.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8e2151714 --- /dev/null +++ b/patch-testing/sp1-test/src/lib.rs @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +/// How many items to generate for the corpus. +pub const DEFAULT_CORPUS_COUNT: u8 = 100; + +/// The maximum length of an item in the corpus, if applicable. +pub const DEFAULT_CORPUS_MAX_LEN: usize = 100; + +pub static SERIAL_LOCK: parking_lot::Mutex<()> = parking_lot::Mutex::new(()); + +pub fn lock_serial() -> parking_lot::MutexGuard<'static, ()> { + SERIAL_LOCK.lock() +} + +lazy_static::lazy_static! { + /// Use a single CPU prover for all tests. + pub static ref SP1_CPU_PROVER: sp1_sdk::cpu::CpuProver = sp1_sdk::cpu::CpuProver::new(); +} + +/// Append common edge cases to the corpus. +/// +/// Like all 0s or all 1s or the empty string. +pub fn add_hash_fn_edge_cases(corpus: &mut Vec>) { + let max_len = DEFAULT_CORPUS_COUNT; + corpus.push(vec![]); + + // push inputs of all 0s + for len in 1..=max_len { + corpus.push(vec![0; len as usize]); + } + + // push inputs of all 255s + for len in 1..=max_len { + corpus.push(vec![255; len as usize]); + } +} + +/// Generate `count` random preimages with bounded length `len`. +pub fn random_preimages_with_bounded_len(count: u8, len: usize) -> Vec> { + use rand::distributions::Distribution; + + (0..count) + .map(|_| { + let len = + rand::distributions::Uniform::new(0_usize, len).sample(&mut rand::thread_rng()); + + (0..len).map(|_| rand::random::()).collect::>() + }) + .collect() +} + +pub fn random_prehash() -> [u8; 32] { + use sha2_v0_9_8::Digest; + + let prehash = rand::random::<[u8; 32]>(); + + let mut sha = sha2_v0_9_8::Sha256::new(); + sha.update(prehash); + + sha.finalize().into() +} + +#[doc(inline)] +pub use sp1_test_macro::sp1_test; diff --git a/rust-toolchain b/rust-toolchain index 67b66852d..c43249772 100644 --- a/rust-toolchain +++ b/rust-toolchain @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ [toolchain] -channel = "1.81.0" +channel = "1.82.0" components = ["llvm-tools", "rustc-dev"] diff --git a/rustfmt.toml b/rustfmt.toml index 21efa865c..68c3c9303 100644 --- a/rustfmt.toml +++ b/rustfmt.toml @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ reorder_imports = true -# imports_granularity = "Crate" +imports_granularity = "Crate" use_small_heuristics = "Max" -# comment_width = 100 -# wrap_comments = true -# binop_separator = "Back" -# trailing_comma = "Vertical" -# trailing_semicolon = false +comment_width = 100 +wrap_comments = true +binop_separator = "Back" +trailing_comma = "Vertical" +trailing_semicolon = false use_field_init_shorthand = true -# format_code_in_doc_comments = true -# doc_comment_code_block_width = 100 +format_code_in_doc_comments = true +doc_comment_code_block_width = 100 diff --git a/sp1up/sp1up b/sp1up/sp1up index c5038b59d..374f509f2 100755 --- a/sp1up/sp1up +++ b/sp1up/sp1up @@ -19,27 +19,67 @@ main() { while [[ -n $1 ]]; do case $1 in - --) shift; break;; - - -r|--repo) shift; SP1UP_REPO=$1;; - -b|--branch) shift; SP1UP_BRANCH=$1;; - -v|--version) shift; SP1UP_VERSION=$1;; - -p|--path) shift; SP1UP_LOCAL_REPO=$1;; - -P|--pr) shift; SP1UP_PR=$1;; - -C|--commit) shift; SP1UP_COMMIT=$1;; - -c|--c-toolchain) SP1UP_C_TOOLCHAIN=true;; - --arch) shift; SP1UP_ARCH=$1;; - --platform) shift; SP1UP_PLATFORM=$1;; - -t|--token) shift; GITHUB_TOKEN=$1;; - -h|--help) - usage - exit 0 - ;; - *) - warn "unknown option: $1" - usage - exit 1 - esac; shift + --) + shift; break;; + + -r|--repo) + shift + check_required_arg "--repo" "$1" + SP1UP_REPO=$1;; + + -b|--branch) + shift + check_required_arg "--branch" "$1" + SP1UP_BRANCH=$1;; + + -v|--version) + shift + check_required_arg "--version" "$1" + SP1UP_VERSION=$1;; + + -p|--path) + shift + check_required_arg "--path" "$1" + SP1UP_LOCAL_REPO=$1;; + + -P|--pr) + shift + check_required_arg "--pr" "$1" + SP1UP_PR=$1;; + + -C|--commit) + shift + check_required_arg "--commit" "$1" + SP1UP_COMMIT=$1;; + + -c|--c-toolchain) SP1UP_C_TOOLCHAIN=true;; + + --arch) + shift + check_required_arg "--arch" "$1" + SP1UP_ARCH=$1;; + + --platform) + shift + check_required_arg "--platform" "$1" + SP1UP_PLATFORM=$1;; + + -t|--token) + shift + check_required_arg "--token" "$1" + GITHUB_TOKEN=$1;; + + -h|--help) + usage + exit 0 + ;; + + *) + warn "unknown option: $1" + usage + exit 1 + esac + shift done # Print the banner after successfully parsing args @@ -99,7 +139,8 @@ main() { # Compute the URL of the release tarball in the sp1 repository. RELEASE_URL="https://github.com/${SP1UP_REPO}/releases/download/${SP1UP_TAG}/" BIN_ARCHIVE_URL="${RELEASE_URL}cargo_prove_${SP1UP_VERSION}_${PLATFORM}_${ARCHITECTURE}.$EXT" - MAN_TARBALL_URL="${RELEASE_URL}cargo_prove_man_${SP1UP_VERSION}.tar.gz" + + check_url "$BIN_ARCHIVE_URL" "binary" # Download and extract the binaries archive say "downloading latest cargo-prove" @@ -268,6 +309,35 @@ determine_platform() { fi } +# Function to check URL and provide friendly error message +check_url() { + local url="$1" + local description="$2" + + if ! curl --head --silent --fail "$url" --output /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then + echo "Error: Unable to access the $description at: $url" >&2 + echo "Please check:" >&2 + echo " - Your internet connection" >&2 + echo " - If the version '${SP1UP_VERSION}' exists" >&2 + echo " - If the repository '${SP1UP_REPO}' is correct" >&2 + echo " - If the tag '${SP1UP_TAG}' exists" >&2 + return 1 + fi + return 0 +} + +# Function to handle required argument validation +check_required_arg() { + local option=$1 + local value=$2 + + if [[ -z $value ]]; then + warn "Error: $option requires a value" + usage + exit 1 + fi +} + determine_architecture() { uname_m=$(uname -m) ARCHITECTURE=$(tolower "${SP1UP_ARCH:-$uname_m}") @@ -346,18 +416,10 @@ ensure() { download() { if [ -n "$2" ]; then # output into $2 - if check_cmd curl; then - curl -#o "$2" -L "$1" - else - wget --show-progress -qO "$2" "$1" - fi + curl -#o "$2" -L "$1" else # output to stdout - if check_cmd curl; then - curl -#L "$1" - else - wget --show-progress -qO- "$1" - fi + curl -#LS "$1" fi } diff --git a/tests/bls12381-add/Cargo.toml b/tests/bls12381-add/Cargo.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 4f7134660..000000000 --- a/tests/bls12381-add/Cargo.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -[package] -name = "bls12381-add-test" -version = "1.1.0" -edition = "2021" -publish = false - -[dependencies] -common-test-utils = { path = "../common" } -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } -sp1-lib = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/lib" } -sp1-curves = { path = "../../crates/curves" } diff --git a/tests/bls12381-add/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/bls12381-add/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 8338541b8..000000000 Binary files a/tests/bls12381-add/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/bls12381-decompress/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/bls12381-decompress/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 338b1294f..000000000 Binary files a/tests/bls12381-decompress/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/bls12381-double/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/bls12381-double/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index e6069d00d..000000000 Binary files a/tests/bls12381-double/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/bls12381-fp/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/bls12381-fp/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 0dc6cb73d..000000000 Binary files a/tests/bls12381-fp/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/bls12381-fp2-addsub/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/bls12381-fp2-addsub/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 0528a0304..000000000 Binary files a/tests/bls12381-fp2-addsub/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/bls12381-fp2-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/bls12381-fp2-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index aefd01db8..000000000 Binary files a/tests/bls12381-fp2-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/bls12381-mul/Cargo.toml b/tests/bls12381-mul/Cargo.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 6ebaf41bd..000000000 --- a/tests/bls12381-mul/Cargo.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -[package] -name = "bls12381-mul-test" -version = "1.1.0" -edition = "2021" -publish = false - -[dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } -sp1-lib = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/lib" } -sp1-derive = { path = "../../crates/derive" } diff --git a/tests/bls12381-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/bls12381-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 5102c5ce7..000000000 Binary files a/tests/bls12381-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/bn254-add/Cargo.toml b/tests/bn254-add/Cargo.toml deleted file mode 100644 index e22a7cf7f..000000000 --- a/tests/bn254-add/Cargo.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -[package] -name = "bn254-add-test" -version = "1.1.0" -edition = "2021" -publish = false - -[dependencies] -common-test-utils = { path = "../common" } -sp1-lib = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/lib" } -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } -sp1-curves = { path = "../../crates/curves" } diff --git a/tests/bn254-add/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/bn254-add/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index bf87b4456..000000000 Binary files a/tests/bn254-add/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/bn254-double/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/bn254-double/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 77f9a29d7..000000000 Binary files a/tests/bn254-double/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/bn254-fp/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/bn254-fp/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 487f198d1..000000000 Binary files a/tests/bn254-fp/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/bn254-fp2-addsub/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/bn254-fp2-addsub/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 5af2f91a1..000000000 Binary files a/tests/bn254-fp2-addsub/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/bn254-fp2-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/bn254-fp2-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 8ed09da22..000000000 Binary files a/tests/bn254-fp2-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/bn254-mul/Cargo.toml b/tests/bn254-mul/Cargo.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 7853b90a6..000000000 --- a/tests/bn254-mul/Cargo.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -[package] -name = "bn254-mul-test" -version = "1.1.0" -edition = "2021" -publish = false - -[dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } -sp1-lib = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/lib" } -sp1-derive = { path = "../../crates/derive" } diff --git a/tests/bn254-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/bn254-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 48720a722..000000000 Binary files a/tests/bn254-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/cycle-tracker/Cargo.toml b/tests/cycle-tracker/Cargo.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 577625885..000000000 --- a/tests/cycle-tracker/Cargo.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -[package] -name = "cycle-tracker-test" -version = "1.1.0" -edition = "2021" -publish = false - -[dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } -sp1-derive = { path = "../../crates/derive" } diff --git a/tests/cycle-tracker/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/cycle-tracker/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index cfcd05257..000000000 Binary files a/tests/cycle-tracker/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/ed-add/Cargo.toml b/tests/ed-add/Cargo.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 9e820d6b6..000000000 --- a/tests/ed-add/Cargo.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -[package] -name = "ed-add-test" -version = "1.1.0" -edition = "2021" -publish = false - -[dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } -hex-literal = "0.4.1" -num = { version = "0.4.1", default-features = false } diff --git a/tests/ed-add/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/ed-add/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 252202628..000000000 Binary files a/tests/ed-add/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/ed-decompress/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/ed-decompress/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 52cd651f3..000000000 Binary files a/tests/ed-decompress/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/ed25519/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/ed25519/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 9b4414d93..000000000 Binary files a/tests/ed25519/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/fibonacci/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/fibonacci/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 2a1154f08..000000000 Binary files a/tests/fibonacci/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/hint-io/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/hint-io/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 3ce153925..000000000 Binary files a/tests/hint-io/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/keccak-permute/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/keccak-permute/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index f4d95ffee..000000000 Binary files a/tests/keccak-permute/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/keccak256/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/keccak256/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 94db34370..000000000 Binary files a/tests/keccak256/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/panic/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/panic/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 11c6c7cba..000000000 Binary files a/tests/panic/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/rand/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/rand/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 1ce9664bc..000000000 Binary files a/tests/rand/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/secp256k1-add/Cargo.toml b/tests/secp256k1-add/Cargo.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 8133e8ea2..000000000 --- a/tests/secp256k1-add/Cargo.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -[package] -name = "secp256k1-add-test" -version = "1.1.0" -edition = "2021" -publish = false - -[dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } -sp1-lib = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/lib" } -sp1-curves = { path = "../../crates/curves" } -common-test-utils = { path = "../common" } diff --git a/tests/secp256k1-add/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/secp256k1-add/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index eba9ea3ba..000000000 Binary files a/tests/secp256k1-add/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/secp256k1-decompress/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/secp256k1-decompress/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 89751b543..000000000 Binary files a/tests/secp256k1-decompress/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/secp256k1-double/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/secp256k1-double/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 2fb2a017c..000000000 Binary files a/tests/secp256k1-double/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/secp256k1-mul/Cargo.toml b/tests/secp256k1-mul/Cargo.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 052c9f3d0..000000000 --- a/tests/secp256k1-mul/Cargo.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -[package] -name = "secp256k1-mul-test" -version = "1.1.0" -edition = "2021" -publish = false - -[dependencies] -sp1-zkvm = { path = "../../crates/zkvm/entrypoint" } -sp1-derive = { path = "../../crates/derive" } diff --git a/tests/secp256k1-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/secp256k1-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index cb8333c2a..000000000 Binary files a/tests/secp256k1-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/sha-compress/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/sha-compress/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index e7043fbe5..000000000 Binary files a/tests/sha-compress/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/sha-extend/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/sha-extend/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index e90da8412..000000000 Binary files a/tests/sha-extend/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/sha2/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/sha2/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 104609fa1..000000000 Binary files a/tests/sha2/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/tendermint-benchmark/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/tendermint-benchmark/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index f16503cb0..000000000 Binary files a/tests/tendermint-benchmark/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/uint256-arith/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/uint256-arith/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index b8e6cb0d8..000000000 Binary files a/tests/uint256-arith/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/uint256-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/uint256-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index f9862d8d2..000000000 Binary files a/tests/uint256-mul/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/verify-proof/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf b/tests/verify-proof/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf deleted file mode 100755 index 140253849..000000000 Binary files a/tests/verify-proof/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf and /dev/null differ