{id: python}
{id: python-cli-in-docker-code}
This is a command line script, a very basic implementation of curl in Python. In order to run this we need Python and the requests
package to be installed.
{id: python-cli-in-docker-dockerfile}
$ docker build -t mydocker .
$ docker run --rm mydocker https://httpbin.org/get
{aside} This is a simple implementation of a curl-like script in Python. Wrapped in a Docker container. First build the container and then you can run the script. {/aside}
{id: docker-development-mode-with-mounted-directory}
$ docker build -t mydocker .
$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/opt/ mydocker python /opt/curl.py https://httpbin.org/get
to remove the container when we stopped it. -
-v $(pwd):/opt/
to map the current directory on the host system to the /opt directory inside the container -
is the name of the image -
After that we can any python program.
You can edit the file on your host system (with your IDE) and run it on the command line of the Docker container.
This works on Linux and Mac OSX. On Windows you might need to spell out the current working directory yourself.
{id: flask-application}
{aside} In this simple Flask web application we have 3 files. app.py, a template, and the requirements.txt {/aside}
{id: flask-development}
$ docker build -t mydocker .
$ docker run -it --name dev --rm -p5001:5000 -v $(pwd):/opt/ mydocker
to be in interactive mode so we can see the log on the command line and we can easily stop the development container. -
--name dev
we set the name of the container to bedev
in case we would like to access it. -
remove the container after it is finished. -
map port 5001 of the host computer to port 5000 of the container. -
-v $(pwd):/opt/
map the current working directory of the host to /opt in the container. -
Access via http://localhost:5001/
{id: flask-uwsgi}
{id: flask-with-redis}
{id: docker-compose-redis-flask}
pip install docker-compose
docker-compose up
{id: python-flask-mongodb}
{id: docker-compose-python-flask-mongodb}
pip install docker-compose
docker-compose up
{id: python-flask-and-pulsar}
docker run -it -p 6650:6650 -p 8080:8080 apachepulsar/pulsar:2.4.1 bin/pulsar standalone
docker build -t mydocker .
docker run --rm -it mydocker bash
{id: python-and-pulsar}
docker-compose up
and then check the pulsar.log file
{id: flask-uwsgi-nginx}
Using https://hub.docker.com/r/tiangolo/uwsgi-nginx-flask/
docker build -t myapp .
docker run -it --rm -p5001:80 myapp