{id: decomissioned-docker-slides}
{id: installing-python-in-docker}
{aside} This is a simple Ununtu-based Docker image into which we have installed python3. We build it, we run it in interactive mode and then inside we can run python3. {/aside}
$ docker build -t mydocker1 .
$ docker run --rm -it mydocker1
# which python3
{id: installing-python-in-docker-one-layer}
{aside} The same as earlier, but now we merged the 3 RUN commands into one, so we have less levels in the history. {/aside}
$ docker build -t mydocker2 .
{id: docker-history-compare}
$ docker history mydocker1
$ docker history mydocker2
{id: distribute-command-line-script-and-include-command}
$ docker build -t mydocker .
$ docker run --rm mydocker https://code-maven.com/slides