# some backends (e.g. Planout4jConfigFileNackend) automatically pick up the name, but it can be provided explicitly
# name: test_ns
# optional namespace-level salt, otherwise the name is used
salt: smoke_test
# the primary unit for this namespace
unit: userid
# how many segments to split the traffic into
segments: 100
# define all experiments here once
- definition: Sample_Experiment_1 # must be unique within namespace
# PLanOut DSL, see
assign: !planout |
group_size = uniformChoice(choices=[1, 10], unit=userid);
specific_goal = bernoulliTrial(p=0.8, unit=userid);
if (specific_goal) {
ratings_per_user_goal = uniformChoice(
choices=[8, 16, 32, 64], unit=userid);
ratings_goal = group_size * ratings_per_user_goal;
- definition: Sample_Experiment_2
assign: !planout |
prob_collapse = randomFloat(min=0.0, max=1.0, unit=sourceid);
collapse = bernoulliTrial(p=prob_collapse, unit=[storyid, viewerid]);
- definition: Sample_Default
assign: !planout |
ratings_goal = 1;
something_else = true;
# default experiment is required, refer to an existing definition from above
default_experiment: Sample_Default
# instantiate experiments here with "add" action, possibly multiple times
# each instance gets its own allotment of traffic
# use "remove" action to remove a previously added experiment
- action: add # required, one of add, remove
definition: Sample_Experiment_1 # required for add, refers to an experiment defined in "experiment_definitions"
name: Instance_of_Sample_Exp_1 # must be unique within experiment_sequence
segments: 40 # how many segments to allocate to this experiment
- action: add
definition: Sample_Experiment_2
name: Instance_of_Sample_Exp_2
segments: 20
- action: remove
name: Instance_of_Sample_Exp_1
- action: add
definition: Sample_Experiment_2
name: New_Instance_of_Sample_Exp_2
segments: 30
The tools
module produces "uber-jar" named planout4j-tools-${version}.jar
. The jar is executable and self-contained (e.g. can be copied anywhere and executed without the need to specify classpath) and represents the consolidated entry point for all the tools.
java -jar planout4j-tools-${version}.jar --help
will list the tools available as well as general options. planout4j-tools-${version}.jar tool --help
will provide detailed help for the tool tool
. The following tools are currently available:
- compile
- compiles PlanOut DSL or PlanOut4J namespace config YAML with embedded PlanOut DSL (in all other cases) to JSON representation
- if the unit of compilation is not a file (explicitly provided snippet) assume it is PlanOut DSL code
- if the file to be compiled has one of the following extensions -
, or.p4j
assume it is PlanOut4J namespace config - if the file has any other extension, assume PlanOut DSL
- ship
- compiles all namespace config YAML files in the source backend to JSON and stores results in the target backend
- nslist
- lists all namespaces (name + short summary) in the target (effective) backend
- eval
- evaluates namespace, experiment, or code snippet
This is currently not implemented but would be easy to add to the codebase as all the underlying primitives (individual operations) are in place.
TODO: Enhance Interpreter
to recognize when script already represents PlanOutOp
import java.util.Collections;
import com.glassdoor.planout4j.*;
import com.glassdoor.planout4j.compiler.PlanoutDSLCompiler;
nsConf = new NamespaceConfig("my namespace", 100, "userid", null);
nsConf.defineExperiment("default", "itemsToShow = uniformChoice(choices=[5, 10, 20], unit=userid);");
Namespace ns = new Namespace(nsConf, Collections.singletonMap("userid", 123), null);
int itemsToShow = ns.getParam("itemsToShow", 10);
Let's assume there's test-ns.yaml
file with the content as above (top of the document). We can compile it to JSON by executing compiler tool:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=Planout4jCompilerTool -Dtool=compilePlanout4jConfig -Dinput=test-ns.yaml -Doutput=test-ns.json
This will produce test-ns.json
which can be consumed by the code below.
The code (specifically, Planout4jRepositoryImpl
) will use planout4j-config.conf
file to determine which backend to use as well as to set the backend's properties. All the properties can be overridden.
TODO: Allow user-provided config file.
// obviously this is crude; in reality one would pass the property override
// using command-line option (-D)
// the configuration mechanism is currently quite raw, will be revisited
NamespaceFactory nsFact = new SimpleNamespaceFactory();
Namespace ns = nsFact.getNamespace("test-ns", Collections.singletonMap("userid", 123).get();
String buttonText = ns.getParam("button_text", "default");
@ContextConfiguration(classes = Planout4jAppContext.class)
public class MyClass {
private NamespaceFactory nsFact;
// use nsFact as in the above example