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581 lines (442 loc) · 72.6 KB

Changelog for Mapbox Maps SDK for macOS


  • Added support for image expression in core library. Runtime APIs for image expression will be implemented separately. (#15877)
  • Fixed crashes triggered when MGLSource and MGLStyleLayer objects are accessed after having been invalidated after a style change. (#15539)
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to set the map’s content insets then tilt the map enough to see the horizon, causing performance issues. (#15195)
  • Added an MGLMapView.prefetchesTiles property to configure lower-resolution tile prefetching behavior. (#14816)
  • Fixed queryRenderedFeatues bug caused by incorrect sort feature index calculation. (#14884)
  • Ideographic glyphs from Chinese, Japanese, and Korean are no longer downloaded by default as part of offline packs; they are instead rendered on-device, saving bandwidth and storage while improving performance. (#14176)
  • The MGLIdeographicFontFamilyName Info.plist key now also accepts an array of font family names, to customize font fallback behavior. It can also be set to a Boolean value of NO to force the SDK to typeset CJK characters in a remote font specified by MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textFontNames. (#14862)
  • Performance improvements for queryRenderedFeatures API and optimization that allocates containers based on a number of rendered layers. (#14930)
  • Fixed rendering layers after fill-extrusion regression caused by optimization of fill-extrusion rendering. (#15065)
  • MGLLoggingLevel has been updated for better matching core log levels. Now can use [MGLLoggingConfiguration sharedConfiguration].loggingLevel to filter logs from core . (#15120)
  • Fixed an issue where animated camera transitions zoomed in or out too dramatically. (#15281)
  • Fixed rendering and collision detection issues with using text-variable-anchor and icon-text-fit properties on the same layer. (#15367)
  • Fixed symbol overlap when zooming out quickly. (15416)
  • Fixed a rendering issue that non-SDF icon would be treated as SDF icon if they are in the same layer. (#15456)
  • Fixed a rendering issue of collisionBox when text-translate or icon-translate is enabled. (#15467)
  • Fixed an issue of integer overflow when converting tileCoordinates to LatLon, which caused issues such as queryRenderedFeatures and querySourceFeatures returning incorrect coordinates at zoom levels 20 and higher. (#15560)
  • Added an -[MGLMapSnapshotter startWithOverlayHandler:completionHandler:] method to provide the snapshot's current CGContext in order to perform custom drawing on MGLMapSnapShot objects. (#15530)
  • Fixed an issue that maxzoom in style Sources option was ignored when URL resource is provided. It may cause problems such as extra tiles downloading at higher zoom level than maxzoom, or problems that wrong setting of overscaledZ in OverscaledTileID that will be passed to SymbolLayout, leading wrong rendering appearance. (#15581)
  • Fixed a crash when -[MGLOfflinePack invalidate] is called on different threads. (#15582)
  • Make network requests for expired resources lower priority than requests for new resources. (#15950)

Styles and rendering

  • Setting MGLMapView.contentInset now moves the map’s focal point to the center of the content frame after insetting. (#14664)
  • Added the -[MGLMapViewDelegate mapView:shouldRemoveStyleImage:] method for optimizing style image caching. (#14769)
  • Introduce text-writing-mode layout property for symbol layer (#14932). The text-writing-mode layout property allows control over symbol's preferred writing mode. The new property value is an array, whose values are enumeration values from a ( horizontal | vertical ) set.

Other changes

  • The -[MGLMapView setCamera:withDuration:animationTimingFunction:edgePadding:completionHandler:] method now adds the current value of the MGLMapView.contentInsets property to the edgePadding parameter. (#14813)
  • Updated "map ID" to the more accurate term "tileset ID" in documentation; updated "style's Map ID" to the more accurate term "style URL". (#15116)

Other changes

  • Added variants of multiple animated MGLMapView methods that accept completion handlers (#14381):
    • -[MGLMapView setVisibleCoordinateBounds:edgePadding:animated:completionHandler:]
    • -[MGLMapView setContentInsets:animated:completionHandler:]
    • -[MGLMapView showAnnotations:edgePadding:animated:completionHandler:]

0.14.0 - May 22, 2018

Styles and rendering

  • Client-side text rendering of CJK ideographs is now enabled by default. (#13988)
  • Added an MGLStyle.performsPlacementTransitions property to control how long it takes for colliding labels to fade out. (#13565)
  • Added the -[MGLShapeSource leavesOfCluster:offset:limit:], -[MGLShapeSource childrenOfCluster:], -[MGLShapeSource zoomLevelForExpandingCluster:] methods for inspecting a cluster in an MGLShapeSources created with the MGLShapeSourceOptionClustered option. Feature querying now returns clusters represented by MGLPointFeatureCluster objects (that conform to the MGLCluster protocol). (#12952
  • Fixed a crash when casting large numbers in NSExpression. (#13580)
  • Fixed an issue that caused MGL_FUNCTION to ignore multiple formatting parameters when passed a format function as parameter. (#14064)
  • Added mgl_attributed: expression operator, which concatenates MGLAttributedExpression objects for specifying rich text in the MGLSymbolStyleLayer.text property. (#14094)
  • Fixed an issue that caused conditional expressions to crash when passed nested conditional expressions as parameters. (#14181)
  • Fixed a possible crash with certain expressions containing arguments that evaluate to a dictionary containing NSArray or NSNumber values. (#14352)
  • Fixed a bug where non-opaque NSColor values were ignored when assigned to a style layer color property. (#14406)
  • Fixed a bug where some layers weren’t rendering correctly after panning. (#14527)
  • Changed placement order of MGLSymbolStyleLayer to match the viewport-y order when MGLSymbolStyleLayer.symbolZOrder is set to MGLSymbolZOrderViewportY, allowing icons to overlap but not text. (#14486)

Other changes

  • Added Czech and Galician localizations. (#13782, #14095)
  • Added MGLNetworkConfiguration class to customize the SDK’s NSURLSessionConfiguration object. (#13886)
  • Fixed a bug with MGLMapView.visibleAnnotations that resulted in incorrect results and performance degradation. (#13745)
  • Fixed a bug where selecting partially on-screen annotations (without a callout) would move the map. (#13727)
  • Fixed a bug that caused offline packs created prior to v0.7.0 (introduced in #11055) to be marked as MGLOfflinePackStateInactive. (#14188)

0.13.0 - December 20, 2018


  • This SDK’s dynamic framework now has a bundle identifier of com.mapbox.Mapbox. (#12857)
  • MGLMapView, MGLShapeOfflineRegion, and MGLTilePyramidOfflineRegion now default to version 11 of the Mapbox Streets style. Similarly, several class properties of MGLStyle, such as MGLStyle.lightStyleURL, have been updated to return URLs to new versions of their respective styles. (#13585)

Styles and rendering

  • Fixed an issue where the {prefix} token in tile URL templates was evaluated incorrectly when requesting a source’s tiles. (#13429)
  • Added an -[MGLStyle removeSource:error:] method that returns a descriptive error if the style fails to remove the source, whereas -[MGLStyle removeSource:] fails silently. (#13399)
  • Added the MGLFillExtrusionStyleLayer.fillExtrusionHasVerticalGradient property. (#13463)
  • Added support for setting MGLCollisionBehaviorPre4_0 in NSUserDefaults. (#13426)
  • -[MGLStyle localizeLabelsIntoLocale:] and -[NSExpression(MGLAdditions) mgl_expressionLocalizedIntoLocale:] can automatically localize styles that use version 8 of the Mapbox Streets source. (#13481)
  • Fixed symbol flickering during instantaneous transitions. (#13535)
  • Fixed a crash when specifying MGLShapeSourceOptionLineDistanceMetrics when creating an MGLShapeSource. (#13543)

Other changes

  • Renamed -[MGLOfflineStorage putResourceWithUrl:data:modified:expires:etag:mustRevalidate:] to -[MGLOfflineStorage preloadData:forURL:modificationDate:expirationDate:eTag:mustRevalidate:]. (#13318)
  • MGLMapSnapshotter now respects the MGLIdeographicFontFamilyName key in Info.plist, which reduces bandwidth consumption when snapshotting regions that contain Chinese or Japanese characters. (#13427)
  • Added MGLLoggingConfiguration and MGLLoggingBlockHandler that handle error and fault events produced by the SDK. (#13235)

0.12.0 - November 8, 2018

Styles and rendering

  • MGLSymbolStyleLayer.text can now be set to rich text with varying fonts and text sizes. (#12624)
  • Added an MGLSymbolStyleLayer.symbolZOrder property for forcing point features in a symbol layer to be layered in the same order that they are specified in the layer’s associated source. (#12783)
  • Fixed a crash when the MGLBackgroundStyleLayer.backgroundPattern, MGLFillExtrusionStyleLayer.fillExtrusionPattern, MGLFillStyleLayer.fillPattern, or MGLLineStyleLayer.linePattern property evaluates to nil for a particular feature. (#12896)
  • Fixed a crash when using the MGL_LET, MGL_MATCH, MGL_IF, or MGL_FUNCTION functions without a colon inside an NSExpression or NSPredicate format string. (#13189)
  • Fixed a crash setting the MGLLineStyleLayer.lineGradient property to an expression containing the $lineProgress variable. Added an NSExpression.lineProgressVariableExpression class property that returns an expression for the $lineProgress variable. (#13192)
  • Fixed an issue where features in MGLFillStyleLayer and MGLLineStyleLayer would occasionally flicker when zooming in and out. (#12982)
  • Feature querying can now return point features represented by icons that have both the MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconRotation and MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconOffset properties applied. (#13105)
  • Fixed a crash when casting an NSColor to an NSColor inside an NSExpression. (#12864)
  • NIL cast to an NSNumber now evaluates to 0 inside an NSExpression. (#12864)
  • Fixed a crash when applying the to-array operator to an empty array inside a JSON expression. (#12864)
  • Added the MGLCollisionBehaviorPre4_0 Info.plist key to restore the collision detection behavior in version 0.6 of the SDK. (#12941)

Offline maps

  • Network requests by MGLMapView are now prioritized over offline pack downloads. (#13019)
  • Added -[MGLOfflineStorage addContentsOfFile:withCompletionHandler:] and -[MGLOfflineStorage addContentsOfURL:withCompletionHandler:] methods to add pregenerated offline packs to offline storage. (#12791)
  • Added the -[MGLOfflineStorage putResourceWithUrl:data:modified:expires:etag:mustRevalidate:] method to allow pre-warming of the ambient cache. (#13119)
  • Fixed an issue where some tiles were rendered incorrectly when the device was unable to connect to the Internet. (#12931)

Other changes

  • Added MGLAltitudeForZoomLevel() and MGLZoomLevelForAltitude() methods for converting between zoom levels used by MGLMapView and altitudes used by MGLMapCamera. (#12986)
  • Deprecated the +[MGLMapCamera cameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate:fromDistance:pitch:heading:] method in favor of +[MGLMapCamera cameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate:altitude:pitch:heading:] and +[MGLMapCamera cameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate:acrossDistance:pitch:heading:]. (#12966)
  • Fixed an issue where +[MGLMapCamera cameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate:fromEyeCoordinate:eyeAltitude:] created a camera looking from the wrong eye coordinate. (#12966)
  • Added an MGLMapCamera.viewingDistance property based on the existing MGLMapCamera.altitude property. (#12966)
  • Fixed an issue where the map view could not be panned after setting MGLMapView.visibleCoordinateBounds to a coordinate bounds that spanned exactly the longitudes −180° and 180°. (#13006)
  • Fixed an issue where -[MGLMapSnapshotter startWithQueue:completionHandler:] failed to call its completion handler in some cases. (#12355)
  • Fixed an issue where snapshots had the wrong heading and pitch. (#13123)
  • Fixed an issue where MGLMapView produced a designable error in Interface Builder storyboards in Xcode 10. (#12883)

0.11.0 - September 13, 2018

Styles and rendering

  • When a symbol in an MGLSymbolStyleLayer has both an icon and text, both are shown or hidden together based on available space. (#12521)
  • Invalid values of MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textFontNames are treated as warnings instead of errors. (#12414)
  • Added an MGLLineStyleLayer.lineGradient property that can be used to define a gradient with which to color a line feature. (#12575)
  • The MGLLineStyleLayer.linePattern, MGLFillStyleLayer.fillPattern, and MGLFillStyleLayer.fillExtrusionPattern properties can now be set to expressions that refer to feature attributes. (#12284)
  • Reduced the amount of memory consumed by font data after changing the style. (#12414)
  • -[MGLShapeSource initWithIdentifier:shape:options:] and -[MGLComputedShapeSource setFeatures:inTileAtX:y:zoomLevel:] warn about possible attribute loss when passing in an MGLShapeCollection object. (#12625)
  • Added an MGLShapeSourceOptionLineDistanceMetrics option that enables or disables calculating line distance metrics. (#12604)
  • Fixed an issue where the cubic-bezier curve type for mgl_interpolate:withCurveType:parameters:stops: expressions was misinterpreted for some style layer properties. (#12826)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause symbols to fade in during pan operations instead of always showing when using MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconAllowsOverlap or MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textAllowsOverlap properties. (#12698)

Offline maps

  • Added the MGLShapeOfflineRegion class for creating an offline pack that covers an arbitrary shape. (#11447)
  • Fixed crashes when offline storage encountered certain SQLite errors. (#12224)

Other changes

  • The -[MGLMapView annotationAtPoint:] method can now return annotations near tile boundaries at high zoom levels. (#12570)
  • Added an -[MGLMapViewDelegate mapView:shapeAnnotationIsEnabled:] method to specify whether an annotation is selectable. (#12352)
  • Fixed inconsistencies in exception naming. (#12583)
  • Fixed an issue where -[MGLMapView convertCoordinateBounds:toRectToView:] would return an empty CGRect if the bounds crossed the antimeridian. (#12758)

0.10.0 - August 15, 2018

Styles and rendering

  • Token string syntax ("{token}") in MGLSymbolStyleLayer text and iconImageName properties is now correctly converted to the appropriate NSExpression equivalent. (#11659)
  • Fixed a crash when switching between two styles having layers with the same identifier but different layer types. (#12432)
  • Added a new option to MGLSymbolPlacement, MGLSymbolPlacementLineCenter, that places the label relative to the center of the geometry. (#12337)

Other changes

  • Fixed an issue where the symbols for MGLMapPointForCoordinate could not be found. (#12445)
  • Fixed an issue causing country and ocean labels to disappear after calling -[MGLStyle localizeLabelsIntoLocale:] when the system language is set to Simplified Chinese. (#12164)
  • Closed a security vulnerability introduced in 0.8.0 that would potentially allow the owner of a style to compromise apps loading that style. (#12571)

0.9.0 - July 18, 2018

Styles and rendering

  • Added an MGLRasterStyleLayer.rasterResamplingMode property for configuring how raster style layers are overscaled. (#12176)
  • -[MGLStyle localizeLabelsIntoLocale:] and -[NSExpression mgl_expressionLocalizedIntoLocale:] can automatically localize labels into Japanese or Korean based on the system’s language settings. (#12286)
  • The c and d options are supported within comparison predicates for case and diacritic insensitivity, respectively. (#12329)
  • Added the collator and resolved-locale expression operators to more precisely compare strings in style JSON. A subset of this functionality is available through predicate options when creating an NSPredicate. (#11869)
  • Fixed a crash in -[MGLStyle localizeLabelsIntoLocale:] on macOS 10.11. (#12123)
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when creating an MGL_MATCH expression using non-expressions as arguments. (#12332)
  • Fixed a crash when trying to parse expressions containing legacy filters. (#12263)

Other changes

  • Added -[MGLMapView camera:fittingShape:edgePadding:] and -[MGLMapView camera:fittingCoordinateBounds:edgePadding:] allowing you specify the pitch and direction for the calculated camera. (#12213)
  • Added -[MGLMapSnapshot coordinateForPoint:] that returns a map coordinate for a specified snapshot image point. (#12221)
  • Fixed an issue where -[MGLMapShapshot pointForCoordinate:] returned incorrect points. (#12221)
  • Improved caching performance. (#12072)
  • Remove unnecessary memory use when collision debug mode is disabled. (#12294)

0.8.0 - June 20, 2018


  • The minimum deployment target for this SDK is now macOS 10.11.0. (#11776)
  • Fixed an issue where MGLMapView produced a designable error in Interface Builder storyboards. (#12140)

Styles and rendering

  • Added support for aggregate expressions as input values to MGL_MATCH expressions. (#11866)
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when style JSON contained an invalid filter containing an expression. (#12065)
  • Fixed a crash in -[MGLStyle localizeLabelsIntoLocale:] on macOS 10.11. (#12123)
  • Unknown tokens in URLs are now preserved, rather than replaced with an empty string. (#11787)
  • Fixed an issue preventing nested key path expressions from accessing the correct feature attributes. (#11959)
  • Fixed an issue where MGLSymbolStyleLayer flickered when straddling the antimeridian. (#11938)

Other changes

  • Adjusted when and how the camera transition update and finish callbacks are called, fixing recursion bugs. (#11614)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when reusing MGLMapSnapshotter or using multiple snapshotters at the same time. (#11831)
  • Fixed an issue where an empty MGLFeature array caused high CPU utilization. (#11985)
  • Improved offline download performance. (#11284)
  • Fixed an issue that caused -[MGLMapView visibleFeaturesAtPoint:] to return an empty array when adding or removing features. (#12076)

0.7.1 - May 15, 2018

Style layers

  • Deprecated +[NSExpression featurePropertiesVariableExpression]; use +[NSExpression featureAttributesVariableExpression] instead. (#11748)
  • Added an -[NSPredicate(MGLAdditions) predicateWithMGLJSONObject:] method and NSPredicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject property. (#11810)
  • Added FIRST, LAST, and SIZE symbolic array subscripting support to expressions. (#11770)
  • Inside an expression, casting nil to a string turns it into the empty string instead of the string "null". (#11904)
  • Fixed an issue where certain colors were being misrepresented in NSExpression obtained from MGLStyleLayer getters. (#11725)


  • Fixed an issue where selecting an onscreen annotation could move the map unintentionally. (#11731)
  • Fixed an issue where an MGLOverlay object straddling the antimeridian had an empty MGLOverlay.overlayBounds value. (#11783)

Other changes

  • Reduced per-frame render CPU time. (#11811)
  • Fixed a crash when removing an MGLOfflinePack. (#6092)
  • If English is the first language listed in the user’s Preferred Languages setting, -[MGLStyle localizeLabelsIntoLocale:] no longer prioritizes other languages over English. (#11907)

0.7.0 - April 19, 2018

The 0.7.x series of releases will be the last to support macOS 10.10. The minimum macOS deployment version will increase to macOS 10.11.0 in a future release.


  • Added Arabic, Danish, Hebrew, and European Portuguese localizations. (#10967, #11136, #11695)
  • Removed methods, properties, and constants that had been deprecated as of v0.6.1. (#11205)
  • Refined certain Swift interfaces by converting them from class methods to class properties. (#11674)

Style layers

  • The layout and paint properties on subclasses of MGLStyleLayer are now of type NSExpression instead of MGLStyleValue. A new “Predicates and Expressions” guide provides an overview of the supported operators, which include arithmetic and conditional operators. (#10726)
  • A style can now display a heatmap layer that visualizes a point data distribution. You can customize the appearance at runtime using the MGLHeatmapStyleLayer class. (#11046)
  • A style can now display a smooth hillshading layer and customize its appearance at runtime using the MGLHillshadeStyleLayer class. Hillshading is based on a rasterized digital elevation model supplied by the MGLRasterDEMSource class. (#10642)
  • You can now set the MGLVectorStyleLayer.predicate property to a predicate that contains arithmetic and calls to built-in NSExpression functions. You may need to cast a feature attribute key to NSString or NSNumber before comparing it to a string or number. (#11587)
  • Replaced the MGLStyle.localizesLabels property with an -[MGLStyle localizeLabelsIntoLocale:] method that allows you to specify the language to localize into. Note that this method does not automatically update the style when the system’s preferred language changes. Also added an -[NSExpression(MGLAdditions) mgl_expressionLocalizedIntoLocale:] method for localizing an individual value used with MGLSymbolStyleLayer.text. (#11651)
  • Fixed incorrect color calibration on macOS 10.13 High Sierra when using color-related methods of MGLStyleLayer subclasses, as well as when displaying an MGLAttributionInfo. It is no longer necessary to explicitly convert an NSColor to the sRGB color space before using these classes on High Sierra. (#11391)
  • The MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textFontNames property can now depend on a feature’s attributes. (#10850)
  • Changes to the MGLStyleLayer.minimumZoomLevel and MGLStyleLayer.maximumZoomLevel properties take effect immediately. (#11399)

Content sources

  • Renamed MGLRasterSource to MGLRasterTileSource and MGLVectorSource to MGLVectorTileSource. (#11568)
  • Added an MGLComputedShapeSource class that allows applications to supply vector data to a style layer on a per-tile basis. (#9983)
  • Properties such as MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconAllowsOverlap and MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconIgnoresPlacement now account for symbols in other sources. (#10436)

Map rendering

  • Improved the reliability of collision detection between symbols near the edges of tiles, as well as between symbols when the map is tilted. It is no longer necessary to enable MGLSymbolStyleLayer.symbolAvoidsEdges to prevent symbols in adjacent tiles from overlapping with each other. (#10436)
  • Symbols can fade in and out as the map pans, rotates, or tilts. (#10436)
  • Properties such as MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconAllowsOverlap and MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconIgnoresPlacement now account for symbols in other sources. (#10436)
  • Added the MGLTileSourceOptionTileCoordinateBounds option to create an MGLTileSource that only supplies tiles within a specific geographic bounding box. (#11141)
  • Fixed an issue preventing a dynamically-added MGLRasterStyleLayer from drawing until the map pans. (#10270)
  • Fixed an issue preventing MGLImageSources from drawing on the map when the map is zoomed in and tilted. (#10677)
  • Improved the sharpness of raster tiles on Retina displays. (#10984)
  • Fixed a crash parsing a malformed style. (#11001)
  • Fixed an issue where symbols with empty labels would always be hidden. (#11206)
  • Fixed an issue where a tilted map could flicker while displaying rotating symbols. (#11488)
  • Increased the maximum width of labels by a factor of two. (#11508)


  • Fixed an issue where tapping a group of annotations may not have selected the nearest annotation. (#11438)
  • The MGLMapView.selectedAnnotations property (backed by -[MGLMapView setSelectedAnnotations:]) now selects annotations that are off-screen. (#9790)
  • The animated parameter to -[MGLMapView selectAnnotation:animated:] now controls whether the annotation and its callout are brought on-screen. If animated is NO then the annotation is selected if offscreen, but the map is not panned. Currently only point annotations are supported.(#3249)
  • Fixed a crash when rapidly adding and removing annotations. (#11551, #11575)

Map snapshots

  • Fixed a memory leak that occurred when creating a map snapshot. (#10585)
  • Fixed an issue that caused MGLMapSnapshotter.pointForCoordinate to return an incorrect value. (#11035)

Other changes

  • The -[MGLMapView convertRect:toCoordinateBoundsFromView:] method and the MGLMapView.visibleCoordinateBounds property’s getter now indicate that the coordinate bounds straddles the antimeridian by extending one side beyond ±180 degrees longitude. (#11265)
  • Feature querying results now account for the MGLSymbolStyleLayer.circleStrokeWidth property. (#10897)
  • Reduced offline download sizes for styles with symbol layers that render only icons, and no text. (#11055)

v0.6.1 - January 16, 2018

This version of the Mapbox macOS SDK corresponds to version 3.7.3 of the Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS.

  • Fixed a crash while zooming while annotations are present on the map. (#10791)
  • CJK characters can be displayed in a locally installed font or a custom font bundled with the application, reducing map download times. Specify the font name using the MGLIdeographicFontFamilyName key in the application’s Info.plist file. (#10522)

v0.6.0 - December 23, 2017

This version of the Mapbox macOS SDK corresponds to version 3.7.2 of the Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS.


  • Renamed this SDK from Mapbox macOS SDK to Mapbox Maps SDK for macOS. (#10610, #10793)
  • Added a Bulgarian localization. (#10309)

Networking and storage

  • Added a new MGLMapSnapshotter class for capturing rendered map images from an MGLMapView’s camera. (#9891)
  • Reduced the time it takes to create new MGLMapView instances in some cases. (#9864)
  • Added support for forced cache revalidation that will eliminate flickering that was sometimes visible for certain types of tiles (e.g., traffic tiles). (#9670, #9103)
  • Improved the performance of the SDK when parsing vector tile data used to render the map. (#9312)


  • Added a new type of source, represented by the MGLImageSource class at runtime, that displays a georeferenced image. (#9110)
  • Setting a style using MGLMapView's styleURL property now smoothly transitions from the previous style to the new style and maintains equivalent layers and sources along with their identifiers. (#9256)
  • Added MGLCircleStyleLayer.circlePitchAlignment and MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconPitchAlignment properties to control whether circles and symbols lie flat against a tilted map. (#9426, #9479)
  • Added an MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconAnchor property to control where an icon is anchored. (#9849)
  • The maximumTextWidth and textLetterSpacing properties of MGLSymbolStyleLayer are now compatible with MGLSourceStyleFunctions and MGLCompositeStyleFunctions, allowing data-driven styling of these properties. (#9870)
  • Improved the legibility of labels that follow lines when the map is tilted. (#9009)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause flickering when a translucent raster style layer was present. (#9468)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause antialiasing between polygons on the same layer to fail if the fill layers used data-driven styling for the fill color. (#9699)
  • The previously deprecated support for style classes has been removed. For interface compatibility, the API methods remain, but they are now non-functional.

Annotations and user interaction

  • Fixed several bugs and performance issues related to the use of annotations backed by MGLAnnotationImages. The limits on the number and size of images and glyphs has been effectively eliminated and should now depend on hardware constraints. These fixes also apply to images used to represent icons in MGLSymbolStyleLayers. (#9213)
  • Increased the default maximum zoom level from 20 to 22. (#9835)
  • Added an overlays property to MGLMapView. (#8617)
  • Fixed incorrect hit targets for MGLAnnotationImage-backed annotations that caused -[MGLMapViewDelegate mapView:didSelectAnnotation:] to be called unnecessarily. (#10538)
  • Added -[MGLMapView cameraThatFitsShape:direction:edgePadding:] to get a camera with zoom level and center coordinate computed to fit a shape. (#10107)
  • Added support selection of shape and polyline annotations.(#9984)
  • Fixed an issue where a shape annotation callout was not displayed if the centroid was not visible. (#10255)

Other changes

  • Fixed distortion in the logo view on macOS 10.13 High Sierra. (#10606)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause line label rendering glitches when the line geometry is projected to a point behind the plane of the camera. (#9865)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when using -[MGLMapView flyToCamera:completionHandler:] and related methods with zoom levels at or near the maximum value. (#9381)
  • Fixed an issue where removing a MGLOpenGLStyleLayer from a map might result in a crash. (#10765)
  • Added documentation for usage of coordinate bounds that cross the anti-meridian. (#10783)
  • Removed duplicated variables in MGLMapSnapshotter. (#10702)

0.5.1 - September 26, 2017

This version of the Mapbox macOS SDK corresponds to version 3.6.4 of the Mapbox iOS SDK.

  • Added an MGLStyle.localizesLabels property, off by default, that localizes any Mapbox Streets–sourced symbol layer into the user’s preferred language. (#9582)
  • Fixed an issue that caused -[MGLShapeSource featuresMatchingPredicate:] and -[MGLVectorSource featuresInSourceLayersWithIdentifiers:predicate:] to always return an empty array. (#9784)
  • MGLMapView’s minimumZoomLevel and maximumZoomLevel properties are now available in Interface Builder’s Attributes inspector. (#9729)
  • Added a Hungarian localization. (#9945)
  • Deprecated +[MGLStyle trafficDayStyleURL] and +[MGLStyle trafficNightStyleURL] with no replacement method. To use the Traffic Day and Traffic Night styles going forward, we recommend that you use the underlying URL. (#9918)
  • Fixed an issue where stale (but still valid) map data could be ignored in offline mode. (#10012)

0.5.0 - June 30, 2017

This version of the Mapbox macOS SDK corresponds to version 3.6.0 of the Mapbox iOS SDK.



  • Added support for 3D extrusion of buildings and other polygonal features via the MGLFillExtrusionStyleLayer class and the fill-extrusion layer type in style JSON. (#8431)
  • MGLMapView and MGLTilePyramidOfflineRegion now default to version 10 of the Mapbox Streets style. Similarly, several style URL class methods of MGLStyle return URLs to version 10 styles. Unversioned variations of these methods are no longer deprecated. MGLStyleDefaultVersion should no longer be used with any style other than Streets. (#6301)
  • Added class methods to MGLStyle that correspond to the new Traffic Day and Traffic Night styles. (#6301)
  • MGLSymbolStyleLayer’s iconImageName, iconScale, textFontSize, textOffset, and textRotation properties can now be set to a source or composite function. (#8544, #8590, #8592, #8593)
  • Fixed an issue where setting the MGLVectorStyleLayer.predicate property failed to take effect if the relevant source was not in use by a visible layer at the time. (#8653)
  • Fixed an issue preventing programmatically added style layers from appearing in already cached tiles. (#8954)
  • Fixed an issue causing a composite function’s highest zoom level stop to be misinterpreted. (#8613, #8790)
  • Fixed an issue where re-adding a layer that had been previously removed from a style would reset its paint properties. Moved initializers for MGLTileSource, MGLStyleLayer, and MGLForegroundStyleLayer to their concrete subclasses; because these classes were already intended for initialization only via concrete subclasses, this should have no developer impact. (#8626)
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when removing a source that was still being used by one or more style layers. Since this is a programming error, a warning is logged to the console instead. (#9129)
  • Feature querying results now account for any changes to a feature’s size caused by a source or composite style function. (#8665)
  • Fixed the behavior of composite functions that specify fractional zoom level stops. (#9289)
  • Letter spacing is now disabled in Arabic text so that ligatures are drawn correctly. (#9062)
  • Improved the performance of styles using source and composite style functions. (#9185, #9257)


  • The default marker image has been made slightly larger and now matches the version in the Mapbox iOS SDK. (#9370)
  • The MGLPolyline.coordinate and MGLPolygon.coordinate properties now return the midpoint and centroid, respectively, instead of the first coordinate. (#8713)

User interaction

  • Fixed an issue causing the map to go blank during a flight animation that travels a very short distance. (#9199)
  • Fixed an issue causing the mouse cursor to jump after Shift- or Option-dragging the map. (#9390)
  • The Improve This Map button in the attribution action sheet now leads to a feedback tool that matches MGLMapView’s rotation and pitch. -[MGLAttributionInfo feedbackURLAtCenterCoordinate:zoomLevel:] no longer respects the feedback URL specified in TileJSON. (#9078)

Other changes

  • Fixed a crash when calling MGLMultiPolygon.coordinate #8713
  • Fixed an issue causing attribution button text to appear blue instead of black. (#8701)
  • Fixed a crash or console spew when MGLMapView is initialized with a frame smaller than 64 points wide by 64 points tall. (#8562)
  • The error passed into -[MGLMapViewDelegate mapViewDidFailLoadingMap:withError:] now includes a more specific description and failure reason. (#8418)
  • Improved CPU and battery performance while animating a tilted map’s camera in an area with many labels. (#9031)
  • Fixed an issue rendering polylines that contain duplicate vertices. (#8808)
  • Added struct boxing to MGLCoordinateSpan, MGLCoordinateBounds, MGLOfflinePackProgress, and MGLTransition. (#9343)

0.4.1 - April 8, 2017

This version of the Mapbox macOS SDK corresponds to version 3.5.2 of the Mapbox iOS SDK.

  • Fixed an issue causing code signing failures and bloating the framework. (#8640)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a crash if annotations unknown to the map view were interacted with. (#8686)
  • Renamed the “Data-Driven Styling” guide to “Using Style Functions at Runtime” and clarified the meaning of data-driven styling in the guide’s discussion of runtime style functions. (#8627)

0.4.0 - April 2, 2017

This version of the Mapbox macOS SDK corresponds to version 3.5.1 of the Mapbox iOS SDK.


  • Added support for right-to-left text and Arabic ligatures in labels. (#6984, #7123)
  • Improved the line wrapping behavior of point-placed labels, especially labels written in Chinese and Japanese. (#6828, #7446)
  • CJK characters now remain upright in vertically oriented labels that have line placement, such as road labels. (#7114)
  • Added Catalan, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Japanese, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese localizations. (#7316, #7503, #7899, #7999, #8113, #8256)


  • Added support for data-driven styling in the form of source and composite style functions. MGLStyleFunction is now an abstract class, with MGLCameraStyleFunction providing the behavior of MGLStyleFunction in previous releases. New MGLStyleFunction subclasses allow you to vary a style attribute by the values of attributes of features in the source. (#7596)
  • Added methods to MGLShapeSource and MGLVectorSource for querying features loaded by the source, whether or not they’re visible on the map. (#8263)
  • Added circleStrokeColor, circleStrokeWidth, and circleStrokeOpacity properties to MGLCircleStyleLayer and support for corresponding properties in style JSON files. (#7356)
  • Point-placed labels in symbol style layers are now placed at more optimal locations within polygons. (#7465)
  • Fixed flickering that occurred when manipulating a style layer. (#7616)
  • Symbol style layers can now render point collections (known as multipoints in GeoJSON). (#7445)
  • Added a transition property to MGLStyle to customize the timing of changes to style layers. (#7711)
  • Added properties to MGLStyleLayer subclasses to customize the timing of transitions between values of individual attributes. (#8225)
  • Fixed an issue causing lines and text labels toward the top of the map view to appear blurry when the map is tilted. (#7444)
  • Fixed incorrect interpolation of style functions in Boolean-typed style attributes. (#7526)
  • Removed support for the ref property in layers in style JSON files. (#7586)
  • Fixed an issue that collapsed consecutive newlines within text labels. (#7446)
  • Fixed artifacts when drawing particularly acute line joins. (#7786)
  • Fixed an issue in which a vector style layer predicate involving the $id key path would exclude all features from the layer. (#7989, #7971)
  • Fixed an issue causing vector style layer predicates to be evaluated as if each feature had a $type attribute of 1, 2, or 3. The $type key path can now be compared to Point, LineString, or Polygon, as described in the documentation. (#7971)
  • When setting an MGLShapeSource’s shape to an MGLFeature instance, any NSColor attribute value is now converted to the equivalent CSS string representation for use with MGLInterpolationModeIdentity in style functions. (#8025)
  • An exception is no longer thrown if layers or sources are removed from a style before they are added. (#7962)
  • Renamed MGLStyleConstantValue to MGLConstantStyleValue. For compatibility with previous releases, MGLStyleConstantValue is now an alias of MGLConstantStyleValue. (#8090)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when switching styles after adding an MGLSource to the style. (#8298)

Annotations and user interaction

  • Added a method to MGLMapViewDelegate, -mapView:shouldChangeFromCamera:toCamera:, that you can implement to restrict which parts the user can navigate to using gestures. (#5584)
  • When a map view is the first responder, pressing +, -, or = now zooms the map. (#8033)
  • Changing the coordinates of a point annotation no longer deselects the annotation. (#8269)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when point annotations were added and removed while simultaneously querying source features. (#8374)
  • Fixed an issue preventing MGLMapView from adding a polyline annotation with the same coordinates as a polygon annotation. (#8355)
  • Zooming by double-tap, two-finger tap, zoom buttons, shortcut keys, or demo app menu items or shortcut keys now zooms to the nearest integer zoom level. (#8027)
  • Fixed an issue where translucent point annotations along tile boundaries would be drawn darker than expected. (#6832)

Networking and offline maps

  • Offline pack notifications are now posted by MGLOfflinePack instances instead of the shared MGLOfflineStorage object. For backwards compatibility, the userInfo dictionary still indicates the pack’s state and progress. (#7952)
  • Fixed a memory leak in MGLMapView. (#7956)
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent a cached style from appearing while the computer is offline. (#7770)
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent a style from loading when reestablishing a network connection. (#7902)
  • MGLOfflineStorage instances now support a delegate conforming to MGLOfflineStorageDelegate, which allows altering URLs before they are requested from the Internet. (#8084)

Other changes

  • Added support for the Carthage dependency manager. See this SDK’s homepage for setup instructions. (#8257)
  • Fixed an issue that, among other things, caused various islands to disappear at certain zoom levels. (#7621)
  • Added a method to MGLMapView that allows you to specify a predicate when querying for visible features. (#8256)
  • Fixed flickering that occurred when panning past the antimeridian. (#7574)
  • Added a MGLDistanceFormatter class for formatting geographic distances. (#7888)

0.3.1 - February 21, 2017

This version of the Mapbox macOS SDK corresponds to version 3.4.2 of the Mapbox iOS SDK.

  • Fixed an issue causing MGLMapView’s camera’s heading to be set to a negative value, indicating an undefined heading, when the map view faces northwest. The heading is now wrapped to between zero and 360 degrees, for consistency with MGLMapView’s direction property. (#7724)
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when moving a window containing an MGLMapView from one screen to another. (#8004)
  • Fixed an issue preventing the use of the integrated GPU on machines that have more than one GPU. Follow the instructions in Technical Q&A 1734 to enable integrated GPU usage in your application. (#7834)
  • Fixed an issue causing the mouse cursor to jump after shift- or option-dragging a map view if the window opened on a screen with a different size than the screen with keyboard focus. (#7846)
  • Deprecated the style class methods in MGLStyle. (#7785)
  • Improved the performance of trivial camera animations. (#7125)

0.3.0 - January 21, 2016

This version of the Mapbox macOS SDK corresponds to version 3.4.0 of the Mapbox iOS SDK. The two SDKs have very similar feature sets. The main differences are the lack of user location tracking and annotation views. Some APIs have been adapted to macOS conventions, particularly the use of NSPopover for callout views.


  • Fixed an issue causing code signing failures and bloating the framework. (#5850)
  • Xcode 7.3 or higher is now required for using this SDK. (#6059)
  • Fixed an issue with symbols not being properly stripped from the dynamic framework when built with make xpackage SYMBOLS=NO. (#6531)
  • The API reference has a sharper look. (#7422)
  • Added documentation for the Info.plist keys used by this SDK. (#6833)

Styles and data

  • A new runtime styling API allows you to adjust the style and content of the base map dynamically. All the options available in Mapbox Studio are now exposed via MGLStyle and subclasses of MGLStyleLayer and MGLSource. (#5727)
  • MGLMapView’s styleURL property can now be set to an absolute file URL. (#6026)
  • When creating an MGLShapeSource, you can now specify options for clustering point features within the shape source. Similarly, GeoJSON sources specified by the stylesheet at design time can specify the cluster, clusterMaxZoom, and clusterRadius attributes. (#5724)
  • When creating an MGLTileSource, you can now specify that the tile URLs use TMS coordinates by setting MGLTileSourceOptionTileCoordinateSystem to MGLTileCoordinateSystemTMS. TileJSON files can specify "scheme": "tms". (#2270)
  • Fixed an issue causing abstract MGLMultiPointFeature objects to be returned in feature query results. Now concrete MGLPointCollectionFeature objects are returned. MGLMultiPointFeature is now an alias of MGLPointCollectionFeature. (#6742)
  • Fixed rendering artifacts and missing glyphs that occurred after viewing a large number of CJK characters on the map. (#5908)
  • Fixed an issue where the style zoom levels were not respected when deciding when to render a layer. (#5811)
  • Fixed an issue where feature querying sometimes failed to return the expected features when the map was tilted. (#6773)
  • MGLFeature’s attributes and identifier properties are now writable. (#6728)
  • Attribution views now display the correct attribution for the current style. (#5999)
  • If MGLMapView is unable to obtain or parse a style, it now calls its delegate’s -mapViewDidFailLoadingMap:withError: method. (#6145)
  • Added the -[MGLMapViewDelegate mapView:didFinishLoadingStyle:] delegate method, which offers the earliest opportunity to modify the layout or appearance of the current style before the map view is displayed to the user. (#6636)
  • Fixed an issue causing stepwise zoom functions to be misinterpreted. (#6328)
  • A source’s tiles are no longer rendered when the map is outside the source’s supported zoom levels. (#6345)
  • Fixed crashes that could occur when loading a malformed stylesheet. (#5736)
  • Improved style parsing performance. (#6170)
  • Improved feature querying performance. (#6514)
  • Fixed an issue where shapes that cannot currently be visually represented as annotations were still shown on the map as point annotations. (#6764)


  • Added showAnnotations:animated: and showAnnotations:edgePadding:animated:, which moves the map viewport to show the specified annotations. (#5749)
  • Added new methods to MGLMultiPoint for changing the vertices along a polyline annotation or the exterior of a polygon annotation. (#6565)
  • Fixed an exception raised when adding a custom annotation model object to MGLMapView. (#7746)
  • Added new APIs to MGLMapView to query for visible annotations. (#6061)
  • Shape, feature, and annotation classes now conform to NSSecureCoding. (#6559)
  • Various method arguments that are represented as C arrays of CLLocationCoordinate2D instances have been marked const to streamline bridging to Swift. (#7215)
  • To make an MGLPolyline or MGLPolygon span the antimeridian, specify coordinates with longitudes greater than 180° or less than −180°. (#6088)
  • Fixed an issue where placing a point annotation on Null Island also placed a duplicate annotation on its antipode. (#3563)
  • Fixed an issue that caused an assertion failure if a MGLShapeCollection (a GeoJSON GeometryCollection) was created with an empty array of shapes. (#7632)
  • Improved the precision of annotations at zoom levels greater than 18. (#5517)

Networking and offline maps

  • Fixed an issue preventing an MGLMapView from loading tiles while an offline pack is downloading. (#6446)
  • Fixed an issue causing an MGLOfflinePack’s progress to continue to update after calling -suspend. (#6186)
  • Fixed an issue preventing cached annotation images from displaying while the device is offline. (#6358)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when the device is disconnected while downloading an offline pack. (#6293)
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when encountering a rate-limit error in response to a network request. (#6223)
  • Added support for an MGLMapboxAPIBaseURL key in an app's Info.plist in order to customize the base URL used for retrieving map data, styles, and other resources. (#6709)
  • Query parameters are no longer stripped from mapbox: URLs used as resource URLs. (#6182, #6432)
  • Database errors are now logged to the console. (#6291)

Other changes

  • Raster tiles such as those from Mapbox Satellite are now cached, eliminating flashing while panning back and forth. (#7091)
  • Fixed an issue where the map view’s center would always be calculated as if the view occupied the entire window. (#6102)
  • Notification names and user info keys are now string enumeration values for ease of use in Swift. (#6794)
  • Fixed a typo in the documentation for the MGLCompassDirectionFormatter class. (#5879)
  • The NSClickGestureRecognizer on MGLMapView that is used for selecting annotations now fails if a click does not select an annotation. (#7246)

0.2.1 - July 19, 2016

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when a sprite URL lacks a file extension. See this comment to determine who may be affected by this bug. (#5723)
  • Right-clicking to open MGLMapView’s context menu no longer prevents the user from subsequently panning the map by clicking and dragging. (#5593)
  • Fixed an issue causing overlapping polylines and polygons to be drawn in undefined z-order. Shapes are always drawn in the order they are added to the map, from the oldest on the bottom to the newest on the top. (#5710)
  • Improved the design of the generated API documentation. (#5306)
  • As the user zooms in, tiles from lower zoom levels are scaled up until tiles for higher zoom levels are loaded. (#5143)
  • Per documentation, the first and last coordinates in an MGLPolygon must be identical in order for the polygon to draw correctly. The same is true for an MGLPolygon’s interior polygon. (#5514)
  • Added quadkey support and limited WMS support in raster tile URL templates. (#5628)
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when a style or other resource URL has a query string. (#5554)
  • Fixed an issue causing polyline and polygon annotations to disappear when the zoom level is one less than the maximum zoom level. (#5418)
  • Added a property to MGLOfflineStorage, countOfBytesCompleted, that indicates the disk space occupied by all cached and offline resources. (#5585)
  • The text-pitch-alignment property is now supported in stylesheets for improved street label legibility on a tilted map. (#5288)
  • The icon-text-fit and icon-text-fit-padding properties are now supported in stylesheets, allowing the background of a shield to automatically resize to fit the shield’s text. (#5334)
  • The circle-pitch-scale property is now supported in stylesheets, allowing circle features in a tilted base map to scale or remain the same size as the viewing distance changes. (#5576)
  • The identifier property of an MGLFeature may now be either a number or string. (#5514)
  • Improved the performance of relocating a point annotation by changing its coordinate property. (#5385)
  • Replaced the wireframe debug mask with an overdraw visualization debug mask to match Mapbox GL JS’s overdraw inspector. (#5403)
  • MGLMapDebugOverdrawVisualizationMask and MGLMapDebugStencilBufferMask no longer have any effect in Release builds of the SDK. These debug masks have been disabled for performance reasons. (#5555)

0.2.0 - June 14, 2016

  • This version of the Mapbox macOS SDK roughly corresponds to version 3.3.0-beta.1 of the Mapbox iOS SDK. The two SDKs have very similar feature sets. The main differences are the lack of user location tracking and annotation views. Some APIs have been adapted to macOS conventions, particularly the use of NSPopover for callout views.
  • Renamed the SDK to the Mapbox macOS SDK.
  • Fixed an issue in which Mapbox.framework was nested inside another folder named Mapbox.framework. (#4998)
  • Added methods to MGLMapView for obtaining the underlying map data rendered by the current style, along with additional classes to represent complex geometry in that data. (#5110)
  • An MGLPolygon can now have interior polygons, representing holes knocked out of the overall shape. (#5110)
  • Fixed a vector tile parsing bug that sometimes caused properties in the vector tile source to be mismatched. (#5183)
  • Fixed a crash passing a mixture of point and shape annotations into -[MGLMapView addAnnotations:]. (#5097)
  • Fixed an issue (speculatively) where the tile cache could be included in iCloud backups. (#5124)
  • Improved performance viewing regions with large landcover polygons when viewing a style that uses the Mapbox Streets source. (#2444)
  • Fixed a memory leak when using raster resources. (#5141)
  • Added MGLCoordinateInCoordinateBounds(), a function that tests whether or not a coordinate is in a given bounds. (#5053)
  • Fixed an issue in which fade transitions (such as on street labels in some styles) lagged behind the map when quickly zooming in and out. (#4579)
  • Added new options to MGLMapDebugMaskOptions that show wireframes and the stencil buffer instead of the color buffer. (#4359)
  • Declarations in the API documentation are shown in both Objective-C and Swift. (realm/jazzy#530)

0.1.0 - May 10, 2016

  • This version of the Mapbox OS X SDK roughly corresponds to version 3.3.0-alpha.2 of the Mapbox iOS SDK. The two SDKs have very similar feature sets. The main difference is the lack of user location tracking. Some APIs have been adapted to OS X conventions, particularly the use of NSPopover for callout views.