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Deep dive |
Customize Summernote's modules, toolbar and plugins to get your very own version |
/deep-dive/ |
true |
Customize by Initializing various options and modules.
Summernote allows you to customise the toolbar.
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote({ toolbar: [ // [groupName, [list of button]] ['style', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clear']], ['font', ['strikethrough', 'superscript', 'subscript']], ['fontsize', ['fontsize']], ['color', ['color']], ['para', ['ul', 'ol', 'paragraph']], ['height', ['height']] ] }); {% endhighlight %}
This is a toolbar with font style only.
<script> $(function() { $('.custom-toolbar').summernote({ toolbar: [ ['style', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clear']], ['font', ['strikethrough', 'superscript', 'subscript']], ['fontsize', ['fontsize']], ['color', ['color']], ['para', ['ul', 'ol', 'paragraph']], ['height', ['height']] ], placeholder: 'Toolbar for font style...' }); }); </script>You can compose a toolbar with pre-shipped buttons.
- Insert
: open image dialoglink
: open link dialogvideo
: open video dialogtable
: insert a tablehr
: insert a horizontal rule
- Font Style
: set font familyfontsize
: set font sizefontsizeunit
: set font size unitcolor
: set foreground and background colorforecolor
: set foreground colorbackcolor
: set background colorbold
: toggle font weightitalic
: toggle italicunderline
: toggle underlinestrikethrough
: toggle strikethroughsuperscript
: toggle superscriptsubscript
: toggle subscriptclear
: clear font style
- Paragraph style
: format selected blockol
: toggle ordered listul
: toggle unordered listparagraph
: dropdown for paragraph alignheight
: set line height
- Misc
: toggle fullscreen editing modecodeview
: toggle wysiwyg and html editing modeundo
: undoredo
: redohelp
: open help dialog
The following settings are default options for toolbar buttons.
{% highlight javascript %} toolbar: [ ['style', ['style']], ['font', ['bold', 'underline', 'clear']], ['fontname', ['fontname']], ['color', ['color']], ['para', ['ul', 'ol', 'paragraph']], ['table', ['table']], ['insert', ['link', 'picture', 'video']], ['view', ['fullscreen', 'codeview', 'help']], ], {% endhighlight %}
Air-mode has its own popover, not toolbar. You can customize it with popover.air
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote({ popover: { air: [ ['color', ['color']], ['font', ['bold', 'underline', 'clear']] ] } }); {% endhighlight %}
You can also setup buttons of the other popovers in the same way. The below settings are default options for popovers.
{% highlight javascript %} popover: { image: [ ['image', ['resizeFull', 'resizeHalf', 'resizeQuarter', 'resizeNone']], ['float', ['floatLeft', 'floatRight', 'floatNone']], ['remove', ['removeMedia']] ], link: [ ['link', ['linkDialogShow', 'unlink']] ], table: [ ['add', ['addRowDown', 'addRowUp', 'addColLeft', 'addColRight']], ['delete', ['deleteRow', 'deleteCol', 'deleteTable']], ], air: [ ['color', ['color']], ['font', ['bold', 'underline', 'clear']], ['para', ['ul', 'paragraph']], ['table', ['table']], ['insert', ['link', 'picture']] ] } {% endhighlight %}
You can set blockquote breaking level with blockquoteBreakingLevel
Each configurable breaking level means:
- 0 - No break, the new paragraph remains inside the quote.
- 1 - Break the first blockquote in the ancestors list.
- 2 - Break all blockquotes, so that the new paragraph is not quoted. (default)
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote({ blockquoteBreakingLevel: 2 }); {% endhighlight %}
You can set your own selection of styles with the styleTags
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote({ styleTags: [ 'p', { title: 'Blockquote', tag: 'blockquote', className: 'blockquote', value: 'blockquote' }, 'pre', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6' ], }); {% endhighlight %}
The tags can be specified just by tag name (as with p
or pre
or h1
above). It is also
possible to customize the style in more detail by providing an object looking like:
{% highlight javascript %} { tag : 'tag name ', title : 'dropdown item title', style : 'dropdown item style', className : 'applyed element class name and dropdown item className', value : 'Value to apply when clicked' } {% endhighlight %}
You can define fontNames items with the fontNames
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote({ fontNames: ['Arial', 'Arial Black', 'Comic Sans MS', 'Courier New'] }); {% endhighlight %}
Summernote tests for fonts in fontNames before adding them to dropdown. This is a problem while using web fonts. It's not easy picking a nice time to check the availability of web fonts. You can define a list of web fonts to be ignored with the fontNamesIgnoreCheck
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote({ fontNames: ['Arial', 'Arial Black', 'Comic Sans MS', 'Courier New', 'Merriweather'], fontNamesIgnoreCheck: ['Merriweather'] }); {% endhighlight %}
Summernote automatically populates the font dropdown with the available fonts that are given on fontNames
option. This includes the font set on the current dom element. If you only want to display a specific list of fonts on the dropdown, you can set the addDefaultFonts
option to false
along with the fontNames
option. Example settings below will only add Arial and Arial Black fonts to the dropdown.
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote({ fontNames: ['Arial', 'Arial Black'], addDefaultFonts: false }); {% endhighlight %}
You can set the available font size units with the fontSizeUnits
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote({ fontSizeUnits: ['px', 'pt'] }); {% endhighlight %}
You can override the default list and specify a custom one.
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote({ lineHeights: ['0.2', '0.3', '0.4', '0.5', '0.6', '0.8', '1.0', '1.2', '1.4', '1.5', '2.0', '3.0'] }); {% endhighlight %}
You can define a placeholder with the placeholder
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote({ placeholder: 'write here...' }); {% endhighlight %}
Summernote can also be set to inherit the placeholder from the placeholder
attribute on the dom element.
{% highlight html %}
{% endhighlight %}And then set the inheritPlaceholder
option as true
during initialization.
{% highlight javascript %} $('.summernote').summernote({ inheritPlaceholder: true }); {% endhighlight %}
Dialogs can be placed in body
, not within Summernote. If you're using Summernote within a modal dialog, please set this option as true
{% highlight javascript %}
dialogsInBody: true
{% endhighlight %}
By default, dialogs are shown and hidden without a fading effect. But you can turn it on by dialogsFade
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote({ dialogsFade: true // Add fade effect on dialogs }); {% endhighlight %}
You can disable drag and drop with the disableDragAndDrop
{% highlight javascript %}
disableDragAndDrop: true
{% endhighlight %}
You can disable custom shortcuts with the shortcuts
{% highlight javascript %}
shortcuts: false
{% endhighlight %}
You can disable TAB/Shift+Tab intereaction with the tabDisable
This will allow tabbing through fields in Forms.
{% highlight javascript %}
tabDisable: false
{% endhighlight %}
Summernote provides a XSS protection for CodeView. It consists of filtering tags and whitelist for iframe
Whitelist filter is turned on by default, but filtering tags is not. You can turn them on and off by options like below. {% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote({ codeviewFilter: false, codeviewIframeFilter: true }); {% endhighlight %}
And, you can also add your own whitelist domains and use custom tag filters. Please check the default filter before customizing. {% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote({ codeviewFilterRegex: 'custom-regex', codeviewIframeWhitelistSrc: ['my-own-domainname'] }); {% endhighlight %}
But you have to remember that this protection only affects on front-end side – to prevent attacks thoroughly, you have to check it on back-end side again.
You can initialize Summernote with summernote
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote(); {% endhighlight %}
Then You can use the editor API through the summernote
method. This is an example code for inserting 'hello world' text.
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote('editor.insertText', 'hello world')); {% endhighlight %}
It calls the editor module's insertText method with 'hello world'. The first argument is a string type which represents the module and its method. The rest are method's arguments.
If you call the API without module name, editor.methodName
will be called.
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote('insertText', 'hello world'); {% endhighlight %}
A module named editor
supports several methods for editor's basic behavior
You can toggle editable/codable view by API.
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote('codeview.toggle'); {% endhighlight %}
Creates a range object for current user selection.
{% highlight javascript %} var range = $('#summernote').summernote('createRange'); {% endhighlight %}
You can disable editor by API.
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote('disable'); {% endhighlight %}
If you want to enable editor again, call API with enable
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote('enable'); {% endhighlight %}
You can disable Spellchecking in the Editing area with the spellCheck
{% highlight javascript %}
spellCheck: true
{% endhighlight %}
You can disable the Grammarly Browser Addon (currently researching other Grammar Addons for their disabling options) by using the disableGrammar
{% highlight javascript %}
disableGrammar: false
{% endhighlight %}
Sets focus in current summernote
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote('focus'); {% endhighlight %}
You can toggle Fullscreen view by API.
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote('fullscreen.toggle'); {% endhighlight %}
You can programmatically determine if the Summernote is in Fullscreen mode by using isFullscreen
, which will return true
or false
{% highlight javascript %}
{% endhighlight %}
You can find programmatically which Summernote you are using.
This will return one of three values: bs3
, bs4
or lite
{% highlight javascript %} $.summernote.interface; {% endhighlight %}
Returns whether editor content is empty or not.
The editing area needs <p><br></p>
for focus, even if the editor content is empty. So Summernote supports this method for helping to check if editor content is empty.
{% highlight javascript %} if ($('#summernote').summernote('isEmpty')) { alert('editor content is empty'); } {% endhighlight %}
Clear the editor content and remove all stored history.
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote('reset'); {% endhighlight %}
saves current user selection internally.
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote('saveRange'); {% endhighlight %}
restores currently saved range
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote('saveRange'); // move cursor and select another $('#summernote').summernote('restoreRange'); {% endhighlight %}
Undoes and Redoes the last command
{% highlight javascript %}
Set the Background or Foreground color.
{% highlight javascript %} // @param {String} color $('#summernote').summernote('backColor', 'red');
// @param {String} color $('#summernote').summernote('foreColor', 'blue'); {% endhighlight %}
Set font style.
{% highlight javascript %}
Set font family.
{% highlight javascript %} // @param {String} fontName $('#summernote').summernote('fontName', 'Arial'); {% endhighlight %}
Set font size.
{% highlight javascript %} // @param {Number} font size - unit is determined by selected font size unit. $('#summernote').summernote('fontSize', 20); {% endhighlight %}
Set font size unit.
{% highlight javascript %} // @param {String} font size unit - defaults to px. $('#summernote').summernote('fontSizeUnit', 'pt'); {% endhighlight %}
Clean a style.
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote('removeFormat'); {% endhighlight %}
Set superscript or subscript.
{% highlight javascript %}
Change current paragraph as a <h1> ~ <h6>
{% highlight javascript %}
Change current paragraph as a <p>
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote('formatPara'); {% endhighlight %}
Indent or Outdent on current paragraph.
{% highlight javascript %}
Toggle ordered list or unordered list
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote('insertOrderedList'); {% endhighlight %}
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote('insertUnorderedList'); {% endhighlight %}
Insert a paragraph
{% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote('insertParagraph'); {% endhighlight %}
Set the alignment of a Paragraph.
{% highlight javascript %}
Set line height.
{% highlight javascript %} // @param {Number} line height - unit is px $('#summernote').summernote('lineHeight', 20); {% endhighlight %}
Create link and unlink.
{% highlight javascript %} // @param {String} text - link text // @param {String} url - link url // @param {Boolean} isNewWindow - whether link's target is new window or not $('#summernote').summernote('createLink', { text: "This is the Summernote's Official Site", url: '', isNewWindow: true });
$('#summernote').summernote('unlink'); {% endhighlight %}
Insert an image.
{% highlight javascript %} // @param {String} url // @param {String|Function} filename - optional $('#summernote').summernote('insertImage', url, filename); {% endhighlight %}
You can modify image with passing callback as second argument. {% highlight javascript %} $('#summernote').summernote('insertImage', url, function ($image) { $image.css('width', $image.width() / 3); $image.attr('data-filename', 'retriever'); }); {% endhighlight %}
Insert an element or textnode.
{% highlight javascript %} var node = document.createElement('div'); // @param {Node} node $('#summernote').summernote('insertNode', node); {% endhighlight %}
Insert text.
{% highlight javascript %} // @param {String} text $('#summernote').summernote('insertText', 'Hello, world'); {% endhighlight %}
Paste HTML string.
{% highlight javascript %} // @param {String} HTML string var HTMLstring = '
Hello, world
Summernote can insert HTML string
refer to #saveRange
refer to #restorerange
summernote is saving a range object(WrappedRange) on current cursor.
{% highlight javascript %} const rng = $('#summernote').summernote('editor.getLastRange'); {% endhighlight %}
- keydown
- keyup
- focus
- mouseup
- paste
-> Imageeditor.insertNode
-> Nodeeditor.insertText
-> TextNodeeditor.pasteHTML
-> last Node of contentseditor.insertHorizontalRule
-> next sibling node of hr nodeeditor.createLink
-> link node
You can define custom range in node of summernote editable element.
{% highlight javascript %}
const range =
{% highlight javascript %} const range = $.summernote.range; // range utility {% endhighlight %}
range utility make a WrappedRange Class's instance
create WrappedRange Object From arguments or Browser Selection
{% highlight javascript %} const rng = range.create(startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset)
// or
const rng = range.create() // is equals range.createFromSelection()
{% endhighlight %}
create WrappedRange object from node
{% highlight javascript %} const rng = range.createFromNode(node) {% endhighlight %}
create WrappedRange from node before position
{% highlight javascript %} const rng = range.createFromNodeBefore(node) {% endhighlight %}
create WrappedRange from node after position
{% highlight javascript %} const rng = range.createFromNodeAfter(node) {% endhighlight %}
create WrappedRange object from selection
{% highlight javascript %} const rng = range.createFromSelection(node) {% endhighlight %}
select update visible range
const newRng = rng.collapse(true); // to start rng
const newRng = rng.collapse(); // to end rng
splitText on range
const textRng = rng.splitText()
delete contents on range
const newRng = rng.deleteContents()
returns whether range was collapsed or not
const isCollapsed = rng.isCollapsed()
wrap inline nodes which children of body with paragraph
const newRng = rng.wrapBodyInlineWithPara()
insert node at current cursor
const node = rng.insertNode(document.createElement('div'))
insert html at current cursor
const nodes = rng.pasteHTML(`<div>summernote</div>`)
returns text in range
returns range for word before(or after) cursor
const newRng = rng.getWordRange(); // before cursor
// or
const newRng = rng.getWordRange(true); // after cursor
returns range for words before cursor that match with a Regex
// range : 'hi @Peter Pan'
const rng = range.create() // or $('.summernote').summernote('getLastRange');
const newRng = rng.getWordsMatchRange(/@[a-z ]+/i)
console.log(newRng.toString()) // '@Peter Pan'
returns a list of DOMRect objects representing the area of the screen occupied by the range.
Summernote support initialize callbacks and jquery's custom event style callbacks.
After v0.7.0, every callbacks should be wrapped by
Lowercase string has been used for basic event name(ex:
). In contrast, callbacks name for advanced feature has been used with camel case string. This is inconsistent and confusing to use. So we rename all lowercase callback to camel case string.
callback is called before command is executed.
- IE9-10: DOMCharacterDataModified, DOMSubtreeModified, DOMNodeInserted
- Chrome, FF: input
{% highlight javascript %} // onChange callback $('#summernote').summernote({ callbacks: { onChange: function(contents, $editable) { console.log('onChange:', contents, $editable); } } });
// summernote.change $('#summernote').on('summernote.change', function(we, contents, $editable) { console.log('summernote's content is changed.'); }); {% endhighlight %}
WIP: Need to work on an explanation
WIP: Need to work on an explanation
{% highlight javascript %} // onEnter callback $('#summernote').summernote({ callbacks: { onEnter: function() { console.log('Enter/Return key pressed'); } } });
// summernote.enter $('#summernote').on('summernote.enter', function() { console.log('Enter/Return key pressed'); }); {% endhighlight %}
{% highlight javascript %} // onFocus callback $('#summernote').summernote({ callbacks: { onFocus: function() { console.log('Editable area is focused'); } } });
// summernote.focus $('#summernote').on('summernote.focus', function() { console.log('Editable area is focused'); }); {% endhighlight %}
{% highlight javascript %} // onBlur callback $('#summernote').summernote({ callbacks: { onBlur: function() { console.log('Editable area loses focus'); } } });
// summernote.blur $('#summernote').on('summernote.blur', function() { console.log('Editable area loses focus'); }); {% endhighlight %}
{% highlight javascript %} // onBlurCodeview callback $('#summernote').summernote({ callbacks: { onBlurCodeview: function() { console.log('Codeview area loses focus'); } } });
// summernote.blur.codeview $('#summernote').on('summernote.blur.codeview', function() { console.log('Codeview area loses focus'); }); {% endhighlight %}
Override insertion of image by url
{% highlight javascript %}
// onImageLinkInsert callback
callbacks: {
onImageLinkInsert: function(url) {
// url is the image url from the dialog
').attr({ src: url })
$summernote.summernote('insertNode', $img[0]);
$('#summernote').on('', function(we, url) {
// url is the image url from the dialog
').attr({ src: url })
$summernote.summernote('insertNode', $img[0]);
{% endhighlight %}
Override image upload handler(default: base64 dataURL on IMG
You can upload image to server or AWS S3: [more...]({{ site.repository }}/issues/72)
{% highlight javascript %} // onImageUpload callback $('#summernote').summernote({ callbacks: { onImageUpload: function(files) { // upload image to server and create imgNode... $summernote.summernote('insertNode', imgNode); } } });
// summernote.image.upload $('#summernote').on('summernote.image.upload', function(we, files) { // upload image to server and create imgNode... $summernote.summernote('insertNode', imgNode); }); {% endhighlight %}
WIP: Need to work on an explanation
{% highlight javascript %} // onInit callback $('#summernote').summernote({ callbacks: { onInit: function() { console.log('Summernote is launched'); } } });
// summernote.init $('#summernote').on('summernote.init', function() { console.log('Summernote is launched'); }); {% endhighlight %}
{% highlight javascript %} // onKeyup callback $('#summernote').summernote({ callbacks: { onKeyup: function(e) { console.log('Key is released:', e.keyCode); } } });
// summernote.keyup $('#summernote').on('summernote.keyup', function(we, e) { console.log('Key is released:', e.keyCode); }); {% endhighlight %}
{% highlight javascript %} // onKeydown callback $('#summernote').summernote({ callbacks: { onKeydown: function(e) { console.log('Key is downed:', e.keyCode); } } });
// summernote.keydown $('#summernote').on('summernote.keydown', function(we, e) { console.log('Key is downed:', e.keyCode); }); {% endhighlight %}
{% highlight javascript %} // onPaste callback $('#summernote').summernote({ callbacks: { onPaste: function(e) { console.log('Called event paste'); } } });
// summernote.paste $('#summernote').on('summernote.paste', function(e) { console.log('Called event paste'); }); {% endhighlight %}
WIP: Need to work on an explanation
Summernote also supports custom buttons. If you want to create your own button, you can simply define and use with options.
You can create a button object with $.summernote.ui. This buttons objects have the below properties.
- contents: contents to be displayed on the button
- tooltip: tooltip text when mouse over
- click: callback function to be called when mouse is clicked
Below codes is about simple button for inserting text 'hello'.
{% highlight javascript %} var HelloButton = function (context) { var ui = $.summernote.ui;
// create button var button = ui.button({ contents: ' Hello', tooltip: 'hello', click: function () { // invoke insertText method with 'hello' on editor module. context.invoke('editor.insertText', 'hello'); } });
return button.render(); // return button as jquery object } {% endhighlight %}
You can see render()
which returns jquery object as button.
Let's learn how to use the button on toolbar.
First, you can define buttons with option named buttons
which is a set of key-value. You can define custom button on toolbar options.
{% highlight javascript %} $('.summernote').summernote({ toolbar: [ ['mybutton', ['hello']] ],
buttons: { hello: HelloButton } }); {% endhighlight %}
You can also use custom button on popover
in the same way.
Summernote supports the usage of your own custom icons. You can e.g. use SVG based icons instead of the default ones.
If you want to override the default icons, configure summernote like this:
{% highlight javascript %} $('.summernote').summernote({ icons: { align: '<svg [...]>[...]', // [...] } }); {% endhighlight %}
For supporting expandable features, summernote was assembled by module system. This module system was built inspired by spring framework.
- Module: Module is a component.
- Context: Context is a kind of container. It has modules and editor's states.
- Renderer: Renderer is a function for creating element.
- UI: UI is a set of renderers to build ui elements.
Module is a component for implementing feature and it has lifecycle. Module also has helper methods or methods related with lifecycle.
This method will be called when editor is initialized by $('..').summernote();. You can attach events and created elements on editor elements(eg, editable, ...).
{% highlight javascript %} this.initialize = function () { // create button var button = ui.button({ className: 'note-btn-bold', contents: '', click: function (e) { context.invoke('editor.bold'); // invoke bold method of a module named editor } });
// generate jQuery element from button instance. this.$button = button.render(); $toolbar.append(this.$button); } {% endhighlight %}
This method will be called when editor is destroyed by $('..').summernote('destroy'); You should detach events and remove elements on initialize
{% highlight javascript %} this.destroy = function () { this.$button.remove(); this.$button = null; } {% endhighlight %}
This method is used for deciding whether module will be initialized or not.
{% highlight javascript %} // AirPopover's shouldInitialize this.shouldInitialize = function () { return options.airMode && !list.isEmpty(options.popover.air); }; {% endhighlight %}
Below are full codes of AutoLink module.
{% highlight javascript %} // Module Name is AutoLink // @param {Object} context - states of editor var AutoLink = function (context) {
// you can get current editor's elements from layoutInfo var layoutInfo = context.layoutInfo; var $editor = layoutInfo.editor; var $editable = layoutInfo.editable; var $toolbar = layoutInfo.toolbar;
// ui is a set of renderers to build ui elements. var ui = $.summernote.ui;
// this method will be called when editor is initialized by $('..').summernote(); // You can attach events and created elements on editor elements(eg, editable, ...). this.initialize = function () { // create button var button = ui.button({ className: 'note-btn-bold', contents: '', click: function (e) { // invoke bold method of a module named editor context.invoke('editor.bold'); } });
// generate jQuery element from button instance. this.$button = button.render(); $toolbar.append(this.$button); }
// this method will be called when editor is destroyed by $('..').summernote('destroy');
// You should detach events and remove elements on initialize
this.destroy = function () {
this.$button = null;
{% endhighlight %}
For more module examples: [modules]({{ site.repository }}/tree/main/src/js/base/module)
You can define custom module with options.
{% highlight javascript %} $(".summernote").summernote({ modules: { myModule: MyModule } }); {% endhighlight %}
You can called module's method with external API.
{% highlight javascript %} $(".summernote").summernote("myModule.method", 'hello'); {% endhighlight %}
Plugin is a kind of external module. You can also define your own module with plugin.
{% highlight javascript %}
// src/mymodule.js
Below link is a example of external module.
Old plugin was hard to control editor states(eg, range, layout so on). After v0.7.0 plugin is redesigned by new module system. It is exactly same with module except surrounding module pattern.
Summernote allows to add Notifications with Contextual Colouring to indicate the type of Notifcation, or to use the area for Informational Purposes.
The area appears at the bottom of Summernote when used in Normal Mode, and at the top of the editing area when Summernote is used in Air Mode.
To use the Notifcation area is simple and is useable by targetting the area using it's class name .note-status-output
Notification elements can use any markup, but we've added some styling along the lines of Bootstrap's Alerts. For e.g. to produce an Error or Danger alert you can use <div class="alert alert-danger">This is an error</div>
. You can also use alert-info
, alert-warning
, alert-success
and alert-danger
You can add the above message using jQuery or other Javascript method by targetting the output element, like (using jQuery):
{% highlight javascript %} $('.note-status-output').html( '
If you want to display just Informational Text, you can also add Text without the Alert if you wish.
{% highlight javascript %} $('.note-status-output').html( 'Text Information' ); {% endhighlight %}
You can also place text to the right side by placing the Text within an element such as div
, span
or small
and including the class .pull-right
You can also use Contextual Colours for your text using the classes text-muted
, text-primary
, 'text-success', text-info
, text-warning
and text-danger