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- Merged backslashxx's PR adding necessary changes for APatch and KernelSU-Next
- Added proper credits to backslashxx on README
- Added KernelSU's new feature: "webroot html UI" (thanks to 0x0021)
- Changed versionCode structure to xxyyzz (for example for v2.0.1 is 020001, not 201 now)
- Added APatch related information to and made changes to modules recommended there
- Updated
- Reverting to v1.0.5 due breaking safetynet
- Fixed an issue where some apps could detect root. Thanks to HuskyDG for his ksu_unmount_injector module.
- Readded HuskyDG's PR which is for "using overlay instead of bind mount"
- Merged tiann's PR which is for "Skipping systemless mount because we mount it ourself"
- With these both PR's, module can't trigger SafetyNet. Thanks to HuskyDG and tiann
- First attempt to fix HuskyDG's PR
- Reverted to v1.0.1 and removed HuskyDG's PR for now
- Added proper credits to HuskyDG on README
- Fixed changelog url on README
- Initial release