- The website suggested must have a design which look like a typical desktop computer GUI, ideally something like this.
- Please add your link to the bottom of the list as I'd like to keep a chronological order for the additions.
- Please do not add websites that are hidden behind logins (without available credentials), or paywalls.
- Please add only fully developed websites or apps that are in working condition. Projects that are in an early stage or broken will not be accepted.
- Search previous suggestions before making a new one, as yours may be a duplicate.
- Make an individual pull request for each suggestion.
- New categories, or improvements to the existing categorization are welcome.
- Check your spelling and grammar.
In order to add a new site to the list you can simply add a new row to the main table in README.md
The first column contains name and link to the website, the second column instead will specify if the site/project source code is available. There are no restrictions on the license on which the source code is released as long as it's been published somewhere.
A full row would look like this:
[WEBSITE_NAME](https://WEBSITE_URL) | [![open](assets/open.png) available](https://REPOSITORY_URL) |
whereas if the source code is not available:
[WEBSITE_NAME](https://WEBSITE_URL) | ![locked](assets/locked.png) private |
If you have any additional information relevant to booting your web desktop, such as login credentials or specific browser requirements, please add them to the third column 'User notes'. This column should not be used as a description of your project, but rather to have extra info on running the web app.
[WEBSITE_NAME](https://WEBSITE_URL) | ![locked](assets/locked.png) private | login: admin / password
[WEBSITE_NAME](https://WEBSITE_URL) | [![open](assets/open.png) available](https://REPOSITORY_URL) | only works in Chrome
Thank you for contributing!