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We are going to implement NTRU as our Minor 1 project.

Sender Reciever
Request for an HTTP Handshake Sent Request for an HTTP Handshake Recieved
Generate Parameters
Generating Keys
Public Key and Parameters Recieved Public Key and Parameters Sent
Encryption done
Encrypted Cipher Text Sent Cipher Text Recieved
Decryption done


We operate on Polynomial Ring with Coefficient over (Z mod p) where p is prime.

Z[x] // notation to write a Polynomial Ring over Z (Integer Ring)

Euclidean algorithm allows us to find inverses of any element in a Quotient Ring. Hence the Polynomial Quotient Ring we will use is:

$$Z[x] / ( x^N - 1 ) | N is prime$$

we have:


This is what a polynomial would look like in Z[ x ]

$f[x] = a_0.x + a_1.x + ... + a_n.x : a_i ∈ Zmodp$

Generating Parameters

Generate N, p and q

We need to generate:

  1. N - large prime number which will be the highest degree for our Polynomials.


We operate on a Quotient polynomial Ring defined as Polynomial ring over the ideal of $x^N-1$

  1. p & q - co-prime Numbers where $q>>p$.


Generation of polynomial inverses of f with Integer coefficients modulo p and q

Generate 2 Random Polynomials

We need to generate 2 Polynomials $f$ and $g$ with degree of at most $N-1$.

Generate Inverses of $f$ over coefficient ring modulo $p$ and $q$

Use Bézout's Identity to generate the inverse: if in the Bézout's identity:

$$ (a.x) + (b.y) = gcd(a, b) $$

we place

$$ a.x = f(x).f'(x) \\ $$

$$ b.y = a(x).(x^N -1) $$

such that the GCD is 1: hence we get,

$$ f(x).f'(x) + a(x).(x^N -1) = 1 $$

here we have

$$ a(x).(x^N -1) = I $$

where $I$ is the ideal of the Quotient Ring that we are working with. As Ideal are congruent to 0 in a quotient Ring we may simply write:

$$ f(x).f'(x) = 1 $$

thus meaning $f'(x)$ is the inverse of $f(x)$.


To find inverse of the polynomial we have to use the Bézout's identity. Where the Euclidean algorithm will be used on $f(x)$ and $x^N - 1$ with $GCD = 1$ thus giving us the values for $f'(x)$ and $a(x)$



We have

  • 2 polynomials( f(x) and g(x) ) with degree < N-1
  • p, q are 2 public prime numbers.

we find inverse if $f(x)$ using Bézout identity in the rings $Zmodp$ and $Zmodq$ and end up with $f_p$ and $f_q$.

$$ f.f_p=1 $$

$$ f.f_q=1 $$

The private keys => $f$, $f_q$ and $g$.

The public keys => $h=p . f_q . g (mod q)$

Go to NTRU's Wikipedia Page for more Note.


