Contributions are welcome.
You can contribute in multiple ways, for example:
- Open issues to report bugs, make feature requests or ask questions.
- Create pull requests to propose changes. For extensive changes, please propose change as issue first.
- Make changes to the documentation, either by a pull request or by clicking on "Edit on GitHub" in the top right of a documentation page.
- Help with translation on Crowdin
A similar testing workflow to the TYPO3 core is used. However, it is currently not as extensive as the core, but the following is checked:
- Coding guidelines (CGL)
- lint
- phpstan
- unit tests
- functional tests
For more information, see the file .github/workflows/tests.yml and the documentation on
Please adhere to the TYPO3 core coding Guidelines.
Use .editorconfig in this directory.
You can check for (and automatically fix) cgl violations.
Check in .github/workflows for how to run the tests, e.g. run this once. It will setup the .Build directory and create composer.lock:
Build/Scripts/ -p 7.4 -s composerInstallMax
Use with the -v option (for verbose).
Check all PHP files (dry-run, do not fix):
Build/Scripts/ -s cgl -n -v
Check and fix CGL in PHP files:
Build/Scripts/ -s cgl -v
See all options:
Build/Scripts/ -h
You can run the tests via Composer:
composer ci:check
composer ci:cleanup
To build and minimize css files.
yarn install
yarn build
You can use nvm to manage your node versions, e.g.
nvm install 16.0.0
nvm use 16.0.0