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Releases: sumup-oss/circuit-ui

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

18 Nov 12:19
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Patch Changes

  • #2781 2b682c1 Thanks @connor-baer! - Improved the DateInput component's calendar dialog to be placed relative to the calendar button instead of the whole field. This improves the placement when the DateInput is rendered near the center of the viewport. The default bottom-end placement can be customized using the new placement prop.

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

14 Nov 13:53
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Patch Changes

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

13 Nov 10:42
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Patch Changes

  • #2775 1b12634 Thanks @connor-baer! - Improved the DateInput component's calendar dialog to be placed on the side with the most available space and to scroll when it overflows the viewport.

  • #2775 1b12634 Thanks @connor-baer! - Stretched the DateInput component to take up the available width.

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

12 Nov 14:16
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Patch Changes

  • #2771 a7982db Thanks @sirineJ! - Improved the accessibility of the DateInput component by restoring focus to the opening element when closing the calendar dialog.

  • #2771 a7982db Thanks @sirineJ! - Fixed unclickable previous/next month buttons on the Calendar component.

  • #2772 d91ddee Thanks @connor-baer! - Added type="button" to all button elements in the Calendar and DateInput components to prevent them from triggering form submissions.

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

09 Nov 15:00
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Patch Changes

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

04 Nov 14:39
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Patch Changes

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

31 Oct 14:09
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Minor Changes

  • #2755 93f12f2 Thanks @sirineJ! - Added a fixer method to the no-deprecated-custom-properties ESlint rule.

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

30 Oct 16:26
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Major Changes

  • #2707 f8016eb Thanks @sirineJ! - Raised the minimum Node.js version to 20+.

  • #2648 f583d05 Thanks @connor-baer! - Renamed the package scope from @sumup to @sumup-oss. Replace @sumup/stylelint-plugin-circuit-ui with @sumup-oss/stylelint-plugin-circuit-ui in your package.json file, then update the plugin name in your Stylelint config:

    // .stylelintrc.js
    module.exports = {
    -  plugins: ['@sumup/stylelint-plugin-circuit-ui'],
    +  plugins: ['@sumup-oss/stylelint-plugin-circuit-ui'],

Minor Changes

  • #2653 33435cf Thanks @connor-baer! - Added circuit-ui/no-deprecated-custom-properties rule to flag uses of deprecated custom properties.

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

30 Oct 16:26
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Major Changes

  • #2707 f8016eb Thanks @sirineJ! - Raised the minimum Node.js version to 20+.

  • #2648 f583d05 Thanks @connor-baer! - Renamed the package scope from @sumup to @sumup-oss. Replace @sumup/icons with @sumup-oss/icons in your package.json file, then update all imports:

    -import { Search } from '@sumup/icons';
    +import { Search } from '@sumup-oss/icons';

    Circuit UI's ESLint plugin offers the renamed-package-scope rule to automate updating the package imports.

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

30 Oct 16:26
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Major Changes

  • #2707 f8016eb Thanks @sirineJ! - Raised the minimum Node.js version to 20+.

  • #2648 f583d05 Thanks @connor-baer! - Renamed the package scope from @sumup to @sumup-oss. Replace @sumup/eslint-plugin-circuit-ui with @sumup-oss/eslint-plugin-circuit-ui in your package.json file, then update the plugin and rule names in your ESLint config:

    // .eslintrc.js
    module.exports = {
    -  plugins: ['@sumup/circuit-ui'],
    +  plugins: ['@sumup-oss/circuit-ui'],
      rules: {
    -    '@sumup/circuit-ui/component-lifecycle-imports': 'error',
    +    '@sumup-oss/circuit-ui/component-lifecycle-imports': 'error',

Minor Changes

  • #2653 33435cf Thanks @connor-baer! - Added a migration for the Display (formerly Title), Headline and Body components' size prop to the circuit-ui/no-renamed-props rule.

  • #2653 33435cf Thanks @connor-baer! - Added circuit-ui/no-deprecated-custom-properties rule to flag uses of deprecated custom properties.

  • #2713 00727aa Thanks @sirineJ! - Updated the component-lifecycle-imports ESLint rule to flag imports of the now stable Calendar, ColorInput, PhoneNumberInput, Tooltip and Toggletip components from @sumup-oss/circuit-ui/experimental.

  • #2648 f583d05 Thanks @connor-baer! - Added circuit-ui/renamed-package-scope rule to update imports for design system packages that have moved from the @sumup to the @sumup-oss scope.