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ECharts源码解析之文字包围盒 |
2020-09-21 09:16:41 -0700 |
2020-09-21 09:16:41 -0700 |
由于SVG Text标签并无background-*
的外层包围盒,来绘制矩形实现文字背景的。 通过本文我们简单探究下echarts是如何实现获取Text
Path: /src/contain/text.ts
* Get bounding rect for outer usage. Compatitable with old implementation
* Which includes text newline.
export function getBoundingRect(
text: string,
font: string,
textAlign?: TextAlign,
textBaseline?: TextVerticalAlign
) {
const textLines = ((text || '') + '').split('\n');
const len = textLines.length;
// 区分单行和多行文字
if (len === 1) {
return innerGetBoundingRect(textLines[0], font, textAlign, textBaseline);
else {
const uniondRect = new BoundingRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
for (let i = 0; i < textLines.length; i++) {
const rect = innerGetBoundingRect(textLines[i], font, textAlign, textBaseline);
i === 0 ? uniondRect.copy(rect) : uniondRect.union(rect);
return uniondRect;
* Get bounding rect for inner usage(TSpan)
* Which not include text newline.
export function innerGetBoundingRect(
text: string,
font: string,
textAlign?: TextAlign,
textBaseline?: TextVerticalAlign
): BoundingRect {
// 获取 宽高信息
const width = getWidth(text, font);
const height = getLineHeight(font);
// 获取xy信息
const x = adjustTextX(0, width, textAlign);
const y = adjustTextY(0, height, textBaseline);
// 写入外层包围盒
const rect = new BoundingRect(x, y, width, height);
return rect;
export function getWidth(text: string, font: string): number {
font = font || DEFAULT_FONT;
let cacheOfFont = textWidthCache[font];
if (!cacheOfFont) {
cacheOfFont = textWidthCache[font] = new LRU(500);
let width = cacheOfFont.get(text);
if (width == null) {
width = platformApi.measureText(text, font).width;
cacheOfFont.put(text, width);
return width;
// 这个计算高度的方式挺诡异 但似乎有效
export function getLineHeight(font?: string): number {
// FIXME A rough approach.
return getWidth('国', font);
export function adjustTextX(x: number, width: number, textAlign: TextAlign): number {
// TODO Right to left language
if (textAlign === 'right') {
x -= width;
else if (textAlign === 'center') {
x -= width / 2;
return x;
export function adjustTextY(y: number, height: number, verticalAlign: TextVerticalAlign): number {
if (verticalAlign === 'middle') {
y -= height / 2;
else if (verticalAlign === 'bottom') {
y -= height;
return y;
Path: /core/platform.ts
measureText: (function () {
let _ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D;
let _cachedFont: string;
return (text: string, font?: string) => {
if (!_ctx) {
const canvas = platformApi.createCanvas();
_ctx = canvas && canvas.getContext('2d');
if (_ctx) {
if (_cachedFont !== font) {
_cachedFont = _ctx.font = font || DEFAULT_FONT;
// 这里使用了 canvas 的 measureText API来获取text的宽度
return _ctx.measureText(text);
else {
text = text || '';
font = font || DEFAULT_FONT;
// Use font size if there is no other method can be used.
const res = /^([0-9]*?)px$/.exec(font);
const fontSize = +(res && res[1]) || DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE;
let width = 0;
if (font.indexOf('mono') >= 0) { // is monospace
width = fontSize * text.length;
else {
for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
const preCalcWidth = DEFAULT_TEXT_WIDTH_MAP[text[i]];
width += preCalcWidth == null ? fontSize : (preCalcWidth * fontSize);
return { width };
SVG - Text with background color and rounded borders - Stack Overflow