Sucrose Charts is built using a number of open source projects. Many more have provided invaluable inspiration. Thank you.
- SVG engine is D3
- Localization data provided by CLDR
- Map data provided by Natural Earth
- CSS preprocessor is LESS
- ES6 bundling by Rollup
- Hosted on GitHub Pages
- Theme derived from orderedlist
- Built as offline app with
- Javascript language extensions provided by Sugar
- Code editor is build using CodeMirror
- SVG to PNG translation performed by canvg
- Editable table constructed with Mindmup's edtiableTableWidget
- Testing framework is Tape
- Virtual browser is Nightmare
- Virtual DOM is JSDom
- Code coverage analysed by Istanbul
- Continuous integration hosted on Travis CI
- Code coverage reporting hosted on
- Please see the package.json for a full list of utilities used.
Version 0.7.0