- 474 video clips from 215 crowded scenes.
- Each clip with the extracted trajectories by gKLT tracker is preprocessed by deleting short trajectories, stationary points, and some errors.
- Details of dataset can be found in dataset_info. It contains video name, video length, video size, video source, video t0 (the frame for group detection evaluation), group detection (300 group detection used in our cvpr paper), video_gt (video classes groundtruth), and scene number. (You can also choose any frame to do group detection. The frame list in video_info_t0 is just what we use in our cvpr paper.)
- These data can only be used for academic research purposes.
- The COPYRIGHT of the videos (with watermark) belongs to GettyImages and Pond5 respectively.
- In our 14'cvpr paper, we take only 30 frames from each clip to implement and evaluate our approach.
- The frame for group detection can be found in dataset_info, and the groundtruth of 300 group detection can be downloaded from here.
- Dataset_info ("video_gt") also provides the groundtruth of video classes corresponding to our defined 8 classes in the cvpr paper.
- You can get 215 independent scene from dataset_info ("scene_number"), different number means different scenes.
- These data can only be used for academic research purposes.
This is the image version of CUHK crowd dataset. It includes image sequences and KLT tracking results.
If you want videos only, please refer to Video.
There are totally 8 zip files, please find the links as follows:
group_video_clips_imgs.zip.001 Link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c0CKgJQ Password: olvn
group_video_clips_imgs.zip.002 Link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dDtLmmd Password: udje
group_video_clips_imgs.zip.003 Link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dDgodfN Password: qtc1
group_video_clips_imgs.zip.004 Link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kTC5NoF Password: rkyh
group_video_clips_imgs.zip.005 Link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1ntzA5iL Password: uh00
group_video_clips_imgs.zip.006 Link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pJAvMob Password: cqjy
group_video_clips_imgs.zip.007 Link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/14aKto Password: bpxg
group_video_clips_imgs.zip.008 Link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c0eonsO Password: 5hcc
Tips: After downloading all 8 files, you can unzip them together with a password: cuhkivp.
This is the video version of CUHK crowd dataset.
If you want the extracted image sequences and trajectories. Please refer to Image sequences & Trajectories.
There are totally 3 zip files, please find the links as follows:
group_video_clips.zip.001 Link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qWNlafM Password: ljgu
group_video_clips.zip.002 Link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1gd02GQR Password: yczi
group_video_clips.zip.003 Link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1jGifJjK Password: ghqw
Tips: After downloading all three files, you can unzip them together with a password: cuhkivp.