diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 66fb85b7..e1d23750 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -1,27 +1,15 @@
-sudo: required
language: node_js
- - "8"
+ - "v9.4.0"
- node_modules
- -
- fast_finish: true
- allow_failures:
- - env: SOLC_NIGHTLY=true
- - truffle version
+ yarn: true
+install: yarn install --pure-lockfile
- - npm test
-# slack:
-# rooms:
-# - secure: 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
-# on_success: change
-# on_failure: always
-# on_pull_requests: false
+ - yarn run lint
+ - yarn test
+ - yarn run build
+ kleros:
+ slack: 'kleros:Ub8n81EgKJ3iRrMDyWyQIVJp'
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 33897dd9..ff511db1 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,8 +1,23 @@
# Kleros Interaction Smart Contracts
+ Kleros
Smart contracts able to interact with Kleros and standard proposals.
## Getting Started
@@ -21,6 +36,19 @@ Run tests
truffle test
+## Other Scripts
+- `yarn run prettify` - Apply prettier to the entire project.
+- `yarn run lint:sol` - Lint the entire project's .sol files.
+- `yarn run lint:js` - Lint the entire project's .js files.
+- `yarn run lint:sol --fix` - Fix fixable linting errors in .sol files.
+- `yarn run lint:js --fix` - Fix fixable linting errors in .js files.
+- `yarn run lint` - Lint the entire project's .sol and .js files.
+- `yarn test` - Run the truffle tests.
+- `yarn run cz` - Run commitizen.
+- `yarn run build` - Compile contracts.
## Troubleshooting
> Could not connect to your Ethereum client. Please check that your Ethereum client:
- is running
diff --git a/contracts/Migrations.sol b/contracts/Migrations.sol
index f1a3ea9d..90c641ba 100644
--- a/contracts/Migrations.sol
+++ b/contracts/Migrations.sol
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
pragma solidity ^0.4.4;
contract Migrations {
- address public owner;
- uint public last_completed_migration;
+ address public owner;
+ uint public last_completed_migration;
- modifier restricted() {
- if (msg.sender == owner) _;
- }
+ modifier restricted() {
+ if (msg.sender == owner) _;
+ }
- constructor() public {
- owner = msg.sender;
- }
+ constructor() public {
+ owner = msg.sender;
+ }
- function setCompleted(uint completed) public restricted {
- last_completed_migration = completed;
- }
+ function setCompleted(uint completed) public restricted {
+ last_completed_migration = completed;
+ }
- function upgrade(address new_address) public restricted {
- Migrations upgraded = Migrations(new_address);
- upgraded.setCompleted(last_completed_migration);
- }
+ function upgrade(address new_address) public restricted {
+ Migrations upgraded = Migrations(new_address);
+ upgraded.setCompleted(last_completed_migration);
+ }
diff --git a/contracts/standard/arbitration/ArbitrableTokens/FundingVault.sol b/contracts/standard/arbitration/ArbitrableTokens/FundingVault.sol
index 71265d5e..85ec89e5 100644
--- a/contracts/standard/arbitration/ArbitrableTokens/FundingVault.sol
+++ b/contracts/standard/arbitration/ArbitrableTokens/FundingVault.sol
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- /**
- * @title Funding Vault
- * @author Clément Lesaege -
- * Bug Bounties: This code hasn't undertaken a bug bounty program yet.
- */
+* @title Funding Vault
+* @author Clément Lesaege -
+* Bug Bounties: This code hasn't undertaken a bug bounty program yet.
pragma solidity ^0.4.15;
@@ -10,15 +10,15 @@ import "../Arbitrable.sol";
import "minimetoken/contracts/MiniMeToken.sol";
/** @title Funding Vault
- * A contract storing the ETH raised in a crowdfunding event.
- * Funds are delivered when milestones are reached.
- * The team can claim a milestone is reached. Token holders will have some time to dispute that claim.
- * When some token holders vote to dispute the claim, extra time is given to other token holders to dispute that claim.
- * If a sufficient amount of token holders dispute it. A dispute is created and the arbitrator will decide if the milestone has been reached.
- * When there is a disagreement a vote token is created. Holders should send the voteToken to the Vault to disagree with the milestone.
- * Token holders can also claim that the team failed to deliver and ask for the remaining ETH to be given back to a different contract.
- * This contract can be the vault of another team, or a contract to reimburse.
- */
+* A contract storing the ETH raised in a crowdfunding event.
+* Funds are delivered when milestones are reached.
+* The team can claim a milestone is reached. Token holders will have some time to dispute that claim.
+* When some token holders vote to dispute the claim, extra time is given to other token holders to dispute that claim.
+* If a sufficient amount of token holders dispute it. A dispute is created and the arbitrator will decide if the milestone has been reached.
+* When there is a disagreement a vote token is created. Holders should send the voteToken to the Vault to disagree with the milestone.
+* Token holders can also claim that the team failed to deliver and ask for the remaining ETH to be given back to a different contract.
+* This contract can be the vault of another team, or a contract to reimburse.
contract FundingVault is Arbitrable {
address public team;
MiniMeToken public token;
@@ -50,15 +50,15 @@ contract FundingVault is Arbitrable {
uint8 constant HOLDERS_WINS = 2;
/** @dev Constructor. Choose the arbitrator.
- * @param _arbitrator The arbitrator of the contract.
- * @param _team The address of the team who will be able to claim milestone completion.
- * @param _token The token whose holders are able to dispute milestone claims.
- * @param _funder The party putting funds in the vault.
- * @param _disputeThreshold The ‱ of tokens required to dispute a milestone.
- * @param _claimToWithdrawTime The base time in seconds after a claim is considered non-disputed (i.e if no token holders dispute it).
- * @param _additionalTimeToWithdraw The time in seconds which is added per ‱ of tokens disputing the claim.
- * @param _timeout Maximum time to pay arbitration fees after the other side did.
- */
+ * @param _arbitrator The arbitrator of the contract.
+ * @param _team The address of the team who will be able to claim milestone completion.
+ * @param _token The token whose holders are able to dispute milestone claims.
+ * @param _funder The party putting funds in the vault.
+ * @param _disputeThreshold The ‱ of tokens required to dispute a milestone.
+ * @param _claimToWithdrawTime The base time in seconds after a claim is considered non-disputed (i.e if no token holders dispute it).
+ * @param _additionalTimeToWithdraw The time in seconds which is added per ‱ of tokens disputing the claim.
+ * @param _timeout Maximum time to pay arbitration fees after the other side did.
+ */
constructor(Arbitrator _arbitrator, bytes _arbitratorExtraData, address _team, address _token, address _funder, uint _disputeThreshold, uint _claimToWithdrawTime, uint _additionalTimeToWithdraw, uint _timeout) public Arbitrable(_arbitrator,_arbitratorExtraData) {
@@ -68,52 +68,52 @@ contract FundingVault is Arbitrable {
ousterID = milestones.push(Milestone({ //Create a base milestone to be disputed when the funders claim the team is not doing their job.
- amount:0,
- amountClaimed:0,
- claimTime:0,
- disputed:false,
- feeTeam:0,
- feeHolders:0,
- voteToken:MiniMeToken(0x0),
- disputeID:0,
- lastTotalFeePayment:0,
- lastTotalFeePaymentIsTeam:false,
- payerForHolders:0x0
- }))-1;
- canChangeTeam = false;
+ amount:0,
+ amountClaimed:0,
+ claimTime:0,
+ disputed:false,
+ feeTeam:0,
+ feeHolders:0,
+ voteToken:MiniMeToken(0x0),
+ disputeID:0,
+ lastTotalFeePayment:0,
+ lastTotalFeePaymentIsTeam:false,
+ payerForHolders:0x0
+ }))-1;
+ canChangeTeam = false;
/** @dev Give the funds for a milestone.
- * @return milestoneID The ID of the milestone which was created.
- */
+ * @return milestoneID The ID of the milestone which was created.
+ */
function fundMilestone() public payable returns(uint milestoneID) {
return milestones.push(Milestone({
- amount:msg.value,
- amountClaimed:0,
- claimTime:0,
- disputed:false,
- feeTeam:0,
- feeHolders:0,
- voteToken:MiniMeToken(0x0),
- disputeID:0,
- lastTotalFeePayment:0,
- lastTotalFeePaymentIsTeam:false,
- payerForHolders:0x0
+ amount:msg.value,
+ amountClaimed:0,
+ claimTime:0,
+ disputed:false,
+ feeTeam:0,
+ feeHolders:0,
+ voteToken:MiniMeToken(0x0),
+ disputeID:0,
+ lastTotalFeePayment:0,
+ lastTotalFeePaymentIsTeam:false,
+ payerForHolders:0x0
- //Restricts Milestone function with functionality not necessary for Ouster.
- modifier isNotOuster(uint _milestoneID) {
- require(ousterID != _milestoneID);
- _;
- }
+ //Restricts Milestone function with functionality not necessary for Ouster.
+ modifier isNotOuster(uint _milestoneID) {
+ require(ousterID != _milestoneID);
+ _;
+ }
/** @dev Claim funds of a milestone.
- * @param _milestoneID The ID of the milestone.
- * @param _amount The amount claim. Note that the team can claim less than the amount of a milestone. This allows partial completion claims.
- */
+ * @param _milestoneID The ID of the milestone.
+ * @param _amount The amount claim. Note that the team can claim less than the amount of a milestone. This allows partial completion claims.
+ */
function claimMilestone(uint _milestoneID, uint _amount) public isNotOuster(_milestoneID) {
Milestone storage milestone=milestones[_milestoneID];
@@ -124,29 +124,23 @@ contract FundingVault is Arbitrable {
/** @dev Make a forked token to dispute a claim.
- * This avoid creating a token all the time, since most milestones should not be disputed.
- * @param _milestoneID The ID of the milestone.
- */
+ * This avoid creating a token all the time, since most milestones should not be disputed.
+ * @param _milestoneID The ID of the milestone.
+ */
function makeVoteToken(uint _milestoneID) public {
Milestone storage milestone=milestones[_milestoneID];
if( ousterID != _milestoneID ) { require(milestone.claimTime!=0); } // The milestone is currently claimed by the team, unless this is the ouster.
require(address(milestone.voteToken)==0x0); // Token has not already been made.
- milestone.voteToken=MiniMeToken(token.createCloneToken(
- "",
- token.decimals(),
- "",
- block.number,
- true
- ));
+ milestone.voteToken=MiniMeToken(token.createCloneToken("", token.decimals(), "", block.number, true));
/** @dev Pay fee to dispute a milestone. To be called by parties claiming the milestone was not completed.
- * The first party to pay the fee entirely will be reimbursed if the dispute is won.
- * Note that holders can make a smart contract to crowdfund the fee.
- * In the rare event the arbitrationCost is increased, anyone can pay the extra, but it is always the first payer who can be reimbursed.
- * @param _milestoneID The milestone which is disputed.
- */
+ * The first party to pay the fee entirely will be reimbursed if the dispute is won.
+ * Note that holders can make a smart contract to crowdfund the fee.
+ * In the rare event the arbitrationCost is increased, anyone can pay the extra, but it is always the first payer who can be reimbursed.
+ * @param _milestoneID The milestone which is disputed.
+ */
function payDisputeFeeByHolders(uint _milestoneID) public payable {
Milestone storage milestone=milestones[_milestoneID];
uint arbitrationCost = arbitrator.arbitrationCost(arbitratorExtraData);
@@ -158,21 +152,21 @@ contract FundingVault is Arbitrable {
if (milestone.payerForHolders==0x0)
- milestone.payerForHolders=msg.sender;
+ milestone.payerForHolders=msg.sender;
if (milestone.feeTeam>=arbitrationCost) { // Enough has been paid by all sides.
- } else if (milestone.lastTotalFeePayment==0) { // First time the fee is paid.
- milestone.lastTotalFeePayment=now;
- } else if(milestone.lastTotalFeePaymentIsTeam) { // The team was the last one who had paid entirely.
- milestone.lastTotalFeePaymentIsTeam=false;
- milestone.lastTotalFeePayment=now;
- }
+ } else if (milestone.lastTotalFeePayment==0) { // First time the fee is paid.
+ milestone.lastTotalFeePayment=now;
+ } else if(milestone.lastTotalFeePaymentIsTeam) { // The team was the last one who had paid entirely.
+ milestone.lastTotalFeePaymentIsTeam=false;
+ milestone.lastTotalFeePayment=now;
+ }
/** @dev Pay fee to for a milestone dispute. To be called by the team when the holders have enough votes and fee paid.
- * @param _milestoneID The milestone which is disputed.
- */
+ * @param _milestoneID The milestone which is disputed.
+ */
function payDisputeFeeByTeam(uint _milestoneID) public payable {
Milestone storage milestone=milestones[_milestoneID];
uint arbitrationCost = arbitrator.arbitrationCost(arbitratorExtraData);
@@ -184,21 +178,21 @@ contract FundingVault is Arbitrable {
if (milestone.feeHolders>=arbitrationCost) { // Enough has been paid by all sides.
- createDispute(_milestoneID,arbitrationCost);
+ createDispute(_milestoneID,arbitrationCost);
else if (milestone.lastTotalFeePayment==0) { // First time the fee is paid.
- } else if(!milestone.lastTotalFeePaymentIsTeam) { // The holders were the last ones who had paid entirely.
- milestone.lastTotalFeePaymentIsTeam=true;
- milestone.lastTotalFeePayment=now;
- }
+ } else if(!milestone.lastTotalFeePaymentIsTeam) { // The holders were the last ones who had paid entirely.
+ milestone.lastTotalFeePaymentIsTeam=true;
+ milestone.lastTotalFeePayment=now;
+ }
/** @dev Create a dispute.
- * @param _milestoneID The milestone which is disputed.
- * @param _arbitrationCost The amount which should be paid to the arbitrator.
- */
+ * @param _milestoneID The milestone which is disputed.
+ * @param _arbitrationCost The amount which should be paid to the arbitrator.
+ */
function createDispute(uint _milestoneID, uint _arbitrationCost) internal {
Milestone storage milestone=milestones[_milestoneID];
@@ -208,9 +202,9 @@ contract FundingVault is Arbitrable {
/** @dev Withdraw the money claimed in a milestone.
- * To be called when a dispute has not been created within the time limit.
- * @param _milestoneID The milestone which is disputed.
- */
+ * To be called when a dispute has not been created within the time limit.
+ * @param _milestoneID The milestone which is disputed.
+ */
function withdraw(uint _milestoneID) public isNotOuster(_milestoneID) {
Milestone storage milestone=milestones[_milestoneID];
@@ -229,8 +223,8 @@ contract FundingVault is Arbitrable {
// TODO: Timeouts
/** @dev Timeout to use when the holders don't pay the fee.
- * @param _milestoneID The milestone which is disputed.
- */
+ * @param _milestoneID The milestone which is disputed.
+ */
function timeoutByTeam(uint _milestoneID) public {
Milestone storage milestone=milestones[_milestoneID];
@@ -250,8 +244,8 @@ contract FundingVault is Arbitrable {
/** @dev Timeout to use whe the team don't pay the fee.
- * @param _milestoneID The milestone which is disputed.
- */
+ * @param _milestoneID The milestone which is disputed.
+ */
function timeoutByHolders(uint _milestoneID) public {
Milestone storage milestone=milestones[_milestoneID];
@@ -271,18 +265,18 @@ contract FundingVault is Arbitrable {
/** @dev Appeal an appealable ruling.
- * Transfer the funds to the arbitrator.
- * @param _milestoneID The milestone which is disputed.
- */
+ * Transfer the funds to the arbitrator.
+ * @param _milestoneID The milestone which is disputed.
+ */
function appeal(uint _milestoneID) public payable {
Milestone storage milestone=milestones[_milestoneID];
/** @dev Execute a ruling of a dispute.
- * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract.
- * @param _ruling Ruling given by the arbitrator. Note that 0 is reserved for "Not able/wanting to make a decision".
- */
+ * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract.
+ * @param _ruling Ruling given by the arbitrator. Note that 0 is reserved for "Not able/wanting to make a decision".
+ */
function executeRuling(uint _disputeID, uint _ruling) internal{
Milestone storage milestone=milestones[disputeIDToMilstoneID[_disputeID]];
require(milestone.voteToken.balanceOf(this) >= (disputeThreshold*milestone.voteToken.totalSupply())/1000); // Make sure there is enough votes to protect against a malicious arbitrator.
@@ -301,22 +295,22 @@ contract FundingVault is Arbitrable {
- } else if (_ruling==HOLDERS_WINS) {
- milestone.payerForHolders.transfer(milestone.feeTeam+milestone.feeHolders); // Pay the unused fees to the payer for holders.
- milestone.amountClaimed=0;
- milestone.claimTime=0;
- milestone.disputed=false;
- milestone.feeTeam=0;
- milestone.feeHolders=0;
- milestone.voteToken=MiniMeToken(0x0);
- milestone.disputeID=0;
- milestone.lastTotalFeePayment=0;
- milestone.lastTotalFeePaymentIsTeam=false;
- milestone.payerForHolders=0x0;
- if( ousterID == _milestoneID ) { //if this is the ouster milestone
- canChangeTeam = true; //allow the funder to change the team
+ } else if (_ruling==HOLDERS_WINS) {
+ milestone.payerForHolders.transfer(milestone.feeTeam+milestone.feeHolders); // Pay the unused fees to the payer for holders.
+ milestone.amountClaimed=0;
+ milestone.claimTime=0;
+ milestone.disputed=false;
+ milestone.feeTeam=0;
+ milestone.feeHolders=0;
+ milestone.voteToken=MiniMeToken(0x0);
+ milestone.disputeID=0;
+ milestone.lastTotalFeePayment=0;
+ milestone.lastTotalFeePaymentIsTeam=false;
+ milestone.payerForHolders=0x0;
+ if( ousterID == _milestoneID ) { //if this is the ouster milestone
+ canChangeTeam = true; //allow the funder to change the team
+ }
- }
/** @dev Change the team. Note that the holders would have to make
@@ -324,10 +318,10 @@ contract FundingVault is Arbitrable {
* @param _newTeam the new team.
function changeTeam(address _newTeam) public {
- require(msg.sender == funder); //The sender must be the funder.
- require(canChangeTeam);
- team = _newTeam;
- canChangeTeam = false; //This can only be called once.
+ require(msg.sender == funder); //The sender must be the funder.
+ require(canChangeTeam);
+ team = _newTeam;
+ canChangeTeam = false; //This can only be called once.
diff --git a/contracts/standard/arbitration/Arbitrator.sol b/contracts/standard/arbitration/Arbitrator.sol
index 4d9452e2..c5032457 100644
--- a/contracts/standard/arbitration/Arbitrator.sol
+++ b/contracts/standard/arbitration/Arbitrator.sol
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ contract Arbitrator{
* @param _extraData Can be used to give additional info on the dispute to be created.
* @return fee Amount to be paid.
- function arbitrationCost(bytes _extraData) public constant returns(uint fee);
+ function arbitrationCost(bytes _extraData) public view returns(uint fee);
/** @dev Appeal a ruling. Note that it has to be called before the arbitrator contract calls rule.
* @param _disputeID ID of the dispute to be appealed.
@@ -66,18 +66,18 @@ contract Arbitrator{
* @param _extraData Can be used to give additional info on the dispute to be created.
* @return fee Amount to be paid.
- function appealCost(uint _disputeID, bytes _extraData) public constant returns(uint fee);
+ function appealCost(uint _disputeID, bytes _extraData) public view returns(uint fee);
/** @dev Return the status of a dispute.
* @param _disputeID ID of the dispute to rule.
* @return status The status of the dispute.
- function disputeStatus(uint _disputeID) public constant returns(DisputeStatus status);
+ function disputeStatus(uint _disputeID) public view returns(DisputeStatus status);
/** @dev Return the current ruling of a dispute. This is useful for parties to know if they should appeal.
* @param _disputeID ID of the dispute.
* @return ruling The ruling which has been given or the one which will be given if there is no appeal.
- function currentRuling(uint _disputeID) public constant returns(uint ruling);
+ function currentRuling(uint _disputeID) public view returns(uint ruling);
diff --git a/contracts/standard/arbitration/CentralizedArbitrator.sol b/contracts/standard/arbitration/CentralizedArbitrator.sol
index 79c42b90..a73f387c 100644
--- a/contracts/standard/arbitration/CentralizedArbitrator.sol
+++ b/contracts/standard/arbitration/CentralizedArbitrator.sol
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
- * @title Arbitration Standard
- * @author Clément Lesaege -
- * Bug Bounties: This code hasn't undertaken a bug bounty program yet.
- */
+* @title Arbitration Standard
+* @author Clément Lesaege -
+* Bug Bounties: This code hasn't undertaken a bug bounty program yet.
pragma solidity ^0.4.15;
import "./Arbitrator.sol";
/** @title Centralized Arbitrator
- * This is a centralized arbitrator deciding alone of the result of disputes.
- * No appeals are possible.
- */
+* This is a centralized arbitrator deciding alone of the result of disputes.
+* No appeals are possible.
contract CentralizedArbitrator is Arbitrator {
address public owner=msg.sender;
@@ -31,42 +31,42 @@ contract CentralizedArbitrator is Arbitrator {
DisputeStruct[] public disputes;
/** @dev Constructor. Set the initial arbitration price.
- * @param _arbitrationPrice Amount to be paid for arbitration.
- */
+ * @param _arbitrationPrice Amount to be paid for arbitration.
+ */
constructor(uint _arbitrationPrice) public {
arbitrationPrice = _arbitrationPrice;
/** @dev Set the arbitration price. Only callable by the owner.
- * @param _arbitrationPrice Amount to be paid for arbitration.
- */
+ * @param _arbitrationPrice Amount to be paid for arbitration.
+ */
function setArbitrationPrice(uint _arbitrationPrice) public onlyOwner {
arbitrationPrice = _arbitrationPrice;
/** @dev Cost of arbitration. Accessor to arbitrationPrice.
- * @param _extraData Not used by this contract.
- * @return fee Amount to be paid.
- */
- function arbitrationCost(bytes _extraData) public constant returns(uint fee) {
+ * @param _extraData Not used by this contract.
+ * @return fee Amount to be paid.
+ */
+ function arbitrationCost(bytes _extraData) public view returns(uint fee) {
return arbitrationPrice;
/** @dev Cost of appeal. Since it is not possible, it's a high value which can never be paid.
- * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute to be appealed. Not used by this contract.
- * @param _extraData Not used by this contract.
- * @return fee Amount to be paid.
- */
- function appealCost(uint _disputeID, bytes _extraData) public constant returns(uint fee) {
+ * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute to be appealed. Not used by this contract.
+ * @param _extraData Not used by this contract.
+ * @return fee Amount to be paid.
+ */
+ function appealCost(uint _disputeID, bytes _extraData) public view returns(uint fee) {
/** @dev Create a dispute. Must be called by the arbitrable contract.
- * Must be paid at least arbitrationCost().
- * @param _choices Amount of choices the arbitrator can make in this dispute. When ruling ruling<=choices.
- * @param _extraData Can be used to give additional info on the dispute to be created.
- * @return disputeID ID of the dispute created.
- */
+ * Must be paid at least arbitrationCost().
+ * @param _choices Amount of choices the arbitrator can make in this dispute. When ruling ruling<=choices.
+ * @param _extraData Can be used to give additional info on the dispute to be created.
+ * @return disputeID ID of the dispute created.
+ */
function createDispute(uint _choices, bytes _extraData) public payable returns(uint disputeID) {
disputeID = disputes.push(DisputeStruct({
@@ -75,15 +75,15 @@ contract CentralizedArbitrator is Arbitrator {
fee: msg.value,
ruling: 0,
status: DisputeStatus.Waiting
- })) - 1; // Create the dispute and return its number.
- DisputeCreation(disputeID, Arbitrable(msg.sender));
- return disputeID;
+ })) - 1; // Create the dispute and return its number.
+ emit DisputeCreation(disputeID, Arbitrable(msg.sender));
+ return disputeID;
/** @dev Give a ruling. UNTRUSTED.
- * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute to rule.
- * @param _ruling Ruling given by the arbitrator. Note that 0 means "Not able/wanting to make a decision".
- */
+ * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute to rule.
+ * @param _ruling Ruling given by the arbitrator. Note that 0 means "Not able/wanting to make a decision".
+ */
function giveRuling(uint _disputeID, uint _ruling) public onlyOwner {
DisputeStruct dispute = disputes[_disputeID];
@@ -100,18 +100,18 @@ contract CentralizedArbitrator is Arbitrator {
/** @dev Return the status of a dispute.
- * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute to rule.
- * @return status The status of the dispute.
- */
- function disputeStatus(uint _disputeID) public constant returns(DisputeStatus status) {
+ * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute to rule.
+ * @return status The status of the dispute.
+ */
+ function disputeStatus(uint _disputeID) public view returns(DisputeStatus status) {
return disputes[_disputeID].status;
/** @dev Return the ruling of a dispute.
- * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute to rule.
- * @return ruling The ruling which would or has been given.
- */
- function currentRuling(uint _disputeID) public constant returns(uint ruling) {
+ * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute to rule.
+ * @return ruling The ruling which would or has been given.
+ */
+ function currentRuling(uint _disputeID) public view returns(uint ruling) {
return disputes[_disputeID].ruling;
diff --git a/contracts/standard/arbitration/CriptoKitties/Auction/ClockAuctionBase.sol b/contracts/standard/arbitration/CriptoKitties/Auction/ClockAuctionBase.sol
index 82888ba1..64439f65 100644
--- a/contracts/standard/arbitration/CriptoKitties/Auction/ClockAuctionBase.sol
+++ b/contracts/standard/arbitration/CriptoKitties/Auction/ClockAuctionBase.sol
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ contract ClockAuctionBase {
tokenIdToAuction[_tokenId] = _auction;
- AuctionCreated(
+ emit AuctionCreated(
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ contract ClockAuctionBase {
function _cancelAuction(uint256 _tokenId, address _seller) internal {
_transfer(_seller, _tokenId);
- AuctionCancelled(_tokenId);
+ emit AuctionCancelled(_tokenId);
/// @dev Computes the price and transfers winnings.
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ contract ClockAuctionBase {
// Tell the world!
- AuctionSuccessful(_tokenId, price, msg.sender);
+ emit AuctionSuccessful(_tokenId, price, msg.sender);
return price;
diff --git a/contracts/standard/arbitration/CriptoKitties/Auction/SaleClockAuction.sol b/contracts/standard/arbitration/CriptoKitties/Auction/SaleClockAuction.sol
index 419914cd..ea61b2d9 100644
--- a/contracts/standard/arbitration/CriptoKitties/Auction/SaleClockAuction.sol
+++ b/contracts/standard/arbitration/CriptoKitties/Auction/SaleClockAuction.sol
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* @title Clock auction modified for sale of kitties
- * @author dapperlabs (https://github.com/dapperlabs)
- * This code was taken from https://github.com/dapperlabs at
+ * @author dapperlabs (https://github.com/dapperlabs)
+ * This code was taken from https://github.com/dapperlabs at
* https://github.com/dapperlabs/cryptokitties-bounty and is NOT kleros code.
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
@@ -14,14 +14,15 @@ contract SaleClockAuction is ClockAuction {
// @dev Sanity check that allows us to ensure that we are pointing to the
// right auction in our setSaleAuctionAddress() call.
bool public isSaleClockAuction = true;
// Tracks last 5 sale price of gen0 kitty sales
uint256 public gen0SaleCount;
uint256[5] public lastGen0SalePrices;
// Delegate constructor
- function SaleClockAuction(address _nftAddr, uint256 _cut) public
- ClockAuction(_nftAddr, _cut) {}
+ function SaleClockAuction(address _nftAddr, uint256 _cut) public ClockAuction(_nftAddr, _cut) {
+ }
/// @dev Creates and begins a new auction.
/// @param _tokenId - ID of token to auction, sender must be owner.
diff --git a/contracts/standard/arbitration/CriptoKitties/Auction/SiringClockAuction.sol b/contracts/standard/arbitration/CriptoKitties/Auction/SiringClockAuction.sol
index bb64d291..d4200be5 100644
--- a/contracts/standard/arbitration/CriptoKitties/Auction/SiringClockAuction.sol
+++ b/contracts/standard/arbitration/CriptoKitties/Auction/SiringClockAuction.sol
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* @title Reverse auction modified for siring
- * @author dapperlabs (https://github.com/dapperlabs)
+ * @author dapperlabs (https://github.com/dapperlabs)
* This code was taken from https://github.com/dapperlabs at
* https://github.com/dapperlabs/cryptokitties-bounty and is NOT kleros code.
@@ -16,8 +16,9 @@ contract SiringClockAuction is ClockAuction {
bool public isSiringClockAuction = true;
// Delegate constructor
- function SiringClockAuction(address _nftAddr, uint256 _cut) public
- ClockAuction(_nftAddr, _cut) {}
+ function SiringClockAuction(address _nftAddr, uint256 _cut) public ClockAuction(_nftAddr, _cut) {
+ }
/// @dev Creates and begins a new auction. Since this function is wrapped,
/// require sender to be KittyCore contract.
diff --git a/contracts/standard/arbitration/CriptoKitties/KittyBase.sol b/contracts/standard/arbitration/CriptoKitties/KittyBase.sol
index c4e0d814..b91faeac 100644
--- a/contracts/standard/arbitration/CriptoKitties/KittyBase.sol
+++ b/contracts/standard/arbitration/CriptoKitties/KittyBase.sol
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ contract KittyBase is KittyAccessControl {
delete kittyIndexToApproved[_tokenId];
// Emit the transfer event.
- Transfer(_from, _to, _tokenId);
+ emit Transfer(_from, _to, _tokenId);
/// @dev An internal method that creates a new kitty and stores it. This
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ contract KittyBase is KittyAccessControl {
require(newKittenId <= 4294967295);
// emit the birth event
- Birth(
+ emit Birth(
diff --git a/contracts/standard/arbitration/CriptoKitties/KittyBreeding.sol b/contracts/standard/arbitration/CriptoKitties/KittyBreeding.sol
index 61728ac1..29e3e130 100644
--- a/contracts/standard/arbitration/CriptoKitties/KittyBreeding.sol
+++ b/contracts/standard/arbitration/CriptoKitties/KittyBreeding.sol
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
- * @title Base contract for CryptoKitties. Holds all common structs, events and base variables.
- * @author Axiom Zen (https://www.axiomzen.co)
- * This code was taken from https://github.com/dapperlabs at
- * https://github.com/dapperlabs/cryptokitties-bounty and is NOT kleros code.
- */
+* @title Base contract for CryptoKitties. Holds all common structs, events and base variables.
+* @author Axiom Zen (https://www.axiomzen.co)
+* This code was taken from https://github.com/dapperlabs at
+* https://github.com/dapperlabs/cryptokitties-bounty and is NOT kleros code.
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
-import './ExternalInterfaces/GeneScienceInterface.sol';
-import './KittyOwnership.sol';
+import "./ExternalInterfaces/GeneScienceInterface.sol";
+import "./KittyOwnership.sol";
/// @title A facet of KittyCore that manages Kitty siring, gestation, and birth.
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ contract KittyBreeding is KittyOwnership {
/// address(0) to clear all siring approvals for this Kitty.
/// @param _sireId A Kitty that you own that _addr will now be able to sire with.
function approveSiring(address _addr, uint256 _sireId)
- public
- whenNotPaused
+ public
+ whenNotPaused
require(_owns(msg.sender, _sireId));
sireAllowedToAddress[_sireId] = _addr;
@@ -111,9 +111,9 @@ contract KittyBreeding is KittyOwnership {
/// in the middle of a siring cooldown).
/// @param _kittyId reference the id of the kitten, any user can inquire about it
function isReadyToBreed(uint256 _kittyId)
- public
- view
- returns (bool)
+ public
+ view
+ returns (bool)
require(_kittyId > 0);
Kitty storage kit = kitties[_kittyId];
@@ -131,12 +131,11 @@ contract KittyBreeding is KittyOwnership {
uint256 _matronId,
Kitty storage _sire,
uint256 _sireId
- )
+ )
- returns(bool)
- {
- // A Kitty can't breed with itself!
+ returns(bool){
+ // A Kitty can't breed with itself!
if (_matronId == _sireId) {
return false;
@@ -170,9 +169,9 @@ contract KittyBreeding is KittyOwnership {
/// @dev Internal check to see if a given sire and matron are a valid mating pair for
/// breeding via auction (i.e. skips ownership and siring approval checks).
function _canBreedWithViaAuction(uint256 _matronId, uint256 _sireId)
- internal
- view
- returns (bool)
+ internal
+ view
+ returns (bool)
Kitty storage matron = kitties[_matronId];
Kitty storage sire = kitties[_sireId];
@@ -186,16 +185,16 @@ contract KittyBreeding is KittyOwnership {
/// @param _matronId The ID of the proposed matron.
/// @param _sireId The ID of the proposed sire.
function canBreedWith(uint256 _matronId, uint256 _sireId)
- public
- view
- returns(bool)
+ public
+ view
+ returns(bool)
require(_matronId > 0);
require(_sireId > 0);
Kitty storage matron = kitties[_matronId];
Kitty storage sire = kitties[_sireId];
return _isValidMatingPair(matron, _matronId, sire, _sireId) &&
- _isSiringPermitted(_sireId, _matronId);
+ _isSiringPermitted(_sireId, _matronId);
/// @notice Breed a Kitty you own (as matron) with a sire that you own, or for which you
@@ -236,12 +235,7 @@ contract KittyBreeding is KittyOwnership {
// Test that these cats are a valid mating pair.
- require(_isValidMatingPair(
- matron,
- _matronId,
- sire,
- _sireId
- ));
+ require(_isValidMatingPair(matron, _matronId, sire, _sireId));
// All checks passed, kitty gets pregnant!
_breedWith(_matronId, _sireId);
@@ -267,7 +261,7 @@ contract KittyBreeding is KittyOwnership {
delete sireAllowedToAddress[_sireId];
// Emit the pregnancy event.
- Pregnant(kittyIndexToOwner[_matronId], _matronId, _sireId);
+ emit Pregnant(kittyIndexToOwner[_matronId], _matronId, _sireId);
/// @notice Works like breedWith(), but includes a pre-payment of the gas required to call
@@ -277,9 +271,9 @@ contract KittyBreeding is KittyOwnership {
/// @param _matronId The ID of the Kitty acting as matron (will end up pregnant if successful)
/// @param _sireId The ID of the Kitty acting as sire (will begin its siring cooldown if successful)
function breedWithAuto(uint256 _matronId, uint256 _sireId)
- public
- payable
- whenNotPaused
+ public
+ payable
+ whenNotPaused
// Check for payment
require(msg.value >= autoBirthFee);
@@ -290,7 +284,7 @@ contract KittyBreeding is KittyOwnership {
// Emit an AutoBirth message so the autobirth daemon knows when and for what cat to call
// giveBirth().
Kitty storage matron = kitties[_matronId];
- AutoBirth(_matronId, matron.cooldownEndTime);
+ emit AutoBirth(_matronId, matron.cooldownEndTime);
/// @notice Have a pregnant Kitty give birth!
@@ -302,9 +296,9 @@ contract KittyBreeding is KittyOwnership {
/// new kitten will be ready to breed again. Note that anyone can call this function (if they
/// are willing to pay the gas!), but the new kitten always goes to the mother's owner.
function giveBirth(uint256 _matronId)
- public
- whenNotPaused
- returns(uint256)
+ public
+ whenNotPaused
+ returns(uint256)
// Grab a reference to the matron in storage.
Kitty storage matron = kitties[_matronId];
diff --git a/contracts/standard/arbitration/CriptoKitties/KittyMinting.sol b/contracts/standard/arbitration/CriptoKitties/KittyMinting.sol
index d15d40de..bb3ebed3 100644
--- a/contracts/standard/arbitration/CriptoKitties/KittyMinting.sol
+++ b/contracts/standard/arbitration/CriptoKitties/KittyMinting.sol
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* @title All functions related to creating kittens
- * @author dapperlabs (https://github.com/dapperlabs)
+ * @author dapperlabs (https://github.com/dapperlabs)
* This code was taken from https://github.com/dapperlabs at
* https://github.com/dapperlabs/cryptokitties-bounty and is NOT kleros code.
@@ -28,15 +28,17 @@ contract KittyMinting is KittyAuction {
/// @param _genes the encoded genes of the kitten to be created, any value is accepted
/// @param _owner the future owner of the created kittens. Default to contract COO
function createPromoKitty(uint256 _genes, address _owner) public onlyCOO {
- if (_owner == address(0)) {
- _owner = cooAddress;
+ address owner = _owner;
+ if (owner == address(0)) {
+ owner = cooAddress;
require(promoCreatedCount < promoCreationLimit);
require(gen0CreatedCount < gen0CreationLimit);
- _createKitty(0, 0, 0, _genes, _owner);
+ _createKitty(0, 0, 0, _genes, owner);
/// @dev Creates a new gen0 kitty with the given genes and
diff --git a/contracts/standard/arbitration/MultipleArbitrableTransaction.sol b/contracts/standard/arbitration/MultipleArbitrableTransaction.sol
index 9edd2f7a..0bdd8f87 100644
--- a/contracts/standard/arbitration/MultipleArbitrableTransaction.sol
+++ b/contracts/standard/arbitration/MultipleArbitrableTransaction.sol
@@ -339,9 +339,10 @@ contract MultipleArbitrableTransaction {
function getTransactionIDsByAddress(address _address) public view returns (uint[] transactionIDs) {
uint[] memory transactionIDsBigArr = new uint[](transactions.length);
uint count = 0;
- for (uint i = 0; i < transactions.length; i++)
+ for (uint i = 0; i < transactions.length; i++) {
if (transactions[i].seller == _address || transactions[i].buyer == _address)
transactionIDsBigArr[count++] = i;
+ }
transactionIDs = new uint[](count);
for (uint j = 0; j < count; j++) transactionIDs[j] = transactionIDsBigArr[j];
diff --git a/contracts/standard/proxy/ExperimentalProxy.sol b/contracts/standard/proxy/ExperimentalProxy.sol
index 52673f04..276e9be5 100644
--- a/contracts/standard/proxy/ExperimentalProxy.sol
+++ b/contracts/standard/proxy/ExperimentalProxy.sol
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ contract ExperimentalProxy {
// Return data
bytes memory _retData;
+ // solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly
assembly {
// Start of payload raw data (skip over size slot)
let _dataPtr := add(_data, 0x20)
@@ -80,6 +81,7 @@ contract ExperimentalProxy {
// Call on-chain handler
handleProxySuccess(msg.sig, _data, _retData);
+ // solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly
assembly {
return(add(_retData, 0x20), mload(_retData)) // Return returned data
diff --git a/contracts/standard/rng/ConstantNG.sol b/contracts/standard/rng/ConstantNG.sol
index 76c2ff2c..39535bc1 100644
--- a/contracts/standard/rng/ConstantNG.sol
+++ b/contracts/standard/rng/ConstantNG.sol
@@ -1,37 +1,35 @@
- * @title Constant Number Generator
- * @author Clément Lesaege -
- * @dev A Random Number Generator which always return the same number. Usefull in order to make tests.
- */
-import "./RNG.sol";
+* @title Constant Number Generator
+* @author Clément Lesaege -
+* @dev A Random Number Generator which always return the same number. Usefull in order to make tests.
pragma solidity ^0.4.15;
+import "./RNG.sol";
- contract ConstantNG is RNG{
+contract ConstantNG is RNG {
uint public number;
/** @dev Constructor.
- * @param _number The number to always return.
- */
+ * @param _number The number to always return.
+ */
constructor(uint _number) public {
number = _number;
/** @dev Contribute to the reward of a random number. All the ETH will be lost forever.
- * @param _block Block the random number is linked to.
- */
+ * @param _block Block the random number is linked to.
+ */
function contribute(uint _block) public payable {}
/** @dev Get the "random number" (which is always the same).
- * @param _block Block the random number is linked to.
- * @return RN Random Number. If the number is not ready or has not been required 0 instead.
- */
+ * @param _block Block the random number is linked to.
+ * @return RN Random Number. If the number is not ready or has not been required 0 instead.
+ */
function getRN(uint _block) public returns (uint RN) {
return number;
- }
diff --git a/contracts/standard/rng/RNG.sol b/contracts/standard/rng/RNG.sol
index 9114964b..2bf60be0 100644
--- a/contracts/standard/rng/RNG.sol
+++ b/contracts/standard/rng/RNG.sol
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
- * @title Random Number Generator Standard
- * @author Clément Lesaege -
- *
- */
+* @title Random Number Generator Standard
+* @author Clément Lesaege -
pragma solidity ^0.4.15;
- contract RNG{
+contract RNG{
/** @dev Contribute to the reward of a random number.
- * @param _block Block the random number is linked to.
- */
+ * @param _block Block the random number is linked to.
+ */
function contribute(uint _block) public payable;
/** @dev Request a random number.
- * @param _block Block linked to the request.
- */
+ * @param _block Block linked to the request.
+ */
function requestRN(uint _block) public payable {
/** @dev Get the random number.
- * @param _block Block the random number is linked to.
- * @return RN Random Number. If the number is not ready or has not been required 0 instead.
- */
+ * @param _block Block the random number is linked to.
+ * @return RN Random Number. If the number is not ready or has not been required 0 instead.
+ */
function getRN(uint _block) public returns (uint RN);
/** @dev Get a uncorrelated random number. Act like getRN but give a different number for each sender.
- * This is to prevent users from getting correlated numbers.
- * @param _block Block the random number is linked to.
- * @return RN Random Number. If the number is not ready or has not been required 0 instead.
- */
+ * This is to prevent users from getting correlated numbers.
+ * @param _block Block the random number is linked to.
+ * @return RN Random Number. If the number is not ready or has not been required 0 instead.
+ */
function getUncorrelatedRN(uint _block) public returns (uint RN) {
uint baseRN=getRN(_block);
if (baseRN==0)
- return 0;
+ return 0;
- return uint(keccak256(msg.sender,baseRN));
+ return uint(keccak256(msg.sender,baseRN));
- }
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 5ddb2021..725a25b7 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -9,8 +9,22 @@
"scripts": {
- "test": "scripts/test.sh",
- "coverage": "scripts/coverage.sh"
+ "prettify": "kleros-scripts prettify",
+ "lint:sol": "kleros-scripts lint:sol",
+ "lint:js": "kleros-scripts lint:js",
+ "lint": "yarn run lint:sol && yarn run lint:js",
+ "test:ganache": "ganache-cli &",
+ "test:truffle": "truffle test",
+ "test": "run-p test:*",
+ "precommit": "kleros-scripts precommit",
+ "commitmsg": "kleros-scripts commitmsg",
+ "cz": "kleros-scripts cz",
+ "build": "truffle compile"
+ },
+ "commitlint": {
+ "extends": [
+ "@commitlint/config-conventional"
+ ]
"repository": {
"type": "git",
@@ -31,6 +45,11 @@
"homepage": "https://github.com/kleros/kleros-interaction#readme",
"devDependencies": {
+ "eth-gas-reporter": "0.1.1",
+ "husky": "^0.14.3",
+ "kleros-scripts": "^0.10.0",
+ "npm-run-all": "^4.1.3",
+ "standard-version": "^4.4.0",
"coveralls": "^3.0.2",
"ganache-cli": "^6.1.6",
"solidity-coverage": "^0.5.7",
diff --git a/scripts/coverage.sh b/scripts/coverage.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a50f77b..00000000
--- a/scripts/coverage.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-SOLIDITY_COVERAGE=true scripts/test.sh
diff --git a/scripts/test.sh b/scripts/test.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index eabf2c34..00000000
--- a/scripts/test.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Exit script as soon as a command fails.
-set -o errexit
-# Executes cleanup function at script exit.
-trap cleanup EXIT
-cleanup() {
- # Kill the ganache instance that we started (if we started one and if it's still running).
- if [ -n "$ganache_pid" ] && ps -p $ganache_pid > /dev/null; then
- kill -9 $ganache_pid
- fi
-if [ "$SOLIDITY_COVERAGE" = true ]; then
- ganache_port=8555
- ganache_port=8545
-ganache_running() {
- nc -z localhost "$ganache_port"
-start_ganache() {
- # We define 10 accounts with balance 1M ether, needed for high-value tests.
- local accounts=(
- --account="0x2bdd21761a483f71054e14f5b827213567971c676928d9a1808cbfa4b7501200,1000000000000000000000000"
- --account="0x2bdd21761a483f71054e14f5b827213567971c676928d9a1808cbfa4b7501201,1000000000000000000000000"
- --account="0x2bdd21761a483f71054e14f5b827213567971c676928d9a1808cbfa4b7501202,1000000000000000000000000"
- --account="0x2bdd21761a483f71054e14f5b827213567971c676928d9a1808cbfa4b7501203,1000000000000000000000000"
- --account="0x2bdd21761a483f71054e14f5b827213567971c676928d9a1808cbfa4b7501204,1000000000000000000000000"
- --account="0x2bdd21761a483f71054e14f5b827213567971c676928d9a1808cbfa4b7501205,1000000000000000000000000"
- --account="0x2bdd21761a483f71054e14f5b827213567971c676928d9a1808cbfa4b7501206,1000000000000000000000000"
- --account="0x2bdd21761a483f71054e14f5b827213567971c676928d9a1808cbfa4b7501207,1000000000000000000000000"
- --account="0x2bdd21761a483f71054e14f5b827213567971c676928d9a1808cbfa4b7501208,1000000000000000000000000"
- --account="0x2bdd21761a483f71054e14f5b827213567971c676928d9a1808cbfa4b7501209,1000000000000000000000000"
- )
- if [ "$SOLIDITY_COVERAGE" = true ]; then
- node_modules/.bin/testrpc-sc --gasLimit 0xfffffffffff --port "$ganache_port" "${accounts[@]}" > /dev/null &
- else
- node_modules/.bin/ganache-cli --gasLimit 0xfffffffffff --gasPrice 1 "${accounts[@]}" > /dev/null &
- fi
- ganache_pid=$!
-if ganache_running; then
- echo "Using existing ganache instance"
- echo "Starting our own ganache instance"
- start_ganache
-if [ "$SOLC_NIGHTLY" = true ]; then
- echo "Downloading solc nightly"
- wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ethereum/solc-bin/gh-pages/bin/soljson-nightly.js -O /tmp/soljson.js && find . -name soljson.js -exec cp /tmp/soljson.js {} \;
-if [ "$SOLIDITY_COVERAGE" = true ]; then
- node_modules/.bin/solidity-coverage
- if [ "$CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION" = true ]; then
- cat coverage/lcov.info | node_modules/.bin/coveralls
- fi
- node_modules/.bin/truffle test "$@"
diff --git a/test/README.md b/test/README.md
index 165b8fc7..434e4d7c 100644
--- a/test/README.md
+++ b/test/README.md
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
The tests assumes you have at least the version 8.6 of node.js.
If it's not the case you can get it there: https://nodejs.org/en/
-Note that you'll have to reinstal ethereum js: npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc
+Note that you'll have to reinstall ethereum js: npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc
diff --git a/test/arbitrableKitty.js b/test/arbitrable-kitty.js
similarity index 55%
rename from test/arbitrableKitty.js
rename to test/arbitrable-kitty.js
index a76d7ec0..1e6a309f 100644
--- a/test/arbitrableKitty.js
+++ b/test/arbitrable-kitty.js
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-undef */ // Avoid the linter considering truffle elements as undef.
const { expectThrow, increaseTime } = require('../helpers/utils')
const ArbitrableKitty = artifacts.require('ArbitrableKitty')
@@ -7,7 +9,7 @@ const SaleClockAuction = artifacts.require('SaleClockAuction')
const SiringClockAuction = artifacts.require('SiringClockAuction')
const CentralizedArbitrator = artifacts.require('CentralizedArbitrator')
-contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
+contract('ArbitrableKitty', accounts => {
let kittyCore
let arbitrator
let arbitrable
@@ -45,43 +47,38 @@ contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
arbitrable = await deployArbitrableKitty(params, arbitrator, kittyCore)
// Transfer kitty to contract
- await kittyCore.transfer(arbitrable.address, params.kittyId, { from: PARTY_A })
+ await kittyCore.transfer(arbitrable.address, params.kittyId, {
+ from: PARTY_A
+ })
- const deployArbitratorContracts = async ({ARBITRATOR, ARBITRATION_FEE}) => {
- return CentralizedArbitrator.new(ARBITRATION_FEE, { from: ARBITRATOR })
- }
+ const deployArbitratorContracts = async ({ ARBITRATOR, ARBITRATION_FEE }) =>
+ CentralizedArbitrator.new(ARBITRATION_FEE, { from: ARBITRATOR })
const deployKittyContracts = async ({ coo, ceo }) => {
const coreC = await KittyCore.new({ from: coo })
- await coreC.setCEO(ceo, {from: coo})
+ await coreC.setCEO(ceo, { from: coo })
- let geneScienceContract = await GeneScienceMock.new({ from: coo })
+ const geneScienceContract = await GeneScienceMock.new({ from: coo })
await coreC.setGeneScienceAddress(geneScienceContract.address, {
from: ceo
- siringAuction = await SiringClockAuction.new(
- coreC.address,
- 100,
- { from: coo }
- )
+ siringAuction = await SiringClockAuction.new(coreC.address, 100, {
+ from: coo
+ })
await coreC.setSiringAuctionAddress(siringAuction.address, {
from: ceo
- saleAuction = await SaleClockAuction.new(
- coreC.address,
- 100,
- { from: coo }
- )
+ saleAuction = await SaleClockAuction.new(coreC.address, 100, { from: coo })
await coreC.setSaleAuctionAddress(saleAuction.address, {
from: ceo
- coreC._getKittyHelper = async function (id) {
- let attrs = await this.getKitty(id)
+ coreC._getKittyHelper = async function(id) {
+ const attrs = await this.getKitty(id)
return {
isGestating: attrs[0],
isReady: attrs[1],
@@ -111,18 +108,12 @@ contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
- {from: PARTY_A}
+ { from: PARTY_A }
const kittyToSiringAuction = async (kittyId, user) => {
- await kittyCore.createSiringAuction(
- kittyId,
- 100,
- 200,
- 60,
- { from: user }
- )
+ await kittyCore.createSiringAuction(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, { from: user })
return kittyId
@@ -138,20 +129,34 @@ contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await deployAndPrepare()
const status = (await arbitrable.status()).toNumber()
- assert.isAtMost(status, 0, 'should not have any pending or resolved disputes')
+ assert.isAtMost(
+ status,
+ 0,
+ 'should not have any pending or resolved disputes'
+ )
it('should allow any party to put kitty up for siring and cancel', async () => {
const { kittyId, PARTY_B, PARTY_A } = params
let kittyOwner
- await arbitrable.createSiringAuction(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, { from: PARTY_B })
+ await arbitrable.createSiringAuction(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, {
+ from: PARTY_B
+ })
kittyOwner = await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId)
- assert.equal(kittyOwner, siringAuction.address, 'Siring auction contract should own kitty')
+ assert.equal(
+ kittyOwner,
+ siringAuction.address,
+ 'Siring auction contract should own kitty'
+ )
await arbitrable.cancelSiringAuction(kittyId, { from: PARTY_A })
kittyOwner = await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId)
- assert.equal(kittyOwner, arbitrable.address, 'Arbitrable contract should own kitty')
+ assert.equal(
+ kittyOwner,
+ arbitrable.address,
+ 'Arbitrable contract should own kitty'
+ )
it('should allow any party to bid on siring auction and cancel', async () => {
@@ -169,7 +174,11 @@ contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
const kittyOwner = await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId)
- assert.equal(kittyOwner, arbitrable.address, 'contract should own the kitty')
+ assert.equal(
+ kittyOwner,
+ arbitrable.address,
+ 'contract should own the kitty'
+ )
let { isGestating } = await kittyCore._getKittyHelper(kittyId)
assert.isTrue(isGestating, 'kitty should be pregnant')
@@ -193,7 +202,7 @@ contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
value: await kittyCore.autoBirthFee()
- let { isGestating } = await kittyCore._getKittyHelper(kitty2Id)
+ const { isGestating } = await kittyCore._getKittyHelper(kitty2Id)
assert.isTrue(isGestating, 'kitty should be pregnant')
@@ -202,7 +211,11 @@ contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await deployAndPrepare()
const status = (await arbitrable.status()).toNumber()
- assert.isAtMost(status, 0, 'should not have any pending or resolved disputes')
+ assert.isAtMost(
+ status,
+ 0,
+ 'should not have any pending or resolved disputes'
+ )
it('should only allow party A to transfer kitty out of the contract if B consents', async () => {
@@ -212,12 +225,20 @@ contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
arbitrable.transfer(PARTY_A, kittyId, { from: PARTY_A })
- assert.equal((await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId)), arbitrable.address, 'arbitrable should still own kitty')
+ assert.equal(
+ await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId),
+ arbitrable.address,
+ 'arbitrable should still own kitty'
+ )
await arbitrable.consentToTransfer(kittyId, PARTY_A, { from: PARTY_B })
arbitrable.transfer(PARTY_A, kittyId, { from: PARTY_A })
- assert.equal((await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId)), PARTY_A, 'party B should own kitty')
+ assert.equal(
+ await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId),
+ 'party B should own kitty'
+ )
it('should only allow party B to transfer kitty out of the contract if A consents', async () => {
@@ -227,12 +248,20 @@ contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
arbitrable.transfer(OTHER_USER, kittyId, { from: PARTY_B })
- assert.equal((await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId)), arbitrable.address, 'arbitrable should still own kitty')
+ assert.equal(
+ await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId),
+ arbitrable.address,
+ 'arbitrable should still own kitty'
+ )
await arbitrable.consentToTransfer(kittyId, OTHER_USER, { from: PARTY_A })
arbitrable.transfer(OTHER_USER, kittyId, { from: PARTY_B })
- assert.equal((await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId)), OTHER_USER, 'other user should own kitty')
+ assert.equal(
+ await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId),
+ 'other user should own kitty'
+ )
it('should only allow party B to sell kitty if A consents', async () => {
@@ -241,11 +270,21 @@ contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
await expectThrow(
arbitrable.createSaleAuction(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, { from: PARTY_B })
- assert.equal((await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId)), arbitrable.address, 'arbitrable should still own kitty')
+ assert.equal(
+ await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId),
+ arbitrable.address,
+ 'arbitrable should still own kitty'
+ )
await arbitrable.consentToSell(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, { from: PARTY_A })
- await arbitrable.createSaleAuction(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, { from: PARTY_B })
- assert.equal((await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId)), saleAuction.address, 'sale auction contract should own kitty')
+ await arbitrable.createSaleAuction(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, {
+ from: PARTY_B
+ })
+ assert.equal(
+ await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId),
+ saleAuction.address,
+ 'sale auction contract should own kitty'
+ )
it('should only allow party A to sell kitty if B consents', async () => {
@@ -255,29 +294,49 @@ contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
arbitrable.createSaleAuction(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, { from: PARTY_A })
- assert.equal((await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId)), arbitrable.address, 'arbitrable should still own kitty')
+ assert.equal(
+ await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId),
+ arbitrable.address,
+ 'arbitrable should still own kitty'
+ )
await arbitrable.consentToSell(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, { from: PARTY_B })
- await arbitrable.createSaleAuction(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, { from: PARTY_A })
- assert.equal((await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId)), saleAuction.address, 'sale auction contract should own kitty')
+ await arbitrable.createSaleAuction(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, {
+ from: PARTY_A
+ })
+ assert.equal(
+ await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId),
+ saleAuction.address,
+ 'sale auction contract should own kitty'
+ )
it('should allow party to revoke consent before other party takes action', async () => {
const { kittyId, PARTY_A, PARTY_B } = params
await arbitrable.consentToSell(kittyId, 150, 300, 20, { from: PARTY_B })
- assert.isTrue(await arbitrable.partyConsentsToSell(PARTY_B, kittyId, 150, 300, 20))
+ assert.isTrue(
+ await arbitrable.partyConsentsToSell(PARTY_B, kittyId, 150, 300, 20)
+ )
await expectThrow(
arbitrable.createSaleAuction(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, { from: PARTY_A })
await arbitrable.revokeConsentToSell(kittyId, { from: PARTY_B })
- assert.isFalse(await arbitrable.partyConsentsToSell(PARTY_B, kittyId, 150, 300, 20))
+ assert.isFalse(
+ await arbitrable.partyConsentsToSell(PARTY_B, kittyId, 150, 300, 20)
+ )
await arbitrable.consentToSell(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, { from: PARTY_B })
- await arbitrable.createSaleAuction(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, { from: PARTY_A })
- assert.equal((await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId)), saleAuction.address, 'sale auction contract should own kitty')
+ await arbitrable.createSaleAuction(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, {
+ from: PARTY_A
+ })
+ assert.equal(
+ await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId),
+ saleAuction.address,
+ 'sale auction contract should own kitty'
+ )
@@ -285,17 +344,36 @@ contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
it('should allow only party A to cancel siring auction', async () => {
- await arbitrable.createSiringAuction(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, { from: PARTY_B })
- assert.equal(await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId), siringAuction.address, 'siring contract should own kitty')
+ const {
+ kittyId,
+ } = params
+ await arbitrable.createSiringAuction(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, {
+ from: PARTY_B
+ })
+ assert.equal(
+ await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId),
+ siringAuction.address,
+ 'siring contract should own kitty'
+ )
// Raise dispute
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: PARTY_A, value: ARBITRATION_FEE})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: PARTY_B, value: ARBITRATION_FEE})
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: PARTY_A,
+ })
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: PARTY_B,
+ })
// Grant custody to party A
- await arbitrator.giveRuling(0, PARTY_A_WINS, {from: ARBITRATOR})
+ await arbitrator.giveRuling(0, PARTY_A_WINS, { from: ARBITRATOR })
// Party B should not be allowed to cancel siring auction
await expectThrow(
@@ -304,21 +382,44 @@ contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
await arbitrable.cancelSiringAuction(kittyId, { from: PARTY_A })
- assert.equal((await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId)), arbitrable.address, 'arbitrable contract should own kitty')
+ assert.equal(
+ await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId),
+ arbitrable.address,
+ 'arbitrable contract should own kitty'
+ )
it('should allow only party B to cancel siring auction', async () => {
- await arbitrable.createSiringAuction(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, { from: PARTY_A })
- assert.equal(await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId), siringAuction.address, 'siring contract should own kitty')
+ const {
+ kittyId,
+ } = params
+ await arbitrable.createSiringAuction(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, {
+ from: PARTY_A
+ })
+ assert.equal(
+ await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId),
+ siringAuction.address,
+ 'siring contract should own kitty'
+ )
// Raise dispute
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: PARTY_A, value: ARBITRATION_FEE})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: PARTY_B, value: ARBITRATION_FEE})
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: PARTY_A,
+ })
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: PARTY_B,
+ })
// Grant custody to party B
- await arbitrator.giveRuling(0, PARTY_B_WINS, {from: ARBITRATOR})
+ await arbitrator.giveRuling(0, PARTY_B_WINS, { from: ARBITRATOR })
// Party B should not be allowed to cancel siring auction
await expectThrow(
@@ -327,7 +428,11 @@ contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
await arbitrable.cancelSiringAuction(kittyId, { from: PARTY_B })
- assert.equal((await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId)), arbitrable.address, 'arbitrable contract should own kitty')
+ assert.equal(
+ await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId),
+ arbitrable.address,
+ 'arbitrable contract should own kitty'
+ )
@@ -335,18 +440,37 @@ contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
it('should allow only party A to cancel sale auction', async () => {
+ const {
+ kittyId,
+ } = params
await arbitrable.consentToSell(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, { from: PARTY_A })
- await arbitrable.createSaleAuction(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, { from: PARTY_B })
- assert.equal(await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId), saleAuction.address, 'sale contract should own kitty')
+ await arbitrable.createSaleAuction(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, {
+ from: PARTY_B
+ })
+ assert.equal(
+ await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId),
+ saleAuction.address,
+ 'sale contract should own kitty'
+ )
// Raise dispute
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: PARTY_A, value: ARBITRATION_FEE})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: PARTY_B, value: ARBITRATION_FEE})
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: PARTY_A,
+ })
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: PARTY_B,
+ })
// Grant custody to party A
- await arbitrator.giveRuling(0, PARTY_A_WINS, {from: ARBITRATOR})
+ await arbitrator.giveRuling(0, PARTY_A_WINS, { from: ARBITRATOR })
// Party B should not be allowed to cancel sale auction
await expectThrow(
@@ -354,22 +478,45 @@ contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
await arbitrable.cancelSaleAuction(kittyId, { from: PARTY_A })
- assert.equal((await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId)), arbitrable.address, 'arbitrable contract should own kitty')
+ assert.equal(
+ await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId),
+ arbitrable.address,
+ 'arbitrable contract should own kitty'
+ )
it('should allow only party B to cancel sale auction', async () => {
+ const {
+ kittyId,
+ } = params
await arbitrable.consentToSell(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, { from: PARTY_B })
- await arbitrable.createSaleAuction(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, { from: PARTY_A })
- assert.equal(await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId), saleAuction.address, 'sale contract should own kitty')
+ await arbitrable.createSaleAuction(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, {
+ from: PARTY_A
+ })
+ assert.equal(
+ await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId),
+ saleAuction.address,
+ 'sale contract should own kitty'
+ )
// Raise dispute
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: PARTY_A, value: ARBITRATION_FEE})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: PARTY_B, value: ARBITRATION_FEE})
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: PARTY_A,
+ })
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: PARTY_B,
+ })
// Grant custody to party B
- await arbitrator.giveRuling(0, PARTY_B_WINS, {from: ARBITRATOR})
+ await arbitrator.giveRuling(0, PARTY_B_WINS, { from: ARBITRATOR })
// Party B should not be allowed to cancel sale auction
await expectThrow(
@@ -378,7 +525,11 @@ contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
await arbitrable.cancelSaleAuction(kittyId, { from: PARTY_B })
- assert.equal((await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId)), arbitrable.address, 'arbitrable contract should own kitty')
+ assert.equal(
+ await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId),
+ arbitrable.address,
+ 'arbitrable contract should own kitty'
+ )
@@ -386,22 +537,46 @@ contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await deployAndPrepare()
- assert.isAtMost((await arbitrable.rulingResult()).toNumber(), 0, 'should not have a result yet')
+ const {
+ } = params
+ assert.isAtMost(
+ (await arbitrable.rulingResult()).toNumber(),
+ 0,
+ 'should not have a result yet'
+ )
// Raise dispute
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: PARTY_A, value: ARBITRATION_FEE})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: PARTY_B, value: ARBITRATION_FEE})
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: PARTY_A,
+ })
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: PARTY_B,
+ })
// Grant custody to party A
- await arbitrator.giveRuling(0, PARTY_A_WINS, {from: ARBITRATOR})
+ await arbitrator.giveRuling(0, PARTY_A_WINS, { from: ARBITRATOR })
it('should grant custody to A if arbitrator ruled as such', async () => {
const { PARTY_A_WINS, PARTY_A } = params
- assert.equal((await arbitrable.rulingResult()).toNumber(), PARTY_A_WINS, 'party A should have won')
- assert.equal(await arbitrable.winner(), PARTY_A, 'Party A should be the winner')
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrable.rulingResult()).toNumber(),
+ 'party A should have won'
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ await arbitrable.winner(),
+ 'Party A should be the winner'
+ )
it('should allow only party A to transfer kitty if arbitrator ruled as such', async () => {
@@ -413,7 +588,11 @@ contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
await arbitrable.transfer(OTHER_USER, kittyId, { from: PARTY_A })
- assert.equal(await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId), OTHER_USER, 'other user should own kitty.')
+ assert.equal(
+ await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId),
+ 'other user should own kitty.'
+ )
@@ -421,21 +600,45 @@ contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await deployAndPrepare()
- assert.isAtMost((await arbitrable.rulingResult()).toNumber(), 0, 'should not have a result yet')
+ const {
+ } = params
+ assert.isAtMost(
+ (await arbitrable.rulingResult()).toNumber(),
+ 0,
+ 'should not have a result yet'
+ )
// Raise dispute
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: PARTY_A, value: ARBITRATION_FEE})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: PARTY_B, value: ARBITRATION_FEE})
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: PARTY_A,
+ })
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: PARTY_B,
+ })
// Grant custody to party B
- await arbitrator.giveRuling(0, PARTY_B_WINS, {from: ARBITRATOR})
+ await arbitrator.giveRuling(0, PARTY_B_WINS, { from: ARBITRATOR })
it('should grant custody to B if arbitrator ruled as such', async () => {
const { PARTY_B_WINS, PARTY_B } = params
- assert.equal((await arbitrable.rulingResult()).toNumber(), PARTY_B_WINS, 'party B should have won')
- assert.equal(await arbitrable.winner(), PARTY_B, 'Party B should be the winner')
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrable.rulingResult()).toNumber(),
+ 'party B should have won'
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ await arbitrable.winner(),
+ 'Party B should be the winner'
+ )
it('should allow only party B to transfer kitty if arbitrator ruled as such', async () => {
@@ -447,7 +650,11 @@ contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
await arbitrable.transfer(OTHER_USER, kittyId, { from: PARTY_B })
- assert.equal(await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId), OTHER_USER, 'other user should own kitty.')
+ assert.equal(
+ await kittyCore.ownerOf(kittyId),
+ 'other user should own kitty.'
+ )
@@ -455,12 +662,28 @@ contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await deployAndPrepare()
- assert.isAtMost((await arbitrable.rulingResult()).toNumber(), 0, 'should not have a result yet')
+ const {
+ } = params
+ assert.isAtMost(
+ (await arbitrable.rulingResult()).toNumber(),
+ 0,
+ 'should not have a result yet'
+ )
// Raise dispute
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: PARTY_A, value: ARBITRATION_FEE})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: PARTY_B, value: ARBITRATION_FEE})
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: PARTY_A,
+ })
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: PARTY_B,
+ })
// // Grant shared custody
await arbitrator.giveRuling(0, SHARED_CUSTODY, { from: ARBITRATOR })
@@ -469,24 +692,50 @@ contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
it('should have granted shared custody', async () => {
const { SHARED_CUSTODY } = params
const rulingResult = (await arbitrable.rulingResult()).toNumber()
- assert.equal(rulingResult, SHARED_CUSTODY, 'shared custody should have been granted')
- assert.equal((await web3.eth.getBalance(arbitrable.address)).toNumber(),0,'should have split fees')
+ assert.equal(
+ rulingResult,
+ 'shared custody should have been granted'
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await web3.eth.getBalance(arbitrable.address)).toNumber(),
+ 0,
+ 'should have split fees'
+ )
- it("should return correct custody information", async () => {
+ it('should return correct custody information', async () => {
const { PARTY_A, PARTY_B } = params
- assert.isFalse(await arbitrable.underSendersCustody({ from: PARTY_B }),"should not be available yet")
- assert.isFalse(await arbitrable.underSendersCustody({ from: PARTY_A }),"should not be available yet")
+ assert.isFalse(
+ await arbitrable.underSendersCustody({ from: PARTY_B }),
+ 'should not be available yet'
+ )
+ assert.isFalse(
+ await arbitrable.underSendersCustody({ from: PARTY_A }),
+ 'should not be available yet'
+ )
- assert.isTrue(await arbitrable.underSendersCustody({ from: PARTY_A }),"should be under A's custody")
- assert.isFalse(await arbitrable.underSendersCustody({ from: PARTY_B }),"should be under A's custody")
+ assert.isTrue(
+ await arbitrable.underSendersCustody({ from: PARTY_A }),
+ "should be under A's custody"
+ )
+ assert.isFalse(
+ await arbitrable.underSendersCustody({ from: PARTY_B }),
+ "should be under A's custody"
+ )
increaseTime(60 * 60 * 24 * 7)
- assert.isTrue(await arbitrable.underSendersCustody({ from: PARTY_B }),"should be under B's custody")
- assert.isFalse(await arbitrable.underSendersCustody({ from: PARTY_A }),"should be under B's custody")
+ assert.isTrue(
+ await arbitrable.underSendersCustody({ from: PARTY_B }),
+ "should be under B's custody"
+ )
+ assert.isFalse(
+ await arbitrable.underSendersCustody({ from: PARTY_A }),
+ "should be under B's custody"
+ )
it("should allow only party A to take actions during A's custody", async () => {
@@ -497,7 +746,9 @@ contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
arbitrable.createSiringAuction(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, { from: PARTY_B })
- await arbitrable.createSiringAuction(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, { from: PARTY_A })
+ await arbitrable.createSiringAuction(kittyId, 100, 200, 60, {
+ from: PARTY_A
+ })
await expectThrow(
arbitrable.cancelSiringAuction(kittyId, { from: PARTY_B })
@@ -519,12 +770,11 @@ contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
from: PARTY_A,
value: autoBirthFee
it("should allow only party B to take actions during B's custody", async () => {
const { PARTY_A, PARTY_B, kittyId, OTHER_USER } = params
- increaseTime((60 * 60 * 24 * 7) + 1)
+ increaseTime(60 * 60 * 24 * 7 + 1)
const otherKittyId = await kittyToSiringAuction(
await mintKitty(2000, OTHER_USER),
@@ -532,39 +782,45 @@ contract('ArbitrableKitty', (accounts) => {
await expectThrow(
- arbitrable.bidOnSiringAuction(otherKittyId, kittyId, { from: PARTY_A, value: 200 })
+ arbitrable.bidOnSiringAuction(otherKittyId, kittyId, {
+ from: PARTY_A,
+ value: 200
+ })
- await arbitrable.bidOnSiringAuction(otherKittyId, kittyId, { from: PARTY_B, value: 200 })
+ await arbitrable.bidOnSiringAuction(otherKittyId, kittyId, {
+ from: PARTY_B,
+ value: 200
+ })
increaseTime(60 * 60)
- await expectThrow(
- arbitrable.giveBirth(kittyId, { from: PARTY_A })
- )
+ await expectThrow(arbitrable.giveBirth(kittyId, { from: PARTY_A }))
await arbitrable.giveBirth(kittyId, { from: PARTY_B })
describe('Custody math checker', () => {
it('should calculate modulus correctly', async () => {
- assert.equal((await arbitrable.modulus(21999,1661)).toNumber(),406)
- assert.equal((await arbitrable.modulus(2,4)).toNumber(),2)
- await expectThrow(
- arbitrable.modulus(2,0)
- )
+ assert.equal((await arbitrable.modulus(21999, 1661)).toNumber(), 406)
+ assert.equal((await arbitrable.modulus(2, 4)).toNumber(), 2)
+ await expectThrow(arbitrable.modulus(2, 0))
it('should return custody correctly for input', async () => {
const partyA = 1
const partyB = 2
- assert.equal((await arbitrable.custodyTurn(10000,10001,300)).toNumber(),partyA)
- assert.equal((await arbitrable.custodyTurn(10000,10300,300)).toNumber(),partyB)
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrable.custodyTurn(10000, 10001, 300)).toNumber(),
+ partyA
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrable.custodyTurn(10000, 10300, 300)).toNumber(),
+ partyB
+ )
diff --git a/test/arbitrable-permission-list.js b/test/arbitrable-permission-list.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db74ffd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/arbitrable-permission-list.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1965 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-undef */ // Avoid the linter considering truffle elements as undef.
+const BigNumber = web3.BigNumber
+const { expectThrow } = require('../helpers/utils')
+const ArbitrablePermissionList = artifacts.require(
+ './ArbitrablePermissionList.sol'
+const CentralizedArbitrator = artifacts.require('./CentralizedArbitrator.sol')
+contract('ArbitrablePermissionList', function(accounts) {
+ const arbitrator = accounts[1]
+ const partyA = accounts[2]
+ const partyB = accounts[3]
+ const arbitratorExtraData = 0x08575
+ const arbitrationFee = 4
+ const stake = 10
+ const timeToChallenge = 0
+ const metaEvidence = 'evidence'
+ let centralizedArbitrator
+ let arbitrablePermissionList
+ let arbitrationCost
+ const ITEM_STATUS = {
+ ABSENT: 0,
+ }
+ const RULING = {
+ OTHER: 0,
+ CLEAR: 2
+ }
+ const ARBITRARY_STRING = 'abc'
+ describe('queryItems', function() {
+ before('setup contract for each test', async () => {
+ centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {
+ from: arbitrator
+ })
+ blacklist = true
+ appendOnly = false
+ rechallengePossible = false
+ arbitrablePermissionList = await ArbitrablePermissionList.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ arbitratorExtraData,
+ metaEvidence,
+ blacklist,
+ appendOnly,
+ rechallengePossible,
+ stake,
+ timeToChallenge,
+ {
+ from: arbitrator
+ }
+ )
+ arbitrationCost = (await centralizedArbitrator.arbitrationCost.call(
+ 'as',
+ {
+ from: arbitrator
+ }
+ )).toNumber()
+ })
+ before('populate the list', async function() {
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
+ from: partyA,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ })
+ })
+ it('should succesfully retrieve mySubmissions', async function() {
+ const cursor = 0
+ const count = 1
+ const pending = false
+ const challenged = false
+ const accepted = false
+ const rejected = false
+ const mySubmissions = true
+ const myChallenges = false
+ const filter = [
+ pending,
+ challenged,
+ accepted,
+ rejected,
+ mySubmissions,
+ myChallenges
+ ]
+ const sort = true
+ const item = (await arbitrablePermissionList.queryItems(
+ cursor,
+ count,
+ filter,
+ sort,
+ {
+ from: partyA
+ }
+ ))[0]
+ assert.equal(web3.toUtf8(item[0]), ARBITRARY_STRING)
+ })
+ it('should succesfully retrieve pending', async function() {
+ const cursor = 0
+ const count = 1
+ const pending = true
+ const challenged = false
+ const accepted = false
+ const rejected = false
+ const mySubmissions = false
+ const myChallenges = false
+ const filter = [
+ pending,
+ challenged,
+ accepted,
+ rejected,
+ mySubmissions,
+ myChallenges
+ ]
+ const sort = true
+ const item = (await arbitrablePermissionList.queryItems(
+ cursor,
+ count,
+ filter,
+ sort,
+ {
+ from: partyA
+ }
+ ))[0]
+ assert.equal(web3.toUtf8(item[0]), ARBITRARY_STRING)
+ })
+ it('should revert when not cursor < itemsList.length', async function() {
+ const cursor = 1
+ const count = 1
+ const pending = true
+ const challenged = false
+ const accepted = false
+ const rejected = false
+ const mySubmissions = false
+ const myChallenges = false
+ const filter = [
+ pending,
+ challenged,
+ accepted,
+ rejected,
+ mySubmissions,
+ myChallenges
+ ]
+ const sort = true
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.queryItems(cursor, count, filter, sort, {
+ from: partyA
+ })
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ for (const appendOnly of [true, false])
+ for (const blacklist of [true, false])
+ for (const rechallengePossible of [true, false])
+ describe(
+ 'When appendOnly=' +
+ appendOnly +
+ ', blacklist=' +
+ blacklist +
+ ', rechallengePossible=' +
+ rechallengePossible,
+ function() {
+ beforeEach('setup contract for each test', async () => {
+ centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ {
+ from: arbitrator
+ }
+ )
+ arbitrablePermissionList = await ArbitrablePermissionList.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ arbitratorExtraData,
+ metaEvidence,
+ blacklist,
+ appendOnly,
+ rechallengePossible,
+ stake,
+ timeToChallenge,
+ {
+ from: arbitrator
+ }
+ )
+ arbitrationCost = (await centralizedArbitrator.arbitrationCost.call(
+ 'as',
+ {
+ from: arbitrator
+ }
+ )).toNumber()
+ })
+ it('should be constructed correctly', async () => {
+ assert.equal(
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.arbitrator(),
+ centralizedArbitrator.address
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.arbitratorExtraData(),
+ arbitratorExtraData
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.blacklist(),
+ blacklist
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.appendOnly(),
+ appendOnly
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.rechallengePossible(),
+ rechallengePossible
+ )
+ assert.equal(await arbitrablePermissionList.stake(), stake)
+ assert.equal(
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.timeToChallenge(),
+ timeToChallenge
+ )
+ })
+ describe('msg.value restrictions', function() {
+ describe('Should revert when msg.value < stake+arbitratorCost', function() {
+ it('requestRegistration', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost - 1
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ it('requestClearing', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost - 1
+ })
+ )
+ })
+ it('challengeRegistration', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost - 1
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ it('challengeClearing', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost - 1
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ describe('When item.disputed', function() {
+ beforeEach(
+ 'prepare pre-conditions to satisfy other requirements',
+ async function() {
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ ) // To satisfy `require(item.status==ItemStatus.Resubmitted || item.status==ItemStatus.Submitted)`
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ ) // To dissatisfy `require(!item.disputed)`
+ }
+ )
+ beforeEach('assert pre-conditions', async function() {
+ assert.ok(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0].toNumber() === ITEM_STATUS.SUBMITTED ||
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0].toNumber() === ITEM_STATUS.RESUBMITTED
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[5],
+ true
+ )
+ })
+ it('challengeRegistration', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ it('challengeClearing', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.challengeClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ })
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ describe('When !(item.status==ItemStatus.ClearingRequested || item.status==ItemStatus.PreventiveClearingRequested))', function() {
+ beforeEach('assert pre-conditions', async function() {
+ assert.ok(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0] <
+ )
+ })
+ it('challengeRegistration', async function() {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ it('challengeClearing', async function() {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.challengeClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ })
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ if (!rechallengePossible) {
+ describe('When item in absent state', function() {
+ beforeEach('assert pre-conditions', async function() {
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0],
+ )
+ })
+ it(
+ 'calling isPermitted should return ' + blacklist,
+ async () => {
+ assert.equal(
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.isPermitted(
+ ),
+ blacklist
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ it('calling requestRegistration should move item into the submitted state', async () => {
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0],
+ )
+ })
+ if (!appendOnly)
+ it('calling requestClearing should move item into the preventive clearing requested state', async () => {
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0].toNumber(),
+ )
+ })
+ else
+ it('calling requestClearing should revert', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling challangeBlacklisting should revert', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling challangeClearing should revert', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.challengeClearing(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling executeRequest should revert', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
+ from: arbitrator
+ })
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ if (!appendOnly)
+ describe('When item in cleared state', function() {
+ beforeEach('prepare pre-conditions', async function() {
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator
+ }
+ )
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ beforeEach('assert pre-conditions', async function() {
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0],
+ )
+ })
+ it(
+ 'calling isPermitted should return ' + blacklist,
+ async () => {
+ assert.equal(
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.isPermitted(
+ ),
+ blacklist
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ it('calling requestRegistration should move item into the resubmitted state', async () => {
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0].toNumber(),
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling requestClearing should revert', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling challangeBlacklisting should revert', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling challangeClearing should revert', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.challengeClearing(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling executeRequest should revert', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ if (!appendOnly)
+ describe('When item in resubmitted state', function() {
+ beforeEach('prepare pre-conditions', async function() {
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(
+ {
+ from: partyA,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(
+ {
+ from: partyA
+ }
+ )
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(
+ {
+ from: partyB,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(
+ {
+ from: partyB
+ }
+ )
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(
+ {
+ from: partyA,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ beforeEach('assert pre-conditions', async function() {
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0].toNumber(),
+ )
+ })
+ it(
+ 'calling isPermitted should return true ' + blacklist,
+ async () => {
+ assert.equal(
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.isPermitted(
+ ),
+ blacklist
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ it('calling requestRegistration should revert', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling requestClearing should revert', async function() {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling challengeBlacklisting should create a dispute', async function() {
+ const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[4].toNumber()
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[3].toString(),
+ arbitrator
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[4].toNumber(),
+ itemBalance + stake
+ )
+ const disputeID = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[6].toNumber()
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[5],
+ true
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ web3.toUtf8(
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.disputeIDToItem(
+ disputeID
+ )
+ ),
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling challengeClearing should revert', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.challengeClearing(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling executeRequest should move item into the blacklisted state', async function() {
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator
+ }
+ )
+ assert(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0].toNumber() === ITEM_STATUS.REGISTERED
+ )
+ })
+ describe('executeRuling', async function() {
+ let disputeID
+ beforeEach('create a dispute', async function() {
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(
+ {
+ from: partyB,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ disputeID = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[6].toNumber()
+ })
+ it('calling executeRuling with REGISTER should send item.balance to submitter', async function() {
+ const submitter = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[2]
+ const submitterBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(submitter)
+ const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[4]
+ await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(
+ disputeID,
+ {
+ from: arbitrator
+ }
+ )
+ const actualBalanceOfSubmitter = web3.eth.getBalance(
+ submitter
+ )
+ const expectedBalanceOfSubmitter = submitterBalance
+ .plus(itemBalance)
+ .minus(new BigNumber(stake).mul(4))
+ .minus(new BigNumber(arbitrationFee).mul(3))
+ assert(
+ actualBalanceOfSubmitter.equals(
+ expectedBalanceOfSubmitter
+ ),
+ 'Difference: ' +
+ actualBalanceOfSubmitter
+ .minus(expectedBalanceOfSubmitter)
+ .toNumber()
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0].toNumber(),
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling executeRuling with CLEAR should send item.balance to challenger', async function() {
+ const challenger = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[3]
+ const challengerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(challenger)
+ const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[4]
+ await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(
+ disputeID,
+ {
+ from: arbitrator
+ }
+ )
+ const actualBalanceOfChallenger = web3.eth.getBalance(
+ challenger
+ )
+ const expectedBalanceOfChallenger = itemBalance
+ .plus(challengerBalance)
+ .minus(new BigNumber(stake).mul(4))
+ .minus(new BigNumber(arbitrationFee).mul(3))
+ assert(
+ actualBalanceOfChallenger.equals(
+ expectedBalanceOfChallenger
+ ),
+ 'Difference: ' +
+ actualBalanceOfChallenger
+ .minus(expectedBalanceOfChallenger)
+ .toNumber()
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0].toNumber(),
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling executeRuling with OTHER should split item.balance between challenger and submitter and move item into the cleared state', async function() {
+ const submitter = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[2]
+ const challenger = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[3]
+ const submitterBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(submitter)
+ const challengerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(challenger)
+ const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[4]
+ await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(
+ disputeID,
+ {
+ from: arbitrator
+ }
+ )
+ const actualBalanceOfSubmitter = web3.eth.getBalance(
+ submitter
+ )
+ const actualBalanceOfChallenger = web3.eth.getBalance(
+ challenger
+ )
+ const expectedBalanceOfSubmitter = itemBalance
+ .dividedBy(new BigNumber(2))
+ .plus(submitterBalance)
+ const expectedBalanceOfChallenger = itemBalance
+ .dividedBy(new BigNumber(2))
+ .plus(challengerBalance)
+ .minus(new BigNumber(stake).mul(2))
+ .minus(
+ new BigNumber(arbitrationFee).mul(3).dividedBy(2)
+ )
+ assert(
+ actualBalanceOfSubmitter.equals(
+ expectedBalanceOfSubmitter
+ ),
+ 'Actual: ' +
+ actualBalanceOfSubmitter +
+ '\t0Expected: ' +
+ expectedBalanceOfSubmitter
+ )
+ assert(
+ actualBalanceOfChallenger.equals(
+ expectedBalanceOfChallenger
+ ),
+ '1Differece: ' +
+ actualBalanceOfChallenger.minus(
+ expectedBalanceOfChallenger
+ )
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0].toNumber(),
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ describe('When item in registered state', function() {
+ beforeEach('prepare pre-conditions', async function() {
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ beforeEach('assert pre-conditions', async function() {
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0],
+ )
+ })
+ it(
+ 'calling isPermitted should return ' + !blacklist,
+ async () => {
+ assert.equal(
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.isPermitted(
+ ),
+ !blacklist
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ it('calling requestRegistration should revert', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ if (!appendOnly)
+ it('calling requestClearing should move item into the clearing requested state', async () => {
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0].toNumber(),
+ )
+ })
+ else
+ it('calling requestClearing should revert', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling challengeRegistration should revert', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling challengeClearing should revert', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.challengeClearing(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling executeRequest should revert', async function() {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
+ from: arbitrator
+ })
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ describe('When item in submitted state', function() {
+ beforeEach('prepare pre-conditions', async function() {
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ beforeEach('assert pre-conditions', async function() {
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0].toNumber(),
+ )
+ })
+ it(
+ 'calling isPermitted should return ' + !blacklist,
+ async () => {
+ assert.equal(
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.isPermitted(
+ ),
+ !blacklist
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ it('calling requestRegistration should revert', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling requestClearing should move item into the clearing requested state', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ })
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling challangeBlacklisting should create a dispute', async function() {
+ const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[4].toNumber()
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ const disputeID = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[6].toNumber()
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[3].toString(),
+ arbitrator
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[4].toNumber(),
+ itemBalance + stake
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[5],
+ true
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ web3.toUtf8(
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.disputeIDToItem(disputeID)
+ ),
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling challengeClearing should revert', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.challengeClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
+ from: arbitrator,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ })
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling executeRequest should move item into the blacklisted state', async function() {
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator
+ }
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0].toNumber(),
+ )
+ })
+ describe('executeRuling', async function() {
+ let disputeID
+ beforeEach('create a dispute', async function() {
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(
+ {
+ from: partyB,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ disputeID = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[6].toNumber()
+ })
+ it('calling executeRuling with REGISTER should send item.balance to submitter', async function() {
+ const submitter = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[2]
+ const submitterBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(submitter)
+ const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[4]
+ const hash = await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(
+ disputeID,
+ {
+ from: arbitrator
+ }
+ )
+ const gasUsed = hash.receipt.gasUsed
+ const gasCost = gasUsed * Math.pow(10, 11) // Test environment doesn't care what the gasPrice is, spent value is always gasUsed * 10^11
+ const actualBalanceOfSubmitter = web3.eth.getBalance(
+ submitter
+ )
+ let expectedBalanceOfSubmitter
+ let expectedItemStatus
+ if (!rechallengePossible) {
+ expectedBalanceOfSubmitter = submitterBalance
+ .plus(itemBalance)
+ .plus(arbitrationFee)
+ .minus(gasCost)
+ expectedItemStatus = ITEM_STATUS.REGISTERED
+ } else {
+ expectedBalanceOfSubmitter = submitterBalance
+ .plus(itemBalance)
+ .minus(stake)
+ .minus(gasCost)
+ expectedItemStatus = ITEM_STATUS.SUBMITTED
+ }
+ assert(
+ actualBalanceOfSubmitter.equals(expectedBalanceOfSubmitter),
+ 'Actual: ' +
+ actualBalanceOfSubmitter +
+ '\tExpected: ' +
+ expectedBalanceOfSubmitter
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0].toNumber(),
+ expectedItemStatus
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling executeRuling with CLEAR should send item.balance to challenger', async function() {
+ const challenger = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[3]
+ const challengerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(challenger)
+ const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[4]
+ await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(
+ disputeID,
+ {
+ from: arbitrator
+ }
+ )
+ const actualBalanceOfChallenger = web3.eth.getBalance(
+ challenger
+ )
+ const expectedBalanceOfChallenger = challengerBalance.plus(
+ itemBalance
+ )
+ assert(
+ actualBalanceOfChallenger.equals(
+ expectedBalanceOfChallenger
+ ),
+ 'Actual: ' +
+ actualBalanceOfChallenger +
+ '\tExpected: ' +
+ expectedBalanceOfChallenger
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0].toNumber(),
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling executeRuling with OTHER should split item.balance between challenger and submitter and move item into the absent state', async function() {
+ const submitter = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[2]
+ const challenger = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[3]
+ const submitterBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(submitter)
+ const challengerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(challenger)
+ const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[4]
+ const disputeID = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[6]
+ const hash = await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(
+ disputeID,
+ {
+ from: arbitrator
+ }
+ )
+ const gasUsed = hash.receipt.gasUsed
+ const gasCost = gasUsed * Math.pow(10, 11) // Test environment doesn't care what the gasPrice is, spent value is always gasUsed * 10^11
+ const actualBalanceOfSubmitter = web3.eth.getBalance(
+ submitter
+ )
+ const actualBalanceOfChallenger = web3.eth.getBalance(
+ challenger
+ )
+ const expectedBalanceOfSubmitter = itemBalance
+ .dividedBy(new BigNumber(2))
+ .plus(submitterBalance)
+ .plus(arbitrationFee)
+ .minus(gasCost)
+ const expectedBalanceOfChallenger = itemBalance
+ .dividedBy(new BigNumber(2))
+ .plus(challengerBalance)
+ assert(
+ actualBalanceOfSubmitter.equals(expectedBalanceOfSubmitter),
+ 'Actual: ' +
+ actualBalanceOfSubmitter +
+ '\tExpected: ' +
+ expectedBalanceOfSubmitter
+ )
+ assert(
+ actualBalanceOfChallenger.equals(
+ expectedBalanceOfChallenger
+ ),
+ 'Actual: ' +
+ actualBalanceOfChallenger +
+ '\tExpected: ' +
+ expectedBalanceOfChallenger
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0].toNumber(),
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ if (!rechallengePossible) {
+ if (!appendOnly)
+ describe('When item in clearing requested state', function() {
+ beforeEach('prepare pre-conditions', async function() {
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(
+ {
+ from: partyA,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(
+ {
+ from: partyA
+ }
+ )
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(
+ {
+ from: partyB,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ beforeEach('assert pre-conditions', async function() {
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0].toNumber(),
+ )
+ })
+ it(
+ 'calling isPermitted should return ' + !blacklist,
+ async () => {
+ assert.equal(
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.isPermitted(
+ ),
+ !blacklist
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ it('calling requestRegistration should revert', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(
+ {
+ from: partyA,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling requestClearing should revert', async function() {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(
+ {
+ from: partyB,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling challengeRegistration should revert', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(
+ {
+ from: partyB,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling challangeClearing should create a dispute', async function() {
+ const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[4].toNumber()
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.challengeClearing(
+ {
+ from: partyA,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ const disputeID = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[6].toNumber()
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[3].toString(),
+ partyA
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[4].toNumber(),
+ itemBalance + stake
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[5],
+ true
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ web3.toUtf8(
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.disputeIDToItem(
+ disputeID
+ )
+ ),
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling executeRequest should move item into the blacklisted state', async function() {
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(
+ {
+ from: partyA
+ }
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0].toNumber(),
+ )
+ })
+ describe('executeRuling', async function() {
+ let disputeID
+ beforeEach('create a dispute', async function() {
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.challengeClearing(
+ {
+ from: partyB,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ disputeID = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[6].toNumber()
+ })
+ it('calling executeRuling with REGISTER should send item.balance to challenger', async function() {
+ const challenger = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[3]
+ const challengerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(challenger)
+ const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[4]
+ await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(
+ disputeID,
+ {
+ from: arbitrator
+ }
+ )
+ const actualBalanceOfChallenger = web3.eth.getBalance(
+ challenger
+ )
+ const expectedBalanceOfChallenger = challengerBalance
+ .plus(itemBalance)
+ .minus(new BigNumber(stake).mul(3))
+ .minus(new BigNumber(arbitrationFee).mul(2))
+ assert(
+ actualBalanceOfChallenger.equals(
+ expectedBalanceOfChallenger
+ ),
+ 'Difference: ' +
+ actualBalanceOfChallenger.minus(
+ expectedBalanceOfChallenger
+ )
+ )
+ // assert.equal(web3.eth.getBalance(challenger).toNumber(), challengerBalance + itemBalance);
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0].toNumber(),
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling executeRuling with CLEAR should send item.balance to submitter', async function() {
+ const submitter = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[2]
+ const submitterBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(submitter)
+ const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[4]
+ await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(
+ disputeID,
+ {
+ from: arbitrator
+ }
+ )
+ const actualBalanceOfSubmitter = web3.eth.getBalance(
+ submitter
+ )
+ const expectedBalanceOfSubmitter = submitterBalance
+ .plus(itemBalance)
+ .minus(new BigNumber(stake).mul(3))
+ .minus(new BigNumber(arbitrationFee).mul(2))
+ assert(
+ actualBalanceOfSubmitter.equals(
+ expectedBalanceOfSubmitter
+ ),
+ 'Difference: ' +
+ actualBalanceOfSubmitter.minus(
+ expectedBalanceOfSubmitter
+ )
+ )
+ // assert.equal(web3.eth.getBalance(submitter).toNumber(), submitterBalance + itemBalance);
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0].toNumber(),
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling executeRuling with OTHER should split item.balance between challenger and submitter and move item into the registered state', async function() {
+ const submitter = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[2]
+ const challenger = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[3]
+ const submitterBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(submitter)
+ const challengerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(challenger)
+ const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[4]
+ const disputeID = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[6]
+ await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(
+ disputeID,
+ {
+ from: arbitrator
+ }
+ )
+ const actualBalanceOfSubmitter = web3.eth.getBalance(
+ submitter
+ )
+ const actualBalanceOfChallenger = web3.eth.getBalance(
+ challenger
+ )
+ const expectedBalanceOfSubmitter = itemBalance
+ .dividedBy(2)
+ .plus(submitterBalance)
+ const expectedBalanceOfChallenger = itemBalance
+ .dividedBy(2)
+ .plus(challengerBalance)
+ assert(
+ actualBalanceOfSubmitter.equals(
+ expectedBalanceOfSubmitter
+ ),
+ 'Difference: ' +
+ actualBalanceOfSubmitter.minus(
+ expectedBalanceOfSubmitter
+ )
+ )
+ assert(
+ actualBalanceOfChallenger.equals(
+ expectedBalanceOfChallenger
+ ),
+ 'Difference: ' +
+ actualBalanceOfChallenger.minus(
+ expectedBalanceOfChallenger
+ )
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0].toNumber(),
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ if (!appendOnly)
+ describe('When item in preventive clearing requested state', function() {
+ beforeEach('prepare pre-conditions', async function() {
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(
+ {
+ from: partyB,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ beforeEach('assert pre-conditions', async function() {
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0].toNumber(),
+ )
+ })
+ it(
+ 'calling isPermitted on a not-disputed item should return ' +
+ blacklist,
+ async () => {
+ assert.equal(
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.isPermitted(
+ ),
+ blacklist
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ it(
+ 'calling isPermitted on a disputed item should return ' +
+ blacklist,
+ async () => {
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.challengeClearing(
+ {
+ from: partyA,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ ) // To satisfy disputed pre-condition
+ assert.equal(
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.isPermitted(
+ ),
+ !blacklist
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ it('calling requestRegistration should revert', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(
+ {
+ from: partyA,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling requestClearing should revert', async function() {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(
+ {
+ from: partyB,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling challengeRegistration should revert', async () => {
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(
+ {
+ from: partyB,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling challangeClearing should create a dispute', async function() {
+ const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[4].toNumber()
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.challengeClearing(
+ {
+ from: partyA,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[3].toString(),
+ partyA
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[4].toNumber(),
+ itemBalance + stake
+ )
+ const disputeID = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[6].toNumber()
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[5],
+ true
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ web3.toUtf8(
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.disputeIDToItem(
+ disputeID
+ )
+ ),
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling executeRequest should move item into the blacklisted state', async function() {
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(
+ {
+ from: arbitrator
+ }
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0].toNumber(),
+ )
+ })
+ describe('executeRuling', async function() {
+ let disputeID
+ beforeEach('create a dispute', async function() {
+ await arbitrablePermissionList.challengeClearing(
+ {
+ from: partyB,
+ value: stake + arbitrationCost
+ }
+ )
+ disputeID = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[6].toNumber()
+ })
+ it('calling executeRuling with REGISTER should send item.balance to challenger', async function() {
+ const challenger = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[3]
+ const challengerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(challenger)
+ const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[4]
+ await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(
+ disputeID,
+ {
+ from: arbitrator
+ }
+ )
+ const actualBalanceOfChallenger = web3.eth.getBalance(
+ challenger
+ )
+ const expectedBalanceOfChallenger = challengerBalance.plus(
+ itemBalance
+ )
+ assert(
+ actualBalanceOfChallenger.equals(
+ expectedBalanceOfChallenger
+ )
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0].toNumber(),
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling executeRuling with CLEAR should send item.balance to submitter', async function() {
+ const submitter = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[2]
+ const submitterBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(submitter)
+ const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[4]
+ await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(
+ disputeID,
+ {
+ from: arbitrator
+ }
+ )
+ const actualBalanceOfSubmitter = web3.eth.getBalance(
+ submitter
+ )
+ const expectedBalanceOfSubmitter = itemBalance.plus(
+ submitterBalance
+ )
+ assert(
+ actualBalanceOfSubmitter.equals(
+ expectedBalanceOfSubmitter
+ )
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0].toNumber(),
+ )
+ })
+ it('calling executeRuling with OTHER should split item.balance between challenger and submitter and move item into the absent state', async function() {
+ const submitter = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[2]
+ const challenger = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[3]
+ const submitterBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(submitter)
+ const challengerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(challenger)
+ const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[4]
+ const disputeID = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[6]
+ await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(
+ disputeID,
+ {
+ from: arbitrator
+ }
+ )
+ const actualBalanceOfSubmitter = web3.eth.getBalance(
+ submitter
+ )
+ const actualBalanceOfChallenger = web3.eth.getBalance(
+ challenger
+ )
+ const expectedBalanceOfSubmitter = itemBalance
+ .dividedBy(2)
+ .plus(submitterBalance)
+ .plus(new BigNumber(stake))
+ .plus(new BigNumber(arbitrationFee).dividedBy(2))
+ const expectedBalanceOfChallenger = itemBalance
+ .dividedBy(2)
+ .plus(challengerBalance)
+ .plus(new BigNumber(stake))
+ .plus(new BigNumber(arbitrationFee).dividedBy(2))
+ assert(
+ actualBalanceOfSubmitter.equals(
+ expectedBalanceOfSubmitter
+ ),
+ 'Difference: ' +
+ actualBalanceOfSubmitter.minus(
+ expectedBalanceOfSubmitter
+ )
+ )
+ assert(
+ actualBalanceOfChallenger.equals(
+ expectedBalanceOfChallenger
+ ),
+ 'Difference: ' +
+ actualBalanceOfChallenger.minus(
+ expectedBalanceOfChallenger
+ )
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(
+ ))[0].toNumber(),
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ )
diff --git a/test/arbitrable-transaction.js b/test/arbitrable-transaction.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd366cd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/arbitrable-transaction.js
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-undef */ // Avoid the linter considering truffle elements as undef.
+const { expectThrow, increaseTime } = require('../helpers/utils')
+const ArbitrableTransaction = artifacts.require('./ArbitrableTransaction.sol')
+const CentralizedArbitrator = artifacts.require('./CentralizedArbitrator.sol')
+contract('ArbitrableTransaction', function(accounts) {
+ const payer = accounts[0]
+ const payee = accounts[1]
+ const arbitrator = accounts[2]
+ const other = accounts[3]
+ const amount = 1000
+ const timeout = 100
+ const arbitrationFee = 20
+ const gasPrice = 5000000000
+ const metaEvidenceUri = 'https://kleros.io'
+ // Constructor
+ it('Should put 1000 wei in the contract', async () => {
+ const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(
+ 0x0,
+ timeout,
+ payee,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: payer, value: amount }
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ web3.eth.getBalance(arbitrableTransaction.address),
+ 1000,
+ "The contract hasn't received the wei correctly."
+ )
+ const amountSending = await arbitrableTransaction.amount()
+ assert.equal(
+ amountSending.toNumber(),
+ 1000,
+ "The contract hasn't updated its amount correctly."
+ )
+ })
+ // Pay
+ it('Should pay the payee', async () => {
+ const initialPayeeBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
+ const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(
+ 0x0,
+ timeout,
+ payee,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: payer, value: amount }
+ )
+ await arbitrableTransaction.pay({ from: payer })
+ const newPayeeBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
+ assert.equal(
+ newPayeeBalance.toString(),
+ initialPayeeBalance.plus(1000).toString(),
+ "The payee hasn't been paid properly"
+ )
+ })
+ it('Should not pay the payee', async () => {
+ const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(
+ 0x0,
+ timeout,
+ payee,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: payer, value: amount }
+ )
+ await expectThrow(arbitrableTransaction.pay({ from: payee }))
+ })
+ // Reimburse
+ it('Should reimburse 507 to the payer', async () => {
+ const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(
+ 0x0,
+ timeout,
+ payee,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: payer, value: amount }
+ )
+ const payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
+ await arbitrableTransaction.reimburse(507, { from: payee })
+ const newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
+ const newContractBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(
+ arbitrableTransaction.address
+ )
+ const newAmount = await arbitrableTransaction.amount()
+ assert.equal(
+ newPayerBalance.toString(),
+ payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment.plus(507).toString(),
+ 'The payer has not been reimbursed correctly'
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ newContractBalance.toNumber(),
+ 493,
+ 'Bad amount in the contract'
+ )
+ assert.equal(newAmount.toNumber(), 493, 'Amount not updated correctly')
+ })
+ it('Should reimburse 1000 (all) to the payer', async () => {
+ const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(
+ 0x0,
+ timeout,
+ payee,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: payer, value: amount }
+ )
+ const payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
+ await arbitrableTransaction.reimburse(1000, { from: payee })
+ const newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
+ const newContractBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(
+ arbitrableTransaction.address
+ )
+ const newAmount = await arbitrableTransaction.amount()
+ assert.equal(
+ newPayerBalance.toString(),
+ payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment.plus(1000).toString(),
+ 'The payer has not been reimbursed correctly'
+ )
+ assert.equal(newContractBalance.toNumber(), 0, 'Bad amount in the contract')
+ assert.equal(newAmount.toNumber(), 0, 'Amount not updated correctly')
+ })
+ it('Should fail if we try to reimburse more', async () => {
+ const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(
+ 0x0,
+ timeout,
+ payee,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: payer, value: amount }
+ )
+ await expectThrow(arbitrableTransaction.reimburse(1003, { from: payee }))
+ })
+ it('Should fail if the payer to it', async () => {
+ const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(
+ 0x0,
+ timeout,
+ payee,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: payer, value: amount }
+ )
+ await expectThrow(arbitrableTransaction.reimburse(1000, { from: payer }))
+ })
+ // executeRuling
+ it('Should reimburse the payer (including arbitration fee) when the arbitrator decides so', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ payee,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: payer, value: amount }
+ )
+ await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: payer,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: payee,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ const payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
+ await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(0, 1, { from: arbitrator })
+ const newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
+ assert.equal(
+ newPayerBalance.toString(),
+ payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment.plus(1020).toString(),
+ 'The payer has not been reimbursed correctly'
+ )
+ })
+ it('Should pay the payee and reimburse him the arbitration fee when the arbitrator decides so', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ payee,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: payer, value: amount }
+ )
+ await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: payer,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: payee,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ const payeeBalanceBeforePay = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
+ await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(0, 2, { from: arbitrator })
+ const newPayeeBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
+ assert.equal(
+ newPayeeBalance.toString(),
+ payeeBalanceBeforePay.plus(1020).toString(),
+ 'The payee has not been paid properly'
+ )
+ })
+ it('It should do nothing if the arbitrator decides so', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ payee,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: payer, value: amount }
+ )
+ await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: payer,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: payee,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ const payeeBalanceBeforePay = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
+ const payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
+ await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(0, 0, { from: arbitrator })
+ const newPayeeBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
+ const newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
+ assert.equal(
+ newPayeeBalance.toString(),
+ payeeBalanceBeforePay.toString(),
+ "The payee got wei while it shouldn't"
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ newPayerBalance.toString(),
+ payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment.toString(),
+ "The payer got wei while it shouldn't"
+ )
+ })
+ it('Should reimburse the payer in case of timeout of the payee', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ payee,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: payer, value: amount }
+ )
+ await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: payer,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ increaseTime(timeout + 1)
+ const payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
+ const tx = await arbitrableTransaction.timeOutByPartyA({
+ from: payer,
+ gasPrice: gasPrice
+ })
+ const txFee = tx.receipt.gasUsed * gasPrice
+ const newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
+ assert.equal(
+ newPayerBalance.toString(),
+ payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment
+ .plus(1020)
+ .minus(txFee)
+ .toString(),
+ 'The payer has not been reimbursed correctly'
+ )
+ })
+ it("Shouldn't work before timeout for the payer", async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ payee,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: payer, value: amount }
+ )
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrableTransaction.timeOutByPartyA({ from: payer, gasPrice: gasPrice })
+ )
+ await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: payer,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ increaseTime(1)
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrableTransaction.timeOutByPartyA({ from: payer, gasPrice: gasPrice })
+ )
+ })
+ it('Should pay and reimburse the payee in case of timeout of the payer', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ payee,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: payer, value: amount }
+ )
+ await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: payee,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ increaseTime(timeout + 1)
+ const payeeBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
+ const tx = await arbitrableTransaction.timeOutByPartyB({
+ from: payee,
+ gasPrice: gasPrice
+ })
+ const txFee = tx.receipt.gasUsed * gasPrice
+ const newPayeeBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
+ assert.equal(
+ newPayeeBalance.toString(),
+ payeeBalanceBeforeReimbursment
+ .plus(1020)
+ .minus(txFee)
+ .toString(),
+ 'The payee has not been paid correctly'
+ )
+ })
+ it("Shouldn't work before timeout for the payee", async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ payee,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: payer, value: amount }
+ )
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrableTransaction.timeOutByPartyB({ from: payee, gasPrice: gasPrice })
+ )
+ await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: payee,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ increaseTime(1)
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrableTransaction.timeOutByPartyB({ from: payee, gasPrice: gasPrice })
+ )
+ })
+ // submitEvidence
+ it('Should create events when evidence is submitted by the payer', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ payee,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: payer, value: amount }
+ )
+ await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: payer,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: payee,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ const tx = await arbitrableTransaction.submitEvidence('ipfs:/X', {
+ from: payer
+ })
+ assert.equal(tx.logs[0].event, 'Evidence')
+ assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._arbitrator, centralizedArbitrator.address)
+ assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._party, payer)
+ assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._evidence, 'ipfs:/X')
+ })
+ it('Should create events when evidence is submitted by the payee', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ payee,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: payer, value: amount }
+ )
+ await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: payer,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: payee,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ const tx = await arbitrableTransaction.submitEvidence('ipfs:/X', {
+ from: payee
+ })
+ assert.equal(tx.logs[0].event, 'Evidence')
+ assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._arbitrator, centralizedArbitrator.address)
+ assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._party, payee)
+ assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._evidence, 'ipfs:/X')
+ })
+ it('Should fail if someone else try to submit', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ payee,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: payer, value: amount }
+ )
+ await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: payer,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: payee,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrableTransaction.submitEvidence('ipfs:/X', { from: other })
+ )
+ })
diff --git a/test/arbitrablePermissionList.js b/test/arbitrablePermissionList.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ce69468a..00000000
--- a/test/arbitrablePermissionList.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1063 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable no-undef */ // Avoid the linter considering truffle elements as undef.
-const BigNumber = web3.BigNumber;
-const {
- expectThrow
-} = require('../helpers/utils');
-const ArbitrablePermissionList = artifacts.require('./ArbitrablePermissionList.sol');
-const CentralizedArbitrator = artifacts.require('./CentralizedArbitrator.sol');
-contract('ArbitrablePermissionList', function(accounts) {
- const arbitrator = accounts[1];
- const partyA = accounts[2];
- const partyB = accounts[3];
- const arbitratorExtraData = 0x08575;
- const arbitrationFee = 4;
- const stake = 10;
- const timeToChallenge = 0;
- const metaEvidence = "evidence";
- let centralizedArbitrator;
- let arbitrablePermissionList;
- let arbitrationCost;
- const ITEM_STATUS = {
- ABSENT: 0,
- };
- const RULING = {
- OTHER: 0,
- CLEAR: 2
- };
- const ARBITRARY_NUMBER = 123;
- const ARBITRARY_STRING = "abc";
- describe('queryItems', function() {
- before('setup contract for each test', async () => {
- centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {
- from: arbitrator
- });
- blacklist = true;
- appendOnly = false;
- rechallengePossible = false;
- arbitrablePermissionList = await ArbitrablePermissionList.new(
- centralizedArbitrator.address,
- arbitratorExtraData,
- metaEvidence,
- blacklist,
- appendOnly,
- rechallengePossible,
- stake,
- timeToChallenge, {
- from: arbitrator
- }
- );
- arbitrationCost = (await centralizedArbitrator.arbitrationCost.call("as", {
- from: arbitrator
- })).toNumber();
- });
- before('populate the list', async function() {
- await arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: partyA,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- })
- })
- it('should succesfully retrieve mySubmissions', async function() {
- const cursor = 0;
- const count = 1;
- const pending = false;
- const challenged = false;
- const accepted = false;
- const rejected = false;
- const mySubmissions = true;
- const myChallenges = false;
- const filter = [pending, challenged, accepted, rejected, mySubmissions, myChallenges];
- const sort = true;
- const item = (await arbitrablePermissionList.queryItems(cursor, count, filter, sort, {
- from: partyA
- }))[0];
- assert.equal(web3.toUtf8(item[0]), ARBITRARY_STRING);
- })
- it('should succesfully retrieve pending', async function() {
- const cursor = 0;
- const count = 1;
- const pending = true;
- const challenged = false;
- const accepted = false;
- const rejected = false;
- const mySubmissions = false;
- const myChallenges = false;
- const filter = [pending, challenged, accepted, rejected, mySubmissions, myChallenges];
- const sort = true;
- const item = (await arbitrablePermissionList.queryItems(cursor, count, filter, sort, {
- from: partyA
- }))[0];
- assert.equal(web3.toUtf8(item[0]), ARBITRARY_STRING);
- })
- it('should revert when not cursor < itemsList.length', async function() {
- const cursor = 1;
- const count = 1;
- const pending = true;
- const challenged = false;
- const accepted = false;
- const rejected = false;
- const mySubmissions = false;
- const myChallenges = false;
- const filter = [pending, challenged, accepted, rejected, mySubmissions, myChallenges];
- const sort = true;
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.queryItems(cursor, count, filter, sort, {
- from: partyA
- }));
- })
- })
- for (const appendOnly of [true, false]) {
- for (const blacklist of [true, false]) {
- for (const rechallengePossible of [true, false]) {
- describe('When appendOnly=' + appendOnly + ', blacklist=' + blacklist + ', rechallengePossible=' + rechallengePossible, function() {
- beforeEach('setup contract for each test', async () => {
- centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {
- from: arbitrator
- });
- arbitrablePermissionList = await ArbitrablePermissionList.new(
- centralizedArbitrator.address,
- arbitratorExtraData,
- metaEvidence,
- blacklist,
- appendOnly,
- rechallengePossible,
- stake,
- timeToChallenge, {
- from: arbitrator
- }
- );
- arbitrationCost = (await centralizedArbitrator.arbitrationCost.call("as", {
- from: arbitrator
- })).toNumber();
- });
- it('should be constructed correctly', async () => {
- assert.equal(await arbitrablePermissionList.arbitrator(), centralizedArbitrator.address);
- assert.equal(await arbitrablePermissionList.arbitratorExtraData(), arbitratorExtraData)
- assert.equal(await arbitrablePermissionList.blacklist(), blacklist)
- assert.equal(await arbitrablePermissionList.appendOnly(), appendOnly)
- assert.equal(await arbitrablePermissionList.rechallengePossible(), rechallengePossible)
- assert.equal(await arbitrablePermissionList.stake(), stake);
- assert.equal(await arbitrablePermissionList.timeToChallenge(), timeToChallenge);
- });
- describe('msg.value restrictions', function() {
- describe('Should revert when msg.value < stake+arbitratorCost', function() {
- it('requestRegistration', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost - 1
- }))
- });
- it('requestClearing', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost - 1
- }))
- });
- it('challengeRegistration', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost - 1
- }))
- });
- it('challengeClearing', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost - 1
- }))
- })
- })
- });
- describe('When item.disputed', function() {
- beforeEach('prepare pre-conditions to satisfy other requirements', async function() {
- await arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }); // To satisfy `require(item.status==ItemStatus.Resubmitted || item.status==ItemStatus.Submitted)`
- await arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }) // To dissatisfy `require(!item.disputed)`
- });
- beforeEach('assert pre-conditions', async function() {
- assert.ok((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0] == ITEM_STATUS.SUBMITTED || (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0] == ITEM_STATUS.RESUBMITTED);
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[5], true)
- });
- it('challengeRegistration', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- });
- it('challengeClearing', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.challengeClearing(
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- })
- });
- describe('When !(item.status==ItemStatus.ClearingRequested || item.status==ItemStatus.PreventiveClearingRequested))', function() {
- beforeEach('assert pre-conditions', async function() {
- assert.ok((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0] < ITEM_STATUS.CLEARING_REQUESTED)
- });
- it('challengeRegistration', async function() {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- });
- it('challengeClearing', async function() {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.challengeClearing(
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- })
- });
- if (!rechallengePossible) {
- describe('When item in absent state', function() {
- beforeEach('assert pre-conditions', async function() {
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0], ITEM_STATUS.ABSENT)
- });
- it('calling isPermitted should return ' + (blacklist), async () => {
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.isPermitted(ARBITRARY_STRING)), blacklist)
- });
- it('calling requestRegistration should move item into the submitted state', async () => {
- await arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- });
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0], ITEM_STATUS.SUBMITTED);
- });
- if (!appendOnly) {
- it('calling requestClearing should move item into the preventive clearing requested state', async () => {
- await arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- });
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0].toNumber(), ITEM_STATUS.PREVENTIVE_CLEARING_REQUESTED)
- })
- } else {
- it('calling requestClearing should revert', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- })
- }
- it('calling challangeBlacklisting should revert', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- });
- it('calling challangeClearing should revert', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.challengeClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- });
- it('calling executeRequest should revert', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator
- }))
- })
- });
- if (!appendOnly) {
- describe('When item in cleared state', function() {
- beforeEach('prepare pre-conditions', async function() {
- await arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- });
- await arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator
- });
- await arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- });
- await arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator
- })
- });
- beforeEach('assert pre-conditions', async function() {
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0], ITEM_STATUS.CLEARED)
- });
- it('calling isPermitted should return ' + (blacklist), async () => {
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.isPermitted(ARBITRARY_STRING)), blacklist)
- });
- it('calling requestRegistration should move item into the resubmitted state', async () => {
- await arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- });
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0].toNumber(), ITEM_STATUS.RESUBMITTED)
- });
- it('calling requestClearing should revert', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- });
- it('calling challangeBlacklisting should revert', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- });
- it('calling challangeClearing should revert', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.challengeClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- });
- it('calling executeRequest should revert', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator
- }))
- })
- });
- }
- if (!appendOnly) {
- describe('When item in resubmitted state', function() {
- beforeEach('prepare pre-conditions', async function() {
- await arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: partyA,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- });
- await arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: partyA
- });
- await arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: partyB,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- });
- await arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: partyB
- });
- await arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: partyA,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- })
- });
- beforeEach('assert pre-conditions', async function() {
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0].toNumber(), ITEM_STATUS.RESUBMITTED)
- });
- it('calling isPermitted should return true ' + (blacklist), async () => {
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.isPermitted(ARBITRARY_STRING)), blacklist)
- });
- it('calling requestRegistration should revert', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- });
- it('calling requestClearing should revert', async function() {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- });
- it('calling challengeBlacklisting should create a dispute', async function() {
- let itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[4].toNumber();
- await arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- });
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[3].toString(), arbitrator);
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[4].toNumber(), itemBalance + stake);
- let disputeID = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[6].toNumber();
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[5], true);
- assert.equal(web3.toUtf8(await arbitrablePermissionList.disputeIDToItem(disputeID)), ARBITRARY_STRING)
- });
- it('calling challengeClearing should revert', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.challengeClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- });
- it('calling executeRequest should move item into the blacklisted state', async function() {
- await arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator
- });
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0].toNumber(), ITEM_STATUS.REGISTERED)
- });
- describe('executeRuling', async function() {
- let disputeID;
- beforeEach('create a dispute', async function() {
- await arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: partyB,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- });
- disputeID = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[6].toNumber();
- });
- it('calling executeRuling with REGISTER should send item.balance to submitter', async function() {
- const submitter = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[2];
- const submitterBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(submitter);
- const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[4];
- const hash = await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(disputeID, RULING.REGISTER, {
- from: arbitrator
- });
- const actualBalanceOfSubmitter = web3.eth.getBalance(submitter);
- const expectedBalanceOfSubmitter = submitterBalance.plus(itemBalance).minus(new BigNumber(stake).mul(4)).minus(new BigNumber(arbitrationFee).mul(3));
- assert(actualBalanceOfSubmitter.equals(expectedBalanceOfSubmitter), "Difference: " + (actualBalanceOfSubmitter.minus(expectedBalanceOfSubmitter)).toNumber());
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0].toNumber(), ITEM_STATUS.REGISTERED)
- });
- it('calling executeRuling with CLEAR should send item.balance to challenger', async function() {
- const challenger = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[3];
- const challengerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(challenger);
- const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[4];
- await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(disputeID, RULING.CLEAR, {
- from: arbitrator
- });
- const actualBalanceOfChallenger = web3.eth.getBalance(challenger);
- const expectedBalanceOfChallenger = itemBalance.plus(challengerBalance).minus(new BigNumber(stake).mul(4)).minus(new BigNumber(arbitrationFee).mul(3));
- assert(actualBalanceOfChallenger.equals(expectedBalanceOfChallenger), "Difference: " + (actualBalanceOfChallenger.minus(expectedBalanceOfChallenger)).toNumber());
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0].toNumber(), ITEM_STATUS.CLEARED)
- });
- it('calling executeRuling with OTHER should split item.balance between challenger and submitter and move item into the cleared state', async function() {
- const submitter = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[2];
- const challenger = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[3];
- const submitterBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(submitter);
- const challengerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(challenger);
- const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[4];
- await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(disputeID, RULING.OTHER, {
- from: arbitrator
- });
- const actualBalanceOfSubmitter = web3.eth.getBalance(submitter);
- const actualBalanceOfChallenger = web3.eth.getBalance(challenger);
- const expectedBalanceOfSubmitter = itemBalance.dividedBy(new BigNumber(2)).plus(submitterBalance);
- const expectedBalanceOfChallenger = itemBalance.dividedBy(new BigNumber(2)).plus(challengerBalance).minus(new BigNumber(stake).mul(2)).minus(new BigNumber(arbitrationFee).mul(3).dividedBy(2));
- assert(actualBalanceOfSubmitter.equals(expectedBalanceOfSubmitter), "Actual: " + actualBalanceOfSubmitter + "\t0Expected: " + expectedBalanceOfSubmitter)
- assert(actualBalanceOfChallenger.equals(expectedBalanceOfChallenger), "1Differece: " + actualBalanceOfChallenger.minus(expectedBalanceOfChallenger))
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0].toNumber(), ITEM_STATUS.CLEARED)
- })
- })
- });
- }
- describe('When item in registered state', function() {
- beforeEach('prepare pre-conditions', async function() {
- await arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- });
- await arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator
- })
- });
- beforeEach('assert pre-conditions', async function() {
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0], ITEM_STATUS.REGISTERED)
- });
- it('calling isPermitted should return ' + (!blacklist), async () => {
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.isPermitted(ARBITRARY_STRING)), !blacklist)
- });
- it('calling requestRegistration should revert', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- });
- if (!appendOnly) {
- it('calling requestClearing should move item into the clearing requested state', async () => {
- await arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- });
- assert.equal(
- (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0].toNumber(),
- })
- } else {
- it('calling requestClearing should revert', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- })
- }
- it('calling challengeRegistration should revert', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- });
- it('calling challengeClearing should revert', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.challengeClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- });
- it('calling executeRequest should revert', async function() {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator
- }))
- })
- });
- }
- describe('When item in submitted state', function() {
- beforeEach('prepare pre-conditions', async function() {
- await arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- })
- });
- beforeEach('assert pre-conditions', async function() {
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0].toNumber(), ITEM_STATUS.SUBMITTED)
- });
- it('calling isPermitted should return ' + (!blacklist), async () => {
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.isPermitted(ARBITRARY_STRING)), !blacklist)
- });
- it('calling requestRegistration should revert', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- });
- it('calling requestClearing should move item into the clearing requested state', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- });
- it('calling challangeBlacklisting should create a dispute', async function() {
- let itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[4].toNumber();
- await arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- });
- let disputeID = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[6].toNumber();
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[3].toString(), arbitrator);
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[4].toNumber(), itemBalance + stake);
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[5], true);
- assert.equal(web3.toUtf8(await arbitrablePermissionList.disputeIDToItem(disputeID)), ARBITRARY_STRING)
- });
- it('calling challengeClearing should revert', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.challengeClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- });
- it('calling executeRequest should move item into the blacklisted state', async function() {
- await arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator
- });
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0].toNumber(), ITEM_STATUS.REGISTERED)
- });
- describe('executeRuling', async function() {
- let disputeID;
- beforeEach('create a dispute', async function() {
- await arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: partyB,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- });
- disputeID = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[6].toNumber();
- });
- it('calling executeRuling with REGISTER should send item.balance to submitter', async function() {
- const submitter = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[2];
- const submitterBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(submitter);
- const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[4];
- const hash = await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(disputeID, RULING.REGISTER, {
- from: arbitrator
- });
- const gasUsed = hash.receipt.gasUsed;
- const gasCost = gasUsed * Math.pow(10, 11); // Test environment doesn't care what the gasPrice is, spent value is always gasUsed * 10^11
- const actualBalanceOfSubmitter = web3.eth.getBalance(submitter);
- let expectedBalanceOfSubmitter
- let expectedItemStatus
- if (!rechallengePossible) {
- expectedBalanceOfSubmitter = submitterBalance.plus(itemBalance).plus(arbitrationFee).minus(gasCost);
- expectedItemStatus = ITEM_STATUS.REGISTERED
- } else {
- expectedBalanceOfSubmitter = submitterBalance.plus(itemBalance).minus(stake).minus(gasCost);
- expectedItemStatus = ITEM_STATUS.SUBMITTED
- }
- assert(actualBalanceOfSubmitter.equals(expectedBalanceOfSubmitter), "Actual: " + actualBalanceOfSubmitter + "\tExpected: " + expectedBalanceOfSubmitter);
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0].toNumber(), expectedItemStatus)
- });
- it('calling executeRuling with CLEAR should send item.balance to challenger', async function() {
- const challenger = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[3];
- const challengerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(challenger);
- const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[4];
- await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(disputeID, RULING.CLEAR, {
- from: arbitrator
- });
- const actualBalanceOfChallenger = web3.eth.getBalance(challenger);
- const expectedBalanceOfChallenger = challengerBalance.plus(itemBalance);
- assert(actualBalanceOfChallenger.equals(expectedBalanceOfChallenger), "Actual: " + actualBalanceOfChallenger + "\tExpected: " + expectedBalanceOfChallenger)
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0].toNumber(), ITEM_STATUS.CLEARED)
- });
- it('calling executeRuling with OTHER should split item.balance between challenger and submitter and move item into the absent state', async function() {
- const submitter = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[2];
- const challenger = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[3];
- const submitterBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(submitter);
- const challengerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(challenger);
- const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[4];
- const disputeID = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[6];
- const hash = await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(disputeID, RULING.OTHER, {
- from: arbitrator
- });
- const gasUsed = hash.receipt.gasUsed;
- const gasCost = gasUsed * Math.pow(10, 11); // Test environment doesn't care what the gasPrice is, spent value is always gasUsed * 10^11
- const actualBalanceOfSubmitter = web3.eth.getBalance(submitter);
- const actualBalanceOfChallenger = web3.eth.getBalance(challenger);
- const expectedBalanceOfSubmitter = itemBalance.dividedBy(new BigNumber(2)).plus(submitterBalance).plus(arbitrationFee).minus(gasCost);
- const expectedBalanceOfChallenger = itemBalance.dividedBy(new BigNumber(2)).plus(challengerBalance);
- assert(actualBalanceOfSubmitter.equals(expectedBalanceOfSubmitter), "Actual: " + actualBalanceOfSubmitter + "\tExpected: " + expectedBalanceOfSubmitter)
- assert(actualBalanceOfChallenger.equals(expectedBalanceOfChallenger), "Actual: " + actualBalanceOfChallenger + "\tExpected: " + expectedBalanceOfChallenger)
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0].toNumber(), ITEM_STATUS.ABSENT)
- })
- })
- });
- if (!rechallengePossible) {
- if (!appendOnly) {
- describe('When item in clearing requested state', function() {
- beforeEach('prepare pre-conditions', async function() {
- await arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: partyA,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- });
- await arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: partyA
- });
- await arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: partyB,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- })
- });
- beforeEach('assert pre-conditions', async function() {
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0].toNumber(), ITEM_STATUS.CLEARING_REQUESTED)
- });
- it('calling isPermitted should return ' + (!blacklist), async () => {
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.isPermitted(ARBITRARY_STRING)), !blacklist)
- });
- it('calling requestRegistration should revert', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: partyA,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- });
- it('calling requestClearing should revert', async function() {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: partyB,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- });
- it('calling challengeRegistration should revert', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: partyB,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- });
- it('calling challangeClearing should create a dispute', async function() {
- let itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[4].toNumber();
- await arbitrablePermissionList.challengeClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: partyA,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- });
- let disputeID = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[6].toNumber();
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[3].toString(), partyA);
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[4].toNumber(), itemBalance + stake);
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[5], true);
- assert.equal(web3.toUtf8(await arbitrablePermissionList.disputeIDToItem(disputeID)), ARBITRARY_STRING)
- });
- it('calling executeRequest should move item into the blacklisted state', async function() {
- await arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: partyA
- });
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0].toNumber(), ITEM_STATUS.CLEARED)
- });
- describe('executeRuling', async function() {
- let disputeID;
- beforeEach('create a dispute', async function() {
- await arbitrablePermissionList.challengeClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: partyB,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- });
- disputeID = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[6].toNumber();
- });
- it('calling executeRuling with REGISTER should send item.balance to challenger', async function() {
- const challenger = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[3];
- const challengerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(challenger);
- const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[4];
- await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(disputeID, RULING.REGISTER, {
- from: arbitrator
- });
- const actualBalanceOfChallenger = web3.eth.getBalance(challenger);
- const expectedBalanceOfChallenger = challengerBalance.plus(itemBalance).minus(new BigNumber(stake).mul(3)).minus(new BigNumber(arbitrationFee).mul(2));
- assert(actualBalanceOfChallenger.equals(expectedBalanceOfChallenger), "Difference: " + actualBalanceOfChallenger.minus(expectedBalanceOfChallenger));
- // assert.equal(web3.eth.getBalance(challenger).toNumber(), challengerBalance + itemBalance);
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0].toNumber(), ITEM_STATUS.REGISTERED)
- });
- it('calling executeRuling with CLEAR should send item.balance to submitter', async function() {
- const submitter = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[2];
- const submitterBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(submitter);
- const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[4];
- await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(disputeID, RULING.CLEAR, {
- from: arbitrator
- });
- const actualBalanceOfSubmitter = web3.eth.getBalance(submitter);
- const expectedBalanceOfSubmitter = submitterBalance.plus(itemBalance).minus(new BigNumber(stake).mul(3)).minus(new BigNumber(arbitrationFee).mul(2));
- assert(actualBalanceOfSubmitter.equals(expectedBalanceOfSubmitter), "Difference: " + actualBalanceOfSubmitter.minus(expectedBalanceOfSubmitter));
- //assert.equal(web3.eth.getBalance(submitter).toNumber(), submitterBalance + itemBalance);
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0].toNumber(), ITEM_STATUS.CLEARED)
- });
- it('calling executeRuling with OTHER should split item.balance between challenger and submitter and move item into the registered state', async function() {
- const submitter = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[2];
- const challenger = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[3];
- const submitterBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(submitter);
- const challengerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(challenger);
- const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[4];
- const disputeID = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[6];
- await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(disputeID, RULING.OTHER, {
- from: arbitrator
- });
- const actualBalanceOfSubmitter = web3.eth.getBalance(submitter);
- const actualBalanceOfChallenger = web3.eth.getBalance(challenger);
- const expectedBalanceOfSubmitter = itemBalance.dividedBy(2).plus(submitterBalance);
- const expectedBalanceOfChallenger = itemBalance.dividedBy(2).plus(challengerBalance);
- assert(actualBalanceOfSubmitter.equals(expectedBalanceOfSubmitter), "Difference: " + actualBalanceOfSubmitter.minus(expectedBalanceOfSubmitter));
- assert(actualBalanceOfChallenger.equals(expectedBalanceOfChallenger), "Difference: " + actualBalanceOfChallenger.minus(expectedBalanceOfChallenger));
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0].toNumber(), ITEM_STATUS.REGISTERED);
- })
- })
- });
- }
- if (!appendOnly) {
- describe('When item in preventive clearing requested state', function() {
- beforeEach('prepare pre-conditions', async function() {
- await arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: partyB,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- })
- });
- beforeEach('assert pre-conditions', async function() {
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0].toNumber(), ITEM_STATUS.PREVENTIVE_CLEARING_REQUESTED)
- });
- it('calling isPermitted on a not-disputed item should return ' + (blacklist), async () => {
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.isPermitted(ARBITRARY_STRING)), blacklist)
- });
- it('calling isPermitted on a disputed item should return ' + (blacklist), async () => {
- await arbitrablePermissionList.challengeClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: partyA,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }); // To satisfy disputed pre-condition
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.isPermitted(ARBITRARY_STRING)), !blacklist)
- });
- it('calling requestRegistration should revert', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.requestRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: partyA,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- });
- it('calling requestClearing should revert', async function() {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.requestClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: partyB,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- });
- it('calling challengeRegistration should revert', async () => {
- await expectThrow(arbitrablePermissionList.challengeRegistration(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: partyB,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- }))
- });
- it('calling challangeClearing should create a dispute', async function() {
- let itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[4].toNumber();
- await arbitrablePermissionList.challengeClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: partyA,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- });
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[3].toString(), partyA);
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[4].toNumber(), itemBalance + stake);
- let disputeID = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[6].toNumber();
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[5], true);
- assert.equal(web3.toUtf8(await arbitrablePermissionList.disputeIDToItem(disputeID)), ARBITRARY_STRING)
- });
- it('calling executeRequest should move item into the blacklisted state', async function() {
- await arbitrablePermissionList.executeRequest(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: arbitrator
- });
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0].toNumber(), ITEM_STATUS.CLEARED)
- });
- describe('executeRuling', async function() {
- let disputeID;
- beforeEach('create a dispute', async function() {
- await arbitrablePermissionList.challengeClearing(ARBITRARY_STRING, {
- from: partyB,
- value: stake + arbitrationCost
- });
- disputeID = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[6].toNumber();
- });
- it('calling executeRuling with REGISTER should send item.balance to challenger', async function() {
- const challenger = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[3];
- const challengerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(challenger);
- const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[4];
- await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(disputeID, RULING.REGISTER, {
- from: arbitrator
- });
- const actualBalanceOfChallenger = web3.eth.getBalance(challenger);
- const expectedBalanceOfChallenger = challengerBalance.plus(itemBalance);
- assert(actualBalanceOfChallenger.equals(expectedBalanceOfChallenger));
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0].toNumber(), ITEM_STATUS.REGISTERED)
- });
- it('calling executeRuling with CLEAR should send item.balance to submitter', async function() {
- const submitter = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[2];
- const submitterBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(submitter);
- const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[4];
- await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(disputeID, RULING.CLEAR, {
- from: arbitrator
- });
- const actualBalanceOfSubmitter = web3.eth.getBalance(submitter);
- const expectedBalanceOfSubmitter = itemBalance.plus(submitterBalance);
- assert(actualBalanceOfSubmitter.equals(expectedBalanceOfSubmitter));
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0].toNumber(), ITEM_STATUS.CLEARED)
- });
- it('calling executeRuling with OTHER should split item.balance between challenger and submitter and move item into the absent state', async function() {
- const submitter = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[2];
- const challenger = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[3];
- const submitterBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(submitter);
- const challengerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(challenger);
- const itemBalance = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[4];
- const disputeID = (await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[6];
- await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(disputeID, RULING.OTHER, {
- from: arbitrator
- });
- const actualBalanceOfSubmitter = web3.eth.getBalance(submitter);
- const actualBalanceOfChallenger = web3.eth.getBalance(challenger);
- const expectedBalanceOfSubmitter = itemBalance.dividedBy(2).plus(submitterBalance).plus(new BigNumber(stake)).plus(new BigNumber(arbitrationFee).dividedBy(2));
- const expectedBalanceOfChallenger = itemBalance.dividedBy(2).plus(challengerBalance).plus(new BigNumber(stake)).plus(new BigNumber(arbitrationFee).dividedBy(2));;
- assert(actualBalanceOfSubmitter.equals(expectedBalanceOfSubmitter), "Difference: " + actualBalanceOfSubmitter.minus(expectedBalanceOfSubmitter));
- assert(actualBalanceOfChallenger.equals(expectedBalanceOfChallenger), "Difference: " + actualBalanceOfChallenger.minus(expectedBalanceOfChallenger));
- assert.equal((await arbitrablePermissionList.items(ARBITRARY_STRING))[0].toNumber(), ITEM_STATUS.ABSENT);
- })
- })
- })
- }
- }
- })
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/test/arbitrableTransaction.js b/test/arbitrableTransaction.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 93d4b117..00000000
--- a/test/arbitrableTransaction.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable no-undef */ // Avoid the linter considering truffle elements as undef.
-const { expectThrow, increaseTime } = require('../helpers/utils')
-const ArbitrableTransaction = artifacts.require('./ArbitrableTransaction.sol')
-const CentralizedArbitrator = artifacts.require('./CentralizedArbitrator.sol')
-contract('ArbitrableTransaction', function (accounts) {
- const payer = accounts[0]
- const payee = accounts[1]
- const arbitrator = accounts[2]
- const other = accounts[3]
- const amount = 1000
- const timeout = 100
- const arbitrationFee = 20
- const gasPrice = 5000000000
- const metaEvidenceUri = 'https://kleros.io'
- // Constructor
- it('Should put 1000 wei in the contract', async () => {
- const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(0x0, timeout, payee, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: payer, value: amount})
- assert.equal(web3.eth.getBalance(arbitrableTransaction.address), 1000, "The contract hasn't received the wei correctly.")
- const amountSending = await arbitrableTransaction.amount()
- assert.equal(amountSending.toNumber(), 1000, "The contract hasn't updated its amount correctly.")
- })
- // Pay
- it('Should pay the payee', async () => {
- const initialPayeeBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
- const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(0x0, timeout, payee, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: payer, value: amount})
- await arbitrableTransaction.pay({from: payer})
- const newPayeeBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
- assert.equal(newPayeeBalance.toString(), initialPayeeBalance.plus(1000).toString(), "The payee hasn't been paid properly")
- })
- it('Should not pay the payee', async () => {
- const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(0x0, timeout, payee, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: payer, value: amount})
- await expectThrow(arbitrableTransaction.pay({from: payee}))
- })
- // Reimburse
- it('Should reimburse 507 to the payer', async () => {
- const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(0x0, timeout, payee, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: payer, value: amount})
- const payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
- await arbitrableTransaction.reimburse(507, {from: payee})
- const newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
- const newContractBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(arbitrableTransaction.address)
- const newAmount = await arbitrableTransaction.amount()
- assert.equal(newPayerBalance.toString(), payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment.plus(507).toString(), 'The payer has not been reimbursed correctly')
- assert.equal(newContractBalance.toNumber(), 493, 'Bad amount in the contract')
- assert.equal(newAmount.toNumber(), 493, 'Amount not updated correctly')
- })
- it('Should reimburse 1000 (all) to the payer', async () => {
- const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(0x0, timeout, payee, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: payer, value: amount})
- const payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
- await arbitrableTransaction.reimburse(1000, {from: payee})
- const newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
- const newContractBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(arbitrableTransaction.address)
- const newAmount = await arbitrableTransaction.amount()
- assert.equal(newPayerBalance.toString(), payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment.plus(1000).toString(), 'The payer has not been reimbursed correctly')
- assert.equal(newContractBalance.toNumber(), 0, 'Bad amount in the contract')
- assert.equal(newAmount.toNumber(), 0, 'Amount not updated correctly')
- })
- it('Should fail if we try to reimburse more', async () => {
- const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(0x0, timeout, payee, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: payer, value: amount})
- await expectThrow(arbitrableTransaction.reimburse(1003, {from: payee}))
- })
- it('Should fail if the payer to it', async () => {
- const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(0x0, timeout, payee, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: payer, value: amount})
- await expectThrow(arbitrableTransaction.reimburse(1000, {from: payer}))
- })
- // executeRuling
- it('Should reimburse the payer (including arbitration fee) when the arbitrator decides so', async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, payee, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: payer, value: amount})
- await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: payer, value: arbitrationFee})
- await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: payee, value: arbitrationFee})
- const payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
- await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(0, 1, {from: arbitrator})
- const newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
- assert.equal(newPayerBalance.toString(), payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment.plus(1020).toString(), 'The payer has not been reimbursed correctly')
- })
- it('Should pay the payee and reimburse him the arbitration fee when the arbitrator decides so', async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, payee, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: payer, value: amount})
- await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: payer, value: arbitrationFee})
- await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: payee, value: arbitrationFee})
- const payeeBalanceBeforePay = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
- await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(0, 2, {from: arbitrator})
- const newPayeeBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
- assert.equal(newPayeeBalance.toString(), payeeBalanceBeforePay.plus(1020).toString(), 'The payee has not been paid properly')
- })
- it('It should do nothing if the arbitrator decides so', async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, payee, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: payer, value: amount})
- await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: payer, value: arbitrationFee})
- await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: payee, value: arbitrationFee})
- const payeeBalanceBeforePay = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
- const payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
- await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(0, 0, {from: arbitrator})
- const newPayeeBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
- const newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
- assert.equal(newPayeeBalance.toString(), payeeBalanceBeforePay.toString(), "The payee got wei while it shouldn't")
- assert.equal(newPayerBalance.toString(), payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment.toString(), "The payer got wei while it shouldn't")
- })
- it('Should reimburse the payer in case of timeout of the payee', async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, payee, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: payer, value: amount})
- await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: payer, value: arbitrationFee})
- increaseTime(timeout + 1)
- const payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
- const tx = await arbitrableTransaction.timeOutByPartyA({from: payer, gasPrice: gasPrice})
- const txFee = tx.receipt.gasUsed * gasPrice
- const newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
- assert.equal(newPayerBalance.toString(), payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment.plus(1020).minus(txFee).toString(), 'The payer has not been reimbursed correctly')
- })
- it("Shouldn't work before timeout for the payer", async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, payee, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: payer, value: amount})
- await expectThrow(arbitrableTransaction.timeOutByPartyA({from: payer, gasPrice: gasPrice}))
- await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: payer, value: arbitrationFee})
- increaseTime(1)
- await expectThrow(arbitrableTransaction.timeOutByPartyA({from: payer, gasPrice: gasPrice}))
- })
- it('Should pay and reimburse the payee in case of timeout of the payer', async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, payee, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: payer, value: amount})
- await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: payee, value: arbitrationFee})
- increaseTime(timeout + 1)
- const payeeBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
- const tx = await arbitrableTransaction.timeOutByPartyB({from: payee, gasPrice: gasPrice})
- const txFee = tx.receipt.gasUsed * gasPrice
- const newPayeeBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
- assert.equal(newPayeeBalance.toString(), payeeBalanceBeforeReimbursment.plus(1020).minus(txFee).toString(), 'The payee has not been paid correctly')
- })
- it("Shouldn't work before timeout for the payee", async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, payee, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: payer, value: amount})
- await expectThrow(arbitrableTransaction.timeOutByPartyB({from: payee, gasPrice: gasPrice}))
- await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: payee, value: arbitrationFee})
- increaseTime(1)
- await expectThrow(arbitrableTransaction.timeOutByPartyB({from: payee, gasPrice: gasPrice}))
- })
- // submitEvidence
- it('Should create events when evidence is submitted by the payer', async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, payee, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: payer, value: amount})
- await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: payer, value: arbitrationFee})
- await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: payee, value: arbitrationFee})
- const tx = await arbitrableTransaction.submitEvidence('ipfs:/X', {from: payer})
- assert.equal(tx.logs[0].event, 'Evidence')
- assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._arbitrator, centralizedArbitrator.address)
- assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._party, payer)
- assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._evidence, 'ipfs:/X')
- })
- it('Should create events when evidence is submitted by the payee', async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, payee, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: payer, value: amount})
- await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: payer, value: arbitrationFee})
- await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: payee, value: arbitrationFee})
- const tx = await arbitrableTransaction.submitEvidence('ipfs:/X', {from: payee})
- assert.equal(tx.logs[0].event, 'Evidence')
- assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._arbitrator, centralizedArbitrator.address)
- assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._party, payee)
- assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._evidence, 'ipfs:/X')
- })
- it('Should fail if someone else try to submit', async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrableTransaction = await ArbitrableTransaction.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, payee, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: payer, value: amount})
- await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: payer, value: arbitrationFee})
- await arbitrableTransaction.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: payee, value: arbitrationFee})
- await expectThrow(arbitrableTransaction.submitEvidence('ipfs:/X', {from: other}))
- })
diff --git a/test/blockhash-rng-fallback.js b/test/blockhash-rng-fallback.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d3d8f6ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/blockhash-rng-fallback.js
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-undef */ // Avoid the linter considering truffle elements as undef.
+var BlockHashRNGFallback = artifacts.require('BlockHashRNGFallback')
+contract('BlockHashRNGFallback', async accounts => {
+ it('should save the random number trough time', async () => {
+ const blockHashRNGFallback = await BlockHashRNGFallback.new({
+ from: accounts[0]
+ })
+ const blockNum = web3.eth.blockNumber
+ const randomNumCall = await blockHashRNGFallback.getRN.call(blockNum)
+ const randomNum = randomNumCall.toNumber()
+ await blockHashRNGFallback.saveRN(blockNum)
+ // long time passes
+ for (i = 0; i < 257; i++)
+ await web3.currentProvider.sendAsync({ method: 'evm_mine' }, function(
+ _err,
+ _result
+ ) {})
+ const sameRandomNum = await blockHashRNGFallback.getRN.call(blockNum)
+ assert.equal(
+ sameRandomNum.toNumber(),
+ randomNum,
+ 'unsaved random number should be 0'
+ )
+ })
+ it('should fallback to a number different from zero', async () => {
+ const blockHashRNGFallback = await BlockHashRNGFallback.new({
+ from: accounts[0]
+ })
+ const blockNum = web3.eth.blockNumber
+ // long time passes
+ for (i = 0; i < 257; i++)
+ await web3.currentProvider.sendAsync({ method: 'evm_mine' }, function(
+ _err,
+ _result
+ ) {})
+ const randomNum = await blockHashRNGFallback.getRN.call(blockNum)
+ assert.notEqual(randomNum.toNumber(), 0)
+ })
+ it('should give out the reward for saving a number', async () => {
+ const blockHashRNGFallback = await BlockHashRNGFallback.new({
+ from: accounts[0]
+ })
+ const reimbursment = 1e18
+ const balanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[2])
+ const blockNum = web3.eth.blockNumber
+ await blockHashRNGFallback.contribute(blockNum, {
+ from: accounts[1],
+ value: reimbursment
+ })
+ await blockHashRNGFallback.saveRN(blockNum, { from: accounts[2] })
+ const balanceAfterReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[2])
+ assert.ok(
+ balanceAfterReimbursment.toNumber() > balanceBeforeReimbursment.toNumber()
+ )
+ })
+ it('should not give reward to a caller who provided invalid block number', async () => {
+ const blockHashRNGFallback = await BlockHashRNGFallback.new({
+ from: accounts[0]
+ })
+ const reimbursment = 1e18
+ const balanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[2])
+ const blockNum = web3.eth.blockNumber + 100
+ await blockHashRNGFallback.contribute(blockNum, {
+ from: accounts[1],
+ value: reimbursment
+ })
+ await blockHashRNGFallback.saveRN(blockNum, { from: accounts[2] })
+ const balanceAfterReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[2])
+ assert.ok(
+ balanceAfterReimbursment.toNumber() < balanceBeforeReimbursment.toNumber()
+ )
+ })
diff --git a/test/blockhash-rng.js b/test/blockhash-rng.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96a9a519
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/blockhash-rng.js
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-undef */ // Avoid the linter considering truffle elements as undef.
+var BlockHashRNG = artifacts.require('BlockHashRNG')
+contract('BlockhashRNG', async accounts => {
+ it('should increase the reward for a random number', async () => {
+ const blockHashRNG = await BlockHashRNG.new({ from: accounts[0] })
+ await blockHashRNG.contribute(10, { from: accounts[0], value: 1000 })
+ let balance = await blockHashRNG.reward(10)
+ assert.equal(balance.toNumber(), 1000)
+ await blockHashRNG.contribute(10, { from: accounts[1], value: 1000 })
+ balance = await blockHashRNG.reward(10)
+ assert.equal(balance.toNumber(), 2000)
+ })
+ it('should generate a random number different from zero', async () => {
+ const blockHashRNG = await BlockHashRNG.new({ from: accounts[0] })
+ const rn = await blockHashRNG.getRN(web3.eth.blockNumber)
+ assert.notEqual(rn, 0)
+ })
+ it('should mine dummy blocks', async () => {
+ const currentBlockNum = web3.eth.blockNumber
+ // mine nine empty blocks
+ for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
+ await web3.currentProvider.sendAsync({ method: 'evm_mine' }, function(
+ _err,
+ _result
+ ) {})
+ // web3.eth.blockNumber is not going to return the correct value if there are no transactions in the block
+ // fake a single transaction
+ await BlockHashRNG.new({ from: accounts[0] })
+ assert.equal(currentBlockNum + 10, web3.eth.blockNumber)
+ })
+ it('should save the random number trough time', async () => {
+ const blockHashRNG = await BlockHashRNG.new({ from: accounts[0] })
+ const blockNum = web3.eth.blockNumber
+ const randomNumCall = await blockHashRNG.getRN.call(blockNum)
+ const randomNum = randomNumCall.toNumber()
+ await blockHashRNG.saveRN(blockNum)
+ // long time passes
+ for (i = 0; i < 257; i++)
+ await web3.currentProvider.sendAsync({ method: 'evm_mine' }, function(
+ _err,
+ _result
+ ) {})
+ const sameRandomNum = await blockHashRNG.getRN.call(blockNum)
+ assert.equal(
+ sameRandomNum.toNumber(),
+ randomNum,
+ 'unsaved random number should be 0'
+ )
+ })
+ it('should give out the reward for saving a number', async () => {
+ const blockHashRNG = await BlockHashRNG.new({ from: accounts[0] })
+ const reimbursment = 1e18
+ const balanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[2])
+ const blockNum = web3.eth.blockNumber
+ await blockHashRNG.contribute(blockNum, {
+ from: accounts[1],
+ value: reimbursment
+ })
+ await blockHashRNG.saveRN(blockNum, { from: accounts[2] })
+ const balanceAfterReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[2])
+ assert.ok(
+ balanceAfterReimbursment.toNumber() > balanceBeforeReimbursment.toNumber()
+ )
+ })
diff --git a/test/blockhashRNG.js b/test/blockhashRNG.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cfff88b1..00000000
--- a/test/blockhashRNG.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-var BlockHashRNG = artifacts.require("BlockHashRNG");
-contract('BlockhashRNG', async (accounts) => {
- it("should increase the reward for a random number", async () => {
- let blockHashRNG = await BlockHashRNG.new({from: accounts[0]})
- await blockHashRNG.contribute(10, {from: accounts[0], value: 1000})
- let balance = await blockHashRNG.reward(10);
- assert.equal(balance.toNumber(), 1000);
- await blockHashRNG.contribute(10, {from: accounts[1], value: 1000})
- balance = await blockHashRNG.reward(10);
- assert.equal(balance.toNumber(), 2000)
- })
- it("should generate a random number different from zero", async () => {
- let blockHashRNG = await BlockHashRNG.new({from: accounts[0]})
- let rn = await blockHashRNG.getRN(web3.eth.blockNumber)
- assert.notEqual(rn, 0)
- })
- it("should mine dummy blocks", async () => {
- let currentBlockNum = web3.eth.blockNumber
- // mine nine empty blocks
- for (i =0; i < 9; i++){
- await web3.currentProvider.sendAsync({method: "evm_mine"}, function(err, result) {
- });
- }
- // web3.eth.blockNumber is not going to return the correct value if there are no transactions in the block
- // fake a single transaction
- await BlockHashRNG.new({from: accounts[0]})
- assert.equal(currentBlockNum + 10, web3.eth.blockNumber)
- })
- it("should save the random number trough time", async () => {
- let blockHashRNG = await BlockHashRNG.new({from: accounts[0]})
- let blockNum = web3.eth.blockNumber
- let randomNumCall = await blockHashRNG.getRN.call(blockNum)
- let randomNum = randomNumCall.toNumber()
- await blockHashRNG.saveRN(blockNum)
- // long time passes
- for (i = 0; i < 257; i++){
- await web3.currentProvider.sendAsync({method: "evm_mine"}, function(err, result) {
- });
- }
- let sameRandomNum = await blockHashRNG.getRN.call(blockNum)
- assert.equal(sameRandomNum.toNumber(), randomNum, "unsaved random number should be 0")
- })
- it("should give out the reward for saving a number", async () => {
- let blockHashRNG = await BlockHashRNG.new({from: accounts[0]})
- let reimbursment = 1e18
- let balanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[2])
- let blockNum = web3.eth.blockNumber
- await blockHashRNG.contribute(blockNum, {from: accounts[1], value: reimbursment})
- await blockHashRNG.saveRN(blockNum, {from: accounts[2]})
- let balanceAfterReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[2])
- assert.ok(balanceAfterReimbursment.toNumber() > balanceBeforeReimbursment.toNumber())
- })
diff --git a/test/blockhashRNGFallback.js b/test/blockhashRNGFallback.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ad8759ae..00000000
--- a/test/blockhashRNGFallback.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-var BlockHashRNGFallback = artifacts.require("BlockHashRNGFallback");
-contract('BlockHashRNGFallback', async (accounts) => {
- it("should save the random number trough time", async () => {
- let blockHashRNGFallback = await BlockHashRNGFallback.new({from: accounts[0]})
- let blockNum = web3.eth.blockNumber
- let randomNumCall = await blockHashRNGFallback.getRN.call(blockNum)
- let randomNum = randomNumCall.toNumber()
- await blockHashRNGFallback.saveRN(blockNum)
- // long time passes
- for (i = 0; i < 257; i++){
- await web3.currentProvider.sendAsync({method: "evm_mine"}, function(err, result) {
- });
- }
- let sameRandomNum = await blockHashRNGFallback.getRN.call(blockNum)
- assert.equal(sameRandomNum.toNumber(), randomNum, "unsaved random number should be 0")
- })
- it("should fallback to a number different from zero", async () => {
- let blockHashRNGFallback = await BlockHashRNGFallback.new({from: accounts[0]})
- let blockNum = web3.eth.blockNumber
- // long time passes
- for (i = 0; i < 257; i++){
- await web3.currentProvider.sendAsync({method: "evm_mine"}, function(err, result) {
- });
- }
- let randomNum = await blockHashRNGFallback.getRN.call(blockNum)
- assert.notEqual(randomNum.toNumber(), 0)
- })
- it("should give out the reward for saving a number", async () => {
- let blockHashRNGFallback = await BlockHashRNGFallback.new({from: accounts[0]})
- let reimbursment = 1e18
- let balanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[2])
- let blockNum = web3.eth.blockNumber
- await blockHashRNGFallback.contribute(blockNum, {from: accounts[1], value: reimbursment})
- await blockHashRNGFallback.saveRN(blockNum, {from: accounts[2]})
- let balanceAfterReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[2])
- assert.ok(balanceAfterReimbursment.toNumber() > balanceBeforeReimbursment.toNumber())
- })
- it("should not give reward to a caller who provided invalid block number", async () => {
- let blockHashRNGFallback = await BlockHashRNGFallback.new({from: accounts[0]})
- let reimbursment = 1e18
- let balanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[2])
- let blockNum = web3.eth.blockNumber + 100
- await blockHashRNGFallback.contribute(blockNum, {from: accounts[1], value: reimbursment})
- await blockHashRNGFallback.saveRN(blockNum, {from: accounts[2]})
- let balanceAfterReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[2])
- assert.ok(balanceAfterReimbursment.toNumber() < balanceBeforeReimbursment.toNumber())
- })
diff --git a/test/multipleArbitrableTransaction.js b/test/multiple-arbitrable-transaction.js
similarity index 54%
rename from test/multipleArbitrableTransaction.js
rename to test/multiple-arbitrable-transaction.js
index 8fd5420b..be30ba98 100644
--- a/test/multipleArbitrableTransaction.js
+++ b/test/multiple-arbitrable-transaction.js
@@ -1,41 +1,45 @@
/* eslint-disable no-undef */ // Avoid the linter considering truffle elements as undef.
-const { expectThrow, increaseTime } = require("../helpers/utils");
+const { expectThrow, increaseTime } = require('../helpers/utils')
const MultipleArbitrableTransaction = artifacts.require(
- "./MultipleArbitrableTransaction.sol"
-const CentralizedArbitrator = artifacts.require("./CentralizedArbitrator.sol");
-contract("MultipleArbitrableTransaction", function(accounts) {
- let payer = accounts[0]
- let payee = accounts[1]
- let arbitrator = accounts[2]
- let other = accounts[3]
- let amount = 1000
- let timeout = 100
- let arbitrationFee = 20
- let gasPrice = 5000000000
+ './MultipleArbitrableTransaction.sol'
+const CentralizedArbitrator = artifacts.require('./CentralizedArbitrator.sol')
+contract('MultipleArbitrableTransaction', function(accounts) {
+ const payer = accounts[0]
+ const payee = accounts[1]
+ const arbitrator = accounts[2]
+ const other = accounts[3]
+ const amount = 1000
+ const timeout = 100
+ const arbitrationFee = 20
+ const gasPrice = 5000000000
const metaEvidenceUri = 'https://kleros.io'
+ /**
+ * Getter for the last transaction
+ * @param {MultipleArbitrableTransaction} multipleContract Multiple arbitrable transaction instance.
+ * @param {function} callback The callback.
+ * @returns {function} The last transaction.
+ */
async function getLastTransaction(multipleContract, callback) {
- const metaEvidenceEvent = multipleContract.MetaEvidence();
+ const metaEvidenceEvent = multipleContract.MetaEvidence()
const awaitable = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- const handler = metaEvidenceEvent.watch((error, result) => {
- metaEvidenceEvent.stopWatching();
- if (!error) {
- resolve(result);
- } else {
- reject(error);
- }
- });
- });
- await callback();
- return await awaitable;
+ const _handler = metaEvidenceEvent.watch((error, result) => {
+ metaEvidenceEvent.stopWatching()
+ if (!error) resolve(result)
+ else reject(error)
+ })
+ })
+ await callback()
+ return awaitable
- it("Should handle 1 transaction", async () => {
- let multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
+ it('Should handle 1 transaction', async () => {
+ const multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
from: payer
- });
+ })
const lastTransaction = await getLastTransaction(
async () => {
@@ -46,38 +50,34 @@ contract("MultipleArbitrableTransaction", function(accounts) {
{ from: payer, value: amount }
- );
+ )
- );
+ )
- let arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber();
- let payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer);
+ const arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
+ const payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
await multipleContract.reimburse(arbitrableTransactionId, 1000, {
from: payee
- });
- let newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer);
- let newContractBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(multipleContract.address);
- let newAmount = (await multipleContract.transactions(
+ })
+ const newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
+ const newContractBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(multipleContract.address)
+ const newAmount = (await multipleContract.transactions(
- ))[2];
+ ))[2]
- "The payer has not been reimbursed correctly"
- );
- assert.equal(
- newContractBalance.toNumber(),
- 0,
- "Bad amount in the contract"
- );
- assert.equal(newAmount.toNumber(), 0, "Amount not updated correctly");
- });
- it("Should handle 3 transaction", async () => {
- let multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
+ 'The payer has not been reimbursed correctly'
+ )
+ assert.equal(newContractBalance.toNumber(), 0, 'Bad amount in the contract')
+ assert.equal(newAmount.toNumber(), 0, 'Amount not updated correctly')
+ })
+ it('Should handle 3 transaction', async () => {
+ const multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
from: payer
- });
+ })
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < 3; cnt += 1) {
const lastTransaction = await getLastTransaction(
@@ -89,40 +89,40 @@ contract("MultipleArbitrableTransaction", function(accounts) {
{ from: payer, value: amount }
- );
+ )
- );
+ )
- let arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber();
+ const arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
- let payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer);
+ const payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
await multipleContract.reimburse(arbitrableTransactionId, 1000, {
from: payee
- });
- let newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer);
- let newContractBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(multipleContract.address);
- let newAmount = (await multipleContract.transactions(
+ })
+ const newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
+ const newContractBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(multipleContract.address)
+ const newAmount = (await multipleContract.transactions(
- ))[2];
+ ))[2]
- "The payer has not been reimbursed correctly"
- );
+ 'The payer has not been reimbursed correctly'
+ )
- "Bad amount in the contract"
- );
- assert.equal(newAmount.toNumber(), 0, "Amount not updated correctly");
+ 'Bad amount in the contract'
+ )
+ assert.equal(newAmount.toNumber(), 0, 'Amount not updated correctly')
- });
+ })
- it("Should put 1000 wei in the contract", async () => {
- let multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
+ it('Should put 1000 wei in the contract', async () => {
+ const multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
from: payer
- });
+ })
const lastTransaction = await getLastTransaction(
async () => {
@@ -133,34 +133,34 @@ contract("MultipleArbitrableTransaction", function(accounts) {
{ from: payer, value: amount }
- );
+ )
- );
+ )
- let arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber();
+ const arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
"The contract hasn't received the wei correctly."
- );
- let amountSending = (await multipleContract.transactions(
+ )
+ const amountSending = (await multipleContract.transactions(
- ))[2];
+ ))[2]
"The contract hasn't updated its amount correctly."
- );
- });
+ )
+ })
// Pay
- it("The payee should withdraw", async () => {
- let initialPayeeBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payee);
- let multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
+ it('The payee should withdraw', async () => {
+ const initialPayeeBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
+ const multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
from: payer
- });
+ })
const lastTransaction = await getLastTransaction(
async () => {
@@ -171,29 +171,29 @@ contract("MultipleArbitrableTransaction", function(accounts) {
{ from: payer, value: amount }
- );
+ )
- );
+ )
- let arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber();
+ const arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
- increaseTime(timeout + 1);
- let tx = await multipleContract.withdraw(arbitrableTransactionId, {
+ increaseTime(timeout + 1)
+ const tx = await multipleContract.withdraw(arbitrableTransactionId, {
from: payee
- });
- let consumed = tx.receipt.gasUsed * 100000000000;
- let newPayeeBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payee);
+ })
+ const consumed = tx.receipt.gasUsed * 100000000000
+ const newPayeeBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
initialPayeeBalance.plus(1000 - consumed).toString(),
"The payee hasn't been paid properly"
- );
- });
+ )
+ })
- it("The payer should not withdraw", async () => {
- let multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
+ it('The payer should not withdraw', async () => {
+ const multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
from: payer
- });
+ })
const lastTransaction = await getLastTransaction(
async () => {
@@ -204,20 +204,20 @@ contract("MultipleArbitrableTransaction", function(accounts) {
{ from: payer, value: amount }
- );
+ )
- );
- let arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber();
+ )
+ const arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
await expectThrow(
multipleContract.withdraw(arbitrableTransactionId, { from: payer })
- );
- });
+ )
+ })
// Reimburse
- it("Should reimburse 507 to the payer", async () => {
- let multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
+ it('Should reimburse 507 to the payer', async () => {
+ const multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
from: payer
- });
+ })
const lastTransaction = await getLastTransaction(
async () => {
@@ -228,38 +228,38 @@ contract("MultipleArbitrableTransaction", function(accounts) {
{ from: payer, value: amount }
- );
+ )
- );
- let arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber();
+ )
+ const arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
- let payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer);
+ const payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
await multipleContract.reimburse(arbitrableTransactionId, 507, {
from: payee
- });
- let newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer);
- let newContractBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(multipleContract.address);
- let newAmount = (await multipleContract.transactions(
+ })
+ const newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
+ const newContractBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(multipleContract.address)
+ const newAmount = (await multipleContract.transactions(
- ))[2];
+ ))[2]
- "The payer has not been reimbursed correctly"
- );
+ 'The payer has not been reimbursed correctly'
+ )
- "Bad amount in the contract"
- );
- assert.equal(newAmount.toNumber(), 493, "Amount not updated correctly");
- });
+ 'Bad amount in the contract'
+ )
+ assert.equal(newAmount.toNumber(), 493, 'Amount not updated correctly')
+ })
- it("Should reimburse 1000 (all) to the payer", async () => {
- let multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
+ it('Should reimburse 1000 (all) to the payer', async () => {
+ const multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
from: payer
- });
+ })
const lastTransaction = await getLastTransaction(
@@ -271,38 +271,34 @@ contract("MultipleArbitrableTransaction", function(accounts) {
{ from: payer, value: amount }
- );
+ )
- );
- let arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber();
+ )
+ const arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
- let payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer);
+ const payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
await multipleContract.reimburse(arbitrableTransactionId, 1000, {
from: payee
- });
- let newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer);
- let newContractBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(multipleContract.address);
- let newAmount = (await multipleContract.transactions(
+ })
+ const newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
+ const newContractBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(multipleContract.address)
+ const newAmount = (await multipleContract.transactions(
- ))[2];
+ ))[2]
- "The payer has not been reimbursed correctly"
- );
- assert.equal(
- newContractBalance.toNumber(),
- 0,
- "Bad amount in the contract"
- );
- assert.equal(newAmount.toNumber(), 0, "Amount not updated correctly");
- });
- it("Should fail if we try to reimburse more", async () => {
- let multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
+ 'The payer has not been reimbursed correctly'
+ )
+ assert.equal(newContractBalance.toNumber(), 0, 'Bad amount in the contract')
+ assert.equal(newAmount.toNumber(), 0, 'Amount not updated correctly')
+ })
+ it('Should fail if we try to reimburse more', async () => {
+ const multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
from: payer
- });
+ })
const lastTransaction = await getLastTransaction(
@@ -314,20 +310,20 @@ contract("MultipleArbitrableTransaction", function(accounts) {
{ from: payer, value: amount }
- );
+ )
- );
- let arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber();
+ )
+ const arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
await expectThrow(
multipleContract.reimburse(arbitrableTransactionId, 1003, { from: payee })
- );
- });
+ )
+ })
- it("Should fail if the payer to tries to reimburse it", async () => {
- let multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
+ it('Should fail if the payer to tries to reimburse it', async () => {
+ const multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
from: payer
- });
+ })
const lastTransaction = await getLastTransaction(
@@ -339,26 +335,26 @@ contract("MultipleArbitrableTransaction", function(accounts) {
{ from: payer, value: amount }
- );
+ )
- );
- let arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber();
+ )
+ const arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
await expectThrow(
multipleContract.reimburse(arbitrableTransactionId, 1000, { from: payer })
- );
- });
+ )
+ })
// executeRuling
- it("Should reimburse the payer (including arbitration fee) when the arbitrator decides so", async () => {
- let centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ it('Should reimburse the payer (including arbitration fee) when the arbitrator decides so', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
{ from: arbitrator }
- );
+ )
- let multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
+ const multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
from: payer
- });
+ })
const lastTransaction = await getLastTransaction(
@@ -370,37 +366,37 @@ contract("MultipleArbitrableTransaction", function(accounts) {
{ from: payer, value: amount }
- );
+ )
- );
- let arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber();
+ )
+ const arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
await multipleContract.payArbitrationFeeBySeller(arbitrableTransactionId, {
from: payee,
value: arbitrationFee
- });
+ })
await multipleContract.payArbitrationFeeByBuyer(arbitrableTransactionId, {
from: payer,
value: arbitrationFee
- });
- let payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer);
- await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(0, 1, { from: arbitrator });
- let newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer);
+ })
+ const payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
+ await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(0, 1, { from: arbitrator })
+ const newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
- "The payer has not been reimbursed correctly"
- );
- });
+ 'The payer has not been reimbursed correctly'
+ )
+ })
- it("Should pay the payee and reimburse him the arbitration fee when the arbitrator decides so", async () => {
- let centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ it('Should pay the payee and reimburse him the arbitration fee when the arbitrator decides so', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
{ from: arbitrator }
- );
- let multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
+ )
+ const multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
from: payer
- });
+ })
const lastTransaction = await getLastTransaction(
@@ -412,37 +408,37 @@ contract("MultipleArbitrableTransaction", function(accounts) {
{ from: payer, value: amount }
- );
+ )
- );
- let arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber();
+ )
+ const arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
await multipleContract.payArbitrationFeeByBuyer(arbitrableTransactionId, {
from: payer,
value: arbitrationFee
- });
+ })
await multipleContract.payArbitrationFeeBySeller(arbitrableTransactionId, {
from: payee,
value: arbitrationFee
- });
- let payeeBalanceBeforePay = web3.eth.getBalance(payee);
- await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(0, 2, { from: arbitrator });
- let newPayeeBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payee);
+ })
+ const payeeBalanceBeforePay = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
+ await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(0, 2, { from: arbitrator })
+ const newPayeeBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
- "The payee has not been paid properly"
- );
- });
+ 'The payee has not been paid properly'
+ )
+ })
- it("It should do nothing if the arbitrator decides so", async () => {
- let centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ it('It should do nothing if the arbitrator decides so', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
{ from: arbitrator }
- );
- let multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
+ )
+ const multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
from: payer
- });
+ })
const lastTransaction = await getLastTransaction(
@@ -454,45 +450,45 @@ contract("MultipleArbitrableTransaction", function(accounts) {
{ from: payer, value: amount }
- );
+ )
- );
- let arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber();
+ )
+ const arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
await multipleContract.payArbitrationFeeByBuyer(arbitrableTransactionId, {
from: payer,
value: arbitrationFee
- });
+ })
await multipleContract.payArbitrationFeeBySeller(arbitrableTransactionId, {
from: payee,
value: arbitrationFee
- });
- let payeeBalanceBeforePay = web3.eth.getBalance(payee);
- let payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer);
- await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(0, 0, { from: arbitrator });
- let newPayeeBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payee);
- let newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer);
+ })
+ const payeeBalanceBeforePay = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
+ const payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
+ await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(0, 0, { from: arbitrator })
+ const newPayeeBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
+ const newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
"The payee got wei while it shouldn't"
- );
+ )
"The payer got wei while it shouldn't"
- );
- });
+ )
+ })
- it("Should reimburse the payer in case of timeout of the payee", async () => {
- let centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ it('Should reimburse the payer in case of timeout of the payee', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
{ from: arbitrator }
- );
+ )
- let multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
+ const multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
from: payer
- });
+ })
const lastTransaction = await getLastTransaction(
@@ -504,42 +500,42 @@ contract("MultipleArbitrableTransaction", function(accounts) {
{ from: payer, value: amount }
- );
+ )
- );
- let arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber();
+ )
+ const arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
await multipleContract.payArbitrationFeeByBuyer(arbitrableTransactionId, {
from: payer,
value: arbitrationFee
- });
- increaseTime(timeout + 1);
- let payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer);
- let tx = await multipleContract.timeOutByBuyer(arbitrableTransactionId, {
+ })
+ increaseTime(timeout + 1)
+ const payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
+ const tx = await multipleContract.timeOutByBuyer(arbitrableTransactionId, {
from: payer,
gasPrice: gasPrice
- });
- let txFee = tx.receipt.gasUsed * gasPrice;
- let newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer);
+ })
+ const txFee = tx.receipt.gasUsed * gasPrice
+ const newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
- "The payer has not been reimbursed correctly"
- );
- });
+ 'The payer has not been reimbursed correctly'
+ )
+ })
it("Shouldn't work before timeout for the payer", async () => {
- let centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
{ from: arbitrator }
- );
+ )
- let multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
+ const multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
from: payer
- });
+ })
const lastTransaction = await getLastTransaction(
@@ -551,39 +547,39 @@ contract("MultipleArbitrableTransaction", function(accounts) {
{ from: payer, value: amount }
- );
+ )
- );
- let arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber();
+ )
+ const arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
await expectThrow(
multipleContract.timeOutByBuyer(arbitrableTransactionId, {
from: payer,
gasPrice: gasPrice
- );
+ )
await multipleContract.payArbitrationFeeByBuyer(arbitrableTransactionId, {
from: payer,
value: arbitrationFee
- });
- increaseTime(1);
+ })
+ increaseTime(1)
await expectThrow(
multipleContract.timeOutByBuyer(arbitrableTransactionId, {
from: payer,
gasPrice: gasPrice
- );
- });
+ )
+ })
- it("Should pay and reimburse the payee in case of timeout of the payer", async () => {
- let centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ it('Should pay and reimburse the payee in case of timeout of the payer', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
{ from: arbitrator }
- );
+ )
- let multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
+ const multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
from: payer
- });
+ })
const lastTransaction = await getLastTransaction(
@@ -595,42 +591,42 @@ contract("MultipleArbitrableTransaction", function(accounts) {
{ from: payer, value: amount }
- );
+ )
- );
- let arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber();
+ )
+ const arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
await multipleContract.payArbitrationFeeBySeller(arbitrableTransactionId, {
from: payee,
value: arbitrationFee
- });
- increaseTime(timeout + 1);
- let payeeBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payee);
- let tx = await multipleContract.timeOutBySeller(arbitrableTransactionId, {
+ })
+ increaseTime(timeout + 1)
+ const payeeBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
+ const tx = await multipleContract.timeOutBySeller(arbitrableTransactionId, {
from: payee,
gasPrice: gasPrice
- });
- let txFee = tx.receipt.gasUsed * gasPrice;
- let newPayeeBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payee);
+ })
+ const txFee = tx.receipt.gasUsed * gasPrice
+ const newPayeeBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
- "The payee has not been paid correctly"
- );
- });
+ 'The payee has not been paid correctly'
+ )
+ })
it("Shouldn't work before timeout for the payee", async () => {
- let centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
{ from: arbitrator }
- );
+ )
- let multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
+ const multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
from: payer
- });
+ })
const lastTransaction = await getLastTransaction(
@@ -642,40 +638,40 @@ contract("MultipleArbitrableTransaction", function(accounts) {
{ from: payer, value: amount }
- );
+ )
- );
- let arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber();
+ )
+ const arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
await expectThrow(
multipleContract.timeOutBySeller(arbitrableTransactionId, {
from: payee,
gasPrice: gasPrice
- );
+ )
await multipleContract.payArbitrationFeeBySeller(arbitrableTransactionId, {
from: payee,
value: arbitrationFee
- });
- increaseTime(1);
+ })
+ increaseTime(1)
await expectThrow(
multipleContract.timeOutBySeller(arbitrableTransactionId, {
from: payee,
gasPrice: gasPrice
- );
- });
+ )
+ })
// submitEvidence
- it("Should create events when evidence is submitted by the payer", async () => {
- let centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ it('Should create events when evidence is submitted by the payer', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
{ from: arbitrator }
- );
+ )
- let multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
+ const multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
from: payer
- });
+ })
const lastTransaction = await getLastTransaction(
@@ -687,39 +683,39 @@ contract("MultipleArbitrableTransaction", function(accounts) {
{ from: payer, value: amount }
- );
+ )
- );
- let arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber();
+ )
+ const arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
await multipleContract.payArbitrationFeeByBuyer(arbitrableTransactionId, {
from: payer,
value: arbitrationFee
- });
+ })
await multipleContract.payArbitrationFeeBySeller(arbitrableTransactionId, {
from: payee,
value: arbitrationFee
- });
- let tx = await multipleContract.submitEvidence(
+ })
+ const tx = await multipleContract.submitEvidence(
- "ipfs:/X",
+ 'ipfs:/X',
{ from: payer }
- );
- assert.equal(tx.logs[0].event, "Evidence");
- assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._arbitrator, centralizedArbitrator.address);
- assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._party, payer);
- assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._evidence, "ipfs:/X");
- });
- it("Should create events when evidence is submitted by the payee", async () => {
- let centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ )
+ assert.equal(tx.logs[0].event, 'Evidence')
+ assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._arbitrator, centralizedArbitrator.address)
+ assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._party, payer)
+ assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._evidence, 'ipfs:/X')
+ })
+ it('Should create events when evidence is submitted by the payee', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
{ from: arbitrator }
- );
+ )
- let multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
+ const multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
from: payer
- });
+ })
const lastTransaction = await getLastTransaction(
@@ -731,39 +727,39 @@ contract("MultipleArbitrableTransaction", function(accounts) {
{ from: payer, value: amount }
- );
+ )
- );
- let arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber();
+ )
+ const arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
await multipleContract.payArbitrationFeeByBuyer(arbitrableTransactionId, {
from: payer,
value: arbitrationFee
- });
+ })
await multipleContract.payArbitrationFeeBySeller(arbitrableTransactionId, {
from: payee,
value: arbitrationFee
- });
- let tx = await multipleContract.submitEvidence(
+ })
+ const tx = await multipleContract.submitEvidence(
- "ipfs:/X",
+ 'ipfs:/X',
{ from: payee }
- );
- assert.equal(tx.logs[0].event, "Evidence");
- assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._arbitrator, centralizedArbitrator.address);
- assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._party, payee);
- assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._evidence, "ipfs:/X");
- });
- it("Should fail if someone else try to submit", async () => {
- let centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ )
+ assert.equal(tx.logs[0].event, 'Evidence')
+ assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._arbitrator, centralizedArbitrator.address)
+ assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._party, payee)
+ assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._evidence, 'ipfs:/X')
+ })
+ it('Should fail if someone else try to submit', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
{ from: arbitrator }
- );
+ )
- let multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
+ const multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
from: payer
- });
+ })
const lastTransaction = await getLastTransaction(
@@ -775,50 +771,50 @@ contract("MultipleArbitrableTransaction", function(accounts) {
{ from: payer, value: amount }
- );
+ )
- );
- let arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber();
+ )
+ const arbitrableTransactionId = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
await multipleContract.payArbitrationFeeByBuyer(arbitrableTransactionId, {
from: payer,
value: arbitrationFee
- });
+ })
await multipleContract.payArbitrationFeeBySeller(arbitrableTransactionId, {
from: payee,
value: arbitrationFee
- });
+ })
await expectThrow(
- multipleContract.submitEvidence(arbitrableTransactionId, "ipfs:/X", {
+ multipleContract.submitEvidence(arbitrableTransactionId, 'ipfs:/X', {
from: other
- );
- });
+ )
+ })
- it("Should handle multiple transactions concurrently", async () => {
- let centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ it('Should handle multiple transactions concurrently', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
{ from: arbitrator }
- );
+ )
- let multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
+ const multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
from: payer
- });
+ })
- const metaEvidenceEvent = multipleContract.MetaEvidence();
+ const metaEvidenceEvent = multipleContract.MetaEvidence()
- let currentResolve;
- let lastTransactionEvent = -1;
- const handler = metaEvidenceEvent.watch((error, result) => {
- const eventTransaction = result.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber();
+ let currentResolve
+ let lastTransactionEvent = -1
+ const _handler = metaEvidenceEvent.watch((_error, result) => {
+ const eventTransaction = result.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
if (eventTransaction > lastTransactionEvent) {
- lastTransactionEvent = eventTransaction;
- currentResolve(result);
+ lastTransactionEvent = eventTransaction
+ currentResolve(result)
- });
+ })
const transaction1Promise = new Promise(resolve => {
- currentResolve = resolve;
+ currentResolve = resolve
@@ -827,15 +823,15 @@ contract("MultipleArbitrableTransaction", function(accounts) {
{ from: payer, value: amount }
- );
- });
+ )
+ })
- const lastTransaction = await transaction1Promise;
+ const lastTransaction = await transaction1Promise
- let arbitrableTransactionId1 = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber();
+ const arbitrableTransactionId1 = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
const transaction2Promise = new Promise(resolve => {
- currentResolve = resolve;
+ currentResolve = resolve
@@ -844,83 +840,83 @@ contract("MultipleArbitrableTransaction", function(accounts) {
{ from: payer, value: amount }
- );
- });
+ )
+ })
- const lastTransaction2 = await transaction2Promise;
+ const lastTransaction2 = await transaction2Promise
- let arbitrableTransactionId2 = lastTransaction2.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber();
+ const arbitrableTransactionId2 = lastTransaction2.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
- metaEvidenceEvent.stopWatching();
+ metaEvidenceEvent.stopWatching()
await multipleContract.payArbitrationFeeByBuyer(arbitrableTransactionId2, {
from: payer,
value: arbitrationFee
- });
+ })
await multipleContract.payArbitrationFeeBySeller(arbitrableTransactionId1, {
from: payee,
value: arbitrationFee
- });
- //This generates transaction 1 dispute 0
+ })
+ // This generates transaction 1 dispute 0
await multipleContract.payArbitrationFeeByBuyer(arbitrableTransactionId1, {
from: payer,
value: arbitrationFee
- });
- //This generates transaction 2 dispute 1
+ })
+ // This generates transaction 2 dispute 1
await multipleContract.payArbitrationFeeBySeller(arbitrableTransactionId2, {
from: payee,
value: arbitrationFee
- });
+ })
- let payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer);
- //Ruling for transaction 1
- await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(0, 1, { from: arbitrator });
- let newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer);
+ const payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
+ // Ruling for transaction 1
+ await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(0, 1, { from: arbitrator })
+ const newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
- "The payer has not been reimbursed correctly"
- );
+ 'The payer has not been reimbursed correctly'
+ )
- let payeeBalanceBeforePay = web3.eth.getBalance(payee);
- //ruling for transaction 2
- await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(1, 2, { from: arbitrator });
- let newPayeeBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payee);
+ const payeeBalanceBeforePay = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
+ // ruling for transaction 2
+ await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(1, 2, { from: arbitrator })
+ const newPayeeBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
- "The payee has not been paid properly"
- );
- });
+ 'The payee has not been paid properly'
+ )
+ })
- it("Should handle multiple transactions and arbitrators concurrently", async () => {
- let centralizedArbitrator1 = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ it('Should handle multiple transactions and arbitrators concurrently', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator1 = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
{ from: arbitrator }
- );
- let centralizedArbitrator2 = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ )
+ const centralizedArbitrator2 = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
{ from: other }
- );
+ )
- let multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
+ const multipleContract = await MultipleArbitrableTransaction.new({
from: payer
- });
+ })
- const metaEvidenceEvent = multipleContract.MetaEvidence();
+ const metaEvidenceEvent = multipleContract.MetaEvidence()
- let currentResolve;
- let lastTransactionEvent = -1;
- const handler = metaEvidenceEvent.watch((error, result) => {
- const eventTransaction = result.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber();
+ let currentResolve
+ let lastTransactionEvent = -1
+ const _handler = metaEvidenceEvent.watch((_error, result) => {
+ const eventTransaction = result.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
if (eventTransaction > lastTransactionEvent) {
- lastTransactionEvent = eventTransaction;
- currentResolve(result);
+ lastTransactionEvent = eventTransaction
+ currentResolve(result)
- });
+ })
const transaction1Promise = new Promise(resolve => {
- currentResolve = resolve;
+ currentResolve = resolve
@@ -929,15 +925,15 @@ contract("MultipleArbitrableTransaction", function(accounts) {
{ from: payer, value: amount }
- );
- });
+ )
+ })
- const lastTransaction = await transaction1Promise;
+ const lastTransaction = await transaction1Promise
- let arbitrableTransactionId1 = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber();
+ const arbitrableTransactionId1 = lastTransaction.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
const transaction2Promise = new Promise(resolve => {
- currentResolve = resolve;
+ currentResolve = resolve
@@ -946,52 +942,52 @@ contract("MultipleArbitrableTransaction", function(accounts) {
{ from: payer, value: amount }
- );
- });
+ )
+ })
- const lastTransaction2 = await transaction2Promise;
+ const lastTransaction2 = await transaction2Promise
- let arbitrableTransactionId2 = lastTransaction2.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber();
+ const arbitrableTransactionId2 = lastTransaction2.args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
- metaEvidenceEvent.stopWatching();
+ metaEvidenceEvent.stopWatching()
await multipleContract.payArbitrationFeeByBuyer(arbitrableTransactionId2, {
from: payer,
value: arbitrationFee
- });
+ })
await multipleContract.payArbitrationFeeBySeller(arbitrableTransactionId1, {
from: payee,
value: arbitrationFee
- });
- //This generates transaction 1 dispute 0 from arbitrator 1
+ })
+ // This generates transaction 1 dispute 0 from arbitrator 1
await multipleContract.payArbitrationFeeByBuyer(arbitrableTransactionId1, {
from: payer,
value: arbitrationFee
- });
- //This generates transaction 2 dispute 0 from arbitrator 2
+ })
+ // This generates transaction 2 dispute 0 from arbitrator 2
await multipleContract.payArbitrationFeeBySeller(arbitrableTransactionId2, {
from: payee,
value: arbitrationFee
- });
+ })
- let payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer);
- //Ruling for transaction 1
- await centralizedArbitrator1.giveRuling(0, 1, { from: arbitrator });
- let newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer);
+ const payerBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
+ // Ruling for transaction 1
+ await centralizedArbitrator1.giveRuling(0, 1, { from: arbitrator })
+ const newPayerBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payer)
- "The payer has not been reimbursed correctly"
- );
+ 'The payer has not been reimbursed correctly'
+ )
- let payeeBalanceBeforePay = web3.eth.getBalance(payee);
- //ruling for transaction 2
- await centralizedArbitrator2.giveRuling(0, 2, { from: other });
- let newPayeeBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payee);
+ const payeeBalanceBeforePay = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
+ // ruling for transaction 2
+ await centralizedArbitrator2.giveRuling(0, 2, { from: other })
+ const newPayeeBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(payee)
- "The payee has not been paid properly"
- );
- });
+ 'The payee has not been paid properly'
+ )
+ })
diff --git a/test/two-party-arbitrable.js b/test/two-party-arbitrable.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1ae9306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/two-party-arbitrable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-undef */ // Avoid the linter considering truffle elements as undef.
+const { expectThrow, increaseTime } = require('../helpers/utils')
+const TwoPartyArbitrable = artifacts.require('./TwoPartyArbitrable.sol')
+const CentralizedArbitrator = artifacts.require('./CentralizedArbitrator.sol')
+contract('TwoPartyArbitrable', function(accounts) {
+ const partyA = accounts[0]
+ const partyB = accounts[1]
+ const arbitrator = accounts[2]
+ const other = accounts[3]
+ const timeout = 100
+ const arbitrationFee = 20
+ const gasPrice = 5000000000
+ const metaEvidenceUri = 'https://kleros.io'
+ const amountOfChoices = 2
+ // Constructor
+ it('Should set the correct values', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ partyB,
+ amountOfChoices,
+ 0x08575,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: partyA }
+ )
+ assert.equal(await arbitrable.timeout(), timeout)
+ assert.equal(await arbitrable.partyA(), partyA)
+ assert.equal(await arbitrable.partyB(), partyB)
+ assert.equal(await arbitrable.arbitratorExtraData(), 0x08575)
+ })
+ // payArbitrationFeeByPartyA and payArbitrationFeeByPartyB
+ it('Should create a dispute when A and B pay', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ partyB,
+ amountOfChoices,
+ 0x08575,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: partyA }
+ )
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: partyA,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: partyB,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ const dispute = await centralizedArbitrator.disputes(0)
+ assert.equal(
+ dispute[0],
+ arbitrable.address,
+ 'Arbitrable not set up properly'
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ dispute[1].toNumber(),
+ 2,
+ 'Number of choices not set up properly'
+ )
+ assert.equal(dispute[2].toNumber(), 20, 'Fee not set up properly')
+ })
+ it('Should create a dispute when B and A pay', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ partyB,
+ amountOfChoices,
+ 0x08575,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: partyA }
+ )
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: partyB,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: partyA,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ const dispute = await centralizedArbitrator.disputes(0)
+ assert.equal(
+ dispute[0],
+ arbitrable.address,
+ 'Arbitrable not set up properly'
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ dispute[1].toNumber(),
+ 2,
+ 'Number of choices not set up properly'
+ )
+ assert.equal(dispute[2].toNumber(), 20, 'Fee not set up properly')
+ })
+ it('Should not be possible to pay less', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ partyB,
+ amountOfChoices,
+ 0x08575,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: partyA }
+ )
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: partyB,
+ value: arbitrationFee - 1
+ })
+ )
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: partyA,
+ value: arbitrationFee - 1
+ })
+ )
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: partyB,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: partyA,
+ value: arbitrationFee - 1
+ })
+ )
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: partyA,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ })
+ // meta-evidence
+ it('Should create MetaEvidence event on contract creation', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ partyB,
+ amountOfChoices,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: partyA }
+ )
+ const metaEvidenceEvents = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ arbitrable
+ .MetaEvidence(
+ {},
+ {
+ fromBlock: 0,
+ toBlock: 'latest'
+ }
+ )
+ .get((error, result) => {
+ if (error) reject(error)
+ resolve(result)
+ })
+ })
+ assert.equal(
+ metaEvidenceEvents.length,
+ 1,
+ 'Meta Evidence event was not created'
+ )
+ assert.equal(metaEvidenceEvents[0].args._evidence, metaEvidenceUri)
+ })
+ it('Should link MetaEvidence event on dispute creation', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ partyB,
+ amountOfChoices,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: partyA }
+ )
+ const metaEvidenceEvents = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ arbitrable
+ .MetaEvidence(
+ {},
+ {
+ fromBlock: 0,
+ toBlock: 'latest'
+ }
+ )
+ .get((error, result) => {
+ if (error) reject(error)
+ resolve(result)
+ })
+ })
+ assert.equal(
+ metaEvidenceEvents.length,
+ 1,
+ 'Meta Evidence event was not created'
+ )
+ const metaEvidenceId = metaEvidenceEvents[0].args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: partyB,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: partyA,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ const dispute = await centralizedArbitrator.disputes(0)
+ assert.equal(dispute[0], arbitrable.address, 'No dispute created')
+ const metaEvidenceLinkEvents = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ arbitrable
+ .Dispute(
+ {},
+ {
+ fromBlock: 0,
+ toBlock: 'latest'
+ }
+ )
+ .get((error, result) => {
+ if (error) reject(error)
+ resolve(result)
+ })
+ })
+ assert.equal(
+ metaEvidenceLinkEvents.length,
+ 1,
+ 'Meta Evidence event was not created'
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ metaEvidenceLinkEvents[0].args._arbitrator,
+ centralizedArbitrator.address
+ )
+ assert.equal(metaEvidenceLinkEvents[0].args._disputeID.toNumber(), 0)
+ assert.equal(
+ metaEvidenceLinkEvents[0].args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber(),
+ metaEvidenceId
+ )
+ })
+ // timeOutByPartyA and timeOutByPartyB
+ it('Should reimburse partyA in case of timeout of partyB', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ partyB,
+ amountOfChoices,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: partyA }
+ )
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: partyA,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ increaseTime(timeout + 1)
+ const partyABalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(partyA)
+ const tx = await arbitrable.timeOutByPartyA({
+ from: partyA,
+ gasPrice: gasPrice
+ })
+ const txFee = tx.receipt.gasUsed * gasPrice
+ const newpartyABalance = web3.eth.getBalance(partyA)
+ assert.equal(
+ newpartyABalance.toString(),
+ partyABalanceBeforeReimbursment
+ .plus(20)
+ .minus(txFee)
+ .toString(),
+ 'partyA has not been reimbursed correctly'
+ )
+ })
+ it("Shouldn't work before timeout for partyA", async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ partyB,
+ amountOfChoices,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: partyA }
+ )
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrable.timeOutByPartyA({ from: partyA, gasPrice: gasPrice })
+ )
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: partyA,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ increaseTime(1)
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrable.timeOutByPartyA({ from: partyA, gasPrice: gasPrice })
+ )
+ })
+ it('Should reimburse partyB in case of timeout of partyA', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ partyB,
+ amountOfChoices,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: partyA }
+ )
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: partyB,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ increaseTime(timeout + 1)
+ const partyBBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(partyB)
+ const tx = await arbitrable.timeOutByPartyB({
+ from: partyB,
+ gasPrice: gasPrice
+ })
+ const txFee = tx.receipt.gasUsed * gasPrice
+ const newpartyBBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(partyB)
+ assert.equal(
+ newpartyBBalance.toString(),
+ partyBBalanceBeforeReimbursment
+ .plus(20)
+ .minus(txFee)
+ .toString(),
+ 'partyB has not been reimbursed correctly'
+ )
+ })
+ it("Shouldn't work before timeout for partyB", async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ partyB,
+ amountOfChoices,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: partyA }
+ )
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrable.timeOutByPartyB({ from: partyB, gasPrice: gasPrice })
+ )
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: partyB,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ increaseTime(1)
+ await expectThrow(
+ arbitrable.timeOutByPartyB({ from: partyB, gasPrice: gasPrice })
+ )
+ })
+ // submitEvidence
+ it('Should create events when evidence is submitted by partyA', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ partyB,
+ amountOfChoices,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: partyA }
+ )
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: partyA,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: partyB,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ const tx = await arbitrable.submitEvidence('ipfs:/X', { from: partyA })
+ assert.equal(tx.logs[0].event, 'Evidence')
+ assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._arbitrator, centralizedArbitrator.address)
+ assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._party, partyA)
+ assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._evidence, 'ipfs:/X')
+ })
+ it('Should create events when evidence is submitted by partyB', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ partyB,
+ amountOfChoices,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: partyA }
+ )
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: partyA,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: partyB,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ const tx = await arbitrable.submitEvidence('ipfs:/X', { from: partyB })
+ assert.equal(tx.logs[0].event, 'Evidence')
+ assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._arbitrator, centralizedArbitrator.address)
+ assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._party, partyB)
+ assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._evidence, 'ipfs:/X')
+ })
+ it('Should fail if someone else tries to submit', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ partyB,
+ amountOfChoices,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: partyA }
+ )
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: partyA,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: partyB,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ await expectThrow(arbitrable.submitEvidence('ipfs:/X', { from: other }))
+ })
+ // appeal
+ // TODO: When we'll have a contract using appeal.
+ // executeRuling
+ it('Should reimburse the partyA (including arbitration fee) when the arbitrator decides so', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ partyB,
+ amountOfChoices,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: partyA }
+ )
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: partyA,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: partyB,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ const partyABalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(partyA)
+ await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(0, 1, { from: arbitrator })
+ const newPartyABalance = web3.eth.getBalance(partyA)
+ assert.equal(
+ newPartyABalance.toString(),
+ partyABalanceBeforeReimbursment.plus(20).toString(),
+ 'partyA has not been reimbursed correctly'
+ )
+ })
+ it('Should pay the partyB and reimburse him the arbitration fee when the arbitrator decides so', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ partyB,
+ amountOfChoices,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: partyA }
+ )
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: partyA,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: partyB,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ const partyBBalanceBeforePay = web3.eth.getBalance(partyB)
+ await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(0, 2, { from: arbitrator })
+ const newPartyBBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(partyB)
+ assert.equal(
+ newPartyBBalance.toString(),
+ partyBBalanceBeforePay.plus(20).toString(),
+ 'partyB has not been reimbursed correctly'
+ )
+ })
+ it('It should do nothing if the arbitrator decides so', async () => {
+ const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(
+ arbitrationFee,
+ { from: arbitrator }
+ )
+ const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(
+ centralizedArbitrator.address,
+ timeout,
+ partyB,
+ amountOfChoices,
+ 0x0,
+ metaEvidenceUri,
+ { from: partyA }
+ )
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({
+ from: partyA,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({
+ from: partyB,
+ value: arbitrationFee
+ })
+ const partyBBalanceBeforePay = web3.eth.getBalance(partyB)
+ const partyABalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(partyA)
+ await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(0, 0, { from: arbitrator })
+ const newPartyBBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(partyB)
+ const newPartyABalance = web3.eth.getBalance(partyA)
+ assert.equal(
+ newPartyBBalance.toString(),
+ partyBBalanceBeforePay.toString(),
+ "partyB got wei while it shouldn't"
+ )
+ assert.equal(
+ newPartyABalance.toString(),
+ partyABalanceBeforeReimbursment.toString(),
+ "partyA got wei while it shouldn't"
+ )
+ })
diff --git a/test/twoPartyArbitrable.js b/test/twoPartyArbitrable.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a809bb29..00000000
--- a/test/twoPartyArbitrable.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable no-undef */ // Avoid the linter considering truffle elements as undef.
-const { expectThrow, increaseTime } = require('../helpers/utils')
-const TwoPartyArbitrable = artifacts.require('./TwoPartyArbitrable.sol')
-const CentralizedArbitrator = artifacts.require('./CentralizedArbitrator.sol')
-contract('TwoPartyArbitrable', function (accounts) {
- const partyA = accounts[0]
- const partyB = accounts[1]
- const arbitrator = accounts[2]
- const other = accounts[3]
- const timeout = 100
- const arbitrationFee = 20
- const gasPrice = 5000000000
- const metaEvidenceUri = 'https://kleros.io'
- const amountOfChoices = 2
- // Constructor
- it('Should set the correct values', async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, partyB, amountOfChoices, 0x08575, metaEvidenceUri, {from: partyA})
- assert.equal(await arbitrable.timeout(), timeout)
- assert.equal(await arbitrable.partyA(), partyA)
- assert.equal(await arbitrable.partyB(), partyB)
- assert.equal(await arbitrable.arbitratorExtraData(), 0x08575)
- })
- // payArbitrationFeeByPartyA and payArbitrationFeeByPartyB
- it('Should create a dispute when A and B pay', async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, partyB, amountOfChoices, 0x08575, metaEvidenceUri, {from: partyA})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: partyA, value: arbitrationFee})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: partyB, value: arbitrationFee})
- const dispute = await centralizedArbitrator.disputes(0)
- assert.equal(dispute[0], arbitrable.address, 'Arbitrable not set up properly')
- assert.equal(dispute[1].toNumber(), 2, 'Number of choices not set up properly')
- assert.equal(dispute[2].toNumber(), 20, 'Fee not set up properly')
- })
- it('Should create a dispute when B and A pay', async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, partyB, amountOfChoices, 0x08575, metaEvidenceUri, {from: partyA})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: partyB, value: arbitrationFee})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: partyA, value: arbitrationFee})
- const dispute = await centralizedArbitrator.disputes(0)
- assert.equal(dispute[0], arbitrable.address, 'Arbitrable not set up properly')
- assert.equal(dispute[1].toNumber(), 2, 'Number of choices not set up properly')
- assert.equal(dispute[2].toNumber(), 20, 'Fee not set up properly')
- })
- it('Should not be possible to pay less', async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, partyB, amountOfChoices, 0x08575, metaEvidenceUri, {from: partyA})
- await expectThrow(arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: partyB, value: arbitrationFee - 1}))
- await expectThrow(arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: partyA, value: arbitrationFee - 1}))
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: partyB, value: arbitrationFee})
- await expectThrow(arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: partyA, value: arbitrationFee - 1}))
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: partyA, value: arbitrationFee})
- })
- // meta-evidence
- it('Should create MetaEvidence event on contract creation', async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, partyB, amountOfChoices, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: partyA})
- const metaEvidenceEvents = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- arbitrable.MetaEvidence({}, {
- fromBlock: 0,
- toBlock: 'latest'
- })
- .get((error, result) => {
- if (error) reject()
- resolve(result)
- })
- })
- assert.equal(metaEvidenceEvents.length, 1, 'Meta Evidence event was not created')
- assert.equal(metaEvidenceEvents[0].args._evidence, metaEvidenceUri)
- })
- it('Should link MetaEvidence event on dispute creation', async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, partyB, amountOfChoices, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: partyA})
- const metaEvidenceEvents = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- arbitrable.MetaEvidence({}, {
- fromBlock: 0,
- toBlock: 'latest'
- })
- .get((error, result) => {
- if (error) reject()
- resolve(result)
- })
- })
- assert.equal(metaEvidenceEvents.length, 1, 'Meta Evidence event was not created')
- const metaEvidenceId = metaEvidenceEvents[0].args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber()
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: partyB, value: arbitrationFee})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: partyA, value: arbitrationFee})
- const dispute = await centralizedArbitrator.disputes(0)
- assert.equal(dispute[0], arbitrable.address, 'No dispute created')
- const metaEvidenceLinkEvents = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- arbitrable.Dispute({}, {
- fromBlock: 0,
- toBlock: 'latest'
- })
- .get((error, result) => {
- if (error) reject()
- resolve(result)
- })
- })
- assert.equal(metaEvidenceLinkEvents.length, 1, 'Meta Evidence event was not created')
- assert.equal(metaEvidenceLinkEvents[0].args._arbitrator, centralizedArbitrator.address)
- assert.equal(metaEvidenceLinkEvents[0].args._disputeID.toNumber(), 0)
- assert.equal(metaEvidenceLinkEvents[0].args._metaEvidenceID.toNumber(), metaEvidenceId)
- })
- // timeOutByPartyA and timeOutByPartyB
- it('Should reimburse partyA in case of timeout of partyB', async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, partyB, amountOfChoices, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: partyA})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: partyA, value: arbitrationFee})
- increaseTime(timeout + 1)
- const partyABalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(partyA)
- const tx = await arbitrable.timeOutByPartyA({from: partyA, gasPrice: gasPrice})
- const txFee = tx.receipt.gasUsed * gasPrice
- const newpartyABalance = web3.eth.getBalance(partyA)
- assert.equal(newpartyABalance.toString(), partyABalanceBeforeReimbursment.plus(20).minus(txFee).toString(), 'partyA has not been reimbursed correctly')
- })
- it("Shouldn't work before timeout for partyA", async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, partyB, amountOfChoices, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: partyA})
- await expectThrow(arbitrable.timeOutByPartyA({from: partyA, gasPrice: gasPrice}))
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: partyA, value: arbitrationFee})
- increaseTime(1)
- await expectThrow(arbitrable.timeOutByPartyA({from: partyA, gasPrice: gasPrice}))
- })
- it('Should reimburse partyB in case of timeout of partyA', async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, partyB, amountOfChoices, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: partyA})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: partyB, value: arbitrationFee})
- increaseTime(timeout + 1)
- const partyBBalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(partyB)
- const tx = await arbitrable.timeOutByPartyB({from: partyB, gasPrice: gasPrice})
- const txFee = tx.receipt.gasUsed * gasPrice
- const newpartyBBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(partyB)
- assert.equal(newpartyBBalance.toString(), partyBBalanceBeforeReimbursment.plus(20).minus(txFee).toString(), 'partyB has not been reimbursed correctly')
- })
- it("Shouldn't work before timeout for partyB", async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, partyB, amountOfChoices, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: partyA})
- await expectThrow(arbitrable.timeOutByPartyB({from: partyB, gasPrice: gasPrice}))
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: partyB, value: arbitrationFee})
- increaseTime(1)
- await expectThrow(arbitrable.timeOutByPartyB({from: partyB, gasPrice: gasPrice}))
- })
- // submitEvidence
- it('Should create events when evidence is submitted by partyA', async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, partyB, amountOfChoices, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: partyA})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: partyA, value: arbitrationFee})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: partyB, value: arbitrationFee})
- const tx = await arbitrable.submitEvidence('ipfs:/X', {from: partyA})
- assert.equal(tx.logs[0].event, 'Evidence')
- assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._arbitrator, centralizedArbitrator.address)
- assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._party, partyA)
- assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._evidence, 'ipfs:/X')
- })
- it('Should create events when evidence is submitted by partyB', async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, partyB, amountOfChoices, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: partyA})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: partyA, value: arbitrationFee})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: partyB, value: arbitrationFee})
- const tx = await arbitrable.submitEvidence('ipfs:/X', {from: partyB})
- assert.equal(tx.logs[0].event, 'Evidence')
- assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._arbitrator, centralizedArbitrator.address)
- assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._party, partyB)
- assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args._evidence, 'ipfs:/X')
- })
- it('Should fail if someone else tries to submit', async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, partyB, amountOfChoices, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: partyA})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: partyA, value: arbitrationFee})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: partyB, value: arbitrationFee})
- await expectThrow(arbitrable.submitEvidence('ipfs:/X', {from: other}))
- })
- // appeal
- // TODO: When we'll have a contract using appeal.
- // executeRuling
- it('Should reimburse the partyA (including arbitration fee) when the arbitrator decides so', async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, partyB, amountOfChoices, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: partyA})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: partyA, value: arbitrationFee})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: partyB, value: arbitrationFee})
- const partyABalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(partyA)
- await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(0, 1, {from: arbitrator})
- const newPartyABalance = web3.eth.getBalance(partyA)
- assert.equal(newPartyABalance.toString(), partyABalanceBeforeReimbursment.plus(20).toString(), 'partyA has not been reimbursed correctly')
- })
- it('Should pay the partyB and reimburse him the arbitration fee when the arbitrator decides so', async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, partyB, amountOfChoices, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: partyA})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: partyA, value: arbitrationFee})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: partyB, value: arbitrationFee})
- const partyBBalanceBeforePay = web3.eth.getBalance(partyB)
- await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(0, 2, {from: arbitrator})
- const newPartyBBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(partyB)
- assert.equal(newPartyBBalance.toString(), partyBBalanceBeforePay.plus(20).toString(), 'partyB has not been reimbursed correctly')
- })
- it('It should do nothing if the arbitrator decides so', async () => {
- const centralizedArbitrator = await CentralizedArbitrator.new(arbitrationFee, {from: arbitrator})
- const arbitrable = await TwoPartyArbitrable.new(centralizedArbitrator.address, timeout, partyB, amountOfChoices, 0x0, metaEvidenceUri, {from: partyA})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyA({from: partyA, value: arbitrationFee})
- await arbitrable.payArbitrationFeeByPartyB({from: partyB, value: arbitrationFee})
- const partyBBalanceBeforePay = web3.eth.getBalance(partyB)
- const partyABalanceBeforeReimbursment = web3.eth.getBalance(partyA)
- await centralizedArbitrator.giveRuling(0, 0, {from: arbitrator})
- const newPartyBBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(partyB)
- const newPartyABalance = web3.eth.getBalance(partyA)
- assert.equal(newPartyBBalance.toString(), partyBBalanceBeforePay.toString(), "partyB got wei while it shouldn't")
- assert.equal(newPartyABalance.toString(), partyABalanceBeforeReimbursment.toString(), "partyA got wei while it shouldn't")
- })
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/truffle.js b/truffle.js
index a85e09b0..19956bb6 100644
--- a/truffle.js
+++ b/truffle.js
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
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networks: {
development: {
- host: "localhost",
+ host: 'localhost',
port: 8545,
- network_id: "*" // Match any network id
+ network_id: '*' // Match any network id
solc: {
@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ module.exports = {
runs: 200
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