{id: strings}
{id: strings-intro}
{id: strings-length} {i: size} {i: length}
{id: strings-index} {i: index} {i: rindex}
{id: strings-revers} {i: reverse}
- The original string stays intact
{id: substring}
{id: strings-includes-another-string} {i: includes?}
{id: strings-starts-with} {i: starts_with}
{id: strings-ends-with} {i: ends_with}
{id: strings-substitute} {i: sub}
- If there is nothing to replace, nothing happens
- Only replaces the first occurrence of the string
{id: strings-empty} {i: size} {i: empty?} {i: blank?}
{id: strings-iterator} {i: each_char}
{id: type-conversion} {i: to_f} {i: to_i}
{id: converting-string-to-integer-or-float} {i: to_i} {i: to_i?} {i: to_f} {i: to_f?}
{id: split-string} {i: split}
{id: string-transliteration} {i: tr}
{id: string-builder}
{id: string-sprintf}
{id: split-to-fixed-width}
{id: split-characters} {i: split} {i: chars}
{id: printf} {i: printf}
{id: here-documents} {i: <<-}