diff --git a/lib/surface/api.ex b/lib/surface/api.ex
index 9edfb1cf..87ecffea 100644
--- a/lib/surface/api.ex
+++ b/lib/surface/api.ex
@@ -395,42 +395,7 @@ defmodule Surface.API do
defp get_valid_opts(:slot, _type, _opts) do
- [:required, :arg, :args, :as, :generator_prop]
- end
- defp validate_opt_ast!(:slot, :args, args_ast, caller) do
- Enum.each(args_ast, fn
- {name, {:^, _, [{generator, _, context}]}} when context in [Elixir, nil] ->
- message = """
- The API for generators has changed. Use `generator_prop: :#{generator}` instead of `args: [#{name}: ^#{generator}]`.
- Example:
- prop #{generator}, :generator, root: true
- slot default, generator_prop: :#{generator}
- ...
- {#for #{name} <- @#{generator}}
- <#slot generator_value={#{name}} />
- {/for}
- """
- IOHelper.compile_error(message, caller.file, caller.line)
- _ ->
- nil
- end)
- message = """
- option :args has been deprecated. Use :arg instead.
- Example:
- slot default, arg: %{name: :string, age: :number}
- """
- IOHelper.warn(message, caller)
+ [:required, :arg, :as, :generator_prop]
defp validate_opt_ast!(_func, _key, value, _caller) do
diff --git a/lib/surface/compiler.ex b/lib/surface/compiler.ex
index 223bf53f..54b01769 100644
--- a/lib/surface/compiler.ex
+++ b/lib/surface/compiler.ex
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ defmodule Surface.Compiler do
- @valid_slot_props [:root, "for", "name", "index", "generator_value", ":args", "context_put"]
+ @valid_slot_props [:root, "for", "name", "index", "generator_value", "context_put"]
@directive_prefixes [":", "s-"]
@@ -609,24 +609,11 @@ defmodule Surface.Compiler do
slot.name == name || (Keyword.has_key?(slot.opts, :as) and slot.opts[:as] == name)
- if has_attribute?(attributes, ":args") do
- Surface.IOHelper.warn(
- "directive :args has been deprecated. Use the root prop instead.",
- meta.caller,
- meta.line
- )
- end
arg =
- cond do
- has_root? ->
- render_slot_args.argument
- has_attribute?(attributes, ":args") ->
- attribute_value_as_ast(attributes, ":args", :let_arg, %Surface.AST.Literal{value: nil}, compile_meta)
- true ->
- nil
+ if has_root? do
+ render_slot_args.argument
+ else
+ nil
if slot do
@@ -1611,7 +1598,7 @@ defmodule Surface.Compiler do
message = """
invalid #{type} `#{name}` for <#slot>.
- Slots only accept the root prop, `for`, `name`, `index`, `generator_value`, `:args`, `:if` and `:for`.
+ Slots only accept the root prop, `for`, `name`, `index`, `generator_value`, `:if` and `:for`.
IOHelper.compile_error(message, file, line)
diff --git a/test/surface/api_test.exs b/test/surface/api_test.exs
index dfe630f1..924401b3 100644
--- a/test/surface/api_test.exs
+++ b/test/surface/api_test.exs
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ defmodule Surface.APITest do
test "validate unknown options" do
code = "slot cols, a: 1"
- message = ~r/unknown option :a. Available options: \[:required, :arg, :args, :as, :generator_prop\]/
+ message = ~r/unknown option :a. Available options: \[:required, :arg, :as, :generator_prop\]/
assert_raise(CompileError, message, fn ->
diff --git a/test/surface/integrations/slot_test.exs b/test/surface/integrations/slot_test.exs
index 51b17d01..74b305b6 100644
--- a/test/surface/integrations/slot_test.exs
+++ b/test/surface/integrations/slot_test.exs
@@ -1536,7 +1536,7 @@ defmodule Surface.SlotSyncTest do
message = ~r"""
code:10: invalid directive `:attrs` for <#slot>.
- Slots only accept the root prop, `for`, `name`, `index`, `generator_value`, `:args`, `:if` and `:for`.
+ Slots only accept the root prop, `for`, `name`, `index`, `generator_value`, `:if` and `:for`.
assert_raise(CompileError, message, fn ->
@@ -1567,7 +1567,7 @@ defmodule Surface.SlotSyncTest do
message = ~r"""
code:11: invalid attribute `let` for <#slot>.
- Slots only accept the root prop, `for`, `name`, `index`, `generator_value`, `:args`, `:if` and `:for`.
+ Slots only accept the root prop, `for`, `name`, `index`, `generator_value`, `:if` and `:for`.
assert_raise(CompileError, message, fn ->
@@ -1672,120 +1672,6 @@ defmodule Surface.SlotSyncTest do
- test "outputs compile warning when using deprecated args option" do
- component_code = """
- defmodule UsingDeprecatedArgsOption do
- use Surface.Component
- slot default, args: [:info]
- def render(assigns) do
- ~F"\""
- <#slot {@default, info: "this is a test"} />
- "\""
- end
- end
- """
- output =
- capture_io(:standard_error, fn ->
- {{:module, _, _, _}, _} = Code.eval_string(component_code, [], %{__ENV__ | file: "code.exs", line: 1})
- end)
- assert output =~ "option :args has been deprecated. Use :arg instead."
- end
- test "outputs compile warning when using deprecated :args directive" do
- component_code = """
- defmodule UsingDeprecatedArgsDirective do
- use Surface.Component
- slot default, args: [:info]
- def render(assigns) do
- ~F"\""
- <#slot :args={arg: "slot argument"} />
- "\""
- end
- end
- """
- component_output =
- capture_io(:standard_error, fn ->
- {{:module, _, _, _}, _} = Code.eval_string(component_code, [], %{__ENV__ | file: "component.exs", line: 1})
- code =
- quote do
- ~F"""
- {arg}
- """
- end
- usage_output =
- capture_io(:standard_error, fn ->
- module = compile_surface(code)
- html =
- module.render(%{__context__: %{}})
- |> Phoenix.HTML.Safe.to_iodata()
- |> IO.iodata_to_binary()
- assert html == """
- slot argument
- """
- end)
- assert usage_output == ""
- end)
- assert component_output =~ "directive :args has been deprecated. Use the root prop instead.\n component.exs:8"
- end
- test "outputs compile warning when using deprecated :args generator option" do
- component_code = """
- defmodule UsingDeprecatedGenerator do
- use Surface.Component
- prop items, :list, root: true
- slot default, args: [item: ^items]
- def render(assigns) do
- ~F"\""
- {#for item <- @items}
- <#slot :args={item: item} />
- {/for}
- "\""
- end
- end
- """
- message = """
- component.exs:5: The API for generators has changed. Use `generator_prop: :items` instead of `args: [item: ^items]`.
- Example:
- prop items, :generator, root: true
- slot default, generator_prop: :items
- ...
- {#for item <- @items}
- <#slot generator_value={item} />
- {/for}
- """
- assert_raise(CompileError, message, fn ->
- {{:module, _, _, _}, _} = Code.eval_string(component_code, [], %{__ENV__ | file: "component.exs", line: 1})
- end)
- end
test "outputs compile warning when adding arg attribute to the default slot in a slotable component" do
component_code = """
defmodule ColumnWithRenderAndSlotArg do