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{id: kubernetes}

Install Minikube locally

{id: k8s-install-minikube}

Install kubectl

{id: k8s-install-kubectl}

kubectl version --client


{id: k8s-commands}

Start Minikube

{id: k8s-start-minikube}

Once installed we can easily start the Minikube service:

minikube start

Stop Minikube

{id: k8s-stop-minikube}

At the end, when we are done with experimenting or development we can stop the Minikube:

minikube start

Minikube status

{id: k8s-minikube-status}

  • On the command line we can get a quick status information of the minikube
minikube status

minkube dashboard

{id: k8s-minikube-dashboard}

minikube dashboard

Kubectl list pods

{id: k8s-list-pods}

kubectl get pods
kubectl get pods -o wide

Simple Kubernetes YAML file

{id: k8s-simple-yaml-file}

Kubernetes: Install (apply) YAML configuration file

{id: k8s-apply-yaml-file}

kubectl apply -f pod.yaml
kubectl get pods
kubectl logs demo
kubectl delete -f pod.yaml

Other Kubernetes

{id: k8s-other}

kubectl get po -A
kubectl cluster-info

List deployments

kubectl get deployments.apps kubectl get deployment NAME -o yaml

  • A "pod" is an abstraction of K8s of a Docker container.
  • A "deployment" is a blueprint for a "pod" and we can tell k8s how many of the same pod we would like to have.
  • "Service" public port mapped to a pod, communication between pods, load balancer for pod replications
  • Database cannot be replicated by a "Service" because they have state.
  • "StatefulSet"
  • "Ingress" to handle the requests from the external world
  • "ConfigMap"
  • "Volumes" - to store persistent data

On each node there are 3 processes:

  • container runtime (Docker)
  • Kubelet (interacts with both the container runtime and the machine itself)
  • KubeProxy forwards the requests

On the Master process has 4 processes:

  • API Server (cluster gateway) act as a gatekeeper for authentication
  • Scheduler - decide where to run the next pod based on the available resources (then tells the Kublet on the node to run the pod)
  • Controller Manager
  • etcd - a key-value store, the brain of the cluster

A Kubernetes cluster can have several master nodes.

Add autocomplete

{id: k8s-add-autocomplete}

kubectl delete deployments.apps hello-minikube

Single container Python app in Kubernetes

{id: k8s-single-container-python-app}

If we have Python and Flask installed we can run the application locally:

FLASK_APP=echo_get flask run
  • We can build a Docker image based on this Dockerfile: (myflask is just an arbitrary name)

docker build -t myflask:latest -f Dockerfile_echo_get .
docker build -t myflask:1.00 -f Dockerfile_echo_get .

and then we can run it: (tryflask is just an arbitrary name)

docker run --rm -it -p5000:5000 --name tryflask myflask

Add the docker image to the local Minikube docker registry:

minikube image load myflask:latest

List the images there

minikube image list

kubectl apply -f echo_get.yaml

Kubernetes resources

{id: k8s-resources}

Create a Kubernetes deployment based on a Docker image:

kubectl create deployment nginx-depl --image nginx

Check it:

kubectl get deployments.apps
kubectl get pod
kubectl get replicasets.apps
kubectl edit deployments.apps nginx-depl

kubectl exec -it POD -- bash

Usually we'll deal with deployments and not directly with pods or replicasets.

eval $(minikube docker-env)

To see the STDOUT of the container (pod): (using the correct name of your pod)

kubectl logs echo-get-5b44b98785-qwjjv

To access the web application: (using the IP address from the previous output)

minikube ssh
minikube service echo-get

service share port

kubectl port-forward echo-get-5b44b98785-qwjjv 5000:5000

tail the stdout

kubectl logs -f echo-get-5b44b98785-qwjjv

TODO mount external disk

minikube mount $(pwd):/external
minikube ssh
kubectl config get-contexts

kubectl config current-context
kubectl config use-context minikube
kubectl config view
kubectl config use-context do-nyc1-k8s-1-21-2-do-2-nyc1-1626880181820
kubectl get nodes
kubectl run hello-minikube --port=8080
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get pods
kubectl expose pod hello-minikube --type=NodePort
minikube service hello-minikube --url
minikube service hello-minikube
kubectl describe svc hello-minikube

kubectl delete pods hello-minikube
kubectl delete service hello-minikube

Kubernetes on Digital Ocean

{id: kubernetes-on-digital-ocean}

Digital Ocean Docker registry

{id: digital-ocean-registry}

doctl registry create szabgab-demo

The URL of the registy then going to be:

In order to login to the Docker registry:

sudo snap connect doctl:dot-docker
doctl registry login

Locally build the docker image (as earlier) so we can try it:

docker build -t myflask:1.00 -f Dockerfile_echo_get .
  • Tag it to the Docker registry of Digital Ocean
docker tag myflask:1.00

Then push to the registry

docker push

Web based integration between the Kubernetes cluster and the Docker registry. See this explanation: How to Use Your Private DigitalOcean Container Registry with Docker and Kubernetes

kubectl apply -f deploy_echo_get.yaml
  • "ssh" to the docker container running in the pod on Kubernetes.
kubectl exec -it echo-get-deployment-bb5bd946-p6k6m -- bash

add load balancers

kubectl apply -f load_balancer.yaml

Kubernetes hierarchy

{id: k8s-hierarchy}

  • Contexts - A context is a Cluster/Namespace/User triplet (I think)

In the same cluster create 2 namespaces:

  • development
  • production

kubectl apply -f development-namespace.yml
kubectl apply -f production-namespace.yml
kubectl get namespaces --show-labels

We still only have the main minikube context:

kubectl config get-contexts

List the available clusters, users and namespaces:

kubectl config get-clusters
kubectl config get-users
kubectl get namespaces --show-labels

Create context for each environment:

kubectl config set-context development --namespace=development --cluster=minikube --user=minikube
kubectl config set-context production --namespace=production --cluster=minikube --user=minikube

Switch to context:

kubectl config use-context development

Alternatively we could add --context development at the end of the individual commands.

get the current context

kubectl config current-context

kubectl apply -f development-config-map.yml --context development

Make sure the right configuration is used in each namespace

kubectl apply -k base
kubectl delete -k base

kubectl kustomize base/