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Example Integrations

This folder contains application integration examples. They were tested on Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04.

For instructions how to build and run each application under Gramine, please see the in each subdirectory.

Please note that most of the examples use oversimplified configurations which are not secure. E.g., we frequently specify security-critical files as sgx.allowed_files. If you take these examples as templates for your own production workloads, please inspect and harden the configurations.

We recommend to look at the (extensively commented) Redis example to get an idea how to write the README, Makefile and manifest files. If you want to contribute a new example to Gramine and you take the Redis example as a template, we recommend to remove the comments from your copies as they only add noise (see e.g. Memcached for a "stripped-down" example).

Building Examples

All our examples use simple Makefiles to build the examples and enable them under Gramine. Use one of these commands:

  • make: create non-SGX no-debug-log manifest
  • make DEBUG=1: create non-SGX debug-log manifest
  • make SGX=1: create SGX no-debug-log manifest
  • make SGX=1 DEBUG=1: create SGX debug-log manifest

Use make clean to remove Gramine-generated artifacts and make distclean to remove all build artifacts (if applicable).

How to Contribute?

Please put your application sample in a subdirectory with a comprehensible name. Ideally, the subdirectory name should be the same as your application. In addition, your application sample should have the following elements:

  • Please document the tested environment and instructions for building and running the application. If your application sample has any known issues or requirements, please also specify them in the documentation.

  • Makefile: Users should be able to build your application sample by running the make command. If your application needs extra building steps, please document them in the In addition, we ask you to provide sufficient comments in the Makefile to help users understand the build process. If your application also runs on Gramine-SGX, please include the commands for signing and retrieving the token in the Makefile.

  • Manifest: Please provide the manifest needed for running your application sample. Do not hard-code any user-specific path or personal info in the manifest. The ideal way is to create a manifest template that contains variables to be replaced by runtime options in Makefile. See other subdirectories for examples of the manifest templates. We also ask you to provide sufficient comments in all the manifests to help users understand the environment.

  • Sample inputs and test suites: If you have any inputs and test suites for testing the application, please provide them in the same subdirectory, too.

Please do not include any tarball of source code or binaries in the application samples. If an application requires downloading the source code or binaries, please provide instructions in the, or download them automatically and verify the hashes as part of the build process.