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Migrating to v0.12.x


Component <Form> and all its related input components (<TextInput>, <Checkbox>, etc.) have been deprecated and moved to a separate project called surface_form_helpers. The reason those components were created in the first place was to add support for scope-aware contexts to forms. Since this feature has been deprecated due to the lack of built-in support in Liveview, we strongly recommend using the new built-in <.form> component, along with Phoenix.HTML.Form and Phoenix.HTML.FormField structs. This new Liveview API is way more efficient regarding diff-tracking and should be the default way to desing forms.

If you're not able to update all your forms at once, surface_form_helpers can be used as a safe fallback so you can gradually replace them.

Using surface_form_helpers

def deps do
    {:surface_form_helpers, "~> 0.1.0"}

Surface Catalogue

In case you're using surface_catalogue and have examples using Surface.Catalogue.Example, you need to rename those with Surface.Catalogue.LiveExample. Pay attention that you should use LiveExample mostly if your example requires manipulating state (data) through handle_event callbacks. For stateless examples, use Surface.Catalogue.Examples instead, as it allows defining multiple examples on a single module.

Migrating from v0.7.x to v0.8.x

Historically, most of the updates that require changes in your code, can be automatically done by mix surface.convert, however, as we move forward to unify the API with Liveview, some of the changes in v0.8 may require user intervention as the converter might not be able to automatically patch the project. For such cases, we adjusted the compiler to provide assertive warnings to help you with the migration process. The main changes of that kind are related to the context and slot APIs.

The new Context API

The context API have been extended and fully redesigned to improve its use and make it more friendly for diff tracking. The compiler is able now to detect many cases where the use of contexts might impact performance and suggest one or more alternative approaches to achieve the same goal. We recommend you to carefully read each warning with care and follow the instructions that best suits your particular case.

Aside from the warnings, the only breaking change is that context values are no longer automatically propagated through slots. Components that need to pass values to the parent scope via slots must explicitly set propagate_context_to_slots: true in config.exs:

config :surface, :components, [
  {Surface.Components.Form, propagate_context_to_slots: true},

The compiler will raise an error whenever it finds a component that can potentially propagate context values through slots. If you don't want to use contexts at all, you need to set propagate_context_to_slots to false to suppress the error for that component.

NOTE: The following built-in Surface components are already configured to propagate context to slots: Surface.Components.Form,, Surface.Components.Form.Field, Surface.Components.Form.FieldContext and Surface.Components.Form.Inputs.

The new Slot API

The slot API for arguments and generators have changed to make it similar to Liveview.

Rendering Slots

Previously the reference was given in a combination of the for, name and index arguments. Now the slot reference is given as the first argument of the root property: <#slot {@name} />.

The converter doesn't update any <#slot> that has the index property.

Slot argument(s)

Previous versions of Surface only allowed the syntax slot default, args: [:index] and <#slot arg={index: 10}>, in other words we always required the argument to be a map. Now the argument can be any value and in :let we can pattern match more freely and be compatible with Liveview slots/components.

Now the slot argument is given as the second argument of the root property: <#slot {@name, argument} />.

Slot generator

The changes to generator are too complex for the converter to handle, the compiler errors/warnings will guide you through the needed changes.

# before
prop items, :list
slot cols, args: [item: ^items]
{#for item <- @items}
  <#slot :args={item: item} />
# after
prop items, :generator
slot cols, generator_prop: :items
{#for item <- @items}
  <#slot generator_value={item} />

Running mix surface.convert

This guide provides detailed instructions on how to run the built-in converter to automatically apply required changes to your project's source code to make it compatible with Surface v0.8.

NOTE: The current converter was designed to run against projects depending on Surface >= v0.7.x. If you're using an older version, you should first update it to each one of the previous versions all the way to v0.7. See: previous versions

Limitations of the converter

  • By design, the converter doesn't touch Surface code inside documentation or macro components. If you have any code written inside <!-- --> or <#Raw>...</#Raw>, you need to convert it manually.

  • Running the converter on a project that has already been converted may generate invalid code. If anything goes wrong with the conversion, make sure you revert the changes before running it again.

Before converting the project

  1. Make sure you have committed your work or have a proper backup before running the converter. It may touch a lot of files so it's recommended to have a safe way to rollback the changes in case anything goes wrong.

  2. Check your dependencies. In case your project depends on a library using an older Surface version, it might start emitting warnings or even fail to compile after updating Surface. If that's the case, please consider running the converter against it and submitting a PR with the updated code. The steps to convert a dependency are the same described in this guide.

  3. Check that your .formatter has the configuration about the components you want to convert. The plugin documentation has the instructions.

Steps to run the converter

Update mix.exs to use the new version:

  defp deps do
      {:surface, "~> 0.8.0"},

Compile the dependencies:

mix clean && mix deps.get && mix deps.compile

Compile the project and fix all compilation errors, changes to the slot generator API are not handled by the converter.

mix compile

Run the converter:

mix surface.convert

Compile the converted project:

mix compile

Expected changes

Subject Examples (Old syntax -> New syntax)
Slot Entry <#template> -> <:default>
Slot Entry <#template slot="header"> -> <:header>
<#slot for> <#slot for={@name}> -> <#slot {@name}>
<#slot name> <#slot name="name"> -> <#slot {@name}>
<#slot :args> <#slot :args={name: "Joe", age: "32"}> -> <#slot {@default, name: "Joe", age: 35}>

Reporting issues

In case you run into any trouble while running the converter, please open an issue at providing detailed information about the problem, including the error message (if any) and a snippet of the related code.

Previous versions

  • Migrating from v0.6.x to v0.7.x

    No converter was needed.

  • Migrating from v0.5.x to v0.6.x

    Surface v0.6.x relies on the Liveview features available since v0.16. The main change from the user perspective is that the stateless Surface.Component now is built on top of Phoenix.Component instead of Phoenix.LiveComponent. This means the mount/1, preload/1 and update/2 callbacks are no longer available. If you initialize any assign or compute any value using those callbacks, you need to replace them with one of the new assign helpers.

  • Migrating from v0.4.x to v0.5.x

    Surface v0.5.0 introduces a new syntax which requires migrating components written in previous versions. In order to make the migration process as smooth as possible, Surface v0.5.x ships with a converter that can automatically translate the old syntax into the new one.