diff --git a/episodes/01-starting-with-data.Rmd b/episodes/01-starting-with-data.Rmd
index 0aacb2c4..cb8cf0ed 100644
--- a/episodes/01-starting-with-data.Rmd
+++ b/episodes/01-starting-with-data.Rmd
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ Once a variable is created, we can use the variable name to refer to the value i
-To see the value of a variable, we can print it by typing the name of the variable and hitting CTRL + Return (or CTRL + Enter) while working in the Script.R file in the editor which is recommended. If we are working in the console directly, we need to hit Return (or Enter).
+To see the value of a variable, we can print it by typing the name of the variable and hitting CTRL + Return (or CTRL + Enter) while working in the "`script.R`" file in the editor which is recommended. If we are working in the console directly, we need to hit Return (or Enter).
In general, R will print to the console any object returned by a function or operation *unless* we assign it to a variable.